ottawa jewish New chair installed at Federation AGM The discussion


ottawa jewish New chair installed at Federation AGM The discussion
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Hillel Lodge bat mitzvah page 9
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. •
volume 75, no. 16
june 13, 2011
21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9
Publisher: Mitchell Bellman
sivan 11, 5771
Editor: Michael Regenstreif $2.00
New chair installed at Federation AGM
By Michael Regenstreif
The torch – or, at least, the gavel
– was passed at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s annual general
meeting, June 1, as Donna Dolansky ended her two-year term as
Federation chair and Dolansky’s
vice-chair, Debbie Halton-Weiss,
began her own two-year term as
“We accomplished a great deal
during my tenure,” said Dolansky.
Among the Federation’s accomplishments during her term, Dolansky mentioned the supplementary
schools task force, which is working to put Ottawa’s supplementary
schools on a firm foundation following several years of declining
enrolment; the openOttawa initiative to engage young adults in the
community; the revitalized Young
Women’s Leadership Council; and
the recent establishment of the in-
stantly successful PJ Library program in Ottawa.
An effort that began during her
term, and which Dolansky said remains an important challenge, is
ensuring the Ottawa Jewish Community School will be “on firm financial footing.”
Dolansky also spoke about the
Ottawa Jewish community’s strong
relationship with Israel and called
attention to the Dragon Boat Israel
festival, set for May 2012, which
has been spearheaded by HaltonWeiss.
Dolansky said she looked forward to sitting on the Federation
Board as past-chair and expressed
confidence the Federation “will go
from strength to strength” during
Halton-Weiss’ term.
(Note: Halton-Weiss’ address at
the AGM is excerpted in the Feder(Continued on page 2 )
The 2011 Community Award recipients at the reception following the Federation AGM: (from left) Ian
Sherman (Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Service Award), Lisa Miller (Freiman Family Young Leadership Award) and Morris Kimmel (Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award).
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
The discussion continues
Outgoing Chair Donna Dolansky (left) with incoming Chair Debbie
Halton-Weiss just before the Jewish Federation of Ottawa AGM
was called to order.
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
By Jacqueline Shabsove
In a generation when being Jewish is not a barrier to participation in
society, one has to “see being Jewish and being part of a community
as adding value to life,” said
Michael Soberman.
The director of National Initiatives for the Next Generation at
UIA Federations Canada was
keynote speaker at a May 18 fol-
low-up event to April’s openOttawa
openOttawa is an ongoing effort
aimed at engaging the emerging
generation of Ottawa’s Jewish
young adults with the Jewish community and at facilitating efforts by
members of that generation to express themselves Jewishly in original ways.
Soberman’s talk, to an audience
of young adults and community
leaders gathered at the Joseph and
Rose Ages Family Building, was
meant to initiate a discussion regarding new ways of thinking about
Jewish community building.
How does one build a successful
Jewish community?
While people are under the impression that “if you build it, they
(Continued on page 2)
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Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
openOttawa follow-up aims for inclusive Jewish community
(Continued from page 1)
will come,” Soberman said he
thinks the opposite is true.
“If they come, they will build it.
And if you build something that
speaks to you and your peers, it will
be a success,” Soberman said.
Naomi Hirshberg, openOttawa
co-chair, summarized the major
ideas brought forth at the original
symposium and said the objective
of this second meeting was to make
formal and informal connections
between young adults and the wider
community and to develop connections between agencies and programs that already serve similar
needs in the city.
Attendees were then divided into
two groups for a discussion period.
The main group was for those aged
35 and under, the openOttawa target
demographic. The second group
was for those over 35.
In the under-35 room, the floor
was opened for attendees to discuss
what they actually want the Jewish
community to be like.
Yoni Levitan, an openOttawa
steering committee member, outlined the importance of people’s
first encounters with the Jewish
community in Ottawa.
According to Levitan, it is necessary to find a way “to make the
first interaction the most positive
interaction it can be.”
Among the ideas raised in the
openOttawa Co-Chair Naomi Hirshberg and keynote speaker
Michael Soberman at the openOttawa follow-up event.
(Photo: Francie Greenspoon)
discussion was a Facebook group
or other online or offline initiative
run by young adults to welcome
new people to the Ottawa Jewish
Another idea was a pairing program that would connect new people to the community with a young
community ambassador who invites
them to events.
Mike Cherun said there has typically been a void of activities for
the Jewish young adult community.
There are online tools, which, he
said, could be used to create event
groups that would aid community
members in creating events and in
finding events that target them.
One participant mentioned that
young people need to take the onus
to develop initiatives that appeal to
them, and then gather other participants. Creating a Jewish dodge ball
league was cited as an example.
Following the large group discussions, participants selected
smaller group discussions to participate in. The topics were: “Discov-
erability Through Communication,”
“Education and Learning,” Diversity and Inclusion,” and “Outreach
and Engagement Programming.”
There was time given for two small
group discussion periods with participants asked to move to a different group for the second discussion.
At the “Discoverability through
Communication” session, the main
question was, “If you are involved
in something, how do you let people know about it?”
The conclusion was that people
want central hubs for finding information and connecting with others.
While some prefer an online meeting space, such as a moderated calendar with discussion boards, others prefer a physical meeting space
for the young Jewish community
along the lines of Toronto’s Jewish
Urban Meeting Place (JUMP) or
Annex Shul.
At the “Education and Learning”
session, it was suggested the community could look into creating
something similar to the Le Mood
event in Montreal, a day of learning
about Jewish culture, arts and issues
from a modern perspective.
At the “Outreach and Engagement Programming” session, a goal
was actually set to host 100 Shabbat
dinners for those aged 20 to 35 before the end of the year.
At the “Diversity and Inclusion”
session, Hirshberg asked attendees
what the community could do to be
more welcoming.
In response, several participants
called attention to financial barriers
faced by some in the community and
called for synagogues to lower their
fees for young adults, at least during
their first year of membership.
It was also suggested that Rosh
Hashanah dinners or breaking-thefast meals following Yom Kippur
be held for young people in the
community who don’t have family
in town with whom to spend the
High Holy Days.
Soberman closed the evening by
describing the importance of the
task ahead: creating a Jewish community that is inclusive in many different ways.
“It a question of us stepping up to
the plate and defining who we are.”
In wrapping up the evening,
Soberman challenged the attendees:
“It’s not what’s on you, it’s what’s
in you,” he said, quoting a Gatorade
“Is it in you? Is it in us to take on
this challenging but fulfilling task?”
he asked.
“There is only one possible answer and it has to be ‘yes,’” Soberman said. “It has to be done together and not alone.”
The next openOttawa follow-up
event will be held in the fall.
For more information, visit
Community awards presented at Federation AGM
(Continued from page 1)
ation Report on page 6.)
In his address, Federation
President and CEO Mitchell
Bellman put forth a call to
action to meet the challenges
of contemporary Jewish
communities facing “years of
declining affiliation, declining participation and a generation of Jews who do not
share the passion for community of their parents or grandparents.”
Bellman said the Federation was responding to those
challenges by bringing “people and ideas together under
a big tent to find new and
better ways to build and
strengthen community.”
The Jewish community in
Ottawa is changing fast,
Bellman said.
Morris Kimmel (right) receives the Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award from
Ottawa Citizen Publisher Gerry Nott as Federation President and CEO Mitchell
Bellman looks on.
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
“We need to collectively
meet the challenge of building a community that resonates with our younger generation ... The good news for
Ottawa is that we have a vibrant group of young people
in our community who want
to be involved Jewishly.”
The Jewish community’s
annual awards were presented during the AGM.
A.J. Freiman presented
the Freiman Family Young
Leadership Award, which
recognizes exceptional service and leadership by someone under age 40, to Lisa
Miller also received the
Lawrence Greenberg Young
Leadership Development
Award, which will allow her
to attend the General Assembly of United Jewish Communities (GA) in Denver in
November. Young leadership
award recipients from Jewish
North America will be hon-
oured at the GA.
“Leadership is one of my
passions,” said Miller in accepting her awards, adding
that her goal was to help
build a stronger and better
Gerry Nott, publisher of
the Ottawa Citizen, presented
the Shem Tov Community
Volunteer Award, which recognizes outstanding volunteer service over many years,
to Morris Kimmel.
An emotional Kimmel
said he was “very honoured
to receive the Shem Tov
Award,” and that his volunteer efforts have given him
great satisfaction.
Robert Greenberg presented the Gilbert Greenberg
Award, the highest tribute the
Ottawa Jewish community
bestows on an individual for
exceptional service over
many years, to Ian Sherman.
“I am blessed to serve my
community,” said Sherman
in an acceptance speech that
paid tribute to family, mentors and professional and
community colleagues.
Hillel Lodge Auxiliary Gift Shoppe
In the article, “Much to be found at Ottawa’s Jewish
gift shops (May 30),” the hours for the Hillel Lodge Auxiliary Gift Shoppe, were listed incorrectly.
The correct hours are Monday to Thursday, 11:00 am
to 5:00 pm, and Sunday from noon to 5:00 pm.
The shop is not open on Sundays during January, February, July and August.
The Bulletin apologizes for any inconvenience caused
by the error.
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 3
Page 4 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Workshop trains second generation to tell
their parents’ stories of Holocaust survival
By Benita Siemiatycki
Twenty children and
grandchildren of Holocaust
survivors gathered, May 16,
at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre (JCC) for the
second in a series of workshops aimed at helping them
prepare for a crucial role.
Their role is to convey
their parents’ and grandparents’ stories to young
people. As we lose more and
more survivors, and with
many of the remaining survivors frail, there is a need
for people who know the
stories to recount them so
that the memories of the horrors of the Holocaust are not
About a year ago, Mina
Cohn, chair of the Shoah
Committee of the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa, recognized an impending problem
our community will be facing. The committee maintains a speakers’ bureau of
survivors who speak directly
to students; however, the
number of survivors able to
go to the schools is dwindling.
With Holocaust education being a major activity of
the committee, preparing the
children and grandchildren
of survivors to pick up the
torch and speak to young
people was determined to be
a priority.
Cohn researched other
organizations to find existing training programs and
came up empty.
“There were no examples
to follow, so it was up to us
to create our own program,”
she said.
“With the support of the
Shoah Committee, a decision
was made to call upon the
second generation of Holocaust survivors in our city to
join and create a group with
the goal of preparing itself to
step in when our survivors
are no longer able. But training was needed to learn how
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Karen Shawn speaks at a workshop for children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, May 16, at the Soloway JCC.
to take our parents’ stories of
survival to the community,
and how to talk about it with
The workshop was led by
Karen Shawn, a visiting associate professor of Jewish
education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University in New York City.
A former middle school
English teacher and assistant
principal, a large part of
Shawn’s career has been devoted to Holocaust education, including teaching at
the Yad Vashem Summer Institute for Educators from
Abroad for 10 years. She is
the founder of the Holocaust
Educators’ Consortium, and
has written extensively on
the topic.
This was primarily a
hands-on writing workshop,
aimed at directing participants to focus on what they
would say to a class. Through
a variety of exercises, they
were asked to create messages that would convey what
it was like to grow up as a
child of a survivor, and what
stories they would tell the
students about their parents.
As participants spoke
about how they first learned
about their parents’ history
and their extended family, it
became clear that almost all
felt, as young children, their
homes were different from
their peers with Canadianborn parents, though they
may not have known why,
and that there was no norm
for how the parents told their
children abut the War years.
That is why, said Shawn,
every participant’s presentation will be different. But
that is OK, because they
have been invited to discuss
their own parent’s experience. The second-generation
presenters are not expected
to be historians, or Holocaust specialists, stressed
Shawn, but to bring a unique
account of someone who
lived through that time
Shawn also shared some
pedagogical tips on how to
keep a class of teenagers engaged, such as content, how
long to speak, and presentation styles.
At the first workshop in
the series in November,
there were presentations
from survivors who speak to
students, high school and
university educators, and a
granddaughter of survivors
who created a movie to
teach her peers about the
“Though this process is
time consuming, I feel we
are making progress towards
our goal,” said Cohn.
More workshops will be
held at later dates and new
participants are welcome. If
one or both of your parents or
grandparents is a Holocaust
survivor and you’d like to be
trained to speak to school
groups, contact Sarah Beutel
at [email protected]
or 613-798-4696, ext. 253, for
more information.
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June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 5
Adam Moscoe to receive
Cooper Scholarship
By Benita Baker
stilling his passion for comAdam Moscoe is the 2011
munity service and the drama
recipient of the George Joseph
instruction he received there
Cooper Scholarship from the
for establishing his self-confiOttawa Jewish Community
dence. One of his earliest iniFoundation.
tiatives was creating BranchAt 19, Moscoe has just fining Out to Help Out, a proished his second year studying
gram to help students volunpsychology at the University
of Ottawa and is already an
“It was a rewarding experiaccomplished
ence to work with students
leader as well as an awardfrom all grades to make volwinning student. He will be
unteering fun and meaningspending the upcoming winter
ful,” said Moscoe.
semester at the Hebrew UniAll the time Moscoe deversity of Jerusalem and is in
votes to volunteer work has
the process of applying for a Adam Moscoe has a ré- not interfered with his acadefall semester internship in sumé filled with communi- mic achievement. In high
Africa and Asia working with ty service and academic school, Moscoe earned three
Silver Medal Awards (aver“I am thrilled by this scholarship,” said age above 90 per cent), three Subject Awards
Moscoe. “It is so wonderful to get this kind of for top marks in Science, English and French,
recognition and applause from the communi- and was valedictorian of his graduating class.
At the University of Ottawa, he won a NationThe scholarship, valued this year at al Millennium Excellence Award.
$13,029, recognizes a member of the Ottawa
If all this was not enough to make him a
Jewish community between the ages of 18 and worthy recipient of the Cooper Scholarship,
30 “who has displayed leadership qualities, the references that accompanied his applicaacademic excellence and an interest in the tion undoubtedly clinched his selection. InspiJewish community. The scholarship award is ration, role model, innovative and leader are
to be used for formal education or apprentice- some of the terms used repeatedly by his enship in the artistic, literary or social sciences.” dorsers.
Moscoe’s impressive résumé includes sev“I have nothing but good things to say
eral pages of community leadership and advo- about Adam,” wrote Heather Reisman, CEO
cacy roles for various organizations including of Indigo Books and Music in her reference.
Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa, Spirit of the
Five years ago, when Reisman was looking
Capital Youth Awards and United Way. In to promote reading among teens, she initiated
2009, he co-founded Israel Peace Week, an ef- a nation-wide competition for teen advisers.
fort aimed at demonstrating Israel’s commit- Moscoe, then 14, landed a coveted place on
ment to pursuing peace, which has expanded her team and worked with her for two years.
to more than 30 university campuses in CanaThis summer, Moscoe will spend two
da, the United States and Australia.
months in Berlin, Germany, attending a Jewish
Moscoe is co-chair of the Social Justice and Studies program at Humboldt University. He
Jewish Identity Committee of the Canadian hopes to bring what he learns to the Holocaust
Federation of Jewish Students where he has Education Week events he will be organizing
been involved in social justice initiatives such at the University of Ottawa.
as STAND (Students Taking Action on DarWith so many laudable accomplishments
fur), Stop Childhood Executions, and UN already under his belt, it is easy to forget that
Watch. He has been the director of Holocaust Moscoe is still a teenager. His goals for the fuEducation Week for Hillel Ottawa since 2009 ture include a career in clinical psychology
and is currently the group’s vice-president along with a continued active involvement in
elect. He created the Save a Child’s Heart the arts and the Jewish community. He might
Campaign in Ottawa, raising more than even run for elected office one day.
$1,000 in support of the Save a Child’s Heart
“I am not ruling anything out,” he said.
Children’s Home in Holon, Israel, which proGeorge Cooper was an Ottawa native and a
vides lifesaving heart surgery to children from long-standing member of Congregation Beth
developing countries.
Shalom. Upon his death in 2004, the career
One of Moscoe’s proudest accomplish- public servant left a bequest to the Ottawa
ments is his relationship with Tamir partici- Jewish Community Foundation to establish
the George Joseph Cooper Award Scholarship
“My awe of them has translated into grati- Fund.
fying opportunities for me,” he said.
Moscoe will receive the scholarship at the
In addition to working with them on the annual general meeting of the Ottawa Jewish
musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Community Foundation, Thursday, June 16,
Dreamcoat, and teaching them musical the- 7:30 pm, at the Joseph and Rose Ages Family
atre, he has also been helping six participants Building. For more information about the
prepare for their bar and bat mitzvahs.
meeting, contact Francine Paulin at
Moscoe credits Nepean High School for in- [email protected] or 613-798-4696, ext. 252.
Employment Opportunity
Agudath Israel Congregation
Agudath Israel Congregation, a vibrant 600 family Traditional Egalitarian Conservative
congregation in Ottawa, Ontario, seeks an experienced, mature, creative and enthusiastic
individual to lead our youth programs, including our United Synagogue Youth (USY)
groups, and all synagogue-related children’s programs throughout the year on regular shabbat services
and the High Holy Days. We are looking for someone who can communicate effectively with children,
teens and parents, while organizing exciting and powerful programs for all ages. This position requires
flexible scheduling to accommodate the varied programs of our youth groups. Position is part time, based
on an average of 20 hours per week.
Responsibilities include:
• Overall responsibility for vision, supervision, program development, budget,
leadership development and communication.
• Responsible for planning and execution of, and attendance at all youth functions
including 2-3 out of town USY conventions per year.
• Teach and model Jewish values and knowledge, serving as a role model and mentor,
for the youth of the congregation. A background in Jewish Education and synagogue life is essential.
• Lead, train, develop and inspire youth leadership of USY (United Synagogue Youth).
• Plan, Organize, Train and Supervise staff for all ages for High Holy Day services.
• Other responsibilities as defined by the Executive Director, Youth Committee or Clergy.
Please send resumé with salary expectations and references to: Ian Borer, Executive Director,
Agudath Israel Congregation, 1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7P9.
Email to: [email protected]
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Page 6 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Building relationships and finding a sense of community
In 1995, I went on the Young Leadership Mission to Israel. It was my first mission to Israel. Despite our different affiliations and backgrounds, all participants
wanted to build relationships, to find a
sense of community and belonging, to feel
Having just participated in openOttawa, I am reminded of how some things
change, and of how so much stays the
It is largely due to that mission that
several other leaders in the Ottawa Jewish
community and I are involved today.
My parents are another reason I am
now the chair of the Jewish Federation of
When they arrived in Canada, my father was the sole survivor of a prosperous
Czech Jewish family that had lost everything. But, with my mother at his side, he
went on to become a leader in the Jewish
and aeronautical worlds and, very proudly,
an Officer of the Order of Canada.
My mother survived the Holocaust due
to the ingenuity and strength of her parents. She took on leadership roles in Montreal’s Jewish community and continues to
be one of the most accomplished social
networkers I have ever encountered.
They were my mentors and are my role
models. They understood the need to create
opportunities for people from various back-
grounds to come together, develop relationships, and find ways to connect Jewishly.
A few years ago, my husband Ron and
I visited the Pinkas Synagogue in Prague,
which has been converted into a memorial
for Jews from Moravia and Bohemia murdered in the Holocaust. The walls are
lined with the names of the murdered
hand-painted in very tiny print.
We found the names of my grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts
and cousins. Seeing their names on those
walls made it real to me that they had
actually existed.
Ron started to take a picture, but a
guard angrily indicated we were breaking
the rules. I began to cry and, through my
tears, told him this was my family.
He took a step back, and said, “Mishpocha?”
“Yes,” I said, “they are my Mishpocha.”
He stopped in his tracks, gave me a
quick hug, and pointed to Ron to continue
taking pictures.
The reality of my history, the connection to my past and the compassion of a
stranger provided me with a new drive to
move forward and build community as
my parents had before me.
I was in Israel at a conference a couple
of years ago with Lisa Rosenkrantz, a fellow Federation Board member, and a
friend I had made on that 1995 mission.
Inspired by the conference, we searched
for an idea that would get our Jewish
peers back home feeling similarly excited.
We wanted an activity that was engaging,
fun, innovative, team-building, and had a
charitable component.
I knew Lisa had been on a team of
doctors that competed the summer before
in the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival.
“Lisa,” I said, “do you think a bunch of
Jewish women could get excited about
being on a dragon boat team?”
We sent out a recruitment e-mail. The
response was immediate and enthusiastic.
The Sea Lions were born, and we participated in the next Ottawa Dragon Boat
Festival, raising a considerable amount of
money, winning an award for our spirit
and cheers, and paddling on the water
with our daughters and the young leadership.
And we were inspired to create Dragon
Boat Israel to take place on the Sea of
Galilee in May 2012. It will attract thou-
sands of men and women, young and old,
connected or not, from across Canada and
Creating Dragon Boat Israel under the
Federation umbrella was a way for the
Federation to act outside our usual box. It
will bring new people to Israel, and into
our community. Federation should always
be searching for ways to engage people in
creative ways. Dragon Boat Israel has
taught me that, when you have a strong
plan, clear focus, and passionate leadership, the money is raised and success is
around the corner.
Preparing to become Federation chair, I
have met with various constituencies in
our community and have developed two
main objectives for my term.
First, we need to ensure we have an
even stronger fiscal foundation to better
meet the needs of our community. To do
this, we need to better engage and build
stronger relationships and identify innovative strategies and planning with our top
donors and major stakeholders.
Second, we need to continue engaging
those on the periphery of our community
whom we meet through initiatives like
openOttawa and Dragon Boat Israel. We
need to provide them with ongoing follow-up and clear leadership opportunities
so that we become an even more inclusive
Jewish community.
The realization of what Shavuot is all about
“Rabbi, I’d like to tell you something.”
The priest and rabbi were seatmates on
a flight. Their hour-long conversation had
been centred on theology.
“After hearing what you have to say,
I’m convinced that we will have more reward in the world to come than the Jews,”
says the priest.
“Oh yeah? Why, pray tell, is that?”
asked the rabbi with undisguised cynicism.
“Because what we have faith in is so
much harder to believe,” answered the
priest honestly.
We are very privileged, as a people, to
be in possession of an unbroken chain of
tradition dating back to Mount Sinai. The
comfort of knowing that our parents,
grandparents and great-grandparents have
lovingly transmitted our Torah and our history with such accuracy and care is not
only reassuring, it is what enables us to
live as strong, confident Jews in a sometimes hostile world.
All of this began some 3,300 years ago
when our ancestors stood at the foot of
Mount Sinai and accepted God’s greatest
gift to humanity. Isn’t it curious, however,
that, when celebrating receiving the Torah
on the holiday of Shavuot, as we have just
done, we do not have any tangible mitzvot
associated with it?
On Passover, we make a seder, and eat
matzo and maror. On Sukkot, we shake the
From the
Ari Galandauer
Young Israel
lulav and etrog, and eat in a sukkah. On
Rosh Hashanah, we blow the shofar, and,
on Yom Kippur, we fast. On Chanukah,
we light a menorah, and, on Purim, we
hear a Megillah. Why is Shavuot so very
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
Blintzes! We eat blintzes and all types of
dairy foods. And is there not a custom to
stay up all night and learn?
Yes, it is true. However, neither of those
actions are biblical commandments, just
customs we have taken on. Why, then, is
Shavuot so lacking in symbolism?
Shavuot commemorates the high point
of history when the Jewish people accepted a commitment to do God’s will as expressed in the Torah. One cannot simply
relive that experience by standing at a
mountain in the Gatineau. The only act for
us to perform on Shavuot is to recreate our
ancestors’ acceptance of the Torah by accepting it ourselves, here and now.
Shavuot is the day we decide that we,
too, want the divine closeness. That we,
too, need God’s guidance and that we, too,
proudly proclaim the immortal words,
“Naaseh V’nishma,” that we will keep the
mitzvot and study them to make them an
integral part of ourselves. That is Shavuot:
a day for us to personally accept the Torah.
This explains why we read the Book of
Ruth on Shavuot. To discover how each of
us, as individuals, can bring ourselves to
an acceptance of Torah, we examine the
story of how a sincere convert, Ruth,
accepted the Torah on her own.
We learn, from the Book of Ruth, a path
to spiritual motivation. We, the Jewish
people, are always dependent on God, and
closeness to God comes through our
acceptance of an allegiance to his Torah.
This realization is what Shavuot is truly all
Owned by The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd., 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9.
Tel: (613) 798-4696. Fax: (613) 798-4730. Email: [email protected]. Published 19 times a year.
© copyright 2011
PUBLISHER: The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd.
EDITOR: Michael Regenstreif
BUSINESS MANAGER: Cindy Manor-Kennedy
INTERN: Ilana Belfer
ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Seymour Diener, chair; Anna Bilsky; Stephen Bindman; Mark Buckshon; Jack Cramer; Diane Koven;
Louise Rachlis; Michael Wollock.
The Bulletin cannot vouch for the kashrut of the products or establishments advertised in this publication unless they have the certification of the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut or other rabbinic authority recognized by the
Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut.
Local subscription $30.00. Out-of-town $36.00. International $50.00. $2.00 per issue.
ISSN: 1196-1929
email: [email protected]
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 7
CJC leader runs for the Liberals in the Ontario election
I saw Shimon Fogel recently and he
told me the details of the long-anticipated
merger of Canada’s major Jewish advocacy organizations – including the CanadaIsrael Committee, of which he’s been the
longtime CEO, and the Canadian Jewish
Congress (CJC) – would be announced
sometime this month. (It’s even possible
the announcement was made sometime in
between my writing this column and your
reading it.)
Fogel is to be CEO of the new organization – temporarily being called Newco
– created by the merger.
One person who won’t be on Fogel’s
senior staff, at least for the first four or
five months, is Ottawa native Bernie
Farber, who has worked at the CJC for 27
years and has been the CEO since 2005.
Late in May, Farber announced he’s
taking a leave-of-absence to run on
Premier Dalton McGuinty’s team as the
Liberal candidate in the suburban Toronto
riding of Thornhill, the Ontario riding
with the highest proportion of Jewish
residents. He’ll be looking to unseat
Progressive Conservative MPP Peter
Shurman – who is also Jewish – in the
October 6 provincial election.
Shurman was elected to the Ontario
Legislature in the 2007 election, when a
cornerstone of the Progressive Conserva-
tive platform was extending public funding to faith-based day schools. Until then,
and now, the only faith-based schools that
receive public funding in Ontario are
Roman Catholic. Most other provinces,
including Quebec, have long had formulas for funding all faith-based day schools
that meet provincial curriculum standards.
The funding proposal was not popular
with voters in 2007, and John Tory’s Tories were soundly defeated by McGuinty’s Liberals. Thornhill was probably one
of the few Ontario ridings in which the
issue actually helped elect a Tory.
Funding for day schools has been a
major concern of the Jewish community
in Ontario for decades.
At the Federation AGM, in her final
address as Jewish Federation of Ottawa
chair, Donna Dolansky noted that one of
the major challenges for the Federation is
establishing a firm financial footing for
the Ottawa Jewish Community School.
That the school – and virtually all Jewish
day schools in Ontario – faces financial
difficulties is largely attributable to the
lack of public funding provided in most
other provinces.
The Canadian Jewish Congress has
always been a leader in the struggle for
Jewish day school funding. In fact,
Farber’s first CJC job in 1984 was lobbying the Ontario government on the school
funding issue – and it’s been an issue of
concern to him ever since.
And, Farber says, it’s not an issue he’ll
give up on should he win the Thornhill
seat. Whether as a government or opposition MPP, he plans to continue working
on the issue, despite McGuinty’s unequivocal stance against non-Catholic faithbased day school funding.
“While the premier and I may disagree
on this subject, I’ll have the opportunity
to speak inside the tent and try to effect
change,” he told the Canadian Jewish
Farber – who says he’ll return to a senior position in the reorganized Jewish
advocacy organization, should he not win
in Thornhill – might also have his work
cut out for him on the school funding
issue even if the Tories win the election.
Although funding for faith-based day
schools was a major plank in the Progres-
sive Conservative platform in 2007,
there’s not a word about it in the 2011
election platform recently released by
party leader Tim Hudak.
Bulletin internship
I’m pleased to welcome our summer
intern, Ilana Belfer, to the Bulletin. A
Carleton University journalism student,
Ilana was our Campus Life columnist
over the past school year and will continue filling that role for the coming school
Our summer internship is supported
by the Barry Fishman Ottawa Jewish
Bulletin Scholarship Fund.
Barry Fishman, my predecessor as
Bulletin editor, passed away in 2009
following a brave and dignified threeyear battle with amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS). Barry was a strong advocate for student journalists and suggested
that a fund be created to ensure the Bulletin will continue to have a summer internship.
Our annual summer internship is a lasting and fitting tribute to Barry’s memory.
To make a donation to the Barry Fishman Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Scholarship
Fund, please call the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation at 613-798-4696, ext.
Canadian Senate: Nice work if you can get it
When it comes to the Senate of Canada,
no news is, indeed, good news.
If the upper house is in the headlines, or
leading newscasts, or the subject of spirited
online discussions, chances are it is for
reasons that don’t reflect well on the
After Prime Minister Stephen Harper
swore in his new cabinet, May 18, at
Rideau Hall, he spent a few minutes speaking to the media about the ministers he had
just appointed.
His office waited until after Harper was
done speaking and safely out of earshot of
reporters’ questions before announcing via
a press release that the prime minister was
also appointing three Conservatives to the
Senate, all of them unsuccessful candidates
in the election that had taken place only
two weeks earlier.
In fact, two of the three new senators –
Larry Smith and Fabian Manning – had
only recently resigned from the upper
chamber in order to run their failed campaigns for House of Commons seats.
Nice consolation prizes; and nice work
if you can get it. The base salary for a
Canadian senator is $132,000 per year until
the age of 75. Smith, of course, famously
referred to that as a “dramatic, catastrophic
pay cut” from his previous salary as president of the Montreal Alouettes when he
was appointed to the Senate for the first
Alan Echenberg
time in December. But Senate appointments have been plum rewards for party
loyalists since the time of Confederation.
If the Conservatives thought they could
bury the news by announcing it on the
same day as the cabinet appointments, they
were mistaken. The Senate appointments
knocked the cabinet news off the front
Critics said the appointments smacked
of cynicism and contempt for democracy
from a prime minister who just won his
first majority government.
Jack Layton, the new official Opposition leader, called the move a “slap in the
face” to voters.
“Canadians should be outraged that
three individuals who were just defeated
by the Canadian people in an election have
now been appointed to the Senate,” he
The public advocacy group Democracy
Watch went even further. It called for a police investigation into the appointments, ar-
guing that, if the new senators were
promised reappointments if they lost their
elections, it would have violated a law
against inducing parliamentarians to resign
in exchange for reward.
In response, the new-old senators said
their reappointments also came as a surprise to them.
The government’s explanation for the
appointments seemed paradoxical to some.
Senator Marjory LeBreton, the government
leader in the Senate, said the new appointees were necessary to bring the Conservative numbers back up to a solid majority in the upper house – a majority that
can now help pass reforms to the Senate to
make it more democratic.
“They’ve all served in caucus, they all
support Senate reform and they’ll make a
great contribution to the Senate,” LeBreton
told CTV News.
Missing from the explanation was a justification for why these particular appointees – and not others – were necessary
to ensure such a majority.
But, with majorities in both houses of
Parliament, will the government now move
quickly to enact Senate reform?
Harper has always advocated some sort
of reform, but he will not even entertain
the idea of re-opening constitutional talks
with the provinces in order to fundamentally change the way the Senate operates – to
make it “equal, elected and effective,” in
the language of the old Reform Party, in
which Harper cut his political teeth.
Instead, his party will soon re-introduce
legislation that it couldn’t pass when it had
a minority government – legislation that
will enable provinces to hold elections for
senators that the prime minister will be expected to appoint, and that will impose
term limits on the winning candidates. Opposition parties blocked such initiatives in
the past, arguing they would create a halfbaked Senate with uneven regional representation, a fuzzy democratic mandate, and
an uncertain legislative role.
Provincial governments are also mostly
opposed to this plan (perhaps because
elected senators could challenge their own
monopolies as democratically elected
provincial representatives). Quebec’s government is threatening to take the matter to
court, if the federal government attempts
unilateral reform. Other provincial leaders,
including Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, are echoing the federal NDP’s call for
the Senate to be abolished entirely.
To effectively enact its plan, the federal
government will need the provinces’ co-operation.
If the prime minister really is trying to
move toward a more democratic Senate,
his recent actions on that file may have
damaged the credibility of his cause
Page 8 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
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ership exhibited by Laura Grosman?
In the future, when I stand with my family next to the
National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa, I will remember
the history of the Holocaust, but I will also remember the
history of Bill C-442.
Adam Carroll
Women in the minyan
I have a short response to the announcement that Agudath Israel Congregation will now count women in the
minyan (more than 30 years, I would note, after Rabbi
Sandi Eisenberg Sasso became the first woman rabbi to
lead a Conservative-affiliated congregation): Finally!
Heni Nadel, Co-Chair
Or Haneshamah
Ottawa’s Reconstructionist Community
Letters welcome
Letters to the Editor are welcome if they are brief,
signed, timely and of interest to our readership.
The Bulletin reserves the right to refuse, edit or condense letters. The Mailbag column will be published as
space permits. Send your letters to Michael Regenstreif,
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private,
Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9; or by e-mail to
[email protected].
Rambam Day School flourishes
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Credit for National Holocaust Monument
While the headline correctly suggests that we need to
keep alive the flame of memory in remembering the Holocaust, the May 16 Federation Report by Eric Vernon of the
Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) forgets two critical points
in reporting on Bill C-442, An Act to establish a National
Holocaust Monument.
The first point forgotten is that Laura Grosman, not the
CJC, deserves credit for Bill C-442. Laura presented the
idea to former Liberal MP Susan Kadis in 2008 and followed through with the Conservatives after Kadis was defeated. Laura’s heroic achievement deserves our appreciation and gratitude and should not be so easily forgotten.
The second forgotten point was that the Liberals, the
Bloc Québécois, and the New Democratic Party, all worked
together to have the government pay for the monument so
there would not be the need to undergo a time-consuming
and unnecessary fundraising process. This would have been
an opportunity for all Canadians to show their commitment
to remembering the Shoah. The CJC opposed this and provided the government a written endorsement for amendments that exonerated it from nearly all responsibility to
build the monument. Thanks to that, the community needs
to come up with the cash and resources to build the monument while no other significant national monument in Ottawa has been required to do the same.
Could this community money not be better spent in our
schools, or in programs that help develop the kind of lead-
[email protected]
By Rabbi Dovid Hayes
Rambam Day School
Just a few years ago, we couldn’t have
imagined Rambam Day School’s prominence
and increasing enrolment. Through the perseverance of the school’s parents and staff, and
the goodwill of Ottawa’s Jewish community,
Rambam has become a significant part of the
community, both figuratively and literally.
Not surprisingly, the student population continues to grow steadily.
Rambam has been graciously welcomed
onto the Jewish Community Campus by the
Jewish Federation of Ottawa, the Soloway
Jewish Community Centre and the Ottawa
Jewish Community School. Rambam’s central location in the school building allows for
new, mutually beneficial, inter-school cooperation.
Rambam Day School’s board, staff and
students truly appreciate the opportunity for
the school to flourish on the campus. One of
Rambam’s passionate educators has accepted additional teaching assignments on campus with the other schools to enhance and
broaden their Judaic program.
In one exceptional case, an Ottawa
Jewish Community School student benefitted by enrolling in daily classes at Rambam.
Rambam and Hillel Academy students have
participated in each other’s programs and
share the same recess grounds. In honour of
Tu B’Shevat, Rambam hosted a staff party
for educators from both schools and our educators participated in a professional development day hosted by the Ottawa Jewish
Community School.
Rambam Day School is proud to have
been able to strengthen the community by
contributing close to $200,000 toward the
renovation costs of the school building and
by paying almost $100,000 in annual rent.
Additionally, gymnasium facilities and science laboratories, when needed, are provided to Rambam at extra cost. A once vacant,
non-productive area of the school building
has now been transformed into the modern
school facility that houses Rambam.
Rambam looks forward to many more
years of successfully providing a wholesome
Jewish education among the many organizations on the Jewish Community Campus and
to actively participating in building the community.
Please support our advertisers
and tell them you saw their advertisement
in the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin!
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 9
Five Hillel Lodge residents
celebrate bat mitzvahs
More than trees
Brian Pearl
Thanks from an outgoing JNF President
for a most rewarding experience
When I joined the Board of Ottawa JNF in 2006, I had
no thought of becoming president. Rochelle and I went on
the 2005 JNF Canada Mission and had an absolutely
thrilling and inspiring time touring Israel and seeing the
great work that KKL-JNF does. We also had the opportunity to speak with many of the wonderful people who work
for and with the organization throughout Israel. On my return, I spoke to then-JNF co-ordinator Margo Blostein who
was quick to invite me to come and meet the Board. Once
I got to know the Ottawa Board members and the JNF
staff, it was a short step to get involved in the work of raising funds and awareness of JNF in Ottawa.
I quickly learned that JNF Ottawa is highly fortunate in
two very important ways. First, our volunteers and the
willingness of Ottawa’s Jewish community to share our
goals by contributing generously to our projects in Israel.
On a per capita basis, Ottawa has, for some time now, been
the leading city for JNF donations in Canada, something
this community should be very proud of.
Second, JNF Ottawa is fortunate in having very talented and dedicated local and national leadership and professional staff. Many of you have met and worked with JNF
Executive Director for Eastern Canada Mark Mendelson.
In 17 years with JNF Canada, Mark has guided presidents
and boards in Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa with skill, understanding and great patience. We owe him our sincere
thanks, for, without him, our successes would never have
been possible. Mark leaves JNF Canada this month for a
new position as national executive vice-president of the
Canadian Associates of Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev. On behalf of Ottawa JNF, we wish him great success in his new position. We also welcome JNF’s new executive director for Eastern Canada, Gail Grief, and wish
her success in her new position. Many of you know Gail
from her time as director of Camp B’nai Brith Ottawa and
we welcome her back to our community.
Having seen the high quality of KKL in Israel and JNF
Canada’s work, the professional organization, its leadership, nationally and in Ottawa, and the generous support of
our community for JNF’s work in Israel and in educating
Canadians about the land (and water) of Israel, I was more
than happy to accept when the offer came to lead JNF Ottawa. After three years as president, what remains for me is
to thank JNF Ottawa sincerely for the honour, and the pleasure, of being at the helm. There have been many high
points – too many to list here – and if there were any low
points, they were too brief to notice. I know that incoming
President Oliver Javanpour will have the benefit of all
these positives and more, as we go from strength to
strength. “The best is yet to come.”
Negev Dinner update
Mark your calendar: Join us Tuesday, November 8 for
an exciting Negev Dinner with the guest speaker Barbara
On a daily basis you can plant
trees for all occasions. An attractive card is sent to the recipient.
To order, call the JNF office
By Ilana Belfer
Five residents of the Bess
and Moe Greenberg Family
Hillel Lodge have proven it’s
never too late to have a bat
Friends, family and community members gathered at
the Lodge’s Abraham and
Dora Lithwick Chapel, May
22, to watch Bernice Seward,
Helen Trachtenberg, Shirley
Winer, Anne Bokhaut Koffman and Flory Benbaruk, all
aged between 79 and 91, become, as Seward put it, “official Jewish women.”
Cantor Daniel Benlolo led
the ceremony after working
with the “b’not mitzvah” for
five to six months to prepare
for the occasion. It was the
third time in 11 years he has
helped put together a bat
mitzvah for Lodge residents.
The b’not mitzvah read a
bat mitzvah prayer and the
Shema. They also recited
prayers for the welfare of the
State of Israel and the government of Canada.
Each woman read a psalm
from the Bible, which she had
personally selected. Trachtenberg chose to recite hers in
Yiddish, while Benbaruk, who
is originally from Casablanca,
Morocco, spoke in French.
Benbaruk also sang
“Yerushalayim Shel Zahav,”
following an introduction in
which Cantor Benlolo called
her voice “beautiful.”
The women then participated in a candle lighting ceremony and gave their bat
mitzvah speeches.
“It is a bit ironic for children to attend their mother’s
bat mitzvah,” Trachtenberg
noted. Her daughter came
from Nova Scotia for the
event. Her son and grandson
also attended.
Trachtenberg was born in
Poland and lost her “nearest
and dearest family” during
the Holocaust. She survived
by enduring starvation, illness
and dangerous living conditions in Siberia. She came to
Canada in 1960, but, after
only one year, her husband
died of a heart attack at just
“As you can see, my life
wasn’t a happy one, but I’m
still living and here I am hav-
Hillel Lodge bat mitzvah celebrants (from left) Flory Benbaruk, Anne Bokhaut
Koffman, Shirley Winer, Helen Trachtenberg and Bernice Seward, stand together
beneath the tallit.
(Photo: Issie Scarowsky)
ing a bat mitzvah at 91,” Trachtenberg said. “I am not a
very religious person, but I
felt a spiritual change come
over me. I feel like a 12-yearold bat mitzvah girl.”
After the b’not mitzvah
were blessed with a tallit held
over their heads, the ceremony concluded with a performance of “Hallelujah” by the
Tamir Choir.
At a reception in the Lodge
lobby following the ceremony
attendees congratulated the
five “bat mitzvah girls” with
chants of “Siman Tov u’Mazal
Tov” and danced to the music
of A Touch of Klez.
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Page 10 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Louise Rachlis’ paintings are on view at Nevio’s Mane Image Hair Studio until June 24.
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Louise Rachlis’ paintings reflect her life
By Ilana Belfer
Talking at an event to Barbara
McGinnis, president and CEO of the
Community Foundation of Ottawa,
Louise Rachlis asked who had done her
Two years later, Rachlis’ artwork is
being exhibited on the walls of Nevio’s
Mane Image Hair Studio.
“I gave Nevio one of my Christmas
cards,” recalled Rachlis, who became a
customer at the salon shortly after hearing about it. She said salon owner Nevio
Durbano didn’t realize the picture on the
card had been painted by Rachlis until
another client pointed it out some time
“When I came in to get my hair done
the next time he said, ‘Oh, you should
do a show here.’ So, we laughed about it
and then we did it,” Rachlis said.
Now, as classical music plays in the
background, hair is trimmed and styled
beside the scenes captured in Rachlis’
The show, “Away From Work,” on
view at the salon until June 24, features a
collection of Rachlis’ travel and sportsthemed acrylic and watercolour paintings.
“It’s just my life. I like the sports, I
paint the sports. I like to travel, I paint
the travel. I’ve got too many dandelions
on my lawn, I painted dandelions,” said
Rachlis, who has been painting her
whole life.
“I went to a public school reunion a
few years ago and someone said, ‘I remember you. You used to write stories
and draw pictures.’ And I said, ‘I still
do,’” she said.
A freelance writer, Rachlis is the former advertising features editor of the
Ottawa Citizen. She began running in
1997 at age 50 and has since completed
25 marathons. She now also cycles and
participates in triathlons.
Durbano, an avid cyclist, said it is
Rachlis’ passion for travel and sports
that prompted their working together on
the show.
“For me, it’s breaking new ground,”
he said. “People come in, they walk
around, they stop and look and admire
… It does cheer the place up,” noting
that patrons often react with “wow!” to
the colourful paintings.
“It’s amazing how a lot of them say
she has a good style and variety,” he
Rachlis said she hopes to hold anoth-
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er art show, but doesn’t yet know what
the theme will be.
“I’m sure my activities will inspire
me to do something else,” she said,
mentioning that she may take part in
Dragon Boat Israel, the international
dragon boat festival on the Sea of
Galilee initiated by the Jewish Federation of Ottawa for May 2012.
“If I go to Israel,” said Rachlis, “I’m
sure I will be painting there.”
Rachlis has donated paintings to
many charity auctions and has also sold
her art at craft sales, including a May
event at Temple Israel (her husband,
Lorne Rachlis, is president of the congregation). Six years ago, she exhibited
her paintings at the Ottawa Bagelshop
and Deli.
Asked whether her next exhibition
would be held at a less unusual locale,
Rachlis laughed and replied, “I’m open
to invitations.”
Away From Work is running until
June 24 at Nevio’s Mane Image Hair
Studio, 2255 Carling Avenue (just west
of Woodroffe). Pieces are available for
purchase. For more information contact
Louise Rachlis at [email protected] or
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 11
Tamir golf event celebrates bar mitzvah year
By Bob Thompson,
Norm Ferkin and
Melanie Fulop
Tamir 2011
Golf Committee
Early in 1999, a group of
intrepid golfers gathered to
plan a fundraiser for Tamir.
Little did they know the
plans they set in motion that
evening would lead to what
would eventually become
one of the organization’s
most successful events,
raising more than $350,000
over 12 years, and igniting a
passion for golf in many
Tamir participants.
Originally called the
“Bagels and Beer Golf
Marathon,” the goal was for
each golfer to golf 100
holes in 12 hours while collecting pledges for each
hole they completed.
The format eventually
changed to an 18-hole
round of golf as a reward
for the fundraising efforts of
the individual golfers. The
original golfers – Irv Hoffman, John and Betty Dover,
Norm Ferkin, Jerry Nudelman and Eddie Kerzner, to
name a few – welcomed this
modification because, as the
years passed, it became
harder and harder to meet
the goal.
There have been many
changes to the event over
the years. Among the most
significant was the move to
Rideau View Golf and
Country Club in Manotick.
The partnership between
Tamir and Rideau View has
proven to be a great success.
Who wouldn’t want to play
at such a great course?
The event has also become a more inclusive golfing experience. Now called
the “Tee Up for Tamir Golf
Fun-Raiser,” the goal is still
to raise funds for important
Tamir programs, but it is
also to include Tamir participants as both golfers and
fundraisers, demonstrating
that Tamir participants can
have a hand in building
their own futures, by going
out and soliciting pledges,
and then hitting the greens
to show off their skills with
a club.
The most important
Fundraisers, participants and guests gather together at the 2010 Tee Up for Tamir Golf Fun-Raiser at Rideau View
Golf Club.
change to the event is the
distribution of the funds
In the past, the proceeds
from the golf event were directed toward a particular
program or project, such as
a new wheelchair van in
Beginners and experts of all ages
for casual play and tournaments
2003, or funding for Keshet
for Kids and other Judaic
In 2010, however, a list
of more than 20 specific
items was requested by various Tamir programs, including floor fans for Passages, dishwashers for the
Broadview residence, a
Symmetrikit reclining chair
for the Riddell residence,
etc. A thermometer was
posted on the Tamir website
to track the fundraising
progress and, ultimately,
more than $50,000 was
raised and each program’s
request was fulfilled, making it the most successful
golf event so far.
In 2011, we’re marking
the golf event’s bar mitzvah
year. With the support of
our community, we hope to
surpass last year’s triumph.
Everyone is welcome to
join us on Monday, August
22, at Rideau View Country
To sign up as a golfer, or
to pledge your support, visit or contact one of
the committee members
via e-mail: Norm Ferkin
at [email protected],
[email protected]
or Melanie Fulop at
[email protected].
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Page 12 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
To remember
To congratulate
To honour
To say I care
Condolences to:
Nora Agulnik in memory of your mother Vivian
Cummins by Annette Albert
Pam Allen in memory of your father Sydney Faibish
by Nina Jason & Brian Byerley
The family of the late Donald Arron by Carol &
Laurie Pascoe
Leanora Bachar in memory of Shirley by Sylvia &
Amnon Pasher
Zohar Barak in memory of your mother Sarah Barak
by Sheryl & Harvey Kardish; by Margo, David, Aaron &
Gail Kardish; by the Stal family
The family of the late Mark Baron by the Feig
family & Eiffel Construction
Cantor Daniel Benlolo in memory of your brother
and sister by Lisa & Fred Cogan; by Gail & Stephen
Gary Berezin in memory of your mother Tami
Berezin by Murray & Bryna Cohen
Gordon Berezin in memory of your mother Tami
Berezin by Tom & Alannah Grossman
Sandie Bogdonov in memory of your father Les
Holman by Sally & Harry Weltman
The family of the late Tamara Branitsky by Sylvia
Greenspoon & Rick Levine
The family of the late Heather Braverman by
Marcia & Barry Cantor; by David & Benjamin Cantor; by
Carol & Laurie Pascoe; by Deborah & Lou Davis
Joe Bryant in memory of your wife Mary by Rick &
Helen Zipes
The family of the late Daisy Budovitch by Carol &
Laurie Pascoe
Chief Clifford Bull in memory of your father John
Bull by Joseph Eliot Magnet
The family of the late Ruth Carnat by Dora &
Raymond Goldman
Lorne Chadnick in memory of Tuxedo Chadnick by
Barbara Shore
Beryl Chernin in memory of your daughter Cayle by
Rose & Morrie Konick
Deborah Cohen in memory of your mother Doris
Edelstein by Gail & Stephen Victor
Margaret Conway in memory of your husband
Robert Conway by Laura & Gord Spergel
Oscar Esford in memory of Carol by Sandy and
Jonathan Fisher in memory of your wife Susan by
Stephen & Gail Victor; by Maureen & Jeff Katz
Barbara Fogelbaum in memory of your father
Hyman Seitz by Brenda & Marvin Segal; by Susan &
Charlie Schwartzman
The family of the late Harry Freeman by Carol &
Laurie Pascoe
Doug Gault in memory of Betty Gault by Sandy
The family of the late Ken Getz by Raymond
Doris Gigliotti in memory of your mother Pasqua
Gigliotti by Joyce & Paul Willmot
Martin Gordon in memory of your sister Wilma
Gordon by Myrna & Norman Barwin; by Susan &
Charlie Schwartzman; by Mark & Edna Mendelson; by
Linda Rossman
The family of the late Ben Grossman by Elaine
Robert Hecht in memory of your brother Paul Hecht
by Susan & Charlie Schwartzman
The family of the late Anna Heilman by Marilyn &
David Binder
Sylvia Kaimen in memory of your husband Sol by
Sally & Harry Weltman
Dr. Victor Kaminsky in memory of Zelda Kaminsky
by Debbie & Lloyd Rossman; by Murray & Bryna Cohen
Kati LeClair & Adam LeClair in memory of Joey
Greenspoon by Sylvia Greenspoon & Rick Levine
The family of the late Dr. Garson Lecker by
Raymond & Dora Goldman; by Carol & Laurie Pascoe
The family of the late Eddie Leibovitz by Riva &
David Seidman
Norman Lesh in memory of your brother George by
John & Gladys Greenberg; by Norm & Myrna Barwin; by
Merle & Richard Moses
Beti Losic in memory of Darinka Losic by Yvonne &
Yehuda Azuelos
The family of the late Markus Luft by Jennifer
Wilen; by Laraine & Victor Kaminsky
Lyon family in memory of Ruth Crowther by Susan
& Corey Ilacqua, Aaron & Gus
Doreen MacDonald in memory of your husband
Wilson by Marcia & Barry Cantor
Kathleen Marshall in memory of Doris Marshall by
Sandy Brisebois
Mr. & Mrs. Barry McLoughlin in memory of James
Rodgers McLoughlin by Fred & Lisa Cogan
The family of the late Edward Mendelson by Susan
& Charlie Schwartzman
Liliane Miller, Amy & Hannah in memory of your
father & grandfather David Alan David by Jackie, Lucian,
Michael & Simon Sitwell
Merle Moses in memory of your father Norman
Epelbaum by Susan & Charlie Schwartzman; by Margo,
Alan, Scott, Matt & Amy Blostein; by Malcolm, Cindy,
Jenna & Zak Rose; by Marcia Cantor
Alison Overtveld in memory of Bip by Rochelle
The family of the late Louella Molot by Susan &
Corey Ilacqua, Aaron & Gus
Liz Parsons in memory of your mother Kathe Parsons
by Fern Goldman
Dr. Irving Perlin in memory of your wife Freda by
Rose & Morrie Konick; by Carol & Laurie Pascoe
Judy & Antonio Rapaport in memory of your mother Iren Rosenthal by Valerie & Gaby Terkel
Linda Rossman, Esther, Lisa in memory of your father & grandfather Harold Hertzman by Debbie & Lloyd
Linda Rothstein in memory of your mother Miriam
by Beverley & Abe Feinstein
Linda Rubens in memory of your husband Don
Rubens by Norman & Elaine Wolfish
Pearl Rudin in memory of your husband Alfred by
Jill & Allan Bellack
Brenda Schafer in memory of your father Jack Leiner by Susan & Charlie Schwartzman
Elizabeth Schwartz in memory of your brother
Patrick Ezerzer by Rosalie, Harold, Leah, Josh & Naomi
Barbara Shore & Lorne Chadnick in memory of
Tuxedo by Diane Koven
Issie Silberman in memory of your brother by Betsy,
Phil, Alex & Noa
The family of the late Larry Solomon by Susan &
Charlie Schwartzman
The family of the late Dr. Richard Stillwater by
Sally & Harry Weltman
Gordon Sussman in memory of your father Dr.
Arthur Sussman by Beverley & Abe Feinstein
Abby Szulewicz in memory of Gary Szulewicz by
Carol & Laurie Pascoe
Russ Taylor in memory of your brother James Stuart
Taylor by Tom & Alannah Grossman
Meaghan & Rob Obee Tower in memory of your
mother Penny Obee by Erin Zipes
Shirley Viner in memory of Gordon Viner by Suzan,
Lindy, & Kiera Viner-Warkentin
Dr. Lorne Weiner in memory of your mother Freda
Weiner by Anne Simmering
Ben Weinstock in memory of your brother Moe by
Susan & Charlie Schwartzman
Debbie Wiseman in memory of Heather Braverman
by Marcia Cantor
Rhea Wohl in memory of Michael Wohl by Morton &
Sheila Baslaw
Wishing Speedy Recovery/Refuah Shleima to:
Morton Baslaw by Norean Taller-Harris, Ben, Lee
Ann and Joanna
Esther Beckman by Philip & Shirley Teitelbaum
Barbara Goddard by Gail & Stephen Victor
Sheila & Larry Hartman by Maureen & Jeff Katz;
by Gail & Stephen Victor
Samantha Wolinsky Fekkes by Susan & Charlie
Blema Woolf by Gail & Stephen Victor
Stephen Zbar by Gail & Stephen Victor
In Honour of:
Sandy & Murray Ages on Daniel’s engagement to
Marlo by Sandra Marchello
Lewis Auerbach on your 70th birthday by Lari &
Victor Kaminsky
Sheila & Morton Baslaw on your son’s marriage by
Linda Rossman
Dr. Alain Bitton with appreciation by Jane & Martin
Avi & Stephanie Bregman on your anniversary and
Avi’s birthday by Chani & Bram Bregman
Phil Bronsther on your special birthday by Margo,
David, Aaron & Gail Kardish
Marlene Burak on your special birthday by Margo,
David, Aaron & Gail Kardish
Judy & Eddy Cohen on your 50th wedding anniversary by Beverley & Abe Feinstein
Rabbi Steven Garten with thanks & appreciation by
Louisa Garib
Allan Glenns on your special birthday by Sheryl &
Harvey Kardish; by Margo & David Kardish; by Susan &
Charlie Schwartzman
Jon Golding on your 65th birthday by Marcia Cantor
Stanley Goldstein on your 65th birthday by Ariella,
Geremy, Yardayna & Tobey
Rt. Hon. Herb Gray on your special birthday by
Mike Wollock & Marilyn Johnson
Lori Greenberg in recognition of finding the
Afikoman by Linda Slotin
Jane & Robert Kahn on your 25th wedding anniversary by Susan & Billy Greenberg
Cantor Moshe & Rivka Kraus on being honoured
by Torah Academy by Sally Taller
Norma Lazear on your 75th birthday by Rochelle &
Brian Pearl
Phil Lazear on your 80th birthday by Rochelle &
Brian Pearl
Evelyn Leiff with birthday wishes by Gail & Stephen
Bert Palmer on the birth of your great-grandchild by
Sylvia Easdown
Rabbi Popky with appreciation by Sylvia
Hal Ross on your special birthday by Gail & Stephen
Irma Sachs on your special birthday by Vera & Les
Jeffrey Shaffer on your special birthday by Jaclyn &
Joshua Krane
Philip Siller on your 65th birthday by Ariella,
Geremy, Yardayna & Tobey
Dr. Mark Singer on your birthday by Elaine Singer
Elissa & Ian Sutherland on your third anniversary
by Abe & Ethel Murray
Ruth & Joe Viner on your 60th wedding anniversary
by Sally & HarryWeltman
Martha Weisbloom with Happy Mother’s Day wishes from Joy, Eric, Becky & George
Dr. Marvin Wexler with appreciation by Jane & Martin Gordon
Jared Paul Wisnia on your Bar Mitzvah by Rhonda
Bernie Zaifman with birthday wishes by Sally Taller
Inez Zelikovitz on your 94th birthday by Marion
Silver & Alan Brass
Mazal Tov to:
Sandy & Murray Ages on your special birthdays, Jon
& Alyssa’s marriage, Daniel & Marlo’s engagement by
Murray & Bryna Cohen
Blanche & Stanley Brickman on your 50th anniversary by Doreen & Ariel Arnoni
Tanya Chernova & Curtis Priest on your engagement by Semyon Ioffe & Liz Petogorsky
Chaim Feig on your 50th birthday by Rochelle and
Brian Pearl
Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Goldbaum on the marriage of
your daughter by Marcia & Barry Cantor
Jane & Martin Gordon on the birth of your grandson Aaron Benjamin Elliott Goel by Diane Crouse &
Oliver Javanpour, by Susan & Charlie Schwartzman
Susan Heisel on the marriage of Jonathan to
Shoshana Tabakman by Maureen & Jeff Katz, by Marion
Silver & Alan Brass
Avraham & Elissa Iny on the birth of your grandson
Jonah Gabriel Keller by Murray and Bryna Cohen
Dr. Harry Kamen on earning a Master’s Degree in
Infectious Disease by Gail & Stephen Victor
Les Kom & Janice Cohen on your engagement by
Maureen & Jeff Katz
Anne Bokhaut Koffman on your Bat Mitzvah by
your three proud children
Cantor & Mrs. Moshe Kraus on your most deserved
award by Marcia & Barry Cantor
Sally & Elliott Levitan on your 60th anniversary by
Evelyn & Joseph Lieff
Zena Lieff on the birth of your granddaughter by
Maureen & Jeff Katz
Liesl Neuburger on your 90th birthday by Eva
Hallel Raphael on your Bat Mitzvah by Toby & Tedd
Margo & Frank Rosen on the birth of your grandsons by Carol & Laurie Pascoe
Berenice Seward on your Bat Mitzvah by Eva Esrock
Michael Sitwell on being awarded an Alexander
Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship for three years
by Jackie, Lucian & Simon Sitwell
Valerie Simmons on your 90th birthday by Eva
Frayda & Charlie Wiseman on Michael’s graduation from law school by Art & Marsha Saper; by Maureen
& Jeff Katz
Debi & Neil Zaret on the marriage of Josh & Jennifer
by Joy & Eric Weisbloom
Dr. David Zitner on the birth of your first grandchild,
Zoe, by Carol & Laurie Pascoe
Tree purchases are $18
and are fully tax receiptable.
JNF thanks you for your generous contribution.
Please accept our apologies if we misspelled or
omitted anyone’s name or contribution.
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 13
PJ Library seeks donations to serve more kids
By Benita Siemiatycki
PJ Library Co-Ordinator
Two months ago, PJ Library was launched in Ottawa when many households received the book,
Something from Nothing.
PJ Library was quickly a
victim of its own success.
All 300 spots funded by the
original founders have been
filled by eager parents seeking Jewish books for their
young children.
Several more children
are on the waiting list,
which will grow as more
parents continue to register
their kids.
To open more spots, the
Jewish Federation of Ottawa is asking for individuals to step forward and provide donations to fund this
popular program, which
provides eligible Jewish
children with free Jewish-
A youngster enjoys his PJ Library book.
themed books. This investment in our children supports the continuity and vibrancy of our Jewish community.
PJ Library is a partnership between the U.S.-based
Harold Grinspoon Foundation and local Jewish communities. PJ (which stands
for ‘pyjamas’) Library is an
early Jewish literacy program aimed at young children aged six months to
five-and-half years of age.
The children receive an ageappropriate book in the mail
each month, except for December when a music CD is
sent. The books are beautifully illustrated and selected
by a committee for their literary quality and Judaic
Through the books provided by PJ Library, the
spark of Judaism enters the
home in conversations between parent and child as
they read together.
It is also a communitybuilding tool to create a
connection between Jewish
families and the organized
Jewish community. PJ families are invited to PJ events
where parents and children
meet one another, form
friendships and learn about
other activities in the community targeted to the preschool age group.
Founded in 2006, PJ Library has grown to include
130 communities across
North America, and sends
out almost 70,000 books
monthly. The Harold Grinspoon Foundation covers 60
per cent of the program’s
cost, and the local Jewish
community covers the remaining 40 per cent.
Any donation amount is
appreciated and donors will
receive a tax receipt.
To make a donation, contact Jean Myers at 613-7984696, ext. 242, or send a
cheque (made out to the
Jewish Federation of Ottawa with “PJ Library” on
the memo line) to Jean
Myers, Jewish Federation
of Ottawa, 21 Nadolny
Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON
K2A 1R9.
Visit to find
out more about PJ Library.
Ottawa’s community Eruv checked by noted expert
By Rabbi
Reuven Bulka
and Rabbi
Howard Finkelstein
One of the many blessings of Jewish life in Ottawa is the community
Eruv, which encompasses
most of the Jewish community from east to west.
The Eruv, which was established almost 40 years
ago, allows people to carry
objects within the Eruv
boundaries on Shabbat.
Most importantly, it allows
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families to bring very young
children to shul.
Rabbi Howard Jachter, a
well-known Eruv expert
and a student of renowned
Rabbi Hershel Schachter,
visited Ottawa last month to
examine the Eruv. The Eruv
was originally established
under the guidance of the
late Rabbi Avraham Aharon
Price of Toronto.
It is always good to get
an outsider’s view of the
Eruv and we are grateful for
Rabbi Jachter’s help.
The rabbi, a modest man
who refuses to step on toes
and make pronouncements,
leaves such pronouncements to local rabbis.
Suffice it to say that had
Rabbi Jachter even insinuated that the Eruv was problematic, the community
would have been notified
Rabbi Jachter did make
several helpful suggestions,
chief among them that the
Eruv be checked more frequently.
While our community
does have a dedicated Eruv
checker, Eugene Guigui, we
need more people to support
the Eruv by joining the Eruv
Club in order to implement
more frequent checking.
Machzikei Hadas at 613521-9700 for information
on how to become a member of the Eruv Club (for a
nominal $36).
Rabbi Reuven Bulka at
Machzikei Hadas may be
consulted on any questions
about the Eruv’s boundaries.
While in Ottawa to
check the Eruv, Rabbi
Jachter stayed over Shabbat
and served as scholar-inresidence at Congregation
Machzikei Hadas where he
addressed a variety of issues, including organ donation, Halachah and technol-
The Ottawa Jewish
Historical Society
is pleased to present the annual
Ben Karp Memorial Lecture when
Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka
will reveal his
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ogy, and Ashkenazic and
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Cell: 613 851 1198
7:30 pm
Machzikei Hadas Synagogue
[email protected]
2310 Virginia Avenue
Suite 350-117 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 5X3
Refreshments served
Community welcome
Page 14 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
AJA 50+ celebrates its 10th anniversary
By Annette Paquin
for AJA 50+
A decade ago, Cecily Bregman,
Estelle Gunner, Teena Hendelman
and Ruth Levitan had a vision: to
develop an organization to address
the needs of mature Jewish adults
in Ottawa. Their vision became
AJA (Active Jewish Adults) 50+,
now a thriving part of Ottawa’s
Jewish community.
AJA 50+ celebrated our 10th
anniversary, May 25, with a gala
dinner at Congregation Beth
Shalom, which honoured our
founders and past-presidents. The
event, chaired by Merle HaltrechtMatte, was a night to remember
for the more than 200 people who
There were two fundraising
goals for the gala: to financially
ensure the continuity of AJA50+;
and to establish the AJA 50+
Scholarship Fund for the Ottawa
Jewish Community School.
The theme of the event, Bridging the Generations, echoed the
Hebrew expression l’dor v’dor
(from generation to generation).
The four AJA 50+ founders, and
past-presidents Bert Blevis, Joyce
Bellman, Elaine Wolfish and Sonja
Kesten received Kiddush cups in
recognition of their commitment
and contributions to the organization. As well, a special honour was
presented to Flo Morgan, who has
been the AJA 50+ registrar for our
entire 10-year existence.
Catering for the event, including an open bar and valet parking,
was donated by David Smith of
Creative Kosher Catering, who addressed the gala on the theme of
Jewish education.
“I always wanted a Hebrew education when I was younger, but
my father [Jack Smith] could not
afford to send me to Hillel, and
was too proud to ask for help,” he
Thirsty to learn more about Judaism, Smith said he received his
Jewish education at Congregation
Machzikei Hadas, when “I would
sit in shul beside Max Nadolny,
who proceeded to teach me how to
read Hebrew by pointing out one
word at a time.”
Speaking emotionally, Smith
concluded his remarks saying, “I
got the gift of giving from the Jack
Smith School of Life.”
The gala also saw the premiere
of Our Vision, Past, Present and
Future, a video produced by Sound
Venture Productions with support
from a grant from the Jewish Historical Society of Ottawa. The
video, with interviews and photos
showcasing our first 10 years, will
be shown at future AJA 50+ events.
Musical entertainment was presented by outstanding young musicians Elyssa Mahoney and Lucas
We are proud to initiate the
AJA 50+ Scholarship Fund for the
Ottawa Jewish Community School
and invite the community to donate to this fund in support of ensuring that Jewish education is
available to all who wish to come
and learn. To make a donation,
contact the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation at 613-7984696, ext. 232.
AJA 50+ founders (from left to right) Ruth Levitan, Estelle Gunner and Cecily Bregman, the current AJA
50+ president, receive gifts from AJA 50+ Vice-President Arnold Finkelstein.
(Photo: Guy Matte)
David Smith speaks about
his youth at AJA 50+ gala.
(Photo: Guy Matte)
AJA 50+ past-presidents (from left to right) Joyce Bellman, Bert Blevis, Elaine Wolfish and Sonja Kesten
receive gifts from AJA 50+ Vice-President Arnold Finkelstein.
(Photo: Guy Matte)
Gala Chair Merle Haltrecht-Matte addresses the attendees.
(Photo: Annette Paquin)
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 15
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Page 16 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Hillel Ottawa Executive Director Ross Diamond (centre) with students
Jessica Cantor (left) and Meghan Polowin during their Birthright Israel
Ottawa students (from left) Jeysen Freedman, Lee Silverstone, Tommy Shabinsky, Josh Hoffman,
Guy Aiken and Jamie Bencze stop for photo during their Birthright Israel tour in May.
Birthright Israel trip gives 40 Ottawa students a taste of Israel
By Ross Diamond
Hillel Ottawa
I left Ottawa for Israel with 40
students and returned with just six.
I didn’t lose 34 students so much as
set them free, like birds from captivity.
For 10 days in May, I was the
madriach (staff) travelling with
students from Ottawa on their
Birthright experience. The Canada
Israel Experience Birthright Israel
trip is an organized machine that
enables participants to have a taste
of Israel in just 10 days visiting Tel
Aviv, Jerusalem, Tiberias, the Dead
Sea, Masada, the Golan Heights,
Haifa, Sefat and points in-between.
Thirty-four of the Ottawa participants decided that a taste was
not enough and set out on journeys
to explore Eretz Israel on their
own, in more detail. This summer,
from the beaches of Tel Aviv, to
volunteering in Sefat, you will find
our Ottawa explorers.
The true magic of Birthright Israel is just how quickly a group of
40 individuals can grow so close,
so fast. By the end of the third day,
the group already had a bond that
felt like they’ve all known each
other for years.
“It’s like a concentrated version
of summer camp,” one participant
said during a group activity.
The trip is designed to develop
the beginnings of a relationship,
not only with Israel, but with other
Jewish students from across Canada sharing the experience. It’s inevitable that people will grow
close during this fast-paced trip of
a lifetime.
On all Birthright trips there is a
mifgash (encounter) with Israeli
soldiers who join part of the trip as
participants. They are brought
from their posts to enjoy the experience with our Canadian students
and instantly become part of the
family. The participants get to
know an Israeli soldier and get a
better perspective on what Israeli
life is like. The soldiers are deeply
missed when they have to return to
their posts.
For many of the participants,
this trip is a highlight of their summer, their year, or even their life. In
2004, my own Birthright Israel experience had a deep impact on my
life. That summer, I visited the
same Bedouin tent in the Negev,
the Save a Child’s Heart Children’s
Home in Holon, and the Kotel in
Experiencing those same places
again with them enhanced my understanding of who I was then, and
who I am now. The impact on my
life was incredible and I am grateful for it. Similarly, the trip will impact these participants too, in their
own individual ways.
JET barbecue
Jaffa Road at Ottawa Jazz Festival on Canada Day
(Left to right) Luiz Arguetta, Beata Romanovsky, Marlee Wasser
and Emanuel Barhon were among the more than 60 young adults
who attended JET’s Lag B’Omer barbecue, May 22, at the home of
Stacy and Rabbi Michael Goldstein.
Jaffa Road will play a free Canada Day concert, July 1, 11:00 am, at the Ottawa International Jazz
Festival in Confederation Park.
In an Ottawa Jewish Bulletin review of their Juno-nominated debut CD, Sun Place, published
September 21, 2009, Michael Regenstreif referred to Jaffa Road as “a dynamic world music ensemble from Toronto, fronted by singer Aviva Chernick, whose songs are based on both ancient
and modern poetry in Hebrew, Ladino and English.”
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 17
Visit our web site:
ife at the
The Family Council Needs You!
Adapted from an article
by Shelley Arron-Cohen
There are approximately 75,000
residents living in over 600 LongTerm Care Homes in Ontario and,
with the aging population, that
number is growing quickly. Many
are fortunate to have caring family
members, who now have an important vehicle to voice issues and
concerns through organizations
called Family Councils. Mandated
by the Ontario Ministry of Health,
Family Councils play a pivotal role
in addressing issues that might
otherwise ‘fall through the cracks’
or go unnoticed until someone is
injured or wronged in some way.
The Hillel Lodge Family Council’s mission is, “To improve the
quality of life for residents of Hillel
Lodge, and to provide support for
their families and friends.”
Although your family member
or friend is the one living at the
Lodge, at first, the whole process
and situation can be somewhat
daunting and cause anxiety for
you, either as the former caregiver
or as power of attorney for personal care, because you simply do not
know what to expect.
The Family Council’s Interim
Steering Committee comprises volunteers, co-chaired by Carol Pascoe
and Rosalie Schwartz. Other Interim Steering Committee members
are Ursula Grushman, Secretary;
Shelley Arron-Cohen, Communications; and Lisa Sandell. Joanna
Abrams, Director, Social Work, Program and Support Services, is the
Lodge’s Liaison. The Council welcomes additional volunteers as
they are essential to make any Family Council viable and successful. A
Shelley Arron-Cohen
new Executive Committee is needed for 2011-2012 and will be voted
in on June 21st.
Besides support and issue resolution, the Council offers opportunities for education; for example,
to learn more about how the various departments of the Lodge
function: Food Services, Maintenance, Medical Care, etc.
Joanna Abrams is very happy
with the turnout at meetings and
said, “After many years of trying
to establish a Family Council, I am
delighted to see the formation of
an active Family Council led by
several very dedicated, eager and
committed family members who
see the benefit of families meeting
together to provide mutual support and ensuring the optimal
quality of care for their loved
Stephen Schneiderman says the
Family Council is a positive step.
“Regardless of the setting, family
remains central to a resident’s life.
By extension, Family Council can
become a source of support and
help provide families with a positive way to focus.”
The Hillel Lodge Family Council belongs to the Champlain Family Council Network, which is part
of the Ontario Family Council network.
Rosalie Schwartz
Any family member or friend
of a resident of the Lodge can volunteer to be part of the Family
Council. Meetings are held on the
third Tuesday each month. For
more information on becoming a
volunteer for the Hillel Lodge
Family Council, please email
[email protected].
Carol Pascoe with her mother Anita Dubinsky, a resident of Hillel Lodge.
If you want to make a difference in people’s lives (including your own), give volunteering at Hillel Lodge a try. The time commitment
can range from a few hours per month to regular weekly or bi-weekly visits. To become a volunteer, please contact Marilyn Adler, our
Manager of Recreation and Volunteer Programs.
Hillel Lodge is proud of the quality care we provide to our residents. Donations to the Lodge can be made
in several ways: by going to our web site at; contacting the Long-Term Care
Foundation at (613) 728-3900 extension 111; or e-mailing us at [email protected]
Page 18 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
OTC launches new program of social events for adults
By Pherris Hamilton
for OTC Chabad
As Ottawa’s Jewish community
grows and changes, its needs are
also shifting.
“It is clear to all community
professionals that we need to be
creative in originating new ideas
and new types of programs to engage Jews and involve them in our
community,” said Rabbi Menachem M. Blum, director of Ottawa Torah Centre Chabad (OTC).
To address this need, OTC is
launching the OTC Café social
events for adults. Every second
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month, the community will be invited to enjoy an evening of entertainment and cuisine in a relaxed
social atmosphere.
“The OTC Café is our newest
addition,” said Rabbi Blum. “Over
the years, we have developed a
wide spectrum of programs that
service all age groups. We are really excited now to offer something
light and mature where everyone
can enjoy great company, entertainment and food, while exploring
their heritage and culture.”
The OTC Café is a social program, designed to give adults an
In support
of the Bess and Moe
Greenberg Family
Hillel Lodge
In the Joseph
and Inez Zelikovitz
Long Term Care Centre
Card Donations
Benjamin Stenzler
Card donations go a long way to improving the quality of life for our residents. Thank
you for considering their needs and contributing to their well-being.
On behalf of the residents and their families, we extend sincere appreciation to the following individuals and families who made
card donations to the Hillel Lodge Long-Term
Care Foundation between May 11 and 25,
2011 inclusive.
Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance,
which are realized some time in the future,
a named Honour Fund (i.e., endowment
fund) is established during your lifetime.
By making a contribution of $1,000 or
more, you can create a permanent remembrance for a loved one, honour a family member, declare what the Lodge has meant to you
and/or support a cause that you believe in.
A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a permanent pool of capital that earns interest or
income each year. This income then supports the priorities designated by you, the
Bill and Leona Adler Memorial Fund
In Honour of:
Daniel and Liora Shapiro Mazal tov on the birth of
your baby daughter by Elayne Adler, Farley, Jordan and
Benjamin Stenzler
R’fuah Shlema:
Sophie Koenig by Elayne Adler, Farley, Jordan and
Auxiliary of Hillel Lodge Fund
In Honour of:
Morris Kimmel Mazal tov on receiving the Shem
Tov Community Volunteer award by Carolyn and Sid
Jenny and Murray Citron Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Eileen Goldberg Best wishes for a happy birthday
by Murray Citron
Friedberg and Dale Families Fund
In Honour of:
Tom Caplan Happy 60th birthday by Elaine
Friedberg, Bob and Jonathan Dale
Rick Dale Happy 60th birthday by Elaine
Friedberg, Bob and Jonathan Dale
Nell Gluck Memorial Fund
In Honour of:
Rabbi Debbie Miller Mazal tov on your graduation
from JTS with love by Henry, Maureen, Edie and
Shahar Molot
Eve Keren Mazal tov on your important birthday
and our wishes that you live to double it! By Henry and
Maureen Molot
Dr. Assaf Meshulam Mazal tov on completing your
PhD with love by Henry and Maureen Molot
Dorothy and Maurie Karp Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Claire Bercovitch Mazal tov on your 75th birthday
with love by Dorothy Karp
Claire and Irving Bercovitch Mazal tov on your
55th wedding anniversary with love by Dorothy Karp
opportunity to forget the stresses of
life while having a good time in a
Jewish setting.
“Creating the setting where
Jews have the opportunity to socialize with other Jews will ensure
that our community will have a vibrant and bright future,” said Rabbi
The first OTC Café event is
Wednesday, July 13, 7:00 pm, at
Ottawa Torah Centre, 111 Lamplighters Drive, Barrhaven. The film
The Exodus Decoded will be
screened along with a kosher Chinese food buffet. Admission is $18.
Morris and Lillian Kimmel Family Fund
In Honour of :
Morris Kimmel Mazal tov on receiving the Shem
Tov Community Volunteer Award by Diana and Alvin
Malomet; by Roz and Lee Raskin; by Estelle and Larry
Huniu, and by Lily Feig; and by Golda Feig and Ned
Pencer Family Fund
In Memory of:
Ethel Chirnomas by Marcia and Irwin Pencer
Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Family Fund
In Honour of:
Paula Agulnik Congratulations on 25 years of service at REACH by Stephen and Debbie Schneiderman
R’fuah Shlema:
Laurie Pascoe by Debra and Stephen Schneiderman
Harold and Lillian Shoihet Family Fund
In Honour of:
Rabbi and Mrs. Zischa Shaps Mazal tov on Hillel’s
marriage by Dovid Shoihet and Miriam and Mayer Sabo
Rabbi Eliyahu and Mrs. Chai Esther Neuhaus
Yasher koach on a wonderful Shabbos by Dovid Shoihet
Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey Family Fund
In Memory of:
Leon Kahane by Arlene Godfrey and Eric, Melissa
and Laura Weiner
In Honour of:
Lima Godfrey and Paul Krause Congratulations
on your 120th birthday by Arlene Godfrey, Eric,
Melissa and Laura Weiner
Maureen Molot In honour of being recognized by
Hillel Lodge with love by Cally and Sid Kardash
Betty Ballon by Henry Ballon
Paula Agulnik Congratulations on 25 years of service at REACH by the Residents, Board and Staff of
Hillel Lodge
Victor Rabinovitch Mazal tov on your retirement
by Dale and Ruth Fyman
The Exodus Decoded by filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici is a twohour documentary that explores the
biblical Exodus in a scientific manner using archaeological findings
and scientific papers.
“We are planning film screenings, evenings of musical entertainment and game nights as part
of OTC Café,” said Rabbi Blum.
“Every OTC Café event will have
something different and interesting.”
For more information, visit or call 613843-7770.
Evelyn Rotenberg Happy birthday by Debi and
David Shore
Ian Sherman Mazal tov on receiving the Gilbert
Greenberg Distinguished Service award by Rhonda,
Danny, Sam, Zachary and Shelby Levine
Morris Kimmel Mazal tov on receiving the Shem
Tov award by Danny and Rhonda Levine; and by Claire
and Irving Bercovitch
Anne Koffman Mazal tov on your grandson
Michael Bokhaut’s graduation from Law School with
love by the Lymans
Bernice Seward Mazal tov on your special day by
Sylvia and Michael Caplan; and by Morris Shapiro; by
Larry Schnider
Helen Trachtenberg Mazal tov on your special day
by Sylvia and Michael Caplan
Shirley Winer Mazal tov on your special day by
Sylvia and Michael Caplan
Anne Koffman Mazal tov on your special day by
Sylvia and Michael Caplan
Flory Benbaruk Mazal tov on your special day by
Sylvia and Michael Caplan
Anita Roodman Wishing you a very happy, healthy
75th birthday by Claire and Irving Bercovitch
Sylvia and Michael Caplan Mazal tov on being
honoured by Hillel Lodge by Elaine Haputman
Shirley Winer Happy birthday and congratulations
on your Bat Mitzvah by Lil and Norm Levitin
George Grushman by the Planning & Performance
Management staff of CBSA; and by Cathy Ladds
Brother of Tito Massouda by Dale and Ruth
Irving Gottheil by Danny and Rhonda Levine
Morey Lesser by Harriette and Saul Brottman
Anna Heilman by Golda Feig and Ned Steinman
Jacob Aaron Bruner dear father and grandfather by
Al and Elly Bruner and family
Here’s a good opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Card orders may
be given to Bev at 613-728-3900, extension 111, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Friday. You may also e-mail your orders to
[email protected]. E-mail orders must include name, address, postal code, and any message to person receiving the card; and, amount of donation, name, address and
postal code of the person making the donation. Cards may be paid for by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cheque or Cash. Contributions are tax deductible.
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 19
Merger of advocacy groups will sideline a variety of voices
With the folding of the Canadian Jewish
Congress into a larger umbrella group, those
who wish to preserve the most vibrant aspects
of the tradition of multicultural politics in
Canada have cause for concern. What has
been an important legacy of domestic social
justice priorities is in danger of being abandoned, and the critical opportunity for encouraging more constructive engagement
with Israel may also be squandered.
After a series of closed-door meetings, the
different Jewish-Canadian advocacy groups
falling under the Canadian Council for Israel
and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA), including the
Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and the
Canada-Israel Committee (CIC)), are apparently being merged into one organization.
As of when this column was written – in
the fourth week of May – the precise details
of the merger were not yet known. They
were/are due to be announced sometime this
month. However, with the already announced
appointment of Shimon Fogel, CEO of the
CIC, as CEO of the merged body, it is our assumption that it will be geared predominantly
towards Israel advocacy.
This amalgamation will not only be a symbolic loss for the Canadian Jewish community, but it could well be a strategic error that
could cost the community its most important
support base: the next generation of critically
engaged citizens.
This merger creates the impression that the
Jewish community stands unified on all issues, and that it has a singular focus on Israel.
In fact, neither is true. By diluting its domestic agenda and sidelining the variety of voices that exist among Canadian Jews – and particularly among the younger generation – the
Values, Ethics,
Mira Sucharov
and Mira Oreck
organized Jewish community would be further narrowing its base.
The social justice agenda of the CJC has
always attracted a wide cross-section of community members. For some, this was because
of a passion for the defence of the Jewish
community in the face of anti-Semitism. For
others, it was because of a belief that Canadian Jews have a responsibility to advocate not
only for themselves, but also for other communities at risk.
Many within the Canadian Jewish community have argued that streamlining the domestic and international agendas makes sense
given the perceived relationship between
anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. But this
logic breaks down when one realizes that
many Canadian Jews – including many solidly Zionist groups – do not automatically agree
with every action that Israel takes.
In order for this new organization to enjoy
widespread legitimacy, it would have to apply
the same civil rights standards to Israel that
the CJC has long advocated for in Canada.
This would mean being willing to challenge
the Israeli government on actions that compromise Israel’s democratic values and Jewish ideals. The new organization would have
to be willing to accept that criticizing Israeli
policies is no different than criticizing Canadian policies. It would have to admit that critiquing Israeli politics is not necessarily a betrayal of the Jewish state, but rather an expression of the democratic character of modern Zionism itself.
Any Israel advocacy organization trying to
engage the generation of Jews for whom connection to Israel no longer means automatically supporting all of its policies needs to
consider pressing Israel towards making critical concessions for peace, including on issues related to West Bank settlements.
We imagine the leaders of CIJA have been
closely following the Jewish political developments south of the border, where Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League is losing
his stature as a tireless civil rights hero and
gaining a reputation as a hardline supporter of
Israel’s most stubborn and controversial actions, while, at the same time, organizations
such as J Street that are offering a clear alternative are rapidly gaining supporters. If this
experience has taught us anything, it is that
domestic issues of concern to the Jewish
community and uncritical advocacy efforts on
behalf of Israel do not belong together.
The new CIJA-sponsored organization
hopes to make a mark through a unified oper-
ational base. A big-tent approach certainly
has its merits, but only if it is truly pluralistic.
Given the mainstream Jewish community’s
record on Israel advocacy, however, we have
our doubts that this will be the case.
We are concerned that this new umbrella
organization will stifle critical thinking and
civic engagement by attempting to mimic the
uncompromising policy tilt of the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in
the United States at the expense of the kind of
legitimate efforts towards civil rights in
Canada traditionally undertaken by the CJC.
An organization of this nature may groom
good public relations spokespersons, but it
will not necessarily create critically engaged
Now is the time to rethink Canadian Jewish advocacy and engagement with Israel. Is
it going to be reactionary or reflective? Will it
gain inspiration from a backward-looking
siege mentality or a more expansive possible
The time is ripe for a renewed investment
in an independent Jewish advocacy organization – one that supports civic engagement and
debate, and one that is not afraid to push Israel on issues of critical importance to
democracy, long-term regional stability and
universal human rights. This would be good
for the Canadian Jewish community and it
would be good for Canada.
Mira Sucharov, an associate professor of
political science at Carleton University, is the
Bulletin’s ‘Values, Ethics, Community’
columnist. Mira Oreck is a former director of
Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region.
An earlier version of this column appeared in
The Mark News.
Barack Obama’s approach
alienates friends and irritates foes alike
Following his May 22 speech at the AIPAC Conference,
there is wide-ranging speculation about why U.S. President
Barack Obama had to significantly weaken Israel’s position
with his mention of the 1967 borders, which is code for 1949.
Interestingly, his speech did not thrill the Palestinians either. Adding to the mix, both the left- and right-leaning media
went full steam on how Obama favoured the other side. Reaction was so confused that he had to clarify his statements the
next day.
Obama has an established style.
He reaches out to ordinary people and plays on popular
fears, misconceptions and hopes. As a presidential candidate,
he gave a Kennedyesque and very presidential speech in
Berlin. His high-profile speeches are full of symbolism and
usually include a high profile location, a historical icon or an
event to make the speeches even more memorable in people’s
Much like the Berlin speech and many before it, both
his Cairo and AIPAC speeches were intended for the consumption of ordinary people rather than the traditional
institutions, politicians and foreign government administrations.
Obama’s approach has alienated friends and irritated foes
alike, both in domestic politics and internationally. While
presidents traditionally reach out behind the scenes to broker
delicate agreements, Obama has chosen to speak directly to
the people. However, even in that, he has been selective about
the people and has gone after soft targets, Israel among them.
When Iranian youth engaged in their popular uprising
needed and begged for his support, the silence was deafening.
The story is much the same when it comes to Israel. The president doesn’t engage the normal channels for effective policy
and strategy development. He has taken his thoughts directly
to popular opinion where, once things are set in motion, the
results can be unpredictable. We can see this in the Arab
Spring for which his 2009 Cairo speech was at least partly responsible. The end result of speaking to the people is that
Obama appears far more impressionable and swayed by popular opinion than being interested in setting opinion and mindsets.
With record unemployment, record debt, including government debt, and a slow economic recovery, it is peculiar that
Obama should be so concerned with all things Israel. It is an
odd choice for a government dipping into its pension funds to
pay for itself to pick a fight with the prime minister of a small
country of only seven million. Why choose to delegitimize a
democratic country such as Israel whose GDP is larger than
all of its neighbouring countries?
In recent years, the delegitimization of Israel has become a
culturally acceptable phenomenon. Perhaps, even the U.S. administration couldn’t resist such a pseudo-intellectual exercise, a chance to show that it is staying current with the trend
that is sweeping the neo-left intelligentsia. Certainly delegitimization is the choice tactic of the neo-left movement today,
most of whom, decades ago, thought communism was the
way of the future for this planet and who are now teaching at
our academic institutions.
They do genuinely believe that Israel and Zionism is what
ails the Middle East. In addition, homegrown young-angryArab-youth have overwhelmingly chosen the cause of delegitimization of Israel over building long-term economic and
political stability in the region. Seeing anti-AIPAC signs conveying support for Hamas is a good indicator of such simple
thinking, blinded by and forgiving of Hamas’ murderous history with its own people.
It is well established that land-for-peace concessions by
Israel have not led to any successes in the past. They have
(Continued on page 20)
Page 20 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Novel captures in-between time
for Jewish family
emigrating from Soviet Union
The Free World: A Novel
By David Bezmozgis
356 pages
I have long felt a special connection to David Bezmozgis. Natasha, his 2004 book of short stories, was released to critical acclaim weeks after I gave birth to my first
child. Nervous that becoming a mom might mean less time
to pursue my own artistic and intellectual interests, I put it
on my birthday wish list. The slim volume of achingly perfect short stories appeared under my pillow. I recall nights
spent nursing my daughter while absorbing Bezmozgis’
spare, aching prose. At the time, I was mildly envious that
he was as young as I was when he wrote it. Since then, mild
envy has turned to desperate waiting for his next book.
Seven years later, Bezmozgis has presented us with The
Free World, a beautiful and considered novel. While
Natasha mined the culture clash of Soviet immigrants in
Toronto in the late 1970s, The Free World takes a half-step
backward. The novel is about the liminal space between
here and there, between in and out, between sacred and profane. The title is apt, in an ironic sort of way. As many of us
know from our own family histories, immigration is not
only about building a new life, but about cultivating dreams
of what might be.
The novel is set in 1978, when one extended Jewish
family has left the Soviet Union in search of a new life. At
the centre of the novel is Alec, his wife, Polina, his brother,
Karl, and his father, Samuil. In Russia, Samuil had “been a
man with a sedan and a personal driver.”
The Krasnansky family lands in Rome, where they find
temporary accommodations while awaiting their visas.
There is much deliberation over where they shall go. America is certainly considered a desirable landing place, but
there is some excitement surrounding Canada – “safer,
Mazal Tov
Getting married,
celebrating a special birthday
or anniversary,
just had a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?
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613-798-4696, ext. 256
cleaner, and in climate not all that different from Latvia” –
and Australia.
While we in the West have understood the State of Israel
as representing a safe haven to almost a million Soviet
Jews, the novel suggests that Israel wasn’t viewed totally
uncritically. “Alec, having successfully avoided the worst
of Soviet military service, wasn’t aching to go from Ben
Gurion Airport to boot camp.”
Religiosity is similarly a fraught notion for them. Samuil
recalls his brother telling him, after Samuil had won a prize
for a Hebrew poem recitation, “Do you remember how
Grandfather said the Shema when they killed him?” He
adds, “A Hebrew poem never saved a Jew from a pogrom.”
Betrayal is a constant theme, as if to underscore the humiliation of being a stranger. Alec follows his father’s romantic
patterns: “And if their parents had managed to conceal
Samuil’s infidelities from them while they were young, the infidelities were common knowledge to almost everyone else.”
The structure of the novel also serves as an in-between
space. There are flash backs to life in the U.S.S.R., with difficult military service for the men and coerced abortions for
the women – Polina learns from her girlfriends that “most
men went to great lengths to avoid having to deal with the
contents of the yellow wrapper” – while also detailing their
uneasy stay in Rome. While there is much coming to terms
with real-life in their new stay as betwixt and between immigrants, Bezmozgis carefully outlines coming-of-age moments back in the Soviet Union. Scenes of young lust and
fumbling romance are deftly and tenderly detailed.
David Bezmozgis was nine when his parents arrived in
Canada from Latvia. Last year, the New Yorker magazine
rated him one of the top 20 writers under 40. He has succeeded in bringing the story of his family’s context to our
multicultural nation of Canada, which counts him among
our best, young writers. The liminal spaces of which he
writes do not have the acute passion of Ellis Island or the
Book Review
hard-edged, hardscrabble glamour of the Lower East Side.
This book is about waiting. But these stories are important,
just the same. Immigration involves a series of passages.
And, as we well know, in life sometimes the action happens
in the in-between spaces.
Obama upsets Middle East balance
(Continued from page 19)
simply made demands by the Palestinians, the Arab world, and the left,
much grander in turn. This is not
lost on many, including the U.S. administration, and even the president. And yet, there is that dogged
persistence to ask for one more try!
The delegitimization of Israel is
a powerful, popular movement that
many, including politicians, find
hard to resist as they ride the waves
of pop, pseudo-intellectual public
opinion. By adopting and embracing the delegitimization of Israel’s
rights as a nation and a people,
Obama is only bringing more instability and insecurity to the region
and the world.
By failing to balance his populist
approach with more nuanced diplomacy, the president’s unilateral efforts have upset the delicate balance
that existed in the Middle East. He
leaves us highly vulnerable to
shrewder evils brewing in the re-
Barack Obama addresses the AIPAC Conference, May 22.
(Photo: Courtesy of AIPAC)
gion, with peace becoming a more
distant prospect.
The highest price to be paid for
Obama’s actions of today will be
paid by our children tomorrow.
They will face the grave challenges
to Middle East stability that he is
setting in motion today.
Oliver Javanpour is a senior
partner at Cyrus Echo, a public
policy and international relations
consulting firm in Ottawa.
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 21
Eighteen things you may not
know about Ariella Kimmel
Ariella Kimmel is a busy lady – so busy she usually carries two BlackBerrys and you often have to ask what city
she’s in when you call her!
A Carleton University graduate in political science,
Ariella is now a political staffer who enjoyed working on
Peter Kent’s successful campaign for re-election in Thornhill in the May 2 federal election.
Ariella, who is affectionately known as ‘Relly,’ is a pastpresident of Hillel Ottawa and is currently involved with
the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Young Women’s Leadership Council.
Here are 18 things you may not know about Ariella Kimmel ...
1. I am afraid of heights and do not like to be alone during thunderstorms.
2. I have been to Israel seven times, including for a full
year when I was 16 and attended the Ramah High School
Program. In 2007, I did an internship with the Jewish
Agency for Israel. Israel is one of my favourite places in the
world, and I am passionate about her survival and successes.
3. My comfort food is my mom Shelli’s chicken soup.
4. Yes, I am a real redhead!
5. One year for Purim, while in university, I dressed up
as ‘Juno’ from the movie. Some people who were not aware
that it was Purim thought I was really pregnant.
6. I have always loved animals. When I was younger, I
wanted to be a vet.
7. I love dogs and we always had a dog at home when
I was growing up. I frequently check the Humane Society’s
website and look for dogs to adopt!
8. I was born and raised in Ottawa. My favourite place
in the city is the look-out behind the Parliament Buildings.
9. My worst fashion mistakes were striped colourful
toe socks and brightly coloured Modrobes. I think I still
have the toe socks somewhere.
10. After first year university, I worked at an East Side
Mario’s restaurant. I hated having to sing the “Birthday
Song”! We even got tested on it before being hired.
11. I make great banana muffins and can also make a
mean 40 Cloves of Garlic Chicken.
12. Yes, I usually have two BlackBerrys on me at all
times, one for work and one for private use. Unfortunately,
I usually forget to charge them, so I’m often seen flipping
the one charged battery back and forth between them!
13. I have never broken any bones.
14. I met my Montreal-born boyfriend Eddie at a conference for Jewish campus leaders, and we started dating
following an Israel advocacy training conference.
15. I have been accused of being a clothes hoarder. I
love to shop for clothes and shoes!
16. When I was in Washington for a meeting at Congress, Nigel Barker from America’s Next Top Model was in
front of me with his camera gear. I was so excited, but no
18 things ...
Sarah Silverstein
one else seemed to know who he was.
17. My first time ever in New York City was this past
March, and we got stuck in that terrible snowstorm. I definitely plan on going back – just not in the winter.
18. I have travelled extensively, especially around Europe, and really love Prague because it is an exciting city
with so much history.
Ariella Kimmel and boyfriend Eddie Fuchs at her favourite look-out.
My dreams could change the world
Have you ever had a dream in which you are suddenly
flooded with inspiration, in which a great truth seems to descend on you like a mantle, as if you had just graduated from
university and were now being accepted into the elite?
You feel as if some universally important concept is being
born inside your head, and it will be your duty to share this
with the world as soon as you wake up.
Invariably, unless you are genius or a world class inventor,
these important and significant ideas seem less so when you
write them down in the light of day. Sometimes, they are mysterious phrases of which you can no longer make heads or tails.
One of mine was, “There is no beginning without an ending; there is no ending without a beginning.”
In my dream, these were words that came down through a
hole in the clouds, in a voice that sounded like Charlton Heston as Moses in The Ten Commandments.
Somehow, when I say it now, it seems obvious. On the
other hand, maybe if I sat cross-legged and whispered it to a
group of acolytes, it would seem like the ultimate piece of
Hmm, maybe if I wrote a book of these sayings, I could
turn it into a best seller!
I think two of my more recent revelations deserve to be
heard by a wider audience.
Humour me,
Rubin Friedman
The first was a sudden understanding of the word
“China.” The first half of that word actually means “tea” in
Slavic languages and is a tea drink in India as well.
The light bulb went on inside my head in my dream. I had
a sudden insight, apparently, that the real name of China in
English should be “Teana.”
Well, when I told some friends, they expressed some reservations.
“Too many women named Tina would object,” said one.
“The adjective would be Teanese and that would make all
the people from there sound as if they were short. Too racist,”
said another.
The last one asked, “Does that mean I would have to start
calling my dish set ‘red bone teana’?”
So, you see how difficult it is to get new ideas accepted,
even when they are as brilliant as mine.
In my second dream, I had one of those philosophical visions that could truly change the world.
There is discrimination because we classify things as objects or as living, non-human or human, and sometimes we
think of other people as being in the wrong category. What if
we did the opposite and treated everything in the universe as
if it were human?
I know. I know. You want to nominate me for the Nobel
Peace Prize.
How could you not? My suggestion, in one fell swoop, would
do away with all racism and discrimination. Universal peace
would break out, and we could disband the United Nations.
Of course, I might get angry at my car for refusing to start
or at my computer for freezing up and shutting down when I
am typing something important. But, every brilliant idea has
some wrinkles.
On the other hand, this whole conversation could be a
dream and I will soon wake up.
And, just in case you’re having this dream with me and
these ideas do work, remember they were my ideas when we
both wake up.
In the words of my wise mother, “Try it! You’ll like it!”
Page 22 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 23
Our future is in your hands
Ottawa Jewish
To make a donation and/or send a tribute card,
call Erin Bolling (613-798-4696 ext. 232)
e-mail: [email protected] • website:
Join us in building our community
by supporting these local agencies
In memory of:
Anna Heilman by Lily Feig.
Mazal Tov to:
Joy and Eric Weisbloom on the marriage of
their daughter Becky by Roger Greenberg and
Cindy Feingold.
Mazal Tov to:
Lisa Miller on her receipt of the Freiman
Family Young Leadership Award by Steven and
Shelli Kimmel and family.
In memory of:
Irving Gottheil by Shirley Strean-Hartman.
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Stanley Labow by Sandra and Norman
Mazal Tov to:
The participants in the B’not Mitzvah at Hillel
Lodge by the Ganon Preschool.
The Board of Directors of the
Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as
of May 24, 2011.
Mazal tov to:
Morris Kimmel on being the recipient of the
Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award by Lily
Mazal Tov to:
Cindy and Steven Poplove on the occasion of
Noah’s Bat Mitzvah by Tracey and Alan
Dr. Jason Berman on his deserved recognition by Tracey and Alan Abelson.
In memory of:
Diane Shrago by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Birthday wishes to:
Laya Shabinsky by Alfred and Kaysa
Mazal tov to:
Cayla and Michael Baylin on their son
Maxwell’s marriage to Janice by Ricki and Barry
Bert and Rhoda Blevis on their grandson
Kevin’s Bar Mitzvah by Ricki and Barry Baker.
Birthday wishes to:
William Newman by Ricki and Barry Baker.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Sheila Nadrich by Susan and Maury
Clifford Silvers by Susan and Maury
Maury Kleinman by Sheila and Joe Nadrich.
Birthday wishes to:
Susan Trainoff-Kleinman by Sheila and Joe
In memory of:
Max Richter by Norman and Myrna Barwin.
Special birthday wishes to:
Eileen Goldberg on her 97th birthday by Joe
and Ibolya Wiesel, Shawn and Dr. Helene
Goldberg and family and Julia and Sean
Guttmann and family.
Anniversary wishes to:
Claire and Irving Bercovitch by Norma and
Phil Lazear.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Mollie Betcherman beloved wife, mother,
grandmother and friend by Joy Rosenstein,
Bonnie Greenberg and Ronald Singer.
In appreciation to:
Brian Fish by Joy Rosenstein.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Saul Torontow a dear father by Rhoda
Bodnoff and family.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Donald Chodikoff, a beloved husband, father
and grandfather by Leah Chodikoff.
In memory of:
Akiva Kriger by Leah Chodikoff.
In appreciation to:
Rose-Anne Freedman by Leah Chodikoff.
Solange Smith by Leah Chodikoff.
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
David Sacksner, a dear husband by Joan
Gaston Marx by Joan Sacksner.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Herb Silverman by Joan Sacksner.
Barry Lebow by Joan Sacksner.
Happy Anniversary to:
Debbie and Randy Lebow by Joan Sacksner.
Speedy recovery to:
Daisy Tong by Joan Sacksner.
In appreciation to:
Bev O’Brien for all the help by Joan
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Sydney Greenberg by Libby and Stan Katz;
and by Linda and Alan Gilbert.
Mazal Tov to:
Eric and Donna Levin on the marriage of
Jennifer to Josh by Evelyn and Lou Eisenberg.
Morris Kimmel on his receipt of the Shem
Tov Community Volunteer Award by Evelyn and
Lou Eisenberg.
Anniversary wishes to:
Stanley and Rosalind Labow by Daniel and
Marilyn Kimmel.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Sonia Kizell by Herb and Pam Beiles and
Birthday wishes to:
Paul Adler by Susan and David Kriger.
Continued good health to:
Debi Zaret by Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Mazal Tov to:
Debi and Neil Zaret on the wedding of Josh
and Jen by Barbara Levine and David Spring.
Birthday wishes to:
Paul Roth by Ron and Ruth Levitan.
Continued on page 24
Page 24 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
The Chair and Board of Directors
of the
Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
cordially invite all fund holders and members
of the Community to attend the
OJCF Annual General Meeting
Thursday, June 16th, 2011
Doors Open: 7:00 pm
Call to Order: 7:30 pm
Dessert Reception to follow proceedings
G.J. Cooper Scholarship Award Presentation to
Adam Moscoe
Tribute to Harold Feder, Outgoing Chair
Zelikovitz Family Social Hall of
The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Please RSVP as soon as possible to Francine Paulin
at 613-798-4696 ext 252 or at [email protected]
A copy of the meeting materials is available
on our website.
“Our Future is in Your Hands”
The Ottawa
Jewish Community Foundation
has published
its Annual Report
summarizing the 2010 calendar year.
As of June 16th, 2011,
the report can be viewed online
To obtain a hard copy of the report,
please contact
the Foundation office
at 613-798-4696 ext. 252,
via email at [email protected]
or in writing
c/o Francine Paulin
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9.
Continued good health to:
Lou Eisenberg by Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Mazal Tov to:
Debi and Neil Zaret on the marriage of Josh
to Jennifer by Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Corinne Levine on the marriage of Josh to
Jennifer by Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Sydney Kronick and Barbara Sugarman on the
marriage of Josh to Jennifer by Sally and Elliott
Morris Kimmel on his receipt of the Shem
Tov Community Volunteer Award by Sally and
Elliott Levitan.
Ian Sherman on his receipt of the Gilbert
Greenberg Distinguished Service Award by
Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Speedy recovery to:
Vita Winthrop by John and Estelle Liberman.
In memory of:
Zave Kahn by Diana and Alvin Malomet.
Max Richter by Diana and Alvin Malomet.
Mazal Tov to:
Donna Dolansky on a job well done as the Chair
of the JFO Board by Chuck and Bonnie Merovitz.
Debbie Weiss on assuming the Chairmanship
of the JFO Board by Chuck and Bonnie
Ian Sherman on being this year’s recipient of
the Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Service
Award by Chuck and Bonnie Merovitz.
Mazal Tov to:
Morris Kimmel on being the recipient of this
year’s Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award
by Rhoda and Jeffrey Miller and family.
In memory of:
Zave Kahn by Blossom Read; by Elaine
Singer; and by Elliott and Sally Levitan.
Congratulations to:
Dr. Seth Dorsky on receiving his M.D. by
Mary-Belle and Gerry Pulvermacher.
In memory of:
Max Richter by Phyllis and Alan Rackow.
Thinking of you to:
Phyllis and Bill Shragge by Phyllis and Alan
In appreciation to:
Karen Chisvin and David Mazer by Phyllis
and Alan Rackow.
In memory of:
Esther Kagan by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Nechama Vais by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Mazal Tov to:
Dove and Deborah Zakheim on the marriage
of Saadya by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmulik Rodal on the birth
of their granddaughter Miriam and the engagement of Yehudis by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Rodal on the
birth and bris of their grandson Osher and the engament of Meyer by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Chana Raizel & Sender Kagan and Sarale &
Mendy Bluming on the engagements of
Frumi and Brochi and the birth of Shaina by Alti
and Berel Rodal.
Ian and Tracy Faye Spiegel on the birth of
Max by Alti and Berel Rodal.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Gdalyah Rosenfeld by Libby and Stan Katz.
In memory of:
Irving Gottheil by Richard, Riva, Jared and
Aaron Roth.
Mazal Tov to:
Debi and Neil Zaret on the occasion of their
son Josh’s wedding to Jennifer Levin by Shelley
Rothman and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Donna and Eric Levin on the engagement of
Jennifer and Josh by Elayne and Wesley
Continued on page 25
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 25
In memory of:
Michael Wohl by Sheldon and Sonia
Birthday wishes to:
Jeff Shaffer by Myra, Sam, Joshua, Jaclyn
and Justin Krane.
Birthday wishes to:
Harriet Slone by Stuart and Carol Levine.
Condolences to:
The Glinna Family on the loss of a dear
mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and greatgrandmother by Doris and Richard Stern.
Speedy recovery to:
Richard Stern by Blossom Read.
Birthday wishes to:
Laya Shabinsky by Doris and Richard
Anniversary wishes to:
Sheila and Larry Hartman by Doris and
Richard Stern.
Birthday wishes to:
Celia Levitan by Sally Taller.
In memory of:
Irving Gottheil by Susan, Jeff, Josh, Bram
and Dani Taylor.
Condolences to:
The Bron family on the loss of a dear father
and grandfather by Susan, Jeff, Josh, Bram and
Dani Taylor.
Condolences to:
Caren Fried and family on the loss of a dear
father by Sandy Marchello.
In appreciation to:
Dr. Lisa Rosenkrantz by Vicki and Jonathan
Torah High to celebrate
five years of Jewish learning
By Bram Bregman
With 237 Jewish teenagers having devoted
themselves to a total of more than 20,000
hours of Jewish learning, Torah High has
reached our five year mark.
In 2006, NCSY saw the need to create an
engaging Jewish educational program for
teenagers attending public high schools.
Torah High was created to provide a Jewish
education to such students in a way that
makes Jewish learning exciting, relevant and
interesting, all while receiving a Ministry of
Education-approved high school credit.
Expecting to attract 20 students the first
year, Torah High attracted 52. Enrolment has
grown each year since with 101 students enrolled this year.
To mark the growth and success of Torah
High, as well as to honour our students, past
and present, we are holding the Five Year
Celebration of Torah High on Tuesday, June
14, 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Soloway Jewish
Community Centre.
The keynote speaker will be Rabbi Yehuda Simes, one of Torah High’s founders and
our director of education. Rabbi Simes’ topic
will be “My Life on Wheels: Navigating
Through the Detours of Life,” a talk based on
his experiences over the past year recovering
from serious injuries suffered in a highway
The Five Year Celebration of Torah High
will also include fun and interactive programs and an elegant dessert reception.
There is no charge and the entire community is invited.
For more information, to RSVP, or to become a sponsor, contact Gaby Scarowsky at
613-262-6283 or [email protected].
An unveiling
An unveiling
of a monument
in loving memory of
Esther Goldstein
will take place
Sunday, July 3, 2011
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Bertha and Jacob Bookman, dear parents by
Millie Weinstein.
Anniversary wishes to:
Sally and Elliott Levitan by Millie Weinstein.
Dorothy and Hy Hymes by Millie Weinstein.
An anonymous donation was made to this
Congratulations to:
Paula Agulnik on 25 years of service to
Reach Canada by Lynne Oreck-Wener.
In appreciation to:
Helen Zipes by Deborah and Howard Krebs.
Mazal Tov to:
Neil and Debbie Zaret on the marriage of
Josh to Jennifer by Rick and Helen Zipes.
Eric and Donna Levin on the marriage of
Jennifer to Josh by Rick and Helen Zipes.
Eric and Joy Weissbloom on the marriage of
their daughter by Rick and Helen Zipes.
will take place
at 11:00 am
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Baron de Hirsch Cemetery,
at 11:00 am
Shevet Achim Section
5015 rue de la Savane, Montreal
Family and friends
are invited to attend.
Bank Street Cemetery
Machzikei Hadas Section
Family and friends
are welcome to attend.
In memory of:
Kay Grant by Norman and Francie Lieff.
Mazal Tov to:
Ian Sherman on his receipt of the Gilbert
Greenberg Distinguished Service Award by
Steven and Shelli Kimmel and family.
Contributions may be made online at or by contacting Erin Bolling
at 613-798-4696 extension 232, Monday to
Friday or by email at [email protected]. Attractive cards are sent to convey the appropriate sentiments. All donations are acknowledged with a charitable receipt. We
accept Visa, MasterCard and Amex.
An unveiling
An Open House
in memory of
in memory of
Morton Taller z”l
Dr. Maxwell Richter
will take place
(June 11, 1933 - May 11, 2011)
will take place
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
at 11:00 am
between 1:00 and 5:00 pm
Bank Street Cemetery
Machzikei Hadas Section
38 Metropole Private,
Suite 1504
Family and friends
are welcome to attend.
Family and friends
are invited to attend.
in memory of
Carol Sadinsky
In memory of:
Moe Lesser by Benita, Steven, Alexander and
Ryan Baker.
!"#$%&'(#)$% '%*+!#",-$% Page 26 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
Ottawa comedian is a busy guy
Running around a packed bingo hall in his underwear
while being filmed for his own show, being the lead English writer for Just for Laughs, creating prank comedy
skits for two U.S. TV channels and MuchMusic in Canada, being executive producer and director of a reality show
for a Canadian pop singer, all make him a busy guy.
The British version of GQ magazine described him as
“enormously talented” in a 2009 article, and mentions that
his YouTube channel had received more than seven million hits.
Who could this be?
None other than Ottawa’s own Paul Telner!
This multi-talented, always brightly dressed – his goal,
he said, is to “look like a bubble gum machine” – extremely social, full-of-energy guy has done all of the
above, and that’s just the beginning of the story.
Telner, who has often been seen schmoozing it up at
Jewish social events in Ottawa – he even filmed a promotional video for jnet’s Graffiti Party in 2010 – divides his
time between Ottawa and Montreal, and is often in Los
Angeles developing new projects.
So, how did it all begin?
“In high school, I started doing stand-up comedy,” said
Telner. “My Grade 11 teacher, Miss Howard, saw that I
could make the class laugh, but I always disturbed the
class. So, she gave me five to 10 minutes at the end of each
class to perform and do impersonations of her and other
From there, his friend Byron Pascoe decided to become
his manager, and they took his shtick to comedy clubs.
“Instead of spending high school nights with friends,
we would be in sleazy comedy clubs, and I’d be performing stand-up comedy,” he said.
While enjoying stand-up comedy, he always knew that
he wanted to be on television.
Starting with a talk show at Carleton University, Telner’s signature prank style of comedy was born.
“One of my favourites was when I showed up at a residence laundry room and put on some random person’s
laundry from head to toe, and then just waited for that person to show up. They completed freaked out,” he said.
His first big break came in 2004, when the college
cable TV network, Zilo, which was available at more than
400 colleges and universities in the U.S., picked up the
pilot show he had created and turned it into a series,
Apauled, which became a big hit for the network.
The U.S. cable network, G4, picked up his show in
Canadians finally got to see Telner in 2009 when
Having lots of projects in the works keeps a smile on
Paul Telner’s face.
MuchMusic featured him on his own primetime show and
on MuchOnDemand.
Telner, who is currently working for Just for Laughs,
just finished a pilot for Playboy in L.A., and is executive
producer and director of a reality show with Canadian pop
singer Karl Wolf.
“My big skill is knowing people and knowing how they
react. I know when to cut off a conversation and how not
to make it awkward. A prank can be very funny, very mean
or very bad. You have to have that comedy gene and you
can’t be scared or fear things. I’ve always known my
limit,” he said.
With all of this success, Telner appreciates the influence his father had on his comedy.
“My dad is definitely the comedian of the family,” Telner said. “I remember being a kid in my pyjamas upstairs,
11:30 at night, supposed to be sleeping, trying to study my
dad at dinner parties.
“There would be 15 people over for dinner, and I would
be listening to every word he was saying. His delivery was
really great. Everything I do really comes from him.”
While it appears to be all fun and games for Telner, he
claims that he’s not Mr. Prank all the time.
“I have a very serious side behind closed doors. I really do have a lot of heart and care about people and have a
serious side when not performing.”
Telner’s ultimate dream is to land his own talk show on
the Internet or TV, or both. Acting is also something he
would like to pursue.
For those aspiring to get into ‘the business,’ his advice
is simple:
“In a time where anyone can get their hands on a camera and everything is so cheap these days, there is no excuse not to do it.
“There’s an instant audience. First, you literally have to
just go for it. Second, just be yourself. Everyone knows
who they are – if you aren’t genuine to whom you really
are, people aren’t going to like it,” he said.
“You just have to go after your passion, and don’t give
Visit for more information or to see
some of Telner’s YouTube videos. While some of his
videos may not be suitable for all ages, they are outrageous and highly amusing.
Consider yourself warned.
Readers and advertisers are advised
the next edition of the
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin will be published
on Monday, July 18, 2011.
Deadline: Wednesday June 29, 2011.
June 13, 2011 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 27
with Love
Go beyond sushi:
Invite friends over for izakaya
Chances are, if I say Japanese food, most of you will
think sushi. But there is a whole world of Japanese food out
there beyond raw fish and vinegared rice.
A Japanese food trend known as izakaya is beginning to
make its way across the ocean. Izakaya (pronounced eeZAH-ka-ya) is basically a Japanese tapas bar or pub. Literally translated, it means ‘i’ (to sit) and ‘sakaya’ (sake shop).
Much like Spanish tapas, izakaya is ingrained into the social fabric of Japanese culture.
Most days, on the streets of Tokyo, right around 5:00
pm, office workers begin streaming out of their towers and
into izakayas. However, they are not chowing down on
Buffalo wings, nachos and salsa. Typical fare in an izakaya
includes steamed edamame, kushiyaki (basically any tasty
tidbits on skewers), kara-age (think Japanese chicken
nuggets!), agedashi dofu (deep-fried tofu with dipping
sauce) and beef or tuna tataki.
Kara-age is a yummy and very addictive Japanese version of chicken nuggets. It is pronounced ka-ra-ah-gee
(hard g sound). There are lots of different kara-age recipes
out there. Here is my version. I like to use chicken thighs
because there is little chance of overcooking them. If you
like breasts, just be careful that you do not overcook when
frying or they will be tough and dry.
2 teaspoons grated ginger
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 green onion, finely minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sake or rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs
cut into bite-sized pieces
1/3 cup cornstarch
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup white rice flour
vegetable oil for frying
lemon wedges for serving (optional)
Cindy Feingold
Sesame Ginger Edamame
I used to always eat edamame coated in olive oil and salt,
until my friend Paula introduced me to this version from the
2008 holiday edition of LCBO Magazine.
Edamame are the whole pods of young soybeans. You
can find them in the freezer section of most grocery stores.
Food writer Jennifer Mackenzie offers this primer for the
uninitiated: “The trick to eating them is to use your teeth to
squeeze the tender beans out of the pods into your mouth
while getting all of the sensation of the seasoning from the
outer, inedible, pod. Be sure to place an empty bowl beside
the serving dish or hand out small plates for the empty
1 lb (500 g) edamame in the pod (fresh or frozen)
1 tablespoon (15 ml) canola oil
1 teaspoon (5 ml) dark sesame oil
1 teaspoon (5 ml) packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon (5 ml) grated ginger
1 tablespoon (15 ml) sesame seeds
Coarse sea salt or kosher salt
Add edamame to a pot of boiling salted water and return
to a boil. Boil for 3 to 4 minutes, or until pods are easy to
split and beans are tender. Drain and rinse under cold running water. Cover with cold water and let stand, refreshing
water as necessary, until beans are chilled. Drain well and
spread onto a towel-lined baking sheet. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve, for up to 1 day.
Heat canola and sesame oil over medium-high heat in a
large skillet. Add sugar and ginger and sauté for 30 seconds.
Add edamame pods and sesame seeds and sauté for about 5
minutes or until beans are heated through and starting to
brown. Sprinkle with salt. Serve hot or warm.
Serves 6.
The New Year is approaching
and the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
is starting to plan
its annual Rosh Hashanah
community-wide edition,
September 19, 2011.
Let the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
convey your wishes to all those you hold dear.
Combine the ginger, garlic, green onion, soy sauce,
sake and sugar in big bowl.
Wash the chicken, pat it dry with paper towels and remove any extra fat. Cut the chicken into uniform large
bite-sized pieces. Add the chicken to the marinade, cover
with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Add about 3/4 inch of vegetable oil to a heavy pot and
heat over medium heat until it reaches 340 degrees F. Mix
together the cornstarch, all-purpose flour and rice flour in
a bowl and dredge the chicken to coat, dusting off any
extra before lowering each piece into the oil. Fry until
golden brown on one side, flip and continue to fry until the
other side is nice and browned.
Transfer to a paper towel lined rack to drain, and then
serve with lemon wedges.
The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. collects and uses your personal information primarily for the purpose of providing you with the products
and services you have requested from
As far as I know, no one has opened an izakaya yet in
Ottawa. But here’s your chance to be a culinary trendsetter.
These little snacks are perfect to serve with drinks as hors
d’oeuvres when your friends get together.
Three options available:
$40, $50, $60 (including HST)
Greetings must be prepaid by cheque, VISA or MasterCard
and submitted before Wednesday, August 24, 2011
For more information, contact Cindy Manor-Kennedy
613-798-4696, ext. 256
The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin may also
contact you from time to time to ask
about your account or to conduct market research and surveys in an effort to
continually improve our product service
[email protected]
To enable us to more efficiently provide the products and services you
have requested from us, the Ottawa
Jewish Bulletin may share your personal information with the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, the Ottawa Jewish
Community Foundation and the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre.
If you would like more information,
or to speak to the Privacy Officer,
please call 613-798-4696, ext. 256.
Page 28 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – June 13, 2011
June 13 to July 17, 2011
Annual Ben Karp Memorial Lecture: Ottawa Jewish
Historical Society presents
Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka on
“Highlights of a Wonderful
Rabbinic Experience,” Congregation Machzikei Hadas,
2310 Virginia Drive, 7:30 pm.
Info: 613-244-8291.
Jun 17
Jun 24
Jul 1
Jul 8
Jul 15
Jul 22
Jul 29
“From Humble Beginnings – a Journey to the
Supreme Court of Canada”
by Hon. Mr. Justice Marshall
Rothstein, sponsored by the
Ottawa Jewish Lawyers’ Society and Canadian Friends of
the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Institute on Governance, 60 George Street,
2nd Floor, 6:30 pm. Info:
[email protected].
5-Year Celebration of
Torah High with keynote presenter Rabbi Yehuda Simes,
Torah High’s Director of Edu-
cation, on “My Life on
Wheels: Navigating through
the Detours of Life.” Past and
present students will be honoured and dessert reception
follows, 7:00 pm. Info: 613262-6283.
Malca Pass Book Discussion Group: The Help, by
Kathryn Stockett, reviewed by
Ann Matyas, Congregation
Agudath Israel, 1400 Coldrey
Avenue, 7:30 pm. Info: 613829-2455.
The Ottawa Jewish Community School Annual General Meeting, 31 Nadolny
Sachs Private, 8:00 pm. Info:
Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation Annual
General Meeting. Fund holders and members of Ottawa’s
Jewish community are invited,
7:30 pm. Info: 613-798-4696,
ext. 252.
For more community listings,
Select Calendar/Upcoming Events
and Click to See More
“Coffee Talks” presented
by Jewish Family Services and
Starbucks, discussion about
coffees from around the world,
2685 Iris Street, 1:00 pm. Info:
613-722-2225, ext. 411.
Let’s Do Lunch, sponsored by Jewish Family Services and Congregation Agudath Israel. Janie Respitz presents “A Yiddish Zemeral,”
1400 Coldrey Avenue, 12:00
pm. Info: 613-728-3501.
Shalom Ottawa, our community TV show on Rogers
22, 12:00 pm. (Repeats June
30 at 4:30 pm and July 2 at
12:00 pm.)
sponsored by Jewish Family
Services, will feature musical
presentations and multicultural entertainment, Andrew
Haydon Park, 3169 Carling
Avenue, 1:30 pm. Info: 613722-2225, ext. 411.
David Sax, and will have for
sale many Jewish book titles,
2255 Carling Avenue, 10:30
am. Info: 613-722-2225, ext.
Books and Bagel Brunch
presents a Collected Works
Jewish Book Fair. In conjunction with Jewish Family Services, Collected Works will
feature Save the Deli, by
18th Annual JFO Golf
Golf and Country Club, 6044
Rideau Valley Drive North,
11:30 am. Info: 613-7984696, ext. 241.
JFO Women’s Golf Tournament “Nine and Dine,”
Canadian Golf and Country Club,
7800 Golf Club Way, Ashton.
Breakfast and clinics at 8:30 am.
Shotgun start at 10:00 am.
Info: 613-798-4696, ext. 241.
Unless otherwise noted, activities take place at The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private.
This information is taken from the community calendar maintained by the Jewish Ottawa InfoCentre. Organizations which would like their events to be listed, no matter where they are to be held, should send the information to InfoCentre coordinator Benita Siemiatycki via e-mail at [email protected] or fax at 613-798-4695. She can also be reached by telephone at 613-798-4644. Accurate details must be provided and all events must be open to the Jewish public.
Condolences are extended
to the families of:
is offered
as a public service
to the community.
Harold Hertzman,
Toronto (father of Linda Rossman)
Harold Sachs
There is no charge.
Dorothy Stein, Montreal
(mother of Rhoda Aronson)
For a listing in this column,
please call
613-798-4696, ext. 232.
May their memory
be a blessing always.
Voice mail is available.
* Community-wide Issue (all dates subject to change)
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