ELAC 2016 Paris - Institution of Civil Engineers


ELAC 2016 Paris - Institution of Civil Engineers
ice | france
Institution of Civil Engineers
ELAC 2016 Paris
French inspired Infrastructure
21st ICE European
Local Associations Conference
Thursday 5th to Monday 9th May
Hotel Novotel, Paris La Défense
Technical Information Booklet
Organised by ICE France
May 2016
Index of
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
Index of Contents
Technical Information Booklet
Conference Day - Friday 6th May 2016
Technical Programme at a glance
1 page
Chairman’s welcome letter
1 page
Thanks to the Sponsors
2 pages
Technical Programme
1 page
Presentation Summaries
6 pages
Thanks to the Speakers
1 page
Speaker Profiles
4 pages
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Index of
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
at a glance
Technical Programme at a glance
Friday 6th May 2016
Novotel La Défense Hotel
Conference Theme
French inspired Infrastructure
Friday 6th May
Day 2
all day conference - registration from 8h45 - Salon Manhattan 14th floor
morning session begins at 9h00
afternoon session begins at 13h40
closing comments by 17h00
rdv hotel lobby at 17h30 for metro transfer into Paris
walking tour in Paris :
Canopée des Halles
Eglise St Eustache
Bourse de Commerce
group dinner at 19h30 - Au Pied de Cochon, Les Halles
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Technical Programme
at a glance
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
Thanks to
Thanks to the Sponsors
The organisers of ELAC 2016 Paris would like to thank the event sponsors for their generous financial
contributions. These donations have supplemented delegates’ own subscriptions to enable the weekend
activities take place and allow the free participation of ESTP students at the Friday technical programme.
Institution of Civil Engineers
One Great George Street
London SW1P 3AA, UK
European Manager : Melissa Zanocco
Tel :
00 44 207 665 2175
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
ICE Association Française
ice | france
6 rue Exelmans
78000 Versailles, France
Chairman : Chris Polwin CEng MICE
Tel :
00 336 12 35 33 17
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
Safier Ingénierie
13 cours du Danube
77700 Serris, France
Président : Hanan Safier CEng MICE
Tel :
00 336 08 91 04 82
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
HRO France
10 avenue de la Grande Armée
75017 Paris, France
Technical Director : Chris Polwin CEng MICE
ELAC 2016 Paris
Tel :
00 331 58 05 41 23
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
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May 2016
Thanks to
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ELAC 2016 Paris
Thanks to
Centre Scientifique et Technique de Bâtiment
Siège Social
84 avenue Jean Jaurès
Champs sur Marne
77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France
Chargée de Communication : Charline Vignaud
Direction de la Communication et des relations extérieures
Tel :
00 331 64 68 89 86
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
CSTB, the Scientific and Technical Centre for Building, is a public organization for innovation in building,
which performs four key activities, namely research, expertise, evaluation and dissemination of knowledge,
organized to satisfy the challenges of the ecological and energy transition in the world of construction.
Its field of expertise covers construction products, buildings, and their integration into districts and cities.
With over 900 employees and its subsidiaries and networks of national, European and international
partners, the CSTB offers its services to all parties involved in construction to improve the quality and
safety of buildings.
A member of the Carnot Institute network since 2006, the CSTB supports construction industry
stakeholders in developing innovations that improve building quality and safety.
The prime mission of the CSTB Carnot Institute is to transfer research outcomes to socioeconomic
Hehenberger Consulting & Management
Postfach 19 04 15
80604 München, Germany
ELAC 2016 Paris
Contact :
Dr-Ing Florian Hehenberger CEng MICE
Tel :
00 49 89 13 929 620
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
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May 2016
Thanks to
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
21st annual ICE European Local Associations Conference
Hotel Novotel La Défense - Salon Manhattan (14th floor)
Friday 6th May 2016
French inspired Infrastructure
Registration - Hotel Novotel La Défense
Welcome to delegates
Mentor’s opening remarks
n° 1
Grand Paris Express - overview, objectives, infrastructure Michel Pré - Setec TPI
n° 2
EOLE - tunnelling, Porte Maillot station, HSL junction
Salon Manhattan 2 - 14th floor
Chris Polwin - ICE France Chairman
Richard Coackley - ICE Past President
coffee break - 20 minutes - foyer
n° 3
n° 4.1 Palais de Justice - Structure
n° 4.2 Palais de Justice - Facades & external features
Lucy Rew - Egis
EOLE - La Défense CNIT station
lunch - 70 minutes - foyer
Michel Pré - Setec TPI
Audrey Zonco - Setec TPI
Kira Singer - RFR-Artelia
n° 5
Fondation Louis Vuitton - Glass sails & support structure
n° 6
Structural engineering - energy - the basis of increases in
life expectancy & life quality, health, pollution, population
Matt King - T/E/S/S
Hanan Safier - SISA
tea break - 15 minutes - foyer 14th floor
n° 7
Wind tunnel testing on large structures
n° 8
Long span cable stay bridges - Third Bosphorus Crossing
Conference closing remarks
Close of conference & announcements
Rendez-vous - hotel reception
Depart for central Paris by metro line 1
Visit Canopée des Halles
Visit Eglise St Eustache (closes 19h00)
optional free walkabout
Walk across park to Bourse de Commerce
optional free walkabout
Group Dinner - aperitif & 3 course meal
Restaurant « Au Pied de Cochon » Les Halles
Depart for hotel by metro line 1
Chatelet to Esplanade de la Défense (13 stops)
Return to hotel
ELAC 2016 Paris
Graham Knapp - CSTB
Michel Virlogeux
Richard Coackley - ICE Past President
William Powles - event organiser
Novotel La Défense
Esplanade de la Défense to Chatelet (13 stops)
Commentary by Chris Polwin & William Powles
Novotel La Défense
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May 2016
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
Conference Day - Friday 6th May 2016
French inspired Infrastructure - Presentation Summaries
N° 1
Grand Paris Express : overview, objectives, infrastructure - Michel Pré
The “Nouveau Grand Paris” strategic regional plan for the future development of the capital
was launched in 2010. Key to the success of this vision was the acknowledgement that,
despite its density, the current Greater Paris public transport network with its total of about
220km of metro and some 600km of suburban & express over-ground train lines was
inadequate for a population of the order of 12 million and needed an important up-grading in
order to face the challenges of urban development for the 21 st century.
The basic features of the projected infrastructure development are :
creation of a new circular high capacity metro lines, about 200km long, linking a
number of suburban town centres
extension of existing lines linking these suburban town centres to Paris city centre, as
well as improvement of airport links to Orly to the south and CDG to the north
reinforcement & upgrading of existing overcrowded lines
An expected result is an important impulse to urban development of the region and improved
passenger connectivity between suburbs without the need to pass through the city centre
thus improving the attractiveness of the Paris region.
In order to secure the construction of this major infrastructure project despite the public
financing uncertainties, it was decided to create a dedicated tax, paid by all the stakeholders
of the Paris region, including companies as well as individuals.
The implementation of the project will create a huge volume of activities in the area of civil
engineering work, and more specifically of underground works, during the next 15 years.
Plan of new circular metro network with four new lines 15, 16, 17, 18
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
ice | france
N° 2
ELAC 2016 Paris
EOLE : Tunnelling, Porte Maillot station, HSL junction - Lucy Rew
The east to west suburban express line EOLE (est-ouest liaison express) is Paris’ fifth such
railway and entered into service as RER E. The section from the east suburbs was
commissioned in 1999 but terminated at Haussmann St Lazare (HSL) in the city centre.
After 17 years of deliberation about which route to follow to the west suburbs, work is now
beginning on the 8km long monotube bored tunnel extension which will link HSL to La Défense
with two new deep stations at Porte Maillot and the La Defense business district.
The tunnel will be bored from west to east with a slurry shield TBM assembled in a shaft sunk
in a street adjacent to the CNIT at La Défense before driving through the Porte Maillot station
to terminate just before the turnouts of the operating station at HSL. A dismantling chamber
will be sunk at Porte Maillot to remove the TBM in little pieces.
Before excavation of the vast station caverns and HSL turnouts can start, there will be
significant dewatering to reduce the water table below station invert levels (33m deep at
Porte Maillot & 30m deep at CNIT) because the surrounding ground lacks cohesion unless
dewatered. The slurry treatment plant will be sited on floating barges in the Seine with the
spoil transported initially through the streets on a covered conveyor belt to barges until the
TBM passes beneath the river Seine when spoil will be extracted up a ventilation shaft.
N° 3
EOLE : La Défense CNIT station - Michel Pré
The underground EOLE La Defense CNIT station is located under the centroid of the iconic
CNIT triangular vaulted structure built in the 1950s and now a protected heritage structure
which consists of a thin reinforced concrete shell roof resting on three equidistant support
foundations with a span of 220m, connected below ground by prestressed tie rods.
This huge vaulted dome shelters a large public concourse at
ground floor surrounded by tiered buildings between 5 to 10
storeys high, a basement shopping mall, a sub-basement
conference centre above three floors of car parking.
The new station project involves excavation of a very deep
large central volume under these constructions which requires
major underpinning work with the need to both control the
movements of their foundations and also to limit the overall
ground deformation which could affect the vault supports.
The underpinning work consists of a major transfer
structure based on a series of pillars formed in traditional
shafts prior to excavation of the heart of the station
Another challenging aspect of the new station construction
is the Client’s commitment to limit inconvenience to
existing activities sheltered by CNIT (offices, hotels,
shops). Only two activities, sheltered in underground
levels, will be closed during the construction being the
conference centre and the car park. This constraint led to carrying out a real size test shaft
in order to measure caused disturbances and adjust the construction requirements.
After a design period which began in 2012, the construction contract was awarded in 2015,
and commissioning should occur in 2022 when trains will begin operation through the
completed new tunnel link and station towards Mantes la Jolie in the western suburbs.
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
ice | france
ELAC 2016 Paris
N° 4.1 Palais de Justice : Structure - Audrey Zonco
This 160m high 40 storey complex in the inner city new development zone of ClichyBatignolles is designed to adhere to the latest environmental regulations for efficient
buildings. Unusual within the Paris city limits where building heights are normally restricted
to 28 metres, its role is to regroup all the Parisian judiciary services and law courts, currently
dispersed over 5 different sites, under one roof by 2017.
Architect Renzo Piano Building Workshop has designed an emblematic building with
104 000m² of floor area and 90 audience rooms where magistrates & judges dispense
judgement. The site houses 5 900m² of planted terraces and 9 000m² of Parvis. The 35m
wide office tower is formed of three decreasing size cantilevered volumes on top of the
pedestal “socle” which contains the courtrooms & public spaces.
The concrete structural works have been phased into three separate entities :
phase 1 deals with the infrastructure (foundations, ground water treatment, perimeter
wall & piling, excavation, raft & basements)
phase 2 treats with the central cores constructed using sliding shutters
phase 3 concerns the superstructure (load transfer cantilever slabs with pre-stressed
concrete link beams)
Given the high level of groundwater, the infrastructure levels had to be built on top of a thick
raft with perimeter waterproof diaphragm walls which were anchored in the Auversian clayey
sand. Foundations under the high-rise tower cores are barrette piles going all the way down
to the limestone whilst all the foundations of the low parts of the complex are regular piles
anchored in the Auversian clayey sand.
Because of the length of the high-rise tower it was split
into three vertical buildings each one having its own
core. This allows free thermal deformations but could
create a risk of opposite vibrations under the action of
wind. This is why a system of shear keys was designed.
The architectural concept divides the main tower into
three superimposed horizontal volumes of ten levels
separated by planted terraces. In order to create these
volumes, the load on the peripheral columns had to be
transferred back to the inner core thanks to a
prestressed concrete load transfer floor that carries 10 levels on a 7m cantilever span. This
allows for thin peripheral 30x30cm square section prefabricated columns.
N° 4.2 Palais de Justice : Facades & external features - Kira Singer
For the building envelope, the tower façade is formed of ventilated double skin units with
photovoltaic panels on brackets on the main east and west sides. These units comprise fixed
laminated and reflexive glass, with an openable window equipped with external roller blinds.
This efficient curtain wall allows a high level of glazing transparency and smoothness.
On the end south and north facades there are single skin units with outside louvres.
The narrowness of the tower at 35m wide guaranties a high level of natural light inside the
building and good contact to the outside.
The external metalwork includes Renzo Piano’s architectural features such as a 100m high
panoramic lift, masts, photovoltaic panels, wing walls cantilever panels and canopies.
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Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
ELAC 2016 Paris
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N° 5
Fondation Louis Vuitton : glass sails & support structure - Matt King
This iconic modern art museum in the Bois de Boulogne, opened to the public in October
2014, is the philanthropic vision of the French global luxury goods & drinks company LVMH
(Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy).
The client selected the American architect Frank Louis Gehry - renowned for the Guggenheim
Museum in Bilbao and The Fish in the Barcelona Olympic Village - to convert their vision into
The brief required 11 contemporary art exhibition galleries and a 350 seat auditorium housed
within a striking edifice in conformity with stringent planning regulations.
The resultant functional spaces known as the Iceberg, because of the white skin cladding
formed of 19 000 curved UHPC panels with intermittent glazing on a steel frame support,
created challenges to ensure waterproofing, thermal insulation and fire resistance.
This shell is covered by 12 massive glass sails supported on an independent frame of sprayed
steel and laminated timber curved beams to provide a spectacular and imposing building
visible from afar.
The 13 400m² surface area of sails are covered by 3 600 curved panes of non-repetitive glass
fixed to a secondary structure.
The sails envelope the building and provide interesting views for visitors emerging from the
galleries at roof level who can walk around underneath them viewing the external exhibits
and plants which decorate the terraces.
This paper by structural engineering consultant T/E/S/S will describe the building and
highlight the complex design required for the glass sails and support frames.
Fondation Louis Vuitton – west façade from the Jardin d’Acclimatation
N° 6
Structural engineering - energy - the basis of increases in life expectancy
& life quality, health, pollution, population - Hanan Safier
A far ranging overview of structural engineering applied to the French energy industry that
has/past and will/future enable increases in life expectancy and life quality and health and
pollution and population.
How can the future generation of engineers save the world and solve the equation.
increased (life expectancy + life quality + health)
0 (pollution) + acceptable (population increase)
How are we training the future generations ?
Should the ICE propose a policy of 0 world pollution ?
ELAC 2016 Paris
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Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
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N° 7
ELAC 2016 Paris
Wind tunnel testing on large structures - Graham Knapp
CSTB (centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment) is the French research & testing
laboratory for the building & construction industry.
Based in Nantes, ICE member Dr Graham Knapp is a specialist wind engineer at CSTB, where
he uses wind tunnel tests and computational models to predict the interaction between strong
winds and the built environment.
All buildings presented at the conference have first been tested for wind resilience under his
supervision. He will describe his work on wind speed measurements, climate analysis, pylon
load studies, site operations studies and full-bridge aero elastic testing.
He plans to exhibit some test models including some of the recent lift bridge and cable stay
bridge structures designed by Michel Virlogeux.
N° 8
Long span cable stay bridges - Michel Virlogeux
Michel Virlogeux addressed ICE at ELAC 2010 Paris and gave an overview of his structural
design work on road & rail crossings and his speciality of cable stay bridges.
He highlighted how new technology has allowed spans for this type of structure to significantly
increase (Pont de Normandie / Viaduc de Millau).
His presentation now will explain his latest schemes including reference to the 3,1km Russky
Island Bridge at Vladivostok completed in July 2012 which has the world’s longest cable stay
bridge central span at 1 104m and second highest pylons at 321m after Viaduc de Millau.
Currently under construction is the 2,64km Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, the third Bosphorus
crossing just outside Istanbul which is a mixed rail & road crossing which combines suspension
and cable stay technology. When completed in 2017 it will have an even longer central span
at 2 164m with 322m high towers.
Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Third Bosphorus Crossing, Turkey
Other recent crossings include the 515m Térénez cable stay bridge in Finisterre across the
river Aulne between Quimper and Brest via the Crozon peninsula which opened in April 2011
with a central span of 285m where the road deck is curved on plan. It demonstrates that
horizontal curvature is no constraint for large span cable stay bridges thus eliminating
dangerous hairpin bends on the existing approaches to the old suspension bridge alongside.
ELAC 2016 Paris
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Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
Chaban Delmas lifting bridge, Bordeaux
Térénez cable stay bridge, Finisterre
The 575m long Chaban Delmas road lifting bridge across the Garonne in Bordeaux opened in
March 2013. The central lifting span of 117m long is suspended on cables from pairs of towers
set on piers in the river which house the motors for the cables which run up inside the towers.
Another Michel Virlogeux designed lifting bridge, Pont Gustave Flaubert, across the Seine in
Rouen was opened in September 2008 with a twin deck lifting span 100m long. Both locations
are downstream of river side cities favoured by tall ships and cruise liners so were preferred
by the Clients as being more economical in price and land take than a tunnel.
Friday evening site visit - Canopée des Halles
Site of the Paris historic market place since the 12thC, Forum des Halles project is the complete
upgrade, renovation and decoration of the busiest underground suburban rail hub in Europe
(interchange for RER A, B, D & 5 metros with 750 000 daily transit passengers) and the 1970s
shopping centre which attracts 120 000 daily visitors on three levels. Existing services on the
five basement levels remained operational whilst work proceeded.
All 20 entrances to the station concourse at basement level 4 as well as access to the 8 RER
platforms at basement level 5 have been renewed to improve horizontal & vertical circulation.
66 000m² of new flagship commercial space covered by a vast floating canopy roof has been
built above ground alongside an upgraded park to expose historic buildings St Eustace Church
(Eglise St Eustache) and the Commodities Exchange (Bourse de Commerce).
The 6 hectare site is 400m long by 150m wide with the vast canopy closing off the east end.
Opened in April 2016, delegates are now able to walk through the new space beneath the
canopy inspecting the 20m high 3 floor steel frame superstructure which necessitated
reorganising the load transfers by strengthening all column & pile supports down to foundation
level below the railway tracks at basement level 5.
The new canopy roof spans up to 60m between new north & south buildings and is formed by
angled & curved overlapping transparent leafs in bronzed steel and glass.
Canopée des Halles, central Paris
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Presentation Summaries
Friday 6th May
ice | france
ELAC 2016 Paris
Thanks to
Thanks to the Speakers
The organisers of ELAC 2016 Paris would like to thank the Friday technical speakers and recognise their
companies for allowing them to present papers.
Setec TPI France - Michel Pré & Audrey Zonco
Egis Tunnels - Lucy Rew
RFR Artelia - Kira Singer
T/E/S/S - Matt King
Safier Ingénierie SAS - Hanan Safier
CSTB - Graham Knapp
Independent Consultant - Michel Virlogeux
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Thanks to
ice | france
ELAC 2016 Paris
Conference Day - Friday 6th May 2016
French inspired Infrastructure - Speaker Profiles
N° 1
Michel Pré - Setec TPI France
Michel Pré is Director of underground projects at Setec TPI and was
involved in the construction of the Channel Tunnel between 1987 and
He was in charge of the civil engineering design of the first great
Parisian underground station of the Eole line in Paris from 1991 to
He led the engineering teams who carried out the preliminary design
of the Lyon - Turin new railway link from 2002 to 2007.
He is currently in charge of design and construction supervision of
extension RER EOLE (La Defense section).
He is the current Chairman of the Technical Committee of AFTES.
N° 2
Lucy Rew - Egis Tunnels
Lucy Rew, a University of Bristol civil engineering graduate, has been
working for Egis Tunnels since 2002.
She has been responsible for several tunnel construction and
renovation projects and alternates site placements with design from
the company's Annecy base for road and rail tunnels in Europe and
Asia as well as carrying out audits on international projects.
Lucy has been involved in ICE activities since her undergraduate
days and is currently the France country representative and
chairman of the Europe and Central Asia Committee.
N° 3
Audrey Zonco - Setec TPI France
Audrey Zonco is a civil engineer and an architect, who has worked
for Setec TPI for ten years. She has been involved in the design,
detailed calculations, or independent checking of various types of
projects, such as bridges (Brazzaville cable stayed bridge), high-rise
structures (Ashalim solar Tower), stadiums …
She has been responsible for the structure and foundations of the
Paris Law Court, under the direction of Jean-Bernard Datry, from
the design competition in 2011, to the construction supervision,
which is still on going.
She teaches structural design in the Architecture School EAVT, and
gives classes on prestressed concrete in CHEC engineering school.
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May 2016
Speaker Profiles
Friday 6th May
ice | france
N° 4
ELAC 2016 Paris
Kira Singer - RFR-Artelia
Kira Singer is an architect who started working at RFR Paris in 2005.
Initially working on footbridge and bridge design, she obtained her
Master’s Diploma on Sustainable Design, and then specialized on
building envelopes design.
Since 2010, she has been involved with the Paris New Courthouse
(Palais de Justice) designed by Renzo Piano for which she is
currently managing the facades and special structures site
supervision. This project will be delivered in 2017.
For her RFR is a unique place, where architects and engineers
collaborate with their clients to invent innovative, performant,
bespoke and lightweight solutions - a boutique engineering firm
where open dialogue and creativity prevail.
N° 5
Matt King - T/E/S/S
Matt King is a Partner and co-founder of T/E/S/S.
After qualifying from Leeds University with a Masters in Engineering
with Architecture, he started work at Arup in London, and later
transferred to its New York office, where he spent ten years.
In 2002 he joined RFR in Paris, and then co-founded T/E/S/S in 2007
with Tom Gray and Bernard Vaudeville.
During his career he has worked on many notable structures
including the 300m-high Kingdom Trade Center in Riyadh, Tour Phare
at La Défense, and Créteil Cathedral, south of Paris.
He is the engineer responsible for the design of the glazed sails of
Frank Gehry’s Fondation Louis Vuitton, for which he won France’s acclaimed 2012 «Grand Prix
National de l’Ingénierie».
N° 6
Hanan Safier - Safier Ingénierie
Elchanan Dov Safier, a University of Southampton civil & structural
engineering graduate, is the founder, owner and managing director of
He is chartered MICE and Eur Ing and principal engineer structures.
He has more than 40 years’ experience specialising in offshore, subsea,
onshore, petrochemicals and renewables.
His company provides concept, basic, detailed, installation, erection and
expertise services to clients worldwide.
He has been an active committee member of the ICE French local
association for many years.
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Speaker Profiles
Friday 6th May
ELAC 2016 Paris
ice | france
N° 7
Graham Knapp - CSTB
Dr Graham Knapp, has a PhD in Wind Engineering from University
of Nottingham (2007), MSc in Structural Fire Engineering (1999)
and MEng in civil & structural engineering (1997), both from
University of Sheffield, and is a chartered engineer MICE.
He is a specialist wind engineer at the CSTB, based in Nantes, where
he uses wind tunnel tests and computational models to predict the
interaction between strong winds and the built environment.
He is a former executive committee member for the UK Wind
Engineering Society and was responsible for the wind engineering
studies on the London 2012 Olympic Stadium, La Tour Trinity and
Arena 92 Stadium in Paris, the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge in Turkey and
a wide range of masterplans, tall buildings and other major
structures around the world.
N° 8
Michel Virlogeux
Michel Virlogeux studied at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale
des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) from which he graduated in 1970.
He is Docteur Ingénieur of the Paris University.
Between 1970 and 1994, he worked as a civil servant, and between
1974 and 1994 in S.E.T.R.A., the technical service of the Highways
Administration. In 1980 he became head of the concrete bridge
division, and in 1987 head of the large bridge division.
In 1995 he became an independent consultant and in 2008 became
Professor of Bridge Design and Construction at the ENPC. He has
designed many bridges, the best-known of which are perhaps the
Normandy Bridge and the Millau Viaduct for which he developed
the preliminary design and subsequently the erection design with
the contractor, Eiffage.
Over the last thirty years he has been a major contributor to the evolution of bridge design
and in particular external prestressing, cable-stayed bridges and composite structures.
In addition to his activities as a bridge designer he has acted as an advisor, for some projects,
to authorities in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia, Turkey and many others.
Recipient of many prizes during his career, including the ICE’s Reed & Mallick Medal in 1994
and the Isambard Kingdom Brunel Award in 2006, he received the IStructE’s Gold Medal in
1997 and the ICE’s Gold Medal in 2005 for his design of the Millau Viaduct. He was made
Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in November 2005 and is an honorary fellow of ICE.
An exhibition of his work has recently been on view at the Ecole d’Architecture Val de Seine
and the full back page of the Paris newspaper Libération on Tuesday 19th April 2016 was
devoted to his career, refer:
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Speaker Profiles
Friday 6th May
ice | france
ELAC 2016 Paris
Conference Mentor - Richard Coackley - ICE Past President
ICE Past President 2011-2012
Prior to being the 147th ICE President, Richard served ICE in many
roles including Vice-President International when he was chair of
the International Committee. He is current chair of the Nuclear
Construction Best Practice Forum. He has attended several ELACs
and ICE France events.
Past President of ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers), he is
now honorary life President. Awarded CBE for services to civil
engineering in 2014.
First class honours graduate in civil engineering from Glasgow
University in 1975, early site work included hydropower with Sir
Alfred McAlpine at Dinorwic Pumped Storage Scheme in North
Wales and marine refurbishment with Balfour Beatty at Rosyth Naval Dockyards.
Overseas, he has worked in the Middle East, the Maldives & Sri Lanka on water supply &
sanitation schemes as Engineer’s representative, as well as in Pakistan where he was
responsible for development of the massive power channel design for Ghazi-Barotha
hydropower scheme downstream of Tarbela Dam on the Indus River.
Currently Director of Energy Development at AECOM, previously URS, previously Scott Wilson,
he was very involved in the nuclear decontamination work at Sellafield. Prior to that he led
the energy business of WYG. Before that he was Managing Director of the Utilities Business
at Mouchel Parkman where he led a large multidisciplinary professional team. Prior to that he
served as Director of Binnie Black & Veatch leading business in UK, Europe, Eastern Europe,
Central Asia & North Africa.
He is particularly keen on encouraging the development of young engineers. His private
interests include brewing beer and making wine as well as playing the double bass.
ELAC 2016 Paris
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May 2016
Speaker Profiles
Friday 6th May