wNw.lnbrotech.com « IOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS For ModeIIB-RSCI501 SAFETY / OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Automatic Embroidery Machine for model IB-RSC1201 * Please read all of these instructioI1s carefully before you operate your machine. * Save this iI1structioI1 for future reference. inbro l"tC"Qr~'¢j Emhroider.d Contents Page 1. Introduction . - - -..--~-. ---~. . . ------- 4 5 _._._._ 1-2. \Varning symboi - - - - - - - 6 1-3. Stickers positions ~--- --~---.-- ~-~. .- - 7 1-4. Each pa::t name - ~~-- - - ..-.--~- --------...-----~- ----.---- ,- ----.----..------- 1-5. Front cover s/w namE: - ...- - -...- - -.. - - - .._ - -.._-- --~ ..-~---- 2. Carrying the machine - . ~~. ~~. . ~-. -~-. -~. 8 9 10 10 2-2. Carrying the machine -.-----~--- -~.------- 10 3. Installation and Assembly -~-11 3- L Installation El1viroment -----~..------ .------.-------.---------------... ~- 12 3-2. Electric Installation Enviro!ller;t -~----..- - -..- - ..- - - - ..----.-.- 12 13 3-4. AdjllSting the machine level ----------~.------14 3-5. Asserr.bling rhe frame - - - - - - - - - '-~--- 16 4. Upper threading and How to assemble the tension - - . 17 2-1. Carrying the nachine by manpQWf.'f -~-..- - - ..- - - - - -..- - - - -..- - - - 17 4-2, Adj'Jsting the upper thread tens.ion - -.. - - . -..- - - -..~--.--- .. - - . - - 20 5. Lower threading and How to assemble the tension --.- 21 5-!. Ilanging a lower thread - - - -..- . - -..- .-~..- - -..~- - ..21 .j-1. Upper threading - - ..- - - ..- - - . - ..- - - ..- - - ..- - - ..- - - - - - 21 6. Selecting a thread and a needle---···----- 22 6-1. Se~ecting a needle ... - -..- --.. --~. .-.--.. --~ . - --..-- 22 6-2_ Changing a needte ~.. - - - ..- - - ..- - -...- - -...- - -..--~-- 23 1)-3. Position adjust:ng of needle and threadjng hook - ..- - -.. -----~ 24 ~---~-- 26 7. The relation between a needle and a hook 26 7-2. The type of thread loop made I;y the needle movement ----- .-~-- ---_. --~ .--~ 26 8. Maintenance and checkup of the machine -. ~- . .~ 27 . -..----..~- . -~~-. - . 27 8- I. The perionic checkpoint of the machine 8-2. Cleaning --.---.-~---.----..- - -..-~-.--- - - - 28 8~3. Oil supply -~"-~~----- 29 Supply of Grease -----..- - - -.. ..- 30 7- L Adjusting tt,e timing of a needle and a hook ------ -------.----...- . - -..- 8~4. ~~-- 8-'5. How to empty ;rimmings bin -.---~- .'.---------.. ~----..- ------..--- - -...- 31 l_~ontent_s Page h._ _ _ 9-5. Adjusting the encorder ~-..-.--~--.--.- ...--.--~.~.---9-6. Aciusting the movable mes entry angle and positlon ---..-~.,,--.~~.---.9-7. Ad;usting L"te picker - . - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . - - - - . - - - - . - 9-8. Adjusting the belt tension --.--.-~.--.----.---.--.--.-.---9-9. Adjusting the take-up lever position .~--.-~-.~-~.---.~-~.---.--~.--9-10. Setting up the position of thread sensor --.--.--.---.-~.--.-~.---.-.-.---.--.~~.-- ..- - . 10. Trouble and repairing - - . --.~-.~-~.- -.~.~.-.-.. ~.10-1. The start and operation error ~-.----.----~.~.----.----. 20-2. The stop pcsitiau err(lr I -----~---~-.~~.- 9. How to adjust the main part of the machine -~--.--~ 32 g-], Adjustbg tl:e hook -~.~~.---~..--~.--~.. ,~~.--~.,,--~~-~.~----- 33 0-2. Adjusting Lhe upper dead point of needle and hook pvim~--.----.----~--.- 34 9--3, How to replace re:::lprocator -----..---~-- _.__________.____.____.___ ~._ 36 Y-4. The relation between a ptesser foot .and 2: needle ~-.---~.----------- 38 9-11. Pueumatk system f'aeh name and layout I ~------.~---~-~~.~~-,,~-.~--.~---.~~-----.~ 10-3. The upper thread sensor error -~.--.--.---.--.-~.-~,,--.---.-.- 10-4. The Jwnping error ~~-.-- ..- -•.- - . - - - .-----~-.---------.lO-f).1'he twiste(l embroidery ---.----.-~-----.-----.-•. --.--~ 10-6, The thread b:--eak, needle hreak, skipping over stitch ~-.-"---.~,-------.----,, 1(}-7. The cutting working error -.--~.~.~.--,,~.--..--.~-..-, ,,~.-- ..- - 10-8 The threan can't be cut or get shorlen -.--.-~.--.--.--.~-.-even the mes retracting sensor "vorks normally 39 41 43 44 47 48 v;:;0 53 53 ::;5 '--' 56 57 58 60 62 63 1~5 10-9, Tbe lower thread break -""-.-.-,,.---,-..-------~.-.------.~.-----.~.- u 10-10. vY:--:en the u;=;per thread catcher does not eperate -.~."'---.-.~.--.--.~.-~ 66 1. INTRODUCTION These instructions were made for a user and a technician of the automatic embroidery machine (model: IB-RSC120l) to explain the safety contents when carrying, installing and maintaining the machine. These instructions describe the operation process and function of embroidery machine to perform efficient and correct embroidery working. Please read all of these instructions carefully before you operate your machine to utilize the machine suitable for working use. Always save these instructions within striking distance to provide for the future necessary case. Do not operate or treat this machine with any method or form in accordance with not specified contents and/or prohibited contents especially on these instructions. Inbro will not bear the responsibility for mechanical trouble and accidents may occur when a user does not observes the instructions specified on this book. These instructions may contain the differences in detailed content of the machine such as operation, maintenance or improvement of the construction according to the modeL Should you have further questions about these instructions, contact with the Inbro's agent or your supplier. 1-1. Safety Instructions To operate the machine correctty, understand (he important safety instructions in this book and then operate the machine. Do not operate the machine before you completely tmderstand the contents in these instructions. A WARNING Physical injury may be caused by crev'1ce. Donlt put your finger in a greoove on the table. A CAUTION Surface temperature of main motor may be up to 60 C. Q To avoid thenna! hazard, do not touch the surface of main motor. Allow to coo] it down before servicing. A WARNING Turn off the main power before service. Fire or death may be caused by high voltage electric shock. Don't open the cover except for service rna assigned by inbra Wben open the cover,Power off and watt for 4 minutes. A WARNING Ensure that the machine is in a stop condition before changing, threading, or rethreading of needles or changing of needles. ( stop: Insulation equipment IS locking and pull out piug ) A WARNING Ensure that safety cover i;:; attached before running, Do nor aprroach your hands to the moving parts during funning. AVOID EXPOSURE Avoid eye and skin exposure to direct or scattered radiation. -5 OVERTURN HAZARD Do not place the machine on an unstable cart, stand, bracket or tab]e. The machine may fall, causing serious injury to a person, and serious damage to the 1113chine. A machine and carl combination should be moved with care. Qllick stops, excessive force, and uneven surface may cause the machine and cart combination to overtur. 1-2. WARNING SYMBOL The content required a user's special caution when operating the machine is specified as the warning symbol below. ;!,\ CAUTION This mark means dangerous consequences wiH arise, with the possibility of death or serious injury to the user, if the embroidery machine is handled incorrectly. A. DANGER This mark means dangerolls consequences could arise, with the possibility of death or serious injury to the user ar:d/or damage to the embroidery maehine and facilities, if the embroidery machine is handled incorrectly. /1"\ WARNING This mark means dangerous consequences may arise, with the possibility of somewhat serious injury to the user and/or damage to the embroidery machine and facilities, if the embroidery m2chine is handled incorrec\ly. & LIGHTING EQUIIPMENT Should do work under lighting. -6 1-3. Stickers Position 1-4. EACH PART NAME I ~ ;\!Iain Power Switch Operation Box l?ody §z. TaLle encoder VJjper -8 1-5. FRONT COVER 8/W NAME W1teh (he in!tial "pret lh.",,:! is j".~",(e:l tn "do: ch:.ng" box, <:\tt th& <;;per thtTll<J knglh !Q Ihp lin"" Swp w[)rkirtg Dr Shows til'" Sh0','iU c,,~rf'''t t~n';n e,r,.,t ~!srt. During s'lkh'!>". if tn'8 tn"rt"" is nFP. m-~",I)" lnr do..;m'l moW- ,1<Iwn bu, "11;)1 frM!l~ I1hC1ve",;; it is ON "'>1"''', mo",Ue b.:r m(>Y"" ,md slil{;h"" 'w, <It", whet~ ()Cq'~$ ;;-rr,A' ",ar, \Vh,·" stit,;hinz '" ;m-hin,'I ami SI\)I' to b,w\(-"ti<c'l C'm n,·:- cmn'nllhtf;),; in ma""",i nf>f'r>!l;"" M"; pull em th," tln'c'aJ .",d ;-r,,,v,, ,,, Hw (NN.:·,n f,;,' r"-(t.r"'.H~~ng_ T ~k.: ,!\~~)' 01e: (trp,,,: Itmt tkO',,:!n1 in til''' n"edk G' ,-,~e lO t "-.,.,,,1 'ww :':~fC¥.HL A''''fl,W lL" nm-cm lhr",,,d md me"" ~p in", F.r-",Ik har to show til" (",,,ilion by :"SC]' co th" n.;:,:r':" b'l!" p".,:.[on. l n" ""re a[ the Iwight und tiir,-,eth,r>s ef n"'"":;,, wtwn r.""llt" ,'"a,- &" n" m,( sum,ly ,my "il to th<o H~'"d , Oll ~h,.l!),,, ~'-'I-'I'LN\ ;0 II'" n""igIlflt"d :>PG-ts. 'n-,:s b~skH I~ f"r wa21... "I Un ,,"a,l u!\.('r \1r(',,1< "tlr: it c!("". =--}",,,.d -9 .:I""" 2. Carrying" the machine Ll\ WARNING This machine must be carried out only by the man who is familiar with safety instructions and regulations. The following instruclions must be observed when carrying L~e machine to prevent injury an~ physical damage and occurrence of mechanical trouble. When tarrying the machine, especially setting down the machine, keep up the level of the machine to prevent injury and mechanical damage. &21 Carrymg 'th WAR;<lNG -. e machibman ne y powe r \,ftlhen carrying the machine by human power, make sure to wear the safety shoes and seize the light and left sides of the machine. 1\ w,~R;iiNG 2-2. Using a forklift When carrying the machine by using a forklift, the forklift must have enough capacity to support the weight and size of the machine. When lifting the machine, keep botb sides of the machine even by standardizing the center point ot the machine, not allowing the machine to lean to one side, A Wh€l~ canyjng th0 mad-,inc. rr.ake SHe that nobody is standing [lANGE:;: in a danger zone of the machine, especiaUy under the machine, and take away the cbstades around the machine, -10 3. INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY & CAUTION When installing the machine, follow these instructions to prevent mechanical damage such as maUunction, break down, etc. or physical injury, A DANGER To prevent an electrical shock caused by a short circuit, earth the ground wire of the machine to the ground, The grounding resistance must be 100 ohms II or less, & WARNING Check the input power of the location ior installing the machine, When installing the machine, do not change arbitrarily the input power, 'which was set up at the factory. \Vhen a user changes the input power at will, the machine may cause physical damage and/or mechanical problems, When installing the power cable, a user may trip OVer the cable, therefore install the cable out of the user's working space, -11 3-1. INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT L The machine must be installed on a strong floOf that can bear the weight of the machine (marked on the specifications) sufficiently. 2. Do not install the machine near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves. or other appliances that produce heat. 3. Install the machine near an air conditioning and clean up the machine periodically, as dirt and rust may cause not only pollution and corrosion of the machine but also a fire and an electric shock, 4. In case that the machine is exposed to direct rays of light for a long time, it may cause discoloration and transformation of the machine. Install the machine at the appropriate place away from direct rays of light. To reduce noise of operation, complete the interior work of the factory by using soundproofing material to the walls, ceiling and floor inside the factory. 6. Space the machine at least 50 em from the left, right and back sides of the machine for enough mending space of the machine. Ll\ WA"NlNG 3-2. ELECTRIC INSTALLATION ENVmONMENT 1. Input Power (adjusted when taking out of the factory) : Single Phase 100V,llOV.120V,200V.220V,240V (50/60Hz) 2. Approvable voltage range: within ± 10% of rating voltage ,>. Power capacity and consumption of electricity: 450VA, 300W 4. Insulation resistance: more than lOMQ (measured by 500V insdation tester] -12 & 3-3. INSTALLATION ENVlROMENT FOR COMPRESSOR "V?8NING 1. NPUT POWER : llOv , 220v l50/60Hz) 2. APPROVED VOLTAGE R,\NGE: R,\TING VOLTAGE ±10% 3. STAND SET POSITION (FIG) 4. COMPRESSOR TUBE CONNECTION Size: 8x5 , APPROX 1M NOTICE : PlIt the marked A in deeply then meet the pressure of air with ,1,4 "4.5 Bar. If air leaks due to not complete insert. Compressor may be overheated or abnormal working. * Make compressor automaticaHy stop at the pressure point 5.5 bar by using aetomatic pressure adjuster. ( if the pressure drops around 4.5 bar. compressor 3utomatica!iy works,) Ill' ill CAUTION 3-4. ADJUSTING THE MACHINE LEVEL Wilen the machine is installed on the unleveled place, it may cause transfonnation of the machine and misplacement of the needle bar. Adjust the level of the machine's front-back and left-right sides by using a precision level with the adjusting bolts, L Assemble the stand as shown in the illustration below, • • · -14 2, Lift up the stand by controlling the level adjusting bolt not to make the castor touch with the ground, 3, Adjust the level of the machine for the front-back and the right-left sides with the level adjusting bolt, by using the precision leveL adjusting .. ,... _._ ... _....- -nut --"\ 4, After finish adjustment of the machine, fix them with an adjusting nut of the level adjusting bolt. \ castor ~-~~-~ "- " "?:;c=? _ Le':':t:~ ,~djusting bolt Setup position of the precision level setu;:: position for front ano fear dir-ecions setJp pusifon for right and ieft direcwins " - 15 3-5. ASSEMBLING THE FRAME LSelect a frame suitable [or working use. Big: tor the square tubular frame Small: for the round tubular frame (size -.09. 12, 15, 18) 2. Insert the pin being fixed on the frame connecting plate into the frame connecling hole. 3. Fix them \\~th the fixing bolts. figure of the square tubular frame figure Qf the round tubular frame 4. UPPER THREADING AND HOW TO ADmST THE TENSION & CAUTION To prevent physicat accidents like injury or death, make sure to turn off the machine before threading. Do not sit or lean on the table when threading. This may cause transformation of the table. In case !hat it is necessary to lean on the table, support the machine by using adequate materials. 4-1. upper threading 12 11 10 9 8 654321 7 p-= , '-;:------._- _ .. _- _ --------- -----1 _______ 0 .. -----------------, ________._ \- -\ Ie.',- _. -- •. i Angle A ff II _______'" - - - - ----------- +'-----\::-----:- --: ";~.----------~", ,. l-tI0g1e I'D-l n Anil:1e "[):::?" Angle "D" Brack..e t Thread Guide ~_!H,-"e ad , A, Threading the IlUb thread adjusting disc B. Threading to Upper thread guide hose , I 3d) --=-81;;lon Atljsstill,i; be .1--.. L ?<1SS ::Jrough tlireuci guiae . :ijs,~ c!oc]{wise. C, COVER OPEN r~~~~-~ Pass through tt.:"ea;;' insiG;; the hose wilh Thread connector. D, TIlRllADlNG TO TIlE UPPER THllF.AD SUPPLY UNIT I'UPPER THRSA.t: SliPPLY EAR i -~---~-~ l\P"'Jl HEAD TOF COV3:Ft Whe-:l open, ,ViJP w(lrki:ng. 3UfOffi."Itic<iEy 18 E. RUN S!W 'THD.\JPIDOWN' BUTTON ON THE HEAD FRONT (Ref. FIG 1-2) u'A, ('_'''Xr.:)1\!" If YDU don': dc-se the upper S1JPP~Y bar ftnd button 'works, jt rrwy be c;lused by ;ne<:hc.niol malfunction. p, Threading to Color change box em :hi" :h:0dl 'lY "dSYlrs. mee:mg [he upper tiweaci cuning line o! cover ironL ;n (T'$i' tha~ :Ipper lhread is cuL il1 long, wht'lt :;pper ,nn:;,lIj 5<JPply, em\ be supplied over one. CAUTiON :11 case thill upper thrad IS cut 111. loe shon, upper thread e<ln be broken away. \Vnctl upper thre;.d iW'l:ertect LO eolor change bex, alter insert ;approx i em lhen if you 0pen'.te rL.0Ce 10:; ~"f' Qperl!tl(i\) paneL upper thre;;td completely Loserl to color dunge. & -19 4-2. Adjusting the upper thread tension & CAUTION If the thread tension is too weak. it may cause a rising up of the upper thread. in result the emhroidery will spoil and also thread tangle and thread breakage may occur. If the tension is too tight. it may cause wrinkles in the embroidery materials and breakage of the needles and a thread. Thread tension has to be adjusted according to the embroidery materials or by the kind of thread. 1. The upper thread tension is adjusted by the sub thread-adjusting nut of the thread tension plate and by the main thread tension adjusting set. vVhen turning it clockwise, tension will increase and when turning it counterclockwise, tension will decrease. ;!~ The thread tension Clcijusting is <in important factor to influence OJ) embroidery o:,uaEty. When seeing abDut two thirds of the upper thread and one third of the !ow.;;,t· thread at the CA1:TION :'Il:se side of embroid-ery, tension has been adiusted flPpropriate!y. 2. After adjusting, m ake sure the thread sensing roller is rotating smoothly by pulling the upper thread. Pall the thread qmte weakly ahotlt lCOg - 12(!g. & CAUTiON rolJ~T tf the tension of the sub tension-adjusting se;. is teo weak. the tht"f'ad S8H2ir:g will not rotate smoothly and it may cause (he status of fnftt:cS$ detectioh. Do not acijus( the tension of the .'3ub tension adjusling set tou weakly. - 20 5. Lower threading and how to adjusting the tension 5-1. Hanging a lower thread L Place a new bobbin in the bobbin case and pass the lower thread through the sliver in the bobbin case. pull the thread by using a thread guide. 2. Hang the thread being passed through the thread guide, on a lower thread hanger and cut the thread with remaining 3-4 em to prevent the lower thread from tangling and insert the hobbin case into the hook. & r.,·1a\'e sure that the b~bbin tUf?S do,::;kwise by (::ulEng in WARNING the thread from the:.' tnread gUide. '" L.i.O. lise the lovier thread of cotton thread (RO#'-120#) basically. CAFTlON Bobbin turnning direction: 5-2. Adjusting the lower thread tension An a1j'Jsting screw adjusts the lower thread tension of the tension spring in a bobbin case. If the screw is turned clockwise, the lower thread tension \'vill strengthen and if it is turned counterclock~,vise, the lower thread te:;}sion will \veaken. WARNING /1\ The appropriate tension is set when {)!Jc elm shake the jAJbbio case slightly, and the thn:ad untwists and tomes <Jut from the bobbin, CAl'TJON TI:e app['()priate ;:)Ower to :n:hvist the thread should be 25~35g - 21 6. Selecting a thread and a needle It is important to select the proper needle according to the materials of the embroidery and the threads, Inadequate choice of the needle and the thread may raise various problems like as an abnormal status of the embroidery, a break of the thread and an omission of the thread. 6-1. Selecting a needle; Make sure that single needle needs the exclusive needles as the follows, 1. SCHMETZ; NM 75, SIZE 11 ,DBxK5 S U K - - - - - . NM 65 , SIZE 9 ,DBxK5 SUK-----4!-- Normal& GROZ-BECKERT; NM 75/11 , DBxK5 RG (Chrome) , , DBxK5 RG (Chrome) - - - ' NM 65/9 Golden thread NM 75/11 , DBxK5 SAKI RG CGEBEDUR)- Normal Thread 2, The function of the needles is according to the shape of needles The size of a hole and a groove of the needle are different according to the type and the size of the needle. The front groove of a needle: It protect~ the thread from frictional heat, which arises during sewing, therefore it prevents to hreak the thread. The rear groove of a needle: [t controls the timing of the hook depending on if it spins fast or slowly, related to the needle movement - 22 6-2. Changing a needle 1. You can change the needle at the position when it is detached from the needle plate. If the position is not at the changing point of the needle, turn the main shaft to the arrow direction, by using a main shaft handle and pull out the needle as shown in the illustration, ill 0 )]) \ If you want to turn the main shaft by hand, WARNING 0 make sure lo do so after the machine has stopped in obedience to safety instructions. '--------'--. - - \ Halld Pulley -_....- ........ _. jI 2. If you try to insert a needle, turning the face of the needle groove towards the front side of a user, and then stick the edge of the·needle handle in the edge of the hole in the needle bar completely and assemble them. ,- needle front groove -- 'x- /' -' --.. "\ ,'- ..... " , ,(~=-- \\, , ,, - ,, ,, , , ,,, , ,, , , ; _-------/ 0 '''- .... , , ,.... -.... - - ,, -,, , ,/ ,, j \ " ' ; - --,,,, , ; , '..... ---- ; ; ; ', ,'' ./' ill ill In case of needle is incompletely stick and assemble to the edge of needle bar's WARNING insert hole, it may cause mistimming with hook. So it may cuase untreading due to needle and hook break. 3. When using a special thread like rayon yarn etc., CAUTION set the needle by turning the groove part of the needle to the right as shown in the illustration. - 23 ! ?jr- 6-3. Position adjusting of needle and threading hook L In case that not match the upper and lower dead point of needle and hoole & CD Set and Deet the upper aGd lower dead point of needle, cAe",loN (9-2: refer to adjust needle's upper and lower dead point and rotary hook) ® After close air, make main cylinder work manually up to the highest upper point then make sure that the position of needle and threading hook are the same like [ Fig. C L ® When main cylinder reaches to the highest point, if the needle hole and the position of threading hook is inaccurate, unscrew the screw of f Fig. A J and adjust needle bar stopper by driver like [Fig. eland tighten the screw [ Fig, A l. - 24 t· 2. In case that not match the distacne of Ll-Je left and right of needle and threading hook. L!", \..1) '" Unscrew F'Ig. A screw and unscrew- P'"19.B screw as CAUTION ' as enougll to adjust threading hook. (2) Set the position of threading hook to needle hole and adjust. n"'hile manually moving rhe main cylinder up to the highest upper dead point, simultaneously check out the posirion of both hook and needle [Fig,CD and then tighten the screw, ® Unscrew Fig,D ·screw and screw in the position that bar falls free, @ Adjust the position thread fit hook guide lever like Fig.E (Note: Be care of not occuring the interference with Pipe-D) , [ ,, ··· · • I TT I Ii, I Thr~acj~t1gJivnkll' I i tl I '\ I ! : f . .. -lt~1 L ........... I,...I '-1 .. VI , _"'7_~ """ " .I! ' ... c::fji \, , ff i :: j ,.'..... . . I i. L.. L.... ... ~~~ ... il I \1 '=~\ Ai / ~ View from .... ,,.. ,"the .. side - -~----"- H. ~ \ ;...,>-L __ i ",v '~ I u e =.. .. -, " - 25 , .. 'a..' . ,,~ "'I ~'l' ----.. / I __ J 7. The relation between a needle and a hook 7 -1. Adjusting the timing of a needle and a hook L The timing of the needle 0and the hook is set up at 200 and the relation between the needle and the hook is as follows. 2. The space of the needle and the hook of 0.1 ~O.2 mm is propeL ill WARNING If the space between the needle and 'he hook point is out of the range, the thread will not catch and breakage may c.ause. 7-2. The type of thread loop made by the needle movement The type of thread loop made hy the "eedle movement varies in accordance to the quality of the thread Of the kind of embroidery materials, In case you use an insecure loop, the thread omiSSIOn may rise easily. Type ot cotton thrend loop 1"Y9c of synthesis thread ioop 8. Maintenance and checkup of the machine 8-1. The periodic checkpoint of the machine 1. Clean the machine and st:pply oil and grease to the appointed part of the machine periodically. 2. If you don't check out the machine periodically, mechanical error and reduction of life span of the machine will orcur. & DANGER \Vhen you check out the machine, you should obset-ve the mechanical and electric safety instructions. Turn off the power of the machine befor-e checking out the machine. - 27 8-2. Cleaning ;1\ tJAt:]GE.;\ You should turn ofi the power before cleaning the machice. i/n ~_ ...._c1_e~!llf_p_o_i~t~:..-_ _~_ _I~lO:W~t':O'-'ll. •.~...".."_.___+-_c1_e_a_n_in_g_p_e_ri_o_d_ aronnd the hook . _-_..._ . _ - - Detach the hook cover. pull oul the bobbin case. Clean up the inside of the hook and it's surroundings by using a soft br~sh or an air compressor. every day ........J . After removing the needleplate. clean up around themovable mes rnO""e me, /~.~ fixed Mee ~ \ At:: ~ and fixed mesby using a"! once three days ~~~ ~~~ soft brush or an air .~lth~~~ compressor wh:lernoving . one a week '1>.'~':.ij oru,'" the movable mes. , t'.J J/.l;r If you move the cutting I ~~ ,,,~,.",,,," shaft. the movablemes __ ..._ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~w_il_l_n_lO_v_e.__ _ _ _ _.._____....____ around the movable mes and fixed mes C:I~Q~~~,\\~'X~CI 1'11 \:> j - 28 8-3. Oil supply jI\ You should tum off the power before oiling the machine. YVA.'\N!NG ortce/we-ek 'y \ . , ' 1- ill .3 to 4 honrs of S\IPP~Y ~ay G:\USe t~e polJurion of ~he thread cl.tid the enlbfOidcry matenal. '::;Al;r;ON If y:y;, supply' Dil e.xcess;vely h) the took, the cutting defachmenr ,;,;ill er:::or ane the thread breakagt:; may hook oil hole ~veri Excessive oil rise while embroidering, o~eration 8-4. Supply of Grease ;r, You should turn of the power before supply the grease. D/\NGER Hook shaft gear and Low shaft gear once! three months - ..- - -..~--- ..- . - - - - - - f - - Ann take-up once I three months IE'vGr driving crun - 30 8-5. How to empty trimmings bin There are two trimmings bins( A and B lin ad single needle machine. Check out the trimmings bins sometimes and empty them if they are filled \vith trimll1ings. ,, I~ I II a, i , II JI' 9. How to adjust the main part of the machine ill WARNING 1. When checking out the machine, you should observe the mechanical and electrical safety instructions. 2. You should turn off the power before checkup the machine and position the main shaft handle at 100: 3. If you have any question about some parts that may have an effect on the embroidery quality or operation of the machine, ask to your supplier or Inbro's agent m your area. - 32 9-1. Adjusting the hook L Unscrew the needle plate screw by using the needle plate screwdriver and detach the needle plate. 2. Unfasten aboul 1/3 the each setting-screw of the hook positioned each point with turning the main shaft handle at 20: 140: 260"by hand. o 3. Position the main shaft pulley at 200 by turning it and adjust it as shown in the illustration below. 4. After adjusting the hook, screw up the three screws being unfastened at the above 2. and fix the hook. 5. Cover the needle plate. 9-2. Adjusting the upper dead point of needle and hook point 1. Pull down the main cylinder. 2. Make the main handle turn to place 200• degree. 3. Fix the needle bar holder after adjust like Fig.A. How to adjust hook POint 4. When want to adjust the highest upper dead point of needle bar, turn the main handle and set 0 degree. 0 5. Pull up the stopper of upper dead point pressing needle bar then fix and tighten. 1,\ If the stopper of upper dead point is excessive high, can move up and down main bushing. also, if the stopper of uppder dead point is excessive low. it iIl(lY be caused that CAUTION reciprocatoer can not catch needle bar holder. ~ the stopper of upper dead point --- --, ",-- - - - - how to adjust upper dead point 9-3. How to replace reciprocator L Detach the head cover. 2. Unscrew the Fig.2 screw. 3. Detach Take-lip Lever Base "B·'(Fig. 3). (when re-assembling , assemble in 1mm distance between heads.) 4. Unscrew Fig. 4 screw (Aft'er re-assembly, make sure sliding by pressing pipe driven leveL) 5. Detach Fig.5 e-ring. 6. Detach Sensor Cable. 7. Unscrew the fixed screw of head. 8. Put aside to tbe left with Head. 9. Unscrew Fig.9 screw to. Unscrew the fixed screw of reciprocating axis. 1. L Pull up the reciprocating axis. 12. Unscrew Fig.12 screw and detach the pill. 13. Detach the reciprocator in the same direction like Fig. 14. After replacement of new one. assemble the detached parts in reverse. (after assembling, make sure the position of threading.) WORK PROCESS WHEN REPLACE RECIPROCATOR 9-4. The relation between a presser foot and a needle Before insert a needle into the embroidery material, at the same time a presser foot might have pressed the embroidery material - because the needle can pass through the embroidery material when the state of the needle and the upper thread is stable. In addition, if you try to pull out the needle from the embroidery material, at the same time the presser foot should have pressed the embroidery materiaL o l-:'j , If the presser foot is nor pressed the embroidery material, {f!\, CAUTiO;'; when the needle goes up. the embroidery material may go up at the same time. so that the state of the thread break, thread omission or unstable thread tighten working may occur. 9-5. Adjusting the encorder The encoder senses the angle and speed of the machine. In operation, if the error message of shows UP.. position the Inaln shaft handle at 1 and push the operating button,• . If the machine does not operate even though the machine was adjusted like the above, adjust the encoder position in accordance with the following procedures. 1. Turn off the poweL 2. Detach the Arm Side Cover and spool stand and separate the encoder connecting cable (Cl\29) from the keyboard. 3. Turn on the power again and if you push the .. . on the initial screen, the screen comE'S to the next screen. 4. If you push thel~ positioned at the lower part of the MANU. OPER. screen, the screen below shows up. 5, Connect the encoder cable (CN29) and position the main shaft handle at lOO'degree, , I 6. Position the encoder at "OFF" encode!" with unfasteni~g and tm:nin g , ~ :, _:;' 1 the two encoder flxmg sere" s ,1 U ~ and then screw UP the fixing screws.t1, ~~~\ "~-~_~ \,li ", F ;;TI 7, Assemble the Ann Side Cover and spool stand bemg de13ched, • ,-- , 'Jj''f[\ , , , fiXing screw I , I '~"-' -enc0der ,,-,-"" --"1' _J I ,;;I \"j~ i m}l.in Sh;lit ~~i'!E!Q~§j :: ~i In ndjus:me::t, alw-ays keep up the !l4'1in shaft hAndle [josition at 100: \Vhen adjust the encoder fix1tlg sc:rev.'S, do not put the {:ncoder in motior: not to mak~ CAUTION thange :hc- value with referring to the screen, ;" ill Adjusting the sensor of threading position. , L Position the encorder at 290 degree, ~ 2. Turn the film to light the sensor of 290 degree with referring to the screen, 3. A fter one more turn and make sure the right position then fix it 9-6. Adjusting the movable mes entry angle and position. When insert the roller in the mes cam by turning the solenoid manual handle manually and turn the main shaft handle, the angle position that the cam driving lever starts to move should be 295~ If the angle is different, adiust the angle in accordance with the following procedures. l. Unscrew the two cam fixing screws and position the main shaft pulley at 295: 2. Insert the roller in the mes cam by lifting up the roller by hand and fix the mes cam fixing screw at the position that the cam driving lever starts to move by turning the cam in the arrow direction. t rotation direction of mes cam the cam solenoid manual handle & CAUTION ! After adjusting the angle, check again that the cam driving lever starts to move at the position of 295~ 3. After finish the above 2, be sure to check the position of the movable mes. as shown in the illustration below, the folding part of the movable meS should come in touch with the edge of the fb:ed Illes. But if not, W1screw the Illes driving lever (U) fixing screw and adjust it by moving the illes driving lever(U) as shown in the illnstration. movable lUes fixed mes ~/---.~.~- the right position of the movable m-es mes d.:iving ieverCc) U1es lever shaft brac:tet 4. After adjusting the position of the movable mes, check up the items below. CD Detach the hook cover. \2) Detach the mes connecting link from the mes driving shaft. o Position the main shaft handle at 180~ ®Set the end point of the movable mes to the center of the needle as shown in the illustration and confirm that the distance is 0.5-1.0 mm. 9-7. Adjusting the picker Jf the picker is not in the right position or doesn'\ operate, some troubles like cutting work is not done or the upper thread gets shorten when do cutting work, may occur, Further, when the machine starts to operate, the thread may come out from the needle because the upper thread is no~ tied. 1, Adjust the entry volume of the picker hy using the adjnsting screw to make reach the both tips of the picker to the bobbin slightly when push the picit by hand. 2, Adjust the height of the picker by using the picker tightening screw after make reach the picker to the bobbin. bobbin pickpr j 9-8. Adjusting the belt tension L Adjusting the tension of the main driving belt. The tension of the main driving belt tension should be N when push down tbe center of the belt of the arrow direction as shown in the illustration below. If the belt tension is too tight or loose, when operate the machine mechanical trouble occurs so that the machine may be damaged. Therefore please adjust the tension as follows. Q) Detach the handle pulley and belt cover. CZJ Unscrew the main motor bracket fixing nut and adjust the belt tension with moving the main motor bracket LIP and down. Q) After adjust the tension, fix the main motor bracket fixing nut and assemble the handle pulley and belt cover being detached. :v;ain Motor Brae-ket :ixi::g bolt -- .. -- ~ ill CAUTlON .~"---.. \Yhen assembling the hand pulley, assemble them eX2ctly placing the position at lOO"and confirm the value should be ~OFp' on the ope:ating screen n?ferring to <9-5, Adjusting the Encoder). 2. Adjusting the X-belt tension The tension of the X-belt tension should be N when push down the center of the belt as shown in the illustration below. If the belt tension is too tight or loose, the life span of the pulley, bearing and belt may get shorten or the embroidery width may get narrow or widen. Therefore adjust the tension as follows. CD Detach the X-cover. ill When detaching the X-cover, be aware of X-motor wiring. CAUTION (2JUnscrew the X-driven timing pulley shaft fixing nut and adjust the tension by using the tension adjusting bolt. GlFix the X-driven timing pulley shaft fixing nut being unscrewed and put the X-cover. r .-.. -. "-,, ... ,.. ",,', . ". X-Driven Timing I J]~!;.T"e.,n.,.s"io"n"..AdjUsting Bolt X-[\''iotor back view of driven pulley X-Driven Timing Pulley Shaft X-Driven Timing Pulley Shaft ',X-Driving ,_ ---.Ii~in~~~l]~y',_ nut Tension Adjusting Bolt belt X-Driven Timing Pulley 3. Adjusting the Y-belt tension The tension of the Y-bclt tension should be ~ when push down the center of the belt after move the Y-rnoving connecting bracket to one side as shown in the illustration below, If the belt tension is too right or loose, the life span of the pulley, bearing and belt may gel shorten or the width of the embroidery may get narrow or widen. Therefore adjus( the tension as CD Detach the base cover. 0Move the Y-moving connectlng bracket to one side. (3) Unscrew rhe tension base tightening screW and adjusting the belt rension by using the tension adjusting screw. ®Fix the tension base tightening screw firmly and put the base cover. /1\ CAUTIOI'! Adjust the right and left of the Y-belt in the same method. - 46 9-9. Adjusting the take-up lever position If the take-up lever position is wrong, the not be done. , I. P osition the main shaft handle at 290. COlOl~ change working win 2. Check out the exact position of both take-up hook set and thread guide bar while slowly lifting the main cylinder np. 3. If the position of take up lever is wrong. loosen the screw in the take-up Hook set and adjust the position like the picture below. Lastly tighten the screw. /~~~. /~>/ ((0% '\ '. Take-Up Hook Set . Take Up Lever /" (' O~\ (11'1\ f) ,. VI \ ~ I \Z../) 17:]····· i I :\ ,:i ~\..'\ " . : \\ 0 l~\ ..~ , I . I/ .... 9-10. Setting up the position of thread sensor l. Each component name of thread sensor system Ser;.sor Bracket fixing b,)lt ,'~"~ .,.--~ Tension Spring Adjusted Pin fl~ingjJoIL. 1J ~cL'~'~ 2, How to adjust the angle of Tension Plate //~ _ti::J3<'211' / .' MfJi!1_Y)S~l!!lm_ I319C~ ;r:;;/ ( r:J'c-.-"~-'l I' :LW"! ~-, ~ ,'- -J I i' ,-. I ' \',,,'i Tensjg~)~late, / '(1 I" ' ( ' 1 .~--.-~ >IJ ! I (Iill, -~-, i : . Ten~l~ S~~;r Un~crewTensio~ Stopper fixing nut Adjust the TenSIOn Stopper left and Light to make the distance from 12 to 13mm between the end of tension plate and main 'vacuum block, Tighten the tension stopper with the fixing nut. ~ . 'i'JenslOn Stopperfi"illh nut '. r_'·I~=l 3. How to set up the position of Thread sensor. Make the tension plate released. Loosen thread sensor bracket fixing bolt and Adjust the position of sensing bar in the middle of upper thread sensor. and position the sensing bar in the middle of lower thread sensor and tighten the sensor bracket fixing bolt. Attention: After tightening the sensor bracket fixing bolt. push forward the tension plate by hand to know whether the sensing bar touches any surface inside the thread sensors or not. If it touches the sensor. move up the sensor and fix it again. Releasing position of sensing bar <; Closing position of sensing bar :> 4. Adjusting Tension plate's spring tension Unscrew the tension spring adjusted pin fixing bolt and then adjust tension plate's tension by turning the tension spring adjusted pin left and right. If you turn the tension spring adjusted pin clockwise, tension gets weak and If you turn it counterclockwise, tension gets strong. 9-11. Pneumatic system each name and layout 1. Each name Pressure Control Valve UT Guide Cylinder '?'hread "."tt;ng' Cylinder Air Block ,Set ComprCS$E'd AIr Prepariltion Set Valve Color ChBJlge Bled: Regulator Solenoid Valve Thread Fit Hook BAse Main VnCU;Jlli I 2. Layout ( I ) Color Change Block Air I3lock Set Y-Fitting Y""it'---"",,:::--+++___ L - Fitting 3. LaYDut (II) VI/iper CyHnder MV 1 1~ D ~, Thn:.~d MRI_.~ Passage , i f91 '. , i, i' I'"~,,~ :I I I -J!" . \, " Ii iI ,i I / I~ ~L:]) UT Cylmde UT Guion Cylinder Maln V2.Cl!:t:n Block , , LMF-;j Main Cylind<~r I CF , ., - --"""tto· ., ' - - ' Thread CuLting Cylinder 10. Trouble and repairing ffi WARNING If the machine is out of order, check up and repair the machine in conformity to the repairing safety instructions. If the machine has the same mechanical trouble even after you conducted the repairing instructions below, turn off the main power and contact with the Inbro's agent or your supplier. 1. The start and operation error Main motor belt . . First, check up whether the belt is broken or not, and refer to the section of [ adjusting belt tension of 9-8. 1 Emergency switch OFF Check up Main Power Switch is ON Check up Sub Power Button is ON Joint Board fllSe . . If you detach a Arm Side Cover, you can find a board. Check up the F1(250V/3A), F2(250V/4A) fuse on the board . . . Check up the fuse (250v, 6.3A) on the inside Noise Filter. Input power . . Check up the input power referring to the specification attached to the machine. In the message of shows up on the operation screen, refer to [9-5 .adjusting the encorder J. . . . Tn the message of shows up on the operation screen. adjust the frame manually to move the design to the inside of the fixed limit. Press the operating buttons in regular sequence of ~.". • . " . . and adjust the frame by pushing For more information. refer to the section of Basics - Frame limits setting of <Operation Manual>. ll 2. The stop position error .,.., If the encoder is broken, replace the encoder and when the message of shows UP. refer to <9-5. Adjusting the Encoder>. Relaxation of til,; main driving'belt .,.., First check up the belt tension and refer to the section of "adjusting the main driving belt tension" of <9-8. Adjusting the Belt Tension>. 3. The upper thre~d sensor error .t.. \ q~ifd~t ~tI+~Thq"'u!l Jev'~r sprilltand sen§ina.Jiliate . """" If the tension spring and sensing plate have dirt or dust. it may calise the upper thread sensor error, so please periodically check the take-up lever spring and sensing plate. Cllt:ck\!p thethr!>lill sensing wiring """" Check up whether the sensor board wiring is correclty connected. 4. The Jumping error . . . Check up whether the needle bar reciprocator is broken or not. And if so, replace the driving cam referring to the <9-3. How to Replace the Needle Bar Reciprocator>. T\iTfJ~fl!ill;ion of thiil needle bar upper dead point stopper . . . Check up the position of the needle bar upper dead point stopper referring to <9-2,Adjusting the Upper Dead PointIRotary hook point>. Jjle q iliftarite between the jump solenoid and the needle bar reciprocator . . . Ifthe distance between the jump solenoid and the needle bar reciprocator is too close the needle bar does not work, and it is too far the jump does not work. __ thE' ;:;'isl2.ncc bet the ju::np sol nne reciprocator "'' ' ' ' The }w:np solenoid connector breakage . . . If you detach a Arm Side Cover, you can find a board. Check up the connecting status of the jump solenoid connector CN29(Red) on the board. If it is broken, replace the jump solenoid. 5. The twisted embroidery . . . Pirst, check up belt tension and adjust the tension referring to "Adjusting X, Y Belt Tension" of <9-8. Adjusting the Belt Tension>. 'The :interfering relation of X. Y and removiil~ q different thins . . . Confirm whether the machine has mechanical burden by moving the X, Y manually. and remove dirt if required. The X, Y Driving shaft and unfastened status of every kind of bolt . • . y " . . . Check up the X, Y driving shaft and unfastened status of every kind of bolt, and if some bolt is unfastened, firmly fasten the bolt. The X, Y stepping motor connector . . . If you open Base cover(L). you can find an X, Y drive board. Please check up the C~ 2 Connector on the board. The X, Y stepping motor driver disorder . . . If the X, Y stepping motor driver is out of order, it should be replaced. , , .... Insert a diskette in to a driver and push the operating buttons in accordance with the sequence below. _ - (D;:r;') \ 9/ .~ For more detailed adjusting method, please refer to the section of" Application - Upgrading the embroidery operating system" of <Operation Manual>, ijEAP Re-I'fogramming .... Insert a diskette into a driver and push the operating buttons in accordance with the sequence below. For more detailed adjusting method, please refer to the section of" Application - Upgrading the Head program" of <Operation Manual>. 6. The thread break ,needle break, skipping over stitch ~ Check up the upper thread tension referring to <4-2. Adjusting the Upper Thread Tension>. Th!'l hook timing and th!'l int!'lrval b!'ltweel1 the hook al1d the l1eedle . . . Check up whether the hook and the needle are set up correctly referring to <9-1. Adjusting the Hook>. Disorder of the hool< 3l1d oiling status . . . Ifyou find a scar at the position passing by a thread, please disappear the scar and supply oil. You should periodicaily supply oil referring to <8-3. Oil Supply>. Checkup the needle plate ~ If you find a scar at the needle plate hole (position passing by a thread), please disappear the scar. Checkup the needle ~ Check up the every needle and if you find the needle get bent or is polluted. replace it. Needle selection . . . It is important to select tbe rigbt needle and thread, reffering to <6-1. needle selection >. Checkup between a needle bar upper dead point and hook point ~ Reffering to <9-2,needle bar upper dead point and hook point>. Thl': " j", ~et~~tillfijill1l~~j,lL~ needle . . Check up the setting-up status of a needle referring to <6-2. Changing a Needle>. ~'" ['lwer threadt:ertsj~h' . . Check up the lower thread tension referring to <5-2. Adjusting the Lower Thread Tension>. Disappearing a ""al' at the position passing by a thread . . If you find a scar at the position (especially toP. middle and bottom of the thread guide, take-up lever & take-up lever spring), please disappear the scar. Bad embroidery design . . If a thread often breaks at the specific design position, you should revise the part of the design. The selection of the embrQidery material, needle ~ thread . . When the embroidery material. needle & thread is inappropriately selected, tbe thread break, needle break and skipping over stitch may occur. The too hard embroidery material Illay have an effect on operation of the presser foot pressure spring, please replace more strong spring. 7. The cutting working error .".. If you detach Arm Side Cover you can find a board. Check up the fuse oj the F1(250V!3A), F2(250V/4A) of the board. The mes solenoid disorder .... Check up whether the mes solenoid is out of order or not. 1£ so, please replace the mes solenoid. The mes solenoid connector .... If you detach Base cover(L) , you can find a board. Check up the sensor connector CN22 on the board, The mes driving link movement up and down ~Referring to <9-6. Adjusting the Movable Mes Entry Angle and Position>, when manually move the mes driving link up and down check up whether it is moving without any interference. Checkup the mes timing c+ Check up the mes timing referring to <9-6. Adjusting the Movable Mes Entry Angle and Position>. The interference of the mes shaft movement right and left ~ When manually move the mes shaft right and left, check up whether it is moving without any interference. 8. The thread can't be cut or get shorten even the mes retracting sensor works normally. ~I!l entry lll'ifle of the movable mes .. Check up whether the entry angle of a movable mes is 290"-295" referring to <9-6. Adjusting the Movable Mes Entry Angle and Position>. The position of the movable mes . . Check up whether the positions of the movable mes and fixing mes are correct or not. If not. adiust the position referring to the illustration of <9-6. Adjusting the Movable Mes Entry Angle and Position>. The a ssembling status of the movable mes and the fixing mes "., When insert a movable mes to a fixing mes. check up whether the position is right. If it is wrong, adjust the position by using the three movable adjusting screws. wrong position Breakage of the movable mos and tho fixing mes !T~" Checl< up wheEher the knife (as indicated the circle in the illustration below) is broken. If it is broken, please replace the knife. . . . Check up the assembling status of the PIcker referring to <9-7. Adjusting the Picker>. Operation pf lil'Ie ~icker . . . Ifyou detach Arm Side Cover. you can find a board. Check up the connecting status of the picker solenoid connector CN23 on the boarel. If the solenoid is broken. replace the picker solenoid. The u pper thread tensiol! . . . Adjust the upper thread tension referring to <4-2. Adjusting the Upper Thread Tension>. Adjusting the remaining upper thread length on the operating screen . . . Adjust the S/M/L of the 2-10 THREAD TRIMMING LENGTH on the screen shown up after pushing the operating buttons in regular sequence of fflIII .... ,.... , . After complete adjusting it. press the _ For UlOre button. information. refer to the secdon of IIApplication - Parameters changeO of <Operation 1v1anual>. 9. The lower thread break . . . When a thread could not be smoothly untwisted owing to the bed rotmion of the lower thread. adjust it referring to <5. Lower Threading and How to Adjust the Tension> or remoVe a dirt of the part passing hy the thread if required. TIlIil h::fwer thread tension . . . Adjust the lower thread tension referring to <5-2. Adjusting the Lower Thread Tension.> Checkup the hook . . . Check up whether the hook (especially the position passing by a thread) get scarred. please disappear the scar. Checkup the needle plate Check up whether the needle plate (the position passing by a thread) get scarred, please disappear the scar. 10. When the upper thread catcher does not operate • If you detach Arm Side Cover, you can find a board. Check up the connecting status of the upper thread catcher motor connector eN6 on the board. If the motor is broken, replace the motor. Chf'ckUp the connecting cable of sol valve of Joint board - , • , Detach Arm Side Cover and check if the board is bad and rep lac it. Trademark ....,...... ; .. I..,~ - - ---- ---- is a trademark of Inbro Co., Ltd COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of these instructions without the express written consent of Inbro Co., Ltd. © 2002. Inbro co., Ltd Note The contents in this instruction are subject to change without notice. www.lnbrotech.com .SAFETY/OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS , i-'