Skin Diseases and the Eye - Texas Optometric Association
Skin Diseases and the Eye - Texas Optometric Association
Dermatology Skin Diseases and the Eye 5th Edition Wolff, Johnson, Suumond 2005 1000+ pages 857 photographs largest organ; one of heaviest Percent of total body weight?? Reference Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology Skin: k Just the h facts f Tammy P. Than, MS, OD, FAAO UAB School of Optometry [email protected] COPE #28424#28424-SD Study of skin, its structure, functions, and diseases 12--15% 12 20% of GP visits 1-2% of world population has psoriasis Skin: The Layers Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous Fat Integumentary System Epidermis Stratum Germinativum Stratum Spinosum Stratum Granulosum (Stratum Lucidum Lucidum)) Stratum Corneum Langerhans Cells similar structurally to melanocyte “macrophage of epidermis” Merkel Cells touch receptors 1 Dermis Connective tissue Deep to epidermis Supports epidermis Two Parts Subcutaneous Fat Papillary dermis Reticular dermis Deep to dermis Made up of lipocytes Variable thickness Functions: Langer’s Lines Epidermal Appendages Hair Follicles Epidermal Appendages Hair Erector Muscles Sebaceous Glands No new follicles after birth Growth is Cyclic lanugo vellus terminal Anagen Phase Catagen Phase Telogen Phase 90% of scalp hair is in growth phase nail plate does not desquamate Continuous growth (0.1 mm /d) 0.5 0 5–0 0.75 5 mm thick function: protection scratching Grasping Diagnostic!! Pale nail bed – anemia White nails – liver disease sebum usually attached to hairs but can be free sweat glands most on palms, soles, axillae Apocrine Glands Dermal Appendages Nails “goose bumps” Eccrine Glands Epidermal Appendages Insulation Shock absorber Nutritional depot Blood vessels (reticular) Superficial and deep plexus Originate from subcutaneous fat flow exceeds nutritional demand Lymphatics Nerves Somatic sensory Autonomic motor Specialized end organs 2 Factitious Dermatosis self-inflicted via mechanical, chemical, or selfthermal Differs from Munchausen’s syndrome F >> M shape of lesion may be bizarre predominate on one side may persist for years R/O other causes!! patient MAY appear normal management: Rosacea >14 million Americans unknown etiology NOT related to sebum formation Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis Helicobacter pylori? 78% of Americans – no knowledge of disease 52% with rosacea – avoid public contact 2 factors vascular changes acneform eruptions Rosacea 30-50 years of age 30F > M (3:1) light complexion Rosacea – Subjective cosmesis painful facial heat exacerbated by: heat alcohol ocular complaints up to 58% have ocular involvement Trigger Factors? Rosacea – Objective Sun exposure (81%) Emotional Stress (79%) Hot weather (75%) Wind (57%) Heavy exercise (56%) Alcohol consumption (52%) Hot baths (51%) inflammatory infiltration of upper dermis no comedones Stage 1 intermittent flushing permanent erythema telangiectasia Stage 2 Stage 3 papules pustules rhinophyma Stage 4 3 Ocular Rosacea Subjective Objective Alodox blepharitis meibomianitis conjunctivitis episcleritis iritis chalazion corneal changes RCE (up to 15%) Cynacon / Ocusoft 20 mg doxycycline Alodox Convenience Kit 20 mg doxycycline Lid scrubs Tranquileyes Moist Heat Therapy Goggles Thermoeyes reusable heat packs Eye Eco Inc. Nutridox Advanced Vision Research Meibomian gland health and therapy Doxycycline 75 mg TheraTears Nutrition Fish oil (EPA 450 mg; DHA 300 mg) Flaxseed oil 1000 mg Vitamin E 183 IU 3 gel caps qAM iHeat Warm Compress System Oracea 40 mg doxycycline capsules q qd CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals “Efficacy beyond 16 weeks and safety beyond 9 months have not been established” $$ ($230 for 30 d) Doxycycline Side Effects: GI discomfort phototoxicity reversible increased intracranial hypertension superinfections not for use in children reduced efficacy of birth control pills Secondary yeast infection informed consent! consent! 30 mg instant 10 mg sustained release Rosacea - Treatment metronidazole 0.75% gel Finacea® (azelaic acid 15%) gel bid x 9 weeks Bid x 12 weeks topical steroids argon laser dermabrasion 4 Final Words on Rosacea Prognosis Seborrheic Dermatitis chronic characteristic patterns unknown etiology gy dry form oily form duration varies can recur eventually goes away (years) Seborrheic Dermatitis M>F more in winter Subjective j Infants +/- pruritis +/ocular complaints Face and trunk steroid cream ketoconazole cream (Nizoral (Nizoral)) Salicylic acid Seborrheic Dermatitis – Management Scalp treatment selenium sulfide (Selsun (Selsun Blue) tar preps (Denorex, T/Gel, Tegrin Tegrin)) zinc pyrithione (Head & Shoulders) Face and trunk Rx Akurza Salex Keralyt (gel) selenium sulfide (Selsun (Selsun Blue) tar preps (Denorex, T/Gel, Tegrin Tegrin)) zinc pyrithione (Head & Shoulders) ionil Neutrogena Healthy Scalp Salicylic Topical (6%) greasy scales with erythematous base Scalp treatment head, presternal area Salicylic Acid Shampoo (2%) “Cradle Cap” Salicyclic Acid small powdery scales Seborrheic Dermatitis – Management Adults Pityrosporon ovale?? steroid cream ketoconazole cream (Nizoral (Nizoral)) Salicylic acid Eyelids 5 Atopic Dermatitis Chronic, relapsing Not allergic PHx or FHx of atopy “the itch that rashes” Etiology? Mastrota Meibomian Paddle - CYNACON/OcuSoft - IgE abnormal cellcell-mediated immune response Atopic Dermatitis onset usually between 2 mo and 1 year M>F duration: 1515-20 years y associated conditions Acute asthma hay fever subjective: Atopic Dermatitis PRURITIS!! low cutaneous threshold for drying and itching erythema excoriation papules / vesicles secondary infections Chronic lichenification Atopic Dermatitis Infants (2 mo – 2 years) chest, face, scalp, neck less exudative Older Children / Adults lichenification flexural areas antecubital, popliteal, neck, periocular Exacerbating Factors Children ((< 10 years) Atopic Dermatitis foods / irritants stress / temperature changes Management preventive constant temperature low humidity hydration (Eucerin (Eucerin)) tar preps topical steroids 6 Atopic Dermatitis – Ocular Atopic Dermatitis – Management systemic steroids antibiotics antihistamines hospitalization minimize stress relocate! scaling around eyes Dennie--Morgan line Dennie “Allergic Shiner” conjunctivitis corneal involvement Cataracts asc and psc keratoconus retinal detachment Complication of cataract sx Atopic Dermatitis – Management of Ocular Manifestations Cool compresses / decongestants topical (lots of options!!) antihistamine mast cell stabilizers Combos NSAIDs steroids Bepreve ® BAK Bid Category C ≥ 2 YO 2.5, 5, 10 mL Newest… 9/8/2009 Bepreve ® Bepotastine besilate 1.5% ISTA Pharmaceuticals Antihistamine + mast cell stabilizer Inhibits eosinophil chemotaxis IND: allergic conjunctivitis - itching Skin Treatment Elidel cream ((pimecrolimus pimecrolimus)) skin selective inflammatory cytokine inhibitor Relatively new NSAID topical for atopic dermatitis safe for >2 YO can apply to lids similar i il -> Protopic P t i FDA Black Box Warning Cutivate 0.1% ((fluticasone fluticasone)) mid-level potency steroid cream midsafe for >3 months no reports of skin thinning recommended 2 weeks or less 7 Impetigo superficial skin infection Staph aureus and/or Strep pyogenes children and young adults humid or poor hygiene contagious self--limiting but… self Vesicular Impetigo “Impetigo” vesicles/pustules -> rupture -> crust erythema face and extremities pruritus +/-- lymphadenopathy +/ afebrile Bullous Impetigo Staph aureus vesicle -> bullae -> crust no erythema extremities, face, trunk Impetigo Lab testing Gm stain culture Treatment improve hygiene (Hibiclens (Hibiclens)) Impetigo Treatment systemic antibiotics treat eye as necessary remove crusts topical antibiotics bacitracin or erythromycin mupirocin 2% tid (Bactroban) Bactroban) treat nares Ocular TRUST Ocular Tracking Resistance in U.S U.S.. Today The only longitudinal nationwide antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance program specific to ocular isolates S aureus S. MRSA MSSA Coagulase--negative Staph Coagulase S. pneumoniae H. influenzae Asbell PA, Sahm DF. Longitudinal nationwide antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance in ocular isolates. Results of Ocular TRUST 2. ARVO 2008. 8 Ocular TRUST: Participating Sites Ocular TRUST 2: Susceptibility Testing In vitro susceptibility testing to nine antimicrobials State with participating institution Participating Eye Centers (10) MSSA Coagulase--Negative Staphylococci (CNS) Coagulase ciprofloxacin levofloxacin gatifloxacin moxifloxacin azithromycin trimethoprim tobramycin polymyxin B penicillin MRSA Coagulase--Negative Staphylococci (CNS) Coagulase 9 Streptococcus pneumoniae Psoriasis 2-8 million people in US chronic, unpredictable disease disorder of proliferation and inflammation erythematous,, scaly plaque erythematous F=M dominant transmission association with arthritis Psoriasis unknown etiology increase mitosis enlarged, enlarged tortuous dermal capillaries can be exacerbated by precipitating factors Psoriasis trauma stress initially – red scaling papules eventually round to oval p plaque q adherent silvery, white scale extensor sites (elbows, knees) scalp lumbosacral area nails Subjective: Psoriasis – Objective Location cosmesis 20% have pruritis +/-- joint pain +/ Plaque Psoriasis most common enlarge to certain, stable size may have residual macule Koebner reaction traumatized normal skin develops psoriatic lesions 10 Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriasis – Management nail involvement in 80% pitting discoloration oncholysis 30-50 yo 30F>M Minimize precipitating factors Reassurance “Psoriasis Therapeutic Ladder” lubricants, emollients tar cpds topical steroids Salicylic acid PUVA Two--tiered approach Two Localized therapy Systemic and/or phototherapy Psoriasis – Ocular Complications Tear film (decreased TBUT, MGD) Eyelid – blepharitis, blepharitis, trichiasis trichiasis,, ectropion Conjunctiva j / Cornea Acanthosis nigricans conjunctivitis, KCS, symblepharon diffuse, velvety thickening and hyperpigmentation of the skin axillae,, other body folds, neck, periocular axillae etiology gy Nodular episcleritis Anterior uveitis heredity endocrine disorders associated with insulin resistance Polycystic ovary syndrome obesity drug administration malignancy Acanthosis nigricans Testing Medications rule out diabetes, hypothyroidism Retin-A Retin15% urea alpha--hydroxy acid alpha salicylic acid Prognosis hereditary – may regress when older may regress with weight loss discontinue causative drug will cause resolution 11 Scleroderma connective tissue disease Scleroderma – Two Forms fibrosis Diffuse – 60% progressive autoimmune F > M (4:1) 30--50 YO at onset 30 Limited (CREST) – 20% Scleroderma Raynaud’s phenomenon – usually first cutaneous disease thickened skin loss of facial expression / swollen look esophagus lungs kidneys heart 3 Stages Stage 1: pallor Stage g 2: cyanosis y Stage 3: hyperemia up to 20% precipitating factors: cold, stress, smoking PHENOMENON when associated with other disease or other cause: Raynaud’s Disease episodic constriction of digital arteries usually F internal organs Calcinosis Raynaud’s phenomenon Esophageal Sclerodactyly Telangiectases CRST, ST, etc. Raynaud’s Disease systemic scleroderma rheumatic disorders, drugs, carpel tunnel syndrome Scleroderma – Ocular +/- ptosis; +/+/+/- lagophthalmos KCS mucous filaments telangiectasia cataracts uveitis HTN retinopathy 12 Alopecia Areata Scleroderma – Management treat Raynaud’s phenomenon steroids ocular: lubricants ointments tape ptosis crutch punctal occlusion different than androgenetic alopecia non--inflammatory non inflammatory,, nonnon-scarring hair loss idiopathic M=F children and young adults Alopcia Areata well demarcated areas (1(1-4 cm) skin is normal exclamation points (hallmark) Sites: Scalp Beard eyebrows Alopecia Areata Alopecia totalis Alopecia universalis DDX: Management: +/-- “hammered brass” nails +/ fungal infections secondary syphilis Prognosis Therapy Trichotillomania Self--inflicted alopecia Self Latisse™ Latisse ™ Fractured hairs of unequal lengths may need therapy Allergan (Medical Aesthetics) Approved 12/2008 0 03% bimatoprost 0.03% Indication: Hypotrichosis of eyelashes Caution: Active intraocular inflammation Aphakia,, risk factors for CME Aphakia 13