Untitled - Palm Wood
Untitled - Palm Wood
ffiffiffinffifii[ Edltor-ln-Ghlel ' Eileen Chan eileenchanQagrLco,?.sg Editorial Gorrerpondent Debble Senxrd Stall Wrltert Dawn Neo dawnneo0cd,com,W Choryl Frols On one of my most recent trips to Malaysia to visit a fairly rural furniture factory, I had my camera with me in the car, ready ttl jump out and snap a few shots of rubberwood plantations. Fgr FDM Asia {as you might have noticed)we take a lot of the pictttres ourselves and I was hoping to 'collect' a few to illustrate upconting articles. All of this isn't interesting, except to point out that I never did get an opportunity - despite the one and a half hour drive. Yet if I'd wanted pictures of oil palm plantations, I could have clicked away. These observations are far from new - we've run articles before suggesting that the rate of rubber tree replanting in e hflryl fro I s Q afl ,cotn. sg Edltorinl Acrlttanl Tsrss Kotr Scnlor Art Dlrrc'tqr/$htdo Mrnagcr Lnwrenco Lee Art Dlrrctor/$hrdlo &tptrvher leanard Sl Grophlc Declgncr Fttu takatunl Dltlliidr Butlnesr lloeloBmcnf Manogpt Casey Loo c*eyloo0ql.comq Advertlslng I Prumo[om llanrgcr Paullnc Lee Advertl*ng Alan I Promctlonr Erccudvc palnt Malaysia has been rapidly dropping, wlrile the area planted in the more profitable oil Clrculation Managcr is steadily on the rise. The great thing is that, in the near future, in addition to utilising rubberwood, furniture manufacturers may also be using palm wood in their production. Kaohsiung TimLrer products Sdn Bhd, a Selangor furniture manufacturer with extensive kiln drying expertise has spent years researching palm wood (most recently with FRIM, the Forest Research lnstitute of Malaysia, as a partner). Today, the company is confidently using palm wood to produce laminated board and furniture for export and its products have even earned the Clrcrlatlon Erccutlver serious interest of the giant Swedish furniture retailer, lkea. By all accounts, making furniture from palm wood is no easy task. The team at Kaohsittng Timber products openly admits that palrn wood is tricky to dry and not the easiest to work with - the wood is highly fibrous and porous and has varying density, to mention a few of its challenges. yet its sheer abundance and low {or no) cost make this raw material hugely attractive. lf palm wood products take off - and there are good indications that they will - this development could have significant impact on Malaysia's furniture manufacturinq Exccrdlvc Dlrector industry. The implications of palm wood technology are enormous;the ability to kiln dry and work with palm wood opens up irnmense volumes of raw materialto the woodworking industry. To give you an idea of Malaysia's potential wealth in plalrn wood timber, consider that in 1971 , Malaysia overlook Nigeria as the world's chief producer of oil palm, with a total area of 32g,000 hectares in plantation. The industry has continued to grow - in 1999, accorcling to government statistics, Malaysia's oil palm plantations covered a massive 3.216 million hectares and the country's palm oil production accottnted for 52.6 percent of world outpttt' Clearly, the furniture manufacturing industry stands to benefittremendouslyfrom harvesting -palm trees as an environmentally-sound and commercially-viable source of sawn timber' Skeptical? Well, be sure to read the article'Pioneering palm wood' in this issue and make inquiries for yourself. And remember - it wasn't so long ago that rubber trees made the transformation from troublesome wood waste to valuable raw material. bS*-^*Q- il lkn Stephanlo lan Chang Chln Suean lrr Ctret , Executive Board ilenaging Olrrctot Stephen Tey Kenneth Tan lndu*try Conculltntt Mlchael fllnnlnqs Consullartl Ginnbl3 -F r Eas{ Associatat f)ng Klm Chuan Maneglng ttrcclor t/a/eywoad drcctor Winston Chiu Prcsidenl Teclnll< Assodatss bE g EA'TERH TRTDE'}IEDI' Prf, lrD M.t.T}. (q i'tO. OA:O2.200O ISSN 0219-2284 PPS ta0,Yl2l2m0 Pubhrhod by: E*stem Trade Madts Pl6 Ltd, I toong Bakar Batu, l07"l2 Singaporo 348740^ Tot (851 7a3 SOG! Fax t6$l 842 tslr Mrlryrlrn O{f,ct! No.llAG, Jalsn Pandan lrddt l/?3O, Fandan lnd*, SSl00 Ktda Lt'lpur' l,Hawl4 1 d' (80-3) S84€28 Fax @-3)96&4738 A Crir:rr Se.parntlon bv NerrTr"nd Gr$f*c Ad PtF t.td, Frlnir;it bry Urc ftmrn A Packaging Pll Lld cttll tlf s Pnn T{fi1 .l ili':.:,j,ii;r:iti':r:tj'.-:i;''!j Alit:l' ,,r:lr;s 6[ researcfu, the Malaysian Cglnpapy lda6irsi ur r u, l.i ffimwffiffiffiwffiffiffiffi ffi ffiffireffi i t has o vcrc( )r ] lri he tlilt'ictrlties asstlciatecl with kiln clryirlg lritlttl wotttl' (tlt* flgt't-rst i\l;c1,ily, with tfie technical backing ol'FItlM f Wwffiffi lt rc i r i g Ites*ir rch I nstil ule ol.Mal aysia), tlre con r 1lany i s Pri lt lagrinirted l-xlarcls ancl firr"niture lirt"exptlt1, itttd IKltiA is iI g ltu y i lig tl:c:i r pal m woacl shelvipg 6n a t ri id tiitsi s' Acc:txrl bttt tcl th* ltaohsiungteanr, rvorking with palnr istr'1casy, r it is; u'nt"th e've been doing R&D into Palm ffi6 firbcr products sdn Bhd believes " wood for about 12 Years arrd kiln drying has alwaYs been one of the maior challenges," exPlains Irlr Omar Matan, wastt't enr:ugh, cliscolclration of tlre wood (h'lack marks) contmonly result front inappropriate drying schedr-ilcs' conrirrg up witlr solutiorrs to these problems has been rcsult of research and perseverance' o{ the cr-:ntent variation, he eniphasises' Some pieces {lry' vui]r tinr[:er wiil erlways be clLrite wet, where otiters arc] rl hc'rir{inrr As if ili;il tl-re .,0urcompanyhasprovicledkilrrdryingservicesforover General lrlanager at Kaohsiung Timbor Products. "Now, we firrally moisture have tlie techriology to rJealwith palm wood's hiqh to different completely is palrn wood corrtent." Kiln cltyirlg rnoisture hiEh to due l<iln drying other timber, particularly the clltrrt. 30yearsandthat'swhereourexpertiseisderived,''adds "We' ve i",klsh Law, Kaohsiung's Prolect General Manager' {;oille across a lot of species - a whole range of hardwoods * and managed to cleal witl-r drying probletns ar tcl softwoclcls M however, tl rtot tgh troubleshooting and research. Previously, failed' I'lot"v \r,;ili:rl we tried to kilrr ciry palrn wood, we always deal liirve titrally rleveloped the teChnalogy arrtj sl<ills t': v,.,r:; ,-ri tl tiit\ ir f,lil ttt 1::i peti:ent re{-rc\'rri/ frcr:r the l<iln ntber - usually rejected speciaily. This tends to rnean that you need to have a production line geared srnaller pieces. only to palm wood acceptable. Tl re rentain- ing pieces of sawn ti well- "Cornparedtorubber received by ctlstomers. Palm wood is more v,,oocl, tpe beauty of challenging to kiln dry and to work with than palrn wood is that you rubberwood, but oil palm trees are plentiful ancl glct and cost. worl<ing lviih Palm," dueto vrarping-are not wasted, but ripped into tlre rvood, is highly presently available without to admits [-aw. "CortsiCer sanding - you can buy a sanding rnachitte frotr one of the best suppliers in the world, bt-lt that doesn't meari that it lvill work att palm wood in'lnrediately. Gerierally you'll need to set uP Your machine lryer wlrich. qiven the clrallr:nglirrg rrature of e The texture and grain of palm wood has been "One does need to take a sPecial approach - it's not possible to use the satne set up for Palm as you would for, say, rubberwood." The nrajority of the rnaclrines used hy longer lerrgths Kaohsiuncl have beerr nrodified by llrerel iri n0 internal tlre company's in-lrouse enqineer ittct * wltett yot.t cut with palnr wood. We're not able to eliminate all of the difficulties cluality cleteriorn.tiutt associated with working with palm, but we are able to minimise thent." lengtlt," corrtttten-ts lv'latan. "Palm wood is also frec cf llre corrtplication of latex, whir:lr r;an Ile a prol:lem witlt the wootl, it's ttice nlotrrt tlre complete departntent. Machine performance also needs to be fairly closely monitcred since working with palnr wor:d does ieqLtit'e ruLrberutrr:iorj." some extra attention. With cutting machines, for exar^rrple, sawblade grant by the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)," Palrn wllori rrray lre fr"ce from latex. but it lras its ouin ir,liosyncrasies, durability (either high quality tungsten carbide or diamorrd iipped tools) is explains Law. "T'o make sure that we spent this grant properly - solely on irrcluclirrr.l u31,,,iric1 cj'.rrr:ii1y and a higlt important. - we were fibte corrlr:ril. "llte tierrsity of palnt wood ran(;es frlttt 2tl0 trl600 kg/m3," sanding of the 6;alrn wood surfa.ce is a valuable step in preparation for collaborating Matarr exlli;rins. "Tltrl lrtwest density lacquering; if the surface lias anv 'rouglr' ancl 'srnootlt' patc;hes. tlre lacquer finish can be patchy and Just recently, Kaohsiung teamed uP with FRIM. "We were given an R&t) research and development asked to appoint a is abrirrt lrrrlf tlrat cf partner. ln our case, that partner is FRIM. The lnstitute has helpecl (apprnx in testing the wood for furniture tlre [righc:;t rlcrrsilyi is r;reater tltart applications, in product development and with some of the machinery." Ultimately, however, the special know-how belclngs to Kaohsiung. that of tirnber it r ral niv'1 fifl I r I lrrt;lrgr,,\roorJ." (sr rilal rlc for rtt[-rtlerwooci lrll(l ltq/r n3) wlti le Ilialt uneven. density Iritllr strerrcth appli- caticlrrs) orirlinntes ftortt wood llrn lr',.ri,;pr l-,ikev,tise, cat'eful arrd fine attrJ tlte nlder ottler silr:tiotts of tlte pllrn trre lrttttk. Yr:lttrqer wood The hlature of Palm Oncefelled, the palm treetrunk, which can be up to 30ft long, is cut into lengths. There is no need for de- comes frnri r llrr: lril;lrcr scctiotts of the tree arrrJ frorrr tlre <:etrtlrc of its trurrk. ln future, l(aolr:ririrtq itrtertcJs to design a device to sepairte uvood on tlre trasis barking and sawmills inside the palm plantation are used to cutthe logs into sawn timber. Lengths of 10-1Zft are possible, in contrast to rubberwclod, where 6ft tends to be the maximum. of densiiy. The sawn palrn tirnber then undergoes makes cuttingl ;lnci :;anrlilrc; rlocidedly tougher. Cutting tools are ittclinecJ to pressure inrpregnation (chemical preservation) and aspecial l<iln drying A wide belt sander smoothenr !l.ie suffer arJditional wear attcJ sancling ' laminated boards pricr to lacqueritig. rnachines can end scheclule. Kaohsit-tng manages to Rough Stuff Palm wood is exlretrtely {ibrcus, wlrich Lrp raising; thefibres rather tirnn stttootliing the strrface. Kaohsiung'sfactotryis located in Subang, Selangor anrl enrploys 300 workers. .",,*,*::,@x&u" raw materiais little tirerr:rre tqr Llse twr: lnr-:'.lt teritrg sYsterns, it erral;les L!s to meet strinq;errt ettvirontnental stancl;lrds." the date resPonse to Palrn wood to ancl has been rewarding say lvlatari woocl Law. That Kaohsiung's Palrn of items have attracted tlre attention t giant' lkea' the Swedish furniture retaii years "Three encouraging ' t ! palin wood anrJ ago, lkea looked at our I i I I t is particularly '' ? iyi TheKaohsiungTimberProcluctsteam(fromleftto Falrn Wnr:cl Fltlses Jlre rliffir:trltirs of trsirrg tlalatrr;ed Jtaltrt tvc'rr] are with a' rnr'rltitucle of advattta'-lrrs. "Oil pralrn is rigtrt): Josh Law, Proiect Team..YT:E::-oT,i: Ho. Tat Sam' the and Manager;. plentif ul raw General Matan, years' the (o h.,q"ty 20 Managing Director' For about company,sprirnarybusinesswasinto,itno'ying;tnatetinlarttJ\^/eCan component otllaitr Jritltti wor:t'i20 to 25 the expansion inio furniture anJ 6years' percetrt clreaprer than production has occurred overthe last5to dried rubkrerwotlt'l *tltat's treated and Di:;posing sawntirnber. J:t iot kr fir rlsllirrg' Fast-Curing Lacquers Palm woocl is highlY absorbent and fast-curing lacquer; resins slow-drying standard synthetic speed curing get the not suitable. To therefore requires a are tworequired, otte needs to use either pot glue systems (with hardeners) or of UV lacquers' "We've tried a variety lacquers' AC coatings, includinE NC and were drying problems and we but there foutrd thern difficult to use for mass productlort," says Matan' UV lacquers " provide the best solution because they cure quicklY and the UV raYs also penetrate into ttre wood to cure the into coating that has been absorbed the wood." flat KaohsiunE uses UV coatings for system polyurethane surfaces and a with a hardener for edges and remaining produce' surlaces of the furniture they the The comPanY is anxiotts to keeP a to s1ste1 use of the polyurethane of nature because of thetoxic nrinimum tire isocyanate hardene'r:" involved' "We've even gotten assistance from coating suPPliers presence Of to reduce the isocyanate in terms of ppm' We do combination lacquering' an because our emphasis is on making frorn product environmentally friendly what would otherwise be wastea wood." says Law' "Alttrouglr it is palrn of trees is a proi'rlctn {or oil plantations, so ottr calc;ttlatiotts are palrn trees' basecl on trot payirrtl for tile pl;lrrtation owners are At the rnonteni, 0 to remove actually payirrg at least [11v11 of disposed be tltLtst each tree, whiclr is tree the Iittrr:r without bilrtting kilt it' or it injecterl with a srtllslancc to be fellerl i:rnrrl ctripped' tJsing neecls !o palm woocl to plrorlllce sawlr tirnber for woodrruorkirrr'; aritl fttrttitLlte rnanLlvaluefacturing is a 11r':lt exarlllrk: of adding," salis lv{nt;it l' ,,Of COtrrse," Ire aljtls. "tllere afe people v;lirl nsl< tt:'r wtt;it wili happert the when we have to sliltt r)ayirll] for the to lrl Jroint trees. My resp<lrlsc is 1 I I they was sufficiently impressed ttrat items for asked us to develop sorne i h:ecause thern. The process takes time' i tI i , lkea of Sweclen needs to be fully convinced of Palm wood's perenvironmental statrts atrd tts fortltance etc, but we are looking f I t i ti { t i,l t ll<ea on a forward to manu{acturing for year cotnrnercial basis before tlre out. tn is the meantirne, !!e've been a range of small itents for producing I ,i 4 I t I t .t i i ltas ikea out of rubberwood' Tiris l i trusiness allowed us to establish a solid the relationshrp and to demonstrate Law' quality of our workmanship"' says wi'rti workirrg "lt's exciting for tis io be t large lkea, because of the potentially shel'ring' Besicjes volumes involved'" Kaohsiung is working on Producing dirring chairs for lltea' Kaolrsiung's annual turnover in at t1M I rrrbberwood procltrcts stands expecteC to 10 million. Totalturnr:'rer is ihe year' be double this by tlre end of paltn ongr'ling tlranks to the comparly's is Kaohsiung wood business growth' rubberwortr-l exntttlrlrl al:or rt20years was ago, when tlio ttse ':rI rt tltlrerrurod also e wor clwl lers l at l, plar rl inr p'roneero, payirlg to ltrivc llrn lltlttcer: renroved' to buy Wlren sawnrill:'; r;ti:tterJ lravitrcl the logs, tlrat w;r'srt'l ttre end of rubberwood itrtiLrstrY!" curing UV systems prcvic?e tlie fast and ,uquii*U fY tfre highlY Ptlrol.rs FI"J lacquers wood' palm absorbent on tlre edges o{ ttre lanrinated "t" "."0Cornbination lacquering (UV & [""t0. PUf rnininnises the use of texlu t allowing proclucts to meet "rO*n*tt, environrnental stanclards' tight t { r f set gearing up for ikea's orders and already has established customers r"rp in lpr:h by JLrne of 2001). At present, the company kiln dries aboiit 000tonsof timbera montlr and exports from Japan, Australia and the UK buying 1 its palnr wcod products. 30 to 40 forty- foot containers of furrriture a month. Kaohsiung recognises the need Fl*ns for ENpelrsion Llse of Palirr wood by other Malaysian furniture to encourage the Kauhsiung extribit*d at the Malaysian lnternational Furnitr.ire Fair (MIFD in manufacturers ancj to protncrte its acceptance by export marl{,ets. "We want to support the industry in using early 2000 for the second tirne. At the sho!i,, overseas br"ryers showed a great deal of interest in purcirasing finished this material. lt is irnportant furniture frorl Kaohsiung. "Custorriers couldn't believe the Stacks of lact;u*red palrn wood quality and price and were pushing to receive oificial qLrctatinns from us as shelving. Mostuf t$l* siruluing procluced has a tliicktress ul l;*twuen 25 and cluickly as possii:lel" laugtrs Law. "We 3{Jmin. also l-rave furniture rnanufactLlrer$ interested in i:uying sawn timber, larrrirrated boards and cctntponents -ia be honest, we're more front us. Sawt) tit.irlit,ri interested in cioing the value adding ourselves, but r,ole iil:i liii(;r ii.tlc." Kaohsiirng alic;rtiy 1;l.lii it; suLlstantrally ex1-r;,ittt1 it:'; l.l I t.ii;iltltcs'tn tlru' year 20{JiJ lry itir,;iriliii};.J r;tt1 atitlitiottal cilpacity uf SilijiJiil' ir.r Iirurjt cxi$ting ofcltltS i*re loolting to sirpply ffirqlnri €fum ffieta{rer \ffe (i-i l lrjw l*ti-,ir ;i ir l , .,i;l r,-liittlgtlto L;g provide SU,\tAl.lNDO Panels MtlF are mrrJe only fronr selectcd homrrgeneous woods rif Ac,r, l,r nt,.tn2;ittrn .tril Crnelina arlnn:ahonl our own $ustainable industrial forest plantati'.rn. Sttnr;rliniIr parrel is rvitlely applied in the manufacture Of furnitur*s, kitchen <lirinets, door parts, tttortltiing. dense, all of which rnr[c firrislring routirrg, .rntl lamirrates. lhe sur'iace is flat snrooth. unifcrnn "t lvork e.*;dr ior wirle <lwnancling uqes. Surnallndo panbls are nranufactured irr v.rritty of sizes anti rlcnsitit-'s, provic!ing the opporturlity 1o delign rvith spesific ***T &',,M -*T"o mwnqnalindo traqg! office : l,ur. ag*, Lestari rr Pirro /',,11)f ncdecri. :... rvangx'1';l Buii(ling r, ,$Ot il;'loffr;l,flil.[? ',';:lf]['.i:'*-"* t'horrr.' (tr2-2'l ) 4(- I 6t'-1 l./41/4 I I a>: : {6J-2 I } 4ir I frt'tl I /t]2/tt J Ik;rlt'parc.: irrtp/\vwrv.sunt.rlrrrdrr.co.id [.mailr trr.lri\rli(!)\utr,rlittthr,ctt iri fr:r rnanufacturers to gairr familiarity with palm wood if the raw mater ial is properiy takeoffand gain popula,-ity," says L-aw. "To start with, we'd like to see K[) centres througl'iout lvlalaysia. The business has such huEo potentialthat we're also ready,,to consider a partner - perlraps a public-listed conrprany *' '"nlillt wlrorn v/e can sliare botlt the tecli- rrolog;y and the prclductiorl." {SffiF