dp/store - Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc.


dp/store - Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc.
Color-Customizable Shopping Cart Template
Part #445
User Manual
Version 7.3
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
the part of Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under
a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of those agreements. The purchaser may make one copy of this software for backup
purposes. No part of this manual or other materials included with the package, may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording
for any purpose, other than the purchaser’s personal use, without the written permission of Data Pro
Accounting Software, Inc.
© 1985-2007 Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc.
Data Pro Accounting Software is a trademark of Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc.
No investigation was made into the common-law trademark rights of any word. Every effort was made to
capitalize or highlight, in some manner, any word with current registrations.
All companies, products, addresses, and persons contained herein are intended to be completely fictitious
and are designed solely to document and exemplify the use of Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc.’s
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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1-1
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
Information Needed Before Configuring DP/STORE:.......................................................................................1-1
Understanding How DP/STORE Relates To The Accounting Server................................................................1-2
Login ..................................................................................................................................................................1-2
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................... 1-3
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL................................................................................... 1-4
DP/STORE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 1-5
INFINITY POWER & Other Software REQUIREMENTS ........................................................... 1-5
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ..................................................................... 2-1
INSTALL MICROSOFT INFORMATION SERVER (IIS) ........................................................... 2-1
To Install Microsoft Information Server: ..........................................................................................2-1
RELATED PRODUCTS..................................................................................................................... 2-5
To Install or Upgrade Infinity POWER and Related Products:.........................................................2-5
CONFIGURE SECURITY SYSTEM OBJECTS............................................................................. 2-6
To Configure Security System Objects:............................................................................................2-6
To Setup Security System Groups and Users:...................................................................................2-8
CONFIGURE POWERSERVER OPTIONS.................................................................................. 2-11
To Configure POWERServer Options: ...........................................................................................2-11
SETUP POWERSERVER AS A WIN32 SERVICE ON THE SERVER .................................... 2-13
To Setup POWERServer:................................................................................................................2-14
To Begin POWERServer for the First Time: .................................................................................2-14
INSTALL DP/STORE ON IIS SERVER ........................................................................................ 2-17
To Install DP/Store on the IIS Server:.............................................................................................2-17
CONFIGURE THE IIS WEB SERVER.......................................................................................... 2-22
To Configure the IIS Web Server: ..................................................................................................2-22
To Allow Active Server Pages (Windows 2003 Only): ..................................................................2-27
To Start the IIS Web Server Process:..............................................................................................2-28
To Give Full Control Security Rights to IIS Server: .......................................................................2-29
LAUNCH BROWSER AND ENTER URL OF DP/STORE SERVER ........................................ 2-33
To Start DP/Store: ...........................................................................................................................2-34
CHAPTER 3 USING DP/STORE ............................................................................................. 3-1
DP/STORE STYLES AND STRUCTURE........................................................................................ 3-1
Menu Styles........................................................................................................................................................3-2
GENERAL FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................... 3-3
Customer Login and Admin Login ....................................................................................................................3-4
To Login to Your DP/STORE Site: ..................................................................................................3-4
Register ..............................................................................................................................................................3-6
To Register Your Account ................................................................................................................3-6
COMPANY INFO ............................................................................................................................. 3-10
Company Information ......................................................................................................................................3-10
To Access the Company Info Submenu Options: ...........................................................................3-10
Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................3-11
To Access the Contact Us Option: ..................................................................................................3-11
To Access the Careers Option:........................................................................................................3-12
Privacy Policy ..........................................................................................................................................3-13
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To Access the Privacy Policy Option:.............................................................................................3-13
ORDER ON-LINE............................................................................................................................. 3-14
To Access the Order On-Line Submenu Options:...........................................................................3-14
Display Modes .................................................................................................................................................3-15
To Order Products On-Line: ...........................................................................................................3-16
To Edit Your Product Order:...........................................................................................................3-23
To Remove a Product From Your Order:........................................................................................3-24
Product Info......................................................................................................................................................3-25
To Access Product Sheets: ..............................................................................................................3-25
To Open a Document or Link: ........................................................................................................3-26
To Download a Document: .............................................................................................................3-26
To Print a Document: ......................................................................................................................3-27
My Account Inquiry .........................................................................................................................................3-28
To Perform an Order Inquiry: .........................................................................................................3-29
ADMIN OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 3-31
To Access the Admin Options Submenu Options:..........................................................................3-31
Admin Menu ....................................................................................................................................................3-31
To Access the Admin Menu Options: .............................................................................................3-31
Global Config...........................................................................................................................................3-32
To Access the Global Config Options:............................................................................................3-32
To Configure Server Settings:.........................................................................................................3-33
To Configure Company Settings:....................................................................................................3-33
To Configure E-Mail/Phone Settings: .............................................................................................3-35
To Configure META Tag Settings:.................................................................................................3-36
To Configure Store Settings:...........................................................................................................3-37
To Configure Freight Settings:........................................................................................................3-38
Setup Main Menu .....................................................................................................................................3-39
To Access the Setup Main Menu Option: .......................................................................................3-40
To Add a New Main Menu Item: ....................................................................................................3-41
To Edit an Existing Main Menu Item:.............................................................................................3-42
To Remove a Main Menu Item: ......................................................................................................3-44
Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus .............................................................................................................3-45
To Access the Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus Option: ...............................................................3-46
To Add a New Submenu or Drop-down Menu: ..............................................................................3-47
To Add a Category: .........................................................................................................................3-49
To Add a SubCategory:...................................................................................................................3-51
To Add a Product List: ....................................................................................................................3-52
To Add a New Page Link:...............................................................................................................3-54
To Add a New Document Library:..................................................................................................3-55
To Edit an Existing Submenu or Drop-down Menu Item: ..............................................................3-56
To Remove a Main Menu Item: ......................................................................................................3-57
Setup Main Site Images............................................................................................................................3-59
To Access the Setup Main Site Images Option: ..............................................................................3-59
To Replace an Image:......................................................................................................................3-60
Manage Doc Libraries ..............................................................................................................................3-62
To Access the Manage Document Libraries Option: ......................................................................3-62
To Add a New Product Sheets Document:......................................................................................3-65
To Add a New Product Sheets Heading:.........................................................................................3-66
To Add a New Product Sheets Link:...............................................................................................3-68
To Modify a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link: ..................................................................3-69
To Remove a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link:.................................................................3-71
To View a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link: .....................................................................3-72
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To Download a Product Sheets Document: ....................................................................................3-72
To Print a Product Sheets Document: .............................................................................................3-73
Manage Page Content...............................................................................................................................3-74
To Access the Manage Page Content Option:.................................................................................3-75
To Add a New Page Content Directory:..........................................................................................3-76
To Edit a Page Content Directory: ..................................................................................................3-76
To Access the Manage Pages in “Directory” Screen: .....................................................................3-78
To Create a New Web Page: ...........................................................................................................3-79
To Edit an Existing Web Page: .......................................................................................................3-80
To Preview a Web Page: .................................................................................................................3-82
To Upload a File: ............................................................................................................................3-84
Setup Web Site Colors .............................................................................................................................3-84
To Access the Setup Web Site Colors Option:................................................................................3-85
To Select Colors for Your Web Site: ..............................................................................................3-87
To Create a New Color Scheme Template: .....................................................................................3-88
To Edit the Active Color Style:.......................................................................................................3-88
To Select a Different Color Scheme Template: ..............................................................................3-88
To Change the Web Site Text Font:................................................................................................3-89
CHAPTER 4 DP/STORE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE .................................................... 4-1
ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE SETTINGS ............................................................................................ 4-1
McAfee AntiVirus..............................................................................................................................................4-1
Disable Script Blocking in McAfee: .................................................................................................4-1
Norton AntiVirus ...............................................................................................................................................4-4
Disable Script Blocking in Norton: ...................................................................................................4-4
SERVER OBJECT ERROR............................................................................................................... 4-6
To Locate and Copy .dll File into System Directory :.......................................................................4-6
INDEX......................................................................................................................................... I-1
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DP/STORE User Manual
The DP/STORE product is a complete e-commerce website which is integrated with the Infinity POWER
accounting system. DP/STORE provides a secure administrator login which allows for the configuration of the
functionality and style of your website. The images, colors, styles, and menu structure are completely userdefinable. The On-Line Store functionality is included with the product and provides the website users with the
ability to Register as a customer, Login as a customer, change their customer profile, set their login password,
browse your inventory products you wish to sell, maintain a shopping cart of the items they are purchasing, and
finalize their purchase using the check out procedure. All aspects of the e-commerce portion of DP/STORE are
completely integrated with your accounting system.
The following is a list of items that need to be in place prior to implementing the DP/STORE application. Because
DP/STORE allows full e-commerce and shopping cart capability, several things need to be set up and in place so
that the communication between DP/STORE and your accounting server is possible.
A registered domain name (www.yourwebsite.com). This will be entered in the
Admin Option>Global Config>Company Settings tab.
Either host web server locally or with an outside web hosting company
If going with an outside hosting company, there are security issues. The
hosting company needs to be willing to install DP/STORE at their end and
have Microsoft IIS installed, implement firewalls, have server point back to
the accounting server, etc.)
Information Needed Before Configuring DP/STORE:
The following list is information you will need to configure DP/STORE under the Admin Options>Global Config
option. These items will be entered in the Server Settings and E-mail/Phone Settings tabs.
Chapter 1
PowerServer Hostname which is your accounting server name
(ex: [email protected])
POWERServer Port Number (IP Socket Port Number - ex: 9500)
Company ID as defined in your accounting system (ex: INS)
SMTP Mail Server which is the e-mail server hostname (smtp.yourcompany.com)
SMTP Auth Username which is the e-mail login name if your SMTP server requires
SMTP Password which is the e-mail login password if your SMTP server requires authentication
E-mail addresses (general company email, support, sales, careers are the fields you can input)
(ex: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
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DP/STORE User Manual
Understanding How DP/STORE Relates To The Accounting Server
There are several areas where DP/STORE “hits” the accounting server when functions are performed in your
e-commerce web site.
The Admin mode checks for Security Access that is defined in the accounting system for the user
logging in.
The Login page checks for the customer login validation against the customer file in the
accounting system.
The Register page adds the user as a customer in the accounting system
The Change Password and change Profile pages update the customer’s record in the accounting
The On-line Orders pages retrieve inventory item information and the customer’s pricing as
defined in the accounting system.
The Save Order/Proposal option creates the sales order and optionally posts the deposit in the
accounting system.
The Review Orders page retrieves the customer’s orders and optionally allows the user to convert
the proposal into an order in the accounting system.
You can log into the DP/STORE system as either a customer or as an administrator. Depending on which login is
used will determine the menu options available. A customer login only allows access to the Company Info and
Order On-line main menu options. Within these options, an administrator can determine which options will require
a login and/or administrator privileges for access by a user.
Figure 1-1 DP/STORE Main Screen – Customer Login
Before you can begin configuring your DP/STORE, you need to install DP/STORE (see Chapter 2 Installation
Procedures). The next step would be to login as and administrator so you can then customize and configure your
DP/STORE website.
In order to login as an admin, you need to first access your DP/STORE web site by entering your customized web
address that you specify when you install the program. If you want to login as an administrator, you need to specify
the admin login page by adding /admin to your DP/STORE web address such as http://yourwebaddress/admin.
(ex: http://dpstore.dpro.com/admin.
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Chapter 1
DP/STORE User Manual
Figure 1-2 DP/STORE Main Screen – Admin Login with Full Privileges
This manual includes three chapters and three appendices. The following table describes the organization of the
Section in Manual
What You Will Find
Chapter 1
Introduces the conventions used in this manual and an overview of the
DP/STORE product.
Chapter 2
Explains the step-by-step installation procedures for the DP/STORE
Chapter 3
Explains how to configure DP/STORE and how to use its features.
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
DP/STORE Troubleshooting Guide
This troubleshooting guide is designed to help the user find solutions to
common problems concerning the installation and configuration of this
software and its related products.
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DP/STORE User Manual
It is important to understand the conventions used in this manual. The following table describes text and formatting
Type of Information
Component Name
Name of a specific item on the screen such as pull-down menus, buttons,
text boxes, etc.
Example: Enter the login name in the User Name: text box.
Filename or Directory
Indicates a specific filename such as install.exe or a directory location such
as C:\power.
Indicates information for notes, cautions, warnings or important
information. Be sure to read these when they appear.
This is an example of an important
Used to show the hierarchy of either menu options or cascading screens.
Example: From your desktop, <click> the Start button and select the
Settings>Control Panel menu option.
" "
In a procedure, quotations denote text that should be typed exactly as
displayed within the quotations or an exact response to a command. Used
for emphasis if used in a paragraph.
Example: From the command prompt, type "exit."
< >
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Denotes an action to be performed using the computer mouse (e.g. <Click>
the Save button.)
Chapter 1
DP/STORE User Manual
DP/STORE must be installed on a Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 Server with Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS) installed. All users accessing the DP/STORE system are required to have a browser,
preferably a current version of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. If all users accessing the DP/STORE are
located within the same network and behind the same firewall, the installation may be done on the same server as
the current accounting server, providing there are enough resources on the server (i.e. processor speed, memory and
disk space).
Since most other users will be accessing the DP/STORE from other locations, it is recommended that the
DP/STORE be installed on a separate server from the accounting server. In supporting your accounting software,
the DP/STORE system does require that your internal network system be configured for the TCP/IP networking
DP/STORE is highly integrated with a wide variety of Infinity POWER accounting modules. It also requires a
few additional tools to make any full e-commerce web site fully functional including a credit card payment server
and a license from VeriSign for Secured Socket Layers (SSL) to encrypt all sensitive data being transferred across
the web. New and existing users should be aware that they must have installed all of the necessary Infinity
POWER accounting modules for all DP/STORE features to be accessible. Otherwise, these features will simply
not be available until these modules are purchased and/or installed. Below is a complete listing of the current
modules and other software products and licenses that are necessary for all DP/STORE features to be fully
Part Number
DP/STORE Features
Administrator (SA)
#100 – Standard Version
#695 – Client/Server SQL Version
Includes the required POWERServer,
Advanced Security Administrator
module and all Infinity COMMERCE
web tools.
Accounts Receivable
Required to process the online ordering
features when a purchase is made from
the DP/STORE web site.
Management (IM)
Required for the integration of the
products being displayed or queried on
the DP/STORE website.
Sales Order Entry
Required for online ordering features
within the DP/STORE web site.
PC Charge Credit
Card Software
($1250) (optional)
VeriSign SSL
License ($349)
Payment Server with Unlimited
License for Users & Merchant IDs.
#801 www.verisign.com/productsservices
Required for Secure Socket Layer
Encryption on web server to protect
sensitive data. .
You must be in Advanced Security mode and POWERServer must be
installed and running. See Chapter 2 Installation Procedures>Setup
POWERServer as a WIN32 Service on the Server section.
Chapter 1
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DP/STORE User Manual
Infinity POWER with the Advanced Security and POWERServer module may be installed on any of the
currently supported operating systems such as SCO UNIX, Red Hat Linux, Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows
2003 Server, XP Professional, and Novell Netware. The Infinity POWER accounting system can be installed with
any of our supported databases that include support for FoxPro, dBase IV, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and IBM
DB2. All networks must support a TCP/IP based network protocol.
You cannot have a virus protection program such as McAfee or Norton
Antivirus. Running a "hawk" enables scan capability on the same server as
the IIS Server.
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Chapter 1
DP/Store User Manual
This chapter describes the necessary installation procedures and configuration settings that are necessary for the
DP/Store system to operate properly. The subsequent sections contain procedures that MUST be performed in the
order in which they appear.
You must install or upgrade to Infinity POWER Version 7.1 BEFORE
installing DP/Store.
The DP/Store system is designed to specifically take advantage of the Microsoft Information Server (IIS) which is
typically available on systems such as Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows 2003
Server. You will find, however, that during most installation procedures the IIS portion of the Windows operating
system is NOT installed by default. Unless it has been specifically installed by the System Administrator setting up
your PC or Server during the installation of the operating system, then you will need to use the following easy
guidelines to install and activate this requirement.
To Install Microsoft Information Server:
Before you begin, make sure you have your master Windows operating system installation disk(s) available for this
From your desktop, <click> the Start button and select the Settings>Control Panel menu option.
<Click> the Add or Remove Programs sub-menu option. The Add or Remove Programs window
(Figure 2-1) displays, listing all currently loaded applications.
Figure 2-1. Add or Remove Programs Window
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
From the left side of the screen, <click> on the Add/Remove Windows Components icon. The
Windows Component Wizard window displays (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2. Windows Components Wizard
<Click> the Internet Information Services (IIS) check box for installation. A check displays in the
check box.
If this option is already checked, then some of these features have already
been installed. It is recommended that you review the details of this
installation to ensure everything is installed to your satisfaction.
Page 2-2
<Click> the Details button to review all of the sub-components that will be installed as part of this
installation. The Internet Information Services (IIS) details window displays (Figure 2-3).
Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-3. Internet Information Services (IIS) - Details Window
It is not recommended by Data Pro that you add the File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) Service subcomponent to your system unless you have other specific
reasons outside of the scope of DP/Store. The DP/Store system does not
utilize the FTP features and this feature could create a potential security
breach if not implemented properly. Therefore, make sure you fully
understand the ramifications of adding any of these additional components
before you select them. The default listing you see above is acceptable for
installation, although the DP/Store system only requires the “Common
Files,” “SMTP Service,” and “World Wide Web Service” at a minimum to
run the product.
<Click> the OK button to save the choices on this screen and return to the Windows Component Wizard
(Figure 2-2) window.
<Click> the Next button to proceed with the installation. The Insert Disk window displays (Figure 2-4)
prompting you to insert the Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
Depending on your system and how many “Service Pack” updates have been
made to the operating system, your prompts may be slightly different than
what are shown here. Therefore, adjust your responses accordingly.
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-4. Insert Disk Window
Make sure the CD is in place and click the OK button to continue. The installation process will begin if the
correct CD is in place (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5. Windows Component Wizard – Installation Function
When the installation is complete the Completing the Windows Components Wizard window (Figure 2-6)
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Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-6. Window Components Wizard Window
Click the Finish button to close the window and continue the installation process. All remaining windows
close when the installation is complete.
There are two key issues with IP Addresses you must be aware of depending
on how the DP/Store system is going to be accessed and configured. First
and foremost, inside your internal network and on your server that is running
the Microsoft IIS software, you must have a fixed “IP Address” or the
Microsoft IIS Server will not operate correctly. This means you must preassign a fixed IP Address to this specific server and cannot use the Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) feature that is common within many
network configurations which allows for a dynamic assignment of IP
Addresses. You must also register the domain name you wish to use as your
web site address and associate it with the IP address of the DP/Store
installation on your IIS server.
If Infinity POWER (Version 7.1) is already installed on your system, including the POWERServer application,
and other licensed modules, skip to the next section, Configure the IIS Web Server. If you are running a lower
version of Infinity POWER and you need to upgrade to Version 7.1, or you just need to install the POWERServer
application, ensure that these options are selected on the Installation CD-ROM when prompted to select
modules/applications for installation.
To Install or Upgrade Infinity POWER and Related Products:
Install Infinity POWER Version 7.1 including the POWERServer application, and other licensed
modules (refer to the Infinity POWER Installation Guide for installation instructions).
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
Either version of the System Administrator module (P/N #100 or P/N #695) MUST be installed at a
minimum to ensure that the Advanced Security Administrator module and the POWERServer modules
are implemented. These modules are mandatory for the DP/Store system to operate.
The DP/Store system will support the accounting software and the POWERServer module installed on an
SCO UNIX/Linux system or the Windows Graphical or Character-Based system. The DP/Store
system does require that your internal network system be configured for the TCP/IP networking protocol.
Therefore, if you intend to fully deploy the features within the DP/Store system, you must have the
minimum required modules installed as described in the Infinity Power Requirements section of
Chapter 1.
Register installed software. During the installation process, be sure to register installed applications when
Security Objects are assigned to DP/Store options to control who has access to the administrator section of the web
site. These security objects are defined in the Advanced Security administration setup in the Infinity POWER
program. By assigning specific Security Object rights to a DP/Store option similar to those that have been assigned
to an individual or a group of users in the accounting system, you can control who has access to this DP/Store
option and therefore have now also taken advantage twice of the Advanced Security administrator setup already in
The DP/Store security objects are defined in the Security Objects Definitions
Reference Manual found in your System Administrator User Manual.
To Configure Security System Objects:
From the Infinity POWER – Productivity Tools menu options, <click> the Systems menu option and
select the System Administrator>Security Administrator sub-menu option (Figure 2-7). The Main
Menu options update to reflect the Security Administrator function.
Figure 2-7. System>System Administrator>Security Administrator
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Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
When installing the Infinity POWER products, Advanced security MUST be
selected rather than Standard security in order the fully deploy DP/Store. If
Standard security was selected, the products can be reinstalled by running the
installation utility Winstall for the Windows GUI or Dinstall for the Windows
Character-based products. For SCO UNIX/Linux users, the installpwr must
be run to select the Advanced version of security.
From the Infinity POWER – Security Administrator Main Menu options, <click> the Set Up &
Maintenance menu option and select the Create Company Rights sub-menu option for a new
installation OR the Update Company Rights sub-menu option if you are upgrading an existing
installation (Figure 2-8).
This will make sure that your security system has been updated with all of the
new security objects included with this new version. Make sure that you
perform this function for each company that you have created on your system.
Figure 2-8. Security Administrator Menu>SetUp and Maintenance>
Create Company Rights
The Create Company Rights dialog box (Figure 2-9) or the Update Company Rights dialog box displays.
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-9. Create Company Rights Dialog Box
<Click> the Start button.
After performing this function for each company, <click> the Close button.
To Setup Security System Groups and Users:
These options define the security access to the DP/Store configuration option for each group or user. Refer to the
Advanced Security Administrator manual for instructions on how to setup the security system.
The DP/Store security objects are defined in the Security Objects Definitions
Reference Manual found in your System Administrator User Manual.
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From the Infinity POWER – Security Administrator Main Menu options, <click> the Set Up &
Maintenance menu option and select the Set Up Users or Set Up Group sub-menu option
(Figure 2-10).
Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-10. Security Administrator Menu>
Set Up and Maintenance>Set Up Groups
The Maintain Users or Maintain Groups (Figure 2-11) dialog box displays.
Figure 2-11. Maintain Users Screen
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
If you are not already in Add mode, <click> the Operation menu and select the Add menu option. This
allows you to add a new Security System user for the POWERServer module to be able to login to the
Infinity POWER accounting system.
Specify the User ID or Group ID and Description in the appropriate text boxes and then disable access
to all options by <clicking> the Disable Perm… button. Data Pro recommends adding a user called
“web” as the POWERServer user.
The User ID or Group ID defined here MUST be defined exactly the same in
the POWERServer Configuration screen, Login User Name option in the
Configure POWERServer Option section.
<Click> the Password button. The Select Password screen displays.
This user DOES NOT need to, nor should have security access to any of your
accounting module options. The POWERServer uses the User ID to perform
the initial login to the system and begin the communications process between
the DP/Store system and the accounting server. However, the DP/Store
system requires each additional user to have an actual User ID and Password
to check for their appropriate security rights. These User IDs must be
assigned rights to the specific accounting modules and application options that
you wish to allow them to access.
To set up the DP/Store system, select the By Option button. The Option Rights window displays (Figure
Figure 2-12. Option Rights Window
In the System text box, type “db” for DP/Store and press the Tab key on your keyboard. The DP/Store
security options display.
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Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-13. Option Rights >DP/Store System
Check the CONFIG security option and <click> the Save button. You can now assign the security system
users to this group that you want to have administrator access to the DP/Store.
Any user who has access rights to this security system/object will have
administration rights to configure the DP/Store.
After configuring the security system objects, the next step is to configure your POWERServer options.
To Configure POWERServer Options:
From the Infinity POWER – Security Administrator Main Menu options, <click> the System menu option
and select the System Administrator>POWERServer Module sub-menu option (Figure 2-14). The
Main Menu options update to reflect the POWERServer function.
Chapter 2
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DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-14. System>System Administrator>POWERServer Module
From the Infinity POWER – POWERServer Main Menu options, <click> the POWERServer Options
menu option and select the POWERServer Configuration sub-menu option. The POWERServer
Configuration window displays.
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Chapter 2
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 2-15. POWERServer Configuration Window
Specify the login name in the Login User Name text box and password in the Login User Password
text box for the POWERServer’s initial login. This is the same User ID and Password that you defined in
the Security System in the previous procedure.
Specify the channel/port number in the IP Socket Port # text box. This is the number (or channel) that
the POWERServer will be listening for connections on.
Port number MUST be between 1025 and 65000, however, there can only be
one installed listening process on each port number.
The default
recommended number is 9500. The port number you specify here must also
be specified exactly the same when installing the DP/Store system or a
connection cannot be made on the same channel.
One of the servers or workstations on your network must now be chosen as the POWERServer “server.” This is
the server that runs the POWERServer process in the background, listening for connection requests from the
DP/Store and then accessing the accounting system. It is recommended that you choose the same network server
that the accounting system is installed on. If you are using a “Novell server” as your accounting server, then you
must choose a Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 2003 workstation as the system to configure the
POWERServer module.
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To Setup POWERServer:
From the Accounting Server, <click> the Start button and select the Run menu option from your desktop.
The Run window (Figure 2-16) displays.
Figure 2-16. Run Window
Type “cmd” in the Open text box.
<Click> the OK button. The Command Prompt window displays.
Change the directory to where the accounting system is installed (i.e. cd c:\power). The prompt changes to
the accounting software directory.
From the command prompt in the accounting software directory, type “POWERService install” and press
Enter on the keyboard. This command installs the POWERServer module as a Windows Service which
automatically starts whenever your server is turned on or rebooted.
Type “exit” and press Enter on the keyboard to close the command prompt window.
To Begin POWERServer for the First Time:
Once the POWERServer has been installed as a service, you must start the process for the first time.
From your Windows desktop, <right-click> on the My Computer icon
menu option. The Computer Management window displays (Figure 2-17).
Page 2-14
and select the Manage
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Figure 2-17. Computer Management Window
From the menu on the left, <click> the Services and Applications option and then select the Services
sub-option. A list of services installed on your system displays in the right window. A list of services
installed on your system displays in the right window.
If the POWERServer application or your accounting data resides on a
network server which require a specific path or security rights to be defined,
you must change the Log On to be a valid network user and password.
<Right-click> on the POWERServer service and select the Properties
option. <Click> the Log On tab (Figure 2-18) and enter the network account
user name and password.
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Figure 2-18. POWERServer Properties>Log On Tab
Scroll down to the POWERServer service, <right-click> and then select the Start menu option
(Figure 2-19). The POWERServer utility starts and returns to the Computer Management window.
Figure 2-19. Computer Management Window - Launch POWERServer
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The DP/Store system requires a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) web server running on a Windows XP
Professional, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows 2003 Server PC or network server. This IIS server must have IP
network access to your accounting server.
To Install DP/Store on the IIS Server:
Insert the DP/Store CD-ROM into your computer’s cd drive.
2a. From the Window’s task bar, <right-click> Start then select the Explore option. The Windows Explore
program launches. <Click> on your computer’s CD-ROM drive. <Double-click> the
DPStoreSetup.exe icon to begin the installation (Figure 2-20).
Figure 2-20 Window’s Explore>DP/Store CD-ROM
2b. From the Window’s task bar, <click> Start >Run. From the Run window, <click> the Browse button.
From the Look In pull-down menu, select the drive that the CD-ROM is loaded. Select the
DPStoreSetup.exe and <click> the Open button. (Figure 21) The DPStoreSetup.exe displays in the
Run window. <Click> the OK button to begin the installation.
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Figure 21 Start>Run>Browse
The DP/Store – InstallShield Wizard (Figure 2-22) displays.
Figure 2-22. DP/Store – InstallShield Wizard
From the DP/Store – InstallShield Wizard Welcome window, <click> the Next > button to proceed to the
next step of the installation. The License Agreement window (Figure 2-23) displays.
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Figure 2-23. License Agreement Window
Make sure to read through the entire Software License Agreement. If you agree to accept the terms of
the Software License Agreement, then click on the I accept… button and then click the Next > button to
proceed with the next step of the installation.
The Destination Folder window displays. This defines to the system where the program files will be
loaded on your computer system
Figure 2-24 Destination Folder Window
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<Click> the Next > button to install the default folder. The Ready to Install the Program window
(Figure 2-25) displays.
<Click> the Change… button to select a different folder other than the
The default directory path is c:\inetpub\dpstore. The default web server
directory in IIS is c:\inetpub\wwwroot. This default IIS directory may already
have web pages installed in it or you may already have your own web pages
installed there. You may choose to install in the default IIS directory or
choose the DP/Store installation default as shown above. In either case, you
must configure the IIS web server to “know” where the DP/Store files are
Figure 2-25 Ready to Install the Program Window
<Click> the Install button to begin installing DP/Store. The Installing DP/Store window displays.
Once the DP/Store installation utility has copied all of the files to your installation directory, the
DP/StoreConfiguration Utility window (Figure 2-26) displays. This allows you to specify the connection
parameters to your accounting server and the accounting files.
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Figure 2-26. DP/Store Configuration Utility Window
Enter the Hostname (or IP address) of the server on your network which is running the POWERServer
process in the POWERServer Hostname text box.
Enter the IP port number that the POWERServer module has been configured to “listen on” in the
POWERServer Port Number text box. This must be the same exact port that POWERServer is
running on. The recommended port/channel is 9500. The valid range is 1034 to 65000.
Entering a negative sign “-” before the POWERServer Port Number will
encrypt all communication messages to the POWERServer. This security
mode is necessary when you are using a third party Internet Service Provider
which is hosting your web site and the communication back to your
accounting system is over the internet.
The communication between the DP/Store system and the POWERServer using the TCP/IP port number
defined here is normally in clear text message mode. This is normally not a security issue if the DP/Store
and the POWERServer are all running on servers within your internal network. If you are hosting the
DP/Store product on an IIS web server which is outside your internal network then the TCP/IP
communication messages will most likely be sent over the internet. In this case you should configure the
TCP/IP communication system to use secured mode. Placing a negative sign (-) in front of the Port
Number indicates to the system that all messages to and from the POWERServer should be encrypted.
For example, instead of defining the Port Number to be "9500" set the port number to "-9500". The
TCP/IP communication will still use port 9500 but all messages to and from the POWERServer will be
encrypted. There are no POWERServer configuration changes necessary to switch modes. The
POWERServer will automatically switch between secured and non-secured modes based on the
configuration of DP/Store.
9. Enter the default company that DP/Store will be connected to in the Default Company ID text box. This
is the three (3) character company number which is the identifier for all of a company’s accounting data
files (i.e. Company INS = Infinity Sample Company).
10. Enter the appropriate server name in the SMTP Server Hostname text box. Enter the domain name or
IP address of your SMTP mail server. If this hostname is defined, the DP/Store application will send a
confirmation email to customers who place orders on this web site.
11. Enter the desired SMTP authorization name in the SMTP Auth Username text box. If the SMTP mail
server defined above requires username/password authentication enter the username here. This will
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automatically switch the email routines to the ESMTP protocol and pass the username/password login
information to the SMTP mail server.
12. Enter the desired SMTP authorization password in the SMTP Auth Password text box. the SMTP mail
server defined above requires username/password authentication enter the password here.
13. <Click> the Update button to finish the installation process. The InstallShield Wizard Complete window
displays (Figure 2-27).
Figure 2-27. InstallShield Wizard Complete Window
14. <Click>the Finish > button to complete the installation of DP/Store. The InstallShield Wizard closes.
The Microsoft Information Server (IIS) must be configured to “know” where DP/Store has been installed. This
procedure documents both Windows XP and Windows 2003 screens. If you are running Windows 2000, these steps
may differ slightly. After configuring the IIS web server, you must start the web server.
To Configure the IIS Web Server:
From your Windows desktop, <right-click> on the My Computer icon and select the Manage menu
option. The Computer Management window displays (Figure 2-28).
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Figure 2-28. Computer Management Window – Configure Web Server Function
In the left screen menu, <click> the Services and Applications option and then select the Internet
Information Services sub-option. A list of internet applications installed on your system displays in the
right window (Figure 2-29)
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Figure 2-29. Internet Information Service>Web Sites Folder>Default Web Site
3a. If you are running Windows XP, scroll down and <double-click> the Web Sites folder, then <right-click>
on Default Web Site and select the Properties option. The Default Web Sites Property window
displays (Figure 2-30– left image).
3b. If you are running Windows 2003, scroll down and <double-click> the Web Sites folder, then <rightclick> on DP/Store and select the Properties option. The DP/Store Properties window displays.
(Figure 2-30– right image).
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Figure 2-30. Default Web Site Properties Window
Chapter 2
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From the Properties window, specify all of the setup parameters of this web site. <Click> the Home
Directory tab and <click> the Browse button to specify the directory the DP/Store system was installed.
The default directory is c:\inetpub\dpstore (Figure 2-31).
Figure 2-31. Default Web Site Properties>Home Directory Tab
Ensure the Read and Write check boxes are checked.
In the Home Directory screen select the Configuration... button. The Application Configuration window
<Click> the Options tab if you want to change the Session timeout to a longer period than the default
(Figure 2-32). This value specifies the number of minutes that the web server will keep users “logged in”
to the web site when they are inactive. The recommended timeout value is 120 minutes.
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Figure 2-32. Home Directory>Application Configuration Window>Session Timeout Function
Ensure the Enable parent paths check box IS checked. In Windows XP, this is checked by default. In
Windows 2003, this is NOT checked by default.
If desired, change the ASP script timeout to a longer period than the default. This value specifies the
number of seconds the web server will allow a page to process data before it times out (e.g. file timeout or
report processing timeout). The recommended timeout value is 90 seconds.
10. <Click> the OK button to save the configuration changes to the IIS web server. The Application
Configuration window closes and returns to the Properties window.
11. <Click> the Documentation tab and ensure that the Enable default content page check box is
checked. If Default.asp is not one of the options listed in the display window, <click> the Add button and
type “Default.asp” to add this to the list. <Click> the OK button and confirm Dafault.asp is listed in the
display window (Figure 2-33).
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Figure 2-33. Properties>Documents
To Allow Active Server Pages (Windows 2003 Only):
If you are running Windows 2003, the Active Server Pages option MUST be set to Allow the web server to process
active server pages.
From the Computer Management screen (Figure 2-28), under Services and Applications>Internet
Information Services, <click > on Web Services Extension. The contents of the folder display in
the right window.
<Click> the Active Server Pages option. A pop-up menu displays.
<Click> The Allow option. The status of the Active Server Pages now displays Allowed (Figure 2-34).
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Figure 2-34. Active Server Pages>Allow Option
To Start the IIS Web Server Process:
The IIS web server process must be initiated.
From the Computer Management screen (Figure 2-28), <right-click> on Default Web Site and select the
Start menu option.
Figure 2-35. Default Web Site>Start
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Chapter 2
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To Give Full Control Security Rights to IIS Server:
To ensure that the IIS web server has the necessary operating system rights to upload files in the DP/Store admin
mode, a local user needs to be added with Full Control security rights. After starting the IIS web server, perform the
following steps.
From the Windows main menu, <right-click> the Start button and select the Explore menu option.
From the left-side panel in the Windows Explorer screen, <right-click> the installation directory
C:\inetpub\dpstore and select the Properties menu option. The dpstore Properties window displays.
Figure 2-36. dpstore Properties Window – Security Tab
<Click> on the Security tab, and <click> the Add button. The Select Windows, Users, or Groups
window displays.
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Figure 2-37. Select Users, Computers, or Groups Window
<Click> the Locations… button. The Locations window displays.
Figure 2-38. Locations Window
Select your local machine name and <click> the OK button. The Locations window closes and returns to
the Select Windows, Users, or Groups window.
<Click> the Advanced… button. Additional options display.
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Figure 2-39. Select Users or Groups>Advanced Options
<Click> the Find Now button and select the IUSR_mymachinename user.
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Figure 2-40. Select Users or Groups Window – Find Now Option
<Click> the OK button. The advanced options close and the selected machine name displays in the Enter
Object Names to Select section of the window.
<Click> the OK button. The Select, Window, Users, or Groups window closes and returns to the dpstore
Properties Window.
10. <Click> the Allow check box for the Full Control option in the Persmissions section of the dpstore
window. Verify a check mark displays in the check box.
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Figure 2-41. dpstore Properties – Allow Full Control Option
11. <Click> the OK button.
At this point, you are ready to configure DP/Store and begin using it. Like the rest of the Infinity POWER
accounting software product line, the admin mode of the DP/Store system is controlled by the Advanced Security
Administrator module. Users with administrator privileges only see what management decides that they should see,
if anything at all. However, when you are in the setup phase, it is recommended that you login as the SYSADM
user to ensure you have the security access necessary to completely configure the DP/Store program.
It is also recommended that once the setup phase is complete, that you resort to another USER ID for day to day
administration of the system. You may require full rights for some users such as owners and upper level managers
to allow them complete access to all DP/Store options.
To access DP/Store in administrator mode, add /admin after the domain name
or IP address of the web site. Without the /admin you will be accessing the
web site as a normal user browsing the internet.
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To Start DP/Store:
Launch a current version of the Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browser and enter the
domain name (i.e. http://dpstore.dpro.com/admin) or the IP Address/admin (i.e.
of the web server machine that you have setup. This should load the initial login screen (Figure 2-42) of
the DP/Store system.
Figure 2-42. DP/Store Initial Login Screen
Enter the user ID in the Login text box and the user password in the Password text box.
<Click> the Login button. The DP/Store Menu System screen (Figure 2-43) displays.
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Figure 2-43. DP/Store Main Screen
Now you can begin to drive your entire company’s operations on a daily basis from your new e-commerce
system. It is time to configure DP/Store. See the Admin Options > Admin Menu section of Chapter 3,
for details on how to completely configure the DP/Store system.
If your DP/Store system does not successfully launch after completing all the
installation and configuration procedures, refer to the DP/Store
Troubleshooting Guide for solutions to common problems. This can be
found at www.dpro.com in the Manuals section. The troubleshooting guide
will be frequently updated.
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This chapter describes the steps necessary to configure your DP/STORE and how to use its incredible features. The
DP/STORE Menu System Screen (Figure 3-8) is divided into sections based on functionality. All of these features
are configured with system administrator privileges. Menu items and features displayed per user is dependant upon
security setting assigned to that user. The screens in this manual reflect an Admin user login so that all features in
the application are displayed.
This section provides an overview of the DP/STORE interface in relation to layout and functionality. The following
screen (Figure 3-1) describes the main components of the DP/STORE system. Each of these components are
configured by an administrator under the Admin Options main menu item. It is important to understand that
DP/STORE provides the capability to create a look and feel that is unique to your company. Placement of graphics,
color schemes, menu styles selections, etc., can completely change the appearance of your e-commerce site.
Figure 3-1 DP/STORE Main Screen
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Menu Styles
When configuring main menu items and submenus, there are several different display styles that can be applied.
Menus can come in the form of drop-down menus, expandable menus, links, and indented. If integrating dropdown menus for your main menu submenu options, the menu to the far left of the screen can either reflect the
submenu options in the main menu drop-down menu, or it can be a completely different set of submenu options.
Within a submenu, each category, subcategory, and options can have different display styles applied to them. Below
are examples of each type of display style available. These submenu display styles are configured in the
Admin Options>Setup Main Menu option.
Figure 3-2 Drop-down Menu Style
Figure 3-3 Indented Subcategory Style
Figure 3-4 Expandable Category Style
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Figure 3-5 Small Links Style
This section describes general functions of the DP/STORE interface.
The following table describes the General Functions of the main screen. These functions (Figure 3-6) are located in
the top-right corner of the main screen. Each of these general functions is configured by a user with system admin
Figure 3-6 Main Screen>General Functions
The following table describes the General Function details:
Data Item
Selecting this menu option will allow a user to either login or logout of the
web site as a customer.
Forget Password?
Selecting this menu option allows your customers to request their password
to be emailed to them.
This option allows visitors to your web site to “register” as a customer.
Once you have completed this registration form, you will be logged into the
company web site. The user will receive an e-mail with their user login and
password to use when they return to the site and access all allowable web
Why Register?
Selecting this option opens a page that describes the benefits of registering
as a customer on your web site.
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Customer Login and Admin Login
There are two different login modes, customer and administrator. You must login to your web site in order to access
the Main Menu item features that are displayed below the company logo. The features displayed are dependent
upon your user rights assigned by a system admin. In order to Login, you must already have a customer number
assigned in the company’s accounting program.
Figure 3-7 Main Screen – Login Option
To Login to Your DP/STORE Site:
At the top right of the DP/STORE main screen, <click> on the Login option (Figure 3-7). The Login
screen (Figure 3-8) displays.
Figure 3-8 DP/STORE Main Screen – Login Function
Enter the appropriate user login in the Login text box.
Enter your password in the Password textbox.
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If you forgot your password, <click> the I forgot my password option.
Enter your customer number. If your customer record has a current email
address, your password will be emailed to you.
<Click> the Login button. If you entered an invalid user name or password, you will be prompted to reenter the information. Once you log into the DP/STORE web site, the top menu options change reflecting
either a customer login or an administrator login. Customer login options include Logout, My Account,
and Password (Figure 3-9). Administrator options are the same as the customer login options, with the
addition of the Select Customer option (Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-9 Customer Login Options
Figure 3-10 Admin Login Options
The following table describes the Login Option details:
Data Item
Admin User
Identifies that an administrator is logged into the system.
Selecting this menu option displays the DP/STORE on-line help system.
Selecting this menu option logs you out of the DP/STORE web site.
My Account
Selecting this menu option displays your profile screen. From here you can
edit your Profile information, credit card information, and shipping
Selecting this option allows you to change your password.
Select Customer
This option is only available if you are logged in as an administrator.
Select this menu option to select a customer account. This allows you to
then perform inquiries on the selected customer’s account, make edits to
their account, and even make on-line orders for them.
<Click> the My Account option to view your current account. The customer Profile screen (Figure 3-11)
displays. From here, you can edit your customer profile information. <Click> the Ship-To address option
to edit the address that products will be shipped to. <Click> the Change Credit Card Info to update
your credit card account information that is applied when making on-line orders.
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Figure 3-11 Customer Profile Screen
<Click> the Save button to save any changes to the account profile.
Registering keeps you informed with the latest product developments and tax code updates. Even if you are not an
existing customer, registering allows you to receive the latest information regarding the industry. You will also
receive a login for each time you visit the web site.
Figure 3-12 DP/STORE Main Screen>Register Function
To Register Your Account:
Page 3-6
At the top right of the DP/STORE main screen, <click> on the Register option (Figure 3-12). The
Registration screen (Figure 3-13) displays.
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Figure 3-13 Registration Screen
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Complete the registration form making sure to enter information in the required fields.
<Click> the Add New Account button to submit the registration form.
<Click> the Restore Values button to clear the form without submitting the
Figure 3-14 Main Screen - Admin Login
The following table describes the breakdown of this chapter, and where you can find specific information.
Section in Chapter
What You Will Find
Selecting this general menu option will log out your account and return
you to the initial main screen.
My Account
Selecting this option allows you to create a new password.
Select Customer
This is an Admin feature only. Selecting this option allows you to select
a customer by searching by Customer Number, Customer Name, or
Customer Phone. The customer’s account information displays. You
then have the option to edit the customer account information such as
contact and billing information.
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Chapter 3
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Section in Chapter
What You Will Find
Order On-line
The set of options on this section of the web site will allow you to order
products directly from your company through the web site. Select from
the menu options on the left side of the screen. These will vary
depending on whether you are logged into the system first or not and
what rights you have in the system based on who you are.
Admin Options
These options allows anyone, with Administrator-level rights, to design
and maintain this site. Configure your Server, Company, Email & Phone
Settings, as well as write your own Web page META Tags. Create your
own menus, set up your E-commerce interface, upload documents, files
and images as well as set up libraries of documents, images, links etc.
Web pages can be created and edited online. You can even change the
color scheme of this site to suit your needs.
Document Library
This section makes available those documents, files and/or images to
individuals based on their login rights within Data Pro Accounting
Software's Infinity POWER. Libraries can be set up with or without
Categories & Subcategories through the Administrator Options menu and
displayed within this section.
Order On-line
The set of options on this section of the web site will allow you to order
products directly from your company through the web site. Select from
the menu options on the left side of the screen. These will vary
depending on whether you are logged into the system first or not and
what rights you have in the system based on who you are.
Admin Options
These options allows anyone, with Administrator-level rights, to design
and maintain this site. Configure your Server, Company, Email & Phone
Settings, as well as write your own Web page META Tags. Create your
own menus, set up your E-commerce interface, upload documents, files
and images as well as set up libraries of documents, images, links etc.
Web pages can be created and edited online. You can even change the
color scheme of this site to suit your needs.
Document Library
This section makes available those documents, files and/or images to
individuals based on their login rights within Data Pro Accounting
Software's Infinity POWER. Libraries can be set up with or without
Categories & Subcategories through the Administrator Options menu and
displayed within this section.
Company Info
This section of the web site is designed for new customers to request
information to be sent to them, check out the latest press releases from
the company, see what employment opportunities are currently available
at Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc. and how to contact us.
You will even find explicit driving instructions and maps under the
"Contact Us" button on the left so that if you are visiting our offices, it
will be easy for you to find us.
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DP/STORE User Manual
The Company Info main menu option consists of the Company Information category. This section of the web site is
designed for new customers to request information to be sent to them, check out the latest press releases from the
company, see what employment opportunities are currently available at your company, and how to contact you.
This main menu item is configured in the Admin Options>Setup Main Menu option.
Figure 3-15 Main Menu>Company Info Option
Company Information
This Company Information category consists of the Contact Us, Careers, and Privacy Policy option. Clicking the
(+) sign will expand the Company Information list. This category and its associated options are configured in the
Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-16 Company Info>Company Information Category
To Access the Company Info Submenu Options:
From the main menu, <click> the Company Info main menu option (Figure 3-15). A drop-down menu
displays listing all the categories and options. The Company Information category (Figure 3-16) also
displays in the left menu listing all the options. This category is configured in the Admin Options>Setup
Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
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Contact Us
The Contact Us option (Figure 3-17) allows a user to access information such as your company address, phone
number, email address, fax number, and hours of operation. This option is configured in the Admin
Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-17 Company Information>Contact Us Option
To Access the Contact Us Option:
From the Company Information category, <click> the Contact Us option (Figure 3-17). The Contact Us
screen (Figure 3-18) displays.
Figure 3-18 Contact Us Screen
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The Careers option (Figure 3-19) allows a user to access information regarding career opportunities. Information
may include a detailed listing of job titles or contact information to inquire further. This option is configured in the
Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-19 Company Information>Careers
To Access the Careers Option:
From the Company Information category, <click> the Careers option (Figure 3-19). The Careers screen
(Figure 3-20) displays.
Figure 3-20 Careers Option>Careers Screen
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Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy option (Figure 3-19) allows a user to access your company’s privacy policy. This is important as
it describes how secured information about the customer is disclosed or not disclosed and how this information may
be used. This option is configured in the Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-21 Company Information>Privacy Policy
To Access the Privacy Policy Option:
From the Company Information category, <click> the Privacy Policy option (Figure 3-19). The Privacy
Policy screen (Figure 3-20) displays.
Figure 3-22 Privacy Policy Option>Privacy Policy Screen
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The Order On-Line main menu option consists of the Products and My Account Inquiry categories. Users with
these permissions can order products, view documents such product price lists and data sheets, and make an inquiry
on a previous order. You must be logged in as a customer or administrator. This main menu item is configured in the
Admin Options>Setup Main Menu option. All of the submenu categories are configured in the Admin
Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
To Access the Order On-Line Submenu Options:
From the main menu, <click> the Order On-Line main menu option (Figure 3-23). The Order On-line
categories display, listing all the available options. The following categories and subcategories are
available: Products, Product Info, and My Account Inquiry.
Figure 3-23 Main Menu>Order On-Line Option
This Order On-Line category lists the products available for on-line ordering by category. This category and its
associated subcategories and options are configured in the Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus
The On-Line Order format associated with each option under the Products Category, is defined under the Admin
Options>Setup Sub and Drop-down Menu>Order On-Line option. Select the On-line Order submenu name,
order. In the Setup “order” submenu screen, select one of the options under the Products category such as Storage
Sheds. In the Edit “order” submenu screen, select the Display Mode drop-down list and select the desired display
style. Or, simply click the Add Product List option and add a new product category all together. The following
sections will document these Product options as they appear in the default DP/STORE settings.
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Display Modes
The following examples illustrate the different display modes available when setting up your on-line ordering of
products. Options are: Simple Product List, Thumbnail Image List, Color/Style List, or Custom Product Display.
Figure 3-24 Thumbnail Image Display
Figure 3-25 Simple Product List Display
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Figure 3-26 Color/Style List Display
Figure 3-27 Custom Product Display
To Order Products On-Line:
Product order pages can be configured in several display styles and search methods Product List search methods
are Item Number Range, Item Bin Number Range, and Item Category Range. Depending on the options selected,
the product order screens will reflect associated search and display modes. These options are configured under
Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus>Order submen>Product List option.
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Figure 3-28 Order On-Line>Products Category
The following product order example reflects the Item Number Range search method and Thumbnail Image List
display mode.
From the side menu, (Figure 3-28), click on the type of products you are interested in ordering from the
Products category. The product Order screen (Figure 3-29) displays listing the products associated with
the selected category. In this example, Storage Sheds is selected. The Order Storage Sheds screen displays.
Figure 3-29 Product Order Screen – Thumbnail Display Example
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The following table describes the Product Order screen details:
Data Item
Displays an image of the product. Click on the image to enlarge the image
and view more product details.
Add Items to Cart
Clicking this button opens the Review Order screen and calculates your
order based upon items selected and quantity.
Describes the product listed including dimensions, color, size, etc.
Part #
Describes the Part # of the listed product. Clicking the Details button
opens the Product Details page providing a more detailed description of
the product including a graphic image. You can this product to your
shopping cart from this page.
Describes the Unit of Measure related to the listed product if applicable.
Enter the quantity desired for this product to be calculated in your final
2a. Enter the desired quantity for the all products you want to order in the Quantity text box.
If other products from another category are desired, select another category
from the Products sub-menu and select additional items to be added to your
2b. <Click> on a product image to display more details about the selected product (Figure 3-30). From here
you can enter the quantity and select the Add to Cart button.
Figure 3-30 Product Details Screen>Thumbnail Display Example
<Click> on the image in the Product Details window to display a larger view
of the product. The image displays in a popup window.
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Figure 3-31 Product Details>Enlarge Image
When you have completed making all product item selections, <click> the Add Items to Cart button.
The Review Order screen (Figure 3-32) displays with a calculated review your order based upon items
selected, price, and quantity entered. Billing information is also requested at this time.
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Figure 3-32. Review Order Screen
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The following table describes the Review Order Screen details:
Data Item
Continue Shopping
Clicking this button returns you to the product order. You can continue
adding products to your order. After you click the Add Items to Cart button
again, the additional items will be added to the Review Order screen.
Clear Cart
Clicking the button removes all items selected to your shopping cart. A
message displays to confirm this action.
UPS Ground
Clicking this drop-down menu allows you to select from other shipping
services if available. UPS Ground is default.
This is the name and address of the customer to be billed as it is reflected in
the customer records.
The name and address of the person the order is being delivered to as it is
reflected in the customer records. These fields can be edited.
Recalculate Freight
If you edit the Ship-To address, click this button to automatically
recalculates the freight based on the shipping address provided.
Payment Type
Select the payment type to be applied to this order (cash, check, Master
Charge, Visa, American Exp, EFT)
Check #
If paying by check, enter the check number.
Credit Card Number
If paying by credit card, enter the credit card number.
Expiration Date
Enter the expiration date of the credit card (MMYY format).
Card Holder’s Name
Enter the name exactly as it is appears on the credit card.
Dealer’s Name or
If you have a Dealer assigned to your account, enter the Dealer’s name or
Continue Shopping
Clicking this button returns you to the product order. You can continue
adding products to your order. After you click the Add Items to Cart button
again, the additional items will be added to the Review Order screen.
Submit Order
Clicking this button submits the confirmed order.
Credit Card on File
Clicking this button will bill this order to the credit card on file associated
with the customer account.
Save As Proposal
Clicking this button will save this order as a Proposal.
Verify your order and Ship-To Information and make any desired changes.
Select Payment Type and enter required information.
<Click> the Submit Order button. You will receive an e-mail confirmation if you have a current email
associated with your customer record.
The following product order example reflects the Item Number Range search method and Color/Style display
From the side menu, (Figure 3-28), click on the type of products you are interested in ordering from the
Products category. The product Order screen (Figure 3-29) displays listing the products associated with
the selected category. In this example, Cleaning Products is selected. The Order Cleaning Products screen
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Figure 3-33 Product Order Screen – Color/Style Display Example
The following table describes the Product Order screen details:
Data Item
Displays an image of the product. Click on the image to enlarge the image
and view more product details.
Describes the product listed including dimensions, color, size, etc.
Displays the price of the product per single unit.
Describes the Unit of Measure related to the listed product if applicable.
Clicking the View/Order button displays the Product Details screen. From
here you can enter the desired quantity and specify which “category” of the
product you want to purchase.
<Click> the View/Order button. The Product Details screen displays (Figure 3-34).
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Figure 3-34 Product Details Screen> Color/Style Display Example
<Click> the Fragrance pull-down menu and select the desired fragrance type for the selected product and
enter the desired quantity you want to purchase in the Qty text box.
The Fragrance and Qty options are both configurable for this product from the
Infinity POWER Inventory Management module.
If desired, <click> on the image to enlarge it.
When you have completed making all product item selections, <click> the Add Items to Cart button.
The Review Order screen (Figure 3-32) displays with a calculated review your order based upon items
selected, price, and quantity entered. Billing information is also requested at this time.
Complete steps 4-6 of the previous example to complete the on-line product order process.
To Edit Your Product Order:
This option allows you to make changes to your current on-line product order.
From the product Order Review screen (Figure 3-32), <click> on the product number in the Part # column
(Figure 3-35) that you want to edit.
Figure 3-35 Modify Order Function
The Edit Order Line Item Quantity screen (Figure 3-36) displays.
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Figure 3-36. Edit Order Line Item Quantity Screen
Enter the new quantity in the Quantity text box.
<Click> the Save Edits button. The Review Order screen displays reflecting the edits to quantities made.
Clicking the Back to Previous button returns you to the product Order
Review screen without saving any changes.
To Remove a Product From Your Order:
This option allows you to remove an item from your current on-line product order.
From the product Order Review screen (Figure 3-32), <click> on the
column for the product you want to remove from the order.
(Figure 3-37) next to the Totals
Figure 3-37 Delete Product From Order Function
Confirm the deletion of the product from the order. The Review Order screen reflects the removed item.
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Product Info
This Products’ subcategory provides links to product documents and/or web sites available. This subcategory is
configured in the Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option. The related documents are
configured in the Admin Options>Setup Doc Libraries option.
Figure 3-38 Products Category>Product Info Subcategory>Product Sheets Option
To Access Product Sheets:
From the Products Info subcategory (Figure 3-38), click on the Product Sheets option. The Product
Sheets screen (Figure 3-29) displays listing the available documents, files, and links associated with the
selected category.
Figure 3-39 Product Info>Product Sheets Screen
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To Open a Document or Link:
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-39), <click> on the desired document or link to open in the
Document Description column. The associated software application (e.g. Word, Adobe Acrobat, web
browser, etc) will automatically launch and open the selected item assuming it is installed on your system.
<Click> the desired document or link to open from the Document Description column.
document or link opens in the appropriate associated program.
You must have the associated application loaded on your system in order for
the document to open (i.e. if you are trying to open an .xls file, you need to
have Microsoft Excel loaded on your system.)
To Download a Document:
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-39), <right-click> the document you want to download from the
Document Description column (Figure 3-40) and select the Save Target As option. The Save As
screen (Figure 3-41) displays.
Figure 3-40. Product Sheets - Download Document Function
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Figure 3-41. Save As Screen
Select the desired directory to download the file into from the Save In pull-down menu.
If desired, rename the document in the File Name pull-down menu.
If appropriate, change the file type in the Save as type pull-down menu.
<Click> the Save button. The document saves in the selected directory as the file name/type specified.
To Print a Document:
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-39), <right-click> the document you want to print from the
Document Description column and select the Print Target option (Figure 3-42). The Print screen
Select the desired printer and <click> the Print button.
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Figure 3-42. Product Info>Product Sheets>Print Function Example
My Account Inquiry
This Order On-Line category lists the items available for inquiry. This submenu item and its related categories are
configured in the Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-43 Inquiry Sub-Menu>Order Inqiry Category
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To Perform an Order Inquiry:
From the My Account Inquiry category (Figure 3-43), <click> the Order Inquiry item. The Customer
Information screen (Figure 3-44) displays listing the customer orders by date, customer name, sales order #,
and order status.
Figure 3-44 Order Inquiry>Customer Information Screen
In the Sales Order # column, <click> on the desired sales order # to review. The Data Pro Confirmation
screen displays (Figure 3-45) listing the details of the selected sales order.
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Figure 3-45 Data Pro Order Confirmation Screen Displays
After reviewing the sales order details, click the
(Figure 3-46) that can be emailed, printed, etc, on demand.
Figure 3-46
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icon to display a professional Sales Order
Printable Sales Order
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These options allow a user with Administrator privileges to design and maintain their DP/STORE web site.
Configure your Server, Company, Email & Phone Settings, as well as write your own Web page META Tags.
Create your own menus, set up your E-commerce interface, upload documents, files and images as well as set up
libraries of documents, images, links etc.
Web pages can be created and edited online. You can even change the color scheme of this site to suit your needs.
This main menu item is configured in the Admin Options>Setup Main Menu option.
To Access the Admin Options Submenu Options:
From the main menu, <click> the Admin Options main menu option (Figure 3-23). The Admin Menu
category displays listing all the available configured items.
Figure 3-47 Main Menu>Admin Options
Admin Menu
This Admin Options category lists the administrative level options available to configure your DP/STORE system.
Clicking the (+) sign will expand the Admin Menu list. This category and its associated options are configured in the
Admin Options>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option.
Figure 3-48 Admin Options>Admin Menu
To Access the Admin Menu Options:
From the main menu, <click> the Admin Options main menu option. The Admin Menu category
displays (Figure 3-48)listing all the available configured options.
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Global Config
The Global Config option (Figure 3-49) allows a user with administrator privileges to configure server settings,
company setting, e-mail/phone setting, and meta tag settings.
Figure 3-49 Admin Menu>Global Config Option
To Access the Global Config Options:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Global Config option (Figure 3-49).
Configuration Settings screen displays (Figure 3-50).
The Global
Figure 3-50 Admin Menu>Global Config Category>Server Settings Tab
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The following table describes Server Settings Tabbed Page:
Data Item
POWERServer Hostname
Enter the name of your accounting server.
POWERServer Port Number
Enter your IP socket port number (Data Pro used 9500)
Company ID
Enter a valid (3) character company ID. Ex: ins
Accounting Date
Default: clock
This option allows you to set the system date of the web site. The
default setting “clock” sets the web site clock to reflect the system
date on the accounting system. If you want to set the web site date to
another date, enter the date in MMDDYY format e.g.: for a date of
March 3, 2005, enter 030505
SMTP Mail Server
Enter your e-mail server host name.
SMTP Auth Username
Enter your E-mail login name if your SMTP server requires
SMTP Auth Password
Enter your E-mail login password if your SMTP server requires
Use SSL Mode
Default: N
Secure Socket Layer Mode. Use this option if you intend to take
orders on your web site and accept credit card information for
payments. You must protect the user’s information by securing the
data over the internet.
To Configure Server Settings:
The Server settings allow your Infinity POWER accounting program to “talk” to the DP/STORE system.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-50), select the Server Settings tab. The tab
details are displayed.
Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
To Configure Company Settings:
These settings define your company’s information.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-51), select the Server Settings tab. The tab
details are displayed (Figure 3-51).
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Figure 3-51 Global Config Category>Company Settings Tab
The following table describes the Company Settings tabbed page:
Data Item
Web Site URL
Enter your company web site address. Use this format:
"www.yoursite.com." You do not need to prefix your URL with
Company Name
Enter the complete name of your company.
Company Address Line 1
Enter the address for the company. Typically the Street Name and
Company Address Line 2
Enter additional address information. Typically the Suite Number and
Floor Number.
Company City, State, Zip
Enter your company’s city, state, and zip code. Separate the City and
State with a Comma, but use a space between the State and Zip Code.
Company Short Name
Enter a shorter version of your company name. For example, "Data
Pro" instead of "Data Pro Accounting Software, Inc."
Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
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To Configure E-Mail/Phone Settings:
These settings define your company’s e-mail and phone settings.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-50), select the Email/Phone Settings tab. The
tab details are displayed (Figure 3-52).
Figure 3-52 Global Config Category>E-Mail/Phone Settings Tab
The following table describes the Email/Phone Settings tabbed page:
Data Item
Email From Address
Typically your general Web Site return E-mail address (such as
"[email protected]").
Support Email Address
This is the general Customer Support E-mail address.
Sales Email Address
This is a general Sales E-mail address.
Careers Email Address
This is the Employment Inquiry or Human Resources E-mail address.
Support Phone Number
This is a general Customer Support Phone Number.
Support Fax Number
This is a general Customer Support Fax Number.
Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
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To Configure META Tag Settings:
These settings affect how your company’s web site is searched for and located by search engines.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-50), select the META Tab Settings tab. The tab
details are displayed (Figure 3-53).
Figure 3-53 Global Config Category>METATag Settings Tab
The following table describes the META Tag Settings tabbed page:
Data Item
META Tag Description
The META Tag Description is an HTML code that allows you to give
a short and concise summary of your web page content. In the Search
Engine Results Pages, after reading the Title of the page, a user sees
the description of the page and decides whether they want to go to
your site or not. It is therefore important that your META Description
Tag is nicely composed describing your page offering while enticing
the user to click on your listing.
META Tag Keywords
Most search engines do not read the META Tag Keywords anymore.
Some still do, however. You can have about 15 important nonrepetitive keywords in this Tag, separated by commas.
META Tag Robots
The META Tag Robots gives you the ability to specify whether
search engines should index your site and/or follow the links
appearing on your pages. However, there is no need for using META
Tag Robots if you are already using a detailed robots.txt file to block
any specific indexing. In that case, select "Do Not Use."
META Tag Image Toolbar
The IE6 image toolbar shows up on an image when your mouse rolls
over it. That is called an Image Bar. To remove it, select "no."
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Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
To Configure Store Settings:
These settings allow you to set a default price plan, tax rate number, and how many items to display per page.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-50), select the Store Settings tab. The tab details are
displayed (Figure 3-54).
Figure 3-54 Global Config Category>Store Settings Tab
The following table describes the Store Settings tabbed page:
Data Item
Default Price Plan
Specify an optional Price Plan to be automatically assigned to new
customers registering on the web site.
Default Tax Number
Specify a Tax Rate Number to be automatically assigned to new
customers registering on the web site if the Tax Rate cannot be
determined by their zip code.
Products to Display per Page
Specify an optional maximum number of products to display per
page. If this field is left blank or you enter a "0", this option will not
be activated.
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Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
To Configure Freight Settings:
These settings allow you to set a default price plan, tax rate number, and how many items to display per page.
From the Global Configuration Settings screen (Figure 3-50), select the Freight Settings tab. The tab
details are displayed ().
Figure 3-55 Global Config Category>Freight Settings Tab
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The following table describes the Freight Settings tabbed page:
Data Item
Allow UPS Ground
Specify whether on not you wish to allow the user to select UPS
Ground as a shipping method.
Allow UPS 2nd Day Air
Specify whether on not you wish to allow the user to select UPS 2nd
Day Air as a shipping method.
Allow UPS Next Day Air
Specify whether on not you wish to allow the user to select UPS Next
Day Air as a shipping method.
UPS Markup Percentage
Enter the percent that you wish to increase the UPS Freight charges.
The default markup is 10%.
FedEx Account Number
Enter your Federal Express Account Number. This number is required
for access to the FedEx Freight Calculation system.
Fixed Freight Table
If you are not using UPS or FedEx then enter the fixed freight charges
based on the order total.
Enter the required information in the text boxes.
<Click> the Submit Global Settings button. A message confirms the configuration settings have been
<Click> another tab to configure additional global settings.
Setup Main Menu
The Setup Main Menu option (Figure 3-56) allows an administrator to configure the main menu items that appear at
the top of the main page and their associated attributes.
User privileges control what main menu items a user has access to. This is
defined in the Infinity POWER application.
Figure 3-56 Admin Menu>Setup Main Menu Option
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To Access the Setup Main Menu Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Setup Main Menu option (Figure 3-56).
Setup/Configure Main Menu screen displays (Figure 3-57).
Figure 3-57 Admin Menu>Setup/Configure Main Menu
The following table describes the Setup Main Menu screen details:
Data Item
Add New Menu Item
<Clicking> this option opens the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen.
The Line column lists the main menu items in the order that they appear.
<Click>on a bullet and drag and release to rearrange the order.
This is the title of the main menu item as it will appear on the main menu.
Clicking on this item opens the Changing Main Menu Item screen.
Submenu Name
This is the submenu name associated with the main menu item listed on the
same line item.
Submenu Mode
This defines how the submenu is displayed. Choices are: links or
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Data Item
Next Page
This is the next web page that will be displayed after the main menu item is
selected. Example: The Order On-line main menu item opens the order
asp page.
Default: No
No indicates administrator privileges are not required to access this main
menu item.Yes indicates administrator privileges are required to access this
main menu item. Note: Only administrators will be able to view the main
menu items that require administrator privileges.
Default: No
No indicates that a login is not required to access this main menu item. Yes
indicates that a login is necessary to access this main menu item.
Clicking the Remove? Button will remove this main menu item from the
DP/STORE main menu.
To Add a New Main Menu Item:
This option allows an administrator to configure and add a new main menu item to the DP/STORE main menu.
Once a main menu item is added, it can then be edited or removed.
From the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen (Figure 3-57), <click> the Add New Menu Item option.
The Adding New Main Menu Item screen (Figure 3-58) displays.
Figure 3-58 Adding New Main Menu Item Screen
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Enter the main menu title as it will be displayed in the Menu Title text box.
Enter the submenu name that is associated with the main menu item being added in the Submenu Name
text box. If no submenu name is entered then a side submenu will not be created for the web site.
Select the mode in which the submenu items will be displayed from the Submenu Mode pull-down
Enter a name for the drop-down menu in the Drop-Down Menu Name text box. This submenu displays
when you click a main menu item located at the top of the web site. If the same name is given as the
submenu name, then the drop-down submenu options will automatically be identical to those that display in
the side menu. If the drop-down menu name is different from the submenu name, you can configure
different submenu options to display. If no drop-down menu name is entered, then one will not be created
for the web site.
6a. From the Find Next Page pull-down menus, select the desired directory and file for the web page
associated with this drop-down menu. The web page path is displayed in the Next Page text box.
6b. In the Next Page text box, manually enter the path of the web page you want to display when this dropdown menu item is selected.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the main menu item being added does not require
administrator privileges. Select Yes, if the main menu time being added does require administrator
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this main menu item.
Select Yes if a login is required to access this main menu item.
<Click> the Save Changes option. A message displays confirming that the main menu table has been
updated. The added main menu item is listed in the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen (Figure 3-57) and
is available from the web site main menu.
To Edit an Existing Main Menu Item:
This option allows an administrator to make configuration changes to an existing main menu item.
From the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen (Figure 3-57), <click> the main menu item listed in the Title
column (Figure 3-59) that you want to edit. The Changing Main Menu Item screen displays (Figure 3-60).
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Figure 3-59 Setup Main Menu>Edit Main Menu Item Function
Figure 3-60 Changing Main Menu Item Screen
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Make the desired edits.
<Click> the Save Changes button. A message displays confirming that the main menu table has been
To Remove a Main Menu Item:
This option allows an administrator to remove a main menu item from the DP/STORE main menu.
From the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen (Figure 3-57), <click> the Remove? option from the
Remove? column (Figure 3-61) for the main menu item you want to delete. The Deleting Main Menu
Item screen displays (Figure 3-62).
Figure 3-61 Setup Main Menus> Delete Submenu/Dropdown Menu Function
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Figure 3-62 Deleting "Item Screen
<Click> the Deleting Main Menu Item button. A message displays confirming that the main menu table
has been updated.
Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus
The Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option allows an administrator to configure the sub and drop-down menus and
their associated options. A submenu refers to the menu that appears to the left side of the DP/STORE screen. This
submenu is in direct relation to the main menu item selected. A drop-down menu refers to the menu that appears
directly under the main menu item when it is selected at the top of the DP/STORE screen. These menus only
appear if the main menu item has associated a submenu, drop-down menu, or both when the main menu item is
configured in the Admin Options>Setup Main Menu option.
The following are examples of each:
Figure 3-63 Example –Submenu
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Figure 3-64 Example Drop-down Menu
Figure 3-65 Admin Menu>Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus Option
To Access the Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus option (Figure 3-65).
The Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus screen displays (Figure 3-66).
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Figure 3-66 Admin Menu>Setup SubMenus Screen
To Add a New Submenu or Drop-down Menu:
This option allows an administrator to configure and add a new submenu or drop-down menu to your DP/STORE
web site. Once a submenu or drop-down menu item is added, it can then be edited or removed. Submenus appear in
the left side of the DP/STORE web site and dropdown menus displays at the top of the web site.
From the Setup Submenus screen (Figure 3-66), <click> the desired submenu listed in the Submenu
Name column (Figure 3-67) or a dropdown menu listed in the Dropdown Name Column. The Setup
Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen displays (Figure 3-68).
Figure 3-67 Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus>Select Submenu to Setup Function
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Figure 3-68 Setup Submenu/Dropdown Menu Screen
The following table describes the Setup Submenu screen details:
Data Item
Add Category
<Clicking> this option opens the Setup/Configure Main Menu screen.
Add SubCategory
The Line column lists the main menu items in the order they appear.
<Click>on a bullet and drag and release to rearrange the order.
Add Product List
This is the title of the main menu item as it will appear on the main menu.
Clicking on this item opens the Changing Main Menu Item screen.
Add Page Link
This is the submenu name associated with the main menu item listed on the
same line item.
Add Document Library
This defines how the submenu is displayed. Choices are: links or
The Line column lists the submenu items in the order that they appear.
<Click>on a bullet and drag and release to rearrange the order.
Descriptive name of the submenu item.
Identifies what kind of submenu item it is such as category/subcategory,
link, product list, etc.
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Data Item
If the submenu item is a product list, the search type identifies the search
options selected for how products are queried in the Infinity POWER
accounting program.
If the submenu item is a product list, the Begin/End identifies the range
values of products that are to be displayed.
If the submenu item is a product list, the mode identifies how products are
displayed when they on the web site (thumbnail, list, etc).
This option has been implemented to support features that will be
integrated as the DP/STORE product evolves. A keyword can be used as a
specific search criteria that will create a connection to the associated
product so that it can be utilized for “upsell” opportunities on your web
Default: No
No indicates administrator privileges are not required to access this
submenu item.Yes indicates administrator privileges are required to access
this submenu item. Note: Only administrators will be able to view the
submenu items that require administrator privileges.
Default: No
No indicates that a login is not required to access this submenu item. Yes
indicates that a login is necessary to access this submenu item.
Clicking the Remove? button opens the Deleting “item” screen prompting
you to confirm to proceed with the deletion.
Clicking the View? Button opens the View Product screen. From here, you
have the option to change the product image and upload a new image.
To Add a Category:
From the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen (Figure 3-68), <click> the Add Category
option. The Adding New Category screen displays (Figure 3-69).
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Figure 3-69 Adding New Category Screen
Enter a description of the submenu category in the Description text box.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the submenu category being added does not require
administrator privileges. Select Yes if the submenu category being added does require administrator
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this submenu
category. Select Yes if a login is required to access this submenu category.
<Click> the Add Category option. A message displays confirming that the submenu table has been
updated. The added category is listed in the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is
available when the associated main menu item is selected from the web site main menu.
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To Add a SubCategory:
From the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen (Figure 3-68), <click> the Add Subcategory
option. The Adding New Subcategory screen displays (Figure 3-70).
Figure 3-70 Adding New Sub Category Screen
Enter a description of the submenu category in the Description text box.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the submenu subcategory being added does not
require administrator privileges. Select Yes, if the submenu subcategory being added does require
administrator privileges.
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this submenu
subcategory. Select Yes if a login is required to access this submenu subcategory.
<Click> the Add Sub Category option. A message displays confirming that the submenu table has been
updated. The added subcategory is listed in the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is
available when the associated main menu item is selected from the web site main menu.
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To Add a Product List:
From the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen (Figure 3-68), <click> the Add Product List
option. The Adding New Product List screen displays (Figure 3-71).
Figure 3-71 Adding New Product List
The following table describes the Adding New Product List details:
Data Item
Descriptive name of the submenu item.
Search Type
Select the search method in which products are queried in the Infinity
POWER accounting program. Search options are by Item Number Range,
Item Bin Number Range, or by Item Category Range.
The Beginning/Ending Values depend on the “Search Type” you have
specified. You can choose to list the items from your inventory based on a
range of “Item Numbers”, “Bin Numbers”, or “Categories”.
The actual beg/end values you enter will be used to search the inventory
database and display all items found within the range specified.
To display all item numbers between 1000 and 1999 you would specify
“Item Number Range” and enter “1000” in the Beginning Value and
“1999” in the Ending Value. To display all items in the “SUPPLIES”
category, you would specify “Item Category Range” and enter
“SUPPLIES” in both the beg and end values.
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Data Item
Display Mode
The display mode affects how products are displayed in the Order screen
for the product being added. Options are: Simple Product List, Thumbnail
Image List, Color Style List, and Custom Product Display.
NOTE: The Custom Product Display mode can be customized by
modifying the web page found under the Admin Options>Manage Page
Content>pages>Create/View/Edit/Upload>customproducts.asp page.
This option has been implemented to support features that will be
integrated as the DP/STORE product evolves. A keyword can be used as a
specific search criteria that will create a connection to the associated
product so that it can be utilized for “upsell” opportunities on your web
Require Admin?
Default: No
No indicates administrator privileges are not required to access this
submenu or drop-down menu item. Yes indicates administrator privileges
are required to access this submenu item. Note: Only administrators will
be able to view the submenu items that require administrator privileges.
Require Login?
Default: No
No indicates that a login is not required to access this submenu or dropdown menu item. Yes indicates that a login is necessary to access this
submenu item.
Add Product List
Clicking the Add Product List button adds the new product list to the
Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is available from the
web site when the associated submenu or drop-down menu is selected.
Enter a description of the product list in the Description text box.
Select the desired search method from the Search Type pull-down menu.
Enter the desired beginning and ending value ranges for the product list in the Beginning Value and
Ending Value text boxes.
Select the desired format in which the products will display from the Display Mode pull-down menu.
If desired, enter a keyword in the Keyword text box. This option will be used to support features that will
be implemented within DP/STORE as the program evolves.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the product list being added does not require
administrator privileges. Select Yes if the product list being added does require administrator privileges.
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this product list.
Select Yes if a login is required to access this product list.
<Click> the Add Product List option. A message displays confirming that the submenu table has been
updated. The added product is listed in the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is
available when the associated main menu item is selected from the web site main menu.
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To Add a New Page Link:
From the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen (Figure 3-68), <click> the Add Page LInk
option. The Adding New Link screen displays (Figure 3-72).
Figure 3-72 Adding New Link
The following table describes the Adding New Link details:
Data Item
Descriptive name of the submenu item.
Find Link
Select the desired directory and file from the pull-down menus to specify
the path and file of the link.
The selected directory/file display the path of the link in this text box. You
can also manually enter the path of the link as well.
Require Admin?
Default: No
No indicates administrator privileges are not required to access this
submenu or drop-down menu item. Yes indicates administrator privileges
are required to access this submenu item. Note: Only administrators will
be able to view the submenu items that require administrator privileges.
Require Login?
Default: No
No indicates that a login is not required to access this submenu or dropdown menu item. Yes indicates that a login is necessary to access this
submenu item.
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Data Item
Add Link
Clicking the Add Link button adds the new link to the Setup Submenu or
Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is available from the web site when the
associated submenu or drop-down menu is selected.
Enter a description of the link in the Description text box.
3a. Select the desired directory and file to locate the link from the Find Link pull-down menus. The selected
link path displays in the Link text box.
3b. Enter the path of the link in the Link text box.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the link being added does not require administrator
privileges. Select Yes if the link being added does require administrator privileges.
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this link. Select Yes
if a login is required to access this link.
<Click> the Add Link option. A message displays confirming that the submenu table has been updated.
The added link is listed in the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen and is available when the
associated main menu item is selected from the web site main menu.
To Add a New Document Library:
This option allows an administrator to add a new document library “category” associated with the selected submenu
or drop-down menu. The default document library is marketing, hich displays under the Product Info subcategory as
Product Sheets. The related documents are configured in the Admin Options>Setup Doc Libraries option.
From the Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen (Figure 3-68), <click> the Add Document
Library option. The Adding New Document Library screen displays (Figure 3-73).
Figure 3-73 Adding New Document Library Screen
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Enter a description of the document library in the Description text box.
In the Require Admin pull-down menu, select No if the document library being added does not require
administrator privileges. Select Yes if the document library being added does require administrator
In the Require Login pull-down menu, select No if a login is not required to access this document
library. Select Yes if a login is required to access this document library.
<Click> the Add Document Library option. A message displays confirming that the submenu table has
been updated. The added document library now lists in the Edit Submenu screen and is available when the
associated submenu or drop-down menu is selected from the web site.
To Edit an Existing Submenu or Drop-down Menu Item:
This option allows an administrator to make changes to an existing submenu or dropdown menu item such as a
category, subcategory, product list, document library, or page link.
From the Setup Submenus screen (Figure 3-66), <click> the desired submenu listed in the Submenu
Name column (Figure 3-67) or a dropdown menu listed in the Dropdown Name Column that you want
to edit. The Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen displays (Figure 3-68).
<Click> the desired submenu or dropdown menu item that you want to edit from the Description column
(Figure 3-74). The Changing “Item’ screen displays (Figure 3-75).
Figure 3-74 Setup Submenu/Dropdown Menu – Edit Function
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Figure 3-75 Changing “Item” Screen
Make the desired edits. Repeat steps 2-3 for all submenu or dropdown menu items you wish to edit.
<Click> the Save Changes button. A message displays confirming that the main menu table has been
To Remove a Main Menu Item:
This option allows an administrator to delete an existing submenu or dropdown menu item.
From the Setup Submenus screen (Figure 3-66), <click> the desired submenu listed in the Submenu
Name column (Figure 3-67) or a dropdown menu listed in the Dropdown Name Column that you want
to delete. The Setup Submenu or Setup Dropdown Menu screen displays (Figure 3-68).
<Click> the desired submenu or dropdown menu item that you want to delete from the Description
column (Figure 3-74). The Changing “Item’ screen displays (Figure 3-75).
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Figure 3-76 Setup Submenu/Dropdown Menu – Remove Function
Figure 3-77 Deleting Main Menu Item Screen
<Click> the Deleting Main Menu Item button. A message displays confirming that the main menu table
has been updated.
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Setup Main Site Images
The Setup Main Site Images option allows an administrator to replace the company logo image, the company title
image displayed at the top of every web page, and the company logo on white background image used for invoices
and receipts.
The logo image width should be no more than 160w and the company title
image should be no more than 400w. There is no limitation on image height.
Figure 3-78 Admin Menu>Setup Main Site Images
To Access the Setup Main Site Images Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Setup Main Site Images option (Figure 3-78). The
Replace Images screen displays (Figure 3-79).
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Figure 3-79 Replace Images Screen
To Replace an Image:
From the Replace Images screen (Figure 3-79), <click> the appropriate Replace Image option for the
image you want to replace. The Upload Image File screen (Figure 3-80) displays.
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Figure 3-80 Upload the Image File Screen
<Click> the Browse… button. The Choose File window displays.
Figure 3-81 Replace Image>Choose File Screen
Navigate to the directory where the desired image file is located, select the image file, and <click> the
Open button. The selected file path is displayed in the Upload your own image text box.
<Click> the Upload Image File Image button.
appropriate location.
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The selected image file is now displayed in the
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Manage Doc Libraries
The Manage Doc Libraries option is designed to allow you to add, remove, and view Product Sheets and links to
other web sites that are displayed in the Order on-line>Product Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE
main menu. Such documents may include product price lists, new version features, order forms, upgrade
information, and company references, etc. As your company initiatives and styles evolve, you can update the Main
Menu title and Main Menu image to reflect these changes. Adding new headings can categorize your growing list of
links and documents into groups and subgroups so that they are more effectively organized and accessible.
Figure 3-82 Admin Menu>Manage Doc Libraries
The following screen illustrates the section in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (Figure 3-83) where these
options are found once documents have been added. The default library for DP/STORE is Marketing.
Figure 3-83. Order on-line>Products>Product Info
To Access the Manage Document Libraries Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Manage Document Libraries option (Figure 3-82). The
Manage Document Libraries screen displays (Figure 3-84).
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Figure 3-84 Manage Document Libraries Screen
The following table describes the Manage Document Libraries screen details:
Data Item
Main Title
This is the title of the main menu item as it appears on the main menu
Submenu Title
This is the title of the submenu as it appears in the On-Line Order categories
Submenu Name
This is a name used for reference associating the appropriate main menu title.
Library Name
This is the name of the library category as it is displayed
<Click> on the library listed in the Library Name column (Figure 3-84) that you want to add or remove
documents, headings, or links to. In this example, marketing library is selected. The Product Sheets
screen (Figure 3-85) displays.
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Figure 3-85 Product Sheets Screen
As documents, headings, and links are added, they are displayed in a consecutively numbered list including the
following document details:
Data Item
Line number. System generated and automatically increments to the next highest
number as documents /links are added. You can <click> on a bullet and drag/drop
within the column to rearrange the order items appear in the list.
Hyperlink. Description of document that you enter when you select the Add New
Document or Add New Link option. Clicking on an item in this column will
open the Changing Product Sheets Document window for the line item you
selected. This window allows you to modify the description, source file, and
security information for that document. This description also displays in the
Product Sheets screen when you select Order On-Line>Product Info from the
main menu.
File Name/Link
Name of file/link of new document. System generated based on the document file
selected or path to the link provided when you select the Add New Document or
Add New Link option in the Setup Product Sheets screen.
Last Update
Date of most recent update to the file/link added. This column is automatically
updated as files/links are revised.
Hyperlink. Allows you to delete a document from the Product Sheets screen on
the DP/STORE Menu System screen (see the To Remove a Product Sheets
Document/Heading/ Link section).
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Data Item
Hyperlink. Opens the selected document for viewing. Headings added to the list
of documents in the Setup Product Sheets screen are labeled as such in the View
To Add a New Product Sheets Document:
This option allows you to add a new document that is accessible from the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product
Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu. Perform the following steps to add a new document.
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-85), <click> the Add New Document option. The Adding
New Product Sheets Document screen (Figure 3-86) displays.
Figure 3-86 Product Sheets - Adding New Product Sheets Document Function
Enter a description of the document in the Description text box.
In the Source File section, <click> the Browse button. The Choose file window displays.
Select the appropriate folder from the Look in pull-down menu from the Choose file window.
Select the desired file or type in the exact filename of the document in the File name text box.
The file types available to be uploaded are .txt, .jpg, .gif, .html, .doc, .pdf, .xls,
.csv, .ppt, .pps, .swf and .rpt. Files cannot exceed 4 mb for upload.
<Click> the Add Document button. A message displays confirming the document has been uploaded
successfully and that the document index has been updated.
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<Click> the Return to Menu option. The new document now displays in the Product Sheets screen
(Figure 3-87) and also in the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE main
Figure 3-87 Add New Document Example
To Add a New Product Sheets Heading:
This option allows you to add a new heading that is accessible from the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product
Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
This is really useful if you want to categorize documents within a group (e.g. Product Sheets may include Product
Data Sheets, Price Lists, Customer Information Sheets, etc.). Perform the following steps to add a new heading.
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-85), <click> the Add New Heading option. The Adding New
Product Sheets Heading screen (Figure 3-88) displays.
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Figure 3-88 Adding New Product Sheets Heading Screen
Enter a descriptive title of the heading in the Description text box as it will appear in the Order
On-Line>Marketing section of the DP/STORE main menu.
<Click> the Add Heading button. A message displays confirming the document index has been updated.
<Click> the Return to Menu option. The new document now displays in the Product Sheets screen
(Figure 3-89) and also in the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE main
Figure 3-89 Add New Product Sheets Heading Example
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To Add a New Product Sheets Link:
This option allows you to add a new link to a web site that is accessible from the Order
On-Line>Product Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu. Perform the following steps to
add a new link.
From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-85), <click> the Add New Link option. The Adding New
Product Sheets Link screen (Figure 3-90) displays.
Figure 3-90 Add New Product Sheets Link Screen
Enter a descriptive title of the heading in the Description text box as it will appear in the Order
On-Line>Marketing section of the DP/STORE main menu.
Enter the web address in the Link Address text box.
<Click> the Add Link button. A message displays confirming the document index has been updated.
<Click> the Return to Menu option. The window closes and returns to the Product Sheets screen. The
new link now displays in the list of items (Figure 3-91) and in the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product
Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
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Figure 3-91 Add New Product Sheets Link Example
To Modify a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link:
This option allows you to modify the properties set up for documents, headings, and links that have been added to
the list of items in the Manage Document Libraries screen (Figure 3-85) and accessible from the Order OnLine>Product Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
Figure 3-92. Product Sheets Screen>Modify Function
The following table describes the associated properties that can be modified for each of the item types listed in the
Manage Library marketing – Product Sheets screen.
Item Type
Properties to Modify
Description and Source File. The current file name is displayed as well as the date of
last update.
Description. The current Heading description displays.
Description and Link Address. The current description and link address is diplayed
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From the Product Sheets screen (Figure 3-85), <click> the list item to be modified in the Document
Description column. The Changing Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link screen (
Figure 3-93) displays, indicating the line number of the item to be modified.
Figure 3-93 Changing Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link Screen – Modify Function
Depending on the item selected, make the desired changes in the applicable modifiable options.
<Click> the Save Changes button. A message displays confirming the document index has been
<Click> the Return to Menu option. The window closes and returns to the Product Sheets screen. The
modifications are now updated in the document list and in the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product
Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
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To Remove a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link:
This option allows you to delete documents, headings, and links that have been added to the list of items in the
Manage Document Libraries screen (Figure 3-85) and accessible from the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product
Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
Figure 3-94 Product Sheets>Remove Function
In the Product Sheets screen, <click> the Remove option from the Remove? column for the item to be
deleted (Figure 3-94). The Deleting Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link screen (Figure 3-95) displays,
indicating the line number of the item to be deleted.
Figure 3-95 Deleting Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link Screen – Remove Function
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<Click> the Delete Document/Heading/Link button. A message displays confirming the document
index has been updated.
<Click> the Return to Menu option. The window closes and returns to the Product Sheets screen. The
deletion is now updated in the document list and in the Order On-Line>Product Info>Product Sheets
section of the DP/STORE main menu.
To View a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link:
This option allows you to view documents and links that have been added to the list of items in the Manage
Document Libraries screen (Figure 3-85) and accessible from the Order On-Line> Product Info>Product Sheets
section of the DP/STORE main menu.
Selecting the view function will automatically open the selected document or launch the web site associated with the
selected link.
Headings can only be viewed by selecting the Order On-Line> Product
Info>Product Sheets section of the DP/STORE main menu.
Figure 3-96 Product Sheets>View Function
In the Product Sheets screen, <click> the View option from the View column (Figure 3-96) for the item to
be opened. The document or web site automatically opens for viewing. Closing the document or web site
returns you to the Product Sheets screen.
To Download a Product Sheets Document:
This function allows you to download documents that are listed in the Product Sheets screen or from the Order
On-line>Product Info>Product Sheets documents section of the main menu.
In the Products Sheets screen, <right-click> the desired document to be downloaded (Figure 3-97) and
select the Save Target As option. The Save As window displays.
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Figure 3-97 Product Sheets – Download Document Function
Select the desired directory to download the file into from the Save In pull-down menu.
If desired, rename the document in the File Name pull-down menu.
If appropriate, change the file type in the Save as type pull-down menu.
<Click> the Save button. The document saves in the selected directory as the file name/type specified.
To Print a Product Sheets Document:
This function allows you to print documents that are listed in the Product Sheets screen or from the Order
On-line>Product Info>Product Sheets documents section of the main menu.
From the desired Product Documents screen, <right-click> the document you want to print from the
Document Description column and select the Print Target option (Figure 3-98). The Print window
Select the desired printer and <click> the Print button.
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Figure 3-98 Product Sheets – Print Function Example
Manage Page Content
The Manage Page Content option allows a user with administrator privileges to design, manage, and edit the web
page content for the DP/STORE web site. The created pages are displayed in the main content section of your
DP/STORE web site.
Figure 3-99 Admin Menu>Manage Page Content
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To Access the Manage Page Content Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Manage Page Content option (Figure 3-99). The Manage
Page Content screen displays (Figure 3-100).
Figure 3-100 Manage Page Content Screen
The following table describes the Manage Page Content screen details:
Data Item
Add New Page Content
Clicking this option opens the Setup Page Directory screen.
Directory Name
Identifies the name of the directory for the associated web pages. Select a
directory in this column to make edits. The Setup Page Directory screen
Descriptive “category” name of the web pages.
Create/Manage Pages
Select a web page in this column to make opens the Manage Pages screen
which lists all the web pages associated with the directory. From here you
can edit existing pages, create new pages, and upload new files.
Chapter 3
The Line column lists the web pages in the order that they appear.
<Click>on a bullet and drag and release to rearrange the order.
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To Add a New Page Content Directory:
The Page content directory categorizes your web pages and associated files for your web site. For instance, you may
want to create a directory called Specials that “house” all the associated web page files, images, etc for any specials
that you might be running. Once a directory is created you can then create, edit, view, and upload files to that
directory. You cannot delete or rename a directory once it is created.
From the Manage Page Content Screen (Figure 3-100), <click> the Add New Page Content Directory
option. The Adding New Page Directory screen displays (Figure 3-101).
Figure 3-101 Adding New Page Directory Screen
Enter the name of the new directory in the Directory Name text box.
Enter a description of the page directory in the Description text box.
<Click> the Add Page Directory button. A message displays confirming the page directory table has
been updated. The new directory is now listed in the Manage Page Content screen.
To Edit a Page Content Directory:
This option allows a user with administrative privileges to change the description of the directory.
From the Manage Page Content Screen, <click> the directory you want to edit from the Directory Name
column (Figure 3-102).
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Figure 3-102 Manage Page Content>Edit Directory Function
The Changing Pages screen (Figure 3-103) displays.
Figure 3-103 Changing Pages Screen
Make the desired changes in the Description text box.
<Click> the Save Changes button. A message displays confirming the Page Directory table has been
updated. The new changes now reflect in the Manage Page Content screen.
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To Access the Manage Pages in “Directory” Screen:
The Manage Pages screen allows a user with administrative privileges to create new pages, upload files, edit existing
pages, and preview pages as they will appear on your DP/STORE web site.
From the Manage Page Content Screen, <click> the Create/View/Edit/Upload option from the
Create/Manage Pages column (Figure 3-104) for the line item you apply changes or additions to.
Figure 3-104 Create/View/Edit/Upload Option
The Manage Pages in “Directory” screen (Figure 3-105) displays listing all associated files and web pages
in the selected directory.
Figure 3-105 Manage Pages in “Directory” Screen
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To Create a New Web Page:
This option allows a user with administrative privileges to create a new web page associated with the selected
directory. Simple item selection allows you to insert tables, text, links, etc without difficult coding – it’s all done for
you! The interactive screen allows you to view your web site as it will appear as you create it. You can view your
web site with or without menus so you can see your options. You can also copy your code to a clipboard if you
prefer to use an html editor.
Creating a new web pages requires some forethought and planning. By first
creating directories for all the different page categories that you want to
include on your web site, you allow better organization of your pages. If you
plan on uploading images to your web site, consider creating a directory for
image files so that all you have to do is Browse for them, rather than just
creating a reference for the image, then have to go back and upload the image
to the page.
From the Manage Pages in “Directory” screen (Figure 3-105), <click> the Create New Web Page
option. The Create a New Web Page in “Directory” screen (Figure 3-106) displays.
Figure 3-106 Create New Web Page Screen
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The following table describes the Create New Web Page screen details:
Data Item
Code Window
Displays code as you add attributes, files, images, links, etc to your
DP/STORE web site. You will need to customize text, etc where
Click on the desired radio button to add that feature to your web site. The
appropriate code displays in the code window as items are selected. You
will be prompted for color selection in the palette for appropriate attributes
such as Font Color. Move the mouse over an item and a flyover description
of that item will display.
File Name
Enter the file name for the web page. “.dflt” files are the original default
files that install when you load DP/STORE for the first time. DP/STORE
will automatically generate an associated “.asp” file the first time changes
are made to your original web page. It is recommended that you do not
make changes to the “dflt” files so that you always have an original file to
View Pages w/Menu
Clicking this button automatically gives you a preview of your web page in
its current state including the side menu You can drag and move the screen.
View Pages w/o Menu
Clicking this button automatically gives you a preview of your web page in
its current state without the side menu. You can drag and move the screen.
Copy Code to
Clicking this button copies the code from the code window and copies it to a
“clipboard” so that you can paste it into an editing tool.
Find In Page
Enter text in this text box to perform a search for the keyword in the code
window. This text box also captures the color ID number for the last color
selected. You can then search for that color ID in the code window.
Save This File
Clicking this button saves the file with all current changes and attributes.
Make all the desired attribute selections and enter text where appropriate in the Code window.
Code associated with selected attributes is inserted in the code window in
relation to where you currently have the cursor. When you click the Browse
button, the cursor automatically moves to the top of the code window.
Remember to manually place the cursor in the location that you want the code
to insert. Preview your web page as you create attributes to ensure you are
inserting attributes in the desired locations.
Enter a name for your web page file in the File Name text box, including the appropriate extension such as
<Click> the Save This File button. A message displays confirming the file has been updated in the
associated directory.
To Edit an Existing Web Page:
This option allows a user with administrative privileges to make modifications to an existing web. For example, you
may need to change your hours of operation or contact information and simply want to edit the displayed text.
From the Manage Pages in “Directory” screen (Figure 3-105), select the file of the web page you want to
edit form the Filename column (Figure 3-107).
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Figure 3-107 Manage Pages – Edit Web Page Function
The Editing Pages screen (Figure 3-108) displays.
Figure 3-108 Editing Pages Screen
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Make all the desired attribute selections and change/add text where appropriate in the Code window.
<Click> the Save This File button. A message displays confirming the file has been updated in the
associated directory.
To Preview a Web Page:
While you are creating or editing your web page, you can view the page as it will display on your web site. You can
view your page with or without a side menu. By toggling between your working page and the view feature, you can
ensure you are placing selected web page attributes where you intend as well as sample color styles, etc.
From the Create New Web Page screen or Edit Page screen, <click> the View Page w/Menu
(Figure 3-109) or View Page w/o Menu (Figure 3-110) option. The appropriate view displays.
Figure 3-109 View Page w/ Menu
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Figure 3-110 View Page w/o Menu
You can <click> and drag to move the displayed screen.
Figure 3-111 View Page - Click and Drag Page Function
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To Upload a File:
This option allows a user with administrative privileges to upload additional files into a specified page content
directory. This allows better organization of all the related files such as images that are associated with your
directories by keeping them categorized. The file types available to be uploaded are:.txt, .jpg, .gif, .html, .htm, .asp,
.doc, .pdf, .xls, .csv, .ppt, .pps, .swf and .rpt. Please be aware there is a 4 Meg size limit on files being uploaded.).
From the Manage Pages in “Directory” screen (Figure 3-105), <click> the Upload File option. The
Upload File screen (Figure 3-112) displays.
Figure 3-112 Upload File Screen
Enter the path of the file you want to upload in the Source File text box.
<Click> the Browse… button. The Choose File window displays.
Navigate to the directory where the desired image file is located, select the image file, and <click> the
Open button. The selected file path is displayed in the Source File text box.
<Click> the Upload button. The selected image file uploads and displays in the associated directory.
Setup Web Site Colors
The Setup Web Site Colors option is allows a user with administrative privileges to customize the color schemes
applied to various components of your web site, giving your web site the look and feel you are promoting. Items
such as banners, main menu titles, categories, subcategories, tables, mouse-over color, text, and links are examples
of what you can customize. You can easily select colors from the palette to preview your future web-project design
immediately. Also you can specify colors and other design attributes directly.
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Figure 3-113 Admin Menu>Set Up Web Site Colors
To Access the Setup Web Site Colors Option:
From the Admin Menu category, <click> the Setup Web Site Colors option (Figure 3-82). The
Edit/View Web Site Color Scheme screen displays (Figure 3-114).
Figure 3-114 Edit/View Web Site Color Scheme Screen
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The following table describes the Edit/View Web Site Color Scheme screen details:
Data Item
Background Color
Color selected is applied to the background color of the web site.
Top Banner
Color selected is applied to the top banner background. The radio is
located in the top left of the banner.
Admin User
Color selected is applied to the top banner text color for the admin user
name currently logged into the system.
Color selected is applied to the top banner link options.
Color selected is applied to the top banner option text when the mouse is
over that option.
Color selected is applied to the top banner option text when it is selected
with the mouse.
Color selected is applied to the top banner link once it has been selected.
OVER 1-10
Changes the rollover color and side bar color for main menu items 1-10.
Each number is in relation to the order in which the main menu items are
MENU 1-20
Color selected is applied to the main menu link color. All main menu
items apply the same color.
Color selected is applied to the Category section color of the side menu.
Color selected is applied to the Subcategory section color of the side
Menu Color
Color selected is applied to the menu options listed in the side menu.
MouseOver Color
Color selected is applied to the menu options text when the mouse is over
that menu option.
Active Color
Color selected is applied to the menu options text when it is selected with
the mouse.
Visited Color
Color selected is applied to the link text once it has been selected.
Text Color
Color selected is applied to the text displayed in the main page area of the
web site.
Link Color Sample
Color selected is applied to the link text displayed in the main page area
of the web site.
MouseOver Link Color
Active Link Sample
Color selected is applied to the link text when the mouse is over that link.
Visited Link Sample
Color selected is applied to the link once it has been selected.
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Color selected is applied to the link text when the link is selected with the
Chapter 3
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Data Item
Alternate Row Color
Color selected is applied to the alternating rows for tables that display in
the main page section of the web site.
Footer Background Color
Color selected is applied to the background of the footer section of your
web site.
Footer Text Color
Color selected is applied to the text displayed in the footer section of your
web site.
Clicking this option brings you to the Manage Page Content menu option.
Save as Active Style
Saves your current color scheme settings to the default color style
Save as New Style
Saves your current settings as a new color scheme template.
To Select Colors for Your Web Site:
This option allows you to change and customize color schemes to various components of your web site.
From the Edit/Review Web Site Color Scheme screen (Figure 3-114), <click> the radio button associated
with the web site component you want to apply a new color to. The Select a Color palette (Figure 3115) displays showing the current color selected for that component.
Figure 3-115 Select a Color Palette
<Click> the desired color from the color palette. The selected component reflects the new applied color.
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To Create a New Color Scheme Template:
From the Edit/Review Web Site Color Scheme screen (Figure 3-114), make all your color scheme
In the text box at the bottom of the screen, (Figure 3-116) type in a name for your style template.
Figure 3-116 Create Color Scheme Template
<Click> the Save as New Style button. The message displays confirming the style template has been
updated. The new style template now displays in the pull-down menu.
To Edit the Active Color Style:
From the Edit/Review Web Site Color Scheme screen (Figure 3-114), make all your color scheme
Figure 3-117 Save As Active Style
<Click> the Save As Active Style button (Figure 3-117) Your DP/STORE website displays applying
the new color selections. These changes are applied to the default color settings.
To Select a Different Color Scheme Template:
From the Edit/Review Web Site Color Scheme screen (Figure 3-114), <click> the pull-down menu at the
bottom of the screen (Figure 3-118).
Figure 3-118 Select Color Scheme Template
Select the desired template from the list. The selected color template is applied to the screen.
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To Change the Web Site Text Font:
This option allows you to change the font that is applied to your web site. This includes main menu text, side menu
text, rollover text, main page text, and table text.
From the Edit/Review Web Site Color Scheme screen (Figure 3-114), <click> the Font pull-down menu
(Figure 3-119) and select the desired font style. The font is applied to the screen.
Figure 3-119 Select Web Site Font
Congratulations!!! You just created your customized DP/STORE web site!
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This troubleshooting guide is designed to help you, the user, find solutions to common problems concerning the
installation and configuration of this software and its related products.
This document currently includes troubleshooting procedures for AntiVirus Software Settings. This document will
be updated frequently as Microsoft Windows’ network and security functions evolve and impact the current
installation and configuration process. Sections will be added as appropriate. Go to www.dpro.com, Manuals
section, for the most recent DP/Store Troubleshooting Guide.
If you are running Norton AntiVirus or McAfee AntiVirus software programs, some default settings need to be
disabled in order for DP/Store to run properly. If you encounter problems launching DP/Store after you have
performed all the necessary procedures in Chapter 2 Installation Procedures of the DP/Store User Manual, it is
possible that you many need to change some settings in your VirusScan software.
McAfee AntiVirus
This section documents problems related to using MacAfee AntiVirus software. This procedure reflects McAfee
VirusScan 8.0. Depending on what version you are running, the following steps may differ slightly.
Disable Script Blocking in McAfee:
If the script blocking feature is enabled, all necessary scripts will be halted and the DP/Store system will not
execute properly.
From the McAfee Security main screen, <click> the VirusScan option on the left-hand side of the screen.
The AntiVirus tab displays with options.
VirusScan Settings
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DP/Store User Manual
Figure 1. McAfee Security Center – VirusScan Tabbed Page
<Click> the Configure VirusScan Options button.
<Click) the ActiveShield tabbed page, and then <click> the Advanced button.
The MacAfee VirusScan Options window
Figure 2. ActiveShield Tabbed Page
Several different tabbed pages display.
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VirusScan Settings
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 3. Advanced Active Shield Options Window
<Click> the ScriptStopper tabbed page and ensure that the Enable ScriptStopper check box is NOT
checked. If this option is checked, the software will not be able to perform necessary processes and will
halt the communication between POWERServer, Infinity POWER products, and DP/Store.
Figure 4. Advanced ActiveShield Options
<Click> the OK button.
VirusScan Settings
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DP/Store User Manual
Norton AntiVirus
This section documents problems related to using Norton AntiVirus software. This procedure reflects Norton
AntiVirus 2004. Depending on what version you are running, the following steps may differ slightly.
Disable Script Blocking in Norton:
If the script blocking feature is enabled, all necessary scripts will be halted and the DP/Store system will not
execute properly.
In the Norton AntiVirus main screen, confirm if Script Blocking is set to ON or OFF. If set to OFF, then
stop here and do not continue with the following steps. If Set to ON, then follow the remaining steps to
disable this setting.
Figure 5. Norton AntiVirus Main Window
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If Script Block is set to ON, then <click> the Options button. The Norton AntiVirus Options window
VirusScan Settings
DP/Store User Manual
Figure 6. Norton AntiVirus Options Window
Under the System menu, <click> the Script Blocking option. The Script Blocking setting options
display in the right side of the window.
Uncheck the Enable Script Blocking check box to disable this function.
Figure 7. Norton Antivirus - Disable Script Blocking Function
<Click> the OK button.
VirusScan Settings
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DP/Store User Manual
Perform the following steps if you encounter this object error message when attempting to login to the server. This
error is normally caused by installing the DP/Store on a Windows Terminal Server environment where Windows
redirects the installation of system files into a user's virtual system directory.
Server Object error ‘ASP 0178 : 80070005’
Server: CreateObject Access Error
/inc/dplib.asp, line 60
The call to Server.,.CreateObject failed while checking permissions.
Access is denied to this object.
To Locate and Copy .dll File into System Directory :
Verify the dpcomm.dll file is installed in the C\windows\system32 directory on your server.
will need to copy this file into that directory.
If the file is not in the directory, use the Windows Search tool by <clicking> the Start button and select
the Search>For Files or Folders… menu option. The Search Results window displays.
<Click> the All files and folders option and type “dpcomm.dll” to find where the file is located.
<Click> the Search button.
When the dpcomm.dll file is located, copy it into the c:\windows\system32 directory.
In Windows, <click> the Start button and select the Run menu option. The Run dialog box displays.
Type the command “regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\dpcomm.dll”.
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If not you
Server Object Error
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<Click> the OK button.
Server Object Error
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Server Object Error
DP/Store User Manual
ABOUT THIS MANUAL .............................................................................................................................................................1-3
Setup Product Sheets Screen ..........................................................................................................................................3-64, 3-65
Access Product Sheets ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-25
Access the Admin Menu Options ................................................................................................................................................ 3-31
Access the Admin Options Submenu Options ............................................................................................................................. 3-31
Access the Careers Option........................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Careers .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Access the Contact Us Option
Contact Us............................................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
Access the Global Config Options............................................................................................................................................... 3-32
Access the Manage Document Libraries Option.......................................................................................................................... 3-62
Access the Manage Page Content Option .................................................................................................................................... 3-75
Access the Manage Pages in “Directory ...................................................................................................................................... 3-78
Access the Privacy Policy Option................................................................................................................................................ 3-13
Privacy Policy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13
Access the Setup Main Menu Option .......................................................................................................................................... 3-40
Access the Setup Main Site Images Option ................................................................................................................................. 3-59
Access the Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus Option................................................................................................................... 3-46
Access the Setup Web Site Colors Option................................................................................................................................... 3-85
Active Company .....................................................................................................................................................................3-4, 3-6
Change ...............................................................................................................................................................................3-4, 3-6
ActiveShield ..................................................................................................................................................................................4-2
Add ............................................................................................................................................................................3-65, 3-66, 3-68
Product Sheets Document........................................................................................................................................................ 3-65
Product Sheets Link................................................................................................................................................................. 3-68
Add a Category............................................................................................................................................................................ 3-49
Add a New Document Library..................................................................................................................................................... 3-55
Add a New Main Menu Item ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-41
Add a New Page Content Directory............................................................................................................................................. 3-76
Add a New Product Sheets Document ......................................................................................................................................... 3-65
Add a New Product Sheets Heading ............................................................................................................................................ 3-66
Add a New Product Sheets Link.................................................................................................................................................. 3-68
Add a New Submenu or Drop-down Menu ................................................................................................................................. 3-47
Add a Product List ..............................................................................................................................................................3-52, 3-54
Add a SubCategory...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-51
Admin Menu................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-31
ADMIN OPTIONS...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-31
ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE SETTINGS........................................................................................................................................4-1
BEFORE YOU BEGIN .................................................................................................................................................................1-1
Careers......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Change the Web Site Text Font ................................................................................................................................................... 3-89
Change Active Company....................................................................................................................................................3-4, 3-6
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DP/Store User Manual
COMPANY INFO ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-10
Company Information.................................................................................................................................................................. 3-10
Configure.................................................................................................................................................................... 2-6, 2-11, 2-23
Configure Security System Objects...........................................................................................................................................2-6
IIS Web Server ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2-22
Microsoft IIS Web Server ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-22
POWERServer Options........................................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Security System Objects............................................................................................................................................................2-6
Configure Company Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 3-33
Configure E-Mail/Phone Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 3-35
Configure META Tag Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 3-36
Configure Server Settings............................................................................................................................................................ 3-33
Configure Store Settings.....................................................................................................................................................3-37, 3-38
Configuring DP/STORE ................................................................................................................................................................1-1
Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-11
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL ..............................................................................................................................1-4
Create a Color Scheme Template ................................................................................................................................................ 3-88
Create a New Web Page .............................................................................................................................................................. 3-79
Document ..................................................................................................................................................................3-26, 3-27, 3-73
Download .......................................................................................................................................................................3-26, 3-27
Open ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-26
Print............................................................................................................................................................. 3-27, 3-28, 3-73, 3-74
Download ..................................................................................................................................................................3-26, 3-72, 3-73
Document ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-26
Product Sheets Document or Template ..........................................................................................................................3-72, 3-73
Download a Document ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-26
Download a Product Sheets Document........................................................................................................................................ 3-72
DP/Store ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-5, 2-33, 2-34, 2-35
Install on IIS Server................................................................................................................................................................. 2-17
Launch Browser and Enter URL of DP/Store Server .............................................................................................................. 2-33
Start ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-34
DP/Store On IIS Server................................................................................................................................................................ 2-17
DP/Store on the IIS Server........................................................................................................................................................... 2-17
DP/STORE REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................................................1-5
DP/Store STYLEs and STRUCTURE...........................................................................................................................................3-1
Edit a Page Content Directory ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-76
Edit an Existing Main Menu Item................................................................................................................................................ 3-42
Edit an Existing Submenu or Drop-down Menu Item.................................................................................................................. 3-56
Edit an Existing Web Page .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-80
Edit Your Product Order.............................................................................................................................................................. 3-23
Forget Password?....................................................................................................................................................................3-3, 3-5
General Functions...................................................................................................................................................................3-1, 3-3
Global Config .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-32
Admin...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-32
Groups ...........................................................................................................................................................................................2-9
Setup Security System Groups and Users..................................................................................................................................2-8
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DP/Store User Manual
Infinity POWER ............................................................................................................................................................................1-5
INFINITY POWER & Other Software REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................1-5
Inquiry ................................................................................................................................................................................3-14, 3-28
Install ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2-1, 2-6, 2-17
DP/Store on the IIS Server ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-17
Infinity POWER Version 6.5 or Higher ....................................................................................................................................2-6
Install Microsoft Information Server IIS ...................................................................................................................................2-1
Microsoft Information Server....................................................................................................................................................2-1
Installation Procedures..............................................................................................................2-1, 2-6, 2-11, 2-13, 2-17, 2-22, 2-33
Configure Microsoft IIS Web Server ...................................................................................................................................... 2-22
Configure POWERServer Options .......................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Configure Security System Objects...........................................................................................................................................2-6
Install DP/Store on the IIS Server ........................................................................................................................................... 2-17
Install Infinity POWER Version 6.5 or Higher .........................................................................................................................2-6
Install Microsoft Information Server IIS ...................................................................................................................................2-1
Lauch Browser and Enter URL of DP/Store Server ................................................................................................................ 2-33
Setup POWERServer as a WIN32 Service on the Server........................................................................................................ 2-13
Login .........................................................................................................................................................1-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-8
Manage Doc Libraries ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-62
Manage Page Content .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-74
McAfee AntiVirus .........................................................................................................................................................................4-1
Menu Styles ...................................................................................................................................................................................3-2
Microsoft IIS Web Server............................................................................................................................................................ 2-22
Configure................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-22
Microsoft Information Server ........................................................................................................................................................2-1
Microsoft Information Server IIS ..................................................................................................................................................2-1
Modify ................................................................................................................................................................................3-69, 3-70
Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link ................................................................................................................................ 3-70
Modify a Product Sheets Document/Heading.............................................................................................................................. 3-69
Norton AntiVirus............................................................................................................................................................ 4-1, 4-4, 4-5
Configure Security System Objects...........................................................................................................................................2-6
Document or Link ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-26
Open a Document or Link ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-26
Order on-line................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-14
Perform an Order Inquiry ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-29
PowerServer................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-16
Begin ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-14
POWERServer................................................................................................................................................... 2-11, 2-13, 2-14, 4-3
Configure................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-11
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DP/Store User Manual
Setup........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-14
Setup as a WIN32 Service on the Server................................................................................................................................. 2-13
POWERServer Options ......................................................................................................................................................2-11, 2-12
Configure................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-11
Configure POWERServer Options .......................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Preview a Web Page .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-82
Print ....................................................................................................................................................................................3-27, 3-73
Document .......................................................................................................................................................................3-27, 3-73
Print a Document ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-27
Print a Product Sheets Document ................................................................................................................................................ 3-73
Privacy Policy.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-13
Product Info ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-25
Product Sheets ........................................................................................................................................ 3-62, 3-64, 3-65, 3-70, 3-71
Add Document ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3-65
Downloand Document or Template................................................................................................................................3-72, 3-73
Modify Document/Heading/Link ..........................................................................................................................3-69, 3-71, 3-72
Remove Document/Heading/Link........................................................................................................................................... 3-71
View Document/Heading/Link................................................................................................................................................ 3-72
Products ......................................................................................................................................... 3-14, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-21, 3-62
Register........................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3, 3-5, 3-6
Register Your Account ..................................................................................................................................................................3-6
Remove...............................................................................................................................................................................3-71, 3-72
Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link ................................................................................................................................ 3-71
Remove a Main Menu Item ................................................................................................................................................3-44, 3-57
Remove a Product From Your Order........................................................................................................................................... 3-24
Remove a Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link .................................................................................................................... 3-71
Replace an Image......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-60
Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................1-5
DP/Store ....................................................................................................................................................................................1-5
Script Blocking ............................................................................................................................................................... 4-1, 4-4, 4-5
ScriptStopper .................................................................................................................................................................................4-3
Security System Groups and Users................................................................................................................................................2-8
Security System Objects ................................................................................................................................................................2-6
Select a Different Color Scheme Template.................................................................................................................................. 3-88
Select Colors for Your Web Site ................................................................................................................................................. 3-87
Server........................................................................................................................................................ 2-1, 2-11, 2-13, 2-17, 2-22
Configure IIS Web Server ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-22
Configure POWERServer ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Install DP/Store On IIS Server ................................................................................................................................................ 2-17
Install Microsoft Information Server IIS ...................................................................................................................................2-1
Setup POWERServer as a WIN32 Service on the Server........................................................................................................ 2-13
SERVER OBJECT ERROR ..........................................................................................................................................................4-6
Setup.....................................................................................................................................................................................2-8, 2-14
POWERServer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2-14
Security System Groups and Users ...........................................................................................................................................2-8
Setup POWERServer as a WIN32 Service on the Server........................................................................................................ 2-13
Setup Main Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3-39
Admin...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-39
Setup Main Site Images ............................................................................................................................................................... 3-59
Setup Sub and Dropdown Menus
Admin...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-45
Setup Web Site Colors................................................................................................................................................................. 3-84
Start ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-14
PowerServer for First Time .................................................................................................................................................... 2-14
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DP/Store User Manual
Template ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-72
Download Product Sheets...............................................................................................................................................3-72, 3-73
USING DP/STORE .......................................................................................................................................................................3-1
View ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-72
Product Sheets Document/Heading/Link ................................................................................................................................ 3-72
View a Product Sheets Document/Heading ................................................................................................................................. 3-72
Web Server .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-23
Configure................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-22
WIN32 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-13
Setup POWERServer .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-13
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