shades of virtuosity - william d. caballero
shades of virtuosity - william d. caballero
ENCORE ONLINE View Kelly Hall-Tompkins’ Imagination on YouTube. Kelly Hall-Tompkins SHADES OF VIRTUOSITY Visionary violinist Kelly Hall-Tompkins unleashes her ‘Imagination’ with new music-video album By Pat Moran K elly Hall-Tompkins sees music in color. The young violin virtuoso has synesthesia, a neurological condition in which stimuli to one sense impacts another. In Hall-Tompkin’s case, musical pitches are also perceived as color. “B is red and C sharp is yel low ish sh ad i ng i nto ora nge,” she explains. Hall-Tompkins’ peculiar gift colors her latest ground-breaking project, the visually sumptuous music-video album Imagination. A potent package, Imagination pairs HallTompkins’ angular performance of Eugene Ysaÿe’s combustible, corkscrewing Violin Sonata in E major, No. 6, with “Pure Imagination,” her own playful jazz-inflected arrangement of family-film classic Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’s main theme. The project has topped 100,000 views on YouTube. For Imagination, she had no doubt that Ysaÿe would form the centerpiece of the CD: Ysaÿe’s sonatas are “the perfect vehicle, not just for technical mastery, but for including imaginative colors and textures,” HallTompkins says, calling the Belgian composer “the thinking-woman’s Paganini.” Hall-Tompkins’ longstanding desire to reach new audiences found its natural culmination in the music-video album Imagination. “People are attracted to my performance visually. They say they get so much more from seeing me,” she says. “So why not bring the visual aspect to a formalized recording?” A lengthy search for a collaborator stalled, until a fortuitous encounter at a concer t brought Ha l l-Tompk ins and c inematog rapher Wi l l ia m Caba l lero together. A violinist and composer as well as a filmmaker, Caballero proved to be an ideal partner for the project. “I went into Imagination with a lot of specific ideas, and they were heightened by his contribution,” she says. Hall-Tompkins’ synesthesia also was put to use for the visualization of Ysaÿe’s 6th Sonata in E major. “E to me is white, a bright white light,” Hall-Tompkins says. In the video, Caballero’s use of a translucent fading effect signifies that light. “There was a synthesis of ideas,” he says. “I wanted something that represented the openness of that E major feeling. So we had white light and doors opening.” In contrast, the images employed for Hall-Tompkins’ arrangement of “Pure Imagination” are whimsical. Lollipops magically appear. Hall-Tompkins blows bubbles, and the performance is contained within a chocolate box she opens at the beginning of the video. Strings (ISSN 0888 3106) is published 12 times a year by Stringletter, 501 Canal Blvd., Ste. J, Richmond, CA 94804-3505. Periodicals postage paid at Richmond, CA, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Strings, Stringletter Publishing, PO Box 8502, Big Sandy, TX 75755-9862. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. Canada Returns to be sent to Pitney Bowes International Mailing Services, PO Box 32229, Hartford, CT 06150-2229. 70 August 2014 / Strings