1955-1967 - The Nova Scotia Legislature
1955-1967 - The Nova Scotia Legislature
Index to Local and Private Acts 1955 -1967 c Year Aberdeen Hospital Act (1950, c. 91); amended ... 1955 Cap. 1967 c. 101 128 144 151 1964 c. 83 c. c. further amended further amended jy°b further amended c. Acadia Fisheries Limited, Canso, Act re taxation Acadia Insurance Company Act (1953, c. 89); amended further amended further amended ^ Iqai !qco J96/ c. c. c. 132 122 131 129 Acadia Students' Union Acadia Trust Company (1920, c. 169); amended Acadia University Institute, Act to lyb7 c. 1964 c. 118 c. Acadia University, Act respecting 195' incorporate !qc7 Actrespecting . v 1966 c. 79 86 112 iybZ c. 96 iybZ c. 97 iy58 c. 126 |^2 c. 1964 c. amended \T£ c. iyo< c. 127 143 78 98 87 hospital (1903, c. 154); amended and consolidated jy^ c. c. Adshade, Brian Godfrey, Act to Change Name to McCarthy Adshade, Creighton Alfred, Act to Change Name to McCarthy All Saints' Cathedral, Act respecting (1906, c.208); amended All Saints Springhill Hospital (1949, c. 112); amended further amended Amherst Area Industrial Commission Act Amherst Driving Club, Act to incorporate Amherst, Townof, Act to establish a public [yb:J c. iy5b c. 82 133 iybZ c. 76 Products Ltd Act to fix Taxation of Union Carbide iyb4 c. 77 Jybb c Act to license certain workmen iy{5° c 92 79 iyb0 c- amended .- Act to fix taxation of Enamel & Heating Products Ltd Act to fix taxation of Enamel & Heating Canada Limited Act to own and operate a Rink and Community Centre 9517 ll local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year Amherst \fl inter Fair Buildings Cornmission Act (1949, c. 90); amended Anglican 0 hurch Act Anglican E iocesan Centre Corp., Act to mcor . porat e Annapolis ounty Farmers' Association, (1934, c. 98); amended Annapolis eneral Hospital Act (1939, c.93); amended Annapolis Royal, Town of, Act to provide for a retirin I allowance for S. Max Rippey 1959 1967 c. Ill 130 1967 c. 131 1962 c. 124 1965 c. 141 1958 c. 80 1965 c. 103 1960 c. 96 1967 c. 120 1958 c. 103 1961 c. 84 1967 1960 1966 c. c. 112 72 93 1962 e. 77 1955 c. 73 1966 c. 101 1966 c. 102 1956 1966 c. c. 73 110 1960 c. 97 1962 c. 126 1966 c. 113 1964 c. 101 1963 1960 c. 76 c. 98 Annapolis /alley Canners Ltd., Port Wi iams, Act to fix taxation Annapolis galley Sportsmen's Club, Act to i ncorporate Antigonish] Municipality of, contribute to Highlan } Society Antigonish Town of, provide retiring allowand e for J. A. MacGillivray(1953, c. 58); amended Joint exd enditures payable by Munic- ipalib and Town Make e x >e nditure towards reception, Queer] Mother Provide llowance for Henrietta Chisholm Sell land Act to e n i ble to exempt from Taxation Prope ties of Antigonish Columbus Club |>w Club Argyle, Dis rict of, to levy a special tax for - andH fire protection To enter nto Agreement Fished ies Ltd incorp brate c. with Sealife To make contribution to Yarmouth Cente nial Swimming Pool Armdale Ser vice Commission, Act to (1947, c. 87); amended further a nended Army, Nav^j and Airforce Veterans, Act respecti ng holding of real property N.S Corrlmand and Units Atlantic Be igl eClub(1949,c.91); amended by Atlantic Stc|ck Exchange, Act to incor porate Atlantic Tril<st Company, Act to incorporate . Atlantic Wi c. iter Fair, Act to incorporate Directors of Aylesford R icing Club, Act to incorporate 9518 local and private acts 1955-1967 3 Year Cap. Bairncroft, Act to incorporate (1918, c. 114); amended Baker, Helen Elizabeth, Act to alter birth registration Baptist Church, Alliance of Reformed, Actto exempt from Taxation Baptist Church, First United, Hammonds Plains, Actrespecting lands Baptist Convention, United, Home Mission Board of, Act to change name 1955 c. 96 1959 c. 87 1964 c. 93 1967 c. 134 1965 c. 120 1966 c. 114 I960 c. 99 1956 c. 92 c. 91 124 Board of Ministers' Annuity Fund, to change nameof Barber, George Leroy, Act to change name to Wilson ., Barney's River, Trustees of United Congregation of, Act to incorporate (191 l,c. 109); amended Baron de Hirsch Hebrew Benevolent Society, Act to vest certain lands at Halifax in Actto incorporate (1895, c. 157); amended L Barrington, Municipality of District of, Act relating to 1957 1958 c. 1963 c. I960 c, 67 82 1957 c. 114 incorporate 1957 c. 88 incorporate 1956 c. 75 1957 c. 1958 I960 c. c. 85 104 95 I959 c. 64 1962 c. 78 196b c. 130 1967 c. 148 porate Bible Society, British and Foreign, Act to change nameofNova Scotia Auxiliary I95' 1961 c. 89 c. 107 Bishop of N.S., Act to enable to convey lands at New Ross 1965 c. 112 taxation of Scotia Marine Products Bayview Cemeterv Company, Mahone Bay, Actto incorporate (1925, c. 150); amended Beaver Bank Harness Racing Club, Act to Bedford Harness Racing Club, Act to Bedford Service Commission Act (1953, c. 73); amended further amended further amended Berwick, Town of, Respecting Board of School Commissioners and to amend 1934, c. 43 Berwick, Town of, Act to enable, to sell and conveyportion of South Street, extinguish right ofpublic to use same Act relating to, and Western Kings Memorial Hospital Assoc. Mun. of Kings Bethel Presbyterian Church, Sydney (1925, c. 135); amended Bible Hill Horsemen's Club, Act to incor 9519 local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year Blockhouse Voluntary Act to i niorporate Fire Department, Boxing C on mission, Act to provide for establish! ment of, for countv of Cape 930, c. 137); amended Breton Brasd'Or, /\ .ct to vest certain Gannon 1958 c. 91 1966 c. 140 1967 1964 1964 c. c. 113 79 82 1957 c. 77 1957 c. 75 1964 c. 80 1964 c. 81 1965 c. 82 1965 ('. 83 1963 c. 93 1963 c. 75 1962 c. 98 1962 c. 98 1957 c. 75 1955 c. 85 1956 c. 76 1964 c. 110 1960 c. 100 1957 c. 90 1963 c. lands on Itoad in Municipality of Cape Brej ton Bridgetown , Town of, Act relating to ... Bridgewate r Park Commission Act .... Bridgewate - Public Service Commission, Act to inc orporate(1948, c. 109); amended c. Bridgewate •, Town of, Act to establish a cemetery] commission (1930, c. 74); amenc ed Act to em t ble, to sell and convey portion of Pari!t Street, extinguish right of public to use ;ame Act to Co Acadi lfirm conveyance of portion of and Albert Streets, extinguish right o: public to use same Act to en^bl e, to sell and convey Larch St., exting (lish right of public to use same .. Act to em«. ble, to lease certain lands adjacent o King St Brookfield ( emeterv Company, Act to incorporate 1890, c. 204); amended Brookfield I ire Protection Act (1953, c. 74); amended Brooklyn F r e e Baptist Church, Yarmouth (1895, c. 53); repealed Brooklyn U tited Baptist Church, Yarmouth Co., Act t b incorporate Brookside C ^metery Commission, Act establish ng (1930, c. 74); amended Buchanan, Doneida Flora, name changed from Mive-s Calvary Fai h Church, Act to incorporate Calvert, Wiill iam Patrick, Name changed from O'N Cambridge ^larness Racing Club; Act to incorpora e Cambridge ! nited Baptist Church Cemetery Company, Act to incorporate Canada Electric Co. Ltd. Act relating to (in force 1 7-63) 9520 2 local and private acts 1955-1967 5 Year Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, Act to incorporate Nova Scotia Division of Cap. 1955 c. 86 1963 c. 102 N.S. Division, change of name Canning Water Supply Act (1894, c. 59); 1961 c. 118 amended Canso, Town of, Act respecting certain lands 1962 c. 93 1958 c. 105 1964 c. 83 1965 c. 1966 c. 142 141 1966 c. 140 Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, Act Respecting Holding of Real Property (1950, c. 97); amended Canadian Mental Health Association, Act re taxation of Acadia Fisheries Ltd. in Cape Breton Barristers' Society Act (1943, c. 62) amended further amended Cape Breton, County of, Act to Provide for Establishment of Boxing Commission (1930, c. 137); amended Cape BretonCounty, Act to provide for a Commission in respect to municipal c expenditure (1938, c. 67); amended Act to repeal 1938 c. 67 Act to vest certain lands on Gannon Road, Bras d'Or in Municipality Cape Breton Island Gaelic Foundation, Act to incorporate (1939, c. 96); amended 1955 1963 c. 75 c. 71 1967 c. 113 1955 c. 99 1955 c. 78 1964 1966 c. c. 95 103 1964 c. 102 196b c. 94 e. 87 c. 81 121 94 Act to exempt from taxation certain property Cape BretonJoint Expenditure Board (Acts consolidated) amended Cape Breton Miners Foundation (Act to incorporate) Act regarding exemption of Property Taxes Cape Breton, Municipality of, Act to regulate the collection of garbage repealed Act providing retirement of Warden Act respecting boundaries Actrespectinggeneral assessor (1937, c. 95); amended 1958 [959 1961 1964 J958 c. c. Act relating to assessment for year 1961 Act vesting lands on Gannon Road, Bras d'Or Cape Breton Racing Club, Act to incor- 196U c. 100 83 1967 c. 113 porate Cape Breton Sports Club, Act to Incor iybb c. 77 porate 195b c. 78 (1906, c. 208); amended iy5S c. 126 Cathedral Church, Act respecting 9521 c. local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year Arena Commission, Act to Centennia incorporate 1965 1966 1967 c. c. c. 113 150 156 1957 c. 119 1960 1967 c. c. 120 144 1964 c. 113 1960 c. 89 1959 1962 c. 108 e. 117 1965 c. 138 1960 c. 101 1959 c. 88 1960 c. 102 1957 1959 c. 117 c. 109 1967 c. 131 1957 c. 116 1955 c. 95 1961 1962 c. c. 120 129 rolls for 1956 Act to Au j:horize, 1956 c. 69 1966 1967 c. amended c. 104 122 1966 c. 95 1958 e. 106 1960 c. 103 amende< further mended Central \o| ya Scotia Exhibition Cornmission, Act to change name of, and Act to incorpor kte Central Nova Scotia Exhibition (1946, c. 86); amended Centre Fal nouth Cemetery Company, Act to in corporate (1894, c. 116); amended further c mended Cercle E,va l geline, lands at New Water-foi d Charleston provide Village of, Queens Co., f! re protection Children's \ ospital Act (1910, c. 130); amen( ed further amended further amended and name changed to Izaak Walton Killam TJhordis, CI fford, Act to change name to Sampson Christian Reformed Church, Act to incorpon. te congregations . . . Church of Ch rist, Halifax, Act to incorporate trustees Act (1942, c. 66); Church of En gland amenced further a nended (see A glican Church Act) Church o fEn gland Institute (1879, c. 83) repealed Church o fEn gland, Act relating to Super- annuatio Funds h and Widows' and Orphans' Church Sch >ol for Girls, Windsor, Act to incorporc te (1891, c. 131); amended Colchester f ospital Commission, Act to incorporc te (1950, c. 98); amended further a friended .. Colchester, Municipality of, assessment to Guarantee Loan to Lillian] Fraser Memorial Hospital . . ColwellCap i Breton Limited, Glace Bay, Act to p)rc v ide for Fixed Assessment . . . Congregaition ofthe Brothers of Our Lady ofthe Sev n Sorrows, Act to incorporate Cornwallis 11 arness Racing Club, Act to incorpora e 9522 local and private acts 1955-1967 Year Cap. Court House, Halifax, Acts relating to amended and consolidated amended 88 79 1961 1965 c. 1955 1966 1967 c. c. 102 145 154 1967 c. 132 1960 c. 104 1964 1965 1967 c. 96 c. c. 99 123 1966 c. 105 1966 c. 106 1964 c. 100 1962 [962 1967 c. c. c. 99 ^99 133 1958 c. 121 1958 1964 c. c. 127 100 1966 c. 115 1964 c. 116 1958 c. 92 1966 c. 116 1955 c. 80 1965 1955 1956 1956 1956 c. 95 58 59 56 57 c. Credit Union League Act, Nova Scotia, (1953, c. 91); amended further amended further amended Croatian Peasant Party Society, Sydney, Act to enable Trustees to convey lands . . Croft, Shirley Caroline, Gary Norman, Peggy Ann, Act to change names Cumberland, Municipality, Act to enable to borrow money to assist Highland View Hospital, Amherst Act relating to Act relating to Act to Fix Taxation of Maritime Lumber Bureau Act to Enable to Make a Grant to North Cumberland Memorial Hospital c. 1) C Dalhousie Alumni Association (1876, c. 96); new name Dalhousie College and University, Act relatingto Governors of Act relating to Dalhousie College and University, Acts relating to (1863, c. 24 and 1935, c. 104); amended Dalhousie College and University Alumnae Association, Act to incorporate (1914, c. 177); repealed name changed Dalhousie Student Union, Act to Incorporate Dartmouth Boys' Christian Association (1910, c. 133); amended Dartmouth Ferry Commission, Act relating to Dartmouth Hospital Commission, Act to Incorporate Dartmouth Masonic Building Limited, Act to incorporate Dartmouth Rink Act (1950, c. 101); amended Dartmouth, Town of, Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to 9523 c. c. c. c. local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year Act rela ;ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Dartmouth , City of, Charter (in force 1-9-62) amended further i mended further; mended Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act to cohfirm Title to lands Davidson, I;azel Mae, Act to Alter Birth Regiistration Dawson M( morial Hospital, Bridgewater, Act respecting (1920, c. 104); amended further mended further c mended further <. mended further i mended Dental Ser ices (see Nova Scotia) Deuterium of Canada Ltd., Glace Bay, re Exd mption of Property Taxes Act re E:lemption e. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 65 66 81 65 73 74 67 72 86 102 64 68 69 c. 71 c. 70 c. c. 71 101 1965 c. 114 1960 1961 1962 1966 1967 c. 127 116 120 138 147 e. c. c. c. Act of Property Taxes De Wolfe, V> innifred Edith Cavell, Act to change n|ame Digby Cour| ty Power Board Act (1926, c. 113 1957 1957 1958 1959 1960 1960 1962 1965 1966 1967 1961 1962 1962 1964 1965 1965 1967 almended Digby Gene| ral Hospital, Act to incorporate (1925, c. 137); amended further aj mended further a mended Digby, To W 1 of, relating to boundaries .... relating to sewerage (1931, c. 88); amended 1966 1967 c. c. 96 117 1959 c. 89 1958 c. 98 c. 129 122 100 58 1960 1962 1963 1956 c. c. c. 1965 1963 1965 c. c. 96 58 107 1964 c. 106 1961 c. 115 1966 c. 135 allowajnce for Charles Hall 1963 c. Projec s 1967 c. Directors o Point Pleasant Park Act District 23 Ratepayers Commission Act Doering, G( orge Maxwell, name changed from Mo ton Dominion Coal Workers' Relief Association, Act to i n< orporate (1919, c. 142); amended Dominion Steelworkers' Mutual Benefit Society 906, c. 201); amended Dominion, 'own of, provide retiring make contributions to Community 9524 c. 61 114 local and private acts 1955-1967 relating to Electric Systems Dundee Trotting Association, Act to incorporate Year Cap. 1967 c. 115 1959 c. 90 1959 c. 91 1965 c. 132 1957 1964 c. c. 80 97 1965 c. 100 1963 c. 68 1956 c. 79 1958 c. 107 1962 c. 76 1961 c. 102 1965 c. 115 1958 1966 c. c. 93 117 1956 c. 84 1957 c. 97 1956 1957 c. c. 95 115 1955 c. 81 E Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition, Act to incorporate Eastern Star Lodge No. 2,1.O.O.F. (1861, c. 73); amended East Hants, Municipality of, to pay money to Francis Rose Act relating to assessment roll Act to authorize to make annual grant to East Hants Arena Ltd East Hants and West Hants and the Towns of Windsor and Hantsport, Act to authorize to provide retiring allowance for Nancy Duncan Economy Cemetery, Colchester County, Act to incorporate Electrical Contractors' Association of ^ Nova Scotia, Act to incorporate Enamel and Heating Products Limited, Amherst, Act to fix taxation on certain property Evangelical Lutheran Church ofthe Reformation, Spryfield, Act to incor porate Exhibition Raceway Club, Act to incor porate Family Service Bureau of Halifax (1920, c. 188); change of name Act to change to Family Service Bureau Farquhar, Carol Anne, Act to change name of Carol Anne McNeil •w Festival ofthe Arts, Nova Scotia, Act to incorporate Fish and Game Protective Association, Nova Scotia, Act to incorporate (1930, c. 148); amended further amended Fleming Glen Subdivision, Halifax County, Act to Extinguish Right of Way for Road and Electric Railway 9525 local and private acts 1955-1967 10 Cap. Year Fleming Heights Subdivision, Halifax County, A ct to Extinguish Right of Way for Roa tl and Idem . . . Electric Railway Fort Edward Hill, Windsor Fort Edwarc Investments Limited, Act to Incorpora le Fort Massey Presbyterian Church, Halifax, Act to inc Free and A • j>rporate (1871, c. 79); amended c. 92 c. 86 c. 91 1965 c. 116 1957 e. 105 1960 c. 118 1960 c. 130 1958 c. 108 1957 c. 92 1965 c. 117 1961 c. 95 1966 c. 137 1955 1956 1959 1965 1967 c. 60 59 66 84 116 1966 c. 94 1966 c. 95 1965 c. 85 1966 c. 96 1967 c. 117 1956 c. 60 1958 c. 116 1962 c. 92 epted Masons, Grand Lodge of Ancient, Act to incorporate (1874, c. 91); amended Freemason's Home, Nova Scotia, Act to incor 1959 1960 1964 pora|te(1948, c. 129); amended Fundy Men tal" Health Centre, Act to incorporate G Gathering o 'the Clans and Fishermen's Regatta 4 ssociation, Act to Incorporate Gilbert, Lo r i e Edward, Act to Alter Birth Registration Glace Bay Columbus Club, Act to incor porate Glace Bay Ce neral Hospital, Act to incorporate(1 14, c. 156) amended Glace Bay, own of, to make a contribution towards pjayment ofa cenotaph at Passer end aele Act rel ating to Act rel at n g to Act relat ng to Act relat ng to Assessment Roll for Act rega id ing 1967 c. c. c. c. exemption of Taxes, Cape Bretorj Miners' Foundation Act to pr< vide Fixed Assessment Property 11 Cape Breton Ltd ofCol Act to e n ibl e, to make contribution to Cape reton Miners' Museum Act regai| ding exemption of Taxes, Property of Deu erium of Canada Ltd Act regai| ding exemption of Taxes, Property of Deu erium of Canada Ltd Act to au horize an annual grant BayC oal Town Band to Glace Glace Bay $ enior Citizens' Club, Act to incorpor; te Gold River, protect 10 provide system of fire "1 9526 local and private acts 1955-1967 11 Year Cap. Googoo, Joseph Francis, name changed 1964 c. 103 1961 c. 73 1958 c. 109 I960 c. 1957 1961 c. c. 95 89 amended 1961 c. 94 (1921, c. 139); amended 1962 c. 94 1963 c. 53 1955 c. 52 c. 52 c. 72 to Maillet Gorham Academy, Act to enable Town of Liverpool to acquire property Gorham Temperance Hall, Liverpool, to convey certain lands to town Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Act to incorporate (1874, c. 91); amended Greenfield, County of Queens, Act relating to certain lands Greenfield Fire Protection Act Greenwich Fire Protection Act (1933, c. 117); Guysboro Township, respecting lands H Halifax Athletic Commission Act Halifax City Charter, Act for consideration and revision of ^ Halifax City charter (Revised), Part Proclaimed 3-5-63; 27-11-63; 23-1-64; 4-6-64; 16-2-65; 15-6-65; 13-10-65; 30-12-65; 22-3-66; 7-6-66; 4-5-67; 7-11-67 amended further amended further amended further amended 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 c. 75 c. 87 105 c. Halifax, City of, Act to amend the law 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend the law relating to Act to amend law relating to Act to amend law relating to Act to amend law relating to Act to amend law relating to 9527 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 53 54 55 53 54 62 63 c. 75 c. 76 c. 57 c. 58 c. 64 c. 65 c. 66 c. 05 c. 66 c. 70 c. 59 c. 74 73 c. local and private acts 1955-1967 12 Cap. Year Act to ainend law relating to 1966 1956 1967 Act rela ing to Act rela ing to c. c. c. 89 51 105 Act to ir corporate Industrial Development Comr lission Act respecting assessments for year 1956 Act respecting certain lands formerly owne 1by Robert Welsford Parker, decea sed 1955 1956 1955 1955 1957 1960 1959 1960 1961 1962 respecting Rosebank Park Act respecting Rosebank Park Act Idem Deed Tr insfer Tax Act a m e n ded a m e n ied a m e n led c. c. 56 52 c. 87 89 99 68 59 67 69 c. 74 1966 c. 133 1957 1960 c. 83 c. 94 1965 1967 c. c. 108 126 1965 c. 107 1955 c. 81 1959 c. 92 1960 c. 86 1961 1965 c. c. 88 79 c. c. c. c. c. c. Repei led. 1963, c. 52, S. 597 (2) Proclaimed 27-11 63 (see also 1963 c. 52, S. 253 Procl fcmed 27-11-63) b, Act to incorporate (1862, c. 79) Halifax CI amended Halifax, C< unty of, Act to incorporate School District No. 34 West Ratepayers Association (1946 c. 74); amended (now School Section 115) furthe r amended Act to in(corporate School Section 144 Ratepay rs Asso. of a imen led Act to in orporate District 23 Ratepayers Assn Act to e xtinj uish right of way over Fie mi ig< Hen Subdivision .... Act to extinguish right of way over Fietmi i g Heights Subdivision Act to e?x:ingiuish right of way over Flemii « g Heights Subdivision Halifax Co ikrt House, Acts relating to a men< ed and consolidated .... amended Halifax-Da •tmouth Bridge Commission Act; a nended further amended further nded further lended further nded Halifax-Da htmouth Bridge Commission, Act to authorize to issue bonds issue bor d s amenced furthe • amended 9528 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1956 1965 1966 1967 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. e. e, 100 102 119 14 103 80 78 149 108 local and private acts 1955-1967 Halifax-Dartmouth Real Estate Board, Act to incorporate Halifax-Dartmouth Regional Authority Act further amended further amended Halifax Fire Insurance Company, Act relating to (1906, c. 172); amended further amended further amended Halifax Forum Commission Act amended amended Halifax Horse Racing Club, Act to incor porate Halifax Housing Authority Act (1948, c. 78); 13 Year Cap. 1958 c. 110 1962 1965 1967 c. 1960 1963 1965 1962 1965 1967 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 72 80 106 123 94 135 71 74 104 1965 c. 118 1962 1963 1955 1960 1966 c. 1961 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 amended 1959, c. 57, s. 69; further amended Revised Halifax Industrial Commission Act Halifax Infirmary, Act to incorporate C A c t to Confirm Title to Lands Halifax, Infants Home, Act to incorporate (1876, c. 86); repealed Halifax, Municipality of, Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act relating to Act respecting a Deed Transfer Tax Act relating to Sewers and Sewage Act re District 23 Ratepayers Halifax Police Boys' Club (1952, c. 118) amended 73 c. 54 c. c. 56 105 118 c. 90 c. c. 70 c. 70 c. 81 SS c. c. 76 c. 84 c. 85 86 c. c. 09 c. c. 98 101 107 124 125 c. 85 c. c. 87 107 1967 c. 152 1961 1961 c. c. 68 96 1964 c. 114 1957 1963 1964 c. 76 c. 55 c. 73 1965 1966 1967 1967 1960 1962 1965 c. c. c. Halifax Port Commission, Act to incorporate, revised Halifax Protestant Infants Foundation Halifax Protestant Orphans' Home (1886, c. 68); amended Halifax Public Service Commission Act; amended Revised amended 9529 local and private acts 1955-1967 14 Cap. Year further abiended further amended Halifax Rad ing Club, Act to incorporate Halifax School for the blind, Act Relating Ito Halifax Spe ;ial Tax Provisions Act amended further a nended further a nended Halifax Supj erannuation Act amended Halifax We fare Bureau, Act to change name . . 1965 1966 1959 c. c. c. 76 88 93 1966 1963 1964 1965 1967 1966 1967 c. 119 c. 56 c. 74 c. 77 c. 107 c. 90 c. 109 1956 c. 93 Haligonian Racing Club, Act to incorporate . 1961 97 Hamilton, (\ ieneva, Act to Alter Birth Regiistra 1966 1961 c. c. 120 90 1967 c. 134 1963 1965 c. 77 c. 147 1955 c. 61 1958 c. 82 1961 1964 c. c. 70 84 1967 1959 1963 c. c. c. 118 67 62 1956 1963 c. c. 61 63 1965 c. 137 amended Heatherton Recreational Association, 1962 c. 119 Act to ind orporate Hendsbee, ex Roop, Act to Alter Birth 1963 c. 78 Registration Highland V ew Hospital Commission Act 1965 1955 1958 1961 1967 c. c. c. c. c. 119 82 133 123 155 ion Hammonds Plains Fire Protection Act Hammonds Plains, First United Baptist Church, ^.ct Respecting lands Hantsport fl morial Scholarship Found ktion, Act to incorporate . . . amended Hantsport, Town of, to make grant to Hantspo t Memorial Community Centrd To make rant to Hantsport Memorial Com m u n ity Centre To make ^rant to Hantsport Memorial Com m u n ity Centre amended To make rant to Hantsport Memorial Co mm unity Centre Act relat ng to Act relat ng to Act relat ng to Board of School Cornmissio l e r s Retiring allowance for Nancy Duncan . . . Harbour Vi w Hospital Board, Sydney Mines, Act to ind orporate (1908, c. 179); amended Harmony C imetery Company (1917, c. 191); amended further afnended further a nended 9530 local and private acts 1955-1967 15 Year Cap. Highland View Hospital, Act to enable Cumberland Municipality to borrow money to assist 1964 c. 96 1957 c. 94 1963 c. 79 1956 c. 81 1957 c. 91 1958 c. 124 1963 c. SO 1965 c. 120 1967 c. 136 1965 c. 121 1958 c. Ill 1960 c. 90 1955 c. 50 1965 c. 98 1957 c. 70 1962 c. 100 1961 c. 98 1959 1966 1956 c. c. 94 121 82 1965 c. 138 Hilden Cemetery, Hilden, Act to incor porate Hillcrest Cemetery Company, Westfield, Queens Co., Act to incorporate Hillside Cemetery Commission, Port George, Annapolis Co., Act to incorporate . Hirsch, Baron de, Hebrew Benevolent Society, Act to incorporate (1895, c. 157); Halifax . . Hirsch, Baron de, Hebrew Benevolent Society, Act to incorporate (1895, c. 157): amended Holy Cross Cemetery Care Company, Act to incorporate Home Mission Board, United Baptist Convention, Act to Change Name Hughes, Catherine Maie, Act to Alter Birth Registration Hunter, Lawrence Watson, Act to Alter Birth Registration I He Madame Columbus Club, Act to incorporate Indian Point Fire Department, Act to incorporate Industrial Development Commission for Halifax, Act to incorporate Industrial Development Commission for Amherst (1964, c. 78); amended Industrial Shipping Company Limited, Mahone Bay, regarding taxation Insurance Company of Nova Scotia, Act to incorporate Inverness County Memorial Hospital, Act respecting Inverness Trotting Association, Act to incorporate Iron Club, Act to incorporate Island Horsemen's Club, Act to incorporate Izaak Walton Killam Hospital for Children Act, The (see also Children's Hospital) 9531 c. local and private acts 1955-1967 16 Cap. Year J. Wesley Sr hith Memorial United Church, t to vest certain lands at, in Halifax, Trustees WUnited Church of Canada .. Jackson, Wi lliam Kline, Act to Alter Birth Registration 1965 c. 127 1965 c. 122 1966 1959 c. c. 122 95 1965 c. 123 1966 e. 109 1957 c. 95 1959 c. 96 1967 e. 137 1957 c. 74 1960 1966 e. 87 146 1957 1962 1960 c. 1960 1964 c. c. 106 121 1967 c. 138 1960 1957 c. 107 82 Janes, Rolor da Jerusha, Act to Alter Birth Registrat on Jobling, Sheil a Carrie, Act to change name Johns, Violet Mae, Act to Alter Birth Registration Jubilee Pari;, Mahone Bay, (1928, c. 94) repealed Junior Tech lical Institute of New Glasgow, Act to incpr porate K Kavanagh porate Col umbus Club, Act to incor- . Kennedy, C ara, Act to Alter Birth Registration Kentville E ectric Light and Power Com mission, .^ct constituting; amended Kentville H >spital Association, Act relating to amended Kentville, Tbwn of, Act to authorize retiring allowance for James Merry . . Act to e?st bblish i Act rellatin g to Water Commission c. e. c. 67 79 87 Killam, Isa k W., Hospital for Children (see Chiil< ren's Hospital) King's ColleJ ge, University of, Acts relating to am e ided and consolidated amended Kings Coun y Barristers' Society, Act to incorporate ce Kings Coun ty Racing Club, Act to incorporate Kings, Mu Ucipality of, to convey property to provid allowance for Miss MacBelle G. SmijIth Act relat: n g Act retlatin g to, and Western Kings Memo ial Hospital Assoc, Town of Berwi dk Act to fix taxation of Scotian Gold Co-op Act to fix taxation of Annapolis Valley Canners 9532 1958 1960 c. c. c. 89 87 1966 1965 c. c. 130 102 1965 c. 103 local and private acts 1955-1967 17 Cap. Year Kingston Bible College, Act to incorporate Kingsway Downs Harness Club, Act to 1963 c. 81 incorporate Kinsmen Club, Bridgewater, Act to incor 1960 c. 108 1961 c. 99 1962 c. 101 1960 c. 88 1961 c. 100 1961 c. 91 1961 c. 108 1956 c. 83 1962 1955 c. Lions Club of Truro, Act to incorporate .... c. 102 84 Liverpool, Town of Act relating to school lands Act relating to boundaries 1956 1961 c. 62 c. 71 1955 1961 c. c. 62 72 1959 c. 68 Whynot 1958 c. 83 Whynot 1959 1961 1957 1958 1957 1964 1955 c. c. 69 73 68 84 09 85 03 1960 c. 75 1961 c. 75 1966 c. 97 1960 c. 109 porate Kiwanis Club, Mahone Bay, Act to incor porate Kiwanis Club, Yarmouth, Act to exempt from taxation Langille, M.E., Act to alter Birth Registration Lawrencetown and District Fire Depart ment Les Religieuses Hospitalieres de SaintJoseph, Villa Saint-Joseph due Lac, Yarmouth, Act to incorporate Lightfoot, Arthur Thomas, and Harold John, names changed from McMahon . . . Lindsay, William Dean James, Act to change name to Wallace providing retiring allowance for Walter Herbert Jollimore provide retiring for Hubert C. Nickerson provide retiring allowance for John Frederick Whynot provide retiring allowance for Walter provide retiring allowance for Walter to acquire property re Goreham Academy to convey lands to sell portion of George Street to sell portion of Millard Avenue to fix taxation of Mersey Fisheries Ltd. . Tree Commission for c. c. c. c. c. Louisbourg, Act re Assessment National Sea Products Limited Act to exempt from taxation property Navy League Louisbourg, Town of, Act to Change Name to Louisbourg .-•;••" Lunenburg County Exhibition Commission, Act to incorporate 9533 local and private acts 1955-1967 18 Cap. Year Lunenburg Fishermen's Mutual Relief ... 1962 c. 123 Lunenburg Municipality of District of, Act relating to Assessment Rolls for 1967 .. Lunenburg Municipality of, District No. 1, provic e fire protection Associat on (1932, c. 119); amended 1967 c. 127 1960 1965 c. 91 c. 111 c. 101 64 82 amendec Lunenburg Rod and Gun Club, Act to incorpor ite Lunenburg Town of, Act relating to to borro money (1901, c. 115) amended to sell po rtion of Broad Street to sell po 'tion of Cornwallis and Duke Street to sell un named street Lutheran Church, Bridgewater, Evangeli]cal. 1961 1955 1961 1955 c. c. c. 05 1955 1961 c. 66 c. 74 1966 c. 123 1961 c. 102 1962 c. 89 St. Paul's Act to Vest Lands in Trustees Lutheran Church, Spryfield, Act to incorporate M Mader's Co 'e Fire Protection Commission Act Mahone Ba r Park Commission, Act to incorpra^ e 1966 c. 109 and 1928 c. 94, repealed Mahone Ba r, Town of, regarding taxation of Indust ial Shipping Company, Limited 1957 c. 70 Maillet,,Josleph from Goo ?oo 1964 c. 103 1961 c. 103 1962 c. 99 1961 1957 c. 104 c. 96 1957 c. 118 1967 c. 139 1966 c. 105 1967 c. 150 1967 c. 149 Francis, name changed Manning, F -ederick Carl, Act respecting will Maritime C )llege of Pharmacy (1940, c. 80); rejj ealed Maritime C •ime Preventive Association, Act to ndorporate Maritime D iving Club, Act to incorporate Maritime H )spital Service Association, Act to incor p< rate (1943, c. 65); amended ... Maritime L fe Assurance Company, Act to amend ad d consolidate Acts relating to Maritime L imber Bureau, Cumberland County, J\».ct to Fix Maximum Taxation on Certail t Property Maritime Medical Care Inc., (1948, c. 107); amended Maritime School amended of Social Work (1941, c. 72); 9534 local and private acts 1955-1967 Year Cap. 1962 J960 ijjoo c. 118 fn96Jn xc 5 l*bl c y/ 1960 c 118 1956 I960 c. 91 c. 124 c. 69); amended 1962 c. 115 respecting (1920, c. 191); repealed 1963 c. 1965 c. 140 tofixtaxation 1964 c. 85 incorporate (1923, c. 135); amended 1957 c. 113 MM c I960 c. 76 1964 c. 86 1955 l9o8 c. c. 3d »a iyoy c yy Mt>o c- /u changed to Irving William Mosher 1964 c. 105 Morton, George Maxwell, name changed to Doering iyb4 c iUD 1966 c- 124 iybb c iZ0 Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Co. Ltd., Act to incorporate (1910, c. 156); c 19 amended further amended further amended further amended c. 126 c. 13i> (2ndSess.) Martin's Point, provide system of fire protection Masons, Grand LodgeofAncient Free and Accepted, Act to incorporate, (1874, c. 91); amended Mayflower Curling Club, Act to incorporte (1906, c. 232); amended further amended further amended 1961 Medical Society of Nova Scotia (1861, Medway Hydro Electric Power, Act Melvern Square Cemetery Company (1919, c. 148); c. 112 9/ Mental Health, Can. Assn., N.S. Division (see Nova Scotia Division) Mersey Fisheries Limited, Liverpool, Act Mic-Mac Amateur Aquatic Club, Act to Middle Stewiacke Cemetery, Colchester County, Act to incorporate Middleton, Town of, Act to extinguish right yo ofpublic to use portions ofPrince and Summer Streets and to empower Town to sell same Act to appoint Electric Light & Power Commis9ion(1931,c. 98); amended MillVillage, Queens County, UnitedChurch of Canada to convey lands Act to provide System ofFire Protection Millie, Karen Russell Elizabeth, Act to change name Milo Aquatic Club Limited, Yarmouth, Act to exempt from taxation Morse, Guilford Irvin Slocumb, name Mount Saint Vincent University Act, 1966 Mulgrave Culture and Recreation Association, Act to incorporate . Municipality-see under name ofMunicipality CORRECTED 1999 20 local and private acts 1955-1967 Year Cap. Myers, Done da, Act to change name to Buchanan 1955 c 85 1960 c. 110 1963 c. 82 1959 c. 97 McCarthy, Bi ian Godfrey, name changed 1963 c. 83 McCarthy, C eighton Alfred, name changed fin m Adshade MacDougall, erald Duncan, Act to Alter Birth Regiitration 1962 c. 96 1962 c. 97 McMahon, Arthi r and Harold, Act to change names to L ghtfoot McNeil, Caro Ann, Act to change name to Farquhar 1965 c. 124 1956 c. 83 1956 c. 8.1 1960 c. 75 1962 c. 81 New Glasgow Junior Technical Institute, 1959 c 82 New Glasgow Copies' Church, Act to incorporate New Glasgow, Town of, Act to provide 1957 c. 95 1956 c. 89 1956 1956 c. 63 1958 e. 85 1957 c. 79 1967 c. 143 1965 c. 112 1961 c. 92 1958 c. 113 Mc MacAdam, R |>nald James, Acttochange name of . MacDonald (rarnet Angus, Act to alter Birth Regi tration MacKay, Dr. purdon Robert, Memorial Hospital, £|helburne County, sell lands MacLeod, An la , Act to alter Birth Registrati< n from Adshj de N National Sea 'roductsLimited, r e Assessm ;nt National Sea ]'roducts Limited, Louisbourg, North Sydney, Ac regarding taxation . . . New Dublin F.re Protection Act (1954, c. 108); amended Act to incor i jorate >orate retiring e| llowance for George Home Act to provi le allowance for Thomas Scott Act to authc nze payment of certain annuities (1950, c. 77); amended ... New Glasgow, Young Men's Christian Assoc. (1884 , c 75); repealed New Ross, Act to enable Bishop of N.S. to convey land New Ross and *Jew Ross West, Act to provide fire )rotection New Waterfor4 Columbus Club, Act to incorporate CORRECTED 1999 local and private acts 1955-1967 20.1 Year Cap. 1959 c. 100 New Waterford Consolidated Hospital, Actrelatingto ^ further amended further amended I960 1965 c. 132 c. 145 C CORRECTED 1999 s> J local and private acts 1955-1967 21 Year Cap. New Waterford General Hospital, 1964 c. 107 1961 c. 105 1964 c. 113 1962 c. 103 1961 c. 106 1958 c. 130 1965 1966 c. 1966 1944 1964 1966 c. c. 106 72 119 142 1965 c. 106 1956 c. 72 1959 c. 70 1962 c. 80 1963 c. 63 1963 c. 64 1962 c. 81 1960 1963 c. c. 77 72 de, Yarmouth, Act to incorporate Notre Dame Youth Centre, Yarmouth, 1955 c. 83 Act to exempt from taxation Nova Scotia Auxiliary, British and Foreign Bible Society, Act to change name Nova Scotia College of Art, Act respecting (1925, c. 132); amended 1965 c. 93 1961 c. 107 1963 c. 99 Dissolved New Waterford Horsemen's Club, Act to incorporate New Waterford, Act re lands of Sucursole St. Gregoire Nictaux Volunteer Fire Department, Act to incorporate Northbrook Bible Chapel, Act to incor porate North Cumberland Memorial Hospital, Act to incorporate (1951, c. 98); amended Act to Authorize Village Commissioners of Pugwash to Guarantee debentures of ... amended Act to enable Cumberland Municipality to make a grant to North Queens Cottage Hospital amend and name changed amended - c. c. c. 109 111 North Queens Nursing Home, Act to incor porate w North Queens Nursing Home, Caledonia, Act to exempt from municipal taxation North Sydney, Town of, Act to incorporate (1885, c. 86); amended Act to authorize to purchase certain property -• Act to authorize to provide Retiring Allowance for Joseph Hickey Act to authorize to provide Retiring Allowance for Joseph W. Reid Act to exempt from taxation certain property of British Sailors Society (Canada), Stella Maris Residence, and Saint Joseph's Convent Act regarding Taxation of National Sea Products Ltd • Act to enable to waive certain taxes owing by Angel Manufacturing and SupplyCo. Ltd. and to exempt Northside Community Forum Ltd. from certain taxes ^ Northfield District Fire Protection Act Notre-Dame du Sacre-Coeur, Les Religieuses 9537 local and private acts 1955-1967 22 Cap. Year further amended Nova Scot: a Credit Union (1953, c 91) amended further Amended further amended Nova Scotj: 1966 c 139 1955 1966 1967 c. c. 102 145 154 1964 c. 108 1958 c. 114 1961 c. 118 1957 c. 97 1963 c. 84 1956 1957 c. c. 95 115 1960 1966 c. 130 143 1960 c. 111 1963 c. 96 1967 c. 140 1957 c. 119 1959 c. 101 1964 c. 109 1961 c. 11 1957 1960 c. c. 108 125 1963 c. 85 1956 1957 1958 1961 1962 c. 96 120 131 121 130 League Act; c. Dental Services, Inc., Act to mcorpoi ate Nova Scoti a Dietetic Association, Act to incorpoiate Nova Scot i;i Division, The Canadian Mental Health Association, Act to change name Nova Scot in Festival ofthe Arts, Act to incorpor ate Nova Scotia Fire and Casualty Agents' Association, Associal Act to change name Nova Scotifci Fish and Game Protective ion, Act to incorporate (1930, c. 148D amended Associa further Amended i Nova Scoti i Freemasons Home, Act to incc incorporate (1948, c. 129); amended further a mended Nova Scoti i Hospital c. Association, Act to incorporate Nova Scoti i Light and Power Co. Ltd., Act rela ing to, and 1914, c. 180 amended Nova Scoti h Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., Act to in corporate Nova Scoti i Provincial Exhibition Com mission, Name of Central Nova Scotia Exhibiti m Commission change to, and to ^ amend i^ct of incorporation (1946, c. 86); . Nova Scoti i Resources Council,'Act to incorpor ate Nova Scoti i Savings, Loan and Building Society, \ct respecting Nova Scotia Society for Mental Hygiene, Act to change name and Act to incorporate (1931, c. 142); amended Nova Scoti;. Society for Prevention of Cruelty of animals, Act to incorporate (1877, c. 86); amended further a mended Nova Scoti; Sports Hall of Fame, Act to incorpor ite Nova Scotid Teachers Union Act, (1 c. 100 ; amended further further further further amended amended amended a mended 9538 C. c. c. c. local and private acts 1955-1967 further amended further amended Nova Scotia Wood Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd., Actto incorporate* 1881, c. 71); repealed 23 Year Cap. 1964 1965 c. 120 c. 144 1963 c. 92 1965 c, 134 1957 c. 110 1964 c. 110 1964 c. 92 1958 c. 106 0 Oakland Common, Lunen. Co., Act re (1905, c. 106); amended Old Barnes Cemetery Company, Act to incorporate (1911, c. 149); amended O'Neil, William Patrick, Act to change Name to Calvert Old Ladies' Home Society, Yarmouth, Act to exempt from taxation Our Lady ofthe Seven Sorrows, Act to incorporate Congregation of Brothers C Parker, Robert Welsford, respecting lands of at Halifax Parrsboro, Town of, Act to enable to close portion of Stanley Street Extension c- 87 1960 1965 c. 78 c. 86 1955 c. 60 1958 c. 112 1959 1961 1966 1967 c. 106 c. c. 111 134 145 1956 c. 89 1962 c. 90 1967 c. 1962 c. 99 amended 1955 c. 97 amended further amended further amended 1964 1965 1966 c. c. c. 87 133 98 Act relating to Passchendaele, Town of Glace Bay to make contributions towards cenotaph Pastoral Training, Institute of, Act to incorporate Payzant Memorial Hospital, Windsor (1903, c. 128); amended further amended further amended further amended c. People's Church, New Glasgow, Act to incorporate trustees Petite Riviere Fire Department, Act to incorporate Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., N.S., Act to incorporate 140 Pictou Academy Augmentation Fund, Act to incorporate Pharmacy, Maritime College of, (1940, c. 80); repealed Pictou Academy Augmentation Fund, Act to incorporate trustees (1919, c. 152); Pictou Cottage Hospital Board (1903, c. 111). 9539 local and private acts 1955-1967 24 Pictou Coi nty Columbus Club, Act to incorporate Pictou Coi nty Power Board Act (1920, c. 165); amer ded Repealed Pictou Coi nty Power Board, to borrow mom a m emde Pictou Co i Commit Pictou, y d nty Research and Development sion, Act to incorporate Municipality of, Act relating to Year Cap. 1966 126 1959 1964 c. 79 c. 9 1955 1959 e. c. 88 80 1964 1959 c. c. 111 77 1964 c. 99 c. 76 87 98 87 99 Act to p ovide retiring allowance for Mrs. An na Duncan Pictou, To vn of, Act to sell and convey certa Act Act Act Act n lands re lating to Town rel ating to Town to s< 11 and convey certain lands re lating to Electric System Pictou Yoii ng Men's Christian Assoc. (1875, c 85); repealed Act res FJecting (1952, c. 126); repealed 1961 1964 1966 1965 1966 c. c. c. c. 1967 1967 c. e. 142 153 1960 c. 122 1958 c. 115 1963 c. 86 c. c. 82 125 58 c. 68 Pine Grov4 Cemetery Company, Lower Sackvi I e, Act to incorporate (1903-4, c. 211); amende Pine Rest Cemetery Company, Act incorpoiate Pittman F obert, Act to alter Birth to Registr tion Pleasantviifle Fire Department c. 108); mended (1954, Plumbing nd Mechanical Contractors Act . Point Pleasant Park Act, Directors of Port of Ha Jifax Commision Act Port Hawrke sbury, Town of, Act relating to bodnda ries respecting certain lands to borro v money for current expenses .... to bo r r o v money for current expenses .... to extin guish public right of way in certain lands to sell a d convey portions of Brown Street and uhnamed street to sell ar d convey certain lands PortWallii: , Woodlawn and Cole Harbour Service 1Commission Act to incorporate (1953 c. 75); amended further mended 1959 1965 1963 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 c. 77 c. 80 c. 78 c. 82 1964 c. 88 1961 1962 c. 79 c. 83 1959 1962 c. c. 85 95 1956 c. 92 Presbyterii*n Congregation, Barney's River and M ar c. >hy Hope, Act to incorporate (1911,c. 109); amended 9540 local and private acts 1955-1967 25 Year _ Presbyterian Church, Fort Massey, Halifax, Act to incorporate (1871, c. 79); amended Presbyterian Church, Sydney, Act to incorporate (1925, c. 135); amended Presbyterian Church, West River, Pictou County, Act to enable trustees to convey land Professional Dietitians Act Cap. 1957 c. 105 1967 c. 148 1962 1958 c. c. 112 114 1955 1958 c. 98 129 1965 1966 c. 109 c. 111 1959 c. 83 1962 1963 c. c. 125 101 1961 c. 114 1965 c. 105 1965 c. 106 1963 c. 87 1962 c. 110 1963 c. 88 1964 c. 93 1962 c. 88 1961 c. 86 1965 c. 146 1961 c. Public Service Commission Act, Halifax (see Halifax Public Service Commission Act) Pugwash Park, Act to incorporate com missioners (1929, c. 148); amended further amended c. Pugwash Village Commissioners, Act to Authorize to Guarantee Debentures of North Cumberland Memorial Hospital .... amended Purcell's Cove Service Commission Act to incorporate Q v_ Queens General Hospital Association (1936, c. 108); amended further amended Queen Lodge No. 52, IOOF, Sydney, Act to incorporate (1912, c. 225); amended Queens, Municipality of County of, Act relating to tax exemption North Queens Nursing Home Queens Pine Grove Park Commission, Act to incorporate R Redeemer, Church of (1880, c. 58); repealed Reformed Apostolic Church, Act to incor porate Reformed Baptist Church, Alliance of, Act to exempt from taxation Richmond County, Act relating to boundaries Richmond Municipality, Act to establish public hospital in amended Act to enable to sell and convey lands at St. Peter's 9541 87 local and private acts 1955-1967 26 Cap. Year River John. street li Riverport Pictou County, relating to ting ommunity Centre, Act to incorporate ite Riverport C istrict Fire Protection Act Rockinghar |i Men's Club, name changed to Rockingl am Yacht Club Roman Ca t 10 lie Episcopal Corporation of Antigoni bh, Act to consolidate and amend Acts rela ting to (1909, c. 125) amended . Episcopal Corporation of Halifax, [o convey lands at Armdale .... 1962 c. 91 1962 1958 c. c. 104 94 1964 c. 112 1961 c. 113 1957 1955 1957 1960 c. 98 89 99 68 Roman Ca t 10I ic Rosebank Pjark , Act respecting Act resp* cting cting Royal Cape Breton Yacht Club, Act to incorporate (1903, c. 283); amended Act res pt c. c. c. 1958 125 Sackville D >wns Horsemen's Club, Act to 1956 c. 85 1956 c. 86 1962 c. 105 1957 c. 100 1962 c. 107 1956 c. 94 1957 1960 c. 101 131 1965 1966 c. 1959 1962 1966 c. c. 112 106 147 1966 c. 127 Act to incorporate St. Paul's A ms House of Industry for Girls, 1957 c. 102 Act to ind orporate (1887, c. 97); amended 1958 c. 122 Sackville Harness Racing Club, Act to incorporate Sacred Hea t Hospital, Act to incor- porate . St. Augusti le's Monastery, Act to incorporate . St. Eliza beth Hospital, Act to incor- porate St. Francis Xavier University, Act relating to (1921, c. 190); amended St. Francis Kavier University, Antigonish, Acts rel a ting to Governors of; amended and co isolidated further amended St. F.X. Un versity Students' Union, Act to incorporate amendedl St. Marga n t 's Masonic Building Co., Ltd., Act to i n< o rporate (1953, c. 86); amended Saint Mary s University Act amended! Saint Mary s University Students Associat on, Act to incorporate St. Ninian': Cemetery Care Company, 9542 c. c. c. 128 151 s> local and private acts 1955-1967 27 Year Cap. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bridgewater, Act to vest Lands in Trustees iybb Salmon River Fire Protection Act Sanford, Dr. Annie Hennigar, Act respecting Will 123 93 c. 1961 c. jybJ> c. iyt,u c. 126 112 to 1966 c. 119 Municipality Barrington, re taxation I960 c. 82 Scotia Seafoods Ltd., Yarmouth, Act to fix Taxation Scotian Gold Co-op. Ltd., Coldbrook, 19bb c. 108 iybb c. 102 porate iybU c. 113 convey lands 1967 c. 128 1955 c. 67 955 1958 c. c. 77 90 c. 67 c. 99 93 110 Saraguav Club,Act to incorporate School for the Blind, Halifax, Act relating Scotia Marine Products Limited, Act to fix taxation Seaside Trotting Club, Act to incor- Shelburne, Parish of Christ Church, Act to Shelburne Cemetery, Act to vest title in Town Shelburne, Municipality of, Act relating to ^ proceedsof sale of "Owner Unknown" lands Act relating to Assessment Roll for 1958 Shelburne, Town of, Act to vestcemetery in Sherbrooke, Act to provide system of street lighting (1932, c. 118); amended further amended further amended Sisters of Charity, Act respecting (1907, c. 181); amended further amended 1958 {960 c. }*£>/ c. iybJ? iy*£ Act to Confirm Title of Land Sisters of Saint Martha, Act respecting (1918, c. 141); amended Smilack, Mark Allan, Act to change name Society for Prevention of Cruelty to c. 1966 c. iy£' c. c. amended J^' c. iybU c. Act respecting (1921, c. 107); amended .... 1958 c. further amended Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Middleton, further amended further amended Act respecting Sports HallofFame(see Nova Scotia) Springhill, Town of, Act toenable to lend money to Community Rink Act re taxation of Utility Sales Ltd Springhill Coal Mines Ltd., Act respecting taxation JybVj iy^ iyt>1 iy^ ly65 iybl 9543 107 95 128 c. I9t>y Animals, Act to incorporate (1877, c. 86); t~ 1955 112 102 108 125 c. c. e 128 128 121 109 . . 68 88 c. 81 c c 28 local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year Spryfield service Commssion Act; (1949, c. 10 1) amended further amended further amended further amended Steel City Racing Club, Act to incorporate Stella Mai Stellarton is Residence, Act to incorporate Young Men's Christian Assoc, (1903,( 274); repealed Sucursole (St. Gregoire No. 108 Societie L'Asso i i ption, New Waterford, Act to enable i o convey lands Sunnyside Water Company, Act to incorporate( &951,c. 103); amended Superann tion Fund and Widows' & Orphan YFund of Diocese of Nova Scotia, Act res| ecting 1935, c. 113); amended . Sustring, ohannes, Act to change name Sutherland' Memorial Hospital (see Pictou Cottage Hospital) Sydney, Ci ty of. Act to incorporate (1903, c. 17^ amended further [amended further imended further amended further mended further mended further Amended further imended further mended further mended further imended further mended further mended further i mended ing to Act rela ing to Act rela to \\\\ Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela ing to Act rela li ng to Act rel atin g to Act rel atin g to Act redati ng to Act rela tjing to Act to Esta )lish a ' Act rel a ing \\\ Playgrounds Com- missK n amendec Act to Esta )lish a Water Commission amendec 9544 1956 1957 1958 1963 1959 1962 c. 74 84 101 74 103 108 1967 c. 146 1964 c. 113 1956 c. 97 1957 1963 c. c. 116 89 1956 1957 1958 1958 1959 1960 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1955 1957 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1959 1967 1959 1964 c. c. c. c. e. c. c. c. c. c. e. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 55 64 77 78 75 81 91 110 57 64 c. 60 c. 69 67 75 60 75 c. c. c. c. c. 81 c. 91 c. 110 c. 61 111 62 76 c. c. c. -<*r 60 69 70 67 75 60 ""^ local and private acts 1955-1967 Act to incorporate Trustees Presbyterian Church (Bethel) (1925, c. 135) amended Act Respecting Electoral Franchise (1950, c. 70); amended 29 Year Cap. 1967 c. 148 1959 c. Sydney Columbus Club, Act to incorporate 1956 c. 87 Sydney Industrial Development Company, Act to incorporate Sydney Mines, Town of, Act to authorize to provide for a retiring allowance for 1955 c. 90 I960 c. 1959 c. 110 1956 c. 88 1963 c. 98 1958 c. 123 1960 c. 121 1960 c. 114 1958 1964 1966 1957 c. 117 90 148 71 1959 c. 71 1965 c. 89 1965 1964 1963 c. c. 90 89 65 1956 1959 c. 71 c. 74 1958 c. 95 1959 c. 75 1964 1965 1966 c. 115 136 136 Daniel F. MacCormick Sydney Mines War Memorial Board, Act to incorporate (1947, c. 108); amended Sydney Ward Six Horsemen's Club, Act to incorporate 63 79 Teachers' Union Act (see Nova Scotia) Temple Sons of Israel, Svdnev, Act to incorporate (1920, c. 224); amended c Third Yarmouth Baptist Church, Pleasant Valley, Act to incorporate (1890, c. 146); amended Thompson, AC, Company, Limited, Act to incorporate (1902, c. 148); amended Torbrook United Church Cemetery Company, Act to incorporate Tower Insurance Company, Act to incor porate Trenton Parks, Act to incorporate Trustees amended Trenton, Town of, sell and convey lands c. c. c. provide retiring allowance for John W. Frazee provide retiring allowance for Joseph Dungale provide retiring allowance for Mrs. Rose MacDonald relating to Town Truro Area Industrial Commission Act Truro Electric Commission, provide allowance for Mrs. Fred Wright . w provide allowance for Miss Ruth Davison .... c. provide allowance for Felix Eugene Mathe provide allowance for Lawrence LeRoy McAloney and Clarence Moore Truro Golf Club, Act to incorporate (1906, c. 234) amended further amended further amended 9545 c. c. local and private acts 1955-1967 30 Cap. Year Truro Hei c hts Church Cemetery, Truro Heights Colchester Co., Act to incorporate Truro Hod emen's Club, Act to incorporate Truro Reci cation Commission Act 1955 1957 1963 c. 91 103 66 1956 c. 64 1956 c. 65 1958 e. 86 1959 c. 72 1958 c. 97 1965 c. 91 1965 c. 94 1959 c. 86 c. c. Truro, Tow n of, provide allowance for Mu rr ly L. Gordon provide allowance for Harry Seward John on provide llowance for Alexander Ernest MacD ougall provide illowance for Marguerita McDougall and Seward Johnson Act con sjtituting Electric Light Commission (1917 c. 128); amended Actto erj able, to own and operate Rink and Comm unity Centre Act rela ling to Sewerage (1900, c. 74); repea ed Tufts Cove Albro Lake Service Commission (1953, c. 76); amended *J U Uniacke H arness Racing Club, Act to incor porate Union Car bide Canada Act to fi . taxation 1957 c. 104 1966 c. 92 1962 c. 109 1961 c. 110 1957 c. 111 1957 c. 9!) 1965 c. 120 1966 c. 114 1955 c. 92 1966 c. 129 1955 c. 93 1965 c. 92 Limited, Amherst, United Bad tist Cemetery, St. Margaret's Bay, Act relating to United Bap tist Church, Yarmouth North, Act to in{corporate United Baj tist Church, Sydnev, Act to incor porjate, (1917, c. 180); amended . . . United Bad tist Church Cemetery Company, Cambric ge, Act to incorporate United Baj tist Convention, Home Mission Board, ^ct to Change Name United Ba pjtist Convention, Board of MinisteHs ' Annuity Fund, Act to Change Name United Ch i reth of Canada, Brooklyn and Beach B Mjeadows, to convey lands United Ch i relh of Canada, Glenholme, Act to v e ; t Lands in Trustees United Chi rch of Canada, Mill Village, to conve lands United Chd rch Senior Citizens' Home, Windsor Act relating to assessment . 9546 local and private acts 1955-1967 United Church of Canada, Trustees of, Act to vest certain lands at J. Wesley Smith Memorial United Church, Halifax United Congregation of Barney's River, to relating trustees and Act to amend Act of incorporation United Steel workers of America, Sydney, Act to enable Trustees of Local 1064, to convey lands to Sydney Cooperative Universalist Unitarian Church, Halifax, Act respecting 31 Year Cap. 1965 c. 127 1956 c. yz 1963 Upper Stewiacke Fire Protection Act 1962 1958 c. 110 c. 96 Utility Sales Ltd., Springhill, Act re Taxation l965 c. 1965 c. 129 1962 c. 116 1955 c. 78 1957 c. 109 1962 c. 102 1956 c. 88 104 108 126 Vandenberge, Elizabeth Jane, Act to Change Name Victoria Park, Trustees of, (1901, c. 93); amended c Victoria, Municipality of, assessment of Cape Breton Island Gaelic Foundation W Waegwoltic Limited, Act to incorporate (1910, c. 174); amended Wallace, William Dean James, name changed from Lindsay Ward Six Horsemen's Club. Sydney, Act to incorporate Waternish Rod and Gun Club, Act to 1959 c. Waverley Ratepayers Association Act amended West Arichat Buying Club, Act to enable i»oo 19b7 c. 1965 c. West Branch Cemetery, Act to incorporate 1962 c. 130 111 19b3 c. 68 1960 c. 92 1959 c. 105 1962 c. incorporate • Surviving Trustee to convey lands c c. West Hants and East Hants and Towns of Windsor and Hantsport, Act to authorize to provide Retiring Allowance for Nancy Duncan West Hants, Municipality of, Act relating to School Section No. 36, (1927, c. 120) repealed West Pictou Community Rink Association, Act to incorporate West River Presbyterian Church, Durham, convey land 9547 112 32 local and private acts 1955-1967 West Rivei Fire Department, Act to incorporate Western K ngs Memorial Hospital Assoc, Mun. Co of Kings and Town of Berwick, Act re lating to Act rela ing to Western Srj ore, provide system of fire protectic Westmini s relating n ;o Lawrenc 9town, Act to incorporate Whynot, G; ry Melton, Act to Alter Birth Registra ion Widows'an h Orphans' Fund ofthe Diocese of Nova J cotia, Act respecting Super- annuatiojr Fund and; amended Honald Gary, Act to Alter Birth Registra ion Wilson, Jo I'M Leroy, Act to change name of George I roy Barber Windsor, A ft to incorporate Church School for Girls 1891, c. 131); amended Windsor H £|rness Racing Club, Act to incorpor Cap. 1963 73 1965 1966 e 104 130 1962 c 92 1966 c. 131 1958 c. 118 1967 c. 141 1957 c. 116 1965 c. 131 1960 c. 99 1955 e. 95 1958 c. 119 1959 1961 1966 1967 c. 106 111 134 145 c er Church, C.B. Is., Act Whitman d emetery Company, Williams Year te Windsor, T<| wn of, respecting hospital (1903, fc. 128); amended further a nended further a nended further a nended Act respecting Certain Lands, Fort Edward Hill Act relad ng to assessment roll for 1957 . . , Retiring Allowance for Nancy Duncan Act to au t horize to guarantee issue of bonds of \;"indsor Fire Protection Company Limited Windsor, U ited Church Senior Citizens' Home, Act relating to assessement .. WiswallCe rhetery Company, Act to incorpora ;e Wolfville.Town of, provide retiring allowance c. c. c. 1964 1957 1963 c. c. 91 72 68 1960 c. 80 1965 c. 92 1960 c. 115 1957 1961 1965 c. 73 c. c. 83 97 1957 c. 106 1962 c. 113 c, for Daisy \. West and Aubrey Seymour Dakin amended further a nded nei Women's Christ ian Association of Halifax, Act to incorporate (1897, c. 138); amended Wood, Georgj e Wallace, Act to alter birth registrat n 9548 local and private acts 1955-1967 33 Year Cap. Woodside Fire Protection Act (1919, c. 137); amended • 195y c" 1959 c. 107 1962 c. 114 1960 1963 c. 1956 1960 c. c. 90 119 1958 c. 120 1955 c. 72 I9oo c- °° repealed 1963 c'. 91 Actto incorporate (1860, c. 77); amended 1955 c. v* 1962 1966 c. 1961 1963 1965 c. c. 110 91 148 1964 c. 117 1955 c. 70 1962 c. 84 1960 c. 81 Woodlawn Cemetery Company, Halifax County, Actto incorporate,(1903, c. 212); amended 84 X Xavier Foundation, Act to incorporate Yarmouth Arena Commission, Act to incorporate amended c. Yarmouth County Agricultural Society, Actto incorporate (1875, c. 81); amended further amended Yarmouth County Historical Society, Act to incorporate • •• Yarmouth Curling Rink Company Limited, to enable Town to make grant 116 103 Yarmouth, Diocese of, Act to incorporate certain persons under name of"LesReligieuses de Notre-Dame du Sacre-Coeur" Yarmouth Hospital Commission Act; amfn,ded Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery Company Yarmouth, Municipality of District of, Act to enable to sell and convey certain lands to Yarmouth Public Library and Museum Act to fix Taxation of Scotia Seafoods Ltd Yarmouth North United Baptist Church, Act to incorporate Yarmouth Regional Hospital Act amended -• Yarmouth Town Mission (1910, c. 175) amended • • • Yarmouth, Town of, to exempt Milo Aquatic Club Ltd. from taxation • to authorize to borrow money for Yarmouth Arena Commission to enable to sell and convey Southern portionofTrinity Place -••• to enable to sell and convey certain lands to Yarmouth Public Library and Museum 9549 iybZ c. c. 7g 85 108 34 local and private acts 1955-1967 Cap. Year to exeir pt St. Joseph's Home from taxa ion to fix T; xation Fraterrj al of Certain Properties of Societies to make grant Co m >any to Yarmouth Curling Rink to make! contribution to Yarmouth Cent bnnial Swimming Pool relating to relatin retirin: to allowance for Stanley Hebb retiring! allowance for Luther Surette retirin allowance for Stayley Allen retiring| allowance for Clyde Robbins tax exe ! : ption tax exe I 1 ption tax exe i apt ion Notre Dame Youth Centre Reformed Baptist Church Old Ladies Home Young M e 11's Christian Assoc, New (18841Ic 75); Pictou ( 875, c repealed Glasgow 85); repealed Pictou ( 952, c. 126); repealed Ste^llarton (1903, c. 274); repealed Young Wo nen 's Christian Association, Halifax, Act to incorporate (1897, c 138); amen tied Zilbert, SaJnuel, Act to Alt Registration Zion Unite* Baptist Church, Act to in torporate Yarmouth, 9550 1959 c 1967 c. 135 1955 c. 72 1966 1955 1967 1956 1955 1956 1956 1965 1964 1964 c. 100 69 119 67 71 c c c. c. c. e. 73 66 68 c 93 c 93, c. 92 c. 1967 1967 1967 1967 c. 143 142 153 146 1957 c. 106 1966 c 132 1960 c. 117 c c