French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop


French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
10 October 2014
Selected Projects
The selection committee
Baja, Baby, Baja
Juan David Burns
Gaston Cami
The Reconstruction
Tongue Nest
Adriana Trujillo
Desert Flowers
Adriana Trujillo
Unos Días al Sol
Las cosas por venir
Mauro Mueller
Aqui Vivió y Murió
Mauro Mueller
La Guerra de los nísperos
Inna Payán
Rush Hour
Martha Sosa
Christian Valdelièvre
La vereda del Chivo – The goat’s path
Cristina Velasco
Cristina Velasco
Juan David Burns
Producciones Circe
Baja, Baby, Baja
4 565 844 € / 2 282 780 € secured
[email protected]
Raul Quintanilla
Written by
Matthew Peek and Cameron Ford
Producer’s profile
Baja, Baby, Baja is a romantic comedy in which
three girlfriends journey to Baja California,
Mexico for what was to be the bachelorette
trip of a lifetime. As they discover Baja’s best
kept secrets, they will also discover things
about themselves that change their
friendship and lives forever.
Juan David Burns has been in the film
business for more than 40 years. He started
as an actor, then moved to production.
From 1996 to 2002 he produced 36 “soap
operas” for TV Azteca. In 2010 he produced
his first feature film, Skin Deep,
in collaboration with Producciones Circe.
He is about to produce a film called El primo
Basilio, which is to be begin shooting
in November 2014.
Filmography of the producer
– Mar de Fondo, fiction, Raul Quintanilla
– Skin Deep, fiction, Raul Quintanilla (2010)
– El país de las mujeres, TV series (2002)
– Lo que callamos las mujeres, TV series (2001)
– Como en el cine, TV series (2001)
– El amor no es como lo pintan, TV series
– Catalina y Sebastián, TV series (1999)
– Al norte del corazón, TV series (1997)
– Su completa satisfacción o la devolución
de su alma, short movie (1994)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Gaston Cami
Anima Estudios
5 326 144 € / 2 282 633 € secured
[email protected]
Gabriel Riva Palacio
Written by
Jim Hecht
Producer’s profile
Grump is an animated series created
by Mirisch DePatie – Frelenger Enterprises,
production company of The Pink Panther
animated series.
The main character Grump is an evil wizard
who put a spell of melancholy on the Kingdom
of the Forever Never, ruled by Princess Dawn.
When threatened by Grump and his fearsome
Dragon, Princess Dawn goes to the only person
able to save them: the mysterious Prince
Terry, a shy and skinny teenager, owner
of the largest heart in the world. Terry will not
only leave his world to go into a magical
kingdom, where dragons and talking trees are
daily sights, but most of all he will have to find
the strength and guts to join Princess Dawn
in stopping Grump and his evil magic before
he turns this great kingdom into the saddest
and most miserable place of all.
Gaston Cami started his career in the
Entertainment industry in 2004
with the production of Maradona by Kusturica.
At that time he worked for Pentagrama Films
In 2006 he was offered to start
the International area at a new production
company called Illusion Studios in BsAs.
It was owned by a fund called The Exxel Group
and the objective was to place the company
in the global markets as a quality and serious
player for co-productions in Movies, TV series
and Animation. The success was almost
immediate and 8 co-productions were made
in 7 years’ time, including La Maga y el camino
Dorado (Illusion, Dori Media and Nickelodeon),
Sueña Conmigo (Illusion, Televisa and
Nickelodeon), Peter Punk (Illusion and Disney
XD), Doodlebops (Illusion, Cookie Jar
and Optix Entertainment), Gaturro, the movie
(Illusion, Toonz Animation and Anima Estudios),
Top Cat (Anima Estudios and Illusion), and
Eva de la Argentina, co-production deal with
Azpeitía Cine, an animated, independent
feature film, a mix of fiction and documentary
based on the life of Eva Duarte de Perón,
aka Evita.
In the beginning of 2013 he moved to Anima
Estudios, where he was involved
in the co-production and distribution
of Wicked Flying Monkeys with India,
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
and Teenage Fairytale Dropouts in all America
having succeeded with Netflix, DLA
and Globo. He also focused on building up
the technical and distribution team so that
Anima can distribute directly not only their
own creations but also great films from
At the moment he is selling in all Latam the
theatrical rights of a brand new CGI movie
based on the unforgettable
Wizard of Oz.
Filmography of the producer
– Wicked Flying Monkeys, animation,
directed by Alberto Mar (2014)
– El Santos vs. La Tetona Mendoza, animation,
directed by Alejandro Lozano (2012)
– La Leyenda de la Llorona, animation,
directed by Alberto Rodríguez (2011)
– Top Cat, animation, directed by Alberto Mar
– Gaturro, animation, directed by Gustavo
Cova (2011)
– AAA The movie, animation,
directed by Alberto Rodríguez (2010)
– Kung Fu Magoo, animation,
directed by Andrés Couturier, Mexico,
United-States (2009)
– Martian Christmas, animation,
directed by José Alejandro García, Mexico,
United-States (2009)
– Agent Macaw, animation,
directed by Andrés Couturier (2009)
– Imaginum, animation,
directed by Alberto Mar and Issac Sandoval
– Wizard and Giants, animation,
directed by Andrés Couturier (2003)
Other current projects
– Calaca Island, animation, directed by
Leopoldo Aguilar
– League of 5, animation, directed by
Alberto Rodriguez
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Adriana Trujillo
The Reconstruction
233 139 € / 46 645 € secured
Written by
Adriana Trujilllo and Norma Iglesias
Directed by
Adriana Trujilllo and Norma Iglesias
In 1914, Roberto Iglesias Goyri discovered the United States’ secret
plan to invade Mexico. Years later, in 1923, in the General Congress
of the United Mexican States, Congressman Jorge Prieto Laurens,
for the first time in history, responds to a Presidential address
(Álvaro Obregón was President of Mexico at the time). Afterwards,
someone attempted to Prieto Laurens’ life for his overt criticism
and bold defiance of a president of the nation. In the 1960’s
a granddaughter and a grandson of each family are married
in Mexico City. The Reconstruction is a documentary film that
interweaves these stories, encompassing themes ranging from
architecture, education, migration, political exile, and family life.
The reconstruction is an animated documentary film about
the traces of a family archive preserved to this day, and build
from the periphery one of the long lost memories of Mexico.
Tongue Nest
89 449 € / 31 312 € secured
Written and directed by
Adriana Trujillo and José Inerza
Half of all the languages spoken in the world today are concentrated
in 8 countries, Mexico being one of them. The country is the 5th
most linguistically diverse country in the world, and the Yuman
are the indigenous tongues with the least amount of speakers
in the country – sometimes only five speakers remain. Tongue
Nest is a requiem for the last Yuman survivors in the north
of Mexico. Intertwining their latest myths and magic through
geo-symbolic elements, the movie blends history, science fiction
and experimental ethnography together. It is a utopic and futuristic
elegy about the imminent death of a people, linked to postcolonization contradictions, modernity and a dreamless world.
A film about an urgent topic in a contemporary culture: extinction.
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Desert Flowers
145 693 € / 1 456 € secured
Written and directed by
Adriana Trujillo and José Inerza
In Desert Flowers, the events just prior to the Mexican Revolution
are recreated. In 1911 the Flores-Magón brothers invaded Baja
California and declare the first Socialist Republic in the world.
The Magonistas build an anarchic movement to transform the
nation socially and economically, with the utopian ideal of a better
world. The movie is recreated in a set by a group of Baja California
citizens, living in the Camino Verde community and who were
selected via an open call. The objective is to get into focus one
of the most transcendental and unknown episodes of our
country’s history.
Producer’s profile
Filmography of the producer
Adriana Trujillo is a filmmaker and a producer.
She holds a M.A. in Documentary Film from
the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Since 2003 she has been devoted to creating
a space for non-fiction film with the BorDocs
Documentary Forum, which she founded in
the Tijuana-San Diego border region. Her
work has been part of many exhibitions and
festivals, such as International Film Festivals
in Guadalajara, Morelia, Guanajuato and
DOCSDF, etc. She will be part of the “Viseur:
Semaine du Cinéma Documentaire Mexicain”
program in Paris in November 2014.
She has also received a number of grants and
awards such as Best Short Film at SDLFF
(2014), Mexican Institute of Cinematography
FOPROCINE (2009 and 2012), National Program for Young Artist FONCA (2007 and 2010),
DOCSDF Award (2008), Foreign Studies in
Spain FONCA (2004) and Best Experimental
Video at VideoFEST (2002). In 2012 Adriana
received a grant for her career by the Baja
California Cultural Institute, and in the same
year was selected by the renowned weekly
magazine ZETA as personality of the year in
culture and arts.
Adriana is the editor of the book Bordocs and
Frontiers: Documentary Film in the North of
Mexico (2013).
– Upside Down Home, documentary, directed
by Itzel Martínez (2014)
– Goshtly Pulsations, documentary, directed
by Adriana Trujillo and José Inerzia (2014)
– Skin Destination, documentary, directed
by Adriana Trujillo (2012)
– Felix: Self-fictions of a Smugger,
documentary, directed by Adriana Trujillo
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Mauro Mueller
Fidelio Films
Unos Días al Sol
Fiction, drama
1 015 992 € / 290 263 € secured
Mexico, France, United States
[email protected]
Mauro Mueller
Written by
David Figueroa García and Mauro Mueller
A couple travels to Mexico in an effort to repair their marriage.
Shortly after arriving, they enter the cycle of violence plaguing
the country. Stripped of their freedom and dignity as prisoners
of some guards, the boundaries of good and evil dissolve
and disappear. The film is a thorough study of class, power
and humanity beyond cultures.
Aqui Vivió y Murió
Fiction, drama
Mexico, Columbia, France
[email protected]
Espiritu Perdomo
Written by
Espiritu Perdomo and Mauricio Leiva Cock
The film tells the story of a gravedigger who one day decides
to make the cemetery his home and the dead he buries,
his family.
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Las cosas por venir
Fiction, drama
Mexico, France
[email protected]
Written and directed by
David Figueroa Garcias
After serving his prison term, Matthias returns to work as
a bodyguard for an influential family who welcomed him,
but who also betrayed him. It is a reunion with a past that haunts
him and drives him to seek retribution.
Producer’s profile
Mauro is a Swiss-Mexican filmmaker,
graduated from Columbia University in
New York. His short film A World for Raúl
won the prestigious Student Academy Award
in 2013 and awards in New York and Aspen
Shortsfest. It was also shown at the Morelia
International Film Festival, the International
Festival of Shorts in Guanajuato and Mexico.
His films have been screened at over 100
festivals and have won numerous awards,
such as the CINE Golden Eagle Award,
the Big Beach Award for Best Director,
IFP Audience Award and the CINE Special
Jury Award. He was also part of the Berlinale
Talent Campus, the Guadalajara Talent
Campus, as well as of the Ludwigsburg-Paris
co-production workshop organized by
the Fémis. He received the Marcie Bloom
Fellowship 2013-14 awarded by Sony
Pictures Classics.
Mauro recently produced the feature film
Copenhagen, starring Gethin Anthony,
in Denmark, which win the Audience Award
at Slamdance, the Jury Award at the Florida
Film Festival, and the omnibus film A Quintet,
which premiered at the Sarajevo Film Festival
in 2014. Fidelio Films, the production company
to which he belongs, has won twice the Student
Academy Award. Mauro Mueller is co-owner
of the production company Fidelio Films,
a New York City-based independent film
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
production company founded by producers
David Figueroa, Mark Raso, Mauro Mueller
and Mauricio Leiva Cock in 2010. The four of
them met while studying at the MFA program
in directing and screenwriting at Columbia
University. The company has produced
a number of acclaimed short films, winning
twice in a row in the Student Academy
Awards with Under in 2012 and Un mundo
para Raúl in 2013. In 2014, for the third time
in a row, they had a short Perfidia
in the regional final of the Student Academy
Awards. The first feature film Copenhagen,
featuring Gethin Anthony, Bodil Awards
winner Frederikke Dahl Hansen, Sebastian
Armesto, Mille Dinesen, Baard Owe,
and Tamzin Merchant will be released
in 2014.
Filmography of the producer
– Un Quinteto, fiction, several directors,
Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Bosnia,
Turkey, USA (2014)
– Copenhaguen, fiction, directed by Mark
Raso, USA, Canada, Dinamarca (2014)
– Perfidia, fiction, directeb by David Figueroa
García, Mexico, USA (2013)
– Un mundo para Raúl, fiction, directed by
Mauro Mueller, Mexico, USA (2012)
– Ratitas, fiction, directed by Figueroa García,
Mexico, USA (2012)
– Café con leche, fiction, directed by Mauricio
Leiva Cock, Colombia (2011)
– Under, fiction, directed by Mark Raso,
Canada, USA (2011)
– Santiago del otro lado, fiction, directed
by Mauro Mueller, Mexico, USA (2011)
– Clankety, Clank, fiction, directed by Mauricio
Leiva Cock, Colombia, USA (2010)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Inna Payán
Animal de Luz Films
La Guerra de los nísperos
1 141 322 € / 228 264 € secured
[email protected]
To be disclosed
Written by
Jano Mendoza
Producer’s profile
Ron and Emi, two “problem children” are
under the care of their neighbors, a young
couple who adopt them one week-end, a time
in which all of them will discover infidelity,
solitude and death.
Inna Payan worked from 1997 to 2004
as Director of Film Area in Argos
Communications, producing, other among
titles: La Habitación azul (The blue room),
La Hija del cannibal (Lucia Lucia), Vivir Mata
(Life Kills), Crónica de un desayuno
(A breakfast chronicle), Fuera del cielo
(Beyond the sky) and Ladie’s night.
From 2005 to 2011 she was Director
of Production at Miravista Mexico, part
of Walt Disney Co. for which she produced:
Cansada de besar sapos (Tired of kissing
frogs), HSM el desafio (HSM: the challenge),
Sin Ella (Without her) and Bacalar.
Independently, she produced Hidalgo,
La Historia Jamás Contada (Hidalgo :
the untold story).
Inna founded her own company in 2011,
Animal de Luz Films, which has produced
El sueño de Iván (Ivan’s dream),
the multi-awarded feature film La Jaula de Oro
(The Golden Cage, A Certain Talent Award
at the Cannes Film Festival), Todos Están
Muertos (with Elena Anaya), and the mexican
remake of Un novio para mi mujer (A boyfriend
for my wife), currently in post-production.
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Filmography of the producer
– Un novio para mi mujer, fiction,
directed by Enrique Begné (2014)
– Todos están muertos, fiction, directed
by Beatriz Sanchis, Mexico, Spain (2014)
– La jaula de Oro, fiction, Diego Quemada-diez,
Mexico, Spain (2013)
– El sueño de Iván, fiction, directed by Roberto
Santiago, Mexico, Spain (2012)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Martha Sosa
Cactus Film and Video
Rush Hour
671 976 € / 168 194 € secured
[email protected]
Written and directed by
Luciana Kaplan
Rush Hour is a documentary film about the
daily journey that involves moving from home
to work in three cities in the world: Mexico
City, Istanbul and Los Angeles.
Large cities operate today on the logic that
the best jobs are found in the central areas
where housing at the same time is more
expensive. The natural consequence is that
a lot of people have to travel long distances
between affordable housing and a well-paid
What about people in these lonely hours?
How do they impact our personal and family
lives? What does this say about our cities
and the way we inhabit them?
Rush Hour presents the stories of three
people in three cities at three important
moments in their lives.
In Mexico, an older man who works
in construction arm-handles large and
expensive pieces of marble and granite in his
workshop in Chimalhuacán which he brings
daily to luxury buildings three hours from
where he lives, traveling through various
transport public.
An African immigrant travels from Orange
County to Los Angeles by car, struggling with
the immobility and solitude of the journey
while trying to build relationships with
potential partners through an appointment
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
In Istanbul, a single mother commutes daily
with her children from the suburbs to the
center ground and through the Bosphorus
River, trying to tie a family and intimate
relationship in public spaces.
The film presents a portrait of these cities
through the journeys of these characters,
and landscapes where the end of a commute
is a victory, but also just the beginning
of another workday.
Producer’s profile
Filmography as associate producer
Martha Sosa was born in Mexico in 1963.
At age 24 she was awarded the National
Award of Journalism for her work as reporter
and founder of the first Television news show
focused on art and culture: “Hoy en la Cultura”
She has been involved in film production since
1997. She strongly believes in the emotional
power of film for bringing important social
issues to big and new audiences in Mexico
that will lead to social change.
Amores Perros and Presumed Guilty have
been the most successful films in their
respective categories in the Mexican
box-office the year they were released, with
a Mexican and international audience
of millions of people.
All of the films she has been involved with as
a producer have accomplished international
praise and have opened the path for Mexican
talent to get known in new markets nationally
and internationally. Her films have been
successful in the top international festival
circuit and they add more than 75 international
awards for best film, audience awards and
special recognitions such as Academy Award
and Golden Globe nominations, an Emmy
Award and three nominations, and two
Humanitas awards.
She enjoys advising young filmmakers and
collaborating on workshops with platforms
such as Ambulante, Mantarraya, Cine Tonalá
and the Guanajuato International Film Festival.
She commits to producing films that pursue
urgent social issues and that motivate
new audiences to reflect on how they relate
to these issues. She is focused on discovering
and supporting new talents and voices as
well as in creating new forms of distribution
and exhibition.
– La Historia de I y O, fiction, directed by
Valentina Leduc (1999)
– Por la libre (Dust to Dust), fiction,
directed by Juan Carlos de Llaca (2001)
– I want to be a pilot, fiction, written and
directed by Diego Quemada Diez (2005)
– Los que se quedan (Those Who Remain),
documentary, directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo
and Carlos Hagerman (2008)
– Vuelve a la Vida, documentary, directed by
Carlos Hagerman (2010)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Filmography as executive producer:
– Amores Perros, fiction, directed by Alejandro
González Iñárritu and written by Guillermo
Arriaga (2000)
– Nicotina, fiction, directed by Hugo Rodríguez
– Un día más, documentary, directed by Maria
Inés Roqué (2004)
– Presunto Culpable (Presumed Guilty),
documentary, directed by Roberto Hernández
and Geoffrey Smith (2009)
– Una reina a su gusto, short documentary,
directed by Maya Goded (2011)
– El patio de mi casa, documentary,
directed by Carlos Hagerman (in production)
– Plaza de la Soledad, documentary,
directed by Maya Goded (in production)
Christian Valdelièvre
Cine Pantera
1 001 985 € / 932 972 € secured
[email protected]
Written and directed by
Miguel Calderón
Producer’s profile
Joel, 34 years old, is antisocial. He lives with
his mother, a successful surgeon with whom
he maintains an unhealthy relationship.
The only time when Joel feels safe is when
he is in the field with his hawk, practicing
falconry. One day another falconer introduces
him to Ilse, a secretary with whom he falls
in love. This budding love story and
the unexpected loss of his hawk break
the monotony of his life and confronts him
with his past.
He studied business administration at the
university Iberoamericana. He later obtained
a master’s degree in business administration
(MBA) from the Graduate School of Business
Administration in Harvard University.
He then was an investment banker
at JPMorgan from 1983 to 2001 where
he worked as Managing Director in charge
of private companies in Mexico and New-York.
He took part in the creation of the Cinemex
Enterprise, culminating in JP Morgan’s
investment in the initial capital of the company.
Since 1988 he has been involved in the
production of Mexican cinema. He is also
founding member of the production
companies Lulu Productions (formerly Futura
Productions), Cine Pantera and Titán.
Filmography of the producer
– Lake Tahoe, fiction, directed by Fernando
Eimbcke (2007)
– Temporada de patos, fiction,
directed by Fernando Eimbcke (2003)
– La habitación azul, fiction,
directed by Walter Doehner (2003)
– La hija del cannibal, fiction,
directed by Antonio Serrano (2002)
– Vivir mata, fiction,
directed by Nicolás Echevarría (2002)
– Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas, fiction,
directed by Antonio Serrano (1999)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Cristina Velasco
Paloma Negra Films
La vereda del Chivo –
The goat’s path
800 000 € / 40 000 € secured
[email protected]
Written and directed by
Rigoberto Perezcano
This is the story of the relationship between
Leobardo (40 years old), and his son Olivo,
who is 12 years old, both goats’ shepherds.
Day after day they live through the absence
of a mother, their shortcomings, their faith
and their love. But mostly they live through
an immense solitude, confronted to
the immensity of the mountains while they
graze their goats.
The core of their story lies in the journey
they undertake with a goat Olivo chooses,
to witness the slaughter of hundreds of these
animals in a neighboring town, in order to
venerate a patron saint. Along the journey,
Olivo learns of his father’s illness, which will
take him to his death.
Olivo will then be prematurely involved with
this human phenomenon, and as a child he
must understand and confront his father’s
death while having to take the dead body
back to his people to bury him there.
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
900 000 € / 180 000 € secured
[email protected]
Written and directed by
Rigoberto Perezcano
Lisboa is a portrait of two characters
and their quests. Chance will make them
cross paths.
Helena, a teacher (55 years old), lives on
her own in a huge house owned by a friend.
Contact with the outside world is ever more
difficult for her, the house becomes her lair.
Her days are spent between the few classes
she gives at the university, staying at home
and drinking as much liquor as she can.
The owner has decided to rent the bungalow
in the garden to improve their economic
situation. Santiago (18 years old), a young
French man who is coming to study in Mexico
upsets Helena with his arrival.
Helena imposes a barrier between them
causing the discomfort of Santiago. Helena
gives up her teaching job and because of
the time spent stuck in the house she starts
to see Santiago in a new light, feeling an
empathy with him. At the height of their
relationship Santiago discovers that Helena
has kept a secret: the death of her son years
ago during a trip to Europe. Santiago walks
away silently thinking he cannot replace
anyone’s son. Meanwhile, a new light shines
in Helena’s eyes.
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Producer’s profile
Filmography of the producer
Along with Rigoberto Perezcano,
Cristina Velasco runs Paloma Negra Films,
a production company focused on international
co-productions for both documentary films
and fictions.
In 2013 Cristina Velasco produced El cuarto
desnudo – The Naked Room, a documentary
directed by Nuria Ibánez, which was awarded
the best documentary price at the Morelia
Film Festival in 2013, the BAFICI in Argentina,
the REC in Tarragona, Spain y the FIC UNAM
at the Ahora México section.
In 2014 she produced Eisenstein
en Guanajuato, directed by Peter Greenaway,
a co-production between Mexico
and the Netherlands, which is currently
in postproduction. She was also involved
in the production of the documentary
Liwa Mairin, directed by Luis Rincón with
production funds from the Tribeca Film
Institute and the Mexican Film Institute,
IMCINE. Cristina Velasco currently
co-produces with Viento del Norte Cine
and Pregon Productions LLC the documentary
feature The Great Fellove, directed by
Matt Dillon, which is currently in production.
– Eisenstein en Guanjuato, fiction,
directed by Peter Greenaway (2015)
– Carmin Tropical, fiction,
directed by Rigoberto Perezcano (2014)
– El cuarto desnudo, documentary,
directed by Nuria Ibánez (2013)
– Granicero, documentary,
directed by Gustavo Gamou (2012)
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
French-Mexican Coproduction Workshop
Centre national du cinéma
et de l’image animée (CNC)
a publication of the
Centre national du cinéma
et de l’image animée
Céleste Haller
+33 1 44 34 36 88
[email protected]