Skara Brae - John O` Groats Ferry
Skara Brae - John O` Groats Ferry
1 9.00 am from John O’ Groats Last Boarding at 8.50am Maxi Day Tour of Orkney 3 EVERY DAY 1 MAY to 30 SEPTEMBER Drive to famous John O’ Groats - the end of the road - just over 2 hours 30 minutes North of Inverness. Park your car in the large free car park and buy your ticket at the John O’ Groats Ferry Office. Board the ferry Pentland Venture by 8.50am and let us take you away to the magical Orkney Islands. Cross to the Islands in just 40 minutes where your waiting coach will take you on a fascinating tour of this enchanted island group. Return home on our last evening sailing, arriving back in John O’ Groats at 7.45pm. This tour visits all the main sites of interest on the Islands-Scapa Flow, Stromness, The Standing Stones of Stenness, The Ring of Brodgar, The Churchill Barriers and The Italian Chapel. In addition it allows plenty time for a visit to Skara Brae, the 5,000 year old Stone Age village and a 2 hour stop in the Island Capital – Kirkwall. Children under 16 Wildlife Cruise from John O’ Groats 2.30 pm from £26 John O’ Groats NEW FAMILY TICKET 2 ADULTS + 2 CHILDREN £144 This is the perfect day out! 4 Skara Brae - older than the Pyramids of Egypt Kirkwall’s magnificent Viking Cathedral Every Day 20 June to 31 August. Something quite different from our day tours. Buy your ticket at the John O’ Groats Ferry Office and step aboard the Pentland Venture for an exciting 90 minute cruise to view the diverse marine wildlife of the Pentland Firth. During the breeding season in June and July, the cliffs teem with colonies of guillemots, puffins, razorbills, kittiwakes and fulmars. Depending on tides and conditions, you can either cruise to the Stacks of Duncansby or to the seal colonies around the shores of the deserted island of Stroma. A unique opportunity for the whole family to view real wildlife in their natural environment. No booking required. Inverness to Orkney Day Tour 7.30 am from Inverness The mystical Prehistoric Stone Circle at Brodgar EVERY DAY 20 JUNE to 31 AUGUST Children under 16 £8.50 FAMILY TICKET 2 ADULTS + 2 CHILDREN £42.50 EVERY DAY 1 JUNE to 2 SEPTEMBER Your coach leaves from Inverness Bus Station at 7.30am every summer morning. Settle back and prepare for a great day out. Enjoy our guided tour of Scotland’s spectacular far north and stop in famous John O’ Groats. Board the 10.30am ferry and cross to the Islands. Enjoy a six hour tour of the Orkney Islands, following the same itinerary as our Highlights Day Tour. Return to Inverness at 9pm. Bookings are essential and you may do this by telephoning John O’Groats Ferries direct on 01955 611 353 or through Inverness Tourist Board. You’ll really enjoy this great day out from the Highland Capital. Children under 16 £32.50 The perfect day out from Inverness! Skara Brae Buy your tickets at the ferry office Our day tours to Orkney visit Skara Brae, the perfectly preserved 5000 year old stoneage village, uncovered by a winter storm in the 19th Century. It’s run by Historic Scotland and entry costs c£7 (Seniors c£5.50). To avoid queuing at Skara Brae it may be best to buy your tickets at the Ferry Office in John O’ Groats prior to boarding. The picturesque Hamlet of Stromness The beautiful Italian Chapel A FEW NOTES ABOUT OUR TOURS 2 10.30 am from John O’ Groats Highlights Day Tour of Orkney EVERY DAY 1 JUNE to 2 SEPTEMBER An ideal day out for families and those staying a little further afield. Buy your ticket at the John O’ Groats Ferry Office and board the Pentland Venture at 10.30am. Cross to the Islands in 40 minutes where your waiting coach will take you on a fascinating tour. Return to John O’ Groats at 6pm. This tour follows the same route as the Maxi Day Tour, but misses out the visit to Stromness. This tour also gives shorter time at Skara Brae (1 hour) and Kirkwall, the Capital town, (1 hour). It’s a great way to see the Islands when time is limited. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The entrance fee for Skara Brae, payable to Historic Scotland, is approx. c£7 (Senior Citizen c£5.50). Lunch is available in various restaurants and cafes, but is not included. Passengers must be ready to board the ferry in John O’ Groats harbour 15 minutes prior to sailing. Telephone bookings must collect tickets 30 minutes prior to boarding. (Maxi Tours collect by 8.30am). Children under 5 years of age are free of charge on ferry and day tours. Dogs are free of charge on the ferry and day tours from John O’ Groats. Please book your tour: Telephone John O’ Groats Ferries 01955 611 353 or 01955 611 342 Children under 16 in family groups John O’ Groats £16 Set sail to the Orkney Islands 2 ADULTS + 2 CHILDREN JUST £128 BOOK ONLINE - FERRIES Excursions d’une journée - visitez l’archipel des Orcades et observez la vie marine et les oiseaux - A day out you will remember forever. perfect end to a great day. whale. On arrival at Burwick, the southernmost tip appreciated. Your evening ferry trip home is the lookout for seals, dolphins and even the occasional the beauty of the chapel must be seen to be gentle sea breeze refresh the spirit. Keep a sharp using only simple tools and basic raw materials, enjoy the sound and sights of the sea. Let that Constructed inside two Nissen huts and crafted may choose to sit on one of her open decks and your homebound ferry, stop at the Italian Chapel. built vessel with a comfortable saloon but you woollens and finest Orkney produce. On return to to Orkney, in just 40 minutes. She is a purpose community of the Orkney Islands. look out for Orkney jewellery, present day vibrant place on a voyage of away to this magical cathedral of St Magnus. See the to see the magnificent Viking On to Kirkwall and an opportunity the Standing Stones of Stenness. the mystical Ring of Brodgar and Let us take you Stenness with a photo stop at surrounding seas. Sea and Atlantic Ocean. An unspoiled land where golden sands washed by the waters of the North tongue of land between the lochs of Harray and Then visit the Bay of Skaill, a gentle crescent shaped and crosses the Pentland Firth, the old seaway 5,000 years. Our tours then travel along a narrow enjoy a meal in the restaurant or cafe of your choice. sets sail from John O’Groats every summer day under sand dunes, perfectly preserved for almost to the Americas. Wander the winding streets and The passenger ferry “Pentland Venture” fertile green pastures are fringed by shores of people rich in character. A land of contrasts where of history has brought with it a landscape and on the next dawn. A place where the ebb and flow dips below the wide horizon before gently rising B archipelago where the midsummer sun barely eyond Scotland’s northern shores there lies an • had been hidden the last port of call for sailing ships on their way years ago, the village Britain’s most picturesque little towns which was Rediscovered only 150 sky. The Maxi Tour stops at Stromness, one of Skara Brae. across the water, silhouetted against the western build the village of fringe of Scapa Flow and see the dark Hoy hills age man chose to of Scapa Flow. Continue to skirt the northern sands, where stone together five islands to form the eastern boundary bay with golden Cross the famous Churchill Barriers which thread (3) Kreuzfahrten mit Besichtigung der Meerestierwelt - 14:30 h ab John O’Groats, täglich vom 20. Juni bis 31. August. Eine 90-minütige Bootsfahrt zum Beobachten der Meerestierwelt des “Pentland Firth”. Erwachsene £17, Kinder unter 16 Jahren £8.50, unter 5 Jahren frei. the cry of the corncrake is still as clear as the (2) Highlight-Tagesausflug – Um 10:30 h Abfahrt von John O’Groats. Täglich von 1. Juni – 2. September. Wiederankunft in John O’Groats um 18:00 h. Der Ausflug geht über die selbe Route wie die Maxi Day Tour, jedoch ohne einen Besuch in Stromness. Außerdem sind die Aufenthalte in Skara Brae und in der Hauptstadt Kirkwall jeweils 1 Stunde kürzer. £48 für Erwachsene. £16 für Kinder unter 16 Jahren in Begleitung von Familienangehörigen. Kinder unter 5 Jahren fahren kostenlos mit. discovery through time Earl’s Palace or visit the busy (1) Maxi-Tagestour von Orkney – Abfahrt von John O’Groats um 8.50 h. Täglich – 1. Mai bis 30. September. Rückkehr nach John O’Groats um 19.45 h. Besichtigen Sie Skara Brae, das 5000 Jahre alte Dorf aus der Steinzeit (Eintrittsgebühr c£7), Scapa Flow, Stromness, die Stehenden Steine, Kirkwall mit seiner herrlichen Viking Cathedral, die Churchill Barriers und die italienische Kapelle. Erwachsene £52, Kinder unter 16 Jahren halber Preis, unter 5 Jahren frei. itself, from stone age little harbour. And there are An unforgettable experience for ALL the family Lassen Sie sich von uns für einen Tag zu den zauberhaften Orkneys führen. Fahren Sie zum berühmten Ort John O’Groats und parken Sie auf unserem großen, freien Parkplatz oder, wenn Sie das vorziehen, nehmen Sie unseren Bus von Inverness. Dann überlassen Sie uns den Rest. Genießen Sie die kurze 40-minütige Fährüberfahrt ab John O’Groats, halten Sie Ausschau nach Seehunden und Papageientauchern, dann steigen Sie wieder in den Bus für eine faszinierende Tour mit Führer. Welche Tour Sie auch wählen, Sie werden einen herrlichen Ausflugstag erleben. man through the age plenty of good shops too so Orkney Tagesausflüge und Bootsfahrten mit Besichtigung der Meerestierwelt of the Viking to the (4) Excursion Inverness-Orkney (journée) - Tous les jours du 1er juin au 2 septembre 2012. Prenez le car à la gare routière d’Inverness à 07h30. Découvrez le Grand Nord de l’Ecosse et John O’Groats puis participez à l’excursion de 6 heures à Orkney. Retour à 21h00. Adultes £65, enfants de moins de 16 ans £32.50. Gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 5 ans. of the Orkneys, your coach is waiting to drive you (3) Croisière d’observation de la vie marine et des oiseaux de mer Départ de John O’Groats à 14h30 tous les jours du 20 juin au 31 août. Croisiére de 90 minutes qui permet d’observer la vie marine dans le Pentland Firth. Adultes £17, enfants de moins de 16 ans £8.50. Gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 5 ans. It’s never been easier to visit Orkney (2) Mini-Excursion - Les Incontournables – Départ de John O’Groats à 10h30. Tous les jours du 1er juin au 2 septembre. Retour à John O’Groats à 18h00. Cette excursion suit le même itinéraire que la Maxi Excursion mais sans la visite de Stromness. Les visites de Skara Brae et de Kirkwall (la capitale) sont également raccourcies (1 heure respectivement). Adultes: £48. Enfants de moins de 16 ans en famille - £16. Enfants de moins de 5 ans: gratuit. north towards Kirkwall, the Islands’ capital town, (1) Maxi-excursion dans les Orcades - Départ de John O'Groats à 08h50. Tous les jours du 1er mai au 30 septembre. Retour à John O'Groats à 19h45. Vous pourrez visiter Skara Brae, un village de l'âge de pierre vieux de 5000 ans (entrée c£7), Scapa Flow, Stromness, les cercles de menhirs, Kirkwall et sa superbe cathédrale viking, ses Churchill Barriers et sa chapelle italienne. Adultes: £52, enfants de moins de 16 ans: £26. Gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 5 ans. and onwards for your day of discovery. Laissez-nous vous entraîner pour une journée à Orkney, l’archipel magique des Orcades. Vous pouvez conduire jusqu’à John O’Groats et laisser votre voiture sur le grand parking (gratuit) ou prendre notre car Inverness-John O’Groats si vous le préférez. Arrivés là, montez dans le ferry et laissez-nous nous occuper du reste. Pendant la courte traversée de 40 minutes, essayez de repérer les phoques et les macareux. Un car vous attend de l’autre côté et vous partirez pour une visite guidée fascinante. Quel que soit le trajet que vous choisissez vous passerez une journée exceptionnelle. CROSS the SEA to the LAND of the VIKINGS • (4) Inverness-Orkney-Tagestour - Täglich vom 01. Juni bis 02. September 2012. Nehmen Sie den Bus am Inverness Busbahnhof um 7:30 h. Genießen Sie Schottlands äußersten Norden, John O’Groats und eine sechsstündige Tour der Orkneys. Zurück um 21:00 h. Erwachsene £65, Kinder unter 16 Jahren £32.50, unter 5 Jahren frei. Mini-crociere ed escursioni di un giorno alle isole Orkney Just 40 minutes from John O’ Groats (1) Maxi tour in giornata di Orkney - grande escursione giornaliera ad Orkney. Appuntamento alle 8,50 a John O’Groats. Tutti i giorni dal 1° maggio al 30 settembre. Ritorno a John O’Groats alle 19,45. L’escursione comprende: Skara Brae, il villaggio di 5000 anni che risale all’età della pietra (ingresso c£7), Scapa Flow, Stromness, le Standing Stones, Kirkwall con la magnifica cattedrale vichinga, le Churchill Barriers e la cappella italiana. Adulti: £52. Ragazzi sotto i 16 anni: metà prezzo. Bambini sotto i 5 anni: gratis. FERRY FARES FROM JOHN O’ GROATS Maxi Day Tour Highlights Day Tour Kirkwall Day/Period Return Burwick Day/Period Return Burwick/Kirkwall Single Bicycles Single Dogs (2) Tour in giornata delle principali attrazioni – Partenza da John O’Groats alle 10,30. Ogni giorno dal 1° giugno al 2 settembre. Ritorno a John O’Groats alle 18,00. Il tour segue lo stesso percorso del tour in giornata Maxi, ma esclude la visita a Stromness. Con questo tour, inoltre, si rimane meno tempo a Skara Brae (1 ora) e a Kirkwall, la Capitale (1 ora). Adulti: £48, ragazzi al di sotto dei 16 anni con famiglia: £16. Gratuito per bambini al di sotto dei 5 anni. (3) Mini-crociere - Appuntamento alle 14,30 a John O’Groats. Tutti i giorni dal 20 giugno al 31 agosto. Una splendida crociera di un’ora e mezza, che consente di ammirare la vita marina del “Pentland Firth”. Adulti: £17. Ragazzi sotto i 16 anni: £8.50. Bambini sotto i 5 anni: gratis. THE ORKNEY BUS Our daily direct express coach links Inverness to Kirkwall. Depart Inverness Bus Station 2.20pm 1st June - 2nd September Deje que le llevemos a pasar un día de excursión en las mágicas Islas Orcadas. Venga en su coche hasta el famoso John O’Groats, y aparque en nuestro amplio aparcamiento gratuito o, si lo prefiere, tome nuestro autocar desde Inverness. Después, deje que nosotros nos encarguemos del resto. Disfrute de la corta travesía de 40 minutos en transbordador, desde John O’Groats, a la espera de ver focas y frailecillos, después suba al autocar que le estará aguardando, para una fascinante excursión guiada. Sea cual sea la excursión que elija, pasará un día maravilloso. (3) Cruceros de fauna silvestre - Salida a las 14:30h. desde John O’Groats. Cada día desde el 20 de junio hasta el 31 de agosto. Un crucero de 90 minutos para ver la fauna marina del “Pentland Firth” (Estuario de Pentland). Adultos £17, menores de 16 años £8.50, menores de 5 años gratis. (4) Excursión de todo el día de Inverness a las Orcadas - Cada día desde el 1 de junio hasta el 2 de septiembre de 2012. Tomará el autocar en la Estación de Autobuses de Inverness a las 7:30h. Disfrute del Norte Lejano de Escocia, John O’Groats, y de una excursión de seis horas de las Islas Orcadas. Regreso a las 21:00h. Adultos £65, menores de 16 años £32.50 menores de 5 años gratis. Let us take you away. . . of charge. Excursiones de todo el día y Cruceros para admirar la fauna silvestre en las Islas Orcadas (2) Recorrido de un día por lugares de interés – Salida de John O’Groats a las 10:30h. En el período entre el 1 de junio al 2 de septiembre. Regreso a John O’Groats a las 18:00h. Este recorrido sigue la misma ruta que el Recorrido Maxi de un día pero no realiza la visita a Stromness. Este recorrido también dedica menos tiempo en Skara Brae (1 hora) y Kirkwall, la ciudad capital, (1 hora). Adultos £48, niños menores de 16 años acompañados por la familia £16. Niños menores de 5 años gratis. £52 £48 £32 £30 £20 Free Free A day out in Orkney Children under 16 years half price, Children under 5 years are free (4) Escursione di un giorno da Inverness alle Orkney - Tutti i giorni dal 1° giugno al 2 settembre 2012. Appuntamento alle 7,30 presso la stazione dei bus di Inverness, da dove si raggiunge in pullman John O’Groats, all’estremo nord della Scozia. Escursione di sei ore alle Orkney. Ritorno alle 21,00. Adulti: £65. Ragazzi sotto i 16 anni: £32.50. Bambini sotto i 5 anni: gratis. (1) Excursión Maxi de todo el día a las Orcadas - Salida diaria de John o’Groats a las 8:50h desde el 1º de mayo hasta el 30 de septiembre. Vuelta a John O’Groats a las 19:45h. Verá Skara Brae, la aldea neolítica de 5000 años (entrada c£7), Scapa Flow, Stromness, los Círculos de Piedra, Kirkwall con su magnífica catedral vikinga, las Barreras Churchill y la Capilla Italiana. Adultos £52, menores de 16 años £26, menores de 5 años gratis. Y ! DA IPS TR Take the easy way to Orkney this Summer Visitate le magiche isole Orkney in piena libertà, lasciando a noi tutti i problemi organizzativi! Arrivati a John O’Groats in auto (un ampio parcheggio è a disposizione dei nostri ospiti) o in pullman privato da Inverness, non dovrete fare altro che … lasciar fare a noi! Godetevi tutti i 40 minuti di tragitto sul battello da John O’Groats divertendovi a guardare le acrobazie delle foche e delle pulcinelle di mare. All’arrivo, sarà ad attendervi un pullman per un’interessante visita guidata. Ecco le nostre proposte. Sailing Time only 40 minutes - Every Day 1 May to 30 September 2012 Connecting Coach to Kirkwall meets every ferry arrival in Burwick. 2012 Timetable SEVEN DAYS A WEEK - ALL SUMMER Every Day Depart John O’ Groats 1 May to 31 May 9:00am 1 June to 2 Sept 9:00am 3 Sept to 30 Sept 9:00am 10:30am Depart Burwick (Orkney) 6:00pm 9:45am 6:00pm 9:45am 4:30pm 9:45am 7:00pm 5:15pm 7:00pm 5:30pm PASSENGERS MUST BE READY TO BOARD THE FERRY 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO ABOVE SAILING TIMES. Produced in Association with Conditions of Travel 1 All Sailings are weather and sea conditions permitting 2 Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult 3 Subject to other standard conditions of the Company John O’ Groats Ferries, John O’ Groats, Caithness, Scotland, KW1 4YR Tel 01955 611 353 and 01955 611 342 Fax 01955 611 301 [email protected] John O’ Groats FERRIES Set sail to the Orkney Islands 2012