We Are FAMILY - With GRATEFUL Hearts
We Are FAMILY - With GRATEFUL Hearts
Mission Statement “Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is a family of believers, embraced by the Father’s love, nourished by Jesus in Word and Sacrament, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by Mary we commit ourselves to live and proclaim the Gospel of Salvation.” Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community 750 San Salvador Drive Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 733-3606 · Fax: (727) 733-8305 www.ourladydunedin.org · email: [email protected] Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, 2015 Rev. Gary Dowsey, Pastor Twitter: @heyfrgary Rev. Claudius Mganga, Parochial Vicar Msgr. William W. DuBois, Pastor Emeritus Parish Office Monday-Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-Noon Mary Kibbey, Executive Secretary Robert Harris, Accountant Sue Phillips, Administrative Assistant Maureen McNeill, Admin. Assistant Steve Walker, Director of Maintenance/Operations Kathee Giuffré, Publications Specialist Department of Evangelization, Life Long Faith Formation & Youth (727) 733-0872 Chelsea Shoemaker, Director Michael Raposa, RCIA Mary Ann Dolsak, Secretary Sarah Higinbotham, Youth Minister Sacrament of Baptism/ Marriage Please contact 733-0872 for scheduling Director of Music Ministries Deborah Renfroe Sacristan Lisa Porthouse Director of Events Mark Balog (727) 738-6159 www.conmycenter.com Our Lady of Lourdes School (727) 733-3776 Darrell Fulford, Principal www.myoll.com Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil...5:00PM Sunday ............ 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM, 5PM Daily................. 9:00AM Mon-Sat Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday .......... 8:00AM to 8:40AM ......................... 3:30PM to 4:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Benediction Wednesday ......9:30AM to 6:30PM Saturday .......... 9:30AM to 10:30AM We Are FAMILY - With GRATEFUL Hearts Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community, Dunedin, FL Scripture Readings Next Week November 22 Feast of Christ the King Dn 7:13-14 Ps 93:1-2, 5 Rv 1:5-8 Jn 18:33b-37 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00AM † Gordon Sullivan 5:00PM † Phyllis Giordano SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM † Thomas Burdenski 9:30AM † John Sideleau 11:30AM † Mary & David Bateman 5:00PM The Members of the Parish MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 St. Margaret of Scotland / St. Gertrude 9:00AM † James Peacock TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 9:00AM † Elizabeth Fitzpatrick † Franklin Condit WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 9:00AM † Christina DeSantis THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 9:00AM † Elizabeth Fitzpatrick † Primitivo Digamon FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 9:00AM † Connie Dixon Phelps † SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00AM † John Murphy 5:00PM † Alice Maloney SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 The Feast of Christ the King 7:30AM † Paulin Rrjolli 9:30AM Kathie Briggs 11:30AM The Members of the Parish 5:00PM † William Shaban Get the Daily Mass Readings on your Smartphone Suggested Apps: USA Catholic Church iBreviary Daily Readings for Catholics Altar Servers GREEN Team November 21 / 22 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Father Gary Writes Today is Commitment Sunday for our Increased Offertory Program. I hope everyone has read the literature sent to your homes outlining the reasons for this program which forms part of this year’s Stewardship Renewal of TIME, TALENT and TREASURE. We are asking everyone to complete their Commitment Card at today’s Masses. If you have forgotten to bring your card, extra ones are available at the main entrances and exits. We will be asked to place them in baskets after the homily. Our commitment affirms our solidarity for the mission and maintenance of our parish family. Our parish theme continues to be ‘We are Family – with Grateful Hearts’. The mission of Christ’s Church is the responsibility of the many and not the few! When focusing on the gift of generosity, I tend to return to the words of Matthew Kelly in his book ‘The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic’: The happiest people I know are the most generous people I know. God is generous, and generosity is at the heart of the Christian life. Generosity begins with gratitude. Dynamic Catholics live in a state of gratitude. They have an overwhelming sense that their lives have been blessed. The world draws us into a conversation about all that we don’t have, but God invites us into a conversation about all that we do have. We are at our best when we are grateful. When we speak about generosity at church we usually do so in the context of stewardship, and we talk about three categories: time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is the responsible and careful management of something entrusted to one’s care. As Christians, we are taught that our time, talent and treasure are all on loan to us – and that one day we will have to account for the way we managed them. Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do. Generosity is a trademark of Dynamic Catholics. They are generous with their time and talent and with their money and possessions, but their generosity goes way beyond these commonly defined areas. They have not just a spirit of generosity but a spirituality of generosity that reaches deep into every corner of their lives. Generosity is central to their value system, and they often think in terms of how they can do the most good with what they have at their disposal. Dynamic Catholics are generous with their praise and appreciation. They are especially generous with their encouragement. They are constantly encouraging people all around them. The scope of their generosity reaches into every aspect of life. Establish giving goals. Give one per cent more of your income this year than you did last year to your church and favorite charities. Increase this giving percentage by one per cent of your income each year until you reach a tithe of ten per cent (or until it simply is not possible or prudent for you to give any more). Goals bring out the best in us. We have goals for everything else; isn’t it time we had some generosity goals? WE ARE FAMILY 2 www.ourladydunedin.org November 15, 2015 Our Parish Family Baptized into the Life of the Risen Christ Caroline Lee Arnao Brody Robert Bishop Atticus Michael Hoegstrom Born into Eternal Life Mary Leone Anne Chum Joann Frazho Marjorie Carroll Patricia Foy Joseph Dias Those preparing for Marriage Michael Copp / Melissa Bonilla David Schreck / Jamey Collins Bradley Davis / Kathryn Dolac Christopher Davis / Sarah Higinbotham Travis Cyotte / Kristina Kessler Lawrence Dewberry / Sandra Krakowski Scott Mahlmeister / Caitlin McVey Love sealed by the Sacrament of Marriage Kevin Noll and Kelly Dees Michael Hinckley and Anne Slaughter Special Prayers Richard Perice November 21 and 22 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD collection. St. Jude the Apostle Medal Awarded to Steve Walker Please Pray for the Safety of Our Military that God may bless them and keep them safe. Matthew Anderson, US Army Julian Buckmire, US Army Michael A. Chacon, US Army James Colbassani, US Marines Jordan Ditro, US Navy Julia Fensterwald, US Air Force Stephen Hartnett, III, US Army Richard T. Hilgert, US Navy Jon Paul Hilgert, US Navy Jacob R. Hilgert, US Navy George Kavulich, US Air Force Brian S. Kibbey, US Air Force Bradley A. Kibbey, US Navy Samuel Lynford, US Marines Joseph Marcinek, US Air Force Joseph Matarazzo, US Air Force Michele Matthews, US Navy David Harley Matthews, US Army Adam Marston, US Army Joseph McKenna, US Army Steven McKenna, National Guard Matthew Miller, US Army Mark Miller Jr., US Army Sam Miller, US Navy Alicia O'Meara, US Air Force Jim Thompson, US Marines If you are a parishioner and have an immediate family member serving in the military and would like to add them to the list, email Barbara at [email protected] or call 733-7570. The St. Jude the Apostle Medal was established by Bishop Robert Lynch in 1999 and is awarded to a lay member of a parish for distinguished and outstanding service. Through their generosity and loyal service to their parish and community, these lay men and women have contributed greatly to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An award ceremony with Bishop Lynch will take place at 3:00pm on Sunday, November 22, the Feast of Christ the King, at the Cathedral of St. Jude. Everyone is invited to attend this wonderful celebration. This year’s parish recipient is Steve Walker, our Director of Maintenance, who spear-headed the renovation of our church. Thanks to his dedication and zeal, the project was completed on schedule. He always goes above and beyond in the call of duty. By using his practical gifts and talents, our buildings and extensive grounds are not only maintained, but also kept to a very high standard. Steve Walker is a blessing to our parish and school family. 3 Blessing of Wreaths November 28 and 29 Advent wreaths will be blessed during all Masses on Sat. and Sun., Nov. 29 and 30. You can find information regarding the making of the wreaths, the blessing, and the prayers at the entrances of the church. FAITH FORMATION, LIFE LONG EVANGELIZATION, AND YOUTH Confirmation Don’t forget to turn in any retreat paperwork before the holidays. Retreat is January 8-10 at Bethany Center. Transportation is provided. Call Chelsea at 733-0872 with any questions. Families with Little Ones (3-5 yrs old) EDGE You are invited to sign your child up for Faith Formation classes on Sunday morning during the 9:30am Mass. Registration is ongoing. Classes take place in the school. Take advantage of this great opportunity for your little one to learn the basics of their Catholic Faith. Call the Faith Formation Office at (727) 733-0872. First Reconciliation Class Schedule Our middle school youth praying for their families and the parish at Adoration on Oct. 21. Thank you to Fr. Gary for leading us in prayer and Eric Hoegstrom for leading us in song and worship. Monday, Nov. 16, 6:30-8pm Conmy Center Monday, Nov. 30, 6:30-8pm Conmy Center Monday, Dec. 7, 6:30-8pm Church Sunday, Dec. 13, 9:30am Mass, Rite of Completion Wednesday, Dec. 16, 4pm or 7pm First Reconciliation Contact the Faith Formation Office at 733-0872 with questions. Life Teen’s Hogwarts Halloween Party! Stewardship Life Teen Time: Every week, our middle and high school Want daily updates and inspiration? Follow us on Social Media. Sundays after the 5pm Mass Even our children and teens give of their time, talent treasure youth volunteer with the Faith Formation, EDGE, and Confirmation programs. We had over 30 teens volunteer at our Vacation Bible School program this summer and every Confirmation candidate volunteered for our annual fall festival. Many girl scouts and boy scouts complete their projects at Our Lady of Lourdes in order to give back to their parish. Our Life Teen youth facilitated the carnival games at our parish picnic. Talent: Our children and teens are active in the parish sharing their gifts while serving as readers, cantors, altar servers, musicians, gift bearers, and in the audio visual ministry. Treasure: Every week, our children (as young as 3 years old) are invited to bring their stewardship envelopes to Mass or the their Faith Formation class (if they are in class during Mass). They give what they can and even share on the envelopes the ways in which they are helping around their home and community and being a good child of God. Facebook: Life Teen at Our Lady of Lourdes or follow us on Instagram and Twitter @lourdes_ym. Tuesday, Nov. 17: Called to Serve 10am and 7pm in Conmy B/C All adults are invited to attend no matter where you are on their Faith walk. 4 A COMMUNITY OF FAITH, KNOWLEDGE AND SERVICE The Kindergarten class had a wonderful first quarter. We are well on our way to being great readers! We have started our Starfall program, a Reading/Language Arts curriculum that is magical, creative, sequential, and combines content area instruction in Social Studies, Math and Science. This is all supported with online activities at MoreStarfall.com. In Social Studies we have learned about scientists and inventors. We made bifocals and kites when we studied Benjamin Franklin. In religion we are learning to walk in Jesus’ footsteps by helping others. The Kindergarten class collects food at the end of each month to help stock the St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen at the Dubois Center. The children love to be involved and help others. We are “Striving” to be the best we can be!! 5 Annual Fund: Did You Know? Our students have access to iPads in their classrooms, affording them a higher learning experience We are able to provide this through contributions made to the Our Lady of Lourdes Annual Fund. We are asking for 100% participation from our parents, faculty and staff this year. Please make your contribution as soon as possible before December 31st. Help our kids by making your contribution today! Donate at: www.myoll.com/annual-fund-campaign/ STEWARDSHIP: TIME, TALENT, TREASURE STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Puzzles and Mysteries As human beings we are curious about the world and the universe we inhabit. We love puzzles, and solving them over thousands of generations has contributed to our survival as a species. In the last two hundred years particularly, scientists have been able to assemble a huge quantity of data that suggests that the universe came into being about 13 billion years ago with the “Big Bang,” and that the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The Church sees no contradiction between this scientific account and the creation stories. Indeed, one of the developers of the Big Bang theory was a Belgian priest and scientist, Monsignor Georges Lemaître. The Genesis account in the Bible is about a mystery—the mystery of our existence and our relationship to God, the creator and sustainer of life. A mystery in this sense is a sacred reality that goes beyond logical explanations. Another mystery we see in today’s readings involves the question of when and how it will all end. The historical record shows that for centuries people have claimed that the end of the world is at hand. Nowadays, if you start an Internet search for “end of the world” you will turn up over 16 million results. Yet in today’s Gospel, although Jesus tells us he will return at the end of time, he states quite clearly that no one can puzzle out when that end will be, neither the day nor the hour. Only God knows. In the meantime, our time is better spent on living our lives well now. As today’s psalm says, “You will show me the path to life, / fullness of joys in your presence, / the delights at your right hand forever” (Psalm 16:11). Isn’t that promise enough? We have reached our 2015 APA goal! Thank you for your generosity! Our Parish is filled with caring and generous people and we are very thankful to everyone who has given to our 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. To date, we have received $231,392 in Pledges from 695 families towards our $228,525 goal. We have exceeded our goal, which means the excess of pledges comes back to our parish! By donating to the Annual Pastoral Appeal, you have helped those that are alone, sick, homeless, those in jail and their families, those who may be having difficulty in their marriage, those seeking forgiveness and wanting to return to the Church and those seeking a better life by following Christ. A large part of the APA funds goes directly to pay the expenses of our seminarians and their journey to becoming ordained priests. As the number of seminarians has increased, so have the related costs. So many are aided and healed by the ministries, programs, and services funded through the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Thank you and please remember to fulfill your pledge! Our Lady of Lourdes School Tuition Assistance Monies donated and designated for tuition assistance before December 31, 2015, will be matched, dollar-fordollar, by the Diocese of St. Petersburg. http://www.catholicfoundation.org/match-grant-program Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living Stewardship Now Life is a book in volumes three: The past, the present, and the yet-to-be. The past is written and laid away, The present we’re writing every day, And the last and best of volumes three Is locked from sight-God keeps the key. ~Author unknown A Call to Share Sunday, November 8 Cash Offertory (2,076 households) .................. $17,360 Parish Automated Giving .................................... $4,049 Total Weekly Offertory .................................. $21,409 Children’s Stewardship Corner Total Attendance: 2139 My Time: Be responsible - Greeter at Mass - Helping mom and dad Listening to my mom - Choir - Being a big help My Talent: Listen to my teachers - Singing - Reading the bible Thank you to all of our parishioners and visitors for your very generous support! 6 CALL TO SERVE / CALL TO SHARE Ministry Spotlight CIRCLE OF JOY PRAYER GROUP Thank you to Maria Smetana and her dedicated group of volunteer men and women who come together every Tuesday morning after Mass to pray the morning Liturgy of the Hours. They pray for vocations, their own special intentions, and requests directed to them through the parish office. If you are interested in joining this special group, please contact Maria at 736-9388 or [email protected]. Stewardship Renewal: We Are FAMILY with GRATEFUL Hearts Increased Offertory Program Our Increased Offertory Program Commitment Sunday is this weekend at all Masses. We encourage all parishioners to complete and turn in your commitment cards to the church. The commitment card contains information on how to plan your increased offertory gift to the church, and asks for your commitment over the next year. If you have any questions regarding this program, or how to give electronically, please contact the parish office. We have all been blessed abundantly, and this weekend We Are Called to embrace the fullness of our giftedness and reflect our joy back to God as we share our abundance to strengthen our parish ministries. Through our commitment, we are living as God intended. Through our commitment we are ministers of the gospel message. Through our commitment we acknowledge that as Catholics, We Are Called to a higher purpose in this life; building the kingdom of God. Thank you for your commitment of financial support for our parish and its ministries! Please return your Parish Information Sheet Our Annual Directory of Ministries highlights the many opportunities throughout our parish which are meant to inspire and equip us to fulfill the mission of Jesus through prayer, reflection, celebration and outreach. We ask that everyone tear out and complete the information sheet on pages 25/26 and return it to the parish office or give to one of the ushers. The information you provide enables us to maintain an accurate census for our parish. Volunteers Needed for Audio/Video Ministry This ministry focuses on the projection of artwork, pre-Mass announcements, and lyrics to songs on our large screens. Members of the team run the cameras and video equipment to project the PowerPoint slides and camera views (e.g. for baptisms) before and during the celebration of the Eucharist. Individuals must be experienced with Windows / PowerPoint, be technically adept at electronic equipment, and be thoroughly familiar with the Order of the Mass. In addition, we also live stream the 9:30am Mass via the internet for our home bound parishioners. If interested, or for more information, contact Matt Titus at [email protected]. Volunteers Needed for Apostles Kitchen Please consider joining us by sharing a little of your time and talent with this wonderful ministry that provides the funds needed for our parish to feed the Pinellas Hope Ministry twice a month. Sunday mornings, following the 7:30 and 9:30 Mass, our volunteers prepare and serve breakfast in the school cafeteria. Please call Mark Balog at 727-7386159 or email him at [email protected]. St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive Next weekend is the last weekend to bring food to the church for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. As in years past our goal is to provide a turkey dinner for the many needy families in our area. This can only be accomplished through the generous donations from our parish and school families. The following items are needed to fill each grocery bag: canned green beans and corn, sweet potatoes, stuffing mix, cranberries, instant mashed potatoes, jarred gravy, applesauce, fruit cocktail, canned pumpkin and pie shells. In addition to those Thanksgiving staples we will also be collecting items for the food pantry. These items are: cereal, pasta, rice, soup, spaghetti sauce, spam, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, canned pasta, ramen, and macaroni and cheese. Gift cards and cash donations are also welcome as they help us defer the cost of the turkeys which we purchase. Please open your heart and help your neighbors. Donations can also be brought to the school cafeteria on Monday, November 23rd from 9am until noon. 7 IN OUR PARISH Learn Spanish with Mr. Fulford Beginning Conversational Spanish for Adults - Level 1 In this course you will learn the basics of the Spanish language by developing your skills step-by-step. This will be a four week course consisting of 2 classes per week. Mondays & Wednesdays, 6-7pm January 11-February 3 Our Lady of Lourdes School Required book $40: Spanish is Fun, Book 1, 4th edition, ISBN 9781567658156 $150 for course To register and pre-order the textbook, please contact Darrell Fulford at [email protected] or 733-3776. Apostles Kitchen Volunteers: Sunday, Nov. 22 RED Team Apostles Kitchen Sunday Mornings after Mass - School Hall Coffee, Juice, Bkfst Sandwiches. All proceeds benefit Pinellas Hope Migrant Farm Worker Giving Tree Our Giving Tree is already standing in the Narthex Zoomers Thursday, November 19, 7pm in the DuBois Center Join us if you are single, 55+ and want to meet and make new friends. We meet on the third Thursday of every month and provide outreach to one another, to the parish, and to the local community. We have several planned activities each month, such as breakfast, bowling, bible study, movies, picnics, and dinner. For more info. call Jeanne at 286-6776 or join us at our next meeting. It has been our custom at OLL for many Christmas seasons to remember the children of the migrant farm workers who harvest our fruits and vegetables. Many of these families live in very depressing and difficult conditions and cannot afford to buy a gift for their children. If you wish to participate in this project, please take a tag (or tags), acquire a new gift appropriate for that child, (GREEN tag for girl, RED tag for boy), wrap it and attach the tag securely to the gift and leave it under the tree. Recipients tell us they enjoy your nice wrappings and especially appreciate the notes of encouragement and accessories you provide, such as batteries. The deadline for gift giving will be December 13, at which time the gifts will be delivered to the farm worker families. We have been told many times in the past that without the generosity of OLL parishioners numerous farm worker children would have received no gift at all on Christmas. May our Lord bless you abundantly. PLEASE NOTE: NO GIFTS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER DEC. 13 because of the 3 hour drive to the farms. 8 PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR Desserts for Pinellas Hope Brownies Needed Monday, Nov. 23 Thank you for providing desserts for the residents of Pinellas Hope; we are very grateful for your support! If you would like to bake or purchase brownies, please bring them to the Parish Office on Monday, Nov. 23 between 9am-4pm in a disposable container. Sunday, November 15, 2015 8:00 AM Apostles Kitchen SH 9:00 AM SB Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM RCIA DCB 6:00 PM Life Teen CC Monday, November 16, 2015 6:00 PM First Reconciliation Class CC 6:30 PM Grief Recovery DCC 7:00 PM Cub Scout Pack 422 SH 7:15 PM "Grupo de oracion" DCB 8:00 PM Men's Ensemble Practice CH Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:00 AM BNI Networking DCB 9:30 AM Circle of Joy CCC 10:00 AM The Journey CCB 4:30 PM Music with Mar CCA 6:00 PM LIADO CC 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 422 SH 7:00 PM The Journey CCB Wednesday, November 18, 2015 6:00 AM That Man Is You CCA 9:30 AM Exposition CH 9:30 AM Cornerstone DCB 10:30 AM Benediction CHP 0.770833 Evening Prayer CHP 6:00 PM EDGE CCD 6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 933 SL 7:00 PM Choir Practice CH 7:30 PM "Divina Misericordia" DCA 8:00 PM Men's Al-Anon DCB Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:00 AM Music with Mar CCA 7:00 PM ZOOMERS DCB 7:00 PM Choir Practice CH 7:00 PM Adult Meditation CHP 7:00 PM SH SALUS Healthy Cooking Friday, November 20, 2015 9:30 AM MMP Rosary Cenacle CH 8:00 PM AA Meeting DCB Saturday, November 21, 2015 8:00 AM Reconciliation CH 9:30 AM Exposition CH 0.430556 Benediction CH 3:30 PM Reconciliation CH Grief Recovery Mondays through Dec. 14 6:30-8pm DuBois Center Room C Support for coping with grief during the holiday season. Call Shirley for more information 727-458-5807. The Performing Arts Group of Espiritu Santo presents MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET Espiritu Santo Catholic Church Parish Center Safety Harbor A perfect way to start the Christmas season with family and friends. All tickets are $14.00. Show dates and times are: Thursday, November 19 at 7:30pm Friday, November 20 at 8pm Saturday, November 21 at 8pm Sunday, November 22 at 2pm. Call Dave at 727.725.3276 for tickets and information. Gift Shop Saturday: 6:00-6:30pm Sunday: 8:30-11:15am Tuesday - Friday: 9:30am-12:30pm Our Gift Shop now has Christmas cards, Advent items, gift items, and Book of Gospels and Psalms. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ OurLadyDunedin CH CC CCA CCB CCC Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @OLLDunedin 9 Church Conmy Center CC Room A CC Room B CC Room C CCD CCL CHP DCA DCB CC Youth Ctr CC Lobby Chapel DuBois Rm A DuBois Rm B DCC SH SB SM SL DuBois Rm C School Hall School Bldg School Math Rm School Library