MHRC Rott-N-Tales - Mile High Rottweiler Club
MHRC Rott-N-Tales - Mile High Rottweiler Club
Newsletter published by and for the Mile High Rottweiler Club Of Greater Denver, Colorado July-September 2009 “You don’t have to say you love me, Just be close at hand. You don’t have to stay forever, I will understand.” Layda V-Rated Mult BOB CH Eigenstate’s Accolade CD, HT, PT, HSAs, CGC Jan 31, 1998 – Jun 29, 2009 Forever in my heart Mile High Rottweiler Club INDEX For Layda; I'm so thankful to have shared a lifetime with you. The cutest puppy, the sweetest girl, my first homebred champion, a fun working dog, the best mom, and a wonderful house is so empty without you. I suppose I should list all her specialty wins, champions and rankings...but somehow that doesn't seem as important as missing her company. Advertisers Williams Craig Garner Resnick Rottie Aid Morgan—litter announcement Bark in the park Denboer Williams Front Cover Back Cover 7 12 19 20-21 22 23 26-27 Teresa Article Carting Excellent – Driving Your Dog 24-25 Club Information Bragging Rights Membership MHRC Herding Test/Trial Secretary’s Notes Specialty Treasurer Report Upcoming Meetings 3 4 8-11 4 13-18 6 3 Officers of the Mile High Rottweiler Club President Patti Hazlitt 720-929-1123 [email protected] Vice President Charlie Catto 303-841-4912 [email protected] Secretary Randi Bolton 303-663-6382 [email protected] Treasurer Janna Morgan 303-745-0222 [email protected] Directors Bill Garner 303-805-8764 [email protected] Bernie McDowell 303-526-7520 [email protected] Dawn Galey 303-644-4386 [email protected] Paula Swartz 303-659-8700 [email protected] Dean Thomas 303-758-7877 [email protected] Available - Back Cover ―October-December 2009― Next Deadline: December 15, 2009 Committees ARC/AKC-Legislative Liaison—Randi Bolton 303-663-6382 [email protected] Breeder Referral—Geula Resnick 303-588-5588 [email protected] Membership—Patti Hazlitt 720-929-1123 [email protected] Newsletter Editor—Michal Deal 308-436-9118 [email protected] 2 MHRC Meeting Schedule 2009 General Membership, Board Meetings, 2010 Nationals Committees & Events October 13 25 Tuesday Sunday #6 Board meeting, Bass Pro #6 GM meeting, match, Halloween, Terroux's , Lakewood November 10 Tuesday Board or committees meeting, room reserved already, Bass Pro Bragging Rights 'Koda' CH Redondo's Ready or Not v BAAR CD, RN, RA, RE, HT, PT, CS, CI, TT his first Breed win and Group final cut at Buckhorn. Owned & trained by: David Craig. A special Thank you to Geula Resnick for doing such a beautiful job of handling him. Isabella Catarina Vom Ogdenstolz (―Izzy‖) just got her ―TT‖ on April 26 2009, in addition to her CGC, which she got back on February 27, 2003. I am sooooo proud of her !!!!!, she is the love of my life !!! Kim Lane. Advertising Rates and Policies Front Cover Back Cover Full Page w/Photo(s) Upcoming Litter (1/4 page) Bragging Right Rescue Listings $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $5.00 Free Free Commercial rates available for qualifying advertisers. "MHRC is a Code of Ethics club. This requires that for any upcoming breeding, litter or at stud announcement, both the sire and dam must have passed hips and eyes. The OFA # for hips and CERF # for eyes must be included in the announcement." Front Cover is limited to MHRC members; except for BOB at our Specialty. Cover Rottweiler must have one of the following; AKC Championship, any working title, BIS/BISS, Group Placement, BOB/BOS/BOW at a Specialty, High in Trial or major pointed, Award of Merit or other Achievement Award. One cover per member per year, first paid first reserved. All ads should be camera ready. Non-camera ready ads are $30 additional. 3 Membership New Membership: "As per MHRC Bylaws, any comments regarding any application for membership shall be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary within 45 days of the publication of this newsletter and will be reviewed by the board which will be charged with making the final decision regarding membership." New Membership Applicants: Associate (non-voting): Larry Grieve 9789 Fox Den Drive Littleton, Co 80125 Regular (1 vote): Family (2 votes): Don Beck 33315 Ridgeview Loop Elizabeth CO Secretary’s Notes Board meeting, Thursday, July 22, 2009, Bass Pro Shop, Denver, CO Meeting called to order at 6:18 by President P. Hazlitt Attendees: Bernie McDowell, Patti Hazlitt, Randi Bolton, Dean Thomas, Charlie Catto, Dawn Galey, Janna Morgan; guests: Dodie Cyr, Jayne Catto Reading of minutes: C. Catto moved, D. Galey second to accept minutes from previous board meeting as presented. Passed unanimously President’s report: An inappropriate, lengthy speech directed at a single board member. A copy of the speech was not provided. Secretary’s report: none Treasurer’s report: 90-day CD due on 7/13. D. Galey moved, R. Bolton second, to allow CD to roll over again Report of committees Membership: None September Specialty: The specialty is all set, just need stewards which Jeanne Looker will be getting. Unfinished business: Paypal: Any loose ends need to be tied up – the paypal link for paying dues is active on the website and several people have used it to pay dues. The link for doing trophy donations is also active and has been used. C. Catto to follow up with D & J 4 Thomas about getting Google docs set up. New business: Standing rules: Discussion about developing standing rules for business. The rules cover how the club should be run and in general deal with finances. J. Catto volunteered to assist with the standing rules. Conference Calls: The board may conduct business via conference calls. R. Bolton has already set up an account for free conference calls. D. Thomas to follow up after R. Bolton provides the information. No further business. Motion to adjourn by B. McDowell, 2nd by D. Galey. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 Respectfully submitted: R. Bolton, MHRC secretary General Membership meeting – Saturday, August 15, 2009. Island Grove Regional Park, Greeley, CO Meeting called to order at 10:08 by President Patti Hazlitt Members present: Patti Hazlitt, Paula Swartz, Bernie McDowell, Jayne Catto, Randi Bolton, Diane Garnett, Amy Wilson, Ellen O’Connell, Bill & Barb Garner, Kathy Howse, Brenda Haskins, Chuck & Laura Wright-Smith, Deb Haynes, Janna Morgan, Roxanne Denboer, Randi Bolton, Deb Haynes, Sandy Reynolds, Dawn Galey, Jeanne Looker, Carol Keldren, Shelley Voorhees, Maria Consentino, Dodie Cyr, Karen Gilden, Mary Ann Hernandez, Paula Scherk, Joanne Cochran, Michael & Val Carr, Joanne Cochran Guests: Don Beck, John Bronikowski, Joanie Parks, Christine Torrez Quorum: yes Motion to waive reading of minutes– B. McDowell, 2nd by J. Morgan. Passed President’s report: None Treasurer’s report: $19,100 in all three Secretary’s report: None – defer to discussion on the specialty Committees: Membership committee: No new members 2009 Specialty: Jeanne Looker will be looking for stewards. Lunch will be provided for judges and show secretary only to save for the nationals. T. Williams said she would donate a portrait of your dog to auction off. S. Voorhees suggested putting up signs for the silent auction Just Ducky Trial: K. Howse needs donations for HIT – there are 2 trials MHRC is hosting on Sunday. R. Bolton volunteered to pay for both HIT trophies. 2010 Nationals: Discussion about costs, participant bags, Top Dog Night, potential vendors, rescue parade and RV rentals Old business: No old business New business: No new business No further business. B. McDowell motion to adjourn, B. Garner second. Meeting adjourned at 11:18 5 Mile High Rottweiler Club of Greater Denver Profit & Loss January 1 through October 4, 2009 10/04/09 Cash Basis Jan 1 - Oct 4, 09 Ordinary Income/Expense Income ATTS event Miscellaneous 0.00 Postage and Delivery 478.43 504.68 150.00 Printing and Reproduction Club Memberships 1,671.24 Show & Trial Expenses Entries 8,307.37 Ribbons 728.27 Fun Match Income 35.00 Site Rental, 100.00 Miscellaneous Income 54.50 Site Rental, match 137.00 Newsletter Ad 560.00 110.01 Sweepstakes monies Livestock & Livestock Handling 269.10 Refunds Shirt Sales 210.00 ATTS Fees 990.00 Silent Auction 1,443.00 Trophy Donations 769.88 Ways & Means 619.43 Total Income 13,930.43 Expense 740.00 AKC Fees 1,236.00 Catalogs/Premium Lists 215.50 Food / Concessions 117.08 Judges Fees 836.02 Judges Travel & Lodging 625.18 Miscellaneous 400.00 security deposit 200.00 Refund 96.00 Advertising 200.00 Show Secretary 302.00 Reconciliation Discrepancies 13.58 Supplies 166.42 Bank Service Charge 65.00 1,519.05 Fun Match Expenses -95.00 Trophies & Prizes Show & Trial Expenses Other Total Show & Trial Expenses 8,527.62 Storage Rental 436.00 Gifts Flowers Total Gifts 63.23 63.23 Goods for Resale T-shirts & Sweatshirts Total Goods for Resale 50.00 677.35 Supplies 135.47 Total Expense 11,356.36 Net Ordinary Income 2,574.07 677.35 Insurance Event Insurance Total Insurance 150.00 150.00 Other Income/Expense Other Income Other Income 0.23 Total Other Income 0.23 Net Other Income 0.23 Net Income 6 2,574.30 “MAX” A KC, U KC, U CI Nat’ l & Int’ l CH MOON LIGHT S MA XIMUS MAD N ES S, CGC, TT Ma x finished his A KC C hamp ionship at Bu ckhor n Va lley Kennel Club O n Ju ne 27th, 2009 Bred by: Michelle Frazier & Mary Gentlesk Proudly and Lovingly Owned by William & Barbara Garner Handled by Brenda Haskin 7 8 9 10 11 12 MHRC Specialty Results September 4, 2009 Island Grove Regional Park Greeley, CO PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Judge: Mrs. Judy Mears VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Judge: Mrs. Judy Mears Puppy Dogs – 9 months & under 12 months Veteran Dogs – 7 years and under 8 years __1__ ( 5) REBELROSE DURANJAYA GERONIMO Owners: Joseph & Junine Leoni __2__ (51) CH. ARRES AGAINST ALL ODDS, CD, RAE, HT, PT Owner: Randi Bolton Junior Dogs – 12 months and under 15 months __1__ (55) CH. BAAR’S HEAVEN SENT, UDX, RE, HSAcds, HXAds Owners: Kathryn M. Howse, Ann K. Callahan & Alissa Owen __1__ ( 25) TRI-LEE’S MAJESTC FAN THE FLAME Owners: Norma L. & Donald L. White Veteran Dogs – 8 years and under 10 years Junior Dogs – 15 months and under 18 months __2__ (57) CH. EVRMOR KNIGHT ERRANT Owners: Monique Latteier & James Wilkinson __1__ (11) BANSHEE’S DUKE OF ROTT’N ACRES Owner: Joyce A. Eaton __2__ (15) THUNDER RANCH’S QUASH OF NIGHTHAWK Owner: Linda Gunderson __3__ (21) REDONDO’S SEMPER FI, RN Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego _ABS_ (59) AM/CAN CH. WYNDHURST QUALICUM, CDX Owner: Susan Peyton __1__ (61) CH. EVRMOR’S LEGEND OF STONERIDGE, CD, RE, HSAsd Owner: Janna Morgan __3__ 81 CH. MAJESTC ORIAN GUARD SIRIUS, HT, PT WP977565/05 4/26/00 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Gil Crni Lotos x Ponca’s Majestc Colorado Lace, CD. Owner: Mary A. Hernandez, 2180 E. 18th St, Loveland, CO 80538 Puppy Bitches – 6 months and under 9 months __1__ ( 6) NIGHTHAWK’S KISS N TELL THE WORLD Owners: Lera Thomas and Daviann Mitchell _ABS_ 83 MAJESTC CANIS MAJOR WP977565/03 4/26/00 Breeder: Mary Ann Hernandez. By Ch. Gil Crni Lotos x Ponca’s Majestc Colorado Lace, CD. Owners: Tim and Christine Torrez, 6915 Avondale Road, Fort Collins, CO 80525 Puppy Bitches – 9 months and under 12 months Veteran Dogs – 10 years and older __1__ (10) LORALS QUEST FOR HIGHWOOD Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck _ABS_ (63) CH. TAILWIND’S ALWAYS SOLD OUT, CD Owner: Grant Ellis Junior Bitches – 12 months & under 15 months Veteran Bitches – 7 years and under 8 years __2__ (12) MAJESTC TRI-LEE SHAMANS RAIN DANCE Owner: Mary Ann Hernandez __1__ (26) BAAR’S MI MIMOSA DULCE V WOODROTT Owner: Ann Callahan __1__ 66 KELSEY’S ONE FINE DAY, RN, HT, PT WR068326/01 4/25/02 Breeder: Karen Gilden. By Ch. Dugan von Boylan, TD x Ch. Von Driver’s First Lady Chesara, CDX. Owners: Wayne & Karen Gilden, 343 Pine Street, LaSalle, CO 80645 Junior Bitches – 15 months & under 18 months Veteran Bitches – 8 years and under 10 years __1__ (14) HIGHWOOD’S BELIEVE IN MAGIC Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck __1__ (50) CH. CINABAR’S TWO THUMBS UP Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego __2__ (16) NIGHTHAWK’S IMAGE IS EVERYTHING Owners: Sarah Jenner & Daviann Mitchell BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES______11________ BEST OF OPPOSITE STAKES___10___ SEX IN PUPPY SWEEP- __2__ 68 KELSEY’S MAE WEST, HT, PT, HSAs WR016647/04 11/27/00 Breeder: Karen Gilden. By Ch. HyVoltage Endev’r Von Boylan, CD x Ch. Von Driver’s Heart O’Gold, PT. Owners: Wayne Gilden and Tom & Elizabeth Herren, 343 Pine Street, LaSalle, CO 80645 13 Veteran Bitches – 10 years and over Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs __1__ (62) CH. EIGENSTATE’S ALL RILED UP, CDX, HSsd, Hid Owners: David and Geula Resnick __3__ 21 REDONDO’S SEMPER FI, RN WS267136/01 5/13/08 Breeders: Owners. By Ch. BAAR’s Kid Kalahan v Eldik, CDX x Ch. Redondo’s Queesha. Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego, P.O. Box 1004, Belen, NM 87002 (also entered in 15-18 Sweeps) BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES______50_______ BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES___55____ CONFORMATION CLASSES Judge: Mr. Arley D. Hussin Puppy Dogs – 9 months and under 12 months __1__ 5 REBELROSE DURANJAYA GERONIMO WS287225/03 11/27/08 Breeder: Teresa Sheffield. By Ch. Evrmor Xtraodinaire v Stoneridge x C-Kel’s Dream Weaver’s Grandure. Owners: Joseph & Junine Leoni, 7095 W. 32nd Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) (also entered in Puppy Sweepstakes) __2__ 7 VOM BROZ’S BLACK ICE WS289809/01 11/8/08 Breeders: Nannette Broz & Jason Brooks. By Ch. FoothillsZedane x Ch. Eternal Moon Fenoix Blu. Owners: Roxanne & Peter Denboer, 817 Meadow Station Circle, Parker, CO 80134 12-18 Month Dogs __3__ 9 TRI-LEE’S MAJESTC WILDFIRE WS275930/02 8/20/08 Breeders: Mary Ann Hernandez & Owners. By Ch. Chellen’s Anthem for Mis-T, CDX, RA, PT x Ch. Galecrest’s Leap of Faith. Owners: Norma L. & Donald L. White, 43 Jefferson Road, Wheatland, WY 82201 __1__ 11 BANSHEE’S DUKE OF ROTT’N ACRES WS264593/08 4/30/08 Breeder: Barbara Forrester. By Ch. Crystal’s Topaz v Ponca x Ch. Evrmor’s Princess of MaPlemor. Owner: Joyce A. Eaton, 15002 W. 72nd Drive, Peoria, AZ 85381 (Agent: Mari Lynn Davisson) (also entered in 15-18 Sweepstakes) __2__ 15 THUNDER RANCH’S QUASH OF NIGHTHAWK WS269481/01 5/17/08 Breeders: Owner & Daviann Mitchell.By Crusade Encore von Sahne x Ch. Thunder Ranch’s Ophelia, NAJ. Owner: Linda Gunderson, 28802 Via Los Arboles, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) (also entered in 15-18 Sweepstakes) Amateur-Owner-Handler __1__ 17 WILDHAVEN’S ANASAZI DRAGONSWORD WS223726/09 5/10/07 Breeders: Debrah S. Riegel & Richard A. Riegel. By Ch. Cammcastle’s Viva Las Vegas VQR x Wildhaven’s Flame Of the Dragon. Owners: Valerie Carr & Michael Carr, P.O.Box 251, Pine, CO 80470 _ABS_ 19 ROGUE FRANCH’S KING KONG WS198013/07 11/3/06 Breeder: Helga Stolhand. By Jemar’s Tucker x MT Raven Goddess Blue. Owner: Jill Hehr, 17677 Palomino Street, Brighton, CO 80603 14 __2__ 23 SKYWIND’S LEGEND V RED BARON WS067610/15 12/15/03 Breeders: Owners. By Jenecks Nero II x Sincyr’s Out for Justice. Owners: Brenda & Glenn Haskin, 4832 S. Quintero Circle, Aurora, CO 80015 _____ 25 TRI-LEE’S MAJESTC FAN THE FLAME WS275930/05 8/20/08 Breeders: Mary Ann Hernandez and Owners. By Ch. Chellen’s Anthem for Mis-T, CDX, RA, PT x Ch Galecrest’s Leap of Faith. Owners: Norma L. and Donald L. White, 43 Jefferson Road, Wheatland, WY 82201 (also entered in 12-15 mo. Sweepstakes) __4__ 27 SPIRIT MTN’S KONGKUR THE EMPIRE STATE WS242977/03 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrocks Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, PT. Owners: Paula Swartz & Laura Wright-Smith, 10171 E. 151st Court, Brighton, CO 80602 __1__ 29 EIGENSTATE’S GONE IN 60 SECONDS WS173103/06 4/19/06 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos, CD, RA x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, HT, PT. Owners: Annick Malotaux & Teresa Williams, 17850 E. Cloudberry Drive, Parker, CO 80134 American-bred Dogs _____ 31 SPIRIT MTN’S LAST BOY FROM BROOKLYN, RA WS242977/12 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrock’s Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, HT. Owners: Susan Girard & Michael Girard, 8089 Iowa Gulch Rd., Morrison, CO 80465 (also entered in Rally Excellent A) __1__ 33 EIGENSTATE’S I AM WILDWIND THUNDER WS253908/01 2/15/08 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Arres Wildwind Rain All Over, CDX, RN x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, PT. Owner: Paula Scherk, 7488 Richard Street, Fort Lupton, CO 80621 __4__ 35 MAJESTC ROCKY MTN RENDEZVOUS WS202667/01 1/2/07 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majestc Orian Guard Sirius, HT, PT x Ch. Galecrest’s Leap of Faith. Owner: Mary Ann Hernandez, 2180 E. 18th Street, Loveland, CO 80538 _____ 37 SPIRIT MOUNTAIN BRICKHOUSE BREWREY WS242977/08 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrock’s Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, HT. Owner: Mary Beth Montalvo, 911 Paloverde Drive, Loveland, CO 80538 __3__ 39 SPIRIT MOUNTAIN BRONX BOMBER WS242977/02 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrock’s Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, HT. Owner: Carol Kellaren, 9401 N. Co. Rd. #19, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (Agent: Christine Torrez) __2__ 41 HIGHWOOD’S BETIN ON ACE WS270517/06 5/24/08 Breeder: Alex Vorbeck. By Crajo’s High Roller x Nighthawk’s Unbelievable. Owner: Jackie L. Nelson, 4175 Road 35 one half, Greybull, WY 82426 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) _ABS_ 43 EIGENSTATE’S INVINCIBLE SHERMAN WS253908/07 2/15/08 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Arre’s Wildwind Rain All Over, CDX, RN x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, HT, PT. Owners: Steve & Kim Tomasak & Teresa Williams, 5981 Blanca Court, Golden, CO 80403 Open Dogs __2__ 45 DAGGI BLACK ROLLER WS214893/01 10/11/06 Breeder: Jaroslav Kuripach. By Frenk Freywald x Bora Belo. Owners: Marsha Hall & Nicholas Reynolds, 3918 Briar Drive, Loveland, CO 80538 __1__ 47 XTRA VON RUELMANN WS254354/05 2/19/08 Breeder: Owner. By Dandy von Hause Neubrand x Von Ruelmann’s Iris. Owner: Bob Bolognesi, 231 E. Alessandro Blvd. PMB127, Riverside, CA 92508 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) __3__ 49 EIGENSTATE’S GATEKEEPER WS173103/04 4/19/06 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos, CD, RA x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, Ht, PT. Owners: Paul & Jeanne Dassel, 1267 Stardust Circle, Castle Rock, CO 80104 WINNERS DOG____29_____ Dogs/ Points: 20 dogs / 4 points RESERVE WINNERS DOG_____11______ Puppy Bitches – 6 months and under 9 months __1__ 6 NIGHTHAWK’S KISS N TELL THE WORLD WS293933/01 2/20/09 Breeder: Daviann Mitchell. By Am/Can Ch. Qualicum AbsolutAdamntBryloukis x Am/Can Ch. Nighthawk’s Call Girl v Sierra Gold, CD. Owners: Lera Thomas & Daviann Mitchell, 455 CR 210, Nacogdoches, TX 75965 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) (also entered in Sweepstakes) __2__ 8 GOLDSHIELD’S TOP DESIGNER WS295861/02 2/24/09 Breeders: Barbara Palm, Ronnie Bizer & Julia Simmons. By Ch. Karriem’s General Decimus x Ch. Goldshield’s Gabrielle Chanel CD, RN, TD, HT. Owners: Roxanne & Peter Denboer & Perry Payson, 817 Meadow Station Circle, Parker, CO 80134 Puppy Bitches – 9 months and under 12 months __1__ 10 LORAL’S QUEST FOR HIGHWOOD WS286461/02 11/28/08 Breeders: Loretta Pyeatt & Allen Pyeatt. By Ch. Nighthawk’s Born for Highwood x Ch. Loral’s Image, CD. Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck, 12742 Highwood Street, Los Angeles, CA 90049 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) (also entered in Puppy Sweepstakes) 12 to 18 Month Bitches __3__ 12 MAJESTC TRI-LEE SHAMANS RAIN DANCE WS275930/04 8/20/08 Breeders: Owner and Don & Norma White. By Ch. Chellen’s Anthem for Mis-T, CDX, RA, PT x Ch. Galecrest’s Leap of Faith. Owner: Mary Ann Hernandez, 2180 E. 18th St., Loveland, CO 80538 (also entered in 12-15 mo. Jr. Sweeps.) __2__ 14 HIGHWOOD’S BELIEVE IN MAGIC WS270517/01 5/24/08 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Crajo’s High Roller x Ch. Nighthawk’s Unbelievable, CDX, RE. Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck, 12742 Highwood St., Los Angeles, CA 90049 (Agent: Perry Payson) (also entered in 15-18 mo. Junior Sweepstakes) __1__ 16 NIGHTHAWK’S IMAGE IS EVERYTHING WS265129/01 5/01/08 Breeder: Nighthawk Rottweilers – Daviann Mitchell. By Ch. Nighthawk’s Zoom Zoom Zoom, CD x Ch. Nighthawk’s Call Girl v Sierra Gold, CD. Owners: Linda Gunderson & Breeder, 256 Kasson Road, Bethlehem, CT 06751 (also entered in 15-18 mo. Sweepstakes) Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches __1__ 18 SPIRIT MOUNTAINS ALBANY OF MAPLEMOR, RN, RA WS242977/01 11/3/07 Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Blackrocks Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, HT, PT, RE. Owners: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith, P.O. Box 935, New Castle, CO 81646 __3__ 20 BAAR’S LUNA DE MIEL V WOODROTT, HT WS247389/01 9/24/07 Breeders: Ann Callahan, Peggy Wood & Christine Ferro By Ch. Woodrott Abbaz Kazmopolitan x Ch. BAAR’s Highstepin Little Miss Twist. Owners: Kathryn M. Howse, Ann Callahan & Betsy McLelland, 5790 E. County Line Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 __2__ 22 ARRES WINDFALL, HT, PT WS118044/02 1/27/05 Breeder: Geula Resnick. By Ch. Arres Wildwind Rain All Over, CDX, RN x Ch. Timbercreek’s Cherrys Jubilee, CD, NA NAJ, HIAs, HXAd, RA. Owners: David & Geula Resnick, 555 Madison Street, Denver, CO 80206 __4__ 24 SKYWINDS BROOKS V LEEHAUS WS166872/07 2/13/06 Breeders: Brenda & Glenn Haskin. By Darkstarr’s Silver von Detrich x SinCyr’s Out for Justice. Owners: William and Barbara Garner & Brenda Haskin, 11229 Jordan Court, Parker, CO 80134 _ABS_ 26 BAAR’S MI MIMOSA DULCE V WOODROTT WS275202/01 7/29/08 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Woodrott Abbaz Kazmopolitan x Ch. BAAR’s Indian Summer, CDX, PT, AXP, AJP. Owner: Ann Callahan, P.O. Box 2425, Tijeras, NM 87059 (also entered in 12-15 mo. Sweepstakes) Ex (Lame)28 EIGENSTATE’S GUIDING LIGHT WS173103/07 4/19/06 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos, CD, RA x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, HT, PT. Owner: Teresa Williams, 17850 E. Cloudberry Drive, Parker, CO 80134 American-Bred Bitches __2__ 30 DARK LUCK V GALECREST, RN WS232604/04 7/7/07 Breeder: Dawn Galey. By Sir Jack Winner x Ch. Rotti’s Allyans Pia. Owners: Jean & Doug Looker, 6449 WCR #21 Fort Lupton, CO 80621 (Agent: Geula Resnick) (also entered in Rally Advanced A) 15 __1__ 32 KELSEY’S QUINTESSENCE WS231794/01 6/28/07 Breeders: Wayne & Karen Gilden. By Ch. Silverhill’s Utah, CDX, RA x Kelsey’s One Fine Day, RN, HT, PT. Owners: Wayne & Karen Gilden & Christian Gilden, 343 Pine Street, LaSalle, CO 80645 __3__ 34 SPIRIT MOUNTAINS LADY LIBERTY WS242977/05 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura Wright-Smith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrock’s Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, HT. Owners: Christine & Tim Torrez, 6915 Avondale Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80525 __4__ 36 LOZANO’S ANASTASIA WS230233/04 8/3/07 Breeders: Marcy Konig & Joel Konig. By Action Rottweiler Bomber from Arsic x Katie Jesse. Owners: Teresa Lozano & Ace Lozano, 1217 MacTavish Street, Dacono, CO 80514 _____ 38 EIGENSTATE’S GIRASOLE WS173103/02 4/19/06 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos, CD, RA x Ch. Eigenstate’s Encore, HT, PT. Owners: Todd & Monika Antonvik & Breeder, 12569 Big Dry Creek Drive, Broomfield, CO 80134 Open Bitches By Ch. Tailwind’s Always Sold Out, CD x Ch. Eigenstate’s All Riled Up, CDX, HSAsd, HIAd. Owner: Randi Bolton, 3861 Morning Glory Drive, Castle Rock, CO 80109 (also entered in Veteran Sweepstakes) __4__ 53 CH. ARRES WILDWIND RAIN ALL OVER, CDX, RN WS007429/01 5/14/02 Breeders: Geula & David Resnick. By Ch. Tailwinds Always Sold Out, CD x Ch. Eigenstate’s All Riled Up, CDX, HT, PT. Owner: Paula Scherk, 7488 Richard Street, Fort Lupton, CO 80621 __2__ 55 CH. BAAR’S HEAVEN SENT, UDX, RE, HSAcds, HXAds WS011768/01 6/13/02 Breeders: Ann K. Callahan & Betsy McLelland. By Ch. Evrmor’s Vision Quest v BAAR, CDX, HSAs x Ch. Wyndhurst Que Osa Carries On, CDX, RE. Owners: Kathryn M. Howse, Ann K. Callahan & Alissa Owen, 5790 E. County Line Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 (also entered in Veteran Sweepstakes) __1__ 57 CH. EVRMOR KNIGHT ERRANT WR006530/01 9/28/00 Breeders: D. Brownstein, A. Callahan, J. Morgan & N. Lundgren By Ch. Von Boylan Antonio Banderas x Ch. Evrmor’s Blackgammon v BAAR, CDX, HT. Owners: Monique Latteier & James Wilkinson, 12972 S. 300 E, Draper, UT 84020 (also entered in Veterans Sweepstakes) _____ 40 REDONDO’S QUICK MERCEDES WS026937/03 1/16/03 Breeders: Juan & Nancy Griego. By Ch. Luxor vom Stefanhaus x Pineridges Katie v Redondo. Owner: Adam Gray, 5105 Gaviota Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 __2__ 42 WILDHAVEN’S DENALI WS223726/04 5/10/07 Breeders: Debrah S. Riegel & Richard A. Riegel. By Ch. Cammcastle’s Viva Las Vegas VQR x Wildhaven’s Flame of the Dragon. Owners: Michael Carr & Valerie Carr, P.O. Box 251, Pine, CO 80470 __3__ 44 BRUMBIE WS226279/03 2/15/07 Breeder: Richard J. Price. By Casino Killer Mack x Ladycally of Courageouscuz. Owner: Don Beck, 2420 Remington Road, Elizabeth, CO 80107 __1__ 46 LAREDOS BE ALL END ALL V ARRES, CD, RE WS202849/06 12/19/06 Breeders: Nancy & Jim Stafford. By Ch. Arres All Knight Long, CD, RA, PT x Ch. Moonlights A Bit of Madness, CDX, RA, OAP, OJP. Owners: Randi Bolton, 3861 Morning Glory Dr., Castle Rock, CO 80109 __4__ 48 RENDEZVOUS HARVEST MOON WS180012/05 5/22/06 Breeder Raven Novak, DVM. By Ch. Tailwind’s Always Sold Out, CD x Ch. Sares Moondancer v Meerbotdin, CD. Owners: Brenda Beckman & Raven Novak, DVM, 10602 E. Milliron Rd., Cheyenne, WY 82009 _ABS_ 59 AM/CAN CH. WYNDHURST QUALICUM WP942145/02 9/15/99 Breeders: A. Callahan, D. Brownstein, J. Morgan & Davies. By Am/Can Ch. Von Boylans Antonio Banderas x Ch. Evrmor’s Blackgammon v BAAR, CDX. Owner: Susan Peyton, 900 Spider Lake Road, Qualicum, British Columbia, Canada J9K 2L7 (also entered in Veteran Sweepstakes) _____ 61 CH. EVRMOR’S LEGEND OF STONERIDGE, CD, RE, HSAsd WP996554/02 10/6/00 Breeder: Katie Grifiths. By Ch. Evrmor’s U R The One, CD x Stoneridge Bella von Tyler. Owner: Janna Morgan, 2357 S. Lima Street, Aurora, CO 80014 (also entered in Veteran Sweepstakes) _ABS_ 63 CH. TAILWIND’S ALWAYS SOLD OUT, CD WP805036/09 5/10/97 Breeder: Todd Kissel. By Ch. Evrmor’s UR The One, CD x Ch. Montclaire’s Energized Chaos, CD. Owner: Grant Ellis, P.O. Box 1151, Kremmling, CO 80459 Veteran Bitches __1__ 50 CH. CINABAR’S TWO THUMBS UP WP986099/04 7/3/00 Breeder: Rita Wilhite. By Ch. Gil Crni Lotos x Ch. Vom Hochfeld’s Look At Me Now. Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego, P.O. Box 1004, Belen, NM 87002 (also entered in Vet. Sweeps) WINNERS BITCH__32___ Bitches/Points: 20 bitches/4 points RESERVE WINNERS BITCH_____10______ NON-REGULAR CLASSES – SINGLE DOG ENTRIES Veteran Dogs __3__ 51 CH. ARRES AGAINST ALL ODDS, CD, RAE, HT, 16 PT WS007429/05 5/14/02 Breeders: Geula & David Resnick. Best of Breed Competition Dogs: _____ 65 CH. REDONDO’S READY OR NOT V BAAR, RN, RA, RE WS171699/07 (Dog) 4/24/06 Breeders: Juan Griego & Nancy R. Griego. By Ch. BAAR’s I’m No Saint, RE, CD, CDX, PT x Ch. Cinabars Two Thumbs Up. Owners: David Craig and Juan & Nancy Griego, 224 N. 5th Ave., Sterling, CO 80751 _____ 67 CH. CHANCELLOR GO’N HELL FOR LEATHER WS150495/01 (Dog) 9/28/05 Breeder: Wendi Lewellen. By Ch. BAAR’s Dvil’n Disgiz v Blackrock x Ch. Chancellor’s Echo of Fame. Owners: Monique Latteier, Tina Campos, Alex Davison, 12972 S. 300 E, Draper, UT 84020 (also entered in Jr. Showmanship) _____ 69 CH. RENDEZVOUS SOMETHIN’ SPECIAL WS180012/03 (Dog) 5/22/06 Breeder: Raven Novak, DVM. By Ch. Tailwind’s Always Sold Out, CD x Ch. Sare’s Moondancer v Meerbotdin, CD, RN. Owners: Dwayne Winkels & Raven Novak, DVM, 7103 Archer Road, Cheyenne, WY 82009 _____ 71 CH. VOM BROZ’S MICK V RAMZES WS195454/03 (Dog) 7/29/06 Breeders: Nanette Broz & Jason Brooks. By Ramzes Crni Lotos x Vom Broz Faraday. Owners: Peter & Roxanne Denboer, 817 Meadow Station Circle, Parker, CO 80134 (also entered in Novice A Obedience & Jr. Showmanship) _____ 73 CH. GAMEGARD’S LARIAT WS098335/05 (Dog) 8/15/04 Breeders: Victoria Weaver, Pam Marsh, Robin Haden. By Ch. Gamegard’s U.S. Marshall x Ch. Fullhaus A ChaCha v Gamegards. Owner: Joanne Cochran, 17209 E. 13th Avenue Aurora, CO 80011 (Agent: Clint Livingston #1443) _____ 75 CH. MOONLIGHT MAXIMUS MADNESS WS180588/01 (Dog) 5/25/06 Breeders: Mary Gentlesk & Michelle Frazier. By Jenecks Nero II x Bucknwald’s Moonlight Madness. Owners: William & Barbara Garner, 11229 Jordan Court, Parker, CO 80134 _____ 77 CH. BAAR’S KID KALLAHAN V EDLIK, CDX WS120123/02 (Dog) 2/7/05 Breeders: Marti Kemper, Ann Callahan & Diana Lane. By Ch. Keerocka’s Entertainer, CD x Ch. BAAR’s Eighth Ave Manhattan, CD, RN, TDX, HT. Owners: Dora Cressy, DVM & Ann Callahan, 9950 Radcliffe Road NW, Albuqueque, NM 87114 (also entered in Open B Obedience) _____ 79 CH. NIGHTHAWK’S BORN FOR HIGHWOOD WS175671/06 (Dog) 2/14/06 Breeders: Daviann Mitchell & Owner. By Crusade von Sahne x Ch. SierraGold Call Girl v Nighthawk, CD Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck, 12742 Highwood Street, Los Angeles, CA 90049 (Agent: Perry Payson #0936) Bitches: ____ 52 CH. REDONDO’S RUMOR HAS IT WS171699/03 (Bitch) 4/24/06 Breeders: Juan & Nancy Griego. By Ch. BAAR’s I’m No Saint , CDX, PT, RE x Ch. Cinabar’s Two Thumbs Up. Owners: Adam Gray and Juan & Nancy Griego, 5105 Gaviota Way NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 _____ 54 CH. BRIAROAKS CAJUN N SPICE WS095026/02 (Bitch) 6/9/04 Breeder: Clara Coker. By Ch. Gamegard’s U.S. Marshall, RN x Ch. Serrant Andel’s Cheers, CD. Owners: Gerri Calvert & Mike Hunter, 1025 E. Sumac, Pueblo West, CO 81007 (Agent: Clint Livingston #1443) _____ 56 CH. SKYWIND VON EISENHART DENALI WS067610/16 (Bitch) 12/15/03 Breeders: Owners. By Jenecks Nero II x SinCyr’s Out for Justice. Owners: Brenda & Glenn Haskin, 4832 S. Quintero Circle, Aurora, CO 80015 _____ 58 CH. RENDEZVOUS CLASSIC TRIPLE B WS180012/01 (Bitch) 5/22/06 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Tail- wind’s Always Sold Out, CD x Ch. Sares Moondancer v Meerbotdin, CD, RN. Owner: Raven Novak, DVM, 2113 Seymour Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001 _____ 60 CH. EIGENSTATE’S ENCORE, HT, PT WR077503/01 (Bitch) 12/13/02 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Nighthawk’s Quite TheMan v Wyndhurst, RE x Ch. Eigenstate’s Accolade, CD, HT, PT, HSAs. Owner: Teresa Williams, 17850 E. Cloudberry Dr, Parker, CO 80134 (also entered in Brood Bitch) BEST OF BREED________79_________ BEST OF WINNERS______32________ BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED_____58____ AWARD OF MERIT ___50___ ___65___ BEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES______10________ NON-REGULAR CLASSES – MULTIPLE DOG ENTRIES Brood Bitch __1__ (50) CH. CINABAR’S TWO THUMBS UP WP986099/04 7/3/00 Breeder: Rita Wilhite. By Ch. Gil Crni Lotos x Ch. Vom Hochfeld’s Look At Me Now. Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego, P.O. Box 1004, Belen, NM 87002 (also entered in Veterans) __4__ (60) CH. EIGENSTATE’S ENCORE, HT, PT WR077503/01 12/13/02 Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Nighthawk’s QuiteTheMan v Wyndhurst, RE x Ch. Eigenstate’s Accolade, CD, HT, PT, HSAs. Owner: Teresa Williams, 17850 E. Cloudberry Drive, Parker, CO 80134 __2__ 62 CH. EIGENSTATE’S ALL RILED UP, CDX, HSsd, HId WP837597/04 6/31/98 Breeder: Teresa Williams. By Ch. Far West’s Arizona, HT, PT, TD x Ch. Vom Hochfeld’s Seminole Wind, CD, HIC. Owners: David & Geula Resnick, 555 Madison Street, Denver, CO 80206 __3__ 64 SINCYR’S OUT FOR JUSTICE WR032679/04 6/28/01 Breeders: Marc & Dodie Cyr. By Ch. MT Raven’s Sincyr Assassin x Ch. Vom Hochfelds Mahogany Rush. Owners: Brenda & Glenn Haskin, 4832 S. Quintero Circle, Aurora, CO 80015 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Judge: Mr, Arley D. Hussin Open Intermediate Class __1__ J-10 SEAN BEST #27596963003 CH. VOM BROZ’S MICK V RAMZES (Dog) WS195454/03 7/29/06 Breeders: Nannette Broz & Jason Brooks. By Ramzes Crni Lotos x Vom Borz Faraday. Owners: Peter & Roxanne Denboer, 817 Meadow Station Circle, Parker, CO 80134 (also entered in Best of Breed Comp.) 17 Open Senior Class __1__ J-12 ALEX DAVISON #19920314005 CH. CHANCELLOR’S GO’N HELL FOR LEATHER (Dog) WS150495/01 9/28/05 Breeder: Wendi Lewellen. By Ch. BAAR’s Devil’n Disqiz v Blackrock x Ch. Chancellors Echo of Fame. Owners: Monique Latteier, Tina Campos, Alex Davison, 12972 S. 300 E, Draper, UT 84020 _82__ R- 7 CH. EVRMOR BELIEVES IN A DREAM, HT, PT WS175698/01 (Bitch) 2/16/06 Breeders: Rebecca M. Sarine & Owner. By Ch. Evrmor’s Quigley, CD x Ch. Evrmor’s Sarah. Owner: Janna P. Morgan, 2357 S. Lima Street, Denver, CO 80014 First Place__R-5____ Second Place___R-7____ Rally Advanced A BEST JUNIOR HANDLER ______J-12________ OBEDIENCE TRIAL Judge: Mrs. Linda Scanlon _83__ R-11 CH. REDONDO’S REMEMBERING RITA, RN WS171699/01 (Bitch) 4/24/06 Breeders: Juan & Nancy Griego. By Ch BAAR’s I’m No Saint, RN, RA, CD, PT x Ch. Cinabars Two Thumbs Up. Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego, P.O. Box 1004, Belen, NM 87002 (also entered in Obedience Novice B) Novice A _____ O- 6 CH. VOM BROZ’ MICK V RAMZES WS195454/03 (Dog) 7/29/06 Breeders: Nannette Broz & Jason Brooks. By Ramzes Crni Lotos x Vom Broz Faraday. Owners: Roxanne & Peter Denboer, 817 Meadow Station Circle, Parker, CO 80134 (also entered in Best of Breed Comp.) _81__ R-15 KELSEY’S FANTASIA, HT, PT, RN WS144713/02 8/18/05 Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Frontier Gold’s Arctic Sky, CD x Kelsey’s Wild Wild West, HT, PT. Owners: Christian Gilden & Karen Gilden, 343 Pine Street, LaSalle, CO 80645 First Place___R-11___ Second Place___R-15___ First Place_____O-6_____Score______173 ½_____ Rally Advanced B Novice B _NQ__ O- 8 CH. REDONDO’S REMEMBERING RITA, RN WS171699/01 (Bitch) 4/24/06 Breeders: Owners. By Ch. BAAR’s I’m No Saint, CDX, PT, RE x Ch. Cinabar’s Two Thumbs Up Owners: Juan & Nancy Griego, P.O. Box 1004, Belen, NM 87002 (also entered in Rally Advanced A) _94__ R-9 DARK LUCK V GALECREST, RN WS232604/04 (Bitch) 7/7/07 Breeder: Dawn Galey. By Sir Jack Winner x Ch. Rotti’s Allyans Pia. Owners: Jeanne & Doug Looker, 6449 WCR #21, Fort Lupton, CO 80621 (also entered in American-Bred class) First Place___R-9___ First Place______________ Score_______________ Rally Excellent A Open B _____ O-10 CH. BAAR’S KIDD KALLAHAN V EDLIK, CDX WS120123/02 (Dog) 2/7/05 Breeders: Marti Kemper, Ann Callahan & Diana Lane. By Ch. Keerocka’s Entertainer, CD x Ch. BAAR’s Eighth Ave Manhattan, CD, RN, TDX, HT. Owner: Dora Cressy, DVM & Ann Callahan, 9950 Radcliffe Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 (also entered in B.O.B.) First Place____O-10_____ Score_____180 ½_____ HIGH SCORING DOG IN TRIAL ___O-10____ RALLY CLASSES Judge: Mrs. Linda Scanlon _75__ R-17 SPIRIT MTN’S LAST BOY FROM BROOKLYN, RA WS242977/12 (Dog) 11/3/07 Breeders: Laura WrightSmith & Charles Smith. By Ch. Blackrock’s Heartbreaker x Ch. Maplemor’s Brooklyn v Evrmor, RE, HT. Owners: Susan Girard & Michael Girard, 8089 Iowa Gulch Rd., Morrison, CO 80465 (also entered in American-Bred Dog) __NQ_ R-19 KELSEY’S STEADY BEATING DRUMS, RN, RA WS144713/03 (Dog) 8/18/05 Breeders: Karen & Christian Gilden. By Ch. Frontier Gold’s Arctic Sky, CD x Kelsey’s Wild West, PT. Owner: Britney Mazzer, 2431 Water Front Street, Evans, CO 80620 First Place___R-17____ Second Place__________ **Pictures not received from show photographer at time of printing Rally Novice B _99__ R- 5 BAAR’S INSATIABLE SOPHIE’S C, HT WS043793/06 (Bitch) 6/1/03 Breeders: Ann K. Callahan & Betsy McLelland By Ch. Evrmor’s Vision Quest v BAAR, CDX, HSAs x Ch. Wyndhurst Que Osa Carries On, CDX, RE. Owner: Maria Consentino & Kathryn Howse, 5790 E. County Line Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 18 Thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time for this specialty! 19 We had 6 puppies born on September 20th 4 girls and 2 boys. Sire: AOM AM/CAN CH Evrmor's Legend of Stoneridge CD RE HSAds TT CGC 2 x HIT, OFA24F EL24 TH20 CA28 CERF83 Dam: CH Evrmor's Yellow Submarine V Banshee OFA25F EL25 CA12 TH25 CERF51 Contacts: Dawn Palmisano 303-651-6975 —— Janna Morgan 303 745-0222 or 800-454-5067 20 Web site: Breeders are: Dawn Palmisano And Janna P Morgan 21 22 IronStone Proudly Announces…………. Multi V1 Int/UKC/AM CH VOM BROZ’S MICK V RAMZES (MICK): Cheyenne, WY: BEST OF BREED…owner handled by Roxanne Denboer : (Junior’s OI) 2nd Place, Sean Best Greeley Specialty: 1st leg Qualifying Score in Nov. A Obedience Roxanne : (Junior’s OI) 1st place, Sean Best VOM BROZ’S BLACK ICE (VINNY): Grand Junction, CO: 1st place Puppy Dogs 9-12 mths/ BEST PUPPY GROUP 1/BEST IN SHOW PUPPY !! Owner Handled by Roxanne Cheyenne, WY: 1st place Puppy Dogs 9 -12 mths and BEST PUPPY/ GROUP 1 !!! owner handled by Pete (1ST AKC SHOW) Greeley Specialty: 2nd Place, owner handled by Pete GOLDSHEILD’S TOP DESIGNER (ANGIE): (1st AKC SHOW) Grand Junction, CO: 1st place Puppy Bitches 6-9 mths, owner handled by Roxanne Cheyenne, WY: 1st place Puppy Bitches 6-9 mths, owner handled by Roxanne Greeley Specialty: 2nd place Puppy Bitches 6-9 mths, owner handled by Roxanne UKC CH C ROCKIN GUN’S n ROSES (GUN’s the Beagle)! and…………..Congratulations to Sean with his BEST OF BREED WIN (against adults and making it into GROUP !!) at Eagle, CO with his companion! Check out the Aug/Sept issue of: THE ROTTWEILER CHRONICLE ( ***Watch for our 2010 Upcoming Breedings of IronStone’s Multi V-1 INT/UKC/AM CH VOM BROZ’S MICK V RAMZES*** Proud Owners: Roxanne, Peter, Sean and Brandon / ** SUPPORTING and THANKING OUR MILITARY ** 23 Carting Excellent – Driving Your Dog Part I – Equipment and Initial Considerations Ellen O’Connell In early 2009, when I decided to train my girl, Schara, for her CX title, I expected it to be easy. After all, I had experience training horses to drive and also had worked with Randi Bolton when she started her boy, Ripley, driving the year before. My dog is high energy. Any time she isn't heeling, she is as far ahead of me as the leash allows. She was accomplished at the Intermediate level. How hard could it be? Harder than expected. In fact, training my girl to drive was one of those humbling experiences dog people mutter about. Since that time I've helped another couple of folks in the local carting practice group who want that CX title. It is my hope that setting out the things I've learned may be helpful to others whose dogs have achieved their Started and Intermediate titles and who aren't sure where to start training to drive. Evaluate yourself and your dog. The weight limit bandied about for a driving dog to pull is three times its own weight. Pulling a person over the level surface of a carting test isn't the problem, although it's definitely work. Overcoming inertia to start and stop the cart is the hardest part, and our test requires getting the cart going at the Start and a stop and a start for the Halt, before the Gate, after the Gate, and twice for the Backup. The closer you can keep the total weight to twice the dog's weight the better, and at 2.5 times the dog's weight, in my opinion it would be time to rethink this project. Don't forget your cart and harness weigh 35-50 pounds. Is your dog already comfortable with carting? Did he do CS and CI happily? ARC Carting Rules allow entering any carting class without titling at the previous level, and I am sure there are people who start carting at the driving level. One way or the other, your dog needs a solid carting foundation before training to drive. 24 Equipment. ARC Carting Rules allow but do not require a head halter with reins for driving, and all the dogs I worked with were trained with a head halter. However, some people do use reins attached to a collar. I tried driving Ripley once with reins on just the collar and scared myself. If you decide on the tried and true use of a head halter for driving, make sure your dog is accustomed to wearing the halter. The easiest way to do this is to put the halter on at home and then do things the dog likes. Feed him with it on, play with him with it on, go for walks using collar and leash but having the dog just wear the halter. Once he is wearing the halter in those circumstances without a fuss, attach leashes to the side rings and teach him to turn his head towards a slight rein pull. Ryza models a customized alpaca halter from Note the D rings for the reins. If your harness doesn’t have D rings for the reins near the top of the back strap, you need to add them. Without these guide rings, the reins tend to catch on shaft ends or other parts of the harness. If your dog shakes his head, a rein can flip right over the head so that you no longer have steering. Running reins under the back strap or another part of the harness stops the tangling and flipping, but it also puts so much drag on the reins you don't have good use of them. Get guide rings on the harness. Guide rings for reins were added to this harness made by Geula Resnick. Narrow 6-foot leashes with small clips work well for reins. If you have not yet decided on a cart to use, attend a carting practice or test and think about what's best for you and your dog. A cart designed only for one dog is narrow and easy to maneuver through the carting course, particularly the gate. However, it will also give you a little of the feeling an adult gets sitting on kindergarten furniture. The double cart can be set up for one dog or a team and feels more "adult" to sit in. However, the 4-foot gate opening dictated in the ARC Carting Rules only gives you 6-7 inches on each side of the double cart. Not all carts have carabiners on the shaft ends for hitching. Some are designed for the shafts to go through shaft loops on the harness and for use with traces. Your cart and harness must be designed for the same kind of hookup. Make sure the 2-wheeled cart you use for driving is properly balanced. Have your dog stand on level ground when hitched to your cart. The shafts should be parallel to the ground. If the shafts are closer to the ground at the dog's shoulders than at his rear, the dog is going to have too much weight on his back. If the shafts are farther from the ground at the dog's shoulders, the cart is going to "float" and there will be undue pressure on the dog from the bellyband. With your dog still hitched and standing on level ground, sit in the cart and have a friend lift each shaft slightly. If the cart is properly balanced, there should be very little weight on the shaft. Your friend should be able to lift the shaft up with only her fingers. You can affect the cart's balance by sitting back or forward, so do these tests with the posture you will use when driving. Be careful to keep a sharp eye on your equipment every step of the way as you train for driving. One of the most important things is to be sure your tires always have at or close to maximum pressure. Taking your wheels to a bicycle shop and getting heavy duty inner tubes and leak proof filler can make this less of a chore. The single and double carts shown above are Forrester carts. See: Resources. Sulky type carts are made locally by Glenn Haskin and in Albuquerque by Jennifer Barajas ([email protected]). For a harness with shaft loops and traces, see Next Time: Part II will address training your dog to drive – starting out, turns, and other elements of the ARC carting test. 25 ~ Eigenstate Rottweilers ~ “Memphis” Eigenstate’s Gone in 60 Seconds OFA GOOD, EL, CA, CERF (CHIC #53962) CH Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos CD,RA,RTD x BOSS CH Eigenstate’s Encore HT,PT,TT (Both CHIC clear) WOW!! WD at MHRC & 12 Points and 3 majors from BBE in 4 weekends! Memphis is a happy soul – has two legs of his RN and planning to pick up those last three singles in October. Thanks to my friend Annick Malotaux for sharing him with me and giving him such a great home. 26 Memphis is available at stud to health tested bitches. Teresa Williams * [email protected] * * 303-840-8909 ~ Eigenstate Rottweilers ~ Available Stud Dogs – all CHIC clear BIS/BISS CH Nelson VH Brabantpark-Gold Sire A/C CH Farwest’s Arizona TD, PT-Silver Sire [CHIC clear] A/C CH Tri-Lee’s Destiny Farwest TD-Silver Dam CH Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos CD,RA [CHIC clear] BIS/BISS CH Jade Hagen Kodiac CDX-Gold Sire Sel CH Vom Hochfeld’s Seminole Wind CD,HIC-Gold Dam [CHIC c/ear] Ptd Der Fruchtwald Gem V Hochfeld Eigenstate’s Great I’Deal (needs majors to finish) OFA EXELLENT, EL, CA, CERF, TH, VWD clear (CHIC #47910) Plato A/C CH Von Boylan's Antonio Banderas BST,Sh3,AD-Gold Sire A/C CH Nighthawk’s QuiteTheMan V Wyndhurst RE,BH [CHIC clear] V CH Evrmor's Blackgammon V Baar CDX,HT,TT,V-Gold Dam CH Eigenstate’s Encore HT,PT,TT [CHIC clear] A/C CH Farwest’s Arizona TD, PT-Silver Sire CH Eigenstate’s Accolade CD,HT,PT,HSAs [CHIC clear] Select CH Vom Hochfeld’s Seminole Wind CD,HIC-Gold Dam < ―Memphis‖ Eigenstate’s Gone in 60 Seconds (OFA Good, EL, CA, CERF CHIC #53962) ―Gaybe‖ > Eigenstate’s Gatekeeper (OFA Good, EL, CA, CERF CHIC #57312) Memphis Valor AOM CH Eigenstate’s Excalibur (OFA Exel, EL, CA, CERF) Full litter brothers to Plato Chance CH Eigenstate’s Audacious Artos CD,RA (OFA Good, EL, CA, CERF) Gaybe Merlin Ptd V Wizard of Camelot V Hochfeld CD (OFA Excel, EL, CA, CERF) Wondering where to go for your next stud dog? These boys all have lovely structure, great temperaments, and proven production pedigrees. Available to health tested bitches - additional photos and information available on request. Chance, Valor, and Merlin via frozen semen. Reasonable stud contract – I’ve been a breeder, and do not charge full fee in advance. Clearances and family history for health can be verified at Teresa Williams * Parker, CO * (303) 840-8909 * [email protected] * 27