Student handbook
Student handbook
Band Member Handbook 201415 1 2 Dear Chaparral Band Students and Parents, Welcome to the 2014 CHS Marching Band! The staff and I are looking forward to a hard working and exciting season. This season will be filled with great experiences that will be remembered for a lifetime. I am truly honored to work with such a committed group of students. In this handbook, you will find information that will be valuable to the success of the 2014 marching band season. The calendar of rehearsals and performance can be found on the band’s website ( These events are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Notice will be given in advance if any changes or additions are made to the calendar. At the end of the handbook please fill out, sign, and return the following forms: Authorization to Treat a Minor ( sign on line) Transportation Awareness Consent and Release for season Band Handbook Agreement Philosophy: I believe that each student should receive an exciting and comprehensive study in his or her marching band experience. Each student will be given the tools necessary to be successful for not only the season but also the future. The most important tool for success is Respect. As a member of marching band, students must respect their peers, staff, and themselves. Without respect, the bond that holds the band together will break. I also believe in a focused and discipline rehearsal with a high level of productivity; however, it is always important to have fun, both in and out of rehearsal. This activity is a once in a lifetime experience that will leave a life long impression. I hope you can take just a few moments to read this information. Again, I would like to welcome everyone to what will be an exciting season of learning and performing. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Steve Hinman Band Director Chaparral High School [email protected] 3 Attendance Policy The level of commitment from each individual student is the driving force behind the organization and is reflected in the level of achievement reached by the individual and the program. Band is a learning activity. Rehearsals, whether during or after school, or in camp are the means by which students learn, and by their very nature cannot be reproduced or madeup. Therefore it is imperative that students be present unless absence is absolutely unavoidable. Excessive rehearsal absence or nonparticipation will assuredly affect a student’s performance as well as create a burden on the ensemble. This is the reason each student’s daily participation is required. ANY ABSENCE WHETHER EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED WILL HINDER THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF THE ENTIRE PROGRAM. Excused Absences Excused absences are granted with prior notification via email, and will be approved on an individual basis. Students that must request permission to miss a rehearsal or performance should email the Band Director. Requests should be sent at least one (1) week prior to the absence. Please note that only excuses for emergency situations will be accepted after an event. It is also the students responsibility to notify their section leader in advance. Doctor appointments are unavoidable, however, it is requested that you do your best to avoid scheduling doctor or orthodontist appointments when students have band practices. Doctor notes are required when this is unavoidable. Scheduled Rehearsals and Performances Students are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances. Students will be excused for illness, death in the family, “once in a lifetime event”, school activity such as the PSAT, College Board and ACT Testing, academic competitions, or school trips. School sports conflicts will be resolved with prior mutual agreement between the Coach and the Band Director. Unexcused Absences Work is not acceptable as an excuse. Students that must work should inform their employer of their obligation to the band and with ample advance notice. Most employers are willing to schedule around band commitments. Any absence without 4 an email or note from a parent will be considered unexcused. This includes other conflicting school functions. Scheduled Rehearsals and Performances An unexcused absence from a scheduled rehearsal and/or performance will result in a deduction of the student’s grade. Excessive absences may result in the student being removed from future performances. Removal from performances will be at the Band Director’s and administration’s discretion. Tardiness Tardiness will not be tolerated. Points deducted from the grade and/or other consequences will be at the Band Director’s discretion. Conduct Policy Band members are expected to follow all Douglas County School District Code of Conduct, and policies regarding appropriate student behavior stated in the DCSD 20142015 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. In the event existing school policy does not identify a particular negative student behavior, the Band Director will evaluate behavior and appropriate disciplinary action will be determined based upon the severity of the incident and its impact on the band. Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Policy Students are able to use their cell phones before and after rehearsals and performances. Cell phones are to be turned off, or on “silent mode”. Medical Policy Marching band is an extremely physical activity which requires physical conditioning. Students are strongly encouraged to have a physical examination before participating. All students must have a completed medical history and emergency medical release form on file before they will be permitted on band trips. Students that have any medical conditions (i.e. heart, breathing or joint problems), that would restrict their ability to safely participate in all aspects of the band program will be required to have a physical and provide a doctor’s release before they can be included in rehearsals or performances. 5 Instrument Policy Every student is solely responsible for the care and maintenance of his or her instrument whether it is their own or it is property of the school. SchoolOwned Instruments The school owns several instruments available for student use. The student and parent/guardian agree to repair any damage that occurs beyond normal wear and tear or replace instruments that are deemed beyond repair. Other Supplies and Care of Instruments: Wind and Brass Players It is recommended that each player purchase a metronome*, cleaning kit, and a tuner. Woodwind players should consider purchasing a reed case to keep their reeds clean and undamaged, and a swab to wipe out the excess moisture in the bore of the instrument. Brass players should have their own mouthpieces, valve oil, and slide grease. The students should make sure to permanently place their name on each item for security purposes. Percussionists It is recommended that each player purchase a metronome* and a stick bag. *Students can also use a quality metronome app that does subdivisions. Instrument Storage Every studentowned instrument should be taken home from school each day for daily practice. The instrument lockers are provided for students to place their instruments during the school day. The instrument room is open only when the Band Director is on property. Students ARE NOT allowed to keep their instruments in any other classroom. All cases must be kept closed at all times, and must be labeled in several ways with the student’s name—a luggage tag is not enough. Students should use the instrument room AT THEIR OWN RISK. Students and parents should be aware that the Band Director is NOT RESPONSIBLE for instruments lost, stolen or damaged. We currently have a zero tolerance policy for any incident of students handling instruments that do not belong to them. The administrators, parents, and the police will be notified of major offenses. At the beginning of the school year each student will be issued a shelf or a space and/or locker to 6 place their instrument inside the storage room. They will be responsible to keep that space clean and neat. In some instances, students will have to share that space with another student. Students are expected to respect the property of others and treat it as if it were their own. These lockers and storage spaces are subject to be searched or inspected at any time. Sheet Music Throughout the school year, sheet music will be issued to each student. If a student is absent or loses the sheet music, he or she is responsible for obtaining a new copy. This should be taken care of before or after rehearsal/class, not during. Sheet music must be placed in plastic sheet protectors. This will protect the piece of music and also allow for ease of use during performances. Uniform Policy Students are expected to abide by the following uniform policy: 1. Long hair will be neatly arranged so that it fits inside the hat. 2. The brim of the hat will be level at the bridge of a student’s nose. 3. The chinstrap will rest on the chin or under the chin. 4. The plume is expected to be straight. 5. No jewelry, including earrings, or piercings. 6. No makeup. 7. No nail polish. 8. Clean black socks (no designs/patterns and midcalf or higher). 9. Band members band tshirt and appropriate undergarments are required under the uniform; no blue jeans (band members). Note: For Color Guard, uniform information will be covered by the Guard Staff. Equipment Instrument, equipment, and performance items are clean, and in proper working order, all brass instruments and cymbals are to be polished. 7 Uniforms will be inspected prior to every performance. Care Tips: Hat (Shako) Shako’s must be in their correct boxes at all times when not in use. Plume Plumes should be received and returned to the Quartermasters after each use. They should be treated as a fragile object as they can be easily damaged. Coat and Pants The uniform should be hung up after every performance. When uniforms get wet, they should be hung to dry as soon as possible. Only the hangers provided with the uniform should be used. The uniforms will be dry cleaned during the year at no additional cost to the band member. If a uniform is in need of minor repairs or mending; it should be brought to the attention of the Quartermaster. Repairs, washing or dry cleaning should not be done at home. Raincoat The raincoat can be wiped down with a damp cloth and hung to dry. As with other uniform pieces, it is a good idea to air the raincoat out. When the raincoats get wet, they should be hung up immediately so they do not mold. Shoes Shoes should be clean before every performance. Gloves Gloves should be put in the hat box after every performance UNIFORM consistent, the same, homogeneous, even, identical, not varied, as one, equal; everyone should look the same in uniform. 8 Travel/Transportation Policy Students are expected to travel with the band to and from all activities. In the event a parent finds it necessary to drive a student to or from a band activity (where group transportation is provided), the following policy will apply: 1. Prior written notification must be received in advance of the event and approved by the director (see Forms). 2. Students will only be permitted to leave with a parent or an adult authorized by the parents (i.e., students will not be permitted to come or go with a boyfriend/girlfriend or classmates, etc.) Grading Marching Band (Marching Band, Percussion, Color Guard) is an elective in which a student may earn credit. It is classified as cocurricular, which contains academic inclass requirements, as well as outofclass requirements. The strength of the band program relies on the consolidation of these requirements into one performancebased academic course of study. Rehearsals are not optional; they are part of the daily grade. Performances are graded as major tests: a performance is a learning experience that cannot be duplicated in a rehearsal hall or practice room; the level of concentration required in a public performance assists each student develop an insight into their own level of performance; a performance is an important evaluation tool, allowing comparison of a student’s performance in relation to classroom and rehearsal objectives. The band, as an organization, provides a medium through which students may progress academically, musically, and socially. Musicianship, attitude, attendance, punctuality, conduct, and a desire for excellence are absolutely expected from each band member. As required in all courses, individual practice and preparation is expected for every class/rehearsal. No other discipline in education requires the high level of achievement from all participants, as does musical performance. Through the level of commitment required we hope to better prepare our students for responsibilities encountered throughout their entire lives. All students have the potential to achieve an “A” grade with 100% in band by adhering to the guidelines for grading outlined below. Band Camp Band Camp is scheduled two weeks (10 weekdays) in the late summer before each year (July/August) and is when the band learns the music and show for the competition season. Stands tunes, parade music, marching techniques, and drills 9 are also taught and rehearsed. Band camp is MANDATORY for all marching band and color guard students. Attire for Band Camp and Rehearsals Students shall adhere to the following dress code. Any student not properly attired, especially footwear, will be asked to sit out. This may influence lettering points. 1. Weatherappropriate clothing, including rain gear 2. Red or White tshirt Wind/percussion students wear red Guard students wear white 3. Athletic shoes and socks. Sandals, flip flops, open toed shoes, and flat shoes are not permitted 4. Sunscreen 5. Sunglasses and a hat Food/Drink 1. Large water cooler or jug, lunch and snacks. Water bottles can be refilled throughout the day. Materials 1. Pencils, preferably mechanical (no pens) 2. Three ringed binder with clear page protectors 3. Instrument and accessories 4. “Dot” book & String a. spiral bound index cards hold up the best. b. A long shoelacelike string to hold/wear dot book while marching 5. Sidewalk chalk 10 Contact Information Website The website ( is a reliable source of information for upcoming events, performances, award announcements, booster meetings, handbooks, forms, contact information, photos, and much more. The website is usually updated every week during camps and throughout the school year. For each occurrence that it is updated, a date will be will be given to notate that the site contains the latest information. Check it often, especially the Calendar. Phone and Email Email is the best form of communication. The Band Director may be contacted at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. The CHS band office may be contacted at anytime at 3033873630. Other Important Contact Information Kolacny Music (Repair and Service) 303722608 FlesherHinton Music Co. (Repair and Service) 3034338891 Colorado Institute of Musical Instrument Castle Rock Music Technology 303.688.0300 (Repair and Service) 303.663.4084 11 Fees Students within the CHS Band Program are responsible for various fees associated with their participation. Some of these fees are implemented by the School District and are paid to the school during registration in the fall. Other fees are paid to the CHS Band Boosters for services provided for the season. School District Fees Paid at Registration Fundraisers are available to offset all fees. District Participation A $115 onetime fee paid to CHS at registration in the fall for all students participating in band classes. Wind Instrument Usage A fee of $50 per semester paid to CHS in the fall and/or spring by all students who require the use of schoolowned brass or woodwind instrument. These fees are used to cover the cost of general maintenance, cleaning, and repair. Percussion Usage A fee of $60 per semester paid to CHS in the fall by all students who require the use of schoolowned percussion instruments. These fees are used to cover the cost of general maintenance, repair, drum heads, and mallets used collectively. Marching Band Fees Paid at Band Camp There is a onetime fee paid by all students in the Marching Band (including Color Guard). The fee is $425 if paid by the end of band camp or $450 after band camp ends. Band fees help to cover a portion of the following : ● ● ● ● Transportation of students, props, and instruments Meals Director Salaries Dry Cleaning 12 Chaparral High School Bands Authorization to Treat a Minor Due by the first day of Band Camp I (we) the undersigned parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the undersigned student do hereby authorize and consent to any xray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis rendered under the general or specific supervision of any member of the medical staff and emergency staff licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act or a dentist licensed under the provisions of the Dental Practice Act and on the staff of any acute general hospital holding a current license to operate a hospital from the Colorado Department of Public Health. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or hospitalization being required but is given to provide authority and power to render care which the aforementioned physician, in the exercise of his or her best judgment, may deem advisable. It is understood that the effort shall be made to contact the undersigned prior to rendering treatment to the patient, but that any of the above treatment will not be withheld if the undersigned cannot be reached. Student Name____________________________________________________ May we administer Tylenol/Advil if requested by the student? YES____ NO____ List ANY special health problems in the past: ___________________________ List ANY medications taken currently and reasons: (include insulin, anticonvulsive, antihistamine, and tranquilizers) _____________________________________________________________________________ Family Physician: _______________________ phone:___________________ Date of last Tetanus injection: ________________________ List all allergies to drugs or food: _______________________________________________________________ Insurance Company________________________________________________ Group Number_______________________ Policy Number________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date _________ 13 Transportation Awareness Consent and Release insert season permission slip 14 Band Member Contract 20142015 Before a student can participate in rehearsals they must have a completed band member contract on file. Students that do not return a signed contract will be dropped from the band roster. My parent(s) and I have read all of the information provided in this handbook. It is known that any and all applicable policies are subject to change at anytime by the band director, and we will note any amendment to this handbook. We are committed to any event that the band must participate, and will adhere to the provided calendar. It is also known that events may be added to or deleted from the calendar with advance notice. I intend to give my greatest efforts to achieve the best musical experiences as a member of the Chaparral High School Wolverine Marching Band. ________________ Date ____________________________________ Student’s signature ____________________________________ Student’s name (print) ____________________________________ Parent’s signature ____________________________________ Parent’s name (print) 15 THE PERCUSSION SECTION Concert Percussion Concert Band is the MOST IMPORTANT band that we participate in as musicians. It is the time where we learn the ins and outs of music in a controlled environment through quality rehearsals and performances. The CHS percussionists will have Mr. Bowlus one day, weekly throughout the year for master classes and concert preparation, after the conclusion of Marching Band. Every Percussionist in Concert Band must own and have in class each day the following items: ● ● ● ● 1 pair of Concert Sticks 1 pair of Vibe/Marimba Mallets 1 pair of Xylophone/Bell Mallets A Mallet Bag Every Percussionist in Symphonic Band must own and have in class each day the following items: ● ● ● ● ● 1 pair of Concert Sticks 2 Pair of matching Vibe/Marimba Mallets 1 pair of Xylophone Mallets 1 pair of Brass Bell Mallets A Mallet Bag Please refer to Mr. B. for the purchase of percussion supplies, as Innovative Percussion endorses the Percussion Program at CHS, through him. Discounts are applied to Innovative products through our dealer and proper equipment makes a difference in the success of each student. Concert Band Percussion Leadership First Chair in each Band will be the Section Leader for that Band, unless staff feels there is a better student to lead. First chair is to be determined by auditions held each semester. Responsibilities include: keeping the section organized and clean, insuring a positive learning environment for all students, protecting longevity of instruments by making sure that their section covers all instruments at the conclusion of class each day and making sure that the smaller instruments/mallets are put back in the percussion cabinet or storage location. Leaders are expected to be role 16 models by using their music folders to keep their music safe and undamaged, and to bring all necessary percussion supplies to class each day. Section Leaders are expected to be leaders in everything they do. They are expected to make good decisions and be good role models in and out of rehearsals. Marching Band PercussionThe Pit & Battery The Marching Percussion section is broken up into 2 sections, the Pit and the Battery. There will be a minicamp for the percussion section at the beginning of the summer usually in June and also a mini camp in July before the full band camp. These camps range from 25 days in length and the times are TBD. The entire percussion section will also have a weekly sectional throughout the summer and through the marching season after school begins. See the Marching Band calendar for exact details. Each section has its own responsibilities and requirements. Hair must be trimmed and maintained from the first performance through State Championships. Battery must not have excess hair hanging or curling around the brim of the Shako. Pit must also be nicely groomed as they do not wear anything on their heads. Pit Pit Members are an integral part of our Marching Band. They are also the only section that doesn’t march. They have the ability to play and learn multiple Percussion instruments. The Pit instruments include but not limited to: Marimba, Vibes, Xylophone, Bells, Chimes, Timpani, and Auxiliary Percussion. Synthesizer, Keyboard and Electric Bass are also available. Please check with Mr. Hinman or Mr. B. for availability. Pit students have auditions at the beginning of the season usually in April or May to determine what instruments/parts they will play. The Pit is very important as they add the musical “color” to the Marching Band. Pit Requirements ● 1 Marching Practice Pad (rubber playing surface mounted to wood i.e. “Innovative Percussion”, “RealFeel” or “Xymox” type brands) ● 1 pair Marching Drum Sticks ● 12 pair of Yarn Mallets for your instrument depending on your part requirements (if 2 pairs of mallets are needed, 1 pair of mallets will be purchased for you) ● 1 pair of Timpani mallets for Timpianists Mallets should be purchased through Mr. B., as Chaparral Percussion and Mr. B. are endorsed by Innovative Percussion and proper mallets must be purchased. These mallets will count towards the Concert or Symphonic Band Mallet 17 requirements as well. Discounts are applied to Innovative products from the percussion supplier. Battery The Battery Percussionists are the marching portion of the Percussion Section. They learn music as well as drill sets. These students have auditions at the beginning of the season (usually in April or May) for one of the three marching instruments: Snare, Tenors or Bass Drum. Snare Requirements ● 1 Marching Practice Pad (rubber playing surface mounted to wood i.e. “Innovative Percussion”, “RealFeel” or “Xymox” type brands) ● 1 pair of Marching Drum Sticks at all times (1 performance pair will be purchased for each student more may have to be purchased by the student when sticks wear out or break) Tenor Requirements ● 1 Marching Practice Pad (rubber playing surface mounted to wood i.e. “Innovative Percussion”, “RealFeel” or “Xymox” type brands) ● 1 pair Marching Drum Sticks ● 1 pair of rehearsal Tenor Mallets (1 performance pair will be purchased for each student) Bass Drum Requirements ● 1 Marching Practice Pad (rubber playing surface mounted to wood i.e. “Innovative Percussion”, “RealFeel” or “Xymox” type brands) ● 1 pair Marching Drum Sticks ● 1 pair of rehearsal BD Mallets (1 performance pair will be purchased each student) Marching Band Percussion Leadership Percussion Leadership follows all guidelines/requirements set out for all Band Leadership, with the following inclusions: Percussion leadership qualifications for both Pit and Battery must be a student who has performed with the Winter Percussion Ensemble in the ensemble’s prior season. In the case that no Winter Percussion student is available for a position, auditions will then be open to any student interested. MB percussion leadership will make sure that weekly sectionals are held for each minisection (snare, tenors, bass, mallets, aux). Leadership will keep up with their 18 personal practicing and promote practicing within their section. Section Leaders are expected to be leaders in everything they do. They are expected to make good decisions and be good role models in and out of rehearsals. The Marching Band Leadership is expected to continue their requirements in their concert classes even though it is possible that they may not be their band’s first chair or section leader. Staff possesses the ability to remove any student from a leadership position at any point of the year if the student is not following through with their leadership expectations. Winter Percussion The Winter Percussion is a fun and exciting extracurricular competitive ensemble that is open to ALL students. The Chaparral Winter Percussion Ensemble (WPE) is a concert percussion ensemble, using concert percussion equipment. This group can range in size anywhere from 625 students, depending on interest and available equipment. The WPE competes inside on gym floors. The season will start up a few weeks after Marching Band concludes and finish sometime in April. This is a highly educational group, with a focus on improving music reading skills, percussion techniques, performance and overall percussion playing. The WPE has a fee based to pay for music arranging, transportation of equipment from school to school, entry fees into competitive organizations (RMPA & WGI), equipment that might be needed that the WPE currently doesn’t own, repairs of current equipment, tshirts, performance shirts and so much more. The fee varies yeartoyear, but has run roughly $300 for years not going to Nationals. Winter Percussion Leadership Leadership for this extracurricular ensemble will be the sole discretion of the Percussion Director. Section Leaders are expected to be leaders in everything they do. They are expected to make good decisions and be good role models in and out of rehearsals. 19