Worldwide rock with Rob Thomns, Hod $tewart, and Matchbox Twenty
Worldwide rock with Rob Thomns, Hod $tewart, and Matchbox Twenty
Road Warrior Worldwide rockwith RobThomns, Hod$tewart, and Matchbox Twenty Matt Beck is having the time of his life. With gigs likethe ones he's landed,who can blame him? The 39-year-oldkeyboardistand guitaristfor acts like Rob Thomas,Rod Stewart, and Matchbox Twenty manages to find a rare hole in his busy schedule,meeting me during the lunch break of an offBroadwayshow he is rehearsingin New York City. Enjoying a momentary pause from his usual plate of heavytravel,Beck is taking the opportunityto dig into a multitude of writing,recording,and musical directingprojectsaround New York.The hiatuswill be short-lived,however.Come early'09, he'll hit the road hard once again, touring with Rob Thomasin support of the superstarsinger'supcomingsolo record. Beck has built a formidable reoutationas who can steo seama multi-instrumentalist lessly between musical styles.Accomplishments such as his swing-erapiano comping on Rod Stewart's Standards albums and his R&B-inflectedguitar riffs with Gwen S t efani h ave ma de him a s t aole on bot h t he down town New Yo rk m us ic s c ene and the wo rldwid e to uri ng c ir c uit . Born and raised in Westchester Countv, 42 KEVBoARDr2.2 ooB New York,Beck started his musicaltraining with studies in classicalpiano.The son of professionalmusiciansand educators(his father is a violinist,his mothera French horn player),he was accepted to the iuilliard School's Pre-CollegeDivisionat the age of seven on piano.In his earlyteens, he discoveredrock,teachinghimselfhow to play the guitar,albeit in a peculiarway left-handed- even though he's righthanded."Startingon piano,I neverthought muchaboutthe guitarj' "Butwe had he explains. a guitarlyingaroundthe houseand ljust pickedit up,not evenrealizing that I was playingit lefty. By the timeI decided th a t I w a n tedto i ncorp o ra tei t i n to my mu s i c ,I w a s al ready u s e dto p l ayi ngi t and fi g u ri n go u t chords th a t w a y .Actual l y,I' m gladI did,becauseI feel l i k e l h a v e a uni que ta k eo n v o i ci ngsand s tru mmi n gI .go for t h i n g s a l i t t l e d i f f e r e n t l yb e c a u se o f th e way I playJ' Beck studiedboth jazzpianoand guitarat the ManhattanSchool of Music in New York City and immediatelyhit the livemusicscene with a vengeance."l said io myself,'Let me just throw everythingat the wall and see what sticksl" he tells me. "l reallywanted to make a livingat thisl' Beck began to make a name for himselfplayinggigs on both keyboards and guitar in a dizzyinglydiverse arrayof iq Matil Beck's Matchbox TWentY Rig o u d ie n ce ,-... R i ckenbocker l oo steel tourwithMatchbox Forhismo$recenl played R0MattBeck a Roland Twenty, S3 Hammond 7fi18X atopa chopped a organ tohislett,0nhisrightheused K2600X Korg Trinity and a Kunweil .Korg Trinity guihr, played worlclation, Healso eighlmandolin, anda Rickenbacker aswell. $ringlapsleslguitar FortheRob Thomas tour,BeclCs scaled dmvn. "l played rigwasslightly li'tonPro a Korg a Kumveil K26fr1with Rotary ontop.Thers's a BosRT-20 pedal Ensemble 0nhp offie Tritlnfor aWurlsounds, I alsohave 6e organ itzer2filAona platform $at gelsrolled weslrip[fie forwhen outdorvn$tage showldfi/ttnl' situations. "l draggeda syntharoundto rockclubs,and playedin Broadway orchestrapits;' he says."l took anythingand that camemy wayl'His gigs have everything chairin includedfillingthe keyboard/guitar the landmarkrockmusicalRendwhichhe anchoredduringa subsequenttour. Beck'sabilityto switchmusicalgenres led to hisfirst big breakin and instruments himfor a '99, whena friendrecommended slot in singerLisaLoeb'stouringband."l endedup playinggigs with her bassplayer, and sometimes sometimeson keyboards, on guitar.He thoughtI'd be perfectfor Lisa'sband- and it all workedouti' Word of mouthalsolandedBeckhis gig with MatchboxTwenty, breakthrough whensingerRobThomasand drummerPaulDoucetteheardof turned-guitarist abilities."l was playBeck'sambidextrous ing gigs with PeterStuart,fromthe band Dog's EyeViewi'Beck recalls."lt was Peter who plantedthe seed in Rob'sheadabout me and,at the sametime,I had alsomet Paulthroughmyworkwith LisaLoeb.So when Matchboxhad an openingfor a keyboard player,they alreadyknew my work and thoughtI'd be a good fit. All went well, and we touredfor a yearand a halfl' with an A consummateprofessional ironcladworkethic,Beckoffersup some valuabletips for aspiringsidemen."l think the morethat you can do, the moreyou'll be ableto get differentkindsof gigsj'he says."Evenif you don't playanything besidespiano,you needto knowhow to playdifferentstyles.Youshouldbe ableto grooveon an R&Bgig, and also keepit rockgig simpleenoughfor a straight-ahead lot of I find that a and not add too much, just too times,manykeyboardists are heavy-handed for the gig.Youcan'talways playlots of notesand full chordvoicings.I alwaysask myself,'What would flongtime TomPettykeyboardistlBenmontTench do?' I lookto him.He's an idol of mine. 'Also,you needto be ableto put your ego asideso that you'reableto bendto what is neededj'he continues."Youspend a lot of time beingtold whatto do as a sideman,and you needto be as amicable changesat as possiblewheneverything the lastminute.Becauseit a/waysdoesl' Otherwordsof advicefroma guywho knowsnot onlyhow to get the gig, but how lo keepit? "Showup preparedto do what you were hiredto do,"Becksays."Know the material, When I'm learningnew music, I get reallyOCD with it. l'll get intothe habitof goingto the gym and listeningwith my iPodon the treadmilleveryday.I think that'simportant- to get everything ingrainedin yourheaduntilit becomessecond nature.Beingpreparedis step onel' B For more on Matt Bed<, visit www. attbed<firenty a nd wwur.mattbedcoom. ASelected MattBeck Dlscography t;g n !- ICil ltlll r!?rnrrr.rnGn ilsilto4 lheBnekrndFspak tilkfte Eos ftscods) tEluhamno* ial i :r :'.:r '' : ffi Twenty, ilatc[box Exile ontaiwtnn (lflrnlicReods) rcv G!8$ltra -.d - 6mn$bfani, lheMEscap (hrtuEcwnmnb] lob lhcmas, Sonefilngfo 8e (telimatltrnlic fiecodr) r2.2000 tE vl 0A n0