Keowee Elementary Report Summary
Keowee Elementary Report Summary
Keowee Elementary Report Package This report package has been prepared for you to alert you to potential issues with your collection. The Titles Without Call Numbers report alerts you to records in your collection have copies that do not have call numbers. The Titles Without Barcodes report alerts you to records in your collection that have copies that do not have barcodes. The Titles Without Prices report alerts you to records in your collection that have copies that do not have prices or have a price of zero. The Titles With Duplicate Barcodes report alerts you to copies in your collection that have duplicated barcodes. The Titles Without Copies report alerts you to records in your collection that do not contain 852 tags. Select reports by clicking on one of the bookmarks on the left Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Keowee Elementary Titles Without Call Numbers Title All copies contain call numbers. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Barcode Page 1 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 1 Title Author Barcode "100". "As Long as Grass Should Grow and Water Flow" : Rigby Litera… "As Long as Grass Should Grow and Water Flow" : Rigby Litera… "Charlie Needs a Cloak"[Big Book] / story and pictures by To… "Charlie Needs a Cloak"[Big Book] / story and pictures by To… "Charlie Needs a Cloak"[Big Book] / story and pictures by To… "Here I am!" said Smedley / by Simon Puttock ; illustrated b… "I can't" said the ant[Big Book]. "L" is for library / Sonya Terry ; illustrated by Nicole Won… "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth / Eric Carle ; [for… "That's not fair!" / Stephanie Roehe ; translated by Charise… "Wait for me, Captain!" : On Level Gr 2. "Wait for me, Captain!" : On Level Gr 2. "Wait for me, Captain!" : On Level Gr 2. #2 Creative Writing Booklets. ---and now Miguel / illustrated by Jean Charlot. --If you lived with the Cherokee / by Peter and Connie Roop … --If you lived with the Cherokee / by Peter and Connie Roop … --If you lived with the Cherokee / by Peter and Connie Roop … 100 BC Black 18. 100 BC YY2. 100 BC BlueBlue 21. 100 BC Purple 3. 100 BC White Biography. 100 BC White Poetry 2. 100 BC Y5. 100 BC Y8. 100 BC 25. 100 BC 9. 100 BC Animals 1. 100 BC Black 1 Biography. 100 BC Black 13. 100 BC Black 19. 100 BC Black 20. 100 BC Black 4. 100 BC Black 5. 100 BC Black 7. 100 BC Black X. 100 BC Blue Blue 14. 100 BC Blue Blue 15. 100 BC Blue Blue 16. 100 BC Blue Blue 22. 100 BC Blue Blue 23. 100 BC Blue Blue 5. 100 BC Blue Blue 7. 100 BC Blue Blue animals. 100 BC G 18. 100 BC G 1. 100 BC G16. 100 BC G9. Creative Teaching Press Palacios, Argentina Palacios, Argentina DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie Puttock, Simon. Cameron, Polly Terry, Sonya. Carle, Eric. Roehe, Stephanie, 1975Neder, Bill Neder, Bill Neder, Bill Joy, Flora Krumgold, Joseph, 1908Roop, Peter. Roop, Peter. Roop, Peter. 6555 7970 7971 1003955 1003964 16508 66178 5838 67138 65057 67366 10415 10416 11285 11574 640141 640095 640204 640346 66091 65818 66255 66275 66293 66273 65813 65812 66251 66252 65852 66093 66077 66076 66288 66074 66078 66075 66274 66253 66264 66256 66278 66254 66266 66257 66265 65846 65842 65849 65841 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0671664662 (tra… 0671664662 (tra… 0671664662 (tra… 0778708381 0590733277-3 9781932146448 0399239545 0698400046 (hc.… 0690091184 9780590956062 9780590956062 9780590956062 100 Book Challe… LCCN 73016365 73016365 73016365 2001032442 2002016057 2004052415 53008415 /L 98206156 98206156 98206156 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BC Green 12. BC Green 2. BC Green 8. BC Orange 2. BC Orange 5. BC RR 3. BC Red 16. BC Red Habitat. BC Red Red 1 9. BC Red Red 24. BC Red Red 3. BC Red Red 9. BC RedRed 52. BC White 2/Z. BC White 24. BC White Habitat 2. BC White Habitat. BC White L. BC White Reference. BC Y2. BC Y3. BC YY 6. BC YY1. BC YY9. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BCPurple 2. Blackboard Games. Book Challenge Bronze-Silver Marine Life. Book Challenge Black 101. Book Challenge Black 101A. Book Challenge Blue 3.a. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Landin, Leslie Page 2 Barcode 66270 66269 66267 66271 66272 66283 66280 66279 66281 66284 66282 66277 66286 66294 66297 66299 66298 66295 66291 65815 65816 65830 65840 65831 65908 65909 65929 66034 66039 66040 66069 66070 66073 66094 66103 66105 66107 65886 66127 66132 66135 66137 66141 66143 66276 10037877 67355 67341 67340 65875 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title 100 Book Challenge Blue 19. 100 Book Challenge Blue 21. 100 Book Challenge Blue 22. 100 Book Challenge Blue 23. 100 Book Challenge Blue 24. 100 Book Challenge Blue 4. 100 Book Challenge Blue 5. 100 Book Challenge Blue 6. 100 Book Challenge Blue 7. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 100. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 12. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 120. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 121. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 17. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 18. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 19. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 20. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue 22. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue Varsity. 100 Book Challenge Blue Blue-R Biography. 100 Book Challenge Blue Poetry. 100 Book Challenge BlueBlue 13. 100 Book Challenge Bronze 100. 100 Book Challenge G-GG-B Habitat Enviro. 100 Book Challenge Green 2. 100 Book Challenge Purple 10. 100 Book Challenge Purple 30. 100 Book Challenge Red 100. 100 Book Challenge Red 1A. 100 Book Challenge Red Red 25. 100 Book Challenge Red Red 30. 100 Book Challenge Red Red 50. 100 Book Challenge White Animals 2. 100 Book Challenge White Z. 100 Book Challenge Yellow 32. 100 Book Challenge Yellow 33. 100 Book Challenge Yellow Yellow 100. 100 Book Challenge Yellow Yellow 50. 100 Book Challenge Yellow Yellow 51. 100 Book Challenge Yellow Yellow 8. 100 Book Challenge. 100 Book Challenge. 100 Book Challenge. 100 Book Challenge. 1000 Playthinks. 100B100 Book Challenge Blue 20. 100BC Y-YY-G-GG-POETRY. 100BC B 25. 100BC B Animal 1. 100BC B2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Moscovich, Ivan Page 3 Barcode 67390 65880 65882 65878 65879 65883 65876 65877 67335 67385 65888 67387 67394 65885 65906 65891 65905 65884 65911 65924 65913 67334 67336 66268 65912 67338 67337 67383 67342 67375 67343 67384 67333 67376 67382 67381 67374 67378 67380 67344 66249 66250 66304 67339 12327 65881 66108 66111 65874 66303 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC 100BC Author BB 14. BB 15. BB 16. BB 21. BB 23. BB 5. BB 7. BB ANimals A. BB Animals A. BB Poetry 1. BB Varsity 3. BB23. Black 18. Black 2. Black 3. Black X. Blue 12. Blue 25. Blue 27. Blue 9. G 15. G-B Sports. G1. G12. G2. GG 14. GG 14. GG 2. GG 24. GG1. GG14. GG15. GG16. GG17. GG25. GG6. GG9. Green 8. Green 8. Green2. Marine Life. Orange 2. Orange 5. Purple 2. R 5. R2. RR 9. W Habitat 100. W Habitat 4. White Poetry. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 4 Barcode 66308 66313 66311 66310 66118 66315 66312 66314 66119 65925 65926 66309 66289 66092 66325 66324 65955 66306 66305 66307 65844 65871 65847 66319 65848 65854 66320 65851 65870 65850 66302 65868 65861 65867 65858 65853 65855 66110 66316 66318 65931 66322 66323 66326 66148 66147 66328 66169 66170 66327 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title 100BC Y-G Poetry. 100BC Y3. 100BC Y8.a. 100BC YY12. 100BC YY3. 100BC YY4. 100BC red Habitat. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Page 5 Barcode 65843 65817 65814 65833 65819 65832 66330 65928 65930 65932 65933 65934 65935 65936 65937 65938 65939 65941 65948 65949 65950 65951 65952 65953 65954 65956 65957 65958 65959 65960 65961 65962 65963 65964 65965 65968 66032 66033 66035 66036 66037 66038 66041 66068 66071 66072 66095 66096 66097 66098 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BC. 100BCG 13. 100BCG- B Habitats. 100BCG102. 100Book Challenge White 24. 100CB YY5. 100th Day of School. 100th day of School Activities. 101 Dalmatians. 101 Dalmations [computer disc] : Disney's Animated Storybook… 101 WAYS TO BUG YOUR PARENTS. 101 places you gotta see before you're 12 / Joanne O'Sulliva… 110BC. 11BC. 123 Gift Crafts. 125 Craft Ideas Kids can make from throwaways. 127 Anytime Crafts Kids Can Make. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Scholastic Teacher Created Materials 1999 Disney O'Sullivan, Joanne. Umnik, Sharon Highlights Highlights Page 6 Barcode 66099 66100 66101 66102 66104 66106 66112 66113 66114 66115 66116 66117 66120 66121 66122 66123 66124 66125 66126 66128 66129 66130 66131 66133 66134 66136 66138 66139 66140 66142 66144 66145 66146 66171 65845 66317 66321 67332 65820 6556 641332 642419 5519 642339 67165 65940 65910 4193 4132 4131 ISBN 9781579908652 LCCN 2006001622 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 7 Title Author Barcode 132 Gift Crafts Kids Can Make. 136 Party Ideas & Crafts Kids Can Make. 15 minutes / Steve Young. 16 Days of Glory , Vol. 1 [Video]. 16 Days of Glory , Vol. 2 [Video]. 175 Easy-To-Do Everyday Crafts. 175 easy-to-do Halloween crafts / edited by Sharon Dunn Umni… 1OO BC. 26 letters and 99 cents / by Tana Hoban. 2X2 = BOO! : A set of spooky Multiplication Stories. 30 Years of National Geographic Specials [Video]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 5 a day adventures [computer disc]. 50 Great Reproducible Writing Workouts : Awesome Activity Sh… 50 Month-by-Month Draw and Write Prompts. 500 Isabels : On-Level Gr 2. 500 Isabels : On-Level Gr 2. 500 Isabels : On-Level Gr 2. 65911. 75 Creative Ways to Publish Student's Writing. 882 1/2 Amazing Answers to your Questions about the Titanic. A : Below-Level Gr 5 / story by dorie. A : Below-Level Gr 5 / story by dorie. A : Below-Level Gr 5 / story by dorie. A BOY IN THE DOG HOUSE. A BOY IN THE DOGHOUSE. A Baby Sister For Frances. A Barrel of Gold[Big Book]. A Beasty Story. A Bee Buzzed By[Big Book]. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Bicycle for Rosaura : Soar for Success LV 3. A Big Day in Nicodemus : Below-Level Gr 5. A Big Day in Nicodemus : Below-Level Gr 5. A Big Day in Nicodemus : Below-Level Gr 5. A Bigger Family. A Bigger Family. A Bigger Family. A Bigger Family. A Bigger Family. A Bird's-Eye View : cassette. Highllights Highlights Young, Steve, 1947Greenspan, Bud Greenspan, Bud Umnik, Sharon 4133 4185 401658 1003647 1003648 4191 640115 65927 1004041 14260 13540 30083 30084 30085 30088 30091 30092 6353 11566 10359 10360 11258 65907 101234 67266 9284 9329 9330 640800 642346 13178 10037518 642873 65154 8825 8826 8827 8828 8829 8830 8831 9291 9343 9344 66060 66061 66062 66063 66064 65707 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Hoban, Tana. Leedy, Loreen National Geographics Krensky, Stephen Blood, Danielle Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Sunflower, Cherlyn Brewster, Hugh Huffman, Andrew Huffman, Andrew Huffman, Andrew Hoban, Rusell Cowley, Joy Bill Martin, Jr. Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Barbot, Daniel Gorman, Gloria Gorman, Gloria Gorman, Gloria Sandy Fass Sandy Fass Sandy Fass Sandy Fass Sandy Fass ISBN 9780060725082 (… LCCN 2005017791 1563973723 94079157 0688063616 86011993 /AC 0590984088 0868672831 0618174001 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Bird's-Eye View/ 6 copies/Cassette : Level J/Transition/ Birthday For Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Birthday for Frances. Bug Needs A Home : Independent Reader Grade K. CHAIR FOR MY MOTHER. CIRCLE OF SEASONS. COUNTRY FAR AWAY. Chair for My Mother. Charlie Brown Christmas [Video]. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving / Charles M. Schultz. Christmas Carol [Video]. Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; inside illustrations Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; inside illustrations Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; inside illustrations Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; inside illustrations Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; inside illustrations Circle Story : On-Level Gr 3. Circle Story : On-Level Gr 3. Citizen Of The United Sates : CITIZEN. Citizen Of The United Sates : CITIZEN. Citizen Of The United Sates : CITIZEN. Clean House for Mole and Mouse[Big Book]. Clean House for Mole and Mouse[Big Book]. Clean House for Mole and Mouse[Big Book]. Color Of His Own[Big Book]. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Corn Husk Doll : Advanced Level Grade 1. Corn Husk Doll : Advanced Level Grade 1. Corn Husk Doll : Advanced Level Grade 1. Cowboy's Life : On Level Gr 2. Cowboy's Life : On Level Gr 2. Cowboy's Life : On Level Gr 2. Crown of Stars : Advanced level Grade 3. Crown of Stars : Advanced level Grade 3. DAY OF AHMED'S SECRET. DOCTOR'S BUSY DAY. Day at a Time : cassette. Dog Has Pups : Independent Reader Grade K. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author F… b… b… b… b… b… Social Hoben, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Page 8 Barcode Studies Transtion Stage Rusell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell WILLIAMS, VERA B. LIVINGSTON, MYRA GRAY, NIGEL Vera Williams Schulz, Charles Schultz, Charles M. Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Ziefert, Harriet Ziefert, Harriet Ziefert, Harriet Lionni, Leo, Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Miller, Naomi Miller, Naomi Miller, Naomi Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Motil, Rebbec Motil, Rebbec HEIDE, FLORENCE BOYD, NICOLE 12420 13180 30007028 30007029 30007030 30007031 30007048 30007049 30007050 30007051 10484 13244 14072 14073 642869 4766 643165 642829 1004541 1004542 1004543 1004544 1004545 9237 9542 641312 641313 641314 1003960 12968 12969 1004090 65650 65651 65652 65653 65654 65655 10760 10825 11292 10405 10406 11280 10699 10700 14074 14421 65686 10482 ISBN LCCN 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 0590061941 9780762427536 (… 1555112129 0590435272 (pbk… 0590435272 (pbk… 0590435272 (pbk… 0590435272 (pbk… 0590435272 (pbk… 059073329X 059073329X 059073329X <None> 2005932430 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 9 Title Author Barcode A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Jackson, Kimberly Jackson, Kimberly Jackson, Kimberly Azarian, Mary Szikers, Cyndy Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Robert McKissack Robert McKissack Robert McKissack Robert McKissack Robert McKissack Balian, Lorna Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Weg, Manya Weg, Manya 642698 642699 642700 642701 642702 642703 9289 9339 9340 13193 643157 642139 642140 642141 642142 642143 642144 66000 66001 66002 66003 66004 13194 11793 11794 642608 642609 642610 642611 642612 642613 11797 11798 10492 10574 10575 11234 13331 13338 13972 14404 11160 9718 9719 10752 10753 11287 66590 66591 66592 Dog's Best Friend. Dog's Best Friend. Dog's Best Friend. Dog's Best Friend. Dog's Best Friend. Dog's Best Friend. Drummer's Dream : Below-Level Gr 5. Drummer's Dream : Below-Level Gr 5. Drummer's Dream : Below-Level Gr 5. Farmer's Alphabat. Fine Mouse Band. Forest Community. Forest Community. Forest Community. Forest Community. Forest Community. Forest Community. Friend for King Amadou. Friend for King Amadou. Friend for King Amadou. Friend for King Amadou. Friend for King Amadou. Garden For A Groundhog. Garden Grows : On-Level Gr 4. Garden Grows : On-Level Gr 4. Gift to Share. Gift to Share. Gift to Share. Gift to Share. Gift to Share. Gift to Share. Good Combination : On-Level Gr 4. Good Combination : On-Level Gr 4. Good Home : Independent Reader Grade K. Good Sport : On Level Grade 1. Good Sport : On Level Grade 1. Good Sport : On Level Grade 1. HEYL. HOUSE FOR HERMIT CRAB. HOUSE IS A HOUSE FOR ME. HOUSE IS A HOUSE FOR ME. Hat : Below-Level Gr 1. Hat : Below-Level Gr 1. Hat : Below-Level Gr 1. Hat for Sam : Advanced Level Grade 1. Hat for Sam : Advanced Level Grade 1. Hat for Sam : Advanced Level Grade 1. Helping Hand. Helping Hand. Helping Hand. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Ross, Linda Ross, Linda Ross, Linda YORINKS, AUTHUR CARLE, ERIC HOBERMAN,MARY ANN HOBERMAN, MARY ANN Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Wilson, Paul Wilson, Paul Wilson, Paul Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 10 Title Author Barcode A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Robinson, F. R. West, Patricia West, Patricia West, Patricia Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret March, Chloe March, Chloe Hoberman, Mary Ann Hoberman, Mary Ann Hoberman, Mary Ann Monners, Jane Monners, Jane Monners, Jane Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Krulik, Nancy E. Clark, Diane 66593 66594 66595 66596 15917 9453 9454 9455 10775 10812 11314 15549 15550 1004052 1004125 100416 11180 9763 9764 8069 8142 66236 6638 641430 14197 101089 67414 642692 642693 642694 642695 642696 642697 642656 642657 642658 642659 642660 642661 642668 642669 642670 642671 642672 642673 14428 590279 590280 590281 590282 Helping Hand. Helping Hand. Helping Hand. Helping Hand. Home for Mindy : Rigby Level 10. Home for the President : On-Level Gr 5. Home for the President : On-Level Gr 5. Home for the President : On-Level Gr 5. Honey of a Story : Advanced Level Grade 1. Honey of a Story : Advanced Level Grade 1. Honey of a Story : Advanced Level Grade 1. Hot Surprise : Rigby Level 13. Hot Surprise : Rigby Level 13. House - Is a House for Me[Big Book]. House - Is a House for Me[Big Book]. House - Is a House for Me[Big Book]. House and a Tepee : Below-Level Gr 1. House and a Tepee : Below-Level Gr 1. House and a Tepee : Below-Level Gr 1. House for Mouse : Sails Gr 1. Job for a Clown : Sails Gr 1. Katie Kazoo Christmas / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by J… Kid's Guide to Washington, D. C. LLAMA IN THE FAMILY. LOOK AT LADY LIBERTY : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. Little Princess. Little princess [video]. Look at Dogs. Look at Dogs. Look at Dogs. Look at Dogs. Look at Dogs. Look at Dogs. Look at Snakes. Look at Snakes. Look at Snakes. Look at Snakes. Look at Snakes. Look at Snakes. Look at Spiders. Look at Spiders. Look at Spiders. Look at Spiders. Look at Spiders. Look at Spiders. MEXICAN FEAST. Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM BELLISH, JULIA Burnett, Frances Hodgson Monica Halpern Monica Halpern Monica Halpern Monica Halpern Monica Halpern Monica Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern Jerald Halpern WOOD, IRA Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972- ISBN LCCN 0590726285 0590726285 0590726285 9780448439709 (… 2005012167 0590407198 fi 68000346 0823982319 0823982319 0823982319 0823982319 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 11 Title Author Barcode ISBN A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972- 590283 590284 640314 7984 7985 13219 13220 13221 13223 7758 642785 67125 66192 66193 66194 66195 66196 642590 642591 642592 642593 642594 642595 11183 9770 9771 10374 10375 11265 7093 7101 7102 7103 2698 1055375 641860 641861 641862 641863 641864 13224 641447 642360 65602 65603 65604 65605 65606 65607 11832 0823982319 0823982319 1586691627 Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Mexican feast : the foods and recipes of Mexico / Ira Wood… Most Unusual Lunch[Big Book]. Night at the Beach : Rigby Literacy. Night at the Beach : Rigby Literacy. PICTURE BOOK OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. PICTURE BOOK ON : MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. ABRAHAM LINCOLN … PICTURE BOOK ONF THE U.S.A. POCKET FOR CORDUROY. Pair of Socks[Big Book]. Perfect Little Piglet. Perfect Little Piglet. Pet for Scat. Pet for Scat. Pet for Scat. Pet for Scat. Pet for Scat. Pet for You. Pet for You. Pet for You. Pet for You. Pet for You. Pet for You. Pet to the Vet : Below-Level Gr 1. Pet to the Vet : Below-Level Gr 1. Pet to the Vet : Below-Level Gr 1. Pinch of This and That : On Level Grade 2. Pinch of This and That : On Level Grade 2. Pinch of This and That : On Level Grade 2. Place to Sleep. Place to Sleep. Place to Sleep. Place to Sleep. Pocket for Corduroy [Video]. Poem A Day. Pride of Noses. Pride of Noses. Pride of Noses. Pride of Noses. Pride of Noses. RED RIDING HOOD STORY FROM CHIN. RIVER RAN WILD. RIVER RAN WILD. Rain Forest. Rain Forest. Rain Forest. Rain Forest. Rain Forest. Rain Forest. Riddle a Day : On-Level Gr 4. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Bair, Diane Bair, Diane WISE, WILLIAM ADLER, DAVID A. GOODMAN, BETH FREEMAN, DON Murphy, Stuart Disney Disney Joe Spinone Joe Spinone Joe Spinone Joe Spinone Joe Spinone Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Freeman, Don Moore, Helen H. Kate Walker Kate Walker Kate Walker Kate Walker Kate Walker YOUNG, ED Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Jones, Jan 0590294334 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 12 Title Author Barcode A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Jones, Jan Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Martin, Bill, Jr Chick-fil-a Dennis Haseley Disney 11833 65590 65591 65592 65593 65594 65595 13067 641328 642918 642420 642783 14415 1004083 1004084 9573 9574 9660 10469 642422 9589 9590 9651 10353 10354 12063 9241 9546 13228 65822 641292 641293 641294 642795 67282 8322 10382 10383 11269 641041 15884 643691 643692 643693 643694 643695 643696 67072 11168 9737 Riddle a Day : On-Level Gr 4. River's Journey. River's Journey. River's Journey. River's Journey. River's Journey. River's Journey. Spooky Story. Statue and her Lamp : Americ from Ellis Island to the Empi… Story for Bear. Suprish Garden. TREE IS NICE. TRIP TO JAPAN. Thought[Big Book]. Thought[Big Book]. Thousand words : Below-Level Gr 4. Thousand words : Below-Level Gr 4. Thousand words : Below-Level Gr 4. Tiger in my Box : Independent Reader Grade K. Tiggerific Band. Time for Peace : Below-Level Gr 4. Time for Peace : Below-Level Gr 4. Time for Peace : Below-Level Gr 4. Trip Down a River : Advanced Level Gr 2. Trip Down a River : Advanced Level Gr 2. Trip Down a River : Advanced Level Gr 2. Trip to the Past : On-Level Gr 3. Trip to the Past : On-Level Gr 3. VERY SPECIAL HOUSE. Walk through History [Video] : One Giant Leap for Mankind. Whole New World : WORLD. Whole New World : WORLD. Whole New World : WORLD. Wonderful WInd. World of Change. World of Treats : Infoquest Gr 3. Year-Round Tree : On Level Gr 2. Year-Round Tree : On Level Gr 2. Year-Round Tree : On Level Gr 2. bad case of the giggles : kids' favorite funny poems / ill… ball Called Sam : Rigby Level 8. bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bargain for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Lilli… bug and a Pup : Below-Level Gr 1. bug and a Pup : Below-Level Gr 1. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM O'DONNELL, KERRI Scholastic Scholastic Phillips, Carlin Phillips, Carlin Phillips, Carlin Disney Antares, Mira Antares, Mira Antares, Mira Cernack, Linda Cernack, Linda Cernack, Linda Rozakis, Laurie Rozakis, Laurie KRAUSS, RUTH Turner Disney Natalie Lunis Evans, Lynette Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Strachan, Linda Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn ISBN LCCN 0590724711 0590724711 0881662135 : 94003336 /AC 006444001X 006444001X 006444001X 006444001X 006444001X 006444001X 0694012955 91012267 91012267 91012267 91012267 91012267 91012267 98047659 (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 13 Title Author Barcode A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Trepicchio, Lynn Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-195… Berry, Joy Wilt. Berry, Joy Wilt. Urban, Linda. Hayward, Linda. Joyce, William, 1957Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Boyd, Nicole, 1971Boyd, Nicole, 1971Boyd, Nicole, 1971Boyd, Nicole, 1971Boyd, Nicole, 1971Boyd, Nicole, 1971Matthews, L. S. (Laura S.) Schlitz, Laura Amy. Buller, Laura. Aylin, Morris Aylin, Morris Aylin, Morris McClintock, Marshall, 1906Wright, Betty Ren. Wright, Betty Ren. Wright, Betty Ren. Gauthier, Gail, 1953Lennon, Tracy Lennon, Tracy 9738 1003992 65033 65034 65035 65036 65037 65038 65039 65040 12842 12843 12844 12845 12846 12847 12848 5889 66432 66442 66422 401804 643107 16468 65368 65369 65370 65371 65372 65373 65760 590255 590256 590257 590258 590259 590260 401673 642852 65063 10417 10418 11286 65050 65902 65903 65904 7000006 13155 13156 bug and a Pup : Below-Level Gr 1. cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… cache of jewels and other collective nouns / written and i… chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. chair for my mother / by Vera B. Williams. child's good night book / Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures b… children's book about being greedy / by Joy Berry. children's book about lying / by Joy Berry. crooked kind of perfect / Linda Urban. day in the life of a teacher / written by Linda Hayward ; … day with Wilbur Robinson / by William Joyce. dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : th… doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. doctor's busy day / Nicole Boyd. dog for life / L.S. Matthews. drowned maiden's hair : a melodrama / Laura Amy Schlitz. faith like mine : a celebration of the world's religions--… fall From the Sky : On Level Gr 2. fall From the Sky : On Level Gr 2. fall From the Sky : On Level Gr 2. fly went by / by Mike McClintock ; illustrated by Fritz Si… ghost in the window / Betty Ren Wright. ghost in the window / Betty Ren Wright. ghost in the window / Betty Ren Wright. girl, a boy, and a monster cat / Gail Gauthier ; illustrat… great inventor : An Wang. great inventor : An Wang. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0448404516 0688009158 0688009158 0688009158 0688009158 0688009158 0688009158 0688009158 068812612X 0060210281 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (ove… : 9780152060077 (… 0789473682 9780060890988 (… 0439099854 0439099854 0439099854 0439099854 0439099854 0439099854 0439099854 9780823981717 9780823981717 9780823981717 9780823981717 9780823981717 9780823981717 9780385733663 0763629308 (rei… 0756611776 (hc.… 0394800036 082340661X 082340661X 082340661X 9780399246890 (… 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 87080254 81007010 81007010 81007010 81007010 81007010 81007010 81007010 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 91045340 /AC 00702843 00269677 2006100622 00055522 2005037287 00038038 00038038 00038038 00038038 00038038 00038038 00038038 2006045664 2006049056 2005296222 58009018 /L/… 87045331 /AC 87045331 /AC 87045331 /AC 2006020530 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 14 Title Author Barcode ISBN A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Lennon, Tracy Lennon, Tracy Lennon, Tracy Lennon, Tracy Ablow, Gail, 1962Carle, Eric. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Lasky, Kathryn. Gelman, Rita Golden. Perez, Ed. Bellish, Julia. Bellish, Julia. Bellish, Julia. Bellish, Julia. Bellish, Julia. Bellish, Julia. Bergen, Lara. Paterson, Katherine. Paterson, Katherine. Kasza, Keiko. Bayer, Jane. Hand, Elizabeth. Colen, Kimberly. McKissack, Pat, 1944Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Okimoto, Jean Davies. Bateman, Teresa. Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Say, Allen. Cherry, Lynne. Cherry, Lynne. Cherry, Lynne. 13157 13158 13159 13160 401800 1003968 12926 12927 12928 12929 12930 13051 67456 65073 66245 590114 590115 590116 590117 590118 590119 67352 15255 65231 640084 1004118 65794 101237 67455 65452 65453 65454 65455 65456 65457 65734 642526 1003974 1004031 65973 65974 65975 65976 65977 65978 65979 65980 65966 65967 65969 9780763628383 (… 0887080561 0670380164 0670380164 0670380164 0670380164 0670380164 0670380164 059050214X (alk… 0590305638 (pbk… 0874066433 : 0823982122 0823982122 0823982122 0823982122 0823982122 0823982122 9780736424189 (… 0525675299 (alk… 0525675299 (alk… 0399218416 : 0803701233 0439339316 (pbk… 1573100331 0590259881 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 0912365730 : 1890817910 067056172X 067056172X 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0395657490 0152005420 : 0152005420 : 0152005420 : great inventor : An Wang. great inventor : An Wang. great inventor : An Wang. great inventor : An Wang. horse in the house : and other strange but true animal sto… house for Hermit Crab / Eric Carle. house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … house is a house for me / Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … journey to the New World [video] : the diary of Remember P… koala grows up / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated by Gi… look around rain forests / by Ed Perez ; illustrations by … look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. look at Lady Liberty / Julia Bellish. masterpiece for Bess / written by Lara Bergen ; illustrate… midnight clear : stories for the Christmas season / Kather… midnight clear : stories for the Christmas season / Kather… mother for Choco / Keiko Kasza. my name is Alice / by Jane Bayer ; pictures by Steven Kell… new threat / Elizabeth Hand. note from your teacher : more than 450 notes for communica… picture of Freedom [video] : the diary of Clotee, a slave … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by … plump and perky turkey / by Teresa Bateman ; illustrated b… pocket for Corduroy / story and pictures by Don Freeman. pocket for Corduroy / story and pictures by Don Freeman. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river dream / Allen Say. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 2006051855 87029261 /AC… 77015518 /AC 77015518 /AC 77015518 /AC 77015518 /AC 77015518 /AC 77015518 /AC 95025715 86189357 /AC… 93190503 2006009937 95012590 /AC 95012590 /AC 91012361 /AC 84007059 /AC 2004301639 96025673 92042588 92042588 92042588 92042588 92042588 92042588 92042588 00068535 77016123 77016123 88014740 88014740 88014740 88014740 88014740 88014740 88014740 88014740 91012892 91012892 91012892 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cherry, Lynne. Cherry, Lynne. Cherry, Lynne. Cherry, Lynne. Aston, Dianna Hutts. Sullivan, Mary Beth, 1954Sullivan, Mary Beth, 1954Sullivan, Mary Beth, 1954White, Stephen, 1952Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Rey, Margret. Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire O'Donnell, Kerri. O'Donnell, Kerri. O'Donnell, Kerri. O'Donnell, Kerri. O'Donnell, Kerri. O'Donnell, Kerri. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. McGhee, Alison, 1960Trumpet Club river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. river ran wild : an environmental history / Lynne Cherry. seed is sleepy / by Dianna Hutts Aston ; illustrated by Sy… show of hands : say it in sign language / by Mary Beth Sul… show of hands : say it in sign language / by Mary Beth Sul… show of hands : say it in sign language / by Mary Beth Sul… tent too full : with Barney & Baby Bop / written by Stephe… traitor among the boys / Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. traitor among the boys / Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. treasury of curious George / Margret and H.A. Rey ; illust… treeful of pigs / Arnold Lobel ; pictures by Anita Lobel. treeful of pigs / Arnold Lobel ; pictures by Anita Lobel. treeful of pigs / Arnold Lobel ; pictures by Anita Lobel. treeful of pigs / Arnold Lobel ; pictures by Anita Lobel. treeful of pigs / Arnold Lobel ; pictures by Anita Lobel. trip on Dinosaur Airlines : BL Gr 2. trip on Dinosaur Airlines : BL Gr 2. trip on Dinosaur Airlines : BL Gr 2. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to Japan / Kerri O'Donnell. trip to the hospital / by Kim Watson ; illustrated by Mark… trip to the hospital / by Kim Watson ; illustrated by Mark… trip to the hospital / by Kim Watson ; illustrated by Mark… trip to the hospital / by Kim Watson ; illustrated by Mark… very brave witch / Alison McGhee ; [illustrated by] Harry … video Visit with Rosemary Wells [Video]. video visit with Rosemary Wells [Video]. visit to San Fransico : Trophies BL Gr 3. visit to San Fransico : Trophies BL Gr 3. walk in the rainforest / written and illustrated by Kristi… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… whale is not a fish and other animal mix-ups / by Melvin B… winter day / by Douglas Florian. winter day / by Douglas Florian. winter day / by Douglas Florian. winter day / by Douglas Florian. winter day / by Douglas Florian. winter day / by Douglas Florian. year of crafts for kids / by Kathy Ross ; art by Sharon La… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 15 Barcode 65970 65971 65972 66512 643261 1003822 1003823 1003824 643186 15233 5577 67364 10037012 10037013 10037014 10037015 10037016 11220 8925 8953 590042 590043 590044 590045 590046 590047 16423 16509 16510 16511 66370 6854 8271 Benjamin, Cynthia 8856 Benjamin, Cynthia 8896 Pratt-Serafini, Kristin Joy. 640212 Berger, Melvin. 65500 Berger, Melvin. 65501 Berger, Melvin. 65502 Berger, Melvin. 65503 Berger, Melvin. 65504 Berger, Melvin. 65505 Berger, Melvin. 65756 Florian, Douglas. 12900 Florian, Douglas. 12901 Florian, Douglas. 12902 Florian, Douglas. 12903 Florian, Douglas. 12904 Florian, Douglas. 12905 Ross, Kathy (Katharine Reynold… 640574 ISBN 0152005420 : 0152005420 : 0152005420 : 0152005420 : 9780811855204 0201074567 : 0201074567 : 0201074567 : 1570640092 (pbk… 0385323352 0385323352 9780618538225 0590412809 0590412809 0590412809 0590412809 0590412809 LCCN 91012892 /AC 91012892 /AC 91012892 /AC 91012892 /AC 2006013302 84040789 /AC… 84040789 /AC… 84040789 /AC… 93077870 98054630 98054630 2005275041 0823963845 0823963845 0823963845 0823963845 0823963845 0823963845 0689840004 (pbk… 0689840004 (pbk… 0689840004 (pbk… 0689840004 (pbk… 9780689867309 2001273457 2001273457 2001273457 2001273457 2005016108 9781878265531 (… 0590474774 0590474774 0590474774 0590474774 0590474774 0590474774 0590474774 0688073514 0688073514 0688073514 0688073514 0688073514 0688073514 0761310029 92225016 95236670 95236670 95236670 95236670 95236670 95236670 95236670 86033524 86033524 86033524 86033524 86033524 86033524 97120276 /A/… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 16 Title Author Barcode A+ Book Report Projects : Grades 4-6. A, B, See. A. R. Blasts Off! : CD. A. R. Blasts Off! : RL 4 CD 3. ABC : Eric Carle's. ABC ACTIVITIES. ABC Bunny. ABC Fun Fit for Kids [Video] : Mary Lou Retton Workout for K… ABC Space : The Great Big Space Unit with Alphabet Cards. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABC, I like me! / by Nancy Carlson. ABSOLUTELY TRUE STORY HOW I VISITED. ADVENTURE. AGE 8. ALAPHABET SOUP. ALBERT'S IMPOSSIBLE TOOTHACHE. ALEXANDER AND THE WIND-UP MOUSE. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. ALEXANDER, WHO USED TO BE RICH LAST SUNDAY. ALEXANDER, WHO USED TO BE RICH LAST SUNDAY. ALL ABOUT DRUMS. ALL KINDS OF FAMILIES. ALLIGATOR ARRIVED WITH APPLES. AMBER BROWN IS NOT A CRAYON. AMELIA BEDELIA. AMERICAN INDIANS. AMOS & BORIS. AN APACHE INDIAN COMMUNITY. AN EILLIS ISLAND CHRISTMAS. AN ELLIS ISLAND CHRISTMAS. AN OPTICAL ARTIST. ANANSI THE SPIDER. ANANSI THE SPIDER: A TALE FROM THE ASHANTI. ANANSTASIA'S ALBUM. ANATOLE AND THE CAT. ANATOLE. ANDY AND THE LION. ANGEL CHILD, DRAGON CHILD. ANIMAL. ANIMALIA. ANIMALS SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT WEAR CLOTHING. ANNIE AND THE OLD ONE. ANNIE'S ONE TO TEN. ANNO'S COUNTING BOOK. APT. 3. ARE YOU MY MOTHER? Koeppel, Mary Beth Hoban, Tana Charles Hirsch Hirsh, Charles Carle, Eric ABC ACTIVITIES Gag, Wanda Kidvision Warren, Jean Carlson, Nancy L. Carlson, Nancy L. Carlson, Nancy L. Carlson, Nancy L. Carlson, Nancy L. Carlson, Nancy L. 11583 13176 65729 9708 67289 14219 1001475 1003627 641329 66863 66864 66865 66866 66867 66868 642336 14345 13988 13205 14963 14076 14417 13202 65259 14413 13203 13204 642335 642337 13206 13207 14420 640816 642351 14440 13209 13208 642332 13211 13210 13212 13213 642334 13215 14069 13216 13217 13218 13222 13225 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM QUIMBY, RAMONA BANKS, KATE WILLIAMS, BARBARA LIONNI, LEO HARVEY, KATE VIORST, JUDITH VIORST, JUDITH ROZA, GREG SIMON, NORMA DRAGONWAGON, CRESENT KINDLE, PATRICIA STEIG, WILLIAM MOSKAL, GREG ROZA, GREG MCDERMOTT, GERALD MCDERMOTT, GERALD TITUS, EVE TITUS, EVE DAUGHERTY, JAMES SURAT, MICHELE-MARIA BASE, GREAME BARRETT, JUDI MILES, MISKA OWEN, ANNIE ANNO, MITSUMASU KEATS, EZRA - JACK EASTMAN, P.D. ISBN 0670874582 0670874582 0670874582 0670874582 0670874582 0670874582 LCCN 96045118 96045118 96045118 96045118 96045118 96045118 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author ARROW TO THE SUN READERS THEATER. ARTHUR MEETS THE PRESIDENT. ARTHUR'S VALENTINE. AT THE ART MUSEUM. AUNT CHIP AND THE GREAT TRIPLE CREEK DAM AFFAIR. AURORA MEANS DAWN. AUSTRALIA. AUTUMN STORIES. Aaron's Hair. Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abe Lincoln's hat / by Martha Brenner ; illustrated by Donal… Abel's Island [Video]. Abiyoyo[Big Book]. About Creatures : Fun Facts. About mammals : a guide for children / Cathryn Sill ; illust… About ourselves. Abracadabra! Magic with Mouse and Mole / Wong Herbert Yee. Abraham Lincoln : 16 President. Abraham Lincoln : 16 President. Abraham Lincoln : 16 President. Abraham Lincoln : Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln : Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln : Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln : Great Man, Great words. Abraham Lincoln : Great Man, Great words. Abraham Lincoln : Great Man, Great words. Abraham Lincoln [Video]. Abraham Lincoln [Video]. Abraham Lincoln. Accept and value each person / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrate… Across the stream / by Mirra Ginsburg ; pictures by Nancy Ta… Action: Defense : MainSails. Action: Defense : MainSails. Action: Defense : MainSails. Activities for Enhancing Literature / K-1. Activities for Enhancing Literature Grade 3-4. Adam Raccoon and the mighty giant / Glen Keane. Adam of the road / by Elizabeth Janet Gray ; illustrated by … Adam of the road / by Elizabeth Janet Gray ; illustrated by … Adam of the road / by Elizabeth Janet Gray ; illustrated by … Adam of the road / by Elizabeth Janet Gray ; illustrated by … Adam of the road / by Elizabeth Janet Gray ; illustrated by … Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story. Adopting a Wild Horse : Advanced level Gr 4. Adopting a Wild Horse : Advanced level Gr 4. WEBER, GAIL BROWN, MARC BROWN, MARC MURPHY, PATRICIA J Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 17 Barcode 14372 14067 14068 14412 640792 SANDERS, SCOTT - RUSSELL 13227 AUSTRALIA 14064 AUTUMN STORIES 14077 Robert Munsch 642870 Brenner, Martha. 66487 Brenner, Martha. 66488 Brenner, Martha. 66489 Brenner, Martha. 66490 Brenner, Martha. 66491 Brenner, Martha. 66492 Brenner, Martha. 66493 Steig, William 13881 Seeger, Pete 6171 Gravelle, Karen 643088 Sill, Cathryn P., 195366247 Needham, James G. (James Georg… 643033 Yee, Wong Herbert. 401839 641256 641257 641258 641259 641260 641261 641253 641254 641255 Schlessinger Media 5201 Schlessinger Media 5202 Parin, Edgar 13182 Meiners, Cheri J., 1957643283 Ginsburg, Mirra. 1004130 Windsor, Jo 7923 Windsor, Jo 7956 Windsor, Jo 7957 Wheeler, Sharon 1003883 Velez, Margaret Treimer 1003882 Keane, Glen, 195466435 Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 190214721 Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 190214722 Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 190214723 Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 190214724 Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 190214725 Tomie de Paola 642874 Miranda, Anne 11752 Miranda, Anne 11782 ISBN 0679949771 0679949771 0679949771 0679949771 0679949771 0679949771 0679949771 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 156145141X (har… 93031867 93031867 93031867 93031867 93031867 93031867 93031867 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 9780618759262 (… 96036402 /AC 42000717 2006034520 1575422034 0688012043 : 2005033708 81020306 /AC 155513288X 0670104353 0670104353 0670104353 0670104353 0670104353 CTP 2186 CTP 2188 89031229 /AC 42010681 42010681 42010681 42010681 42010681 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Advanced-Level Book collection : Grade 3. Advanced-Level Book collection : Grade 3. Advanced-Level Book collection : Grade 3. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 2. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Advanced-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Advanced-Level Books Collections : Grade 2. Advanced-Level Books Collections : Grade 2. Advanced-Level Books Collections : Grade 2. Adventure in Alaska : Below-Level Gr 5. Adventure in Alaska : Below-Level Gr 5. Adventure in Alaska : Below-Level Gr 5. Adventure in the Americas : Adventure. Adventure in the Americas : Adventure. Adventure in the Americas : Adventure. Adventures in art / Laura H. Chapman. Advertisements. Advertising in Action : On-Level Gr 5. Advertising in Action : On-Level Gr 5. Advertising in Action : On-Level Gr 5. Aekyung's Dream. Aesop's Fables. Aesops Fables [Video]. African American Experience 1500-1864. African American Experience 1864 to Present [Video]. African American Life [Video]. African- Americans. African-American History. Afro-Classic Folk Tales [Video] : Volume 1. Afro-Classic Folk Tales [Video]. After a Bath. After a Bath. After a Bath. After a Bath. After a Bath. After a Bath. After a Bath. Agnes Parker-- keeping cool in middle school / by Kathleen O… Air and Water [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Air is all around you / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Barcode Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Naylor, Robert Naylor, Robert Naylor, Robert Chapman, Laura H. Eggleton, Jill Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Pack, Min Holder, Heidi Aesop New Dimension Media New Demension Media Schlessinger, Andrew Maher, Jan and Selwyn, Doug Shallop, Laura Vignette Vignette Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher O'Dell, Kathleen, 1957100% Educational Videos Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Page 18 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 10259 10260 11109 11110 11324 8906 8907 11101 8972 8973 8974 11111 8904 8905 10252 10253 9274 641286 641287 641288 643029 7939 9472 9473 9474 13191 13186 300452 6742 6737 6740 6569 6568 642936 7765 641603 641604 641605 641606 641607 641608 641609 7000013 5989 643607 643608 643609 643610 643611 643612 ISBN LCCN 0871922517 93233388 3075 9780803730786 (… 0064450481 0064450481 0064450481 0064450481 0064450481 0064450481 (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 2006021320 85045405 85045405 85045405 85045405 85045405 85045405 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 19 Title Author Barcode Air, Water, and Your Health[Big Book] : Concept Health. Air, Water, and Your Health[Big Book]. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Air. Al Capone does my shirts / Gennifer Choldenko. Al Capone does my shirts / Gennifer Choldenko. Al Capone does my shirts / Gennifer Choldenko. Alaska's Three Bears. Alaska--spirit of the wild. [Video]. Albert the albatross / story and pictures by Syd Hoff. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert's alphabet / by Leslie Tryon. Albert. Aldo applesauce / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by John Wall… Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad. Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse. Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse. Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse. Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse. Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell / Kate Harvey. Alexander Graham Bell [Video]. Alexander Graham Bell [Video]. Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander Hamilton's economic plan : solving problems in Ame… Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Choldenko, Gennifer, 1957Choldenko, Gennifer, 1957Choldenko, Gennifer, 1957Shannon Cartwright Richards, Mose Hoff, Syd, 1912Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Tryon, Leslie. Donna Jo Napoli Hurwitz, Johanna. Viorst, Judith Lionni, Leo 1910Lionni, Leo 1910Lionni, Leo 1910Lionni, Leo 1910Lionni, Leo Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Randolph, Ryan P. Randolph, Ryan P. Randolph, Ryan P. Randolph, Ryan P. Randolph, Ryan P. Randolph, Ryan P. Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith 7912 1014446 642740 642741 642742 642743 642744 642745 15309 15310 15312 642939 642933 66448 101129 39685 39686 39687 39688 39689 39690 39691 39692 39693 39694 642901 67407 13192 2249 2250 2251 2252 13184 590054 590055 590056 590057 590058 590059 5209 5210 590369 590370 590371 590372 590373 590374 1003551 10037102 1004153 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0813629071 0786280433 (har… 0786280433 (har… 0786280433 (har… 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 0689717997 : : : : : : : : : : : 0140340831 2005017772 2005017772 2005017772 98509039 61005767 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 93048408 /L/… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 89033406 /AC 0823963861 0823963861 0823963861 0823963861 0823963861 0823963861 0823940330 0823940330 0823940330 0823940330 0823940330 0823940330 0307141225 0307141225 0307141225 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2002152881 2002152881 2002152881 2002152881 2002152881 2002152881 14122 14122 14122 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day … Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day … Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day … Alexander the Great rocks the world / by Vicky Alvear Shecte… Alice's Special Room. Aliens : Sails Gr 1. All Aboard with Bulletin Boards. All About America [Video]. All About Codes. All About Codes. All About Codes. All About Codes. All About Codes. All About Codes. All About Pigs : On-Level Gr 1. All About Pigs : On-Level Gr 1. All About Pigs : On-Level Gr 1. All About Snakes : Advanced Level Gr 2. All About Snakes : Advanced Level Gr 2. All About Snakes : Advanced Level Gr 2. All About Wolves : Advanced Level Grade 3. All About Wolves : Advanced Level Grade 3. All About things People Do. All About things People Do. All About things People Do. All About things People Do. All About things People Do. All About things People Do. All By Myself : cassette. All By Myself/ 6 copies/ Cassette : Level D/ early Emergent/… All Clean : Sails Gr 1. All I Am[Big Book]. All I Am[Big Book]. All I Am[Big Book]. All I Am[Big Book]. All Sorts of Sports : Advanced Level Grade 1. All Sorts of Sports : Advanced Level Grade 1. All Sorts of Sports : Advanced Level Grade 1. All Star To the Rescue [Video]. All Together: Grade 1 : Social Studies. All Together: Grade 1 : Social Studies. All Together: Grade 1 : Social Studies. All about drums / Greg Roza. All about drums / Greg Roza. All about drums / Greg Roza. All about drums / Greg Roza. Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith. Viorst, Judith. Viorst, Judith. Shecter, Vicky. Gackenback, Dick Eggleton, Jill Spizman, Robyn Fier, Harriet Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Rice, Melanie Rice, Melanie Rice, Melanie Rice, Melanie Rice, Melanie Rice, Melanie Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 20 Barcode 101029 101030 101031 101040 640635 640636 65258 642981 67322 8163 1003781 4772 642067 642068 642069 642070 642071 642072 10533 10534 11245 10326 10327 12067 10695 10696 12925 13007 13008 13009 13010 67325 65713 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12471 Windsor, Jo 8126 Roe, Eileen 10288 Roe, Eileen 10294 Roe, Eileen 10650 Roe, Eileen 11327 Ross, Linda B. 10767 Ross, Linda B. 10820 Ross, Linda B. 11297 Lynch, Ann 1003682 Scott Foresman 16387 Scott Foresman 16388 Scott Foresman 16389 Roza, Greg. 590024 Roza, Greg. 590025 Roza, Greg. 590026 Roza, Greg. 590027 ISBN LCCN 0307141225 0307141225 0307141225 0307141225 14122 14122 14122 14122 83740147 83740147 83740147 9781581960457 086653105X 0823963810 0823963810 0823963810 0823963810 98765432 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 21 Title Author Barcode ISBN All about drums / Greg Roza. All about drums / Greg Roza. All about my brother : an eight-year-old sister's introducti… All about things people do / Melanie & Chris Rice ; illustra… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All kinds of kids / written by Christina Mia Gardeski ; illu… All the World Loves a Puppet : Rigby Level 16. All the way home / Virginia Vail. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Allie's Basketball Dream : Sor to success LV 3. Alligator Alley/ 6 copies : Level J/ Transition/Fluent. Alligators and the Everglades : On-Level Gr 5. Alligators and the Everglades : On-Level Gr 5. Alligators and the Everglades : On-Level Gr 5. Almost gone : the world's rarest animals / by Steve Jenkins. Alone Time, Together Time : BL Gr 2. Alone Time, Together Time : BL Gr 2. Alone Time, Together Time : BL Gr 2. Alphabet Blocks [computer disc]. Alphabet rescue / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Alphabet rescue / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Alphabet. Alvie Eats Soup. Alvie Eats Soup. Always in Style : Below-Level Gr 5. Always in Style : Below-Level Gr 5. Always in Style : Below-Level Gr 5. Always. Am I an American? : On-Level Gr 4. Am I an American? : On-Level Gr 4. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amalia And The Grasshopper. Amazinf Animals Q & A. Amazing Animals. Amazing Animals. Amazing Animals. Amazing Animals. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Peralta, Sarah. Rice, Melanie. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Gardeski, Christina Mia. Alexander, JoAnne Vail, Virginia. Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Barber, Barbara Science Transition Level Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Jenkins, Steve, 1952Levine, Jesse Levine, Jesse Levine, Jesse 590028 590029 67137 65738 66875 66876 66877 66878 66879 66880 15503 643046 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 12432 9504 9505 9506 14571 11197 8912 8965 500005 642524 65062 10037196 640660 640661 9285 9331 9332 67464 11836 11837 16100 16104 16105 30311 30312 30313 67499 67044 67045 67046 67047 0823963810 0823963810 1931282110 0385267568 0516223704 0516223704 0516223704 0516223704 0516223704 0516223704 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Creative Teac hing Press 2002 Collins, Ross 2002 Collins, Ross Fisher, Kate Fisher, Kate Fisher, Kate Pignataro, Anna Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry Burnie, David Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard LCCN (hc.… (hc.… (hc.… (hc.… (hc.… (hc.… 2002106067 89037436 /AC… 2001003561 2001003561 2001003561 2001003561 2001003561 2001003561 0590434306 9780060535988 (… 2004030199 9780439853163 (… 9780439853163 (… 2005032382 2005032382 0439556074 0439556074 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 22 Title Author Barcode Amazing Animals. Amazing Animals. Amazing Anthony Ant / Lorna and Graham Philpot. Amazing Ants : Independent Reader Grade K. Amazing Armadillos : On-Level Gr 3. Amazing Armadillos : On-Level Gr 3. Amazing Dinosaur Facts. Amazing Hands : Rigby Level 13. Amazing Hands : Rigby Level 13. Amazing Trains. Amazing Trains. Amazing Trains. Amazing Trains. Amazing Trains. Amazing Trains. Amazing animals Activity Center [computer disc]. Amazing space facts / by Dinah L. Moche ; illustrated by R.W… Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Fritz Siebel. Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower / story by Peggy Pari… Amelia Bedelia under construction / by Herman Parish ; pictu… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia's family album / by Peggy Parish ; pictures b… Amelia Bedelia. Amelia Earhart An American flying Pioneer : Below-Level Gr 4… Amelia Earhart An American flying Pioneer : Below-Level Gr 4… Amelia Earhart An American flying Pioneer : Below-Level Gr 4… Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Philpot, Lorna. 67048 67049 67171 10485 9235 9540 66185 15534 15535 642728 642729 642730 642731 642732 642733 5523 640056 640620 65182 65183 65184 65185 65186 65189 1004173 66995 65199 65200 65201 65202 65203 65204 66395 65205 65206 65207 65208 65209 65210 66996 13189 9568 9569 9662 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Trumbauer, Lisa Trumbauer, Lisa Bennett, Leonie Tolar, Jude Tolar, Jude Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Moche, Dinah L., 1936Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Herman. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Altman, Linda Jacobs Altman, Linda Jacobs Altman, Linda Jacobs Altman, Linda Jacobs Altman, Linda Jacobs Altman, Linda Jacobs ISBN 1858810051 : 0439247748 0307618153 0694012963 9780060201869 9780060201869 9780060201869 9780060201869 9780060201869 9780060201869 0694012963 0694012963 9780060246426 9780060246426 9780060246426 9780060246426 9780060246426 9780060246426 9780060843441 (… 9780688076764 9780688076764 9780688076764 9780688076764 9780688076764 9780688076764 9780688076764 LCCN 95115783 87082370 98031782 /AC 91010163 /AC… 91010163 /AC… 91010163 /AC… 91010163 /AC… 91010163 /AC… 91010163 /AC… 98031782 /AC 98031782 /AC 93024263 /AC 93024263 /AC 93024263 /AC 93024263 /AC 93024263 /AC 93024263 /AC 2005014897 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… 87015641 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 23 Title Author Amelia's Road : Soar to success LV 4. America Is.../Big Book/Cassette[Big Book] : Transition Stage… America Rock [computer disc]. America the Beautiful[Big Book]. America's Veterans [Video] : Lessons 1 - 16. America's Veterans [Video]. America's greatest Olympians [Video] / directed, produced an… American History for Children [Video] : National Obervances. American Industrial Revolution [Video] : Teacher's Guide. American Legends [vIDEO] : Classic Stories of Great American… Americana : Tell Me Why, Volume VI. Amy's angel / Mary Manz Simon ; illustrated by Toni Wall. An Afternoon Nap : Below-Level Gr 1. An Afternoon Nap : Below-Level Gr 1. An Afternoon Nap : Below-Level Gr 1. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Apache Indian community / Greg Moskal. An Arts & Crafts Day. An Egg[Big Book]. An Elephant's Trunk. An Elephant's Trunk. An Elephant's Trunk. An Elephant's Trunk. An Elephant's Trunk. An Ellis Island Christmas / by Maxinne Rhea Leighton ; illus… An Interview with the Brothers Grimm : Below-Level Gr 4. An Interview with the Brothers Grimm : Below-Level Gr 4. An Interview with the Brothers Grimm : Below-Level Gr 4. An Introduction To Australion Spiders. An egg is quiet / by Diana Aston ; illustrated by Sylvia Lon… An island grows / by Lola M. Schaefer ; illustrated by Cathi… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… An optical artist : exploring patterns and symmetry / Greg R… And I mean it, Stanley / by Crosby Bonsall. And Kangaroo Played his Didgeridoo. And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? [Video] : Teacher's Gui… And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? [Video] : Teacher's Gui… And the Children Shall Lead [Video]. And then what happened, Paul Revere? / by Jean Frits ; pictu… And then what happened, Paul Revere? / by Jean Frits ; pictu… And then what happened, Paul Revere? / by Jean Frits ; pictu… And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street / by Dr. Seuss… Altman, Linda Jacobs 8612 Ring, Susan Social Studies/ Tr… 12347 5517 640306 Delc 65916 DELC 3979 14557 Lea, Rudolph 65771 United Learning 5993 Disney 67445 Leokum, Arkady 30006494 Simon, Mary Manz. 66440 Wise, Beth Alley 11192 Wise, Beth Alley 9788 Wise, Beth Alley 9789 Moskal, Greg, 1970590213 Moskal, Greg, 1970590214 Moskal, Greg, 1970590215 Moskal, Greg, 1970590216 Moskal, Greg, 1970590217 Moskal, Greg, 1970590218 Disney 642424 Fisher, Aileen 39222 Valerie Tripp 641610 Valerie Tripp 641611 Valerie Tripp 641612 Valerie Tripp 641613 Valerie Tripp 641614 Leighton, Maxinne Rhea. 66464 Dillon, Don 9579 Dillon, Don 9580 Dillon, Don 9657 Cullen, Esther 67533 Aston, Dianna Hutts. 401570 Schaefer, Lola M., 1950401648 Roza, Greg. 590363 Roza, Greg. 590364 Roza, Greg. 590365 Roza, Greg. 590366 Roza, Greg. 590367 Roza, Greg. 590368 Bonsall, Crosby Newell, 192165478 Gray, Nigel 67318 Fritz, Jean 16520 Fritz, Jean 5984 Pullen,Emma 6741 Fritz, Jean. 640151 Fritz, Jean. 640188 Fritz, Jean. 640200 Seuss, Dr. 65790 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 1586692011 97517185 0785281959 (har… 94027297 /AC 0823981568 0823981568 0823981568 0823981568 0823981568 0823981568 0590725884-X 014240506X (pbk… 9780811844284 (… 9780066239316 1404229272 (lib… 1404229272 (lib… 1404229272 (lib… 1404229272 (lib… 1404229272 (lib… 1404229272 (lib… 0060205679 0698202740 0698202740 0698202740 0394944941 (lib… 2005012090 2005052645 2004000015 2004000015 2004000015 2004000015 2004000015 2004000015 73014324 /AC… 73077423 73077423 73077423 88038411 /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street / by Dr. Seuss… Andy Bear. Andy Bear. Andy Bear. Andy Bear. Andy Bear. Andy Bear. Andy Shane and the pumpkin trick / Jennifer Richard Jacobson… Andy's New House : Advanced Level Grade 1. Andy's New House : Advanced Level Grade 1. Andy's New House : Advanced Level Grade 1. Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angel child, dragon child / story by Michele Maria Surat ; p… Angelina ice skates / story by Katharine Holabird ; illustra… Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelina on Stage. Angelo. Animal Adaptations: What are they? [Video] : Teacher's Guide… Animal Advertisements : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animal Advertisements : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animal Advertisements : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animal Advertisements : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animal Coats. Animal Coats. Animal Coats. Animal Coats. Animal Coats. Animal Coats. Animal Feet : Rigby Level 9. Animal Helpers : On-Level Gr 5. Animal Helpers : On-Level Gr 5. Animal Helpers : On-Level Gr 5. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Seuss, Dr. Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Johnston, Ginny & Cutchins, Jacobson, Jennifer, 1958Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Surat, Michele Maria. Holabird, Katharine. Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katharine David Macaulay United Learning Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Pyers, Greg O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert Natalie Tucker Natalie Tucker Natalie Tucker Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Ju… Ju… Ju… Ju… Ju… Ju… Page 24 Barcode ISBN 66451 1004231 1004232 1004233 1004234 1004235 1004237 401641 10785 10807 11309 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12709 12710 12788 12790 12791 12792 66385 101042 101043 101044 101046 101047 101048 101049 101050 642912 5992 8378 8379 8380 8381 642986 642987 642988 642989 642990 642991 15898 9511 9512 9513 642626 642627 642628 0394944941 (lib… 0590401572 0590401572 0590401572 0590401572 0590401572 0590401572 9780763626051 (… 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 0940742128 9780670062379 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 0590224840 LCCN 88038411 /AC 2004062872 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 83008606 /AC… 2006024016 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 25 Title Author Barcode Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Homes. Animal Opposites/6 Copies/Cassette : Level D/ Early Emergent… Animal Scavengers : Rigby Literacy. Animal Scavengers : Rigby Literacy. Animal Sensors : Rigby Level 16. Animal coats. Animal coats. Animal coats. Animal coats. Animal homes. Illustrated by Ben F. Stahl. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal tracks / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorros. Animal, Plant or Mineral?[Big Book]. Animals Around the World[Big Book] : Emergent Reader. Animals Born Alive and Well[Big Book]. Animals Born Alive and Well[Big Book]. Animals Collectors : Advanced Level Gr 4. Animals Collectors : Advanced Level Gr 4. Animals Homes : On Level Grade 1. Animals Homes : On Level Grade 1. Animals Homes : On Level Grade 1. Animals In Danger/ Big Book. Animals Say : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animals Say : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animals Say : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animals Say : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Animals Shelter[Big Book]. Animals do the strangest things / by Leonora and Arthur Horn… Animals in Danger. Animals in Danger. Animals in Danger. Animals in Danger. Animals in Danger. Animals in Danger. Animals in Their Habitat : National Geographic Theme Sets. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Natalie Tucker Natalie Tucker Natalie Tucker Maria Fleming Maria Fleming Maria Fleming Maria Fleming Maria Fleming Maria Fleming Math Early Emergent Stage Lynch, Patricia Ann Lynch, Patricia Ann Pyers, Greg Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Cartwright, Sally. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Drew, David Martin, Elena Social Studies/E… Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Goldishm, Meish Goldishm, Meish Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Berger, Melvin Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Bolton, Faye Hornblow, Leonora, 1920Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Randolph, June Bancroft, Henrietta Bancroft, Henrietta 642629 642630 642631 67034 67035 67036 67037 67038 67039 12484 8034 8050 15502 7002 7003 7004 7005 67471 66206 66207 66208 66209 66210 66479 66513 1003959 12346 30218 5909 11760 11791 10556 10557 11255 67475 8406 8407 8408 8409 5913 641272 642217 642218 642219 642220 642221 642222 14821 8804 8805 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0698304926 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0590433679 (lib… 0731201007-7 LCCN 72089755 90021269 90021269 90021269 90021269 90021269 90021269 90021269 /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0590724282 0590724282 0394943082 (lib… 88037710 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 26 Title Author Barcode Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in Winter : Soar to Success LV 3. Animals in the Mountains. Animals in the Mountains. Animals in the Mountains. Animals in the Mountains. Animals in the Mountains. Animals in the Mountains. Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of long ago / by Susan Ring ; illustrated by Will Ne… Animals of the Rainforest. Animals of the Rainforest. Animals of the Rainforest. Animals of the Rainforest. Animals should definitely not wear clothing / written by Jud… Animals should definitely not wear clothing / written by Jud… Animals should definitely not wear clothing,[Big Book]. Animals that Build : Sails Gr 1. Animals that Build : Sails Gr 1. Animals that Build : Sails Gr 1. Animals that Live in Groups [Video]. Animals that fly, crawl, jump and swim. Ann Gets A Map : Below-Level Gr 1. Ann Gets A Map : Below-Level Gr 1. Ann Gets A Map : Below-Level Gr 1. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. AnnaBelle's Wish [Video]. Annabelle's Wish [Video]. Anne of Green Gables / a Kevin Sullivan production ; produce… Annie and Snowball and the dress-up birthday : the first boo… Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by Jan … Annie's Pictures : Advanced Level Gr 2. Annie's Pictures : Advanced Level Gr 2. Bancroft, Henrietta Bancroft, Henrietta Bancroft, Henrietta Bancroft, Henrietta Bancroft, Henrietta Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Ring, Susan. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Barrett, Judi. Barrett, Judi. Barrett, Judi. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo National Geographic Society Atwater, Mary Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Carla Stevens Carla Stevens Carla Stevens Carla Stevens Carla Stevens Henderson, Dan Henderson, Dan 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 65338 65339 65340 65341 65342 65343 65440 65441 65442 65443 65444 65445 65751 7031 7032 7033 7034 640065 641216 1003977 8122 8124 8125 1003631 181 11179 9761 9762 641780 641781 641782 641783 641784 30005966 30005968 642803 401755 643576 643577 643578 643579 643580 643581 10299 10300 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Rylant, Cynthia. Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Manners, Jane Manners, Jane ISBN 0439351235 0439351235 0439351235 0439351235 0439351235 0439351235 0439351235 0689205929 0689205929 9781416909385 (… 0395378001 0395378001 0395378001 0395378001 0395378001 0395378001 LCCN 2004273480 2004273480 2004273480 2004273480 2004273480 2004273480 2004273480 70115078 /AC… 70115078 /AC… 88709230 2006002516 84019818 84019818 84019818 84019818 84019818 84019818 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 27 Title Author Barcode Annie's Pictures : Advanced Level Gr 2. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's Counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's counting book / Mitsumasa Anno. Anno's journey / Mitsumasa Anno. Another book about design : complicated doesn't make it bad … Another day in the Milky Way / David Milgrim. Another mouse to feed / by Robert Kraus ; pictures by Jose A… Anpao : an American Indian odyssey / Jamake Highwater ; pict… Antarcitica: The Last Frontier. Antarctic Antics [Video] : A Book of Penguin Poems. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica / Helen Cowcher. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica : Soar to Success LV. Antarctica's Challenge : Advanced level Gr 2. Antarctica's Challenge : Advanced level Gr 2. Antarctica's Challenge : Advanced level Gr 2. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Anti-Smoking Specials [Video]. Antonio's Lucky Day[Big Book]. Ants are Busy : On Level Grade 1. Ants are Busy : On Level Grade 1. Manners, Jane Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Anno, Mitsumasa, 1926Gonyea, Mark. Milgrim, David. Kraus, Robert, 1925Highwater, Jamake. Williams, Geoffrey Sierra, Judy Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen Rogg, Ruth Rogg, Ruth Rogg, Ruth Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Anti-smoking Hayes, Joe Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret 12042 12231 12232 12233 12234 12235 12236 67213 5887 67169 401830 643259 65164 16471 67330 13865 1004188 12118 12119 12120 12121 12159 12160 12161 12162 12163 12164 12165 12662 67116 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 10334 10335 12056 1004256 1004257 1004258 1004259 1004260 1004261 1438 39136 10546 10547 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 069001287X 069001287X 069001287X 069001287X 069001287X 069001287X 069001287X 0064433153 (ove… 0399207627 9780805075762 9780399245480 0671960768 0397317506 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0374303681 0590428934 0590428934 0590428934 0590428934 0590428934 0590428934 0590728822 LCCN 76028977 76028977 76028977 76028977 76028977 76028977 76028977 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 77016336 /AC… 2006043705 2006009154 78021259 /AC… 77009264 /AC… 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 89045911 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Ants are Busy : On Level Grade 1. Anyone but me / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by John & Wend… Anyone but me / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by John & Wend… Apollo to the Moon : Below-Level Gr 5. Apollo to the Moon : Below-Level Gr 5. Apollo to the Moon : Below-Level Gr 5. Apple-Picking Time : BL Gr 2. Apple-Picking Time : BL Gr 2. Apple-Picking Time : BL Gr 2. Apples : Below-Level Gr 1. Apples : Below-Level Gr 1. Apples : Below-Level Gr 1. Apples and pumpkins[Big Book]. Apples and pumpkins[Big Book]. Apples to Oregon : being the (slightly) true narrative of ho… Arctic Adventure : The Magic School Buss. Arctic People/ 6 copies : Level I/Transition/Fluent. Arctic tale / by Rebecca Baines. Arctic thaw : the people of the whale in a changing climate … Are you my mother? / written and illustrated by P.D. Eastman… Are you my mother? / written and illustrated by P.D. Eastman… Armadillo tattletale / by Helen Ketteman ; illustrated by Ke… Around and About Deserts. Around the Campfire : BL Gr 2. Around the Campfire : BL Gr 2. Around the Campfire : BL Gr 2. Around the Zoo with Baboon : On Level Grade 1. Around the Zoo with Baboon : On Level Grade 1. Around the Zoo with Baboon : On Level Grade 1. Around the world / by John Coy ; illustrated by Antonio Reon… Art Everywhere Grade 1 : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Everywhere Grade 2 : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Everywhere Grade 3 : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Everywhere Grade 4 : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Everywhere Grade 5 : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Everywhere Grade K : Harcourt School Publishers. Art Today And Every Day. Art for You : cassette. Art for Your/6 Copies/Cassette : Level B/Early Emergent/Emer… Artemis Fowl : the Opal deception / Eoin Colfer. Arthur [Video 6] : 14-16, 18. Arthur [Video] : 1-4. Arthur [Video] : 13,17,29,30. Arthur [Video] : 13,17,29,30. Arthur [Video] : 14-16,18. Arthur [Video] : 16-19. Arthur [Video] : 19, 24. Arthur [Video] : 20-23. Arthur [Video] : 35-38. Arthur [Video] : 36-38, 40. Gallo, Margaret Krulik, Nancy E. Krulik, Nancy E. Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Rockwell, Anne Rockwell, Anne Hopkinson, Deborah. Herman, Gail Social Studies Transition Stag… Baines, Rebecca. Lourie, Peter. Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) Ketteman, Helen. Ganeri, Anita Makem, Dattie Makem, Dattie Makem, Dattie Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Coy, John, 1958- Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 28 Barcode 11251 15279 641166 9281 9323 9324 11211 8926 8952 11166 9733 9734 16106 5842 66237 643162 12412 67403 401760 65049 65792 65344 67264 11214 8928 8950 10524 10525 11243 401580 67306 67307 67308 67309 67310 67305 Romberg, Jenean 4196 65711 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12465 Colfer, Eoin. 65235 Brown, Marc 16551 Brown, Marc 40060 Brown, Marc 3228 Brown, Marc 3226 Brown, Marc 4 0059 Brown, Marc 40093 Brown, Marc 40057 Brown, Marc 40058 Brown, Marc 3230 Brown, Marc 30006751 ISBN 0448426536 0448426536 0590617605 0590617605 0689847696 0439684013 LCCN 2002102949 2002102949 2001022949 9781426300851 (… 9781590784365 (… 0394900189 0679890475 (boa… 0590997238 2007024847 2006020045 60013495 97068709 99014722 1584302445 (tra… 2004030801 9781423103998 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Arthur [Video] : 39-42. Arthur [Video] : 43,50,58. Arthur [Video] : 44,45,52,52. Arthur [Video] : 46-49. Arthur [Video] : 46-49. Arthur [Video] : 5-8. Arthur [Video] : 53-56. Arthur [Video] : 57,59,60,61. Arthur [Video] : 62-65. Arthur [Video] : 66-69. Arthur [Video] : 70-73. Arthur [Video] : 74-77. Arthur [Video] : 78-81. Arthur [Video] : 9-12. Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Christmas cookies / words and pictures by Lillian H… Arthur's Lost Library Book [Video]. Arthur's Perfect Christmas [Video]. Arthur's Pet Business [Video] : D. W. the Copy Cat. Arthur's Scary Stories [Video]. Arthur's Tooth [Video] : Arthur's. Arthur's new power. Arthur's pet business / Marc Brown. Arthur's reading race / Marc Brown. Arthur's tree house / by Marc Brown. Arthur: It's only rock and Roll [Video]. Artic People : cassette. Artists and Their Art. Artists and Their Art. Artists and Their Art. Artists and Their Art. Artists and Their Art. Artists and Their Art. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. Arturo's Baton : Soar to Success LV 3. At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Hoban, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Hoban, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 29 Barcode Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Lillian. Lillian. Lillian. Lillian. Lillian. Lillian. Marc Marc Marc Marc Marc Russell Marc. Marc Tolon. Marc Tolon. Marc Michael Medearis Michael Medearis Michael Medearis Michael Medearis Michael Medearis Michael Medearis Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Wirth, Crystal. Wirth, Crystal. Wirth, Crystal. Wirth, Crystal. Wirth, Crystal. Wirth, Crystal. 3233 3882 3234 30006754 3883 40062 3236 3237 3238 3884 3886 3887 3888 3223 643474 643475 643476 643477 643478 643479 642837 6858 6103 30406 13874 100153 65480 643187 67229 6937 65705 642157 642158 642159 642160 642161 642162 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 65446 65447 65448 65449 65450 65451 ISBN 9780064440554 9780064440554 9780064440554 9780064440554 9780064440554 9780064440554 LCCN 02728159 02728159 02728159 02728159 02728159 02728159 9780316118637 0679867384 (alk… 0316057762 (pbk… 2006938492 95038987 /AC 2007296740 0439351081 0439351081 0439351081 0439351081 0439351081 0439351081 2003278591 2003278591 2003278591 2003278591 2003278591 2003278591 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / by Crystal Wirth ; illustrated… At Ellis Island : a history in many voices / by Louise Peaco… At Home in the Rain Forest. At Last! At Last! At Last! At Last! At Last! At Last! At Night. At Night. At Night. At Night. At Night. At Night. At Play on the Plains: Barn raisings, Birthdays, and other C… At Play on the Plains: Barn raisings, Birthdays, and other C… At Play on the Plains: Barn raisings, Birthdays, and other C… At home in the coral reef / by Katy Muzik ; illustrated by K… At the Beach : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. At the Beach : Independent Reader Grade K. At the Beach. At the Beach. At the Beach. At the Beach. At the Beach. At the Beach. At the Carmival : Nick Jr. At the Fair : cassette. At the Fair/ 6 Copies/Cassette : level H/Transition/Fluent. At the Fair/ 6 Copies/Cassette : level H/Transition/Fluent. At the Playground. At the Playground. At the Playground. At the Playground. At the Playground. At the Playground. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. At the art museum / Patricia J. Murphy. Atherton : the house of power / Patrick Carman. Audubon North American birdfeeder guide / Robert Burton and … Aunt Elaine does the dance from Spain / Leah Komaiko ; illus… Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Wirth, Crystal. Peacock, Louise. Willow, Diane Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Muzik, Katherine, 1948Lee, Quinlin B Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 30 Barcode 65750 66401 15209 640678 640679 640680 640681 640682 640683 640668 640669 640861 642983 642984 642985 9488 9489 9490 67167 640241 10499 Moira Andrew 640957 Moira Andrew 640958 Moira Andrew 640959 Moira Andrew 640960 Moira Andrew 640961 Moira Andrew 640962 640360 65715 Social Studies Transitional St… 12414 Social Studies Transitional St… 12452 Peter Sloan 66923 Peter Sloan 66924 Peter Sloan 66925 Peter Sloan 66926 Peter Sloan 66927 Peter Sloan 66928 Murphy, Patricia J. 590018 Murphy, Patricia J. 590019 Murphy, Patricia J. 590020 Murphy, Patricia J. 590021 Murphy, Patricia J. 590022 Murphy, Patricia J. 590023 Carman, Patrick. 7000022 Burton, Robert, 194115298 Komaiko, Leah. 641215 Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 640284 Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 8739 Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 8740 Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 8741 ISBN 0439351081 9780689830266 (… 0881064874 LCCN 2003278591 00054281 92070577 0689858418 0823963756 0823963756 0823963756 0823963756 0823963756 0823963756 9780316166706 (… 0756608503 0385306741 : 2006025976 2004059363 91045474 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)[Big Book] : Soar … Award-Winning Activities, 4 Year olds. Awesome Art Activities Around The Year. Awesome Art Activities Around The Year. BA-NAM. BABAR'S BIRTHDAY SUPRISE. BABY RATLESNAKE. BANNERS. BARN DANCE. BE SAFE ON YOUR BIKE : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. BEDTIME FOR FRANCES. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: AN AMERICAN INVENTOR. BENNY AND THE NO GOOD TEACHER. BENNY AND THE NO-GOOD. BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER. BICYCLE RACE. BICYCLE RIDER. BIG BD BRUCE. BILL AND PETE GO DOWN THE NILE. BLACKWATER SWAMP. BLUE WILLOW. BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL. BOOKS ARE FULL OF SURPRISES. BOY. BRAVE IRENE. BREAD AND JAM FOR FRANCES. BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA. BROWN BEAR, BROWN BEAR, WHAT DO YOU SEE. BUNCHES AND BUNCHES OF BUNNIES. BUNUIVUAL. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Babe : the gallant pig / written by Dick King-Smith ; illust… Babe : the gallant pig / written by Dick King-Smith ; illust… Babe : the gallant pig / written by Dick King-Smith ; illust… Babe : the gallant pig / written by Dick King-Smith ; illust… Babe : the gallant pig / written by Dick King-Smith ; illust… Babes in Toyland [Video]. Baboon Troops : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Baboon Troops : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Baboon Troops : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Baboon Troops : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Baboon's Park : Below-Level Gr 1. Baboon's Park : Below-Level Gr 1. Baboon's Park : Below-Level Gr 1. Baby Alligator : All Aboard Science Reader. Baby Animal Fun [Video]. Baby Animals. Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Morgridge, Tashia Scholastic Scholastic LEE, JEANNE -M DEBRUNHOFF, LAURENT ATA, TE Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 31 Barcode 8742 8743 8744 8745 4291 2789 6624 13229 13230 13231 14447 MARTIN, BILL & ARCHAMBAULT, JO… 13232 MALONEY, JOE 14199 HOBAN, RUSSELL 13233 ADAMS, COLLEEN 14432 640793 642345 640794 CREWS , DONALD 13234 SCIOSCIA, MARY 13235 PEET, BILL 13236 640797 640798 GATES, DORIS 13237 MCCLOSKEY, ROBERT 14070 BOOKS ARE FULL OF SURPRISES 14218 DAHI, RONALD 13238 STEIG, WILLIAM 14451 HOBAN, RUSSELL 13239 PATERSON, KATHERINE 13240 KELLEY, SUSAN 13241 MATHEWS, LOUISE 14391 HOWE, JAMES & HOWE, DEBORAH 13242 Trapani, Iza 14225 King-Smith, Dick. 30006792 King-Smith, Dick. 30006793 King-Smith, Dick. 30006795 King-Smith, Dick. 30006796 King-Smith, Dick. 30006797 MGM/UA Family Entertainment 7766 Windsor, Jo 8426 Windsor, Jo 8427 Windsor, Jo 8428 Windsor, Jo 8429 Wise, Beth Alley 11193 Wise, Beth Alley 9790 Wise, Beth Alley 9791 Clarke, Ginjer 67534 American Home Treasures 30006643 Sue Davis 641090 ISBN 0517555565 0517555565 0517555565 0517555565 0517555565 LCCN 84011429 84011429 84011429 84011429 84011429 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 32 Title Author Barcode Baby Animals. Baby Animals. Baby Animals. Baby Animals. Baby Animals. Baby Bear's books / written by Jane Yolen ; illustrated by M… Baby Kangaroo. Baby Kangaroo. Baby Kangaroo. Baby Kangaroo. Baby Owl. Baby Owl. Baby Owl. Baby Owl. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby Whales Drink Milk : Soar to Success LV 3. Baby bat's lullaby / Jacquelyn Mitchard ; illustrated by Jul… Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? / by Bill Martin Jr. … Baby dinosaurs / by "Dino" Don Lessem ; illustrated by John … Back home / by Gloria Jean Pinkney ; pictures by Jerry Pinkn… Backbeard : pirate for hire / Matthew McElligott. Bad dog, Marley! / John Grogan ; illustrated by Richard Cowd… Bad dog, Marley! / John Grogan ; illustrated by Richard Cowd… Ballet of the elephants / by Leda Schubert ; illustrated by … Balloons. Balloons. Balloons. Balloons. Balloons. Balloons. Balls! / by Michael J. Rosen ; illustrations by John Margeso… Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Sue Davis Sue Davis Sue Davis Sue Davis Sue Davis Yolen, Jane. Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Esvensen, Barbara Juster Mitchard, Jacquelyn. Martin, Bill, 1916-2004. Lessem, Don. Pinkney, Gloria Jean. McElligott, Matthew. Grogan, John, 1957Grogan, John, 1957Schubert, Leda. Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Rosen, Michael J. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. 641091 641092 641093 641094 641095 65045 7039 7040 7041 7042 7068 7069 7070 7071 8818 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 67145 66407 66696 67372 401809 66413 67361 401614 640738 640739 640740 640741 640742 640743 401606 11627 11628 11629 11630 11631 11632 11633 11634 11635 11636 11637 11638 11639 11640 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0152052909 2005019203 9780060507602 (… 9780805083361 (… 044842536X (pbk… 0803711689 9780802796325 (… 9780061171147 (… 9780061171147 (… 9781596430754 (… 2002010978 2006037769 2002281129 91022610 /AC 2006102841 2006029863 2006029863 2005002670 1581960301 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 33 Title Author Barcode Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Gr 2 Level 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2 Theme 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2 Theme 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2 Theme 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2 Theme 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2 Theme 2. Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 1… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 1… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 1… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 1… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 1… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 3… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 3… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 3… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 3… Banner Days, Teacher's Edition : Grade 2, Level 2-2, Theme 3… Banner Days, Teacher's Text book. Banner Days, Teacher's Text book. Barn Owls : Predators-prey relationships and conservation. Barn Owls. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Taylor, Iain Epple, Wolfgang 11641 11642 11643 11644 11645 11646 11647 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652 11653 11654 11655 11656 11657 11658 11659 11660 11661 11662 11663 11664 14691 14692 14693 14820 14954 14959 15024 7507 7508 7509 7516 7533 7504 7518 7532 7505 7506 7510 7511 7512 7517 7534 7520 7535 5336 5337 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 34 Title Author Barcode Barnaby : Sails Gr 1. Barney's Great Adventure [Video] : Barney. Barry the bravest Saint Bernard / by Lynn Hall ; illustrated… Bartleby of the Mighty Mississippi. Baseball from Soaking to Satchel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Baseball from Soaking to Satchel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Baseball from Soaking to Satchel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Basement Basketball : On-Level Gr 3. Basement Basketball : On-Level Gr 3. Basic Skills Series: Compare and Contrast. Basic Skills Series: Main Idea. Basic Skills Series:Cause and Effect. Basics First: Diagramming Sentences, Book A. Bats at the beach / written and illustrated by Brian Lies. Bats at the beach / written and illustrated by Brian Lies. Bats. Batteries Not Included : On-Level Gr 4. Batteries Not Included : On-Level Gr 4. Be Careful! Turles Ahead : Trophies BL Gr 3. Be Careful! Turles Ahead : Trophies BL Gr 3. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Be safe on your bike / Joe Maloney. Bean thirteen / Matthew McElligott. Bear Cubs, Baby Ducks and Kooky Kookaburras [Video] : Geo Ki… Bear Shadow[Big Book]. Bear party / [William Pene Du Bois]. Bear's first Christmas / Robert Kinerk ; illustrated by Jim … Bears are Big : Below-Level Gr 1. Bears are Big : Below-Level Gr 1. Bears are Big : Below-Level Gr 1. Bears on wheels / by Stan and Jan Berenstain. Bears. Bears[Big Book]. Bearymore / story and pictures by Don Freeman. Beating The Bulletin Board Blues. Beauty and the Beast and Other Stories. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Because of Winn-Dixie / Kate DiCamillo. Becoming Joe DiMaggio / Maria Testa ; with illustrations by … Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Eggleton, Jill White, Stephen Hall, Lynn. Shalant, Phyllis Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Livorse, Kay Livorse, Kay Roy,Jennifer Rozines 2000 Gilbert,Laurie 2000 Sneller,Norm 2001 Ryan,Concetta Doti 1998 Lies, Brian. Lies, Brian. Bernard, Robin Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Arora, Maya Arora, Maya Maloney, Joe. Maloney, Joe. Maloney, Joe. Maloney, Joe. Maloney, Joe. Maloney, Joe. McElligott, Matthew. National Geographic Kids Video Asch, Frank Du Bois, William Pene, 1916Kinerk, Robert. Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Berenstain, Stan, 1923Creative Teaching Press Krauss, Ruth Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. Molyneux, Lynn Stephens, Sarah Hines DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. Testa, Maria. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. 8086 13871 643140 642780 9371 9372 9373 9262 9559 7717 7716 7714 7702 65023 65029 640716 11826 11827 8868 8883 590120 590121 590122 590123 590124 590125 401753 1004667 1003958 65464 66380 11184 9772 9773 67356 3844 1003961 1001461 1003780 643217 13560 13563 13564 13569 13570 13571 66234 65524 65525 65526 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 9780375844393 (… 2006100345 9780618557448 (… 9780618557448 (… 2005010757 2005010757 0823982130 0823982130 0823982130 0823982130 0823982130 0823982130 9780399245350 (… 2006026295 0590440543 0670151246 9780689869723 (… 51014823 2006014441 0394909674 72077840 /AC… 0590717030 0140502793 : 0439436524 0763607762 0763607762 0763607762 0763607762 0763607762 0763607762 0763615374 0060223502 0060223502 0060223502 (har… (har… (har… (har… (har… (har… (alk… 78018281 /AC… IB414 99034260 99034260 99034260 99034260 99034260 99034260 2001025886 94043809 /AC 94043809 /AC 94043809 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Bedtime for Frances / by Russell Hoban ; pictures by Garth W… Beeman Interview. Beeman Interview. Beeman Interview. Beeman Interview. Beepers, Tweeter, & Peckers [Video]. Before I was your mother / written by Kathryn Lasky ; illust… Beginnings [Video] : Tell Me Why, Volume XVIII. Behind the Mask: A Book About Prepositions. Behold the bold umbrellaphant : and other poems / by Jack Pr… Being Bee / Catherine Bateson. Below / Nina Crews. Below Level Books Collection : Grade 2. Below-Level Books Collection : Gr 4. Below-Level Books Collection : Gr 4. Below-Level Books Collection : Gr 4. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 2. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 2. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 2. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Below-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. Below-Level books collection : Grade 1. Below-Level books collection : Grade 1. Below-Level books collection : Grade 1. Below-Level books collection : Grade 1. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin : American inventor / Colleen Adams. Benjamin Franklin [Video] : Scientist and Inventor. Benny uncovers a mystery / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illust… Benny, Benny Baseball Nut : Lucky Star. Benny, Benny Baseball Nut : Lucky Star. Benny, Benny Baseball Nut. Benny, Benny Baseball Nut. Beowulf : a hero's tale retold / by James Rumford. Bernie Magruder & the bats in the belfry / Phyllis Reynolds … Bernie Magruder & the bats in the belfry / Phyllis Reynolds … Bess and Tess : On Level Gr 1. Bess and Tess : On Level Gr 1. Bess and Tess : On Level Gr 1. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife Lasky, Kathryn. Leokum, Arkady Ruth Heller Prelutsky, Jack. Bateson, Catherine, 1960Crews, Nina. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 35 Barcode 65527 65528 65529 65736 7200 7201 7202 7203 30005672 65348 30006492 642929 642843 401860 401596 11102 9213 9214 9215 11108 9231 9232 11106 9224 9225 9220 9221 9222 11107 11323 9229 9230 Adams, Colleen. 590303 Adams, Colleen. 590304 Adams, Colleen. 590305 Adams, Colleen. 590306 Adams, Colleen. 590307 Adams, Colleen. 590308 Schlessinger Media 5194 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641384 Adler, David A 643199 Adler, David A 643200 Adler, David A. 67250 Adler, David A. 67251 Rumford, James, 1948401821 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. 66226 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. 66227 Manners, Jane 10570 Manners, Jane 10571 Manners, Jane 11236 ISBN LCCN 0060223502 0060223502 0060223502 0060223502 94043809 94043809 94043809 94043809 0152014640 2001007544 9780060543174 (… 9780823421046 (… 9780805077285 (… 2005022185 2006101561 2005012128 /AC /AC /AC /AC 0823982378 0823982378 0823982378 0823982378 0823982378 0823982378 0807506443 (lib… 0590703796 0590703796 9780618756377 (… 0689850662 0689850662 76015222 /AC 2006026084 2001045817 2001045817 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 36 Title Author Barcode Best Friends for Frances. Best Manners [Video] : Barney. Best friend Emma / Sally Warner ; illustrated by Jamie Harpe… Best friends. Better Sentence Structure Through Diagramming. Better Than Gold : On-Level Gr 3. Better Than Gold : On-Level Gr 3. Better than book reports : more than 40 creative projects fo… Betweeen the Lions 21-24 [Video]. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between friends / by Sheila Garrigue. Between the Lines : Rigby Literacy. Between the Lines : Rigby Literacy. Between the Lions 1-3, 30 [Video]. Between the Lions 1-4 [Video]. Between the Lions 12-14 [Video]. Between the Lions 13-16 [Video]. Between the Lions 15-18 [Video]. Between the Lions 17-20 [Video]. Between the Lions 25-28 [Video]. Between the Lions 29-32 [Video]. Between the Lions 33-36 [Video]. Between the Lions 37-40 [Video]. Between the Lions 4-7 [Video]. Between the Lions 41-44 [Video]. Between the Lions 45-48 [Video]. Between the Lions 49,51,52,53 [Video]. Between the Lions 5-8 [Video]. Between the Lions 54-57 [Video]. Between the Lions 58,59,61,62 [Video]. Between the Lions 64,66,67,68 [Video]. Between the Lions 69-70 [Video]. Between the Lions 8-11 [Video]. Between the Lions 9-12 [Video]. Beverly Billingsly takes a bow / Alexander Stadler. Beware The Babysitter : The Fairly Odd Parents. Beware of dog / Bob Balaban. Beware of the storybook wolves / Lauren Child. Beyond the Valley of Thorns / Patrick Carman. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Hoban, Russell Leach, Sheryl Warner, Sally. Stevenson Dressel,Mark Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Moen, Christine Boardman. ITV Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Garrigue, Sheila. Arnold, Tim Arnold, Tim ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV Stadler, Alexander. tokyopop Balaban, Bob. Child, Lauren. Carman, Patrick. Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed 19694 13867 7000005 640068 7696 9259 9562 6357 6655 65917 65918 65919 65920 65921 65922 65923 7990 7991 6231 6666 6234 6664 6235 6661 6654 6656 6658 6663 6232 6653 6657 6669 6659 6668 6662 6667 6660 6233 6665 65345 643047 65191 643037 15300 8472 8473 8474 8475 8476 8477 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 9780670061730 (… 2006027629 sv 97023308 0590492136 93151812 0027366200 0027366200 0027366200 0027366200 0027366200 0027366200 0027366200 77090952 77090952 77090952 77090952 77090952 77090952 77090952 0152168168 (lib… 1591825830 0439401372 043920500X 9780439700948 (… 2002004503 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 2002512213 00030167 2004025109 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Bicycle Rider : Soar to Success LV. Big Animals in the Sea. Big Animals in the Sea. Big Animals in the Sea. Big Animals in the Sea. Big Book Atlas : Social Studies / BB. Big Book of Books and Activities. Big Book of Health and Safety. Big Book of Rhymes : Grade 2. Big Book of Rhymes : Grade 2. Big Book of Rhymes : Grade 2. Big Book of Rhymes and Rhythms[Big Book]. Big Book of Rhymes and Rhythms[Big Book]. Big Bulletin Boards, A Cooperative Approach. Big Ears. Big Ears. Big Ears. Big Ears. Big Ears. Big Ears. Big Math Book For Primary Grades. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Mouths. Big Red, by Jim Kjelgaard. Illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sarah's Little Boots. Big Sister Dora! : Nick Jr. Big Time Learning Clock. Big and Little. Big and Little. Big and Little. Big and Little. Big and Little. Big and Little. Big red barn / Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Felicia Bon… Big red barn / Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Felicia Bon… Big, Bigger, Biggest : cassette. Big, Bigger, Biggest/6 Copies : Level B/ Early Emergent/ Eme… Bill Nye, In School, Disney Home Video. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video] : The Back is Where It's A… Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Young, Ed Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 37 Barcode 8478 7027 7028 7029 7030 640559 Zike, Dinah, M. Ed. 1003874 Markle, Sandra 12337 11997 11998 11999 Scholastic 30326 Scholastic 39138 Bigler, Karen 10037911 Jo Windsor 640085 Jo Windsor 640087 Jo Windsor 640091 Jo Windsor 640093 Jo Windsor 640101 Jo Windsor 640107 Alexander, Rosemary 10037477 Windsor, Jo 7142 Jo Windsor 640184 Jo Windsor 640192 Jo Windsor 640202 Jo Windsor 640206 Jo Windsor 640222 Jo Windsor 640224 Kjelgaard, Jim, 1910-1959. 67408 Bourgeois, Paulette 12533 Bourgeois, Paulette 12534 Bourgeois, Paulette 12535 Bourgeois, Paulette 12536 Bourgeois, Paulette 12537 Bourgeois, Paulette 12538 640362 Learning Resources 7775 Jacob Cesaro 640945 Jacob Cesaro 640946 Jacob Cesaro 640947 Jacob Cesaro 640948 Jacob Cesaro 640949 Jacob Cesaro 640950 Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-195… 1004002 Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-195… 5893 65690 Math Early Emergent Stage 12478 Bill Nye 30005691 Bill Nye 30006653 Bill Nye 1003606 ISBN LCCN 0590546813 0590546791 66002767 068987846X 0060207507 (ove… 0060207493 (lib… 1558909540 85045814 /AC 1744 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 38 Title Author Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye, The Science Guy [Video]. Bill Nye,The Science Guy [Video}. Bill Pickett : Advanced Level Gr 2. Bill Pickett : Advanced Level Gr 2. Bill Pickett : Advanced Level Gr 2. Bill and Pete to the rescue / written and illustrated by Tom… Billions of bugs / written by Clare Mishica ; illustrated by… Billy Baker's dog won't stay buried / M.T. Coffin. Billy Beaver / Dave and Pat Sargent ; illustrated by Blaine … Billy Tartle in Say cheese! / by Michael Townsend. Bionicle Rahi beasts / by Greg Farshtey and Jeff James. Biotrackers [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Bird Beaks and Bills : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bird Beaks and Bills : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bird Beaks and Bills : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bird Hotel : Sails Gr 1. Birdwoman Interview : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Birdwoman Interview : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Birdwoman Interview : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Birdwoman Interview : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Birthday Balloons : Rigby Level 5. Birthday Celebration : Social Studies Grade K. Birthday Celebrations : Social Studies Grade K. Birthday Celebrations : Social Studies Grade K. Birthday Cookies : BL Gr 2. Birthday Cookies : BL Gr 2. Birthday Cookies : BL Gr 2. Biscuit and the baby / story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; pic… Biscuit finds a friend / story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; p… Biscuit finds a friend / story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; p… Biscuit wins a prize / story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; pic… Black Beauty [Video]. Black Beauty [Video]. Blizzard of the blue moon / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrat… Blood on the river : James Town 1607 / Elisa Carbone. Blow, Wind, Blow. Blowing in the Wind/ 6 Copies : Level D/ Early Emergent/ Eme… Blubber / Judy Blume. Blue Planet [Video] : Space Film. Bill Nye 3000499 Bill Nye 40002 Bill Nye 40005 Bill Nye 30005770 Bill Nye 40003 Bill Nye 40100 Bill Nye 1003603 Bill Nye 1003605 Bill Nye 40000 Bill Nye 40001 Bill Nye 40004 Bill Nye 30005678 Bill Nye 30005974 Williams, Rozanne 10343 Williams, Rozanne 10344 Williams, Rozanne 12060 De Paola, Tomie. 640071 Mishica, Clare, 196066441 Coffin, M. T. 642810 Sargent, Dave, 1941643104 Townsend, Michael (Michael Jay… 401795 Farshtey, Greg. 15288 100% Educational Video 5990 Cernak, Linda 10788 Cernak, Linda 10804 Cernak, Linda 11304 Eggleton, Jill 8232 Eggleton, Jill 8402 Eggleton, Jill 8403 Eggleton, Jill 8404 Eggleton, Jill 8405 Hughes, Monica 15473 640414 640400 640442 Verne, Julie 11200 Verne, Julie 8918 Verne, Julie 8959 Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957- 643221 Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957- 640622 Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957- 640623 Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957- 640077 Sewell, Anna 1003534 Sewell, Anna 67444 Osborne, Mary Pope. 642454 Carbone, Elisa Lynn. 401608 Disney 642428 Early Emergent Stage Science 12460 Blume, Judy. 642802 Myers, Toni 65772 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 0399232087 0784707987 (pap… 0380777428 1567630049 9780375839320 (… 9780439696227 97018684 /AC 97044170 94096282 96001493 /AC 2006024354 2005285118 9780060094591 (… 0060274123 0060274123 0060094559 1555111130 1555111130 9780375830372 (… 9780670060603 (… 2003025271 96018368 /AC 96018368 /AC 2002154809 K6103 K6103 2006001838 2005023646 0440407079 (pbk… 2004270399 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 39 Title Author Barcode ISBN Blueberries for Sal. Blueberries for Sal. Blueberries for Sal. Blueberries for Sal. Blueberries for Sal. Blueberries for Sal. Bo and Peter. Bo and Peter. Bo and Peter. Boats / by Ken Robbins. Bob and Larry's ABC's / by Phil Vischer. Bob the builder : Bob's recycling day / by Annie Auerbach; i… Bob's white Christmas / adapted by Alison Inches ; based on … Bobbie Goes on Vacation : Rigby Level 10. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Baby. Bobbie and the Kite. Bobbie and the Kite. Bobbie and the Kite. Bobbie and the Kite. Bobbie and the Kite. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Monster. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Parade. Bobbie and the Play : Rigby Level 8. Bobbie's New Coat : Rigby Level 9. Bombers / by Jennifer Reed. Bon Temps : Advanced Level Gr 4. Bon Temps : Advanced Level Gr 4. Bone / by Jeff Smith with color by Steve Hamaker. Bones and Muscles/Big Bok. Bones and the birthday mystery / by David A. Adler ; illustr… Bones, bones, dinosaur bones / by Byron Barton. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy Robbins, Ken. Vischer, Phil. Auerbach, Annie. Inches, Alison. Hughes, Monica Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Hughes, Monica Hughes, Monica Reed, Jennifer, 1967Hanna, Julia Hanna, Julia Smith, Jeff, 1960 Feb. 27Pearce, Mary Adler, David A. Barton, Byron. Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett 1004329 1004331 1004332 1004333 1004334 39152 640598 640599 640600 67063 66424 640735 643146 15918 641073 641074 641075 641076 641077 641078 641142 641143 641144 641145 641146 641022 641023 641024 641025 641026 641027 640750 640751 640752 640753 640754 640755 15891 15899 65806 11737 11767 642378 67478 643122 67470 640939 640940 640941 640942 0590409239 0590409239 0590409239 0590409239 0590409239 0590409239 0590273752 0590273752 0590273752 0590411578 (lib… 0849915082 0689843798 0689844360 88018329 /AC 97034567 /AC 2002277386 00111607 9781429600286 (… 2006100702 0439706246 (v. … 2006271888 9780670061648 (… 0690048254 : 2006003511 89071306 /AC Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 40 Title Author Barcode Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones/6 Copies/Cassette : Level I/Transition/fluent. Boo-Hoo[Big Book]. Book Cooks/ Grades K-3. Book Cooks/ Grades K-3. Book Of World Records 2007. Book Of World Records 2007. Book of Black Heros from A to Z. Book of First. Book of List. Booker [Video]. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 3. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 3. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 3. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 4. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 4. Books for All Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 4. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 2. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 2. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 2. Books for all Learners : Teacher's Guide Gr 2. Boot Balancers Wanted. Boot Balancers Wanted. Boot Balancers Wanted. Boot Balancers Wanted. Boots for Red : Belwo-Level Gr 1. Boots for Red : Belwo-Level Gr 1. Boots for Red : Belwo-Level Gr 1. Bow-Wow bugs a bug / Mark Newgarden & Megan Montague Cash. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Boxcar Children, Yellow House Mystery. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Science Transition Stage Melser, June Bruno, Janet Bruno, Janet Morse, jennifer Corr 2006 Morse, jennifer Corr 2006 Hudson, Wade and Wilson, Valer… Buckley, James Buckley, James Jr Kirkland, Avon 640943 640944 65326 65327 65328 65329 65330 65331 12426 1000349 1003869 30237 67294 67461 6571 67502 67501 67447 10171 10172 10941 9131 9132 9133 10836 13916 8986 9023 10028 10215 10216 10911 7234 7235 7236 7237 11167 9735 9736 401740 1004372 1004373 1004374 1004375 1004376 1004377 1004378 1004379 1004380 8465 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Sigman, Margie Sigman, Margie Sigman, Margie Newgarden, Mark. Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Gertrude Chandler Scott, Ann Herbert ISBN LCCN 0868672378 9780152058135 (… 2006011026 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 41 Title Author Barcode Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Brave as a Mountain Lion : Soar to success LV. Bravo! : On-Level Gr 4. Bravo! : On-Level Gr 4. Bravo, Tavo! / Brian Meunier ; illustrated by Perky Edgerton… Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Bread and Jam for Frances. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Breathing Underwater : On Level Grade 5. Brer Rabbit and Boss Lion [Video]. Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby [Video]. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bridge to Terabithia. Bright Stanley / by Matt Buckingham. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright Surprises : Gr 3. Bright path : young Jim Thorpe / Don Brown. Brighty of the Grand Canyon [Video]. Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Scott, Ann Herbert Scott, Ann Herbert Scott, Ann Herbert Scott, Ann Herbert Scott, Ann Herbert Scott, Ann Herbert Hershkowitz, Debra Hershkowitz, Debra Meunier, Brian. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Rabbit Ears Storybook Classics Rabbit Ears Storybook Classics Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Buckingham, Matt. 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 11812 11813 401799 3000214 3000215 3000216 3000217 3000266 39193 11533 641658 641659 641660 641661 641662 641663 641664 14990 14991 14992 14993 14994 14995 1003506 1003620 14920 14923 14925 14926 14929 14930 14931 67124 10152 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 401645 1003547 30225 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Brown, Don, 1949Henry, Marguerite Aardema, Verna. ISBN 9780525474784 0-590=02566-X 0-590=02566-X 0-590=02566-X 0-590=02566-X 0-590=02566-X 0-590=02566-X LCCN 2006024466 1562040154 0791200027 0380432811 0380432811 0380432811 0380432811 0380432811 0380432811 0380432811 9781589250598 (… H0758 78070995 78070995 78070995 78070995 78070995 78070995 78070995 2006014875 9781596430419 (… 1555107605 0803709048 2005022029 9243 80025886 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 42 Title Author Barcode ISBN Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale / retold by… Brothers / by Yin ; paintings by Chris Soentpiet. Brothers. Brothers. Brothers. Brothers. Brothers. Brothers. Brothers. Brown Rabbit's shape book / Alan Baker. Brushes. Brushes. Brushes. Brushes. Brushes. Bubble Gum Monster : Revenge of the. Bubbles, bubbles / by Kathi Appelt ; pictures by Fumi Kosaka… Bubbles, bubbles / by Kathi Appelt ; pictures by Fumi Kosaka… Buddy Badger. Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog / by Eva Moore ; illustrated… Buffalo : A New True Book. Bug dictionary : an A to Z of insects and creepy crawlies / … Bugs / Nancy Winslow Parker and Joan Richards Wright ; illus… Bugs / [written and edited by Penelope York]. Bugs Don't Bug Us! [Video]. Bugs on the Menu : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Bugs on the Menu : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Bugs on the Menu : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Bugs on the Menu : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Building Blocks of Matter [Video] : Harcourt Science Grade 5… Building Lady Liberty. Building Lady Liberty. Building Lady Liberty. Building Lady Liberty. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Aardema, Verna. Yin. Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Baker, Alan. Janet Pheasant Janet Pheasant Janet Pheasant Janet Pheasant Janet Pheasant Anderson, Marilyn Appelt, Kathi, 1954Appelt, Kathi, 1954Sargent, Dave Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. Moore, Eva. 66703 66372 66373 66374 66375 66376 66377 66704 67099 640641 640642 643124 641765 641766 641767 641768 641769 641770 641771 66998 641085 641086 641087 641088 641089 643207 16395 641274 14004758 65362 65363 65364 65365 65366 65367 65743 640665 67234 65784 66439 1003640 8446 8447 8448 8449 642953 13113 13114 13115 13116 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 0803709048 9780399234064 (… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 80025886 /AC… 2005032645 1856979504 (har… 93029758 /AC 0874065321 0694014583 0694014583 00109014 00109014 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Bailey, Jill. Parker, Nancy Winslow. York, Penelope. Bo Peep Prod. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Harcourt Park, Elena Park, Elena Park, Elena Park, Elena 0590265857 0590265857 0590265857 0590265857 0590265857 0590265857 0590265857 0516011618 0439368596 (pbk… 0688066232 0789485524 LCCN 95006725 95006725 95006725 95006725 95006725 95006725 95006725 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 2002726842 86029387 /AC 2001037081 BP - 104 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 43 Title Author Barcode Building Lady Liberty. Building Lady Liberty. Building Toothpick Bridges. Building Toothpick Bridges. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Building a Nation, Gr 4, V1and V2 : Social Studies. Bulletin Boards Plus. Bully Bear : Rigby Level8. Bumped and Thumped. Bumped and Thumped. Bumped and Thumped. Bumped and Thumped. Bumped and Thumped. Bumped and Thumped. Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies[Big Book]. Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunches and bunches of bunnies / by Louise Mathews ; picture… Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery / by Deborah and James … Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery / by Deborah and James … Burrows, Tunnels, and Chambers. Burrows, Tunnels, and Chambers. Burrows, Tunnels, and Chambers. Burrows, Tunnels, and Chambers. Buster's Dino Dilemma. Busy Beavers[Big Book]. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy Week. Busy in the garden : poems / by George Shannon ; pictures by… Butterflies [Video]. Butterflies and Moths. Butterflies! / by the editors of Time for Kids ; with David … Butterfly Garden : Advanced Level Grade 3. Butterfly Garden : Advanced Level Grade 3. Butterfly World. Park, Elena Park, Elena Pollard, Jeanne Pollard, Jeanne Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Spizman, Robyn Freedman Jarman, James Ian Trevaskis Ian Trevaskis Ian Trevaskis Ian Trevaskis Ian Trevaskis Ian Trevaskis Mathews, Louise Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Mathews, Louise, 1950Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Brown, Marc Dabcovich, Lydia Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Shannon, George. MNTEX Entertainment, Inc 1991 Creative Teaching Press 13117 13118 6950 6951 15872 15873 15874 15875 15876 15877 1003787 15888 641584 641585 641586 641587 641588 641589 30223 65141 65142 65144 65145 65147 65148 66502 66425 67141 7188 7189 7190 7191 14292 1003957 641718 641719 641720 641721 641722 641723 641725 641726 641727 401585 1003644 30230 67163 10865 10866 101225 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Hershkowitz, Debra Hershkowitz, Debra Boender, Ronald ISBN 0866535101 0590715720 0396076017 0396076017 0396076017 0396076017 0396076017 0396076017 0396076017 9781416928171 9781416928171 LCCN 98765432 78007625 78007625 78007625 78007625 78007625 78007625 78007625 9780060004644 (… 2003056863 9780060782139 (… 2005005949 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Butterfly World. Butterfly eyes and other secrets of the meadow / written by … Button Time : Advanced Level Gr 4. Button Time : Advanced Level Gr 4. Buyers Need Sellers, Sellers Need Buyers : Social Studies Gr… Buyers Need Sellers, Sellers Need Buyers : Social Studies Gr… Buyers Need Sellers, Sellers Need Buyers : Social Studies Gr… Buzby to the rescue / by Julia Hoban ; pictures by John Himm… Buzzing A Hive. By Boat : Getting Around. CAN I KEEP HIM? CAPS FOR SALE. CAT ACTIVITIES. CAT RUNNING. CHANTICLEER AND THE FOX. CHARLEY SKEDADDLE. CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. CHARLIE NEES A CLOAK. CHARLOTTE'S WEBB. CHESTER THE WORLDLY PIG. CHICKEN LITTLE. CHICKEN SOUP WITH RICE. CHICKEN SOUP WITH RICE. CHICKEN SUNDAY. CHICKEN SUNDAY. CHICKENS ARE'T THE ONLY ONES. CHILDREN OF ANCIENT GREECE : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIA… CHINESE FOODS AND RECIPES. CHINESE NEW YEAR: LION DANCER. CHINESE NEW YEAR: LION DANCER. CHOCOLATE FEVER. CHRISTMAS MIRACLE OF. CINDER EDNA. CINDERELLA. CLARA BARTON : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG. CLIFFORD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. CLIMBING MOUNT EVEREST. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. COACHING MRS. PARKER. COACHING MS. PARKER. COLONIAL FAMILIES : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. COLONIAL TEACHERS. COMMANDER TOAD IN SPACE. CORDUROY. CORN IN MAZE. CORNROWS. COUNT YOUR WAY THROUGH...THE ARAB WORLD, CHINA , JAPAN, MEXI… COUNTING CENTER. COUNTING PENQUINS. Boender, Ronald Sidman, Joyce. O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 44 Barcode 101226 401665 11751 11781 640168 640181 640199 Hoban, Julia. 66449 Echols, Jean C. 30239 Mayer, Cassie 66700 KELLOGG, STEVEN 13243 SLOBADKINA, ESPHYR 14361 CAT ACTIVITIES 14086 640803 CHAUCER, GROFFREY 13245 BEATTY, PATRICIA 13247 DAHI, RONALD 13246 640804 E.B. WHITE 13312 PEET, BILL 13248 KELLOGG, STEVEN 13249 SENDAK, MAURICE 14390 SENDAK, MAURICE 14394 640805 642349 HELLER, RUTH 14393 DIAMOND, CLAUDIA 14203 MAHER, ERIN 14433 WATERS, KATE & LOW, MADELINE S… 13362 WATERS, KATE & LOW, MADELINE S… 14215 SMITH, ROBERT K. 13250 640806 640807 KARLIN, BARBARA 13251 ADAMS, COLLEEN 14200 BRIDWELL, NORMAN 14395 BRIDWELL, NORMAN 14396 SHEA, THRESE 14439 BARRETT, JUDI 13252 642350 640809 WILLIAMS, ZACHARY 14185 STEWART, TOBI 14202 YOLEN, JANE 14450 FREEMAN, DON 13253 BRANDENBURG, ALIKI 13254 YARBROUGH, CAMILLE 13255 HASKINS, JIM 13256 LINDBERGH, REEVE 14347 HOWE, CAROLINE 13257 ISBN 9780618563135 (… 0060210257 : LCCN 2005003921 91046085 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 45 Title Author Barcode COUSINS. CRAZY HORSE, SIOUX WARRIOR. CREATE AN OUTFIT. CROW BOY. CROW BOY. CURIOUS GEORGE GETS A MEDAL. CURIOUS GEORGE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL. CURIOUS GEORGE. CUSTOM CARS AND TRUCKS. Caddie Woodlawn / Carol Ryrie Brink ; illustrated by Trina S… Calculators. California : a visual journey / Diana Bebek. California Gold Rush. California Gold Rush. California Gold Rush. California Gold Rush. California Gold Rush. California Gold Rush. Call it Courage. Call it Courage. Call it Courage. Call it Courage. Call it Courage. Call it Courage. Calling all Safety scouts. Cam Jansen : the ghostly mystery / David A. Adler ; illustra… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house / David A. Ad… Cam's quest : the continuing story of Princess Nevermore and… Cameras in Narnia : how The lion, the witch and the wardrobe… Camilla Gryski's cat's cradle : a book of string games / ill… Camouflage, Cuttlefish,and chameleons changing Color [Video]… Camouflage, Cuttlefish,and chameleons changing Color [Video]… Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Camp Knock Knock : Soar to Success LV 4. Campfire Sing-Along [Video] : Barney. Camping in the Woods. Can We Get That Here : Social Studies Grade 2. Can We Get That Here : Social Studies Grade 2. Can We Get That Here : Social Studies Grade 2. HAMILTON,VIRGINIA MEADOWCROFT, ENID LAMONTE CREATE AN OUTFIT YASHINA. TARO YASHIMA, TARO REY, HANS AUGUSTO RAY, H.A. & MARGARET REY, H.A. 13965 13258 14087 13259 13260 13262 13261 13263 640810 30006491 30625 643044 66735 66736 66737 66738 66739 66740 14577 14578 14579 14581 14582 14584 1003679 67228 65887 65889 65890 65892 65893 65894 66997 401750 67166 16455 1005488 6019 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 13870 7928 640134 640146 640164 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Brink, Carol Ryrie, 1895Calculators Bebek, Diana. Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Sperry, Armstrong Sperry, Armstrong Sperry, Armstrong Sperry, Armstrong Sperry, Armstrong Sperry, Armstrong DELC Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Adler, David A. Regan, Dian Curtis. Brodie, Ian, 1957Gryski, Camilla. National Geographic Kids Video National Geographic Kids Video Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Leach, Sheryl Pritchett, Jan ISBN 0027136701 LCCN 73000588 /AC… 1552858510 : 0590406116 0590406116 0590406116 0590406116 0590406116 0590406116 9780142402870 (… 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 0140360239 : 9781581960563 1869505808 (pbk… 0439779383 93013047 93013047 93013047 93013047 93013047 93013047 93013047 2006361315 2006276541 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 46 Title Author Barcode Can You See What I See? : Night Before Christmas. Can it rain cats and dogs? : questions and answers about wea… Can you hop? / by Sadeqa Murray ; illustrated by Carly Casti… Can you see what I see? Once upon a time / by Walter Wick. Can you see what I see? Once upon a time / by Walter Wick. Can you see what I see? The night before Christmas : picture… Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Can't you Make Them Behave, King George? Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps For Sale[Big Book]. Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their… Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens[Big Book]. Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens[Big Book]. Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens[Big Book]. Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens[Big Book]. Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens[Big Book]. Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Boo… Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : a… Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : a… Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : a… Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Boo… Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naught… Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naught… Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopyp… Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple… Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple… Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple… Care and feeding of sprites / presented by Tony DiTerlizzi a… Cargo Cat : Sails Gr 1. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlita Ropes the Twister. Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. Wick, Walter Berger, Melvin. Murray, Sadeqa. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean Solbinski, Esphyr Solbinski, Esphyr Solbinski, Esphyr Solbinski, Esphyr Solbinski, Esphyr Solbinski, Esphyr Slobodkina, Esphyr, 1908Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Pilkey, Dav Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966DiTerlizzi, Tony. Windsor, Jo Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley Judith Womersley 14272 641323 16396 642452 67154 67155 101134 30133 30134 30135 30136 30137 1004131 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 5896 1003975 12906 12907 12908 12909 640159 65467 65468 65469 67521 67523 67524 65472 642445 67519 642781 66335 8171 642722 642723 642724 642725 642726 642727 641665 641666 641667 641668 641669 641670 641671 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0590130900 (pbk… 0439517931 9780439617772 (… 9780439617772 (… 9780439769273 (… 0590412000 0590412000 0590412000 0590412000 0590412000 0590412000 0590717421 0590717421 0590717421 0590717421 0590717421 0590717421 0064433137 (ove… 0590724290 0590724290 0590724290 0590724290 0590724290 98003042 /AC 2004275664 2006005853 2006005853 2005005644 9780590631365 9780590631365 9780590631365 9780439376099 0439049954 0439049954 0439049970 9780439376143 0439376130 9780439376143 9781416927570 98027382 /AC 98027382 /AC 98027382 /AC 2003001875 98056107 98056107 99054825 87028776 87028776 87028776 87028776 87028776 2006923848 2007540174 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 47 Title Author Barcode ISBN Carolina crow girl / Valerie Hobbs. Carolina's story : sea turtles get sick too! / by Donna Rath… Carrying Babies : Sails Gr 1. Case of the Unnatural [Video]. Casey Crow : adventures on casey's ranch. Casey back at bat / by Dan Gutman ; paintings by Steve Johns… Casey's Code. Casey's Code. Casey's Code. Casey's Code. Casey's Code. Casey's Code. Castle / David Macaulay. Castles : Ultimate Explorer. Cat Whispers : Rigby Level 12. Cat Whispers : Rigby Level 12. Cat in Boots : On Level Grade 1. Cat in Boots : On Level Grade 1. Cat in Boots : On Level Grade 1. Cat's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Cat's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Cat's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Cat's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Catch A Dream : Audiotext 2 Gr 1. Catch A Dream : Audiotext 2 Gr 1. Catch A Dream : Audiotext 2 Gr 1. Catch A Dream : Audiotext 2 Gr 1. Catch Me If You Can [Video]. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Hobbs, Valerie. Rathmell, Donna. Windsor, Jo Children's Television Workshop Bowman, Eddie Gutman, Dan. Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Gail Riley Macaulay, David. Churchill, Susan Donaldson, Julia Donaldson, Julia Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies American Home Treasures Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel 16397 66346 8056 1004655 643197 66818 642043 642044 642045 642046 642047 642048 643055 67500 15532 15533 10560 10561 11241 8398 8399 8400 8401 10861 13920 9001 9008 30006504 11048 11049 11050 11051 11052 11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 0374311536 0976494302 97045655 /AC 2005921088 1931281130 9780060560256 (… 2006029468 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0395329205 LCCN 77007159 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 48 Title Author Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch a Dream, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-2. Catch the Sunlight : CD. Catch the Sunlight : RL 4 CD 2. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Mrs. Calamari. Cats of Tiffany Street[Big Book]. Cave detectives : unraveling the mystery of an Ice Age cave … Celebrate America in Poetry and Art. Celebrate America. Celebrate the Millennium Acitivity Book. Celebrating America [Video] : Symbols & Ceremonies. Celebrating Art : Rigby Level 14. Beck, Isabel 11070 Beck, Isabel 11071 Beck, Isabel 11072 Beck, Isabel 11073 Beck, Isabel 11074 Beck, Isabel 11075 Beck, Isabel 11076 Beck, Isabel 11077 Beck, Isabel 11078 Beck, Isabel 11079 Beck, Isabel 11080 Beck, Isabel 11081 Beck, Isabel 11082 Beck, Isabel 11083 Beck, Isabel 11084 Beck, Isabel 11085 Beck, Isabel 11086 Beck, Isabel 11087 Beck, Isabel 11088 Beck, Isabel 11089 Beck, Isabel 11094 Beck, Isabel 11095 Beck, Isabel 11096 Beck, Isabel 11934 Beck, Isabel 11935 Beck, Isabel 11936 Beck, Isabel 11937 Beck, Isabel 11938 Beck, Isabel 11939 Beck, Isabel 11940 Beck, Isabel 10830 Beck, Isabel 7478 Beck, Isabel 7479 Beck, Isabel 7480 Marguerite Chase McCue 65730 Mccue Margerite 9707 Stadler, John 5568 Stadler, John 5569 Stadler, John 5570 Stadler, John 5571 Stadler, John 5572 Stadler, John 5573 Stadler, John 5574 Hayes, Sarah 2540 Harrison, David L. (David Lee)… 7000026 Nora Panzer 642909 Hellriegel, Diane 4272 Moger, Susan 6560 Celebrating 65821 Diaz, Katacha 15516 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 9780811850063 (… LCCN 2005030067 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Celebrating Chanukah : eight nights / written by Debbie Mart… Celebrating Chinese New Year : Nick's New Year / written by … Celebrating Christmas : Christmas Decorations. Celebrating Cinco de Mayo : fiesta time! / written by Sandi … Celebrating Easter : the Easter egg hunt / written by Joel K… Celebrating Father's Day : Father's Day is for special peopl… Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day : dreaming of change… Celebrating Mother's Day : Mom's memory box / written by San… Celebrating Presidents' Day : what is a president? / written… Celebrating Thanksgiving : giving thanks / written by Joel K… Celebrating Valentine's Day : my special valentines / writte… Celebrating patriotic holidays : honoring America / written … Celebration[Big Book]. Celebration[Big Book]. Celebration[Big Book]. Celebration[Big Book]. Celebration[Big Book]. Celebration[Big Book]. Celebrations of Diversity. Celebrations. Cells : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Centerfield Ballhawk : Soar to Success. Challenge Boxes: 50 Projects in Creative Thinking. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 1. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 1. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 1. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 1. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 2. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 2. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 2. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 2. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 3. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 3. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 3. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 4. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 4. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 4. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 5. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 5. Challenge Copying Masters : Gr 5. Chameleon's colors / Chisato Tashiro ; translated by Mariann… Changes : Advanced Level Grade 3. Changes : Advanced Level Grade 3. Changes in Transportation : Social Studies Grade 1. Martinez, Debbie. Drew, Rosa. Roark, Kimberly Hill, Sandi. Kupperstein, Joel. Marriott, Donna. Kupperstein, Joel. Hill, Sandi. Jordano, Kimberly. Kupperstein, Joel. Roark, Kimberly. Kupperstein, Joel. Revenaugh, Mickey Revenaugh, Mickey Revenaugh, Mickey Revenaugh, Mickey Revenaugh, Mickey Revenaugh, Mickey Integrated Theme Units Zinkgraf, June Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 49 Barcode 643178 643175 643167 643173 643177 643168 643174 643169 643171 643170 643172 643176 1004081 1004082 12200 12202 12203 12204 10036891 6564 67279 Christopher, Matt 8641 Christopher, Matt 8642 Christopher, Matt 8643 Christopher, Matt 8644 Christopher, Matt 8645 Christopher, Matt 8646 Christopher, Matt 8647 Valentino,Catherine Slough 198… 7805 Trophies 10842 Trophies 13935 Trophies 8991 Trophies 9018 10035 10036 10038 10946 10177 10181 10914 9144 9145 9146 9074 9075 9076 Tashiro, Chisato. 67239 McCoy, David 10706 McCoy, David 10707 640526 ISBN 1574715771 1574715690 157471578X 1574715720 1574715712 1574715755 1574715674 1574715739 1574715682 1574715763 1574715704 1574715747 0590724789 0590724789 0590724789 0590724789 0590724789 0590724789 0590493205 9780735818873 (… LCCN 00503098 00503074 2002156187 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Changes in Transportation : Social Studies Grade 1. Changes--The Earth Grade 3. Changing Communities : Social Studies Grade 1. Changing Communities : Social Studies Grade 1. Changing Pattern/On Your Mark : Audiotext 4 Gr 3. Changing Pattern/On Your Mark : Audiotext 4 Gr 3. Changing Pattern/On Your Mark : Audiotext 4 Gr 3. Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns , Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, … Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Bag 1and Bag 2. Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Bag 1and Bag 2. Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing Patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 1 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 1 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 1 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 2 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 2 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 2 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 2 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 2 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 3 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 3 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 3 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 3 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 3 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 5 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 5 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 5 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 6 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 6 Gr 3. Changing Patterns/On Your Mark : Audiotext 6 Gr 3. Changing Shape : Rigby Level 9. Changing patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing patterns, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-1, T… Changing times: the story of a Tennessee walking horse and t… Charlene loves to make noise / by Barbara Bottner ; illustra… Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors / Jenny Nimmo. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Jurca,Marsha Elyn 1991 Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Pyers, Greg Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Felder, Deborah G. Bottner, Barbara. Nimmo, Jenny. Page 50 Barcode ISBN 640532 7787 640530 640536 10211 10212 10888 10235 10885 16492 16494 16498 7426 7428 7434 7435 7640 7645 10904 16495 16496 7427 10206 10228 10928 10207 10208 10890 10929 10933 10209 10210 10891 10930 10934 10222 10223 10931 10213 10214 10932 15892 10903 16497 16499 7433 7500 16400 16401 66215 0836822765 (lib… 0762412976 0439545285 LCCN 98044735 /AC 2002100456 2005004315 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the hidden king / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the hidden king / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the invisible boy / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the invisible boy / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the time twister / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Bone and the time twister / Jenny Nimmo. Charlie Cook's favorite book / Julia Donaldson ; illustrated… Charlie and the great glass elevator : the further adventure… Charlie and the great glass elevator : the further adventure… Charlie the Bridesmaid : Rigby Level 17. Charlotte's Web [Video] / Hanna-Barbera-Sagittarius producti… Charlotte's Web [Video]. Charlotte's Web [Video]. Charlotte's web / by E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams… Charlotte's web / by E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams… Charlotte's web / by E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams… Charm Club. Chasing the Falconers / Gordon Korman. Cheetah math : learning about division from baby cheetahs / … Chemistry Experiments for Children. Cherokee A-B-C Coloring Book. Cherokee Fun and Learn Book. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Chester's way / by Kevin Henkes. Cheyenne Horses : Advanced Level Grade 3. Cheyenne Horses : Advanced Level Grade 3. Chicka chicka boom boom / by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archa… Chicka., chicka, Boom, Boom [Video]. Chicken Little. Chicken Little. Chicken Little. Chicken Little. Chicken Little. Chicken Little. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Soup With Rice[Big Book]. Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Nimmo, Jenny. Donaldson, Julia. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dhani, Marinder Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 51 Barcode 66343 66213 66350 66214 66342 66216 66351 642449 2926 5375 15495 642834 White, E. B. 1003618 Hamner, Jr. Earl 14547 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 65788 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 67156 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 67345 Ray, Belinda 15245 Korman, Gordon. 640081 Nagda, Ann Whitehead, 1945401814 Mullin, Virginia 1004516 Pennington,Daniel 1994 7690 Sharpe,J. Ed 1970 7679 Henkes, Kevin. 640654 Henkes, Kevin. 30437 Henkes, Kevin. 67100 Henkes, Kevin. 640655 Henkes, Kevin. 640656 Henkes, Kevin. 640658 Henkes, Kevin. 641037 Livorse, Kay 10715 Livorse, Kay 10716 Martin, Bill, 1916-2004. 65151 Martin, Bill 6747 Jenny Giles 66959 Jenny Giles 66960 Jenny Giles 66961 Jenny Giles 66962 Jenny Giles 66963 Jenny Giles 66964 Sendak, Maurice 1003969 Sendak, Maurice 1004535 Sendak, Maurice 1004536 Sendak, Maurice 1004539 Sendak, Maurice 197 Sendak, Maurice 200 Polacco, Patricia. 66839 Polacco, Patricia. 66840 Polacco, Patricia. 66841 Polacco, Patricia. 66842 ISBN LCCN 0439545285 0439545307 0439545307 0439545269 0439545269 043949687X 043949687X 9780803731424 (… 0375915257 (lib… 0375915257 (lib… 2005004315 2006009746 2006009746 2004052057 2004052057 2004269541 2004269541 2005021749 2001029347 2001029347 91482288 8099 0792101642 0060006986 9780061127762 0060006986 2001099579 2005935512 2001099579 0439651360 (pbk… 9780805076455 (… 2005280489 2006030069 0140540539 0140540539 0140540539 0140540539 0140540539 0140540539 0140540539 : : : : : : : 067167949X 0399221336 0399221336 0399221336 0399221336 89032427 89032427 89032427 89032427 89032427 89032427 89032427 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 89004315 /AC : : : : 91016030 91016030 91016030 91016030 /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 52 Title Author Barcode ISBN Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Chicken Sunday / Patricia Polacco. Chicken run : cracked-up joke book / by Louis Phillips. Chicken soup with rice : a book of months / Maurice Sendak. Chickens Aren't The Only Ones[Big Book]. Chicks and salsa / by Aaron Reynolds ; illustrated by Paulet… Children Around the World : Writing Forms. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children Around the World. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of ancient Greece / Claudia Diamond. Children of the Earth...Remember. Children's Dictionary. Children's Literature in the Reading Program. Children's Literature in the Reading Program. Children's Night Sky Atlas. Chinese Immigation : Immigratrion to the United States. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chinese foods and recipes / Erin Maher. Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane / by Victoria Sherrow ; illustr… Chipmunks Do What Chipmunks Do : BL Gr 2. Chipmunks Do What Chipmunks Do : BL Gr 2. Chipmunks Do What Chipmunks Do : BL Gr 2. Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Phillips, Louis. Sendak, Maurice. Heller, Ruth Reynolds, Aaron, 1970Evan-Moor Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Diamond, Claudia. Schim Schimmel 66843 66844 643190 12113 2539 66369 6730 66555 66556 66557 66558 66559 66560 66561 590144 590145 590146 590147 590148 590149 590207 590208 590209 590210 590211 590212 642923 67458 10037367 1003950 14560 14876 641504 641505 641506 641507 641508 641509 641510 641511 590309 590310 590311 590312 590313 590314 641236 11194 8911 8966 0399221336 : 0399221336 : 0141308761 0060255358 0590724274 9781582349725 (… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Cullinan, Bernice E. Cullinan, Bernice E. Scagell, Robin Pile, Murray Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Stanley Wong Maher, Erin, 1971Maher, Erin, 1971Maher, Erin, 1971Maher, Erin, 1971Maher, Erin, 1971Maher, Erin, 1971Sherrow, Victoria. Verne, Julie Verne, Julie Verne, Julie LCCN 91016030 /AC 91016030 /AC 2005042137 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 082398222X 0872077829 0872077829 86027786 86027786 0823982386 0823982386 0823982386 0823982386 0823982386 0823982386 1568990286 : 93027267 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Chloe the Chameleon : Rigby Level 10. Chocolate : a sweet history / by Sandra Markle ; illustrated… Chocolate : a sweet history / by Sandra Markle ; illustrated… Chomping on Bugs, swimming sea slugs, and stuff that makes a… Choosing Freedom : Social Studies Grade 5. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christina's ghost / Betty Ren Wright. Christmas Treasury. Christmas Tree [Video] : The Berenstain Bears. Christmas tree farm / by Ann Purmell ; illustrated by Jill W… Christmas. Christmas. Christopher Columbus [Video]. Cinderella / retold by Christine San José ; illustrated by D… Cinderella. Cinderhazel : the Cinderella of Halloween / Deborah Nourse L… Cinderhazel : the Cinderella of Halloween / Deborah Nourse L… Cinderhazel : the Cinderella of Halloween / Deborah Nourse L… Cinderhazel : the Cinderella of Halloween / Deborah Nourse L… Cindy's Cellar : On Level Gr 1. Cindy's Cellar : On Level Gr 1. Cindy's Cellar : On Level Gr 1. Cities Around the World. Cities Around the World. Cities Around the World. Cities Around the World. Cities Around the World. Cities Around the World. Cities Then and Now. Cities Then and Now. Cities Then and Now. Cities Then and Now. Cities Then and Now. Cities Then and Now. Citizenship Advanced Level Gr 4. Citizenship Advanced Level Gr 4. City Celebrations : On-Level Gr 3. City Celebrations : On-Level Gr 3. City Mouse-Country Mouse[Big Book]. City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… Warren, Celia Markle, Sandra. Markle, Sandra. National Geographic Kids Video Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 53 Barcode 15926 15262 15346 1004661 640558 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000501 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000502 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000504 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000506 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000507 Wright, Betty Ren. 3000510 Brett, Jan 3821 Berenstain, Stan and Jan 1003522 Purmell, Ann. 401651 Teacher Created Materials, In… 641334 Teacher Created Materials, In… 6567 Schlessinger Media 5187 San José, Christine. 65065 Disney 642431 Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. 643500 Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. 643501 Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. 643502 Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. 643503 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 10552 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 10553 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 11254 Kathleen Leslie 642205 Kathleen Leslie 642206 Kathleen Leslie 642207 Kathleen Leslie 642208 Kathleen Leslie 642209 Kathleen Leslie 642210 Flaig, Paul 13101 Flaig, Paul 13102 Flaig, Paul 13103 Flaig, Paul 13104 Flaig, Paul 13105 Flaig, Paul 13106 Miranda, Anne 11739 Miranda, Anne 11769 Hershkiwitz, Debra 9238 Hershkiwitz, Debra 9543 Wallner, John 1005280 640579 65518 65519 65520 65521 65522 65523 ISBN LCCN 0448434806 (pbk… 0448434806 (pbk… 2003024570 2003024570 0590427091 0590427091 0590427091 0590427091 0590427091 0590427091 9780823418862 (… 2004047502 1563971526 : 92073991 0590202324 0590202324 0590202324 0590202324 95013089 95013089 95013089 95013089 /AC /AC /AC /AC 88106482 88106482 88106482 88106482 88106482 88106482 88106482 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 0590732811 0590411551 0590411551 0590411551 0590411551 0590411551 0590411551 0590411551 (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… City mouse-country mouse and two more mouse tales from Aesop… Civil War Heroines : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Heroines : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Heroines : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Journal, Vol 3 [Video]. Civil War Journal, Vol 6 [Video]. Civil War Journal,Vol 2 [Video]. Civil War sub : the mystery of the Hunley / by Kate Boehm Je… Clam-I-am! / by Tish Rabe ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz an… Clancy the courageous cow / by Lachie Hume. Clap Your Hands[Big Book]. Clap your hands[Big Book]. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield / Colleen Adams. Clarice Bean Guess Who's Babysitting? Clarice Bean, don't look now / Lauren Child. Clarification Writing : Grades 4-6. Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Class clown / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Sheila Hamana… Classification of Living Things [Video] : Vol 5. Classification of Living Things [Video] : Vol 5. Clay Creatures : Rigby Level 9. Clean My teeth. Clean My teeth. Clean My teeth. Clean My teeth. Clean your room, Harvey Moon! / by Pat Cummings. Clean your room, Harvey Moon! / by Pat Cummings. Clean your room, Harvey Moon! / by Pat Cummings. Clementine / Sara Pennypacker ; pictures by Marla Frazee. Clever Ali / Nancy Farmer ; illustrated by Gail de Marcken. Clever Ali / Nancy Farmer ; illustrated by Gail de Marcken. Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type. Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type[Big Book]. Click, clack, moo : cows that type / by Doreen Cronin ; pict… Click, clack, moo : cows that type / by Doreen Cronin ; pict… Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure / by Dor… Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 54 Author Barcode ISBN 0590411551 (pbk… 0590411551 (pbk… History Channel History Channel History Channel Jerome, Kate Boehm. Rabe, Tish. Hume, Lachie. Cauley, Lorinda Bryan Cauley, Lorinda Bryan Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Child, Lauren Child, Lauren. Twohey, Pat Hurwitz, Johanna. Hurwitz, Johanna. Hurwitz, Johanna. Hurwitz, Johanna. Hurwitz, Johanna. Hurwitz, Johanna. Tell Me Why Video Tell Me Why Video Vogelnest, Laura Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Cummings, Pat. Cummings, Pat. Cummings, Pat. Pennypacker, Sara, 1951Farmer, Nancy, 1941Farmer, Nancy, 1941Doreen Cronin Cronin, Doreen Cronin, Doreen. Cronin, Doreen. Cronin, Doreen. Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell 65735 640580 640452 640464 640545 10037412 10037390 10037440 29087 65089 7000017 1003972 5875 590126 590127 590128 590129 590130 590131 188149 401805 11590 1004565 1004567 1004569 1004571 1004572 1004577 3728 6075 15896 7055 7056 7057 7058 65079 66470 66471 401654 642845 643115 642905 6188 640608 640609 15263 66079 66080 66081 66082 0448425971 (pbk… 9780375822803 9780061172496 (… 0590728792 0590728792 0823982149 0823982149 0823982149 0823982149 0823982149 0823982149 LCCN 88106482 /AC… 88106482 /AC… 2002005264 2004014613 2006005591 9780763635367 0590418211 0590418211 0590418211 0590418211 0590418211 0590418211 0689717989 : 0689717989 : 0689717989 : 0786838825 9780439370141 (… 9780439370141 (… 93020571 /AC 93020571 /AC 93020571 /AC 2005050458 2005027133 2005027133 9781599610887 9781599610887 9780689877162 2006006014 2006006014 2004029020 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 55 Title Author Barcode Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Goes to Hollywood. Clifford Takes a Trip. Clifford The Runaway Rabbit. Clifford Va De Viaje. Clifford Va De Viaje. Clifford Va De Viaje. Clifford Va De Viaje. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors. Clifford's Birthday Party[Big Book]. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Halloween; story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's Riddles. Clifford's family / story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's first Valentine's Day / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's first school day / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's first school day / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's first sleepover / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's first sleepover / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's good deeds / story and pictures by Norman Bridwel… Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman 2001 Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. 66083 66084 67288 67400 641222 66021 66022 66023 66024 66025 66026 66027 66028 66029 66030 66031 1003963 16136 16137 16138 16139 16140 16142 66048 66049 66050 66051 66052 66053 66054 67259 1004025 65187 643230 67209 640631 640634 66042 66043 66044 66045 66046 66047 66453 66472 66015 66016 66017 66018 66019 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 043921614 0590731025 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 67023536 0590442902 0590921622 (pbk… 9780439082846 (… 9780439082846 (… 0439472857 (pbk… 0439472857 (pbk… 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0027129101 0590486977 : 0590486977 : 0590486977 : 0590486977 : 0590486977 : /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 97135099 99012688 99012688 2004300072 2004300072 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 75015463 /AC 94004004 94004004 94004004 94004004 94004004 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 56 Title Author Barcode ISBN Clifford's manners / Norman Bridwell. Clifford's pals / story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Clifford's puppy days / Norman Bridwell. Clifford, the big red dog / story and pictures by Norman Bri… Clifford, the big red dog / story and pictures by Norman Bri… Clifford, the big red dog / story and pictures by Norman Bri… Clifford, the big red dog / story and pictures by Norman Bri… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Climbing Mount Everest : understanding commutative, associat… Clip And Copy Art. Clorinda takes flight / Robert Kinerk ; illustrated by Steve… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds / written by Roy Wandelmaier ; illustrated by John Jo… Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clouds of Terror : Soar to success LV 3. Clown : Sails Gr 1. Clown's Clothes. Clown's Clothes. Clown's Clothes. Clown's Clothes. Clowning Around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Clowning Around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Cocoons and Cases. Cocoons and Cases. Cocoons and Cases. Cocoons and Cases. Cocoons and Cases. Cocoons and Cases. Colonial America 1600-1750. Colonial America, Literature-Based Activities For Thematic T… Colonial Williamsburg Field Trip [Video]. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Colonial families / Zachary Williams. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Bridwell, Norman. Shea, Therese. Shea, Therese. Shea, Therese. Shea, Therese. Shea, Therese. Shea, Therese. McClure, Nancee Kinerk, Robert. Wandelmaier, Roy. Wandelmaier, Roy. Wandelmaier, Roy. Wandelmaier, Roy. Wandelmaier, Roy. Wandelmaier, Roy. Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Welch, Catherine Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill DiMenna, Mary DiMenna, Mary Kim Wilson Kim Wilson Kim Wilson Kim Wilson Kim Wilson Kim Wilson 66020 65475 5895 643145 66065 66066 66067 590351 590352 590353 590354 590355 590356 4199 401852 643642 643643 643644 643645 643646 643647 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8077 7051 7052 7053 7054 8028 8044 640921 640922 640923 640924 640925 640926 67482 4233 6112 590060 590061 590062 590063 590064 590065 0590486977 0590335820 0590726129 0590407430 0590407430 0590407430 0590407430 1404229396 1404229396 1404229396 1404229396 1404229396 1404229396 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Wyma, Brenda DELC Williams, Zachary. Williams, Zachary. Williams, Zachary. Williams, Zachary. Williams, Zachary. Williams, Zachary. LCCN : 94004004 (ove… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 86031502 /AC 86031502 /AC 86031502 /AC 86031502 /AC 2004005317 2004005317 2004005317 2004005317 2004005317 2004005317 9780689868641 0816703388 (lib… 0816703388 (lib… 0816703388 (lib… 0816703388 (lib… 0816703388 (lib… 0816703388 (lib… 2003019273 84008643 /AC 84008643 /AC 84008643 /AC 84008643 /AC 84008643 /AC 84008643 /AC 0823981428 0823981428 0823981428 0823981428 0823981428 0823981428 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Colonial life for children. Settling the new world / [video]… Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Colonial teachers / Tobi Stewart. Color For Thought. Color for Thought. Colorful Characters in American Tall Tales : Below-Level Gr … Colorful Characters in American Tall Tales : Below-Level Gr … Colorful Characters in American Tall Tales : Below-Level Gr … Colors [Video] : Watch and Learn Ages 3-6. Colors/6 Copies/Cassette : Level B/Early Emergent/Emergent. Columbus Adventures to the Edge of the World [Video]. Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, Amelia Bedelia / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Wa… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pi… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by Giulio Maes… Comets, stars, the moon, and Mars : space poems and painting… Comic Valentine [Video] : Berenstein Bear. Coming home : a story of Josh Gibson, baseball's greatest ho… Communities All Over : Social Studies Grade 2. Communities All Over : Social Studies Grade 2. Communities All Over : Social Studies Grade 2. Communities: Alike and Different : Social Studies Grade 2. Communities: Alike and Different : Social Studies Grade 2. Communities: Alike and Different : Social Studies Grade 2. Complementary Colors : Teaching Children. Complete Elementary Physical Education Guide. Concord : Advanced Level Grade 3. Concord : Advanced Level Grade 3. Conflict in the Colonies : Social Studies Grade 5. Connecting Cultures & Literature, Gr. Primary. Connecting Math & Literature. Connecting Writing and Literature. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Stewart, Tobi Stanton. Coast Episcopal School Coast Episcopal Lisson, Alice Lisson, Alice Lisson, Alice Front Row Early Emergent Stage Science Goodtimes Home Video Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Cone, Molly. Cone, Molly. Cone, Molly. Cone, Molly. Cone, Molly. Cone, Molly. Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Florian, Douglas. Berenstain, Stan Mellage, Nanette VanWright. Eric Carle Bryant, Rosalie Rozakis, Laurie Rozakis, Laurie Nakajima, Caroline Car Carratello, John Page 57 Barcode 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 67451 590138 590139 590140 590141 590142 590143 67535 643311 9273 9309 9310 642954 12453 1003552 643723 643724 643725 643726 643727 66428 16049 16051 16052 16054 16055 16060 643654 643655 643656 643657 643658 643659 401745 3490 16403 640173 640185 640203 640136 640148 640166 642955 10037860 10686 10687 640548 30578 640628 11572 ISBN LCCN 00574074 0823982203 0823982203 0823982203 0823982203 0823982203 0823982203 0439718996 0060246677 0060246677 0060246677 0060246677 0060246677 0060246677 0871564890 0871564890 0871564890 0871564890 0871564890 0871564890 0690044143 : 0690044143 : 0690044143 : 0690044143 : 0690044143 : 0690044143 : 9780152053727 (… 0816770093 94029904 /AC 94029904 /AC 94029904 /AC 94029904 /AC 94029904 /AC 94029904 /AC 91029023 /AC 91029023 /AC 91029023 /AC 91029023 /AC 91029023 /AC 91029023 /AC 83046161 /AC 83046161 /AC 83046161 /AC 83046161 /AC 83046161 /AC 83046161 /AC 2006008274 00045502 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Construction zone / photographs by Richard Sobol ; text by C… Cookie's Week[Big Book]. Cookie's week / by Cindy Ward ; illustrated by Tomie dePaola… Cool 2 Care About Your Smile [Video]. Cool School. Cool School. Cool School. Cool School. Cool Tools : cassette. Cool Tools/6 Copies/Cassette : Level C/Early emergent/ Emerg… Cool cars / Seymour Simon. Cool cats, Raindrops, and things that live in holes [Video]. Cool wheels / illustrated by Georgene Griffin and Jael. Cooperative Learning / Grades 2-5. Cooperative Learning Lessons For Little Ones. Cooperative Learning Lessons For Little Ones. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral Reef Hunters : Soar to success LV. Coral reefs : hidden colonies of the sea / Jenny Wood. Corduroy / based on the character created by Don Freeman ; i… Corduroy / based on the character created by Don Freeman ; i… Corduroy / based on the character created by Don Freeman ; i… Corduroy[Big Book] / story and pictures by Don Freeman. Corduroy[Big Book] / story and pictures by Don Freeman. Cork & Fuzz : good sports / by Dori Chaconas ; illustrated b… Cork & Fuzz : short and tall / by Dori Chaconas ; illustrate… Corn: An American Indian Gift. Corn: An American Indian Gift. Corn: An American Indian Gift. Corn: An American Indian Gift. Corn: An American Indian Gift. Corn: An American Indian Gift. Count and Match[Puzzle]. Count on Clifford / Norman Bridwell. Count with Dora! : Nick Jr. Counting Animal Babies/Big book/ Cassette[Big Book] : Early … Counting Bears : On Level Grade 1. Counting Bears : On Level Grade 1. Counting Bears : On Level Grade 1. Counting Kittens[Big Book]. Counting on Grace / Elizabeth Winthrop. Cousins / Virginia Hamilton. Cowboy & Octopus / Jon Scieszka ; & [illustrated by] Lane Sm… Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa : partners / written by Erica Silverm… Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa : school days / written by Erica Silv… Hudson, Cheryl Willis. Ward, Cindy Ward, Cindy. Colgate Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 58 Barcode 401610 1003954 643062 1003680 7212 7213 7214 7215 65701 Early Emergent Stage Science 12457 Simon, Seymour. 66181 National Geographic Kids Video 1005486 Griffin, Georgene. 643028 Brown, Marzella 1003745 Curran, Lorna 16119 Curran, Lorna 4240 Ethan, Eric 8486 Ethan, Eric 8487 Ethan, Eric 8488 Ethan, Eric 8489 Ethan, Eric 8490 Ethan, Eric 8491 Ethan, Eric 8492 Wood, Jenny. 643058 Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. 640650 Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. 66427 Freeman, Don, 1908-1978. 640651 Freeman, Don 5901 Freeman, Don 66455 Chaconas, Dori, 1938643262 Chaconas, Dori, 1938401586 Gare Thompson 642560 Gare Thompson 642561 Gare Thompson 642562 Gare Thompson 642563 Gare Thompson 642564 Gare Thompson 642565 7760 Bridwell, Norman. 66431 Lee, Quinion 640352 Martin, Elena Math/Early Emerg… 12350 Widener, Sandra 10540 Widener, Sandra 10541 Widener, Sandra 11248 Plummer, David 14558 Winthrop, Elizabeth. 401578 Hamilton, Virginia, 1936-2002. 16405 Scieszka, Jon. 401827 Silverman, Erica. 401612 Silverman, Erica. 7000018 ISBN LCCN 0763626848 (alk… 0590727001 0399214984 (lib… 2005050793 1587172364 (lib… 2002191195 1592030874 (alk… 2004059437 TCM-109 87025497 /AC 0836806301 0670035343 0670035343 0670035343 91017703 /AC 2002727985 2002727985 2002727985 9780670061457 9780670059850 (… 2006001344 2004017393 0590336142 0689848188 9780385746441 (… 0399221646 : 9780670910588 9780152021252 9780152053789 (… 85231839 /AC 90031451 /AC 2007001561 2004027435 2006011632 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 59 Title Author Barcode ISBN Cowpokes and desperadoes / Gary Paulsen. Coyote and the Butterflies[Big Book]. Cozy Beds. Crafts For Kids. Crafts From Recyclables. Crafts for kids who are wild about insects / by Kathy Ross ;… Crafts for kids who are wild about insects / by Kathy Ross ;… Crafts to Celebrate the Season. Crawling Creatures. Crazy Weekend. Crazy Weekend. Crazy Weekend. Crazy Weekend. Crazy Weekend. Create Your Own Class Newspaper. Creating An Ocean [Video]. Creative Graphing. Creatures of the Night. Creatures of the Night. Creatures of the Night. Creatures of the Night. Creatures of the Night. Creatures of the Night. Creepy Crawlies : Thematic Unit. Creepy Crawlies A TO Z. Creepy Crawlies A TO Z. Creepy Creatures : cassette. Creepy Creatures/ 6 Copies : Level J/ Transition/ Fluent. Cricket in Time Square [Video] : Fully animated. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crickwing. Crispin : at the edge of the world / Avi. Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks. Critical Thinking Skills: Science. Critters of the Urban Wilderness : Below-Level Gr 4. Critters of the Urban Wilderness : Below-Level Gr 4. Critters of the Urban Wilderness : Below-Level Gr 4. Croc! : Advanced Level Grade 3. Paulsen, Gary. Hayes, Joe Disney Latham, Sally Van Blaricom, Colleen Ross, Kathy (Katharine Reynold… Ross, Kathy (Katharine Reynold… Engelbrett, Mary Grove, Sandra Soto,Gary Soto,Gary Soto,Gary Soto,Gary Soto,Gary Crosby, Diane Films Incorporated Freeman,Marji 1986 Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Teacher Created Materials Ainsworth, Louisa Ainsworth, Louisa 67184 10037076 642796 4130 4183 641336 643301 11431 640714 3000259 30123 30124 30128 30129 11564 30068 7575 65314 65315 65316 65317 65318 65319 641350 3006 3142 65692 12434 65764 13448 3920 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 401659 66741 66742 66743 66744 66745 66746 14965 9591 9592 9650 10718 0440409020 : 0590728814 94146934 076130116X (lib… 076130116X (lib… 96035801 /AC 96035801 /AC Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Science Transition Level Blanc, Mel Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Cannon, Janell Avi, 1937Don McCleese Don McCleese Don McCleese Don McCleese Don McCleese Don McCleese Crotts, Deborah Molino, Javier Molino, Javier Molino, Javier Jimenez, Vita LCCN <None> <None> <None> <None> <None> 9780786851522 2006041111 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 60 Title Author Barcode Croc! : Advanced Level Grade 3. Crocodile Tears : Poems by Jill Eggleton. Cross your fingers, spit in your hat; superstitions and othe… Crossfire / Terry Bisson. Crow Boy / by Taro Yashima. Cuckoo feathers / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor ; illustrated b… Curly Finds a Home. Curly Finds a Home. Curly Finds a Home. Curly Finds a Home. Curly Finds a Home. Curly Finds a Home. Curly and His Friends. Curly and His Friends. Curly and His Friends. Curly and His Friends. Curly and His Friends. Curly and His Friends. Curly and the Cherries. Curly and the Cherries. Curly and the Cherries. Curly and the Cherries. Curly and the Cherries. Curly and the Cherries. Curly is Hungy. Curly is Hungy. Curly is Hungy. Curly is Hungy. Curly is Hungy. Curly is Hungy. Curly to the Rescue : Rigby Level 7. Curlylocks and the Three Bears : Rigby Level 8. Custard's Cat Flap : Sails Gr 1. Cut And Paste Super Book. Cyber-Hunt : Rigby Literacy. Cyber-Hunt : Rigby Literacy. Cyberpals according to Kaley / by Dian Curtis Regan. Cyberspace for Kids Grades 5-6 : 600 Sites that are Kid-Test… Cyberspace for Kids Grades 7-8 : 600 Sites that are Kid-Test… D.W. Rides Again / Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe [Video]. D.W.'s guide to perfect manners / Marc Brown. DANDELION. DANDELIONS. DANGER AT THE FAIR. DANNY AND THE DIONSAUR. DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. DEAR MR. HENSHAW. DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND? DOCTOR DE SOTO. DORA'S PICNIC. Jimenez, Vita Eggleton, Jill Schwartz, Alvin, 1927Bisson, Terry. Yashima, Taro, 1908Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Tony Mitton Mitton, Tony Rider, Cynthia Eggleton, Jill Creative Teaching Press Palazzolo, Lisa Palazzolo, Lisa Regan, Dian Curtis. Mandel 1999 Mandel 1999 Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Tolon. FREEMAN, DON 10719 7107 67409 642437 640089 401575 640927 640928 640929 640930 640931 640932 642301 642302 642303 642304 642305 642306 640909 640910 640911 640912 640913 640914 640768 640769 640770 640771 640772 640773 15488 15887 8116 30099 7974 7975 642847 7792 7790 13873 66379 13264 640812 640813 13266 13265 14346 13267 14355 14130 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM HOFF, SYD DAHL, RONALD CLEARY, BEVERLY CARLE, ERIC STEIG, WILLIAM CHRISTINE, RICCI ISBN 0397315317 (pbk… 0439339286 0670249319 9780761452850 LCCN 73021912 /AC… 2003278040 55013626 2005021126 9781581960518 0316121061 (alk… 2005013693 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 61 Title Author Barcode DRIP DROP. DRUMMER HOFF. Dad's Pasta : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Dad's Pasta : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Dad's Pasta : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Dad's Pasta : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti. Daddy makes the best spaghetti / Anna Grossnickle Hines. Daily Science. Dancing No Matter What : Advanced Level Gr 5. Dancing No Matter What : Advanced Level Gr 5. Dancing No Matter What : Advanced Level Gr 5. Dancing dinos / by Sally Lucas ; illustrated by Margeaux Luc… Dancing in the Wings. Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth / selected … Dandelions / Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Greg Shed. Danger in the desert / T.S. Fields. Danger zone / David Klass. Danger! : A children's book about handling fear, dangerous t… Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Dangerous Professions of the Past. Daniel Boone & Friends [Video]. Daniel Boone : Advanced Level Gr 2. Daniel Boone : Advanced Level Gr 2. Daniel Boone : Advanced Level Gr 2. Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone. Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… GORDON, SHARON EMBERLEY, BARBARA Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle Hines, Anna Grossnickle. Melcher, Chet H. Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Lucas, Sally, 1933Debbie Allen 13268 13269 8370 8371 8372 8373 3000177 3000178 3000200 3000201 3000202 3000203 641208 12306 9415 9416 9417 643155 642877 12713 12714 12715 12716 12717 12718 29492 641213 16406 67147 66576 66577 66578 66579 66580 66581 66582 1003549 10316 10317 12049 66753 66754 66755 66756 66757 66758 12611 12612 12613 12614 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Bunting, Eve, 1928Fields, Terri, 1948Klass, David. Berry, Joy Wilt. Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Kids Klassics Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer Marianne Johnston Marianne Johnston Marianne Johnston Marianne Johnston Marianne Johnston Marianne Johnston Bogart, Jo Ellen. Bogart, Jo Ellen. Bogart, Jo Ellen. Bogart, Jo Ellen. ISBN LCCN 0440844983 0440844983 0440844983 0440844983 0440844983 0440844983 0899193889 85013993 /AC 0307262006 (pbk… 98012019 /AC 0823407241 0823407241 0823407241 0823407241 0823407241 0823407241 015200050X 0873586646 0590485903 0849981352 88011075 88011075 88011075 88011075 88011075 88011075 94027104 96048667 94020234 79050044 : : : : : : : (sc) : 1-5551-518-7 05001234 0590434020 0590434020 0590434020 0590434020 89035258 89035258 89035258 89035258 : : : : /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 62 Title Author Barcode ISBN Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… Daniel's dog / by Jo Ellen Bogart ; illustrated by Janet Wil… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny and the dinosaur go to camp / story and pictures by Sy… Danny. Darci's Ballet Dream : Advanced Level Grade 3. Darci's Ballet Dream : Advanced Level Grade 3. Darcy and Gran don't like babies / by Jane Cutler ; illustra… Darcy and Gran don't like babies / by Jane Cutler ; illustra… Darcy and Gran don't like babies / by Jane Cutler ; illustra… Darcy and Gran don't like babies / by Jane Cutler ; illustra… Darcy and Gran don't like babies / by Jane Cutler ; illustra… Darkwing / Kenneth Oppel ; illustrated by Keith Thompson. Data Hunt [Video]. Dav Pilkey's Dragon tales. David Goes to School. David Goes to School. David Goes to School. David Goes to School. David Goes to School. David Goes to School. David goes to school / by David Shannon. David goes to school / by David Shannon. Davy Crockett [Video]. Dawn and the older boy / Ann M. Martin. Dawn the deer / Dave and Pat Sargent ; illustrated by Blaine… Dawn the deer / Dave and Pat Sargent ; illustrated by Blaine… Day In - Day Out. Day by Day. Day by Day. Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Day of the blizzard / Marietta Moskin ; drawings by Stephen … Days of the Exodusters : Below-Level Gr 4. Days of the Exodusters : Below-Level Gr 4. Days of the Exodusters : Below-Level Gr 4. De quien eres, ratoncito?[Big Book]. Dear Friend : On Level Gr 2. Dear Friend : On Level Gr 2. Dear Friend : On Level Gr 2. Bogart, Jo Ellen. Bogart, Jo Ellen. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004. Feldman, Gene Trumbauer, Lisa Trumbauer, Lisa Cutler, Jane. Cutler, Jane. Cutler, Jane. Cutler, Jane. Cutler, Jane. Oppel, Kenneth, 1967Scholastics Pilkey, Dav Shannon, David Shannon, David Shannon, David Shannon, David Shannon, David Shannon, David Shannon, David, 1959Shannon, David, 1959Kunstler, James Howard Martin, Ann M., 1955Sargent, Dave, 1941Sargent, Dave, 1941Michener, Dorothy Lake, David S. Lake, David S. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Moskin, Marietta D. Wentworth, Corrine Wentworth, Corrine Wentworth, Corrine Kraus, Robert Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish 12616 12617 67053 67054 67055 67056 67057 67058 67059 67060 67443 10726 10727 643743 643744 643745 643746 643747 401835 3000455 67302 16088 16089 16090 16091 16092 16093 66462 67079 1003517 65215 14004766 401198 1003778 1003751 1003944 65392 65393 65394 65395 65396 65397 65761 9604 9605 9644 1004027 10401 10402 11278 0590434020 0590434020 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X 006026439X Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN : : : : : : : : : : 89035258 89035258 95012410 95012410 95012410 95012410 95012410 95012410 95012410 95012410 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0590445871 : 0590445871 : 0590445871 : 0590445871 : 0590445871 : 9780060850548 (… 91042214 /AC 91042214 /AC 91042214 /AC 91042214 /AC 91042214 /AC 2007007432 9780590480871 9780590480871 1570990158 0836814177 (lib… 1567630138 1567630138 0913916714 0822442523 0822442523 0698204689 0698204689 0698204689 0698204689 0698204689 0698204689 0698204689 98050404 /AC 98050404 /AC 059072567X 95022451 /AC 96001492 /AC 96001492 /AC 80082304 78006461 78006461 78006461 78006461 78006461 78006461 78006461 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 63 Title Author Barcode Dear Grandma : Below-Level Gr 5. Dear Grandma : Below-Level Gr 5. Dear Grandma : Below-Level Gr 5. Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Paul O. Z… Dear bunny / by Michaela Morgan ; illustrated by Caroline Ja… Dear bunny / by Michaela Morgan ; illustrated by Caroline Ja… December. Decimals and Fractions. Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 1 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 1 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 1 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 1 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 2 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 2 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 2 Gr 1. Decodable Books : Take-Home Version Vol 2 Gr 1. Decodable Books Collections : Take-home Version Copying Mast… Decodable Books Collections : Take-home Version Copying Mast… Decodable Books Collections : Take-home Version Copying Mast… Decodable Books Collections : Take-home Version Copying Mast… Decodable Books collection : Take-Home Version Copying Maste… Decodable Books collection : Take-Home Version Copying Maste… Decodable Books collection : Take-Home Version Copying Maste… Decodable Books collection : Take-Home Version Copying Maste… Decoding and Word Recognition Assessments : Grade 1. Deefer : On-Level Gr 3. Deefer : On-Level Gr 3. Descriptive Writing : Grades 4-6. Desert Letters : On-Level Gr 4. Desert Letters : On-Level Gr 4. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Life. Desert Treasure. Carter, Elizabeth Carter, Elizabeth Carter, Elizabeth Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Morgan, Michaela. Morgan, Michaela. Eve Bunting Mitchell,Cynthia 1998 David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout 9269 9301 9302 15032 15036 15037 15041 15042 15053 15054 643298 67492 642859 7556 66777 66778 66779 66780 66781 66782 10847 13930 8981 8982 10841 13929 9026 9027 10048 10049 10050 10971 10178 10179 10180 10951 9860 9256 9565 11585 11852 11853 65488 65489 65490 65491 65492 65493 65754 642235 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Livorse, Kay Livorse, Kay Felts, Carol A. Nuefeld, David Nuefeld, David Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Rachel Mann Andrew Clements ISBN 9780688024055 9780688024055 9780688024055 9780688024055 9780688024055 9780688024055 9780688024055 043974833X 043974833X LCCN 83005372 83005372 83005372 83005372 83005372 83005372 83005372 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 64 Title Author Barcode Desert Treasure. Desert Treasure. Desert Treasure. Desert Treasure. Desert Treasure. Deserts. Designed to Delight. Deskercise [video] : 22. President's Day (five lessons) 23.… Deskercise: April Programs [Video] : 28. April Fool's Day (f… Deskercise: April Programs [Video] : 30. Earth Day ( five le… Deskercise: December [Video] : 13. The 12th Month 14. Natio… Deskercise: December [Video] : 15. Winter. Deskercise: February Programs [Video] : 20. Ground Hog Day (… Deskercise: February Programs [Video] : 20. Ground Hog Day (… Deskercise: February Programs [Video] : 22. President's Day … Deskercise: January [Video] : 16. New Year 17.Circus. Deskercise: January [Video] : 18. Martin Luther King Day 19.… Deskercise: March Programs [Video] : 24. National Nutrition … Deskercise: March Programs [Video] : 26. Iditarod 9 five les… Deskercise: May Programs [Video] : 32. Cinco dis Mayo (five … Deskercise: May Programs [Video] : 34. Better Sleep Month (f… Deskercise: November [Video] : 11. Children's Book Week 12. … Deskercise: November [Video] : 9. Election Day 10. Veteran'… Deskercise: October [Video] : 5. International Dinosaur Mont… Deskercise: October [Video] : 7. Fall and the Autum Equanox … Deskercise: September [Video] : 1. Labor Day 2. Grandparent… Deskercise: September [Video] : 3. Mayflower Day 4. Family H… Destination Space [Video] : Bonus: A view of Mars. Destination, Antarctica / by Robert Swan ; photographs by Ro… Destroyers / by Matt Doeden. Detective Bonz and the SC History Mystery [Video] : Lessons … Detective Bonz and the SC History Mystery [Video] : Lessons … Dexter Bexley and the big blue beastie / Joel Stewart. Diamond Hunter. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a Pioneer Boy. Diary of a fly / by Doreen Cronin ; pictures by Harry Bliss. Diary of a fly / by Doreen Cronin ; pictures by Harry Bliss. Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal / by Jeff Kinn… Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? / Dr. Seuss. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Diego Rivera: An Artist's Life. Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Integrated Theme Units Bullock, Doris 642236 642237 642238 642239 642240 10036899 12310 67441 67440 67425 67413 67438 67426 67435 67427 67433 67434 67430 67431 67428 67423 67432 67439 67437 67436 67424 67429 13542 67224 65805 642825 642826 401754 7924 641995 641996 641997 641998 641999 642000 401825 66392 401764 400342 642193 642194 642195 642196 642197 642198 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM National Geographic Swan, Robert. Doeden, Matt. Stewart, Joel. Lockyer, John Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Cronin, Doreen. Cronin, Doreen. Kinney, Jeff. Seuss, Dr. Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez ISBN LCCN 059028892X 059041285X 9781429600293 (… 87020793 /AC… 2006101114 9780823420681 (… 2006043698 9780060001568 (… 9780060001568 (… 9780810993136 (… 0394827198 2006036064 2006036064 2006031847 73005742 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 65 Title Author Barcode Diego de Granada : Rigby Literacy. Different Homes Around the World : Rigby Level 10. Different Places, Different Faces : Infoquest Gr 3. Digestion and Energy[Big Book] : Concept Health. Digestion and Energy[Big Book]. Digging up dinosaurs / by Aliki. Digimon digital monsters. Volume 1 / Yuen Wong Yu ; [transla… Digory and the lost king / Angela McAllister ; illustrated b… Ding-a-lings and Fluttersbys : Poems by Jill Eggleton. Dinner at Aunt Connie's house / Faith Ringgold. Dino riddles / by Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg ; pictures by… Dino-hockey / Lisa Wheeler ; illustrations by Barry Gott. Dinosaur : Disney. Dinosaur Babies. Dinosaur Dots. Dinosaur Fossils. Dinosaur Hunting. Dinosaur Times : On-Level Gr 3. Dinosaur Times : On-Level Gr 3. Dinosaur babies / by Lucille Recht Penner ; illustrated by P… Dinosaur days / by Joyce Milton ; illustrated by Richard Roe… Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaur time / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Arnold Lobel. Dinosaurs : Over 100 Questions and answers. Dinosaurs and other prehistoric reptiles : wild wild world. Dinosaurs before dark / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated b… Dinosaurs before dark / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated b… Dinosaurs! : strange and wonderful / Laurence Pringle ; illu… Dinosaurs! : strange and wonderful / Laurence Pringle ; illu… Dinosaurs, dinosaurs / by Byron Barton. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurumpus / by Tony Mitton ; illustrated by Guy Parker-R… Dinosuars. Discover the Wonder [Gr 3] Disc. Discovering History in a Suitcase : Advanced Level Gr 5. Discovering History in a Suitcase : Advanced Level Gr 5. Discovering History in a Suitcase : Advanced Level Gr 5. Discovery at Oyster Cove : Advanced Level Gr 5. Discovery at Oyster Cove : Advanced Level Gr 5. Discovery at Oyster Cove : Advanced Level Gr 5. Disney's Pocahontas [Video]. Distant Voyage : Audiotext 2 Gr 5. Distant Voyage : Audiotext 2 Gr 5. Palacios, Argentina Rushby, Pamela Davidson, Avelyn Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Aliki. Yu, Yuen Wong. McAllister, Angela. Eggleton, Jill Ringgold, Faith. Hall, Katy. Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Disney Bennett, Leonie 8014 15928 8306 7903 101356 642435 642375 7000007 7106 67369 643153 401817 642416 66217 643103 65811 66211 9257 9564 643150 643151 65126 65127 65128 65129 65130 65131 65132 65133 643101 643070 642367 642368 643097 67222 5886 10036890 67314 643117 1003941 7782 9389 9390 9391 9383 9384 9385 67419 10155 10156 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Bennett, Leonie Bennett, Leonie Jimenez, Vita Jimenez, Vita Penner, Lucille Recht. Milton, Joyce. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Parish, Peggy. Abnett, Dan Robson, Denny 2001 Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Pringle, Laurence P. Pringle, Laurence P. Barton, Byron. Integrated Theme Units Charlesworth Mitton, Tony. Creative Teaching Press Scott Foresman Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Fear, Sharon Fear, Sharon Fear, Sharon Walt Disney ISBN LCCN 0813629004 0690047142 : 1591820766 (pbk… 9781599900889 (… 2006049941 1562824252 : 0803722397 9780822561910 (… 92054871 /AC 97049947 2006034848 0679812075 0394870239 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 0060246545 (pbk… (pbk… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2002013646 2002013222 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 73014331 /AC… 0679824111 0679824111 0140559671 0140559671 0060204109 0590493183 (tra… (tra… (pbk… (pbk… (ove… 0439395143 1570821143 87029949 /AC 91051106 91051106 96020753 96020753 2003043316 CTP 2437 /AC /AC /AC /AC 96215753 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Voyage : Audiotext 2 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 3 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 3 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 3 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 4 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 4 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 4 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 5 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 5 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 5 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 6 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 6 Gr 5. Voyages : Audiotext 6 Gr 5. Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Page 66 Author Barcode Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, 9119 10157 10158 9120 10159 10160 9121 10161 10162 9122 10163 10164 9123 10097 10098 10099 10100 10101 10102 10103 10104 10105 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages : Trophies Reading Gr 5. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 2. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 2. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 2. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 2. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 3. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 3. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 3. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 3. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 4. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 4. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 4. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 4. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 5. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 5. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 5. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 5. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 6. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 6. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 6. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Edition : Grade 5, Theme 6. Distant Voyages, Teacher's Textbook. Diustant voyages : Audiotext 1 Gr 5. Diustant voyages : Audiotext 1 Gr 5. Diustant voyages : Audiotext 1 Gr 5. Dive in the Ocean : Independent Reader Grade K. Dive to the Coral Reef [Video] : The Magic School Bus inside… Do animals Talk? : Advanced Level Gr 4. Do animals Talk? : Advanced Level Gr 4. Do not pass go / Kirkpatrick Hill. Do princesses really kiss frogs? / by Carmela LaVigna Coyle … Do the Buckle [Video]. Do unto otters : a book about manners / by Laurie Keller. Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 67 Barcode Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L PBS McCoy, David McCoy, David Hill, Kirkpatrick. Coyle, Carmela LaVigna. Chrysler Corporation Keller, Laurie. 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150 10151 7460 7461 7462 7604 7463 7464 7465 7576 7466 7467 7468 7577 7469 7470 7471 7656 7472 7473 7474 7571 7612 10153 10154 9118 10501 1003628 11749 11779 643270 641038 6054 401810 ISBN LCCN 9781416914006 (… 9780873588805 (… 2006003254 2004016257 9780805079968 (… 2006030505 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 68 Title Author Barcode ISBN Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Doctor De Soto [sound recording] / by William Steig. Dodsworth in New York / written and illustrated by Tim Egan. Does a Penguin Have Fur? : Rigny Level 6. Dog's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) orange. Dog's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) orange. Dog's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) orange. Dog's Diary : Sails Fluency (1) orange. Dogboy / Christopher Russell. Dogku / Andrew Clements ; illustrated by Tim Bowers. Dogku / Andrew Clements ; illustrated by Tim Bowers. Dogku / Andrew Clements ; illustrated by Tim Bowers. Dogs and Cats / Steve Jenkins. Dogs in color. Illus. by Harald Wiberg. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolly Madison : First lady. Dolphin / by Robert A. Morris ; pictures by Mamoru Funai. Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at … Dominique Moceanu, an American champion : an autobiography /… Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Count Your Chickens. Don't Go There : Advanced Level Gr 4. Don't Go There : Advanced Level Gr 4. Don't Stomp that bug : Rigby Level 12. Don't Stomp that bug : Rigby Level 12. Don't ever cross that road! : an armadillo story / by Conrad… Don't forget to write / Martina Selway. Don't forget to write / Martina Selway. Don't let the pigeon stay up late! / words and pictures by M… Dooby dooby moo / by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. Dooby dooby moo / by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. Dora Loves Boots : Nick Jr. Dora Saves the Game : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Dora Takes a Hike : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Dora goes to School : Nick Jr. Dora goes to school / adapted by Leslie Valdes ; based on th… Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Egan, Tim. Loughrey, Sophia 2002 Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Russell, Christopher, 1947Clements, Andrew, 1949Clements, Andrew, 1949Clements, Andrew, 1949Jenkins, Steve, 1952Swedrup, Ivan, 1913Beer, Bette Beer, Bette Beer, Bette Beer, Bette Beer, Bette Beer, Bette Morris, Robert A. (Robert Ada)… Osborne, Mary Pope. Moceanu, Dominique, 1981Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert Hartman, Holly Hartman, Holly Storad, Conrad J. Selway, Martina. Selway, Martina. Willems, Mo. Cronin, Doreen. Cronin, Doreen. 29037 400177 643550 643551 643552 643553 643554 401826 15475 8394 8395 8396 8397 401621 66329 66497 66410 7000008 66446 13167 13168 13169 13170 13171 13172 66433 67528 642805 641577 641578 641579 641580 641581 641582 641583 11747 11777 15523 15525 65032 16408 6614 401597 65043 65061 640364 640233 640245 640356 66456 059060810X 059060810X 059060810X 059060810X 059060810X 059060810X 059060810X 9780618777082 (… 90740254 90740254 90740254 90740254 90740254 90740254 90740254 2006034522 9780060841164 9780689858239 9780689858239 9780689858239 9780618507672 (… 2005008525 2006003691 2006003691 2006003691 2006024654 61066701 0060243376 : 0375823778 (tra… 0553097733 : 75006292 /AC… 2002009626 96204034 1891795082 0824985435 : 0824985435 : 9780786837465 (… 9780689845079 9780689845079 068986373X 2003090521 91028430 /AC 91028430 /AC 2005052821 2005024213 2005024213 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Valdes, Leslie. 0689864949 159961068X LCCN 2006012977 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Dora in the Deep Sea : Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer Friends Out West : Nick Jr. Dora's Christmas parade / by Leslie Valdes ; illustrated by … Dora's Lost List : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Dora's Show Time! : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Dora's chilly day / by Kiki Thorpe ; illustrated by Steven S… Dora's color adventure! / by Phoebe Beinstein ; illustrated … Dora's costume party! / adapted by Christine Ricci ; illustr… Dora's favorite fairy tales / adapted by Leslie Goldman ; il… Dora's school day! / by Emily Sollinger ; illustrated by Tom… Dora's spooky Halloween / [by Sonali Fry ; illustrated by St… Dora's storytime collection. Dora's storytime collection. Dora's treasure hunt / adapted by Alison Inches ; based on t… Double the ducks / by Stuart J. Murphy ; illustrated by Vale… Down the Grand Canyon : Advanced Level Gr 4. Down the Grand Canyon : Advanced Level Gr 4. Down the Road. Downstream Crossing A Revolutionary Tale : On-Level Gr 5. Downstream Crossing A Revolutionary Tale : On-Level Gr 5. Downstream Crossing A Revolutionary Tale : On-Level Gr 5. Doña Flor : a tall tale about a giant woman with a great big… Dr. Brain Thinking Games [computer disc] [Version 1.0] : IQ … Dr. Brown at work : On Level Grade 1. Dr. Brown at work : On Level Grade 1. Dr. Brown at work : On Level Grade 1. Dr. Polly Polymer and the Fantastic Plastics Factory. Dr. Seuss's ABC [computer file]. Dr. Seuss's sleep book. Dragon of the red dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated … Dragon of the red dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated … Dragon's egg / by Sarah L. Thomson. Dreams of Flying : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Dreams of Flying : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Drug Avengers [Video]. Drugs, Alcohol and smoking[Big Book] : Concept health. Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking[Big Book]. Drumheller dinosaur dance / written by Robert Heidbreder ; i… Drummer Hoff. Drummer Hoff. Drums : The Beat Goes On ON Level Gr 2. Drums : The Beat Goes On ON Level Gr 2. Drums : The Beat Goes On ON Level Gr 2. Duck & Goose / written & illustrated by Tad Hills. Duck at the door / Jackie Urbanovic. Duck at the door / Jackie Urbanovic. Dunk under pressure / Rich Wallace. Dust for dinner / story by Ann Turner ; pictures by Robert B… EAT RIGHT, FEEL GOOD : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. ECOLOGY. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Valdes, Leslie. Thorpe, Kiki. Beinstein, Phoebe. Ricci, Christine. Goldman, Leslie. Sollinger, Emily. Fry, Sonali. Inches, Alison. Murphy, Stuart J., 1942Neufeld, David Neufeld, David Alice Schertle Fear, sharon Fear, sharon Fear, sharon Mora, Pat. Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Society of Plastic Engineers Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Thomson, Sarah L. Bingham, Ann Bingham, Ann Drug Prevention Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Heidbreder, Robert. Emberley, Barbara Emberley, Barbara Neder, Bill E. Neder, Bill E. Neder, Bill E. Hills, Tad. Urbanovic, Jackie. Urbanovic, Jackie. Wallace, Rich. Turner, Ann Warren. OLEARCZYK, ERIN A. Page 69 Barcode ISBN 640354 640231 640336 640235 640249 640344 640338 643306 66399 640350 643066 640342 643045 640340 70025 11734 11764 642922 9523 9524 9525 65221 5473 10550 10551 11253 30155 1001861 400407 65076 65078 401857 8022 8038 65770 7917 1005277 65169 1001430 1001429 10403 10404 11279 401584 65143 66402 401632 16409 14190 640814 9780689858451 LCCN 0689858434 (pbk… 2004272748 9781590547946 0689846630 1416900101 (pbk… 068986583X 9780689877865 1416924825 0689866232 0689866232 0689846649 0060289228 2005275636 2002511271 2006295327 2003014359 2005299430 2006299507 2004272872 2004272872 2002280799 2001024321 9780375823374 (… 98104212 2005040794 1571351361 : 97803221 62017157 /L/… 2006017188 2006017188 2007009145 9780375837272 (… 9780375837272 (… 9780061288487 (… 0813629047 9781553373933 (… 9780375836114 0061214388 (tra… 0061214388 (tra… 9780670060955 (… 0060233761 : 2005010849 2007295775 2007295775 2005023554 93034634 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 70 Title Author Barcode ED EMBERLY.S ABC. EEEK! Look at this! : Rigby Level 4. EGYPTIAN ART FROM THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM ABC. ELECTRICITY. ELLIS ISLAND: WELCOME TO AMERICA. EMMA'S CHRISTMAS. ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN, BOY DETECTIVE. ENERGY. EVERETT ANDERSON'S FRIEND. EYES OF THE DRAGON. EYES OF THE DRAGON. Each peach, pear, plum / Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Early American Ammerican Alliances : Social Studies Grade 5. Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts. Early Days of American theater : Advanced Level Gr 5. Early Days of American theater : Advanced Level Gr 5. Early Days of American theater : Advanced Level Gr 5. Early Sunday morning : the Pearl Harbor diary of Amber Billo… Ears : Rigby Level 5. Earth Forces BIg Book. Earth Science. Earth and Space Science. Earth songs / Myra Cohn Livingston, poet ; illustrated by Le… Earth: How Can I Help ? : Social Studies Grade K. Earth: How Can I Help ? : Social Studies Grade K. Earth: How Can I Help? : Social Studies Grade K. EarthStation. Earthquack! Easter parade / written by Eileen Curran ; illustrated by Jo… Easy Science Activity Journals. Eat It, Print It. Eat It, Print It. Eat It, Print It. Eat It, Print It. Eat It, Print It. Eat It, Print It. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eat right, feel good / Erin A. Olearczyk. Eating Fish. Eating Fish. Eating Fish. Eating Fish. Eating Fish. Eating Fish. Eating Fractions. Eating Fractions[Big Book]. EMBERLY, ED Bolton, Dean FRANKLIN, SHELIA 13270 15467 13271 640815 14410 13272 640817 640818 13273 13274 13275 1004126 640540 1003951 9405 9406 9407 66358 15476 67474 6886 7350 67115 640401 640444 640415 4267 642866 643048 14966 640849 640850 640851 640852 640853 640854 590084 590085 590086 590087 590088 590089 640226 640228 640230 640232 640234 640238 7591 1003976 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM FIGORITO, MARCUS TRIVAS, IRENE CLIFTON, LUCELLE LEAF, MARGARET LEAF, MARGARET Ahlberg, Janet. Machado, Jeanne M. West, Patricia West, Patricia West, Patricia Denenberg, Barry. Pritchett, Jan Pearce, Mary Windspirit, Jay Wiley, David A. Livingston, Myra Cohn. Busby, Bryan Margie Palatini Curran, Eileen. Carson, Mary Stephanie Vernali Stephanie Vernali Stephanie Vernali Stephanie Vernali Stephanie Vernali Stephanie Vernali Olearczyk, Erin A. Olearczyk, Erin A. Olearczyk, Erin A. Olearczyk, Erin A. Olearczyk, Erin A. Olearczyk, Erin A. Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor McMillan,Bruce 1991 McMillan, Bruce ISBN LCCN 0670840181 : 92142044 /AC 0827322542 84023001 0439328748 2001042616 0823406156 (lib… 86000341 /AC 0816703531 (lib… 84008630 /AC 0823981509 0823981509 0823981509 0823981509 0823981509 0823981509 0590727332-X Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 71 Title Author Barcode ISBN Eating Healthy Foods[Big Book]. Eating healthy Foods[Big Book] : Concept Health. Eats, shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a differe… Ecology : Literature Links. Ecology for Kids. Ecology for Kids. Ecology. Ecosystems & Biomes [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Ecosystems [Video]. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Education Arthur : Soar to success LV 3. Edwina : the dinosaur who didn't know she was extinct / word… Edwina the emu / Sheena Knowles ; Rod Clement, [illustrator]… Eeyore's Happy Tail. Eeyore's Happy Tail. Eeyore's Lucky Day. Effective Language Arts Teachniques for Middle Grades 4-8. Effective Language Arts Teachniques for Middle Grades 4-8. Egg Incubators : MainSails. Egg Incubators : MainSails. Egg Incubators : MainSails. Eggs / by Jerry Spinelli. Eggs : On Level Gr 2. Eggs : On Level Gr 2. Eggs : On Level Gr 2. Eggs : On-Level Gr 4. Eggs : On-Level Gr 4. Eggs : Rigby Level 11. El agua y tu / Clarita Kohen ; ilustraciones de Judith Barat… Elections. Elephant Walk. Elephant Walk. Elephant Walk. Elephant Walk. Elephant Walk. Elephant Walk. Elephant and Mouse. Elephant and Mouse. Elephant and Mouse. Elephant and Mouse. Elijah of Buxton / Christopher Paul Curtis. Ella and Her Mean Cousins:ACinderella Story from America : T… Ella and Her Mean Cousins:ACinderella Story from America : T… Ella and Her Mean Cousins:ACinderella Story from America : T… Ella sets the stage / by Carmela & Steven D'Amico. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne Truss, Lynne. Holzchucher, Cynthia Williams, Rozanne Williams, Rozanne Gruber, Barbara 100% Eucational Videos TMW Media Group Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Willems, Mo. Knowles, Sheena. Disney Disney Disney Opie, Brenda Opie, Brenda Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Spinelli, Jerry. Rogg, Ruth Rogg, Ruth Rogg, Ruth Schumacher, Stephanie Schumacher, Stephanie Pyers, Greg Kohen, Clarita, 1943Rayburn, Richard Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Curtis, Christopher Paul. Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia D'Amico, Carmela. 1014444 7914 401657 7347 6181 7348 7346 5981 6066 8776 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 401661 67134 642787 67126 642793 1003892 1003894 7940 7952 7953 401751 10397 10398 11276 11824 11825 15905 642558 6850 641118 641119 641120 641121 641122 641123 7067 7098 7099 7100 401848 8852 8853 8899 401663 0813628822 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 9780399244919 (… 2005028559 9780786837489 (… 0064434834 (pbk… 97158955 1877890006 1877890006 9780316166461 (… 1564921018 2006025292 92036745 /AC 9780439023443 (… 2007005181 9780439831529 (… 2005022796 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 72 Title Author Barcode Ellis Island : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Ellis Island : welcome to America / Marcus Figorito. Eloise Takes a Bawth. Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Proclamation. Emancipation Proclamation. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emergency Workers. Emi and the rhino scientist / Mary Kay Carson ; with photogr… Emily Dickinson : Poetry for Young People. Emma's turtle / Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Marsha Winborn. Emma-Jean Lazarus fell out of a tree / by Lauren Tarshis. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Empire Builders. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown The case of the Exploding Plumbing. Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustr… Figorito, Marcus. Figorito, Marcus. Figorito, Marcus. Figorito, Marcus. Figorito, Marcus. Figorito, Marcus. Hilary Knight David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Carson, Mary Kay. Bolin, Frances Shoonmaker Bunting, Eve, 1928Tarshis, Lauren. Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924- 67271 590006 590007 590008 590009 590010 590011 642879 66711 66712 66713 66714 66715 66716 66569 66570 66571 66572 66573 66574 66575 401858 66692 401823 66819 66583 66584 66585 66586 66587 66588 66589 1004804 1004815 1004821 1004823 1004824 1004825 1004829 1004830 1004831 1004832 1004833 39191 65386 65387 65388 65389 65390 65391 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 082396373X 082396373X 082396373X 082396373X 082396373X 082396373X 9780618646395 (… 2006034517 9781590783504 (… 9780803731646 2006037938 2006018428 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590405314 0590075624 0590075624 0590075624 0590075624 0590075624 0590075624 : : : : : : 79006340 79006340 79006340 79006340 79006340 79006340 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Encyclopedia Brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown cracks the case / Donald J. Sobol Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace / Donald J. Sobol ; Endangered Animals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Mammals. Endangered Species - Animals. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Endangered animals / by Lynn M. Stone. Energy and Motion [Video] : Harcourt Science Grade 5 Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy for the Future. Energy from Water : Below-level Gr 5. Energy from Water : Below-level Gr 5. Energy from Water : Below-level Gr 5. Engine, Engine, Number Nine [Big BK][Big Book]. English Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 5. English Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 5. English Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 5. English Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 1. English Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 1. English Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 1. English Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 1. English-Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 4. English-Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 4. English-Language Learners Coping Masters : Gr 4. English-Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 2. English-Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 2. English-Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 2. English-Language Learners Copying Masters : Gr 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM illustr… ; illus… illustr… illustr… illustr… illustr… illustr… illustr… Newsroo… Page 73 Author Barcode ISBN Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Sobol, Donald J., 1924Jeunesse, Gallimard Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Integrated Theme Units Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Stone, Lynn M. Harcourt Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Calmenson,Paul 65758 401801 66519 66520 66521 66522 66523 66524 67532 66541 66542 66543 66544 66545 66546 66547 10036902 65416 65417 65418 65419 65420 65421 65753 642839 67022 67023 67024 67025 67026 67027 67051 9279 9319 9320 6172 9078 9079 9080 10844 13914 8993 9016 9150 9151 9152 10042 10043 10044 10948 0590075624 : 9780525479246 0590075632 : 0590075632 : 0590075632 : 0590075632 : 0590075632 : 0590075632 : Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies 0590288989 0516017241 0516017241 0516017241 0516017241 0516017241 0516017241 0516017241 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 79006340 /AC 2006039766 81069511 /AC 81069511 /AC 81069511 /AC 81069511 /AC 81069511 /AC 81069511 /AC 83026323 83026323 83026323 83026323 83026323 83026323 83026323 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title English-Language learners Copying Masters : Gr 3. English-Language learners Copying Masters : Gr 3. English-Language learners Copying Masters : Gr 3. Enhancing Literature Grades 5-6. Enhancing Literature/ Grades 5-6. Eoin Colfer's legend of-- the worst boy in the world / by Eo… Eric Carle [Video] : Picture Writer. Ernest's special Christmas / by Laura T. Barnes ; illustrate… Esperanza rising / Pam Muñoz Ryan, with connections. Estrella, Shining Brightly : Below-Level Gr 5. Estrella, Shining Brightly : Below-Level Gr 5. Estrella, Shining Brightly : Below-Level Gr 5. Everglades Forever : On-Level Gr 4. Everglades Forever : On-Level Gr 4. Every Insect[Big Book]. Everybody cooks rice / by Norah Dooley ; illustrations by Pe… Everybody cooks rice / by Norah Dooley ; illustrations by Pe… Everybody cooks rice / by Norah Dooley ; illustrations by Pe… Everybody needs a rock / by Byrd Baylor ; with pictures by P… Everybody needs a rock / by Byrd Baylor ; with pictures by P… Everyday Math [Video] : 2001. Everyday Math [Video] : Grades 3-5. Everyday Math [Video] : Grades K,1,2. Everyday Math [Video] : Tape 2. Everyday Math [Video] : Tape I. Everyday Mathematics : Grade 3. Everyday Writing. Everyone Can Help : Trophies BL Gr 3. Everyone Can Help : Trophies BL Gr 3. Everyone Says Sh-h-h-h! : Rigby Level 7. Everyone counts : a citizen's number book / written by Eliss… Everyone counts : a citizen's number book / written by Eliss… Everything on Olvera Street : On Level Gr 2. Everything on Olvera Street : On Level Gr 2. Everything on Olvera Street : On Level Gr 2. Everything you need to know about American history homework … Everything you need to know about American history homework … Everything you need to know about English homework / Anne Ze… Everything you need to know about geography homework / Anne … Everything you need to know about math homework / Anne Zeman… Everything you need to know about science homework / Anne Ze… Exactly the Night Egg/6 copies : Level I/Transition/Fluent. Exactly the Right Egg : cassette. Exercise Time. Exercise Time. Exercise Time. Exercise Time. Exercise and Rest[Big Book] : Concept Health. Explorations in Physical Science : Process-Oriented Activiti… Explore With Dora : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Velez, Margaret Treimer Velez, Margaret Treimer Colfer, Eoin. Scholastic Bernes, Laura T. Ryan, Pam Muñoz. O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Flores, Caitlin Flores, Caitlin Pearce, Mary Dooley, Norah. Dooley, Norah. Dooley, Norah. Baylor, Byrd. Baylor, Byrd. Johnson, Kara Johnson, Kara Johnson, Kara Johnson, Kara Johnson, Kara Collins, Susan Mackey Larisk, Nelia Larisk, Nelia Hawes, Alison Grodin, Elissa, 1954Grodin, Elissa, 1954Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Zeman, Anne, 1951Zeman, Anne, 1951Zeman, Anne, 1951Zeman, Anne, 1951Zeman, Anne, 1951Zeman, Anne, 1951Science Transition Stage Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Jones, Anne Lowery, Lawerence Page 74 Barcode 10184 10185 10917 10037926 4234 401763 1003654 642819 643295 9270 9305 9306 11838 11839 1004085 641200 641201 641202 640610 640611 6004 6001 5999 6003 6002 11334 11575 8859 8893 15485 642448 643060 10407 10408 11281 15219 15237 15215 15217 15216 15231 12427 65695 7229 7231 7232 7233 7916 6177 640253 ISBN LCCN 9780786855032 2006025397 0967468132 0030663512 2003090471 2003269792 0590724754 0876144121 0876144121 0876144121 0684138999 0684138999 89023889 89023889 89023889 74009163 74009163 1585362956 1585362956 2006015312 2006015312 0590493620 0590493620 0439625459 (pbk… 0590538519 0590493582 : 0590493566 : 93046359 /AC 93046359 /AC 2005276036 96031171 93049351 /AC 93049352 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 75 Title Author Barcode Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explorers: Searching for Adventure. Explores the World of Animals. Exploring A New World : New World. Exploring A New World : New World. Exploring A New World : New World. Exploring Cultures through Literature-African Americans. Exploring Light and Color. Exploring Statistics in the Elementary Grades : Book Two. Exploring Statistics. Exploring the Everglades : Below Level Gr 5. Exploring the Everglades : Below Level Gr 5. Exploring the Everglades : Below Level Gr 5. Exploring with Amerigo Vespucci : Social Studies Grade 5. Exploring with Power Polygons : Cuisenaire. Expressive Writing : Grades 4-6. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 1. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 1. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 1. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 1. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 2. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 2. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 2. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 2. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 3. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 3. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 3. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 4. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 4. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 4. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 5. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 5. Extra Support Copying Masters : Gr 5. Extreme animals : the toughest creatures on Earth / Nicola D… Eye wonder : Rigby Literacy. Eye wonder : Rigby Literacy. Eyes on the Prize I : America's civil Rights Years 1954-1965… Eyes on the Prize I : America's civil Rights Years 1954-1965… Eyes on the Prize [Video]. Eyes on the Prize [Video]. Eyewitness : Artic & Antarctic [Video 1]. Eyewitness : Birds [Video 2 ]. Eyewitness : Desert [Video 3]. Eyewitness : Dinosaur [Video 13]. Eyewitness : Insect [Video 4]. Eyewitness : Jungle [Video 5]. Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson White, Nancy 642253 642254 642255 642256 642257 642258 67319 641289 641290 641291 6576 2615 7580 30103 9277 9315 9316 640538 6948 11589 10843 13936 8992 9017 10039 10040 10041 10947 10182 10183 10915 9147 9148 9149 10165 10166 9077 401653 7988 7989 10036693 1050201 6067 6068 30482 101447 30005766 3351 101449 30481 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Stoodt, Barbara Gold-Dworkin, Heidi Bereska,Carolyn 1999 Dale Seymour Publications Shepard, Ann Shepard, Ann Shepard, Ann Thornrose-Dyer, Mary Kay Tutterow, Lynn Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Davies, Nicola, 1958Murphy, Patricia Murphy, Patricia PBS Videodisc PBS Videodisc PBS PBS Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video ISBN 9780763630676 (… LCCN 2005043544 1564589145 5-70822 0789400367 5-70704 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 76 Title Author Barcode Eyewitness : Mammals [Video 14]. Eyewitness : Natural Disasters [Video 6]. Eyewitness : Ocean [Video 7]. Eyewitness : Planets [Video 8]. Eyewitness : Pond and Riuver [Video 9]. Eyewitness : Reptiles [Video 10]. Eyewitness : Skelton [Video 11]. Eyewitness : Weather [Video 12]. Eyewitness [Video] : Rocks and Minerals. Eyewitness pond & river / written by Steve Parker ; [special… FAMILY PICTURES. FAMILY TIMES. FARAWAY PLACES. FAT MEN FROM SPACE. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRE!in Yellowstone : Soar to Success LV. FIRST FOREST. FISH IS FISH. FIVE LITTLE MONSTERS. FLAT STANLEY. FLIGHT: THE JOURNAL OF CHARLES LINDBERGH. FLIGHT: THE JOURNAL OF. FOOTBALL RUNNING BACKS. FOX'S DREAM. FRECKLE JUICE. FREDERICK. FREIGHT TRAIN. FRIENDSHIP. FROG AND TOAD ARE FRIENDS. FROG AND TOAD ARE FRIENDS. FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER. Faces to the Sun : On-Level Gr 4. Faces to the Sun : On-Level Gr 4. Facing Danger Series. Facing the Flood. Facing the Flood. Facing the Flood. Facing the Flood. Facing the Flood. Facing the Flood. Fact Family Fun : cassette. Fact Family Fun/ 6 Copies : Level I / Transition/ Fluent. Fairest / Gail Carson Levine. Fairy Folks[Big Book]. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Video Eyewitness Parker, Steve. GARZA, CARMEN LOMAS FAMILY TIMES FARAWAY PLACES PINKWATER, DANIEL MANUS Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert Ekey, Robert 3352 30006496 30005768 1004459 30005733 101450 101451 30006497 16544 67173 13276 14084 14085 13277 8479 8480 8481 8482 8483 8484 8485 640819 13278 13279 14400 640820 642352 640821 13280 14405 13281 14083 14082 13973 14352 640823 11808 11809 1437 642091 642092 642093 642094 642095 642096 65703 12443 401672 1004077 8585 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LIONNI, LEO MERRIAM, EVE BROWN, JEFF TEJIMA, KEIZABURO BLUME, JUDY LIONNI, LEO CREWS, DONALD FRIENDSHIP LOBEL,ARNOLD LOBEL, ARNOLD Wienecke, Suzzane Wienecke, Suzzane DELC Sydnie Kleinhenz Sydnie Kleinhenz Sydnie Kleinhenz Sydnie Kleinhenz Sydnie Kleinhenz Sydnie Kleinhenz Math Transition Level Levine, Gail Carson. Pearce, Mary Jenkins, Pricilla Belz ISBN LCCN 1564589188 0789400359 5-70821 5-70703 0756610850 (har… 2005279426 9780060734084 (… 0590724762 2006000337 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 77 Title Author Barcode Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Falcons Nest on Skycrapers : Soar to Success LV 4. Families and Homes. Family Fleas. Family Fleas. Family Fleas. Family Fleas. Family Fleas. Family Fleas. Family Food Store : Advanced Level Gr 2. Family Food Store : Advanced Level Gr 2. Family Food Store : Advanced Level Gr 2. Family Fun / 6 Copies : Level D/ Early Emergent/ Emergent. Family Histories : Social Studies Grade 2. Family Histories : Social Studies Grade 2. Family Histories : Social Studies Grade 2. Family Life: Then and Now : Advanced Level Grade 1. Family Life: Then and Now : Advanced Level Grade 1. Family Life: Then and Now : Advanced Level Grade 1. Famous Americans. Famous Black Americans. Fancy Nancy and the posh puppy / written by Jane O'Connor ; … Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic Animal Features. Fantastic frogs! / by Fay Robinson ; illustrated by Jean Cas… Farm Life Long Ago. Farm Life Long Ago. Farm Life Long Ago. Farm Life Long Ago. Farm Life Long Ago. Farm Life Long Ago. Farm-fresh cats / by Scott Santoro. Fast food / written and illustrated by Saxton Freymann. Fat Ducks : Sails Gr 1. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers : a collection of family… Favorite American Children's Authors : On-Level Gr 5. Favorite American Children's Authors : On-Level Gr 5. Favorite American Children's Authors : On-Level Gr 5. Favorite Poetry Lessons. Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Jenkins, Pricilla Belz Integrated Theme Units Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Neder, Bill E. Neder, Bill E. Neder, Bill E. Social Studies Early Emergent … 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 10036901 66186 66187 66188 66189 66190 66191 10338 10339 12058 12472 640175 640187 640193 10784 10808 11310 10036888 6577 66408 642145 642146 642147 642148 642149 642150 66231 642638 642639 642640 642641 642642 642643 401637 15267 8159 641210 9465 9466 9467 12343 66821 66822 66823 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Integrated Theme Units Bourg, Linda O'Connor, Jane. Heather Parker Heather Parker Heather Parker Heather Parker Heather Parker Heather Parker Robinson, Fay. Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Santoro, Scott. Freymann, Saxton. Eggleton, Jill Hoberman, Mary Ann. Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Janeczko, Paul B. Falwell, Cathryn. Falwell, Cathryn. Falwell, Cathryn. ISBN LCCN 0590288962 0590493140 9780060542139 (… 2006030428 0590522698 (pbk… 98022398 9780060781781 (… 9780439110198 (… 2005014511 2005004753 0140548491 : 92026587 /AC 0395620376 0395620376 0395620376 92035512 /AC 92035512 /AC 92035512 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 78 Title Author Barcode ISBN Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Feast for 10 / Cathryn Falwell. Feathered Friends : Sails Gr 1. Feeling Good About Yourself[Big Book] : Concept Health. Feeling Good About Yourself[Big Book]. FernGully : The Last Rainforest. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Ferret in the bedroom, lizards in the fridge / Bill Wallace. Fester the Pester. Fidgety fish / by Ruth Galloway. Field Detectives: Investigating Playground Habitats : 5th Gr… Fiesta! / by Ginger Foglesong Guy ; pictures by René King Mo… Fiesta! : Mexico's Great Celebration. Fighting dinosaurs / by Monica Hughes. Filling the Gaps. Find It on the Map/6 Copies : Level B/ Early Emergent/ Emerg… Find It! : Social Studies Grade 1. Find It! : Social Studies Grade 1. Find It! : Social Studies Grade 1. Finders keepers / by Will and Nicolas. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding Animal Tracks. Finding the Titanic / by Robert Ballard with Nan Froman ; pa… Finding the Titanic / by Robert Ballard with Nan Froman ; pa… Finding the Titanic / by Robert Ballard with Nan Froman ; pa… Fingerprint Family. Fingerprint Family. Fingerprint Family. Fingerprint Family. Fingerprint Family. Fingerprint Family. Fingerprinting. Fingerprints and talking bones : how real--life crimes are s… Fins, Feathers and Fur [Video] : Lessons 1-8. Fins, Feathers and Fur [Video] : Lessons 9-15. Fire & Earth: Continental Drift [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Fire Fighters and Fire Safety for Kids [Video]. Fire From Ice : Below-Level Book Gr 5. Fire From Ice : Below-Level Book Gr 5. Fire From Ice : Below-Level Book Gr 5. Fire Safety [Video]. Falwell, Cathryn. Falwell, Cathryn. Falwell, Cathryn. Windsor, Jo Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Family Feature Wallace, Bill, 1947Wallace, Bill, 1947Wallace, Bill, 1947Wallace, Bill, 1947Wallace, Bill, 1947Wallace, Bill, 1947Finklea, Michael Galloway, Ruth, 1973Gazlay,Suzy 1998 Guy, Ginger Foglesong. Ellis, Jan Davey Hughes, Monica. Michener, Dorothy Social Studies Early Emergent 66824 66825 66826 8146 7909 101351 67442 14855 14857 14859 14860 14861 14863 643215 643305 7804 16411 7301 65808 1003743 12466 640513 640516 640525 1001975 640058 640060 640577 640581 640617 640627 15297 15457 15371 641004 641005 641006 641007 641008 641009 12331 643026 13863 13864 5991 2637 9266 9298 9304 6065 0395620376 0395620376 0395620376 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Will, 1904David Neufeld David Neufeld David Neufeld David Neufeld David Neufeld David Neufeld Ballard, Robert D. Ballard, Robert D. Ballard, Robert D. Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Ahouse, Jeremy John Jones, Charlotte Foltz. DELC DELC 100% Educational Vidoes Aims Craig, Josh Craig, Josh Craig, Josh DELC LCCN 92035512 /AC 92035512 /AC 92035512 /AC 0813629101 0823406008 0823406008 0823406008 0823406008 0823406008 0823406008 1931650012 1589250125 : : : : : : 85021996 85021996 85021996 85021996 85021996 85021996 (har… 2001000934 0060092637 (boa… 2002100411 9781597165457 (… 0865300763 2007017960 83080963 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0156309505 (pbk… 87008500 /AC 0590472305 0590472305 0590472305 93019203 /AC 93019203 /AC 93019203 /AC 0385322992 96041277 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 79 Title Author Barcode Fire and Ice : Advanced Level Gr 4. Fire and Ice : Advanced Level Gr 4. Fire fighters / by Robert Maass. Fireboats of New York : On-Level Gr 4. Fireboats of New York : On-Level Gr 4. Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! Firefighters! Firegirl / Tony Abbott. Fires in the Wild : MainSails. Fires in the Wild : MainSails. Fires in the Wild : MainSails. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Dictionary : Scholastic. First Graphic Organizers: Reading. First Ladies [Video]. First Thousand Words In Spanish. First grade takes a test / by Miriam Cohen ; illustrated by … First light / Rebecca Stead. First meet / Elizabeth Levy. First, Take the Flour : Rigby Level 10. Fish : Rigby Level 15. Fish Facts/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level D/ Early Emergent/ Eme… Fish do the strangest things / written by Leonora and Arthur… Fish for Dinner : Sails Gr 1. Fish of the open Ocean. Fish, Shellfish, and other Underwater Life [Video] : Tell Me… Fishing. Fishy facts / Ivan Chermayeff ; conceived and written by Cat… Fishy facts / Ivan Chermayeff ; conceived and written by Cat… Fits, Second, Third/ 6 Copies : Level C/ Early Emergent/Emer… Five Lionni Classics:The Animal Fables of Leo Lionni [Video]… Five Lionni Classics:The Animal Fables of Leo Lionni [Video]… Five Lionni Classics:The Animal Fables of Leo Lionni [Video]… Five Little Ducks /[Big Book]. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Merchant, Richard Merchant, Richard Maass, Robert. Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks Abbott, Tony. Gard, Stephen Gard, Stephen Gard, Stephen 11754 11784 641209 11834 11835 641672 641673 641674 641675 641676 641677 401617 7930 7950 7951 641457 641458 641459 641460 641461 641462 641463 641464 641465 641466 11598 30006495 14971 640103 7000012 642807 15921 15510 12461 640153 8082 7721 1003646 7124 640086 640292 12482 1004659 13876 2629 14949 1004890 1004895 1004896 101263 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Silver, Rhonda Mpi Home Video Amery, Heather Cohen, Miriam. Stead, Rebecca. Levy, Elizabeth, 1942Bisset, Isabel Manhart, Mignon Early Emergent Stage Science Hornblow, Leonora, 1920Windsor, Jo Beauregard, Sue Leokum, Arkady Eggleton, Jill Chermayeff, Ivan. Chermayeff, Ivan. Math Early Emergent Stage Lionni, Leo Lionni, Leo Lionni, Leo Child's Play Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen ISBN 0590414593 : LCCN 88018340 /AC 0316011711 2005007964 9781595720542 (… 9780375840173 0590415638 (v. … 2006020488 2006039733 88200294 /AC 0394943090 (lib… 88030202 /AC 0152281754 : 0152281754 : 93031091 /AC 93031091 /AC 0394889029 0394889029 0394889029 0899197698 0899197698 0899197698 0899197698 88902 88902 88902 88022839 88022839 88022839 88022839 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 80 Title Author Barcode ISBN Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five True Dog Stories. Five brave explorers / by Wade Hudson ; illustrated by Ron G… Five brave explorers / by Wade Hudson ; illustrated by Ron G… Five little ducks / illustrated by Ivan Bates. Five little monkeys jumping on the bed / retold and illustra… Five little monkeys jumping on the bed / retold and illustra… Five little monkeys jumping on the bed / retold and illustra… Fizzkid the Inventor : Rigby Level 11. Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / by Franklyn M. Branley ; pi… Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs. Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs. Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley. Flip, the Funny Fish : Below-Level Gr 1. Flip, the Funny Fish : Below-Level Gr 1. Flip, the Funny Fish : Below-Level Gr 1. Float on the Boat : Independent Reader Grade K. Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flossie & the fox / Patricia C. McKissack ; pictures by Rach… Flowers, Plants, and Trees [Video] : Tell Me Why, Volume III… Fly, Ladybug, Fly : BL Gr 2. Fly, Ladybug, Fly : BL Gr 2. Fly, Ladybug, Fly : BL Gr 2. Flyers : Rigby Level 14. Flying Giants : I love reading. Flying High : Below-Level Gr 1. Flying High : Below-Level Gr 1. Flying High : Below-Level Gr 1. Flying, Trying, and Honking Around [Video]. Follow That Bunny! [Video]. Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Margaret Davidson Hudson, Wade. Hudson, Wade. Bates, Ivan. Christelow, Eileen. Christelow, Eileen. Christelow, Eileen. Strachan, Linda Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Patent, Dorothy Patent, Dorothy Brown, Jeff Brown, Jeff Brown, Jeff Brown, Jeff Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire 101264 101265 101266 65404 65405 65406 65407 65408 65409 65745 641327 67231 15351 640646 67170 640647 15914 643619 643620 643621 643622 643623 67537 15210 65782 1004906 1004907 1004908 1004909 11171 9745 9746 10497 66845 66846 66847 66848 66849 66850 30006498 11201 8917 8960 15520 65809 11186 9776 9777 65766 1004660 0899197698 0899197698 0899197698 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM McKissack, Pat, 1944McKissack, Pat, 1944McKissack, Pat, 1944McKissack, Pat, 1944McKissack, Pat, 1944McKissack, Pat, 1944Leokum, Arkady Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy Powell, Jillian Hughes, Monica Cruz, Roberta Cruz, Roberta Cruz, Roberta National Geographic Kids Family Home Entertainment 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… LCCN 88022839 88022839 88022839 0590480324 : 0590480324 : 9780439746939 (… 0899197698 (lib… 9780395557013 0899197698 (lib… 0064450120 0064450120 0064450120 0064450120 0064450120 0064450120 94019911 /AC 94019911 /AC 2005000112 88022839 /AC 2007277732 88022839 /AC (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 84048532 84048532 84048532 84048532 84048532 84048532 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 86002024 86002024 86002024 86002024 86002024 86002024 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 0590045288 0590045288 0590045288 0590045288 0803702515 0803702515 0803702515 0803702515 0803702515 0803702515 0784001251 27443 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 81 Title Author Barcode Follow me : Below-Level Gr 1. Follow me : Below-Level Gr 1. Follow me : Below-Level Gr 1. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Appalachian Trail. Follow the Drinking Gourd [Video] : Story of the underground… Follow the Leader. Follow the Leader. Follow the Leader. Following the Golden Dream : Social Studies Grade 5. Following the Rules[Big Book]. Food fight! / by Carol Diggory Shields ; illustrated by Dore… Food for the world : Rigby Literacy. Food for the world : Rigby Literacy. Food from Plants : Rigby Level 5. Food. Food. Food. Food. Food. Food. FoolProff, Fail Safe Seasonal Science. Fooled you! : fakes and hoaxes through the years. For Liberty / book cassette / disc : A story of the american… Forces [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Forest Animals [Video] : See How They Grow. Forest Fire. Forest Fire. Forest Fire. Forest Fire. Forest Fire. Forest Fire. Forest Giants : Infoquest Gr 3. Forget Their Manners Plus The Wicked Weasel Spell [Video] : … Forget Their Manners Plus The Wicked Weasel Spell [Video] : … Forming a New Nation 1756-1796. Forri the Baker / Myers, Edward. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fort Sumter : where the Civil War began / Ira Wood. Fossil / written by Paul D. Taylor. Fossil / written by Paul D. Taylor. Fossil River Adventure : CD. Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Anaya, Frances Anaya, Frances Anaya, Frances Anaya, Frances Anaya, Frances Anaya, Frances Connelly, Bernardine Kathleen Fraser Kathleen Fraser Kathleen Fraser 11175 9753 9754 13143 13144 13145 13146 13147 13148 1003507 641853 641854 641855 640544 14569 65349 7982 7983 15468 642764 642765 642766 642767 642768 642769 1003848 14537 67544 5969 5185 65572 65573 65574 65575 65576 65577 8318 1003684 16536 67483 66807 590000 590001 590002 590003 590004 590005 67162 67172 65728 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Burch, Regina Shields, Carol Diggory. Heimovics, Rachel Heimovics, Rachel Sinnatt, Chloe Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Instructor Big Book Pascoe, Elaine Chu, Godwin 100% Educational Videos Sony Wonder Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Evans, Lynette Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan and Jan Myers, Edward Wood, Ira. Wood, Ira. Wood, Ira. Wood, Ira. Wood, Ira. Wood, Ira. Taylor, Paul D. Taylor, Paul D. Mike Graf ISBN LCCN 1570990012 1929766297 2002017166 0394829425 0394829425 0823963721 0823963721 0823963721 0823963721 0823963721 0823963721 0679804404 0679804404 89036444 /AC 89036444 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 82 Title Author Barcode ISBN Fossil River Adventure : RL 4 CD 4. Fossils Alive! Fossils Alive! Fossils Alive! Fossils Alive! Fossils Alive! Fossils Alive! Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils Tell of Long Ago : Soar to Success LV 3. Fossils. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Fossils: Pictures from the Past. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Seasons For Little People. Four Square Writing Method : Grades 4-6. Fox, Beware! Fox, Beware! Fractions, Grades3-4. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frank and Ernest / by Alexandra Day. Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein / by Larry Weinberg ; adapted from the novel by… Frankenstein makes a sandwich : and other stories you're sur… Franklin goes to school / [written by] Paulette Bourgeois ; … Franklin goes to school / [written by] Paulette Bourgeois ; … Franklin in the dark / Paulette Bourgeois ; [illustrated by]… Franklin in the dark / Paulette Bourgeois ; [illustrated by]… Franklin's bicycle helmet / [TV tie-in adaptation written by… Frannie's fruits / by Leslie Kimmelman ; pictures by Petra M… Graf, Mike Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Aliki Aliki Aliki Aliki Aliki Aliki Aliki Pellant, Chris Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Claire Daniel Ballard, Dr. Jerry Ballard, Dr. Jerry Ballard, Dr. Jerry Ballard, Dr. Jerry Ballard, Dr. Jerry Ballard, Dr. Jerry Gould, Judith S. Waite, Judy Waite, Judy Germann, Joan Day, Alexandra. Day, Alexandra. Day, Alexandra. Day, Alexandra. Day, Alexandra. Day, Alexandra. Weinberg, Larry. Weinberg, Larry. Weinberg, Larry. Weinberg, Larry. Weinberg, Larry. Weinberg, Larry. Rex, Adam. Bourgeois, Paulette. Bourgeois, Paulette. Bourgeois, Paulette. Bourgeois, Paulette. Moore, Eva. Kimmelman, Leslie. 9709 642025 642026 642027 642028 642029 642030 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 67538 642133 642134 642135 642136 642137 642138 2582 2583 67040 67041 67042 67043 11584 67256 67257 4127 12823 12824 12825 12826 12827 12828 16399 16412 16472 16473 16474 16516 401642 643039 643040 640572 643296 640664 67083 0590415573 : 0590415573 : 0590415573 : 0590415573 : 0590415573 : 0590415573 : 0394848276 : 0394848276 : 0394848276 : 0394848276 : 0394848276 : 0394848276 : 9780152057664 0590254677 (pbk… 0590254677 (pbk… 0439194253 0439194253 0439083672 (pbk… 0060231432 : Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 88001966 /AC 88001966 /AC 88001966 /AC 88001966 /AC 88001966 /AC 88001966 /AC 81015703 /AC… 81015703 /AC… 81015703 /AC… 81015703 /AC… 81015703 /AC… 81015703 /AC… 2005013678 95212406 95212406 2001266797 2001266797 2002278569 88017637 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 83 Title Author Barcode Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle Juice. Freckle juice. Illustrated by Sonia O. Lisker. Freckle juice. Illustrated by Sonia O. Lisker. Freckle juice. Illustrated by Sonia O. Lisker. Freddie's spaghetti / by Charlotte Doyle ; illustrated by Ni… Freddie's spaghetti / by Charlotte Doyle ; illustrated by Ni… Freddie's spaghetti / by Charlotte Doyle ; illustrated by Ni… Freddie's spaghetti / by Charlotte Doyle ; illustrated by Ni… Freddy in the Fridge : Rigby Literacy. Freddy's Train Ride. Freddy's Train Ride. Freddy's Train Ride. Freddy's Train Ride. Freddy's Train Ride. Freddy's Train Ride. Freek Out! : All Aboard Science Reader. Freight train / Donald Crews. Friend on freedom river / written by Gloria Whelan ; illustr… Friends forever : On-Level Gr 3. Friends forever : On-Level Gr 3. Friends in Need : Below-Level Gr 5. Friends in Need : Below-Level Gr 5. Friends in Need : Below-Level Gr 5. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends[Big Book]. Frog Went A-Courtin'[Big Book]. Frog Went A-Courting. Frog Went A-Courting. Frog Went A-Courting. Frog Went A-Courting. Frog and Toad Together [Video]. Frog and Toad Together [Video]. Frog and Toad are friends / by Arnold Lobel. Frog and Toad are friends / by Arnold Lobel. Frog and Toad are friends / by Arnold Lobel. Frog goes to dinner / by Mercer Mayer. Frog or Toad? : Advanced Level Gr 2. Frog or Toad? : Advanced Level Gr 2. Frog or Toad? : Advanced Level Gr 2. Judy Blume Judy Blume Judy Blume Judy Blume Judy Blume Judy Blume Judy Blume Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Doyle, Charlotte. Doyle, Charlotte. Doyle, Charlotte. Doyle, Charlotte. Herzog, Brad Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Clark, Ginger Crews, Donald. Whelan, Gloria. Motil, Rebecca Motil, Rebecca Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Lesley Wing Jan Lesley Wing Jan Lesley Wing Jan Lesley Wing Jan Lesley Wing Jan Lesley Wing Jan Heine/Helme Langstaff, John Barbaresi, Nina Barbaresi, Nina Barbaresi, Nina Barbaresi, Nina Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Lobel, Arnold. Mayer, Mercer, 1943Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy 641932 641933 641934 641935 641936 641937 641938 67102 67103 66172 640105 641217 641218 641219 8012 642572 642573 642574 642575 642576 642577 67261 1003978 65146 9247 9552 9275 9311 9312 641136 641137 641138 641139 641140 641141 5874 2538 30162 30163 30164 30165 1003510 642932 16413 2744 6514 1001706 10301 10302 12038 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0679811605 0679811605 0679811605 0679811605 LCCN : : : : 068880165X : 9781585362226 (… 74161016 74161016 74161016 90061003 90061003 90061003 90061003 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC 78002303 /AC 2004025981 0590067540 0-590-4231-5 0-590-4231-5 0-590-4231-5 0-590-4231-5 0-590-4231-5 0060239573 0060239573 0060239573 0803733860 : 73105492 73105492 73105492 74002881 /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 84 Title Author Barcode Frog. Frog. Frog. Frog. Frog. Froggy goes to the doctor / by Jonathan London ; illustrated… Froggy learns to swim / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by … Froggy learns to swim / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by … Froggy plays T-ball / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by Fr… Froggy plays in the band / by Jonathan London ; illustrated … Froggy plays in the band / by Jonathan London ; illustrated … Froggy plays in the band / by Jonathan London ; illustrated … Froggy plays in the band / by Jonathan London ; illustrated … Froggy rides a bike / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by Fr… Froggy's baby sister / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by F… Froggy's baby sister / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by F… Froggy's baby sister / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by F… Froggy's day with Dad / by Jonathan London ; illlustrated by… Froggy's sleepover / by Jonathan London ; illustrated by Fra… Frogs : An Introduction To. Frogs : Below-Level Gr 1. Frogs : Below-Level Gr 1. Frogs : Below-Level Gr 1. Frogs! / by the editors of Time for kids, with Kathryn Hoffm… From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Acorn to Oak Tree. From Head to Toe[Big Book] : Big Book Gr 1. From Head to Toe[Big Book] : Big Book Gr 1. From Head to Toe[Big Book] : Big Book Gr 1. From Head to Toe[Big Book] : Gr 1. From Head to Toe[Big Book] : Gr 1. From Here to There : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. From Here to There : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. From Here to There : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. From Here to There : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. From Here to There : Trophies BL Gr 3. From Here to There : Trophies BL Gr 3. From One Man's Dream : On-Level Gr 5. From One Man's Dream : On-Level Gr 5. From One Man's Dream : On-Level Gr 5. From One to a Million: Counting Conscpts [Video]. From a Tree. From a Tree. From a Tree. From a Tree. From a Tree. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo London, Jonathan. London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947London, Jonathan, 1947Tyler, Michael Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise 7010 7011 7012 7013 7117 6410 640644 640645 643128 14271 15271 15400 6411 66400 11624 12019 6810 16414 15272 643212 11169 9740 9742 67164 642881 642882 642883 642884 642885 642886 11875 11876 11877 10276 10282 8454 8455 8456 8457 8871 8880 9469 9470 9471 642957 65332 65333 65334 65335 65336 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Frasier, Mona Shea Frasier, Mona Shea Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Irving, Judith Schwartz, David Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon ISBN LCCN 0670035785 0670855510 : 0670855510 : 9780670061877 (… 0670035327 0670035327 0670035327 0670035327 0670060992 (har… 0670036595 0670036595 0670036595 0142406341 0670060046 (har… 0425308559 2001007729 94043077 /AC 94043077 /AC 2006020842 2001005037 2001005037 2001005037 2001005037 2005018084 2003000950 2003000950 2003000950 2006274070 2004017347 9780060782221 (… 2005017793 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 85 Title Author Barcode From a Tree. From earth to Art : Rigby Literacy. From earth to Art : Rigby Literacy. From head to toe / Eric Carle. From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler / Fun Days Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Fun Days Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Fun Days Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Fun Facts of American History [Video]. Fun I Where You FInd It. Fun Zone. Fun Zone. Fun Zone. Fun Zone. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun and Games. Fun at Camp : Independent Reader Grade K. Fun with Mixing and Chemistry. Fun with Paper : Advanced Level Gr 4. Fun with Paper : Advanced Level Gr 4. Fun with Water and Bubbles. Fun with physics / by Susan McGrath. Fun with robots : Below-Level Gr 5. Fun with robots : Below-Level Gr 5. Fun with robots : Below-Level Gr 5. Funny Faces : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Funny Faces : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Funny You Should Ask. Funny animals : 4 easy-to-read stories. Funny fruit : On Level Gr 2. Funny fruit : On Level Gr 2. Funny fruit : On Level Gr 2. Future Wings: The Step-By-Step Paper SpaceCraft Book. G. Hopper's Summer Fun : Advanced Level Gr 2. G. Hopper's Summer Fun : Advanced Level Gr 2. G. Hopper's Summer Fun : Advanced Level Gr 2. GEORGE AND MARTHA. Julie Haydon Meyers, Susan Meyers, Susan Carle, Eric. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Konigsburg, E. L. Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Venture Productions Disney Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds 65337 7972 7973 67367 14613 67104 14616 14617 14622 14628 14638 14641 14646 10322 10323 12052 30006502 642800 7224 7226 7227 7228 65774 65775 65776 65777 65778 65779 65780 10464 2622 11746 11776 2625 67392 9292 9345 9346 8033 8049 1004980 640370 10384 10385 11270 7554 10312 10313 12047 13282 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. E.L. … … … … … … … … … Gold-Dworkin, Heidi Rothman, Cynthia Rothman, Cynthia Gold-Dworkin, Heidi McGrath, Susan, 1955O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert Smith, Parker Smith, Parker Terban, Marvin Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Cohen,Shari 1997 Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn MARSHALL, JAMES ISBN 0060235152 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 068985322X 0870445766 : 0395581133 9780439763172 (… LCCN 95053141 /AC 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 2003267663 86008501 /AC… 91019509 2003025866 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 86 Title Author Barcode GILBERTO AND THE WIND. GOOD NEIGHBORS. GOODNIGHT MOON. GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL! GRANDFATHER TANG'S STORY. GREEN EGGS AND HAM. GREGORY, THE TERRIBLE EATER. GROUCHY LADYBUG. GROWING VEGETABLE SOUP. Gadgets and gizmos : Infoquest Gr 3. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Gail Devers: A Runner's Dream. Galileo [Video]. Game day / Tiki and Ronde Barber with Robert Burleigh ; illu… Gardens of the Sea : Sails Gr 1. Gate Way To The West [Video]. Gather Around : Audiotext 5 Gr 1. Gather Around : Audiotext 5 Gr 1. Gather Around : Audiotext 5 Gr 1. Gather Around : Audiotext 5 Gr 1. Gather Around, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-5. Gather Around, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-5. Gather Around, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-5. Gather Around, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-5. Gathering the sun : an A B C in Spanish and English / Alma F… Gay-Neck, the story of a pigeon, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji; illu… Geena's Tremendous Tooth Adventure [Video]. Geena's Tremendous Tooth Adventure [Video]. General Store[Big Book]. General Store[Big Book]. General Store[Big Book]. General store / by Rachel Field ; illustrated by Giles Laroc… GeoSarari Animals [computer disc]. Geography of the USA [Video]. Geography Basic [Video] : Environmental Impacts. Geography Basics : Earth's Physical Features [Video]. Geography Basics : Map and Globe Skills [Video]. Geography Basics : Soil and Vegetation [Video]. Geography Basics : Weather and Climate [Video]. Geography Basics [Video] : Units of Place. Geography Basics [Video] : What Is Geography. Geography Basics [Video] : Wonders of the World. Geography Brain Teasers. Geology : Land and Water Forms. George Washington : Social Studies Grade K. George Washington : Social Studies Grade K. ETS, MARIE HALL MASSIE, DIANE REDFIELD BROWN, MARGARET WISE Mctrusty, Chris TOMPERT, ANN SEUSS, DR. SCARMAT, MITCHELL CARLE, ERIC EHLERT, LOIS Davidson, Avelyn Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Schlessinger Media Barber, Tiki, 1975Windsor, Jo 100% Educational Videos Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Ada, Alma Flor. Mukerji, Dhan Gopal, 1890-1936… Crest Crest Field, Rachel Field, Rachel Field, Rachel Field, Rachel, 1894-1942. 13283 13314 14389 7926 13315 13318 14406 14962 14080 8342 642277 642278 642279 642280 642281 642282 5212 66244 8207 30005987 10864 13923 9004 9005 10833 7487 7488 7489 641163 67406 3880 7774 1004074 12610 13037 67066 5524 5307 6113 5304 5306 5301 5302 6100 65765 6099 7302 6899 640395 640431 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Byrnes, Greg Meyer, Ron Meyer, Ron Meyer, Ron Meyer, Ron Meyer, Ron Meyer, Ron Churchill Media Meyer, Ron Proctor, Jodie De Weese, Bob ISBN LCCN 9781416900931 (… 2004020795 0688139035 (alk… 96003701 27017826 0590726048 0590726048 0590726048 0316281638 (lib… 1567672272 87037218 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title George Washington : Social Studies Grade K. George Washington [Video]. George Washington [Video]. George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington's mother / by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by … George Washington: Father of our Country : Social Studies G… George Washington: Father of our Country : Social Studies G… George Washington: Father of our Country : Social Studies G… George Washington: Our First President : Social Studies Gra… George Washington: Our First President : Social Studies Gra… George Washington: Our First President : Social Studies Gra… George Washinton's Mother [Video] : Teacher's Guide. George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha : the complete stories about two best frie… George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. George and Martha, one fine day / James Marshall. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Gerbilitis : Soar to Success LV. Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Germs make me sick! / by Melvin Berger ; illustrated by Mary… Get Ready for School [Video]. Get in a Fight [Video] : The Berenstain Bears. Get well, good knight / by Shelley Moore Thomas ; pictures b… Getting Ready for School. Getting Ready for School. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean. Fritz, Jean Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Spinner, Stephanie Berger, Melvin. Berger, Melvin. Berger, Melvin. Berger, Melvin. Berger, Melvin. Berger, Melvin. Golden Book Berenstain, Stan Thomas, Shelley Moore. Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Page 87 Barcode 640436 5205 5206 29085 65374 65375 65376 65377 65378 65379 65746 640402 640428 640443 640407 640422 640438 5983 643728 643729 643730 643731 643732 643733 643734 65162 65165 65168 65171 65174 65177 67091 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 643665 643666 643667 643668 643669 643670 1003735 1003690 66248 66911 66912 ISBN LCCN 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 0448403854 (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) 91034247 91034247 91034247 91034247 91034247 91034247 91034247 91034247 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0395851580 0395851580 0395851580 0395851580 0395851580 0395851580 0395851580 0395329213 0395329213 0395329213 0395329213 0395329213 0395329213 0395329213 (har… (har… (har… (har… (har… (har… (har… 96047572 96047572 96047572 96047572 96047572 96047572 96047572 78060494 78060494 78060494 78060494 78060494 78060494 78060494 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0690044283 0690044283 0690044283 0690044283 0690044283 0690044283 : : : : : : 84045334 84045334 84045334 84045334 84045334 84045334 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 0525469141 2002728367 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 88 Title Author Barcode Getting Ready for School. Getting Ready for School. Getting Ready for School. Getting Ready for School. Getting to Grandpa's : BL Gr 2. Getting to Grandpa's : BL Gr 2. Getting to Grandpa's : BL Gr 2. Getting to Know Your Heart : Lower Elementary. Getting to Know Your Heart : Upper Elementary. Gettysburg Address : History Speaks. Ghirardelli Square : On-Level Gr 4. Ghirardelli Square : On-Level Gr 4. Ghost town at sundown / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated b… Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost / by Corneli… Ghosts of the 20th century / Cheryl Harness. Ghouls don't scoop ice cream / by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Th… Giant Constrution Equipment For Kids [Video] : Featuring "Ha… Giant of the Desert : BL Gr 2. Giant of the Desert : BL Gr 2. Giant of the Desert : BL Gr 2. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts for Everyone. Gifts from Greece : Infoquest Gr 3. Gifts to Make. Gifts to Make. Gifts to Make. Gifts to Make. Gifts to Make. Gifts to Make. Gigantic Book of Dinosaur Fun. Giggle and Snort : On-level Gr 3. Giggle and Snort : On-level Gr 3. Giggle, giggle, quack / by Doreen Cronin ; pictures by Betsy… Giggle, giggle, quack / by Doreen Cronin ; pictures by Betsy… Gilbert The Great. Gilberto and the wind / by Marie Hall Ets. Gimme cracked corn & I will share / Kevin O'Malley. Gingerbread Man The. Gingerbread Man The. Gingerbread Man The. Gingerbread Man. Gingerbread Man. Gingerbread Man. Gingerbread Man. Gingerbread Man. Gingerbread Man. Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire American Heart Association American Heart Association Rife, Douglas M. McCoy, David McCoy, David Osborne, Mary Pope. Funke, Cornelia Caroline. Harness, Cheryl. Dadey, Debbie. National Syndication Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Evans, Lynette Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt 66913 66914 66915 66916 11221 8939 8940 30150 30151 640722 11818 11819 65796 67230 643309 15235 6071 11215 8922 8955 640855 640856 640857 640858 640859 640860 8330 642602 642603 642604 642605 642606 642607 643102 9233 9538 640606 640607 643078 643024 401840 1005022 640380 640384 66941 66942 66943 66944 66945 66946 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Cronin, Doreen. Cronin, Doreen. Clarke, Jane Ets, Marie Hall, 1895O'Malley, Kevin, 1961Schmidt, Karen Schmidt, Karen Schmidt, Karen Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith ISBN LCCN 0679883398 (pbk… 9780439849586 (… 0689821182 0590258192 (pbk… 97007298 /AC 2005030140 98038103 2002563337 9780689845062 9780689845062 2001032201 2001032201 0140502769 (pbk… 9780802796844 (… 0590410563 0590410563 0590410563 77016274 /AC 2007003706 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 89 Title Author Barcode Girl Detectives : On Level Grade 1. Girl Detectives : On Level Grade 1. Girl Detectives : On Level Grade 1. Girls don't have cooties / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by … Giving thanks : a Native American good morning message / by … Glass slipper, gold sandal : a worldwide Cinderella / Paul F… Glessner House:An American Home and Family : Rigby Literacy. Glessner House:An American Home and Family : Rigby Literacy. Gliders and Sliders : Sails Gr 1. Global Problems and Issues [Video]. Globe probe featuring Cincinnati Holmes : exciting geographi… Globes and Us [Video]. Go Away! Go Away! Go Away! Go Away! Go Away! Go Away! Go cat ! : Below-Level Gr 1. Go cat ! : Below-Level Gr 1. Go cat ! : Below-Level Gr 1. Go to bed, monster! / written by Natasha Wing ; illustrated … Go, dog, go! Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Home : Soar to Success LV. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Nowhere. Going Shopping. Going Shopping. Going Shopping. Going Shopping. Going Shopping. Going Shopping. Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Krulik, Nancy E. Swamp, Jake, 1941Fleischman, Paul. Goldenstern, Joyce Goldenstern, Joyce Windsor, Jo Geography Tutor O'Hare, Jeffrey A. 100% Educational Videos Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Wing, Natasha. Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Rebecca Berrett Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Elizabeth Fackerell Elizabeth Fackerell Elizabeth Fackerell Elizabeth Fackerell Elizabeth Fackerell Elizabeth Fackerell 10537 10538 11247 641167 15293 401813 8002 8003 8211 5951 67245 5308 640111 640113 640119 640121 640123 640125 11161 9721 9722 401850 643086 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 641527 641535 641536 641537 641538 641539 641540 641541 640786 640787 640788 640789 640790 640791 641519 641520 641521 641522 641523 641524 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0307246760 (set… 1880000156 9780805079531 (… 1563970376 : 9780152057756 (… 0394900200 LCCN 2002106663 94005955 /AC 2006030615 91077619 /AC 2006010849 61007069 /L/… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 90 Title Author Going to the Fair. Going to the Fair. Gold Fever. Gold Rush Diary : Trophies BL Gr 3. Gold Rush Diary : Trophies BL Gr 3. Gold Rush News : Below-Level Gr 4. Gold Rush News : Below-Level Gr 4. Gold Rush News : Below-Level Gr 4. Gold medal for weird / Kevin Sylvester. Golden Spike [Video]. Goldilocks and the three bears / retold and illustrated by S… Goldy and the Three Bears : Below-Level Gr 1. Goldy and the Three Bears : Below-Level Gr 1. Goldy and the Three Bears : Below-Level Gr 1. Good Apple & Bulletin Board Bonanzas. Good Dog, Carl[Big Book]. Good Friends/6 Copies/Cassette : Level B/ Early Emergent/Eme… Good Sport : Advanced Level Grade 3. Good Sport : Advanced Level Grade 3. Good Vibrations: Experimenting with Sound : Rigby Level 13. Good Vibrations: Experimenting with Sound : Rigby Level 13. Good as Gold : Disney / Pooh. Good as Gold. Good boy, Fergus! / David Shannon. Good boy, Fergus! / David Shannon. Good dog! / Bob Balaban. Good masters! sweet ladies! : voices from a medieval village… Good morning, gorillas / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated … Good night, Gorilla / Peggy Rathmann. Good-Bye Country, Hello City : On-Level Gr 5. Good-Bye Country, Hello City : On-Level Gr 5. Good-Bye Country, Hello City : On-Level Gr 5. Good-Bye My Wishing Star. Good-Bye My Wishing Star. Good-Bye My Wishing Star. Good-Bye My Wishing Star. Good-Bye My Wishing Star. Good-night, Owl! / Pat Hutchins. Goodness Me, Mr. Magee : Sails Gr 1. Goodness Me, Mr. Magee : Sails Gr 1. Goodness Me, Mr. Magee : Sails Gr 1. Goodness Me, Mr. Magee : Sails Gr 1. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Bobbie. Goodnight Moon[Big Book]. Goodnight moon / by Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Clemen… Elizabeth Fackerell 641525 Elizabeth Fackerell 641526 Verla Kay 642910 Benjamin, Cynthia 8860 Benjamin, Cynthia 8892 Benjamine, Cynthia 9606 Benjamine, Cynthia 9607 Benjamine, Cynthia 9643 Sylvester, Kevin. 401859 100% Educational Videos 30005986 Graves, Sue 1949640619 Trepicchio, Lynn 11191 Trepicchio, Lynn 9786 Trepicchio, Lynn 9787 Spizman, Robyn 1003895 Day, Alexandra 1003956 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12467 Motil, Rebecca 10709 Motil, Rebecca 10710 Rogers, Renee 15547 Rogers, Renee 15548 Disney 642770 Disney 642786 Shannon, David, 195915383 Shannon, David, 1959401583 Balaban, Bob. 641232 Schlitz, Laura Amy. 401807 Osborne, Mary Pope. 67149 Rathmann, Peggy. 66460 Lewis, Kathryn 9535 Lewis, Kathryn 9536 Lewis, Kathryn 9537 Grove, Vicki 1005039 Grove, Vicki 1005040 Grove, Vicki 1005041 Grove, Vicki 1005042 Grove, Vicki 1005043 Hutchins, Pat, 194266973 Eggleton, Jill 8102 Eggleton, Jill 8103 Eggleton, Jill 8104 Eggleton, Jill 8105 Alison Hawes 640915 Alison Hawes 640916 Alison Hawes 640917 Alison Hawes 640918 Alison Hawes 640919 Alison Hawes 640920 Brown, Margaret Wise 1003966 Brown, Margaret Wise. 5878 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 9781554530212 1405479698 0866530495 0590729293 9 8 7 1885222556 9780439490276 (… 9780439490276 (… 0439434572 (pbk… 9780763615789 (… 0375806148 (pbk… 0399224459 : 0590421522 0590421522 0590421522 0590421522 0590421522 0689713711 (pbk… 0590092421 0590733028 (ove… 2005008541 2005008541 2003065256 2002017828 92029020 /AC 89017708 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 91 Title Author Barcode ISBN Goodnight moon / by Margaret Wise Brown ; pictures by Clemen… Goose on the loose / written and illustrated by Jacqueline R… Gossamer / Lois Lowry. Gottcha! Grammar Practice : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 4. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 5. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 5. Grammar Practice Book : Pupil Edition Gr 5. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 3. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Grammar Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Grammar Rock [computer disc]. Grammar Rock [computer disc]. Grammar and Punctuation Grade 5-6. Granddad's fishing buddy / Mary Quigley ; illustrated by Ste… Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandfather Martin. Grandmother's adobe dollhouse / by MaryLou M. Smith ; illust… Grandpa : Rigby Level 5. Grandpa's Camera : On-Level Gr 5. Grandpa's Camera : On-Level Gr 5. Grandpa's Camera : On-Level Gr 5. Grandpa's Clues : Rigby Level 8. Grandpa's Slippers[Big Book]. Granny : Sails Gr 1. Grant Writing for teachers. Brown, Margaret Wise. Rogers, Jacqueline. Lowry, Lois. Jorgensen, Gail 5892 643194 401616 67290 9179 9181 9182 10063 10064 10065 10956 10199 10200 10925 9176 9177 9178 9106 9107 9108 10066 10067 10068 10957 10201 10202 10924 9109 9110 9111 6151 6156 7810 401796 641549 641550 641551 641552 641553 641554 641555 643159 15470 9479 9480 9481 15886 1004019 8106 5491 0590733028 (ove… 9780439725019 (… 9780618685509 (… 2005030849 9780803729421 2005010622 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM School House Rock School House Rock Edwards,Phyllis 1995 Quigley, Mary, 1963Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Wendy Orr Smith, MaryLou M., 1950Hawes, Alison Lawrence, William Lawrence, William Lawrence, William WArren, Celia Watson, Joy Eggleton, Jill Kargas-Bone, Linda 0937206075 0908643918 LCCN 84091156 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 92 Title Author Barcode ISBN Grasshopper pie and other poems / by David Steinberg ; illus… Gray Rabbit's odd one out / Alan Baker. Great Americans--George Washington [video] / produced by Kev… Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Cheese Conspiracy,The. Great Gobs of Gum : Rigby Literacy. Great Gobs of Gum : Rigby Literacy. Great Man, Great Words : Social Studies Grade 2. Great Man, Great Words : Social Studies Grade 2. Great Man, Great Words : Social Studies Grade 2. Great Outdoors [Video]. Great States Geography. Great big guinea pigs / Susan Roth. Great day for up / by Dr. Seuss ; pictures by Quentin Blake. Great estimations / Bruce Goldstone. Greedy Apostrophe : a cautionary tale / by Jan Carr ; illust… Greeks : Internet-Linked. Green eggs and ham [computer file] / by Dr. Seuss. Green eggs and ham [computer file] / by Dr. Seuss. Greetings From Route 66. Greetings From Route 66. Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane / Suzanne Collins. Gregor the Overlander / Suzanne Collins. Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Gregory, the terrible eater / by Mitchell Sharmat ; illustra… Growing And Changing Cities : Social Studies Grade 5. Growing And Changing Cities : Social Studies Grade 5. Growing Peas. Growing Peas. Growing Peas. Growing Peas. Growing Peas. Growing Peas. Growing a City Garden : Below-Level Gr 4. Growing a City Garden : Below-Level Gr 4. Growing a City Garden : Below-Level Gr 4. Growing and Changing[Big Book] : Concept Health. Growing vegetable soup / written and illustrated by Lois Ehl… Growth of a Nation, Gr 5, V1 and V2 : Social Studies. Growth of a Nation, Gr 5, V1 and V2 : Social Studies. Steinberg, David, 1962Baker, Alan. 65229 640717 67454 30006798 30006799 30006800 30006801 30006802 30006803 8025 8041 640140 640152 640157 3492 10036906 642844 66417 642849 401744 67260 67135 67354 67254 67255 66371 15277 65000 65001 65002 65003 65004 65005 65006 65007 640454 640469 65560 65561 65562 65563 65564 65565 9585 9586 9654 7910 1003971 15878 15879 0448434911 1856975851 (har… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Leeuwen, Jean Leeuwen, Jean Leeuwen, Jean Leeuwen, Jean Leeuwen, Jean Leeuwen, Jean Rose, Emma Rose, Emma Van Van Van Van Van Van Harcourt Brace Integrated Theme Units Roth, Susan L. Seuss, Dr. Goldstone, Bruce. Carr, Jan. Peach, Susan Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Dahl, Patrick Dahl, Patrick Collins, Suzanne. Collins, Suzanne. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Sharmat, Mitchell. Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Robarb, Mel Robarb, Mel Robarb, Mel Jones, Anne Ehlert, Lois. Scott Foresman Scott Foresman LCCN 0590289063 9781582347240 (… 0394829131 9780805074468 (… 9780823420063 (… 1571352880 1571352880 0439650755 0439435366 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0027822508 0152325808 2003014177 94042002 /AC 91731666 2006000970 74005517 /AC… 2005019776 2006012114 97802365 97802365 (har… (hc.… : : : : : : : : 2003024412 2002155865 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 85029290 /AC 86022812 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 93 Title Author Barcode Growth of a Nation, Gr 5, V1 and V2 : Social Studies. Growth of a Nation, Gr 5, V1 and V2 : Social Studies. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grrrrr. Grumpy Bear[Big Book]. Grumpy Bird / Jeremy Tankard. Guess Who : Audiotext 1 Gr 1. Guess Who : Audiotext 1 Gr 1. Guess Who : Audiotext 1 Gr 1. Guess Who : Audiotext 1 Gr 1. Guess Who, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-1. Guess Who, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-1. Guess Who, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-1. Guess Who, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Eggleton, Jill Tankard, Jeremy. Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. 15881 15882 641889 641890 641891 641892 641893 641894 641895 7110 401739 10860 13919 9000 9009 10829 7475 7476 7477 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 9663 9664 9665 9666 9667 9668 9669 9670 9671 9672 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 9685 9686 9687 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 9780439851473 (… LCCN 2006003770 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 94 Title Author Barcode Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess Who? : Trophies Reading NAT 1-1. Guess how much I love you / by Sam McBratney ; illustrated b… Guess how much I love you / by Sam McBratney ; illustrated b… Guided Reading : Good First Teaching for All Children. Guided Reading in Grades K-2. Guided Reading in the Content Areas : Teacher's Guide. Guiding Readers and Writers : Grades 3-6. Guinness World Records 2008 : With Glow in the dark features… Guinness World Ricords 2007. Guinness world records : to the extreme / compiled by Lisa L… Guinness world records : to the extreme / compiled by Lisa L… Gulliver's Travels [Video]. Gulliver's Travels [Video]. Gus Goes to Cybertown [computer disc]. Gus Goes to Cybertown [computer disc]. HAILSTONES AND HALIBUT BONES. HANSEL AND GRETEL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOON. HAROLD AND THE PURPLE CRAYON. HARRIET'S HALLOWEEN CANDY. HARRIETT TUBMAN. HARRY THE DIRTY DOG. HARTLAND. HAT DAY. HAUNTING OF HOLROYD HILL. HAVE YOU SEEN MY DUCKLING. HAVE YOU SEEN MY DUCKLING. HAWAII: THE ALOHA STATE : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. HAWK, I'M YOUR BROTHER. HE LP! : BL Gr 2. HE LP! : BL Gr 2. HE LP! : BL Gr 2. HEAT. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. Beck, Isabel L. McBratney, Sam. McBratney, Sam. Fountas, Irene Fredericks, Anthony 9688 9689 9690 9691 9692 9693 9694 9695 9696 9697 9698 9699 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704 9705 643291 67216 6736 7287 65676 6889 65799 643287 67176 67391 1003732 4777 30081 30082 13321 13322 13323 13324 13325 14423 14401 13326 14457 640826 640827 640828 14181 13328 11202 8916 8961 640829 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Fountas, Irene british Guinness Ryan-Herndon, Lisa L. Ryan-Herndon, Lisa L. Swift,Jonathan Dunbar, James O'NEIL, MARY LESSER, RIKA ASCH, FRANK JOHNSON, CROCKET CARLSON, NANCY KERNAN, ELIZABETH ZION, EUGENE SEIBERT, DIANE MORRIS, ANN ADAMS, COLLEEN BAYLOR, BYRD Corbett, Kathryn Corbett, Kathryn Corbett, Kathryn ISBN 0976931311 1564024733 1904994121 9780439865623 9780439865623 LCCN 94001599 2007275637 2007275637 V014 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 95 Title Author Barcode HENRY AND BEEZUS. HENRY'S FOURTH OF JULY. HERSHEL AND THE HANUKKAH GOBLINGS. HEY, NEW KID. HI CAT. HILL OF FIRE. HOMER PRICE. HONEY, I LOVE. HOORAY FOR FATHER'S DAY. HORTON HATCHES THE EGG. HOSIE'S ALPHABET. HOT AIR HENRY. HOT AIR HENRY. HOTRON HEARS A WHO. HOW DID NUMBERS BEGIN. HOW DID NUMBERS BEGIN. HOW DID NUMBERS BEGIN. HOW DO YOU FLLE TODAY? HOW DO YOU SPELL GEEK. HOW MUCH IS A MILLION? HOW MY PARENTS LEARNED TO EAT. HOW THE ARABS INVENTED ALGEBRA. HOW TO BE HEALTHY : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. HOW TO STAY SAGE AT HOME AND ON-LINE. HOW TO UNDERSTAND AUTO RACING. Hale and Bopp:Two Guys Make History : Trophies BL Gr 3. Hale and Bopp:Two Guys Make History : Trophies BL Gr 3. Halloween : Thematic Unit. Halloween day / story by Anne Rockwell ; pictures by Lizzy R… Halloween howls : holiday poetry / selected by Lee Bennett H… Halloween. Handbook For Teaching With Themes. Hands on Science. Hands-On Minds-On Science: Magnetism and Electricity. Handy Handbook for Harrowing Events. Hans Brinker : inspired by the novel / by Mary Mapes Dodge ;… Hansel and Gretel / retold and illustrated by James Marshall… Happy Birthday : Independent Reader Grade K. Happy Birthday To Me ! : Social Studies Grade K. Happy Birthday To Me! : Social Studies Grade K. Happy Birthday To Me! : Social Studies Grade K. Happy Birthday, AMERICA : Social Studies Grade 1. Happy Birthday, AMERICA : Social Studies Grade 1. Happy Birthday, AMERICA : Social Studies Grade 1. Happy Birthday, Moon. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. CLEARY, BEVERLY GREENWILLOW, HOLLY KELLER KIMMEL, ERIC 13327 13329 13330 640830 14081 13976 14402 13332 13333 13334 13336 13337 14153 13335 13339 14343 14344 14424 640831 14403 13340 14436 14192 14418 640832 8839 8872 641333 16420 642458 3313 10036882 1050040 7802 7942 67359 67226 10449 640412 640406 640424 640512 640515 640524 3000237 1004047 1004048 12207 12208 12209 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM KEATS, EZRA LEWIS, THOMAS P MCCLOSKEY, ROBERT GREENFIELD, ELOISE SHARMAT, MARJORIE WEINMAN SEUSS, DR. BASKIN, LEONARD CALHOUN, MARY CALHOUN, MARY SEUSS, DR. SITOMAR, MINDEL AND HENRY SITOMAR, MINDEL AND HENRY SITOMAR, MINDEL AND HENRY MACGREGOR, CYNTHIA SCHWARTZ, DAVID M FRIEDMAN. INA R DOWNEY, TIKA MACGREGOR, CYNTHIA WOOD, IRA David, John David, John Teacher Created Material 1999 Rockwell, Anne F. Lorenz, Joanna Scholastic Smith, Robert W. Feigan,Mel 1994 Eggleton, Jill Coville, Bruce. Marshall, James, 1942-1992. Asch, Frank Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail ISBN 0060275677 9780060080600 (… LCCN 96036680 /AC 2004022513 0880127422 9780803728684 0803708270 0590339656 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 2006027109 89026011 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Birthday[Big Book]. Happy Chinese New Year! : BL Gr 2. Happy Chinese New Year! : BL Gr 2. Happy Chinese New Year! : BL Gr 2. Happy Mother's Day, Mami! : Nick Jr. Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Martin Luther King / by Jean Marzollo ; illu… Happy birthday, Monster! / Scott Beck. Harcourt Electronic Test System : Reading Practice and Asses… Harcourt Electronic Test System : Reading Practice and Asses… Harcourt Electronic test System : Reading Practice and Asses… Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Gr 4. Harcourt Language : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt Science explorations [Video] : Grade 5 Units A-F. Harcourt electronic Test System : Reading Practice and assem… Hardhatting in a Geo-World. Harmony [Video]. Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Manners, Manners, Manners, Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Jane Jane Jane Marzollo, Jean. Marzollo, Jean. Marzollo, Jean. Marzollo, Jean. Marzollo, Jean. Marzollo, Jean. Beck, Scott. Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Farr, Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Harcourt Harcourt Harcourt Harcourt Harcourt Harcourt Cordel, Betty Harmony Page 96 Barcode ISBN 12210 12211 12212 12540 12541 12542 12543 12544 12545 13036 13047 11223 8936 8942 640358 65458 65459 65460 65461 65462 65463 401837 8978 8976 8977 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9836 642827 642828 642830 642831 642832 642833 9835 12307 3732 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 0590726021 LCCN 0689852339 0590440659 : 0590440659 : 0590440659 : 0590440659 : 0590440659 : 0590440659 : 9780810993631 (… 91042137 /AC 91042137 /AC 91042137 /AC 91042137 /AC 91042137 /AC 91042137 /AC 2006035485 0153148209 0153148209 0153148209 0153148209 0153148209 0153148209 2001576155 2001576155 2001576155 2001576155 2001576155 2001576155 (gra… (gra… (gra… (gra… (gra… (gra… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 97 Title Author Harold & Chester in scared silly : a Halloween treat / James… Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman : a lesson in bravery / Elizabeth Kernan. Harriet Tubman [Video]. Harriet Tubman [Video]. Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild! Harry Devlin's Tales of thunder and lightning / Harry Devlin… Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows / by J.K. Rowling ; ill… Harry Potter and the deathly hallows / by J.K. Rowling ; ill… Harry and Friends in the Old West. Harry and Friends in the Old West. Harry and Friends in the Old West. Harry and Friends in the Old West. Harry and Friends in the Old West. Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret Bl… Harry, the dirty dog / by Gene Zion ; pictures by Margaret B… Harvesting Hope. Hat Happy[Big Book]. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hatmaker's Sign A / Story By Benjamin Franklin, The. Hats Hats Hats[Big Book]. Hats Hats Hats[Big Book]. Hats, Hats, Hats/6 Copies/Cassette : Level A/ Early Emergent… Hattie and the Fox[Big Book] : Gr 1. Hattie and the Fox[Big Book] : Gr 1. Hattie and the Fox[Big Book] : Gr 1. Hattie and the Fox[Big Book] : Gr 1. Hattie and the Fox[Big Book] : Gr 1. Hattie rabbit / by Dick Gackenbach. Hatupatu and the Birdwoman[Big Book]. Haunted summer / Betty Ren Wright. Haunted summer / Betty Ren Wright. Have You Ever Seen....?[Big Book]. Have You Seen My Duckling?[Big Book]. Howe, James, 1946640174 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590267 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590268 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590269 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590270 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590271 Kernan, Elizabeth. 590272 Schlessinger Media 5207 Schlessinger Media 5208 Mem Fox 642911 Devlin, Harry. 641322 Rowling, J. K. 14173 Rowling, J. K. 640079 Rowling, J. K. 642381 Rowling, J. K. 66352 Rowling, J. K. 66353 Suzy Kline 65275 Suzy Kline 65276 Suzy Kline 65277 Suzy Kline 65278 Suzy Kline 65279 Zion, Gene. 1004647 Zion, Gene. 1004648 Zion, Gene. 1004649 Zion, Gene. 30169 Zion, Gene. 30171 Zion, Gene. 30172 Zion, Gene. 66447 Kathleen Krull 642899 Hoberman, Mary Ann 10037896 Fleming, Candace 1055303 Fleming, Candace 1055304 Fleming, Candace 1055305 Fleming, Candace 1055306 Fleming, Candace 1055307 Fleming, Candace 1055308 Morris, Ann 1003995 Morris, Ann 1003996 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12463 Fox, Mem 10277 Fox, Mem 10283 Fox, Mem 11872 Fox, Mem 11873 Fox, Mem 11874 Gackenbach, Dick. 1001474 Cowley, Joy 1003994 Wright, Betty Ren. 400614 Wright, Betty Ren. 640825 Tarlton, John 1000339 Tafuri, Nancy 1004128 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 0688076661 082393750X 082393750X 082393750X 082393750X 082393750X 082393750X 88007837 /AC 2001006830 2001006830 2001006830 2001006830 2001006830 2001006830 0819308056. 0439064872 0439064872 0439064872 9780545010221 (… 9780545010221 (… 2007925449 2007925449 006443009X 006443009X 006443009X 006443009X 006443009X 006443009X 006084244X 2006276219 (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (boa… 74031057 /AC… 0439071798 0439071798 0439071798 0439071798 0439071798 0439071798 059072620X 059072620X 0060219394. 0868672866 0590473557 0590473557 0908643985 0590726102 75037018 /AC 95004690 /AC 95004690 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Have no fear, Chuckie's here! / by Sarah Willson ; illustrat… Have you Got Everything, Colin? : Rigby Level 6. Have you Seen Birds?[Big Book]. Have you seen my cat? / Eric Carle. Having a Ball : Rigby Literacy. Having a Ball : Rigby Literacy. Having a Great Time (Really) at Camp Resolve : Advanced Leve… Having a Great Time (Really) at Camp Resolve : Advanced Leve… Having a Great Time (Really) at Camp Resolve : Advanced Leve… Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. Hawaii : the Aloha State / Colleen Adams. He bear, she bear / Stan & Jan Berenstain. Head Line News : Sails Gr 1. Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Head for the Hills! The Amazing True Story of the Johnstown… Heading West : Social Studies Grade 5. Heading West : Social Studies Grade 5. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Headlines from Space. Health and Nutrition. Heat / Mike Lupica. Hedgehogs in the hall / Lucy Daniels ; illustrations by Shel… Heidi's Christmas [Video]. Heidi. Heidi. Heidi. Heidi. Heidi. Helen Keller [Video]. Helen Keller. Helen Keller. Helen Keller. Helen Keller. Helen Keller/ 6 Copies : Level H/Transitional /Fluent. Helga's Secret : Rigby Level 14. Hello, Hello! / 6 Copies : Level J/ Transition/Fluent. Hello, Red Fox[Big Book]. Willson, Sarah. Hawes, Alison Oppenheim, Joanne Carle, Eric. Herzog, Brad Herzog, Brad Karba, Joanna Karba, Joanna Karba, Joanna Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Berenstain, Stan, 1923Eggleton, Jill Paul Robert Walker Paul Robert Walker Paul Robert Walker Paul Robert Walker Paul Robert Walker Paul Robert Walker Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 98 Barcode 67210 15479 1004123 1003997 7986 7987 9359 9360 9361 590201 590202 590203 590204 590205 590206 16422 8219 642384 642386 642387 642388 642389 642390 640459 640468 Heather Hammonds 66639 Heather Hammonds 66640 Heather Hammonds 66641 Heather Hammonds 66642 Heather Hammonds 66643 Heather Hammonds 66644 Heather Hammonds 66645 Integrated Theme Units 10036904 Lupica, Mike. 401620 Daniels, Lucy. 643054 Spyri's,Johanna 30471 Spyri, Johanna 1005091 Spyri, Johanna 1005092 Spyri, Johanna 1005093 Spyri, Johanna 1005094 Spyri, Johanna 1005095 Schlessinger Media 5211 Davidson, Margaret 1005089 Davidson, Margaret 1005090 Davidson, Margaret 30072 Davidson, Margaret 30073 Social Studies Transitional St… 12415 Atkins, Jill 15519 Science Transition Level 12435 Carle, Eric 14549 ISBN 0689841922 (pbk… LCCN 2001275386 0590715763 0887080545 87015262 /AC 0823964027 0823964027 0823964027 0823964027 0823964027 0823964027 0679894268 (boa… 98067534 0590289020 0399243011 0812096665 0590420461 0590420461 0590420461 0590420461 0590420461 0590088998 0590088998 0590088998 0590088998 2005013521 96001847 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Hellping Earth : SOcial Studies Grade K. Help! : Rigby Level 5. Help! : a story of friendship / Holly Keller. Helping Dogs : Advanced Level Gr 2. Helping Dogs : Advanced Level Gr 2. Helping Dogs : Advanced Level Gr 2. Helping Earth : Social Studies Grade K. Helping Earth : Social Studies Grade K. Helping Out : Sails Gr 1. Helping Out : Sails Gr 1. Helping Out : Sails Gr 1. Helping Out : Sails Gr 1. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Gonzalez : U. S. Representative. Henry Huggins / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis Darlin… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their… Henry's freedom box / by Ellen Levine ; illustrated by Kadir… Henry's freedom box / by Ellen Levine ; illustrated by Kadir… Herbivores in the food chain / Alice B. McGinty ; photograph… Here Comes Peter Cottontail [Video]. Here We Come : Independent Reader Grade K. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Here We Go, Grade K : Social Studies. Here We Go, Grade K : Social Studies. Here We Go, Grade K : Social Studies. Here and There : Audiotext 3 Gr 1. Here and There : Audiotext 3 Gr 1. Here and There : Audiotext 3 Gr 1. Here and There : Audiotext 3 Gr 1. Here and There, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-3. Here and There, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-3. Here and There, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-3. Here and There, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-3. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Hawes, Alison Keller, Holly. Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo gordon, Brandon gordon, Brandon gordon, Brandon gordon, Brandon gordon, Brandon gordon, Brandon Cleary, Beverly. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Levine, Ellen. Levine, Ellen. McGinty, Alice B. Vidoecraft International Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Jenny Rendall Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Page 99 Barcode 640408 15469 401794 10307 10308 12045 640413 640425 8112 8113 8114 8115 13064 13065 13066 13068 13069 13070 640117 66163 66164 66165 66166 66167 66168 67089 66814 65044 500090 5313 10459 641757 641758 641759 641760 641761 641762 641763 641764 15863 15864 15865 10862 13921 9002 9007 10831 7481 7482 7483 ISBN LCCN 9780061239137 (… 2006032116 0688213855 (tra… 0689717911 0689717911 0689717911 0689717911 0689717911 0689717911 0689717911 9780439777339 (… 9780439777339 (… 0823957535 (lib… 00027567 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 93010797 /AC 2006009487 2006009487 2001000152 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 100 Title Author Barcode Here is a Box : Rigby Level 4. Here we go, Harry / Kim Lewis. Here's looking at me : how artists see themselves / Bob Racz… Heroes in the flames : Below-Level Gr 5. Heroes in the flames : Below-Level Gr 5. Heroes in the flames : Below-Level Gr 5. Heroes. Heron Street[Big Book]. Heron Street[Big Book]. Heron Street[Big Book]. Heron Street[Big Book]. Heron Street[Big Book]. Heron street / by Ann Turner ; paintings by Lisa Desimini. Hetty Hackett's Farm[Big Book]. Hey batta batta swing! : the wild old days of baseball / by … Hey, little ant / Philip and Hannah Hoose ; illustrations by… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; pictures by Susan Je… Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiawatha : American Leader. Hiding to Survive : On-Level Gr 4. Hiding to Survive : On-Level Gr 4. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding. Hiding. Hilde and Eli : Children of the Holocaust. His Name Was Amerigo : Social Studies Grade 5. Hold on Tight! Hold on Tight! Hold on Tight! Hold on Tight! Hold on Tight! Hold on Tight! Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Holes [Video]. Holiday Decorations and Centerpieces. Nyberg, isabel Lewis, Kim, 1951Raczka, Bob. Fisher, Kate Fisher, Kate Fisher, Kate Social Studies Literature Libr… Turner, Ann Turner, Ann Turner, Ann Turner, Ann Turner, Ann Turner, Ann Warren. Eggleton, Jill Cook, Sally. Hoose, Phillip M., 1947Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1… Desoto, Oscar Desoto, Oscar Desoto, Oscar Desoto, Oscar Desoto, Oscar Desoto, Oscar Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Adler, David 15461 67368 401605 9278 9317 9318 13057 1004075 1004076 12726 13050 13054 67092 7111 643269 641243 643707 643708 643709 643710 643711 643712 13095 13096 13097 13098 13099 13100 11850 11851 640301 640303 640307 640361 640666 640667 6734 640552 640273 640279 640281 640283 640285 640287 7063 7064 7065 7066 6750 6557 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Sachar, Louis Soulsman, carole ISBN 0763625493 (alk… 9780761334040 (… 0590725874 0590725874 0590725874 0590725874 0590725874 0060261846 : 9781416912071 (… 9781883672546 080370013X 080370013X 080370013X 080370013X 080370013X 080370013X LCCN 2003069624 2005006144 87024948 /AC 2006008132 98014025 /AC 83007225 /AC… 83007225 /AC… 83007225 /AC… 83007225 /AC… 83007225 /AC… 83007225 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 101 Title Author Barcode Holidays at Our House. Holidays at Our House. Holidays at Our House. Holidays at Our House. Holidays at Our House. Holidays at Our House. Home Grown : Advanced Level Gr 4. Home Grown : Advanced Level Gr 4. Home Run Heroes! : The Mark McGwire/Sammy Sosa Story. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home in the sky / story and pictures by Jeannie Baker. Home! You're Where It's Warm Inside[Big Book]. Home, stinky home / by Melissa Lagonegro ; illustrated by Ca… Homes. Homes. Homes. Homes. Homes. Homes. Honey in a hive / by Anne Rockwell ; illustrated by S.D. Sch… Honey, Honey. Honey, Honey. Honey, Honey. Honey, Honey. Honey-- honey-- lion! : a story from Africa / Jan Brett. Honey-- honey-- lion! : a story from Africa / Jan Brett. Hoop stars / by S.A. Kramer ; illustrated by Mitchell Heinze… Hoops. Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! Hope You Can Come! : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Hores Trainer : A Day In The Life Of A. Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet. Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet. Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry in room 2B / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Fran… Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Horrible Harry's secret / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank … Stirniman, Todd Stirniman, Todd Stirniman, Todd Stirniman, Todd Stirniman, Todd Stirniman, Todd Wienecke, Suzanne Wienecke, Suzanne Layden, Joey Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Prelutsky,Jack Lagonegro, Melissa. Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Rockwell, Anne F. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Brett, Jan, 1949Brett, Jan, 1949Kramer, Sydelle. Robert Burleigh Dr. Seuss 13149 13150 13151 13152 13153 13154 11753 11783 643065 12950 12951 12952 12953 12954 12955 1004017 643225 642752 642753 642754 642755 642756 642757 65172 7089 7090 7091 7092 65262 66382 29093 642916 642924 640243 643218 15247 15248 65106 65107 65109 65110 65112 65113 67082 65099 65100 65101 65102 65103 65104 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Freeman, Charlotte Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. Kline, Suzy. ISBN LCCN 0439057469 0688038417 0688038417 0688038417 0688038417 0688038417 0688038417 0590724746 0736422404 2003012411 9780060285661 (… 2003010357 9780399244636 (… 9780399244636 (… 0448409437 (pbk… 2005000449 2005000449 95004993 /AC 83025379 83025379 83025379 83025379 83025379 83025379 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 8816711119 0140328254 0140328254 0140328254 0140328254 0140328254 0140328254 0140328254 0140329153 0140329153 0140329153 0140329153 0140329153 0140329153 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 89036021 89036021 89036021 89036021 89036021 89036021 89036021 92020288 92020288 92020288 92020288 92020288 92020288 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 102 Title Author Barcode Horsepower. Horses in Color. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Air Balloons. Hot Soup : Independent Reader Grade K. Hot and Cold : Sails Gr 1. Hot and Cold : Sails Gr 1. Hot and Cold : Sails Gr 1. Houndsley and Catina / James Howe ; illustrated by Marie-Lou… Houndsley and Catina and the birthday surprise / James Howe … Houses. Houses. Houses. Houses. Houses. Houses. How Big is a Cat? : cassette. How Big is a Cat?/ 6 Copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. How Can You Fix It? : Rigby Level 4. How Do Rules Get Made ? : Social Studies Grade 1. How Do Rules Get Made ? : Social Studies Grade 1. How Fire Came to the World : Trophies BL Gr 3. How Fire Came to the World : Trophies BL Gr 3. How Many Carmens? : Advanced Level Gr 2. How Many Carmens? : Advanced Level Gr 2. How Many Carmens? : Advanced Level Gr 2. How Many Legs? How Many Legs? How Many Legs? How Many Legs? How Many Legs? How Many Legs? How Many Toes? How Maps Came to Be : On Level Gr 2. How Maps Came to Be : On Level Gr 2. How Maps Came to Be : On Level Gr 2. How Much is 100?/ 6 Copies : Level H/Transition/ Fluent. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. How Pizza Came to Queens. Brocker, Susan Churchill, Peter Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers 8294 67295 642614 642615 642616 642617 642618 642619 10444 8151 8152 8153 401601 641377 641049 641050 641051 641052 641053 641054 65696 12447 15466 640529 640535 8842 8874 10297 10298 12041 640163 640167 640169 640176 640178 640180 7123 10411 10412 11284 12437 12697 12698 12699 12700 12701 12702 12793 12794 12795 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Howe, James, 1946Howe, James, 1946Isabel Nyberg Isabel Nyberg Isabel Nyberg Isabel Nyberg Isabel Nyberg Isabel Nyberg Math Transition Level Pritchett, Jan Bedel, Gary Bedel, Gary Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Windsor, Jo Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Math Transition Level Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur ISBN 9780763624040 (… 9780763624057 (… LCCN 2005050187 2006042580 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 103 Title Author Barcode How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Krensky, Stephen. Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Kraus, Robert. Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Bentley, Joan 12796 12797 12798 642548 1005141 1005145 1005146 1005147 1005148 1005149 1005139 1005140 1050041 1050042 30074 30203 30204 1005150 1005151 1005152 1005153 1005155 1005156 10037325 1005161 1005162 1005163 1005164 1005165 1005166 1005167 1005168 3000114 642674 642675 642676 642677 642678 642679 15021 640503 640504 640484 640490 11880 5119 12570 12571 12572 12573 Pizza Came to Queens. Pizza Came to Queens. Pizza Came to Queens. Santa got his job / by Stephen Krensky ; illustrated by … Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved Easter. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Saved the Baseball Game. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider Stopped the Litterbugs. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spider saved Halloween / by Robert Kraus. Spiders Got Eight Legs. Spiders Got Eight Legs. Spiders Got Eight Legs. Spiders Got Eight Legs. Spiders Got Eight Legs. Spiders Got Eight Legs. To Do Science Experiments With Children. Travel Has Changed : Social Studies Grade 1. Travel Has Changed : Social Studies Grade 1. Travel Has Changed : Social Studies Grade 5. Travel Has Changed : Social Studies Grade 5. a Book is Made. a Book is Made. a House is Built. a House is Built. a House is Built. a House is Built. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Aliki Aliki Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gibbons, Gail Gail Gail Gail ISBN 0689806973 (har… 059041092X 059041092X 059041092X 059041092X 059041092X 059041092X 0590417916 0590417916 0590417916 0590417916 0590417916 0590417916 0590417916 059044462X 059044462X 059044462X 059044462X 059044462X 059044462X 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 0590421174 LCCN 97023474 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 104 Title Author Barcode How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How Gibbons, Gail Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Yolen, Jane. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. Pritchett, Jan Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Schwartz, David M. Downey, Tika. Downey, Tika. Downey, Tika. Downey, Tika. Downey, Tika. Downey, Tika. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Kipling, Rudyard Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Kipling 12574 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 66339 643624 643625 643626 643627 643628 643629 590273 590274 590275 590276 590277 590278 15478 1003998 12894 12895 12896 12897 12898 12899 5911 590333 590334 590335 590336 590337 590338 3000495 1001865 65026 10362 10363 11259 30598 642662 642663 642664 642665 642666 642667 30599 a House is Built. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do Birds find their Way : Soar to Success LV. do dinosaurs go to school? / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do things grow? / written by Althea ; illustrated by Jul… do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. do you feel today? / Cynthia MacGregor. has it Changed? : Rigby Level 5. much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … much is a million? / by David M. Schwartz ; pictures by … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept … the Grinch Stole Christmas [Video ]. the Grinch stole Christmas, by Dr. Seuss. the Grinch stole Christmas, by Dr. Seuss. the Leaves Got Their Colors : On Level Gr 2. the Leaves Got Their Colors : On Level Gr 2. the Leaves Got Their Colors : On Level Gr 2. the Leopard God His Spots [Video]. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle. the Rhinoceros Got His Skin [Video] : How the Camel Got … Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 9780439020817 0816721181 0816721181 0816721181 0816721181 0816721181 0816721181 0823982300 0823982300 0823982300 0823982300 0823982300 0823982300 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0688040497 0823989860 0823989860 0823989860 0823989860 0823989860 0823989860 0792823931 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2006025857 90010923 90010923 90010923 90010923 90010923 90010923 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 84005736 /AC 2003003592 2003003592 2003003592 2003003592 2003003592 2003003592 M201011 57007526 /L/… 57007526 /L/… H0702 H0627 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 105 Title Author Barcode How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How How Akass, Susan Akass, Susan Alexander, Lloyd. Disney Morris,Janet 1981 Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell, Thomas Levenson, George Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda Tuckfield, Liyala Raymer, Robin Raymer, Robin Raymer, Robin Harrell, Denise Dodds Rothman, Cynthia Rothman, Cynthia MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. McNulty, Faith. McNulty, Faith. Thomes, Joann F. Jael. Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Charles, Randall (Randall I.) Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Rockwell, Thomas, 1933Heller, Ruth, 1924Evans-Moore 1999 Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Wood, Ira, 1972Evers, Connie Liakos. Evers, Connie Liakos. 15536 15537 67139 642439 7544 1005173 1005175 1005176 1005178 1005186 1005189 6005 10380 10381 11268 15491 10310 10311 12046 1003866 11830 11831 590096 590097 590098 590099 590100 590101 67468 67469 12333 642824 66420 67094 640097 65534 643336 643337 643338 643339 67504 641335 590225 590226 590227 590228 590229 590230 15223 15224 the Turtle Got His shell : Rigby Level 12. the Turtle Got His shell : Rigby Level 12. the cat swallowed thunder / by Lloyd Alexander ; illustr… to Catch a Heffalump. to Develop Problem Solving Using a Calculator. to Eat Fried Worms. to Eat Fried Worms. to Eat Fried Worms. to Eat Fried Worms. to Eat Fried Worms. to Eat Fried Worms. to Fold a Paper Crane [Video]. to Grow a Garden : On Level Gr 2. to Grow a Garden : On Level Gr 2. to Grow a Garden : On Level Gr 2. to Make a Bird Feeder : Rigby Level 7. to Make a Paper Airplane : Advanced Level Gr 2. to Make a Paper Airplane : Advanced Level Gr 2. to Make a Paper Airplane : Advanced Level Gr 2. to Manage Your Whole Language Classroom. to Write a Play : On-Level Gr 4. to Write a Play : On-Level Gr 4. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to be healthy / Cynthia MacGregor. to dig a hole to the other side of the world / by Faith … to dig a hole to the other side of the world / by Faith … to do Experimanets for Science Fair Projects. to draw tanks and other fighting machines / illustrated … to eat fried worms / Thomas Rockwell ; pictures by Emily… to eat fried worms, and other plays / by Thomas Rockwell… to evaluate progress in problem solving / Randall Charle… to fight a girl / Thomas Rockwell ; illustrated by Gioia… to fight a girl / Thomas Rockwell. to fight a girl / Thomas Rockwell. to fight a girl / Thomas Rockwell. to fight a girl / Thomas Rockwell. to hide a butterfly & other insects / by Ruth Heller. to make books with children series. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to stay safe at home and on-line / Ira Wood. to teach nutrition to kids : an integrated, creative app… to teach nutrition to kids : an integrated, creative app… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0525464492 00024530 0440445450 0440445450 0440445450 0440445450 0440445450 0440445450 1557341443 0823982092 0823982092 0823982092 0823982092 0823982092 0823982092 0060241470 : 0060241470 : 1588650367 1557360510 0440034981 0873532414 0531150828 1557360774 1557360774 1557360774 1557360774 0448104784 0823937224 0823937224 0823937224 0823937224 0823937224 0823937224 0964797038 0964797038 (lg.… (pbk… (lg.… (lg.… (lg.… (lg.… : 78022479 /AC 78022479 /AC 2003268321 87012594 /AC 78072854 /AC 87007644 87002039 /AC 87033342 /AC 87033342 /AC 87033342 /AC 87033342 /AC 85070287 /AC 2001006836 2001006836 2001006836 2001006836 2001006836 2001006836 95090600 95090600 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 106 Title Author Barcode ISBN How to write a book report / author, Kathleen Christopher Nu… Hugs and kisses / Christophe Loupy ; [illustrated by] Eve Th… Human Body. Humvees / by Matt Doeden. Hundred Dresses,The. Hundred Dresses,The. Hundred Dresses,The. Hundred Dresses,The. Hundred Dresses,The. Hundreds: Board Activities. Hungry Monster[Big Book]. Hunted / Elizabeth Hand. Hurricane : BL Gr 2. Hurricane : BL Gr 2. Hurricane : BL Gr 2. Hurt go happy / Ginny Rorby. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hushtown: A Peaceful Community. Hyperstudio : Simple Projects. Hyperstudio : Simple Projects. I Am Pat : Independent reader Grade K. I CAN READ WITH MY EYES SHUT. I COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE. I Can Lick 30 Tigers today! and other stories. I Can't Find It! I Can't Find It! I Can't Find It! I Can't Find It! I Can't Find It! I Can't Find It! I Can't Open It! : Rigby Level 6. I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew. I Have a Pal : Independent Reader Grade K. I Have a Robot : Below-Level Gr 1. I Have a Robot : Below-Level Gr 1. I Have a Robot : Below-Level Gr 1. I KNOW AN OLD LADY. I LIKE ME. I Like Dogs. I Like Dogs. I Like Dogs. I Like Dogs. I Like Dogs. I Like Dogs. I Like Me[Big Book]. I Love Spiders. Null, Kathleen Christopher. Loupy, Christophe, 1962Integrated Theme Units Doeden, Matt. Estes,Eleanor Estes,Eleanor Estes,Eleanor Estes,Eleanor Estes,Eleanor Preddy,Marilyn 1995 Melser, June Hand, Elizabeth. Field, Elizabeth Field, Elizabeth Field, Elizabeth Rorby, Ginny. Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Fleck, Tim Fleck, Tim King, Sean SEUSS, DR. ZEMACH, MARGOT Seuss Jill Atkins Jill Atkins Jill Atkins Jill Atkins Jill Atkins Jill Atkins Shipton, Paul Seuss 6355 66444 10036892 65803 101268 101273 101274 101278 101286 7584 1004012 66173 11219 8914 8963 401660 642121 642122 642123 642124 642125 642126 6900 6901 10669 13341 13342 1001869 640933 640934 640935 640936 640937 640938 15484 400103 10429 11182 9768 9769 642316 13343 640885 640886 640887 640888 640889 640890 5832 643231 1576903273 9780735814844 0590271938 9781429600309 (… 0590404008 0590404008 0590404008 0590404008 0590404008 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley CARLSON, NANCY Barbara Mitchelhill Barbara Mitchelhill Barbara Mitchelhill Barbara Mitchelhill Barbara Mitchelhill Barbara Mitchelhill Carlson, Nancy John Parker 0868672858 <None> 9780765314420 0590183672 LCCN 2001042595 2006101330 2004301404 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I John Parker John Parker John Parker John Parker John Parker Parker, John Parker, John Adapted by John Archambault Love Spiders. Love Spiders. Love Spiders. Love Spiders. Love Spiders. Love Spiders[Big Book]. Love Spiders[Big Book]. Love the Mountains[Big Book] : A Traditional Song. Missed You! : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Spy Shapes. Spy [Video] : A Mumble Monster Mystery and Other Stories. Spy: Extreme Challenger! Swam With Seals[Big Book] : Gr 1. Swam With Seals[Big Book] : Gr 1. Swam with a Seal[Big Book] : Gr 1. Swam with a Seal[Big Book] : Gr 1. Swam with a Seal[Big Book] : Gr 1. Take Care of My Dog. Take Care of My Dog. Take Care of My Dog. Take Care of My Dog. Take Care of My Dog. Take Care of My Dog. WISH I WERE A BUTTERFLY. Was All Thumbs. Wish I Liked Green Peas. Wish I Liked Green Peas. Wish I Liked Green Peas. Wish I Liked Green Peas. Wish I Liked Green Peas. am an apple[Big Book]. am not sleepy and I will not go to bed / Lauren Child. am too absolutely small for school / Lauren Child. am too absolutely small for school / Lauren Child. am water[Big Book]. can help / by Hans Wilhelm. can read about creatures of the night / written by David C… can read with my eyes shut / by Dr. Seuss. can read with my eyes shut / by Dr. Seuss. can read with my eyes shut / by Dr. Seuss. hate English! / by Ellen Levine ; illustrated by Steve Bjö… hate rules! / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by John & Wend… have a dream : the story of Martin Luther King / by Margar… have a dream : the story of Martin Luther King / by Margar… have a dream : the story of Martin Luther King / by Margar… have a dream : the story of Martin Luther King / by Margar… is for idea : an inventions alphabet / written by Marcia S… knew you could! : a book for all the stops in your life / … like bugs / by Margaret Wise Brown ; illustrated by G. Bri… like to Jump : Rigby level 4. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 107 Barcode 643232 643233 643234 643235 643236 1004007 6183 66990 640239 Disney 642425 Marzollo, Jean 13866 Jean Marzollo 642904 Agell, Charlotte 10278 Agell, Charlotte 10284 Agel, Charlotte 11869 Agel, Charlotte 11870 Agel, Charlotte 11871 Sophia Loughrey 640903 Sophia Loughrey 640904 Sophia Loughrey 640905 Sophia Loughrey 640906 Sophia Loughrey 640907 Sophia Loughrey 640908 HOWE, JAMES 13350 Waber, Bernard 1001949 Sarah Keane 641838 Sarah Keane 641839 Sarah Keane 641840 Sarah Keane 641841 Sarah Keane 641842 Marzollo, Jean 5873 Child, Lauren. 640614 Child, Lauren. 640615 Child, Lauren. 11529 Marzollo, Jean 5836 Wilhelm, Hans, 194566229 Cutts, David. 640064 Seuss, Dr. 640165 Seuss, Dr. 65051 Seuss, Dr. 65225 Levine, Ellen. 640264 Krulik, Nancy E. 641205 Davidson, Margaret, 1936101482 Davidson, Margaret, 1936101485 Davidson, Margaret, 1936101487 Davidson, Margaret, 1936101488 Schonberg, Marcia. 15278 Dorfman, Craig. 67136 Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-195… 643222 Llewellyn, Claire 15462 ISBN LCCN 0908643950 0439239451 0763615706 (alk… 0763624039 0763624039 043906080X 9780439466219 (… 0816743452 0394839129 : 0394839129 : 0394839129 : 0590423053 (lib… 9780448431000 0590442309 0590442309 0590442309 0590442309 1585362573 0448431483 9780307261076 00066682 2003065576 2003065576 2003278314 97224921 /AC 78007193 /AC 78007193 /AC 78007193 /AC 88038265 /AC… 2002015623 2005006391 2002014375 2002013565 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 108 Title Author Barcode ISBN I lost my tooth in Africa / by Penda Diakité ; illustrated b… I love bugs! / by Philemon Sturges ; illustrated by Shari Ha… I love spiders / by John Parker ; illustrated by Rita Parkin… I love to sneeze / by Ellen Schecter ; illustrated by Gioia … I love to sneeze / by Ellen Schecter ; illustrated by Gioia … I love to sneeze / by Ellen Schecter ; illustrated by Gioia … I love to sneeze / by Ellen Schecter ; illustrated by Gioia … I love you : a rebus poem / by Jean Marzollo ; illustrations… I love you always and forever / by Jonathan Emmett ; illustr… I spy a candy cane / riddles by Jean Marzollo ; photographs … I spy extreme challenger! : a book of picture riddles / phot… I spy fun house : a book of picture riddles / photographs by… I spy gold challenger! : a book of picture riddles / photogr… I spy mystery : a book of picture riddles / photographs by W… I spy school days : a book of picture riddles / photographs … I spy spooky night : a book of picture riddles / photographs… I spy super challenger! : a book of picture riddles / photog… I spy ultimate challenger! : a book of picture riddles / pho… I spy. I spy. I was so mad / by Mercer Mayer. I was so mad / by Mercer Mayer. I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I went walking / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by Ju… I will never not ever eat a tomato / Lauren Child. I wish : Trophies BL Gr 3. I wish : Trophies BL Gr 3. I wish I could fly / by Ron Maris. I wonder why kangaroos have pouches and other questions abou… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions abo… I'M IN CARGE OF CELEBRATIONS. I'm Terrific. I'm Terrific. I'm Terrific. I'm Terrific. I'm a caterpillar[Big Bk][Big Book]. I'm not feeling well today / by Shirley Neitzel ; pictures b… I'm the Captain. I'm the Captain. I'm the Captain. Diakité, Penda. Sturges, Philemon. Parker, John. Schecter, Ellen. Schecter, Ellen. Schecter, Ellen. Schecter, Ellen. Marzollo, Jean. Emmett, Jonathan. Marzollo, Jean. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. Wick, Walter. 401572 643100 5822 3000165 3000167 3000168 3000169 66243 65149 643203 643273 643274 643081 643079 643082 643275 643080 643095 640652 640653 65181 67205 66851 66852 66853 66854 66855 66856 16463 8843 8877 1002696 67508 65482 65483 65484 65485 65486 65487 65749 13344 1005293 1005294 1005295 1005296 6184 643156 641740 641741 641742 9780439662260 (… 0060561688 0908643713 (ove… 0553075764 (lib… 0553075764 (lib… 0553075764 (lib… 0553075764 (lib… 059037656X 9780439916547 (… 0439524741 (pbk… 9780439199001 0590462938 9780439787284 0590462946 0590481355 0590481371 0590341286 0439454018 (lib… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Mayer, Mercer, 1943Mayer, Mercer, 1943Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Child, Lauren. Diaz, Amanda Diaz, Amanda Maris, Ron. Wood, Jenny. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. O'Neill, Amanda. BAYLOR, BYRD Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Marzollo, Jean Neitzel, Shirley. Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger LCCN 2004001933 2004004120 0307606031 (lib… 0307606031 (lib… 9780152007713 (… 9780152007713 (… 9780152007713 (… 9780152007713 (… 9780152007713 (… 9780152007713 (… 0763611883 (alk… 91028551 /AC 91028551 /AC 91028551 /AC 91028551 /AC 98046700 2006010323 2004004732 00027910 92016425 /AC 98013982 /AC 92040863 /AC 94043629 /AC 95050528 97006864 /AC 2002008196 sf 95093655 sf 95093655 82084109 /AC 82084109 /AC 96142350 /AC 96142350 /AC 96142350 /AC 96142350 /AC 96142350 /AC 96142350 /AC 99057573 0590724614 (ove… 0753456613 1856976696 1856976696 1856976696 1856976696 1856976696 1856976696 1856976696 2003276422 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 95025192 /AC 0590406507 0590406507 0590406507 0590406507 0688173802 (tra… 00021917 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 109 Title Author Barcode I'm the Captain. I'm the Captain. I'm the Captain. I've Got an Idea : Rigby Literacy. I've Got an Idea : Rigby Literacy. I've seen Santa! / by David Bedford ; illustrated by Tim War… I've won, no I've won, no I've won / Lauren Child. IF I RAN THE ZOO. IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. IF YOU MADE A MILLION. IMOGENE'S ANTLERS. IN A PEOPLE HOUSE. INCH BY INCH. INTO THE LAND OF THE UNICORNS. IRA SLEEPS OVER. IS YOUR MAMA A LLAMA. ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS. IT LOOKED LIKE SPILT MILK. IT LOOKED LIKE SPILT MILK. IT'S FUN TO EXERCISE : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice Age Safari. Ice age 2 : the meltdown : join the pack! / adapted by Ellie… Icy Habitats BB[Big Book] : Big Science. If I Could. If I Had A Gorilla. If I ran the zoo / by Dr. Seuss. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Shulman, Lisa Shulman, Lisa Bedford, David, 1969Child, Lauren. DR. SUESS NUMEROFF,LAURA NUMEROFF, LAURA JOTTE SCHWARTZ, DAVID SMALL, DAVID LESIEG, THRO. LIONNI, LEO 641743 641744 641745 7994 7995 66331 640616 14079 13961 14388 14386 13345 13346 13347 640833 13348 14456 13349 13351 642315 14191 66548 66549 66550 66551 66552 66553 66554 16424 65095 643211 70104 400105 30005796 30005797 30005798 30005799 30005800 30005801 30005802 30005803 30005804 30005805 30005842 5094 1005281 1005282 1005283 1005284 1005286 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM WABER, BERNARD GOLDISH, MEISH O'DELL, SCOTT SHAW, CHARLES G. LALLEY, KRISTIAN Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds O'Ryan, Ellie. Scholastic Nayer, Judy Mayer, Mercer Seuss, Dr. McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann ISBN LCCN 9781589250581 (… 9780448443508 (… 2006014878 2005033182 9780060839703 0590131044 0813610826 2005934357 9780394800813 (… 059041948X 059041948X 059041948X 059041948X 059041948X 50010185 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 110 Title Author Barcode ISBN If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Lived in Colonial Times. If You Take A Mouse To School. If You Take A Mouse To School. If You Were a Writer. If dogs ruled the world / by Faith McNulty ; illustrated by … If the dinosaurs came back / written and illustrated by Bern… If the dinosaurs came back / written and illustrated by Bern… If you Were an Illustrator : Advanced Level Gr 5. If you Were an Illustrator : Advanced Level Gr 5. If you Were an Illustrator : Advanced Level Gr 5. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a Mouse a Cookie[Big Book]. If you give a moose a muffin / by Laura Joffe Numeroff ; ill… If you give a mouse a cookie / Laura Joffe Numeroff ; illust… If you hopped like a frog / by David M. Schwartz ; illustrat… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthqua… If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you traveled West in a covered wagon. If you're happy and you know it! If you're not here, please raise your hand : poems about sch… Ignis. Igraine the brave / Cornelia Funke ; with illustrations by t… Iguana. Iguana. Iguana. Iguana. Iguana. Iguana. Immigration : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Immigration [Video] : Island of Hope, Island of Fear. Immigration. Imo & the King [computer disc] : An African folk tale. In 1492[Big Book]. In A Nutshell: The Almond [Video]. McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann Numeroff, Laura Numeroff, Laura Joan Lowery Nixon McNulty, Faith. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Laura Joffe. Numeroff, Laura Joffe. Schwartz, David M. Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Levine, Ellen Ormerod, Jan Dakos, Kalli. Gina Wilson Funke, Cornelia Caroline. Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp 1005287 1005290 1005291 5096 640382 64978 642931 66230 640211 640215 9408 9409 9410 1003980 1003982 1005245 1005246 1005247 1005249 66457 5888 642531 1005268 1005269 1005271 1005272 1005273 1005274 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 6599 643166 66423 642938 66347 641626 641627 641628 641629 641630 641631 67268 30005985 6635 500013 1003987 1003638 059041948X 059041948X 059041948X 059041948X Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 100% Educational Videos Sims, Glenda Marzollo, Jean Almond Board of California 043908752X (pbk… 0152380205 0152380205 0590402331 0590402331 0590402331 0590402331 0590402331 0590402331 0060244054 0064434095 (ove… 0590098578 0590437984 0590437984 0590437984 0590437984 0590437984 0590437984 1-932065-07-05 0027255816 : 9780439903790 LCCN 99024785 77023911 /AC 77023911 /AC 91002207 /AC 98046546 /AC 89071530 /AC 2006032672 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title In Bed : Independent Reader Grade K. In Concert [Video] : Barney. In Eight More Years : BL Gr 2. In Eight More Years : BL Gr 2. In Eight More Years : BL Gr 2. In Space : On Level Grade 1. In Space : On Level Grade 1. In Space : On Level Grade 1. In The Dark [Video] : Berenstain Bears. In Two Worlds : Advanced Level Grade 3. In Two Worlds : Advanced Level Grade 3. In a dark, dark wood : an old tale with a new twist / by Dav… In a people house / by Theo. LeSieg ; illustrated by Roy McK… In the City Park : Below-Level Gr 1. In the City Park : Below-Level Gr 1. In the City Park : Below-Level Gr 1. In the Country, In the City. In the Country, In the City. In the Country, In the City. In the Country, In the City. In the Country, In the City. In the Country, In the City. In the Forest[Big Book]. In the Jungle River : Sails Gr 1. In the Yard : Rigby Level 6. In the tall, tall grass / Denise Fleming. Incredible Ride [Video]. Independence Day : Social Studies Grade 1. Independence Day : Social Studies Grade 1. Indian America: A Geography of North American Indians. Indian Bunny. Indian Unit. Indian bunny. Story and pictures by Ruth Bornstein. Indian sign language, written and illustrated by Robert Hofs… Indian sign language, written and illustrated by Robert Hofs… Indians: An Activity Book. Indoor Sunshine: Great Things To Make And Do On Rainy Days. Industrialization in America. Insects Activity Book. Insects Up Close/6 copies : Level C/ Early Emergent/ Emergen… Insects and Spiders : Independent Reader Grade K. Insects do the strangest things / by Leonora and Arthur Horn… Insects. Insects. Insects. Insects. Insects. Insects. Insects. Insects. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Leach, Sheryl Verne, Julie Verne, Julie Verne, Julie Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Berenstain, Stan & Jan Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Carter, David A. LeSieg, Theo., 1904Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Ring, Susan Social Studies/Tra… Windsor, Jo Davis, Sue / Wilson, Jeni Fleming, Denise, 1950Colgate Nev,Marian Wallace 1977 Bornstein, Ruth Riddle,Patricia 1998 Bornstein, Ruth. Hofsinde, Robert. Hofsinde, Robert. Artman,John 1980 Cherkerzian, Diane Backus, Maria Sussman, Ellen Early Emergent Stage Science Hornblow, Leonora, 1920Integrated Theme Units McLaurin, Thad Carolyn MacLulich Carolyn MacLulich Carolyn MacLulich Carolyn MacLulich Carolyn MacLulich Carolyn MacLulich Page 111 Barcode 10439 13869 11206 8932 8946 10580 10581 11232 642914 10734 10735 65232 65213 11173 9749 9750 640837 640838 640839 640840 640841 640842 12348 8199 15483 5879 4525 640527 640533 7665 640229 7693 640080 642529 643059 7669 4195 6849 640713 12458 10483 641237 10036886 640715 65410 65411 65412 65413 65414 65415 ISBN 9780689852800 0394823958 LCCN 2003266947 75037406 /AC… 9780805029505 (… 0516087231 0688316107 0688316107 72094226 /AC 56005178 /L/… 56005178 /L/… <None> 0590493108 88030201 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 112 Title Author Barcode Insects. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a Rain Forest. Inside a barn in the country[Big Book] : a rebus read-along … Inside mouse, outside mouse / Lindsay Barrett George. Inside outside upside down : a puzzle book / Stan Berenstain… Inside outside upside down : a puzzle book / Stan Berenstain… Inspector Hopper / story and pictures by Doug Cushman. Integrating Beginning Math and Literature. Integrating Science & Literature. Interactive Bulletin Boards, September To June. Intergrating Literature, Language and the Arts : Using the T… Intermediate Intervention Program : Staff Development Video… Intermediate Intervention Program : Staff Development Video … Intervention : Teacher's Guide Gr 3. Intervention : Teacher's Guide Gr 3. Intervention Assessment Book : Gr 3. Intervention Assessment Book : Gr 3. Intervention Assessment Book : Gr 4. Intervention Practice Book : Gr 3. Intervention Practice Book : Gr 3. Intervention Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 3. Intervention Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 3. Intervention Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Intervention Teacher's Guide : Gr 4. InterventionPractice Book : Gr 4. Into the Deep: diving with Dr. Sylvia Earle : On-Level Gr 5. Into the Deep: diving with Dr. Sylvia Earle : On-Level Gr 5. Into the Deep: diving with Dr. Sylvia Earle : On-Level Gr 5. Invasion of the appleheads / A.G. Cascone. Invasion of the pig sisters / story by Lisa Wheeler ; pictur… Invent an Insect : Advanced Level Grade 1. Invent an Insect : Advanced Level Grade 1. Invent an Insect : Advanced Level Grade 1. Inventing a Better Tomorrow : Below-Level Gr 4. Inventing a Better Tomorrow : Below-Level Gr 4. Inventing a Better Tomorrow : Below-Level Gr 4. Inventive Americans : Adanced Level Gr 5. Inventive Americans : Adanced Level Gr 5. Inventive Americans : Adanced Level Gr 5. Inventors: Making Things Better. Inventors: Making Things Better. Inventors: Making Things Better. Inventors: Making Things Better. Inventors: Making Things Better. Inventors: Making Things Better. Carolyn MacLulich Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Capucilli, Alyssa Satin George, Lindsay Barrett. Berenstain, Stan. Berenstain, Stan. Cushman, Doug. Rommel, Carol A. Cochran, Judith Meagher, Judy Cincerelli, Sister Carol Joy Soar to Success Soar to success 65739 642704 642705 642706 642707 642708 642709 5876 15384 65793 67411 66184 4210 641348 30005927 11882 9040 9029 10085 10905 10087 10908 10090 10088 10907 10089 10906 10093 10094 10092 9498 9499 9500 16407 401613 10769 10818 11299 9612 9613 9640 9440 9441 9442 642289 642290 642291 642292 642293 642294 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM West, Patricia West, Patricia West, Patricia Cascone, A. G. Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Laurie, Linda Laurie, Linda Laurie, Linda West, Patricia West, Patricia West, Patricia Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements ISBN LCCN 0590972685 9780060004668 0375802533 0375802533 0060283823 2003048497 98068663 98068663 99030878 0816741360 9780689849534 (… 96228957 2004003076 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Investigate and Connect Physical Science. Investigating Rocks. Investigating with Power Solids. Invisible in the third grade / Margery Cuyler ; illustrated … Invitation to Read: More Children's Literature. Irene, la valiente / William Steig ; traducción de Teresa Ml… Is It a Fruit? : Rigby Level 10. Is It a Fruit? : Rigby Level 10. Is This You? Is This You? Is This You? Is This You? Is This You? Is This You? Is Tomorrow My Birthday? Is all the world reallya stage? : Below-Level Gr 5. Is all the world reallya stage? : Below-Level Gr 5. Is all the world reallya stage? : Below-Level Gr 5. Is the Wise Owl Wise? : Rigby Level 14. Is there really a human race? / by Jamie Lee Curtis ; illust… Is there really a human race? / by Jamie Lee Curtis ; illust… Is there really a human race? / by Jamie Lee Curtis ; illust… Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Is your mama a llama? / Deborah Guarino. Isa's Little Fish : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Island boy / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. It Is My Birthday : Social Studies Grade K. It Is My Birthday : Social Studies Grade K. It Is the LAW : LAW. It Is the LAW : LAW. It Is the LAW : LAW. It Is the Law : Social Studies Grade 2. It Is the Law : Social Studies Grade 2. It Is the Law : Social Studies Grade 2. It Looked Like Spilt Milk[Big Book]. It Takes Balance : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. It Takes Balance : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. It Zwibble: Earthday Birthday [Video]. It looked like spilt milk[Big Book]. It's All in the Name : Hey L'il D! It's Mine. It's Mine[Big Book]. It's Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving. Wiley, David A. Natalie Lunis Voolich,Erica Dakin 1997 Cuyler, Margery. Cullinan, Bernice E. Steig, William, 1907-2003. Pritchett, Jan Pritchett, Jan Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Blaxland, Wendy Lisson, Alice Lisson, Alice Lisson, Alice Rayner, Shoo Curtis, Jamie Lee, 1958Curtis, Jamie Lee, 1958Curtis, Jamie Lee, 1958Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Guarino, Deborah. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 113 Barcode 12332 67281 7708 16425 1003861 67191 15508 15925 12527 12528 12529 12530 12531 12532 641226 9283 9327 9328 15518 642447 642523 642782 14555 3000153 3000154 3000155 3000156 3000157 3000158 640251 Cooney, Barbara, 191765105 640394 640435 641298 641299 641300 640100 640118 640124 Shaw, Charles G. 1004013 Bair, Diane 8032 Bair, Diane 8048 Werenko, Lisa and McConnachie,… 1004663 Shaw, Charles G. 5883 Lanier, Bob and Goodyear, Heat… 66212 Lionni, Leo 36267 Lionni, Leo 5831 Hafner, Marylin 12862 Hafner, Marylin 12863 Hafner, Marylin 12864 ISBN 080504115X : 0872073718 0374309485 : LCCN 95015827 /AC 92004587 91012753 /AC 0590411969 0590411969 0590411969 0590411969 0590411969 0590411969 0-439-1161-9 9780060753467 (… 9780060753467 (… 9780060753467 (… 0590259385 0590259385 0590259385 0590259385 0590259385 0590259385 0590259385 067081749X 2006000274 2006000274 2006000274 96071324 96071324 96071324 96071324 96071324 96071324 96071324 88000175 /AC… 0064433129 1556587406 0064433129 0439408997 0590972707 27388 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 114 Title Author Barcode It's Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving. It's The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown [Video]. It's a Perfect Day[Big Book]. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's fun to exercise! / Kristine Lalley. It's not fair! = No es justo! / by Rebecca Gómez ; illustrat… It's on the Map Unit. It's probably Penny / written and illustrated by Loreen Leed… It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown [Video]. Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox. Itchy, itchy chicken pox / by Grace Maccarone ; illustrated … Itchy, itchy chicken pox / by Grace Maccarone ; illustrated … Its My Birthday! : Social Studies Grade K. J.R.R. Tolkien The Man Who Created "The Lord of The Rings". JAKE BAKED THE CAKE. JAMBO MEANS HELLO. JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH. JAMES MADISON: FOUNDING FATHER : ROSEN CLSSROOM BOOKS & MATE… JANUARY IS PENGUIN MONTH. JANUARY IS STAYING HEALTHY MONTH. JENNIFER MURDLEY'S T. JENNIFER MURDLEY'S TOAD. JIM AND THE BEANSTALK. JIM UGLY. JIM UGLY. JOHN HANCOCK'S BIRTHDAY. JOHN HENRY. JOHNNY APPLESEED. JULIET FISHER AND THE FOOLPROOF PLAN. JULIET FISHER AND THE. JULLAN'S GLORIOUS SUMMER. JUMANJI. JUMP ! : Advanced Level Grade 3. JUMP ! : Advanced Level Grade 3. JUMP FROG JUMP. JUMP FROG JUMP. JUNE AND JULY PROJECTS. JUNETEENTH: CELEBRATING THE END OF SLAVERY : ROSEN CLASSROOM… JUNKYARD DOG. JUNKYARD DOG. Jack Frost [Video]. Jack London Collection / Cassette & Disc : To Build A Fire /… Jack and the beanstalk / retold by Sue Graves. Hafner, Marylin Hafner, Marylin Hafner, Marylin Hafner, Marylin Peanuts Home Video Pizer, Abigail Lalley, Kristine. Lalley, Kristine. Lalley, Kristine. Lalley, Kristine. Lalley, Kristine. Lalley, Kristine. Gomez, Rebecca. 12865 12866 12867 12868 5319 30536 590090 590091 590092 590093 590094 590095 16438 66985 7000023 30474 640583 640639 640640 640419 15249 14454 13352 13353 14408 14445 14446 642354 640834 13354 640835 642355 14444 640836 13226 641424 642356 13356 13357 10704 10705 14350 14351 14155 14183 641405 641406 30475 67539 640731 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Leedy, Loreen. Schulz, Charles M. Maccarone, Grace Maccarone, Grace. Maccarone, Grace. Coren, Michael HENNESSY, B G FEELINGS, MURIEL DAHL, ROALD GEORGE, LYNN LEPTHIEN, EMILIE U BERGER, MELVIN BRIGGS, RAYMOND LEE, SUSAN & JOHN YORK, CAROL - BEACH CAMERON, ANN ALLSBURG, CHRIS VAN Sifton, Sheila Sifton, Sheila RICH, SHARON RICH, SHARON JUNE AND JULY PROJECTS LEVY, JANEY UAV Entertainment Matern, John Graves, Sue ISBN LCCN 0397324219 0823981517 0823981517 0823981517 0823981517 0823981517 0823981517 0439616441 (pbk… 2004558082 9780805073898 (… 2006002872 0-590-4498-6 0590449486 : 0590449486 : 1405479701 89037937 91016695 /AC… 91016695 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 115 Title Author Barcode ISBN Jack and the night visitors / Pat Schories. Jack's run / Roland Smith. Jackalope / written by Janet Stevens & Susan Stevens Crummel… Jacket I Wear in the Snow, The[Big Book]. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jackie Robinson : Soar to Success LV. Jacko of Baker Street : Sails Gr 1. Jake Baked the Cake. Jake Baked the Cake. Jake Baked the Cake. Jake Baked the Cake. Jake Baked the Cake. Jake Baked the Cake. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jam and Ice-Cream. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica Tag-Along. Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamaica's find / Juanita Havill ; illustrations by Anne Sibl… Jamall's City Garden : Rigby Level 11. Jamall's City Garden : Rigby Level 11. Jamberry / story and pictures by Bruce Degen. Jamberry. Jamberry. Jamberry. Jamberry. Schories, Pat. Smith, Roland, 1951Stevens, Janet. Neitzel, Shirley Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Rudeen, Kenneth Eggleton, Jill Hennessy, B. G. Hennessy, B. G. Hennessy, B. G. Hennessy, B. G. Hennessy, B. G. Hennessy, B. G. Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita. Havill, Juanita. Havill, Juanita. Havill, Juanita. Havill, Juanita. Havill, Juanita. Washington, Linda Washington, Linda Degen, Bruce. Degen, Bruce Degen, Bruce Degen, Bruce Degen, Bruce 401635 66336 642820 1003979 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8244 3000208 3000209 3000211 3000212 3000213 30005853 641909 641910 641911 641912 641913 641914 12679 12680 12681 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 12690 13011 13012 643544 643545 643546 643547 643548 643549 15500 15908 5884 101457 27480 27486 27487 1932425330 (alk… 9781423104070 0152167366 0590726137 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 2005023966 2002005342 0590448935 0590448935 0590448935 0590448935 0590448935 0590448935 0395453577 0395453577 0395453577 0395453577 0395453577 0395453577 0064433110 (ove… 0590441566 0590441566 0590441566 0590441566 85014542 85014542 85014542 85014542 85014542 85014542 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 116 Title Author Barcode James Madison : Encyclopedia of presidents. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison : founding father / Lynn George. James Madison, fourth president of the United States / by Su… James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … James and the giant peach : a children's story / Roald Dahl … Jan Has a doll : Below-Level Gr 1. Jan Has a doll : Below-Level Gr 1. Jan Has a doll : Below-Level Gr 1. Japan. Japan. Japan. Japan. Japan. Japan. Jazz:America's Musical Gift to the World : Advanced Level Gr… Jazz:America's Musical Gift to the World : Advanced Level Gr… Jazz:America's Musical Gift to the World : Advanced Level Gr… Jazztime [Video}. Jean Fritz: Six Revolutionary War Figures [Video] : Teacher… Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny and the Cornstalk. Jenny's Faraway Family. Jenny's Faraway Family. Jenny's Faraway Family. Jenny's Faraway Family. Jenny's Faraway Family. Jenny's Wish : BL Gr 2. Jenny's Wish : BL Gr 2. Jenny's Wish : BL Gr 2. Jeremy Fink and the meaning of life / Wendy Mass. Jessica / by Kevin Henkes. Jill and the Giant : BL Gr 2. Jill and the Giant : BL Gr 2. Jill and the Giant : BL Gr 2. Jillian Jiggs. Jillian Jiggs. Clinton, Susan George, Lynn. George, Lynn. George, Lynn. George, Lynn. George, Lynn. George, Lynn. Clinton, Susan. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Earl, Janice Earl, Janice Earl, Janice Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo McGovern, Jim McGovern, Jim McGovern, Jim Fisher, Maxine Weston Woods Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Delores Friedman Delores Friedman Delores Friedman Delores Friedman Delores Friedman Jamison, Ted Jamison, Ted Jamison, Ted Mass, Wendy, 1967Henkes, Kevin. Vern, Alex Vern, Alex Vern, Alex Gilman, Phoebe Gilman, Phoebe 640271 590030 590031 590032 590033 590034 590035 50019 14769 14772 14844 14846 14847 14848 14849 11165 9731 9732 642680 642681 642682 642683 642684 642685 9412 9413 9414 13883 5976 642566 642567 642568 642569 642570 642571 66055 66056 66057 66058 66059 11196 8913 8964 643130 643297 11195 8915 8962 1005307 1005308 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0823963829 0823963829 0823963829 0823963829 0823963829 0823963829 0516013823 155736155X 155736155X 155736155X 155736155X 155736155X 155736155X 155736155X 9780316058292 (… 0140541942 : LCCN 86013630 /AC 2005037291 89036033 /AC 71936-X 71936-X Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 117 Title Author Barcode Jillian Jiggs. Jillian Jiggs. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. JoJo's Flying Side Kick : Soaring to Success LV 4. Jobs At All Hours : Advanced Level Grade 1. Jobs At All Hours : Advanced Level Grade 1. Jobs At All Hours : Advanced Level Grade 1. Jobs In My Community : Social Studies Grade K. Jobs In My Community : Social Studies Grade K. Jobs In My Community : Social Studies Grade K. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs : Social Studies Grade K. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs : Social Studies Grade K. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs : Social Studies Grade K. Joey Pigza swallowed the key / Jack Gantos. Joey the Roo. John Henry / by Julius Lester ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. John Henry [Video]. John Henry, an American legend / story and pictures by Ezra … John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Heny : An American Legend. John Muir : America's first environmentalist / by Kathryn La… John, Paul, George & Ben / Lane Smith. Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by S… Johnny Appleseed [Video]. Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed. Johnny and the bomb / Terry Pratchett. Johnny and the dead / by Terry Pratchett. Join in and play / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Meredit… Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Gilman, Phoebe Gilman, Phoebe Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Pinkney, Brian Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan 1005309 1005310 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 10794 10798 11321 640403 640445 640416 640397 640429 640432 642374 643181 67130 1003514 65255 12944 12945 12946 12947 12948 12949 643023 401618 401615 66827 66828 66829 66830 66831 66832 1003513 1005313 1005314 1005315 1005316 1005317 66820 401582 643282 65626 65627 65628 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Gantos, Jack. Isham, Marion & Steve Lester, Julius. Kessler, Brad Keats, Ezra Jack. Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Lasky, Kathryn. Smith, Lane. Kellogg, Steven. Kellogg, Steven. Kellogg, Steven. Kellogg, Steven. Kellogg, Steven. Kellogg, Steven. Kunstler, James Howard Moore, Eva Moore, Eva Moore, Eva Moore, Eva Moore, Eva Pratchett, Terry. Pratchett, Terry. Meiners, Cheri J., 1957Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell ISBN LCCN 71936-X 71936-X 0374336644 0975049801 0803716060 : 157099000X 0394990528 (pbk… 98024264 /AC 9780763619572 (… 9780786848935 (… 0688064175 0688064175 0688064175 0688064175 0688064175 0688064175 1570990204 0590402978 0590402978 0590402978 0590402978 0590402978 9780060541910 (… 9780060541880 (… 1575421526 (pbk… 2005050189 2005052735 87027317 /AC 87027317 /AC 87027317 /AC 87027317 /AC 87027317 /AC 87027317 /AC 93034583 /AC 87017336 /AC… 2006000555 2005005073 2003019874 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 118 Title Author Barcode Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Jolly Roger and the Treasure. Journey thru the Human Body. Journey to Openworld : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Journey to a New Land : Rigby Level 11. Judy Moody declares independence / Megan McDonald ; illustra… Juggling. Juggling. Juggling. Juggling. Juggling. Juggling. Julia Morgan built a castle / by Celeste Mannis ; illustrate… Julia's kitchen / Brenda A. Ferber. Jump Start Learning Games [computer disc] [Version 1.0.1] : … Jump Start Numbers [computer disc] [Version 1.0.1]. Jump ship to freedom / James Lincoln Collier, Christopher Co… Jumping Jack : Rigby Level 15. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Juneteenth : celebrating the end of slavery / Janey Levy. Jungle Law. Jungle birds / written by Anita Ganeri ; illustrated by Stev… Junie B. Jones and a little monkey business / by Barbara Par… Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth / by Barbara Park ; ill… Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth / by Barbara Park ; ill… Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus / by Barbara Park ;… Junie B. Jones is not a crook / by Barbara Park ; illustrate… Junie B., first grader : aloha-ha-ha! / Barbara Park ; illus… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : cheater pants / Barbara Park ; illu… Junie B., first grader : one-man band / Barbara Park ; illus… Junie B., first grader : one-man band / Barbara Park ; illus… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Nicholas Harris Coleman, Wim Murphy, Joelle McDonald, Megan. Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Mannis, Celeste Davidson. Ferber, Brenda A. 65629 65630 65631 3206 8015 15902 15283 640992 640993 640994 640995 640996 640997 643127 401595 5474 5525 15270 15513 590189 590190 590191 590192 590193 590194 7937 643067 66454 642369 642370 66220 65194 642456 15323 15428 15429 15430 15431 15432 65241 67350 14275 14277 15335 15336 15337 15338 15440 15441 640075 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Collier, James Lincoln, 1928Donaldson, Julie Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Eggleton, Jill Ganeri, Anita, 1961Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. ISBN LCCN 076362361X (alk… 2004051833 0670059641 (har… 9780374399320 (… 1569974012 2004017401 2005046921 0385284845 81065492 /AC… 0823964000 0823964000 0823964000 0823964000 0823964000 0823964000 0811461602 : 9780679838869 0679844074 (pbk… 0679844074 (pbk… 0679826424 0679883428 (pbk… 9780375834042 (… 0375823018 (tra… 0375823018 (tra… 0375823018 (tra… 0375823018 (tra… 0375823018 (tra… 0375823018 (tra… 0375825223 0375825223 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 0375828044 (tra… 93019869 /AC 92056706 /AC 92050957 /AC 92050957 /AC 91051104 /AC 96042542 /AC 2006013369 2002153808 2002153808 2002153808 2002153808 2002153808 2002153808 2003001208 2003001208 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 2003018361 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 119 Title Author Barcode ISBN Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked / Barbara Park ; illust… Jurassic Giants Dinosaurs and More [Video]. Just Around The Corner : Advanced Level Grade 1. Just Around The Corner : Advanced Level Grade 1. Just Around The Corner : Advanced Level Grade 1. Just For You : Banner Days Audiotext 1. Just For You : Banner Days Audiotext 1. Just For You : Banner Days Audiotext 1. Just For You : Banner Days Audiotext 1. Just For You : Banner days Audiotext 3 Gr 2. Just For You : Banner days Audiotext 3 Gr 2. Just For You : Banner days Audiotext 3 Gr 2. Just For You : Banner days Audiotext 3 Gr 2. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just Us Women. Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln [Video] : The Story of the Get… Just a Seed. Just a bad day / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. Just a daydream / by Mercer Mayer. Just a few words, Mr. Lincoln : the story of the Gettysburg … Just a little different / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. Just for You : Banner Days Audiotext 2 Gr 2. Just for You : Banner Days Audiotext 2 Gr 2. Just for You : Banner Days Audiotext 2 Gr 2. Just for You : Banner Days Audiotext 2 Gr 2. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Just for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. Park, Barbara. UAV Cooperation Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra 67351 10037943 10789 10803 11316 10075 10076 10077 10962 10081 10082 10083 10960 12632 12633 12634 12635 12636 12637 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 5987 641227 65791 65166 29086 66452 10078 10079 10080 10961 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 0375828044 (tra… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Caines, Jeannette Fritz, Jean Blaxland, Wendy Mayer, Gina. Mayer, Mercer, 1943Fritz, Jean. Mayer, Gina. Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel LCCN 2003018361 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590446762 0590237918 0307119734 0448401703 (pbk… 93079408 89051567 /AC 92035319 /AC 93079218 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 120 Title Author Barcode ISBN Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, isabel Beck, isabel Beck, isabel Beck, isabel Beck, isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Mayer, Mercer, Mayer, Mercer, Mayer, Mercer, Mayer, Mercer, Mayer, Mercer, 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 7494 7495 7496 7513 7528 7497 7498 7499 7514 7529 7501 7502 7503 7515 7530 7519 7531 400581 643108 65224 67206 67204 0307625427 0307625427 0307625427 0307619400 030711936X (pbk… for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You : Trophies Gr 2/Bk 1. for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Edition : Grade for You, Teacher's Textbook. for You, Teacher's Textbook. for you / by Mercer Mayer. for you / by Mercer Mayer. for you / by Mercer Mayer. go to bed / by Mercer Mayer. grandpa and me / by Mercer Mayer. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme Theme … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 19431943194319431943- LCCN 74017860 74017860 74017860 82084107 84082600 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 121 Title Author Barcode ISBN Just in case / written by Judith Viorst ; illustrated by Dia… Just in case : ON-Level Gr 2. Just in case : ON-Level Gr 2. Just in case : ON-Level Gr 2. Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just like Dad / by Kim Watson ; based on the original telepl… Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me / written and illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. Just me and my cousin / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. Just me and my dad / by Mercer Mayer. Just me in the tub / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. Justin Morgan had a horse; illustrated by Wesley Dennis. Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin and the best biscuits in the world / Mildred Pitts Wa… Justin's Alligator : On Level Gr 2. Justin's Alligator : On Level Gr 2. Justin's Alligator : On Level Gr 2. KATY NO-POCKET[Big Book]. KATY NO-POCKET[Big Book]. KENJU'S FOREST. KOKO'S KITTEN. Kangaroo and Monkey[Big Book]. Karen's Island. Karen's Island. Karen's Island. Karen's Island. Karen's Island. Karen's Island. Karen's doll hospital / Ann M. Martin ; illustrations by Sus… Karen's figure eight / Ann M. Martin ; ill. by Susan Crocca … Katie's Sunday afternoon / James Mayhew. Katie's trunk / by Ann Turner ; illustrations by Ron Himler. Kavik The Wolf Dog. Kavik The Wolf Dog. Kavik The Wolf Dog. Viorst, Judith. Pomerantz, Max Pomerantz, Max Pomerantz, Max Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Watson, Kim. Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Ets, Marie Hall, 1895Mayer, Gina. Mayer, Mercer, 1943Mayer, Gina. Henry, Marguerite, 1902Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Walter, Mildred Pitts. Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra PAYNE, EMMY PAYNE, EMMY MORIMOTO, JUNKO PATTERSON, FANCINE Bartel, Phyllis Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Martin, Ann M., 1955Martin, Ann M., 1955Mayhew, James, 1964Turner, Ann Warren. Morey, Walt Morey, Walt Morey, Walt 401571 10358 10361 11257 640586 640587 640588 640589 640590 640591 12587 12590 12591 12592 12593 12588 12589 65176 67221 65179 15259 100438 65856 65857 65859 65860 65862 65863 67090 10393 10394 11274 13358 640286 13359 14399 1002707 65264 65265 65266 65267 65268 65269 65212 65195 123456 29502 1005348 1005349 1005350 9780689871641 (… 2003026068 0689839995 0689839995 0689839995 0689839995 0689839995 0689839995 0670411094 0670411094 0670411094 0670411094 0670411094 0670411094 0670411094 2001275393 2001275393 2001275393 2001275393 2001275393 2001275393 65013349 65013349 65013349 65013349 65013349 65013349 65013349 92071638 /AC 77073591 /AC 93073532 /AC 54008903 /L/… 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC 86007148 /AC Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 0307618390 0307128164 (pbk… 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0688066453 0829276645 0590456520 0590524984 (pbk… 0439606780 0027895122 : 0590441132 0590441132 0590441132 2001579533 2004002678 91020409 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 122 Title Author Barcode ISBN Kavik The Wolf Dog. Kavik The Wolf Dog. Keep A Poem In Your Pocket[Big Book]. Keep Well Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Keep Well Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Keep Well Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Keeper of soles / by Teresa Bateman ; illustrated by Yayo. Keeping clean / Vicki Cobb ; pictures by Marylin Hafner. Kenny's tomatoes : Below-Level Gr 4. Kenny's tomatoes : Below-Level Gr 4. Kenny's tomatoes : Below-Level Gr 4. Key to the treasure / illustrated by Paul Frame. Kid Phonics [Computer disc] : teaches reading through sound … Kid's Earth Book. Kid's Typing [Computer disc]. Kidnapped : book/disc/cassette / Robert Louis Stevenson ; bo… Kids Around the World. Kids Can Read : Sails Gr 1. Kids Collect! Kids Collect! Kids During the American Civil War. Kids During the American Civil War. Kids During the American Civil War. Kids During the American Civil War. Kids During the American Civil War. Kids During the American Civil War. Kids Mensa [computer disc]. Kids Say. Kids Say. Kids Say. Kids Say. Kids in the Kitchen : Sails Gr 1. Kids in the Kitchen : Sails Gr 1. Kids' Work : On Level Gr 2. Kids' Work : On Level Gr 2. Kids' Work : On Level Gr 2. Kindergarten Literature Box. Kindergarten Literature Box. King Midas and the Golden Touch. King Puck / Michael Garland. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the Wind. King of the kooties / Debbie Dadey ; illustrations by Kevin … King of the kooties / Debbie Dadey ; illustrations by Kevin … Kingfisher voyages. Oceans / Stephen Savage ; quotations and… Morey, Walt Morey, Walt Regniers, Beatrice Schenk de Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Bateman, Teresa. Cobb, Vicki. Fienstein, Stephen Fienstein, Stephen Fienstein, Stephen Parish, Peggy. 1005351 1005352 10036759 10777 10810 11312 401602 67467 9575 9578 9658 15220 500003 7349 500006 67541 641352 8098 11795 11796 66723 66724 66725 66726 66727 66728 5520 7238 7239 7240 7241 8091 8092 10376 10377 11266 9716 9717 36281 401741 14675 14677 14682 14683 14688 14689 14690 66222 66223 67174 0590441132 0590441132 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Williams, Rozanne Stevenson, Robert Louis. Instructional Fair, Inc. Eggleton, Jill Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Lisa Wroble Lisa Wroble Lisa Wroble Lisa Wroble Lisa Wroble Lisa Wroble Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Perkins, Al (retold by) Garland, Michael, 1952Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Henry, Marguerite Dadey, Debbie. Dadey, Debbie. Savage, Stephen. 9780823417346 (… 0397323123 : 0440444381 0784909784 LCCN 2004052297 88002930 /AC 66017901 9781416534747 2007280885 9780060848095 (… 0590030507 0590030507 0590030507 0590030507 0590030507 0590030507 0590030507 0802787096 (har… 0802787096 (har… 9780753459034 2006021476 99013054 99013054 2005031659 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 123 Title Author Barcode ISBN Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story / by Janet Shaw ; i… Kit learns a lesson : a school story / by Valerie Tripp ; il… Kitchen Science. Kite Flier / Dennis Haseley ; illustrations by David Wiesner… Kite Flier / Dennis Haseley ; illustrations by David Wiesner… Kite Flier / Dennis Haseley ; illustrations by David Wiesner… Kite Flier / Dennis Haseley ; illustrations by David Wiesner… Kite Flier / Dennis Haseley ; illustrations by David Wiesner… Kites Sail High: A Book About Verbs. Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kites sail high : a book about verbs / written and illustrat… Kittens. Klippity Klop. Klondy and the Wolf dog : Advanced Level Gr 5. Klondy and the Wolf dog : Advanced Level Gr 5. Klondy and the Wolf dog : Advanced Level Gr 5. [computer disc]. [computer disc]. [computer disc]. Knuffle Bunny too : a case of mistaken identity / by Mo Will… Knut : how one little polar bear captivated the world / told… Koko's Kitten. Korka the Mighty Elf : Rigby Level 12. Korka the Mighty Elf : Rigby Level 12. Kristy's great idea / Ann M. Martin. Kwan's Big Performance : Below-Level Gr 5. Kwan's Big Performance : Below-Level Gr 5. Kwan's Big Performance : Below-Level Gr 5. Kyle's Attic : On Level Grade 1. Kyle's Attic : On Level Grade 1. Kyle's Attic : On Level Grade 1. Kävik the wolf dog [by] Walt Morey. Illustrated by Peter Par… LATER GATOR. LEARNING CLOCKS RESOURCE. LEGEND OF EL MONSTRUO. LENGTH, MASS, CAPACITY, TEMPERATURE. LEO THE LATE BLOOMER. LIFE DURING ATHE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. LIFE ON A WAGON TRAIN. LIFE'S A FUNNY DROP. LIFE'S A FUNNY PROPOSITION, HORATIO. LIGHT. Shaw, Janet Beeler, 1937Tripp, Valerie, 1951Gare Thompson Haseley, Dennis. Haseley, Dennis. Haseley, Dennis. Haseley, Dennis. Haseley, Dennis. Ruth Heller Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Landa, Norbert Emberley, Ed McClosky, Susan McClosky, Susan McClosky, Susan 643192 67466 67286 66238 66239 66240 66241 66242 642925 1004009 65021 65022 65024 65025 65027 65028 67073 67119 67123 14303 1001432 9380 9381 9382 5526 5527 5528 401822 66387 642857 15530 15531 65217 9267 9299 9355 10548 10549 11252 642813 641419 14126 14363 14349 13360 14429 14411 642357 641427 642329 0937295094 : 158485121X 86060622 /AC 99086466 0689716680 0689716680 0689716680 0689716680 0689716680 : : : : : 92022721 92022721 92022721 92022721 92022721 0448404524 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 0448104806 (pbk… : : : : : : : : : 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 87082718 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Willems, Mo. Dr. Francine Patterson Strachen, Linda Strachen, Linda Martin, Ann M., 1955Jackson, Kimberely Jackson, Kimberely Jackson, Kimberely Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Morey, Walt. KRAUS, ROBERT SHEFFIELD, SARAH LEVY, JANEY LCCN 9781423102991 (… 9780545047166 (… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 2007021379 0942545621 (lg.… 88021504 /AC… 0525330933 68024727 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title LILL'S PURPLE PLASTIC PURSE. LILY AND MISS LIBERTY. LILY AND MISS LIBERTY. LION DANCER. LITTLE BLUE AND LITTLE YELLOW. LITTLE JIM'S GIFT; AN APPALACHIAN CHRITMAS STORY. LITTLE KOALA. LITTLE RABBIT'S LOOSE TOOTH. LITTLE RABBIT'S LOOSE TOOTH. LITTLE RABITS LOOSE TOOTH. LITTLE RED RIDDING HOOD. LIVING THINGS. LOUIS BRAILLE. LOVE YOU FOREVER. LUCY AND TOM'S 1 2 3. LUNCH MONEY AND OTHER POEMS ABOUT SCHOOL. La Tortuga Azul : Spanish. Lad to the Rescue : Lad, A Dog. Lady Liberty/6 copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. Lady Liberty/6 copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. Lady Liberty/6 copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. Lady Liberty/6 copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. Lady Liberty/6 copies : Level J/Transition/Fluent. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Lady with the Alligator Purse. Land And Water How Geography Affects Our Community : Land An… Land And Water How Geography Affects Our Community : Land An… Land And Water How Geography Affects Our Community : Land An… Land before time math adventure [computer disc]. Landed / Milly Lee ; pictures by Yangsook Choi. Landforms : Advanced Level Gr 4. Landforms : Advanced Level Gr 4. Landforms [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Landforms and Mapping. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 2. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 2. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 2. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 2. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 4. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 4. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 4. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 5. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 5. Language Handbook : Answer Key Gr 5. Language Handbook : Gr 2. Language Handbook : Gr 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Barcode WATERS, KATE & LOW, MADELINE S… LIONNI, LEO NOGUERE, SUZANNE BATE, LUCY BATE, LUCY BATE, LUCY GANT, ELIZABETH KEELER, STEPHEN MUNSCH, ROBERT HUGHES, SHIRLEY Lundell, Margo Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Mervyn Pywell Mervyn Pywell Mervyn Pywell Mervyn Pywell Mervyn Pywell Mervyn Pywell Page 124 Transition Transition Transition Transition Transition Stag… Stag… Stag… Stag… Stag… Lee, Milly. Nofsinger, Andrew Nofsinger, Andrew 100% Educational Videos Social Studies Literature Libr… 641426 641428 642358 13361 13363 641429 13365 14075 14384 14354 13368 642341 14156 13367 13369 641431 640326 643196 12421 640329 642959 642960 642961 641543 641544 641545 641546 641547 641548 641295 641296 641297 5482 401589 11732 11762 5980 13061 10060 10061 10062 10954 9173 9174 9175 9103 9104 9105 10057 10058 ISBN LCCN 0590919739 0374343144 2004047216 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Author Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Gr 2. Gr 2. Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Page 125 Barcode 10059 10955 10850 13934 8997 9012 10021 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 10258 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 126 Author Barcode Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies 10922 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 10195 10196 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 10266 10267 10268 10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 9170 9171 9172 10592 10593 10594 10595 10596 10597 10598 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Author Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 127 Barcode 10599 10600 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 10613 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 10620 10621 10622 10623 10624 10625 10626 10627 10628 10629 10630 10631 10632 10633 10634 10635 10636 10637 10638 10639 10640 10641 10642 10643 10644 10645 10646 9100 9101 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Language Handbook : Grade 5. Language Handbook : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Language Handbook : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Language Handbook : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Language Handbook : Teacher's Guide Gr 1. Language Handbook, answer Key : Gr 3. Language Handbook, answer Key : Gr 3. Language Handbook, answer Key : Gr 3. Lani's Concert : Advanced Level Gr 5. Lani's Concert : Advanced Level Gr 5. Lani's Concert : Advanced Level Gr 5. Larry's Baby boa : On Level Gr 2. Larry's Baby boa : On Level Gr 2. Larry's Baby boa : On Level Gr 2. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Las Navidades : Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Laser Shows : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Laser Shows : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Lassie's Christmas Story [Video]. Late for School. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Author's Story. Lawmaking in the United States : Lawmaking. Lawmaking in the United States : Lawmaking. Lawmaking in the United States : Lawmaking. Lawmaking in the United States : Social Studies Grade 2. Lawmaking in the United States : Social Studies Grade 2. Lawmaking in the United States : Social Studies Grade 2. Lazy Duck[Big Book]. Le Anne Joins the Show : Trophies BL Gr 3. Le Anne Joins the Show : Trophies BL Gr 3. Lead the Way : Audiotext 6 Gr 4. Lead the Way : Audiotext 6 Gr 4. Lead the Way : Audiotext 6 Gr 4. Lead the Way : Audiotext 1 Gr 4. Lead the Way : Audiotext 2 Gr 4. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly Yeoh, Debbie Yeoh, Debbie Yeoh, Debbie Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Delacre, Lulu Smith, Parker Smith, Parker UAV Entertainment Mike Reiss Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Windsor, Jo Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Page 128 Barcode 9102 10851 13933 8998 9011 10197 10198 10923 9362 9363 9364 10389 10390 11272 12751 12752 12753 12754 12755 12756 12757 12758 12759 12760 12761 12762 8036 8052 30476 642917 642175 642176 642177 642178 642179 642180 641304 641305 641306 640142 640154 640160 7109 8855 8897 9207 9208 9209 9190 9193 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Author the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way Way : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Audiotext 5 Gr 4. Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Trophies Reading Gr Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Page 129 Barcode Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. 9205 10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016 10017 10018 10019 10020 13896 13902 13906 13907 13908 13909 13911 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 130 Title Author Barcode Lead the Way : Trophies Reading Gr 4. Lead the Way : audiotext 3 Gr 4. Lead the Way, Teacher Textbook. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 1. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 1. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 1. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 1. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 2. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 2. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 2. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 2. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 3. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 3. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 3. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 3. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 4. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 4. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 4. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 4. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 5. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 5. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 5. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 5. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 6. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 6. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 6. Lead the Way, Teacher's Edition : Grade 4, Theme 6. Lead the way : Audiotext 4 Gr 4. Leading the Way : Infoquest Gr 3. Leagues apart : the men and times of the Negro Baseball Leag… Leah's pony / by Elizabeth Friedrich ; illustrated by Michae… Learn Gun Safety [Video]. Learn to Share. Learning About Letters [Video]. Learning About Plants. Learning About Plants. Learning About The First Americans : Social Studies Grade 5… Learning About the Changing Seasons. Learning About the Earth. Learning About the Way Things Move. Learning about Weather. Leaves / David Ezra Stein. Legend of Cougar Canyon [Video]. Legend of Sleepy Hollow [Video]. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The[Big Book]. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The[Big Book]. Leialoha's Diary : Advanced Level Gr 4. Leialoha's Diary : Advanced Level Gr 4. Let Loose on Mother Goose. Let Loose on Mother Goose. Beck, Isabel L. 9999 9196 7527 7429 7432 7439 7521 7440 7441 7442 7522 7443 7444 7445 7523 7448 7449 7450 7524 7451 7452 7453 7525 7454 7455 7456 7526 9198 8350 67371 643116 3725 67329 1003624 640727 640729 640554 2623 641347 2624 641345 7000000 30005729 1003610 10037931 1004063 11759 11790 5998 7668 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Beck,, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Bacon, Francis Ritter, Lawrence S. Friedrich, Elizabeth, 1949Priestley, Jason Berenstain, Stan Children's Television Workshop Moore, Jo Ellen Moore, Jo Ellen Gold-Dworkin, Heidi Moore, Jo Gold-Dworkin,Heidi Moore, Jo Ellen Stein, David Ezra. Flocker, James Irving, Washington DePaola,Tomie DePaola,Tomie O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Graham, Terry Graham, Terry ISBN 0688133169 : 1563971895 LCCN 94017512 /AC 95079657 0394883195 9780399246364 (… 2006024753 0590726013 0590726013 0865300305 0865300305 81080248 81080248 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 131 Title Author Barcode Let's Eat : Sails Gr 1. Let's Experiment. Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten. Let's Get ready for First Grade. Let's Get the Rhythm. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Rock Collecting : Soar to success LV 3. Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Shopping! Let's Go Visiting : Gr 1. Let's Go Visiting : Gr 1. Let's Go Visiting : Gr 1. Let's Measure: Measurement Activities. Let's Read About. Let's Sleep : Sails Gr 1. Let's Talk About It ! Let's Talk About Parrots : Advanced-Book Level Gr 5. Let's Talk About Parrots : Advanced-Book Level Gr 5. Let's Talk About Parrots : Advanced-Book Level Gr 5. Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's go visiting / written by Sue Williams ; illustrated by… Let's have a play / Margaret Hillert ; illustrated by Sharon… Let's investigate slippery, splendid sea creatures / Madelyn… Let's look at dinosaurs / [text by Gina Ingoglia ; based on … Let's make a Pie : On Level Gr 2. Let's make a Pie : On Level Gr 2. Let's make a Pie : On Level Gr 2. Let's read about-- Christopher Columbus / by Kimberly Weinbe… Let's read about-- Martin Luther King, Jr. / by Courtney Bak… Let's visit a printing plant / by Catherine O'Neill ; photog… Letter Perfect : Adavanced Level Grade 3. Letter Perfect : Adavanced Level Grade 3. Letters from Lila : Advanced Level Gr 2. Letters from Lila : Advanced Level Gr 2. Letters from Lila : Advanced Level Gr 2. Leveled Books for readers : Grades 3-6Heinmann. Windsor, Jo Natalie Lunis Townsend, Laura Townsend, Laura Miranda, Anne Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Gans, Roma Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Williams, Sue Williams, Sue Williams, Sue White,Ruth 1978 Cullinan, Bernice Windsor, Jo Wayman, Joe Morgan, Kate Morgan, Kate Morgan, Kate Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Williams, Sue, 1948Hillert, Margaret. Carlisle, Madelyn. Ingoglia, Gina. Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Weinberger, Kimberly. Baker, Courtney. O'Neill, Catherine, 1950Martinucci, Suzanne Martinucci, Suzanne Malachi, Hinda Malachi, Hinda Malachi, Hinda Pinnell, Gay Su 8064 67285 7292 7295 66694 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 66597 66598 66599 66600 66601 66602 66603 10292 10651 11330 7570 4129 8078 30236 9356 9357 9358 66857 66858 66859 66860 66861 66862 400200 67232 643076 10370 10371 11263 67240 640131 640072 10724 10725 10303 10304 12043 6890 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0152046380 0152046380 0152046380 0152046380 0152046380 0152046380 0695415441 (lib… 0812049748 : 0448400863 : 2003267652 2003267652 2003267652 2003267652 2003267652 2003267652 80021437 /AC… 92045206 90080756 /AC 0439295467 (pbk… 0439221129 (pbk… 0816711631 (lib… 2001034479 00067965 87003484 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 132 Title Author Barcode ISBN Lewis and Clark and me : a dog's tale / Laurie Myers ; illus… Lewis and Clark on the Trail of Discovery. Liberty : Advanced Level Grade 3. Liberty : Advanced Level Grade 3. Library lion / Michelle Knudsen ; illustrated by Kevin Hawke… Life Cycles. Life Froms, Animals, and Animal Oddities [Video]. Life cycles / written by Peter Riley. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life during the American Civil War / Sarah Sheffield. Life in Colonial America. Life in Colonial America. Life in Colonial America. Life in Colonial America. Life in Colonial America. Life in Colonial America. Life in the Animal Kingdom [Video]. Life in the Desert. Life in the Desert. Life in the Desert. Life in the Desert. Life in the Desert. Life in the Desert. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Ocean Depths : On Level 5th Grade. Life in the Polar Regions/Big Books. Life in the Trees. Life in the Trees. Life in the Trees. Life in the Trees. Life in the Trees. Life in the Trees. Life in the deserts / author, Lucy Baker. Life in the mountains / written by Catherine Bradley. Life in the polar lands / Monica Byles. Life in the rain forests / author, Lucy Baker. Life in the rainforest / John and Sue Erbacher. Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Myers, Laurie. Gragg, Rod Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Knudsen, Michelle. Integrated Theme Units Tell Me Why Riley, Peter D. Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Sheffield, Sarah, 1971Lebowski, Maude Lebowski, Maude Lebowski, Maude Lebowski, Maude Lebowski, Maude Lebowski, Maude Hurt, John Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Sale, Michelle Sale, Michelle Sale, Michelle Sale, Michelle Sale, Michelle Sale, Michelle Berger, Melvin Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Baker, Lucy, 1964Bradley, Catherine. Byles, Monica. Baker, Lucy, 1964Erbacher, John, 1941Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. Levy, Janey. 16427 7623 10677 10678 401650 10036894 30006493 500310 590285 590286 590287 590288 590289 590290 13131 13132 13133 13134 13135 13136 30006744 642241 642242 642243 642244 642245 642246 15002 15009 15010 15011 15012 15013 67480 65584 65585 65586 65587 65588 65589 67236 67244 67233 15226 67242 590012 590013 590014 590015 590016 0805063684 (hc … 00047298 9780763622626 (… 0590271954 2006042578 0836837169 (lib… 0823982327 0823982327 0823982327 0823982327 0823982327 0823982327 2003042730 071665220X (Lif… 0716652218 (Lif… 0716652315 0716652048 (hbk… 0521432383 0823963748 0823963748 0823963748 0823963748 0823963748 2001278776 2001278770 2005931178 96061737 92047105 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 133 Title Author Barcode ISBN Life on a wagon train / Janey Levy. Life on the Tallest Mountains : cassette. Life on the Tallest Mountains/ 6 copies : Level J/Transition… Lifesaver Math Lessons: Grade 5. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Lightship / Brian Floca. Lil's Big Day : Independent Reader Grade K. Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lion dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year / by Kate Waters … Lions : Advanced Level Grade 1. Lions : Advanced Level Grade 1. Lions : Advanced Level Grade 1. Lions. Lions. Lions. Lions. Lions. Lions. Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listen-- what do you hear? / written by Nicholas Wood and Je… Listening to crickets : a story about Rachel Carson / by Can… Listening to crickets : a story about Rachel Carson / by Can… Literature Activities For Young Children / Early Childhood. Literature Activities For Young Children. Literature And Crititcal Thinking/ Primary. Literature Bulletin Boards : Grades K-3. Literature Library Grades K-1 : Volume 3. Literature and the World Around Us. Little Bear - Meet Little Bear [Video]. Little Bear [videorecording] : dreams and make believe / exe… Little Big Horns : On-Level Gr 4. Little Big Horns : On-Level Gr 4. Little Brown Bear Won't Go to School! Levy, Janey. 590017 65699 12436 7814 642746 642747 642748 642749 642750 642751 643260 10478 1004049 12850 1004050 12225 12227 12849 12851 12852 12855 13032 10787 10805 11306 642578 642579 642580 642581 642582 642583 643648 643649 643650 643651 643652 643653 16428 640133 4232 4231 4227 11883 11600 1003886 10037461 642926 11822 11823 642862 0823963748 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Science Transition Level McLaurin,Thad 1997 Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Floca, Brian. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Waters, Kate. Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Barbara Swett Burt Wood, Nicholas, 1945Wood, Nicholas, 1945Wood, Nicholas, 1945Wood, Nicholas, 1945Wood, Nicholas, 1945Wood, Nicholas, 1945Ransom, Candice F., 1952Ransom, Candice F., 1952Sullivan, Dianne Sullivan, Dianna Carratello, John Nutting, Jeri L. Gruber, Barbara Ruskdashel, Candy Sendak, Maurice O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert Jane Dyer LCCN 9781416924364 (… 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0590430467 0816721203 0816721203 0816721203 0816721203 0816721203 0816721203 0876147279 0876147279 0865301972 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2005028028 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 89006423 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 90040136 90040136 90040136 90040136 90040136 90040136 92003470 92003470 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC IP 194-7 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Bunny on the Move. Cloud[Big Book]. Critter's joke book / by Mercer Mayer. Eagle / Chen Jiang Hong ; translated by Claudia Zoe B… Goat's Coat[Big Book]. House in the Big Woods. House in the Big Woods. House in the Big Woods. House in the Big Woods. House in the Big Woods. House in the Big Woods. House in the Prairie [Video] : The Halloween Dream. House on the Prairie, Christmas At Plum Creek [Video]… House on the Prairie: Premier Movie [Video]. Miss Spider / paintings and verse by David Kirk. Miss Spider / paintings and verse by David Kirk. Pig at the State Fair : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pig at the State Fair : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pig at the State Fair : Advanced Level Grade 1. Rabbit Foo Foo[Big Book]. Rabbit's Loose Tooth. Red Hen Bakes A Cake : Independent Reader Grade K. Red Hen. Red Hen. Red Hen. Red Hen. Red Hen. Red Hen. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Red Riding Hood / pictures by Karen Schmidt. Sister. Sister. Sure Shot : Advanced Level Grade 3. Sure Shot : Advanced Level Grade 3. White Dog : Gr 1. White Dog : Gr 1. White Dog[Big Book] : Gr 1. White Dog[Big Book] : Gr 1. White Dog[Big Book] : Gr 1. blue and little yellow / by Leo Lionni. house on the prairie / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illu… house on the prairie / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illu… house on the prairie / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illu… house on the prairie / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illu… house on the prairie / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illu… lost bat / Sandra Markle ; illustrated by Alan Marks. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 134 Author Barcode Peter McCarty Carle, Eric Mayer, Mercer, 1943Chen, Jiang Hong, 1963Windsor. Jo Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Goodtimes Video Wilder, Laura Ingles Wilder, Laura Ingalls 1989 Kirk, David, 1955Kirk, David, 1955Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret Gallo, Margaret Rosen, Michael Bate, Lucy 642913 5877 65178 401831 7113 1005409 1005410 1005413 1005414 1005416 1005418 5324 1004657 1004912 643257 643272 10793 10799 11320 4470 36277 10487 66965 66966 66967 66968 66969 66970 3000125 3000126 3000127 3000128 3000129 3000130 641223 641225 10689 10690 10281 10287 11860 11861 11862 640158 65825 65826 65827 65828 65829 401626 Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Giles Giles Giles Giles Giles Giles Mitchell, Robin Mitchell, Robin Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Godwin, Laura Godwin, Laura Godwin, Laura Godwin, Laura Godwin, Laura Lionni, Leo, 1910-1999. Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Markle, Sandra. ISBN 0590128086 0307127907 : 9781592700714 LCCN 93077751 /AC 2007060525 0590085247 0590085247 0590085247 0590085247 0590085247 0590085247 1555104363 0439083893 0439083893 9125 98049270 /AC 98049270 /AC 0590418815 0590418815 0590418815 0590418815 0590418815 0590418815 0439116635 0439116635 0839230184 0060000465 0060000465 0060000465 0060000465 0060000465 9781570916564 (… 59012398 2001081509 2001081509 2001081509 2001081509 2001081509 2005019619 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Little people big book about animals. Little people big book about bedtime. Little people big book about dinosaurs. Little people big book about things we ride. Living History Day : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living History Day : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living History Day : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living Together : Sails Gr 1. Living With Hurricanes : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living With Hurricanes : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living With Hurricanes : Advanced Level Gr 5. Living color / written and illustrated by Steve Jenkins. Living in Trees. Living in Trees. Living in Trees. Living in Trees. Living in Trees. Living in Trees. Living in Two worlds : Infoquest Gr 3. Living in Two worlds : Infoquest Gr 3. Living in Two worlds : Infoquest Gr 3. Living in Two worlds : Infoquest Gr 3. Liza Lou and the Yeller Belly Swamp / by Mercer Mayer. Liza Lou and the Yeller Belly Swamp / by Mercer Mayer. Llama llama red pajama / written and illustrated by Anna Dew… Logic Problems. Lonely No More : Below-Level Gr 5. Lonely No More : Below-Level Gr 5. Lonely No More : Below-Level Gr 5. Long Ago and Today/6 Copies/ Cassette : Level D/ Early Emerg… Long Hair. Long Hair. Long Hair. Long Hair. Long Hair. Long Hair. Long ball : the legend and lore of the home run / Mark Stewa… Look Before You Bounce. Look Inside/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level I/Transition /Fluent. Look Inside/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level I/Transition /Fluent. Look Inside/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level I/Transition /Fluent. Look Out, Fox! Look Out, Fox! Look Out, Fox! Look Out, Fox! Look What You Can Make With Boxes. Look What You Can Make With Boxes. Look What You Can Make With Boxes. Look What You Can Make With Paper Bags. Look What You Can Make With Paper Bags. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 135 Author Barcode ISBN 0809474506 0809474549 0809474662 080947462X Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Windsor, Jo West, Patricia West, Patricia West, Patricia Jenkins, Steve, 1952Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Davidson, Avelyn Davidson, Avelyn Davidson, Avelyn Davidson, Avelyn Mayer, Mercer, 1943Mayer, Mercer, 1943Dewdney, Anna. Williams,Wayne Robert 1989 Hutchinson, Emily Hutchinson, Emily Hutchinson, Emily Socail Studies Early Emergent … Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Stewart, Mark, 1960Disney Social Studies Transition Stag… Social Studies Transition Stag… Social Studies Transition Stag… Eggletonj, Jill Eggletonj, Jill Eggletonj, Jill Eggletonj, Jill Siomades, Lorianne Siomades, Lorianne Siomades, Lorianne Burke, Judy Burke, Judy 643035 643036 643034 642998 9437 9438 9439 8110 10254 10255 9395 401844 640256 640258 640260 640262 640266 640268 8274 8275 8276 8277 29316 640305 66232 7599 9268 9300 9303 12473 640289 640291 640293 640295 640297 640299 401593 642789 12416 12454 12485 7076 7077 7078 7079 4178 4189 6619 4180 4181 LCCN 89005078 89005093 89037469 89037470 /AC /AC /AC /AC 9780618708970 (… 2007012751 0027652203 0027652203 0670059838 (har… 80016605 /AC 80016605 /AC 2004025149 9780761327790 (… 2005015041 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 136 Title Author Barcode Look What You Can Make With Paper Bags. Look What You Can Make With Paper Plates. Look What You Can Make With Paper Plates. Look What You Can Make With Tubes. Look What You Can Make With Tubes. Look What You Can Make With Tubes. Look and find dinosaurs / illustrations and script developme… Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at You! Making a Puppet. Look at my Eggs! Look at my Eggs! Look at my Eggs! Look at my Eggs! Look at the Leaves. Look at the Leaves. Look at the Leaves. Look at the Leaves. Look at the Leaves. Look at the Leaves. Look at the Stars. Look at the Stars. Look at the Stars. Look at the Stars. Look at the Stars. Look at the Stars. Look inside machines : 8 amazing books : look inside and see… Look! Look! Look![Big Book]. Look! Now Look! Look! Now Look! Look! Now Look! Look! Now Look! Look! Now Look! Look! Now Look! Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look--a butterfly / written by David Cutts ; illustrated by … Look-alikes around the world / concept, constructions & text… Look-alikes around the world / concept, constructions & text… Looking For Clues : Advanced Level Grade 1. Looking For Clues : Advanced Level Grade 1. Looking For Clues : Advanced Level Grade 1. Looking at Maps and Globes. Burke, Judy Richmond, Margie Richmond, Margie Richmond, Margie Richmond, Margie Richmond, Margie Terrio, Bob. Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds 6620 4179 4190 4186 4188 6621 643025 641882 641883 641884 641885 641886 641887 641888 7094 7095 7096 7097 65632 65633 65634 65635 65636 65637 65644 65645 65646 65647 65648 65649 643061 1004014 640951 640952 640953 640954 640955 640956 643636 643637 643638 643639 643640 643641 401824 67507 10791 10801 11318 642887 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Hoban, Tana Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Cutts, David. Cutts, David. Cutts, David. Cutts, David. Cutts, David. Cutts, David. Steiner, Joan (Joan Catherine) Steiner, Joan (Joan Catherine) Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Carmen Bredeson ISBN 0785303278 LCCN 95189671 1582097003 059072844X 0893756628 : 0893756628 : 0893756628 : 0893756628 : 0893756628 : 0893756628 : 9780316811729 (… 9780316811729 (… 81011369 /AC 81011369 /AC 81011369 /AC 81011369 /AC 81011369 /AC 81011369 /AC 2007012332 2007012332 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 137 Title Author Barcode Looking at Maps and Globes. Looking at Maps and Globes. Looking at Maps and Globes. Looking at Maps and Globes. Looking at Maps and Globes. Looking at Worms. Looking at Worms. Looking at Worms. Looking at Worms. Looking at Worms. Looking at Worms. Looking for Animals : BL Gr 2. Looking for Animals : BL Gr 2. Looking for Animals : BL Gr 2. Looking for Patterns : cassette. Looking for Patterns/ 6 Copies/ Cassette : Level H/ Transiti… Looking for Patterns/ 6 Copies/ Cassette : Level H/ Transiti… Looking for a moose / Phyllis Root ; illustrated by Randy Ce… Lost and found in JumpStart Town / by Joan Holub ; illustrat… Lost in the Sea of Grass : Below-Level Gr 4. Lost in the Sea of Grass : Below-Level Gr 4. Lost in the Sea of Grass : Below-Level Gr 4. Lost star : the story of Amelia Earhart / Patricia Lauber. Lost star : the story of Amelia Earhart / Patricia Lauber. Lost star : the story of Amelia Earhart / Patricia Lauber. Lostman's River / Cynthia DeFelice. Lots of Jobs : Independent Reader Grade K. Louie. Louis Arrow and the Bull's Eye : On-Level Gr 5. Louis Arrow and the Bull's Eye : On-Level Gr 5. Louis Arrow and the Bull's Eye : On-Level Gr 5. Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind. Ill… Louis Pasteur [Video]. Louis Pasteur [Video]. Louis Sockalexis : Native American baseball pioneer / by Bil… Louisiana Purchase. Louisiana Purchase. Louisiana Purchase. Louisiana Purchase. Louisiana Purchase. Louisiana Purchase. Love from your friend, Hannah : a novel / by Mindy Warshaw S… Lucas the Littlest Lizard. Lugalbanda : the boy who got caught up in a war / Kathy Hend… Carmen Bredeson Carmen Bredeson Carmen Bredeson Carmen Bredeson Carmen Bredeson Cheryl Jakab Cheryl Jakab Cheryl Jakab Cheryl Jakab Cheryl Jakab Cheryl Jakab Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy Franco, Betsy 642888 642889 642890 642891 642892 65320 65321 65322 65323 65324 65325 11217 8908 8969 65689 12438 12481 640862 643300 9595 9596 9648 65895 65896 65897 642806 10494 641242 9532 9533 9534 65356 65357 65358 65359 65360 65361 65752 5198 5199 401747 66747 66748 66749 66750 66751 66752 16431 67247 401604 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Math Transition Level Math Transition Level Root, Phyllis. Holub, Joan. Sessions, Dana Sessions, Dana Sessions, Dana Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. DeFelice, Cynthia C. Keats, Ezra Jack Korba, Joanna Korba, Joanna Korba, Joanna Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Davidson, Margaret, 1936Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Wise, Bill, 1958Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Linda Thompson Skolsky, Mindy Warshaw. Helidoniotis,Kathy Henderson, Kathy, 1949- ISBN LCCN 9780763620059 0439087899 2006042581 00710152 0590416154 0590416154 0590416154 0027264661 : 88003043 88003043 88003043 93040857 /AC /AC /AC /AC 0803842813 0803842813 0803842813 0803842813 0803842813 0803842813 0803842813 73039630 73039630 73039630 73039630 73039630 73039630 73039630 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 9781584302698 (… 0789424924 9780763627829 (… 2006017730 97029819 /AC 2004065950 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 138 Title Author Barcode ISBN Lunch money / Andrew Clements ; illustrations by Brian Selzn… Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. Lyle, Lyle, crocodile / Bernard Waber. M is for meow : a cat alphabet / written by Helen L. Wilbur … MADELINE. MAKE A WISH MOLLY. MAKE WAY FOR DUCKLINGS. MAKE WAY FOR DUCKLINGS. MAKING ART : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. MAKING MUSIC WITH STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. MANY MOONS. MARTIN'S HATS. MARY MARONY AND THE CHOCOLATE SURPRISE. MATILDA. MATILDA. MATTER. MEDELINE'S RESCUE. MEM FOX. MICHELANGELO: HIS LIFE AND ART. MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL. MILLIONS OF CATS. MING LO MOVER THE MOUNTAIN. MINNIE'S YOM KIPPUR BIRTHDAY. MISC. MISS NELSON IS MISSING. MISS NELSON IS MISSING. MISS RUMPHIUS. MOHA MEANS ONE, SWAHILI COUNTING BOOK. MOIRA'S BIRTHDAY. MOLLY'S PILGRIM. MOOSE TRACKS. MORE MORE MORE SAID THE BABY. MOTHER GOOSE ACTIVITIES. MOTHER GOOSE ACTIVITIES. MOUSE COUNT. MOZART : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. MR. AND MRS. PIG'S EVENING OUT. MR. LITTLE'S NOISY 1,2,3. MR. POPPER'S PENGUINS. MRS PIGGLE WIGGLE. MRS. FRISBY AND THE FATS OF NIMH. MUCH BIGGER THAN MARTIN. MUFARO'S BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS: AN AFRICAN TALE. MUSIC. MY BOOK REPORT. Clements, Andrew, 1949Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard. Waber, Bernard. Waber, Bernard. Waber, Bernard. Waber, Bernard. Waber, Bernard. Wilbur, Helen L., 1948BEMELMANS , LUDWIG 15284 1001951 643570 643571 643572 643573 643574 643575 65064 13370 641433 642321 642322 14201 14430 13373 13374 641434 13375 642319 642323 13371 642318 14422 13378 14385 13377 13379 14373 13380 642317 13381 13383 13382 13384 641436 13966 14157 14427 13385 14204 13387 13386 13388 14364 13391 13389 13390 642320 14213 9780689866838 2005000061 039516995X 039516995X 039516995X 039516995X 039516995X 039516995X 9781585363049 (… 65019305 /AC… 65019305 /AC… 65019305 /AC… 65019305 /AC… 65019305 /AC… 65019305 /AC… 2006023430 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM SMITH, ERICA SMITH, ERICA THURBER, JAMES BLOS, JOAN W. DAHL, ROALD BEMELMANS, LUDWIG QUILL, CHARLES BURTON, VIRGINIA LEE GAG, WANDA LOBEL, ARNOLD SINGER, MARILYN ALLARD, HARRY COONEY, BARBARA FEELINGS, MURIEL MUNSCH, ROBERT COHEN, BARBARA WILLIAMS,VERA MOTHER GOOSE ACTIVITIES PERRAULT, CHARLES WALSH, ELLEN STONE ADAMS PEARSON, LINDA RAYNER, MARY FOWLER, RICHARD ATWATER, RICHARD & FLORENCE MCDONALD, BETTY O'BRIEN, ROBERT C. KELLOGG, STEVEN STEPTOE, JOHN MY BOOK REPORT LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 139 Title Author Barcode MY DADDY WAS A SOLDIER. MY FATHER'S DRAGON. MY FIRST LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRE BOOKS. MY GRANDSON LEW. MY GREAT-AUNT ARIZONA. MY GREAT-AUNT ARIZONA. MY LITTLE ISLAND. MY MOTHER THE WITCH. MYSTERY OF NAVAJO MOON. Mack and Will Are Friends : Independent Reader Grade K. Made of Wood. Made of Wood. Made of Wood. Made of Wood. Made of Wood. Made of Wood. Madeline / story & pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans. Madeline / story & pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans. Mae Jemison and Her Dream : Advanced Level Gr 2. Mae Jemison and Her Dream : Advanced Level Gr 2. Mae Jemison and Her Dream : Advanced Level Gr 2. Magic / by Sandra Markle ; illustrated by Jamie Smith. Magic School Bus #03. Magic School Bus Activity Book #1. Magic School Bus Activity Book #1. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #2. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #2. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #2. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #2. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #3. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #3. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #3. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #3. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #4. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #4. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #4. Magic School Bus Activity Guide #4. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth. RAY, DEBORAH KOGAN GANNETT, RUTH STILES WILDER, LAURA INGALLS ZOLOTOW, CHARLOTTE 13392 13393 14224 13394 641437 642359 13395 641438 13396 10491 65548 65549 65550 65551 65552 65553 30219 642557 10347 10348 12066 640137 40044 30006621 4866 10037644 3000378 3000380 4867 101412 3000379 3000474 4868 10038021 3000475 4865 4869 10037850 10037851 1050243 1050252 1050257 1050258 640213 65422 65423 65424 65425 65426 65427 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LESSAC, FRANE GREEN, TIMOTHY Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1898-1962. Bemelmans, Ludwig, 1898-1962. Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Markle, Sandra. Cole, Joanna Magic School Bus Activity Book… Magic School Bus Activity Book… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Magic School Bus Activity Guid… Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Joanna Cole Joanna Cole Joanna Cole Joanna Cole Joanna Cole Joanna Cole ISBN 0140501983 : 0140501983 : 0439281369 (pbk… 0590403605 0590403605 0590403605 0590403605 0590403605 0590403605 0590403605 LCCN 76050664 /AC 76050664 /AC 2002282998 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School School Bus Inside the Earth. Bus Video # 15. Bus Video #05. Bus Video #06. Bus Video #07. Bus Video #09. Bus Video #1 and #2. Bus Video #1 and #2. Bus Video #10. Bus Video #11 : Inside the Haunted House. Bus Video #12 : Goes to Seed. Bus Video #13 : Hops Home. Bus Video #14. Bus Video #16. Bus Video #17. Bus Video #18 : In The Rainforest. Bus Video #19 : Inside the Haunted House. Bus Video #20 : Butterflies. Bus Video #21 : The Busasaurus. Bus Video #22 : Spins A Web. Bus Video #23 : Makes A Rainbow. Bus Video #24 : In A Beehive. Bus Video #25 : Gets Ants In Its Pants. Bus Video #26 : Gets Eaten. Bus Video #27 : Out of This World. Bus Video #28 : Gets Planted. Bus Video #29 : Flexes Its Muscles. Bus Video #30 : For Lunch. Bus Video #31 : Inside Ralphie. Bus Video #32 : Getting Energized. Bus Video #33 : Blows Its Top. Bus Video #34 : Under Construction. Bus Video #35 : Goes To Seed. Bus Video #36 : Gets Lost In Space. Bus Video #37 : Ready, Set, Dough. Bus Video #38 : Kicks Up A Storm. Bus Video #39 : Taking Flight. Bus Video #4. Bus Video #40 : Plays Ball. Bus Video #41 : Going Batty. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: At the Waterworks[Big Book]. Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 140 Author Barcode Joanna Cole Cole ,Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole,Joanna Cole,Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna 65755 1003653 40045 40048 3371 40050 30005719 40043 40049 10037940 30579 10037938 10037939 101493 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 40047 6148 6149 1003984 1050271 1050287 1050330 1050377 1050388 1050401 1003983 1004042 1050203 ISBN LCCN 0-590-4504-X 156832586X 51211-3 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 141 Title Author Barcode Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic School Bus: Lost In the Solar System[Big Book]. Magic Tree House Research Guide : Titanic. Magic eye : a new bag of tricks : 3D illusions / by N.E. Thi… Magical Mother Goose[Big Book]. Magpie Gabbard and the quest for the buried moon / Sally M. … Magyk / Angie Sage ; illustrations by Mark Zug. Mail Monkey[Big Book]. Main Street. Main Street. Main Street. Main Street. Main Street. Main Street. MainSails 5 : Extending Fluency. Maisy's Colors and Shapes [Video]. Major League Math [computer disc]]. Majory Stoneman Douglass Champion of the Everglades : Advanc… Majory Stoneman Douglass Champion of the Everglades : Advanc… Majory Stoneman Douglass Champion of the Everglades : Advanc… Make Way For Ducklins. Make Way For Ducklins. Make Way For Ducklins. Make Your Own Games Workshop. Make way for ducklings / by Robert McCloskey. Make way for ducklings / by Robert McCloskey. Make way for ducklings / by Robert McCloskey. Make! Write! Read! Picture Book Factory. Making Connections American Indians and Settlers : Social St… Making Glass : Advanced Level Gr 4. Making Glass : Advanced Level Gr 4. Making More Big Words : Multi level, hands-on phonics adn sp… Making Rules : Social Studies Grade 1. Making Rules : Social Studies Grade 1. Making Rules : Social Studies Grade 1. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Birdhouse. Making a Difference/6 copies/cassette. Making a Law : LAW. Making a Law : LAW. Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Osborne, Mary 1050205 1050213 1050218 1050236 12874 67122 67526 67211 640302 643271 66345 640300 13137 13138 13139 13140 13141 13142 7969 30407 5462 9386 9387 9388 13372 14004505 30007055 7558 642556 1001669 14004503 1003799 640549 11741 11771 67459 640510 640519 640522 641692 641693 641694 641695 641696 641697 641698 641699 12417 641301 641302 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Keehn, Sally M. Sage, Angie. Meyers, Marie Meyers, Marie Meyers, Marie Meyers, Marie Meyers, Marie Meyers, Marie Eggleton, Jill Universal Studios Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert Pearson,Craig 1982 McCloskey, Robert, 1914-2003. McCloskey, Robert, 1914-2003. McCloskey, Robert, 1914-2003. Suid, Murray Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Cunningham, Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Kite Kite Kite Kite Kite Kite Kite Kite ISBN 0836207688 : 1586691759 9780399243400 0060577312 158669216X 0670451495 0670451495 0670451495 1878279165 LCCN 96137010 2006008920 2003028185 41051868 /AC… 41051868 /AC… 41051868 /AC… MM1933 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Making a Law : LAW. Making a Law : Social Studies Grade 2. Making a Law : Social Studies Grade 2. Making a Law : Social Studies Grade 2. Making a Map. Making a Map. Making a Map. Making a Map. Making a Map. Making a Map. Making a difference : On-Level Gr 5. Making a difference : On-Level Gr 5. Making a difference : On-Level Gr 5. Making art / Erica Smith. Making art / Erica Smith. Making art / Erica Smith. Making art / Erica Smith. Making art / Erica Smith. Making art / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making music with stringed instruments / Erica Smith. Making the Right Moves : Trophies BL Gr 3. Making the Right Moves : Trophies BL Gr 3. Making the World a Better Place : Rigby Literacy. Making the World a Better Place : Rigby Literacy. Mallory and the mystery diary / Ann M. Martin. Mama Played Baseball. Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians. Mammoth magic / by Shelley Gill ; illustrated by Shannon Car… Mammoths on the move / Lisa Wheeler ; illustrated by Kurt Cy… Mammoths on the move / Lisa Wheeler ; illustrated by Kurt Cy… Managing the Whole Language Classroom. Managing the Whole Language Classroom. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 142 Author Barcode Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Grant, Nicolas Grant, Nicolas Grant, Nicolas Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica. Smith, Erica, 1972Smith, Erica, 1972Smith, Erica, 1972Smith, Erica, 1972Smith, Erica, 1972Smith, Erica, 1972Young, Joshua Young, Joshua Sreenivasan, Jyotsna Sreenivasan, Jyotsna Martin, Ann M., 1955David Adler Integrated Theme Units Gill, Shelley. Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Eisele, Beverly Eisele, Beverly Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. Spinelli, Jerry. 641303 640179 640191 640197 65614 65615 65616 65617 65618 65619 9526 9527 9528 590132 590133 590134 590135 590136 590137 590291 590292 590293 590294 590295 590296 8845 8878 7992 7993 65214 642902 10036895 641317 401609 65030 1003933 16118 13635 66507 66508 66509 66510 66511 13636 13637 13639 13640 13641 13643 13644 ISBN LCCN 0823982173 0823982173 0823982173 0823982173 0823982173 0823982173 0823982335 0823982335 0823982335 0823982335 0823982335 0823982335 0836812506 (lg.… 0590271970 0934007012 (pb) 9780152047009 (… 9780152047009 (… 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 0316807222 94003630 /AC 98101041 2004019112 2004019112 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 89027144 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 143 Title Author Barcode Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book About Adjectives. Many Luscious Lollipops[Big Book]. Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Many luscious lollipops : a book about adjectives / Ruth Hel… Map Skills. Mapping the World : Gr 4. Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Maps and globes. Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marbury v. Madison : the new Supreme Court gets more powers … Marc Brown's Arthur's birthday [computer file]. Marco? Polo! / by Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Adam McCaule… Mare in the meadow / Ben M. Baglio ; illustrations by Ann Ba… Mare in the meadow / Ben M. Baglio ; illustrations by Ann Ba… Mare in the meadow / Ben M. Baglio ; illustrations by Ann Ba… Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marian Anderson : American Hero. Marie Curie [Video]. Mark McGwire. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martha Speaks. Martin Bridge : blazing ahead! / written by Jessica Scott Ke… Martin Bridge : out of orbit! / written by Jessica Scott Ker… Martin Bridge : sound the alarm! / written by Jessica Scott … Martin Luther King Day / by Linda Lowery ; illustrated by He… Martin Luther King Day / by Linda Lowery ; illustrated by He… Martin Luther King, Jr : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Ruth Heller Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Heller, Ruth, 1924Kennedy,Jan 1998 York, Vanessa 642930 5907 66155 66156 66157 66158 66159 66160 66161 66162 7672 7876 640486 640492 640500 640502 643256 590393 590394 590395 590396 590397 590398 65479 641435 15166 65789 4386 13077 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 5200 67298 101074 101075 101076 101077 101078 101080 101081 401668 401818 66815 640139 640315 67272 8620 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Randolph, Randolph, Randolph, Randolph, Randolph, Randolph, Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan P. P. P. P. P. P. Scieszka, Jon. Baglio, Ben M. Baglio, Ben M. Baglio, Ben M. Carson, Tracy Carson, Tracy Carson, Tracy Carson, Tracy Carson, Tracy Carson, Tracy Schlessinger Media Brenner, Richard Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Kerrin, Jessica Scott. Kerrin, Jessica Scott. Kerrin, Jessica Scott. Lowery, Linda. Lowery, Linda. Greene, Carol ISBN 0590724983 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0448403161 0823940349 0823940349 0823940349 0823940349 0823940349 0823940349 1571350772 0670061042 0439343925 0439343925 0439343925 LCCN (San… (San… (San… (San… (San… (San… (San… (San… 91071576 91071576 91071576 91071576 91071576 91071576 91071576 91071576 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2002154615 2002154615 2002154615 2002154615 2002154615 2002154615 96801624 2006019954 2002555436 2002555436 2002555436 (har… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 9781553379621 9781554531486 (… 9781553379768 0876142994 (lib… 0876142994 (lib… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 86020758 /AC… 86020758 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 144 Title Author Barcode Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin Luther King, Jr : Soar to Sucess LV 4. Martin's Big Words [Video]. Marvelous Mattie : how Margaret E. Knight became an inventor… Marvelous Menus. Marvelous Menus. Marvelous Menus. Marvelous Menus. Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! Marvin's Wooly Mammal : Sails Gr 1. Mary Had a Little Lamb[Big Book]. Mary Poppins [Video]. Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes / created by B… Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes / created by B… Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes / created by B… Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes / created by B… Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes / created by B… Mary's Lamb. Mary's Lamb. Mary's Lamb. Mary's Lamb. Mary's Lamb. Mary's Lamb. Math Around You. Math Art. Math Blaster Jr. [computer disc] : teaches preschool through… Math Bridge. Math Discoveries about Fractions and Decimals. Math For All Seasons. Math Journal Writing and Problem Solving. Math Mind Stretchers. Math Practice with Preposterous Projects. Math Riddles, Grades 3-6. Math Rock[computer disc]. Math Rock[computer disc]. Math Ties. Math for All Seasons : mind-stretching math riddles. Math for Smarty Pants. Math4Today:10 Minute Daily Skills Practice. Mathematics 5: Problem Solving Activities. Mathematics in Action. Mathematics: Achieving Higher Test Scores on Standardized Te… Matilda's Plans. Matilda's Plans. Matilda's Plans. Matilda's Plans. Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Rappaport, Doreen McCully, Emily Arnold. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Seuss Eggleton, Jill Hale, Sarah Josepha 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 6739 401579 7248 7249 7250 7251 400344 8228 1003085 67418 15256 15387 15388 15389 643278 641876 641877 641878 641879 641880 641881 10036898 7596 500001 7607 7703 7542 7547 7545 1003762 10037339 6154 6155 7549 6781 7797 7813 7550 7602 7818 7196 7197 7198 7199 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Lansky, Bruce. Lansky, Bruce. Lansky, Bruce. Lansky, Bruce. Lansky, Bruce. Sarah Hale Sarah Hale Sarah Hale Sarah Hale Sarah Hale Sarah Hale Integrated Theme Units Ritter,Darlene 1995 Dankberg,Tracy 1999 Maxwell,Terry Burke 1996 Tang,Greg 2002 Vogt,Saron 1992 Fisher,Ann 1997 Harper, Lucile M. Wiener, Joy School House Rock School House Rock Santi,Terri 1998 Tang, Gregg Burns,Marilyn 1982 Pearson,Donna 1998 Holmes,Dick 1982 Macmillan 1994 Daily,Renee 1999 Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill ISBN 9780374348106 (… LCCN 2004056415 0590727559 0881664707 0881664707 0881664707 0881664707 0881664707 0590271997 0399225129 (pbk… 0884883043 fi 67001250 2003022645 2003022645 2003022645 2003022645 2003022645 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 145 Title Author Barcode Matter All Around/6 copies/Cassette : Level I/ Tansition/Flu… Matter. Maui Hooks Hawaii. Maui Hooks Hawaii. Maui Hooks Hawaii. Maui Hooks Hawaii. Maui Hooks Hawaii. Max : Independent Reader Grade K. Max : On Level Grade 1. Max : On Level Grade 1. Max : On Level Grade 1. Max : Sails Gr 1. Max Gets Ready. Max Gets Ready. Max Gets Ready. Max Gets Ready. Max Gets Ready. Max Gets Ready. May I please have a cookie? / by Jennifer E. Morris. Maybelle in the soup / Katie Speck ; illustrations by Paul R… Mayflower Surprise : Advanced Level Gr 5. Mayflower Surprise : Advanced Level Gr 5. Mayflower Surprise : Advanced Level Gr 5. Maze of deception : [a Clone Wars novel] / Elizabeth Hand. McGinty"s Friend : Sails Fluenct (1) Orange. McGinty"s Friend : Sails Fluenct (1) Orange. McGinty"s Friend : Sails Fluenct (1) Orange. McGinty"s Friend : Sails Fluenct (1) Orange. Me and Katie (the Pest). Me and Katie (the Pest). Me and Katie (the Pest). Me and Katie (the Pest). Me and Katie (the Pest). Me and the pumpkin queen / by Marlane Kennedy. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Measure that Tongue! / 6 copies : Level I/ Transition/ Fluen… Measurement Benchmarks. Measurement and Geometry. Medieval Villages : Advanced Level Gr 2. Medieval Villages : Advanced Level Gr 2. Medieval Villages : Advanced Level Gr 2. Meet Amelia Earhart : On-Level Gr 4. Meet Amelia Earhart : On-Level Gr 4. Meet Casey Jones / adapted by Marc Cerasini based on the ori… Meet Eleanor Roosevelt : Advanced Level Gr 4. Science Transition Stage Pearce, Mary Judy Scheu Judy Scheu Judy Scheu Judy Scheu Judy Scheu 12431 67479 65995 65996 65997 65998 65999 10434 10509 10510 11224 8134 640891 640892 640893 640894 640895 640896 66228 401841 9434 9435 9436 66516 8410 8411 8412 8413 1055032 1055033 1055034 1055035 1055037 7000011 641751 641752 641753 641754 641755 641756 12444 7559 7573 10345 10346 12061 11801 11878 643113 11757 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Keller, Holly Keller, Holly Keller, Holly Windsor, Jo Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Morris, J. E. (Jennifer E.) Speck, Katie. Petterson, Polly Petterson, Polly Petterson, Polly Hand, Elizabeth. Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Kennedy, Marlane. Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Math Transition Level Tierney,Cornelia 1998 Miller,Marcia 1998 Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Coleman, Evelyn Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Cerasini, Marc, 1952Clark, Carolyn ISBN LCCN 9780439738194 (… 9780805080926 (… 2004031113 2006033444 0439442451 (pbk… 2003619333 059043618X 059043618X 059043618X 059043618X 059043618X 9780061140228 (… 2006020019 2004558306 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 146 Title Author Barcode Meet Eleanor Roosevelt : Advanced Level Gr 4. Meet Kit : an American girl / by Valerie Tripp ; illustratio… Meet Manuel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Meet Manuel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Meet Manuel : Advanced Level Gr 5. Meet Our Families : Social Studies Grade 2. Meet Our Families : Social Studies Grade 2. Meet Our Families : Social Studies Grade 2. Mega-Fun Math Games. Meow ruff / written by Joyce Sidman ; illustrated by Michell… Mercy Watson : princess in disguise / Kate DiCamillo ; illus… Mercy Watson fights crime / Kate DiCamillo ; illustrated by … Merry unChristmas / by Mike Reiss ; illustrated by David Cat… Metrics'N'More. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Michelangelo : his life and art / Charles G. Quill. Mickey Malone : Sails Gr 1. Mickey Maloney's Mail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mickey Maloney's Mail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mickey Maloney's Mail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mickey Maloney's Mail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mickey's Secret : Rigby Level 17. Microsoft Excel: Simple Projects. Microsoft PowerPoint: Simple Projects. Microsoft Word: Simple Projects. Middle Ages : Knights and Castles. Middle school is worse than meatloaf : a year told through s… Midnight magic / Avi. Midsummer knight / Gregory Rogers. Mig the pig's big book / Colin and Jacqui Hawkins. Mighty Dinosaurs. Miguel's Treasures. Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel : story and pictures / by… Mike's mystery / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrated by D… Miles of smiles : kids pick the funniest poems. Book #3 / ed… Milk From a Cow. Milk From a Cow. Milk From a Cow. Clark, Carolyn Tripp, Valerie, 1951Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly 11787 67465 9424 9425 9426 640098 640114 640120 101238 401599 401797 401640 642841 7700 590261 590262 590263 590264 590265 590266 8240 8362 8363 8364 8365 15499 7791 7789 7788 7339 401806 16434 401756 65153 643099 184 39183 643563 643564 643565 643566 643567 643568 643569 39184 641393 641039 65308 65309 65310 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Schiro, Michael, Dr. Sidman, Joyce. DiCamillo, Kate. DiCamillo, Kate. Reiss, Mike. James,Melba 1998 Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Dhami, Narinder Butz,Steve 2000 Burton,Corinne 2000 Pines,Mindy 2000 Pofahl, Jane Holm, Jennifer L. Avi, 1937Rogers, Gregory. Hawkins, Colin. Simpson, Judith Atwater, Mary Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-196… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon ISBN LCCN 1584850167 (pbk… 0590481762 9780618448944 9780763630140 9780763625900 9780060591274 (… (… (… (… 99088029 2004027206 2006051827 2005053639 0823982262 0823982262 0823982262 0823982262 0823982262 0823982262 9780689852817 0590360353 (alk… 9781596431836 (… 1582091870 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 0395169615 (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… (Rei… 0881663131 (Mea… 98050192 2006051013 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 77154507 60008428 97052095 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /L/… /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 147 Title Author Barcode Milk From a Cow. Milk From a Cow. Milk From a Cow. Milk Makers, The[Big Book]. Millions of cats / by Wanda Gag. Milo's Great Invention. Milo's Great Invention. Milo's Great Invention. Milo's Great Invention. Milo's Great Invention. Milo's Great Invention. Mind your manners, B.B. Wolf / by Judy Sierra ; illustrated … Mine, All Mine: A Book about Pronouns. Minerva Clark goes to the dogs / by Karen Karbo. Minerva's Dream. Minerva's Dream. Minerva's Dream. Minerva's Dream. Minerva's Dream. Minerva's Dream. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Ming Lo Moves the Mountain. Minnies the Talking Bird : BL Gr 2. Minnies the Talking Bird : BL Gr 2. Minnies the Talking Bird : BL Gr 2. Miracle on 34th Street. [video]. Mischa learns English : On-Level Gr 3. Mischa learns English : On-Level Gr 3. Miss Grimble : Sails Gr 1. Miss Mary Mack / adapted by Mary Ann Hoberman ; illustrated … Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss McKenzie Had a Farm. Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Gibbons, Gail Gag, Wanda, 1893-1946. Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Sierra, Judy. Ruth Heller Karbo, Karen. Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Davies, Valentine, 1905-1961. Weg, Manya Weg, Manya Eggleton, Jill Hoberman, Mary Ann. Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Tim Johnson Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. 65311 65312 65313 1004093 640066 642283 642284 642285 642286 642287 642288 66406 642928 66357 642271 642272 642273 642274 642275 642276 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 11207 8931 8947 67415 9264 9557 8236 67129 642644 642645 642646 642647 642648 642649 643538 643539 643540 643541 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0590728016 0698200918 LCCN 28021571 9780375835322 (… 2006023951 9781582346786 2006006428 47004221 0316931187 96034829 /AC 0395366909 0395366909 0395366909 0395366909 84027791 84027791 84027791 84027791 /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 148 Title Author Barcode ISBN Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson has a field day / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson has a field day. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is back / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Nelson is missing! / Harry Allard, James Marshall. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius / story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. Miss Spider's Tea Party. Missing Tarts, The[Big Book]. Missing Tarts, The[Big Book]. Missing magic / by Emma Laybourn. Mission Addition. Mission Addition. Mission Mathematics : Linking Aerospace and the NCTM Standar… Mission Mathematics: Linking Aerospace and the NTCM Standard… Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Mission: Steel. Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Misty of Chincoteague / by Marguerite Henry ; illustrated by… Mixing Colors. Mixing Colors. Mixing Colors. Mixing Colors. Mixing Colors. Mixing Colors. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Marshall, James Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Allard, Harry. Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917Cooney, Barbara, 1917David Kirk Hennessy, B.G. Hennessy, B.G. Laybourn, Emma. Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Hynes,Mary Ellen 1996 O'Conner,Vincent F 1997 Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett Isabel Bissett 643542 643543 36272 643504 643505 643506 643507 643508 643509 643532 643533 643534 643535 643536 643537 16015 643445 643446 643447 643448 643449 643450 67077 642943 1004058 1004069 7000025 14258 6252 7539 7541 67016 67017 67018 67019 67020 67021 67050 67010 67011 67012 67013 67014 67015 640974 640975 640976 640977 640978 640979 0395366909 0395366909 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0395329566 0395329566 0395329566 0395329566 0395329566 0395329566 0395401461 0395401461 0395401461 0395401461 0395401461 0395401461 0395401461 0140505393 0140505393 0140505393 0140505393 0140505393 0140505393 0140505393 LCCN 84027791 /AC 84027791 /AC : : : : : : (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 9780803732193 (… 0689714920 0689714920 0689714920 0689714920 0689714920 0689714920 (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 82009357 82009357 82009357 82009357 82009357 82009357 76055918 76055918 76055918 76055918 76055918 76055918 76055918 85040447 85040447 85040447 85040447 85040447 85040447 85040447 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 2006028675 90027237 90027237 90027237 90027237 90027237 90027237 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 149 Title Author Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher. Molly learns a lesson : a school story / by Valerie Tripp ; … Molly's magnet. Mom, You're Fired! Mom, You're Fired! Mom, You're Fired! Mom, You're Fired! Mom, You're Fired! Mom, You're Fired! Mommy mine / by Tim Warnes ; illustrated by Jane Chapman. Monarch butterfly / by David M. Schwartz ; photographs by Dw… Monday with a mad genius / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrate… Monday with a mad genius / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrate… Money : Thematic Unit. Monkey shoes[Big Book]. Monkeys = Los monos / by JoAnn Early Macken ; [translation T… Monkeys, Diverse Animals : MainSails. Monkeys, Diverse Animals : MainSails. Monkeys, Diverse Animals : MainSails. Monsieur Saguette and his Baguette. Monster Rabbit Runs Amuck ! Big Book. Monsters / Russell Hoban ; illustrated by Quentin Blake. Monsters / Russell Hoban ; illustrated by Quentin Blake. Mooncake[Big Book]. Moongame / Frank Asch. Moonsilver / by Kathleen Duey ; illustrated by Omar Rayyan. Moonsilver / by Kathleen Duey ; illustrated by Omar Rayyan. Mop Top. More M & M's Math. More Spaghetti, I Say![Big Book]. More Story Stretchers. More Story Stretchers. More We Get Together, The[Big Book]. More incredibly awesome crafts for kids. More jokes! / by David Lewman. More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More spaghetti, I say! / by Rita Golden Gelman ; illustrated… More than anything else / story by Marie Bradby ; pictures b… Morris goes to school / by B. Wiseman. Moses the kitten / James Herriot ; illustrated by Peter Barr… Mosquitoes and wrigglers : Advanced Level Grade 3. Frances Ruffin 66801 Frances Ruffin 66802 Frances Ruffin 66803 Frances Ruffin 66804 Frances Ruffin 66805 Frances Ruffin 66806 Tripp, Valerie, 195115246 Atwater, Mary 186 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055079 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055080 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055081 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055082 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055083 Robinson, Nancy K. 1055084 Warnes, Tim. 643093 Schwartz, David M. 65228 Osborne, Mary Pope. 66334 Osborne, Mary Pope. 66397 Edwards, Jennifer adn Cathy Gi… 6359 Eggleton, Jill 7108 Macken, JoAnn Early, 1953643160 Pyers, Greg 7933 Pyers, Greg 7954 Pyers, Greg 7955 Asch, Frank 11494 Giff, Patricia Reilly 67491 Hoban, Russell. 642814 Hoban, Russell. 643219 Asch, Frank 1004008 Asch, Frank. 1004004 Duey, Kathleen. 15221 Duey, Kathleen. 15238 Freeman, Don 1001463 McGrath, Barbieri 67397 Gelman, Rita Golden 1003967 Raines, Shirley C. 1003884 Raines, Shirley C. 30247 Glazer, Tom 30515 641250 Lewman, David. 641214 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643717 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643718 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643719 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643720 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643721 Gelman, Rita Golden. 643722 Bradby, Marie. 67370 Wiseman, Bernard. 401096 Herriot, James. 643112 Jimenez, Vita 10697 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 0937295159 : 0590423355 0590423355 0590423355 0590423355 0590423355 0590423355 9780060589479 (… 0836829794 (lib… 9780375837296 (… 9780375837296 (… 1557342377 0836843835 (lib… LCCN 86060626 /AC… 2003024275 2001031467 2006101209 2006101209 2004054955 1555337461-4 0590434225 : 0590434225 : 0671664506 0136005039 (lib… 9780689842696 9780689842696 590-41199-3 0876591535 0876591535 0153725060 0696206919 0689825382 (pbk… 0590457837 : 0590457837 : 0590457837 : 0590457837 : 0590457837 : 0590457837 : 0531094642 0060265485 0312549059 : 89010628 /AC 89010628 /AC 84008405 /AC 2001046114 2001046114 91000547 91000547 97071328 00709531 91043181 91043181 91043181 91043181 91043181 91043181 94048804 75077944 84050930 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC /AC /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Mosquitoes and wrigglers : Advanced Level Grade 3. Mostly Monty / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Anik McCrory… Mountain Dance. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Gorillas In Danger : Soar to Success LV. Mountain Home : Advanced Level Grade 3. Mountain Home : Advanced Level Grade 3. Mouse Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mouse Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mouse Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mouse Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mouse Tales. Mouse and the Motorcycle [Video]. Mouse count / Ellen Stoll Walsh. Mouse on the Mayflower [Video]. Mouse paint / Ellen Stoll Walsh. Mouse shapes / Ellen Stoll Walsh. Mouse's hide-and-seek words : a phonics reader / by Kathryn … Move It! : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Move It! : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Move! / [Steve Jenkins & Robin Page]. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Ahead : Gr 4. Moving Day. Moving Day. Moving Day. Moving Day. Moving Day. Moving Day. Moving From Place to Place : cassette. Moving from Place to Place/ 6 Copies : Level D/Early Emergen… Mowing Tips [Video]. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mozart : the man and his music / Linda Pearson-Adams. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Jimenez, Vita Hurwitz, Johanna. Thomas Locker Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Ritchie, Rita Pistone, Kate Pistone, Kate Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Lobel, Arnold Cleary, Beverly Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Muller, Romeo Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Heling, Kathryn. Snow, Olivia Snow, Olivia Jenkins, Steve, 1952- Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 150 Barcode 10698 401828 642872 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 10693 10694 8366 8367 8368 8369 11408 6746 66459 1003546 16525 7000015 643228 8035 8051 401622 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9877 Barbara Mitchelhill 640980 Barbara Mitchelhill 640981 Barbara Mitchelhill 640982 Barbara Mitchelhill 640983 Barbara Mitchelhill 640984 Barbara Mitchelhill 640985 65714 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12474 John Deere 3724 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590150 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590151 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590152 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590153 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590154 Pearson-Adams, Linda. 590155 Allen, Pamela. 65070 ISBN LCCN 9780763628314 (… 2006049024 9780152056995 1556583370 0152560262 (ove… 9780152060916 (… 0375821856 (tra… 27313 <None> 2006013695 2002009255 9780618646371 (… 2005019082 0823982270 0823982270 0823982270 0823982270 0823982270 0823982270 0688419194 79019881 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 151 Title Author Barcode ISBN Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Archimedes' bath / Pamela Allen. Mr. Merton's Vacation : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mr. Merton's Vacation : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mr. Merton's Vacation : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mr. Merton's Vacation : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Mr. Putter & Tabby see the stars / Cynthia Rylant ; illustra… Mr. Putter & Tabby spin the yarn / Cynthia Rylant ; illustra… Mr. Smart's Big Dog Book : Advanced Level Grade 1. Mr. Smart's Big Dog Book : Advanced Level Grade 1. Mr. Smart's Big Dog Book : Advanced Level Grade 1. Mrs. Crump's cat / by Linda Smith ; pictures by David Robert… Mrs. Katz and Tush / Patricia Polacco. Mrs. Katz and Tush / Patricia Polacco. Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash[Big Book]. Mrs. Mog's Cats : Rigby Level 9. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's farm / pictures by Maurice Sendak. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's magic / Betty MacDonald ; pictures by A… Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Piggly-Wiggle's Magic. Mrs. Santa Claus [Video]. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mud / by Wendy Cheyette Lewison ; illustrated by Bill Basso. Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. Mule school / Julia Rawlinson ; [illustrations by] Lynne Cha… Multicultural Music : Lyrics to Familiar Melodies and Native… Multicultural mini-units. Mumano Morphs. Music Makes Joy : Trohpies BL Gr 3. Music Makes Joy : Trohpies BL Gr 3. My Camera : Rigby Level 4. My Cat Likes Milk. My Cat Likes Milk. My Cat Likes Milk. My Cat Likes Milk. My Cat Likes Milk. My Cat Likes Milk. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Allen, Pamela. Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Noonan, Diana Rylant, Cynthia. Rylant, Cynthia. Wells, Alison Wells, Alison Wells, Alison Smith, Linda, 1949Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Weeks, Sarah Powell, Jillian MacDonald, Betty Bard. MacDonald, Betty Bard. MacDonald, Betty MacDonald, Betty MacDonald, Betty MacDonald, Betty MacDonald, Betty MacDonald, Betty Saltzman, Mark Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. John Steptoe Rawlinson, Julia. Walters, Connie Flora, Sherrill Spenser Hill, Rebekah Hill, Rebekah Llewellyn, Claire Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad 65072 66361 66362 66363 66364 66365 66366 8386 8387 8388 8389 7000003 401638 10770 10817 11300 401639 67192 67398 6185 15897 66437 67086 1055119 1055122 1055123 1055124 1055125 1055126 4767 66881 66882 66883 66884 66885 66886 642937 66403 6729 6732 642811 8863 8889 15460 641896 641897 641898 641899 641900 641901 0688419194 0688419194 0688419194 0688419194 0688419194 0688419194 0688419194 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 79019881 79019881 79019881 79019881 79019881 79019881 79019881 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 9780152060756 (… 9780152050672 (… 2006024326 2005024761 9780060283025 0553081225 : 0553081225 : 2003024277 91018710 /AC 91018710 /AC 0397317131 9780397317141 (… 0590413848 0590413848 0590413848 0590413848 0590413848 0590413848 54007299 /L/… 2007014481 0439179327 0439179327 0439179327 0439179327 0439179327 0439179327 9781561485970 (… 00035815 00035815 00035815 00035815 00035815 00035815 2007009591 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 152 Title Author Barcode My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Kam Mak Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Costain, Meredith Block, Arlene Block, Arlene Block, Arlene Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Mayer, Laura Mayer, Laura Murphy, Joelle Disney Scholastic Aliki Aliki Aliki Aliki Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Dahan, Andre' Dahan, Andre' Ginsberg, Leonore Ginsberg, Leonore Ginsberg, Leonore Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane 11178 9759 9760 642853 640774 640775 640776 640777 640778 640779 641228 10368 10369 11262 11174 9751 9752 640601 640602 15894 642423 643198 7768 7769 7770 7771 641843 641844 641845 641846 640092 640094 10762 10823 11294 641061 641062 641063 641064 641065 641066 641990 641991 641992 641993 641994 641528 641529 641530 641531 Cats : Below-Level Gr 1. Cats : Below-Level Gr 1. Cats : Below-Level Gr 1. Chinatown. City. City. City. City. City. City. Dad's Truck. Enormous Turnip : On Level Gr 2. Enormous Turnip : On Level Gr 2. Enormous Turnip : On Level Gr 2. Family Quilt : Below-Level Gr 1. Family Quilt : Below-Level Gr 1. Family Quilt : Below-Level Gr 1. Father. Father. Favorite Days : Rigby Level 9. Favorite Season. First Christmas. Five Senses. Five Senses. Five Senses. Five Senses. Friend Edward Cole. Friend Edward Cole. Friend Edward Cole. Friend Edward Cole. Friend and the Moon. Friend and the Moon. Friend, Boots : Advanced Level Grade 1. Friend, Boots : Advanced Level Grade 1. Friend, Boots : Advanced Level Grade 1. Frisbee. Frisbee. Frisbee. Frisbee. Frisbee. Frisbee. Garden. Garden. Garden. Garden. Garden. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 043911666X 0590275399 0590275399 059067160X LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My My Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Stephens, Stewart Stephens, Stewart Stephens, Stewart Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Greatest wish : Below-Level Gr 4. Greatest wish : Below-Level Gr 4. Greatest wish : Below-Level Gr 4. Hero! : cassette. Hero!/ 6 Copies/ Cassette : Level C/EarlyEmergent/ Emerge… Life in a Picture Book : On-Level Gr 5. Life in a Picture Book : On-Level Gr 5. Life in a Picture Book : On-Level Gr 5. Mom's Taxi[Big Book]. Neighborhood : Social Studies Grade K. Neighborhood : Social Studies Grade K. Pet Project : On-Level Gr 3. Pet Project : On-Level Gr 3. Plant : Rigby Level 7. Prairie Summer. Prairie Summer. Prairie Summer. Prairie Summer. Prairie Summer. Prairie Summer. State. Surprising vacation with Lewis and Clark : Below-Level Gr… Surprising vacation with Lewis and Clark : Below-Level Gr… Surprising vacation with Lewis and Clark : Below-Level Gr… Surprising vacation with Lewis and Clark : Below-Level Gr… Teacher for President[Big Book]. Vacation. Vacation. Vacation. Vacation. Vacation. Vacation. Weather Journal/ 6 Copies : Level J/ Transition/ Fluent. country / written by Cynthia Holzschuher ; illustrated by… dog, Cat / by Marty Crisp ; illustrated by True Kelley. farm / Alison Lester. first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… first American friend / story by Sarunna Jin ; illustrati… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 153 Barcode 641532 641533 641534 641542 9576 9577 9659 65716 Social Studioes EarlyEmergent … 12469 O'Brien, Anne 9482 O'Brien, Anne 9483 O'Brien, Anne 9484 Leon, Richard Jardine 39137 640410 640440 Hershkowitz, Debra 9258 Hershkowitz, Debra 9563 Barrios, Paula 15493 Sarah Glasscock 642265 Sarah Glasscock 642266 Sarah Glasscock 642267 Sarah Glasscock 642268 Sarah Glasscock 642269 Sarah Glasscock 642270 Evan-Moore 3135 Parker, Miles 9296 Parker, Miles 9297 Parker, Miles 9353 Parker, Miles 9354 Winters, Kay 640255 Jan Pritchett 641067 Jan Pritchett 641068 Jan Pritchett 641069 Jan Pritchett 641070 Jan Pritchett 641071 Jan Pritchett 641072 Math Transition Level 12448 Holzschuher, Cynthia. 6285 Crisp, Marty. 15222 Lester, Alison. 65060 Jin, Sarunna. 65071 Jin, Sarunna. 65074 Jin, Sarunna. 65077 Jin, Sarunna. 65080 Jin, Sarunna. 65083 Jin, Sarunna. 65086 Jin, Sarunna. 67081 Jin, Sarunna. 67177 Jin, Sarunna. 67178 Jin, Sarunna. 67179 ISBN LCCN 059570376X 1557345864 0823415376 0395681936 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 0817227857 : : : : : : : : : : : 00039686 93030894 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 90041471 /AC /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title My first Raggedy Ann : Raggedy Ann and Rags / adapted from s… My first book / by Jane Belk Moncure ; illustrated by Kathry… My first business : Lemonade Stand. My first business : Lemonade Stand. My first business : Lemonade Stand. My first business : Lemonade Stand. My first business : Lemonade Stand. My first business : Lemonade Stand. My five senses / by Margaret Miller. My friend : Below-Level Gr 1. My friend : Below-Level Gr 1. My friend : Below-Level Gr 1. My life as a prickly porcupine from Pluto / Bill Myers. My loose tooth / by Stephen Krensky ; illustrated by Hideko … My mama had a dancing heart / by Libba Moore Gray ; illustra… My messy room / by Mary Packard ; illustrated by Stephanie B… My river / by Shari Halpern. My river[Big Book]. My river[Big Book]. My school's a zoo / by Stu Smith ; illustrated by David Catr… My senator and me : a dog's-eye view of Washington, D.C. / E… My visit to the dinosaurs. My wobbly tooth must not ever never fall out / Lauren Child. Mysteries of Nature : Advanced Level Gr 4. Mysteries of Nature : Advanced Level Gr 4. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery Ancestor. Mystery at Marin Marsh : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Mystery in the Wings : CD. Mystery in the cave / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ; … Mystery in the sand / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrated… Mystery in the wings : RL 4 CD 7. Mystery ranch / by Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrated by… Mystic Horse. NASTY, STINKY SNEAKERS. NATE THE GREAT. NATE THE GREAT. NATIONAL GRENDPARENT'S DAY. NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL WEEK. NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK. NATIVE AMERICAN ART FROM THE PUEBLOS. NATIVE AMERICAN FOODS AND RECIPES : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & … NATTY NAT. NESSA'S FISH. NEW YEAR'S DAY. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Moncure, Jane Belk. Brukhardt, Dorothy Brukhardt, Dorothy Brukhardt, Dorothy Brukhardt, Dorothy Brukhardt, Dorothy Brukhardt, Dorothy Miller, Margaret, 1945Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Myers, Bill, 1953Krensky, Stephen. Gray, Libba Moore. Packard, Mary. Halpern, Shari. Halpern, Shari Halpern, Shari Smith, Stu. Kennedy, Edward Moore, 1932Aliki. Child, Lauren. Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Jordan, Denise Carolyn Crimi Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Crimi, Carolyn Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Paul Goble SHARMAT, MARJORIE SHARMAT, MARJORIE WEINMAN GREENFIELD, ELOISE GUTELLE, ANDREW HALSTED, HENRY LEVY, JANEY MOORE, SHARON SOBOL, DONALD J LUENN, NANCY GROH, LYNN Page 154 Barcode ISBN LCCN 67512 643049 13089 13090 13091 13092 13093 13094 67117 11176 9755 9756 66183 643223 65663 643188 643292 5841 640294 66300 642453 642443 640618 11745 11775 66618 66619 66620 66621 66622 66623 66624 8009 65724 641454 640710 9712 641375 642941 641439 13969 14379 14449 14443 14442 14178 14210 14398 13397 13398 0689829779 (hc) 0895652714 : 99032227 84017455 /AC 0671791680 : 93001956 /AC 0849959942 (pbk… 0679888470 0531094707 0590461915 0027419800 0590728148 0590728148 0060285109 (tra… 9780439650779 (… 0690574029 0448442558 (pbk… 2004003155 2002013449 94048802 /AC 92036009 /AC 91033582 /AC 0807554111 (har… 0807553735 95031554 /AC 70165823 /AC 0807553905 58009953 99063978 2005023518 70078255 /AC… 2005033181 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author NOISY NORA. NOW WE ARE SIX. NUMBER THE STARS. NUMBER THE STARS. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Naming the Cat : Soar to succes LV 4. Nancy Drew : The Fake Heir. Nancy Roe Pimm's the heart of the beast : eight great gorill… Narrative Writing. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great Goes Undercover. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case. Nate the Great on the Owl Express / by Marjorie Weinman Shar… Nate the Great saves the King of Sweden / by Marjorie Weinma… National Geographic student atlas of the world. National Parks : cassette. National Parks/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level J/ Transition/Flue… National Parks: America's Best Idea : Rigby Literacy. National Parks: America's Best Idea : Rigby Literacy. National Science Education Standards. Native American Arts and Cultures. Native American Crafts Workshop. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American art from the pueblos / Janey Levy. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. Native American foods and recipes / Sharon Moore. WELLS, ROSEMARY MILINE, A A LOWRY, LOIS LOWRY, LOIS Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Pringle, Laurence Petrucha, Stefan Pimm, Nancy Roe. Felts, Carol Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. National Geographic Society (U… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 155 Barcode 14065 14365 13399 14078 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 642515 643267 11581 13614 13615 13616 13617 13618 13619 1055199 1055201 1055202 1055203 1055206 1055207 1055209 1055210 15276 16437 67498 65708 Social Studies Transition Stag… 12422 Graf, Mike 7978 Graf, Mike 7979 National Research Council 12309 Conners,Mary E 1994 7662 Bernstein,Bonnie 1982 7667 Levy, Janey. 590159 Levy, Janey. 590160 Levy, Janey. 590161 Levy, Janey. 590162 Levy, Janey. 590163 Levy, Janey. 590164 Moore, Sharon, 1969590237 Moore, Sharon, 1969590238 Moore, Sharon, 1969590239 Moore, Sharon, 1969590240 Moore, Sharon, 1969590241 Moore, Sharon, 1969590242 ISBN LCCN 9781581960549 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0440462894 0385730780 0385321201 (alk… 0792271688 (hc.… 2002008264 96014727 /AC 2006628904 0823963918 0823963918 0823963918 0823963918 0823963918 0823963918 0823937275 0823937275 0823937275 0823937275 0823937275 0823937275 2001007014 2001007014 2001007014 2001007014 2001007014 2001007014 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 156 Title Author Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans and the new American government : treaties … Native Americans. Native Americans. Native Americans. Native Americans. Native Americans: Cooperative Learning Activities. Native Americans: Cooperative Learning Activities. Native Americans: Intermediate. Native Americans: Intermediate. Native Americans: Intermediate. Nature's Power. Nature's Power. Nature's Power. Nature's Power. Nature's Power. Nature's Power. Nature's Scales : Rigby Literacy. Nature's Scales : Rigby Literacy. Ned's Noise Machine. Ned's Noise Machine. Ned's Noise Machine. Ned's Noise Machine. Ned's Noise Machine. Ned's Noise Machine. Needle and Thread : Main Street. Neighborhood Band : BL Gr 2. Neighborhood Band : BL Gr 2. Neighborhood Band : BL Gr 2. Neighborhood Friends : Independent Reader Grade K. Neighbors Near and Far : Social Studies Grade K. Neighbors Near and Far : Social Studies Grade K. Neighbors Near and Fear : Social Studies Grade K. Nellie Bly: Making News : On Level Gr 2. Nellie Bly: Making News : On Level Gr 2. Nellie Bly: Making News : On Level Gr 2. Nests. Nests. Nests. Nests. Nests. Nests. Net numbers : a South Carolina number book / written by Caro… Never Babysit the Hippopotamuses. Never Bored On the Farm : BL Gr 2. Never Bored On the Farm : BL Gr 2. Ray, Kurt. 590405 Ray, Kurt. 590406 Ray, Kurt. 590407 Ray, Kurt. 590408 Ray, Kurt. 590409 Ray, Kurt. 590410 Integrated Theme Units 10036885 Severson,Leigh 1991 7677 Miller,Lisa 7688 Social Studies Literature Libr… 13062 Strohl,Mary 641349 Strohl,Mary 7686 Hoven,Leigh 1990 16115 Hoven,Leigh 1990 7684 Hoven,Leigh 1990 7689 Patricia Kummer 642115 Patricia Kummer 642116 Patricia Kummer 642117 Patricia Kummer 642118 Patricia Kummer 642119 Patricia Kummer 642120 Mecozzi, Maureen 8005 Mecozzi, Maureen 8006 Monica Hughes 641055 Monica Hughes 641056 Monica Hughes 641057 Monica Hughes 641058 Monica Hughes 641059 Monica Hughes 641060 Martin, Ann M. 67379 Levine, Jesse 11205 Levine, Jesse 8935 Levine, Jesse 8943 10495 640417 640446 640404 Manners, Jane 10409 Manners, Jane 10410 Manners, Jane 11283 Jo Windsor 65578 Jo Windsor 65579 Jo Windsor 65580 Jo Windsor 65581 Jo Windsor 65582 Jo Windsor 65583 Crane, Carol, 1933641162 Johnson, Doug 30464 Vern, Alex 11210 Vern, Alex 8927 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 0823940357 0823940357 0823940357 0823940357 0823940357 0823940357 0590493086 1585362026 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2002152852 2002152852 2002152852 2002152852 2002152852 2002152852 2005027797 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Never Bored On the Farm : BL Gr 2. Never take a pig to lunch : and other poems about the fun of… New Clues About Dinosaurs : Rigby Level 17. New Problems New Solutions : Social Studies Grade 5. New Problems New Solutions : Social Studies Grade 5. New World, New Neighbors : Scoial Studies Grade 5. New York : My First Pocket Guide. New dinos : the latest finds! the coolest dinosaur discoveri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century Ameri… Next Door Pets : Rigby Level 4. Next Door Friends. Next Door Friends. Next Door Friends. Next Door Friends. Next Door Friends. Night Creatures. Night Visitors : CD. Night Visitors : RL 4 CD 8. Night of the Dinosaurs. Night of the New Magicians / Mary Pope Osborne; illustrated … Night of the New Magicians / Mary Pope Osborne; illustrated … Night of the howling dogs / Graham Salisbury. Nightingale [Video]. Nine for California / by Sonia Levitin ; illustrated by Cat … Nine for California / by Sonia Levitin ; illustrated by Cat … Nine for California / by Sonia Levitin ; illustrated by Cat … No More Jumping on the Bed[Big Book]. No Time Like Snow time. No ball games : Rigby Level 12. No ball games : Rigby Level 12. No laughing, no smiling, no giggling / James Stevenson. No more baths [Video] / written and illustrated by Brock Col… No more baths [Video] / written and illustrated by Brock Col… No need for Words : Infoquest Gr 3. No nuts for me! / written by Aaron Zevy ; illustrated by Sus… No show, Mc Gruff [Video]. No sword fighting in the house / by Susanna Leonard Hill ; i… No talking / Andrew Clements ; illustrations by Mark Elliott… Noises at night / Beth Raisner Glass and Susan Lubner ; illu… Noisy Nora[Big Book]. Nora The Nonapus. North American Indian Design Coloring Book. North American Indians. North American Indians. North of the Rio Grande : Below-Level Gr 4. Vern, Alex Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 157 Barcode 8951 642446 Hartman, Holly 15496 640451 640463 640553 Marsh, Carole 641160 Tanaka, Shelley. 641042 Ray, Kurt. 590411 Ray, Kurt. 590412 Ray, Kurt. 590413 Ray, Kurt. 590414 Ray, Kurt. 590415 Ray, Kurt. 590416 Shipton, Paul 15464 Kathryn Lewis 65270 Kathryn Lewis 65271 Kathryn Lewis 65272 Kathryn Lewis 65273 Kathryn Lewis 65274 Cooper, Wade 67297 Claire Daniel 65727 Daniel, Claire 9713 Stimson, Joan 1990 643131 Osborne, Mary Pope 15554 Osborne, Mary Pope 65048 Salisbury, Graham. 401834 Eagle, Cine Golden 65823 Levitin, Sonia, 1934643520 Levitin, Sonia, 1934643521 Levitin, Sonia, 1934643522 Freeman, Tina (illustrator) 14698 Sixth Grades at St. Mary's pub… 641343 Akass, Susan 15528 Akass, Susan 15529 Stevenson, James, 192911367 Cole, Brock. 642836 Cole, Brock. 642838 Bacon, Frances 8282 Zevy, Aaron. 641252 McGruff 30367 Hill, Susanna Leonard. 401742 Clements, Andrew, 19497000010 Glass, Beth Raisner. 65190 Wells, Rosemary 1004006 Fifth grade students of Estes … 67494 Kennedy,Paul E. 1971 7691 Haslam, Andrew 101411 Haslam, Andrew 101431 Cranis, Brian 9608 ISBN LCCN 0531086844 (lib… 0689851839 0823940365 0823940365 0823940365 0823940365 0823940365 0823940365 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 93011801 /AC 2002009809 2002156105 2002156105 2002156105 2002156105 2002156105 2002156105 0721453457 9780385731225 0531095274 0531095274 0531095274 2007007054 96001958 /AC 96001958 /AC 96001958 /AC 0374318298 0385147147 : 0385147147 : 2003045508 78022790 78022790 9780823419166 (… 9781416909835 (… 9780810957503 (… 0590442767 2005052533 2006031883 2004015455 0590937464 0590937464 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 158 Title Author Barcode North of the Rio Grande : Below-Level Gr 4. North of the Rio Grande : Below-Level Gr 4. Nosy Nina : Advanced Level Grade 3. Nosy Nina : Advanced Level Grade 3. Nothing / Jon Agee. Nothing ever happens on 90th Street / by Roni Schotter ; ill… Now you see it, now you don't : the amazing world of optical… Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Nowhere to call home / Cynthia DeFelice. Number the stars / Lois Lowry. Numbers and Words: A Problem Per Day. Numbers. OLIVIA SAVES THE CIRCUS. ON MARKET STREET. ON THE DAY PETER STUYVESANT SAILED INTO TOWN. ONCE AROUND THE BLOCK. ONCE INSIDE THE LIBRARY. ONE HUNGRY MONSTER. ONE-MINUTE STORIES OF GREAT AMERICANS. OUT CHANGING EARTH. OWL MOON. OX-CART MAN. Ocean Explorers : Infoquest Gr 3. Ocean Habitats [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Life: Tide Pool Creatures. Ocean Science[Big Book]. Of nightingales that weep. Illus. by Haru Wells. Oh Boy, Boston! / Patricia Reilly Giff ; illustrated by Blan… Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh Honestly, Angela! Oh my darling, porcupine : and other silly sing-along songs … Oh my gosh, Mrs. McNosh! / by Sarah Weeks ; pictures by Nadi… Oh, Brother! Someone's Messy! : Disney. Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, John the Rabbit! Cranis, Brian Cranis, Brian Martinucci, Suzanne Martinucci, Suzanne Agee, Jon. Schotter, Roni. Simon, Seymour. DeFelice, Cynthia C. DeFelice, Cynthia C. DeFelice, Cynthia C. DeFelice, Cynthia C. DeFelice, Cynthia C. DeFelice, Cynthia C. Lowry, Lois. Cook,Marcy 1987 Creative Teaching Press FALCONER, IAN ARNOLD, ANITA LOBEL LOBEL, ARNOLD 9609 9642 10711 10712 401854 65664 643302 65667 65668 65669 65670 65671 65672 67187 7597 10037195 14128 14382 13400 14366 13401 14381 13402 641440 14378 14383 8286 5972 642061 642062 642063 642064 642065 642066 65160 642373 643134 1880028 1880030 1880034 1880041 1880042 4069 643279 16436 643132 641685 641686 641687 641688 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM HUFF, BARBARA O'KEEFE, SUSAN LEWIS, SHARI YOLEN, JANE HALL, DONALD Evans, Lynette 100% Educational Videos Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Scholastic Paterson, Katherine. Giff, Patricia Reilly. Robinson, Nancy K. Robinson, Nancy K. Robinson, Nancy K. Robinson, Nancy K. Robinson, Nancy K. Robinson, Nancy K. Weeks, Sarah. Birney, Betty 1992 Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks Merry Banks ISBN 9780786836949 0531095363 0688161529 0374355525 0374355525 0374355525 0374355525 0374355525 0374355525 0440403278 0590996061 0690004850 0440413656 0590423223 0590423223 0590423223 0590423223 0590423223 0590423223 9780689052309 0694012041 0307126900 LCCN 2007025191 96004000 /AC 97049855 98036602 /AC 98036602 /AC 98036602 /AC 98036602 /AC 98036602 /AC 98036602 /AC 2005285144 74008294 /AC 2005020709 2001024396 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 159 Title Author Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, John the Rabbit! Oh, baby! / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by John & Wendy. Oh, rats! : the story of rats and people / Albert Marrin ; i… Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spill! : Soar to Success LV 4. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oil Spills. Oink? / by Margie Palatini ; illustrated by Henry Cole. Old Cricket. Old Friends New Friends : Rigby Level 14. Old MacDonald Had A Farm. Old MacDonald[Big Book]. Old Yeller / Fred Gipson. Old Yeller / Fred Gipson. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson. Drawings by Carl Burger. Old winter / by Judith Benét Richardson ; pictures by R.W. A… Old winter / by Judith Benét Richardson ; pictures by R.W. A… Old winter / by Judith Benét Richardson ; pictures by R.W. A… Olga's Bakery : On-Level Gr 4. Olga's Bakery : On-Level Gr 4. Oliver who would not sleep! / Mara Bergman ; [illustrations … Olivia Kidney and the secret beneath the city / Ellen Potter… Olivia forms a band / by Ian Falconer. On Level Books Collections : Grade 2. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Market Street[Big Book]. On Our Own [Video]. On The Move : Social Studies Grade 1. On The Move : Social Studies Grade 1. Merry Banks 641689 Merry Banks 641690 Merry Banks 641691 Krulik, Nancy E. 641169 Marrin, Albert. 401644 Berger, Melvin 8599 Berger, Melvin 8600 Berger, Melvin 8601 Berger, Melvin 8602 Berger, Melvin 8603 Berger, Melvin 8604 Berger, Melvin 8605 Heather Hammonds 66681 Heather Hammonds 66682 Heather Hammonds 66683 Heather Hammonds 66684 Heather Hammonds 66685 Heather Hammonds 66686 Heather Hammonds 66687 Palatini, Margie. 66398 Lisa Wheeler 642921 Ferrell, Denise 15515 Brown, Rick 7627 Vaccaro,Lou 1002693 Gipson, Fred, 190866517 Gipson, Fred, 190867087 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 13604 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 14738 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 14747 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 14749 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 14750 Gipson, Fred, 1908-1973. 14751 Richardson, Judith Benét, 1941… 643523 Richardson, Judith Benét, 1941… 643524 Richardson, Judith Benét, 1941… 643525 Hanna, Julia 11842 Hanna, Julia 11843 Bergman, Mara. 66384 Potter, Ellen, 19637000028 Falconer, Ian, 1959401598 11103 Lobel, Arnold 1003989 Lobel, Arnold 30062 Lobel, Arnold 30063 Lobel, Arnold 30064 Lobel, Arnold 30065 Lobel, Arnold 30507 Family Films 4776 640511 640514 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 0307246752 (set… 0525474390 (alk… 2002106373 2004024512 9780689862588 (… 2004006089 0663464854 0060935472 (pb) 0060935472 (pb) 0531095339 0531095339 0531095339 9780439928267 (… 9780399247019 (… 9781416924548 0590716972 0590716972 0590716972 0590716972 0590716972 0590716972 00143912 00143912 68001507 68001507 68001507 68001507 68001507 68001507 96000085 /AC 96000085 /AC 96000085 /AC 2006030775 2006034376 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On The Move : Social Studies Grade The Road To Revolution : Social With the Show! With the Show! With the Show! With the Show! With the Show! With the Show! Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Barcode Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel 640523 640542 642229 642230 642231 642232 642233 642234 10935 7430 7436 11665 11666 11667 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 11703 11704 11705 11706 11707 11708 11709 11710 11711 11712 11713 11714 11715 11716 11717 1. Studies Grade 5. Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme… Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme… Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme… Page 160 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel L Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Chase, kate Chase, kate Chase, kate Hewett, Joan. Hewett, Joan. Luisa Laino Luisa Laino Luisa Laino Luisa Laino Luisa Laino Luisa Laino Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark Gr 3 Level 2. Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme … Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme … Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2, Theme … Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2. Theme … Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2. Theme … Your Mark, Teacher's Edition : Grade 3, Level 3-2. Theme … a Hot, Hot Day : Gr 1. a Hot, Hot Day : Gr 1. a Hot, Hot Day[Big Book] : Gr 1. a Hot, Hot Day[Big Book] : Gr 1. a Hot, Hot Day[Big Book] : Gr 1. a Raft : On Level Grade 1. a Raft : On Level Grade 1. a Raft : On Level Grade 1. camera : the story of a child actor / by Joan Hewett ; ph… camera : the story of a child actor / by Joan Hewett ; ph… the Farm. the Farm. the Farm. the Farm. the Farm. the Farm. the List. the List. the List. the List. the Menu. the Menu. the Menu. the Menu. the Ranch : cassette. the Ranch/6 Copies : Transition/Fluent. the Ranch/6 Copies : Transition/Fluent. the Seashore. the Seashore. the Seashore. the Seashore. the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 161 Barcode 11718 11719 11720 11721 11722 11723 11724 11725 11726 14942 14943 10936 7431 7438 10239 10937 7437 10280 10286 11863 11864 11865 10590 10591 11227 643308 67249 641597 641598 641599 641600 641601 641602 7252 7253 7254 7255 7220 7221 7222 7223 65709 Social Studies Transtion Stage 12418 Social Studies Transtion Stage 12433 Windsor, Jo 7022 Windsor, Jo 7023 Windsor, Jo 7024 Windsor, Jo 7025 Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… 65834 Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… 65835 ISBN LCCN 0899194699 (lib… 0899194699 (lib… 87005125 /AC 87005125 /AC 0064400042 (pbk… 0064400042 (pbk… 00265370 00265370 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author On the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… On the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… On the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… On the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… On the banks of Plum Creek / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illus… On the edge : four true stories of extreme outdoor sports ad… On the wild Frontier : BL Gr 2. On the wild Frontier : BL Gr 2. On the wild Frontier : BL Gr 2. On-Grade Level Books collection Grade 2 : LT On-Level Gr 2. On-Grade Level Books collection Grade 2 : LT On-Level Gr 2. On-Grade Level Books collection Grade 2 : LT On-Level Gr 2. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 1. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 3. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. On-Level Books Collection : Grade 5. One Dark and Scary Night. One Day in the Life of Bubble Gum. One Hungry Monster[Big Book]. One Monster Afterr Another. One Peaceful Pond. One Peaceful Pond. One Peaceful Pond. One Peaceful Pond. One Peaceful Pond. One Peaceful Pond. One Piece Missing : Rigby Level 16. One Saturday evening / by Barbara Baker ; pictures by Kate D… One Smart Chick : Rigby Level 11. One for All : CD. One for All : RL 4 CD 1. One grain of rice : a mathematical folktale / Demi. One hundred hungry ants / by Elinor J. Pinczes ; illustrated… One snowy night / M. Christina Butler ; pictures by Tina Mac… One snowy night / M. Christina Butler ; pictures by Tina Mac… One well : the story of water on Earth / written by Rochelle… One winter's day / M. Christina Butler ; illustrated by Tina… One-Eyed Cat. One-Eyed Cat. One-Eyed Cat. One-Eyed Cat. One-Eyed Cat. Only One[Big Book]. Ono the Owl. Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Dugard, Martin. Verowitz, Betty Verowitz, Betty Verowitz, Betty Harcourt Harcourt Harcourt Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 162 Barcode 1867-19… 1867-19… 1867-19… 1867-19… 1867-19… 65836 65837 65838 65839 67001 643202 11198 8920 8957 11113 9227 9228 11112 11325 8970 8971 11114 9217 9218 9210 9211 9212 Cosby, Bill 15250 Fourth Grade Students if Mt. H… 641319 O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer 1004010 Mayer, Mercer 70122 Lisa Kemp 641734 Lisa Kemp 641735 Lisa Kemp 641736 Lisa Kemp 641737 Lisa Kemp 641738 Lisa Kemp 641739 Donaldson, Julia 15505 Baker, Barbara, 1947401798 Shipton, Paul 15904 Evelyn Coleman 65731 Coleman, Evelyn 9706 Demi. 15289 Pinczes, Elinor J. 70001 Butler, M. Christina. 641320 Butler, M. Christina. 66389 Strauss, Rochelle, 1967401748 Butler, M. Christina. 67215 Fox, Paula 14783 Fox, Paula 14784 Fox, Paula 14785 Fox, Paula 14786 Fox, Paula 14787 Marc Harshman 1993 642559 Bowman, Eddie 10880 ISBN LCCN 0064400042 (pbk… 0064400042 (pbk… 0064400042 (pbk… 0064400042 (pbk… 9780060581831 0553483102 00265370 00265370 00265370 00265370 0316633887 88008093 9780525471035 059093998X : 0395631165 : 1561484520 (har… 1561484520 (har… 9781553379546 (… 9781561485321 (… 0440766419 0440766419 0440766419 0440766419 0440766419 0590729403 96007002 /AC 91045415 /AC 2004027642 2004027642 2006003269 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 163 Title Author Barcode Oobleck: What Do Scientists Do? Oral reading Fluency Assessment : Grades 1-6. Oregon Trail Days The Diary of Lucy Bell : On-Level Gr 5. Oregon Trail Days The Diary of Lucy Bell : On-Level Gr 5. Oregon Trail Days The Diary of Lucy Bell : On-Level Gr 5. Oregon Trail, The Migration [Video]. Orphan Train Home : Advanced Level Gr 2. Orphan Train Home : Advanced Level Gr 2. Orphan Train Home : Advanced Level Gr 2. Ostriches : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Ostriches : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Ostriches : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Ostriches : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Our Best Friend : Advanced Level Grade 3. Our Best Friend : Advanced Level Grade 3. Our Changing Planet. Our Christmas Tree Farm. Our Communities : Social Studies / Teachers Guides/ Grade 2. Our Communities : Social Studies Grade 2. Our Communities : Social Studies Grade 2. Our Communities : Social Studies Grade 2. Our Environment. Our Families. Our Families. Our Families. Our Families. Our Families. Our Families. Our Federal Government: The Legislative Branch [Video]. Our Friend, Martin [Video]. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Magazine Article. Our Moon : On-level Gr 3. Our Moon : On-level Gr 3. Our Place in Space. Our School. Our School. Our School. Our School. Our School. Our School. Our Solar System: The Inner Planets [Video]. Our Star The Sun[Big Book]. Our Star, The sun. Our Town. Sneider, Cary I. Farr, Roger C Solins, Mary Solins, Mary Solins, Mary 100% Educational Videos Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Davidson, Avelyn Heine, Mary Alice 12326 9862 10256 10257 9449 30005989 10355 10356 12062 8434 8435 8436 8437 10720 10721 8334 641235 640207 640106 640112 640130 7345 640780 640781 640782 640783 640784 640785 5326 7767 66632 66633 66634 66635 66636 66637 66638 9234 9539 8302 641639 641640 641641 641642 641643 641644 1003639 66987 196 66667 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Sterling, Mary Ellen Sally Young Sally Young Sally Young Sally Young Sally Young Sally Young Rainbow Educational Video CBS Fox Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Bacon, Frances Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Allied Video Corporation Atwater, Mary Atwater, Mary Heather Hammonds ISBN LCCN 0992 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 164 Title Author Barcode Our Town. Our Town. Our Town. Our Town. Our Town. Our Town. Our Vegetable Garden. Our Vegetable Garden. Our Vegetable Garden. Our Vegetable Garden. Our Vegetable Garden. Our Vegetable Garden. Our World of Wonders. Our World of Wonders. Our World of Wonders. Our World of Wonders. Our World of Wonders. Our World of Wonders. Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our friend the sun / written by Janet Palazzo ; illustrated … Our living constitution. Our solar system : Ideas and Activities Across the Curriculu… Our solar system. Our solar system. Our solar system. Out of Sight. Out of Sight. Out of Sight. Out of Sight. Out of Sight. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out of the dust / Karen Hesse. Out to lunch / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by John & Wendy… Outdoor Fun. Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Yanitzia Canetti Palazzo, Janet. Palazzo, Janet. Palazzo, Janet. Palazzo, Janet. Palazzo, Janet. Palazzo, Janet. Aten, Jerry Schaffer, Frank Giant Floor Puzzle Giant Floor Puzzle Giant Floor Puzzle Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Hesse, Karen. Krulik, Nancy E. Cherkerzian, Daine 66668 66669 66670 66671 66672 66673 65542 65543 65544 65545 65546 65547 642109 642110 642111 642112 642113 642114 643601 643602 643603 643604 643605 643606 6630 641330 10038003 10038004 30107 640963 640964 640965 640966 640967 13573 13574 13575 13576 13577 13578 13579 13580 13581 13583 15443 15445 65226 65227 641168 4182 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0893756504 0893756504 0893756504 0893756504 0893756504 0893756504 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0590360809 0448426544 LCCN : : : : : : 81011460 81011460 81011460 81011460 81011460 81011460 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 96040344 /AC 2002102953 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 165 Title Author Barcode ISBN Outside and inside kangaroos / by Sandra Markle. Outside and inside kangaroos / by Sandra Markle. Over In The Meadow[Big Book]. Over in the Meadow[Big Book}[Big Book]. Over in the Meadow[Big Book}[Big Book]. Over in the garden / by Jennifer Ward ; illustrated by Kenne… Over the Bridge. Over the Bridge. Over the Bridge. Over the Bridge. Over the Bridge. Over the Bridge. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overcoming Challenges: The Life of Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Overhead Transparencies for Creative Dramatics. Owen & Mzee : best friends / [told by Isabella Hatkoff, Crai… Owen & Mzee : the language of friendship / told by Isabella … Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl At Home. Owl Moon. Owl Moon. Owl Moon. Owl Moon. Owl's World. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Owlbert : Soar to success LV. Ox, house, stick : the history of our alphabet / Don Robb ; … Ox-Cart Man. Ox-Cart Man. P is for princess : a royal alphabet / written by Steven L. … P.W. Cracker Sees the World. P.W. Cracker Sees the World. P.W. Cracker Sees the World. Markle, Sandra. Markle, Sandra. Wadsworth,Olive A. Carter, David A. Carter, David A. Ward, Jennifer, 1963Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Darwin Walton Darwin Walton Darwin Walton Darwin Walton Darwin Walton Darwin Walton McGlocklin, Cheryl Hatkoff, Isabella. Hatkoff, Isabella. Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Disney Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Harris, Nicholas Robb, Don. Hall, Donald Hall, Donald Layne, Steven L. Linda Yoshizawa Linda Yoshizawa Linda Yoshizawa 65066 67133 30217 1005279 5899 640088 66893 66894 66895 66896 66897 66898 642007 642008 642009 642010 642011 642012 1003891 67175 66817 10037025 1055233 1055234 1055235 1055236 1055237 1055238 1055239 1055240 1055241 1880099 1880101 1880102 1880104 642784 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8528 401802 12805 1001507 66338 642163 642164 642165 0689814569 0689814569 98045354 98045354 0590728091 0590728091 0873587936 2001019772 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0439928729 (boa… 9780439899598 (… 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590098594 0590420445 0590420445 0590420445 0590420445 LCCN CTP 0303 2007279484 2006015612 9781570916090 (… 0590733214 2005006015 9781585363063 (… 2006026874 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 166 Title Author Barcode P.W. Cracker Sees the World. P.W. Cracker Sees the World. P.W. Cracker Sees the World. PADDLE TO THE SEA. PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST. PAPER CANE. PAPER CRANE. PATTERNS IN POETRY. PAUL BUNYAN. PEACE BEGINS WITH YOU. PEDRO'S JOURNAL. PEOPLE. PERFECT PIGS, AN INTRODUCTION TO MANNERS. PETER AND THEWOLF. PETER'S CHAIR. PETUNIA. PIERRE. PIGGIE PIE. PILGRIM FOODS AND RECIPES : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & FILES. PINK AND SAY. PIONEER FAMILIES : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. PIPPI LONG STOCKING. PM Traditional Tales and Plays : Teacher's Guide. POCAHANTAS: THE LIFE OF AN INDIAN PRINCESS. POEMS. POLAR EXPRESS. POLAR THE TITANTIC BEAR. POPPY. POSSUM MAGIC. PREHISTORIC PINKERTON. PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN. PUMPKINS. PUSS IN BOOTS. PYTHON'S PARTY. Paint the wind / Pam Muñoz Ryan. Paints and pintos / by Victor Gentle and Janet Perry. Pair-It Books Proficiency Stage 5 : Teacher's Guide. Pair-It Books Stage 3 and 4 : Teacher's Guide. Pair-It Books Stage 3 and 4 : Teacher's Guide. Palmetto Special [Video] : Gullah Culture. Pancakes : Sails Gr 1. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes, Pancakes![Big Book]. Pancakes. Pancakes. Linda Yoshizawa Linda Yoshizawa Linda Yoshizawa HOLLINGS, HOLLING CLANCY DEPAOLA, TOMMIE 642166 642167 642168 13977 14380 642343 642342 14438 14122 13979 14071 13980 14066 14368 14367 13981 13982 642344 14206 641442 14187 13983 66971 14416 14164 642338 641443 641445 13984 13985 14222 13986 14114 14426 401863 1055430 65677 65678 65679 6745 8175 1003965 1880085 1880086 1880087 1880089 1880093 1880094 640744 640745 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ROZA, GREG SCHOLES, KATHERING CONRAD, PAM SPIER, PETER BROWN, MARC KEATS, EZRA JACK KEATS, EZRA KEATS DUVOISIN, ROGER SENDAK, MAURCIE FLORENCE, SARAH REA, THELMA LINDGREN, ASTRID Mandi Rathbone ADAMS, COLLEEN PRELUTSKY, JACK FOX, MEM KELLOGG, STEVEN TITHERINGTON, JEANNE RAY,MARY LYN WILDSMITH, BRIAN Ryan, Pam Muñoz. Gentle, Victor. DELC Windsor, Jo Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett ISBN 9780439873628 (… 0836821327 (lib… 0590444530 0590444530 0590444530 0590444530 0590444530 0590444530 0590444530 LCCN 2007000854 98014791 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 167 Title Author Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Papa, do you love me? / by Barbara M. Joosse ; illustrated b… Paper Bag Trail. Paper Cutouts 123. Paper Towel Testing, Teachers Guide. Paragraph Writing. Parents Guide : Disney. Parts / Tedd Arnold. Party Ideas With Crafts Kids Can Make. Party Time : Rigby Level 11. Pat the Cat : On Level Grade 1. Pat the Cat : On Level Grade 1. Pat the Cat : On Level Grade 1. Patch / by Kristin Earhart ; illustrated by Lisa Papp. Patrick's Dinosaurs. Patrick's Dinosaurs. Patrick's Dinosaurs. Patrick's Dinosaurs. Patrick's dinosaurs / by Carol Carrick ; pictures by Donald … Patriotic Symbols Activity Book. Patterns All Around : cassette. Patterns All Around/ 6 copies/ Cassette : Leve C/ Early Emer… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form a… Patterns of Change. Paul Bunyan : On Level Gr 2. Paul Bunyan : On Level Gr 2. Paul Bunyan : On Level Gr 2. Paul Bunyan Moves Out : Trophies BL Gr 3. Paul Bunyan Moves Out : Trophies BL Gr 3. Paul Bunyan [Video]. Peak / Roland Smith. Peanuts : Rigby Level 8. Pecos Bill : On-Level Gr 3. Pecos Bill : On-Level Gr 3. Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven … Pecos Bill [Video]. Peculiar Plants. Jan Pritchett 640746 Jan Pritchett 640747 Jan Pritchett 640748 Jan Pritchett 640749 Joosse, Barbara M. 65114 Schreiber, Anne and Doughty, A… 641224 MacGregor, Marilyn 4198 Sneider, Cary I. 12328 Moore, Jo Ellen 11856 Disney 642772 Arnold, Tedd. 641246 Highlights 4134 Pritchett, Jan 15909 Golden, Sarah 10527 Golden, Sarah 10528 Golden, Sarah 11225 Earhart, Kristin. 15286 Carrick, Carol 2247 Carrick, Carol 30006839 Carrick, Carol 30006843 Carrick, Carol 30006844 Carrick, Carol. 643114 Milliken, Linda 6843 65684 Math Early Emergent Stage 12483 Roza, Greg. 590357 Roza, Greg. 590358 Roza, Greg. 590359 Roza, Greg. 590360 Roza, Greg. 590361 Roza, Greg. 590362 Tierney,Cornelia 1998 7574 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 10378 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 10379 Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer 11267 Clark, Destin 8858 Clark, Destin 8894 Rabbit Ears 1003615 Smith, Roland, 195166359 Llewellyn, Claire 15889 Burgan, Michael 9242 Burgan, Michael 9547 Kellogg, Steven. 66833 Kellogg, Steven. 66834 Kellogg, Steven. 66835 Kellogg, Steven. 66836 Kellogg, Steven. 66837 Kellogg, Steven. 66838 Rabbit Ears 1003550 Nancy White 67487 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 9780811842655 (… 0590273736 0803720408 (tra… 9780439722360 (… 0899194028 1404229418 1404229418 1404229418 1404229418 1404229418 1404229418 96028552 /AC 2005008424 83002049 /AC… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 0791200035 9780152024178 0688099246 0688099246 0688099246 0688099246 0688099246 0688099246 2003017344 2004003249 2004003249 2004003249 2004003249 2004003249 2004003249 H0759 2006024325 86000784 86000784 86000784 86000784 86000784 86000784 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 168 Title Author Pedal Power : Rigby Level 11. Pedro's Journal. Pedro's Journal. Pedro's Journal. Pedro's Journal. Pedro's Journal. Pedro's Journal. Peek-a-boo! / by Janet & Allan Ahlberg. Penguin's Big Suprise. Penguins on the Go/6 ciopies/Cassette : Level B/ Early Emerg… Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins through the Year. Penguins[Big Book]. Pennies Count [Video]. People & Places : A Random Hoouse Tell Me About Book. People Long Ago. People Who Help YOu Stay Healthy[Big Book] : Concept Health. People and Places, Gr 2 : Social Studies. People and Places, Gr 2 : Social Studies. People and Places, Gr 2 : Social Studies. People and Places. People and Places. People and Places. People and Places. People and Places. People and Places. People and Places. People at Work : Social Studies Grade 1. People at Work : Social Studies Grade 1. People at Work : Social Studies Grade 1. People at Work : Social Studies Grade 1. Pepe Finds His Home : BL Gr 2. Pepe Finds His Home : BL Gr 2. Pepe Finds His Home : BL Gr 2. Perfect timing : how Isaac Murphy became one of the world's … Persuasive Writing. Pet Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pet Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pet Day : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pet Lizard : On-Level Gr 4. Krueger, Carol 15907 Conrad, Pam 10037883 Conrad, Pam 1880050 Conrad, Pam 1880051 Conrad, Pam 1880057 Conrad, Pam 1880065 Conrad, Pam 1880066 Ahlberg, Janet. 67410 Jenkin-Pearce, Susie 67303 Math Early Emergent Stage 12479 Robin Bernard 642967 Robin Bernard 642968 Robin Bernard 642969 Robin Bernard 642970 Robin Bernard 642971 Robin Bernard 642972 Robin Bernard 642973 Robin Bernard 642974 Robin Bernard 642975 Robin Bernard 642976 Robin Bernard 642977 Robin Bernard 642978 Fleming, Marie 66986 Scholastics 3000453 Butterfield, Moria 67327 Social Studies Literature Libr… 13063 Jones, Anne 7915 Scott Foresman 15866 Scott Foresman 15867 Scott Foresman 15868 Heather Hammonds 66534 Heather Hammonds 66535 Heather Hammonds 66536 Heather Hammonds 66537 Heather Hammonds 66538 Heather Hammonds 66539 Heather Hammonds 66540 640487 640495 640496 640505 Bates, Maria 11204 Bates, Maria 8933 Bates, Maria 8945 Trollinger, Patsi B. 401667 Willett-Smith, Stephanie 11586 Floyd, Pet 10761 Floyd, Pet 10824 Floyd, Pet 11293 Schumacher, Stef 11840 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 0670545988 LCCN 81001925 /AC 059055557X 0813628741 0670060836 (har… 2005033855 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 169 Title Author Barcode Pet Lizard : On-Level Gr 4. Pet dictionary : an A to Z of animal companions. Pet perspective. Peter Pan [Video]. Peter Pan. Peter Pan. Peter Pan. Peter Pan. Peter and the Magic Egg [Video]. Peter's Chair[Big Book]. Peter, Peter, pizza-eater : and other silly rhymes / created… Petunia. Written and illustrated by Roger Duvoisin. Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun : Trophies BL Gr 3. Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun : Trophies BL Gr 3. Phonemic Awareness : Teaching Notes with Home Connection. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 1. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 1. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 1. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 1. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 2. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 2. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 2. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 2. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 3. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 3. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 3. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 5. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 5. Phonics Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 5. Photos Can Fool You! : Rigby Literacy. Photos Can Fool You! : Rigby Literacy. Physical Fitness Games aand Activities Kit. Physical Science Activites for Teachers 4-9. Physical Science Activites for Teachers in Grades 4-9. Physical Science Activities for Teachers in Grades 4-9. Physically Challenged People[Big Book] : Concept Health. Piano Piece : On-Level Gr 3. Piano Piece : On-Level Gr 3. Pick a Pet! : On Level Grade 1. Pick a Pet! : On Level Grade 1. Pick a Pet! : On Level Grade 1. Picnic in the Park: A Play : BL Gr 2. Picnic in the Park: A Play : BL Gr 2. Picnic in the Park: A Play : BL Gr 2. Picture a Kite : Below-Level Gr 1. Picture a Kite : Below-Level Gr 1. Picture a Kite : Below-Level Gr 1. Schumacher, Stef 11841 640318 7927 1003535 1880106 1880107 1880110 1880114 5314 5902 643277 1001416 8850 8901 7116 10845 13937 8994 9015 10045 10046 10047 10949 10186 10187 10918 9157 9158 9159 9081 9082 9083 7997 7998 1003837 6904 6920 6916 7913 9254 9567 10584 10585 11230 11212 8923 8954 11181 9765 9766 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Whiting, Sue Barrie, James Carr, Jan Carr, Jan Carr, Jan Carr, Jan Best Films Keats, Ezra Jack Lansky, Bruce. Duvoisin, Roger, 1900Patterson, Nathan Patterson, Nathan Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Aparicio, Eduardo Aparicio, Eduardo Hotnour, Mary LEAD Teachers 1995 LEAD Teacher 1996 LEAD Teachers 1994 Jones, Anne Martinucci, Suzzanne Martinucci, Suzzanne Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Damon, Mitzie Damon, Mitzie Damon, Mitzie Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane ISBN 9780439754590 (… LCCN 2006494899 CVA182 0590419137 0590419137 0590419137 0590419137 0881664901 0394826175 0136656137 2005007418 72009552 /AC… 89049664 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 170 Title Author Barcode ISBN Pictures from our vacation / Lynne Rae Perkins. Pictures of Hollis Woods / Patricia Reilly Giff. Pig pickin' / by Stephanie Greene ; illustrated by Joe Mathi… Piglet's Night Lights. Pignocchio. Pignocchio. Pignocchio. Pignocchio. Pignocchio. Pignocchio. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs aplenty, pigs galore! / David McPhail. Pigs might fly : a novel / by Dick King-Smith ; drawings by … Pigsty / by Mark Teague. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pilgrim foods and recipes / Sarah Florence. Pink / Nan Gregory ; pictures by Luc Melanson. Pink and Say / Patricia Polacco. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer families / Thelma Rea. Pioneer girl : growing up on the prairie / Andrea Warren. Pioneer girl : growing up on the prairie / Andrea Warren. Pioneer girl : growing up on the prairie / Andrea Warren. Pioneer girl : growing up on the prairie / Andrea Warren. Pioneers. Pip & Squeak / Ian Schoenherr. Pippi Goes on Board. Pippi Goes on Board. Pippi Goes on Board. Pippi Goes on Board. Pippi Goes on Board. Pippi goes on board. Pippi goes on board. Pirate Jake and His Red-Eyed Snake[Big Book]. Pirates : a nonfiction companion to Pirates past noon / by W… Pirates don't change diapers / written by Melinda Long ; ill… Pirates don't change diapers / written by Melinda Long ; ill… Pirates past noon / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by Sa… Perkins, Lynne Rae. Giff, Patricia Reilly. Greene, Stephanie. Disney Donna Alexander Donna Alexander Donna Alexander Donna Alexander Donna Alexander Donna Alexander McPhail, David, 1940McPhail, David, 1940McPhail, David, 1940McPhail, David, 1940McPhail, David, 1940McPhail, David, 1940King-Smith, Dick. Teague, Mark. Florence, Sarah, 1970Florence, Sarah, 1970Florence, Sarah, 1970Florence, Sarah, 1970Florence, Sarah, 1970Florence, Sarah, 1970Gregory, Nan. Polacco, Patricia. Rea, Thelma, 1971Rea, Thelma, 1971Rea, Thelma, 1971Rea, Thelma, 1971Rea, Thelma, 1971Rea, Thelma, 1971Warren, Andrea. Warren, Andrea. Warren, Andrea. Warren, Andrea. Integrated Theme Units Schoenherr, Ian. Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren, Astrid, 1907-2002. Lindgren, Astrid, 1907-2002. Bigelow, Mary Lou Osborne, Will. Long, Melinda. Long, Melinda. Osborne, Mary Pope. 401757 642412 643123 642421 642223 642224 642225 642226 642227 642228 13678 13679 13680 13681 13682 13684 642372 641044 590243 590244 590245 590246 590247 590248 401812 29500 590066 590067 590068 590069 590070 590071 66503 66504 66505 66506 10036903 643118 1880131 1880132 1880136 1880137 1880141 66429 67111 1002674 643052 65140 66390 400320 9780060850975 (… 0385326556 9780761453246 (… 2006049256 2002000426 2005037348 0525450793 : 0525450793 : 0525450793 : 0525450793 : 0525450793 : 0525450793 : 9780140345377 (… 0590459155 : 0823981657 0823981657 0823981657 0823981657 0823981657 0823981657 9780888997814 0399226710 : 0823981436 0823981436 0823981436 0823981436 0823981436 0823981436 0688154387 0688154387 0688154387 0688154387 0590289004 9780060872533 (… 0590411772 0590411772 0590411772 0590411772 0590411772 92027986 92027986 92027986 92027986 92027986 92027986 90032843 93021179 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 93036340 /AC 98004999 98004999 98004999 98004999 /AC /AC /AC /AC 2006005442 57004316 57004316 0829276602 9780375802997 (… 9780152053536 9780152053536 0679824251 (pbk… 00062551 2005021119 2005021119 93002039 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 171 Title Author Barcode ISBN Pirates past noon / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by Sa… Pizza Pokey. Pizza Pokey. Pizza Pokey. Pizza Pokey. Pizza Pokey. Pizza Pokey. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for Everyone. Pizza for the queen / by Nancy Castaldo ; illustrated by Mél… Placement and Diagnoctic Assessments : Teacher's Manuel Gr 2… Placement and Diagnostic Assessments : Teacher's Manuel Grad… Placement and Diagnostice Assessment : Teacher's manuel Gr 1… Plain girl / Virginia Sorensen ; illustrated by Charles Geer… Plain girl / Virginia Sorensen ; illustrated by Charles Geer… Plain girl / Virginia Sorensen ; illustrated by Charles Geer… Plain girl / Virginia Sorensen ; illustrated by Charles Geer… Plan to Get Out Alive [Video]. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth Fact File. Planet Earth. Planet Earth. Planet Earth. Planet Earth. Planet Earth. Planet Earth. Plant-eaters and Meat-eaters[Big Book]. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Planting a rainbow / written and illustrated by Lois Ehlert. Plants That Never Ever Bloom[Big Book]. Plants That Never Ever Bloom[Big Book]. Plants We Eat/Big Book. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Osborne, Mary Pope. Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Jeffrey Stoodt Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Alan Barnes Castaldo, Nancy F. (Nancy Fusc… Farr, Roger C. Farr, Roger Farr, Roger C. Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen, … Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen, … Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen, … Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen, … Fire Safety Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Granowsky, Dr. Alvin Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Ehlert, Lois. Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Pearce, Mary Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue 6957 642734 642735 642736 642737 642738 642739 642650 642651 642652 642653 642654 642655 66341 8975 9861 9859 65898 65899 65900 65901 40094 66625 66626 66627 66628 66629 66630 66631 65638 65639 65640 65641 65642 65643 1004119 13605 13606 13607 13608 13609 13610 13611 13612 1004028 5910 67477 12252 12254 12255 0679824251 (pbk… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 9780823418657 (… 0152624376 0152624376 0152624376 0152624376 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 0152626093 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 93002039 /AC 2004058134 87046190 87046190 87046190 87046190 /AC /AC /AC /AC 87008528 87008528 87008528 87008528 87008528 87008528 87008528 87008528 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 172 Title Author Barcode Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Ocean. Plants of the Rain Forest : Advanced Level Gr 4. Plants of the Rain Forest : Advanced Level Gr 4. Plants. Plants. Plants. Plants. Play Ball! : Below-Level Gr 1. Play Ball! : Below-Level Gr 1. Play Ball! : Below-Level Gr 1. Play Cake : Independent Reader Grade K. Play With Me. Play checkers with me / by Galina Golant & Lisa Grant ; illu… Playing Pirates. Playing to win : the story of Althea Gibson / by Karen Deans… Pledge of Allegiance : History Speaks. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas : the life of an Indian princess / Colleen Adams. Pocahontas and the strangers. Illustrated by Peter Burchard. Pochontas [Video]. Pochontas [Video]. Pocket babies and other marsupials / Sneed B. Collard III. Poetry Patterns. Polar Animals : Face to Face. Polar Animals. Polar Bear Alert [Video] : National Geographic Video. Polar Bear Christmas [Video]. Polar bear, arctic hare : poems of the frozen North / Eileen… Polar bears past bedtime / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrate… Poles Apart : Rigby Level 15. Police Files. Police Files. Police Files. Police Files. Pollution [Video] : Science in Action. Pond & river / written by Steve Parker ; [special photograph… Pond Animals & Plants/ Big Book : Destinations in science. Pony Express to the Rescue : Trophies BL Gr 3. Pony Express to the Rescue : Trophies BL Gr 3. Pooh Look and Find : I Spy. Pooh To The Rescue : walt disney winnie the pooh. Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Intergrated Theme Unit Moore, Jo Ellen Moore, Jo Ellen Cohen, Laura Howard, Eric Howard, Eric Howard, Eric 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 11733 11763 10036883 640726 640728 6887 11163 9726 9727 10470 101553 67515 642430 7000009 640723 590048 590049 590050 590051 590052 590053 16443 5188 5190 401846 12344 67506 67505 642946 30472 66368 66109 15512 7204 7205 7206 7207 6062 67161 67481 8854 8898 643068 67421 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Hall Ets, Marie Golant, Galina, 1968Disney Deans, Karen. Rife, Douglas M. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Collard, Sneed B. Orndorf, Eleanor Morgan, Sally Cooper, Wade National Geographic UAV Corporation Spinelli, Eileen. Osborne, Mary Pope. Warren, Celia Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill 100% Educational Video Parker, Steve. addison-wesley Cook, Cameron Cook, Cameron Moran, Colette walt disney ISBN LCCN 1932133011 (alk… 2002155492 9780823419265 2004052275 0823963853 0823963853 0823963853 0823963853 0823963853 0823963853 0690629036 77139094 /AC 9781581960464 9781590783443 (… 0679983414 (lib… 0394896157 0785341471 2006012623 97015624 /AC 88001575 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 173 Title Author Barcode Poor Panda. Poor Panda. Poor Panda. Poor Panda. Poor Panda. Poor Panda. Poor Pluto! Poor Puppy / by Nick Bruel. Poor Puppy / by Nick Bruel. Poor Richard : On-Level Gr 3. Poor Richard : On-Level Gr 3. Pop the Corn : On Level Grade 1. Pop the Corn : On Level Grade 1. Pop the Corn : On Level Grade 1. Pop-Pop : Independent Reader Grade K. Popcorn Science. Portfolio Assessment for your Whole Language Classroom. Portfolios and Other Assessments. Portraits of Native American Indians, Gr. 4-7. Portraits of ontemporary African Americans. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Potato : Soar to success LV 4. Power-Packed Plants : Infoquest Gr 3. Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Practice Book : Copying Masters Gr 4. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Copying masters. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Levels 2.1 and 2.2 Teacher's Edition. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Teresa Heapy Teresa Heapy Teresa Heapy Teresa Heapy Teresa Heapy Teresa Heapy Third Grade Students Bruel, Nick. Bruel, Nick. Schumacher, Stef Schumacher, Stef Appelbaum, Ellen Appelbaum, Ellen Appelbaum, Ellen Glinos, George Natalie Lunis Jasmine, Julia Jasmine, Jilia Mateo, Mary Ann Metcalf, Doris Hunter Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Lied, Kate Davidson, Avelyn 641016 641017 641018 641019 641020 641021 67300 66498 66499 9251 9554 10586 10587 11229 10419 67283 1003868 1003867 30059 6573 8648 8649 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8338 9134 9135 9136 10029 10030 10031 10219 10220 10942 10943 10032 10033 10034 10217 10218 10944 10945 9140 9141 9142 9071 9072 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 9781596432703 (… 9781596432703 (… 1557341451 155734504X LCCN 2006032191 2006032191 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 5. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Teacher's Edition Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 1 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Book : Vol 2 Gr 1. Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books level 3.1 and 3.2 : Teacher's Edition Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Practice Books, Levels 3.1 and 3.2 : Copying Masters Gr Prairie Dog Town : On-Level Gr 4. Prairie Dog Town : On-Level Gr 4. Prairie Neighbors : Advanced Level Gr 4. Prairie Neighbors : Advanced Level Gr 4. Prairie dogs-social animals : MainSails. Prairie dogs-social animals : MainSails. Prairie dogs-social animals : MainSails. Prairie fire : On-Level Gr 5. Prairie fire : On-Level Gr 5. Prairie fire : On-Level Gr 5. Prancer [Video]. Preferred Vehicles[Big Book]. President Abraham Lincoln [video]. Presidents : Understanding America's Presidents Through Presidents [Video]. Primarly Creativity. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. O'Brien, Anne O'Brien, Anne Forman, Lillian Forman, Lillian Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo McCloskey, Susan McCloskey, Susan McCloskey, Susan Taylor, Greg Jacobs, Leland B. Rese… Aten, Jerry Mpi Home Video Leimbach, Judy Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Page 174 Barcode 9073 10837 13925 8989 9020 10838 13927 8988 9021 10840 13915 8987 9022 10839 13926 8990 9019 10175 10176 10224 10225 10912 10968 10173 10174 10226 10227 10913 10969 11814 11815 11735 11765 7941 7964 7965 9501 9502 9503 1003532 1004078 67450 6358 30006499 30570 15555 15556 15557 15558 15559 ISBN LCCN 1558475133 0590724770 7780 0768224586 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 175 Author Barcode Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott 15560 15561 15562 15563 15564 15565 15566 15567 15568 15569 15570 15571 15572 15573 15574 15575 15576 15577 15578 15579 15580 15581 15582 15583 15584 15585 15586 15587 15588 15589 15590 15591 15592 15593 15594 15595 15596 15597 15598 15599 15600 15601 15602 15603 15604 15605 15606 15607 15608 15609 Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 176 Author Barcode Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott 15610 15611 15612 15613 15614 15615 15616 15617 15618 15619 15620 15621 15622 15623 15624 15625 15626 15627 15628 15629 15630 15631 15632 15633 15634 15635 15636 15637 15638 15639 15640 15641 15642 15643 15644 15645 15646 15647 15648 15649 15650 15651 15652 15653 15654 15655 15656 15657 15658 15659 Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 177 Title Author Barcode Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Atlas : Social Studies. Primary Citizenship lessons 1-7 [Video] : American Veterans. Primary Comprehension Art Projects Bulletin Boards. Primary sources of life in the new American Nation / Yolonda… Princess Academy / Shannon Hale. Princess Lulu goes to camp / by Kathryn Cristaldi ; illustra… Princess for a day / by Maryann Cocca-Leffler. Print Artist Gold [computer disc] [4.0]. Problem Solving And Measurement. Problem Solving and Measurement. Problem Solving and Measurement. Problem solving [Video] : Meet the Mentor. Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman DELC Dellosa, Janet Maxwell, Yolonda. Hale, Shannon. Cristaldi, Kathryn. Cocca-Leffler, Maryann, 1958- 15660 15661 15662 15663 15664 15665 15666 15667 15668 15669 15670 15671 15672 15673 15674 15675 15676 15677 15678 15679 15680 15681 15682 15683 15684 15685 15686 15687 15688 15689 15690 15691 15692 15693 15694 15695 15696 15697 15698 6861 1003796 590441 66221 29075 29072 5521 10037338 10037340 10037337 30005700 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Aammer, Gail Aammer, Gail Aammer, Gail Gallman, Lilly ISBN LCCN 0887241646 9780823946020 (… 9781582349930 0448411253 (pb) 0448416050 (GB) 62670634 CD-0105 2004065958 96030742 /AC 98011365 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Problem-Solving Science Investigations. Problems with Pete the Pencil and Eddie the Eraser / written… Process That Change the Earth [Video} : Harcourt Science Gra… Processes of Living Things [Video] : Harcourt Science Grade … Producers in the food chain / Alice B. McGinty ; photography… Professor Wormbog in search for the zipperump-a-zoo / by Mer… Proof positive / Peter Lerangis. Pumpkin Cirlce [Video] : The story of A Garden. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin Pumpkin[Big Book]. Pumpkin eye / Denise Fleming. Pumpkins in Fall : cassette. Pumpkins in Fall/6 Copies/Cassette : Level H/Transition/Flue… Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Punished! / by David Lubar. Puppets & Costumes - The Learning Activity Books. Pursuit / Elizabeth Hand. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puss in Boots. Puzzle Planet : Usborne Young Puzzle Books. Q IS FOR DUCK. QUICK AS A CRICKET. Carratello, John Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 178 Barcode 12334 66287 Harcourt 65824 Harcourt 642947 McGinty, Alice B. 500089 Mayer, Mercer, 194370129 Lerangis, Peter. 643216 Levenson, George 6070 Titherington, Jeanne 1004029 Titherington, Jeanne 1004055 Titherington, Jeanne 12647 Titherington, Jeanne 12648 Titherington, Jeanne 12650 Titherington, Jeanne 12651 Titherington, Jeanne 12652 Titherington, Jeanne 13035 Titherington, Jeanne 16103 Titherington, Jeanne 1880273 Titherington, Jeanne 1880274 Titherington, Jeanne 1880275 Titherington, Jeanne 1880276 Titherington, Jeanne 1880278 Titherington, Jeanne 640223 Titherington, Jeanne 641203 Fleming, Denise, 1950642550 65687 Social Studies Transition Stag… 12462 Natalie Whitney 641651 Natalie Whitney 641652 Natalie Whitney 641653 Natalie Whitney 641654 Natalie Whitney 641655 Natalie Whitney 641656 Natalie Whitney 641657 Lubar, David. 401588 Martin, Sidney 1003742 Hand, Elizabeth. 65795 Saunders, Susan 1880279 Saunders, Susan 1880280 Saunders, Susan 1880281 Saunders, Susan 1880282 Saunders, Susan 1880283 Saunders, Susan 1880284 Saunders, Susan 1880285 Saunders, Susan 1880286 Saunders, Susan 1880287 Saunders, Susan 1880288 Leigh, Susannah 640725 ELTING, MARY 13987 WOOD,AUDRY 13971 ISBN LCCN <None> 2007270223 0823957527 (lib… 0307657965 0439507278 (pbk… 00012332 76006734 /AC 2005275974 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0590427713 0805066810 (hc … 9781581960426 0912107456 9780439339339 (… 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 0590418882 00044850 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 179 Title Author Barcode Queen for a Day : Queen of Elwood City. Queenie Peavy / Illustrated by Jerry Lazare. Queenie Peavy / Illustrated by Jerry Lazare. Queenie Peavy / Illustrated by Jerry Lazare. Queenie Peavy / Illustrated by Jerry Lazare. Queenie Peavy / Illustrated by Jerry Lazare. Quest for the tree kangaroo : an expedition to the cloud for… Quick Poetry Activities You Can Really Do! Quick and Fun Writing Activities. Quiet, Backstage! : On-Level Gr 5. Quiet, Backstage! : On-Level Gr 5. Quiet, Backstage! : On-Level Gr 5. R-T, Margaret, and the Rats of Nimh. RABBITS, RABBITS. RAINBOW FAMILY ACTIVITY. RAINBOW FISH. RAMONA AND HER FATHER. RAMONA THE PEST. RANDOM HOUSE BOOK OF POETRY. READING MAP : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS& MATERIALS. REFUSE TO USE. REM world / Rodman Philbrick. ROMONA AND HER MOTHER. ROOSTER'S OFF TO SEE THE WORLD. ROSIE'S WALK. ROSIE'S WALK. ROXABOXEN. RUNAWAY SLAVE THE STORY OF HARRIET TUBMAN. Rabbiit's Ear. Rabbit's Real Birthday : Rigby Level 15. Rabbit's gift : a fable from China / told by George Shannon … Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Raccoon and Lizard Take a Hike. Race to the sea / by Michele Spirn ; illustrated by the Thom… Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Radio Man. Rafi and Rosi : Carnival! / Lulu Delacre. Rain Cloud Island. Rain Cloud Island. Rain Cloud Island. Brown, Marc Burch, Robert, 1925Burch, Robert, 1925Burch, Robert, 1925Burch, Robert, 1925Burch, Robert, 1925Montgomery, Sy. Sweeney, Jacqueline Lee, Martin McGovern, Kate McGovern, Kate McGovern, Kate Conly, Jane Leslie FISHER, AILEEN 67258 15923 15931 15932 15933 15934 642979 12345 11478 9485 9486 9487 16448 14369 642324 642325 14115 14376 14216 14193 14434 15227 641446 14370 13989 642330 642331 13990 642792 15511 66383 65296 65297 65298 65299 65300 65301 640369 641785 641786 641787 641788 641789 641790 641791 641792 401574 66005 66006 66007 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM CLEARY, BEVERLY CLEARY, BEVERLY PRELUTSKY, JACK ROZA, GREG MACGREGOR, CYNTHIA Philbrick, W. R. (W. Rodman) CARLE, ERNIC HUTCHINS, PAT MCGOVERN, ANN Disney Jarman, Julie Shannon, George. Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Spirn, Michele. Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Arthur Dorros Delacre, Lulu. Veronica Ellis Veronica Ellis Veronica Ellis ISBN 9780618496419 (… LCCN 2005034849 0060213647 89019968 0439083621 : 99054843 9780152060732 2006004789 0689840659 (pbk… 00111805 9780060735975 (… 2005002675 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 180 Title Author Barcode Rain Cloud Island. Rain Cloud Island. Rain Forest : King Fisher Voyages. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventure. Rain Forest Adventures. Rain Forest Plants : Advanced Level Gr 2. Rain Forest Plants : Advanced Level Gr 2. Rain Forest Plants : Advanced Level Gr 2. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Ride. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest Secrets. Rain Forest [Video] : National Geographic. Rain Forest. Rain Forest[Big Book]. Rain forest / Helen Cowcher. Rain forest / Helen Cowcher. Rain forest / Helen Cowcher. Rain forest / [written and edited by Elinor Greenwood]. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest / by Anne Miranda. Rain forest secrets / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorr… Rain forest secrets / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorr… Rain forest secrets / written and illustrated by Arthur Dorr… Rain, Rain, Come Again. Rainbow Colors. Rainbows : Rigby Level 11. Raindrops. Veronica Ellis Veronica Ellis Johnson, Jinny Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Jordano, Kimberly Luudberg, Linda Luudberg, Linda Luudberg, Linda Julia Andrews Julia Andrews Julia Andrews Julia Andrews Julia Andrews Julia Andrews Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Dorros, Authur Hughes, David Integrated Theme Units Cowcher, Helen Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Cowcher, Helen. Greenwood, Elinor. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Miranda, Anne. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Dorros, Arthur. Disney Disney Krueger, Carol Gay, Sandy 66008 66009 67262 642710 642711 642712 642713 642714 642715 14968 10318 10319 12050 66991 66992 66994 66999 67002 67003 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 642949 10036889 1004054 66203 66204 66205 67358 65494 65495 65496 65497 65498 65499 65741 16446 5593 65094 642794 642429 15906 643213 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 059048916X 0374461902 0374461902 0374461902 0789478536 0439350956 0439350956 0439350956 0439350956 0439350956 0439350956 0439350956 0590433695 (lib… 0590433695 (lib… 0590433695 (lib… 0590273701 LCCN 88045178 88045178 88045178 2001028426 2003267984 2003267984 2003267984 2003267984 2003267984 2003267984 2003267984 89049069 /AC 89049069 /AC 89049069 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 181 Title Author Barcode ISBN Raindrops. Rainforest Animals / Wilkes, Angela. Rainforest Wildlife : Usborne World Wildlife. Rainstorm / Barbara Lehman. Rainy Day Pals : Below-Level Gr 1. Rainy Day Pals : Below-Level Gr 1. Rainy Day Pals : Below-Level Gr 1. Rainy Day Pictures : BL Gr 2. Rainy Day Pictures : BL Gr 2. Rainy Day Pictures : BL Gr 2. Rainy day! / Patricia Lakin ; pictures by Scott Nash. Raising Dragons. Raleigh's page / by Alan Armstrong ; illustrated by Tim Jess… Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan … Ramona Quimby, age 8 / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Tracy… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan… Ramona the pest / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Tracy Dock… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Ramona the pest / by Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Louis D… Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Gay, Sandy Wilkes, Angela Cunnington, Antonia Lehman, Barbara. Cruise, Robin Cruise, Robin Cruise, Robin Catherine, Dana Catherine, Dana Catherine, Dana Lakin, Patricia, 1944Jerdine Nolen Armstrong, Alan W., 1939Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice Chardiet, Bernice North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906- 643214 642536 67263 401752 11187 9778 9779 11209 8934 8944 401743 642864 401829 643344 643345 643346 643347 643348 643349 65535 66434 65015 65016 65017 65018 65019 65020 66514 643431 643432 643433 643434 643435 643436 643437 643441 65532 1880218 1880219 1880221 1880222 1880223 1880224 1880225 1880226 1880228 14793 14800 14804 14807 0590273701 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 9780618756391 (… 2006049318 9780803730922 (… 2005025367 9780375933196 (… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 1557360006 (lg.… 9780688004774(h… 1557360766 (lg.… 1557360766 (lg.… 1557360766 (lg.… 1557360766 (lg.… 1557360766 (lg.… 1557360766 (lg.… 9780688217211 (… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 1557361584 (lg.… 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0590422812 0525188398 0525188398 0525188398 0525188398 2006008434 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 86032176 /AC 2005938682 87031923 /AC 87031923 /AC 87031923 /AC 87031923 /AC 87031923 /AC 87031923 /AC 2005938677 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 89028403 /AC 84010292 84010292 84010292 84010292 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 182 Title Author Barcode ISBN Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal / by Sterling North ; illustrated by John Schoenherr. Rascal : Rigby Level 10. Reach out and give / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Mered… Read On: Cover to Cover [Video]. Read anything good lately? / by Susan Allen and Jane Lindama… Read! Write! Publish! Read-Alound anthology : Grade 2. Read-Alound anthology : Grade 2. Read-Alound anthology : Grade 2. Readiing and Language Skills Assessment : Teacher's Guide/Co… Readiing and Language Skills Assessment : Teacher's Guide/Co… Readiing and Language Skills Assessment : Teacher's Guide/Co… Reading And Learning To Read. Reading Blaster Jr. [computer disc]. Reading Comprehension Grade 5. Reading Comprehesion: Grade 4. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide VL 3. Reading Intervention Program : Poster LV 3-8 LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Posters LV 3-8. Reading Intervention Program : Staff Development Video LV 3. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 5. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Student Guide LV 7. Reading Intervention Program : Teacher's Manual LV 3. Reading Intervention Program : Teacher's Manuel LV 5. Reading Invention Program : Teacher's Manuel LV 4. Reading Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Reading Maps and Globes : Social Studies Grade 1. Reading Maps: Exploring and Interpreting. North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906North, Sterling, 1906-1974. Strachan, Linda Meiners, Cheri J., 1957DELC Allen, Susan, 1951Fairfax, Barbara 14812 14813 14818 14819 67095 15919 643284 3977 67225 12338 11857 11858 11859 9115 9116 9117 10037369 500014 7807 7793 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9048 9037 9050 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9049 9028 9039 640528 640534 7671 0525188398 0525188398 0525188398 0525188398 0142402524 84010292 /AC… 84010292 /AC… 84010292 /AC… 84010292 /AC… 2004276659 9781575422046 2005033709 0761323228 (lib… 2002008159 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Vacca,Jo Anne L. Chirinian,Helene 1996 Higdon,Pamela 1996 Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Soar to Success Moore,George 1996 0784909717 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Author Rainbouw 62,63,64,65 [Video}. Rainbow 29-32 [Video]. Rainbow 102-105 [Video]. Rainbow 106-109 [Video]. Rainbow 109-112 [Video]. Rainbow 109-112 [Video]. Rainbow 116-119 [Video]. Rainbow 120-123 [Video]. Rainbow 124-128 [Video]. Rainbow 129-132 [Video]. Rainbow 13-16 [Video]. Rainbow 132-135 [Video]. Rainbow 136-139 [Video]. Rainbow 140-141 [Video]. Rainbow 15-18 [Video]. Rainbow 21-24 [Video]. Rainbow 21-24 [Video]. Rainbow 25,36,37,38 [Video]. Rainbow 25-28 [Video]. Rainbow 33-36. Rainbow 37-40 [Video]. Rainbow 41-44 [Video]. Rainbow 45-48 [Video]. Rainbow 45-48 [Video]. Rainbow 49-52 [Video]. Rainbow 5-8 [Video]. Rainbow 50-53 [Video]. Rainbow 53-56 [Video]. Rainbow 54-57 [Video]. Rainbow 58-61 [Video]. Rainbow 62-65 [Video]. Rainbow 66-69 [Video]. Rainbow 70-73 [Video]. Rainbow 71-74 [Video]. Rainbow 74-77 [Video]. Rainbow 75-78 [Video]. Rainbow 77-80 [Video]. Rainbow 78-81 [Video]. Rainbow 82-85 [Video] : lesson 82-85. Rainbow 85-88 [Video] : lessons 85-88. Rainbow 9-12 [Video]. Rainbow 90-93 [Video]. Rainbow 94-97 [Video]. Rainbow 94-97 [Video]. Rainbow 98-101 [Video]. Rainbow Video 1-4. Rainbow Video 17-20. RainbowLessons 131, 132, 134, 135. Signs : cassette. Signs/6 Copies : Level C/ Early Emergent/ Emergent. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Reading Rainbow Reading Rainbow 11 Reading Rainbow 39 Reading Rainbow 40 Reading Rainbow 42 Reading Rainbow 42 Reading Rainbow 44 Reading Rainbow 45 Reading Rainbow 46 Reading Rainbow 47 Reading Rainbow 5 Reading Rainbow 48 Reading Rainbow 49 Reading Rainbow 50 Reading Rainbow 6 Reading Rainbow 8 Reading Rainbow 9 Reading Rainbow 51 Reading Rainbow 10 Reasding Rainbow 12 Reading Rainbow 13 Reading Rainbow 14 Reading Rainbow 16 Reading Rainbow 15 Reading Rainbow 17 Reading Rainbow 2 Reading Rainbow 18 Reading Rainbow 19 Reading Rainbow 20 Reading Rainbow 21 Reading Rainbow 23 Reading Rainbow 25 Reading Rainbow 26 Reading Rainbow 27 Reading Rainbow 29 Reading Rainbow 28 Reading Rainbow 30 Reading Rainbow 31 Reading Rainbow 32 Reading Rainbow 33 Reading Rainbow 4 Reading Rainbow 35 Reading Rainbow 36/37 Reading Rainbow 36/37 Reading Rainbow 38 Reading Rainbow 1 Reading Rainbow 17-20 Page 183 Barcode 65769 707 14004493 1633 14004494 2231 14004496 2591 2593 2595 514 2663 2664 2666 30006763 705 30006764 30006765 706 871 872 873 874 30006761 875 512 30006771 876 30006772 30006773 1636 2219 2229 30006777 1655 30006778 30006779 2230 2221 14004491 513 1637 14004409 2212 14004500 6345 6346 67449 65712 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12470 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 184 Title Author Barcode ISBN Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading a map / Greg Roza. Reading-Writing Workshop: Getting Started. Ready, Set, Sleep : On Level Grade 1. Ready, Set, Sleep : On Level Grade 1. Ready, Set, Sleep : On Level Grade 1. Real Life Helicopters For Kids [Video] : Hard Hat Harry's. Really Wild Animals [Video] : Adventures in Asia. Really Wild Animals [Video] : Totally Tropical Rain Forest. Really big dinosaurs and other giants / by Monica Hughes. Rebecca's Story: An Ellis Isand Adventure : Trophies BL Gr 3… Rebecca's Story: An Ellis Isand Adventure : Trophies BL Gr 3… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Rechenka's eggs / written and illustrated by Patricia Polacc… Recipe[Big Book]. Recyclopedia : games, science equipment, and crafts from rec… Red leaf, yellow leaf / Lois Ehlert. Red, red, red / Valeri Gorbachev. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Refuse to use / Cynthia MacGregor. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Regina's Glasses. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's Journey. Rehema's journey : a visit in Tanzania / by Barbara A. Margo… Remembering Our Past : Social Studies Grade 2. Remembering Our Past : Social Studies Grade 2. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Roza, Greg. Jackson, Norma R. Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Harry's National Geographic Kids Video National Geographic Hughes, Monica. Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Polacco, Patricia. Scholastic Simons, Robin Ehlert, Lois. Gorbachev, Valeri. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. MacGregor, Cynthia. Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margaret Clyne Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara Margolies, Barbara A., 1939- 590102 590103 590104 590105 590106 590107 11582 10531 10532 11244 65915 10037942 642951 65810 8847 8902 66705 66706 66707 66708 66709 66710 1004086 6628 1004092 66808 590315 590316 590317 590318 590319 590320 641512 641513 641514 641515 641516 641517 641518 12214 12215 12216 12882 12883 12884 12885 12887 67067 640138 640150 0823982106 0823982106 0823982106 0823982106 0823982106 0823982106 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 9781597165433 (… 0399215018 0399215018 0399215018 0399215018 0399215018 0399215018 059072472X (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 0152661972 : 9780399246289 0823982408 0823982408 0823982408 0823982408 0823982408 0823982408 0590428462 2007017959 87016588 87016588 87016588 87016588 87016588 87016588 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 90021195 /AC 2006014265 89048034 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 185 Title Author Remembering Our Past : Social Studies Grade 2. Replay : a new book / by Sharon Creech. Reptile World : Usborne Mysteries & Marvels. Reptiles / Joyce Pope ; illustrated by Gary Hincks, Alan Mal… Reptiles and Amphibians [Video]. Reptiles and Amphibians coloring Book. Reptiles, The World of - Shamu and You [Video]. Rescue at Fox Creek : On-Level Gr 5. Rescue at Fox Creek : On-Level Gr 5. Rescue at Fox Creek : On-Level Gr 5. Respect and take care of things / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustr… Restless Earth [Video]. Return to Ithaca / by Mary Pope Osborne ; with artwork by Tr… Revolution is not a dinner party : a novel / Ying Chang Comp… Richard Scarry's Watch your step, Mr. Rabbit! Richard Scarry's best times ever : a book about seasons and … Rick is Sick : Advanced Level Grade 1. Rick is Sick : Advanced Level Grade 1. Rick is Sick : Advanced Level Grade 1. Rico Roadrunner. Riddle Math, Grades 4-8. Ride the Wild River : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Ride the Wild River : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Rigby Infoquest : Teacher's Resource Gr 4. Rigby Infor Quest : Teacher's Resource Gr 3. Rigby Literacy Grade 1 : Teacher's Guide. Rigby Literacy Grade 2 : Teacher's Guide. Rigby Literacy Kindergarten : Teacher's Guide. Rigoletto [Video]. Rimshots. Ring of Fire : Trophies BL Gr 3. Ring of Fire : Trophies BL Gr 3. Rip-roaring Russell / Johanna Hurwitz ; illustrated by Lilli… Ripley's Believe It or Not! : Special Edition 2008. Ripley's Believe It or Not! : Special Edition 2007. Rivers of Dance : On-Level Gr 5. Rivers of Dance : On-Level Gr 5. Rivers of Dance : On-Level Gr 5. Roaring '20s : 5th Grade SS/SC / Kids Discover. Roasted peanuts / [written and illustrated by] Tim Egan. Robert Frost : Poetry for Young People. Robert's Rules : Adanced Level Grade 3. Robert's Rules : Adanced Level Grade 3. Roberto's dream : On-Level Gr 3. Roberto's dream : On-Level Gr 3. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. 640156 Creech, Sharon. 66360 Spellerberg, Ian 643312 Pope, Joyce. 643075 National Geographic Society 19… 1003636 Quirk, Thomas 10037 Sea World 1003642 Fear, Sharon 9508 Fear, Sharon 9509 Fear, Sharon 9510 Meiners, Cheri J., 1957643285 Films Incorporated 30070 Osborne, Mary Pope. 65088 Compestine, Ying Chang. 401849 Scarry, Richard. 643224 Scarry, Richard. 641342 McPhail, David 10758 McPhail, David 10828 McPhail, David 11290 Bowman, Eddie 640737 Opie, Brenda 30002 Gave, Marc 8026 Gave, Marc 8042 Morrison, Ian 7822 10230 65675 65674 65673 Feature Films for Families 3397 Charles R. Smith, Jr. 642934 Martinson, Sonia 8865 Martinson, Sonia 8887 Hurwitz, Johanna. 15228 Ripleys Entertainment 67386 Packard 2006 65150 Irving, Judith 9475 Irving, Judith 9476 Irving, Judith 9477 67270 Egan, Tim. 401619 Schmidt, Gary 66691 Miranda, Anne 10728 Miranda, Anne 10729 Motil, Rebecca 9253 Motil, Rebecca 9556 Defoe, Daniel 7565 Daniel Defoe 7560 Daniel Defoe 7561 Daniel Defoe 7563 Daniel Defoe 7564 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 9780060540197 (… 0590621599 0531170144 (lib… 155529703X LCCN 2004028240 85080645 /AC SV 9345 1575421607 (pbk… 2004003184 0786807741 9780805082074 (… 0679886508 (tra… 0307119130 (pbk… 2003060355 2006035465 96047712 /AC 87081758 /AC 1931281033 0688023479 83001019 /AC 0439825989 9780618337187 (… 2005004950 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 186 Title Author Barcode Robinson Crusoe. Robots Rush : Advanced Level Grade 1. Robots Rush : Advanced Level Grade 1. Robots Rush : Advanced Level Grade 1. Rock Hounds : Advanced Level Grade 3. Rock Hounds : Advanced Level Grade 3. Rock Hunters. Rock soup : Below-Level Gr 1. Rock soup : Below-Level Gr 1. Rock soup : Below-Level Gr 1. Rockets and Satellites : Social Studies Grade 5. Rockets and Satellites : Social Studies Grade 5. Rocks & Minerals [Video] : Science In Action. Rocks and Minerals. Rollcoaster Science : Rigby Level 14. Rollercoaster : Rogby Level 16. Rolling in th Aisles : a collection of laugh out loud poems. Rolling in the aisles : a collection of laugh-out-loud poems… Room one : a mystery or two / Andrew Clements ; illustration… Rooster's off to see the world / Eric Carle. Rosa / Nikki Giovanni ; illustrated by Bryan Collier. Rosa / Nikki Giovanni ; illustrated by Bryan Collier. Rosie's Walk. Rosie's walk[Big Book]. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story : Soar to success LV 4. Rosy Cole's memoir explosion : a heartbreaking story about l… Rounders : Advanced Level Gr 4. Rounders : Advanced Level Gr 4. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Ruby Bridges [Video] : A Real American Hero. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer [Video]. Rudolph to the rescue / by Robert L. May ; illustrated by Li… Rufus the scrub does not wear a tutu / by Jamie McEwan ; ill… Rules / Cynthia Lord. Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Rules Make Life Work : SOcial Studies Grade K. Daniel Defoe Kleinhenz, Meltzer Sydnie Kleinhenz, Meltzer Sydnie Kleinhenz, Meltzer Sydnie Lawson, Barbara Lawson, Barbara Davidson, Avelyn Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy 7568 10778 10809 11311 10675 10676 8290 11177 9757 9758 640448 640461 65914 10036905 15514 15504 643050 641040 401634 1004037 642451 65041 1880200 10037088 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 401591 11758 11789 66660 66661 66662 66663 66664 66665 66666 6040 30005967 66411 401761 66356 640399 640434 640430 640418 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Integrated Theme Units Rains, Andrea Dhami, Narinder Lansky, Bruce Clements, Andrew, 1949Carle, Eric. Giovanni, Nikki. Giovanni, Nikki. Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Greenwald, Sheila. Livorse, Kay Livorse, Kay Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Disney Aschner, Michael May, Robert Lewis, 1905McEwan, James. Lord, Cynthia. ISBN LCCN 0590289047 0881664731 9780689866869 0887080421 9780805071061 (… 9780805071061 (… 9590412396 2004005295 2006004303 86025509 /AC… 2005002160 2005002160 9780374363475 (… 2004053260 044844142X (pbk… 9781581960600 9780439443821 (… 2006007004 2005017519 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Rules Make Life Work : Social Studies Grade K. Rules Make Life Work : Social Studies Grade K. Rumpelstiltskin's daughter / Diane Stanley. Rumpelstiltskin's daughter / Diane Stanley. Rumpelstiltskin's daughter / Diane Stanley. Rumpelstiltskin's daughter / Diane Stanley. Run Away Home : and be free. Run Away Home : and be free. Run Away Home : and be free. Run Away Home : and be free. Run Away Home : and be free. Run Away Home : and be free. Runaway Ralph [Video]. Running out of time / Margaret Peterson Haddix. Rupert's Ice Cream Shop : Sails Gr 1. Ruth Heller's how to hide a crocodile & other reptiles. Ryan and Jimmy : and the well in Africa that brought them to… SABLE. SACHIKO MEANS HAPPINESS. SAM, BANGS AND MOONSHINE. SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL. SAY IT. SC PACT Test Preparation Book , Teacher's Edition : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book , Teacher's Edition : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book , Teacher's Edition : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 1. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 1. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 1. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 1. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 3. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 4. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 4. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Gr 4. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 2. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. SC PACT Test Preparation Book : Teacher's Edition Gr 4. SC Teacher Grade 3 : Social Studies. SCHOOL MOUSE. SCHOOL. SEARCH FOR THE SHADOWMAN. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Stanley, Diane. Stanley, Diane. Stanley, Diane. Stanley, Diane. McKIssack, Patricia McKIssack, Patricia McKIssack, Patricia McKIssack, Patricia McKIssack, Patricia McKIssack, Patricia Savage, Fred Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Eggleton, Jill Heller, Ruth, 1924Shoveller, Herb. SAKAI, KIMIKO NESS, EVALINE MACLACHLAN, PATRICIA ZOLOTOW, CHARLOTTE Scotts Foresman MCCULLY, EMILY ARNOLD Page 187 Barcode 640405 640447 643516 643517 643518 643519 14600 14603 14607 14608 15082 15109 1004671 15229 8130 66445 641422 641448 14371 13991 14362 13992 10169 10170 10939 10834 13918 8984 9025 10022 10023 10024 10909 10167 10168 10940 9125 9126 9127 10025 10026 10027 10910 9128 9129 9130 15862 641449 13993 641450 ISBN 068814327X 068814327X 068814327X 068814327X LCCN (tr) (tr) (tr) (tr) 1878820613 1416905316 0448402157 9781553379676 (… 96014834 96014834 96014834 96014834 /AC /AC /AC /AC 3302 2005277888 94022002 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title SEE YOU AROUND, SAM. SHAPES AND THINGS. SHARE THE WORLD. SHE'S WEARING A DEAD BIRD ON HER HEAD. SHILOH SEASON. SHILOH. SHILOH. SHOES FOR GRANDPA. SHOES. SHOESHINE GIRL. SIMONS BOOK. SNAKES. SNap Cubes : Cuisenaire. SOME FINE DOG. SOME FINE DOG. SOMETHING TO GROW ON. SOMETIMES IT'STURKEY, SOMETIMES IT'S FEATHERS. SONG AND DANCE MAN. SPEAK UP. SPEAKING OF SNAPDRAGONS. SPOTTING THE LEOPARD. STEVIE. STONE FOX. STONE SOUP. STORY OF RUBY BRIDGES. STREGA NONA. STREGA NONA. STRINGBEAN S TRIP TO THE SHINING SEA. STUART LITTLE. SUKEY AND THE MERMAID. SUKEY AND THE MERMAID. SUPERFUDGE. SWIMMY. SYLVESTER AND THE MAGIC PEBBLE. Sabertooths and the Ice Age : a nonfiction companion to Suns… Sacagawea The Trip to the West. Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes [Video]. Sadie and the Snowman. Sadie and the Snowman. Sadie and the Snowman. Sadie and the Snowman. Safety Belts [Video] : for dummies or People? Safety City. Safety City. Safety City. Safety Outside Your Home[Big Book]. Safety at Home[Big Book]. Sail Like a Viking! : Advanced Level Gr 2. Sail Like a Viking! : Advanced Level Gr 2. Sail Like a Viking! : Advanced Level Gr 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Page 188 Barcode 641451 13994 13968 641452 641369 642327 642328 MEM FOX 14214 WINTHROP, ELIZABETH 14022 BULLA, CLYDE ROBERT 13995 DRESCHER, HENRIK 13996 641370 Adams, Judith 6947 641371 642361 SOMETHING TO GROW ON 14217 642326 ACKERMAN, KAREN 14377 MCCORD,DAVID 13997 641373 641374 STEPTOE,JOHN 13998 GARDINER, JOHN R 14000 BROWN, MARCIA 13999 641376 641357 641358 WILLIAMS, VERA B 14001 WHITE, ELWYN 14005 641359 642362 HATCHER,PETER 14002 LIONNI, LEO 14003 STEIG, WILLIAM 13974 Osborne, Mary Pope. 16450 Venable, Alan 67543 Coerr, Eleanor 6007 Morgan, Allen 1880684 Morgan, Allen 1880685 Morgan, Allen 1880686 Morgan, Allen 1880692 40097 S. C. Department of Public Saf… 3972 DELC 6046 DELC 640585 Jones, Anne G. 1014445 Jones, Anne G. 1014443 Ayin, Morris 10349 Ayin, Morris 10350 Ayin, Morris 12065 ISBN LCCN HOBAN, TANA TEACHERS ADDITION 9780375923807 (… 0590418262 0590418262 0590418262 0590418262 0813629063 0813629055 2004000758 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 189 Title Author Barcode Sail Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book Fluency Level… Sailor Sam : Sails Gr 1. Sails Literacy Early Level Blue : Teacher's Resource Book. Sails Literacy Early Level Red : Teacher's Resource Book. Sails Literacy Early Level Yellow. Sails Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book Early (1). Sails Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book Early (2). Sails Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book Early (3). Sails Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book Early (4). Sails Literacy Series : Teacher's Resource Book. Sails Literacy-Early Level Green : Teacher's Resource Book. Sally Jean, the Bicycle Queen / Cari Best ; pictures by Chri… Salt in his shoes : Michael Jordan in pursuit of a dream / b… Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam and the Lucky Money : Soar to Success LV 3. Sam's Chase : On Level Gr 2. Sam's Chase : On Level Gr 2. Sam's Chase : On Level Gr 2. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel. Samuel. Samuel. Samuel. Samuel. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the Baker. Sanji and the baker / written by Robin Tzannes ; illustrated… Santa Claus : the world's number one toy expert / Marla Fraz… Santa paws and the new puppy / by Nicholas Edwards. Santa's Christmas Crash [Video]. Santa's Misfit Pup[Video}. Santa's stuck / Rhonda Gowler Greene ; illustrated by Henry … Santee Canal [Video] : America's first Superhighway. Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Teacher's Resource Eggleton, Jill and Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, jill and Eggleton, Jill and Eggleton, Jill Best, Cari. Jordan, Deloris. Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Chinn, Karen Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Bobbi Katz Bobbi Katz Bobbi Katz Bobbi Katz Bobbi Katz Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin Tzannes, Robin. Frazee, Marla. Edwards, Nicholas, Venuleth, Jaques 10095 8179 65683 65681 65682 16489 16490 16491 16488 7104 65680 401600 66177 8753 8755 8756 8757 8758 8759 8760 10399 10400 11277 66789 66790 66791 66792 66793 66794 641865 641866 641867 641868 641869 100936 100937 100938 100940 100941 100943 66469 66409 643105 30473 30477 66332 4521 12720 12721 12722 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Book Windsor JO Windson, jo Windsor, Jo 1961- Greene, Rhonda Gowler. Adams, Mason Waters, Kate Waters, Kate Waters, Kate ISBN LCCN 9780374363864 (… 0689833717 2004040461 00020539 0590482726 0590482726 0590482726 0590482726 0590482726 0590482726 0192799606 0152049703 (har… 0439560756 (pbk… 98148988 2004005228 2004596378 0525472924 (hc.… 2003062613 0590448714 0590448714 0590448714 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 190 Title Author Barcode ISBN Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Sarah Morton's Day,A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Sarah, Plain and Tall [Video]. Sarah, plain and tall / Patricia MacLachlan. Satchel Paige : don't look back / written by David A. Adler … Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp[Big Book]. Save the Earth. Save the River! Save the River! Save the River! Save the River! Save the River! Save the River! Saving Ben : Advanced Level Gr 2. Saving Ben : Advanced Level Gr 2. Saving Ben : Advanced Level Gr 2. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Saving Energy at Home. Say "cheese!" / by Christine Ricci ; illustrated by Steven S… Scarecrow's Hair : Sails Gr 1. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cat. Scaredy squirrel / by Mélanie Watt. Scaredy squirrel makes a friend / by Mélanie Watt. Scary Harry : Advanced Level Grade 3. Scary Harry : Advanced Level Grade 3. Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scary, scary Halloween / Eve Bunting ; pictures by Jan Brett… Scholastic Children's Dictionary. Scholastic Children's Holiday Series [Video] : Lessons 10-14… Waters, Kate Waters, Kate Waters, Kate MacLaughlin, MacLachlan, Patricia. Adler, David A. Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Shields, Carol Diggory Integrated Theme Units Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Sarah Glasscock Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Ricci, Christine. Eggleton, Jill Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Watt, Melanie. Watt, Mélanie, 1975Trumbauer, Lisa Trumbauer, Lisa Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928- 12723 12724 12725 6097 1880767 642980 2734 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 3822 10036887 642259 642260 642261 642262 642263 642264 10330 10331 12054 66646 66647 66648 66649 66650 66651 66652 66436 8061 641124 641125 641126 641127 641128 641129 401573 66809 10713 10714 643555 643556 643557 643558 643559 643560 67457 6104 0590448714 0590448714 0590448714 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM DELC 1557360804 (lg.… 9780152055851 LCCN 87033341 /AC 2005026354 0590493124 9780689864964 2003007583 9781553379591 9781554531813 089919799X 089919799X 089919799X 089919799X 089919799X 089919799X 86002642 86002642 86002642 86002642 86002642 86002642 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 191 Title Author Scholastic Lesson Connections : Teacher Guide. Scholastic Lesson Connections : Teacher Resources CD. Scholastic children's Holiday Series [Video] : Lessons1-9. Scholastic's Children's Author Documentary Series, Lesson 10… School Bus Safety ( Revised) [Video]. School Bus. School Bus. School Bus. School Bus. School Bus[Big Book]. School House Rock - Multiplication Rock [Video]. School House Rock [Video] : America rock. School House Rock [Video] : Money Rock. School House Rock!-Grammar Rock [Video]. School House Rock,- Science rock [Video]. School in the 50"s : On-Level Gr 5. School in the 50"s : On-Level Gr 5. School in the 50"s : On-Level Gr 5. Science Activities Using the world Wide Web : Teaching and l… Science Experiments You Can Eat. Science Experiments You Can Eat. Science Experiments You Can Eat. Science Experiments You Can Eat. Science Experiments You Can Eat. Science Fair Projects. Science Learning Centers for the Primary Grades. Science Made Simple. Science Rock [Video]. Science Rock [computer disc]. Science Rock, School House Rock [Video]. Science Surprise. Science Tools. Science Wizardy for Kids. Science Works. Science Yellow Pages : For Students and Teachers. Science at Play : Hands-on Science Activities for the Early … Science detectives : how scientists solved six real-life mys… Science/Math/Social Studies. Scientific Problem Solving [Video]. Scientific Problem Solving: An Introduction to Technology. Scooby-Doo! and the Zombie's Treasure. Scrawny the Classroom Duck. Scrawny the Classroom Duck. Scrawny the Classroom Duck. Scrawny the Classroom Duck. Screech! : a book about bats / by Melvin & Gilda Berger. Scruffy / by Peggy Parish ; pictures by Kelly Oechsli. Sea Creatures. Sea Life[Big Book]. Sea critters / by Sylvia A. Earle ; with photographs by Wolc… 65733 65732 DELC 6120 Scholastics 5152 State Dept of Ed. 1003683 Crews, Donlad 1880290 Crews, Donlad 1880291 Crews, Donlad 1880292 Crews, Donlad 1880293 Crews, Donald 1004030 Disney, Walt 10037402 Scholatic Rock 10037424 Disney 16545 Disney, Walt 10037442 Disney, Walt 5328 O'Brien, Robert 9459 O'Brien, Robert 9460 O'Brien, Robert 9461 Evan-Moore 6885 Cobb, Vicki 1880744 Cobb, Vicki 1880745 Cobb, Vicki 1880746 Cobb, Vicki 1880747 Cobb, Vicki 1880750 Vriesenga, Daryl 12335 Poppe, Carol A. 1003850 Vardner,Diane 12323 School House rock 16538 School House Rock 6153 Disney 65767 Mrakle, Sandra 641233 J. A. Randolph 67284 Kenda, Margaret 101262 Hoffmann, Alma Ammons 12330 6888 Feely, Jenny 6179 401669 Teacher's Guide/Transition Lev… 12450 Tell Me Why Video 10037465 Mills,George 1984,1985 7712 Gelsey, James 67291 Clymer, Susan 30592 Clymer, Susan 30595 Clymer, Susan 30596 Clymer, Susan 30597 Berger, Melvin. 642544 Parish, Peggy. 66415 Green, Jen 2000 643077 65157 Earle, Sylvia A., 193567497 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 614.8 0590441531 0590441531 0590441531 0590441531 0590441531 0590453882 0590453882 0590453882 0590453882 0590453882 0876287496 85013284 0439132266 9781553379942 (… 0590437291 0590437291 0590437291 0590437291 0439201640 (pbk… 0060246596 : 00020050 87045564 /AC 0886796628 0792271815 (har… 00026875 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 192 Title Author Sea turtles [Video]. Seabirds. Search for Scooby snacks / by Robin Wasserman ; illustrated … Seashore / by Sue Unstead. Seashore Animals [video] : amazing animals. Seashores - Our Natural Heritage Across America [Video]. Season of the sandstorms / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrate… Seasonal Clip Art. Seasons on the Farm. Seasons on the Farm. Seasons on the Farm. Seasons on the Farm. Seasons on the Farm. Seasons on the Farm. Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second Grade-Friends Again! Second fiddle, or, How to tell a blackbird from a sausage / … Second-grade pig pals / Kirby Larson ; drawings by Nancy Poy… Second-string center / Rich Wallace. Secrets From a Cave : Advanced Level Gr 2. Secrets From a Cave : Advanced Level Gr 2. Secrets From a Cave : Advanced Level Gr 2. Secrets Under Sands nd Seas : On-Level Gr 5. Secrets Under Sands nd Seas : On-Level Gr 5. Secrets Under Sands nd Seas : On-Level Gr 5. See Me Play : Independent Reader Grade K. See Otto / story and pictures by David Milgrim. Seeds. Seeds. Seeds. Seeds. Seeds. Seeds. Selma Lord Selma [Video]. Sequencing. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Georgia Department of Natural… 6111 Beauregard, Sue 12262 Wasserman, Robin. 16451 Unstead, Sue, 195167160 Buchanan, Andrew 67452 DELC 1003634 Osborne, Mary Pope. 642382 Sullivan, Dianna 6559 Miller, Jane 12816 Miller, Jane 12817 Miller, Jane 12818 Miller, Jane 12819 Miller, Jane 12820 Miller, Jane 12821 Miriam Cohen 65008 Miriam Cohen 65009 Miriam Cohen 65010 Miriam Cohen 65011 Miriam Cohen 65012 Miriam Cohen 65013 Miriam Cohen 65014 Miriam Cohen 67312 Parkinson, Siobhán. 7000027 Larson, Kirby. 66180 Wallace, Rich. 401803 Parr, Jean 10332 Parr, Jean 10333 Parr, Jean 12055 Lynch, Patricia 9495 Lynch, Patricia 9496 Lynch, Patricia 9497 10486 Milgrim, David. 643226 Heather Hammonds 65554 Heather Hammonds 65555 Heather Hammonds 65556 Heather Hammonds 65557 Heather Hammonds 65558 Heather Hammonds 65559 Disney 6041 Norman,Claire 1993 7795 Young, Ed 1004044 Young, Ed 1005513 Young, Ed 1005514 Young, Ed 1005516 Young, Ed 1005517 Young, Ed 13056 Young, Ed 1880588 Young, Ed 1880592 Young, Ed 1880607 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 9780439911788 9780375830310 (… LCCN 2001272075 2007274854 4027 2005000836 0590417371 0590417371 0590417371 0590417371 0590417371 0590417371 9781596431225 (… 0823411079 : 9780670061501 (… 2006019924 93016061 /AC 2006038731 0689844166 2001046369 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 193 Title Author Barcode ISBN LCCN Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven Blind Mice[Big Book]. Seven spools of thread : a Kwanzaa story / by Angela Shelf M… Shades of gray / Carolyn Reeder. Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppets. Shadows on the sea / Joan Hiatt Harlow. Shaggy dog and the terrible itch / David Bedford ; [illustra… Shamu & You [Video]. Shape Search/Big Book/Cassette[Big Book] : Transition Stage. Shape Search/Big Book/Cassette[Big Book] : Transition Stage. Shape Town [Video]. Shape Town [Video]. Shape Town [Video]. Shapes : cassette. Shapes. Shapes. Shapes. Shapes. Shapes. Shapes. Shar : Sails Gr 1. Share the World Everyone Matters [Video]. Sharing Susan : a novel / by Eve Bunting. Sharing Susan : a novel / by Eve Bunting. Sharing Susan : a novel / by Eve Bunting. Shark Lady - True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Shark Lady - True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Shark Lady - True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Shark Lady - True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Shark Lady - True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Shark and Lobster's amazing undersea adventure / written and… Sharks : wild Wild World. Sharks and other sea creatures / [author, Leighton Taylor ; … Sharks. Sharks. Sharks. Sharks. Sharks. Sharks. Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Young, Ed Medearis, Angela Shelf, 1956Reeder, Carolyn. Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Harlow, Joan Hiatt. Bedford, David, 1969Video Treasure Franklin, Thea Math/Transition… Franklin, Thea Math/Transition… Scholastic Scholastic Scholastic 1880617 1880642 1880643 1880647 1880648 1880649 1880651 1880653 67146 15999 65596 65597 65598 65599 65600 65601 66367 643303 1003629 12349 12351 16535 16539 3000454 65717 65718 65719 65720 65721 65722 65723 8094 30005774 39668 101094 101096 1880313 1880319 1880320 1880323 1880580 401636 643069 67513 30006811 30006812 30006813 30006814 30006815 5254 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0590469711 0807573159 (har… 0027758109 : RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 RL1 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM B. A. Shaver B. A. Shaver B. A. Shaver B. A. Shaver B. A. Shaver B. A. Shaver Windsor, Jo Kiley, Richard Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928McGovern, AnnReid McGovern, AnnReid McGovern, AnnReid McGovern, AnnReid McGovern, AnnReid Schwarz, Viviane. Robson, Denny 2001 Taylor, L. R. (Leighton R.) McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann McGovern, Ann 0786261455 (lg.… 0764153919 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 003-006 00008101 89031976 /AC 2003063426 00110629 0590279998 0590279998 0590279998 006021693X : 006021693X : 006021693X : 0590411780 0590411780 0590411780 0590411780 0590411780 9780763629106 (… 90027097 /AC 90027097 /AC 90027097 /AC 2005050183 157584446X (tra… 99086880 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 194 Title Author Barcode ISBN Sheep and goat / Marleen Westera ; illustrations by Sylvia v… Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Sheep in a Jeep. Shells. Shells. Shells. Shells. Shells. Shells. Shh! We're Writing the Constitution! [Video]. Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Shiloh [Video]. Shiloh [Video]. Shiloh [video]. Shipwrecked : Below-Level Gr 5. Shipwrecked : Below-Level Gr 5. Shipwrecked : Below-Level Gr 5. Shiver me letters : a pirate ABC / June Sobel ; illustrated … Shoe : Rigby Level 17. Shoes Through the Ages. Shoes Through the Ages. Shoes Through the Ages. Shoes Through the Ages. Shoes Through the Ages. Shoes Through the Ages. Shopping Mall. Shopping Mall. Shopping Mall. Shopping Mall. Shopping Mall. Shopping Mall. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Shopping. Westera, Marleen. Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Coral White Coral White Coral White Coral White Coral White Coral White Fritz, Jean Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Warner Bros. warner bros. Martinez, Joni Martinez, Joni Martinez, Joni Sobel, June. Medearis, Angela Shelf Marlene Brill Marlene Brill Marlene Brill Marlene Brill Marlene Brill Marlene Brill Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Beverley Randell Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan 643266 1880324 1880332 1880441 1880447 1880457 1880459 1880466 1880474 1880556 3000135 3000136 3000137 641010 641011 641012 641013 641014 641015 5988 14910 14911 14912 14914 14915 3000273 16549 67405 9276 9313 9314 66391 15497 642079 642080 642081 642082 642083 642084 66887 66888 66889 66890 66891 66892 66905 66906 66907 66908 66909 9781932425819 (… 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X 039541105X Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0689316143 : 0689316143 : 0689316143 : 0689316143 : 0689316143 : 0-70-2-3095-2 9780152167325 (… LCCN 2006000793 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 86003101 90000603 90000603 90000603 90000603 90000603 36243 2005008902 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 195 Title Author Barcode Shopping. Short for Estrellita : Advanced Level Gr 5. Short for Estrellita : Advanced Level Gr 5. Short for Estrellita : Advanced Level Gr 5. Show me your smile! : a visit to the dentist / by Christine … Show time! [Video]. Shrek 2 : cat attack! / Adapted by David Cody Weiss and Bobb… Shrek 2 : cat attack! / Adapted by David Cody Weiss and Bobb… Side by Side : On Level Grade 1. Side by Side : On Level Grade 1. Side by Side : On Level Grade 1. Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Sideways stories from Wayside School / by Louis Sachar ; ill… Silent Movie. Silly Cat. Silly Cat. Silly Cat. Silly Cat. Silly Pig : Independent Reader Grade K. Silver / by Rob Kidd ; illustrated by Jean-Paul Orpinas. Silver / by Rob Kidd ; illustrated by Jean-Paul Orpinas. SimEarth [computer disc] : the living planet. Simon's Big Challenge. Simon's Big Challenge. Simon's Big Challenge. Simon's Big Challenge. Simon's Big Challenge. Simon's Big Challenge. Simple Machines : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Simple Physics. Simple Shapes[Puzzle]. Sing for the King : Advanced Level Grade 1. Sing for the King : Advanced Level Grade 1. Sing for the King : Advanced Level Grade 1. Singing for Dr. King / by Angela Shelf Medearis ; illustrate… Sitti's Secrets. Sitting Bull / by Lucille Recht Penner ; illustrated by Will… Sitting Bull / by Lucille Recht Penner ; illustrated by Will… Six Revolutionary War Figures [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Skills for Young Writers : Helping Students Make Good Storie… Skip to My Lou. Skip to My Lou. Skip to My Lou. Skip to My Lou. Skip to My Lou. Peter Sloan Rose, Lillian Rose, Lillian Rose, Lillian Ricci, Christine. Harcourt Brace Weiss, David Cody. Weiss, David Cody. Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Garrido, Belen Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Sachar, Louis. 1954Avi Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill 66910 9427 9428 9429 15240 3493 640632 640633 10554 10555 11256 643425 643426 643427 643428 643429 643430 65530 642942 7059 7060 7061 7062 10498 65801 65802 5522 642055 642056 642057 642058 642059 642060 67280 10036900 7759 10766 10821 11296 640182 642906 15257 29104 5973 6354 641847 641848 641849 641850 641851 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Kidd, Rob. Kidd, Rob. Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Day Day Day Day Day Day Integrated Theme Units Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Medearis, Angela Shelf, 1956Naomi Shihab Nye Penner, Lucille Recht. Penner, Lucille Recht. Fritz, Jean Kennedy, Jan Kerry Argent Kerry Argent Kerry Argent Kerry Argent Kerry Argent ISBN LCCN 0689871694 (pbk… 2005295772 0439538513 0439538513 2004301836 2004301836 0695809644 0695809644 0695809644 0695809644 0695809644 0695809644 0695809644 : : : : : : : 9781423101697 9781423101697 56754342 78003213 78003213 78003213 78003213 78003213 78003213 78003213 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 2006904686 2006904686 0590288946 0439568552 (pbk… 0448409380 0448409380 1568225857 2004042918 94046766 /AC 94046766 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 196 Title Author Barcode Skip to My Lou. Skip-Cpunt by Threes : Level H/ Transition/Fluent. Skippyjon Jones. Sky High. Sky High. Sky High. Sky High. Sky High. Sky High. Sky Tales : Advanced Level Grade 3. Sky Tales : Advanced Level Grade 3. Skyguide, a field guide for amateur astronomers / by Mark R.… Skylark [Video] : Sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall. Sleds on Boston Common : a story from the American Revolutio… Sleeping Beauty Wakes : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage [computer disc] : A Native Am… Sleeping ugly / by Jane Yolen ; pictures by Diane Stanley. Sleepover sleuths / by Carolyn Keene. Sleepy Tiger. Sleepy Tiger. Sleepy Tiger. Sleepy Tiger. Slim Grows Up : On Level Grade1. Slim Grows Up : On Level Grade1. Slim Grows Up : On Level Grade1. Slinky For Sale : Advanced Level Gr 2. Slinky For Sale : Advanced Level Gr 2. Slinky For Sale : Advanced Level Gr 2. Small World Celebrations. Smarty Pants[Big Book]. Smasher / by Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Richard Bernal… Smoke Detectives [Video]. Snake Goes Away. Snake Goes Away. Snake Goes Away. Snake Goes Away. Snake Goes Away. Snake camp / by George Edward Stanley ; illustrated by Jared… Snakes - Natures Armored Warriors [Video]. Snakes / Seymour Simon. Snakes / by Patricia Demuth ; illustrated by Judith Moffatt. Snakes and other reptiles : wild wild world. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Kerry Argent Math Transition Level Schachner, Judy Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Anne Myers Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Chartrand, Mark R. MacLachlan, Patricia Borden, Louise. Hall, M. C. Disney 641852 12440 67311 642620 642621 642622 642623 642624 642625 10671 10672 641171 14544 29491 8010 642432 500002 643031 66225 7084 7085 7086 7087 10578 10579 11233 10314 10315 12048 6733 7701 66396 101509 641096 641097 641098 641099 641100 65256 1003630 643057 67183 643072 641707 641708 641709 641710 641711 641712 641713 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Yolen, Jane. Keene, Carolyn. Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Warren, Jean Cowley, Joy King-Smith, Dick. State Farm Insurance Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Stanley, George Edward. Popplewell, Bob Simon, Seymour. Demuth, Patricia. Robson, Denny Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger ISBN LCCN 0307636593 81070086 0689828128 99018080 0784909784 0698307216 141691255X (pbk… 81000489 /AC 2005931092 9780679883302 2004007635 0307264068 (pbk… 0060225297 044840513X (pbk… 99057742 6100 91015948 /AC 92024466 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 197 Title Author Barcode Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snow : Sails Gr 1. Snow Bear : Soft touch. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Day. Snow Queen,The [Video]. Snow friends / M. Christina Butler ; illustrated by Tina Mac… Snow is my favorite and my best / Lauren Child. Snow. Snowball Fight. Snowball Fight. Snowball Fight. Snowball Fight. Snowball Fight. Snowball Fight. Snowflake Bentley. Snowy Day : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. So That's What It Is! : Rigby Level 7. Soccer hero / Matt Christopher ; text by Stephanie Peters. Sock Monkey rides again / Cece Bell. Socks : Rigby Level 7. Solar System. Solid Sense in Mathematics. Solids, Liquids and Gases. Solomon Snow and the stolen jewel / Kaye Umansky. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Can Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Some Birds Cannot Fly. Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Margaret Ballinger Windsor, Jo Harper, Piers Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Maestro, Betty Anderson, Hans Christian Butler, M. Christina. Child, Lauren. Creative Teaching Press Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Jacqueline Briggs Martin 641714 641715 641716 641717 8215 67301 12172 12173 12174 12175 12176 12177 12564 12565 12566 12567 12568 12569 30479 641321 188152 1003893 641028 641029 641030 641031 641032 641033 642935 640237 15487 401845 643120 15490 7821 7552 12311 66816 640129 640143 640145 640147 640149 640161 640240 640242 640246 640248 640252 640254 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Pritchett, Jan Peters, Stephanie True, 1965Bell, Cece. Shipton, Paul O'Toole,Norma 1984 Laycock,Mary 1981 Bouffard, Delores Umansky, Kaye. Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor ISBN LCCN 1561484857 (har… 9780803731745 (… 2004027641 2006005427 0316023612 (har… 9780763630898 (… 2007925431 2006040086 9780763627935 (… 2006047331 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 198 Title Author Barcode ISBN Someday a tree / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Ronald Himl… Something invisible / Siobhán Parkinson. Something to tell the grandcows / written by Eileen Spinelli… Sometimes[Big Book] : Gr 1. Sometimes[Big Book] : Gr 1. Sometimes[Big Book] : Gr 1. Song Lee and the hamster hunt / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by … Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Song and dance man / by Karen Ackerman ; illustrated by Step… Sonny's Best Friend. Sonny's Best Friend. Sonny's Best Friend. Sonny's Best Friend. Sonny's Best Friend. Soon I will : Below-Level Gr 1. Soon I will : Below-Level Gr 1. Soon I will : Below-Level Gr 1. Sophie Hartley, on strike / Stephanie Greene. Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder / by William H. Armstrong ; illustrations by James B… Sounder [Video]. Sounds and Music : Science in our world. Soupy Saturdays with the Pain & the Great One / Judy Blume ;… South Carolina Sample Content : Box 2, Grade 4. South Carolina Sample Contents : Box 2, Grade 2. South Carolina Sample Contents : Box 2, Grade 4. South Carolina Sample Contents : Trophies Box 1 Grade 3. South Carolina Sample Contents : Trophies Box 2 Grade 3. South Carolina counties [Video] : Government that Works. South Carolina, Gr 3 : Social Studies. South Carolina, Gr 3 : Social Studies. South Carolina, Gr 3 : Social Studies. Space Ant Goes Home : Rigby Level 9. Space Cat : Sials Fluency (1) Orange. Space Cat : Sials Fluency (1) Orange. Space Cat : Sials Fluency (1) Orange. Space Cat : Sials Fluency (1) Orange. Space Songs for Children(Cassette Tape). Space Songs[Big Book]. Space Songs[Big Book]. Bunting, Eve, 1928Parkinson, Siobhán. Spinelli, Eileen. Baker, Keith Baker, Keith Baker, Keith Kline, Suzy. Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Ackerman, Karen, 1951Mindy Menschell Mindy Menschell Mindy Menschell Mindy Menschell Mindy Menschell Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Greene, Stephanie. Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William Howard, Armstrong, William H. Knapp, Brian Blume, Judy. Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel 65097 401581 65167 10289 10648 11326 16453 12627 12628 12629 12769 12770 12771 67062 65285 65286 65287 65288 65289 11172 9747 9748 643126 14757 14758 14759 14761 14764 14765 14767 6038 1003076 401832 7537 7536 7629 10241 10242 4528 15869 15870 15871 15895 8418 8419 8420 8421 1880861 1004053 12938 0395764785 9781596431232 080285236X (har… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Bomar, George E. Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Scott Foresman Warren, Celia Krueger, Carol Krueger, Carol Krueger, Carol Krueger, Carol Weimer, Tonja Evetts Livingston, Myra Cohn Livingston, Myra Cohn 191… 191… 191… 191… 191… 191… 191… 0670847739 : 0394893301 0394893301 0394893301 0394893301 0394893301 0394893301 0394893301 LCCN 92024074 /AC 2005023109 2003008824 93044108 87003200 87003200 87003200 87003200 87003200 87003200 87003200 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 9780618719600 0060201436 0060201436 0060201436 0060201436 0060201436 0060201436 0060201436 2006008375 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 70085030 /AC… 9780385903240 (… 2006026892 0936823119 0823410293 0823410293 93085471 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Space Songs[Big Book]. Space Songs[Big Book]. Space Songs[Big Book]. Space Songs[Big Book]. Space songs / Myra Cohn Livingston, poet ; Leonard Everett F… Space. Space[Big Book]. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Spanish Rhymes. Sparky's ABC's of Fire Safety [Video]. Speak Your Mind. Special Places : Rigby Level 7. Special delivery! / by Steven Banks ; illustrated by Vince D… Spell it deluxe [computer disc]. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider's Web. Spider-Girl : battles the deadly Dragon King! / [Tom DeFalco… Spider-Girl. Spider-Man : Doom with a view. Spider-Man : Marvel Adventures. Spiders / by Gail Gibbons. Spiders and other creepy-crowlies : wild wild world. Spiders. Spiders. Spiders. Spiders. Spiders. Spiders. Spikes, Scales, and Armor : Sails Gr 1. Spineless Creatures. Spirit Of the Horse. Spirit of Hope / Bob Graham. Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron [Video]. Livingston, Myra Cohn Livingston, Myra Cohn Livingston, Myra Cohn Livingston, Myra Cohn Livingston, Myra Cohn. Integrated Theme Units Big Book Magazine Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Lynda Taylor Fire Safety Eggleton, Jill Wilson, Jeni / Davis, Sue Banks, Steven, 1954- Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 199 Barcode 12941 12942 1880866 1880867 67080 10036897 5912 641902 641903 641904 641905 641906 641907 641908 40095 7938 15486 66695 500019 Back, Christine 1880838 Back, Christine 1880839 Back, Christine 1880842 Back, Christine 1880843 Back, Christine 1880845 Back, Christine 1880850 Back, Christine 1880852 Back, Christine 1880855 Back, Christine 1880858 Back, Christine 1880859 Eggleton, Jill 7047 Eggleton, Jill 7048 Eggleton, Jill 7049 Eggleton, Jill 7050 DeFalco, Tom. 642521 DeFalco, Tom 67531 McKeever, Sean 642522 McKeever, Sean 67503 Gibbons, Gail. 67101 Robson, Denny 643073 Gail Gibbons 641809 Gail Gibbons 641810 Gail Gibbons 641811 Gail Gibbons 641812 Gail Gibbons 641813 Gail Gibbons 641814 Windsor, Jo 8195 Weese, Robert 641351 Langrish, Bob & Swinney, Nicol… 67493 Graham, Bob, 1942642539 Dreamworks Pictures 5329 ISBN 0823410293 0823410293 0823410293 0823410293 082340675X (lib… 9780689858871 0784908702 LCCN 87019628 /AC… 2002014704 1599610256 0823410064 : 92054414 /AC 1572552026 (hc) 96006352 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 200 Title Author Barcode ISBN SpongeBob JokePants / by David Lewman. Spooky House. Spooky Joke Book. Spooky spinechillers / written by Andrew Donkin ; [illustrat… Sport Will Try : Below-Level Gr 1. Sport Will Try : Below-Level Gr 1. Sport Will Try : Below-Level Gr 1. Sports Illustrated : The Football Book. Spot 7 school / by KIDSLABEL. Spot What! Spot or Stripes?/ 6 copies/ Cassette : Level B/Early Emergen… Spotlight on Music : Grade 1. Spotlight on Music : Grade 2. Spotlight on Music : Grade 3. Spotlight on Music : Grade 4. Spotlight on Music : Grade 5. Spotlight on Music : Grade K. Spotlight on Music : Technology and addtional Resources. Spots or Stripes? : cassette. Spreading Across The Continent : Social Studies Grade 5. Spreading Across The Continent : Social Studies Grade 5. Spring Summer Autumn Winter. Spy Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Spy Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Spy Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Spy Manuel : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Spy Maps. Spy Maps. Spy Maps. Spy Maps. Spy X : hide and seek / Peter Lerangis. Squanto and the First Thanksgiving [Video]. Stacey's Big Crush : The Baby-Sitters Club. Stacey's Secret Friend : The Baby-Sitters Club. Stacy's Surprise. Stacy's Surprise. Stage Fright. Stage Fright. Stage Fright. Stage Fright. Stage Fright. Stage Fright. Stanley's Christmas adventure / Jeff Brown ; illustrated by … Star Wars : the complete visual dictionary / written by Davi… Stardust / by Alane Ferguson. Stardust / by Alane Ferguson. Stardust / by Alane Ferguson. Stardust / by Alane Ferguson. Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Lewman, David. Krueger, Carol Burnford, Helen Donkin, Andrew. Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Daniel, Claire Reilly, Rick KIDSLABEL. Bryant, Nick Math Early Emergent Stage McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill 640190 7946 67267 65218 11170 9743 9744 641503 401652 643083 12480 67194 67193 67195 67304 67197 67196 67198 65704 640450 640460 643133 8382 8383 8384 8385 7208 7209 7210 7211 15275 1003509 65198 65216 8844 8876 1880915 1880916 1880919 1880923 1880926 1880929 67182 65800 101101 101102 101103 10037093 13627 13628 0689855680 2004266560 0789465221 00026178 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Spring Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Lerangis, Peter. Metaxas, Eric Martin, Ann M Martin, Ann Hope, Sabrena Hope, Sabrena Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Brown, Jeff. Reynolds, David West. Ferguson, Alane. Ferguson, Alane. Ferguson, Alane. Ferguson, Alane. Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary LCCN 9780811853248 2005026114 0439702828 7404177503 2004719395 0590408074-7 0590408074-7 0590408074-7 0590408074-7 0590408074-7 0590408074-7 0416188966 0756622387 0027345270 : 0027345270 : 0027345270 : 0027345270 : 2006365954 2006298949 92033011 /AC 92033011 /AC 92033011 /AC 92033011 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 201 Title Author Barcode Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Grace : seque, to Amazing Grace and Boubdless Grace… Starring Miss Darlene / Amy Schwartz. Stars beneath your bed : the surprising story of dust / by A… Stars. Stars. Stars. Stars. Start Writing Adventure Stories. State Report Project For Any State. Statistics Probability and Graphing. Statistics Probability and Graphing. Staying Warm : BL Gr 2. Staying Warm : BL Gr 2. Staying Warm : BL Gr 2. Steal back the Mona Lisa! / Meghan McCarthy. Stefan Is a Sculptor : Advanced Level Grade 1. Stefan Is a Sculptor : Advanced Level Grade 1. Stefan Is a Sculptor : Advanced Level Grade 1. Stellaluna / Janell Cannon. Stellaluna / Janell Cannon. Step into Ancient Egypt. Step into Ancient Greece. Step into Ancient Japan. Step into Mesopotamia. Step into the Aztec & Maya. Step into the Celtic World. Step into the Inca World. Step into the Roman Empire. Step-by-Step Collage. Step-by-Step making Books. Step-by-Step making Prints. Step-by-step Papier Mache'. Stepping Through Time : Rigby Level 152002. Stethoscope. Still Around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Still Around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Stolen Pony. Stolen Pony. Stolen Pony. Stolen Pony. Stomachs : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Stomachs : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Stomachs : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Stomachs : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Stompin' at the Savoy : the story of Norma Miller / collecte… Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Mary Schwartz, Amy. Sayre, April Pulley. Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour King, Penny Scholastic Brisby,Linda Sue 1988 Brisby,Linda Sue 1988 Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane McCarthy, Meghan. Losq, Christine Losq, Christine Losq, Christine Cannon, Janell, 1957Cannon, Janell, 1957Steele, Philip Tames, Richard Macdonald, Fiona Oakes, Lorna Macdonald, Fiona Macdonald Steele, Philip Steele, Philip Robins, Jim Stowell, Charlotte Robins, Deri Robins, Deri Lane, Kerri Ideal Lynch, Patricia Ann Lynch, Patricia Ann Rounds, Glen Rounds, Glen Rounds, Glen Rounds, Glen Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Miller, Norma, 1919- 13629 13630 13631 13632 13633 13634 401811 67217 1880943 1880944 1880945 1880946 4779 2790 7578 7579 11208 8930 8948 643119 10771 10816 11301 640662 640663 641500 641498 641493 641494 641496 641495 641497 641499 6622 6625 6627 6626 15509 6493 8030 8046 1880939 1880940 1880941 1880942 8450 8451 8452 8453 401592 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 9781596432307 9780060571894 (… 0688092373 0688092373 0688092373 0688092373 2006032177 2004002108 85032012 85032012 85032012 85032012 9780152053680 (… 2005010552 0152802177 : 0152802177 : 92016439 /AC 92016439 /AC 0590322974 0590322974 0590322974 0590322974 0763622443 (rei… 2004057916 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 202 Title Author Barcode ISBN Stone Fox / John Reynolds Gardiner ; illustrated by Greg Har… Stone Fox / John Reynolds Gardiner ; illustrated by Greg Har… Stone Soup : Rigby Level 11. Stone Soup : a french folk tale retold. Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stone soup / by Ann McGovern ; pictures by Winslow Pinney Pe… Stop and go, yes and no : what is an antonym? / by Brian P. … Stories Brought to Life [Video} : Golden Book Video. Stories my Grandfather Told : On-Level Gr 4. Stories my Grandfather Told : On-Level Gr 4. Storm Watch : Below-Level Gr 1. Storm Watch : Below-Level Gr 1. Storm Watch : Below-Level Gr 1. Stormey Weather/ Big Book. Storms! Storms! Storms! Storms! Storms! Storms! Stormy Weather : cassette. Stormy Weather/ 6 Copies/cassette : Level H/Transition/Fluen… Story Stretchers. Story Stretchers. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Story of George Washington Carver. Strange animals of Australia : koalas and kangaroos / by Ton… Stranger in the Woods, The Movie [Video]. Strega Nona : an old tale / retold and illustrated by Tomie … Strega Nona : an original tale / written and illustrated by … Strega Nona : an original tale / written and illustrated by … Strings Around the world : On-Level Gr 5. Strings Around the world : On-Level Gr 5. Strings Around the world : On-Level Gr 5. Stripes and Spots. Stripes and Spots. Stripes and Spots. Stripes and Spots. Strudel, strudel, strudel / by Steve Sanfield ; paintings by… Gardiner, John Reynolds. Gardiner, John Reynolds. Hawes, Alison Betz, Adrienne McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. McGovern, Ann. Cleary, Brian P., 1959Golden Books King, Alice King, Alice Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Pearce, Mary Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie Rick Leslie 66354 66414 15901 643195 65428 65429 65430 65431 65432 65433 65737 401587 65768 11848 11849 11190 9784 9785 67473 642716 642717 642718 642719 642720 642721 65694 12424 1003885 30232 66525 66526 66527 66528 66529 66530 66531 66532 67237 4773 15000120 1004011 66993 9529 9530 9531 7018 7019 7020 7021 640194 0064401324 (pbk… 0064401324 (pbk… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Science Transition Stage Raines, Shirley C. Raines, Shirley C. Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eva Moore Eugene, Toni. Sams, Carl R. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. Solins, Joanna Solins, Joanna Solins, Joanna Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Sanfield, Steve. 0439517990 0590405268 0590405268 0590405268 0590405268 0590405268 0590405268 0590405268 9781575058603 (… LCCN 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 86010098 /AC 2005013991 0876591195 0876591195 89845797 89845797 0870444034 81607859 /AC… 067166283X 067166283X 067166283X 75011565 /AC… 88011438 /AC 88011438 /AC 053106879X 94024858 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 203 Title Author Stuart Little / E. B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams. Stuart Little / E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams ; wa… Stuart Little / E.B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams. Stuart Little 2 / Columbia Pictures presents a Douglas Wick/… Stuart Little 2 : Stuart finds a friend / text by Patricia L… Stuck in the Mud! : Dora the Explorer Nick Jr. Stuck on Your/6 copies : Level H/Transition/Fluent. Stuck on the Presidents. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 640196 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 66430 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 643041 67181 Lakin, Pat. 643310 640247 Science Transition Stage 12425 Bergen, Lara 6848 Scott Foresman 15699 Scott Foresman 15700 Scott Foresman 15775 Scott Foresman 15776 Scott Foresman 15777 Scott Foresman 15778 Scott Foresman 15779 Scott Foresman 15701 Scott Foresman 15702 Scott Foresman 15703 Scott Foresman 15704 Scott Foresman 15705 Scott Foresman 15706 Scott Foresman 15707 Scott Foresman 15708 Scott Foresman 15709 Scott Foresman 15710 Scott Foresman 15711 Scott Foresman 15712 Scott Foresman 15713 Scott Foresman 15714 Scott Foresman 15715 Scott Foresman 15716 Scott Foresman 15717 Scott Foresman 15718 Scott Foresman 15719 Scott Foresman 15720 Scott Foresman 15781 Scott Foresman 15780 Scott Foresman 15802 Scott Foresman 15803 Scott Foresman 15804 Scott Foresman 15805 Scott Foresman 15806 Scott Foresman 15807 Scott Foresman 15808 Scott Foresman 15809 Scott Foresman 15810 Scott Foresman 15811 Scott Foresman 15812 Scott Foresman 15813 Scott Foresman 15814 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 0060263962 9780064410922 75309606 /AC… 2005274372 0060001828 (pbk… 2002636516 2001092700 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 204 Author Barcode Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott 15782 15783 15784 15785 15786 15787 15788 15789 15790 15791 15792 15793 15794 15795 15796 15797 15798 15799 15800 15801 15721 15722 15723 15724 15725 15726 15727 15842 15816 15815 15845 15846 15847 15848 15849 15850 15851 15852 15853 15854 15855 640043 640044 640045 640046 640047 640048 640049 640050 640051 Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas Atlas : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 205 Author Barcode Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott 640052 640053 640054 640055 15817 15818 15819 15820 15821 15822 15823 15824 15825 15826 15827 15828 15829 15830 15831 15832 15833 15834 15835 15836 15837 15838 15839 15840 15841 15844 15843 15728 15729 15730 15731 15732 15733 15734 15735 15736 15737 15738 15739 15740 15741 15742 15743 15744 15745 15746 Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman Foresman ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 206 Title Author Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student Atlas : Social Studies. Student of the Week : On-Level Gr 3. Student of the Week : On-Level Gr 3. Study Skills Reproducibles. Submarines / by Jennifer Reed. Substitute groundhog / Pat Miller ; illustrated by Kathi Emb… Subtraction Action. Subtraction Action. Suffragists : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. Summer Mystery : On-Level Gr 4. Summer Mystery : On-Level Gr 4. Summer of the Sea Monster : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Summertime. Sun Power. Sun Power. Sun Power. Sun Power. Scott Foresman 15747 Scott Foresman 15748 Scott Foresman 15749 Scott Foresman 15750 Scott Foresman 15751 Scott Foresman 15752 Scott Foresman 15753 Scott Foresman 15754 Scott Foresman 15755 Scott Foresman 15756 Scott Foresman 15757 Scott Foresman 15758 Scott Foresman 15759 Scott Foresman 15760 Scott Foresman 15761 Scott Foresman 15762 Scott Foresman 15763 Scott Foresman 15764 Scott Foresman 15765 Scott Foresman 15766 Scott Foresman 15767 Scott Foresman 15768 Scott Foresman 15769 Scott Foresman 15770 Scott Foresman 15771 Scott Foresman 15772 Scott Foresman 15773 Scott Foresman 15774 Schumacher, Stef 9243 Schumacher, Stef 9548 Hoover, Sharon 397 Reed, Jennifer, 196765804 Miller, Pat (Pat Glennda), 195… 640864 Leedy, Loreen 14259 Leedy, Loreen 5682 67273 Goldish, Meish 11810 Goldish, Meish 11811 Coutu, Raymond 8013 Judith Womersley 641590 Judith Womersley 641591 Judith Womersley 641592 Judith Womersley 641593 Judith Womersley 641594 Judith Womersley 641595 Judith Womersley 641596 Heather Hammonds 66611 Heather Hammonds 66612 Heather Hammonds 66613 Heather Hammonds 66614 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 9781429600316 (… 9780807576434 (… LCCN 2006101336 2006000113 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 207 Title Author Barcode Sun Power. Sun Power. Sun Power. Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunken Treasure : Soar to Success LV. Sunset of the sabertooth / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrate… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Sunshine makes the seasons / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illust… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Cluck / by Jane O'Connor and Robert O'Connor ; picture… Super Emma / Sally Warner ; illustrated by Jamie Harper. Super Fly Guy / Tedd Arnold. Super Shopping. Super Shopping. Super Shopping. Super Shopping. Super Shopping. Super Shopping. Super Sizes! / 6 Copies/ Cassette : Level I/ Transition/ Flu… Super Storms. Super Storms. Super Storms. Super Storms. Super Storms. Super Storms. Super Strawberries. Super Strawberries. Super Strawberries. Super Strawberries. Super Strawberries. Super Strawberries. Super silly riddles / Charles Keller ; illustrated by Dave W… Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Pfister, Marcus Pfister, Marcus Pfister, Marcus Pfister, Marcus Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Gibbons, Gail Osborne, Mary Pope. Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. Warner, Sally. Arnold, Tedd. Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Alison Hawes Math Transition Level Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Keller, Charles. 66615 66616 66617 12746 12747 12748 12749 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 5641 643660 643661 643662 643663 643664 65170 66085 66086 66087 66088 66089 66090 67326 401666 15378 641153 641154 641155 641156 641157 641158 12445 13664 13665 13667 13668 13672 13674 65566 65567 65568 65569 65570 65571 67246 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… ISBN 0679863737 (CAN… 069004481X : 069004481X : 069004481X : 069004481X : 069004481X : 9780060592035 (… 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 0060245948 : 9780670061402 (… 9780439639040 (… 0806927917 LCCN 95034697 /AC 85047540 /AC 85047540 /AC 85047540 /AC 85047540 /AC 85047540 /AC 2003025457 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 90032832 /AC 2006008583 2005007933 00067083 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 208 Title Author Barcode ISBN Super storms / Seymour Simon. Super storms / Seymour Simon. Superdog : the heart of a hero / Caralyn Buehner ; illustrat… Superfudge / Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Superfudge / by Judy Blume. Suprise Island : The Boxcar Children. Surf gecko to the rescue! / written & illustrated by Bruce H… Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surprise Feast. Surviving Antarctica : reality TV 2083 / Andrea White. Surviving the Wild : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Surviving the Wild : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Survivors : Infoquest Gr 3. Susan B. Anthony : Below-Level Gr 5. Susan B. Anthony : Below-Level Gr 5. Susan B. Anthony : Below-Level Gr 5. Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams[Big Book] : How animals Sleep Gr 1. Sweet Dreams[Big Book] : How animals Sleep Gr 1. Sweet Dreams[Big Book] : How animals Sleep Gr 1. Swim with the Whales. Swim with the Whales. Swim with the Whales. Swim with the Whales. Swim with the Whales. Swimming giants / by Monica Hughes. Swing, Swing, Swing. Swing, Swing, Swing. Systems and Interactons in Nature [Video] : Harcourt Science… T HE WIMP OF THE WORLD. T. rex trick-or-treats / by Lois G. Grambling ; illustrated … TALLYHO, PICKERTON! TEACHERS GUIDE. TEAMMATES. TEN BEARS IN MY BED. TEN EASY TIPS FOR STAYING SAFE. TEN LITTLE MICE. THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF GREECE AND ROME. THE ART LESSON. Simon, Seymour. Simon, Seymour. Buehner, Caralyn. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Warner, Gertrude Chandler Hale, Bruce. Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone Mandi Rathbone White, Andrea, 1953Lynch, Patricia Ann Lynch, Patricia Ann O, Dea Jean Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Disney Kajikawa, Kimiko Kajikawa, Kimiko Kajikawa, Kimiko Kathleen W. Kranking Kathleen W. Kranking Kathleen W. Kranking Kathleen W. Kranking Kathleen W. Kranking Hughes, Monica. Tuchman, Gail Tuchman, Gail Harcourt 66235 67065 15290 65244 643350 643351 643352 643353 643354 643355 65533 15117 16456 67028 67029 67030 67031 67032 67033 67052 67401 8029 8045 8326 9294 9349 9350 642799 10291 10654 11329 642962 642963 642964 642965 642966 65807 66697 66698 642945 641367 66301 14006 13959 14007 14008 14419 13366 14441 642333 9781587171376 (… 9781587171376 (… 0066236215 0142302295 (Puf… 1557360146 (lg.… 1557360146 (lg.… 1557360146 (lg.… 1557360146 (lg.… 1557360146 (lg.… 1557360146 (lg.… 0525405224 0590426893 0962128015 2001049861 2001049861 2002003540 2004270849 87001413 /AC 87001413 /AC 87001413 /AC 87001413 /AC 87001413 /AC 87001413 /AC 80010439 /AC… 0060554541 2004006249 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Grambling, Lois G. KELLOGG, STEVEN WALLACE,BILL GOLENBOCK, PETER MACK, STAN JAMES, CINDY DUNBAR, JOYCE O;DONNELL, KERRI LCCN 91071944 9781597165426 9780060502539 (… 2004022682 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER. BFG. BIG BLOCK OF CHOCOLATE. BIGGEST BEAR. BIKE RACE. BOO FORD SUMMER. BOOK OF PIGERICKS. BOXCAR CHILDREN. BOXCAR CHILDREN. BREAD WINNER. BREAD WINNER. BRIDGES OF SUMMER. BRIDGES OF SUMMER. BUCK STOPS HERE. CARROT SEED. CASE OF THE CAT'S MEOW. CASE OF THE TWO MASKED ROBBERS. CAT WHO WENT TO HEAVEN. CHINESE MIRROR. CHRISTMAS MOUSE. CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. CLOUD BOOK. COURAGE OF HELEN KELLER : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOK & MATERIA… DALLAS COWBOYS. DAY JIMMY'S BOA ATE THE WASH. DAY OF AHMED'S SECRET. DOORBELL RANG. EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES. EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES. ENORMOUS EGG. FARMER IN THE DELL. FIRST SNOWFALL. FORTUNE TELLER. FORTUNE TELLER. FROG ALAPHABET BOOK. FROG PRINCE. GARDEN OF ABDUL GASAZI. GHOST OF GRANIA O'MALLEY. GIANT JAM SANDWICH. GIANT OF KNOCKMANY HILL. GINGERBREAD MAN. GLORIOUS FLIGHT. GOAT IN THE RUG. GREAT KAPOK TREE. GREAT WALL OF CHINA : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. GROUCHY LADYBUG. GUINEA PIG ABC. HAPPY LION. HISTORY OF THE BLUES : Rosen Classroom Books & Materials… HOLE IN THE DIKE. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author DAHL, ROALD HANCOCK, PAT WARD, LYND THE BOOK OF PIGERICKS WARNER,GERTRUDE WARNER,GERTRUDE PROVENSEN, ALICE KRAUSS, RUTH BONSALL, CROSBY HOBAN, LILLIAN COATSWORTH, ELIZABETH GINSBURG, MIRRA WENNING, ELIZABETH FILE CABINET ADAMS, COLLEEN NOBLE, TRINKA HAKES HEIDE, FLORENCE HUTCHINS, PAT ANDERSEN, HA NS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON, HANS CHRISTIAN BUTTERWORTH, OLIVER HANCOCK, PAT HARLOW, ANNE PALLOTTA, JERRY GALDONE, PAUL ALLSBURG, CHRIS VAN LORD, JOHN DEPAOLA, TOMIE SCHMIDT, KAREN PROVENSEN, ALICE BLOOD, CHARLES CHERRY, LYNNE O'DONNELL, KERRI CARLE, ERIC DUKE, KATE FATIO, LOUISE Quill, Charles GREEN, NORMA Page 209 Barcode 640796 14009 14455 14010 640795 640799 14220 13963 13964 640801 642347 640802 642348 14011 14392 14012 14013 14014 14015 14016 15025 640808 14184 640811 14387 14017 14397 14092 14425 14018 14348 14358 640822 642353 14353 14448 14088 640824 14020 14093 14091 14021 14089 14023 14180 14024 14094 14025 14171 14095 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 210 Title Author Barcode THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE WABER, BERNARD ESTES, ELEANOR PALLOTA, JERRY MORIMOTO, JUNKO BANKS, LYNNE Randolf, Joanne AHLBERG, ALLAN AND JANET FLINDALL, JOANNE 14026 14096 14097 14098 14027 14177 13355 14028 641417 14103 642314 641420 14195 13975 14029 14030 14101 14102 13364 14105 641432 14107 14031 14357 14104 14106 14452 14032 642340 14033 14108 14109 14034 13978 14110 641441 14111 14036 14112 641444 14113 14431 14116 14117 14118 14037 14120 14121 14356 14360 HOUSE ON EAST 88TH STREET. HUNDRED DRESSES. ICKY BUG ALPHABET BOOK. INCH BOY. INDIAN IN THE CUPBOARD. IROQUOIS LEAGUE : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. JOLLY POSTMAN. JOURNEY HOME. LANGUAGE OF DOVES. LAST PUPPY. LEGEND OF THE BLUE BONNETT. LEGEND OF THE BLUEBONNET. LIFE OF ABRAM LINCOLN : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIAL… LITTLE HOUSE. LITTLE PRINCE. LITTLE RABBIT WHO WANTED RED WINGS. LITTLE RED HEN. LITTLE RED LIGHTHOUSE AND THE GREAT GRAY BRIDGE. LITTLEST DINOSAURS. M AGIC SCHOOL BUS: LOST IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. MAGNIFICENT MUMMY MAKER. MANY LIVES OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. MIDNIGHT FARM. MITTEN. MIXED UP CHAMELEON. MOUNTAINS OF TIBET. MOUSE AND THE MOTORCYCLE. NAPPING HOUSE. NEW KID ON THE BLOCK. NICEST GIFT. NIGHTGALE. PAPER CRANE. PATCHWORK QUILT. PATTERN CENTER. PHILHARMONIC GETS DRESSED. PINBALL'S. POETRY TROUPE. POLAR EXPRESS. POOH STORY BOOK. POPCORN BOOK. PUPPY WHO WANTED A BOY. PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT. REAL MOTHER GOOSE. RED BALLOON. RELATIVES CAME. SECRET BIRTHDAY MESSAGE. SIGN OF THE BEAVER. SIGN ON ROSIE'S DOOR. SNOWY DAY. SNOWY DAY. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ASCH, FRANK HARVEY, KATE BURTON, VIRGINIA LEE EXUPERY, ANTOINE BAILEY, CAROLYN GALDONE, PAUL SWIFT, HILDEGARDE MOST, BERNARD COLE, JOANNA ALIKI LINDBERGH, REEVE TRESSELT, ALVIN CARLE, ERIC GERSTEIN, MORDICAI CLEARY, BEVERLY WOOD, AUDREY POLITI, LEO ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN BANG, MOLLY FLOURNOY, VALERIE PATTERN BOOKS KUSKIN, KARLA WILNER, ISABEL ALLSBURG, CHRIS VAN MILNE, A.A. THAYER, JANE O'DONNELL, KERRI THE REAL MOTHER GOOSE RYLANT, CYNTHIA CARLE, ERIC SPEARE, ELIZABETH SENDAK, MAURICE KEATS, EZRA JACK KEATS, EZRA JACK ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title THE SOUTHPAW FROM SAN FRANCISCO. THE STORIES OF JULIAN TELLS. THE STORY ABOUT PING. THE STORY OF BABAR, THE LITTLE ELEPHANT. THE STORY OF FERDINAND. THE STORY OF SACAGAWEA : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. THE STORY OF THE ICE AGE. THE STRAWBERRY GIRL. THE TALE OF PETER RABBIT. THE TENTH GOOD THING ABOUT BARNEY. THE TERRIBLE THING THAT HAPPENED AT OUR HOUSE. THE TERRIBLE, WONDERFUL TELLIN' AT HOG HAMMOCK. THE THANKSGIVING STORY. THE THREE BEARS. THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF. THE THREE KITTENS. THE THREE LITTLE PIGS. THE TINY SEED. THE TRUE STORE OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS. THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS. THE UGLY DUCKLING. THE VELVETEEN RABBIT. THE VELVETEEN RABBIT. THE VERY BOASTFUL KANGAROO : PROBLEM SOLVING. THE VERY BUSY SPIDER. THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLIAR. THE VERY WORST MONSTER. THE WILD CHRISTMAS REINDEER. THE WINNING STROKE. THE WITCHES. THE WOLF'S CHICKEN STEW. THE WORLD OF UFOS. THE YEAR AT MAPLE HILL FARM. THERE'S A NIGHTMARE IN MY CLOSET. THERE'S A NIGHTMARE IN MY CLOSET. THREE BEARS. THREE PIGS. THUNDER CAKE. THUNDER CAKE. THUNDER CAKE. TORNADO. TRADITIONS OF THE CROW PEOPLE. TRAIN TO SOMEWHERE. Take Care of the Earth. Take Care of the Earth. Take Care of the Earth. Take Care of the Earth. Take Care of the Earth. Take Care of the Earth. Take Time To Relax! Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author CAMERON, ANN FLACK, MARJORIE BRUNHOFF, JEAN DE LEAF, MONROE FRANKLIN, VIRGIL THE TALE OF PETER RABBIT VIORST, JUDITH BLAINE, MARGE THE THANKSGIVING STORY GALDONE, PAUL GALDONE, PAUL GALDONE, PAUL CARLE, ERIC SCIESZKA,JESSICA SCIESZKA, JON ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS, MARGERY WILLIAMS, MARGERY MOST, BERNARD CARLE, ERIC CARLE, ERIC HUTCHINS, PAT BRETT,JAN DAHL, ROALD KASZA, KEIKO PROVENSEN, ALICE MAYER, MERCER MAYER, MERCER POLACCO, PATRICIA MAHER, ERIN Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Carlson, Nancy Page 211 Barcode ISBN 641372 14124 14038 14039 14123 14407 641356 641353 14125 14040 14041 641360 14129 14042 14127 14133 14132 14131 13970 14134 14135 14043 14154 14221 14152 14160 14137 13967 641368 14044 14045 641354 14046 14047 14138 641411 641410 14048 641412 641413 641361 14435 641362 642181 642182 642183 642184 642185 642186 10036678 0140542426 LCCN 92026584 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 212 Title Author Barcode ISBN Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take Time To Relax! Take a hike, Snoopy! / based on the comic strips by Charles … Take care, Good Knight / Shelley Moore Thomas ; pictures by … Takedown / Rich Wallace. Tale of the Toa / by C.A. Hapka. Tale of the Turnip. Tale of the Turnip. Tale of the Turnip. Tale of the Turnip. Tale of the Turnip. Tale of the Turnip. Talent Night : On Level Grade 1. Talent Night : On Level Grade 1. Talent Night : On Level Grade 1. Tales of Beatrix Potter [Video]. Tales of Beatrix Potter [Video]. Tales of Mr. Map : Advanced Level Grade 1. Tales of Mr. Map : Advanced Level Grade 1. Tales of Mr. Map : Advanced Level Grade 1. Tales of a fourth grade nothing / Judy Blume. Tales of famous Americans / Connie and Peter Roop ; illustra… Tales of the cryptids : mysterious creatures that may or may… Talk About a Family. Talk About a Family. Talk About a Family. Talk About a Family. Talk About a Family. Talk About a Family. Tall Tale [Video] : The Unbelievable Adventure. Tall Tales: Read-Aloud Plays. Tall, Tales Big Numbers : Below-Level Gr 4. Tall, Tales Big Numbers : Below-Level Gr 4. Tall, Tales Big Numbers : Below-Level Gr 4. Taming the Land : Below-Level Gr 5. Taming the Land : Below-Level Gr 5. Taming the Land : Below-Level Gr 5. Tap dancing on the roof : sijo (poems) / by Linda Sue Park ;… Tap into Sap : Infoquest Gr 3. Tar Beach / Faith Ringgold. Tara Lipinski:Olympic champion : Trophies BL Gr 3. Tara Lipinski:Olympic champion : Trophies BL Gr 3. Tasmanian Tiger / Marion & Steve Isham. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia / Peggy Parish ; pictures by Lynn S… Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Nancy Katschke, Judy. Thomas, Shelley Moore. Wallace, Rich. Hapka, Cathy. Jenny Giles Jenny Giles Jenny Giles Jenny Giles Jenny Giles Jenny Giles Ross, Linda Ross, Linda Ross, Linda Family Home Entertainment Family Home Entertainment Williams, Lanczak Rozanne Williams, Lanczak Rozanne Williams, Lanczak Rozanne Blume, Judy. Roop, Connie. Halls, Kelly Milner, 1957Greenfield, Eloise Greenfield, Eloise Greenfield, Eloise Greenfield, Eloise Greenfield, Eloise Greenfield, Eloise Walt Disney Carol Pugliano-Martin Elliot, Rob Elliot, Rob Elliot, Rob Dee, Daniel Dee, Daniel Dee, Daniel Park, Linda Sue. Irvine, Sarah Ringgold, Faith. Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Isham, Marion. Parish, Peggy. 10036679 10036680 10036681 10036682 10036683 10036684 10036685 10036686 643147 640863 642850 65740 66935 66936 66937 66938 66939 66940 10566 10567 11238 30572 5317 10786 10806 11308 640576 67389 401655 13730 13731 13732 13733 13734 13735 30478 66972 9602 9603 9645 9282 9325 9326 401855 8278 10036858 8866 8886 66179 642383 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0140542426 0689849389 (alk… 9780525476955 (… 9780670060962 (… 9780439501163 92026584 92026584 92026584 92026584 92026584 92026584 92026584 92026584 2001038491 2005036722 2006010182 0142302317 (Puf… 9780439641166 (… 1581960492 (har… 2004270850 2007061714 2007295407 9780618234837 2006024901 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 9780517580301 0958653607 0688800696 LCCN 90040410 /AC 2001339247 76022663 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 213 Title Author Barcode ISBN Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia. Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Pet. Teacher's Resource Book : Early (4) Level - Green Satellites… Teacher's Resource Book : Early (4) Level Green. Teacher's Resource Book : Fluency (2) Level Turquoise. Teacher's Resource Book : Shared Reading. Teacher-Tested Time Savers. Teaching Kid About the Environment Lesson Plans For Teachers… Teaching Resource Kit : On Level/ Grade 5 Levels T-V. Teaching Resource Kit. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 2. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 2. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 2. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 2. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 4. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 4. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 4. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 5. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 5. Teaching Transparancies : Gr 5. Teaching Transparencies : Gr 1. Teaching Transparencies : Gr 1. Teaching Transparencies : Gr 1. Teaching Transparencies : Gr 1. Teaching Transparencies for Language Arts : Gr 1. Teaching Transparencies for Language Arts : Gr 1. Teaching With Favorite Magic Tree House Books. Teaching With Favorite Marc Brown Books. Teaching and Language Arts Tranparences : Gr 5. Teaching and Language Arts Tranparences : Gr 5. Teaching and Language Arts Tranparences : Gr 5. Teaching and Language Arts Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching and Language Arts Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching and Language Arts Transparancies : Gr 3. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 2. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 2. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 2. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 2. Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Nancy Prasad Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill and Windsor, Jo Forte, Imogene CNRE Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Social Studie… 10036814 10036815 10036816 10036817 10036819 10036820 641615 641616 641617 641618 641619 7286 7285 7284 7105 30058 6919 15020 13173 10231 10232 10233 10950 10188 10189 10919 9161 9162 9163 9084 9085 9086 10846 13928 8979 8980 10852 14053 12318 4230 9112 9113 9114 10203 10221 10926 10069 10070 10071 10958 0590433458 0590433458 0590433458 0590433458 0590433458 0590433458 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Rovin-Murphy, Deborah Walmsley, Bonnie LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 4. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 4. Teaching and Language Arts Transparencies : Gr 4. Teaching with Favorite Clifford Books. Teaching with Favorite Eric Carle Books. Teaching with Favorite I SPY Books. Teaching with favorite Franklin Books. Teaching with favorite Kevin Henkes books / by Immacula A. R… Teaching with favorite Leo Lionni books / by Kathleen M. Hol… Teaching with favorite Patricia Polacco books / by Immacula … Team Moon : how 400,000 people landed Apollo 11 on the moon … Teammates / Tiki and Ronde Barber with Robert Burleigh ; ill… Tearing Down the Kingdome : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Tearing Down the Kingdome : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Technical foul / Rich Wallace. Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bear's scrapbook / by Deborah and James Howe ; ill. by… Teddy Bears [Video]. Teddy Takes a Vacation : The story of a real teddy bear On L… Teddy Takes a Vacation : The story of a real teddy bear On L… Teddy Takes a Vacation : The story of a real teddy bear On L… Teeny Tiny : Rigby Level 11. Teeth : Rigby level 16. Telling Time [Video] : watch and learn. Telling the Truth /[Big Book]. Ten Dogs in the Window[Big Book] : A Countdown Book Gr 1. Ten Dogs in the Window[Big Book] : A Countdown Book Gr 1. Ten Dogs in the Window[Big Book] : A Countdown Book Gr 1. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten Kids, No Pets. Ten black dots / Donald Crews. Ten black dots / Donald Crews. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten easy tips for staying safe / Cindy James. Ten little fish / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 214 Author Barcode Hollenbeck, Kathleen M. Novelli, Joan Novelli,Joan 2003 Hollenbeck, Kathleen M. Rhodes, Immacula A. Hollenbeck, Kathleen M. Rhodes, Immacula A. Thimmesh, Catherine. Barber, Tiki, 1975Bingham, Ann Bingham, Ann Wallace, Rich. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. Howe, Deborah. itty bitty kitty wildlife Chase, Kate Chase, Kate Chase, Kate Riordan, James Pyers, Greg Front Row Burch, Regina Masurel, Claire Masurel, Claire Masurel, Claire Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Crews, Donald. Crews, Donald. James, Cindy, 1973James, Cindy, 1973James, Cindy, 1973James, Cindy, 1973James, Cindy, 1973James, Cindy, 1973Wood, Audrey. 9183 9184 9185 6903 7778 7819 6902 6287 6352 6284 401631 401671 8024 8040 67159 16126 16127 16128 16129 16130 16131 16132 16133 16134 30005670 10391 10392 11273 15913 15501 642956 14568 10293 10652 11331 10036848 10036849 10036852 10036854 10036855 10036856 1004088 1004091 590219 590220 590221 590222 590223 590224 15254 ISBN LCCN 0439260809 0439043883 (pbk… 0439271665 9780618507573 (… 9781416924890 (… 0670059412 (har… 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0689307462 0590422448 0590422448 0590422448 0590422448 0590422448 0590422448 0688060676 0688060676 0823937216 0823937216 0823937216 0823937216 0823937216 0823937216 0439635691 (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (har… 2005010755 2005030867 2004003405 85014871 /AC 85014871 /AC 2001007028 2001007028 2001007028 2001007028 2001007028 2001007028 2003025105 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author Ten little fish / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Ten little fish / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Ten little fish / by Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Bruce Wood… Terrible Tiger : Rigby Level 10. Terrible storm / by Carol Otis Hurst ; pictures by S.D. Schi… Terrific trees : Rigby Level 12. Terrific trees : Rigby Level 12. Thanksgiving Fun : Activity Book. Thanksgiving Day : cassette. Thanksgiving Day/6 Copies : Level A/Early Emergent/Emergent. Thanksgiving at the Tappletons' / written by Eileen Spinelli… Thanksgiving is for giving thanks / by Margaret Sutherland ;… Thanskgiving : Thematic Unit. That Reminds Me of a Story : Advanced Level Gr 5. That Reminds Me of a Story : Advanced Level Gr 5. That Reminds Me of a Story : Advanced Level Gr 5. That bad, bad cat! / by Claire Masurel ; illustrated by True… That makes Ten! 6 Copies/ Cassette : Level H/ Transition/ Fl… That's Mine! That's Mine! That's Mine! That's Mine! That's Mine! That's Mine! That's My Shot! : Trophies BL Gr 3. That's My Shot! : Trophies BL Gr 3. That's Not All! : Start to Read. That's Not My Hobby! : Rigby Level 14. That's Us : Sails Gr 1. The 18th emergency / Betsy Byars. The 3,000th Hit : Below-Level Gr 5. The 3,000th Hit : Below-Level Gr 5. The 3,000th Hit : Below-Level Gr 5. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Adventures of Spider. The Akhenaten adventure / P.B. Kerr. The Akhenaten adventure / P.B. Kerr. The Alaska Mother Goose and other north country nursery rhym… The Amazing Animal Rescue Team. The Amazing Animal Rescue Team. The Amazing Animal Rescue Team. The Amazing Animal Rescue Team. The Amazing Animal Rescue Team. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Jarman, Julia Hurst, Carol Otis. Manhart, Mignon Manhart, Mignon Stamper, Judith Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 215 Barcode 15324 15325 15326 15924 66810 15540 15541 641211 65710 Social Studies Early Emergent … 12464 Spinelli, Eileen. 642540 Sutherland, Margaret. 66404 Teacher Created Materials 16547 Waldman, Nomi 9421 Waldman, Nomi 9422 Waldman, Nomi 9423 Masurel, Claire. 643227 Math Transition Level 12441 Claire Llewellyn 640873 Claire Llewellyn 640874 Claire Llewellyn 640875 Claire Llewellyn 640876 Claire Llewellyn 640877 Claire Llewellyn 640878 Widen, Sandy 8870 Widen, Sandy 8881 Schneider, Rex 643148 Elsenstein, Rosalie 15517 Windsor, Jo 8191 Byars, Betsy Cromer. 640057 Gorman, Gloria 9272 Gorman, Gloria 9307 Gorman, Gloria 9308 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004143 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004144 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004145 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004146 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004147 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004148 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004149 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004150 Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 1004186 Kerr, Philip. 13195 Kerr, Philip. 15258 Gill, Shelley. 641318 Rebecca Blankenhorn 642169 Rebecca Blankenhorn 642170 Rebecca Blankenhorn 642171 Rebecca Blankenhorn 642172 Rebecca Blankenhorn 642173 ISBN LCCN 0439635691 (har… 0439635691 (har… 0439635691 (har… 2003025105 2003025105 2003025105 9780060090012 (… 2005035731 006008670X 9780448422862 2002017296 00055137 044842665X (lib… 2002280493 0887430198 081614432X (lg.… 87023648 /AC 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0590034340 0439670195 0439670195 0934007020 (pbk… 2004006850 2004006850 87060489 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 216 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Rebecca Blankenhorn Bourgeois, Paulette Davids, Harvey Davids, Harvey Davids, Harvey 642174 7351 9631 9632 9633 642950 642893 642894 642895 642896 642897 642898 67453 7800 7035 7036 7037 7038 15465 67417 7948 1004262 1004263 1004264 1004265 1004269 5214 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 642097 642098 642099 642100 642101 642102 11750 11780 15242 65197 16075 16077 16078 16080 16085 642365 Amazing Animal Rescue Team. Amazing Dirt Book. Amazing One-of-a-Kind Parrot : Below-Level Gr 4. Amazing One-of-a-Kind Parrot : Below-Level Gr 4. Amazing One-of-a-Kind Parrot : Below-Level Gr 4. Amazing Panda [Video] : Educational Video. American Flag. American Flag. American Flag. American Flag. American Flag. American Flag. American Revolution Lessons 1-4 ( 15 min each) [video] :… Animal Kingdom Middle/Upper Grades. Animal Show. Animal Show. Animal Show. Animal Show. Animal Walk : Rigby Level 4. Apple Dumpling Gang [Video] / [by] Jack M. Bickham. Apple Tree Dilemma. Apple and The Arrow. Apple and The Arrow. Apple and The Arrow. Apple and The Arrow. Apple and The Arrow. Apple and The Arrow. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. April Fool's Day Mystery : Soar to Success LV 3. Art Riddle Contest. Art Riddle Contest. Art Riddle Contest. Art Riddle Contest. Art Riddle Contest. Art Riddle Contest. Art of Being a Cat : Advanced level Gr 4. Art of Being a Cat : Advanced level Gr 4. Baby Pony. Baby-sitter's Club. [1], Kristy's great idea : a graphic… Bad Beginning. Bad Beginning. Bad Beginning. Bad Beginning. Bad Beginning. Bad Beginning. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Lloyd Douglas Lloyd Douglas Lloyd Douglas Lloyd Douglas Lloyd Douglas Lloyd Douglas District Batiza,Ann Finney 1984 Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Hawes, Alison Bickham, Jack M. Eggleton, Jill Buff, Mary and Conrad Buff, Mary and Conrad Buff, Mary and Conrad Buff, Mary and Conrad Buff, Mary and Conrad Buff, Mary and Conrad Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Markham, Marion Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Hollander, Cass Hollander, Cass Betancourt, Jeanne Telgemeier, Raina. Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony ISBN LCCN 72144249 0590023772 0590023772 0590023772 0590023772 0590023772 0590023772 9780439802413 (… 0439206472 0439206472 0439206472 0439206472 0439206472 0439206472 2005037749 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 217 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Snicket, Lemony Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Trumbauer, Lisa Trumbauer, Lisa White Owl Enterprise Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Berenstein, Stan Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Berenstain, Stanley and Janice Agee, Amanda Kurtis, Bill 1995 Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923Berenstain, Stan, 1923- 642366 9239 9544 10673 10674 5338 10776 10811 11313 1001158 2501 2502 2503 2504 32704 1003519 67269 30066 643183 67252 67253 1003543 67189 67201 67200 66416 641340 643144 640070 100076 100276 65052 640670 10500 14302 9287 9335 9336 14561 30067 10562 10563 11240 15893 8840 8873 9248 9553 10454 1003860 0439206472 Bad Beginning. Baker and the Rings : On-Level Gr 3. Baker and the Rings : On-Level Gr 3. Bald Eagle : Advanced level Grade 3. Bald Eagle : Advanced level Grade 3. Barn Owl [Video] : An Introduction to Owl Pellets Labs. Bear Facts : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bear Facts : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bear Facts : Advanced Level Grade 1. Bear Scouts. Bear Went Over the Mountain. Bear Went Over the Mountain. Bear Went Over the Mountain. Bear Went Over the Mountain. Bear Went Over the Mountain. Bears' Christmas [Video] : Berenstain Bears. Beast Who Couldn't Say Boo. Beauty of the Beast [Video]. Berenstain Bear Scouts and the stinky milk mystery / Sta… Berenstain Bears Bedtime Story. Berenstain Bears Help Around the House. Berenstain Bears and Cupid's Supprise [Video]. Berenstain Bears and the big road race / Stan & Jan Bere… Berenstain Bears and the big road race / Stan & Jan Bere… Berenstain Bears by the sea / The Berenstains. Berenstain Bears get their kicks / Stan & Jan Berenstain… Berenstain Bears' new baby / Stan & Jan Berenstain. Berenstain Bears' new baby / Stan & Jan Berenstain. Berenstain Bears' trouble at school / Stan & Jan Berenst… Berenstain bears and the drug free zone / by Stan & Jan … Berenstain bears and the trouble with friends / Stan & J… Berenstain bears on the moon / Stan and Jan Berenstain. Berenstain bears on time / Stan & Jan Berenstain. Best Boat : Independent Reader Grade K. Best Book of Sharks. Best Candidate : Below-Level Gr 5. Best Candidate : Below-Level Gr 5. Best Candidate : Below-Level Gr 5. Best Christmas Pageant Ever [Video]. Best Christmas Pageant Ever [Video]. Best Food : On Level Grade 1. Best Food : On Level Grade 1. Best Food : On Level Grade 1. Best Present : Rigby Level 9. Best Stunt of All : Trophies BL Gr 3. Best Stunt of All : Trophies BL Gr 3. Best Thanksgiving : On-Level Gr 3. Best Thanksgiving : On-Level Gr 3. Big Carrot : Independent Reader Grade K. Big Fearon Book of Dinosaurs. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Llewellyn, Claire Craig, Josh Craig, Josh Craig, Josh Robinson, Barbara Robinson, Barbara Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda Andrew, Moira Katich, Alex Katich, Alex Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Burkle, Diane Calvert LCCN 0679810331 679-81034-X 0590565249 1555113575 0394891341 0394891341 0679887199 0679889558 0394829085 0394829085 039487336X 0679836128 0394973399 0394871804 0307231739 0822406985 98041400 /AC (pbk… (pbk… (tra… (tra… : : (pbk… (pbk… (lib… : K6384 87004581 87004581 97036285 97076109 74002535 74002535 86004999 92031604 85030165 84020428 PE0698 /AC /AC /AC /AC… /AC… /AC /AC /AC /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 218 Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Eggleton, Jill 7043 Eggleton, Jill 7044 Eggleton, Jill 7045 Eggleton, Jill 7046 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12781 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12782 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12783 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12784 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12785 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 12786 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 16530 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 16531 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 16532 Linda Cauley 642553 Burgan, Michael. 13298 David Armentrout 66783 David Armentrout 66784 David Armentrout 66785 David Armentrout 66786 David Armentrout 66787 David Armentrout 66788 Kostick, Diane 5492 Floyd, Lucy 10544 Floyd, Lucy 10545 Floyd, Lucy 11250 Feinstein, Stephen 9625 Feinstein, Stephen 9626 Feinstein, Stephen 9636 Peanuts Home Video 5321 Peterson, Polly 9443 Peterson, Polly 9444 Peterson, Polly 9445 Rounds,Glen 1004340 Rounds,Glen 1004341 Rounds,Glen 1004342 Rounds,Glen 1004343 Rounds,Glen 1004344 Rounds,Glen 1004345 Greive, Bradley Trebor 643136 Kerr, Philip. 15260 Kerr, Philip. 65220 Twist, Clint 67396 Simon, Jane 11164 Simon, Jane 9729 Simon, Jane 9730 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641388 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 65111 Smith, Geof 11744 Smith, Geof 11774 Disney 642791 Big Giant. Big Giant. Big Giant. Big Giant. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Orange Splot. Big Yellow Bus[Big Book]. Bill of Rights / by Michael Burgan. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Biography of Me. Bird in the Plum Tree : On Level Grade 1. Bird in the Plum Tree : On Level Grade 1. Bird in the Plum Tree : On Level Grade 1. Bird on the Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. Bird on the Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. Bird on the Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. Birth of the Constitution [Video]. Bison and the People of the Plains : Advanced Level Gr 5… Bison and the People of the Plains : Advanced Level Gr 5… Bison and the People of the Plains : Advanced Level Gr 5… Blind Colt. Blind Colt. Blind Colt. Blind Colt. Blind Colt. Blind Colt. Blue Day Book for Kids : A Lesson in Cheering Yourself U… Blue Djinn of Babylon / P.B. Kerr. Blue Djinn of Babylon / P.B. Kerr. Book of Planets. Box : Below Level Gr 1. Box : Below Level Gr 1. Box : Below Level Gr 1. Boxcar children / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrated… Boxcar children / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrated… Bremen Town Band : Advanced level Gr 4. Bremen Town Band : Advanced level Gr 4. Bug Hunt. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 0153254475 0756501512 LCCN 2001001570 0590323008 0590323008 0590323008 0590323008 0590323008 0590323008 0439670217 0439670217 2005008937 2005008937 0807508489 0807508489 2002023482 2002023482 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 219 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Wood, Audrey. Chavex, Adela Chavex, Adela Judd, John Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Krauss, Ruth Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Preller, James Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Edel Wignell Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Brand, Judith Scholastic Pierce, Mary Moore, MariJo Leokum, Arkady 1987 Tell Me Why 1989 Welch, Joseph Welch, Joseph Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon 66717 66718 66719 66720 66721 66722 8864 8888 642919 1003993 1632 3000204 3000205 3000206 3000207 3000528 30205 30206 30207 9491 9492 9493 9263 9558 67315 641556 641557 641558 641559 641560 641561 641562 7080 7081 7082 7083 7136 10572 10573 11235 30005699 67472 15546 1003643 1003635 8861 8891 66653 66654 66655 0590480898 0590480898 0590480898 0590480898 0590480898 0590480898 Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Bunyans / Audrey Wood ; illustrated by David Shannon. Burro's land : Trophies BL Gr 3. Burro's land : Trophies BL Gr 3. Butter Cream Gang [Video]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Carrot Seed[Big Book]. Case of Derrick and the Mind-Benders : On-Level Gr 5. Case of Derrick and the Mind-Benders : On-Level Gr 5. Case of Derrick and the Mind-Benders : On-Level Gr 5. Case of the Missing Case : On-Level Gr 3. Case of the Missing Case : On-Level Gr 3. Case of the Secret Valentine. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat and the Mouse. Cat show. Cat show. Cat show. Cat show. Cat show. Caterpillar : On Level Grade 1. Caterpillar : On Level Grade 1. Caterpillar : On Level Grade 1. Challenge of the Bogus Brakes [Video]. Changing Land / Big Book. Cherokee Little People: A Native American Tale : Rigby L… Children's Video Encyclopedia Volume IX Mammals [Video]. Children's Video Encyclopedia Volume XX How Things Work … Chocolate Journey : Trophies BL Gr 3. Chocolate Journey : Trophies BL Gr 3. Chocolate Trail. Chocolate Trail. Chocolate Trail. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X 059073301X LCCN 95026170 95026170 95026170 95026170 95026170 95026170 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 220 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Wood, A. J., 1960Lewis, C. S. 66656 66657 66658 66659 67357 642380 640472 640480 640543 67486 640476 640483 67516 15481 15482 1004678 1004681 1004683 1004687 1004689 1004691 1004692 66759 66760 66761 66762 66763 66764 640132 640144 640162 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 400835 642686 642687 642688 642689 642690 642691 11755 11785 65155 8422 8423 8424 Chocolate Trail. Chocolate Trail. Chocolate Trail. Chocolate Trail. Christmas hat / written by A.J. Wood ; illustrated by Ma… Chronicles of Narnia : The Magician's Nephew. Civil War Sisterhood : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Sisterhood : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Sisterhood : Social Studies Grade 5. Civil War Years 1850-1876. Cold War and the Space Race : Social Studies Grade 5. Cold War and the Space Race : Social Studies Grade 5. Complete Guide To Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Reptiles. Computer Game : Rigby Level 6. Computer Game. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Computer That Ate My Brother. Constitution. Constitution. Constitution. Constitution. Constitution. Constitution. Consumer-Producer Connection : Social Studies Grade 2. Consumer-Producer Connection : Social Studies Grade 2. Consumer-Producer Connection : Social Studies Grade 2. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Coral Reef. Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes: as told to jeni… Crane Wife. Crane Wife. Crane Wife. Crane Wife. Crane Wife. Crane Wife. Crystal Radio : Advanced level Gr 4. Crystal Radio : Advanced level Gr 4. Daily Dozen[Big Book] : Big Book. Daily Meow : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Daily Meow : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Daily Meow : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM McNab, Chris Mitchelhill, Barbara Mitchelhill, Barbara Marney, Dean Marney, Dean Marney, Dean Marney, Dean Marney, Dean Marney, Dean Marney, Dean David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Beauregard, Sue Heyward, Du Bose Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Ena Keo Winter, Max Winter, Max Dickerson, Susan Egggleton, Jill Egggleton, Jill Egggleton, Jill ISBN 0525472606 0590254758 0590402676 0590402676 0590402676 0590402676 0590402676 0590402676 0590402676 0618174036 LCCN 2003062485 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 221 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Egggleton, Jill Carman, Patrick. Sullivan, George Sullivan, George Sullivan, George Sullivan, George Gragg, Rod Thaler, Mike Winter, Max Winter, Max Doyle, Malachy PBS 1993 Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat 8425 15264 30173 30174 30175 30176 14559 67321 9261 9560 15912 10037944 10364 10365 11260 1003988 1004061 1004066 640280 67484 5315 10535 10536 11246 8414 8415 8416 8417 1004784 1004785 1004786 1004787 1004788 1004789 1004790 1004791 1004792 1004793 39165 9581 9582 9656 65725 9711 9399 9400 9401 15903 67275 14947 Daily Meow : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Dark Hills divide / Patrick Carman. Day We Walked on the Moon. Day We Walked on the Moon. Day We Walked on the Moon. Day We Walked on the Moon. Declaration of Independence. Dentist from the Black Lagoon. Derby : On-Level Gr 3. Derby : On-Level Gr 3. Dinosaur Hunt : Rigby Level 11. Dinosaurs Flesh on the Bones [Video]. Dog and His Shadow : On-Level Gr 2. Dog and His Shadow : On-Level Gr 2. Dog and His Shadow : On-Level Gr 2. Doorbell Rang[Big Book]. Doorbell Rang[Big Book]. Doorbell Rang[Big Book]. Doorbell Rang[Big Book]. Early National Period 1796-1850. Easter Bunny's Comin' to Town [Video]. Edge of the Puddle: a Play : On Level Grade 1. Edge of the Puddle: a Play : On Level Grade 1. Edge of the Puddle: a Play : On Level Grade 1. Egg Saga : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Egg Saga : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Egg Saga : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Egg Saga : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Elves and the Shoemaker. Emperor and the Peasant Boy : Below-Level Gr 4. Emperor and the Peasant Boy : Below-Level Gr 4. Emperor and the Peasant Boy : Below-Level Gr 4. Emperor's Teacup : CD. Emperor's Teacup : RL 4 CD 6. Encounter : Advanced Level Gr 5. Encounter : Advanced Level Gr 5. Encounter : Advanced Level Gr 5. Fantastic Pumpkin : Rigby Level 11. Farmer Didn't Wake Up. Farmer in the Dell /[Big Book]. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Warner Bros Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Littledale, Freya Martinez, R osa Martinez, R osa Martinez, R osa Jacqueline Dembar Greene Greene, Jacqueline Korba, Joanna Korba, Joanna Korba, Joanna Atkins, Jill Nunn, Tamara Child's Play International ISBN 0786277521 (har… 0590455877 0590455877 0590455877 0590455877 0395459893 0395459893 0395459893 0395459893 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 0590448552 LCCN 2005008764 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 222 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Rae, Mary Maki Payan, Gregory. Payan, Gregory. Payan, Gregory. Payan, Gregory. Payan, Gregory. Payan, Gregory. Sharmat, Marjorie & Andrew 1003999 1004001 1004855 1004856 1004857 1004860 1004861 1004863 1004864 1004865 1004866 1004868 1004869 101527 590381 590382 590383 590384 590385 590386 643191 10493 7932 641728 641729 641730 641731 641732 641733 5316 5311 1004878 1004879 1004882 2875 10768 10819 11298 1003613 1003687 5970 3000494 640485 640491 640499 640501 640304 642790 15269 642860 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0590426141 0823940381 0823940381 0823940381 0823940381 0823940381 0823940381 0061060291 Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Farmer in the Dell[Big Book]. Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Federalists and Anti-Federalists : how and why political… Field Day Mix Up : The Kids On The Bus. Fire Bell Rings : Independent Reader Grade K. Fire Zenith. First Day of School. First Day of School. First Day of School. First Day of School. First Day of School. First Day of School. First Easter Egg! [Video]. First Easter Rabbit [Video]. First Woman Doctor. First Woman Doctor. First Woman Doctor. First Woman Doctor. Fish Market : Advanced Level Grade 1. Fish Market : Advanced Level Grade 1. Fish Market : Advanced Level Grade 1. Fisherman and His Wife [Video]. Fitness Express [Video]. Food Chain Mystery [Video] : Teacher's Guide. Forgotten Toys [Video]. Fourth of July : Social Studies Grade 1. Fourth of July : Social Studies Grade 1. Fourth of July : Social Studies Grade 1. Fourth of July : Social Studies Grade 1. Fox & The Chicken[Big Book]. Friendship Garden. Frog Prince / retold by Edith H. Tarcov ; illustrated by… Frog Prince Continued. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Lockyer, John Jen McVeity Jen McVeity Jen McVeity Jen McVeity Jen McVeity Jen McVeity Video Treasures Warner Home Video Baker, Rachel Baker, Rachel Baker, Rachel Baker, Rachel Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Brothers Grimm Schwarzeneggar, Arnold 100% Educational Videos Stevenson, James Disney Tarcov, Edith. Jon Scieszka LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 2002152851 2002152851 2002152851 2002152851 2002152851 2002152851 059044767X 059044767X 059044767X 059044767X 0115750704-3-5 H0704 1573307009 LV 49722 1586690671 9780590465717 92025167 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 223 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Barber, Martha Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Leedy, Loreen Gutman, Dan. David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout Melser, June Pipe, Jim Pipe, Jim Donaldson, Julia Donaldson, Julia Strachan, Linda Eggleton, Jill Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Granowsky, Dr. Alvin Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Pearce, Mary Pearce, Mary Burgan, Michael Burgan, Michael Carroll, Cynthia Carroll, Cynthia Carroll, Cynthia Tang, Greg Patricia Polacco Hutchinson, Emily Hutchinson, Emily Hutchinson, Emily Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds 1002745 1004056 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 13034 66224 66765 66766 66767 66768 66769 66770 1004024 65161 67490 15544 15545 15910 7112 10320 10321 12051 1004120 6998 6999 7000 7001 1004079 1004080 11799 11800 9290 9341 9342 6782 642880 9280 9321 9322 66674 66675 66676 66677 66678 66679 0753-0864-8 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0590726234 0060534400 Funny old Man and the Funny old Woman[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Furry News[Big Book]. Get Rich Quick Club / Dan Gutman. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg Address. Ghost and the Sausage[Big Book]. Giant Book Of Dinosaurs[Big Book]. Giant Book Of The Jungle. Giant Jumperee: A Play : Rigby Level 13. Giant Jumperee: A Play : Rigby Level 13. Giant and the Frippit : Rigby Level 11. Giant's Ice Cream[Big Book]. Giant's Sock : Advanced Level Gr 2. Giant's Sock : Advanced Level Gr 2. Giant's Sock : Advanced Level Gr 2. Giants[Big Book]. Goat. Goat. Goat. Goat. Gold-Tinted Dragon[Big Book]. Gold-Tinted Dragon[Big Book]. Golden Runner : On-Level Gr 4. Golden Runner : On-Level Gr 4. Graceful Bull and Other Surprises : Below-Level Gr 5. Graceful Bull and Other Surprises : Below-Level Gr 5. Graceful Bull and Other Surprises : Below-Level Gr 5. Grapes of Math : mind-stretching math riddles. Graves Family. Great Barrier Reef : Below-Level Gr 5. Great Barrier Reef : Below-Level Gr 5. Great Barrier Reef : Below-Level Gr 5. Great Dog Wash. Great Dog Wash. Great Dog Wash. Great Dog Wash. Great Dog Wash. Great Dog Wash. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0868672882 0811432823 0590724738 0590724738 LCCN 2003019041 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 224 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Heather Hammonds Family Home Entertainment Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Peanuts Home Video Linda Hartley Linda Hartley Linda Hartley Linda Hartley Linda Hartley Rosen, Michael J. Burns, Marilyn Fields, Julia Leo Lionni Carle, Eric 66680 5312 9450 9451 9452 5325 65280 65281 65282 65283 65284 5213 6783 12733 642867 1004089 640556 9593 9594 9649 643675 643676 643677 643678 643671 643672 643673 643674 67113 16419 100187 8138 641563 641564 641565 641566 641567 641568 641569 14554 643205 13653 13655 13656 13657 13658 13661 14754 14756 9520 Great Dog Wash. Great Easter Egg Hunt [Video]. Great Franklin Debate : On-Level Gr 5. Great Franklin Debate : On-Level Gr 5. Great Franklin Debate : On-Level Gr 5. Great Inventors [Video]. Great Outdoors. Great Outdoors. Great Outdoors. Great Outdoors. Great Outdoors. Greatest Table: a banquet to fight against hunger. Greedy Triangle : A Marilyn Burns Brainy Book. Green Lion of Zion Street. Greentail Mouse. Grouchy Ladybug[Big Book]. Growing United States : Social Studies Grade 5. Guest Who forgot to Leave : Below-Level Gr 4. Guest Who forgot to Leave : Below-Level Gr 4. Guest Who forgot to Leave : Below-Level Gr 4. Hallo-wiener / Dav Pilkey. Hallo-wiener / Dav Pilkey. Hallo-wiener / Dav Pilkey. Hallo-wiener / Dav Pilkey. Halloween house / Erica Silverman ; pictures by Jon Halloween house / Erica Silverman ; pictures by Jon Halloween house / Erica Silverman ; pictures by Jon Halloween house / Erica Silverman ; pictures by Jon Halloween performance / Felicia Bond. Halloween play / by Eva Mason ; illustrated by John Happy Day. Happy House : Sails Gr 1. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hare and the Tortoise. Hat /[Big Book]. Haunted Soccer Field : Sports Mysteries. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Haymeadow. Helping Hands Baseball Team : On-Level Gr 5. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Agee… Agee… Agee… Agee… Huxt… Antares, Mira Antares, Mira Antares, Mira Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Silverman, Erica. Silverman, Erica. Silverman, Erica. Silverman, Erica. Bond, Felicia. Mason, Eva. Keauss, Ruth Eggleton, Jill Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Sarah Keene Brett, Jan Edwards, T.J. Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Philips, Mo ISBN LCCN 0590443879 0590729667 0590417037 : 0590417037 : 0590417037 : 0590417037 : 0374428719 0374428719 0374428719 0374428719 0690043082 : 9780448439105 (… 0-590-4843-2 94040949 /AC 94040949 /AC 94040949 /AC 94040949 /AC 96011593 /AC 96011593 /AC 96011593 /AC 96011593 /AC 82045920 /AC 2004019160 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 225 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Philips, Mo Philips, Mo Ledington, Sue Ledington, Sue Ledington, Sue Ledington, Sue Tolkien, J.R.R. 9521 9522 8430 8431 8432 8433 1003622 640449 640462 11803 11806 642788 8154 642632 642633 642634 642635 642636 642637 67530 640322 640897 640898 640899 640900 640901 640902 66562 66563 66564 66565 66566 66567 66568 7799 10488 9402 9403 9404 15538 15539 641501 12317 15974 15975 15976 30005693 67212 65787 590165 Helping Hands Baseball Team : On-Level Gr 5. Helping Hands Baseball Team : On-Level Gr 5. Hiders : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Hiders : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Hiders : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Hiders : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Hobbit [Video]. Home Front : Social Studies Grade 5. Home Front : Social Studies Grade 5. Honest Neighbors : On-Level Gr 4. Honest Neighbors : On-Level Gr 4. Honey Cake Mix-Up. House Sitters : Sails Gr 1. House that Jack's Friends Built. House that Jack's Friends Built. House that Jack's Friends Built. House that Jack's Friends Built. House that Jack's Friends Built. House that Jack's Friends Built. Human Body : Disney Learning. Human Body. Hungry Fox. Hungry Fox. Hungry Fox. Hungry Fox. Hungry Fox. Hungry Fox. Hunted. Hunted. Hunted. Hunted. Hunted. Hunted. Hunted. I Hate Mathematics Book. Ice Fair : Independent Reader Grade K. Ice Storm Birthday : Advanced Level Gr 5. Ice Storm Birthday : Advanced Level Gr 5. Ice Storm Birthday : Advanced Level Gr 5. Ice-Cream Factory : Rigby Level 12. Ice-Cream Factory : Rigby Level 12. Illustrated Atlas of the Universe. Indian in the Cupboard : Novel Ties. Indian in the cupboard / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustration… Indian in the cupboard / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustration… Indian in the cupboard / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustration… Inside Story [Video] : Body Systems: A Closer Look. Internet for kids / by Charnan and Tom Kazunas. Invasion : Animorphs. Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Lawson, Barbara Lawson, Barbara Disney Eggleton, Jill Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Disney Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Claire Llewellyn Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Burns,Marilyn 1975 O' Brien, anne O' Brien, anne O' Brien, anne Ortiz, Annie Ortiz, Annie Garlick, Mark Forsten,Charlene Banks, Lynne Reid, 1929Banks, Lynne Reid, 1929Banks, Lynne Reid, 1929Barcourt Brace Kazunas, Charnan. Applegate, K.A. Randolph, Joanne. ISBN LCCN 088705644X 0385170602 (lib… 0385170602 (lib… 0385170602 (lib… 79006533 /AC… 79006533 /AC… 79006533 /AC… 0516219367 00060384 0823963926 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 226 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Trapani, Iza Dale, Christine Cummings, Isa bella Cummings, Isa bella Cummings, Isa bella Sarah Stewart Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Cowley, Joy Figg, Jennifer Figg, Jennifer Figg, Jennifer Doyle, malachy Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Eggleton, Jill Burnie, David Penn, Audrey, 1947Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 1997 Lawson, Barbara Lawson, Barbara Cranis, Brian Cranis, Brian Cranis, Brian Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie DePaola, Tomie Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard Robin Bernard 590166 590167 590168 590169 590170 8390 8391 8392 8393 640221 1003990 11218 8910 8967 642855 8374 8375 8376 8377 1003991 9571 9572 9661 15507 10387 10388 11271 7114 641502 642552 30005669 11828 11829 9616 9617 9618 9377 9378 9379 12108 12109 12110 12111 13038 642295 642296 642297 642298 642299 642300 0823963926 0823963926 0823963926 0823963926 0823963926 Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Iroquois League / Joanne Randolph. Island of Wingo : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Island of Wingo : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Island of Wingo : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Island of Wingo : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Itsy Bitsy Spider[Big Book]. Ivy[Big Book]. Journey of the Monarch : BL Gr 2. Journey of the Monarch : BL Gr 2. Journey of the Monarch : BL Gr 2. Journey. Jungle Sun : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Jungle Sun : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Jungle Sun : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Jungle Sun : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Kick-a-lot Shoes[Big Book]. Kid from Brighton Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. Kid from Brighton Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. Kid from Brighton Beach : Below-Level Gr 4. King of the Birds : Rigby Level 16. King of the Pumpkin Fair : On Level Gr 2. King of the Pumpkin Fair : On Level Gr 2. King of the Pumpkin Fair : On Level Gr 2. King's Cake[Big Book]. Kingfisher Illustrated Nature Encyclopedia. Kissing hand / Audrey Penn ; illustrations by Ruth E. Ha… Kitty Kats [Video]. Lad Who Went to the North Wind : On-Level Gr 4. Lad Who Went to the North Wind : On-Level Gr 4. Land of Little Water : Below-Level Gr 4. Land of Little Water : Below-Level Gr 4. Land of Little Water : Below-Level Gr 4. Legend of Arctic Ice : Advanced Level Gr 5. Legend of Arctic Ice : Advanced Level Gr 5. Legend of Arctic Ice : Advanced Level Gr 5. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. Life of a Butterfly. Life of a Butterfly. Life of a Butterfly. Life of a Butterfly. Life of a Butterfly. Life of a Butterfly. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0590-86921-32 0908643799 LCCN AS 04379 086867284X 9781933718002 2006003727 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 227 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Disney Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Shipton, Paul Lewis, C.S. Honen, Rosa Lee Honen, Rosa Lee Honen, Rosa Lee Phillips, Trish Andersen, Hans Christian Disney Wood, Don and Audrey Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney Markum, Patricia Maloney McQueen, Lucinda Robard, Mel Robard, Mel Robard, Mel Peterson, John Peterson,John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Lawrence, 1924Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John John Peterson John Peterson John Peterson John Peterson John Peterson John Peterson Schultz, Jeff Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls 642415 642584 642585 642586 642587 642588 642589 15492 642376 10564 10565 11239 67248 13877 642418 6190 8557 8558 8559 8560 8561 8562 8563 1004000 9610 9611 9641 15244 640170 1005385 1005386 1005388 1005389 67110 1005378 1005379 1005380 39160 39161 65398 65399 65400 65401 65402 65403 642835 1005464 1005465 1005468 1005469 Lion King : Disney. Lion and the Mouse. Lion and the Mouse. Lion and the Mouse. Lion and the Mouse. Lion and the Mouse. Lion and the Mouse. Lion's Dinner : Rigby Level 7. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Little Fiddle : On Level Grade 1. Little Fiddle : On Level Grade 1. Little Fiddle : On Level Grade 1. Little Fish Who Cried Shark ! Little Match Girl [Video] : critics choice. Little Mermaid. Little Mouse, the red, ripe strawberry, and the big hung… Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Painter of Sabana Grande : Soar to Success LV. Little Red Hen[Big Book]. Little School in the Valley : Below-Level Gr 4. Little School in the Valley : Below-Level Gr 4. Little School in the Valley : Below-Level Gr 4. Littles Have a Wedding. Littles and the Trash Tinies. Littles to the Rescue. Littles to the Rescue. Littles to the Rescue. Littles to the Rescue. Littles to the rescue : story and pictures / by John Pet… Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Littles. Long Run Iditarod XX 1992 [video]. Long Winter. Long Winter. Long Winter. Long Winter. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0590717189 0590401394 0590441140 0590441140 0590441140 0590441140 0448474913 0590416014 0590416014 0590416014 0590416014 0590416014 0590300946 0590300946 0590300946 0590300946 80084445 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 228 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls 1005470 1005472 10489 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 590387 590388 590389 590390 590391 590392 67399 642940 400385 15000154 643193 11881 66412 30006505 3000439 1050404 16045 8007 66771 66772 66773 66774 66775 66776 1003748 16110 16111 16112 6157 2967 642596 642597 642598 642599 642600 642601 14551 3293 641678 641679 0590300946 0590300946 Long Winter. Long Winter. Lost Dog : Independent Reader Grade K. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Lost Lake : Soar to Success LV 4. Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… Louisiana Purchase : expanding America's boundaries / Ma… M & M's Counting Book. Magic Fan. Magic Nutcracker : The Nutcracker Ballet retold. Magic Porridge Pot. Magic School Bus / Gets Planted : A Book About Photosynt… Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body. Magic School Bus and the science fair expedition / by Jo… Magic of Baby Animals [Video]. Mailbox : 1996-1997 YearBook. Man Who Didn't Wash His Dishes. Martian Tales : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Martian Tales : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact. Me I'm Learning To Be. Meanest Thing To Say. Meanest Thing To Say. Meanest Thing To Say. Millennium[computer disc] : A New Beginning. Miracle Worker [Video]. Missing Pet. Missing Pet. Missing Pet. Missing Pet. Missing Pet. Missing Pet. Mitten /[Big Book]. Mixed-Up Tooth Fairy. Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Say, Allen Say, Allen Say, Allen Say, Allen Say, Allen Say, Allen Say, Allen Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. McGrath, Barbara Keith Baker Hillert, Margaret. Galdone, Paul Krass, Ronnie Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna. American Home Treasures 1997 Education Center Krasilovsky, Phyllis Burton, Marilee Robin Burton, Marilee Robin David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout David Armentrout Forte, Imogene Cosby, Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby, Bill Sulllivan, Anne Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Brett, Jan Faulkner, Keith Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence 082394039X 082394039X 082394039X 082394039X 082394039X 082394039X LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 9780590108249 2002154616 2002154616 2002154616 2002154616 2002154616 2002154616 2006283534 0590004980 0865300615 0792810732 M600590 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 229 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Alagna, Magdalena. Shipton, Paul Herzog, Brad Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Tan, Amy. Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Jones, Jan Jones, Jan Clark, Carolyn Clark, Carolyn Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Peanuts Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt 641680 641681 641682 641683 641684 590399 590400 590401 590402 590403 590404 590435 590436 590437 590438 590439 590440 15498 15506 101138 39719 39720 39721 39722 39723 39724 39725 39726 39727 39728 39729 39730 39731 65656 65657 65658 65659 65660 65661 11740 11770 10702 10703 1003540 1055095 67446 11761 11792 642001 642002 Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monroe Doctrine : an end to European colonies in America… Monster is coming : Rigby Level 17. Monster's New Friend : Rigby Level 16. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon Lady / Amy Tan ; illustrated by Gretchen Schields. Moon. Moon. Moon. Moon. Moon. Moon. Most : Advanced Level Gr 4. Most : Advanced Level Gr 4. Most Amazing Place : Advanced Level Grade 3. Most Amazing Place : Advanced Level Grade 3. Mouse and the Motocycle [Video]. Mouse and the Motorcycle. Music and Heroes of America [video ] : This is America, … Mysterious Tree : Advanced Level Gr 4. Mysterious Tree : Advanced Level Gr 4. Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0823940403 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0027888304 0380709244 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 2002156104 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 91022321 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 230 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Borden, Louise Dee, Daniel Dee, Daniel Dee, Daniel Dee, Daniel Shipton, Paul Trelease, Jim Fry, Edward Fry, Edward Bernard, Ph. D. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith English, June Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Nystrom Eggleton, Jill Johns, Linda Johns, Linda Lockledge, Ann Pomenrantz, Charlotte Pomenrantz, Charlotte Pomenrantz, Charlotte 642003 642004 642005 642006 12178 12179 12180 12181 12182 12195 12196 12197 12198 12199 12974 13456 11346 9288 9337 9338 15463 10037945 4125 1003777 641477 8358 8359 8360 8361 642049 642050 642051 642052 642053 642054 67313 1055259 1880000 1880003 1880004 1880008 1880009 12340 8223 8000 8001 7342 8732 8733 8734 Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Mystery of the Missing Leopard. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. Neighborhood Trucker. New Girl : Below-Level Gr 5. New Girl : Below-Level Gr 5. New Girl : Below-Level Gr 5. New Girl : Below-Level Gr 5. New Hat : Rigby Level 4. New Read-Aloud Handbook. New Reading Teacher's Book Of Lists. New Reading Teacher's Book of Lists. Niagara Falls mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler War… Night Out : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Night Out : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Night Out : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Night Out : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Queen's Blue Velvet Dress. Night Sky. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Not-Just-Anybody Family. Nystrom World Atlas. Old Cat : Sails Gr 1. One and Only You : Rigby Literacy. One and Only You : Rigby Literacy. Oregon Trail. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 013615543X 0807556025 (hc) 0440459516 0440459516 0440459516 0440459516 0440459516 0440459516 LCCN 85009260 97006155 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Pomenrantz, Charlotte Pomenrantz, Charlotte Pomenrantz, Charlotte Pomenrantz, Charlotte Disney Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Bang, Molly Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Shapiro, Debbie Nassau, Elizabeth Sussman Norman, Mark Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Outside Dog : Soar to Success LV 3. Pal Patrol : The Lion King. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Paper Crane : Soar to Success LV 3. Path : On Level, Grade 1. Path : On Level, Grade 1. Path : On Level, Grade 1. Peanut Butter Jam. Penguin Book Birds In Suits. People Who Gave Us the U.S. Constition : Social Studies … Perfect Ending : On-level Gr 3. Perfect Ending : On-level Gr 3. Perfect Pet. Picnic in the Park : Advanced Level Grade 1. Picnic in the Park : Advanced Level Grade 1. Picnic in the Park : Advanced Level Grade 1. Pilgrim Village mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler W… Pilgrims / Kenneth C. Davis ; illustrated by S.D. Schind… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pinckney Treaty : America wins the right to travel the M… Pioneer Way. Pioneer Way. Pioneer Way. Pioneer Way. Pioneer Way. Pioneer Way. Places where we live : Places. Places where we live : Places. Places where we live : Places. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Playhouse. Playhouse. Playhouse. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 231 Barcode 8735 8736 8737 8738 67331 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 8817 10582 10583 11231 641175 67402 640557 Jimenez, Vita 9236 Jimenez, Vita 9541 Disney 642798 Goldish , Meish 10772 Goldish , Meish 10815 Goldish , Meish 11305 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641476 Davis, Kenneth C. 642534 Cefrey, Holly. 590417 Cefrey, Holly. 590418 Cefrey, Holly. 590419 Cefrey, Holly. 590420 Cefrey, Holly. 590421 Cefrey, Holly. 590422 Patricia Kummer 642073 Patricia Kummer 642074 Patricia Kummer 642075 Patricia Kummer 642076 Patricia Kummer 642077 Patricia Kummer 642078 641280 641281 641282 Monica Hughes 640879 Monica Hughes 640880 Monica Hughes 640881 Monica Hughes 640882 Monica Hughes 640883 Monica Hughes 640884 Monica Hughes 641107 Monica Hughes 641108 Monica Hughes 641109 ISBN 080756530X 0060286091 0823940411 0823940411 0823940411 0823940411 0823940411 0823940411 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 95017618 /AC 00023535 2002153794 2002153794 2002153794 2002153794 2002153794 2002153794 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 232 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Monica Hughes Monica Hughes 641110 641111 5827 1050195 67202 642433 16445 10324 10325 12053 30005671 1004064 1004065 12661 12663 12664 12665 12775 12779 12780 13041 8869 8882 66988 9597 9598 9647 9623 9624 9637 1004658 30005851 65726 9710 30006786 30006787 30006789 30006790 30006791 1003133 1880231 1880233 1880235 1880238 1880239 30226 1005278 30580 8354 8355 Playhouse. Playhouse. Pledge of Allegiance[Big Book]. Pond -Floor Puzzle. President and Mom's apple pie / Michael Garland. Prince of Egypt. Pueblo / Charlotte and David Yue. Pumpkin's Trip Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Pumpkin's Trip Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Pumpkin's Trip Around the World : Advanced Level Gr 2. Puppy Dogs [Video]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Quilt Story[Big Book]. Race Across Alaska : Trophies BL Gr 3. Race Across Alaska : Trophies BL Gr 3. Rain Forest[Big Book]. Rain forest is their Home : Below-Level Gr 4. Rain forest is their Home : Below-Level Gr 4. Rain forest is their Home : Below-Level Gr 4. Raja's Elephants : Below-Level Gr 4. Raja's Elephants : Below-Level Gr 4. Raja's Elephants : Below-Level Gr 4. Ransom of Red Chief [Video]. Read Aloud Book. Real McCoy : CD. Real Mccoy : RL 4 CD 5. Real Thief. Real Thief. Real Thief. Real Thief. Real Thief. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason For A Flower[Big Book]. Reason for a Flower. Red Badge of Courage [Video] / . Red Shoes : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Red Shoes : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Garland, Michael, 1952Disney Yue, Charlotte. Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra itty bitty kiddy wildlife Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tony Yee, Carolyn Yee, Carolyn Scholastic Dillon, Don Dillon, Don Dillon, Don Waverly, Amber Waverly, Amber Waverly, Amber O'Henry Trelease, Jim Susan McCloskey Mccloskey, Susan Steig, William Steig, William Steig, William Steig, William Steig, William Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth Heller, Ruth G. Crane, Stephen Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill ISBN LCCN 0439239478 0525468870 0395383501 2002511346 85027087 /AC 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 0590438905 1878820745 0590412523 0590412523 0590412523 0590412523 0590412523 0590412523 0590412523 0590724169 M300408 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 233 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Andersen, Hans Christian Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Blackaby, Susan Waverly, Amber Waverly, Amber Waverly, Amber Amber Waverly Amber Waverly Amber Waverly Amber Waverly Amber Waverly Sheppard, Jeff clemson Eggleton, Jill Rushby, Pamela Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Eggleton, Jill Mike Thaler Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Sarah Vazquez Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke 8356 8357 13884 9517 9518 9519 10336 10337 12057 9587 9588 9652 641915 641916 641917 641918 641919 5903 67517 8167 7936 1880175 1880177 1880179 1880181 1880184 8183 642908 642187 642188 642189 642190 642191 642192 642127 642128 642129 642130 642131 642132 640546 3000271 7764 642013 642014 642015 642016 642017 642018 11216 Red Shoes : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Red Shoes : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Red Shoes [Video]. Red and Blue Hat,A Nigerian folktale retold by Iris Litt… Red and Blue Hat,A Nigerian folktale retold by Iris Litt… Red and Blue Hat,A Nigerian folktale retold by Iris Litt… Return of the Peregrine Falcon : Advanced Level Gr 2. Return of the Peregrine Falcon : Advanced Level Gr 2. Return of the Peregrine Falcon : Advanced Level Gr 2. Return of the Wolf : Below-Level Gr 4. Return of the Wolf : Below-Level Gr 4. Return of the Wolf : Below-Level Gr 4. Return of the Wolf. Return of the Wolf. Return of the Wolf. Return of the Wolf. Return of the Wolf. Right Number of Elephants[Big Book]. Road Ahead [Clemson]. Robbers : Sails Gr 1. Roman Oracle. Rose in My Garden. Rose in My Garden. Rose in My Garden. Rose in My Garden. Rose in My Garden. Sausage Spy : Sails Gr 1. School Bus Driver. School Mural. School Mural. School Mural. School Mural. School Mural. School Mural. Science Fair Surprise. Science Fair Surprise. Science Fair Surprise. Science Fair Surprise. Science Fair Surprise. Science Fair Surprise. Search for Land, Gold, and a New Life : Social Studies G… Second Jungle Book [Video]. Secret of Nimh 2. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Secret of the Silver Shoes. Seed Surprise : BL Gr 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Kipling, Rudyard MGM Family Entertainment Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Elizabeth Massie Verne, Julie ISBN LCCN 0590415301 0590415301 0590415301 0590415301 0590415301 49330 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 234 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Verne, Julie Verne, Julie Lanteigne, Helen Lanteigne, Helen Lanteigne, Helen Lanteigne, Helen Lanteigne, Helen Feature Films for Families Lynne Cherry Rash, Ron Manushkin, Fran. Eggleton, Jill Fradin, Dennis Brindell Ryan, Margaret Ryan, Margaret Peanuts Home Video Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Wetterer, Margaret and Charles Briggs, Raymond Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Harcourt Elman, Natalie Madorsky Tony DiTerlizzi Gabolinsky, Jack Cerasini, Marc A., 1952Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Angela Medearis Rife, Douglas M. Rey ,H. A. Jon Scieszka Leaf, Munro Leaf, Munro Leaf, Munro 8921 8956 5561 5562 5563 5564 5567 3396 642903 643307 401664 8248 6634 15930 15929 5322 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 1003531 1001606 1880873 1880877 1880879 1880885 1880886 1880893 1880901 642952 1003747 642920 7947 642379 65380 65381 65382 65383 65384 65385 65748 640724 3675 642856 1880948 1880952 1880954 Seed Surprise : BL Gr 2. Seed Surprise : BL Gr 2. Seven Chairs. Seven Chairs. Seven Chairs. Seven Chairs. Seven Chairs. Seventh Brother [Video}. Shaman's Apprentice. Shark's Tooth. Shivers in the fridge / by Fran Manushkin ; illustrated … Sick Rooster : Sails Gr 1. Signers : The 56 Stories behind the Declaration of Indep… Singing Giant : Rigby Level 10. Singing Giant: A Play : Rigby Level 10. Smithsonian and the Presidency [Video]. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snow Walker : Soar to success LV 4. Snowman [Video]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Snowy Day[Big Book]. Solar System and Beyond [Video] : Harcourt Science Grade… Special Educator's Almanac. Spider and the Fly. Spiders. SpongeBob SquarePants movie / adapted by Marc Cerasini ;… Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Spray-Paint Mystery. Star-Spangled Banner : History Speaks. Stars. Stinky Cheese Man. Story of Ferdinand. Story of Ferdinand. Story of Ferdinand. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0966711432 9780525469438 (… LCCN 2006003867 WWVC288 0876287690 9780689868405 (… 059002051X 059002051X 059002051X C - 7690 - 5 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 235 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Leaf, Munro Timothy Ering Front Row Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Kathryn Hanna, Julia Hanna, Julia Carter, Eliazbeth Carter, Eliazbeth Carter, Eliazbeth Thaler, Mike McCoy, David McCoy, David Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Peters, Lisa Westberg Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Cowley, Joy Soviano, Barbara Soviano, Barbara Soviano, Barbara Hall, Zoe Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Ruth Charles Windsor, Jo Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Potter, Beatrix Family Home Entertainment 1880958 642871 642958 9365 9366 9367 11756 11786 9293 9347 9348 67320 9252 9555 1004057 1050198 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 12221 12222 12223 12224 13039 65608 65609 65610 65611 65612 65613 1004023 10588 10589 11228 14553 641632 641633 641634 641635 641636 641637 641638 7115 10681 10682 65763 5318 059002051X Story of Ferdinand. Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone. Story of Numbers [Video] : watch and learn. Story of Rosa Parks : Advanced Level Gr 5. Story of Rosa Parks : Advanced Level Gr 5. Story of Rosa Parks : Advanced Level Gr 5. Story of Wheat : Advanced Level Gr 4. Story of Wheat : Advanced Level Gr 4. Stowaway : Below-Level Gr 5. Stowaway : Below-Level Gr 5. Stowaway : Below-Level Gr 5. Substitute Teacher from the Black Lagoon. Subway Series : On-Level Gr 3. Subway Series : On-Level Gr 3. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun,The Wind And The Rain[Big Book]. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sunflower That Went Flop[Big Book]. Surprise Box : On Level Gr 1. Surprise Box : On Level Gr 1. Surprise Box : On Level Gr 1. Surprise Garden /[Big Book]. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Surprise Inside. Swamp Eggs[Big Book]. Swap Meet : Advanced Level Grade 3. Swap Meet : Advanced Level Grade 3. Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher [Video] : and The Tale of Pete… Tale of Peter Rabbit [Video]. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0590726056 0868672874 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 236 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Neder, Bill Neder, Bill Neder, Bill Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Roberts, Scott Roberts, Scott Roberts, Scott Roberts, Scott Roberts, Scott Roberts, Scott Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Blaine, Marge Rabbit Ears Appleby, Ellen David Wiesner Jon Muth 10341 10342 12059 10036823 10036824 10036825 10036826 10036828 10036829 13161 13162 13163 13164 13165 13166 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 12917 1003621 1004043 642944 642900 5880 641981 641982 641983 641984 641985 641986 641987 641988 641989 14556 401820 641570 641571 641572 641573 641574 641575 641576 15915 9240 9545 11199 8919 Talking Drums : Advanced Level Gr 2. Talking Drums : Advanced Level Gr 2. Talking Drums : Advanced Level Gr 2. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Teeny-Tiny Woman. Telephone : A great Invention. Telephone : A great Invention. Telephone : A great Invention. Telephone : A great Invention. Telephone : A great Invention. Telephone : A great Invention. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House. Three Billy Goats Gruff /The Three Little Pigs [Video]. Three Billy-Goats Gruff[Big Book]. Three Pigs. Three Questions. Three billy-goats gruff : a Norwegian folktale / illustr… Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Dot. Tiny Seed /[Big Book]. Titanic : an interactive history adventure / by Bob Temp… Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Toy Tooth : Rigby Level 11. Trading Post : On-Level Gr 3. Trading Post : On-Level Gr 3. Tree House : BL Gr 2. Tree House : BL Gr 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Natalie Whitney Carle, Eric Temple, Bob. Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Sarah Keane Warren, Celia Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Barnes, Daniel Barnes, Daniel ISBN 089919270X 089919270X 089919270X 089919270X 089919270X 089919270X LCCN 84004311 84004311 84004311 84004311 84004311 84004311 H0703 0590713930 0590713930 (ove… 9781429601634 (… 2007003609 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 237 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Barnes, Daniel Scieszka, Jon Scieszka, Jon Scieszka, Jon Berenstain, Stan and Jan Graves, Sue Polette, Nancy Cefrey, Holly. Cefrey, Holly. Cefrey, Holly. Cefrey, Holly. Cefrey, Holly. Cefrey, Holly. Shatner, William Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith Gail Saunders-Smith 8958 10045072 10045075 10045078 1003681 325698 4229 590423 590424 590425 590426 590427 590428 1003632 642019 642020 642021 642022 642023 642024 640474 640478 640718 640719 640720 643276 66426 1003515 14887 642554 642555 5186 12667 12668 12669 12670 12671 12672 12673 12674 12675 12676 12677 12678 30005941 7784 10037067 10037068 10037069 10037070 Tree House : BL Gr 2. True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. Truth/ Save the Bees [Video] : The Berenstain Bears. Ugly Duckling. Ultimate Book Report Book. United States Constitution and early state constitutions… United States Constitution and early state constitutions… United States Constitution and early state constitutions… United States Constitution and early state constitutions… United States Constitution and early state constitutions… United States Constitution and early state constitutions… Universe - Explore the Stars, Planets, & Galaxies Beyond… Universe. Universe. Universe. Universe. Universe. Universe. Urbanization of America : Social Studies Grade 5. Urbanization of America : Social Studies Grade 5. Usborne Book of Origami. Usborne Book of Origami. Usborne Book of Origami. Usborne Internet-linked ancient world / Fiona Chandler ;… Valentine cat / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by L… Velveteen Rabbit [Video]. Velveteen Rabbit [Video]. Very Hungery Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambri… Very Hungery Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambri… Very Hungry Caterpillar [Video] : and other stories. Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpillar[Big Book] : La Oruga Muy Hambrie… Very Hungry Caterpiller[Big Book]. Very Worst Monster. Very Worst Monster. Very Worst Monster. Very Worst Monster. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Needham, Kate Needham, Kate Needham, Kate Chandler, Fiona. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Williams, Margery Williams, Margery Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carle, Eric Carl, Eric Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat Hutchins, Pat ISBN LCCN 0590443577 0590443577 0590443577 0394819578 082394042X 082394042X 082394042X 082394042X 082394042X 082394042X 2002152843 2002152843 2002152843 2002152843 2002152843 2002152843 #V-2V, VHS Univ… 0439785030 0816735999 (pbk… 2005283994 94018353 /AC K 6561 K 6561 0590413651 0590413651 0590413651 0590413651 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 238 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Goldish, Mesish Goldish, Mesish Mitchell, Julie Mitchell, Julie Mitchell, Julie Donald Mitchell Donald Mitchell Donald Mitchell Donald Mitchell Donald Mitchell Donald Mitchell 11748 11778 7931 7958 7959 642247 642248 642249 642250 642251 642252 640458 640467 590429 590430 590431 590432 590433 590434 16466 643143 15303 15304 15305 15306 15307 16107 16108 16145 16146 16147 9255 9566 67476 1050175 1050176 1050177 1050178 1050179 1050180 1050181 643511 643512 643513 643514 643515 6779 67485 7304 14948 Visit : Advanced Level Gr 4. Visit : Advanced Level Gr 4. Volcano Awakes! : MainSails. Volcano Awakes! : MainSails. Volcano Awakes! : MainSails. Voyage. Voyage. Voyage. Voyage. Voyage. Voyage. War at Home : Social Studies Grade 5. War at Home : Social Studies Grade 5. War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… War of 1812 : the new American nation goes to war with E… Wartville Wizard / Don Madden. Wartville Wizard / Don Madden. Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel / by Christophe… Way Home : On-Level Gr 3. Way Home : On-Level Gr 3. Web of Life/Big Book. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday Surprise. Wednesday surprise / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Don… Wednesday surprise / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Don… Wednesday surprise / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Don… Wednesday surprise / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Don… Wednesday surprise / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Don… Weighty Word Book. Westward Movement 1770s-1850s. Westward Movement : American History Series. Wheels on the Bus /[Big Book]. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Beyer, Mark (Mark T.) Madden, Don, 1927Madden, Don, 1927Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Curtis, Christopher Paul. Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Berger, Melvin Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Bunting, Eve, 1928Levitt, Paul Barden, Cindy Child's Play ISBN 0823940438 0823940438 0823940438 0823940438 0823940438 0823940438 0689716672 0689716672 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0385321759 0899197213 0899197213 0899197213 0899197213 0899197213 0899197213 0899197213 0395547768 0395547768 0395547768 0395547768 0395547768 LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… : : (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… (pbk… 2002156103 2002156103 2002156103 2002156103 2002156103 2002156103 92022246 /AC 92022246 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 95007091 /AC 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 88012117 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The History Channel White House [Video] : Great American Monuments. White House is our House [computer disc] : a CD-ROM visi… Wild Giant Panda : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wild Giant Panda : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wild Giant Panda : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wild Thornberrys joke book / by David Lewman. Wind Blew[Big Book]. Wind Blew[Big Book]. Wind and the Sun: An Aesop Fable : Rigby Level 10. Windy City mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… Wish Broom. Wish Broom. Wish Broom. Wish Broom. Wish Broom. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows Up. Witch Grows up. Witch's Christmas. Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wizard of Oz : a novelization / by M.J. Carr ; adapted … Wolf Who Cried Boy. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wolf's Chicken Stew : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Bald Eagles : Soar to Success LV 3. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 239 Barcode 5952 5515 Widener, Sandra 10790 Widener, Sandra 10802 Widener, Sandra 11317 Lewman, David. 16461 Hutchins, Pat 1004022 Hutchins, Pat 641326 Hawes, Alison 15911 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641471 Peggy Kahn 66010 Peggy Kahn 66011 Peggy Kahn 66012 Peggy Kahn 66013 Peggy Kahn 66014 Bridwell, Norman 10037244 Bridwell, Norman 10037245 Bridwell, Norman 10037246 Bridwell, Norman 10037247 Bridwell, Norman 10037249 Bridwell, Norman 10037252 Bridwell, Norman 640348 Bridwell, Morman 641230 Carr, M. J. 643377 Carr, M. J. 643378 Carr, M. J. 643379 Carr, M. J. 643380 Carr, M. J. 643381 Carr, M. J. 643382 Carr, M. J. 643383 Bob Hartman 642868 Kasza, Keiko 8790 Kasza, Keiko 8791 Kasza, Keiko 8792 Kasza, Keiko 8793 Kasza, Keiko 8794 Kasza, Keiko 8795 Kasza, Keiko 8796 Foran, Eileen 8832 Foran, Eileen 8833 Foran, Eileen 8834 Foran, Eileen 8835 Foran, Eileen 8836 Foran, Eileen 8837 Foran, Eileen 8838 Lantier-Sampon 8676 Lantier-Sampon 8677 Lantier-Sampon 8678 Lantier-Sampon 8679 Lantier-Sampon 8680 ISBN LCCN 0538671815 0689837941 (pbk… 0590728024 0590728024 9780807554487 (… 2001267829 98013536 /AC 0590405594 0590405594 0590405594 0590405594 0590405594 0590405594 0590469932 0590469932 0590469932 0590469932 0590469932 0590469932 0590469932 : : : : : : : 93244188 93244188 93244188 93244188 93244188 93244188 93244188 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 240 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Lantier-Sampon Lantier-Sampon 8681 8682 65158 8851 8900 11213 8929 8949 642151 642152 642153 642154 642155 642156 1003649 10792 10800 11319 642031 642032 642033 642034 642035 642036 10774 10813 11315 5191 5192 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 29495 7694 7216 7217 7218 7219 67522 65466 67520 67540 643064 16462 640373 640063 Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. Wonder of Wolves : Soar to Success LV 4. World Giant Discovery Atlas[Big Book]. World Next Door : Trophies BL Gr 3. World Next Door : Trophies BL Gr 3. World Under the Water : BL Gr 2. World Under the Water : BL Gr 2. World Under the Water : BL Gr 2. World of Dogs. World of Dogs. World of Dogs. World of Dogs. World of Dogs. World of Dogs. World of Norman Bridwell [Video] : featuring Clifford Th… World of Water : Advanced Level Grade 1. World of Water : Advanced Level Grade 1. World of Water : Advanced Level Grade 1. World's Best Dog-Walker. World's Best Dog-Walker. World's Best Dog-Walker. World's Best Dog-Walker. World's Best Dog-Walker. World's Best Dog-Walker. Wright Brothers : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wright Brothers : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wright Brothers : Advanced Level Grade 1. Wright Brothers [Video]. Wright Brothers [Video]. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Year of the Panda : Soar to Success LV. Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark. Young Astronomer. Zacharys' Plans. Zacharys' Plans. Zacharys' Plans. Zacharys' Plans. adventures of Captain Underpants : an epic novel / by Da… adventures of Captain Underpants : the first epic novel … adventures of Super Diaper Baby : the first graphic nove… adventures of Tom Sawyer : Book/cassette/disc / Mark Twa… adventures of Tom Sawyer ; Tom Sawyer abroad ; Tom Sawye… adventures of Tom Sawyer. adventures of Tom Sawyer. after-Christmas tree / story by Linda Wagner Tyler ; pic… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM McLaughlin, Shannon McLaughlin, Shannon Jamison, Ted Jamison, Ted Jamison, Ted Rebecca Blankenhorn Rebecca Blankenhorn Rebecca Blankenhorn Rebecca Blankenhorn Rebecca Blankenhorn Rebecca Blankenhorn Bridwell, Norman Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Melton, Holly Pam Zollman Pam Zollman Pam Zollman Pam Zollman Pam Zollman Pam Zollman Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Floyd, Lucy Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam Deedy, Carnen Agra Snowden,Sheila Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Eggleton, Jill Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Twain, Mark. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Tyler, Linda Wagner. ISBN LCCN 088679658X 0590846272 0439756685 043937605X 9781593081393 0520033531 : 0140541918 : 96037544 /AC 2005282230 2001043899 2007941536 76047974 //r… 12021235 12021235 92008616 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 241 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Pilkey, Dav, 1966Woods, Samuel G. O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Ibbotson, Eva. Cooney, Doug. Tang, Greg. Chardiet, Bernice. Kroll, Steven. Inches, Alison. Inches, Alison. Delaney, Helen. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Keenan, Sheila. Fleischman, Paul Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Mendez, Phil. Thaler, Mike, 1936Thaler, Mike, 1936Pape, Donna Lugg. Kladstrup, Kristin. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Snyder, Dianne Giblin, James. Dakos, Kalli. Thaler, Mike, 1936- 643042 642532 590345 590346 590347 590348 590349 590350 640699 401646 67150 15280 16392 67085 640074 67199 643163 16394 16517 16518 16519 640592 640593 640594 640595 640596 640597 1001449 640677 67511 642413 642543 66473 401633 643356 643357 643358 643359 643360 643361 8564 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 401629 66458 65117 0439376084 (pbk… 1567113737 1404229302 (lib… 1404229302 (lib… 1404229302 (lib… 1404229302 (lib… 1404229302 (lib… 1404229302 (lib… 0807505757 9780142409312 1583420789 (pbk… 0439210445 (hc) 0590681583 0823404366 0613647939 0613647939 0439877733 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 0590266004 all new Captain Underpants extra-crunchy book o' fun 2 /… amazing book of insect records : the heaviest, the loude… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algeb… basketball mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… beasts of Clawstone Castle / Eva Ibbotson ; illustrated … beloved dearly : a play / by Doug Cooney. best of times : math strategies that multiply / by Greg … best teacher in the world / by Bernice Chardiet and Grac… big bunny and the Easter eggs / by Steven Kroll ; illust… big itch / adapted by Alison Inches from the television … big itch / adapted by Alison Inches from the television … big red stop sign / by Helen Delaney ; illustrated by St… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… biggest fish / by Sheila Keenan ; illustrated by Holly H… birthday tree. black pearl mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… black snowman / by Phil Mendez ; illustrated by Carole B… book fair from the Black Lagoon / by Mike Thaler ; pictu… book fair from the Black Lagoon / by Mike Thaler ; pictu… book of foolish machinery / by Donna Lugg Pape ; illustr… book of story beginnings / Kristin Kladstrup. boxcar children. boxcar children. boxcar children. boxcar children. boxcar children. boxcar children. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy of the Three Year Nap : Soar to Success LV. boy who saved Cleveland : based on a true story / James … bug in teacher's coffee and other school poems / by Kall… bully from the Black Lagoon / by Mike Thaler ; pictures … Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… LCCN 99025283 2004007066 2004007066 2004007066 2004007066 2004007066 2004007066 98030728 /AC 2005029188 2005280613 2002023043 95023546 /AC 81011613 /AC 2004296857 2004296857 2006285853 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 95013240 /AC 0807507830 (har… 0590405527 0439883482 (pbk… 0439883482 (pbk… 0590409077 : 9780763626099 (… 98004386 /AC 87004774 /AC… 2006285137 2006285137 89190112 /AC 2005054262 50012678 50012678 50012678 50012678 50012678 50012678 9780805073553 (… 0060279400 (lib… 0439680727 2005021695 98054209 /AC 2005274632 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 242 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Zolotow, Charlotte, 1915Byars, Betsy Cromer. Byars, Betsy Cromer. Peet, Bill. Peet, Bill. Peet, Bill. Peet, Bill. Peet, Bill. Peet, Bill. Hitchner, Earle. Hitchner, Earle. Hitchner, Earle. Hitchner, Earle. Hitchner, Earle. London, Jack, 1876-1916. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Herman, Gail, 1959Krauss, Ruth. Krauss, Ruth. Krauss, Ruth. Katschke, Judy. Preller, James. Preller, James. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 18… Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 18… Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 18… Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 18… Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 18… Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Hayes, Sarah. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Bulla, Clyde Robert. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Bulla, Clyde Robert. Palatini, Margie. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Frantz, Jennifer. Frantz, Jennifer. Maccarone, Grace. 67462 66689 66690 643685 643686 643687 643688 643689 643690 1004452 1004454 1004455 1004456 1004457 67542 641455 643299 5833 640637 640638 642385 16426 642809 643084 65053 67142 14658 14661 14665 14666 14668 66474 66475 66476 66477 66478 66480 66701 67096 640694 65121 65122 65123 65124 65125 7000016 641403 66219 66218 640624 0395862655 0670819328 0670819328 0395148057 0395148057 0395148057 0395148057 0395148057 0395148057 0816718636 0816718636 0816718636 0816718636 0816718636 bunny who found Easter / Charlotte Zolotow ; illustrated… burning questions of Bingo Brown / Betsy Byars. burning questions of Bingo Brown / Betsy Byars. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. caboose who got loose / Bill Peet. call of the wild / Jack London ; retold by Earle Hitchne… call of the wild / Jack London ; retold by Earle Hitchne… call of the wild / Jack London ; retold by Earle Hitchne… call of the wild / Jack London ; retold by Earle Hitchne… call of the wild / Jack London ; retold by Earle Hitchne… call of the wild. [Sound recording] : book cassette disc… camp-out mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… camping caper / by Gail Herman ; illustrated by Duendes … carrot seed / by Ruth Krauss ; pictures by Crockett John… carrot seed. Pictures by Crockett Johnson. carrot seed. Pictures by Crockett Johnson. case of the clue at the zoo / by Judy Katschke. case of the million-dollar mystery / by James Preller ; … case of the stolen baseball cards / by James Preller ; i… cat in the hat / by Dr. Seuss. cat in the hat / by Dr. Seuss. cat in the hat comes back! / by Dr. Seuss. cat who went to heaven / by Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illus… cat who went to heaven / by Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illus… cat who went to heaven / by Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illus… cat who went to heaven / by Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illus… cat who went to heaven / by Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illus… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cats of Tiffany Street / written and illustrated by Sara… cereal box mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… chalk box kid / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by T… chalk box kid / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by T… chalk box kid / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by T… chalk box kid / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by T… chalk box kid / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by T… cheese / by Margie Palatini ; paintings by Steve Johnson… chocolate sundae mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler … chronicles of Narnia, the lion, the witch, and the wardr… chronicles of Narnia, the lion, the witch, and the wardr… class trip / by Grace Maccarone ; illustrated by Betsy L… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… (lib… 080751053X 0439809428 059073301X (ove… 0060093439 0439426294 0439080835 (pbk… 0394800028 0027197107 0027197107 0027197107 0027197107 0027197107 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 1564020940 (har… 0807511145 0394891023 (pbk… 0394891023 (pbk… 0394891023 (pbk… 0394891023 (pbk… 0394891023 (pbk… 9780060526306 (… 0807511463 0060765593 0060765607 0439067553 (pbk… 97036827 /AC 87021022 /AC 87021022 /AC 79155554 /AC 79155554 /AC 79155554 /AC 79155554 /AC 79155554 /AC 79155554 /AC 89033890 /AC… 89033890 /AC… 89033890 /AC… 89033890 /AC… 89033890 /AC… 73750210 92009951 /AC… 2006297395 74176252 /AC 74176252 /AC 2004596569 2003588270 57006466 /L/… 57006466 /L/… 58009017 58010917 /L 58010917 /L 58010917 /L 58010917 /L 58010917 /L 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 91058720 /AC 98006720 /AC 87004683 /AC… 87004683 /AC… 87004683 /AC… 87004683 /AC… 87004683 /AC… 2006018163 94036418 /AC 2004117932 2004117933 99010687 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 243 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Maccarone, Grace. Maccarone, Grace. Thaler, Mike, 1936Anderson, M. T. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Courlander, Harold, 1908Johnston, Tony, 1942Cain, Sheridan. James, Brian, 1976Bruchac, Joseph, 1942Bonsall, Crosby Newell, 1921Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes. Noble, Trinka Hakes Wood, Audrey. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Ma, Yan, 1987Pallotta, Jerry. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Corbett, Scott. Kasza, Keiko. Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Monjo, F. N. Monjo, F. N. Monjo, F. N. 640625 640626 642371 401607 590183 590184 590185 590186 590187 590188 15214 643138 643304 67393 66394 643152 643752 643753 643754 66258 66259 66260 66261 66262 66263 67097 5894 642450 640712 16433 642436 641488 67093 643030 12619 12620 12621 12622 12623 12624 12625 12962 12963 12964 12965 12966 12967 643595 643596 643597 0439067553 (pbk… 0439067553 (pbk… 0439429277 9780152053529 (… 0823963993 0823963993 0823963993 0823963993 0823963993 0823963993 080500288X (pbk… 0399223304 : 1589250257 (har… 9780448445748 (… 0060529954 006020575X 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0803717237 : 0140546227 9780439753821 (… 0807515612 (har… 9780060764968 (… 0881064661 (pbk… 0807516031 class trip / by Grace Maccarone ; illustrated by Betsy L… class trip / by Grace Maccarone ; illustrated by Betsy L… class trip from the black lagoon / by Mike Thaler ; illu… clue of the linoleum lederhosen / M.T. Anderson ; illust… courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. courage of Helen Keller / Colleen Adams. cow-tail switch and other West African stories / by Haro… cowboy and the black-eyed pea / by Tony Johnston ; illus… crunching munching caterpillar / by Sheridan Cain ; illu… curse of Snake Island / by Brian James ; illustrated by … dark pond / Joseph Bruchac ; illustrations by Sally Wern… day I had to play with my sister / by Crosby Bonsall. day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash / by Trinka Hakes Noble ; p… day Jimmy's boa ate the wash[Big Book]. deep blue sea : a book of colors / story by Audrey Wood … deserted library mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler … diary of Ma Yan : the struggles and hopes of a Chinese s… dinosaur alphabet book / Jerry Pallotta ; illustrated by… dinosaur mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… disappearing dog trick. Illustrated by Paul Galdone. dog who cried wolf / Keiko Kasza. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. doorbell rang / by Pat Hutchins. drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0399242473 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0688052517 0060243295 : 0060243295 : 0060243295 : LCCN 99010687 99010687 2004596445 2005020752 86046267 91021606 /AC… 2002014258 2006033100 2003022212 72076507 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 80015098 /AC… 2004020759 91004908 /AC… 2004016136 90083114 94033214 /AC 63007314 /L/… 2004024737 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 85012615 /AC 92010823 /AC… 92010823 /AC… 92010823 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Monjo, F. N. Monjo, F. N. Monjo, F. N. Wong, Janet S. Beyer, Mark (Mark Beyer, Mark (Mark Beyer, Mark (Mark Beyer, Mark (Mark Beyer, Mark (Mark Beyer, Mark (Mark Barner, Bob. Galdone, Paul. drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad / b… dumpster diver / Janet S. Wong ; illustrated by David Ro… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… election of 1800 : Congress helps settle a three-way vot… elevator escalator book : a transportation fact book / b… elves and the shoemaker / retold and illustrated by Paul… emperor's new groove [Video] [sound recording] / lyrics … end / by Lemony Snicket ; illustrations by Brett Helquis… end / by Lemony Snicket ; illustrations by Brett Helquis… end / by Lemony Snicket ; illustrations by Brett Helquis… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… enormous egg / by Oliver Butterworth ; illustrated by Lo… escape / K.A. Applegate. essential 55 workbook / Ron Clark. essential 55 workbook / Ron Clark. eyewitness handbook of fossils. family under the bridge / by Natalie Savage Carlson ; pi… fascinating world of-- bees / by Angels Julivert ; illus… final battle / Mary Pope Osborne with artwork by Troy Ho… firehouse mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner … fool of the world and the flying ship / [retold and] ill… foolish giant / by Bruce and Katherine Coville. foot book / by Dr. Seuss. foot book / by Dr. Seuss. foot book / by Dr. Seuss. ghost town mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… giant book of bugs and creepy crawlies / Jim Pipe ; [ill… giant book of creatures of the night / Jim Pipe ; [illus… giant book of creatures of the night / Jim Pipe ; [illus… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… giant jam sandwich / Story and pictures by John Vernon L… gingerbread man / retold by Sue Graves. girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 244 Barcode 643598 643599 643600 66811 T.) 590375 T.) 590376 T.) 590377 T.) 590378 T.) 590379 T.) 590380 67114 640732 67422 Snicket, Lemony. 64007 Snicket, Lemony. 642817 Snicket, Lemony. 642818 Butterworth, Oliver. 65864 Butterworth, Oliver. 65865 Butterworth, Oliver. 65866 Butterworth, Oliver. 65869 Butterworth, Oliver. 65872 Butterworth, Oliver. 65873 Butterworth, Oliver. 67098 Applegate, Katherine. 643142 Clark, Ron, 197114548 Clark, Ron, 197114880 Walker, Cyril 16542 Carlson, Natalie Savage. 65092 Julivert, Angels. 67243 Osborne, Mary Pope. 65085 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 640691 Denise, Christopher. 642457 Coville, Bruce. 1001350 Seuss, Dr. 640575 Seuss, Dr. 67143 Seuss, Dr. 65247 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 640684 Pipe, Jim, 196665163 Pipe, Jim, 196667120 Pipe, Jim, 196667121 Lord, John Vernon. 643589 Lord, John Vernon. 643590 Lord, John Vernon. 643591 Lord, John Vernon. 643592 Lord, John Vernon. 643593 Lord, John Vernon. 643594 Graves, Sue 640730 Goble, Paul. 643480 Goble, Paul. 643481 Goble, Paul. 643482 ISBN LCCN 0060243295 : 0060243295 : 0060243295 : 9780763623807 (… 0823940373 (lib… 0823940373 (lib… 0823940373 (lib… 0823940373 (lib… 0823940373 (lib… 0823940373 (lib… 0385266669 : 0899194222 (pbk… 0763407003 9780064410168 9780064410168 9780064410168 0316119040 0316119040 0316119040 0316119040 0316119040 0316119040 0316119040 0590494244 1401307701 (alk… 1401307701 (alk… 92010823 /AC… 92010823 /AC… 92010823 /AC… 2006049075 2002153795 2002153795 2002153795 2002153795 2002153795 2002153795 89026033 /AC 0060209917 0812047206 : 078680775X 0807524484 (pap… 0399219722 : 0397318006. 0375811354 (boa… 0375811354 (boa… 0375811354 (boa… 0807528587 (har… 0761307168 (lib… 076130777X (tr.… 076130777X (tr.… 0395160332 0395160332 0395160332 0395160332 0395160332 0395160332 140547968X 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 58005292 /L/… 91015663 /AC 2004040619 96050218 /AC 92002656 /AC 77018522 /AC 2001089549 2001089549 2001089549 99022474 97051776 /AC 98021355 /AC 98021355 /AC 72013578 72013578 72013578 72013578 72013578 72013578 2001538341 2006019518 2006019518 2006019518 56005622 56005622 56005622 56005622 56005622 56005622 56005622 2004042448 2004042448 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 245 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Goble, Paul. Truss, Lynne. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Hillert, Margaret. York, Carol Beach. Harjo, Joy. Lipkowitz, Daniel. Osborne, Mary Pope. Van Leeuwen, Jean. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Stevens, Janet. Stevens, Janet. Metzger, Steve. Fields, Julia. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Tether, Graham. Vejjajiva, Jane. Beck, Ian. Beck, Ian. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Paulsen, Gary. Juster, Norton, 1929Juster, Norton, 1929Schlitz, Laura Amy. Patron, Susan. Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Quill, Charles G., 1971Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Gutman, Dan. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Hodgman, Ann. Beck, Paul. Scholastic Scholastic Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Ellabbad, Mohieddine, 1940Selznick, Brian. Selznick, Brian. 643483 643484 643485 643486 643487 643488 643489 401816 67203 640277 643053 65346 15274 65081 1002525 640690 16415 640275 66378 67068 640705 640706 640704 65797 401630 640604 640605 640711 14755 65119 65263 401643 643125 590177 590178 590179 590180 590181 590182 641475 66349 641404 401819 67404 13451 67328 640695 401628 65222 65223 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 0689716966 9780399247064 (… 0385323344 0813650518 girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl who loved wild horses / story and ill. by Paul Gobl… girl's like spaghetti : why, you can't manage without ap… girls' revenge / Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. golden goose / Margaret Hillert ; illustrated by Monica … good day mice; a Butterfield Square story. Illustrated b… good luck cat / Joy Harjo ; illustrated by Paul Lee. grand tournament / by Daniel Lipkowitz ; illustrated by … gray-eyed goddess / by Mary Pope Osborne ; with artwork … great Christmas kidnaping caper / Jean Van Leeuwen ; pic… great bicycle race mystery / created by Gertrude Chandle… great fuzz frenzy / written by Janet Stevens and Susan S… great fuzz frenzy / written by Janet Stevens and Susan S… great turkey race / by Steve Metzger ; illustrated by Ji… green lion of Zion Street / Julia Fields ; illustrated b… growling bear mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler War… guide dog mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner … gymnastics mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… hair book / by Graham Tether ; illustrated by Roy McKie. happiness of Kati / Jane Vejjajiva ; [translated by Prud… happy bee [sound recording] / by Ian Beck. happy bee [sound recording] / by Ian Beck. haunted cabin mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler War… haymeadow / Gary Paulsen ; illustrated by Ruth Wright Pa… hello, goodbye window / story by Norton Juster ; picture… hello, goodbye window / story by Norton Juster ; picture… hero Schliemann : the dreamer who dug for Troy / Laura A… higher power of Lucky / by Susan Patron ; with illustrat… history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. history of the blues / Charles G. Quill. home run mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… homework machine / Dan Gutman. honeybee mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… house of a million pets / Ann Hodgman ; with illustratio… human body / [written by Paul Beck ; edited by Ben Gross… human body riddle book. human body riddle book. hurricane mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner … illustrator's notebook / Mohieddin Ellabbad. invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures… invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 0152321977 0439702313 (pbk… 0786807733 (hc.… 0803754159 : 0807530484 (har… 0152046267 (tra… 0152046267 (tra… 0439859301 0689504144 0807530700 (hc) 0807530808 (har… 0807531006 0394836650. 9781416917885 0439545498 0439545498 9780807531785 0385306210 0786809140 0786809140 9780763622831 9781416901945 (… 0823963950 0823963950 0823963950 0823963950 0823963950 0823963950 0807533688 9780689876783 (… 0807533734 9780805079746 (… 0786847514 0807534366 (har… 0888997000 : 9780439813785 (… 9780439813785 (… LCCN 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 77020500 /AC 2006034456 97044156 /AC 78106115 /AC… 68016600 /AC… 98017232 2005280488 75009201 /AC… 00024434 2004022063 2004022063 2006287320 87015519 /AC 97040302 /AC 96006779 /AC 99043098 77093772 /AC 2005024210 2005580018 2005580018 91020700 /AC… 91036666 /AC 2004113496 2004113496 2005046916 2005021767 99056200 2005019785 00042274 2006036447 2006282990 96030586 /AC 2006007119 2006007119 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 246 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Orlev, Uri, 1931Neitzel, Shirley. Blackwood, Gary L. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Park, Barbara. Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Birch, David, 1942Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Osborne, Mary Pope. Altman, Linda Jacobs, 1943Walburg, Lori. Goble, Paul. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. De Paola, Tomie. Allen, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Harvey, Kate. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Rosenbloom, Joseph. Press, Judy, 1944Wood, Don Wood, Don Wood, A. J., 1960Romain, Trevor. 643043 5829 643265 14566 14890 14903 14906 14907 14908 39675 39677 39678 39679 39680 39683 67324 13585 13586 13588 13592 642414 29489 642441 15296 13022 13023 13024 13025 13027 13028 65747 67078 13029 13030 67074 67227 67360 590108 590109 590110 590111 590112 590113 641391 67168 641251 16101 5819 643141 16430 0395338875 : 0590726137 (ove… 9780060577278 (… 0394881893 0394881893 0394881893 0394881893 0394881893 0394881893 0803703651 0803703651 0803703651 0803703651 0803703651 0803703651 0803703651 067982412X : 067982412X : 067982412X : 067982412X : 067982412X : 1584300035 0310224470 (har… 0792270746 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399209379 0399216928 : 1887218009 : 0823982114 0823982114 0823982114 0823982114 0823982114 0823982114 0807545457 0806961015 0913589969 0590729063 0590729063 0525470239 1880092042 island on Bird Street / Uri Orlev ; translated from the … jacket I wear in the snow / by Shirley Neitzel ; picture… just-so woman / story by Gary Blackwood ; pictures by Ja… kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. kid in the red jacket / Barbara Park. king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… king's chessboard / David Birch ; pictures by Devis Greb… knight at dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by S… knight at dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by S… knight at dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by S… knight at dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by S… knight at dawn / by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by S… legend of Freedom Hill / Linda Jacobs Altman ; illustrat… legend of the Easter egg / by Lori Walburg ; illustrated… legend of the White Buffalo Woman / Paul Goble. legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas / retold… legend of the poinsettia / retold and illustrated by Tom… legend of the whistle pig wrangler / by Kate Allen ; ill… life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. life of Abraham Lincoln / Kate Harvey. lighthouse mystery / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustra… little giant book of jokes / Joseph Rosenbloom ; illustr… little hands big fun craft book : creative fun for 2-to … little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungr… little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungr… little penguin / by A.J. Wood ; illustrated by Stephanie… little people's guide to the big world / written and ill… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN 83026524 /AC 2005028667 86020113 /AC 86020113 /AC 86020113 /AC 86020113 /AC 86020113 /AC 86020113 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 87020164 /AC 92013705 /AC 92013705 /AC 92013705 /AC 92013705 /AC 92013705 /AC 99047893 98047180 /AC 97024086 /AC 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 82012391 /AC… 92020459 /AC 95079690 63020354 //r… 96028373 95017574 /AC 2003265402 94104767 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 247 Title Author Barcode The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Peterson, John Bertholf, Bret. Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-19… Hamanaka, Sheila. Hamanaka, Sheila. Garland, Sherry. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Dahl, Roald. Chen, Jiang Hong, 1963Cate, Annette. David, Ryan, 1979Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Relf, Patricia. Relf, Patricia. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Cole, Joanna. Herman, Gail, 1959Shafer, Audrey. Krasilovsky, Phyllis. [from ol… Hannah, Julie. Marshall, Tevon Marshall, Tevon Marshall, Tevon Miller, Frederick Miller, Frederick Miller, Frederick Baglio, Ben M. DeFelice, Cynthia C. Christiansen, Candace. Gruber, Suzanne. Lewis, Gill. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. 67377 401749 67109 65054 65055 29497 66197 66198 66199 66200 66201 66202 640866 401836 7000019 643109 67105 67106 640320 65251 643110 67185 67107 67108 640657 67075 67088 67112 640659 65156 643111 67316 643129 67084 641408 9583 9584 9655 9600 9601 9646 643206 65075 67190 5885 65233 15140 67076 15151 15153 littles and the Trash Tinies. long gone lonesome history of country music / by Bret Be… long winter / by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by G… longest walk / by Sheila Hamanaka. longest walk / by Sheila Hamanaka. lotus seed / Sherry Garland ; illustrated by Tatsuro Kiu… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic finger / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake… magic horse of Han Gan / Chen Jiang Hong ; translated by… magic rabbit / Annette LeBlanc Cate. magic raincoat / Ryan David ; illustrations by Sibylla B… magic school bus at the waterworks / by Joanna Cole ; il… magic school bus at the waterworks / by Joanna Cole ; il… magic school bus at the waterworks / by Joanna Cole ; il… magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitat… magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitat… magic school bus inside the Earth / by Joanna Cole ; ill… magic school bus inside the Earth / by Joanna Cole ; ill… magic school bus inside the human body / by Joanna Cole … magic school bus inside the human body / by Joanna Cole … magic school bus lost in the solar system / by Joanna Co… magic school bus lost in the solar system / by Joanna Co… magic school bus lost in the solar system / by Joanna Co… magic school bus lost in the solar system / by Joanna Co… magic school bus lost in the solar system / by Joanna Co… magic school bus on the ocean floor / by Joanna Cole ; i… magic school bus on the ocean floor / by Joanna Cole ; i… magic school bus taking flight : a book about flight / [… mailbox / Audrey Shafer. man who didn't wash his dishes. man who named the clouds / Julie Hannah and Joan Holub ;… masterpiece : Below-Level Gr 4. masterpiece : Below-Level Gr 4. masterpiece : Below-Level Gr 4. mean Green Carnivore : Below-Level Gr 4. mean Green Carnivore : Below-Level Gr 4. mean Green Carnivore : Below-Level Gr 4. midnight mouse / Ben M. Baglio ; illustrated by Andy Ell… missing manatee / Cynthia DeFelice. mitten tree / Candace Christiansen ; illustrated by Elai… monster under my bed / written by Suzanne Gruber ; illus… most precious thing / Gill Lewis ; illustrated by Louise… mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 9780316523936 (… 9780060581855 002742250X : 002742250X : 0152494650 : 0140386165 (pbk… 0140386165 (pbk… 0140386165 (pbk… 0140386165 (pbk… 0140386165 (pbk… 0140386165 (pbk… 1592700632 9780763626723 (… 9781932425680 (… 0590403613 0590403613 0590403613 0590484133 0590484133 0590407600 (pbk… 0590407597 0590414267 0590414267 0590414283 (lib… 0590414283 (lib… 0590414283 (lib… 0590414283 (lib… 0590414283 (lib… 0590728369 (ove… 0590414305 : 0590738712 9780385733441 9780807549742 (… 0439419166 9780374312572 (… 1555913490 (har… 0816704570 (pbk… 9781561485345 (… 0688316980 (lib… 0380709244 (pbk… 0688316980 (lib… 0688316980 (lib… LCCN 2005016036 2004274316 94014235 /AC 94014235 /AC 92002913 /AC 96045417 /AC 96045417 /AC 96045417 /AC 96045417 /AC 96045417 /AC 96045417 /AC 2006046393 2007022789 2006011726 86006672 /AC… 86006672 /AC… 86006672 /AC… 94025969 /AC 94025969 /AC 87004563 88003070 88003070 89010185 89010185 89010185 89010185 89010185 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 91017695 /AC 2006004572 50008726 2006000002 2003586355 2004050633 96053358 /AC 2006002071 65020956 /AC… 2001278657 65020956 /AC… 65020956 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 248 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Cleary, Beverly. Cleary, Beverly. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Cohen, Caron Lee. Armstrong, Thomas Farber, Erica. O'Brien, Patrick, 1960Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 15157 15160 640688 643490 643491 643492 643493 643494 643495 643496 643497 643498 643499 5489 643220 401746 640689 641474 640692 641472 641469 641481 641467 640686 643063 640708 641468 641470 640701 641456 65942 65943 65944 65945 65946 65947 641485 640702 640703 66486 640698 641490 641479 640696 641401 641487 640693 640707 641400 641473 0688316980 (lib… 0688316980 (lib… 0807553034 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 0590415255 mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … mouse and the motorcycle / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated … movie star mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale / retold by C… multiple intelligences of reading and writing : Making t… mummy's curse / written by Erica Farber, J.R. Sansevere. mutiny on the Bounty / Patrick O'Brien. mystery at Peacock Hall / created by Gertrude Chandler W… mystery at Snowflake Inn / created by Gertrude Chandler … mystery at the Alamo / created by Gertrude Chandler Warn… mystery at the ballpark / created by Gertrude Chandler W… mystery at the fair / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… mystery bookstore / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner … mystery in New York / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… mystery in San Francisco / created by Gertrude Chandler … mystery in Washington, DC / created by Gertrude Chandler… mystery in the mall / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… mystery in the old attic / created by Gertrude Chandler … mystery of the black raven / created by Gertrude Chandle… mystery of the empty safe / created by Gertrude Chandler… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hidden painting / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the hot air balloon / created by Gertrude Cha… mystery of the lake monster / created by Gertrude Chandl… mystery of the lost mine / created by Gertrude Chandler … mystery of the mummy's curse / created by Gertrude Chand… mystery of the pirate's map / created by Gertrude Chandl… mystery of the purple pool / created by Gertrude Chandle… mystery of the queen's jewels / created by Gertrude Chan… mystery of the secret message / created by Gertrude Chan… mystery of the stolen boxcar / created by Gertrude Chand… mystery of the stolen music / created by Gertrude Chandl… mystery of the stolen sword / created by Gertrude Chandl… mystery of the wild ponies / created by Gertrude Chandle… mystery on stage / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… mystery on the ice / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 189… 0307659593 9780802795878 (… 0807554448 (har… 080755345X 0807554367 0807553409 0807553360 (har… 0807554219 0807554596 (har… 0807554332 (hc) 080755409X (har… 0807554561 0807554383 (har… 0807529885 0807554626 0807553832 0807553832 0807553832 0807553832 0807553832 0807553832 0807553832 0807554197 0807554413 (hc) 0807554278 (har… 0807555045 (pbk… 0807554537 (hc.… 0807554073 (har… 0807554502 0807554294 0807554235 (har… 0807554154 0807576220 9780807554661 0807554170 0807554146 LCCN 65020956 65020956 98054785 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 87023451 /AC… /AC… /AC /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 93073739 2006010193 98003148 /AC 94025447 /AC 98106164 94036419 /AC 95052935 /AC 95017794 /AC 99034254 97006127 /AC 93040890 /AC 99035489 97025372 /AC 98054886 /AC 99056190 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 91033846 /AC… 95000917 /AC 97040301 /AC 96006778 /AC 2004556920 99021474 93021114 /AC 98024725 /AC 96039833 /AC 95030926 /AC 94036420 /AC 98039740 /AC 00024334 94033189 /AC 93006302 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 249 Title Author Barcode ISBN The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Moore, Clement Clarke, 1779-18… Wing, Natasha. Wing, Natasha. Perkins, Al. Lucado, Max. Hahn, Mary Downing. Hahn, Mary Downing. Hahn, Mary Downing. 640685 66443 640078 643154 67353 66515 66494 66495 66496 15282 640099 641337 642815 643330 643331 643332 643333 643334 643335 65087 640697 13620 13621 13622 13623 13625 13626 641276 67000 16440 640687 642535 643561 643562 66292 13071 13072 13073 13074 13075 13076 401833 641478 67127 67514 15092 15095 15096 15099 15100 0807554251 (har… 9780762430147 9780448421889 0448428725 (pbk… 9780375824937 (… 9781400306015 (… 9780618430185 9780618430185 9780618430185 1571983589 (pbk… 1571983589 (pbk… 1571983589 (pbk… 0780252802 0878881824 : 0878881824 : 0878881824 : 0878881824 : 0878881824 : 0878881824 : 0786807709 0807562866 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0027111008 : 0375802711 (pbk… 0807563277 0531095061 0531095061 0531095061 9780763624231 (… 95052936 /AC 2006935450 00055128 2002004743 2002110885 2005033942 2004002345 2004002345 2004002345 2005299580 2005299580 2005299580 9781599901343 (… 080756527X (har… 080756527X (har… 0689312504 : 0060209178 : 0060209178 : 0060209178 : 0060209178 : 0060209178 : 2007005888 96030587 /AC 96030587 /AC 86003362 /AC… 76041518 /AC 76041518 /AC 76041518 /AC 76041518 /AC 76041518 /AC mystery on the train / created by Gertrude Chandler Warn… night before Christmas / by Clement C. Moore ; illustrat… night before Valentine's Day / by Natasha Wing ; illustr… night before the night before Christmas / by Natasha Win… nose book / by Al Perkins ; illustrated by Joe Mathieu. oak inside the acorn / Max Lucado ; illustrations by Geo… old Willis place : a ghost story / Mary Downing Hahn. old Willis place : a ghost story / Mary Downing Hahn. old Willis place : a ghost story / Mary Downing Hahn. old farmer's almanac for kids. old farmer's almanac for kids. old farmer's almanac for kids. old green machine / by Diana Noonan ; illustrations by C… one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one in the middle is the green kangaroo / by Judy Blume … one-eyed giant / by Mary Pope Osborne ; with artwork by … outer space mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… pain and the great one / by Judy Blume ; illustrations b… panda puzzle / by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven G… panther mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ; … paperboy / story and paintings by Dav Pilkey. paperboy / story and paintings by Dav Pilkey. paperboy / story and paintings by Dav Pilkey. patchwork path : a quilt map to freedom / Bettye Stroud … people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. people who traveled with Lewis and Clark. perfect hamburger and other delicious stories / Alexande… pet shop mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… pet shop mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;… pilgrims of Plimoth / written and illustrated by Marcia … pinballs / by Betsy Byars. pinballs / by Betsy Byars. pinballs / by Betsy Byars. pinballs / by Betsy Byars. pinballs / by Betsy Byars. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Noonan, Diana. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Osborne, Mary Pope. Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Blume, Judy. Roy, Ron, 1940Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Pilkey, Dav, 1966Stroud, Bettye, 1938Dialo, Emma Dialo, Emma Dialo, Emma Dialo, Emma Dialo, Emma Dialo, Emma McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Sewall, Marcia. Byars, Betsy Cromer. Byars, Betsy Cromer. Byars, Betsy Cromer. Byars, Betsy Cromer. Byars, Betsy Cromer. LCCN 80029664 /AC… 80029664 /AC… 80029664 /AC… 80029664 /AC… 80029664 /AC… 80029664 /AC… 2002068539 98106163 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 84011009 /AC 2001019541 98019107 /AC 95030641 /AC 95030641 /AC 95030641 /AC 2004045786 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Byars, Betsy Cromer. Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, 1… Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… Ferguson, Alane. Berlin, Eric. O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942- pinballs / by Betsy Byars. planets in our solar system / by Franklyn M. Branley ; i… poison frog mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warne… practical joke war / by Alane Ferguson. puzzling world of Winston Breen / Eric Berlin. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. pyramids of Egypt / Kerri O'Donnell. quilt story / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Tomie dePao… quilt story / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Tomie dePao… rain forest[Big Book]. real lucky charm / by Charisse K. Richardson ; illustrat… real story of stone soup / by Ying Chang Compestine ; il… reason for a flower / written and illustrated by Ruth He… reason for a flower / written and illustrated by Ruth He… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… relatives came / story by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated b… return of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… return of the third-grade ghosthunters / by Grace Maccar… riddle of Penncroft Farm / Dorothea Jensen. robber and me / by Josef Holub ; translated from the Ger… rose in my garden / words by Arnold Lobel ; pictures by … rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… rough-face girl / Rafe Martin ; illustrated by David Sha… runaway dinner / Allan Ahlberg and [illustrations by] Br… runaways / Zilpha Keatley Snyder. school secretary from the Black Lagoon / by Mike Thaler … sea of monsters / Rick Riordan. seasons of Arnold's apple tree / by Gail Gibbons. seasons of Arnold's apple tree / by Gail Gibbons. seasons of Arnold's apple tree / by Gail Gibbons. seasons of Arnold's apple tree / by Gail Gibbons. secret garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett, Jill Muller ; [… secret garden [video] / Frances Hodgson Burnett ; with a… secret garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett / written by Me… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 250 Barcode 15106 643158 640709 15225 401815 590297 590298 590299 590300 590301 590302 590328 66518 66702 66989 Richardson, Charisse K. 16432 Compestine, Ying Chang. 66812 Heller, Ruth, 192467071 Heller, Ruth, 192467238 Rylant, Cynthia. 643461 Rylant, Cynthia. 643462 Rylant, Cynthia. 643463 Rylant, Cynthia. 643464 Rylant, Cynthia. 643465 Rylant, Cynthia. 643466 Rylant, Cynthia. 643472 Rylant, Cynthia. 67069 Banks, Lynne Reid, 192967153 Maccarone, Grace. 641231 Jensen, Dorothea. 16553 Holub, Josef, 1926640172 Lobel, Arnold. 66468 Martin, Rafe, 1946643679 Martin, Rafe, 1946643680 Martin, Rafe, 1946643681 Martin, Rafe, 1946643682 Martin, Rafe, 1946643683 Martin, Rafe, 1946643684 Ahlberg, Allan. 401623 Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. 16449 Thaler, Mike, 193665118 Riordan, Rick. 67152 Gibbons, Gail. 643748 Gibbons, Gail. 643749 Gibbons, Gail. 643750 Gibbons, Gail. 643751 Burnett, Frances Hodgson. 66421 Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849… 67412 Komar, Melanie, 1967643038 Banks, Lynne Reid, 192915977 ISBN LCCN 0060209178 : 0690040253 : 0807565865 0027345262 : 9780399246937 082398236X 082398236X 082398236X 082398236X 082398236X 082398236X 9780823987306 (… 9780399210099 9780399210099 76041518 /AC 79007894 /AC… 99043097 90045578 /AC 2006020531 9780142404317 (… 9780525474937 (… 0448144956 : 0448144956 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 0689717385 : 1557361045 (lg.… 0590419447 0152005749 : 0805055991 (alk… 0688025862 0399218599 : 0399218599 : 0399218599 : 0399218599 : 0399218599 : 0399218599 : 9780763631420 0385325991 0439800773 9781423103349 0152712461 0152712461 0152712461 0152712461 1593082770 2005047584 2006014501 83047653 /AC 83047653 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 92041394 /AC 88031417 /AC… 1550353497 0385262922 : 84018212 /AC… 84018212 /AC… 88039085 /AC 97019106 /AC 83014097 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 91002921 /AC… 2005058126 98022258 /AC 2006279234 84004484 /AC… 84004484 /AC… 84004484 /AC… 84004484 /AC… 2005922120 89001272 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Banks, Lynne Reid, Coombs, Kate. Abbott, Tony. DiTerlizzi, Tony. secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret of the Indian / Lynne Reid Banks ; illustrated by… secret-keeper / story by Kate Coombs ; paintings by Heat… secrets of Droon. vol. 2 / by Tony Abbott. seeing stone / Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black. shape of things / Focus Features, Universal Pictures and… shark who was afraid of everything / by Brian James ; il… shark who was afraid of everything / by Brian James ; il… show-and-tell lion / Barbara Abercrombie ; illustrations… shrunken head / by Denys Cazet. silver donkey / Sonya Hartnett ; illustrated by Don Powe… silver spoon of Solomon Snow / Kaye Umansky. sky is falling! / by Apple Jordan ; illustrated by the D… sky is full of stars / by Franklyn M. Branley ; illustra… snow globe family / by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by S.… snow spider / Jenny Nimmo. snowy day. soccer mystery / created by Gertrude Chandler Warner ; i… solution / K.A. Applegate. story of Christopher Columbus. Illus. by Joe Lasker. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sacagawea / Virgil Franklin. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of Sitting Bull / Jeffrey A. Rucker. story of The Cherokee People. story of salt / Mark Kurlansky ; [illustrations by] S.D.… strongest man in the world : Louis Cyr / Nicolas Debon. stubborn pumpkin / by Laura Geringer ; illustrated by Ho… stubborn pumpkin / by Laura Geringer ; illustrated by Ho… stubborn pumpkin / by Laura Geringer ; illustrated by Ho… stubborn pumpkin / by Laura Geringer ; illustrated by Ho… sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 251 Barcode 1929192919291929192919291929192919291929- 15978 15979 15980 15981 15982 15983 15984 15985 15986 15988 401627 642812 67373 640082 James, Brian, 1976642823 James, Brian, 197665260 Abercrombie, Barbara. 401624 Cazet, Denys. 643121 Hartnett, Sonya. 642982 Umansky, Kaye. 66355 Jordan, Apple. 640736 Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, 1… 640186 O'Connor, Jane. 642840 Nimmo, Jenny. 642455 Keats, Ezra Jack. 67070 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 640700 Applegate, Katherine. 65798 McGovern, Ann. 641341 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590231 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590232 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590233 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590234 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590235 Franklin, Virgil, 1970590236 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590249 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590250 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590251 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590252 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590253 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590254 Rucker, Jeffrey A., 1972590329 Underwood, Tom 643135 Kurlansky, Mark. 401656 Debon, Nicolas. 7000024 Bass, L. G. (Laura Geringer) 15232 Bass, L. G. (Laura Geringer) 16120 Bass, L. G. (Laura Geringer) 67510 Bass, L. G. (Laura Geringer) 67509 Petersen, P. J. 643404 Petersen, P. J. 643405 ISBN LCCN 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 0385262922 : 9780689839634 0760795401 9780689859373 0439368650 0439368650 9780689864087 9780060730130 9780763629373 9780763627928 9780736480420 0064450023 0399242422 9780439846752 (… (… (… (… (… 0807575283 (har… 0590636715 (pbk… 0823937259 0823937259 0823937259 0823937259 0823937259 0823937259 082398169X 082398169X 082398169X 082398169X 082398169X 082398169X 9780823987313 (… 9780399239984 (… 9780888997319 0590108506 (pbk… 0590108506 (pbk… 0590108506 (pbk… 0590108506 (pbk… 0525450599 : 0525450599 : 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 89001272 /AC… 2003024695 2005577044 2002013523 2004640137 2001049277 2001049277 2003025304 2006000583 2006042582 2005045788 2004029275 81043037 /AC… 2005028560 2006009445 68093157 97025386 /AC 2002574000 63018613 //r… 2001006837 2001006837 2001006837 2001006837 2001006837 2001006837 2005032629 97047299 97047299 97047299 97047299 92022269 92022269 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 252 Title Author The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Petersen, P. J. 643406 Petersen, P. J. 643407 Petersen, P. J. 643408 Petersen, P. J. 643409 Petersen, P. J. 643410 Fowler, Allan. 65512 Fowler, Allan. 65513 Fowler, Allan. 65514 Fowler, Allan. 65515 Fowler, Allan. 65516 Fowler, Allan. 65517 Fowler, Allan. 65744 Brandreth, Gyles Daubeney, 194… 66182 Hutchins, Pat, 19425881 Potter, Beatrix. 66450 640090 Pennypacker, Sara, 19517000021 Carman, Patrick. 67218 Bourget, Mary Louise 11189 Bourget, Mary Louise 9782 Bourget, Mary Louise 9783 3000170 3000171 3000172 3000173 Lowell, Susan, 195067363 Hooks, William H. 642551 Brett, Jan, 194966386 Brett, Jan, 194966405 Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody. 7000001 Eggleton, Jill 7072 Eggleton, Jill 7073 Eggleton, Jill 7074 Eggleton, Jill 7075 Stanley, Diane. 643263 Scieszka, Jon. 65470 Scieszka, Jon. 65471 Scieszka, Jon. 65473 Scieszka, Jon. 65474 Scieszka, Jon. 65759 Scieszka, Jon. 66463 Scieszka, Jon. 66465 White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1… 642549 Goodman, Susan E., 195266296 Ziefert, Harriet. 66438 Pinkney, Jerry. 640621 Brett, Jan, 194911373 Brett, Jan, 194915327 Brett, Jan, 194915328 Brett, Jan, 194915329 sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sub / P.J. Petersen ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson. sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… sun's family of planets / by Allan Fowler ; consultants,… super joke book / by Gyles Brandreth ; illustrated by Ni… surprise party / Pat Hutchins. tale of Peter Rabbit / adapted from the original story b… tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny : from the origi… talented Clementine / Sara Pennypacker ; pictures by Mar… tenth city / Patrick Carman. thing that Visited Our Camp : Below-Level Gr 1. thing that Visited Our Camp : Below-Level Gr 1. thing that Visited Our Camp : Below-Level Gr 1. three billy-goats gruff : a Norwegian folktale / illustr… three billy-goats gruff : a Norwegian folktale / illustr… three billy-goats gruff : a Norwegian folktale / illustr… three billy-goats gruff : a Norwegian folktale / illustr… three little javelinas / by Susan Lowell ; illustrated b… three little pigs and the fox / William H. Hooks ; illus… three snow bears / Jan Brett. three snow bears / Jan Brett. top job / by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel ; illustrated by Robe… treasure. treasure. treasure. treasure. trouble with wishes / Diane Stanley. true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… true story of the 3 little pigs / by A. Wolf ; as told t… trumpet of the swan / E.B. White ; pictures by Edward Fr… truth about poop / by Susan E. Goodman ; illustrated by … turnip / retold by Harriet Ziefert ; illustrated by Laur… ugly duckling / Hans Christian Andersen ; adapted and il… umbrella / Jan Brett. umbrella / Jan Brett. umbrella / Jan Brett. umbrella / Jan Brett. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN LCCN 0525450599 : 0525450599 : 0525450599 : 0525450599 : 0525450599 : 051649631X 051649631X 051649631X 051649631X 051649631X 051649631X 051649631X 0806946725 0689715420 141270121X (spi… 0785326898 9780786838707 (… 0439700957 (hc.… 92022269 /AC 92022269 /AC 92022269 /AC 92022269 /AC 92022269 /AC 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 92007405 /AC… 83000397 /AC 91010599 /AC 2004559786 99179586 2006043530 2005008649 0590411217 0590411217 0590411217 0590411217 0873585429 (har… 0027444317 : 9780399247927 9780399247927 9780525477891 (… 92014232 /AC 88029296 /AC 2007007373 2007007373 2006039770 9780060554514 (… 0670888443 0670888443 0670888443 0670888443 0670888443 0670888443 0670888443 0064400484 0670036749 (har… 0670860530 : 068815932X (tr) 0399242155 0399242155 0399242155 0399242155 2006029463 00266873 00266873 00266873 00266873 00266873 00266873 00266873 72112484 2003022547 95039340 /AC 98023604 /AC 2003027853 2003027853 2003027853 2003027853 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 253 Title Author The umbrella / Jan Brett. The umbrella / Jan Brett. The umbrella / Jan Brett. The umbrella / Jan Brett. The umbrella / Jan Brett. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle. The very worst monster / Pat Hutchins. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The war with Mr. Wizzle / Gordon Korman. The web files / by Margie Palatini ; illustrated by Richard … The whale scientists : solving the mystery of whale strandin… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The whipping boy / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Pete… The white elephant / by Sid Fleischman ; illustrations by Ro… The whole wide world : a question and answer book / by Rae P… The whole world in your hands : looking at maps / by Melvin … The winter of red snow [video] : the Revolutionary War diary… The witchy broom / by Ida DeLage ; pictures by Walt Peaver. The wolf who cried boy / story by Bob Hartman ; pictures by … The wolf who cried boy / story by Bob Hartman ; pictures by … The woodshed mystery / Gertrude Chandler Warner ; illustrati… The world's best Jinx McGee / Katherine Applegate ; illustra… The world's greatest elephant / Ralph Helfer ; illustrated b… The wump world / Written and illustrated by Bill Peet. The yellow house mystery / by Gertrude Chandler Warner ; ill… The yucky reptile alphabet book / by Jerry Pallotta ; illust… Thematic Staionary for Beginning Writers. Theme Book: Native Americans. Theme of the Week. Then again, maybe I won't; a novel. Then and Now : Social Studies Grade 1. Then and Now : Social Studies Grade 1. Then and Now : Social Studies Grade 1. Brett, Jan, 194915330 Brett, Jan, 194915331 Brett, Jan, 194915332 Brett, Jan, 194915333 Brett, Jan, 194915334 Carle, Eric. 10037077 Carle, Eric. 10037078 Carle, Eric. 10037079 Carle, Eric. 10037080 Carle, Eric. 10037081 Carle, Eric. 1003970 Carle, Eric. 1004070 Carle, Eric. 3000462 Carle, Eric. 8273 Hutchins, Pat, 19421001573 Korman, Gordon. 10037106 Korman, Gordon. 10037108 Korman, Gordon. 10037109 Korman, Gordon. 10037110 Korman, Gordon. 10037111 Korman, Gordon. 10037112 Korman, Gordon. 10037113 Palatini, Margie. 65662 Hodgkins, Fran, 1964401861 Fleischman, Sid. 10037168 Fleischman, Sid. 3300 Fleischman, Sid. 3302 Fleischman, Sid. 3303 Fleischman, Sid. 3304 Fleischman, Sid. 3305 Fleischman, Sid, 1920642848 Paige, Rae. 643032 Berger, Melvin. 643189 Gregory, Kristiana. 67420 DeLage, Ida. 640218 Hartman, Bob, 1955640648 Hartman, Bob, 1955640649 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641389 Applegate, Katherine. 641234 Helfer, Ralph. 401576 Peet, Bill. 641325 Warner, Gertrude Chandler, 189… 641390 Pallotta, Jerry. 643179 Scholastic 30409 Shiotsu,Vicki 1992 7685 Newsome, Lisa 1003879 Blume, Judy. 642804 640488 640494 640497 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 0399242155 0399242155 0399242155 0399242155 0399242155 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0399208534 (TRB… 0688040101 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 0590326430 : 078680419X (tra… 9780618556731 (… 0816710384 0816710384 0816710384 0816710384 0816710384 0816710384 9780061131363 (… 0307658260 (lib… 0824953150 0590226533 (alk… 0791014878 0399235787 0399235787 0807592064 0380767287 9780399241901 (… LCCN 2003027853 2003027853 2003027853 2003027853 2003027853 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 93137494 84005928 /AC… 99058747 2006034634 2005046793 89051813 92018199 /AC 95044052 90041710 /AC 2001019604 2001019604 62019726 /L/… 91092461 2005006490 088106680X 53013243 /L/… 89060425 /AC 0878880356 77156548 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Then and Now : Social Studies Grade 1. Theodosia and the serpents of chaos / R.L. LaFevers ; illust… There is a carrot in my ear, and other noodle tales / retold… There is a carrot in my ear, and other noodle tales / retold… There is a carrot in my ear, and other noodle tales / retold… There's no Place Like Home : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. There's no Place Like Home : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. There's No Place Like Home. There's Nobody Quite Like Me! There's Nobody Quite Like Me! There's Nobody Quite Like Me! There's Nobody Quite Like Me! There's Nobody Quite Like Me! There's a hole in my pocket [sound recording] / by Akimi Gib… There's a hole in my pocket [sound recording] / by Akimi Gib… There's a wocket in my pocket! : Dr. Seuss's book of ridicul… There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. There's an ant in Anthony / by Bernard Most. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. They Led The Way. Things Change : Social Studies Grade 1. Things Change : Social Studies Grade 1. Things Change : Social Studies Grade 1. Things I Do for Fun. Things I Do for Fun. Things I Do for Fun. Things I Do for Fun. Things I Do for Fun. Things I Do for Fun. Things not seen / Andrew Clements. Things will get Better : On-Level Gr 4. Things will get Better : On-Level Gr 4. Think Like a Scientist. Think Like a Scientist. Think Like a Scientist. Think Like a Scientist. Think Like a Scientist. Think Like a Scientist. Thinking and learning together : curriculum and community in… This Is Me Clarice Bean. This Is Our World : Social Studies Grade K. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author La Fevers, R. L. (Robin L.) Schwartz, Alvin, 1927Schwartz, Alvin, 1927Schwartz, Alvin, 1927Beaurline, Kelley Beaurline, Kelley Disney Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Tony Bradman Gibson, Akimi. Gibson, Akimi. Seuss, Dr. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. Most, Bernard. Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Johnston, Johanna Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Clements, Andrew, 1949Reed, Janet Reed, Janet Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Melissa Burke Fisher, Bobbi. Child, Lauren Page 254 Barcode 640506 401759 15273 15285 67148 8031 8047 642801 641746 641747 641748 641749 641750 16444 66461 400110 67004 67005 67006 67007 67008 67009 10036839 10036840 10036842 10036843 10036844 10036846 15113 640509 640518 640521 66929 66930 66931 66932 66933 66934 67140 11816 11817 642103 642104 642105 642106 642107 642108 16459 188153 640396 ISBN 9780618756384 (… 0060252332 : 0060252332 : 0060252332 : LCCN 2006034284 80008442 /AC 80008442 /AC 80008442 /AC 059061312X 059061312X 9780679882831 (… 0688222269 0688222269 0688222269 0688222269 0688222269 0688222269 0590413422 0590413422 0590413422 0590413422 0590413422 0590413422 0590413422 99595490 99595490 96068778 79023089 79023089 79023089 79023089 79023089 79023089 9780399236266 00069900 0435088440 (aci… 94043728 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title This Is Our World : Social Studies Grade K. This Is Our World : Social Studies Grade K. This Is The House That Jack Built[Big Book]. This Is The Place For Me. This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall / Gordon Korman. This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall / Gordon Korman. This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall / Gordon Korman. This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall / Gordon Korman. This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall / Gordon Korman. This is Me. This is Me. This is Me. This is Me. This is Me. This is Me. This is the Place for Me[Big Book]. This is the Place for Me[Big Book]. This is the Place for Me[Big Book]. This is the Place for Me[Big Book]. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the Way we go to School. This is the dream / by Diane Z. Shore & Jessica Alexander ; … This is the dream / by Diane Z. Shore & Jessica Alexander ; … This is the way we go to school : a book about children arou… This is the way we go to school : a book about children arou… Thomas Edison [Video] : and the electric light. Thomas Edison [Video] : and the electric light. Thomas Jefferson : His Writings. Thomas Jefferson : His Writings. Thomas Jefferson : His Writings. Thomas Jefferson : Man of Ideas. Thomas Jefferson : Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson : Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson : Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Cole, Joanna Korman, Gordon. Korman, Gordon. Korman, Gordon. Korman, Gordon. Korman, Gordon. Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Baer, Edith Shore, Diane ZuHone. Shore, Diane ZuHone. Baer, Edith. Baer, Edith. Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Don Don Don Don McLeese McLeese McLeese McLeese Page 255 Barcode 640437 640420 640310 66699 10036995 10036997 10036998 10036999 10037001 641101 641102 641103 641104 641105 641106 1004040 1004045 1004046 13040 12558 12559 12560 12561 12562 12763 12764 12765 12766 12767 12768 13045 13046 13052 16457 16513 1004067 30220 5196 5197 641262 641263 641264 641266 641268 641269 641270 66729 66730 66731 66732 ISBN LCCN 1598669142-2 0590442139 0590442139 0590442139 0590442139 0590442139 0590719173 0590719173 0590719173 0590719173 9780060555191 (… 9780060555191 (… 0590431617 : 0590431617 : 2003026554 2003026554 89048511 /AC 89048511 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 256 Title Author Barcode Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Thomas Paine: Heroes of the American Revolution. Three Bears [Video] : Alaska's. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Billy Goats Gruff. Three Fables : Trophies BL Gr 3. Three Fables : Trophies BL Gr 3. Three Kite Tales : On-Level Gr 4. Three Kite Tales : On-Level Gr 4. Three Little Pigs. Three Little Pigs. Three Little Pigs. Three Little Pigs. Three Little Pigs. Three Little Pigs. Three Voices : an invitation to poetry across the curriculum… Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three cheers for Tacky / Helen Lester ; illustrated by Lynn … Three little Indians / by Gene S. Stuart ; paintings by Loui… Thrice-Told Tales : Advanced Level Gr 4. Thrice-Told Tales : Advanced Level Gr 4. Through the Day. Through the Day. Through the Day. Through the Day. Through the Day. Through the Day. Through the Tempests Dark and Wild. Thumbelina [Video]. Thumpkin and the Easter bunnies [Video]. Tick Tock Minutes [Video]. Tigers / Jenny Markert. Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; ill. by Blair L… Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; ill. by Blair L… Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; ill. by Blair L… Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; ill. by Blair L… Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; ill. by Blair L… Tikki Tikki Tembo / retold by Arlene Mosel ; illustrated by … Time Together : Audiotext 4 Gr 1. Time Together : Audiotext 4 Gr 1. Time Together : Audiotext 4 Gr 1. Don McLeese Don McLeese Gill, Shelley Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Weg, Manya Weg, Manya Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Annette Smith Cullinan, Bernice E. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Lester, Helen. Stuart, Gene S. Lawson, Barbara Spilman Lawson, Barbara Spilman Jeni Wilson Jeni Wilson Jeni Wilson Jeni Wilson Jeni Wilson Jeni Wilson Sharon Darrow Andersen, Hans Christian Family Home Entertainment Safety Markert, Jenny. Mosel, Arlene. Mosel, Arlene. Mosel, Arlene. Mosel, Arlene. Mosel, Arlene. Mosel, Arlene. Trophies Trophies Trophies 66733 66734 30509 66953 66954 66955 66956 66957 66958 8846 8903 11804 11805 66947 66948 66949 66950 66951 66952 12342 66149 66150 66151 66152 66153 66154 67061 641239 11743 11773 640762 640763 640764 640765 640766 640767 642854 2630 5309 1435 640324 10036919 10036926 12658 12831 12832 67064 10863 13922 9003 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0395668417 0395668417 0395668417 0395668417 0395668417 0395668417 0395668417 0870441574 LCCN : : : : : : : 1567663974 (lib… 0590416227 0590416227 0590416227 0590416227 0590416227 0805011668 93014342 93014342 93014342 93014342 93014342 93014342 93014342 74010110 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 97030409 /AC 90122726 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together Together : Audiotext 4 Gr 1. Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. 1-4. Page 257 Author Barcode Trophies Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel 9006 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 258 Title Author Barcode Time Together Gr 1-4 : Harcourt Gr 1-4. Time Together, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-4. Time Together, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-4. Time Together, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-4. Time Together, Teacher's Edition : Grade 1, Level 1-4. Time for bed / Mem Fox ; illustrated by Jane Dyer. Time for bed / Mem Fox ; illustrated by Jane Dyer. Time for bed / Mem Fox ; illustrated by Jane Dyer. Time on the Farm : Cassette. Time on the Farm/6 Copies : Level I/ Transition/ Fluent. Time out for Fitness [Video]. Time to say "Please"! / by Mo Willems. Time to say "Please"! / by Mo Willems. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Timothy's Five-City Tour. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny Bird. Tiny, Terricfic Debbie Black : Trophies BL Gr 3. Tiny, Terricfic Debbie Black : Trophies BL Gr 3. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tippu : Soar to success LV 4. Tisquantum and the Pilgrims : On Level Gr 5. Tisquantum and the Pilgrims : On Level Gr 5. Tisquantum and the Pilgrims : On Level Gr 5. Titanic / Anna Claybourne and Katie Daynes ; designed by Kat… Titanic / Anna Claybourne and Katie Daynes ; designed by Kat… Titanosaur Treasure : Advanced Level Gr 4. Titanosaur Treasure : Advanced Level Gr 4. To Market, To Market : Big Book Gr 1. To Market, To Market : Big Book Gr 1. To Market, To Market : Big Book Gr 1. To Market, To Market : Infoquest Gr 3. To Market, To Market : Social Studies Grade 2. To Market, To Market : Social Studies Grade 2. To Market, To Market : Social Studies Grade 2. Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Fox, Mem, 1946Fox, Mem, 1946Fox, Mem, 1946- 11933 10832 7484 7485 7486 101559 65059 67365 65697 12446 1003688 14466 15295 642199 642200 642201 642202 642203 642204 641772 641773 641774 641775 641776 641777 641778 641779 8841 8875 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 9456 9457 9458 66337 66348 11736 11766 11866 11867 11868 8314 640104 640110 640128 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Math Transition Level Croce, Pat Willems, Mo. Willems, Mo. Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Gare Thompson Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp Valerie Tripp David, John David, John Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Pizer, Abigail Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly Peterson, Polly Claybourne, Anna. Claybourne, Anna. Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Davidson, Avelyn ISBN LCCN 0152881832 : 9780152053499 (… 0152010661 92019771 /AC 2005275627 97224717 0786852933 (alk… 0786852933 (alk… 2004054226 2004054226 9780439932578 9780439932578 2007277489 2007277489 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Author To Market, To Market[Big Book] : Gr 1. To Market, To Market[Big Book] : Gr 1. To Market, To Market[Big Book]. To Market, To Market[Big Book]. To catch a mermaid / by Suzanne Selfors ; illustrated by Cat… To market, to market / written by Anne Miranda ; illustrated… To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. To the Top of Mount Everest : On Level Grade 5. Today I am an American : Below-Level Gr 4. Today I am an American : Below-Level Gr 4. Today I am an American : Below-Level Gr 4. Today and today : haiku / by Kobayashi Issa ; pictures by G.… Today is Monday / pictures by Eric Carle. Today is Monday / pictures by Eric Carle. Toe shoes and Tutus : Below-Level Gr 5. Toe shoes and Tutus : Below-Level Gr 5. Toe shoes and Tutus : Below-Level Gr 5. Tog the dog / by Colin and Jacqui Hawkins ; illustrated by C… Tom Sawyer [Video]. Tom Thumb and Thumbelina [Video]. Tomie dePaola's front porch tales & north country whoppers. Tony's double play / by Gibbs Davis ; illustrated by George … Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many Tamales. Too many frogs! / Sandy Asher ; illustrations by Keith Grave… Too many frogs! / Sandy Asher ; illustrations by Keith Grave… Too many frogs! / Sandy Asher ; illustrations by Keith Grave… Tools to Use. Tools to Use. Tools to Use. Tools to Use. Tools to Use. Tools to Use. Toot & Puddle : let it snow / by Holly Hobbie. Toothwalkers. Toothwalkers. Toothwalkers. Toothwalkers. Tornado Chasers. Totem Story : cassette. Totem Story/6 copies : Transition/fluent. Miranda, Anne Miranda, Anne Anne Miranda Anne Miranda Selfors, Suzanne. Miranda, Anne. Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Kaplan, Elizabeth Munoz, Fabiola Munoz, Fabiola Munoz, Fabiola Kobayashi, Issa, 1763-1827. Carle, Eric. Carle, Eric. Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Meeks, Paul Hawkins, Colin. MGM Family Entertainment Disney,Walt De Paola, Tomie. Davis, Gibbs. Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Asher, Sandy. Asher, Sandy. Asher, Sandy. Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Hobbie, Holly. Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Harril, Bob Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 259 Barcode 10279 10285 640217 640219 401843 642533 14996 14997 14998 14999 15000 15001 9619 9620 9639 66813 1004039 39135 9286 9333 9334 65152 7763 3879 401856 640366 13646 13647 13648 13649 13651 13652 641161 15299 66340 66381 66917 66918 66919 66920 66921 66922 401838 7192 7193 7194 7195 66533 65706 Social Studies Transition Stag… 12419 ISBN LCCN 9780316018166 0152000356 2007022700 95026326 /AC 9780439590785 0399219668 0399219668 2003026684 91045866 /AC 91045866 /AC 1582091889 9780399247545 0553159968 2007017646 9780399239786 (… 9780399239786 (… 9780399239786 (… 2004009461 2004009461 2004009461 9780316166867 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Touch It! : cassette. Touch It/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level C/ Early Emergent/ Emerg… Touch! Tough Boris. Tough Cookie / David Wisniewski. Tough Cookie / David Wisniewski. Town Bird and Country Bird : On level Grade 1. Town Bird and Country Bird : On level Grade 1. Town Bird and Country Bird : On level Grade 1. Town Mouse and Country Mouse. Toy Story 2. Toys go out : being the adventures of a knowledgeable stingr… Tracey and the sun. Tracey and the sun. Tracey and the sun. Tracey and the sun. Tracking trash : flotsam, jetsam, and the science of ocean m… Tractors Cotton-Pickers and the stuff kids wear [Video]. Tractors of the World. Tractors,Combines, and Things on the Grow [Video]. Trading Days : Advanced Level Grade 3. Trading Days : Advanced Level Grade 3. Trading places / Claudia Mills. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Traditions of the Crow people / Erin Maher. Training a Guide Dog : Rigby Level 17. Transcontinental Railroad. Transportation Yesterday and Today : Advanced Level Gr 2. Transportation Yesterday and Today : Advanced Level Gr 2. Transportation Yesterday and Today : Advanced Level Gr 2. Trapped in the Future : Advanced Level Gr 5. Trapped in the Future : Advanced Level Gr 5. Trapped in the Future : Advanced Level Gr 5. Trash Art : cassette. Travel team / Mike Lupica. Travel's With Dad : On Level Gr 2. Travel's With Dad : On Level Gr 2. Travel's With Dad : On Level Gr 2. Traveling Around Alaska : On-Level Gr 5. Traveling Around Alaska : On-Level Gr 5. Traveling Around Alaska : On-Level Gr 5. Treasure Island / [Robert Louis Stevenson] ; with illustrati… Treasure Island, Part 1. Treasure Island, Part 1. Treasure Island, Part 1. Treasure Island, Part 1. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Page 260 Barcode 65702 12459 10037891 642865 65347 67131 10558 10559 11242 641338 642417 642846 7242 7244 7245 7246 401762 30005723 67518 30005724 10683 10684 401603 590321 590322 590323 590324 590325 590326 15494 7340 10351 10352 12064 9430 9431 9432 65700 Lupica, Mike. 66175 Relf, Coco 10413 Relf, Coco 10414 Relf, Coco 11282 Rose, Lillian 9514 Rose, Lillian 9515 Rose, Lillian 9516 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-… 643185 Robert Louis Stevenson 642469 Robert Louis Stevenson 642470 Robert Louis Stevenson 642471 Robert Louis Stevenson 642472 Early Emergent Stage Science Wilt, Joy Mem Fox Wisniewski, David. Wisniewski, David. Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Brett, Jan Disney Jenkins, Emily, 1967Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Gabolinscy, Jack Burns, Loree Griffin. Just our size videos 1995 Williams, Michael Just our Size Videos 1994 Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Mills, Claudia. Maher, Erin. Maher, Erin. Maher, Erin. Maher, Erin. Maher, Erin. Maher, Erin. Macdonald, Wendy Sterling, Mary Ellen Relf, Coco Relf, Coco Relf, Coco O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert O'Brien, Robert ISBN 0688153372 (tr) 0688153372 (tr) LCCN 98045188 /AC 98045188 /AC 9780375836046 (… 2005022431 9780618581313 (… 2006011534 9780374317980 (… 0823982424 0823982424 0823982424 0823982424 0823982424 0823982424 2005046371 0399241507 2003025072 0396085326 84072204 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 261 Title Author Barcode Treasure Island, Part 1. Treasure Island, Part 1. Treasure Seekers [computer file]. Treasury Hunt : On-Level Gr 4. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trees of Birds : Soar to Success LV 3. Trial by fire / by Greg Farshtey. Tricycle / Elisa Amado ; [illustrations by] Alfonso Ruano. Triplet Trouble and the Bicycle Race. Triplet Trouble and the Pizza Party. Triplet trouble and the talent show mess / by Debbie Dadey a… Tripper & Sam. Tripper & Sam. Tripper & Sam. Tripper & Sam. Tripper & Sam. Tripping over the lunch lady : and other school stories / ed… Trish Had a Wish : On Level Grade 1. Trish Had a Wish : On Level Grade 1. Trish Had a Wish : On Level Grade 1. Trolls, go home! / Alan MacDonald ; illustrations by Mark Be… Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Trophies Gather Round : Grade 1 level 5. Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson 642473 642474 5479 11844 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 65465 401758 67496 67495 643208 1050119 1050125 1050126 1050128 1050129 15213 10576 10577 11333 7000020 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Goldish, Meish Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Farshtey, Greg. Amado, Elisa. Dadey, Debbie Dadey, Debbie Dadey, Debbie. Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Nancy K K K K K Manners, Jane Manners, Jane Manners, Jane MacDonald, Alan, 1958Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel ISBN 0439607329 9780888996145 LCCN 2004559005 0590254723 (pbk… 0590335944 0590335944 0590335944 0590335944 0590335944 0803728735 2003015905 9781599900773 (… 2006049887 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Trophies Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Gather Round : Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Here and There Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. Grade 1 level 5. : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade : Text Book grade Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Page 262 Author Barcode Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11435 11436 11437 11438 11439 11440 11441 11442 11444 11445 11446 11447 11448 11449 11450 11451 11452 11453 11454 11455 11456 11457 11458 11459 11460 Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 263 Title Author Barcode Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trophies Here and There : Text Book grade 1. Trouble with Friends [Video] : Berenstain Bears. Trouble with Friends [Video] : The Coughing Catfish. Trouble with Friends [Video} : Berenstain Bears. Trucks / by Gail Gibbons. True Blue / by Joan Elste ; illustrated by DyAnne DiSalvo. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True Stories about Abraham Lincoln. True stories of pirates / Lucy Lethbridge. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Truman's Aunt Farm : Soar to Success LV. Try This! : Rigby Level 8. Try and stick with it / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Me… Trying Out : On-Level Gr 3. Trying Out : On-Level Gr 3. Tsunami : the true story of an April Fools' Day disaster / G… Tsunami! : MainSails. Tsunami! : MainSails. Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Beck, Isabel Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan 1986 Gibbons, Gail. Elste, Joan. Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Ruth Gross Lethbridge, Lucy. Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Rattigan, Jama Kim Hughes, Monica Meiners, Cheri J., 1957Pistone, Kate Pistone, Kate Karwoski, Gail Langer. MacDonald, Wendy MacDonald, Wendy 11461 11462 11463 11464 11465 11466 11467 11468 11469 11470 11471 11472 11473 11474 11475 11476 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 6042 1003685 4003891 67219 29084 65350 65351 65352 65353 65354 65355 65762 66174 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 15890 643281 9244 9549 642851 7949 7962 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0394828720 0394873394 0690041187 : 9780448412641 LCCN 81043039 /AC 96001257 /AC 0794508758 1575421593 (pbk… 9781581960440 2004003183 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 264 Title Author Barcode Tsunami! : MainSails. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting. Tucker's Gold : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Tuesday / David Wiesner. Tumble bumble / Felicia Bond. Turk and Runt / story by Lisa Wheeler ; pictures by Frank An… Turkey : Sails Gr 1. Turkey riddles / by Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg ; pictures … Turkeys together / by Carol Wallace ; illustrated by Jacquel… Turtle Talk : Advanced Level Grade 3. Turtle Talk : Advanced Level Grade 3. Turtle at Home : On-Level Gr 3. Turtle at Home : On-Level Gr 3. Two Families : On Level Gr 4. Two Families : On Level Gr 4. Two Julias : Advanced Level Grade 3. Two Julias : Advanced Level Grade 3. Two Little Ants : Advanced Level Grade 1. Two Little Ants : Advanced Level Grade 1. Two Little Ants : Advanced Level Grade 1. Two snails : On Level Grade 1. Two snails : On Level Grade 1. Two snails : On Level Grade 1. Typing tutor 7[computer disc]. Tyrannosaurus wrecks : a book of dinosaur riddles / by Noell… U.S. Outline Maps. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UFO Diary[Big Book]. UMBRELLA. UNCLE DANEY'S WAY. UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENCES. Uh-Oh! : Rigby Level 5. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Uncle Jed's barbershop / by Margaree King Mitchell ; illustr… MacDonald, Wendy Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Owens, L. L. Wiesner, David. Bond, Felicia. Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Windsor, Jo Hall, Katy. Wallace, Carol, 1948Rothman, Cynthia Rothman, Cynthia Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Kranz, Rachel Kranz, Rachel Kim, Joung Un Kim, Joung Un Kim, Joung Un Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra Widener, Sandra 7963 14823 14826 14827 14829 14831 14836 14839 8008 33368 640076 642547 8073 642545 66233 10722 10723 9260 9561 11820 11821 10732 10733 10757 10827 11289 10542 10543 11249 500018 642442 4780 1004062 12931 12932 12933 12935 12936 14158 641363 14159 15474 641968 641969 641970 641971 641972 641973 641974 66466 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Sterne, Noelle. Scholastic Kitamura, Satoshi Kitamura, Satoshi Kitamura, Satoshi Kitamura, Satoshi Kitamura, Satoshi Kitamura, Satoshi YASHIMA, TARO UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENCES Hawes, Alison Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Margaree Mitchell Mitchell, Margaree King. ISBN LCCN 0374480095 0374480095 0374480095 0374480095 0374480095 0374480095 0374480095 0395551137 : 1886910154 (alk… 0689847610 90039358 /AC 96014417 /AC 2001022677 0803725302 9780823418954 (… 2001047475 2004052392 0784908818 069003959X : 78022499 /AC… 0671769693 : 91044148 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 265 Title Author Unconering America's Past : Social Studies Grade 5. Under The Sea : World Book Encyclopedia. Under the Ground. Under the Ground. Under the Ground. Under the Ground. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the blood-red sun / Graham Salisbury. Under the sea / Fiona Patchett ; designed by Zoë Wray ; illu… Under the sea / written by Jenny Wood ; illustrated by Malco… Underground and all around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Underground and all around : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Understanding the U. S. Constitution. Underwater / by Debbie Levy. United Nation. United Nation. United Nation. United Nation. United Nation. United Nation. United Nation. United States - Floor Puzzle. United States - Floor Puzzle. United States - Floor Puzzle. United States - Floor Puzzle. United States Expansion [Video] : Teacher's Guide. United States. United jokes of America / by Alan Katz and Caissie St. Onge … Unlucky Pony : Pony Pals. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up In The Air[Big Book]. Up The Haystack. Up The Haystack. Up The Haystack. 640551 Wilkes, Angela 66693 Windsor, Jo 7014 Windsor, Jo 7015 Windsor, Jo 7016 Windsor, Jo 7017 Salisbury, Graham. 15251 Salisbury, Graham. 15314 Salisbury, Graham. 15315 Salisbury, Graham. 15316 Salisbury, Graham. 15317 Salisbury, Graham. 15318 Patchett, Fiona. 67128 Wood, Jenny. 643293 Linde, Barbara 8021 Linde, Barbara 8037 Strange, Mark 6632 Levy, Debbie. 401847 Julie Haydon 66604 Julie Haydon 66605 Julie Haydon 66606 Julie Haydon 66607 Julie Haydon 66608 Julie Haydon 66609 Julie Haydon 66610 Giant Floor Puzzle 7353 Giant Floor Puzzle 7354 Giant Floor Puzzle 7755 Giant Floor Puzzle 7756 100% Educational Videos 5971 Social Studies Literature Libr… 13058 Katz, Alan. 67460 Betancourt, Jeanne 67317 Livingston, Myra Cohn 1004068 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12552 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12553 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12554 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12555 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12556 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12557 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12740 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12741 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12742 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12743 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12744 Livingston, Myra Cohn 12745 Livingston, Myra Cohn 30221 Moss, Sally 30006855 Moss, Sally 30006856 Moss, Sally 30006857 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Barcode ISBN 038532099X 038532099X 038532099X 038532099X 038532099X 038532099X 0439026733 0689714882 LCCN : : : : : : : 94000444 /AC 94000444 /AC 94000444 /AC 94000444 /AC 94000444 /AC 94000444 /AC 2007296342 91007484 /AC… 9781581960532 0439697328 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 0590725963 2005280234 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 266 Title Author Barcode Up The Haystack. Up The Haystack. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and down the escalator. Up country / Alden R. Carter. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up goes the skyscraper! / by Gail Gibbons. Up the Cloudy Mountain. Up the Hill : Independent Reader Grade K. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Down, Round and Round. Up, Up and Away: A Book about Adverbs[Big Book]. Up, Up and Away: A Book about Adverbs[Big Book]. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Upside Down. Use Your Noodle Tales : Advanced Level Gr 4. Use Your Noodle Tales : Advanced Level Gr 4. Using Manipulatives to Teach Mathematics, Gr. K-4. Using Nonfiction Effectively In Your Classroom Gr 1-6. Using Nonfiction Effectively in Your Classroom. Using Picture Books to Teach Writing with the Traits. Using Poetry. Using a Beak : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Beak : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Beak : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Beak : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Tail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Tail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Using a Tail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. Moss, Sally Moss, Sally Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Martin, Bill, Jr. Carter, Alden R. Gibbons, Gail. Gibbons, Gail. Gibbons, Gail. Gibbons, Gail. Gibbons, Gail. Gibbons, Gail. Gabolinscy, Jack 30006859 30006860 641147 641148 641149 641150 641151 641152 11668 16464 65134 65135 65136 65137 65138 65139 7929 10496 641645 641646 641647 641648 641649 641650 642927 67118 7006 642992 642993 642994 642995 642996 642997 7007 7008 7009 11742 11772 1003938 30526 4285 65666 1003808 8442 8443 8444 8445 8438 8439 8440 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Ruth Heller Ruth Heller Windsor, Jo Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Jo Windsor Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Jones, Jan Jones, Jan Mayberry, Dr. Sally Grolier Publication Grolier Ruth Culham Gruber, Barbara and Sue Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo Windsor, Jo ISBN 0142402435 0689714114 0689714114 0689714114 0689714114 0689714114 0689714114 LCCN : : : : : : 2004276649 90031777 /AC 90031777 /AC 90031777 /AC 90031777 /AC 90031777 /AC 90031777 /AC CD-7400 FS-8102 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 267 Title Author Barcode Using a Tail : Sails Fluency (1) Orange. VALENTINE FRANKENSTEIN. VALENTINE FRANKENSTEIN. VERY HUNGERY CAT. VERY HUNGERY CATERPILLAR. Valentine's Day : things to make and do / written by Robyn S… Vampire bats and other creatures of the night / Philip Steel… Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots. Vaquero, the cowboy : Advanced Level Gr 5. Vaquero, the cowboy : Advanced Level Gr 5. Vaquero, the cowboy : Advanced Level Gr 5. Venom / by Marilyn Singer. Veronica knows best / Nancy K. Robinson ; illustrations by R… Very Cool Rain : On level Gr 2. Very Cool Rain : On level Gr 2. Very Cool Rain : On level Gr 2. Vespucci Sails For America : Social Studies Grade 5. Victory / Susan Cooper. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Video Field Trip Pkg: Social Studies [Video]. Viking it and liking it / by Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by A… Vinnie and Abraham / Dawn FitzGerald ; illustrated by Cather… Visual encylopedia of science : planet earth, living world, … Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcano : The eruption and healing of Mount St. Helens. Volcanoes Destroyers and Creators : Advanced level Gr 5. Volcanoes Destroyers and Creators : Advanced level Gr 5. Volcanoes Destroyers and Creators : Advanced level Gr 5. Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Voyage to Antarctica: On Level Grade 5 : Earth Science: The… Vroom! : Rigby Level 10. Vulture view / April Pulley Sayre ; illustrated by Steve Jen… WAGON TRAIN 911. WAGON WHEELS. WATCH THE STARS COME OUT. WATER. WE ARE BEST FRIENDS. WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT. Windsor, Jo 8441 641364 642363 641414 641415 640208 643051 640328 9368 9369 9370 401862 640210 10395 10396 11275 640550 401647 15856 15857 15858 15859 15860 15861 66419 643264 7638 16028 16029 16030 16031 16043 16044 9396 9397 9398 14984 14985 14986 14987 14988 14989 15900 401851 641365 14161 14049 641378 14051 14163 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Supraner, Robyn. Steele, Philip, 1948Dadey, Debbie Fear, Sharon Fear, Sharon Fear, Sharon Singer, Marilyn. Robinson, Nancy K. Parr, Jean Parr, Jean Parr, Jean Cooper, Susan, 1935Scotts Foresman Scotts Foresman Scotts Foresman Scotts Foresman Scotts Foresman Scotts Foresman Scieszka, Jon. FitzGerald, Dawn. Allaby, Michael Lauber, Patricia Lauber, Patricia Lauber, Patricia Lauber, Patricia Lauber, Patricia Lauber, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Lynch, Patricia Rufus, Aki Rufus, Aki Rufus, Aki Rufus, Aki Rufus, Aki Rufus, Aki Atkins, Jill Sayre, April Pulley. BRENNER, BARBARA LEVINSON, RIKI ALIKI ROSEN, MICHAEL ISBN 0893754242 : 1856975754 (pbk… 0-590-430-4311-… 9781581960433 0590405098 LCCN 80023780 /AC 95006105 /AC 87004904 /AC 9781416914778 2005016747 0142400025 9781570916588 (… 2004295301 2006009033 9780805075571 (… 2006030766 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 268 Title Author Barcode WEATHER. WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL. WESTWARD BOUND. WHAT HAPPENED AT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY? WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA BEN FRANKLIN. WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA, BEN FRANKLIN. WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA, BEN FRANKLIN? WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE DINOSAURS? WHEELS. WHEN CLAY SINGS. WHEN THERE WERE DINOSAURS. WHERE THE SIDE ENDS. WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS. WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. WHERE THE WILD..... WHITE SNOW, BRIGHT SNOW. WHO SAID RED? WHO SANK THE BOAT. WHO SANK THE BOAT. WHO WAS BETSY ROSS? : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. WHO WAS PAUL REVERE? : ROSEN CLASSROOM BOOKS & MATERIALS. WHOSE MOUSE ARE YOU? WHOSE MOUSE ARE YOU? WHY MOSQUITOES BUZZ IN PEOPLE'S EARS. WHY MOSQUITOES BUZZ IN PEOPLE'S EARS. WHY MOSQUITOES BUZZ IN PEOPLE'S EARS. WILFRID GORDON MCDONALD PARTRIDGE. WILMA UNLIMITED. WINNIE THE POOH. WINNIE THE POOH. WINTER OF THE WOLF. WOODSONG. WPA Art : Adanced Level Grade 3. WPA Art : Adanced Level Grade 3. Waddle, waddle, quack, quack, quack / by Barbara Anne Skalak… Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wagon wheels : Soar to Success LV 4. Wait a Second! Wait a Second! Wait a Second! Wait a Second! Wait a Second! Wake me in spring / by James Preller ; illustrated by Jeffre… Walking to Nebraska : On-Level Gr 4. Walking to Nebraska : On-Level Gr 4. WEATHER JABAR, CYNTHIA SOCIAL STUDIES SUTTON, ADAM FRITZ, JEAN FRITZ, JEAN FRITZ, JEAN MOST, BERNARD WHEELS BAYLOR, BYRD ZURAVICKY, ORLI 14162 14458 13960 14414 14165 14375 14374 14050 14166 14167 14437 641383 14052 14054 641381 14359 14057 14056 641380 14188 14189 14058 14453 14059 640629 640630 14060 641366 14061 14168 641355 14169 10691 10692 66285 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 65990 65991 65992 65993 65994 16465 11846 11847 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM SILVERSTEIN, SHEL Sendak, Maurice TRESSELT, ALVIN SERFOZO, MARY ALLEN, PAMEL,A ADAMS, COLLEEN MOORE, SHARON KRAUS, ROBERT KRAUS, ROBERT AARDEMA, VERNA AARDEMA, VERNA AARDEMA, VERNA FOX, MEM MILNE, A.A. MILNE, A.A. PAULSEN, GARY Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Skalak, Barbara Anne. Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Brenner, Barbara Emily Herman Emily Herman Emily Herman Emily Herman Emily Herman Preller, James. Jones, Jan Jones, Jan ISBN 0811843424 0590475002 : LCCN 2004008480 93016787 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Wallace & Gromit in the curse of the were-rabbit / an Aardma… Washington, D. C : A Scrapbook. Washington, D. C : Guidebook for Kids. Washington, D.C. [Video]. Watch Out for those Trash Cans : Sails Gr 1. Water, Water. Water, Water. Water, Water. Water, Water. Water, Water. Water, Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Waterbirds. Way Cool Creepy Crawlies [Video]. Way Cool Creepy Crawlies [Video]. Way out in the desert / by T.J. Marsh and Jennifer Ward ; il… Wayside School is falling down / Louis Sachar ; illustrated … Wayside School is falling down / Louis Sachar ; illustrated … We Are Part of This Place : PLACE. We Are Part of This Place : PLACE. We Are Part of This Place : PLACE. We Kids Can! [Video]. We Like School : Independent Reader K. We Need Rain : cassette. We Need Rain/ 6 Copies/Cassette : Level B/ Early Emergent/ E… We The People, The Constitution of the United States Of Amer… We Wish You a Merry Christmas [Video]. We all fall for apples / by Emmi s. Herman ; illustrated by … We are Playing. We are Playing. We are Playing. We are Playing. We are Playing. We are Playing. We are best friends / by Aliki. We are best friends / by Aliki. We are best friends / by Aliki. We are best friends / by Aliki. We are the Ham-Hams! : learn all about us! / by Frances Ann … We gather together-- now please get lost! / Diane deGroat. We honestly can look after your dog / Lauren Child. We're In This Together : Social Studies Grade 5. We're In This Together : Social Studies Grade 5. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Benson, Laura Lee Bluestone, Carol IVN Entertainment Windsor, Jo Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Monica Hughes Moore, Jo Ellen Moore, Jo Ellen Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Vic Parker Davidson, Avelyn itty bitty kiddy wildlife itty bitty kiddy wildlife Marsh, T. J., 1960Sachar, Louis, 1954Sachar, Louis, 1954- Silver, Burdett & Ginn Early Emergent Stage Science Spier, Peter Loy, John Herman, Emmi S. Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Jan Pritchett Aliki. Aliki. Aliki. Aliki. Ladd, Frances Ann. De Groat, Diane. Child, Lauren. Page 269 Barcode 643139 6636 6637 5323 8187 640671 640672 640673 640674 640675 640676 641331 641346 642758 642759 642760 642761 642762 642763 8298 30005668 642948 67132 67214 65531 641307 641308 641309 3000265 10424 65688 12455 10037833 4768 16391 640867 640868 640869 640870 640871 640872 3000149 3000150 3000151 3000152 643229 642542 188157 640477 640482 ISBN LCCN 2006640134 0873586875 9780380731503 (… 0688078680 (lib… 97047220 /AC <None> 88000674 /AC 0439573963 (pbk… 2004300560 0688008224 0688008224 0688008224 0688008224 0439539617 (pbk… 1587170965 (lib… 9780448444147 81006549 /AC 81006549 /AC 81006549 /AC 81006549 /AC 2004297065 2001034407 2006004505 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 270 Title Author Barcode ISBN Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather / by Julian Fleisher. Weather Alert : MainSails. Weather Alert : MainSails. Weather Alert : MainSails. Weather or Not. Weather. Weather. Weather: Come Rain, Come Shine [Video]. Web of shadows / by Greg Farshtey. Web of shadows / by Greg Farshtey. Web of the Visorak / by Greg Farshtey. Web of the Visorak / by Greg Farshtey. Web of the Visorak / by Greg Farshtey. Webster's Great Pond : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Webster's Great Pond : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Weedflower / Cynthia Kadohata. Weekend : A play by George Ciantar. Welcome to Camden Falls / Ann M. Martin. Welcome to Zanzibar Road / story and pictures by Niki Daly. Welcome to dead house / R.L. Stine. Welcome to the Green House. Welcome to the Green House. Welcome to the green house / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by Lau… Well Said! Wendy in Winter. Wendy in Winter. Wendy in Winter. Wendy in Winter. Wendy in Winter. Wendy in Winter. Wendy's Puppy. Wendy's Puppy. Wendy's Puppy. Wendy's Puppy. Wendy's Puppy. Werewolves don't go to summer camp / by Debbie Dadey and Mar… Westward Expansion : Social Studies Grade 5. Westward Expansion : Social Studies Grade 5. Westward Ho! Westward Ho! : Thematic Unit. Westward Ho! : Thematic Unit. Wet dog! / by Elise Broach ; illustrations by David Catrow. Wetlands : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kid Discover. Wetlands. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Fleisher, Julian. Barwick, John Barwick, John Barwick, John Disney Integrated Theme Units Moore, Nancy National Geographic Farshtey, Greg. Farshtey, Greg. Farshtey, Greg. Farshtey, Greg. Farshtey, Greg. Bingham, Ann Bingham, Ann Kadohata, Cynthia. Ciantar, George Martin, Ann M., 1955Daly, Niki. Stine, R. L. Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane. Barrett, Sally Turner Kaye Starbird Kaye Starbird Kaye Starbird Kaye Starbird Kaye Starbird Kaye Starbird Kathryn Riley Kathryn Riley Kathryn Riley Kathryn Riley Kathryn Riley Dadey, Debbie. 65506 65507 65508 65509 65510 65511 65757 7925 7966 7967 642797 10036884 6896 1003633 15301 15374 14327 15339 642520 8023 8039 401594 643209 66333 401625 642434 15211 15212 67223 1003801 641870 641871 641872 641873 641874 641875 66481 66482 66483 66484 66485 640330 640473 640479 7341 16116 7305 16467 67274 65620 0439351472 0439351472 0439351472 0439351472 0439351472 0439351472 0439351472 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Jordan, Doris Sterling, Mary Ellen Sterling, Mary Ellen Broach, Elise. Heather Hammonds LCCN 2006531902 2006531902 2006531902 2006531902 2006531902 2006531902 2006531902 0590492608 0439745586 (pbk… 0439745586 (pbk… 0439696194 0439696194 0439696194 9780689865749 (… 155624133X 9780439868792 9780618649266 (… 083681973X (lib… 0399223355 51241 2005296651 2005296651 2005299608 2005299608 2005299608 2004024912 2005021758 97019367 /AC 91022081 /AC 9780590440615 9780803728097 (… 2003014150 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 271 Title Author Barcode Wetlands. Wetlands. Wetlands. Wetlands. Wetlands. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to Success LV 4. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales : Soar to success LV. Whales and other sea mammals : wild wild world. Whales. What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jenna Find? What Can Jump?/6 copies/Cassette : Level A/Early Emergent/Em… What Can Matt Do? : Advanced Level Grade 1. What Can Matt Do? : Advanced Level Grade 1. What Can Matt Do? : Advanced Level Grade 1. What Can You Do With A Statue?[Big Book]. What Can You See? What Can You See? What Can You See? What Can You See? What Can You See? What Can You See? What Can we Do? What Can we Do? What Can we Do? What Can we Do? What Can we Do? What Can we Do? What Children Play : On Level Gr 2. What Children Play : On Level Gr 2. What Children Play : On Level Gr 2. What Did People Use Long Ago?/ 6 copies : Level J/Transition… What Do I Look Like? : Advanced Level Gr 2. What Do I Look Like? : Advanced Level Gr 2. Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds Heather Hammonds DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. DuTemple, Lesley A. Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Robson, Denny Creative Teaching Press Janet Klausner Janet Klausner Janet Klausner Janet Klausner Janet Klausner Janet Klausner Science Early Emergent Stage Appelbaum, Ellen Appelbaum, Ellen Appelbaum, Ellen Harold,Jerdine Nolen Simon Browne Simon Browne Simon Browne Simon Browne Simon Browne Simon Browne Wall, Wendy Wall, Wendy Wall, Wendy Wall, Wendy Wall, Wendy Wall, Wendy Raymer, Robin Raymer, Robin Raymer, Robin Social Studies Transition Stag… Scott, Slyvia Scott, Slyvia 65621 65622 65623 65624 65625 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 643074 30234 65290 65291 65292 65293 65294 65295 12451 10754 10755 11288 30516 641130 641131 641132 641133 641134 641135 13125 13126 13127 13128 13129 13130 10372 10373 11264 12423 10295 10296 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 272 Title Author Barcode What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What Scott, Slyvia Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Jenkins, Steve 12039 10037135 10037137 10037139 10037140 10037141 1004018 30548 14232 65691 12428 13452 640756 640757 640758 640759 640760 640761 641856 641857 641858 641859 65698 1004121 67489 640171 640183 640201 641310 641311 10328 10329 12040 6170 11203 8909 8968 1004021 7754 642861 11185 9774 9775 641112 641113 641114 641115 641116 641117 65180 Do I Look Like? : Advanced Level Gr 2. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With A Kangaroo?[Big Book]. Do You Do With a Tail Like That? Goes Up Must Come Down : cassette. Goes Up Must Come Down/6 Copies : Level I/Transition/Fl… Goes Up Must Come Down/6 Copies : Level I/Transition/Fl… Goes Up? Goes Up? Goes Up? Goes Up? Goes Up? Goes Up? Goes with Toes? Goes with Toes? Goes with Toes? Goes with Toes? Grows? : cassette. Happened to the Dinosaurs?[Big Book]. I Like About Me! Big Book : Teacher Classroom Pack. Is for Dinner? : Social Studies Grade 2. Is for Dinner? : Social Studies Grade 2. Is for Dinner? : Social Studies Grade 2. It Means To Be a Citizen : CITIZEN. It Means To Be a Citizen : CITIZEN. Jason's Mom Didn't See : Advanced Level Gr 2. Jason's Mom Didn't See : Advanced Level Gr 2. Jason's Mom Didn't See : Advanced Level Gr 2. Mommies Do Best/What Daddies Do Best[Big Book]. Time Is It? : BL Gr 2. Time Is It? : BL Gr 2. Time Is It? : BL Gr 2. Will The Weather Be Like Today?[Big Book]. Would You Like?[Big Book]. You Know First. a Bee Can See : Below-Level Gr 1. a Bee Can See : Below-Level Gr 1. a Bee Can See : Below-Level Gr 1. a Week! a Week! a Week! a Week! a Week! a Week! a bad dream / by Mercer Mayer. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Science Transition Stage Science Transition Stage Kate Gillespie Kate Gillespie Kate Gillespie Kate Gillespie Kate Gillespie Kate Gillespie Jeri Kroll Jeri Kroll Jeri Kroll Jeri Kroll Granowsky, Dr. Alvin Zobel-Nolan, Allia McMaster, Gail McMaster, Gail McMaster, Gail Numeroff, Laura Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Nayer, Judy Rogers, Paul Cowley, Joy Patricia MacLachlan Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Frederick, Shirley Cynthia Rider Cynthia Rider Cynthia Rider Cynthia Rider Cynthia Rider Cynthia Rider Mayer, Mercer, 1943- ISBN LCCN 081143284X 059072617X 0307626857 91073988 /AC Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 273 Title Author Barcode ISBN What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What Prelutsky, Jack. Graham, Pam Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise Bourget, Mary Louise 66393 7934 11162 9723 9725 66290 30005905 1004669 13423 15401 642842 590036 590037 590038 590039 590040 590041 13119 13120 13121 13122 13123 13124 401670 13083 13084 13085 13086 13087 13088 640843 640844 640845 640846 640847 640848 8862 8890 10679 10680 1004122 180 10759 10826 11291 14176 590171 590172 590173 590174 9780060823368 (… 2005048968 9780439911764 (… 2007271709 1885627009 9780618234851 (… 9780618234851 (… 9781553378754 0823963837 0823963837 0823963837 0823963837 0823963837 0823963837 BK 101 2004012312 2004012312 9781596431485 (… 2005029163 a day it was at school! : poems / by Jack Prelutsky ; p… do You Think? do they Make? : Below-Level Gr 1. do they Make? : Below-Level Gr 1. do they Make? : Below-Level Gr 1. do you call a rhyming riddle? : a hinky pinky! / writte… do you do Dear? do you want to be when you grow up? [Video] : Heavy Equ… does Bunny see? : a book of colors and flowers / by Lin… does Bunny see? : a book of colors and flowers / by Lin… elephant? / written and illustrated by Geneviève Côté. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happened at the Boston Tea Party? / Adam J. Sutton. happens at the bank? happens at the bank? happens at the bank? happens at the bank? happens at the bank? happens at the bank? if you met a knight? / Jan Adkins, scribe and illuminat… is Congress? is Congress? is Congress? is Congress? is Congress? is Congress? is It? is It? is It? is It? is It? is It? is Money? : Trophies BL Gr 3. is Money? : Trophies BL Gr 3. is a Desrt? : Advanced Level Grade 3. is a Desrt? : Advanced Level Grade 3. is a Dinosaur?[Big Book]. is everything made of? is in the Box : Advanced Level Grade 1. is in the Box : Advanced Level Grade 1. is in the Box : Advanced Level Grade 1. is the U.S Constitution? : Rosen Classroom Books & Mate… is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Joslin, Sesyle Big Kids Productions, Inc. Park, Linda Sue. Park, Linda Sue. Côté, Geneviève. Sutton, Adam J. Sutton, Adam J. Sutton, Adam J. Sutton, Adam J. Sutton, Adam J. Sutton, Adam J. Valenzuela, Dick Valenzuela, Dick Valenzuela, Dick Valenzuela, Dick Valenzuela, Dick Valenzuela, Dick Adkins, Jan. Montana, Billy Montana, Billy Montana, Billy Montana, Billy Montana, Billy Montana, Billy Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Fay Robinson Ogata, Shintaro Ogata, Shintaro Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Granowsky, Dr. Alvin Atwater, Mary Diamond, Rosalind Diamond, Rosalind Diamond, Rosalind Randolph, Joanne Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. 0811432785 0823963934 0823963934 0823963934 0823963934 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 274 Title Author Barcode ISBN What is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. What is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. What is the U.S. Constitution? / Joanne Randolph. What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What makes things move? / written by Althea ; illustrated by… What stinks? / by Marilyn Singer. What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What the moon is like / Franklyn M. Branley ; illustrated by… What to do? What to do? / by Toni Teevin ; illustrated by Ja… What will I be? : Dora's book about jobs / by Phoebe Beinste… What will the Weather be? : Rigby Level 10. What will the weather be like today? / Paul Rogers ; picture… What's That Sound? What's Up: Watching the Night Sky : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. What's Up: Watching the Night Sky : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. What's all the Buzz? What's down there : questions and answers about the ocean / … What's down there : questions and answers about the ocean / … What's down there : questions and answers about the ocean / … What's down there : questions and answers about the ocean / … What's down there : questions and answers about the ocean / … What's happening to grandpa? / by Maria Shriver ; illustrate… What's happening to grandpa? / by Maria Shriver ; illustrate… What's happening to grandpa? / by Maria Shriver ; illustrate… What's in the Box? What's in the Box? What's in the Box? What's in the Box? What's in the Box? What's in the Box? What's it Made of? : Rigby Level 5. What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? [Video] : Teacher's Guide… What's the Question? : cassette. What's the Question?/ 6 Copies : Level H/ Transition/ Fluent… Wheel Away![Big Book]. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Wheels All Around. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Randolph, Joanne. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. Althea. Singer, Marilyn. Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, Teevin, Toni. Beinstein, Phoebe. Cox, Diane Rogers, Paul, 1950Disney Snow, Olivia Snow, Olivia Atwater, Mary Moche, Dinah L., 1936Moche, Dinah L., 1936Moche, Dinah L., 1936Moche, Dinah L., 1936Moche, Dinah L., 1936Shriver, Maria. Shriver, Maria. Shriver, Maria. Nancy Ianni Nancy Ianni Nancy Ianni Nancy Ianni Nancy Ianni Nancy Ianni Hughes, Monica Fritz, Jean 590175 590176 590327 643613 643614 643615 643616 643617 643618 401590 643630 643631 643632 643633 643634 643635 401611 643184 15927 5834 642426 8027 8043 185 10037152 10037153 10037154 10037155 10037156 11022 11023 16416 640998 640999 641000 641001 641002 641003 15471 5985 65693 12442 1004020 642307 642308 642309 642310 642311 642312 642313 0823963934 0823963934 9780823987283 (… 0816721246 (lib… 0816721246 (lib… 0816721246 (lib… 0816721246 (lib… 0816721246 (lib… 0816721246 (lib… 9781581960358 0690045115 : 0690045115 : 0690045115 : 0690045115 : 0690045115 : 0690045115 : 9780618446322 (… 9780689865015 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Math Transition Level Dodds,Dayle Ann Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence Anne Lawrence 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… 1… LCCN 90010924 90010924 90010924 90010924 90010924 90010924 /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC /AC 85047904 /AC 85047904 /AC 85047904 /AC 85047904 /AC 85047904 /AC 85047904 /AC 2004022349 059072617X (ove… 0590428551 0590428551 0590428551 0590428551 0590428551 0316001015 0316001015 0316001015 2003111975 2003111975 2003111975 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 275 Title Author Barcode When Everybody Wore a Hat. When Everyone Became a Hero : Social Studies Grade 5. When Everyone Became a Hero : Social Studies Grade 5. When Grandpa Visits. When Grandpa Visits. When Grandpa Visits. When Grandpa Visits. When Grandpa Visits. When Grandpa Visits. When I feel afraid / Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrations by Mer… When I get bigger / by Mercer Mayer. When I was a Pup : Advanced Level Grade 1. When I was a Pup : Advanced Level Grade 1. When I was a Pup : Advanced Level Grade 1. When I'm sleepy / by Jane R. Howard ; illustrated by Lynne C… When Mommy and Daddy go to work / by Joanna Cole ; illustrat… When People Get Sick[Big Book] : Concept Health. When Randolph turned rotten / by Charise Mericle Harper. When Sophie gets angry-- : really, really angry-- / by Molly… When The Leaf Blew In [Big Book]. When This Box I s Full[Big Book]. When birds could talk & bats could sing : the adventures of … When dinosaurs came with everything / written by Elise Broac… When lightning comes in a jar / Patricia Polacco. When the Rains came : Trophies BL Gr 3. When the Rains came : Trophies BL Gr 3. When the TV Broke. When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When there were dinosaurs : using expanded notation to repre… When will I read? / story by Miriam Cohen ; pictures by Lill… Where Do Pigs Play? : Independent Reader Grade K. Where Do Sideburns Come From? : On-Level Gr 5. Where Do Sideburns Come From? : On-Level Gr 5. Where Do Sideburns Come From? : On-Level Gr 5. Where Do They Go? : Rigby Level 6. Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does Everybody Go? Where Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Where Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Where Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Where Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. William Steig 642907 640453 640465 641620 641621 641622 641623 641624 641625 643280 67207 10765 10822 11295 67362 643161 7911 401853 65665 67488 640308 642546 401808 67144 8857 8895 67388 590339 590340 590341 590342 590343 590344 400151 10481 9462 9463 9464 15489 641700 641701 641702 641703 641704 641705 641706 8711 8712 8713 8714 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Shirleyann Costigan Meiners, Cheri J., 1957Mayer, Mercer, 1943Wolf the Dog Wolf the Dog Wolf the Dog Howard, Jane R. Cole, Joanna. Jones, Anne Harper, Charise Mericle. Bang, Molly. Metzger, Steve Hamilton, Virginia, 1936-2002. Broach, Elise. Polacco, Patricia. Conners, Jeanne Conners, Jeanne Ziefert, Harriet Zuravicky, Orli. Zuravicky, Orli. Zuravicky, Orli. Zuravicky, Orli. Zuravicky, Orli. Zuravicky, Orli. Cohen, Miriam. Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Littleman, Iris Thorp, Stephen / Wilson, Jeni Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Dayle Dodds Showers, Paul Showers, Paul Showers, Paul Showers, Paul ISBN 1575421380 0307606023 (lib… 0525442049 0688170447 LCCN 2003010142 82084110 /AC 84025895 /AC… 00057254 9780375840715 (… 0590189794 (alk… 2006030572 97042209 /AC 0590473727 : 9780689869228 0399231641 95015307 /AC 2005011612 2001045925 0823989887 (lib… 0823989887 (lib… 0823989887 (lib… 0823989887 (lib… 0823989887 (lib… 0823989887 (lib… 0688800734. 2003001008 2003001008 2003001008 2003001008 2003001008 2003001008 76028320 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Does the Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV 3. Have the Unicorns Gone? Is Your Home? There;s Smoke, There's fire : Below-Level Gr 4. There;s Smoke, There's fire : Below-Level Gr 4. There;s Smoke, There's fire : Below-Level Gr 4. We Work : Social Studies Grade 1. We Work : Social Studies Grade 1. are They? are They? are They? are They? are They? are They? do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus [Video… does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does Garbage Go? : Soar to Success LV. does energy come from? does energy come from? does energy come from? does energy come from? does energy come from? does energy come from? does the Brown Bear Go? : Gr 1. does the Brown Bear Go? : Gr 1. does the Brown Bear Go? : Gr 1. is Curly? : Rigby Level 6. is Eric? is Eric? is Eric? is Eric? is Eric? is Eric? is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is Max? / by Mary E. Pearson ; illustrated by Samanath… is This Place : Advanced Level Grade 1. is This Place : Advanced Level Grade 1. is This Place : Advanced Level Grade 1. is the cake? / T.T. Khing. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 276 Author Barcode Showers, Paul Showers, Paul Showers, Paul Jane Yolen Disney Mullins, Ed Mullins, Ed Mullins, Ed 8715 8716 8717 642875 642427 9621 9622 9638 640531 640537 641079 641080 641081 641082 641083 641084 5982 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 13107 13108 13109 13110 13111 13112 10290 10655 11328 15480 640986 640987 640988 640989 640990 640991 66869 66870 66871 66872 66873 66874 10773 10814 11303 7000002 Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Paul Shipton Fritz, Jean Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Garen, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Weiss, Nicki Mitton, Tony Anne Bauers Anne Bauers Anne Bauers Anne Bauers Anne Bauers Anne Bauers Pearson, Mary (Mary Pearson, Mary (Mary Pearson, Mary (Mary Pearson, Mary (Mary Pearson, Mary (Mary Pearson, Mary (Mary Haddle, Roz Haddle, Roz Haddle, Roz The, Tjong Khing. E.) E.) E.) E.) E.) E.) ISBN 0516220195 0516220195 0516220195 0516220195 0516220195 0516220195 9780810917989 LCCN 99057172 99057172 99057172 99057172 99057172 99057172 2006926330 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 277 Title Author Barcode Where the Forest Meets the Sea[Big Book]. Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where the forest meets the sea / story and pictures by Jeann… Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where there was smoke / by Suzanne Martinucci ; illustrated … Where's that insect? / By Barbara Brenner and Bernice Chardi… Where, oh where, is Santa Claus? / written by Lisa Wheeler ;… Which Does Not Belong?/6 Copies/Cassette : Level A/ Early Em… Which Hat Today? Which Insects Live Here? : Rigby Level 10. Which witch is which? / Pat Hutchins. Which witch is which? / Pat Hutchins. Which witch is which? / Pat Hutchins. Which witch is which? / Pat Hutchins. White Fang / Jack London ; [foreword by Jim Murphy]. White Snow Bright Snow. White Snow Bright Snow. White Snow Bright Snow. White Snow Bright Snow. White Snow Bright Snow. Who Does It? Who Buys It? : Social Studies Grade 2. Who Does It? Who Buys It? : Social Studies Grade 2. Who Does It? Who Buys It? : Social Studies Grade 2. Who Does This Job? : SOcial Studies Grade K. Who Does This Job? : SOcial Studies Grade K. Who Does This Job? : SOcial Studies Grade K. Who Has More? : cassette. Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is Bugs Potter? Who Is In the Pond : Advanced Level Grade 1. Who Is In the Pond : Advanced Level Grade 1. Who Is In the Pond : Advanced Level Grade 1. Who Is My Neighbor ? : Social Studies Grade K. Who Is My Neighbor? : Social Studies Grade K. Who Is My Neighbor? : Social Studies Grade K. Baker, Jeannie Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Baker, Jeannie. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Martinucci, Suzanne. Brenner, Barbara. Wheeler, Lisa, 1963Math Early Emergent Stage Ballinger, Margaret and Gosset… Pyers, Greg Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942Hutchins, Pat, 1942London, Jack, 1876-1916. Tresselt, Alvin Tresselt, Alvin Tresselt, Alvin Tresselt, Alvin Tresselt, Alvin 5904 1003973 12122 12124 12125 12128 12130 12131 66467 65434 65435 65436 65437 65438 65439 65742 67235 66388 12477 641229 15916 643713 643714 643715 643716 66176 10037123 10037124 10037125 10037126 10037127 640102 640108 640126 640409 640423 640439 65685 10037270 10037271 10037272 10037275 10037276 10037278 10795 10797 11322 640421 640398 640433 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Korman, Gordon Korman, Gordon Korman, Gordon Korman, Gordon Korman, Gordon Korman, Gordon Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish ISBN 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0688063632 0439351154 0439351154 0439351154 0439351154 0439351154 0439351154 0439351154 059045210X : 9780152164089 LCCN 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 87007551 /AC… 2003270819 2003270819 2003270819 2003270819 2003270819 2003270819 2003270819 92020906 /AC 2006007003 0439116686 0688063578 0688063578 0688063578 0688063578 9781416914143 (… 0590409891 0590409891 0590409891 0590409891 0590409891 0590442074 0590442074 0590442074 0590442074 0590442074 0590442074 88018781 /AC 88018781 /AC 88018781 /AC 88018781 /AC 2005927687 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Who Makes the Rules ? : Social Studies Grade 1. Who Makes the Rules ? : Social Studies Grade 1. Who Makes the Rules ? : Social Studies Grade 1. Who Makes the Rules ? : Social Studies Grade 1. Who Needs a New Baby? : Trophies BL Gr 3. Who Needs a New Baby? : Trophies BL Gr 3. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Wants Arthur? : Soar To success LV 4. Who Will Use This? : Rigby Level 8. Who is Melvin Bubble? / by Nick Bruel. Who lives in an alligator hole? / by Anne Rockwell ; illustr… Who lives in the rainforest? / Susan Canizares, Mary Reid. Who said red? / Mary Serfozo ; illustrated by Keiko Narahash… Who said red? / Mary Serfozo ; illustrated by Keiko Narahash… Who stole Halloween? / Martha Freeman. Who wants one? / Mary Serfozo ; illustrated by Keiko Narahas… Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Betsy Ross? / Colleen Adams. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who was Paul Revere? / Sharon Moore. Who's Running for President? : Advanced Level Gr 5. Who's Running for President? : Advanced Level Gr 5. Who's Running for President? : Advanced Level Gr 5. Who's That Knocking on Christmas Eve?[Big Book]. Who's a pest?: a Homer story / by Crosby Bonsall. Who's afraid of fourth grade? / by Nancy Krulik ; illustrate… Who's that stepping on Plymouth Rock? [Video] : Teacher's Gu… Whole Language Units For Holidays. Whose Mouse are You? Whose Mouse are You? Whose Mouse are You? Whose Mouse are You? Whose Mouse are You? Why Butterflies were Made : On-Level Gr 3. Why Butterflies were Made : On-Level Gr 3. Why Geese Fly in Teams (and the turtle stays on ground) : Ad… Why Geese Fly in Teams (and the turtle stays on ground) : Ad… Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author O'Neil, Katie O'Neil, Katie Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Graham, Amanda Pritchett, Jan Bruel, Nick. Rockwell, Anne F. Canizares, Susan, 1960Serfozo, Mary. Serfozo, Mary. Freeman, Martha, 1956Serfozo, Mary. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Adams, Colleen. Moore, Sharon. Moore, Sharon. Moore, Sharon. Moore, Sharon. Moore, Sharon. Moore, Sharon. Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Waldman, Nomi Bonsall, Crosby, 1921-1995. Krulik, Nancy E. Fritz, Jean Merrick, Sandra Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Jimenez, Vita Jimenez, Vita Lewis, kathryn Lewis, kathryn Page 278 Barcode 640489 640493 640498 640507 8867 8885 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 15885 401649 643268 16447 5890 640278 642459 5882 590072 590073 590074 590075 590076 590077 590078 590079 590080 590081 590082 590083 9418 9419 9420 640312 67241 67180 5986 4268 3000118 3000119 3000120 3000121 39159 9245 9550 9374 9375 ISBN 9781596431164 (… 0060285303 (tra… 0590769618 (pb … 0689716516 (ove… 0689716516 (ove… 9780823419623 (… 0689716524 (ove… 0823981460 0823981460 0823981460 0823981460 0823981460 0823981460 0823981479 0823981479 0823981479 0823981479 0823981479 0823981479 1586690973 0066239443 0448435551 (pbk… 059031808X 059031808X 059031808X 059031808X 059031808X LCCN 2005029551 99044805 97034202 2004060560 2002278559 2004000414 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 279 Title Author Barcode Why Geese Fly in Teams (and the turtle stays on ground) : Ad… Why We Have Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Why We Have Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Why We Have Rules : Social Studies Grade K. Why We Live Where We Live : LIVE. Why We Live Where We Live : LIVE. Why We Live Where We Live : LIVE. Why did the chicken cross the road? / in pecking order, Marl… Why do puppies chew slippers? / [writer, Alexandra Parsons ;… Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Leopard Has Spots. Why the Ocean is Salty. Why the Ocean is Salty. Why the Ocean is Salty. Why the Ocean is Salty. Why the Ocean is Salty. Why the Ocean is Salty. Wibder Writer's: Writer's Handbook: Rigby Literacy : Gr 5. Wild Cats. Wild Cats. Wild Cats. Wild Cats. Wild Cats. Wild Cats. Wild Child. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Weather : On Level Grade 5. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild Wild Sunflower Child Anna[Big Book]. Wild cats and other dangerous predators : wild wild world. Will Ants Come? : On Level Grade 1. Will Ants Come? : On Level Grade 1. Will Ants Come? : On Level Grade 1. Will I have a friend? / pictures by Lillian Hoban. Will Power : Rigby Level 13. Lewis, kathryn 9376 640411 640427 640441 641283 641284 641285 640865 640368 642211 642212 642213 642214 642215 642216 642037 642038 642039 642040 642041 642042 8053 642085 642086 642087 642088 642089 642090 642915 15003 15004 15005 15006 15007 15008 1004059 12835 12836 12837 12838 12839 12840 12841 13053 643071 10529 10530 11226 1001333 15542 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Parsons, Alexandra. Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Katherine Mead Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Simard, Remey Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Alice Leonhardt Lynn Plourde Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Cernak, Linda Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Carlstrom, Nancy White Robson, Denny 2001 Block, Arlene Block, Arlene Block, Arlene Cohen, Miriam. Powell, Jillian ISBN 9780803730946 (… 156326210X LCCN 2005016196 93161852 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0590725246 0027227901 67005219 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 280 Title Author Barcode Will Power : Rigby Level 13. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. Will and Orv. William Bradford [Video] : The First Thanksgiving. William Bradford [Video] : The First Thanksgiving. William Bradford. William Bradford. William Bradford. William Bradford. William Bradford. William Bradford. Willow Way : Advanced Level Gr 4. Willow Way : Advanced Level Gr 4. Willows and Whirligigs:An inside look at fireworks : Rigby L… Willows and Whirligigs:An inside look at fireworks : Rigby L… Wilma Unlimited. Wind[Big Book]. Windows on Science-vol 1. Windows On Science-Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 1. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Windows on Science -Vol 2. Powell, Jillian Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Walter Schulz Schlessinger Media Schlessinger Media Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Kieran Walsh Spencer, K. Spencer, K. Klobuchar, Lisa Klobuchar, Lisa Krull, Kathleen Bacon, Ron Content Guide Animals Technology Guide Videodisc Videodisc Content Guide Teacher Resources Plants Our World All About Me All Sorts of Things Videodisc Videodisc Earth's Resources Fossils and Dinosaurs Fossils and Dinosaurs Surface Features Earth's Weather Bubble Building Print Directory Moonscrapes Planets and Space Exploration Starring . . . the Sun Star Light, Galaxy Bright Address: Earth Air and Weather Teacher Resources 15543 641920 641921 641922 641923 641924 641925 641926 641927 5203 5204 66795 66796 66797 66798 66799 66800 11738 11768 7976 7977 642876 30238 3462 10036694 10036729 10036695 4352 10036727 10036728 10036730 10036731 10036732 10036733 10036696 4351 10036697 10036698 10036753 10036699 10036700 10036701 10036703 10036704 10036705 10036706 10036707 10036708 10036709 10036710 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM ISBN 0590727038 156460196X 156460196X 156460196X 1564601943 1564601978 1564601951 1564601935 1564602044 1564602036 1564602036 1564602028 156460201X 1564601994 1564602923 1564602400 1564602397 1564602389 1564602370 1564602362 1564602354 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 2. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science -Vol 3. Science Vol 2 and 3. Science-Green Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 1. Science-Vol 2. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 281 Author Barcode Technology Guide Videodisc Content Guide Content Guide Life Goes On You are what you eat! The Heart of the Matter Breath Easy Don't Get Nervous! The Body Outside In Introducing the Human Body Content Guide Teacher Resources Print Directory Videodisc Videodisc Technology Guide Teacher Resources Pop Predictions Matter and Energy Motion and Forces Work and Machines Sound Light Electricity and Magnets Teacher Resources Videodisc Content Guide Print Directory Water, Water, Everywhere . . . Now You Sea it Now You Sea it Print Directory Technology guide Videodisc Know your niche Microworld Sorting it all out Rooting for Plants What is Life Science What is Life Science Print Directory Heat And Temperature Heat And Temperature Measuring Up What's The Matter? Physical And Chemical Change Videodisc Content Guide Earth in Space 10036711 10036713 10036715 10036719 10036735 10036736 10036737 10036738 10036739 10036740 10036741 10036742 10036744 10036754 10036716 4353 10036717 10036718 10036720 10036721 10036722 10036723 10036724 10036725 10036726 10036745 10036746 10036747 10036748 10036749 10036750 10036751 10036755 3466 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3414 3407 3415 3417 3418 3419 3420 3425 3464 10036702 ISBN 1564602265 1564602257 1564602249 1564602230 1564602222 1564602214 1564602206 1564602907 1564602931 1564602427 1564602435 1564602435 1564602885 1564602001 LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 282 Title Author Barcode ISBN Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2. Windows on Science-Vol 2/3. Windows on Science-Vol 2/3. Windows on Science-Vol 2/3. Windows on Science-Vol 3. Windows on Science-Vol 3. Windows on Science-Vol 3. Windows on Science-Vol 3. Windows on Science-Vol 3. Windows on Science-Vol. 1. Windows on Science-Vol.2. Windows on Scince-Vol. 2. Wings. Wings. Wings. Wings. Wings. Wings. Winners never quit! / Mia Hamm ; illustrations by Carol Thom… Winners never quit! / Mia Hamm ; illustrations by Carol Thom… Winners never quit! / Mia Hamm ; illustrations by Carol Thom… Winners never quit! / Mia Hamm ; illustrations by Carol Thom… Winnie the Pooh : Friendship Day. Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Rabbit. Winter Tales [Video] : Little Bear. Winter ice is nice / adapted by Bob Barkly from the televisi… Winter's End [Video]. Winterhawk. Wise Ben : Below-Level Gr 5. Wise Ben : Below-Level Gr 5. Wise Ben : Below-Level Gr 5. Wise Queen Catherine a Play Adapted from an Italian Folktale… Wise Queen Catherine a Play Adapted from an Italian Folktale… Wise Queen Catherine a Play Adapted from an Italian Folktale… Earth in Space Teacher Resources Teacher Resources Videodisc Energy Resources Electricity and Magnetism Motion and forces Print Directory Print Directory Technology Guide Technology Guide Sounds like Fun Light Work, Energy, and Machines Videodisc Teacher Resources Content Guide Videodisc Paloma Kennedy Paloma Kennedy Paloma Kennedy Paloma Kennedy Paloma Kennedy Paloma Kennedy Hamm, Mia, 1972Hamm, Mia, 1972Hamm, Mia, 1972Hamm, Mia. Disney Disney Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Yee, Patrick Sendak, Maurice Barkly, Bob. MacLachlan, Patricia Pierce's, Charles Huffman, Andrew Huffman, Andrew Huffman, Andrew Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia 3411 10036714 3410 10036734 3421 3426 3427 3432 3433 3435 3424 3428 3429 3430 3434 3423 3413 5297 640968 640969 640970 640971 640972 640973 15380 15381 15382 65188 643294 642438 101062 101063 101064 101065 101066 101067 101068 101069 101070 101071 30005963 642377 14546 67448 9295 9351 9352 9629 9630 9634 1564602001 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM 9780060740511 9780060740511 9780060740511 0060740515 1579730876 LCCN 2005271367 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0590205196 0439389909 2003270526 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 283 Title Author Barcode Wishbone Video #1. Wishbone Video #10. Wishbone Video #2. Wishbone Video #3. Wishbone Video #4. Wishbone Video #5. Wishbone Video #6. Wishbone Video #7. Wishbone Video #8. Wishbone Video #9. With Love T, Letters from the Past : On-Level Gr 5. With Love T, Letters from the Past : On-Level Gr 5. With Love T, Letters from the Past : On-Level Gr 5. Woe is I Jr. : the younger grammarphobe's guide to better En… Wolf Tales : On-Level Gr 3. Wolf Tales : On-Level Gr 3. Wolf brother [sound recording] / Michelle Paver. Wolves [Video] : A Legend Returns to Yellow Stone. Women Of The Civil War : Social Studies Grade 5. Women Of The Civil War : Social Studies Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women Pioneers of Medicine : On Level Grade 5. Women of the Civil War : Social Studies Grade 5. Wonder Writer's : Teacher's Writing Rsource-Gr 5. Wonder Writers: Rigby Literacy : Writers Write for Many Reas… Wonder of Baby Animals [Video]. Wonderful Whales [Video]. Wonders of energy / by David Adler ; illustrated by Lewis Jo… Wonders of plants and flowers / written by Laura Damon ; ill… Woodland Indians. Woodrow for President (Book and Teacher's Guide). Woodrow for President (Book and Teacher's Guide). Woodsong / by Gary Paulsen. Woodsong / by Gary Paulsen. Woodsong / by Gary Paulsen. Woodsong. Woodsong. Woodsong. Woodsong. Woodsong. Word Problems Grades 4-5 : Building Mathematical Knowledge T… Word blaster [computer disc]. Words and Vocabulary. Words of Freedom THe U.S Constitution : Soucial Studies Grad… Working : Social Studies Grade 1. Working : Social Studies Grade 1. Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Wishbone Rose, Lillian Rose, Lillian Rose, Lillian O'Conner, Patricia T. Goldish, Meish Goldish, Meish Paver, Michelle. National Geographic 40041 40033 40040 40039 40038 40032 40037 40036 40035 40034 9446 9447 9448 401765 9246 9551 642460 13541 640455 640470 15014 15015 15016 15017 15018 15019 640555 8054 8055 30006644 1003641 640062 66246 7675 12316 4288 14933 14934 14936 14727 14731 14732 14734 14736 7798 500010 13293 640547 640508 640517 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Lynch, Lynch, Lynch, Lynch, Lynch, Lynch, Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert American Home Treasures Sharkbait Prod. Adler, David A. Damon, Laura. Cleary,Elaine Hansen 1995 Barnes, Peter Barnes, Peter Paulsen, Gary. Paulsen, Gary. Paulsen, Gary. Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Torrance,Harold 2001 Forte, Imogene ISBN LCCN 9780399243318 (… 2006020575 0060758384 2005570449 0893758841 : 0816717613 (lib… 0027702219 : 0027702219 : 0027702219 : 0784910774 MN 5864 82020042 /AC 89005003 /AC 89070835 /AC… 89070835 /AC… 89070835 /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title Working : Social Studies Grade 1. Working Hard : On Level Grade 1. Working Hard : On Level Grade 1. Working Hard : On Level Grade 1. Working at the Airport : BL Gr 2. Working at the Airport Below Grrade Level Grade 2 : LT Worki… Working with Plants. Working with Plants. Working with Plants. Working with Plants. Working with Plants. Working with Plants. World Almanac for Kids 2006. World Around Us. World Around Us. World Around Us. World Around Us. World Around Us. World Around Us. World Geography Mysteries. World War I : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kids Discover. World War II : 5th Grade SC/SS / Kis Discover. Would You Rather Be A Bullfrog? Write About It : Activites for Teaching Basic Writing Skills… Write Every Day. Write Fast, Write Funny. Write Right : An English Hanbbook. Write to Publish. Writer's Handbook : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Writer's Handbook : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Writer's Handbook : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Writer's Handbook : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Writer's Handbook : Rigby Literacy Gr 5. Writers in the Kitchen : children's writers share memories o… Writing : Teachers and Children at Work. Writing A Country Report. Writing Articles From theHeart. Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs. Writing Prompts. Writing Yellow Pages for Students and Teachers. Writing for Children & Teenagers. Wrote About It : Activities for Teaching Basci Writing Skill… YANG THE YOUNGEST AND HIS TERRIBLE EAR. YANG THE YOUNGEST. YEH-SHEN: A CINDERELLA STORY FROM CHINA. YELLOWSTONE: OUR FIRST NATIONAL PARK. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Cabrillo, Rosa Cabrillo, Rosa Cabrillo, Rosa Daniel, Claire Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon World Almanac Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Peter Sloan Falstein,Mark 1998 LeSeig, Theo Forte, Imogene Schall, Jane Artell, Mike Phi Delta Kappa Hildum, Kristin Wonder Writers Wonder Writers Wonder Writers Wonder Writers Wonder Writers Gardella, Tricia Graves, Donald Carratello, Patty Holmes, Marjorie Norris,Jill 1997 Martin, Justin Kids' Stuff Wyndham, Lee Forte, Imogene LOUIE, AI-LING PECORELLA, JANE Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Page 284 Barcode ISBN 640520 10568 10569 11237 8938 8941 65536 65537 65538 65539 65540 65541 641339 66899 66900 66901 66902 66903 66904 7682 67277 67278 13825 8259 11479 11573 8261 11480 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 30265 8263 11580 11477 7720 11565 12339 11434 8262 641453 642364 14063 14182 65981 65982 65983 65984 0803797656 0803797656 0803797656 0803797656 LCCN : : : : 75027601 75027601 75027601 75027601 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 285 Title Author Barcode ISBN Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yagua days / by Cruz Martel ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear. Yang the third and her impossible family / Lensey Namioka ; … Yatandou / Gloria Whelan ; paintings by Peter Sylvada. Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone : our first national park / Jane Pecorella. Yellowstone Geology at Work : Advanced Level Gr 5. Yellowstone Geology at Work : Advanced Level Gr 5. Yellowstone Geology at Work : Advanced Level Gr 5. Yes You Can, Kerry : On Level Gr 2. Yes You Can, Kerry : On Level Gr 2. Yes You Can, Kerry : On Level Gr 2. Yo-yo a Go-go : Rigby Level 10. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yonder / by Tony Johnston ; pictures by Lloyd Bloom. Yooung Jose and His Paint Box : Below-Level Gr 4. Yooung Jose and His Paint Box : Below-Level Gr 4. Yooung Jose and His Paint Box : Below-Level Gr 4. You can yo-yo! / Bruce Weber. You can yo-yo! / Bruce Weber. You can't see your bones with binoculars : a guide to your 2… You can't taste a pickle with your ear / Harriet Ziefert ; p… You read to me, I'll read to you : very short scary tales to… You're aboard spaceship Earth / by Patricia Lauber ; illustr… You're aboard spaceship Earth / by Patricia Lauber ; illustr… You're aboard spaceship Earth / by Patricia Lauber ; illustr… You're aboard spaceship Earth / by Patricia Lauber ; illustr… You're aboard spaceship Earth / by Patricia Lauber ; illustr… Young Animals : Below-Level Gr 1. Young Animals : Below-Level Gr 1. Young Animals : Below-Level Gr 1. Young Helen Keller [electronic resource] : woman of courage. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Martel, Cruz. Lensey Namioka Lensey Namioka Lensey Namioka Lensey Namioka Lensey Namioka Lensey Namioka Namioka, Lensey. Whelan, Gloria. Ai-Ling Louie Pecorella, Jane. Pecorella, Jane. Pecorella, Jane. Pecorella, Jane. Pecorella, Jane. Pecorella, Jane. McCloskey, Susan McCloskey, Susan McCloskey, Susan Appelbaum, Jason Max Appelbaum, Jason Max Appelbaum, Jason Max Warren, Celia Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942Johnston, Tony, 1942Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Benjamin, Cynthia Weber, Bruce. Weber, Bruce. Ziefert, Harriet. Ziefert, Harriet. Hoberman, Mary Ann. Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. Lauber, Patricia. Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Trepicchio, Lynn Drexler, Carol Joan 65985 65986 65987 65988 65989 641815 641816 641817 641818 641819 641820 66501 401842 642858 590195 590196 590197 590198 590199 590200 9392 9393 9394 10366 10367 11261 15920 12856 12857 12858 12859 12860 12861 9627 9628 9635 642821 642822 65175 65173 7000004 640257 640259 640261 640263 640265 11188 9780 9781 67208 0803797656 0803797656 0803797656 0803797656 0803797656 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM LCCN : : : : : 0316597260 : 9781585362110 75027601 75027601 75027601 75027601 75027601 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 94030110 /AC 0823964019 0823964019 0823964019 0823964019 0823964019 0823964019 0803702779 0803702779 0803702779 0803702779 0803702779 0803702779 0590812947 (pbk… 0590812947 (pbk… 1593540159 1929766688 9780316017336 (… 0060244070 : 0060244070 : 0060244070 : 0060244070 : 0060244070 : 86011549 86011549 86011549 86011549 86011549 86011549 98216057 98216057 2003051912 2002074598 2006001223 94018704 94018704 94018704 94018704 94018704 /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… /AC… 2006588590 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Page 286 Title Author Barcode Young Patriot's. Young of the Wild, Baby Animals [Video]. Younguncle comes to town / by Vandana Singh ; illustrated by… Your Bones and Muscles[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Brain and Your Senses[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Ears[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Eyes[Big Book]. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart and Blood. Your Heart[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Heart[Big Book]. Your Heart[Big Book]. Your Heart[Big Book]. Your Heart[Big Book]. Your Lungs. Your Lungs. Your Lungs. Your Lungs. Your Lungs[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Skin[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your Teeth : Concept Health. Your eyes[Big Book] : Concept Health. Your foot's on my feet! : and other tricky nouns / Marvin Te… Yours till banana splits : 201 autograph rhymes / compiled b… ZARELDA'S OGRE. Zathura. Zeely. Zen shorts / by Jon J. Muth. Zen shorts / by Jon J. Muth. Zeus and Roxanne [Video]. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats : Soar to success LV 4. Zoo Clues : Making the most of your visit to the zoo. Zucchini / Barbara Dana ; drawings by Eileen Christelow. Zuzu's wishing cake / written by Linda Michelin ; illustrate… harcourt Electronic Test system : Reading practice and Asse… last-minute science fair projects. the Caterpillar and the Cove : Advanced Level Gr 2. the Caterpillar and the Cove : Advanced Level Gr 2. the Caterpillar and the Cove : Advanced Level Gr 2. the Heroes Of 9/11 : Social Studies Grade 5. Marsh, Carole American Home Treasures, Inc. Singh, Vandana. Jones, Anne Jones, Anne Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Julie Haydon Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne Jones, Anne G. Jones, Anne Jones, Anne Terban, Marvin. 6842 30006503 401577 7901 7904 7902 101345 65302 65303 65304 65305 65306 65307 7900 101318 101319 101322 101348 101324 101325 101327 101328 7908 7906 7907 7905 10037306 643027 14211 642863 16470 640612 640613 6749 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 30195 16390 401662 10670 67395 10305 10306 12044 640456 Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM UNGERER, TOMI Chris Van Allsburg Hamilton, Virginia, 1936-2002. Muth, Jon J. Muth, Jon J. Benedek, Tom Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Earle, Ann Gerstenfeld, Sheldon Dana, Barbara. Michelin, Linda. Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda Lundberg, Linda ISBN 9780670060511 (… LCCN 2005014146 0813628784 0813628806 0813628806 0813628806 0813628806 0-8136-29-1-2 0-8136-29-1-2 0-8136-29-1-2 0-8136-29-1-2 0899194117 068814019X 85019561 /AC 94010654 9780439339117 (… 9780439339117 (… 74750452 2003020471 2003020471 0060213949 : 9780618646401 (… 80008448 /AC… 2005025442 Keowee Elementary Titles Without Prices Title the Heroes Of 9/11 : Social Studies Grade 5. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Page 287 Barcode 640471 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Barcodes Title All copies contain barcodes. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Call Number Page 1 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles With Duplicate Barcodes Title No duplicate barcodes found. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Author Barcode Page 1 ISBN LCCN Keowee Elementary Titles Without Copies Title 100 BC. 730010001484. A show of hands, say it in sign language / by Mary Beth Sull… BEST X-MAS PAGEANT EVER. Dust for dinner / story by Ann Turner ; pictures by Robert B… It's My Birthday : Below Level. The Beginning of the armadillos / co-produced with Marble Ar… The bad beginning [sound recording] / by Lemony Snicket. The best teacher in the world / by Bernice Chardiet and Grac… z. Processed: 2/12/2008 4:08:11 PM Page 1 Author ISBN Sullivan, Mary Beth. 006446007X Turner, Ann Warren. 0060233761 : Snicket, Lemony. Chardiet, Bernice. 0060765798 0590681583 LCCN