view report - The Akanksha Foundation
view report - The Akanksha Foundation
annual report 2007-08 Mumbai The Akanksha Foundation Voltas House ‘C’, TB Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli, Mumbai 400033 Tel: 022-23729880 Telefax: 022-23700253 Email: [email protected] Pune The Akanksha Foundation 102, HEMOPAL, Next to Joshi Wadawala, Wakadewadi, Pune 411005 Tel: 020-25821000 and 25821005 Email: [email protected] Be the Change, You Wish to see in the World. At Akanksha this year, we have worked hard to begin to understand what Mahatma Gandhi said and lived: Be the Change You Wish to see in the World. About Us 7 The Akanksha Centres 13 Events 27 Programs 28 Impact 45 Akanksha Schools 49 Team Akanksha 55 Finance 59 Vision One day, all children will be equipped with the education, skills and character they need to lead empowered lives. 05 06 ABOUT AKANKSHA WHY AKANKSHA? The Akanksha Foundation is a Out of every 100 children born in India today: non-profit organization that educates less privileged 59 births are not even registered (NFHS III 2005-06) 47 will suffer from malnutrition children. Since its inception, 14 will have no access to clean drinking water Akanksha has managed to 11 are not enrolled in school create opportunities for over Out of every 100 kids that begin school, only 52 will reach the 5th standard. 3500 children through 63 (World Bank Report 2007) Akanksha centres, 4 schools and 2 Kindergarten centres. If we believe that our future lies in the hands of our children, this presents a staggering problem. In Mumbai alone 2.13 million children live in slums and on the streets (Census 2001) Akanksha exists to give its children the education, training, and skills to change their lives. 07 08 The Akanksha Foundation was started in 1990 with a simple idea. There were thousands of slum children who needed and wanted to be educated. There were thousands of college students who had the energy, enthusiasm and time to teach these children. And there existed pockets of available spaces located in schools that seemed ideal teaching environments. Bringing together kids, student volunteers and spaces, the first Akanksha centre was born. Registered as a charitable society and trust in 1991, Akanksha has grown from an organization of volunteer college students teaching children to a professional institution HISTORY with about 700 staff, teachers and volunteers driven by the mission of providing educational opportunities to less privileged children. 1. That an early start with good basic education is the best way to help India's lowincome children help themselves. 2. That all children need a balanced education that focuses on both intellectual and emotional development. 3. That each of us has a responsibility to improve the situation in which our children live. Akanksha encourages people to think about what they can do - give money, time, expertise or space. Akanksha then finds a concrete way to match their contributions with Akanksha's needs. AKANKSHA BELIEVES 09 4. That parents are partners, and communities have the resources they need to be successful. 10 hild Foc e brat s Cele victorie l l sma rive t tal but s damen un for f e ng cha lly tima e utiliz Values c n the o s u rces u o s re Op tial n pote e z i im Max at k as r o W 11 eam 12 Centres are characterized by: Their location in under-utilized spaces, typically cheerful classrooms that provide a safe and structured environment Non-formal, innovative, fun and practical teaching methods A team of Akanksha-trained teachers, each responsible for up to 30 students and a support staff of social workers and educationists who work to maximize learning in the classroom The Akanksha Centres Akanksha centres are places to learn, play, create and experience the joys of childhood. Each centre runs in under-utilised spaces such as schools, colleges and offices before or after working hours each day. Centres deliver on the Akanksha mission through 5 Akanksha goals for each child: a strong educational foundation A large group of volunteers who are able to provide individualized attention to students, assisting teachers and staff Integration of children into the formal school system, ( and providing academic support thereafter) At the Akanksha Centre, each Akanksha child spends quality time each day away from the harshness of the slum. The environment of quality learning provides them the security necessary to gain self-confidence and kindles their ambitions with a desire to change their lives. Akanksha encourages its students to dream. More importantly, it empowers them to deliver on their dreams. a deep sense of self-esteem and service Akanksha Centres 2007-8 a good time in a space where they can be children Akanksha Mumbai at end of 2007-2008 – 1934 children 37 centres – 1508 children 4 KG centres – 150 children successfully completion of secondary school Akanksha Pune at end of 2007-08– 1463 26 Centres – 1223 children preparation for a job. 13 14 The Future: Akanksha Schools The Need For Akanksha Schools Despite having significant impact, Akanksha continues to feel the constraint of the limited time it has in the daily life of its students. Having students for a few hours a day does not enable the rigorous academic focus that every child needs. As children's aspirations rise, the need to provide them with the academic skills they need to achieve their goals has become more and more critical. Akanksha now believes that it is possible, and of critical importance, to launch a movement of outstanding schools for low-income students that can put all children on a level playing field, breaking existing myths surrounding children from low-income communities. Centre Sponsors The Akanksha Sponsor-a-Centre scheme enables organizations and individuals to adopt an Akanksha centre. Besides financial support, sponsors are encouraged to get involved through direct volunteer teaching, celebrating special occasions with the children, mentoring, purchasing artwork made by the children, providing advice in areas like finance and marketing, and making donations in kind. Each sponsor has opportunities to interact with the Akanksha children. 15 16 Akanksha's Theory of Change Given Akanksha's ability to realize this vision, three broad areas of education reform can be impacted with the evidence these schools provide. Every Child Can Learn By demonstrating high gains in student achievement in its schools, Akanksha can be a conduit in changing societal mindsets about what is possible that every child, from every background, can achieve at high levels. The Importance of Great Teachers If these high gains are achieved by a model that emphasizes the importance of great school leaders and teachers, this will also drive a change in societal mindsets about the need to professionalize the field of education. Akanksha seeks to work in cooperation with the government to launch public-private partnership schools in India, where private entities are allowed to assume full management authority over government schools. Recognizing the need to initially create model schools that prove what is possible for children from low-income communities, Akanksha plans to start with a small network of schools (The Akanksha Academies) with a focus on quality and student achievement. The mission of the Akanksha Academies is to equip children with the education, skills and character they need to lead empowered lives. School sponsors Akanksha enables organizations and individuals to sponsor part or all of the running expenses of an Akanksha school. This could include the teaching expenses for particular classes along with stationary and other materials required for the children. Capital expenditure such as urgent repairs and capital equipment such as setting up of a computer lab can also be taken up. Systemic Reform By maintaining a cost per child that is comparable to current government allocations, using existing infrastructure and minimal capital expenditures, this will create a model for scale that can be adopted by governments around the country, truly serving as a catalyst for widespread education reform, transforming the lives of millions of Indian children. School Leadership Institute In May 2008, Akanksha is planning to launch a School Leadership Institute, that recruits and trains school leaders to open and 17 18 Calendar 2007-2008 LTL Leadership Retreat to Nasik The Akanksha Annual General Meeting Graduation Year End project Pankaj Jadav Memorial Football Tournament Center Reviews and Appraisals April Summer Camp Teacher Training Institute: Residential New Teacher Induction and “Teacher as Leader” Education Convention for all teachers Art Workshops May Beyond School Special parents Meeting Mankhurd centers opened LTL Community Research project Independence Day projects Aug Center assessment 1st Term Teachers' day celebrations Sep Be the Change Projects in honor of Gandhiji across Mumbai and Pune centers Helper's Day Oct Ed Village, a group of KIPP trainers from the U.S. ( train Akanksha teachers and School Leaders Mentor Program Launched in Pune Nov Pune Sports Day LTL Leadership Retreat to Pune Dec Mumbai marathon 26/27 Sunshine around the world Beyond School Retreat Mumbai office inauguration after renovation 19 July Jan Mumbai Sports Day US Board visit Feb Center assessments – 2nd Term Empowerment presentations Mar 20 Ahilya Amdekar, St Crispins 2 I have done my M.Sc. in Human Development. I joined Akanksha upon graduation and have completed two years in Akanksha. My students inspire me to teach and it gives me immense satisfaction when I see that they've understood what is being taught. Sometimes I struggle to satisfy their curiosity and answer their innumerable questions (e.g. “Why aren't we participating in the Commonwealth games?”). My students have been part of Akanksha for the past 5 years. Akanksha is an inspiration for them. They all love coming to centre, which for them is not at all like regular school. My dream for my students is that they become independent thinkers and that they'll be able to fulfill all their dreams. The Education Department is responsible for ensuring effective teaching and learning for every child. The Education team focuses on teacher support and training and maximizing student learning opportunities. Theme 2007-8 Teacher as a Leader Shaila Isloorkar, Kothrud Morning This year, Akanksha explored the theme of “teacher as a leader”, inspired by Teach for America in the United States. It encouraged all of its teachers to change the lens through which they saw themselves, to see that every day what they are trying to achieve with a classroom of children is very much the same as what any leader tries to do in boardrooms, government and other institutions across the country and world. These teachers set a vision and big goals for their centres, invest others in these goals, plan purposefully and execute effectively, reflect continuously, and work relentlessly. I have been working with Akanksha for three and half years. It's been an enriching and rewarding experience so far. My stint with Akanksha was real luck. I saw an advertisement in the newspaper and decided," Wow! Here's something real, something I always wanted - little ones with lots of curiosity, a boost to my teaching skills, being surrounded by friendly people at the office, and of course FUN! “ There are times, when I do feel, "Oh God! How do I solve this? Or what do I do about this child, whose concentration is lost and getting distracted by something? I invariably, tend to look for solutions by meeting the kid's parents, discussing with the child, or his/her close friends, or my co-teachers and colleagues. My dream is to see the dreams of my kids come to life! Hemal Aurangabadkar, Kothrud Morning As part of our service projects, students have learned to come out of their comfort zone and do something different. They go back and teach these ideas to their parents and younger brothers and sisters. When the parents come and share this, it feels great. I'd like to proudly quote one of my students, Sonali, “Our future is in our hands. It's our responsibility to work hard under the guidance of our didis then only our dreams will come true.” 21 Education and Beyond School Highlights Sonali, St. Crispins 3 I believe that a positive approach has been the single most important force in achieving my goal and secondly the ability to make the kids think and 'want to learn'. I had faith in my kids and they believed in me. I have always believed that when the kids take up the responsibility to learn, half the battle is won. My most satisfying moments have been when I find children working in the classroom engrossed in their activity without needing my help, when my kids come up and tell me 'Didi, you know we could solve this tricky math problem in school because we have started thinking 22 23 Social Work Highlights Spotlight: Rehabilitation of communities, Mumbai The Social Work Department is the link between the centres and the communities. Social workers conduct monthly parents meeting, empowerment sessions, and interact directly with parents to resolve social issues. These issues range from child abuse, domestic violence, health and hygiene to alcoholism and stress due to unemployment, and gender discrimination leading to girls being married early and prevented from continuing their education. Under the Mumbai Urban Infrastructure Project (MUIP), people whose homes were demolished for projects such as road widening were entitled to rehabilitation. Over 250 families from the P. D'mello and Tulsi Pipe communities that Akanksha has worked with for the past several years were moved to Mankhurd, a suburb of Greater Mumbai. The development plan did not provide for any supporting public services, leading to a high instance of out-of school children, water shortages and inadequate garbage disposal. To ensure that Akanksha continues to support the affected children, five Akanksha Centres were set up in the community rooms of the housing blocks in Mankhurd. 24 HIGHLIGHTS Medical Services Inadequate access to good-quality medical services and treatment is a prevailing issue in all communities across Mumbai and Pune. Akanksha provides many opportunities to its families to receive timely and appropriate medical attention for its children and their families. In Mumbai, a panel of three doctors was set up to serve as consultants to address health issues of children across centres. General medical camps and specialized eye and blood group identification camps were conducted and follow ups done where children needed treatment. In Pune, tuberculosis and pregnancy were identified as important issues to address, and resource people were invited into a parents meetings. Training and Workshops Understanding that our children face issues at very young ages, a new miniempowerment manual was developed so that awareness begins at the age of 8. Sessions are conducted across all Akanksha centers by the Social Work team. This year saw our social work team engage in many workshops. These spanned issues of substance abuse, HIV/AIDs, umemployment and child sexual abuse. Building Community Support The Akanksha helpers are typically mothers from the community who are Akanksha's link between the community and the centre. Helper trainings were conducted twice this year, to increase helper effectiveness in centres and communities. Some sessions this year were conducted by senior helpers. Akanksha is encouraging its helpers to appear for the SSC board exam, especially those who have one or two subjects to clear, and one helper appeared for the exam to clear her math paper. 25 26 AKANKSHA PROGRAMS Akanksha programs are small learning laboratories of life. From the day an Akanksha child enters through the doors of a centre or school, they are invited into a world of discovery. Through programs, children are invited to explore the many dimensions of themselves by expanding their life skills by exposure to creative arts, technology, leadership training, basic health awareness and career counseling. Programs benefit children physically, personally, and socially, they reinforce positive values and behaviors for adult life. A Medical Education project Art for Akanksha General Awareness Program Empowerment program Masrud Ansari, Alumni and Social Worker Value Education Drama and Dance club Field Trips and outings Sports Program Events I joined Akanksha as a student 12 years ago. I have done my 12th std. in science and am now doing a Bachelors of Computer Academy by correspondence. This allows me to work full-time as a social worker at Akanksha. Helper's Day was celebrated in all the centres on the 31st October. Centre teams and children honored helpers, giving them crowns and sashes, cards and gifts. My Akanksha teachers always believed that I would do well in my life and encouraged me when I was feeling low. For me the most satisfying thing is that I am handling 120 kids in 4 centres. I am the first child in my family who has started earning and supporting my family. Women's Day for the mothers of the children was celebrated at the parents meeting. Information on some specific laws related to women and organizations that support women was shared. I have learnt to be a “ladder” in life, a concept I learnt from Jayeshbhai of Manav Sadhna. A ladder helps someone to climb further in life in addition to being a leader who one follows. I believe that a leader sets an example and walks the talk. My students exhibit leadership traits by being brave enough to accept their mistakes and being ready to improve on them. Graduates of our Empowerment program did a street play based on HIV/AIDS for all our parent meetings across centres. 27 When I am in my community I see kids who are how I used to be and I am happy that they look up to me as a Bhaiyya. I don't know how I have impacted my children but I feel proud when my kids say that I want to be like Masrud Bhaiyya, I feel that I have something Computer class 28 Drama and Dance Highlights 2007-8 Sports Day An Annual Sports day in Mumbai and Pune where all Akanksha children were present was a day of March Pasts, fun races, lots of bananas and having fun with the Akanksha Didis and Bhaiyas. Football The Pankaj Jadav Memorial Football Tournament for adolescents was held in May at the St. Xavier's ground in Mumbai. The Akanksha football team reached the semifinals in a tournament organised by Prem Angann and Alphonso Sports Academy. At the unveiling of the Barclays Premier League Trophy at the Cooperage grounds the Akanksha Football team Under 12 - 14 won the silver medal. Mumbai Marathon 150 children took part in the Dream Run of the Mumbai Marathon to raise awareness of Akanksha. Each centre came up with interesting banners and spread social messages. Ten boys took part in the Half Marathon. “I started playing football in 2004. I thought would never learn to play the game but my coach encouraged me to play, to work hard and not to lose hope in yourself. Today I am playing for Akanksha and am the vice captain of the team. I am proud of myself Drama class continues to be an active weekend program that teaches students speech, music, and acting. Students learn what a production involves and develop their skills through role plays and skits. Drama class is followed by Dance Class where Akanksha has tied up with Shiamak Daver instructors. Additionally, students from the Xavier's Centre continue to do dance after centre twice a week. I love football and play with my heart and soul. This year Drama class began in Pune. Alok Kanojia “I enjoyed the Marathon. I was shocked as in the previous year I completed the half marathon in 2 hours and 6 minutes and this year I finished in 1 hour 40 minutes. I practiced hard and achieved my target. To achieve your goal just believe in yourself and do your best.” Pratik More, Alumni 29 30 Computers Spotlight 2007-8 Sunshine Around the World ‘One vision, one world, nothing's gonna stop us now.' The Akanksha Pune children truly portrayed this belief on the 26th and 27th of January 2008 through their event “Sunshine Around the World”. Sunshine Around with World was an experience in understanding and appreciating global diversity. Centres were formed into clusters and a partner school/country was assigned to each cluster. For a year, the Akanksha students explored the history, geography, traditions, food, leaders of their respective countries. The culmination of this process was the “Sunshind Around the World” event. The event showcased each country through drama, dance, a handicraft stall, country exhibitions and a food court. The two-day fete followed the children's ride on a magic carpet through performances of traditional dance and drama from each partner company. 31 “Joyful, foot-tapping, absorbing, amusing would be some of the words I would use to try and capture the essence of Sunshine. And when I looked around the auditorium during 'One Vision One World' when each and every member of the audience stood up to clap and sing along with us, it was an electrifying, perfect finale! Visitors would not have minded noticing how confidently the kids guided them around different stalls, and spoke their lines on stage.” The Akanksha computer class recognizes the value of technology in helping our children be better prepared for jobs and life. Classes cover the basics of computers, the Internet and email and using Office applications. Highlights 2007-8 Computer Partnerships This year, Akanksha Mumbai partnered with The Sterlite Foundation, an organization dedicated to equipping lowincome children with the computer skills necessary to be competitive in today's marketplace. Sterlite conducted an introductory computer course over a 3month period for our students. Akanksha Pune students learn computers with a computer professional at St. Crispin's home. Sangeeta didi, Volunteer - HR Number of children in computer class: Mumbai – 30 Pune - 50 32 The Mentor Program seeks to pair each Akanksha class 8-10 child with a corporate mentor. The mentor-mentee pair meet once a week to work on matching a child's aspirations with his or her skills and family reality. Mentors open the world of careers to mentees and guide them through the difficult adolescent phase. Mentees, in turn, offer mentors a meaningful insight into a different world, friendship and respect, and the ability to bring about positive change through service. Mentors are typically from leading corporate or professional organizations, and volunteer once a week for 1.5 – 2 hours on a specified day and time, either as part of a mentor group within their organization, or as part of our weekend Mentor Program. Number of Students in the Mentor Program Mumbai – 35 Pune - 7 Highlight 2007-8 Launch: Mentor Program Pune The first mentor program in Pune began in November 2007 with students from the Wakdewadi centre. The group included mentors from Thermax and individual mentors. Each mentormentee pair set concrete goals for personality development, academic motivation and career planning. "It is a deeply fulfilling and enriching experience to be a catalyst for our future generation and is a continual inspiration to me". Rajan Iyer, Merrill Lynch “It has been an amazing journey with Akanksha, not only because of the support it provides to less privileged section of our society but also because of my learning experience through my interaction with the kids.” Atul Garg, ICICI Lombard Mentors focus on building students' academic motivation by showing them examples of opportunities after graduation, by supporting them through their 10th and 12th standard exams and by serving as role models themselves for the importance of education. Mentors also seek to build students' softer skills such as teamwork, public speaking and presentation, and communication skills through group activities focused on current events, debates and speeches. The individualized attention the mentor provides can be invaluable in a student's life, particularly during the critical time when a student is making decisions that can impact the rest of his or her life. 33 34 The Akanksha Teacher Fellowship The Akanksha Teacher Fellowship (ATF) project aims to develop in young adults from less privileged communities, the attitudes and competencies to become high quality teachers. Highlights 2007-8 ATF's first batch of 15 teacher fellows were recruited in May 2006. The intensive training year began a month-long residential retreat, followed by a year of all day theoretical and practical teacher training. Fellows Start Teaching This year fellows completed their second year of training. Some fellows started teaching at Akanksha centres, while others have joined Akanksha programs and schools. The Akanksha Alumni Program The Alumni Program connects Akanksha alumni to the organization after they graduate through monthly meetings. The program provides a network of on-going support, and career ideas and resources to all graduates of Akanksha. Many alumni volunteer, intern and work at Akanksha. Number of Akanksha Alumni Mumbai- 96 Pune- None “Whilst I was doing my B.Com course, Akanksha helped me to gain practical knowledge in accounting. This has helped me to earn a living and support my family as I am now a full time employee in the Akanksha accounts dept. I am now also taking a specialized course ICA to get certification.” Tabassum, Alumni, Trainee ATF had a diverse range of trainers during the year working training across subjects. The EdVillage training on 'Teacher as a leader' helped the fellows to grow effectively in their personal development. 35 36 Art for Akanksha continues to be one of Akanksha's signature programs, enabling every Akanksha student to spend two years immersed in imagination and creativity. Students who show interest and promise in art, graduate from Art Class into Design Class, where they begin designing Akanksha products and running workshops for other children, usually from privileged backgrounds. Number of children in Art Class: Mumbai – 350 Pune – 426 Art For Akanksha Highlights 2007-8 Art Teacher Training Teacher training was conducted every month and the focus of the training was on the personal development of the teachers and thinking creatively on how to further strengthen the curriculum. Workshops The art workshops continued to be an avenue through which the Akanksha students get the chance to practice their skills of teaching and interacting with young children as well as adults. Ten workshops were conducted through the year, mainly birthday parties which have led to a greater awareness for Akanksha while building on the skills of the design class students. “Through art I painted a wall at our office and it helped me to express my feelings. What I like is that art does not expect you to be perfect, anything I draw is creative.” Stalls and Orders Salimunnisa, Alumni Design class got a chance to visit the art exhibition put together by Khushii. The sheer number of paintings, the variety of techniques and the many artists and actors that came together to create them, left the art students dazzled. Elizabeth Verkar, the well known art teacher taught children how to make magnificent birds using plastic bags and newspaper. “At the start I didn't know about colour combinations and now I have learnt. After taking workshops for other kids I have become more confident and being in Art has helped me to get a part time job at Make and Bake.” Sana, Alumni Citigroup invited a class of art students to join them in a competition. The theme was 'making dreams a reality'. The competition resulted in 15 canvases that covered a broad range of issues that are faced by the children. Art Stalls did rounds all across the city from stalls in office to stalls in schools and at special melas. Raju and Shirajul have joined a Design Studio and under the guidance of Preeti Didi and her team are learning about caricatures and cartoons. They juggle between their work and college and centre and are enjoying this opportunity. Fifteen children from Pune participated in a number of competitions like Face Painting, Mask making, photography, information stall and 37 38 The Learning to Lead Program (LTL) The Learning to Lead Program (LTL) seeks to identify those children from Akanksha who are highly academically motivated and have the potential for leadership and excellence and instill in them a sense of purpose and determination to succeed, by providing them with intensive academic and leadership opportunities. Students are prepared for college and a life of both professional success and social change. LTL students are integrated into aided or private schools, where their education is subsidized by Akanksha and they receive intensive academic support after school. Students are given inputs in English, structured thinking, general awareness, leadership and values as well as formal school subjects. Number of students in LTL Mumbai: 33 Highlights 2007-8 Retreat LTL students were taken on leadership retreats to Nashik and Pune this year. The retreats focused on vision, values and setting goals. “Just because the Akanksha children were born in slums does not mean they are powerless. And power does not come with money or material things but power comes from the ability to rally people together to create lasting change. Akanksha kids are empowered to tackle big problems such as lack of education, sanitation problems, smoking and addiction. They have the research skills, communication skills and they have the drive to create change.” Karina Weinstein (LTL volunteer) Shweta Nagaria Shweta has been with the Learning To Lead (LTL) program since its inception in 2004 and was in an Akanksha center before that. This year, Shweta scored 85.5% in her CBSE. This is especially remarkable as in Shweta's family women are married young. Her own sister was married 2 years ago and her sister's dream of completing her education remains unfulfilled Shweta has used her difficult circumstances to motivate her to achieve and be different. She not only performs well in academics, but also in sports, elocutions and various other activities. Shweta has starred in the Akanksha musicals and has won several medals in the athletic events in the Akanksha Sports Day. Her ambition is to major in Finance and pursue her MBA. Academic Results Shweta (CBSE): 86%, Swarna (SSC): 76.92%, Chandrakant (SSC): 65% Leadership Initiative and Achievements Chandrakant was the social service leader of his school, Holy Name High school, Hussein headed the creative team at the Malhar Festival at St. Xavier's College. Deepa and Eshwari were adjudged the best students in their respective classes and have won the elocutions and recitation competitions in school. Zameer was part of the school football team which won the silver medal in inter-school football. Parvin and Priyanka have been selected as tour guides by Mumbai Magic. Shamina was awarded certificates and a prize for securing 2nd rank in 7th Std. and highest marks in Social Studies at J.J. Girls School. 39 40 The Social Leadership Program The Social Leadership Program, inspired by Gandhiji's words “Be the Change that you Wish to See in the World”, encourages older Akanksha students and alumni to “Be the Change”. Through a curriculum that focuses on giving them an understanding of social issues and builds social leadership values, this program helps them take the initiative to be change agents in their communities. Students learn to make a change first in themselves, then in their families and homes and finally in their communities. Students, ages sixteen or older, apply and are chosen for the program based on characteristics such as critical thinking, perseverance and ability to influence peers positively. Through the program, students are required to consider the areas of society in which they would like to work and the types of social issues their work will address. The program is focused on leadership and out of the box thinking. Once a week, the students are exposed to issues such as child rights, health, communal harmony, disability rights and gender discrimination. Each student does a summer internship and goes on a Service Retreat. In the second year of the program, students choose a service project to do. Number of students in SLP Mumbai – 26 Pune – 15 Highlights 2007-8 Be the Change The first week of October was focused on 'being the change' with every centre engaging in a service activity in honor of Gandhi Jayanti. In Pune, young children from the AVIVA Aundh Centre danced to A R Rahman's Gurus of Peace to represent the central theme of their 'Be the Change project': Peace. The children put together a life size lotus on stage, a symbol of change. The children from the Karvenagar Centre put together a tableau to Celine Dion's A new day has come, their service angels depicted moments of strife and change at home, in school, in children and in the environment and the power of one. The children from the AVIVA Wakdewadi centre auctioned 'Be the Change' products; bags, dustbins, pen stands, diaries and cards, made completely of re- cycled paper. 41 42 Summer Internships Two batches of SLP completed summer internships. Six students interned at Karjat, six girls helped with summer camp, two were with United Way, an organization working with the environment and three worked with Indicorps in Ahmedabad. The team in Ahmedabad worked on creating awareness amongst a local community. They performed street plays addressing various issues ranging from cleanliness to education. The team at Karjat not only painted and beautified a community centre in Ladivli Village, but also took sessions on general awareness with the people from the community. In Pune, interns also worked on a number of projects. Students worked at the Kagaz Kanch Patra Kashtakari Sanghatna where they learnt about waste management and composting, and at CYDA (Centre for Youth Development Activities), where they taught English and team building to children. Students also interned at a summer camp for the children of brick kiln workers, and at the Katraj zoo, where they were responsible for guiding visitors, feeding and cleaning the animals. Three of our girls interned at Masum, where they learnt about the issue of Child Sexual Abuse. Service Projects One batch of SLP children in Mumbai was a part of The Youth Venture Challenge which is a social venture with organizations Ashoka and Pravah. The challengers are supposed to take up one social issue and start their own social venture. Four of the SLP candidates' ventures were presented, approved and are currently running. On 15th August, three projects were carried out. The first was to carry out a cleanliness drive in Mankhurd. The objective was to clean the dirtiest area and to spread awareness about Akanksha. In the second project, some of the SLP leaders went to the tribal village in Karjat and celebrated Independence Day with the villagers. The third group went to an old age home at Mahalaxmi where they conducted fun activities and sang patriotic songs. Other projects this year included a blood donation camp, and projects informing other young people about health and cleanliness, the importance of education as well as teaching children. Continuous Learning Students had the opportunity to attend sessions on effective communication, on bringing about a change in oneself, and on the Right to Information Bill. Two batches of SLP went on a retreat to Wardha that exposed them to the leadership styles of Vinoba Bhave and Jamnalal Bajaj. They got the chance to visit the Institute of Gandhian Studies, The Centre for Science of Villages, Sevagram Ashram and Anandwan. Launch: SLP Pune The first batch of SLP Pune started this year with 21 kids. Students were involved in service projects on the 2nd of October, spending time with street children, cleaning the Pune Railway station and helping passengers carry their bags and singing a song on the importance of Education at a program at the Aga Khan palace. In December the children did a street play on reduce, recycle and reusing. Through SLP, students did surveys and projects at their communities around child rights and gender, and spent an entire day with children from an organization in Kashmir, World without Boundaries, understanding their different life styles and culture and built on relationships. The children went for a retreat to Manav Sadhna, Ahmedabad and spent 3 days with leaders like Jayesh Bhai and Anand bhai. They had sessions on leadership, the power of one and team building. They also did a project where they cleaned a community step well. The SLP 1 batch started their project this year where they are teaching 30 boys English in an ashram in Wadgaonsheri. While the Pragati project, where SLP leaders go into The Bombay Hospital Pediatric ward to do activities with young patients continues, the 2006 batch of SLP leaders started Aashiyana, with the aim of keeping the King George Memorial grounds clean. 43 44 The Impact Study was commissioned in March 2007, and the field work was done between July and September 2007 covering Akanksha alumni, peers who studied in the same class as the alumni and peers who stayed in the same community as the alumni. The study compared the cognitive achievements and non-cognitive skills of children from a similar environment and background. While doing this, care was taken to eliminate the influence of family background as well as formal school. To keep the impact study unbiased, Dr. Krishnan made it an independent research project funded by the Nuffield Foundation in the UK. 45 Impact Since 2003, over 70 children have graduated through the Akanksha Educational System and most of them are now doing a variety of jobs and/or in college. Dr. Pramila Krishnan, Fellow, Jesus College & Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge, conducted an internal study on the student's academic performance. During this study, the idea to do a larger survey on the impact of Akanksha in the lives of children was explored. 46 intensive project that covers the English medium primary section with the teachers covering classes in Language, Math and Extra Curricular Activities (ECA). This year greater attention has been paid on delivering a higher quality intervention within the class hours and providing exposure to kids through sports, dance performances and art work. To support struggling students, Akanksha has provided remedial classes before school every day. Scholarship Classes were conducted for all the children of Standard 4. All three students who appeared for scholarship exams passed and were presented with certificates and gifts by the MCGM Ward officials. More picture and chapter books were added to the already existing library to improve the independent reading skills of the students. Each class has two hours of art/craft, dance/music and sports per week, ensuring that each child receives exposure outside the academic realm. School outings to places such as the Raheja Gardens, Spencer's Supermarket and the Nehru Science Centre provided an opportunity to explore and have fun outside of school. Community interaction is an important part of Akanksha's program at the school. Regular visits to the community are made to follow up on irregular students, build parents' groups and awareness, help parents handle medical cases, handle individual cases and provide individual and group counseling. This year, a Parent's Core Group was formed. These volunteers were intermediaries between the school social worker and the parents of their communities. Parents have shown better participation this year not only in the academic progress of their children but also in the general atmosphere at the school. Akanksha Schools Number of Children in Akanksha Schools Supari Tank School - 276 Vidya Niketan School - 240 The school participated in several special events this year. These included the 'Celebrate Bandra' Festival, where students did a dance performance, "In the Need of Mahatma," through which they demonstrated social injustice. Balakotsav (Children's Fest) gave our students an opportunity to participate in dance, art and craft competitions conducted by the MCGM at H/W Municipal Ward level. While our dance group won Second Prize in the dance competitions many of our kids won medals and trophies in art and craft competitions. Highlights 2007-08 First Schools Akanksha currently has two schools operating in partnership with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) in Mumbai and with the Thermax Social Initiatives Foundation and the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) in Pune. These two schools- The Supari Tank Municipal School and the KCT Vidya Niketan Municipal School - mark the beginning of the movement towards building model schools within the government system. It is also the start of building innovative public-private partnerships that maximize their individual resources to create fundamental change in the lives of children. Supari Tank Municipal English School For the fourth year, Akanksha continues to work closely with the Supari Tank Municipal English School through the School Adoption Scheme. Akanksha's intervention began during the 2004-2005 academic year, and was limited to intervention in Standards 1 & 2 of the English medium school. During the past three years, Akanksha has been able to take the partnership further. 2005-2006 saw the intervention grow into a more 49 50 To celebrate Teacher's Day, our students became teachers for the day, leading the school assembly with a speech on the importance of teachers, and teaching for the day. Sports is an important component of the Supari Tank program. This year, there are 6 football teams, and students had the privilege to participate in various competitions and amass medals and trophies. Other sports events included “Sports Bandra” and Crazee Games where students won medals in athletics. The students participated in B4D English Premier Tournament and in Wrestling Competitions held by the MCGM in the month of March 2008. The KCT Vidya Niketan story The Thermax Social Initiatives Foundation (TSIF) and Akanksha have partnered to run a PMC school called KCT Vidya Niketan. Starting with a strong vision and mission, followed by a handpicked selection of teachers, administrators and training staff, the school has evolved into a childcentered, unique learning place. At KCT Vidya Niketan, students come enthusiastically to school every day, ready to read, write, speak and think. There is a sense of energy in the air as teachers dialogue about best practices in the staffroom, guests and volunteers enhance lesson presentations in classrooms, and parents call or come to the school to learn more about how to support their child's growth. Professional development is a key part of making the school work, and this year staff participated in Akanksha's Education Convention and Residential Institute. Ongoing weekly and monthly profession development sessions are conducted in alignment with the continuing needs of the staff and students. Students working together, collaborating with teachers in leadership opportunities, demonstrating their values and intrinsic belief in the motto 'Be The Change', are evidenced daily in and out of the classroom. Over the course of the year the students participated in a variety of field trips. An overnight excursion to Bombay to see a theatrical performance based on a literature circle book, day trips to local places of historical and scientific interest, and classes taught by expert visitors all came together to create a dynamic learning institution. By the end of the first year of the school, children who had never been exposed to computers before were making and presenting power point presentations. Elocution competitions were staged against a student painted background of tribal warli art that decorated the walls of the school, and 95% of students in Standard 4 passed the PMC scholarship exam. As measured by the ASSET test, the school reached and in some areas surpassed the national average of this independent and rigorous assessment. Even more powerful than the measurable accomplishments of the students is the strong sense of caring, community and responsibility that permeates the entire school. 51 52 The Akanksha Team: Patrons and Board Members Patrons “In a very cost effective way, Akanksha reaches out to the under-privileged children. It teaches them more than the regular subjects. With care and affection it helps them to assess their value systems and exposes them to a larger canvas. The volunteers while giving their time get affection from the children. At Akanksha there is no one way street. Everyone is giving something and receiving something in return.” Shaheen Mistri - Founder & Chairperson, The Akanksha Foundation Deepak Parekh - Chairman, HDFC Anand Mahindra - Vice Chairman and M.D. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. “Akanksha is special in its belief in child, its commitment to service and that change comes from within, its creative approach to learning, and its striving for a solution for many kids without a compromising quality”. Arjun Waney - Chief Executive, Argent Fund Limited Srila Chatterjee - Producer, Highlight Films Akanksha Advisors Kumar Shah Anjali Raina Rati Forbes Ganesh Natarajan "Given Akanksha makes a big difference to less privileged children through its supplementary centre model, makes our school project a very exciting initiative. Early results are promising and we are aiming high by hoping that over the next decade this become a transformational project that will eventually show the path for serious reform of the public primary and secondary educational system" Board of Trustees Ramesh Srinivasan - Partner, McKinsey & Co Anu Aga Ex Chairperson, Thermax India Ltd. Shaheen Mistri - Founder & Chairperson, The Akanksha Foundation Srila Chatterjee - Producer, Highlight Films Nandita Dugar - Ex-Consultant, Boston Consulting Group Neel Shahani - Senior Vice President, India Infoline Ltd. Amit Chandra - Managing Director, Bain Capital Advisors Ramesh Srinivasan - Partner, McKinsey & Co Akanksha Medical Panel Dr. Bela Doctor, Dr. R Pankaj Parekh and Dr. Paresh C Desai. 53 54 Teachers Akanksha Team 2007-8 Staff 55 Anant Ghadigaonkar Anil Naik Anvita Ashwini Thakur Avantika Sinha Bhagwat P Bhavna Mathur Conception Fernandes Evangaline Ambat Gauri Kirtane Vanikar Glenn Fernandes James Hilary Sequeira K.Sriram Kaikasha Ansari Latif Shaikh Manoj Balamkar Mansi Shah Masrud Ansari Poorvi Shah Prashant Dodke Priya Subramaniam Purvi Vora Rajshree Doshi Rakesh Ghone Ravi Mogli Reeves Rodrigues Riniyo Bamin Ruchika Gupta Sandip Shelar Sai Bhagwat Saira Sheikh Santosh Shirwadkar Seema Kamble Shaheen Mistri Shailaja Shah Shefali Poojari Shweta Balakrishnan Sima Jhaveri Sudeshna Chakravartty Sumedh Pawaskar Sumeet Gade Sunita Bhagat Suparna Mody Sweta Kaushal Shah Tina Vajpeyi Ujjwal Banerjee Usha Raghavan Vaishali Bhagat Vandana Goyal Vijay Raghavan Shachi Munot Subhash Ghodke Thalia Nawi Manasi Chandavarkar Pooja Karanje Debasmita Dasgupta Evangeline Ambat Santosh Shinde Reeves Rodrigues Kamlesh Chavan Namita Gite Sagar Pawar Kanchan Moray Deepika Thadani Richa Gupta Hemal Aurangabadkar Dhanlaxmi Nair Namrata Mone Kritika Amesur Kanchan Thadani Natasha Choudhary Amrapali Baviskar Geeta Patil Anil Borkar Ritika Kotwani Karishma Shetty Shraddha Shelar Acushla Narayanan Amar Jadhav Aneeda Anita Rane Anjali Kharat Prakash Anjali Sabnani Anjali Tandon Ashishwang Godhe Beena Gandhi Bhavana Shah Bhavika Parekh Caroline Nagar Chaya Mishra Chitra Vishwanath Darshan Jasani Darshana Bhogale Debarati Pal Deshna Sanghvi Dimple Shah Dinesh Bhimnath Dipti Kumar Donali Joshi Fatema Arsiwala Gargie Haldar Geeta Haribal Gitanjalli Mavinkurne Hetal Shah Hiral Shah Dhwani Shah Harshana Mota Jahnavi Contractor Janavi Patel Jennifer Alphones Kadambari Loke Kadambari Toraskar Khusboo Shah Kishor Patel Lopa Gandhi Madhu Ramchandani Malvika Gujral Mamta Paigankar Mandira Purohit Manju Mall Mr. Upendranath R. Pandey Maya Das Minal Miskin Naida Ansari Neeta Sherla Nirmayee Sanghvi Payal Mehta Prachi Mangaonkar Pratidnya Gharat Prema Raman Ragini Mathur Ramola Rodrigues Ranjini Arun kumar Rashmi Chainani Rashmi Raveendran Rekha Ghelani Rita Devi H. Keshari Rohini Thakker Rupa Rajgor Sadhana Shah Sandhya Labadaya Sangeeta Zombade Sangita Kapadia Sarika Jain Sarita Borges Sarita Sadhak Satindar Pal Seema Ambokar Shahnaz Shaikh Shilpa Sardesai Shital Gala Shobha Bhatia Smita Baji Sunil Thakker Supriya Shinde Tasneem Rajkotwala Tehrunisa Shaikh Trupthi Narkar Umema Matcheswala Urvashi Patel Vaishali Prasad Vandita Mathur Vidya Yaligeti Vinayak Pardesi Yasmeen Shaikh Zhannavi Ankam Sunita Bhausar Jyoti Sharma Shilpa Puri Zainab Kagalwala Monica Bhatia Sudipta Chakrabarti Anuradha Railkar Apurva Jadhav Surekha Khake Regina Pillay Radhika Mahesh Kanchan Thadani Sujata Thitte Kalwant Kaur Dimple Arora Hemlata Wadpally Ujwala Lele Aarthi Sounder Aastha Dogra Ahilya Amdekar Sonali Kothari Prabhavati Ravindran Sheetal Jawharkar Anita Singh Bais Dhanlaxmi Nair Shaila Isloorkar Richa Gupta Ramya Ramamurthy Namrata Mone Mitali Bopardikar Hemal Aurangabadkar Archana Karuna Menon Pallavi Hallur Amit Jadhav Falguni Pandya Amrita Katariya Sonia Gandhi Shilpa Puri Ramadevi Muttagi 56 Helpers Gaura Shelar Harshada Yelve Indu Mausi Jaishree Kamble Jayashree Parvati Reddy Prabhavathy Rani Perumal Rani Satak Sanjivani didi Razia Selvi Naidu Soni Mishra Sindhu Patel Shardha Tehrun Ansari Usha didi Sarita Kamble Vaishali Lokhande Ashabi Lata Lata Sunita Padma Anita Vandana Anjali Jyoti Rajni Nasim Vijaya Sujata Neelam Mangal Ramiza Vimal Rekha Mahananda Kamal Kamal Mehmooda Mehmooda Mangal 57 VOLUNTEERS Akanksha began as a volunteer-run organization, and volunteers continue to play an important role in diverse ways. Volunteers are school and college students, housewives and professionals. They add energy, creativity and individualized care to each Akanksha child, helping drive Akanksha's mission forward. Volunteers help in many ways such as: Assist in teaching Help at the art class and other Akanksha programs Collect and donate materials Conduct workshops for students, teachers and staff Make worksheets and other educational aids Organise field trips and special events Help with administrative tasks in the office Number of Volunteers: Mumbai – 300 Pune – 203 “ volunteering at Akanksha is about growth. I learn something each day and get the opportunity to help the kids with my knowledge and skills. It is challenging and fun.” - Amrita Ghosh, worli 1 Mentors Voltas Shailesh Kamat Khurshid Avasia N.K.Shetty Rajesh Subudhi Rashmi ICICI, BKC Aparna Kamble Binaifer Wadia Dhruv Chandok Rakesh Mookim Merrill Lynch Ateet S Rajan Iyer Mona Kwatra RPG and Dawnay Day AV Group Mentors Tamanna Atul Garg Ashish Kumar Nishit Mathur Jay Shah Nikita Jogani Rajesh Goradia Nilesh Parwani Kunal Shah Mansi Shah Piyush Tiwari Wakdewadi Group Mentors 1. Ashish Patki 2. Deepti Pimple 3. Komal Mohnani 4. Neha Khopkar 5. Raviraj Gaikwad 6. Ravinder Lamba 7. R Venkatesh 8. Sangeeta Karkhanis 58 The social work department that follow up with all the children in our program incurs expenses on medical camps and follow up treatment, and snacks at the parents meetings held each month. Other expenses covered under this heading include teacher and staff training, project expenses for the social leadership and learning to lead programs as well as the sports program and scholarships for further education. Rupees Centre expenses 14,182,588 School Project 2,538,769 Learning to Lead Project 1,313,680 Vocational/Scholarships 1,045,583 Child Welfare 2,777,156 Teacher Fellowship Project Program Development and Implementation Public Relations and Program Awareness Total Expenses 542,378 2,147,733 509,474 25,057,360 Establishment expenses Expenditure under this category covers salaries of core staff within the Finance, Human Resources and Administration functions and the respective expenses of those departments. These include printing of publicity materials, recruitment expenses and office running expenses such as rent and amenities, stationary and postage. The establishment expenses Rs 6,760,804 comprise 20 % of overall expenditure. This is slightly higher than in the previous year due to the cost of renovation of the current office premises provided to us by Voltas for the last 8 years. Since the number of staffing has increased substantially and we have further plans for growth it was considered necessary to make better use of the existing space. The investment in renovation has saved us from having to find a larger premise at commercial rents which would be difficult to sustain. Finance Expenditure under objects of the trust Expenditure under the objects of the trust covers the running cost of all Akanksha centres.This includes salaries to teachers and social workers, education materials, uniforms, transport to centres, repairs and maintenance of classrooms as well as educational outings. 59 60 SCHEDULE VIII (Vide Rule 17(1)) Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 The Public Trust:- The Akanksha Foundation Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2008 Rs. Funds & Liabilities Trust Funds or Corpus Balance as per last balance sheet Local F.C. Rs. 30,496,065 735,000 12,743 747,743 Other earmarked funds (created under provisions of the trust deed or scheme) Depreciation Fund Sinking Fund Reserve Fund Any other Fund Loans (Secured or Unsecured) From Trustees From Others - Liabilities :For Expenses (Annexure A) 31,243,807 1,546,166 1,546,166 Income and Expenditure Account:Balance as per last Balance Sheet Local F.C. Total Income outstanding Rent Interest (Annexure D) Other income and asset receivable Sundry debtors Income receivable (Annexure D) (27,227,147) 46,529,433 19,302,286 - 5,279,328 To Remuneration paid to Auditors - 1,955,774 To Contribution and fees - 62,774 38,235 75,567 1,059,995 Total Total Rs. As per our report of even date For Haribhakti & Co Chartered Accountants Dated: 30th Sept, 2008 61 Rakesh Rathi (Partner) By interest (accrued) (realised) On securities (Annexure F) Bonds 895,000 Deposits 1,986,780 (Annexure F) On Loans On Bank account (Annexure F) By dividend (Annexure F) 102,599 2,984,379 Mutual fund units 101,009 1,135,562 222,683 222,683 403,910 111,020 514,930 To Amount written off: Bad debts Loan scholarship Irrecoverable Rent Other items (Prior years adj.) - 2,104 - To Loss on Sale of Investment By Donations in cash or kind (Annexure F) 21,373,358 By Grants (Annexure F) Profit on Sale of Investment 6,195,625 Local FC 850,712 420,761 1,271,473 (615,944) 180,100 (435,844) Total Rs. 31,388,991 By income from other sources Art for Akanksha (Annexure G) Other income (Annexure G) To Miscellaneous Expenses To Other expenses - depreciation on fixed assets (Annexure C) 1,256,698 To Amount transferred to reserve or specific funds (7,199,891) 5,511,917 (1,687,974) Rs. (accrued) (realised) 3,323,554 Less Appropriation, if any Add: Surplus (as per Income and Expenditure Account) Less: Deficit Local F.C. 6,760,804 To Remunerations to Trustees Rs. Income By rent 1,274,094 4,005,234 Loans(Secured or Unsecured) : Good/doubtful Loans Scholarships (Annexure D) Other Loans (Annexure D) Advances:To Trustees To Employees (Annexure D) To Contractors To Lawyers To Others (Annexure D) Registration no: F-14568 dated April 15, 1991 Rs. - To Establishment Expenses (Annexure E) Fixed Assets:- (Annexure C) Balance as per last Balance Sheet Additions during the year 1,955,774 - Rs. To Expenditure in respect of properties:Taxes and cesses Repairs and maintenance Salaries Depreciation (by way of provision of adjustments) 41,518,904 Less: Deduction during the year Depreciation up to date - Expenditure - SCHEDULE VIII (Vide Rule 17(1)) Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 The Public Trust:- The Akanksha Foundation Income & Expenditure as on March 31, 2008 Rs. - Investments: (Annexure B) Additions during the year (give details) Total Rs. Property & Assets Immovable Properties :- (At cost) Balance as per last Balance Sheet Additions during the year Less: Sales during the year Depreciation up to date 24,495,093 6,000,972 Local F.C. Registration no: F-14568 dated April 15, 1991 17,614,312 Cash and Bank Balances (Annexure B) a) In Saving account In Fixed Deposit account b) With the Trustee c) With the Manager d) Other (Cash in hand) Closing stock 3,096,086 185,671 43,830 Total Rs. 50,404,285 3,325,587 262,056 To Expenditure under objects of the trust Religious Educational (Annexure E) Medical relief Relief of poverty Other charitable object Balance carried over to Balance sheet 50,404,285 Trustee Trustee By Transfer from Reserve By deficit carried over to Balance Sheet (1,687,975) Total Rs. The above Balance Sheet to the bestof my/our belief contains a true account of the funds and liabilities and of the property and assets of the Trust. Dated: 30th Sept, 2008 25,057,360 - 31,388,991 As per our report of even date For Haribhakti & Co Chartered Accountants Dated: 30th Sept, 2008 Rakesh Rathi (Partner) Dated: 30th Sept, 2008 Trustee Trustee 62 Credibility Alliance Norms Compliance Report Accountability and Transparency Identity The Akanksha Foundation is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Reg no MAH/132/91/Bombay dated 13.2.91). The MOA and Rules and Regulations of the Foundation are available on request. Akanksha is registered u/s 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The 80G certificate has been renewed up to 31/03/2009 DIT (E) MC/80-G/3002/2006-07 dated. 15/12/06 Akanksha is registered under the Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act FCRA 083780558 dated 18.2.96 for the receipt of foreign donations. Name and Address of Bankers Citibank – DN Road, Mumbai, 400001 Standard Chartered – FCRA – MG Road Branch, Mumbai 400001 HDFC Bank Ltd -Salary Accounts-Shapoorji Pallonji Mistry Building, Grd Floor, Dr Shirodkar Marg, Parel, Mumbai 400012 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.- Art Project Account- Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Name and Address of Auditors – M/S Haribhakti and Co, Free Press House, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 The following reimbursements have been made to Board Members Travelling expense to Ms Shaheen Mistri during the year Rs 43,645 for International Travel Rs 46,946 for Domestic Travel Rs 57,566 Conveyance Reimbursement No other reimbursements have been made to any other Board Member CEO's remuneration – Board Member No other Board member receives remuneration. All contribute their time on a voluntary basis. Remuneration of 3 Highest Paid Staff Members Rs. 75,000 Rs. 75,000 Rs. 44,000 Remuneration of the lowest paid staff member Rs 300 pm Distribution of staff according to salary levels (as at 31 March 2008) Governance Slab of gross salary (in Rs) plus benefits paid to staff (per month) Male staff Female staff Total staff Details of Board Members: (as at 31 March 2008) Less than 5000 11 76 87 5,000 – 10,000 13 66 79 10,000 – 25,000 6 37 43 25,000 – 50,000 4 6 10 2 2 Name Sex Position on Board Occupation Area of Competency No. of meetings attended Shaheen Mistri F CEO Akanksha Education 4 Anu Aga F Ex. Chairperson HR and SW 4 Amit Chandra M Treasurer Finance 4 Srila Chatterjee F General Member Arts 4 Nandita Dugar F General Member Strategy 3 Ramesh Srinivasan M General Member MD Highlight Films Ad Film Maker Ex consultant Boston Consulting group Partner McKinsey and Co Strategy 1 General Member Sr. VP India Infoline Ltd. Finance 2 Neel Shahani M MD, Bain Capital Advisors The Akanksha Board met 4 times in the FY 07-08 on 23rd August 2007, 9th October 2007, 25th January 2008 and 20th February 2008. Minutes of the Board are documented and circulated. A Board rotation policy exists. The Board approves programs, budgets, events, and audited financial statements. The board ensures the organization's compliance with laws and regulations 63 No remuneration, sitting fees or any other form of compensation has been paid since inception of the Foundation, to any Board Member. 50,000 – 1,00,000 Total 221 (The staff table includes the salaries of both staff and paid consultants in the respective categories) Total Cost of National Travel by all staff during the year: Rs 11,55,154 includes reimbursement for local travel by social workers, education managers and other staff as well as travel with beneficiaries and field visits to other projects. Total Cost of International Travel by all staff during the year: Rs 87,290 air fare to United States Of America to learning best teaching practices in Schools- Shaheen Mistri and Vandana Goyal 64 Thank you to our Supporters Carnegie Social Initiatives Akanksha supporters not only donate funds but also their time and expertise. Without the numerous avenues of support we receive we would not have reached this point and we are truly grateful to each and every person who has helped us in whatever way they can. Aside from the donations below we also have numerous donations in kind in the way of outings for centre children, class room and conference spaces provided, medical check up camps, stationary and study materials to name but a few. There are a myriad of ways that people help us out and we are only sorry that we can not mention each one for lack of space. It encourages us that people in whatever large or small way can continue to make a difference and show they care. Chandrakant Agrawal Citigroup Foundation Program Sponsors 2007-2008 KINOE - Francesca and Patrick O Keefe KINOE - Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Sponsor Centre / Space Sponsor Ad Astra Trust –UK Aditya Birla Group All CargoGlobal Logistics Dhirubhai Ambani International School Arisaig Partners Aviva Holy Name 2 Worli 1 /Nehru Planetarium VT BMC Dhirubhai Ambani International School Supari Tank Aviva Arushi – morning Aviva Anant -afternon Karve Nagar 2 Koregaon Park/Sant Gadge Maharaj School Kothrud 1 /Bharti Vidyapeeth School Kothrud 2 /Bharti Vidyapeeth Sunshine /Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj PCMC St Crispin 1 St Crispin 3 Aundh/Shahir Annabhau Sathe DSP Merrill Lynch Forbes Marshall Ltd Kasarwadi HDFC KINOE Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd National Grid Panchsheel Nagar Novartis India Ltd Tech Mahindra The Akanksha Fund Wakdewadi/Thermax Thermax Ltd United Way of Mumbai Vijay Santhanam & Kainaz Gazdar WNS Global Services Pvt Ltd Zensar Technologies Art Venture Singapore Western Union 65 Bandra Petit School GD Somani Laxmi Nagar Municipal school Mahalaxmi 2 / National Association for the Blind St. Joseph's 1 Worli 2 / National Association for the Blind St. Xavier's High School Chinchwad/FM Company Premises Morwadi Forbes Marshall 1/Hanuman Temple Bhopkel Forbes Marshall 2/ FM Company premise St Joseph's 2 Colaba Municipal School Holy Name 1 Sitaram Poddar 2 Campion School JJ School KGM 2 Bhudwar peth/ Nutan Samarth Vidyalaya Karve Nagar 1 SLP 2006 batch SLP 2007 batch Kirloskar 1/Depot Line Mitr Mandal Kirloskar 2/Mauli Hall Muskan/ Maharshi Valmik Community Hall, Yuvathi Sharan, Prabhadevi LTL Supari Tank School Chuim afternoon – Khar Chuim Morning -Khar KGM 1 Mahalaxmi 1 / Glaxo Mankhurd - JJ Mankhurd - Alexandra Mankhurd 1 Mankhurd 2 Rajashtan Mahila Mandal St Stanislaus Thermax 1 Thermax 2 Sitaram Poddar 1 Worli 3 / Glaxo Worli 4 / Glaxo St Crispin 2 Zensar – Morning and afternoon/Shagun Bungalow, Chandannagar Arts classes Snacks and Nutrition 66 Space Volunteers Voltas Ltd. – Akanksha Mumbai Office space Thermax Ltd. – Akanksha Pune Office space Prakash Mody, Unichem Laboratory – or helping with the temporary office space Crompton Greaves – training center at Mulshi for Akanksha's teacher training Mona Seervai, Bombay International School– LTL Centre Alok Vajpeyi and Arpit Agarwal of Dawnay Day AV - SLP Mumbai Thermax – SLP Pune St. Xaviers College – Akanksha Education Convention (Mumbai) Symbiosis – Akanksha Education Convention (Pune) Citigroup – EdVillage Training Space Karina Weinstein – LTL community research project Jackie walters – LTL recruitment assessments and math activities Volunteers from SIBM, Aviva, Accenture, Kirloskars – Pune Sports Day. Narendra Toshniwal and Preetika Mehta, ITM, Vashi – LTL career research project Ronnie Sequeira – LTL Planner Taj President, Mumbai; Fouress Engineering; Zia, Jet Airways – LTL career resources Wendy Littlefield - Application for LTL student for Emma Willard School, Troy, NY Application Mr. Anil Gadgil, Prof. Gautam Sen and Mr. Nayakar, J.P. Naik Centre, Mr. Arvind Paranjpe and Mr. Samir Dhurde, IUCCA, Pune, Anjana Swaminathan and the team, SIMS, Khadki, Pune, Meher Pudumjee, Thermax, Pune, Rati Forbes and the team, Forbes Marshall, Priti Kibe, Dr. Reddy's LABS, Nalini Sengupta, Vidya Valley School, Pashan, Pune, Capt. Parulekar, NDA, Khadakvasla – LTL Retreat Medical Resource People and Sponsors Dr. Kotnis Hospital Medicare (Forbess Marshall) Bharti Medical College – talk on gynacology Dr. Pankaj – panel doctor Nair Hospital – dental camp Parvatibai Shankar Rao Chavan Hospital and the Ramesh Ginwala, Churchgate Lion's Group– eye camp Larson and Toubro – medical camp Haji Bachoo Ali – eye camp Merrill Lynch Investment Management and KINOE – funds for medical treatment Piramal Foundation – Health Camp and clinic Resource People and Organizations Salaam Bombay – Substance Abuse Sandeep Sonawne and Anita Patil, NTP+ - HIV Dr. Rani Raote, Arpan – Child Sexual Abuse Vipin Thekkekalathil, Ashoka – Child Sexual Abuse Hem Agrawal, I-Lead – Vocational training Priya Agrawal and Vinita Singh, Satark Nagrik Sangathan – Right To Information Sunil Haribal - Effective Communication Jaya Row - bringing about change within oneself. Vinita didi and Parind bhaiyya - Right to Information K Sriram, Lopa Gandhi, Shaheen Mistri, Rishi Agarwal, Gauri Kirthne, Mr. Mahoday and Mr. Siby along with all from Institute of Gandhian Studies (Wardha), Mr. Sameer Kurvey along with all from Centre of Science for Villages (Wardha), Tushar Gandhi, Sanjay Doctor, Usha Thakkar and the whole of Mani Bhavan Staff, Green Peace, , Rattan Batliwala, Tom Alter, Uday Chandra – KCT Vidya Niketan School 67 Special Events The Pune team of teachers, children, staff and volunteers – Sunshine Around the World SIESEN International School, Tokyo, Japan, Kantonsschule Hohe Promenade, Zurich, Switzerland,The Aga Khan School, Junior Section, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Allithwaite Cof E Primary School, Allithwaite, UK, Kineton Primary School, Warwickshire, UK, Ullens School, Kathmandu, Nepal Mountain Ridge Middle School, Colorado, USA – Sunshine Partner Schools Patrick and Scott- Drama Volunteer, Sunshine Aviva – Chief Sponsor Ferrorcare and Uma Ghate - Co Sponsors Brig. H. Chukerbuti - Director of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies – Space Sponsor Pranay Volunteers from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS) Priti Satpute, Mercedes Benz School; Mrs. Bisht, Principal, Blossoms School; Dr. Pramod Vitkar, Principal, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering; Ms. Shilpa Solanki, Principal, The Orchid School; Manjoo Phadke, Indira College of Institutes; Sandip Gaikwad, Indira College of Institutes; Daimler Chrysler; Zensar Technologies; Thermax Ltd.; Forbes Marshall Ltd.; Kirloskar Oil Engine Ltd. - For buses Mr. Hemant Merchant, Principal and Ms. Shefali Joshi and the students of D.Y. Patil Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology For Food Copper Chocs - For Snacks Gazelle Beauty Parlour, Headlines - For Make-up 68 Grants/ Pledges and Donations over Rs 50,000 (not including direct centre sponsors) The WZO Trust Funds Mr. Panna Purshottam Sampat Mr. Vijay Mehra Mr. Harish Raman Dr. Prakash Mody Ms. Smita Thackeray- Mukti- A Smita Thackeray Foundation Amrit Vasudeva Trust Ms. Tabussam Inamdar Mr. Hemchandra Agarwal Mr. Pravin Gandhi Reliance Life Insurance Sequoia Capital India Advisors Hotchand Sarla Panjwani Trust Shrayragi & Rahul Basu K.C.Mahindra Education Trust Oldendorff Carriers GMBH Renishaw Trent Ltd Grants/ Pledges and Donations between Rs10, 000- Rs50,000 Mr. Salil Parekh Mr. Arun Agarawal McKinsey & Co. Mr. Ashutosh Karve Mr. Jayendra Shah Ms. Khushrow Mehta Ms. Sheshachala Sheernali Ms. Meera Chandrasekar Mr. Shailesh Lakhani Mr. K Khambatta Ms. Sujata Goel Mr. Shailesh Ajwani Ms. Patricia Albuquerque Ms. Rajeev Varma Mr. Shrenik khasgiwala Mr. Rajive Kothawala 69 Mr. Chetan Vora – Lions Club Of Bombay Chunabhatti Mr. and Mrs. Hitesh & Kiran Shah Ms. Aditi Mallik Ms. Minal Pinge Ms. Saritha Rao Zero Octa Selective Sourcing Mr. Neeraj Raj Mr. Khushrow Dubash Mr. Dileep Katiyar Mr Ruchir Shah Ms. Mitali Gosh Mrs.Michaela Rose Anchan Mr Manish Pandit Ms Anuja Singh Mr Rajesh Dugar Mr. Nitin Desai Ms. Zarine Richmond & Mr. Behroze Guzadar Ms. Alisha Mashruwala Ms. Binu Thomas Ms. M P Timmins Mr. Roomy Daruwalla Mr. Tapan Mitra Mr. Aftab Moon Mr. Anand Lunia Mr. Sunil Shaligram Ms. Laura Sanford Mr. Nilesh Chugani Mr. Mahesh A Chavan Ms. Myra Sequeira Mr. & Mrs. Vishal & Shaila Gupta Primeway S.A. Mr. P.Babu Dr. M.B. Pethe Mr. FM Chinoy Ms. Suzie Hill HSBC Ltd Ferrocare Machines Private Ltd Ms. Dipti Yeshwant Pawar Island School Hong Kong – Candy sale organised by Ari Malik and class 8E 70 Mumbai Marathon January 2008 Amit & Archana Chandra – Dream Teamers Citigroup N.A. – Corporate Challenge Highlight Films – Corporate Challenge H5- Individual runners Novartis Ltd – Corporate Challenge Thermax – Corporate Challenge Axis Bank – Corporate Challenge All Cargo Global Logistics- Corporate Challenge Marsh India Private Ltd. – Corporate Challenge Our sincere thanks all the runners and pledgers who helped us Raise Rs. 28 Lakhs through the Mumbai Marathon 2008. Special Thanks to The Akanksha Fund and Kids in Need of Education (KINOE) Akanksha is privileged to be affiliated to two organizations who help advise and raise funds for the Akanksha Foundation. The Akanksha Fund, Inc., based in New York , USA and KINOE, based in the UK were set up to provide support for local operations in India and they have been in existence, supporting Akanksha for over 10 years This year Amanda Pullin and Helen McMahon, from KINOE visited Akanksha to follow up on the centres and activities they fund and similarly a large group of The Akanksha Fund Board Members did an extensive oversight visit of our projects in Mumbai and Pune. 71 Special thanks also to Nivea Mr. Hem Agrawal Build-A Bear AT&T, Goldman Sachs and Oldendorff Carriers Giants Club & Mr. Saraf Naturell Foods Sterlite Foundation Crompton Greaves KIPP Foundation Geometrics Software Solutions Muskaan Alochna Sangam CYDA NCC Udaan Team Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Bhojwani School Loyolas School Accenture Infosys Technologies Ltd. Schlumberger HSBC Retail Banking Dr.Kotnis Hospital Medicare (Forbes Marshall) D.Y.Patil Institute for Hotel Management and Catering Technology PMC Education Board PCMC Education Board Bharti Medical College Nitee Solutions CRPF NDRF Shiamak Davar dance classes Kohinoor Krida Mandal Frankfinn Shoppers Stop Indian Sponsorship Committee Hotel Blue Diamond Patrick Holton Scott Vignos Maria Dels Angels Narita Srivatava Sushmita Sahu Audrey Ferreira Meghna Marathe Manav Sadhna, Ahmedabad Ashish Patki Ravinder Lamba R. Venkatesh Raymonds Deepti Pimpley Raviraj Gaikwad Sangeeta Karkhanis Neha Khopkar Preetha Hari bhakti & Co. 72 The Akanksha Fund – New York Board Members – Sarah Roberts, Ed Morgan, Patsy Howard, Janet Osborne, Sanjay Roy, Anita Trehan This past February a group of Akanksha Fund, Inc. board members along with their spouses and guests traveled to India to visit Akanksha centres and schools in Mumbai and Pune. Although we had been involved with the Akanksha organization for a considerable period of time many of us had never seen the program first hand. One truly cannot understand the quality and scope of the Akanksha program without seeing it. Our visits to the Mumbai centres gave us a sense of the on-going challenge of finding and keeping adequate centre facilities. We felt that in comparison to Mumbai the Pune centres were better equipped and the availability and quality of space was greater. We could not have been more impressed with the teachers and students throughout all the centres. They all appeared invested, productive and enthusiastic. Letters of Support Suresh Amin Associate Vice President - Human Resources Aviva Global Services “My association with Akanksha dates back to the year 2005, when we in Aviva Global Services were setting up our CSR program. We chose Akanksha for our partnership because we believe we have a common vision towards providing education to the less privileged children from the society. Secondly, we were impressed with their systems and processes in addition to their professionalism and transparency to ensure the relationship succeeds the desired objective. My personal experience with them has been very fruitful and the emotional connect I could relate every time I had the opportunity to interact with the children from the centres.” Aviva has committed to the sponsorship of 11 centres as well as sponsoring our sports and art programs in Pune for two years. Not only do they aid us financially but are very involved in volunteering and arranging assistance with events and publicity. They were so keen to make it more conducive for their employees to volunteer that they have rented a room in proximity to their office so that we could start two new centres there. Their assistance covers 1000 children in Akanksha Pune 73 We were honored to have been invited to the home of an Akanksha student in Mumbai which gave us an opportunity to better understand the needs and struggles of the young people served by the centres. We observed families who in the face of great hardship were keeping a clean home, feeding their children and were committed to education for their child. Most powerful was the realization that these children, in spite of many obstacles including their demanding responsibilities at home and their housing's poor sanitation, were showing up each day with shining and smiling faces eagerly awaiting their lessons at the centre. Visiting the Social Leadership Program most clearly exhibited the impact of Akanksha on young lives. We learned from these outstanding kids the ways in which they were converting the skills learned at Akanksha into careers. We met the charming Seema, who against all odds, is working towards getting a business degree and Prashant an impressive young man, who is working for Akanksha as a social worker. Akanksha has played a critical role for these outstanding young people in helping them become successful and productive community members. Our visit to the outstanding Vidya Niketan School in Pune gave us a look at the future of Akanksha. We were impressed both by a group of accomplished and confident students who gave us a computer presentation and later by several poised students' who gave declamations in their speech class. After seeing this school we were quick converts to the decision to replicate the school model in other locations. The benefit to the children of having an entire school day of Akanksha's creative and innovative teaching was easily apparent. Every Akanksha student, teacher and staff member made us feel welcomed and each uniquely conveyed to us their sense of hope and pride in Akanksha. We thank you all! As a board member I returned to the U.S. dedicated to doing all I can to support Akanksha and privileged to be a part of this important effort. 74
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