LibrarySparks Index – August/September 2003 (Vol. 1, No. 1


LibrarySparks Index – August/September 2003 (Vol. 1, No. 1
LibrarySparks Index – August/September 2003 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
through May/June 2016 (Vol. 13, No. 9)
Activity Sheets are indicated by + after the page number.
Internet resources are indicated by * after the page number.
Note: This comprehensive index is lengthy. The best way to locate a resource or item is via your
computer's search feature. If using a Windows PC, hit CTRL + F and enter your keywords into the search
or FIND field. With a Mac, hit COMMAND + F and enter your keywords in the search or FIND field. Then hit
RETURN to be taken to your item. Hit NEXT as often as needed if more than one item meets your search
terms (e.g., you enter the phrase "Meet the Author" or "webquest").
3D printing, Mar2012 13*; Mar2015 19–21*; Feb2016 8, 18–
“3 Tips to Raising Digital Natives” (Heitner), Apr2016 11
“40 Crazy Inventions You Will Secretly Buy For Your Pet”
(Dog Tutorial), Feb2016 26*
44nd Regimental Unit, May2007 35
100th Day celebrations, Jan2007 23–26
101 Strings Orchestra, Mar2012 9
2003, year in books, Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
Aardema, Verna, Feb2005 30; Dec2006 39, 47; May2008
41; Aug/Sept2013 37; Dec2014 4
Abbott, Tony, May2011 42; Dec2012 10; Aug/Sept2013 45–
Abbott and Costello, Mar2014 29*; Oct2014 5*
Abdel-Fattah, Randa, Oct2013 10
Abdelsalam, Lisa, Dec2007 11
Abouet, Marguerite, Oct2015 13
Accelerated Reader, Nov2010 43
accents, regional, May2008 29*
Ackerman, Karen, Feb2005 43; Nov2007 1, 11, 13; Nov2010
10; Jan2015 56
acorns, Nov2014 51
acronyms, Nov2004 36; Dec2004 40–43*; Feb2009 52–53*;
May2014 51
acrostics, Nov2004 18, 20; Dec2004 20; Aug/Sept2006 7;
Dec2006 4, 7; Jan2008 13; Aug/Sept2010 21–22;
Feb2011 39*; May2012 24; Oct2012 14; Mar2014 53;
Apr2014 19; Feb2016 31
acrylics (art technique), Jan2006 15
action rhymes. See P–K, fingerplays; P–K, movement
activism, Apr2007 3
Activity Calendars, 28–29 all issues
activity sheets
A-B-C books, Apr2015 24+
Abraham Lincoln’s Wise Words, Nov2014 25–26+*
Across the United States in 100 Days, Jan2007 26+
Alexander’s Dreadful Day, Feb2015 34–35*+
All the World location cards, May2011 27+
Almanac Antics, Feb2008 52+
Alphabet Magic, Oct2010 40*+
Alternate Endings, Apr2007 37+
Amateur Scientists Research, Oct2009 16+, 17+
American presidents, nicknames of, Oct2004 46+, 48+
An Animal Loose in Produce graphic organizer, Feb2008
animal puppet pattern, Mar2013 40, 43*+
Animal Shelter Anagrams, Apr2015 23+
animal track patterns, Dec2012 49*+
apple word search, Aug/Sept2013 5*+
art terms word search, Jan2006 11+, 14+
Art Treasure Hunt form, Aug/Sept2014 13*+
Asia and the Pacific Islands Map, May2007 46+
Asian Pacific American language word game, May2007
Aussie Animal Attributes, Apr2013 52+*
Australia Day word search, Jan2014 4+*
A–Z Round Table cards, Aug/Sept2012 39+
Baby Animals Match Game, Apr2013 13*+
Bear’s Scrambled Story, Jan2016 24*+
Bear’s Three Favorite Topics Bookmark Pattern,
Jan2016 23–24*+
Beijing Basics, May2008 18+
Believe It or Not worksheet, Mar2014 34+*
bibliography template, May2006 42+; May2015 13*
Big6™ organizing system, Feb2006 19+, 21–23+
Bingo's Mischief Meter, May2009 38+
Biography Exploration chart, Oct2014 47*+
biography report, Dec2007 41+
Black History Month Challenge, Feb2012 5+*
Blackout Creative Cards, May2013 26–27*+
book care bookmarks, Oct2005 7+
book character pairs, Apr2009 5, 6+
Book Series Match, Apr2014 5*
Book Titles and Story Connections cards, Mar2014 52,
brain teasers, Feb2012 4+*
Break the Code, Nov2011 7+*
Buggy Bracelets patterns, May2008 43+
Business Book Reviews, Apr2016 9*+
campaign slogans, Oct2004 46+, 47+
Candles of Freedom, Feb2007 23+
candy bar wrapper template, May2006 5+, 7+
canine crossword, May2012 4+*
career vocabulary crossword, Nov2006 14+
chapter book puzzle, May2012 23+*
Character Counterparts, Dec2007 26+
Character Trait Identification, Dec2012 34–35*+;
Feb2013 39–40*+
Charting Cause and Effect, Oct2013 22–23+*
CHOMP treats, Dec2015 16*+
Civil Rights letter tiles puzzle, Feb2007 15+
Civil Rights matching game, Feb2007 16+
Coat of Arms, Mar2008 37+
Code Talker's Alphabet, Nov2004 36+
Colorful Crayon Characters, Mar2016 35–36*+
Colorful Homophones, Nov2015 40*+
Colorful Library Lessons Decoding Grid, Jan2015 22–
Colorful Word Creation, Jan2015 24*+
color spinners, Nov2009 45+
Community Chart, Nov2005 22+
Community Helpers idea chart, Feb2008 19+
Compare and Contrast, Apr2008 40+
Comparing and Contrasting Characters, Aug/Sept2015
Comparing Childhoods, Nov2003 19+, 21+
Connect the Title to the Plot, Mar2014 52, 56+
Cookie Card, Oct2006 49+
cooperative word search, Jan2013 4*+
Counting Alexander’s Coins, Feb2015 36*+
counting seasons, Nov2005 7+
Count to Ten Around the World, Dec2004 39+, 44+
Create a Crayon Character, Mar2016 36*+
Create-a-Creature, Dec2010 17*+
Create a Superhero for the Library, May2012 22+*
Create a Word for the Future, Mar2012 18+*
Creative Character Combinations, Apr2006 12+, 15+
Curiosities, Wonders, and Unsolved Mysteries,
Aug/Sept2013 26*+
Charles Darwin, Feb2009 39+
December by the Numbers, Dec2005 5+, 7+
December Dreams, Dec2011 4+*
Decision Tree: To Tell or Not to Tell, Mar2014 14+*
Dewey Decimal Match Game, Apr2014 14+*
Dewey Decimal system, Aug/Sept2009 5*; Oct2009 4+;
Oct2010 41*+; Dec2012 35–36*+; Apr2014 14+*
Dewey Decimal System Category Challenge,
Aug/Sept2014 42–43*+
Dictionary Skills, Nov2012 20+*
3D printing, Mar2012 13*; Mar2015 19–21*; Feb2016 8, 18–
“3 Tips to Raising Digital Natives” (Heitner), Apr2016 11
“40 Crazy Inventions You Will Secretly Buy For Your Pet”
(Dog Tutorial), Feb2016 26*
44nd Regimental Unit, May2007 35
100th Day celebrations, Jan2007 23–26
101 Strings Orchestra, Mar2012 9
2003, year in books, Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
Aardema, Verna, Feb2005 30; Dec2006 39, 47; May2008
41; Aug/Sept2013 37; Dec2014 4
Abbott, Tony, May2011 42; Dec2012 10; Aug/Sept2013 45–
Abbott and Costello, Mar2014 29*; Oct2014 5*
Abdel-Fattah, Randa, Oct2013 10
Abdelsalam, Lisa, Dec2007 11
Abouet, Marguerite, Oct2015 13
Abrams, Douglas Carlton, May2016 27
Accelerated Reader, Nov2010 43
accents, regional, May2008 29*
Ackerman, Karen, Feb2005 43; Nov2007 1, 11, 13; Nov2010
10; Jan2015 56
acorns, Nov2014 51
acronyms, Nov2004 36; Dec2004 40–43*; Feb2009 52–53*;
May2014 51
acrostics, Nov2004 18, 20; Dec2004 20; Aug/Sept2006 7;
Dec2006 4, 7; Jan2008 13; Aug/Sept2010 21–22;
Feb2011 39*; May2012 24; Oct2012 14; Mar2014
53; Apr2014 19; Feb2016 31
acrylics (art technique), Jan2006 15
action rhymes. See P–K, fingerplays; P–K, movement
activism, Apr2007 3
Activity Calendars, 28–29 all issues
activity sheets
A-B-C books, Apr2015 24+
Abraham Lincoln’s Wise Words, Nov2014 25–26+*
Across the United States in 100 Days, Jan2007 26+
Alexander’s Dreadful Day, Feb2015 34–35*+
All the World location cards, May2011 27+
Almanac Antics, Feb2008 52+
Alphabet Magic, Oct2010 40*+
Alternate Endings, Apr2007 37+
Amateur Scientists Research, Oct2009 16+, 17+
American presidents, nicknames of, Oct2004 46+, 48+
An Animal Loose in Produce graphic organizer,
Feb2008 18+
animal puppet pattern, Mar2013 40, 43*+
Animal Shelter Anagrams, Apr2015 23+
animal track patterns, Dec2012 49*+
apple word search, Aug/Sept2013 5*+
art terms word search, Jan2006 11+, 14+
Art Treasure Hunt form, Aug/Sept2014 13*+
Asia and the Pacific Islands Map, May2007 46+
Asian Pacific American language word game, May2007
Aussie Animal Attributes, Apr2013 52+*
Australia Day word search, Jan2014 4+*
A–Z Round Table cards, Aug/Sept2012 39+
Baby Animals Match Game, Apr2013 13*+
Bear’s Scrambled Story, Jan2016 24*+
Bear’s Three Favorite Topics Bookmark Pattern,
Jan2016 23–24*+
Beijing Basics, May2008 18+
Believe It or Not worksheet, Mar2014 34+*
bibliography template, May2006 42+; May2015 13*
Big6™ organizing system, Feb2006 19+, 21–23+
Bingo's Mischief Meter, May2009 38+
Biography Exploration chart, Oct2014 47*+
biography report, Dec2007 41+
Black History Month Challenge, Feb2012 5+*
Blackout Creative Cards, May2013 26–27*+
book care bookmarks, Oct2005 7+
book character pairs, Apr2009 5, 6+
Book Series Match, Apr2014 5*
Book Titles and Story Connections cards, Mar2014 52,
brain teasers, Feb2012 4+*
Break the Code, Nov2011 7+*
Buggy Bracelets patterns, May2008 43+
Business Book Reviews, Apr2016 9*+
campaign slogans, Oct2004 46+, 47+
Candles of Freedom, Feb2007 23+
candy bar wrapper template, May2006 5+, 7+
canine crossword, May2012 4+*
career vocabulary crossword, Nov2006 14+
chapter book puzzle, May2012 23+*
Character Counterparts, Dec2007 26+
Character Trait Identification, Dec2012 34–35*+;
Feb2013 39–40*+
Charting Cause and Effect, Oct2013 22–23+*
CHOMP treats, Dec2015 16*+
Civil Rights letter tiles puzzle, Feb2007 15+
Civil Rights matching game, Feb2007 16+
Coach’s Report Card, May2016 13*+
Coat of Arms, Mar2008 37+
Code Talker's Alphabet, Nov2004 36+
Colorful Crayon Characters, Mar2016 35–36*+
Colorful Homophones, Nov2015 40*+
Colorful Library Lessons Decoding Grid, Jan2015 22–
Colorful Word Creation, Jan2015 24*+
color spinners, Nov2009 45+
Community Chart, Nov2005 22+
Community Helpers idea chart, Feb2008 19+
Compare and Contrast, Apr2008 40+
Comparing and Contrasting Characters, Aug/Sept2015
Comparing Childhoods, Nov2003 19+, 21+
Connect the Title to the Plot, Mar2014 52, 56+
Cookie Card, Oct2006 49+
cooperative word search, Jan2013 4*+
Counting Alexander’s Coins, Feb2015 36*+
counting seasons, Nov2005 7+
Country and Capital Match, May2016 24–25*+
Count to Ten Around the World, Dec2004 39+, 44+
Create a Crayon Character, Mar2016 36*+
Create-a-Creature, Dec2010 17*+
Create a Superhero for the Library, May2012 22+*
Create a Word for the Future, Mar2012 18+*
Creative Character Combinations, Apr2006 12+, 15+
Curiosities, Wonders, and Unsolved Mysteries,
Aug/Sept2013 26*+
Charles Darwin, Feb2009 39+
December by the Numbers, Dec2005 5+, 7+
December Dreams, Dec2011 4+*
Decision Tree: To Tell or Not to Tell, Mar2014 14+*
Dewey Decimal Match Game, Apr2014 14+*
Dewey Decimal system, Aug/Sept2009 5*; Oct2009 4+;
Oct2010 41*+; Dec2012 35–36*+; Apr2014
Dewey Decimal System Category Challenge,
Aug/Sept2014 42–43*+
Dictionary Skills, Nov2012 20+*
Digging Deeper questions, Feb2008 26–27+
Digging for Roots, Mar2014 19+*
Doublets word game, Jan2014 5*+
doubloons handout, Aug/Sept2014 24–25*+
dragon decorations, Oct2007 52+
Duckling Hide-and-Seek Venn diagram, May2006 19+,
Duplicate the Memory Phrases, Nov2014 38+*
Earth pattern, Jan2008 22+
Eleanor’s Analogies, Feb2016 30–31*+
election jargon matching game, Feb2008 15+
election vocabulary word search, Oct2012 5*+
Election Year nine-square, Feb2008 5+
elephant acrostic poem, Aug/Sept2006 7+
elephantine words, Oct2010 41*, 43+
Empire State math, Feb2009 40+
essay writing, May2006 37–42+
ethical behavior cards, Dec2011 40+*
Evaluating Sources, Oct2012 41+*
Evaluating Websites, Dec2014 26+*
Exploring Indexes, Nov2012 19+*
fact vs. opinion, Dec2008 47–48+; Feb2016 32*+
fairy tale storybook templates, Oct2010 48+
fairy tale story map, Apr2008 14+
Family Feast, Nov2013 41*+
Family Traditions Timeline, Dec2014 17*+
family tree questions, Nov2007 39+
Family Word Puzzle, Dec2014 43*+
Famous First Lines, Aug/Sept2004 46–47+
Finding Winter in the Library, Dec2013 5+*
Fire Up with Reading logs, Oct2007 52+
First Reader form, Aug/Sept2013 16, 19+
Five Facts, Apr2012 23+*
Five Senses, Mar2016 37–38+*
Fold-Down Poem, May2015 22–23+*
folktale and fairy tale matching, Feb2006 5+, 7+
Folktale Match, Nov2012 5+*
food science, Dec2006 37+
Frank and Izzy's Adventure (vocabulary), May2009 39+
From Bad to Good, Feb2015 35–36*+
A Fun Fan Letter, May2014 50*+
Funny Books, Apr2005 47+
Fun Sports from A to Z, May2016 24*+
Fun with American Symbols and Songs, Oct2015 35+*
Genius Groundhogs, Feb2008 24+
Genre Passport Pages, Oct2015 5*+
A Gerstein Quiz, Jan2006 35+
Ghastly Professions, May2014 49–50*+
Give Me a B! storytime characters, Mar2006 52–53+
Goals Now for Careers Later, Nov2006 16+
Gone Fishing Poetry Mini Book, Feb2016 31*+
good-luck dragon card, Jan2006 5+, 7+
good sportsmanship, May2010 16+*
graphing worksheets, Aug/Sept2015 43*+
Nikki Grimes, Feb2010 40+
gross-out word search, Nov2007 52+
Hanukkah Holiday Symbols, Dec2007 27+
Hats Off to You!, Feb2007 7+
history of writing surfaces match & patch,
Aug/Sept2011 7+*
Holiday Matrix graphic organizer, Dec2013 19, 20+*
holidays in history, Dec2007 15+
holiday symbol sort, Dec2007 14+
Horrendous History Display Card, Nov2012 21+*
Houdini, Oct2010 15*+
Idea Chart, Nov2015 41*+
Idiom Matching, Dec2014 44*+
I’m In! I Choose to Make a Difference cards, Apr2015
Incentives to Save, Apr2016 18–19*+
Informational Text Worksheet, Jan2016 8*+
insects, Jan2010 26+, 27+
Interesting Inventor Information, Oct2011 42+*;
Jan2014 53*+
Internet Invention Research Quest, Jan2012 18+*
Internet research, Mar2006 24–27+
Jen-dow, Shih-toe, Boo (game), Nov2006 49+
Job Ranking Cards, Nov2014 26–27*+
JOBSO Bingo, Nov2015 44*+
journal writing, Oct2008 20–22+
kangaroo pouch pattern, Oct2006 45+
key word searching, Oct2005 41+
latitude and longitude, Jan2008 15+
Let's Go to the Library, May2010 27+
letters to younger students, Aug/Sept2011 39+
library analogies, Mar2011 41+
Library Four Corners (game), Nov2006 48+
Library Island, Apr2013 44+*
library resource practice, Nov2008 7+
library skills, Feb2014 4+*
Library Town Map, Aug/Sept2006 27+
Library Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 5*+
Limerick Fun, Mar2012 4+*
Literary Devices and Figurative Language, Mar2013
14*+, 35*+
literary pets, May2006 5–6+
Literary Pizza, Oct2005 7+
Literary Sleuths Match, Nov2005 6+
Literary Terms Defined, Aug/Sept2013 43*+
Literature Log, Nov2013 38–39*+
Little Red’s Red Words, Aug/Sept2015 21–22*+
Looking for an Answer cards, Aug/Sept2013 40–41*+
main ideas, Nov2005 23+
Mama's Opportunity Cost, Mar2007 50–53+
map coordinates, Nov2005 39+
Marine Fact Sheet, Mar2008 36+
Matching Concepts Activity Cards, Feb2014 56*+
matching titles with context, Oct2009 37+
migration match game, May2012 11+*
monkey shoulder pets, Aug/Sept2010 6+
Montgomery Bus Money, Feb2007 17+
Moovin' to the Beat chart, May2012 45+*
Morse Code, Apr2006 5–7+
Mrs. Skorupski's 100th Day Attire Tip Sheet, Jan2007
Ms. Frizzle trivia quiz, Mar2008 35+
Musical Marvels, Mar2012 36+*
"My Parents Think I'm Sleeping" patterns, Dec2007
Mystery Menus, Dec2006 12–17+
Mythical Monster Mash, Dec2010 16*+
name related, Dec2009 27+*
Nation of Immigrants Counting Generations, Oct2006
Native American Book Elements Guide, Nov2013 13*+
Native American Traditions, Dec2014 27*+
Navajo Code messages, Nov2013 14+*
Newbery Medal Books Mystery, Apr2009 5+, 7+
nocturnal animal patterns, Apr2007 43–45+
nonfiction activities, Jan2009 6–7+; Aug/Sept2013 18*+
Nonfiction Keys, Apr2006 23+
Notable Women in History match, Mar2006 5+, 7+
note taking, Aug/Sept2008 14+
Now & Then, Apr2010 47+
nutrition quiz, May2006 14+
Olympic trivia, May2008 16+
online resources, analyzing, Dec2005 20–23+
onomatopoeia, Feb2011 26*+; Apr2014 24–25+*
opportunity costs, Mar2007 50–53+
Our Story, Mar2007 15+
Paper, Scissors, Rock (game), Nov2006 49+
Parrot Shoulder Pet, Oct2006 7+
Pass It On cards, Mar2014 22+*
Patterns and Problem Solving, Dec2015 24–25*+
Peek, a Mobile Hide-and-Seek, May2006 23+
Pennies, Shillings, Crowns, and Pounds, Feb2015 14*+
A Penny for Your Thoughts, Nov2014 26–27*+
The Perfect Friend, Feb2011 38*+
Personal Gold Goals, May2008 17+
personification, Dec2008 46+
pet issues, Dec2009 13+
The Pets' Point of View, Mar2014 53*
Pickle Patch Bathtub game board, Mar2007 48–49+
picture symbols, Aug/Sept2011 48+*
pie research form, Oct2006 27+
pirates, Aug/Sept2008 6+
Pirate Talk, Aug/Sept2004 46+, 48
plagiarism, Jan2006 42–45+
Plan the Perfect Plant, Mar2012 19+*
poetry reflection sheet, Apr2012 45, 47+*
poetry writing, Dec2008 20+
Pompous Proverbs, May2015 24+*
Postage Stamp Fun, Feb2012 4+*
Pottery Poetry: A Word Workout, Apr2012 22+*
presidents and their pets, Feb2010 54–55+
President's Day, Feb2009 4*; Feb2012 4+*
Pretend Paleontologists Task Sheet, Feb2006 32+
primary and secondary sources, Oct2005 16–17+;
Feb2013 41–42*+; Aug/Sept2013 42 *+
pumpkin faces, Oct2007 47–48+
puppet patterns, Mar2008 19+
Read What You Eat, Oct2012 40+*
The Real Groundhog Day research, Feb2008 23+
Real or Fiction, Oct2011 39+*
Recipe for a Mystery, Aug/Sept2013 13*+
Recipe Reviews (for books), Dec2015 5*+
The Red Book Island Map, Nov2009 17–19+
Red Sled research sheet, Dec2012 38*+
Reference Tools Vocabulary Challenge, Aug/Sept2014
Research Tools, Jan2016 26+*
A Roald Dahl Map, May2016 22–23*
Romping Review script, Dec2014 42–43*+
root vegetables word search, Oct2012 4*+
Rotten Ralph, Nov2005 34+
Same Starting Sounds Sentences, Aug/Sept2012 38+
Saving Goal Cards, Apr2016 19*+
Scary Story Short, Oct2015 33*+
scavenger hunt (nonfiction), Apr2006 22+
School Workers Rhyme Time Riddles, Oct2014 36*+
Scranisources: Fun with Reference Tools, Apr2013
Sea Creatures Imagined and Real, Apr2014 26+*
Searching for Excellence word search, Jan2015 5*+
semordnilaps, Aug/Sept2008 41–42+
senses word bank, Jan2009 51+
Sequencing Events, Mar2016 38+*
Serafina’s Stellar Vocabulary, May2015 23+*
Serengeti animal poems, Feb2011 26–27*+
sharing poetry, Aug/Sept2009 26–27*
Sleep Fiction Project Guide, May2013 13*+
small inventions, Oct2011 41+*
Snow Quilt, Dec2005 4+, 6+
Snowy Days crossword, Dec2006 8+
Sorting Word Cards, Dec2015 23–24+*
South America crossword, Oct2013 4+*
Space Baby pattern, Oct2006 44+
Spanish vocabulary, Aug/Sept2007 7+
Spell-It Book Review Activity Script, Dec2013 25+*;
Feb2014 54*+; Aug/Sept2015 23–24*+
Stand Up, Sit Down, Nov2006 49+
state nicknames, Jan2008 6+
story box pattern, Mar2007 7+
Story Elements: Plot, Character, Setting, Feb2013 40–
41*+; Oct2015 33
Story Review Word Puzzle, Dec2014 43*+
Such a Character!, Oct2014 44*+
Summer Plans Mad-Lib, May2009 5+
summer projects checklist, May2011 14, 15+
summer reading sheet, May2007 19+
summer shelf talkers, May2011 4+
sun pattern, Jan2008 23+
Symbiosis Exploration Guide, Oct2015 10*+
Synonym Searches, Dec2012 34–35*+
Talk Like a Pirate crossword, Aug/Sept2014 5*+
tech instruction sheets, Aug/Sept2008 26–27+*
Telling a Tall Tale: creative writing, Apr2008 41+
Thankful Tuyet's Terrific Turkey, Nov2013 42*+
Thanksgiving Feast, Nov2013 44*+
Thaumatropes, Feb2015 16*+
Things That Go Bump in the Night, Oct2007 7+
A Thomas Jefferson Sidebar, Nov2015 43+*
Three Facts and a Phony, Mar2016 36–37*+
Three Sporty Friends Venn diagram, May2016 25*+
Tic-Tac-Toe grid, Dec2012 38*+; Oct2013 23–24+*
Title Page Pencil Bookmark, Aug/Sept2015 20–21*+
Tooth Fairies: Compare and Contrast, Feb2014 27+*
Tooth Story Template, Feb2014 26+*
traffic light pattern, Aug/Sept2006 53+
Treasure Hunt Book Review form, Aug/Sept2014 13*+
Treasure Troves form, Aug/Sept2014 27*+
tropical cyclone names, Mar2006 20+
Two Facts and a Phony, Oct2011 40+*; Jan2012 44+*
Using the Thesaurus, Jan2016 26*+
volcano word find, Dec2010 4*+
weather, Mar2006 14+, 15+
Westward Ho! A Dramatic Story, Mar2009 42+
What Belongs to Summer?, May2011 5*+
What Could I Be?, Nov2006 15+
What Did They Write?, Apr2005 46+, 48+
What Do You Call a Group of Geese?, Apr2013 4+*
What Have You Read?, Nov2006 47+
What If This Book..., Nov2013 40–41*+
What If This Rotten Book..., Oct2015 32*+
What's Green?, Mar2012 4+*
What’s Next?, Mar2015 35+*
What's the Scoop on Your State?, Jan2008 7+
What's Wrong with These Books?, Dec2007 6+
What Would Bear Like?, Jan2016 24–25*+
"What Would You Do?" cards, Dec2011 41+*
Where Do We Come From?, Oct2006 15+
"Where in the World?" animal quiz, Apr2013 4+*
Who Are Native Americans?, Nov2013 13*+
Who Said That?, Mar2007 14+
Who's Hibernating?, Feb2012 4+*
Who's Telling the Story?, Aug/Sept2005 12+, 15+
Who’s the Author?, Jan2016 27+*
Who's Your Favorite Teacher?, May2014 5*+
wild books mystery message, Apr2006 12+, 14+
William’s Windmill Word Study, Feb2016 34–35*+
William’s Word Ladders, Feb2016 33–34*+
winter acrostics, Dec2006 7+
Winter Sleepers, Dec2012 13*+
women in politics, Feb2008 14+
Word Match, Jan2011 5*+
Word Wizard bookmarks, Mar2014 18+*
Word Workout, Apr2012 22+*; Oct2015 34*+
Yummy Foods from Around the World, Dec2015 25*+
Zippy Farmer poems, Dec2015 26–27*+
Hank Zipzer book reports, May2011 39+
actors, Feb2015 2–3, 8–15*, 43–45
Ada, Alma Flor, Jan2005 31, 32, 33; Aug/Sept2005 3;
Jan2006 25; Dec2007 2; Dec2010 2; Aug/Sept2012
23; Oct2012 10; Jan2015 29*; Oct2015 8; Apr2016
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2009 35–39*
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2009 30–34
Adams, Abigail, Nov2006 29; Nov2007 29
Adams, John, Oct2004 25; Oct2013 12, 15
Adams, Simon, Nov2012 11; Mar2013 10
Adamson, Heather, May2004 17; Dec2008 21; Oct2013 4;
Dec2014 17–18
Addams, Jane, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 24;
Aug/Sept2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 29; Dec2006 28;
Aug/Sept2007 29
Adderson, Caroline, Feb2015 41; Dec2015 57
Adell, Judith, Mar2004 3
Adkins, Jan, Aug/Sept2007 30
Adler, David A., Feb2006 27, 35; Nov2006 26, 27; Feb2007
29; Mar2007 24; May2007 16; Mar2008 53;
Jan2009 8; Mar2009 10; Oct2009 9; Apr2010 1, 3,
6; May2010 42; May2011 9; Aug/Sept2013 12;
Oct2013 54; Dec2013 11; Jan2014 11; Mar2014 29;
May2014 53, 54; Oct2014 45; Apr2016 8, 23;
May2016 8
Adler, Michael S., Oct2014 45
Adoff, Arnold, Nov2003 3; Apr2008 54; Jan2009 11;
Feb2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 3
Adopt-a-Shelf Program, Aug/Sept2006 5–6
of children, Nov2003 3; Nov2007 37; Dec2008 12*;
Nov2010 25; Feb2012 37, 47
of pets, Nov2011 7*; Jan2012 10*, 12*; Apr2015 27
sneaky tactics of, Apr2016 3*, 10*; May2016 4
truth in, Aug/Sept2007 13; Mar2014 15
Aesop, Oct2005 20; Dec2006 54*; Dec2010 2,4,12,24
affirmations, Dec2011 12
Africa, Dec2006 46–48; Oct2007 54, 55; Nov2011 2
African American Registry, Jan2008 55*
African-Americans, Feb2007 2–3, 8–14
folktales, Oct2007 3
history, Dec2007 32, 33, 40; Jan2008 53–55; Feb2008
4, 28–29; Mar2008 28; Nov2014 30–34
spirituals, Apr2009 36
African mythology, Mar2013 53–54
African story cloths, Jan2005 20–21
Agee, Jon, Aug/Sept2008 17; Apr2010 11; Jan2012 40, 42;
Dec2014 28; Aug/Sept2015 54; Nov2015 22
Agena, Keiko, Oct2008 10
aggression, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Agnew, Lincoln, Apr2012 43
agriculture, Mar2011 23–24
Aguilar, David A., Apr2014 9
Ahlberg, Allan, Apr2006 8; May2006 20–21; Apr2008 3;
Feb2009 45; Feb2015 52; Apr2016 41
Ahlberg, Janet, Jan2005 28; Feb2015 52; Apr2016 41
Air Force, U.S., Nov2010 52,53
airplanes, Jan2007 3, 52, 54
See also aviation
airships, Aug/Sept2012 5*
Ajmera, Maya, Oct2007 54; May2008 11, 13, 14; May2010
10; Nov2010 9, Feb2011 10; Nov2011 3; Feb2014
21; Jan2015 49; May2016 8
Akin, Sara Laux, Dec2015 52
ALA (American Library Association). See American Library
Association (ALA)
Alabama, Jan2008 2, 44
Al Abdullah, Rania, Nov2012 17
Alalou, Elizabeth & Ali, Oct2008 3; Nov2008 3
Alarcón, Francisco X., Apr2004 3; Jan2007 4; May2008 3;
Aug/Sept2009 10; Dec2011 4*
Alaska, Oct2006 29; Feb2007 49–53; Jan2008 44
Alaska Day, Oct2006 29
Alaskan sled dogs, Mar2008 29
Albee, Sarah, Oct2013 9
Alborough, Jez, May2005 13; Mar2011 16
Alcott, Louisa May, Nov2004 24; Jan2013 51
Aldana, Patricia, Jan2006 10–11, 12; Jan2015 12; Mar2016
Alderfer, Jonathan, Aug/Sept2014 36; Jan2016 20, 22
Aldrin, Buzz, Mar2007 10; Mar2008 3, 10, 11, 26–27
Alexander, Claire, Oct2014 10
Alexander, Elizabeth, Aug/Sept2012 11
Alexander, Jessica, Feb2007 3
Alexander, Martha, Mar2011 54
Alexander, Sue, Oct2007 27
Alexander, William, Feb2015 10
Al-Hijrah, Dec2010 50
aliens, Mar2008 3, 9, 10, 12, 13; Mar2012 11,13,38–41
Aliki, Jan2004 27–28, 29; Oct2004 4; Mar2005 7, 25, 27;
Aug/Sept2005 10, 11, 14; Oct2006 1, 11, 12, 13,
14; Apr2008 53; Oct2008 44; Apr2011 3
Alko, Selina, Jan2015 50; Oct2015 2, 8
Allard, Harry, Aug/Sept2007 28; May2014 5
Allard, Peter, Feb2007 39
Allegra, Mike, Nov2014 40
Allen, Judy, May2005 34, 37; Oct2009 9
Allen, Kathy, May2012 10
Allen, Mel, May2010 9
Allen, Nancy Kelly, Dec2014 17–18
Allen, Robert, Nov2008 18
Allen, Thomas B., Dec2006 29; Jan2008 54; Mar2008 28
Allen, William S., Oct2004 24
allergies, Oct2007 35, 36; Nov2007 28
Alley, Zoe B., Dec2010 39; Mar2013 11, 14; May2014 12
alliteration, Apr2007 30, 48; Dec2008 55; Jan2009 38;
May2012 11; Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
Allman, Barbara, Aug/Sept2004 24
allusions, Feb2014 17–18*
almanacs, Oct2003 17; Oct2007 17*; Jan2008 5; Feb2008
Almond, David, Jan2015 11
Aloian, Molly, Apr2011 10
alphabet books, Apr2007 36; Feb2008 6; Jan2010 40;
Aug/Sept2011 51*; May2012 20–21; Nov2012 2–3;
Oct2014 49–51
Alphin, Elaine Marie, Feb2006 28
ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children), Jan2006
15, 24; Jan2012 20, 22; Jan2015 13*, 16*, 47*;
Mar2015 5*
Alsdurf, Phyllis, Mar2016 43
Alter, Anna, Jan2012 10
Alter, Judy, Nov2003 31
Altman, Linda Jacobs, Oct2006 52
altruism, Dec2011 14–16
Alvarez, Julia, Nov2003 16, 18
Alzheimer's disease, Oct2008 36; Nov2015 29*
Amato, Carol A., Mar2010 9
Amato, Carol J., Aug/Sept2014 10
Amato, Mary, May2011 42
Amazons, Mar2013 55
Amelia Earhart Day, Jan2005 24; Jan2015 28
America, Aug/Sept2011 2–3, 8–15*, 44–47
American Anthropological Association, Oct2015 8*
American Association of School Librarians (AASL), Dec2013
29*; Jan2014 7*; Apr2014 16; May2014 19
American Association of University Women, Aug/Sept2015
American Education Week, Nov2003 4; Nov2014 28*;
Nov2015 28*
American Folklife Center, Mar2005 24*; Dec2014 19*
American Heart Month, Feb2004 24–25; Feb2006 24–25;
Feb2007 28–29; Feb2008 28–29; Feb2016 29*
American Indians. See Native Americans
American Indian Youth Literature Award, Nov2007 3;
Apr2012 37; Nov2013 27*
American Library Association (ALA), Jan2004 2–3, 5;
Feb2006 4; Apr2006 25; Aug/Sept2006 29*;
Jan2007 29; Apr2007 28*; May2007 4*; Oct2007
29; Nov2007 14; Jan2008 29; Apr2008 5*; May2014
19*; May2015 5*, 48*
American Red Cross Month, Mar2004 24–25; Mar2006 28–
29; Mar2007 28–29; Mar2008 28–29; Mar2012 29*
American Sign Language (ASL), Dec2004 41–42*; Jan2009
13; Mar2011 14; May2012 20; Jan2014 18*;
Apr2014 55–56; Aug/Sept2015 24
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(ASPCA), Apr2007 5; Dec2009 52–53; Apr2013
12*; Apr2015 41
America Reads, Nov2003 5*
America Recycles Day, Nov2004 4; Nov2005 4, 24;
Nov2006 4, 29; Nov2007 29; Nov2014 29*;
Nov2015 28*; Jan2016 30–35*
Américas Award, Jan2004 3
Ames, Lee J., Dec2003 8
Amherst Reads, Oct2005 12
Amis, Nancy, Nov2004 25
Ammon, Richard, Oct2004 29, 31
Amparano, Julie, Aug/Sept2009 9
amphibians, Apr2011 23
Amstutz, Lisa J., Oct2015 42
Amundsen, Roald, Dec2004 24; Dec2006 29
anagrams, Jan2007 4; Mar2008 29; Nov2011 28*; Apr2015
analogies, Dec2008 44–45*; Nov2010 22; Mar2011 39, 41+;
May2014 55; Feb2016 30–31
Anastas, Margaret, Dec2008 25
Ancestor Appreciation Day, Aug/Sept2004 24
Ancient China, Apr2016 21–22
ancient civilizations, Nov2012 2–3, 8–15*, 22–26*
Ancient Egypt, Aug/Sept2007 20–21, 22; Nov2010 4–5*;
Nov2012 3, 10–12, 14–15*, 22–26*, 52–55
Ancient Greece, Nov2012 9–11, 14–15*, 44–47
ancient horses, Nov2013 20–23
Ancient Rome, Nov2012 44–47
Ancona, George, Nov2004 24; May2006 2; Oct2012 2, 26;
Apr2015 17–18; Dec2015 49
Ander, Oct2015 44
Andersen, Ashley, Dec2003 9
Andersen, Hans Christian, Apr2004 25; May2004 28;
Dec2004 2, 25; Apr2005 25; Apr2006 24; Apr2007
28; Apr2008 29; Oct2008 11; Oct2010 42; Dec2010
4, 9; Mar2014 55; Apr2014 29; Dec2014 28;
Jan2015 10; Apr2015 29; Apr2016 29*
Anderson, Constance, Oct2015 53
Anderson, Dale, Oct2006 9, 13
Anderson, Derek, Oct2011 24
Anderson, Jane, Oct2005 32–37
Anderson, Laurie Halse, Mar2006 19; May2008 25; Apr2009
10; Nov2014 40; Apr2015 9
Anderson, Marian, Jan2004 25; Aug/Sept2004 30; Nov2007
Anderson, M. T., Jan2009 42; Feb2012 12
Anderson, Peggy Perry, Jan2009 27
Anderson, Sara, Apr2009 2
Anderson, Sheila, Mar2015 4
Anderson, Tillie, Dec2011 26; Oct2014 46
Andreae, Giles, Feb2006 37; Aug/Sept2007 52; Nov2010 50
Andrews, Andy, Aug/Sept2015 6
Andrews, Julie, Apr2008 28
Andrews, Sylvia, Oct2003 29, 31
Andrews-Goebel, Nancy, Aug/Sept2004 13–17
Ang, Joy, Dec2014 55
Angel Island, Apr2007 53
Angelou, Maya, Feb2004 17–18; May2007 55; Mar2008 29
Angleberger, Tom, Aug/Sept2013 40–43; Apr2014 5*
Anholt, Catherine, Nov2003 15, 18, 19; May2004 27;
Dec2008 9; Feb2011 10
Anholt, Laurence, Nov2003 15, 18, 19; Feb2011 10;
Apr2011 10; Jan2015 9
adaptations in, Oct2013 39–41
adoption of, Nov2011 7*; Jan2012 10*, 12*
alligators and crocodiles, Oct2007 34; Mar2009 53–54;
Jan2016 45–46
animal sounds, Apr2013 14*; Mar2014 4; Apr2014 14*
Australian animals, Apr2007 37; Apr2013 51–52*
badgers, Apr2007 42, 43
bald eagles, Aug/Sept2011 13*; Oct2014 16–17
bats, Oct2004 5; Apr2007 42, 43; Feb2009 5*; Oct2010
4*, 44–45*; Feb2011 4*; May2012 31–32, 34–
36, 46–50*
at the beach, Feb2016 42–43
bears, Feb2008 53–55; Apr2008 20–23
bees, Apr2011 14; Oct2012 3
Be Kind to Animals Week, May2004 24–25; May2005
24–25, 38; May2006 4, 24–25; May2007 28–
29; May2008 28–29; May2011 28*; May2014
4, 28; May2015 28*
birds, Mar2007 16–17; May2008 29; Mar2011 48–50*;
Jan2012 29*; May2012 2, 7, 10*, 16*;
Mar2013 4; Apr2014 50*; Aug/Sept2014 36–
40; Oct2014 16–17; Jan2015 17; Jan2016 20–
bugs, May2005 48; Nov2006 40–42; May2007 28, 29;
Nov2007 29; Mar2008 33; Apr2008 29;
May2008 21, 38–42; Jan2011 15; Apr2011 23,
53; Oct2011 15, 51–55; Nov2014 14;
Dec2015 14–15; Feb2016 37–38
butterflies, Mar2007 25; Oct2007 28
in captivity, Oct2011 48–50*
careers with, Apr2013 15*
cats, Aug/Sept2005 46–47; Feb2007 34–35; Oct2009
43–45; Dec2009 12*; Apr2015 27, 41–45
celebrating all, Apr2013 2–3, 4, 8–15*, 16–19, 20–24*,
45–47, 51–52*, 53–57
chickens, Aug/Sept2006 54–55; Mar2013 40–41;
Apr2013 2; Mar2016 42
chimpanzees, Aug/Sept2012 18; Apr2013 4*
chipmunks, Apr2007 41
chirus, Dec2010 47–49*
classification of, Feb2008 54; Apr2013 14*; Apr2014
13, 20–23*
cockroaches, Mar2008 33; May2008 40, 41
communication with, May2012 19–20
cows, Mar2016 42–43
coyotes, Apr2007 42
crickets, Apr2007 42
cruelty prevention, Apr2007 5; Apr2009 4*; Apr2013
45; Apr2015 41
dinosaurs, Oct2008 53*–55; Apr2011 21–22
dogs, Oct2006 52–54, 57; Feb2007 5, 52; Apr2007 29;
May2007 21; Feb2008 16–19; Mar2008 29;
Dec2009 12*; Aug/Sept2010 37–39*; Nov2010
55; Feb2011 17; Oct2011 5, 6–7*; Nov2011
6–7*; May2012 4+*; Feb2013 13*; Apr2015
27; May2015 12*
dragons, Aug/Sept2007 40–41; Jan2008 29; Mar2008
29; Apr2008 25, 26
earthworms, Apr2011 55
elephants, Aug/Sept2006 4, 29; Oct2011 48–50*;
Mar2016 7
endangered species, Apr2007 3; Aug/Sept2007 12;
Feb2008 28, 54; Oct2008 39–41*; Mar2010
47–48; Dec2010 47–49*; Apr2011 43–44;
Nov2012 38*; Apr2013 20–24*; Apr2015 14*;
Aug/Sept2015 26
families of, Dec2014 14
in fantasy fiction, Aug/Sept2010 23–26
farm animals, Apr2007 40; Mar2013 40–43*; Mar2016
farming and, Apr2006 34
in films, May2010 4*
fireflies, Apr2007 42
fish, Apr2011 23–24; Mar2012 51–55
flamingos, Apr2011 24; Aug/Sept2014 36
footprints of, Apr2014 40
frogs, Apr2011 4*, 23; Apr2013 29; Apr2014 2
giraffes, Oct2011 35*
gorillas, Dec2013 25–27
grasshoppers, Apr2007 43
groundhogs, Feb2008 20–27
Hawaiian animals, May2007 55
hedgehogs, Oct2011 39*
hippos, Apr2013 10, 14
horses, Feb2013 39–42*; Apr2013 3; Nov2013 20–23
inventions for, Feb2016 26
jaguars, Aug/Sept2015 26
of Japan, Apr2013 36
ladybugs, Oct2012 48–50*; Apr2014 50*
learning from, Apr2013 2–3, 4, 8–15*, 16–19, 20–24*,
45–47, 51–52*, 53–57
leopards, Apr2007 42, 43
lizards, Apr2011 24; Jan2016 42–43
mongooses, Jan2011 38
monkeys, Oct2007 34
moose, Oct2011 39
mosquitoes, May2008 41
nocturnal, Apr2007 39–45; Oct2009 48; Feb2016 13–
owls, Oct2006 24–27; Apr2007 41–43
panda bears, Feb2008 53–55
passenger pigeons, Aug/Sept2014 4*
penguins, Dec2007 5*; Jan2008 29; Jan2016 3*
pets, Aug/Sept2005 46–47; May2007 28; Oct2007 54;
Feb2008 17; Dec2009 8–15, 46–51; Apr2015
27; Feb2016 26, 29*
pigs, Feb2007 4; Mar2013 41–42; Mar2016 43–44
play in, Nov2015 8, 10
polar bears, Feb2008 29, 53–55; Dec2010 5*; Jan2013
porcupines, Apr2007 42, 43
primates, Dec2013 25–27; Aug/Sept2015 28
rabbits, Mar2007 26; Apr2007 29, 41; Mar2008 4
raccoons, Apr2007 42, 43
rainforest animals, Oct2011 37*
rats, Apr2007 42, 43
red bats, May2012 46–50*
reptiles, Apr2011 24; Jan2016 42–46
rescue organizations, Apr2013 45
respecting all, Apr2013 2–3, 4, 8–15*, 16–19, 20–24*,
45–47, 51–52*, 53–57
as royalty, Mar2011 24
sea creatures, Apr2007 38; May2007 55; Mar2011 35;
Apr2014 25–26
seeing eye dogs, Apr2007 29
sharks, May2007 47–50; Mar2012 52; Aug/Sept2015
sheep, Apr2007 41; Mar2013 42; Mar2016 44
skunks, Apr2007 42, 43
sled dogs, Feb2007 5, 52
sleep habits of, May2013 47
snakes, Jan2011 38; Apr2011 24; Jan2016 43–44
sounds of, May2012 19–20
in space, Apr2007 28
spiders, Oct2006 4; May2008 22, 29, 41; Apr2014 39–
40; Oct2014 11, 15
squirrels, Jan2012 29*; Oct2013 28*; Oct2015 29
state animals, Jan2008 52*
storm-related behavior in, Feb2013 11, 14
stray pets, Feb2008 17
symbiotic relationships in, Jan2013 13, 23; May2014
14; Oct2015 10
tools used by, Mar2011 14
turkeys, Nov2003 35, 36–37, 38–41; Nov2006 5, 7;
Nov2013 42
turtles, Apr2011 24; Jan2016 44
unusual relationships between, Oct2009 15*; Dec2009
weasels, Apr2011 55
webcams of, Aug/Sept2015 5*
wildlife, Apr2007 3, 12, 13
worms, Aug/Sept2010 45–47*; Apr2013 38–41
zombie makers, Oct2013 39–41
zoo animals, May2007 15*; Aug/Sept2015 5*
Anno, Masaichiro and Mitsumasa, Jan2006 24; Jan2015 9
annotated books (4–8). See books (4–8)
annotated books (K–3). See books (K–3)
annotated books (P–K). See books (P–K)
Annual Heritage Project, Nov2003 4
Antarctica, Mar2014 38, 39*
Anthony, Susan B., Feb2007 29; Feb2008 29
anthropology, May2012 5*
anthropomorphism, Aug/Sept2010 24, 25; May2012 11
Antle, Bhagavan, Mar2015 20
antonyms, Aug/Sept2007 13
ants, Apr2014 49, 50
anxiety, children's, Oct2003 2–3
Anzaldúa, Gloria, Oct2007 3
Aoki, Elaine, Nov2003 3; Feb2012 47
Apollo 11, Dec2004 3
apologizing, Jan2011 18–19*, Aug/Sept2011 38
Appelt, Kathi, Oct2008 43, 54; Dec2008 3; Feb2011 3;
Dec2012 4*; Aug/Sept2014 2
Apple, Margot, Mar2012 41
Applegate, Katherine, Mar2009 15*; May2011 42; Feb2013
45; Mar2013 2; Aug/Sept2013 5; Dec2013 25–27;
Mar2014 4; Apr2015 3; Aug/Sept2015 28
Apple Keynote, May2012 27*
apples, Oct2003 16–20; Oct2010 52–55; Aug/Sept2013 5*+;
Mar2014 38
Appleseed, Johnny, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 24;
Aug/Sept2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 28; Aug/Sept2007
29; Jan2008 27; Aug/Sept2012 29*; Aug/Sept2013
5*; Oct2014 46; Aug/Sept2015 29*
applied science, Nov2006 54–55
of the arts, Feb2011 40; Mar2011 51–55; Apr2012 2–3,
8–15*, 21*; Jan2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18, 22–
24, 25–27, 41–43, 44–47*
showing of, Dec2011 10, 11; Feb2015 50–53
of small things, Oct2011 2–3, 8–15*, 24–27
Animoto, Oct2011 4*; Feb2015 17*, 47*; May2015 21*;
Aug/Sept2015 14–17*; Jan2016 19*
App Flow, May2015 7*
APPitic guide, Jan2016 29*
Barefoot World Atlas, Oct2015 16*
Being Global, Oct2015 18*
on books, Feb2012 54–55*
Chromville, Mar2016 30–34*
ComicBook!, Oct2015 17*
for comics creation, May2015 17*
on diversity, Oct2015 15–19*
Dragon Dictation, Apr2014 6*
DrumJam, Oct2015 17*
Educreations, Dec2015 30–35*
Felt Board, Oct2015 16*
on food and cooking, Dec2015 11*
GoSkyWatch, Aug/Sept2014 6
for K–6 education, May2011 49–51*; Jan2016 29*
Layar, Aug/Sept2015 30–35*
for librarians, Oct2013 7*; Feb2014 29*
Lucha Libre Mask, Oct2015 17*
for magnifying, Feb2015 7
Monkey Drum, Oct2015 17*
A Present for Milo, Feb2012 55*
reviews of, Apr2012 28*
Sock Puppets, Oct2015 16*
Touchable Earth, Oct2015 18*
for voice recognition, Apr2014 6*
April Fool's Day, Apr2004 25, 46; Apr2005 25; Apr2006 25;
Apr2007 4, 28; Apr2008 28; Apr2013 28*; Apr2014
28*; Apr2015 4*, 29; Apr2016 3
Apte, Sunita, Apr2011 10
aquariums, Dec2014 6
Arbor Day, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25; Apr2006 25; Apr2007
12*, 29; Mar2008 3, 10; Apr2008 29; Apr2011 5*;
Apr2013 29*; Apr2014 29; Apr2015 29; Apr2016
Arcand, Sandy, May2005 46
archaeology, May2012 5*
Archambault, John, Oct2005 21; Apr2006 36; Feb2007 40–
41; Mar2010 11
Archer, Peggy, Feb2011 17
archetypes, May2012 11
architects, Oct2015 21
architecture, Mar2011 55
Arctic National Park and Preserve, Dec2005 25
Arctic region, Dec2005 25; Dec2006 4; Feb2007 52;
Mar2014 38, 39*
Ardley, Neil, Dec2003 39; Mar2015 3
Arenofsky, Janice, May2013 23
"Are You Getting Enough ZZZs?" (Arenofsky), May2013 23
Argueta, Jorge, Aug/Sept2005 4; Jan2010 3
argument vs. opinion, Apr2014 17; Nov2014 19–21
Arihara, Shino, Apr2010 3
Arizona, Jan2008 44
Arkansas, Jan2008 44
Armed Services, U.S., Nov2010 52–55
Arms, Sharon, Jan2008 26
Armstrong, Jennifer, Mar2005 19–20; Aug/Sept2011 9;
Aug/Sept2014 38; Nov2014 5
Armstrong, Lance, Aug/Sept2005 24; Aug/Sept2007 28
Armstrong, Neil, Mar2008 3, 25–27; Mar2009 2
Armstrong, Thomas, Oct2008 11; Oct2015 8
Armstrong-Ellis, Carey, Feb2008 51
Army, U.S., Nov2010 52, 53
Arnold, Andrew, May2014 9
Arnold, Caroline, Feb2006 2; Nov2007 53; Feb2011 11;
Nov2011 10
Arnold, Katya, Mar2016 7
Arnold, Marsha Diane, Apr2005 24; Dec2009 25
Arnold, Tedd, Nov2006 40; Feb2007 38, 39, 40; Nov2007
49; Nov2009 23; Dec2009 11; Mar2012 41;
Jan2013 28*; Jan2014 28*; May2015 43; Nov2015
Arnosky, Jim, Feb2006 28, 30, 47; Apr2007 2; Jan2008 10;
Dec2009 54; Mar2010 10; May2011 20; Apr2013
11; Feb2016 37–38
Author Extensions, Nov2008 34–38*
Meet the Author, Nov2008 30–33*
Aronson, Marc, Nov2012 10
Arquette, Kerry, Oct2013 4
Arrington, Frances, Mar2009 9
Arsenault, Isabelle, Mar2014 3
abstract art, Mar2016 8, 20–21, 37–39, 55
appreciation of, Feb2011 40; Mar2011 51–55; Apr2012
2–3, 8–15*, 21*; Jan2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18,
22–24, 25–27, 41–43, 44–47*; Mar2015 44–
45; Mar2016 6–10*, 22–25, 55–56
architecture, Mar2011 55
art history, Apr2014 35–36
artists, Nov2008 16–19*; May2009 21*; Mar2011 53,
54–55; Nov2011 15; Apr2012 49*; Mar2015
41–43; May2015 36–38; Mar2016 2–3*, 5, 6–
10*, 17–18, 19–21, 24–25, 26–27, 37–39, 55–
art shows, hosting, Aug/Sept2007 44
Art Talks, Jan2015 25–26
art teachers, collaboration with, May2016 19
art therapy, Mar2016 10
bibliographies about, Oct2014 5*
clay, modeling (Plasticine), Jan2013 30–33, 34–36*;
Nov2013 21–22
collage, Jan2006 16; Feb2008 55; Nov2011 18*;
Dec2011 13
boy appeal of, Nov2008 13
cloth scraps, Dec2010 35
on community needs, Apr2015 13
on cooperation, Jan2013 14
of currency symbols, Apr2010 14*
on peace, Aug/Sept2010 14
on pets, Dec2009 18
on schools through history, Aug/Sept2008 12–13
seeds, Mar2010 25
on self-esteem, Oct2008 14
shape collage, Aug/Sept2012 5*
on states, Dec2008 55
tissue paper, Feb2008 55
torn-paper, Nov2008 13
Coretta Scott King Author Book Award Curriculum
Resource Center for Art, Feb2010 42*
costume design, Apr2008 13
cross-sensory experiences, Jan2009 13
curriculum integration of, Mar2016 6–10*, 14–16, 22–
dance, May2006 15–18; May2007 29; May2008 28;
Feb2010 14; Apr2012 3, 15, 16–20*; May2012
11*, 42–45; May2016 11, 39
ballet, Apr2012 3; May2012 11
creating routines, Apr2009 14
Earthdance theater activity, Mar2008 12–13
folk dancing, Dec2010 15, 22; Apr2012 15
line dancing, May2012 43
two-step dancing, Nov2007 47
American flags, Aug/Sept2011 45
animal habitats, Apr2013 15
animals, May2009 13; Dec2009 14
butterflies, Nov2009 35
caricatures, Jan2007 7; Feb2008 13
cartoons, Apr2007 26; Dec2007 19
with charcoal, Jan2006 15–16
cooperative picture, Aug/Sept2010 50
crayon technique, Jan2006 16
dinosaurs, Oct2008 55*; Jan2012 38–39
elephants, Oct2010 42
fall leaves, Nov2008 35
field guides, Mar2010 41
with fingerprints, Oct2011 9, 13
geometry in nature, Oct2009 15
Hank Zipzer posters, May2011 36
imaginary vehicles, May2009 13
intergenerational portraits, Nov2010 12
library treasure map, Oct2010 37
logo designs, Feb2009 13
magical creatures, Dec2009 38
magic supply store poster, Oct2010 13
monsters, Oct2008 36; Apr2009 50; May2010 38
movement, Apr2009 39
nature, Nov2008 38
Olympics logo, May2008 14
with pastels, Jan2006 17
pen and ink technique, Jan2006 17
pencil technique, Jan2006 17
pictorial timeline, Nov2009 27
portraits, Dec2008 14; Feb2009 13
printmaking, Jan2006 18
with scratchboard, Jan2006 18
of self as hero, Feb2009 13
squiggle drawings, Dec2011 17–18
summer suns, May2011 13
team logos, May2010 14
edible art, Apr2012 14; Dec2015 9
felt board, May2008 19, 23; Apr2014 13
fiction about, Mar2015 43–44
fine art, Mar2011 53
folk art, Dec2010 23; Apr2012 13; Mar2016 26–27
hidden messages in, Oct2010 13
homages to, Apr2012 49–50*
American illustrations, Aug/Sept2011 15
animated movies, Dec2010 7*
art fits text, Apr2010 36
of autobiographies, Oct2009 14
Book Cover Creator, Nov2011 4*
book jackets, designing, Oct2009 34–35;
Aug/Sept2013 17
books, Nov2009 15; Jan2010 40, 41; Apr2010 37
Christie style, Feb2010 38
comic books, Oct2010 38; May2015 16–17
comic strips, Oct2010 37*; Nov2010 11; May2015
13, 16–17
digital illustrations, Jan2006 16; Jan2015 14
dress up Little Mouse, Oct2010 38
Flip-O-Rama animation, May2015 16*
idioms, Dec2009 18*
magical short stories, Oct2010 13
“moving picture” illustrations, Jan2015 14
music, Feb2010 14
poems, May2009 13
recipe books, Nov2009 37
scratchboard, Mar2011 50*
stories, Feb2009 12–13, 36; Mar2009 36;
Apr2009 36; Apr2010 13
techniques for, Oct2009 25–26*
illustrators, Jan2006 13; Nov2007 3; Aug/Sept2008 35;
Apr2009 21*; May2009 21*; Aug/Sept2013
30–35, 36–39; Jan2015 8–15*; Mar2016 5*, 8,
18, 24, 48–54
importance of, in books, Jan2010 42–43*
India ink, Jan2006 17
jokes about, Apr2005 19
media, introducing different, Jan2010 43–45*
moods in color, Nov2009 14
mosaics, Apr2009 37
murals, Dec2006 45–46; Nov2008 36; Oct2009 48
animal camouflage, Nov2009 14
collaborative, Dec2006 45–46
diurnal/nocturnal habitats, Oct2009 48
diversity, Oct2015 9
garden of kindness, Jan2016 11
habitat, Nov2008 36
transportation, May2009 13*
wall murals, Oct2011 37*
museums, art, May2009 4*; Nov2009 14; Nov2014 36*;
Jan2015 45; Mar2016 2–3*, 20, 27
music and art, Mar2016 20
mysteries about, Nov2008 17*
nature art, Mar2010 14
online coloring, Jan2010 15*
overview of, Jan2006 8–14; Apr2012 8–15*; Mar2016
2–3, 5, 6–10*, 14–16, 17–18, 19–21, 22–25,
26–27, 37–39, 45–47, 55–56
with acrylics, Jan2006 15
famous paintings, Mar2016 24–25
gravity painting, May2016 2*
landscapes, Nov2011 15; Apr2012 49*
light painting, Apr2015 7*
miniatures, Oct2011 13
oil paints, Jan2006 17
portraiture, Mar2012 14–16*; Apr2012 38
pulp painting, Oct2003 6–7
resistance painting, Mar2016 20–21
sand painting, Nov2013 14*
surrealism, Jan2014 15
wall murals, Oct2011 37*
with watercolors, Jan2006 18
paints from pigments, Nov2009 14
paleoartists, Apr2014 2
performing arts, Apr2012 2–3, 8–15*
perspective in, Feb2009 38; Apr2009 39; Mar2016 10
photography, Jan2006 46–47
books about, Mar2016 23–24
photo essays, Dec2014 13
positive body image through, Oct2008 13
trick photography, May2015 17
poetry and, Apr2007 48
posters, May2008 36; Jan2011 14
of book covers, Oct2008 26
family life, Dec2008 13
Ben Franklin, Jan2009 15*
on Internet safety, Apr2016 12
states, Dec2008 55
public art, Apr2012 13*, 14*; Mar2016 9*
rangoli, Nov2013 28*
Russian arts, Feb2014 52
sculpture, Mar2016 27
self-portraits, Oct2014 13
visual arts
aurora borealis, Nov2009 14*
bioluminescent ocean scenes, Apr2009 14
book clubs for, Mar2016 14–16
book trading cards, May2010 25*
class mascots, Apr2011 13
coats-of-arms, Mar2013 13*
colored filters, Nov2009 13–14
color maps, Nov2009 15*
color mixing, Mar2016 19–20
community story cloth, Nov2011 15
costume and set design, Feb2012 14
cut paper art, Aug/Sept2009 14*
designing money, Apr2010 13–14*
dots, Nov2009 14
dreamscapes, May2013 13
flag designs, Aug/Sept2011 50*
folk art, Mexican, Aug/Sept2009 14*
frosty window pictures, Dec2012 13
geometric portraits, Aug/Sept2012 14; Jan2015
15; Apr2015 13
germ portraits, Jan2010 15
glitter stars, Dec2011 18
gouache, May2009 34
hat design, May2010 37
homages, Apr2012 49–50*
illumination, Mar2013 13
leaf rubbings, Oct2012 13*
lesson plans on, Jan2015 44–47*
maps as art, Nov2011 15
Maya shirt designs, Nov2012 14*
mobiles, Nov2010 12; Feb2016 8
nature on poster board, Dec2011 18
origami, Aug/Sept2010 14*; Apr2012 45–46*;
Jan2013 29*; Oct2013 7; Feb2014 13*;
Aug/Sept2014 13*; Apr2016 42
paper bag creations, Jan2013 14
patriotic art, Aug/Sept2011 15
peace art projects, Aug/Sept2010 14*
pictograms, Feb2014 13*
and poetry, Apr2012 44–47+*
pop-up art, Aug/Sept2011 15*
pottery, Apr2012 22–23*
seaside display, Oct2011 38
set design, Feb2015 13
shadowboxes, Jan2012 12; Mar2016 26, 55
Shrinky Dink cartouches, Nov2012 14*
soap carvings, Apr2012 15*
space aliens, Mar2012 13
sports trading cards, May2016 11, 13
stained glass, Jan2007 37*
"talking" t-shirts, Jan2011 14
thumbprint drawings, Oct2011 13
twister art, Feb2013 14*
visual parodies, Apr2012 49–50*
woodcuts, Jan2006 18
yarn looms, Feb2016 17
watery world classroom, Apr2009 14*
web sites on, May2009 4*
websites on, Apr2012 12*, 21*; Jan2015 13*, 44–47*;
Mar2016 9*
See also crafts
Artell, Mike, Apr2005 13; Apr2008 10; Apr2014 17
Art Institute of Chicago, Nov2014 36*; Mar2016 2–3*, 20
Artists Helping Children, Mar2013 4*
Aruego, Jose, Aug/Sept2008 17; Feb2011 11; Jan2013 23
Asch, Frank, Jan2006 38; Mar2006 51; Mar2008 40;
Aug/Sept2008 20; Mar2012 10; Jan2014 11
Ashburn, Boni, Aug/Sept2015 45
Ashby, Ruth, Feb2006 2–3
Asher, Sandy, Nov2008 10; Jan2011 11; Jan2013 17
Ashman, Linda, Mar2013 9; Mar2014 21
Ash Wednesday, Mar2006 29
Asia for Kids, May2007 34*
Asian mythology, Mar2013 53
Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature, Nov2007 3
Asian Pacific American heritage, May2007 2–3, 28*, 30–37*,
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May2004 5*;
May2007 28–29; May2008 4–5; May2011 5*;
May2013 28*; May2015 29*
Asim, Jabari, Feb2014 54–56; Feb2015 28
Asimov, Isaac, Mar2012 9; Jan2013 10
ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals), Apr2007 5; Apr2009 4*; Apr2011 4*;
Apr2013 12*; Apr2015 41
Aspen-Baxter, Linda, Mar2013 42
assessment resources, Nov2007 43*
assistive technologies, for reading, Oct2014 14
Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), Jan2006
15, 24; Jan2012 20, 22; Jan2015 13*, 16*, 47*;
Mar2015 5*
Association of American Publishers, May2008 29
Aston, Dianna Hutts, Feb2009 25; Mar2009 2; Feb2010 2;
Mar2010 25; Nov2010 17; Mar2014 3;
Aug/Sept2014 37; Oct2015 8; Jan2016 15
Astrella, Mark, Jan2009 10
astronauts, Mar2008 2–3, 5, 8–13, 25–27; May2014 55;
Nov2014 16–18; Dec2014 36–38; Oct2015 21
astronomy, Dec2007 13; Mar2008 11, 12, 13; Apr2011 20–
Astronomy Day, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25
astrophysicists, Oct2015 21
athletes, Mar2007 24–25; Feb2014 20–23; May2016 5, 6–
13*, 15–16, 18–19, 55–56
Atinuke, Nov2011 2; May2013 3; Feb2016 42; Apr2016 56
Atkins, Jeannine, Nov2003 30; Feb2006 44; Nov2010 15;
Mar2013 27
atlases, Oct2003 17, 20; Apr2004 9; Aug/Sept2007 55;
Oct2007 17; Nov2007 54; Feb2008 47–48*
Attenborough, Liz, Apr2007 47
attitudes, positive, Aug/Sept2007 17
Atwater, Florence, Dec2009 11
Atwater, Richard, Jan2007 28; Dec2007 5; Dec2009 11;
Dec2015 3
Atwell, Debby, Nov2014 40
Au, Joy, May2007 55
Auch, Mary Jane, Apr2005 13; Dec2006 23; Apr2008 10, 11,
audiobooks, Nov2010 41–42*; Jan2011 4*; Oct2014 25, 39
Audubon, John James, Apr2004 24; Apr2005 5; Mar2007
16–17; Aug/Sept2014 38–39; Apr2015 28
Audubon Society, Dec2011 28*; Oct2014 16*
Austen, Catherine, Nov2012 3
Austin, Michael, Nov2004 27; Aug/Sept2012 23; Mar2016 45
Australia Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 4, 25;
Jan2012 29*; Jan2014 4*; Jan2015 28
Australian animals, Apr2007 37; Apr2013 51–52*
Australian mythology, Mar2013 55
Author Extensions
Alma Flor Ada, Aug/Sept2009 35–39*
Jim Arnosky, Nov2008 34–38*
Avi, Nov2010 36–39*
Graeme Base, Apr2007 36–38
Simon Basher, Mar2012 35–37*
Nic Bishop, Mar2010 36–41*
Holly Black, Oct2005 13–17
Jan Brett, Oct2011 35–39*
Anthony Browne, Nov2006 36–39
Joseph Bruchac, Nov2004 10–14; Nov2013 36–39
Ashley Bryan, Apr2009 34–39
Caldecott Winners 1938–2013, Aug/Sept2013 36–39
Eric Carle, Mar2011 34–37
Lauren Child, Mar2007 38–41
Joanna Cole, Mar2008 33–37
Christopher Paul Curtis, Feb2004 41–46
Kate DiCamillo, Aug/Sept2006 36–43
Tony DiTerlizzi, Oct2005 13–17
Julie Andrews Edwards, Dec2009 37–40
Lois Ehlert, Nov2009 35–38*
Louise Erdrich, Apr2010 30–35*
Candace Fleming, Apr2011 34–37
Jack Gantos, Nov2005 31–34
Marie-Louise Gay, Nov2011 34–37
Mordicai Gerstein, Jan2006 31–35
Eloise Greenfield, Jan2012 36–39*
Nikki Grimes, Feb2010 36–39*
Emma Walton Hamilton, Dec2009 37–40
Robie Harris, May2006 32–34
Kevin Henkes, Aug/Sept2011 36–39*
Deborah Hopkinson, Feb2009 35–38*
James Howe, Oct2006 36–39
Steve Jenkins, Mar2006 38–41
Laurie Keller, Jan2008 35–38
Laura Kvasnosky, May2009 34–39*+
Brian Lies, May2012 33–37
Grace Lin, Feb2012 36–39*
Lois Lowry, May2007 12–16
Patricia C. McKissack, Dec2007 36–41
Sy Montgomery, Nov2012 36–38
Pat Mora, Aug/Sept2008 34–36
Yuyi Morales, Jan2010 38–41
Francoise Mouly, Oct2010 36–39*
Robert Munsch, Dec2008 34–40*
Christopher Myers, Feb2007 34–37
Scott Nash, May2013 36–39
Kadir Nelson, Dec2010 34–37
Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, Feb2014 35–38
Laura Numeroff, May2010 36–39
Naomi Shihab Nye, Mar2013 35–38*
Mary Pope Osborne, Jan2014 36–39
Barbara Park, Oct2008 34–38
Linda Sue Park, Nov2007 36–38
Katherine Paterson, Aug/Sept2012 34–37
Gary Paulsen, Aug/Sept2010 35–39*
Andrea Davis Pinkney, Feb2013 34–37
Jerry Pinkney, Jan2011 35–38*
Patricia Polacco, Mar2009 34–37
Doreen Rappaport, Dec2013 35–38
Barbara Reid, Jan2013 34–36*
Matthew Reinhart, Jan2007 35–39
Rick Riordan, May2014 34–37
Robert Sabuda, Jan2007 35–39
Louis Sachar, May2008 34–37
Dan Santat, Apr2014 34–37
Allen Say, Apr2013 34–37
Jon Scieszka, Apr2008 35–41*
Laura Vaccaro Seeger, Jan2009 34–38
Brian Selznick, Oct2009 34–36*
Judy Sierra, Oct2007 34–36
Lemony Snicket, Dec2012 34–36*
Gary Soto, Feb2008 34–37
Tim Tingle, Apr2012 36–39
TOON Books, Oct2010 36–39*
Two Heads Are Better Than One, Dec2006 45–48
Chris Van Allsburg, Dec2011 36–39*
Melanie Watt, Feb2011 36–40*
Weird But True series, Mar2014 34–37
Rosemary Wells, Aug/Sept2005 32–35
Walter Wick, Oct2012 35–37*
Henry Winkler, May2011 34–39
Janet S. Wong, Oct2013 35–38
Jane Yolen, Aug/Sept2007 37–41
Ed Young, Feb2006 14–17
See also Meet the Author
authority, of websites, May2011 18*
advice from, Feb2013 5*
Authors on Call program, Jan2014 6*
biographies on, Jan2013 54–55
birthdays of, Dec2015 3; Jan2016 2; Feb2016 3*;
Mar2016 3; Apr2016 3; May2016 3
a day in the life of, Feb2010 39*
"Dear Author" activity, Jan2013 36
interviews with, Oct2009 36*; Jan2013 7*; Oct2013 7*;
Nov2013 5*; Oct2015 4*; Feb2016 29*
names, pronouncing, Nov2008 4*; Nov2013 7*
Name That Author game, Jan2013 51–53
podcasts of, Mar2014 7*
of reference books, Jan2016 26–27*+
signings by, Oct2005 4; Nov2013 7
Skype talks with, Jan2013 7*; Oct2013 7*; Nov2013 5*;
Oct2015 4*; Feb2016 29*
on Twitter, Nov2009 6–7*
visits by, Jan2005 5; Nov2006 6; Jan2013 6–7*;
Oct2013 7*; Apr2016 30–31
websites of, May2009 26*
writing process of, Jan2013 53–55
authorship, student, Dec2012 25–27*
autism, Mar2011 23; Nov2012 34; Oct2015 3; Apr2016 29*
autobiographies, Mar2007 8–13
automobiles, Mar2015 17–18
autumn, Oct2003 11–13, 16–21, 46+, 49; Aug/Sept2007 28;
Nov2010 4*; Aug/Sept2012 29*; Oct2012 4*, 8–15*,
16–19, 38–41*
Averbeck, Jim, Nov2009 2; Dec2015 52
Averill, Esther, Mar2006 4
Avi, Dec2003 24; Jan2004 29, 30; Dec2004 25; Oct2006 12;
Dec2006 29; Dec2007 43; Nov2008 17; Feb2009
45; Aug/Sept2010 41; Dec2010 29*; Aug/Sept2011
11; Feb2012 11; Feb2013 5*; Dec2014 28*;
Feb2015 9; Dec2015 3
Author Extensions, Nov2010 36–39*
Meet the Author, Nov2010 30–35
aviation, Dec2003 2–3, 6–13, 14–21, 34–35, 45–46;
Jan2007 50–54; Nov2011 4*; May2012 2–3;
Nov2015 29*
Aviation History Month, Nov2003 5, 24–25; Nov2004 24–25;
Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 5, 28–29; Nov2007 5,
28–29; Nov2014 29*; Nov2015 29*
American Indian Youth Literature Award, Nov2007 3;
Apr2012 37; Nov2013 27*
Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature, Nov2007
Bluebonnet Medal, Jan2007 42
for books, Aug/Sept2011 52–55*; Jan2012 20–22*;
Feb2012 21–23; Mar2012 12*
Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, Nov2007 6, 13
Caldecott Medal, Aug/Sept2003 44; Jan2004 2–3, 5,
25, 44–45, 47; Feb2004 2; Oct2004 27*;
Jan2005 24–25; Jan2006 2–3, 5, 12–13, 15–
19, 24–25; Dec2006 48; Jan2007 28–29, 29,
53; Mar2007 32; Nov2007 2, 3, 6, 10, 13, 14,
15, 18; Dec2007 4; Jan2008 28–29; Nov2009
36*; Jan2010 42*, 45–46*; Jan2011 28;
Apr2011 27; Nov2011 18; Jan2012 20–21;
Jan2013 4*; Aug/Sept2013 30–35, 36–39;
Jan2015 2–3, 5*, 8–15*, 16–18, 19–21, 25–
27, 36–37, 41–43, 44–47*, 53–56; Feb2015
54–56; Jan2016 4*
Carter G. Woodson Book Award, Feb2013 4*
Coretta Scott King Award, Jan2004 2, 3; Feb2004 2;
Jan2006 24; Dec2006 48; Feb2007 12;
Nov2007 3, 6, 10; Dec2007 31; Feb2010 30,
41–43*; May2010 26; Jan2011 33–34;
Jan2012 21; Feb2013 5
Crown National Book Award Program, Aug/Sept2006 6
Edgar Awards, Oct2007 5; May2012 28*;
Aug/Sept2013 46*
Geisel Awards, Nov2007 7; Jan2008 4
Golden Kite Awards, Nov2007 6
Governor General’s Award, Jan2015 8, 9, 11, 13*, 14
Hans Christian Andersen Awards, Jan2006 12–13;
Nov2007 6, 10, 13; Jan2015 8, 9, 10, 12, 13*,
14; Apr2016 29*
Henry Bergh Children's Book Award, Apr2007 5
for illustrators, Nov2007 3; Aug/Sept2013 30–35, 36–
39; Jan2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18, 22–24, 25–
27, 41–43, 44–47*
Jane Addams Children's Book Award, Nov2007 3
Kate Greenaway Medal, Jan2007 40; Mar2007 32;
Jan2015 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
Lupine Award, Nov2007 45
Michael L. Printz Award, Nov2007 6
mock awards programs, Nov2007 14–21
Mock Caldecott Awards, Jan2004 14–21; Nov2007 14–
21; Jan2015 5, 15, 19–21, 27, 40, 44–47;
Aug/Sept2015 15–16
National Book Award for Young People's Literature,
Nov2007 6, 13
Newbery Medal, Dec2003 2–3, 5; Jan2004 25;
Jan2005 24–25, 40, 46–47; Jan2006 5, 24–
25; Jan2007 28; Feb2007 12; Mar2007 28;
May2007 3, 6, 7; Aug/Sept2007 4; Nov2007 2,
5, 6, 8, 13, 19–21*, 30; Dec2007 31; Jan2008
28–29; May2008 36; Apr2009 4*, 5, 7+;
Jan2011 28; Feb2011 24; Oct2011 17;
Jan2012 20–21
New Voices Award, Dec2014 5
Nobel Prize winners, Oct2006 5*
Pura Belpré Medal, Jan2004 2, 3; Nov2007 3, 7
Robert F. Sibert Information Book Medal, Nov2007 7
Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction, Nov2007 7
state book awards, Nov2007 13*
Tomás Rivera Mexican American Children's Book
Award, Nov2007 3
Youth Media Awards, Aug/Sept2015 26–27; Jan2016
Award-Winning Children's Literature database, Feb2004 5
Axe-Bronk, Susan, Aug/Sept2013 29
Axelrod, Amy, Nov2006 55
Axtell, David, Feb2004 12
Ayers, Katherine, Aug/Sept2008 21; Mar2010 1, 12
Aykens, Cathy, May2005 46
Aylesworth, Jim, Mar2004 38; May2005 15; Nov2006 41;
Dec2010 3; Oct2011 25; Aug/Sept2012 49–50;
Oct2015 40; Mar2016 41
Azarian, Mary, May2008 48, 49*; Oct2009 1, 11, 23;
Dec2012 23; Aug/Sept2013 33
Aztecs, Nov2012 9, 14*, 44–47; Mar2013 54–55
Baasansuren, Bolormaa, May2012 9
Babbitt, Natalie, May2005 36, 38–39; Jan2009 42
babysitting, Mar2011 24
Bach, Johann Sebastian, Mar2006 28; Mar2014 29
Bach Among the Books, Mar2005 5
Bacigalupi, Paolo, Feb2014 28
Bacon, Henry & Arthur, Feb2009 46
bacteria, Apr2011 22
badgers, Apr2007 42, 43
bad guys, Oct2007 22–24
Bae, Hyun-Joo, Dec2007 2
Baer, Edith, May2009 11
Baer, Gene, Mar2005 38
Bagert, Brod, Jan2004 36; Apr2012 25*
Bagley, Katie, Feb2007 54–55
Baglio, Ben, May2014 4
bags, reusable, Apr2011 39
Bahr, Mary, Apr2015 11
Baicker, Karen, Oct2006 41
Bailey, Diane, Mar2016 8
Bailey, Dona, Aug/Sept2015 3
Bailey, Gerry, Aug/Sept2008 55; Feb2015 11
Bailey, Jacqui, Feb2006 44
Bailey, Linda, Apr2005 14; Mar2013 9
Baines, John, Mar2011 10
Baird, Audrey, Feb2013 12
Baird, Bil, May2012 39*
Baker, Alan, Nov2009 42
Baker, Alia Muhammad, Nov2005 3; Feb2009 10, 22
Baker, David, Mar2011 10
Baker, E. D., Apr2008 9, 12
Baker, Frank, Feb2015 45
Baker, Jeannie, Apr2007 11, 12; Apr2009 2; Apr2011 44;
Nov2011 3; Jan2014 4
Baker, Keith, Dec2008 52; Oct2010 25; Oct2013 56
Baker, Marjorie Plain, Dec2009 2
Baker, Nick, May2011 21
Baker, Roberta, Aug/Sept2007 53
Balan, Bruce, May2013 33
Baldacchino, Christine, Dec2014 5
bald eagles, Aug/Sept2011 13*; Oct2014 16–17
Bali, Mar2010 16–18*
Balian, Lorna, Oct2007 45
Ball, Jacqueline, Feb2013 9
Ballard, Robert, Jan2004 40, 41
ballerinas, May2006 18
ballet, Apr2012 3; May2012 11
Balliett, Blue, Apr2005 3; Dec2007 17; Feb2008 43;
Nov2008 19*; Feb2012 9; Aug/Sept2013 3;
Aug/Sept2014 43; Jan2016 55; Mar2016 2, 8, 15,
21; Apr2016 55
balloons (parade), May2012 38–41*
Balouch, Kristen, Nov2010 2
Baltuck, Naomi, Dec2006 28
Bang, Molly, Apr2006 32; Apr2007 3; May2010 23; Feb2011
18; Apr2011 9; Oct2011 2; Feb2013 3; Jan2015 2,
Bania, Michael, Mar2015 5
Banks, Jacqueline Turner, May2007 32
Banks, Kate, Oct2003 3; May2005 2–3; Aug/Sept2005 3;
Feb2008 48; Apr2009 2; Oct2011 3; Mar2013 11;
Jan2014 10, 18; Mar2015 11; Apr2015 43
Banks, Lynn Reid, May2008 42
Bankston, John, Nov2007 10
banned books, Aug/Sept2005 24–25; May2006 32–33
Banned Books Week, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 25;
Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2010
29*; Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2012 29*;
Aug/Sept2013 4*; Aug/Sept2014 28*; Aug/Sept2015
Banned Websites Awareness Day, Aug/Sept2015 29*
Banting, Erinn, Mar2007 55
Banyai, Istvan, Feb2014 20
Bany-Winters, Lisa, Feb2015 11
Barasch, Lynne, Jan2004 28, 30, 32; Mar2006 19; Jan2013
10; Dec2014 10; Dec2015 7
Barber, Nicola, May2012 8
Barber, Tiki and Ronde, Aug/Sept2007 16–17
Barchers, Suzanne, Nov2006 55; Mar2009 22*
Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta, May2008 22
Bardoe, Cheryl, Mar2007 21–22; Aug/Sept2007 16; Apr2014
Barker, Cicely Mary, Feb2005 24
Barker, Geoff, Dec2015 52
Barkow, Henriette, Feb2014 52
Barnard, Christiaan, Dec2006 28
Barner, Bob, Oct2014 29; Nov2014 4*
Barnes, Joyce Annette, Nov2003 15
Barnes, Julia, Oct2006 53
Barnett, Diana, Feb2014 6
Barnett, Mac, Oct2010 25–26; Mar2012 40; Aug/Sept2012 9;
Jan2013 9; Aug/Sept2013 2; Jan2014 41; May2014
54; Oct2014 50; Apr2015 22–23; Jan2016 7;
Apr2016 3
Barnhart, Norm, Oct2010 8
Barraclough, Sue, Apr2008 54, 55; May2013 21
Barrett, Judi, Apr2004 16; Nov2009 22; Aug/Sept2010 10
Barrett, Ron, Nov2009 22
Barrett, Tracy, Jan2008 9; Nov2012 11; Nov2014 5
Barretta, Gene, Jan2007 2; Mar2011 11; Jan2012 18;
May2013 27; Jan2014 52–54; Apr2014 23;
Mar2015 39
Barrie, James, May2007 29; Oct2007 29
Barrie, J. M., Aug/Sept2004 4; May2005 24
Barringer, Sarah, May2005 15
Barron, T. A., Feb2009 10; Nov2012 10; May2015 10–11
Barrow, Annie, May2011 41
Barrow Elementary Oral History Project, Dec2014 19–21;
Apr2015 48
Barry, Dave, May2007 29
Barry, Frances, Apr2013 21
Bartek, Mary, May2007 53
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell, Dec2008 54
Barton, Chris, Oct2011 40; Oct2013 55; Apr2014 10;
Aug/Sept2014 34
Barton, Clara, Dec2004 25; Feb2013 52–53; Apr2015 27
Base, Graeme, Nov2007 55; Jan2008 20; Apr2008 47;
Nov2008 18; Oct2010 10; Apr2011 44; Mar2012 10
Author Extensions, Apr2007 36–38
Meet the Author, Apr2007 30–35
baseball, Apr2004 46, 48; Nov2006 25–27; Mar2007 24;
Feb2008 31, 36; Mar2008 53–54; Apr2008 28;
May2008 21; Feb2013 25–27*; Feb2014 39–41*;
Mar2014 29*; Oct2014 5*; Apr2015 5*; Feb2016 39;
May2016 38–39, 55–56
baseball cards, May2016 7, 11
Bash, Barbara, May2005 25
Basher, Simon
Author Extensions, Mar2012 35–37*
Meet the Author, Mar2012 30–34
Baskin, Nora Raleigh, May2010 9; May2016 7
Bass, Jennifer Vogel, Dec2015 16
Bastien, Charles E., May2009 10
Batchelder, Mildred L., Jan2012 20
Batchelder Award, Dec2004 2–3
Bateman, Donna M., May2012 37
Bateman, Teresa, Aug/Sept2007 53
Bates, Ivan, Oct2008 44
Bates, Katharine Lee, Aug/Sept2011 2
Bates, Naomi, Nov2014 7
bats, Oct2004 5; Apr2007 42, 43; Oct2010 4*, 44–45*;
Feb2011 4*; May2012 31–32, 34–36, 46–50*
Batten, Mary, May2008 4; May2013 10; May2016 45
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn, Oct2004 3; Feb2008 3, 10, 11, 12
battles, epic, Feb2012 15
Bauer, Caroline Feller, Apr2004 30; Jan2005 7; Apr2006 35;
Mar2008 17; Apr2008 29; Mar2009 23
Bauer, Joan, Feb2008 43
Bauer, Marion Dane, May2005 20; Feb2007 39; Oct2012 5*;
Feb2013 11, 16; Apr2014 44; Mar2015 5
Baum, L. Frank, May2004 25; May2005 24; May2006 24;
May2009 4; Dec2010 51; May2012 28*; May2014
29; May2015 29*
Bausum, Ann, Feb2006 44; Aug/Sept2008 45
Baxter, Kathleen, Apr2006 21; Dec2006 49, 50
Bay, Elaine, Mar2005 4–5
Baylor, Byrd, Feb2005 29; Mar2005 24; Apr2016 25
Baynes, Pauline, Mar2013 11
Baysura, Kelly, Jan2007 54
beaches, May2008 21; Apr2009 53; Apr2015 35; Feb2016
Beall, Pamela Conn, Apr2005 10, 15; Oct2007 40
Beamer, Winona Desha, May2007 55
Bean, Jonathan, Dec2013 2; Apr2015 16–18
Bean, Raymond, Apr2016 26
Bean, Suzanne M., Jan2007 3
Bear, John, Apr2005 12
bears, Feb2008 53–55; Apr2008 28–29
beatboxing, Apr2012 15*
Beatles, Jan2007 6; Feb2015 3
Beaty, Andrea, Aug/Sept2008 46*; Jan2010 9;
Aug/Sept2010 2; Aug/Sept2012 23; May2013 49;
Apr2014 36; Mar2015 11, 23, 34–36; Aug/Sept2015
3; Feb2016 16
Beaucherie, Maryann, Dec2007 50
Beaumont, Karen, May2006 17; Oct2008 9, 45;
Aug/Sept2012 23; May2013 49; Mar2016 46
Beauregard, Lynda, Aug/Sept2014 10
Beccia, Carlyn, Feb2015 39–40
Beck, W. H., Aug/Sept2013 3; Apr2016 56
Becker, Aaron, May2014 23; Aug/Sept2014 3; Jan2015 11,
Becker, Bonny, Aug/Sept2012 10; Jan2014 10; Jan2016 23,
Becker, Helaine, May2014 12
Becker, Shari, Dec2008 2
Becker, Suzy, May2009 10; May2015 43
Bedford, David, Feb2011 45, 46
Bedore, Bob, Nov2015 8
bedtime, Dec2007 45–47; Mar2010 20–21; Feb2011 37–38;
May2013 47–49; Mar2014 41–43
Bee, William, Aug/Sept2006 3; Aug/Sept2014 54
Beecroft, Simon, Oct2007 24
Beeler, Selby, Feb2005 30–31; Feb2014 4; Feb2015 5;
Oct2015 16
Beer, Julie, Mar2014 31
Beers, Kylene, May2015 51
bees, Apr2011 14; Oct2012 3
Beethoven, Ludwig van, Dec2003 24; Apr2014 54
Begay, Shonto W., Nov2004 27
beginning readers, Dec2008 5*; Jan2009 3; Feb2012 20–23*
beginnings, Jan2012 2–3, 6–13*
Beha, Philippe, Dec2009 10
behavioral studies
sneaky tactics of, Apr2016 3*, 10*; May2016 4
truth in, Apr2010 15*; Mar2014 15*
appropriate behavior, Aug/Sept2012 39*
birth order research, Dec2008 12–13
bully-busting, Dec2005 13
character self-assessment, Aug/Sept2007 13
charitable giving, Apr2010 15*; Dec2013 15
child philanthropists, Apr2010 15*
color psychology, Nov2009 15
conflict resolution, Dec2005 13; Aug/Sept2010 14
determination, Jan2015 41–43; Mar2015 50–53;
Mar2016 17–18
emotional intelligence, Jan2016 10–12
exploring self-esteem, Oct2008 12*
goal setting, Aug/Sept2007 16–17; Feb2014 15
intergenerational buddies, Nov2010 12; Oct2015 10
lying, Mar2014 13, 14, 15
microcredit projects, Apr2010 15*; Apr2016 10
misunderstandings, Jan2011 51–55; Mar2014 20–23
multiple intelligences, Oct2008 12–13; Oct2015 8*, 9
nonviolence, May2015 51–53
opportunity costs, Mar2007 50–53+; Aug/Sept2009 45–
46*; Apr2016 15–17, 18–19
peace/conflict processes, Aug/Sept2010 16–17
peer mediation, Aug/Sept2010 14
peer pressure, Jan2011 12
positive behavior, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
research groups, Mar2009 35
self-identity, Nov2015 39–44
sensory impairment experiment, Jan2009 13
social circles, Aug/Sept2008 13
teaching, by students, Apr2015 15
violence in video games, Nov2015 8, 10
youth sports coaches, May2016 13
See also life skills
Behrens, Andy, Nov2014 10; May2016 8
Beil, Michael D., Aug/Sept2013 11; Aug/Sept2014 11
Beinstein, Phoebe, May2004 27
Be Kind to Animals Week, May2004 24–25; May2005 24–
25, 38; May2006 4, 24–25; May2007 28–29;
May2008 28–29; May2011 28*; May2014 4, 28;
May2015 28*
Belanger, Jeff, Jan2009 27
Bell, Alexander Graham, Mar2004 25; Mar2007 29; Apr2014
Bell, Cece, Oct2011 27; May2015 2; Aug/Sept2015 28*;
Oct2015 13
Beller, Susan Provost, Mar2004 10
Bellville, Cheryl Walsh, Jan2007 53; Oct2012 2
Bellwood, Nancy Auvenshine, Nov2003 5
Belpre, Pura, Jan2012 20
Bemelmans, Ludwig, Mar2005 16; Mar2008 28; Jan2009 42
Benchmark Education Company, Feb2006 42–48
Benitez, Miguel, May2012 24
Benjamin, Floella, Nov2010 2, Dec2010 11
Bennett, Cathy, 28–29 (Calendar) all issues
Bennett, Leonie, Jan2007 54
Bennett, Steve, Apr2004 16
Benson, Kathleen, Mar2009 26; Mar2016 56
Bentley, Dawn, Mar2006 51
Bentley, Joyce, Aug/Sept2009 53
Bently, Peter, Nov2011 41
Benton, Jim, Oct2009 10; Dec2009 26; Feb2011 9, Mar2012
8; Nov2014 56; Feb2016 7
Berardy, Lloyd, May2007 55
Berg, Barry, Nov2015 7
Berg, Brook, Oct2003 5; Feb2004 33–35
Berg, Elizabeth, May2009 23
Bergen, Lara, Feb2012 11; May2015 11
Berger, Barbara Helen, Dec2010 49
Berger, Gilda, Feb2013 10
Berger, Joe, Mar2012 38
Berger, Melvin, Jan2010 11; Feb2013 10; Nov2015 24
Berger, Samantha, Jan2011 18*
Bergman, Mara, Jan2010 2
Berkes, Marianne, Jan2015 28
Berkner, Laurie, Mar2013 16
Berlin, Eric, Oct2010 25*; Aug/Sept2014 11; Nov2015 38
Berman, Len, Feb2014 41
Bernasconi, Pablo, Nov2006 28
Bernatene, Poly, Oct2013 47; Mar2014 52
Berne, Emma Carlson, Dec2012 10
Berne, Jennifer, Mar2009 2; Nov2011 19–23*; Mar2014 2;
Oct2014 47; Feb2016 24
Bernhard, Durga, Nov2011 2
Bernier, Matthew, Aug/Sept2012 40
Bernstein, Nina, Oct2007 5; Oct2010 11
Bernstein, Richard, Apr2012 3
Bernstein, Robin, Feb2005 31
Berry, James, Feb2005 18
Berry, Joy, Dec2005 10, 12, 13
Berry, Lynn, Oct2012 19
Bersani, Shennen, Apr2009 10
Bertozzi, Nick, Oct2007 25
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales, Aug/Sept2009 10; Jan2016 7
Bertrand, Lynne, Jan2008 26; Feb2008 43
Beseres, Peggi, May2005 42–47
Best, Cari, Mar2007 26; Aug/Sept2008 9; Jan2011 11;
Mar2015 3; Oct2015 43; Nov2015 56
best, personal, Dec2011 2–3, 6–13*
Bethea, Nikole Brooks, Mar2015 38
Bettelheim, Bruno, Oct2007 2; Oct2011 19
Between a Rock & a Hard Place
An Interactive Library Orientation on a Shoestring
Budget, Aug/Sept2012 6–7*
Coping Without an Aide, Nov2012 42–43*
The Library Schedule, May2013 6–7*
My Budget Was Cut: What Do I Do Now?, Feb2013 6–
Planning Age-Appropriate Lessons, Oct2012 6–7*
Programming on a Shoestring, Jan2013 6–7*
Reader's Advisory, Dec2012 6–7*
Serving Multiple Campuses, Mar2013 6–7*
Top 10 Strategies for Demonstrating Value, Apr2013
Between the Lions, Feb2012 53*
Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award, Aug/Sept2011 53
Bevins, Pegi, Aug/Sept2006 36–43
Bial, Raymond, Nov2003 29; Dec2008 11
bibliographies. See lists, theme books
bibliography software, Aug/Sept2008 27
bibliotherapy, Apr2013 7
bicycle rodeos, Oct2015 45
bicycles, May2005 4*; May2006 4, 24–25; Oct2008 37;
May2010 5*; May2012 5*; Oct2015 42–45;
May2016 26–27
Biden, Jill, May2016 43
Bidner, Jenni, Mar2016 23
Biedrzycki, David, May2007 29; Oct2010 25; Mar2013 18
Big6™ organizing system, Feb2006 19, 21–23
Bike Safety Month, May2005 4*
Bildner, Phil, Nov2010 15, 17; Mar2011 3; Oct2014 47
bilingualism, Mar2004 4*; Nov2004 44–45; Dec2005 5;
May2012 18–19
Bill of Rights Day, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 25;
Dec2015 28*
Bilyeu, Linda, Dec2014 24
Bingham, Caroline, Jan2007 54; May2008 40
Bingham, Janet, Dec2011 18
Bingham, Kelly, Nov2012 3
Bingo Month, Dec2003 24–25
biographies, Feb2004 33–35; Mar2004 3, 8, 16, 17–19, 21;
Mar2007 8–13*, 22; Jan2008 52*; May2008 15, 28,
35; Feb2009 35–36, 37; Jan2011 20–26; May2014
14; Oct2014 46–48+; Mar2015 41–43; Oct2015 5;
Nov2015 42–43; Jan2016 38–39; Mar2016 5;
May2016 5, 12
"Birbal and the Line" (riddle story), Apr2005 20
Birch, Beverley, Jan2004 28
Bird, Betsy, Feb2014 28
Bird, Brad, Dec2008 10; Dec2014 10
bird feeding, Feb2007 28–29; Jan2008 28; Feb2008 29
birds, Feb2007 28–29; Mar2007 16–17; May2008 29;
Mar2011 48–50*; Jan2012 29*; May2012 2, 7, 10*,
16*; Mar2013 4; Apr2014 50*; Aug/Sept2014 36–
40; Oct2014 16–17; Jan2015 17; Jan2016 20–21
Birdsall, Jeanne, Nov2007 11; Mar2016 15; Apr2016 38
Birdseye, Tom, Apr2005 12; Oct2007 1, 10, 11, 12; Nov2008
11; May2011 11
Birney, Betty G., Jan2008 11, 14; May2011 11; Apr2015 5*
Birtha, Becky, Feb2007 2, 11, 12; Dec2015 24
birthdays, Oct2007 54–55; Dec2007 3; Jan2008 20–21;
Nov2015 2–3*; Dec2015 3; Jan2016 2–3*; Feb2016
3*; Mar2016 3*; Apr2016 3; May2016 3
birth order, Dec2008 12–13*
Bishop, Nic, Dec2003 8; Nov2012 32, 37*; Oct2014 11
Author Extensions, Mar2010 36–41*
Meet the Author, Mar2010 30–35*
Biskup, Agnieszka, Mar2015 10, 38
Bitterman, Albert, Jan2014 3
Black, Ann N., Nov2012 11
Black, Birdie, Dec2014 47
Black, Holly, Oct2006 29; Jan2008 4
Author Extensions, Oct2005 13–17
Meet the Author, Oct2005 8–12
Blackaby, Susan, May2004 17
Black History Month, Feb2004 5, 16–21, 24–25, 47;
Feb2005 4, 24–25; Feb2006 24–25; Feb2007 12*,
28–29; Feb2008 4, 28–29; Feb2009 5*; Feb2012
5+*, 29; Feb2013 28; Feb2014 29*; Feb2015 4;
Feb2016 28
Blackstone, Stella, Apr2008 54; May2009 10
Blackwell, Elizabeth, Jan2005 24; Feb2005 25;
Aug/Sept2015 56
Blackwood, Gary, Nov2011 9; Feb2015 9
Blair, Beth L., Aug/Sept2007 55
Blair, Eric, Mar2014 53
Blake, Quentin, Dec2015 3
Blake, Robert, Oct2006 54; Jan2007 29; Feb2007 49, 52,
53; Dec2012 54; Apr2013 46
Blake, William, Nov2007 11
Blanchard, Ellen, Mar2008 4
Blashfield, Jean F., Mar2004 10
Blaxland, Wendy, Dec2014 9; Dec2015 50, 52
Bledsoe, Lucy Jane, May2006 10; Jan2008 9; Mar2009 3;
May2010 10
Bletchley Park: Station X, Dec2004 40*
Blevins, Wiley, Dec2006 51; Dec2007 18
blimps, Aug/Sept2012 5*
blindness, Dec2011 52–53
Bliss, Harry, Jan2006 3; Oct2010 38; Oct2015 13; Mar2016
Bliss, John, Feb2015 44
blogs, Feb2007 5*; Mar2007 22; Nov2007 41; Feb2008 4;
May2008 4, 53; Dec2008 15; Dec2010 6*; May2012
on children's books, Jan2009 4–5*; Mar2015 4*;
Feb2016 25*
introduction to, Dec2008 15
by librarians, Mar2014 7*; Jan2015 6*; Mar2016 3*,
28*; May2016 2*
Salem Press’s Library Blog Center, Jan2014 5*
Blood, Charles L., May2008 49
Bloom, Suzanne, Oct2004 4; May2008 27; Aug/Sept2010
52, 55; Aug/Sept2014 12
Bloomer, Amelia, Nov2006 25
Bloom's Taxonomy, Oct2012 40*; Apr2015 39*
Blos, Joan W., Jan2004 41
Bluebonnet Medal, Jan2007 42
bluegrass music, Nov2007 45–47; Nov2010 21
Bluemle, Elizabeth, Dec2014 51
Blume, Judy, Nov2003 12; Feb2012 28*; Feb2013 5*;
Feb2016 3*
Blumenthal, Deborah, Dec2008 23
Blundell, Tony, Apr2005 14
Bluthenthal, Diana Cain, Mar2014 20
Bly, Nellie, Nov2003 25; May2005 25; Jan2008 29
board books, Nov2009 50–55
bobsledding, Dec2012 55
Bodecker, N. M., May2008 42
body, human, Feb2007 38–41; Oct2009 51–52; Dec2011 7,
11, 13; Jan2013 10, 13; Nov2015 24–27
body image, Dec2011 7,13
Boelts, Maribeth, Nov2005 2–3, 25; Aug/Sept2008 3;
Oct2008 11; Nov2010 2, Dec2011 9; Mar2013 48;
Nov2014 52; Apr2015 3; Jan2016 3, 47; Apr2016 8,
55; May2016 8, 49
Bogard, Shar, Mar2008 4
Bogart, Jo Ellen, Jan2013 31
Bohorquez, Luis Soriano, Dec2011 15
Boivin, Kelly, Aug/Sept2008 21
Bolden, Tonya, Feb2009 11; Feb2010 11; Nov2014 10
Boldt, Mike, Oct2014 49
Bollen, Marilyn Sadler, Oct2008 45
Bond, Felicia, Feb2004 30; May2010 30
Bond, Higgins, Oct2014 16
Bond, Michael, Oct2006 28
Bond, Rebecca, Nov2006 9, 11; May2011 10
Bond, Victoria, Mar2014 12
Boniface, William, Feb2012 42
Bonin, Jenny, Apr2011 12
Bonner, Hannah, Feb2006 42
Bonners, Susan, Jan2005 29, 32
Bonnett-Rampersaud, Louise, Aug/Sept2012 20
Bonning, Tony, Jan2010 3
Bonotaux, Giles, Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10
Bonsall, Crosby, Jan2015 29
Bonsen, Joost, Feb2016 7
Bonwill, Ann, Dec2012 19; Feb2015 42
book buddies, Feb2011 47
Book Club (former feature)
First Day, Hooray!, Aug/Sept2005 40–41
First Day Jitters, Aug/Sept2003 34–37
Garland of Riddles, Apr2005 16–21
A Russian Folktale, Feb2005 12–15
There's a Literature Book in the Science Lab!,
May2005 40–41
book clubs, Aug/Sept2009 5*; Jan2010 46*
animal lovers SPCA, Oct2008 5*
art projects in, Mar2016 14–16
creating a club, Oct2008 19
four approaches to, Nov2008 23–27
Guys Read & Succeed, Nov2008 44–45
Lazy Readers’ Book Club, Oct2014 22*
on love, Feb2011 13
Re(a)d Cape Clubs, May2015 50*
read-your-own-book club, Dec2015 4
book drives, Jan2007 24
book fairs, Aug/Sept2007 43–44; Nov2011 42–46; Nov2012
booklists. See lists, theme books
bookmarks, Mar2004 27; Aug/Sept2004 10; Dec2004 22–23,
26; Oct2005 7; Mar2007 12–13; May2008 39;
Mar2010 5; Oct2010 5; Apr2011 39; Mar2014 18*;
May2014 35; Apr2015 48*; May2015 6;
Aug/Sept2015 20–21*
book parades, Oct2005 5
book reports, Mar2007 4–5, 7; Oct2010 5*; Mar2012 29*
altering of, Apr2011 7
apps, Feb2012 54–55*
awards (See awards)
budgets for, Apr2014 6; May2015 19–21*
care of, Oct2005 7+; Oct2007 37; Feb2011 25–26*;
Aug/Sept2013 6; May2014 6, 7*; Oct2015 30–
31; Feb2016 4
challenges and contests, May2015 6; Aug/Sept2015 5*
cleaning permanent marker from, Jan2014 7
copyright pages of, Aug/Sept2015 20–21
displays (See displays)
with diversity, Oct2014 25, 56; Dec2014 7*; Oct2015
2–3, 6–10, 36–39, 40–41, 52–54, 55–56
e-books, Feb2012 52–54*; Oct2014 39–40
fiction book passes, Oct2011 16–18*
films adapted from, Oct2009 4; Mar2010 4
genres (See Gen*Response; individual genres)
illustrations in, Mar2011 54; Jan2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–
18, 22–24, 25–27, 41–43, 44–47*
informational texts, Dec2006 51; Aug/Sept2012 2–3,
16–19*; Nov2012 44–47; Jan2014 16–17*;
Mar2015 36*; Aug/Sept2015 18–19, 26–27;
Dec2015 21–22; Jan2016 8*
interactive, Feb2012 52–55*
making of, Jan2005 4, 14–16; Jan2007 36; Nov2009
15; Aug/Sept2012 28*
movies based on, Oct2009 4; Mar2010 4; Feb2015 43–
parts of, Jan2011 6–7; Feb2011 39; Mar2011 40*;
Aug/Sept2015 18–19*, 20–21
pop-up books, Jan2007 30–38, 40–43*; May2007 29
rating systems, Oct2011 17; Dec2011 38
recipes based on, Dec2015 17–19
recycling of, Apr2011 7
repair of, May2014 6, 7*; Feb2016 4
reviews of, Feb2006 6; Nov2007 12*; Dec2007 43*;
Mar2011 13; May2011 12; Dec2011 37–38*;
Dec2015 5*
selecting, Nov2007 19–20, 21; May2015 19–21
sharing with students, Nov2010 42–43; Feb2011 6–7*
student recommendations, Oct2008 23–27; Feb2011
7*; Feb2015 7; Feb2016 4
student selection of, May2015 19–21
swaps of, Dec2010 42–46*; Feb2011 47; Dec2014 6
title pages of, Aug/Sept2015 20–21
trailers, May2009 15–16*; Oct2013 13; Nov2014 7*;
Aug/Sept2015 14–17*
wordless, May2008 24; Oct2011 13; Mar2012 4;
Dec2012 13; Mar2013 5; May2014 20–23*,
25*; Aug/Sept2014 24–25; Jan2015 14, 23–
24, 46–47; Dec2015 44–48
See also books (4–8); books (K–3); books (P–K); lists,
theme books
books (4–8)
1-2-3 Draw Knights, Castles, and Dragons, Mar2013 9,
7 Secrets of Highly Successful Kids, Dec2003 8
10 Kings & Queens Who Changed the World, Mar2013
10-Minute Puppets, Apr2012 9
11,000 Years Lost, Jan2014 9
11 Birthdays, Jan2014 9
11 Planets: A New View of the Solar System, Apr2011
The 13 Clocks, Dec2014 28*
13 Planets: The Latest View of the Solar System,
Apr2014 9
The 13th Floor: A Ghost Story, Nov2003 16; Oct2005
28, 29, 30
14 Cows for America, Feb 2011 55; Dec2011 7, 26;
Mar2013 3
19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East,
Mar2013 38
20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea, May2016 7, 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mar2012 7, 12
The 25 Greatest Baseball Players of All Time, Feb2014
26 Fairmount Avenue, Nov2004 4; Mar2016 50
38 Ways to Entertain Your Parents on Summer
Vacation, May2011 8; May2013 8
50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth,
Apr2007 3
51 Wacky We-Search Reports, Dec2013 18
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Math,
Aug/Sept2013 9, 15
77 Creative Ways Kids Can Serve, Apr2015 9
100 Days and 99 Nights, Nov2010 54, Aug/Sept2011 9
100% Pure Fake, May2011 22
100 Things You Should Know About Sharks, Mar2012
101 Improv Games for Children and Adults, Nov2015
8, 9
101 Things You Gotta Do Before You're 12!, Mar2009
109 Forgotten American Heroes, May2015 17–18
145th Street: Short Stories, Nov2005 42; Feb2010 9
1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving, Nov2004 2, 31, 34;
Nov2013 3, 9; Nov2014 39
The 2000 Presidential Election (Landau), Oct2004 8
2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids, Oct2009
51; Mar2011 9, 22; Dec2011 27; Jan2013 4;
Mar2015 40
2095, Mar2012 7, 11
A is for Aarrgh!, Jan2004 27, 29
Abby Takes a Stand, Feb2007 9; Jan2011 8
ABC of African-American Poetry, Apr2009 30–31
Abe Lincoln at Last!, Jan2014 37
Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall Thin Tale,
Feb2009 17, 32, 35
Abe Lincoln’s Dream, Nov2014 24–27
About Time: A First Look at Time and Clocks, Mar2011
The Abracadabra Kid: A Writer's Life, Oct2007 27
Abraham Lincoln (D'Aulaire), Feb2004 2
Abraham Lincoln (Magic Tree House Fact Tracker),
Jan2014 38
Abraham Lincoln (Schmidt and Cohn), Feb2005 25
Absolutely Normal Chaos, Jan2005 40, 41
The Absolutely True Story: How I Visited Yellowstone
Park with the Terrible Rupes, Mar2006 29
Abstract Expressionism, Mar2016 20–21
Accidents May Happen, Jan2012 18
Ace Lacewing Bug Detective, May2007 29; Oct2010 25
Ace Your Animal Science Project, Apr2013 54
Ace Your Oral or Multimedia Presentation, Nov2014 9,
Ace Your Space Science Project, Apr2011 20
Achoo!: The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read
about Germs, Jan2010 9
Acting Out: Six One-Act Plays, Feb2015 9, 15
Action Figures: Paintings of Fun, Daring, and
Adventure, Mar2011 53
Active Kids, Dec2011 7
Actual Size, Apr2005 2; Apr2014 4
The A+ Custodian, Nov2005 3
Adaline Falling Star, Jan2014 34, 39
Addy's Craft Book, Mar2004 10
Addy's Wedding Quilt, Nov2003 29
Adobe Odes, Aug/Sept2008 36
Adolf Hitler (Daynes), Oct2007 23
Adventure Beneath the Sea, Nov2011 53
Adventures in Cartooning, Mar2010 54; May2014 9
Adventures in the Middle Ages, Mar2013 9
The Adventures of Beanboy, May2015 17–18
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Nov2007 29
The Adventures of Nanny Piggins, Apr2014 35–36
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Aug/Sept2013 9
The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, Feb2009 45, 46
The Aesop for Children, Dec2010 24
Afghan Dreams, May2009 3
African Acrostics, Mar2010 3
The African American Kitchen: Food for Body and
Soul, Feb2010 9
African Legends, Myths, and Folktales, Feb2015 9
The Afterlife, Feb2008 34
After the Dinosaurs: Mammoths and Fossil Mammals,
Oct2008 53
After the Last Dog Died, Dec2012 53
Agnes Parker…Girl in Progress, Dec2005 9, 13;
Oct2013 9, 14
Ah, Music!, Mar2005 7
Ain't Nothing But a Man, May2012 54
Airborne (Collins), Dec2003 2
The Airplane Alphabet Book, Dec2003 14
The Airplane Book (Bellville), Jan2007 53
Al Capone Does My Shirts, Nov2010 17; Feb2014 5*
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians, Aug/Sept2012 9
Alesia, Jan2012 33
Alexander, The Boy Soldier Who Conquered the
World, Nov2008 51
Alexander the Great (Demi), Nov2012 9
Alex Rider, the Gadgets, Oct2007 23
Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird, May2013 29*;
Mar2015 5
Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind the Peace Prize,
Aug/Sept2010 1, 9
Algebra and Geometry: Anything But Square, Mar2012
An Algonquian Year, Nov2004 14
Alia's Mission, May2014 9
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Mar2010 4*
Alice Waters and the Trip to Delicious, Dec2015 1, 57;
Jan2016 6
Alien Clones from Outer Space, Aug/Sept2015 41
Alien Feast, Mar2012 43
Alien for Rent, Dec2005 9
Aliens Are Coming! The True Account of the 1938 War
of the Worlds Radio Broadcast, Oct2007 4;
Nov2007 17; Oct2014 10
Aliens on Vacation, Mar2012 2
All About Sign Language, May2012 20; Apr2014 56
All about Sleep from A to Zzzz, May2013 9
All About Tide Pools, Apr2009 52
All Dogs Go to Heaven, Oct2009 54
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,
Mar2014 22
All New Crafts for Earth Day, Apr2007 9
All New Crafts for Mother's Day and Father's Day,
May2011 54; May2016 47
All-of-a-Kind Family, May2008 29
All of the Above, Feb2010 9
All the Stars in the Sky: Native Stories from the
Heavens, Mar2008 8
All the Way Home, Oct2012 9
All the Way to Lhasa, Dec2010 49
All the World’s a Stage, Feb2015 9, 14
All You Can Be, Jan2011 26
Almost Astronauts, Dec2014 37–38
Almost Famous (Getz), Jan2007 9
Almost Late to School, Aug/Sept2005 8
Always Gramma, Feb2014 35
Always Remember Me, Oct2005 3
Amazing Faces, Nov2010 25–27*; Dec2014 53;
Oct2015 8
The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher, Oct2013 9
Amazing Greek Myths of Wonder and Blunders,
Nov2012 9
Amazing Magic, Oct2010 8
Amazing Magic Tricks, Oct2010 8
Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself,
Feb2016 9
The Amazing Mr. Franklin, Aug/Sept2013 55
The Amazing Paper Cuttings of Hans Christian
Anderson, Dec2010 9, 13
The Amazing Work of Scientists with Max Axiom,
Nov2013 54
Amber Brown Goes Fourth, Aug/Sept2008 8; Feb2011
Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart, Nov2003 3
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride, Aug/Sept2004 27;
Dec2011 25
Amelia Earhart: The Legend of the Lost Aviator,
Aug/Sept2013 9
Amelia's 6th Grade Notebook, Aug/Sept2008 8
Amelia's Itchy-Twitchy, Lovey-Dovey Summer at Camp
Mosquito, May2011 8, 14
Amelia's Notebook, Oct2014 10
Amelia to Zora, Feb2013 55; Mar2013 27
America Is Under Attack, Feb2012 3
Americana Adventure, Aug/Sept2011 10
American Born Chinese, Mar2010 52
American Food, Dec2015 50
The American Indian Experience, Nov2013 9
The American Merchant Marine at War, Mar2009 25*
An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of
the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, Jan2010
9, 16–18*
American Quilt Making, Nov2003 30
The American Story: 100 True Tales, Aug/Sept2011 9
Americans Who Tell the Truth, Aug/Sept2011 10, 14
American Tall Tales (Osborne), Jan2008 26; Jan2014
America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle,
Nov2006 26
America's Latinos: Their Rich History, Culture, and
Traditions, Aug/Sept2009 9
America the Beautiful: A Pop-up Book, Feb2011 8;
Aug/Sept2011 9
America Votes: How Our President Is Elected, Oct2004
2–3; Feb2008 1, 8–9; Aug/Sept2008 45
Am I a Color Too?, Nov2009 3
An Amish Year, Oct2004 29
Among the Free, Nov2006 5
Among the Hidden, Jan2015 32–33
Amos Fortune: Free Man, Nov2010 7; Apr2015 9
Amundsen and Scott's Race to the South Pole,
Dec2012 53
Ancient Egypt: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of the
Past, Nov2012 24
Ancient Fire, Mar2012 46
Ancient Greece and the Olympics, May2008 10;
Feb2014 9
Ancient Greek Children, Nov2008 51; Nov2012 9
Ancient India (Dalal), Nov2012 9
Ancient Roman Children, Nov2008 51
Ancient Transportation: From Camels to Canals,
May2009 9
Andrew Carnegie: Builder of Libraries, Feb2009 22;
Aug/Sept2013 55
And to Think That We Thought That We'd Never Be
Friends, Mar2005 7; Nov2005 44; Oct2013 9
Angel Girl, Feb2009 3
Angelo, Dec2003 40–41
Angels Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems, Apr2004 3
Animal Baths: Wild and Wonderful Ways Animals Get
Clean, Apr2013 55
Animal Dads, Mar2006 39
Animal Families, Animal Friends, Jan2013 9
Animal Heroes: True Rescue Stories, Oct2009 51;
Apr2013 9; May2015 9, 14
Animalia, Apr2007 30
Animal Poems, Mar2010 3
Animals & Art Activities, Apr2013 9, 14
Animals in the House: A History of Pets and People,
Dec2009 9
Animal Snoops, Apr2013 54
Animals That Changed the World, Apr2013 54
Animals Welcome: A Life of Reading, Writing, and
Rescue, Apr2013 45
Animals with Jobs: Guide Dogs, Oct2006 53
Animal Talk: How Animals Communicate through
Sight, Sound and Smell, Oct2009 9
Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes, Feb2005 29
Annabel the Actress Starring in Hound of the
Barkervilles, Nov2006 9
Anna Maria's Gift, Dec2012 43
Anna & Natalie, Dec2011 53
Anne Bonny and Mary Read: Fearsome Female
Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 31
Anne Elizabeth's Diary, May2006 25
Anne Hutchinson's Way, Nov2010 15
Annie and Helen, Apr2014 53; Aug/Sept2015 23–25
Annie and the Old One, Nov2004 31; Nov2010 7;
Nov2013 9, 26
Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer, Oct2014 47
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar, Jan2006 24
The Annotated Brothers Grimm, Oct2007 9
An Annoying ABC, Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
Any Small Goodness, Aug/Sept2009 9
Apples to Oregon, Jan2008 26; Feb2009 32–33;
Mar2009 3, 51
Arcady’s Goal, May2015 2–3
Archaeologists Dig for Clues, Nov2012 9
Archers, Alchemists, and 98 Other Medieval Jobs,
Mar2013 9
Archer's Quest, Nov2007 34–35; Nov2008 9; Mar2012
Architecture According to Pigeons, Aug/Sept2014 36
Archvillain, Mar2012 43
Arctic (Cole), Feb2007 52
Arctic Lights, Arctic Nights, Feb2007 52
Are We Alone? Scientists Search for Life in Space,
Mar2008 3, 8–9; Mar2012 7
Are You Afraid Yet?, Oct2011 23
Arly's Run, Mar2006 18
Around the World in 100 Days, Nov2011 9
Around the World on Eighty Legs, Apr2013 54
Around the World: Who's Been Here?, Jan2005 28–29
The Arrival, May2012 7; May2014 22
Arriving at Ellis Island, Oct2006 9
The Arrow Over the Door, Nov2004 12
The Art Book for Children, Mar2015 44
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, Mar2007 29
Art for Kids: Comic Strips, May2014 9
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical
World Around You, Oct2005 11–12
Art Is..., Apr2012 9
Artist to Artist: 23 Major Illustrators, Mar2011 54;
Jan2015 10
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, Apr2012 48–50*;
Mar2016 47
Arts and Crafts of the Aztecs and Maya, Nov2012 9
Art That Moves, Feb2015 44
The Art Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 9, 13*
Ashanti to Zulu, Feb2005 18; Dec2006 39–40, 48;
Aug/Sept2013 31, 37
Ashley Bryan’s Puppets, Feb2016 56
Ashley Bryan: Words to My Life's Song, Feb2010 3;
Apr2012 9
Asian Art, Mar2015 44
Ask the Bones, Oct2011 23
Asterix at the Olympic Games, Apr2006 25
Astonishing Bodies, Nov2015 26
Astronaut Academy, Mar2014 29; Oct2015 14
Atalanta's Race, May2004 4
At Home in a New Land, Mar2009 9
Athletes with Disabilities, Dec2011 54
Atomic Ace, May2014 9
The A to Z of Inventions and Inventors, Aug/Sept2008
Attack of the Butt-Biting Sharks, Jan2010 52
Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies, Aug/Sept2010 2; Apr2014
Attack of the Killer Video Book Take 2, Feb2015 9
Attack of the Turtle, Nov2010 15
Audubon: Life and Art in the American Wilderness,
Mar2007 17
Audubon: Painter of Birds in the Wild Frontier,
Aug/Sept2014 38
August House Book of Scary Stories, Oct2011 23
Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair,
Mar2009 34
Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky,
Feb2012 46; Feb2015 4
Auntie Yang's Great Soybean Picnic, Nov2012 16–18*;
Dec2014 3, 9
Aurora County All-Stars, May2007 52
Author (Lester), Feb2005 41
Authors in the Kitchen: Recipes, Stories and More,
Dec2006 25
Author Talk, Jan2013 53
Autumnblings, Nov2010 4; Oct2012 9, 14; Apr2014 21
Autumn Street, May2007 16
Awesome Ocean Science: Investigating the Secrets of
the Underwater World, Apr2009 9
Aye-Aye: An Evil Omen, Apr2013 53
Baa! The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read
About Genes and Cloning, Nov2003 15, 19
Babe and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure, Apr2008
28; Aug/Sept2013 9
Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The Making of a Champion,
May2008 10
The Baby Grand, the Moon in July, and Me, Nov2003
Babymouse: Dragonslayer, Apr2010 3
Babymouse for President, Oct2012 54
Babymouse Our Hero, Aug/Sept2008 9
Babymouse: Queen of the World, May2014 9
Bach's Goldberg Variations, Dec2012 43
Back in Time with Benjamin Franklin, Mar2011 9, 13
Backpack Stories, Mar2010 54
Backyard Bird Watching for Kids, Feb2006 47
Backyard Detective: Critters Up Close, Mar2010 41
Backyard Pets: Activities for Exploring Wildlife Close to
Home, Mar2010 9
A Backyard Vegetable Garden for Kids, Mar2011 24;
May2013 53
Bad Babysitter, Apr2016 38
The Bad Beginning, Dec2012 34–36*
Bad Guys: True Stories of Legendary Gunslingers,
Mar2007 9; Nov2008 9
Bad News for Outlaws, Feb2010 2; Jan2011 21, 24;
Dec2011 25; Feb2012 3; Feb2014 32, 37;
May2015 9, 13
Bake and Make Amazing Cookies, Dec2013 54
The Ballad of Lucy Wippie, Jan2007 29
The Ballad of the Pirate Queens, Aug/Sept2007 31
The Ballad of Valentine, Feb2011 9
Ballet for Martha, Jan2012 21; Jan2013 3
The Ballot Box Battle, Oct2004 3; Feb2008 3;
Aug/Sept2008 45
Bananas (Landau), May2004 16
A Band of Angels, Feb2009 30, 35; Feb2010 19
Barack, Feb2010 3
Barack Obama: The Politics of Hope, Feb2010 9
The Barbarossa Brothers: Sixteenth-Century Pirates,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Barfing in the Backseat: How I Survived My Family
Road Trip, Jan2010 52
Barnum Brown: Dinosaur Hunter, Oct2008 53
Barnum's Bones, Aug/Sept2013 2–3; Oct2014 47
Baseball Saved Us, May2006 8; May2007 3, 32, 35;
May2016 7, 12
BASE Jumping, May2016 41–42
Basketball (Or Something Like It), May2010 9;
May2016 7, 13
The Battle for Wondla, Aug/Sept2015 28*
The Battle of the Labyrinth, May2014 35–36
Be a Better Babysitter, Mar2011 24
Be a Better Biker, Oct2015 42
Beachcombing: Exploring the Seashore, May2011 20
Be a Demolition Engineer, Oct2009 54
Be a Friend: Children Who Live with HIV, Dec2011 54
Be a Friend: The Story of African American Music,
Feb2008 4
Be a Mime, Apr2012 10
Bearwalker, Nov2013 9
The Beastly Arms, Oct2009 35
Be a Storm Chaser, Feb2013 9
Beatrix Potter (Wallner), Jan2006 8–9
Beautiful Beads, Oct2011 9, 13
Beauty and the Beast (Eilenberg), Feb2011 9
Beauty and the Beast (Mayer), Aug/Sept2007 9
Because of Mr. Terupt, Aug/Sept2012 9, 14
Because of Winn-Dixie, Aug/Sept2006 30–37, 40–42;
Jan2008 9; Feb2008 16–17; Dec2009 9
Becoming Felix, Nov2006 9, 12; Feb2011 9
Becoming Joe DiMaggio, Oct2006 9, 13; Feb2009 9
Becoming Naomi León, Aug/Sept2009 9; Apr2012 10;
Dec2014 52
Beetles, Bugs, and Butterflies, Feb2009 23
The Bee Tree, Apr2011 54
A Beginning, a Muddle, and an End: The Right Way to
Write Writing, Feb2009 45
Being a Stunt Performer, Feb2015 44
Belly-Busting Worm Invasions, Dec2013 4
The Beloved Dearly, Nov2008 9
Ben and Me, Oct2005 26–27
Ben Franklin's Almanac, Apr2011 31
Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack for Kids,
Dec2010 25
Ben's Dream, Dec2011 31, 38
Beowulf (Rumford), Oct2014 10
Bernie Magruder & the Drive-Thru Funeral Parlor,
May2007 53
Bessie Smith and the Night Riders, Mar2009 27
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Dec2004 16
The Best Halloween Ever, Oct2005 25
Best New Games, Jan2013 9; Jan2016 8, 9
The Best Part of Me, Dec2011 7
Be the Boss of Your Sleep, May2013 22
The Better Brown Stories, Apr2006 8
Better Nate Than Ever, Feb2015 3, 28
Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake, Aug/Sept2012 44–
Betty Doll, Mar2009 31, 33
Between Heaven and Earth, Aug/Sept2014 40
Between Madison and Palmetto, Dec2015 6
Beware! It's Friday the 13th, Jan2006 25
Beyond Courage, Dec2013 32
Beyond Mayfield, Feb2007 9; Feb2014 31
Beyond the Deepwoods, Aug/Sept2011 4
Beyond the Great Mountains, Feb2006 9–10, 14, 16;
Oct2015 37
The BFG, Feb2012 2; May2013 9, 13; Aug/Sept2014
29; May2016 21–23
Big Bang!, Jan2012 7
The Big Blueberry Barf-Off!, Jan2010 52
The Big Book of Help!, May2013 39
A Big Cheese for the White House, Jan2009 43
Big Hairy Drama, Feb2015 10
The Big Idea Science Book, Apr2014 9
Big Jabe, Jan2008 26
Big Moon Tortilla, Jan2008 9, 11; Aug/Sept2009 52;
Dec2015 18
Big Nate: In a Class by Himself, Feb2011 21
The Big Test, May2013 9
Billions of Years, Amazing Changes, May2012 2;
Apr2013 9, 14; Apr2014 9
Bill Nye the Science Guy's Big Blue Ocean, Nov2011
Bill Nye the Science Guy's Great Big Dinosaur Dig,
Feb2006 42–43
Billy and the Rebel, Dec2005 3; Feb2009 33
Bing Bang Boing, Nov2007 49
Binky the Space Cat, May2014 1, 10
Binny in Secret, Jan2016 55
Biofuels, Mar2011 25
The Biography of Silk, Mar2011 25
Biology: Life As We Know It, Mar2012 37
Biomimicry, Mar2015 9, 14; Feb2016 27
Bionics, Mar2015 9
The Birchbark House, Nov2004 3; Mar2009 3; Apr2010
30–34, 37–38
Birdfeeders, Mar2011 26
Bird Guide of North America, Aug/Sept2014 36
Birdhouses, May2011 21
Bird in a Box, Feb2013 31
Bird Lake Moon, Dec2008 3; Aug/Sept2011 38
Birds in the Bushes: A Story about Margaret Morse
Nice, Mar2010 9
Bird Springs, Mar2016 7, 10
The Birthday Storm, May2010 53
Bizarre Birds, Feb2006 47
Bizarre Bugs, May2008 40
Black and White (Macaulay), Dec2003 40
Black Angels, Feb2007 9–10
Blackbeard's Last Fight, Feb2005 9
Blackbeard's Sword: The Pirate King of the Carolinas,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Black Beauty, Mar2005 25; May2014 4
Black Cat, Feb2007 32; Feb2010 42
The Blacker the Berry, Nov2009 3; Feb2010 42
A Black Hole Is Not a Hole, Feb2013 3; Aug/Sept2013
20–22*; Oct2014 20
Blackout, May2013 24–27
Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine,
1845-1850, Dec2008 54
The Black Prince and Other Egyptian Folk Tales,
Nov2012 40
The Black Snowman, Feb2007 29
Blast to the Past, Oct2008 55*
The Blizzard's Robe, Dec2012 21
Blizzard! The 1888 Whiteout, Feb2013 9
Blizzard! The Storm That Changed America, Mar2006
8, 12, 13; Mar2008 29
A Blizzard Year, Mar2006 8–9, 12
Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci, Nov2014 5
Bloomability, Jan2005 44–45
Blueberries for the Queen, Mar2013 23
Blue Cheese Breath and Stinky Feet, Oct2013 9
The Blue Fairy Book, Dec2006 54
Blue Jasmine, Oct2006 3; May2007 2
The Blues Go Birding across America, Aug/Sept2011
Blues Journey, Feb2007 30–32; Nov2009 9
The Blues Singers, Feb2006 24
Bluestem, Mar2009 9
Blue Tights, Feb2016 48–49
Bluffton, May2014 3; Feb2015 2
Bo, America's Commander in Leash, Feb2010 52
Bo at Ballard Creek, Aug/Sept2014 3
The Bobbin Girl, Aug/Sept2007 28
Bobsledding and the Luge, Dec2012 55
Bobsleigh, Luge, and Skeleton, Feb2014 9
Body Talk: The Straight Facts on Fitness, Nutrition &
Feeling Great about Yourself!, Oct2008 8–9
Boeing 747 (Glassman), Jan2007 54
Bomb and Mine Disposal Officers, Nov2013 56
Bomb: The Race to Build - and Steal - the World's Most
Dangerous Weapon, Aug/Sept2013 44–45
Bones: Skeletons and How They Work, Oct2011 20
A Book of Coupons, Aug/Sept2004 3; May2014 5
The Book of Goddesses, Feb2013 54
The Book of New Family Traditions, Dec2014 27
A Book of Sorcerers and Spells, Feb2005 7
The Book of Story Beginnings, Oct2010 9
Book Speak!, Oct2014 55
Boom!, Aug/Sept2010 2; Mar2012 2
Borders, Aug/Sept2008 36
Born and Bred in the Great Depression, Oct2012 51
The Borning Room, May2008 50
Born to Be a Cowgirl, Mar2004 11
Born to Be Giants, Mar2012 3
Born to Fly, Nov2010 17
Born to Pull, Feb2007 52
The Borrowers, Apr2007 4; Oct2011 9, 13; Apr2013
Boston Marathon, May2016 8, 12
Bowman's Store, Nov2004 6, 10
Boxes for Katje, Jan2005 2–3
The Box That Watch Found, Aug/Sept2014 9, 14
Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs!, Feb2006 44
The Boy, the Bear, the Baron, the Bard, Jan2006 25
A Boy Called Slow, Nov2004 13; Jan2011 23; Nov2013
Boycott Blues, Feb2013 32, 37
The Boy in the Dress, Feb2012 2; Jan2013 2
The Boy in the Garden, Apr2013 31, 35
The Boy of a Thousand Faces, Oct2003 42; Oct2009
The Boy on Fairfield Street: How Ted Geisel Grew Up
to Become Dr. Seuss, Mar2007 1, 9, 12;
Jan2013 52
The Boy on the Wooden Box, Oct2013 28
The Boy's Book of Positive Quotations, Dec2011 7, 11
Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman, Mar2012 7;
May2014 10, 15
Boys Rock!, May2011 9
Boys Who Rocked the World, Oct2015 17
The Boy Who Changed the World, Aug/Sept2015 6
The Boy Who Could Fly Without a Motor, Dec2003 8
The Boy Who Drew Birds, Feb2006 47; Mar2007 16–
17; Aug/Sept2014 38; Apr2015 28
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Feb2013 2;
Mar2015 1, 3, 9; Feb2016 7, 33–35
The Boy Who Invented TV, Jan2011 21; Oct2011 40
The Boy Who Lived with the Bears and Other Iroquois
Stories, Nov2004 12
The Boy Who Loved Math, Nov2014 5
The Boy Who Loved Words, Oct2006 21–23; Feb2009
The Boy Who Saved Baseball, Mar2008 53; May2011
The Boy Who Saved Cleveland, Jan2010 9
The Bracelet, Feb2005 25
Brainstorm! The Stories of Twenty American Kid
Inventors, Mar2011 9
Brave Girl, Nov2014 10; May2015 52
Brave Irene, Dec2004 15
Brave Jack and the Unicorn, Oct2010 9
The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto,
Oct2006 54
The Bravest Woman in America, Oct2014 47
Bravo Max, Feb2009 43
Bread Before the Store, Oct2012 38, 39
Breadcrumbs, Dec2012 2
Breaking Ground, Breaking Silence: The Story of New
York's African Burial Ground, Feb2010 42
Breaking Through, Dec2004 8–9
Breathing Room, Feb2013 44
Bridges! Amazing Structures to Design, Build and Test,
May2008 29
Bridge to America, Oct2006 9, 13
Bridge to Terabithia, Nov2007 9; Mar2010 9–10;
Aug/Sept2012 31–32, 36
Bright Path: Young Jim Thorpe, Mar2009 27
Brighty of the Grand Canyon, Feb2005 25
Brilliant African-American Scientists, Oct2015 22
The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z., Apr2014 20–21
The Brixen Witch, Apr2015 5
Brixton Brothers 3, May2012 53
Bronx Masquerade, Feb2010 33–34
Brooklyn Bridge (Curlee), May2006 25; Mar2015 3, 9,
Brooklyn Bridge (Tieck), Mar2015 24
Brothers (Yin), Apr2007 52–53
Brothers and Sisters, Jan2012 38
The Brothers Grimm: Two Lives, One Legacy,
Dec2010 9
Brothers in Hope, Jan2006 3; Feb2011 24; May2012 7;
Jan2013 9
The Brothers Kennedy, Oct2012 52
Brown Angels, Apr2004 3
Brown Girl Dreaming, Oct2015 41
Bubble Homes and Fish Farts, Jan2010 53; Apr2011
Bubonic Plague: The Black Death!, Aug/Sept2011 26
Bucking the Sarge, Feb2004 40
Bud, Not Buddy, Jan2004 3; Feb2004 36–40, 41–46
Buddha Boy, Dec2005 9, 13
The Buddha's Diamonds, Feb2011 24
Buddies, Oct2008 32
The Buddy Files, May2010 40–42*
Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly, Aug/Sept2006 6
The Buffalo Are Back, Apr2013 22, 23
Buffalo Bird Girl, Nov2013 2
Buffalo Song, Oct2008 39–41*; Nov2013 36
The Buffalo Storm, Mar2009 15–18; Feb2013 45
Bug-a-licious, Oct2009 54
Bug Athletes, Oct2011 9
Bug Hunters, Oct2011 53
Bugs! (Greenberg), May2008 41
Bugs and Bugsicles, Oct2011 54
The Bug Scientists, May2008 40
Bugs on Your Body, Oct2011 54
Bugs Up Close, May2008 40
Build a Burrito, Aug/Sept2009 52
Building a House, Mar2011 26
Building Big, Dec2003 39–40, 41, 42
Building on Nature: The Life of Antoni Gaudi, Mar2011
Building the Great Wall of China, Mar2010 55
Built to Last (Macaulay), Mar2015 9
Built to Last (Sullivan), Mar2015 24
Bull Run, Jan2004 35
Bully-Be-Gone, Jan2007 9; Feb2016 7
Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery, Oct2006 30–31,
36; Oct2014 5
The Bunyans, Jan2008 24
Buried Alive: How 33 Miners Survived, Feb2013 9, 43–
Buried Onions, Feb2008 34
The Butterfly (Polacco), Aug/Sept2007 15
Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow,
Mar2010 10
The Butterfly Jar, Apr2004 14
The Butter Man, Jan2010 3
Butt Ugly, Jan2010 52
The Buzz on Bees, Apr2011 9,14
By My Brother's Side, Oct2012 55
Cabin on Trouble Creek, Feb2007 29
Cactus Hotel, Oct2009 48
A Caldecott Celebration, Jan2006 9, 19; Apr2006 32;
Nov2007 10; Jan2015 10, 13
The Calder Game, Nov2008 16–19*; Mar2016 15
Call Me Aram, Dec2009 24
Caminar, Aug/Sept2014 3
Camp Babymouse, May2008 3; May2011 9
The Camping Trip That Changed America, Oct2015 28
Canada Votes, 7th Revised Edition: How We Elect Our
Government, Aug/Sept2008 45
Candy Corn Poems, Oct2007 45
Candy Experiments, Dec2015 38
The Canning Season, Mar2005 24
Canto Familiar, Feb2008 37
Can You Guess My Name?, Oct2007 32
Can You See What I See: Toyland Express, Oct2012
32–33, 37
Can You See What I See: Treasure Ship,
Aug/Sept2014 9
Can You Survive in the Special Forces?, Nov2013 55
Captain Arsenio: Inventions and (Mis)Adventures in
Flight, Nov2006 28
Captain Nobody, May2015 10, 17–18
Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery, Oct2008 54
Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates, Oct2008 54
Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Talking, Nov2006 8, 9,
Careers in Sports Medicine, Apr2004 20
The Caribou Feed Our Soul, Nov2013 9
Carl Sandburg, Jan2005 25
Caroline, Oct2007 3, 9, 13
Carol of the Brown King: Nativity Poems, Apr2009 31
Cars on Mars: Roving the Red Planet, Oct2009 53
Carver: A Life in Poems, Mar2007 9, 12; Nov2007 2
Case Closed, Oct2011 9
The Case of the Ad That Subtracts, May2014 55
The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity, Oct2010
25; Aug/Sept2012 9
The Case of the Firecrackers, Nov2008 17
The Case of the Goblin Pearls, May2007 32
The Case That Time Forgot, Nov2012 55
Cassie's Sweet Berry Pie, Dec2006 25
Castle, Mar2015 3, 9
The Cat at the Wall, Apr2015 3
Cat Champions, Apr2015 41
Catching the Moon, Apr2009 53
Cathedral, Mar2015 3, 9
Catherine, Called Birdy, Oct2012 4*
Cats Are Cats, Apr2015 42
Cat's Eye Corner, Oct2010 9
Caves and Caverns, Dec2006 51
Celebrate Chinese New Year, Dec2010 53
Celebrate Kwanzaa, Dec2013 9
Celebrating a Quinceanera, Jan2012 7; Dec2014 9
Celebrating Hanukkah (Hoyt-Goldsmith), Dec2004 17
Celebrating Kwanzaa (Hoyt-Goldsmith), Dec2007 9
Celebration Food, Oct2009 54
Celebrations (Kindersley), Dec2004 30
Celebrities Giving Back, Apr2015 10, 13
Cemetery Quilt, Nov2003 29
Center Court Sting, Mar2006 28
Centsibility, Apr2016 8, 9, 10
The Champ: The Story of Muhammad Ali, Nov2014 33
Charles Darwin: The Life of a Revolutionary Thinker,
May2005 34, 39
Charles Schulz: The Story of the Peanuts Gang,
May2014 10
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Aug/Sept2014 43
Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Making Money,
Apr2016 38
Charlotte's Web, Nov2004 25; Oct2006 31–32;
Dec2007 53, 55; May2008 41, 42;
Aug/Sept2010 24, 42
Chasing Lincoln's Killer, Jan2011 24
Chasing Redbird, Jan2005 41–42
Chasing Vermeer, Apr2005 3; Dec2007 17; Feb2008
43; Feb2012 9; Aug/Sept2014 43; Mar2016 2,
8, 15, 21
Chemistry: Getting a Big Reaction!, Mar2012 27
Chess! I Love It! I Love It!, Nov2015 6
Chickadee, Nov2013 3
The Chicken Doesn't Skate, May2005 35, 38
Chicken Feathers, Dec2009 9
Chicken Socks and Other Contagious Poems, Apr2012
Chicken Soup, Boots, Nov2006 2
Children Just Like Me, Nov2007 54; Nov2011 27;
Dec2014 26
Children of Native America Today, Nov2013 9
Children of Northern Ireland, Mar2007 54
Children of Puerto Rico, Aug/Sept2004 8
Children of the Civil Rights Era, Feb2007 10
Children of the Fire, Oct2004 25
Children of the Longhouse, Oct2005 2
Children of Topaz, May2007 3
Children's Authors and Illustrators Too Good to Miss,
Aug/Sept2006 44
The Children’s Homer, Aug/Sept2014 47
Child's Day in a Brazilian Village, Oct2007 54
Child's Day in a Ghanaian City, Oct2007 54
A Child's Day in an Egyptian City, Nov2012 54
A Child's Garden: A Story of Hope, Feb2013 45
Childtimes, Jan2012 32, 36
The Chimpanzees I Love, Aug/Sept2012 18
Chimp Math, Jan2014 9
Chinese Fairy Tale Feasts, Dec2015 50
Chinese Food, Dec2015 50
The Chiru of High Tibet, Dec2010 47–49*
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again, May2013 3
Chocolate Ants, Maggot Cheese..., Jan2012 54
Chocolate: Riches from the Rainforest, Nov2006 55
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Golden Path,
Aug/Sept2007 4
Chrissa Stands Strong, May2010 53
Christmas Around the World (Kelley), Dec2007 9, 12,
13; Dec2013 9
A Christmas Carol, Dec2007 23, 26
The Christmas Coat, Nov2013 24
Christmas Farm, Apr2010 3
The Christmas Genie, Dec2010 52
Christmas in Camelot, Jan2014 37
Christmas in the Big House, Dec2007 9, 13, 32
Christmas Spirit: Two Stories, Dec2004 17
Christopher Paul Curtis, Jan2013 52
Chronal Engine, Mar2012 5*
Chuck Close: Face Book, Dec2013 3; Oct2014 10, 13
Cinderella, Dec2010 9, 15
Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper, Apr2008 8–9
Cinderella Skeleton, Apr2005 11
The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child,
Dec2004 6, 7–9, 10, 11*; Oct2012 9, 15
Citizen Scientists, Aug/Sept2013 2; Jan2016 22
City Chickens, Apr2013 2
City Green, Apr2015 10
City of Ember, Mar2012 8
A City Through Time, Jan2014 9
The City under the Back Steps, May2008 42
The Civil Rights Movement for Kids, Apr2006 24;
Feb2007 12
Clarice Bean, That's Me, Nov2003 15
Classic Starts: Around the World in 80 Days, May2009
9; Nov2011 9
Classifying Birds, Jan2016 20, 22
Classifying Insects, Oct2011 51
Class President (Hurwitz), Aug/Sept2004 39
Clementine, Dec2008 10
Clever Trevor, Oct2013 9, 15
Click! A Story about George Eastman, Mar2007 9–10
Climbing Lincoln's Steps, Dec2010 54
Climbing Your Family Tree, Nov2007 37
Cliques, Phonies and Other Baloney, Aug/Sept2003
14, 19; Aug/Sept2005 8, 13; Oct2013 9
Closed for the Season, Oct2010 26
Close Encounters with Aliens, Mar2008 9; Mar2012 8
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Apr2004 16;
Nov2009 22
Club Earth, Mar2008 9, 13
The Clue in the Recycling Bin, Apr2015 10
Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!, May2016 8, 10, 13
A Coach's Letter to His Son, May2010 9
Cobwebs, Chatters, and Chills, Oct2011 23
Codes and Ciphers (Callery), Nov2008 18
Codes and Ciphers (Gilbert), Mar2011 24;
Aug/Sept2014 9–10, 14
Code Talker: A Novel about the Navajo Marines of
World War II, Nov2004 8; Nov2008 9–10, 14
The Cod's Tale, Mar2012 53
Coelacanth, Mar2012 55
The Cold & Hot Winter, Mar2014 9
Cold in Summer, Jan2008 9
Colonial American Crafts: The Home, Mar2004 9
Colonial Kids, Oct2005 27
Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak, Apr2010 6
Colorful Dreamer, Mar2014 2
Color Me a Rhyme: Nature Poems for Young People,
Nov2009 9; Oct2012 22
Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love, Jan2012
The Color of My Words, Aug/Sept2004 39, 42;
May2015 10
Colors of Fall, Oct2012 10, 14
Colors of Mexico, Aug/Sept2004 8
Come and Play, May2016 14, 16
Comeback of the Home Run Kid, Mar2008 53
Come Look with Me: Animals in Art, Apr2013 56
Come Sunday, Feb2010 36
Come to the Castle, Mar2013 9
Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems,
Mar2008 3
Come with Me (Nye), Apr2004 2; Mar2013 37
The Comic Book Kid, May2014 10, 15
Coming Distractions, Feb2015 45
Coming Home: From the Life of Langston Hughes,
Feb2004 16
Coming to America: A Muslim Family's Story, Oct2006
Coming to America: The Story of Immigration, Oct2006
Commander Toad, Aug/Sept2007 35
Commander Toad and the Voyage Home, Mar2008 1
Common Ground: The Water, Earth, and Air We
Share, Apr2007 3; Apr2011 9, Oct2011 2
Communication (Aliki), Jan2004 27–28
Company's Coming, Nov2009 23
Competition: Deal with It from Start to Finish, May2010
The Composer is Dead, Nov2009 24; Dec2012 32;
Mar2014 5
The Composition, Dec2004 3
Compost Stew, Jan2012 52
Computers: Faster, Smaller, and Smarter, Mar2011 10
Confederate Ladies of Richmond, Mar2004 10
Confessions of a So-Called Middle Child, Oct2014 5
Confetti Girl, Feb2011 22
Confucius: The Golden Rule, Nov2012 9
Construction Zone (Hudson), Nov2006 3;
Aug/Sept2015 6, 44
The Cookie Company, Oct2006 29
Cool Beaded Jewelry, Dec2014 48
Cool Card Tricks: Techniques for the Advanced
Magician, Oct2013 54
Cool Chemistry Concoctions, Apr2014 10
Cool Classical Music, Mar2011 52
Cool Coins: Creating Fun and Fascinating Collections!,
Apr2010 9
Coolies, May2007 32; Mar2009 9; May2012 7
Cool Sandwich Food Art, Jan2014 20
Cool School Volunteering, Apr2015 26
Cool String Art, Mar2016 7, 10
Cooperative Games and Sports: Joyful Activities for
Everyone, Aug/Sept2010 9
The Cooperative Sports & Games Book, Aug/Sept2007
Coping with Braces and Other Orthodontic Work,
Feb2007 55
Coraline, Oct2003 3; Feb2012 3; Mar2016 16
Coral Reefs, Apr2009 9
Coretta Scott, Dec2010 35, 52
Coretta Scott King and the Story behind the Coretta
Scott King Award, Nov2007 10
Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts: A History of Burial,
May2007 53
Cosmic, Jan2013 2
Cougar Canyon, Jan2008 9
Could a Tyrannosaurus Play Table Tennis?, Oct2008
Countdown, Nov2010 17
Counting by 7s, Dec2014 52
Count Your Way Through Egypt, Nov2012 54
Courage Has No Color, Aug/Sept2014 29
Cowboy Boy, Dec2005 9–10
Cowboys, Mar2009 9
Cowboys and Coffin Makers, Aug/Sept2011 25
Cow of No Color, Aug/Sept2007 9, 11
Cows, Cats and Kids: A Veterinarian's Family at Work,
Jan2008 9
Coyote School News, Aug/Sept2004 4
Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Dinosaurs,
Oct2008 53
Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning about Transportation,
May2009 9
Crafts for Kids Who Are Wild About Dinosaurs,
Feb2006 27
Crafts for St. Patrick's Day, Mar2008 28
Crafts from Your Favorite Children Songs, Mar2008 41
Crafts from Your Favorite Fairy Tales, Apr2008 9
Crafts to Make in the Fall, Oct2012 10
Crafts to Make in the Summer, May2011 9
A Crash Course in Forces and Motion with Max Axiom,
May2014 38–40*
Crazy Like a Fox: A Simile Story, Apr2010 17;
May2013 5
Creating Winter Crafts, Dec2014 48
Creative Crafts for Critters, Dec2009 10
Creativity (Steptoe), Aug/Sept2003 15
Creature Crossing, Apr2007 9
Creep and Flutter, Feb2016 37–38
The Creeping Tide, Apr2009 52
Creepy, Spooky Science, Oct2003 28
Creepy Urban Legends, Dec2010 26
Cricket, Feb2005 6
Crime Scene: How Investigators Use Science,
Aug/Sept2013 9, 14
Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats,
Nov2008 36
Crinkleroot's Nature Almanac, Nov2008 35
Crispin: The Cross of Lead, Nov2008 17; Nov2010 31,
Criss Cross (Perkins), Nov2007 2
Crocheting (Kinsler and Young), Mar2004 10
The Crocodile Hunter: The Incredible Life and
Adventures of Steve and Terri Irwin, Nov2006
9, 12
A Crocodile Safari, Nov2008 32
Crossing Bok Chitto, Apr2012 34, 37; Nov2013 9
Crown Me!, Feb2008 9, 11; Dec2011 7
Crunch, May2011 3
Crush (Conford), Feb2005 35
The Cryptogram Challenge: Over 150 Codes to Crack,
Nov2008 18
Crystals and Gemstones, Apr2011 21
Cuckoo/Cucú: A Mexican Folk Tale, Aug/Sept2009 10
The Cuckoo's Haiku, Mar2010 2; Aug/Sept2014 40
Cupid and Psyche, Feb2011 9
The Curse of Addy McMahon, May2014 10, 13
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb, Nov2008 52
The Curse of the Campfire Weenies, Nov2008 10
The Curtain Went Up, My Pants Fell Down, Feb2008
43; May2011 38
Cut from the Same Cloth: American Women of Myth,
Jan2008 26; Feb2013 54
Cyberia, Mar2012 44; Aug/Sept2015 41
Cyborg, Mar2012 45
Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life, Mar2010 16–18*; Apr2011
Dachshund: The Hot Dogger, Oct2009 53–54
Dad, Jackie, and Me, Nov2006 26; May2016 44
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon, Mar2009 9
Daisy and the Girl Scouts, Feb2011 51–52
Dance (Jones and Kuklin), May2006 2
Dancing at the Louvre, Jan2005 18, 21
Dancing Teepees, Nov2013 9
Dancing to Freedom, Feb2014 22
Danitra Brown, Class Clown, Aug/Sept2005 3
Danny the Champion of the World, Feb2012 2
Dare to Be, M.E.!, May2006 9
Dare to Be Scared 4, Oct2011 23
Dark Day in the Deep Sea, Apr2009 9; Nov2011 52
The Dark Game, Jan2016 53
The Dark Pond, Nov2004 8
Dark Sons, Feb2010 34
The Dark Stairs, Nov2008 17
The Dark Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural,
Oct2007 2; Dec2007 30, 31, 39
Darth Paper Strikes Back, Aug/Sept2013 41–42
Dashing Through the Snow: The Story of the Junior
Iditarod, Feb2007 52; Dec2012 54
Daughter of Winter, Dec2012 9
D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths, Mar2006 4
Dave the Potter, Apr2012 22–23*; Mar2016 55
a day, a dog, Apr2013 45
A Day for Vincent Chin and Me, May2007 32
The Day-Glo Brothers, Jan2010 49; Oct2011 40;
Oct2012 52; Oct2013 55; Apr2014 10, 14;
Aug/Sept2014 34–35
The Day Gogo Went to Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
A Day in the Life of a Librarian, Feb2009 22
A Day in the Salt Marsh, Apr2009 54
Day of Jubilee: The End of Slavery in the United
States, Feb2010 43
Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue, Feb2010 43
Day of the Dead Crafts, Oct2013 4
Day of the Iguana, May2011 37
Days Like This, Oct2011 9
Days of Knights and Damsels, Mar2013 10, 13
Days of Tears, Nov2007 9
Days of the Blackbird, Oct2005 21
The Day the Dinosaurs Died, Oct2008 53; Feb2013 9
The Day the Statues Walked, Nov2012 10
The Deadlies: Spiders on the Case, Aug/Sept2013 53
Deadly Pink, Nov2015 6
Deadly Waters (Skurzynski), Dec2007 29
Dear Benjamin Banneker, Feb2004 16–17, 20;
Jan2005 35, 38; Oct2005 3; Feb2013 36
Dear Children of the Earth, Apr2011 44
Dear Dr. King: Letters from Today's Children to Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., Feb2007 10
Dear Malala, We Stand with You, May2015 3; Oct2015
Dear Max, Feb2009 43
Dear Miss Breed: True Stories of the Japanese
American Incarceration, May2007 3; Dec2008
54; Aug/Sept2012 9
Dear Mother, Dear Daughter, Dec2014 53
Dear Mr. Henshaw, Feb2009 43; Feb2011 22
Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today's Youth,
Feb2010 10
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, Jan2005 36; Feb2010 52
Dear Toni, Jan2013 54
Dear Whiskers, Jan2005 36
The Death of the Hat, Jan2016 52
Decoding Genes with Max Axiom, Super Scientist,
Apr2011 22
Defending Irene, Mar2008 54
Defiance, Jan2010 9
Demigod Diaries, May2014 36–37
Desert Giant, May2005 25
Desert Song, Apr2007 41; Oct2009 47
Desert Town, Nov2007 54
Design Your Family Tree, Dec2014 18
Design Your Own Butterfly Garden, May2013 55
The Desperate Adventures of Zeno and Alya,
Aug/Sept2014 2–3
Detectives in Togas, Mar2007 29
Dew Drop Dead: A Sebastian Barth Mystery, Oct2006
Dial-a-Ghost, Oct2003 42–43
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Feb2009 44; Oct2014 10
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book, Feb2009 44
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw, Jan2012 45–46*
Dia's Story Cloth, Jan2005 18; May2012 8
Dicey's Song, Jan2012 7
The Dictionary of Folklore, Dec2010 10
Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? Mysteries Science Hasn't
Solved, Oct2008 53
Did Greek Soldiers Really Hide inside the Trojan
Horse?, Nov2012 10
Did You Ever Wonder About Things You Find at the
Beach?, Apr2009 53
Diego Rivera, Jan2012 3; Aug/Sept2015 48; Mar2016
A Dime a Dozen, Feb2010 10
Dinomummy: The Life, Death, and Discovery of
Dakota, Oct2008 53
Dinosaur Deals, Feb2006 24
Dinosaur Discoveries (Gibbons), Feb2006 2
Dinosaur Habitat, Feb2006 27
Dinosaur Mummies, Feb2006 42
Dinosaur Parents, Dinosaur Young, Feb2006 44
Dinosaurs (Hosley), Oct2008 55
Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia Prehistorica, Feb2006 2
Dinosaurs Forever, Feb2006 28
The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, Feb2006 28
Dinosaurs On-Line, Feb2006 44
Dinosaur Trouble, Oct2008 54
Dinothesaurus: Prehistoric Poems and Painting,
Jan2010 48
A Dinotopia: The Land Apart from Time, Feb2006 28,
Dirt Bike Racer, May2009 9
Dirt on Their Skirts: The Story of the Young Women
Who Won..., Feb2009 48–51*; Dec2013 37
Dirty Rotten Bugs?, Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10, 14
Disaster Relief, Nov2013 56
The Discovery of Dragons, Apr2007 36–37
Disgusting Animals, Apr2013 10, 14
Disgusting Food Invaders, Jan2012 54
Disgusting Hagfish, Apr2011 23; Mar2012 51; Apr2013
Disney’s Dream, Dec2014 29
Disney's FamilyFun Crafts, Oct2007 39
Disney Villains: The Top Secret Files, Oct2007 23
The DK Big Book of Airplanes, Jan2007 54
The DK Geography of the World, Nov2007 54
DK Guide to Dinosaurs, Feb2006 28
Doctors Did What?! The Weird History of Medicine,
Jan2010 9–10
Dog of Discovery: A Newfoundland's Adventures with
Lewis and Clark, Dec2009 10; Apr2013 10, 14
Dogs and Cats, Apr2015 42
Dogs Don't Tell Jokes, May2008 34, 35
Dogs of the Iditarod, Mar2006 29
Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends, Nov2013 56
Dogsong, Feb2007 52
Do I Have To Say Hello? Aunt Delia's Manners Quiz for
Kids and Their Grownups, Aug/Sept2006 9
Doing Time Online, Nov2010 7; Oct2015 6
Dolphins on the Sand, Dec2009 54
Don Quixote and the Windmills, Feb2005 9
Don't Forget Your Etiquette! The Essential Guide to
Misbehavior, Aug/Sept2006 9
Don't Lick the Dog: Making Friends with Dogs, Oct2009
53, 54
Don't Tell the Girls, Nov2005 4
The Door in the Lake, Mar2012 2,8
Dork in Disguise, Oct2008 9
Dork on the Run, Oct2004 7; Jan2011 9
Do Tornadoes Really Twist?, Feb2013 10, 13
The Dot & the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics,
Feb2011 9
Double Cheeseburgers, Quiche, and Vegetarian
Burritos, Aug/Sept2011 10, 15
Double Identity, Jan2015 34–35
Dove Isabeau, Aug/Sept2007 40
Down Cut Shin Creek: The Packhorse Librarians,
Dec2008 54; Feb2009 22; Feb2011 55
Down Down Down, Nov2011 54
Down to Earth, Dec2015 7
The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming, Feb2008
3; Apr2011 9
Down to the Sea in Ships, May2009 9
Dragon Bones and Dinosaur Eggs, Feb2006 44
Dragon: Hound of Honor, Dec2009 35, 39–40
Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons,
Jan2007 38
Dragon Rider, Dec2004 3
Dragons, Draaks and Beasties, Apr2007 34
Dragon's Breath, Apr2008 9, 12
The Dragon's Child, Nov2010 17
Dragons Dragons & Other Creatures That Never Were,
Mar2011 35
Dragon Tide, Apr2009 52
Dragonwings, May2007 32, 35
Drama (Telgemeier), Feb2015 10
Draw 50 Airplanes, Aircraft and Spacecraft, Dec2003 8
Drawing and Learning About Dinosaurs: Using Shapes
and Lines, Oct2008 55
Drawing from Memory, Apr2013 30, 32
Drawing Lessons, Nov2009 10
Draw the Titanic, Jan2004 41
Dream Catcher: A Young Person's Journal for
Exploring Dreams, Feb2009 45
The Dreamer, Oct2010 3; Jan2012 20; Mar2014 3;
Jan2015 43
The Dream Stealer, May2013 9
Driven: A Photobiography of Henry Ford, Mar2015 17–
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream Speech,
Mar2012 44
The Drop in My Drink, May2005 2
A Drop of Water, Oct2012 33, 35–36
Dr. Ruth Talks about Grandparents, Nov2010 7–8
Duck for Turkey Day, Nov2013 40–42
Dude, That’s Rude!, Feb2015 51
Dude! Stories and Stuff for Boys, Nov2008 10
Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite, Dec2012 43
Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra,
Aug/Sept2004 24; Feb2013 32, 35
Dumpling Days, Feb2012 39
The Dump Man's Treasures, Nov2009 21–22
The Dumpster Diver, Apr2011 9, 49–51
The Dunderheads, Aug/Sept2010 2; Feb2012 2
Dust Devil, Feb2012 9
Dwarf Planets, Apr2011 21
Dying to Meet You, May2010 53; May2014 49–51
Dyslexia, Oct2014 10
Each Kindness, Oct2013 2; Nov2014 22–23; Jan2016
3, 18
Each Little Bird that Sings, Dec2006 26; May2007 51,
The Eagle and the Wren, Jan2013 24
Earthborn, Mar2008 9
The Earth Dragon Awakes: The San Francisco
Earthquake, Apr2008 29; Feb2013 10
Earth-Friendly Crafts, Apr2011 10
Earth-Friendly Crafts for Kids, Nov2004 4
Earth from Above for Young Readers, Nov2007 54
Earthquake in Haiti, Aug/Sept2011 26
Earthquake Terror, Feb2011 22
Earthsteps: A Rock's Journey Through Time, Apr2014
10, 13
The Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet, Nov2004 31;
Nov2013 36–37
Easy Animal Origami, Apr2013 37
Easy Origami, Oct2004 29, 30
Eating Enchiladas, Aug/Sept2009 54
Eating Green, Apr2011 10
Eating the Plates, Dec2015 7
Eat Your Math Homework, Jan2012 55; Dec2015 7, 9
Eat Your Poison Dear: A Sebastian Barth Mystery,
Oct2006 37
Eat Your Science Homework, Dec2015 37, 38
Eat Your Words: A Fascinating Look at the Language
of Food, Nov2006 55
Echoes for the Eye, Apr2007 2
EcoArt!, Nov2004 4
Eco-fun (Suzuki), Apr2007 12
Eco-Wolf and the Three Pigs, Apr2011 10, 14
Ed Emberley's Drawing Book of Weirdos, Oct2007 9
Edgar Allen Poe (Whiting), Oct2007 9
Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness,
Oct2007 9, 12
Edwina Victorious, Jan2005 29
Egypt (Country Explorers), Nov2012 54
Egypt (Gutner), Nov2012 55
The Egypt Game, Nov2012 10; Nov2015 7
Egyptian Hieroglyphics for Everyone, May2014 37
Eight Hands Round, Nov2003 29
Einstein the Class Hamster, Nov2015 7, 10
Elbert's Bad Word, Aug/Sept2006 9
Eleanor, Quiet No More, Jan2011 3, 22; Nov2014 10
Electrical Wizard, Mar2015 51; Feb2016 25, 40
Electric Animals, Apr2013 54
Electric Ben, Apr2014 23; May2014 29
Elephant Quest, Apr2006 28
The Elephant Scientist, Apr2015 28
Eleven, Oct2014 10
The Eleventh Hour, Apr2007 30–31; Nov2008 18
Elizabeth Leads the Way, Aug/Sept2008 43–44*;
Jan2011 23
Ella Enchanted, Apr2005 11; Apr2008 9; Feb2009 47;
Oct2010 10
Elsie's Bird, Jan2012 7
Emancipation Proclamation, Nov2014 10
Emerald Boas, Apr2011 52
Emily Post’s Table Manners for Kids, Dec2015 7
Emily Post's The Guide to Good Manners for Kids,
Aug/Sept2006 9–10
Emma Dilemma and the Two Nannies, Oct2012 55
Emma Dilemma: Big Sister Poems, Apr2012 26;
Nov2015 45–46
Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty,
Aug/Sept2011 19–23*; Oct2014 28
The Emperor's New Clothes: The Graphic Novel,
Mar2014 10
The Emperor's Silent Army, Nov2012 10
The Enchanted Dolls' House, Mar2011 55
Enchanted Runner, Apr2005 24
Encounter, Oct2015 24
The End (Snicket), Oct2006 4; Feb2009 45
Ender's Game, Mar2012 8; Oct2014 8, 10
The Endless Steppe, Oct2014 29
The End of the Beginning, Aug/Sept2010 41
Endymion Spring, Oct2007 5
Energy for the Future, Oct2009 52; Feb2013 10
Energy Island, Dec2011 7; Jan2013 22; Jan2016 7
Engineering an Awesome Recycling Center, Mar2015
Engineering a Totally Rad Skateboard, Mar2015 38
Engineering Science Experiments, Mar2015 10, 13, 14
Engineering the City, Mar2015 10
Enigma: A Magical Mystery, Oct2010 10
Epidemic, Jan2010 10
Eragon, Feb2009 46
Ereth's Birthday, Nov2010 32
The Erie Canal, Mar2015 10, 13
ER Vets: Life in an Animal Emergency Room, Dec2009
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, Aug/Sept2014
41–43; Aug/Sept2015 37–38; Nov2015 7
Escape: The Story of the Great Houdini, Oct2007 26,
27; Mar2008 28; Oct2010 10
Escaping the Giant Wave, Nov2011 10
Esperanza Rising, Aug/Sept2004 27–29, 39–40, 42;
Oct2006 2; Dec2011 7; Oct2012 10
Essential Fishing for Teens, Mar2012 54
Etched in Clay, Mar2016 55
Even More Short & Shivery, Oct2003 28
Every Last Drop, Jan2016 21, 22
Everything Bird, Aug/Sept2014 36
Everything Bug, May2008 40
Everything I Know About Monsters, Oct2003 35
The Everything Kids' Money Book: Earn It, Save It,
Watch It Grow!, Apr2010 10
The Everything Machine, Mar2011 10, 18–21
Evil Fairies Love Hair, Aug/Sept2014 5
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, Mar2016 16
The Expeditioners and the Treasure of Drowned Man’s
Canyon, Aug/Sept2014 21, 22–23
The Exploding Toilet, Oct2011 23
Explore and Discover Birds, Feb2006 46
Explore the Tropical Rain Forest, Apr2011 53
Explore the Tundra, Dec2012 9
Exploring the Titanic, Jan2004 40, 41
Exploring Titanic, Mar2010 55
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure, Aug/Sept2012 32–33
The Extinct Files: My Science Project, Oct2008 54
Extra Credit, Feb2011 23; Nov2011 10
Extraordinary Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,
May2007 32–33, 34
The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict,
May2013 10
Extraordinary Endangered Animals, Apr2013 22
An Extraordinary Life: The Story of a Monarch
Butterfly, May2005 2
The Extraordinary Mark Twain, May2016 47
Extreme Babymouse, Feb2014 9
Extreme Super Senses, Jan2009 9
An Eye for Color: The Story of Josef Albers, Mar2011
Eye of the Great Bear, Dec2008 10
The Eye of the Storm, Feb2013 10; Apr2014 10
The Eye of Zoltar, Oct2014 5
Eyes on the Goal, May2011 3
Eyewitness Mesopotamia, Nov2012 10
The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary,
Jan2011 39–41*
The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary,
Apr2011 32–33
Fabulous Bridges, Jan2015 17–18; Mar2015 16–18
The Fabulous Flying Machines of Alberto-Santos
Dumont, May2012 2
Face Off: How to Draw Amazing Caricatures & Comic
Portraits, Jan2007 7
Face to Face with Polar Bears, Dec2010 5
Fair, Brown and Trembling: An Irish Cinderella Story,
Mar2004 28
The Fairies of Nutfolk Wood, Oct2011 9
Fair Weather, Nov2003 15–16, 18; Jan2008 9–10
The Fairy Ring, or, Elsie and Frances Fool the World,
Jan2013 2
Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook, Aug/Sept2007
28; Dec2010 10
The Fall of the Amazing Zalindas, Mar2007 29;
Jan2008 28
A Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children,
Mar2010 2
The Family Under the Bridge, Nov2003 16; Dec2008
Famous People of Hispanic Heritage, Aug/Sept2004
40, 43
Fannie Lou Hamer: Fighting for the Right to Vote,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Fantastic Feats and Failures, Mar2015 10, 14
Fantastic Four: Evil Adversaries, Oct2007 24
Fantastic Four: Shortcuts, Oct2008 55
Fantastic Four: The End, Nov2008 10, 13
The Fantastic Jungles of Henri Rousseau, Mar2015 42
The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau,
Nov2011 53; Feb2016 2
The Farewell Symphony, Dec2012 43
Far from Shore, Apr2014 3, 10
Farmer George Plants a Nation, Jan2011 25; Feb2014
Farmer's Market: Families Working Together, Oct2012
The Fast and the Furriest, Nov2014 10, 14; May2016
8, 13
The Fastest Game on Two Feet and Other Poems,
Feb2014 20; May2016 15–16
Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, Dec2014 53
Fat Men from Space, Apr2007 29
Favorite Scary Stories of American Children: 23 Tales,
Oct2007 46
FDR’s Alphabet Soup, Nov2014 32–33
Fearless Fernie, Oct2014 55
Fearless! Stunt People, Feb2015 10, 15
The Fear Place, Nov2008 10; Dec2011 8
Feathers, Flaps, & Flops, Dec2003 14–15
Feathers: Poems About Birds, Aug/Sept2014 40
Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever, Feb2005 31
Feeding Our Feathered Friends, Feb2006 47
Felicity's Craft Book, Mar2004 9–10
Ferris Wheel!, Mar2015 10
Fever Crumb, Nov2011 4
The Fiddler's Son, Jan2007 40
Fiddlin' Sam, Mar2005 7
The Field Guide (Black and DiTerlizzi), Oct2005 13
Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, BirdWatching, and Shore Walking with Jim
Arnosky, Apr2007 2; Mar2010 10
The Fifth of March, Oct2005 27
Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Booker T.
Washington, Feb2014 54–56*; Feb2015 28
A Fight in the Fields, Feb2008 32
Film and Fiction Robots, Mar2012 8
Finding Family, Nov2014 33
Fine Feathered Friends, Aug/Sept2014 40
Fire and Cooking, Jan2012 52
Fire and Snow: A Tale of the Alaskan Gold Rush,
Nov2010 16
Fire at the Triangle Factory, Mar2007 28
Fireflies at Midnight, Apr2012 26
Fire Investigator, Nov2013 54
Fire on Ice: Autobiography of a Champion Figure
Skater, Feb2014 10
Fireside Stories: Tales for a Winter's Eve, Dec2012 9,
Fire Trucks in Action, Oct2009 52
The Firework-Maker's Daughter, May2007 5
First Come the Zebra, Jan2013 10
First Dog Fala, Feb2010 51
First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson,
May2010 2
First Ladies of the White House, Jan2009 43
First Morning: Poems About Time, Jan2014 10, 13
The First Palm Trees, Feb2005 18
First Pets: Presidential Best Friends, Feb2010 51
First to Fly: How Wilbur and Orville Wright Invented the
Airplane, Dec2003 2, 9, 44; Jan2007 3;
Mar2011 3
The Fir Tree, Dec2010 4
F Is for Freedom, Oct2006 22
Five, Six, Seven, Nate!, Feb2015 3
Five Children and It, May2007 29
The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, May2012 5*
The Flag with Fifty-Six Stars, Dec2011 27
Flat Broke, Apr2016 38
Flight (Burleigh), Dec2003 35
Flight of the Phoenix, Dec2014 10
Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the Move, Apr2011 22
Flit, Flutter, Fly! Poems About Bugs and Other Crawly
Creatures, May2005 13–14
Flood Disaster, Feb2013 10
Floors, Aug/Sept2014 43
Flora and Ulysses, Oct2015 29
Flotsam, Nov2007 10; Apr2009 3, 53
Flowers from Mariko, Apr2011 3
Flush, Apr2009 9; Mar2010 47–51*; Apr2011 40;
Feb2012 10; May2015 10
Fly! (Myers), Dec2003 8; Nov2010 2
Fly, Eagle, Fly!, Dec2003 8
Fly Fishing, Mar2012 54
Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman, Dec2003 9
The Flying Machine Book, Mar2015 17–18
Flying Solo: How Ruth Elder Soared, Oct2014 47
Flying the Dragon, Jan2013 3
Flying with the Eagle, Racing the Great Bear, Nov2004
Fly With Poetry, Dec2003 8
Fold Me a Poem, Apr2012 45–46*
Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus,
May2005 30–31
Follow the Trail: A Young Person's Guide to the Great
Outdoors, Mar2010 10
Food and Your Health (Powell), May2006 9
Food Chains in a Tide Pool Habitat, Apr2009 54
Food Culture, Dec2014 26
Food Fight, Dec2015 7
Food Folklore, Dec2010 10
Food for Life, Mar2011 10
Food Rules! (Haduch), May2006 9
Foods of Egypt, Nov2012 54
Food Technology, Dec2015 7
A Foot in the Mouth: Poems to Speak, Sing, and
Shout, Jan2010 49; Jan2016 52
Footprints on the Roof: Poems about the Earth,
Mar2010 2
Footwork: The Story of Fred and Adele Astaire,
Oct2012 52
The Forbidden Library, Apr2015 4
The Forbidden Schoolhouse: The True & Dramatic
Story of Prudence Crandall, Aug/Sept2008 9;
Aug/Sept2012 10, 14
Forensic Psychologist, Nov2013 54
Forensic Science Experiments, Dec2015 37, 38
Forest Explorer: A Life-Size Field Guide, Mar2010 10,
Forest Has a Song, Apr2014 38–40
Forever Rose, Dec2008 3
For the Birds: The Life of Roger Tory Peterson,
Aug/Sept2014 39
The Fossil Feud: Marsh and Cope's Bone Wars,
Oct2008 53
The Foul, Filthy American Frontier, Aug/Sept2011 25
The Four Corners of the Sky, Jan2014 10, 13
Four Feet, Two Sandals, Mar2014 4
Fourth Grade Weirdo, Aug/Sept2005 8–9
Four to the Pole!, Dec2012 53
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, Apr2010 3;
May2014 53
Frank O. Gehry: Outside In, Nov2006 3
Frantastic Voyage, Mar2012 8; Feb2016 7
The Fran That Time Forgot, Oct2009 10; Dec2009 26
Freaky Facts About Natural Disasters, Feb2013 10, 15
Freddy and the Bean Home News, Aug/Sept2004 4
Free Baseball!, Mar2008 53
Freedom of Speech, Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10, 14
Freedom River, Aug/Sept2003 43–44; Dec2013 36
Freedom School, Yes!, Feb2007 10–11; Apr2015 10,
Freedom Ship, Aug/Sept2007 17; Mar2009 27;
Dec2013 35
Free Fall, Jan2004 44
Freeglader, Aug/Sept2012 10
Freeze Frame: A Photographic History, Dec2012 9;
Feb2014 10
French Food, Dec2015 52
Friction and Gravity: Snowboarding Science, Feb2014
10, 14
The Friendly Four, Dec2007 3
Friend or Foe? Plays about Bullying, Oct2013 10
The Friends (Yumoto), Dec2004 2
Friends Forever (Lyn), Feb2005 35
The Friendship (Taylor), Jan2008 3
A Friendship for Today, Oct2013 10
The Friendship Matchmaker, Oct2013 10
Friends: Stories about New Friends..., Oct2013 10
Frindle, Feb2008 18; Aug/Sept2012 10, 13; May2014 5
The Frog and the Princess (Bear), Apr2005 12
From Far Away, Dec2008 32
From Hand to Mouth, Nov2006 10
From Pictures to Words, Jan2013 53
From Pictures to Words: A Book About Making a Book,
Mar2011 54
From Pie Town to Yum Yum, May2012 51
From Slave Ship to Freedom Road, May2012 8
From Slave to Soldier, Feb2009 33, 36
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler,
Dec2004 24; Apr2005 3; Aug/Sept2007 9;
Jan2008 2; Aug/Sept2014 43; Mar2016 8
Frozen Man, Aug/Sept2006 28
Frozen Stiff, Mar2008 28
Funerals and Fly Fishing, May2007 53
Funky Chicken Enchiladas: And Other Mexican Dishes,
Aug/Sept2009 54
Fun with Modeling Clay, Jan2013 36
Fun with Plasticine, Jan2013 36
Fun with Roman Numerals, Apr2010 3
Gabriel's Horses, Feb2013 39–42*
Gabriel's Journey, Feb2013 39–42*
Gabriel's Triumph, Feb2013 39–42*
Galaxies and the Runaway Universe, Jan2016 21–22
Galileo for Kids, Feb2006 25
Game Day: Meet the People Who Make It Happen,
Nov2013 55
The Game of Mix-Up Art, Mar2016 9
The Game of Silence, Oct2005 2; Mar2009 3; Apr2010
34, 38
Game On!, Nov2015 7
Gaming Safely, Nov2015 8, 10
Gandhi (Demi), Oct2006 28
Gandhi: His Life, His Struggles, His Words, May2014
The Gardening Book, Aug/Sept2010 46
Gardening with Children, Aug/Sept2010 46
The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, Dec2011 34
Garden of the Spirit Bear, Apr2013 23
Gathering Blue, May2007 8, 9
Gee Whiz! It's All About Pee, Jan2010 53
General Butterfingers, Nov2010 8; Apr2015 10
The Genie in the Book, Oct2007 5
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring,
Mapping, Nov2007 53; Nov2011 10
Geography Challenge: 190 Fun and Creative Problems
for Kids, Nov2007 53
Geography Crafts for Kids, Nov2011 10, 24
Geography Fun: Cool Activities & Projects for Young
Explorers, Nov2007 53
George Bellows, Mar2015 42
George Crum and the Saratoga Chip, Jan2007 3;
Mar2007 26; Dec2011 22; Jan2014 22
George-isms: The 110 Rules George Washington
Wrote When He Was 14, Aug/Sept2006 10,
11, 12
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 10, 14
George's Secret Key to the Universe, Mar2012 8;
Apr2014 10
George Washington Crosses the Delaware, Dec2010
Georgia in Hawaii, Feb2013 3; Mar2016 55
Georgia Rises, Nov2011 10
Germ Stories, Jan2010 10
Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, Dec2012 44
Gertrude Chandler Warner and the Boxcar Children,
Jan2011 22
Get Out of Bed!, Dec2007 47
Getting Organized Without Losing It, Jan2014 10, 15
The Gettysburg Address, Nov2014 10, 14
The Ghost Fox, Oct2007 3
Ghost Horses, Jan2008 10
Giant Squid: Searching for a Sea Monster, Apr2013 54
Giant Steps to Change the World, Dec2011 7
The Gift of Nothing, Oct2011 3; Jan2016 11
Gifts from the Enemy, Jan2016 41
Gifts from the Gods, Feb2014 18
Gilgamesh the Hero, Nov2012 10
Ginger Pye, May2006 24
The Girl in Red, Jan2015 10
A Girl Named Faithful Plum, Apr2012 3
The Girl of the Wish Garden, May2013 5
Girls and Young Women Inventing: Twenty True
Stories about Inventors, Jan2007 3
The Girls' Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being a
Goddess, Oct2009 54
Girl's Soccer: Going for the Goal, Mar2008 54
A Girl's Story: How to Write Your Autobiography,
Feb2009 45
Girls Think of Everything, Jan2007 9–10, 13; Nov2008
55; Mar2011 10; Mar2012 46; Mar2013 27;
Mar2015 39; Feb2016 8–9, 29
Girls Who Looked Under Rocks, Mar2013 27
Girls Who Rocked the World, Mar2004 7; Mar2007 10;
Mar2013 27; Oct2015 17
The Girl Who Could Fly, Oct2012 29*
The Girl Who Helped Thunder, Nov2013 10, 13
The Girl Who Married the Moon, Nov2004 12–13
Girl Wonder: A Baseball Story in Nine Innings,
Feb2009 30, 34, 36
G is for Gold Medal, Feb2014 1, 10
G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book, Apr2005 35,
38, 39
Give a Goat, Dec2011 7, 48–51*; Dec2014 49;
Jan2016 7, 9
The Giver, May2007 6–7, 9
Giving Thanks (Paterson), Nov2014 41
Giving Thanks (Waters), Nov2014 39
The Giving Tree, Apr2007 29; Jan2012 46
Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal, Dec2010 10,15,25
Gleam and Glow, Apr2005 25
Global Space Programs, Jan2013 10
The Glorious American Songbook, Aug/Sept2011 10,
Glorious Grasses: The Grains, Nov2006 54
Gluskabe and the Four Wishes, Nov2004 11
Gnat Stokes and the Foggy Bottom Swamp Queen,
Feb2011 10
Go, Go America, Dec2008 53–55*; May2015 43
The Goat Lady, Aug/Sept2006 44
Goblin Secrets, Feb2015 10
God Bless the Child, Mar2005 2–3; Jan2011 31
Goha the Wise Fool, Mar2006 28; Nov2012 40
Going Fishing, Mar2012 54; Dec2014 10
Going for Gold! (Donkin), May2008 11
Going North (Harrington), Jan2008 3
Going to School in Pioneer Times, Aug/Sept2008 9
Goin' Someplace Special, Nov2005 20; Feb2009 21
Gold, Mar2011 25
The Golden Aquarians, Mar2012 2
The Golden Compass, Mar2012 8,11
The Golden Dreydl, Dec2013 10
The Golden Flower, Mar2013 54
The Golden Hour, Feb2010 10
The Golden Treasury of Poetry, Apr2007 47
Gold Fever! Tales from the California Gold Rush,
Nov2007 55; Mar2009 10
Gold! Gold from the American River!, Dec2011 20–23*,
May2012 8
Gold Medal for Weird, Feb2014 10, 13, 15
Gold Rush Fever (Greenwood), Jan2005 24
The Gold-Threaded Dress, May2007 33
Goliath: Hero of the Great Baltimore Fire, Apr2013 10,
The Gollywhopper Games, Jan2012 8
Gone-Away Lake, Nov2011 10
Gone Crazy in Alabama, Oct2015 56
Gone Fishing: A Novel in Verse, Nov2015 46; Feb2016
31, 33*
Good Brother, Bad Brother, Feb2015 10, 14
Good Earth Art, Apr2011 41
Good Fortune: My Journey to Gold Mountain, Oct2006
The Good Garden, Oct2012 4*; Dec2015 7
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!, Mar2013 10, 14
A Good Night for Ghosts, Jan2014 38
Goodnight iPad, Aug/Sept2015 6, 8
Good Sports: Rhymes about Running, Jumping,
Throwing, and More, May2008 11, 14;
May2010 10; May2016 8
Gooney the Fabulous, Jan2011 9, Apr2012 10
Goose Chase, Apr2008 9–10
Gopher to the Rescue!, Feb2013 22
Gorilla Walk, Apr2006 28
Gossamer, May2007 8; May2013 10
Got Geography!, Nov2007 55; Nov2011 10, 24
Go Wild in New York City, Nov2007 55
GPS: Global Positioning System, Aug/Sept2014 22, 23
Grace for President, Aug/Sept2008 45
Gracie’s Girl, Apr2015 10
The Graduation of Jake Moon, Oct2008 32, 36–37;
Feb2011 23
Grandfather's Journey, Apr2013 31–32, 37;
Aug/Sept2013 33, 38; May2015 4
Grandma and Me at the Flea, Aug/Sept2004 6
Grandma Hekmatt Remembers, Nov2012 54
Grandmama's Pride, Feb2007 2
Grandparents Song, Nov2003 2
Grandpa's Clock, Jan2014 46–51
The Grand Plan to Fix Everything, May2012 3;
Feb2015 10
Granite Baby, Jan2008 26
Granny Torrelli Makes Soup, Jan2005 42–43, 45;
Dec2006 31–32, 34; Nov2010 8; Dec2014 52;
Dec2015 7, 25
The Grapes of Math, Apr2014 4
Grassroots, Aug/Sept2011 3
The Gravediggers's Cottage, Dec2009 10
The Graveyard Book, May2009 15; Feb2012 3;
Nov2014 28
The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel, Aug/Sept2014 28;
Oct2014 28
Great African Americans in History, Feb2004 17, 20
The Great Alaska Adventure, Apr2011 10
Great American Artists for Kids, Aug/Sept2011 10
The Great American Mousical, Dec2009 33–34, 38–39
The Great and Only Barnum, Apr2011 35–36; Apr2013
The Great Cape Rescue, Feb2009 9; Feb2012 10
The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery, Nov2012 55
Greater Estimations, Apr2010 3; Oct2013 4; May2014
The Greatest Cookies Ever, Dec2013 54
Great Estimations, Apr2010 3; Oct2013 4
The Greatest Potatoes, Dec2011 22
The Greatest Skating Race: A World War II Story from
the Netherlands, Dec2006 29
The Great Gilly Hopkins, Aug/Sept2012 36–37
The Great Good Thing, Apr2006 9, 12, 13; Oct2007 5
The Great Good Thing, Oct2010 10
The Great Greene Heist, Aug/Sept2015 55
The Great Migration, Jan2012 8, 31, 37, May2012 8
Great Migrations: Whales, Wildebeests..., May2012 8
The Great Motion Mission, Apr2014 10
The Great Number Rumble, Feb2008 43
Great Olympic Moments, Feb2014 10
The Great Serum Race, Feb2007 53; Dec2012 54
The Great Show-and-Tell Disaster, Jan2007 4
The Great Storm (Hancock), Mar2006 18
The Great Storm: The Hurricane Diary of J. T. King,
Mar2006 18
The Great Trouble, Aug/Sept2014 3
The Great White House Breakout, Jan2009 43
Greek Myths (McCaughrean), Dec2003 8
Greek Myths (Morley), Dec2003 15
Green Beans, Potatoes, and Even Tomatoes, Jan2012
Green Boy, Apr2007 10, 13; Apr2011 10, Mar2012 9
Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook, Mar2007 29
Greeting Card Making, Apr2016 42
Greetings from Antarctica, Jan2005 29
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas, Mar2007
21; Apr2014 10
Gregor the Overlander, May2008 42; Aug/Sept2010
26; Oct2011 52–53; Mar2012 9;
Aug/Sept2012 53
Growing Patterns, Apr2014 29, 40
Grow It, Cook It, May2013 57
Grow Your Own Sandwich, Jan2012 55
The Gruesome Guide to World Monsters, Oct2007 10,
13, 30
Guests (Dorris), Oct2005 2
Guglielmo Marconi, Jan2004 28
Guts: Our Digestive System, Oct2005 25
Guttersnipe, Jan2012 8
Guys Write for Guys Read, Apr2008 33
Habibi, Mar2013 32
Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog, Oct2006 53
Haiku: Learn to Express Yourself by Writing Poetry in
the Japanese Tradition, Mar2010 10
Half Magic, Oct2004 5
Half Minute Horrors, Oct2011 23
The Hallelujah Flight, Mar2011 3; Oct2014 47
Halloween Drawing Book, Oct2004 24
Halloween Howls, Oct2003 28, 31
Halloweenies, Oct2003 43
The Halloween Tree, Oct2003 28, 32
A Handful of Stars, Apr2016 56
The Handmade Alphabet, Jan2011 55
Hands Around the Library: Protecting Egypt's
Treasured Books, Aug/Sept2013 54
Hands Around the World (Milord), May2007 36
Hands of the Maya: Villagers at Work and Play,
Oct2007 54
Handsprings, Mar2007 27; Mar2008 28; Mar2015 4
The Hanging Hill, May2010 53
Hanging Off Jefferson's Nose, Nov2012 5*
Hannah's Journal, Oct2006 10; May2012 8
Hanukkah, Shmanukkah!, Dec2007 23; Dec2014 44
Hanukkah Around the World, Dec2010 50; Dec2013
10; Dec2014 46
Hanukkah at Valley Forge, Dec2006 29
Hanukkah Haiku, Dec2013 10, 13
The Happiest Tree: A Yoga Story, May2006 3
Happy Families, Oct2015 7
Happy New Year, Everywhere!, Dec2007 9
Hard Gold: The Colorado Gold Rush of 1859, Nov2010
Hard Times in Ireland: The Scotch-Irish Come to
America, Mar2007 55
Harlem, Feb2007 32–33
Harriet the Spy, May2007 13; Aug/Sept2015 3
Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent: How Daring Slaves and
Free Blacks Spied, Jan2008 54; Mar2008 28
Harry Houdini (Cobb), Oct2007 26
Harry Houdini: The Legend of the World's Greatest
Escape Artist, Oct2013 55
Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix, Aug/Sept2003
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, May2004 34
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Mar2008 29;
Jan2012 8; Oct2014 10
Harry Potter Handbook: Movie Magic, Feb2015 17
Harry the Poisonous Centipede, May2008 42
Harvest, Oct2012 2, 26
Harvest Home, Oct2012 10
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez,
Aug/Sept2004 40, 42; Jan2005 24;
Aug/Sept2009 44–46*; Jan2010 32–33, 41;
Jan2011 10; Oct2012 10, 25–26; May2015 52
Harvest Year, Oct2012 3, 10
Hatchet, Aug/Sept2010 32, 36–37; Apr2011 54;
Mar2012 45
Hatching Magic, Jan2014 10
Hate That Cat, Nov2008 3; Feb2009 46; Nov2009 4*;
Dec2009 3, 18*
Hat Trick, Jan2013 10
Have I Got a Book for You!, Feb2011 38–39
Heads or Tails (Gantos), Nov2005 32
Healing Plants, Apr2011 52
Health Science Projects About Heredity, Nov2003 19
Hear My Sorrow: The Diary of Angela Denoto,
Feb2009 30, 31
Heartbeat (Creech), Jan2005 42, 44
The Heart of a Chief, Nov2004 6, 31, 34
Heat Wave (Ketteman), Oct2004 29
Heavy Hitters, Oct2014 5
Helen Keller: Author and Advocate, Apr2014 53
Helen's Big World, Dec2013 32, 36; Aug/Sept2015 23–
Helicopters: From Start to Finish, Jan2007 54
Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library, Feb2009 23
Help Me, Mr. Mutt! Expert Answers for Dogs with
People Problems, Feb2009 43; Oct2012 54;
Jan2013 54
Help! Somebody Get Me Out of Fourth Grade!,
May2011 34–36
Help Wanted: Stories, Feb2008 33
Henry and the Kite Dragon, Aug/Sept2010 9–10;
Apr2012 1, 10, 15; Oct2015 7
Henry David's House, Apr2007 2
Henry Ford and the Model T, May2009 10; Jan2015 29
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, Apr2010 7
Henry's Freedom Box, Jan2008 53–55; Nov2010 16;
Aug/Sept2012 2–3; May2014 22
Hercules (Burleigh), May2004 4
Here Come the Girl Scouts!, Jan2013 41–43*
Here Lies the Librarian, Aug/Sept2012 10
Here's What You Do When You Can't Find Your Shoe,
Mar2004 46; Jan2007 1, 10; Feb2016 7, 9
Hereville, May2014 10; Oct2015 13
The Hero and the Minotaur, Feb2009 9; Feb2012 10
The Hero Beowulf (Kimmel), Feb2005 9
Heroes (Mochizuki), May2007 33
Heroes and She-roes, Feb2009 9–10; Feb2011 51;
Feb2014 21; May2015 10, 12, 53
Heroes and Villains (Gray), Feb2012 10
Heroes and Villains (Horowitz), Feb2012 10
Heroic Stories: An Inspiring Collection of Real-Life
Stories, Feb2009 10
The Heroic Symphony, Dec2012 44; Apr2014 54
Heroine of the Titanic, Jan2004 41
Hero on a Bicycle, May2015 10
The Hero's Trail: A Guide for a Heroic Life, Feb2009
10; May2015 10–11, 13
Her Piano Sang: A Story About Clara Schumann,
Aug/Sept2004 24
Her Stories: African American Folktales, Nov2007 3;
Feb2010 10
He Will Go Fearless, Apr2010 16
Hey Batta Batta Swing!, Dec2011 27
The Hidden Folk, Dec2010 10, Oct2011 1, 10
Hidden Roots (Bruchac), Nov2004 7; Nov2013 34, 39
Hide & Seek (Grant), Aug/Sept2014 21, 22
Hiding From the Nazis, May2007 16
Hieroglyphics for Fun, May2014 37
The Higher Power of Lucky, Nov2007 2, 10–11;
Jan2008 2
The High-Skies Adventures of Blue Jay the Pirate,
May2013 32
High-Tech Olympics, Feb2014 10, 13; Aug/Sept2015 7
High Tide, Low Tide, Apr2009 52
High Tide for Horseshoe Crabs, Feb2016 44
The Hindenburg (O'Brien), Jan2007 54
The Hired Hand: An African-American Folktale,
Oct2007 3
Hiromi’s Hands, Dec2014 10; Dec2015 7, 9
Hispanic-American Crafts Kids Can Do!, Aug/Sept2009
Hissing Cockroaches: Cool Pets!, Apr2013 53
Hiss Me Deadly, Nov2008 10, 13; Feb2012 10
The History of Mankind, Jan2012 20
The History of Pirates: From Privateers to Outlaws,
Oct2007 23
The History of the Library, Aug/Sept2013 54
The History of Transportation, May2009 10
Hive Detectives, Oct2012 3
The Hobbit, Dec2012 4; Dec2014 29
Hold Fast, Aug/Sept2013 3; Apr2016 55
Holes, Mar2006 3; May2008 31, 32, 33, 34, 36;
Nov2008 17
Holiday Princess (Cabot), Dec2007 10, 12, 13
Holler Loudly, Feb2012 24–27*
Holy Enchilada!, Aug/Sept2009 54
A Home for Dakota, Dec2009 55
Home is Everything: The Latino Baseball Story,
Aug/Sept2009 11
Home of the Brave, Apr2013 37
Homes on the Move, May2012 8
The Homework Machine, Mar2012 9; Jan2013 4
Honeybee (Nye), Mar2013 33
Honeysuckle House, Oct2006 10
Honky-Tonk Heroes and Hillbilly Angels, Nov2007 46
Hoop Girlz, May2006 10; May2010 10
Hoot, Apr2007 10, 13; Mar2010 47–51*; Apr2011 40,
44; Apr2015 10
The Hope Tree: Kids Speak Out About Breast Cancer,
May2010 34
Hornbooks and Inkwells, Oct2012 51
A Horn for Louis, Feb2005 9
The Horribly Haunted School, Oct2004 25
The Horse and the Plains Indians, Nov2013 10, 20
Horse Hooves and Chicken Feet: Mexican Folktales,
Aug/Sept2009 11
A Horse Named Seabiscuit, Nov2006 4
Horten's Miraculous Mechanisms, Oct2013 56
Hostage (Myers), Feb2006 28, 30
Hosting the Olympic Summer Games: Elapsed Time,
May2010 52
Hot City, May2008 2
Hotel Deep: Light Verse from Dark Water, Apr2009 9
The Houdini Box, Oct2007 26; Oct2009 35; Oct2013
54; Mar2014 28
Houdini: The Handcuff King, Oct2007 25
Houdini: World's Greatest Mystery Man and Escape
King, Oct2007 26; Oct2010 10; Aug/Sept2013
10; Oct2013 55
The House Baba Built, Oct2012 54
The House of Boo, Oct2003 28
The House of Dies Drear, Aug/Sept2013 10
House of Tailors, Oct2006 10, 13
The House Takes a Vacation, May2011 43–45*;
Feb2016 43
Housing Our Feathered Friends, Feb2006 47
How Airplanes Work, Mar2015 17–18
How and Why Stories, Feb2005 29
How Angel Peterson Got His Name, Nov2008 10, 12,
14; Oct2014 10
How Animals Play, Nov2015 8, 10
How Are They Made? Pencils, Mar2011 25
How Baseball Works, May2011 10
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning, Jan2007 10
How Coyote Stole the Summer, May2010 54
How Did Tea and Taxes Spark a Revolution?,
Aug/Sept2011 24
How Do Parachutes Work?, May2016 41–42
How Do Tornadoes Form?, Apr2011 21
How Do You Burp in Space?, Nov2015 26
How Do You Know What Time It Is?, Nov2012 10
How Honest Are You?, Mar2014 10
How I, Nicky Flynn, Finally Get a Life, Feb2011 22
Howie Monroe and the Doghouse of Doom, Feb2009
How Rude!, Feb2015 51
How the Future Began, Jan2004 28, 32
How the Moon Regained Her Shape, Nov2013 10, 14
How the Sphinx Got to the Museum, Nov2012 53
How Tía Lola Came to (Visit) Stay, Nov2003 16;
Feb2011 22
How to Be a Medieval Knight, Nov2008 11, 13;
Mar2013 10, 14
How to Be a Pirate (Cowell), Oct2005 25
How to Draw Ferocious Dinosaurs, Oct2008 55
How to Draw Food, Jan2014 21
How to Draw Hawaii's Sights and Symbols, May2007
How to Get Rich on the Oregon Trail, May2012 8
How to Make Pop-Ups, Jan2007 42
Howtoons, Feb2016 7
How to Really Fool Yourself: Illusions for All Your
Senses, Jan2009 10
How to Save Your Tail: If You Are a Rat Nabbed by
Cats, Apr2008 10
How to Speak Cat, May2012 20
How to Speak Dog!, Dec2009 54
How to Steal a Dog, Dec2011 42; Apr2016 55
How to Survive a Flood, Oct2009 52
How To Survive in Antarctica, Mar2009 3
How to Talk to Your Cat, May2012 19
How to Talk to Your Dog, Oct2006 53; May2012 19
How to Write a Letter, Apr2016 42
How to Write a Thank-You Letter, Nov2014 43;
Apr2016 44
How to Write Letters, Feb2009 43
How to Write Poems, Feb2009 46
How to Write Your Life Story, Feb2009 45
How We Are Smart, Oct2008 9; Dec2011 8, 12;
Oct2015 7
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis &
Clark, Mar2009 10
How We Know What We Know about Our Changing
Climate, Apr2011 10
How Would You Survive as an American Indian?,
Mar2004 10–11
How Would You Survive in the American West?,
Mar2004 10–11
Hubert Invents the Wheel, Jan2007 10; Mar2011 10;
Mar2012 46; Nov2012 10
The Huckabuck Family and How They Raised Popcorn
in Nebraska and Quit and Came Back,
Oct2004 30
Hugging the Rock, Jan2010 10
The Hugo Movie Companion, Feb2015 17–18
The Human Body (Simon), Jan2013 10, 13
Humblebee Hunter, Feb2009 17; Apr2014 3
Hummingbird Nest, Mar2010 3
The Hunchback Assignments, Nov2011 4
The Hungry Coat, Jan2010 3; Nov2012 40
The Hunt for Hidden Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 10, 14
Hurricanes!, May2011 10, 13
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and Other Natural Disasters,
Feb2013 22
Hush, Jan2012 8
Hybrid Cars, Oct2009 53
I, Amber Brown, Dec2007 10
I, Galileo, Feb2013 3; Mar2014 2; Nov2014 17–18;
Dec2014 29
I, Vivaldi, Dec2012 43
I Am Not Joey Pigza, Jan2012 8
I Am the Book, Oct2014 10, 13
I Am the Mummy Heb-Nefert, Nov2012 25
Ibby's Magic Weekend, Oct2010 10
I Can Write a Letter, Feb2009 43
Ice, Dec2012 10
The Ice Dragon, Dec2012 10
Ice Island, Dec2012 10
Ice Time: The Story of Hockey, Feb2014 10
I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote,
Nov2006 26
Ida B: … And Her Plans to Maximize Fun,
Aug/Sept2005 3; Mar2010 10; Dec2011 8
Iditarod Dream, Dec2012 54
The Iditarod: Story of the Last Great Race, Dec2012 54
If: A Father's Advice to His Son, Nov2008 11, 13
If I Had a Hammer, Apr2015 10, 13
If I Were in Charge the Rules Would be Different!,
Jan2004 36
If Maps Could Talk, Nov2011 25
If Stones Could Speak, Nov2012 10
If Walls Could Talk: Family Life at the White House,
Aug/Sept2008 45
If You Find a Rock, Oct2009 46; May2011 21
Iggy Peck, Architect, Aug/Sept2008 46–49*; Mar2015
23; Aug/Sept2015 3
I Got a "D" in Salami, May2011 37
Igraine the Brave, Mar2013 10
Iguanas in the Snow, Apr2004 3
I Had a Rooster, Jan2009 30–31
I Hate Reading, Feb2009 46
I Have a Dream, Feb2007 11, 14; Jan2011 10;
Nov2014 2
I Have Heard of a Land, Mar2009 10
I Heard It from Alice Zucchini, May2011 10
I Just Have to Ride the Halfpipe!, Feb2014 10
I Know Who Likes You, Aug/Sept2006 10, 13
I'll Pass for Your Comrade: Women Soldiers in the Civil
War, Mar2009 26
The Illustrated Book of Myths, Dec2010 26
I Look Like My Mother, Dec2014 17–18
Imaginative Inventions: The Who, What, Where, When,
and Why of Roller Skates, Potato Chips,
Marbles, and Pie, Aug/Sept2008 54
Imagine a Day, Mar2014 10; Jan2015 10, 13
Imagine a Night, May2013 10
Imagine a Place, Apr2012 52
Imagine You're a Wizard, Mar2013 10
Imani's Music, Mar2005 27
I'm a Vegetarian, Apr2011 11; Dec2015 8
I'm Going to Sing, Apr2009 31
I'm Not Hanging Noodles On Your Ears, Jan2011 52
I'm Still Here in the Bathtub, Mar2005 29
I'm Tougher than Diabetes, Jan2010 10
Incredible Inventions: Poems, Mar2011 10; Mar2015
10, 13, 53
The Incredible Journey, May2006 25
The Incredible Life of Balto, Aug/Sept2012 3; Dec2012
The Incredible Submersible Alvin, Nov2011 55
The Incredible Water Show, Oct2004 4
The Incredible Work of Engineers with Max Axiom,
Mar2015 10, 38
Indian Shoes, Oct2010 17; Nov2013 3, 10, 26
Indians of the Arctic and Subarctic, Feb2007 51
Indigo's Star, Dec2005 10, 13; Jan2011 10
I Never Metaphor I Didn't Like, Apr2010 17
In Flight with David McPhail, Jan2006 9
In the Deep Sea, Apr2009 9–10
Inkheart, Dec2004 3; Jan2005 14–16, 25; Apr2006 9–
10, 12; Oct2007 5; Dec2008 5*
In Praise of Our Fathers and Our Mothers: A Black
Family Treasury, Feb2010 11
Insect Detective, Apr2011 53; Apr2014 3
Insect Facts and Folklore, Dec2010 10
Insects and Spiders, Oct2011 51
Inside Out and Back Again, Feb2016 31–32, 33*
The Inside-Outside Book of Libraries, Feb2009 21
Inside the Titanic, Jan2004 41
Inspiring Stories of Sportsmanship, May2016 15–16
The International Red Cross, Feb2013 10, 15
The International Space Station, Mar2011 10
Internet Inventors, Aug/Sept2015 40
In the Garbage, Apr2011 11
In the Mouth of the Wolf, Feb2005 10
In the Promised Land, Dec2013 37
In the Swim: Poems and Paintings, Mar2012 53
In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson, Apr2014
Into the Air, Dec2003 3
Into the Firestorm, Feb2009 33
Into the Unknown, Nov2014 4
Into the Volcano, May2009 19–21*; Nov2011 10;
Feb2013 10; May2014 11, 13
Into the Woods (Burleigh), Aug/Sept2014 38–39
Into the Woods (Gardner), Apr2008 3
The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Aug/Sept2008 53*;
Nov2008 2; Oct2009 33–34; Mar2011 10;
Aug/Sept2013 10; Oct2014 11; Jan2015 10
Inventions that Could Have Changed the World,
Feb2016 55
Invincible Microbe, Feb2013 44
The Invisible Day, Oct2009 10
The Iridescence of Birds, May2015 37
The Ironwood Tree, Oct2005 15
Isabel of the Whales, Apr2009 10
I Said No! Refusal Skills, Jan2011 10
I Saw Your Face, Oct2005 3
Island of the Aunts, Apr2009 10
Island of Thieves, Aug/Sept2014 10
Is the Guitar For You?, Mar2011 52
I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863, Nov2014 5
I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011, Oct2014 19,
I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912, Oct2014 19,
It Happened in the White House, Feb2010 50
It Jes’ Happened, Mar2016 27
It's a Book, Mar2012 27; Aug/Sept2015 39
It’s All in Your Head, Dec2014 16, 18
It’s a Treasure Hunt!, Aug/Sept2014 10
It's Back to School We Go! First Day Stories from
Around the World, Aug/Sept2008 10
It's Disgusting and We Ate It! True Food Facts from
Around the World, Nov2006 55
It's Hot and Cold in Miami, Dec2007 42, 44; Oct2008
It's Not Magic, It's Science! 50 Science Tricks...,
Oct2010 10
It’s Our Garden, Apr2015 17–18
It's Our World, Too!, Mar2004 40–41, 42
It's Perfectly Normal, May2006 26–28, 32–33
It's Raining Cats and Cats!, Dec2009 54–55
It's Raining Pigs & Noodles, Apr2005 7; May2011 55
It’s Spit-acular!, Nov2015 26
I Want to Be … a Chef, Nov2006 55
I Want to Do Magic, Oct2010 8
I Want to Make Movies, Feb2015 17–18
I Was a Rat!, Feb2005 3; Apr2008 10
I Was Born in a Tree and Raised by Bees, Nov2008
30, 35
I Will Come Back for You, Oct2014 48
I Wish I Could Draw, Mar2015 43
I Wonder Why Zippers Have Teeth and Other
Questions About Inventions, Aug/Sept2008 54
Jabberwocky, Apr2008 46–48
Jack Adrift: Fourth Grade Without a Clue, Nov2008 11;
Feb2011 23
The Jacket, Mar2014 22
Jackie & Me, Feb2004 17, 19; Nov2006 26; Feb2010
11; Mar2012 9; Jan2014 11
Jackie's Bat, Nov2006 25; May2010 3
Jackie's Nine: Jackie Robinson's Values to Live By,
Feb2010 11
Jack London's Dog, Dec2009 11
The Jack Tales, Feb2005 24
Jacob Have I Loved, Aug/Sept2012 32, 37
Jake Burton Carpenter and the Snowboard, Dec2012
10, 14
James and the Giant Peach, Feb2006 25
James Herriot's Treasury for Children, Apr2013 11
The Janitor’s Boy, Dec2014 52
The Jaws of Life, Oct2009 52
Jazmin's Notebook, Feb2010 31, 33
Jazz on a Saturday Night, Dec2006 42; Mar2011 53;
Feb2015 4
Jean Laffite and the Big Ol' Whale, Jan2008 10
Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinaire, May2010 54
Jenny: The Airplane that Taught America to Fly,
Dec2003 8; Jan2007 53
Jim Thorpe's Bright Path, Nov2004 8; Mar2009 27;
May2010 3, 10; Nov2013 34, 38
J. K. Rowling: Extraordinary Author, Jan2013 52
Joe-Joe's First Flight, Dec2003 34
Joey Fly, Private Eye, in Creepy Crawly Crime,
Oct2010 26; May2014 11, 15
Joey Pigza Loses Control, May2010 10
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, Jan2004 36–37;
Nov2005 28, 33
John, Paul, George, & Ben, Jan2007 6–7; Jan2011 20,
25; Mar2014 11, 15
John Lewis in the Lead: A Story of the Civil Rights
Movement, Mar2009 26
John Muir and Stickeen, Apr2005 25; May2014 29
Johnny Swanson, Apr2016 7, 9
Joining the Boston Tea Party, Oct2005 27
Josefina's Surprise: A Christmas Story, Dec2007 10;
Dec2013 10
Joshua's Song, Jan2008 28
The Journal of Ben Uchida, Citizen 13559,
Aug/Sept2010 10
The Journal of Jesse Smoke, Nov2004 12
The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, Jan2004 35
The Journey (Stewart), Oct2004 31
Journey into the Arctic, Dec2012 53
Journey into the Deep, Nov2011 51
The Journey: Stories of Migration, May2012 8
The Journey That Saved Curious George, Jan2011 24;
Aug/Sept2012 55
A Journey: The Autobiography of Apolo Anton Ohno,
Mar2007 10
A Journey Through the Digestive System with Max
Axiom, Super Scientist, Oct2009 52
Journey to Topaz, Feb2005 25
Journey under the Sea, Apr2009 10
Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices, May2005 35, 38,
39; Jan2012 25–26; Aug/Sept2014 29
Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn't Tell A Lie,
Feb2005 30
Judy Moody Predicts the Future, Nov2009 10–11
Judy Moody Saves the World, Oct2006 29
Julie of the Wolves, Apr2013 11
Julie's Wolf Pack, May2005 35, 38
Juliet Dove, Queen of Love, Feb2011 10
Jumanji, Apr2006 24; Dec2011 31, 34; Aug/Sept2013
The Jumbo Book of Drama, Feb2012 10
Jump into the Sky, Mar2015 18
The Junkyard Wonders, Dec2011 8; Oct2015 7
Junonia, Aug/Sept2011 35, Dec2011 3
Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (And Others) Left
Behind, Oct2008 53
Just a Dream, Apr2011 42
Just a Second, Jan2014 10
Just Behave, Pablo Picasso, Mar2014 2; Mar2015 42;
Mar2016 56
Just Ella, Jan2015 33
Just Grace and the Snack Attack, Dec2015 8
Just Grace Goes Green, Apr2011 11
Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters,
Feb2011 21
Just in Time, Jan2010 32
Just Like Mike, Dec2009 26
Just Us Two, Jan2004 36
Kailey, Apr2009 54
Kakapo Rescue, Jan2012 21; Nov2012 36–37
Kamishibai Man, Apr2013 33
Kate Greenaway Illustrations, Jan2015 11, 14
Kate Shelley: Bound for Legend, Feb2009 10
Keeper, Feb2011 3
Keepers of the Earth, Nov2004 8, 11–12
Keepers: Treasure-Hunt Poems, Aug/Sept2014 10, 13
Keeping Secrets, May2009 31
Keep On! The Story of Matthew Henson, Feb2009 34
A Kick in the Head, Jan2006 3; Aug/Sept2010 41;
Oct2012 22; Jan2016 52
The Kid in the Red Jacket, Oct2008 30–31, 32
A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Dec2011 4
Kids, Know Your Rights! A Young Person's Guide to
Intellectual Freedom, Feb2008 4
Kids Around the World Celebrate!, Dec2004 30;
Dec2015 2
Kids' Art Works!, Jan2006 9
The Kids Book of Night Sky, Mar2008 3
The Kids' Book of Weather Forecasting, Mar2006 9;
Oct2009 10; Dec2013 5
The Kids Can Press Jumbo Book of Gardening,
Mar2007 23; Mar2010 10–11
Kids Can Press Jumbo Book of Music, Mar2005 29
Kids Care! 75 Ways to Make a Difference, Nov2008 55;
Apr2011 41
Kids Cook 1-2-3, Dec2015 49
Kids During the Great Depression, Oct2004 29
A Kid's Guide to African American History, Feb2008 29
The Kid's Guide to Becoming the Best You Can Be,
Dec2011 8
A Kid's Guide to Container Gardening, May2013 56
The Kids’ Guide to Digital Photography, Mar2016 23
A Kid's Guide to Earning Money, Oct2009 54; Mar2011
A Kids Guide to First Aid: All about Bruises, Burns,
Stings, Sprains, Mar2008 29
A Kid's Guide to Making a Terrarium, May2013 55
A Kid's Guide to Native American History, Nov2013 10
The Kid's Guide to New York City, May2009 10
The Kid's Guide to Service Projects, Feb2011 54;
Apr2015 11
The Kids Guide to Social Action, Apr2007 3
A Kid's Guide to Washington, D.C., Aug/Sept2011 11
The Kids' Guide to Working Out Conflicts,
Aug/Sept2010 10
The Kids' Invention Book, Apr2004 4; Jan2007 10, 13;
Nov2008 55
Kids Knitting, Mar2005 25
Kids Make Magic! The Complete Guide..., Oct2010 10
The Kids Summer Games Book, May2011 10, 14
Kids Who Are Changing the World, Jan2016 8, 9
Kids Write! Fantasy & Sci Fi, Mystery, Autobiography,
Adventure & More!, Feb2009 46
The Kids' Yoga Book of Feelings, Aug/Sept2010 10, 15
The Kid Who Named Pluto: and the Stories of Other
Extraordinary Young People in Science,
Nov2008 55
The Kid Who Ran for President, Oct2004 8, 9, 11;
Feb2008 10, 11, 13; Nov2014 11
Kimchi & Calimari, Dec2008 10; Dec2014 11
Kinda Like Brothers, Apr2015 2
King Arthur: Excalibur Unsheathed, Mar2013 10
Kingdom Keepers: Disney after Dark, Aug/Sept2015 7
The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World, Nov2012 11
The Kingfisher Atlas of the Medieval World, Mar2013
10, 14
The Kingfisher Book of Classic Christmas Stories,
Dec2007 10
The Kingfisher Book of Family Poems, Dec2008 10
The Kingfisher Geography Encyclopedia, Nov2007 54
The Kingfisher Treasury of Pirate Stories,
Aug/Sept2007 32
King Midas and the Golden Touch, Jan2009 10
King Midas: The Golden Touch, Apr2010 10
The King of Mulberry Street, Oct2006 2
The King's Equal, Aug/Sept2012 35–36
The King Who Barked: Real Animals Who Ruled,
Mar2011 24
Kira-Kira, May2007 3
Kirsten's Surprise: A Christmas Story, Dec2006 29;
Dec2014 29
Kite Fighters, Nov2007 30, 33
The Kite That Bridged Two Nations, Mar2015 23–24,
Knights and Castles, Mar2013 10
Knights of the Kitchen Table, Mar2013 10
Knitting (Sadler), Mar2004 10
Knock on Wood: Poems about Superstitions, Oct2013
Knucklehead: Tall Tales, Oct2012 52
Kringle, Dec2012 10
The Kwanzaa Contest, Dec2004 18
Lady Liberty, Aug/Sept2011 11, 14; Apr2016 48–49
Lady Liberty's Biography, Dec2013 33, 38
Lafayette and the American Revolution, Jan2012 21
Lakota Hoop Dancer, Nov2013 10
La Línea, Oct2006 3
La Llorona: The Weeping Woman, Oct2006 29
La Maríposa, Dec2004 6, 8; Aug/Sept2009 1, 18–24;
Oct2012 27
The Lambkins, Oct2011 10
The Landry News, Aug/Sept2004 4; Nov2006 10, 12
Lanie, Aug/Sept2010 47
The Last Dragon, Nov2005 41, 43
The Last Holiday Concert, Dec2007 8, 10, 12; Dec2013
Last Laughs: Animal Epitaphs, Apr2013 56
The Last Newspaper Boy in America, Dec2014 11, 15
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Dec2009
36, 38
The Last Quest of Gilgamesh, Jan2015 11, 15
The Last River, Dec2011 24
The Last Safe House, May2014 22
The Last Snake in Ireland: A Story about St. Patrick,
Mar2007 55
The Last Snake Runner, Nov2004 32, 34
The Last Straw, Feb2009 44
Last Summer with Maizon, Jan2008 2
The Last Wild Place, Dec2009 55
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems, Apr2004
Law Enforcement (Cassedy), Apr2004 20
Lawn Boy, Dec2007 29; Apr2010 6, 10; Apr2016 8, 9,
The Leaping, Sliding, Sprinting, Riding Science Book,
Oct2009 10
Leaping Beauty, Feb2005 3
Learning to Care for Fish, Mar2012 53
Learn Spanish with Superman 1: Up, Up and Away!,
Feb2009 10
Learn to Speak Film, Feb2015 16, 18
Lebanon A to Z: A Middle Eastern Mosaic, Oct2007 54
LeBron James: I Love Challenges!, Jan2011 20,22–23
The Legend of Bass Reeves, Feb2012 10; May2015
11, 13*
The Legend of Spud Murphy, Aug/Sept2012 10
The Legend of the Bluebonnet, Mar2013 51; Nov2013
45–46; Mar2016 52
The Legend of the Lady Slipper, Dec2012 21
Legends of Zita the Spacegirl, May2014 11
Le Ly Hayslip, Apr2010 10; Apr2016 8
The Lemonade War, Apr2010 6; May2011 10;
Dec2011 40*; Apr2016 8, 9, 10
Lemons Are Not Red, Jan2009 31
Lend a Hand: Poems about Giving, Jan2016 41
Leonardo: Beautiful Dreamer, Mar2012 46
Leonardo da Vinci (Krull), Apr2014 11
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom
Fighters, Feb2007 11, 13, 29; Feb2013 36
Let it Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals, Apr2009 31
Let's Celebrate Valentine's Day, Feb2011 10, 15
Let's Eat Breakfast, … Lunch, and … Dinner, Oct2009
Let's Eat: What Children Eat Around the World,
Nov2012 18; Dec2015 49
Let’s Talk About Race, Oct2015 1, 7, 18
Letters to Cupid, Jan2005 36, 39
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt, Jan2005 36
Let the Games Begin (Ajmera), May2008 11, 13, 14;
May2010 10; Feb2011 10; Feb2014 21;
May2016 8, 11
Let There Be Light, Nov2014 53
Leveled by an Earthquake, Apr2011 21
Leviathan, Nov2011 4
Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky: A Book of Brillig
Dioramas, Apr2008 47
Lexie, Dec2011 3
The Librarian of Basra, Nov2005 3; Feb2009 2, 10, 22;
Oct2011 2; Aug/Sept2012 10; May2015 11, 52
Librarians: Books to Children, Dec2008 54*
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Nov2011 26
The Library (Stewart), Apr2004 43; Feb2009 20
The Library Card, Feb2008 29; Feb2009 23
A Library for Juana: The World of Sor Juana Ines,
Aug/Sept2008 32
Library Lil, Aug/Sept2004 19; Feb2009 23;
Aug/Sept2012 10; Feb2013 54
The Library of Alexandria, Aug/Sept2013 54
Lies and Other Tall Tales, Feb2007 37
The Life and Crimes of Bernetta Wallflower, Apr2016
The Life and Death of Crazy Horse, Nov2004 32;
Nov2013 10
The Life and Times of King Arthur, Mar2013 11
The Life Cycle of a Dog, Oct2006 52
The Life Cycle of Fish, Mar2012 52
Life in a Plains Camp, Mar2004 11
Life in the Ocean, Apr2014 3, 25–26; Oct2014 47;
Mar2015 5
Life in the Taiga, Apr2011 55
Life-Size Sharks and Other Underwater Creatures,
Apr2006 20
Light, Color & Art Activities (Arty Facts), Nov2009 11
A Light in the Attic, Apr2004 10–13
The Lightning Thief, Dec2010 16–18*; May2014 34–
35; Oct2014 11; May2015 11
Lights, Camera, Action!, Feb2015 10, 14
Lights on Broadway, Feb2015 1, 10–11, 15
Lights Out (Geisert), Jan2007 3
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake, Apr2014 4*
Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie, Feb2016 30–31, 33*
Like Sisters on the Homefront, Feb2016 49
Lilac Fairy Book, Dec2006 54
Lily and Miss Liberty, Oct2005 25
Lily's Crossing, Nov2007 11
Lily's Victory Garden, May2013 54
Lincoln and His Boys, Feb2010 51; Nov2010 16
Lincoln: A Photobiography, Dec2003 2; Feb2004 5;
Dec2007 33; Jan2012 20
The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and
Mary, Apr2011 30–31
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Oct2004 15;
Feb2012 10
The Lion Book of Wisdom Stories, Nov2010 8
Lionboy, Mar2012 17–19*
Lionel and the Book of Beasts, Oct2007 5
The Lion Who Stole My Arm, Oct2014 55
Listen to the Wind, Feb2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 10;
Dec2011 16; Jan2016 7
The Little Buggers, May2008 40
Little Champ, Feb2006 28
Little Horse, Oct2011 10
Little House in the Big Woods, Feb2005 24
Little Melba and Her Big Trombone, Aug/Sept2015 56
Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears, Feb2013 45
The Little Piano Girl, Oct2011 43–47*
The Little Red Pen, Jan2013 55
Little Red Riding Bat, Feb2009 22
Little Sap and Monsieur Rodin, Aug/Sept2007 17–18
The Little Ships, Feb2009 2–3; Mar2012 54
Little White Duck, Oct2015 13
Lives of Extraordinary Women, Jan2011 26
Lives of the Artists, Mar2016 7–8
Lives of the Athletes, Mar2007 10, 13; Jan2011 20
Lives of the Explorers, Nov2014 4
Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times,
Mar2005 7, 7, 11, 30, 46–47, 11, 30, 46–47;
Dec2012 43
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the
Neighbors Thought), Aug/Sept2008 45
Lives of the Scientists, Oct2015 22
Living Color, Nov2009 3
Living Green, Nov2009 11; Apr2011 11
Living Sunlight, Feb2013 3
Lizards in the Sky, Apr2013 54
Lizards: Weird and Wonderful, Apr2011 24; Jan2016
Lizzie at Last, Apr2005 36, 38
Locomotion (Woodson), Apr2004 2; Oct2014 55;
Dec2014 52
The Log Cabin Wedding, Oct2012 11
Lolo and Red-Legs, May2011 3
The Lonely Cheese Man and The Mystery of Mouse
Mansion, Feb2009 44
A Long Hard Journey, Mar2005 25
The Longitude Prize, Nov2011 11
The Long-Lost Map, Nov2012 55
A Long Way Home, Feb2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 10
The Long Winter, Dec2004 14
Lon Po Po, Mar2004 36; Feb2006 8, 15; Nov2006 28;
Aug/Sept2013 32; Jan2015 11, 13
Look Alikes Seek-and-Search Puzzles, Aug/Sept2012
54; Feb2015 39
Look at My Book: How Kids Can Write & Illustrate
Terrific Books, Feb2009 46
Look Closer: Art Masterpieces, Mar2015 44
Looking at Lincoln, Aug/Sept2013 2; Oct2014 45
Looking Back: A Book of Memories, May2008 50
Looking for Seabirds, Aug/Sept2014 39
Looking Like Me, Dec2011 2, 8
Look Inside a Log Cabin, Oct2009 55
Look Inside an Igloo, Oct2009 54–55
Look Up! Bird-Watching in Your Own Backyard,
Aug/Sept2014 39; Jan2015 17–18, 28
Look What Came from Egypt, Nov2012 54
Look What Came from Ireland, Mar2007 54–55
Look What Came from Mexico, Aug/Sept2004 8
Look What I Did with a Leaf!, Aug/Sept2006 29
Los Gatos Black on Halloween, Oct2007 28; Jan2010
31, 32, 35, 36
Lost Star, Dec2003 35
The Lost Treasure of the Golden Sun, Aug/Sept2014
Lost Treasures of the Pirates of Caribbean,
Aug/Sept2007 54
Lots and Lots of Coins, Apr2016 20–23
The Loud Silence of Francine Green, Oct2012 4*
Louisa: The Life of Louisa May Alcott, Jan2013 51
Louis Sockalexis: Native American Baseball Pioneer,
Oct2010 17; Nov2013 11
Love, Ruby Lavender, Jan2005 36
Love as Strong as Ginger, May2007 3
Love Letters, Feb2011 3
Love That Dog, Apr2004 2, 3, 5; Jan2005 42, 43–44;
Nov2008 3, 11; Feb2009 46; Nov2009 4*;
Dec2009 3, 18*
Love to Mama: A Tribute to Mothers, Aug/Sept2006 44
Lowji Discovers America, Jan2012 8
Lowriders in Space, Oct2015 14
Lucinda's Secret, Oct2005 14–15
The Luck of the Buttons, Jan2012 14–16*
Lucky 13: Survival in Space, Oct2009 53; Mar2011 23
Lucky Breaks, Dec2011 8
Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age, Feb2015 5
Lulu Walks the Dogs, Apr2016 8, 9
Lunch Lady and the Bake Sale Bandit, May2014 11
Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute, Oct2010 24
Lunch Lady and the Schoolwide Scuffle, Apr2015 32–
Lunch Money, Apr2010 6–7, 10; May2014 11, 15;
Nov2014 11, 15; Feb2016 7
Luz Makes a Splash, Oct2015 14
Mabela the Clever, Feb2005 30
Madam and Nun and 1001, Nov2015 22
The Magical Ms. Plum, Aug/Sept2012 10
Magic by the Book, Oct2007 5; Oct2010 11
Magic Hoofbeats: Horse Tales, Dec2010 10
The Magician's Boy, Apr2006 10
The Magician's Elephant, Oct2010 40–43*
The Magic Paintbrush, Jan2006 10, 13; Oct2010 11;
Mar2016 8, 9
The Magic School Bus and the Science Fair
Expedition, Apr2014 11
Magic Science: 50 Jaw-Dropping, Mind-Boggling...,
Oct2010 11
Ma'ii and Cousin Horned Toad, Nov2004 27
Maizon at Blue Hill, Aug/Sept2004 2, 3
Ma Jiang and the Orange Ants, Nov2012 11
Major Taylor: Champion Cyclist, Oct2015 44
Make a Movie!, Feb2015 17–18
Make and Eat Cookies and Cakes, Dec2013 54
Makeovers by Marcia, Nov2010 8, Feb2011 53
Makerspaces, Feb2016 7, 9
Make Things Fly, Dec2003 8
Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel, Feb2010 34
Make Your Mark, Franklin Roosevelt, Jan2011 25
Making Amazing Art, Mar2016 8
Making Books that Fly, Fold, Wrap, Hide, Pop Up,
Twist, and Turn, Jan2007 36
Making Mobiles, May2012 41
Making Origami Cards Step by Step, Apr2016 42
Malcolm at Midnight, Aug/Sept2013 3
Malcolm under the Stars, Apr2016 56
Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly, Nov2014 11
The Malted Falcon, Feb2005 35
Mama Love, Aug/Sept2012 19
Mama Miti, Aug/Sept2010 7; Dec2010 34–35; Dec2011
16; Jan2013 2
Mammoth Bones and Broken Stones, Nov2013 11
Manatee Blues, Apr2009 10
Mandy, Dec2009 37–38
The Man-Eating Tigers of Sundarbans, Nov2012 36
Manfish, Mar2009 2; Nov2011 19–23*, 54
A Man for All Seasons: The Life of George Washington
Carver, Feb2010 11
A Mango-Shaped Space, Jan2009 10; Nov2009 11
The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families,
Nov2011 16–18*; Oct2012 3
Maniac Magee, Apr2006 24; Feb2007 29; Apr2015 28*
Manners: Staying Out of Trouble with David Mortimore
Baxter, Aug/Sept2010 54
Man on the Moon (Suen), Mar2008 25
The Man Who Made Time Travel, Mar2011 11;
Jan2014 1, 10
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers,
Aug/Sept2004 25; Jan2006 2, 26–27, 28, 33–
34; Aug/Sept2007 28; Nov2007 11;
Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon,
Dec2004 3; Mar2008 3
The Man with the Red Bag, Aug/Sept2011 11
The Many Faces of George Washington, Mar2012 14–
Many Thousands Gone: African Americans from
Slavery to Freedom, Jan2008 53, 54
Map Mania, Nov2011 26
The Map of Me, Dec2011 5*
Mapping the World, Nov2007 55; Nov2011 25
Maps (Mizielinska), Aug/Sept2014 20, 23, 45
Maps and Geography (Jennings), Aug/Sept2014 47
The March on Washington, Feb2007 11
Mardi Gras: A Cajun Country Celebration, Dec2010 55
Margaret Knight: Girl Inventor, Jan2007 10
Marguerite Makes a Book, Nov2009 11; Mar2013 11,
Maria Mitchell: The Soul of an Astronomer, Nov2006
Maria's Comet, Feb2009 30, 36
Maritcha, Nov2014 31–33
Market Day, Nov2009 33
Marley: A Dog Like No Other, Aug/Sept2010 43, 44
Maroo of the Winter Caves, May2012 9
Marshfield Dreams, When I Was a Kid, Feb2009 45
The Marshmallow Incident, Aug/Sept2010 10
A $mart Girl's Guide to Money: How to Make It, Save It,
Spend It, Apr2010 9
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach, Nov2010 8
Martin Luther King, Jr. Man of Peace, Jan2012 21
Martin's Big Words, Aug/Sept2003 43, 44, 45; Jan2004
3, 34, 35; Feb2004 2; Dec2013 10, 15, 31, 36;
Nov2014 52
Marty McGuire, Feb2015 11
Marvelous Math: A Book of Poems, Apr2014 4
Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an
Inventor, Jan2007 2, 20; Aug/Sept2008 53;
Nov2008 3; Mar2015 3, 10; Aug/Sept2015 55
Mary Anning and the Sea Dragon, Feb2006 44
Mary Downing Hahn's Haunting Tales, Oct2011 23
Mary Ingalls on Her Own, Dec2011 53
Mary on Horseback, Aug/Sept2005 29–30; Feb2011 55
Mary Walker Wears the Pants, Oct2014 45
Math: A Book You Can Count On, Mar2012 36
The Math Book for Girls, Apr2005 36; May2011 22
Mathematickles!, Apr2006 25
Ma! There's Nothing to Do Here!, Oct2008 33
Math-terpieces, Mar2016 8, 10
Matilda, Dec2005 10, 12; Aug/Sept2006 29; Feb2012
10; Oct2013 10; Feb2014 5*; May2014 5
Matilda Bone, Oct2012 4*
Max, Mar2012 44
Maxie, Rosie, & Earl-Partners in Grime, Oct2008 37–
Maxx Comedy, Apr2012 11
Maya Angelou: Journey of the Heart, Feb2004 17, 19
Mayan and Aztec Mythology, Mar2013 55
May B., Dec2012 2
Mayfield Crossing, Feb2014 31–32, 36
The Mayor of Central Park, Feb2012 11
A Maze Me: Poems for Girls, Mar2013 33, 36
The McElderry Book of Greek Myths, Dec2010 10
Me and the Pumpkin Queen, Oct2012 11
The Meaning of Flowers, Feb2005 24
Meat and Beans, Aug/Sept2009 53
Medicine (Britton), Apr2004 20
Meet Danitra Brown, Feb2010 37
Meet Me at the Fair (Alter), Nov2003 31
Meet Molly, Apr2015 17–18
Meet My Grandmother: She's a Deep Sea Explorer,
Apr2009 10
Meet My Grandmother: She's a United States Senator,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Meet the Dancers: From Ballet, Broadway, and
Beyond, Apr2012 11
Melvil Dewey: Library Genius, Aug/Sept2013 55
The Memory Box, Apr2015 11
The Menorah Story, Dec2003 36
Menorah Under the Sea, Dec2013 10
Mental Magic: Surefire Tricks to Amaze Your Friends,
Oct2010 11
Me Oh Maya, Nov2012 11
Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot, Dec2003 9;
Nov2010 18; Aug/Sept2012 55
Merlin and the Dragons, Aug/Sept2007 40
Merlin and the Making of a King, Dec2010 10
Messages from Mars, Mar2008 9; Mar2012 9
Messages in the Mailbox, Jan2005 27
Messenger (Lowry), May2007 8
Meteor!, Mar2009 33, 35
Mexico (A World of Food), Dec2015 52
¡Mexico! 50 Activities to Experience Mexico Past and
Present, Aug/Sept2004 9
Mia's Story: A Sketchbook of Hopes and Dreams,
Oct2007 54
Mick Harte Was Here, Oct2008 32, 37; Feb2011 22
Micro Machines, Oct2011 10, 15
Micro Mania, Apr2011 22
Micro Monsters, Oct2011 10
Middle Eastern Food, Dec2015 52
Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf, Feb2011 21;
Feb2015 31–32
The Midnight Adventure of Kate Shelley, May2012 55
Mightier than the Sword, Aug/Sept2007 33–34;
Dec2010 11
The Mighty Miss Malone, May2013 3
Migrant, Oct2012 27, 45–47
Mijos: Fiesta Face-Off, Aug/Sept2009 11
Mike's Mystery, May2010 53
Mike Stellar, Mar2015 10
Millicent Min, Girl Genius, May2007 2; Oct2008 10;
Dec2011 8; Apr2015 11
Millie's Book: As Dictated to Barbara Bush, Feb2010
The Million Dollar Putt, Dec2011 53
Millions, Apr2005 3
Millions, Billions, & Trillions, Mar2014 29; May2014 53
The Milly Stories: Corpses, Carnations…, May2007 53
Mimi's Parranda/La Parranda de Mimi, Dec2007 28
Mind Games, Aug/Sept2008 10
Minerva Clark Gets a Clue, Oct2008 10
Minn and Jake, Oct2013 11
Minn and Jake's Almost Terrible Summer, Oct2013 38
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,
Aug/Sept2006 30–32, 35, 44–45; Feb2011 10
Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse, Dec2010
1,11; Jan2012 3, 22; Apr2012 26; Oct2012 21;
Feb2014 5*
The Misfits, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17; Oct2006 33–34;
Nov2014 11; Oct2015 7
M is for Majestic, Aug/Sept2011 11
Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster, Oct2004 4;
Oct2006 28; May2007 12; Aug/Sept2010 41;
Jan2014 18
Miss Crandall's School for Young Ladies & Little
Misses of Color, Aug/Sept2012 11, 14
Miss Daisy is Crazy!, Aug/Sept2008 10
The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, Apr2007 10;
Aug/Sept2013 10
Missing May, May2016 53
Mission Unstoppable, Aug/Sept2011 11; Oct2012 54
Miss Moore Thought Otherwise, Aug/Sept2013 56;
Dec2013 3
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Mar2016
Miss Small is off the Wall, May2010 10
Miss Spitfire, Jan2009 10; Dec2011 53
Mistakes That Worked: 40 Familiar Inventions and How
They Came to Be, Aug/Sept2008 54
Miz Berlin Walks, Nov2010 9
M.L.K.: Journey of a King, Nov2014 32
The Mob: Feather and Bone, May2012 9; Dec2014 11
Modeling Dinosaurs, Feb2006 43
Molly, by Golly!, Mar2013 27; Apr2015 11
Molly Bannaky, Oct2005 2–3
Mom for Mayor, Feb2008 10, 11, 12
Money, Apr2010 10
Money Madness, Apr2010 1, 6, 11; Apr2016 8, 9, 23
Monster Bones: The Story of a Dinosaur Fossil,
Feb2006 44
A Monster Calls, Jan2015 11, 13
Monster Goose, Oct2003 28
The Monster Health Book, May2013 22; Dec2015 21
Monster Hunt: Exploring Mysterious Creatures,
Apr2013 11
The Moon, Apr2009 52
The Moon over Crete, Nov2012 11
Moon Over Manifest, May2012 52
Moon Over Tennessee, Jan2005 36, 38, 39
Moonshot, Mar2011 3; Dec2014 37
More Readers Theater Scripts for Middle School Boys,
Nov2012 11
More Stories to Solve: Fifteen Folktales from Around
the World, Aug/Sept2013 10
Mosque, Dec2003 42; Mar2015 3, 9
Mosquito Bite (Siy), May2008 41
Mosquitoes Are Ruining My Summer!, Dec2010 22
The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg,
Mar2014 11
Mountain Dog, Nov2015 37–38
The Mountains of Tibet, Dec2010 49
Mountain Solo, Mar2005 8
The Mouse and His Child, Oct2004 20
The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Feb2009 23
Movie Soundtracks and Sound Effects, Feb2015 16, 18
Moving Earth, Feb2013 23
Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking, Mar2016 3
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Writing Thank-You
Notes, Feb2009 43
Mr. Blue Jeans: A Story about Levi Strauss, Apr2010
Mr. Chickee’s Funny Money, Apr2016 8, 10
Mr. Lincoln's Boys, May2011 55
Mr. Popper's Penguins, Jan2007 28; Dec2007 5;
Dec2009 11
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Nov2005 41–42, 43
Mr. Tucket, Mar2009 9
Muddy as a Duck Puddle, Apr2010 16; Aug/Sept2011
Mudworks, Apr2011 41
Muffler Man, Nov2006 10; Aug/Sept2009 11
Muhammad, Dec2013 11
Muhammad Ali: The People’s Champion, Oct2014 47
Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs, Nov2012 23
The Mummy's Mother, Nov2012 54
Murder at the Winter Games, Feb2014 11
Murder for Macaroni and Cheese, Aug/Sept2007 4
Music: Hit the Right Note, Mar2012 36
Music Makers and Toys, Feb2004 12
The Music of Dolphins, Mar2005 8, 9
The Music Thief, Aug/Sept2009 11
Muslim Festivals Throughout the Year, Dec2010 50
Muslim Festival Tales, Dec2007 11
Mutant Animals, Mar2015 11
Muti's Necklace, Nov2012 26
MVP: Magellan Voyage Project, Nov2011 11
My America: A Poetry Atlas, Jan2008 10; Feb2010 3;
Aug/Sept2011 1, 3, 11; Aug/Sept2014 47
My Art Book, Mar2015 44; Mar2016 8
My Basmati Bat Mitzvah, Jan2015 29
My Brother Martin, Jan2004 34–35; Dec2011 25
My Brother Needs a Boa, Apr2011 53
My Chimp Friday, Mar2012 44
My Chocolate Year, Dec2013 54
My Colors, My World/Mis colores, mi mundo, Nov2009
My Contract with Henry, Mar2010 11
My Daniel, Feb2006 29, 30, 31
My Diary from Here to There/Mi Diario de Aquí Hasta
Alla, Aug/Sept2009 12
My Dog, Cat, Dec2009 26
My Girl (Hermes), May2007 53
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch, Apr2007 33
My Havana, Mar2011 55
My Heart Will Not Sit Down, Aug/Sept2012 3; Mar2013
3; Oct2014 46
My Hindu Year, Dec2010 55
My Hippo Has the Hiccups, May2015 5
My Itchy Body, Nov2015 25
My Librarian Is a Camel, Feb2009 22; May2009 3;
Nov2011 11; Aug/Sept2012 11, 14;
Aug/Sept2013 55; Oct2015 18
My Life as a Book, Oct2014 11
My Life as a Gamer, Nov2015 38
My Man Blue, Feb2010 36
My Mixed-Up Berry Blue Summer, Oct2015 7
My Mother Got Married (and Other Disasters), Oct2008
My Name Is Celia, May2015 33
My Name is Gabito: The Life of Gabriel García
Márquez, Aug/Sept2009 12; May2015 33
My Name is María Isabel, Aug/Sept2009 33; Dec2009
My Name is Sangoel, Dec2009 24
My Nine Lives, Nov2004 4
My People, Feb2010 3
My Robots, Mar2015 11, 13
My Secret Bully, Jan2016 37
My Senator and Me, Aug/Sept2008 45; Dec2011 26
My Song Is Beautiful, Apr2004 35
My Special Day at Third Street School, Apr2012 11
The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, Apr2006 10, 12–13;
Aug/Sept2013 10, 13
Mysteries of the Fossil Dig: How Paleontologists Learn
About Dinosaurs, Oct2008 54
Mysteries of the Sea, Nov2011 52
The Mysterious Benedict Society, Aug/Sept2008 10;
Dec2008 5*; Feb2009 52–55*; Dec2011 9;
Jan2013 10; Aug/Sept2015 3
The Mysterious Howling, Oct2010 3; Dec2010 52
The Mysterious Matter of I. M. Fine, Oct2003 43;
Oct2007 10, 13
Mysterious Universe, Mar2010 32; Aug/Sept2013 22
Mysterious Urban Myths, Oct2011 23
Mystery at the Club Sandwich, Aug/Sept2013 1, 11
Mystery Fish Secrets of the Coelacanth, Oct2008 54
Mystery Math: A First Book of Algebra, May2014 53
The Mystery of Darwin's Frog, Apr2014 2
Mystery on the Docks, Nov2009 24
Mystic Horse, Nov2013 11
Myths Busted!, Mar2014 36
The Name of This Book Is Secret, Aug/Sept2014 43
A Name on the Quilt, Nov2003 30
The NAMES Project, Nov2003 30
NASA (Britton), Mar2008 10
NASCAR: Designed to Win, Mar2015 17–18
Nasreen's Secret School, Dec2011 16
Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas, Apr2013 11
Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: Donner Dinner Party,
Feb2014 29
National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia, Apr2013 55
National Geographic Kids Bird Guide, Jan2016 20, 22
National Geographic Student Atlas, Nov2011 11, 25
A Nation’s Hope, May2015 11, 14
A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions,
Mar2011 22–23
Native Crafts (Trottier), Mar2004 11–12
Native Son, Feb2009 20
The Nature and Science of Summer, May2011 10
Nature Got There First, Apr2013 11; Feb2016 27
Nature's Art Box: From T-Shirts to Twig Baskets,
Mar2010 11
Nearly Nonsense: Hoja Tales, Nov2012 40
Necessities (Hoose), Mar2004 40
Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci,
Mar2011 11
The Neptune Project, Mar2015 11
Nerd Camp, Aug/Sept2014 5*
Nerd Camp 2.0, Aug/Sept2014 5*
Never Mind! A Twin Novel, Dec2007 43
Never Say Quit, Mar2008 55
Never Sell Yourself Short, Oct2011 10
The New Americans: Colonial Times, 1620-1689,
Oct2005 28
New Dinos, Feb2006 29, 31
The New Kid, May2012 3
The New Kid On the Block: Poems, Oct2005 21
The New Way Things Work, Dec2003 15–16; Jan2004
28, 31; Jan2007 11, 12; Mar2011 11, 15;
Oct2014 11; Mar2015 3
New Year at the Pier, Jan2012 47–51*
New Year's Day, Dec2010 52; Dec2013 11
The New York Public Library Amazing Hispanic
American History, Aug/Sept2004 38
Nibbling on Einstein's Brain: The Good, the Bad & the
Bogus in Science, Oct2009 10
Nic Bishop Butterflies and Moths, Mar2010 36–37*
Nic Bishop Frogs, Mar2010 32–33, 37–38
Nic Bishop Marsupials, Mar2010 38–39
Nic Bishop Spiders, Mar2010 32–33, 39–40; Oct2014
11, 15
Nick and Tesla’s High-Voltage Danger Lab, Feb2016 8
Nick and Tesla’s Robot Army Rampage, Feb2016 36–
Nigeria (A World of Food), Dec2015 52
Night Flight, May2012 2
The Night Has Ears, Dec2010 25
The Night I Flunked My Field Trip, May2011 37
A Night in Terror Tower, Oct2015 32–33
Night of the Full Moon, Mar2009 10
Night of the Howling Dogs, Jan2013 10
Night of the New Magicians, Oct2010 11; Jan2014 10
Night Wings, Nov2010 9; Feb2012 11
A Night without Stars, Oct2006 39
Night Wonders, Mar2008 10
Nighty-Nightmare, Oct2007 10
A Nile River Food Chain, Nov2012 52
Nim and the War Effort, May2007 33; Nov2010 17
Nine-in-One Grr! Grr!, Mar2014 4
Ninth Ward, Feb2012 17–18*; Feb2013 3; Oct2014 2
Noah's Ark (Pinkney), Aug/Sept2012 52
Nobody Gonna Turn Me 'Round Stories and Songs of
the Civil Rights Movement, Feb2007 3
Nobody Particular (Bang), Apr2007 3
No Clean Clothes, Dec2008 31
No Crystal Stair, Feb2014 32
No Easy Way: The Story of Ted Williams, Jan2011 21,
23; Oct2014 47
Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs..., Oct2011 22
Nokum Is My Teacher, Nov2010 9; Oct2015 7
No More Dead Dogs, Feb2015 11
Noodlehead Stories, Nov2012 41
No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an
Artist, Mar2011 53
Norman Rockwell: Storyteller with a Brush,
Aug/Sept2011 11
The Norseman, Mar2013 52
North (Napoli), Mar2006 9, 12
North: The Amazing Story of Arctic Migration, May2012
Nory Ryan's Song, Mar2012 45
And Not Afraid to Dare, Nov2014 31
No Talking, Nov2007 20; Aug/Sept2008 10;
Aug/Sept2010 2–3; Jan2011 10, 55; Jan2013
Nothing, Apr2010 11
Nothing but the Truth, Nov2010 31–32,36–37;
Aug/Sept2011 11
Nothing but Trouble, May2010 3, 10; Jan2012 9;
May2016 8, 12
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street, Oct2006 22
Not One Damsel in Distress, Aug/Sept2007 33–34;
Feb2009 10; Feb2012 11; Feb2013 55;
May2015 11, 13
Now and Ben, Jan2012 18; Mar2015 39
Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, Nov2010 55, Dec2011
Numbed!, May2014 55
The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure,
Apr2005 36, 39
Number the Stars, May2007 6, 7, 9, 10, 16; Mar2012
44; Aug/Sept2012 4
Nurse, Soldier, Spy, Feb2012 3
Nursery Rhyme Comics, May2014 3, 11, 13
Nuts to You, Nov2015 55
Obama: The Historic Journey, Feb2010 3
Ocean, Tidal, and Wave Energy, Feb2013 11
Oceans (Simon), Apr2009 52
Oceans & Art Activities, Apr2009 11
Oceans: Surviving in the Deep Sea, Nov2011 52
Ocean Tide Pool, Apr2009 54
Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein, Apr2005 25
Oddhopper Opera, Dec2003 8
Odd Jobs: Portraits of Unusual Occupations, Jan2007
Odessa Again, Dec2013 2
The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel, Aug/Sept2014 47
Off and Running, Feb2008 31, 36
Off Like the Wind!, Dec2011 26
The Ogre Downstairs, Oct2005 24
Oh, Brother!, Feb2010 36, 37
Oh, Freedom! Kids Talk about the Civil Rights
Movement, Feb2007 11, 13
Oh, Yuck! The Encyclopedia of Everything Nasty,
Nov2008 11
Ola Shakes It Up, Apr2015 11
The Old Country (Gerstein), Jan2006 28–29
The Old Man Mad about Drawing, Jan2006 10, 12;
Jan2015 11, 15; Mar2016 8
Old People, Frogs, and Albert, Nov2010 9
Old Yeller, Aug/Sept2006 29
Olivia's Birds, Dec2011 7
Olympic Dream, May2008 12
On a Beam of Light, Mar2014 2; Oct2014 47; Feb2016
Once Upon a Company, Apr2010 11
Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude, Jan2016 2, 7, 8
Once Upon a Marigold, Aug/Sept2011 4
Once Upon a Time, Dec2010 11
The Once Upon a Time Map Book, Nov2005 35;
Dec2010 26, Nov2011 11, 15; Aug/Sept2014
The One and Only Ivan, Mar2013 2; Aug/Sept2013 5;
Dec2013 25–27; Mar2014 4; Apr2015 3
One Came Home, Apr2013 5*; Aug/Sept2014 4*
One Candle, Dec2014 11
One Country to Another, May2012 9
One Crazy Summer, May2011 2; Jan2012 21;
Mar2014 4; Dec2014 52; Feb2016 46–50
One Day in the Tropical Rain Forest, Nov2011 12
One Fine Day (Van Steenwyk), Dec2003 3; Mar2015
11, 13
One Grain of Rice, Feb2005 29; Feb2009 10; Dec2010
11, 14; May2015 11, 15; Apr2016 25
One Hen, Apr2010 7, 11; Oct2011 11; Dec2011 7;
Jan2014 41; Apr2016 1, 8, 10
One Million Things: Ancient History, Nov2012 11
One Million Things: Human Body, Mar2011 23
One Peace: True Stories of Young Activists,
Aug/Sept2010 10
One Riddle, One Answer, Apr2005 37
One Thousand Tracings, Jan2009 2–3; Nov2010 18;
Mar2013 3; Jan2016 37
On Etruscan Time, Nov2012 11
One Well: The Story of Water on Earth, Apr2015 52
One White Dolphin, Oct2014 11
One Witch at a Time, Apr2015 5
Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth,
Feb2004 17; Jan2011 11
On Stage (Bany-Winters), Feb2015 11
On Stage (Cobb), Feb2015 11, 14
On the Day You Were Born, Jan2008 21
On the Field with Mia Hamm, Mar2008 54
On the Pulse of Morning, Feb2004 17–18
Oops! The Manners Guide for Girls, Feb2015 51
Opening Moves, Nov2015 7
Operation: Dump the Chump, Oct2008 30
Operation Oleander, Apr2013 5*
Optical Tricks, Oct2012 33, 37; Aug/Sept2013 11
Oral Reports, Jan2011 11
Orangutan Tongs: Poems to Tangle Your Tongue,
Jan2010 49
Organic Gardening for Kids, May2013 54
Origami Zoo, Apr2013 37
The Origin of Species, Feb2009 16, 17
Ornithological Biography, Mar2007 16–17
ORP, Dec2009 27
The Orphans of Normandy, Nov2004 25
Other Goose, Mar2012 27
The Other Half of My Heart, Jan2011 3
The Other Side (Woodson), Dec2005 3; Feb2007 2;
Mar2013 49
The Other Side: How Kids Live in a California Latino
Neighborhood, Oct2006 3
The Otherworldly Adventures of Tyler Washburn,
Feb2016 7
Otto and the Flying Twins, Feb2006 25
Our 50 States: A Family Adventure across America,
Jan2008 10
Our Children Can Soar: A Celebration of Rosa, Barack,
and the Pioneers of Change, Feb2010 3
Our Eleanor, Apr2011 31–32, 36
Our Farm: Four Seasons with Five Kids, Jan2013 11
Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything!, Nov2006 21;
Jan2007 22; Apr2008 25–26; Feb2009 22;
Aug/Sept2012 1, 11
Our Stories, Our Songs: African Children Talk about
AIDS, Jan2010 11
Our Stories Remember, Nov2004 3
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, Jan2009
Our World of Water, Nov2011 12
The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, Nov2005 3;
Feb2009 11; Apr2012 11; Mar2016 8
An Outlaw Thanksgiving, Mar2006 2
Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille, Jan2009
Out of My Mind, Oct2010 2–3; Mar2011 3; Dec2011
54; Aug/Sept2015 7
Out of Sight: Pictures of Hidden Worlds, Jan2009 11
Out of the Dust, Mar2006 10, 12
Outside and Inside Rats and Mice, Dec2007 54
Over Sea, Under Stone, Feb2012 11; Mar2013 11
Over the Top of the World: Explorer Will Steger,
Dec2012 53
Owen & Mzee, Feb2011 11; Dec2011 26; Apr2013 11
The Owl Keeper, Apr2013 5*
Pablo Remembers, Nov2004 24
A Packet of Seeds, May2006 25
Painter and Ugly, Dec2012 54; Apr2013 46
Paiute Princess, Mar2013 25–27*
Palace of Mirrors, Jan2015 33
Pale Male, Dec2011 26
Panda: A Guide Horse for Ann, Jan2009 11; Oct2011
Pandora (Burleigh), Nov2012 46
Papa's Mark, Oct2004 3
Paper Airplanes (Kelly), Dec2003 8
The Paperbag Princess, Dec2008 31, 37–38
Paper Crafts for Day of the Dead, Aug/Sept2009 12
The Paper Dragon, Jan2007 35, 36; Aug/Sept2007 10;
May2015 11
Paper Puppet Palooza, May2012 41
Pappy's Handkerchief, Jan2012 9
Parrots Over Puerto Rico, Oct2014 17
Parvana's Journey, Jan2004 3
Passing the Music Down, Apr2012 11
Pass It On, Apr2004 28
Paths to Peace, Aug/Sept2010 10–11
Patience Wright: America's First Sculptor and
Revolutionary Spy, Nov2008 19; Mar2009 26
Patrick Henry, Nov2014 12
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland, Mar2007 55
Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam, Jan2004 3
Pay It Forward, Apr2015 53
Peace and Bread: The Story of Jane Addams,
Aug/Sept2004 24
Peaceful Pieces, Nov2014 53
The Peaceful Way: A Children's Guide...,
Aug/Sept2010 11
Peace One Day, Aug/Sept2007 4; Aug/Sept2010 11,
Peace Tales: World Folktales to Talk About,
Aug/Sept2010 11
Peach Fuzz Volume I, Dec2009 11
Peanut Butter Party, Nov2006 54
Pedal It!, Oct2015 44
Peepers, Oct2012 11
Peggony-Po: A Whale of a Tale, Jan2008 27
Peiling and the Chicken-Fried Christmas, Dec2013 11;
Dec2014 11
Pele: King of Soccer, Jan2011 22
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters,
Nov2007 11
The Penderwicks in Spring, Apr2016 38
The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword, Feb2009 43
People at Work! A Student's A-Z Guide to 350 Jobs,
Nov2006 10, 12, 13
The People Could Fly, Dec2006 40–41, 47; Nov2007 3;
Dec2010 2
The Perfect Wizard: Hans Christian Andersen,
Nov2007 10
The Periodic Table, Mar2012 30; Apr2014 11, 13;
Feb2015 6
Peter Kent’s City Across Time, Jan2015 48
Peter Pan, Aug/Sept2004 4; Oct2007 29
Peter Pan in Scarlet, Nov2006 29
Pet Science: 50 Purr-fectly Woof-Worthy Activities for
You & Your Pets, Dec2009 11
Petty Crimes, Aug/Sept2004 41, 42
Phantom of the Water Park, May2010 52
The Phantom Tollbooth, Oct2004 25; Feb2008 29;
Aug/Sept2012 4
Pharaohs and Foot Soldiers, Jan2010 50;
Aug/Sept2011 25
Pharaoh's Boat, Nov2012 11
Phillis's Big Test, Feb2010 2
Phineas Gage: A Gruesome But True Story, Mar2007
Phineas L. MacGuire…Erupts!, Oct2009 11
Photos Framed, Mar2016 23
The Physics of Superheroes, Feb2012 13; May2015 14
Physics: Why Matter Matters!, Mar2012 32
The Pickle Patch Bathtub, Mar2007 45–47
A Pictographic History of the Oglala Sioux, Jan2005
17, 21
Picture a Tree, Jan2013 32, 35
The Picture History of Great Explorers, Nov2011 12
Pictures and Poetry, Apr2007 48
Pictures at an Exhibition, Dec2012 44
Pictures from Our Vacation, Jan2008 3
Pictures of Hollis Woods, Feb2011 21
Picture This: How Pictures Work, Apr2006 32; Jan2015
Picture-Writing of the American Indians, Jan2005 17,
Pieces and Players, Jan2016 55
Pieces: A Year in Poems & Quilts, Apr2012 44–45
Pig and the Shrink, May2006 10; Dec2015 8
The Pilot and the Little Prince, Jan2015 3
Pilot Mom, Jan2007 54
The Pinballs, Nov2003 16, 17–18; May2007 29;
Dec2008 11; Jan2012 9
Pink and Say, Aug/Sept2007 15; Mar2009 32, 33, 36;
May2014 22; Jan2016 37
A Pioneer Christmas, Dec2003 35
A Pioneer Sampler, Mar2009 10
Pioneers in Astronomy and Space Exploration,
Aug/Sept2013 22
Pioneers of Science Fiction, Mar2012 9
Piper Reed, Navy Brat, Dec2008 11
A Pirate Cookbook, Jan2012 53
Pirate Gear: Cannons, Swords, and the Jolly Roger,
Aug/Sept2007 30
Pirateology: The Pirate Hunter's Companion,
Aug/Sept2007 29
Pirates (Matthews), Aug/Sept2007 30
Pirate Treasure of the Onyx Dragon, Aug/Sept2014 11
Pitch In! Kids Talk About Cooperation, Jan2013 11
Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry: How to Write a Poem,
Apr2010 40; Jan2013 53
A Pizza the Size of the Sun, May2007 27
A Place for Birds, Apr2013 21, 22; Oct2014 16
A Place for Butterflies, Mar2007 25
A Plague of Bogles, Feb2015 5
Planet Ark, Oct2015 8, 10
Planet Earth: 25 Environmental Projects, Apr2014 11
Planting the Trees of Kenya, Mar2010 42–46; Dec2011
16; Apr2014 29
Plastic (Langley), Oct2009 54
Plastic, Ahoy!, Apr2015 5
Play Ball, Jackie!, May2016 38
Playing Dad's Song, Jan2011 11
Playing the Spoons and Other Curious Instruments,
Mar2011 52
Play with Us: 100 Games from Around the World,
May2007 35
Please Bury Me in the Library, Oct2005 25; Feb2009
Please Write in This Book, Feb2009 45
The Pledge of Allegiance, Aug/Sept2011 12
A Pocketful of Poems, Apr2004 3
Pocket Guide to Ancient Hieroglyphs, May2014 37
Poems to Dream Together, Dec2011 4*
Poems to Learn by Heart, Oct2014 28; Nov2014 3
Poetry by Heart: A Child's Book of Poems, Apr2007 47
Poetry Matters: Writing a Poem from the Inside Out,
Apr2004 4–5; Feb2015 53
A Poke in the I, Mar2005 14; Jan2016 52
Politics, American Style, Oct2004 11
Poor Richard's Almanac, Dec2004 24; Jan2007 6
Popcorn!, May2012 36–37
Popcorn (Landau), Nov2006 54
Popcorn: Poems, Oct2004 4
Poppy, Nov2010 32
The Poppy Lady, Mar2013 27
Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum, Mar2011 25;
Feb2016 2
Porch Lies: Tales of Slicksters, Oct2007 28; Dec2007
30, 31, 39; Mar2014 11
The Porcupine Year, Mar2009 3; Apr2010 34, 38–39;
Nov2013 11
Portrait of a Farm Family, Dec2008 11
Portraits of African-American Heroes, Feb2009 11;
Feb2010 11
Portraits of Hispanic-American Heroes, Oct2015 22
Possibles, Feb2014 37–38
The Potato Chip Puzzles, Nov2015 38
Potatoes on Rooftops, Dec2015 43
The Pot that Juan Built, Aug/Sept2004 13–17
Powerful Words, Jan2011 11
The Power of One, Feb2006 25
The Prairie Adventures of Sarah and Annie, Dec2012
The Prairie Thief, Apr2013 25–27*
Prairie Winter, Dec2010 51
Prehistoric Actual Size, Mar2006 34
Presidential Elections: And Other Cool Facts,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Presidential Pets, Feb2010 50, 51; Apr2013 56
President Lincoln, Willie Kettles, and the Telegraph
Machine, Aug/Sept2011 25
Prietita and the Ghost Woman/Prietita y La Llorona,
Oct2007 3
Prime Baby, Feb2011 3, Mar2012 2
Prince of Tennis, May2010 10–11
The Prince of the Pond, Otherwise Known as De Fawg
Pin, Apr2008 10
Princess Academy, Apr2008 7; May2014 5
The Princess and the Goblin, Apr2008 7
The Princess and the Pig, Mar2014 51–56
The Princess of Neptune, Mar2008 10
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep, Apr2008 6
The Printer, Apr2014 55
Probuditi!, Dec2011 37
Project Mulberry, May2007 3; Nov2007 31, 32, 34, 35;
Jan2013 11; Apr2014 11
Project Seahorse, Jan2016 7, 9
Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed
America, Nov2006 27; May2010 2
Promises! Vote for David Mortimer Baxter, Mar2014 11
Protecting Marie, Mar2006 3
P.S. Be Eleven, Feb2016 50
The PS Brothers, Dec2011 9
Puffling Patrol, Apr2013 2
Punctuation Celebration, Jan2010 50
Punctuation: The Write Stuff, Mar2012 35
Puppet Pandemonium, Apr2012 11, 15
Puppy Power, Dec2011 9; Oct2013 11
Pure Dead Magic, Oct2004 24
Purple Mountain Majesties, Aug/Sept2011 2, 12
Pushing Up the Sky: Seven Native American Plays,
Nov2004 14; Dec2010 11; Nov2013 11;
Feb2015 11
The Puzzling World of Winston Breen, Oct2010 25*;
Aug/Sept2014 11
Pythagoras and the Ratios, Nov2012 11
The Queen of Attolia, Aug/Sept2007 29
Queen of Disguises, Feb2014 11
Queen of the Cold-Blooded Tales, Dec2010 26
The Queen of the Falls, Dec2011 33, 38
Queen of the Track, Oct2014 47
Quest for the Tree Kangaroo, Mar2010 32; Nov2012
32, 38
Questionable Creatures: A Bestiary, Mar2013 11
Quick, Annie, Give Me a Catchy Line!, Jan2004 28, 30;
Jan2007 11, 12
Quidditch through the Ages, May2016 8, 12
The Quilt-Block History of Pioneer Days, Nov2003 30
Quilted Landscape: Conversations with Young
Immigrants, Nov2005 42; Oct2006 11–12
Quilting (Storms), Mar2004 10
The Quilting Bee, Apr2012 11
Quilting Now and Then, Nov2003 29
The Quiltmaker's Journey, Dec2011 9
Quilt of States: Piecing Together America, Jan2008 10
Racecars (McCollum), May2016 40, 42
Rachel Carson and Her Book That Changed the World,
Mar2015 5; May2015 11, 14
Rachel Carson: Preserving a Sense of Wonder,
May2005 25
Rachel's Journal: The Story of a Pioneer Girl, Mar2009
Racing Driver, May2016 40, 42
Racing Sled Dogs: An Original North American Sport,
Feb2007 52
Racing the Iditarod Trail, Feb2007 49
Radio Astronomy, Jan2004 28
Radio Man, Jan2004 28, 30; Aug/Sept2004 41, 42;
Jan2008 10–11; May2012 9
Radio Rescue, Jan2004 28
Ragweed, Nov2010 32
Railroad Fever, May2012 52
The Rainbow and You, Mar2006 10
Rain Reign, Oct2015 3, 56
Ralph Masiello's Drawing Book of Ancient Egypt,
Nov2012 11, 14
Ralph Masiello's Farm Drawing Book, Mar2016 40
Ralph S. Mouse, Dec2007 55
Randolph Caldecott (Marcus), Jan2015 11, 14
Random Body Parts, Nov2015 27
The Random House Book of Poetry for Children,
Apr2004 15
The Random House Dinosaur Travel Guide, Oct2008
Rascal (North), Nov2006 29
The Raucous Royals, Feb2015 39–40
Reaching for the Moon, Mar2007 10
Read a Rhyme, Write a Rhyme: Poems, Feb2009 46
Ready, Set, Grow! A Kid's Guide to Gardening,
Aug/Sept2010 47
Ready, Set… Wait! What Animals Do Before a
Hurricane, Feb2013 11, 14
Real American Girls Tell Their Own Stories, Nov2008
The Real McCoy: The Life of an African American
Inventor, Jan2007 2–3; Mar2012 46
The Real Slam Dunk, Nov2006 3, 10, 12; Apr2014 11
Rebecca and the Movies, Feb2015 11
Recess, Rhyme, and Reason: A Collection of Poems
about School, Aug/Sept2008 10–11
Recipe and Craft Guide to India, Dec2015 50
Recipe and Craft Guide to Indonesia, Dec2015 50
Recycle! A Handbook for Kids, Apr2007 11; Apr2011
Recycled Crafts Box, Apr2007 11; Apr2011 11
Red Bird Sings, Nov2014 12
The Red Book, Apr2006 10; Nov2009 16–17*;
Dec2015 44, 46
Red Butterfly, Mar2013 23
The Red Pyramid, May2014 37
Red-Tail Angels: The Story of the Tuskegee Airmen of
World War II, Dec2007 34
Regarding the Bathrooms, Apr2015 24
Regarding the Fountain, May2014 5
Regarding the Sink, Jan2005 25
The Reinvention of Edison Thomas, Mar2011 3;
Oct2013 11, 14
Remember Pearl Harbor: American and Japanese
Survivors, Dec2006 29
Remember: The Journey to School Integration,
Aug/Sept2006 28; Feb2007 3
Remember the Lusitania!, May2005 25
Rent Party Jazz, Feb2008 2
Replay (Creech), Jan2005 47
The Report Card, Aug/Sept2004 3; Aug/Sept2005 10,
The Revealers, Dec2005 11, 12; Oct2013 11, 14
Rich, Feb2010 34, 38–39
Richard Wright and the Library Card, Feb2009 20
Rickshaw Girl, Aug/Sept2010 43
Riddle Me This!, Feb2015 39
Riding Freedom, Aug/Sept2004 29, 31, 32; Oct2004 8,
Riding with the Mail: The Story of the Pony Express,
Mar2009 11
A Right Fine Life: Kit Carson on the Santa Fe Trail,
Mar2009 11
The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus, Jan2015 5;
Jan2016 25–27*; Feb2016 56
The Ring of Rocamadour, Aug/Sept2013 11
River Beds: Sleeping in the World's Rivers, May2013
A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams,
Aug/Sept2009 25–27*; Jan2013 53; Jan2015
3, 27
A River Ran Wild, Apr2007 11; Nov2007 55; Apr2011
12, 14; Apr2015 11, 15
River Roads West, Nov2011 12
R My Name Is Rachel, Oct2012 51
Road to Paris, Feb2010 32
The Roar, Mar2012 45
The Roar of the Crowd, Oct2008 10
Roberto & Me, Apr2011 12; May2016 8–9
The Robin Makes a Laughing Sound, Aug/Sept2014 39
Robot Dreams, May2008 29
Robotics, Mar2011 11
Rocket: How a Toy Launched the Space Age, Mar2008
Rock of Ages, Nov2014 33
Rocks, Apr2011 20, 21
Rodzina, Mar2009 11
Roget's Student Thesaurus, Feb2008 50
Roller Girl, Nov2015 56
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Feb2004 18, 20;
Dec2007 29; Jan2008 3
Room for the Baby, May2013 43–45*
Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots, Aug/Sept2010 46
Rosa (Giovanni), Feb2007 3
Rosie's Tiger, May2007 33–34
Rosie Swanson: Fourth-Grade Geek for President,
Nov2014 12, 15
Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare, Mar2009 31
The Rough-Face Girl, Nov2013 24–25
The Rough-Riding Adventure of Bronco Charlie,
Aug/Sept2011 26
Roy Makes a Car, Jan2008 27
Roy Morelli Steps up to the Plate, Dec2011 9
Rubber-Band Banjos and a Java Jive Bass, Mar2005
Ruby Electric, Feb2015 11
Ruby Holler, Jan2005 45; Nov2010 9
Rudy Rides the Rails, May2012 53
Rules, Feb2011 23; Dec2011 54
Run and Hike, Play and Bike, Mar2011 23
Ryan and Jimmy, Dec2011 7; Apr2015 11, 52
Sacajawea: The Story of Bird Woman and the Lewis
and Clark Expedition, Nov2004 12
Sadako, Feb2006 8–9
The Sahara Desert: The Largest Desert, Nov2012 52
Sahara Special, Oct2008 10, 16; Oct2014 55
Saint George and the Dragon, Mar2013 11
Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam, Mar2007 10
Salmon Summer, May2011 11
Salsa Stories, Aug/Sept2009 12, 52–53
Saltypie, Oct2010 16–18*, Apr2012 31, 38
Sam, Bangs & Moonshine, Mar2014 12
Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head, Apr2014
Samantha's Craft Book, Mar2004 12
Samir and Yonatan, Jan2004 2; Dec2004 2
Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception, Mar2016 8
Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man, Oct2003 43
A Sampler View of Colonial Life, Mar2004 9
Sand to Sea: Marine Life of Hawaii, May2007 55
Sandy's Circus: A Story of Alexander Calder, Nov2008
19; May2012 41; Mar2015 42; Feb2016 7–8
Sarah, Plain and Tall, Mar2009 11; Feb2011 11;
Jan2012 9
Sarah Gives Thanks, Nov2014 40
Sarah Winnemucca: Scout, Activist, and Teacher,
Nov2006 26
Save Rafe!, Nov2015 37–38
Saving Animals after Floods, Mar2016 41
Saving Lilly, Jan2011 11
Saving Money (Benji Franklin), Apr2016 26
Saving the Baghdad Zoo, Apr2013 11
Saving the Ghost of the Mountain, Nov2012 38
Savion: My Life in Tap, Feb2004 18, 19; Nov2008 11;
Feb2010 12
Savvy, Feb2014 5*
Say Something, Dec2005 2
Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled, Apr2014 2
The Scarecrow and His Servant, Nov2006 29
Scared Silly: 25 Tales to Tickle and Thrill, Dec2010 25
Scarface: A Blackfeet Indian Tale, Feb2007 47
The Scary Book (Cole), Oct2007 41
Scary Stories 3, Oct2011 23
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Oct2006 28
Scat, Mar2010 47–51*
Scholastic Discover More: Technology, Aug/Sept2015
Scholastic Encyclopedia of U.S. Women, Mar2004 7
The School at Crooked Creek, Apr2010 16
The Schoolchildren's Blizzard, Dec2012 11
A School Like Mine: A Unique Celebration of Schools
around the World, Aug/Sept2008 11
The Schoolmaster, Aug/Sept2012 11
Science Arts: Discovering Science Through Art
Experiences, Apr2014 12
Science Detectives: How Scientists Solved Six RealLife Mysteries, Aug/Sept2013 11
Science Experiments With Color, Nov2009 11
Science Fiction and Fantasy, Mar2012 9
Science Fiction: Vision of Tomorrow, Mar2012 9,13
Science in Colonial America, Oct2005 28, 30
Science in Seconds with Toys: Over 100 Experiments
You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less, Oct2009
The Science of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials,
Mar2012 10,11
The Science of Sound & Music, Mar2005 8, 10
The Science of Tsunamis, Oct2014 19, 20
Science Verse, Apr2014 12
Scientists Who Changed the World, Feb2016 25–26
Scones and Sensibility, May2010 53
The Scoop on Ice Cream, Jan2012 55
Scooter (Williams), Dec2005 11
Score! The Story of Soccer, May2016 9
The Scrambled States of America, Jan2008 1
Scranimals, Apr2013 42–44*
The Scraps Book, Mar2016 56
The Sea, Apr2009 52
Seabiscuit, An American Legend, Nov2006 4
The Sea Chest, Nov2009 21
Seadogs: An Epic Ocean Operetta, Mar2011 51
Seaglass Summer, May2011 2
Seaman's Journal, Nov2004 4, 23; Mar2009 11
Sea Monsters, Apr2009 11; Nov2011 52
The Sea of Trolls, Aug/Sept2011 4
The Search for Antarctic Dinosaurs, Oct2008 54
The Search for Wondla, Mar2012 43
Searching Online for Image, Audio, and Video Files,
May2011 23
Seashore and Tides, Apr2009 52
Season of the Sandstorms, Feb2013 11
The Seasons Sewn, Nov2003 29
Sea Soup: Phytoplankton, Oct2011 11
Sea Turtle Scientist, Mar2015 5
The Secret Cellar, Aug/Sept2014 11, 13
Secret Identity, Dec2005 11
The Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups, Jan2015 26
Secret Letters from 0 to 10, Dec2004 2
The Secret Life of a Snowflake, Dec2013 21–24*
The Secret Life of Food, Nov2006 54; Jan2009 11
The Secret Life of Money, Apr2016 8, 10
The Secret of Priest's Grotto, Oct2007 29
The Secret of Sachem's Tree, Oct2005 28, 30, 31
The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee, Aug/Sept2013 42–
43; Apr2014 5
The Secret of the Old Clock, Oct2010 23
The Secret of the Sealed Room, Aug/Sept2011 16–18*
The Secret of the Three Treasures, Aug/Sept2007 10
Secrets in the Hills: A Josefina Mystery, Aug/Sept2013
Secrets of 26th Street, Feb2008 10
The Secrets of Animal Flight, Dec2003 8; Mar2010 40
Secrets of Dripping Fang: The Onts, May2008 42
The Secrets of Ms. Snickle's Class, Aug/Sept2008 11
Secrets of the Garden, Oct2012 3
The Secrets of the Nile, Nov2012 52
Secrets of the Seashore, Feb2016 44
Secrets of the Summer School Zombies, May2010 52
The Secret Voice of Gina Zhang, May2007 34
Sector 7, Jan2004 45
Seedfolks, Feb2008 3; Apr2011 2; Jan2016 8
Seeds of Change, Dec2011 16
The Seeing Stone, Oct2005 13–14
Seeing the Elephant, Nov2010 16
Seek (Fleischman), Jan2004 29, 30
Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered
Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Aug/Sept2013 11, 14
Seen Art?, Jan2008 29; Mar2011 53; Mar2016 8
Seesaw Girl, Nov2007 30, 32, 33
See You Later, Gladiator, Aug/Sept2013 5
The Sense of Smell, Dec2014 16, 18
Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man, Jan2007 3, 11;
May2012 19; Nov2013 11; Feb2016 56
Serafina’s Promise, Dec2014 52; May2015 22–24
Seven Candles for Kwanzaa, Dec2004 18; Feb2013 35
Seven Miles to Freedom: The Robert Smalls Story,
Mar2009 25–26*, 27
Seven Natural Wonders of the United States,
Aug/Sept2011 12
Seven Spiders Spinning, May2008 42
The Seven Treasure Hunts, Aug/Sept2014 11
The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs, Jan2008
11, 14
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Nov2012 12
Seven Wonders of the Medieval World, Mar2013 11,
Shackleton's Stowaway, Mar2012 45
Shake, Rattle & "Turn That Noise Down!," Dec2011 27
Sharing the Seasons: A Book of Poems, Nov2010 4
The Shepherd's Trail, Oct2009 53; May2012 9
She Touched the World, Dec2011 53; Apr2014 53
Shiloh, Jan2005 24; Aug/Sept2007 10; May2014 4
Ship (Macaulay), Dec2003 41
The Shocking World of Electricity with Max Axiom,
Apr2014 12
Shoebag, May2008 42
Shoeless Joe & Me, May2010 11
Shoe Magic, Feb2010 36–37
Short & Shivery, Dec2010 25
Show Way, Dec2014 11, 14
Shutting out the Sky: Life in the Tenements of New
York 1880-1924, Feb2009 30, 31, 32
Side by Side: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar
Chavez, Oct2012 26; May2015 11, 14, 32
Sidekicks, Apr2014 31–32, 35
Sienna's Scrapbook, May2009 11, 54; Aug/Sept2011
Sign Language for Kids, May2012 20
Sign Language Man: Thomas H. Gallaudet, Apr2014
The Sign of the Beaver, Nov2004 11, 14, 34; Nov2007
The Sign of the Seahorse, Apr2007 31, 34, 38
The Sign Painter, Apr2013 35
Silent Spring, May2008 28
Silent Star: The Story of Deaf Major Leaguer William
Hoy, Feb2013 25–27*; Apr2014 54
The Silent Storm, Mar2006 19
The Silent Stranger: A Kaya Mystery, Nov2013 11
Silly and Sillier: Read-aloud Tales, Dec2010 11, 13
The Silver People, Mar2015 3
The Silver Six, Nov2014 29
Silverwing, Nov2014 12
Simeon's Gift, Mar2005 19; Dec2009 31–33
Sincerely Yours, Apr2016 42
Sing a Song of Popcorn, Dec2005 39
Sing a Song of Tuna Fish: Hard-to-Swallow Stories
from the Fifth Grade, Oct2008 16
Sing Down the Moon, Mar2009 11; Nov2013 11
Singing Away the Dark, Dec2012 45–47*
A Single Shard, May2007 3; Nov2007 2, 11, 30, 34–35,
36; Apr2012 2
SINGuini: Noodling Around with Silly Songs, Mar2011
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens: A Math
Adventure, Jan2010 51; Apr2010 54
Sir Cumference and the Viking’s Map, Nov2014 5
S Is for Story, Jan2013 53
Sisters & Brothers: Sibling Relationships in the Animal
World, Oct2012 53
The Sisters Grimm, Feb2006 25
Sister Tricksters, Feb2007 46–47; Dec2010 11;
Mar2012 55
Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down,
Feb2013 34
Six Million Paper Clips: The Making of a Children's
Holocaust Memorial, Nov2008 55
Six Sick Sheep: 101 Tongue Twisters, May2004 46
Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds, May2010 3
Sixth Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me, Aug/Sept2008
Sixty-Eight Rooms, Oct2011 11; Mar2016 3
Skateboard Design, Mar2011 25
Skeleton Man, Nov2004 13; Oct2007 2; Nov2013 34,
Skiing (Catel), May2016 41–42
Skillet Bread, Sourdough, and Vinegar Pie: Cooking in
Pioneer Days, Nov2006 55
Skin Like Milk, Hair of Silk, Apr2010 18; Jan2011 52
Skinnybones, Oct2008 30
Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble, Nov2012 48–51
Sky (Porter), Nov2005 24
Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building,
Feb2009 32, 33, 37–38; Mar2015 3, 11, 14,
16–18; Aug/Sept2015 29
Sky High: The True Story of Maggie Gee, Jan2011 22
Skylar, May2011 10
Sky Magic, Mar2010 2
Skyscraper (Curlee), Aug/Sept2015 29
Skyscrapers (Oxlade), Mar2011 11
Sled Dogs of Denali Park, Dec2012 54
Sliding into Home, Mar2008 53; May2016 9
Slog’s Dad, Jan2015 11, 13, 14
The Sloppy Copy Slipup, Jan2013 55
Small as an Elephant, Oct2011 48–50*
Small Steps, May2008 32, 33, 37
Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio, Mar2012 45
A Smart Girl's Guide to Her Parents' Divorce, May2013
The Snake Scientist, Nov2012 32, 37
Snapshots from the Wedding, Oct2007 55
Sneakers, Mar2011 25
Sneaking Suspicions, May2009 11
Sneeze!, Nov2015 24
Snow Amazing: Cool Facts and Warm Tales, Dec2012
The Snow Baby, Dec2011 25
Snowboard Champ, Feb2014 11
Snowboarding Similes and Metaphors, Apr2010 18
Snowy Science, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 11
Soccer for Fun, Mar2008 55
Soccer Superstars, Mar2008 55
Soccer Team Upset, Jan2010 19–20
Soccer: The Amazing U.S. World Cup Team, Mar2008
Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears,
Nov2004 32; May2011 10
Solving the Mysteries of Pompeii, Feb2013 11
Some Good News, Aug/Sept2004 4; Apr2015 11
Something Big Has Been Here, Apr2004 16; Oct2004
43, 45
Something to Hold, Nov2013 12
Sometimes I Wonder If Poodles Like Noodles,
May2010 39
Song Bird, Feb2005 28
A Song for Ba, Mar2005 19
A Song for Harlem, May2008 3
Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems,
Mar2010 3; Apr2015 36–37
The Son of Neptune, May2014 36
Son of Promise, Child of Hope, Feb2010 32–33
Sophie Simon Solves Them All, May2011 40–42*
Sophie the Hero, Feb2012 11; May2015 11
So Totally Emily Ebers, Jan2012 9
Soup for Breakfast, Jan2014 23
South Pacific Mythology, Mar2013 55
So You Want to Be an Inventor?, Apr2004 4; Oct2004
20; Nov2006 10; Jan2007 11; Aug/Sept2008
54; Jan2012 17, 18; Feb2016 8
So You Want to Be President?, Feb2004 3; Oct2004 8,
11, 18–19, 27–29, 32–35; Jan2007 7;
Feb2008 10, 13, 28; Jan2009 43; Feb2011
28*; Jan2015 12, 15
Space & Art Activities, Mar2008 10
Spaceman (Cutler), Aug/Sept2005 10, 12, 14
The Space Mission Adventure, Oct2008 54
Space Station Rat, Mar2011 11
Space Travelers, Oct2009 53
Sparks, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17
Sparrowhawk Red, Mar2012 43
Speak to Me (and I Will Listen Between the Lines),
Jan2011 11
Special Effects Make-Up Artist, Feb2015 44
Spectacular Science: A Book of Poems, Apr2004 18
Spectacular Skyscrapers, Mar2015 16–18
Spectacular Women in Space, Mar2008 10
Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini, Oct2007 26
The Spider and the Fly, Dec2003 8
Spiders in the Hairdo: Urban Legends, Oct2007 13
Spies! Real People, Real Stories, Nov2008 19
Spinning through the Universe, Aug/Sept2004 3
Spirits Dark and Light, Apr2012 39
A Splash of Red, Dec2013 3; Jan2015 3; Mar2015 42;
Mar2016 17–18, 39
Splinters, Oct2013 11
Spooky Things, Oct2003 29
A Spoon for Every Bite, Aug/Sept2009 52
Sports for Life, May2006 10, 11
Sports Picture Puzzles, Feb2015 39
Sports Science, May2008 12; May2016 7, 12
Sports Shorts, May2016 9
Sports Therapist, May2016 9, 10
The Spotted Dog Last Seen, Apr2015 4, 12
Spy School, May2013 3; Oct2014 2
Spy Technology, Mar2011 11
Squanto's Journey, Mar2012 43; Nov2013 37
Squeak! A Mouse's Life, Feb2009 44
Squids Will Be Squids, Apr2008 32; Dec2010 24
Squirrel and John Muir, May2006 24
Squirrel’s World, Apr2015 12, 13
Stage Fright on a Summer Night, Feb2015 12
Staging a Play, Feb2015 12, 14
Standing Up to Mr. O, Apr2011 12
Stand Up for Yourself and Your Friends, Oct2013 12
Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time, May2007 2; Oct2014
Stanley Yelnats' Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake,
May2008 34, 36–37
Star Jumper, Mar2012 10,13
The Star Maker, Dec2013 11
The Star of Kazan, Nov2008 17
Starring Grace, Apr2012 12
Starry Messenger, May2005 30–31; Mar2008 2;
Feb2013 3; Mar2014 2; Jan2015 3, 12, 15
Starry River of the Sky, May2014 5*
Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust,
Oct2009 3
Stars in the Darkness, Nov2003 9–10
Star-Spangled Crafts, Aug/Sept2011 12, 15
Startling Art, Mar2016 8
Stay, Mar2013 2
Stealing Air, Mar2015 18
Stealing Home, May2010 2; Nov2010 10
Stealing Thunder, May2014 4
Steel Drumming at the Apollo, Nov2012 5*
Steel Town, Mar2011 12, 14; Aug/Sept2015 7
The Stepsister’s Tale, Nov2014 5
Sticks, Feb2008 43
Stick Up for Yourself!, Oct2008 11; Jan2011 11
Sticky Burr, Feb2009 2; Oct2011 11
Stink-o-pedia: Super Stink-y Stuff from A to Zzzzz,
Jan2010 49
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales,
Feb2005 2
Stitchin' and Pullin', Nov2009 11; Apr2012 2,12
Stolen by the Sea, Mar2006 19
Stone Bench in an Empty Park, Mar2010 2
Stonefish: Needles of Pain, Mar2012 51
Stone Girl, Bone Girl: A Story of Mary Anning, Nov2008
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Dec2012 23
Stop the Train!, Mar2009 11
Stories from the Billabong, Mar2013 55
Stories from the Silk Road, Dec2010 11
Stories to Solve: Folktales from Around the World,
Feb2005 29, 31; Oct2006 48; Oct2010 23–24;
Dec2010 24; Aug/Sept2012 53; Feb2015 38–
Stormbreaker, Ark Angel, Oct2007 23
A Storm Called Katrina, Feb2012 16–17*; Apr2012 3;
Feb2013 2
The Storm in the Barn, May2014 3, 11, 14, 20–21
Storm Run: The Story of the First Woman..., Dec2012
Storm: The Black Sphere, Mar2011 12
STORM: The Infinity Code, Feb2012 11
The Story and Origins of Mother Goose and John
Newbery, Nov2007 10
The Story of Hanukkah, Dec2013 11
The Story of Kwanzaa, Dec2004 18
The Story of Paper, Apr2015 17–18
The Story of Ruby Bridges, Aug/Sept2004 2
The Story of Snow, Dec2010 51; Dec2012 11
The Story of the Incredible Orchestra, Mar2005 28
The Story of the Orchestra, Mar2011 52
Story Painter, Jan2006 10
The Storytime Craft Book, Dec2010 12
St. Patrick's Day Shamrocks, Dec2010 55
Strange and Spooky Stories, Oct2011 22
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, Mar2012 27;
Aug/Sept2013 40–41
Stranger from Somewhere in Time, Jan2014 11
Stranger on the Silk Road, Nov2012 12
Street Luge in the X Games, Dec2012 55
Street Music: City Poems, Aug/Sept2011 3
Stress Can Really Get on Your Nerves, May2013 11
Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea, Aug/Sept2011 2
The Strongest Man in the World: Luis Cyr, May2014 11
A Strong Right Arm: The Story of Mamie "Peanut"
Johnson, May2010 11
Struck by Lightning, Apr2011 21
Strudel Stories, Dec2006 33
Student Congress Debate, Nov2014 12
A Study in Scarlet, May2007 28
The Subway Mouse, Jan2013 32, 35–36
Subway: The Story of Tunnels, Tubes and Tracks,
Mar2015 11
Sugar and Ice, Feb2014 11
A Suitcase of Seaweed, Oct2013 37
Summer According to Humphrey, May2011 11
Summer Camp Secrets, May2010 54
Summerhouse Time, May2011 11; Dec2014 11
The Summer I Saved the World, Apr2015 3
Summer of the Gypsy Moths, Jan2013 3
Summer Olympics: The Definitive Guide to the World's
Greatest Sports Celebration, May2008 12, 15
Summersaults: Poems, May2011 11
Summer School! What Genius Thought That Up?,
May2011 38
Summer Shorts, May2009 30, 31
The Summer Solstice, May2011 11
Sun, Moon and Stars (Hoffman), Feb2005 29
Sunny Side Up, Mar2016 29*
Super Cool Science Experiments, Dec2015 37, 38
Superhero School, Apr2010 2
"Super Hungry Mice Eat Onions", Nov2011 12
Super Scratch Programming Adventure!,
Aug/Sept2015 38
Super Stars: The Biggest, Hottest, Brightest, Most
Explosive Stars, Aug/Sept2013 22
Surf Dog Miracles, Feb2016 45
Surprise Island, May2010 53
The Surprising World of Bacteria with Max Axiom,
Apr2011 22
Survival at 40 Below, Dec2010 51, 51, Apr2011 23;
Apr2011 23; Dec2012 11
Surviving Antarctica, Mar2012 46
Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps,
Oct2007 23
Surviving the Applewhites, Nov2003 16, 17, 18;
Dec2008 11; Feb2015 12
Susan Butcher and the Iditarod Trail, Feb2007 53
The Swamps of Sleethe, Mar2012 10
The Sweetest Fig, Dec2011 36
Sweethearts of Rhythm: The Story of the Greatest AllGirl Swing Band in the World, Feb2010 17–19
Sweet Land of Liberty, Feb2009 34
Sweet! The Delicious Story of Candy, Mar2011 24
Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush, Nov2007 3
Swifter, Higher, Stronger: A Photographic History of the
Summer Olympics, May2008 12, 15
Swindle, Dec2011 41
Switchers, Mar2006 10, 12
Sylvia’s Super-Awesome Project Book, Feb2016 8–9
A Symphony of Whales, Apr2009 11; Jan2013 11;
Jan2016 8
The Table Where Rich People Sit, Apr2016 25
Tabloidology, Mar2014 12
Taj Mahal, Feb2011 11
Take a Winter Nature Walk, Dec2012 11
Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Mar2007 24; Oct2014
Take Me Out to the Yakyu, Dec2014 3, 12; May2016
Take the Mummy and Run: The Riot Brothers Are on a
Roll, May2010 54
Take Two! A Celebration of Twins, Oct2012 55
Taking Flight, Dec2003 16
Taking Sides, Feb2008 31
A Tale Dark and Grimm, Nov2011 4*; Feb2014 5*
The Talented Clementine, Nov2007 19; Dec2011 9
The Talent Show, Jan2011 2; Dec2012 19; Feb2013
The Tale of Despereaux, Feb2005 36; Aug/Sept2006
30–35, 38–41, 43; Feb2007 28; Nov2007 2;
Dec2007 55; Feb2012 12; Mar2013 11
Tales from Celtic Lands, Mar2013 53
Tales from Gizzard's Grill, Mar2009 11
Tales from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird,
Apr2008 10, 11
Tales of Famous Heroes, May2015 17–18
Tales of King Arthur, Mar2013 11
Tales of the Cryptids, Aug/Sept2013 11, 13
Tales of the Shimmering Sky, Dec2010 12
Talk, Talk, Squawk!, Apr2013 55
Talkin' About Bessie, Feb2010 32, 37–38
Talking with Adventurers, Nov2006 3
Talking with Artists, Jan2006 10, 13, 19; Nov2006 3;
Apr2012 51; Jan2015 26
Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina, Nov2004 32–33
The Tamale Quilt Story, Aug/Sept2009 53
Tam Lin, Aug/Sept2007 40
Tangerine, May2009 15
Tangled Threads, May2007 3
Tap Dancing on the Roof, Nov2007 34, 35; Jan2012 3;
Feb2014 20
The Tapir Scientist, Mar2015 5
The Tarantula in My Purse: And 172 Other Wild Pets,
May2005 40–41
The Tarantula Scientist, May2008 40; Nov2008 11;
Mar2010 31–32; Nov2012 37; Apr2013 11
Tar Beach, Feb2010 42
Tattoo Art around the World, Mar2016 8, 10
The Teacher's Funeral, Aug/Sept2005 10, 12;
Aug/Sept2012 11
Team Moon, Nov2007 11, 12; Mar2008 2, 3, 10, 29;
Mar2011 3, 23
Teamwork, Jan2013 21
Teatime with Emma Buttersnap, Nov2006 55
Teatro! Hispanic Plays for Young People,
Aug/Sept2004 41, 42; Aug/Sept2009 12
Tea with Milk, May2008 50; Apr2013 35
The Technology Book for Girls and Other Advanced
Beings, Mar2011 12
Telling Your Own Stories, Feb2009 42
Tell Me a Story: Family Folklore, Dec2014 12, 14
Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows
Embraced Autism, Nov2012 34; Feb2016 26
Ten Mile Day: The Building of the Transcontinental
Railroad, May2005 24
Ten Queens, Mar2005 25
Ten Ways to Make My Sister Disappear, Feb2011 21
Termites on a Stick, Aug/Sept2012 18
Terrific Women Teachers, Aug/Sept2012 11
A Terrifying Taste of Short & Shivery, Oct2007 10–11
Terror from the Gulf, Mar2006 19
Testing the Ice: A True Story About Jackie Robinson,
Dec2010 36
Thanks, and Have Fun Running the Country,
Aug/Sept2011 12
Thanks a Million, Aug/Sept2007 2, 10, 12; Feb2010 36;
Dec2011 10; Nov2014 42
The Thanksgiving Visitor, Nov2004 25
Thanks to Nikki, Feb2011 52
Thank You, Mr. Falker, Feb2009 2; Mar2009 30, 33,
37; Oct2014 12
Thank You, Sarah, Nov2014 40
That Book Woman, Dec2008 54; Feb2011 55
That's Like Me! Stories About People with Learning
Differences, Jan2011 35
Thea's Tree, Oct2009 3
There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, Jan2004 36–37;
May2008 30, 33, 34, 35
There's a Frog in My Throat!, Feb2005 28; Feb2009
46; Apr2013 56
There's a Girl in my Hammerlock, May2010 11;
May2016 9
There's an Owl in the Shower, May2005 40–41
There's a Princess in the Palace, Mar2013 11, 14;
May2014 12
These Hands (Mason), Jan2013 2
They Called Her Molly Pitcher, Oct2007 29
The Thief Lord, Jan2004 2; Dec2004 2; Dec2007 28;
Nov2008 17
The Thing about Georgie, Oct2011 11
Things Not Seen, Oct2009 11
Things to Do with Mom, May2013 55
Think Again!, Feb2015 40
Think Like a Scientist in the Gym, Apr2014 12
This Big Sky, Aug/Sept2008 32
This Is the Dream, Feb2007 3
This Land Is Your Land, Mar2005 2; Aug/Sept2011 2
This Place I Know, Nov2014 53
This Same Sky, Apr2004 2; Mar2013 32
Thomas and the Dragon Queen, Mar2013 3
Thornspell, May2013 11, 12
Threat to Ancient Egyptian Treasures, Nov2012 53
The Three Golden Keys, May2005 28
Three Good Deeds, Aug/Sept2006 3
Three Times Lucky, Mar2014 4
Through Indian Eyes, Nov2004 2–3
Through My Eyes, Jan2004 35; Aug/Sept2004 2, 3;
Nov2008 55
Through the Looking Glass, Jan2008 28
Through the Tempests Dark and Wild: A Story of Mary
Shelley, Oct2007 11
Thunder-Boomer!, Feb2013 46–50*
Thunderstorm (Geisert), Mar2016 41
Tibet Through the Red Box, May2005 27–28; May2007
29; Dec2010 49
Tide Pool, Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Bredeson), Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Cooper), Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Malnig), Feb2016 44
Tiger Boy, Oct2015 56
Tiger of the Snows, Nov2007 29; Mar2009 3
The Tiger Rising, Aug/Sept2006 30–32, 35
Tikki Turtle's Quest, Apr2009 54
Tillie the Terrible Swede, Dec2011 26; Oct2014 46;
Oct2015 44
The Time Book: A Brief History, Jan2014 11, 24–27*
The Time Hackers, Jan2014 11
Timekeeping: Explore the History, Jan2014 11, 14, 27
Timeless Thomas: How Thomas Edison Changed Our
Lives, May2013 27; Jan2014 52–54
Time of Wonder, Apr2009 11; Mar2010 12; May2011
11; Feb2013 12
A Time to Love: Stories from the Old Testament,
Feb2007 30
Time Twister, Jan2014 11, 13
Time Zones, Jan2014 11, 13
T is for Touchdown, May2012 21
T is for Tugboat, May2012 21
Titanic (Callery), Oct2014 19, 20
The Titanic: An Interactive History Adventure,
Aug/Sept2012 55
The Titanic: Lost… and Found, Jan2004 41
Titanic: Voices from the Disaster, Oct2014 19, 20
The Titan's Curse, May2014 35
Tituba, Oct2005 28; Oct2010 12
Toad Away, Aug/Sept2010 11
Toad Rage, May2008 12
Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems, Mar2010 12
Toby Alone, Oct2011 12
To Dance: A Ballerina's Graphic Novel, May2014 12
Today on Election Day, Oct2012 5*
To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers, Dec2003 2
Togo, Feb2007 53
Tomas and the Library Lady, Aug/Sept2008 30–31, 35;
Nov2008 39–43; Feb2009 21; Oct2012 26
Tomie dePaola's Front Porch Tales..., Dec2010 12
Tonight, by Sea, Jan2004 3
Toothiana: Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies, Feb2014
The Toothpaste Millionaire, Apr2005 37, 38; Apr2010
12; Feb2015 29; Apr2016 8, 9, 10
Top 10 Small Mammals for Kids, Oct2009 53
Top of the Order, May2010 3
The Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest,
May2005 24; Mar2006 36; Nov2008 11, 13;
Mar2009 3; May2014 29
The Top-Secret Adventure of John Darragh,
Aug/Sept2011 26
Top Secret: A Handbook of Codes, Ciphers and Secret
Writing, Dec2004 41; Nov2008 18
Top-Secret Personal Beeswax, Feb2009 44
The Top Ten Inventors, Aug/Sept2008 54
Tornado Slim and the Magic Cowboy Hat, Feb2013 21
Toro! Toro!, Apr2013 12
The Tortilla Factory, Aug/Sept2009 51
The Tortilla Quilt, Aug/Sept2009 52
To the Far Blue Mountains, Oct2005 28
Touchdown Trouble, Jan2010 19
Touch the Poem, Apr2008 54; Jan2009 11
Tough Cookie, Dec2005 39
Tour America, Aug/Sept2011 2
Toys! Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions,
Mar2011 25
Toy Story, Oct2009 54
Track Attack, May2010 11
Trackers, Aug/Sept2015 7, 41
Tracking Trash, Feb2008 3; Apr2009 11; Apr2011 12
Traditional African American Arts & Activities, Feb2010
The Trail of Tears, May2011 10
The Train of States, May2005 31
Trains (Curlee), May2012 51
Trainstop, Oct2011 12; Dec2015 47
Transformed: How Everyday Things Are Made,
Oct2009 11; Mar2011 12; Dec2013 54
The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle, May2008 42
Transportation Inventions: From Subways to
Submarines, May2009 11
Trapped in Ice! An Amazing True Whaling Adventure,
Dec2007 29
Trash Action, Apr2007 11; Oct2009 11; Apr2011 12
Trash to Treasure, Apr2015 17–18
Travel Math, May2009 11
Treasure Hunters, Aug/Sept2014 12
Treasure Island, Aug/Sept2004 4; Nov2004 25;
Aug/Sept2007 32; Aug/Sept2014 12, 15
A Treasury of Turkish Folktales, Nov2012 41
The Tree Is Older Than You Are, Apr2010 2; Mar2013
Tree of Cranes, Apr2013 36
The Tree of Life, May2005 30–31, 36, 39; Feb2013 3
Tricking the Tallyman, Nov2009 21; Aug/Sept2011 6–
7*; Jan2013 2
Trickster: Native American Tales, Nov2013 12;
May2014 12; Oct2015 14
Tricky Vic, Apr2016 40
Tripping Over the Lunch Lady and Other School
Stories, Aug/Sept2005 10, 12, 13
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won, Nov2012 46
Troll's-Eye View, Feb2012 12
The Trouble Begins, Oct2006 3
The Trouble with Henry: A Tale of Walden Pond,
Mar2010 12
Truce: The Day the Soldiers Stopped Fighting,
Dec2013 12
The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp,
Aug/Sept2014 2
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Nov2010 31,
True Green Kids, Apr2011 12
True Lies: 18 Tales for You to Judge, Apr2008 29;
Feb2015 39
True-Life Treasure Hunts, Aug/Sept2014 12, 15
The True Story behind Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,
Nov2014 5
The Trumpet of the Swan, Mar2005 8–9
The Truth About Poop, Jan2010 53
Truth and Rumors: Titanic, Aug/Sept2011 24–25
Truth and Salsa, Aug/Sept2009 53
Tsunami: Helping Each Other, Feb2013 12
Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters, Oct2014 19, 20
Tua and the Elephant, May2013 3
Tuck Everlasting, May2005 36, 38–39
Tuesday, Jan2004 45, 46, 47; May2005 21;
Aug/Sept2013 32, 38
Turn It Loose: The Scientist in Absolutely Everybody,
Oct2009 12
Turtle in Paradise, May2011 2; Jan2013 2
Tut, Tut, Nov2008 52
Tutankhamen's Gift, Jan2007 35
Tut's Deadly Tomb, Aug/Sept2011 26
Tuttle's Red Barn: The Story of America's Oldest
Family Farm, May2008 48
Twelve Kinds of Ice, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 2, 12
Twenty-Two Cents, Feb2016 56
The Twits, Feb2012 2
Two Bad Ants, Dec2011 36
Two Bobbies: A True Story of Hurricane Katrina,
Friendship, and Survival, Dec2009 53–54;
Aug/Sept2012 55; Feb2013 12
Two Hot Dogs with Everything, Oct2010 12
The Two Loves of Will Shakespeare, Apr2010 16
Two-Minute Drill, Oct2014 12
The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Jan2010 12;
Mar2013 11
Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast, Feb2006 35
Ubiquitous: Celebrating Nature's Survivors, Apr2011
12; Mar2012 3; Apr2012 25
Ug, Boy Genius of the Stone Age, Jan2007 7
Ugly Pie, Jan2013 44–47*
The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool, Apr2008 6
Uh-oh Leonardo: The Adventures of Providence
Traveler, 1503, Jan2007 9
Ultimate Field Trip 5: Blasting off to Space Academy,
Mar2008 11
Ultimate Guide to Baseball, May2011 21
The Ultimate Indoor Games Book, Feb2015 39
The Ultimate Step-by-Step Kids First Gardening Book,
Jan2016 15
Ultimate Trains, May2012 53
Ultimate Weird But True, Mar2014 31, 32, 35–36
The Unbreakable Code, Jan2004 29
Unbuilding, Dec2003 38–39
Uncle Sam and Old Glory, Aug/Sept2011 12, 14
Underground (Macaulay), Dec2003 38
The Underneath, Dec2008 3
Under the Blood-Red Sun, Dec2007 29
Under the Cherry Blossom Tree, Apr2013 34
Under the Quilt of Night, Nov2010 16; Nov2015 50–51
Under the Royal Palms, Aug/Sept2009 30, 33–34
Under the Sea: The Oceanology Handbook, Nov2011
Under the Spell of the Moon, Jan2006 10–11, 12;
Jan2015 12, 15; Mar2016 8
Under the Sunday Tree, Jan2012 34, 39
The Underwear Salesman: And Other Jobs for Better
Or Verse, Jan2010 53; Nov2013 54
Underwear: What We Wear Under There, Jan2010 52
The Unforgotten Coat, May2012 3
Ungifted, Aug/Sept2015 36–38
Unique Animals of Hawaii, May2007 55
United Tweets of America, Mar2011 49
Unite or Die: How Thirteen States Became a Nation,
Jan2010 50
Unlikely Pairs, Apr2012 53; Mar2014 12
Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook, Jan2012 53
Uno's Garden, Apr2007 1, 11, 12, 14, 32; Nov2007 55
Unspoken: A Story from the Underground Railroad,
May2014 21–22
The Unstoppable Octobia May, May2015 3
Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer,
Dec2015 56
The Unusual Suspects, Oct2010 26
Unwitting Wisdom, Dec2010 24
Up Before Daybreak: Cotton and People in America,
Feb2009 31
Up in the Air (Livingston), Dec2003 16
Uprising, Jan2015 34
Up We Grow: A Year in the Life of a Small Local Farm,
Jan2013 12
The Usborne Art Treasury, Mar2015 45
The Usborne Internet-Linked First Encyclopedia of
Seas & Oceans, Apr2009 11
Using Digital Images, Mar2016 24
The Vacation, May2009 11
Vacation: We're Going to the Ocean: Poems, May2010
54; Feb2016 42
Venturing the Deep Sea, Nov2011 51
Venus Flytraps, Bladderworts, and Other Wild and
Amazing Plants, Apr2011 53
Very Best (Almost) Friends, Oct2013 12
Very Short Fables to Read Together, Oct2011 12
A Very Special Kwanzaa, Dec2013 12; Dec2014 12
The Victory Garden, Apr2015 17–18
The View from Saturday, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17, 18;
Aug/Sept2005 10, 12; Nov2007 5; Jan2013
12; Nov2015 38
The View from the Cherry Tree, Oct2007 11, 13
The Village of Round and Square Houses,
Aug/Sept2006 25
The Village That Vanished, Jan2016 36
Vincent Shadow, Toy Inventor, Feb2016 8
Vinnie and Abraham, Mar2013 27
Violence in Video Games, Nov2015 8, 10
Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys, Mar2004 2–3
Virtual Cody, Dec2009 26
Virtually True: Questioning Online Media, Mar2014 12,
Vision of Beauty: The Story of Sarah Breedlove
Walker, Mar2007 11; Feb2010 12; Feb2016 8;
Apr2016 26
Visiting Langston, Aug/Sept2003 45
A Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and
Experienced Travelers, Nov2007 11
Viva La Paris, Oct2008 16
Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Dec2012 42–44*
Viva Mexico! The Story of Benito Juarez and Cinco De
Mayo, May2006 25
The Voice of the People, Oct2004 6
Voices in the Park, Nov2006 32–33
Voices of Ancient Egypt, Nov2012 12, 24
Voices of Christmas, Dec2010 51
Voices of the Heart, Feb2006 13, 16
Volcano Wakes Up!, Feb2013 12
Volunteering in Your School, Apr2015 12, 14, 15
Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
Vote!, Oct2004 2–3
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, Jan2005 25
Wabi Sabi, Nov2014 23; Oct2015 37
Wackiest White House Pets, Jan2009 43; Dec2009 12
Wackysaurus: Dinosaur Jokes, Feb2006 42
Wacky Trees, Apr2011 22
Wait Till Helen Comes, Aug/Sept2012 53
Wake up Our Souls: A Celebration of Black American
Artists, Feb2010 12
Walden: The Ballad of Thoreau, Apr2008 5
Walden Then & Now, Aug/Sept2011 25
Walk a Green Path, Apr2006 28
Walking Home to Rosie Lee, Feb2012 45–47*;
Oct2014 47
Walking the Choctaw Road, Apr2012 32, 37–38
Walk Together Children: Black American Spirituals,
Apr2009 31
Walk Two Moons, Jan2005 40–41, 42–43
The Wall, Nov2004 25; Mar2009 36; Jan2015 3
Walter the Giant Storyteller's Giant Book of Giant
Stories, Mar2006 29
The Wanderer, Jan2005 42
Wangari's Trees of Peace, Aug/Sept2010 11; Oct2011
2; Dec2011 16
Wanna Buy an Alien?, Mar2012 10
War Comes to Willy Freeman, Feb2004 18, 20
War Horse, Feb2013 41
The Warlord's Alarm, Jan2014 12
The War of the Worlds, Oct2007 4
The Warriors (Bruchac), Nov2004 6; Nov2013 12;
May2016 9, 13
The War with Grandpa, Aug/Sept2010 11
The Water Hole, Apr2007 31–32
Water Music, Apr2004 16
Water Rescue Dogs, Dec2009 52
Water Steps, May2010 53
Water Street, Mar2015 12
The Watsons Go to Birmingham: 1963, Feb2004 18,
20, 36–37, 40; Feb2007 12; Jan2008 3;
Dec2008 11; Aug/Sept2012 4; Oct2014 12
The Way a Door Closes, Dec2014 33
The Way Home Looks Now, May2016 56
Ways to Live Forever, Feb2011 22
The Way the Door Closes, Oct2014 55
The Way Things Work, Dec2003 39, 41
Way Up and Over Everything, Dec2010 2
We (Schertle), Oct2015 8
Weapons of War, Mar2011 12
We Are All Born Free..., Aug/Sept2010 11
We Are the Many: A Picture Book of American Indians,
Nov2004 33; Nov2013 12
We Are the Ship, May2010 24–25*, 26; Dec2010 32,
37; Feb2014 41
Weasel, Aug/Sept2006 29
Weather Legends, Mar2006 11, 13
Weather Projects for Young Scientists, Mar2007 22
The Wednesday Wars, Nov2007 20, 29
Weedflower, May2007 3
The Wee Free Men, Apr2007 4
We Gather Together, Oct2012 11, 12
The Weight of Water, Dec2014 52
Weird Animal Sports, Apr2013 12
Weird But True!, Mar2014 32, 34–35, 37
Weird But True! 3: 300 Outrageous Facts, Mar2014
Weird But True! Stupid Criminals, Mar2014 36
Weird Friends: Unlikely Allies in the Animal Kingdom,
Feb2011 11; Jan2013 23
Welcome Dede! An African Naming Ceremony,
Dec2009 25
Welcome to Addy's World, 1864, Mar2004 10
Welcome to Felicity's World, 1774, Mar2004 9–10
Welcome to Josefina's World, 1824, Mar2004 11
Welcome to Kaya's World, 1764, Mar2004 9–10
Welcome to Kirsten's World, 1854, Mar2004 11
Welcome to Kit's World, 1934, Mar2004 12
Welcome to Molly's World, 1944, Mar2004 12
Welcome to Samantha's World, 1904, Mar2004 12
The Well: David's Story, Jan2008 3
Well-Schooled Fish and Feathered Bandits, Apr2013
Wenny Has Wings, Jan2005 37, 39; Dec2008 11
We're Riding on a Caravan: An Adventure on the Silk
Road, Apr2010 7, 44–46
The Westing Game, Apr2005 3; Mar2007 28;
Aug/Sept2013 11, 29*; Aug/Sept2014 43
Westward Ho! (Sechrist), May2014 17–18
Westward Ho! Eleven Explorers of the West (Jones),
Mar2009 11
We the Children, Oct2010 23
We the People: Poems, Nov2013 26
We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's
March, Feb2014 29
We Were There, Too!, Mar2004 40, 41–44, 45;
Nov2008 52, 55
Whales on Stilts, Feb2012 12
What a Great Idea, Jan2012 18
What Are Electrical Circuits?, Feb2016 36–38
What Are Newton’s Laws of Motion?, Oct2014 18
What a Song Can Do, Mar2005 19–20
What Athletes Are Made Of, Mar2007 25
What a Year (de Paola), Dec2007 2; Dec2014 12
What Body Part Is That?, Nov2015 26
What Can You Do with an Old Red Shoe?, Jan2010
48–49; Jan2012 10, 13
What Can You Do with Only One Shoe?, Apr2015 17–
Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?, Feb2009 46
What Charlie Heard, Jan2006 27–28
What Do You Stand For?, Aug/Sept2007 11, 12, 13;
Jan2011 12, Dec2011 10
What Eric Knew: A Sebastian Barth Mystery, Oct2006
What Hearts, Nov2008 12
What I Call Life, Nov2010 10
What I Came to Tell You, Mar2016 21
What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Kids' Favorite
Funny Summer Vacation Poems, May2010 54
What If You Met a Pirate?, Aug/Sept2007 30
What in the Wild?, Aug/Sept2013 11, 13
What is a Life Cycle?, May2005 36
What is Goodbye, Feb2010 31–32
What Jamie Saw, Apr2005 25
What Planet Are You From, Clarice Bean?, Mar2007
What Really Happened to Humpty?, Nov2009 24;
Oct2010 3
What's Cooking America, Dec2013 52
What’s Eating You?, Dec2015 8
What's Going to Happen?, May2011 22
What's in the Tide Pool?, Apr2009 54
What's the Big Idea? Inventions that Changed Life on
Earth, Mar2011 22; May2014 12, 14
What the Heart Knows, Nov2014 2, 53
What to Do About Alice?, Jan2010 50; Dec2011 25
What to Do When You Dread Your Bed, May2013 12
Wheels! Science Projects with Bicycles, Skateboards,
and Skates, May2011 21
When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and
Tetrapods Stalked the Earth, Feb2006 42
When Esther Morris Headed West, Nov2006 26
When Grampa Kissed His Elbow, Apr2004 19
When Harriet Met Sojourner, Feb2009 11; Dec2014 32;
May2015 12, 15
When is a Planet Not a Planet? The Story of Pluto,
Mar2008 11
When I Went to the Library, Feb2009 23
When Jessie Came Across the Sea, Jan2015 12
When Jo Louis Won the Title, Dec2009 27
When Lightning Comes in a Jar, Dec2014 12, 51
When Marian Sang, Jan2004 3; Aug/Sept2004 27, 30;
Mar2005 20; Nov2007 22; Mar2014 5
When My Name Was Keoko, Nov2007 30, 31, 34, 35;
Dec2014 52
When the Chenoo Howls: Native American Tales of
Terror, Oct2007 2
When the Circus Came to Town, Jan2006 24
When the Lights Go Out: 20 Scary Tales to Tell,
Oct2007 41, 45
When Washington Crossed the Delaware: A
Wintertime Story for Young Patriots, Feb2009
When You Reach Me, Aug/Sept2013 12
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?, Jan2004 35
Where I Live (Spinelli), Jan2008 2
Where in the Wild? Camouflaged Creatures Concealed
… and Revealed, Mar2010 3
Where the Flame Trees Bloom, Aug/Sept2009 30, 33–
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Oct2010 2;
Feb2012 33–34, 35, 38–39
Where the Sidewalk Ends, Apr2004 16
A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk, Mar2010 3; Apr2014
While the Bear Sleeps, Dec2012 24
Whisper and Shout: Poems to Memorize, Apr2007 49
Whisper in the Dark, Oct2007 11, 13
White Cave Escape, May2010 53
White Flower: A Maya Princess, Nov2012 12
The White Horse Talisman, May2011 11
The White House: An Illustrated History, Jan2009 43
White House Q & A, Jan2009 43
The White Mountains, Mar2012 43
Who Could That Be at This Hour?, Dec2012 33
Who Is Maria Tallchief?, Nov2013 12
Who Is Stealing the 12 Days of Christmas?, Dec2013
Who Is Steven Spielberg?, Feb2015 12, 14
Who Really Killed Cock Robin, Apr2011 44
Who Rolls through Fire?, Feb2015 44
Who's Haunting the White House?, Jan2009 43
Who Wants Pizza?, Jan2012 55
Who Was Charles Darwin?, Feb2009 17, 36–37*, 39+
Who Was King Tut?, Nov2008 52
Who Was That Masked Man Anyway?, Jan2004 29, 30
Why Are You Picking on Me?, Oct2013 12, 15
Why Feet Smell and Other Gross Facts, Nov2015 27
Why Is Snot Green? And Other Extremely Important
Questions (And Answers), Jan2010 51;
Oct2014 12
Why Leaves Change Their Color, Oct2012 11
The Widow's Broom, Oct2011 53
The Wild Book, Oct2014 12
Wildfire Run, Feb2013 12
Wildfires, Feb2013 12
The Wildlife Games, Nov2015 8
Wildlife Gardening, May2013 54
Wild River, May2015 12; Nov2015 37–38
Wild Tracks! A Guide to Nature's Footprints, Nov2008
33, 34; Dec2009 54
Wild Wings, May2012 2
William Carlos Williams: Poetry for Children,
Aug/Sept2009 26
William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (Coville),
Feb2005 36, 37; Feb2011 11
Willie Mays (Doeden), Feb2014 41
Wilma Unlimited, Feb2005 41; Mar2009 27; Dec2011
The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary, Feb2015 17–18
A Wind in the Door, Feb2009 11
The Wind in the Willows, Mar2007 29
Windows on the World, Mar2012 47
Wind-Wild Dog, Jan2008 3
Wings on the Wind, Dec2003 8
Wingwalker, Aug/Sept2005 29–30
Winter: An Alphabet Acrostic, Dec2006 4
"The Winter Cabin" (Fireside Stories), Dec2012 22
Winter Day Play: Activities, Dec2012 12
Winter Eyes, Dec2012 53
Winter Is the Warmest Season, Dec2007 29
Winter Lights, Dec2007 11, 12; Dec2012 12; Dec2013
Winter Moon, Jan2007 29
Winter People, Oct2005 28–29
The Winter Solstice (Jackson), Dec2003 37
Wireless Technology, Mar2011 23
The Wise Fool: Fables from the Islamic World,
Nov2012 41
The Witch’s Guide to Cooking with Children, Oct2014 4
With a Name Like Love, Dec2011 5*
With Needle and Thread, Nov2003 29
With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for a
Woman's Right to Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
A Wizard from the Start, Jan2011 21
Wizards: An Amazing Journey through the Last Great
Age of Magic, Oct2010 12
Wolfsnail: A Backyard Predator, Feb2012 23
Wolf Stalker, Oct2004 5
The Wolves Are Back, Dec2009 55
The Wolves in the Walls, Oct2007 11
A Woman for President: The Story of Victoria
Woodhull, Aug/Sept2008 45; Mar2013 27
Women at the Front, Mar2004 10
Women Explorers, Nov2014 4
Women in Engineering, Mar2015 12
Women of Camelot, Mar2013 12
Women of the Revolutionary War, Mar2004 10
Women Scientists Who Changed the World, Oct2015
Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey, Mar2006
Wonder, Feb2013 27*; Oct2013 3; Jan2016 38
Wonderful Weather, Mar2006 11
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, May2005 24; May2009 4;
Mar2012 43; May2015 29*
Wonders and Miracles: A Passover Companion,
Feb2005 9
Wonders of the World, Mar2015 12
Wonderstruck, Jan2015 26
Word After Word After Word, Apr2012 12; Jan2013 54
Words to My Life's Song, Apr2009 32–33
Words West: Voices of Young Pioneers, Nov2008 52
Words with Wings, Oct2014 55; Nov2014 3; Dec2014
52; Nov2015 47
Working at the Farmer's Market, Oct2010 53
Working Like a Dog: The Story of Working Dogs
Through History, Oct2006 53
Working with Fractions, Apr2010 3
The World According to Kaley, Jan2013 54
World Almanac and Book of Facts, Jan2008 5
World Almanac for Kids, Feb2008 51
The World Health Organization, Jan2013 12
World Holidays: A Watts Guide for Children, Dec2004
The World in Your Lunch Box, Dec2015 8, 9
The World Made New, Nov2011 26
A World of Knowing, Dec2011 54
World of Wonders (Roman), Nov2011 12
A World of Wonders: Geographic Travels in Verse and
Rhyme, Nov2007 55; Aug/Sept2014 47
Worlds Apart: Traveling with Fernie and Me: Poems,
May2009 11
The World's Greatest Paper Airplane and Toy Book,
Dec2003 16, 20
The World's Most Amazing Bridges, Mar2015 24
The World's Most Amazing Survival Stories, May2015
The World's Most Notorious Crooks, Oct2007 23
The World's Wild Places, Apr2007 11, 14
The Worst Band in the Universe, Mar2012 10
Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams...,
Oct2013 12, 15
The Wright Brothers for Kids, Dec2003 8
The Wright Sister, Dec2003 3
Wringer, Jan2011 3; Apr2013 12
A Wrinkle in Time, Mar2012 2, 10; Nov2015 28*
A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel, Jan2014 12
Write Before Your Eyes, Feb2009 45; Jan2013 54
Write This Book: A Do-It-Yourself Mystery,
Aug/Sept2013 46–47
Write Your Own Graphic Novel, Mar2010 55
Write Your Own Mystery Story, Aug/Sept2013 12
Write Your Own Science Fiction Story, Mar2012 10, 12
Write Your Own Tall Tale, Dec2010 12
Writing a Screenplay, Feb2015 45
Writing in Ancient Phoenicia, Nov2012 12
Writing Magic: Creating Stories That Fly, Feb2009 47
Yankee Girl, Feb2007 3, 12
A Year Down Yonder, Jan2008 3
A Year in a Castle, Mar2013 12
The Year Money Grew on Trees, Oct2012 2, 12
The Year of Miss Agnes, Aug/Sept2004 3;
Aug/Sept2005 10–11, 12
The Year of the Book, Oct2013 3
The Year of the Dog, Dec2006 3; May2007 2; Feb2012
30, 32, 39
The Year of the Rat, Aug/Sept2008 3; Feb2012 32, 39
The Year with Grandma Moses, Aug/Sept2004 24
The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of
Denmark, Nov2009 12
Yesterday I Had the Blues, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 2–3,
Yes! We Are Latinos, Oct2015 8
Yo, Vikings!, Nov2012 12
Yoga for Fun!, May2016 9, 11
Yoga in Action, May2013 12
A Yoga Parade of Animals, May2006 11
Yoshi's Feast, Mar2011 3
You and Me and Home Sweet Home, Aug/Sept2010 3;
Dec2013 3; Apr2015 12, 13
You Are the Earth, Apr2011 12
You Are Weird: Your Body's Peculiar Parts and Funny
Functions, Oct2009 52; Nov2015 27
You Blink Twelve Times a Minute And Other Freaky
Facts About the Human Body, Oct2009 51–
52; Nov2015 27
You Can, Toucan, Apr2010 3; May2014 54
You Can't Do That, Amelia!, Jan2010 50
You Can Write Great Letters and E-Mails, Apr2016 41
You Have to Write, Feb2009 42
You Never Heard of Willie Mays?, Feb2014 39–41*
A Young Dancer, Apr2012 3
Young Gardener, Oct2010 54
Young Guinevere, Mar2013 12
Young Thomas Edison, Aug/Sept2008 53
Young Zeus, Mar2012 25
Your Body Battles a Cold, Oct2009 52
You're a Grand Old Flag, Aug/Sept2011 12
You're Smarter than You Think: A Kid's Guide to
Multiple Intelligences, Oct2008 11; Oct2015 8
Your Travel Guide to Colonial America, Oct2005 29, 31
You've Never Heard of Sandy Koufax?, May2010 2
You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton?, Oct2004 9;
Jan2011 12
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator!,
Mar2014 29
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Marco Polo!,
Jan2011 25; Nov2012 19–20*
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Sir Francis Drake!,
Aug/Sept2007 31
You Wouldn't Want to Meet a Body Snatcher! Criminals
and Murderers You'd Rather Avoid, Jan2010
Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡Qué Rico!, Aug/Sept2009 51
Yum Yum, What Fun!, Jan2010 2
The Zack Files 04: Zap! I'm a Mind Reader, Jan2009
Zap! Blink! Taste! Think! Exciting Life Science for
Curious Minds, Oct2009 12
Zarafa: The Giraffe Who Walked to the King, Mar2013
22; Apr2013 53
Zathura, Nov2009 23; Dec2011 31
The Zebra Wall, Aug/Sept2011 38
Zen Shorts, Dec2005 3
Zeus: King of the Gods, Dec2010 12
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin, Mar2005 9
Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats, Oct2004 5
Zoe’s Extraordinary Holiday Adventures, Oct2015 8
Zombie Baseball Beatdown, Feb2014 28
Zombie Makers, Oct2013 39
Zoobreak, Apr2013 12
Zoo in the Sky, Mar2010 12
Zoo School, Aug/Sept2005 11
ZooZical, Dec2012 16
Zora and Me, Mar2014 12
Z. Rex, Mar2012 44
The Z Was Zapped, Dec2011 37
Zzz… The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read on
Sleep, May2013 12
See also lists, theme books; series books
books (K–3)
1, 2, 3…by the Sea, Feb2016 41
1 2 3 A Child's First Counting Book, Dec2010 27
1-2-3 Draw Knights, Castles, and Dragons, Mar2013 9,
5 Steps to Drawing Farm Animals, Mar2016 40
5 Steps to Drawing Sea Creatures, Feb2016 45
10 Little Rubber Ducks, Aug/Sept2012 23
10-Minute Puppets, Apr2012 9
10 Things I Can Do to Help My World, Apr2015 52
The 12 Days of Christmas: A Pop-Up Celebration,
Dec2013 44
13 American Artists Children Should Know, Mar2015
13 Planets: The Latest View of the Solar System,
Apr2014 9
The 13th Clue, Jan2008 21
14 Cows for America, Feb2011 55; Dec2011 7, 26;
Mar2013 3
17 Kings and 42 Elephants, May2012 43
19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East,
Mar2013 38
20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea, May2016 7, 11
20 Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street,
Aug/Sept2014 55
The 25 Greatest Baseball Players of All Time, Feb2014
26 Fairmount Avenue, Nov2004 4; Mar2016 50
38 Ways to Entertain Your Parents on Summer
Vacation, May2011 8; May2013 8
50 Below Zero, Dec2008 34
50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth,
Apr2007 3
100 School Days, Aug/Sept2008 8, 12
101 Facts About Puppies, Oct2006 53
101 Improv Games for Children and Adults, Nov2015
8, 9
101 Things You Gotta Do Before You're 12!, Mar2009
123 Versus ABC, Oct2014 49
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, Jan2015 4
1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving, Nov2004 2, 31, 34;
Nov2013 3, 9; Nov2014 39
The 2000 Presidential Election (Landau), Oct2004 8,
2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids, Oct2009
51; Mar2011 9, 22; Jan2013 3; Mar2015 40
2095, Mar2012 7, 11
A is for Asia, May2007 31, 34
Abby Takes a Stand, Feb2007 9; Jan2011 8
Abby Wanted to Fly, Dec2003 8
ABCDrive! A Car Trip Alphabet, May2009 52
ABC Kids, Mar2012 35
ABC of African-American Poetry, Apr2009 30–31
Abecedarios: Mexican Fork Art ABCs in English and
Spanish, Aug/Sept2009 9
Abe Lincoln at Last!, Jan2014 37
Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek, Feb2009 17, 32, 35;
Nov2010 15
Abe Lincoln Loved Animals, Feb2010 51; Dec2010 53
Abe Lincoln Remembers, Jan2004 35; Feb2006 24
Abe Lincoln’s Dream, Nov2014 24–27
Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books, Feb2004 3
Abel's Island, Jan2006 25
Abe's Fish: A Boyhood Tale of Abraham Lincoln,
Nov2010 15, Dec2010 53
Abe's Honest Words, Dec2010 36; Dec2013 33, 37;
Nov2014 9
Abigail Spells, Mar2014 24
About Birds/Sobre los Pajaros, Aug/Sept2014 36
About Time: A First Look at Time and Clocks, Mar2011
Abracadabra! Magic with Mouse and Mole,
Aug/Sept2010 9; Oct2013 56
Abraham Lincoln (D'Aulaire), Feb2004 2
Abraham Lincoln (Magic Tree House Fact Tracker),
Jan2014 38
Abraham Lincoln (Schmidt and Cohn), Feb2005 25
Abraham Lincoln Comes Home, Jan2011 24
The Absolutely Awful Alphabet, Jan2006 29
Abuelita's Heart, Aug/Sept2004 6, 39; Nov2010 1,7
Abuelos (Mora), Dec2012 9
Abyssinians: Egyptian Royalty?, Nov2012 53; Apr2015
Ace Lacewing Bug Detective, May2007 29; Oct2010 25
Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet, Feb2004 9
Action Figures: Paintings of Fun, Daring, and
Adventure, Mar2011 53
Active Kids, Dec2011 7
Actual Size, Apr2005 2; Mar2006 33; Apr2014 4
The A+ Custodian, Nov2005 3
Addy's Craft Book, Mar2004 10
Addy's Wedding Quilt, Nov2003 29
Adelita, Oct2015 37
Adventures in Cartooning, Mar2010 54; May2014 9
Adventures in the Middle Ages, Mar2013 9
The Adventures of Beekle, Nov2015 54
Adventures of Cow, Too, May2008 25
The Adventures of Polo, Mar2013 5
The Adventures of Sparrowboy, Dec2003 14, 17
The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, Feb2009 45, 46
The Aesop for Children, Dec2010 24
Africa Dream, Jan2012 32
African Acrostics, Mar2010 3
African Animals ABC, Feb2004 12
African Tales, Uh-Huh, Apr2009 32
The After-Christmas Tree, Dec2013 46
After the Dinosaurs: Mammoths and Fossil Mammals,
Oct2008 53
Aggie Gets Lost, Dec2011 53
Ah, Music!, Mar2005 7, 27
The Airplane Alphabet Book, Dec2003 14; Jan2007 54
The Airplane Book (Bellville), Jan2007 53
Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod, Oct2006 54; Feb2007
49, 52
Akimbo and the Elephants, Feb2011 23
Akissi, Oct2015 13
Albert's Ballgame, May2008 21
Albert the Fix-It Man, Jan2009 3; Jan2015 49
Alesia, Jan2012 33
Alexander, Who’s Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!)
Going to Move, Feb2015 37
Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday,
Feb2015 36–37; Apr2016 17*
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very
Bad Day, Nov2009 21; Oct2014 29; Feb2015
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse, Dec2007 54
Alexander Anteater's Amazing Act, Dec2012 17
Alexander Graham Bell: Setting the Tone for
Communication, Apr2014 53
Alexander the Great (Demi), Nov2012 9
Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird, May2013 29*;
Mar2015 5
Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind the Peace Prize,
Aug/Sept2010 1,9
An Algonquian Year, Nov2004 14
Alia's Mission, May2014 9
Alice and Greta's Color Magic, Oct2003 40
Alice in Pastaland, Apr2010 54
Alice Ramsey's Grand Adventure, Feb2008 47
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Mar2010 4*
Alice's Birthday Pig, Dec2009 3
Alice the Fairy, Aug/Sept2010 9; Aug/Sept2011 4
Alice Waters and the Trip to Delicious, Dec2015 1, 57;
Jan2016 6
Alien for Rent, Dec2005 9, 12
Aliens Are Coming! The True Account of the 1938 War
of the Worlds Radio Broadcast, Oct2007 4;
Nov2007 17; Oct2014 10
Alistair and Kip's Great Adventure!, Nov2011 41
Alistair in Outer Space, Oct2004 29, 30
All Aboard! (Skinner), Feb2008 44
All Aboard! A True Train Story, May2012 53
All About Money, Apr2010 9
All About Myself!, Oct2008 44
All About Pets: Dogs (Frost), Oct2006 52
All About Sign Language, May2012 20; Apr2014 56
All About Tide Pools, Apr2009 52
All By Myself (Aliki), Oct2008 44
All By Myself (Bates), Oct2008 44
All By Myself (Mayer), Oct2008 44
All Dogs Go to Heaven, Oct2009 54
All Families Are Special, Dec2008 9
All for Me and None for All, Aug/Sept2014 9
All for One (Murphy), Oct2003 35
All God's Critters, Dec2010 35, Mar2011 51
Alligator Baby, Oct2006 41; Dec2008 32
Alligators and Crocodiles (Gibbons), Jan2016 46
Alligator Sue, Mar2006 18; Jan2008 26
All I'll Ever-Want Christmas Doll, Dec2008 3
All in Just One Cookie, Dec2013 54
Allison (Say), May2007 32
All Kinds of Clothes, Jan2009 53
All New Crafts for Earth Day, Apr2007 9
All New Crafts for Mother's Day and Father's Day,
May2011 54; May2016 47
All New Crafts for Valentine's Day, Feb2011 8
All-of-a-Kind Family, May2008 29
All of Me, Feb2011 18
All Of Our Noses Are Here And Other Noodle Tales,
Feb2005 28
All Star! Honus Wagner, Oct2014 46
All the Stars in the Sky: Native Stories from the
Heavens, Mar2008 8, 11, 12
All the Water in the World, Mar2012 3
All the Way to America, Dec2011 26
All the Way to Lhasa, Dec2010 49
All the World, Feb2011 16; May2011 24–27*;
Aug/Sept2011 3; Jan2016 17
All through My Town, Jan2015 50; Mar2016 24
All You Can Be, Jan2011 26
All You Need for a Beach, Feb2016 41
All You Need for a Snowman, Dec2004 15; Jan2007 45
Almost Gone: The World's Rarest Animals,
Aug/Sept2007 9
Almost Late to School, Aug/Sept2005 8, 11, 12
Almost to Freedom, Feb2014 32, 36
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie: The Military Alphabet, Nov2010
53; Jan2011 55; May2012 20
Alphabet City, May2008 24
Alphabet Mystery, Oct2010 24
An Alphabet Salad, May2004 16
Alphabet Under Construction, Oct2003 7–8; Dec2003 4
Alpha Bugs: A Pop-Up Alphabet, Jan2007 42
Alpha Oops! The Day Z Went First, Aug/Sept2010 24
Always Copycub, May2006 20
Always Gramma, Feb2014 35
Always in Trouble, Dec2009 46
Always Lots of Heinies at the Zoo, Jan2010 53
Always My Dad, Mar2015 32
Always Remember Me, Oct2005 3
Always Room for One More, Aug/Sept2013 30
Amanda Pig and the Really Hot Day, Feb2012 21
Amazing Apples, Oct2010 53
Amazing Eggs, Aug/Sept2014 37
Amazing Faces, Nov2010 25–27*; Dec2014 53;
Oct2015 8
Amazing Greek Myths of Wonder and Blunders,
Nov2012 9
The Amazing Mr. Franklin, Aug/Sept2013 55
The Amazing Paper Cuttings of Hans Christian
Anderson, Dec2010 9, 13
The Amazing Work of Scientists with Max Axiom,
Nov2013 54
Amber Brown Goes Fourth, Aug/Sept2008 8
Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart, Nov2003 3;
Dec2005 30, 34
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride, Aug/Sept2004 27,
29, 33–37; Feb2005 41–42; Dec2011 25
Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist?, Oct2009 9
Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor, Oct2004 7; Feb2008 8, 11,
12, 13
Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping, May2008 21
Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up, May2016 7
Amelia Earhart, Dec2003 34
Amelia Earhart: The Legend of the Lost Aviator,
Aug/Sept2013 9
Amelia's Are-We-There-Yet, Longest Ever Car Trip,
May2009 52
Amelia's Notebook, Oct2014 10
Americana Adventure, Aug/Sept2011 10
American Born Chinese, Mar2010 52
American Environmental Heroes, Apr2007 9
American Food, Dec2015 50
American History Fresh Squeezed!, Dec2004 4
The American Merchant Marine at War, Mar2009 25*
American Quilt Making, Nov2003 30
American Tall Tales (Osborne), Jan2008 26; Jan2014
The American Wei, May2007 32, 34
America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle,
Nov2006 26
America’s White Table, Jan2016 37
America the Beautiful: A Pop-up Book, Feb2011 8;
Aug/Sept2011 9
America Votes: How Our President Is Elected, Oct2004
2–3; Feb2008 1, 8–9; Aug/Sept2008 45
Am I a Color Too?, Nov2009 3
An Amish Year, Oct2004 29, 31
Amundsen and Scott's Race to the South Pole,
Dec2012 53
Ananse and the Lizard, Nov2006 29
Anansi and the Box of Stories, Dec2010 9
Anansi and the Magic Stick, Feb2004 12; Feb2005 8;
Aug/Sept2015 54
Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock, Feb2004 10, 11–
12; Feb2005 7, 18; Dec2014 4
Anansi and the Talking Melon, Feb2004 12; Feb2005
8, 18
Anansi Does the Impossible!, Dec2014 4
Anansi Goes Fishing, Feb2004 12; Feb2005 8;
Mar2012 55
Anansi’s Party Time, Dec2014 4–5*
Anansi the Spider, Feb2005 18; May2008 41; Nov2014
28*; Dec2014 4
Ancient Egypt: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of the
Past, Nov2012 24
Ancient Greece and the Olympics, May2008 10;
Feb2014 9
Ancient Greek Children, Nov2012 9
Ancient Thunder, Jan2015 9, 13
Andrew Carnegie: Builder of Libraries, Feb2009 22;
Aug/Sept2013 55
Andrew Lost With the Bats, May2008 41
Andrew's Angry Words, Aug/Sept2010 9
Andrew's Loose Tooth, Dec2008 35; Feb2014 26
And Tango Makes Three, Dec2008 2; Oct2015 6
And the Cars Go…, Aug/Sept2014 54
And the Good Brown Earth, Mar2010 9; Apr2011 9
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, Oct2004
29, 31; Mar2014 9
And to Think That We Thought That We'd Never Be
Friends, Mar2005 7; Nov2005 44; Oct2013 9
Andy Shane and the Pumpkin Trick, Oct2010 54
Angela and the Baby Jesus, Mar2015 32–33
Angela's Airplane, Dec2008 35
Angel Girl, Feb2009 3
Angelina Ballerina, Dec2007 54
Angelina's Island, Dec2007 3
Angelo, Dec2003 40–41
Angels Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems, Apr2004 3
Animal Baths: Wild and Wonderful Ways Animals Get
Clean, Apr2013 55
Animal Dads, Mar2006 39; Dec2008 9
Animal Families, Animal Friends, Jan2013 9
The Animal Hedge, Apr2004 20–21
Animal Heroes: True Rescue Stories, Oct2009 51;
Apr2013 9; May2015 9, 14
Animalia, Apr2007 30, 34, 36; Nov2008 18
Animal Poems, Mar2010 3
Animal Rescuers, Dec2009 9
Animals & Art Activities, Apr2013 9, 14
Animals in Flight, Mar2006 40–41
Animal Snoops, Apr2013 54
Animals of the Bible, Jan2012 20; Apr2013 55
Animal Strike at the Zoo, It's True, May2008 22
Animal Talk: How Animals Communicate through
Sight, Sound and Smell, Oct2009 9
The Animated Bunny's Tail, Jan2007 42
Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes, Feb2005 29;
Dec2010 24
Annabel the Actress Starring in Hound of the
Barkervilles, Nov2006 9, 12
Anna Hibiscus, Nov2011 2; Apr2016 56
Anna Maria's Gift, Dec2012 43
Anna & Natalie, Dec2011 53
Anne Bonny and Mary Read: Fearsome Female
Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 31
Anne Elizabeth's Diary, May2006 25
Anne Hutchinson's Way, Nov2010 15
Annie and Helen, Apr2014 53; Aug/Sept2015 23–25
Annie and the Old One, Nov2004 31; Nov2010 7;
Nov2013 9, 26
Annie and the Wild Animals, Oct2011 37
Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer, Oct2014 47
Anno's Magic Seeds, Jan2015 9, 15
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar, Jan2006 24
An Annoying ABC, Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
Another Brother, May2013 3
Another Day in the Milky Way, Mar2008 3
The Ant and the Grasshopper (Emberley), Mar2014 5
The Ant and the Grasshopper (Poole), May2008 41;
Mar2010 9
Any Questions?, Feb2016 56
An Apple a Day! (Gillis), Nov2006 54
Apple Cider Making Days, Oct2010 52
An Apple for Harriet Tubman, Oct2010 53
Apple Fractions, Oct2010 53
The Apple Orchard Riddle, Mar2014 2
Apple Pie 4th of July, May2004 41; May2007 3;
Feb2009 42; Aug/Sept2011 3, 45; Nov2012
17; Oct2013 32, 36
An Apple Pie for Dinner, Oct2012 17; Apr2016 7, 10
The Apple Pie That Papa Baked, May2011 53
The Apple-Pip Princess, Nov2008 3
Apples and Pumpkins, Oct2007 44; Oct2014 29
Applesauce Season, Jan2010 3; Oct2010 52; Dec2014
Apples Here, Oct2010 52
Apples to Oregon, Jan2008 26; Feb2009 32–33;
Mar2009 3, 51; Nov2010 16
April and Esme, Tooth Fairies, Aug/Sept2011 4;
Oct2011 3, 24; Feb2014 27
The April Rabbits, Apr2005 24
Arbor Day Square, Jan2015 50
Archaeologists Dig for Clues, Nov2012 9
Archers, Alchemists, and 98 Other Medieval Jobs,
Mar2013 9
Architecture According to Pigeons, Aug/Sept2014 36
Arctic (Cole), Feb2007 52
Arctic Lights, Arctic Nights, Feb2007 52
Are We There Yet?, May2009 3; Jan2014 4
Are We There Yet, Daddy?, Aug/Sept2011 2
Are You a Ladybug?, May2005 34, 37; Oct2009 9
Are You Quite Polite? Silly Dilly Manners Songs,
Aug/Sept2010 53
Are You Ready for Spring?, Mar2015 4
Are You Ready for Summer?, May2010 52
Are You Ready to Play Outside?, Feb2013 19
Argus, Mar2013 19
Arithme-Tickle: An Even Number of Odd RiddleRhymes, Mar2007 23
Arlene Sardine, Apr2008 32
Armadillo Rodeo, May2008 25
Armadillo Tattletale, Jan2011 54
Armadilly Chili, Apr2005 13
Armando and the Blue Tarp School, Dec2011 7
Arnie the Doughnut, Jan2008 31–32, 36–37
Around Our Way on Neighbors’ Day, Dec2014 51, 52;
Jan2015 51
Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?, May2008 25
Around the World on 80 Legs, Nov2011 3
Around the World: Who's Been Here?, Jan2005 28–29,
Arriving at Ellis Island, Oct2006 9, 13
Arrow to the Sun, Feb2005 42
Art (McDonnell), Oct2011 3; Mar2016 7, 47
The Art Book for Children, Mar2015 44
The Art Box, Jan2006 8; Apr2012 9; Jan2015 9;
Mar2016 7
Art Dog, Apr2012 9; Mar2016 7
Arthur and the Lost Diary, Nov2004 4
Arthur and the Sword, Jan2007 35–37
Arthur Meets the President, Nov2014 9
Arthur's Jelly Beans, Mar2008 28
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical
World Around You, Oct2005 11–12
Art Is..., Apr2012 9
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, Apr2012 48–50*;
Mar2016 47
The Art Lesson, Mar2016 50
Art & Max, Mar2011 54; Apr2012 9
Arts and Crafts of the Aztecs and Maya, Nov2012 9
The Art Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 9, 13*
The Asante of West Africa, Feb2004 12
Ashley Bryan: Words to My Life's Song, Feb2010 3
Asian-American Crafts Kids Can Do!, May2007 32, 35
Ask Dr. K. Fisher about Dinosaurs, Apr2016 44
Ask Mr. Bear, Jan2008 19
As the Crow Flies: A First Book of Maps, Nov2007 53
Astronaut Handbook, Apr2014 9
Atalanta's Race, May2004 4
Atomic Ace, May2014 9
Attack of the Butt-Biting Sharks, Jan2010 52
Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies, Aug/Sept2010 2; Apr2014
At the Sea Floor Cafe, Jan2012 52
Augustine, Feb2011 31, 39–40
Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair,
Mar2009 34
Aunt Giraffe's Green Garden, Apr2010 43
Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky,
Feb2012 46; Feb2015 4
Auntie Yang's Great Soybean Picnic, Nov2012 16–18*;
Dec2014 3, 9
Author (Lester), Feb2005 41
Authors in the Kitchen: Recipes, Stories and More,
Dec2006 25; Aug/Sept2007 43
Authors in the Pantry: Recipes, Stories and More,
Aug/Sept2007 43; Oct2007 27; Dec2007 42
Author Talk, Jan2013 53
Autumn: an Alphabet Acrostic, Nov2010 4; Oct2012 9
Autumnblings, Nov2010 4; Oct2012 9, 14; Apr2014 21
Autumn: Signs of the Season around North America,
Oct2012 9
An Awesome Book of Thanks, Nov2014 42
Awesome Dawson, Feb2016 1, 6
Awesome Ocean Science: Investigating the Secrets of
the Underwater World, Apr2009 9
Awful Ogre Running Wild, Apr2010 41
Awful Ogre's Awful Day, Apr2010 40
Axle Annie, Oct2004 4; Dec2004 12–13
Axle Annie and the Speed Grump, Aug/Sept2006 52
Aye-Aye: An Evil Omen, Apr2013 53
Babar's Museum of Art, Jan2012 7
Babies Can't Eat Kimchee!, Jan2014 19
Babies Don't Eat Pizza, Oct2009 52; Mar2011 24;
Oct2012 53
Babushka's Doll, Apr2004 19
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?, Feb2008
53–55; Mar2011 35–36
Baby Bear's Chairs, Apr2008 20
The Baby Beebee Bird, Mar2006 49; Aug/Sept2014 37
Baby Bird (Dunbar), Mar2006 50
Baby Bird's First Nest, Mar2006 51
Baby Brains, Oct2006 40
Baby Brains and RoboMom, Mar2012 39; Jan2013 4;
Aug/Sept2015 2
Baby Danced the Polka, May2006 17
Baby Duck's New Friend, Jan2006 38
Babymouse: Dragonslayer, Apr2010 3
Babymouse for President, Oct2012 54
Babymouse Our Hero, Aug/Sept2008 9
Babymouse: Queen of the World, May2014 9
Baby Rattlesnake, Feb2005 29; Jan2016 44
Bach's Goldberg Variations, Dec2012 43
Back of the Bus, Jan2011 3
Backpack Stories, Mar2010 54
Backseat A-B-See, May2015 43
Back to Front and Upside Down!, Oct2014 10
Back to School, Nov2011 3
Backyard Bird Watching for Kids, Feb2006 47
Backyard Detective: Critters Up Close, Mar2010 41
Backyard Pets: Activities for Exploring Wildlife Close to
Home, Mar2010 9
Bad Boys (Palatini), Mar2004 36
Bad Boys Get Cookie!, Dec2013 56
A Bad Case of Stripes, Nov2009 22
Badger's Fancy Meal, Jan2010 2; Jan2014 22
Bad Guys: True Stories, Mar2007 9, 12; Nov2008 9;
Feb2012 9
Bad News for Outlaws, Feb2010 2; Jan2011 21, 24;
Dec2011 25; Feb2012 3; Feb2014 32, 37;
May2015 9, 13
Bailey at the Museum, Mar2016 2
Bake and Make Amazing Cookies, Dec2013 54
The Baker's Dozen: A Saint Nicholas Tale, Dec2013 4
The Bakery Lady/La Señora de la Panaderia, Dec2007
8, 11; Dec2013 9, 13
Bake You a Pie, Mar2011 53
Balancing Act, Apr2014 9, 13
The Ballad of the Pirate Queens, Aug/Sept2007 31
The Ballad of Valentine, Feb2005 34; Feb2011 9
Ballerina Dreams, Dec2011 7
Ballet for Martha, Jan2012 21; Jan2013 3
Ballet of the Animals, Apr2013 9
Ballet of the Elephants, Jan2016 7
A Ball for Daisy, Aug/Sept2013 36; Jan2015 3, 17–18
Balloons over Broadway, Nov2011 5*; Apr2012 3, 9;
Aug/Sept2014 34; Jan2015 3
The Ballot Box Battle, Oct2004 3; Feb2008 3;
Aug/Sept2008 45
Ballpark, Aug/Sept2011 3
Baloney (Henry P.), Apr2008 35, 37–38; Mar2012 1, 7,
13; Mar2014 9
The Bambino and Me, Apr2014 29
Banana, Mar2012 25
Bananas (Landau), May2004 16
A Band of Angels, Feb2009 30, 35
Bang! Boom! Roar!, Aug/Sept2015 43
Banjo Granny, Aug/Sept2007 15–16; Nov2007 45, 47;
Nov2010 19–21*
Barack, Feb2010 3
Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope,
Feb2010 9
The Barbarossa Brothers: Sixteenth-Century Pirates,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Bare Bear, Apr2008 21
Barfing in the Backseat: How I Survived My Family
Road Trip, May2009 52; Jan2010 52
Bark, George, Feb2004 7–8
Barn Dance!, Oct2005 21
The Barn Party, Jan2008 20
Barnum Brown: Dinosaur Hunter, Oct2008 53
Barnum's Bones, Aug/Sept2013 2–3; Oct2014 47
Barnyard Banter, Oct2003 9
Barry, Apr2005 35, 38
Bartleby Speaks!, Nov2014 35
Baseball Is…, Oct2014 5
Baseball Saved Us, May2006 8; May2007 3, 32, 35;
May2016 7, 12
BASE Jumping, May2016 41–42
Bat Bones and Spider Stew, Oct2003 27, 30
Batman: Catwoman's Classroom of Claws, Feb2012 9
Bats (Gibbons), Oct2004 5
Bats (Sway), Dec2003 8
Bats at the Ballgame, May2012 32, 35–36
Bats at the Beach, Oct2006 5; Mar2007 26; May2012
31–32, 35
Bats at the Library, Feb2009 22; Oct2010 44; Feb2011
4*; May2012 31–32, 34–35
Bat's Big Game, Dec2010 19–21*; May2016 7–8, 10
Batter Up, Wombat, May2008 21; May2016 1, 38
Bawk and Roll, Apr2014 36
Beach (Cooper), Nov2007 17; Apr2009 52
Beach Bugs, May2011 47
Beachcombing: Exploring the Seashore, May2011 20
A Beach Tail, Mar2011 2
Be a Demolition Engineer, Oct2009 54
Be a Friend: The Story of African American Music,
Feb2008 4
Be a Good Sport!, May2010 9
Beans, Aug/Sept2009 53
Bean Thirteen, May2008 28
Bear Dreams, Apr2008 21
Bear Gets Dressed, Jan2009 53
Bearhead: A Russian Folktale, Feb2005 12–15
Bearobics: A Hip-Hop Counting Story, May2006 8–9,
Bear Says Thanks, Nov2014 42
Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party,
Dec2004 13
Bears in My Bed, Mar2006 51
Bear Snores On, Feb2004 9
Bears Should Share!, Jan2004 37
The Bear Went Over the Mountain, Apr2014 42
The Beastly Arms, Oct2009 35
The Beastly Feast, Nov2004 40; May2005 14
A Beastly Story, Oct2007 9, 11
Be a Storm Chaser, Feb2013 9
The Beatles Were Fab, Feb2015 3
Beatrice Doesn't Want To, May2010 33–34, 36
Beatrice's Goat, Dec2005 24; Oct2007 54; Nov2009
21; Dec2011 7; Dec2014 49
Beatrix, Oct2011 2
Beatrix Potter (Wallner), Jan2006 8–9
Beatrix: Various Episodes from the Life of Beatrix
Potter, Jan2013 51
Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum, Apr2009 32; Nov2012
Beautiful Ballerina, Apr2012 3
Beautiful Blackbird, Oct2005 21; Mar2006 50; Apr2009
The Beautiful Butterfly, Mar2005 30
Beautiful Oops!, Apr2012 54; Mar2015 43
Beauty and the Beast (Eilenberg), Feb2011 9
Beauty and the Beast (Mayer), Aug/Sept2007 9, 11, 12
Bebé Goes Shopping, Dec2013 56
Be Boy Buzz, Nov2008 9
Because Amelia Smiled, Jan2014 42; Jan2016 37
Because Your Mommy Loves You, Apr2014 41
Becoming Babe Ruth, Apr2016 48–49
Becoming Joe DiMaggio, Feb2009 9
Bedtime for Bear, Feb2012 4
Bedtime in the Southwest, Dec2007 47
Bedtime Is Canceled, Aug/Sept2015 39
Bee-Bim Bop!, Dec2006 1, 18–19, 30–31, 34;
May2007 3; Nov2007 38; Nov2012 18;
Oct2015 54; Dec2015 51
Beetles, Bugs, and Butterflies, Feb2009 23
Before We Eat, Dec2015 42; Mar2016 40
Before John Was a Jazz Giant, Feb2015 22
Before You Were Three, May2006 26
A Beginning, a Muddle, and an End: The Right Way to
Write Writing, Feb2009 45
Be Honest and Tell the Truth, Mar2014 9
Being Frank, Mar2014 44–46
Bein' with You This Way, Nov2005 40, 44; Oct2008 3;
Aug/Sept2011 3
Belinda's Hurricane, Mar2006 18
Belinda the Ballerina, Feb2007 40
The Belly Book, Nov2015 25
Be My Neighbor (Ajmera and Ivanko), Oct2007 54;
Jan2015 49
Ben and Me, Oct2005 26–27, 30
Ben Franklin’s Big Splash, Feb2016 25
Be Nice to Spiders (Graham), May2008 22
Benito's Dream Bottle, Mar2013 36; May2013 47
Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas!, May2014 3
Benny and Penny in Just Pretend, Oct2010 34, 37;
Oct2012 53
Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!, Oct2010 36–37*;
Feb2012 22; May2014 2
Benny and Penny in the Toy Breaker, Oct2010 37
Benny and the Binky, Dec2004 3
Benny Bakes a Cake, Jan2008 20
Benny Goodman and Teddy Wilson, Feb2015 3;
Jan2016 56
Benny's Had Enough, Dec2004 3
Benny’s Pennies, Apr2016 17
Ben Rides On, Oct2015 43
Ben's Dream, Dec2011 31, 38
Ben the Inventor, Feb2016 6
Berlioz the Bear, Mar2005 32–37; Oct2011 37
The Berry Book, May2004 16
Bessie Smith and the Night Riders, Mar2009 27
The Best Bike Ride Ever, Oct2015 43
The Best Cat in the World, Dec2009 2
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Dec2004 16
The Best Father's Day Present Ever, May2011 54
Best Friends: The True Story of Owen and Mzee,
Oct2009 9
The Best Halloween Ever, Oct2005 25
The Best Hawaiian Style Mother Goose Ever!,
May2007 55
Best Little Wingman, May2011 53
Best Mother Goose Ever, Dec2010 23
Best New Games, Jan2013 9; Jan2016 8, 9
The Best Part of Me, Oct2008 8; Dec2011 7
The Best Pet of All, Mar2013 17; Jan2016 2
The Best Picnic Ever, May2005 14; May2008 22
The Best Story, Feb2009 47; Jan2013 54
The Best Time of Day, Jan2014 9
The Best Vacation Ever, Dec2008 9; May2011 9;
May2015 44
The Best Winds, Mar2007 25
Betcha! Estimating, Oct2013 4
Be the Boss of Your Sleep, May2013 22
Betsy Who Cried Wolf, Apr2005 11
Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake, Aug/Sept2012 44–
Betty Doll, Mar2009 31, 33
Between the Tides, Apr2009 53–54; Feb2016 43
Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book, Jan2005 7; Apr2008
24, 27
Beverly Billingsly Takes a Bow, Feb2015 9–10
Beware! It's Friday the 13th, Jan2006 25
Beware of Boys, Apr2005 14
Beyond Mayfield, Feb2007 9; Feb2014 31
Beyond the Great Mountains, Feb2006 9–10, 14, 16;
Oct2015 37
Biblioburro, Feb2011 55; Oct2011 2; Dec2011 15;
Aug/Sept2013 55
Bicycle Basics, Oct2015 42
The Bicycle Book, May2009 9; Oct2015 42
Bicycle Safety, Oct2015 42
A Big, Fat, Enormous Lie, Mar2014 9
The Big, Beautiful Brown Box, Aug/Sept2010 51
Big Al, Nov2011 41
Big and Little (Jenkins), Mar2006 32, 38
The Big Blueberry Barf-Off!, Jan2010 52
The Big Book of Help!, May2013 39
Big Bouffant, Nov2015 25
Big Brave Brian, Apr2009 51
The Big Buck Adventure, Apr2016 17*
Big Bug Surprise, May2008 41
Big Buildings, Mar2011 26
Big Cat Pepper, Dec2009 2
Big Dogs (Altman), Oct2006 52
Big-Enough Anna: The Little Sled Dog Who Braved the
Arctic, Oct2006 54; Feb2007 52
Big George: How a Shy Boy Became President
Washington, Dec2010 54
Biggest, Strongest, Fastest, Mar2006 32–33; Feb2008
The Biggest, Best Snowman, Dec2004 15; Jan2007 49
The Biggest Bear (Ward), Jan2004 47
The Biggest Valentine Ever, Feb2011 46
Big Hairy Drama, Feb2015 10
The Big Idea Science Book, Apr2014 9
Big Jabe, Jan2008 26
Big Jimmy's Kum Kau Chinese Take Out, Dec2006 31
Big Little Brother, Oct2012 53
Big Momma Makes the World, Jan2012 7, 12
Big Moon Tortilla, Jan2008 9, 11; Aug/Sept2009 52;
Dec2015 18
The Big Orange Splot, Oct2004 25
Big Pumpkin, Oct2007 44
Big Quiet House: A Yiddish Folktale from Eastern
Europe, Dec2006 54
Big Rig, Aug/Sept2014 55
Big Scary Monster, Oct2011 20
The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book, Mar2012
5; Feb2013 17
Big Surprise in the Bug Tank, Apr2006 3; May2008 41
The Big Test, May2013 9
Big Time Olie, Mar2012 41
Bikes for Rent, Oct2015 45
Bill Nye the Science Guy's Big Blue Ocean, Nov2011
Bill Nye the Science Guy's Great Big Dinosaur Dig,
Feb2006 42–43
Bill Pickett: Rodeo-Ridin' Cowboy, Feb2004 16, 19
Billy and the Rebel, Dec2005 3; Apr2006 3; Feb2009
Billy Bully, Oct2013 9
Bing Bang Boing, Nov2007 49
Bink & Gollie, Feb2012 21; Apr2014 5*
Binky the Space Cat, May2014 1, 10
Birchbark House, Mar2009 3
Bird, Butterfly, Eel, May2012 7
A Bird about to Sing, Jan2011 2; Nov2014 3
Bird and Diz, Jan2016 56
Birdfeeders, Mar2011 26
Birdhouse for Rent, Jan2004 36
The Birdman, Apr2015 3
Birds: A to Z (DeGezelle), Feb2006 46
Birdsongs, Aug/Sept2014 38
Bird Talk, Aug/Sept2014 38
A Birthday Basket for Tia, Aug/Sept2008 34
A Birthday Cake Is No Ordinary Cake, Jan2008 5, 16–
The Birthday Fish, Dec2009 3
A Birthday for Frances, Feb2005 25; Jan2008 20
The Birthday Pet, Dec2009 47–48
Birthday Presents (Rylant), Jan2008 20
The Birthday Storm, May2010 53
B Is for Brooklyn, Jan2015 50
Bizarre Birds, Feb2006 47
Bizarre Bugs, May2008 40
The Blabber Report, Jan2011 8; Nov2014 1, 9, 13
Black and White (Macaulay), Dec2003 40; Jan2006 18
Blackbeard and the Birthday Suit, Aug/Sept2007 32
Blackbeard's Last Fight, Feb2005 9
Black Beauty, Mar2005 25; May2014 4
The Black Book of Colors, Nov2009 9; Dec2011 53
Black Cat, Feb2007 32, 34–35; Feb2010 42;
Aug/Sept2011 3
The Blacker the Berry, Nov2009 3; Feb2010 42
A Black Hole Is Not a Hole, Feb2013 3; Aug/Sept2013
20–22*; Oct2014 20
Black Is Brown Is Tan, Nov2003 3
Black Jack, Dec2014 31–32
Blackout, May2013 24–27
Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine,
1845-1850, Dec2008 54
The Black Snowman, Feb2007 29
Black? White! Day? Night!, Nov2006 51–52; Jan2009
Blast to the Past, Oct2008 55*
Blimps (Baysura), Jan2007 54
The Blind Hunter, Jan2009 8
The Blizzard (Wright), Dec2004 15
The Blizzard's Robe, Dec2012 21
Blizzard! The 1888 Whiteout, Feb2013 9
Block Party Today!, Jan2015 51
Blueberries for Sal, Mar2005 24
Blueberries for the Queen, Mar2013 23
Blue Cheese Breath and Stinky Feet, Oct2013 9
Blue Chicken, Mar2016 46
The Blues Go Birding across America, Aug/Sept2011
The Blues Singers, Feb2006 24
The Blushful Hippopotamus, Oct2008 2
Bo, America's Commander in Leash, Feb2010 52
Boa Constrictor, Jan2016 44
The Bobbin Girl, Aug/Sept2007 28
Bobsledding and the Luge, Dec2012 55
Bobsleigh, Luge, and Skeleton, Feb2014 9
Bomb: The Race to Build - and Steal - the World's Most
Dangerous Weapon, Aug/Sept2013 44–45
Bones: Skeletons and How They Work, Oct2011 20
Bony-Legs, Mar2008 32
Book! Book! Book!, Apr2004 43; Aug/Sept2004 19;
Apr2006 16–18
Book Fiesta!, Aug/Sept2009 3
A Book of Coupons, Aug/Sept2004 3; Dec2004 2;
May2014 5
The Book of Goddesses, Feb2013 54
A Book of Hugs, Dec2004 25
The Bookshop Dog, May2014 4
Book Speak!, Oct2014 55
Boo's Dinosaur, Oct2008 54
Bootsie Barker Bites, Mar2006 50; Jan2011 2
Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift, Dec2014 49
Born and Bred in the Great Depression, Oct2012 51
Born to Pull, Feb2007 52
Born to Read, Oct2007 31
Born Yesterday: The Diary of a Young Journalist,
Mar2012 25
The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes, Dec2004 17, 21
The Borrowers, Apr2007 4; Oct2011 9, 13; Apr2013
Boss of the Plains: The Hat That Won the West,
Jan2007 3
The Bossy Gallito, Oct2006 47
Boston Jane: Wilderness Days, Aug/Sept2006 8–9, 11
The Bowwow Bake Sale, Jan2013 9
Boxes for Katje, Jan2005 2–3; Jan2009 3; Apr2011 32
A Box Full of Kittens, Oct2008 3
The Box That Watch Found, Aug/Sept2014 9, 14
Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs!, Feb2006 44
A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog, Dec2007 28
The Boy, the Bear, the Baron, the Bard, Jan2006 25
A Boy and a Bear, May2013 17
A Boy and a Jaguar, Aug/Sept2015 26
Boy + Bot, Oct2013 44; Aug/Sept2015 2
A Boy Called Slow, Nov2004 13; Jan2011 23
Boycott Blues, Feb2013 32, 37
The Boy from the Dragon Palace, Mar2013 17
The Boy in the Drawer, Dec2008 35
The Boy in the Garden, Apr2013 31, 35
The Boy of a Thousand Faces, Oct2003 42; Oct2009
The Boy on Fairfield Street: How Ted Geisel Grew Up
to Become Dr. Seuss, Mar2007 1, 9, 12;
Jan2013 52
The Boy Who Could Fly Without a Motor, Dec2003 8,
14, 17
The Boy Who Cried Fabulous, Feb2008 49–50
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Hennessy), Oct2007 24
The Boy Who Drew Birds, Feb2006 47; Mar2007 16–
17; Aug/Sept2014 38; Apr2015 28
The Boy Who Had Wings, Aug/Sept2007 35
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Feb2013 2;
Mar2015 1, 3, 9; Feb2016 7, 33–35
The Boy Who Invented TV, Jan2011 21; Oct2011 40
The Boy Who Lived with the Bears and Other Iroquois
Stories, Nov2004 12
The Boy Who Loved Morning, Dec2009 25
The Boy Who Loved Words, Oct2006 21–23; Feb2008
48; Feb2009 42
The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians, Apr2008 24;
Aug/Sept2012 9
The Bracelet, Feb2005 25; May2007 3
Brave Dogs, Gentle Dogs: How they Guard Sheep,
Oct2006 53
Brave Girl, Nov2014 10; May2015 52
Brave Irene, Dec2004 15; Dec2005 24
Brave Jack and the Unicorn, Oct2010 9
The Brave Little Seamstress, Apr2008 8; Jan2014 38–
Brave Potatoes, May2004 16
The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto,
Oct2006 54; Feb2007 53
The Bravest Knight, Mar2013 9
The Bravest of the Brave, Apr2007 41
The Bravest Woman in America, Oct2014 47
Bravo, Maurice!, Nov2006 9, 11
Bravo Max, Feb2009 43
Bread Before the Store, Oct2012 38, 39
Breaking Ground, Breaking Silence: The Story of New
York's African Burial Ground, Feb2010 42
Brendan and Belinda and the Slam Dunk!, May2010 9
Brianna the Tooth Fairy, Feb2014 4
Bridges! Amazing Structures to Design, Build and Test,
May2008 29
Bridget and the Gray Wolves, Apr2005 13
Bridget's Beret, Apr2012 2
Bright Path: Young Jim Thorpe, Mar2009 27
Brighty of the Grand Canyon, Feb2005 25
The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z., Apr2014 20–21
Brimsby’s Hats, Jan2015 4
Bringing in the New Year, Feb2012 36; Dec2013 9, 14
Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie,
Jan2010 3; Dec2015 7, 9
Bring on that Beat, Feb2010 1, 10
Bring on the Birds, Mar2013 4
Broken Beaks, Aug/Sept2006 45
Bronx Masquerade, Feb2010 33–34
Brooklyn Bridge (Curlee), May2006 25; Mar2015 3, 9,
Brooklyn Bridge (Tieck), Mar2015 24
Brothers (Yin), Apr2007 52–53; Aug/Sept2007 16
Brothers and Sisters, Dec2011 54; Jan2012 38
Brothers at Bat: The True Story, Oct2012 55
Brothers in Hope, Jan2006 3; Feb2011 24; May2012 7;
Jan2013 9
The Brothers Kennedy, Oct2012 52
Brothers of the Knight, Dec2010 31
Brown Angels, Apr2004 3
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?,
Nov2004 5; Feb2008 53–55
Brush Well: A Look at Dental Care, Feb2007 54–55
Bubba the Cowboy Prince, Apr2005 11; Dec2006 54
Bubble Bath Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 52
Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum, May2011 9
Bubble Homes and Fish Farts, Jan2010 53; Apr2011
Buddy, the First Seeing Eye Dog, Apr2007 29
The Buddy Files, May2010 40–42*
Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly, Aug/Sept2006 6
The Buffalo Are Back, Apr2013 22, 23
Buffalo Bird Girl, Nov2013 2
Buffalo Song, Oct2008 39–41*; Nov2013 36
The Buffalo Storm, Mar2009 15–18; Feb2013 45
Bug-a-licious, Oct2009 54
Bug Athletes, Oct2011 9
Bug Faces, May2008 40
Bug Hunters, Oct2011 53
The Bugliest Bug, May2005 25
Bugs! (Greenberg), May2008 41
Bugs and Bugsicles, Oct2011 54
The Bug Scientists, May2008 40
Bugs for Lunch, Dec2015 14–15
Bugs on Your Body, Oct2011 54
Bugs: Poems about Creeping Things, May2008 40
Bugs Up Close, May2008 40
Bug Zoo, May2011 21
Build a Burrito, Aug/Sept2009 52
Builder Goose, Aug/Sept2015 45
Building a House, Mar2011 26
Building Our House, Dec2013 2; Apr2015 16–17
Building the Great Wall of China, Mar2010 55
Bully-Be-Gone, Jan2007 9; Feb2016 7
Bumpety Bump, May2007 26
Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery, Oct2006 30–31,
36; Oct2014 5
The Bunnies Are Not in Their Beds, Dec2007 45
The Bunnies' Picnic, May2008 22
Bunny Business, Mar2006 51
Bunny Cakes, Jan2008 20
Bunny Mail, Jan2005 2
Bunny Money, Aug/Sept2005 33; Apr2016 2, 8, 20
The Bunyans, Jan2008 24
The Busasaurus, Feb2006 27
A Bus Called Heaven, Jan2013 3; Jan2015 49;
Jan2016 1, 7
The Bus for Us, Oct2004 4
Business Builders in Fast Food, May2009 53
The Bus Ride, Feb2016 54
Buster, Oct2003 10
Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, May2015 45
Busy, Busy Moose, Nov2004 5; Jan2005 24
The Busy Body Book, Dec2011 7, 11; May2016 8, 10,
Busy Buzzing Bumblebees and Other Tongue
Twisters, Feb2005 28
Busy in the Garden, Apr2011 2
The Busy Life of Ernestine Buckmeister, May2013 9
The Busy Tree, Mar2010 26
But Excuse Me That is My Book, Feb2009 23
But I’ve Used All of My Pocket Change, Apr2016 53
The Butter Battle Book, Aug/Sept2010 7
Butterflies for Kiri, May2004 3; Apr2012 2
The Butterfly (Polacco), Aug/Sept2007 15
Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow,
Mar2010 10
The Butterfly Jar, Apr2004 14
The Butter Man, Oct2008 3; Nov2008 3; Jan2010 3
Button, Bucket, Sky, Apr2007 15, 16
Butt Ugly, Jan2010 52
Buying, Training, and Caring for Your Dinosaur,
Apr2013 55
Buzz (Wong), Nov2006 40; May2008 40; Oct2013 35
Buzz-Buzz, Busy Bees, Mar2006 51
The Buzz on Bees, Apr2011 9,14
"Buzz" Said the Bee, Nov2006 40
Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book, Mar2006 51
Bye-Bye, Big Bad Bullybug, Apr2009 51
By My Brother's Side, Oct2012 55
By the Light of the Harvest Moon, Oct2012 1, 9
Cactus Hotel, Oct2009 48
Cada Niño/Every Child: A Bilingual Songbook for Kids,
Aug/Sept2009 10
The Cake That Mack Ate, Jan2008 20
Calabash Cat and His Amazing Journey, May2009 2
Calavera Abecedario, Nov2005 24; Oct2013 4
A Caldecott Celebration, Jan2006 9, 19; Apr2006 32;
Nov2007 10; Jan2015 10, 13
A Call for a New Alphabet, Mar2014 26
Call Me Marianne, Mar2008 51; Apr2011 26
Camille's Team, Jan2013 9
Cam Jansen and the Green School Mystery, Oct2009
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones,
Feb2006 27
Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery, Jan2009
Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries,
May2011 9
Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery, Feb2007
Cam Jansen: The Mystery of the Babe Ruth Baseball,
Mar2008 53
Cam Jansen: The Sports Day Mysteries, May2016 8
Camouflage Clues, Apr2011 23
Camp Babymouse, May2008 3; May2011 9
The Camping Trip That Changed America, Oct2015 28
Canada Votes, 7th Revised Edition: How We Elect Our
Government, Aug/Sept2008 45
The Candy Corn Contest, Oct2013 4
Candy Corn Poems, Oct2007 45
Candy Experiments, Dec2015 38
Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please?,
Feb2006 37
Canoe Days, Aug/Sept2010 35–36
Canto Familiar, Feb2008 37
Can We Save the Tiger?, Apr2013 23
Can You Find It?, Apr2012 53; Mar2015 44
Can You Find These Birds?, Aug/Sept2014 36
Can You Greet the Whole Wide World?, Nov2014 41
Can You Guess My Name?, Oct2007 32
Can You Guess What Estimation Is?, Oct2013 4
Can You Hear a Rainbow?, Jan2009 9; May2012 20
Can You Say Peace?, Aug/Sept2010 9, 18–19*
Can You See the Red Balloon?, Apr2008 54
Can You See What I See: Toyland Express, Oct2012
32–33, 37
Can You See What I See: Treasure Ship,
Aug/Sept2014 9
Caps for Sale, Jan2015 4
Captain Arsenio: Inventions and (Mis)Adventures in
Flight, Nov2006 28
Captain Barnacle's Aquarium, Aug/Sept2007 52
Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs, Aug/Sept2007
Captain Kidd: Seventeenth-Century Pirate,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery, Oct2008 54
Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates, Oct2008 54
The Cardboard Piano, Apr2012 2
Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Adventure and Travel,
May2009 52
The Caribou Feed Our Soul, Nov2013 9
Caribou Song, Oct2015 40
Carla's Sandwich, Jan2014 20
Carlo and the Really Nice Librarian, Apr2008 24–25
Carlos, Light the Farolito, Dec2007 8–9, 11
Carmine, A Little More Red, Apr2008 2
Carolina's Gift: A Story of Peru, Oct2007 55
Carol of the Brown King: Nativity Poems, Apr2009 31
The Carrot Seed, May2007 21
Carrot Soup, May2007 26; Jan2014 23
Cars on Mars: Roving the Red Planet, Oct2009 53
The Car Washing Street, Nov2005 40, 44
Case Closed, Oct2011 9
The Case of the Gasping Garbage, Oct2009 10;
Apr2014 10
The Case of the Incapacitated Capitals, Mar2014 27
The Case of the Library Monster, Aug/Sept2013 53
The Case of the Lost Boy, Aug/Sept2013 9
Casey at the Bat, Oct2014 5; Nov2014 3
Casey Jones's Fireman, May2012 55
Cassie's Sweet Berry Pie, Dec2006 25
The Castle on Hester Street, Dec2008 9
Cat, Oct2009 45; Nov2014 42
Cat and Rat, Feb2006 15
Cat Champions, Apr2015 41
Catching the Moon, Nov2006 26; Dec2007 28;
Mar2008 3, 9, 11, 12, 53; Apr2009 53
Catch That Cookie!, Aug/Sept2015 53
Caterina and the Lemonade Stand, Apr2016 24–25
Catherine and Laurence Anholt's Big Book of Families,
Nov2003 15, 18, 19; Dec2008 9
The Cat in the Hat, Apr2006 2; Feb2012 20,21
Cat Jumped In!, Oct2009 45
Cats Are Cats, Apr2015 42
Cat Talk, Apr2015 42
The Cat Who Came for Tacos, Aug/Sept2006 9, 11;
Aug/Sept2009 54
Cat Whys, Apr2015 44
Catwings, Oct2014 28
The Cat with Seven Names, Jan2015 52
Caves and Caverns, Dec2006 51
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred, Jan2014
20; Mar2016 41
C D B!, Dec2004 41; Nov2015 22
Celebrate Chinese New Year, Dec2010 53
Celebrate! Connections Among Cultures, Mar2007 26
Celebrate Kwanzaa, Dec2013 9
Celebrate the 50 States!, Jan2008 9
Celebrating Birthdays in Australia, Oct2007 55
Celebrating Families, Nov2003 35
Celebrating Hanukkah (Hoyt-Goldsmith), Dec2004 17,
Celebrating Kwanzaa (Hoyt-Goldsmith), Dec2007 9, 12
Celebration Food, Oct2009 54
Celebrations (Kindersley), Dec2004 30
Celia and the Sweet, Sweet Water, Aug/Sept2012 35
Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa, Aug/Sept2009 52
The Cello of Mr. O, Feb2009 9
Cemetery Quilt, Nov2003 29
Center Court Sting, Mar2006 28
Centerfield Ballhawk, Aug/Sept2009 10
Chachaji's Cup, May2007 2
A Chair for My Mother, Dec2005 26–28, 32–33, 34;
Dec2008 2; Apr2010 9; Nov2010 3; May2012
4; Dec2013 3; Apr2016 2, 20, 55
Chalk, Apr2012 54; Mar2013 5
Chameleon, Chameleon, Mar2010 34
Changes (Browne), Jan2006 3; Nov2006 31–32;
Dec2007 3
The Chanukkah Guest, Feb2005 9
Charles Schulz: The Story of the Peanuts Gang,
May2014 10
Charlie Needs a Cloak, May2008 49
Charlie Parker Played Be Bop, Mar2005 12
Charlotte Jane Battles Bedtime, May2013 40–42
Charming Opal, Feb2014 26
Chato and the Party Animals, Aug/Sept2009 10
Chato's Kitchen, Dec2006 23; Aug/Sept2009 53
Chavela and the Magic Bubble, Nov2010 2
Check It Out! Reading, Finding, Helping, Aug/Sept2012
The Cheese (Palatini), Apr2008 2
Cherries and Cherry Pits, Dec2005 30; Mar2014 18
Cherry Pies and Lullabies, Dec2006 2; Jan2010 3
Chess! I Love It! I Love It!, Nov2015 6
Chester, Feb2009 44; Feb2011 33, 39; Jan2013 55
Chester's Masterpiece, Aug/Sept2010 24; Feb2011 39;
Mar2012 26
Chester's Way, Dec2007 53
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Nov2009 33
Chicken and Cat, Dec2009 6
Chicken and Cat Clean Up, Dec2009 6–7*
Chicken Butt!, Jan2010 52
The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County,
Oct2008 3
Chicken Cheeks: (The Beginning of the Ends),
Jan2010 53
Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country
Romp, Nov2007 45, 46, 47
Chicken Little, Dec2010 3
Chickens (Wearing), Mar2013 41
Chicken Said, "Cluck!," Feb2012 23
Chicken Socks and Other Contagious Poems, Apr2012
Chickens on the Family Farm, Mar2016 42
Chicken Soup, Boots, Nov2006 2, 3
Chicken Soup by Heart, Jan2006 24
Chicken Soup with Rice, Jan2008 4; Dec2015 55
Chicken Sunday, Mar2009 31
Chicks and Salsa, Aug/Sept2009 52–53; Jan2014 19
Child of the Civil Rights Movement, Jan2011 3
Children Around the World, Aug/Sept2010 51
Children Just Like Me, Nov2007 54; Nov2011 27;
Dec2014 26
Children Make Terrible Pets, Apr2013 55
Children of Native America Today, Nov2013 9
Children of Northern Ireland, Mar2007 54
Children of Puerto Rico, Aug/Sept2004 8
Children of the Civil Rights Era, Feb2007 10
Children of the Longhouse, Oct2005 2
Children's Authors and Illustrators Too Good to Miss,
Aug/Sept2006 44
A Child's Calendar, Mar2006 3
Child's Day in a Brazilian Village, Oct2007 54
Child's Day in a Ghanaian City, Oct2007 54
A Child's Day in an Egyptian City, Nov2012 54
A Child's Garden: A Story of Hope, Feb2013 45
Chimp and Zee, May2004 27
The Chimpanzees I Love, Aug/Sept2012 18
Chimp Math, Jan2014 9
The Chiru of High Tibet, Dec2010 47–49*
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again, May2013 3
The Chizzywink and the Alamagoozlum, Nov2006 42
Chloe and the Lion, Jan2013 9; Jan2016 7
Chocolate Ants, Maggot Cheese..., Jan2012 54
Chocolate Me!, Dec2014 32, 34; Oct2015 2
Chocolate: Riches from the Rainforest, Nov2006 55
Choose Your Own Adventure: The Golden Path,
Aug/Sept2007 4
Chrissa Stands Strong, May2010 53
The Christmas Alphabet, Jan2007 30–31, 40
Christmas Around the World (Kelley), Dec2007 9, 12,
13; Dec2013 9
The Christmas Coat, Nov2013 24
Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons,
Dec2013 4, 53
Christmas Farm, Apr2010 3
The Christmas Gift (Jiménez), Dec2004 8, 10
Christmas in Camelot, Jan2014 37
Christmas in the Country, Dec2014 47
Christmas Kitten, Home at Last, Dec2010 51
Christopher Changes His Name, Dec2009 26
Christopher Paul Curtis, Jan2013 52
Chrysanthemum, Nov2004 25; Aug/Sept2006 29;
Aug/Sept2007 2; Dec2007 53; Dec2009 26;
Aug/Sept2011 37; May2014 5
Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper, Apr2008 8–9,
Cinderella Skeleton, Apr2005 11
Cinderella's Rat, Apr2005 11
Cinder-Elly, Apr2005 11
Circle Dogs, Jan2005 24
Circus, Nov2009 36
Circus Caps for Sale, May2008 21
Circus Family Dog, May2008 21
City Birds, Feb2006 46
City Cat, Apr2015 43
City Green, Apr2015 10
The City under the Back Steps, May2008 42
Civil War Days: Discover the Past with Exciting
Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes,
Feb2009 18
Clancy & Millie and the Very Fine House, Jan2013 19
Clancy the Courageous Cow, Feb2008 2
Clap Your Hands, May2012 43
Clara and Davie, Apr2015 27
Clara and Senor Frog, Mar2016 55
Clarabella’s Teeth, Feb2015 5
Clarice Bean, That's Me, Nov2003 15; Mar2007 30–32,
Class President (Hurwitz), Aug/Sept2004 39
Clatter Bash! A Day of the Dead Celebration, Oct2013
Claude Has a Picnic, May2005 14
Clementine, Dec2008 10; Jan2010 5*
Clementine's Letter, Jan2010 5*
Clever Jack Takes the Cake, Mar2011 2; Apr2011 34–
35; Jan2012 22
Clever Trevor, Oct2013 9, 15
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, Oct2004 2;
Jan2005 25; Apr2006 9, 11, 12, 26–27, 30,
34; Jan2013 50
Click, Click, Splish, Splash, Mar2007 26
Click! A Story about George Eastman, Mar2007 9–10
Climbing Lincoln's Steps, Dec2010 54
Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear!, Apr2008 21
Clink, Jan2012 2; Aug/Sept2015 2
Cliques, Phonies and Other Baloney, Aug/Sept2003
14, 19; Aug/Sept2005 8, 13; Oct2013 9
Close Encounters with Aliens, Mar2012 8
Clothes, Jan2009 52
Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do, Nov2013 54
Clothing (Easterling), Jan2009 52
Clothing (Hall), Jan2009 52
Clothing Around the World, Jan2009 52
Clouds, Apr2011 4
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Apr2004 16;
Nov2009 22
The Clue in the Recycling Bin, Apr2015 10
Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!, May2016 8, 10, 13
A Coach's Letter to His Son, May2010 9
Cock-a-Doodle Christmas!, Dec2010 51
Cock-a-Doodle Dance, Mar2016 42
Cock-a-Doodle-Doo, Creak, Pop-Pop, Moo, Mar2016
Cockroaches (Cole), Mar2008 33
The Cod's Tale, Mar2012 53
The Cold & Hot Winter, Mar2014 9
Colonial American Crafts: The Home, Mar2004 9
Colonial Kids, Oct2005 27, 31
Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak, Apr2010 6
Color Dance, Nov2009 43
Color Day Relay, Nov2009 9
Color Farm, Apr2005 2; Nov2009 9
Colorful Dreamer, Mar2014 2
Color Me a Rhyme: Nature Poems for Young People,
Nov2009 9; Oct2012 22
A Color of His Own, Nov2009 42
Colors of Fall, Oct2012 10, 14
Colors of Mexico, Aug/Sept2004 8
The Colors of Us, Nov2009 1, 10; Oct2015 2, 8, 9
Color Zoo, Nov2004 46; Apr2005 2; Nov2009 31, 36–
Combat-Wounded Dogs, Nov2011 7
Come and Eat!, Jan2012 52; Dec2015 49
Come and Play, May2016 14, 16
Comeback of the Home Run Kid, Mar2008 53
Come Look with Me: Animals in Art, Apr2013 56
Come On, Rain!, Mar2006 6, 9, 11
Come Sunday, Feb2010 36
Come to the Castle, Mar2013 9
Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems,
Mar2008 3, 50–52
Comet's Nine Lives, Dec2004 42; Oct2011 31, 38
Come with Me (Nye), Apr2004 2; Mar2013 37
Coming Home: From the Life of Langston Hughes,
Feb2004 16, 19
Coming On Home Soon, Nov2010 17, Feb2012 47
Coming to America: A Muslim Family's Story, Oct2006
Coming to America: The Story of Immigration, Oct2006
9, 12
Commander Toad, Aug/Sept2007 35, 36
Commander Toad and the Voyage Home, Mar2008 1,
9; Mar2012 8
Common Ground: The Water, Earth, and Air We
Share, Apr2007 3; Apr2011 9; Oct2011 2
Communication (Aliki), Jan2004 27–28, 29
Community Soup, Jan2016 7
Company's Coming, Oct2004 30; Nov2009 23
Company's Going, Oct2004 30
The Composer is Dead, Nov2009 24; Dec2012 32;
Mar2014 5
The Composition, Dec2004 3
Compost Stew, Jan2012 52
Conejito, Mar2008 4
Confetti: Poems for Children, Aug/Sept2008 34
Confucius: The Golden Rule, Nov2012 9
Construction (Sutton), Aug/Sept2015 44
The Construction Alphabet, Aug/Sept2015 42
Construction Kitties, Aug/Sept2014 56
Construction Zone (Hudson), Nov2006 3;
Aug/Sept2015 6, 44
Cook-a-Doodle-Doo!, Apr2005 13; Dec2006 20
Cookiebot!, Apr2012 43; Dec2013 53
Cookie Count: A Tasty Pop-Up, Nov2004 40; Dec2005
35; Dec2013 55
Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons, Apr2016 52
Cooking with Henry and Elliebelly, Jan2012 53;
Jan2014 22
A Cool Drink of Water, Nov2007 55
Coolies, May2007 32, 35; Mar2009 9; May2012 7
Cool Sandwich Food Art, Jan2014 20
Cooperation (Riehecky), Jan2013 10, 12; Jan2016 8
Cora Cooks Pancit, Nov2010 3; Dec2015 51
Corduroy Writes a Letter, Jan2005 29, 32; Apr2016 45
Coretta Scott King and the Story behind the Coretta
Scott King Award, Nov2007 10
Cork & Fuzz: Good Sports, May2010 9–10
Cork & Fuzz: The Collectors, Jan2009 3
Corn, On and Off the Cob, May2004 16
Corn is Maize, Oct2004 4
The Cosmobiography of Sun Ra, Jan2015 3
Could a Tyrannosaurus Play Table Tennis?, Oct2008
Countdown to Fall, Apr2010 53
Counting Crocodiles, Oct2007 34, 35
Count on Pablo, Aug/Sept2004 39, 43
The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes,
Mar2005 24; Apr2014 28
Country Fair, Aug/Sept2011 3
Country Road ABC, Aug/Sept2011 3, May2012 20
County Fair (Wilder), Nov2003 31
Count Your Way Through Egypt, Nov2012 54
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever, Nov2008
3; May2011 3, 46
Covered Wagons, Bumpy Trails, Mar2009 1, 9;
May2012 7
The Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea, Apr2005 13
Cowboy Boy, Dec2005 9–10, 12
Cowboy Christmas, Dec2013 56
Cowboys and Coffin-makers: 100 19th Century Jobs,
Feb2008 28
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa, Feb2012 22
The Cow Loves Cookies, Dec2013 55
Cows on the Family Farm, Mar2016 43
The Cow Who Clucked, Oct2003 10
The Cow Who Fell in the Canal, Aug/Sept2012 51
Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies, Dec2003 8
Coyote School News, Aug/Sept2004 4
A Coyote Solstice Tale, Nov2013 25
Crab Moon, May2012 7
Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning About Dinosaurs,
Oct2008 53
Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning about Transportation,
May2009 9
Crafts for Kids Who Are Wild About Dinosaurs,
Feb2006 27, 43
Crafts for St. Patrick's Day, Mar2008 28
Crafts from Your Favorite Children Songs, Mar2008 41
Crafts from Your Favorite Fairy Tales, Apr2008 9, 13
Crafts to Make in the Fall, Oct2012 10
Crafts to Make in the Summer, May2011 9
A Crash Course for Molly, May2006 3
A Crash Course in Forces and Motion with Max Axiom,
May2014 38–40*
The Crayon Box that Talked, Aug/Sept2010 50
Crazy Horse's Vision, Nov2004 13; Jan2012 7;
May2015 10
Crazy Like a Fox: A Simile Story, Apr2010 17;
May2013 5
Creamed Tuna Fish and Peas on Toast, Oct2015 48
Creative Crafts for Critters, Dec2009 10
Creativity (Steptoe), Aug/Sept2003 15, 17–18
Creature Crossing, Apr2007 9
Creep and Flutter, Feb2016 37–38
The Creeping Tide, Apr2009 52
Creepy, Spooky Science, Oct2003 28
A Creepy Countdown, Oct2003 27–28, 32
Creepy Crawly Baby Bugs, Oct2011 54
Crepes by Suzette, Dec2014 18
Cricket, Feb2005 6
The Cricket in Times Square, May2007 28; Oct2007
29; May2008 29, 42
Crictor, Jan2016 44
Crime Scene: How Investigators Use Science,
Aug/Sept2013 9, 14
Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats,
Nov2008 36
Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing the Birds, Feb2006 47
Crinkleroot's Nature Almanac, Nov2008 35
Critter Sitter, Apr2010 9
Crocheting (Kinsler and Young), Mar2004 10
Crocodaddy, Nov2009 22
A Crocodile Grows Up, Jan2016 45
A Crocodile Safari, Nov2008 32
Crocodile Smile: 10 Songs of the Earth, Apr2013 10
Crossing, May2012 51
Crossing Bok Chitto, Apr2012 34, 37; Nov2013 9
Crow Call, May2011 53
Cuckoo/Cucú: A Mexican Folk Tale, Aug/Sept2009 10
The Cuckoo's Haiku, Mar2010 2; Aug/Sept2014 40
Cultures around the World, Oct2015 38
The Curious Garden, Apr2011 43; May2013 56
Curious George and the Birthday Surprise,
Aug/Sept2014 28
Curious George: Lost and Found, Aug/Sept2014 20, 22
Curtain Up! A Book for Young Performers, Nov2013
55; Feb2015 10
The Custodian from the Black Lagoon, Nov2004 5
Cut from the Same Cloth: American Women of Myth,
Jan2008 26; Feb2013 54
Dachshund: The Hot Dogger, Oct2009 53–54
Dad, Jackie, and Me, Nov2006 26; May2016 44
Dad and Pop, May2011 53
Dadblamed Union Army Cow, Nov2010 16
Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama, Dec2014 10
Daddy's Roommate, Nov2003 3
Dad’s First Day, Feb2016 52, 54; May2016 43
Daisy Comes Home, Oct2011 37
Daisy Says "If You're Happy and You Know It,"
Feb2004 9
Daisy's Perfect Word, Dec2012 5
Dalia’s Wondrous Hair, Nov2015 25
Dance (Jones and Kuklin), May2006 2
A Dance Like Starlight, Feb2015 3
Dancing Teepees, Nov2013 9
Dancing to Freedom, Feb2014 22
Dancin' in the Kitchen, Dec2006 22
Danger! Earthquakes, Nov2011 10
The Dangerous Book for Boys, Jan2012 42
Daniel's Mystery Egg, Aug/Sept2009 39
Danitra Brown, Class Clown, Aug/Sept2005 3
Dare the Wind, Aug/Sept2015 56
The Daring Book for Girls, Jan2012 42
The Dark (Munsch), Dec2008 35
The Dark (Snicket), Nov2014 22; Oct2015 31
A Dark Dark Tale, Oct2007 44
Dark Day in the Deep Sea, Nov2011 52
Dark Sons, Feb2010 34
Dashing Through the Snow: The Story of the Junior
Iditarod, Dec2012 54
Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop, Apr2005 41
Dave the Potter, Apr2012 22–23*; Mar2016 55
Dave Thomas: Honesty Pays, May2009 53
David Dinosaur-Rrr, May2006 31
David Goes to School, Aug/Sept2003 8; Aug/Sept2005
David's Drawings, Jan2011 2
David's Father, Dec2008 36
Dawdle Duckling, Jan2006 38
Dawn Watch, Nov2009 10
The Day Dirk Yeller Came to Town, Aug/Sept2013 54;
May2014 45–48
The Day-Glo Brothers, Jan2010 49; Oct2011 40;
Oct2012 52; Oct2013 55; Apr2014 10, 14;
Aug/Sept2014 34–35
The Day Gogo Went to Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
A Day in the Life of a Farmer, May2004 17
A Day in the Life of a Librarian, Feb2009 22
A Day in the Salt Marsh, Apr2009 54
The Day It Rained Hearts, Feb2004 30
The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash ... And More Backto-School Stories, Aug/Sept2008 9
The Day-Off Machine, Jan2007 9, 11
Day of Jubilee: The End of Slavery in the United
States, Feb2010 43
Day of the Dead (Barner), Oct2014 29; Nov2014 4*
Day of the Dead (Johnston), Oct2013 4
Day of the Dead (Lowery), Nov2007 29
Day of the Iguana, May2011 37
Days Like This, Oct2011 9
Days of Knights and Damsels, Mar2013 10, 13
Days of the Blackbird, Oct2005 21
A Day's Work, Mar2014 9
The Day the Babies Crawled Away, Oct2006 43
The Day the Crayons Came Home, Mar2016 35–37
The Day the Crayons Quit, Jan2015 24; Jan2016 31;
Apr2016 45
The Day the Dinosaurs Died, Oct2008 53; Feb2013 9
The Day the Statues Walked, Nov2012 10
The Day the Teacher Went Bananas, Oct2006 39
Day with an Airplane Pilot, Jan2007 54
A Day with Dad, Feb2009 3
A Day with No Crayons, Nov2009 10; Apr2012 10;
Mar2016 7
The Deadlies: Spiders on the Case, Aug/Sept2013 53
Deadly Waters (Skurzynski), Dec2007 29
The Deaf Musicians, May2012 20; Apr2014 54
Dear Annie, Jan2005 28, 32; Feb2015 52
Dear Benjamin Banneker, Feb2004 16–17, 20;
Jan2005 35, 38; Oct2005 3; Feb2013 36
Dear Children of the Earth-A Letter from Home,
Dec2008 17
Dear Emma, Jan2005 35, 38
Dear Fish, Apr2016 43
Dear Juno, Jan2005 2
Dear Malala, We Stand with You, May2015 3; Oct2015
Dear Max, Feb2009 43
Dear Mother, Dear Daughter, Dec2014 53
Dear Mr. Henshaw, Feb2009 43; Feb2011 22
Dear Mr. Rosenwald, Apr2010 9
Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School,
Jan2004 35; Jan2005 27–28, 32, 35; Feb2009
43; Dec2013 5*; Feb2014 28*; Mar2014 9–10;
Feb2015 52
Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today's Youth,
Jan2005 35, 38; Feb2007 10
Dear Mr. Washington, Apr2016 43
Dear Peter Rabbit, Jan2005 31, 32, 33; Jan2006 25
Dear Primo, Nov2011 3; Nov2012 2; Aug/Sept2015
47–48; Apr2016 42
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, Jan2005 36; Feb2010 52
Dear Tabby, Apr2016 44
Dear Tooth Fairy (Durant), Jan2005 30
Dear Tooth Fairy (Edwards), Jan2005 30; Feb2014 27
Dear Tooth Fairy (O'Connor), Jan2005 30
Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex, Apr2016 43
Dear Vampa, Apr2016 42
Dear Whiskers, Jan2005 36, 39
The Death of the Hat, Jan2016 52
Deep in the Forest, Apr2005 14
Deep in the Sahara, Dec2014 10
Deep in the Swamp, May2012 37
The Deep-Sea Floor, Nov2011 54
Degas and the Little Dancer, Jan2006 9
Delicious! (Cooper), Apr2008 55; Jan2014 23
Demolition (Sutton), Aug/Sept2015 44
Dennis Tito: The First Space Tourist, Mar2008 9, 11,
The Dentist & You, Feb2007 55
Deputy Dan Gets His Man, Jan2011 52
Desert Giant, May2005 25
The Desert Is My Mother, Aug/Sept2008 32
Desert Song, Apr2007 41; Oct2009 47
Desert Town, Nov2007 54; Aug/Sept2011 3
Desmond and the Very Mean Word, May2016 27
The Desperate Adventures of Zeno and Alya,
Aug/Sept2014 2–3
Detective LaRue: Letters from the Investigation,
Feb2009 43; Aug/Sept2013 10
Detectives in Togas, Mar2007 29
Dial-a-Ghost, Oct2003 42–43
Diamondback Rattlesnake, Jan2016 44
Diamond Willow, Dec2009 3
Diane Goode's Book of Scary Stories, Oct2011 21
Diary of a Spider, Nov2007 50
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Feb2009 44; Oct2014 10
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw, Jan2012 45–46*
Diary of a Wombat, Nov2004 4; Jan2014 4
Diary of a Worm, Nov2004 4; Jan2006 3;
Aug/Sept2010 46
The Diary of Hansel and Gretel, Apr2005 12
Dia's Story Cloth, Jan2005 18, 21; Apr2005 24;
May2007 3, 32, 35; May2012 8
Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? Mysteries Science Hasn't
Solved, Oct2008 53
Did Greek Soldiers Really Hide inside the Trojan
Horse?, Nov2012 10
Did You Ever Wonder About Things You Find at the
Beach?, Apr2009 53
Did You Hear Wind Sing Your Name?, Apr2007 2
Diego Rivera, Jan2012 3; Aug/Sept2015 48; Mar2016
Digger, Dozer, Dumper, Aug/Sept2015 45
Digging for Dinosaurs (Clemson), Feb2008 44
Dimity Dumpty, Apr2008 2; Jan2011 3
Dim Sum for Everyone, Jan2010 3
Dino-Baby, Dec2014 55
Dino-Boarding, May2016 8, 11
Dino Dung: The Scoop on Fossil Feces, Nov2008 10
Dino-Hockey, Oct2008 54; May2016 49
DinoMania, Feb2006 43
Dinomummy: The Life, Death, and Discovery of
Dakota, a Dinosaur from Hell Creek, Oct2008
Dino Pets, Oct2008 54
Dino Riddles, Feb2006 27, 35
Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family
Lazardo, Feb2006 37
A Dinosaur Called Tiny, Oct2011 26
Dinosaur Deals, Feb2006 24, 27, 29, 30
Dinosaur Discoveries (Gibbons), Feb2006 2
Dinosaur Habitat, Feb2006 27, 30
Dinosaur Hunter (Alphin), Feb2006 28
Dinosaur on Passover, Oct2008 54
The Dinosaur Princess and Other Prehistoric Riddles,
Feb2006 35
Dinosaur Roar!, Feb2006 37
Dinosaurs (Hosley), Oct2008 55
Dinosaurs Before Dark, Jan2014 36–37
Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia Prehistorica, Feb2006 2
Dinosaurs Forever, Feb2006 28, 29, 30
Dinosaurs Galore!, Feb2006 37
Dinosaurs in Space, Oct2015 13
The Dinosaur's New Clothes, Apr2005 11–12
The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, Feb2006 28,
29, 37, 43
Dinosaurs On-Line, Feb2006 44
Dinosaur Stomp!, Feb2006 33
Dinosaur Trouble, Oct2008 54
Dinosaurumpus!, Feb2006 37
Dinosaur Woods, Aug/Sept2010 3
Dinosnores, Feb2006 25, 35, 40–41
Dinothesaurus: Prehistoric Poems and Painting,
Jan2010 48
Dirk Bones and the Mystery of the Haunted House,
Oct2010 24–25
Dirt on Their Skirts: The Story of the Young Women
Who Won..., Feb2009 48–51*; Dec2013 37
The Disappearing Magician, Oct2010 10
Discovering Dinosaurs with a Fossil Hunter, Feb2006
D is for Drums: A Colonial Williamsburg ABC, Oct2005
27, 29, 30
Disgusting Animals, Apr2013 10, 14
Disgusting Food Invaders, Jan2012 54
Disgusting Hagfish, Apr2011 23; Mar2012 51; Apr2013
And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (Stevens and
Crummel), Apr2006 8, 11, 12, 13
Disney's FamilyFun Crafts, Oct2007 39
Disney Villains: The Top Secret Files, Oct2007 23
Dizzy, Feb2015 23
The DK Big Book of Airplanes, Jan2007 54
The DK Geography of the World, Nov2007 54
DK Guide to Dinosaurs, Feb2006 28
Doctor Ted, Jan2010 9
Dodo Gets Married, Feb2011 2
Do Dogs Make Dessert? A Book About How Animals
Help Humans, Oct2006 53
Does a Chimp Wear Clothes?, Jan2009 53
Dog and Bear: Two Friends Three Stories, Jan2009 32
Dog and Bear: Two's Company, Jan2009 32
A Dog Called Kitty, Aug/Sept2004 18
Dog Days: Rhymes Around the Year, May2007 21
Dog Diaries: Secret Writing of the WOOF Society,
May2010 42
Dog Food, May2004 2, 10
Doggone Dogs!, Aug/Sept2012 23
Dog in Charge, Apr2014 36
A Dog Is a Dog, Apr2013 18
A Dog Needs a Bone!, Dec2009 46–47
Dogs and Cats, Apr2015 42
Dogs and their Puppies (Tagliaferro), Oct2006 52
Dogs of the Iditarod, Mar2006 29
Dogs on the Farm, Oct2006 53
Dogteam, Feb2007 53; Mar2007 29; Aug/Sept2010 38
Dog vs. Cat, Apr2015 44
The Dog: Why Are Dogs' Noses Wet? And Other True
Facts, Oct2006 54
Do I Have To Say Hello? Aunt Delia's Manners Quiz for
Kids and Their Grownups, Aug/Sept2006 9,
Do Like Kyla, Nov2015 50
A Dollar, a Penny, How Much and How Many?,
May2014 52
The Doll's House (Godden), Jan2004 36
Dolphins on the Sand, Dec2009 54
Dom DeLuise's Hansel and Gretel, Apr2005 12
Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman with a
Great Big Heart, Aug/Sept2008 31–32;
Aug/Sept2009 10
A Donkey Reads, Nov2012 40
Donovan's Word Jar, Feb2010 10
Don Quixote and the Windmills, Feb2005 9
Don't Feed the Monster On Tuesdays! The Children's
Self-Esteem Book, Oct2008 9
Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops, May2016 43
Don't Forget to Come Back!, May2006 30
Don't Forget Your Etiquette! The Essential Guide to
Misbehavior, Aug/Sept2006 9
Don't Knock It, Aug/Sept2003 29
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Oct2004 4;
May2009 49; Jan2010 52; Aug/Sept2012 4*,
52–53*; Aug/Sept2014 37
Don't Lick the Dog: Making Friends with Dogs, Oct2009
53, 54
Dooby Dooby Moo, Dec2012 19
The Doorbell Rang, Nov2004 40–41; Dec2004 5;
Dec2005 35
Do Pirates Take Baths?, Aug/Sept2004 4;
Aug/Sept2007 55
Do Polar Bears Snooze in Hollow Trees?, Dec2012 50
Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs?, Apr2008 6;
Apr2014 41
Dork on the Run, Oct2004 7, 9
Do Something in Your City, Aug/Sept2010 20
Dot, Aug/Sept2015 1, 39
The Dot, Oct2008 43; Nov2009 10; Apr2012 10;
Mar2016 4
Dot and Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery, Apr2007 28
Dot in Larryland, Oct2011 26
Dot & Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery, Mar2010 10
Do Tornadoes Really Twist?, Feb2013 10, 13
The Dot & the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics,
Feb2011 9
Double Cheeseburgers, Quiche, and Vegetarian
Burritos, Aug/Sept2011 10, 15
Double Play, Nov2015 7
Double Trouble in Walla Walla, Apr2007 26
Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners, Jan2008 33,
38; Aug/Sept2010 54
Dove Isabeau, Aug/Sept2007 40
Down Cut Shin Creek: The Packhorse Librarians of
Kentucky, Dec2008 54; Feb2009 22
Down to Earth, Dec2015 7
Down to the Sea in Ships, May2009 9
Do You Have a Hat?, Jan2015 4
Do You Know What I'll Do?, Jan2006 3
Do Your ABC's Little Brown Bear, Apr2008 21
Dozens of Cousins, Dec2014 51
Dracula and Frankenstein are Friends, Oct2003 40–41
Dragon: Hound of Honor, Dec2009 35, 39–40
A Dragon Moves In, Mar2013 19
Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons,
Jan2007 38
Dragons, Draaks and Beasties, Apr2007 34
Dragons Dragons & Other Creatures That Never Were,
Mar2011 35
Dragon's Halloween, Oct2007 44
Dragons Love Tacos, Mar2013 16
Dragon Tide, Apr2009 52
Draw 50 Airplanes, Aircraft and Spacecraft, Dec2003 8
Drawing and Learning About Dinosaurs: Using Shapes
and Lines, Oct2008 55
Draw the Titanic, Jan2004 41
Draw What You See, Mar2016 56
Dream Catcher: A Young Person's Journal for
Exploring Dreams, Feb2009 45
Dreamer from the Village: The Story of Marc Chagall,
Nov2009 10
The Dream Stealer, May2013 9
A Drive in the Country, May2015 42
Dr. Kanner, Dentist with a Smile, Feb2007 55
Drop Dead, Oct2003 3
The Drop in My Drink, May2005 2
A Drop of Water, Oct2012 33, 35–36
Dr. Pompo's Nose, May2004 2, 7
Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book, May2013 9
Drum City, Nov2012 5*
Drum Dream Girl, Aug/Sept2015 56; Oct2015 17
Dr. Welch and the Great Grape Story, Dec2006 26;
Jan2011 24–25
Duck for President, Oct2004 2–3, 7; Jan2006 36;
Feb2008 3
Duck for Turkey Day, Nov2013 40–42
Ducking for Apples, Oct2012 19
Duck in the Truck, Mar2011 16
The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?, Dec2013 4, 55
Duck! Rabbit!, Apr2016 3
Ducks, Aug/Sept2014 37
Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite, Dec2012 43
Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra,
Aug/Sept2004 24; Feb2013 32, 35
Dumpling Days, Feb2012 39
The Dump Man's Treasures, Nov2009 21–22
The Dumpster Diver, Nov2007 48; Feb2008 2;
Feb2009 42; Apr2011 9, 49–51; Jan2012 3,
Dumpy, Dec2009 40
Dumpy La Rue, Apr2006 28–29, 34
The Dunderheads, Aug/Sept2010 2; Feb2012 2
Dunk Skunk, May2016 48
Dust Devil, Feb2012 9
Dusty Locks and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
D.W. All Wet, May2008 21
D.W.'s Library Card, Feb2009 23
Each Kindness, Oct2013 2; Nov2014 22–23; Jan2016
3, 18
Each Orange Had Eight Slices, Aug/Sept2004 5
The Eagle and the Wren, Jan2013 24
The Eagles Are Back, Oct2014 16–17
Eagle Song, Nov2013 33
An Early American Christmas, Dec2014 10, 14
Early Childhood Activities for a Greener Earth, Apr2015
Early Pleasures & Pastimes, Feb2009 18
Earmuffs for Everyone!, Feb2016 24, 40, 55; Mar2016
Earthdance, Apr2007 12; Mar2008 3, 9, 12–13
Earth Day (Aloian), Apr2011 10
Earth Day (Nobleman), Apr2007 9
Earth Day Girl, Apr2011 10
Earth Day-Hooray!, Nov2004 4; Apr2007 9, 12, 14;
Apr2015 10, 13
The Earth Dragon Awakes: The San Francisco
Earthquake, Apr2008 29; Feb2013 10
Earth-Friendly Crafts, Apr2011 10
Earth-Friendly Crafts for Kids, Nov2004 4
Earth Mother (Jackson), Dec2006 42–43, 46, 47
Earthquake in Haiti, Aug/Sept2011 26
Earthsteps: A Rock's Journey Through Time, Apr2014
10, 13
Earth to Clunk, Mar2012 38
The Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet, Nov2004 31, 35;
Nov2013 36–37
Earthworms: Underground Burrowers, Apr2011 55
Easter Island (Riggs), Nov2012 10
Easy Animal Origami, Apr2013 37
Eat, Leo! Eat!, Dec2015 57
Eating Pairs, May2004 17
Eating the Alphabet, Nov2012 3
Eating the Plates, Dec2015 7
Eat Your Peas, Ivy Louise!, Jan2010 2
Echoes for the Eye, Apr2007 2
EcoArt!, Nov2004 4
Eco-Wolf and the Three Pigs, Apr2011 10, 14
Eddie: Harold’s Little Brother, Nov2014 10
Eddie's Garden: And How to Make Things Grow,
Mar2007 23
Eddie's Kingdom, Aug/Sept2010 7
Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book,
Oct2011 9, 13
Ed Emberley's Drawing Book of Weirdos, Oct2007 9,
Edgar’s Second Word, Feb2016 53
Edible Numbers, Dec2015 16
Edward and the Pirates, Apr2004 43; Aug/Sept2007 52
Edward Hopper Paints His World, May2015 37–38
Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World,
Aug/Sept2008 2–3; Oct2008 2
Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was
Extinct, Oct2008 54
Edwina Victorious, Jan2005 29, 32
Eek! There's a Mouse in the House, Mar2004 38
The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out!, Oct2011 22
The Egg, Aug/Sept2014 37
Egg Drop, Mar2015 17–18; May2016 2
An Egg Is Quiet, Aug/Sept2014 37
Egypt (Country Explorers), Nov2012 54
Egypt (Gutner), Nov2012 55
Egyptian Maus are the Best!, Nov2012 53
Eight Days Gone, Dec2014 36–37
Eight Hands Round, Nov2003 29
The Eighth Menorah, Dec2014 48
Einstein Anderson Makes Up for Lost Time, Mar2006
Einstein the Class Hamster, Nov2015 7, 10
El Barrio, Aug/Sept2009 3; Jan2015 28, 50
Elbert's Bad Word, Aug/Sept2006 9, 11, 13
El Deafo, May2015 2; Aug/Sept2015 28*; Oct2015 13
Eleanor, Ellatony, Ellencake, and Me, Dec2009 26
Eleanor, Quiet No More, Jan2011 3, 22; Nov2014 10
Election Connection: The Official Nick Guide, Oct2004
6; Feb2008 9
Election Day (McNamara), Feb2008 9, 10
Electric Animals, Apr2013 54
Elefantina's Dream, Feb2014 9, 15
The Elephant Quilt, Mar2009 10
Elephants Can Paint Too, Mar2016 7
Elephant's Story, Mar2014 24
The Eleventh Hour, Apr2007 30–31, 36; Jan2008 20
Elim: The Determined Athlete, Feb2007 53
Eli's Lie-O-Meter, Mar2014 1, 10, 13
Elizabeth Leads the Way, Aug/Sept2008 43–44*;
Jan2011 23
Ella Enchanted, Feb2009 47
Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of a Vocal Virtuoso, Feb2010
10; Feb2015 24
Ella Sets the Stage, Dec2012 18
Ellen Ochoa: The First Hispanic Woman Astronaut,
Aug/Sept2004 25
Ellen’s Broom, Dec2014 10
Elsie's Bird, Jan2012 7
Elsina's Clouds, Mar2006 3, 28
Elvis the Rooster and the Magic Words, Aug/Sept2006
Elympics, May2008 1, 11, 13
Emerald Boas, Apr2011 52
E-mergency!, Feb2013 5*; Mar2014 25
Emily Post’s Table Manners for Kids, Dec2015 7
Emily Post's The Guide to Good Manners for Kids,
Aug/Sept2006 9–10, 13
Emily’s Art, Mar2015 43
Emily’s Blue Period, Mar2016 7, 10, 56
Emma Dilemma and the Two Nannies, Oct2012 55
Emma Dilemma: Big Sister Poems, Apr2012 26;
Nov2015 45–46
Emmanuel’s Dream, May2016 26
Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty,
Aug/Sept2011 19–23*; Oct2014 28
Emma's Rug, Apr2013 36
Emma's Strange Pet, Dec2009 10; Apr2013 10
The Empanadas that Abuela Made/Las Empanadas
que Hacía la Abuela, Aug/Sept2009 10, 54
The Emperor and the Kite, Feb2006 12
The Emperor Lays an Egg, May2005 3
The Emperor's New Clothes, Jan2011 16
The Emperor's New Clothes: The Graphic Novel,
Mar2014 10
The Emperor's Old Clothes, Apr2005 12; Apr2008 9,
The Empty Pot, Nov2010 8; Dec2010 25; Mar2014 10
Emu, May2016 44
The Enchanted Dolls' House, Mar2011 55
Encounter, Oct2015 24
The Encyclopedia of the Summer Olympics, May2008
11, 14
The End, Feb2009 45; Dec2010 27
The End of the Beginning, Aug/Sept2010 41
The End Zone, May2014 10
Energy for the Future, Oct2009 52; Feb2013 10
Energy Island, Dec2011 7; Jan2013 22; Jan2016 7
Engineering Elephants, Mar2015 10
Engineering in Our Everyday Lives, Mar2015 10
Engineering the ABCs, Mar2015 10, 13
Enigma: A Magical Mystery, Oct2010 10
The Enormous Carrot, May2007 26
Erandi's Braids, Jan2008 20
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, Aug/Sept2014
41–43; Aug/Sept2015 37–38; Nov2015 7
Escaping the Giant Wave, Nov2011 10
Even an Ostrich Needs a Nest, Aug/Sept2014 38
Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms, Nov2006 1
Even Monsters Need Haircuts, Mar2012 25–26
Even More Parts, Feb2007 40
The Everlasting Embrace, Jan2016 37
Everybody Serves Soup, Nov2005 40–41, 43, 45;
Dec2006 31
Every Day is Earth Day, Apr2011 10
Every Friday, Dec2014 10
Every Kid's Guide to Handling Disagreements,
Dec2005 10, 12, 13
Everyone Can Learn to Ride a Bicycle, Feb2014 21;
Aug/Sept2014 56; Oct2015 42
Every Single Night, May2011 54
Everything Bird, Aug/Sept2014 36
Everything Bug, May2008 40
Everything I Know About Monsters, Oct2003 35
Everything Kids' Pirate Puzzle and Activity Book,
Aug/Sept2007 55
The Everything Kids' Soccer Book, Mar2008 55
The Everything Machine, Mar2011 10, 18–21
Everything on a Waffle, Nov2005 41, 45
Everywhere the Cow Says "Moo!," Mar2014 4
! (Exclamation Mark), Oct2013 46; Mar2014 27
Excuse Me! (Kopelke), Aug/Sept2006 10, 11
Exercise and Rest, May2013 21
Explore and Discover Birds, Feb2006 46
Explore the Tundra, Dec2012 9
Exploring Black Holes, Oct2014 19, 20
Exploring the Deep, Dark Sea, Apr2009 9
Exploring Titanic, Mar2010 55
The Extinct Files: My Science Project, Oct2008 54
Extraordinary Friends, Dec2011 52
The Extraordinary Mark Twain, May2016 47
Extra Yarn, Aug/Sept2013 2; Jan2014 41; Apr2015 22–
Extreme Babymouse, Feb2014 9
Extreme Dads, May2011 53
The Eye of the Needle, Nov2011 5
The Eye of the Whale, Jan2016 40
The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary,
Jan2011 39–41*
The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary
School, Aug/Sept2008 37, 38
A Fabulous Fair Alphabet, May2011 3
The Fabulous Flying Machines of Alberto-Santos
Dumont, May2012 2
The Fabulous Foskett Family Circus, May2016 38
Fair! (Lewin), Nov2003 31
Fair, Brown and Trembling: An Irish Cinderella Story,
Mar2004 28
The Fairies of Nutfolk Wood, Oct2011 9
Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook, Aug/Sept2007
28; Dec2010 10
Fairytale News, Feb2005 3; Apr2008 9, 12
Fairy Trails: A Story Told in English and Spanish,
Apr2008 9
Fall Harvests, Mar2016 41
Falling for Rapunzel, Jan2011 51
Fall Leaf Project, Nov2009 10; Oct2012 10, 13
Fall Mixed Up, Oct2012 10, 17
Family Gatherings, Oct2015 38
A Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children,
Mar2010 2
The Family Read-Aloud Holiday Treasury, Oct2007 46
The Family Under the Bridge, Nov2003 16
Family Vacation (Lock), May2015 42
Family Vacations (Adamson), Dec2014 17–18
Fancy Nancy, Feb2008 49
Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris, May2009 15
Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth, Feb2014 25;
Feb2015 5
Fancy Nancy Halloween, Oct2014 29
Fancy Nancy: Heart to Heart, Feb2011 29
Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire!, Apr2012 10,13
Fancy Nancy: Splendid Speller, Mar2014 25
Fancy Nancy: Stellar Stargazer!, Apr2014 10
Fandango Stew, Jan2014 23; Jan2015 52
Fannie in the Kitchen, Apr2005 2; Nov2006 55;
Dec2006 3, 25; Feb2009 34, 36; Oct2009 38–
42; Dec2015 40
Fannie Lou Hamer: Fighting for the Right to Vote,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Fanny's Dream, Apr2005 11
Fantastic Farm Machines, Mar2007 25; Mar2008 28
Fantastic Feats and Failures, Mar2015 10, 14
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore,
Aug/Sept2013 55
Fantastic Four: Shortcuts, Oct2008 55
Fantastic Four: The End, Nov2008 10, 13
The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau,
Nov2011 53; Feb2016 2
Faraway Home, Oct2006 17
The Farewell Symphony, Dec2012 43
Farfallina and Marcel, Feb2011 2
A Far-Fetched Story, Nov2003 29
Farm, Mar2011 17, Apr2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 3
Farm Animals (Cooper), Mar2016 42
Farm Animals: Chickens, Mar2016 42
The Farmer’s Away! Baa! Neigh!, Mar2016 42
A Farmer’s Life for Me, Mar2016 41
Farmers Market (Parks), May2004 17
Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table, Apr2015 4;
Dec2015 43, 57
The Fast and the Furriest, Nov2014 10, 14; May2016
8, 13
The Fastest Game on Two Feet and Other Poems,
Feb2014 20; May2016 15–16
Fast Food, May2009 9
Fat Chance, Claude, Mar2009 10
Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, Dec2014 53
A Father's Day Thank You, May2011 54
Favorite Scary Stories of American Children: 23 Tales,
Oct2007 46
Fearless! Stunt People, Feb2015 10, 15
Fearless: The Story of Racing Legend Louise Smith,
Oct2014 47
Fear this Book: Your Guide to Fright, Oct2007 10, 12,
Feast for 10, Nov2003 35; Nov2004 41
Feathers, Flaps, & Flops, Dec2003 14–15; Jan2007 53
Feathers: Not Just for Flying, Aug/Sept2014 38
Feathers: Poems About Birds, Aug/Sept2014 40
Feeding Our Feathered Friends, Feb2006 47
Felicity's Craft Book, Mar2004 9–10
Fer-De-Lance: Master Killer, Apr2011 24
Ferris Wheel!, Mar2015 10
The Fiddler's Son, Jan2007 40
Fiddlin' Sam, Mar2005 7, 9, 11
Fidgety Fish and Friends, Nov2011 41
The Field Guide (Black and DiTerlizzi), Oct2005 13
The Field Mouse and the Dinosaur Named Sue,
Feb2006 28, 29
Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, BirdWatching, and Shore Walking with Jim
Arnosky, Apr2007 2; Mar2010 10
Fierce, Strong and Snappy, Jan2004 36
Fiesta Fiasco, Jan2012 54
Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Booker T.
Washington, Feb2014 54–56*; Feb2015 28
Finding 3-D Shapes in New York City, May2014 56
Finding Home, May2009 3
Find the Bird (Foley), Feb2006 47
A Fine, Fine School, Jan2005 45–46
A Fine Dessert, Dec2015 50, 56
Fine Feathered Friends, Aug/Sept2014 40
The Finest Horse in Town, May2008 50
Finger Puppet Nursery Rhymes, Dec2010 23
Finger Rhymes, Dec2010 24
Fin M'Coul, Mar2005 25
Finn McCool and the Great Fish, Mar2012 24
Finn Throws a Fit, May2010 20; Feb2013 1, 10
Fire at the Triangle Factory, Mar2007 28
The Firebird, May2015 2
Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey,
Oct2003 2; Aug/Sept2011 10; May2015 10,
13; Aug/Sept2015 29
The Fire Children, Dec2010 10
The Firefighters' Thanksgiving, Nov2005 2–3, 25
Firefighters to the Rescue, Feb2008 44
Fireflies at Midnight, Apr2012 26
Firefly July, Nov2014 3; Jan2016 52–53
Fireside Stories: Tales for a Winter's Eve, Dec2012 9,
Fire Storm, Jan2008 10
Fire Trucks in Action, Oct2009 52
Fire Up with Reading: A Mrs. Skorupski Story, Apr2008
The Firework-Maker's Daughter, May2007 5
First Book of Flight, Dec2003 9
First Book of Sushi, Nov2012 18
The First Case, Jan2016 55
First Come the Zebra, Jan2013 10
First Day, Hooray!, Aug/Sept2003 9; Aug/Sept2005
First Day in Grapes, Apr2005 35, 37; Jan2011 2
First Day Jitters, Aug/Sept2003 15, 34, 36–37;
Jan2005 28; Aug/Sept2012 10
The First Day of Winter, Jan2006 2; Jan2007 50
First Dog, Feb2010 52
First Dog Fala, Feb2010 51
First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright
Brothers, Dec2003 15; Jan2007 52
First Garden, Jan2016 15
The First Gift, Dec2009 25
First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson,
May2010 2
First Morning: Poems About Time, Jan2014 10, 13
The First Palm Trees, Feb2005 18
First Peas to the Table, May2013 54
First Pets: Presidential Best Friends, Feb2010 51
First Rain, Nov2010 2
The First Rule of Little Brothers, Oct2012 53
First Snow (Ford), Apr2007 41
First Snow (McCully), Dec2012 53
The First Strawberries, Nov2004 13; Nov2013 34
First the Egg, Dec2007 2; Jan2009 32; Feb2012 23
The First Thing My Mama Told Me, Dec2007 3
First Year Letters, Jan2005 28, 32, 36, 37, 39;
Feb2009 43; Apr2016 42
The Fir Tree, Dec2004 25
F Is for Fiesta, Oct2007 55; Jan2008 20
F is for Flag, May2004 41
F Is for Freedom, Oct2006 22, 23
The Fisherman and His Wife, Mar2012 54
Fishing Day, Jan2009 2
Fishing in the Air, Jan2005 45; Mar2005 15
Fish is Fish, Mar2012 53
Fishy Riddles, Mar2012 52
Five Creatures, Apr2005 2
Five Little Monkeys Play Hide-and-Seek,
Aug/Sept2005 38; May2006 21
Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car, Aug/Sept2006 51
The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, May2012 5*
Flabbersmashed About You, Oct2013 2
The Flag with Fifty-Six Stars, Dec2011 27
Flamingos, Aug/Sept2014 36
Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, Oct2010 5
Flight (Burleigh), Dec2003 35, 45
Flight (Farndon), Dec2003 8
Flight of the Phoenix, Dec2014 10
Flit, Flutter, Fly! Poems About Bugs and Other Crawly
Creatures, May2005 13–14
Flood Disaster, Feb2013 10
Floop in the Dark, Oct2011 20
Flora and the Flamingo, Aug/Sept2014 36
Florence Nightingale (Demi), Oct2014 46
Flossie and the Fox, Dec2007 33, 35, 36–37
Flotsam, Nov2007 10; Apr2009 3, 53
Flower Garden (Bunting), May2007 26; Jan2008 20;
Oct2015 54
Flowers from Mariko, Apr2011 3
Fluffy, Scourge of the Sea, Aug/Sept2007 53
Fly! (Myers), Dec2003 8; Feb2007 1, 32–33, 36;
Nov2010 2
Fly, Eagle, Fly!, Dec2003 8
Fly Away Home, Aug/Sept2006 45
Fly Free!, Jan2014 41
Fly High, Fly Guy!, May2009 52; May2015 43
Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman, Dec2003 9, 35
Flying High (Rowe and Perham), Dec2003 15
Flying Solo: How Ruth Elder Soared, Oct2014 47
Flying Squirrels, Feb2011 36
The Flying Witch, Aug/Sept2007 39
A Fly Went By, Nov2006 42
Fly With Poetry, Dec2003 8
The Foggy Foggy Forest, Dec2010 39
Fold Me a Poem, Apr2007 4; Apr2012 45–46*
Following the Tractor, Mar2016 41
Follow That Map!, Aug/Sept2014 46
Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus,
May2005 30–31
Follow the Money, Apr2010 10; Apr2016 7
Follow the Trail: A Young Person's Guide to the Great
Outdoors, Mar2010 10
Food Allergies, Jan2012 53
Food and Recipes of the Native Americans, Dec2006
Food and the Kitchen (Stine), Nov2006 55
Food and Your Health (Powell), May2006 9
Food Chains in a Tide Pool Habitat, Apr2009 54
Food Fight, Dec2015 7
Food Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone, Dec2015 8
Food Rules! (Haduch), May2006 9, 12
Foods of Egypt, Nov2012 54
Food Technology, Dec2015 7
Foolish Rabbit's Big Mistake, Feb2006 12
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship,
Aug/Sept2013 30, 38
A Foot in the Mouth: Poems to Speak, Sing, and
Shout, Jan2010 49; Jan2016 52
Footprints on the Roof: Poems about the Earth,
Mar2010 2
The Foot-Stomping Adventures of Clementine Sweet,
Feb2013 10
Footwork: The Story of Fred and Adele Astaire,
Oct2012 52
Forest Bright, Forest Night, Oct2009 47
Forest Explorer: A Life-Size Field Guide, Mar2010 10,
Forest Has a Song, Apr2014 38–40
The Forever Dog, Dec2009 2
For Just One Day, Mar2014 10
Fortunately, Jan2004 36; Mar2014 29; Jan2015 29*
Fortune Cookie Fortunes, Feb2012 37; Dec2013 54
Fortune Cookies, Jan2014 3
For You Are a Kenyan Child, Oct2007 54
The Fossil Feud: Marsh and Cope's Bone Wars,
Oct2008 53
Four Boys Named Jordan, Dec2009 27
Four Feet, Two Sandals, Mar2014 4
Fourth Grade Weirdo, Aug/Sept2005 8–9, 12, 13
Fourth of July, Sparkly Sky, May2004 41
Fourth of July Mice, Aug/Sept2011 46
Fox in the Library, Jan2014 29; Apr2015 4
Fox on the Ice, Dec2012 3
Fox Tale Soup, Jan2010 3
Fox Walked Alone, Jan2013 35
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, Apr2010 3;
May2014 53
Fraidyzoo, Oct2014 49; Mar2015 43
Francis Scott Key’s Star-Spangled Banner,
Aug/Sept2014 28
Frank and Ernest Play Ball, May2016 38
Frank and Izzy Set Sail, May2009 31, 36, 39+
Frankie Stein Starts School, Mar2012 26
Franklin in the Dark, Oct2011 19; Jan2016 44
Franklin's Big Dreams, May2013 48
Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance, Oct2007
44; Nov2015 26
Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist, Feb2011 9
Frantastic Voyage, Mar2012 8; Feb2016 7
The Fran That Time Forgot, Dec2009 26
The Frazzle Family Finds a Way, Feb2015 42
Freaky Facts About Natural Disasters, Feb2013 10, 15
Freckleface Strawberry, Mar2016 28*
Freddie Ramos Takes Off, May2012 22–23*
Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue, May2012 23–
Freddy and the Bean Home News, Aug/Sept2004 4
Frederick, Dec2007 54
Fred Stays with Me!, Dec2008 10; Dec2009 10;
Feb2011 1; Apr2013 10
Freedom of Speech, Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10, 14
Freedom River, Aug/Sept2003 43–44, 45; Dec2013 36
Freedom School, Yes!, Feb2007 10–11; Apr2015 10,
Freedom Ship, Aug/Sept2007 17; Mar2009 27;
Dec2013 35
Freedom Song: The Story of Henry "Box" Brown,
Aug/Sept2012 3
Freedom’s School, Jan2016 7, 9
Freedom Summer, May2007 51, 52; Apr2015 10, 15
Frida, Mar2016 55
The Friendly Four, Dec2007 3; May2008 2; Jan2012 38
The Friendship (Taylor), Jan2008 3
The Friendship Matchmaker, Oct2013 10
Frightful's Daughter Meets the Baron Weasel, Apr2011
Frindle, Feb2008 18; Aug/Sept2012 10, 13; May2014 5
The Frog and the Princess (Bear), Apr2005 12
Frog and Toad All Year, Dec2006 28; Feb2013 16
Frog and Toad Are Friends, Apr2011 4
Frog and Toad Together, May2005 38; Dec2005 39;
May2013 4
Froggy Gets Dressed, Jan2009 53*; Jan2010 52;
Dec2014 28
Froggy Goes to School, Aug/Sept2003 11;
Aug/Sept2005 37
Froggy Plays Soccer, May2008 21; May2016 48
Froggy Plays T-Ball, May2008 21
The Frog Prince (Blair), Mar2014 53
The Frog Prince Continued, Apr2005 12; Apr2008 31,
The Frogs and Toads All Sang, Dec2009 4*
The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders, May2007 27
The Frog Wore Red Suspenders, Apr2010 42
From Birth to Death, May2005 35, 37
From Bud to Blossom, May2004 17
From Egg to Bird (Reidel), Feb2006 47
From Far Away, Dec2008 32
From Grass to Milk, Mar2016 43
From Hand to Mouth, Nov2006 10, 13
From Here to There (Cuyler), Aug/Sept2006 24;
Nov2007 53
From Metal to Music, Mar2005 29
From Me to You (France), Jan2005 3
From Pictures to Words, Jan2013 53
From Pictures to Words: A Book About Making a Book,
Mar2011 54
From Radio to the Wireless Web, Jan2004 28, 32
From Seed to Plant, Mar2007 23; Aug/Sept2010 47
From Seed to Pumpkin, Oct2007 44
From Slave to Soldier, Apr2006 3; Feb2009 33, 36
From the Bellybutton of the Moon and Other Summer
Poems, Apr2004 3; May2008 3;
Aug/Sept2009 10
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler,
Dec2004 24; Apr2005 3; Aug/Sept2007 9;
Jan2008 2; Aug/Sept2014 43; Mar2016 8
From There to Here, Aug/Sept2014 3
Frosty the Snowman (Nelson and Rollins), Jan2007 46
Full House, May2014 54
Fun and Games: A Spot-It Challenge, Nov2015 8, 9
Fun Facts about Alligators, Jan2016 46
Fun Facts about Turtles, Jan2016 44
Fun with Mexican Cooking, Dec2015 53
Fun with Modeling Clay, Jan2013 36
Fun with Plasticine, Jan2013 36
Fun with Roman Numerals, Apr2010 3
Gabby, Mar2014 24
Gabriella's Song, Mar2005 7, 9
Gabriel's Horses, Feb2013 39–42*
Gabriel's Journey, Feb2013 39–42*
Gabriel's Triumph, Feb2013 39–42*
The Galaxy Diner, May2009 53
Game Time (Murphy), Mar2008 55
Gandhi (Demi), Oct2006 28
Gandhi: A March to the Sea, Oct2014 45
Garbage Collectors, Nov2005 41, 45
Garden (Maass), May2007 26
The Gardener (Stewart), Oct2004 18, 27, 31; Jan2005
28; Aug/Sept2010 47; Apr2011 3; May2013 4;
Jan2015 54; Feb2015 52
A Gardener's Alphabet, May2012 21
The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, Dec2011 34
Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in Spanish and
English, Oct2012 10, 13
Gator Gumbo, Dec2015 50
Los Gatos Black on Halloween, Oct2007 28
Gazpacho for Nacho, Dec2015 53
Geckos, Jan2016 42
Gecko's Complaint, Feb2005 31
Geese, Aug/Sept2014 37
Gee Whiz! It's All About Pee, Jan2010 53
General Butterfingers, Nov2010 8; Apr2015 10
The Genie in the Book, Oct2007 5
Geogra-Fleas! Riddles All Over the Map, Nov2011 24
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring,
Mapping, Nov2007 53
Geography from A to Z: A Picture Glossary, Nov2007
George Crum and the Saratoga Chip, Jan2007 3;
Mar2007 26; Dec2011 22; Jan2014 22
George Ferris: What a Wheel!, Mar2015 52
George Foreman: Let George Do It!, Dec2009 27
George Washington's Birthday, Aug/Sept2012 2;
Feb2014 29
George Washington's Teeth, Feb2014 25
Georgia in Hawaii, Feb2013 3; Mar2016 55
Georgia Rises, Nov2011 10
Germ Stories, Jan2010 10
Gershon's Monster, Feb2005 8
Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, Dec2012 44
Gertrude Chandler Warner and the Boxcar Children,
Jan2011 22
Get Out of Bed!, Dec2007 47; Dec2008 36
Getting Organized Without Losing It, Jan2014 10, 15
Get Up and Go!, May2016 49
The Ghost Fox, Oct2007 3
Ghosts! Ghostly Tales from Folklore, Oct2011 21
Ghost Wings, Nov2003 7
The Giant and the Beanstalk, Apr2008 9
The Giant Ball of String, Jan2013 10
The Giant Cabbage, Feb2005 30
The Giant Carrot, Feb2005 30; May2007 26
Giant Children, Jan2004 36
Giant Dinosaurs (Rowe), Feb2006 33
The Giant Hug, Feb2011 53
The Giant Jam Sandwich, Nov2004 25
The Giant King, Aug/Sept2014 26
Giant Steps, Mar2005 7
Giant Steps to Change the World, Dec2011 7
The Giant's Toe, Apr2005 12
The Giant Turnip, Feb2014 52
A Gift from the Sea, May2005 2–3; Apr2009 2–3;
Oct2009 46; Jan2014 10
The Gift of Nothing, Oct2011 3; Jan2016 11
The Gift of the Inuksuk, Oct2006 28
Gifts (Bogart), Jan2013 31
Gigantic!, Feb2006 43
The Gigantic Sweet Potato, Jan2012 54
The Gigantic Turnip, May2007 20; Feb2014 52
Giggle, Giggle, Quack, Oct2004 2
Giggle Fit: Bug Jokes, May2008 40
Giggle-Wiggle Wake-Up!, May2005 21
Gilbert and the Lost Tooth, Feb2014 25
Gilbert in Deep, Nov2011 54
Ginger and Petunia, Dec2009 10
Gingerbread Baby, Dec2005 40; Dec2013 55
The Gingerbread Boy (Egielski), Dec2005 40
The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers, Dec2013
The Gingerbread Man (Jones), Dec2005 40
The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School, Feb2012
Ginger Pye, May2006 24
The Girl and the Bicycle, Apr2016 7, 20
The Girl in Red, Jan2015 10
The Girl of the Wish Garden, May2013 5
The Girls' Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being a
Goddess, Oct2009 54
Girl's Soccer: Going for the Goal, Mar2008 54
A Girl's Story: How to Write Your Autobiography,
Feb2009 45
Girls Think of Everything, Jan2007 9–10, 13; Nov2008
55; Mar2011 10; Mar2012 46; Mar2013 27;
Mar2015 39; Feb2016 8–9, 29
Girls Who Looked Under Rocks, Mar2013 27
Girls Who Rocked the World, Mar2004 7; Mar2007 10;
Mar2013 27
The Girl Who Helped Thunder, Nov2013 10, 13
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, Nov2004 31, 35;
Nov2013 26; Jan2015 10
Girl Who Wore Too Much, Dec2006 54
Girl Wonder: A Baseball Story in Nine Innings,
Mar2004 2, 3; Apr2006 25; Mar2008 53;
Feb2009 30, 34, 36
G is for Gold Medal, Feb2014 1, 10
Give a Goat, Dec2011 7, 48–51*; Dec2014 49;
Jan2016 7, 9
Give Up, Gecko!, Jan2016 43
Giving Thanks (Waters), Nov2014 39
The Giving Tree, Apr2007 29; Jan2012 46
Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal, Dec2010 10, 15, 25
Gleam and Glow, Apr2005 25
Glenna’s Seeds, Jan2016 11
Global Space Programs, Jan2013 10
The Glorious American Songbook, Aug/Sept2011 10,
The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel, May2009 10
Gluskabe and the Four Wishes, Nov2004 11, 13
Go, Go, Grapes!, Dec2015 36, 38
Go, Go America, Dec2008 53–55*; May2015 43
Goal!, May2016 14–16, 24–25
The Goat in the Rug, May2008 49
The Goat Lady, Aug/Sept2006 44
Gobble, Gobble, Slip, Slop, Feb2006 24; Jan2010 2
Gobble Gobble Crash!, Mar2013 43
God Bless the Child, Mar2005 2–3; Jan2006 2–3;
Jan2011 31
Go! Go! Maria!, May2006 31
Goha the Wise Fool, Mar2006 28; Nov2012 40
Going for Gold! (Donkin), May2008 11, 14
Going Home, Coming Home, May2007 33, 34
Going North (Harrington), Jan2008 3
Going Places, Oct2014 54
Going to the Zoo in Hawaii, May2007 55
Goin' Someplace Special, Nov2005 20; Feb2009 21
Gold, Mar2011 25
The Golden Dreydl, Dec2013 10
The Golden Flower, Mar2013 54
The Golden Treasury of Poetry, Apr2007 47
Gold Fever! Tales from the California Gold Rush,
Nov2007 55; Mar2009 10
Gold! Gold from the American River!, Dec2011 20–23*;
May2012 8
Goldie and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14; Apr2008 22
Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians, Aug/Sept2013
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ross), Apr2005 14
Goldilocks and the Three Martians, Apr2008 9, 11, 12,
Goldilocks Returns, Apr2005 14; Jan2012 41
Gold Medal for Weird, Feb2014 10, 13, 15
The Gold Miner's Daughter, Apr2008 42–45; Feb2012
10, 14; Feb2015 10
The Gold-Threaded Dress, May2007 33
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas, Aug/Sept2014 27
Goliath: Hero of the Great Baltimore Fire, Apr2013 10,
The Golly Sisters Go West, Nov2014 28
Gone Fishing: A Novel in Verse, Nov2015 46; Feb2016
31, 33*
Gone Fishing: Ocean Life by the Numbers, Apr2009 2
Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet, Apr2007
3; Feb2008 54; Apr2013 10, 14
Good Books, Good Times, Apr2004 28; Oct2014 55
Goodbye, Charles Lindbergh, Dec2003 34
The Goodbye Cancer Garden, May2013 56
Goodbye Mousie, May2006 33; Dec2009 2
A Good Day, Aug/Sept2007 2; Nov2007 28
Good Dog, Paw, Nov2006 2
Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia, Jan2011 52
Good Earth Art, Apr2011 41
Good Enough to Eat, Feb2012 2; Dec2015 21–22
The Good Garden, Oct2012 4*; Dec2015 7
A Good Knight's Rest, May2013 10
The Good Luck Cat, Nov2003 2; Nov2004 3
Good Luck Mrs. K.!, May2014 5
Goodnight, Dragons, May2013 48
Good Night, Good Knight, Aug/Sept2007 2
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site,
Aug/Sept2015 44
Goodnight, Little Monster, Oct2011 21
Good-Night, Owl!, Apr2007 41
Good Night Dinosaurs, Feb2006 44
A Good Night for Ghosts, Jan2014 38
Goodnight iPad, Aug/Sept2015 6, 8
A Goodnight Walk, Aug/Sept2011 3
Good Sports: Rhymes about Running, May2008 11,
14; May2010 10; May2016 8
Goody O'Grumpity, Oct2005 2
Gooney Bird Greene, Nov2005 41, 44
Gooney the Fabulous, Jan2011 9; Apr2012 10
Goose, Oct2011 2
Gopher to the Rescue!, Feb2013 22
Gordon Loggins and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
Gordon Parks, Nov2015 28
Gorilla (Browne), Nov2006 36
The Gospel Cinderella, Mar2005 18
Gossie, Feb2015 29
Gotcha! (Gilson), May2008 41
Got Geography!, Nov2007 55; Nov2011 10, 24
Go to Bed, Monster!, Apr2009 50
Gotta Go! Gotta Go!, May2005 35, 37, 38
Go West, Amelia Bedelia!, May2015 45
Grace for President, Aug/Sept2008 45; Feb2010 20–23
Gracias/Thanks, Nov2014 41; Feb2015 52
Grandad Bill's Song, Apr2004 19
A Grand Celebration: Grandparents in Poetry, Nov2010
Granddaddy's Gift, Oct2004 7, 10; Aug/Sept2007 9, 11
Granddad's Fishing Buddy, May2008 3
Grandfather Counts, Nov2003 3
Grandfather Gandhi, May2015 3, 51–52
Grandfather's Journey, Apr2013 31–32, 37;
Aug/Sept2013 33, 38; May2015 4
Grandfather's Story Cloth, Nov2010 3
Grandfather Tang's Story, Oct2004 29
Grandma and Me at the Flea, Aug/Sept2004 6;
Jan2008 3; Aug/Sept2011 3
Grandma Francisca Remembers, Aug/Sept2009 10
Grandma Hekmatt Remembers, Nov2012 54
Grandma in Blue with Red Hat, Mar2016 56
Grandmama's Pride, Feb2007 2, 11, 12
Grandma's Gift, Dec2014 45
The Grandma's Trick-or-Treat, Oct2003 41
Grandmother Bryant's Pocket, Nov2007 45
Grandmother's Nursery Rhymes, Aug/Sept2004 6
Grandmother's Pigeon, Apr2010 33, 37
Grandpa Gazillion's Number Yard, Jan2008 37
Grandpa Green, Jan2015 56; May2015 4
Grandpa Jack's Tattoo Tales, May2009 53
Grandparents Song, Nov2003 2, 3
Grandpa's Clock, Jan2014 46–51
Grandpa's Corner Store, Nov2005 41, 44; Jan2013 10;
Apr2015 10
Grandpa's Face, Nov2003 13
Grandpa's Teeth, Nov2009 24; Aug/Sept2013 10
Grandpa’s Tractor, Mar2016 41
Granite Baby, Jan2008 26
The Grannyman, Nov2010 8
The Great Alaska Adventure, Apr2011 10
The Great American Mousical, Dec2009 33–34, 38–39
The Great Ball Game (Bruchac), Nov2004 13
The Great Big Enormous Turnip, May2007 26
Great Bustard, Aug/Sept2014 36
The Great Cape Rescue, Feb2009 9; Feb2012 10
The Great Doughnut Parade, May2011 10
The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery, Nov2012 55
Greater Estimations, Apr2010 3; Oct2013 4; May2014
Great Estimations, Jan2009 9; Apr2010 3; Oct2013 4
The Greatest of All (Kimmel), Feb2005 35
The Greatest Potatoes, Jan2007 3; Dec2011 22
The Greatest Skating Race: A World War II Story from
the Netherlands, Dec2006 29
The Great Gilly Hopkins, Aug/Sept2012 36–37
Great Map Mysteries: 18 Stories and Maps, Nov2007
The Great Migration, Jan2012 8, 31, 37, May2012 8
Great Migrations: Whales, Wildebeests..., May2012 8
Great Olympic Moments, Feb2014 10
The Great Pirate Activity Book, Aug/Sept2007 55
The Great Serum Race, Feb2007 53; Dec2012 54
The Great Show-and-Tell Disaster, Jan2007 4
The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog,
Dec2010 40
The Great Snake: Stories from the Amazon,
Aug/Sept2009 3
The Great Tulip Trade, Apr2010 10
Greedy Apostrophe: A Cautionary Tale, Mar2014 27
Greek Myths (Morley), Dec2003 15, 17
Green (Seeger), Jan2015 36
Green and Growing, May2004 17
Green Crafts, May2011 22
Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook, Mar2007 29
The Green Frogs (Heo), Aug/Sept2006 3
Green Is a Chile Pepper, Dec2015 53
Green Tree Python, Jan2016 44
Green Wilma: Frog in Space, Nov2009 23; Mar2012 41
Greeting Card Making, Apr2016 42
Greetings from Antarctica, Jan2005 29
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas, Mar2007
21; Aug/Sept2007 16; Apr2014 10
Gregory the Terrible Eater, May2006 10, 11; Jan2014
Gretchen: The Bicycle Dog, Oct2006 54
The Grizzly Gazette, Feb2008 9, 13; Nov2014 10, 15
The Grouchies, Oct2013 28
The Grouchy Ladybug, Mar2011 36
Groundhog Day!, Dec2010 53
Groundhogs, Woodchucks, Marmots and Whistle Pigs,
Feb2008 21
Groundhog Weather School, Dec2010 53; Feb2016
Grouping at the Dog Show, Feb2008 44
Grow Flower, Grow!, May2007 22
Growing a Garden, Mar2011 24
Growing Colors, May2004 27; May2007 26
Growing Patterns, Apr2014 29, 40
Growing Up Pedro, Apr2016 47; May2016 56
Growing Up with Tamales/Los tamales de Ana,
Aug/Sept2009 2
Growing Vegetable Soup, May2004 27; Nov2004 41;
May2007 26; Aug/Sept2010 36; Apr2011 2
Grow It! (Markmann), Jan2016 15
Grow Your Own Sandwich, Jan2012 55
Grumpy Bird, May2013 19
Guess Again!, Apr2016 3
Guess the Baby, Aug/Sept2003 11
Guess What Is Growing Inside This Egg,
Aug/Sept2014 37
Guests (Dorris), Oct2005 2
Guglielmo Marconi, Jan2004 28
Guild of Geniuses, Apr2014 34
Guinea Pigs Add Up, Apr2013 10
Guttersnipe, Jan2012 8
The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon, May2014 5
Habitat for Humanity, Feb2011 52
Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog, Oct2006 53
Hailstones and Halibut Bones: Adventures in Color,
Nov2009 43–44
Hair for Mama, Jan2010 10
Half Magic, Oct2004 5
Half-Pipe Homonyms, Mar2014 25
Halloween Drawing Book, Oct2004 24
Halloween Hats, Oct2003 41–42
Halloweenies, Oct2003 43
The Hallo-Wiener, Oct2007 44
Hamlet and the Magnificent Sand Castle, May2012 36
Hamster Champs, Dec2009 10
Hamsters to the Rescue, Apr2009 53
Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin, Oct2015 56
The Handmade Alphabet, Jan2011 55
Hands and Hearts, Feb2016 41
Hands Around the World (Milord), May2007 36
Hands: Growing Up to Be an Artist, Mar2016 56
Hands of the Maya: Villagers at Work and Play,
Oct2007 54
Handsprings, Mar2007 27; Mar2008 28; Mar2015 4
The Hanging Hill, May2010 53
Hanging Off Jefferson's Nose, Nov2012 5*
Hannah Is My Name, Oct2006 9–10, 12, 13
Hannah's Journal, Oct2006 10, 13; May2012 8
Hansel and Diesel, Mar2011 16
Hanukkah, Shmanukkah!, Dec2007 23, 26
Hanukkah Around the World, Dec2010 50; Dec2013
10; Dec2014 46
Hanukkah at Valley Forge, Dec2006 29; Dec2007 9, 13
Hanukkah Haiku, Dec2013 10, 13
The Happiest Tree: A Yoga Story, May2006 3;
May2007 2, 33, 36
Happy 4th of July, Jenny Sweeney!, May2004 42
Happy Birth Day!, May2006 27
Happy Birthday, America (Osborne), May2004 42;
Aug/Sept2011 47
Happy Birthday, Good Knight, Aug/Sept2006 29
Happy Birthday, Jesse Bear!, Jan2008 20
Happy Birthday, Moon, Jan2008 20
Happy Birthday, Tree! A Tu B'Shevat Story,
Aug/Sept2010 55
Happy Birthday Jamela!, Oct2007 55
Happy Birthday to Me!: Kids Pick the Funniest Birthday
poems, Jan2008 21
Happy Cat, Apr2015 43
Happy Endings: A Story About Suffixes, Mar2014 26
Happy Like Soccer, Apr2016 55; May2016 8, 49
Happy New Year, Everywhere!, Dec2007 9, 12, 13
Happy New Year, Mallory!, Jan2013 4
Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hildy!, Feb2005 35
Hard at Play: Leisure in America, 1840-1940, Feb2009
Hard Times in Ireland: The Scotch-Irish Come to
America, Mar2007 55
Hare and Tortoise Race to the Moon, May2009 10
Harlem, Feb2007 32–33, 35–36
Harold and the Purple Crayon, Oct2004 25; Oct2007 4;
Nov2009 10; Jan2015 22–23
Harriet the Spy, May2007 13; Aug/Sept2007 9–10, 12
Harry, the Dirty Dog, Oct2006 29
Harry and the Dinosaurs Go to School, Oct2008 54
Harry Houdini (Cobb), Oct2007 26
Harry's Home, Feb2011 10
Harry the Poisonous Centipede, May2008 42
Harvest, Oct2012 2, 26
Harvest Home, Oct2012 10
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez,
Aug/Sept2004 40, 42; Jan2005 24;
Aug/Sept2009 44–46*; Jan2010 32–33, 41;
Jan2011 10; Oct2012 10, 25–26; May2015 52
A Harvest of Color, May2004 17–18, 20, 21; May2007
Harvest Time, Oct2012 10
Harvest Year, Oct2012 3, 10
Harvey the Gardener, Mar2007 25
The Hat, Nov2009 46; Oct2011 39
A Hat for Minerva Louise, Jan2007 50; May2008 25;
Jan2009 54; Nov2009 47; Jan2015 4
The Hating Book, Aug/Sept2003 15, 17; Aug/Sept2007
Hats, Hats, Hats, Jan2015 4
Hats Off for the Fourth of July, May2004 42;
Aug/Sept2011 46
Hattie the Bad, Mar2012 26
Hat Trick, Jan2013 10
Haunted House (Pienkowski), Jan2007 40
Have I Got a Book for You!, Feb2011 38–39
Have You Ever Seen an Octopus with a Broom?,
Mar2011 10, 14
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, Nov2014 51
Have You Seen My Duckling?, Mar2015 54
Hawaii Sings, May2007 55
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Nelson), May2007 55
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Winston),
Feb2007 40
Healthy Eating, Jan2014 22
Hearing Dogs, Apr2014 56
Hear My Sorrow: The Diary of Angela Denoto, A
Shirtwaist Worker, New York City 1909,
Feb2009 30, 31
Heart of a Tiger, Dec2009 25
The Heart of the Wood, Mar2005 29
Heartprints, Apr2015 25
Heather Has Two Mommies, Nov2003 3; Dec2008 24;
Oct2015 8
Heat Wave (Ketteman), Oct2004 29, 30
Heat Wave (Spinelli), May2008 2; May2011 46
Heaven is Having You, Nov2010 50
Hedgie Blasts Off, Mar2008 5; Oct2011 39
Hedgie's Surprise, Oct2011 38
Helen Keller: Author and Advocate, Apr2014 53
Helen's Big World, Dec2013 32, 36; Aug/Sept2015 23–
Helicopters: From Start to Finish, Jan2007 54
Hello, Bumblebee Bat, Feb2012 23
Hello, Harvest Moon, Oct2012 10, 13
Hello, My Name Is Ruby, Nov2014 55
The Hello, Goodbye Window, Nov2007 15; Dec2008 2;
Aug/Sept2013 34; Jan2015 10
Hello and Good-by (Hoberman), Apr2004 35
Hello Benny!, May2006 31
hello! hello!, Aug/Sept2015 6, 8; Nov2015 29
Hello Muddah! Hello Faddah!, Mar2005 2; Feb2015 52
Hello Night/Hola Noche, Nov2014 55
Hello Ocean/Hola Mar, Jan2009 9–10
Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library, Feb2009 23
Helping in the Community, Apr2015 26
Helping Paws: Dogs that Serve, Oct2006 53
Help Me, Mr. Mutt! Expert Answers for Dogs with
People Problems, Feb2009 43; Oct2012 54;
Jan2013 54
Help! Somebody Get Me Out of Fourth Grade!,
May2011 34–36
Hen Hears Gossip, Jan2011 54
Henri’s Scissors, Oct2014 28; Mar2015 41; Mar2016
Henry Aaron’s Dream, Apr2016 49
Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas, Feb2009
21; Feb2012 22
Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip, May2009 52
Henry and the Kite Dragon, Aug/Sept2010 9–10;
Apr2012 1, 10, 15; Oct2015 7
Henry Builds a Cabin, Apr2016 7
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, Jan2009 16–19*; Apr2010 7
Henry Holton Takes the Ice, Nov2015 55
Henry in Love, Feb2011 44
Henry Morgan: Seventeenth-Century Buccaneer,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Henry Ossawa Tanner: His Boyhood Dream Comes
True, Oct2014 29
Henry's Amazing Imagination, Feb2009 41
Henry's First-Moon Birthday, May2007 3
Henry's Freedom Box, Jan2008 53–55; Nov2010 16;
Aug/Sept2012 2–3; May2014 22
Henry’s Map, Aug/Sept2014 20, 22
Henry's Show and Tell, Jan2011 1, 10; Nov2014 11
Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies, Oct2014 11
Herbie Jones and the Second Grade Slippers, Oct2008
Hercules (Burleigh), May2004 4
Here Are My Hands (Martin), Feb2007 40–41
Here Comes Destructosaurus!, Apr2015 54
Here Comes Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
Here Comes Our Bride! An African Wedding Story,
Oct2007 55
Here Comes T. Rex Cottontail, Oct2008 54
Here Come the Girl Scouts!, Jan2013 41–43*
Here I Am, May2014 22
Here is the African Savanna, Feb2004 12
Here's What You Do When You Can't Find Your Shoe,
Mar2004 46; Jan2007 1, 10; Feb2016 7, 9
Here We All Are (De Paola), Aug/Sept2005 2–3
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (Hillenbrand),
Mar2005 18
Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush (Trapini),
Mar2007 26
The Hero and the Minotaur, Feb2009 9; Feb2012 10
Hero Cat, May2015 10
Heroes (Mochizuki), May2007 33, 35
Heroes and She-roes, Feb2009 9–10; Feb2011 51;
Feb2014 21; May2015 10, 12, 53
Heroes and Villains (Gray), Feb2012 10
Heroic Stories: An Inspiring Collection of Real-Life
Stories, Feb2009 10
The Heroic Symphony, Dec2012 44; Apr2014 54
Heroine of the Titanic, Jan2004 41; Apr2006 25
Hero Mom, May2015 1, 10
The Hero of Little Street, Jan2014 3
Hero Story Collection, May2015 10, 13
The Hero's Trail: A Guide for a Heroic Life, Feb2009
10; May2015 10–11, 13
Her Piano Sang: A Story About Clara Schumann,
Aug/Sept2004 24
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins, Dec2004 17, 20,
21; Feb2005 7, 8; Dec2014 44
Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales,
and True Tales, Feb2010 10
He Will Go Fearless, Apr2010 16
Hewitt Anderson's Great Big Life, Oct2011 10
Hey, Daddy! Animal Fathers and Their Babies,
May2008 4; May2011 52; May2016 45
Hey, Little Ant, Jan2004 36; Mar2004 44–45; May2014
Hey, New Kid!, Aug/Sept2003 15, 17; Mar2014 10
Hey! Get Off Our Train, Apr2011 43
Hibernation, Dec2012 9
Hibernation Station, Dec2012 10, 50
Hiccup!, Nov2015 24
The Hidden Alphabet, Nov2006 51–52; Jan2009 31,
33; Nov2012 3
The Hidden Folk, Dec2010 10, Oct2011 1, 10
The Hidden Forest, Apr2009 2
Hidden Hippo, Apr2013 10, 14
Hide and Sheep, Aug/Sept2012 23
Hide & Seek in Hawaii: A Picture Game for Keiki,
May2007 55
Hiding From the Nazis, May2007 16
Hi! Fly Guy, Nov2006 40; Dec2009 11; Feb2012 22
Higher! Higher!, Apr2012 43
High-Tech Olympics, Feb2014 10, 13; Aug/Sept2015 7
High Tide, Low Tide, Apr2009 52
High Tide for Horseshoe Crabs, Feb2016 44
High Tide in Hawaii, May2007 55; Jan2008 10;
Oct2014 20
Hilda Must Be Dancing, May2012 42
The Hindenburg (O'Brien), Jan2007 54
Hindu Festivals Cookbook, May2007 33, 35
Hi New Baby!, May2006 27
The Hinky Pink, Dec2010 38
Hippo, No Rhino, May2008 22
Hip-Pocket Papa, May2011 52
The Hired Hand: An African-American Folktale,
Oct2007 3
Hiromi’s Hands, Dec2014 10; Dec2015 7, 9
H is for Honor: A Military Family Alphabet, Nov2010 54
Hissing Cockroaches: Cool Pets!, Apr2013 53
Hiss Me Deadly, Feb2012 10
A History of Aircraft (Leoni), Jan2007 52
The History of Pirates: From Privateers to Outlaws,
Oct2007 23
The History of the Library, Aug/Sept2013 54
The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, Nov2007 28
Hockey Opposites, Feb2014 10, 13
Hocus Pocus (Desrosiers), Oct2013 56
Hog Music, May2009 10
Hogsel and Gretel and Other Animal Stories, Oct2004
Hogwash, Aug/Sept2015 7, 8
Hogwood Steps Out, Apr2013 10
The Hokey Pokey (Hamanaka), Mar2005 3
The Hokey Pokey (La Prise), Feb2007 41
Hokey Pokey: Another Prickly Love Story, Feb2011
Hold Tight! (Prater), Apr2008 22
Holiday Cooking Around the World, Dec2006 32
Holler Loudly, Feb2012 24–27*
Holly Bloom's Garden, May2013 57
Home at Last (Elya), Aug/Sept2004 40; Oct2005 3
Home Crafts, Mar2004 9
A Home for Bird, Oct2013 43
Home for Christmas, Oct2011 39
A Home for Dakota, Dec2009 55
A Home for Dixie, Jan2012 8, 12*
At Home in a New Land, Mar2009 9
Home Lovely, Dec2008 2
Homemade Love, Dec2014 33
Home of the Brave, Apr2013 37
Homer Price, Mar2007 4
Homes on the Move, May2012 8
The Honest-to-Goodness Truth, Aug/Sept2007 10, 12;
Dec2007 33; Jan2011 10, 13; Dec2011 8;
Mar2014 10
Honey, I Love, Jan2012 34, 39
Honeybee Man, Aug/Sept2011 3
Honey... Honey... Lion!, Oct2011 35*
Honeysuckle House, Oct2006 10, 13
Honk, Honk, Goose! Canada Geese Start a Family,
Jan2010 49; Aug/Sept2014 37
Honky-Tonk Heroes and Hillbilly Angels, Nov2007 46
Hoodwinked (Howard), Oct2003 41
Hooper Humperdink…? Not Him!, May2013 33
Hoops with Swoopes, May2006 2
Hooray, A Piñata!, Jan2008 21
Hooray for Hat!, Jan2015 4; Jan2016 49
Hooray for Reading Day!, Oct2014 10, 13
Hooray for Snail!, Oct2004 44; May2008 21
Hooray for You! A Celebration of "You-ness," Oct2008
1, 9
Hooway for Wodney Wat, Dec2005 10, 11, 13
The Hope Tree: Kids Speak Out About Breast Cancer,
May2010 34
Hop Jump, May2012 45
Hoppelpopp and the Best Bunny, Nov2015 55
Hopping on the Number Line, Dec2014 17–18
Hoppy Hanukkah, Dec2010 50
Horace and Morris Join the Chorus, Feb2004 6–7
Horace and Morris Say Cheese, Jan2012 53
Hornbooks and Inkwells, Oct2012 51
The Horned Toad Prince, Apr2005 12
A Horn for Louis, Feb2005 9
Horrible Harry and the Holidaze, Dec2004 17–18;
Dec2007 10, 11; Dec2013 10
Horrible Harry at Halloween, Oct2003 28, 32
Horrible Harry Cracks the Code, Aug/Sept2008 9, 12;
Nov2014 5
The Horribly Haunted School, Oct2004 25
A Horse Named Seabiscuit, Nov2006 4
Horton Hears a Who, Mar2008 5
Hosting the Olympic Summer Games: Elapsed Time,
May2010 52
Hot, Hot Roti for Dada-ji, Nov2012 17*
Hot-Air Henry, Aug/Sept2004 24
Hot Air: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Hot-Air
Balloon Ride, Jan2007 53
Hot City, May2008 2
Hot Day on Abbott Avenue, Nov2005 2; Jan2006 3;
Nov2007 3; May2011 10
Hot Diggity Dog, Dec2011 27
Hotel Deep: Light Verse from Dark Water, Apr2009 9
Hot Rod Hamster, Oct2011 24; Mar2012 25
Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest, May2005 3;
Mar2006 32–33, 38–39; Nov2007 54;
Nov2011 10; Apr2014 11, 15
The Houdini Box, Oct2007 26; Oct2009 35; Oct2013
54; Mar2014 28
Houdini: World's Greatest Mystery Man and Escape
King, Oct2007 26; Oct2010 10; Aug/Sept2013
10; Oct2013 55
Houndsley and Catina, Oct2006 39; Nov2011 34
Houndsley and Catina and the Birthday Surprise,
Nov2011 35
Hour of the Olympics, May2008 11; Feb2014 10
The House at Pooh Corner, Apr2008 4
The House Baba Built, Oct2012 54
A Houseful of Christmas, Nov2003 8–9; Apr2006 29,
The House in the Mail, Aug/Sept2005 34
The House in the Night, Aug/Sept2013 34, 37
A House is a House for Me, Apr2004 35
The House of Boo, Oct2003 28, 29
The House on Dirty-Third Street, Mar2013 3; Jan2015
Houses and Homes, Aug/Sept2010 50
The House Takes a Vacation, Nov2009 22; May2011
43–45*; Feb2016 43
The House that Drac Built, Oct2007 30, 35
The House that Math Built, Apr2005 35, 38, 39
How a House Is Built, Apr2015 16–18
How and Why Stories, Feb2005 29, 33
How Animals Play, Nov2015 8, 10
How Are They Made? Pencils, Mar2011 25
How Are We the Same and Different?, Oct2015 8–9
How Are You Peeling?, May2004 2, 7, 8–9, 18, 20;
Apr2012 11, 14; Dec2015 8, 9
How Astronauts Use Math, May2014 55
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning, Jan2007 10
How Big Is a Foot?, Aug/Sept2004 5
How Big Were the Dinosaurs? (Most), Feb2006 33
How Bright Is Your Brain?, Feb2015 38
How Chipmunk Got His Stripes, Mar2004 37; Nov2004
11, 13; Feb2005 42; Nov2013 44; Apr2014 11,
How Coyote Stole the Summer, May2010 54
How Dalia Put a Big Yellow Comforter..., Mar2013 3;
Dec2014 10; Apr2016 7
How Deep is the Sea?, Nov2011 54
How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?, Dec2015 2, 39
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?, Aug/Sept2010 53
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?, Aug/Sept2008 9;
Oct2008 54
How Do Parachutes Work?, May2016 41–42
How Do Tornadoes Form?, Apr2011 21
How Do You Know What Time It Is?, Nov2012 10
How Do You Wokka-Wokka?, Dec2014 51, 52
How Far is Far?, Nov2011 25*
How I Became a Pirate, Aug/Sept2004 4;
Aug/Sept2007 32, 50; Nov2008 1, 10;
Aug/Sept2014 10
Howie Bowles, Secret Agent, Aug/Sept2005 3
Howie Monroe and the Doghouse of Doom, Feb2009
How I Learned Geography, May2009 2; Jan2015 36–
How I Named the Baby, Dec2009 25–26
How I Saved Hanukkah, Dec2004 18
How Mama Brought the Spring, Jan2010 3
How Many Baby Pandas?, Apr2010 53
How Many Bugs in a Box?, Jan2007 40
How Many Donkeys?: An Arabic Counting Tale,
Apr2010 53; Nov2012 40
How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?, Feb2008 43;
Oct2009 2
How Much Is a Million?, Apr2014 4; Nov2014 5
How Music Came to the World, Mar2005 27
How My Parents Learned to Eat, May2007 33, 34, 35
How Raven Stole the Sun, Nov2011 5
How Santa Got His Job, Nov2006 9–10, 11
How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Dec2004 18, 20
How the Moon Regained Her Shape, Nov2013 10, 14
How the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle, Feb2005 29
How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50, Apr2016 2
How the Sphinx Got to the Museum, Nov2012 53
How Tía Lola Came to (Visit) Stay, Nov2003 16, 18;
Feb2011 22
How to Bake an American Pie, Mar2015 32
How to Be a Cat, Apr2015 43
How to Be a Medieval Knight, Nov2008 11, 13;
Mar2013 10, 14
How to Be Friends with a Dragon, Mar2013 19
How to Bicycle to the Moon to Plant Sunflowers,
Feb2015 41; Oct2015 43
How to Catch a Star, Mar2014 42
How to Clean a Hippopotamus, Mar2012 2; Jan2013
10, 13; Dec2013 4; May2014 10, 14; Oct2015
8, 10
How to Clean Your Room in 10 Easy Steps,
Aug/Sept2012 22
How to Draw Ferocious Dinosaurs, Oct2008 55
How to Draw Food, Jan2014 21
How to Draw Hawaii's Sights and Symbols, May2007
How to Heal a Broken Wing, Feb2013 45; May2014 4,
10, 13
How to Hide a Parakeet, Feb2006 47; Mar2010 22–23
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World,
Aug/Sept2006 28; Nov2007 55; Nov2011 27;
Dec2015 23–24
How to Make Pop-Ups, Jan2007 42
How to Raise Mom & Dad: Instructions from Someone
Who Figured It Out, Jan2010 51
How to Save Your Tail: If You Are a Rat Nabbed by
Cats, Apr2008 10
How to Speak Dog!, Dec2009 54
How to Steal a Dog, Dec2011 42; Apr2016 55
How to Survive a Flood, Oct2009 52
How To Survive in Antarctica, Mar2009 3
How to Talk to Dads, May2011 53
How to Talk to Your Cat, May2012 19
How to Talk to Your Dog, Oct2006 53; May2012 19
How to Write a Letter, Apr2016 42
How to Write a Thank-You Letter, Nov2014 43;
Apr2016 44
How to Write Letters, Feb2009 43
How to Write Poems, Feb2009 46
How to Write Your Life Story, Feb2009 45
How We Are Smart, Oct2008 9; Dec2011 8, 12;
Oct2015 7
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis &
Clark, Mar2009 10
How You Got So Smart, Feb2011 18
How You Were Born, Mar2008 32
Hubert Horatio Bartle-Bobton-Trent, Mar2007 35–36,
The Huckabuck Family and How They Raised Popcorn
in Nebraska and Quit and Came Back,
Oct2004 30
Hug Machine, Jan2016 29*, 48
Hula Lullaby, May2007 33, 35
The Human Body (Simon), Jan2013 10, 13
Humblebee Hunter, Feb2009 17; Apr2014 3
Humbug Witch, Oct2007 45
Hummingbird Nest, Mar2010 3
The Hundred Dresses, May2011 28*
The Hungry Coat, Jan2010 3; Nov2012 40
Hunter's Best Friend at School, Jan2011 17
Hunter & Stripe and the Soccer Showdown, Mar2008
The Hunt for Hidden Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 10, 14
Hurricane! (Demas), Mar2006 18–19
Hurricane! (Lakin), Mar2006 19
Hurricane! (London), Mar2006 19
Hurricane (Wiesner), Mar2006 19
Hurricanes!, May2011 10, 13
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and Other Natural Disasters,
Feb2013 22
Hurry and the Monarch, May2012 8
Hurry! Hurry!, Aug/Sept2010 24
Hush, Little Baby (Frazee), Mar2005 30
Hush Songs: African American Lullabies, Feb2010 10
Hybrid Cars, Oct2009 53
I, Amber Brown, Dec2007 10, 12
I, Crocodile, Mar2005 25
I, Galileo, Feb2013 3; Mar2014 2; Nov2014 17–18;
Dec2014 29
I, Vivaldi, Dec2012 43
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More, Mar2016 46
I Am a Backhoe, Apr2012 40
I Am a Ballerina (Coulman), May2006 15–16
I Am an Ankylosaurus, Feb2006 3
I Am a Pencil, Jan2004 36
I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling, May2010 54
I Am Going to Save a Panda!, Apr2011 43
I Am Jackie Robinson, May2016 55
I Am Not Going to School Today!, May2006 30
I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed, Mar2007 33;
Dec2007 47
I Am Planet Earth, Jan2004 36
I Am René the Boy, Dec2009 25
I Am Rosa Parks, Feb2007 11
I Am the Book, Oct2014 10, 13
I Am the Dog, I Am the Cat, Jan2004 35, 36
I Am the Mummy Heb-Nefert, Nov2012 25
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School, Aug/Sept2005 2;
Aug/Sept2008 9–10
Ibby's Magic Weekend, Oct2010 10
I Can Draw a Weeposaur, Jan2012 38
I Can Dress Myself, Oct2008 44–45
I Can Save the Earth!, Apr2011 42
I Can Write a Letter, Feb2009 43
Ice, Dec2012 10
Ice Cream: The Full Scoop, Dec2006 24; May2011 10,
The Ice Dragon, Dec2012 10
The Iciest, Diciest, Scariest Sled Ride Ever!, Feb2014
I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote,
Nov2006 26; Feb2008 3, 9–10, 11, 38;
Oct2008 45; Jan2011 10
I Didn't Do It, Apr2013 10
I Didn't Know That Some Birds Hang Upside Down,
Feb2006 46
Iditarod Dream, Dec2012 54
The Iditarod: Story of the Last Great Race, Dec2012 54
I Don’t Like to Read!, Oct2014 11
I Don’t Want to Be a Frog, Nov2015 40–41
I Don't Want to Go to Bed (Ross), Dec2007 47
I Don't Want to Go to Bed (Sykes), Dec2007 47
If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks,
May2009 10
If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo, Apr2015 10
If I Built a Car, Aug/Sept2006 52; Oct2015 29
If I Never Forever Endeavor, Jan2015 43
If I Were a Firefighter, Mar2011 23
If I Were a Lion, Aug/Sept2006 2
If I Were in Charge of the World and Other Worries,
Jan2004 36
If I Were in Charge the Rules Would be Different!,
Jan2004 36
If I Were President, Feb2012 5*
If Maps Could Talk, Nov2011 25
And If the Moon Could Talk, Oct2011 3
If the Shoe Fits: Voices from Cinderella, Apr2008 10,
If the World Were a Village, Nov2011 3
If Walls Could Talk: Family Life at the White House,
Aug/Sept2008 45
If You Find a Rock, Oct2009 46
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, Oct2009 45
If You Give a Moose a Muffin, Nov2004 5; May2010
36, 39*
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Dec2005 39; May2010
36; Dec2014 29; Dec2015 2, 4; Apr2016 16
If You Give a Pig a Pancake, May2010 36
If You Had a Nose Like an Elephant's Trunk, May2005
20; Feb2007 39
If You Hopped Like a Frog, May2014 55
If You'll Be My Valentine, Feb2011 45
If You Love a Bear, Feb2011 44
If You're a Monster and You Know It, Oct2012 4*
If You're Happy and You Know It, May2012 45
If You're Hoppy, Apr2013 17
If You See a Kitten, Apr2008 54
If You Take a Mouse to School, May2010 36
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies, Oct2004 4
If You Were a Contraction, Mar2014 27
If You Were a Minute, Jan2014 10
If You Were an Onomatopoeia, Mar2014 27
If You Were A … Pilot (Schomp), Jan2007 54
If You Were a Minus Sign, May2014 52
Iggy Peck, Architect, Aug/Sept2008 46–49*; Mar2015
23; Aug/Sept2015 3
I Got a "D" in Salami, May2011 37
I Got the Rhythm, Oct2015 53
Iguanas in the Snow, Apr2004 3; Jan2007 4
I Had a Rooster, Feb2004 7–8; Jan2009 30–31
I Hate Books!, Oct2014 11
I Hate Reading, Feb2009 46
I Have a Dream, Feb2007 11, 14; Jan2011 10;
Nov2014 2
I Have Heard of a Land, Mar2009 10
I Have to Go!, Dec2008 31, 32, 36
I Hear America Singing!, Mar2005 18
I Heard It from Alice Zucchini, May2011 10
I Just Have to Ride the Halfpipe!, Feb2014 10
I Know a Lady, Mar2006 29
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie, Nov2004
41; Apr2005 7
I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello, Mar2005
I Like Music: What Can I Be?, Mar2005 28
I Like Myself!, Oct2008 9, 45
I Like Noisy, Mom Likes Quiet, Aug/Sept2010 49
I Like Stars, Dec2011 19
I'll Pass for Your Comrade: Women Soldiers in the Civil
War, Mar2009 26
I'll Save You Bobo, May2013 2
I Look Like a Girl, Mar2005 24
I Look Like My Mother, Dec2014 17–18
I Lost My Tooth in Africa, Dec2006 3; Feb2014 26;
Oct2015 16
I Love Chocolate, Feb2011 10
I Love My New Toy!, Jan2011 54
I Love My Pirate Papa, Aug/Sept2007 5
I Love Our Earth, Feb2011 10, 14
I Love Saturdays y Domingos, Dec2007 2;
Aug/Sept2009 32, 33
I Love You, Dear Dragon, Feb2008 29
I Love You, Stinky Face, Feb2011 44
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes, Feb2012 47
I Love You the Purplest, Nov2003 7; Feb2011 44
I'm a Caterpillar, Jan2004 36
Imagination (Thaler), Aug/Sept2003 40
Imaginative Inventions, Aug/Sept2008 54; Mar2011 10,
Imagine a Day, Mar2014 10; Jan2015 10, 13
Imagine a House, Aug/Sept2010 51
Imagine a Night, May2013 10
Imagine a Place, Apr2012 52
Imagine Harry, Mar2014 11
Imagine That! Poems of Never-Was, Mar2014 11
Imagine You're a Wizard, Mar2013 10
Imani's Music, Mar2005 27
I'm a Pill Bug, Apr2011 23, 54
I'm a Seed, May2007 26; Oct2007 45
I'm Bad!, Oct2008 54; Feb2012 48
I’m Brave, May2015 55
I'm Going to Sing, Apr2009 31
I'm Gonna Like Me: Letting Off a Little Self-Esteem,
Oct2008 45
I'm Mighty!, Mar2011 10
Immigrant Kids (Freedman), Oct2006 10, 13
I'm Not Afraid of this Haunted House, Oct2007 10, 11
I'm Not Invited?, Mar2014 20
Imogene's Last Stand, Jan2011 3, 42–45;
Aug/Sept2011 10
The Impossible Patriotism Project, Aug/Sept2011 10,
I'm Still Here in the Bathtub, Mar2005 29; Apr2005 10,
15; Apr2007 47
I'm the Best, Dec2011 2
I'm the Best Artist in the Ocean, Nov2011 40; Mar2016
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, Apr2009 3;
Dec2011 2
I’m the Scariest Thing in the Jungle, Jan2016 45
I'm Tougher than Diabetes, Jan2010 10
I Must Have Bobo, May2013 2
I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother, Oct2015 2
In a Blue Room, Nov2009 2
In a Circle Long Ago, Feb2005 29
In a Dark, Dark Room, Oct2011 21
In a Dark, Dark Wood: An Old Tale with a New Twist,
Oct2007 39
Inch by Inch, May2005 13
Inchworm and a Half, Oct2011 10, 14
Incredible Animal Adventures (George), Apr2005 46
Incredible Inventions: Poems, Mar2011 10; Mar2015
10, 13, 53
The Incredible Journey, May2006 25
The Incredible Life of Balto, Aug/Sept2012 3; Dec2012
Incredible Me!, Oct2008 43
The Incredible Water Show, Oct2004 4
The Incredible Work of Engineers with Max Axiom,
Mar2015 10, 38
Indian Shoes, Oct2010 17; Nov2013 3, 10, 26
Indians of the Arctic and Subarctic, Feb2007 51, 53
I Need My Monster, May2010 54
In English, of Course, Oct2006 10, 12, 13
In Hide-and-Seek Clothes, Jan2009 53
In Flight with David McPhail, Jan2006 9, 13
In Mary’s Garden, Aug/Sept2015 56; Mar2016 27
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb, Mar2015 5
In My Backyard, Mar2010 10
In My World, Apr2007 2; Nov2009 31
In New York, May2015 44
Insect Detective, Apr2011 53; Apr2014 3
Insect Facts and Folklore, Dec2010 10
Insectlopedia, May2005 14; May2008 41
Insects and Spiders, Oct2011 51
Insects: Biggest! Littlest!, Oct2011 53
Inside a House that Is Haunted: A Rebus Read-Along
Story, Oct2007 45
Inside an Egg (Johnson), Feb2006 46–47
Inside Outside, Feb2014 2
The Inside-Outside Book of Libraries, Feb2009 21
Inside the Earth (Cole), Mar2008 30
Inside the Slidy Diner, May2009 53
Inspector Hopper, May2008 41
The International Space Station, Mar2008 9, 12;
Mar2011 10
In the Garbage, Apr2011 11
In the Garden: Who's Been Here?, May2007 26
In the Garden with Dr. Carver, Apr2011 2; May2013
54; Apr2014 45–48
In the Land of Words, Jan2012 36–37; Oct2014 55
In the Night Kitchen, Nov2008 18; May2013 10, 13;
May2014 2
In the Promised Land, Dec2013 37
In the Sea, Apr2015 35–36
In the Small, Small Night, Oct2006 10
In the Small, Small Pond, Oct2003 7, 8; Jan2006 18;
Feb2006 4; Apr2007 2
In the Snow: Who's Been Here?, Dec2004 45
In the Swim: Poems and Paintings, Mar2012 53
Into the Air, Dec2003 3
Into the Firestorm, Feb2009 33
Into the Forest (Browne), Nov2006 33–34; Oct2007 3
The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Aug/Sept2008 53*;
Nov2008 2; Oct2009 33–34; Aug/Sept2013
10; Oct2014 11; Jan2015 10
Inventor McGregor, Aug/Sept2014 26
The Invisible Boy, Jan2016 12, 36
I.Q. Goes to the Library, Apr2004 40–41, 42;
Aug/Sept2004 18; Apr2008 25, 26
The Iridescence of Birds, May2015 37
Iris and Walter and Baby Rose, Dec2006 29
The Ironwood Tree, Oct2005 15
Isabella's Above-Ground Pool, Jan2008 10
I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track, Aug/Sept2007 28;
May2008 41
I Saw Esau, Mar2004 46
I Saw Your Face, Oct2005 3
I See a Kookaburra!, May2005 3; Mar2006 35
I See Kitty, Apr2015 42
I See the Sun in China, May2011 5
I See the Sun in Nepal, May2011 5
Ish, Oct2008 45; Nov2014 52
Isla, Aug/Sept2004 40; Oct2006 10–11, 12
The Island-Below-the-Star, Nov2012 11
An Island Grows, Apr2009 2
I Spy a Balloon, Oct2012 36
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles, Oct2012 35
I Spy a Butterfly, Oct2012 36
I Spy a Freight Train: Transportation in Art, May2009
I Spy an Egg in a Nest, Oct2012 36
I Spy a Skeleton, Oct2012 36
I Spy School Days, Oct2012 36
Is That True? Kids Talk About Honesty, Mar2014 11
Is the Guitar For You?, Mar2011 52
Is There a Dinosaur In Your Backyard?, Feb2006 43
Is There Really a Human Race?, Oct2008 45
Is There Room On the Feather Bed?, Apr2006 36
I Stink!, Nov2007 49; Jan2009 10
Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten?, Mar2012 25
It All Began with a Bean, Nov2007 51
It Could Always Be Worse, Feb2004 8; Feb2005 31;
Dec2014 44; Feb2015 56
It Could Still Be a Bird, Feb2006 46
It Could Still Be a Dog, Oct2006 52
It Happened in the White House, Feb2010 50
It Is the Wind, Mar2006 3
It's a Book, Mar2012 27
It’s a Firefly Night, Oct2014 50
It's a Fruit, It's a Vegetable, It's a Pumpkin, May2004
It’s All in Your Head, Dec2014 16, 18
It's a Miracle! A Hanukkah Storybook, Dec2007 10, 28;
Dec2014 11
It's a Secret!, Oct2010 23
It's a Spoon, Not a Shovel, Aug/Sept2010 55
It's a Tiger!, Apr2013 16
It's Back to School We Go! First Day Stories from
Around the World, Aug/Sept2008 10
It's Disgusting and We Ate It! True Food Facts from
Around the World, Nov2006 55
It's Fall! (Glaser and Swan), Oct2003 4; Oct2012 10
It's Hard to Be Five, Oct2008 45
It’s Milking Time, Mar2016 43
It's Not Easy Being a Bunny, Oct2008 45
It's Not Magic, It's Science! 50 Science Tricks...,
Oct2010 10
It's Not the Stork!, May2006 27
It’s Our Garden, Apr2015 17–18
It's Pumpkin Time!, Oct2007 45
It's Raining Cats and Cats!, Dec2009 54–55
It's Raining Pigs & Noodles, Apr2005 7; Apr2006 37;
May2011 55
It's Show Time: Poetry from the Page to the Stage,
Apr2007 6
It's Snowing!, Dec2012 23
It's So Amazing (Harris), May2006 27–28, 32–33
It’s Spit-acular!, Nov2015 26
It's Spring (Pickering), Apr2004 7
It's Summer, Dear Dragon, May2010 54
It's Sunny Today, May2010 52
It's the Bear! (Alborough), May2005 13
Itty Bitty, Oct2011 27
I Use Math on a Trip, May2009 52
Ivan: The Remarkable True Story, Apr2015 3;
Aug/Sept2015 28
I've Seen the Promised Land: The Life of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., Feb2007 11, 12, 19
I Wanna Go Home, May2015 45; Apr2016 45
I Wanna Iguana, Feb2009 43; Dec2009 50–51;
Jan2016 43; Apr2016 45
I Wanna New Room, Apr2016 45
I Want a Pet (Child), Mar2007 30
I Want My Hat Back, May2013 2; Mar2014 10;
Jan2015 4; Aug/Sept2015 54
I Want to Be … a Chef, Nov2006 55
I Want to Be a Pilot (Liebman), Jan2007 54
I Want to Make Movies, Feb2015 17–18
I Was Born about 10,000 Years Ago, Jan2008 26
I Was Born in a Tree and Raised by Bees, Nov2008
30, 35
I Went Walking, Dec2008 18–19; May2012 44
I Will Chomp You!, Dec2015 15–16
I Will Come Back for You, Oct2014 48
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, Mar2007 32–33,
40; Jan2015 10; Dec2015 8
I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Howe), Oct2006 39
I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Young), Feb2006 16
I Wonder Why There's a Hole in the Sky, Apr2011 10
I Wonder Why Zippers Have Teeth and Other
Questions About Inventions, Aug/Sept2008 54
Jabberwocky, Apr2008 46–48
Jack and the Beanstalk (Kellogg), Apr2005 12
Jack and the Box, Oct2010 33
Jack and the Giant (Harris), Apr2005 12
The Jacket I Wear in the Snow, Jan2007 4; Jan2009
53; Jan2012 4
Jackie & Me, Feb2004 17, 19; Nov2006 26; Feb2010
11; Mar2012 9; Jan2014 11
Jackie Robinson: American Hero, Apr2014 5
Jackie Robinson: Baseball's Great Pioneer, Nov2006
Jackie's Bat, Nov2006 25, 26; Mar2007 24; May2010 3
Jack of all Tails, Dec2009 11
Jack Quack, Oct2008 45
Jack's Garden, May2013 53
Jack's Talent, Aug/Sept2007 4; Oct2008 46–48*;
Dec2011 2, 8
The Jack Tales, Feb2005 24
Jacob’s New Dress, Dec2014 5
Jake Burton Carpenter and the Snowboard, Dec2012
10, 14
Jake Drake, Bully Buster, Dec2005 10, 12; Oct2013 10
Jake Drake, Know-It-All, Aug/Sept2003 15, 16
Jalapeno Bagels, Oct2015 37–38
Jamaica and the Substitute Teacher, Mar2014 25
James and the Giant Peach, Feb2006 25; May2008 42
James Herriot's Treasury for Children, Apr2013 11
Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato, Mar2004 28
The Jar of Fools, Dec2005 24; Dec2007 10
Jasper's Beanstalk, May2007 26
Jasper's Day, Dec2009 2
The Jaws of Life, Oct2009 52–53
Jazmin's Notebook, Feb2010 31, 33
Jazz Age Josephine, Jan2015 10; May2015 29
Jazz Baby, Oct2008 3; Feb2012 23; Oct2015 54
Jazz on a Saturday Night, Dec2006 42; Mar2011 53;
Feb2015 4
Jean Laffite and the Big Ol' Whale, Jan2008 10, 11
Jean Lafitte: Pirate-Hero of the War of 1812,
Aug/Sept2007 31
Jeannette Rankin: Bright Star in the Big Sky, Nov2006
Jeannette Rankin: First Lady of Congress, Nov2006
26; Nov2014 11
Jeff Kinney, Jan2013 52
The Jellybeans and the Big Dance, May2010 37–38
Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinaire, May2010 54
Jenny and the Cat Club, Mar2006 4
Jenny: The Airplane that Taught America to Fly,
Dec2003 8; Jan2007 53
Jeremy Bean's St. Patrick's Day, Mar2004 7
Jess and the Stinky Cowboys, Apr2008 54
Jesse Owens, May2008 11, 13
Jessica's X-Ray, Mar2011 11
The Jet Alphabet Book, Jan2007 54
Jetliners (Richards), Jan2007 54
Jim & the Beanstalk, Apr2005 12
Jim Thorpe's Bright Path, Nov2004 8, 13–14; Nov2006
26; Mar2009 27; May2010 3, 10; Nov2013 34,
Jingle Dancer, Nov2003 2; Nov2005 16–18, 20;
Oct2010 17; Apr2012 11; Nov2013 1, 3, 10,
26, 43; Dec2014 11, 13, 14
Jingle the Brass, May2012 21
Job Site, Aug/Sept2015 44
Jody's Beans, May2004 18
Joe Cinders, Apr2005 11; Apr2008 49
Joe-Joe's First Flight, Dec2003 34
Joha Makes a Wish, Nov2012 40
John, Paul, George, & Ben, Jan2007 6–7; Jan2011 20,
25; Mar2014 11, 15
John Coltrane's Giant Steps, Mar2005 7, 9, 12–13;
Jan2006 3; Jan2015 3
John Henry (Lester), Aug/Sept2007 2; Jan2015 2
John Lewis in the Lead: A Story of the Civil Rights
Movement, Mar2009 26
John Muir and Stickeen, Apr2005 25; May2014 29
Johnny Appleseed (Kellogg), Jan2008 27;
Aug/Sept2013 5
Johnny Appleseed (Lindbergh), Aug/Sept2013 5
Joining the Boston Tea Party, Oct2005 27, 29;
Apr2008 28
The Jolly Christmas Postman, Jan2005 28
The Jolly Postman, Jan2005 28; Feb2015 52; Apr2016
The Jones Family Express, May2004 3; Dec2007 2
Jordan's Silly Sick Day, Jan2010 11
Josefina's Surprise: A Christmas Story, Dec2007 10,
13; Dec2013 10
The Josefina Story Quilt, Nov2003 30
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, Nov2004 5; Feb2005 31;
Dec2014 44; Jan2015 1, 10–11, 55
Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker,
Feb2015 2
Josias, Hold the Book, Aug/Sept2007 15
Journey (Becker), May2014 23; Aug/Sept2014 3;
Jan2015 11, 14, 23
The Journey (Stewart), Oct2004 31
Journey Home, Feb2005 25
Journey into the Arctic, Dec2012 53
The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman, Jan2005 3, 31
The Journey: Stories of Migration, May2012 8
A Journey Through the Digestive System with Max
Axiom, Super Scientist, Oct2009 52
Journey to Topaz, Feb2005 25; Nov2005 25
Juan Bobo Goes to Work, Oct2007 29
Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn't Tell A Lie,
Feb2005 30
Jubilee!, Nov2014 52
Judy Moody, Girl Detective, Oct2010 26; Dec2013 53
Judy Moody, M. D.: The Doctor Is In!, Jan2010 11
Judy Moody Saves the World, Oct2006 29; Apr2007 3
Judy Moody & Stink, Oct2012 53
Julius, the Baby of the World, Dec2007 54
Jumanji, Dec2011 31, 34; Aug/Sept2013 31–32
The Jumbo Book of Drama, Feb2012 10
Jump, Kangaroo, Jump!, Apr2005 35–36, 37
Juneteenth, Feb2014 36–37
Jungle Drums (Base), Apr2007 32, 38
Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band, Aug/Sept2005
36–37; Oct2008 35–36
Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder, Feb2015 5
Junie B., First Grader: Turkeys We Have Loved,
Nov2014 41
Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business, Jan2011
Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed,
Oct2008 36
Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day, Oct2008 35
Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook, Oct2008 34–35
Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (And Others) Left
Behind, Oct2008 53
Just a Dream, Apr2011 42
Just a Minute (Becker), Jan2014 10
Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale, Aug/Sept2004 6, 7, 8;
Apr2005 2; Oct2007 55; Aug/Sept2009 3;
Jan2010 32, 33, 34, 36, 39–40; Apr2010 3;
Dec2010 40
Just a Second, Jan2014 10
Just a Snowman, Feb2014 44
Just Behave, Pablo Picasso, Mar2014 2; Mar2015 42;
Mar2016 56
Just Critters Who Care, Apr2015 26
Just Fine the Way They Are, May2012 51
Just Fishing with Grandma, Mar2012 54
Just Grace and the Snack Attack, Dec2015 8
Just in Case: A Trickster Tale and Spanish Alphabet
Book, Aug/Sept2009 3, 11; Jan2010 34, 40;
Nov2012 3
Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters,
Feb2011 21
Just in Time, Jan2010 32
Just in Time for Christmas, Dec2014 47
Just Kidding, Aug/Sept2008 2; Oct2013 10
Just Mabel, Dec2009 26
Just Me and My Dad, May2008 21
Just Plain Fancy, Oct2004 29, 31
Just Right for Christmas, Dec2014 47
Just Saving My Money, Apr2016 20, 25–26
Just So Thankful, Nov2014 42
Just Us Two, Jan2004 36
Kaddish for Grandpa in Jesus' Name Amen, Oct2006
Kailey, Apr2009 54
Kai's Journey to Gold Mountain, Oct2005 3
Kakapo Rescue, Jan2012 21; Nov2012 36–37
Kamishibai Man, Apr2013 33
Kate and Pippin: An Unlikely Love Story, Apr2013 46
Kate and the Beanstalk, Apr2005 12
Kate Greenaway Illustrations, Jan2015 11, 14
Kate Shelley: Bound for Legend, Feb2009 10
Katie Loves the Kittens, Oct2009 44
Katie Woo: No More Teasing!, Oct2013 10
Kat's Maps, Nov2011 11
Katy and the Big Snow, Dec2004 15; Jan2007 28
Katy Duck is a Caterpillar, Dec2012 16
Keepers: Treasure-Hunt Poems, Aug/Sept2014 10, 13
Keep Healthy, Jan2010 11
The Keeping Quilt, Nov2003 29; Mar2009 32, 33, 34–
35; Feb2012 46; Dec2014 44; Mar2016 29*
Keeping Secrets, May2009 31
Keep On! The Story of Matthew Henson, Feb2009 34
Keep Your Ear on the Ball, Dec2011 52
Keep Your Eye on the Kid, Feb2015 2
Kiana's Iditarod, Feb2007 50, 53
A Kick in the Head, Jan2006 3; Aug/Sept2010 41;
Oct2012 22; Jan2016 52
Kid Blink Beats the World, Nov2008 11
The Kid in the Red Jacket, Oct2008 30, 31, 32
Kids Around the World Celebrate!, Dec2004 30;
Dec2015 2
Kids' Art Works!, Jan2006 9
The Kids Book of Night Sky, Mar2008 3
The Kids' Book of Weather Forecasting, Mar2006 9,
12, 13
The Kids Can Press Jumbo Book of Gardening,
Mar2007 23
Kids Can Press Jumbo Book of Music, Mar2005 29
Kids Care: 75 Ways to Make a Difference, Apr2011 41
Kids During the Great Depression, Oct2004 29, 31
A Kid's Guide to African American History, Feb2008 29
The Kid's Guide to Becoming the Best You Can Be,
Dec2011 8
A Kids Guide to First Aid: All about Bruises, Burns,
Stings, Sprains, Mar2008 29
The Kids Guide to Social Action, Apr2007 3
Kids Knitting, Mar2005 25
Kids Make Magic! The Complete Guide..., Oct2010 10
The Kids Summer Games Book, May2011 10,14
Kids Write! Fantasy & Sci Fi, Mystery, Autobiography,
Adventure & More!, Feb2009 46
The Kids' Yoga Book of Feelings, Aug/Sept2010 10, 15
Kindergarten Countdown (Hays), Feb2008 43
The Kindness Quilt, Apr2015 25
King Arthur: Excalibur Unsheathed, Mar2013 10
The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World, Nov2012 11
The Kingfisher Atlas of the Medieval World, Mar2013
10, 14
The Kingfisher Book of Classic Christmas Stories,
Dec2007 10
The Kingfisher Book of Family Poems, Dec2008 10
The Kingfisher Geography Encyclopedia, Nov2007 54
The Kingfisher Treasury of Pirate Stories,
Aug/Sept2007 32
King for a Day, Mar2015 5
King Midas and the Golden Touch, Jan2009 10
King Midas: The Golden Touch, Apr2010 10
The King's Equal, Aug/Sept2012 35–36
The King Who Rained, Jan2011 52
Kirsten's Surprise: A Christmas Story, Dec2006 29;
Dec2014 29
Kisses from Rosa, May2008 50
The Kissing Hand, Nov2003 13
Kiss Me, I'm Perfect!, Dec2008 36
Kite Flying (Lin), Jan2007 54; Mar2007 28; Feb2012 37
Kites: Magic Wishes, Dec2003 8
The Kite That Bridged Two Nations, Mar2015 23–24,
Kitten's First Full Moon, Jan2006 2, 4; Nov2007 15;
Aug/Sept2011 31; Oct2011 3; Aug/Sept2013
34; Jan2015 26
A Kitten Tale, Oct2009 45
The Klondike Cat, Jan2005 24
Knick-Knack Paddywhack: A Moving Parts Book,
Mar2005 3
The Knight and the Dragon (dePaola), Jan2008 29;
Mar2013 10
Knights and Castles, Mar2013 10
Knights in Shining Armor, Mar2013 10
Knights of the Kitchen Table, Mar2013 10
Knit Together, Jan2016 56
Knock on Wood: Poems about Superstitions, Oct2013
Know Your Fishes in Hawaii, May2007 55
Knucklehead: Tall Tales, Oct2012 52
Knuffle Bunny, Jan2010 5; Jan2015 44; Aug/Sept2015
Knuffle Bunny Too, Mar2015 55–56
Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World,
Nov2007 29; Dec2010 5
Koala Lou, Jan2006 25; Apr2013 51; Jan2014 4
Koi and the Kola Nuts, Feb2005 30
Koko's Kitten, May2012 20
Komodo!, May2005 35–36, 37, 38, 39
Kumak’s River, Mar2015 5
Kunu's Basket, Nov2013 2–3, 47–49
Kwanzaa (Herrington), Dec2014 25
The Kwanzaa Contest, Dec2004 18
A Kwanzaa Fable, Dec2007 10, 12
La Cucaracha Martina, Mar2005 30
Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy, Feb2011 17
Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad, Oct2012 29
Ladybug Girl at the Beach, Feb2016 42
Ladybugs (Gibbons), Oct2012 48–50*
Lady Hahn and Her Seven Friends, Jan2013 49
Lady Liberty, Aug/Sept2011 11, 14; Apr2016 48–49
Lady Liberty's Biography, Dec2013 33, 38
Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast, Feb2016 28*
Lakota Hoop Dancer, Nov2013 10
La Maríposa, Dec2004 6, 8; Aug/Sept2009 1, 18–24;
Oct2012 27
The Lamp, the Ice and the Boat Called Fish, Nov2007
Landslide! A Kid's Guide to the U.S. Elections, Oct2004
8, 10
Lanie, Aug/Sept2010 47
La Noche Buena, Dec2014 3, 46
La Pequeño Canguro, Aug/Sept2006 28
Larry Gets Lost under the Sea, Feb2016 45
LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail,
Feb2009 43
Last Brother: A Civil War Tale, Aug/Sept2007 16
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Dec2009
36, 38
The Last Polar Bear, Dec2010 5
The Last River, Dec2011 24
The Last Snake in Ireland: A Story about St. Patrick,
Mar2007 55
Last Stop on Market Street, Oct2015 56
The Last Straw, Feb2009 44
The Last Wild Place, Dec2009 55
Latkes, Latkes, Good to Eat, Dec2006 26
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems, Apr2004
Laura Numeroff's 10-Step Guide to Living with Your
Monster, Oct2003 35; Apr2009 48; May2010
38; Aug/Sept2012 23
Lazy Jack, Jan2011 52
A Leaf Can Be..., Apr2014 43
Leaf Jumpers, Nov2009 2
Leaf Man, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 31, 32, 33; Mar2010
27; Oct2012 11; Nov2014 28
The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs, Mar2007 28
Leaping Beauty, Feb2005 3
Leaping Lizards, May2009 10
Learning to Care for Fish, Mar2012 53
Learning to Ski with Mr. Magee, Feb2014 44
Learn Spanish with Superman 1: Up, Up and Away!,
Feb2009 10
The Leaving Morning, Mar2006 3
Leaving the Nest (Gerstein), Dec2007 3
The Legend of Spud Murphy, Aug/Sept2012 10
The Legend of the Bluebonnet, Mar2013 51; Nov2013
45–46; Mar2016 52
The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, Nov2013 26;
Mar2016 7, 9
The Legend of the Lady Slipper, Dec2012 21
The Legend of the Poinsettia, Dec2007 29; Dec2013
Legends of Zita the Spacegirl, May2014 11
The Lemonade Club, Jan2010 11
Lemonade in Winter, Feb2014 3; Apr2016 25, 53
The Lemonade War, Apr2010 6; May2011 10;
Dec2011 40*; Apr2016 8, 9, 10
Lemons Are Not Red, Jan2009 31
Lend a Hand: Poems about Giving, Jan2016 41
Lenny & Lucy, Oct2015 50
Leola and the Honeybears, Apr2005 14
Leonardo the Terrible Monster, Apr2009 50
Leopard & Silkie, Apr2015 11
Leopold, the Liar of Leipzig, Mar2014 11
The Leprechaun Who Lost His Rainbow, Dec2010 55
Less than Zero, Dec2012 10
Let It Fall, Oct2012 11
Let it Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals, Apr2009 31
Let's Celebrate Valentine's Day, Feb2011 10, 15
Let's Dance (Ancona), May2006 2
Let’s Do Nothing, Nov2015 53
Let's Eat Breakfast, … Lunch, and … Dinner, Oct2009
Let's Eat: What Children Eat Around the World,
Nov2012 18
"Let's Get a Puppy!" Said Kate, Dec2009 48; May2014
Let's Get Dressed: What People Wear, Jan2009 52
Let's Go See Papa!, May2012 3
Let’s Look at Pigeons, Aug/Sept2014 36
Let's Make Cookies, Dec2005 39
Let's Make It Pop-Up (Carter), Jan2007 40
Let's Make Tacos, Aug/Sept2009 54
Let’s Meet a Construction Worker, Aug/Sept2015 44
Let's Save the Animals!, Apr2013 21
Let’s Talk About Race, Oct2015 1, 7, 18
Letters from a Desperate Dog, Apr2016 44
A Letter to Amy, Jan2005 31
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt, Jan2005 36, 38
Letter to the Lake, Jan2005 30, 32
Let the Games Begin (Ajmera), May2008 11, 13, 14;
May2010 10; Feb2011 10; Feb2014 21;
May2016 8, 11
Let There Be Light, Nov2014 53
Lewis and Papa, Nov2003 8
Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky: A Book of Brillig
Dioramas, Apr2008 47
Lexie, Dec2011 3
Liang and the Magic Paintbrush, Jan2015 11
Liberty (Drummond), Oct2004 25
The Librarian from the Black Lagoon, Aug/Sept2003 5,
38–41; Aug/Sept2004 19; Oct2014 6
The Librarian of Basra, Nov2005 3; Feb2009 2, 10, 22;
Oct2011 2; Aug/Sept2012 10; May2015 11, 52
Librarian on the Roof! A True Story, Aug/Sept2012 10
Librarians: Books to Children, Dec2008 54*
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Nov2011 26
The Library (Stewart), Apr2004 43; Oct2004 18;
Feb2009 20
A Library Book for Bear, Jan2016 23–25*
The Library Card, Feb2009 23
The Library Dragon, Apr2004 43; Aug/Sept2004 4, 19;
Feb2005 44; Apr2008 25, 26
Library Etiquette, Aug/Sept2003 29
A Library for Juana: The World of Sor Juana Ines,
Aug/Sept2008 32
The Library Ghost, Aug/Sept2013 23–25*
Library Lil, Aug/Sept2004 19; Jan2008 27; Feb2009 23;
Aug/Sept2012 10; Feb2013 54
Library Lion, Oct2007 29; Apr2008 25, 26; Feb2009 24
Library Monkeys, Aug/Sept2013 6
Library Mouse, Feb2009 24, 44
Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale, Aug/Sept2010 24
Lies and Other Tall Tales, Feb2007 37
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, Dec2010 51
Life as an Air Force Fighter Pilot, Dec2003 8
The Life Cycle of a Dog, Oct2006 52
The Life Cycle of Fish, Mar2012 52
Life in a Tide Pool, Apr2009 53
Life in the Ocean, Apr2014 3, 25–26; Oct2014 47;
Mar2015 5
Life in the Taiga, Apr2011 55
Life Is a Bowl Full of Cherries, Dec2015 8
Life on a Southern Plantation, Mar2004 10
Life-Size Aquarium, Mar2012 53
Life-Size Sharks and Other Underwater Creatures,
Apr2006 20
Lifetimes (Rice), May2005 36, 39
Lighthouse Christmas, Dec2011 1
A Light in the Attic, Apr2004 10–13
Lights Out (Geisert), Jan2007 3, 10, 12
Like a Hundred Drums, Mar2007 25
Like Bug Juice on a Burger, May2013 5
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake, Apr2014 4*
Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie, Feb2016 30–31, 33*
Lila the Fair, Aug/Sept2010 10
Liliana's Grandmothers, Aug/Sept2004 6, 7, 11
Lilly's Big Day, Nov2006 28; Mar2007 26;
Aug/Sept2007 2, 17
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, Aug/Sept2004 3; May2005
24; Aug/Sept2007 2; May2010 22–23;
Aug/Sept2011 37; Aug/Sept2014 29
Li'l Rabbit's Kwanzaa, Dec2013 47–50
Lily and Miss Liberty, Oct2005 25
Lily's Garden, May2004 18, 21
Lily's Victory Garden, May2013 54
The Lima Bean Monster, May2004 18
Lincoln and His Boys, Feb2010 51
The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and
Mary, Apr2011 30–31
Ling and Ting: Not Exactly the Same!, Feb2012 21, 38
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Oct2004 15;
Feb2012 10
The Lion and the Mouse, Dec2010 2, 24; Jan2011 33;
Feb2011 5*, 25–27*; Aug/Sept2013 34–35,
39; Jan2015 2, 26; Jan2016 48
The Lion and the Puppy, Feb2014 52
The Lion Book of Wisdom Stories, Nov2010 8
Lionboy, Mar2012 17–19*
Lionel and the Book of Beasts, Oct2007 5
Lionel at School, Aug/Sept2005 9
Lionfish, Mar2012 51
A Lion Named Shirley Williamson, May2008 22
Lion's Lunch?, Apr2013 19
Lissy's Friends, Feb2012 36
Listen Buddy, Jan2011 53
Listen to Me, Nov2010 50
Listen to the Rain, Apr2006 36; Mar2010 11
Listen to the Wind, Feb2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 10;
Dec2011 16; Jan2016 7
Little Bear, You’re a Star!, Aug/Sept2014 6
Little Bear Makes a Mask, Oct2007 4
Little Beauty, May2012 20
Little Big Horse: Where’s My Bike?, Oct2015 43
Little Bitty Mousie, Oct2011 25
The Little Buggers, May2008 40
Little Champ, Feb2006 28, 30; Jan2008 10
Little Critters: The Picnic, May2005 15
Little Diva, Feb2015 11
Little Dog, Lost, Oct2012 5*
Little Dog Lost: The True Story of a Brave Dog,
Dec2012 3
The Little Engine That Could, May2012 54; Feb2014
21; Nov2015 41
Little Fox Goes to the End of the World, Apr2012 40
Little Goblins Ten, Aug/Sept2012 22
Little Gorilla, Jan2008 21
Little Grunt and the Big Egg, Oct2008 54; Dec2009 11
Little Horse, Oct2011 10
The Little House (Burton), Apr2008 29
Little House in the Big Woods, Feb2005 24
Little Humans, Oct2015 53
Little Kunoichi, the Ninja Girl, May2016 8
Little Lost Tiger, Feb2013 11; Apr2013 23
Little Lucie's Diary, Feb2009 44
Little Mama Forgets, Dec2006 3; Nov2010 3
Little Melba and Her Big Trombone, Aug/Sept2015 56
The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry, and the
Big Hungry Bear, May2004 28
Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake, Jan2012 53
Little Mouse Gets Ready, Oct2010 32, 38; Feb2012 22
Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears, Feb2013 45
Little Night, Jan2010 34–35, 38, 39
Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything,
Aug/Sept2007 29; Oct2007 38, 39
A Little Peace, Nov2007 55
The Little Piano Girl, Oct2011 43–47*
Little Pierre, Oct2011 10
Little Pink Pup, Mar2013 42
Little Puppy and the Big Green Monster, Apr2015 54
Little Quack, Jan2006 26
Little Quack's Hide and Seek, May2006 19, 21, 22
Little Quack's New Friend, Mar2007 26
Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth, Feb2014 26
Little Red Cowboy Hat, Apr2005 13
The Little Red Fish, Dec2007 28
The Little Red Hen (Pinkney), Aug/Sept2014 37
The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, Nov2004 41;
Apr2005 13; Dec2006 23
The Little Red Pen, Jan2013 55
Little Red Riding Bat, Feb2009 22
Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale,
Apr2005 13
Little Red Ronnika, Apr2005 13
Little Red Snapperhood, Apr2005 13
Little Red Writing, Aug/Sept2015 20–22
Little Santa, Dec2014 28
Little Sap and Monsieur Rodin, Aug/Sept2007 17–18
The Little Scarecrow Boy, Oct2005 21
The Little School Bus, Oct2004 4
The Little Ships, Feb2009 2–3
The Littlest Christmas Star, Dec2011 18
Little Tree (cummings), Mar2005 13
Little White Rabbit, Aug/Sept2011 36; Oct2011 3
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the
Neighbors Thought), Aug/Sept2008 45
Living Color, Nov2009 3; Mar2010 23
Living Green, Apr2011 11
Living Sunlight, Feb2013 3
Lizards: Weird and Wonderful, Apr2011 24; Jan2016
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat, Nov2014 28
Llama Llama Red Pajama, Oct2011 5*
The Llama Who Had No Pajama, Apr2004 35; Jan2012
Locked in the Library!, Feb2009 23
Locomotive, Aug/Sept2014 28; Jan2015 17–18, 37
The Log Cabin Wedding, Oct2012 11
Loki & Alex, Jan2012 3
Lola at the Library, Mar2007 5
Lola Reads to Leo, Aug/Sept2012 52
The Lonely Cheese Man and The Mystery of Mouse
Mansion, Feb2009 44
The Long, Long Letter, Jan2005 36, 37
A Long Way Away, Nov2014 17–18
A Long Way from Chicago, Jan2008 3
A Long Way Home, Feb2009 10
The Long Winter, Dec2004 14
Lon Po Po, Mar2004 36; Feb2006 8, 15; Nov2006 28;
Aug/Sept2013 32; Jan2015 11, 13
Look Alikes Seek-and-Search Puzzles, Aug/Sept2012
54; Feb2015 39
Look at Lucy!, Nov2014 11
Look at My Book: How Kids Can Write & Illustrate
Terrific Books, Feb2009 46
Look Closer, An Introduction to Bug-Watching,
May2007 28
Look Closer: Art Masterpieces, Mar2015 44
Looking at Lincoln, Aug/Sept2013 2; Oct2014 45
Looking Down (Jenkins), Mar2006 33
Looking Like Me, Dec2011 2, 8
Look Inside a Log Cabin, Oct2009 55
Look Inside an Igloo, Oct2009 54–55
Look Out, Jack! The Giant is Back, Apr2005 12
Look Up! Bird-Watching in Your Own Backyard,
Aug/Sept2014 39; Jan2015 17–18, 28
Look Up! Henrietta Leavitt, Nov2014 17–18;
Aug/Sept2015 55–56
Look What Came from Egypt, Nov2012 54
Look What Came from Ireland, Mar2007 54–55
Look What Came from Mexico, Aug/Sept2004 8
Look What I Did with a Leaf!, Aug/Sept2006 29
The Loopy Coop Hens, Mar2016 42
Loretta: Ace Pinky Scout, Oct2008 10
Los Gatos Black on Halloween, Oct2007 28; Jan2010
31, 32, 35, 36
Lost and Found, Aug/Sept2015 54
The Lost-and-Found Tooth, Nov2009 22
Lost Star, Dec2003 35
Lost Treasures of the Pirates of Caribbean,
Aug/Sept2007 54, 55
Lots and Lots of Coins, Apr2016 20–23
Lots of Latkes: A Hanukkah Story, Dec2006 26
Lou Caribou, May2016 45
The Loud Book, Apr2012 42; Feb2015 40
Louder Lili, Oct2008 2; Jan2011 3, 10
Louisa: The Life of Louisa May Alcott, Jan2013 51
Louis Sockalexis: Native American Baseball Pioneer,
Oct2010 17; Nov2013 11
Lousy, Rotten, Stinkin' Grapes, Jan2010 2; Jan2013 23
Love, Lizzie: Letters to a Military Mom, Nov2010 54
Love, Ruby Lavender, Jan2005 36, 39; May2007 51,
Love and Roast Chicken: A Trickster Tale,
Aug/Sept2013 4*
Love as Strong as Ginger, May2007 3
Love Me, Love You, Feb2011 45
Love to Mama: A Tribute to Mothers, Aug/Sept2006 44
Love You Forever, Dec2008 31, 40*
Love Your Cat, Apr2015 41
Lucinda's Secret, Oct2005 14–15
Luck (George), Mar2007 26
The Luck of the Buttons, Jan2012 14–16*
Lucky 13: Survival in Space, Oct2009 53; Mar2011 23
Lucky Beans, Dec2015 24–25
Lucky Days with Mr. and Mrs. Green, Oct2010 25
Lucky O'Leprechaun, Mar2004 28
Lucy and the Green Man, Apr2011 2
Lucy's Picture, Jan2009 10
Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age, Feb2015 5
Luka's Quilt, Nov2010 2
Luke Goes to Bat, May2006 3
Luke on the Loose, Oct2010 38; Oct2015 13
Lullaby Raft, Mar2013 35
Lulu and the Duck in the Park, May2013 3
Lulu Walks the Dogs, Apr2016 8, 9
Lumpito and the Painter from Spain, Mar2015 42
Lunch Bunnies, Aug/Sept2003 8
Lunch Lady and the Bake Sale Bandit, May2014 11
Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute, Oct2010 24
Lunch Lady and the Schoolwide Scuffle, Apr2015 32–
Mabela the Clever, Feb2005 30
Macaws, Aug/Sept2014 36
Machines Go to Work in the City, Aug/Sept2015 42
The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt,
Aug/Sept2014 10
Madeline, Mar2008 28
Madlenka, May2005 28–29
Madlenka's Dog, May2005 29
Mae Jemison: Space Pioneer, Feb2010 11
Magda’s Tortillas, Dec2014 11, 14
The Magical Drawings of Moony B. Finch, Jan2006 9–
10, 11, 13
The Magical Ms. Plum, Aug/Sept2012 10
The Magic Brush, Apr2012 53
The Magic Dreidels, Feb2005 8–9
The Magic Gourd, May2004 3; Aug/Sept2008 3;
Oct2010 11; Nov2010 5*
The Magic Hat, Oct2010 11, 47
Magic Hoofbeats: Horse Tales, Dec2010 10
The Magician's Boy, Apr2006 10, 12
The Magic Nesting Doll, Dec2010 25
The Magic Paintbrush, Jan2006 10, 13; Oct2010 11;
Mar2016 8, 9
The Magic Rabbit, Oct2010 47; Oct2013 56
The Magic School Bus and the Missing Tooth,
Feb2014 25
The Magic School Bus and the Science Fair
Expedition, Apr2014 11
The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses, Mar2008
34; Jan2009 10
The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane, Feb2013 11
The Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs,
Mar2012 9
The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor, Mar2008
33–34; Apr2009 10
Magnus Maximus, Aug/Sept2014 26
Ma'ii and Cousin Horned Toad, Nov2004 27
Mail Harry to the Moon, May2006 30
Maisy, Charley and the Wobbly Tooth, Feb2008 29
Ma Jiang and the Orange Ants, Nov2012 11
Major Taylor: Champion Cyclist, Oct2015 44
Make and Eat Cookies and Cakes, Dec2013 54
Make a Wish Bear, Mar2014 41
Make It!, Dec2014 48
Make New Friends (Wells), Aug/Sept2003 15
Make Things Fly, Dec2003 8
Make Way for Ducklings, May2014 4
Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel, Feb2010 34, 38–39;
Aug/Sept2010 3
Make Your Mark, Franklin Roosevelt, Jan2011 25
Making Art with Rocks and Shells, Feb2016 45
Making Mobiles, May2012 41
Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly, Nov2014 11
Mall Mania, Feb2008 43
The Malted Falcon, Feb2005 35, 38
Mama, Oct2011 2
Mama, Do You Love Me? (Joosse), Nov2003 7, 8;
Dec2012 53
Mama, I'll Give You the World, Aug/Sept2007 17
Mama, Will It Snow Tonight?, Dec2010 51
Mama and Me (Dorros), Dec2013 54
Mama and Me and the Model-T, Nov2004 25
Mama and Papa Have a Store, Jan2004 3
Mama Cat Has Three Kittens, Oct2003 8–9
Mamá Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury,
Aug/Sept2009 11, 33
Mama Love, Aug/Sept2012 19
Mama Miti, Aug/Sept2010 7; Dec2010 34–35; Dec2011
16; Jan2013 2
Mama Panya's Pancakes, Jan2014 20; Dec2015 39–
Mama Provi and the Pot of Rice, Aug/Sept2004 8
Mama Went to Jail for the Vote, Feb2008 10, 11, 12
Mañana, Iguana, Jan2016 43
Mandy, Dec2009 37–38
The Man-Eating Tigers of Sundarbans, Nov2012 36
Manfish, Mar2009 2; Nov2011 19–23*, 54
A Man for All Seasons: The Life of George Washington
Carver, Feb2010 11
The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families,
Nov2011 16–18*; Oct2012 3
The Man in the Moon, Aug/Sept2012 5
Manners in the Library, Aug/Sept2010 53
Manners on the Playground, Aug/Sept2010 53
Manny's Cows: The Niagara Falls Tale, May2009 10;
May2015 43
Man on the Moon (Suen), Mar2008 25
The Man Who Made Time Travel, Mar2011 11;
Jan2014 1, 10
The Man Who Named the Clouds, Jan2011 25
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers,
Aug/Sept2004 25; Jan2006 2, 26–27, 28, 33–
34; Aug/Sept2007 28; Nov2007 11;
Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
Many Moons (Thurber), Nov2007 29; May2014 29;
Jan2015 26
Many Nations: An Alphabet of Native America,
Nov2004 11; Nov2013 36
Maple Syrup Season, Dec2012 10
Map Mania, Nov2011 26
Mapping Penny's World, Nov2007 53; Nov2011 11, 25;
Aug/Sept2014 46
Maps (Mizielinska), Aug/Sept2014 20, 23, 45
Maps and Globes (Knowlton), Nov2007 53
Margaret Knight: Girl Inventor, Jan2007 10, 20
Margaret Wise Brown, May2006 4
Marianthes's Story: Painted Words and Spoken
Memories, Aug/Sept2005 10, 11, 14; Oct2006
1, 11, 12, 13, 14
Maria's Comet, Feb2005 41; Nov2006 26; Feb2009 30,
Marimba! Animales from A to Z, Aug/Sept2008 32
The Market Bowl, Dec2015 52
Market Day, Nov2009 33
Market Day: A Story Told with Folk Art, Dec2010 23
Maroo of the Winter Caves, May2012 9
Marshfield Dreams, When I Was a Kid, Feb2009 45
The Marshmallow Incident, Aug/Sept2010 10
Marshmallow Kisses, May2011 10
Martha Doesn't Say Sorry!, Jan2011 18–19*
Martha Moth Makes Socks, May2008 41
Martha Speaks, Jan2011 53; May2014 2; Nov2014 35
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach, May2008 41;
Aug/Sept2009 11; Nov2010 8; Oct2011 53
Martin Luther King Jr.: Preacher, Freedom Fighter,
Dec2013 10
Martin's Big Words, Aug/Sept2003 43, 44, 45; Jan2004
3, 34, 35; Feb2004 2; Dec2013 10, 15, 31, 36
Marty McGuire, Feb2015 11
Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an
Inventor, Jan2007 2, 20; Aug/Sept2008 53;
Nov2008 3; Mar2015 3, 10
Marvelous Mini-Kites, Jan2007 54
Marven of the Great North Woods, Oct2004 29, 31;
May2008 50; Nov2009 20
Mary Anning and the Sea Dragon, Feb2006 44
Mary Had a Little Lamb (Willis-Crowley), Mar2016 44
Mary Louise Loses her Manners, Aug/Sept2006 10
Mary on Horseback, Aug/Sept2005 29–30; Mar2007
10; Feb2011 55
Mary's Penny, Mar2011 3
Mary Walker Wears the Pants, Oct2014 45
The Master Spy Handbook, Oct2007 23; Aug/Sept2013
10, 14
Math: A Book You Can Count On, Mar2012 36
The Math Book for Girls and Other Beings Who Count,
Apr2005 36, 38, 39
Math Curse, Apr2005 36, 38; Apr2008 32, 36–37;
Apr2010 54; Nov2014 5
Mathematickles!, Apr2006 25
Ma! There's Nothing to Do Here!, Oct2008 33
Math Fables: Lessons that Count, Dec2010 10, 14
Math for All Seasons, Apr2005 36, 38
Math in the Car, May2009 52
Math-terpieces, Mar2016 8, 10
Math Tools (Chrismer), Feb2008 44
Matilda's Humdinger, Feb2009 41; May2009 53
Matthew's Dream, Dec2007 54
Mattland, Jan2013 10; Aug/Sept2014 47
The Matzo Ball Boy, Dec2005 40
Matzo Ball Moon, Apr2006 25
Max and the Dumb Flower Picture, Mar2011 54
Max and the Won’t Go to Bed Show, Aug/Sept2015 52
Max for President, Feb2008 10, 11
Max Learns Sign Language, Apr2014 56
Max & Ruby’s Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 10
Max's Bunny Business, Apr2010 6
Max's Castle, Mar2013 11
Max Spaniel: Best in Show, Dec2012 18
Max's Words, Feb2008 48; Feb2009 42; Jan2014 18
Max the Champion, Aug/Sept2015 7, 8
Maxwell's Mountain, Dec2008 2
May B., Dec2012 2
May Belle and the Ogre, Aug/Sept2006 2
Mayfield Crossing, Feb2014 31–32, 36
A Maze Me: Poems for Girls, Mar2013 33, 36
McBroom and the Beanstalk, Apr2004 21
McBroom's Almanac, Dec2004 13–14
McBroom's Ghost, Dec2004 12
McBroom Tells a Lie, Oct2004 29, 30
The McElderry Book of Greek Myths, Dec2010 10
McElligot's Pool, Mar2012 54
Me, Frida, Mar2016 55
Me and My Bike, Oct2015 44
Me and My Brother, Oct2012 52
Me and My Dragon, Mar2013 18
Measuring on a Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 10, 15
Measuring Penny, Feb2009 46
Measuring with Sebastian Pig and Friends on a Road
Trip, May2009 52
Meat and Beans, Aug/Sept2009 53
Mediopollito/Half-Chicken, Aug/Sept2009 35–36
Meerkat Mail, Feb2015 52
Meet Danitra Brown, Feb2010 37
The Meeting, May2014 11
Meet My Grandmother: She's a Deep-Sea Explorer,
Apr2009 10
Meet My Grandmother: She's a United States Senator,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm, Apr2013 3
Meet the Orchestra, Mar2005 28
Meet the School Secretary, Mar2011 24
Meet Wild Boars, Aug/Sept2006 2
Me... Jane, Oct2011 3; Aug/Sept2012 17; Mar2014 3;
Aug/Sept2014 33–34
Melrose and Croc, Feb2016 42
Memorial Day Surprise, May2008 28
The Memory Box, Apr2015 11
The Memory String, Nov2003 11
The Menorah Story, Dec2003 36
Menorah Under the Sea, Dec2013 10
Mental Magic: Surefire Tricks to Amaze Your Friends,
Oct2010 11
Me Oh Maya, Nov2012 11
Me on the Map, Aug/Sept2006 24; Nov2007 28;
Aug/Sept2014 46
Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot, Dec2003 9;
Nov2010 18; Aug/Sept2012 55
Mercy Watson, Aug/Sept2006 32–35
Mercy Watson Fights Crime, May2007 28
Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride, Feb2012 21
Mercy Watson to the Rescue, Dec2013 55; Mar2015
Merlin and the Dragons, Aug/Sept2007 40, 41
Merry Christmas, Merry Crow, Dec2010 51
Merry Christmas, What's Your Name, Dec2009 26
Merry Navidad!, Aug/Sept2009 33
Messages from Mars, Mar2008 9; Mar2012 9
Messages in the Mailbox, Jan2005 27, 36, 38
Messy Bessey, Dec2007 34, 35
Messy Bessey's Holidays, Dec2007 10–11; Dec2013
Meteor!, Mar2009 33, 35
Meteor! (Polacco), Mar2008 10, 11
Mexico (A World of Food), Dec2015 52
Mexico (Dahl), Aug/Sept2004 8–9
Mexico (Marx), Aug/Sept2004 9
¡Mexico! 50 Activities to Experience Mexico Past and
Present, Aug/Sept2004 9
Mi Abuelita/My Grandma, Aug/Sept2007 28
Mia's Story: A Sketchbook of Hopes and Dreams,
Oct2007 54
Mice (Holmes), Dec2007 54
Mice (Sjonger), Dec2007 54
Mice and Beans, Aug/Sept2004 6, 8, 27, 30; Dec2006
32; Dec2007 53; Aug/Sept2009 53; Oct2015
54; Dec2015 55
The Midnight Library, Apr2015 4
Midnight on the Moon, Mar2008 10
Mightier Than the Sword, Aug/Sept2007 33–34
Mighty Dads, Aug/Sept2015 44
Mighty Jackie: The Strike-Out Queen, Mar2008 53
Migrant, Oct2012 27, 45–47
Mikale of Hawaii, May2007 55
Mike Fink, Jan2008 27
Mike's Mystery, May2010 53
Miles to Go, Apr2012 43; Aug/Sept2014 46
Military Dogs, Nov2010 55; Nov2011 7
Millicent and the Wind, Dec2008 40
Millie and the Big Rescue, Mar2016 42
Millie Fierce, Oct2013 25–27
Millie Fierce Sleeps Out, May2015 45
Millie's Book: As Dictated to Barbara Bush, Feb2010
The Million Dollar Kick, Mar2008 54
A Million Dots, Jan2007 29; May2014 54–55
A Million Fish…More or Less, Dec2007 38
Millions, Billions, & Trillions, Mar2014 29; May2014 53
Millions of Cats, Mar2005 25; Apr2005 24; Mar2015
Millions to Measure, Oct2010 11
Milo and the Magical Stones, Oct2010 45; Feb2011 54
Milo's Great Invention, May2004 28
Milo’s Hat Trick, Aug/Sept2015 54
Milo the Really Big Bunny, Mar2007 26
Mimi's Parranda/La Parranda de Mimi, Dec2007 28
Mim's Christmas Jam, Dec2006 2, 3, 26; Feb2013 35
Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf, Aug/Sept2010 54
Minerva Louise and the Red Truck, Mar2011 16
Minerva Louise at School, Aug/Sept2003 8
Minerva Louise at the Fair, May2008 22
Minette's Feast, Jan2014 22
Miniature Horses, Oct2011 10
Mini Mia and Her Darling Uncle, Dec2008 2–3
Minnie and Moo and the Musk of Zorro, Feb2012 11
Minnie and Moo Meet Frankenswine, Oct2007 10, 13
Minnie and Moo: The Attack of the Easter Bunnies,
Mar2005 24
Minnie and Moo: Will You Be My Valentine?, Feb2005
24, 35, 38
Minnie's Summer Vacation, May2010 54
Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman, Jan2011 37
Miracle Melts Down, Jan2016 46
Miracle Mud, Feb2016 39
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Feb2011
Mirandy and Brother Wind, Dec2007 33, 37–38;
Jan2011 32
Mirette on the High Wire, Mar2013 49; Aug/Sept2013
33; Jan2015 17–18
Mirror, Nov2011 3
Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse, Dec2010 1,
11; Jan2012 3; Apr2012 26; Oct2012 21;
Feb2014 5*
M is for Majestic, Aug/Sept2011 11
M Is for Music, Mar2005 8, 11, 27
Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster, Oct2004 4;
Oct2006 28; May2007 12; Aug/Sept2010 41;
Jan2014 18
Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel, Oct2006 11, 12; May2008
49; Nov2010 16
Miss Brooks Loves Books!, Mar2012 26; Oct2014 35–
37, 53
Miss Daisy is Crazy!, Aug/Sept2008 10
Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile, Aug/Sept2012 11
Miss Fox's Class Goes Green, Feb2011 53
The Missing Mitten, Jan2007 50
Missing Mittens, Jan2009 54
Missing Molly, May2006 21
Miss Lady Bird's Wildflowers, Dec2012 4*
Miss Lina's Ballerinas, Apr2012 3
Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10, Aug/Sept2012
Miss Malarkey Leaves No Reader Behind,
Aug/Sept2007 17; Oct2014 11
Miss Malarkey's Field Trip, Aug/Sept2008 10
Miss Malarkey Won't Be in Today, Jan2010 11
Miss Mingo Weathers the Storm, Apr2014 44
Miss Moore Thought Otherwise, Aug/Sept2013 56;
Dec2013 3
Miss Nelson is Missing!, Aug/Sept2007 28; May2014 5
Miss Renée's Mice, Dec2007 53
Miss Rumphius, Oct2004 29, 31; May2007 26;
Dec2011 7
Miss Small is off the Wall, May2010 10
Miss Smith and the Haunted Library, Oct2010 47
Miss Smith Reads Again!, Oct2008 54
Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook, Oct2010 45
Miss Spider's Tea Party, Jan2005 24
Mistakes That Worked: 40 Familiar Inventions and How
They Came to Be, Aug/Sept2008 54
Mister Seahorse, Apr2009 10; May2011 52
Misty of Chincoteague, Apr2007 29
The Mitten (Brett), Dec2006 29; Jan2007 4; May2008
25; Jan2009 54*; Dec2010 3; Oct2011 30;
Dec2011 5*; Dec2015 3
The Mitten (Tresselt), Jan2007 4
The Mitten Tree, Dec2004 25
Miz Berlin Walks, Nov2010 9
Moi and Marie Antoinette, Mar2013 23
Moira's Birthday, Dec2008 37
Mokie & Bik, Apr2009 3
Molasses Flood, Oct2004 44
Mole's Hill, May2007 26; Nov2009 38
Mole's in Love, Feb2011 45
Molly, by Golly!, Mar2013 27; Apr2015 11
Molly Bannaky, Oct2005 2–3
Molly the Pony: A True Story, Dec2009 54
Mom and Mum Are Getting Married!, Dec2008 10
Momma, Where Are You From?, Aug/Sept2005 6
Mommy? (Sendak), May2007 29
Mommy's Little Star, Dec2011 18
A Monarch Butterfly's Life, May2005 25
Monet Paints a Day, Jan2014 3; Mar2015 42; Feb2016
Money Madness, Apr2010 1, 6, 11; Apr2016 8, 9, 23
Monsieur Marceau, Feb2015 2
Monsoon (Krishnaswami), May2007 38, 41–42
Monsoon Afternoon, May2011 3
The Monster at the End of the Book, Apr2009 48
Monster Bones: The Story of a Dinosaur Fossil,
Feb2006 44
Monster Fish: The Adventure of Ichthyosaurs, Feb2006
Monster Goose, Oct2003 28; Oct2007 30, 31, 36, 45
The Monster Health Book, May2013 22; Dec2015 21
Monster Hug, Apr2009 51
Monster Hunt: Exploring Mysterious Creatures,
Apr2013 11
Monster Knows Please and Thank You, Apr2015 56
Monster Math (Miranda), Oct2003 35
Monster Mess, Apr2009 51
Monster Munchies, May2010 33
Monster Needs His Sleep, Apr2015 56
The Monster Show, Apr2009 51
Monsters in the Bathroom, Nov2007 49
Monsters Love Colors, Mar2016 45
Monsters on Machines, Apr2009 51
The Monster's Ring, Oct2003 28–29, 30, 32
Monster Stew, Oct2003 35
The Monster Who Did My Math, Apr2010 54
Moo!, Mar2016 43
Moo Muu, Aug/Sept2009 33
The Moon, Apr2009 52
The Moon Book, Aug/Sept2012 5; Nov2014 17–18
Mooncake (Asch), Mar2008 40
Mooncakes (Seto), Dec2014 3
The Moon Is La Luna, May2012 19
The Moon Over Star, Mar2009 2; Feb2010 2; Nov2010
17; Mar2014 3
Moon Plane, Mar2008 2
Moonpowder, May2013 48
Moon Rope, Nov2009 33; Aug/Sept2012 5;
Aug/Sept2013 4*
Moonshot, Mar2011 3; Dec2014 37
Moonstick, Nov2004 14; Nov2005 5
Moose's Big Idea, Oct2008 10; Dec2011 9
Mooses Come Walking, Nov2004 5
Moosetache, Nov2004 5
More, May2012 32
More about Paddington, Oct2006 28
More Bears!, Jan2013 55
More Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Aug/Sept2015
More Parts, Feb2007 39
More Pies!, Dec2008 37
More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School,
Apr2005 36, 38; Aug/Sept2005 9, 13
More Star Tales, Nov2004 32, 35
More Stories to Solve: Fifteen Folktales from Around
the World, Aug/Sept2013 10
More Than Meets the Eye: Seeing Art with All Five
Senses, Jan2009 10–11
More than Moccasins, Nov2004 32, 34, 35
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, Dec2014
Mortimer, Dec2008 37
Moses Goes to a Concert, Mar2005 8, 9
Moses Sees a Play, Apr2014 55
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led..., May2014 22
Mo’s Mustache, Apr2015 56
Mosquito Bite (Siy), May2008 41
Mosquitoes Are Ruining My Summer!, Dec2010 22
Mostly Monty, Oct2008 10
The Most Magnificent Thing, Mar2015 22–23; Feb2016
7, 54, 55
The Most Perfect Spot, May2008 19–20
Mother, Mother I Feel Sick; Send for the Doctor Quick,
Quick, Quick, Jan2010 11
Mother Goose Rhyme Time, Dec2010 23
Mother Goose's Animals, Feb2005 31
A Mother's Journey, Jan2008 29
Mother to Tigers, Mar2007 10, 13
Mountain Dance, Nov2011 11
A Mountain of Mittens, Jan2008 5; Jan2009 44–47;
Nov2009 49
The Mountains of Tibet, Jan2006 29–30; Dec2010 49
Mountain Town, Aug/Sept2011 3
Mountain Wedding, Dec2008 10; Jan2012 9
Mouse and Mole, Feb2012 23
The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Dec2007 55; Feb2009
Mouse Cookies & More: A Treasury, May2010 36
Mouse Count, Apr2005 25
Mouse's Birthday, Jan2008 21
Mousetronaut, Nov2014 16–18
Mouse Views: What the Class Pet Saw, Jan2004 35;
Dec2007 54; May2008 25
Move!, Mar2010 23; Apr2011 22
Move! (Jenkins), Nov2007 17
Move Over, Rover!, Feb2012 23
Moving Earth, Feb2013 23
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little, May2008 3
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Writing Thank-You
Notes, Feb2009 43
Mozart Finds a Melody, Mar2005 19
Mr. Bear's Picnic, May2005 14
Mr. Blue Jeans: A Story about Levi Strauss, Apr2010
Mr. Chickee’s Funny Money, Apr2016 8, 10
Mr. Cornell’s Dream Boxes, Mar2016 26, 55
Mr. Ferris and His Wheel, Mar2015 2, 52
Mr. George Baker, Jan2016 37
Mr. Lincoln's Boys, May2011 55; May2016 46
Mr. Lincoln's Way, Dec2005 10, 11, 12; Oct2013 11
Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers, Oct2004 8, 9, 10
Mr. Mysterious and Company, Oct2007 27
Mr. President Goes to School, Mar2012 26
Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake, Dec2014 48
Mr. Putter and Tabby Drop the Ball, May2016 8
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears, May2004 18
Mr. Putter and Tabby Run the Race, Jan2012 43
Mr. Putter and Tabby Turn the Page, Apr2015 4
Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book, Feb2009 46;
May2010 42; Jan2013 54; May2016 54
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present, May2007 28;
Jan2008 21
Mr. Revere and I, Jan2004 35
Mrs. Katz and Tush, Feb2005 43–44; Mar2009 31, 32;
Nov2010 9
Mrs. McCool and the Giant Cuhullin, Mar2004 28
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Oct2010 11
Mrs. Potter's Pig, Oct2006 43
Mrs. Toggle and the Dinosaur, Feb2006 37
Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth, Aug/Sept2005 2;
Nov2005 25
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, Mar2011 17
Mr. Tanen's Ties, Aug/Sept2008 1, 10, 12+;
Aug/Sept2012 11
Mr. Tanen's Ties Rule!, Nov2006 10, 13
Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
Mr. Wolf's Pancakes, Apr2005 13
Mr. Wuffles!, Feb2016 3*
Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Medieval Castle, Mar2008 34
Mud (Ray), Mar2006 29
Mudball, Mar2006 2; May2006 43–45
Mud City: A Flamingo Story, Apr2011 24
Muddy as a Duck Puddle, Apr2010 16; Aug/Sept2011
The Mud Fairy, Oct2010 19–21*
Mud Puddle, May2005 21; Dec2008 37
Mud Soup, Aug/Sept2004 41, 43; Oct2006 11, 13
Mudworks, Apr2011 41
Muffler Man, Nov2006 10, 13; Aug/Sept2009 11
Muhammad Ali: The People’s Champion, Oct2014 47
Mule Train Mail, Oct2009 25–27*; Feb2011 52;
Dec2011 26
Multiplication Rock, Mar2005 8, 11
Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs, Nov2012 23
Mummies Made in Egypt, Mar2005 25
Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!, Apr2014 5*
The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Oct2007 5
Murphy Meets the Treadmill, May2006 10, 11
The Museum, Mar2015 43
The Mushroom Center Disaster, May2008 42
Mushroom in the Rain, Apr2006 36
Music, Music for Everyone, Mar2005 19, 30; Dec2005
26–27, 32–33, 34
Musical Instruments (Doney), Mar2005 29
Musical Instruments from A to Z, Feb2004 12
Music: Hit the Right Note, Mar2012 36
Music Makers and Toys, Feb2004 12
The Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon, Mar2014 5
Muslim Festival Tales, Dec2007 11
Mustache Baby, Dec2014 55
The Musubi Man: Hawaii's Gingerbread Man, May2007
Mutant Animals, Mar2015 11
Muti's Necklace, Nov2012 26
Muu, Moo!, Dec2010 2
My Abuelita, Oct2010 3
My America: A Poetry Atlas, Jan2008 10, 11; Feb2010
3; Aug/Sept2011 1, 3, 11; Aug/Sept2014 47
My Best Friend (Rodman), Aug/Sept2007 3; Oct2013 3
My Blue Is Happy, Mar2014 22
My Brother (Browne), Oct2012 54
My Brother Martin, Jan2004 34–35; Feb2004 2–3;
Feb2007 3; Dec2011 25
My Brother Needs a Boa, Apr2011 53
My Brothers' Flying Machine, Dec2003 3; Jan2007 14
My Cat Isis, Nov2012 3
My Chinatown: One Year in Poems, May2007 33, 35
My Chocolate Year, Dec2013 54
My Colors, My World/Mis Colores, Mi Mundo, Nov2009
My Country ’Tis of Thee, Oct2015 33–35
My Creature Teacher, Apr2009 50; May2013 39
My Crocodile Does Not Bite, Jan2016 45
My Dad (Browne), Nov2006 30, 31, 38–39; Feb2009 3
My Daddy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., May2016 46
My Dadima Wears a Sari, May2007 2; Nov2010 3
My Dad/Mi Papa, May2016 44
My Dear Noel, Jan2005 2, 29–30
My Diary from Here to There/Mi Diario de Aquí Hasta
Alla, Aug/Sept2009 12
My Dog, My Hero, May2010 42
My Dog Ate My Homework, Mar2014 42
My Dog Is as Smelly as Dirty Socks, Apr2008 54;
Dec2008 10–11; May2013 5
My Dog May Be A Genius, Apr2010 43
My Family Plays Music, Mar2005 30; Feb2010 11;
Apr2012 3
My Father Is Taller than a Tree, Nov2013 36
My Father's Boat, May2007 33, 34
My Father's Shop, Nov2006 2; Mar2014 4
My First Dog (Ross), Oct2006 52
My First Horse, Oct2009 53
My First Music Book, Mar2005 29
My First Music Video, Mar2005 29
My First Yiddish Word Book, May2012 19
My Five Senses (Aliki), Apr2008 53
My Friend Has Autism, Mar2011 23
My Friend Has Dyslexia, Oct2014 11
My Friend John, Oct2013 2
My Friend Maya Loves to Dance, Feb2011 10
My Friend the Iguana, Jan2016 43
My Friend the Starfinder, Nov2009 11
My Garden, Apr2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 34; Apr2012 41;
May2013 56
My Grandfather’s Coat, Oct2015 40–41
My Grandma, My Pen Pal, Jan2005 28
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch, Apr2007 33, 34, 37
My Granny Went to Market: A Round-the-World
Counting Rhyme, May2009 10
My Great Aunt Arizona, May2008 50
My Heart is Like a Zoo, Feb2011 11; May2013 5
My Heart Will Not Sit Down, Aug/Sept2012 3; Mar2013
3; Oct2014 46
My Hippo Has the Hiccups, May2015 5
My Itchy Body, Nov2015 25
My Librarian Is a Camel, Feb2009 22; May2009 3;
Nov2011 11; Aug/Sept2012 11, 14;
Aug/Sept2013 55; Oct2015 18
My Little Round House, May2012 9
My Mama Had a Dancing Heart, Mar2015 32
My Man Blue, Feb2010 36
My Map Book, Nov2007 53; Aug/Sept2014 50
My Mom, Feb2009 3; May2012 4
My Mountain Song, Aug/Sept2007 23
My Name Is Celia, May2015 33
My Name Is Georgia, Oct2011 2; Mar2016 55
My Name is María Isabel, Aug/Sept2005 3;
Aug/Sept2009 33; Dec2009 27
My Name is Sangoel, Dec2009 24
My Name is Yoon, Aug/Sept2005 3; Dec2009 25
My Name Was Hussein, May2006 24
My Nine Lives, Nov2004 4
My Pen, Feb2016 56; Mar2016 18
My People, Feb2010 3
My Pet Gecko, Jan2016 42
My Pet Snake, Jan2016 43
My Place in Space, Apr2005 25
My Princess Boy, Dec2014 5
My Robots, Mar2015 11, 13
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, Mar2009 31
My Rows and Piles of Coins, Oct2015 45
My Secret Bully, Jan2016 37
My Senator and Me, Jan2007 7; Aug/Sept2008 45;
Dec2011 26
My Side of the Car, May2015 43
My Snake Blake, Jan2016 43
My Song Is Beautiful, Apr2004 35
My Special Day at Third Street School, Apr2012 11
The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, Apr2006 10, 12–13;
Aug/Sept2013 10, 13
Mysteries of the Fossil Dig: How Paleontologists Learn
About Dinosaurs, Oct2008 54
The Mysterious Tadpole, Feb2006 37
The Mysterious Talent Show Mystery, Aug/Sept2013
Mysterious Thelonius, Mar2005 12
Mysterious Universe, Mar2010 32; Aug/Sept2013 22
Mystery Animal Tracks, Apr2011 23
Mystery at the Club Sandwich, Aug/Sept2013 1, 11
Mystery Bottle, Nov2010 2
Mystery Fish Secrets of the Coelacanth, Oct2008 54
The Mystery of Eatum Hall, Apr2006 25
The Mystery of King Karfu, Feb2005 43
Mystery on the Docks, Nov2009 24
Mystic Horse, Nov2013 11
My Subway Ride, Jan2015 50
My Teacher Ate My Homework, Aug/Sept2012 11
My Teacher for President, Feb2008 10, 11, 12
My Teacher Is a Monster!, Apr2015 55
My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay, Nov2015 56
Myths Busted!, Mar2014 36
My Travelin' Eye, Oct2008 2
My Two Grannies, Nov2010 2
My Very First Look at Clothes, Jan2009 53
My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Fall Out, Feb2014 25
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, Jan2010 52; Apr2011
The Name Jar, Aug/Sept2005 3; May2007 3; Dec2009
A Name on the Quilt, Nov2003 30
The NAMES Project, Nov2003 30
Name That Dog: Puppy Poems, Feb2011 17
Name That Ed, Nov2003 16, 18
Naming Liberty, Nov2010 16
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs, Apr2004 19;
Oct2011 3; Mar2016 51
Naomi's Road, May2007 3
The Napping House, May2013 10, 14
NASA (Britton), Mar2008 10
Nasreddine, Oct2015 38
Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas, Apr2013 11
Nathaniel Talking, Jan2012 34
Nathaniel Willy, Scared Silly, Feb2004 9
National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia, Apr2013 55
National Geographic Kids Bird Guide, Jan2016 20, 22
A Nation’s Hope, May2015 11, 14
A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions,
Mar2011 22–23
Native Son, Feb2009 20
Nature Got There First, Apr2013 11; Feb2016 27
Naughty Kitty!, Apr2015 43
Naughty Toes, Dec2012 19
A Near Thing for Captain Najork, Mar2008 29
Needlecraft (O'Reilly), Mar2004 11
The Neighborhood Mother Goose, Nov2005 2;
Jan2008 3; Aug/Sept2011 3
Neighborhood Sharks, Aug/Sept2015 27
Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci,
Mar2011 11
Nerd Camp, Aug/Sept2014 5*
Nerd Camp 2.0, Aug/Sept2014 5*
Never Ask a Bear, Aug/Sept2012 20
Never Let a Ghost Borrow Your Library Book,
Aug/Sept2013 6
Never Take a Pig to Lunch, Apr2004 28
Neville, Oct2013 45
The New Americans: Colonial Times, 1620-1689,
Oct2005 28
The New Baby at Your House, Mar2008 32
New Clothes for New Year's Day, Dec2007 2
A New Coat for Anna, May2008 49; Apr2016 17
The New Kid, May2012 3
The New Kid on the Block, Oct2005 21; Apr2010 43
New Red Bike, Oct2015 43
New Shoes, Jan2016 55
New to Drew, Jan2009 52
A New Treasury of Children's Poetry, Apr2006 35;
Oct2007 46
The New Way Things Work, Dec2003 15–16; Jan2004
28, 31; Jan2007 11, 12; Mar2011 11, 15;
Oct2014 11; Mar2015 3
New Year at the Pier, Jan2012 47–51*
New Year's Day, Dec2010 52; Dec2013 11
New Year's Poems, Jan2012 9
The New York Public Library Amazing Hispanic
American History, Aug/Sept2004 38, 41, 42
New York's Bravest, Feb2009 1, 10; Jan2014 34–35;
May2015 11, 13
Next Stop, Neptune: Experiencing the Solar System,
Mar2008 10, 13
Niagara Falls (Bauer), Feb2013 11
Nic Bishop Butterflies and Moths, Mar2010 36–37*
Nic Bishop Frogs, Mar2010 32–33, 37–38
Nic Bishop Marsupials, Mar2010 38–39
Nic Bishop Spiders, Mar2010 32–33, 39–40; Oct2014
11, 15
Nigeria (A World of Food), Dec2015 52
Night at the Fair, Aug/Sept2011 3
Night Before Thanksgiving, Nov2003 35
Night Flight, May2012 2
The Night Has Ears, Feb2005 28; Dec2010 25
The Night I Flunked My Field Trip, May2011 37
Night in the Country (Rylant), Apr2007 41
Night Light: A Book About the Moon, Apr2009 52
The Nightmare Room: Scareful What You Wish For,
Oct2007 10
Night Noises, Apr2004 19
The Night of Las Posadas, Dec2005 25
Night of the Full Moon, Mar2009 10
Night of the New Magicians, Oct2010 11; Jan2014 10
The Night Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 53
Night Shift, Nov2013 54
The Night the Moon Fell, Aug/Sept2008 35
Night Wonders, Mar2008 10, 11
The Night Worker, Mar2015 11
Nighty-Nightmare, Oct2007 10, 13
The Nile (Cumming), Nov2012 52
A Nile River Food Chain, Nov2012 52
Nim and the War Effort, May2007 33, 35; Nov2010 17
Nine Animals and the Well, Apr2005 36, 37
Nine Candles, Nov2003 3
Nine-in-One Grr! Grr!, Mar2014 4
Ninja Red Riding Hood, May2015 54
Niño Wrestles the World, Nov2014 4; Jan2015 3
No, David!, Feb2004 9; Oct2007 29
The No. 1 Car Spotter and the Firebird, May2013 3
Noah's Ark (Pinkney), Aug/Sept2012 52
Noah's Mittens, Jan2009 54; Nov2009 49
Noah Webster & His Words, Oct2014 47
Nobody Owns the Sky, Dec2003 34–35
No Clean Clothes, Dec2008 31
No Copycats Allowed, Dec2009 27
No Dinner! The Story of the Old Woman and the
Pumpkin, Apr2005 13
No Dragons on My Quilt, Nov2003 29
No Easy Way: The Story of Ted Williams, Jan2011 21,
23; Oct2014 47
No Fair! (Holtzman), Aug/Sept2003 16, 18; Apr2005
36, 38; Aug/Sept2007 10, 13
The Noisy Paint Box, Mar2016 8, 9, 20–21, 37–39, 55
Nokum Is My Teacher, Nov2010 9; Oct2015 7
No More Homework! No More Tests!, Apr2004 18
No More Vegetables!, May2004 18, 19
No More Yawning, May2013 48
Nonsense!, Oct2008 44
Noodlehead Stories, Nov2012 41
Noodle Man: The Pasta Superhero, Dec2006 32–33
No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an
Artist, Mar2011 53
No Peas for Nellie, May2004 28
Nora's Ark, Mar2006 2
Norman, Speak!, Feb2015 41
Northern Lights, Feb2007 53
Not a Box, Aug/Sept2008 16; Nov2008 20; Feb2012
23; Mar2014 11, 14; Nov2015 54
Not All Animals Are Blue, Oct2009 2
Nothing, Apr2010 11
Nothing but Trouble, May2010 3, 10; Jan2012 9;
May2016 8, 12
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street, Oct2006 22, 23;
Nov2011 34
Nothing Ever Happens on My Block, Nov2011 34
Nothing to Do, Nov2008 22; May2013 10, 13
No Time for Tangles, Apr2016 16
Not in Room 204, Aug/Sept2008 10
Not One Damsel in Distress, Aug/Sept2007 33–34;
Feb2009 10; Feb2012 11; Feb2013 55;
May2015 11, 13
No Trouble at All, Apr2008 22; Nov2010 51
Not Your Typical Dragon, Jan2016 2
Now and Ben, Jan2007 2; Jan2012 18; Mar2015 39
Now & Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin
Franklin, Apr2014 23
Now Hiring: White House Dog, Feb2010 52
Now One Foot, Now the Other, Nov2014 52
Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, Nov2010 55, Dec2011
Nugget and Darling, Nov2003 7–8
The Numbers Dance: A Counting Comedy,
Aug/Sept2012 21
Nursery Rhyme Comics, May2014 3, 11, 13
Nursery Rhymes Illustrated, Nov2007 10
Nuts to You, Nov2015 55
Obama: The Historic Journey, Feb2010 3
Ocean (Butterfield), Jan2004 36
Ocean Counting (Lawler), Apr2015 35
Ocean Counting: Odd Numbers, Apr2009 10
Ocean Floors, Nov2011 55
Oceans (Simon), Apr2009 52
Oceans (Ward), Apr2009 11
Oceans & Art Activities, Apr2009 11
Ocean Seasons, Apr2009 10
Ocean Tide Pool, Apr2009 54
Octopus Oyster Hermit Crab Snail: A Poem of the Sea,
Apr2009 2
Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein, Apr2005 25
Odd Duck, Oct2015 13
Oddhopper Opera, Dec2003 8; Apr2008 29
Odessa Again, Dec2013 2
The Odious Ogre, Mar2012 25
Officer Buckle and Gloria, Nov2007 15; Nov2014 11
Off Like the Wind!, Dec2011 26
Of Mice and Rats, Dec2007 54
Ogre Eats Everything, Apr2006 2–3; Aug/Sept2006 2
Oh, Brother!, Feb2010 36, 37
Oh, Look!, May2008 20–21; Mar2009 35–36
Oh, No, Gotta Go!, Oct2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 29, 50
Oh, the Things You Can Do that Are Good for You!,
May2006 10, 11, 12
Oh, Yeah!, Oct2007 1, 10, 11, 12; Nov2008 11;
May2011 11
Ohio Thunder!, Feb2013 11
Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the
World), Mar2012 40; Apr2014 32, 34–35
Oh Rats: The Story of Rats and People, Dec2007 55
Oh Say Can You Say What's the Weather Today?,
Mar2006 9, 11, 12
Oh the Things You Can Do that Are Good for You! All
about Staying Healthy, Jan2010 11
Oh the Thinks You Can Think!, Oct2008 45
Ola Shakes It Up, Apr2015 11
Old Bag of Bones: A Coyote Tale, Nov2010 9
Old Black Fly, Nov2006 41
The Old Blue Pickup Truck, Jan2012 43
The Old Country (Gerstein), Jan2006 28–29
Old Cricket, Jan2006 20
The Old Dog, Dec2009 2
The Old House, Jan2012 43
Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop, Feb2004 7;
Feb2016 7
The Old Man and His Door, Feb2008 34
Old Manhattan Has Some Farms, Dec2015 25–27
The Old Man's Mitten, Jan2009 54*
The Old Man Who Loved Cheese, Nov2007 51
Old People, Frogs, and Albert, Nov2010 9
The Old Tree, Jan2012 43; Jan2013 18
The Old Woman and Her Pig, Dec2010 25
Oliver and His Alligator, Jan2016 46
Oliver Button Is a Sissy, Mar2004 3; Oct2011 3
Oliver Dibbs and the Dinosaur Cause, Feb2006 29, 30,
Olive's Pirate Party, Aug/Sept2007 53
Olivia Forms a Band, Oct2006 28
Olivia Saves the Circus, Aug/Sept2005 36; May2008
Olivia Takes a Trip, May2015 43
Olvina Flies, Feb2012 38
Olympics!, May2008 12, 13, 15
Olympig!, Feb2014 11
Olympism: A Basic Guide, May2008 12, 13, 14–15
Oma's Quilt, Nov2003 29
On a Beam of Light, Mar2014 2; Oct2014 47; Feb2016
Once Upon a Baby Brother, Apr2012 11; May2014 41
Once Upon A Bedtime Story, Aug/Sept2007 37, 38
Once Upon a Company, Apr2010 11
Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude, Jan2016 2, 7, 8
Once Upon an Ordinary School Day, Aug/Sept2012 11
Once Upon a Picnic, May2005 15
Once Upon a Royal Superbaby, Jan2013 11, 13
Once Upon a Time, Dec2010 11
The Once Upon a Time Map Book, Nov2005 35;
Nov2007 54; Dec2010 26; Nov2011 11, 15;
Aug/Sept2014 50
One, Two, Three O'Leary, Dec2007 47
One Afternoon (Heo), Nov2006 2
The One and Only Ivan, Mar2013 2; Aug/Sept2013 5;
Dec2013 25–27; Mar2014 4; Apr2015 3
One Bean, May2004 18
One Bite: 11 Animals and Their Bites at Life Size,
Jan2012 53
One Boy, Jan2009 32; Feb2012 23; Aug/Sept2012 21
One Candle, Dec2014 11
One Cent, Two Cents, Old Cent, New Cent: All About
Money, Apr2010 11; Apr2016 23
One Child, One Seed: A South African Counting Book,
Oct2007 45
One Cool Friend, May2013 3
One Dark Night (Preston), Oct2007 45
One Day at Wood Green Animal Shelter, Apr2005 25
One-Dog Canoe, May2009 17–18
One Grain of Rice, Feb2005 29; Feb2009 10; Dec2010
11, 14; May2015 11, 15; Apr2016 25
One Green Apple, Oct2006 3; Oct2010 52; Dec2015
One Hen, Apr2010 7, 11; Oct2011 11; Dec2011 7;
Jan2014 41; Apr2016 1, 8, 10
One Hundred Hungry Ants, Aug/Sept2004 5
One Is a Drummer, May2007 2
One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab, Apr2005 2; Apr2010 3
One Kitten for Kim, Apr2016 17
One Less Fish, Aug/Sept2003 11
One Lonely Sea Horse, May2004 2, 6–7
One Mitten, Jan2009 54; Nov2009 47–48
One More Sheep, Mar2016 44
One of Each (Hoberman), Apr2004 37
One Plastic Bag, Jan2016 56
One Potato, Two Potato, Apr2016 8
One Pup's Up, Aug/Sept2012 23
One Red Apple, Oct2012 19
One Riddle, One Answer, Apr2005 37
A One-Room School, Aug/Sept2005 9–10, 11
One Small Place by the Sea, Apr2009 11
One Small Place in a Tree, Mar2010 11; Apr2013 11
One Thousand Tracings, Jan2009 2–3; Nov2010 18;
Mar2013 3; Jan2016 37
One White Wishing Stone: A Beach Day Counting
Book, Apr2009 53
On Halloween Night (Ziefert), Oct2007 45
Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth,
Feb2004 17, 20
On Meadowview Street, Oct2009 11; Apr2011 11
On My Beach There are Many Pebbles, Mar2010 26–
On My Island, Nov2011 34
On Noah's Ark, Oct2011 36
On Stage (Bany-Winters), Feb2015 11
On Stage (Cobb), Feb2015 11, 14
On the Day You Were Born, Jan2008 21
On the First Day of Grade School, Mar2005 19
On the Go with Mr. and Mrs. Green, Oct2013 56
On-the-Go Schwarmas, Dec2015 52
On the Launch Pad: A Counting Book, Mar2008 39
On the Same Day in March, Mar2006 10, 11, 13;
Nov2007 54; Nov2011 27
On the Town: A Community Adventure, Nov2006 2;
Nov2007 54; Jan2015 51
Oodles of Animals, May2008 5; Nov2009 37–38
Open Wide, Tooth School Inside, Feb2007 54–55;
Jan2008 31, 34, 36; Feb2014 24; Feb2015 5;
Oct2015 29
Operation: Dump the Chump, Oct2008 30
Opposites, Mar2011 36
Optical Tricks, Oct2012 33, 37; Aug/Sept2013 11
An Orange for Frankie, Dec2014 47
Orangutans Are Ticklish, Apr2013 54
Orangutan Tongs: Poems to Tangle Your Tongue,
Jan2010 49
The Orchestra Pit, Jan2016 43
Origami Zoo, Apr2013 37
ORP, Dec2009 27
Oscar's Half-Birthday, May2008 22; Dec2008 2;
Oct2011 3
The Other Side (Woodson), Dec2005 3; Feb2007 2;
Mar2013 49
The Other Side: How Kids Live in a California Latino
Neighborhood, Oct2006 3
The Otherworldly Adventures of Tyler Washburn,
Feb2016 7
Otters Under Water, Nov2008 31
Otto's Orange Day, Oct2010 38–39; May2014 11
Our 50 States: A Family Adventure across America,
Jan2008 10, 11
Our Children Can Soar: A Celebration of Rosa, Barack,
and the Pioneers of Change, Feb2010 3
Our Class Took a Trip to the Zoo, May2008 22
Our Community Garden, Apr2015 17–18
Our Corner Grocery Store, Jan2015 49
Our Earth, Nov2011 12
Our Eight Nights of Hanukkah, Dec2014 46
Our Family Tree: An Evolution Story, May2005 3
Our Friend, Martin, Feb2004 18, 19
Our Friendship Rules, Aug/Sept2007 3
Our Grandparents: A Global Album, Nov2010 9
Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything!, Nov2006 21;
Jan2007 22; Apr2008 25–26; Feb2009 22;
Aug/Sept2012 1, 11
Our Library, Feb2009 22
Our Marching Band, Mar2005 28
Our Nest, Nov2005 25
Our School Garden, Apr2015 4
Our Seasons, Oct2009 3
Our Senses (Thames), Apr2008 53
Our Stars, Nov2014 17–18
Our Tree Named Steve, Mar2007 44
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, Jan2009
Our World of Water, Nov2011 12
Our Yard is Full of Birds, Feb2006 47
Out and About at the Apple Orchard, May2004 18;
Oct2010 52
Out and About at the Orchestra, Mar2005 19, 28
An Outlaw Thanksgiving, Mar2006 2
Out of the Egg, Dec2010 3
Out of the Ocean, May2008 21
Out of the Way! Out of the Way!, May2012 5*
Outside and Inside Rats and Mice, Dec2007 54
Over and Under the Snow, Dec2012 10; Feb2014 3
Over in the Garden (Ward), May2007 27
Over in the Jungle: A Rainforest Rhyme, Apr2011 53
Over the River and Through the Wood, Nov2003 35;
Nov2004 41
Owen, Aug/Sept2011 37; Mar2015 55
Owen & Mzee, Feb2011 11; Dec2011 26; Apr2013 11
The Owl and the Pussycat, Oct2011 32
Owl Moon, Aug/Sept2007 39; Dec2007 51; Feb2008
28; Oct2009 47; May2011 53; Jan2015 17–18,
Owney, the Mail Pouch Pooch, May2009 3, 10
The Ox-Cart Man, May2008 49; May2016 52
Ozzie and the Art Contest, Mar2015 43
Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People, Mar2014 3
Pablo Remembers, Nov2004 24
Pablo's Tree, Nov2003 3
A Packet of Seeds, May2006 25; Mar2009 50; Apr2011
The Pain and the Great One, Nov2003 12
Painter and Ugly, Dec2012 54; Apr2013 46
Paiute Princess, Mar2013 25–27*
Palapalooza, Dec2013 1, 11, 15
The Pancake Boy: An Old Norwegian Folk Tale,
Dec2005 40
Pancakes for Supper, Jan2014 20
Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote, May2015 5;
Aug/Sept2015 48–49
Panda: A Guide Horse for Ann, Oct2011 11
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?,
Mar2011 35–36
Pandora (Burleigh), Nov2012 46
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, Mar2008 40
Papa and the Pioneer Quilt, Mar2009 3, 50
Papa Do You Love Me, Feb2011 45; May2011 54
Papa's Latkes, Dec2006 2, 26
Papa's Mark, Oct2004 3; Feb2008 3, 10, 11, 12
Papa’s Mechanical Fish, Mar2015 2; Feb2016 7
Papa's Wild Child / Mama's Wild Child, May2011 52
The Paperbag Princess, Dec2008 31, 37–38
The Paperboy, Aug/Sept2014 31–32*
The Paper Dragon, Jan2007 35, 36; Aug/Sept2007 10;
May2015 11
Paper John, Oct2004 30
Paper Puppet Palooza, May2012 41
Paper Stories, Jan2007 49; Oct2007 42
Pappy's Handkerchief, Jan2012 9
The Park Our Town Built, Jan2016 7, 8
The Parrot Tico Tango, Apr2011 53
Parts (Arnold), Feb2007 38; Nov2015 26
The Party (Reid), Jan2013 35
Passing the Music Down, Apr2012 11
Pass It On, Apr2004 28
Pass the Energy, Please!, Apr2007 10; Apr2014 11
,13; Dec2015 8, 9
The Patch, Oct2008 10
The Patchwork Quilt, Nov2003 29
Patchwork Tales, Nov2003 29
Paths to Peace, Aug/Sept2010 10–11
Patience Wright: American Sculptor and Revolutionary
Spy, Mar2009 26
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland, Mar2007 55
Patriotism, Aug/Sept2011 11
Patterns at the Seashore, Feb2016 43
Patterns in Food, Dec2015 36, 38
Paul Bunyan (Kellogg), Jan2008 27
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, Jan2014 21
Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace, Aug/Sept2010
20; Feb2011 54
Peace and Bread: The Story of Jane Addams,
Aug/Sept2004 24
The Peace Bell, Aug/Sept2010 3
The Peace Book, Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2010 49
Peaceful Pieces, Nov2014 53
Peaceful Piggy Meditation, Aug/Sept2010 7, 11;
May2013 10
The Peaceful Way: A Children's Guide...,
Aug/Sept2010 11
Peace One Day, Aug/Sept2007 4; Aug/Sept2010 11,
Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class, Aug/Sept2010 11;
May2013 18; Jan2016 37
Peach Heaven, Mar2006 2
Peanut Butter and Jelly, Nov2005 25
Peanut Butter Party, Nov2006 54
The Peanut-Free Café, Nov2007 28
Pea Pod Babies, Oct2006 41
Pearl and Wagner: One Funny Day, Feb2012 23
Pearl's New Skates, May2006 2–3
Pecos Bill (Kellogg), Jan2008 27
Pedro: The Angel of Olvera Street, Dec2010 51
Peep! (Luthardt), Jan2006 38
Peepers, Oct2012 11
Peepsqueak!, Apr2013 19
Pee-Yew! The Stinkiest, Smelliest Animals, Insects,
and Plants, Apr2014 17, 19
Peggony-Po: A Whale of a Tale, Jan2008 27
Pele: King of Soccer, Jan2011 22
Penelope Popper, Book Doctor, Aug/Sept2013 6
A Penguin Story, Jan2016 3
The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword, Feb2009 43
Pennies in a Jar, Oct2008 2
Penny and Her Song, Aug/Sept2012 20
The Penny Pot, Apr2010 11; Apr2016 8
Penny: The Forgotten Coin, Oct2011 11, 14
The People Could Fly, Dec2010 2
A Perfect Day for It, Dec2004 15
A Perfect Father's Day, May2011 54
A Perfect Name, Dec2009 25
The Perfect Pet, Dec2009 42–45
Perfect Snow, Jan2013 11, 32, 35
The Perfect Thanksgiving, Nov2003 35
The Perfect Wizard: Hans Christian Andersen,
Nov2007 10
Persians: Long-Haired Friends, Apr2015 42
Peter Spit a Seed at Sue, May2011 48
Pete's a Pizza, Apr2008 28
Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses, Oct2014 1, 33
Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana, Oct2014 29
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, Oct2014 32–33
Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Oct2014
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, Dec2012 18
Petey's Bedtime Story, Oct2004 31
A Pet for Every Person, Dec2006 52; Dec2007 18;
Dec2013 6
A Pet for Me: Poems, Dec2009 11
Petite Rouge, Apr2005 13; Apr2008 10
The Pet Project, Apr2014 3
Pets at the White House, Feb2010 51
Petunia, Jan2011 54; Aug/Sept2014 37
Pet Your Pet, Feb2011 11
Pharaohs and Foot Soldiers, Jan2010 50
Pharaoh's Boat, Nov2012 11
Phillis's Big Test, Feb2010 2
The Philly Fake, Oct2014 5
The Pickle Patch Bathtub, Mar2007 45–47; Apr2010 7,
A Picnic in October, Aug/Sept2011 45
Picnic with Piggins, Nov2009 24
Picture a Tree, Jan2013 32, 35
A Picture Book Biography of Jackie Robinson,
Nov2006 27
A Picture Book of Cesar Chavez, Oct2014 45
A Picture Book of Harry Houdini, Oct2013 54
A Picture Book of Sacagawea, Mar2009 10
The Picture History of Great Explorers, Nov2011 12
Pictures and Poetry, Apr2007 48
Pictures at an Exhibition, Dec2012 44
Pictures from Our Vacation, Jan2008 3
The Picture that Mom Drew, Jan2006 10, 11, 13
Picture This: How Pictures Work, Apr2006 32; Jan2015
Pieces: A Year in Poems & Quilts, Apr2012 44–45
Pie in the Sky, Dec2004 25; Mar2007 44; Nov2009 37
Pierre: A Cautionary Tale in Five Chapters and a
Prologue, Oct2007 23
Pierre in Love, Feb2011 2
Pig and Small, Mar2016 43
Pig Detectives, Mar2016 44
The Pigeon Needs a Bath, Feb2015 40
Pigeon Wants a Puppy, Dec2009 11
Piggy Monday, Aug/Sept2010 52, 55
Pigs, Dec2008 38
Pigs (Kissock), Mar2013 42
Pigs in the Pantry: Fun with Math and Cooking,
Nov2006 55
Pigs on the Family Farm, Mar2016 44
The Pigs' Picnic, May2005 12
Pigs to the Rescue, Mar2016 44
Pika: Life in the Rocks, Apr2011 24
Pilgrim Cat, May2012 9
Pilot Mom, Jan2007 54
Pinch and Dash Make Soup, Jan2014 23
Pink, Apr2016 55
Pink, Red, Blue: What Are You?, May2009 31
Pinkalicious, Jan2014 21; Mar2015 29*
Pink and Say, Aug/Sept2007 15; Mar2009 32, 33, 36;
May2014 22; Jan2016 37
Pinky and Rex, Oct2006 32–33, 38
A Pioneer ABC, Mar2009 49
A Pioneer Christmas, Dec2003 35
¡Pío Peep!, Aug/Sept2009 33
A Pipkin of Pepper, Apr2008 55
Pippi Longstocking, Dec2004 2
Pippo the Fool, Oct2009 55; Aug/Sept2010 3; Mar2011
Pirate Bob, Aug/Sept2007 32, 53
A Pirate Cookbook, Jan2012 53
Pirate Gear: Cannons, Swords, and the Jolly Roger,
Aug/Sept2007 30
Pirate Girl, Aug/Sept2007 51
The Pirate Girl’s Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 11, 13
The Pirate of Kindergarten, Jan2012 21
Pirate Pete's Giant Adventure, Aug/Sept2007 32
Pirate Pete's Talk Like a Pirate, Aug/Sept2013 29
Pirate Pink and Treasures of the Reef, Aug/Sept2014
11, 13
Pirates (Matthews), Aug/Sept2007 30, 55
Pirates Don't Change Diapers, Aug/Sept2007 5, 32, 51
A Pirates Life for Me! A Day Aboard a Pirate Ship,
Aug/Sept2007 30
The Pirate's Parrot, Aug/Sept2004 4
Pirates Past Noon, Aug/Sept2014 11, 15*
Pirate Stories (Walker), Aug/Sept2007 32
A Pirate Tale (Owens), Aug/Sept2007 32
Pirate Treasure Hunt!, Aug/Sept2014 11, 13
Pirate Treasure of the Onyx Dragon, Aug/Sept2014 11
Pitch In! Kids Talk About Cooperation, Jan2013 11
Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry: How to Write a Poem,
Apr2010 40; Jan2013 53
A Pizza the Size of the Sun, May2007 27; Oct2007 29
A Place for Birds, Apr2013 21, 22; Oct2014 16
A Place for Butterflies, Mar2007 25
Places Along the Way, May2009 52
A Place Where Hurricanes Happen, Feb2013 2
A Place Where Sunflowers Grow, Nov2007 3
Planes (Rockwell), Jan2007 54
Planes, Gliders, Helicopters, and Other Flying
Machines, Jan2007 52
Planes and Other Aircraft (Hawkes), Jan2007 52
Plant a Little Seed, Jan2015 51
Planting a Rainbow, May2007 27; May2008 29;
Apr2011 2; May2013 4; Apr2015 29
Planting the Trees of Kenya, Mar2010 42–46; Dec2011
16; Apr2014 29
Planting the Wild Garden, Apr2014 40
Plants in Different Habitats, Apr2011 55
Plastic (Langley), Oct2009 54
Play Ball! (Posada), Mar2007 24; Aug/Sept2007 17
Play Ball (Christopher), Oct2014 5
Play Ball, Jackie!, May2016 38
Play Date (Santos), Feb2008 44
Playing Loteria Mexicana, May2006 24
Playing the Spoons and Other Curious Instruments,
Mar2011 52
Play with Us: 100 Games from Around the World,
May2007 35
Play with Your Food, May2004 2, 6, 8
Please Bury Me in the Library, Oct2005 25; Apr2006
10, 12; Feb2009 23
Please Do Feed the Bears, May2008 21
Please Don't Wake the Animals, May2013 10
Please Let It Snow, Jan2009 55
Please Write in This Book, Feb2009 45
Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin, Oct2007 45; Oct2010 53
A Pocketful of Poems, Apr2004 3
Poem Stew, Dec2006 33, 34
Poems to Dream Together, Dec2011 4*
Poems to Learn by Heart, Oct2014 28; Nov2014 3
Poetry by Heart: A Child's Book of Poems, Apr2007 47
Poetry Play Any Day with Jane Yolen, Apr2004 14
Poetry Time with Dr. Seuss Rhyme, Apr2004 14
Poindexter Makes a Friend, Mar2013 48;
Aug/Sept2013 53; Oct2013 45
Polar Bear, Why Is Your World Melting?, Apr2011 11
Polar Bear Night, Apr2007 39
The Polar Express, Dec2010 5*; Aug/Sept2013 31–32
Polar Slumber, Dec2005 5
Polar the Titanic Bear, Jan2004 40, 41
Polka-Bats and Octopus Slacks: 14 Stories, Jan2007
Polka Dot Penguin Pottery, Apr2012 2; Jan2013 55
Pond (Silver), Apr2007 11
Pondlarker, Apr2005 12
The Pool Party, Feb2008 37
Popcorn!, May2012 36–37
Popcorn (Landau), Nov2006 54
Popcorn (Moran), Oct2004 4
The Popcorn Astronauts, Dec2015 16
The Popcorn Book (de Paola), Oct2004 4; Nov2006 54;
Dec2015 17–18
The Popcorn Dragon, Oct2004 4
Popcorn: Poems, Oct2004 4
The Popcorn Shop, Oct2004 4
Poppleton Has Fun, Nov2003 30
The Poppy Lady, Mar2013 27
Pop’s Bridge, Mar2015 3, 11
Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum, Mar2011 25;
Feb2016 2
A Porcupine Named Fluffy, Dec2009 27
Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story, Apr2007 41;
Feb2011 45
Portraits of African-American Heroes, Feb2009 11
Possum and the Peeper, Apr2004 7
Possum Magic, Apr2013 51; Mar2015 29
Possum's Harvest Moon, Aug/Sept2004 24;
Aug/Sept2006 29
Postcards from Camp, May2015 46
Postcards from Pluto, Jan2005 31, 32
Posy, Oct2009 43
Potato: A Tale from the Great Depression, Apr2010 7
The Pot that Juan Built, Aug/Sept2004 13–17
Potty Animals, Mar2011 24
The Pout-Pout Fish, Nov2011 38
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark, Oct2011 20;
Nov2011 41, 54; May2013 5
Practice Makes Perfect for Rotten Ralph, Nov2005 42
The Prairie Adventures of Sarah and Annie, Dec2012
The Prairie Thief, Apr2013 25–27*
Prairie Town, Nov2007 54; Aug/Sept2011 3
The Prairie Train, Oct2006 11, 12
Precious and the Boo Hag, Aug/Sept2006 3; Oct2007 2
Prehistoric Actual Size, Mar2006 34
Presidential Elections: And Other Cool Facts,
Aug/Sept2008 45
Presidential Pets, Feb2010 50, 51; Apr2013 56
Press Here, Feb2012 52; Aug/Sept2012 53; May2013
4*; Aug/Sept2015 39
Pretend, Apr2012 54
Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes, Oct2014 11, 13
Previously, Apr2008 3; Feb2009 45; Dec2010 27
Pride, Oct2008 45
Pride of Puerto Rico: The Life of Roberto Clemente,
Feb2014 22
Prietita and the Ghost Woman/Prietita y La Llorona,
Oct2007 3
The Prince and the Pauper (Illustrated Classics),
Mar2014 53
The Prince of the Pond, Otherwise Known as De Fawg
Pin, Apr2008 10, 12
The Princess and the Pea (Andersen), May2004 28;
Apr2014 29*
The Princess and the Pea in Miniature (Child),
Mar2007 34–35, 38–39
The Princess and the Pig, Mar2014 51–56
The Princess and the Pizza, Apr2005 13; Dec2006 23;
Apr2008 10, 11, 12
The Princess of Borscht, Dec2015 20–21
Princess Picky, May2004 18, 19
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep, Apr2008 6
The Principal's New Clothes, Apr2005 12; Jan2011 16
The Printer, Apr2014 55
Probability with Fun and Games, Nov2015 8, 9
Probuditi!, Dec2011 37
Professor Aesop's The Crow and the Pitcher, Oct2009
The Prog Frince, Feb2005 3
The Promise, Nov2014 51
Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed
America, Nov2006 27; May2010 2
Promises! Vote for David Mortimer Baxter, Mar2014 11
Protecting Marie, Dec2009 3
Prudence Wants a Pet, Feb2015 41
Prudy's Problem and How She Solved It, Feb2008 51
Pteranodon: The Life Cycle of a Pterosaur, Feb2006
Pterosaurs: Rulers of the Skies in the Dinosaur Age,
Feb2006 2
Puerto Rico (Landau), Aug/Sept2004 9
Puff, the Magic Dragon, Nov2009 23; Jan2015 29
Puffling Patrol, Apr2013 2
Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Oct2007 43
Pumpkin Circle, May2004 18–19
Pumpkin Day, Oct2010 54
Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night, Oct2007 43
Pumpkin Eye, Oct2003 9; Oct2007 46
Pumpkin Faces, Oct2007 43
The Pumpkin Runner, Apr2005 24
Pumpkins (Farmer), Oct2010 53
Pumpkins (Klingel), Oct2007 46
Pumpkins (Nelson), Oct2010 54
Pumpkins (Robbins), Oct2010 54
Pumpkin Soup, Dec2006 23
Pumpkin Trouble, Oct2012 18
Punctuation Celebration, Jan2010 50
Punctuation Takes a Vacation, Aug/Sept2006 28;
Oct2011 11, 13; Aug/Sept2015 29
Punctuation: The Write Stuff, Mar2012 35
Punia and the King of Sharks, Feb2005 30; Apr2006
20; May2007 47
Punk Farm, Apr2007 40; Dec2012 19
Puppet Pandemonium, Apr2012 11, 15
Puppy Power, Dec2011 9; Oct2013 11
The Purim Surprise, Dec2010 55
Purple Mountain Majesties, Aug/Sept2011 2, 12
Puss in Boots (Imai), Apr2015 44
Puss in Boots (Perrault), Jan2007 29
Puss in Boots (Pinkney), Mar2014 53; Apr2015 44
Pythagoras and the Ratios, Nov2012 11
Python, Jan2016 44
The Queen of France, Mar2013 44–47*
Queen of the Diamond, May2016 55
The Queen of the Falls, Dec2011 33, 38
Queen of the Track, Oct2014 47
Quest for the Tree Kangaroo, Mar2010 32; Nov2012
32, 38
Quick as a Cricket, Oct2008 43; May2013 5
Quicksand, Oct2014 18, 20
The Quiet Book, Feb2015 40
Quiet in the Garden, Apr2011 3; May2013 56
Quiet Night (Singer), Apr2007 40
Quilt Alphabet, Dec2010 23
The Quilt-Block History of Pioneer Days, Nov2003 30
Quilting (Storms), Mar2004 10
The Quilting Bee, Apr2012 11
The Quiltmaker's Journey, Dec2011 9
Quinito, Day and Night/Quinito, Día y Noche,
Aug/Sept2009 2
Quinto's Neighborhood / El Vecindario de Quinito,
Nov2006 3; Aug/Sept2009 2
Rabbit's Gift, Aug/Sept2008 3
Raccoon on His Own, Nov2008 31
Raccoon's Last Race, Nov2004 9
Raccoon Tune, Apr2007 40
Racecars (McCollum), May2016 40, 42
Rachel Carson: Preserving a Sense of Wonder,
May2005 25; Apr2011 11
Rachel's Journal: The Story of a Pioneer Girl, Mar2009
Rachel: The Story of Rachel Carson, Feb2009 11;
Apr2015 29
Racing Around, May2010 11
Racing Driver, May2016 40, 42
Racing Sled Dogs: An Original North American Sport,
Feb2007 52, 53
Racing the Iditarod Trail, Feb2007 49, 53
Racism (Green), Nov2005 42
Radio Man, Jan2004 28, 30; Aug/Sept2004 41, 42;
Jan2008 10–11; May2012 9
Radio Rescue, Jan2004 28, 30, 32; Mar2006 19
The Raft, Nov2011 12
The Rag Coat, Nov2005 19–20
Rah, Rah, Radishes!, Dec2015 36, 38
Railroad John and the Red Rock Run, May2012 54
Rain (Stojic), Jan2009 11
Rain, Rain, Rain Forest, Mar2006 10, 12–13
The Rainbow and You, Mar2006 10, 12
Rainbow Crow, Dec2010 4; Nov2013 45
Rainbow Joe and Me, Nov2009 11
The Rainbow Tulip, May2007 28; May2012 28
Rain Play, May2011 46
Rain Romp: Stomping Away a Grouchy Day, Mar2006
30–31; Feb2013 22
Rain School, Jan2016 7
The Rain Train, Aug/Sept2014 54
Raising Sweetness, Nov2003 16; Jan2005 36;
Dec2008 11; Feb2011 11
Raising Yoder's Barn, Nov2005 42, 43
Raj the Bookstore Tiger, Aug/Sept2014 26
Ralph Masiello's Drawing Book of Ancient Egypt,
Nov2012 11, 14
Ralph S. Mouse, Dec2007 55
Ramona and Her Father, Aug/Sept2006 29
Ramona and Her Mother, May2008 28
Ramona Forever, Aug/Sept2006 4
Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Apr2007 29
Ramona the Pest, Jan2011 52
The Random House Book of Poetry for Children,
Apr2004 15, 16, 17; May2008 25
The Random House Dinosaur Travel Guide, Oct2008
The Range Eternal, Apr2010 36
Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles Think of That!,
May2004 4; Dec2006 41–42; May2007 29
Rascal (North), Nov2006 29
The Rat and the Tiger, Aug/Sept2006 2–3;
Aug/Sept2008 2
The Rattlebang Picnic, May2005 15; Aug/Sept2006 52;
May2008 22
Rattlebone Rock, Oct2003 29, 31
Rattletrap Car, May2005 15; Aug/Sept2006 50
Raven (McDermott), Feb2005 42
Rawr!, Nov2014 55
Reaching for the Moon, Mar2007 10; Mar2008 10, 11
Read About Johnny Appleseed, Mar2009 51
Read a Rhyme, Write a Rhyme: Poems, Feb2009 46
Reading Rainbow: Germs Make Me Sick!, Jan2010 11*
Read Me a Book, Jan2013 36
Read Me a Story, Stella, Oct2014 54
Ready, Set, Grow! A Kid's Guide to Gardening,
Aug/Sept2010 47
Ready, Set, Skip!, May2012 42
Ready, Set, Snow!, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 11
Ready, Set… Wait! What Animals Do Before a
Hurricane, Feb2013 11, 14
Ready? Set. Raymond!, Feb2014 38
A Really Good Snowman, Apr2008 22
Really Rabbits, Mar2007 26
Really Truly Bingo, May2009 35, 38+
The Real McCoy: The Life of an African American
Inventor, Jan2007 2–3
The Real Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
The Real Slam Dunk, Nov2006 3, 10, 12; Apr2014 11
Recess, Rhyme, and Reason: A Collection of Poems
about School, Aug/Sept2008 10–11
The Recess Queen, Dec2005 14–16; Apr2007 23;
Oct2013 11
Rechenka's Eggs, Apr2006 24; Mar2009 32, 33, 36–
37; Dec2010 23
Recycle! A Handbook for Kids, Apr2007 11, 14;
Apr2011 11
Recycled Crafts Box, Apr2007 11, 14; Apr2011 11
Recycling Day, Apr2015 51
Red, Red, Red, Nov2009 2
Red, White and Blue, Aug/Sept2011 44
Red, Yellow, Blue, Mar2016 19, 21
Red: A Crayon’s Story, Nov2015 39–40; Mar2016 47
The Red Bicycle, May2016 27
The Red Book, Apr2006 10; Nov2009 16–17*; Oct2011
3; Dec2015 44, 46
Red Butterfly, Mar2013 23
Red-eyed Tree Frog, Mar2010 34
Red Eyes or Blue Feathers: A Book about Animal
Colors, Nov2009 11
The Red Hen (Emberley), Apr2016 54
Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree, Apr2015 4
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf, Oct2006 29; Nov2007 29;
Nov2009 31
Red Ridin' in the Hood and Other Cuentos, Apr2008 3
Red Sings from the Treetops: A Year in Colors,
Nov2009 2
Red Sled (Judge), Dec2012 3, 37–39*, 52; Dec2013 40
Red Sled (Thomas), Dec2012 11, 52; Dec2013 40
Red Thread, Feb2012 37
Redwoods, Oct2015 38
The Relatives Came, Apr2006 34; Dec2008 1, 11;
Feb2011 11; Dec2014 11, 51; May2016 52
The Reluctant Dragon, Mar2008 29
A Remainder of One, Aug/Sept2004 5
The Remarkable Farkle McBride, Mar2005 28;
Mar2011 52, Apr2012 11
Remember: The Journey to School Integration,
Feb2007 3
Remember the Lusitania!, May2005 25
Remy and Lulu, Jan2016 56
René Has Two Last Names - Rene Tiene Dos
Apellidos, Dec2009 25
Rent Party Jazz, Feb2008 2
Reptiles (Arlon), Jan2016 42
The Retired Kid, Jan2012 40
Return to the Hundred Acre Wood, Oct2009 5
Return to the Sea, May2009 52
Reuben and the Quilt, Nov2003 30; Oct2004 29, 31
A Revolutionary Field Trip, Oct2005 28, 29, 30
Rhinos Who Play Soccer, Mar2008 55
Rhyme Time Valentine, Feb2007 29
Ribbit!, Oct2013 47
Ribbiting Tales: Original Stories About Frogs, Mar2007
Rich, Feb2010 34, 38–39
Richard Wright and the Library Card, Feb2009 20
Rickshaw Girl, Aug/Sept2010 43
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot, Mar2011 11
Riding with the Mail: The Story of the Pony Express,
Mar2009 11
A Right Fine Life: Kit Carson on the Santa Fe Trail,
Mar2009 11
The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus, Jan2015 5;
Jan2016 25–27*; Feb2016 56
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Jan2011 38
River Beds: Sleeping in the World's Rivers, May2013
River Friendly, River Wild, Mar2006 3
A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams,
Aug/Sept2009 25–27*; Jan2013 53; Jan2015
3, 27
A River Ran Wild, Apr2007 11, 12; Nov2007 55;
Apr2011 12, 14; Apr2015 11, 15
River Town, Aug/Sept2011 3
Rivka Takes a Bow, Feb2015 3
Road to Paris, Feb2010 32
Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on
America's Two-Lane Highways, May2009 51
Roasted Peanuts, Mar2007 24
Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates,
Feb2014 22; Mar2015 33
Robert's Snow, Feb2012 38
Robot (Pienkowski), Jan2007 40
Robots, Robots Everywhere!, Feb2016 25
Robot Zot, Oct2011 26
Rock 'N' Roll Mole, Dec2012 19
Rocks, Apr2011 20, 21
Rocks in His Head, Nov2006 10, 11; May2008 50
Roget's Student Thesaurus, Feb2008 50
Roland Humphrey Is Wearing a WHAT?, Dec2014 5
Rolling Harvey Down the Hill, Aug/Sept2010 46
Romeo! Ro' Trip, May2009 52
Ron's Big Mission, Aug/Sept2013 53
Room for the Baby, May2013 43–45*
Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots, Aug/Sept2010 46
Rosa (Giovanni), Feb2007 3, 11, 19
Roscoe and the Pelican Rescue, Aug/Sept2014 36
Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink, Feb2011 46
Rosie Revere, Engineer, Mar2015 11, 23, 34–36;
Aug/Sept2015 3; Feb2016 16
Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth!,
Nov2011 34, 37
Rotten Ralph, Nov2005 29, 31–32, 34
Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare, Mar2009 31
Rough, Tough Charley, Jan2011 23; Aug/Sept2012 54
The Rough-Face Girl, Nov2013 24–25
Roughing it on the Oregon Trail, May2009 11
Round Trip, May2009 53; May2015 42
Roy Makes a Car, Jan2008 27
Ruby Lu, Star of the Show, Dec2011 3
Ruby Mae Has Something to Say, Nov2005 20
Ruby Paints a Picture, Apr2006 2
Ruby’s Baby Brother, Dec2014 54
Ruby's Wish, Mar2004 2
Ruby the Red Fairy, Aug/Sept2011 5
Rumplestiltskin, Nov2011 37
Run and Hike, Play and Bike, Mar2011 23
The Runaway Rice Cake, Dec2005 40
The Runaway Tortilla, Dec2005 40; Aug/Sept2009 52
The Runaway Wok, Dec2015 51
Russell and the Lost Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 11
Russia in Colors, Feb2014 50
The Rusty, Trusty Tractor, Mar2011 11; Aug/Sept2015
7, 8
Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie, Oct2011 27
Sad, Sad, William, Oct2008 43
Sadako, Feb2006 8–9
Sadie and Ratz, May2013 3
Safe, Warm and Snug, Oct2009 46
The Sahara Desert: The Largest Desert, Nov2012 52
Saint George and the Dragon, Mar2013 11
Saint Valentine (Sabuda), Jan2007 35
Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam, Mar2007 10
The Salamander Room, Dec2009 11–12; Apr2013 11,
Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett, Jan2008
27; Feb2013 55
Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen, Mar2007 26; Mar2015
3; Oct2015 43
Sally Ride (Nichols), Nov2006 26
Salmon Forest, Apr2007 3
Salsa Stories, Dec2006 3
Salting the Ocean, Apr2004 2
Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a
Dream, Feb2010 11–12; Jan2013 4
Saltwater Crocodile, Jan2016 45
Saltypie, Oct2010 16–18*; Apr2012 31, 38
Sam, Bangs & Moonshine, Mar2014 12
Sam and the Lucky Money, Apr2010 24–27*
Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head, Apr2014
Samantha's Craft Book, Mar2004 12
Same Same, Oct2009 2
Sam Is Never Scared, Oct2007 29
Sam Johnson and the Blue Ribbon Quilt, Nov2003 30–
31; Jan2013 11
A Sampler View of Colonial Life, Mar2004 9
Sam's Sandwich, Nov2004 25
The Sandal Artist, Aug/Sept2014 26
Sand Art, Feb2016 45
The Sandman, May2013 11, 13
Sand Sister, Jan2010 40–41
The Sandwich Swap, Nov2012 17; Jan2014 20
Santa Knows, Dec2007 1, 20
Sarah, Plain and Tall, Mar2009 11
Sarah Gives Thanks, Nov2014 40
Sarah Winnemucca: Scout, Activist, and Teacher,
Nov2006 26
Satchel Paige: Don't Look Back, Mar2007 24
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp, Feb2006 33;
May2013 31
Saturday Sancocho, Aug/Sept2004 6–7
Save, Spend or Donate?, Apr2010 11; Apr2016 9
Saving Animals after Floods, Mar2016 41
Saving for the Future, Apr2010 54
Saving Strawberry Farm, Feb2008 2
Saving the Ghost of the Mountain, Nov2012 38
Say Hello! (Isadora), May2012 19
Say Hello (Foreman), Oct2013 42; Nov2014 52
Say Hello Like This!, Nov2014 54
Say Something, Dec2005 2; Aug/Sept2008 2; Jan2011
The Scarebird, Oct2005 21
Scarecrow (Rylant), Oct2005 21
Scarecrows, Oct2010 53
The Scarecrow's Hat, Oct2005 18; Mar2016 42
Scared Silly: A Halloween Book for the Brave, Oct2007
10, 12, 46
Scaredy Squirrel, Feb2011 31–32, 36–37*; Oct2011 19
Scaredy Squirrel at Night, Feb2011 33, 37–38
Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach, Feb2011 33, 37;
Feb2016 43
Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, Feb2011 38
Scarlatti’s Cat, Apr2015 43
The Scary Book (Cole), Oct2007 41
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Oct2006 28
Scholastic Encyclopedia of U.S. Women, Mar2004 7
The School at Crooked Creek, Apr2010 16
The School Bus Driver from the Black Lagoon,
Oct2004 4
The Schoolchildren's Blizzard, Dec2012 11
A School Like Mine: A Unique Celebration of Schools
around the World, Aug/Sept2008 11
School Lunch, Dec2006 21
The Schoolmaster, Aug/Sept2012 11
The School Skeleton, Aug/Sept2005 10, 12
School Times, Feb2015 39
Schoolyard Rhymes: Kids' Own Rhymes, Dec2010 24
Science Arts: Discovering Science Through Art
Experiences, Apr2014 12
Science Detectives: How Scientists Solved Six RealLife Mysteries, Aug/Sept2013 11
Science Fair Bunnies, Feb2005 24; Mar2007 22
Science Fiction and Fantasy, Mar2012 9
Science in Seconds with Toys: Over 100 Experiments
You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less, Oct2009
Science-Trickery: Riddles in Science, Mar2007 23
Science Verse, Apr2014 12
Scien-trickery: Riddles in Science, Oct2009 11
Scones and Sensibility, May2010 53
Scooby-Doo! and the Weird Water Park, May2010 54
Scooby-Doo! The Haunted Road Trip, May2009 53
Scooter (Williams), Dec2005 11, 12, 29–30
Score One for the Sloths, Oct2004 43
Score! The Story of Soccer, May2016 9
The Scrambled States of America, Jan2008 1, 11, 30,
32, 33, 35–36, 39
Scranimals, Apr2013 42–44*
The Scraps Book, Mar2016 56
The Scrubbly-Bubbly Car Wash, Aug/Sept2006 52
The Sea, Apr2009 52
The Sea Chest, Nov2009 21
Seadogs: An Epic Ocean Operetta, Mar2011 51
Sea Dragons, Mar2012 52
Seahorse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea, May2011 52
The Seals on the Bus, Mar2005 29; Apr2005 6
Seaman's Journal: On the Trail with Lewis and Clark,
Mar2009 11
Sea Monsters, Apr2009 11; Nov2011 52
The Search for Antarctic Dinosaurs, Oct2008 54
Sea Rex, Feb2016 41
Sea Shells, Feb2016 45
Seashore and Tides, Apr2009 52
The Seaside Switch, Apr2009 54
Season of the Sandstorms, Feb2013 11
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree, Aug/Sept2013 5
The Seasons of the Year, Jan2014 11, 14
The Seasons Sewn, Nov2003 29
Sea Turtle Hatchlings, Feb2016 44
A Sea within a Sea: Secrets of the Sargasso, Apr2009
Sebastian's Roller Skates, Jan2011 11
A Second Is a Hiccup, Dec2007 2; Apr2010 54;
Jan2014 11
Secret Agent Splat, Aug/Sept2013 51
The Secret Birthday Message, Jan2008 21
The Secret Box, Oct2011 3; Jan2014 11; Dec2015 47
The Secret Cave: Discovering Lascaux, Feb2011 41–
The Secret Ghost: A Mystery with Distance and
Measurement, Aug/Sept2013 11, 15
Secret Identity, Dec2005 11, 12
The Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups, Jan2015 26
The Secret Life of a Snowflake, Dec2013 21–24*
The Secret Life of Food, Nov2006 54
The Secret of Saying Thanks, Nov2014 42
The Secret of the Circle-K Cave, Oct2010 23
The Secret of the Three Treasures, Aug/Sept2007 10,
The Secret Science Project that Almost Ate the School,
Oct2007 30, 32; Nov2009 23
Secrets of 26th Street, Feb2008 10, 12
The Secrets of Animal Flight, Dec2003 8; Mar2010 40
Secrets of the Garden, Oct2012 3
Secrets of the Seashore, Feb2016 44
Sector 7, Jan2004 45, 47
See, Hear, Smell, Taste, and Touch: Using Your Five
Senses, Apr2008 53
Seed, Soil, Sun, Jan2016 15
Seed by Seed, Oct2014 46
A Seed Is Sleepy, Mar2010 25; Jan2016 15
Seeds of Change, Dec2011 16
The Seeing Stone, Oct2005 13–14, 16–17
Seeing Symmetry, May2014 53
Seeing the Circle, Nov2004 6, 11
Seeing the Elephant, Nov2010 16
Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered
Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Aug/Sept2013 11, 14
Seen Art?, Jan2008 29; Apr2008 34; Mar2016 8
See For Your Self, Mar2008 50
See You Later, Alligator!, May2009 34–35
See You Later, Gladiator, Aug/Sept2013 5
Sélavi, That is Life: A Haitian Story of Hope, Nov2007 3
Self-Respect, Oct2008 10–11
Sense-Abilities: Fun Ways to Explore the Senses,
Jan2009 11
The Sense of Smell, Dec2014 16, 18
Senses at the Seashore, Apr2008 53; Apr2011 22
Separate Is Never Equal, Aug/Sept2015 27, 49–50
September Roses, Aug/Sept2006 28; Oct2011 2;
Mar2013 3
Sequoyah's Gift: A Portrait of the Cherokee Leader,
Nov2004 32
Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man, Jan2007 3, 11;
May2012 19; Nov2013 11; Feb2016 56
Sergio and the Hurricane, Mar2006 19
Serving Your Community, Apr2015 11
Seven Blind Mice, Feb2006 8; Dec2007 54; May2013 5
Seven Candles for Kwanzaa, Dec2004 18; Feb2013 35
Seven-Day Magic, Oct2007 5
The Seven Dwarfs (Delessert), Apr2005 14
Seven Hungry Babies, Apr2011 36–37; Dec2014 54
Seven Miles to Freedom: The Robert Smalls Story,
Mar2009 25–26*, 27
The Seven Silly Eaters, Apr2004 37; Jan2010 2
Seven Spiders Spinning, May2008 42
Seven Spools of Thread, Dec2003 36; Dec2004 18;
Dec2010 52
The Seven Treasure Hunts, Aug/Sept2014 11
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Nov2012 12
Seven Wonders of the Medieval World, Mar2013 11,
Shades of Black, Oct2008 3; Nov2009 3
Shadow (Brown), Jan2015 17–18
Shadow (Lee), Apr2012 53
The Shadow Nose, Jan2006 10, 12; Mar2016 8, 9
A Shake and a Shiver, Jan2009 53
Shake My Sillies Out, May2012 44
Shake Rag: From the Life of Elvis Presley, Mar2005 8
Shall I Knit You a Hat?, Dec2014 48
Shante Keys and the New Year's Peas, Dec2010 52;
Jan2012 9; Dec2013 11; Dec2014 11
The Shape Game, Jan2006 10, 11; Nov2015 7–8, 9
Sharing the Seasons: A Book of Poems, Nov2010 4
Shark, Nov2011 40
Shark in the Dark, Nov2011 41
The Shark King, Oct2015 13
Sharks (Lindeen), Apr2006 20
Shark Swimathon, May2016 9, 11
Shark vs. Train, Mar2012 26
She Come Bringing Me That Little Baby Girl, Jan2012
Sheep Blast Off!, Mar2012 41
The Sheep Go on Strike, Mar2016 44
Sheep-Herding Dogs: Rounding up the Herd, Oct2006
Sheep on the Family Farm, Mar2016 44
Sheep Take a Hike, May2008 21
Sheila Rae, the Brave, Aug/Sept2011 37
The Shelf Elf, Aug/Sept2005 42–45; Apr2008 16, 27
Shells! Shells! Shells!, Apr2009 53
A Shelter in Our Car, Oct2015 38
Shelter Pet Squad: Jelly Bean, Apr2015 23
The Shepherd's Trail, Oct2009 53; May2012 9
Sherman Crunchley, May2010 36, 37
She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head, Apr2005 25
Shining Star: The Anna May Wong Story, Feb2015 3,
The Shocking World of Electricity with Max Axiom,
Apr2014 12
Shoeless Joe & Black Betsy, Nov2010 17
Shoe Magic, Feb2010 36–37
Shoes From Grandpa, Apr2004 19
Shoo, Fly Guy!, Nov2007 49
The Shortest Day: Celebrating the Winter Solstice,
Dec2013 43; Dec2014 28
Show and Tell, Dec2008 38
Show Time: Animal Rescue Team, May2012 23
Show Way, Dec2014 11, 14
Shrinking Days, Frosty Nights, Nov2010 4; Oct2012 16,
18, 19
The Shrinking of Treehorn, May2009 4; Feb2015 29
Shrinking Violet, Jan2011 11
Si, Se Puede/Yes, We Can, Mar2014 29
A Sick Day for Amos McGee, Apr2011 25–27*;
Jan2012 20–21; Aug/Sept2013 35, 36;
Jan2015 53; Oct2015 48–49
Side by Side: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar
Chavez, Oct2012 26; May2015 11, 14, 32
Sidekicks, Apr2014 31–32, 35
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Feb2007 6;
May2008 30, 33, 34; Aug/Sept2008 37, 38
Sienna's Scrapbook, May2009 11, 54; Aug/Sept2011
Sign Language for Kids, May2012 20
Sign Language: My First 100 Words, May2012 20
The Sign Painter, Apr2013 35
Silent Letters Loud and Clear, Mar2014 26
Silent Movie (Avi), Oct2006 12
Silent Music, Nov2008 3; May2009 2
Silent Night (Jeffers), Dec2004 18
Silent Star: The Story of Deaf Major Leaguer William
Hoy, Feb2013 25–27*; Apr2014 54
The Silent Stranger: A Kaya Mystery, Nov2013 11
Silent Witness, Dec2011 27
Silly and Sillier, Feb2005 27–28; Dec2010 11, 13
Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons, Oct2010 32
The Silver Nutmeg, Apr2007 28
Simeon's Gift, Mar2005 19; Dec2009 31–33
Sincerely Yours, Apr2016 42
Sing, Sophie!, Feb2004 9
Sing a Song of Mother Goose, Jan2013 36
Sing a Song of Popcorn, Dec2005 39; Apr2006 35
Singing Away the Dark, Dec2012 45–47*
SINGuini: Noodling Around with Silly Songs, Mar2011
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens: A Math
Adventure, Jan2010 51; Apr2010 54
Sir Cumference and the Viking’s Map, Nov2014 5
S Is for Sea Glass, Feb2016 43
Sisters & Brothers: Sibling Relationships in the Animal
World, Oct2012 53
Sister Tricksters, Feb2007 46–47; Dec2010 11;
Mar2012 55
Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down,
Feb2013 34
Sitka Rose, Jan2008 27
Sitti's Secrets, Jan2005 2; Mar2013 36
Six Crows, Oct2005 21; Jan2013 49
Six Sick Sheep: 101 Tongue Twisters, May2004 46
Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds, Nov2006 26;
May2008 12, 13; May2010 3
Skeleton Hiccups, Oct2007 39, 40
Skiing Has Its Ups and Downs, Feb2014 11
Skillet Bread, Sourdough, and Vinegar Pie: Cooking in
Pioneer Days, Nov2006 55
Skin Again, Aug/Sept2008 3
Skin Like Milk, Hair of Silk: What Are Similes and
Metaphors?, Apr2010 18
Skinnybones, Oct2008 30
Skip across the Ocean: Nursery Rhymes, Dec2010 11,
Skippyjon Jones, Oct2011 4*
Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones, Oct2008 54
Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble, Nov2012 48–51
Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat, Feb2015 23–24
Skunks! (Greenberg), Nov2007 51
Skunk's Spring Surprise, Mar2007 26
Sky (Porter), Nov2005 24; Mar2006 2–3
Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building,
Feb2009 32, 33, 37–38; Mar2015 3, 11, 14,
16–18; Aug/Sept2015 29
Sky High: The True Story of Maggie Gee, Jan2011 22
Skylar, May2011 10
Sky Magic, Mar2010 2
SkySisters, Nov2013 12, 14
Sled Dogs of Denali Park, Dec2012 54
Sled Dogs Run (London), Feb2007 53
Sled Dogs: Speeding through Snow, Oct2006 54
Sleds on Boston Common, Oct2005 28
Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep!, Jan2011 54
Sleep and Rest, May2013 21
Sleeping Beauty (Craft), Feb2012 11; May2013 11;
Mar2014 53; May2015 11
Sleeping Ugly, Apr2008 10
Sleep Is for Everyone, May2013 21
Sleep Like a Tiger, May2013 11, 12
Slop! A Welsh Folktale, Nov2007 51
The Sloppy Copy Slipup, Jan2013 55
"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth, Oct2004 42;
Mar2011 37; May2013 11
Slugs in Love, Feb2009 46
Slumber Party Problem Solving, Feb2008 44
Sly Sleuth and the Pet Mysteries, Dec2009 12
A Small, Tall Tale from the Far, Far North, May2005
Small Blue and the Deep Dark Night, May2015 56
Small Dogs (Altman), Oct2006 52
A Small Dog's Big Life: Around the World with Owney,
May2009 3
Small Wonders, May2010 54
The Small World of Binky Braverman, Aug/Sept2005
A Smart Girl's Guide to Her Parents' Divorce, May2013
Smart Shopping, Apr2010 54
Smelling Sunshine, Oct2015 53
Smelly Socks, Nov2007 48–49; Dec2008 40
Smoky Night, May2004 2; Nov2005 42, 43; Oct2009
21–23; Jan2015 11; Oct2015 8
Snail's Good Night, May2013 11
Snail Trail, Apr2012 54
The Snake Scientist, Nov2012 32, 37
Snapshots from the Wedding, Oct2007 55; Feb2008 34
Sneaky Weasel, Apr2011 55
The Sniffles for Bear, Jan2016 37
Snow Amazing: Cool Facts and Warm Tales, Dec2012
Snow Baby, Mar2009 2
Snowboarding Similes and Metaphors, Apr2010 18
Snow Day! (Laminack), Jan2009 55; Dec2012 1, 11
Snow Day (Joosse), Feb2005 25
Snow Dog, Sand Dog, Feb2015 41
The Snowflake (Waldman), Jan2005 25
Snowflake Bentley, Mar2006 10, 11; Jan2007 4;
Nov2007 45; Oct2009 1, 11, 21–23; Dec2012
23, 24; Aug/Sept2013 33; Jan2015 16, 18
Snowflakes and Ice Skates: A Winter Counting Book,
Jan2009 54
Snow Games: A Robot and Rico Story, Feb2014 11
The Snow Globe Family, Oct2011 11, 27; Dec2012 11,
The Snowman, Jan2004 7; Dec2014 29
The Snowman's Clothes, Jan2009 53
Snow Music, Feb2014 2
Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit, Feb2012 4
The Snow Walker, Jan2006 24
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Grimm),
Nov2004 24; Dec2006 29
Snow White in New York, Apr2005 14
The Snowy Day, Jan2004 8; Jan2007 4; Nov2009 22;
Dec2012 5*; Feb2014 3
Snowy Science, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 11
Snowy Sports, Feb2014 11, 13
Soccer Duel, Mar2008 55
Soccer for Fun, Mar2008 55
Soccer Hero, Mar2008 55
Soccer Superstars, Mar2008 55
Soccer Team Upset, Jan2010 19–20
Soccer: The Amazing U.S. World Cup Team, Mar2008
The Soda Bottle School, Jan2015 51
Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears,
Nov2004 32, 34; May2011 10
So Happy!, Mar2010 12
Sojourner Truth's Step-Stomp Stride, Feb2013 37;
Nov2014 12; Mar2015 28
Solo Girl, Apr2005 37
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, Feb2005 35–36;
Aug/Sept2007 10, 11; Dec2010 54; Feb2011
Some Good News, Aug/Sept2004 4; Apr2015 11
Something About Hensley's, Aug/Sept2007 18
Something From Nothing, Feb2005 31; Dec2014 42–
Something Good, Dec2008 38
Some Things Are Scary, Oct2003 2
Something's Happening on Calabash Street, Dec2006
33, 35
Something Special for Me, Dec2005 26–28, 32–33, 34
Something to Do, Apr2012 43
Something to Tell the Grandcows, Dec2006 29
Sometimes I Wonder If Poodles Like Noodles,
May2010 39
Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry, Jan2010 11
Somewhere in the World Right Now, Nov2007 54
Somewhere Today: A Book of Peace, Dec2005 3
Song and Dance Man, Feb2005 43; Nov2007 1, 11, 13;
Nov2010 10; Aug/Sept2013 32; Jan2015 56
Song Bird, Feb2005 28
A Song for Harlem, May2008 3
A Song for Me: A Muslim Holiday Story, Dec2007 11
Song of the Swallows, Jan2015 12
Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems,
Mar2010 3; Apr2015 36–37
Sonia Sotomayor, A Judge Grows in the Bronx,
Jan2011 21
Son of Promise, Child of Hope, Feb2010 32–33
The Sons of the Dragon King, Feb2006 15
Sopa de frijoles/Bean Soup, Jan2010 3
Sophie, May2005 36, 37, 38
Sophie and Lou, Feb2011 2
Sophie Scott Goes South, Aug/Sept2014 3
Sophie Simon Solves Them All, May2011 40–42*
Sophie’s Squash, Aug/Sept2014 27; Dec2015 39
Sophie the Hero, Feb2012 11; May2015 11
Sorry! (Ludwig), Aug/Sept2008 2
Sorry (Van Leeuwen), Oct2004 24
So Say the Little Monkeys, Feb2005 30
The Sound of Kwanzaa, Dec2013 11
Sound the Shofar!, Oct2005 24
Soup Day, Jan2014 23; Oct2015 36
Soup for Breakfast, Jan2014 23
So You Have to Do a Science Fair Project, Mar2007 22
So You Want to Be an Explorer?, Nov2011 27
So You Want to Be an Inventor?, Apr2004 4; Oct2004
20; Nov2006 10; Jan2007 11; Aug/Sept2008
54; Jan2012 17, 18; Feb2016 8
So You Want to Be President?, Feb2004 3; Oct2004 8,
11, 18–19, 27–29, 32–35; Jan2007 7;
Feb2008 10, 13, 28; Jan2009 43; Feb2011
28*; Jan2015 12, 15
Space & Art Activities, Mar2008 10, 11
Space Boy, Mar2012 48–50
The Space Mission Adventure, Oct2008 54
Space Travelers, Oct2009 53
Sparrows, Aug/Sept2014 36
Speak to Me (and I Will Listen Between the Lines),
Jan2011 11
Spectacular Science: A Book of Poems, Apr2004 18
Spectacular Women in Space, Mar2008 10
The Spider and the Fly, Dec2003 8
Spider Sandwiches, Apr2015 56
Spider Storch, Rotten Runner, May2008 12
Splash, Anna Hibiscus!, Feb2016 42
A Splash of Red, Dec2013 3; Jan2015 3; Mar2015 42;
Mar2016 17–18
Splat Says Thank You!, Nov2014 43
Splat the Cat, Oct2009 45
Splat the Cat: A Whale of a Tale, Feb2016 43
Splat the Cat: The Name of the Game, Nov2015 1, 8
A Splendid Friend, Indeed, Feb2012 22
Splinters, Oct2013 11
Splish, Splash, and Blue, May2010 54
Splish, Splat!, Apr2014 55
Spooky America: Four Real Ghost Stories, Oct2007
10, 13
Spooky Riddles (Brown), Oct2007 41
Spooky Riddles (Helmer), Oct2007 10, 12
Spooky Stories for a Dark & Stormy Night, Oct2003 29
Spooky Things, Oct2003 29
A Spoon for Every Bite, Aug/Sept2009 52
Sport-O-Rama, May2016 56
Sports Picture Puzzles, Feb2015 39
Sports Stories You'll Have a Ball With, May2008 12
Spots of Light: A Book about Stars, Mar2008 10, 12
Spuds, Oct2012 11
Spunky Monkeys on Parade, Apr2012 12
Spunky Tells All, May2013 3
Sputnik, Oct2007 29
Square Cat, Apr2012 53
Squeak! A Mouse's Life, Feb2009 44
The Squeaky Door, Aug/Sept2004 7, 8
Squids Will Be Squids, Apr2008 32, 33; Dec2010 24
The Squiggle, Apr2012 51
Squirrel and John Muir, May2006 24; Mar2010 12
Squirrelly Gray, Nov2009 11
Squirrels (Otfinoski), May2012 23
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution, Aug/Sept2010 24–
25; Dec2010 52; Jan2012 1*, 9; May2012 23;
Jan2013 5; Dec2013 11
Squirrel’s World, Apr2015 12, 13
Stage Fright on a Summer Night, Feb2015 12
Stagestruck, Feb2015 12
Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon, Oct2011 27
Stanley and the Magic Lamp, Aug/Sept2007 10, 12
Stanley Goes Fishing, Mar2007 26
The Star Maker, Dec2013 11
Star of the Week, Dec2011 17
The Star People: A Lakota Story, Nov2004 25;
Mar2008 2; Mar2014 43
Starring Grace, Apr2012 12
Starring Miss Darlene, Feb2015 3
Starry Messenger, May2005 30–31; Mar2008 2;
Feb2013 3; Mar2014 2; Jan2015 3, 12, 15
Starry River of the Sky, May2014 5*
Stars (Ray), Mar2014 42
Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust,
Oct2009 3
Stars in the Darkness, Nov2003 9–10
Star-Spangled Crafts, Aug/Sept2011 12, 15
The Star Tree, Dec2011 18
Stay, Mar2013 2
Stay Fit, May2016 9
Staying Safe on the Playground, Nov2015 8, 10
Stealing Home, May2010 2
Steel Town, Mar2011 12, 14; Aug/Sept2015 7
Stella, Star of the Sea, Nov2011 31, 36
Stella and Roy Go Camping, May2008 21
Stella Louella's Runaway Book, Feb2005 43
Stellaluna, Oct2004 5; Nov2014 28
Step-by-Step Crafts for Winter, Dec2013 11
Stephanie's Ponytail, Dec2008 30–31, 39*; Nov2015
Sticky Burr: Adventures in Burrwood Forest, Feb2009 2
Stink-o-pedia: Super Stink-y Stuff from A to Zzzzz,
Jan2010 49
Stinky, Oct2010 33, 39; Feb2012 22
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales,
Feb2005 2; Nov2007 51; Apr2008 1, 30, 31,
32, 39
Stitchin' and Pullin', Apr2012 2, 12
Stitching Stars, Jan2005 18
Stonefish: Needles of Pain, Mar2012 51
Stone Fox, Feb2007 53
Stoneheart: The Real Valentine's Day Story, Feb2005
36, 38
Stone Soup, Apr2005 14; Jan2010 3; Feb2015 54;
Dec2015 51; Jan2016 8
Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls, Apr2015 29
Stories from the Silk Road, Dec2010 11
Stories to Solve: Folktales from Around the World,
Feb2005 29, 31; Oct2006 48; Oct2010 23–24;
Dec2010 24; Aug/Sept2012 53; Feb2015 38–
A Storm Called Katrina, Feb2012 16–17*; Apr2012 3;
Feb2013 2
Storm Coming!, Feb2013 12
Storm Rescue, Mar2006 19
Storm Run, Feb2007 53
Storm Run: The Story of the First Woman..., Dec2012
Stormy's Hat, Nov2008 2
A Story, A Story, Feb2004 10–11, 12; Feb2005 18;
Mar2005 29; May2008 26; Apr2012 51;
Mar2013 53; Aug/Sept2013 31; Dec2014 4
The Story of America's Birthday, May2004 42
The Story of Babar, May2006 25
The Story of Flight (Keenan), Dec2003 16
The Story of Hanukkah, Dec2013 11
The Story of Kites, Jan2007 11
The Story of Kwanzaa, Dec2004 18, 21
The Story of McDonald's, May2009 53
The Story of Money, May2008 49
The Story of Paper, Apr2015 17–18
The Story of Ruby Bridges, Aug/Sept2004 2
The Story of Salt, Nov2012 53
The Story of Snow, Dec2010 51; Dec2012 11
The Story of the Incredible Orchestra, Mar2005 28
The Story of the Milky Way, Nov2004 13
The Story of Three Kingdoms, Apr2009 35
The Story of Valentine's Day, Feb2005 36, 39
The Storyteller's Candle/La Velita de los Cuentos,
Jan2009 3
The Storytime Craft Book, Dec2010 12
St. Patrick's Day (Gibbons), Mar2007 55
St. Patrick's Day (Schuh), Mar2007 55
St. Patrick's Day in the Morning, Oct2011 32
Straight to the Pole, Jan2009 55
A Strange Day, Feb2011 53
Stranger from Somewhere in Time, Jan2014 11
Stranger in the Woods, Jan2004 8
Stranger on the Silk Road, Nov2012 12
The Stray Dog, May2005 15; Aug/Sept2011 3
Street Luge in the X Games, Dec2012 55
Strega Nona, Oct2004 25; Nov2004 4; Oct2010 46;
Mar2016 51–52
Strega Nona's Gift, Dec2013 12
Strega Nona's Harvest, Oct2012 11, 19
Stress Can Really Get on Your Nerves, May2013 11
Stretch (Cronin), May2016 37
Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea, Dec2005 29, 30;
Jan2008 3; Aug/Sept2011 2
The Strongest Man in the World: Luis Cyr, May2014 11
Strong Man, May2016 9, 12
Strudel Stories, Dec2006 33, 34, 35
The Stupids Die, Aug/Sept2012 52
Substitute Groundhog, Feb2007 42; Feb2008 21, 22,
25; Mar2009 23*; Dec2010 53
The Subway Mouse, Jan2013 32, 35–36
Subway Story, Mar2015 11
Subway: The Story of Tunnels, Tubes and Tracks,
Mar2015 11
Such a Silly Baby, Oct2011 27
Suez Canal, Nov2012 52
Sugar Cookies: Sweet Little Lessons on Love,
Dec2013 53
Sugar Snow, Mar2009 51
Summer Beat, Apr2011 12
Summer Camp Secrets, May2010 54
Summer Is Summer, May2008 2
The Summer Olympics (Knotts), May2008 12
The Summer Playground, May2010 54
Summersaults: Poems, May2011 11
Summer Shorts, May2009 30, 31
The Summer Snowman, Jan2007 50
The Summer Solstice, May2011 11
Sun, Moon and Stars (Hoffman), Feb2005 29
Sunday Shopping, Apr2016 40, 56
Sunflower (Ford), May2007 21
Sunken Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 11
The Sunset Switch, Feb2016 13–14
Super Cool Science Experiments, Dec2015 37, 38
SuperHero ABC, Feb2012 11; Nov2012 3
Superhero School, Apr2010 2
Super Oscar, Aug/Sept2009 12
Super Senses, Apr2008 53
Super Snow Day: Seek and Find, Dec2012 11
Super Specs, Feb2008 44
Surf Dog Miracles, Feb2016 45
The Surprise (Ommen), Jan2009 55
The Surprise (Shannon), Aug/Sept2008 17
Surprise Island, May2010 53
Survival at 40 Below, Apr2011 23; Dec2012 11
Suryia and Roscoe, Mar2015 20
Susan B. Anthony: Fighter for Women's Rights,
Feb2008 29
Swamp Angel, Aug/Sept2007 2; Jan2008 27; May2015
The Swamps of Sleethe, Mar2012 10
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt, Jan2005 18, 21;
Feb2009 33; Nov2009 21; Nov2015 50
The Sweetest Fig, Dec2011 36
Sweet Jasmine! Nice Jackson!, May2006 31
Sweet Land of Liberty, Feb2009 34
Sweet Potato Pie (Lindsey), Dec2006 26
A Sweet Smell of Roses, Feb2007 2; Jan2016 56
Swimmy, Dec2011 9; Mar2012 53; Jan2013 11
Swindle, Dec2011 41
Swirl by Swirl, Mar2012 3; Apr2012 24; Apr2014 40
Switching on the Moon, May2013 11
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, Feb2005 44; Oct2010
Sylvia Long's Thumbelina, Mar2014 53
Sylvia’s Spinach, Apr2015 4
A Symphony of Whales, Apr2009 11; Jan2013 11;
Jan2016 8
Table Manners: The Edifying Story, Mar2005 13–14
The Table Where Rich People Sit, Apr2016 25
Tacky and the Winter Games, Feb2014 12
Tacky in Trouble, Jan2014 45
Tackylocks and the Three Bears, Apr2005 15
Tadpole Rex, Oct2011 24
Tails, Jan2010 53
Taj Mahal, Feb2011 11
Take a Winter Nature Walk, Dec2012 11
Take Care, Good Knight, Apr2009 48
Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly
Songs, Apr2005 10, 15; Nov2007 51
Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Mar2007 24; Oct2014
Take Me Out to the Yakyu, Dec2014 3, 12; May2016
Take Two! A Celebration of Twins, Oct2012 55
Taking Care of Mama, Mar2012 25; Jan2013 48
Taking Care of My Teeth (DeGezelle), Feb2007 54–55
Taking Flight, Dec2003 16
Taking Time to Relax, May2013 11
The Talented Clementine, Nov2007 19; Jan2010 5*
The Talent Show, Jan2011 2; Dec2012 19; Feb2013
The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Aug/Sept2007 10, 11;
Feb2012 11; May2015 12
The Tale of Despereaux, Feb2005 36; Aug/Sept2006
30–35, 38–41, 43; Feb2007 28; Nov2007 2;
Dec2007 55; Feb2012 12; Mar2013 11
The Tale of Gilbert Alexander Pig, Dec2005 11
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Jan2005 2, 29–30
The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, Aug/Sept2012 34
The Tale of Thomas Mead, Jan2011 53
The Tale of Two Bad Mice, Dec2007 53
The Tale of Two Mice, Oct2009 44
Tales for Very Picky Eaters, Jan2012 53
Tales from Gizzard's Grill, Mar2009 11
Talk, Talk, Squawk!, Apr2013 55
Talkin' About Bessie, Feb2010 32, 37–38
The Talking Eggs, Feb2005 28; Jan2011 37
Talking Story with Nona Beamer: Stories of a Hawaiian
Family, May2007 55
Talking with Artists, Jan2006 10, 13, 19; Nov2006 3;
Apr2012 51; Jan2015 26
Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina, Nov2004 32–33
The Tamale Quilt Story, Aug/Sept2009 53
Tanner's Manners: Be a Kool Kind Kid, Aug/Sept2006
10, 13
Tap Dancing on the Roof, Nov2007 34, 35; Jan2012 3;
Feb2014 20
The Tarantula in My Purse: And 172 Other Wild Pets,
May2005 40–41
Tar Beach, Dec2003 16, 17; Feb2010 42
A Taste of Freedom, May2015 52–53
Tasty Baby Belly Buttons, Apr2008 54
Tea for Two, Jan2014 45
Teammates (Barber), Aug/Sept2007 16–17
Teamwork, Jan2013 21
Tea Party Today: Poems to Sip and Savor, Dec2004
Teatime with Emma Buttersnap, Nov2006 55
Teatro! Hispanic Plays for Young People,
Aug/Sept2009 12
Tea with Grandpa, Aug/Sept2015 39
Tea with Milk, May2008 50; Apr2013 35
The Teeny Tiny Ghost and the Monster, Oct2007 14
The Teeny-Tiny Woman, Jan2014 45
Teeth (Collard), Feb2014 27; Feb2015 5
Tell a Lie and Your Butt Will Grow, Mar2014 12, 15
Telling Your Own Stories, Feb2009 42
Tell Me a Cuento, Apr2015 7
Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born, Oct2004 29,
Tell Me a Tale: A Book About Storytelling, Nov2004 11
Tell Me Why Planes Have Wings, Jan2007 52
Ten Big Toes and a Prince's Nose, Aug/Sept2012 23
Ten Birds, Jan2012 2
Ten Little Caterpillars, Aug/Sept2012 23
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, Jan2014 43
Ten Little Puppies/Diez Perritos, Aug/Sept2012 23
Ten Mice for Tet, Dec2007 54
Ten on the Sled, Aug/Sept2012 23; Dec2012 52;
Feb2014 43
Ten Puppies, Apr2010 3
Ten Red Apples, Oct2010 53
Ten Rules You Absolutely Must Not Break,
Aug/Sept2012 23
The Tenth Good Thing about Barney, Dec2009 12;
Apr2013 12
Ten Tiny Toes, Jan2014 45
Termites on a Stick, Aug/Sept2012 18
Terrible, Terrible!, Feb2005 31
Terrific, Oct2006 29; Jan2012 42
Tessa Tiger's Terrible Tantrums, Jan2014 45
Testing the Ice, May2010 2
Texas Star, Nov2003 30
Thanking the Moon, Feb2012 36; Oct2012 11
Thanks, and Have Fun Running the Country,
Aug/Sept2011 12
Thanks a Million, Aug/Sept2007 2, 10, 12; Feb2010 36;
Dec2011 10; Nov2014 42
Thanksgiving at Our House, Nov2003 35
Thanksgiving Day (Rockwell), Nov2003 40
Thanksgiving Day Thanks, Nov2014 40
The Thanksgiving Door, Nov2014 40
Thanksgiving in the White House, Nov2006 29
Thanks to the Animals, Nov2009 4*; Nov2013 44
Thank You, Grandpa, Nov2010 10
Thank You, Jackie Robinson, Jan2008 11
Thank You, Miss Doover, Nov2014 43; Feb2015 51
Thank You, Mr. Falker, Feb2009 2; Mar2009 30, 33,
37; Oct2014 12
Thank You, Sarah, Nov2014 40
Thank You, Thanksgiving, Nov2014 40
Thank You Bear, Aug/Sept2008 16; Oct2008 3
That Book Woman, Dec2008 54; Feb2011 55
That is NOT a Good Idea, Oct2015 30–31
That Pesky Rat, Mar2007 39
That's Good! That's Bad! In the Grand Canyon,
Jan2008 25
That's Good! That's Bad! In Washington, D.C.,
Aug/Sept2011 12
That's How!, Apr2012 41
That's Not How You Play Soccer, Daddy!, Mar2008 55
That's Our Nurse!, Jan2010 12
That Summer, Jan2010 12
That's What Leprechauns Do, Mar2006 29
That Terrible Halloween Night, May2014 2
Thea's Tree, Oct2009 3
Thelonius Monster's Sky-High Fly Pie, Oct2007 36;
Apr2009 51
and then it's spring, Feb2013 3; Apr2013 4*; May2013
4, 53; Mar2015 4; Oct2015 49–50
There Are Cats in This Book, Oct2009 43
There Are Monsters Everywhere, Oct2011 20
There Are No Cats in This Book, Apr2015 44
There Are No Scary Wolves, Oct2011 20
There Is a Bird on Your Head!, Jan2010 52; Feb2012
There is a Carrot in My Ear And Other Noodle Tales,
Feb2005 28
There Once Was a Man Named Michael Finnegan,
Mar2005 29
There's a Dragon in My Sleeping Bag, Oct2006 39
There's a Frog in My Throat!, Feb2005 28; Feb2009
46; Apr2013 56
There's a Monster Under My Bed, Oct2006 39
There's an Alligator Under My Bed, Mar2004 38;
Oct2011 20
There's a Nightmare in My Closet, Apr2008 54–55;
Apr2009 48
There's an Owl in the Shower, May2005 40–41
There's a Princess in the Palace, Mar2013 11, 14;
May2014 12
There's a Wolf at the Door, Dec2010 39
There's No Such Thing as a Chanukah Bush, Sandy
Goldstein, Dec2007 11
There's Nothing to Do on Mars, Nov2009 23
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
(Taback), Dec2003 8; Feb2015 55
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell,
Nov2011 38
There Was an Old Monster, Feb2012 49
Thesaurus Rex, Jan2014 18
These Hands (Mason), Jan2013 2
These Rocks Count!, Oct2015 38
These Seas Count!, Apr2015 26
They Called Her Molly Pitcher, Oct2007 29
Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose, Nov2004 5
Things to Do with Dad, May2011 54; May2016 47
Think, Think, Think, Feb2015 38
Think Like a Scientist in the Gym, Apr2014 12
Third Grade Baby, Aug/Sept2009 4
Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back, Nov2004 11;
Mar2010 12
This Big Sky, Aug/Sept2008 32
This Book Just Ate My Dog!, Aug/Sept2015 54;
Nov2015 54
This First Thanksgiving Day (Melmed), Nov2003 40
This is a Poem that Heals Fish, Feb2009 46
This Is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and
Forgiveness, Jan2009 2
This Is Not My Hat, May2013 2; Aug/Sept2013 35
This Is Our House, Aug/Sept2010 49
This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch, May2005 15
This Is the Dream, Feb2007 3
This Is the Rope, Dec2014 2; Nov2015 8, 10
This is the Van that Dad Cleaned, Aug/Sept2006 52
This is the Way We Go to School: A Book about
Children around the World, May2009 11
This Is Your Garden, May2007 27
This Land Is Your Land, Mar2005 2; Aug/Sept2011 2
This Next New Year, Dec2007 2; Jan2012 10; Oct2013
This Place I Know, Nov2014 53
Thomas and the Dragon Queen, Mar2013 3
Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library, Nov2015 42–44
Thomas's Snowsuit, Dec2008 39; Jan2009 54*
Those Shoes, Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2008 11; Nov2010
2; Mar2013 48; Nov2014 52; Apr2015 3;
Jan2016 3, 47; Apr2016 8, 55
The Three Armadillies Tuff, Apr2005 8, 15
The Three Bully Goats, Feb2012 49; Oct2013 21–22
Three By the Sea, Jan2012 2
Three Cool Kids, Apr2005 15
Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe, Nov2003 3;
Dec2008 2
The Three Golden Keys, May2005 28
Three Good Deeds, Aug/Sept2006 3; Aug/Sept2007 29
The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot,
Aug/Sept2015 2
Three Little Dassies, Oct2011 32
The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark, Nov2011
The Three Little Hawaiian Pigs and the Magic Shark,
Apr2005 15
Three Little Javelinas, Apr2005 15
The Three Little Kittens, Jan2009 54; Jan2011 37
The Three Little Pigs, Feb2012 12
The Three Little Tamales, Aug/Sept2009 53
The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, Mar2004
36–37; Feb2005 3; Apr2005 15; Apr2008 10–
Three More Stories You Can Read to Your Cat,
Jan2004 35
Three More Stories You Can Read to Your Dog,
Jan2004 35
Three Names of Me, Dec2009 25
The Three Ninja Pigs, Apr2014 32
Three Pigs, One Wolf and Seven Magic Shapes,
Apr2005 15
The Three Pigs (Wiesner), Jan2004 46, 47; Feb2005 2,
25; Mar2011 54; Jan2015 16, 18
The Three Questions, Feb2005 7; Apr2015 2
Three Samurai Cats, Feb2005 6, 30
Three Scoops and a Fig, Dec2015 52
The Three Silly Girls Grubb, Apr2005 15
The Three Silver Coins, Feb2005 28–29
The Three Snow Bears, Oct2011 38
The Three Triceratops Tuff, Jan2014 44
Through the Looking Glass, Jan2008 28
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof, Feb2005 30–31;
Feb2014 4, 26; Feb2015 5; Oct2015 16
Thumbelina, Oct2011 12
Thumpy Feet, Apr2015 43
Thunder-Boomer!, Feb2013 46–50*
Thunder Cake, Nov2010 10
Thunder Rose, Jan2008 27
Thunderstorm (Geisert), Mar2016 41
Tia Isa Wants a Car, Mar2013 3; Apr2016 8, 18–20, 55
Tibet Through the Red Box, Dec2010 49
Tickle Time, Jan2014 45
The Ticky-Tacky Doll, Aug/Sept2003 11
Tide Pool, Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Bredeson), Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Cooper), Apr2009 54
Tide Pools (Malnig), Feb2016 44
Tiger and Turtle, Jan2014 43
Tiger in My Soup, Jan2014 23
Tiger of the Snows, Mar2009 3
Tiger Sharks, Mar2012 52
Tightrope Poppy the High-Wire Pig, May2008 22
Tikki Tikki Tembo, Feb2005 27; Oct2006 47–48;
Dec2009 27; Jan2014 45
Tikki Turtle's Quest, Apr2009 54
Time Flies, Feb2008 44
Time for Bed, May2013 48
Time Is When, Jan2014 11
Timeless Thomas: How Thomas Edison Changed Our
Lives, May2013 27; Jan2014 52–54
Time of Wonder, Apr2009 11; Mar2010 12; May2011
11; Feb2013 12
Time Out for Monsters, Aug/Sept2014 27
Time to… (McMillan), Feb2008 44
Time to Eat, Mar2012 3
Time to Say "Please"!, Aug/Sept2010 54
Time Twister, Jan2014 11, 13
Time Zones, Jan2014 11, 13
Tin Lizzie, Nov2004 25
Tiny and Bigman, Mar2006 19
The Tiny Seed, May2007 27
T is for Touchdown, May2012 21
T is for Tugboat, May2012 21
Titanic (Osborne), Jan2004 41
The Titanic: An Interactive History Adventure,
Aug/Sept2012 55
The Titanic: Lost… and Found, Jan2004 41
The Titanic Sinks! (Conklin), Jan2004 41
Tito Puente, Mambo King, May2013 5; Feb2015 3;
Oct2015 17
Tituba, Oct2005 28, 29–30; Oct2010 12
Toad by the Road, Apr2011 23
Toad is the Uncle of Heaven, Feb2005 29
Toad Rage, May2008 12, 14
Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems, Mar2010 12
To Dance: A Ballerina's Graphic Novel, May2014 12
Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day,
Oct2008 45
Today on Election Day, Oct2012 5*
To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers, Dec2003 2
Together, Jan2013 17
Togo, Jan2007 29; Feb2007 53
To Go Singing Through the World, Mar2014 3
Toll-Bridge Troll, Apr2005 15
To Market, To Market (McClure), Jan2015 49
To Market, To Market (Miranda), Nov2004 41;
Dec2008 52; Jan2012 54
Tomas and the Library Lady, Aug/Sept2008 30–31, 35;
Nov2008 39–43; Feb2009 21; Oct2012 26
Tomie dePaola's Front Porch Tales..., Dec2010 12
Tomie dePaola's Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
Tomorrow's Alphabet, May2008 27
Tom's Tweet, Apr2014 36–37
Toni's Topsy-Turvy Telephone Day, Jan2004 29, 30
Tony Baloney, Oct2012 55
Too Many Frogs!, Jan2011 11; Jan2013 17
Too Many Tamales, Feb2008 32–33; Aug/Sept2009 53
Too Many Valentines, Feb2011 11
Too Much Noise, Feb2005 31
Too Much Talk, Dec2010 25
Too Pickley!, Dec2015 39
The Tooth Book (Miller), Feb2014 24
The Tooth Book (Seuss), Feb2014 25
The Tooth Fairy Meets El Raton Pérez, Feb2014 4;
Oct2015 16
Tooth Fairy's First Night, Feb2014 27
The Tooth Fairy Wars, Feb2015 5
Tooth-Gnasher Superflash, Feb2006 37; Aug/Sept2006
Tooth on the Loose, Feb2014 27
Tooth Tales from Around the World, Feb2005 30;
Feb2014 26
Tooth Trouble, Feb2014 26
Toot Toot Zoom, Jan2014 44
Top 10 Small Mammals for Kids, Oct2009 53
Top Cat, Nov2009 38
Top of the Order, May2010 3
The Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest,
May2005 24; Mar2006 36, 41; May2006 24;
May2014 29
Tops & Bottoms, May2004 19–20; May2007 27;
May2008 49; Feb2015 55
Top Secret: A Handbook of Codes, Ciphers and Secret
Writing, Dec2004 41; Apr2005 3
Top-Secret Personal Beeswax, Feb2009 44
The Top Ten Inventors, Aug/Sept2008 54
Tornado Slim and the Magic Cowboy Hat, Feb2013 21
The Tortilla Factory, Aug/Sept2009 51; Aug/Sept2010
The Tortilla Quilt, Aug/Sept2009 52
Tortillas and Lullabies/Tortillas y Cancioncitas,
Dec2006 2; Jan2010 3
The Tortoise and the Hare (Butterfield), Oct2004 44
The Tortoise and the Hare (Pinkney), Feb2014 21;
Jan2016 44
The Tortoise and the Jackrabbit, Oct2004 43
Tortuga in Trouble, Jan2016 44
Totally Fun Things to Do with Your Dog, Oct2006 53
Totally Polar, Dec2004 14
Totally Wonderful Miss Plumberry, Aug/Sept2012 11
To the Beach, Feb2016 41
Touchdown Trouble, Jan2010 19
Touch the Poem, Apr2008 54; Jan2009 11
Tough Cookie, Dec2005 39
Tour America, Aug/Sept2011 2
Town Mouse, Country Mouse, Oct2011 38
Toy Boat, Apr2009 40–43*
Toy Dance Party, Dec2011 3
Toys Come Home, Dec2011 3
Toys Go Out, Dec2011 3
Toy Story, Oct2009 54
'T Pousette et 'T Poulette: A Cajun Hansel and Gretel,
Apr2005 12
Traction Man Is Here!, Jan2006 3
The Trail of Tears, May2009 11; May2011 10
Train Man, Aug/Sept2014 56
The Train of States, May2005 31; Jan2008 11, 13
Trainstop, Oct2011 12; Dec2015 47
The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle, May2008 42
Trash Action, Apr2007 11, 14; Apr2011 12
Trash to Treasure, Apr2015 17–18
The Travel Game, Nov2011 12; Aug/Sept2014 45–46;
Nov2015 8, 10
Traveling Man: The Journey of Ibn Barrura, 1325-1354,
May2009 3
Treasure (Bloom), Aug/Sept2014 12
A Treasury of Turkish Folktales, Nov2012 41
A Tree for Me, Mar2007 42
A Tree Is Nice, Apr2005 25; Mar2007 42
The Tree Is Older Than You Are, Apr2010 2; Mar2013
Tree of Cranes, Apr2013 36
The Trees of the Dancing Goats, Dec2004 18–19, 21
Tricking the Tallyman, Nov2009 21; Aug/Sept2011 6–
7*; Jan2013 2
Trickster: Native American Tales, Nov2013 12;
May2014 12; Oct2015 14
The Tricky Tooth, Feb2014 25
Tricky Tortoise, Jan2014 45
Tricky Vic, Apr2016 40
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won, Nov2012 46
A Tropical Bear in Hawaii, May2007 55
Trouble at the Dinosaur Cafe, Oct2008 54
Trouble at the Treasury, Apr2010 12
The Troublemaker, Aug/Sept2015 53
Trouble Talk, Aug/Sept2008 2
The Trouble with Cauliflower, Feb2015 40
The Trouble with Henry: A Tale of Walden Pond,
Mar2010 12
Trouble with Trolls, Oct2011 32; Jan2014 45
Truck Dogs: A Novel in Four Bites, Apr2007 37–38
Trucks (Gibbons), Dec2006 24
The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp,
Aug/Sept2014 2
True Lies: 18 Tales for You to Judge, Apr2008 29;
Feb2015 39
True-Life Treasure Hunts, Aug/Sept2014 12, 15
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf, Jan2004
37; Apr2005 15; Apr2008 11, 13, 30–31, 35,
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, Feb2012 12;
Feb2016 14
The Trumpet of the Swan, Mar2005 8–9, 11;
Aug/Sept2007 10
The Truth About Poop, Jan2010 53
Truth and Rumors: Titanic, Aug/Sept2011 24–25
Truth and Salsa, Aug/Sept2009 53
Tsunami! (Kajikawa), Feb2013 2
Tsunami (Markovics), Feb2016 45
Tsunami: Helping Each Other, Feb2013 12
Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters, May2007 55
Tua and the Elephant, May2013 3
Tuesday, Jan2004 45, 46, 47; May2005 21;
Aug/Sept2013 32, 38
Tuff Fluff: The Case of Duckie's Missing Brain,
May2013 32
Tumble Bunnies, May2010 1
Tumford’s Rude Noises, Apr2015 43
Tuning Up: A Visit with Eric Kimmel, Jan2013 52
Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur! A Palestinian Folktale, Mar2007
The Tunnel, Nov2006 37
Turk and Runt, Nov2003 40
Turkey Brother and Other Iroquois Stories, Nov2004 8
A Turkey for Thanksgiving, Nov2003 40
The Turkey Girl, Feb2006 15
Turkey Riddles, Nov2004 41
The Turnip (Domanska), May2007 27
The Turnip (Ziefert), May2007 27
Turnover Tuesday, Jan2014 45
Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!, Apr2011 24; May2011 10
The Turtle and the Monkey, May2004 27
Turtle in Paradise, May2011 2; Jan2013 2
Turtle Island, May2016 28*
Turtle's Race with Beaver: A Traditional Seneca Story,
Oct2004 44; Nov2004 13
The Tushy Book, Nov2015 25
Tut, Tut!, Nov2007 28
Tutankhamen's Gift, Jan2007 35, 37
Tut's Deadly Tomb, Aug/Sept2011 26
Tuttle's Red Barn: The Story of America's Oldest
Family Farm, May2008 48, 49, 50
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving, Nov2003 40;
Nov2004 41
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Brett), Dec2004 19–20
Twelve Kinds of Ice, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 2, 12
Twenty-One Elephants, Nov2010 15
Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing, Mar2015 12;
May2016 2
Twenty-Two Cents, Feb2016 56
Twice as Nice: What It's Like to Be a Twin, Dec2007 42
Twinkle, Star of the Week, Mar2014 41
The Twins' Blanket, Oct2012 55
Twister on Tuesday, Mar2006 10, 12
Twisters and Other Terrible Storms, Mar2006 10–11,
The Twits, Feb2012 2
Two Bad Ants, Dec2011 36
Two Bobbies: A True Story of Hurricane Katrina,
Friendship, and Survival, Dec2009 53–54;
Aug/Sept2012 55; Feb2013 12
Two Christmas Mice, Dec2007 54
Two Eggs, Please, May2009 53
Two for Stew, May2010 37
The Two Mrs. Gibsons, May2007 3; Nov2010 3
Two of Everything, Feb2005 29; May2007 27
Two Old Potatoes and Me, May2004 3; Apr2011 2
The Two Sillies, Apr2004 37
Two Speckled Eggs, Apr2015 3
Two Terrible Frights, Mar2004 38
Two Ways to Count to Ten, Feb2005 29
The Tyrannosaurus Game, Apr2012 42; May2014 44;
Nov2015 8, 9
Tyrannosaurus Math, Apr2010 2, 54
Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast, Feb2006 35
Ubiquitous: Celebrating Nature's Survivors, Apr2011
12; Mar2012 3; Apr2012 25
Ug, Boy Genius of the Stone Age, Jan2007 7
The Ugly Duckling (Butterfield), Oct2013 12
The Ugly Duckling (Mitchell), Apr2008 29; Oct2008 11;
Jan2012 10; Oct2013 12
The Ugly Duckling (Pinkney), Aug/Sept2014 37
Ugly Pie, Jan2013 44–47*
The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool, Apr2008 6
The Ugly Vegetables, May2004 19; Dec2006 3;
May2007 2; Apr2011 2; Feb2012 31
Uh-oh Leonardo: The Adventures of Providence
Traveler, 1503, Jan2007 9
The Ultimate Indoor Games Book, Feb2015 39
Ultimate Weird But True, Mar2014 31, 32, 35–36
The Umbrella, Oct2011 32, 37
The Umbrella Queen, Feb2009 3
The Unbreakable Code, Jan2004 29
Unbuilding, Dec2003 38–39
Uncle Peter's Amazing Chinese Wedding, Mar2007 26;
May2007 3; Oct2007 55; Dec2008 2–3;
Dec2014 12
Uncle Sam and Old Glory, Aug/Sept2011 12, 14
Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen, Apr2015 1, 12, 13,
Under Alaska's Midnight Sun, Jan2008 11
Underground (Evans), Dec2014 32–33
Underground (Macaulay), Dec2003 38
Under My Hood I Have a Hat, Nov2009 46
Underpants on My Head, May2010 53
Under the Cherry Blossom Tree, Apr2013 34
Under the Kissletoe: Christmastime Poems, Dec2011 4
Under the Quilt of Night, Nov2010 16; Nov2015 50–51
Under the Royal Palms, Aug/Sept2009 30, 33–34
Under the Snow, Feb2014 3, 4*
Under the Spell of the Moon, Jan2006 10–11, 12;
Jan2015 12, 15; Mar2016 8
Under the Sunday Tree, Jan2012 34, 39
Underwear: What We Wear Under There, Jan2010 52
Unique Animals of Hawaii, May2007 55
United Tweets of America, Mar2011 49
Unite or Die: How Thirteen States Became a Nation,
Jan2010 50
Uno's Garden, Apr2007 1, 11, 12, 14, 32; Nov2007 55
Unspoken: A Story from the Underground Railroad,
May2014 21–22
The Unstoppable Octobia May, May2015 3
Up, Down, and Around, Mar2010 1, 12
Up, Up, Down, Dec2008 39
Up Before Daybreak: Cotton and People in America,
Feb2009 31
Up in the Air (Livingston), Dec2003 16
The Upside Down Boy/El Niño Felipe de Cabeza,
Aug/Sept2009 12
Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole, Apr2006 3
Uptown, Aug/Sept2003 45; Jan2015 50
Up We Grow: A Year in the Life of a Small Local Farm,
Jan2013 12
Urban Animals, Apr2012 52
The Usborne Big Book of Big Machines, Aug/Sept2015
Usborne Children's Picture Atlas, Nov2011 12
The Usborne Internet-Linked First Encyclopedia of
Seas & Oceans, Apr2009 11
Use Your Senses (Stewart), Apr2008 53
Using Color in Art, Nov2009 12
A Vacation for Pooch, May2015 44
Vacations and Holidays, May2009 51–52
Vacation: We're Going to the Ocean: Poems, May2010
54; Feb2016 42
The Valentine Bears, Feb2004 29–30
Valentine for a Dragon, Feb2005 36
Valentine Hearts: Holiday Poetry, Feb2011 11
The Vanishing Gourds, Aug/Sept2013 29
Veamos el Verano/Let's Look at Summer, May2011 11
Vegetable Dreams / Huerto soñado, Mar2007 25
Vegetable Garden (Florian), May2007 27
Veggie Soup, Dec2006 22
Velcome, Oct2011 22
Venus Flytraps, Bladderworts, and Other Wild and
Amazing Plants, Apr2011 53
Vera's First Day of School, Aug/Sept2003 8
Verdi, May2005 36, 37, 38; Jan2016 44
Very Best (Almost) Friends, Oct2013 12
The Very Best Pumpkin, Oct2012 16
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Mar2011 32, 34–35;
Apr2011 17
The Very Lonely Firefly, May2007 5; May2011 47
Very Short Fables to Read Together, Oct2011 12
The Very Smart Pea and the Princess-To-Be, Apr2005
A Very Special Kwanzaa, Dec2013 12; Dec2014 12
The Very True Story of My Cozy Quilt, May2006 27–28
The Very Worst Monster, Apr2009 51
Victor and Christabel, Feb2011 2
Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco, May2009 53
The Village of Round and Square Houses,
Aug/Sept2006 25
The Village That Vanished, Jan2016 36
Vinnie and Abraham, Mar2013 27
Violet’s Music, Jan2016 8
Violet the Pilot, Mar2015 12
Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys, Mar2004 2–3;
Aug/Sept2004 2–3
Virginia Wolf, Mar2014 3
Virtually True: Questioning Online Media, Mar2014 12,
Vision of Beauty: The Story of Sarah Breedlove
Walker, Mar2007 11; Feb2010 12; Feb2016 8;
Apr2016 26
Visiting Day, Nov2003 3
Visiting Langston, Aug/Sept2003 45; Feb2010 12
A Visit to Puerto Rico, Aug/Sept2004 9
A Visit to the Dentist's Office (Murphy), Feb2007 55
Viva Frida, May2015 36–37; Nov2015 29*; Mar2016 55
Vivaldi and the Invisible Orchestra, Dec2012 43
Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Dec2012 42–44*
Viva Mexico! The Story of Benito Juarez and Cinco De
Mayo, May2006 25
The Voice of the People, Oct2004 6, 8, 10
Voices in the Park, Nov2006 32–33, 36
Voices of Ancient Egypt, Nov2012 12, 24
Volcanoes!, May2014 12, 13
Volcano Wakes Up!, Feb2013 12
Volunteering, Feb2011 51
Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
Vote!, Oct2004 2–3; Feb2008 10
Voting!, Feb2008 10
The Voyage of Turtle Rex, Jan2014 2
Voyage to the Bunny Planet, Aug/Sept2005 28–29
Voyage to the Pharos, Nov2012 1, 12
Vroomaloom Zoom, Aug/Sept2006 52
Wabi Sabi, Nov2014 23; Oct2015 37
Wackiest White House Pets, Dec2009 12
Wackysaurus: Dinosaur Jokes, Feb2006 42
Wacky Trees, Apr2011 22
Wag a Tail, Nov2009 31
Waiting for the Biblioburro, Dec2011 15; Aug/Sept2012
12; Aug/Sept2013 55
Waiting for the Evening Star, Aug/Sept2005 34
Waiting for Wings, May2005 2; May2008 40; Nov2009
32, 35–36
Wait! No Paint!, Apr2005 15; Apr2006 10, 11; Mar2011
Wait Till the Moon Is Full, May2007 29
Wake Up, Rupert!, Mar2016 42
Wake Up Engines, Jan2012 10
Walk a Green Path, Apr2006 28, 32
Walking Home to Rosie Lee, Feb2012 45–47*;
Oct2014 47
Walking to the Bus-Rider Blues, Feb2007 3
A Walk on the Beach, Apr2009 53
Walk on the Wild Side, Nov2015 55
Walk This World, Aug/Sept2014 45
Walk Together Children: Black American Spirituals,
Apr2009 31
Walk When the Moon Is Full, Aug/Sept2013 29
The Wall, Nov2004 25; Mar2009 36; Jan2015 3
Walter the Farting Dog, Jan2010 53
Walter the Giant Storyteller's Giant Book of Giant
Stories, Mar2006 29
Walter Was Worried, Mar2006 2; Nov2006 52–53;
Jan2009 31, 33; Feb2013 18
Waltz of the Scarecrows, Oct2005 21
Wanda's Monster, Jan2004 36
Wangari's Trees of Peace, Aug/Sept2010 11; Oct2011
2; Dec2011 16
Wanna Buy an Alein?, Mar2012 10
The Warlord's Alarm, Jan2014 12
Warning: Do Not Open This Book!, Apr2016 3
Warton's Christmas Eve Adventure, Dec2004 25
The War with Grandpa, Aug/Sept2010 11
The Watcher: Jane Goodall's Life, Oct2011 2;
Aug/Sept2012 17
Watching Foxes, Nov2008 31
Watch It Grow: Pumpkin, Oct2010 54
Watch Me Grow!, Oct2012 3
Watch Me Make a Bird Feeder, Feb2006 47
Watch Me Throw the Ball, May2016 49
The Waterfall's Gift, Mar2010 12
The Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig, Nov2007 45
The Water Hole, Apr2007 31–32; Dec2008 16;
Apr2011 44
Water in the Park, Jan2014 2
The Watermelon Seed, Nov2015 54; Jan2016 46
Water Music, Apr2004 16
Water Rescue Dogs, Dec2009 52
Water Sings Blue, Apr2015 36
Water Steps, May2010 53
Wave, Apr2009 1, 3, 11–12
The Way Back Home, Mar2012 39
Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea, Nov2011 40
The Way I Feel, May2013 16
The Way I Love You, Feb2011 46
Waynetta and the Cornstalk, Dec2010 25; May2013 55
The Way to Start a Day, Mar2005 24
Way Up and Over Everything, Dec2010 2
We (Schertle), Oct2015 8
We Are All Born Free..., Aug/Sept2010 11
We Are a Team/Somos un Equipo, Jan2013 12
We Are Extremely Very Good Recyclers, Apr2011 43
We Are the Many: A Picture Book of American Indians,
Nov2004 33, 35; Nov2013 12
Weasels, Aug/Sept2015 8
The Weather Atlas (Lye), Mar2006 11, 12
We Can Work It Out: Conflict Resolution for Children,
Aug/Sept2010 11
Weddings (Mason), Oct2007 55
Weddings (Morris), Oct2007 55
The Wednesday Surprise, Apr2015 12
Weekends with Max and His Dad, May2016 45
A Weekend with Wendell, Jan2011 2
We Gather Together, Oct2012 11, 12
We Go Together, Feb2011 16
We Had a Picnic This Sunday Past, Dec2006 33;
Dec2014 51
Weird Animal Sports, Apr2013 12
Weird But True!, Mar2014 32, 34–35, 37
Weird But True! 3: 300 Outrageous Facts, Mar2014
Weird But True! Stupid Criminals, Mar2014 36
Weird Friends: Unlikely Allies in the Animal Kingdom,
Feb2011 11; Jan2013 23
Weird & Wonderful Aircraft, Jan2007 52
Welcome Dede! An African Naming Ceremony,
Oct2007 54; Dec2009 25
Welcome to Addy's World, 1864, Mar2004 10
Welcome to Felicity's World, 1774, Mar2004 9–10
Welcome to Josefina's World, 1824, Mar2004 11
Welcome to Kaya's World, 1764, Mar2004 9–10
Welcome to Kirsten's World, 1854, Mar2004 11
Welcome to Kit's World, 1934, Mar2004 12
Welcome to Molly's World, 1944, Mar2004 12
Welcome to Samantha's World, 1904, Mar2004 12
Welcome to the Ice House, Feb2007 53
Welcome to Trucktown, Apr2008 34
We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente, Feb2014
Well-Schooled Fish and Feathered Bandits, Apr2013
We March, Jan2013 2; Nov2014 2; Dec2014 33;
Jan2016 37, 56
Wemberly Worried, Oct2003 2; Aug/Sept2011 33, 37;
Feb2016 54
We're Going on a Bear Hunt (Rosen), Mar2004 38;
May2008 26
We're Going on a Book Hunt, Apr2008 16; Feb2009
23; Aug/Sept2013 6
We're Going on a Lion Hunt, Feb2004 12
We're Going on a Picnic! (Hutchins), May2005 12–13
We're Riding on a Caravan: An Adventure on the Silk
Road, Apr2010 7, 44–46
We're Roaming in the Rainforest, Apr2011 54
We're Sailing Down the Nile, Nov2012 52
We Share Everything, Dec2008 33
Westward Ho, Carlotta!, Feb2013 55
Wet Dog, May2011 48
We've All Got Bellybuttons!, Feb2007 40
What Are You Doing, Maisy?, Jan2008 21
What Are You Doing Sam?, Nov2011 36
What Athletes Are Made Of, Mar2007 25
What a Trip, Amber Brown, May2009 52
What a Way to Start a New Year!, Dec2014 44
What a Year (de Paola), Dec2007 2; Dec2014 12
What Brothers Do Best/What Sisters Do Best,
May2010 30
What Can I…Feel?, Apr2008 54
What Can I…Hear?, Apr2008 54
What Can I…See?, Apr2008 54
What Can I…Smell?, Apr2008 54
What Can I…Taste?, Apr2008 55
What Can You Do with an Old Red Shoe?, Jan2010
48–49; Jan2012 10, 13
What Can You Do with a Paleta?, Aug/Sept2009 54–
55; May2011 3, 11
What Can You Do with a Rebozo?, Oct2015 37
What Can You Do with Only One Shoe?, Apr2015 17–
What Cats Are Made Of, Apr2015 42
Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?, Feb2009 46
What Charlie Heard, Jan2006 27–28
What! Cried Granny: An Almost Bedtime Story,
Dec2007 46
What Daddies Do Best / What Mommies Do Best,
May2010 30, 38–39; May2011 53
What Dads Can’t Do, May2016 47
What Do Authors Do?, Jan2013 53
What Does a Dentist Do? (Miller), Feb2007 55
What Does Peace Feel Like?, Oct2007 55;
Aug/Sept2010 11
What Do Illustrators Do?, Jan2006 11, 13; Jan2015 12,
13; Mar2016 8
What Do You Do When a Monster Says Boo?,
Apr2009 51
What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You?,
Mar2010 23
What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?, May2005 3;
Mar2006 33–34
What Do You Stand For?, Jan2011 12
Whatever, Aug/Sept2006 3
What Grandmas Do Best / What Grandpas Do Best,
Nov2010 50; May2015 4
What Grows From a Tree?, May2004 19
What Happens in Winter?, Dec2012 12
What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Kids' Favorite
Funny Summer Vacation Poems, May2010 54
What If?, Dec2011 10; Feb2016 42
What If You Met a Pirate?, Aug/Sept2007 30
What in the Wild?, Aug/Sept2013 11, 13
What is a Life Cycle?, May2005 36, 37
What Is a Scientist?, Oct2009 2
What Is a Teacher?, Aug/Sept2012 12
What is Goodbye, Feb2010 31–32
What Is It Like to Be Deaf?, Apr2014 53
What Is Science?, Apr2014 1, 12
What Is Sign Language?, Apr2014 56
What is the Full Moon Full Of?, Nov2006 28
What Makes a Shadow?, Jan2015 17–18
What Mommies Do Best / What Daddies Do Best,
May2010 30, 38–39; May2011 53
What Pete Ate from A to Z, Nov2012 3
What Planet Are You From, Clarice Bean?, Mar2007
42; Apr2007 11, 12; Oct2009 12
What Really Happened to Humpty?, Nov2009 24
What Really Happened To Humpty?, Oct2010 3
What's Cooking Jamela?, Dec2006 33
What's Going to Happen?, May2011 22
What's in the Tide Pool?, Apr2009 54
What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin, Jan2008 29
What's the Big Idea? Inventions that Changed Life on
Earth, Mar2011 22; May2014 12, 14
What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?, Jan2014 12
What’s Your Favorite Animal?, Mar2015 42
What Teachers Can't Do, Aug/Sept2003 11
What the Ladybug Heard, Jan2011 54; Apr2013 19
What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?, Oct2007 34, 35
What to Do About Alice?, Jan2010 50; Dec2011 25
What to Do If an Elephant Stands on Your Foot,
Apr2013 16
What to Do When You Dread Your Bed, May2013 12
What to Expect When You Go to the Dentist, Feb2007
What to Expect When You’re Expecting Hatchlings,
Jan2016 45
What Will Hatch?, Aug/Sept2014 37
What Zeesie Saw on Delancey Street, Nov2005 42, 43,
When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and
Tetrapods Stalked the Earth, Feb2006 42
When Charlie McButton Lost Power, Mar2011 12, 14
When Christmas Feels Like Home, Dec2014 2, 45
When Cows Come Home for Christmas, Dec2010 51
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything, Oct2008 54
When Esther Morris Headed West, Nov2006 26
When Grampa Kissed His Elbow, Apr2004 19
When Harriet Met Sojourner, Feb2009 11; Dec2014 32;
May2015 12, 15
When I Feel Angry, May2013 17
When I Feel Good About Myself, Oct2008 45;
May2013 18
When I Grow Up (McNaughton), Nov2006 11, 13
When I Grow Up (Wells), Apr2004 20
When is a Planet Not a Planet? The Story of Pluto,
Mar2008 11
When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her
Youth, Oct2008 45
When I Was Young in the Mountains, Feb2009 21;
May2016 52
When I Went to the Library, Feb2009 23
When Jo Louis Won the Title, Dec2009 27
When Lightning Comes in a Jar, Dec2014 12, 51
When Marian Sang, Jan2004 3; Aug/Sept2004 27, 30;
Mar2005 20; Nov2007 22; Mar2014 5
When Santa Fell to Earth, Dec2007 11, 12
When Sheep Sleep, May2010 38
When Stella Was Very, Very Small, Nov2011 35
When the Chenoo Howls: Native American Tales of
Terror, Oct2007 2
When the Circus Came to Town, Jan2006 24
When the Fireflies Come, May2011 11,13
When the Library Lights Go Out, Feb2009 22
When the Shadbush Blooms, Dec2008 12
When the Wind Stops, Dec2008 18
When This World Was New, Dec2007 3
When Turtle Grew Feathers, Apr2012 36
When Washington Crossed the Delaware: A
Wintertime Story for Young Patriots, Feb2009
When Will I Read?, Oct2008 45
Where Do Birds Live?, Mar2011 48–50*
Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night?, Aug/Sept2014 56;
Aug/Sept2015 44
Where Does Food Come From?, Oct2012 38
Where Fish Go in Winter, Aug/Sept2013 12
Where Giants Hide, Apr2012 54
Where I Live (Spinelli), Jan2008 2
Where in the Wild? Camouflaged Creatures Concealed
… and Revealed, Mar2010 3
Where Once There Was a Wood, Apr2007 3; Apr2011
44; Apr2013 21; Apr2014 28
Where's Mom's Hair? A Family's Journey through
Cancer, Jan2010 12
Where's the Big Bad Wolf?, Apr2005 15
Where's Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt, Nov2006 4
Where the Flame Trees Bloom, Aug/Sept2009 30, 33–
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Oct2010 2;
Feb2012 33–34, 35, 38–39
Where the Shadbush Blooms, Nov2010 3
Where the Sidewalk Ends, Apr2004 16
Where the Sunrise Begins, Jan2012 10
Where the Wild Things Are, Apr2009 48; Feb2012 48
Where We Live, Oct2007 54
Which Puppy?, Feb2010 52
A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk, Mar2010 3; Apr2014
While the Bear Sleeps, Dec2012 24
While You Are Sleeping, Nov2011 2
The Whispering Cloth, Jan2005 18, 21; May2007 3
Whistling, Feb2014 21
White Cave Escape, May2010 53
White Flower: A Maya Princess, Nov2012 12
White Is for Blueberry, Jan2006 3; May2008 27
White Rabbit's Color Book, Nov2009 42
The White Swan Express, Nov2003 3; Feb2012 47
Who Am I? (Phinn), Aug/Sept2013 49
Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?, Dec2013 52
Whoever You Are, Aug/Sept2010 51
Who Has This Tail?, Aug/Sept2013 50
Who Invited You?, Apr2011 37
Who Is Maria Tallchief?, Nov2013 12
Who Is Stealing the 12 Days of Christmas?, Dec2013
The Whole Night Through, Apr2007 42
Who Likes the Wind?, Mar2007 25
Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?, Aug/Sept2013 12, 48
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?, Apr2006 10;
Mar2007 35
Who's at Home?, Jan2010 51
Who’s at the Seashore?, Feb2016 44
Who Says a Dog Goes Bow-Wow?, May2012 19
Who Says Women Can’t Be Doctors?, Aug/Sept2015
Whose Shoes? A Shoe for Every Job, Nov2013 53
Who's Hiding, Oct2009 2
Who Stole Mona Lisa?, Jan2012 3
Who Swallowed Harold? And Other Poems about Pets,
Dec2009 12
Who's Who?, Aug/Sept2013 50
Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? (Carter),
Dec2005 40
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? (Lass and
Sturges), Dec2005 40; Dec2013 52
Who Was Charles Darwin?, Feb2009 17, 36–37*, 39+
Who Will Plant a Tree?, Jan2016 15
Whuppity Stoorie, Feb2005 27
Why Are the Ice Caps Melting? The Dangers of Global
Warming, Apr2007 29
Why Are You Picking on Me?, Oct2013 12, 15
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?, Mar2011 54
Why Do Dogs Bark?, Oct2006 54
Why Do Geese Fly South in Winter?, May2011 10
Why Do Leaves Change Color? (Maestro), Oct2006 29
Why Feet Smell and Other Gross Facts, Nov2015 27
Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn, Nov2015 24
Why Leaves Change Their Color, Oct2012 11
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears, Dec2006 39,
47; May2008 41; Dec2010 25; Aug/Sept2013
31, 37
Why Snails Have Shells, Dec2010 25
Why? The Best Ever Question and Answer Book,
Oct2009 12
Why the Sea is Salty, Dec2010 25
The Wicked Big Toddlah, Jan2008 24
The Wicked Big Toddlah Goes to New York, May2015
The Widow's Broom, Oct2011 53
Wiggle (Cronin), May2006 2, 15; May2012 43;
May2016 37
Wiggle Waggle, Feb2004 8
Wild About Books, Apr2006 11, 12; Oct2007 30, 31,
37; Apr2008 26
Wild Child, Oct2012 12
A Wild Father’s Day, May2016 44
Wildfires, Feb2013 12
The Wild Side of Pet Mice & Rats, Dec2007 54
Wild Tracks! A Guide to Nature's Footprints, Nov2008
33, 34; Dec2009 54
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, Apr2011 26
Wilky the White House Cockroach, May2008 41–42
William Carlos Williams: Poetry for Children,
Aug/Sept2009 26
Willie Mays (Doeden), Feb2014 41
Willow's Whispers, Jan2011 2
Willy and Hugh, Nov2006 30–31
Willy's Pictures, Jan2006 3; Nov2006 37
Willy the Dreamer, Nov2006 11, 31, 38
Willy the Wimp, Nov2006 30
Willy the Wizard, Nov2006 38
Wilma Unlimited, Feb2005 41; May2006 10–11;
Nov2006 26; May2008 44; Mar2009 27;
Dec2011 54
The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary, Feb2015 17–18
A Wind in the Door, Feb2009 11
The Wind in the Willows, Mar2007 29
The Wind in the Willows: #2, The Open Road,
May2009 52
Window (Baker), Apr2007 11, 12
The Window, Apr2011 44
Wind-Wild Dog, Jan2008 3; Mar2008 29
Wings (Myers), Dec2005 2–3; Feb2007 33, 35;
Aug/Sept2008 2; Jan2011 3
Wings on the Wind, Dec2003 8
Wingwalker, Aug/Sept2005 29–30; Mar2006 29
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular!, May2014
Winners Never Quit!, Mar2008 55
Winnie Finn, Worm Farmer, Aug/Sept2010 45–47*;
Apr2013 38–41
Winnie-the-Pooh, Oct2007 28; Jan2008 29; Apr2008 4
Winnie: The True Story, Jan2016 2
Winter: An Alphabet Acrostic, Dec2006 4
"The Winter Cabin" (Fireside Stories), Dec2012 22
Winter Day Play: Activities, Dec2012 12
Winter Eyes, Dec2012 53
Winter Friends, Jan2008 28
"Winter in the Arctic" (Scholastic News article),
Dec2012 22
Winter Is the Warmest Season, Dec2007 29; May2011
Winter Lights, Dec2007 11, 12; Dec2012 12; Dec2013
Winter Moon, Jan2007 29
Winter Moon Song (Brooks), Dec2014 3
The Winter Picnic, Jan2005 25
The Winter Solstice (Jackson), Dec2003 37
Winter's Tale: An Original Pop-Up Journey, Dec2013
The Wise Fool: Fables from the Islamic World,
Nov2012 41
W is for Waves: An Ocean Alphabet, Apr2009 11
Witch, Goblin and Ghost's Book of Things to Do,
Oct2007 27
Witches Four, Oct2007 46
With Needle and Thread, Nov2003 29
With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for a
Woman's Right to Vote, Aug/Sept2008 45
A Wizard from the Start, Jan2011 21; Dec2011 54
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Oct2007 24
Wolf Pie, Feb2011 3
The Wolf's Chicken Stew, May2008 26
Wolf's Coming!, May2008 26
Wolfsnail: A Backyard Predator, Feb2012 23
The Wolf Who Cried Boy, Feb2005 3; Apr2005 11;
Jan2010 2
Wolf! Wolf!, Jan2012 41
Wolves (Gravett), Oct2007 23; Feb2009 23
The Wolves Are Back, Dec2009 55; Apr2013 22
The Wolves in the Walls, Oct2007 11
A Woman for President: The Story of Victoria
Woodhull, Aug/Sept2008 45; Mar2013 27
Wombat Goes Walkabout, Feb2015 40
Wonder, Feb2013 27*; Oct2013 3; Jan2016 38
The Wonderful Book, Apr2012 51
Wonderful Weather, Mar2006 11, 12
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, May2005 24; May2006
24; May2009 4, 7; May2015 29*
Wonderful Words, Oct2014 55
Wonder Horse, Apr2013 3
Wonders and Miracles: A Passover Companion,
Feb2005 9
The Wondrous Whirligig, Dec2003 3
Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku, Apr2015 43
Won't Papa Be Surprised!, Nov2013 26
Wood-Hoopoe Willie, Feb2004 12; Dec2007 11
Woof: A Love Story, Jan2011 53
Wool: How Mittens Are Made from Wool, Jan2009 55
Word After Word After Word, Apr2012 12; Jan2013 54
Words Are Not for Hurting, Oct2013 12
Words to My Life's Song, Apr2009 32–33
Word Wizard, Mar2014 25
Working with Fractions, Apr2010 3
The World According to Kaley, Jan2013 54
World Almanac for Kids, Feb2008 51
The World at Your Fingertips, Dec2004 30
World Book Encyclopedia Presents Maps, Nov2011 26
World Holidays: A Watts Guide for Children, Dec2004
The World Is Waiting for You, Oct2013 47; Jan2015 43
A World of Knowing, Dec2011 54
World of Wonders (Roman), Nov2011 12
The World's Greatest Lion, Apr2013 46
The World's Most Amazing Bridges, Mar2015 24
The World's Most Amazing Survival Stories, May2015
The World's Most Notorious Crooks, Oct2007 23
World Team, Nov2011 3
The Worm Family, Nov2007 49–50
Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams...,
Oct2013 12, 15
Would I Trade My Parents?, May2010 33
Write Before Your Eyes, Feb2009 45
Write This Book: A Do-It-Yourself Mystery,
Aug/Sept2013 46–47
Writing in Ancient Phoenicia, Nov2012 12
Writing Magic: Creating Stories That Fly, Feb2009 47
Wumbers, May2013 4*; May2014 54; Nov2015 22
Xander's Panda Party, Apr2014 22
Yard Sale, Apr2016 39, 55
A Year in a Castle, Mar2013 12
The Year of Billy Miller, Nov2014 3, 12
The Year of Miss Agnes, Aug/Sept2004 3
The Year of the Dog, Feb2012 30, 32, 39
The Year of the Rat, Aug/Sept2008 3; Feb2012 32, 39
The Year with Grandma Moses, Aug/Sept2004 24
Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China, Feb2006 15
The Yellow Balloon, May2009 12
The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of
Denmark, Nov2009 12
Yellow Umbrella, Mar2005 20
Yesterday I Had the Blues, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 2–3,
Yes! We Are Latinos, Oct2015 8
Yeti and the Bird, Jan2016 37
Yo, Vikings!, Nov2012 12
Yoga for Fun!, May2016 9, 11
A Yoga Parade of Animals, May2006 11, 12
Yoko, Aug/Sept2005 34; Dec2014 18
Yoko's Paper Cranes, Jan2008 21
Yoon and the Christmas Mitten, Dec2014 45
Yoshi's Feast, Mar2011 3
You?, Dec2009 3
You and Me and Home Sweet Home, Aug/Sept2010 3;
Dec2013 3; Apr2015 12, 13
You and Me Together, Oct2007 53; May2011 54
You Are a Lion!, May2016 49
You Are Weird: Your Body's Peculiar Parts and Funny
Functions, Oct2009 52; Nov2015 27
You Are What You Eat and Other Mealtime Hazards,
Jan2012 52
You Blink Twelve Times a Minute And Other Freaky
Facts About the Human Body, Oct2009 51–
52; Nov2015 27
You Can, Toucan, Apr2010 3; May2014 54
You Can Do It, Sam, Apr2008 22
You Can Make a Collage: A Very Simple How-to-Book,
Feb2008 55
You Can't Do That, Amelia!, Jan2010 50; Jan2011 23
You Can't Take a Balloon into the Metropolitan
Museum, Jan2008 11; Mar2016 2
You Can't Taste a Pickle With Your Ear, Jan2009 1, 11
You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer, Nov2006 25;
Mar2007 11, 13
You Have to Write, Feb2009 42
You Never Heard of Willie Mays?, Feb2014 39–41*
Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery,
Mar2008 53
Young Cam Jansen and the Substitute Mystery,
Aug/Sept2013 12
A Young Dancer, Apr2012 3
Young Gardener, Oct2010 54
Young Guinevere, Mar2013 12
Young Thomas Edison, Aug/Sept2008 53
Your Body Battles a Cold, Oct2009 52
You're a Bear, Dec2008 2
You Read to Me, I'll Read to You, Apr2004 36;
Feb2005 3; Dec2010 23; Oct2011 21;
Oct2012 16; Oct2014 9, 15, 55
You're a Good Sport, Miss Malarkey, May2010 12
You're a Grand Old Flag, Aug/Sept2011 12
You're Mean, Lily Jean!, Oct2013 22–24
Yours Truly, Goldilocks, Jan2005 31, 32;
Aug/Sept2009 38; Apr2016 43
You've Never Heard of Sandy Koufax?, May2010 2
You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton?, Oct2004 9,
You Will Be My Friend!, Oct2013 42
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Greek Athlete!, May2008
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pirate's Prisoner!,
Aug/Sept2007 30
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator!,
Mar2014 29
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Marco Polo!,
Jan2011 25; Nov2012 19–20*
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Sir Francis Drake!,
Aug/Sept2007 31
You Wouldn't Want to Meet a Body Snatcher! Criminals
and Murderers You'd Rather Avoid, Jan2010
Yo! Yes?, Mar2005 15
Yuki’s Ride Home, Oct2015 44
Yum! Mmm! Qué Rico!, Aug/Sept2008 30;
Aug/Sept2009 51
Yum! Yuck!: A Foldout Book of People Sounds,
Nov2007 32, 33
Yum Yum, What Fun!, Jan2010 2
Zachary’s Ball, Apr2016 46–48
Zapato Power: Freddie Ramos Springs into Action,
Feb2011 54
Zarafa: The Giraffe Who Walked to the King, Mar2013
22; Apr2013 53
Zathura, Nov2009 23; Dec2011 31
Zee, Dec2004 3
Zee Is Not Scared, Dec2004 3
Zelda and Ivy, May2009 30
Zelda and Ivy and the Boy Next Door, May2009 37
Zelda and Ivy: The Runaways, Nov2007 11; May2009
30, 31, 32; Feb2012 21
Zen Shorts, Dec2005 3; Jan2009 3
Zen Ties, Jan2009 3
Zero Is the Leaves on the Tree, Apr2010 2, 54
Zigby Camps Out, May2008 21
Zinnia and Dot, Aug/Sept2010 12; Jan2013 18
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin, Mar2005 9, 28
Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats, Oct2004 5
Z is for Moose, Nov2012 3
Z is for Zombie, Oct2011 21
Zoe’s Extraordinary Holiday Adventures, Oct2015 8
Zoe’s Jungle, May2015 55
Zombie Makers, Oct2013 39
Zoo in the Sky, Mar2008 11, 12; Mar2010 12
Zooman Sam, Aug/Sept2005 11, 12, 13
Zoo School, Aug/Sept2005 11, 12, 13
ZooZical, Dec2012 16
The Z Was Zapped, Dec2011 37
Zzzng! Zzzng! Zzzng!, Nov2006 41
Zzz… The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read on
Sleep, May2013 12
See also lists, theme books; series books
books (P–K)
1, 2, 3…by the Sea, Feb2016 41
1 2 3 A Child's First Counting Book, Dec2010 27
10 Little Rubber Ducks, Aug/Sept2012 23
17 Kings and 42 Elephants, May2012 43
20 Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street,
Aug/Sept2014 55
50 Below Zero, Dec2008 34
100 School Days, Aug/Sept2008 8, 12
123 Versus ABC, Oct2014 49
ABCers, Oct2014 51
ABC Kids, Mar2012 35
ABC of African-American Poetry, Apr2009 30–31
Abe Lincoln Loved Animals, Dec2010 53
Abe's Fish: A Boyhood Tale of Abraham Lincoln,
Nov2010 15, Dec2010 53
Abracadabra! Magic with Mouse and Mole,
Aug/Sept2010 9; Oct2013 56
Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet, Feb2004 9
Actual Size, Apr2005 2; Apr2014 4
The Adventures of Beekle, Nov2015 54
Adventures of Cow, Too, May2008 25
The Adventures of Old Bo Bear, Nov2008 22
African Acrostics, Mar2010 3
African Animals ABC, Feb2004 12
African Tales, Uh-Huh, Apr2009 32
Albert's Ballgame, May2008 21
Albert the Fix-It Man, Jan2009 3; Jan2015 49
Alice's Birthday Pig, Dec2009 3
Alice the Fairy, Aug/Sept2010 9; Aug/Sept2011 4
Alistair and Kip's Great Adventure!, Nov2011 41
All About Pets: Dogs (Frost), Oct2006 52
All Families Are Special, Dec2008 24
All for Me and None for All, Aug/Sept2014 9
All for One (Murphy), Oct2003 35
All For Pie, Pie For All, Dec2008 23
All God's Critters, Dec2010 35; Mar2011 51
All I'll Ever-Want Christmas Doll, Dec2008 3
Allison (Say), May2007 32
All Kinds of Clothes, Jan2009 53
All of Me, Feb2011 18
All the Places to Love, Dec2008 24
All the World, Feb2011 16; May2011 24–27*;
Aug/Sept2011 3; Jan2016 17
All You Need for a Snowman, Dec2004 15
Alphabet Mystery, Oct2010 24
An Alphabet Salad, May2004 16
Alphabet Under Construction, Oct2003 7–8
Alpha Bugs: A Pop-Up Alphabet, Jan2007 42
Always, May2015 56
Always Copycub, May2006 20
Always Lots of Heinies at the Zoo, Jan2010 53
Amazing Apples, Oct2010 53
Am I a Color Too?, Nov2009 3
Andrew's Loose Tooth, Dec2008 35; Feb2014 26
And Tango Makes Three, Dec2008 2; Oct2015 6
And the Cars Go…, Aug/Sept2014 54
And the Good Brown Earth, Mar2010 9; Apr2011 9
Angela's Airplane, Dec2008 35
Animal Babies, Nov2009 54
Animal Babies in Ponds and Rivers, Nov2009 54
Animal Poems, Mar2010 3
Animals Speak, Mar2014 4
Animal Strike at the Zoo, It's True, May2008 22
Another Day in the Milky Way, Mar2008 3
The Ant and the Grasshopper (Poole), May2008 41
Apple Cider Making Days, Oct2010 52
Apple Pie ABC, Nov2012 2
An Apple Pie for Dinner, Oct2012 17; Apr2016 7, 10
The Apple-Pip Princess, Nov2008 3
Apples and Pumpkins, Oct2007 44; Oct2014 29
Applesauce Season, Oct2010 52; Dec2014 9
Apples Here, Oct2010 52
April and Esme, Tooth Fairies, Aug/Sept2011 4;
Oct2011 3, 24; Feb2014 27
Are We There Yet?, May2009 3; Jan2014 4
Are You a Ladybug?, May2005 34; Oct2009 9
Are You Ready to Play Outside?, Feb2013 19
Arithme-Tickle: An Even Number of Odd RiddleRhymes, Mar2007 23
Armadilly Chili, Apr2005 13
Armageddon Summer, Aug/Sept2007 34, 35
Arnie the Doughnut, Jan2008 31–32
Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?, May2008 25
Art (McDonnell), Oct2011 3; Mar2016 7, 47
Ask Mr. Bear, Jan2008 19
As the Crow Flies: A First Book of Maps, Nov2007 53
At the Park, Nov2009 53
Aunt Claire's Yellow Beehive Hair, Dec2008 23
Awesome Dawson, Feb2016 1, 6
Babushka's Doll, Apr2004 19
Baby Animals, Nov2009 54
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?, Feb2008
53–55; Apr2008 21; Mar2011 35–36
Baby Bear's Big Dream, Dec2008 23
Baby Bear's Chairs, Apr2008 20; Dec2008 24
The Baby Beebee Bird, Mar2006 49; Aug/Sept2014 37
Baby Bird (Dunbar), Mar2006 50
Baby Bird's First Nest, Mar2006 51
Baby Danced the Polka, May2006 17
Baby Duck's New Friend, Jan2006 38
Baby in the Box, Aug/Sept2008 20
Backseat A-B-See, May2015 43
Back to Front and Upside Down!, Oct2014 10
Badger's Fancy Meal, Jan2010 2; Jan2014 22
Bailey at the Museum, Mar2016 2
Balancing Act, Apr2014 9, 13
A Ball for Daisy, Aug/Sept2013 36; Jan2015 3, 17–18
Banana, Mar2012 25
Bang! Boom! Roar!, Aug/Sept2015 43
Banjo Granny, Aug/Sept2007 15–16; Nov2010 19–21*
Bare Bear, Apr2008 21
Bark, George, Feb2004 7–8
Barn Dance!, Oct2005 21
The Barn Party, Jan2008 20
Barnyard Banter, Oct2003 9
Bats at the Beach, Oct2006 5
Bats at the Library, Feb2009 22
Batter Up, Wombat, May2008 21; May2016 1, 38
Beach (Cooper), Nov2007 17
Beach Bugs, May2011 47
A Beach Tail, Mar2011 2
Bear Dreams, Apr2008 21
Bear Gets Dressed, Jan2009 53
Bear Has a Story to Tell, May2014 43
Bearobics: A Hip-Hop Counting Story, May2006 8–9
Bears in My Bed, Mar2006 51
Bear Snores On, Feb2004 9
Bears Should Share!, Jan2004 37
The Bear Went Over the Mountain, Apr2014 42
The Beastly Feast, Nov2004 40
A Beastly Story, Oct2007 9
Beatrice Doesn't Want To, May2010 33–34
Beautiful Blackbird, Apr2009 32
Bebé Goes Shopping, Dec2013 56
Because Your Mommy Loves You, Apr2014 41
Bedtime in the Southwest, Dec2007 47
Bedtime Is Canceled, Aug/Sept2015 39
Bedtime Monster, May2013 49
Be Honest and Tell the Truth, Mar2014 9
Belinda the Ballerina, Feb2007 40
The Belly Book, Nov2015 25
Benny and Penny in Just Pretend, Oct2010 34, 37;
Oct2012 53
Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!, Oct2010 36–37*;
Feb2012 22; May2014 2
Benny and Penny in the Toy Breaker, Oct2010 37
Benny and the Binky, Dec2004 3
Benny Bakes a Cake, Jan2008 20
Benny's Had Enough, Dec2004 3
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Car Trip,
May2009 52
The Best Cat in the World, Dec2009 2
Best Mother Goose Ever, Dec2010 23
The Best Pet of All, Mar2013 17; Jan2016 2
The Best Picnic Ever, May2005 14
The Best Time of Day, Jan2014 9
Betty Doll, Mar2009 31
Between the Tides, Apr2009 53–54; Feb2016 43
The Big, Beautiful Brown Box, Aug/Sept2010 51
Big Al, Nov2011 41
Big and Little (Jenkins), Mar2006 32
Big Brave Brian, Apr2009 51
Big Cat Pepper, Dec2009 2
Big Fat Hen, Dec2008 52*
The Biggest, Best Snowman, Dec2004 15
A Big Guy Took My Ball, May2014 3
Big Plans, Jan2009 27
Big Rig, Aug/Sept2014 55
The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book, Mar2012
5; Feb2013 17
Big Time Olie, Mar2012 41
The Big Trip, May2009 48
Bing Go Home, May2008 22
Birds: A to Z (DeGezelle), Feb2006 46
Birdsongs, Aug/Sept2014 38
A Birthday Basket for Tia, Aug/Sept2008 34
The Birthday Book, Aug/Sept2008 16
The Birthday Box, Jan2008 20
The Birthday Fish, Dec2009 3
Birthday Presents (Rylant), Jan2008 20
The Blacker the Berry, Nov2009 3
Black? White! Day? Night!, Jan2009 33
The Blind Hunter, Jan2009 8
Blue Chicken, Mar2016 46
The Blushful Hippopotamus, Oct2008 2
Boo-Hoo Moo, Feb2010 27
Book! Book! Book!, Apr2004 43
A Book of Hugs, Dec2004 25
Bow-Wow Naps by Numbers, Nov2009 52
Bow-Wow Orders Lunch, Nov2009 52
A Box Can Be Many Things, Aug/Sept2008 20
A Box Full of Kittens, Oct2008 3
The Box with Red Wheels, Aug/Sept2008 20
A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog, Dec2007 28
Boy + Bot, Oct2013 44
The Boy from the Dragon Palace, Mar2013 17
The Boy in the Drawer, Dec2008 35*
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Hennessy), Oct2007 24
The Brave Brian, Feb2009 26
The Bravest Knight, Mar2013 9
The Bravest of the Brave, Apr2007 41
Bravo, Maurice!, Nov2006 9
Bring on the Birds, Mar2013 4
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?,
Nov2004 5; Dec2008 51
Bubble Bath Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 52
Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum, May2011 9
The Bugliest Bug, May2005 25
Build, Dogs, Build, Aug/Sept2015 43
Build It with Boxes, Aug/Sept2008 15*, 16*
Bumpety Bump, May2007 26
The Bunnies' Picnic, May2008 22
The Bunnies' Trip, May2009 52
Bunny Business, Mar2006 51
Bunny Cakes, Jan2008 20
Bunny Fun, Nov2008 20
Bunny Mail, Jan2005 2
The Bus for Us, Oct2004 4
The Bus Ride, Feb2016 54
Buster, Oct2003 10
Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, May2015 45
The Busy Body Book, Dec2011 7, 11; May2016 8, 10,
Busy in the Garden, Apr2011 2
The Busy Tree, Mar2010 26
Busy Trucks on the Go, Aug/Sept2015 45
The Butter Battle Book, Aug/Sept2010 7
The Butter Man, Oct2008 3; Nov2008 3; Jan2010 3
The Button Box, Aug/Sept2008 20
Buzz (Wong), Nov2006 40; May2008 40; Oct2013 35
Buzz-Buzz, Busy Bees, Mar2006 51
Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book, Mar2006 51
Bye-Bye, Big Bad Bullybug, Apr2009 51
Caillou: Baby Sister, Dec2008 24
The Cake That Mack Ate, Jan2008 20
Calabash Cat and His Amazing Journey, May2009 2
Calavera Abecedario, Nov2005 24; Oct2013 4
Camille's Team, Jan2013 9
Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please?,
Feb2006 37
Can You Growl Like a Bear?, Jan2010 23–24
Can You Make a Scary Face?, Nov2015 53
Can You Say Peace?, Aug/Sept2010 9, 18–19*
Can You See the Red Balloon?, Apr2008 54
Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens: A Book About the
Four Seasons, Nov2009 49
Carlo and the Really Nice Librarian, Apr2008 24–25
Carmine, A Little More Red, Apr2008 2
Carol of the Brown King: Nativity Poems, Apr2009 31
Carrot Soup, May2007 26; Jan2014 23
Cat, Oct2009 45; Nov2014 42
Catching the Moon (Goldberg), Dec2007 28
Catch the Moon, Mar2008 3
Catherine and Laurence Anholt's Big Book of Families,
Nov2003 15
The Cat in the Hat, Apr2006 2
Cat Jumped In!, Oct2009 45
Cat the Cat, Who Is That?, Aug/Sept2013 51
C D B!, Dec2004 41; Nov2015 22
Celebrate: A Song Resource, Aug/Sept2009 48
Celebrating Families, Nov2003 35
A Chair for Baby Bear, Apr2008 20
A Chair for My Mother, Dec2005 26–28, 32–33, 34;
Dec2008 2; Apr2010 9; Nov2010 3; May2012
4; Dec2013 3; Apr2016 2, 20, 55
The Chalk Box Story, Aug/Sept2008 20
Charlie Parker Played Be Bop, Mar2005 12
Chato's Kitchen, Dec2006 23
Chaucer's First Winter, Jan2010 23
The Cheese (Palatini), Apr2008 2
Cherry Pies and Lullabies, Dec2006 2; Jan2010 3
Chester, Feb2009 44; Feb2011 33, 39; Jan2013 55
Chester's Masterpiece, Aug/Sept2010 24; Feb2011 39;
Mar2012 26
Chester's Way, Dec2007 53
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Nov2009 33
Chicken Butt, Jan2010 23
The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County,
Oct2008 3
Chicken Cheeks: (The Beginning of the Ends),
Jan2010 53
Chicken Feathers, Dec2009 3
Chicken Little, Dec2010 3
Chicken Soup by Heart, Jan2006 24
Chicken Sunday, Mar2009 31
Children Around the World, Aug/Sept2010 51
Children Make Terrible Pets, Apr2013 55
Chimp and Zee, May2004 27
The Christmas Alphabet, Jan2007 30–31
Christmas Kitten, Home at Last, Dec2010 51
Chuck's Band, Jan2009 27
Chu’s Day at the Beach, Feb2016 42
Cinder-Elly, Apr2005 11
Circle Dogs, Jan2005 24
Circus Family Dog, May2008 21
C is for Coco: A Little Chick's First Book of Letters,
Nov2009 52
Clancy & Millie and the Very Fine House, Jan2013 19
Claude Has a Picnic, May2005 14
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, Oct2004 2;
Feb2010 25; Jan2013 50
Click, Click, Splish, Splash, Mar2007 26
Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear!, Apr2008 21
Clip-Clop, Aug/Sept2012 53
Clothes, Jan2009 52
Clothing (Easterling), Jan2009 52
Clothing (Hall), Jan2009 52
Clothing Around the World, Jan2009 52
Cock-a-Doodle Christmas!, Dec2010 51
Coco Counts, Nov2009 52
Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck, Apr2004 7
Color Farm, Apr2005 2; Nov2009 9
Colors, Nov2009 54
The Colors of Us, Nov2009 1, 10; Oct2015 2, 8, 9
Color Train, Color Train!, Nov2009 53
Color Zoo, Nov2004 46; Nov2009 31
Comet's Nine Lives, Dec2004 42; Oct2011 31, 38
Comin' Down to Storytime, Feb2010 24
Community Soup, Jan2016 7
Confetti: Poems for Children, Aug/Sept2008 34
Construction (Sutton), Aug/Sept2015 44
The Construction Alphabet, Aug/Sept2015 42
The Construction Crew, Aug/Sept2015 43
Construction Kitties, Aug/Sept2014 56
Cookiebot!, Apr2012 43; Dec2013 53
Cookie Count: A Tasty Pop-Up, Nov2004 40; Dec2005
35; Dec2013 55
Count!, Jan2015 26
Counting Crocodiles, Oct2007 34
Country Road ABC, Aug/Sept2011 3; May2012 20
Count the Monkeys, May2014 54; Oct2014 50
Count with Dora, May2004 27
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever, Nov2008
Covered Wagons, Bumpy Trails, Mar2009 9
The Cow Loves Cookies, Dec2013 55
Cows Going Past, May2013 33, 39
The Cow Who Clucked, Oct2003 10
A Crash Course for Molly, May2006 3
The Crawly Caterpillar, Nov2009 54
The Crayon Box that Talked, Aug/Sept2010 50
A Creepy Countdown, Oct2003 27–28
Crocodaddy, Nov2009 22
The Cuckoo's Haiku, Mar2010 2; Aug/Sept2014 40
Dad’s First Day, Feb2016 52, 54; May2016 43
Daisy Says "If You're Happy and You Know It,"
Feb2004 9
Dancin' in the Kitchen, Dec2006 22
Danny's Drawing Book, Nov2008 21
Danny's First Snow, Dec2013 40
The Dark (Munsch), Dec2008 35
The Dark, Dark Night, Jan2009 27
David Goes to School, Aug/Sept2003 8
David's Drawings, Jan2011 2
David's Father, Dec2008 36
Dawdle Duckling, Jan2006 38
A Day with Dad, Feb2009 3
A Day with No Crayons, Nov2009 10; Apr2012 10
Dear Annie, Jan2005 28, 32; Feb2015 52
Dear Juno, Jan2005 2
Dear Peter Rabbit, Jan2005 31
Dear Zoo: A Pop-up Book, Aug/Sept2008 17
Deep in the Forest, Apr2005 14
Delicious! (Cooper), Apr2008 55; Jan2014 23
Demolition (Sutton), Aug/Sept2015 44
Diamond Willow, Dec2009 3
Diary of a Spider, Nov2007 50
Diary of a Wombat, Nov2004 4; Jan2014 4
Diary of a Worm, Nov2004 4; Aug/Sept2010 46
Digger, Dozer, Dumper, Aug/Sept2015 45
Dimity Dumpty, Apr2008 2; Jan2011 3
Dim Sum for Everyone, Jan2010 3
Dino-Baby, Dec2014 55
Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family
Lazardo, Feb2006 37
A Dinosaur Called Tiny, Oct2011 26
Dinosaur on Passover, Oct2008 54
Dinosaur Roar!, Feb2006 37
Dinosaurs Galore!, Feb2006 37
The Dinosaur's New Clothes, Apr2005 11–12
Dinosaur Stomp!, Feb2006 33
Dinosaurumpus!, Feb2006 37
Dinosaur Woods, Aug/Sept2010 3
Does a Chimp Wear Clothes?, Jan2009 53
Dog, Nov2009 53
Dog and Bear: Two Friends Three Stories, Jan2009 32
Dog and Bear: Two's Company, Jan2009 32; Mar2010
Dog Days: Rhymes Around the Year, May2007 21
Dog Food, May2004 2
Doggone Dogs!, Aug/Sept2012 23
A Dog Is a Dog, Apr2013 18
Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman,
Aug/Sept2007 2; Nov2007 9–10, 12; Jan2008
Don't Forget to Come Back!, May2006 30
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Oct2004 4;
May2009 49; Jan2010 52; Aug/Sept2012 4*,
52–53*; Aug/Sept2014 37
Dooby Dooby Moo, Dec2012 19
Do Pirates Take Baths?, Aug/Sept2004 4
Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs?, Apr2008 6;
Apr2014 41
Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees?, Nov2008 22
Dot in Larryland, Oct2011 26
Dot & Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery, Apr2007 28;
Mar2010 10
Double Play, Nov2015 7
Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners, Jan2008 33
Do You Know What I'll Do?, Jan2006 3
Do Your ABC's Little Brown Bear, Apr2008 21
Dragon Dancing, Nov2008 22
Dragons Love Tacos, Mar2013 16
Dr. Pompo's Nose, May2004 2
Duck & Goose, Aug/Sept2014 37
Duck & Goose Go to the Beach, Feb2016 42
Ducking for Apples, Oct2012 19
Duck in the Truck, Mar2011 16
The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?, Dec2013 4, 55
Ducks Don't Wear Socks, Jan2009 26*
The Dumpster Diver, Nov2007 48; Apr2011 9, 49–51;
Jan2012 3, 7, 11
Dunk Skunk, May2016 48
Dusty Locks and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
Eat, Leo! Eat!, Dec2015 57
Eating the Alphabet, Nov2009 32; Nov2012 3
Eat Your Peas, Ivy Louise!, Jan2010 2
Eddie's Garden: And How to Make Things Grow,
Mar2007 23
Eddie's Kingdom, Aug/Sept2010 7
Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book,
Oct2011 9, 13
Edgar’s Second Word, Feb2016 53
Edible Numbers, Dec2015 16
Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World,
Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Eek! There's a Mouse in the House, Mar2004 38
The Eensy-Weensy Spider, Feb2010 25*
The Elephant Quilt, Mar2009 10
Ella Sets the Stage, Dec2012 18
Elsina's Clouds, Mar2006 3
The End (Almost), Nov2014 56
Engineering Elephants, Mar2015 10
Engineering the ABCs, Mar2015 10, 13
The Enormous Carrot, May2007 26
Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms, Nov2006 1
The Everything Book, Oct2003 8
Every Year on Your Birthday, Dec2008 22–23
Excuse Me! (Kopelke), Aug/Sept2006 10
Exploring the Deep, Dark Sea, Apr2009 9
Fall Mixed Up, Oct2012 10, 17
Families in Many Cultures, Dec2008 21
The Family Book, Dec2008 24
A Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children,
Mar2010 2
Farfallina and Marcel, Feb2011 2
Farm, Mar2011 17; Apr2011 3
On the Farm, Nov2009 53; Mar2016 42
Fat Chance, Claude, Mar2009 10
Feast for 10, Nov2003 35
Fidgety Fish and Friends, Nov2011 41
Finding Home, May2009 3
Finger Puppet Nursery Rhymes, Dec2010 23
Finger Rhymes, Dec2010 24
Finn Throws a Fit, May2010 20; Feb2013 1, 10
The Fire Children, Dec2010 10
Fire Truck (Sís), May2005 27, 31–32
The First Day of Winter, Jan2006 2
First Snow (Ford), Apr2007 41
First Snow (McCully), Dec2012 53
First the Egg, Dec2007 2; Jan2009 32
Fishing Day, Jan2009 2
Five Little Monkeys Play Hide-and-Seek,
Aug/Sept2005 38
Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car, Aug/Sept2006 51
Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, Oct2010 5
Flip's Snowman, Jan2007 50
Flotsam, Apr2009 3, 53
The Foggy Foggy Forest, Dec2010 39
Footprints on the Roof: Poems about the Earth,
Mar2010 2
The Forever Dog, Dec2009 2
For You Are a Kenyan Child, Oct2007 54
Fourth of July, Sparkly Sky, May2004 41
Fox Tale Soup, Jan2010 3
Fraidyzoo, Oct2014 49; Mar2015 43
Franklin in the Dark, Oct2011 19; Jan2016 44
Frederick, Dec2007 54
Froggy Gets Dressed, Jan2009 53*; Nov2009 48;
Jan2010 52; Dec2014 28
Froggy Goes to School, Aug/Sept2003 11
Froggy Plays Soccer, May2008 21; May2016 48
Froggy Plays T-Ball, May2008 21
The Frogs and Toads All Sang, Dec2009 4*
The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders, May2007 27
From Far Away, Dec2008 32
Frosty the Snowman (Nelson and Rollins), Jan2007 46
Fun in the Sun, Feb2016 42
Gallop!, Nov2009 53; Aug/Sept2012 53
Garbage Collectors, Nov2005 41
The Gardener (Stewart), Oct2004 18, 27, 31; Jan2005
28; Aug/Sept2010 47; Apr2011 3; May2013 4;
Jan2015 54; Feb2015 52
Gecko's Complaint, Feb2005 31
Get Out of Bed!, Dec2008 36
Get Up and Go!, May2016 49
Get Well, Good Knight, Jan2010 10
The Giant Hug, Feb2011 53
The Giant Turnip, Feb2014 52
Gifts (Bogart), Jan2013 31
The Gigantic Turnip, May2007 20; Feb2014 52
Giggle, Giggle, Quack, Oct2004 2
Giggle-Wiggle Wake-Up!, May2005 21
Gingerbread Baby, Dec2005 40; Dec2013 55
The Gingerbread Boy (Egielski), Dec2005 40
The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers, Dec2013
The Gingerbread Man (Jones), Dec2005 40
Global Babies, Nov2009 54
Go Away, Big Green Monster, Mar2016 13
Gobble, Gobble, Slip, Slop, Feb2006 24; Jan2010 2
Gobble Gobble Crash!, Mar2013 43
Go! Go! Bobo Colors, Mar2012 33
Go! Go! Go! Stop!, Aug/Sept2015 43
Going Home, Coming Home, May2007 33
Gold, Mar2011 25
Goldie and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
Goldie Was Mad, May2010 22
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ross), Apr2005 14
Goldilocks and the Three Martians, Apr2008 9
Goldilocks Returns, Apr2005 14; Jan2012 41
Gone Fishing: Ocean Life by the Numbers, Apr2009 2
Goodbye Mousie, May2006 33; Dec2009 2
A Good Day, Aug/Sept2007 2
Good Job, Little Bear, Apr2008 22
The Good Luck Cat, Nov2003 2
Good Night, Good Knight, Aug/Sept2007 2
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site,
Aug/Sept2015 44
Goodnight, Little Monster, Oct2011 21
Good Night, Monkey Boy, Dec2007 47
Goodnight Moon, Apr2011 26; May2011 54; May2014
A Goodnight Walk, Aug/Sept2011 3
Goody O'Grumpity, Oct2005 2
Gordon Loggins and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
The Gospel Cinderella, Mar2005 18
Go to Bed, Monster!, Apr2009 50
Gotta Go! Gotta Go!, May2005 35
Got to Dance (Helldorfer), May2006 16
Grandpa's Face, Nov2003 13
The Great Doughnut Parade, May2011 10
The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog,
Dec2010 40
Green (Seeger), Jan2015 36
Green Wilma: Frog in Space, Mar2012 41
Gregory the Terrible Eater, May2006 10, 11; Jan2014
The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher, Jan2015
The Grouchy Ladybug, Mar2011 36
Groundhogs, Woodchucks, Marmots and Whistle Pigs,
Feb2008 21
Growing Vegetable Soup, May2004 27; Aug/Sept2010
36; Apr2011 2
Guess How Much I Love You, Feb2006 4
Guess the Baby, Aug/Sept2003 11
Guinea Pigs Add Up, Apr2013 10
Gus and Button, May2004 7–8, 10
Ha Ha, Baby!, Dec2008 24
Halloween Hats, Oct2003 41–42
A Halloween Mask for Monster, Oct2007 44
Halloween Mice, Oct2007 44
The Hallo-Wiener, Oct2007 44
Hamsters to the Rescue, Apr2009 53
Hansel and Diesel, Mar2011 16
Happy Birth Day!, May2006 27
Happy Birthday, Jesse Bear!, Jan2008 20
Happy Birthday, Moon, Jan2008 20
Harold and the Purple Crayon, Oct2004 25; Oct2007 4;
Nov2009 10; Jan2015 22–23
Harry, the Dirty Dog, Oct2006 29
Harry and the Dinosaurs Go to School, Oct2008 54
The Hat, Nov2009 46
A Hat for Minerva Louise, Jan2007 50; Jan2009 54;
Nov2009 47; Jan2015 4
The Hating Book, Aug/Sept2003 15
Have You Seen My Duckling?, Mar2015 54
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Winston),
Feb2007 40
The Heart of the Wood, Mar2005 29
Heather Has Two Mommies, Nov2003 3; Dec2008 24;
Oct2015 8
Heat Wave (Spinelli), May2011 46
Heaven is Having You, Nov2010 50
Hedgie Blasts Off!, Mar2008 5
Hello, My Name Is Ruby, Nov2014 55
The Hello, Goodbye Window, Nov2007 15; Dec2008 2;
Aug/Sept2013 34; Jan2015 10
hello! hello!, Aug/Sept2015 6, 8; Nov2015 29
Hello Night/Hola Noche, Nov2014 55
Hello Ocean/Hola Mar, Jan2009 9–10
Hen Hears Gossip, Feb2010 27; Jan2011 54
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, Jan2009 16–19*
Henry's First-Moon Birthday, May2007 3
Henry's Show and Tell, Jan2011 1, 10; Nov2014 11
Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies, Oct2014 11
Here Are My Hands (Martin), Feb2007 40–41
Here Comes Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
Here's a Little Poem: A Very First Book of Poetry,
May2008 25
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (Hillenbrand),
Mar2005 18
Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush (Trapini),
Mar2007 26
Hey, Little Ant, Jan2004 36; May2014 4
Hi, Harry! (Waddell), Oct2004 43
Hibernation Station, Dec2012 10, 50
The Hidden Alphabet, Nov2006 51–52; Jan2009 31,
33; Nov2012 3
The Hidden Forest, Apr2009 2
Hidden Hippo, Apr2013 10, 14
Hide and Sheep, Aug/Sept2012 23
Hide & Seek (Wong), May2006 21
Higher! Higher!, Apr2012 43
Hilda Must Be Dancing, May2012 42
Hindu Festivals Cookbook, May2007 33
Hi New Baby!, May2006 27
The Hinky Pink, Dec2010 38
Hockey Opposites, Feb2014 10, 13
Hogwood Steps Out, Apr2013 10
The Hokey Pokey (Hamanaka), Mar2005 3
The Hokey Pokey (La Prise), Feb2007 41
Hold Tight!, Aug/Sept2008 20
A Hole in the Road (Wood), Aug/Sept2015 43
A Home for Bird, Oct2013 43
Home Lovely, Dec2008 2
Honeybee Man, Aug/Sept2011 3
Honk Honk! Beep Beep!, Aug/Sept2014 56
Hooray, A Piñata!, Jan2008 21
Hop Jump, May2012 45
Hoppelpopp and the Best Bunny, Nov2015 55
Hoppy Hanukkah, Dec2010 50
Horace and Morris Join the Chorus, Feb2004 6–7
Hot Rod Hamster, Oct2011 24, Mar2012 25
A Houseful of Christmas, Nov2003 8–9
Houses and Homes, Aug/Sept2010 50
The House that Drac Built, Oct2007 30
How Are You Peeling?, May2004 2, 7, 8–9, 18, 20;
Apr2012 11, 14; Dec2015 8, 9
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?, Aug/Sept2010 53
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?, Jan2010 10
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?, Aug/Sept2008 9
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?, Feb2006 35;
Dec2007 45; Oct2015 54
How I Learned Geography, May2009 2; Jan2015 36–
How Mama Brought the Spring, Jan2010 3
How Many Bugs in a Box?, Jan2007 40
How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?, Oct2009 2
How Santa Got His Job, Nov2006 9–10
How to Hide a Parakeet, Mar2010 22–23
How You Got So Smart, Feb2011 18
How You Were Born, Mar2008 32
Hug Machine, Jan2016 29*, 48
Hula Lullaby, May2007 33
Hummingbird Nest, Mar2010 3
The Hungry Coat, Jan2010 3; Nov2012 40
Hurricane! (Demas), Mar2006 18–19
Hurricane! (Lakin), Mar2006 19
Hurricane! (London), Mar2006 19
Hurry and the Monarch, May2012 8
Hurry! Hurry!, Aug/Sept2010 24
Hush, Little Baby (Frazee), Mar2005 30
Hush Baby Ghostling, May2013 49
Hush Songs: African American Lullabies, Feb2010 10–
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More, Mar2016 46
I Am a Backhoe, Apr2012 40
I Am an Ankylosaurus, Feb2006 3
I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed, Mar2007 33
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School, Aug/Sept2005 2
I Broke My Trunk!, May2014 41
Ice Cream: The Full Scoop, May2011 10, 14
I Didn't Do It, Apr2013 10
I Don’t Like to Read!, Oct2014 11
I Don't Want to Go to Bed (Ross), Dec2007 47
I Don't Want to Go to Bed (Sykes), Dec2007 47
If I Built a Car, Aug/Sept2006 52; Oct2015 29
If I Were a Lion, Aug/Sept2006 2
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, Oct2009 45
If You Give a Moose a Muffin, Nov2004 5; May2010
36, 39*
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Dec2005 39; May2010
36; Dec2014 29; Dec2015 2, 4; Apr2016 16
If You Give a Pig a Pancake, May2010 36
If You Love a Bear, Feb2011 44
If You're a Monster and You Know It, Oct2012 4*
If You're Happy and You Know It, May2012 45
If You're Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands! A
Pop-up Book, Aug/Sept2009 50
If You're Hoppy, Apr2013 17
If You See a Kitten, Apr2008 54
If You Take a Mouse to School, May2010 36
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies, Oct2004 4
I Got the Rhythm, Oct2015 53
Iguanas in the Snow, Jan2007 4
I Had a Hippopotamus, Aug/Sept2008 21
I Had a Rooster, Jan2009 30–31
I Have to Go!, Dec2008 31, 32, 36
I Know a Lady, Mar2006 29
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie, Nov2004
I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello, Mar2005
I Like Stars, Dec2011 19
I'll Save You Bobo, May2013 2
I Look Like a Girl, Mar2005 24
I Love Chocolate, Feb2011 10
I Love My Daddy/I Love My Mommy, Dec2008 25
I Love My New Toy!, May2010 21
I Love My Pirate Papa, Aug/Sept2007 5
I Love Our Earth, Feb2011 10, 14
I Love You: A Rebus Poem, Feb2004 27–28
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes, Dec2008 25
I Love You the Purplest, Nov2003 7; Feb2011 44
I’m a Frog!, Feb2015 40
Imagine a House, Aug/Sept2010 51
Imagine Harry, Mar2014 11
I'm Bad!, Oct2008 54; Jan2009 26; Feb2012 48
I’m Brave, May2015 55
I'm Going to Sing, Apr2009 31
I'm Mighty!, Mar2011 10
I'm the Best, Dec2011 2
I'm the Best Artist in the Ocean, Nov2011 40; Mar2016
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, Apr2009 3;
Dec2011 2
I Must Have Bobo, May2013 2
In a Blue Room, Nov2009 2
Inch by Inch, May2005 13
In Hide-and-Seek Clothes, Jan2009 53
In My Backyard, Mar2010 10
In My Den, Mar2010 26
In My Nest, Mar2010 26
In My Pond, Mar2010 26
In My Tree, Mar2010 26
In My World, Apr2007 2; Nov2009 31
Inside a House that Is Haunted: A Rebus Read-Along
Story, Oct2007 45
Inside Outside, Feb2014 2
In the Garden: Who's Been Here?, May2007 26
In the Night Kitchen, Nov2008 18; May2013 10, 13;
May2014 2
In the Small, Small Night, Oct2006 10
In the Small, Small Pond, Oct2003 7
In the Snow: Who's Been Here?, Dec2004 45
In the Tall, Tall Grass, Oct2003 7, 8
I.Q. Goes to the Library, Apr2004 40–41; Apr2008 25
I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track, Aug/Sept2007 28
An Island Grows, Apr2009 2
Is There a Dinosaur In Your Backyard?, Feb2006 43
Is There Room On the Feather Bed?, Apr2006 36
I Stink!, Nov2007 49; Jan2009 10
Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten?, Mar2012 25
It All Began with a Bean, Nov2007 51
It Is the Wind, Mar2006 3
It’s a Firefly Night, Oct2014 50
It's a Secret, Jan2010 23; Oct2010 23
It's a Tiger!, Apr2013 16
It's My Birthday (Oxenbury), Jan2008 21
It’s Okay to Be Different, Oct2015 54
It's Pumpkin Time!, Oct2007 45
It's the Bear! (Alborough), May2005 13
It’s Vacation Time, May2015 44
The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Dec2008 51
Itty Bitty, Oct2011 27
I Unpack My Grandmother's Trunk: A Picture Book
Game, Aug/Sept2008 21
I Wanna Iguana, Feb2009 43; Dec2009 50–51;
Jan2016 43; Apr2016 45
I Want a Pet (Child), Mar2007 30
I Want My Potty, Apr2008 6
I Went Walking, May2012 44
I Will Chomp You!, Dec2015 15–16
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, Mar2007 32–33,
40; Jan2015 10; Dec2015 8
I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Howe), Oct2006 39
I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Young), Feb2006 16
I Wish My Brother Was a Dog, Dec2008 25
Jack and the Beanstalk (Kellogg), Apr2005 12
Jack and the Box, Oct2010 33
The Jacket I Wear in the Snow, Jan2007 4; Jan2009
53; Nov2009 49; Jan2012 4
Jack's Talent, Aug/Sept2007 4; Dec2011 2, 8
Jack the Builder, Feb2008 43
Jasper's Beanstalk, May2007 26
Jasper's Day, Dec2009 2
Jazz Baby, Oct2008 3; Oct2015 54
The Jellybeans and the Big Dance, May2010 37–38
The Jet Alphabet Book, Jan2007 54
Job Site, Aug/Sept2015 44
Jody's Beans, May2004 18
Julius, the Baby of the World, Dec2007 54
Jump, Kangaroo, Jump!, Apr2005 35–36
Just a Snowman, Feb2014 44
Just Kidding, Aug/Sept2008 2; Oct2013 10
Just Me and My Dad, May2008 21
Kate and Pippin: An Unlikely Love Story, Apr2013 46
Kate and the Beanstalk, Apr2005 12
Katie Loves the Kittens, Oct2009 44
Katy and the Big Snow, Dec2004 15
Katy Duck is a Caterpillar, Dec2012 16
Kindergarten Countdown (Hays), Feb2008 43
King Midas and the Golden Touch, Jan2009 10
The Kissing Hand, Nov2003 13
Kiss Me, I'm Perfect!, Dec2008 36
Kitten's First Full Moon, Jan2006 2, 4; Nov2007 15;
Aug/Sept2011 31; Oct2011 3; Aug/Sept2013
34; Jan2015 26
A Kitten Tale, Oct2009 45
Knick-Knack Paddywhack: A Moving Parts Book,
Mar2005 3
Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy, Feb2011 17
Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad, Oct2012 29
Ladybug Girl at the Beach, Feb2016 42
Laugh-Out-Loud Baby, Feb2016 53
Laura Numeroff's 10-Step Guide to Living with Your
Monster, Oct2003 35; Apr2009 48;
Aug/Sept2012 23
Leaf Jumpers, Nov2009 2
Leaf Man, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 31, 32, 33; Mar2010
27; Oct2012 11; Nov2014 28
Leaving the Nest (Gerstein), Dec2007 3
Lemons Are Not Red, Nov2006 53; Jan2009 31
Leola and the Honeybears, Apr2005 14
Leonardo the Terrible Monster, Apr2009 50
Leopold, the Liar of Leipzig, Mar2014 11
Let It Fall, Oct2012 11
Let's Dance (Ancona), May2006 2
Let’s Do Nothing, Nov2015 53
Let's Get Dressed: What People Wear, Jan2009 52
Let’s Meet a Construction Worker, Aug/Sept2015 44
A Library for Juana, Aug/Sept2008 32
Library Lion, Oct2007 29
Like a Hundred Drums, Mar2007 25
Liliana's Grandmothers, Aug/Sept2004 6
Lilly's Big Day, Nov2006 28
The Lima Bean Monster, May2004 18
The Lion and the Mouse, Dec2010 2, 24; Jan2011 33;
Feb2011 5*, 25–27*; Aug/Sept2013 34–35,
39; Jan2015 2, 26; Jan2016 48
Lion's Lunch?, Apr2013 19
Listen Buddy, Jan2011 53
Listen to the Rain, Mar2010 11
Little Baby Bobby, Oct2006 43
Little Bear, Little Boat, Apr2008 22
Little Bear Makes a Mask, Oct2007 4
Little Bitty Mousie, Oct2011 25
Little Chick, Mar2014 43
Little Critters: The Picnic, May2005 15
Little Dog Lost: The True Story of a Brave Dog,
Dec2012 3
The Little Engine That Could, May2012 54; Feb2014
21; Nov2015 41
Little Fox Goes to the End of the World, Apr2012 40
Little Goblins Ten, Aug/Sept2012 22
Little Gorilla, Jan2008 21
Little Grunt and the Big Egg, Oct2008 54; Dec2009 11
Little Humans, Oct2015 53
Little Mama Forgets, Nov2010 3
The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry, and the
Big Hungry Bear, May2004 28
Little Mouse Gets Ready, Oct2010 32, 38
Little Night, Jan2010 34–35
Little Pig Joins the Band, Oct2012 54
Little Poems for Tiny Ears, Feb2016 53
Little Puppy and the Big Green Monster, Apr2015 54
Little Quack, Jan2006 26
Little Quack's Hide and Seek, May2006 19
Little Quack's New Friend, Mar2007 26
The Little Red Fish, Dec2007 28
The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, Nov2004 41;
Apr2005 13; Dec2006 23
Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale,
Apr2005 13
The Little School Bus, Aug/Sept2009 48
The Littlest Christmas Star, Dec2011 18
Little White Rabbit, Aug/Sept2011 36; Oct2011 3
Living Color, Nov2009 3; Mar2010 23
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat, Nov2014 28
Llama Llama Mad at Mama, May2010 21
Llama Llama Red Pajama, Oct2011 5*
The Llama Who Had No Pajama, Apr2004 35
Lola Reads to Leo, Aug/Sept2012 52
A Long Way, Aug/Sept2008 21
A Long Way Away, Nov2014 17–18
Look and Be Grateful, Mar2016 53
Lost and Found, Aug/Sept2015 54
Louder Lili, Oct2008 2; Jan2011 3, 10
Lousy, Rotten, Stinkin' Grapes, Jan2010 2; Jan2013 23
Love Is a Family, Dec2008 25
Love You Forever, Dec2008 31, 40*
Lucky Song, Dec2005 26
Lucy's Picture, Jan2009 10
Luka's Quilt, Nov2010 2
Luke on the Loose, Oct2010 38; Oct2015 13
Lullaby Raft, Mar2013 35
Machines Go to Work in the City, Aug/Sept2015 42
The Magic Gourd, Aug/Sept2008 3
The Magic Hat, Oct2010 11, 47
The Magic Rabbit, Oct2010 47; Oct2013 56
Mailbox Magic, Aug/Sept2008 21
Mail Harry to the Moon, Jan2009 26
Maisy Makes Gingerbread, Nov2004 40, 41; Dec2005
Maisy's Twinkly Crinkly Fun Book, Apr2008 53–54
Make a Wish Bear, Mar2014 41
Mama, Do You Love Me? (Joosse), Nov2003 7;
Dec2012 53
Mama, I'll Give You the World, Dec2008 25
Mama, Will It Snow Tonight?, Dec2010 51
Mama Cat Has Three Kittens, Oct2003 8–9
Many Moons (Thurber), Nov2007 29; May2014 29
Marimba! Animales from A to Z, Aug/Sept2008 32
Marshmallow Kisses, May2011 10
Martha Doesn't Say Sorry!, Jan2011 18–19*
Martha Moth Makes Socks, May2008 41
Mary Louise Loses her Manners, Aug/Sept2006 10
Math Fables: Lessons that Count, Dec2010 10, 14
Matthew A.. B. C., Dec2009 27
Max (Graham), Oct2006 43
Max and the Dumb Flower Picture, Mar2011 54
Max Cleans Up, May2004 2
Max for President, Feb2008 10
Max Loves Sunflowers, May2007 26
Max Spaniel: Best in Show, Dec2012 18
Maxwell's Mountain, Dec2008 2
Me and My Brother, Oct2012 52
Me and My Dragon, Mar2013 18
Melrose and Croc, Feb2016 42
Merry Christmas, Merry Crow, Dec2010 51
Mi Abuelita/My Grandma, Aug/Sept2007 28
Midnight Babies, Oct2006 43
Miles to Go, Apr2012 43; Aug/Sept2014 46
Millicent and the Wind, Dec2008 40
A Million Fish…More or Less, Dec2007 38
Milo and the Magical Stones, Oct2010 45; Feb2011 54
Milo the Really Big Bunny, Mar2007 26
Minerva Louise at School, Aug/Sept2003 8
Minerva Louise at the Fair, May2008 22
Mini Mia and Her Darling Uncle, Dec2008 2–3
Minnie and Moo and the Musk of Zorro, Feb2012 11
M Is for Music, Mar2005 8
Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel, Nov2010 16
The Missing Mitten, Jan2007 50
Missing Mittens, Jan2009 54
Missing Molly, May2006 21
Miss Mingo Weathers the Storm, Apr2014 44
Miss Renée's Mice, Dec2007 53
Miss Smith and the Haunted Library, Oct2010 47
Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook, Oct2010 45
Miss Spider's Tea Party, Jan2005 24
Mister Seahorse, Apr2009 10; May2011 52
The Mitten (Brett), Dec2006 29; Jan2009 54*; Nov2009
49; Dec2010 3; Oct2011 30; Dec2011 5*;
Dec2015 3
The Mitten (Tresselt), Jan2007 4
Mix It Up!, Nov2015 52; Mar2016 19, 21
Moira's Birthday, Dec2008 37
Mokie & Bik, Apr2009 3
Mole's in Love, Feb2011 45
Mommies Say Shhh!, Dec2008 25
Mommy Doesn't Know My Name, Dec2009 26
Mommy's Best Kisses, Dec2008 25
Mommy's Little Star, Dec2011 18
Monster, Be Good!, Apr2015 56
The Monster at the End of the Book, Apr2009 48
Monster Hug, Apr2009 51
Monster Knows Please and Thank You, Apr2015 56
Monster Mess, Apr2009 51
Monster Needs His Sleep, Apr2015 56
The Monster Show, Apr2009 51
Monsters Love Colors, Mar2016 45
Monsters on Machines, Apr2009 51
Monster Stew, Oct2003 35
The Moon Is La Luna, May2012 19
Mooses Come Walking, Nov2004 5
More Bears!, Jan2013 55
More More More, Said the Baby, Dec2005 28–29, 30;
Mar2015 56
More Pies!, Dec2008 37
Mortimer, Dec2008 37
Mo’s Mustache, Apr2015 56
The Most Perfect Spot, May2008 19–20
Mother, Mother I Feel Sick; Send for the Doctor Quick,
Quick, Quick, Jan2010 11
Mother Goose Rhyme Time, Dec2010 23
A Mountain of Mittens, Jan2008 5; Jan2009 44–47
Mouse Cookies & More: A Treasury, May2010 36
Mouse Count, Apr2005 25
Mouse's Birthday, Jan2008 21
Mouse's First Halloween, Oct2007 45
Mouse's First Snow, Jan2007 50
Mouse's First Summer, May2005 14
Mouse's First Valentine, Feb2004 28–29
Mouse Views: What the Class Pet Saw, May2008 25;
Aug/Sept2009 49
Mouse Was Mad, May2010 21
Move!, Nov2007 17; Mar2010 23
Mr. Bear's Picnic, May2005 14
Mr. Cookie Baker, Dec2005 39; Dec2013 4
Mr. Gumpy's Outing, May2009 50
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present, May2007 28
Mrs. Katz and Tush, Mar2009 31
Mrs. Potter's Pig, Oct2006 43
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm, Mar2011 17
Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears, Apr2005 14
Mr. Wolf's Pancakes, Apr2005 13
Mucky Duck, Jan2006 37
Mud is Cake, Aug/Sept2004 30
Mud Puddle, May2005 21; Dec2008 37
Mung, Mung: A Foldout Book of Animal Sounds,
Nov2007 32, 33; Mar2014 4
Mushroom in the Rain, Apr2006 36
Music, Music for Everyone, Mar2005 19
Mustache Baby, Dec2014 55
Muu, Moo!, Dec2010 2
My Abuelita, Oct2010 3
My Book Box, Aug/Sept2008 15; Oct2010 46
My Colors, My World/Mis Colores, Mi Mundo, Nov2009
My Crayons Talk, Aug/Sept2008 21
My Creature Teacher, Apr2009 50; May2013 39
My Dad (Browne), Nov2006 30; Feb2009 3
My Daddy Snores, Dec2008 25
My Dadima Wears a Sari, Dec2008 25
My Dad/Mi Papa, May2016 44
My Family Is Forever, Dec2008 21
My Family Plays Music, Mar2005 30
My Five Senses (Aliki), Apr2008 53
My Friend Rabbit, Dec2003 8; May2008 26; Jan2015
My Garden, Apr2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 34; Apr2012 41
My Granny Went to Market: A Round-the-World
Counting Rhyme, May2009 10
My Kindergarten, Aug/Sept2005 27–28; Aug/Sept2008
My Little Red Toolbox, Nov2009 53
My Little Round House, May2012 9
My Little Yellow Taxi, Nov2009 53
My Mom, Feb2009 3; May2012 4
My Monster Mama Loves Me So, Oct2007 45
My Nana and Me, Dec2008 25
My Nose, Your Nose (Walsh), Feb2007 41
My Pop Pop and Me, Oct2015 54
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, Mar2009 31
My Toolbox, Nov2009 51
My Travelin' Eye, Oct2008 2
My Truck is Stuck!, Feb2004 7
My Two Grannies, Nov2010 2
My Very First Look at Clothes, Jan2009 53
My Very First Mother Goose (Wells), Aug/Sept2005 28
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, Apr2011 24
Name That Dog: Puppy Poems, Feb2011 17
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs, Apr2004 19;
Oct2011 3; Mar2016 51
The Napping House, May2013 10, 14
Nathaniel Willy, Scared Silly, Feb2004 9
The Neighborhood Mother Goose, Nov2005 2;
Aug/Sept2011 3
Never Ask a Bear, Aug/Sept2012 20
Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, Dec2006 23
The New Baby at Your House, Mar2008 32
A New Coat for Anna, May2008 49; Apr2016 17
New to Drew, Jan2009 52
A New Treasury of Children's Poetry, Aug/Sept2008 17
Niagara Falls (Bauer), Feb2013 11
Night at the Fair, Aug/Sept2011 3
Night Before Thanksgiving, Nov2003 35
Night of the Veggie Monster, Jan2009 27
The Night Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 53
The Night the Moon Fell, Aug/Sept2008 35
The Night Worker, Mar2015 11
No, David!, Feb2004 9; Nov2009 52
Noah's Mittens, Jan2009 54
No Babysitters Allowed, Mar2010 19
Nobunny's Perfect, Aug/Sept2010 53
No Clean Clothes, Dec2008 31
No Dinner! The Story of the Old Woman and the
Pumpkin, Apr2005 13
No Go Sleep!, Mar2014 43
No Nap, Dec2007 47
Noodle Man: The Pasta Superhero, Dec2006 32–33
No Peas for Nellie, May2004 28
Norman, Speak!, Feb2015 41
No Sleep for the Sheep, May2013 49
Not a Box, Aug/Sept2008 16; Nov2008 20; Feb2012
23; Mar2014 11, 14; Nov2015 54
Not All Animals Are Blue, Oct2009 2
Not a Stick, Nov2008 21
Nothing At All (Cazet), Oct2005 19
Nothing to Do, Nov2008 22; May2013 10, 13
No Trouble at All, Apr2008 22; Nov2010 51
Not So Tall for Six, Feb2009 25
Not Your Typical Dragon, Jan2016 2
Now It Is Winter, Jan2007 28
Now We Can Go, Aug/Sept2008 21
Nugget and Darling, Nov2003 7–8
Nursery Rhymes Illustrated, Nov2007 10
Nursery Tales Around the World, Oct2007 32
Nutmeg and Barley: A Budding Friendship, Oct2007 53
Ocean Counting (Lawler), Apr2015 35
Ocean Counting: Odd Numbers, Apr2009 10
Oceans (Ward), Apr2009 11
Octopus Oyster Hermit Crab Snail: A Poem of the Sea,
Apr2009 2
Off We Go! (Hillenbrand), Feb2014 21
Off We Go! (Yolen), Aug/Sept2007 37; Dec2008 22
Oh, Look!, Mar2009 35–36
Ohio Thunder!, Feb2013 11
Oink-a-Doodle-Moo, May2014 42
Old Black Fly, Nov2006 41
Old Cricket, Jan2006 20
The Old Dog, Dec2009 2
Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Schwartz), Mar2005 3
Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop, Feb2004 7;
Feb2016 7
The Old Man and His Door, Feb2008 34
The Old Man's Mitten, Jan2009 54*
Olivia Forms a Band, Oct2006 28
Olivia Saves the Circus, Aug/Sept2005 36
Ollie, Nov2009 52
Ollie the Stomper, Nov2009 52
Once Upon A Bedtime Story, Aug/Sept2007 37
Once Upon a Picnic, May2005 15
One, Two, Three O'Leary, Dec2007 47
One Boy, Jan2009 32; Feb2012 23; Aug/Sept2012 21
One Brown Bunny, Apr2014 44
One Child, One Seed: A South African Counting Book,
Oct2007 45
One Dark Night (Wheeler), Apr2007 41
One-Dog Canoe, May2009 17–18
One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab, Apr2010 3
One Less Fish, Aug/Sept2003 11
One Lonely Sea Horse, May2004 2
One Mitten, Jan2009 54; Nov2009 47–48
One Pup's Up, Aug/Sept2012 23
One Red Apple, Oct2012 19
One Small Place by the Sea, Apr2009 11
One White Wishing Stone: A Beach Day Counting
Book, Apr2009 53
On Halloween Night (Ziefert), Oct2007 45
On My Beach There are Many Pebbles, Mar2010 26
Oodles of Animals, May2008 5
Oops!, Nov2009 52
Opposites, Mar2011 36
Orson Blasts Off!, Nov2008 22
Oscar's Half-Birthday, May2008 22; Dec2008 2;
Oct2011 3
Otters Under Water, Nov2008 31
Otto Goes to the Beach, May2008 21
Our Class Took a Trip to the Zoo, May2008 22
Our Earth, Nov2007 54; Nov2011 12
Our Nest, Nov2005 25
Our Seasons, Oct2009 3
Our Stars, Nov2014 17–18
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, Jan2009
Out and About, Nov2009 51
Out and About at the Apple Orchard, Oct2010 52
Out of the Egg, Dec2010 3
Out of the Ocean, May2008 21
Over and Under the Snow, Dec2012 10; Feb2014 3
Over in the Garden (Ward), May2007 27
Over the River and Through the Wood, Nov2003 35
Owen, Aug/Sept2011 37; Mar2015 55
Owen's Marshmallow Chick, Mar2007 29
Owl Moon, Aug/Sept2007 39; Dec2007 51; Feb2008
28; Oct2009 47; May2011 53; Jan2015 17–18,
Owney, the Mail Pouch Pooch, May2009 3, 10
Pablo's Tree, Nov2003 3
A Packet of Seeds, Mar2009 50
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?,
Feb2008 53–55; Mar2011 35–36
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, Mar2008 40
Papa and the Pioneer Quilt, Mar2009 3, 50
Papa Do You Love Me, Feb2011 45; May2011 54
Papa's Wild Child / Mama's Wild Child, May2011 52
The Paperbag Princess, Dec2008 31, 37–38
Paper John, Oct2004 30
Parts (Arnold), Feb2007 38; Nov2015 26
The Peace Book, Aug/Sept2010 49
Peaceful Piggy Meditation, Aug/Sept2010 7, 11;
May2013 10
Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class, Aug/Sept2010 11;
May2013 18; Jan2016 37
Peanut Butter and Jelly, Nov2005 25
Peanut Butter and Jellyfish, Apr2015 34
Pea Pod Babies, Oct2006 41
Peek! A Thai Hide-and-Seek, May2006 19–20, 21
Peep! (Luthardt), Jan2006 38
Peepsqueak!, Apr2013 19
Pelle's New Suit, May2008 49
Penny and Her Song, Aug/Sept2012 20
Percival the Beautiful Butterfly, Dec2008 25
A Perfect Day for It, Dec2004 15
The Perfect Thanksgiving, Nov2003 35
Pete's a Pizza, Apr2008 28
Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses, Oct2014 1, 33
Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana, Oct2014 29
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, Oct2014 32–33
Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Oct2014
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, Dec2012 18
Petey's Bedtime Story, Oct2004 31
A Pet for Me: Poems, Dec2009 11
Pet Your Pet, Feb2011 11
Picnic Farm, May2005 15
The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!, Jan2006 36
The Pigeon Needs a Bath, Feb2015 40
Pigeon Wants a Puppy, Jan2009 25; Dec2009 11
Pigs, Dec2008 38
The Pigs' Picnic, May2005 12
Pink, Red, Blue: What Are You?, May2009 31
A Pioneer ABC, Mar2009 49
A Pipkin of Pepper, Apr2008 55
Pirate Pete's Giant Adventure, Aug/Sept2007 32
Pirate Pete's Talk Like a Pirate, Aug/Sept2013 29
Pirate PiggyWiggy, Aug/Sept2007 53
Pirates Don't Change Diapers, Aug/Sept2007 5
Pirate Treasure Hunt!, Aug/Sept2014 11, 13
Planes (Rockwell), Jan2007 54
Planes at the Airport, Jan2007 54
Planting a Rainbow, May2007 27; Apr2011 2; May2013
4; Apr2015 29
Play with Your Food, May2004 2
Please, Puppy, Please, Oct2015 54
Please Do Feed the Bears, May2008 21
Please Let It Snow, Jan2009 55
Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin, Oct2007 45; Oct2010 53
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, Feb2008
29, 53–55; Apr2008 54
Polar Slumber, Dec2005 5
Ponies, Nov2009 54
Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story, Apr2007 41
Posy, Oct2009 43
Potty Animals, Mar2011 24
The Pout-Pout Fish, Nov2011 38
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark, Oct2011 20;
Nov2011 41, 54; May2013 5
Practice Makes Perfect for Rotten Ralph, Nov2005 42
Precious and the Boo Hag, Feb2009 25
Prehistoric Actual Size, Mar2006 34
The President's Daughter, Aug/Sept2005 3
Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes, Oct2014 11, 13
Previously, Feb2009 45
The Principal's New Clothes, Jan2011 16
Protecting Marie, Dec2009 3
Prudence Wants a Pet, Feb2015 41
Puff, the Magic Dragon, Nov2009 23; Jan2015 29
Pumpkin Day, Oct2010 54
Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night, Oct2007 43
Pumpkin Faces, Oct2007 43
Pumpkin Soup, Dec2006 23
Pumpkin Trouble, Oct2012 18
A Pup Just for Me, a Boy Just for Me, Jan2004 35
Quack! (Yorinks), Jan2006 37
Quiet Bunny, Mar2010 20
Quiet in the Garden, Apr2011 3; May2013 56
Quiet Night (Singer), Apr2007 40
Quilt Alphabet, Dec2010 23
Rabbit's Gift, Aug/Sept2008 3
Rabbit's Good News, Apr2004 7
Raccoon on his Own, Nov2008 31
Raccoon Tune, Apr2007 40
Radio WOOF Goes Back to School, Aug/Sept2009 48
Rain! (Ashman), Mar2014 21
Rain (Stojic), Jan2009 11
Rainbow Fish, Aug/Sept2003 11; Oct2008 45
Rain Play, May2011 46
Rain Romp: Stomping Away a Grouchy Day, Mar2006
30–31; Feb2013 22
Rain School, Jan2016 7
Rain Song, Apr2006 36
The Rain Train, Aug/Sept2014 54
Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles Think of That!,
May2004 4; Dec2006 41–42
The Rat and the Tiger, Aug/Sept2006 2–3;
Aug/Sept2008 2
Rattlebone Rock, Oct2003 29
Rattletrap Car, May2005 15; May2009 49
Rawr!, Nov2014 55
Read About Johnny Appleseed, Mar2009 51
Ready, Set, Skip!, May2012 42
Ready or Not, Dawdle Duckling, May2006 19, 21, 22
Ready? Set. Raymond!, Feb2014 38
Really Rabbits, Mar2007 26
The Real Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
Rechenka's Eggs, Mar2009 32, 36–37
Red, Red, Red, Nov2009 2
Red, White and Blue, Aug/Sept2011 44
Red, Yellow, Blue, Mar2016 19, 21
The Red Chalk, Nov2008 22
Red-eyed Tree Frog, Mar2010 34
Red Eyes or Blue Feathers: A Book about Animal
Colors, Nov2009 11
Red Is a Dragon, May2007 2
Red Knit Cap Girl and the Reading Tree, Apr2015 4
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf, Oct2006 29
Red Sings from the Treetops: A Year in Colors,
Nov2009 2
Red Sled (Judge), Dec2012 3, 37–39*, 52; Dec2013 40
Red Sled (Thomas), Dec2012 11, 52; Dec2013 40
The Retired Kid, Jan2012 40
Return to the Hundred Acre Wood, Oct2009 5
Ricky Is Brave, May2015 56
Robot Zot, Oct2011 26
Rock 'N' Roll Mole, Dec2012 19
Rolling Along with Goldilocks and the Three Bears,
Apr2005 14–15
Round Is a Mooncake, May2007 2
Ruby’s Baby Brother, Dec2014 54
Russell and the Lost Treasure, Aug/Sept2014 11
Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie, Oct2011 27
Sadie and the Snowman, Jan2007 50
Safe, Warm and Snug, Oct2009 46
Same Same, Oct2009 2
Sam Is Never Scared, Oct2007 29
Sammy and the Dinosaurs, Feb2006 37
Sam's Sandwich, Nov2004 25
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp, Feb2006 33;
May2013 31
Say Hello! (Isadora), May2012 19
Say Hello (Foreman), Oct2013 42; Nov2014 52
Say Hello Like This!, Jan2013 3; May2013 2; Nov2014
Say Hello to Zorro!, Jan2013 3; May2013 2
Say Something, Aug/Sept2008 2
Scarecrow (Rylant), Oct2005 21
Scarecrows, Oct2010 53
The Scarecrow's Hat, Oct2005 18; Mar2016 42
The Scrubbly-Bubbly Car Wash, Aug/Sept2006 52
Seahorse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea, May2011 52
The Seals on the Bus, Mar2005 29
The Seasons of the Year, Jan2014 11, 14
A Sea within a Sea: Secrets of the Sargasso, Apr2009
Secret Agent Splat, Aug/Sept2013 51
The Secret Birthday Message, Jan2008 21
A Seed is Sleepy, Mar2010 25; Jan2016 15
See You Later, Alligator!, May2009 34–35
Sense-Abilities: Fun Ways to Explore the Senses,
Jan2009 11
Senses at the Seashore, Apr2011 22
Seven Hungry Babies, Apr2011 36–37; Dec2014 54
The Seven Silly Eaters, Apr2004 37; Jan2010 2
Shades of Black, Oct2008 3; Nov2009 3; Feb2010 12
A Shake and a Shiver, Jan2009 53
Shake My Sillies Out, May2012 44
Shark, Nov2011 40
Shark in the Dark, Nov2011 41
Shark vs. Train, Mar2012 26
Sheep Blast Off!, Mar2012 41
Sheep Take a Hike, May2008 21
Shells! Shells! Shells!, Apr2009 53
Show and Tell, Dec2008 38
A Sick Day for Amos McGee, Apr2011 25–27*;
Jan2012 20–21; Aug/Sept2013 35, 36;
Jan2015 53; Oct2015 48–49
Silent Music, Nov2008 3; May2009 2
Silly and Sillier, Feb2005 27–28
Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons, Oct2010 32
Sing, Sophie!, Feb2004 9
Sing a Song of Mother Goose, Jan2013 36
Sing a Song of Popcorn: Every Child's Book of Poems,
Aug/Sept2008 17
SINGuini: Noodling Around with Silly Songs, Mar2011
S Is for Sea Glass, Feb2016 43
Sitting in My Box, Aug/Sept2008 17
Skin Again, Aug/Sept2008 3
Skip across the Ocean: Nursery Rhymes, Dec2010 11,
Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones, Oct2008 54
Skunk's Spring Surprise, Mar2007 26
Sky Magic, Mar2010 2
Sleep Like a Tiger, May2013 11, 12
Sleepyhead, Mar2010 20–21
Sleepyhead Bear, Apr2008 21
"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth, Oct2004 42;
Mar2011 37; May2013 11
Small Blue and the Deep Dark Night, May2015 56
A Small Dog's Big Life: Around the World with Owney,
May2009 3
The Small World of Binky Braverman, Aug/Sept2005
Smelly Socks, Dec2008 40
Snail City, Oct2004 44
Snail's Good Night, May2013 11
Snow Baby, Mar2009 2
Snowbaby Could Not Sleep, Jan2007 47
Snowballs, Jan2004 7; Jan2007 50; Jan2015 26
Snow Bears, Apr2008 22
Snow Day! (Laminack), Jan2009 55; Dec2012 1, 11
The Snow Day (Sakai), Dec2013 40
Snowflakes and Ice Skates: A Winter Counting Book,
Jan2009 54
The Snow Globe Family, Oct2011 11, 27; Dec2012 11,
The Snowman, Jan2004 7; Dec2014 29
The Snowman's Clothes, Jan2009 53
Snowmen at Night, Dec2003 37; Jan2004 7–8;
Jan2007 47; Feb2014 43
Snow Music, Feb2014 2
Snow Play, Jan2007 50
Snowy, Blowy Winter, Dec2013 43
The Snowy Day, Jan2004 8; Jan2007 4; Nov2009 22;
Dec2012 5*; Feb2014 3
Snowy Sports, Feb2014 11, 13
So Happy!, Mar2010 12
Someone Says, Nov2008 21
Something Good, Dec2008 38
Some Things Are Scary, Oct2003 2
Something Special for Me, Dec2005 26–28
Something to Do, Apr2012 43
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo, May2010 23
Somewhere Today: A Book of Peace, Dec2005 3
So Much, Dec2008 22
Sopa de Frijoles/Bean Soup, Jan2010 3
Sophie, May2005 36
Sorry! (Ludwig), Aug/Sept2008 2
So Say the Little Monkeys, Feb2005 30
Sound the Shofar!, Oct2005 24
Soup Day, Jan2014 23; Oct2015 36
Special Delivery, Aug/Sept2008 21; Oct2015 50
Splat Says Thank You!, Nov2014 43
Splat the Cat, Jan2009 27; Oct2009 45
Splat the Cat: A Whale of a Tale, Feb2016 43
Splat the Cat: The Name of the Game, Nov2015 1, 8
A Splendid Friend Indeed, May2008 27
Spot Goes to the Beach, May2008 21
Spot's Birthday Party, Jan2008 21
Spring's Sprung, Apr2004 7
The Squeaky Door, Aug/Sept2004 7
The Squiggle, Nov2008 22
Squiggle's Tale, Jan2005 27, 32
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution, Aug/Sept2010 24–
25; Dec2010 52; Jan2012 1*, 9; May2012 23;
Jan2013 5; Dec2013 11
Stanley Goes Fishing, Mar2007 26
Star of the Week, Dec2011 17
Stars (Ray), Mar2014 42
The Star Tree, Dec2011 18
Staying Safe on the Playground, Nov2015 8, 10
Stellaluna, Oct2004 5; Nov2014 28
Stephanie's Ponytail, Dec2008 30, 31, 39*; Nov2015
Stone Soup, Apr2005 14; Jan2010 3; Feb2015 54;
Dec2015 51; Jan2016 8
Stormy's Hat, Nov2008 2
The Story of Snow, Dec2010 51
Straight to the Pole, Jan2009 55
The Stray Dog, May2005 15; Aug/Sept2011 3
Stretch (Cronin), May2016 37
Such a Silly Baby, Oct2011 27
Sugar Cookies: Sweet Little Lessons on Love,
Dec2013 53
Summer Is Summer, May2008 2
Sunflower (Ford), May2007 21
The Surprise (Ommen), Jan2009 55
The Surprise (Shannon), Aug/Sept2008 17
Surprise Box, Aug/Sept2008 21
The Surprise Garden, May2007 27
Sweet Jasmine! Nice Jackson!, May2006 31
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, Oct2010 12
Sylvia Long's Mother Goose, Feb2005 31
Tacky and the Winter Games, Feb2014 12
Tadpole Rex, Oct2011 24
Tails, Jan2010 53
Take Care, Good Knight, Apr2009 48
Taking Care of Mama, Mar2012 25; Jan2013 48
The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Aug/Sept2007 10, 11;
Feb2012 11; May2015 12
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Jan2005 2
The Tale of Two Bad Mice, Dec2007 53
The Tale of Two Mice, Oct2009 44
Talk Peace, Dec2005 3
Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born, Oct2004 29
Ten, Nine, Eight, Jan2015 2
Ten Birds, Jan2012 2
Ten Go Tango, May2006 16
Ten Little Caterpillars, Aug/Sept2012 23
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, Jan2014 43
Ten Little Puppies/Diez Perritos, Aug/Sept2012 23
Ten Little Wishes: A Baby Animal Counting Book,
Dec2008 25
Ten on the Sled, Aug/Sept2012 23; Dec2012 52;
Feb2014 43
Ten Puppies, Apr2010 3
Ten Red Apples, Oct2010 53
Ten Seeds, Mar2007 23; May2007 27
Ten Sleepy Sheep, Apr2007 41
Ten Sly Piranhas, Aug/Sept2003 11
Ten Tiny Tadpoles, Nov2009 51
Terrific, Jan2012 42
Thanksgiving Day (Rockwell), Nov2003 40
Thanksgiving Day Thanks, Nov2014 40
Thanks to the Animals, Nov2009 4*; Nov2013 44
Thank You Bear, Aug/Sept2008 16; Oct2008 3
That's How!, Apr2012 41
Thea's Tree, Oct2009 3
Thelonius Monster's Sky-High Fly Pie, Apr2009 51
There Are Cats in This Book, Oct2009 43
There Are Monsters Everywhere, Oct2011 20
There Is a Bird on Your Head!, Jan2010 52
There's a Dragon in My Sleeping Bag, Oct2006 39
There's an Alligator Under My Bed, Mar2004 38;
Oct2011 20
There's a Nightmare in My Closet, Apr2009 48
There's a Wolf at the Door, Dec2010 39
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
(Taback), Dec2003 8; Feb2015 55
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell,
Nov2011 38
There Was an Old Monster, Feb2012 49
Thesaurus Rex, Jan2014 18
These Hands (Price), Aug/Sept2003 43, 45
Thirsty Baby, Oct2006 42
This Big Sky, Aug/Sept2008 32
This Is Our House, Aug/Sept2010 49
This Is the Sunflower, May2007 27
This Land Is Your Land, Aug/Sept2011 2
This Little Piggy: Lap Songs, Finger Plays, Clapping
Games..., Dec2010 24
Thomas's Snowsuit, Dec2008 39; Jan2009 54*
The Three Bully Goats, Feb2012 49; Oct2013 21–22
Three By the Sea, Jan2012 2
Three Cool Kids, Apr2005 15
Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe, Dec2008 2
The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark, Nov2011
The Three Little Kittens, Jan2009 54; Jan2011 37
The Three Pigs (Wiesner), Jan2004 46, 47; Feb2005 2,
25; Mar2011 54; Jan2015 16, 18
The Three Triceratops Tuff, Jan2014 44
Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky Adventure, Feb2010
Thump, Thump, Rat-a-Tat-Tat, Mar2005 38
The Ticky-Tacky Doll, Aug/Sept2003 11
Tiger and Turtle, Jan2014 43
Tightrope Poppy the High-Wire Pig, May2008 22
Tikki Tikki Tembo, Feb2005 27; Jan2014 45
Time Flies, Feb2008 44
Time for Bed, May2013 48
Time Is When, Jan2014 11
Time to… (McMillan), Feb2008 44
Time to Eat, Mar2012 2
Time to Say "Please"!, Aug/Sept2010 54
Time to Sleep (Fleming), Oct2003 7, 8, 9–10; Nov2004
Timothy and the Strong Pajamas, Feb2009 26
Tiny and Bigman, Mar2006 19
Tiny for a Day, Aug/Sept2008 21
The Tiny Seed, May2007 27
T Is for Terrible, Feb2006 3; Jan2014 45
Together, Jan2013 17
To Market, To Market (McClure), Jan2015 49
To Market, To Market (Miranda), Nov2004 41;
Dec2008 52; Jan2012 54
Tomas and the Library Lady, Aug/Sept2008 30–31, 35;
Nov2008 39–43; Feb2009 21; Oct2012 26
Tomie dePaola's Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
Tony Baloney, Oct2012 55
The Toolbox, Aug/Sept2008 21
Too Many Frogs!, Jan2011 11; Jan2013 17
Too Pickley!, Dec2015 39
Tooth Fairy's First Night, Feb2014 27
Toot Toot Zoom, Jan2014 44
Tops & Bottoms, May2004 19–20; May2007 27;
May2008 49; Feb2015 55
Tortillas and Lullabies/Tortillas y Cancioncitas,
Dec2006 2; Jan2010 3
The Tortoise and the Hare (Pinkney), Feb2014 21;
Jan2016 44
The Tortoise and the Hare: An Aesop Fable (Stevens),
May2010 11; Feb2014 21
Totally Polar, Dec2004 14
Touch, Feel and Say: Duckling and Friends, Nov2009
Touch and Learn: Tractors and Trucks, Nov2009 52
Touch the Poem, Jan2009 11
Tough Chicks, Feb2010 27
Toy Boat, Apr2009 40–43*, 42–43*
Traction Man Is Here!, Jan2006 3
Train Man, Aug/Sept2014 56
Treasure (Bloom), Aug/Sept2014 12
Treasure Hunt (Ahlberg), May2006 20–21
A Tree for Me, Mar2007 42
A Tree Is Nice, Apr2005 25
T. Rex (French), Feb2006 3
Trouble at the Dinosaur Cafe, Oct2008 54
The Troublemaker, Aug/Sept2015 53
Trouble Talk, Aug/Sept2008 2
Trucks (Gibbons), Dec2006 24
Trucks, Trucks, Trucks, May2005 30, 31
Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur! A Palestinian Folktale, Mar2007
Turk and Runt, Nov2003 40
A Turkey for Thanksgiving, Nov2003 40
Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!, May2011 10
The Turtle and the Monkey, May2004 27
Turtle's Race with Beaver: A Traditional Seneca Story,
Oct2004 44
The Tushy Book, Nov2015 25
'Twas the Fright Before Christmas, Oct2007 35
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Brett), Dec2004 19–20
Twenty-six Princesses, Jan2009 27
Twinkle, Star of the Week, Mar2014 41
The Twins' Blanket, Oct2012 55
Two Christmas Mice, Dec2007 54
Two Little Mittens, Nov2009 49
Two of Everything, Feb2005 29
The Two Sillies, Apr2004 37
Two Speckled Eggs, Apr2015 3
Two Terrible Frights, Mar2004 38
The Ugly Duckling (Mitchell), Apr2008 29; Oct2008 11;
Jan2012 10; Oct2013 12
Uncle Peter's Amazing Chinese Wedding, Dec2008 2–
Under Alaska's Midnight Sun, Jan2008 11
Under My Hood I Have a Hat, Nov2009 47
Up, Down, and Around, Mar2010 1, 12
The Usborne Internet-Linked First Encyclopedia of
Seas & Oceans, Apr2009 11
A Vacation for Pooch, May2015 44
The Valentine Bears, Feb2004 29–30
Veamos el Verano/Let's Look at Summer, May2011 11
Vegetable Garden (Florian), May2007 27
Veggie Soup, Dec2006 22
Vera's First Day of School, Aug/Sept2003 8
The Very Best Pumpkin, Oct2012 16
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Mar2011 32, 34–35;
Apr2011 17
The Very Lonely Firefly, May2011 47
The Very Smart Pea and the Princess-To-Be, Apr2005
The Very Worst Monster, Apr2009 51
The Voyage of Turtle Rex, Jan2014 2
Voyage to the Bunny Planet, Aug/Sept2005 28–29
Vroomaloom Zoom, Aug/Sept2006 52
Wag a Tail, Nov2009 31
Waiting for Wings, May2005 2; Nov2009 32
Wait! No Paint!, Apr2005 15; Mar2011 53
Wake Up, Me!, May2005 21
Wake Up Engines, Jan2012 10
Wake-Up Kisses, Apr2007 39
Walk on the Wild Side, Nov2015 55
Walter Was Worried, Mar2006 2; Nov2006 52–53;
Jan2009 31, 33; Feb2013 18
Watch Me Make a Bird Feeder, Feb2006 47
Watch Me Throw the Ball, May2016 49
The Watermelon Seed, Nov2015 54; Jan2016 46
Wave, Apr2009 1, 3, 11–12
Wave Goodbye, May2006 17; Nov2014 56
Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea, Nov2011 40
The Way I Feel, May2013 16
We Are a Team/Somos un Equipo, Jan2013 12
We Are in a Book!, May2014 3
We Belong Together: A Book About Adoption and
Families, Dec2008 25
Webster J. Duck, Jan2006 38
A Weekend with Wendell, Jan2011 2
We Go Together, Feb2011 16
We Had a Picnic This Sunday Past, Dec2006 33;
Dec2014 51
Welcome to Trucktown, Apr2008 34
Wemberly Worried, Oct2003 2; Aug/Sept2011 33, 37;
Feb2016 54
We're Going on a Bear Hunt (Rosen), Mar2004 38
We're Going on a Book Hunt, Apr2008 16; Feb2009
23; Aug/Sept2013 6
We're Going on a Lion Hunt, Feb2004 12
We're Going on a Picnic! (Hutchins), May2005 12–13
We Share Everything, Dec2008 33
Wet Dog, May2011 48
We've All Got Bellybuttons!, Feb2007 40
What Are You Doing, Maisy?, Jan2008 21
What Brothers Do Best/What Sisters Do Best,
May2010 30
What Can You Do with an Old Red Shoe?, Jan2010
48–49; Jan2012 10
What Daddies Do Best / What Mommies Do Best,
May2010 30; May2011 53
What Dads Can’t Do, May2016 47
What Do You Do When a Monster Says Boo?,
Apr2009 51
What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You?,
Mar2010 23
What Grandmas Do Best / What Grandpas Do Best,
Nov2010 50; May2015 4
What Happens On Wednesdays, Dec2008 25
What is That?, Aug/Sept2008 21
What Mommies Do Best / What Daddies Do Best,
May2010 30; May2011 53
What Pete Ate from A to Z, Nov2012 3
What Shall We Do with the Boo Hoo Baby?, Apr2008
What's in a Box?, Aug/Sept2008 21
What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?, Jan2014 12
What's Wrong, Little Pookie?, Nov2009 52
What Teachers Can't Do, Aug/Sept2003 11
What the Ladybug Heard, Jan2011 54; Apr2013 19
What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?, Oct2007 34
What to Do If an Elephant Stands on Your Foot,
Apr2013 16
Wheels On the Bus, May2009 49
The Wheels on the Bus: A Book with Parts That Move,
Mar2005 3
The Wheels on the Race Car, Aug/Sept2006 51
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything, Oct2008 54
When I Grow Up (McNaughton), Nov2006 11
When Kangaroo Goes to School, Aug/Sept2006 10, 11
When Sheep Sleep, May2010 38
When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really Angry,
May2010 23; Jan2015 2
When the Library Lights Go Out, Feb2009 22
When This Box Is Full, Aug/Sept2008 21
Where Are Maisy's Friends?, Nov2009 51
Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night?, Aug/Sept2014 56;
Aug/Sept2015 44
Where Does Maisy Live?, Nov2009 51
Where in the Wild? Camouflaged Creatures Concealed
… and Revealed, Mar2010 3
Where is Bear? (Newman), May2006 21
Where is Maisy?, Nov2009 50–51
Where Once There Was a Wood, Apr2007 3; Apr2013
21; Apr2014 28
Where's Pup?, Aug/Sept2006 26; May2008 22
Where's Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt, Nov2006 4
Where the Wild Things Are, Apr2009 48
Which Puppy?, Feb2010 52
A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk, Mar2010 3; Apr2014
Whistling, Feb2014 21
White Is for Blueberry, Jan2006 3
Who Am I? (Phinn), Aug/Sept2013 49
Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?, Dec2013 52
Whoever You Are, Aug/Sept2010 51
Who Has This Tail?, Aug/Sept2013 50
The Whole Night Through, Apr2007 42
Who Likes the Wind?, Mar2007 25
Who Put the Cookies in the Cookie Jar?, Dec2013 4,
Who's at Home?, Jan2010 51
Who Says a Dog Goes Bow-Wow?, May2012 19
Who's Hiding, Oct2009 2
Who's Under That Hat?, Nov2009 51
Who's Who?, Aug/Sept2013 50
Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? (Carter),
Dec2005 40
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? (Lass and
Sturges), Dec2005 40; Dec2013 52
Why Do Dogs Bark?, Oct2006 54
The Wicked Big Toddlah, Jan2008 24
The Wicked Big Toddlah Goes to New York, May2015
Wiggle (Cronin), May2006 2, 15; May2012 43;
May2016 37
Wiggle Waggle, Feb2004 8
Wild About Books, Apr2006 11
The Wildest Brother, Feb2009 27
Willow's Whispers, Jan2011 2
Winners Never Quit!, Mar2008 55; May2010 11
Winnie Finn, Worm Farmer, Aug/Sept2010 45–47*;
Apr2013 38–41
Winnie-the-Pooh, Oct2007 28
Winter Friends, Jan2008 28
The Winter Picnic, Jan2005 25
W is for Waves: An Ocean Alphabet, Apr2009 11
Wolf Camp, Jan2010 22
The Wolf's Chicken Stew, May2008 26
Wolf's Coming!, May2008 26
The Wolf Who Cried Boy, Jan2010 2
Wolf! Wolf!, Jan2012 41
Wombat Goes Walkabout, Feb2015 40
Woof's Bathtime, Nov2009 52–53
Woof's Bedtime, Nov2009 53
Woof's Playtime, Nov2009 53
Woof's Snacktime, Nov2009 52
Wool: How Mittens Are Made from Wool, Jan2009 55
Words Are Not for Hurting, Oct2013 12
Words to My Life's Song, Apr2009 32–33
Yellow Ball, Oct2011 2
Yellow Umbrella, Mar2005 20
Yesterday I Had the Blues, Nov2009 2–3, 12
Yoko, Aug/Sept2005 34; Dec2014 18
Yoko's Paper Cranes, Jan2008 21
You?, Dec2009 3
You and Me Together, Oct2007 53; May2011 54
You Are a Lion!, May2016 49
You Can Do It, Sam, Apr2008 22
You Can't Taste a Pickle With Your Ear, Jan2009 1, 11
You're a Bear, Dec2008 2
You Will Be My Friend!, Oct2013 42
Yo! Yes?, Mar2005 15
Yum! Yuck!: A Foldout Book of People Sounds,
Nov2007 32
Yum Yum, What Fun!, Jan2010 2
The Zack Files 04: Zap! I'm a Mind Reader, Jan2009
Zee, Dec2004 3
Zee Is Not Scared, Dec2004 3
Zen Shorts, Jan2009 3; May2010 23
Zen Ties, Jan2009 3
Zigby Camps Out, May2008 21
Z is for Moose, Nov2012 3
Zoe’s Jungle, May2015 55
Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! I'm Off to the Moon!, Mar2008 39
Zorro Gets an Outfit, May2013 2
Zzzng! Zzzng! Zzzng!, Nov2006 41
See also lists, theme books
Books, Karen, Aug/Sept2003 29
bookskits, Feb2012 13*
booktalks. See under language arts, listening/speaking
Book to Art Clubs, Mar2016 14–16
Boolify, Dec2011 45*
Boone, Daniel, Nov2003 24; Nov2006 29
Booth, Coe, Apr2015 2
Booth, Philip, May2012 51
Boothroyd, Jennifer, May2016 41–42
Borden, Louise, Dec2003 34, 35; Oct2005 28; Nov2005 3;
Dec2006 29; Feb2009 2; Nov2009 22, 49; May2014
5; Oct2014 5; Dec2014 47; Jan2015 29
boreal forests, Apr2011 54–55
Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, Aug/Sept2014 37
Borland, Polly, Mar2007 34
Borlaug, Norman W., Mar2010 17
Bornstein, Ruth, Apr2004 7; Jan2008 21
Bosch, Pseudonymous, Aug/Sept2013 46–47;
Aug/Sept2014 43
Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, Nov2007 6, 13
Boston Marathon, Apr2004 4, 24; Apr2005 24; Apr2006 24;
Apr2007 28; May2016 8
Boston Pops Orchestra, Aug/Sept2011 9, 15
Boston Tea Party, Dec2005 25; Dec2007 28; Dec2011 29*;
Dec2012 28*
Bottner, Barbara, Mar2006 50; Jan2011 2; Aug/Sept2012
38–39*; Oct2014 35–37, 53
Bouchard, David, Nov2010 9; Oct2015 7–8
Boueri, Marijean, Oct2007 54
Bouler, Olivia, Dec2011 14
Boullion, Melannie, Feb2015 7; Apr2015 6
Bourgeois, Paulette, Nov2003 29; Nov2005 41, 45; Jan2016
Boutignon, Béatrice, Oct2009 2
Bowen, Fred, Jan2010 19, 21*; Oct2014 47
Bowers, Vivien, Aug/Sept2013 9
Bowler, Ann Martin, Feb2005 31
Bowles, Doug, Feb2014 1, 10
Bowman, Linda, Jan2005 30, 32
Boxing Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2006 28; Dec2007 29
Box Tops for Education, May2015 49*
Boxtops for Kids, Apr2011 47*
Boyce, Frank Cottrell, Apr2005 3; May2012 3; Jan2013 2;
May2013 3
Boyce, Natalie Pope, May2008 10; Feb2014 9; Oct2014 19,
Boyd, Lizi, Feb2014 2
Boyds, Joy Cowley, Jan2008 9, 11
Boynton, Alice, Dec2006 51; Dec2007 18
Boynton, Sandra, Jan2014 45; Apr2016 28*
Boy Scouts, Dec2011 12
Boyum, Marie, May2004 41–43; Oct2008 45; Dec2008 25;
Mar2009 51; Dec2009 23
Bozzo, Linda, Dec2015 8
Bradbury, Judy, Jan2013 50; Feb2013 45; Mar2013 50*;
Apr2013 47; Aug/Sept2013 47; Oct2013 49*;
Nov2013 26*; Dec2013 41*; Jan2014 42*; Feb2014
23*; Mar2014 23*; Apr2014 23*; May2014 23*;
Aug/Sept2014 47*; Oct2014 55; Nov2014 53;
Dec2014 53; Jan2015 43; Feb2015 53; Mar2015
53; Apr2015 53; May2015 53; Dec2015 16;
Mar2016 18; May2016 16
See also Character Ed
Bradbury, Ray, Oct2003 28, 32
Bradby, Marie, Aug/Sept2005 6
Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker, Aug/Sept2005 3
Bradley, Sandra, Nov2015 55
Bradman, Tony, Aug/Sept2007 32
bragging, Dec2011 2
braille, Dec2004 42*; Apr2007 29; Jan2009 11*; Dec2013
36–37; Oct2014 38; Aug/Sept2015 24–25
Braille, Louis, Jan2004 5
Brain Dominance Test, Nov2003 27, 28
brainstorming, Jan2007 20*
Brand, Oscar, Feb2007 29; Feb2008 10, 13
Branley, Franklyn M., Mar2008 9, 12
Braun, Diane, Aug/Sept2004 44
bravery, Feb2009 25–27; Dec2011 24–25, 54; May2015 54–
Brazil, Oct2007 54
bread recipes, May2007 15*
Breckinridge, Mary, Aug/Sept2005 29–30
Bredeson, Carmen, Apr2009 54; Aug/Sept2014 36; Jan2016
44, 46
Breen, Mark, Mar2006 9, 12, 13; Oct2009 10; Dec2013 5
Breen, Steve, Mar2015 12
Bregoli, Jane, Aug/Sept2006 44
Brendler, Carol, Aug/Sept2010 45–47*; Apr2013 38–41
Brennan, Linda Crotta, May2011 10
Brennan-Nelson, Denise, Oct2011 11
Brenner, Barbara, Apr2009 11; Mar2010 11; Apr2013 11
Brenner, Emily, Mar2005 19
Breton, Marcos, Aug/Sept2009 11
Brett, Jan, Aug/Sept2003 5; Dec2003 24; Feb2004 5;
May2004 5; Aug/Sept2004 9; Dec2004 25, 42;
Mar2005 32–37; Dec2005 25, 40; Dec2006 29;
Jan2007 4; May2008 5*, 25; Jan2009 54; Nov2009
46, 49; Dec2010 3, 29*; Dec2011 5*; Dec2013 28*,
55; Jan2014 45; Dec2014 5*; Dec2015 3
Author Extensions, Oct2011 35–39*
Meet the Author, Oct2011 30–34
Breverton, Terry, Aug/Sept2007 55
Brewer, Paul, Feb2015 3
bridges, May2008 29; Jan2015 17–18; Mar2015 3, 9, 15,
16–18, 23–24, 52–53; Feb2016 16–17; May2016 2*
Bridges, Ruby, Jan2004 35; Aug/Sept2004 2, 3;
Aug/Sept2015 28*
Bridges, Shirin Yim, Mar2004 2; Feb2009 3
Bridgman, Laura, Apr2014 53–54
Bridlemile Elementary Oral History Project, Apr2015 49*
Briggs, Andy, Feb2012 8
Briggs, Diane, Mar2004 38
Briggs, Raymond, Jan2004 7; Apr2005 12; Jan2007 7, 50;
Dec2014 29
Briggs, Stephanie, Apr2007 48
Bright, Paul, Nov2011 41
Brighton, Catherine, Feb2015 2
Brill, Marlene Targ, Feb2005 30; Jan2007 10, 20
Brimner, Larry Dane, Nov2003 30; Mar2015 11
Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day, Oct2006 29
Brink, Carol Ryrie, Oct2005 2
Brinkmeyer, Kent and Susan, Nov2006 45
Brisco, Shonda, Dec2007 50; Jan2008 5; Aug/Sept2008 7;
Nov2008 15; Feb2009 15; Oct2009 7; Oct2014 43;
Nov2014 49
Brisson, Pat, Dec2015 42; Mar2016 40; Apr2016 17
Britton, Beverly, Apr2004 20
Britton, Tamara L., Mar2008 10
Broach, Elise, May2011 48
Brocklehurst, Ruth, Nov2011 12
Brock-Lucio, Anita de, Jan2008 3
Brodien-Jones, Christine, Apr2013 5*
Brooke, William J., Jan2004 27, 29
Brooklyn Bridge, May2008 29; Mar2015 3, 9, 15, 24
Brooks, Bruce, Aug/Sept2004 25; Apr2005 35, 38; Nov2008
Brooks, Felicity, Mar2013 11
Brooks, Martha, Dec2014 3
Brooks, Rick, Apr2015 20
Brooks, Walter R., Apr2004 17; Aug/Sept2004 4
Broom, Jenny, Aug/Sept2014 45; Jan2016 48
Brothers Grimm, Nov2004 24
Brown, Calef, Jan2007 50; Jan2014 23
Brown, Carron, Feb2016 44
Brown, Charlotte Lewis, Feb2013 9
Brown, Craig, Oct2009 25, 27*
Brown, Denise, Aug/Sept2004 44
Brown, Don, Apr2005 25; Feb2008 47; Nov2008 11;
Mar2009 27; Dec2011 20, 23*; Feb2012 3;
May2012 8
Brown, Gwyn, Oct2009 11
Brown, Harriet, Mar2004 12
Brown, Henry "Box," Jan2008 53–55; Nov2010 16;
Aug/Sept2012 2–3
Brown, Jeff, Aug/Sept2007 10, 12
Brown, Ken, Oct2005 18; Mar2016 42
Brown, Marc, Nov2004 4; May2006 25; Oct2007 10, 12, 31,
46; Feb2008 43; Mar2008 28; Dec2010 24;
Dec2012 16; Nov2014 9, 28*; May2015 44
Brown, Marcia, Jan2015 17–18; Feb2015 54
Brown, Margaret (Molly), Feb2013 51–52
Brown, Margaret Wise, May2004 24; May2005 24; Oct2005
21; May2006 4, 24; May2007 29; May2008 29;
Apr2011 26; Dec2011 19; May2014 5*, 29
Brown, Maurice, May2008 21
Brown, Monica, Nov2010 2; Dec2011 15; Aug/Sept2012 12;
Oct2012 26; May2013 5*; Mar2014 3;
Aug/Sept2014 4*; Feb2015 3; May2015 11;
Oct2015 17
Meet the Author, May2015 30–35
Brown, Palmer, Apr2007 28
Brown, Peter, Apr2011 43; Oct2013 42; Jan2015 46*;
Apr2015 55
Brown, Robin Terry, Mar2014 30–33
Brown, Ruth, Mar2007 23; May2007 27; Oct2007 44;
Oct2009 44; Jan2012 43; Jan2013 18
Brown, Skila, Aug/Sept2014 3
Brown, Stephanie Gwyn, Aug/Sept2015 43
Brown, Susan Taylor, Jan2010 10
Brown, Tameka Fryer, Dec2014 51; Jan2015 51
Brown, Tami Lewis, Dec2011 5*
Browne, Anthony, Jan2006 3, 10, 11; Nov2006 30–35*;
Oct2007 3; Dec2007 3; Feb2009 3; Oct2012 54;
Nov2015 7
Author Extensions, Nov2006 36–39
Meet the Author, Nov2006 30–35
Browne, Phillipa-Alys, Feb2004 12
brownies (bar cookie), Apr2013 27
Brownies (Girl Scouts), Apr2013 27
brownies (wee people), Apr2013 25–27*
Brubaker, Danika, Feb2010 43
Bruce, Lisa, May2007 22
Bruchac, James, Oct2004 44; Nov2004 9; Oct2007 2;
Nov2013 10; Apr2014 11
Bruchac, Jim, Jan2009 41–42
Bruchac, Joseph, Mar2004 37; Oct2004 44; Nov2004 3, 31,
34, 35; Feb2005 42; May2005 25; Oct2005 2, 28–
29; Nov2006 26; Oct2007 2, 11, 13; Oct2008 40,
41; Nov2008 9–10; Mar2009 27; May2009 11;
Mar2010 12; May2010 3, 10, 11; Nov2010 9, 27;
Dec2010 11; Apr2011 11; Jan2012 7; Feb2012 11;
Mar2012 43; May2012 10; Nov2013 9, 10, 11, 14;
Feb2015 11; May2015 10; Oct2015 39; May2016 9,
Author Extensions, Nov2004 10–14; Nov2013 36–39
Meet the Author, Nov2004 6–9; Nov2013 30–35
Bruchac, Margaret, Nov2004 2, 31, 34; Nov2013 3, 9;
Nov2014 39
Brumbeau, Jeff, Feb2007 47; Dec2011 9
Brunhoff, Jean de, May2006 25
Brunhoff, Laurent de, Jan2012 7
Bruning, Matt, Feb2015 39
Bruss, Deborah, Apr2004 43; Aug/Sept2004 19; Apr2006
Brust, Beth Wagner, Apr2010 10; Dec2010 9
Bryan, Ashley, Feb2005 28; Oct2005 21; Mar2006 50;
Feb2010 3; Dec2010 25; Apr2012 9; Nov2012 5;
Feb2016 56
Author Extensions, Apr2009 34–39*
Meet the Author, Apr2009 30–33
Bryant, Jen, Mar2008 51; Aug/Sept2009 27*; Apr2011 26;
Jan2013 53; Dec2013 3; Jan2015 3, 27; Mar2015
42; Jan2016 25; Feb2016 56; Mar2016 17, 39
Bryant, Laura J., Apr2012 40
Buckley, Annie, Oct2015 42
Buckley, James, Jr., Mar2008 55
Buckley, Mary Anne, Jan2016 12
Buckley, Michael, Feb2006 25; Feb2012 43*; Dec2012 4*;
Aug/Sept2015 3
Buczacki, Stefan and Beverly, Oct2010 54, 55
Buddhism, Dec2010 55
budget cuts, Feb2013 6–7*
budget-stretching tips, Feb2010 5*; Aug/Sept2012 6–7*;
Jan2013 6–7*; Feb2013 6–7*; Apr2014 6; May2015
49*; Feb2016 13–15*; Apr2016 30–35*
Buehner, Caralyn, Dec2003 37; Jan2004 7–8; Apr2005 11;
Jan2007 47; Aug/Sept2010 55; Feb2014 43
Buffalo Bill Cody, Feb2007 28; Feb2008 28
Buffett, Warren, Apr2016 6, 9
bugs, May2005 48; Nov2006 40–42; May2007 28, 29;
Nov2007 29; Mar2008 33; Apr2008 29; May2008
21, 38–42; Jan2011 15; Apr2011 23, 53; Oct2011
15, 51–55; Nov2014 14; Dec2015 14–15; Feb2016
buildings, renovation of, Jan2012 11; Oct2014 7
Bulion, Leslie, Nov2015 27
Bull, Amos Bad Heart, Jan2005 17, 21
Bull, Jacqueline Left Hand, Nov2013 10
Bull, Jane, Aug/Sept2010 46; Dec2014 48
Bulla, Clyde Robert, Feb2005 36, 39; Jan2015 17–18
Bullard, Lisa, Nov2014 9
Buller, Jon, May2016 7
Bulletin Board (former feature)
Any Day Is a Great Day to Read!, Feb2005 22–23, 26
Are You Addressing Me?, Jan2005 22–23, 26
Books Are a Pot of Gold, Mar2004 22–26
Books Are My Valentine, Feb2004 22–26
Books - Don't Leave Home Without Them!, May2005
22–23, 26
Drum Up a Great Book at the Library!, Mar2005 22–23,
Follow the Clues to the Library, Oct2004 22–23, 26
Food for Thought-Read, May2004 22–26
Gopher a Good Book, Aug/Sept2003 22–26
Happy New Read, Jan2004 22–26
Happy Thanksreading, Nov2003 22–26
Light Up the Season with Books!, Dec2004 22–23, 26
Now in the Library…Comic Books!, Apr2005 22–23, 26
'Paws' for Great Books!, Nov2004 22–23, 26
Poetry Production, Apr2004 22–26
Rudolph the Reading Reindeer, Dec2003 22–26
We Like Books, Oct2003 22–26
We're Saving You a Place in the Library!,
Aug/Sept2004 22–23, 26
bulletin boards
American Girl series, Dec2008 26
ancient Egypt, Nov2010 5*
April Fool’s Day, Apr2016 3
arctic region, Jan2013 5
autism, Oct2015 3
autumn, Nov2009 5*
back to school, Aug/Sept2010 5; Aug/Sept2014 5
balloons, Nov2015 2*
baseball, Mar2015 4
Be Kind to Animals Week, May2014 4
Beware! Monsters Loose in Library, Oct2012 5
birthdays, Nov2015 2–3*
Black History Month, Feb2012 5*; Feb2015 4
A Blizzard of Books, Feb2013 4
Books that Soar!, Mar2011 4
Buggy Bulletin Board, May2008 39–40
butterflies, Nov2009 35
Camp Wanna-Read-More, May2007 4
careers, Feb2008 36
Caught in the Act… of Reading, Apr2013 5
Character Cornucopia, Oct2012 15*
Chinese New Year, Feb2011 5*
Christmas lights, Dec2014 5
citizen of the week, Oct2008 13
Crinkleroot, nature books, Nov2008 35*
diurnal and nocturnal habitats, Oct2009 48
dragons, Jan2016 3
Earth Day, Apr2015 5
eggs, Mar2009 4
election ads, Feb2008 36
emotions, Mar2013 5
Everyday Character Heroes, Aug/Sept2007 13
Every Reading Bulletin Board, Aug/Sept2006 5
fairytale critters, Jan2010 4–5
family themes, Dec2008 21
favorite books, Nov2007 4
February themes, Feb2009 4–5
friendships, Jan2009 37
Geography Awareness Week, Nov2011 5
Get Caught Reading, May2010 4–5
Get Wrapped Up in Reading, Oct2013 4
Global Village, Aug/Sept2010 48*, 50–51
Got Math?, Nov2014 5
graphic designs, Jan2009 37–38
green (environmentally friendly) practices, Apr2011 4*
A Haiku of Healthy Colors, Oct2012 23
Halloween, Jan2010 38; Oct2010 5; Oct2011 4
Have We Got a Book for You!, Nov2013 4
heroes and heroines vocabulary, Feb2009 12
hibernating with books, Nov2008 5
hula-hoops, Mar2013 5
idea webs, Aug/Sept2010 27
Iditarod map, Aug/Sept2010 39
insects, Aug/Sept2008 5
It Must Be October, Oct2014 4
It's a Mystery, Aug/Sept2013 5
It's Snowing Books!, Dec2009 5
I've Got a Feeling, Mar2013 5
kindness tree, Jan2016 3
Kwanzaa, Dec2010 5*
Library Lovers Month, Feb2014 4
library promotion hallways, Apr2010 49
Light Up Your World: READ!, Dec2014 5
Look What the Wind Blew In, Mar2007 4
Made in Japan, Aug/Sept2011 5
March On… READ, Mar2012 4–5
Mardi Gras Books on Parade, Feb2008 4
Migrate to the Library!, May2012 4
mirrors, Aug/Sept2014 5
mittens, Dec2011 5*; Dec2013 5
Mock Caldcott Awards, Jan2015 5
monsters, Oct2014 6
multicultural, Oct2015 2
mummies, Oct2013 4
music, Mar2010 4–5
NASCAR, Aug/Sept2008 50
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May2015
New Year, New Books, Jan2014 5
October, Oct2014 4, 6
opposites, Mar2011 37
pets, Dec2009 19
Pinkalicious, Mar2015 29*
poetry, Jan2012 37
polar bears, Jan2013 5
Puerto Rico, Aug/Sept2009 5*
rabbits, Apr2009 5*
Read Around the World in 80 Days This Summer,
May2011 4
red, color, Oct2008 5
Relax with a Good Book, May2013 5
robots, Aug/Sept2015 2
Rock 'n Read, Mar2008 46
scary books, Oct2009 5
Scrabble tiles, Nov2012 4
senses, Jan2009 14*
snowflakes, Feb2013 4
Something to Crow About, Jan2011 5*
Spanish/English, Aug/Sept2008 34
spiders, Aug/Sept2008 5
spring, Mar2009 4; Apr2010 5
storybook mice, Oct2010 37
summer reading, May2007 5
Summer Selfies, May2015 6
Swing into Spring, Mar2015 4
Thanksgiving, Nov2009 4; Nov2015 3
These Are a Few of Our Favorite Books, May2013 4
video-game reading incentive, Jan2009 39
We Caught You Reading, May2009 5
Welcome Aboard (back to school), Aug/Sept2010 5
We're Smitten with Books!, Dec2013 5
What's "Cool" Around Town, Jan2012 5
What's So Funny?, Apr2012 4
What's the Buzz about Your Book?, May2008 39
Who Said That?, Nov2015 4
winter, Jan2009 5; Jan2013 5, 16, 19
See also displays
bullying, Dec2005 2–3, 8–13; Dec2007 44; Aug/Sept2008 2–
3; Apr2011 55; Aug/Sept2011 29*, 37; Oct2011 37;
Jan2013 28*; Oct2013 8–16*, 21–24, 46–49*, 50–
Bullying Awareness Week, Nov2013 28
Bunchman, Janis, Apr2007 48
Bunting, Eve, Nov2003 11, 40; Dec2003 25; Feb2004 29–
30; Nov2004 14, 25; Apr2005 25; Nov2005 5, 42,
43; Dec2005 24; Mar2006 29; Aug/Sept2006 45;
Oct2006 3; May2007 26; Dec2007 47; Jan2008 20;
Apr2008 22; Mar2009 36; Oct2009 21;
Aug/Sept2010 24; Oct2010 52; Aug/Sept2011 11,
45; Oct2011 10; Dec2011 28*; Mar2012 10;
Apr2012 11; Oct2012 11; Nov2012 25; Mar2014 9;
Dec2014 11; Jan2015 11; Mar2015 3, 11; Apr2015
12; Oct2015 8, 54; Dec2015 3, 51; Apr2016 39, 55
Bunyan, Paul, Jan2008 24, 27; Dec2014 29*
Burg, Ann E., Dec2014 52; May2015 22–24
Burgess, Ron, Oct2010 10
Burgin, Robert, Dec2007 19
"Buried Alive" (Scholastic Action), Feb2013 23
Burke, Beth Anne, Oct2013 20; Nov2013 19; Dec2013 20;
Feb2014 19; Mar2014 19; Apr2014 19; May2014
19; Aug/Sept2014 19; Oct2014 23; Nov2014 21*;
Dec2014 41*; Jan2015 40*; Feb2015 27*; Mar2015
27*; Apr2015 40*; May2015 41*
See also Strengthen Your Core
Burkert, Nancy Ekholm, Feb2006 25
Burleigh, Robert, Dec2003 3, 35, 45; May2004 4; Nov2006
55; Aug/Sept2007 17; Nov2007 29, 54; Mar2009 3;
May2010 2; Jan2011 24; May2012 2; Oct2012 55;
Nov2012 46; Aug/Sept2014 38–39; Nov2014 17–
18; Mar2015 42; May2015 37–38; Aug/Sept2015
Burleson, Todd, May2015 7
Burnaby Public Library, Oct2015 54*
Burnell, Heather, May2013 49
Burnford, Sheila, May2006 25
Burningham, John, Aug/Sept2008 2–3; Oct2008 2; May2009
50; Jan2010 23; Oct2010 23; Apr2011 43
Burns, Ken, Nov2007 37
Burns, Loree Griffin, Feb2008 3; Apr2009 11; Aug/Sept2013
2; Jan2016 22
Burns, Marilyn, Feb2008 46
Burstein, John, Jan2011 10; Oct2013 12
Burton, Jane, May2011 10
Burton, LeVar, Mar2005 9, 28
Burton, Virginia Lee, Dec2004 15; Jan2007 28; Apr2008 29
Burwell, Paul, Apr2013 23
Busby, Peter, Dec2003 2, 9, 44; Jan2007 3; Mar2011 3
Busch, Lou, Mar2005 2; Feb2015 52
Busse, Sarah Martin, Aug/Sept2007 15–16; Nov2007 37, 45;
Nov2010 19
Bussell, Linda, Nov2015 8
Bustard, Anne, Aug/Sept2006 6; Mar2007 22
Butler, Dori Hillestad, Feb2006 42–48; Mar2008 53;
May2010 42*; Aug/Sept2012 49; Aug/Sept2013 9;
May2016 9
Butler, John, Apr2008 54; Jan2010 23
Butler, M. Christina, Jan2009 27
Butler, Patricia, Oct2004 14
Butt, Nancy, Mar2012 2,8
Butterfield, Moira, Jan2004 36; Oct2004 44; Oct2013 12
butterflies, Mar2007 25; Oct2007 28; Nov2009 35–36;
Mar2010 15*, 36–37*
Butterworth, Chris, Dec2015 2, 39
Butterworth, Nick, May2007 26
Buttitta, Hope, Oct2010 10
Button, Lana, Jan2011 2
Buyea, Rob, Aug/Sept2012 9
Buzzeo, Toni, Nov2005 18; Dec2005 16; Jan2006 23, 38;
Feb2006 41; Mar2006 31; Apr2006 18; May2006
23, 45; Aug/Sept2006 49; Oct2006 20; Nov2006 6,
21, 24; Dec2006 19; Jan2007 19, 22, 26; Feb2007
27; Mar2007 20; Apr2007 19, 24; May2007 41;
Aug/Sept2007 27, 46; Oct2007 16, 52; Nov2007 27;
Dec2007 22, 52; Jan2008 38, 43; Feb2008 19, 41;
Mar2008 27; Apr2008 27, 52; May2008 47;
Aug/Sept2008 25; Oct2008 46; Nov2008 27;
Dec2008 41; Jan2009 24; Feb2009 48; Mar2009
15; Apr2009 16; May2009 17, 46; Aug/Sept2009
18; Oct2009 24; Nov2009 21, 39; Dec2009 42;
Jan2010 6; Feb2010 20; Mar2010 42; Apr2010 24;
May2010 7; Aug/Sept2010 18, 44; Oct2010 19;
Nov2010 19, 44; Dec2010 46; Jan2011 7, 28;
Feb2011 48; Mar2011 18, 46; Apr2011 49;
May2011 18; Aug/Sept2011 19, 43; Oct2011 43;
Nov2011 19, 46; Dec2011 1, 16, 48; Jan2012 27,
47; Feb2012 24; Mar2012 48; Apr2012 16, 46;
May2012 17, 46; Aug/Sept2012 1, 11, 19, 44;
Oct2012 27, 45; Nov2012 26, 48; Dec2012 24, 45;
Jan2013 24, 44; Feb2013 24, 46; Mar2013 24, 44;
Apr2013 24; May2013 3, 23, 40; Aug/Sept2013 6,
23; Oct2013 25; Nov2013 47; Dec2013 47;
Jan2014 46; Mar2014 44; Apr2014 45; May2014
45; Aug/Sept2014 35; Oct2014 17, 23; Nov2014 23;
Dec2014 38; Jan2015 37; Feb2015 24; Mar2015
24; Apr2015 37; May2015 38; Aug/Sept2015 27;
Oct2015 41*; Nov2015 47*; Dec2015 43*; Jan2016
29*; Feb2016 40*; Mar2016 27*; Apr2016 40*;
May2016 27
See also Core Focus; Keep 'em Reading; Reader's
Byars, Betsy, Nov2003 16, 17–18; May2007 29; Oct2008 54;
Nov2008 17; Dec2008 11; Jan2012 9;
Aug/Sept2014 11; Nov2014 28
Byers, Carolyn, Aug/Sept2005 5
Bynum, Janie, Oct2007 53
Byrd, Robert, Feb2009 9; Feb2012 10; May2014 29
Byrne, Richard, Aug/Sept2015 54; Nov2015 54
Cabot, Meg, Dec2007 10, 12, 13; Feb2012 41*
Caccavale, Therese Sullivan, May2012 18
Caduto, Michael, Nov2004 8, 11–12
cahoots, Jan2013 2–3
Cain, Janan, May2013 16
Cajun music, Nov2007 46
Caldecott, Randolph, Nov2007 10, 14, 15*; Jan2012 20;
Jan2015 8, 11, 14
Caldecott Honor Books, Aug/Sept2003 44
Caldecott Medal, Aug/Sept2003 44; Jan2004 2–3, 5, 25, 44–
45, 47; Feb2004 2; Oct2004 27*; Jan2005 24–25;
Jan2006 2–3, 5, 12–13, 15–19, 24–25; Dec2006
48; Jan2007 29, 53; Mar2007 32; Nov2007 2, 3, 6,
10, 13, 14, 15; Dec2007 4; Jan2008 28–29;
Nov2009 36*; Jan2010 42*, 45–46*; Jan2011 28;
Apr2011 27; Nov2011 18; Jan2012 20–21; Jan2013
4*; Aug/Sept2013 30–35, 36–39; Jan2015 2–3, 5*,
8–15*, 16–18, 19–21, 25–27, 36–37, 41–43, 44–
47*, 53–56; Feb2015 54–56; Jan2016 4*
Calder, Alexander, May2012 41
calendars, 28–29 all issues
Calhoun, Mary, Aug/Sept2004 24
Cali, Davide, Feb2011 10
California, Jan2008 2, 44; Jan2014 7*
Callahan, Sean, May2016 44
Callen, Lyndall, Feb2009 48*
Callery, Sean, Nov2008 18; Apr2011 10; Oct2014 19, 20
Calmenson, Stephanie, Apr2005 12; Oct2007 41; Jan2011
CAMAN Canines, Nov2011 6–7*
cameras, Mar2012 20–23*
Cameron, Ann, May2013 3
Cameron, Dan, Jan2005 18, 21
Cammuso, Frank, May2014 11
camp, May2011 12, 46–47
Camp, Deanne, Dec2007 17
Campbell, Bebe Moore, Jan2010 11
Campbell, Lisa, Aug/Sept2006 52
Campbell, Rod, Aug/Sept2008 17
Campbell, Sarah C., Apr2014 29, 40
Campbell, Scott, Jan2016 29*, 48
Campbell’s Labels for Education, May2015 49*
Camper, Cathy, Oct2015 14
campgrounds, Mar2010 6*
camping, May2007 4; May2008 21; May2015 45–46
Campos, Maria de, Oct2007 54
Campos, Tito, Nov2006 10, 13; Aug/Sept2009 11
Campoy, F. Isabel, Aug/Sept2009 11; Dec2010 2; Oct2015 8
Canada, Nov2011 2; Apr2013 23*
Canada Council for the Arts, Jan2015 13*
Canada Science and Technology Museum, Jan2004 29
cancer, Feb2011 22
Candler, Laura, Oct2015 8*
Candlewick Press, Oct2003 5; May2010 4*; Dec2013 4*;
May2015 5*; Jan2016 25*
canine assistance, Nov2011 6–7*
Cannella, Jeanne, Dec2008 54
Cannon, Janell, Oct2004 5; May2005 36, 37, 38; Nov2014
28; Jan2016 44
Capaldi, Gina, Nov2014 12
Capote, Truman, Dec2003 25; Nov2004 25
Captain Book's Gold Nugget Word List, Aug/Sept2012 6–7*
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, Oct2007 45; Dec2012 16
Card, Orson Scott, Mar2012 8; Oct2014 8, 10
Card Playing Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2006 29; Dec2007 29;
Dec2014 28*
career days, Nov2006 13; Nov2013 53–56
careers, Nov2006 2–3, 8–13; Mar2007 47; Feb2008 36;
Apr2008 4, 29; May2008 35; Oct2009 19; Apr2010
14*; Apr2013 15*; Nov2013 53–56; Nov2014 26–
27; Feb2015 25–27, 44; Mar2015 48; Nov2015 44;
May2016 10–11*
care packages, Aug/Sept2004 5
Carey, Janet Lee, Jan2005 37, 39; Dec2008 11
Carfra, Pat, May2005 20
caricatures, Jan2007 7; Feb2008 13
caring, Aug/Sept2007 15
Carle, Eric, Oct2004 42; Nov2004 5; May2007 5, 27;
Jan2008 21; Feb2008 55*; Mar2008 40; Jan2009
41; Apr2009 10; Apr2011 17; May2011 47, 52;
Nov2011 18*; Apr2012 48–50*; Aug/Sept2012 23;
May2013 11; Jan2015 10; Mar2015 42; Mar2016
47; May2016 3*
Author Extensions, Mar2011 34–37
Meet the Author, Mar2011 30–33*
Carling, Amelia Lau, Jan2004 3
Carlsen, Kirsten, Apr2009 10
Carlson, Drew, Nov2010 15
Carlson, Laurie, Nov2004 4, 32, 34, 35; Oct2005 27, 31;
Jan2007 3; Mar2013 10
Carlson, Nancy, Dec2008 21; Jan2011 1, 10; Oct2014 11;
Nov2014 11; Oct2015 29*; May2016 49
Carlson, Natalie Savage, Nov2003 16; Dec2008 10
Carlstrom, Nancy White, May2005 21; Jan2008 20
Carman, Patrick, Oct2010 24; Feb2012 43; Oct2012 5;
Aug/Sept2014 43; Oct2014 6; Aug/Sept2015 7, 41
Carmarota, Steven A., Apr2007 53
Carmi, Daniella, Jan2004 2; Dec2004 2
Carnegie, Andrew, Nov2006 29; Nov2007 28; Feb2009 21–
22; Aug/Sept2011 53
Carnegie Award, Jan2005 40; Jan2012 29*
Carnegie Corporation, Feb2009 22
Carnesi, Monica, Dec2012 3
Carney, Elizabeth, Dec2010 5; May2012 8
Carney, Mary Lou, Dec2006 26
Carpenter, Nancy, Feb2009 32, 34; Dec2011 1
Carroll, Lewis, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 25;
Apr2008 46–48; Jan2010 4*; Jan2014 5*
cars, Mar2015 17–18
Carson, Mary Kay, Dec2003 8; Mar2007 22
Carson, Rachel, May2005 25; May2007 28; May2008 28;
Mar2009 4*; May2014 28; Apr2015 29
Carswell, Sandra, Nov2011 45
Carter, Abby, Dec2009 27
Carter, Alden R., Jan2010 10
Carter, Betty, Feb2004 2
Carter, David A., Dec2005 40; Jan2007 40, 42; Oct2007 39;
May2011 47
Carter G. Woodson Book Award, Feb2013 4*
cartography, Oct2011 49*
Cartridges for Kids, Apr2011 47*
car trips, May2015 42–43
Carus, Marianne, Feb2005 6
Carver, George Washington, Apr2014 45–48
Cary, Bob, Feb2007 52
Casale, Karen, Aug/Sept2013 6
Casanellas, Antonio, Aug/Sept2008 55
Casanova, Mary, May2009 17*; May2014 4, 45*
Caseley, Judith, Jan2005 28, 32; Nov2006 2; Nov2007 54;
Jan2015 51; Feb2015 52
Casey, Patricia, Apr2005 25
Casilla, Robert, Jan2015 45
Cassedy, Patrice, Apr2004 20
Cassino, Mark, Dec2012 11
Castellucci, Cecil, Oct2015 13
Castillo, Lauren, Aug/Sept2015 53; Apr2016 39; May2016 49
castles, Mar2013 12*, 13*; Mar2015 3
Catalanotto, Peter, Dec2009 27; Mar2015 43
catalogs, library, Nov2011 36
Cate, Annette LeBlanc, Oct2010 47; Oct2013 56;
Aug/Sept2014 39; Jan2015 17–18, 28
Catel, Patrick, May2016 41–42
Cates, Karin, Nov2003 29
Catrow, David, Feb2009 43; Aug/Sept2010 53; May2011 48;
Oct2011 27; Aug/Sept2012 23; Dec2012 18;
Feb2016 42
cats, Aug/Sept2005 46–47; Feb2007 34–35; Oct2009 43–
45; Dec2009 12*; Apr2015 27, 41–45
Cauley, Lorinda, Dec2005 40; May2012 43
cautionary tales, Oct2007 22–24
Cave, Kathryn, Oct2007 45
Cazet, Denys, Feb2005 24, 35, 38; Mar2005 24; Oct2005
19; Aug/Sept2006 9; Oct2007 10, 13; Feb2012 11
CBC (Children's Book Council), Nov2006 28
CCBC. See Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
1, 2, 3, Four-ever Friends, Feb2007 38
Abbey Road, Jan2007 6
All of the Seasons, Jan2008 19
America the Beautiful, Aug/Sept2011 9
Around the Campfire, May2004 4
Autumnsongs, Oct2005 24
Babes, Beasts and Birds, May2005 20
Bananaphone, Oct2004 42
Bathtime Magic, May2005 21
BeBop Your Best!, Aug/Sept2007 9, 13; Dec2011 7, 13
The Beloved Dearly, Dec2009 9
Cada Niño/Every Child: A Bilingual Songbook for Kids,
Aug/Sept2009 10
Carnival of the Animals, Apr2013 9, 13; Mar2014 5
Catch a Wave: Beach Songs for Kids, Dec2004 14
A Cathy and Marcy Collection for Kids, Mar2004 38
Celebrate Hanukkah, Dec2007 9, 12, 13
Celebration of Family, Nov2003 15, 18, 19; Dec2008
10, 13
Children's Christmas, Dec2004 17, 21
A Child's Celebration of Rock 'n' Roll, Apr2008 28
A Child's Celebration of Song, May2005 14
A Child's Hanukkah, Dec2004 17, 21
The Chills: Creepy Songs for Courageous Kids,
Oct2010 28
Christmas Sing Along, Dec2007 9
Colonial & Revolution Songs, Oct2005 27
The Corner Grocery Store, May2005 12
Cow Tunes for Kids, May2012 44
Crazy Gibberish, Mar2004 36–37
Dana's Best Rock and Roll Fairy Tales, Dec2010 38
Dancin' Magic, Feb2006 33
A Day in the Life of a Mayfly & Other Chamber Works,
May2005 35, 39
Evergreen, Everblue, Apr2007 10
Everything Grows, Feb2004 6
Family Dance, May2008 19
Fingerplay, Movement and Story Songs, May2005 21
First Flute, Nov2013 10, 14
Funny Food Songs, May2004 27
Gobble It Up, Nov2008 37
Goin' to the Zoo, Dec2004 24
Gossamer, Jan2009 9
Great Speeches of the 20th Century, Oct2004 7–8, 11;
Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10, 14
Harmony: The Official Athens 2004 Olympic Games
Classical Album, May2008 11
Hole in the Day, Mar2004 4
Inches and Miles, May2013 4
Indigo Dreams, May2013 17
Irrational Anthem, May2006 16
Jazz for Kids: Sing, Clap, Wiggle, and Shake, Feb2010
John McCutcheon's Wintersongs, Jan2009 53
The Julie Andrews' Collection of Poems, Songs, and
Lullabies, Dec2009 40
Kids in Action, May2006 10; May2012 45; May2016 8
Kids in Motion, Dec2004 14; May2006 16
Kwanzaa for Young People (And Everyone Else),
Dec2004 18, 21
Latin American Folk Music, Aug/Sept2004 40
Lullaby: A Collection, May2013 10, 15
Mainly Mother Goose, Apr2006 36–37
Midnight Strong Heart, Nov2004 32, 35
Monsters in the Bathroom, Nov2007 49
Mozart's Magic Fantasy, Oct2010 11, 13
Mr. Bach Comes to Call, Mar2006 28
Old Time Radio, Jan2004 28, 30
Pastoral Classics: Music for a Summer's Day, Mar2010
Peanut Butter, Tarzan, and Roosters, Nov2014 54
Pecos Bill, Mar2009 10
Peter and the Wolf, Mar2016 20
Pickin' and Grinnin': Great Folk Songs for Kids,
Dec2010 11, 12
Pick Me Up! Fun Songs for Learning Signs, Dec2008
Pirate Stories, Aug/Sept2007 32
Pizza Pizzazz, Feb2007 39
Playin' Favorites, Mar2004 36
Presidential Campaign Songs: 1789-1996, Oct2004 8,
11; Feb2007 29; Feb2008 10, 13
Raffi's Christmas Album, Jan2007 46
Rumble to the Bottom, May2006 18
Scat Like That, Aug/Sept2007 50; Nov2007 49
Science Fiction Movie Music, Mar2012 9
Seedfolks, Mar2010 11–12
Shake, Rattle & Rock, Mar2011 17
Shake It Down, Turn Around, Apr2013 18
Simeon's Gift, Dec2009 31–32
Singable Songs for the Very Young, Feb2004 7;
Mar2005 38; Feb2015 5
Sing for Freedom: The Story of the Civil Rights
Movement, Feb2007 11
Singin' in the Bathtub, Feb2004 7; May2005 14
Songs about America, Apr2005 5
Songs from the Science Frontier, Apr2014 12, 14
Songs of the Santa Fe Trail, Mar2009 11
Star Wars and Other Sci-Fi Classics, Mar2008 10
Summon the Heroes, Feb2009 11, 13; Feb2014 12, 14;
May2015 11–12, 13
Teach a Toddler, Apr2006 35
Teaching Peace, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17; Dec2005 11,
12; Aug/Sept2010 11; Oct2013 12
The Teddy Bears' Picnic, May2005 12
There's a Hippo in my Tub, May2005 12, 14
Unbearable Bears, May2005 12
Very Scary Music: Classic Horror Themes, Oct2007 11,
Vintage Hawaiian Treasures: Volume I, May2007 34
We All Live Together, Vol. 2, Dec2004 14
We All Live Together, Vol. 5, May2006 16; Apr2016 53
Wee Sing For Halloween: Over One Hour of Spooky,
Silly Songs, Oct2007 40
Wee Sing Mother Goose, Oct2007 40
Wee Sing Silly Songs, Apr2005 10, 15
Winter Holidays Around the World, Dec2013 12
World Playground, Oct2015 8
Yellow Submarine, Mar2005 25
Young at Heart, Nov2005 42, 44
Zooboogie! (sound clips), Jan2009 25*, 26
See also music and songs
Cecil, Laura, Feb2014 52
Cefali, Leslie, Nov2006 55
Celebrating Traditions and Healthy Choices, Dec2015 20–22
100th Day, Jan2007 23–26
Adopt-A-Dog Month, Oct2011 5
Alaska Day, Oct2006 29
Alaska Native Heritage Month, Nov2009 4; Nov2011 5
Al-Hijrah, Dec2010 50
Amelia Earhart Day, Jan2005 24; Jan2015 28
American Education Week, Nov2003 4; Nov2014 28*;
Nov2015 28*
American Heart Month, Feb2004 24–25; Feb2006 24–
25; Feb2007 28–29; Feb2008 28–29;
Feb2016 29*
American Touch Tag Day, Oct2015 3*
America Recycles Day, Nov2004 4; Nov2005 4, 24;
Nov2006 4, 29; Nov2007 29; Nov2014 29*;
Nov2015 28*; Jan2016 30–35*
Ancestor Appreciation Day, Aug/Sept2004 24
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, Jan2016 29
Appreciate a Dragon Day, Jan2007 28; Jan2008 29;
Jan2014 4*; Jan2015 29; Jan2016 2–3
April Fool's Day, Apr2004 25, 46; Apr2005 25; Apr2006
25; Apr2007 4, 28; Apr2008 28; Apr2013 28*;
Apr2014 28*; Apr2015 4*, 29; Apr2016 3
Arbor Day, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25; Apr2006 25;
Apr2007 12*, 29; Apr2008 29; Apr2011 5*;
Apr2013 29*; Apr2014 29; Apr2015 29;
Apr2016 29*
around the world, Dec2007 8–13
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May2004 5*;
May2007 28–29; May2008 4–5; May2011 5*;
May2013 28*; May2015 29*
Astronomy Day, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25
Australia Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 4,
25; Jan2014 4*; Jan2015 28
Aviation History Month, Nov2003 5, 24–25; Nov2004
24–25; Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 5, 28–29;
Nov2007 5, 28–29; Nov2011 4*; Nov2014 29*;
Nov2015 29*
Banned Books Week, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004
25; Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2007 28;
Aug/Sept2010 29*; Aug/Sept2011 29*;
Aug/Sept2012 29*; Aug/Sept2013 4*;
Aug/Sept2014 28*; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Banned Websites Awareness Day, Aug/Sept2015 29*
Be Kind to Animals Week, May2004 24–25; May2005
24–25, 38; May2006 4, 24–25; May2007 28–
29; May2008 28–29; May2010 4*; May2011
28*; May2014 4, 28; May2015 28*
Bike Safety Month, May2005 4*
Bill of Rights Day, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Dec2005
25; Dec2015 28*
Bingo Month, Dec2003 24–25
Biographers Day, May2016 28*
Black History Month, Feb2004 5, 16–21, 24–25, 47;
Feb2005 4, 24–25; Feb2006 24–25; Feb2007
12*, 28–29; Feb2008 4, 28–29; Feb2009 5*;
Feb2010 2010 issue; Feb2012 5+*, 29;
Feb2013 28; Feb2014 29*; Feb2015 4;
Feb2016 28
Boxing Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2006 28; Dec2007 29
Brainteaser Month, Jan2016 29*
Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day, Oct2006 29
Bubble Gum Day, Feb2010 5*
Card Playing Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2006 29; Dec2007
29; Dec2014 28*
Cesar Chavez Day, Mar2016 29*
Cheese Day, Jan2005 25
Children's Authors and Illustrators Week, Feb2007 28;
Feb2008 28
Children's Book Week, Nov2003 4, 24–25; Nov2004
24–25; Nov2005 24–25; Oct2006 46;
Nov2006 5, 28–29, 43; Nov2007 4, 28–29;
Mar2008 28–29; May2008 28; May2011 28*;
May2012 28*; May2013 28*; May2015 4*, 28*;
May2016 28*
Children's Good Manners Month, Aug/Sept2006 28–29;
Aug/Sept2010 28–29; Aug/Sept2011 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
Children's Magazine Month, Oct2005 4–5, 24–25;
Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007 28–29; Oct2010 4,
Chinese New Year, Jan2004 4, 25, 49; Feb2005 4, 25;
Jan2006 5, 7, 24; Jan2007 36; Feb2007 4, 28;
Dec2007 2, 50; Feb2008 29; Jan2009 4*;
Dec2010 53; Feb2011 4–5*; Feb2012 36–37;
Dec2013 9, 11, 12*; Feb2015 29*; Feb2016
Christa McAuliffe Day, Jan2005 25
Christmas, Dec2003 25, 35–36; Dec2004 25; Dec2005
24; Dec2006 9–12, 28; Dec2007 11*, 28, 49–
52; Dec2008 27; Dec2010 5*, 51–52;
Dec2011 1, 4*, 18–19, 29*; Dec2012 48–51*;
Dec2013 8–15*, 43–46; Dec2014 2–3, 5*, 6,
8–15*, 28, 29, 45–49
Christmas Eve, Dec2005 25; Dec2006 28
Cinco de Mayo, May2011 29*
Columbus Day, Oct2003 4, 24; Oct2004 24; Oct2005
24; Oct2006 28; Oct2007 28
Community Reader's Day, Feb2010 46–49
Computer Learning Month, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2004
24–25; Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28–29;
Oct2007 28–29; Oct2012 28*; Oct2014 29*
Constitution Day, Aug/Sept2006 19–23; Aug/Sept2008
5*; Aug/Sept2012 28*; Aug/Sept2014 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
Cuddle Up Day, Jan2016 29*
Day of the Dead, Nov2005 24; Oct2006 6; Nov2006 4,
5, 29; Nov2007 29; Aug/Sept2009 12;
Nov2012 29*; Oct2013 4; Nov2014 4*
Deaf Awareness Week, Aug/Sept2015 28*
Deaf History Month, Apr2014 52–56
Dental Hygiene Month, Oct2015 29
Día 2010, Jan2010 5*
Dictionary Day, Oct2003 25, 46; Oct2004 25; Oct2005
24; Oct2006 28; Oct2008 5*; Oct2015 3*, 29*
Dot Day, Mar2016 4*
Earth Day, Apr2004 4, 5, 25, 46; Nov2004 12; Apr2005
4, 5, 25; Apr2006 5, 25; Apr2007 8–14*, 28;
Apr2008 4, 5, 28; Apr2009 4*; Apr2010 4*, 5*;
Apr2011 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 38–41*, 46; Apr2012
5; Apr2015 5, 29
Easter, Apr2004 24; Apr2006 24; Apr2007 28;
Mar2008 28; Mar2013 28*
Election Day, Nov2003 24; Nov2007 28; Nov2015 5,
Elephant Appreciation Day, Aug/Sept2006 4, 29
Family Stories Month, Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 28–
29; Nov2007 4, 28–29
Family Volunteer Day, Nov2006 29
Father's Day, May2008 4; May2016 43–47
Ferret Day, May2016 29
Fourth of July, Aug/Sept2011 44–47
Geography Awareness Week, Nov2003 24–25;
Nov2004 24–25, 46; Nov2005 5, 24–25;
Nov2006 28–29; Nov2007 28, 53–55;
Nov2009 5*; Nov2011 5; Nov2013 4*;
Nov2014 4, 28
Get Caught Reading Month, May2004 24–25; May2005
24–25; May2006 24–25; May2007 28–29;
May2008 28–29; May2012 29; May2014 28;
May2016 29*
Get Organized Month, Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 28–
29; Jan2016 28*
Groundhog Day, Feb2004 24, 47; Feb2005 4, 5, 22,
25; Feb2006 25; Feb2007 29, 42; Feb2008
29; Dec2010 53; Feb2013 4; Feb2016 28*
Halloween, Oct2003 24, 25, 27–33, 40–43, 46–48;
Oct2004 24; Oct2005 24; Oct2006 28;
Oct2007 29, 44–46; Oct2010 5, 28, 38, 44;
Oct2011 4, 28; Oct2013 4–5, 29; Oct2014 5*,
29; Oct2015 29*
Hanukkah, Dec2003 25, 36; Dec2004 24–25; Dec2005
24; Dec2006 29; Dec2007 11*, 12*, 25, 28,
49–52; Dec2010 50; Dec2011 28*; Dec2012
29*; Dec2013 10–15*, 51*; Dec2014 10, 11,
15, 28*, 44, 46, 48; Dec2015 28
Hat Day, Jan2015 4*, 29; Jan2016 29*
Hispanic Heritage Month, Aug/Sept2003 5, 24–25;
Oct2003 24–25; Aug/Sept2004 4*, 6–12*, 24–
25, 41*, 46; Oct2004 24–25; Nov2004 45;
Aug/Sept2005 4, 24–25; Oct2005 24–25;
Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Oct2006 6, 28–29;
Aug/Sept2007 5, 28–29; Oct2007 28–29;
Aug/Sept2009 4, 12*, 15; Aug/Sept2010 29*;
Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2013 4*; Oct2013
4; Aug/Sept2014 4*, 28*; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Human Rights Day, Dec2011 29*
Human Rights Week, Dec2005 4, 24–25
Inauguration Day, Jan2005 25
International Children's Book Day, Apr2004 25;
Apr2005 25; Oct2015 19
International Creativity Month, Jan2007 4, 28–29;
Jan2008 28–29; Jan2010 4; Jan2015 28
International Day of Peace, Aug/Sept2006 29;
Aug/Sept2007 4, 29; Aug/Sept2010 12*, 15,
19, 28; Aug/Sept2012 29*; Aug/Sept2013 4*,
29; Aug/Sept2015 28*
International Drum Month, Nov2012 5*, 29
International Frugal Fun Day, Oct2005 25
International Jazz Day, May2004 25
International Literacy Day, Aug/Sept2003 24;
Aug/Sept2004 25; Aug/Sept2007 29
International Magic Week, Oct2007 5, 29; Oct2011 28*
International Museum Day, May2004 24; May2007 29;
May2008 4, 28; May2012 29*; May2013 29*;
May2014 28*; May2016 29*
International Primate Day, Aug/Sept2015 28
International School Library Day, Oct2003 5
International Women's Day, Mar2004 24
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, Feb2016 29*
Jackie Robinson Day, Nov2006 25
Jazz Appreciation Month, Apr2016 29*
Jelly Bean Day, Apr2016 29*
Jewish holidays, May2013 43–45*
Josephine Baker Day, May2015 29
Keep Kids Creative Week, Aug/Sept2010 4*
Kid Inventor's Day, Jan2012 17–19*
Kids Care Week, Oct2007 28
Kindergarten Day, Apr2006 25; Apr2007 29; Apr2016
Kwanzaa, Dec2003 5, 25, 36; Dec2004 24–25;
Dec2005 24; Dec2006 28; Dec2007 11*, 29,
49, 50; Dec2010 5*, 52; Dec2011 28*;
Feb2013 35–36; Dec2013 8–15*, 29*, 47–50;
Dec2014 12, 15, 25; Dec2015 29*
Labor Day, Aug/Sept2003 24; Aug/Sept2005 24;
Aug/Sept2006 28; Aug/Sept2007 28;
Aug/Sept2015 28*
Las Posadas, Oct2006 6; Dec2006 29; Dec2007 28;
Dec2010 51; Dec2014 28
Latino Books Month, May2016 28
Leif Erikson Day, Oct2006 28
Library Card Sign-Up Month, Aug/Sept2003 24–25;
Aug/Sept2004 24–25; Aug/Sept2005 24–25;
Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Aug/Sept2007 5, 28–
29; Feb2009 23; Aug/Sept2011 29*; Oct2011
28; Aug/Sept2012 28*; Aug/Sept2013 28*;
Aug/Sept2014 29*; Aug/Sept2015 29*
Library Legislative Day, May2005 24; May2006 24;
May2007 28
Library Lovers Month, Feb2004 5; Feb2007 28–29;
Feb2008 28–29; Feb2011 28*; Feb2012 29*;
Feb2014 4; Feb2016 28*
Limerick Day, May2004 25; May2005 25; May2007 29;
May2008 28; May2011 29*; May2014 28*;
May2015 28; May2016 29*
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, Dec2010 53–54; Feb2014
Literature-based Field Day, May2006 5
Maha Shivaratri, Dec2010 55
Make a Difference Day, Oct2003 5; Oct2005 25;
Oct2006 29; Oct2014 29*
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan2005 24; Jan2006 5, 24;
Jan2007 4*, 28; Jan2008 28; Dec2010 52*;
Jan2015 28
Math Awareness Month, Apr2005 24–25, 34–39;
Apr2006 4, 24–25; Apr2014 4, 29*; Apr2015
Math Literacy Week, Oct2003 24–25
May Day, May2007 4, 28; May2008 29; May2013 29*;
May2015 29*
Memorial Day, May2004 24; May2005 24; May2006
24; May2007 28; May2008 28
Molly Pitcher Day, Oct2004 25
Money Smart Week, Apr2016 5*
Mother Goose Day, May2005 24; May2016 28*
Mother's Day, May2004 24; May2005 24; May2006 24;
May2007 28; May2008 28; May2012 4
Multicultural Communication Month, Apr2004 24–25;
Apr2005 24–25; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 28–
29; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2012 4*, 28*
Music In Our Schools Month, Mar2004 4, 24–25, 46;
Mar2005 22–23, 24–25, 26; Mar2006 4, 28–
29; Mar2007 4, 28–29; Mar2008 28–29;
Mar2009 5*; Mar2011 5*, 28, 51; Mar2014 4,
29; Mar2015 29; Mar2016 5
Name Your Car Day, Oct2015 29
National Adoption Month, Nov2007 29; Nov2015 28
National American Indian and Alaskan Heritage Month,
Nov2007 28–29; Nov2013 29*; Nov2014 29
National Arts and Humanities Month, Oct2003 5;
Oct2004 24–25; Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28–
29; Oct2007 4, 28–29; Oct2010 29*; Oct2012
28*; Oct2014 5*, 29*
National Backyard Games Week, May2004 24–25
National Bike Month, May2004 24–25; May2006 4, 24–
25; May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29;
May2010 5*; May2012 5*; May2014 29*
National Bike to Work Day, May2005 25; May2007 29
National Bird Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006
25; Jan2012 29*; Jan2014 28; Jan2015 28
National Bookmobile Day, Apr2016 5
National Book Month, Jan2004 24–25; May2005 24–
25; Oct2005 4; May2006 24–25; May2007 28–
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day, Oct2006
National Candy Day, Nov2003 24
National Card and Letter Writing Month, Apr2016 28*,
National Chemistry Week, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2005
24–25; Oct2006 28
National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Apr2004 24–
25; Apr2005 24–25; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007
28–29; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2011 28*; Apr2012
29*; Apr2013 28*; Apr2014 28*; Apr2015 29*
National Children's Dental Health Month, Feb2004 24–
25, 47; Feb2005 24–25, 30, 47; Feb2006 24–
25; Feb2007 28–29; Feb2008 28–29;
Feb2014 4, 24–27; Feb2015 5*
National Cocoa Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2015 2
National Compliment Day, Jan2007 29; Jan2016 3
National Cookie Day, Dec2004 25; Dec2013 4;
Dec2014 29; Dec2015 2, 29
National Craft Month, Mar2004 4, 9, 24–25; Mar2005
24–25; Mar2006 5, 28–29; Mar2007 28–29;
Mar2008 4, 28–29; Mar2009 52–55*; Mar2012
28*; Mar2013 4*; Mar2015 28*; Mar2016 29*
National Day of Listening, Nov2015 29*
National Day of Puppetry, Apr2007 29; Apr2008 28
National Diversity Day, Oct2007 29
National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May2006 4, 24–25
National Edible Book Day, Mar2008 5
National Engineers Week, Feb2004 24–25; Nov2007
National Eye Care Month, Jan2004 24–25; Jan2006
24–25; Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 28–29
National Family History Day, Nov2011 28
National Family Literacy Day, Nov2004 24; Nov2005
24; Nov2006 29; Nov2015 28*
National Family Volunteer Day, Nov2005 25; Nov2006
29; Nov2007 29
National Fire Prevention Week, Oct2003 24–25;
Oct2004 24–25; Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28;
Oct2009 5*; Oct2012 28; Oct2013 28*;
Oct2015 28*
National Friends of Libraries Week, Oct2015 28
National Frog Month, Apr2011 4*; Apr2013 29
National Fruits and Vegetables Month, May2004 4
National Game and Puzzle Week, Nov2003 24–25;
Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 28; Nov2007 28;
Nov2012 4; Nov2013 4*; Nov2015 28
National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Feb2004 4;
Feb2005 25; Feb2006 25; Feb2007 29;
Feb2008 29; Feb2013 29*
National Go on a Field Trip Month, Oct2003 24–25;
Oct2005 5, 24–25; Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007
28–29; Oct2010 28*; Oct2012 29*; Oct2013
29*; Oct2014 29*; Oct2015 29*
National Grandparents Day, Aug/Sept2003 24;
Aug/Sept2004 6, 9*, 24; Aug/Sept2006 28;
Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2014 28
National Grouch Day, Oct2004 25; Oct2013 28;
Oct2014 29
National Handwriting Day, Jan2004 25; Jan2014 29*;
Jan2015 29
National Hugging Day, Jan2016 29*
National Humor Month, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 22,
24–25, 34, 46–47; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 4,
28–29; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2009 5*; Apr2012
4*; Apr2014 29*
National Ice Cream Month, Dec2006 26
National Inventors Month, Aug/Sept2003 5;
Aug/Sept2006 6
National Library Week, Apr2004 24–25, 46; Apr2005
24–25; Apr2006 5, 24–25; Apr2007 28;
Apr2008 5, 28; Apr2011 5*; Apr2012 4*;
Apr2015 4; Apr2016 28*
National Literacy Month, Aug/Sept2003 24–25;
Aug/Sept2004 24–25; Aug/Sept2005 24–25;
Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Aug/Sept2007 28–29
National Novel Writing Month, Nov2015 28*
National Nutrition Month, Mar2012 5*
National Pancake Day, Feb2016 28*
National Peanut Day, Aug/Sept2005 24
National Pet Week, Dec2009 51
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May2004
4, 24–25; May2005 24–25; May2006 19, 24–
25; May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29;
May2010 5*; May2011 5; May2012 42;
May2015 4, 29*; May2016 29*
National Pie Day, Jan2016 29*
National Pizza Month, Oct2003 5, 24–25; Oct2004 24–
25; Oct2005 5–6, 24–25; Oct2007 28–29
National Playground Safety Week, Apr2004 24–25
National Poetry Month, Apr2004 4, 24–25; Apr2005 4,
24–25; Apr2006 4, 24–25; Apr2007 4, 28–29;
Mar2008 52; Apr2010 4*–5; Apr2011 26, 28;
Apr2012 5, 27*, 29, 44; Apr2014 5, 28;
Apr2015 35; Aug/Sept2015 16; Apr2016 5,
National Poison Prevention Week, Mar2004 5, 24–25;
Mar2005 24–25; Mar2006 28–29; Mar2008
28; Mar2015 28
National Popcorn Day, Jan2004 4; Jan2016 28*
National Popcorn Poppin' Month, Oct2004 4
National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week, May2006
24–25; May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29;
May2014 4–5
National Punctuation Day, Aug/Sept2006 28;
Aug/Sept2012 28*
National Puzzle Day, Jan2005 25, 48; Jan2007 4, 28;
Jan2008 28; Jan2010 4*; Jan2014 5*;
Jan2015 29
National School Bus Safety Week, Oct2004 4
National School Nurse Day, May2004 25; May2005 25
National Soup Month, Jan2005 24–25; Jan2006 24–25;
Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 4, 28–29; Jan2014
23; Jan2016 29*
National Storytelling Month, Oct2006 46
National Stress-Free Family Holidays Month, Dec2003
24–25; Dec2004 5, 24–25; Dec2005 24–25;
Dec2006 28–29; Dec2007 28–29; Dec2010 4,
National Teacher Day, May2004 24; May2005 24;
May2007 28; May2008 28
National Tooth Fairy Day, Feb2007 29; Feb2008 29;
Feb2014 4, 29; Feb2015 5, 29
National TV Turnoff Week, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005
24; Apr2007 28; Apr2008 28
National Volunteer Week, Apr2004 24, 46; Apr2015 9
National Wild Bird Feeding Month, Feb2004 24–25;
Feb2005 24–25, 47; Feb2006 24–25;
Feb2007 28–29; Feb2014 28
National Young Reader's Day, Nov2003 4; Nov2005
24; Nov2011 28
National Young Readers Week, Nov2010 4*
National Youth Service Day, Apr2007 29
Native American Day, Aug/Sept2003 24
Native American Heritage Month, Nov2003 24–25;
Nov2004 24–25, 30–36*; Nov2005 5, 7, 24–
25; Nov2015 29*
Newspapers in Education Week, Mar2004 24–25;
Mar2005 24–25; Mar2006 28–29; Mar2007
28; Mar2008 28; Mar2013 28*; Mar2014 28*
New Year's Day, Jan2006 24; Jan2007 28; Dec2010
New Year's Eve, Dec2003 25; Dec2004 25; Dec2005
25; Dec2006 28; Dec2007 2, 11*, 28; Jan2012
9, 10*, 47–51*; Dec2013 14; Dec2014 26–27
No Name Calling Week, Dec2009 25*; Oct2013 49*
Older Americans Month, May2004 24–25; May2005
24–25; May2006 24–25; May2008 29;
May2014 29; May2015 4*
Once Upon a Time Day, Feb2005 25
Paper Clip Day, May2016 2
Pass the Poetry Day, Apr2004 28–29, 31–32
Pastry Day, Dec2004 25
Patriot Day, Aug/Sept2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 28;
Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2014 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29
Peace Day, Aug/Sept2010 15, 19, 28
Peanut Butter Lovers Month, Nov2003 24–25;
Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 28–29; Nov2007
Pearl Harbor Day, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 24; Dec2005
25; Dec2006 29; Dec2007 29
Pet Day, Apr2016 28*
Pet Dental Health Month, Feb2016 29*
Picture Book Month, Aug/Sept2015 15–16; Nov2015
Pi Day, Mar2014 4; Mar2015 29*; Mar2016 4*, 28*
Pig Day, Mar2016 28*
Poetry Break Day, Jan2014 28*; Jan2015 4, 28
Poinsettia Day, Dec2004 24, 45, 48; Dec2007 29;
Dec2013 29*; Dec2014 29
Polar Bear Day, Feb2007 28; Feb2008 29
Pooh Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 24; Jan2006 25;
Jan2007 29; Jan2008 29
Presidents' Day, Feb2004 5, 24; Feb2005 5, 24, 47;
Feb2006 4, 24; Feb2007 28; Feb2008 28;
Feb2009 4*; Feb2010 4*, 5; Feb2012 4+, 28*;
Feb2014 28*; Feb2015 4*, 28*
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, Apr2005 24–
25; Apr2007 5; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2009 4*;
Apr2011 4*; Apr2012 29*; Apr2013 29*;
Apr2015 41
Purim, Dec2010 55
Quilting Day, Mar2016 29*
quinceañeras, Aug/Sept2009 3
Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb2005 25;
Feb2006 24–25; Feb2007 28; Feb2011 5*
Read Across America Day, Mar2004 5, 24; Mar2005
25; Mar2006 29; Jan2007 5; Mar2007 4, 29;
Mar2008 5, 28; Mar2014 28*; Mar2015 28;
Mar2016 4*, 29*
Read a New Book Month, Dec2003 24–25; Dec2004
24–25; Dec2005 24–25; Dec2007 29;
Dec2010 29; Dec2015 28*
Read Around the World, Oct2003 4
Responsible Dog Ownership Day, Aug/Sept2006 6, 29
Rosa Parks Day, Dec2004 4, 25; Dec2007 29
Rosh Hashanah, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 25;
Oct2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2007
29; Jan2012 47–51*
Sadie Hawkins Day, Nov2005 25
Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Dec2003 24–25; Dec2004
24–25; Dec2005 5, 24–25; Dec2006 28–29;
Dec2007 28–29
Sandwich Day, Nov2004 25; Nov2005 25
Save the Eagles Day, Jan2005 24
School Library Month, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 24–25;
Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 28–29; Apr2008 28–
29; Apr2014 29*; Apr2015 29*; Apr2016 28*
Sibling Appreciation Day, May2005 24
Sing with Your Child Month, Mar2016 28*
Squirrel Appreciation Day, Jan2004 25; Jan2005 25;
Jan2012 29*
Stamp Collecting Month, Oct2015 28
Star Wars Day, May2016 5*, 29*
St. Nicholas Day, Dec2003 25; Dec2004 24; Dec2005
24; Dec2006 29; Dec2011 28*
St. Patrick's Day, Mar2004 7, 22–23, 25, 26, 27–29,
46, 48; Mar2005 25, 48; Mar2006 29;
Mar2007 29, 54–55; Mar2008 28; Dec2010
55; Mar2015 4*
Susan B. Anthony Day, Feb2006 25; Feb2007 29;
Feb2008 29; Feb2015 28*
Sweetest Day, Oct2005 25; Oct2006 29; Oct2007 29
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, Apr2005
25; Apr2006 25; Apr2007 29; Apr2008 4, 29;
Apr2014 29*; Apr2015 29*
Talk Like a Pirate Day, Aug/Sept2004 4; Aug/Sept2007
5, 29, 30; Aug/Sept2010 4*, 28; Aug/Sept2012
29*; Aug/Sept2013 29*; Aug/Sept2014 5*, 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
Talk Like Shakespeare Day, Apr2016 29*
Teacher Appreciation Week, May2004 24–25;
May2005 24–25; May2014 4–5
Teddy Bear Day, Oct2004 25; Oct2005 25
Teen Read Week, Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28;
Oct2007 28; Oct2014 28; Oct2015 28*
Thanksgiving, Nov2003 5, 22–26, 27, 34–37, 38–41,
42–46, 47; Nov2004 2, 24–25*, 40–41;
Nov2005 4, 25; Oct2006 5*; Nov2006 5, 29;
Nov2007 4, 29; Nov2010 4*, 28–29; Nov2012
4*, 28*; Nov2013 3, 9, 29*, 37, 40–42, 43–46;
Nov2014 5, 29*, 39–43, 48–49*; Nov2015 3,
4*, 29*
Thesaurus Day, Jan2015 5, 28
TV Turnoff Week, Apr2006 24–25; Aug/Sept2011 40–
Underdog Day, Dec2007 29
Unicorn Day, Apr2016 29*
United Nations Day, Oct2003 25; Oct2004 24; Oct2005
24; Oct2006 28; Oct2007 29; Oct2014 29*
Universal Human Rights Month, Dec2005 24–25;
Dec2006 28–29; Dec2007 28–29
Universal Letter Writing Week, Jan2005 24–25;
Jan2006 24–25; Jan2013 5*; Jan2016 3*
Valentine's Day, Feb2004 4, 22–32, 47; Feb2005 24,
34–39*, 47; Feb2006 4, 24; Feb2007 4, 29;
Feb2008 4*, 29; Dec2010 54; Feb2011 12, 13,
14, 15*; Feb2012 5*, 29*; Feb2013 5*;
Feb2014 4*+; Feb2015 7; Feb2016 28*
Veterans Day, Nov2003 24; Nov2004 25; Nov2005 25;
Nov2006 29; Nov2007 28; Nov2010 52–55;
Nov2011 29*; Nov2012 28*; Nov2015 29*
Visit the Zoo Day, Dec2004 24
George Washington's Birthday, Dec2010 54; Feb2014
Week of the Young Child, Apr2005 24–25; Apr2006
24–25; Apr2007 28; Apr2008 28
winter holidays, Dec2003 27–29; Dec2004 16–21;
Dec2007 49–52; Dec2012 48–51*; Dec2013
8–15*, 16–20*, 43–46, 51*; Dec2014 2–3, 5*,
6, 8–15*, 25–27, 28–29, 45–49
winter solstice, Dec2009 4*; Dec2013 43–46
Women Inventors Month, Feb2016 29
Women's History Month, Mar2004 4, 5, 7, 8–21, 24–25;
Mar2005 24–25, 48; Mar2006 5, 7, 28–29;
Mar2007 28–29; Mar2008 28–29; Mar2009 4*;
Mar2011 4–5*; Mar2014 5, 28*; Mar2015 5,
28; Mar2016 29*
Word Nerd Day, Jan2011 4*
World AIDS Day, Dec2005 25; Dec2006 29
World Hello Day, Nov2015 29
World Kindness Day, Nov2015 29*
World Read Aloud Day, Feb2016 29*
World Smile Day, Oct2003 25
World Teachers' Day, Oct2005 25; Oct2015 28*
World Turtle Day, May2005 24; May2016 28*
World Wish Day, Apr2016 29*
Write to a Friend Month, Dec2004 24–25; Dec2015 29*
Young People's Poetry Week, Apr2004 24–25;
Apr2006 4, 24–25
Youth Art Month, Mar2004 5, 24–25; Mar2005 24–25;
Mar2006 28–29; Mar2007 28–29; Mar2008 4,
28–29; Mar2015 41–45; Mar2016 6, 29
Celenza, Anna Harwell, Dec2012 42–44*
Celtic folktales, Oct2007 2–3
Cendrars, Blaise, Jan2015 17–18
Census Bureau, Nov2007 28*
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Apr2016 3*;
May2016 9*
Central American mythology, Mar2013 54
Cepeda, Joe, Aug/Sept2004 27–28
Cerullo, Mary M., Oct2011 11
Cha, Dia, Jan2005 18, 21; Apr2005 24; May2007 3, 32, 35;
May2012 8
Chaconas, Dori, Oct2008 2; Jan2009 3; May2010 9
Chahrour, Janet Parks, Oct2009 12
Chall, Marsha Wilson, Aug/Sept2012 23
“Challenges of Raising a Digital Native” (Heitner), Apr2016
Chamberlain, Margaret, Apr2013 19
Chamberlin, Mary and Rich, Dec2015 39–40
Champlin, Connie, Mar2008 17
Chan, Judy, Dec2015 50
Chandra, Deborah, Mar2005 25
change, Dec2007 2–3; Dec2013 2–3
chants. See under P–K
Chanukah. See Hanukkah
Chapman, Giles, May2016 40, 42
Chapman, Gillian, Feb2016 45
Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed). See Appleseed,
Chapman, Valerie G., Aug/Sept2004 13
character (story element), Oct2011 18; Feb2013 40–41*+;
Oct2015 33
Character Counts Week, Oct2014 44
Character Ed
All In, Apr2015 50–53
Art Sparks, Mar2016 17–18
Classification: Open to Possibility, Apr2014 20–23
Drawing Conclusions: Truth or Imagination?, Mar2014
Dream, Believe, Achieve, Feb2014 20–23
Dream, Then Do, Jan2015 41–43
Family: A Patchwork of Shapes, Sizes, and Patterns,
Dec2014 50–53
Journey Through Visual Narratives, May2014 20–23
The Mighty Power of Determination, Mar2015 50–53
Minding Winter's Gifts, Dec2013 39–42
No Hurting Here: Books to Reinforce Compassionate
Behavior, Oct2013 46–49*
Pass It On: Tales that Reveal the Human Heart,
Nov2013 24–27
The Pebble Effect, Jan2014 40–42
Putting the Spotlight on “Thanks!,” Feb2015 50–53
The Quest: Making a Difference, Aug/Sept2014 44–47
Resourcefulness: Super Sleuths Clue Readers In,
Aug/Sept2013 44–47*
Slip-Sliding to Success, Oct2014 52–55
Up Close and Personal, May2015 51–53
Walk the Talk, Nov2014 50–53
Winning Even When We Don’t, May2016 14–16
character education, Aug/Sept2007 2–3, 8–13*;
Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2012 15*; Mar2013 15*;
Oct2014 44–48; Feb2016 5
See also Character Ed
Characters and Setting book pass, Oct2011 18
Character Tables, Aug/Sept2004 5
charcoal (art technique), Jan2006 15–16
Chardiet, Bernice, Dec2009 26
Charest, Emily MacLachlan, Apr2015 42
charity, Dec2011 14–16
Charles, Ray, Nov2004 46; Jan2008 5
Charles, Veronika Martenova, Apr2015 3
Charlip, Remy, Jan2004 36; Nov2006 54; Jan2010 11;
Mar2014 29; Jan2015 29*
Charlotte Zolotow Award, Jan2004 3
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals,
Jan2015 13*
Chase, Richard, Feb2005 24
Chast, Roz, Oct2011 26
Chattanooga Public Library, Mar2016 11–13
Chavarria-Chairez, Becky, Dec2014 11
Chavez, Cesar, Mar2004 25; Mar2005 25; Feb2008 32;
Oct2012 25–27*; Oct2014 45
Chavis, Wilson A., Nov2007 45, 46
Cheese Day, Jan2005 25
Chehak, Ruie, Aug/Sept2005 4
chemical engineering, Mar2011 24–25
chemistry, Oct2009 18–20; Feb2015 6
Chen, Pauline, Dec2013 11; Dec2014 11
Cheney, Lynne, Jan2008 10, 11; Feb2009 11
Cheng, Andrea, Nov2003 3; Oct2006 10, 13; Oct2013 3;
Mar2016 55
Cheng, Christopher, Jan2016 44
Cherokee Indians, Jan2007 3, 11
Cherry, Kendra, May2015 8
Cherry, Lynne, Apr2007 11, 12; Nov2007 55; Jan2009 4*;
Apr2011 10, 12; Apr2015 11
chess, Jan2009 5*; Nov2015 6–8
Chester Greenwood Day, Dec2006 29
Chew, Ruth, Aug/Sept2013 4
Cheyney, Arnold, Nov2007 53
Chicago Fire, Oct2003 25; Oct2004 25; Oct2005 25
Chihuly, Dale, May2008 4
Child, Julia, Jan2014 22
Child, Lauren, Nov2003 15; Aug/Sept2005 2; Apr2006 10–
11; Dec2007 47; Aug/Sept2008 9–10; Apr2011 43;
Jan2015 10; Dec2015 8; Apr2016 53
Author Extensions, Mar2007 38–41
Meet the Author, Mar2007 30–37
Child, Lydia Maria, Nov2003 35; Nov2004 41
child abuse, Apr2011 28*; Apr2012 29*; Apr2014 28*
Children's Authors and Illustrators Week, Feb2007 28;
Feb2008 28
Children's Authors Network, Feb2009 4*
Children's Book Council (CBC), Nov2006 28; Nov2007 28;
Feb2009 4*
Children's Book Press, Oct2012 4*
Children's Book Week, Nov2003 4, 24–25; Nov2004 24–25;
Nov2005 24–25; Oct2006 46; Nov2006 5, 28–29,
43; Nov2007 4, 28–29; Mar2008 28–29; May2008
28; May2011 28*; May2012 28*; May2013 28*;
May2015 4*, 28*; May2016 28*
children's choice awards, Aug/Sept2011 52–55*; May2016
Children's Choices List, Apr2007 5; Mar2012 24–27*;
Dec2012 7*; Oct2013 28*; May2015 6*
Children's Literature Assembly, Jan2012 22
Children's Magazine Month, Oct2005 4–5, 24–25; Oct2006
28–29; Oct2007 28–29
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Mar2014
Children's Picture Book Database, May2004 5
Chile, Oct2007 54
chimpanzees, Aug/Sept2012 18; Apr2013 4*
"Chimps are Champs" (Lambeth), Aug/Sept2012 18
Chin, Beverly Ann, Apr2006 9, 12
Chin, Jason, Oct2015 38
Chin, Karen, Nov2008 10
China, Oct2007 3, 55; Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2011 37;
Nov2012 10–12, 16–18*; Apr2016 21–22
Chinatown, Apr2007 52*; May2007 32*, 33
Chinese American heritage, Nov2006 45; Apr2007 52–53;
May2007 2–3, 30, 32, 33, 36
Chinese folklore, Feb2012 37, 39
Chinese New Year, Jan2004 4, 25, 49; Feb2005 4, 25;
Jan2006 5, 7, 24; Jan2007 36; Feb2007 4, 28;
Dec2007 2, 50; Feb2008 29; Jan2009 4*; Feb2012
36–37; Dec2013 9, 11, 12*; Feb2015 29*; Feb2016
Chin-Lee, Cynthia, May2007 31, 34; Mar2013 27
chipmunks, Apr2007 41
Chisholm, Penny, Feb2013 3
chivalry, Mar2013 15*, 29
chocolate, Dec2014 7; Dec2015 2, 15, 17–19
Chocolate, Deborah Newton, Aug/Sept2009 3; Dec2013 12;
Dec2014 12; Jan2015 28, 50
Choctaw Indians, Apr2012 30–35, 36–39
Chodos-Irvine, Margaret, Feb2013 16; Jan2015 45
Choi, Yangsook, Aug/Sept2005 3; Mar2006 2; May2007 3;
Dec2009 25
choices, making, Dec2011 10, 12–13*, 42–43
Choldenko, Gennifer, Oct2008 2; Nov2010 17; Jan2011 3,
10; Feb2014 5*
Chorao, Kay, Oct2005 27, 29, 30
Chrismer, Melanie, Feb2008 44
Christelow, Eileen, Oct2004 2–3; Apr2005 15; Aug/Sept2005
38; Jan2006 11, 13; May2006 21; Aug/Sept2006
51; Feb2008 10; Aug/Sept2008 45; Jan2015 12;
Mar2016 8; Apr2016 44
Christensen, Bonnie, Feb2013 3; Mar2014 2; Nov2014 17–
18; Dec2014 29; Jan2015 51; Mar2015 42
Christensson, Karen, Aug/Sept2007 19–22
Christian, Frank, Dec2006 22
Christian, Spencer, Feb2006 43
Christiansen, Candace, Dec2004 25
Christie, Peter, Apr2013 12
Christie, R. Gregory, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 3; Feb2010 34,
38; Nov2014 33
Christmas, Dec2003 25, 35–36; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 24;
Dec2006 9–12, 28; Dec2007 11*, 28, 49–52;
Dec2008 27; Dec2010 5*, 51–52; Dec2011 1, 4*,
18–19, 29*; Dec2012 48–51*; Dec2013 8–15*, 43–
46; Dec2014 2–3, 5*, 6, 8–15*, 28, 29, 45–49
Christmas Eve, Dec2005 25; Dec2006 28
Christopher, John, Apr2007 28
Christopher, Matt, Mar2006 28; Mar2008 53, 54, 55;
May2008 12; May2009 9; Aug/Sept2009 10;
Jan2013 10; Feb2014 11; May2014 28; Oct2014 5
Christy, Jana, May2013 45*
Chrysanthemum Day, Aug/Sept2006 29
Church, Lisa, Mar2012 7
Ciardi, John, Apr2004 14; Apr2008 28; Oct2014 55
Ciavonne, Jean, Dec2007 8–9, 11
Cibos, Lindsay, Dec2009 11
CIESE (Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science
Education), Jan2013 39*; Apr2014 51*
Cinco de Mayo, May2004 25; May2005 25; May2006 25;
Oct2006 6; May2007 29; May2008 28; May2011
circuses, May2008 21–22
citations, Oct2011 42+*; Feb2016 5*
citizenship, Dec2011 10*, 12*, 42–43*
Citizenship in the Digital World, Apr2016 11–14
Citrin, Michael, Mar2007 29
city gardening, May2013 56
city living, Aug/Sept2011 3
civics. See social studies, civics
civil rights, Apr2006 24; Feb2007 2–3, 8–14*, 18–20*;
Jan2010 41; Jan2011 3, 13, 33; Oct2015 10
Claflin, Brian, Mar2011 53
Clanton, Ben, Apr2015 56
Clark, Diane C., Aug/Sept2011 11
Clark, Emma Chichester, Feb2016 42
Clark, Kathy, Nov2011 45
Clark, Leslie Ann, Apr2013 19
Clark, Roy Peter, May2009 25–26
Clark, Sondra, Apr2015 9
Clarkson, Karen, Oct2010 18*
class stores, Apr2016 17
clay, modeling (Plasticine), Jan2013 30–33, 34–36
Clayton, Dallas, Nov2014 42
cleaning, Aug/Sept2006 5; Oct2014 7
Cleary, Beverly, Apr2004 24; Oct2004 31; Apr2006 25;
Aug/Sept2006 4, 29; Apr2007 29; Dec2007 55;
Apr2008 29; May2008 28; Apr2016 3, 28
Cleary, Brian P., Nov2011 12; May2014 52; Oct2014 29;
Nov2015 22
Clement, Gary, Nov2013 25
Clement, Nathan, Aug/Sept2015 44
Clement, Rod, Nov2009 24; Aug/Sept2013 10
Clemente, Roberto, Feb2014 21–22; Mar2015 33
Clements, Andrew, Aug/Sept2003 15, 16; May2004 28;
Aug/Sept2004 3, 4; Aug/Sept2005 10, 12; Dec2005
10, 12; Nov2006 10, 12; Jan2007 29; Apr2007 26,
28; Nov2007 20; Dec2007 8, 10, 12; Feb2008 18;
May2008 21; Aug/Sept2008 10, 39; Oct2009 11;
Apr2010 6, 10; Aug/Sept2010 2–3; Oct2010 23;
Jan2011 10; Nov2011 10, 41; Feb2012 41*;
Aug/Sept2012 10; Jan2013 11; Oct2013 10;
Dec2013 10; Mar2014 22–23; Apr2014 41;
May2014 5, 11, 54–55; Nov2014 11; Dec2014 52;
Feb2016 7; May2016 3
Clements, Gillian, Nov2011 12
Clemesha, David, Aug/Sept2014 56
Clemson, Wendy and David, Feb2008 44
Cleveland, David, Apr2005 24
Clibbon, Meg, Mar2013 10
Clifford, Eth, May2012 34
Clifford Interactive Storybooks, Feb2012 53*
climate change, Apr2011 10, 47–48; Apr2015 29*
climatology, Jan2008 13; Nov2011 27
Climo, Shirley, May2004 4
Cline-Ransome, Lesa, Dec2010 23; Feb2015 3; Oct2015 44;
Jan2016 7, 56
Clinton, Catherine, Feb2009 11; Feb2010 2; May2015 12
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, Jan2005 36; Feb2010 51
clocks, Oct2007 34; Jan2014 15*, 26*
Close, Chuck, Dec2013 3; Oct2014 10, 13
close reading, Nov2013 16–19; Aug/Sept2014 17–18;
May2015 51–53
clouds, Aug/Sept2009 37
cloze activity, Jan2009 34–35
Coast Guard, U.S., Nov2010 53
Cobb, Mary, Nov2003 30; Mar2004 9
Cobb, Vicki, Oct2007 26; Jan2009 10; Feb2015 11
Coca-Cola, May2008 29
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann, Nov2006 10, 13; Aug/Sept2007 4;
Aug/Sept2008 10; Oct2008 46*; Dec2011 2, 8;
Aug/Sept2012 11; Oct2012 11; May2015 44
Cochabamba, Aug/Sept2004 40
Cochran, Bill, Dec2009 2
Coco, Eugene Bradley, Jan2007 40
Codell, Esme Raji, Nov2006 6; Dec2007 23, 26; Oct2008 10,
16; Oct2014 46, 55; Dec2014 44
codes and ciphers, Nov2004 36; Dec2004 40–43; Nov2008
18–19*; Aug/Sept2013 14; Aug/Sept2014 9–10,
13*, 14–15*
Cody, Bill (Buffalo Bill), Feb2006 24; Feb2007 28; Feb2008
Coerr, Eleanor, Nov2003 30
coffee, as teacher incentive, May2011 6–7
Coffelt, Nancy, Dec2008 10; Dec2009 10; Feb2011 1;
Apr2013 10
Coggins, Margaret, Dec2007 18
cognitive engagement, Mar2014 48*
Cohan, George M., Aug/Sept2011 12
Cohen, Barbara, Jan2008 11
Cohen, Miriam, Aug/Sept2008 9; Oct2008 45; Nov2009 49
Cohen, Sasha, Feb2014 10
Cohen, Sharron, Apr2004 9–13; Dec2004 34–38; Apr2005
27–33; Nov2005 11–15; Oct2007 17–21
Cohlene, Terri, Nov2013 26
Cohn, Amy L., Feb2005 25
Cohn, Diana, Mar2014 29
Cohn, Jessica, Feb2015 10
Cohon, Rhody, Dec2014 29
Colandro, Lucille, Nov2011 38
Colbert, Jan, Feb2007 10
Cole, Barbara Hancock, Nov2003 30
Cole, Brock, Apr2005 12; Feb2012 2
Cole, Dylan, Feb2016 7
Cole, Heidi, Nov2009 3
Cole, Henry, Oct2009 11; May2010 21; Apr2011 11;
Aug/Sept2012 23; Dec2012 16; May2014 21–22
Cole, Joanna, Dec2003 2–3, 16; May2004 46; Oct2004 4;
Feb2005 29; Apr2006 35; Aug/Sept2008 17;
Jan2009 10; Apr2009 10; Dec2010 24; Mar2012 2,
9; Feb2013 11; Apr2014 11; Dec2014 29
Author Extensions, Mar2008 33–37
Meet the Author, Mar2008 30–32*
Cole, Melissa, Feb2007 52
Cole, Robert, Aug/Sept2004 2
Cole, William, Dec2006 33, 34
Coleman, Bessie, Dec2003 24, 34–35; Jan2007 29
Coleman, Lori, Mar2008 54
Colfer, Eoin, Mar2007 29; Aug/Sept2012 10; May2016 29*
with bookshops, May2016 31
global, Jan2016 3*, 8*, 30–35*
overview of, Jan2016 6–9*, 13–15, 30–35*, 55–56
with public libraries, May2010 17–19
with teachers, May2011 6–7; Oct2012 6–7; Jan2013
25–27; Apr2013 6; Dec2013 6; Jan2014 16–
17*; Oct2014 6; Dec2014 22–24; Nov2015 22;
Jan2016 4–5*, 16–17; Feb2016 5; Mar2016 5;
May2016 17–20
collaborative art, Dec2006 45–46; Jan2016 9; Feb2016 17
Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), May2011 2;
May2012 30; Apr2014 33; Apr2016 51
collage. See under arts
Collard, Sneed B., III, Dec2008 9; Apr2009 9; Feb2015 5;
May2015 9
Colle, Gisela, Dec2011 18
collection development, Nov2010 40–42; Oct2015 37
collective nouns, Apr2013 4+*
Colleen and Uncle Squaty, Apr2013 18
college readiness, Feb2015 25–27
Collier, Bryan, Aug/Sept2003 42–45; Feb2010 36; Jan2015
29, 50; Mar2016 55
Collier, Christopher, Feb2004 18, 20
Collier, James Lincoln, Feb2004 18, 20
Collins, Andrew, Apr2008 53
Collins, Mary, Dec2003 2
Collins, Matthew, Mar2008 3, 26–27
Collins, Michael, Dec2004 3
Collins, Pat Lowery, Dec2012 9
Collins, Ross, Apr2016 42
Collins, Sheila Hebert, Apr2005 12
Collins, Suzanne, Dec2007 55; Jan2008 4; May2008 42;
Aug/Sept2010 26; Mar2011 12; Mar2012 9
Colman, Penny, May2007 53
Colón, Raúl, Aug/Sept2008 35; Nov2012 46; Aug/Sept2015
Meet the Author, Mar2015 30–33
Colonial Williamsburg, Oct2005 25*; Jan2012 28*
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), Oct2012 3
Colorado, Jan2008 44
colored pencil (art technique), Jan2006 16
color mixing, Mar2016 19–20
color symbolism, Nov2009 13*
Coltrane, John, Mar2005 7, 9; Jan2015 3; Feb2015 22–23
Colum, Padraic, Aug/Sept2014 47
Columbus, Christopher, Oct2003 4, 24; Mar2004 43;
Oct2015 24
Columbus Day, Oct2003 4, 24; Oct2004 24; Oct2005 24;
Oct2006 28; Oct2007 28
Coman, Carolyn, Apr2005 25; May2009 11
combined-text books, Aug/Sept2004 13–17
Combs, Kathy, Feb2013 10
comedians, Apr2007 26
comics, May2007 4; Oct2007 24; Nov2007 28; Oct2008 55;
Mar2009 5; Oct2009 5*; Mar2010 5*, 52–55;
Oct2010 30–35*; Feb2012 42*; Oct2012 42–44*;
May2014 2–3, 8–15*, 24–27*, 39*; Mar2015 28*;
Oct2015 17*
See also graphic novels
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
vs. AASL Standards, Dec2013 29*; Jan2014 7*;
Apr2014 16; Oct2014 23*; Feb2015 27*
academic language in, Mar2015 25–27
Ancient Egypt, lesson plans on, Nov2012 22–26*
artists, lesson plans on, Mar2016 26–27
Balloons Over Broadway lesson plans, Aug/Sept2014
birds, lesson plans on, Oct2014 16–17; Jan2015 17
character education and, Aug/Sept2014 44; Oct2014
52; Nov2014 50; Dec2014 50–51; Jan2015
41; Feb2015 50; Mar2015 50; Apr2015 50;
Jan2016 40–41
close reading and, Nov2013 16–19; Aug/Sept2014 17–
18; May2015 51–53
compassion, lesson plans on, Jan2016 37–39, 40–41
cooperation, lesson plans on, Jan2013 20–24*
The Day-Glo Brothers lesson plans, Aug/Sept2014 34
Educators’ Guide from Penguin Group, Mar2016 37*
endangered animals, lesson plans on, Apr2013 20–24*
financial literacy, lesson plans on, Apr2016 39–40
food, lesson plans on, Dec2015 42–43
forces of nature, lesson plans on, Feb2013 20–24*
Jane Goodall, lesson plans on, Aug/Sept2012 16–19*;
Aug/Sept2014 33–34
graphic novels and, Oct2015 12–13
Greek mythology, lesson plans on, Feb2014 16–19*
informational text standards of, Aug/Sept2014 33–35;
Jan2016 8*
inventions, lesson plans on, Feb2016 39–40
lesson plans, by librarians, Jan2014 7*
librarian's overview of, Oct2013 17–20
Me… Jane lesson plans, Aug/Sept2014 33–34
migrant laborers, lesson plans on, Oct2012 24–27*
nonfiction collection and, Jan2014 16–17*
online resources for, Aug/Sept2013 7*; Apr2014 19*;
Mar2016 37*
poetry and, Apr2015 35–37; Nov2015 45–47; Jan2016
project-based learning and, May2015 39–41*
questioning skills and, Apr2015 38–40
reluctant readers and, Oct2014 21–23
research and media skills in, Dec2013 16–20
rest and relaxation, lesson plans on, May2013 20–23*
royalty, lesson plans on, Mar2013 20–24*
social responsibility, lesson plans on, May2016 26–27
speaking and listening skills in, Feb2015 25–27
technology skills and, Dec2014 39–41
text complexity and, May2014 16–19*
text-dependent questions and, Apr2015 38–40
textual evidence and, Aug/Sept2014 16–19*; Jan2015
theme exploration and, May2015 39–41*
vocabulary building and, Jan2014 17–18*; Mar2014
winter weather, lesson plans on, Dec2012 20–24*
writing, lesson plans on, Apr2014 16–19*; Jan2015 38–
See also Core Focus; Strengthen Your Core
communication, Jan2004 30
communities, Nov2005 19–23, 40–45; Jan2015 48–52
community circles, Aug/Sept2007 15
Community CookShops, Dec2015 10–13
community gardens, Apr2015 17–18; Dec2015 25–27
community involvement, Feb2008 2–3, 17, 19, 36; Apr2015
community readers, Feb2010 46–49
Comora, Madeleine, Mar2005 25; Feb2011 11
compassion, Oct2013 46–49*; Jan2016 3, 11–12, 16–19,
36–39, 40–41, 47–49
Compassionate Paws, Oct2011 6–7*
Compestine, Ying Chang, Dec2005 40; Jan2007 11;
Apr2015 17–18; Dec2015 51
Comport, Sally Wern, Dec2007 55
comprehension skills. See language arts, reading; language
arts, writing
Computer Learning Month, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2004 24–25;
Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007 28–29;
Oct2012 28*; Oct2014 29*
computer science, Jan2009 37–38; Mar2015 48–49
See also Technology; web resources
computer scientists, Oct2015 21
conclusions, jumping to, Mar2014 20–23
concrete poetry, Mar2005 14; Feb2013 13
confidence, Aug/Sept2007 15–16; Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*
conflict, in literature, Feb2012 13
conflict resolution, Dec2005 13; Aug/Sept2010 14
Conford, Ellen, Feb2005 35; Nov2006 9, 12; Feb2015 8
Confucius, Aug/Sept2005 25; Aug/Sept2007 29
Conklin, Thomas, Jan2004 41
The Connected Librarian
Beyond Walls: Hosting a Virtual Picture Book
Smackdown, Jan2015 19–21
Collaborating Beyond Walls with America Recycles,
Jan2016 30–35
Connecting Community Through Little Free Libraries,
Apr2015 19–21*
Connecting Students to the World with Flipgrid,
Feb2015 19–21
Creating an Augmented-Reality History Museum,
Aug/Sept2015 30–32
Dream, Tinker, and Create in an Open Makerspace,
Feb2016 18–20*
Empowering Student Voices through Book Budgets,
May2015 19–21*
Finding Your Stories, Dec2014 19–21
From Beta Testing to Reader’s Advisory: Exploring
Wandoo Planet, Nov2015 30–35
If You Dream It, You Can 3D Design and Print It,
Mar2015 19–21*
Owning the Space: A Student Shelf Talker Project,
May2016 30–32
Perspective Through Explorers and Native Americans,
Oct2015 23–27*
Sharing Our Mathematical Thinking With Educreations,
Dec2015 30–35
Stretching Your Library Budget Through
Crowdsourcing, Apr2016 30–32
Using Augmented Reality to Spark the Writing Process,
Mar2016 30–32
Connecticut, Jan2008 28, 44
Connolly, Sean, Feb2013 10
Connor, Leslie, Oct2006 11, 12; May2008 49; Nov2010 16;
May2011 3
Conover, Patricia Ross, Aug/Sept2009 17
Conrad, Pam, Feb2006 29, 30, 31
consequences, unintended, Dec2011 42+
conservation, Apr2007 3, 12; Apr2011 7, 8–15*, 38–41*,42–
45*, 46–48*; Apr2015 52–53
Constitution, U.S., Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 25;
Aug/Sept2011 29*
Constitution Day, Aug/Sept2006 19–23; Aug/Sept2008 5*;
Aug/Sept2012 28*; Aug/Sept2014 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
construction, Mar2011 16, 26; Aug/Sept2015 42–45;
Apr2016 36–38
contests, Jan2007 5; Apr2007 25
Book Character Contest, Mar2014 7*
book return contest, May2015 6
Favorite Teacher's Pet, May2008 5
Guess How Many Books?, Nov2007 4
for inventions, Jan2012 19*
raffles, Aug/Sept2007 45
raising money, Nov2008 5
writers, Feb2009 47*
Cook, Deanna F., Oct2007 39; Dec2015 19*
Cook, Sybilla, Nov2006 45
Cooke, Trish, Dec2008 22
cookies (food), Dec2004 25; Dec2011 22*; Dec2013 4, 52–
56; Dec2014 29; Dec2015 2, 29
cooking, Nov2006 54–55; Dec2006 23; May2007 15*;
Aug/Sept2009 14; Feb2010 14*–15; Mar2010 18*;
Aug/Sept2011 15; Jan2012 52–55*; Jan2014 22–
23; Dec2015 2*, 8*, 10–13, 17–19, 23–25, 40, 49–
Cooking Up Fun at Your Library, Dec2015 17–19
Cooks, Michelle, Feb2010 3
Coombs, Kate, Feb2015 5; Apr2015 36
Coombs, Rachel, Mar2013 12
Cooney, Barbara, Oct2004 29, 31; May2007 26; Dec2011 14
Cooney, Doug, Aug/Sept2006 10, 13; Nov2008 9; Dec2009
Cooper, Christina, Nov2014 21
Cooper, Elisha, Nov2007 17; Apr2008 21; Apr2009 52, 54;
Mar2011 17; Apr2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 3
Cooper, Floyd, Feb2004 16, 19; Feb2010 36, 42
Cooper, Harris, May2007 17
Cooper, Helen, Dec2006 23; Apr2008 55
Cooper, Ilene, Nov2014 11
Cooper, Michael, Feb2007 52, 53
Cooper, Susan, Apr2006 10, 12; Apr2007 10, 13; Apr2011
10; Feb2012 11; Mar2012 9; Mar2013 11
Cooper, Wade, Mar2016 42
cooperation and peace-making, Aug/Sept2010 2–3*, 8–17*;
Jan2013 2–3, 4*, 8–15*, 16–19, 20–24*, 48–50;
Nov2014 52–53; Jan2016 8
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC), Nov2003 4;
Jan2004 3; Mar2006 4; Nov2006 3*; May2007 2;
Oct2010 49–51*; May2011 2; Oct2014 5*; Dec2014
5, 7*; Dec2015 4*
Cooperative Summer Library Program, May2013 34–35
Copage, Eric V., Dec2007 10, 12
Copeland, Misty, May2015 2
Copland, Aaron, May2016 39
copyright, Jan2006 45; Mar2011 38; Aug/Sept2015 21
coral reefs, Apr2009 15*
Corbett, Sue, Mar2008 53; Dec2014 11
Cordell, Matthew, May2013 3; Apr2014 4; Aug/Sept2015 6
Corder, Zizou, Mar2012 17–19*
Cordova, Amy, Aug/Sept2004 6, 39; Nov2010 1, 7
Core Focus
Our Feathered Friends, Oct2014 16–17
Putting Common Core Into Action, Aug/Sept2014 33–
35; Nov2014 22–23; Dec2014 36–38;
Jan2015 36–37; Feb2015 22–24; Mar2015
22–24; Apr2015 35–37; May2015 36–38;
Aug/Sept2015 26–27; Oct2015 40–41;
Nov2015 45–47; Dec2015 42–43; Jan2016
40–41; Feb2016 39–40; Mar2016 26–27;
Apr2016 39–40; May2016 26–27
See also Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Coretta Scott King Award, Jan2004 2, 3; Feb2004 2;
Jan2006 24; Dec2006 48; Feb2007 12; Nov2007 3,
6, 10; Dec2007 31; Feb2010 30, 41–43*; May2010
26; Jan2011 33–34; Jan2012 21; Feb2013 5
Corey, Shana, Nov2006 25; Mar2007 11, 13; Nov2009 27*;
Jan2013 41–43*
Cornelissen, Cornelia, Nov2004 32, 34; May2012 10
Cornell, Joseph, Mar2016 26, 55
Cornell, Kari A., Dec2006 32
Cornell, Laura, Oct2008 45; Feb2016 52
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Apr2014 50
Cort, Ben, Nov2011 41
Corwin, Jeff, Apr2011 10
Corwin, Judith Hoffman, Mar2004 9
Corwin, Oliver J., May2009 10
Costaldo, Nancy F., Dec2012 12
Costales, Amy, Nov2014 55
Costanza, Stephen, Mar2005 19; Aug/Sept2012 23;
Dec2012 43
Costanzo, Charlene, Dec2009 25
Costello, Emily, May2014 4
Costner, Suzanne, May2012 17
costumes, Mar2008 22; Mar2009 48
Cottin, Menena, Nov2009 9
Cotton, Cynthia, May2011 46
Coudray, Philippe, May2014 3
Coulman, Valerie, May2006 15–16
Couloumbis, Audrey, Dec2011 3
Coulter, Laurie, Feb2008 28
counting books, Oct2014 49–51
country music, Nov2007 46
County Line Orchard, May2004 21*
courage, Aug/Sept2007 16; Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*, 16–17;
Dec2011 24–25, 54; Mar2013 2–3; May2015 54–56
Courtney, Nancy, Aug/Sept2009 17
Coury, Tina Nichols, Nov2012 5*
Cousins, Lindsey, Aug/Sept2014 36
Cousins, Lucy, Nov2004 40, 41; Feb2005 25; Dec2005 39;
Jan2008 21; Feb2008 29; Apr2008 53–54; Dec2011
2; Feb2012 29*
Cousteau, Jacques, Mar2009 2; Nov2011 19–23*, 53–54;
Feb2016 2
Couture, Susan, Oct2011 18*
Couture, Susan P., Oct2011 18*; Dec2012 41*
Cover-Kwarcinski, Karen, Apr2016 16
Covert, Ralph, Mar2011 17
Covey, Stephen, Aug/Sept2007 18; Mar2014 20, 22
Coville, Bruce, Oct2003 28–29, 30, 32; Feb2005 36, 37;
Aug/Sept2007 34, 35; Feb2011 10, 11; May2011
28*; May2012 29*
Cowan, Julie, Aug/Sept2005 44
Cowell, Cressida, Oct2005 25; Apr2008 54
Cowley, Joy, Dec2009 3, 9; Mar2011 11, 17; Aug/Sept2015
7; Dec2015 18
Cox, Judy, May2004 3; Mar2005 30; Feb2010 11; Dec2011
9; Apr2012 3; Oct2013 11
Cox, Meg, Dec2014 27
Cox, Reg, Mar2013 11, 14
Cox, Tricia, Dec2006 6
Coy, John, Aug/Sept2006 52; May2010 3; Apr2011 2;
May2011 3
Coyle, Carmela LaVigna, Apr2008 6; Nov2008 22; Apr2014
coyotes, Apr2007 42, 43
CQ Products, Aug/Sept2014 10
Craats, Rennay, Jan2016 42, 43
Crafford, Andre, Oct2004 14–15
Craft, Charlotte, Jan2009 10
Craft, Mahlon F., Feb2012 11; May2013 11; Mar2014 53;
May2015 11
Craft, M. Charlotte, Feb2011 9
100th Day Bookmark, Jan2007 24
Aikendrum felt board face or rod puppet, Mar2005 39–
41, 43–45
airplanes, paper, Feb2010 38
American Girl Christmas, Dec2008 27
Anansi tubeys, Feb2005 17, 19–21
animal masks, Apr2006 16; Oct2011 36*
aurora borealis, Nov2009 14*
autograph books, Oct2008 43–44
banks, Apr2016 9*
beading, Oct2011 13
bear cub, felt, Apr2008 21, 23
bear family portraits, Nov2010 48*, 51
bear mask, Oct2007 4, 6
binary code bracelets, Feb2016 17
Book, Make a, Oct2007 37; Aug/Sept2012 28*
Book Bag Name Tags, Aug/Sept2005 41
book boxes, Oct2010 44, 47
book caddies, Feb2011 46
book covers, Apr2004 5
book huggers, Aug/Sept2003 35
book jackets, Dec2006 29
bookmarks, Mar2004 27; Aug/Sept2004 10; Dec2004
22–23, 26; Oct2005 7; Mar2007 12–13;
May2008 39; Mar2010 5; Oct2010 5; Apr2011
39; Mar2014 18*; May2014 35; Apr2015 48*;
May2015 6; Aug/Sept2015 20–21*; Jan2016
Book Report Worm, Jan2007 24
book trading cards, May2010 25*
bookworm, Mar2004 46
Buggy Bracelets, May2008 39, 43
burial masks, Nov2012 14
business cards, Apr2010 14*; Apr2016 9*
button-nose potato pin, Mar2004 28
candy bags, Jan2007 20
carrot props, May2007 22–23
cat cards, Oct2014 28*
Christmas lightbulbs, Dec2014 5*
clothespin crafts, May2005 38; May2012 4*
collages, Aug/Sept2003 17; Feb2008 55
color paddles, Nov2009 43–44*
color spinners, Nov2009 43, 45+
compassion bracelets, Jan2016 38
cornucopia, Dec2004 25
counting books, Aug/Sept2009 14
cow headband, May2012 44*
crow puppet, Oct2007 38–39
cutie-face rocks, Dec2015 28*
cut paper art, Aug/Sept2009 14*
daisy chains, May2009 36
Dingle Dangle Scarecrow, Oct2005 20–21, 22–23
dinosaurs, Feb2006 30, 36–37, 38–39
dioramas, Mar2005 10; Apr2007 14; May2014 36
dragon decorations, Oct2007 52+
dream catchers, May2013 15*
dream jars, May2013 15
dreidels, Dec2004 20
Earth Day, Apr2007 14
elf ears, Dec2007 20*
elf hat, Mar2012 4*
fa-bear-gé egg, Feb2005 13
fabric recycling, Mar2009 14
fairy headband, Mar2012 4*
fairy tale storybooks, Oct2010 48+
fall leaf garland, Nov2014 4
family memories journal, Nov2003 35
family trees, Dec2008 4*
felt animals, Apr2013 14
finger puppets, Feb2006 36, 38; Mar2008 15, 17;
Apr2008 6; May2015 13*
flower beds, May2014 7
flower props, May2007 24
fly puppets, Oct2007 36
FootMoose, May2010 36
"fossil dough," Feb2006 36–37
fossils, Apr2011 41; Apr2013 14*
fox headband, Dec2005 38, 41
fruit and veggie tubeys, May2004 27–32
get-well cards, Jan2010 14
ghost party invitations, Oct2003 40–41
gift bags, Jan2007 20
gifts, for the sensory impaired, Jan2009 13
gifts, handmade, May2007 15*; Dec2014 47–48
gingerbread cookie ornaments, Dec2012 29*
gingerbread kids, Dec2005 36–38, 42–43
glitter globes, Oct2011 13–14*
Global Village, Aug/Sept2010 48*, 50–51
greeting cards, Mar2004 27–28; Apr2007 14; Dec2007
12; Nov2011 35; Dec2014 17*
Halloween hats, Oct2003 42
hand flowers, Apr2004 7, 8
hand-in-hand friends border, Oct2013 14*
handprint American flag, Aug/Sept2011 44
handprint diversity wreaths, Oct2015 9
harvest season, Oct2012 14*
hats, Jan2015 4*
heart crafts, Feb2011 13*
holiday candles, Dec2004 20, 22; Dec2013 13–14*
imaginary vehicles, May2009 13
inventions for pets, Dec2009 49–50*
Jack-in-the-Box, Aug/Sept2008 19*
journal making, Aug/Sept2006 28
kaleidoscopes, Dec2006 4–5; Nov2009 14*
kite-making, Mar2008 29*
leprechaun traps, Mar2013 29*
Lewis and Clark Peace Medals, Mar2009 14*
maps, creating, Aug/Sept2006 37
Martin Luther King Jr. Banner, Jan2004 10, 13
masks, Mar2008 15*; Apr2009 39*; Dec2009 14
May Day baskets, May2007 4–5; May2015 29*
memory books, Jan2016 18–19
Mistake Tree, Aug/Sept2006 37
"Mister Moon" swivel prop, Mar2008 41, 43
mittens, Dec2006 29; Nov2009 48*; Dec2015 3*
model building, Oct2011 14
monkey shoulder pets, Aug/Sept2010 6+
monsters and magical creatures, Oct2003 24–29
moon and space, Mar2008 41–43
moon calendar, Nov2013 14
Mother's Day/Father's Day, May2009 5
Mouse House, Aug/Sept2008 19–20*
napping pillows, May2013 15
nature journals, Nov2008 38
necktie patterns, Aug/Sept2008 12*
New Year's Eve, Dec2012 5*
noodle art, Dec2006 35
old-fashioned crafts, Nov2010 12*
Olympics olive leaf crown, Feb2014 13*
origami, Dec2011 4*; Apr2012 45–46*; Apr2013 37;
Apr2016 42
paper airplanes, Feb2010 38
paper bag puppets, Mar2008 15
paper bats, Oct2010 44*
paper-bead necklaces, Jan2014 38*
paper boats, Jan2012 42
paper chains, May2008 14; Oct2008 13
paper cuttings, Dec2010 13
paper dolls, Apr2015 26*
paper fans, Jan2007 36; May2011 46
paper hearts, Feb2011 13*; Feb2013 29*
paper lantern, Jan2007 36
paper making, Apr2011 13*
paper scroll, Jan2007 36
paper snowflakes, Dec2012 13*
Parrot Shoulder Pet, Oct2006 5, 7
patriotic crafts, Oct2004 33; Aug/Sept2011 15, 47
peace albums, Aug/Sept2010 21–22*
peace puzzles, Aug/Sept2010 20–21*
perfume making, May2007 15*
pet rocks, Dec2009 14
pig puppet, Apr2004 42–43
piñata making, Aug/Sept2008 34*
pioneer journals, Mar2009 49–50
pirate eye patch, Aug/Sept2008 6+
pirate hats, Aug/Sept2014 29*
pirate treasure chests, Aug/Sept2007 52, 55
placemats, Apr2011 40
postcards, Mar2007 41
props for storytime, May2007 22–25
puppets, Aug/Sept2005 44–45; May2007 24–25;
Nov2007 42; Mar2008 14–19, 41–43;
Mar2009 53–55*; Jan2011 17; Feb2011 36–
quilting bee, Mar2009 14*, 50
quilts, paper or cloth, Dec2011 19; Apr2012 13, 45;
Dec2014 14; Jan2016 18
Rainbow Children magnet, Jan2004 10–11, 13
rainy day crafts, Apr2006 38–39, 41
Rebus Valentine mini-books, Feb2004 27–28, 31
recipe book, Nov2009 37
recycled paper, Jan2005 38
rhythm instruments, May2012 43
rock painting, Dec2015 28*
rose-colored glasses, Nov2009 13*
safety pin crafts, Apr2013 29*
Scaredy Squirrel puppets, Feb2011 36–37*
sea creatures, Aug/Sept2003 11–13
seed collage, Mar2010 25
shamrock pin, Mar2004 27
shape books, Nov2009 36–37*
Shelf Elf puppet, Aug/Sept2005 44–45
silhouettes, Feb2005 39; Nov2010 12*
Skeleton Mr. Bottle Bones, Oct2007 39, 40
sleeping bags, May2009 37*
Snowdoggies, Jan2007 47
snowflakes, Jan2004 12; Jan2009 4*; Dec2013 23, 44;
Jan2015 16
snowmen, Jan2004 11, 49; Jan2007 47–49, 51
snowperson sculptures, Dec2012 13*
snow themed, Jan2007 47–49
soap carvings, Aug/Sept2009 14*
sock puppets, Mar2008 15
speak-up plate puppets, Jan2011 17
spider bracelets, Oct2008 4*
spiderwebs, Apr2014 40
spinning tops, Nov2009 14
splatter paintings, Mar2009 50
star jars, Feb2016 14
star trees, Dec2011 19
stationery, Jan2005 38–39
stickers, homemade, Feb2005 4
stick fireworks, Aug/Sept2011 47
stick puppets, Oct2005 20–21, 22–23; Dec2005 36–38,
42–43; May2007 24–25; Mar2008 14–15;
Nov2014 36; Apr2016 3*
stone pets, Dec2009 14
Styrofoam pyramids, Nov2012 14
thankful tree, Mar2007 44
thunder boomers, Mar2013 29*
thunder sticks, Apr2009 38
ties, Aug/Sept2012 14*
tin punch, Mar2009 14
tissue paper stained glass, Nov2009 13–14
toy boats, Apr2009 40–41*
toy making, Mar2004 12, 14
treasure jars, May2013 18
treasure maps based on books, Aug/Sept2014 25
turkeys, Nov2003 35, 36–37; Nov2006 5, 7; Nov2013
turn-up books, Jan2007 41, 44
turtle rattles, Apr2009 37*
Uncle Sam hats, May2004 43
valentines, Feb2004 29–30, 32; Feb2005 39; Feb2011
wagon train decorations, Mar2009 48–49
washer and yarn pendants, Mar2008 4
wind instruments, Oct2009 49–50
"write to me" journals, Nov2010 12*
Yankee Doodle Dandy necklaces, May2004 43
See also arts; Creative Crafts
Craig, Jonathan, Feb2015 44
Crandell, Rachel, Oct2007 54
Cravath, Lynne, Apr2004 37
Crayola crayons, Apr2012 12*; Aug/Sept2012 29*; Mar2016
crayon (art technique), Jan2006 16
Creating Digital Learning Stations: Exploring Nonfiction Text
Features with QR Codes, Aug/Sept2015 18–19*
creation, Jan2012 10*, 12*
Creative Crafts (former feature)
Family Fun, Nov2003 34–37
Fruit and Veggie Tubeys, May2004 27–32
January Fun, Jan2004 10–13
Monsters & Magical Creatures, Oct2003 34–39
Springtime Poems and Songs, Apr2004 6–8
St. Patrick's Day Fun, Mar2004 27–29
This School is Cool, Aug/Sept2003 10–13
Valentine's Day Story Crafts, Feb2004 27–32
Winter Holidays, Dec2003 27–29
See also crafts
creative writing. See under language arts, writing
creativity, Dec2007 38, 39; Mar2011 2–3, 8–15*; Apr2012 2–
3, 8–15*
Creber, Michael, Dec2006 22
Creech, Sharon, Apr2004 2, 3, 5; Jan2005 40–47; Mar2005
15; Dec2006 31–32, 34; Nov2008 3, 11; Nov2009
4*; Dec2009 3; Nov2010 8, 9; Dec2014 52;
Dec2015 7, 25
Creighton, Peggy, May2013 6*
Creole music, Nov2007 46
Cresp, Gael, Dec2005 11
Crespo, Clare, Nov2006 54; Jan2009 11
Crews, Donald, Aug/Sept2008 21; Aug/Sept2011 3
Crews, Nina, Nov2005 2; Jan2008 3; Mar2008 3;
Aug/Sept2011 3; Nov2013 26
crickets, Apr2007 42
Crimi, Carolyn, Dec2012 19; Oct2014 11; Apr2016 44
criminals, Oct2007 23–24
Crisfield, Deborah W., Mar2008 55
Crisman, Ruth, Feb2007 49, 53
Crisp, Marty, Dec2004 14; Dec2009 26
Crist-Evans, Craig, Jan2005 36, 38, 39
Criswell, Patti Kelley, Oct2013 12; Mar2014 23
critical thinking, Feb2007 47; May2010 6–7*; Feb2015 38–
Crockett, Davy, May2015 13
crocodiles, Oct2007 34; Jan2016 45–46
Cronin, Doreen, Oct2004 2–3, 7; Nov2004 4; Jan2005 25;
Jan2006 3, 36; Apr2006 9, 11, 12, 26–27, 34;
May2006 2, 15; Mar2007 26; Nov2007 50; Feb2008
3; Feb2010 25; May2012 43; Dec2012 19; Jan2013
50; Mar2015 29; May2016 37
Cronin, Mary E., Nov2010 27
Cross, Deb, May2008 55
Crossan, Sarah, Dec2014 52
cross examination, Nov2014 19–21
crossword puzzles. See under puzzles
Crowder, Melanie, Oct2014 2
Crown National Book Award Program, Aug/Sept2006 6
Croza, Laurel, Aug/Sept2014 3
Cruise, Robin, Dec2006 3; Nov2010 3; Nov2014 35
Crum, George, Jan2007 3; Dec2011 22*; Jan2014 22–23
Crum, Shutta, Apr2007 41; Aug/Sept2007 23; Feb2013 46*;
Mar2013 3; Dec2014 51
Crummel, Susan Stevens, May2004 5; Apr2005 13; Apr2006
8, 11, 12, 13; Dec2006 20; Feb2009 43
Crump, Marty, Apr2014 2
Csupo, Gabor, Nov2007 9
Cub Scouts, Feb2005 24–25
Cuffe-Perez, Mary, May2012 10
Culbert, Timothy, May2013 22
Cullen, Catherine Ann, Oct2006 42
Cullen, Lynn, Mar2013 23; Apr2016 43
cultural literacy programs, Oct2015 15–19
Cummings, Alysa, Apr2013 49
cummings, e. e., Mar2005 13
Cummings, Mary, Dec2009 25
Cummings, Pat, Nov2004 24; Nov2005 25; Jan2006 10, 13,
19; Nov2006 3, 29; Nov2007 29; Jan2015 26
Cummins, Julie, Oct2014 47; Nov2014 4
Cumpiano, Ina, Nov2006 3; Aug/Sept2009 2
Cuneo, Diane, Aug/Sept2006 10
Cunnane, Kelly, Oct2007 54; Dec2014 10
Cunningham, Julia, Oct2003 3
Cunxin, Li, Feb2014 22
Curie, Marie, Nov2004 24; Nov2005 24
curiosity, Aug/Sept2007 16; Feb2011 41–43*; Apr2012 51–
Curious George, Aug/Sept2012 28*, 55
Curlee, Lynn, May2006 25; May2012 51; Nov2012 12;
Mar2015 3, 9; Aug/Sept2015 29
currency conversion, Apr2010 15*; Apr2016 9*
Curriculum Connections
All the World’s a Stage, Feb2015 8–15*
All You Need Is Love, Feb2011 8–15*
Amazing Animals, Apr2013 8–15*
America the Beautiful, Aug/Sept2011 8–15*
Ancient Civilizations, Nov2012 8–15*
Art, Mar2016 6–10*
Art and Children's Illustrators, Jan2006 8–14
Arts ALIVE!, Apr2012 8–15*
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May2007 30–
Award Winners!, Nov2007 8–13
Back to Nature, Mar2010 8–15*
The Best You Can Be, Dec2011 6–13*
Black History Month, Feb2004 16–21; Feb2010 8–15*
Books in Shining Armor, Mar2013 8–15*
books with boy appeal, Nov2008 8–14
Bountiful Biographies!, Mar2007 8–13
Buddies and Bullies, Oct2013 8–16*
Bullies and Peacemakers, Dec2005 8–13
Caldecott and More!, Jan2015 8–15*
Careers, Nov2006 8–13
Celebrate Inventiveness!, Jan2007 8–13
Celebrate Your State, Jan2008 8–15
Celebrating Native American Cultures, Nov2013 8–15*
Character Education, Aug/Sept2007 8–13
The Civil Rights Movement, Feb2007 8–14
Collaboration Beyond the Classroom, Jan2016 6–9*
Colonial America, Oct2005 26–31
Color My World, Nov2009 8–14*
Comics and Graphic Novels, May2014 8–15*
Communities, Nov2005 40–45
Cooperation: Better Together, Jan2013 8–15*
Crafted by History, Mar2004 8–15
Dare to Be Scared!, Oct2007 8–13
Dinosaurs, Feb2006 26–32
Discovering the Natural Sciences, Apr2014 8–15*
Diversity, Oct2015 6–10*
Earth Day, Apr2007 8–14
Elections, Oct2004 6–13
Engineering, Mar2015 8–15*
Ethnic Edibles, Dec2006 30–37
Everyday Science, Oct2009 8–15
explorers and pioneers, Mar2009 8–14
Family Life, Nov2003 14–21
family stories, Dec2008 8–14*
Family Traditions, Dec2014 8–15*
Financial Literacy, Apr2016 6–10*
Flight!, Dec2003 14–21
Folklore: Stories for the Ages, Dec2010 8–15*
Food!, Dec2015 6–9*
Forces of Nature!, Feb2013 8–15*
Fractured Fairy Tales, Apr2008 8–15
Friendship at School, Aug/Sept2003 14–21
From Crop to Crunch, May2004 16–21
Gadgets and Gears, Bells and Whistles: Kids and
Technology, Mar2011 8–15*
Games and Gaming, Nov2015 6–10*
Get a Move On! Earth Migrations, May2012 6–13*
Give Peace a Chance, Aug/Sept2010 8–17*
Happy 50th Birthday NASA!, Mar2008 8–13
Happy Halloween, Oct2003 27–33
health and fitness, May2006 8–14
Healthy Earth, Healthy You!, Apr2011 8–15*
Heroes, Feb2009 8–14*; May2015 8–15*
Hispanic Heritage Month, Aug/Sept2004 38–43;
Aug/Sept2009 8–15*
Honorable Heroes and Vile Villains, Feb2012 8–15*
Immigrants All!, Oct2006 8–14
"I'm Sick!," Jan2010 8–15*
Inventors and Makers, Feb2016 6–9*
It's About Time!, Jan2014 8–15*
It's a Mystery!, Aug/Sept2013 8–15*
Life Cycles, May2005 34–39
The Magic of Books, Oct2010 8–14*
Math Awareness Month, Apr2005 34–39
Mind Your Manners!, Aug/Sept2006 8–13
Music in Our Schools Month, Mar2005 6–11
National Poetry Month, Apr2004 14–19
National Radio Month, Jan2004 27–33
Native American Heritage Month, Nov2004 30–36
New Beginnings, Jan2012 6–13*
ocean life, Apr2009 8–14*
Pets, Pets, Pets!, Dec2009 8–15
Power to the People (Kids too!), Feb2008 8–15
Reluctant Readers, Oct2014 8–15*
Rest, Relax, and Recharge, May2013 8–15*
school life, Aug/Sept2005 8–15; Aug/Sept2008 8–13
self-esteem, Oct2008 8–14
the senses, Jan2009 8–14*
Show Me the Money!, Apr2010 8–15
Small Wonders, Oct2011 8–15*
Speak Out!, Jan2011 8–15*
Speeches!, Nov2014 8–15*
Sports and Fitness, May2016 6–13*
Sports and Good Sports, May2010 8–15*
Stories of a Lifetime, Nov2010 6–13*
Summer Olympics in Beijing 2008!, May2008 10–18
Sweet, Sweet Summer, May2011 8–14*
Take Me to Your Reader! Science Fiction, Mar2012 6–
Technology, Aug/Sept2015 6–9*
Terrific Teachers and Laudable Librarians,
Aug/Sept2012 8–15*
Tis the Season, Dec2007 8–13
Travel and Transportation, May2009 8–14*
Treasure Hunt, Aug/Sept2014 8–15*
Truth, Lies, & Imagination, Mar2014 8–15*
Universal Letter Writing Week, Jan2005 34–39
Valentine's Day, Feb2005 34–39
Volunteering, Apr2015 8–15*
Weather, Mar2006 8–15
Where in the World? Celebrating Geography, Nov2011
Wild about Wild Books, Apr2006 8–15
Winter Holidays, Dec2013 8–15*
Winter Holidays Across the Curriculum, Dec2004 16–
Winter Olympics, Feb2014 8–15*
Wintry Mix, Dec2012 8–15*
curriculum standards, 56, all issues prior to Feb2013
Currie, Robin, Oct2007 45
Currier, Katrina Saltonstall, Oct2005 3
Curtis, Christopher Paul, Jan2004 3; Feb2004 18, 20;
Feb2007 12; Jan2008 3; Dec2008 11;
Aug/Sept2012 4; Jan2013 52; Feb2013 5*;
May2013 3; Oct2014 12; Feb2015 4; Oct2015 39;
Apr2016 8; May2016 28*
Author Extensions, Feb2004 41–46
Meet the Author, Feb2004 36–40
Curtis, Jamie Lee, Oct2004 29, 31; Oct2008 45; Feb2016 52
Cushman, Doug, Feb2005 43; May2008 41; Aug/Sept2013
1, 11
Cushman, Karen, Oct2004 24; Oct2005 24; Jan2007 29;
Mar2009 11; Oct2010 28*; Oct2012 4*
cut-and-tell stories, Oct2007 42, 44
Cutler, Jane, Aug/Sept2005 10, 12, 14; Feb2009 9; Jan2012
Cuyler, Margery, Dec2004 15; Feb2005 6; Aug/Sept2006 24;
Jan2007 49; Oct2007 39, 40; Nov2007 53; Jan2008
25; Apr2009 51; Aug/Sept2011 12; Feb2012 40*;
Apr2013 10; Oct2014 10; Apr2015 25
cyberbullying, Oct2013 50–52*
Cyr, Luis, May2014 11
Cyrus, Kurt, Dec2003 8; Apr2008 29; Apr2009 9; Oct2011
24; Jan2014 2; Aug/Sept2014 55
Czajak, Paul, Apr2015 56
Czekaj, Jef, May2014 42
Dadey, Debbie, May2009 25
D’Agnese, Joseph, Nov2014 5
Dahl, Michael, Aug/Sept2004 8–9; Feb2006 43–44; Oct2006
53; Mar2008 39
Dahl, Roald, Aug/Sept2004 24, 46; Dec2005 10, 12;
Feb2006 25; Aug/Sept2006 29; Apr2008 4*;
May2008 42; Aug/Sept2011 28*; Feb2012 2, 10;
May2013 9; Oct2013 10; Feb2014 5*; May2014 5;
Aug/Sept2014 29*, 43; Feb2015 5; Aug/Sept2015
28*; Dec2015 18–19; May2016 21–23
Dailey, Susan M., Aug/Sept2007 51
Daily Buzzword, Oct2003 46
Daknewa, Tashi, Feb2005 28–29
Dalal, Anita, Nov2012 9
Daley, Michael J., Mar2011 11
Dalgleish, Sharon, May2013 21
Dali, Salvador, Jan2014 15
Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Mar2005 28*
Daly, Cathleen, Feb2015 41; Mar2016 7, 56
Daly, James, Mar2011 9; Jan2013 4; Mar2015 40
Daly, Jude, Mar2004 28
Daly, Niki, Dec2006 33; Oct2007 55
D'Amico, Carmela and Steven, Dec2012 18
Damon-Moore, Laura, Jan2015 7*; Mar2016 16*
dance, May2006 15–18; May2007 29; May2008 28;
Feb2010 14; Apr2012 3, 15, 16–20*; May2012 11*,
42–45; Dec2014 13; May2016 11, 39
Dane, Larry, Aug/Sept2010 51
danger, Oct2007 22–24; Feb2011 22–23
Danielson, Julie, Feb2014 28
Danneberg, Julie, Aug/Sept2003 15, 34, 36–37; Jan2005 28,
32, 36, 37, 39; Aug/Sept2012 10; May2013 9;
Jan2014 3; Mar2015 42; Feb2016 43; Apr2016 42
Danzig, Dianne, Oct2012 53
Danziger, Dan, Dec2007 10, 12
Danziger, Paula, Aug/Sept2008 8; Feb2011 21
Darragh, Aileen, Dec2011 15
Darrow, Sharon, Oct2007 11
Darwin, Charles, May2005 30–31, 34, 36, 39; Aug/Sept2007
29; Feb2009 16, 17, 18, 19; Feb2013 3
Dash, Joan, Nov2011 11
dashiki, Feb2004 10, 13
databases, Mar2006 4; Feb2007 5*; Aug/Sept2008 22–27;
Jan2009 5*
Datlow, Ellen, Feb2012 12
Daugherty, Brandi, Dec2011 18
D'Aulaire, Ingri, Dec2003 25; Feb2004 2; Mar2006 4
David, Gibbs, Dec2009 12
David, Laurie, Feb2008 3; Apr2011 9
Davies, Jacqueline, Feb2006 47; Mar2007 16–17; Nov2009
21, 22; Apr2010 6; May2011 10, 43–45*;
Aug/Sept2011 6–7*; Dec2011 40*; Aug/Sept2014
38; Apr2015 28; Feb2016 43; Apr2016 8
Davies, Matt, Oct2015 43
Davies, Nicola, Oct2014 55; Nov2014 51; Dec2015 8
Davila, Claudia, Oct2015 14
Da Vinci, Leonardo, Nov2006 5
Davis, Alan, Nov2008 10
Davis, David, Jan2015 52
Davis, Donald, Feb2009 41, 45
Davis, Eleanor, Oct2010 33, 39; Feb2012 22
Davis, Jack E., Mar2005 2
Davis, Jacky, Feb2011 17; Oct2012 29
Davis, Jon, May2015 56
Davis, Kathryn Gibbs, Jan2009 43; Mar2015 2, 52
Davis, Katie, May2014 10
Davis, Tanita S., Oct2015 7
Davis, Wendy, Mar2005 29
Davis, William Michael, Feb2010 9
Davol, Marguerite W., Mar2005 29; Jan2007 35, 36;
Mar2007 17*; Aug/Sept2007 10; May2015 11
Dawes, Kwame, Oct2005 3
Dawkins, Helen, Nov2011 43
Day, Alexandra, May2016 38
Day, Jan, Aug/Sept2014 11
Day, Nancy, Oct2005 29, 31
Daylight Savings Time, Oct2003 24; Apr2004 24; Oct2005
24; Oct2006 28; Mar2007 28; Mar2008 28;
Mar2011 28; Mar2015 28
Daynes, Katie, Oct2007 23
Day of the Dead, Nov2005 24; Oct2006 6; Nov2006 4, 5, 29;
Nov2007 29; Aug/Sept2009 12; Nov2012 29*;
Oct2013 4; Nov2014 4*
Daywalt, Drew, Jan2015 24; Jan2016 31; Mar2016 35–37;
Apr2016 45
Deacove, Jim, Nov2015 14
deafness, Feb2013 25–27*; Apr2014 52–56; May2015 2;
Aug/Sept2015 28*
Dean, James, Oct2014 1, 29
Meet the Author, Oct2014 30–34*
Dean, Kimberly, Oct2014 1, 33
D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read), Apr2012 29*;
Apr2015 28*; Apr2016 3, 28*
debates, Apr2007 13; Nov2014 12, 15*, 19–21*
Debon, Nicolas, May2014 11
Decaire, Camela, Nov2007 54
De Capua, Sarah, Feb2008 10
deciduous forests, Apr2014 38–40
DeCristofano, Carolyn Cinami, Jan2012 7; Feb2013 3;
Aug/Sept2013 20; Oct2014 20
Dee, Ruby, Feb2005 29
Deedy, Carmen Agra, Apr2004 43; Aug/Sept2004 4, 19;
Feb2005 44; Apr2008 25, 26; May2008 41;
Aug/Sept2009 11; Nov2009 12; Dec2011 15;
Mar2013 3
deep sea exploration, Nov2011 51–55
DeFelice, Cynthia, Oct2003 3; Apr2004 19; Aug/Sept2006
29; Apr2016 8
DeFrank, Karen, Dec2007 51
DeFries, Cheryl L., Aug/Sept2011 12
Degen, Bruce, Dec2003 2–3; Mar2008 31; Apr2009 10;
Mar2012 2
Deger, Steve, Dec2011 7
DeGezelle, Terri, Feb2006 46; Feb2007 54–55;
Aug/Sept2010 55
deGroat, Diane, Feb2011 46; Apr2015 29
DeGross, Monalisa, Feb2010 10
Dehan, André, Jan2005 27, 32
DeKeyser, Stacy, Apr2015 5
Delacre, Lulu, Dec2006 3
de la Peña, Matt, May2015 11; Oct2015 56
Delaware, Jan2008 45
Delessert, Etienne, Apr2005 14, May2008 54*
Del Negro, Janice, Oct2003 3; Oct2007 2–3
DeLuise, Dom, Apr2005 12
DelVecchio, Karen, Dec2004 27–33
De Marcken, Gail, Feb2007 47
Demarest, Chris, May2004 28; Nov2010 53; Dec2013 40
Demas, Corinne, Mar2006 18–19; Dec2007 54
Dematons, Charlotte, May2009 12
Dembicki, Matt, Nov2013 12; May2014 12; Oct2015 14
Demi, Dec2003 8; Feb2005 29; Feb2009 10; Jan2010 3;
Apr2010 10; Nov2010 8; Dec2010 11; Nov2012 9,
40; Dec2013 11; Feb2014 52; Mar2014 10;
Oct2014 46; Jan2015 11; May2015 11; Apr2016 25
Demi, Hitz, Oct2006 28
Dempsey, Kristy, Feb2015 3
Denenberg, Barry, Aug/Sept2010 10
Dengler, Marianna, Mar2005 7, 9, 11
Denne, Ben, Apr2009 11
Dennis, Brian, Nov2010 55
Dennis, Yvonne Wakim, Nov2013 9, 10
“The Dentist and the Crocodile” (Dahl), 5
dePaola, Tomie, Aug/Sept2003 24; Mar2004 3, 28; Apr2004
19; Oct2004 4, 25; Nov2004 4; Mar2005 25;
Aug/Sept2005 2–3; Oct2005 21; Dec2005 25;
Nov2006 54; Mar2007 55; Dec2007 2, 29; Jan2008
29; May2008 49; Oct2008 54; Dec2009 11;
Oct2010 46; Dec2010 4, 12, 23; Oct2011 3;
Oct2012 11, 19; Mar2013 10; Nov2013 26, 45;
Dec2013 12; Nov2014 52; Dec2014 10, 12;
Jan2015 46–47*; Feb2015 12; Oct2015 37;
Dec2015 17–18; Mar2016 7
Meet the Author, Mar2016 48–54
DePino, Catherine, Oct2013 9
Derby, Sally, Apr2016 40, 56
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk, Apr2004 15; Dec2005 39;
Apr2006 35; Aug/Sept2008 17
DeRolf, Shane, Aug/Sept2010 50
De Roo, Elena, Aug/Sept2014 54
Derrick, David G., Jan2016 45
deRubertis, Barbara, Aug/Sept2004 39, 43; Dec2012 17;
Jan2014 45
Dervan, Josephine, Nov2003 4
De Seve, Randall, Apr2009 41
Desnoettes, Caroline, Mar2015 44
De Soto, Ben, Jan2004 22–26; May2004 22–26
Desrosiers, Sylvie, Oct2013 56
detectives, Aug/Sept2007 5
Deutsch, Barry, May2014 10; Oct2015 13
Deutsch, Stacia, Dec2014 29
Devaney, Sherri, Jan2009 9
Dever, Gail, Aug/Sept2004 44
Devine, David, Jan2006 9
Dewan, Ted, May2008 22
Dewar, Gwen, May2013 8*
Dewdney, Anna, Aug/Sept2010 53; Nov2014 28
Dewey, Anna, May2010 21
Dewey, Ariane, Aug/Sept2008 17; Feb2011 11; Jan2013 23
Dewey, Melvil, Dec2003 6, 46; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 25;
Dec2007 5, 28; Dec2014 29; Dec2015 3
Dewey Decimal System, Dec2003 6–13, 46; Mar2004 17–
18, 21; May2005 6–11; Aug/Sept2005 5;
Aug/Sept2006 54; Oct2006 52; Nov2006 45;
Dec2006 53; Jan2007 52; Feb2007 54; Mar2007
54; Apr2007 54; May2007 54; Nov2007 4; Dec2007
4, 5, 36; Feb2008 4; Aug/Sept2009 5*; Oct2009 4+;
Jan2010 21; Feb2010 4*; Mar2010 49; May2010
46–50*; Oct2010 41*+; Mar2011 22–27; Feb2012
17–18*; Aug/Sept2012 14; Dec2012 5*, 35–36*+;
Nov2013 40–41; Apr2014 14*; Aug/Sept2014 42–
43*+; Dec2014 29*; Jan2015 29*; Oct2015 32
Dewin, Howie, Oct2006 54
De Young, Coco C., Jan2005 36, 38
Día 2010, Jan2010 5*
Diakité, Baba Wagué, May2004 3; Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2010
11; Nov2010 5*; Oct2015 16
Diakité, Penda, Dec2006 3; Oct2015 16
Diaz, David, May2004 2; Feb2005 10; Aug/Sept2009 3;
Oct2009 21, 52; Jan2015 11, 28
Diaz, Katacha, Oct2007 55
DiCamillo, Kate, Feb2005 36; Nov2007 2; Dec2007 55;
Jan2008 9; Feb2008 16–17; Jan2009 42; Dec2009
9; Oct2010 40–43*+; Feb2011 10; Feb2012 12, 21;
Mar2012 4*; Feb2013 5*; Mar2013 11; Apr2014 5*;
Mar2015 29*; Oct2015 29; Mar2016 3
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2006 36–44*
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2006 30–35
Dickens, Charles, Dec2007 23, 26
Dickins, Rosie, Mar2015 45
Dickinson, Emily, Dec2004 25; Aug/Sept2015 16
Dickson, Louise, Oct2010 10
Dictionary Day, Oct2003 25, 46; Oct2004 25; Oct2005 24;
Oct2006 28; Oct2008 5*; Oct2015 3*, 29*
dictionary skills, Oct2003 17; Apr2004 9; Aug/Sept2007 54,
55*; Oct2007 17*; Feb2008 48–49; Dec2009 18;
Mar2010 48–49; Nov2012 20+*; Oct2013 6*;
May2015 23*; Feb2016 34–35*
Diehn, Gwen, Jan2007 36
Diesen, Deborah, Nov2011 38, 41; May2013 5
Diggs, Taye, Dec2014 32, 34; Oct2015 2
digital books, Feb2012 52–54*; Oct2014 39–40
digital cameras, Mar2012 20–23*
digital citizenship, Apr2016 11–14
Digital Fishers project, Apr2014 49, 51*
digital illustrations, Jan2006 16
digital noise meters, Nov2014 45*; May2016 4*
digital research projects, May2012 25–27*
digital storytimes, Oct2015 15–19
Dillon, Jana, Mar2004 28
Dillon, Leo and Diane, May2004 4; Dec2006 25, 41–42;
May2007 29; Dec2007 4; Mar2011 53;
Aug/Sept2012 34–35; Aug/Sept2013 31, 37;
Aug/Sept2014 40; Feb2015 4
Dingle, Adrian, Apr2014 11; Feb2015 6
Dingle, Derek, May2010 2
dinosaurs, Feb2006 2–3, 26–32, 33–39, 40–41, 42–45;
May2006 4; Oct2008 53*–55; Apr2011 21–22
Dionne, Erin, Mar2016 3
dioramas, Mar2005 10; Apr2007 14; May2014 36
DiPucchio, Kelly, Feb2006 25, 35, 40–41; Aug/Sept2008 45;
Feb2010 20*; Jan2012 2; Nov2012 17;
Aug/Sept2015 2
dirigibles, Aug/Sept2012 5*
disabilities, Aug/Sept2007 4; Dec2011 52–55; Oct2014 38–
39; Nov2014 47; Oct2015 5; May2016 26
DiSalvo-Ryan, Dyanne, Nov2005 41, 44; Jan2013 10;
Apr2015 1, 10, 12
disaster relief, Feb2013 15*; Nov2013 56
discoveries, accidental, Dec2011 20–23*
discrimination, Feb2007 2–3, 8–14; May2007 32, 35
discussion groups, online, Nov2007 41*
discussions. See under language arts, listening/speaking
Disney, Walt, Dec2003 25; Dec2004 24; Dec2005 24;
Dec2006 28; Dec2007 29; Dec2014 29
Disney theme parks, Dec2007 29*
DiSpezio, Michael A., Feb2015 38
Caldecott poster and display, Nov2007 15, 16
catchy titles, Dec2013 4
dinosaurs, Feb2006 29
gifts for book characters, Dec2015 5
Halloween, Oct2015 3
health and fitness, May2006 11
magnifying glass pattern, Aug/Sept2013 13
Monsterously Fun!, Oct2014 6
one-word titles, Nov2013 4
for open house nights, Aug/Sept2007 44
Parade of Books, Mar2008 5
photos of students, Aug/Sept2012 25
Scientist of the Day, Apr2014 14
shelf talkers, May2016 30–32
sports brackets, May2016 5*
sticky note book recommendations, Feb2016 4
Storytime Clothesline, Mar2008 38
St. Patrick's Day green-covered books, Mar2008 29
student-created, Aug/Sept2014 7
surprise books, Feb2016 5
Teacher Appreciation Week, May2014 4–5
Tricks and Treats, Oct2015 3
weather, Mar2006 11
Who’s Got the Golden Ticket?, Nov2015 4
winter, Dec2012 5*
See also bulletin boards
Ditchfield, Christin, Jan2011 9; Nov2014 10; Apr2015 11
DiTerlizzi, Tony, Oct2006 29; Jan2008 4; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Author Extensions, Oct2005 13–17
Meet the Author, Oct2005 8–12
Divali/Diwali, Dec2007 49, 50; Nov2013 28*; Dec2013 17, 19
Diverse Digital Storytimes: Digital Media for Cultural Literacy
Programs, Oct2015 15–19
diversity, in books, Oct2014 25, 56; Dec2014 7*; Oct2015 2–
3, 6–10, 11–14, 15–19, 20–22, 36–39, 40–41, 52–
54, 55–56
divorce, May2007 16; Oct2008 38; Dec2008 12*; Feb2011
Dixon, Ann, Oct2006 54; Feb2007 52
Doan, Lisa, Mar2015 5*
Dobbins, Jan, Mar2016 41
Docherty, Thomas, Feb2016 41
Dock, Julie Bates, Nov2003 29
Dockrey Young, Richard and Judy, Oct2007 46
Dodd, Emma, May2015 56
Dodd, Quentin, Mar2008 10
Dodds, Dayle Ann, Feb2004 9; Aug/Sept2006 26; May2008
22; May2014 54
Dodgson, Charles L., Jan2010 4*
Doeden, Matt, Oct2007 23; Feb2014 41
Doehler, Sandra, Dec2007 52
dogs, Oct2006 52–54, 57; Feb2007 5, 52; Apr2007 29;
Feb2008 16–19; Mar2008 29; Aug/Sept2010 37–
39*; Nov2010 55; Feb2011 17; Oct2011 5, 6–7*;
Nov2011 6–7*; May2012 4+*; Feb2013 13*;
Apr2015 27; May2015 12*
search dogs, Feb2013 13*
seeing-eye dogs, Apr2007 29
Dolan, Ellen, Feb2007 53
Dolan, Elys, Aug/Sept2015 8
Dole, Mayra L., Oct2015 17
Domaine, Helena, Mar2011 11
Domanska, Janina, May2007 27
Domenico, Kelly Di, Oct2015 22
Domeniconi, David, Aug/Sept2011 11
Dominguez, Angela, Jan2016 56
Domney, Alexis, Apr2014 55
Donaldson, Julia, Apr2013 19
Donegan, Patricia, Mar2010 10
Doney, Meryl, Mar2005 29
Donkin, Andrew, May2008 11, 14
Donn, Lin, Jan2014 12*
Donnelly, Judy, Jan2004 41; Aug/Sept2014 12
Donohue, Dorothy, Dec2006 22
Doodler, Todd H., Nov2014 55
Dooley, Norah, Nov2005 40–41, 43, 45; Dec2006 31;
Dec2014 9, 13; Dec2015 41
Dooling, Michael, Aug/Sept2008 55
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, Aug/Sept2011 53
Dorough, Bob, Mar2005 8, 11; Apr2011 12
Dorris, Michael, Oct2005 2
Dorros, Arthur, Jan2004 28, 30; Aug/Sept2004 40, 41, 42;
May2006 16; Oct2006 10–11, 12; Jan2008 10–11;
May2012 9; May2015 28
Doss, Peggy, Oct2014 6
Dossantos, Julie, Feb2012 6
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai, Apr2014 1, 12
Double Tenth Day, Oct2006 28
Doucet, Sharon Arms, Mar2006 18
Doudna, Kelly, Oct2015 38
Douglas, Ann & Julie, Oct2008 8
Douglas, Steven A., Nov2014 19–21*
Douglass, Frederick, Dec2007 31, 32, 33
Dowd, Siobhan, Oct2015 3
Dowell, Frances O'Roark, May2011 42
Downer, Ann, Jan2014 10
Downie, Mary Alice, Mar2009 49
downtime, importance of, May2013 8–15*
Downy, Roma, Dec2008 25
Dowson, Nick, May2012 2
Doyle, Arthur Conan, May2007 28; May2012 28*;
Aug/Sept2013 9; May2014 29
Doyle, Malachy, May2004 18; Dec2007 47
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, May2005 24; May2008 29
dragons, Jan2005 5; Jan2007 28; Apr2007 36–37;
Aug/Sept2007 40–41; Jan2008 29; Mar2008 29;
Apr2008 25, 26; Feb2012 37, 39; Mar2013 3, 9, 10,
11, 12*, 16–19; Jan2014 4*; Jan2016 2–3
Dragotta, Ingrid, Feb2016 7
Dragotta, Nick, Feb2016 7
Drake, Ernest, Jan2007 38
Drake, Jane, Apr2007 11, 14; Mar2008 3; Oct2009 11;
Apr2011 12; May2011 10; Dec2012 23
drama. See language arts, drama
Draper, Sharon, Oct2010 2–3; Mar2011 3; Aug/Sept2015 7
dreamers (visionaries), Mar2014 2–3
dreams, Oct2005 46–47; May2013 9–15*, 47–49*
dreidels, Dec2004 19–20, 24; Dec2007 12, 24–25; Dec2013
Dreier, David, Feb2013 9
Dresang, Eliza T., Nov2004 14; Dec2010 5*
Dressel, Marcia, Dec2006 5
Drevo, Karen, Nov2004 44–45
Drew, Helen, Mar2005 29
Drew, Naomi, Aug/Sept2010 10
Driscoll, Laura, Nov2003 16, 18; Feb2008 44; Feb2010 50;
Aug/Sept2010 10
Driscoll, Suzanne, Feb2007 49–53
Dronzek, Laura, Jan2006 3
Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.), Apr2012 29*;
Apr2015 28*; Apr2016 3, 28*
"Dropping Pebbles in the Stream" (Foley), Jan2014 40
Droyd, Ann, Aug/Sept2015 6
Dr. Seuss, Oct2004 29, 31; Nov2004 5; Dec2004 18, 20;
Apr2006 2; Jan2007 5; Feb2007 6; Mar2007 9, 29;
Oct2007 37; Jan2008 4*; Mar2008 5; Oct2008 45;
Jan2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 7; Feb2012 20, 21;
Jan2013 52; May2013 9; Mar2014 9; Jan2015 4;
Mar2016 3*, 4*, 29*
drugs, dangers of, May2008 14
Drummond, Allan, Oct2004 25; Dec2011 15; Jan2013 22;
Jan2016 7
drums, Nov2012 5*; Oct2015 16–17
Dryer, Jane, Nov2009 24
Duble, Kathleen, Jan2007 54
DuBois, Holly, Aug/Sept2015 5*, 13*; Oct2015 5*; Nov2015
5*; Dec2015 5*; Jan2016 5*; Feb2016 5*; Mar2016
5*; Apr2016 5*; May2016 5*
Dubois, Muriel L., Mar2005 28
Dubowski, Mark, Nov2006 4
Dubuc, Marianne, Feb2016 54
Duelm, Betty, Apr2015 7
Duffey, Betsy, Aug/Sept2003 15, 17; Dec2005 9, 12;
Dec2009 26; Mar2014 10
Duffy, Chris, May2014 3, 11
Duggleby, John, Jan2006 10
Duke, Kate, Nov2012 9
Duke, Shirley, Aug/Sept2013 22; Oct2013 41; Nov2013 22;
Dec2013 24; Jan2014 27; Feb2014 41; Mar2014
40; Apr2014 40; May2014 40
Dumbleton, Mike, Nov2014 42
Dumont, Jean-Francois, Mar2016 44
Dunbar, Joyce, Mar2006 50
Duncan, Donna, Nov2005 19–23
Duncan, Todd, Feb2011 16
Dunham, Montrew, Feb2014 22
Dunlap, Julie, Mar2010 9
Dunleavy, Deborah, Mar2005 29; Feb2012 10
Dunn, Mary R., Feb2015 17–18
Dunn, Rebecca Zarazan, Mar2016 13*, 15*
Dunphy, Madeleine, Feb2004 12
Dunrea, Olivier, Feb2015 29
DuPrau, Jeanne, Mar2012 8
Durand, Hallie, Aug/Sept2015 53
Durant, Alan, Jan2005 30; Oct2011 26
Dust Bowl, Dec2006 5
Duthie, Christine, Dec2007 17
Duvoisin, Roger, Mar2005 16; Aug/Sept2014 37
DVDs and videos
Alice in Wonderland, Feb2015 45
Amanda Goes to the Dentist, Feb2007 55
based on books, Oct2009 4; Mar2010 4; Feb2015 43–
The Bear, Dec2007 52
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown, Feb2005 34
The Best of Fractured Fairy Tales, Apr2008 8
Bill Nye the Science Guy: Earthquakes, Feb2013 9
Bill Nye the Science Guy: Inventions, Mar2011 9
Caldecott Favorites Featuring The Snowy Day,
Jan2015 10
Cantamos y Aprendemos con José-Luis Orozco,
Nov2004 45
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, May2005 5
Charlotte's Web, May2006 25
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Apr2008 29
CNN: Election 2000-36 Days that Gripped the Nation,
Feb2008 9
“Construction Equipment and Trucks” (ZipZapPower),
Aug/Sept2015 43
“Construction Vehicles” (Kids’ Picture Show),
Aug/Sept2015 42
Daily Pioneer Life, Mar2009 10*
Earth Day Girl, Apr2011 10
"Eye to Eye: Green Island" (CBS News), Jan2013 22
Fantasia, Mar2016 20
Ferngully, Apr2011 40
Firefighters and Other Life Saving Heroes, Feb2009 9
From Trash to Tunes, Apr2012 10, 14
"Global Warming: Cool Solutions" (CBS News),
Jan2013 22
The Great Inventors, Jan2007 10
Happy Feet, Dec2007 5
Harriet the Spy, Aug/Sept2007 9–10, 12
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, May2007
Hoot, Apr2006 4
Horton Hears a Who, Mar2008 5; Jan2009 10
How It’s Made: Sports Collection, Aug/Sept2015 7
The Incredibles, Dec2008 10; Dec2014 10
on Internet safety, Apr2016 12–13*
Jean Fritz Six Revolutionary War Figures, Jan2007 7
Ken Burns: The Address, Nov2014 5
Lassie Come-Home, Aug/Sept2006 28
The Magic School Bus Taking Flight, May2009 10
March of the Penguins, May2012 9
March On!, Nov2014 11, 15
Mummies Made in Egypt, Nov2012 25
Muppet Treasure Island, Aug/Sept2014 11
The Neverending Story, Apr2006 10
Paws, Claws, Feathers and Fins: A Kid's Guide to
Happy, Healthy Pets, Dec2009 11
PEEP and the Big Wide World, Apr2006 5
Petting Farm, Nov2009 54
Pow Wow, Nov2004 32
"The Queen Reflects on her Life," Mar2013 22
Ratatouille, Dec2007 53
ratings, movie, Nov2008 4*
Reading Rainbow: Germs Make Me Sick!, Jan2010 11*
Reading Rainbow: I Lost My Tooth in Africa, Oct2015
Reading Rainbow: Ocean Life, Apr2009 11
Really Wild Animals, May2005 36
Schoolhouse Rock: Earth, Apr2011 12
Schoolhouse Rock: Money Classroom Edition,
Apr2010 11; Apr2016 8, 10
Sky High, Dec2011 9
Sleeping Beauty, Apr2008 6
Snowflake Bentley, Dec2012 23
The Snowman, Dec2007 52
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Dec2005 24
Strega Nona and Other Caldecott Award-Winning Folk,
Nov2007 10
Tall Tales & Legends: Pecos Bill, Mar2014 12
Wall*E, Apr2011 40
The War, Nov2007 37
“We Can Be Heroes for Life,” May2015 13*
You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown, May2010 12
Dyckman, Ame, Oct2013 44; Jan2015 20; Aug/Sept2015 2
Dyer, Hadley, Dec2015 43
Dyer, Heather, Oct2010 10
dyslexia, Feb2012 41*; Oct2014 10–11; Oct2015 29*
dystopian vs. utopian, Mar2012 42
Eager, Edward, Oct2004 5; Oct2007 5
Eamer, Claire, Dec2015 8
Earhart, Amelia, Aug/Sept2004 29, 33–37; Jan2005 24;
Jan2011 23; Jan2012 29*; May2012 3
Earle, Ann, Oct2004 5
Earle, Sylvia, Nov2011 51; Apr2014 3, 25–26
early literacy, Feb2009 5*
earmuffs, Dec2006 29; Feb2016 24, 40, 55; Mar2016 28
Earnhardt, Donna W., Mar2014 44
Earth, caring for, Mar2008 3, 9; Apr2011 7, 8–15*, 38–41*,
42–45*, 46–48*
Earthcaching, Aug/Sept2014 52*
Earth Day, Apr2004 4, 5, 25, 46; Nov2004 12; Apr2005 4, 5,
25; Apr2006 5, 25; Apr2007 8–14*, 28; Apr2008 4,
5, 28; Apr2009 4*; Apr2010 4*, 5*; Apr2011 4*, 7,
10, 13, 16, 38–41*, 46; Apr2012 5; Apr2015 5, 29
earthquakes, Apr2008 29; Aug/Sept2011 5*, 26–27
earth science, Apr2011 21–22
EarthWorks, Apr2007 3
earthworms, Apr2011 55
Easter, Apr2004 24; Apr2006 24; Apr2007 28; Mar2008 28;
Mar2013 28*
Easterling, Lisa, Jan2009 52
Eastman, George, Aug/Sept2004 25; Mar2007 9–10
easy readers, Dec2008 5*; Jan2009 3
eating disorders, Dec2015 8*
Ebbeler, Jeff, Mar2014 1
Ebie, Mora, May2007 55
Ebner, Aviva, Mar2015 10; Dec2015 38
e-books, Feb2012 52–54*; Oct2014 39–40
Eccleshare, Julia, Jan2015 29
Eckert, Cory, Oct2015 54; Dec2015 55
Eclare, Melanie, May2004 17–18, 20, 21; May2007 26
economics. See under math; social studies
ecosystems, Apr2007 3, 14; Apr2011 14, 46–48*
ECRR (Every Child Ready to Read), Oct2007 4–5
Eddleman, David, Mar2005 29, 30
Edens, Cooper, Aug/Sept2011 10
Ederle, Gertrude, Nov2006 26; Nov2009 26–27
Edgar Award, Oct2007 5; May2012 28*; Aug/Sept2013 46*
Edison, Thomas, Dec2004 24; Feb2005 5, 25; Feb2006 25;
Jan2008 28; Jan2014 52–54; Feb2015 29*;
Mar2015 50–52; Feb2016 25, 40
education, career, Nov2006 2–3, 8–13
educational standards, 56, all issues prior to Feb2013
Edwards, Fay, Aug/Sept2003 29; Apr2006 5; Nov2006 45
Edwards, Julie Andrews, Mar2005 19; Dec2009 37–40
Edwards, Michelle, Dec2006 2, 26; Jan2011 2; May2013 43
Edwards, Nancy, Feb2008 10, 11, 12; Jan2016 11
Edwards, Pamela Duncan, Jan2005 30; Apr2007 39;
Jan2012 43
Edwards, Richard, May2006 20
Edwards, Roberta, Oct2009 9
Edwards, Sheila, Dec2006 50
Egan, Tim, Mar2007 24
Egger, Virginie, Nov2012 3
egg hunts, Apr2007 5
Egielski, Richard, Dec2005 40; Dec2010 27
Egypt, Jan2007 37; Nov2010 4–5*; Nov2012 52–55
See also Ancient Egypt
Ehle, Terry, Feb2016 15*
Ehlert, Lois, Jan2004 7; May2004 27; Nov2004 24, 41, 46;
Dec2004 25; Apr2005 2; May2005 2; Aug/Sept2005
6; Nov2005 25; Jan2006 3; Oct2006 29; Nov2006
29; Jan2007 50; Mar2007 44; Apr2007 2; May2007
26, 27; Nov2007 29; May2008 5*, 29, 40;
Aug/Sept2009 10; Nov2009 9; Aug/Sept2010 36;
Dec2010 23; Apr2011 2; Aug/Sept2012 5; Oct2012
11; Nov2012 3, 29*; May2013 4; Aug/Sept2013 4*;
Nov2014 4, 28; Jan2015 26; Apr2015 29; Mar2016
Author Extensions, Nov2009 35–38*
Meet the Author, Nov2009 30–34
Ehrlich, Amy, Feb2009 11; Apr2015 29
Ehrlich, Gretel, Mar2006 8–9, 12
Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, Dec2007 8, 13
Eid Al-Fitr, Nov2005 25
Eiffel Tower, Mar2008 28
Eilenberg, Max, Feb2011 9
Einstein, Albert, Mar2005 24; Aug/Sept2005 25; Mar2014 2;
Feb2016 24
Eisenberg, Lisa, Nov2004 41; Feb2006 27, 35
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Oct2004 25
Eitan, Ora, Nov2009 3
Ejaz, Khadija, Dec2015 50
elderly people, Nov2010 2–3, 6–13
El Día de Los Muertos, Oct2006 6; Nov2006 4, 5, 29
El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros, Apr2005 25;
Apr2007 28; Apr2008 29; Apr2013 28*; Apr2015
Eldin, Peter, Oct2010 8
Election Day, Nov2003 24; Nov2007 28; Nov2015 5, 28*
elections, Oct2004 6–13*; Nov2004 24; Feb2008 2–3, 8–15;
Oct2012 5*; Nov2015 5
electricity, Apr2014 12; Mar2015 50–52; Feb2016 11, 36–38
electronic books, Feb2012 52–54*
Electronic Bulletin Boards, Feb2004 5
electronics, cleaning of, Oct2014 7
Elephant Appreciation Day, Aug/Sept2006 4, 29
elephants, Aug/Sept2006 4, 29; Oct2011 48–50*; Mar2016 7
Elffers, Joost, May2004 2, 6, 10; Dec2015 8
Elizabeth I, Feb2013 52
Elliot, David, May2010 20; Feb2013 10; Aug/Sept2014 20,
Elliot, Laura, Mar2008 55; Jan2011 17; Nov2014 40
Elliot, Mark, Nov2007 20
Elliott, David, May2008 42; Apr2015 35–36; Mar2016 42
Elliott, Rob, Aug/Sept2015 37–38
Ellis, Carson, Nov2009 24
Ellis, Deborah, Jan2004 3; Jan2010 11; Apr2015 3
Ellis, Julie, Nov2012 11
Ellis, Sarah, Apr2007 3
Ellis Island, Dec2006 6; Jan2007 28; Jan2012 5*; Jan2016
ELLs (English Language Learners), Aug/Sept2008 24;
Nov2010 44
Elmo, Nov2007 29
Elvgren, Jennifer Riesmeyer, Aug/Sept2007 15
Elya, Susan Middleton, Aug/Sept2004 40; Oct2005 3, 24;
Aug/Sept2006 29, 50; Oct2007 55; Jan2008 20;
Apr2008 9
Emanuel, Gabrielle, Jan2016 37
Ember, Kathi, Feb2008 22
Emberley, Ed, Oct2004 24; Oct2006 29; Oct2007 9, 13;
Apr2009 51; Dec2010 3; Oct2011 9, 29*; Feb2012
49, 51; Oct2012 4*; Mar2016 13
Emberley, Michael, Apr2004 36; Oct2014 53
Emberley, Rebecca, Apr2005 15; Dec2010 3; Oct2012 4*;
Mar2014 5; Apr2016 54
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Feb2009 20
Emmett, Jonathan, Mar2014 51–56
emotions, Apr2009 36; May2010 21–23; Mar2013 5;
May2013 16–19; Oct2013 14; May2016 37
empathy, Feb2011 23; Jan2016 39, 47–48
empowerment, Dec2011 14–16
encyclopedias, Oct2003 18, 21; Apr2004 9; Oct2007 17*
endangered species, Apr2007 3; Aug/Sept2007 12; Feb2008
28, 54; Dec2010 47–49*; Apr2011 43–44; Nov2012
38*; Apr2013 20–24*; Apr2015 14*; Aug/Sept2015
Enderle, Judith Ross, Dec2006 33, 35
Enderlin, Cheryl L., Oct2007 55
energy audits, Apr2007 13
energy sources, Mar2011 25
e-newsletters, Nov2009 4, *5*
Engel, Trudie, Feb2014 22
Engelfried, Steven, Apr2004 4–5
engineering, Mar2011 23, 24–25; Dec2013 22–23*; Feb2014
40*; May2014 39–40; Mar2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18,
19–21*, 22–24, 26, 34–36, 37–40*, 46–49*, 50–53;
Feb2016 14, 16–17, 29*; May2016 40–42
Englar, Mary, Apr2010 10; Apr2016 8
Englart, Mindi Rose, Jan2007 54
Engle, Margarita, Oct2014 12; Mar2015 3; Aug/Sept2015 56;
Oct2015 17; Nov2015 38
Englebaugh, Debi, Jan2006 19
English, Karen, Nov2005 2; Jan2006 3; Nov2007 3; Jan2011
11; May2011 10
English Language Learners (ELLs), Aug/Sept2008 24;
Nov2010 44
Enright, Elizabeth, Nov2011 10
entertainers, Feb2015 2–3, 8–15*, 22–24, 43–45
entomology, May2008 40
environment, Nov2006 4–5; Apr2007 2–3, 8–14, 29*;
Nov2007 55; Feb2008 2–3; Apr2008 4, 5, 28;
May2008 28
environmental activism, Apr2011 7, 8–15*, 38–41*, 42–45*,
environmentalists, Oct2015 21
Enz, Tammy, Mar2015 38
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, Apr2005 36, 39
Enzoe, Pete, Nov2013 9
Ephron, Delia, Aug/Sept2006 9, 13
epic journeys, Feb2012 15
epitaphs, Nov2006 4
Epperson, Fred, Dec2011 22*
equal rights, Jan2011 3,33,13
Eratosthenes, Nov2011 26
Erdosh, George, Dec2006 31; Feb2010 9
Erdrich, Louise, Nov2004 3; Oct2005 2; Mar2009 3;
Nov2013 3, 11
Author Extensions, Apr2010 36–39
Meet the Author, Apr2010 30–35*
e-readers, Oct2014 39
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Mar2011 33*;
May2016 3*
Erickson, John R., Nov2006 29
Erickson, Paul, Mar2009 9
Erickson, Russell E., Dec2004 25
Ericsson, Jennifer, Aug/Sept2007 55
Erie Canal, Oct2004 24; Mar2015 10
Eriksson, Eva, May2006 3
Ering, Timothy Ring, May2010 20
Erlbach, Arlene, Apr2004 4; Jan2007 10, 13; Dec2007 9, 12,
Ernst, Kathleen, Aug/Sept2013 11
Ernst, Lisa Campbell, Nov2003 30–31; Feb2005 43;
Apr2005 13, 14; Aug/Sept2010 12; Jan2012 41;
Jan2013 11, 18; Mar2016 3
Ertzberger, Jeff, Nov2015 4
Esbaum, Jill, Apr2014 36
Esbensen, Barbara Juster, Apr2007 2
Espeland, Pamela, Oct2008 11; Feb2015 51
Esperanza, C.G., Mar2016 19, 21
Espinosa, Rod, Nov2014 12
esteem, Dec2011 2–3, 6–13*, 17–19
Estes, Eleanor, May2006 24; May2011 28*, May2012 29
ethical behavior, Dec2011 40–43*; May2014 15
etiquette, Aug/Sept2010 52–55; Dec2015 2
etymology, Aug/Sept2007 55*
Eubank, Patti Reeder, Nov2004 4, 23; Mar2009 11
euphemism, May2012 11
Europe, medieval, Mar2013 8–15*
European mythology, Mar2013 52–53
evaluation tools, for online sources, Dec2005 17–23;
May2011 16–19*; Oct2012 41+*; Mar2014 47–50*;
Oct2014 39*
Evans, Cambria, May2008 41
Evans, Douglas, Nov2011 11
Evans, Lezlie, Apr2006 36; May2008 22; Nov2009 2;
Nov2014 41
Evans, Lissa, Oct2013 56
Evans, Nate, Aug/Sept2015 43
Evans, Shane, Jan2013 2; Nov2014 2; Jan2016 37, 56
Meet the Author, Dec2014 30–35
Everglades National Park, Dec2007 29
Everitt, Judith, Jan2005 5
Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR), Oct2007 4–5
everyday heroes, Feb2009 2–3; Mar2013 48–50*
evil vs. good, Oct2007 8, 22–24
evolution, May2012 2; Apr2013 9, 14*
Ewald, Wendy, Oct2008 8; Dec2011 7
Ewe drumming, Aug/Sept2013 37–38
Excel time line template, Jan2014 56*
exercise, Mar2011 23; Apr2011 16–19*; Dec2011 7, 13;
May2012 42–45; May2016 6–13*, 18–19, 36–39
explorers, Apr2007 37; Mar2009 8–14, 41; Nov2011 12, 26–
27*; May2015 15; Oct2015 23–27*
Explorer space satellite, Jan2008 29
extreme sports, Nov2008 12; May2016 40–42
fables, Dec2006 54; Dec2007 10, 12, 54; Dec2010 24;
Jan2011 40–41; Aug/Sept2014 25–27; May2016 10
Facebook, May2008 55*
Facklam, Margery, Dec2015 14; Jan2016 42
vs. fiction, Feb2009 12–13; Mar2009 40; Aug/Sept2012
vs. opinion, Dec2008 44*, 47–48+; Nov2011 49;
Feb2016 32*+
faction (fiction and nonfiction), Dec2003 3, Oct2005 4*; Mar2006 22–23*, 26*;
May2007 34*, 36*; Aug/Sept2012 12*
Fadden, John, Nov2004 12
Fagan, Cary, Mar2015 43
Faidutti, Bruno, Nov2015 16
fairies, Aug/Sept2011 4–5; Mar2012 4*
fairs, May2008 21–22
fairy tales, Oct2005 8–9; Dec2006 53–54; Jan2007 29;
Feb2007 29; Dec2010 38–41*
anatomy of, Dec2010 15*
comparing and contrasting, Aug/Sept2015 22
creative dramatics and, Mar2008 22
fractured fairy tales, Feb2005 2–3; Apr2008 8–15
games, Apr2008 11–12
Grimm's fairy tales, Dec2006 54*; Jan2007 29;
Feb2007 29*; Oct2007 3, 9, 22; Feb2008 28;
Apr2008 10, 11
multicultural folktales, Oct2007 2–3, 31, 32–33
poetry and, Oct2012 21–22
princesses in, Apr2008 6–7
re-engineered fairy tales, Nov2007 28*
Sandman stories, May2013 13
sleep in, May2013 12, 13
Falconer, Ian, Aug/Sept2005 36, 37; Oct2006 28; May2008
Falick, Melanie, Mar2005 25
Falken, Linda, Mar2015 44
Falkenstein, Lisa, Mar2013 19
Faller, Regis, Mar2013 5
fall season. See autumn
Falwell, Cathryn, Nov2003 35; May2004 3; Nov2004 41;
Jan2011 2; Apr2012 2
families, Nov2003 2–3, 4, 11–13, 14–21, 34–37, 47, 49
families, separation in, Feb2012 46–47
family history, Oct2007 53–55; Nov2007 36–38; May2008
50; Nov2010 45–47*
Family Literacy Night, Dec2012 48–51*; Jan2016 4*
Family Stories Month, Nov2005 24–25; Nov2006 28–29;
Nov2007 4, 28–29
family traditions, Dec2014 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18, 25–27, 45–49,
Fancher, Lou, Apr2008 29; Dec2008 2
Fanelli, Sara, Nov2007 53; Aug/Sept2014 50
fantasy genre, Nov2009 22–23; Aug/Sept2010 23–27;
May2013 36–39
farm animals, Apr2007 40; Mar2013 40–43*; Mar2016 40–44
Farmer, Fannie, Nov2006 55; Dec2006 3, 25
Farmer, Jacqueline, Oct2010 53
Farmer, Mark, Nov2008 10
Farmer, Nancy, Aug/Sept2011 4
farms and farming, Apr2006 34; Mar2007 25; Apr2007 40;
Feb2008 32*; Mar2011 16–17; Apr2011 3, 9;
Oct2012 2–3, 8–15*, 16–19, 38–41*; Dec2015 42–
43; Mar2016 40–44
Farndon, John, Dec2003 8
Farnsworth, Bill, Oct2008 40, 41
Farrell, Lynne, Aug/Sept2009 46
Farrell, Tish, Mar2012 10; Aug/Sept2013 12
Farris, Christine King, Jan2004 34–35; Feb2004 2–3;
Feb2007 3
fathers, May2011 52–55; May2016 43–47
Father's Day, May2008 4; May2016 43–47
Fauchald, Nick, Dec2015 52
Faurot, Kimberly, Feb2004 32; Nov2004 43; Jan2005 13;
Mar2005 45; May2005 19; Oct2005 23; Dec2005
43; Feb2006 39; Apr2006 41; Jan2007 50; Mar2007
28; May2007 27; Oct2007 46; Jan2008 23;
Mar2008 44; Aug/Sept2008 21; May2009 50;
Aug/Sept2009 50; Oct2009 45; Dec2010 23
Fearnley, Jan, Dec2004 15; Apr2005 13, 14
fears, facing, Oct2007 8–13*, 22–23; Oct2011 19–23
Fecher, Sarah, Feb2013 10
Feder, Sandra V., Dec2012 5
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Nov2007 5*;
Aug/Sept2013 29*; Mar2015 7*
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Nov2007 5*; Apr2016 14*
Federle, Tim, Feb2015 3, 28
feelings, Apr2009 36; May2010 21–23; Mar2013 5; May2013
16–19; Oct2013 14; May2016 37
Feelings, Tom, May2004 25
Feeney, Stephanie, May2007 55
Feiffer, Jules, Feb2004 7–8; Jan2016 28*
Feiffer, Kate, Mar2014 43; May2015 43
Feinstein, Stephen, Mar2009 51
Feldman, Barbara J., Jan2012 28*; Dec2012 29*
Feldman, Barbara K., Mar2005 4
Feldman, Heather, Mar2008 9, 11, 13
Feldman, Jean, Feb2015 56
Feldman, Jody, Jan2012 8
Feldman, Thea, Mar2015 20
Felix, Rebecca, Dec2015 38
Fellowes, Julian, Mar2010 19
felt boards. See under P–K
FEMA, Feb2013 12*; Nov2015 12*
Ferguson, Alane, Oct2004 5; Dec2007 29; Jan2008 10;
Feb2013 9
Ferguson, Amos, Jan2012 34
Ferguson, Anne, Nov2015 2
Fern, Tracey E., Aug/Sept2010 3; Mar2011 55;
Aug/Sept2013 2; Oct2014 47; Aug/Sept2015 56
Fernandes, Eugenie, Dec2011 15
Fernandez, Secundino, Mar2011 55
Ferrari, Michael, Nov2010 17
Ferris, Jean, Aug/Sept2011 4
Ferris, Jeri Chase, Oct2014 47
Fforde, Jasper, Oct2014 5
Ficklen, Sally, Mar2007 5
fiction book passes, Oct2011 16–18*
1+1=Math Worth Reading, Feb2008 43–46
Adventures in the Library, Aug/Sept2013 53–56
Apples and Pumpkins, Oct2010 52–55
Applied Math, Apr2010 53–55
Around the World in Seven Courses, Dec2015 49–53
Beat Summer Slump!, May2010 51–55*
Beyond Community Helpers, Nov2013 53–56
Bike Books, Oct2015 42–45
board books, Nov2009 50–55
Celebrating Fathers, May2011 52–55; May2016 43–47
Character Counts, Oct2014 44–48
Child Biographies, Nov2008 51–55
Coach Booklove's Spring Sports, Mar2008 53–55
Community, Jan2015 48–52
Construction Site, Aug/Sept2015 42–45
Cookies, Dec2013 52–56
Current and Future Lives (books in the 600s), Oct2009
Deaf History Month, Apr2014 52–56
Dental Health Month, Feb2014 24–27
Different Like Me, Dec2011 52–55
Digging Dinosaurs!, Oct2008 53*–55
Earth's Final Frontier, Nov2011 51–55
Eating Better in the New Year, Jan2014 19–23
Family Vacations, May2015 42–46
Featured Creatures, Apr2013 53–57
Firing the Imagination, Apr2012 51–55
Food for the Right Brain, Mar2011 51–55
A Force of Nature, Feb2013 51–55
Forest Flora and Fauna, Apr2011 52–55
Gardening with Children, May2013 53–57
Gift Giving and Family Traditions, Dec2014 45–49
Giving Thanks, Nov2014 39–43
Good Humor, Good Manners, Aug/Sept2010 52–55
graphic novels, Mar2010 52–55*
Hearts and Hands, Feb2011 51–55
Henry Bergh Award: Humane Books for Young
Readers, Dec2009 52–55
Inspecting Insects, Oct2011 51–55
Interacting with Print, Feb2012 52–55*
It’s a Farmer’s Life for Me!, Mar2016 40–44
I Would Rather Be at the Beach!, Feb2016 41–45
Laughter Is the Best Medicine, Jan2010 48–54
Library Cats, Apr2015 41–45
Magic and Magicians, Oct2013 53–56
Making the Most of Road Trips, May2009 51–55*
Math for Bookworms, May2014 52–56
Moon Gifts, Apr2009 52–55
More Than a Birdbrain, Aug/Sept2014 36–40
Munching Without Mess (Hispanic foods),
Aug/Sept2009 51–55
My Buddy, My Body, Nov2015 24–27
Mythology, Mar2013 51–55
National Card and Letter Writing Month, Apr2016 41–
National Craft Month, Mar2009 52–55
National Geography Awareness Week, Nov2007 53–55
National Inventors Month, Aug/Sept2008 53*–55
Not Even a Mouse, Dec2007 53–55
Pirates, Aug/Sept2007 30–32
Presidential Pets, Feb2010 50–55+
Read Around the Country, Jan2008 44–48
Readers as Writers, Feb2009 41–47
Reptiles, Jan2016 42–46
Riding the Rails, May2012 51–55
Sense-sational Selections for PK-K, Apr2008 53–55
Siblings, Oct2012 51–55
Sleds: Not Just for Kids, Dec2012 52–55
Something Fishy, Mar2012 51–55*
Spelling and Punctuation Can Be Fun, Mar2014 24–27
State Children's Choice Awards, Aug/Sept2011 52–55*
Still Serving: U.S. Armed Services, Nov2010 52–55
Stomach Appeal, Jan2012 52–55*
Summer Reading 2.0, May2008 51–55
Tenth Anniversary Favorites, Aug/Sept2012 51–55*
Thoughts About Thinking, Feb2015 38–42
Universal Children's Week, Oct2007 53–55
Walk Like an Egyptian, Nov2012 52–55
What Did You Say?, Jan2011 51–55
Winter Celebrations, Dec2010 50–55*
Winter Clothes, Jan2009 52–55*
The Writer's Life, Jan2013 51–55
Youth Art Month, Mar2015 41–45
fiction vs. fact, Feb2009 12–13; Mar2009 40; Aug/Sept2012
Field Day, May2006 5
Fields, Jan, Apr2016 41
Fields-Meyer, Ezra, Feb2013 5
field trips
art museums, Nov2009 14; Nov2014 36*
aviation museum or airport, Dec2003 20
bakery, May2007 15
banks, Apr2010 14*
County Line Orchard, May2004 21
habitats, Nov2008 37
haunted houses, virtual, Oct2013 29*
In-House Jobs field trip, Nov2006 13
Internet destinations, Oct2008 4, 6*+
National Go on a Field Trip Month, Oct2003 24–25;
Oct2005 5, 24–25; Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007
28–29; Oct2010 28*; Oct2012 29*; Oct2013
29*; Oct2014 29*; Oct2015 29*
state capital visit, Jan2008 14
virtual, Mar2007 4; May2008 29*; Nov2014 36*
Figley, Marty Rhodes, Dec2012 10, 11
Figorito, Marcus, Feb2014 10
Figueredo, D. H., Dec2007 3
figurative language, Nov2008 13; Feb2009 36, 38
figure skating, Feb2014 10, 11
films. See DVDs and videos
financial literacy, Apr2016 2–3*, 4–5*, 6–10*, 15–17, 18–23,
24–27, 31–32, 36–38, 39–40, 52–54, 55–56
Finchler, Judy, Aug/Sept2007 17; Aug/Sept2008 10;
Jan2010 11; May2010 12; Aug/Sept2012 11;
Oct2014 11
Findlay, Diane, Aug/Sept2003 21; Oct2003 33; Nov2003 21;
Dec2003 21; Jan2004 33; May2004 15;
Aug/Sept2004 43; Oct2004 13; Nov2004 36;
Dec2004 21; Jan2005 39; Feb2005 39; Mar2005
11; Apr2005 39; May2005 39; Aug/Sept2005 15;
Oct2005 31; Nov2005 45; Dec2005 13; Jan2006
14; Feb2006 32; Mar2006 15; Apr2006 15;
May2006 14; Aug/Sept2006 13; Oct2006 14, 37;
Nov2006 10, 13; Dec2006 37, 50; Jan2007 13;
Feb2007 14; Mar2007 8, 13; Apr2007 14; May2007
37; Aug/Sept2007 13; Oct2007 13; Nov2007 13;
Dec2007 13; Jan2008 15; Feb2008 15; Mar2008
13; Apr2008 15; May2008 18; Aug/Sept2008 13;
Oct2008 14; Nov2008 14; Dec2008 14; Jan2009
14; Feb2009 14; Mar2009 14; Apr2009 14;
May2009 14; Aug/Sept2009 15; Oct2009 15;
Nov2009 15; Dec2009 15; Jan2010 15; Feb2010
15; Mar2010 6; Apr2010 15; May2010 15;
Aug/Sept2010 7, 15; Oct2010 14; Nov2010 13;
Dec2010 15; Jan2011 15, 27; Feb2011 15;
Mar2011 15, 47; Apr2011 15; Aug/Sept2011 15;
Oct2011 15; Nov2011 15, 47; Dec2011 13;
Jan2012 13; Feb2012 7, 15; Mar2012 13; Apr2012
15, 21; May2012 13; Aug/Sept2012 14; Oct2012
15; Nov2012 15, 27; Dec2012 15; Jan2013 15;
Feb2013 15, 38; Mar2013 15, 39; Apr2013 15;
May2013 15; Aug/Sept2013 15, 52; Oct2013 16;
Nov2013 15; Dec2013 15, 51; Jan2014 15;
Feb2014 6, 15, 53; Mar2014 15; Apr2014 15;
May2014 15; Aug/Sept2014 15; Oct2014 15;
Nov2014 15; Dec2014 15; Jan2015 15; Feb2015
15; Mar2015 15; Apr2015 15; May2015 15;
Aug/Sept2015 9; Oct2015 10; Nov2015 10;
Dec2015 9; Jan2016 9; Feb2016 9; Mar2016 10;
Apr2016 10; May2016 13
See also Curriculum Connections; Technology
Fine, Edith Hope, Dec2011 15
Fine, Jil, Nov2012 12
Finger, Brad, Mar2015 45
fingerplays. See under P–K
finger puppets, Feb2006 36, 38; Mar2008 15, 17; Apr2008 6;
May2015 13*
Fink, Cathy, Aug/Sept2007 50; Nov2007 49
Finn, Carrie, Aug/Sept2010 55
Finnegan, Mary Pat, Oct2012 9
firefighters, Nov2010 27
fireflies, Apr2007 42; May2011 13
Fischer, David, May2008 11, 14
fish, Apr2011 23–24; Mar2012 51–55
Fisher, Aileen, Apr2004 14, 18
Fisher, Carolyn, May2004 3
Fisher, Douglas, May2014 19
Fisher, Kathy, Dec2004 5
fishing, Mar2012 54–55
fitness, Mar2011 23; Apr2011 16–19*; Dec2011 7, 13;
May2012 42–45; May2016 2, 6–13*, 18–19, 29,
36–39, 48–49
Fitzgerald, Dawn, Mar2013 27
Fitzgerald, Ella, Feb2015 23–24
Fitzgerald, Sue, Nov2012 7
Fitzhugh, Louise, May2007 13; Aug/Sept2007 9–10, 12;
Aug/Sept2015 3
Five-Minute Fillers, Aug/Sept2003 46–49; Oct2003 46–49;
Nov2003 47–49; Dec2003 46–49; Jan2004 49;
Feb2004 47–48; Mar2004 46–48; Apr2004 46–48;
May2004 46–48; Aug/Sept2004 46–48; Oct2004
46–48; Nov2004 46–48; Dec2004 45–48; Jan2005
48; Feb2005 47; Mar2005 48; Apr2005 46–48;
May2005 48
Flack, Marjorie, Jan2008 19
flags, Aug/Sept2011 14*, 44–45
Flake, Sharon, May2015 3
flamingos, Apr2011 24; Aug/Sept2014 36
Flanagan, Alice K., Feb2007 55
Flanagan, John, Nov2007 29
flannel boards. See P–K, felt boards
Flatharta, Antoine, Oct2006 11, 12; May2012 8
Fleischman, John, Mar2007 10
Fleischman, Paul, Aug/Sept2003 25; Jan2004 27–33, 35;
May2005 35, 38, 39; Aug/Sept2005 24;
Aug/Sept2006 28; Feb2008 3; May2008 50;
Mar2010 11; Aug/Sept2010 2; Dec2010 25;
Apr2011 2; Jan2012 25–26; Feb2012 2;
Aug/Sept2014 29; Jan2016 8
Fleischman, Sid, Nov2003 16; Apr2004 20–21; Oct2004 29,
30; Dec2004 12, 13–14; Oct2005 21, 28, 29, 30;
Oct2007 26, 27*; Mar2008 28; Oct2010 10;
May2013 9
Fleisher, Paul, Apr2009 54
Fleming, Candace, Jan2005 2–3; Mar2005 7, 9;
Aug/Sept2008 20, 37, 43; Jan2009 3; Jan2011 3,
39–41*; Mar2011 2; Aug/Sept2011 10; Jan2012 8,
22; Apr2014 5*, 24; Dec2014 54; Mar2015 2;
Oct2015 28*; Dec2015 50; Feb2016 7; May2016 43
Author Extensions, Apr2011 34–37
Meet the Author, Apr2011 30–33
Fleming, Denise, Oct2003 6–10; Dec2003 4; Nov2004 25;
Jan2006 2, 18; Feb2006 4; Jan2007 50; Apr2007 2,
3; Oct2007 46; Apr2011 44; Apr2013 21; Apr2014
28; Jan2015 26, 46*; May2015 45; Jan2016 2*
Fletcher, Ralph, Apr2004 4–5; Oct2012 10; May2013 11;
Feb2015 53
Fletcher, Susan, Nov2010 16
Flickinger, Cally, Jan2016 31
Fliess, Sue, Feb2016 25
flight. See aviation
Floca, Brian, Mar2011 3; Aug/Sept2014 28; Dec2014 37;
Jan2015 17–18, 37
Florian, Douglas, Apr2005 4; May2005 14; Mar2006 29;
Mar2007 27; May2007 27; Nov2007 49; Mar2008 3,
28, 50–52*; May2008 41; Jan2010 48; Nov2010 4;
May2011 11; Mar2012 53; Oct2012 9; Dec2012 53;
Mar2013 28*; Mar2014 28; Apr2014 21; Mar2015 4;
Apr2015 29
Florida, Jan2008 45
Flournoy, Valerie, Nov2003 29
flowers, May2007 20–22, 26–27; Dec2007 29; Apr2011 2–3,
Flowers, Pam, Oct2006 54; Feb2007 52
Fogliano, Julie, Feb2013 3; Apr2013 4*; May2013 4;
Mar2015 4
Foley, Cate, Feb2006 47
Foley, Greg, Aug/Sept2008 16; Oct2008 3; Mar2014 41
Foley, James W., Jan2014 40
Folgueira, Rodrigo, Oct2013 47
folk art, Dec2010 23; Apr2012 13; Mar2016 26–27
folklore, Dec2010 8–15*, 16–18*, 22–27*, 38–41*
folktales, Feb2005 6, 12–15, 16–21, 27–33; Nov2005 4;
Feb2006 5, 7; Dec2010 12*, 41; Jan2011 36–37;
Oct2011 38*; Jan2012 12
African, Dec2006 46–47
fairy tales and, Dec2006 53–54
Folktale Match, Nov2012 5+*
Hawaiian, May2007 47–48
multicultural, Oct2006 47–48; Oct2007 2–3, 31, 32–33
Pourquoi stories, Dec2006 47; Apr2014 13
Russian, Feb2014 52
themes in, Aug/Sept2014 26–27
women in, May2015 13
de Fombelle, Timothee, Oct2011 12
Fontes, Justine, Jan2010 11
activities using, Oct2007 35; Nov2007 4, 38; Mar2008
5; Dec2015 4, 8–9, 10–13, 17–19, 36–38
African American cooking, Feb2010 14*–15
allergies to, Oct2007 35, 36; Nov2007 28
American cooking, Aug/Sept2011 15; Dec2015 41
animal cracker marionettes, Apr2008 29
apples, Oct2003 16–20; Oct2010 52–55;
Aug/Sept2013 5*+; Mar2014 38
bizarre foods, Dec2015 40
books about, Nov2006 54–55; Dec2006 10–11, 25–27,
30–37; Jan2012 52–55*; Dec2015 2, 6–9, 14–
16, 17–19, 20–22, 23–27, 36–38, 39–41, 42–
43, 49–53, 54–55
cakes, Dec2015 15–16
candy, Dec2015 37–38
candy canes, Dec2007 28
celebrations and, Dec2006 25–26
chocolate, Dec2014 7; Dec2015 2, 15, 17–19
chocolate chip cookies, Dec2011 22*; Feb2016 9
cookies, Dec2004 25; Dec2011 22*; Dec2013 4, 52–
56; Dec2014 29; Dec2015 2, 29
cooking, Nov2006 54–55; Dec2006 23; May2007 15*;
Aug/Sept2009 14; Feb2010 14*–15; Mar2010
18*; Aug/Sept2011 15; Jan2012 52–55*;
Jan2014 22–23; Dec2015 2*, 8*, 10–13, 17–
19, 23–25, 40, 49–53
cooking songs and, Dec2006 23
corn flakes, Dec2011 23*
ethnic foods, Dec2006 9–17, 30–37; May2007 35, 53;
Aug/Sept2009 14; Dec2015 50–53
Family Reading Feast, Nov2007 38
fortune cookies, Dec2006 9–12*
french fries, Jan2007 3
fruit, May2004 4, 16–21, 22–26, 27–32; Oct2012 2–3;
Dec2015 36
funerals and, May2007 53
guacamole, Aug/Sept2015 29*; Dec2015 18
gummy worms, Nov2007 50
harvesting of, Oct2012 2–3
healthy eating, Apr2011 16–19*; Jan2012 54*;
Jan2014 19–23; Dec2015 2, 4*, 9*, 10–13,
20–22, 39
Hershey's Kisses, May2006 25
Hispanic food, Aug/Sept2009 14; Aug/Sept2010 36
ice cream, Dec2006 24–27; May2011 10, 14
international foods, Dec2006 10–11, 30–37; Nov2007
55; Jan2014 19–20; Dec2015 2, 25*+, 49–53
jellybeans, Mar2008 29
lesson plans on, Dec2015 14–16, 20–22, 23–27, 39–
41, 42–43
meal planning, Dec2015 21–22, 39
MyPlate food model, Jan2014 21–22; Dec2015 2, 4, 8,
9, 22, 39
nutrition and, May2006 14; Feb2007 51; Mar2007 40;
Apr2011 16–19*; Mar2012 5*; Dec2015 2, 4*,
9*, 10–13, 20–22, 39
nutrition facts labels on, Dec2015 4, 22; May2016 4*
pancakes, Jan2014 20–21; Feb2016 28*
pistachios, Dec2013 7*
popcorn, Jan2004 4; Oct2004 4; May2012 37;
Dec2015 9, 17–18, 37, 55
popsicles, Dec2011 22*
potato chips, Dec2011 22*
pricing of, Feb2010 15
production of, Aug/Sept2010 36
pumpkins, Oct2003 16–21, 30, 44–45; Oct2007 43–46;
Oct2010 52–55; Oct2015 29*
pyramid food model, May2006 11, 13; Feb2007 51*;
Apr2011 16–19*; Jan2012 54*
rice, Mar2010 18*
root vegetables, Oct2012 4*+
sandwiches, Nov2004 25; Nov2005 25; Jan2014 20
serving food, Aug/Sept2007 43
shoo-fly pie, Oct2007 36
snack ideas, Apr2008 6–7; Dec2015 4, 8
soup, Jan2008 4; Jan2014 23
soybeans, Nov2012 16–18*; Dec2014 3
stories featuring, Nov2007 34
strawberries, Dec2015 19
taste and touch food activity, Oct2007 35
tradition and, Dec2006 2–3, 25; Nov2012 17–18*;
Dec2014 13–14, 18, 25–26
vegetable gardening, Aug/Sept2010 36; Mar2011 24;
Apr2011 2–3, 39; Oct2012 2–3
vegetables, May2004 4, 16–21, 22–26, 27–32;
May2007 20–27; Oct2012 4*; Dec2015 36, 38
world foods, Dec2006 10–11, 30–37; Nov2007 55;
Jan2014 19–20; Dec2015 2, 25*+, 49–53
See also recipes
food banks, Dec2015 10–13
Food for Thought: Building Community Through Cooking,
Dec2015 10–13
Fool's Dictionary, Apr2004 46, 47
football, Jan2005 4; Jan2008 29
forces of nature, Feb2013 2–3, 8–15*, 20–24*, 38*, 43–45*
Ford, Bernette G., Apr2007 41
Ford, Henry, Nov2004 25; Jan2015 29
Ford, Michael, May2008 12–13
Ford, Miela, May2007 21
Ford, Shawna, Jan2015 19–21; Feb2015 21
Ford’s Theatre, Nov2014 44*
foreign languages
American Sign Language, Dec2004 41–42*; Jan2009
13; Mar2011 14; May2012 20; Jan2014 18*;
Apr2014 55–56; Aug/Sept2015 24
animal sounds in, Apr2014 14*
Asian Pacific American language, May2007 35, 37
books about, May2012 18–20
Cherokee (Native American) language, Nov2013 14
comics in, May2014 14
Cree (Native American) language, Nov2010 12
description in, Jan2015 14
diminutives in, Oct2011 14
Gaelic, Mar2007 54
geographic terms in, Nov2011 15
Hawaiian, May2007 47
hieroglyphs, Nov2007 29*; Nov2012 14*;
Aug/Sept2013 14*; May2014 37
Hindi, May2007 38
invented languages, Mar2011 14, Mar2012 13*
multilingualism, Mar2007 5*; Nov2014 47
notes in foreign languages, Oct2013 14
peer tutors for, Apr2015 15
Pig Latin, Apr2007 4
poetry and, Apr2007 49; Dec2008 13; Aug/Sept2009
rhymes and tales, Dec2010 14
Russian language, Feb2014 13*, 50*
science fiction languages, Mar2012 13*
secret messages in, Aug/Sept2013 13
songs from around the world, Dec2007 29*
sports words, May2016 11
teacher and librarian vocabularies, Aug/Sept2012 13*
“thank you” in, Feb2015 52–53
transportation vocabularies, May2009 14*
treasure hunt clues in, Aug/Sept2014 13
true and false statements, Mar2014 14
winter words, Dec2012 13
word clouds, multilingual, Aug/Sept2010 14*; Feb2013
words for love, Feb2011 13
Yiddish, Dec2007 23, 26
See also Spanish language
Foreman, George, Dec2009 27
Foreman, Jack, Oct2013 42; Nov2014 52
Foreman, Michael, Oct2007 54; Feb2013 45; Oct2013 42
Forest, Heather, Dec2006 54; May2015 49*
Forester, Victoria, Oct2012 29*
forests, Apr2007 3, 12; Apr2011 52–55; Apr2014 38–40
forgetfulness, Aug/Sept2008 4, 5*
Formento, Alison, Apr2015 26–27; Oct2015 38
Formichelli, Linda, Jan2014 11, 27
fortune cookies, Dec2006 9–12*; Feb2012 37
"fossil dough," Feb2006 36–37
fossil fuels, Mar2011 25
fossil making, Feb2009 37*
Foster, Karen, Feb2015 11
Foster, Leila Merrell, Aug/Sept2004 9
foster care, Nov2007 37
Fotheringham, Edwin, Nov2009 27*
Fountas, Irene C., Feb2012 20
Fourth of July, Aug/Sept2011 44–47
Fowler, Allan, May2004 16, 18; Feb2006 46; Oct2006 52;
Dec2007 54
Fowler, Christopher, Dec2009 26
Fox, Bruce Cana, May2012 41
Fox, Christyan, Aug/Sept2007 53
Fox, Frank G., Jan2008 10, 11
Fox, Janet S., Jan2014 10
Fox, Mem, Apr2004 19; May2005 36, 37, 38; Dec2005 25,
47; Jan2006 4; Jan2008 29; May2009 23*;
Aug/Sept2010 51; Oct2010 11, 47; Apr2011 26;
Apr2013 51; May2013 48; Jan2014 4, 43; Mar2015
29; Mar2016 29*
foxes, Apr2007 42, 43
fractured fairy tales, Apr2008 2–3, 11–13*, 30–34, 35–39
Fradin, Judith and Dennis, Feb2006 25
Frame, Jeron Ashford, Jan2006 3; Nov2009 2, 12
Frampton, David, Apr2007 42
France, Anthony, Jan2005 3
Francher, Lou, Apr2010 36
Francis, Lee DeCora, Nov2013 2, 47*
Franco, Betsy, Apr2006 25; Apr2010 2; May2011 48;
Aug/Sept2014 38; Nov2015 7
Frank, Anne, May2007 16*
Frank, John, Aug/Sept2014 10; Jan2016 41
Franklin, Benjamin, Jan2004 25; Nov2004 24; Dec2004 24;
Jan2006 24; Jan2007 2, 6–7, 10, 11, 29; Dec2007
31; Jan2008 29; Mar2008 28; Dec2010 25;
Aug/Sept2011 16–18*; Dec2011 13*; Jan2012 28;
Jan2014 29*; Apr2014 22–23; Feb2016 25
Fraser, Betty, Apr2004 35
Fraser, Mary Ann, Apr2004 40–41, 42; Aug/Sept2004 18;
May2005 24; Apr2008 25, 26
Frasier, Debra, Oct2004 4; Oct2006 28; May2007 12;
Jan2008 5, 16–23*, 20; May2008 21; Aug/Sept2010
41; May2011 3; Jan2014 18
Frazee, Marla, Mar2005 30; Nov2007 19; Nov2008 3;
Feb2011 16; Mar2011 54; May2011 3, 24–27*;
Jan2015 27
Frazier, Craig, Mar2007 26
Frazier, Sundee T., Jan2011 3
Frederick, Heather Vogel, Dec2007 55
Frederick-Frost, Alexis, May2014 9
Fredericks, Anthony D., Feb2015 9
Freebies, Doodads, & Helpful Hints, 2–3 (issues dating
Aug/Sept2015 and later); 4–5 (all issues prior to
Freedman, Claire, Apr2015 56
Freedman, Deborah, Mar2016 46
Freedman, Paula J., Jan2015 29
Freedman, Russell, Dec2003 2, 16; Feb2004 5; Nov2004 32;
Oct2006 10, 13; Dec2007 33; May2008 10;
Jan2009 11; Jan2012 20, 21; Nov2012 9; Nov2013
freedom quilts, Feb2012 46*
Freeman, Don, Aug/Sept2008 20
Freeman, Judy, Dec2006 50; Jan2007 5; Mar2009 23*;
May2015 6
Freeman, Marcia S., Jan2014 11
Freeman, Martha, Aug/Sept2005 8–9, 12, 13; Dec2013 12
French, Fiona, Apr2005 14
French, Jackie, Nov2004 4; Jan2014 4
French, Simon, Aug/Sept2003 11
French, Vivian, Feb2006 3
Frencham, Jenni, Nov2014 7*
french fries, Jan2007 3
Frey, Nancy, May2014 19
Freymann, Saxton, May2004 2, 6–10, 11, 18, 20; May2009
9; Apr2012 11; Dec2015 8
Friddell, Claudia, Apr2013 10
Fridell, Ron, Mar2011 11
Friedman, D. Dina, Jan2011 11
Friedman, Ina R., May2007 33, 34, 35
Friedman, Laurie B., Oct2007 10, 11; Feb2009 3; Jan2013 4
Friend, Alison, Jan2015 5
friendship, Aug/Sept2003 4, 14–21, 46–47; Apr2007 53;
May2007 53; Aug/Sept2007 3, 16; Oct2007 53;
Nov2007 3; Jan2009 36–37; Dec2009 7; Feb2011
2–3, 12, 16–17, 19, 38*; Oct2013 2–3, 8–16*, 42–
45; Jan2016 10–12
Friestad, Kathleen, Mar2006 9, 12, 13; Oct2009 10
Frisch, Aaron, Jan2015 10
Fritz, Jean, Oct2004 9, 10; Jan2008 29; Jan2011 12
frogs, Apr2011 4*, 23; Apr2013 29; Apr2014 2
Fromer, Liza, Nov2015 25
Frost, Helen, Aug/Sept2004 3; Oct2006 52; Dec2009 3
Frost, Robert, Dec2012 23
fruits and vegetables. See under food
Fucile, Tony, Nov2015 53
Fulghum, Robert, Mar2014 22, 23
Fuller, Sandy F., Aug/Sept2011 10
Fullerton, Alma, Jan2016 7
Fullman, Joe, Nov2012 11
full moons, May2007 29; Aug/Sept2012 5*
fundraisers, Feb2010 5*; May2015 49*; Apr2016 30–35*
funerals, May2007 52–53*
Funke, Cornelia, Jan2004 2; Dec2004 2–3; Jan2005 14–16,
25; Apr2006 9–10, 12; Aug/Sept2007 51; Oct2007
5; Dec2007 11, 12, 28; Nov2008 17; Dec2008 5*;
Feb2009 27; Mar2013 10; Dec2015 3
funny books, Apr2005 47+; Mar2012 24–27*; May2013 2–3;
Oct2014 53
Funston, Sylvia, Dec2014 16–18
Furniss, Timothy, Apr2009 52
Furrow, Robert, Dec2009 12
Furstinger, Nancy, Dec2009 10
Fyleman, Rose, Oct2012 23
Gackenbach, Dick, May2005 14; Aug/Sept2008 21
gadgets, Mar2011 2–3, 8–15*, 22–27; Aug/Sept2015 3
Gadot, A. S., Dec2009 25
Gaelic, Mar2007 54
Gág, Wanda, Mar2005 25; Apr2005 24; Mar2014 28;
Mar2015 29*
Gaiman, Neil, Oct2003 3; Oct2007 3, 9, 11, 13; May2009 15;
Oct2011 22; Nov2011 29*; Feb2012 3;
Aug/Sept2014 28; Oct2014 28; Nov2014 28;
Feb2016 42; Mar2016 16
Gaining Steam
Adventures in Mapping, Aug/Sept2014 20–23
Art & Imagination, Mar2016 19–21
Battle of the Bots, Feb2016 36–38
Beyond the Library, Jan2016 20–22
Construction Team Challenges, Apr2016 36–38
Creating Games with Code, Aug/Sept2015 36–38*
Diverse Scientists for the Win, Oct2015 20–22
Engineering Around Town, Mar2015 16–18
Exploring STEAM Concepts with Food, Dec2015 36–
Extreme Sports, May2016 40–42
Film Arts & Science, Feb2015 16–18
Gaming for Team Building, Nov2015 36–38
Heroes Abound, May2015 16–18
One Giant Leap for Mankind, Nov2014 16–18
Projects to Improve a Community, Apr2015 16–18
Pulling In Reluctant Readers, Oct2014 18–20
Remembering and Observing Traditions, Dec2014 16–
Science and the Caldecott, Jan2015 16–18
Galan, Alvaro and Ana, Oct2013 9
Galbraith, Kathryn O., Apr2014 40; Jan2015 50
Galdone, Paul, May2004 27; Oct2007 28; Feb2012 12, 51;
Jan2014 45
Gale, Karen Buhler, Mar2008 29
Gall, Chris, Nov2009 23; Apr2015 44; Feb2016 1, 6;
Apr2016 43
Gallagher, Debbie, Dec2014 9
Gallagher, Kelly, Apr2014 16
Gallagher, Margaret, May2014 19
Gallagher, S. Saelig, Aug/Sept2007 17
Gallaudet, Thomas, Apr2014 55
Galloway, Priscilla, Mar2013 9
Galloway, Ruth, Nov2011 41
Galvin, Laura Gates, Dec2008 25
10 Days in the USA, Nov2015 16
action games, Nov2006 43–44
alphabet games, Dec2006 34; Jan2008 12; Mar2011
on ancient civilizations, Nov2012 15*
"And Then…," May2014 44
animal track match-up, Mar2010 13*
apprenticeship game, Oct2005 30–31
Asian Pacific American word game, May2007 3+, 35,
autumn Bingo, Oct2012 4*
balloon maze, Jan2013 19
bat hunt, Oct2010 44*, 45
beach ball toss, Feb2011 37
Dan Beard (old-time favorites), Feb2009 18*
A Beautiful Place, Apr2011 13
Bingo, Dec2003 24–25; Mar2005 4–5; Dec2005 12;
Mar2008 11; Aug/Sept2009 5*; Oct2012 4*;
Nov2014 7*; Nov2015 44; Mar2016 5
Biography Bingo, Mar2016 5
biography match, Dec2007 40
Blank White Card Game, Nov2015 37–38
board games, Nov2015 14–17
board games, on coding, Aug/Sept2015 12
board games, on money, Apr2016 9
board games, Spanish, Aug/Sept2009 15
book baseball, Oct2009 35–36
book heroines, Nov2009 5*
Book in a Bag, Mar2011 38
Book Joust, Mar2013 14*
bowling for biographies, Nov2014 7
Brainplay, Oct2009 13
by BrainPOP, Nov2015 3*
Brooklyn Bridge Jeopardy, Mar2015 15
Caldecott treasure hunts, Jan2016 4
card games, Dec2014 28*; Nov2015 14–17, 37–38, 44
Cardline: Animals, Nov2015 15
Carmen Sandiego Math Detective, Apr2005 35
categorizing of, Jan2009 19
Centipede, Aug/Sept2015 3
charades, Apr2011 14; Jan2012 41; Dec2013 13
chess, Jan2009 5*; Nov2015 6–8
Cities of Legend, Jan2014 5*
Civil Rights matching game, Feb2007 16+
Code Monkey Island, Aug/Sept2015 12
codes and ciphers, creating, Nov2008 14*
coding and, Aug/Sept2015 12, 36–38*
in colonial America, Oct2005 30–31
concentration, Jan2009 19; Nov2009 13*; May2011
25–27+; Dec2014 17; Oct2015 22
on conflict resolution, Aug/Sept2010 12*
contests, Apr2007 25
cooperation in, Aug/Sept2010 12*
customized game templates, Nov2015 4*
Dewey Decimal Checkout, Dec2008 6–7*
Dewey Decimal Spinner, Jan2015 29*
Dewey Decimal system, Dec2008 6–7*; Aug/Sept2009
5*; Apr2014 14*; Aug/Sept2014 42–43*+
dice containers, Nov2015 5
Dictionary Day, Oct2008 5*
Dictionary Game, Oct2015 3*
by Discovery Kids, Nov2015 3*
Dollar Dive, Apr2016 2*
Dreidel, Dec2007 12, 24–25; Dec2013 13*
egg hunt, Apr2007 5
election games, Feb2008 4–5, 10–11*, 12, 15+
Escape from Giant Country, May2016 23
ESP, Aug/Sept2008 11–12*
Exercise Alphabet, May2006 12
Fairy Tale Mad Libs, Apr2008 12, 15
Fairy Tale memory, Apr2008 12
Fall Leaf Maze, Oct2003 46, 49
Feliz Cumpleaños game, Aug/Sept2004 8
fiction bingo, Mar2005 4–5
field trips, Internet, Oct2008 6*
Fiendishly Friendly Competition, Oct2003 30
Find the Differences, Aug/Sept2011 13*
Flying High matching game, Nov2007 5
FNB Feud, Feb2004 34–35
Focus-Pocus, Mar2008 22
Freeze Game, Mar2008 22
Fruit, Flowers, and Veggies Match-Up, Dec2015 27
Fun and Games in the Library, May2010 46–50*
Genius Groundhogs, Feb2008 21, 22, 24
geography games, Nov2011 14*; Nov2015 10, 16, 22
Geography Letters, Nov2015 22
gold scavenger hunt, Jan2008 29
Hangman, Oct2007 12*
on Harry Potter, Jan2016 2*
Hats Off to You!, Feb2007 5, 7
hide and seek, May2006 19–23
by Highlights Kids, Nov2015 3*
Hink Pink word game, Nov2015 9, 22*
Holiday Word Wall, Dec2007 12
hula hoops, Jan2008 29
Human Bingo, Dec2005 12
Incan Gold, Nov2015 16
In Crowd, Out Crowd, Aug/Sept2003 19
international games, Oct2015 2*
on Internet safety, Apr2016 13*
I Spy, Nov2005 37–38; Oct2010 22–23
Jen-dow, Shih-toe, Boo, Nov2006 44–45, 49+
Jeopardy, Brooklyn Bridge, Mar2015 15
Jeopardy, Maps are Magic, May2004 35, 39–40
Jeopardy, School Days, Aug/Sept2008 39–40*
Jeopardy, Teddy Bear, Nov2006 44
J-O-B-S-O Bingo, Nov2015 44
Library Bingo, Aug/Sept2009 5*; Nov2014 7*
Library Four Corners, Nov2006 48+
library games, Nov2006 43–46, 46
Library Scavenger Hunt, Dec2006 5*; Feb2009 5*;
Mar2011 5; Aug/Sept2014 21
Library Sweethearts, Feb2015 6*
library trivia, Aug/Sept2012 25
Lightning Librarian, Oct2008 5*
listening skills, Apr2007 4–5
literary games, Nov2006 43–44; Jan2012 4*
Literary Sleuths Match, Nov2005 4, 6
Mad Money, Apr2016 2*
The Magic School Bus in Concert (CD-ROM),
Aug/Sept2005 9, 12
magic stone search, Oct2010 44, 46
magic tricks, Oct2010 6–7*, 14
¿Mama Puedo? (Mother, May I?), Nov2006 45
Maps are Magic Jeopardy, May2004 35, 39–40
matching books to schools, Feb2009 53–54*
matching games, Feb2004 19, 21; Mar2009 5;
Dec2011 5*; Apr2012 4*; May2014 5*+;
Dec2015 2*
math games, Nov2008 13*; Feb2012 14*
Maus van Klecks, Nov2015 14–15
Max board game, Nov2015 14
migration match game, May2012 11+*
Mind Your Manners, Aug/Sept2006 14
Minecraft, Nov2015 18–20
Mission US, Nov2015 5*
on money, Apr2016 2–3*, 4*, 9
money tricks, Apr2010 13*
Monopoly, Mar2007 29
Monstrous Math Game, Oct2003 30
Morse Code Message, Jan2004 30; Jan2007 12
Muscle Memory, Mar2008 22
Music Letter Ladder, Mar2005 10
My Garbology, Nov2015 28*
Mystery Word, Nov2005 43
Mythmatical Battles, Dec2010 14*
Name that Country Baseball, May2007 43
Name that Place Geography Challenge, Nov2011 50*
Name That Tune, Mar2007 4
National Library Week trivia contest, Apr2011 5*;
Apr2012 4*
New Year traditions trivia, Jan2012 13*
nothing to do activities, May2009 34
November words, Nov2007 5
old-fashioned games, Feb2009 18*; Nov2010 12
Once Upon a Time, Nov2015 15–16
One-Minute Wake-Up Flights, Dec2003 17
Operation!, Jan2010 13
oral messages, Mar2009 35
The Oregon Trail (CD-ROM), Mar2009 10; May2012 9
overview of, Nov2015 2–3*, 4–5*, 6–10*, 11–13*, 14–
17, 18–20*, 21–23*, 28, 30–35*, 36–38, 55–56
Packing My Wagon chant, Mar2009 13
Pandora's Jar, Nov2012 46
Paper, Scissors, Rock, Nov2006 44–45, 49, 49+
Pass the Box, Aug/Sept2010 49–50
Pass the Torch relay, Nov2012 47
by PBS Kids, May2015 13*; Nov2015 3*; Feb2016 2–
3*; Apr2016 2*
on penguins, Jan2016 3*
Pickle Patch Bathtub, Mar2007 47–49, 48–49+
pick-up sticks, Mar2009 49
piñata concentration, Aug/Sept2004 7
pioneer pastimes, Mar2009 12
playground games, May2007 35
Play Something!, May2008 13
Poe-cabulary (activity), Oct2007 12
Popcorn, Jan2013 28*
Portmanteau Words, Apr2008 47–48
Princess Presto (PBS Kids), May2015 13*
Q*bert, Aug/Sept2015 3*
Return to Sender, Apr2007 5
rhyming, May2010 38, 39
Robot Turtles, Aug/Sept2015 12
Roman Chariot Race, Nov2012 47
Rules for Rotten Ralph, Nov2005 43–44
Russian Clothesline Game, Feb2005 13
Save Perry’s Pennies, Apr2016 2*
scavenger hunts, Jan2006 5, 6; Apr2006 22+; Jan2007
4, 13; Dec2007 36; Jan2008 12, 29; Apr2009
42–43*; May2012 40; Aug/Sept2013 51;
Aug/Sept2014 21; Feb2015 47–48*;
Aug/Sept2015 9*; Feb2016 15, 27, 29*
Scholastic's History Mystery game, Aug/Sept2011 18*;
Aug/Sept2013 12*
School Days Jeopardy, Aug/Sept2008 39–40*
Scrabble, Dec2007 28; Nov2012 5
Secret Code 13+4, Nov2015 15, 17
secret codes, Apr2005 38; Nov2008 14*;
Aug/Sept2013 14
semordnilaps, Aug/Sept2008 37–38, 41–42+
by Sesame Street, Nov2015 3*
Share-the-Picture, Mar2008 23
Silent Snowflake, Dec2005 44–45
Simile Hunt, Feb2008 37
Simon Says, Nov2011 49; Aug/Sept2015 36
Simon Senses, Apr2008 55
Smog City 2, Apr2011 13*
song games, Dec2011 5*
Space Lingo Bingo, Mar2008 11
Spelling Bee, Dec2007 37
sports, creating, Nov2008 14
sportsmanship in, May2010 13*; May2016 9*, 14–16
Stand Up, Sit Down, Nov2006 44, 49
Stop Disasters!, Nov2015 12–13*
storage of, Nov2015 5
Storyland Quest, Apr2006 12
storytelling, Nov2015 15–16
Stripe Says, Jan2011 17
Super Sleuths (library reference), Aug/Sept2009 5
survival games, Nov2015 18–20, 36–38
Survive the Raging River, Nov2015 36–38
table games, May2007 35
tea parties, Nov2010 48–51
Teddy Bear Day, Oct2005 44–45
Teddy Bear Jeopardy, Nov2006 44
Telephone, Jan2004 30; May2014 43; Feb2016 2*
Things That Go Bump in the Night, Oct2007 5, 7
on tolerance, Oct2015 2*
tongue twisters, Mar2008 29; Jan2014 43
To Know Me Is to Love Me!, Aug/Sept2003 18–19
touch tag, Oct2015 3*
traditional games, Nov2015 8*, 9
The Trojan Box, Nov2012 46
Twenty Questions, Nov2006 28; Nov2007 28
Uno, Dec2007 29
USDA Food Safety Game, Dec2015 8*
Valentine's Day games, Feb2005 38; Feb2008 4;
Feb2011 13, 15
video games, Jan2009 39–40; May2015 17–18*;
Aug/Sept2015 3, 36–38*; Nov2015 3*, 5*, 6–
10*, 11–13*, 18–20*, 23*, 30–35*
vocabulary games, Feb2012 14*
weather, Mar2006 12
What Book?, Apr2012 4*
What Have You Read?, Nov2006 43, 47
What's the Question?, Mar2011 39
Where Do You Stand?, Aug/Sept2007 12; Jan2011 13
Where's Waldo, May2009 5*
Who Am I? Biography/Autobiography, Mar2007 12
Who Am I? fairy tale game, Apr2008 11–12
Who Said That?, Mar2007 12, 14+
Who Was Houdini? trivia game, Oct2010 15+*
wild books mystery message, Apr2006 12, 14
Winter Holiday Wordplay, Dec2007 12
Word Chain, Mar2011 39
word games, May2007 35, 37; May2008 36;
Aug/Sept2009 5*; Mar2011 39; Jan2014 5*;
Mar2015 27*; Nov2015 9, 22
Word Play, May2008 36
Word Scramble, May2008 36
Yu-Gi-Oh, Aug/Sept2006 29
See also gaming and video games; puzzles
Game Simulations: Using Game Simulations to Improve
Natural Disaster Safety, Nov2015 11–13*
gaming and video games, Jan2009 39–40; May2015 17–
18*; Aug/Sept2015 3, 36–38*; Nov2015 3*, 5*, 6–
10*, 11–13*, 18–20*, 23*, 30–35*
Gammell, Stephen, Aug/Sept2013 32; Dec2014 51; Jan2015
Gandhi, Oct2006 28; May2014 10; Oct2014 45; May2015 3,
Gandhi, Arun, May2015 3, 51
Ganeri, Anita, Dec2012 9
Gannij, Joan, Apr2013 10
Ganster, Kathleen, Feb2016 9*
Gantos, Jack, Jan2004 36–37; Nov2005 26–30, 42;
Nov2008 11; May2010 10; Jan2012 8
Author Extensions, Nov2005 31–34
Meet the Author, Nov2005 26–30
garbage, Apr2011 11, 12, 13*, 14*, 15
gardens and gardening, Apr2005 4; Mar2007 22–23, 25;
Apr2007 13; May2007 20–27; May2008 29;
Aug/Sept2010 36, 46–47*; Dec2010 15; Mar2011
24; Apr2011 2–3, 9, 40; Oct2012 3; May2013 53–
57; Apr2015 4, 12, 14, 17–18; Dec2015 4, 8*, 25–
27; Jan2016 13–15
Gardiner, John Reynolds, Feb2007 53; Nov2010 8; Apr2015
Gardner, Lyn, Apr2008 3
Gardner, Mark, Mar2009 11
Gardner, Martin, Oct2010 11
Gardner, Robert, Nov2003 19
Garland, Michael, Oct2010 45, 47; Aug/Sept2011 10;
Dec2012 11; Mar2016 41
Garland, Sarah, Mar2007 23
Garland, Sherry, Mar2006 19; May2007 33, 34
Garretson, Dee, Feb2013 12
Garriel, Barbara, Mar2005 18–19
Garza, Xavier, Oct2015 17
Gates, Phil, Apr2013 11; Feb2016 27
Gauch, Sarah, Nov2012 1, 12
Gauthier, Gail, Mar2008 9, 13
Gay, Marie-Louise, Oct2014 54; Feb2016 56
Author Extensions, Nov2011 34–37
Meet the Author, Nov2011 30–33*
Gay, Michael, Dec2004 3
Gcast, Aug/Sept2008 7*
Geeslin, Campbell, Mar2016 55
Geiger, Nicole, Mar2004 45
Geis, Patricia, Mar2015 42–43
Geisel, Ted. See Dr. Seuss
Geisel Award, Apr2006 2–3; Jan2008 4
Geisert, Arthur, Jan2007 3, 10, 12; Nov2007 54;
Aug/Sept2011 3; May2012 20; Dec2012 10;
Jan2013 10; Aug/Sept2015 7; Mar2016 41
Geisert, Bonnie, Aug/Sept2011 3
Geist, Ken, Nov2011 39; Aug/Sept2013 50
Gelsanliter, Wendy, Dec2006 22
Genderson, Megan M., Jan2013 52
gender variance, Dec2014 5
genealogy, Nov2007 36–38; Dec2008 12*
generosity, Aug/Sept2008 3
genetics, Apr2011 22
Gennari, Jennifer, Oct2015 7
genres. See Gen*Response; individual genres
beginning readers, Feb2012 20–23*
biography, Jan2011 20–26
creative nonfiction, Nov2010 17–18
fantasy, Aug/Sept2010 23–27
in fiction, Nov2009 20–24
folklore, Dec2010 22–27*
funny books, Mar2012 24–27*
geography, Nov2011 24–27*
historical fiction, Nov2010 13–18*; Aug/Sept2011 16–
history (nonfiction), Aug/Sept2011 24–27
horror tales, Oct2007 5, 11*
how-to books, May2011 20–23*
informational texts, Dec2006 51; Aug/Sept2012 2–3,
language books, May2012 18–21
literary nonfiction, Dec2011 24–27
mystery, Oct2010 22–27*
natural science, Apr2011 20–24
nonfiction, Jan2012 20–22*; Dec2012 40–41
poetry, Apr2012 24–27+*
realistic fiction, Feb2011 20–24*
scary stories, Oct2011 19–23
sports fiction, Feb2011 23
technology (Dewey's 600 division), Mar2011 22–27
See also individual genres
geocaching, Aug/Sept2014 2, 8–10, 12*, 14*, 21–23*, 44–
47*, 50–51, 52*
geography. See social studies, geography
Geography Awareness Week, Nov2003 24–25; Nov2004
24–25, 46; Nov2005 5, 24–25; Nov2006 28–29;
Nov2007 28, 53–55; Nov2011 5; Nov2013 4*;
Nov2014 4, 28
George, Jean Craighead, Apr2005 46; May2005 35, 38, 40–
41; Oct2006 53; Jan2007 29; Mar2007 26; Apr2007
10; Jan2008 10; Dec2009 55; Dec2010 5; Apr2011
44; Nov2011 12; May2012 19; Apr2013 11, 22, 23;
Aug/Sept2013 10; Oct2014 16–17
George, Jessica Day, Feb2012 43
George, Kristine O'Connell, Apr2005 4; Nov2009 47;
Mar2010 3, 12; Apr2012 26–27*, 45–46*
George, Lindsay Barrett, Dec2004 45; Jan2005 28–29, 32;
May2007 26; May2008 25
George-Warren, Holly, Nov2007 46
Georgia, Jan2008 45
Gerber, Carole, Nov2009 2; May2012 46–50*; Oct2014 47
Gerding, Stephanie, Oct2014 7
Gerdner, Linda, Nov2010 3
Gershator, Phillis, Mar2006 19; Nov2006 41; May2008 2
Gerstein, Mordicai, Aug/Sept2004 25; Jan2006 2, 26–31;
Aug/Sept2007 28; Nov2007 11; Dec2007 3;
Aug/Sept2012 48–50*; Feb2015 41; Oct2015 43
Author Extensions, Jan2006 31–35
Meet the Author, Jan2006 26–31
Gertrude Chandler Warner Boxcar Museum, Apr2008 29
Get Caught Reading Month, May2004 24–25; May2005 24–
25; May2006 24–25; May2007 28–29; May2008
28–29; May2012 29; May2014 28; May2016 29*
Get Organized Month, Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 28–29;
Jan2016 28*
Gettysburg Address, Nov2014 5, 10, 19, 29; Nov2015 29*
Getz, David, Aug/Sept2006 28; Jan2007 9
Ghana, Oct2007 54
Gherman, Beverly, Aug/Sept2011 11
ghosts, Oct2007 2–3, 14–16, 28*, 41
ghost stories, Dec2010 25–26
Gibbon, Rebecca, Aug/Sept2008 43, 44
Gibbons, Faye, Nov2004 25; Dec2008 10; Jan2012 9
Gibbons, Gail, May2004 16; Oct2004 5; Jan2006 8; Feb2006
2; Dec2006 24, 25*, 51; Mar2007 23, 55; Apr2007
11, 14; Apr2009 9; May2009 9; Aug/Sept2010 47;
Dec2010 53; Apr2011 11; May2011 10; Dec2011
4*; Apr2012 9, 11; Aug/Sept2012 5; Oct2012 48–
50*; Nov2012 23; Dec2012 23; Mar2013 10;
Oct2013 5*; Aug/Sept2014 11; Nov2014 17–18;
Jan2015 9; Apr2015 16–18; Oct2015 42; Jan2016
46; Mar2016 7
Gibbs, Stuart, May2013 3; Oct2014 2
Giblin, James Cross, Aug/Sept2006 10, 13; Jan2010 9;
Feb2015 10
Gibson, Amy, Nov2011 3
Gibson, Karen, Aug/Sept2003 38–41; Nov2003 11–13;
Dec2003 44–45
Gidwitz, Adam, Nov2011 4*; Feb2014 5*
Giff, Patricia Reilly, Nov2005 4; Oct2006 10, 13; Nov2007
11; Oct2012 9, 51; Oct2013 4; Oct2014 10;
Mar2015 12; Apr2016 28*
Gifford, Clive, Nov2007 54; May2008 12, 15; Mar2013 22;
Feb2015 40; Aug/Sept2015 7
Gifford, Peggy, May2008 3
Giganti, Paul, Aug/Sept2004 5
GiggleIT Project, Aug/Sept2013 7*
G. I. Joe, Feb2005 24
Gil, Lydia M., Dec2007 28
Gilbert, Adrian, Mar2011 24; Aug/Sept2014 9
Gilbertsen, Neal, Apr2005 13
Gilchrist, Cherry, Dec2010 11
Gilchrist, Jan Spivey, Feb2010 3; Aug/Sept2011 3; Jan2012
33, 36, 38
Gill, Shelley, Feb2007 50, 53; Jan2008 27; Aug/Sept2014
37; Apr2016 17*
Gillespie, Dizzy, Feb2015 23; Jan2016 56
Gilley, Jeremy, Aug/Sept2007 4; Aug/Sept2010 11
Gilligan, Alison, Aug/Sept2014 11
Gillim, Dorothea, Apr2011 10
Gillingham, Sara, Mar2010 26
Gillis, Jennifer Storey, Nov2006 54
Gilman, Phoebe, Feb2005 31; Dec2014 42–44
Gilmore, Dorina Lazo, Nov2010 3; Dec2015 51
Gilmore, Rachna, Jan2014 46
Gilpin, Daniel, Apr2006 20
Gilson, Jamie, May2008 41; Nov2015 6
Gimpel, Diane Marczely, Nov2015 8
Ginsburg, Mirra, Apr2006 36
Giovanni, Nikki, Feb2007 3, 11, 19
Gipson, Fred, Aug/Sept2006 29
Giraffe Heroes Project, May2015 12*, 26*
giraffes, Oct2011 35*
Girl Scouts, Feb2011 51–52; Dec2011 12; Jan2013 41–43*;
Mar2015 48*
GIS Day, Nov2005 25
Gladstone, Valerie, Apr2012 3
Glandon, Shan, Jan2006 19; Jan2015 9
Glaser, Jason, Nov2006 26–27
Glaser, Linda, Oct2003 4; Dec2004 17, 21; Oct2006 9, 13;
Aug/Sept2011 19; Oct2012 10; Oct2014 28;
Apr2015 29
Glass, Andrew, Dec2003 3; Mar2007 9, 12; Nov2008 9;
Mar2009 11; Feb2012 9
Glass, Nick. See Meet the Author;
Glassbourg, Michael, Feb2015 16, 18
Glasser, Robin Preiss, Feb2008 49
glass harmonica, Mar2005 10
Glassman, Bruce, Jan2007 54
Gleeson, Libby, Jan2013 19
Gleik, Beth, Jan2014 11
Gleitzman, Morris, May2008 12, 14; Aug/Sept2010 11
Gliori, Debi, Oct2004 24; May2005 14; Jan2014 12
global action, Dec2011 14–16
global collaboration, Jan2016 3*, 8*, 30–35*
global teaching partnerships, Jan2013 37–40*
global warming, Apr2011 9, 10, 11, 13*; May2012 12*;
Jan2013 22
Glover, Savion, Feb2004 18, 19; Nov2008 11
goal setting, Aug/Sept2007 16–17
Goble, Paul, Nov2004 31, 35; Aug/Sept2005 24; Nov2013
11, 26; Jan2015 10; Oct2015 14
Goddard, Robert, Mar2008 2
Godden, Rumer, Jan2004 36
Goin, Kenn, Mar2008 55
Going, K. L., Apr2014 36
gold, Mar2011 25
Gold, Andrew, Oct2003 28, 31
Gold, Rozanne, Dec2015 49
Goldberg, Myla, Dec2007 28; Mar2008 9, 11, 12
Golden Duck Awards, Mar2012 12*
Golden Kite Awards, Nov2007 6
Golding, Jacqueline, Jan2007 5
Golding, Theresa Martin, May2008 28
Goldish, Meish, Mar2015 16–18; Feb2016 45
Goldman, Amy, Dec2004 18
Goldman, Dara, Dec2014 49
Gold Rush, Dec2011 20–23*; Jan2015 29*
Goldstein, Elisha, Feb2015 7
Goldstone, Bruce, Nov2004 40; May2005 14; Jan2009 9;
Oct2013 4; May2014 53
golf balls, Mar2014 38, 39*
Golio, Gary, Jan2016 56
Gollon, Matilda, Apr2014 9
Gollub, Matthew, Oct2015 17
Gonsalves, Rob, Apr2012 52; Jan2015 10
Gonzales, David, Aug/Sept2009 11
Gonzales, Lisa, Nov2007 36
Gonzalez, Lucia, Oct2006 47
Gonzalez, Maya Christina, Nov2009 3
Good, Merle, Nov2003 30; Oct2004 29, 31
Goodall, Jane, Aug/Sept2012 16–19*; Jan2013 24; Apr2014
29*; Aug/Sept2014 33–34
Goode, Diane, Apr2005 11–12; May2008 19–20; Oct2011
21; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Good Friday, Apr2006 25; Apr2007 29; Mar2008 29
good luck charms, Mar2006 4–5
Goodman, Michael E., Feb2012 28*
Goodman, Polly, Mar2008 10, 11; Apr2009 11
Goodman, Susan, Mar2008 11; Jan2010 53; Nov2015 26
Goodrich, Carter, Jan2013 3; May2013 2
good vs. evil, Oct2007 8, 22–24; Feb2012 2–3, 8–15*, 40–
44*, 48–51*
Google, Aug/Sept2007 20; Nov2007 55*; May2008 54;
Dec2010 6*; Dec2011 45*; May2012 27*; Jan2015
6*, 19–21; Nov2015 13*
Gookins, Mary, May2007 5
Gorbachev, Valeri, May2009 48; Nov2009 2; Mar2013 19
Gordon, Cambria, Feb2008 3
Gordon, David, Mar2011 16
Gordon, Sharon, Jan2013 12
Gordon, Stephanie Jacob, Dec2006 33, 35
Gore, Leonid, Dec2013 40
Gorey, Edward, Feb2004 25
Gorman, Carol, Oct2004 7, 9; Oct2008 9; Jan2011 9
Gorrell, Gena K., Oct2006 53
Gorton, Julia, Nov2011 39
Goscinny, René, Apr2006 25
GoSkyWatch app, Aug/Sept2014 6
Gosline, Andrea Alban, Dec2008 25
Goss, Gary, Oct2012 38
Got Books?, Aug/Sept2005 5
gouache, Jan2006 16–17; May2009 34
Goudvis, Anne, Dec2007 17
Gourley, Catherine, Mar2004 9–10, 12; Oct2013 10;
Nov2013 12; Feb2015 8
Gourley, Robbin, Jan2010 3; Dec2015 7; Jan2016 15
government. See social studies, civics
Governor General’s Award, Jan2015 8, 9, 11, 13*, 14
Gow, Nancy, Aug/Sept2012 23
Grabenstein, Chris, Aug/Sept2014 12, 41–43; Aug/Sept2015
37–38; Nov2015 7
Grace, Catherine O'Neill, Nov2004 2, 31, 34; Jan2009 43;
Nov2013 3, 9; Nov2014 39
Graff, Lisa, May2011 40–42*; Oct2011 11; Apr2016 26
Graff, Nancy Price, Feb2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 10
Graham, Bob, Oct2006 43; Apr2008 2; May2008 22;
Dec2008 2; Jan2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 4; Oct2011
3, 24; Jan2013 3; Feb2013 45; May2014 4, 10;
Jan2015 49; Jan2016 1, 7
Graham, Ian, Jan2015 17–18; Mar2015 16–18
Graham, Margaret Bloy, May2008 22
Graham, Martha, May2016 39
Grahame, Kenneth, Mar2007 29; Mar2008 29; Mar2014 29
Grambling, Lois G., Feb2005 35; Feb2006 37
Grammer, Red, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17; Dec2005 11, 12;
Aug/Sept2007 9, 13; Aug/Sept2010 11; Dec2011 7;
Oct2013 12
Gran, Julia, May2008 41
Grand Canyon, Oct2009 25–27*
Granderson, Curtis, Jan2011 26
Grandin, Temple, Nov2012 34; Feb2016 26
Grandits, John, Nov2011 12; Aug/Sept2012 23;
Aug/Sept2014 45; Nov2015 8
grandparents, Nov2003 2, 3, 13, 27; Aug/Sept2004 6–9*, 24;
Aug/Sept2005 5; Dec2007 5; Nov2010 2–3, 6–13,
22–24, 48–51; May2015 4*
Granfield, Linda, Oct2004 2–3; Feb2008 1, 8–9;
Aug/Sept2008 45
Granowsky, Alvin, Jan2004 37
Granström, Brita, Feb2006 43
Grant, Katy, Aug/Sept2014 21
grants, Aug/Sept2007 14*; Aug/Sept2010 42; Oct2014 7;
May2015 47–48*
graphic novels, May2008 5, 29; Oct2009 5*; Mar2010 52–
55*; Oct2010 30–35*; Feb2012 42*; Feb2014 28*;
May2014 2–3, 5*, 8–15*, 20–23; Oct2015 11–14;
Dec2015 28*; Mar2016 29*
See also comics
graphic organizers, Dec2004 30*; Dec2007 16, 17
grasshoppers, Apr2007 43
Graves, Bonnie B., Dec2009 27
Graves, Keith, Oct2007 44; Oct2008 10; Feb2010 27;
Nov2015 26
Graves, Kerry A., Aug/Sept2008 9
Gravett, Emily, Oct2007 23; Feb2013 45; Feb2015 52
gravity, Mar2008 13
Gray, Leon, Oct2014 19, 20
Gray, Libba Moore, Apr2006 36; Mar2015 32
Gray, Margaret, Apr2008 6
Gray, Peter, Feb2012 10
Gray-Wilburn, Renee, May2014 12
Great American Smokeout, Nov2005 25
Great Backyard Bird Count, Apr2014 50; Jan2016 20–21
Great Nature Project, Jan2016 21
Greek mythology, Feb2007 35; Feb2014 15, 16–19*;
May2014 31, 34–35
Green, Dan, Mar2012 31, 33
Green, Emily, Aug/Sept2009 53
Green, Jen, Nov2005 42
Green, Michelle Y., May2010 11
Green, Stephanie, Dec2014 6
Green, Tim, Feb2011 23
Greenaway, Kate, Jan2015 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
Greenberg, David, Aug/Sept2006 9; Nov2007 51; May2008
Greenberg, Glenn, Jan2013 22
Greenberg, Jan, Nov2006 3; Jan2012 21; Jan2013 3
Greenburg, Dan, Mar2006 6; May2008 42; Jan2009 11;
Aug/Sept2012 11; Mar2014 12
Greenburg, J. C., May2008 41; Apr2011 11
Greene, Jacqueline Dembar, Feb2015 11
Greene, Stephanie, Oct2008 10; Dec2011 9
Greenfield, Eloise, Nov2003 13; Apr2004 28; May2004 24;
May2005 24; Dec2007 3; May2008 2, 29; May2012
8; Oct2014 55
Author Extensions, Jan2012 36–39*
Meet the Author, Jan2012 30–35
The Greenfield Review Press, Nov2004 6
green (environmentally friendly) practices, Apr2011 4*, 7, 8–
15*, 38–41*, 42–45*, 47–48*; Jan2013 22, 24*
Green Revolution, Mar2010 17*
Greenwald, Tommy, Apr2016 38
Greenwood, Barbara, Dec2003 35; Jan2005 24; Mar2009
10; May2014 22
Greenwood, Chester, Feb2016 24, 40, 55
Greenwood, Mark, Oct2015 17
greeting cards, Mar2004 27–28; Apr2007 14; Dec2007 12;
Nov2011 35; Dec2014 17*; Apr2016 41–45
Gregorowski, Christopher, Dec2003 8
Gregory, Nan, Apr2016 55
Greg & Steve, Feb2004 7; Mar2011 17; May2012 45;
Apr2016 53; May2016 8
Greissman, Annette, Mar2007 25
Grey, Mini, Apr2005 13; Jan2006 3; Jan2012 2; Mar2015
17–18; May2016 2
Gribbin, John, Mar2012 10
Gribbin, Mary, Mar2012 10
grief and loss, Oct2008 37; Feb2011 21–22
Grifalconi, Ann, Aug/Sept2006 25; Jan2016 36
Griffin, Kitty, Feb2013 10
Griffin, Loree, Apr2011 12
Griffin, Peni R., Aug/Sept2009 11; Jan2014 9
Griffin, Regina, Feb2005 6–7
Griffith, Gretchen, Dec2014 2, 45
Griffith, Helen V., Feb2006 27, 30
Griffith, Saul, Feb2016 7
Griffith, Victoria, May2012 2
Griffiths, Andy, Nov2015 26
Griffiths, Kimberley, Apr2005 24
Griggs, Terry, Oct2010 9
Grigsby, Susan, Jan2007 5; May2012 14; Apr2014 45–48
Grimes, Nikki, Apr2004 3; Aug/Sept2005 3; Aug/Sept2007 3,
10, 12; Feb2010 10; Aug/Sept2010 3; Nov2010 26;
Dec2010 51; Dec2011 10; Oct2014 55; Nov2014 3,
42; Dec2014 52; Nov2015 47
Author Extensions, Feb2010 36–39*
Meet the Author, Feb2010 30–35
Grimm, Jacob, Jan2006 25; Dec2006 29; Jan2008 29;
Jan2015 28
Grimm, Wilhelm, Feb2005 25; Feb2006 25; Dec2006 29;
Feb2008 28
Grimm Day, Jan2007 29
Grimm's fairy tales, Dec2006 54*; Jan2007 29; Feb2007 29*;
Oct2007 22; Feb2008 28; Apr2008 10, 11
Grindley, Sally, Jan2006 37; Apr2008 22; Nov2010 51
Grisham, John, Feb2012 44*
Grogan, John, Aug/Sept2010 41, 44
Gromley, Beatrice, Nov2006 26
gross-out stories, Nov2007 48–52
Groundhog Day, Feb2004 24, 47; Feb2005 4, 5, 22, 25;
Feb2006 25; Feb2007 29, 42; Feb2008 29;
Dec2010 53; Feb2013 3; Feb2016 29*
Grover, Dec2009 55
Grover, Kathryn, Feb2009 18
growing up, Feb2011 20–21
"Growing Up in Another Time" (Appleseeds article), Nov2012
Grow with STEM
Celebrating Native American Cultures: the Ancient
Horse, Nov2013 20–23
A Crash Course in Forces and Motion, May2014 38–
Discovering the Natural Sciences, Apr2014 38–40
Do Zombies Live Among Us?, Oct2013 39–41
How We Tell Time, Jan2014 24–27*
The Science of Baseball, Feb2014 39–41*
The Secret Lives of Snowflakes, Dec2013 21–24*
Solve the Mystery: What Makes Black Holes?,
Aug/Sept2013 20–22*
Truth, Lies, and the Imagination: Weird But True! 3,
Mar2014 38–40*
Gruber, Barbara and Sue, Apr2004 14
Grubman, Steve, Apr2013 54
Grund, Lyn, Dec2007 50
Grunwell, Jeanne Marie, Aug/Sept2008 10
Gubac, Georgia, Nov2010 2
Gueldenpfennig, Sonia, Mar2008 10
Guest, Elissa Haden, Dec2006 29
guest speakers
100th Day speakers, Jan2007 25
activist guests, Feb2007 14
animal experts, Apr2013 14; Feb2016 14
artists, Oct2014 13–14
authors and illustrators, Jan2005 5; Nov2006 6*;
Dec2006 47*; Jan2013 6–7*; Jan2015 43;
Oct2015 4*
bookmobile librarians, Aug/Sept2012 13
elderly people, Nov2010 11
emergency workers, Feb2013 15
engineers, Mar2015 13
humane society, Aug/Sept2010 38; May2014 4
immigrants, May2012 13
on Internet safety, Apr2016 12*
Mountain Mushers Team, Feb2007 5
for One Book programs, Aug/Sept2010 43
Peace Corps workers, Aug/Sept2010 15; Oct2015 10
Russian immigrants, Feb2014 50
scientists, Apr2014 14
snake experts, Nov2012 37
storytellers, Dec2006 47
teachers, May2007 18
therapy dogs, Apr2011 41
virtual meetings with, Oct2015 4*
wilderness experts, Aug/Sept2010 37
Guiberson, Brenda Z., May2005 3; Mar2006 10, 12–13
Guidone, Thea, Nov2012 5
Guin, Valerie, Oct2007 54
Guinness World Records, Oct2011 12*, 15*; Jan2012 13*
guitars, Mar2011 52
Gunderson, Jessica, Nov2012 12; Feb2014 10
Gundrum, Carolyn, Jan2004 4
Gunning, Monica, Oct2015 38
Gunter, Veronika Alice, Dec2009 11; Apr2014 10; Feb2015
"The Guppy" (poem), Apr2013 13*
Gurney, James, Feb2006 28, 30
Gurth, Per-Henrik, Feb2014 10, 11
Gustafson, Angela, Aug/Sept2010 51
Gustafson, Jean, Nov2011 46
Gustavson, Adam, Nov2009 22; Dec2012 1; Feb2013 25–
Guthrie, Arlo, Nov2004 5
Guthrie, Woody, Aug/Sept2003 25; Mar2005 2;
Aug/Sept2011 2
Gutman, Dan, Feb2004 17, 19; Oct2004 8, 9, 10, 11;
Nov2006 26; Feb2008 10, 11, 13; Mar2008 54;
Apr2008 28; Aug/Sept2008 10; Feb2010 11;
May2010 10, 11; Dec2010 52; Feb2011 21;
Mar2011 9; Apr2011 12; Aug/Sept2011 11;
Dec2011 53; Mar2012 9; Aug/Sept2012 8; Oct2012
54; Jan2013 4; Feb2013 12; Aug/Sept2013 9;
Jan2014 11; Nov2014 11; May2016 8
Guys Read, Dec2003 4, 4*; Dec2012 7*; Oct2014 22*
Gwynne, Fred, Apr2005 12
Haagensen, Wendy, Oct2003 22–26
Haas, Jessie, Jan2015 5
Habitat for Humanity, Feb2011 52; Apr2015 13*
habitats, Apr2011 14, 46–48*
Hacker, Carlotta, Feb2004 17, 20
Haddix, Margaret Peterson, Nov2006 5; Oct2010 24
Meet the Author, Jan2015 30–35
Haddon, Mark, Aug/Sept2010 2; Mar2012 2
Hadithi, Mwenye, Jan2014 45
Haduch, Bill, May2006 9, 12
Hagemeyer, Alice, Apr2014 52
Hague, Michael, Oct2011 25; Dec2012 4
Hahn, Mary Downing, Oct2010 26; Oct2011 23; Dec2014 28;
Dec2015 3
Hahn, Mary Lee, Oct2014 55
haiku, Oct2007 37; Nov2007 35; May2009 37; Apr2011 14;
May2011 26; Oct2012 22–23; Oct2013 37; Apr2014
19, 39; Aug/Sept2015 16–17; Feb2016 31; Apr2016
Haiti, Nov2007 3; Aug/Sept2010 4
Haldane, Suzanne, Nov2013 10
Hale, Bruce, Feb2005 35, 38; Nov2008 10; Feb2012 10
Hale, Nathan, Feb2014 29
Hale, Sarah Josepha, Nov2014 40
Hale, Shannon, Apr2008 7; May2014 5; Aug/Sept2015 29*
Haley, Amanda, Jan2009 1
Haley, Gail E., Feb2004 10–11, 12; Feb2005 18; Mar2005
29; May2008 26; Aug/Sept2013 31; Dec2014 4
Halfmann, Janet, Mar2009 27*
Hall, Bruce Edward, Aug/Sept2010 9–10; Oct2015 7
Hall, Donald, Jan2004 35, 36; May2008 49; May2016 52
Hall, Katy, Nov2004 41; Feb2006 27, 35
Hall, Kirsten, Aug/Sept2014 36
Hall, Margaret, Jan2009 52
Hall, Michael, Feb2011 11; May2013 5; Nov2015 39;
Mar2016 47
Hall, Pamela, Jan2016 39; Mar2016 40
Hall, Peggy, Nov2005 5
Hall, Zoe, May2007 27; Oct2007 45
Hallinan, P.K., Apr2015 25
Halloween, Oct2003 24, 25, 27–33, 40–43, 46–48; Oct2004
24; Oct2005 24; Oct2006 28; Oct2007 29, 44–46;
Oct2010 5, 28, 38, 44; Oct2011 4, 28; Oct2013 4–5,
29; Oct2014 5*, 29; Oct2015 29*
Halls, Kelly Milner, Feb2006 42; Apr2013 11; Aug/Sept2013
Halperin, Wendy Anderson, Apr2010 11; Aug/Sept2013 29;
Aug/Sept2015 28*
Halpern, Shari, Aug/Sept2014 56
Hamanaka, Sheila, Nov2003 2, 3; Mar2005 3, 24
Hamernik, Harry, Jan2007 7
Hamerstrom, Frances, Aug/Sept2013 29
Hamilton, Boni, Feb2011 7*; Apr2011 19*; Aug/Sept2011 51;
Dec2011 47; Mar2012 23*; May2012 27*;
Aug/Sept2012 27*; Oct2012 44*; Dec2012 27*;
Jan2013 40*; Apr2013 50*; May2013 52*; Oct2013
52*; Jan2014 57*; Mar2014 50*; Apr2014 51*;
May2014 27*; Aug/Sept2014 51*, 53*; Oct2014 41*;
Nov2014 47*; Dec2014 24*; Jan2015 47*; Feb2015
49*; Mar2015 49*; Apr2015 49*; May2015 50*;
Mar2016 23; Apr2016 14
See also Technology
Hamilton, Emma Walton
Author Extensions, Dec2009 37–40
Meet the Author, Dec2009 30–36, 40*
Hamilton, John, Mar2011 12; Mar2012 9
Hamilton, Martha, Feb2005 29, 33
Hamilton, Nick, May2014 27*
Hamilton, Virginia, Dec2006 40–41, 47; Nov2007 3; Jan2008
53, 54; Feb2010 10; Dec2010 2; Aug/Sept2013 10
Hamm, Mia, Mar2008 55; May2010 11
Hammelef, Danielle, May2014 55
Hancock, John, Jan2004 25; Jan2007 6
Hancock, Sibyl, Mar2006 18
Handford, Martin, Nov2006 4
Handler, Daniel, Feb2016 3*
See also Snicket, Lemony
Hanna, Dan, Nov2011 38, 41
Hanneman, Monika, Aug/Sept2010 46
Hannigan, Katherine, Aug/Sept2005 3; Mar2010 10;
Dec2011 8
Hans Christian Andersen Award, Jan2006 12–13; Nov2007
6, 10, 13; Jan2015 8, 9, 10, 12, 13*, 14; Apr2016
Hansen, Ole Steen, Jan2007 52
Hansen, Rosanna, Jan2009 11; Dec2009 9; Oct2011 11
Hanson, Anders, Mar2016 7
Hanson, Joyce, Feb2010 42
Hantula, Richard, Mar2012 9
Hanukkah, Dec2003 25, 36; Dec2004 24–25; Dec2005 24;
Dec2006 29; Dec2007 11*, 12*, 25, 28, 49–52;
Dec2010 50; Dec2011 28*; Dec2012 29*; Dec2013
10–15*, 51*; Dec2014 10, 11, 15, 28*, 44, 46, 48;
Dec2015 28
Haptie, Charlotte, Feb2006 25
Hardin, Melinda, May2015 1, 10
Harjo, Joy, Nov2003 2; Nov2004 3
Harkins, Susan, Mar2013 11
Harkrader, Lisa, May2015 17–18
Harley, Avis, Dec2003 8; Mar2010 3
Harley, Bill, Nov2007 49; Oct2013 9
Harms, Ann McMillan, Feb2007 10
Harness, Cheryl, Oct2014 45
Harper, Charise Mericle, Aug/Sept2008 55; Apr2009 51;
Mar2011 10; Apr2011 11; Aug/Sept2015 43;
Dec2015 8
Harper, Jamie, Apr2012 43; Apr2014 44; Aug/Sept2014 46
Harper, Jessica, Dec2009 27
Harper, Monty, Apr2014 12
Harper, Piers, Feb2011 44
Harrington, Janice N., Jan2008 3; Oct2008 3
Harrington, Zina, Jan2015 7*
Harris, Calvin, Oct2010 53, 55
Harris, Jim, Apr2005 12
Harris, Joel Chandler, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Dec2005
Harris, Lee, Dec2006 23
Harris, Peter, Aug/Sept2007 53
Harris, Robie, Jan2009 26; Dec2009 2
Author Extensions, May2006 32–34
Meet the Author, May2006 26–31
Harris, R. P., May2013 3
Harrison, David L., May2008 40; Nov2008 10; Oct2012 23;
Nov2013 11; Feb2016 42
Harrison, George, Feb2006 47
Harrison, Virginia, May2007 6
Hart, Alison, Feb2013 39–42*
Hart, Betty, Nov2009 54; Mar2014 16, 19; Feb2015 25–27
Hartman, Bob, Feb2005 3; Apr2005 11
Hartman, Gail, Nov2007 53
Hartman, Sarah, May2007 32, 35
Hartmann, Bob, Jan2010 2
Hartmann, Jack, Aug/Sept2015 8
Hartnett, Sonya, May2013 3
Harvest Moon, Aug/Sept2006 29; Oct2012 13*
harvest season, Oct2012 2–3, 8–15*, 16–19, 38–41*
Harvey, Miles, Aug/Sept2004 8; Mar2007 54–55
Harvey, Stephanie, Dec2007 17
Harwinton (CT) Consolidated School, Aug/Sept2012 4
Haskins, James, Feb2007 11
Haskins, Jim, Mar2009 26
Haskins, Lori, Oct2007 10, 13
Hassett, John and Ann, Apr2005 15
Hatke, Ben, May2014 11
Hatkoff, Craig, Nov2007 29; Dec2010 5; Feb2011 11;
Apr2013 11
Hauser, Jill Frankel, Dec2011 8
Hausherr, Rosmarie, Nov2003 35
Hautzig, Esther, Oct2014 29
Havasupai Indians, Oct2009 25–27*
Haven, Paul, Oct2010 12
Havill, Juanita, May2011 10
Haw, Jennie, May2016 9
Hawaii, May2007 30, 33, 34, 47–50, 54–55; Jan2008 45
Hawes, Louise, Nov2012 26
Hawkes, Kevin, Jan2008 24; May2015 43; Jan2016 56
Hawkes, Nigel, Jan2007 52
Hawking, Lucy, Mar2012 8; Apr2014 10; Aug/Sept2014 10
Hawking, Stephen, Mar2012 8; Apr2014 10; Aug/Sept2014
Hawkins, Aaron, Oct2012 2
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui, Feb2005 3; Feb2008 43;
Apr2008 9, 12
Hayes, Ann, Mar2005 28
Hayes, Geoffrey, Oct2010 34, 36–37; Feb2012 22; May2014
Hayes, Joe, Feb2005 30; Oct2006 29; Apr2015 7
Hayes, Sarah, May2005 15
Hayman, Richard, Mar2008 10
Hays, Anna Jane, Oct2010 23
Hays, Michael, Dec2009 25
Hays, Tommy, Mar2016 21
Hayward, Linda, Jan2004 36
Head, Judith, Aug/Sept2004 41, 43; Oct2006 11, 13
Headley, Justina Chen, Oct2008 10
Head’s Up: Stop. Think. Connect. (FTC), Apr2016 14*
health, Apr2011 15, 16–19*; Dec2011 7, 10, 11, 13, 55
active reading, May2006 2–3
calories, counting, Oct2008 14*
dental, Feb2007 28–29, 54–55
dental health, Feb2007 54–55; Feb2008 28–29;
Feb2014 24–27; Feb2015 5*
exercise routine, Jan2010 15*
family meals, Dec2014 15*
fitness and, May2006 8–14
food safety, Jan2010 14*
germs, spreading, Jan2010 14
good health songs, Jan2010 14
group activities, research, Jan2010 14
hand washing, proper, Jan2010 14*
illness, causes of, Jan2010 14*
for kids, Oct2006 37–38
mental illness, Jan2010 13*
moods in color, Nov2009 14
nature walk, Mar2010 14*; Apr2014 39
safety and, May2006 32–34
senses, protecting, Jan2009 14*
transportation safety, Oct2008 37; May2009 14
viruses, Jan2010 14*
See also fitness; physical education
Heap, Sue, Nov2008 21; Dec2009 26
Heard, Georgia, Nov2014 53
hearing, sense of, Apr2008 54
hearing impairment, Feb2013 25–27*; Apr2014 52–56
Heder, Thyra, Oct2014 49; Mar2015 43
hedgehogs, Oct2011 39*
Hegedus, Bethany, May2015 51
Heide, Florence Parry, Oct2003 2; Feb2004 25; May2009 4;
Feb2015 29
Heifer International, Dec2011 48*; Dec2014 49; Jan2016 9*
Heiligman, Deborah, Nov2014 5
Heitner, Devorah, Apr2016 11–12
Heldring, Thatcher, Dec2011 9
Helfer, Ralph, Apr2013 46
Heligman, Deborah, Dec2007 9, 12, 13
Helldorfer, M. C., May2006 16; May2009 10
Heller, Esther Susan, Dec2013 10
Heller, Janet Ruth, Nov2013 10
Heller, Linda, Dec2008 9; Mar2013 3; Dec2014 10; Apr2016
Heller, Ruth, Feb2006 47; Apr2009 11; Mar2010 22
Helmer, Diana Star, Aug/Sept2006 9, 11
Helmer, Marilyn, Oct2007 10, 12
"Helping Students Navigate Nonfiction Text" (Science
Scope), Nov2013 7*
Helquist, Brett, Nov2008 19*; Feb2012 4
Henderson, Ann, Oct2014 11
Henderson, Joyce, Mar2007 22
Henderson, Kathy, Mar2010 9; Apr2011 9
Hendrick, Mary Jean, Apr2015 10
Hendrix, John, Feb2009 17, 19*
Hendry, Linda, Aug/Sept2008 15
Hendy, Jenny, Jan2016 15
Heneghan, Judith, Apr2015 41
Henkes, Kevin, Oct2003 2, 3; Nov2004 25; Jan2005 24;
May2005 24; Jan2006 2, 4*; Mar2006 3;
Aug/Sept2006 29; Nov2006 28*; Mar2007 26, 29;
Aug/Sept2007 2, 17; Nov2007 15, 28; Dec2007 53,
54; Dec2008 3; Dec2009 3; Mar2010 12; May2010
22, 26; Jan2011 2; Apr2011 3; Oct2011 3; Dec2011
3; Apr2012 41; Aug/Sept2012 20; Aug/Sept2013
34; May2014 5; Aug/Sept2014 29; Oct2014 2;
Nov2014 3, 12; Jan2015 26; Mar2015 55; Nov2015
2*; Feb2016 54
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2011 36–39*
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2011 30–35
Hennessy, B. G., Nov2005 35; Oct2007 24; Nov2007 54;
May2008 12, 13, 15; Aug/Sept2014 50
Hennessy, B.G., Nov2011 11
Hennesy, Carolyn, Feb2012 43
Henning, Nicole, Oct2013 7
Henry, John, May2012 54
Henry, Marguerite, Feb2005 25; Apr2007 29
Henry, Sandi, Jan2006 9; Mar2016 8
Henry, Steve, Apr2015 43
Henry Bergh Award, Apr2007 5; Dec2009 52–53*
Hense, Mary, May2014 55
Hensley, Elizabeth, Jan2015 7
Henson, Brian, Aug/Sept2014 11
Henson, Heather, Dec2008 54
Henson, Jim, May2012 39*
Henterly, Jamichael, Dec2009 25
Heo, Yumi, Aug/Sept2006 3; Nov2006 2; May2010 23;
Jan2013 49
Heos, Bridget, Dec2014 55; Aug/Sept2015 44; Jan2016 45
Heppermann, Christine, Apr2013 2
Herberg, Nancy, May2005 46
Herbert, Gail, Aug/Sept2014 47
Herbst, Judith, May2009 10
Heritage Quest, Nov2007 38*
Herman, Charlotte, Nov2010 2
Herman, Gail, Nov2009 9; Dec2009 26; Apr2014 5
Herman, John, Aug/Sept2011 44
Hermes, Patricia, May2007 53
heroes and heroines, Mar2004 4; Aug/Sept2007 33–34;
Dec2007 31, 33; Feb2009 8–14*; Aug/Sept2011 14;
Dec2011 14–16, 26; Feb2012 2–3, 7*, 8–15*, 40–
44*; Mar2013 48–50*; May2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18,
25–27, 39–41*, 51–53, 54–56
Heroic Imagination Project, May2015 8
Herrera, Juan Felipe, Aug/Sept2004 6; Aug/Sept2005 4;
Jan2008 3; Aug/Sept2011 3; Oct2015 22
Herrington, Lisa, Dec2014 25; Oct2015 42
Herriot, James, Apr2013 11
Herrod, Mike, Nov2015 24
Herron, Nicole, Apr2007 23
Hershenshorn, Esther, Jan2006 24
Hershey's Kisses, May2006 25
Herzog, Arthur, Jr., Mar2005 2–3
Herzog, Brad, Feb2014 1, 10; May2016 15–16
Hess, Dianne, Feb2005 6, 9
Hess, Marion, May2007 32, 34
Hesse, Karen, Mar2005 8, 9; Mar2006 6, 9, 10, 11, 12;
Oct2012 11; Oct2015 39
Hest, Amy, Apr2008 22; Apr2012 29*; Mar2014 43; Apr2014
28; Jan2015 12; Apr2015 28*; Jan2016 37
Hetfield, Jamie, Feb2004 12
Hettinga, Donald R., Dec2010 9
Hewitt, Kathryn, Mar2005 46–47
Heyman, Anita, Oct2006 54
Heyward, DuBose, Mar2005 24; Apr2014 28
Hiaasen, Carl, Apr2007 10, 13; Apr2009 9; Mar2010 47;
Apr2011 40, 44; Feb2012 10; Apr2015 10;
May2015 10
Hiatt, Joan, Jan2008 28
hibernation, Feb2012 4+*; Dec2012 9–10, 13; Dec2013 29*
Hicks, Betty, May2010 11
hieroglyphics, Nov2007 29*; Nov2012 14*; Aug/Sept2013
14*; May2014 37
high fantasy, Aug/Sept2010 25–26
Highway, Tomson, Dec2012 3; Oct2015 40
hiking, May2008 21
Hill, Eric, Jan2008 21; May2008 21
Hill, Kirkpatrick, Aug/Sept2004 3; Aug/Sept2005 10–11, 12;
Aug/Sept2014 3
Hill, Laban Carrick, Apr2012 22–23*; Mar2016 55
Hill, Lindsey (Evanced), Nov2015 31–32
Hill, Mary, Dec2005 39
Hill, Susan, Apr2006 2
Hillary, Edmund, May2006 24; Mar2009 3
Hillenbrand, Laura, Nov2006 4
Hillenbrand, Will, Mar2005 18; Aug/Sept2008 15; Oct2010
46; Feb2014 21
Hillert, Margaret, Feb2008 29
Hills, Tad, Aug/Sept2014 37; Feb2016 42
Hilmo, Tess, Dec2011 5*
Himelblau, Linda, Oct2006 3
Himmelman, John, May2005 25; Jan2007 9, 11; Oct2009
44; Feb2016 44; Mar2016 44
Hindi words, May2007 38
Hinds, Gareth, Aug/Sept2014 47
Hines, Anna Grossnickle, Dec2007 11, 12; Apr2012 40, 44–
45; Dec2012 12; Dec2013 12; Nov2014 53
Hines, Gary, Nov2006 29
Hinojosa, Tish, Aug/Sept2009 10
hippos, Apr2013 10, 14
Hirschfelder, Arlene, Nov2013 9, 10
Hirschi, Ron, Apr2009 10
Hirschmann, Kris, Oct2014 18, 20
Hirst, Robin and Sally, Apr2005 25
Hispanic Americans, Aug/Sept2009 8–15*
Hispanic Heritage Month, Aug/Sept2003 5, 24–25; Oct2003
24–25; Aug/Sept2004 4*, 6–12*, 24–25, 41*, 46;
Oct2004 24–25; Nov2004 45; Aug/Sept2005 4, 24–
25; Oct2005 24–25; Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Oct2006
6, 28–29; Aug/Sept2007 5, 28–29; Oct2007 28–29;
Aug/Sept2009 4, 12*, 15; Aug/Sept2010 29*;
Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2013 4*; Oct2013 4;
Aug/Sept2014 4*, 28*; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Hispanic holidays, Oct2006 6
historical fiction, Apr2006 3; Dec2008 27; Feb2009 37;
Nov2009 20–21; Nov2010 14–18*, Aug/Sept2011
historiography, Aug/Sept2011 16
history. See social studies, history
Hitler, Adolf, Oct2007 23
Hittleman, Carol G., Nov2010 8
Hittleman, Daniel R., Nov2010 8
Ho, Minfong, May2006 19–20, 21
Hoban, Russell, Oct2004 20; Feb2005 25; Jan2008 20;
Mar2008 29
Hoban, Tana, Apr2005 2
Hobbit Day, Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2013 28*
Hobbs, Valerie, Jan2010 9
Hoberman, Mary Ann, Apr2004 34–39; Feb2005 3; Mar2005
7, 9, 29; Nov2005 40, 44; Apr2006 4; Apr2008 28;
Jan2010 2; Feb2010 25; Dec2010 23; Oct2011 12;
Jan2012 5*; Apr2012 27; Oct2012 16; Oct2013 9;
Oct2014 9; Dec2014 53
Hoca, Nasreddin, Nov2012 39–41*
Hockensmith, Steve, Feb2016 8, 36, 38; Mar2016 16
Hodge, Deborah, Oct2012 3; Jan2013 12
Hodges, Margaret, Dec2010 10; Mar2013 11
Hodgkins, Fran, Apr2009 54; Aug/Sept2014 37; Feb2016 43
Hodgkinson, Jo, Dec2012 19
Hodgson, Mona, Dec2007 47
Hoffman, Elizabeth Stokes, Dec2007 53
Hoffman, Ian, Dec2014 5
Hoffman, Mary, Feb2005 29; Apr2012 12; Mar2013 12;
Oct2015 8
Hoffman, Sarah, Dec2014 5
Hogrogian, Nonny, Aug/Sept2013 30
Hoguet, Susan Ramsay, Aug/Sept2008 21
Holabird, Katherine, Dec2007 54
Holbrook, Belinda, Apr2007 23
Holiday, Billie, Mar2005 2–3
holidays. See celebrations
Holl, Adelaide, Apr2016 17
Holland, Gay W., May2007 28
Hollyer, Beatrice, Nov2011 12; Nov2012 18; Dec2015 49
Hollyer, Belinda, Dec2008 10
Holm, Jennifer, Aug/Sept2006 8–9, 11; May2008 3;
Aug/Sept2008 9; May2011 2, 9; Feb2012 42*;
Oct2012 54; Jan2013 2; Feb2014 9; May2014 3, 9;
Oct2014 9; Mar2016 29*; Apr2016 38
Meet the Author, Feb2015 30–33
Holm, Matthew, Feb2012 42*; Oct2012 54; Feb2014 28*;
May2014 3, 9; Feb2015 28*; Mar2016 29*; Apr2016
Meet the Author, Feb2015 30–33
Holmes, Brent, May2012 44
Holmes, Kevin J., Dec2007 54
Holmes, Sherlock, May2007 28; Jan2008 28
Holmgren, Bo, Feb2009 3
Holocaust, Oct2005 3; May2007 16*; Oct2007 23
Holocaust Museum, May2007 16*
Holt, David, Oct2007 13
Holt, K. A., Mar2015 10
Holt, Kimberly Willis, Dec2008 11; May2011 41
Holtzman, Caren, Aug/Sept2003 16, 18; Apr2005 36, 38;
Aug/Sept2007 10, 13
Holub, Joan, May2004 41; Oct2006 54; Mar2014 41;
Aug/Sept2015 20–22, 44; Feb2016 28*
Holyoke, Nancy, Apr2010 9; Feb2015 51
Holyoke, Polly, Mar2015 11
homages, visual, Apr2012 49–50*
home economics, Mar2011 24
homework help, Aug/Sept2008 23–25
Homzie, Hillary, Aug/Sept2015 41
honeybees, Apr2011 14; Oct2012 3
Hong, Lily Toy, Feb2005 29; May2007 27
Hood, Kit, Mar2007 10–11
hooks, bell, Aug/Sept2008 3; Nov2008 9; Dec2014 33
Hooper, Meredith, May2005 2
Hoose, Hannah, Mar2004 40, 44, 45
Hoose, Phillip, Jan2004 36; Mar2004 40–45; Nov2008 52;
May2014 4
Hopkins, Jackie Mims, Nov2004 27–29; Apr2005 8, 12, 15;
Aug/Sept2005 42–45; Apr2008 16, 27, 42–45;
Feb2012 10; Aug/Sept2013 6; Feb2015 10
Hopkins, Jane, May2007 55
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, Apr2004 14, 18, 28; May2005 13–14;
Nov2007 55; Jan2008 10, 11, 20; Dec2009 11;
Mar2010 2; Nov2010 4, 25–27; Feb2011 11;
Mar2011 10; Aug/Sept2011 1, 11; Nov2011 10;
Apr2014 4; Aug/Sept2014 47; Oct2014 10, 55;
Dec2014 53; Feb2015 53; Mar2015 10, 53;
Oct2015 8
Hopkinson, Deborah, Mar2004 2, 3; Jan2005 18, 21;
Feb2005 41; Apr2005 2; Dec2005 3; Apr2006 3, 25;
May2006 25; Nov2006 26, 55; Dec2006 3, 25;
Jan2008 26; Feb2008 2, 29; Mar2008 53; Feb2009
9, 17, 19*; Mar2009 3, 50, 51; Nov2009 21;
Feb2010 19; Nov2010 15, 16, Apr2011 3; Feb2012
46; Aug/Sept2012 50; Apr2014 3; May2014 22;
Aug/Sept2014 3; Oct2014 19, 20; Mar2015 3, 11,
16–18; Aug/Sept2015 23–25, 29; Dec2015 40
Author Extensions, Feb2009 35–38*
Meet the Author, Feb2009 30–34*
Hopper, Edward, May2015 37–38
Hora, Tracy, Feb2015 6
Horacek, Petr, Jan2007 50
Horn, Geoffrey M., Feb2015 8, 16, 18; May2016 9
Horne, Sandy, Mar2015 7*
Hornik, Laurie Miller, Aug/Sept2005 11, 12, 13;
Aug/Sept2008 11
Horning, Kathleen T., Aug/Sept2003 2–3; Dec2003 2–3;
Feb2004 2–3; May2004 2–3; Oct2004 2–3;
Jan2005 2–3, 45; Mar2005 2–3; May2005 2–3;
Nov2005 2–3; Feb2006 2–3; Apr2006 2–3
Horowitz, Anthony, Oct2007 23; Feb2012 10
Horowitz, Dave, Jan2009 43; Oct2015 43
Horowitz, Ruth, Apr2006 3; May2008 41; May2012 7
Horrocks, Dana, Dec2014 7; Jan2016 49; Apr2016 54
horror tales, Oct2007 5, 11*
horses, Feb2013 39–42*; Apr2013 3; Nov2013 20–23
Horsfall, Jacqueline, May2008 40
Hort, Lenny, Mar2005 29; Apr2005 6
Horvath, James, Aug/Sept2015 43
Horvath, Polly, Mar2005 24; Nov2005 41, 45; May2009 11
Hosack, Bradford, Feb2015 21
Hosford, Kate, Nov2015 25
Houdini, Harry, Mar2005 4; Mar2007 29; Oct2007 26;
Mar2008 28; Oct2010 14, 15+; Mar2012 29*;
Mar2013 28*; Mar2014 28; Mar2015 28*
Houghton, Sara, May2008 51
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Nov2014 44*
House, August, Feb2009 42
household management, Mar2011 24
houses, building of, Apr2015 16–18
Houston, Gloria, May2008 50; Aug/Sept2012 11
Houtman, Jacqueline, Mar2011 3; Oct2013 11
Howard, Arthur, Oct2003 41
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Mar2004 2–3; Aug/Sept2004
Howard, Ellen, Oct2012 11
Howe, James, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17; Feb2004 6–7; Oct2007
10, 13; May2010 42; Nov2011 35; Oct2014 5;
Nov2014 11; Oct2015 7
Author Extensions, Oct2006 36–39
Meet the Author, Oct2006 30–35
Howell, Will, Mar2006 6
Howitt, Mary Botham, Dec2003 8
Howland, Naomi, Dec2006 26
Howson, John, Apr2007 11, 14
how-to books, May2011 20–23*
Hoy, William, Apr2014 54
Hoyt, Ard, Aug/Sept2010 45, 47*
Hoyt, Linda, Dec2006 51
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane, Dec2004 17, 21; Dec2007 9, 12;
Jan2012 7; Dec2014 9
Hu, Ying-Hwa, Apr2010 24*
Hubbard, Crystal, Nov2006 26; Mar2008 53
Hubbard, Patricia, Aug/Sept2008 21
Hubbell, Patricia, Aug/Sept2012 9
Hubbell, Will, Oct2010 52, 55
Hubble Space Telescope, Apr2010 5*; Aug/Sept2013 22*
Huck, Charlotte, Oct2003 27–28, 32; Feb2005 40
Hudson, Cheryl, Nov2006 3; Feb2010 11; Feb2011 10;
Apr2015 28; Aug/Sept2015 6, 44
Hudson, Henry, Aug/Sept2007 29
Hudson, Wade, Feb2010 11; Jan2011 11
Huebner, Dawn, May2013 12
Hufford, Deborah, Apr2016 42
Huget, Jennifer Larue, Aug/Sept2012 22
Hughes, Langston, Apr2004 16; Mar2008 52; Nov2010 27;
Feb2015 28
Hughes, Meredith Sayles, Nov2006 54
Hughes, Monica, Mar2012 2
Hughes, Pat, Nov2010 16
Hughes, Shirley, Oct2012 23; May2015 10
Hughes, Susan, Oct2015 17, 18
Hugo Award, Mar2012 12*
hula hoops, Jan2008 29; Mar2014 29
Hulbert, Laura, Aug/Sept2013 50
Huliska-Beith, Laura, Dec2005 14
human body, Feb2007 38–41; Oct2009 51–52; Dec2011 7,
11, 13; Jan2013 10, 13; Nov2015 24–27
Humane Society, Dec2009 5*, 12*
Human Genome Project, Feb2010 15*
human geography, Nov2011 3
humanitarianism, Nov2011 16–18*, Dec2011 14–16
human rights, Oct2009 35–36*, 37
Human Rights Week, Dec2005 4, 24–25
Hume, Lachie, Feb2008 2
humility, Dec2011 2
comedians, Apr2007 26
humorous books, Mar2012 24–27*; May2013 2–3
National Humor Month, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 22,
24–25, 34, 46–47; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 4,
28–29; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2009 5*; Apr2012
4*; Apr2014 29*
stand-up comedy, Feb2008 13
writers of, Apr2007 25
See also jokes and riddles
Humphrey, Mary, Aug/Sept2010 10
Humphries, Tudor, May2005 34, 37
Hunt, Emily M., Mar2015 10
Hunt, Lisa, Apr2007 22; Nov2007 14–21; May2012 14–17
Hunter, Anne, Apr2004 7; Aug/Sept2004 24; Aug/Sept2006
Hunter, Dette, May2011 8; May2013 8
Hunter, Erin, Aug/Sept2010 26
Hunter, Nick, Feb2014 10; Mar2015 17–18; Aug/Sept2015 7
Hunter, Ryan Ann, Mar2015 24
Hunter, Sara Hoagland, Jan2004 29
Hurd, Thacher, Mar2009 30; Nov2009 24; Apr2012 9;
Mar2016 7
Hurley, Michael, Feb2014 10; Mar2015 24
Hurricane Katrina, Feb2012 16–19*; Feb2013 2–3, 12
hurricanes, Mar2006 16–20, 17*, 18*; May2011 10, 13*;
Feb2012 16–19*; Feb2013 2–3, 11, 12, 15*, 22
Hurst, Carol Otis, Apr2004 27; Oct2004 24; Nov2006 10, 11;
May2008 50; Nov2009 5*; Nov2013 27*; Dec2013
Hurwitz, Johanna, Aug/Sept2004 39; Oct2004 25; Jan2005
35, 38; Oct2008 10; Mar2014 9
Hurwitz, Michele Weber, Apr2015 3
Hutchins, Hazel, Dec2007 2; Apr2010 54; Jan2013 10;
Jan2014 11; Aug/Sept2014 47
Hutchins, Pat, Nov2004 40–41; Dec2004 5; May2005 12–13;
Dec2005 35; Apr2007 41; May2007 26; Apr2009
51; Oct2010 53; Jan2011 53
Hutmacher, Kimberly, Feb2006 6; Nov2006 6
Hutzler, Thilo, Nov2015 14
Hyde, Catherine Ryan, Apr2015 53
Hyland, Tony, Mar2012 8
Hyman, Zachary, Apr2014 29
Hyppolite, Joanne, Apr2015 11
Ibbotson, Eva, Oct2003 42–43; Nov2008 17; Apr2009 10;
May2014 29
IBBY (International Board on Books for Children), Apr2012
5*; Jan2015 13*
ice, Feb2014 2–3
ice cream, Dec2006 24–27; May2011 10, 14
ice skating, Feb2014 2, 10–12, 14, 43
Ichikawa, Satomi, Nov2006 2; Mar2014 4
Ichord, Loretta Frances, Nov2006 55; Aug/Sept2011 10
Idaho, Jan2008 45
Ides of March, Mar2004 24
idioms, Apr2008 5; Feb2009 36; Dec2009 18*; Oct2010 18*;
Feb2011 40; Apr2012 4*; Dec2012 35*; May2014
25*; Dec2014 43–44; May2016 38
Iditarod, Mar2004 25; Feb2007 49–53; Mar2007 29;
Mar2008 29; Aug/Sept2010 38–39*; Mar2011 4*;
Mar2012 29*; Dec2012 54; Mar2013 29*; Mar2014
29*; Mar2015 29
Idle, Molly, Aug/Sept2014 36; Feb2016 41
Iedwab, Claudio, Aug/Sept2010 11
Igus, Toyomi, May2007 3; Nov2010 3
Illinois, Jan2008 3, 45
illustrators, Jan2006 13; Nov2007 3; Aug/Sept2008 35;
Apr2009 21*; May2009 21*; Aug/Sept2013 30–35,
36–39; Jan2015 2–3, 8–15*, 16–18, 22–24, 25–27,
41–43, 44–47*; Apr2016 46–51
imaginary friends, May2009 35
imagination, May2009 34; Apr2012 40–43, 51–55; Mar2014
2–3, 8–15*, 38–40*; Feb2015 54–55; Nov2015 52–
See also creativity
Imai, Ayano, Apr2015 44
Imber, Jane Hunter, Dec2007 18
Imler, Kathryn, Dec2013 11
immigration, Oct2005 2–3; Oct2006 2–3, 8–14, 14; Apr2007
53; May2007 3, 35, 36; Jan2012 8, 13, 37*;
May2012 7, 8, 9, 10*, 13*
iMovies, Oct2009 18; Feb2015 17*
Inauguration Day, Jan2005 25
incentives, Nov2003 4; Nov2007 5; Aug/Sept2009 40–43*;
Mar2011 39–40*
Inches, Alison, Jan2005 29, 32; Apr2011 42; Apr2016 45
income taxes, Apr2007 28; Apr2008 28
indexes, Jan2011 43*; Nov2012 19–20*; Dec2015 40
India ink (art technique), Jan2006 17
Indiana, Jan2008 45
Indian heritage, May2007 2, 33, 41–42, 44*; Nov2012 9, 17*
Indovino, Shaina, Mar2015 12
inequality, Jan2011 3, 13, 33
Infante, Judith, Apr2010 2
Infoplease, Feb2004 19–20*; Mar2004 16*
information, reading for, Aug/Sept2012 2–3, 16–19*
informational texts, Dec2006 51; Aug/Sept2012 2–3, 16–19*;
Nov2012 44–47; Jan2014 16–17*; Mar2015 36*;
Aug/Sept2015 18–19, 26–27; Dec2015 21–22;
Jan2016 8*
See also nonfiction
Information Literacy Standards, ALA, Nov2007 14
Ingalls, Ann, Oct2011 43–47*
Ingold, Jeanette, Mar2005 8
Ingram, Jay, Dec2014 16–18
initiative, Aug/Sept2007 17
Inkpen, Mick, May2007 26
Innocenti, Roberto, Jan2015 10
innovation, Mar2011 2–3, 8–15*, 22–27
insects, May2005 48; Nov2006 40–42; May2007 28, 29;
Nov2007 29; Mar2008 33; Apr2008 29; May2008
21, 38–42; Jan2011 15; Apr2011 23, 53; Oct2011
15, 51–55; Nov2014 14; Dec2015 14–15; Feb2016
instructional partnerships. See collaboration, with teachers
instruments, musical, Feb2004 12; Mar2005 29; Dec2005
47; Oct2009 49–50; Feb2010 18; Mar2011 52;
Apr2012 2–3; May2012 43; Nov2012 15*; Feb2013
15; Feb2016 9
intellectual freedom, Feb2008 4
intelligence, Dec2011 8, 12, 13
interactive books, Feb2012 52–55*
intergenerational relationships, Nov2010 2–3, 6–13; Oct2015
International Association of School Librarianship,
Aug/Sept2013 7*
International Board on Books for Children (IBBY), Apr2012
5*; Jan2015 13*
International Board on Books for Young People, Dec2004 3;
Jan2015 8, 12, 13*
International Children's Book Day, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25;
Oct2015 19
The International Children's Digital Library, Feb2012 53*;
Oct2015 19*
International Day of Peace, Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2007
4, 29; Aug/Sept2010 12*, 15, 19, 28; Aug/Sept2012
29*; Aug/Sept2013 4*, 29; Aug/Sept2015 28*
International Drum Month, Nov2012 5*, 29
international food. See ethnic foods
International Frugal Fun Day, Oct2005 25
International Geocaching Day, Aug/Sept2014 8, 52*
International Literacy Day, Aug/Sept2003 24; Aug/Sept2004
25; Aug/Sept2007 29
International Magic Week, Oct2007 5, 29
International Marine Signal Flags, Dec2004 42*
International Museum Day, May2004 24; May2007 29;
May2008 4, 28; May2012 29*; May2013 29*;
May2014 28*; May2016 29*
International Reading Association (IRA), Apr2007 5;
May2015 6*
International School Library Day, Oct2003 5
International Space Station, Mar2005 25*; Jan2013 14
International Spy Museum, May2007 29*
International Storytelling Center, Apr2012 36
International Women's Day, Mar2004 24
International Year of Languages, Jan2008 29
Internet Picture Dictionary, Dec2004 40*
Internet resources. See web resources
Internet safety, Nov2007 4–5*; Feb2008 29*; Aug/Sept2008
24–25*; May2012 27*; Mar2015 7*; Aug/Sept2015
17*; Apr2016 11–14*
Internet searching, Oct2005 40*; Jan2007 4*, 5*; Feb2007
4–5*; Aug/Sept2007 19–22; Dec2011 44–47*
In the Spotlight
101 Years of Girl Power, Jan2013 41–43*
Adventure on the High Seas, Aug/Sept2007 54–55
All-Girl Bands: the Jazz and Big Band Era, Feb2010
Amazing Faces, Nov2010 25–27*
American Similes, Apr2010 16–18*
America's Royalty, Mar2013 25–27*
An Artist and His Inspiration, Apr2012 48–50*
Balloons, Marionettes, and Mobiles, May2012 38–41*
The Bill Martin Jr. Big Book of Poetry, Apr2009 19–21*
Books with a Beat, Nov2007 45–47
The Boy Who Loved Words, Oct2006 21–23
Breaking Baseball's Sound Barrier, Feb2013 25–27*
Brothers, Apr2007 52–53
Brownies and "Wee People," Apr2013 25–27*
The Buddy Files, May2010 40–42
Buffalo Song, Oct2008 39–41*
The Calder Game, Nov2008 16–19*
Celebrating Spring in Winter, Dec2012 42–44*
Celestial Poetry, Mar2008 50–52
Chicken and Cat Clean Up, Dec2009 6–7*
The Chiru's Secret, Dec2010 47–49*
Cross-Country Birding, Mar2011 48–50*
Curiosity Brings New Discoveries, Feb2011 41–43*
Each Little Bird That Sings, May2007 51–53
Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
the Right to Vote, Aug/Sept2008 43–44*
The Fabled Fifth Graders Are Back!, Jan2011 39–41*
Families After War, Feb2012 45–47*
Feeding the World, Nov2011 16–18*
A Gentle Story of Friendship, Apr2011 25–27*
Go, Go America (50 States of Fun), Dec2008 53–55*
The Gold Rush and Other Accidental Discoveries,
Dec2011 20–23*
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas, Mar2007
Henry's Freedom Box, Jan2008 53–55
History Is a Tale Well Told, May2008 48–50
Houdini: The Handcuff King, Oct2007 25–27
Ice Cream: The Full Scoop, Dec2006 24–27
Into the Volcano, May2009 19–21*
Introducing Sophie Simon, May2011 40–42*
It's Hot and Cold in Miami, Dec2007 42–44
Jabberwocky: A New Look, Apr2008 46–48
Jackie's Bat, Nov2006 25–27
John, Paul, George, and Ben, Jan2007 6–7
Ladybug, Ladybug, Oct2012 48–50*
Lincoln and Darwin, Feb2009 16–19
Luck Is as Luck Does, Jan2012 14–16*
Martin and Carle's Bear Books, Feb2008 53–55
Mermaid Queen: The Spectacular True Story of
Annette Kellerman, Nov2009 25–27
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,
Aug/Sept2006 44–45
Mule Train Mail, Oct2009 25–27*
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, Jan2009
The Power of One Book: Saltypie, Oct2010 16–18*
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, May2013 43–45*
A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams,
Aug/Sept2009 25–27*
Sister Tricksters, Feb2007 46–48
Small Things – and Large, Oct2011 48–50*
Snapshot 2003: The Man Who Walked Between the
Towers, Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
Soybeans: From China to America, Nov2012 16–18*
Sports, Action, and a Bit of History, Jan2010 19–21*
Sustainable Farming - Rice, Rice, Rice, Mar2010 16–
Thinking about History, Aug/Sept2011 16–18*
Unlikely Heroes in History, Mar2009 25–27*
U.S. History Meets CSI, Mar2012 14–16*
Who Knew Worms Could Be So Interesting?,
Aug/Sept2010 45–47*
inventions and inventors, Apr2004 4; Nov2006 12; Dec2006
26; Jan2007 2–3, 6–7, 8–13*; Mar2011 2–3, 8–15*,
22–27, 47*; Apr2011 15; May2011 14; Oct2011 15,
40–42+*; Dec2011 20–23*; Jan2012 17–19*;
Jan2014 52–54; Aug/Sept2014 7*; Feb2015 29*;
Mar2015 2–3, 8–15*, 34–36, 39–40, 47*, 51–53;
May2015 15; Oct2015 21; Feb2016 2*, 4–5*, 6–9*,
10–12, 16–17, 18–20*, 24–27, 29*, 33–35, 36–38,
39–40, 55–56
Invent-o-rama, Apr2004 4
inventors. See inventions and inventors
Iowa, Jan2008 45
Ipcizade, Catherine, Feb2014 50
iPoPP (International Projects or Partners Place), Jan2013
Ireland, Mar2007 5, 54–55; Mar2015 4*
Irlen’s Syndrome, Oct2014 14*
irony, Apr2008 11
Irvine, Joan, Jan2007 40, 42; Aug/Sept2008 15, 16
Irving, Jan, Oct2007 45
Irwin, Bindi, Nov2015 8
Irwin, Michael, Mar2006 51
Irwin, Steve and Terri, Nov2006 9
Isaacs, Anne, Aug/Sept2007 2; Jan2008 27; Feb2012 9;
May2015 12
Isaacs, Sally Senzell, Mar2004 10
Isabella, Jude, May2016 27
Isadora, Rachel, May2006 3; Feb2010 1, 10; May2012 19
ISBNs, Feb2006 4
Ishida, Sanae, May2016 8
Ivanko, John D., Oct2007 54; Jan2015 49
Iwai, Melissa, Oct2015 36
Jackie Robinson Day, Nov2006 25
Jackson, Alison, Nov2004 41; Feb2005 34; Apr2005 7;
Oct2009 3; Feb2011 9
Jackson, Bobby, Apr2005 13
Jackson, David, Oct2007 10
Jackson, Donna M., May2008 40; Dec2009 10; Apr2015 28
Jackson, Dorothy, Nov2009 11
Jackson, Ellen, Dec2003 37; Dec2006 42–43, 46, 47;
Aug/Sept2008 10; May2011 11; Aug/Sept2013 22
Jackson, Emma, Jan2012 8
Jackson, Joan, Feb2007 53
Jackson, Melanie, Feb2014 11
Jackson, Tom, Jan2016 45
Jacobi, Adam J., Nov2014 12
Jacobs, Larry, May2009 10
Jacobs, Paul DuBois, Jan2015 50
Jacobs, Shannon K., Dec2009 25
Jacobsen, Lynn, Aug/Sept2004 44
Jacobson, Jennifer Richard, Oct2010 54, 55, May2011 42;
Oct2011 48–50*; May2016 29*
Jacquet, Luc, May2012 9
Jaffe, Nina, Aug/Sept2007 9, 11
Jahn-Clough, Lisa, May2006 21
Jakobsen, Kathy, Mar2005 2; Aug/Sept2011 2
James, Ann, Feb2011 46
James, J. Alison, Aug/Sept2008 21
James, Kathleen, Jan2008 20
James, Mary, May2008 42
James, Simon, Oct2006 40; Oct2011 9; Mar2012 39;
Aug/Sept2015 2
Jamieson, Victoria, Feb2014 11; Nov2015 56
Jane, Pamela, Aug/Sept2012 22
Jane Addams Children's Book Award, Jan2004 3; Nov2007
Jane Addams Peace Award, Apr2012 37
Janeczko, Paul, Dec2004 41; Mar2005 14; Apr2005 3, 34;
Jan2006 3; Nov2008 18; Mar2010 2; Aug/Sept2010
41; Aug/Sept2011 3; Oct2013 12; Nov2014 3
Meet the Author, Jan2016 50–54
Jango-Cohen, Judith, Feb2011 36; Mar2015 9
Jankeliowitch, Anne, Jan2016 8
January, Brendan, Oct2005 28, 30
Japan, May2007 3, 30, 32, 33, 44–45*; Aug/Sept2011 5*;
Apr2013 34–37
Japanese American incarceration, Nov2007 3; Apr2013 37
Jaramillo, Ann, Oct2006 3
Jaramillo, Nelly Palacio, Aug/Sept2004 6
Jarrett, Clare, May2005 14; May2008 22
Javernick, Ellen, May2008 4
Jay, Alison, Dec2010 27
jazz, May2004 25; Feb2010 19*; Oct2011 43–47*; Feb2015
22–24; Apr2016 29*
Jean, Dr., Mar2011 17; Nov2011 5*
Jefferis, David, Oct2011 10
Jeffers, Dawn, Mar2007 25
Jeffers, Oliver, Mar2012 39; Mar2014 42; Jan2015 24;
Aug/Sept2015 54
Jeffers, Susan, Dec2004 18; Aug/Sept2005 29, 34
Jefferson, Thomas, Apr2004 24; Nov2004 15, 19; Jan2007
6, 7; Oct2013 12, 15; Nov2015 42–44+
Jello, Feb2016 15
jellybeans, Mar2008 29
Jen-dow, Shih-toe, Boo, Nov2006 44–45, 49
Jenkins, Alvin, Mar2008 10, 13
Jenkins, Carol Brennan, Dec2007 18
Jenkins, Ella, Oct2006 47; Oct2012 17; Nov2014 54
Jenkins, Emily, Apr2005 2; Dec2008 25; Dec2011 3;
Jan2014 2; Feb2014 3; Dec2015 50, 56; Apr2016
25, 53
Jenkins, Martin, Apr2013 23; Jan2014 11
Jenkins, Steve, Apr2005 2; May2005 3, 24; Aug/Sept2007 9;
Nov2007 17, 54; Feb2008 51; Nov2008 11;
Mar2009 3; Nov2009 3; Mar2010 3, 23; Nov2011
10, 54; Mar2012 2; Oct2012 53; Jan2013 10;
Dec2013 4; Jan2014 10; Apr2014 4, 11; May2014
10, 29; Oct2014 2; Apr2015 42; Oct2015 8
Author Extensions, Mar2006 38–41
Meet the Author, Mar2006 32–37
Jenks, Deneen, Apr2011 3
Jennings, Ken, Aug/Sept2014 47
Jennings, Sharon, Oct2014 9
Jennings, Terry, Jan2007 52; Feb2013 22
Jewish Book Month, Nov2003 24–25; Nov2004 24–25
Jim Crow laws, Feb2007 8, 11, 18, 20
Jiménez, Francisco, Dec2004 6–11; Oct2012 9, 27
Jinks, Catherine, Feb2015 5
Jobling, Curtis, Oct2013 5
jobs. See careers
Jocelyn, Marthe, Oct2009 2, 10
Johmann, Carol, May2008 29
John, Jory, Aug/Sept2011 12; Dec2015 15
Johnson, Adrian, Dec2007 46
Johnson, Angela, Oct2003 3; Mar2006 3; Feb2007 2;
Jan2016 8, 56
Johnson, Crockett, Oct2004 25; Oct2007 4; Nov2009 10;
Jan2015 22–23
Johnson, D. B., Jan2009 16; Apr2010 7; Aug/Sept2010 7;
Apr2016 7
Johnson, Doug, May2008 54; May2013 6*; Apr2014 28
Johnson, Jane, Jan2005 2, 29–30
Johnson, Jen Cullerton, Dec2011 16
Johnson, Lady Bird, Dec2012 4*
Johnson, Larry, Dec2009 27; May2010 42
Johnson, Layne, Dec2010 51
Johnson, Nancy, Dec2006 26; Mar2016 14–15
Johnson, R. Kikuo, Oct2015 13
Johnson, Robin, Feb2014 9
Johnson, Robyn, Mar2011 55
Johnson, Stephen T., May2008 24
Johnson, Steve, Apr2008 29; Dec2008 2; Apr2010 36
Johnson, Sylvia A., Feb2006 46–47; Nov2007 55
Johnson, Varian, Aug/Sept2015 55
Johnson-Davies, Denys, Mar2006 28; Nov2012 40
Johnston, Tony, Apr2005 13; Nov2006 42; Apr2007 41;
Nov2007 49–50; Aug/Sept2009 9; Jan2010 12;
Oct2010 3; Oct2013 4; Jan2015 52; Feb2016 53
Johnstone, Leslie, Mar2005 8, 10; Mar2006 11, 12;
May2008 12; Jan2009 11; Dec2012 11; Feb2014
jokes and riddles, Feb2005 47; Apr2005 4; Aug/Sept2008 5*,
6, 51; Jan2011 40; Feb2011 13; Apr2012 6–7
ancient humor, Nov2012 14*
on art, Apr2005 19
back-to-school, Aug/Sept2014 28*
book lists on, Apr2007 54–55
on bugs, May2007 29; May2008 29, 40–41
on Christmas, Dec2007 28, 29
discussions on, Aug/Sept2008 5*, 6, 51
displays on, Feb2015 4–5
on doughnuts, Mar2007 4
on Easter, Apr2007 28
on fairy tales, Oct2012 21–22
on food, Dec2015 8–9
on ghosts, Oct2007 28, 29, 41
on Halloween, Oct2007 12; Oct2014 5*
humor writers, Apr2007 25
Invention Riddles, Jan2007 13
on math, Apr2005 16–17
musical jokes, Mar2008 47
on Paul Bunyan, Jan2008 24
on pirates, Aug/Sept2007 50
poems, funny, Apr2007 25
pranks, Apr2016 3
rhyming riddles, Oct2014 36*
on science and math, Mar2007 23
on snow, Jan2007 28
on space and planets, Mar2008 51–52
on spiders, May2008 29
Spooktacular Jokes activity, Oct2007 12
on spring, Mar2014 5*
Stand-up Comedy activity, Feb2008 13
tongue twisters, Mar2008 29; Jan2014 43
websites on, Oct2006 39*; Mar2014 5*; Mar2015 6*;
Jan2016 29*
writing activities, Aug/Sept2008 5*, 6, 51; Jan2010 13*;
Dec2013 13*
See also humor
Jonas, Ann, Jan2008 21; Aug/Sept2008 21; Nov2009 43;
May2015 42
Jones, Bill T., May2006 2
Jones, Carol, Dec2005 40
Jones, Casey, May2012 55
Jones, Cede, Jan2016 44
Jones, Charlotte Foltz, Nov2006 55; Aug/Sept2008 55;
Mar2009 11; Jan2012 18
Jones, Christina, Jan2015 7*
Jones, Diana Wynne, Oct2005 24; Oct2010 5
Jones, Elizabeth McDavid, Feb2008 10, 12
Jones, Kelly, Dec2015 56
Jones, Kendra, Oct2015 54*; Dec2015 55*
Jones, Lynda, Dec2004 30
Jones, Marcia Thornton, May2009 25
Jones, Mark, Oct2012 1
Jones, Martha Tannery, Mar2006 19
Jones, Ray, Feb2006 44
Joosse, Barbara, Nov2003 6–10; Feb2005 25; Apr2006 29,
34; Jan2008 3; Mar2008 29; May2008 2; Feb2011
Jordan, Deloris, Feb2010 11
Jordan, Rosa, Dec2009 55
Jordan, Roslyn M., Feb2010 11; Jan2013 4
Jordan, Sandra, Nov2006 3; Jan2013 3
Joseph, Lynn, Aug/Sept2004 39, 42; May2015 10
Josephson, Judith Pinkerton, Dec2011 15
journals, Mar2004 13; Nov2004 4; Feb2009 44–45; Dec2011
11; May2012 11; Jan2013 15
journeys, Jan2012 8, 13, 37*; Feb2012 15; May2012 2–3, 4,
6–13*; May2014 20–23
Joyce, Peter, Nov2005 35
Joyce, William, Feb2006 37; Mar2007 28; Mar2012 41;
Aug/Sept2012 5; Feb2014 4; Dec2015 3, 29*
Judaism, Feb2005 8–9; Jan2012 47–51*
Judge, Lita, Jan2009 2; Nov2010 18; Mar2012 3; Dec2012
3, 37–39*, 52; Mar2013 3; Dec2013 40;
Aug/Sept2014 38; Jan2016 37
juggling, Oct2008 35
Jukes, Mavis, Dec2008 2; May2012 3
Jules, Jacqueline, May2012 22–24*; Nov2013 40–42;
Dec2014 44
Julio, Susan, Nov2007 53
Jumpstart's Read for the Record, May2012 5*; Oct2013 29*
Jung, Mike, Oct2014 56
Junior Master Gardener program, May2013 57
Jurmain, Suzanne, Aug/Sept2008 9; Aug/Sept2012 10;
Oct2013 12
Juster, Norton, Oct2004 25; Nov2007 15; Feb2008 29;
Dec2008 2; Feb2011 9; Aug/Sept2012 4; Oct2013
45; Jan2015 10
Justin, Roberts, Dec2007 45
Juvenile Series and Sequels database, Mar2006 4
Kadohata, Cynthia, May2007 3; Oct2015 39
Kahlo, Frida, May2015 36–37; Mar2016 55
Kaiser Family Foundation, Apr2011 18; Apr2012 55
Kajander, Rebecca, May2013 22
Kajder, Sara B., Aug/Sept2009 17
Kajikawa, Kimiko, Mar2011 3; Feb2013 2
Kakalios, James, Feb2012 13; May2015 14
Kaldenberg, Kathy, Jan2015 19–21
kaleidoscopes, Dec2006 4–5
Kalman, Bobbie, Feb2004 12; Mar2004 9, 11; May2005 36,
37; Aug/Sept2005 9–10, 12, 14; Dec2007 54;
Dec2011 7; Oct2015 8
Kalman, Maira, Oct2003 2; Nov2006 3; Aug/Sept2011 10;
Nov2012 3; Dec2012 32; Aug/Sept2013 2; Oct2014
45; May2015 10; Aug/Sept2015 29*
Kaminski, Robert, Oct2006 47; Mar2009 23
Kamishibai, Jan2005 19–20
Kamkwamba, William, Feb2013 2; Mar2014 6; Mar2015 1, 3,
9; Feb2016 7, 33–35
Kandinsky, Wassily, Mar2016 8, 9, 20–21, 37–39, 55
Kaner, Etta, Mar2007 25; Oct2009 9; Mar2011 10
Kansas, Jan2008 3, 45
Kaplan, Michael, Aug/Sept2012 44–47
Kapor, Mitchell, Dec2005 17
Karas, G. Brian, Aug/Sept2008 21
Karbo, Karen, Oct2008 10
Karenga, Maulana, Dec2004 21
Karnes, Frances A., Jan2007 3
Karr, Kathleen, Feb2008 10, 11, 12; Feb2010 50
Karras, G. Brian, Dec2009 26
Karwoski, Gail Langer, May2013 11
Kaster, Pam, Dec2009 54
Kasza, Keiko, May2005 12; Aug/Sept2006 2–3; May2008
26; Aug/Sept2008 2; Jan2010 2
Kate Greenaway Medal, Jan2007 40; Mar2007 32; Jan2015
8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
Katz, Alan, Mar2005 29; Apr2005 10, 15; Apr2007 47;
Nov2007 51; Aug/Sept2010 55; Dec2010 22
Katz, Bobbi, Apr2006 4; Nov2013 26; Mar2016 18
Katz, Jon, Apr2013 3
Katz, Karen, Nov2009 1, 10; Aug/Sept2010 4, 9, 18*;
Oct2015 2, 8
Katz, Susan, Oct2005 28, 29, 30; Dec2008 12; Nov2010 3
Katzen, Mollie, Oct2014 11; Dec2015 11
Kaufman, Gershen, Oct2008 11; Jan2011 11
Kaufmann, Kimberly, Aug/Sept2005 46–47; Oct2005 46–47;
Nov2005 46–47; Jan2006 46–47; Feb2006 14–17;
Mar2006 54–55; Apr2006 32–34
Kay, Heidi, Dec2004 27–33
Kay, Jim, Jan2015 11
Kay, Verla, Mar2009 9; May2012 7
Keane, Nancy J., Oct2003 40–43; Dec2003 34–37; Mar2005
4, 18–21; Nov2005 31–34; Mar2008 33–37;
Jan2014 6*; Oct2014 40*
Keats, Ezra Jack, Jan2004 8; Jan2005 31; Jan2007 4;
Nov2009 22; Dec2012 5*; Feb2014 3; May2015 48*
Keehn, Sally M., Feb2011 10
Keenan, Sheila, Dec2003 16; Mar2004 7; Dec2009 9;
Mar2015 3
Keene, Carolyn, Oct2010 23
Keep, Richard, Oct2013 4
Keep 'em Reading
100th Day with Mrs. Skorupski, Jan2007 23–26
Acting Out: Using Creative Drama in the Library,
Mar2008 20–24
Amelia and Eleanor Literature Guide, Aug/Sept2004
American Girl series, Dec2008 26–27
Around the World with Mystery Menus, Dec2006 9–17
Aussie Animals: Scientific Puzzles, Apr2013 51–52*
author studies, critical thinking, May2010 6–7*
Awakening the Volunteer, Apr2015 25–27
award programs, student book, Jan2009 20–24*
Bee Sure to Read This Summer, May2008 38–42
Black Lagoon Lessons, Aug/Sept2003 38–41
book clubs for students, Nov2008 23–27
book recommendations by students, Oct2008 23–27
Book-Savvy Tech Readers, Aug/Sept2015 39–41
boy-friendly libraries, creating, Aug/Sept2009 40–43
Bud, Not Buddy Literature Unit, Feb2004 41–46
Catch a Bug!, Jan2010 25
Celebrating Book Illustration through Caldecott
Winners, Jan2010 42–46*
Character Is Power, Aug/Sept2007 14–18
Children's Good Manners Month, Aug/Sept2006 14–19
Compassion Awareness 101, Jan2016 36–39
Constitution Day, Aug/Sept2006 19–23
Cooperation: A Mighty Big Word, Jan2013 48–50
Countdown to Summer Reading, May2005 42–47
Creating an Inclusive Library, Oct2015 36–39
Curiosities, Wonders, and Unsolved Mysteries,
Aug/Sept2013 26–27
Developing Future Engineers, Mar2015 37–40
Discovering Community, Nov2005 19–23
Discovering Treasure in the Library, Aug/Sept2014 24–
Don't Throw Out the Baby with the Bathwater,
Aug/Sept2012 40–43*
Double Vision, Jan2004 34–39
Do You Believe in Magic... in the Library?, Oct2010 6–
Eating Up Poetry, Apr2010 39
economics, Apr2010 6–7
eco-themed picture books, Dec2008 16–19
Everyday Heroes in T-Shirts and Sneakers, Mar2013
Everyone Has a Name, Dec2009 24
experiments with color, Nov2009 42–44*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Ancient Egypt, Nov2012 22–26*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Cooperation, Jan2013 20–24*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Endangered Animals, Apr2013 20–24*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Forces of Nature, Feb2013 20–24*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Jane Goodall, Aug/Sept2012 16–19*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Migrant Laborers, Oct2012 24–27*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Rest, Relaxation, and Recharging,
May2013 20–23*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Royalty, Mar2013 20–24*
Exploring Common Core State Standards with a Study
of Winter Weather, Dec2012 20–24*
Facing the Future: Stewardship and Stories, Apr2011
Families Are Special, Nov2003 11–13
fingerplays, Mar2009 19–24*
Fire Up with Mrs. Skorupski, Oct2007 50–52
Food for Thought, Dec2015 39–41
Fostering a Love of Literature, Feb2011 44–47
Fun and Games in the Library, May2010 46–50*
genres in fiction, Nov2009 20–24
A Girl and Her Dog: Learning Activities for Because of
Winn-Dixie, Feb2008 16–19
A Glimpse of Russia, Feb2014 50–52*
Happy Birthday, Everybody!, Jan2008 16–23
Harvesting Information, Oct2012 38–41*
Haunted Library Program, Oct2008 49–52
Heroes to the Rescue, May2015 25–27
Hints for the Best Book Fair Ever, Nov2011 42–46
Hosting a Bedtime Stories Night, Oct2006 46–48
Hosting a Community Reader's Day, Feb2010 46–49
The Iditarod: A Race, Feb2007 49–53
The Importance of Sleep, May2013 46–49*
Inference: The Road to Understanding, Oct2009 21–24
In the Money, Apr2016 24–27
Investigating Traditions, Dec2014 25–27
A Jack-o'-lantern with Character, Oct2003 44–45
Just Move, May2016 36–39
Kids and Nature: Planting the Seed, Mar2010 22–27*
Laughs in the Library, Apr2007 25–27
Learning with Lore, Feb2005 27–33
Library Clubs in Elementary Schools, Jan2011 46–50
Library Fund Raisers, Mar2009 43–47
Library Lover's Month, Feb2009 20–24
Library Volunteers, Mar2011 42–46*
In Like a Lion, Mar2006 16–20
Literary Hide-and-Seek, May2006 19–23
Love a Book, Love a Librarian, Apr2008 24–27
Making Books a "Pet" Project, Dec2009 46–51
March LearningQuests, Mar2004 6–7
math with edibles, Apr2009 44–47*
For the Musically Illiterate, Mar2005 27–31
NASCAR/racing program, Aug/Sept2008 50–52
The Nature of Change, Feb2016 24–27
No Batteries Needed, Jan2007 40–43
Nonfiction Flying, Dec2003 44–45
One Book, One School, Aug/Sept2010 40–44
Online Resources: A Wish Come True, Nov2007 40–44
Open Houses with Mrs. Skorupski, Aug/Sept2007 42–
Outstanding Animals, Exemplary Characters, Apr2013
parent information sessions, Aug/Sept2008 22–25
Partial to Parodies, Apr2005 10–15
Picture Books to Inspire Global Action and Change,
Dec2011 14–16
Playing Games in the Library, Nov2015 21–23
Playing with Poetry, Apr2004 27–33
Please Pass the Books!, Oct2011 16–18*
Please Pass the Nonfiction!, Dec2012 40–41
Poetry and Art in the Library, Apr2012 44–47+*
Poetry and More, Apr2006 42–45
Protected by Villains, Oct2007 22–24
puppet program, 5th–7th grades; Apr2009 22–27*
puppetry, Mar2009 19–24*
reader's theater, Mar2009 19–24*
Reader's Theater with Mrs. Skorupski, Apr2007 20–24
Reading Art, Mar2016 22–25
reading in library, making time for, May2009 42–46
Read It All: Exploring Alternative Text, Oct2014 24–27
Rock 'n Read Library Idol, Mar2008 46–49
School and Public Library Collaboration, May2010 17–
Sci-Fi: Series and Stand-alones, Mar2012 42–47
Season's Readings: The Creation of a Moneyless Book
Fair, Nov2012 6–7
"Seriesly" Speaking, Nov2011 6–7*; Feb2012 40–44*
Set the Course with Science!, Oct2009 46–50
Silent Snowflake, Dec2005 44–45
Six Countries, Six Cultures, May2007 43–46
Snail Mail, Jan2005 27–33
So You Want to Write, May2009 22–27*
Speak to Me, Nov2014 35–38
Spring Is Sprung, Mar2007 24–27
storytelling, Mar2009 19–24*
Strength of Spirit Overcomes the Shadow of Disaster,
Feb2013 43–45*
Struggling Readers: Our Greatest Challenge, Nov2010
Student Volunteer Library Club, Aug/Sept2005 16–23
Summer Reading Programs, May2004 44–45
Swap Those Books!, Dec2010 42–46*
Talk Those Books!, Apr2010 48–52
Teaching Nonfiction Tool Chest, Aug/Sept2013 16–19*
Teddy Bear Day, Oct2005 42–45
Telling Tales, Sharing Lives, Nov2004 10–14
That’s a Wrap!, Feb2015 43–45
therapy dogs, reading to, Nov2008 46–50
Traveling with the Hoca, Nov2012 39–41*
TV-Turnoff Week, Aug/Sept2011 40–43*
Using Reader's Theater in the Library, Jan2012 23–27*
video-game reading incentive party, Jan2009 39–40*
Vote for Book Clubs, Oct2004 32–35
website evaluation, May2011 16–19*
What’s in a Picture?, Jan2015 25–27
What's New, Dinosaur?, Feb2006 42–45
And the Winner Is…, Jan2006 15–19
Winter Delights with Family Literacy Night, Dec2012
Working with Parent Teacher Organizations, May2012
The World of Picture Books, Nov2006 50–53
World Wide Words, Dec2004 39–44
“Keeping Kids Safe Online” (Scholastic Parents), Apr2016
Keep Kids Creative Week, Aug/Sept2010 4*
Kehoe, Tim, Feb2016 8
Kehret, Peg, Jan2011 11; Feb2011 22; Nov2011 10;
Feb2013 10; Apr2013 45
Keillor, Garrison, Nov2007 51
Keller, Helen, Apr2007 29; Apr2014 53; Aug/Sept2015 23–
Keller, Holly, May2006 2–3; Feb2011 2
Keller, Laurie, Feb2007 54–55; Aug/Sept2010 54; Feb2015
5; Oct2015 29
Author Extensions, Jan2008 35–38
Meet the Author, Jan2008 30–34
Kellerman, Annette, Nov2009 25–27
Kelley, Emily, Dec2007 9, 12, 13; Dec2013 9
Kelley, Jane, Aug/Sept2014 2–3
Kelley, K.C., May2016 41–42
Kelley, True, Feb2006 25; Dec2006 21; Dec2009 26;
Jan2011 8; Nov2014 1, 9
Kellner, Nancy Riemer, Jan2004 14–21; Feb2005 40–46;
Aug/Sept2005 16–23; Feb2008 47–52; Feb2009 38
Kellogg, John Harvey, Dec2011 23*
Kellogg, Steven, Apr2005 12; Feb2006 37; Mar2006 49;
Oct2006 29; Jan2007 50; Jan2008 26, 27; Jan2009
41; Oct2010 28; Aug/Sept2014 37
Kelly, David A., Apr2014 28; Oct2014 5; Feb2016 39
Kelly, Emery J., Dec2003 8
Kelly, Eric P., Mar2014 28
Kelly, Irene, May2009 3; Aug/Sept2014 38
Kelly, Jacqueline, Mar2016 16
Kelly, John, Apr2006 25
Kelly, Mark, Nov2014 16–18
Kelly, Mij, Mar2016 44
Kenai Community Library, Mar2016 15
Kendall, Martha E., Mar2015 10
Kennedy, Ann, Mar2016 42
Kennedy, Caroline, Mar2010 2; Oct2014 28; Nov2014 3
Kennedy, Dorothy M., Dec2003 8
Kennedy, Edward M., Jan2007 7; Aug/Sept2008 45
Kennedy, Frances, Mar2007 45–47; Apr2010 7, 11
Kennedy, John F., May2004 25; May2005 24; Nov2005 24
Kennedy, Kid, Aug/Sept2007 32
Kennedy, Marlane, Oct2012 11
Kennedy, Mike, Mar2015 17–18
Kennedy, Robert C., Dec2003 8
Kennedy, X.J., May2008 1, 11; Feb2014 9
Kennemore, Tim, Dec2009 3
Kenney, Karen Latchana, Feb2015 8; Apr2015 26; Feb2016
Kent, Peter, Jan2015 48
Kent, Rose, Dec2008 10; Dec2014 11
Kentucky, Jan2008 45
Kentucky Derby, May2006 25
Kenya, Oct2007 54
Kerby, Johanna, Mar2013 42
Kerby, Mona, May2009 3, 11
Kerlan Collection, Feb2010 34–35
Kerley, Barbara, Feb2006 28, 29, 37, 43; Oct2007 53;
Nov2007 55; Jan2009 42; Jan2010 50; Dec2011
25; Oct2013 47; Jan2015 43; May2016 47
Kerrin, Jessica Scott, Apr2015 4, 12
Kerrod, Robin, Apr2009 52
Ketteman, Helen, Oct2004 29, 30; Apr2005 11, 13; Mar2006
6; Dec2006 54
Kettering, Charles Francis, Feb2006 18
keyboarding, Feb2009 12; Dec2014 39
key word searching, Oct2005 38–41+; Aug/Sept2007 19–22
Khan, Rukhsana, Mar2015 5
Kiang, Douglas, Nov2015 20
Kibuishi, Kaza, May2015 16–18
KidderLit, Oct2010 4–5*
Kididdles, Apr2005 45*; Mar2013 40–43*
KIDPROJ's Multi-Cultural Calendar, Nov2003 17*
Kids Care Week, Oct2007 28
Kids Click, Dec2011 44*
Kiernan-Johnson, Eileen, Dec2014 5
Kiesler, Kate, Dec2003 8
Kilodavis, Cheryl, Dec2014 5
Kim, Joung Un, Feb2010 27
Kim, Patti, May2014 22
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody, May2015 52
Kimmel, Eric A., Feb2004 10, 11–12; Dec2004 17, 20, 21;
Feb2005 6–11, 12–15, 18, 30, 35; Dec2005 24, 40;
Dec2007 10; Nov2008 2; Aug/Sept2009 52;
Dec2010 10; Nov2012 40; Jan2013 52; Dec2014 4–
5, 44; Aug/Sept2015 54
Kimmelman, Leslie, May2004 42; Oct2005 24; Feb2012 49;
Oct2013 21
kindergarten. See P–K
Kindergarten Day, Apr2006 25; Apr2007 29; Apr2016 29*
KinderHarvest, Mar2008 5*
Kindersley, Barnabas and Anabel, Dec2004 30; Nov2007
54; Dec2014 26
Kindersley, Dorling, Nov2009 51; Mar2015 39
Kindl, Patrick, Apr2008 9–10
kindness, Aug/Sept2008 3; Jan2009 3; Feb2009 5*;
Dec2011 10*, 11; Oct2013 2; Jan2014 40–42;
Apr2015 25–27; Jan2016 3, 11–12, 16–19, 36–39,
40–41, 47–49
kinesthetic learners, May2016 36
King, Casey, Feb2007 11
King, Coretta Scott, Apr2004 24
King, David C., Feb2009 18
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Aug/Sept2003 43, 44, 45; Jan2004
4, 10, 13, 24, 34–35, 49; Feb2004 2–3; Dec2004
25; Jan2005 24; Jan2006 5, 24; Jan2007 4*, 28;
Feb2007 2–3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 18–19, 20; Jan2008 28;
Dec2010 35; Jan2011 10; Jan2013 5*; Dec2013
15*; Jan2014 29*; Oct2014 28*; Nov2014 2, 11, 15,
32, 52; Feb2016 29*
King, Martin Luther III, May2016 46
King, M. G., Aug/Sept2012 10
King, Penny, Oct2003 29
King, Stephen, May2009 24*
King, Tara Calahan, Dec2009 27
King, Thomas, Nov2013 25
kings (royalty), Mar2013 8–15*, 20–24*, 25–27*
King-Smith, Dick, Oct2004 42; Oct2008 54; Mar2015 29
King Tutankhamen, Nov2005 5, 25; May2007 29*; Nov2007
Kinkade, Sheila, Nov2010 9
Kinney, Jeff, Feb2011 21; Jan2012 44–46*; Jan2013 52;
Oct2014 10; Feb2016 3*
Kinney, Kathy, Oct2015 5
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie, Mar2006 2
Kinsler, Gwen Blakley, Mar2004 10
Kipling, Rudyard, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 25;
Nov2008 11; Dec2013 28*; Dec2014 28
Kirchel, JoAnn E., Dec2012 42–44*
Kirk, Daniel, Feb2004 7; Jan2007 50; Aug/Sept2010 24;
Aug/Sept2014 56
Kirk, David, Jan2005 24
Kirkham, Aileen, Jan2004 40–43; Aug/Sept2004 5, 18–21;
Oct2004 5; Nov2004 5; Dec2004 5; Jan2005 5;
Feb2005 5; Mar2005 5; Apr2005 5; May2005 5;
Oct2006 36–39; Dec2006 9–17; Feb2007 18–20;
May2007 43–46; Mar2008 53–55; Apr2008 53–55;
Oct2009 36*; Aug/Sept2010 22*; Nov2010 24*;
Apr2011 48*; Nov2011 7*; Dec2011 39*; Feb2012
44*; Mar2012 47*; Aug/Sept2012 7*, 43*; Oct2012
7*, 22, 23*; Dec2012 36*, 51*; Feb2013 7*;
Mar2013 43*; Apr2013 7*, 52*; May2013 39*;
Oct2013 7*; Dec2013 7*; Feb2014 7; Apr2014 7*;
May2014 7*; Oct2014 7*; Dec2014 7*; Feb2015 7*;
Apr2015 7*
See also Between a Rock & a Hard Place; Keep 'em
Reading; Tips from the Trenches
Kirkland, Jane, Dec2012 11
Kirkpatrick, Katherine, Mar2009 2
Kirkus, Oct2011 4*
Kissock, Heather, Mar2011 10; Mar2013 42
Kite, Patricia, Dec2010 10
kites, Mar2007 29*; Mar2008 29; Feb2012 37; Apr2012 15*;
Mar2015 23–24, 52–53
Kittinger, Jo S., Mar2013 3; Jan2015 51
Kladstrup, Kristin, Oct2010 9
Klassen, Jon, May2013 2; Aug/Sept2013 35; Mar2014 10;
Jan2015 4; Aug/Sept2015 54
Klaus, Denise, Nov2011 43
Klausner, Janet, Nov2004 32
Klein, Abby, May2011 42; Dec2012 11; Feb2014 11
Klein, Elizabeth Balliett, Nov2008 16
Klein, Hilary Dole, Mar2004 3
Kleven, Elisa, Jan2008 21
Kline, Suzy, Oct2003 28, 32; Dec2004 17–18; Dec2007 10,
11; Aug/Sept2008 9; Oct2008 9; Dec2009 27;
Dec2013 10; Nov2014 5
Klingel, Cynthia, Oct2007 46
The Klingon Language Institute, Dec2004 41*
Klinting, Lars, Mar2007 25
Klise, Kate, Jan2005 25; Mar2014 11; May2014 5, 49–51*;
Dec2014 48; Apr2015 24
Knapp, Brian, Apr2005 36, 39
Knapp, Ruthie, Jan2012 3
K’NEX, Feb2016 10, 12
Knight, Eric, Aug/Sept2006 28
Knight, Margaret E., Jan2007 2, 10, 20; Mar2015 3, 10;
Aug/Sept2015 55
knights, Mar2013 2–3, 8–15*, 39*
knitting, Apr2011 40
Knotts, Bob, May2008 12
Knowelden, Martin, Apr2006 20
Knowlton, Jack, Nov2007 53, 54
Knudsen, Michelle, Oct2007 29; Apr2008 25, 26; Mar2013
Knutson, Barbara, Aug/Sept2013 4*
Koch, Ed, Nov2014 10
Koch, Jean, Jan2012 26
Kochalka, James, Nov2009 11
Kochenderfer, Lee, Apr2015 17–18
Koehler-Pentacoff, Elizabeth, Apr2005 25
Koester, Amy, Aug/Sept2014 23*; Oct2014 20*; Nov2014
18*; Dec2014 18*; Jan2015 7*, 18*; Feb2015 18*;
Mar2015 18*; Apr2015 18*; May2015 18*;
Aug/Sept2015 38*; Oct2015 22*; Nov2015 38*;
Dec2015 38*; Jan2016 22*; Feb2016 38*; Mar2016
21*; Apr2016 38*, 54; May2016 42*
See also Gaining Steam
Kogawa, Joy, May2007 3
Kohara, Kazuno, Apr2015 4
Kohl, MaryAnn F., Mar2005 25; Mar2007 29; Aug/Sept2011
10; Apr2014 12; Jan2015 26
Koja, Kathe, Dec2005 9, 13
Kole, Mary, Oct2013 5
Koller, Jackie French, May2011 48
Konigsburg, E. L., Aug/Sept2003 16, 17, 18; Feb2004 24;
Dec2004 24; Apr2005 3; Aug/Sept2005 10, 12;
Nov2005 3; Aug/Sept2007 9; Nov2007 5; Jan2008
2; Feb2009 11; Apr2012 11; Jan2013 12;
Aug/Sept2014 43; Nov2015 38; Feb2016 3;
Mar2016 8
Kono, Erin Eitter, May2007 33, 35; Apr2016 24–25
Konomi, Takeshi, May2010 10–11
Kontis, Alethea, Aug/Sept2010 24
Kopelke, Lisa, Aug/Sept2006 10, 11
Korchek, Lori, May2008 25
Korda, Lerryn, May2015 44
Kordek, Caitlin, Aug/Sept2013 7
Korea, May2007 3, 30, 33–34, 45*; Nov2007 30–35, 36;
Dec2007 2
Koren, Edward, Aug/Sept2012 22
Korman, Gordon, May2005 35, 38; Oct2010 24; Dec2011
41; Apr2012 11; Apr2013 12; Feb2015 11;
Aug/Sept2015 36–38
Kornberg, Arthur, Jan2010 10
Koscielniak, Bruce, Mar2005 28; Mar2011 9
Koss, Amy Goldman, Aug/Sept2013 12
Kostecki-Shaw, Jenny Sue, Oct2008 2; Oct2015 18
Koster, Gloria, Aug/Sept2006 24–27; Nov2007 28
Kottke, Jan, Oct2007 44
Koutsky, Dale, Jan2005 28
Kraal, Shelly, Nov2011 45
Krabbenhoft, Lindsey, Dec2014 7; Jan2016 49; Apr2016 54
Krashen, Stephen, Oct2003 4; Mar2014 28
Kraske, Robert, Feb2010 11
Krauss, Ruth, May2007 21
Krebs, Laurie, Apr2010 7, 44, 46
Kreloff, Elliot, Feb2015 1
Krensky, Stephen, Aug/Sept2005 9; Nov2006 9–10, 11;
Dec2006 29; Mar2007 26; Dec2007 9, 13; Jan2010
23; Feb2010 11; Dec2010 9; May2016 38
Krishnaswami, Uma, May2006 3; May2007 2, 33, 36, 38,
41–42*; May2012 3, 5*; May2013 5*; Feb2015 10
Krog, Hazlitt, Feb2015 9
Kroll, Kathleen, Mar2007 1
Kroll, Steven, Feb2011 46; Apr2012 42; May2014 44
Kroll, Virginia, Feb2004 12; Mar2007 26; Dec2007 11
Krommes, Beth, Aug/Sept2013 34, 37
Krosoczka, Jarrett J., Apr2007 40; Aug/Sept2007 52;
Dec2007 47; Feb2008 10, 11; Oct2010 24;
Dec2012 19; May2014 3, 11; Dec2014 28*;
May2015 17–18; Dec2015 28*
Meet the Author, Apr2015 30–34
Krull, Kathleen, Aug/Sept2004 40, 42; Jan2005 24; Feb2005
41; Mar2005 7, 11, 18, 27, 30, 46–47; May2006
10–11; Oct2006 3; Nov2006 26; Mar2007 9, 10, 12,
13; Oct2007 26; May2008 44*; Aug/Sept2008 45;
Mar2009 27; Aug/Sept2009 44*; Oct2010 10,
Jan2011 10, 26, 57; Oct2011 40; Aug/Sept2012 50;
Oct2012 10, 25; Dec2012 43; Jan2013 52; Mar2013
27; Aug/Sept2013 10; Oct2013 55; Apr2014 11, 22;
Nov2014 4; Feb2015 3; May2015 52; Oct2015 22;
Mar2016 7
Krupp, E. C., Mar2006 10, 12
Kudlinski, Kathleen, Feb2006 44; Feb2016 13–14
Kugler, Tina and Carson, Aug/Sept2015 56; Mar2016 27
Kuhlthau, Carol, Oct2006 5
Kuitenbrouwer, Peter, Dec2003 8
Kuklin, Susan, May2006 2
Kulikov, Boris, Apr2014 22, 24
Kulka, Joe, May2008 26; Jan2016 45
Kulling, Monica, Aug/Sept2014 28; Mar2015 42
Kunzel, Erich, Nov2005 42, 44
Kurlansky, Mark, Nov2012 53
Kurtti, Jeff, Oct2007 23
Kurtz, Jane, Mar2006 3, 30–31; Nov2006 6; Aug/Sept2010
47; Feb2013 22
Kushner, Ellen, Dec2013 10
Kuskin, Karla, Apr2004 28; Nov2009 47
Kutner, Seńo Laura, Jan2015 51
Kutschbach, Doris, Aug/Sept2014 9
Kvasnosky, Laura, Oct2012 54
Author Extensions, May2009 34–39*+
Meet the Author, May2009 30–33*
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee, Nov2007 11; Feb2012 21
Kwanzaa, Dec2003 5, 25, 36; Dec2004 24–25; Dec2005 24;
Dec2006 28; Dec2007 11*, 29, 49, 50; Dec2010 5*,
52; Dec2011 28*; Feb2013 35–36; Dec2013 8–15*,
29*, 47–50; Dec2014 12, 15, 25; Dec2015 29*
KWL charts, Dec2007 16; May2008 25; May2015 40
Kyle, Kathryn, Oct2008 45
Kyle, Tracey, Dec2015 53
Kyuchukov, Hristo, May2006 24
labeling, power of, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Labor Day, Aug/Sept2003 24; Aug/Sept2005 24;
Aug/Sept2006 28; Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2015
Lacamara, Laura, Nov2015 25
Lacey, Josh, Aug/Sept2014 10
Lacey, Minna, Aug/Sept2015 42
LaChanze, Feb2015 11
Lachenmeyer, Nathaniel, Aug/Sept2006 45; Apr2015 43
Lachner, Dorothea, Aug/Sept2010 9
ladybugs, Oct2012 48–50*; Apr2014 50*
LaFaye, A., Feb2012 45–47*; Oct2014 47
LaFosse, Michael G., Apr2016 42
Lafrance, Marie, Dec2009 25
LaGarrigue, Jerome, Feb2010 36
Lai, Thanhha, Feb2016 31
Laidlaw, Rob, Apr2015 41
Lainez, René Colato, May2006 24; Dec2009 25; Feb2014 4;
Oct2015 16
Laird, Donivee Martin, Apr2005 15
lakes, Nov2011 5*
Lakin, Patricia, Mar2006 19; May2013 36
Lalicki, Tom, Oct2007 26
LaMarche, Jim, Jan2009 41; Apr2010 33; Nov2011 12
Lamarr, Hedy, Oct2004 20
Lamb, Annette, May2008 52; May2010 42
Lambert, David, Feb2006 28
Lambert, Nancy Jo, Aug/Sept2015 19
Lambert, Richard, Nov2015 15
Lambeth, Ellen, Aug/Sept2012 18
Lambilly, Elisabeth de, May2014 10
LAME MP3 encoder, Aug/Sept2008 7*
Lamichhane, Priyanka, Nov2011 11; Apr2013 11
Laminack, Lester L., Jan2009 55; Dec2012 1, 11
Lamm, C. Drew, Feb2005 3
Lamott, Anne, May2009 23–24*
L'Amour, Louis, Oct2005 28
Lampmann, Evelyn Sibley, May2008 42
Landau, Elaine, May2004 16; Aug/Sept2004 9; Oct2004 8,
10; Apr2006 25; Nov2006 54; Mar2011 52;
May2012 36; Oct2014 10
Landman, Tanya, Mar2011 3
landmarks, community, May2008 50
Landowne, Youme, Nov2007 3
Landry, Leo, Mar2012 48–50
Lane, Barry, Dec2013 18
Lane, Kimberly, Mar2015 44
Lang, Andrew, Dec2006 54
Lang, Heather, Oct2014 47
Langdo, Bryan, Feb2013 21; May2015 1, 10
Langford, Janet, Nov2006 45
Langford, Sarah, Nov2010 3
Langille, Jacqueline, May2005 36, 37
Langley, Andrew, Feb2013 22
Langridge, Barbara, May2013 4*; May2015 6*
language arts, drama
acting exercises, Feb2015 14
Acting Out Scenes (activity), Apr2007 38
acting out translations, Feb2009 13
actors, professional, Feb2015 2–3, 8–15*, 43–45
Anansi script, Oct2008 4*
bookskits, Feb2012 13*
bullying role play, Aug/Sept2011 37
character conversations, Oct2011 13
Character Dialog, Apr2008 12
circus show, Nov2009 36
costume design, Apr2008 13; Feb2012 14
creative dramatics, Mar2008 20–24; Oct2011 36*;
Feb2012 50
dinosaur script, Oct2008 55*
discussions about, Feb2015 12–13
The Dragonslayers script, May2010 4*
dramatic readings, Feb2004 19; Oct2007 13; Nov2010
11; Jan2011 14; May2012 11; Aug/Sept2012
35; Oct2012 14; Mar2013 14; Nov2013 13;
Jan2014 13; Oct2014 15
Fabulous Folklore Players, Dec2010 13
as feature of monthly issue, Feb2015 2–3, 5*, 8–15*,
finger plays, Mar2009 19–20*
machines, enacting, Mar2011 13
magic shows, Oct2010 14, 42
medieval castle life enactments, Mar2013 14*
medieval-style morning annoucements, Mar2013 14
medieval village life enactments, Mar2013 12*
mime routines, Apr2011 14
mock trials, Feb2012 14*
monologues, Feb2012 14; Feb2015 14
mysteries, disguises in, Aug/Sept2013 13
one-act plays, Feb2015 15
One Fine Day, Mar2015 11, 13
overview of, Feb2015 2–3, 5*, 8–15*, 16–18
pantomimes, Mar2011 34–35; Nov2011 35–36
Peace Tales, Aug/Sept2010 13
pioneer costumes, Mar2009 48
puppet shows, Mar2009 20–22*; Apr2009 22–27*;
Dec2010 13, Apr2011 14
Pushing Up the Sky, Nov2013 11, 14
reader's theater scripts, Mar2009 22–23*, 35–36
robots, enacting, Mar2011 13; Mar2015 13
role play, Dec2009 51
set design, Feb2012 14; Feb2015 13
shadow plays, Jan2010 13
silent films, Feb2015 17
skits, Apr2007 13–14
Character Dialog, Apr2008 12
creative drama, Mar2008 20–24
Earthdance theater activity, Mar2008 12–13
on explorers and pioneers, Mar2009 14
State History Skits, Jan2008 13
on teachers and librarians, Aug/Sept2012 13
Time-Tourist, Jan2014 13
speeches recreated, Nov2014 14
stage fright, Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*
stage sets, building, Mar2008 20–21
Teatro! Hispanic Plays for Young People,
Aug/Sept2009 12
TV commercial performance, Mar2012 13
The Ugly Duckling puppet play, Oct2013 12, 14
weather reporters, Jan2009 38
winter storytelling, Dec2012 13
win-win scenarios, Jan2013 13
Your Own Radio Show, Jan2004 30–31
See also Reader's Theater
language arts, listening/speaking
academic language, Mar2015 25–27
authors' names, pronouncing, Nov2008 4*
colorful language, Feb2014 37
comprehension skills
compare and contrast, Dec2009 49; Jan2010 39;
Feb2010 19; Mar2010 36–37; Apr2013
36; Aug/Sept2015 22
books about Robert Small, Mar2009 27
clothing, Jan2009 52
NASCAR/racing, Aug/Sept2008 50
Polacco and Bunting's books, Mar2009 36
Polacco's illustrations, Mar2009 35
trees, Dec2008 18
Digging Deeper questions, Feb2008 22, 26–27
inferences, Oct2009 21–24; Aug/Sept2012 49
debate, Apr2007 13; Jan2009 39; May2010 14;
Nov2014 19–21*
diminutives, Oct2011 14
acceptance of differences, Apr2007 38
action in art, Apr2009 39
African American Achievements, Feb2010 13
aliens, Mar2012 11
alternate endings, Apr2007 37
Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart, Dec2005
anger, Aug/Sept2010 12
animal helpers, Dec2009 48
animal rights vs. animal welfare, Apr2013 13*
animals in action, Mar2010 23
animals in captivity, Oct2011 48–50*
animals in our lives, Apr2013 13
animal survival/camouflage, Mar2010 22–23;
Nov2012 38
antibacterial controversy, Jan2010 13*
art, importance of in books, Jan2010 42–43*
art and artists, Mar2016 9
art appreciation, Feb2011 40; Apr2012 12–13;
Jan2015 13
Asian Pacific American heritage, May2007 34–35
award-winning books, Nov2007 11–12, 14–15, 17
Beauty or Truth? (art), Jan2006 11
bedtime fears, Feb2011 37–38
bedtime routines, May2013 12*
behaviors, positive, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Better Things to Do, Jan2008 37
Bingo, May2009 35, 38+
biographies, Mar2007 11–12
The Birchbard House, Apr2010 37–38
book clubs, creating, Oct2008 19*
book guides, Nov2008 4*
books, choosing, Oct2014 12*
boys will be boys, Nov2008 12
brainstorm color sayings, Nov2009 13
Bully Busting 101, Oct2013 13*
bullying, Dec2005 11–12; Dec2007 44; Oct2013
butterflies and moths, Nov2009 35–36; Mar2010
Caldecott Medal, Nov2007 15
camps, May2011 12
careers, Nov2006 11, 12; Feb2008 36; May2008
35; Nov2014 26–27
Character Analysis, Aug/Sept2007 11–12
character education, Aug/Sept2007 11–12
character traits/qualities, Mar2009 26; Oct2013
civilizations, Nov2012 13*
civil rights, Feb2007 12–13, 14; Jan2010 41
collaboration, Jan2016 8
colonial America, Oct2005 29
colors' influences, Nov2009 12–13*
comics, love of, May2014 12
communities, Nov2005 43; Jan2013 12
compassion, Jan2016 37–39
conflict, Aug/Sept2010 12, 13, 17
conflict, in literature, Feb2012 13
cooperation, Jan2013 12
creation stories, Jan2014 13
Decoding Titles, Dec2007 36
Digging Deeper questions, Feb2008 22, 26–27
dinosaurs, Feb2006 29–30
diversity of nation builders, Mar2009 12
Dragon: Hound of Honor, Dec2009 39–40
drama and theater, Feb2015 12–13
drug dangers, May2010 13*
Dyamonde Daniel books, Feb2010 38–39
Earth Day, Apr2007 12
eco-theme, protecting nature, Dec2008 16–17
elderly people, Nov2010 11
elections and voting, Feb2008 11–12
emotions during singing, Apr2009 36
engineering, Mar2015 12–13
environment, Apr2007 12–13
excuses, Oct2008 38
explorer and pioneer qualities, Mar2009 12
fables, Apr2012 36; May2016 10
fact vs. fiction, Feb2009 12–13; Mar2009 40
fact vs. opinion, Dec2008 44*, 47–48; Nov2011
49; Feb2016 32
Fairy Tale Fun, Apr2008 35
Fairy Tale Story Map, Apr2008 12, 14
families, Dec2008 12, 13; Feb2010 37
family changes, Jan2012 10
family interviews, Nov2008 14; Dec2008 14*
family traditions, Dec2014 12
family trees, Nov2007 37–38, 39
fear, Oct2007 11; Feb2011 36–38
fence-walkers, Dec2012 34–35*
fiction vs. non-fiction, Aug/Sept2009 35; Dec2012
figurative language, Jan2009 12
folktales, Dec2010 12*, Jan2011 36–37
following your dreams, May2010 37
food, ethnic/international, Dec2006 34
food preferences, Dec2015 8
food production, Aug/Sept2010 36
freedom of speech, Nov2014 13
friendship, Jan2009 37; Feb2011 12; Oct2013 13
games and gaming, Nov2015 9
geographical settings, Dec2007 44
geo-literacy, Nov2011 13*
getting acquainted, May2010 37–38
Getting to Know You, Aug/Sept2007 12
good vs. evil, Apr2008 11
Grandmother's Pigeon, Apr2010 37
Grimes's guides, Feb2010 39*
haiku, May2009 37
harvest season, Oct2012 12
health and fitness, May2006 11
health decisions, Jan2010 13
heroes, honoring local, Feb2009 14*
heroes and heroines, Feb2009 11–12; May2015
heroes and villains, Feb2012 12–13; Dec2012
Hispanic Americans, Aug/Sept2009 13*
history and storytelling, importance of, Apr2009
holiday spirit, Dec2013 13*
homelessness and poverty, Aug/Sept2006 45
honesty/stealing/character, Oct2008 34–35
hurtful vs. healing words, Oct2013 13
Identifying Humor, Apr2007 37
illustrations, Dec2006 47; Jan2010 38; Feb2010
imaginary vehicles, May2009 13
immigration, Oct2006 12–13; May2007 35
inventors and inventing, Jan2007 11–12;
Feb2016 4, 8
I Pledge Allegiance, Jan2008 36
Irony, Parody, Satire, Apr2008 11
Issue of the Week, Jan2011 13
Jigsaw Book Discussion, Jan2008 12
job rankings, Nov2014 26–27
jokes and riddles, Apr2005 17; Aug/Sept2008 5*,
6, 51
journals, diaries, scrapbooks, Oct2008 17–18
Just a Minute, Jan2010 39–40
kindness, Jan2016 37–39
Learning by Losing, May2010 13
librarians, Aug/Sept2012 12
life cycles, May2005 37–38
life/literature connections, Mar2009 37
literacy, Nov2011 13
love, Feb2011 12, 44–47
love of reading, Oct2014 12
magic, Apr2008 12; Oct2010 12–13*, 14
making mistakes, Oct2010 36
Manifest Destiny, Mar2009 12
manners, Aug/Sept2006 11–13
math, Apr2005 37
medical issues, Oct2008 36–37
mentors, Nov2010 11
metaphors, Dec2010 36; Apr2015 23
Middle Ages, daily life in, Mar2013 12
migrations, May2012 11*
mixed-race families, May2007 35
money, Apr2010 12–13
moving, Feb2011 40
music, Mar2005 9–10
musical instruments, Feb2010 18
mysteries, solving, Apr2007 36
mystery, definition of, Aug/Sept2013 12
My Three Wishes, Aug/Sept2007 12
name origins, Apr2009 36–37
national symbols, Aug/Sept2011 48–51*; Oct2015
Native Americans, Nov2013 13*
ocean life, protecting, Apr2009 12
Olympics, May2008 13, 14; Feb2014 12*
onomatopoeia, Mar2010 14; Dec2012 39;
Apr2013 13–14*; Apr2014 24–25*
opportunity costs, Aug/Sept2009 45–46*;
Apr2016 15–17, 18–19
opposites, May2012 36
Original Tales, Apr2008 12
peace, Aug/Sept2010 12, 16, 48
personal histories, Aug/Sept2009 14
perspective, Dec2011 36
pets, Dec2009 12*–13, 48–51
planting seeds analogy, Nov2010 22
podcasting, Aug/Sept2008 7*
poetry, Dec2006 34; May2007 35
point of view, Aug/Sept2008 2; May2009 12
The Porcupine Year, Apr2010 39
Portmanteau Words, Apr2008 47–48
prejudice, Dec2011 39
primary/secondary sources, Jan2010 17–18*;
Feb2013 41–42*+; Nov2014 13;
Aug/Sept2015 12
problem-solving, Nov2009 38
proverbs, Aug/Sept2007 40–41; Apr2009 38–39
public art, Apr2012 13*, 14*; Mar2016 9*
public speaking, Nov2014 13
race and genetics, Feb2010 15*
recall and discussion, Apr2007 36
recall and sequencing, Dec2007 37
recipes, May2010 37
relationships, intergenerational, Aug/Sept2006
relative size, Oct2011 12
research media, Aug/Sept2008 36
rites of passage, Jan2012 11*
round robin book discussions, Nov2011 13;
Jan2013 12; Mar2014 13
scary things, May2010 38
school life, Aug/Sept2005 11–12; Aug/Sept2008
11, 14
science, Oct2009 13, 19; Apr2014 13
scientific reasoning, Oct2009 14
secrets, Aug/Sept2008 11
Seedfolks, Mar2010 13*
seeds, Mar2010 25
self-esteem, Oct2008 11*, 12
senses, Jan2009 12*
sequencing, Jan2009 34; May2014 13
settings of stories, Feb2010 37; Oct2011 38
shoes for various occupations, Feb2010 37
simple living, Thoreau-Style, Mar2010 13
Sky Tales, Mar2008 12
social circles, Aug/Sept2008 13
sound effects, Nov2009 38; Mar2010 14;
Feb2015 16
speaking out, Feb2007 14; Jan2011 12–13*
sports, as big business, May2010 15
sports, value of, May2016 10
sportsmanship, Oct2008 35; May2010 12*;
May2016 15
stage and screen sayings, Feb2015 13
State You're In!, Jan2008 12
stereotypes, Oct2006 13
storytelling, Feb2009 41–42; Aug/Sept2009 13*;
Dec2009 7*; Nov2013 38*
strengths and weaknesses, May2008 37
stress and relaxation, May2013 12*
suggestions and improvements, May2008 36
summer, May2011 12
superheroes, Oct2008 35
survival, Aug/Sept2010 37
sustainable living, Apr2011 13*
synopses, one-sentence, Aug/Sept2008 36
teachers and librarians, Aug/Sept2012 12
teamwork, Oct2008 35–36
technology, ethics of, Aug/Sept2015 8
technophiles vs. technophobes, Mar2011 13;
Aug/Sept2015 8
Think-Pair-Share strategy, Dec2014 12*
time, Jan2014 12
time capsules, May2009 37; Jan2014 13
traits of loved ones, Apr2009 34–35
transportation, May2009 12, 40
treasure hunts, Aug/Sept2014 12–13
trees, Apr2007 12; Dec2008 17–18; Apr2014 20–
truth-telling Americans, Aug/Sept2011 14
twins, Dec2007 43
unintended consequences, Dec2011 42+
Valentine's Day, Feb2005 36–37
villains, Feb2009 12
visual literacy, May2012 39–40
vocabularies, May2009 35, 37
volcanoes, May2009 21
volunteering, Apr2015 12*
wants vs. needs, Dec2009 47; Apr2010 12;
Apr2016 9, 15–17
weather, Mar2006 11–12
What If, Aug/Sept2007 11; Dec2011 10
What Scares Me?, Oct2007 11–12
What's Great about America?, Aug/Sept2011 13
What's What? (imagination and truth), Mar2014
White House, Jan2009 41–43
wild books, Apr2006 11–12
wild vs. domestic animals, Dec2009 47–48
winter, Dec2004 19; Dec2012 12
winter holiday, Dec2004 19
women in history, Feb2007 47
women's roles, Nov2010 37–38*
words, hurtful vs. healing, Oct2013 13
youth sports coaches, May2016 13
expressive language, Feb2015 25–27
narration, Mar2012 4
one-liners, Nov2014 46
opinions, expressing, Jan2011 13, 14, 16–17
oral presentations
American dogs, famous, Dec2009 14
book commercials, Oct2008 25–26; Oct2014 13;
Feb2015 17*
book reports, Jan2011 13*; Mar2012 29*;
Nov2014 13
books about, Nov2014 9, 13
booktalks, Oct2003 40–43; Dec2003 34–37;
Mar2005 4, 18–21; Aug/Sept2005 4–5;
Dec2006 49–50; May2007 18; Nov2007
5, 12, 20, 42*; Oct2009 35; Jan2010 20*;
Feb2010 14; Apr2010 48–50; May2010
12, 18; Aug/Sept2010 13; Feb2012 13*;
Mar2012 17–18*; Apr2012 13*;
Aug/Sept2012 13; Jan2014 6*, 25–27*;
Oct2014 40*
butterflies, Nov2009 35–36
choral readings, Feb2010 36
civil rights leaders, Jan2010 41
demonstrations, Jan2009 13; Feb2009 14*;
Mar2009 35
diamantes, Jan2010 17
entrepreneurs or philanthropists, Apr2010 13,
14*, 15*
environmental issues, Mar2010 50–51
induction into Hall of Fame, Jan2009 15*
interviews, Dec2009 6*; Dec2014 19–21
junior librarian storytimes, Aug/Sept2012 13
motivational speeches, May2010 14
Native Americans, Apr2010 39
news reporting, Nov2009 36
pattern stories, Mar2011 35–36
persuasive, May2008 14; Aug/Sept2008 51;
Nov2014 20
pet poems, Dec2009 13
Power Point presentations, Apr2011 15; May2011
reader’s theater and, Nov2014 36, 46–47
reading aloud, Nov2009 37; Feb2010 37
scientists, Oct2009 14
self-confidence and, Jan2011 8–15*
Show and Tell, Feb2011 46
sports, Jan2010 20
storytelling, Nov2010 11; Dec2010 13*; Nov2013
38*; Nov2014 36–37; Mar2016 11–13
United States Postal Service, Oct2009 27
parables, Apr2011 14
public speaking, Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*
receptive language, Feb2015 25–27
reciting rhymes and tongue twisters, Dec2010 13
repetition, May2011 24
rhyme, Jan2008 37–38; Aug/Sept2008 5, 16; May2011
24; Oct2012 20–21
similes, Aug/Sept2011 11, 14; Feb2012 38–39;
Aug/Sept2012 36
academic, Mar2015 25–27
African American culture, Feb2010 13–14
analogies, Nov2010 22; Mar2011 39; May2014
55; Feb2016 30–31
animal, Oct2009 47; Apr2013 13*
animal groups, Feb2011 37; Apr2013 4
antonyms, Aug/Sept2007 13; Jan2010 17
book terms, Jan2011 7
building of, Aug/Sept2008 36; Feb2009 6–7, 12;
May2009 35, 37, 39+
of comics, May2014 24
Common Core State Standards and, Jan2014
computer terminology, Aug/Sept2015 9, 40
concept maps, Mar2014 17
definition bee, Mar2010 41
diversity-related words, Oct2015 9
Elephantine Words, Oct2010 41*, 43+
engineering, Mar2015 13, 26
from Fancy Nancy series, Oct2011 5
games with, Feb2012 14*
Guess the Covered Word, Mar2014 19
Hink Pink word games, Nov2015 9, 22*
from How to Make an Apple Pie…, Dec2015 23–
hyperbole, Feb2012 14; May2015 13
idioms, Oct2010 18*; Feb2011 40; Apr2012 4*;
Dec2012 35*; May2014 25*
lesson plans on, Mar2014 16–19
linear arrays, Mar2014 17
love words, Feb2011 12
from The Luck of the Buttons, Jan2012 15
magical spelling words, Oct2010 13*
Maker Economics Vocabulary, Feb2016 9*
metaphors, Nov2008 19; Apr2015 23
of the Middle Ages, Mar2013 13–14
money, Apr2010 13
of mysteries, Aug/Sept2011 17–18
Native American words, Nov2013 13*
nature basics, Mar2010 13
pirate talk, Aug/Sept2010 4*
Play on Words, Jan2008 36
Poe-cabulary, Oct2007 12
from The Prairie Thief, Apr2013 26
prepositions, Mar2010 14
from Probuditi!, Dec2011 37
puns, Jan2011 40; Feb2011 40
puzzles, May2014 13*
science, Oct2009 13; Apr2014 13
from Serafina’s Promise, May2015 23–24
similes, Aug/Sept2007 41; Feb2008 37; Nov2008
13, 19; Jan2009 50; Feb2009 38;
Apr2010 17*–18*; May2010 4*;
Aug/Sept2012 36
small group activities on, May2011 35–36
"small" words, Oct2011 13
sorting activity, Dec2015 23–24
speaking out words, Jan2011 14
in speeches, Nov2014 13
synonyms, Aug/Sept2007 13; Mar2011 37;
Dec2012 35+*; Jan2016 17–18
technology words, Mar2011 13; Aug/Sept2015 9,
of theater and film, Feb2015 13, 14
tiers of words, Mar2014 16
time words, Jan2014 12
vocabulary building group, Feb2009 6–7
word choice, Mar2014 18
word clouds, Apr2010 4*; Aug/Sept2010 14*;
Dec2010 7*; Aug/Sept2011 5*; Nov2011
15*; Feb2013 13*; Dec2013 13*;
Apr2014 4*; Oct2015 9*, 23–27*;
Jan2016 18*
Word of the Day, Apr2011 5
language arts, poetry
on 50 states, Jan2008 10, 11
acrostics, Nov2004 18, 20; Dec2004 20; Dec2006 4, 7;
Jan2008 13; Apr2009 35; Aug/Sept2009 4;
Aug/Sept2010 21–22; Feb2011 39*; May2012
24; Mar2014 53; Apr2014 19; Feb2016 31
Amazing Faces poems, Nov2010 25–27*
animal poems, May2009 13; Feb2011 26–27*
art and, Apr2007 48
autumn poems, Nov2010 4*
"Beary Interesting Discoveries," Oct2012 22
bilingual, Mar2013 37
on birthdays, Jan2008 20–21
on bugs, Apr2008 29; May2008 40
celestial poetry, Mar2008 50–52
character, Aug/Sept2004 34
children's poets, Apr2012 24–27*; Jan2016 50–54
Choral Poem Reading, Apr2005 5
cinquains, Oct2013 37; Apr2014 19
Classroom Poetry Kit, Apr2005 4–5
color poems, Oct2010 39
Common Core standards and, Apr2014 18–19;
Nov2015 45–47; Jan2016 41
concrete, Mar2005 14; Feb2013 13
couplets, Feb2016 31
in Dave the Potter, Apr2012 22–23*
diamantes, Jan2010 16–17*
dream poems, Aug/Sept2010 14
exploring our past, Mar2009 48, 49, 51
on fairy tales, Oct2012 21–22
on families, Dec2008 13
fill-in-the-blank poems, Apr2004 6
on flowers, May2007 21
fold-down poems, May2015 22–23*
footprint poems, Dec2012 37*+
forms of, Apr2007 50*
formula poems, Dec2014 13*
free verse, May2015 22–23*; Feb2016 32–33
on friendship, Oct2013 13
funny poems, Apr2007 25; May2015 5*
“Good-bye 2014,” Dec2014 5
grandparent poems, Nov2010 22–23*
haiku, Oct2007 37; Nov2007 35; May2009 37;
Feb2010 39*; Mar2010 14*; Apr2011 14;
May2011 26; Oct2012 22–23; Oct2013 37;
Dec2013 13; Apr2014 19, 39; Aug/Sept2015
16–17; Feb2016 31; Apr2016 28*
on Halloween, Jan2010 39
"I Go to the Land," Jan2012 37
imaginary journeys, May2009 13
instant poetry forms, Apr2013 49*; Apr2015 48*
interplanetary poems, Mar2012 12
Korean poems, Nov2007 35
limericks, May2008 28*; May2014 28*; May2016 29*
literary devices and, Apr2007 48
Love Poetry Jam, Feb2011 12
memorization and, Apr2007 49–50; Nov2014 2–3
"Mirror, Mirror," Dec2010 38
on money, Apr2016 9
on monsters, Oct2007 37
movement and, Apr2007 46–47
on multiracial families, Feb2010 37
on myths and legends, Dec2009 38*
National Poetry Month, Apr2004 4, 24–25; Apr2005 4,
24–25; Apr2006 4, 24–25; Apr2007 4, 28–29;
Mar2008 52; Oct2009 36*+; Apr2010 4*–5;
Apr2014 5, 28; Apr2015 35; Aug/Sept2015 16;
Apr2016 5, 29*
on nature, Dec2008 20+
by Naomi Shihab Nye, Mar2013 36–38
on oceans, Apr2015 35–37
odes to technology, Mar2011 13
on the Olympics, Feb2014 20–21
on ordinary topics, Aug/Sept2008 36
overview of, Apr2004 2–3, 4–5, 9–19, 22–33, 46;
Apr2006 42–47
“The Peacemaker“, May2015 53
Poetry by the Numbers, Apr2005 38
poetry challenge, Jan2012 37
Poetry Idea Machine, Apr2013 49*
Poetry Pauses, Oct2014 55; Nov2014 52–53; Dec2014
53; Jan2015 43; Mar2015 53; Apr2015 53;
May2015 53
Poetry Snacks, Dec2015 16
poetry theater, Apr2013 48
props with poems, May2007 21
publisher activities, Aug/Sept2009 5*
on pumpkins, Oct2007 43
on quilts, Dec2007 12
Read, Write, and Recite lesson plan, Apr2013 48–50*
recitation of, Aug/Sept2011 14; Apr2013 50*; Nov2014
2–3, 13, 37
rewriting poetry, Oct2007 37; Nov2008 13
rhyme and rhythm in, Oct2012 20–21; Apr2013 50*
sales pitches, Feb2016 9
scary poems, Oct2015 31
scavenger poems, Apr2004 29–30, 32
on school life, Aug/Sept2008 10–11
in school plays, Jan2012 45
in Scranimals, Apr2013 42–44*
on sea creatures, Mar2011 35
on senses, Jan2009 12, 48–50*
shades of color, Nov2009 13
short poems, Oct2011 13
slams, poetry, May2007 13
songs and, Apr2007 47
on Southwestern landscape, Aug/Sept2008 34–35
space poetry, Mar2008 11–12
Spanish poems, Aug/Sept2009 14
spells and chants, Oct2010 13
on spring, Mar2007 27; Mar2008 28
“Steve the Superhero,” May2015 5
on summer, May2011 12
thankful poems, Feb2010 36; Nov2014 5
theme poems, Apr2013 49*
on time, Jan2014 13
treasure-hunt poems, Aug/Sept2014 13
on trees, Apr2014 21
and visual art, Apr2012 44–47*
on weather, Feb2012 19
web resources on, Apr2008 4*
on worms, Aug/Sept2010 46
writing process, Feb2009 46
Zippy Farmer poems, Dec2015 26–27*+
language arts, reading
activity links, May2010 42*
adaptations, May2014 13
alliteration, May2012 11; Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
alphabetizing, May2011 25
anachronism, Jan2014 13
analogies, Dec2008 44–45*; May2014 55; Feb2016
animal audiences, Oct2014 13
anthropomorphism, Aug/Sept2010 24,25, May2012 11
archetypes, May2012 11
assistive technologies for, Oct2014 14
author studies, critical thinking, May2010 6–7*
beginning readers, Dec2008 5*; Feb2012 20–23*
biographies, Feb2009 35–36, 37; Dec2011 38;
May2014 14; Oct2014 46–48+; Oct2015 5;
Nov2015 42–43; Jan2016 38–39; May2016 5,
blogs, Dec2008 15
book before movie, Nov2008 4*
book buddies, Feb2011 47
book news, Dec2008 4*
book pairs, Apr2007 12–13; Apr2009 5, 6+; Feb2013
book trailers, May2009 15–16*; Oct2013 13; Nov2014
7*; Aug/Sept2015 14–17*
captions, May2016 37
categorizing, May2011 25
Character Counterparts, Dec2007 23–24, 26
character quotations, Nov2015 3
character studies, Jan2012 44
classroom reading time, Oct2014 13
cloze procedure, Jan2009 34–35; Dec2009 47
colorful language, Feb2014 37
compare and contrast, Dec2008 18; Nov2011 37;
May2012 35; Apr2013 36; Feb2014 52;
Jan2015 13; Aug/Sept2015 22; Jan2016 25
deductive reasoning, Jan2016 24–25
details, recalling, Dec2009 46; Jan2016 23–24, 40;
Feb2016 39; Mar2016 26, 35–36
dream stories, May2013 13
euphemism, May2012 11
fiction/nonfiction pair, Apr2009 13–14*; Jan2010 13*
foreshadowing, May2012 11
freestyle reading responses, Oct2014 15
glossaries, Mar2010 39
graphic novels, Jan2010 5*; Mar2010 54*; May2014
13*; Oct2015 11–14
homophones, Nov2009 16–17*; Nov2015 40
indexes, Jan2011 43*; Dec2015 40
inferences, Oct2009 21–24; Aug/Sept2012 49
Informational Text Feature Markers, Mar2015 36*
Informational Text Worksheet, Jan2016 8*
irony, May2012 11
letter recognition, Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
literary devices, May2012 11; Mar2013 14+
literature circles, Dec2014 52–53
Literature Log, Nov2013 38–39+*
main idea, identifying, Nov2005 23+
matching books to schools, Feb2009 53–54*
Native American Book Elements Guide, Nov2013 13*+
nonfiction comprehension, Nov2013 7*
nonfiction text features, Mar2015 36*; Aug/Sept2015
18–19*; May2016 37
onomatopoeia, Dec2008 34–39; Apr2009 35, 38;
Feb2011 26*; Dec2012 39; Apr2013 13–14*;
Mar2014 27; Apr2014 24–25*; Mar2016 38–
oral reading, May2009 37; Nov2009 37; Jan2010 40
personification, Dec2008 43–44, 46+; Apr2009 41–42*;
May2012 11; May2014 14; Mar2016 36
phonetic awareness, Feb2016 33–34
picture reading, Nov2011 7
poetry and prose connections, Apr2009 20–21*
point of view, May2016 21–22
predicting, Aug/Sept2009 39; Dec2009 46
prefixes, Mar2012 18*
pre-reading predictions, Apr2008 36
print awareness, Feb2011 39
protagonists/antagonists, May2016 21–22
reader journals, Oct2014 13
reading aloud, Nov2009 37; Feb2010 37; Mar2010 5*;
Oct2014 25*; Feb2016 29*
reading competitions, Nov2010 43–44*
reading levels, Dec2008 4*; Feb2012 20; May2014 16–
19*; Oct2015 4
reading response, art and, Mar2016 14–16
reading response, freestyle, Oct2014 15
rebus stories, Feb2014 13*
recalling key details, Dec2009 46; Jan2016 23–24, 40;
Feb2016 39; Mar2016 26, 35–36
record-keeping, Aug/Sept2008 51; Jan2009 40
root words, Mar2012 18–19*; Mar2014 19*
round robin reading, Mar2014 13
on screens/online, Dec2014 40
scripts and screenplays, Feb2015 13, 44–45
sequencing events, Aug/Sept2009 36*; May2014 13;
Jan2016 24; Mar2016 38*+
settings, Oct2008 5; Feb2009 36
sidebars, Nov2015 43; May2016 37
skimming for facts, Oct2011 49
story elements, Dec2009 7; Feb2013 40–41+
story maps, Mar2012 12*
story-to-story connections, Apr2008 38
study buddies, Oct2014 15
subtitles, Dec2008 45
suffixes, Mar2012 18*
theme, recognizing, Aug/Sept2014 25–27; May2015
39–41*; Nov2015 40–41+; Feb2016 33
Titles to Translate, Aug/Sept2007 41
wordplay, Jan2011 4*
words within words, Nov2009 38
See also read-aloud stories
language arts, writing
100th Day activities, Jan2007 25–26
acronyms & backronyms, Feb2009 52–53*; May2014
acrostics, Aug/Sept2010 21–22; Feb2011 39*;
May2012 24; Oct2012 14; Mar2014 53;
Apr2014 19; Feb2016 31
adventure stories, Nov2009 13
alien explanations, Mar2012 12
alliterative paragraphs, Dec2008 55; Jan2009 38
alphabet books, Jan2010 40; Aug/Sept2011 51*
anagrams, Mar2010 47–48; Apr2015 23*
animal reports, Apr2010 39
apostrophes, Mar2014 27
autobiogra-strips, May2014 13
behavior stories, Oct2008 12
biographical sketches, Aug/Sept2008 44; Feb2009 12*;
Apr2009 36; Jan2016 9
biographies, Mar2007 12; Dec2007 40, 41; Feb2010
38; Dec2015 9
blogs, Dec2008 15
book dedications, Feb2011 13
book reports, Feb2004 20; Dec2008 13*; May2009 5;
Dec2011 11*, Mar2012 29*
book reviews, Oct2008 25; Mar2011 13; May2011 12;
Dec2011 37–38*; Dec2013 25+*; Feb2014
54*+; Aug/Sept2014 13*; Oct2014 53;
Jan2015 40, 42; Aug/Sept2015 23–24*+;
Oct2015 3; Dec2015 5*; Apr2016 9*+
book trailers, May2009 15–16*; Oct2013 13; Nov2014
7*; Aug/Sept2015 14–17*; Jan2016 19*
campaign speech writing, Feb2008 12; Nov2014 15
captions for photos, May2014 26*
champion stories, Aug/Sept2015 8
chants and cheers, Oct2008 12
character journals, Aug/Sept2007 12–13
character quotations, Aug/Sept2007 12
"chew on it" report writing, Jan2008 36
Cinquain writing, Aug/Sept2007 41; Oct2013 37;
Apr2014 19
citations, Oct2011 42+*; Feb2016 5*
class books, Dec2008 19
clues and riddles, Aug/Sept2014 13*
collaborative writing, Jan2016 8
columns, lifestyle, Oct2008 15*
Common Core standards and, Apr2014 16–19*
compare and contrast, Apr2008 37, 40; Aug/Sept2008
50; Aug/Sept2015 22
compound words, Aug/Sept2009 44–45*
conservation journals, Apr2011 14
contractions, Mar2014 27
creating book pages, Nov2009 37–38; Jan2010 41
creating characters, Aug/Sept2008 37–38, 41–42+;
Nov2008 13
creative writing, Apr2008 39; Feb2009 6–7; May2009
12, 13; Aug/Sept2009 13*, 36, 39*; Dec2009
48; Oct2011 13; Aug/Sept2012 13; Mar2014
day in the life (currency), Apr2010 13
descriptive language, Jan2015 13; Nov2015 41–42+
dialogues, Aug/Sept2008 12
dictionary skills, Aug/Sept2007 54; Dec2009 18;
Mar2010 48–49; Oct2013 6*; May2015 23;
Feb2016 34–35*
editorials, Nov2006 12
elderly persons' biographies, Nov2010 12
e-mails, Apr2016 41–42
character traits, Feb2010 14
confidence/self-esteem, Oct2008 12*
"cradles" of civilization, Nov2012 14
descriptive, Jan2009 12–13
on diversity, Oct2015 10
family vacations, May2009 13
freedom and security, Aug/Sept2011 14
frontier adventures, Mar2009 13
If I Had a Quadrillion Dollars, Apr2016 10
marine species, Apr2009 13
perfect sick day, Jan2010 13
perfect snow days, Dec2012 12
personal essays, Feb2012 14; Apr2014 13
writing process, May2006 35–42+
exaggeration, Dec2007 38, 39; Aug/Sept2008 38–39*
explanatory writing, Apr2014 17
expository writing, Apr2007 47
fables, Jan2011 13, 41; May2016 10
fact sheets, Aug/Sept2014 45
family stories, May2008 50; Dec2008 4*; Aug/Sept2009
fiction, Oct2009 14
fictional volunteers, Apr2015 13
figurative language, Nov2008 13; Feb2009 36, 38
folklore, Mar2010 14
folk tales, Dec2010 13
food logs, Dec2015 9, 21–22
get-well cards, Jan2010 14
graphic novels, Dec2009 13; Mar2010 55*
gross grub recipes, Nov2008 13
group reports, Feb2013 34
group stories, Feb2009 12–13
haiku poems, Oct2007 37; Apr2014 19; Aug/Sept2015
16–17; Feb2016 31
help wanted ads, Aug/Sept2008 12; Aug/Sept2012 13,
15+; Mar2013 14
"How It Came to Be" tales, Apr2013 34
how to, Feb2009 41–47
idioms, Feb2009 36; May2014 25*
if…then statements, Aug/Sept2015 37
imaginary friends, May2009 35
informative writing, Apr2014 17
inventions for pets, Dec2009 49–50*
jokes, Aug/Sept2008 5*, 6, 51; Jan2010 13*; Dec2013
journals, Mar2008 51; Dec2011 11, May2012 11
Alzheimer's Disease, Oct2008 36–37
back to nature, Mar2010 13*
cloud patterns, Aug/Sept2009 37
on cooperation, Jan2013 15; Jan2016 8
A Day in the Life..., Aug/Sept2012 13
how to, Feb2009 44–45
introduction to, Oct2008 17–18, 20–22+
lunch journals, Dec2015 9
magnifying glasses, Oct2009 15
natural world, Nov2008 38
pioneer themes, Mar2009 49–50
for self-expression, Oct2014 14
stress reliever, Oct2008 38
travel, May2009 13
justice stories, Oct2013 13
with letter patterns, Dec2015 24–25
letter writing, Jan2005 37; Feb2007 14; Apr2007 36–
37; Nov2007 12; Aug/Sept2009 38–39;
Feb2010 13; Feb2011 40; Apr2011 5;
Jan2013 5*
Are You Addressing Me?, Jan2005 22–23, 26
books on, Apr2016 41–45
on cooperation issues, Jan2013 13
friendly letters, Dec2008 13, 17, 26–27; Apr2016
28*, 42–43
how to, Feb2009 42–43; Apr2016 28*, 41–42
to international penpals, Jan2016 3*
letters to the editor, Jan2011 13; Apr2015 13
for Little Free Libraries, Apr2015 20–21
National Card and Letter Writing Month, Apr2016
28*, 41–45
parts of a letter, May2014 50–51; Dec2015 29*;
Apr2016 28*, 41–42
People to People International Classroom
Program, Jan2016 3*
to the President, Aug/Sept2011 14
on saving birds, Oct2014 16
Snail Mail, Jan2005 27–33
“thank you” letters, Feb2015 50–53; Apr2016 43–
Universal Letter Writing Week, Jan2005 34–39;
Jan2013 5*; Jan2016 3*
to winners, Nov2007 12; Jan2015 13
to younger students, Aug/Sept2011 39+
literature responses, Jan2016 38
lyrics for songs, Jan2010 14
mad libs, Apr2008 12, 15; May2009 4, 6+
magical cures, Oct2010 13*
magical object stories, Oct2010 13
Make a Book, Oct2007 37
memoirs, Feb2009 44–45
messages from Mars, Mar2012 12
messages from space, Mar2008 11
Minecraft Compact, Nov2015 19–20
Minecraft Mission Statement, Nov2015 20
mnemonics, Oct2009 15*; Nov2011 15, 49
movie reviews, Feb2015 13–14
myths, Aug/Sept2008 35; Nov2009 13
narrative writing, Apr2014 18; Jan2015 38–39
nature observations, Mar2010 14*
nature themes, Dec2008 18–19
newspaper articles, Oct2009 19; Mar2010 4*;
Aug/Sept2015 12–13
newspapers, class, Feb2009 52–55*; Apr2009 36;
May2011 14
Nonfiction Features Notebook, Dec2007 18
note taking, Aug/Sept2008 14+; Dec2014 40;
Aug/Sept2015 10–11
Novel Sentences, Dec2007 12
on demand writing, Apr2014 16
one-sentence synopses, Aug/Sept2008 36
opinion writing, Apr2014 16–17
Outstanding Achievement Awards, Jan2015 42
paragraph writing, Jan2008 51
paraphrasing, Apr2009 13; Dec2013 17; Aug/Sept2014
18; Jan2015 39–40
parts of speech, Jan2010 16–17*
pen pals, Aug/Sept2010 13*; Oct2015 4*
personal histories, Aug/Sept2009 14
personification, Apr2009 41–42*; May2014 14;
Mar2016 36
persuasive, Aug/Sept2008 12; Jan2009 39, 50, 51;
Aug/Sept2009 5; Dec2009 50; Apr2014 39;
Feb2015 19; Apr2015 20–21; Mar2016 9
phrase creation, Nov2007 47
play-by-play commentary, May2016 11
podcasting scripts, Aug/Sept2008 7*
point of view, Dec2009 13; Mar2010 14
postcards, Oct2011 36; Mar2016 36–37
Pre-Reading Sentence Starters, Aug/Sept2007 39;
Dec2007 36
procedural writing, Dec2015 20–21
prompts, Aug/Sept2013 13*; May2014 13; Dec2014 13;
May2015 13
proverbs, May2015 24
public service announcements, Apr2015 15
publishing, how to, Feb2009 46–47
punctuation, Oct2011 13, Mar2012 35; Aug/Sept2012
28*; Mar2014 27
quotations, Dec2011 11; Oct2012 14*; Jan2014 12*;
Aug/Sept2014 18–19; Apr2015 13*; May2015
13, 17; Jan2016 18; Feb2016 8*
raps, Feb2010 14
reader journals, Oct2014 13
Readers as Writers, Feb2009 41–47*
recaptioning, Oct2007 37
recipe writing, Oct2007 36; Oct2014 14
reports, super senses, Jan2009 14
resolutions, Jan2012 13; Dec2013 13
rewriting with synonyms, Oct2007 37; Oct2008 37
Rhyming Fractured Fairy Tales, Apr2008 12
rhyming tools, Apr2013 50*
rhyming tributes, Feb2010 14
rules for interacting with brownies, Apr2013 26
scary stories, Oct2015 32–33
science research, Oct2009 13, 15, 16+, 17+;
Aug/Sept2012 37
scientific reasoning, everyday problems, Oct2009 14
scrambled short stories, Jan2008 13
screenplays, Feb2015 45
script writing for Reader's Theater, Apr2007 23–24
secret codes, Nov2008 18–19*; Aug/Sept2013 14
on self-esteem, Oct2008 12*, 13
sentence activities, Dec2009 17–18
sentence frames, Jan2015 40
sentences, sensory experiences, Jan2009 13
sequels, Aug/Sept2014 13
sequencing, Jan2009 34; May2010 38*; Mar2016 38*+
short stories, May2009 4, 21; Dec2009 38; Mar2011
13; Feb2014 12
similes, Nov2008 13; Jan2009 50; Feb2009 38;
Apr2010 17*–18*; May2010 4*
skits, Feb2010 14*
slogans, Oct2004 46+, 47+; Apr2016 13
social circles, Aug/Sept2008 13
song lyrics, Feb2009 13
from sources, Jan2015 38–40
sources grids, Jan2015 40
speeches, Jan2009 15*; Mar2009 13
sports fables, May2016 10
statements of fact, Oct2011 40+*
story elements, Nov2009 18; Dec2009 7, 37–38;
Feb2013 40–41+
story starters, Aug/Sept2009 36; Jan2012 12
story strips, Aug/Sept2007 39
summaries, Feb2009 14
survival stories, Oct2011 50
tall tales, Apr2008 38, 41; Aug/Sept2012 13; Mar2014
ten-step guides, May2010 38
text-dependent questions, Nov2013 17–18; Jan2015
39; Apr2015 38–40
Text to Me responses, Jan2016 38
Text to the World responses, Jan2016 38
thank-you notes, Mar2009 35; Feb2010 36; Dec2011
11–12; Aug/Sept2012 13; Nov2014 43;
Feb2015 50–53; Jan2016 11; Apr2016 43–44
tone in, Apr2016 13–14
true and false statements, Mar2016 36–37
web sites, Jan2005 32*, 37*
why stories, Apr2009 37–38
wordless books, Nov2009 18; Dec2009 7; Dec2012 13;
Jan2015 23–24
words within words, Oct2010 37–38
word wall, Oct2012 14
Write an Alphabet Book, Apr2007 36
Write a Sequel, Dec2007 44
writers' perspectives, Oct2009 34
"write to me" journals, Nov2010 12*
writing for kids, Oct2006 37
writing from sources, Apr2014 18
languages. See foreign languages; Spanish language
Lansing, J. Stephen, Mar2010 17
Lansky, Bruce, Apr2004 14, 18; Jan2008 21; Mar2014 42;
Nov2014 47*; Jan2015 28*
Lanthrop, Dorothy, Jan2012 20
Lanton, Sandy, Dec2006 26
Lantz, Frances, Jan2005 36, 39
LaPierre, Yvette, Mar2004 11
LaPlante, Debra, Apr2006 42–45; Oct2006 24–27
Lapp, Diane, May2014 19
La Prise, Larry, Feb2007 41
LaReau, Kara, Jan2007 47
Larios, Julie, Apr2006 4
Lark, Liz, May2007 36
LaRoche, Giles, Aug/Sept2014 45
LaRochelle, David, Feb2009 45; Mar2013 17; Apr2013 16;
Jan2016 2; Mar2016 43
Larrick, Nancy, Apr2015 42
Larsen, Karen, Oct2005 38–41; Dec2005 17–23; Mar2006
21–27; May2006 35–42; Aug/Sept2006 19–23;
May2007 17–19; Jan2008 49–52; Jan2009 50;
May2009 41; Oct2009 20; Nov2009 44; Jan2010
25; Feb2010 44; Oct2010 7; Nov2010 39; Dec2010
7; Jan2011 38; May2011 51; Aug/Sept2011 38;
Jan2012 19
Larson, Heidi, Feb2013 12
Larson, Hope, Jan2014 12
Larson, Kirby, Dec2009 53; Feb2013 12
Larson, Kris, Nov2004 4
Larson, Mitzie, May2012 14–17
Lasher, Rob, Mar2008 55
Lasky, Kathryn, Aug/Sept2003 8; Oct2004 29, 31; Feb2005
24; Apr2005 12, 25; Mar2007 11, 22; Aug/Sept2007
32, 53; Apr2008 9, 11; May2008 50; Nov2009 3;
May2010 11, 20; Mar2011 11; Nov2011 10;
Aug/Sept2013 53; Jan2014 10; Feb2016 8;
Apr2016 26
Las Posadas, Oct2006 6; Dec2006 29; Dec2007 28;
Dec2014 28
Lass, Bonnie, Dec2005 40; Dec2013 52
Lassieur, Allison, Oct2007 23
Latham, Irene, Oct2014 13
Latimer, Alex, Mar2016 43
Latimer, Miriam, Dec2014 54
latitude, Jan2008 15+; Aug/Sept2014 21, 53*
Latta, Sara L., Dec2012 12
Lauber, Patricia, Dec2003 35; Oct2006 54
Lauren, Jill, Jan2011 35
Laury, Jean Ray, Nov2003 29
Laux, Keith R., Dec2003 16, 20
Law, Ingrid, Feb2014 5
Lawler, Janet, Apr2015 35
Lawlor, Laurie, Apr2010 18*; Aug/Sept2011 11; Mar2015 5;
May2015 11
Lawrence Hall of Science, Feb2013 5*
Lawson, Julie, Jan2005 24
Lawson, Robert, Jan2004 35; Oct2005 26–27, 30
Lay, Katherine, Feb2008 9, 11
Lay, Katheryn, Dec2011 7
Layne, Steven, Dec2008 41*
Lazarus, Emma, Aug/Sept2011 19–23*
LEAD Project, Aug/Sept2015 38
leap years, Feb2008 29
Lear, Edward, May2004 25; May2007 29
learning development, May2008 24–27
learning disabilities, Oct2014 10, 11, 12*, 14*, 38–39
The Learning Station, Feb2015 56
learning styles, Jan2011 35*; Feb2011 6*
leaves, Nov2007 29*; Oct2012 11, 12*, 13; Apr2014 21, 38,
40, 43
Leavitt, Amie Jane, Dec2014 18
Leavitt, Henrietta, Aug/Sept2015 55–56
Leavitt, Loralee, Dec2015 38
Lechner, John, Feb2009 2; Oct2011 11
Lee, Carol K., Aug/Sept2003 29; Apr2006 5; Nov2006 45
Lee, Chinlun, Nov2006 2
Lee, Cora, Feb2008 43; Apr2014 10
Lee, Dora, Mar2015 9; Feb2016 27
Lee, Hector Viveros, Aug/Sept2008 21
Lee, Jared, Nov2011 38
Lee, Jeanne M., Feb2005 29
Lee, Jordan, Feb2007 55
Lee, Mark, Aug/Sept2014 55
Lee, Martha, Dec2013 6
Lee, Milly, May2007 33, 35; Nov2010 17
Lee, Sally, Mar2015 11
Lee, Sammy, Nov2006 26
Lee, Sarah, Nov2007 14–21
Lee, Spike, Dec2011 14; Oct2015 54
Lee, Suzy, Apr2009 3, 11
Lee, Tonya Lewis, Dec2011 14
Leedy, Loreen, Jan2005 27, 31, 32, 36, 38; Feb2005 28;
Nov2007 53; Jan2008 9; Mar2008 10; Apr2010 10;
Nov2011 11; Mar2012 9; May2013 5; May2014 53;
Aug/Sept2014 46; Apr2016 7
Lee & Low Books, Oct2012 4*; Dec2014 5
Leeming, David Adams, Dec2010 10
Lee-Tai, Amy, Nov2007 3
Leeuwen, Jean Van, Feb2007 29
Le Fevre, Dale N., Jan2013 9
legends, Dec2010 26
legends, Irish, Mar2007 55
Legos, Dec2004 4*; Mar2013 12*; Mar2015 5, 17, 47*;
Feb2016 10, 12, 16
LeGuin, Ursula, Oct2004 25; Oct2014 28
Lehman, Barbara, Apr2006 10; Oct2011 3, 12; Jan2014 11;
Mar2016 2
Meet the Author, Dec2015 44–48
Lehman-Wilzig, Tami, Dec2013 10; Dec2014 46
Lehn, Barbara, Oct2009 2; Aug/Sept2012 12
Lehrhaupt, Adam, Apr2016 3
Leif Erikson Day, Oct2006 28
Leigh, Autumn, Jan2016 44
Lekotek Center, National, Aug/Sept2007 4
LeMieux, Anne C., May2006 9
lemonade stands, Apr2016 24–25
Lendroth, Susan, Dec2015 25
L'Engle, Madeleine, Nov2004 24; Nov2005 24; Feb2009 11;
Mar2012 2, 10; Jan2014 12; Nov2015 28*
Lennon, Maria, Oct2014 5
Lent, Blair, Oct2004 44
Leodhas, Sorche Nic, Aug/Sept2013 30
Leonard, Tom, Apr2009 11
Leoni, Cristiana, Jan2007 52
Leonov, Aleksei, Mar2005 25
Leopold, Aldo, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 24
leprechauns, Mar2013 29*
Lerangis, Peter, Oct2010 24
Lesesne, Teri S., Mar2016 29*
Lesser, Charlotte, May2005 5
lesson plans
age-appropriate, Oct2012 6–7
from Common Sense Media, Oct2013 6*; Apr2016 12*
integrating technology into, May2015 7*; Aug/Sept2015
by librarians, Jan2014 7*
online resources for, Nov2007 40*; Mar2014 49*
from Penguin Young Readers Group, Feb2011 4*;
Feb2014 5*
planning grids for, Feb2008 6–7
See also Core Focus, Keep ‘em Reading, and Library
Lessons for specific lesson plans
Lessons in Friendship: Building Social and Emotional Skills
through Books, Jan2016 10–12
Lester, Alison, May2009 3; Jan2014 4; Aug/Sept2014 3
Lester, Helen, Oct2004 43; Feb2005 41; Apr2005 15;
Dec2005 10, 11, 13; May2008 21; Dec2009 27;
Jan2014 45; Feb2014 12; Aug/Sept2014 9;
May2016 1, 38
Lester, Julius, Feb2006 24; Aug/Sept2007 2; Nov2007 9;
Feb2010 42–43; May2012 8; Jan2015 2; Feb2015
4; Oct2015 1, 7, 18
Lester Public Library, Feb2016 13–15
letterboxing, Aug/Sept2014 52*
Leuck, Laura, Aug/Sept2007 5; Apr2009 50; Mar2014 10
leukemia, Feb2011 22
Leung, Peyton, Aug/Sept2014 11
Levenson, George, May2004 18–19
Levin, Betty, Apr2007 9
Levin, Freddie, Mar2013 9
Levine, Ellen, Jan2008 53–55; Nov2010 16; Feb2012 46;
Aug/Sept2012 2–3; May2014 22
Levine, Gail, Apr2005 11; Apr2008 6, 9; Jan2010 12;
Oct2010 10; Mar2013 11; May2013 37
Levine, Robert T., Mar2011 52
Levine, Shar, Mar2005 8, 10; Mar2006 11, 12; Apr2008 53;
May2008 12; Jan2009 11; Dec2012 11; Feb2014
Levins, Sandra, Mar2014 1, 10
Levinson, Cynthia, Feb2014 29
Levinthal, David, Aug/Sept2013 12, 48
Levithan, David, Oct2013 10
Levitin, Sonia, Aug/Sept2006 10, 11
Levy, Elizabeth, Jan2006 10, 12, 29; Apr2007 29; Apr2008
29; Mar2016 8
Levy, Matthys, Mar2015 10
Levy, Michelle, Nov2011 45
Lewin, Betsy, Apr2006 26–31, 32–34; Feb2010 25; May2011
46; Dec2012 19; Apr2013 2; Apr2015 43;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
Lewin, Roger, Aug/Sept2007 29
Lewin, Ted, Nov2003 31; Apr2006 27–28, 30, 32–34;
Dec2006 31; Oct2008 2; Apr2013 2; Aug/Sept2015
Lewis, Barbara A., Apr2007 3; Aug/Sept2007 11, 12, 13;
Jan2011 12; Dec2011 10; Apr2015 11
Lewis, C. S., Oct2004 15; Nov2004 24; Nov2006 29;
Nov2007 29; Aug/Sept2010 25; Feb2012 10
Lewis, E. B., Feb2010 36, 37; Mar2013 49
Lewis, Edna, Dec2015 7
Lewis, Gill, May2012 2; Oct2014 11
Lewis, J. Patrick, Oct2003 28, 29; Apr2005 4; Oct2005 25;
Apr2006 10, 12; Mar2007 23; Nov2007 55;
May2008 40; Feb2009 9; Oct2009 11; Nov2010
27*; Oct2012 55; Nov2013 54; Feb2014 21, 52;
Aug/Sept2014 47; May2015 10, 53; Jan2016 53
Lewis, Kevin, Feb2004 7
Lewis, Paeony, May2013 48
Lewis, Rose, Dec2008 22, 25; Feb2012 47
Lewis, Valerie, Nov2009 50
Lewis and Clark Expedition, Aug/Sept2003 24; Jan2004 4;
Oct2004 25; Nov2004 4, 15–21, 46*
Lewison, Wendy, May2004 41; Nov2006 40
Lexile levels, Feb2012 20*; May2014 16–17
Leyson, Leon, Oct2013 28
Libbrecht, Kenneth, Dec2013 21
librarians, Feb2007 5; Aug/Sept2007 5; Apr2008 24–27;
Aug/Sept2012 8–15*, 24–27; Jan2013 25–27;
Feb2016 28*
libraries, Nov2006 6; Dec2006 47; Feb2008 28*; Apr2008
27; Dec2008 54*; Feb2009 20–24; Apr2010 45*;
Mar2011 39–41+; Aug/Sept2012 24–27;
Aug/Sept2013 53–56; Apr2015 4; Oct2015 28*
Library 2.0, May2008 51–55
Library as Incubator Project, Jan2015 7*; Mar2016 14–16
library associations, Aug/Sept2011 54–55
library cards, Jan2005 6–8, 12–13; Aug/Sept2005 6;
Nov2014 6
Library Card Sign-Up Month, Aug/Sept2003 24–25;
Aug/Sept2004 24–25; Aug/Sept2005 24–25;
Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Aug/Sept2007 5, 28–29;
Feb2009 23; Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2012 28*;
Aug/Sept2013 28*; Aug/Sept2014 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
library clubs, Jan2011 46–50
Library Labyrinth, Aug/Sept2003 46, 48
Library Land, Nov2007 41*
Library Laughs, Oct2003 46
Library Legislative Day, May2005 24; May2006 24; May2007
Library Lessons
43 Old Cemetery Road series, May2014 49–51*
Abe Lincoln’s Dream, Nov2014 24–27
Accessing Nonfiction, Dec2007 16–19
All the World, May2011 24–27*
An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of
the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, Jan2010
An Annoying ABC, Aug/Sept2012 38–39*
Apples, Pumpkins, Research!, Oct2003 16–21
baseball players, research and games, May2010 24–
Best Practice: Mock Awards Programs, Nov2007 14–
Better Thinking Through Chemistry, Oct2009 18–20
The BFG/Goal!, May2016 21–25
Black History Comes Alive!, Feb2010 44–45*+
Blackout, May2013 24–27
The Bully in Children's Literature, Oct2013 21–24
category, patterns, problem solving, Dec2009 16–18*
Civil Rights, Feb2007 18–20
Classroom Collaboration Tool Chest, Jan2013 25–27
Colorful Library Lessons, Jan2015 22–24
computer catalogs, Mar2009 37
creative writing and vocabulary, Feb2009 6–7
Dave the Potter, Apr2012 22–23*
The Day the Crayons Came Home/The Noisy Paint
Box, Mar2016 35–39*
Developing a Palate for Poetry, Oct2012 20–23
Dewey Decimal Checkout game, Dec2008 6–7*
diaries, characters, clubs, Oct2008 16–22*+
Discover Primary & Secondary Sources, Nov2004 15–
dramatic readings, encyclopedia research, Mar2009
Earth Advocacy in the Library, Apr2011 46–48*
environmental issues, Mar2010 47–51*
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, Aug/Sept2014
Featuring Parts of a Book, Jan2005 14–16
Fiction, Nonfiction & Biography Fun, Feb2004 33–35
Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Booker T.
Washington, Feb2014 54–56*
five senses differentiated unit, Jan2009 48–50*
food and cooking, Dec2015 23–27
Genres, Feb2005 40–46
Geography in the Library Tool Chest, Nov2011 48–50*
Going on a Book Hunt, Apr2008 16–19
Groundhog Day: Time to Play, Feb2008 20–27
Hanukkah, Shmanukkah!, Dec2007 23–27
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez,
Aug/Sept2009 44–46*
Of Helen Keller, Aug/Sept2015 23–25
How to Analyze Online Sources, Dec2005 17–23
Imogene's Last Stand, Jan2011 42–45
Katrina's Courageous Kids, Feb2012 16–19*
Keeping Research on Track, Aug/Sept2007 19–22
Key Word Searching, Oct2005 38–41
Kick It Up with Zapato Power!, May2012 22–24*
language arts and visual arts, Apr2009 40–43*
Latitude and Longitude, Nov2005 35–39
A Legacy of Learning, Nov2010 22–24*
Lessons of a Wimpy Kid, Jan2012 44–46*
A Library Book for Bear/The Right Word, Jan2016 23–
Library Orientation 101, Aug/Sept2004 18–21
Library Orientation with Skoob, Aug/Sept2005 42–45
Library Town, Aug/Sept2006 24–27
The Lightning Thief, Dec2010 16–18*
Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie/The Boy Who Harnessed
the Wind, Feb2016 30–35
Linking Literature and Science, Jan2007 20–21
The Lion and the Mouse, Feb2011 25–27*
listening, comprehending, Jan2009 16–17, 20+
Little Red Writing, Aug/Sept2015 20–22
The Magician's Elephant, Oct2010 40–43*
The Marauder's Map, May2004 33–40
March Into Spring: Farmyard Baby Boom, Mar2013
The Mind Is a Wonderful Thing to Use, May2008 24–27
Miss Brooks Loves Books! (and I Don’t), Oct2014 35–
Musical Booktalks and More, Mar2005 18–21
A Mystery in the Library, Oct2004 36–41
The Mystery of the Bloody Beagle, Oct2007 17–21
The Mystery of the Pilfered Poetry, Apr2004 9–13
newspapers, class, Feb2009 52–55*
nonfiction activities/song, Jan2009 6–7+
Nonfiction—It Does a Brain Good, Apr2006 19–23
Note-Taking and Outline Skills, Feb2006 18–23
In the Not-So-Distant Future, Mar2012 17–19*
The One and Only Ivan, Dec2013 25–27
Organizing Holiday Research, Dec2004 27–33
Overcoming Ethical Dilemmas, Dec2011 40–43*
Owls, Bats, and Spiders, Oct2006 24–27
palindromes and exaggeration, Aug/Sept2008 37–42*+
Patriotic Words and Deeds, Oct2015 33–35
The Peasleecott: A Mock Caldecott Unit, Jan2004 14–
personification, analogies, etc., Dec2008 43–48+
Pickle Patch Bathtub, Mar2007 45–47
Playing in the Library, Nov2006 43–46
Poetry Pizzazz, Apr2007 46–50
The Princess and the Pig, Mar2014 51–56
problem-solving, Jan2009 18*–19
Puppets for All Purposes, Mar2008 14–19
Racing to Freedom Trilogy, Feb2013 39–42*
reading club for boys, 44–45
The Real Mrs. Skorupski, Jan2007 23
Red Sled, Dec2012 37–39*
Research vs. Plagiarism, Jan2006 39–45
Rosie Revere, Engineer, Mar2015 34–36
Scary Stories, Oct2015 30–33
Scranimals, Apr2013 42–44*
self-identity, Nov2015 39–44
Serafina’s Promise, May2015 22–24*
Something from Nothing, Dec2014 42–44
Stitching Fiction & Nonfiction, Nov2003 27–33
Successful State Mini-Research, Jan2008 49–52
Summer Exploration Stations, May2005 6–11
Summer Reading for Fall Success, May2007 17–19
Teaching Essay Writing Is My Hobby!, May2006 35–42
Teaching Reference Books with a Literature Hook,
Feb2008 47–52
Things You Wouldn't Want to Be, Nov2012 19–21*
Tia Isa Wants a Car/Lots and Lots of Coins, Apr2016
Timeless Thomas, Jan2014 52–54
Tom Angleberger's Origami Yoda Series,
Aug/Sept2013 40–43
Tool Time, Mar2011 38–41*+
transportation, May2009 40–41*
Tricking the Tallyman, Aug/Sept2011 6–7*
Under the Sea, Apr2014 24–27
Using Free Online Reference Tools, Mar2006 21–27
Judith Viorst’s Alexander Series, Feb2015 34–37
V Is for Volunteering, Apr2015 22–24
visual cues, Jan2009 17–18
Welcome Home, Aug/Sept2003 27–33
We're Riding on a Caravan: An Adventure on the Silk
Road, Apr2010 43
We've Got Your Number-Math Research, Apr2005 27–
What If Duck for Turkey Day Was a Cookbook?,
Nov2013 40–42
What's Your Piece in Peace?, Aug/Sept2010 20–22*
Who You Gonna Call?, Dec2006 49–52
Winging Around the Library, Dec2003 6–13
Women's History Month, Mar2004 16–21
wordless books, Nov2009 16–18*; Jan2015 23–24
Word Walls with Mrs. Skorupski, Nov2006 17–21
Young Minds, Big Ideas, Oct2011 40–42*
Library Lovers Month, Feb2004 5; Feb2007 28–29; Feb2008
28–29; Feb2011 28*; Feb2012 29*; Feb2014 4;
Feb2016 28*
Library of Congress, Apr2007 28*; May2008 5*; Jan2015
44–45*; Aug/Sept2015 12, 15*; Oct2015 5*;
Mar2016 5*, 16*; Apr2016 29*
library orientations. See orientations, library
library promotion, Feb2008 28*; Aug/Sept2012 24–27
library skills, Nov2006 45–46; Dec2006 51; Jan2007 54;
Feb2014 4+*
Library Survivor, Aug/Sept2003 27–28
library tours, Apr2010 45*
library visits, Nov2006 6; Dec2006 47
Lichtenheld, Tom, Oct2003 35; Aug/Sept2007 32; Apr2012
2; Feb2013 5; Oct2013 46; Mar2014 27; Apr2016 3
Lickona, Thomas, Oct2013 48
Lieberman, A.J., Nov2014 29
Liebman, Dan, Jan2007 54
Lied, Kate, Apr2010 7
Lies, Brian, Oct2006 5; Mar2007 26; Feb2009 22; Oct2010
Author Extensions, May2012 33–37
Meet the Author, May2012 30–33
lies and lying, Mar2014 8–15*
lifelong learning, Mar2014 6
life skills
active listening, Mar2014 20–23
adversity, overcoming, Nov2009 27
affirmations, Dec2011 12
anger management, Oct2013 15; May2015 51–53
apologizing, Jan2011 18–19*, Aug/Sept2011 38
baking, Nov2010 13
bedtime routines, Feb2011 38
behaving ethically, Dec2011 40–43*; May2014 15
behaviors, positive, Aug/Sept2008 13; Aug/Sept2012
budget creation, Apr2010 14*; May2015 19–21;
Apr2016 2*, 4*, 17, 36–38
budgeting time, Dec2011 11*
bully-busting, Dec2005 13; Oct2013 15–16
calling 9-1-1, Feb2016 2*
careers, Nov2006 12; Nov2013 53–56
change, making, Apr2010 14*
character traits, Feb2010 14
choices, making, Dec2011 10,12–13*,42–43
compassion, Oct2013 46–49*; Jan2016 3, 11–12, 16–
19, 36–39, 40–41, 47–49
compliments, giving, Jan2016 3*
conservation, Apr2007 12
debate sportsmanship, May2010 14
digital citizenship, Apr2016 11–14
divorce, coping with, Feb2011 21–22
doing your best, Dec2011 2–3,6–13*
emergency preparedness, Feb2016 2*
empathy, Feb2011 23; Jan2016 39, 47–48
fears, dealing with, Oct2011 19–23
formal tea party behavior, Dec2008 27
friends, making, Feb2011 38
get-well cards, Jan2010 14
goal setting, Dec2011 11; Feb2014 15
gratitude, Nov2014 39–43
handling grief, Feb2011 21–22
healthy eating, Apr2011 16–19*; Jan2012 54*;
Jan2014 19–23; Dec2015 2, 4*, 9*, 10–13,
20–22, 39
helping others, Apr2015 22–23
honesty, Oct2008 34–35
intergenerational skills swap, Nov2010 13
journaling, Oct2014 14
kindness, Aug/Sept2008 3; Jan2009 3; Feb2009 5*;
Dec2011 10*, 11; Oct2013 2; Jan2014 40–42;
Apr2015 25–27; Jan2016 3, 11–12, 16–19,
36–39, 40–41, 47–49
listening, Apr2007 4–5; Apr2008 4; Mar2014 20–23
list making, Feb2011 36; Apr2014 37
loss, recovering from, Feb2011 21–22
love, showing, Feb2011 14
manners, Aug/Sept2006 8–13, 28–29; Aug/Sept2010
28–29, 52–55; Aug/Sept2011 29*;
Aug/Sept2015 29*; Dec2015 2*, 7
mindfulness, Dec2013 39–42; Feb2015 7
organizing, Dec2003 4; Jan2008 28
Partner Play, Aug/Sept2008 5*
personal best, Dec2011 2–3, 6–13*; Jan2015 41–43
personal goals, May2010 13; May2016 11
positive attitudes, Aug/Sept2007 17
promises, keeping, Nov2014 51
resolutions, Jan2009 4; Jan2013 4; Dec2013 13
responsible opinions, Jan2011 14
saving money, Oct2008 14; Feb2009 13; Apr2016 15,
17, 18–20*, 24–27, 53, 55
saying “thank you,” Feb2015 50–53
scientific reasoning, Oct2009 14
Secret Buddy Week, Oct2013 15
self-evaluation, on bullying, Oct2013 16
selling and marketing, Feb2011 38–39
Skills Placards, Apr2015 22–23*
social responsibility, May2016 26–27
social skills, Jan2016 10–12
sportsmanship, Oct2008 35; Nov2014 14; May2016 9*,
stress reduction, Aug/Sept2008 11*; Oct2008 38;
Aug/Sept2010 14*; May2013 13, 14–15
survival skills, Aug/Sept2010 37
teamwork, Aug/Sept2007 18; Oct2008 35–36; Mar2010
47–48; Jan2013 15, 21, 22; Nov2015 36–38;
Apr2016 36–38
tenacity, Jan2015 41–43
thankfulness, Nov2014 39–43; Feb2015 50–53
time management, Aug/Sept2008 11*; Jan2014 15*
tracking, Mar2010 15
trustworthiness, Mar2014 14
truthfulness, Mar2014 13, 13, 14, 15
understanding, Mar2014 20–23
volunteering goals, Apr2015 13
weather safety, Apr2014 14*
wilderness training, Aug/Sept2010 37
working together, Mar2009 14
See also behavioral studies
Light, Bridget, Feb2015 44
lightning, May2011 13*; Feb2013 14–15, 24*
Lillegard, Dee, Aug/Sept2008 17
Lillie, Patricia, Aug/Sept2008 21
Limerick Day, May2004 25; May2005 25; May2007 29;
May2008 28; May2014 28*; May2015 28; May2016
limericks, May2004 25; May2005 25; May2007 29; May2008
28*; Mar2012 4+*; May2014 28*; May2015 28;
May2016 29*
Limke, Jeff, Mar2013 10
Limon, Jose, Apr2012 16–20*
Lin, Amy Hsu, Nov2015 1, 8
Lin, Grace, May2004 19; Dec2004 5; Dec2006 3; Jan2007
54; Mar2007 28; May2007 2; Aug/Sept2008 3;
Oct2009 3; Jan2010 3; Oct2010 2; Apr2011 2;
Oct2012 11; Dec2013 9; May2014 5*, 29; Oct2015
39; May2016 29*
Author Extensions, Feb2012 36–39*
Meet the Author, Feb2012 30–35
Lincoln, Abraham, Nov2003 25; Feb2004 2–3, 25; Nov2004
25; Feb2005 25, 47; Feb2006 4, 24; Feb2007 28;
Nov2007 29; Feb2008 28*; Feb2009 16, 17, 18, 19;
Dec2010 36, 53–54; Jan2011 24; Feb2014 29*;
Nov2014 5*, 9, 10, 19–21*, 24–27, 29; Nov2015
29*; Feb2016 29*
Lincoln-Douglas debate format, Nov2014 19–21*
Lindbergh, Reeve, Nov2005 25
Linde, Barbara M., Oct2010 53, 55
Lindeen, Carol, Apr2006 20
Lindeen, Mary, Mar2011 52
Lindenbaum, Pija, Dec2003 34–35; Apr2005 13Lindbergh;
Dec2008 2; Reeve
Lindgren, Astrid, Dec2004 2
Lindgren, Barbro, Dec2004 3
Lindgren, Merri, Oct2014 2
Lindsay, Janice, May2007 53
Lindsay, Vachel, Oct2004 43
Lindsey, Kathleen D., Dec2006 26
line dancing, May2012 43
Linnell, Gabrielle, Apr2008 7
Lionni, Leo, May2005 13; Oct2005 21; Dec2007 54;
Nov2009 42; Mar2010 26; Dec2011 9; Jan2013 11,
Lippert, Margaret H., Mar2011 2
Lipson, Eden Ross, Jan2010 3; Oct2010 52, 55; Dec2014 9
Lipton, Lenny, Nov2009 23
listening skills, Apr2007 4–5; Apr2008 4; Oct2012 20–21;
Nov2012 5; Mar2014 20–23; Feb2015 25–27
Liston, Melba, Aug/Sept2015 56
lists, theme books
100th Day, Jan2007 23–24
Aborigines, Dec2005 46–47
achievers, Nov2006 25–26; Feb2013 26
adoption, Nov2010 25
African American notables, Feb2010 44
African folktales, Dec2006 46–47
Alaska, Nov2011 5
alligators and crocodiles, Mar2009 53–54; Jan2016
alphabet books, Apr2007 36; Feb2008 6
American Indians, Oct2010 17; Apr2012 39
Anansi stories, Dec2014 4
Ancient Egypt, Nov2012 26
animals, Mar2007 26; Apr2007 42; Dec2008 45;
Feb2011 19; Apr2013 24, 47, 57; May2014 4
animal sounds, Mar2014 4
animal welfare, Apr2009 5
apples, Aug/Sept2006 4; Oct2010 55; Aug/Sept2013 5
Johnny Appleseed, Aug/Sept2013 5
art and artists, Jan2006 15–18; May2009 4; Mar2016
2, 8–9, 39
Artic region, Dec2006 4
Asian Pacific American heritage, May2007 31–34, 43–
athletes, Mar2007 24–25; Feb2013 26
John James Audubon, Mar2007 17
Australia, Dec2005 47; Jan2014 4
autumn, Nov2008 5; Nov2009 5; Nov2010 4
award-winning books, Nov2007 8–9, 15, 18, 20, 21;
Jan2008 4
bad days, Oct2005 5
badgers, Apr2007 42
ballerinas, May2006 18
baseball, Mar2007 24; Mar2008 53–54; May2008 21;
May2010 26; Feb2014 41; Oct2014 5;
May2016 38
bats, Apr2007 42; Feb2009 5*; Oct2010 4
beaches, May2008 21; Apr2015 35
bears, Apr2008 20–23; Mar2009 54–55
bedtime books, May2013 47–49
bedtime routines, Dec2007 45–47
Benjamin Franklin, Jan2007 6–7
bikes and bicycling, May2006 4; May2010 5*; Oct2015
biographies, Mar2007 8, 22; Dec2007 40; Nov2008 51,
52, 53–54; Oct2014 46–47; Jan2016 38–39
birds, Feb2006 46–47; Mar2007 17; Mar2011 49;
Mar2013 4
birthdays, Oct2007 54–55; Jan2008 19–21
boats, Apr2009 43
body, human, Feb2007 40–41
books, Oct2014 53; Jan2016 25
boy appeal, Nov2008 8
brain and thinking process, Feb2015 38–40
bravery, Feb2009 25–27
bridges, Mar2015 24
Anthony Browne, Nov2006 35
bugs, Mar2006 54–55; May2008 40–42; Jan2010 25;
Oct2011 55
bullying, Dec2007 44; Oct2013 48
Caldecott Awards, Nov2007 8, 15, 18
camping, May2007 4; May2008 21; May2015 45
careers, Nov2006 8; Apr2008 4
Rachel Carson, Mar2009 4
cartoons, Apr2007 26
catchy titles, Dec2013 4
cats, Aug/Sept2005 47; Feb2007 35; Dec2009 18
celebrations and food, Dec2006 25–27
changes, Dec2007 3
character education, Aug/Sept2007 8, 9–11, 15–18
China/Chinese heritage, Nov2006 45; Apr2007 52–53;
May2007 43–44; Nov2010 25
Chinese New Year, Jan2006 5; Feb2007 4; Feb2011
Christmas, Dec2011 4
circuses, May2008 21–22
civil rights movement, Feb2007 8
Roberto Clemente, Feb2014 22
clothing, for cold weather, Dec2015 3
collaboration, Jan2016 8
collaborative reading, Oct2006 23
colors, Nov2009 44
community action projects, Nov2005 20–21
compassion, Oct2013 47–48; Jan2016 3, 36–39
connection making, May2008 27
cookbooks, ethnic/international, Dec2006 11, 30–37
cookies, Jan2006 4; Dec2013 4
cooking, Nov2006 54–55; Dec2006 23; Dec2015 11
cooperation, Jan2013 50
coyotes, Apr2007 42
crafts for students, Mar2009 52–55*
creativity, Jan2010 4
crickets, Apr2007 42
crocodiles, Oct2007 34
dance, May2016 39
Charles Darwin, Feb2009 19
Leonardo Da Vinci, Nov2006 5
deep sea dives, Nov2011 55
dental health, Feb2007 54, 55; Feb2014 25–26;
Feb2015 5*
detectives, Aug/Sept2007 5
diaries and journals, Oct2008 16–17
dinosaurs, Feb2006 33, 35, 37, 44–45; Oct2008 53–
55; Jan2014 37
dirigibles, Aug/Sept2012 5*
disabilities, Mar2006 5; Dec2011 55
disgusting nonfiction, Nov2007 50
diversity, Oct2015 2–3, 8, 54
dogs, Oct2006 52, 57; Dec2009 18; Oct2011 5,
Nov2011 6
double-T titles, Jan2014 43–45
dragons, Jan2005 5; Aug/Sept2007 40–41; Jan2016 2
dreams, Oct2005 46–47, 47
drum music, Oct2015 17
ducks, Jan2006 37
Dust Bowl, Dec2006 5
Earth Day, Apr2006 5; Apr2007 8; Apr2009 4; Apr2011
40; Apr2012 5
economic issues, May2008 49–50
eggs, Mar2009 4
elections, Aug/Sept2008 4, 43–45
elephants, Aug/Sept2006 4; Oct2011 50
endangered animals, Oct2008 40*; Apr2013 24
environment, Nov2006 4–5; Apr2007 8; Mar2010 51
estimating, Oct2013 4
ethnic food, Dec2006 10–11, 30–37
everyday heroes, Mar2013 50
explorers, Mar2009 8, 41; Nov2011 26–27
facts, Mar2014 40
fairies, Aug/Sept2011 4–5
fairs, May2008 21–22
fairy tales, fractured, Apr2008 8–11
Ian Falconer, Aug/Sept2005 37
families, Dec2008 4, 8, 21; Feb2011 19; Feb2012 47;
Dec2014 51
family and community history, May2008 50
fantasy, Aug/Sept2010 27; May2013 39
fantasy series, Dec2007 4; Aug/Sept2008 4
farming, Mar2007 25
fathers, May2011 55
financial literacy, Apr2016 2, 20, 23
finger plays and rhymes, Mar2009 19–20*
firefighters, Oct2009 5
fireflies, Apr2007 42
Five Little Monkeys, Aug/Sept2005 38
folktales, Nov2005 4; Dec2010 41; Jan2011 36;
Feb2014 52
folktales, African, Dec2006 46–47
folktales, for creative dramatics, Mar2008 24
folktales, multicultural, Oct2006 48
food, Nov2006 54–55; Dec2015 22
food, ethnic/international, Dec2006 10–11, 30–37;
Dec2015 2
food and celebrations, Dec2006 25–27
football, Nov2011 5
free verse, Feb2016 32–33
friendship, Apr2007 53; May2007 53; Feb2011 19
Froggy, Aug/Sept2005 38
frogs, Mar2009 54*; Apr2011 4
funerals, May2007 53
funny books, Oct2014 53
funny poems, Apr2007 25
gadgets, Aug/Sept2015 3
games and gaming, Nov2015 8
Jack Gantos, Nov2005 30
gardening, Mar2007 22–23, 25; May2007 26–27;
May2013 4; Apr2015 4; Jan2016 15
gender nonconformity, Dec2014 5
geography, Nov2011 8, 27, 49; Nov2014 4
Mordicai Gerstein, Jan2006 31
gingerbread man stories, Dec2005 39–40; Dec2007 52
Girl Power, Jan2013 43*
Girl Scouts, Jan2013 42, 43
global stories, Oct2015 18
Gold Rush, Dec2011 21
good luck charms, Mar2006 4–5
government, Aug/Sept2008 45
grandparents, Aug/Sept2005 5; Dec2007 5; Nov2010
23–24; May2015 4
Great Depression, Jan2012 15–16
going green, Jan2009 4
gross-out nonfiction stories, Nov2007 50
growing up, Feb2011 20–21
habitats, Nov2008 36–37; Apr2011 56
Halloween, Oct2007 44–46
John Hancock, Jan2007 6
Hanukkah, Dec2007 25; Dec2014 44
Robie Harris, May2006 31
hats, Jan2015 4
hearing, Apr2008 54
heart, stories with, Nov2013 25, 26
heroes and heroines, Feb2009 2–3, 8–11, 12*;
Mar2013 50; May2015 53
Hide-and-Seek, May2006 21
hiking, May2008 21
Hispanic foods, Aug/Sept2009 55
Hispanic heritage and culture, Aug/Sept2009 4, 8;
Oct2013 4
Hispanic holidays, Oct2006 6
historical fiction, Nov2008 51, 52, 53–54
historical mysteries, Aug/Sept2011 18
history (nonfiction), Aug/Sept2011 27
the Hmong, May2007 3
holidays, Dec2007 8, 50–51
horses, Nov2013 22
James Howe, Oct2006 36–37, 56–57
how-to books, May2011 23
hurricanes, Mar2006 18–19; Feb2012 19
ice cream, Dec2006 26
Iditarod, Mar2011 4
illness and wellness, Jan2010 8
imaginative play, Nov2008 20–22
immigration, Oct2006 8–12; Apr2007 53
India, May2007 44
insects, Mar2006 54–55; May2008 40–42; Jan2010 25;
Oct2011 55
interactive books, Feb2012 55
international food, Dec2006 10–11, 30–37
inventors and inventing, Dec2006 26; Jan2007 8;
Aug/Sept2008 53, 55; Aug/Sept2015 3;
Feb2016 2, 4*, 8, 24–25, 35
Ireland, Mar2007 5, 54
Islam, Nov2013 29*
Japan, May2007 44–45
jazz and big band era, Feb2010 19
Thomas Jefferson, Jan2007 7
Steve Jenkins, Mar2006 37, 41
jokes and riddles, Apr2007 54–55
journals and diaries, Oct2008 16–17
journeys, May2014 23
Junie B. Jones, Aug/Sept2005 37
kindness, Oct2013 47–48; Jan2016 3, 11, 12, 36–39
King Tutankhamen, Nov2005 5
kites, Apr2006 4
Korea, May2007 45
ladybugs, Oct2012 49*
letter "C" books, Jan2010 22–24
Betsy Lewin, Apr2006 31
librarians, Aug/Sept2007 5; Apr2008 24–27; Dec2008
libraries, Apr2008 27; Dec2008 54*; Feb2009 20–24;
Mar2011 40; Apr2015 4
library 2.0, May2008 52–55
library games, Nov2006 45–46
Abraham Lincoln, Feb2009 18–19
Literature-based Field Day, May2006 5
little things, Apr2007 4
Lois Lowry, May2007 11, 12–16, 16
magic, Oct2007 5, 27; Oct2010 7; Oct2013 56
mail delivery, Oct2009 27
makers and making, Feb2016 2, 8
mammals, Dec2005 47
manners, Aug/Sept2006 8–9, 15; Aug/Sept2010 55
maple syrup, Dec2008 54
marching, Mar2008 5
math, Feb2008 44–46; May2008 14; Apr2009 46–47;
Apr2010 55; Apr2014 4; Nov2014 5
math-based picture books, Apr2010 23
Memorial Day, May2006 46
memory/forgetting, Aug/Sept2008 4
mice, Dec2007 53–55; Mar2009 55
Richard Michelson, May2008 49
military service, Nov2010 57; Nov2011 6
mittens, Jan2008 5, 57
money, Apr2016 2, 20, 23
monkeys, Oct2007 34
monsters, Apr2009 51
moon, Aug/Sept2012 5*
mothers, May2012 4
movies, from books, Dec2006 5
museums, May2009 4–5
music, Mar2005 31, 34, 41–42, 47; Mar2007 4;
Mar2008 48–49; Mar2014 5
musical instruments, Dec2005 47
Christopher Myers, Feb2007 37; Apr2008 48
mysteries, Aug/Sept2007 5; Oct2010 26–27
mythology, Feb2014 19
names, origin of, Oct2006 22
names and naming, Oct2007 54, 57
NASA, Mar2008 8–11
NASCAR racing, Aug/Sept2008 52
Native Americans, Oct2010 17; Apr2012 39; Nov2013
natural science, Apr2014 19, 40
nature, Apr2007 8; Dec2008 19; Feb2011 19
Newbery Medal, Nov2007 8–9, 20, 21
new technology, May2008 52–55
New Year's Eve, Dec2007 3
New Year's resolutions, Jan2013 4
New York City, May2012 41
nocturnal animals, Apr2007 42
noises, Apr2008 4
nonfiction, Apr2006 21; Dec2006 52; Dec2007 19
nonviolence, May2015 52–53
North Pole, Dec2006 4
numbers in the titles, Mar2014 4
number ten, Aug/Sept2012 23
nutrition, Mar2012 5*
ocean life, Apr2009 2–3, 8, 9–12; Apr2015 35
old-fashioned, Jan2012 42, 43
"Old Friends," Aug/Sept2005 39
Olympics, May2008 10–13
one-word titles, Nov2013 4
opossums, Apr2007 42
owls, Apr2007 42
Linda Sue Park, Nov2007 35
parodies, Apr2007 26
Gary Paulsen, Aug/Sept2010 39
paying it forward, Apr2015 25
peace, May2007 5; Aug/Sept2010 3*, 22; May2011 26
penguins, Jan2016 3
pets, Aug/Sept2005 47; Dec2009 23*, 51
photography, Jan2006 46–47; Mar2016 23–24
picnics, May2008 22
pies, Feb2005 4
pioneers, Mar2009 8, 41
pirates, Oct2006 5; Aug/Sept2007 52–53
planets, Mar2008 2–3, 8–11
poetry, Apr2006 43; Mar2007 27; Apr2007 25, 50;
Mar2008 50–52; Apr2012 24–25, 26, 27;
Apr2013 47; Oct2014 55; Feb2015 53
pop-up books, Jan2007 38, 39
presidents, Dec2008 54; Feb2009 4
presidents, children of, Feb2010 52–53
princesses, Apr2008 6–7
problem solving, Feb2009 55; Aug/Sept2014 43;
Feb2015 40–42
public libraries, Apr2008 27
pumpkins, Oct2007 44, 45–46 43; Oct2010 55
puppets, Mar2008 16–17; Mar2009 21–22*
purple books, Oct2007 4
puzzles, Aug/Sept2014 43
quilts, Feb2007 48
raccoons, Apr2007 42
rainy day, Apr2006 40
reader's theater scripts, Mar2009 22–23*; Jan2012 24,
reading, collaborative, Oct2006 23
recipes, Nov2006 54–55
recycling, Nov2006 4–5; Apr2008 4; Apr2011 48;
May2013 44
reindeer, Dec2005 4
relatives, Dec2014 51
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 53, 55
road trips, May2009 53, 54
Jackie Robinson, Apr2014 5
robots, Aug/Sept2015 2
rock 'n' roll, Mar2008 48–49
round books, Jan2005 48
Louis Sachar, May2008 37
Robert D. San Souci, Oct2005 4
scarecrows, Oct2005 21
scary stories, Oct2007 8–11, 22, 44–46
school libraries, Apr2008 27
school stories, Aug/Sept2008 38
science, Apr2014 19, 40
science experiments, Oct2009 20
science fairs, Mar2007 22
science fiction, Mar2012 47; Jan2013 4*;
Aug/Sept2015 41
seeds, May2007 26–27
self-confidence, Feb2011 19
self-esteem, Oct2008 11*
senses, Apr2008 53–55; Jan2009 12
sensory perception, Jan2009 8
David Shannon, Aug/Sept2005 39
sharks, May2007 47
shoes, Feb2010 37
short days, long nights, Dec2009 4
Judy Sierra, Oct2007 33
sight, Apr2008 54
silly stories, Apr2016 3
similes, May2013 5
sing alongs, Apr2007 25
skunks, Apr2007 42
slavery, Feb2012 46
sleep, Oct2005 46–47; May2013 49
sleepovers, May2013 49
sleuths, Nov2005 4
small sizes, Apr2007 4; May2016 23
smell, Apr2008 54
snow, Dec2005 4; Jan2007 4, 49–50; Jan2009 5;
Feb2013 4; Dec2013 42
snowflakes, Dec2013 24
snowmen, Dec2005 45, 49
soccer, Mar2008 54–55; May2008 21; Nov2011 5;
May2016 25
songs, cooking and food, Dec2006 23
Gary Soto, Feb2008 37
sounds, Apr2008 4
soup, Jan2008 4; Jan2014 23
space, Mar2008 2–3, 8–11
Spanish, Nov2006 45; Jan2007 4
spiders, Oct2006 4; Aug/Sept2008 5; Oct2008 4
spooky, Oct2009 4; Oct2012 5
sports, Mar2007 24–25; May2008 10–13, 21; Jan2010
sports, adversity in, Feb2013 26
sports, history of, Dec2008 54
sportsmanship, May2010 9
spring, Mar2007 27; Mar2015 4–5
states, U. S., Jan2008 8–11, 44–48; Dec2008 55
Steampunk, Nov2011 4; Aug/Sept2012 5*
storytelling, Mar2009 24
summer, May2007 18; May2008 21–22
superheroes, Oct2015 17
survival stories, Oct2011 50
tall tales, Jan2008 26–27
taste, Apr2008 54–55
teachers, May2014 5
technological breakthroughs, Jan2012 18–19*
technology, May2008 52–55; Mar2011 26–27;
Aug/Sept2015 39, 41
Teddy Bear Day, Oct2005 44–45
teddy bears, Nov2006 44
teeth, Feb2007 54, 55; Feb2014 25–26; Feb2015 5*
ten (number), Aug/Sept2012 23
ten-year-olds, Aug/Sept2012 4
Thanksgiving, Nov2006 5; Nov2009 5
tide pools, Apr2009 55
time and change, Dec2007 3
timekeeping, Jan2014 27
TOON Books, Oct2010 39, 57
Tooth Fairy, Feb2014 4
touch, Apr2008 53–54
toys, Aug/Sept2005 4
trains, Nov2005 47; May2012 54,55
travel and transportation, May2009 8
trees, Mar2007 42, 44; Apr2014 21
trickster tales, Apr2010 38; Dec2014 4
trolls, Aug/Sept2011 4
T titles, Jan2014 43–45
Turkey/Turkish heritage, May2007 45; Nov2012 39–41*
turtles, Aug/Sept2005 6
twins, Dec2007 42–43
Underground Railroad, Jan2008 54; May2014 22
vegetables, May2007 26–27
Venice, Feb2006 5
video games, Jan2009 40
Vietnam, May2007 45
villains, Feb2012 50–51
vocabulary, Jan2014 18; Jan2016 27
volcanoes, May2009 20
George Washington, Jan2007 6; Mar2012 16
water, Feb2016 35
weather, Mar2006 8, 12; Mar2012 5
wedding customs, Oct2007 55
Rosemary Wells, Aug/Sept2005 35
Vera B. Williams, Dec2005 31
wind, Mar2007 4
winter, Dec2007 5, 8, 50–51; Jan2009 5; Dec2010 4;
Jan2012 4; Feb2012 4; Dec2012 4, 39;
Dec2013 42
witches, Aug/Sept2007 38; Oct2007 45, 46
women in history, Dec2006 26; Feb2007 48; Jan2013
women who changed the world, Jan2013 43*; Mar2013
wordless books, May2008 24; Nov2009 18; Mar2013 5;
May2014 21–23; Jan2015 46
words, Jan2011 4; Jan2016 27
world travel, May2011 4–5
Wright Brothers, Jan2007 14
writing tools, Mar2016 37
Jane Yolen, Aug/Sept2007 36–38
Ed Young, Feb2006 17
zoos, May2008 22
listservs, Dec2006 50
Lite, Lori, May2013 17
literacy, early, Feb2009 5*
literacy programs
American Idol Reading Incentive Party, Mar2008 46–49
Bookwink, Nov2007 5*
Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR), Oct2007 4–5
Fire Up with Reading, Oct2007 50–52
games in, Nov2006 43–44
Get Caught Reading Month, May2004 24–25; May2005
24–25; May2006 24–25; May2007 28–29;
May2008 28–29; May2012 29; May2014 28
intergenerational program, May2008 29
"Library Lodge Ski and Snowboarding Festival,"
Dec2007 51–52
"Look What's Cookin' at Your Library" library initiative,
Jan2008 20
National Keotek Center, Aug/Sept2007 4
online literacy resources, Nov2007 41*
winter holidays family literacy event, Dec2007 51;
Dec2012 48–51*
literary devices, Apr2007 48; May2012 11; Mar2013 14*+
literary nonfiction, Dec2011 24–27
“Literary Weavings” (Johnson), Mar2016 14–15
literature, multicultural literature conference, Aug/Sept2009
Literature-based Field Day, May2006 5
Lithgow, John, Feb2004 7; Mar2005 28; Mar2011 52
Little, Emily, Nov2012 46
Little, Jean, Dec2009 10; Apr2013 10
Little, Kimberley Griffiths, Nov2004 32, 34
Littlefield, Cindy A., Apr2009 9
Littlefield, Holly, Mar2007 28
Little Free Libraries, Apr2015 19–21*; Nov2015 29*
Littlesugar, Amy, Mar2005 8; Feb2007 10–11; Apr2015 10
little things, Apr2007 4
Litwin, Eric, Dec2012 18
Litwin, Laura Baskes, Aug/Sept2008 45
Liu, Jae Soo, Mar2005 20
Liu, Na, Oct2015 13
Living Life Online (FTC), Apr2016 14*
Livingston, Myra Cohn, Dec2003 16; Jan2012 9; Feb2015 53
lizards, Apr2011 24; Jan2016 42–43
Ljungkvist, Laura, Jan2004 29, 30
Llewellyn, Claire, Feb2006 46; Apr2016 44
Lloyd, Sam, Dec2014 55
Lo, Beth, Nov2012 16–18*; Dec2014 3, 9
Lo, Ginnie, Nov2012 16–18*; Dec2014 3, 9
Lobe, Mira, Nov2015 55
Lobel, Adrianne, Dec2009 4*
Lobel, Arnold, May2005 38; Dec2005 39; Apr2006 3;
Dec2006 28; Dec2009 4*; Apr2011 4; Feb2013 16;
May2013 4
Lock, Fiona, May2015 42
Locke, Kevin, Nov2004 32, 35; Nov2013 10, 14
Locker, Thomas, May2005 25; Apr2011 11; Nov2011 11
Lockhart, Laura, Nov2005 19–23
locomotives, May2012 51–55
Lodding, Linda Ravin, May2013 9
Loeffel, Simone, Dec2003 4
Loertscher, David V., May2008 53; Mar2011 50*
Loewen, Nancy, Apr2010 11; Dec2010 11; Apr2016 9, 42
Lofting, Hugh, Jan2005 25
Logan, John, May2006 46
Logue, Mary, May2013 11
Lohnes, Marilyn, Mar2004 30–35; Apr2007 29
London, Jonathan, Aug/Sept2003 11; Feb2004 8;
Aug/Sept2005 37–38; Mar2006 19; Feb2007 53;
Apr2008 21; May2008 21; Nov2009 48; May2011
11; Feb2013 11; Apr2013 23; Dec2014 28;
May2016 48
Long, Angela, Nov2011 44
Long, Ethan, Apr2010 18*; May2014 54
Long, Loren, Apr2009 41
Long, Lynette, Nov2015 6
Long, Melinda, Aug/Sept2004 4; Aug/Sept2007 5, 32, 50, 51;
Nov2008 10; Aug/Sept2014 10
Long, Richard, Oct2011 27
Long, Steffanie, Oct2011 27
Long, Sylvia, Feb2005 31; Mar2010 25; Mar2014 53;
Aug/Sept2014 37
Longevity Calculator, Aug/Sept2013 7*
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Nov2009 42
longitude, Jan2008 15+; Aug/Sept2014 21, 53*
Look, Lenore, May2007 3; Oct2007 55; Dec2008 2;
May2011 42; Dec2011 3; Apr2012 2; Dec2014 12
Loon, Hendrik Willem van, Jan2012 20
Loper, Kathy, Jan2006 39–45; Feb2006 18–23
López, Rafael, Aug/Sept2009 3
Lorbiecki, Marybeth, Nov2006 25, 26; Mar2007 24
Lord, Bette, Apr2014 5
Lord, Cynthia, Oct2011 24; Mar2012 25; Apr2015 23;
Oct2015 3; Apr2016 56
Lord, Janet, Jan2009 3; Jan2015 49
Lord, John Vernon, Nov2004 25
Lord, Michelle, Aug/Sept2007 17–18
Lorenzi, Natalie Dias, Jan2013 3
Lossada, Carlos, Oct2012 26
Lost Ladybug Project, Apr2014 50
Losure, Mary, Jan2013 2; Jan2015 29
Lothrop, Laura Leuck, Oct2007 45
Louisiana, Nov2007 45–46; Jan2008 45
Louisiana Territory, Dec2004 24
Lourde, Lynn P., Jan2009 44*
love, Feb2011 2–3, 6–7*, 8–15*, 16–19, 44–47
Love, Andy, May2015 13*
Love, Ann, Apr2007 11, 14; Mar2008 3; Oct2009 11;
Apr2011 12; May2011 10; Dec2012 23
Lovejoy, Sharon, Aug/Sept2010 46
Lovelace, Maud Hart, Apr2005 24
Lovell, Patty, Oct2011 27
Low, Alice, Oct2003 29; Oct2004 4; Feb2014 20; May2016
Low, Juliette Gordon, Jan2013 41–43*
Low, William, Aug/Sept2015 42
Lowe, Ayana, May2016 14
Lowe, Helen, May2013 11
Lowell, Barbara, Mar2015 52
Lowell, Susan, Oct2004 43; Apr2005 13, 14, 15; Mar2009 10
Lowery, Linda, Nov2007 29
Lowry, Lois, Mar2004 25; Aug/Sept2005 11, 12, 13;
Nov2005 41, 44; Mar2006 28; Mar2008 29;
May2008 50; Jan2009 9; Jan2011 9; May2011 41;
Apr2012 10; Aug/Sept2012 4; May2013 10;
Jan2015 5
Author Extensions, May2007 12–16
Meet the Author, May2007 6–11*
Loy, Jessica, Mar2010 10
Lu, Marie, Jan2014 5*
Lubar, David, Nov2008 10; May2014 55; May2016 9
Lubber, William Captain, Aug/Sept2007 29
Lucas, David, Apr2012 43
Lucas, Eileen, Dec2005 10, 13
Luciani, Brigitte, May2014 11
Ludmer, Robin, Dec2004 5
Ludwig, Trudy, Aug/Sept2008 2; Oct2013 10; Jan2016 12,
36, 37, 41
Luke, Melinda, Oct2006 53
Lum, Mary, Jan2014 7*
Lund, Deb, Apr2009 51
Lundgren, Julie K., Dec2014 17–18
Lundy, Kathleen Gould, Oct2013 48
Lunge-Larsen, Lise, Nov2009 49; Dec2010 10; Oct2011 1,
10; Dec2012 21; Feb2014 18
Lupica, Mike, Feb2011 23; Oct2014 5, 12
Lupine Award, Nov2007 45
Lupton, Hugh, Feb2015 39
Lurie, Susan, May2015 53
Lussier, Jenny, Jan2015 19–21
Lutes, Jason, Oct2007 25
Luthardt, Kevin, Jan2006 38
Luxbacher, Irene, Jan2015 9
Lye, Keith, Mar2006 11, 12
Lyle, Marcenia, Nov2006 26; Mar2008 53
Lyn, Carrie, Feb2005 35
Lynch, Chris, Dec2009 10; Aug/Sept2015 41
Lynch, Jay, May2014 11
Lynch, P.J., Jan2015 12
Lyon, George Ella, Mar2007 10, 13; Nov2009 11;
Aug/Sept2010 3; Jan2012 21; Mar2012 3; Dec2013
3; Apr2015 12
Lyons, Mary E., Jan2005 18; Jan2008 27
lyrics, Mar2007 28*
Maartman, Elsa, May2008 49
Maass, Robert, May2007 26
Maathai, Wangari, Mar2010 45–46; Nov2011 17; Dec2011
16; Feb2013 45
Macaulay, David, Dec2003 15–16, 24, 38–43; Jan2004 28,
31; Dec2004 4, 25; Jan2006 18; Jan2007 11, 12;
Oct2008 4*; Mar2011 11; Dec2013 28*; Oct2014
11; Mar2015 3, 9; Dec2015 3
MacAulay, Kelly, May2013 12
Maccarone, Grace, Apr2005 15; Aug/Sept2008 21; Dec2009
26; Apr2012 3
MacDonald, Bailey, Aug/Sept2011 16–18*
MacDonald, Betty, Mar2007 28; Oct2010 11
Macdonald, Donna, Jan2016 31
Macdonald, Fiona, Nov2008 11; Jan2010 50; Mar2013 10
MacDonald, George, Apr2008 7
MacDonald, Margaret Read, Nov2004 41; Feb2005 27, 30;
Mar2007 29; Oct2007 41, 45; Nov2007 51;
Mar2008 4; Mar2009 23; Apr2010 53;
Aug/Sept2010 11; Dec2010 19–21*, 25, 40;
Nov2012 40; Jan2016 43; May2016 7–8
Macdonald, Maryann, Oct2011 43–47*
MacDonald, Megan Read, Mar2013 17
MacDonald, Ross, Feb2004 9
MacGill-Callahan, Sheila, Mar2007 55
MacGregor, Roy, Feb2014 11
Maciel, Amanda, Feb2014 10
Macintosh, Brownie, Aug/Sept2007 30
Mack, Tracy, Mar2007 29; Jan2008 28; Nov2009 10
MacKellar, Pam, Oct2014 7
MacLachlan, Patricia, Dec2008 24; Mar2009 11; Feb2011
11; Jan2012 9; Apr2012 12; Apr2013 10; Apr2015
42; May2015 37
MacLean, Christine Kole, Nov2006 1
MacLean, Kerry Lee, Aug/Sept2010 7, 18; May2013 10
Maclear, Kyo, Mar2014 3
MacLeish, Archibald, Feb2009 22
MacMillan, Kathy, Apr2004 5; Aug/Sept2004 4
MacNeal, Noel, Apr2012 9
MacTaggart, John, Apr2012 49*
Macy, Sue, May2008 12, 15; Dec2012 9; Feb2014 10
Maddern, Eric, Dec2010 10
Madison, Alan, Nov2010 54, 57; Aug/Sept2011 9
Madison Public Library, Mar2016 15
Mad Libs, Apr2008 12, 15; May2009 4, 6+
Madrigal, Antonio Hernandez, Jan2008 20
Maestro, Betsy, Oct2004 6, 8, 10; Oct2005 28; Oct2006 9,
12, 29; May2008 49; Jan2014 27
Maffett, Cyndi, Oct2005 5
Babybug, Jan2011 4
checkout of, Aug/Sept2015 4
Children's Magazine Month, Oct2010 4, 28*
Creative Kids, Dec2012 27*
Curriculum Connections, Dec2006 51
Family Fun, Oct2007 39; Oct2012 28*
Footsteps Magazine, Feb2004 18
High Five, Mar2007 5
Highlights, Mar2007 5; Aug/Sept2010 53; Feb2013 23;
Nov2015 3*
increasing circulation, Feb2010 5
Kids Discover, Apr2013 4*
Magic Dragon, Dec2012 27*
National Geographic Kids, Mar2014 30, 32; Oct2014
National Geographic Little Kids, Oct2010 4*
National Geographic Young Explorer!, Oct2014 40*
Odyssey, May2007 28
online magazines, Oct2014 40*
Outdoor Kids Club, Jan2009 5*
Ranger Rick, Aug/Sept2012 18
Reader's Digest, Oct2013 6
The Reading Teacher, Apr2007 5
recycling of, Mar2008 5
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 25–26
Scholastic Action, Feb2013 23
Skipping Stones, Dec2012 27*
Spider Magazine, May2007 4
Stone Soup, Dec2012 27*
tween girls, Feb2010 4*
magic, Oct2007 5, 25–27*; Oct2010 6–7*, 8–14*, 44–48+;
Oct2013 53–56
magic bag, Jan2005 6–8, 12–13
magicians, Oct2013 54–56
magic squares, Mar2012 11*
magic tricks, Mar2007 29*; Oct2010 6–7*, 14; Oct2013 53–
54; Mar2015 28*
Maguire, Gregory, Feb2005 3; May2008 42
Mahoney, Daniel J., Apr2008 22
Mahy, Margaret, Oct2004 25; May2005 15; Aug/Sept2006
52; May2008 22; May2012 43
Maine, Jan2008 45
Mainland, Pauline, May2006 11, 12
Majkowski, Julie, Feb2004 4; Aug/Sept2007 5
Mak, Kam, May2007 33, 35
Make a Difference Day, Oct2003 5; Oct2005 25; Oct2006
29; Oct2014 29*
makerspaces and making, Feb2016 2*, 4*, 6–9*, 10–12, 16–
17, 18–20*, 36–38; Apr2016 31
Makerspaces for All: Bringing the Maker Movement into Your
Library, Feb2016 10–12
Malam, John, Aug/Sept2007 30; Mar2014 29
Malawi, Feb2013 2; Feb2016 35
Malcolm X, Feb2007 8; Nov2014 11
Mali, Aug/Sept2008 3
Mallat, Kathy, Jan2006 10, 11, 13; Aug/Sept2012 19
Mallery, Garrick, Jan2005 17, 21
Mallett, David, May2004 4; May2013 4
Mallory, Kenneth, Nov2011 53
Malnig, Anita, Feb2016 44
Malnor, Carol L., Aug/Sept2011 10
Malone, Marianne, Oct2011 11; Mar2016 3
Mammano, Julie, Mar2008 55
Manck, Katy, Aug/Sept2013 7*
Mandel, Peters, Jan2007 54
Mandell, Jude, Nov2010 26
Mandell, Muriel, Nov2012 40
Manders, John, May2011 48
Manfredi, Angie, Mar2016 3*
manga, Mar2010 52; Oct2010 5*
mangrove trees, Nov2011 16–18*; Oct2012 3
Mann, Elizabeth, Mar2015 24
Mann, Jennifer K., Apr2015 3
manners, Aug/Sept2006 8–13, 28–29; Aug/Sept2010 28–29,
52–55; Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2015 29*;
Dec2015 2*, 7
Manning, Jane, Aug/Sept2012 22; Oct2013 25; May2015 45
Manning, Mick, Feb2006 43
Manning-Saunders, Feb2005 7
Mansfield, Howard, Apr2013 10
manufacturing, Mar2011 25
Manushkin, Fran, Jan2010 3; Oct2013 10; Nov2015 25
Manzanar Project, Nov2011 16–18*
Manzano, Sonia, Oct2008 3
Mapes, Ida, Apr2014 52
maps. See under social studies, geography
Mara, Wil, Dec2003 34; Aug/Sept2012 11
Marc, Franz, Apr2012 48–50*
Marcantonio, Patricia Santos, Apr2008 3
Marcellino, Fred, Mar2005 25
Marchant, Kerena, May2007 33, 35; Dec2007 11
marching, Mar2008 5
Marcus, Leonard S., Jan2006 9, 19; Apr2006 32; May2006
4; Nov2007 10; Jan2015 10, 11
Mardi Gras, Feb2005 4, 24; Feb2006 24; Feb2007 28;
Feb2008 4, 28; Dec2010 55; Jan2014 38; Feb2014
Marine Corps, Mar2008 36+; Nov2010 53,55
marionettes, May2012 38–41*
Markel, Michelle, Nov2009 10; Apr2010 2, 54; Nov2014 10;
Mar2015 42; May2015 52
Markham, Edwin, Nov2014 53
Markle, Sandra, Oct2003 28; Dec2007 54; Jan2008 29;
May2009 3; Apr2010 53; Oct2011 52; Apr2013 9;
May2015 9
Markmann, Erika, Jan2016 15
Markovics, Joyce, Apr2015 42; Feb2016 45; Mar2016 41
Marks, Jennifer L., Feb2015 39; Nov2015 8
Marrewa, Jennifer, Aug/Sept2014 10
Marrin, Albert, Dec2007 55
Mars, Mar2008 3, 10, 13; Apr2013 29*; Nov2014 17–18
Marschall, Ken, Jan2004 41
Marsden, Carolyn, May2007 33; Mar2016 7
Marsh, Valerie, Oct2003 11–15
Marshall, James, Oct2004 24; Dec2011 20, 21*
Marshall, Natalie, Apr2015 56
Marshall, Sir William, Mar2013 13
Marsico, Katie, Jan2016 42
Mars rover, Apr2013 29*
Martchenko, Michael, Dec2008 33
Martin, Ann M., Oct2013 10; Oct2015 3, 56
Martin, Bill, Jr., Nov2004 5; Oct2005 21; Apr2006 36;
Feb2007 40–41; Oct2007 9, 11; Feb2008 53–55;
Apr2008 21, 54; Dec2008 51–52; Apr2009 21*;
Mar2010 11; Feb2011 10; Mar2011 31;
Aug/Sept2012 23
Martin, David, Feb2007 40; Dec2008 23
Martin, George R. R., Dec2012 10
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs, Mar2006 10, 11; Jan2007 4;
Apr2007 15, 16*, 53*; Aug/Sept2007 15–16;
Nov2007 45, 47; May2008 50*; Oct2009 1, 11, 23;
Nov2010 19; Dec2010 47–49*; Dec2012 23, 24;
Jan2015 16, 18; Apr2015 4, 29; Dec2015 1, 43, 57;
Jan2016 6
Martin, Laura, Apr2007 11, 14; Mar2010 11; Apr2011 11
Martin, Phillip, Nov2013 6*
Martin, Rafe, Feb2006 12; Nov2013 24
Martin, W. Eric, Jan2014 11, 27
Martinez, Andres Vera, Oct2015 13
Martini, Clem, May2012 9; Dec2014 11
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan2005 24; Jan2006 5, 24;
Jan2007 4*, 28; Jan2008 28; Jan2015 28
Marvel Comics, May2014 25*, 39*; May2015 27
Marvis, Barbara J., Aug/Sept2004 40, 43; May2014 10
Marx, David F., Aug/Sept2004 9
Marx, Patricia, Oct2011 26
Marx, Trish, Nov2006 26; Nov2012 5; Nov2014 11
Marxer, Marcy, Aug/Sept2007 50; Nov2007 49
Maryland, Jan2008 45
Marzollo, Jean, Jan2004 36; Feb2004 27–28; Apr2004 28;
May2007 26; Oct2007 45; May2008 24; Oct2012
31; Aug/Sept2014 6; May2016 3*
mascots, Mar2011 6–7*; Apr2011 13; Feb2014 13*, 14*
Masiello, Ralph, Nov2012 11; Mar2016 40
Masoff, Joy, Nov2008 11
Mason, Adrienne, Oct2015 8
Mason, Margaret, Jan2013 2
Mason, Paul, Oct2007 55
Mass, Wendy, Jan2009 10; Nov2009 11; Jan2014 9
Massachusetts, Jan2008 45
Massie, Diane Redfield, Mar2006 49; Aug/Sept2014 37
Masters, Anthony, Feb2009 10
age, calculating, Jan2012 12
animal problems, Apr2013 15; May2013 14
average gas mileage, Apr2011 15
baseball statistics, Dec2010 37; Feb2014 40–41
books about, May2014 52–56
books with activities, Apr2009 46–47
budgeting, Dec2008 26; Jan2013 13; May2015 19–21;
Apr2016 2*, 4*, 17, 36–38
Building the Box, Jan2008 55
calculators, Mar2011 15
census problems, Aug/Sept2009 14*
charting, May2011 13
Chinese calendar, May2007 36
Classy Math, Apr2008 37
codes/ciphers, Nov2008 16–19*
in comics, May2014 14
common denominators, Apr2009 45*
comparing scores, May2010 14
countdown calendars, Dec2014 15*
counting, Aug/Sept2009 14; Feb2010 15; May2012 35;
May2015 15*
counting 100 days, Aug/Sept2008 12
counting by 5s and 10s, May2009 14
counting money, Feb2015 36*+
curriculum, Apr2005 2–3
with Dewey Decimal System, Aug/Sept2012 14
distances, May2009 14; Nov2011 25*; May2012 13;
Aug/Sept2013 15; Mar2014 40*
dollar words, Aug/Sept2012 14
dyscalculia, Oct2014 14
bartering, Apr2008 13; Apr2016 7, 10, 17, 21–22
budget creation, Apr2010 14*; May2015 19–21;
Apr2016 2*, 4*, 17, 36–38
business book reports, Apr2010 13; Apr2016 9*
coin minting, May2015 29*
coins, Feb2015 36*+; May2015 29*; Apr2016 20–
costs and profits, Feb2010 15
creating businesses, Apr2010 14*
currency, Apr2010 15*; Aug/Sept2011 13*;
Apr2016 2*, 9–10*, 20–23, 36*
currency, pretend, Apr2016 36*
dollars and pesos, Aug/Sept2009 15*
entrepreneurs, Apr2010 13, 14*, 15*; Oct2012 13;
Jan2014 15
global currency, Apr2016 9–10*
home economics, Mar2011 24
love as "big business," Feb2011 14
magic supply store, Oct2010 13
making change, Apr2010 14*
microfinance, Oct2011 14*
money, earning, Oct2009 54; Mar2011 24;
Apr2016 17, 24–26
money exchange rates, Aug/Sept2009 15*
pennies, Feb2006 4; Aug/Sept2010 15*; Oct2011
14*; Feb2015 14*+; Apr2016 2*, 20–21
Pennies for Peace, Aug/Sept2010 15*
pet business plans, Dec2009 15
saving money, Oct2008 14; Feb2009 13; Apr2016
15, 17, 18–20*, 24–27, 53, 55
selling and marketing, Feb2011 38–39
sports big business, May2010 15
stock market investing, Apr2010 15*
value of money, Apr2016 17, 22–23, 25
edible numbers activities, Apr2009 44–47*
Empire State Math, Feb2009 38*, 40+
Environmental Word Problems, Apr2007 14
Eratosthenes, Apr2009 45*
estimating, Jan2009 14*; Feb2009 14; Mar2009 13;
Oct2009 15; Oct2013 4; Dec2013 14
fairness, Aug/Sept2003 18; Aug/Sept2007 13
Fairytale Marketplace Barter, Apr2008 13
farming and animals, Apr2006 34
Fibonacci numbers, Mar2010 15*; May2011 13;
Mar2013 13*; Apr2014 29, 40*
fractions, Feb2004 19–20; Apr2009 44–45;
Aug/Sept2009 37–38; Oct2011 14
games with, Nov2008 13*; Feb2012 14*
geometry, Feb2011 15
cat production, Dec2009 15
dynamics of design, Oct2009 34–35
geometric shapes, art with, Jan2015 15; Apr2015
germ symmetry, Jan2010 15
holiday geometry, Dec2013 14
kaleidoscopes, Nov2009 14*
shape books, Nov2009 36–37*
shapes in nature, Oct2009 15
graphs, Dec2010 6*, Apr2011 15; Dec2011 11
bar graphs, Feb2013 35; Oct2014 37
categorizing, Jan2009 35
circle graphs, Nov2014 15
data collecting, Aug/Sept2008 12; Dec2008 14;
Jan2009 38
feelings graphs, Oct2013 14
graphing survey results, Oct2013 36; Feb2014 14
hair colors, eye colors, Nov2009 15
hero pie charts, Feb2009 14
line graphs, Oct2013 14
school attendance, Jan2010 15
spider data, Mar2010 39–40
surveying, Nov2008 14; Jan2009 39; May2015 20
websites for, Apr2015 48*
Halloween math challenge, Oct2013 4
health and fitness, May2006 12–13
health/calories count, Oct2008 14*
Holiday Symbol Sort, Dec2007 13, 14
jokes and riddles, Apr2005 16–17
magic squares, Mar2012 11*
Manic for Math, Apr2008 36
math-based library program, Apr2010 19–23*
mathemagicians, Oct2010 14
math fables, Dec2010 14
Math Madness, Apr2008 36–37
Maya numbers, Nov2012 13
measurements, Mar2010 38–39; Mar2011 15; Oct2011
14; Aug/Sept2013 15; Dec2013 14; Apr2014
15; May2014 40; Aug/Sept2015 9
with melting snow, Dec2012 14
Metric Measuring, Dec2006 35–36
microbes to scale, Jan2010 15
Mix 'em Up Math, Aug/Sept2007 13
money conversion, Feb2015 14*; Apr2016 9*
Monster Math, Oct2007 13
Monstrous Math Game, Oct2003 30
Montgomery Bus Money, Feb2007 14, 17
movies, business of, Feb2015 14
multiplication, Apr2008 36
nature math, May2011 13; Apr2014 40
number hunts, Aug/Sept2014 15
number lines, Dec2014 17
number puzzles, Oct2007 35
number recognition, Nov2009 15*
numbers, large, Jan2009 14
number sequences, Aug/Sept2008 12
number series, Jan2012 12
observing/comparing, Dec2008 16–17; Feb2009 14
Olympics, activities on, May2008 14–15; Feb2014 14
orders of magnitude, May2012 13
patterns, Dec2015 36, 38
percentages, Feb2004 19–20; Apr2009 45–46
perimeters, May2010 14
perspective, in art, Apr2012 13*
pictograms, Feb2014 14
place values, May2012 13
population, Jan2008 13–14
powers of 10, Feb2013 14
problems based on One Grain of Rice, Dec2010 14;
May2015 15
problems based on popcorn, May2012 37
problems based on statistics, Nov2010 13*
with pumpkins, Oct2012 13
radial symmetry, Dec2013 23*
rates of change, Dec2003 18
ratios, Feb2012 15
in recipes, Dec2013 14; Dec2014 14
research, Apr2005 27–33
Roman numerals, Nov2012 13*
scale, Mar2008 13; Oct2011 14; Apr2012 13*;
Mar2016 10
scale models, Mar2015 14
score keeping, Nov2013 15*
set theory, Aug/Sept2011 13*
skip counting, Apr2012 13
sorting, Mar2010 15*; Feb2011 15; Dec2012 14;
Mar2015 14
Sound Measures, Jan2004 31–32
space, planets, science and math, Mar2008 51–52
spatial calculations, Mar2012 11
Speech Competition Scoring worksheet, Nov2014 15
sports problems, May2008 14; Nov2008 14; May2016
11, 13*
statistics, Jan2008 13; Feb2013 14; Mar2014 14*
structures, sorting of, Mar2015 14
super hero math game, May2015 15*
surveying, May2011 13; Oct2014 14*; May2015 20
temperature, measuring, May2011 13; Dec2012 14
time, Dec2003 18; Nov2012 13*; Jan2014 15*, 26–27*
time zones, Nov2011 13; Jan2014 13
tutorials, creating, Dec2015 30–35*
Two Doors logic puzzle, Mar2014 14
Vacation Values, Nov2003 18
Venn diagrams, Nov2007 13; Apr2008 26, 37
American Girl series, Dec2008 26
Baloney (Henry P.), Apr2008 37
Duckling Hide-and-Seek, May2006 19+, 22+
Election Day, Nov2015 5
NASCAR racing, Aug/Sept2008 50
nature themes, Dec2008 17
Nebraska blizzard of 1888, Dec2012 15
on paper plates, Apr2016 5
primary sources and, Aug/Sept2015 12
sports, May2016 25*+
Worst of Friends, Oct2013 15
weather, Mar2006 13
weight, on Mars, Mar2008 13
weights and measures, Nov2012 13*; Apr2015 13
word problems, Dec2007 13; Feb2009 38; Mar2009 13;
Apr2009 14; Dec2009 15*; Nov2010 13;
Nov2013 15*; May2014 15
world records, Nov2011 13, Jan2012 13*
Math Awareness Month, Apr2005 24–25, 34–39; Apr2006 4,
24–25; Apr2014 4, 29*; Apr2015 29
Mathers, Petra, May2008 50; Apr2010 42, 43; Feb2011 2
Mathews, Judith, Feb2004 9
Mathewson, Christy, Mar2007 24
Mathis, Sharon Bell, Feb2004 25
Math Literacy Week, Oct2003 24–25
Matisse, Henri, Mar2014 2; Mar2015 41; May2015 37
Matlin, Marlee, Apr2014 52, 56
Matsen, Brad, Nov2007 55
Mattern, Joanne, Jan2004 28, 32
Matthews, Caitlin, Dec2012 9, 22, 24
Matthews, John, Aug/Sept2007 30, 55
Matthews, Tina, Dec2010 3
Mattlin, Frances, Feb2008 4
Maurer, Richard, Dec2003 3; Mar2008 2
Mayan culture, Oct2007 54, 55; Nov2012 9, 11–13, 14–15*;
Mar2013 54
May Day, May2007 4, 28; May2008 29; May2013 29*;
May2015 29*
Mayer, Brian, Nov2015 17
Mayer, Marianna, Aug/Sept2007 9, 11, 12
Mayer, Mercer, Dec2003 46; Mar2004 38; Dec2004 25;
May2005 15; Dec2005 25; Dec2007 28; Apr2008
54–55; May2008 21; Oct2008 44; Apr2009 48;
Oct2011 20; Feb2012 51; Mar2012 54; Mar2013 9;
Feb2014 44; Nov2014 42; Apr2015 26; Dec2015 3;
Apr2016 20, 25
Mayes, Linda, May2006 29
Mayes, Walter M., Mar2006 29
Mayflower, Nov2015 4*
Mayo, Gretchen Will, Nov2004 32, 35
Mayr, Diane, May2004 18; Oct2010 52, 55
Mays, Willie, Feb2014 39–41*
Maze, Stephanie, Nov2006 55
Mazer, Anne, Dec2009 11; Apr2013 11
Mazurczyk, Jill, Nov2006 10, 12, 13
Mazziotti, Diane, Apr2011 6
McAuliffe, Christa, Jan2005 25
McBratney, Sam, Feb2006 4; Jan2014 11
McBrier, Page, Dec2005 24; Oct2007 54; Nov2009 21;
Dec2011 15; Dec2014 49
McCabe, William, Nov2004 35
McCallum, Ann, Dec2015 7, 38
McCann, Michelle Roehm, Mar2013 27; Oct2015 17
McCarney, Rosemary, May2015 3; Oct2015 18
McCarthy, Cecilia Pinto, Aug/Sept2014 36
McCarthy, Meghan, Oct2007 4; Nov2007 17; Aug/Sept2012
3; Apr2014 9; Oct2014 10; Feb2016 2, 24, 40, 55;
Mar2016 28; May2016 9
McCarthy, Tara, Feb2005 40
McCarty, Peter, Feb2006 3; Mar2008 2; Feb2011 44;
Jan2014 45
McCaughrean, Geraldine, Dec2003 8; Nov2006 29; Mar2009
11; Nov2012 10; May2015 9
McCauley, Adam, Apr2008 33
McClafferty, Carla Killough, Mar2012 14–16*
McClatchy, Lisa, Apr2016 43
McClements, George, Jan2009 27; Aug/Sept2010 3
McClintock, Marshall, Nov2006 42
McCloskey, Robert, Aug/Sept2004 25; Mar2005 24;
Aug/Sept2005 25; Mar2007 4; Apr2009 11;
Mar2010 12; May2011 11; Feb2013 12; May2014 4
McCloud, Carol, Nov2014 51
McCloud, Scott, Oct2015 11
McClure, Nikki, Jan2015 49; Apr2015 43
McCollum, Sean, May2016 40, 42
McCord, David, Apr2007 47, 51
McCourt, Frank, Mar2015 32–33
McCourt, Lisa, Feb2011 44
McCoy, Elijah, Jan2007 2
McCrae, Duncan, Apr2005 36, 39
McCue, Lisa, Mar2010 20
McCullough, L. E., Apr2005 36, 37; Feb2015 11
McCully, Emily Arnold, Oct2003 41; Oct2004 3; Mar2006 2,
29; May2006 24; Jan2007 2, 20; Aug/Sept2007 28;
Feb2008 3; Aug/Sept2008 45, 55; Nov2008 3;
Oct2009 45; Mar2010 12; Feb2011 41–43*;
Mar2013 49; Apr2013 3; Aug/Sept2013 33;
Jan2015 17–18; Mar2015 3, 10; Aug/Sept2015 55;
May2016 55
McCurdy, Michael, Nov2004 14; Nov2014 14
McCurry, Kristen, Nov2015 6
McDermott, Gerald, Feb2005 18, 42; May2008 41; Nov2014
28; Dec2014 4
McDonald, Margaret Read, Dec2006 54
McDonald, Megan, Aug/Sept2005 4; Oct2006 29; Apr2007 3;
Nov2009 10; Jan2010 11; Feb2010 27; Oct2010 26;
Dec2010 38; May2011 41; Aug/Sept2014 10;
Feb2016 3*
McDonnell, Patrick, Oct2011 3; Aug/Sept2012 17; Mar2014
3; Aug/Sept2014 33–34; Jan2016 11; Mar2016 7,
McElligott, Matthew, Aug/Sept2007 32; May2008 28
McElmeel, Sharron L., Aug/Sept2006 44–45; Oct2006 21–
23; Nov2006 25–27; Dec2006 24–27; Jan2007 6;
Feb2007 46–48; Mar2007 21–23; Apr2007 52–53;
May2007 12–16, 51–53; Aug/Sept2007 14, 43, 55;
Oct2007 27; Nov2007 47; Dec2007 42; Jan2008
55; Feb2008 55; Mar2008 52; Apr2008 48;
May2008 50; Aug/Sept2008 45*; Oct2008 41*;
Nov2008 19*; Dec2008 55*; Jan2009 43*; Mar2009
27*; Apr2009 21*; May2009 21; Aug/Sept2009 27*;
Oct2009 27*; Nov2009 27*; Dec2009 7*; Jan2010
21*; Feb2010 19*; Mar2010 18*; Apr2010 18*;
May2010 42*; Aug/Sept2010 47*; Oct2010 18*;
Nov2010 27*; Dec2010 49*; Jan2011 41*; Feb2011
43*; Mar2011 50*; Apr2011 27*; Aug/Sept2011 18*;
Oct2011 50*; Nov2011 18*; Dec2011 23*; Jan2012
16*; Feb2012 47*; Mar2012 16*; Apr2012 50*;
May2012 41*; Aug/Sept2012 50*; Oct2012 50*;
Dec2012 44*; Jan2013 43*; Feb2013 27*; Mar2013
27*; Apr2013 27*; May2013 45*
See also In the Spotlight
McElroy, Lisa Tucker, Aug/Sept2008 45; Apr2009 10;
Nov2010 9, 54, 57
McFadden, Deanna, Oct2007 10; May2009 9; Nov2011 9
McFarland, Lyn Rossiter, Aug/Sept2004 4
McGee, Marni, May2005 21
McGehee, Claudia, Mar2011 48–50*
McGeorge, Constance W., Oct2005 21
McGhee, Alison, Aug/Sept2005 2; Nov2005 25; Apr2014 5*
McGill, Alice, Oct2005 2–3; Dec2010 2
McGinty, Alice B., Oct2006 54; Feb2013 3; Oct2014 45
McGovern, Ann, Feb2005 31
McGowan, Keith, Oct2014 4*
McGrath, Bob, Dec2007 9
McIntyre, Lauren, Dec2014 6
McKay, Hilary, Dec2005 10, 13; Dec2008 3; Jan2011 10;
May2013 3; Jan2016 55
McKay, Kim, Apr2011 12
McKean, Dave, Jan2015 11
McKinley, Cindy, Apr2015 25
McKinley, Michael, Feb2014 10
McKinney, Barbara Shaw, Apr2007 10; Apr2014 11;
Dec2015 8
McKissack, Fredrick, Dec2007 9, 13, 32, 35, 36, 40;
Jan2009 42; Dec2013 10
McKissack, Katie, Mar2014 4
McKissack, Patricia C., Oct2003 3; Mar2005 25; Nov2005
20; Aug/Sept2006 3; Feb2007 9; Aug/Sept2007 10,
12; Oct2007 2, 28; May2008 3; Dec2008 3;
Jan2009 42; Feb2009 21, 25; Nov2009 11;
Jan2011 8, 10; Dec2011 8; Jan2012 37; Apr2012 2,
12; Oct2013 10; Dec2013 10; Mar2014 10, 11
Author Extensions, Dec2007 36–41
Meet the Author, Dec2007 30–35
McKneally, Ranida, Oct2009 3
McKy, Katie, Nov2007 51; Jan2010 22
McLean, Dirk, Feb2015 10
McLeod, Bob, Feb2012 11; Nov2012 3
McLimans, David, Apr2007 3; Feb2008 54; Apr2009 2;
Apr2013 10
McMahen, Chris, Mar2014 12
McMahon, Peter, May2012 53
McMillan, Bruce, Jan2004 35; May2004 27; Jan2006 10, 11,
13; May2007 26; Dec2007 54; Feb2008 44;
May2008 25; Aug/Sept2009 49; May2011 11;
Dec2014 10
McMullan, Jim, Feb2012 48
McMullan, Kate, Jan2006 25; Nov2007 49; Oct2008 54;
Jan2009 10, 26; Nov2009 53; Mar2011 10;
May2011 42; Feb2012 48; May2015 55
McMullen, Brian, May2015 17–18
McNamara, Margaret, Feb2008 9, 10, 43; Oct2009 2;
Nov2009 10; Feb2011 11; Aug/Sept2012 2;
Oct2012 10; Feb2014 29; Mar2014 2
McNamara, Shannon, Nov2011 17*
McNamare, Catherine, Oct2007 54
McNamee, Graham, Aug/Sept2003 16, 17
McNaughton, Colin, Nov2006 11, 13; Aug/Sept2012 11
McNaughton, Janet, Oct2010 9
McPhail, David, Apr2004 43; Jan2006 9, 13; Aug/Sept2007
52; May2010 34
McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino, Aug/Sept2004 24
McQuade, Marian, Aug/Sept2004 6
McQuinn, Anna, Mar2007 5
McReynolds, Linda, Dec2014 36
McSpedden Elementary, Aug/Sept2015 18–19
McWhorter, John, Mar2012 4
Mead, Alice, Jan2008 10
Mead, Russell T., Apr2009 10
Meade, Holly, Jan2015 43
Meadows, Daisy, Aug/Sept2011 5; Feb2014 4
Meadows, Michelle, Dec2012 10, 50
Mealer, Bryan, Mar2015 1, 3, 9; Feb2016 7, 33
mealworms, Dec2015 15
Meddaugh, Susan, Apr2005 11; May2014 2; Nov2014 35
Medearis, Angela Shelf, Dec2003 36; Dec2004 18
media center, tools and resources, Mar2011 39
medicine, Mar2011 23
medieval Europe, Mar2013 8–15*, 39*
Medina, Jane, Nov2010 26
Medina, Meg, Mar2013 3; Apr2016 8, 18–20, 55
Meet the Author
Alma Flor Ada, Aug/Sept2009 30–34
Jim Arnosky, Nov2008 30–33*
Avi, Nov2010 30–35
Graeme Base, Apr2007 30–35
Simon Basher, Mar2012 30–34
Nic Bishop, Mar2010 30–35*
Holly Black, Oct2005 8–12
Tonya Bolden, Nov2014 30–34
Jan Brett, Oct2011 30–34
Monica Brown, May2015 30–35
Anthony Browne, Nov2006 30–35
Joseph Bruchac, Nov2004 6–9; Nov2013 30–35
Ashley Bryan, Apr2009 30–33, 34
Caldecott Winners, Aug/Sept2013 30–35
Eric Carle, Mar2011 30–33*
Lauren Child, Mar2007 30–37
Joanna Cole, Mar2008 30–32
Bryan Collier, Aug/Sept2003 42–45
Raúl Colón, Mar2015 30–33
Sharon Creech, Jan2005 40–47
Christopher Paul Curtis, Feb2004 36–40
James Dean, Oct2014 30–34*
Tomie dePaola, Mar2016 48–54
Kate DiCamillo, Aug/Sept2006 30–35
Diane and Leo Dillon, Dec2006 38–44
Tony DiTerlizzi, Oct2005 8–12
Julie Andrews Edwards, Dec2009 30–36, 40*
Lois Ehlert, Nov2009 30–34
Louise Erdrich, Apr2010 30–35
Shane Evans, Dec2014 30–35
Candace Fleming, Apr2011 30–33
Denise Fleming, Oct2003 6–10
Saxton Freymann, May2004 6–10
Jack Gantos, Nov2005 26–30
Marie-Louise Gay, Nov2011 30–33*
Mordicai Gerstein, Jan2006 26–31
Eloise Greenfield, Jan2012 30–35
Nikki Grimes, Feb2010 30–35, 39*
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Jan2015 30–35
Emma Walton Hamilton, Dec2009 30–36, 40*
Robie Harris, May2006 26–31
Kevin Henkes, Aug/Sept2011 30–35
Mary Ann Hoberman, Apr2004 34–39
Jennifer L. Holm, Feb2015 30–33
Matthew Holm, Feb2015 30–33
Phil Hoose, Mar2004 40–45
Deborah Hopkinson, Feb2009 30–34*
James Howe, Oct2006 30–35
Paul Janeczko, Jan2016 50–54
Steve Jenkins, Mar2006 32–37
Francisco Jiménez, Dec2004 6–11
Barbara Joosse, Nov2003 6–10
Laurie Keller, Jan2008 30–34
Eric Kimmel, Feb2005 6–11
Uma Krishnaswami, May2007 41–42
Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Apr2015 30–34
Laura Kvasnosky, May2009 30–33*, 34
Barbara Lehman, Dec2015 44–48
Betsy Lewin, Apr2006 26–31
Brian Lies, May2012 30–33
Grace Lin, Feb2012 30–35
Lois Lowry, May2007 6–11
David Macaulay, Dec2003 38–43
Patricia C. McKissack, Dec2007 30–35
Sy Montgomery, Nov2012 30–35
Pat Mora, Aug/Sept2008 30–33*
Yuyi Morales, Jan2010 30–37
Francoise Mouly, Oct2010 30–35
Robert Munsch, Dec2008 30–33*
Stuart J. Murphy, Apr2005 40–45
Christopher Myers, Feb2007 30–33
Scott Nash, May2013 30–35*
Kadir Nelson, Dec2010 30–33
Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, Feb2014 30–34
Laura Numeroff, May2010 30–35*
Naomi Shihab Nye, Mar2013 30–34
Mary Pope Osborne, Jan2014 30–35
Barbara Park, Oct2008 30–33*
Linda Sue Park, Nov2007 30–35
Katherine Paterson, Aug/Sept2012 30–33
Gary Paulsen, Aug/Sept2010 30–34*
Dav Pilkey, Aug/Sept2014 30–32*
Andrea Davis Pinkney, Feb2013 30–33*
Jerry Pinkney, Jan2011 30–34
Patricia Polacco, Mar2009 30–33*
James Ransome, Nov2015 48–51
Doreen Rappaport, Dec2013 30–34
Chris Raschka, Mar2005 12–17
Barbara Reid, Jan2013 30–33
Matthew Reinhart, Jan2007 30–34
Rick Riordan, May2014 30–33
Pam Muñoz Ryan, Aug/Sept2004 27–32
Cynthia Rylant, May2016 50–54
Robert Sabuda, Jan2007 30–34
Louis Sachar, May2008 30–33
Dan Santat, Apr2014 30–33
Allen Say, Apr2013 30–33
Jon Scieszka, Apr2008 30–34
Laura Vaccaro Seeger, Jan2009 30–33*
Brian Selznick, Oct2009 30–33
Judy Sierra, Oct2007 30–33
Peter Sís, May2005 27–33
David Small, Oct2004 16–21
Lemony Snicket, Dec2012 30–33
Gary Soto, Feb2008 30–33
Erin Stead, Oct2015 46–51
Philip Stead, Oct2015 46–51
Matt Tavares, Apr2016 46–51
Tim Tingle, Apr2012 30–35
Duncan Tonatiuh, Aug/Sept2015 46–51
Chris Van Allsburg, Dec2011 30–35
Melanie Watt, Feb2011 30–35
Weird But True series, Mar2014 30–33
Rosemary Wells, Aug/Sept2005 26–31
Walter Wick, Oct2012 30–34
David Wiesner, Jan2004 44–48
Vera B. Williams, Dec2005 26–31
Rita Williams-Garcia, Feb2016 46–51
Henry Winkler, May2011 30–33
Janet S. Wong, Oct2013 30–34
Jane Yolen, Aug/Sept2007 33–36
Ed Young, Feb2006 8–13
See also individual names
Megahan, John, Apr2009 11
Megaw, Steve, Aug/Sept2006 10, 13
Meiners, Cheri J., Mar2014 9
Meinking, Mary, Feb2015 44
Melmed, Laura Krauss, Nov2003 40
Meltzer, Brad, May2016 55
Meltzer, Lynn, Aug/Sept2015 43
Meltzer, Milton, Mar2005 25
memoir writing, Feb2009 44–45
Memorial Day, May2004 24; May2005 24; May2006 24;
May2007 28; May2008 28
memorization, Apr2007 49–50
memory and forgetting, Aug/Sept2008 4, 5*; Jan2009 11–
Menchin, Scott, Mar2016 56
Mendel, Gregor, Mar2007 21–23
Mendelson, Lee, Jan2007 10
Mendez, Phil, Feb2007 29
Meng, Cece, Feb2010 27; Aug/Sept2015 39
mental illness, Jan2010 13*; Oct2011 49*
mentors, Nov2010 11
Mentzer, Diane, Nov2011 44
Mercado, Nancy E., Aug/Sept2005 10, 12, 13
Mercer, Bobby, Oct2009 10; Mar2015 17–18
Merriam, Eve, Apr2004 14; Mar2008 52
Merrill, Jean, Apr2005 37, 38; Apr2010 12; Feb2015 29;
Apr2016 8
Merryfield, Alfa, Feb2007 3
Meshon, Aaron, Dec2014 3, 12; May2016 56
Messerly, Kelly, May2008 5
Messier, Mireille, May2010 9
Messinger, Carla, Dec2008 12; Nov2010 3
Messner, Kate, Dec2012 10; Feb2013 10; Nov2013 5*;
Feb2014 3, 11; Apr2014 10, 20–21; Feb2015 11;
Oct2015 4*; Jan2016 29*
metacognition, May2008 24
metaphors, Apr2007 48; Nov2008 13; Feb2009 38; Dec2010
36; Apr2015 23
metric system, Mar2011 15
Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), Jan2008 20
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dec2004 42*; Nov2014 36*
Mexican Americans, Feb2008 32–33
Mexican Independence Day, Aug/Sept2004 25;
Aug/Sept2005 25
Mexico, Aug/Sept2004 9; Oct2007 3, 55; Nov2007 29;
Aug/Sept2009 12*
Meyer, Susan Lynn, Jan2016 55
Meyerhoff, Jenny, Aug/Sept2009 4
Meyers, Cindy, Apr2005 14–15
mice, Dec2007 53–55
Michelson, Richard, May2008 48, 49*, 50; Feb2016 43
Michigan, Jan2008 3, 45
Mickey Mouse, Nov2005 25; Jan2007 29
Micklethwait, Lucy, May2009 10
microbiology, Apr2011 22
microphones, Aug/Sept2008 7
Microsoft Powerpoint, May2012 27*
microwave ovens, Dec2011 22*
Middle Ages, Mar2013 8–15*, 39*
Middle East, Nov2006 4; Oct2007 54; Mar2013 33–34, 38
Middleton, Charlotte, May2011 48
migrant workers, Aug/Sept2009 44–46*; Oct2012 2–3, 9, 15,
24–27*, 45–47
migrations, Jan2012 8, 13, 37*; May2012 2–3, 4, 6–13*
Mikkelsen, Jon, Oct2014 9
Milbury, Peter, Nov2007 41
Mildred L. Batchelder Award, Jan2004 2
Miles, Liz, Mar2011 52; Feb2015 45
Miles, Miska, Nov2004 31; Nov2010 7; Nov2013 9, 26
Miles, Sue, May2012 16
Milgrim, David, Mar2008 3; Feb2011 18; Nov2014 40
military brats, Nov2010 53–54
military service dogs, Nov2011 6–7*
military servicepersons, Nov2010 27*, 52–55
Millar, Mark, Feb2009 10
Miller, Charles, Feb2015 21
Miller, Connie Colwell, Apr2013 10; Apr2015 56
Miller, Debbie, Feb2007 52, 53; Dec2012 11
Miller, Donalyn, Oct2008 27*; Dec2008 15*; Mar2009 7*;
Aug/Sept2009 17*; Nov2009 7; Oct2014 8
Miller, Edward, Aug/Sept2007 52; Apr2010 1, 3; May2013
22; Apr2015 51; Dec2015 21
Miller, Heather, Feb2007 55
Miller, Pat, Aug/Sept2003 33; Oct2003 21; Nov2003 33;
Dec2003 13; Jan2004 4, 39; Mar2004 5, 15;
Apr2004 33; May2004 21; Aug/Sept2004 12;
Oct2004 15, 31; Nov2004 14; Dec2004 44;
Jan2005 33; Feb2005 33; Mar2005 31; Apr2005 15;
May2005 11; Aug/Sept2005 7; Oct2005 45;
Nov2005 39; Dec2005 45; Jan2006 19; Feb2006
45, 47; Mar2006 6, 20; Apr2006 23, 47; May2006
47; Aug/Sept2006 19, 55; Oct2006 48, 54; Nov2006
46, 55; Dec2006 6, 51, 52, 54; Jan2007 43, 54;
Feb2007 45, 55; Mar2007 27, 55; Apr2007 27, 55;
May2007 50, 55; Aug/Sept2007 32; Oct2007 24,
55; Nov2007 44, 55; Dec2007 16, 18, 55; Jan2008
48; Feb2008 21, 22, 25, 27, 46; Mar2008 19;
Apr2008 16, 19; May2008 27, 55; Aug/Sept2008
55; Oct2008 55; Nov2008 55; Dec2008 39;
Jan2009 55; Feb2009 24; Mar2009 24; Apr2009 55;
May2009 27, 55; Aug/Sept2009 43; Oct2009 55;
Nov2009 55; Dec2009 55; Jan2010 5*, 54;
Feb2010 53; Mar2010 55; Apr2010 55; May2010
55; Aug/Sept2010 24, 27, 55; Oct2010 27, 55;
Nov2010 18, 55; Dec2010 27, 55; Jan2011 26, 55;
Feb2011 24, 55; Mar2011 27, 55; Apr2011 23, 55;
Aug/Sept2011 27, 55; Oct2011 23, 55; Nov2011 27,
55; Dec2011 27, 55; Jan2012 9, 22, 55; Feb2012
23, 55; Mar2012 27, 55; Apr2012 27, 55; May2012
21, 55; Aug/Sept2012 55; Oct2012 55; Nov2012 43,
55; Dec2012 7, 55; Jan2013 5, 7, 55; Feb2013 55;
Mar2013 7, 55; Apr2013 57; May2013 7, 57;
Aug/Sept2013 6, 7, 56; Oct2013 56; Nov2013 56;
Dec2013 6, 11, 56; Jan2014 7, 23; Feb2014 6, 27;
Mar2014 7, 27; Apr2014 56; May2014 56;
Aug/Sept2014 7*, 27, 40; Oct2014 48; Nov2014 7,
43; Dec2014 49*; Jan2015 7*, 52; Feb2015 42;
Mar2015 7*, 45*; Apr2015 45*; May2015 7*, 46*;
Aug/Sept2015 45*; Oct2015 45*; Nov2015 27*;
Dec2015 53*; Jan2016 46*; Feb2016 45*; Mar2016
44*; Apr2016 45*; May2016 47*
See also Fiction/Nonfiction; Gen*Response; Tips from
the Trenches
Miller, Pat Zietlow, Dec2015 38
Miller, Reagan, Mar2015 10
Miller, Sarah, Jan2009 10
Miller, Sara Swan, Jan2004 35
Miller, Shannon McClintock, Dec2014 7
Miller, William, Oct2005 28, 29–30; Feb2008 2; Oct2010 12
Millman, Isaac, Mar2005 8, 9
Mills, Claudia, Apr2005 36, 38; Nov2010 8; Apr2011 12;
Oct2014 5
Mills, Lauren A., Nov2005 19–20
Milne, A. A., Jan2006 25; Jan2007 29; Oct2007 28; Apr2008
4; Jan2016 2*
Milord, Susan, Aug/Sept2004 9; May2007 36; Dec2010 12
Milwaukee Public Library, Mar2016 15
Milway, Katie Smith, Apr2010 7, 11; Oct2011 11; Dec2011
15; Oct2012 4; Jan2014 41–42*; Dec2015 7;
Apr2016 1, 8
Mimic Books, Feb2012 53*
Minaki, Christina, Oct2015 8
Minarak, Else Holmes, Oct2007 4
Mind and Body Exercise: Blending Reading and Physical
Education, May2016 17–20
Minden, Cecilia, Apr2010 54; Nov2014 43; Mar2016 42;
Apr2016 42, 44
Minecraft in the Classroom: Building Skills, Creating
Community, Nov2015 18–20
Minkel, Walter, Mar2008 16–17
Minnesota, Jan2008 46
Minor, Wendell, Jan2011 24; May2012 3; Oct2014 16
Minters, Frances, Apr2005 11
Miranda, Anne, Oct2003 35; Nov2004 41
Miranda, Deborah A., Nov2004 3
Miranda, Janet, Dec2008 52
Miss Christy and the Wee Heart Big Kids, Dec2013 12
Mississippi, Jan2008 3, 46
Missouri, Jan2008 46
misunderstandings, Jan2011 51–55; Mar2014 20–23
Mitchell, Barbara, Mar2007 9–10
Mitchell, Don, Mar2015 17–18
Mitchell, Margaree King, Oct2004 7, 10; Aug/Sept2007 9, 11
Mitchell, Maria, Nov2006 26
Mitchell, Marianne, Apr2005 11; Apr2008 49*
Mitchell, Mike, Dec2011 9
Mitchell, Stephen, Apr2008 29; Oct2008 11; Jan2012 10;
Oct2013 12
mittens, Jan2008 5, 57; Dec2011 5*
Mitton, Jacqueline, Mar2008 11, 12; Mar2010 12
Mitton, Tony, Feb2006 37
mixed-race families, May2007 35
Mizielińska, Aleksandra, Aug/Sept2014 20, 23
Mizielińska, Daniel, Aug/Sept2014 20, 23
mnemonics, Oct2004 46; Nov2011 15, 49
Moak, Melissa, Dec2003 4
mobiles, May2012 38–41*; Feb2016 8
Mochizuki, Ken, May2006 8; May2007 3, 32, 35; May2016 7
mock award programs, Nov2007 14–21
Mock Caldecott Awards, Jan2004 14–21; Nov2007 14–21;
Jan2015 5, 15, 19–21, 27, 40, 44–47;
Aug/Sept2015 15–16
Modarressi, Mitra, Oct2003 35; Jan2013 48
modeling clay (Plasticine), Jan2013 30–33, 34–36
models, tech instruction sheets, Aug/Sept2008 26–27
Moe, Barbara, Apr2004 20
Moehlman, Jannette, Nov2013 7*
Moehn, Heather, Dec2004 30
Moerbeek, Kees, Apr2005 12
Mohammed, Kahdra, Dec2009 24
Mohawk folktales, Oct2007 2
Mollel, Tololwa M., Feb2005 28; Oct2015 45
Molly Pitcher Day, Oct2004 25
Moloney, Karen, Nov2013 53
monarch butterflies, Oct2007 28*
money, Mar2008 13; Mar2011 24; Aug/Sept2011 13*;
Feb2015 14*, 36*+; Apr2016 2–3*, 4–5*, 6–10*, 15–
17, 18–23, 24–27, 31–32, 36–38, 39–40, 52–54,
moneyless book fairs, Nov2012 6–7
Monjo, F. N., Oct2005 28, 30, 31
Monk, Thelonious, Mar2005 12
monkeys, Oct2007 34
Monks, Lydia, Apr2013 19
Monroe, Ronald, Feb2016 36, 38
Monroe, William Smith, Nov2007 46
monsoons, May2007 38, 41–42
monsters, Oct2007 8–13*, 14–16, 30, 35, 36, 44, 45
Montana, Jan2008 46
Montanari, Donata, Aug/Sept2010 51
Montanaro, Ann, Jan2007 42
Montejo, Victor, Nov2012 12
Montenegro, Laura Nyman, 3
Montes, Marisa, Oct2007 28, 29
Montgolfier, Jacques, Aug/Sept2004 24
Montgomery, Claire, Mar2011 10; Nov2012 10
Montgomery, Margaret, Aug/Sept2006 6
Montgomery, Monte, Jan2007 10; Mar2011 10; Nov2012 10
Montgomery, R. A., Aug/Sept2007 4; Apr2009 10
Montgomery, Sy, May2008 40; Nov2008 11; Jan2012 21;
Apr2013 11; Mar2015 5
Author Extensions, Nov2012 36–38
Meet the Author, Nov2012 30–35
moon, Nov2007 11, 12, 29; Dec2007 28; Mar2008 2–3, 8–
13, 25, 38–44, 50–52; Aug/Sept2012 5*; Feb2013
4; Nov2014 17–18
Moon, Alan R., Nov2015 16
Moon, Nicola, Jan2009 10
Mooney, Belinda, Jan2009 53*
Moore, Clement C., Dec2005 44
Moore, Eva, Apr2007 29
Moore, Joanne M., May2010 19
Moore, Julianne, Mar2016 28*
Moore, Lilian, Oct2007 45, 46
Moore, Margie, Apr2006 2
Moore, Miriam, Dec2004 18
Moore, Shelley, May2013 10
moose, Nov2004 5; Oct2011 39
Mora, Pat, Nov2003 3; Aug/Sept2004 4; Aug/Sept2006 44;
May2007 28; Aug/Sept2007 2; Nov2007 9–10, 12;
Dec2007 8, 11; Jan2008 25; Nov2008 39–43;
Aug/Sept2009 3, 10, 51; Nov2010 26; Jan2012 29*;
May2012 28; Oct2012 26; Dec2012 9; Dec2013 9;
Nov2014 41; Feb2015 52
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2008 34–36
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2008 30–33*
Morales, Yuyi, Aug/Sept2004 6, 7, 8; Apr2005 2; Oct2007
55; Aug/Sept2009 3, 11, 44–46*; Apr2010 3;
Dec2010 40; Nov2012 3; Nov2014 4*; Jan2015 3;
May2015 36–37, 52; Nov2015 29*; Mar2016 55
Author Extensions, Jan2010 38–41
Meet the Author, Jan2010 30–37
Moran, Alex, Oct2004 4
Mordan, C. B., Dec2007 55
Moreau, Dana, Nov2007 36
Moreton, Daniel, Mar2005 30
Morey, Walt, Feb2014 28
Morgan, Allen, Jan2007 50
Morgan, Sally, Apr2015 9
Morgenstern, Erin, Mar2016 15
Morgenstern, Susie, Aug/Sept2004 3; Dec2004 2; May2014
Morin, Isobel V., Oct2004 11
Moritz, Dianne, Feb2016 41
Morley, Jacqueline, Dec2003 15, 17; Mar2004 10–11;
Nov2012 19
Moroney, Lynn, Feb2005 29; Jan2016 44
Morpurgo, Michael, Apr2013 12; Feb2015 40
Morris, Ann, Mar2004 12; Oct2007 55; Aug/Sept2009 10;
Jan2010 12; Aug/Sept2010 50; Jan2013 21;
Feb2013 12; Jan2015 4
Morris, Carla, Apr2008 24; Aug/Sept2012 9
Morris, Donna Carter, Jan2012 25–27
Morris, Esther, Nov2006 26; Feb2008 3, 9–10, 11, 38, 42
Morris, Karyn, Mar2007 23; Mar2010 10
Morris, Neil, Mar2013 11, 14; Dec2015 7
Morris, Ting, Nov2012 9
Morrison, Toni, Aug/Sept2006 28; Feb2007 3
Morrow, Priscella, May2004 27–32; Feb2005 16–21
Morse, Joe, Nov2014 3
Morse, Samuel, Jan2004 28, 30, 33; Apr2006 5–7; Apr2013
29*; Apr2014 28*
morse code, Dec2004 41*; Apr2006 5–7; Jan2007 8, 11, 12;
Apr2013 29*; Apr2014 28*; May2016 2*
Mortensen, Denise Dowling, Jan2012 10; Feb2013 11
Mortensen, Lori, May2014 10
Mortenson, Greg, Feb2009 10; Aug/Sept2010 10; Dec2011
16; Jan2016 7
Morton, Carlene, Apr2011 7, Apr2012 6–7
Morton, Christine, May2005 15
Mosel, Arlene, Feb2005 27; Oct2006 47–48; Dec2009 27;
Jan2014 45
Moser, Adolph, Oct2008 9
Moser, Barry, Jan2010 2
Moser, Lisa, Apr2015 12
mosquitoes, May2008 41; Oct2011 54
Moss, Amanda, Feb2008 6–7
Moss, Barbara, Dec2006 51
Moss, Jean, Oct2007 2
Moss, Jeff, Apr2004 14
Moss, Lloyd, Mar2005 28
Moss, Marissa, Oct2006 10, 13; Mar2008 53; Aug/Sept2008
8; Mar2009 10; May2011 8; Feb2012 3; May2012
8; Oct2014 10, 47; Aug/Sept2015 28*
Moss, Miriam, Apr2008 21
Moss, Onawumi Jean, Feb2009 25
Moss, Peggy, Dec2005 2; Aug/Sept2007 3; Aug/Sept2008 2;
Jan2011 3
Most, Bernard, Feb2006 33, 37
Mother Goose, May2005 24; Oct2007 30, 31, 36, 40, 45;
Nov2007 10*; Dec2007 4; Mar2008 44;
Aug/Sept2011 3; Oct2012 20–23; May2016 28*
mothers, Nov2003 13; May2012 4
Mother's Day, May2004 24; May2005 24; May2006 24;
May2007 28; May2008 28; May2012 4
motivational ideas
Adopt a Shelf, May2015 50
American Girl activities, Dec2008 26*–27
American Idol Reading Incentive Party, Mar2008 46–49
ancient cultures fair, Nov2012 15
art shows, Aug/Sept2007 44
audiobooks, Nov2010 41–42; Jan2011 4*; Oct2014 25,
author fan mail, Feb2011 7, 47
“Banding Together” Project, Dec2014 7*
Bedtime Story Night Program, Oct2006 50–51
Book Bundles, Aug/Sept2011 4
book challenges, Aug/Sept2015 5*
book club party, Nov2007 5
Book Cover Creator, Nov2011 4*
book exchanges, May2009 5
book fairs, Aug/Sept2007 43–44; May2010 18;
Nov2012 6–7
book feedback, May2009 5
Book Hospital, Feb2016 4
bookmobile visits, Aug/Sept2012 13
book return contest, May2015 6
book sharing, Nov2010 42–43, Feb2011 6–7*
booktalks, Oct2009 35; Aug/Sept2010 13; Feb2012
13*; Mar2012 17–18*; Apr2012 13*; Jan2014
6*, 25–27*; Oct2014 40*
book tastings, Mar2015 7*
book trading cards, May2010 25*
book trailers, May2009 15–16*; Oct2013 13;
Aug/Sept2015 14–17*; Jan2016 19*
boy-friendly libraries, creating, Aug/Sept2009 40–43*
boys choose for boys, Nov2008 12
butcher paper table covers, Apr2015 6
Caldecott treasure hunts, Jan2016 4
character photo ops, Dec2015 5
chocolate fountains, Apr2015 7
citizen science projects, Apr2014 49–51*;
Aug/Sept2014 51*; Jan2016 20–22
community readers, Feb2010 46–49
Dewey Order activity, Dec2012 5*
digital scavenger hunts, Aug/Sept2015 9*
Edible Reading Fair, Mar2008 5*
Elmo party, Nov2007 29
exhibitions of student work, Aug/Sept2012 24–25
exit tickets, Mar2015 7*
"experts" on a topic, Nov2008 6
fairies vs. trolls competition, Aug/Sept2011 4
Family Literacy Night, Dec2012 48–51*; Jan2016 4*
Family Reading Feast, Nov2007 38
fiction book passes, Oct2011 16–18*
fishing for books, Apr2014 26–27
Flat Santa, Dec2008 4
forms, for good behavior, Apr2016 4
Fun and Games in the Library, May2010 46–50*
gingerbread celebration, Dec2007 52
giveaways, Apr2011 39
golden tickets for underdog books, Nov2015 4
Gold Rush party, Jan2015 29*
good behavior, notes home for, Apr2016 4
guest speakers (See guest speakers)
Halloween candy library hunt, Oct2013 5*
health fair, Jan2010 15
holiday party ideas, Dec2007 50
incentives, Mar2011 39–40*
Jumpstart's Read for the Record, May2012 5*; Oct2013
kindergarten’s first visit, Oct2014 6
kindergarten social event, May2010 17–19
Lazy Readers’ Book Club, Oct2014 22*
library book holding shelf, May2010 5
library jokes, Apr2012 6–7
Library Lodge Ski and Snowboarding Festival,
Dec2007 51–52
Library Love Notes, Feb2015 7
library mascots, Mar2011 6–7*
library promotion hallways, Apr2010 49
library scavenger hunts, Feb2009 5*; Mar2011 5;
Aug/Sept2014 21
Library Sweethearts game, Feb2015 6*
library treasure hunts, Aug/Sept2014 5*+, 24–27
library trivia, Aug/Sept2012 25
Loose Change for Libraries, May2015 49
magic shows, Oct2010 14
Make-and-Take Night, Jan2016 4*
math-based library program, Apr2010 19–23*
medal ceremony, Feb2014 45
Me Read? No Way!, Nov2008 4*
metal tag rewards, Aug/Sept2009 40–43*
Mock Caldecott Awards, Jan2004 14–21; Nov2007 14–
21; Jan2015 5, 15, 19–21, 27, 40, 44–47;
Aug/Sept2015 15–16
movement activities for K-6, May2016 36–39
mystery book bags, May2015 49
mystery readers, May2015 49–50
National Library Week trivia contest, Apr2011 5*;
Apr2012 4*
nature walk, Apr2011 46; Apr2014 39
Olympics-themed programs, May2016 20
One Book programs, Aug/Sept2010 40–44
open houses, Aug/Sept2007 42–46
patriotic parade, Aug/Sept2011 15, 47
patriotic reading program, Feb2014 6
pen pals, Aug/Sept2010 13*; Oct2015 4*
pet partnerships, Oct2011 6–7*
physical education-themed programs, May2016 17–20
Pizza Hut BOOK IT!, Oct2014 22
prize donations for, Mar2008 5
puppet shows, Mar2008 14–19; Apr2009 22–27*
QR Code treasure hunt, Aug/Sept2014 21–22
“Read, Run, and Have Some Fun” celebration,
Apr2015 6
read alikes, May2012 29*
Re(a)d Cape Clubs, May2015 50*
reading competitions, Nov2010 43–44*
reading fairs, Dec2006 26
reading in library, making time for, May2009 42–46
Reading Super Bowl, Jan2005 5
Read-Ins, Jan2007 24
"Red Carpet" Awards Event, Nov2007 13
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 22–23*
reusable bags, Apr2011 39
School and Public Library Collaboration, May2010 17–
shelf challenges, Jan2015 19–21
sleepover party, Apr2008 6
"small" celebration, Oct2011 15
Snow Day, Jan2015 7*
Snowman Games, Feb2014 42–45
social networking, promotion through, Mar2009 7*
Storywalks, Nov2015 2*
student book award programs, Jan2009 21–24*
student book clubs, Nov2008 23–27
student book recommendations, Oct2008 23–27;
Feb2011 7*; Feb2015 7; Feb2016 4; Apr2016
4; May2016 30–32
student “tech-perts,” Mar2015 7
teacher appreciation breakfasts, Aug/Sept2003 4
tea party, Nov2007 5; Dec2007 28
therapy dogs, reading to, Nov2008 46–50
“Top Ten Reasons to Like” brochure, Apr2015 6
trading cards, Dec2014 7*
video-game reading incentive party, Jan2009 39–40*
virtual picture book challenge, Jan2015 19–21
warm-up activities, May2016 38
welcoming ideas, Mar2007 5; Feb2010 39
winter holidays family literacy event, Dec2007 51;
Dec2012 48–51*
Winter Olympics event, Feb2014 15
word bank, Feb2009 6–7
Moulton, Mark Kimball, Oct2012 16
Mouly, Francoise
Author Extensions, Oct2010 36–39*
Meet the Author, Oct2010 30–35
Mountain Mushers, Feb2007 5
mountains, Nov2011 5*
Mount St. Helens, May2005 25; May2006 25
movement activities
for K–6, May2016 36–39
for preschool (See under P–K)
movies and moviemaking, Feb2015 8–15*, 16–18, 43–45
animated movies, Dec2010 7*
ratings of, Nov2008 4*
See also DVDs and videos
moving, Feb2011 40, May2012 3
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Jan2005 4, 25; Jan2007 29
Mozer, Richard, Jan2006 9
Mrs. Skorupski, Jan2007 26–27
Mueller, Marion, Jan2016 19; May2016 20
Mueller, Virginia, Oct2007 44
Mufleh, Luma, May2015 14*
Muir, John, Apr2004 25; Apr2005 25; May2006 24; May2014
Mulder, Michelle, Apr2015 16–18; Oct2015 44; Jan2016 21,
Mullen, Linda, Dec2007 52
Muller, Birte, Oct2008 44
Mulligan, Conni, Aug/Sept2014 52*
Mullins, Matt, Dec2015 38
Multicultural Communication Month, Apr2004 24–25;
Apr2005 24–25; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 28–29;
Apr2008 28–29; Apr2012 4*, 28*
multiculturalism, Oct2007 53–55; Nov2007 30–35, 36
activities on, May2007 43–46
African American history, Dec2007 32, 33, 40; Jan2008
awards for books incorporating, Nov2007 3, 6–7
Ethnic Harvest, Dec2007 12*
multicultural folktales, Oct2007 2–3, 31, 32–33
See also foreign languages
multiracial families, Nov2003 2–3
Muñoz, Esperanza Ortega, Aug/Sept2004 28–29
Munoz, Pam, Aug/Sept2009 9
Munsch, Robert, May2005 21; Oct2006 41; Nov2007 48–49;
Dec2007 47; Jan2009 54*; Feb2012 53*; Nov2015
Author Extensions, Dec2008 34–39
Meet the Author, Dec2008 30–33*
Munsinger, Lynn, Dec2009 27; May2010 30, 34; Dec2012 19
Muntean, Michaela, Mar2013 2
murals, Dec2006 45–46; Nov2008 36
Murawski, Darlyne A., May2008 40
Murfin, Teresa, Dec2012 19
Murguia, Bethanie Deeney, May2015 55
Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg, Feb2007 55
murmuration, May2012 11*
Murphy, Claire Rudolf, Jan2015 29; Oct2015 33–34
Murphy, Glenn, Oct2014 12
Murphy, Jill, Oct2003 35
Murphy, Jim, Mar2006 8, 12, 13; Mar2008 29; Jan2010 9,
16; Dec2013 12
Murphy, Mary, Nov2014 54
Murphy, Patricia J., Feb2007 55
Murphy, Rita, Feb2007 9–10
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, Feb2005 36
Murphy, Stuart J., Nov2004 4; Apr2005 2, 34, 35–36, 37,
40–45; Feb2006 24, 27, 29, 30; Apr2006 4;
Apr2007 9, 12, 14; Feb2008 9, 13, 43*; Mar2008
55; May2008 14; Dec2008 9; Jan2009 54; May2009
10; Dec2009 10; Apr2010 11; May2010 11;
May2011 9; Apr2012 12; Dec2012 10; Jan2013 9;
Oct2013 4; Apr2014 4; Nov2014 10; Apr2015 10;
May2015 44; Apr2016 8; May2016 9
Murray, Alison, Nov2012 2
American Folk Art Museum, Mar2016 27*
American Museum of Natural History, Oct2015 8*
art, May2009 4*; Nov2009 14; Nov2014 36*; Jan2015
45*; Mar2016 2–3*, 20, 27
Art Institute of Chicago, Nov2014 36*; Mar2016 2–3*,
augmented-reality, Aug/Sept2015 30–35*
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Mar2011 33*;
May2016 3*
Holocaust Museum, May2007 16*
International Spy Museum, May2007 29*
Louvre, May2016 29*
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dec2004 42*; Nov2014
of miniatures, Oct2011 12*
Museum of Hoaxes, Apr2005 25*
Museum of the North, Jan2006 25
National Museum of the US Air Force, Nov2014 29*
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Mar2016 3*
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Dec2014 4*
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum,
Nov2014 17
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History,
May2014 28*; Oct2014 29*
Musgrove, Margaret, Feb2005 18; Dec2006 39–40, 48;
Aug/Sept2013 37
music and songs
"Acorn Brown," Oct2011 26
African-American spirituals, Apr2009 36
"All Around the Kitchen," Dec2006 20
"Alphabet Train," Mar2011 17
"America the Beautiful," Aug/Sept2011 2,9,48
ancient musical instruments, Nov2012 15*
on anger and emotions, May2010 23
on animals, Apr2013 13
"Ants in Your Pants," Feb2007 39
“Appalachian Spring,” May2016 39
appreciation of, Mar2011 51–53
art and, Mar2016 20
"Babies in the Farmyard," Mar2013 40–43*
"Baby Bear Roars," Apr2008 21
"The Baby Pokey," Dec2014 56
Bach Among the Books, Mar2005 5
background music, May2014 6*
on Back to School, Aug/Sept2003 7
"The Ballad of Valentine," Feb2011 12
beatboxing, Apr2012 15*
"Be Kind to Your Web-footed Friends," Apr2011 15
"Bingo," May2009 35
on Black History, Feb2008 4; Feb2010 13*
“Blast Off” (Burton), Aug/Sept2015 8
bluegrass music, Nov2007 45–47; Nov2010 21
the blues, Nov2009 13*
books with musical beats, Nov2007 45–47
“Brush Your Teeth,” Feb2015 5
"Building a Snowman," Jan2007 45–46
campaign songs, Feb2008 13
camp chants, May2011 47
chants, Mar2009 13, 49; Apr2009 49
Christmas carols, Dec2013 15
country music, Nov2007 46
Creole music, Nov2007 46
"Dance Freeze," Dec2012 18
on Dewey Decimal System, Aug/Sept2009 5
"Do the Dragon," Mar2013 16
"Doughnut Song," Mar2004 46
"Down by the Bay," Apr2012 41
drawing and painting and, Mar2016 20
"Drive My Car," Aug/Sept2006 50
"Driving in My Car," Mar2011 17
drum circles, Aug/Sept2010 13*; Nov2013 14*
drums, Nov2012 5*; Oct2015 16–17
"The Eensy Weensy Robot," Oct2011 26
"Eight Great Planets," Apr2011 20
emotion and mood in, Feb2015 15
“Energy” (EPCOT), Aug/Sept2015 8
engineering songs, Mar2015 15*
explorer songs, Mar2009 50–51
"Fifty Nifty United States," Jan2008 5
Fill Me Up, Nov2003 35
"The Fire-Breathing Dragon," Mar2013 17
The Five Finger Method, Mar2010 5
"Five Green Apples," Oct2012 17
"Five Jungle Monkeys," Apr2013 18
"Five Little Babies," Oct2006 40–41
"Five Little Ducks," Oct2006 41
"Five Little Snowmen Fat," Jan2007 46
Five-Minute Fillers, Mar2005 48
"Five Wolves in the Bed," Dec2010 39–40
"Flyin' Purple People-Eater," Mar2012 11*
folk songs, Dec2010 12*, 22
on the Fourth of July, May2004 42
with fractured fairy tales, Apr2005 6–8
on friendship, Oct2013 13*
"Frosty the Snowman," Jan2007 46
"The Garden Song," May2013 4
genres of, Mar2011 52–53
"Going over the Sea," Aug/Sept2007 51
Goldilocks and the Three Bears inspired, Apr2008 20
"Habitats: Which One Is Your Home?," Apr2011 46
Halloween songs, Oct2007 40
“Happy Birthday,” Dec2014 14*
Hawaiian songs, May2007 34
"Head, Shoulders, Knees," Feb2007 39–40
“Hello,” Nov2014 54
"Hic Hic Hiccup," Oct2007 40
"His Story, Her Story," Mar2007 11
"The Hokey Pokey," Feb2007 38
"Iditarod Trail," Feb2007 51
"I Got a Wiggle," Feb2007 38
"I'm a Little Groundhog," Feb2013 4
"I'm a Little Monster," Oct2003 34
"I'm a Little Piece of Tin," Aug/Sept2006 50
on Independence Day, May2004 43
"In My Garden," May2007 21
"It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," Feb2013 17
"The Itsy, Bitsy Spider," May2007 25
“The Itsy, Bitsy Baby,” Dec2014 55
"I Was Walking in the Woods," Aug/Sept2012 23
"Jack-o'-Lantern" Magic Picture Clues, Oct2007 43
"Jambo," Oct2006 47
jazz, May2004 25; Feb2010 19*; Oct2011 43–47*;
Feb2015 22–24; Apr2016 29*
"Jelly, Jelly in My Belly," Dec2006 21
"Jingle Bells Blub-Along," Nov2011 39
"Kitchen Sing Sing," Dec2006 22
Latin American instruments, Aug/Sept2009 13*
"Let's Go On a Ghost Hunt," Oct2007 45
"Let's Go to the Library," May2010 27
library songs, Mar2007 6
"Light a Candle," Dec2003 27
"Little Arabella Miller," Dec2012 17
"Little Bird," Apr2007 51
lullabies, May2013 15; Apr2015 15
“Lying in My Sleeping Bag,” Feb2016 13–14
"Make New Friends," Jan2012 40
makerspaces for, Feb2016 9*
from the Middle Ages, Mar2013 14*
"Midnight Blue," May2008 40
minstrels, Mar2013 14*
money themes, Apr2010 13
"Monsters Are Crying," Oct2003 34
monster songs, Apr2009 50–51*
mood music, Feb2012 15
moon music, Mar2008 38
"The More We Get Together," Aug/Sept2003 46;
Nov2015 54; Mar2016 47; Apr2016 52;
May2016 49
musical elements, Mar2012 36
musical instruments, Feb2004 12; Mar2005 29;
Dec2005 47; Oct2009 49–50; Feb2010 18;
Mar2011 52; Apr2012 2–3; May2012 43;
Nov2012 15*; Feb2013 15; Feb2016 9
musical revues, Broadway, Dec2009 39
musical scores, Nov2011 14
musicians, Nov2007 47; Apr2012 2–3; Feb2015 2–3,
8–15*, 22–24
music teachers, collaboration with, May2016 19
"My Family Came Back," Feb2011 18
mysterious music, Aug/Sept2013 14
nature songs, Mar2010 15*
"Not Naptime," Dec2007 45
"Ode to Punxateawney Phil," Feb2008 20
"Oh! Miss Donna Had a Book," Jan2011 6
from “the olden days,” Apr2015 15
“Old Manhattan Has Some Farms,” Dec2015 25–26
orchestra, Jan2013 15; Jan2016 9
"Over the Moon," Mar2008 2–3
"Owen's Song," Nov2007 45
peace songs, Aug/Sept2010 12–13*
percussion instruments, Feb2013 15
pets in rhythm, Dec2009 13
piano playing, Oct2011 43–47*
on pirates, Aug/Sept2007 50, 53
"A Pirate's Life," Aug/Sept2007 50
"Planting Seeds," May2007 21
poetry and, Apr2007 47, 51
"The Princess Pat," Dec2010 40–41
on Puerto Rico, Aug/Sept2009 4
"Puff, the Magic Dragon," Jan2008 29
"Pumpkin Stew," Oct2007 44
"The Quarter Master's Store," Apr2012 40
"Rain, Rain, Go Away," Feb2013 19
"Rattlin' Bog," Mar2007 42–43
"Read, 'Rite, and Recite," Apr2013 48*
"Riding in My Car," Aug/Sept2006 51
"R-O-B-O-T," Mar2012 39
rock 'n' roll, Mar2008 46–49
Russian music, Feb2014 50
science fiction songs, Mar2012 11
science-related, Oct2009 14
"The Seed Cycle," Oct2012 18
setting rhymes to music, Feb2010 14*
shelf marker song, Dec2007 5
"She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain," Mar2011 16
"Shoo Fly," Nov2006 41–42; Nov2007 49
singing, May2008 5; Apr2010 44*; Mar2011 51–52;
Oct2014 15
“Six Simple Machine Rap,” Aug/Sept2015 8
"Smelly Socks," Nov2007 48–49
"Snowman Song," Jan2004 7
Song and Dance Kids, Aug/Sept2007 13
song games, Dec2011 5*
"Song of the Track," Apr2007 47, 51
for speeches, Nov2014 15
spirituals, Apr2009 36
"Springtime Song," Apr2004 6–7
"The Star-Spangled Banner," Mar2013 5*
"Swinging on a Star," Mar2014 41
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” May2016 49
in teaching, Aug/Sept2012 41*
“Technology” (Kerplunks), Aug/Sept2015 8
"Teddy Bear Day," Oct2005 43–44
tempo and time signatures, Jan2014 15
theme music, May2014 15
"There Is Thunder," Feb2013 16
"There's a School in the Bottom of the Sea,"
Aug/Sept2003 10
"This is the Way in the Library," Aug/Sept2010 5
"This Is the Way We Dress for Winter," Jan2012 4
"This Land Is Your Land," Aug/Sept2011 2
"This School Bus," Aug/Sept2003 6
"This School is WAY Cool," Aug/Sept2003 10
tiny tunes, Oct2011 13
"Toothbrush Song," Feb2014 4
"Tooty Ta," Nov2011 5*
traditions and, Dec2014 13
transition songs, Aug/Sept2008 15; Oct2008 42
on travel and transporation, May2009 12, 47*, 48, 49
troubadours, Mar2013 14*
"The Truck Song," Mar2011 16
"The Twelve Days of Christmas," Dec2013 45
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light," Mar2011 17
two-step dancing, Nov2007 47
"Water for the Elephants," May2008 19
"We Are Learning," Aug/Sept2003 46
"Welcome to Bermooda," May2012 44
“We Will Rock You,” Dec2015 15
"The Wheels on the Bus," Aug/Sept2006 51
"Wild Things," Feb2012 48*
on winter, Dec2012 28*
world songs in many languages, Dec2007 29*
writing lyrics, Feb2009 13; Jan2010 14
"Zoo Hokey Pokey," Dec2012 16
Zydeco music, Nov2007 45–47
See also CDs
Music In Our Schools Month, Mar2004 4, 24–25, 46;
Mar2005 22–23, 24–25, 26; Mar2006 4, 28–29;
Mar2007 4, 28–29; Mar2008 28–29; Mar2009 5*;
Mar2014 4, 29; Mar2015 29; Mar2016 5
Muslim culture and holidays, Dec2007 8, 11, 13; Oct2015 39
Muth, Jon J., Feb2005 7; Dec2005 3; Jan2009 3; Jan2010 3;
Mar2010 2; May2010 23; Apr2015 2; Dec2015 51;
Jan2016 8
Myers, Anna, Mar2006 19; May2007 33
Myers, Christopher, Dec2003 8; Dec2005 2–3; Apr2008 46;
Aug/Sept2008 2; Feb2010 42; Nov2010 2; Jan2011
3; Aug/Sept2011 3; Feb2016 56; Mar2016 18
Author Extensions, Feb2007 34–37
Meet the Author, Feb2007 30–33
Myers, Edward, Feb2006 28, 30
Myers, Walter Dean, Jan2004 3; Feb2004 38; Apr2004 3;
Jan2005 43–44; Nov2005 42; Feb2007 11, 12, 19,
30, 34; Jan2009 42; Apr2009 35; Nov2009 9;
Feb2010 9; Dec2011 2, 8; Oct2014 47; Nov2014
11; Dec2014 5
Myller, Rolf, Aug/Sept2004 5
My Pyramid food and activity model, Apr2011 16–19*
mysteries, unsolved, Aug/Sept2013 26–27
mystery genre, Aug/Sept2007 5; Oct2007 22–23; Nov2009
24; Oct2010 22–27*; Aug/Sept2011 16–18;
Dec2011 5*; Aug/Sept2013 2–3, 8–15*, 44–47*,
48–51, 52*
"Mystery of the Grabbed Gobbler" (story), Nov2005 11–15
"The Mystery of the Holiday Heist" (story), Dec2004 34–38
mythology, Aug/Sept2008 35; Nov2009 13; Dec2010 16–
18*, 26; Mar2013 51–55; Feb2014 15, 16–19*;
Aug/Sept2014 6
myths, Greek, Feb2007 35; Aug/Sept2014 6
Nagda, Ann Whitehead, Jan2005 36, 39; Jan2014 9
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell, Oct2015 19
Naismith, James E., Dec2004 24
Nakano, Dokuohtei, Oct2004 29, 30
Nambiar, Aparna, Feb2007 6
name-calling, Dec2009 25*
names and naming, Oct2007 54, 57; Jan2012 15*
Nankivell-Aston, Sally, Nov2009 11
nanotechnology, Oct2011 12*, 15
Napoli, Donna Jo, Mar2006 9, 12; Oct2006 2; Apr2008 10,
12; Dec2009 12; Aug/Sept2010 7; Dec2010 34;
Dec2011 16; Jan2013 2; Feb2016 41
Nargi, Lela, Aug/Sept2011 3
NASA, Mar2008 4*, 8–11*, 25–27*; Nov2014 17*; Mar2015
49*; Apr2015 29*
NASCAR racing, Aug/Sept2008 50–52*; Mar2015 17–18
Nash, Ogden, Aug/Sept2007 10, 11; May2008 42; Feb2012
11; Apr2013 13*; May2015 12
Nash, Scott
Author Extensions, May2013 36–39
Meet the Author, May2013 30–35*
Nassner, Alyssa, Feb2016 44
Nathan, Amy, Apr2012 11
National Adoption Month, Nov2007 29; Nov2015 28
National American Indian and Alaskan Heritage Month,
Nov2007 28–29; Nov2013 29*; Nov2014 29
National American Teddy Bear Day, Nov2006 28
National Arts and Humanities Month, Oct2003 5; Oct2004
24–25; Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007 4,
28–29; Oct2010 29*; Oct2012 28*; Oct2014 5*, 29*
National Backyard Games Week, May2004 24–25
National Bike Month, May2004 24–25; May2006 4, 24–25;
May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29; May2012 5*;
May2014 29*
National Bike Safety Month, May2005 4, 24–25
National Bike to Work Day, May2005 25; May2007 29
National Bird Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 25;
Jan2014 28*; Jan2015 28
National Book Award for Young People's Literature,
Nov2007 6, 13
National Book Festival, Dec2006 4*
National Book Month, Jan2004 24–25; May2005 24–25;
Oct2005 4; May2006 24–25; May2007 28–29
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day, Oct2006 29
National Bullying Prevention Center, Oct2013 12*
National Candy Day, Nov2003 24
National Center for Learning Disabilities, Oct2014 14
National Chemistry Week, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2005 24–25;
Oct2006 28
National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Apr2004 24–25;
Apr2005 24–25; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 28–29;
Apr2008 28–29; Apr2011 28*; Apr2012 29*;
Apr2013 28*; Apr2014 28*; Apr2015 29
National Children's Dental Health Month, Feb2004 24–25,
47; Feb2005 24–25, 30, 47; Feb2006 24–25;
Feb2007 28–29, 54; Feb2008 28–29; Feb2014 4,
24–27; Feb2015 5*
National Clean-Off-Your-Desk Day, Jan2006 24
National Cocoa Day, Dec2004 24; Dec2015 2
National Compliment Day, Jan2007 29; Jan2016 3
National Cookie Day, Dec2004 25; Dec2013 4; Dec2014 29;
Dec2015 2, 29
National Cookie Month, Oct2003 24–25; Jan2006 4
National Council of Teachers of English, Dec2006 51;
Oct2012 42*
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, May2015 48*
National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Apr2013
National Craft Month, Mar2004 4, 9, 24–25; Mar2005 24–25;
Mar2006 5, 28–29; Mar2007 28–29; Mar2008 4,
28–29; Mar2009 52–55*; Mar2012 28*; Mar2013 4*;
Mar2015 28*; Mar2016 29*
National Dairy Month, May2005 38
National Day of Puppetry, Apr2007 29; Apr2008 28
National Diversity Day, Oct2007 29
National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May2006 4, 24–25
National Edible Book Day, Mar2008 5
National Education Association, Mar2007 4*; Nov2014 28*;
May2015 48*; Nov2015 28*; May2016 28*
National Engineers Week, Feb2004 24–25; Nov2007 28
National Eye Care Month, Jan2004 24–25; Jan2006 24–25;
Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 28–29
National Family Literacy Day, Nov2004 24; Nov2005 24;
Nov2006 29; Nov2015 28*
National Family Volunteer Day, Nov2005 25; Nov2006 29;
Nov2007 29
National Fire Prevention Week, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2004
24–25; Oct2005 24–25; Oct2006 28; Oct2009 5*;
Oct2012 28; Oct2013 28*; Oct2015 28*
National Fruits and Vegetables Month, May2004 4
National Gallery of Art, Mar2015 28*; Mar2016 9*
National Game and Puzzle Week, Nov2003 24–25; Nov2005
24–25; Nov2006 28; Nov2007 28; Nov2012 4;
Nov2013 4*; Nov2015 28
National Geographic Bee, May2006 24
National Geographic Books, Mar2014 30–33, 34–37
National Geographic Society, Nov2007 53; Nov2011 13*,
Dec2011 46*
National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Feb2004 4;
Feb2005 25; Feb2006 25; Feb2007 29; Feb2008
29; Feb2013 29*
National Go on a Field Trip Month, Oct2003 24–25; Oct2005
5, 24–25; Oct2006 28–29; Oct2007 28–29; Oct2012
29*; Oct2013 29*; Oct2014 29*; Oct2015 29*
National Grandparents Day, Aug/Sept2003 24;
Aug/Sept2004 6, 9*, 24; Aug/Sept2005 5–6, 24;
Aug/Sept2006 28; Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2014
National Grouch Day, Oct2004 25; Oct2013 28; Oct2014 29
National Hobby Month, Oct2003 24–25
National Honey Month, Aug/Sept2005 24–25; Aug/Sept2007
National Hot Tea Month, Jan2005 24–25
National Humor Month, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 22, 24–25,
34, 46–47; Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 4, 28–29;
Apr2008 28–29; Apr2009 5*; Apr2012 4*; Apr2014
National Ice Cream Month, Dec2006 26
National Inventors Hall of Fame, Feb2016 8*
National Inventors Month, Aug/Sept2003 5; Aug/Sept2006 6
National Kite Month, Apr2006 4, 24–25
National Lawn and Garden Month, Apr2005 24–25
National Lekotek Center, Aug/Sept2007 4
National Library Week, Apr2004 24–25, 46; Apr2005 24–25;
Apr2006 5, 24–25; Apr2007 28; Apr2008 5, 28;
Apr2011 5*; Apr2012 4*; Apr2015 4; Apr2016 28*
National Literacy Month, Aug/Sept2003 24–25;
Aug/Sept2004 24–25; Aug/Sept2005 24–25;
Aug/Sept2006 28–29; Aug/Sept2007 28–29
National Museum of the US Air Force, Nov2014 29*
National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), May2012 14–
National Pasta Month, Oct2004 24–25
National Peanut Day, Aug/Sept2005 24
National Peanut Month, Mar2004 4
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May2004 4,
24–25; May2005 24–25; May2006 19, 24–25;
May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29; May2011 5;
May2012 42; May2015 4, 29*; May2016 29*
National Piano Month, Aug/Sept2003 24–25; Aug/Sept2004
24–25; Aug/Sept2005 24–25; Aug/Sept2006 28–29;
Aug/Sept2007 28–29; Aug/Sept2014 29*
National Pizza Month, Oct2003 5, 24–25; Oct2004 24–25;
Oct2005 5–6, 24–25; Oct2007 28–29
National Playground Safety Week, Apr2004 24–25
National Poetry Month, Apr2004 4, 24–25; Apr2005 4, 24–
25; Apr2006 4, 24–25; Apr2007 4, 28–29; Mar2008
52; Apr2011 26, 28; Apr2012 5, 27*, 29, 44;
Apr2014 5, 28; Apr2015 35; Aug/Sept2015 16;
Apr2016 5, 29*
National Poison Prevention Week, Mar2004 5, 24–25;
Mar2005 24–25; Mar2006 28–29; Mar2008 28;
Mar2015 28
National Popcorn Day, Jan2004 4; Jan2016 28*
National Popcorn Poppin' Month, Oct2004 4
National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week, May2006 24–25;
May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29; May2014 4–5
National Punctuation Day, Aug/Sept2006 28; Aug/Sept2012
National Puzzle Day, Jan2005 25, 48; Jan2007 4, 28;
Jan2008 28; Jan2010 4*; Jan2014 5*; Jan2015 29
National Radio Month, Jan2004 5, 24–25, 27–33; Jan2005
National School Bus Safety Week, Oct2004 4
National School Nurse Day, May2004 25; May2005 25
National Science Education Standards, Jan2010 25
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Mar2015
National Soup Month, Jan2005 24–25; Jan2006 24–25;
Jan2007 28–29; Jan2008 4, 28–29; Jan2014 23;
Jan2016 29*
National Spelling Bee, May2006 25; May2007 29; May2008
National Squirrel Awareness Month, Oct2013 28*; Oct2015
National Storytelling Festival, Oct2005 25
National Storytelling Month, Oct2006 46
National Storytelling Network, Aug/Sept2012 42*
National Stress-Free Family Holidays Month, Dec2003 24–
25; Dec2004 5, 24–25; Dec2005 24–25; Dec2006
28–29; Dec2007 28–29
National Tap Dance Day, May2004 4, 24; May2007 29;
May2008 28
National Teacher Day, May2004 24; May2005 24; May2007
28; May2008 28
National Tooth Fairy Day, Feb2007 29; Feb2008 29;
Feb2014 4, 29; Feb2015 5, 29
National TV Turnoff Week, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 24;
Apr2007 28; Apr2008 28
National Volunteer Week, Apr2004 24, 46; Apr2015 9
National Wild Bird Feeding Month, Feb2004 24–25; Feb2005
24–25, 47; Feb2006 24–25; Feb2007 28–29;
Feb2014 28
National Wildlife Federation, Apr2007 13*; Apr2015 14*
National Women's Hall of Fame, Feb2005 25
National Young Reader's Day, Nov2003 4; Nov2005 24
National Young Readers Week, Nov2010 4*
National Youth Service Day, Apr2007 29
Native American Day, Aug/Sept2003 24
Native American Heritage Month, Nov2003 24–25; Nov2004
24–25, 30–36*; Nov2005 5, 7, 24–25; Nov2015 29*
Native Americans, Nov2004 2–3, 10–14, 24–25, 30–36*;
Oct2007 2; Nov2007 28–29*; Feb2008 4*; Oct2010
16–18*; Nov2010 4*, 28; Apr2012 30–35, 36–39;
Nov2013 2–3, 8–15*, 24–27, 30–35, 36–39, 43–46
Cherokee Indians, Jan2007 3, 11
Choctaw Indians, Apr2012 30–35, 36–39
digital projects on, Oct2015 23–27*
explorers and, Oct2015 23–25*
food of, Dec2006 31
Havasupai Indians, Oct2009 25–27*
Paiute Indians, Mar2013 25–27*
Seneca Indians, Mar2013 21
Thanksgiving and, Oct2006 5*; Nov2013 3, 9, 29*, 37
traditions of, Dec2014 27
Sarah Winnemucca, Mar2013 25–27*
natural disasters, Feb2013 2–3, 8–15*, 20–24*, 38*, 43–45*;
Nov2015 11–13*
natural science, Apr2011 20–24; Apr2014 2–3, 8–15*, 16–
19*, 38–40, 49–51
nature, Mar2007 25, 42–44; Apr2007 2–3, 8–14*; Feb2011
19; Feb2016 26–27
Naujokaitis, Pranas T., Oct2015 13
navigation tools, Nov2011 15
Navy, U.S., Nov2010 53
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 24;
Aug/Sept2007 10; May2008 21; Nov2008 10;
May2011 9; Dec2011 8; May2014 4; Jan2016 28*
NCBLA (National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance),
Jan2009 43*
NCTE Award for Excellence in Children's Poetry, Feb2010
Neary, Lynn, Feb2012 55*
Neasi, Barbara J., Nov2010 50
Nebraska, Jan2008 46
Nebula Award, Mar2012 12*
Nedwidek, John, Jan2009 26
Neiburger, Eli, Nov2015 23
neighborhoods, Jan2008 2–3
Neitzel, Shirley, Jan2007 4; May2008 22; Nov2009 49
Nelson, Kadir, Jan2008 26, 53, 55; May2010 26; Dec2013
37; Feb2014 41; Nov2014 2
Author Extensions, Dec2010 34–38
Meet the Author, Dec2010 30–33
Nelson, Marilyn, Mar2007 9, 12; Nov2007 2; Feb2010 17,
19*; Apr2012 3; Aug/Sept2012 11
Nelson, Nadine, Jan2008 27
Nelson, Robin, Oct2010 54
Nelson, S. D., Nov2004 3, 8, 25; Mar2008 2; Nov2013 2;
Mar2014 43
Nelson, Sharlene P., May2007 55
Nelson, Steve, Jan2007 46
Nelson, Theresa, Feb2015 11
Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux, Feb2007 9; Feb2010 2; Feb2012
3; May2015 9
Author Extensions, Feb2014 35–38
Meet the Author, Feb2014 30–34
Neptune, Mar2008 10
Neruda, Pablo, Mar2014 3
Nesbit, Edith, May2007 29; Oct2007 5
Nesbitt, Kenn, Jan2013 55; Apr2013 49; May2015 5*, 49*
Nespeca, Sue McCleaf, Jan2015 5
Ness, Evaline, Mar2014 12
Ness, Patrick, Jan2015 11
Nethery, Mary, Dec2009 53; Feb2013 12
Nettleton, Pamela Hill, Jan2013 11; Dec2013 10; Mar2014
11; Feb2015 38
Neuman, Jeff, May2008 22
Neuschwander, Cindy, Nov2014 5
Nevada, Jan2008 46
Newbery, John, Nov2007 8
Newbery, Linda, Oct2009 43; Apr2011 2
Newbery Medal, Dec2003 2–3, 5; Jan2004 25; Jan2005 24–
25, 40, 46–47; Jan2006 5, 24–25; Jan2007 28;
Feb2007 12; Mar2007 28; May2007 3, 6, 7;
Aug/Sept2007 4; Nov2007 2, 5, 6, 8, 13, 19–21*,
30; Dec2007 31; Jan2008 28–29; May2008 36;
Apr2009 4*, 5, 7+; Jan2011 28; Feb2011 24;
Oct2011 17; Jan2012 20–21
Newcomb, Rain, Oct2007 23; Dec2009 11; Aug/Sept2013 10
New Hampshire, Jan2008 46
New Jersey, Jan2008 46
Newman, Leslea, Nov2003 3; Apr2006 25; May2006 21;
Feb2008 49–50; Dec2008 24; Dec2009 2; Oct2015
Newman, Leslie, Mar2007 26
Newman, Patricia, Apr2015 5
New Mexico, Jan2008 46
New Orleans, Feb2008 2
Junie B. Jones Electronic Classroom Club Newsletter,
Feb2007 5
Youth Newsletter, Jan2007 4*
Newspaper Carrier Day, Aug/Sept2005 24
newspapers, Aug/Sept2004 4, 24; Feb2008 4; Feb2009 52–
55*; Apr2009 36; Oct2009 19; Mar2010 4*;
May2011 14; Oct2014 25–26; Aug/Sept2015 12–13
Newspapers in Education Week, Mar2004 24–25; Mar2005
24–25; Mar2006 28–29; Mar2007 28; Mar2008 28;
Mar2013 28*; Mar2014 28*
New Year's Day, Jan2006 24; Jan2007 28
New Year's Eve, Dec2003 25; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 25;
Dec2006 28; Dec2007 2, 11*, 28; Jan2012 9, 10*,
47–51*; Dec2013 14; Dec2014 26–27
New Year's resolutions, Jan2009 4; Jan2013 4; Dec2013 13
New York City, Oct2007 29; Nov2007 55; Jan2008 2;
May2012 41; May2015 43–44
New York Philharmonic Instrument Lab, Feb2016 9*
New York state, Jan2008 46
Nguyen, Nam, Oct2011 10
Niagara Falls, Feb2013 11; Mar2015 23–24, 50–53
Nichols, Catherine, Nov2006 26
Nickel, Scott, Feb2014 11
Nicola, Christos, Oct2007 29
Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt, Nov2003 15, 19
Niemann, Christoph, Apr2012 41
Nigeria, Oct2007 55
Nikola-Lisa, W., Aug/Sept2004 24; Nov2005 40, 44; Oct2008
3, 9; Aug/Sept2011 3; Dec2011 8; Oct2015 7
Nilsson, Ulf, Jan2016 55
Nineteenth Amendment, Aug/Sept2008 44
Nipp, Susan Hagen, Apr2005 10, 15; Oct2007 40
Nitz, Kristin Wolden, Mar2008 54
Niven, Penelope, Jan2005 25
Nivola, Claire, Mar2010 42*; Dec2011 16; Apr2014 3, 25–26,
29; Oct2014 47; Mar2015 5
Nix, Garth, Oct2010 5
Nixon, Joan Lowery, Oct2005 4; Mar2009 10; Feb2015 28*
Nobati, Eugenia, May2016 7–8
Nobel Prize, Dec2003 25; Oct2006 5*
Nobisso, Josephine, Oct2006 10, 12, 13; Aug/Sept2012 21
Noble, Trinka Hakes, Aug/Sept2007 16; Aug/Sept2008 9
Nobleman, Marc Tyler, Apr2007 9; Mar2012 7; May2014 10
nobleness, Mar2013 2–3
nocturnal animals, Apr2007 39–45; Oct2009 48; Feb2016
Noe, Katherine Schlick, Nov2013 12
Noguchi, Rick, Apr2011 3
Nohl, Mary, Mar2016 27
noise meters, Nov2014 45*; May2016 4*
noises, Apr2008 4
Nokleby, Michelle, Dec2007 51
Nolan, Jerdine, Jan2008 26
Nolan, Lucy, Oct2008 45
Nolen, Jerdine, Oct2011 10
No More “If Only”: Technology Anyone Can Use Right Now,
Aug/Sept2015 10–13*
nonfiction, Oct2003 18–19; Apr2006 19–23; Dec2006 49–52;
Dec2007 16–19; Jan2009 6–7+; Dec2011 24–27;
Feb2012 54*; Mar2012 2–3, 37*; Aug/Sept2012 2–
3, 16–19*; Nov2012 44–47; Dec2012 40–41;
Aug/Sept2013 16–19*; Nov2013 7*; Jan2014 16–
17*; Mar2015 36*; Aug/Sept2015 18–19, 26–27,
39–40; Dec2015 21–22; Jan2016 8*; May2016 37
See also Fiction/Nonfiction
nontraditional roles, Feb2007 48*
NoodleBib, Aug/Sept2008 27
NOOKs, Oct2013 6
Norfolk, Bobby and Sherry, Aug/Sept2007 10, 11
Norfolk Public Library, Nov2004 44–45
Norgay, Tenzing, May2006 24; Mar2009 3
Norman, Kim, Nov2009 22; Dec2009 11; Aug/Sept2012 23;
Feb2014 43; Dec2015 3
Norris, Michele, Feb2012 5*
North, Sterling, Nov2006 29; Nov2011 29*
North American mythology, Mar2013 54
North Carolina, Jan2008 46
North Dakota, Jan2008 46
Northern Ireland, Mar2007 54
North Pole, Apr2005 25; Dec2006 4
Norton, Mary, Apr2007 4; Oct2011 9; Apr2013 28*
Norworth, Jack, Oct2014 5
note-taking and outlining skills, Feb2006 18–23; Dec2012
41; Dec2013 17*; Dec2014 40
nouns, collective, Apr2013 4+*
Novak, Matt, Mar2011 10, 18
Novak, Patty O’Brien, Mar2015 10
November, Alan C., Aug/Sept2009 17
Novesky, Amy, Feb2013 3; Mar2016 55
Noyed, Robert B., Oct2007 46
Noyes, Deborah, Mar2013 23; May2014 20
numbers, books about, Oct2014 49–51
Numeroff, Laura, Oct2003 35; Oct2004 4; Nov2004 5;
Dec2005 39; Apr2009 48; Oct2009 45; Nov2010 50;
Aug/Sept2012 23; Dec2014 29; May2015 4;
Dec2015 2; Apr2016 15–16
Author Extensions, May2010 36–39
Meet the Author, May2010 30–35*
Nunes, Susan Miho, Nov2005 41, 43
nursery rhymes, Oct2011 25; Oct2012 20–23
See also Mother Goose
nursing homes, Feb2014 35
nutrition, May2006 14; Feb2007 51; Mar2007 40; Apr2011
16–19*; Mar2012 5*; Dec2015 2, 4*, 9*, 10–13, 20–
22, 39
NYC Marathon, Nov2005 24
Nye, Bill, Feb2006 42–43; Nov2014 14
Nye, Naomi Shihab, Apr2004 2–3; Jan2005 2; May2013 47;
Oct2015 39
Author Extensions, Mar2013 35–38*
Meet the Author, Mar2013 30–34
Oatmeal Month, Jan2006 24–25
Obed, Ellen Bryan, Dec2012 11; Feb2014 2, 12
Ober, Hal, Mar2005 27
O'Brien, Lisa, Feb2015 10
O'Brien, Mary Barmeyer, Nov2006 26
O'Brien, Patrick, Jan2007 54
O'Brien, Robert C., Nov2005 41–42, 43
O'Brien-Palmer, Michelle, Jan2009 11
Obrist, Jurg, Oct2011 9
O'Callahan, Jay, Aug/Sept2005 5
oceans, Nov2011 51–55; Apr2014 24–27
Ochiltree, Dianne, Mar2013 27; Oct2014 50; Apr2015 11
Ochoa, Ellen, Aug/Sept2004 25, 43
Ochoa, George, Aug/Sept2004 38, 41, 42
O'Connell, Caitlin, Apr2015 28
O'Connell, Jennifer, Jan2016 40
O'Connell, Kristine, Apr2007 4; Nov2015 45
O'Connor, Barbara, Dec2011 42; Nov2015 28*; Apr2016 55
O'Connor, Courtney, Nov2010 9
O'Connor, George, Dec2010 12
O'Connor, Jane, Oct2004 44; Jan2005 30; Aug/Sept2008 45;
Feb2011 29; Apr2011 10; Oct2011 5, 11, 27;
Apr2012 10; May2012 42; Nov2012 10; Dec2012
11; Jan2014 45; Apr2014 10; Oct2014 29; Feb2015
5; Dec2015 3
O'Connor, Sandra Day, Mar2004 25; Nov2015 28*
Ode, Eric, Aug/Sept2015 45; Feb2016 45
Odean, Kathleen, Mar2004 3
O'Dell, Kathleen, Dec2005 9, 13; Oct2013 9
O'Dell, Scott, Nov2007 7, 12; Mar2009 11; Nov2013 11
O'Donnell, Liam, Aug/Sept2007 30, 31; Apr2014 12;
Dec2015 7
Oelke, Anne, Dec2007 52
Oelschlager, Vanita, Dec2015 8
O'Garden, Irene, Aug/Sept2006 52
Ogintz, Eileen, May2009 10
O'Hare, Judith, Aug/Sept2012 40
O'Hearn, Michael, May2009 10; Dec2012 10; Jan2015 29
Ohio, Jan2008 46
Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA),
Oct2006 5
Ohmann, Paul R., Mar2015 17–18
Ohno, Apolo Anton, Mar2007 10
oil paints (art technique), Jan2006 17
O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer, Feb2011 45
O'Keeffe, Georgia, Nov2009 3; Feb2013 3; Mar2016 55
Oklahoma, Jan2008 46
Olaleye, Isaac, Oct2015 45
Olander, Johan, Mar2015 11
Olawsky, Lynn Ainsworth, Aug/Sept2004 8
Old, Wendie, Dec2003 2
Older Americans Month, May2004 24–25; May2005 24–25;
May2006 24–25; May2008 29; May2014 29;
May2015 4*
Oldfield, Dawn Bluemel, Apr2015 42; Feb2016 43
Oldland, Nicholas, Nov2015 55
O’Leary, Denyse, Oct2014 18
Oliver, Clare, Feb2013 10
Oliver, Lin, Feb2016 53
olivine, May2009 21*
Olson, Ted, May2012 8
Olson-Brown, Ellen, Mar2011 53
Olympics, Jan2004 24; May2004 4; Jan2006 25; May2008
10–13*; Feb2014 8–15*, 16–19*, 20–23*, 42–45,
53*; May2016 20
Olympic Torch Relay, Feb2014 53*
O'Malley, Kevin, Aug/Sept2007 17; Mar2010 54; Feb2012
42; Jan2013 11; Oct2014 11; Jan2016 7
Ommen, Sylvia van, Jan2009 55
Once Upon a Time Day, Feb2005 25
O'Neal, Claire, Apr2015 12
O'Neal, Deborah, Mar2010 12
One Book programs, Aug/Sept2010 40–44
O'Neill, Alexis, Dec2005 14–16; Apr2007 23; Oct2013 11;
Mar2015 23–24, 52–53
O'Neill, Mary, Nov2009 43
Onishi, Satoru, Oct2009 2
online resources. See web resources
online safety. See Internet safety
online searching. See Internet searching
onomatopoeia, Apr2007 46, 48; Dec2008 34–39; Apr2009
35, 38; Feb2011 26*; Dec2012 39; Apr2013 13–14*;
Mar2014 27; Apr2014 24–25; Mar2016 38–39
Onyefulu, Ifeoma, Oct2007 54, 55; Dec2009 25; Jan2011 5
Oosterhuis, Tjeerd, May2015 13*
OPAC search terms, Nov2006 19, 20
open houses, Aug/Sept2007 42–46
Open Office Impress, May2012 27*
Opie, Iona, Mar2004 46
vs. argument, Apr2014 17; Nov2014 19–21*
vs. fact, Dec2008 44*, 47–48+; Nov2011 49; Feb2016
opinions, expressing, Jan2011 13, 14, 16–17
Oppel, Kenneth, Nov2014 12
Oppenheim, Joanne, May2007 3; Dec2008 54;
Aug/Sept2012 9
Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey, Nov2006 28
opposites, Mar2011 36–37; May2012 36
oral histories, Nov2010 13*, 45–47*; Jan2012 36*; Dec2014
19–21; Apr2015 46–49*
oral presentations. See under language arts,
Orange Bowl, Jan2005 4, 24; Jan2006 24; Jan2008 29
Orbis Pictus Award, Jan2004 3
Oregon, Jan2008 47
Oregon Trail, May2012 8,9
O'Reilly, Gillian, Feb2008 43
O'Reilly, Susie, Mar2004 11
organizing, Dec2003 4; Jan2008 28
Orgill, Roxane, Feb2015 23–24
Orie, Sandra De Coteau, Apr2007 2
orientations, library, Aug/Sept2003 27–33; Feb2004 4;
Aug/Sept2004 18–21; Aug/Sept2005 42–45;
Aug/Sept2012 6–7*; Aug/Sept2013 6, 53–56;
Aug/Sept2015 4*
orienteering, Aug/Sept2014 51*
origami, Aug/Sept2005 34; Apr2007 4; Dec2011 4*; Apr2012
45–46*; Apr2013 37; Oct2013 7; Feb2014 13*;
Apr2016 42
Orlick, Terry, Aug/Sept2007 9; Aug/Sept2010 9
Orloff, Karen Kaufman, May2015 45; Jan2016 43; Apr2016
Orme, Helen, Nov2009 11; Apr2011 11; Feb2013 10, 23
Orme, Sara, Oct2003 44–45
ornithology, Mar2011 48–50*; Jan2016 20–21
O'Rourke, Frances Dowell, Oct2009 11
O'Rourke, Ryan, Dec2014 36
Orozco, José-Luis, Nov2004 45; Mar2005 4; Oct2015 53
Orr, Wendy, Apr2009 3
O'Ryan, Ellie, May2015 43
Osborne, Linda Barrett, Feb2007 11
Osborne, Mary Pope, Jan2004 41; May2004 42; Apr2005
12; Mar2006 10–11, 12; May2007 55; Jan2008 10,
26; Apr2008 8; May2008 10, 11; Feb2009 1, 10;
Apr2009 9, 11; Oct2010 11; Aug/Sept2011 47;
Feb2013 11; Mar2013 10; Jan2014 10; Feb2014 9,
10; Aug/Sept2014 11; Oct2014 19, 20; Feb2015 12;
May2015 11; May2016 3*, 29*
Author Extensions, Jan2014 36–39
Meet the Author, Jan2014 30–35
Osborne, Will, Jan2004 41; Mar2013 10
O’Shei, Tim, May2015 26
Osterweil, Adam, May2014 10
Otfinoski, Steven, May2012 23
Ott, Pamela, May2005 5; Aug/Sept2005 6; Mar2008 4
Otten, Jack, Feb2006 47
Otto, Carolyn, Dec2013 9
“Our Most Treasured Recordings Are Dying” (Time),
Nov2014 15*
Our School Garden: Planting Seeds of Knowledge, Jan2016
outdoor activities, Mar2007 25–26
outer space. See space and space exploration
out-of-print children's books, Mar2006 4
overhead projector stories, Oct2007 41–42, 43, 49
Owen, James A. and Jeremy, Aug/Sept2007 54, 55
Owen, Ruth, Feb2016 44
Owens, L.L., Aug/Sept2007 32; Oct2015 38
owls, Oct2006 24–27; Apr2007 41–43
Oxenbury, Helen, Jan2008 21
Oxlade, Chris, Mar2011 11
Oxley, Rebecca, Oct2015 14
Oyate, Nov2004 10–11*, 12*
Pacific Islands, May2007 30
Page, Dorothy G, Feb2007 49
Page, Robin, Mar2006 36; Mar2010 23; Mar2012 2; Oct2012
53; Jan2013 10; Dec2013 4; May2014 10; Oct2015
Pagnucci, Susan, Dec2003 30–33
Paige, Erinn, Jan2015 7*
Paige, Satchel, Mar2007 24
paired readings, Oct2004 27–31
Paiute Indians, Mar2013 25–27*
Pak, Soyung, Jan2005 2
Palacio, R. J., Feb2013 27*; Oct2013 3; Jan2016 38
Palacios, Argentina, May2006 25
Palatini, Margie, Mar2004 36; Nov2004 5; Feb2007 5*;
Apr2008 2; Dec2009 42*; Jan2010 2; Feb2010 27;
May2010 22; Jan2013 23
Palestine, Mar2013 36
palindromes, Aug/Sept2008 37–38, Nov2015 22
Pallotta, Jerry, Dec2003 14; Jan2007 54; Apr2009 10;
Oct2010 53; Aug/Sept2015 42; Jan2016 15
Palmer, Erik, Nov2014 44*, 46*
Palmquist, Vicki and Steve, Nov2013 50–52*
Palm Sunday, Apr2007 28
Pancella, Peggy, Jan2015 48
Panchyk, Richard, Feb2006 25; Mar2015 10
pantomimes, Mar2011 34–35; Nov2011 35–36
Pantoya, Michelle L., Mar2015 10
Papademetriou, Lisa, Aug/Sept2008 11
paper airplanes, Dec2003 8, 12, 16, 20; Mar2006 40
paper clips, May2016 2
paper making, Apr2011 13
parables, Apr2011 14
Parade of Books displays, Mar2008 5
parades, Aug/Sept2011 15, 47
parent information sessions, Aug/Sept2008 22–25
parent teacher organizations, May2012 14–17*
Parish, Herman, Oct2004 7; Feb2008 8, 11, 12, 13; Oct2009
9; Jan2011 52; May2015 45; May2016 7
Parish, Peggy, May2008 21; Jan2011 52
Park, Barbara, Aug/Sept2005 37; Nov2014 12, 41; Feb2015
Author Extensions, Oct2008 34–38
Meet the Author, Oct2008 30–33*
Park, Linda Sue, Dec2006 1, 18–19*, 30–31, 34; May2007 3,
30; Nov2008 9; Oct2010 24; Jan2012 3; Mar2012 7;
Apr2012 2; Nov2012 18; Jan2013 11; Feb2014 20;
Mar2014 4; Apr2014 11, 22; Dec2014 52; Oct2015
54; Dec2015 51
Author Extensions, Nov2007 36–38
Meet the Author, Nov2007 30–35*
Parker, Alex J., Feb2015 51
Parker, Charlie, Mar2005 12; Jan2016 56
Parker, Marjorie Blain, Mar2014 2
Parker, Toni Trent, May2009 11; Aug/Sept2011 12
Parker, Vic, May2006 8–9, 12; Apr2015 26; Dec2015 22
Parkhurst, Charlotte (Charley), Aug/Sept2004 29; Oct2004
10; Aug/Sept2012 54
Parkinson, Richard, May2014 37
Parks, Carmen, May2004 17
Parks, Rosa, Dec2004 4; Jan2005 35, 38; Feb2007 3, 8, 10,
19*, 20; Dec2007 29; May2009 14; Dec2015 28*;
Feb2016 29*
parodies, Apr2005 10–15; Apr2007 26; Aug/Sept2015 22
parodies, visual, Apr2012 49–50*
Parr, Todd, Aug/Sept2006 29; May2008 21; Dec2008 24, 25;
Aug/Sept2010 49; Mar2015 29; Oct2015 54
parrots, Oct2014 17
Parsons, Alexandra, May2006 9, 12
partnerships, instructional. See collaboration, with teachers
Partnerships in Character Education Program,
Aug/Sept2007 14
Partridge, Elizabeth, Dec2009 2; Feb2014 21
party ideas, Feb2007 52
Paschkis, Julie, Jan2015 49
Pascoe, Elaine, Mar2015 24
passenger pigeons, Aug/Sept2014 4*
Passover, Apr2004 24; Apr2005 25; Apr2006 25; Apr2007
28; Apr2008 29; Apr2015 29
Pass the Poetry Day, Apr2004 28–29, 31–32
pastels (art technique), Jan2006 17
Pastry Day, Dec2004 25
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw, May2005 34; Nov2013 10, 20
Paterson, Katherine, Mar2010 9; Feb2013 5*; Mar2013 23;
Nov2014 41
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2012 34–37
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2012 30–33
patience, Aug/Sept2007 17
Patricelli, Leslie, Jan2008 20; Aug/Sept2008 16; Apr2012 43
Patrick, Denise Lewis, Nov2005 40, 44
Patrick, Jean L.S., Jan2008 9
Patriot Day, Aug/Sept2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 28;
Aug/Sept2007 28; Aug/Sept2014 29; Aug/Sept2015
patriotism, Oct2004 33; Feb2011 14; Aug/Sept2011 8–15*,
44–47; Oct2015 33–35
Patron, Susan, Nov2007 2, 10–11; Jan2008 2; Dec2011 8;
Feb2014 29; Mar2015 29*
Patterson, James, Dec2012 7*; Aug/Sept2014 12; May2015
6; Nov2015 38
Patterson, Lillie, Jan2012 21
Patterson, Valerie O., Apr2013 5*
Pattison, Darcy, Jan2005 3, 31
Paul, Ann Whitford, Nov2003 29; May2013 11; Oct2013 5;
Jan2016 43, 44
Paul, Miranda, Jan2016 56
Pauli, Lorenz, Jan2014 29; Apr2015 4
Paulsen, Gary, May2005 24; Feb2007 52, 53; Mar2007 29;
Dec2007 29; Nov2008 10; Feb2009 20; Mar2009
10; Aug/Sept2009 51; Apr2010 6, 10; Apr2011 54;
Feb2012 10; Jan2014 11; Oct2014 10; May2015
11; Apr2016 8, 38
Author Extensions, Aug/Sept2010 35–39*
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2010 30–34*
Paxton, Tom, Dec2004 24; Aug/Sept2005 4
Paye, Won-Ldy, Mar2011 2
Payne, Anthony, May2005 35, 39
PBS, History Detective series, Nov2008 19*
PBS Teacher Source, Oct2003 4; May2010 4*
PDFs, editing, Aug/Sept2014 53*
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, May2008 29; May2014 29
peace, May2007 5; Oct2007 55; Nov2007 3, 55;
Aug/Sept2010 8–17*,18–19, 20–22*, 48–51*;
May2011 24–27*+; Nov2014 52–53; Aug/Sept2015
Peace Corps, Mar2007 29; May2007 34*; Aug/Sept2010 15;
May2011 4*; Oct2015 10
Peace Day, Aug/Sept2010 15, 19, 28
Peacock, Carol Antionette, May2012 9
Peale, Charles Willson, Mar2012 14, 16
Peanut Butter Lovers Month, Nov2003 24–25; Nov2005 24–
25; Nov2006 28–29; Nov2007 28–29
Peanuts cartoons, Oct2003 5; Oct2004 25; Oct2005 24;
Nov2005 25; May2014 10; Nov2015 2*
Pearce, Q. L., Nov2014 12
Pearl Harbor Day, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 24; Dec2005 25;
Dec2006 29; Dec2007 29; Dec2011 29*; Dec2014
Pearsall, Shelley, Feb2010 9; Mar2015 18
Pearson, David, May2014 19
Pearson, Emily, Apr2015 25
Pearson, Ridley, May2007 29; Aug/Sept2015 7
Pearson, Susan, Dec2009 12
Peary, Robert E., Mar2009 2
Pease, Tom, Aug/Sept2009 48
pebble effect, Jan2014 40–42
Peck, Jan, Feb2005 30; May2007 26; Nov2011 40;
Aug/Sept2014 11
Peck, Richard, Nov2003 15–16, 18; Jan2005 31;
Aug/Sept2005 10, 12; Jan2008 3, 9–10;
Aug/Sept2012 10, 11
Peck, Robert Newton, Mar2006 18
Peddicord, Jane, Mar2008 10, 11
pedometers, Apr2011 19*
peer pressure, Jan2011 12
Pehosh, Stacey, Apr2016 17
Pelham, David, Nov2004 25
Pelley, Kathleen, Aug/Sept2014 26–27
Pellowski, Anne, Feb2005 24; May2013 4
pencil (art technique), Jan2006 17
Pendziwol, Jean E., Nov2009 10
penguins, Dec2007 5; Jan2008 29; Jan2016 3*
Penn, Audrey, Nov2003 13
Penner, Lucille Recht, Dec2015 7
pennies, Feb2006 4; Aug/Sept2010 15*; Oct2011 14*;
Feb2015 14*+; Apr2016 2*, 20–21
Pennsylvania, Jan2008 2, 47
Pennypacker, Sara, Nov2007 19; Dec2008 10; Feb2011 2;
May2011 41; Dec2011 9; Jan2013 3; Feb2013 5*
pen pals, Jan2005 38; Aug/Sept2005 13*; Aug/Sept2010
13*; Oct2015 4*
Pentatonix, Mar2016 5
Pentland, Peter, Aug/Sept2008 55
pentominoes, Dec2007 17*; Feb2008 43
Peppas, Lynn, Dec2010 52; Feb2013 11
Percy, Graham, May2008 1
Perdomo, Willie, Aug/Sept2003 45
Perez, L. King, Apr2005 35, 37; Jan2011 2
performing arts, Apr2012 2–3, 8–15*
Perham, Molly, Dec2003 15
Perkins, Lynne Rae, Nov2007 2; Jan2008 3; Dec2008 2;
Apr2012 2; Feb2014 2; Nov2015 55
Perkins, Mitali, Oct2015 56
Perl, Erica S, Jan2010 23
Perrault, Charles, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 25;
Dec2006 54; Jan2007 29; Mar2014 55
Perry, Andrea, Mar2004 46; Jan2007 1, 10; Feb2016 7
Perry, Phyllis J., Jan2004 2–3; Apr2004 20–21; Oct2004 36–
41; Mar2006 38–41; Nov2006 36–39; Dec2006 50;
Feb2007 34–37; Apr2007 36–38; Feb2008 34–37;
May2008 34–37; Aug/Sept2008 36; Mar2009 37*;
Nov2009 38*; Jan2010 41*; Apr2010 39; Oct2010
39*; Dec2010 37*; Mar2011 37*; Apr2011 37*;
May2011 38*; Nov2011 37*; Apr2012 39; May2012
37*; Aug/Sept2012 37*; Oct2012 37*; Nov2012 38*;
Feb2013 37*; Apr2013 37*; Aug/Sept2013 39*;
Oct2013 38*; Dec2013 38; Jan2014 39; Feb2014
38*; Apr2014 37*; May2014 37*
See also Author Extensions
Perryman, Karen, Mar2005 5
perseverance, Aug/Sept2007 17
personal best, Dec2011 2–3, 6–13*
Personal Finance: Teaching Personal Finance Using
Children’s Literature, Apr2016 15–17
personal geography, Jan2008 2–3
personal histories, Aug/Sept2011 25–26
personal values, Dec2011 12–13*,40–43*
personification, Dec2008 43–44*, 46+; Apr2009 41–42*;
May2012 11; May2014 14; Mar2016 36
perspectives, changing, Jan2012 2–3, 6–13*
Peru, Oct2007 55
Peter, Paul and Mary, Feb2015 56
Peters, Andrew Fusek, May2008 25; May2013 11
Peters, Lisa Westberg, Apr2004 7; May2005 3; Apr2008 21;
Feb2013 12
Peters, Stephanie True, Mar2014 10
Petersen, P.J., May2015 12; Nov2015 38
Petersham, Maud & Miska, Aug/Sept2008 20
Peterson, Brenda, Apr2015 11
Peterson, Christopher, Feb2015 53
Peterson, Cris, Mar2007 25; Mar2008 28; Oct2012 3;
Jan2016 15
Peterson-Hilleque, Victoria, Jan2013 52
Petit, Philippe, Jan2006 26–27, 28; Aug/Sept2012 48–50*
pet partnerships, Oct2011 6–7*
Petricic, Dusan, May2016 45
Petrie, Kristin, Dec2014 26; Dec2015 9
Petrlik, Andrea, Dec2014 1
Petrone, Valeria, Nov2011 40
pets, Aug/Sept2005 46–47; May2007 28; Oct2007 54;
Feb2008 17; Dec2009 8–15, 46–51; Apr2015 27;
Feb2016 26, 29*
Pett, Mark, Apr2016 7
Pettersen, Marjorie, May2006 5
Pettit, Jayne, Feb2004 17, 19
Petty, Dev, Nov2015 40
Petty, Kate, Dec2008 24
Pfeffer, Wendy, Oct2012 11; Dec2013 43; Dec2014 28
Pfister, Marcus, Aug/Sept2003 11; Oct2008 45; Oct2010 45
Pflugfelder, Science Bob, Feb2016 8, 36, 38; Mar2016 16
Pham, LeUyen, Dec2009 25
Pham, Thien, Oct2015 17
Phang, Ruth, Nov2003 29
Phelan, Matt, May2014 3, 11, 20–21; Feb2015 2
Phelps, Joan Hilyer, Aug/Sept2003 6–9; Nov2003 22–26,
38–41; Jan2004 6–9; Apr2004 40–45;
Aug/Sept2004 22–23, 26; Oct2004 22–23, 26;
Nov2004 22–23, 26; Dec2004 22–23, 26; Jan2005
9, 22–23, 26; Feb2005 22–23, 26; Mar2005 22–23,
26; Apr2005 22–23, 26; May2005 22–23, 26
Philbrick, Rodman, Mar2014 11
Philip, Neil, Aug/Sept2009 11
Phillips, Dee, Jan2016 44
Phillips, Louis, Feb2006 42
Phillips, Sally Kahler, Oct2008 44
Phinn, Gervase, Jan2005 30, 32; Aug/Sept2013 49
phonemic awareness, Oct2014 23
photographs, resizing, Aug/Sept2014 52*
photography, Jan2006 18, 46–47; Oct2009 18; Mar2010 40;
Dec2014 13; Jan2015 44–45; Feb2015 46–47;
May2015 17; Mar2016 23–24
physical education
animal movement, Apr2013 15
baseball, May2011 12
books based on physical activity, May2012 42–45
creating games, May2010 26
curling, Feb2014 44–45
dancing for fitness, Apr2012 15; May2016 11, 39
epic battles, reenacting, Feb2012 15
exercise and, May2008 13–14; Jan2010 15*; Apr2011
16–19*; Dec2011 7, 13; May2016 11
extreme sports research, Nov2008 12
fencing, Mar2013 15
folk dancing, Dec2010 15, 22; Apr2012 15
fouls and penalties, May2010 13*
games in, May2010 13*; Nov2015 9, 22
hora (folk dance), Dec2013 15
juggling, Oct2008 35; Mar2013 15
Learning by Losing, May2010 13
library programs and, May2016 17–20
line dancing, May2012 43
longitude and latitude races, Nov2011 14
martial arts, Aug/Sept2010 15
math in, May2016 11
Mr. Bassett’s Physical Education website, Oct2015 10*
murmuration ballet, May2012 11
mystery workout, Aug/Sept2013 15
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May2004
4, 24–25; May2005 24–25; May2006 19, 24–
25; May2007 28–29; May2008 28–29;
May2010 5*; May2011 5; May2012 42;
May2015 4, 29*; May2016 29*
Native American games, Nov2013 15
nature walk, Mar2010 14*; Apr2014 39
outdoor activities, Mar2007 25–26
patriotic march, Aug/Sept2011 15
pep talks, Nov2014 14
personal best workout, Dec2011 13
personal goals in, May2016 11
pets in motion, Dec2009 15
reading and, May2016 17–20
relay races, Oct2009 15*
rules and regulations, Oct2014 15
scaled-down games, Oct2011 15
skiing, Feb2014 44
skipping, May2012 42
sledding, Feb2014 43–44
soccer, May2010 5*
speed skating, Feb2014 43
sports engineering, Mar2015 13
sports heroes, May2015 14
sportsmanship, May2010 9*, 12*; Nov2014 14;
May2016 9*, 14–16
stunts and daredevils, Feb2015 15
summer games, May2011 12
team forming, inclusive, Oct2013 16
teamwork in, Jan2013 15
technology and, Mar2011 15; Aug/Sept2015 9
traditional dances, Dec2014 13
Winning Personal Gold, May2008 14, 17
winter Olympics, Dec2012 15*; Feb2014 14; Mar2015
yoga, May2007 2, 33, 36; Aug/Sept2010 15; May2013
15; May2016 9, 11
physical fitness, Mar2011 23; Apr2011 16–19*; Dec2011 7,
13; May2012 42–45; May2016 2, 6–13*, 18–19, 29,
36–39, 48–49
physicists, Oct2015 21
physics, Feb2012 13*
piano playing, Oct2011 43–47*
Picasso, Pablo, Oct2004 24; Mar2014 2
Pickell, Jill, May2004 11
Pickering, Jimmy, Apr2004 7
picnics, May2008 22; Aug/Sept2011 45–46
Picone, Betty, Oct2005 5
pictofiction, Oct2009 34
picture books. See under P–K
The Picture Show: A Unique Exploration in Language,
Literacy, and Storytelling, Mar2016 11–13
Piehl, Janet, Aug/Sept2014 36
Pienkowski, Jan, Jan2007 40
Pierce, Tamora, May2005 4
Piernas-Davenport, Gail, Jan2012 9; Dec2013 11; Dec2014
Pig Latin, Apr2007 4
Pilegard, Virginia Walton, Jan2014 12
pilgrimages, May2012 12*
Pilkey, Dav, Oct2003 25; Nov2003 40; Nov2004 41; Oct2007
44; Feb2009 45*; Mar2009 22, 24*; Mar2011 11;
May2011 42; May2015 16–18; Mar2016 3
Meet the Author, Aug/Sept2014 30–32*
pilots, Jan2007 50–54
Pilutti, Deb, May2015 53
piñatas, Aug/Sept2004 41; Aug/Sept2008 34; Aug/Sept2009
Pinborough, Jan, Dec2013 3
Pinczes, Elinor J., Aug/Sept2004 5; Oct2011 10
Pingry, Patricia, May2004 42
Pink, Dan, May2008 53
Pinkney, Andrea Davis, Feb2004 16–17, 19, 20;
Aug/Sept2004 24; Dec2004 18; Jan2005 35, 38;
Apr2005 37; Oct2005 3; Dec2006 2, 3, 26; Feb2007
11, 13, 29; Jan2008 27; Jan2009 2; Feb2010 10;
Jan2011 3; Nov2014 12; Feb2015 24; Mar2015 28;
Aug/Sept2015 29*
Author Extensions, Feb2013 34–37
Meet the Author, Feb2013 30–33*
Pinkney, Brian, Dec2003 14, 17; Feb2012 50, 51; Feb2013
30–33*, 34–37
Pinkney, Jerry, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Mar2005 2–3;
Dec2005 25; Jan2006 2–3; Feb2010 17, 19*;
Dec2010 2, 24; Feb2011 5*, 25–27*; Feb2012 51;
Aug/Sept2012 52; Aug/Sept2013 34, 39; Dec2013
28*; Feb2014 21; Mar2014 53; Aug/Sept2014 37;
Jan2015 2, 26; Apr2015 44; Nov2015 50; Dec2015
3; Jan2016 44
Author Extensions, Jan2011 35–38*
Meet the Author, Jan2011 30–34
Pinkney, Sandra, Oct2008 3; Nov2009 3
Pinkwater, Daniel, Nov2003 25; Oct2004 25; Feb2006 37;
Aug/Sept2006 52; Nov2006 29; Apr2007 29;
Nov2007 28, 29
Pinnell, Gay Su, Feb2012 20
Pipe, Jim, Feb2015 17–18
Piper, Watty, Feb2014 21; Nov2015 41
Pippin, Horace, Dec2013 3; Jan2015 3; Mar2015 42;
Mar2016 17–18
pirates, Aug/Sept2004 4; Aug/Sept2007 5, 29, 30–32*, 52–
53, 54, 55; Oct2007 23; Aug/Sept2008 5*, 6+;
Aug/Sept2010 4*, 28; Aug/Sept2012 29*;
Aug/Sept2013 29*; Aug/Sept2014 5*
Pitcher, Molly, Oct2007 29
Pitchford, Dean, May2015 10, 17–18
Piven, Hanoch, Mar2007 25; Apr2008 54; Dec2008 10;
May2013 5; Apr2015 42
pizza, Feb2006 4; Apr2008 28
Pizzoli, Greg, Nov2015 54; Jan2016 46; Apr2016 40
barnyard fun, Feb2010 27
cooperative picture, Aug/Sept2010 50
drawing (bedtime things), Mar2010 21
dress up Little Mouse, Oct2010 38
fruit and veggie stamps, Dec2015 55
mice comics, Oct2010 37
storytimes about, Mar2016 45–47
beginning readers, Dec2008 5*; Jan2009 3
books with activities
Backpack of Book Care, Feb2011 25–26*
back to school, Aug/Sept2009 47–50
barnyard fun, Feb2010 24
cats, Oct2009 43–45
edible math, Apr2009 46–47; Dec2015 16
family themes, Dec2008 21–24
finding opposites, Mar2011 37, May2012 36
language arts and visual arts, Apr2009 40–43*
the letter C, Jan2010 22–24
math-based library program, Apr2010 19–23*
nature books, Mar2010 22–27*
Laura Numeroff, May2010 36–39*
pairs, Feb2011 17
paper cuttings, Dec2010 13
pattern stories, Mar2011 35–36
peace, Aug/Sept2010 48–51*
pets, Dec2009 20–21, 21–22
pioneer themes, Mar2009 49, 50, 51
pond and lake observations, Aug/Sept2010 35–
print awareness, Feb2011 39
self-esteem, Oct2008 43
Serengeti Animal Alphabet Cards, Feb2011 27*
Show and Tell, Feb2011 46
silk road caravan, Apr2010 44–46*
sportsmanship, May2010 20–23
travel and transportation, May2009 47–50*
winter, Nov2009 46–49
Animal Sounds around the World, Nov2014 55
The Baby Choir, Dec2014 55
How Do Machines Say Hello?, Nov2014 55
chants, Feb2009 26; Mar2009 49; Apr2009 49
attention getter, Jan2010 5
camp chants, May2011 47
carnival carousel, Jan2010 23
cats, Oct2009 44
chiggers, Jan2010 22
Loving Kindness Meditation, Jan2016 49
Ninja Wolf, May2015 54
sportsmanship and emotions, May2010 21
Where Are the Children in Storytime?,
Aug/Sept2013 48
comics, Oct2010 30–35*
fall leaf bookmarks, Oct2010 5
family themes, Dec2008 22–23
Global Village, Aug/Sept2010 48*, 50–51
healthy reader medals, Dec2009 22
mittens, Nov2009 48*
monkey shoulder pets, Aug/Sept2010 6+
monster drawings, Apr2009 50–51*
paper fans, May2011 46
peace puzzles, Aug/Sept2010 20–21*
pet collars, Dec2009 23
speak-up plate puppets, Jan2011 17
stick and box drawings, Nov2008 22
creative dramatics, Nov2008 21; Mar2015 55
easy readers, Dec2008 5*; Jan2009 3
felt boards, Oct2005 21; Apr2006 11; May2008 23;
Mar2010 21*
Artist’s Palette, Mar2016 46–47
Back to School, Aug/Sept2003 8, 9
Big & Small Balls, May2016 49
Caring Grandmother, Aug/Sept2004 8
The Cat, the Sparrow and the Snowman,
Dec2003 28–29
Five Green Shamrocks, Mar2015 4*
food chains, Apr2014 13
home-made, Nov2014 6*
Hooray for Hat, Jan2016 49
Monster Party, Oct2003 35, 37–39
Poor Little Baby, Oct2015 53
as props, Aug/Sept2008 20
The Red Hen, Apr2016 54
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dec2015 55
Abra-Cadabra-Bibbity-Bobbity, Aug/Sept2015 52–
Animal Snores, Dec2007 45–46
animal sounds, Dec2009 19
Back to School, Aug/Sept2003 6–7
Being Good At Holiday Time, Dec2003 27
The Big Round Sun, Apr2004 6
Black Crow, Nov2013 45
Boom, Bang, Jan2008 25
on cats, Oct2009 43
on children, Aug/Sept2010 49
Chinese New Year, Jan2004 49
Dance Your Fingers Up, May2016 49
on dogs, Feb2011 17
Eensy-Weensy Spider, Feb2010 25*
fall leaves, Aug/Sept2010 5
fall rhyme, Aug/Sept2011 5
Family Togetherness, Nov2003 34
with felt boards, Oct2006 41–42
Five Baby Bears, Apr2008 20–21
Five Bear Cubs, Apr2008 21
Five Brave Firefighters, May2015 55
Five Green and Speckled Frogs, Nov2015 53
Five Little Cookies, Aug/Sept2015 53
Five Little Ducks, Mar2015 54–55
Five Little Gingerbread Men, Dec2003 46
Five Little Monkeys, Mar2004 38
Five Little Raccoons, Aug/Sept2015 54
Five Lonely Snowmen, Jan2004 6
Five Nervous Turkeys, Nov2003 38
Five Pencils in My Backpack, Aug/Sept2003 10
Five Plump Peas, Oct2006 41
Fourth of July, May2004 42
Gingerbread Kids, Dec2005 36
Go, Monster, Go, Oct2003 34
Goldilocks, Jan2012 41–42
Halloween Parade, Oct2003 46
Hello Friend, Nov2014 56
Here Is a Book, May2014 42
Here’s a Cup, Jan2016 48
Hic Hic Hiccup, Oct2007 40
on houses, Aug/Sept2010 51
I am a Pirate, Aug/Sept2007 51
I Have a Little Heart, Jan2016 49
I'm Not Sleepy, Dec2007 46–47
I've Got Ten Fingers, Aug/Sept2012 21
Jack-in-the-Box, Aug/Sept2008 16*
Let's Go On a Ghost Hunt, Oct2007 45
Little Seed, May2007 20
Look at Me!, Dec2011 19
Mister Moon, Mar2008 41
mitten weather, Nov2009 48
Mr. Mouse, Oct2010 46
My Family Loves Me, Nov2003 34
In My Garden, May2007 21
My Vegetable Garden, May2004 46
Oliver Twist, Can You Do This?, Jan2008 25
One Plus One, Jan2013 17, 19
Planting Seeds, May2007 21
The Raccoon's Hunt, Apr2007 40
Raindrops, Apr2004 6
Rainy Day, Apr2006 35–37
resources on, Mar2009 19–20*, 55
Runaway Cookie Countdown, Dec2005 36
on scary monsters, Feb2009 25–26
Show Me a One, Apr2016 54
on small things, Apr2007 4
on snow angels, Nov2009 47
Solstice, Dec2013 43
in Spanish, Oct2003 25
Sparkle Days, Dec2013 46
Spider on the Christmas Tree, Dec2003 27
Star Catcher, Mar2008 40
St. Patrick's Day, Mar2005 48
Stuff the Turkey, Nov2006 5
Ten Little Fingers/Diez Deditos, Aug/Sept2012 20
Ten Little Fireflies, Oct2014 50
Thanksgiving, Nov2013 46
There's a Monster behind Me!, Feb2012 49
Three Little Aliens, Mar2012 38
Three Little Smelly Skunks, Apr2013 17
Tiny Tim, Jan2014 45
Tommy Thumbs, Jan2014 44
Turkey Runs Away, Nov2006 5
The Turtle, Oct2004 43
Two Old Turtles, Jan2014 43
We Don't Like Sitting Down!, May2012 43
Winter, Dec2013 44
fingerpuppet patterns, Aug/Sept2008 16*, 17*;
Mar2009 55
first experiences, Feb2016 52–54
bat hunt, Oct2010 44*, 45
Book in a Bag, Mar2011 38
Fish Shapes, Mar2014 42
folklore quiz, Dec2010 39
Guess My Friend, Oct2013 43
I Spy, Oct2010 22–23
I Spy Nature Trail, Apr2014 43
magic stone search, Oct2010 44, 46
Pass the Box, Aug/Sept2010 49–50
Poor Little Baby, Oct2015 53
Stripe Says, Jan2011 17
What's the Question?, Mar2011 39
Word Chain, Mar2011 39
grandparents, Nov2010 22
imagination exercises
“Crazy Stone Soup,” Feb2015 54–55
matching patterns, Nov2009 47*
Mother Goose, Dec2010 23
movement activities
The 12 Days of Christmas, Dec2013 45
alphabet search, Mar2011 38
A-Tooty Ta, Jan2014 44
The Baby Pokey, Dec2014 56
Banana Song, Dec2015 55
Be Kind to Your Robot Friends, Oct2013 44
Bend and Stretch, Feb2016 52
blanket house, Aug/Sept2010 51
Count to Ten-ercise, Aug/Sept2012 21
The Crazy Traffic Light, Aug/Sept2014 55
Dressing for the Weather, Feb2013 18
The First in Line, Feb2016 54
Five Big Green Monsters, Apr2015 55
A Fly Is Buzzing ‘Round My Head, Feb2015 56
focused walking, May2012 44
Follow the Leader, May2013 19
Fruit Salad Song, Dec2015 55
If You’re Feeling Rather Ill, Jan2015 53–54
I’ve Got One, Feb2016 54
Knuffle Bunny, Knuffle Bunny, Turn Around,
Mar2015 56
line dancing, May2012 43
Make a Wish Just Like Bear, Mar2014 41
marching, Mar2008 5
miming swimming, May2011 47
Monster, Monster, Mar2016 46
Monster School, Apr2015 55
More, More, More, Mar2015 56
My Old Car, Aug/Sept2014 54
nature walk, Mar2010 14*; Apr2011 46
One a Penny, Apr2016 53
On Top of Spaghetti, Dec2015 54
Over in the Forest, Apr2014 42
pantomime, Mar2011 34–35
participation story, Jan2011 16–17
Playground Time, May2015 55
poetry and, Apr2007 46–47
Polar Bear Cub's Walk, Apr2007 39–40
Popcorn Song, Dec2015 55
rain storm, using hands, May2011 46
The Robot Pokey, Mar2012 40
robot walk, Mar2012 38
Run Turkey, Run!, Nov2003 38–39
shake my sillies out, May2012 45
skipping, May2012 42
sportsmanship and emotions, May2010 21–22
Statue, Statue, Nov2015 53
Three Little Dragons, Mar2013 18
thunderstorms, Aug/Sept2010 49
Tops and Bottoms, Feb2015 55
Traffic Light, Aug/Sept2006 50, 53
Twinkle Here and There, Mar2014 42
Two Little Feet, May2014 42
two-step dancing, Nov2007 47
underwater parade, Nov2011 39
Wave Goodbye, Nov2014 56
We're Going on a Dragon Hunt, Mar2013 18
We're Taking a Walk in the Woods, Apr2014 43
What Can I Do with My Blanket?, Mar2015 55
Whatcha Doing?, Oct2013 43
See also P–K, fingerplays
music and songs
"Acorn Brown," Oct2011 26
"Alphabet Train," Mar2011 17
appreciation of, Mar2011 51–53
"Babies in the Farmyard," Mar2013 40–43*
"The Ballad of Valentine," Feb2011 12
“BINGO,” May2009 35; Aug/Sept2009 49
“Bread and Butter,” Dec2015 54; Apr2016 54
closing songs, Jan2016 49
Cow Tunes for Kids (CD), May2012 44
Dana's Best Rock and Roll Fairy Tales (CD),
Dec2010 38
"Dance Freeze," Dec2012 18
"Do the Dragon," Mar2013 16
"Down by the Bay," Apr2012 41
"Driving in My Car," Mar2011 17
"The Eensy Weensy Robot," Oct2011 26
“El Chocolate,” Oct2015 53
explorer songs, Mar2009 50–51
family themes, Dec2008 21–22
"The Fire-Breathing Dragon," Mar2013 17
"Five Green Apples," Oct2012 17
"Five Jungle Monkeys," Apr2013 18
“Five Little Monkeys,” Oct2015 53
"Five Wolves in the Bed," Dec2010 39–40
folk songs, Dec2010 12*, 22
genres of, Mar2011 52–53
“Hello Friends,” Jan2016 47
“Hi, Hello, and How Are You?,” Oct2015 52
“If You Mixed Orange Today,” Nov2015 53
“If You're Brave and You Know It,” Feb2009 27
“If You're Happy and You Know It,” Aug/Sept2009
50; Jan2016 48
"If You Want a Funny Story," May2014 43
“I’m Courageous, Yes I Am,” May2015 56
“I’m Going to Wear My Overcoat,” Jan2015 55
“I’m in the Mood for Singing,” Jan2016 48
"It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," Feb2013 17
“The Itsy, Bitsy Baby,” Dec2014 55
“Itsy Bitsy Spider,” Oct2015 52
Jazz for Kids: Sing, Clap, Wiggle, and Shake
(CD), Feb2010 11
"Jingle Bells Blub-Along," Nov2011 39
“La Arana Pequenita,” Oct2015 52
“La Cucaracha,” Oct2015 53–54
“Let’s Do The Numbers Rumba,” Apr2016 53
"Little Arabella Miller," Dec2012 17
"Make New Friends," Jan2012 40
monster songs, Apr2009 50–51*
"The More We Get Together," Aug/Sept2003 46;
Nov2015 54; Mar2016 47; Apr2016 52;
May2016 49
musical instruments, Mar2011 52; May2012 43
"My Family Came Back," Feb2011 18
My Kindergarten (CD), Aug/Sept2008 4*
"Old MacDonald Had a Monkey," Feb2010 25–26
on pets, Dec2009 21, 23
Pickin' and Grinnin': Great Folk Songs for Kids
(CD), Dec2010 11, 12
"The Princess Pat," Dec2010 40–41
"The Quarter Master's Store," Apr2012 40
recordings, classic tunes, Aug/Sept2009 49;
Feb2010 26
recordings, list of, Feb2009 27
"R-O-B-O-T," Mar2012 39
with scarves, May2016 48
on school and autumn, Aug/Sept2009 47
on school buses, Aug/Sept2009 48
"The Seed Cycle," Oct2012 18
“The Seeds Grow,” Jan2015 55
Shake, Rattle & Rock (CD), Mar2011 17
"She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain,"
Mar2011 16
singing, Mar2011 51–52
"Skip to My Lou," Feb2010 26–27
song games, Dec2011 5*
on sportsmanship, May2010 20, 23
"Stars Are Twinkling One by One," Mar2014 43
"There Is Thunder," Feb2013 16
"There Was Who in the Bed?," Aug/Sept2013 49
"This Is the Way in the Library," Aug/Sept2010 5
"This Is the Way We Dress for Winter," Jan2012 4
“This Is the Way We Paint,” Mar2016 46
tiny tunes, Oct2011 13
"Tooty Ta," Nov2011 5*
transition songs, Aug/Sept2008 15; Oct2008 43,
44; Dec2008 24; Jan2016 47, 49
on travel and transportation, May2009 47–50*
"The Truck Song," Mar2011 16
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light," Mar2011 17
Wee Sing For Halloween: Over One Hour of
Spooky, Silly Songs (CD), Oct2007 40
Wee Sing Mother Goose (CD), Oct2007 40
Wee Sing Silly Songs (CD), Apr2005 10, 15
welcome songs, Jan2016 47
"Welcome to Bermooda," May2012 44
"Wild Things," Feb2012 48*
zoo animals (sound clips), Jan2009 25*
"Zoo Hokey Pokey," Dec2012 16
nursery rhymes, Oct2011 25
picture books
as bedtime rituals, Mar2010 20–21
old-fashioned, Jan2012 40–43
with sound effects, Mar2010 20
wisdom books, Jan2016 16–19
wordless books, Oct2011 13; Mar2012 4;
Mar2013 5; Aug/Sept2014 24–25;
Jan2015 14, 23–24, 46–47
See also books (P–K)
poems, Jan2009 26; Mar2009 48, 50, 51
“My First Word” (Oliver), Feb2016 53
"Star Light, Star Bright" (Lansky), Mar2014 42
animal puppets, Apr2011 13–14
barnyard animals, Feb2010 26
cats, Oct2009 43
The Lion and the Mouse script, Apr2010 4*
patterns for, Aug/Sept2008 16*, 17*; Mar2009
puppetry tips, Feb2011 4*
Silly & Sillier puppet plays, Dec2010 13
Stinky puppet show, Oct2010 39
read-alouds, box books, Aug/Sept2008 15, 16, 17
science activities
colored dough, Nov2015 52–53
sorting activities
color sorting, Mar2016 45
sound effects rhymes
First Words, Feb2016 53
I’m a Monster, Apr2015 56
There May Be Wildlife Near, Jan2015 54
story props
Easy Tack boards, Mar2009 5*; Apr2009 5*
Jack-in-the-Box, Aug/Sept2008 18–19*
Mouse House, Aug/Sept2008 16–17*
squirrel puppet, Aug/Sept2008 17
Turtle House, Aug/Sept2008 17
Storytime Rhyme, Feb2012 6
tea parties, Nov2010 48–51, Dec2008 52*
See also books (P–K); Storytime
PLA (Public Library Association), Oct2007 4
Place, Francois, Jan2006 10, 12; Jan2015 11; Mar2016 8
place, sense of, Jan2008 2–3; Nov2011 2–3; Aug/Sept2014
planes, Jan2007 52–54; Nov2011 4*; May2012 2–3
planets, Mar2008 2–3, 8–13, 38–44, 50–52; Apr2011 20–21
plants, Mar2007 25; Apr2011 2–3, 13*, 22, 39, 52–55*;
Mar2012 19*
Plan Your Epitaph Day, Nov2006 4
Plasticine modeling clay, Jan2013 30–33, 34–36
Platt, Richard, Jan2010 9
Playing with STEAM, Feb2016 16–17
plays. See language arts, drama; Reader's Theater
Play to the Top: Using Games to Connect Students with
Content and Skills, Nov2015 14–17
Plemmons, Andy, Dec2014 21*; Jan2015 21*; Feb2015 21*;
Mar2015 21*; Apr2015 21*; May2015 21*;
Aug/Sept2015 32*; Oct2015 25*; Nov2015 32*;
Dec2015 32*; Jan2016 32*; Feb2016 20*; Mar2016
32*; Apr2016 32*; May2016 32*
See also The Connected Librarian; Tech Tutorial
Plimoth Plantation, Nov2005 24; Nov2013 29*; Dec2013 29*;
Nov2014 48–49*
plot, Feb2013 40–41*+; Mar2014 52, 56+; Oct2015 33
Plourde, Lynn, Apr2004 7; Jan2008 5; Nov2009 21, 49;
Nov2010 10; Oct2012 12
Pluto, Mar2008 11
podcasts, Oct2007 5*, 28*; Nov2007 41; Aug/Sept2008 7*;
Mar2016 29*
Podwal, Mark, Dec2003 36
Poe, Edgar Allen, Oct2005 24; Jan2006 25; Oct2007 5, 9, 12
poetry. See language arts, poetry
Poetry Break Day, Jan2014 28*; Jan2015 4, 28
Poinsett, Joel, Dec2004 45
Poinsettia Day, Dec2004 24, 45, 48; Dec2007 29; Dec2013
29*; Dec2014 29
point of view, Jan2004 34–39; Aug/Sept2005 12, 15;
Aug/Sept2008 2; May2009 12
Points of Light Foundation, Oct2007 28
Polacco, Patricia, Nov2003 29; Apr2004 19; Oct2004 29, 31;
Dec2004 18–19; Feb2005 43–44; Dec2005 10, 11,
12; Apr2006 24; Aug/Sept2007 15, 18; Mar2008 10,
11; May2008 20–21; Dec2008 25; Feb2009 2, 9 12;
Dec2009 10; Jan2010 11; Nov2010 9, 10; Dec2010
23; Dec2011 8; Feb2012 46; Oct2013 11; May2014
22; Oct2014 12; Dec2014 12, 44, 47, 51; Mar2015
45; Apr2015 27, 49*; Oct2015 7; Jan2016 37;
Mar2016 29*
Author Extensions, Mar2009 34–37
Meet the Author, Mar2009 30–33*
Polar Bear Day, Feb2007 28; Feb2008 29
polar bears, Feb2008 29, 53–55; Dec2010 5*; Jan2013 5
Polette, Nancy, Feb2004 41–46; Aug/Sept2004 33–37;
Feb2005 31; Mar2005 32–37; Dec2005 32–34;
Jan2006 32–35; Aug/Sept2007 37–41; Dec2007
Politi, Leo, Dec2010 51; Jan2015 12
Pollak, Barbara, Apr2015 17–18
Polland, Barbara K., Aug/Sept2010 11
Pollock, Yevonne, Jan2009 54
Pon, Cynthia, Nov2010 9
Pony Express, Apr2006 24
Pooh Day, Jan2004 24; Jan2005 24; Jan2006 25; Jan2007
29; Jan2008 29
Poole, Amy Lowry, May2008 41; Mar2010 9
Poploff, Michelle, Oct2003 27, 30
popsicles, Dec2011 22*
population, Nov2011 3
pop-up books, Jan2007 30–38, 40–43*; May2007 29
porcupines, Apr2007 42, 43
Portalupi, Laura, Nov2008 19
Porte, Barbara Ann, Nov2012 11
Porter, Connie, Nov2003 29
Porter, Pamela, Mar2006 2–3
Portis, Antoinette, Aug/Sept2008 16; Nov2008 20, 21;
Mar2014 11; Nov2015 54
portraits, Dec2008 14; Feb2009 13
Posada, Jorge, Mar2007 24; Aug/Sept2007 17
Posada, Mia, Aug/Sept2014 37
Las Posadas, Dec2003 24; Dec2004 25; Dec2005 25;
Dec2007 28
positive attitudes, Aug/Sept2007 17
positive behaviors, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Post, Peggy, Aug/Sept2006 9–10, 13; Dec2015 7
postage stamps, Feb2012 4+*; Oct2015 28
posters, Feb2007 5
potato chips, Dec2011 22*
Potter, Alicia, Nov2014 52
Potter, Beatrix, Jan2005 2, 29–30; Dec2007 53; Jan2013 51
Potter, Cathy, Jan2015 19–21; Jan2016 31
Potter, Jean, Mar2005 25; Oct2009 11; Apr2014 12;
Jan2015 26
pottery, Apr2012 22–23*
Potts, Cheryl, Apr2004 14–19
potty training, Mar2011 24
Pourquoi stories, Dec2006 47; Apr2014 13
poverty, Aug/Sept2006 45; Oct2015 5
Powell, Consie, Oct2010 53
Powell, Jillian, May2006 9
Powell, John Wesley, Jan2011 22
Powell, Patricia Hruby, Feb2015 2
PowerPoint presentations, Apr2007 53; Jan2008 51–52;
Apr2011 15; May2011 12; May2012 27*
Powers, Harriet, Jan2005 18
Poydar, Nancy, Aug/Sept2003 9; Aug/Sept2005 40–41;
Mar2006 51; Feb2007 29; Aug/Sept2008 21
practical creativity, Mar2011 2–3, 8–15*
Prahin, Andrew, Jan2015 4
Prap, Lila, Mar2014 4; Apr2015 44
Pratchett, Terry, Apr2007 4
Prater, John, May2005 15; Apr2008 22; Aug/Sept2008 20
Prats, Joan de Deu, Jan2011 11
prejudice, Dec2011 39
Prelutsky, Jack, Apr2004 14, 16, 28; Aug/Sept2004 25;
Oct2004 43; Apr2005 7; Aug/Sept2005 25; Oct2005
21; Feb2006 35; Apr2006 37; May2007 21, 27;
Oct2007 29, 46; Dec2007 46; May2008 11, 14, 25;
Jan2009 41; Feb2009 46; Apr2010 40, 41, 42, 43;
May2010 10; Aug/Sept2010 46; Mar2012 10;
Apr2013 42–44*; Aug/Sept2013 28*; Mar2014 5,
11; May2016 8
Prensky, Marc, Nov2015 23
Prentiss, Ellen, Aug/Sept2015 56
Prentzas, G. S., Jan2013 12
preschoolers. See P–K
presentation software, May2012 25–27*
presidential elections, Aug/Sept2008 4, 43–45
presidents, Jan2007 7; Feb2008 28*; Feb2015 4*, 28*
Presidents’ Day, Feb2004 5, 24; Feb2005 5, 24, 47;
Feb2006 4, 24; Feb2007 28; Feb2008 28; Feb2009
4*; Feb2012 4+, 28*; Feb2014 28*; Feb2015 4*, 28*
Presley, Elvis, Jan2004 25
Presnall, Judith Janda, Oct2006 53
Preston, Diana, May2005 25
Preston, Edna Mitchell, Oct2007 45
Preston, Jane, Apr2015 53
Preus, Margi, Aug/Sept2010 3; Dec2012 21
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, Apr2005 24–25;
Apr2007 5; Apr2008 28–29; Apr2009 4*; Apr2011
4*; Apr2012 29*; Apr2013 29*; Apr2015 41
Prevost, Jeanne, Dec2009 54
Price, Hope Lynne, Aug/Sept2003 43, 45
Priceman, Marjorie, Apr2004 37; May2004 18, 19; Nov2004
4; Aug/Sept2006 28; Jan2007 53; Nov2007 55;
Jan2015 10; Dec2015 23
primary sources, Nov2004 15–21; Oct2005 16–17, 31;
Mar2012 16; Feb2013 41–42*+; Oct2014 27*;
Nov2014 13; Dec2014 20; Aug/Sept2015 12;
Oct2015 5
Prince, April Jones, Mar2015 12; May2016 2
Prince, Joshua, Aug/Sept2007 28; May2008 41
princesses, Apr2008 6–7
Pringle, Laurence, May2005 2; Dec2009 10; May2012 2;
Apr2013 9, 10; Apr2014 9
Prinja, Raman, Jan2016 21–22
printmaking (art technique), Jan2006 18
Printz Award, Nov2007 6; Mar2010 52
problem solving, Aug/Sept2007 17; Feb2009 55;
Aug/Sept2014 43; Feb2015 40–42; Mar2015 47–48
Probst, Robert E., May2015 51
professional resources
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Aug/Sept2007 18
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness,
Aug/Sept2007 18
52 Programs for Preschoolers, Mar2004 38
57 Games to Play in the Library or Classroom,
Aug/Sept2003 29; Apr2006 5; Nov2006 45
365 TV-Free Activities You Can Do with Your Child,
Apr2004 16
1001 Children’s Books You Must Read, Jan2015 29
2004 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, Apr2004
Address Book of Children's Authors and Illustrators,
Jan2005 30, 32
age-appropriate lessons, Oct2012 6–7
aides, coping without, Nov2012 42–43*
apps (See apps)
Art Through Children's Literature (Englebaugh),
Jan2006 19
audiobooks, Nov2010 41–42*; Oct2014 25, 39
author retreats, May2009 26*
Authors on Call, Jan2014 6*
author web sites, May2009 26*
Back-Seat Book Club, Feb2012 5*
Barnes and Noble managed content program, Oct2013
Battle of the Books and More: Reading Activities for
Middle School Students, Nov2006 45
Beatrice the Biologist blog, Mar2014 4*
Better Learning Through Structured Teaching,
May2014 19
bibliography, writing books, May2009 27
bird units, Mar2011 50*
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools
for Classrooms, Aug/Sept2009 16
book budgets, stretching, Apr2014 6
Book Bug, Jan2015 6*
Book Builders, Aug/Sept2013 18*
Book Cover Creator, Nov2011 4*
book fair hints, Nov2011 42–46; Nov2012 6–7
book news, Dec2008 4*
Books in Bloom: Creative Patterns & Props, Mar2007
28; Aug/Sept2008 17
Books Kids Will Sit Still for 3: A Read-Aloud Guide,
Dec2006 50; Jan2007 5
book trucks, tips for, Dec2013 6
The Book Whisperer, Oct2014 8
A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for
Children, Nov2004 3
browsing sticks, Aug/Sept2015 4
budget-stretching tips, Feb2010 5*; Aug/Sept2012 6–
7*; Jan2013 6–7*; Feb2013 6–7*; Apr2014 6;
May2015 49*; Feb2016 13–15*; Apr2016 30–
Building Treehouses for Learning: Technology in
Today's Classroom, May2008 52
Caldecott Award Programs, Jan2010 42*, 45
Caldecott Connections to Language Arts, Jan2006 19
Caroline Feller Bauer's New Handbook for Storytellers,
Mar2009 23
cataloging websites, Oct2010 5*
Ceiling Hanglers, Feb2014 7*
The Centered School Library, Feb2014 7; Mar2014 6
“Changed My Mind” carts, Apr2016 4
Character Education: A Book Guide for Teacher,
Librarians, and Parents, Aug/Sept2007 14
Character Matters, Oct2013 48
Character Strengths and Virtues, Feb2015 53
Children's Book Corner: A Read-Aloud Resource,
Mar2014 23
Children's Books from Other Countries, Dec2004 3
Children's Literature in the Elementary School (Huck),
Feb2005 40
Chronicle Books website, Jan2014 5*
circulation desk tips, Aug/Sept2015 4
Class ACTS program, Jan2014 6*
The Classroom Bookshelf, Mar2016 37*
classroom management, bells, Dec2008 5
clip art, free, Nov2013 6*
collaboration with teachers, tips on, May2011 6–7;
Oct2012 6–7; Jan2013 25–27; Apr2013 6;
Jan2014 16–17*; Oct2014 6; Dec2014 22–24;
Nov2015 22; May2016 17–20
collection development, Nov2010 40–42*; Oct2015 37
Common Core resources, Aug/Sept2013 7*; Apr2014
19*; Mar2016 37*
Common Sense Media lesson plans, Oct2013 6*;
Apr2016 12*
A Concise History of Pop-up and Movable Books,
Jan2007 42
Cook-a-Book: Reading Activities for Grades Pre-K to 6,
Nov2006 55
Cool Story Programs for the School-Age Crowd,
Feb2012 48
Cooperative Games and Sports: Joyful Activities for
Everyone, Aug/Sept2010 9
Coretta Scott King Author Book Award Curriculum
Resource Center, Feb2010 41–43*
Costume Specialists, Dec2015 5*
Crazy Gibberish: And Other Story Hour Stretches,
Dec2006 28
Creating Caring Classrooms, Oct2013 48
CREW: A Weeding Manual, Aug/Sept2014 6
crowdsourcing, Apr2016 30–35*
curriculum calendars, Jan2015 6*
curriculum guides for read alouds, Mar2010 5*
curriculum mapping, Dec2014 23–24
Daily Poetry: Grades K - 3 (Simpson), Apr2004 14
Daring Librarian, Jan2015 6*
from Demco, Feb2014 6; Oct2014 7*
Deskercise!, Jan2015 7*
Developmental Assets, Jan2011 5*
Dewey and the Decimals: Learning Games & Activities,
Nov2006 45
The Dictionary of Characters in Children's Literature,
Apr2006 9, 12
donations, book plates for, Jan2015 6
donations, monetary, Apr2016 30–35*
Don’t Bother Me Mom - I’m Learning, Nov2015 23
Dragon Dictation apps, Apr2014 6*
Easy-to-Make Pop-Ups (Irvine), Jan2007 40
eduClipper, Feb2014 7*
Eighth Book of Junior Authors and Illustrators,
Nov2004 10
Elementary Librarian, Apr2014 29*; May2015 49*
ELSIE (Early Literacy Storytime Idea Exchange),
Feb2011 4*
Escaping Into the Open: The Art of Writing True,
May2009 23
evaluation tools, for websites, May2011 18*
Everything Carts, Feb2016 4*
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children's
Book, Feb2010 5
Exploring the Literature of Fact: Children's Nonfiction
Trade Books in the Elementary Classroom,
Dec2006 51
Fast Fifteen, Dec2014 24
feedback tools, Nov2014 6*
Felt Board Stories (Wilmes), Oct2005 21
"Flexible Scheduling: Making the Transition," May2013
Flow Motion: Yoga for Children, May2007 36
Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Book List, Feb2012 20
Fractured Fairy Tales: Puppet Plays and Patterns,
Apr2007 29
freebies from Charlesbridge Publishing, Nov2010 5*
free book giveaways, Aug/Sept2010 5; Apr2011 5;
Oct2014 5*; Jan2015 5; Mar2015 5*; Apr2015
free press resources, Mar2010 4*
Free Stuff and Good Deals for Your Kids, Jan2005 30,
Free Technology for Teachers blog, Apr2014 7*
funding sources, Oct2014 7*; May2015 19–20, 47–49*
Funds4Books, Feb2013 7*
Fun Puppet Skits for Schools and Libraries, Mar2008
Gamers… in the Library, Nov2015 23
Geography Tool CHEST, Nov2011 48–50*
George Brown, Class Clown classroom guide,
Mar2011 5*
"Get Acquainted" conversation starters, Aug/Sept2011
GetEdFunding, May2015 48*
GiggleIT Project, Aug/Sept2013 7*
Go on a Readabout, Aug/Sept2013 18*
Go Public! Encouraging Student Writers to Publish,
Apr2004 30
Gotcha Again! More Nonfiction Booktalks (Baxter),
Dec2006 50
Gotcha Covered! More Nonfiction Booktalks (Baxter),
Dec2006 50
grants, Aug/Sept2007 14*; Aug/Sept2010 42; Oct2014
7; May2015 47–48*
Grants for Teachers, May2015 48*
Great Books for Boys, Mar2004 3
Great Books for Girls, Mar2004 3
The Great Children's Songbook, Mar2005 29, 30
Growing a School Library "Garden," Apr2011 6
Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children,
Feb2012 20
A Guide to Non-Sexist Children's Books, Mar2004 3
A Guide to Using A Single Shard in the Classroom,
Nov2007 36
“A Guide to Using Graphic Novels,” Dec2015 28*
"Halcyon Days," Dec2010 4
HarperCollins free printables, May2013 5*
headphones, storing, Aug/Sept2015 5
Healing Stories: Picture Books for the Big and Small
Changes…, Jan2007 5
Helping Kids Get Organized: Activities That Teach
Time Management, Clutter Clearing…,
Jan2007 29
Hidden Stories in Plants, Feb2005 24
holds, circulation, May2010 5; Aug/Sept2015 4
Holiday House freebies, May2011 4*; Nov2013 4*
How Children Succeed, Jan2015 41–43; Jan2016 10
How to Do "The Three Bears" with Two Hands,
Mar2008 16–17
How to Get Your Child to Love Reading: For Ravenous
and Reluctant Readers, Nov2006 6
icebreaker ideas, Aug/Sept2003 5; Aug/Sept2014 7
Igniting a Passion for Reading, Jan2011 49
Illustrating Children's Books (Salisbury), Jan2006 19
The Indispensable Librarian, Apr2014 28
Info Busters Library Mystery Comics, Feb2014 6
Information Investigation: Exploring Nonfiction with
Books Kids Love, Dec2006 51
The Instruction of Reading Comprehension, May2014
Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Mar2016 23
In the Mind's Eye, Jan2005 17
Is Your Storytale Dragging?, Oct2007 43
JacketFlap, Jan2011 5*
jigsaw technique, Mar2012 36*
J-LAR tape, May2014 6
Just Enough to Make a Story: A Sourcebook for
Storytelling, Jan2007 35; Apr2008 28;
Apr2013 29
Kapco products, May2014 7*
keyboard shortcuts, displaying, Aug/Sept2015 5
KidderLit, Oct2010 4–5*
Kids' Poems (Routman), Apr2004 14
KidStress, Dec2004 5
Kids@Your Library, Dec2009 4*
Kurzweil 3000-Firefly software, Oct2014 14
The Language of Conservation, Apr2015 53
last-minute lessons, Mar2011 38–40*
Leading Kids to Books through Magic, Jan2005 7
Leading Kids to Books through Puppets, Mar2008 17
Learning About Books & Libraries: A Gold Mine of
Games, Nov2006 45
Lee and Low book giveaways, Apr2014 29*
Lend a Hand: Exploring Service-Learning through
Children's Literature, Oct2006 37; Apr2015 8
Librarian of the Year award, Dec2013 7
Librarian’s Quest, Mar2016 28*
Library 2.0 and Beyond: Innovative Technologies and
Tomorrow's User, Aug/Sept2009 17
Library Brain: Recipes for Success, Feb2014 6
library clubs, Jan2011 46–50
Library Grams, Aug/Sept2015 4
Library Grants blog, Oct2014 7*
Library Learners, Jan2015 6*
Library Lesson Response Form, Oct2012 7*
Library Lessons for Little Ones, Oct2013 6; Feb2014 6
LibrarySparks Library Lessons, Feb2014 6
library terminology, May2014 6
The Library Voice blog, Dec2014 7*; Jan2015 6*
Literacy Is for Everyone: Making Library Activities
Accessible for Children with Disabilities,
Aug/Sept2007 4
Literature and the Web: Reading and Responding with
New Technologies, Aug/Sept2009 17
Literature-Based Reader's Theater Scripts, Mar2009
Literature for Lively Lessons, Dec2006 50
Lois Lenski Covey Foundation grants, Oct2014 7*
Look at My Book: How Kids Can Write & Illustrate
Terrific Books, Feb2009 46
magnifying apps, Feb2015 7
Make It Real: Strategies for Success with Informational
Texts, Dec2006 51
"Making the Most of a Fixed Schedule," May2013 6*
MARC records, Aug/Sept2013 6*
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of
Young American Children, Feb2015 27
Mini-Mini Musicals: Simple Musicals for Young
Children, Apr2004 14
Mitt Magic: Fingerplays for Finger Puppets, Mar2008
A Modern Teacher, Jan2015 6*
Moral of the Story: Folktales for Character
Development, Aug/Sept2007 10, 11
Ms. O Reads Books, Jan2015 6*
Mudluscious: Stories and Activities Featuring Food,
Oct2007 45
mystery series giveaway, Nov2010 5*
networking, Dec2008 4*
Newbery and Caldecott Mock Elections, Nov2007 21
Nonfiction Author Studies in the Elementary
Classroom, Dec2007 18
Nonfiction Readers' Advisory, Dec2007 19
Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading,
May2015 51–52
"Now I Get It!" 12 Ten-Minute Classroom Drama Skits
for Science, Math, Language, and Social
Studies, Apr2005 36, 37; Feb2015 11
Office Depot storage crates, Dec2013 7
Once Upon a Time: Using Storytelling, Creative Drama,
and Reader's Theater, Mar2009 23
One Book program tips, Aug/Sept2010 40–43
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, May2009 24*
Page After Page, May2009 25
Pages of the Past: Exploring U.S. History through
Children's Literature, Dec2006 50
Pairing Fiction & Nonfiction, Dec2007 17
Pass the Poetry, Please!, Feb2015 53
Peace on the Playground, Dec2005 10, 13
Penguin Young Readers' lesson plans, Feb2011 4*;
Feb2014 5*
permanent marker, removing, Jan2014 7
Picture Books Plus (Nespeca and Reeve), Jan2015 5*
Picture Writing: A New Approach to Writing for Kids
and Teens, May2009 24*
Pinterest, Apr2012 5*; Apr2013 5*; Aug/Sept2013 6*;
Feb2014 7*; Jan2015 6*; Mar2015 6*
Poem-Making, Feb2015 53
Poetivities-Primary, Apr2004 14
The Poetry Break, Apr2006 35
Poetry Friday Anthology, Oct2013 32–33; Apr2014 40
Poetry Fun by the Ton with Jack Prelutsky, Apr2004 14
Poetry Galore and More with Shel Silverstein, Apr2004
Popular Nonfiction Authors for Children: A Biographical
Thematic Guide, Dec2007 18
The Power of Reading, Oct2003 4; Mar2014 28
for professional development, Dec2014 24*
professional libraries, resources for, Aug/Sept2009 16–
professional organizations, May2015 48*
programming tips, Jan2013 6–7*; Mar2014 6*
Pronouncing Dictionary of Authors' Names, Mar2005 4*
Prospector, Aug/Sept2013 6*
publisher freebies, Mar2010 4*
Puppetry in Education and Therapy, Aug/Sept2012 40
Puppets, Poems, & Songs, Mar2008 17
Putting it All Together, Feb2014 6
quality work, demonstrating, Apr2013 6–7
RADCAB: Your Vehicle for Information Evaluation,
Aug/Sept2007 21
Radical Change: Books for Youth in a Digital Age,
Dec2010 5*
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching,
Learning, and Living, May2009 23*
Rainbow Writing, Mar2008 52
“Raising a Reader: How Comics and Graphic Novels
Help Your Kids Love to Read,” Dec2015 28*
Raising Bookworms: Getting Kids Reading for Pleasure
and Empowerment, Dec2009 37, 40*
Reaching Every Reader: Instructional Strategies in the
Library, Mar2009 21
Read, Perform, Learn!, Mar2009 22*
Read All About It! (Findlay), Dec2006 50; Mar2007 8
Read and Play (newsletter), Jan2012 5*
Reading Road Trip, Aug/Sept2013 18*
Reading Seeds, Feb2008 20
ReadnQuiz, Jan2014 6*
ReadsWritesThinks, May2008 50*
Ready-to-Use Library Skills Games, Nov2006 45–46
Real Revision: Authors' Strategies, Apr2014 21
Reconsidering Read-Aloud, Oct2014 55
The Reference Information Skills Game, Nov2006 46
relaxation exercises, Nov2013 7*, Apr2014 6*
scheduling tips, May2013 6–7*
School Library Journal, Dec2006 51
Seasonal Storytime Crafts, Jan2006 5, 7
seats, from file boxes, Jan2015 7
self-checkout, initiating, May2013 6*
Send-A-Story, Apr2011 5
Series Books Curriculum Resource Center, Jan2011 4*
shelving and storage tips, Dec2013 7; May2014 7;
Dec2015 5; Feb2016 4
Sign Up Genius, Oct2014 7*
The Smithsonian Folklife and Oral History Interviewing
Guide, Apr2015 47*
Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators,
Oct2013 7*
Something Funny Happened at the Library,
Aug/Sept2005 36
staggered schedules, May2013 7
“Statistics for the Library Advocate,” Oct2014 25*
Storybook Art: Hands-On Art for Children, Mar2005 25;
Mar2007 29; Jan2015 26
Storybook Stew: Cooking with Books Kids Love,
Nov2006 55
Story Sparkers: A Creativity Guide for Children's
Writers, May2009 25
The Storyteller's Sourcebook, Feb2005 27
The Storyteller's Start-up Book: Finding, Learning,
Performing and Using Folktales, Mar2009 23
Storytelling with Puppets, Second Edition, Mar2008 17
Storytime Katie, Aug/Sept2014 28*
Storytime Slam, May2008 20
Storytime Yoga, Jan2016 49
The Story Vine, May2013 4
Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for
Understanding and Engagement, Dec2007 17
Stretchy Lesson Plans series, Aug/Sept2009 40–43*;
Feb2014 6
Stretchy Library Lessons, Aug/Sept2005 7; Dec2007
Stretchy Library Lessons: Literary Skills, Aug/Sept2003
Stretchy Library Lessons: More Library Skills, Dec2006
51; Jan2007 54
Stretchy Library Lessons: Multicultural Activities,
Aug/Sept2004 8; Nov2004 11, 14; Apr2005 15
Stretchy Library Lessons: Reading Activities, May2004
Stretchy Library Lessons: Seasons & Celebrations,
Apr2007 25, 26
student writing, promotion of, Dec2012 25–27*
Surfnet, Jan2012 28*
Sustenance: Food and Story, Dec2010 5*
Take It for Grant-Ed initiative, May2015 48–49*
Take Joy: A Writer's Guide to Loving the Craft,
May2009 26*
Teacher/Librarian Collaboration Planning Sheet,
Jan2013 27*
TeachersFirst, Dec2014 24*
The Teacher Store, Feb2012 21*
Teacher Training Videos, Aug/Sept2014 53*; Dec2014
TeacherVision, Oct2004 28*; May2015 12*
Teaching Genre, Feb2005 40
Teaching Reading Strategies in the School Library,
Dec2006 50
Teaching Students to Read Nonfiction, Dec2006 51;
Dec2007 18
Teach Resource File, May2008 29*
team building/collaboration questionaire, Dec2013 6
Technology Projects for Library Media Specialists and
Teachers Volume II, Aug/Sept2009 17
technology tools, sharing, Feb2014 7
The Tech-Savvy English Classroom, Aug/Sept2009 17
Terrific Booktalk Tips, Apr2012 13*
Terrific Connections With Authors, Illustrators and
Storytellers, Nov2006 6
on text complexity, May2014 19
textHELP Reading Pens, Oct2014 14
This Way to Books, Apr2004 30
The Tibrarian Handbook, Feb2014 6
Tips for Reading Aloud to Children handout, Oct2014
Titlewish, Feb2013 7*
#tlelem (Twitter hashtag), Aug/Sept2013 7*
"tools of the trade," Mar2011 38–40*
Toward a 21st-Century School Library Media Program,
May2008 53
True Stories: Nonfiction Literacy in the Primary
Classroom, Dec2007 17
Twenty Tellable Tales, Nov2004 41
Unbound Booking, Mar2014 6*
from Upstart Promotions, Aug/Sept2013 18*
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and
Importance of Fairy Tales, Oct2007 2;
Oct2011 19
Using Multiethnic Literature in the K-8 Classroom,
May2007 2
Using Poetry (Gruber and Gruber), Apr2004 14
value, demonstrating your, Apr2013 6–7
vocabulary references, Mar2014 19
voice recognition apps, Apr2014 6*
volunteer appreciation, May2014 6; Feb2015 7
volunteers, recruiting, Oct2014 7*
Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools, Aug/Sept2009 16
Web Literacy for Educators, Aug/Sept2009 17
websites, evaluating, May2011 16–19*; Dec2014 26*+
Webster's New World Dictionary of Acronyms and
Abbreviations, Dec2004 41, Oct2011 5*
What Language Is: And What It Isn't, Mar2012 4
What's Cooking in Children's Literature, Nov2006 55
whiteboard activities, Aug/Sept2011 5*
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the
Future, May2008 53
Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children's Literature,
Feb2014 28
Write Out of the Oven! Letters and Recipes from
Children's Authors, Nov2006 55
Writing as a Second Language, Feb2009 41, 45
Writing Irresistible Kidlit, Oct2013 5
Writing Picture Books, Oct2013 5
Writing Poems (Prusinski), Apr2004 14
Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer,
May2009 25–26
Writing with Pictures, Oct2013 5
See also Between a Rock & a Hard Place; Tips from
the Trenches; web resources
booking talent, Mar2014 6*
on a budget, Jan2013 6–7*
Proimos, James, Jan2004 36; Dec2005 9–10, 12;
Aug/Sept2010 20
Project BudBurst, Apr2014 50
Project FeederWatch, Apr2014 50
Promois, James, Oct2015 43
pronunciation, of authors' names, Nov2008 4*
Birthday Cake Is No Ordinary Cake props, Jan2008
16–18, 22–23
creative drama and, Mar2008 20–24
Easy Tack boards, Mar2009 5*; Apr2009 5*
flannelboards, Aug/Sept2008 20
"Mister Moon" swivel prop, Mar2008 41, 43
Pumpkin Faces and Pie props, Oct2007 47–48
Skeleton Mr. Bottle Bones story prop, Oct2007 39, 40
storytime, May2007 22–25
for storytime, May2007 22–25
See also felt boards
Prose, Francine, Mar2014 11
Prosek, James, May2012 7
Provencal, Francis, Oct2007 54
Provensen, Alice & Martin, May2009 10
proverbs, Feb2004 47; Apr2009 38–39; Dec2010 24–25;
May2015 24
Prusinski, Shirley, Apr2004 14
Pryor, Katherine, Apr2015 4
“The Psychology of Heroism” (Cherry), May2015 8
PTA (National Parent Teacher Association), May2012 14–
PTOs (parent teacher organizations), May2012 14–17*
public art, Apr2012 13*, 14*; Mar2016 9*
public libraries, Apr2008 27; May2008 4; May2010 17–19
Public Library Association (PLA), Oct2007 4
public relations, for libraries, Aug/Sept2012 24–27
public speaking, Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*; Nov2014 2–3, 8–15*,
19–21*, 35–38, 44–47
publishing, how to, Feb2009 46–47
Puerto Rico, Oct2007 29; Aug/Sept2009 4
puffins, Apr2013 2
Pullara, Steve, Jan2009 25*, 26
Pullis, Laura, Dec2006 51
Pullman, George, Mar2005 25
Pullman, Philip, Feb2005 3; Nov2006 29; May2007 5;
Apr2008 10; Mar2012 8
Pulse, Simon, Nov2011 4
Pulver, Robin, Oct2004 4; Dec2004 12–13; Feb2006 37;
Aug/Sept2006 28, 52; Oct2011 11; Mar2014 26, 27;
Nov2014 43; Feb2015 51; Aug/Sept2015 29*
pumpkins, Oct2003 16–21, 30, 44–45; Oct2007 43–46;
Oct2010 52–55; Oct2015 29*
punctuation, Oct2011 13; Mar2012 35; Aug/Sept2012 28*;
Mar2014 27
Punny Pages, Apr2012 6–7
puns, Jan2011 40; Feb2011 40; Apr2012 6–7
puppets, Apr2007 6, 29; May2007 20, 21, 22, 24–25;
Aug/Sept2008 16–17*; Mar2009 20–22*; Apr2009
animal puppets, Apr2011 13–14
Back to School, Aug/Sept2003 7, 9
in Balloons over Broadway, May2012 38–41*
changing fortune puppets, Apr2008 13
crafts for, Aug/Sept2005 44–45; May2007 24–25;
Nov2007 42; Mar2008 14–19, 41–43;
Mar2009 53–55*; Jan2011 17; Feb2011 36–
crow puppet, Oct2007 38–39
ducks, Nov2003 39, 41
for ESL storytelling, Apr2015 7
finger puppets, Feb2006 36, 38; Mar2008 15, 17;
Apr2008 6; May2015 13*
fly puppets, Oct2007 36
hand puppet stands, Feb2014 6
Healthy Earth puppet show, Apr2011 14
Library Rhyme Time pig, Apr2004 42–43
monkey and crocodiles puppets, Oct2007 34, 35
overhead puppets, Mar2008 15–16
paper bag puppets, Mar2008 15
public speaking and, Nov2014 35–36
puppetry tips, Feb2011 4*
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 15
Scaredy Squirrel puppets, Feb2011 36–37*
shadow puppets, Jan2015 17
Silly & Sillier puppet plays, Dec2010 13
Snowman Marionette, Dec2003 30, 32–33
sock puppets, Mar2008 15
stick puppets, Oct2005 20–21, 22–23; Dec2005 36–38,
42–43; May2007 24–25; Mar2008 14–15;
Nov2014 36; Apr2016 3*
Stinky puppet show, Oct2010 39
in teaching, Aug/Sept2012 40–41
"The Snowy Touch" (puppet play), Mar2004 30–35
turkeys, Nov2003 39, 41
The Ugly Duckling puppet play, Oct2013 12, 14
web sites, Nov2007 42; Mar2008 16
Pura Belpré Medal, Jan2004 2, 3; Nov2007 3, 7
Purim, Mar2005 25; Mar2006 28; Mar2007 29; Mar2008 29
Purmell, Ann, Oct2010 52; Dec2012 10
purple books, Oct2007 4
Puybaret, Eric, Nov2009 23
anagrams, Jan2007 4; Mar2008 29; Mar2010 47;
Nov2011 28*; Apr2015 23*
book jacket puzzles, Mar2011 39
brain teasers, Mar2007 28; Feb2012 4+*;
Aug/Sept2013 15*
Break the Code, Nov2011 7+*
chapter book puzzle, May2012 23+*
Civil Rights Letter Tiles Puzzle, Feb2007 15+
crosswords, Nov2003 18, 20; Oct2004 13; Dec2004
45, 46; Nov2006 11–12, 14; Dec2006 4, 8;
Mar2010 49
aviation, Nov2011 4*
building your own, May2014 35*
canines, May2012 4+*
career vocabulary, Nov2006 11–12, 14+
Dear Mrs. LaRue, Dec2013 5*
Japan, Aug/Sept2011 5*
"Little" crossword, Oct2011 4*
making your own, Oct2013 29*
presidential, Nov2009 4*
Presidents Day, Feb2012 4+*
snowy days, Dec2006 4, 8
South America, Oct2013 4+*
sports and fitness careers, May2016 10–11*
stage and screen, Feb2015 14*
state nicknames, Jan2008 4, 6
Talk Like a Pirate, Aug/Sept2014 5*
yellow fever, Jan2010 18*
Doublets word game, Jan2014 5*
on heroes and heroines, Feb2009 12*
on Hispanic culture, Aug/Sept2009 13*
jigsaw, Black History, Feb2010 13*
logic puzzles, Mar2004 12–13, 15; Aug/Sept2013 15*;
Mar2014 14
migration jigsaw puzzle, May2012 11
Mystery Word, Nov2005 43
on National Parks, Aug/Sept2011 5*
number puzzles, Oct2007 35
on ocean life, Apr2009 14
on the Olympics, Feb2014 13*
peace puzzles, Aug/Sept2010 20–21*
picture puzzle books, Feb2015 39–40
Puzzlemaker (Discovery Education), May2015 13*
Quotefall puzzle, Jan2011 13*
Romeo and Juliet letter tiles puzzle, Feb2005 37
Story Review Word Puzzle, Dec2014 43*+
Trivia Day activities, Jan2014 4*
United States map puzzle, Aug/Sept2011 13
vocabulary puzzles, May2014 13*
Weather Word Scramble, Mar2006 14+
Winter Acrostics, Dec2006 7+
word searches, Aug/Sept2003 20; Dec2003 47;
Mar2010 5*
All the World’s a Stage, Feb2015 5*
apples/Johnny Appleseed, Aug/Sept2013 5*+
April Fool’s Day, Apr2015 4*
art terms, Jan2006 11+, 14+
Australia, Jan2014 4*+
building your own, May2014 37
cooperation, Jan2013 4*+
election vocabulary, Oct2012 5*+
friendly qualities, Aug/Sept2003 20
gross-out words, Nov2007 52+
root vegetables, Oct2012 4*+
Searching for Excellence, Jan2015 5*+
Spanish words, Aug/Sept2007 7+
things that go bump in the night, Oct2007 7+
Valentine's Day, Feb2014 4*+
volcanoes, Dec2010 4*
wintry vocabulary, Dec2012 5*
words within words, Mar2011 37; Nov2011 37
pyramid food model, May2006 11, 13; Feb2007 51*;
Apr2011 16–19*; Jan2012 54*
Quackenbush, Robert, Jan2004 28; Jan2007 11, 12
Qualls, Sean, Dec2011 8, 14; Feb2015 22–23
quarters (currency), Mar2011 40; Apr2016 2*, 20–21
Quasha, Jennifer, May2007 55
Quattlebaum, Mary, Jan2008 28; May2014 29*; May2015
"Queen Alliquippa, Seneca Leader" (Appleseeds article),
Mar2013 21
Queen Elizabeth I, Feb2013 52
Queen Elizabeth II, Mar2013 22
queens (royalty), Apr2007 29; Mar2013 8–15*, 20–24*, 25–
quests, and character development, Aug/Sept2014 44–47
Quigley, Mary, May2008 3
quilts, Nov2003 27–33; Feb2007 47–48; Dec2007 12;
Jan2008 10; Feb2012 46*; Apr2012 13–14, 44–45
quinceañeras, Aug/Sept2009 3
Quintura, Dec2011 44*
quizzes, Dec2010 39; Jan2011 4*; Nov2011 5*, 49–50
animal characters in books, Jan2013 29*
bug trivia, May2008 40*
Characters on Their Own, Nov2012 5*
Don’t Gross Out the World, Dec2015 2*
FlipQuiz, Feb2016 29*
folklore quiz, Dec2010 39
food science, Dec2006 37+
memory quiz, Jan2009 11–12*
Ms. Frizzle trivia, Mar2008 33, 35+
nutrition, May2006 14, 14+
ocean life, Apr2009 12–13
Olympics, May2008 5, 13, 16
online, Mar2015 7*
ReadnQuiz program, Jan2014 6*
table manners, Dec2015 2*
Thanksgiving quiz, Nov2012 4*
trees, Apr2014 20*
Wintry quiz, Dec2012 4*
Raatma, Lucia, Oct2008 10; Nov2015 8
Rabbat, Suzy, Mar2016 24
rabbits, Mar2007 26; Apr2007 29, 41; Mar2008 4
Rabe, Tish, Mar2006 9, 10, 11, 12; Jan2010 11
Rabin, Staton, May2016 46
Rabinowitz, Alan, Aug/Sept2015 26
raccoons, Apr2007 42, 43
racing, NASCAR, Aug/Sept2008 50–52*; Mar2015 17–18
racism, Nov2006 26; Feb2007 2–3, 8–14
Raczka, Bob, Jan2009 10; Mar2011 53; Apr2012 9, 53;
Oct2012 10, 17; Dec2013 43; Mar2014 12
RADCAB (Relevancy, Appropriateness, Detail, Currency,
Authority), Aug/Sept2007 19, 21
Radunsky, Vladimir, Mar2005 13–14; Oct2007 55; Dec2009
Rael, Elsa Okon, Nov2005 42, 43, 45
Raffi, Feb2004 6, 7; Mar2005 38; Apr2012 40, 41; May2012
44; Feb2015 5; Apr2016 53
raffles, Aug/Sept2007 45
railroads, May2012 51–55
Raimondo, Joyce, Jan2015 9
rain, Mar2011 5*
rainforests, Apr2007 3, 12; Apr2011 52–54
“Raising a Compassionate Child” (Parenting Magazine),
Jan2016 39
Rake, Jody Sullivan, Nov2015 27
Ramadan, Oct2005 25; Aug/Sept2006 29
Ramirez, Fabiola Graullera, Dec2009 25
Ramírez, José, Aug/Sept2009 3
Ramsey, Alice, Feb2008 47
Rand, Casey, Jan2014 27
Randolph, Joanne, Jan2016 43
Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb2005 25; Feb2006 24–
25; Feb2007 28
Random House, Nov2007 36*
Rankin, Jeannette, Nov2006 26; Nov2014 11
Rankin, Laura, Mar2010 19; Oct2011 27
Ransom, Candice, Jan2012 43
Ransom, Jeanie Franz, Nov2009 24; Oct2010 3
Ransome, James, Feb2007 3; Feb2009 33; Oct2015 43
Meet the Author, Nov2015 48–51
Raphael, Lev, Oct2008 11
Rappaport, Doreen, Aug/Sept2003 43–44, 45; Jan2004 3,
34, 35; Feb2004 2; Nov2004 33, 35; Feb2007 3;
Aug/Sept2007 17; Feb2009 48*; Mar2009 27;
Dec2010 36; Jan2011 3, 22; Aug/Sept2011 11;
Nov2013 12; Dec2013 10; Nov2014 9, 10, 52;
Aug/Sept2015 23–25; Apr2016 48–49
Author Extensions, Dec2013 35–38
Meet the Author, Dec2013 30–34
Raschka, Chris, Jan2005 45; Mar2005 7, 9, 12–17; Jan2006
3; Apr2008 32; Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2008 2;
Nov2008 9; May2010 10; Mar2012 28*;
Aug/Sept2013 34, 36; Feb2014 21; Aug/Sept2014
56; Jan2015 3, 10, 17–18, 46*; Oct2015 42;
Jan2016 52
Raskin, Ellen, Apr2005 3; Mar2007 28; Aug/Sept2007 4;
Mar2008 29; Nov2011 34; Aug/Sept2013 11;
Aug/Sept2014 43
Rathmann, Peggy, Mar2006 50; Oct2006 43; Nov2007 15;
Nov2014 11
ratings, movie, Nov2008 4*
ratios, Feb2012 15
rats, Apr2007 42, 43; Dec2007 53–55
Rau, Dana Meachen, Mar2008 10, 12; Aug/Sept2008 20;
Feb2011 11; Dec2014 48
Raven, Margot Theis, Dec2003 9; Nov2010 18; Jan2016 37
Rawlins, Donna, Aug/Sept2003 11
Rawlinson, Julia, Oct2010 5
Ray, Deborah Kogan, May2004 18, 21; Mar2013 25–27*;
Mar2014 3
Ray, Delia, Oct2012 5
Ray, Jane, Feb2005 29; Nov2008 3
Ray, Mary Lyn, Mar2006 29; Apr2010 3; Mar2014 42
Raymer, Dottie, Mar2004 9–10
Rayner, Catherine, Oct2009 43
Read, Talk, Make: The Book to Art Club, Mar2016 14–16
Read Across America Day, Mar2004 5, 24; Mar2005 25;
Mar2006 29; Jan2007 5; Mar2007 4, 29; Mar2008
5, 28; Mar2014 28*; Mar2015 28; Mar2016 4*, 29*
read-aloud stories
All the World, May2011 24–25
America, Aug/Sept2011 13
ancient civilizations, Nov2012 13
animals, Apr2013 12
the arts, Apr2012 12; Mar2016 7–8
Asian Pacific American heritage, May2007 34
award-winning books, Nov2007 11
back to nature, Mar2010 13
being your best, Dec2011 10
Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!, Oct2010 36;
Feb2012 22
biographies, Mar2007 11, 22
Black History, Feb2010 13
box books, Aug/Sept2008 15, 16, 17
boy appeal, Nov2008 12
bullying, Oct2013 13
careers, Nov2006 11
character education, Aug/Sept2007 11
Chester, Feb2011 39
civil rights movement, Feb2007 12
colors, Nov2009 12
cooperation, Jan2013 12
diversity, Oct2015 6–8, 36–39
Earth Day, Apr2007 12
elderly people, Nov2010 10
elections and voting, Feb2008 11
environmental activism, Apr2011 13
explorers and pioneers, Mar2009 12
family, Dec2008 12
folklore, Dec2010 12
food, Dec2015 6–8
food, ethnic/international, Dec2006 33
fractured fairy tales, Apr2008 11
friendship, Oct2013 13
frogs with discussion, Mar2010 39
games and gaming, Nov2015 6–8
geography, Nov2011 13
graphic novels, May2014 12
harvest time, Oct2012 12
heroes and heroines, Feb2009 11; May2015 8–12
heroes and villains, Feb2012 12
Hispanic heritage and culture, Aug/Sept2009 13
illness and wellness, Jan2010 13
imagination, Mar2014 13
immigration, Oct2006 12
inventors and inventing, Jan2007 11; Feb2016 6–8
kids and nature, Mar2010 22–27*
librarians, Aug/Sept2012 12
love, Feb2011 12
magic, Oct2010 12
Middle Ages, Mar2013 12
migrations, May2012 10
money themes, Apr2010 12; Apr2016 7–9
mysteries, Aug/Sept2013 12
Native Americans, Nov2013 13
natural disasters, Feb2013 13
natural science, Apr2014 13
new beginnings, Jan2012 10
nonfiction, Dec2006 50
ocean life, Apr2009 12
Olympics, May2008 13
in One Book programs, Aug/Sept2010 42–43
peace and cooperation, Aug/Sept2010 12
pets, Dec2009 12; Aug/Sept2012 42
picture books, Nov2009 46–49
pumpkins, Oct2007 43
relaxation, May2013 12
scary stories, Oct2007 11, 38–39
school life, Aug/Sept2008 11
science, Oct2009 13; Apr2014 13
science fiction, Mar2012 11
self-esteem, Oct2008 11
the senses, Jan2009 12
small wonders, Oct2011 12
space, Mar2008 12; Dec2014 36–38
speaking out, Jan2011 12
sports and sportsmanship, May2010 12; May2016 7–9
states, Jan2008 11–12
summer, May2011 12
teachers and librarians, Aug/Sept2012 12
in teaching, Aug/Sept2012 41–42*
technology, Mar2011 13; Aug/Sept2015 6–8
time, Jan2014 12
Tom's Tweet, Apr2014 37
toy trucks, Dec2009 40
travel and transportation, May2009 12, 48, 49, 50
treasure hunts, Aug/Sept2014 12
Tricking the Tallyman, Aug/Sept2011 6–7*
truth and lies, Mar2014 13
winter, Dec2007 11; Dec2012 12; Dec2013 13
Winter Olympics, Feb2014 12
Read and Play (newsletter), Jan2012 5*
Read a New Book Month, Dec2003 24–25; Dec2004 24–25;
Dec2005 24–25; Dec2007 29; Dec2015 28*
reader's advisory resources, Nov2007 42*; Dec2012 6–7*;
Aug/Sept2014 6*; Nov2015 30–35*
Reader's Theater
Acting Out Scenes (activity), Apr2007 38
After Hours at the Grocer, May2004 11–15
Anansi and the Yam Hill, Dec2014 4*
articles about, Apr2007 20–21*
on the arts, Apr2012 15
Axle Annie and the Speed Grump, Aug/Sept2006 46–
Banjo Granny, Nov2010 19–21*
Bat's Big Game, Dec2010 19–21*
Bear Feels Sick, Jan2010 6–7
Bee-bim Bop!, Dec2006 18–19
Being Frank, Mar2014 44–46
Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake, Aug/Sept2012 44–
bibliographies, Jan2012 24, 27
Blast to the Past, Oct2008 55*
Book! Book! Book!, Apr2006 16–18
The Boy Who Drew Birds, Mar2007 16–20
The Buffalo Storm, Mar2009 15–18
Button, Bucket, Sky, Apr2007 15–19
Can You Say Peace?, Aug/Sept2010 18–19*
Casey and Derek on the Ice, May2010 43–45*
Charlotte Jane Battles Bedtime, May2013 40–42
creative drama, Mar2008 20–24
The Day Dirk Yeller Came to Town, May2014 45–48
Dinosnores, Feb2006 40–41
Dirt on Their Skirts: The Story of the Young Women
Who Won the World Championship, Feb2009
Double Trouble in Walla Walla, Apr2007 26
The Dumpster Diver, Apr2011 49–51
Eco-Wolf and the Three Pigs, Apr2011 14
Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty,
Aug/Sept2011 19–23*
Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms, Nov2006 22–24
The Everything Machine, Mar2011 18–21
Fannie in the Kitchen, Oct2009 38–42
Faraway Home, Oct2006 17–20
for first graders, Apr2013 4*
Freedom Summer, Feb2007 24–27
Give a Goat, Dec2011 48–51*
The Gold Miner's Daughter: A Melodramatic Fairy Tale,
Apr2008 42–45
Grace for President, Feb2010 20–23
Grandpa's Clock, Jan2014 46–51
The Grouchy Ladybug, Mar2011 36
Hokey Pokey: Another Prickly Love Story, Feb2011
Holler Loudly, Feb2012 24–27*
The Horned Toad Prince, Nov2004 27–29
The House Takes a Vacation, May2011 43–45*
The Iciest, Diciest, Scariest Sled Ride Ever!, Feb2014
I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote,
Feb2008 38–41
Iggy Peck, Architect, Aug/Sept2008 46–49*
In the Garden with Dr. Carver, Apr2014 45–48
Jack's Talent, Oct2008 46–48*
Jingle Dancer, Nov2005 16–18
Joe Cinders, Apr2008 49–52
Jose! Born to Dance, Apr2012 16–20*
Kunu's Basket: A Story from Indian Island, Nov2013
La Maríposa, Aug/Sept2009 18–24
The Library Ghost, Aug/Sept2013 23–25*
Li'l Rabbit's Kwanzaa, Dec2013 47–50
Little Dog, Lost, Oct2012 5*
The Little Piano Girl, Oct2011 43–47*
Little Red Bat, May2012 46–50*
Love the Baby, Dec2008 41–42
Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau, Nov2011 19–
Man on the Moon, Mar2008 25–27
Martha Doesn't Say Sorry!, Jan2011 18–19*
Migrant, Oct2012 45–47
Millie Fierce, Oct2013 25–27
mock trial script, Feb2012 14*
Monsoon, May2007 38–40
A Mountain of Mittens, Jan2009 44–47
Mudball, May2006 43–45
The Mud Fairy, Oct2010 19–21*
Multicultural Folktales for Feltboard and Reader's
Theater, Oct2007 31
My Brother's Flying Machine, Jan2007 14–19
My Mountain Song, Aug/Sept2007 23–27
My Name is Deborah Samson, Oct2005 32–37
A New Genre in Town, Aug/Sept2004 13–17
New Year at the Pier, Jan2012 47–51*
Old Cricket, Jan2006 20–23
The Old Man and His Door, Feb2008 34
One-Dog Canoe, May2009 17–18
The Perfect Pet, Dec2009 42–45
The Periodic Table, Apr2014 13
Pink!, Nov2009 39–41
Planting the Trees of Kenya, Mar2010 42–46
poetry and, Apr2007 26
public speaking and, Nov2014 36, 46–47
published scripts, Apr2007 21–22
Punia and the King of Sharks, May2007 47–50
The Queen of France, Mar2013 44–47*
Rain Romp, Mar2006 30–31
The Recess Queen, Dec2005 14–16
Sam and the Lucky Money, Apr2010 24–27*
Santa Knows, Dec2007 20–22
The Scrambled States of America, Jan2008 36, 39–43
scripts, Apr2007 23–24; Mar2009 22–25*; Jan2012 24,
27; Aug/Sept2013 28*; Apr2014 29*
Singing Away the Dark, Dec2012 45–47*
Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble, Nov2012 48–51
Somewhere in the Ocean, Apr2009 16–18*
Space Boy, Mar2012 48–50
Spirits Dark and Light, Apr2012 39
Squirrel’s World, Apr2015 12, 13
Substitute Groundhog, Feb2007 42–45; Feb2008 21,
22, 25
success stories, Apr2007 22–23
The Teeny Tiny Ghost and the Monster, Oct2007 14–
Thanksgiving Surprise, Nov2003 42–46
There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, May2008 35
Thunder-Boomer!, Feb2013 46–50*
Tomas and the Library Lady, Aug/Sept2008 35;
Nov2008 39–43
Ugly Pie, Jan2013 44–47*
Under the Snow, Feb2014 4*
Using Reader's Theater in the Library, Jan2012 23–27*
When Marian Sang, Nov2007 22–27
Who Sailed on the Ship, Titanic?, Jan2004 40–43
Wilma Unlimited, May2008 44–47
Winter Weather Machine, Feb2006 42–48
The Wizard of Oz, May2009 4
See also language arts, drama
Read for the Record, May2012 5*; Oct2013 29*
reading. See language arts, reading
reading levels, Dec2008 4*; Feb2012 20; May2014 16–19*;
Oct2015 4
Reading Rockets, Oct2007 11*; May2008 5*; Mar2011 5*;
Oct2014 12*; Nov2014 46*; Jan2015 13*; Feb2015
12*; Apr2015 49*; Oct2015 54*
reading standards, in CCSS. See Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
Reading the World: A Conference Celebrating Multicultural
Literature for Children, Aug/Sept2009 32*
Read-Ins, Jan2007 24
Read Kiddo Read, Dec2012 7*; May2015 6*
Read to Feed program, Mar2006 5–6
Reagan, Jean, May2015 4
Reagan, Ronald, Feb2005 24
realistic fiction, Nov2009 21–22; Feb2011 20–24*
recharging, of self, May2013 8–15*, 20–23*
recipes, Nov2006 54–55
based on books, Dec2015 17–19
books and stories with, Dec2015 49–53
bread, May2007 15*
with chocolate chips, Dec2015 19
dipped strawberries, Dec2015 19
family recipes, Nov2012 17+*; Dec2014 18
Family Recipes reproducable, Nov2012 17+*
fruit kabobs, Dec2015 36
Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook (Seuss), Mar2007 29
gross recipes, Nov2007 49–50; Dec2015 15
guacamole, Dec2015 18
ice cream, Dec2006 27
with insects, Dec2015 15
magic themes, Oct2007 27
popcorn, Dec2015 18
recipe cards, Dec2015 21*
salsa, Dec2015 18
Shoo-fly Pie, Oct2007 36
Spooky Stew, Oct2007 41–42, 43, 49
Thelonius's pie, Oct2007 36
Toffee Surprise, Dec2015 15
tortilla chips, Dec2015 19
writing of, Oct2007 36; Oct2014 14; Dec2015 20–21
See also food
recordings, preservation of, Nov2014 15*
records (Guinness), Oct2011 12*, 15*; Jan2012 13*
Recorvits, Helen, Aug/Sept2005 3; Dec2009 25; Dec2014 45
Rector, Anne Elizabeth, May2006 25
recycling, Nov2004 4, 5, 12; Nov2006 4–5; Apr2007 3, 14,
29*; May2007 29; Feb2008 2; Mar2008 5; Apr2008
4, 28; Apr2011 4, 7, 10, 11, 13–14*, 38–41, 42–45*,
46–48*; May2011 22; Jan2012 11, 13; May2013
43–45*; May2014 7*; Apr2015 10, 17–18, 51;
Jan2016 30–35*
Red, Suzy, Aug/Sept2004 13–17; Feb2008 20–27*; Mar2009
red bats, May2012 46–50*
Redcloud, Prince, Nov2010 27
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra, May2013 43–45*
Reed, Ann, Mar2014 5
Reed, Gregory J., Feb2010 10
Reed, Jennifer Kelley, Aug/Sept2015 17*
Reed, Lynn, Mar2014 27; Aug/Sept2014 36
Reed, Mike, May2014 54–55
Reedy, Trent, Mar2015 18
Reese, Debbie, Nov2013 3*
Reeve, Joan B., Jan2015 5
Reeve, Kirk, May2011 3
Reeve, Philip, Nov2011 4
Reeves, Diane Lindsey, Nov2006 8, 9, 12
Reeves, James, Mar2013 4
Reference Book of the Week, Mar2004 4
reference tools
almanacs, Oct2003 17; Oct2007 17*; Jan2008 5;
Feb2008 51–52
atlases, Oct2003 17, 20; Apr2004 9; Aug/Sept2007 55;
Oct2007 17; Nov2007 54; Feb2008 47–48*
dictionaries, Oct2003 17; Apr2004 9; Aug/Sept2007 54,
55*; Oct2007 17*; Feb2008 48–49; Dec2009
18; Mar2010 48–49; Jan2015 24; May2015
23; Feb2016 34–35*
encyclopedias, Oct2003 18, 21; Apr2004 9; Oct2007
Reference Tool Vocabulary Challenge, Aug/Sept2014
Research Tools activity, Jan2016 26+*
thesauri, Feb2008 49–51; Dec2011 37; Jan2012 4*;
Apr2013 43+*; May2015 24; Jan2016 17–18,
Regan, Michael J., May2008 11, 13, 14; May2010 10;
Feb2011 10; Feb2014 21; May2016 8
Reibstein, Mark, Nov2014 23; Oct2015 37
Reich, Susanna, Apr2012 16–20*
Reid, Barbara, Jan2013 11
Author Extensions, Jan2013 34–36*
Meet the Author, Jan2013 30–33
Reid, Margarette S., Aug/Sept2008 20; Apr2016 20–23
Reid, Rob, Feb2004 9; Mar2004 39; Aug/Sept2004 45;
Oct2004 45; Nov2004 9, 45; Dec2004 15; Feb2005
11; Mar2005 47; Apr2005 9; May2005 21;
Aug/Sept2005 39; Jan2006 38; Feb2006 53;
May2006 18; Aug/Sept2006 53; Oct2006 43;
Nov2006 42; Dec2006 23; Feb2007 41; Mar2007
44; Apr2007 42; Aug/Sept2007 53; Nov2007 52;
Dec2007 47; Jan2008 27; Apr2008 23; May2008
23; Nov2008 21, 22*; Jan2009 27*; Feb2009 27*;
Apr2009 51*; Oct2009 45*; Jan2010 23*; Feb2010
24, 27*; Mar2010 21*; May2010 23; Oct2010 51;
Dec2010 39, 41; Feb2011 18, 19; May2011 48;
Oct2011 25, 26, 27; Nov2011 39, 41; Jan2012 43*;
Feb2012 49, 51*; Mar2012 38, 41*; Apr2012 43*;
Aug/Sept2012 23*; Oct2012 19; Dec2012 19;
Feb2013 19; Mar2013 19; Apr2013 5*, 19;
Aug/Sept2013 51; Oct2013 45; Nov2013 52;
Jan2014 45; Mar2014 43; Apr2014 44; May2014
44; Aug/Sept2014 56*; Oct2014 51; Nov2014 56;
Dec2014 56; Jan2015 56; Feb2015 56; Mar2015
56*; Apr2015 56*; May2015 56*; Aug/Sept2015 54*;
Feb2016 54*
See also Storytime
Reidel, Marlene, Feb2006 47
Reidy, Jean, Aug/Sept2014 27; Jan2015 45, 50; Dec2015
39; Mar2016 24
Reilly, Kathleen M., Apr2014 11
Reingold, Beverly, Feb2005 6
Reinhardt, Dana, Dec2013 2
Reinhart, Matthew, May2007 29
Author Extensions, Jan2007 35–38*
Meet the Author, Jan2007 30–34*
Reinwald, Rachel, Dec2015 22*
Reiser, Lynn, Dec2006 2; Mar2008 3, 9, 12–13; Jan2010 3;
Apr2010 3
Reiss, Mike, Jan2007 4
Reit, Seymour, Mar2012 9
relaxation, importance of, May2013 8–15*, 20–23*; May2015
Relevancy, Appropriateness, Detail, Currency, Authority
(RADCAB), Aug/Sept2007 19, 21
reluctant readers, Nov2006 6; Feb2007 6; Oct2014 2–3, 8–
15*, 18–20, 21–23*, 24–27, 35–37*, 38–41*, 52–55
Remington, Debbie, Apr2007 23
Rendina, Diana, Feb2016 12*
Rendon, Marcie, Oct2012 2
René, Ellen, Oct2012 11
renewal, Jan2012 2–3, 6–13*
reptiles, Apr2011 24; Jan2016 42–46
3-D printers, Mar2012 13*
100th Day, Jan2007 25–26
African Americans, prominent, Feb2015 19–21
alien abduction, Mar2012 11
American dogs, famous, Dec2009 14
American women, Dec2008 27
Ancient Egypt, Aug/Sept2007 20–21, 22
ancient horses, Nov2013 20–23
ancient wisdom vs. modern science, Nov2013 14*
animal adaptations, Oct2013 40–41
animal attributes, Dec2009 48
animal dads, Dec2008 13
animal habitats, Dec2009 14–15
animal issues survey, Apr2013 15
animal migration, May2012 12*
arcade game design, May2014 39–40
armor, Mar2013 15
art history, Apr2014 35–36
artistic expressions of love, Feb2011 13
artists, Nov2011 15; Apr2012 49*; May2015 36–38
Asian Pacific American heritage, May2007 36
astronomy, Dec2007 13; Mar2008 13
atlases, Nov2011 15
Nikki Grimes, Feb2010 39*
David Macaulay, Oct2008 4*
researching of, Apr2007 38
studies of, May2010 6–7*
aviation, Dec2003 20; Feb2010 38*
awards, authors and illustrators, Jan2010 39;
Aug/Sept2012 36
baseball bats, Feb2014 40*
baseball statistics, Dec2010 37; Feb2014 40–41
bibliography skills, Dec2012 41; May2015 13*
birth order, Dec2008 12–13*
black holes, Aug/Sept2013 20–22*; Oct2014 19
book selection surveys, May2015 20
bugs, Jan2011 15; Apr2011 23
bully-busting, Dec2005 13
burial masks, Nov2012 14
butterflies, Nov2009 35
calendars, Dec2013 15; Jan2014 14
Capstone Press, FactHound, Aug/Sept2009 5*
car, designing the perfect, Dec2008 13*
careers in moviemaking, Feb2015 44
celebrity biographies, Feb2015 14, 44
cerebral palsy, May2008 37
Cinderella, versions of, Mar2015 29*
circumnavigators, Nov2011 14*
civil rights, Feb2007 14; Jan2010 41
classification, of animals, Feb2008 54; Apr2013 14*;
Apr2014 13
collaborators, famous, Jan2016 9
colonial America, Oct2005 31
color, Feb2016 14–15
color psychology, Nov2009 15
color symbolism, Nov2009 15
common fears, Oct2007 13
communities, Aug/Sept2003 17–18; Nov2005 45
community landmarks, May2008 50
Coretta Scott King Author Award, May2010 26
costs and profits, Feb2010 15
creation myths, Nov2013 13*
crinkleroot plant, Nov2008 35
data collecting, Dec2008 14
debate sportsmanship, May2010 14
definitions, Oct2011 40+*
desalination, Apr2009 13
Dewey Decimal system, Oct2010 41*+; Apr2014 14*
dictionary skills, Dec2009 18; Mar2010 48–49;
Mar2012 18*; Oct2013 6*; May2015 23;
Feb2016 34–35*
digital research projects, May2012 25–27*
dinosaurs, Feb2006 31
dogs and thunderstorms, Aug/Sept2006 37
Earth-friendly artists, Apr2011 14
economics/saving money, Oct2008 14
egg-laying animals, Aug/Sept2009 39*
elderly persons' biographies, Nov2010 12
elections, Aug/Sept2008 44–45
electricity, Mar2015 50–52; Feb2016 11, 36–38
encyclopedia use, Oct2011 42*
endangered species, Oct2008 40–41*; Dec2010 48–
49*; Apr2015 14*; Aug/Sept2015 26
environment, Apr2007 14; Mar2009 13; Mar2010 50
extreme sports, Nov2008 12
facts, organizing, Mar2014 35–36
fairy tales, anatomy of, Dec2010 15*
family interviews, Nov2008 14; Dec2008 14*
family trees, Nov2007 37–38, 39; Dec2010 14
famous chefs, Dec2015 9
famous failures, Oct2008 13*
fear and adrenaline, Oct2013 15*
field research, Oct2011 49*
folklore subgenres, Dec2010 14
food and celebrations, Dec2006 25
food and cooking, Dec2015 39–41
food chains, Apr2007 14; Apr2014 39
Galileo, Jan2015 15
games, elements of, Nov2015 21
games around the world, Nov2015 21–22
genealogy, Dec2008 12*
geolocators, May2012 12*
giraffes, Oct2011 35*
Girl Scouts, Jan2013 42–43*
golf balls, Mar2014 38, 39*
Greek heroes, Feb2014 17*
Groundhog Day, Feb2008 21, 23
Halloween, Oct2003 32
health and fitness, May2006 13
heroes and heroines, Feb2009 12*, 13, 14*
Hispanic heritage and culture, Aug/Sept2009 14*
historical events (1892-1926), Feb2010 38
Hitler and the Nazis, Jan2016 41
homelessness, Apr2015 13*
illness and wellness, Jan2010 14*
illustrators, Jan2006 12–13; Aug/Sept2008 35;
Apr2009 21*; Jan2015 14, 42–43
immigration, Oct2006 12, 14
immune system, Jan2010 47*
information literacy, Apr2009 4*
integrating technology/curriculum, Aug/Sept2008 7*
intelligent life, Mar2008 13
Internet Invention Research Quest, Jan2012 18+*
inventions and inventors, Jan2007 13; Jan2009 13;
Feb2011 42–43*; Mar2011 8–15*; May2011
14; Oct2011 42*; Feb2016 5, 9
investigative teams, Oct2009 13, 15, 16+, 17+
jazz and big band era, Feb2010 18; Feb2015 22–24
knights, Mar2013 13, 15*, 39*
ladybugs, Oct2012 48–50*; Apr2014 50*
landscape artists, Nov2011 15; Apr2012 49*
library hunt activities, Nov2008 4*, 7+
library research, Nov2011 36
Little Free Libraries, Apr2015 20
low-tech childhoods, Mar2011 14
manners, Aug/Sept2006 13
maps of illusionists' journeys, Oct2010 14
media, Aug/Sept2008 36
media skills in, Dec2013 16–20
microbes to scale, Jan2010 15
Mt. Everest, Nov2008 14; May2015 29*
musicians, Nov2007 47
mysteries of nature, Oct2010 14
mythical allusions, Feb2014 18*
myths, Aug/Sept2008 35
names and naming, Oct2006 22; Apr2013 27*
NASCAR fan clubs, Aug/Sept2008 50
National Baseball Hall of Fame, May2010 26; Apr2015
Native American inventions, Nov2013 15*
Native Americans, Oct2010 18*; Mar2013 26–27*
natural wonders, Aug/Sept2011 15
Negro League baseball players, May2010 26
Newbery Award, May2008 36
new facts research, May2008 34–35
newspaper researchers, Feb2008 4
newspapers/magazines, Aug/Sept2008 36;
Aug/Sept2015 12–13
Sir Isaac Newton, Oct2010 14; May2014 39; Oct2014
Nobel Peace Prize, Dec2010 34
nobility, modern-day, Mar2013 13*
nocturnal animals, Oct2009 48; Feb2016 13–14
nonfiction research skills, Oct2008 27; Mar2012 37*;
Aug/Sept2015 18–19*
note-taking and outlining skills, Feb2006 18–23;
Dec2012 41; Dec2013 17; Dec2014 40
noteworthy Americans, Aug/Sept2011 14*
Olympics, May2008 15; Feb2014 13–15*
Olympic Torch Relay, Feb2014 53*
online, Aug/Sept2007 19–22*
opinion surveys, Jan2011 14
opposites, Mar2011 36
past and future generations, Nov2003 19
pet questionnaires, Dec2009 15
pilgrimages, May2012 12*
pirates, Aug/Sept2007 54
vs. plagiarism, Jan2006 39–45
poets, Dec2009 18
polar explorers, May2015 15
primary/secondary sources, Jan2010 17–18*; Feb2013
41–42*+; Nov2014 13; Dec2014 20;
Aug/Sept2015 12
Question Journal, Feb2011 43
question of the day, Aug/Sept2008 51
quicksand, Oct2014 19*
quotations, Oct2012 14*; Apr2015 13*; May2015 13,
17; Jan2016 18
radio transmitter tags, May2012 12*
recycling garbage, Apr2007 14
reference tools, Oct2010 40*; Aug/Sept2014 41–42
research grids, Jan2011 43–45
resource carts, Feb2010 5
road trips, May2009 14, 51*; Dec2014 17*
Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal, May2010
school attendance, Jan2010 15
school life, Aug/Sept2005 14
schools around the world, Aug/Sept2008 13
science careers, Oct2009 19
scientists, Oct2009 14; Nov2014 17
Scott O'Dell Award, Apr2010 38
scramble activity, Feb2013 14
sea creatures, Apr2007 38; Mar2011 35
sea exploration, Apr2009 13
search engines in, Dec2011 44–47*
senses, Jan2009 14
Seven Wonders, Jan2008 14
sleep, May2013 15*
slow-moving animals, May2013 13
small inventions, Oct2011 15
smart "failures," Dec2011 13
soybeans, Nov2012 18*
special effects in movies, Feb2015 16–18, 44
sports, Jan2010 20; May2010 15*; May2016 13, 16
sports biographies, May2016 5, 12, 16
sports engineering, Mar2015 13
sportsmanship, May2010 14*
state attractions, Oct2011 49
state awards, Nov2007 13
states, Jan2008 14, 35–36, 50–51; Dec2008 53–55*
state symbols, Jan2008 14
Super Sleuths, library reference, Aug/Sept2009 5
superstitions, Oct2013 37
swimsuit history, Nov2009 25–26
symbols of love, Feb2011 15
tall tale biographies, Dec2010 13
Theodor Seuss Geisel Award, Oct2010 37
thesaurus use, Dec2011 37; Jan2012 4*; Jan2015 5*;
Jan2016 17–18, 25–27
thinking maps, Mar2012 37*
Titanic, sinking of, Oct2014 19
tools for, Oct2007 17*
traditions, Dec2014 13, 14
transportation, May2009 14*, 40–41*; Feb2016 27*
trees, Dec2008 18
trickster tales, Apr2010 37–38; Oct2015 39
Twenty Things I Know About ____, Oct2011 49
twins, Dec2007 43
Underground Railroad, Jan2008 54–55; Aug/Sept2013
United Nations statistics, Aug/Sept2010 15*
unsolved mysteries, Dec2010 17–18*; Aug/Sept2013
urban legends, Oct2007 13
USPS remote routes, Oct2009 27
Valentine's Day around the world, Feb2011 14
verifying facts, May2009 21
video games, Jan2009 39; May2015 17–18
video projects, Feb2015 19–21, 46–49*
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Mar2009 36
virtual visits, Oct2008 5*
voice projection, Nov2014 45
volcanoes, May2009 20
voting, Feb2008 12–13
weapons of war, Mar2013 15
weather, Mar2006 13
weather vanes, Aug/Sept2009 35–36
webquests (See Technology)
websites, vetting of, Mar2014 15, 47–50*
White House, Jan2009 41–43*
wild books, Apr2006 13
women in engineering, Mar2015 14
women's rights, Aug/Sept2008 44*
Words of Wisdom, Nov2010 12
World Series scandals, May2010 15*
world's tallest buildings, Feb2009 38
yawning, May2013 13
resentment, Aug/Sept2008 3
resolutions, Jan2009 4; Jan2013 4; Dec2013 13
resources, for parents, Aug/Sept2008 22–27*
resources, for teachers. See professional resources
resources, library/media center, Mar2011 39
resources, natural, Mar2007 45–46
respect, Aug/Sept2008 3
Response To Intervention (RTI), Jan2010 25
Responsible Dog Ownership Day, Aug/Sept2006 6, 29
rest, importance of, May2013 8–15*, 20–23*
resumes, Nov2006 12
retirement homes, Feb2014 35
Retzlaff, Marci, Nov2004 44
Reusser, Kayleen, Apr2015 10; Dec2015 50
Revere, Paul, Jan2004 25, 35; Jan2005 25; Jan2006 24;
Jan2007 6
reviewed books (4–8). See books (4–8)
reviewed books (K–3). See books (K–3)
reviewed books (P–K). See books (P–K)
Revius, Alesia, Jan2012 33
rewards, Nov2003 4; Nov2007 5; Aug/Sept2009 40–43*;
Mar2011 39–40*
Rex, Michael, May2016 48
Rey, H. A., Aug/Sept2005 25; Aug/Sept2010 5–6+, 29*;
Jan2011 24; Aug/Sept2011 29*; Aug/Sept2012 28*,
54; Aug/Sept2014 28
Reynolds, Aaron, Apr2010 2; Oct2010 26; Jan2011 3;
May2014 11; Feb2015 10; Apr2015 54
Reynolds, Jan, Mar2007 26; Mar2010 18*; Apr2011 9;
Nov2014 28*
Reynolds, Paul A., Oct2014 54
Reynolds, Peter, Oct2008 43, 45; Nov2009 10; Apr2012 10;
Apr2013 16; Oct2014 54; Nov2014 52; Mar2016 4
Reynolds, Phyllis, May2007 53
Rhatigan, Joe, Nov2007 53; Nov2011 10; Apr2014 10;
Feb2016 55
Rhode Island, Jan2008 47
Rhodes, Jewell Parker, Feb2012 17–18*; Feb2013 3;
Oct2014 2
rhyming text, Apr2007 36, 37, 38, 47
Ribke, Simone T., Feb2008 44
Rice, David, May2005 36, 39; Apr2015 25
Rice, Eve, Jan2008 20
Rice, Melinda, Aug/Sept2007 32
Richards, Chuck, Apr2010 9
Richards, Jon, Jan2007 54; May2009 51
Richardson, Adele D., Jan2004 28
Richardson, Charisse K., Nov2006 3, 10, 12; Apr2014 11
Richardson, Joy, Nov2009 12; Mar2016 24
Richardson, Justin, Oct2015 6
Richardson, Will, May2008 54; Aug/Sept2009 16
Richmond, Marianne, Oct2008 9
Rickards, Lynne, Nov2009 39*
Riddell, Chris, Aug/Sept2011 4; Aug/Sept2012 10
riddles. See jokes and riddles
Riddles, Libby, Feb2007 53; Dec2012 54
Ride, Sally, May2005 25; Nov2006 26
Riehecky, Janet, Jan2013 10; Jan2016 8
Riggio, Anita, Jan2005 18, 21
Riggio, Jamee, Jan2009 9
Riggs, Kate, Nov2012 10
Riggs, Ransom, Mar2016 16
Riggs, Shannon, Aug/Sept2008 10
Riggs, Stephanie, Oct2011 10
Rilstone, Andrew, Nov2015 15
Rinaldi, Ann, Oct2005 27
Rinaldo, Denise, Jan2009 43
Ring, Susan, Feb2008 9
Ringgold, Faith, Dec2003 16, 17; Jan2005 18; May2009 10;
Feb2010 42; Feb2012 46; Oct2014 29; Feb2015 4;
Oct2015 29*
Rinker, Sherri Duskey, Aug/Sept2015 44
Rinzler, Carol Ann, Feb2005 31
Riordan, Rick, Oct2010 24; Nov2010 4; Dec2010 16–18*;
May2012 5*; Feb2014 16; Oct2014 11; May2015 11
Author Extensions, May2014 34–37
Meet the Author, May2014 30–33
Ripley, Catherine, Oct2009 12
Ripley’s Entertainment, Mar2016 8
Ripoll, Oriol, May2007 35
Risley, Todd R., Nov2009 54; Mar2014 16, 19; Feb2015 25–
Ritchie, Scot, Aug/Sept2014 46
rites of passage, Jan2012 11*
Ritter, John H., Mar2008 53; May2011 9
Rivera, Diego, Jan2012 3; Aug/Sept2015 48; Mar2016 55
Rivera, Stephanie, Apr2015 7
Rivera, Tomas, Nov2008 39*; Feb2009 21
rivers, Nov2011 5*
R. Michelson Galleries, Jan2015 13*
road trips, May2009 14, 51–55*; Aug/Sept2011 2–3;
Dec2014 17*
Robart, Rose, Jan2008 20
Robberecht, Thierry, Oct2007 29
Robbins, Ken, Oct2010 54
Roberson, Erin, Apr2010 9
Robert F. Sibert Award, Jan2004 2, 3; Nov2007 7; May2010
26; Jan2012 21
Roberts, Bethany, Apr2006 2–3; Aug/Sept2006 2; Oct2007
44; Aug/Sept2011 46
Roberts, Cynthia, Aug/Sept2011 11
Roberts, David, Aug/Sept2008 46
Roberts, Diane, Apr2012 11
Roberts, Lynda, Mar2008 17
Roberts, Robin, May2006 10, 11
Roberts, Willo Davis, Mar2006 29; Oct2007 11, 13
Robertson, Bruce, Nov2009 11; Mar2013 11, 13
Robertson, M. P., Feb2009 26; Apr2009 51
Robinet, Harriette Gillem, Oct2004 25; Feb2007 3
Robins, Deri, Aug/Sept2007 55
Robinson, Barbara, Dec2004 16; Oct2005 25
Robinson, Bill "Bojangles," May2004 4; May2008 28
Robinson, Fay, Feb2004 9; Aug/Sept2009 11
Robinson, Jackie, Jan2004 25; Jan2006 24; Nov2006 25–
27; Mar2007 24; Apr2014 5
Robinson, Michelle, Apr2013 16
Robinson, Sharon, Nov2006 27; Feb2010 11; May2010 2;
Dec2010 36; Apr2014 5
robots, Mar2011 13; Mar2012 38–41; Mar2015 10, 13;
Aug/Sept2015 2; Feb2016 4*, 25, 36–38
Robson, Pam, Feb2016 45
Rocco, John, Jan2012 41; May2013 24–27, 48
Roche, Art, May2014 9
Rochelle, Belinda, Dec2009 27
Rock, Maxine, Oct2006 53
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Mar2016 3*
rocket ships, Mar2008 38, 39, 42
Rockhill, Dennis, Dec2005 5
Rockliff, Mara, Aug/Sept2012 3; Mar2013 3; Oct2014 46
Rocklin, Joanne, Dec2006 33, 34, 35; May2012 5*; Mar2014
rock 'n' roll, Mar2008 48–49
Rockwell, Anne, Nov2003 40; Feb2004 17, 20; May2004 18;
Feb2006 47; Jan2007 54; Apr2007 29; Oct2007 29,
43, 44; Nov2007 54; Aug/Sept2008 8; May2010 9;
Jan2011 11; Apr2011 4*; Nov2011 12; Feb2012 46;
Oct2014 29; Nov2014 17–18; Feb2016 3
Rockwell, Anne & Harlow, Aug/Sept2008 21
Rockwell, Lizzy, Dec2011 7; Dec2015 21; May2016 8
Rodanas, Kristina, Jan2009 8
Rodarmor, William, Jan2006 10; Jan2015 11
rodents, Dec2007 53–55
Rodgers, Emily Puckett, Feb2016 7
Rodman, Mary Ann, Feb2007 3, 12; Aug/Sept2007 3;
Oct2013 3
Rodriguez, Rachel, Mar2011 54
Roehm, Michelle, Mar2004 7
Roger, Marie-Sabine, May2016 45
Rogers, Fred, Feb2016 3*
Rogers, Gregory, Jan2006 25; Jan2014 3
Rogers, Lisa Waller, Mar2006 18
Rogers, Roy, Nov2003 25
Rogers, Will, Nov2004 25
Rohmann, Eric, Dec2003 8; Feb2008 44; May2008 26;
Oct2009 45; Jan2015 25; Oct2015 28*
Rollins, Jack, Jan2007 46
Roll the Dice with Dewey (former feature)
Australia, Dec2005 46–47
birds, Feb2006 46–47
chickens, Aug/Sept2006 54–55
cookery, Nov2006 54–55
dental health, Feb2007 54–55
dogs, Oct2006 52–54
dreams, Oct2005 46–47
folktales and fairy tales, Dec2006 53–54
Hawaii, May2007 54–55
insects, Mar2006 54–55
Ireland, Mar2007 54–55
jokes and riddles, Apr2007 54–55
Memorial Day, May2006 46–47
pets, Aug/Sept2005 46–47
photography, Jan2006 46–47
planes, Jan2007 52–54
poetry, Apr2006 46–47
trains, Nov2005 46–47
Romain, Trevor, Aug/Sept2003 14, 19; Aug/Sept2005 8, 13;
May2013 11; Oct2013 9
Roman, Dave, Mar2014 29; Oct2015 14
Roman, Elisabeth, Nov2011 12
Roman, Phil, May2010 12
romance, Feb2011 2–3, 8–15*
Romanek, Trudee, Jan2010 9; Mar2011 12; May2013 12
Romans, ancient, Nov2012 44–47
Romero, Maritza, Aug/Sept2004 25
Rondau, Amanda, Aug/Sept2010 20
Rooney, Anne, Mar2011 10
Roop, Connie, Feb2011 10; Nov2011 12; May2015 17–18
Roop, Peter, Feb2011 10; Nov2011 12; May2015 17–18
Roosevelt, Eleanor, Oct2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 29, 33–37;
Oct2005 24; Oct2007 29; Feb2013 53–54
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jan2004 25; Jan2005 24
Roosevelt, Theodore, Oct2003 24; Oct2004 25; Oct2015 28
Root, Phyllis, May2005 15; Aug/Sept2006 50; Oct2006 28,
43; Apr2007 41; May2009 49; Jan2012 7; Jan2014
44, 45
root words, Mar2012 18–19*; Mar2014 19*
Roper, Clyde, Nov2011 51
Rosa-Casanova, Sylvia, Aug/Sept2004 8
Rosales, Melodye Benson, Apr2005 14
Rosa Parks Day, Dec2004 4, 25; Dec2007 29
Rose, Caroline Starr, Dec2012 2
Rose, Emma, Oct2007 43
Rosehill Elementary School, Aug/Sept2004 20
Rosen, Carol, Mar2004 4
Rosen, Michael, Mar2004 38; May2008 26; Mar2010 2;
Aug/Sept2010 49; Apr2011 3; Aug/Sept2012 11;
Jan2013 11; Aug/Sept2014 40; Dec2014 46;
May2015 42, 53
Rosen, Sarah, Mar2004 41
Rosen, Steven, Feb2015 39
Rosenberg, Betty, Feb2015 3
Rosenberry, Vera, Aug/Sept2003 8
Rosenfeld, Esther, May2008 53
Rosenstiehl, Agnes, Oct2010 32, 57
Rosenstock, Barb, Oct2014 47; Oct2015 28; Nov2015 42;
Feb2016 25; Mar2016 8, 20–21, 37–39*, 55
Rosenthal, Amy Krouse, May2013 4*; Oct2013 46; Mar2014
27; May2014 54; Nov2015 22; Apr2016 3, 52
Rosenthal, Eileen, May2013 2
Rosh Hashanah, Aug/Sept2003 25; Aug/Sept2004 25;
Oct2005 24; Aug/Sept2006 29; Aug/Sept2007 29;
Jan2012 47–51*
Rosin, Hanna, Nov2013 6*
Rosing, Norbert, Dec2010 5
Rosinsky, Natalie M., Nov2006 26; Dec2010 12
Roslund, Samantha, Feb2016 7
Rosoff, Meg, Aug/Sept2006 2
Ross, Dave, Dec2004 25
Ross, Gayle, Nov2004 12–13
Ross, Kathy, Jan2004 10–13; Mar2004 27–29; Dec2004 16;
Mar2005 25; Feb2006 27, 43; Apr2007 9; Mar2008
28, 41; Apr2008 9, 13; May2009 9; Dec2010 12;
Jan2011 17; Feb2011 8; Apr2011 10; May2011 9;
Aug/Sept2011 12; Oct2011 9; Oct2012 10;
Dec2013 11; May2016 47
Ross, Kent, Nov2003 29
Ross, Michael E., Aug/Sept2004 8; Mar2007 54
Ross, Stewart, Mar2009 9; Nov2014 4
Ross, Tony, Apr2005 14; Aug/Sept2007 32; Dec2007 47;
Apr2008 6
Ross, Veronica, Oct2006 52
rotation systems and planning, Feb2008 6–7
Roth, Carol, Oct2004 4; Aug/Sept2009 48
Roth, Judith, May2013 48
Roth, Kate, Nov2014 43; Apr2016 42, 44
Roth, Susan L., Nov2003 29; Nov2011 16–18*; Dec2011 16;
Oct2012 3; Jan2014 4; Oct2014 17
Rothstein, Nancy H., Dec2008 25
Rotner, Shelley, Apr2008 53; Apr2011 9; Oct2012 38
Roundhill, Clare, Oct2003 29
Rousseau, Henri, Mar2015 42
Routman, Regie, Apr2004 14
Rowe, Erna, Feb2006 33
Rowe, Julian, Dec2003 15
Rowling, J. K., Aug/Sept2003 2–3; May2004 33–35;
Aug/Sept2004 3; Oct2007 23; Mar2008 29;
Jan2012 8; Jan2013 52; Oct2014 10; May2016 8
Roy, Katherine, Aug/Sept2015 27
Roy, Ron, Aug/Sept2005 10, 12; Apr2010 12; May2010 42;
Aug/Sept2013 8; Apr2016 3
royalty, Mar2013 8–15*, 20–24*, 25–27*
Royston, Angela, Jan2010 11
Rozema, Robert, Aug/Sept2009 17
RSS feeds, May2008 54
Rubalcaba, Jill, Nov2012 24
Rubel, David, Apr2015 10
Rubel, Nicole, May2004 18, 19; Nov2005 28–29; Dec2007
42*, 44; Oct2008 9; Apr2012 49*
Rubenstein, Susanne, Apr2004 30
Rubin, Adam, Mar2013 16
Rubin, C. M., Dec2009 26
Rubin, Joel, Mar2004 41
Rubin, Susan Goldman, Apr2015 10
Rubrics, May2010 6–7*
Ruddell, Deborah, Mar2010 3; Dec2015 16
Rudolph, Wilma, Nov2006 26; May2008 44
Rudunsky, Vladimir, Aug/Sept2010 11
Ruffin, Frances, Nov2010 57
Ruiz, Aristides, Jan2010 11
Rule, Rebecca, Feb2014 46–49
rules, Dec2011 12–13*
Rumford, James, Apr2005 36, 37; Jan2007 3, 11; May2009
2, 3; Nov2012 11; Aug/Sept2013 11; Nov2013 11;
Jan2014 43; Oct2014 10; Jan2016 7; Feb2016 56
runner sleds, Feb2014 49
Runton, Andy, May2014 25*
rural living, Aug/Sept2011 3
Rusch, Elizabeth, Nov2009 10; Apr2012 10; Mar2015 51;
Feb2016 25, 40; Mar2016 7
Russell, P. Craig, Aug/Sept2014 28
Russell-Brown, Katheryn, Aug/Sept2015 56
Russia, Feb2005 12–15; Feb2014 13*, 50–52*
Russo, Marisabina, Oct2005 3; Dec2007 45; Oct2014 48
Rustad, Martha E.H., Mar2016 41
Ruth, Babe, Mar2008 53
Ruth, Greg, Nov2015 29*
Ruurs, Margriet, May2009 3; Mar2010 10; Nov2011 11;
Aug/Sept2012 11; Oct2015 8, 18
Ryall, Jeanette, Feb2016 45
Ryan, Pam Muñoz, Jan2004 3; Aug/Sept2004 6, 8, 27–32,
33–37, 39–40, 42; Oct2004 8, 10; Feb2005 41–42;
Mar2005 20; Oct2006 2; Dec2006 32; Nov2007 22*;
Dec2007 53; Jan2009 9; Oct2010 3; Dec2011 7;
Jan2012 20; Apr2012 10; Oct2012 10; Mar2014 3,
5; Dec2014 52; Jan2015 43; Oct2015 39, 54;
Dec2015 3, 55
Ryder, Joanne, Apr2007 10, 11; Mar2010 12
Rylant, Cynthia, Aug/Sept2003 11; Nov2003 30; May2004
18; Aug/Sept2004 4; Oct2005 21; Apr2006 34;
Apr2007 41; Jan2008 20; Dec2008 11; Feb2009 21;
Feb2011 11, 45; Jan2012 43; Feb2012 22;
May2012 8; May2014 4; Dec2014 11, 47, 48, 51;
Apr2015 4, 11; May2016 8
Meet the Author, May2016 50–54
Sabbeth, Alex, Mar2005 29
Sabuda, Robert, Nov2004 40; Dec2005 35; Feb2006 2;
Jan2007 9, 40, 42*; May2008 26; Aug/Sept2011 9;
Dec2012 21; Dec2013 44, 55
Author Extensions, Jan2007 *, 30–34*
Meet the Author, Jan2007 35–38*
Sacagawea, Mar2004 13; Nov2004 21
Sachar, Louis, Jan2004 36–37; Apr2005 36, 38;
Aug/Sept2005 9, 13; Mar2006 3; Feb2007 6;
Aug/Sept2008 37; Nov2008 17; Feb2012 40–41;
Mar2016 28*
Author Extensions, May2008 34–37
Meet the Author, May2008 30–33*
Sachat, Andrew, Dec2009 26
Sacks, Janet, Apr2009 11; Apr2013 9
Sacre, Antonio, Dec2014 3, 46
Sadie Hawkins Day, Nov2005 25
Sadler, Judy Ann, Mar2004 10
Sadler, Marilyn, Oct2004 29, 30
Sadu, Itah, Dec2009 26
Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Dec2003 24–25; Dec2004 24–
25; Dec2005 5, 24–25; Dec2006 28–29; Dec2007
bike safety, Oct2008 37; Oct2015 42
food safety, Jan2010 14*
in games and gaming, Nov2015 8, 10
and health, May2006 32–34
in natural disasters, Nov2015 11–13
online safety, Nov2007 4–5*; Feb2008 29*;
Aug/Sept2008 24–25*; May2012 27*;
Mar2015 7*; Aug/Sept2015 17*; Apr2016 11–
on the playground, Nov2015 8, 10
in schools, Apr2015 14
in summer, May2011 12
transportation safety, Oct2008 37; May2009 14
safety pins, Apr2008 29; Apr2013 29*
Saint Nicholas Day, Dec2007 49, 50
Saint-Saens, Camille, Apr2013 9; Mar2014 5
Sakamoto, Miki, Feb2011 16
Salas, Laura Purdie, Nov2010 4; Oct2012 10, 16, 18, 19;
Dec2012 50; Apr2014 43; Oct2014 55
Salisbury, Graham, Dec2007 29; Jan2013 10
Salisbury, Martin, Jan2006 19
Salmieri, Daniel, Mar2013 16
Salo, Katie, Nov2015 54; Mar2016 47
Saltzberg, Barney, Dec2011 17; Mar2015 43; Aug/Sept2015
Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, May2013 11; Apr2016 27
Sampson, Michael, Apr2009 21*; Feb2011 10
Sams, Carl R., II, Jan2004 8
Samson, Deborah, Oct2005 32–37; Dec2005 25
Samuels, Charlie, Feb2013 11; Nov2015 26
Sanchez, Isidro, Feb2006 43
Sandburg, Carl, Jan2004 24; Oct2004 30; Jan2005 25;
Jan2006 25; Aug/Sept2011 3; Jan2014 28*
Sanders, Nancy I., Feb2008 29
Sandin, Joan, Aug/Sept2004 4; Mar2009 9
Sandler, Martin W., Dec2007 29
Sandler, Michael, Mar2008 55
Sandwich Day, Nov2004 25; Nov2005 25
San Francisco fire, Apr2006 24; Apr2016 28*
Sanger, Amy Wilson, Nov2012 18
Sanna, Ellyn, Dec2010 10
Sanschagrin, Joceline, Dec2008 24
San Souci, Robert D., Oct2003 28; Feb2005 28; Apr2005 11;
Oct2005 4, 24; Feb2007 46–47; Oct2007 3, 10–11;
Jan2008 26; Feb2009 10; Dec2010 11; Oct2011 10;
Feb2012 50; Mar2013 12
Santa Lucia Day, Dec2006 29; Dec2007 29; Dec2012 29*;
Dec2014 29
Santat, Dan, Mar2012 40; Nov2015 54
Author Extensions, Apr2014 34–37
Meet the Author, Apr2014 30–33
Santiago, Wilfred, Feb2014 22
Santos, Rosa, Feb2008 44
Sarcone-Roach, Julia, Mar2015 11
Sarg, Anthony Frederick, May2012 38–41*; Jan2015 3
Sargent, Brian, Feb2008 44
Sasaki, Chris, Aug/Sept2013 9
Sato, Gordon H., Nov2011 16–18*; Oct2012 3
Sauer, Tammi, Apr2014 36
Saunders, Brandon, Aug/Sept2012 9
Saunders, Ian G., Feb2006 42–43
Saunders-Smith, Gail, May2004 17
Savage, Candace, Mar2004 11
Save the Eagles Day, Jan2005 24
Sawin, Patty, Aug/Sept2004 44
Saxby, Claire, May2016 44
Say, Allen, May2007 3, 32; May2008 50; Aug/Sept2013 33,
38; May2015 4
Author Extensions, Apr2013 34–37
Meet the Author, Apr2013 30–33
Sayad, Joanne, Oct2007 54
Sayre, April Pulley, Apr2005 2; Dec2006 32–33; Oct2009 3;
Apr2011 24; May2012 10; Aug/Sept2012 50;
Oct2012 4*; Aug/Sept2014 37; Dec2015 38
Sayres, Brianna Caplan, Aug/Sept2014 56; Aug/Sept2015
Scanlon, Liz Garton, Feb2011 16; May2011 24–27*;
Aug/Sept2011 3; Jan2016 17, 29*
Scardina, Ciro, Dec2015 13*
scarecrows, Nov2006 28*
Scarry, Richard, Dec2010 23
scary stories, Oct2005 5; Oct2007 2–3, 8–13*, 30, 38–41,
44–46; Oct2011 19–23; Oct2015 30–33
Scavella, Carol M., Nov2012 10
scavenger hunts, Jan2006 5, 6; Apr2006 22+; Dec2006 5;
Jan2007 4, 13; Apr2007 5; Dec2007 36; Jan2008
12, 29; Apr2009 42–43*; May2012 40;
Aug/Sept2013 51; Aug/Sept2014 21; Feb2015 47–
48*; Aug/Sept2015 9*; Feb2016 15, 27, 29*
Schachner, Judith Byron, Nov2012 12
Schachner, Judy, Oct2008 54; Nov2010 8; Oct2011 4*;
Nov2012 48
Schaefer, Carole Lexa, Nov2008 21, 22; Oct2014 51
Schaefer, Lola M., May2004 19; May2007 27; Apr2009 2
Schaefer, Ted, Oct2012 10
Schank, Susan Kneib, Feb2014 6
Schanzer, Rosalyn, Jan2007 10; Nov2007 55; Mar2009 10;
Oct2012 5
Schertle, Alice, Mar2004 7; Dec2004 15; Jan2007 45;
May2008 19; Nov2008 22; Oct2015 8; Feb2016 41
Scheunemann, Pam, Apr2010 9; Dec2014 48; Apr2015 17–
18; Jan2016 39
Schiebel, Meg, Feb2016 17*; May2016 49*
Schiff, Nancy Rica, Jan2007 36
Schimel, Lawrence, May2012 3
Schimmel, Nancy, Jan2007 35; Apr2008 28; Apr2013 29
Schimmel, Schim, Dec2008 17; Apr2011 44
Schimmels, Meg, Oct2003 4
Schimpky, David, Mar2004 11
Schindler, S. D., Mar2009 1; Nov2009 21
Schindler, S.D., Oct2011 27
Schliesman, Megan, Oct2003 3; Nov2003 3; Jan2004 3;
Mar2004 3; Apr2004 3 Aug/Sept2004 3; Nov2004 3;
Dec2004 3; Feb2005 3; Apr2005 3; Aug/Sept2005
3; Oct2005 3; Dec2005 3; Jan2006 3; Mar2006 3;
May2006 3; Aug/Sept2006 3; Oct2006 3; Nov2006
3; Dec2006 3; Jan2007 3; Feb2007 3; Apr2007 3;
May2007 3; Aug/Sept2007 3; Oct2007 3; Nov2007
3; Dec2007 3; Jan2008 3; Feb2008 3; Mar2008 3;
Apr2008 3; May2008 3; Aug/Sept2008 3; Oct2008
3; Nov2008 3; Dec2008 3; Jan2009 3; Feb2009 3;
Mar2009 3; Apr2009 3; May2009 3; Aug/Sept2009
3; Oct2009 3; Nov2009 3; Dec2009 3; Jan2010 3;
Feb2010 3; Mar2010 3; Apr2010 3; May2010 3;
Aug/Sept2010 3; Oct2010 3; Nov2010 3; Dec2010
3; Jan2011 3; Feb2011 3; Mar2011 3; Apr2011 3;
May2011 3; Aug/Sept2011 3; Oct2011 3; Nov2011
3; Dec2011 3; Jan2012 3; Feb2012 3; Mar2012 3;
Apr2012 3; May2012 3; Aug/Sept2012 3; Oct2012
3; Nov2012 3; Dec2012 3; Jan2013 3; Feb2013 3;
Mar2013 3; Apr2013 3; May2013 3; Aug/Sept2013
3; Oct2013 3; Nov2013 3; Dec2013 3; Jan2014 3;
Feb2014 3; Mar2014 3; Apr2014 3; May2014 3;
Aug/Sept2014 3; Oct2014 3; Nov2014 3; Dec2014
3; Jan2015 3; Feb2015 3; Mar2015 3; Apr2015 3;
May2015 3; Aug/Sept2015 56; Oct2015 56;
Nov2015 56; Dec2015 57; Jan2016 56; Feb2016
56; Mar2016 56; Apr2016 56; May2016 56
See also So Many Books...
Schlissel, Lillian, Mar2006 28
Schlitz, Laura Amy, Mar2013 10
Schmid, Paul, Jan2016 46
Schmidt, Gary, Nov2007 20, 29
Schmidt, Kathy, Jan2016 31
Schmidt, Norman, Jan2007 54
Schmidt, Suzy, Feb2005 25
Schneider, Howie, May2008 41–42
Schneider Family Book Award, Jan2012 21
Schnell, Lisa Kahn, Feb2016 44
Schnur, Steven, Dec2006 4; Apr2007 2; Aug/Sept2009 4;
Nov2010 4; Oct2012 9
Schoch, Keith, Feb2016 25*
Schoenherr, John, Feb2008 28
Schofield-Morrison, Connie, Oct2015 53
Scholastic Book Club, Nov2013 6*; Feb2014 28*
Scholastic book fairs, Nov2011 44, 45
Schomp, Virginia, Jan2007 54
school gardens, Apr2007 13; Apr2015 4, 12, 14, 18;
Dec2015 4, 8*; Jan2016 13–15
school integration, Feb2007 3
school libraries, Nov2007 41*; Apr2008 27
School Library Month, Apr2004 24–25; Apr2005 24–25;
Apr2006 24–25; Apr2007 28–29; Apr2008 28–29;
Apr2014 29*; Apr2015 29*; Apr2016 28*
school life, Aug/Sept2008 2–3, 8–13*, 37
School of Ants project, Apr2014 49, 50
school visits, Nov2006 6; Dec2006 47
Schotter, Roni, Oct2006 21–23; Aug/Sept2007 17; Feb2008
48; Dec2008 25; Nov2011 34
Schrock, Janet West, Dec2011 15, 48–51*; Dec2014 49;
Jan2016 7
Schroeder, Joanne F., Mar2008 16
Schroedl, Susan, Aug/Sept2005 5
Schrum, Lynne, Aug/Sept2009 16
Schubert, Leda, Apr2013 9; Feb2015 2; Dec2015 21–22;
Jan2016 7
Schuch, Steve, Apr2009 11; Jan2013 11; Jan2016 8
Schuerger, Andrew, Mar2012 9
Schuett, Stacey, Nov2007 54
Schuette, Sarah, May2004 16, 17; May2011 11
Schuh, Mari C., Oct2006 53; Mar2007 55
Schultz, Jeff, Mar2006 29
Schulz, Charles M., Nov2005 25; Nov2007 28; Oct2011 28*;
May2014 10; Nov2015 2*
Schwartz, Alvin, Feb2005 28; Oct2006 28; Oct2007 2;
Oct2011 21
Schwartz, Amy, Mar2005 3; Feb2015 3; May2015 4
Schwartz, Charlene, Feb2005 40; Apr2008 5
Schwartz, Corey Rosen, May2015 54
Schwartz, David M., Apr2005 35, 38, 39; Mar2010 3;
Oct2010 11; Aug/Sept2013 11; Apr2014 4, 29*;
May2014 55; Nov2014 5
Schwartz, Ellen, Apr2011 11; Dec2015 8
Schwartz, Joanne, Jan2015 49
Schwartz, Julie, Nov2007 15
Schwarz, Viviane, Feb2009 26; Oct2009 43; Apr2015 44
Schweitzer, Albert, Jan2004 25; Jan2005 25
Schy, Yael, Mar2010 3; Aug/Sept2013 11
Schyffert, Bea Uusma, Dec2004 3; Mar2008 3
AC/DC currents, Feb2016 40
adrenaline, Oct2013 15
ancient time-keeping methods, Nov2012 13*
animal adaptations, Dec2012 14*; Oct2013 39–41
animal communities, Jan2016 9
animal dads, Dec2008 13; May2016 44–45
animal habitats, Dec2009 14*
animal instincts, May2012 11*
animals, Nov2008 30–38; Oct2009 14–15*; Mar2010
22–24, 40
animal sounds, Apr2013 14*
animal technicians, Mar2011 14
animal track patterns, Dec2012 49*+
Antarctica, Mar2014 38, 39*
apples, Oct2012 13; Mar2014 38, 39–40
appliances, take apart/rebuild, Nov2008 13
in archaeology, Nov2012 13*
atmosphere, Mar2014 39*, 40*
attention to detail, Feb2009 37
aurora borealis, Nov2009 14*; Nov2013 14
autumnal equinox, Oct2012 12
baby animal names, Oct2011 15
bacteria, Apr2011 22
baking soda, Feb2016 15
balance, Jan2015 17
bald eagle study, Aug/Sept2011 13*
baseball, Feb2014 40; Feb2016 39
bees and pollination, Apr2011 14
Big Bang theory, Jan2012 11*
biodiversity, Oct2015 10; Jan2016 21
biology, Oct2011 15
bioluminescence, Apr2009 14
biomes, Jan2008 13
biomimicry, Mar2015 9, 14; Feb2016 26–27
bird migration, May2012 12*
birds' nests, Apr2010 37
birdwatching, Jan2015 17
birthday tradition science, Dec2014 14*
birth order, Dec2008 12–13*
black holes, Aug/Sept2013 20–22*; Oct2014 19
bleach, Feb2016 15
books based on, Mar2008 30–32, 33–37
bridges, Jan2015 17; Feb2016 16–17
bug athletes, Oct2011 15
butterflies, Mar2010 15*, 36–37*
Caldecott Connections to Science, Nov2007 12;
Jan2015 15
camouflage, Nov2012 38*
carbon dating, Jan2014 14
careers, Nov2006 12
catapult building, Nov2008 13; Mar2015 14; Feb2016
centripetal force, May2014 38, 40
chemical engineering, Mar2011 24
chicken or egg argument, Jan2012 11
chromatography, Aug/Sept2013 14; Dec2013 14;
Dec2015 37–38
circuit breaker making, Jan2009 39
citizen science, Aug/Sept2013 2; Apr2014 49–51*;
Aug/Sept2014 51*; Apr2015 14*; Jan2016 20–
class gardens, Apr2007 13
classification and sorting, Jan2009 36; Apr2014 13,
climates, Jan2008 13
clouds, Aug/Sept2009 37
in colonial America, Oct2005 28, 30
color, Feb2016 14–15
color blindness, Nov2009 14*
color psychology, May2013 15*
constellations, Mar2008 12; Nov2014 17–18
construction projects, Apr2016 36–38
cooperation among scientists, Jan2013 13
coral reefs, Apr2009 15*
craters, Nov2014 16
dancing sugar, Jan2004 31
density, Dec2015 37
digestive system, Dec2015 9
dinosaurs, Feb2006 30
dogs and thunderstorms, Aug/Sept2006 37
dogs vs. wolves, Dec2009 14*
dreams, May2013 14*
from A Drop of Water, Oct2012 35–36
drug dangers, May2008 14; May2010 13*
earth, Oct2009 46
earth science, Apr2011 21–22
echolocation, Feb2016 14
eclipses, Jan2014 25–26*
eco-themed picture books, Dec2008 16–19
egg drops, Mar2015 17–18
egg-laying animals, Aug/Sept2009 39*
emission nebulae, Jan2012 11*
endangered species, Aug/Sept2007 12; Mar2010 47–
48; Apr2015 14*
energy audits, Apr2007 13; Apr2011 14
energy sources, Mar2011 25
engineering, Mar2011 23; Dec2013 22–23*; Feb2016
14, 16–17, 29*
environmental issues, Mar2009 13; Mar2010 49, 50
erosion and weathering, Aug/Sept2014 14
ESP, Aug/Sept2008 10, 11–12*
estimating, Oct2009 15
evolution, May2012 2; Apr2013 9, 14*
cloning, Dec2009 38
color combinations, Nov2009 42–44*
magnifying glasses, Oct2009 15
old wives tales, Apr2010 37
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 15
sparks, oobleck, slime, Oct2009 19*
wind crafts, Oct2009 49
and writing activities, Oct2009 18
fairy tale forensics, Apr2008 12–13
farming, Apr2006 34
fear, physiology of, Oct2007 12; Oct2013 15
female scientists, Mar2015 5
ferris wheels, Mar2015 2, 10, 14–15, 52–53
fingerprints, Aug/Sept2013 14
firefly models, May2011 13*
fireworks, Dec2013 14*
flight, animal, Mar2010 40
float vs. sink, Mar2014 38, 39–40
versus folklore, Dec2010 14–15
food chains, Apr2009 13; Apr2014 13, 39; Dec2015 9
foot vs. elbow lengths, Mar2014 40
forces and motion, May2014 38–40*
forces of attraction, Feb2011 14*
forests, Apr2014 38–40
fossils, Feb2009 37*; Apr2013 14*
frogs, Apr2008 12
fruit, May2004 21
fundamental forces, Feb2013 14*
galaxies, Jan2016 21–22
genetics, Apr2011 22; Dec2011 11*; Dec2014 17–18
genetics and heredity, Nov2003 19
genetics and race, Feb2010 15*
genetics and sex determination, Nov2008 12–13*
geometry in nature, Oct2009 15
germ portraits, Jan2010 15
germs, spreading, Jan2010 14
ghosts, Oct2003 31; Oct2007 12
global warming, Apr2011 9, 10, 11, 13*; May2012 12*
GPS technology, Aug/Sept2014 22
gravity, Mar2008 13; Apr2008 38
green revolution, Mar2010 17*; Jan2013 14
green slime, Nov2008 12*
growing seedlings, Dec2010 15
habitats, Nov2008 36–37; Mar2010 25–26
Harvest Moon, Oct2012 13*
health and fitness, May2006 11–12
heredity and genetics, Nov2003 19
heroes of science, May2015 14
huff & puff houses, Jan2015 16
human body, Jan2013 13
illnesses, Jan2010 12–13*, 14*
insects, Aug/Sept2008 5
inventions and inventors, Nov2006 12; Jan2007 12;
Mar2011 14; May2011 14; Jan2013 14*;
Feb2016 24–27
investigative teams, Oct2009 13, 15, 16+, 17+
invisible messages, Aug/Sept2013 14
jokes and riddles, Apr2005 18–19
Lawrence Hall of Science, Feb2013 5*
laws of motion, May2014 38–40*; Oct2014 18
leaves, color changes of, Oct2012 11, 12*, 13
Lego Mindstorms, Mar2011 14
lie detectors, Mar2014 15
life cycles, Jan2012 11; Jan2014 14
lift, weight, drag and thrust, Dec2003 18–20
light, Nov2009 14*
lunar tides, Mar2008 12
magic, as ancient science, Apr2008 13
magic tricks, Oct2010 14
magnetic marble run, Feb2016 11
magnets, Aug/Sept2003 18; Feb2016 11
manners, Aug/Sept2006 12
manufacturing, Mar2011 25
marble coasters, Jan2015 17*
marine species, Apr2009 13
marsupials, Mar2010 39–40
measuring, Oct2009 15; Apr2014 15
memory, Dec2014 16–18
meteor showers, Nov2013 29*
microbes, Jan2010 15; Oct2011 15*
microbiology, Apr2011 22
migration instinct, May2012 11*
milk, experiments with, Feb2016 14
minerals, May2009 21*
mold, Oct2013 41
motion, May2014 38–40*; Oct2014 18
natural disasters, Jan2008 13; Feb2013 13–14*
natural science, Apr2011 20–24; Apr2014 2–3, 8–15*,
16–19*, 38–40, 49–51
nature observations, Mar2010 14*, 15*, 24
navigation, Mar2011 15
night sky, Jan2010 39
observational skills, Nov2008 37–38; Dec2008 16–17
oceans, Apr2009 12*, 13
olivine, May2009 21*
optical illusions, Aug/Sept2013 14
organisms, Oct2009 46–49
organizational systems, Mar2011 15
pack animals, Aug/Sept2012 12; Jan2013 13
paper airplanes, Dec2003 20
parachutes, May2016 41–42
pears, Mar2014 38, 39–40
Phases of the Moon worksheet, Nov2014 17*
photosynthesis, Nov2009 14*
physics, Feb2012 13*
plant migration, May2012 12*
plate tectonics, Nov2011 13*
playground science, Oct2013 15
pond and lake observations, Aug/Sept2010 35–36*
predators and prey, Aug/Sept2012 12
race and genetics, Feb2010 15*
rainbows, Feb2016 14–15
ramps, May2016 40–41
real-life superheroes, Feb2009 12*
rechargeable batteries, May2013 14*
recycling, Mar2010 50; Apr2014 14*; Apr2015 17–18
for reluctant readers, Oct2014 18–20
rescue science, May2015 14
rocks, Apr2014 11, 13
SCAMPER technique, Feb2016 26*
“The Science of Superheroes” (Popular Science),
May2015 14*
scientific method, Oct2009 14–15*; Aug/Sept2013 20–
scientists, Jan2013 13; Apr2014 2–3, 14; Nov2014 17;
Mar2015 5; Oct2015 20–22
seasons, Jan2014 14; May2014 13
seed sprouting, Jan2009 35–36
senses, Jan2009 8–14, 48–50*; Dec2013 14; Dec2015
sensing love, Feb2011 14
sensory acuity, Dec2013 14
sensory illusions, Jan2009 14
sensory impairment, Jan2009 13
skateboarding, May2014 39*
ski jumps, Mar2015 17; May2016 41
skin color, Nov2009 14*
sleep, May2013 14*
smell, sense of, Apr2008 54; Dec2014 16–18; Dec2015
snowballs, Dec2012 51
snowboarding, Feb2014 14*
snowflakes, Dec2013 21–24*; Jan2015 16, 18
solar system, Mar2008 51–52; Jan2010 39
sorting and classifying, Jan2009 36; Mar2010 15, 24–
sound, Jan2004 31
space exploration, Mar2011 10, 12, 13, 15, 23;
Nov2014 16–18; Dec2014 36–38
speaking and hearing, Jan2011 14–15*
spiders, Aug/Sept2008 5; Oct2014 15
in sports, May2008 14
sports engineering, Mar2015 13
stage effects, Feb2015 14
subliminal messages, Aug/Sept2008 12*
superpower physics, May2015 14
sustainable farming, Mar2010 16–18*
symbiotic relationships, Apr2009 13; Feb2011 14;
Jan2013 13, 23; May2014 14; Oct2015 10
taste, sense of, Oct2007 35; Apr2008 54–55; Dec2015
team challenges, Apr2016 36–38
teeth, Jan2008 36
timekeeping, Jan2014 25–26*
time perception, Jan2014 14
time travel, Mar2012 12; Jan2014 14, 15
trick candles, Dec2014 14
trick photography, May2015 17
trilateration, Aug/Sept2014 22
truth serums, Mar2014 15
tsunamis, Oct2014 19
tundra biomes, Dec2012 14
vegetables, May2004 21
vocabulary, Mar2010 48–49
volcanoes, May2009 20*, 21
volume, Oct2009 15
water, Apr2009 14*
water filtration, Apr2015 16–18; Feb2016 5*
water testing, Jan2016 21
weather, Mar2006 11, 44; Jan2009 38; Aug/Sept2009
36–37*; Oct2009 14*
weather forecasting, Mar2011 15
weather safety, Apr2014 14*
weather vanes, Aug/Sept2009 36–37
wind, Oct2009 49–50
winter nature walks, Dec2012 13
world records, Nov2011 13*
See also Gaining Steam; research
science fairs, Mar2007 22
science fiction, Mar2008 2–3, 10; Nov2009 23;
Aug/Sept2010 26–27; Mar2012 2–3, 6–13*, 17–19*,
38–41, 42–47; Jan2013 4*; Aug/Sept2015 41;
Feb2016 25
science nonfiction, Mar2012 2–3
Science Spots. See Gaining Steam
Scieszka, Jon, Dec2003 4; Jan2004 37; Feb2005 2; Apr2005
15, 36, 38; Oct2005 24; Oct2007 5; Nov2007 21,
28; Nov2008 52; Mar2009 22; Apr2010 54;
Dec2010 24; Mar2011 17, 53; May2011 41, 42;
Oct2011 22, 26; Nov2011 11; Feb2012 12, 51;
Mar2012 7, 11; Oct2012 52; Nov2012 11; Dec2012
7*; Mar2013 10; Aug/Sept2013 5; Mar2014 9;
Apr2014 12; Oct2014 22; Nov2014 5; Feb2016 14;
Mar2016 8
Author Extensions, Apr2008 35–41*
Meet the Author, Apr2008 30–34*
Scillian, Devin, Nov2010 54, 57; Jan2012 9
Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS), Oct2014 14
Scott, Elaine, Mar2008 11; May2013 9
Scott, Joseph and Lenore, May2014 37
Scott O'Dell Award, Nov2007 7, 12; Apr2010 38
Scotton, Rob, Jan2009 27; Oct2009 45; Aug/Sept2013 51;
Aug/Sept2014 11; Nov2014 43; Nov2015 1, 9;
Feb2016 43
Scrabble, Dec2007 28; Nov2012 4
scrapbooking, digital, Feb2009 15*
screen time, effects of, Nov2013 6*
scripts, reader's theater, Apr2007 23–24; Mar2009 22–25*;
Jan2012 24, 27
Scrogg, Kirk, May2011 41
Seabrooke, Brenda, Feb2011 3
sea creatures, Aug/Sept2003 10–13; Apr2007 38; May2007
55; Mar2011 35
sea exploration, Nov2011 51–55
Seale, Doris, Nov2004 2–3
search engines, Jan2007 5; Feb2007 4–5; Aug/Sept2007
20–21; Dec2011 44–47*
Seattle Public Library world record, May2015 6*
Sebastian, Emily, May2016 44
Sechrist, Darren, May2014 17–18
secondary sources, Nov2004 15–21+; Oct2005 16–17, 31;
Mar2012 16
Sederman, Marty, May2010 43*
Sedgwick, Marcus, Jan2011 16
Seeber, Dorothea, Jan2004 35
seed libraries, Apr2015 7*
seeds, May2005 38; May2007 20, 26–27; Oct2012 40*
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro, Feb2004 7–8; Mar2006 2; Nov2006
51–53; Dec2007 2; Mar2010 21; Dec2011 10;
Feb2012 23; Aug/Sept2012 21; Nov2012 3;
Jan2015 36; Feb2016 42
Author Extensions, Jan2009 34–38
Meet the Author, Jan2009 30–33*
Seeger, Pete, May2005 25; Jan2009 30–31
Seeing Ourselves: Connecting Students to a Diverse World
with Graphic Novels, Oct2015 11–14
Segal, John, May2007 26; Mar2010 20; Nov2011 41
Segner, Jennifer, Nov2011 42
segregation, Feb2007 2, 8, 11; Aug/Sept2015 27
Selden, George, May2007 28; May2008 29, 42
Self, David, Nov2010 8
Self, Doris, Aug/Sept2015 3
self-confidence, Jan2011 2–3, 8–15*; Feb2011 19
self-discipline, Aug/Sept2007 17–18
self-esteem, Oct2008 2–3, 8–14*; Dec2011 2–3, 6–13*, 17–
19; Apr2016 3*
self-improvement, Dec2011 6–13*
self-perception, Aug/Sept2008 2–3
Seligman, Martin, Feb2015 53
selkies, Apr2013 26
Sellers, Heather, May2009 25
Selly, Patty Born, Apr2015 17–18
Selznick, Brian, Oct2003 42; Aug/Sept2004 27; Oct2007 26;
Aug/Sept2008 53*; Nov2008 2; Jan2009 42;
Mar2011 10; Aug/Sept2013 10; Oct2013 54;
Mar2014 28; Oct2014 11; Jan2015 10, 26, 46*;
Feb2015 17
Author Extensions, Oct2009 34–36*
Meet the Author, Oct2009 30–33
Semaphore Flag Signaling System, Dec2004 42*
Sember, Brette McWhorter, Apr2010 10
semordnilaps, Aug/Sept2008 37, 38, 41–42+
Sendak, Maurice, May2005 29; May2007 29; Oct2007 23;
Jan2008 4; Apr2009 48; Nov2009 51; Feb2012 48,
51; May2013 10; May2014 2; Dec2015 55
Seneca Indians, Mar2013 21
senior citizens, Nov2010 2–3, 6–13
Senning, Cindy Post, Aug/Sept2006 9–10, 13; Dec2015 7
senses, Apr2008 53–55; Jan2009 48–50; Mar2016 37–38*+
sensitivity, Jan2009 2–3
sentences, Dec2007 12
separation, in families, Feb2012 46–47
sequels, fantasy, Aug/Sept2008 4
Sequoyah Book Award, Aug/Sept2011 53
Serfozo, Mary, Oct2007 45; Oct2010 53
series books
39 Clues, Oct2009 4*; Oct2010 24*; May2011 42;
May2014 32–33; Aug/Sept2014 8; Jan2015
43 Old Cemetery Road, May2014 49–51*
A to Z Mysteries, Aug/Sept2013 8
The A to Z of Inventions and Inventors, Aug/Sept2008
Acts of Courage, May2015 9
Alexander (Viorst), Feb2015 34–37
All Aboard America, Aug/Sept2011 9
All About (animals), Nov2008 32
Allie Finkle, Feb2012 41*
All the Wrong Questions, Feb2016 3*
Alvin Ho, May2011 42; Oct2011 21
Amazing Magic, Oct2013 54
American Family Albums, Dec2008 8
American Girl, Dec2008 26; Aug/Sept2013 11;
May2016 3*
American Heroes, May2015 9
American Kids in History, Nov2008 53
America's Animal Soldiers, Apr2013 55
America's Horrible Histories, Apr2007 29
Amulet, May2015 16–18
Anastasia Krupnik, May2007 12–14; Jan2015 5
on ancient civilizations, Nov2012 8
Andy Shane, May2011 42
Anholt’s Artists, Jan2015 9
Animal Ark, May2014 4
Animal Emergency, May2014 4
Animal Families, Dec2008 8
on animals, Apr2013 8
Annabel the Actress, Feb2015 8
Anna Hibiscus, Nov2011 2
Artemis Fowl, Mar2007 29; Aug/Sept2012 4*
Art Explorers, Jan2015 9
on the arts, Apr2012 8; Jan2015 9; Mar2016 6
Arty Facts, Mar2016 6, 10
Babymouse, Feb2012 42*; Oct2012 54; May2014 3;
Oct2014 9; Feb2015 28*, 30–33
Bad Kitty, May2016 28*
Ballpark Mysteries, Apr2014 28
Berenson Schemes, Mar2015 5*
The Birchbark House, Apr2010 31–34
on Black history, Feb2010 8
The Black Lagoon, Oct2007 23; Oct2014 6
Blazers, Oct2014 9
Body Battles, Oct2009 52; Feb2012 13
The Bone, Aug/Sept2010 25
Booksurfers, Jan2012 5
The Boxcar Children, Feb2012 47
Bramble and Maggie, Jan2015 5
Brownie and Pearl, May2016 53
The Buddy Files, May2010 40–42*; Aug/Sept2013 53
Bully Free Kids, Oct2013 8, 14*
on bullying, Oct2013 8, 14*
Bunnicula, May2010 41
Caldecott Connections, Jan2015 9, 15
Can You See What I See?, Oct2012 30–34, 35–37*
Capital Mysteries, May2010 42
Captain Raptor, Feb2012 42
Captain Underpants, Aug/Sept2014 30–32*; May2015
on careers, Feb2015 44
Careers in Focus, Apr2004 20
Cat-ographies, Apr2015 42
Charlie and Lola, Mar2007 30, 32–33
Children’s Illustrators, Jan2