newsletter january 20 2016
newsletter january 20 2016
January 20, 2016 Central Presbyterian Church Central Life UNITY SERVICE Sunday, January 31 10:00 am In the Sanctuary Followed by Soup, Salad, and Dessert In Central Hall Sign up to bring a pot of soup, a salad of any type, bread, or a dessert. Please bring a canned food or non-perishable item for the Bristol Food Pantry, or you can make a monetary donation to the Food Pantry. There will be a Healing Service after the worship in the Columbarium Room. There will be a meeting for anyone interested in finding out more about this summer’s CAP (Central Appalachian Project), in the Small Dining Room. Central Life January 20, 2016 Frank Blanton (12-6-15): service at church on Dec 10, 2015 Mary Ellen Buhls (12-18-15): service at church on Dec 26, 2015 Richard Miller (12-21-15): service at church on Jan 16, 2016 Jan Catron (12-23-15): service at Mt. View Mausoleum on Dec 28, 2015 Connie Green (1-12-16): service at church on Jan 15, 2016 Hal Harkrader (1-14-16): service at church on Jan 18, 2016 Over the last weeks, we have celebrated the lives of some of the saints in the congregation. There were what I call the “easy – hard” ones – where you know their faith so that it is easy to share the promises and give thanks for their lives; but it is hard because we as ministers have a strong relationship with them and their families. Connie Green’s service was one of those. But it was made easier for the family and for us because Connie had left specific instructions. She shared the passages of Scripture that were important to her, and the music that would celebrate her life (and what music she did NOT want). We hope that all of you – no matter what age – would think about this for yourself. We are glad to keep the information on file at the church. It can be given to your family members who would be in charge of planning the celebration. We also ask that you bring together your records with this information: Do you want to be buried or cremated? Do you have plot in a cemetery, or a mausoleum, or columbarium? Are there specific people you would like to have share words at the celebration of your life? Where would you like memorial gifts to be given? Your preparation now can be one of the great legacies you would leave for your family and your pastors. Frank and Ann ******************** We also have received word of deaths in members’ families this week. We offer our Christian sympathy to Margaret King on the death of sister, Betty Arrington on January 10, 2016 and to Tim Landis on the death of his brother, Phil Landis, on January 14, 2016 in Kokomo, IN. PAGE 2 Central Life January 20, 2016 Coming Up Technology Committee - Monday, Jan. 25, 6:00 pm 1-24 The Prophets: Hope for the Future Isaiah 5: 1-5; 11: 1-7 1-31 UNITY SERVICE at 10:00 in the Sanctuary Soup Lunch after worship The Prophets: A Relationship, NOT a Religion Hosea 6: 4-6; Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Feb 7 Prophets: The Right Word Isaiah 40:26-31 Communion ************** INSTALLATION SERVICE FOR CO-PASTORS The Installation Service is an action of Abingdon Presbytery. They will set up a commission who will install our Co-Pastors. The date has been set for Saturday, April 9 at 2:30 pm. Other information: Tom Hay and George Fitzgerald are invited to be a part of the commission. Tom will preach the Installation Service, and George will be preaching on Sunday, April 10. Ed Whitehead, as Clerk, will ask the questions to the congregation. We requested that all Ruling Elders of Central be made “honorary commissioners.” DIRECTOR OF YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY At this time, we are operating on two tracks. We are working on the response to questions for the INS concerning the ecclesiastical status of Lucas Coelho. The Session has appointed a Search Team to advertise and interview potential candidates. We trust that God will guide us, soon, to the right person for this position. PAGE 3 Bereavement Committee - Tuesday, Jan. 26, 10:30 am CAP Meeting - Sunday, Jan. 31, 11:10 am PW Coordinating Team - Tuesday, Feb. 2, 10:00 am Committee Chairs - Tuesday, Feb. 2, 6:15 pm Church Committees - Tuesday, Feb. 2, 7:00 pm Meals on Wheels - Thursday, Feb. 4 The Christian Education Committee needs your help. If you have a gently used, wooden rocking chair you would like to donate to the church nursery it would be greatly appreciated. Contact Terri Davis 276-466-5547 or [email protected] THANK YOU! NEW MEETING DATE…. CAP, Central’s Appalachian Project, has been scheduled this year for Monday, June 20 thru Friday, June 24. We will be returning to the Mennonite Work Camp in Harlan Kentucky. If you have an interest in participating in this Mission Project we will have an organizational meeting on Sunday, Jan. 31 after the Unity worship service. Larry Clarke, coordinator Central Life From Jim and Joan Keith: Five weeks from today… SRI LANKA MISSION, here we come!! We now have our airline tickets to leave February 24, 2016 for Sri Lanka and the Lakpahana mission, returning home Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016. Brooke and Pat Sadler left yesterday (Jan.19) to return to Sri Lanka to resume their mission work of directing the rejuvenation of the Lakpahana school. On a personal note, we are especially excited that our son Scott, who was born in Sri Lanka in 1971, will be visiting us there for a week, seeing for the first time where he spent his baby years. Parents of all faiths, or none, bring their children to Lakpahana, a boarding school (pre-K through Jr. College, about 350 students) where they are given the important opportunity to learn and to better themselves in life. In that process, they are also introduced to Jesus and some eventually choose Christianity. The dairy and associated industries support the school, provide vocational experience, and help feed the children. Jim expects to work to help improve the management of those areas. Brooke wants Joan to help in bar-coding library books and other libraryrelated tasks. For sure Joan will share some music now and then. And of course, they will take more of CPC’s little dresses and boy’s outfits for the children in the Kiddie Corner. Many, many thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement, as well as to those who have contributed financially to the project thus far. Additional donations will help in such areas as visas, travel medications, in-country travel expenses and living expenses for Jim and Joan, additional cows for the dairy, and incidental project needs as they arise – maybe even milk buckets, library supplies, chicken feeders or such. Will you write that check today to CPC, memo Sri Lanka Project, and help make a difference in the lives of Lakpahana School’s children? PAGE 4 January 20, 2016 Faithful Friends REMINDER: Faithful Friends will gather on Saturday, January 30 from 10 a.m.-12 noon for Bible Study on Lesson 3 of Emotionally Healthy Woman, and lunch. Make plans now to join us. Also, we will be putting together care boxes for our college students. Bring something to share with them (candy, snacks, desk supplies, hot chocolate mix, devotional book, etc.) We have about 20 college students as a part of our church. Please bring a dish, salad, or dessert to share for our lunch. If you need childcare, please let Ann Aichinger know so that can be arranged. Everyone is invited to be a part of Wednesday night fellowship. We gather at 5:30 for dinner and we share around tables in Central Hall. Then from 6-7 p.m. we have prayer and program for all ages. Children under 3 are welcomed in the nursery, and all children, youth and adults are invited to take part in the fun. Feb 3: Where is God when Life Turns Tough? Moving from Doubt to Hope Menu: Pasta Fagioli Soup, Sandwich, Cobbler (Suggested donation of $5 for supper) Feb 10: Ash Wednesday service and giving of Ashes Central Life SESSION NOTES: The Session met on Tuesday, January 19. Excused were: Susan Campbelle & Charlie Taylor Received New Members: Briggs and Elise Allen were returned to active membership on their request Monica Alderman by letter of transfer. She is an Elder in the PCUSA. Barret Blevins by re-affirmation of faith Christy Blevins by Profession of Faith and Baptism Josh Williamson, who could not be at the meeting due to work, will meet with a commission set up by Session, to be received by re-affirmation of faith We will have a Discovery Class again in February for those who were not able to attend the one in January. Report from Co-Pastors Ann and Frank will attend the NEXT CHURCH National Conference in Atlanta on Feb 21-24. Abingdon Presbytery will meet at Central on March 10. Ann and Frank have been asked to preach at the worship service. We need a coordinator for the refreshments and lunch. The Installation Service for Frank and Ann will be on Saturday, April 9 at 2:30 pm. Session Actions: Computer Tech salary from $20 to $22/hour Spring Fund Raisers for APPLE: Gertrude Hawk candy and silent auction of children’s art work Lenten Study and Sermons on John Community Dinner this year will be for families of the Boys and Girls Club Support new “Abingdon Presbytery” missionaries Rev. Elmarie Parker and Rev. Scott Parker and the people of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon Approved borrowing from the Endowment Fund for the Budget shortfall. (second vote) PAGE 5 January 20, 2016 Financial Report for 2015 From Frank Aichinger We ended 2015 with more than expected income, and less than budgeted in expenses. Income: We have over $28,000 more in pledged income than budgeted, although this meant that our contributions (identified but not pledged offerings) were down about $12,000. Our plate offerings (non-identified cash offerings) were up over $1300. All this meant we received 105% of what was expected in contributions from the congregation. We also got investment income for $1300 more than budgeted Our total income was $410,767.18 – we have budgeted $392,381.00 (+ $18,386.18) Expenses: Our expenses were very close to budget. We spent $498,647.68, versus the budgeted $560,883— money was budgeted for the Director of Young Adult Ministry ($53,160) that was not used in 2015. This money remains in the budget for 2016. Almost all of our expenses were under 100%. The only significant expense that was over budget was for cleaning, as we had a new contract mid-year that was more expensive. Our expenses were more than our income by $87,860 – and not the expected $168,502. This means that we only had to take $80,000 from the endowment. The Finance Committee continues to examine all our expenses. We cannot see any that can be eliminated at this time without damaging the total ministry. Your Finance Committee continues to watch the budget. We are seeking to turn around our income and expenses, but in the time between, we have been blessed with the Endowment. This helps us to continue a ministry that will help us grow and thrive. We thank all those who have contributed to the exciting ministry here at Central. We hope you will continue your support as we go forward to a new year. Central Life January 20, 2016 We are pleased to welcome new members to the Central fellowship: Cody Calloway joined by reaffirmation of faith on Dec. 27. He is married to Lauren, who grew up at Central, and has a daughter, Ellie Ann, age 5 months. He is employed at Eastman Chemical Co in the Maintenance/Electrical Department. His interests include hunting, fishing, and mountain biking. They live at 228 Roo Pl, Bristol, VA 24201. Christy & Barret Blevins joined at the recent Session meeting. Christy is a nurse practitioner and professor at King University. She enjoys shopping when she is not working. Barret is a physical therapist at Wellmont PT at Falcon Place in Abingdon. He enjoys sports of all kinds. Their address is 101 Carmack Dr, Bristol, VA Josh Williams joins by reaffirmation of faith. He is a Student Affairs Professional at King University, previously living in Morristown, TN. He has a variety of interests including cooking, reading, Netflix, board games, and TN football. His address is 1350 King College Rd, Box 817, Bristol, TN 37620. Monica Alderman comes by transfer from Madisonville Presbyterian Church, Madisonville, TN. Monica is a choral teacher for the Washington County Virginia school system. She is married to Brian Alderman who is Chaplain and Associate Professor of Religion at King University (as a minister, he is a member of Holston Presbytery). They have one daughter, Ella Kate, who is 4 years old and a student at APPLE Academy. Monica enjoys sleeping when she can (lol), reading, and photography. Brian’s interests include reading, fishing, and baking. They live at 153 Wonder Valley Rd, Bristol, TN. SNOW POLICY FOR CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN ... If Bristol, VA schools are closed (or are dismissed early), large group weekday activities at the church are cancelled, including Presbyterian Women and Wednesday Night Activities (check for school closing updates) Committees, Music Rehearsals, Small Groups, etc. please contact your leader to decide whether to meet; Sunday Worship will almost always be held - come if you can get here safely, but be aware that the parking lot can be extremely slick even when the roads are clear. Information will be posted at PAGE 6 Central Life YOUTH NEWS!! Youth going to Resurrection Conference, January 22-24, please meet at the church at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan 22 to depart at 3:45 sharp. You can drop off your luggage on Friday morning at the church in the office area. Be sure to bring a bible (either in print or on your phone), snacks to share, and a good attitude. We have 11 youth and 3 adults attending. High School Youth Planning Sunday, Jan 31 5:30-7:00 For youth and parents Bring your calendar and ideas If you are willing to provide dinner, talk with Ann. January 20, 2016 Volunteers For Sunday, January 24: Coffee helpers - Trish James, Lois Clarke Greeters 9:00 - Barbara & Harry Oakley 11:00 - Connie Bullock & Mary Moffatt Children’s Time Helper - Ivy Ritchie Head Usher - Whit Morison After Church Visitors - Randy & Phyllis Morris For Sunday, January 31 (10:00 AM): Coffee helper - Missy McCord Greeters 10:00 - Niki McGrew, Sydney Collier Children’s Time helper - Kelly McBride Head Usher - Whit Morison After Church Visitor - Judy Simcox For Sunday, February 7: Coffee helper - Hugh Wise Greeters 9:00 - Winnie & Bruce Hendricks 11:00 - Nancy Kiser, Casey McComish Children’s Time helper - Kelly McBride Head Usher - TBA After Church Visitor - Janet Smith Food Pantry helpers on Feb. 11 - Janis Davis, Beth Parks If you would like to volunteer for any of these opportunities please contact the church office at [email protected] or 276-6693157 Middle School and High School youth are invited to a Super Bowl Party at Niki McGrew’s house, Sunday, February 7. If you want to ride on the church bus, meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. If you want to meet us at Niki’s house, come about 6:15. Everyone is asked to bring food to share for the party. We will stay through the halftime show and then return to the church for pick up about 8:30 p.m. PAGE 7 Attendance: Jan. 3, 2016—173 in worship Jan. 10, 2016—167 in worship Jan. 17, 2016—184 in worship Central Life News for the Church family Prayer Requests… Hospitalized at BRMC: Bill English, Robert Campbelle, Doris Harkrader Rehab: Frank Sikora (Rm 130) and Carol Duhaime (Rm 107) are both at Abingdon Health & Rehab Ongoing prayers requested for: Johnny Van Dyke, Frank Aichinger, and Erinn Hollo Two Central members have died recently: Connie Green died on Jan. 12, 2016. We offer our Christian sympathy to her family and friends. Hal Harkrader, Jr. died on Jan. 14, 2016. We offer our Christian sympathy to his wife Doris, daughter Diane and family, son-in-law, Jim Poore, and granddaughter, Sarah Poore. CENTRAL STAFF: Ann Aichinger, Co-Pastor-Elect [email protected] Frank Aichinger, Co-Pastor-Elect [email protected] Robert Campbelle, Music Director [email protected] Joy Smith-Briggs, Organist [email protected] Rob Hollo, Contemporary Worship Leader [email protected] Patty Caldwell, Office Manager/Newsletter Editor [email protected] Mary Moffatt, Finance Director [email protected] Trish James, Food Service Director [email protected] Selena Jackson, Director of APPLE Academy [email protected] Donna Leonard, APPLE Administrative Assistant Thais Sikora, Volunteer Parish Nurse Barbara Mann, Volunteer Parish Nurse Office Hours: 9:00 to 4:30 Monday-Friday PAGE 8 January 20, 2016 Memorial Gifts For Frank Blanton: Memorial Fund by Dr. & Mrs. Fred Greear, Jr., Peggy Nicar, Nancy Norman; Homecoming/Renovation Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons; For Mary Ellen Buhls: Homecoming/Renovation Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons, Frank & Ann Aichinger; Memorial Fund by Dr. & Mrs. Dale Keller, Jack & Emily Gent, Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harty, Peggy Nicar, Charlene Berry, Ted G. Wood, Project Consulting Services, Inc.; For Jan Catron: Memorial Fund by Teresa J. Hagy; Homecoming/Renovation Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons, Frank & Ann Aichinger; For Dick Miller: Homecoming/Renovation Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons; For Connie Green: Memorial Fund by Nancy Norman, Bob Stuart, Margaret King, Connie & Scott Bullock; Service Fund by Caroline Jones; For Hal Harkrader: Memorial Fund by Bob Stuart, Margaret King, Connie & Scott Bullock; Service Fund by Caroline Jones. ************** Forever Young (55+) We are still planning to go to the Mad Greek Restaurant on Friday, Jan. 22 (unless the weather changes our minds!). Bus will leave at 11:15 am. Please join us. On February 26 (Friday) we will gather at Luke’s Restaurant in Abingdon for lunch. Bus will leave at 11:15. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin board near Room 114. STAY WARM!! Randy, Phyllis, & Caroline Central Life 57910 - February Birthdays: Remember each person in prayer on their day. 12 - 12- 13 15 16 - Frank Tilden Todd Pruett Maggie Vance Diane Abbey Jerry Otis 34- Tracy Lilly Eileen Long Evan Moore Cathy White Lynn Butcher Scott Mercer Caitlyn Otis Bob Smith Andrew Clark Kim Pruett Alexis Stacy Barbara Mann Dottie Biggar Dick Gordon Karen Vaughn January 20, 2016 18 - 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 - Sophie Arnold Judith Conn Sandy Williams Vivian Wycoff Katie Morrell Kane Mathes Darla Van Dyke Will Wade Wayne Estes Musser Warren Rosa Van Zyl Vicki Myers Joyce Ann Vanover Peyton Boyd Kim Sorenson ================================================================================================== Schedule of Services We need some volunteers from second service. Sunday: Fellowship Times 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth Groups: We would like to provide coffee fellowship before the 11:00 worship service. We need someone who will roll out the cart at about 10:30 am; and back to the kitchen and clean up after worship. If you are willing to help, talk with Wes Ritchie (423-646-5246) or Frank Aichinger (276-669-3157) PAGE 9 Varying schedules Music Rehearsals: Contemporary Worship Praise Team Sunday 7:45 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Sunday (warm-up) 10:30 a.m. Handchimes Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Handbells 2nd & 4th Weds 6:00 p.m. Central Brass 1st & 3rd Weds 6:00 p.m.
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