Parent Information - Taft School District 90
Parent Information - Taft School District 90
PARENT INFORMATION PACKET TAFT SCHOOL DISTRICT 90 CONSUMABLE MATERIALS/ACTIVITY FEES 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR Taft Resident Consumable Materials/Activity Fees are as follows: Consumable Materials: Early Childhood/Speech/Pre-K/Kindergarten – 8th - $ 170.00 Sport Activity Fees: Each Sport - $ 50.00 Track (6th-8th)/Basketball (5th-8th)/Baseball (5th-8th)/Volleyball (5th-8th)/Softball (5th-8th)/ Cheerleading (5th–8th) Graduation Fee: (8th Grade Only) Band (4th-8th) - $ 35.00 Choir (5th-8th) - $ 35.00 8th $ 30.00 - Students will pay the full amount upon registration. Partial reimbursement of book and activity fees may be made upon request should the student transfer, as per the schedule below: Reimbursement Schedule: (1st and 2nd quarters only) Consumable Materials: Early Childhood/Pre-K/Kindergarten-8th - $ 85.00 Activity Fees: No reimbursement No reimbursement will be given during the 3rd and 4th quarters. Students entering school during or by the end of the second grading period will pay the full amount. Those students entering after the second grading period will pay fees as per the following schedule: Third Quarter Consumable Materials: Early Childhood/Pre-K/Kindergarten-8th - $115.00 Fourth Quarter Consumable Materials: Early Childhood/Pre-K/Kindergarten-8th - $85.00 STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE – Available at the beginning of school. TAFT SCHOOL DISTRICT 90 STUDENT SUPPLY LIST 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR KINDERGARTEN Items to label with name 4-two pocket poly folders 1-two pocket folder with 3 prong fasteners 1-pair scissors round blades 1/2” white binder with plastic sleeve on the cover 1 book bag 1-9x7 composition notebook 1-pencil bag 1-set of headphones for computer use Do not label these items 6-glue sticks 1-glue bottle 1-large box of Kleenex 1-roll of paper towels 1-box zip lock snack bags (Boys) 1-box zip lock gallon bags (Girls) 4-regular size #2 pencils 4-box of 24 count crayons 1-set of primary colors washable markers 2-low odor/nontoxic black/blue dry erase markers GRADE 1 12-sharpened pencils 1-box of 24 Crayola crayons 1-box of Crayola markers 2-eight oz. bottle of Elmer’s glue 4-glue sticks 1-pair of scissors 2-large boxes of Kleenex 1-regular size supply box 1-box of watercolor paint set (Prang or Crayola recommended) 1-box zip lock sandwich bags (Girls) 1-box zip lock snack size bags (Boys) 4-two-pocket folders 1-wide-ruled spiral notebook 1-container baby wipes 2-nontoxic dry erase markers 1-set of headphones for computer use (no ear buds) GRADE 2 48-#2 pencils 4-non toxic dry erase markers 1-box 12 colored pencils 1-package sticky post-its 1-box of 24 crayons 1-eight oz. bottle Elmer’s glue 4-glue sticks 1-pointed pair of scissors 4-folders with pockets 1-package baby wipes refill 2-wide-ruled spiral notebooks 2-large boxes of Kleenex 1-supply box 1-box of markers 4-highlighters 1-12”/metric ruler 1-set of ear buds/headphones for computer use 1-roll of paper towels 1-box zip lock sandwich bags (Boys) 1-box zip lock gallon bags (Girls) **optional 2 boxes pencil cap erasers** GRADE 3 24-#2 pencils (yellow only, no mechanical) 1-box of 24 crayons 6-folders with pockets (1 red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) 1-ruler w/inches & cm 1-pair of scissors 2-large boxes of Kleenex 1-box markers 8-non-toxic dry erase markers 2-one-subject spiral notebook wide-ruled 1-package of wide-ruled paper (100-150 sheets) 1-container baby wipes (Girls) 1-roll of paper towels 1-eight oz. bottle of Elmer’s glue and 2-glue sticks 3-packs 3x5 lined index cards 2-Highlighters (different colors) 2-packages Post-it notes 1-set of ear buds/headphones for computer use 1-box zip lock brand gallon bags (Boys) 1-box zip lock brand sandwich bags (all) Note: Lg. gallon zip lock bags will hold supplies. No supply box needed. TAFT SCHOOL DISTRICT 90 STUDENT SUPPLY LIST 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 4 Absolutely NO binders or trappers. They do not fit in the desks. 24- #2 pencils 1-box colored pencils 1-box (12 count) blue erasable pens 1-box zip lock bags-large or small 1-box markers/2-highlighters 6-nontoxic dry erase markers 4-folders with pockets (1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 other) 1-12” ruler with metric 1-pair sharp point scissors 1-bottle Elmer’s glue 3-large boxes of Kleenex 1-container baby wipes 1-supply box 1-box of crayons 3-notebooks 1-packages loose-leaf paper 2-packages sticky post-its 2-glue sticks 1-set of ear buds/headphones for computer use 1-roll paper towels PHYSICAL EDUCATION Grades 1-8: 1-pair gym shoes (for gym use only) (WRITE NAME IN PERMANENT MARKER) Grades 5-6-7-8: 1-gold T-Shirt* 1-pair blue shorts* *May be purchased at the Sports Huddle in Lockport. Boys and girls in 8th grade may use LTHS Gym suits. Purchased at LTHS NAME MUST BE MARKED ON SHIRT, SHOES, AND SHORTS. MUSIC- Grades 5-8 1-two-pocket folder 1-notebook 2-pencils/2-pens **optional: a box of tissues would be appreciated** GRADE 5 4- nontoxic dry erase markers 6-folders with pockets 4-black or blue pens (no gel pens) 6-spiral theme notebooks (wide ruled) 2-large boxes of Kleenex 12-#2 pencils 2-packages loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) 1-box colored pencils 1-8 oz. bottle Elmer’s glue 1-box Crayola washable markers 1-box 24 Crayola crayons 1-pair pointed scissors 1-supply box 4-highlighters (yellow, green, pink, blue) 1-set of ear buds/headphones for computer use 1 box/container of baby wipes **optional: accordion folder/binder/trapper** **access to a dictionary** GRADES 6-7-8 1-ruler w/inches & cm 4-folders with pockets 10-blue, black & red pens and 1 eraser 4-spiral notebooks 3-large boxes of Kleenex (Homeroom Class) 2-three subject notebooks 1-composition notebook (7th & 8th grade Language Arts) 1-pair scissors 1-bottle of glue or glue stick 24-#2 pencils with erasers (mechanical or non-mechanical) 2-packages loose-leaf paper 1-box 24 crayons 1-box Crayola markers 1-supply box 4-packages 3x5 lined index cards 1-package graph paper 1-clear plastic report covers 1-container antibacterial wet wipes (Homeroom Class) 1-set of ear buds/headphones for computer use 4-packages Post-it notes 1-package highlighters 1-two inch or larger binder to stay at school 1-package of binder dividers 1-calculator (TI30X2S) STUDENT HEALTH RECORD REQUIREMENTS FROM THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ARE AS FOLLOWS: Kindergarten Must have a physical exam completed by an Illinois physician within one-year prior to the date of entry into school Must have a completed eye exam within one year prior to October 15th of the current year Completed evaluation for lead poisoning risk Must have completed dental exam prior to May 15th of the current year Up-to-date immunizations – 2 MMR Must have two doses of Varicella before entering K or proof of disease 2nd Grade Must have completed dental exam prior to May 15th of the current year 6th Grade Must have a physical exam completed by an Illinois physician within one-year prior to the date of entry into school Must have completed dental exam prior to May 15th of the current year Up-to-date immunizations Must have one dose of Meningococcal If a student is entering an Illinois school at any grade level from out of state; or entering school for the first time, the child must have: A physical exam completed by an Illinois physician within one year prior to date of school entry Immunizations must comply with the State of Illinois requirements New and transfer students have 30 days from date of entry to comply with physical and immunization requirements 6th , 7th , and 8th Grade Must have one dose of T dap by the date of entry into school to comply with the new Illinois Department of Public Heath requirement 6th grade must have 1 dose Meningococcal before entry into school. NOTE: A completed IESA/IHSA sports form CAN NOT be accepted as proof of a physical examination for mandated physicals. The Department of Human Services Health Examination Form MUST be thoroughly completed by the physician and parent/legal guardian to be valid. APRIL, 2016 Taft Foundation bulletin Taft Elementary School, 1909 Delete text and place photo here TAFT FOUNDATION’S CALL FOR SUPPORT Taft Foundation continues to receive financial support from gracious donors in the greater Lockport area. If you are interested in supporting Taft Foundation, there are several ways that you can help: Make a charitable donation If you are able to donate, please make your check payable to ‘Taft Foundation’. All donations will go directly to funding next year’s educational programs and are tax deductible. Please send all donations to Taft School with your child’s registration packet. *Tax ID 27-3081069* Donate your expertise We are currently seeking volunteers for a variety of organizational needs. Donate your time Join Taft Foundation and help us ensure academic excellence for the next 100 years. Continue newsletter text here. Continue AFT OUNDATION newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here.1605 Continue newsletter text here. Continue S. WASHINGTON STREET newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text OCKPORT , IL text 60441 here.LContinue newsletter here. Continue 815.212.1168 newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. T F Continue newsletter text here. Continue Taft Elementary School is a place that has offered quality education for over 100 years. Taft School abounds with historical charm that enriches and preserves Lockport’s historical significance. However, over the last decade, financial burdens of an aging school and the proximity of the school distant from local business or corporate support has dwindled any funds that may provide educational opportunities that other Lockport area schools currently offer their students. The purpose of Taft Foundation is to support and fund educational programs and opportunities for all students at Taft School. Taft Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises private funds to support complementary education programming for Taft School. What is Taft Foundation? Non-profit organization raises private funds to support educational programs and technology. Created and maintained by volunteers Supported by Taft District 90 BOE Currently in our 8th year So far this year, Taft Foundation has donated over $20,000 to Taft School for extra curricular activities, technology purchases, and teacher mini grants. Contact Us! Email: [email protected] Phone: (815) 212-1168 Write: Taft Foundation 1605 S. Washington Street Lockport, IL 60441 Taft PTA Membership Form 2016-2017 “Where partnership is a work of heart.” Please fill out one form per family. Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________ E-mail:_________________________________ Phone: _________________ Name(s) of child(ren) at Taft Grade Teacher ______________________________ _____ ________________ ______________________________ _____ ________________ ______________________________ _____ ________________ ______________________________ _____ ________________ Taft PTA can continue to be a success with your partnership! It is a wonderful way to meet other parents, students, and teachers! Being a member does not obligate or require you to attend all or any of our meetings. It shows your support for your child and our school. Attending meetings and volunteering are always optional! The amount of involvement is up to you! A few of the activities we sponsor are listed below. (In addition, see the 2 Hour Power form for an all inclusive list!) Family Fun/Craft Nights Fundraising/Walk A Thon Teacher Appreciation Week Holiday Shoppe Birthday Treats Copy Cats Membership is only $5.50 per person. Please enclose your payment in cash, or check made out to Taft PTA with this form. Please list the names of all members that will be paid. Please check form of payment: ___ Cash ___ Check Total: __________ Name_______________________ Name____________________________ Phone: _____________________ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________ E-mail: __________________________ Dear Parents, If we can get every Taft parent to commit Just 2 Hours to helping out, we can do amazing things for our kids and our school. Will you please take the 2 Hour Involvement Pledge? We’ve started using a program called 2 Hour Power that emphasizes that all help, any help makes a huge difference for schools. The research is so clear – kids at schools with a broad base of involved parents perform markedly better on all kinds of key school measures. As you’ll see from the enclosed Interest Survey & Pledge Form, we’d love to help you get involved in any way that works for your schedule and interests. What would you like to do? When would you like to do it? We’d like to work with you to make sure all parents can pitch in. Involvement is for everyone. We’d love your 2 Hours, and --Really! We promise! – there’s no obligation beyond helping out in this small, but important way. If you’d like to do more – great, but we know that’s not a fit for everyone. Participating in our 2 Hour Power program is easy. Simply complete the enclosed Interest Survey & Pledge Form and return it to school with your child. We’ll then be in touch with opportunities that fit your interests and availability. Together, we can make a huge difference at our school! As always, please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks in advance, Kris Jensen PTA President 708-769-3323 [email protected] Please fill out one pledge form for each parent/guardian in your family. ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME RELATIONSHIP ___________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ____________________________________ _____________________________________ CHILD’S NAME CHILD’S NAME CLASS / GRADE CLASS / GRADE ____________________________________ _____________________________________ CHILD’S NAME CHILD’S NAME CLASS / GRADE CLASS / GRADE Yes, please include me in the school directory! Yes! I pledge to give 2 hours to our school this year. 1. The Types of Opportunities I’m Most Interested In Are: Fun Fair Field Day Bingo Fundraisers Walk A Thon Student Council Holiday Shoppe Teacher Appreciation Trunk or Treat B-day treats Copy Cat (Xeroxing) Book Fair 2. Do You Have a Unique Talent or Skill that you’d like to share or access to a unique resource that might be a great fit for the school (like company matching gift program or a pickup truck perfect for deliveries) ? Or any other ideas for an activity or an event? Please list any or all below: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. The Days, Times and Types of Activities Best For Me Are: (Please check all that apply) The School Day After School At School From Home Weekday Evenings Weekends Please call or email if we can be of any help or if you have any of your own ideas for getting involved. Contact: Kris Jensen at 815-836-0758 or email her at [email protected]