La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich


La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich
La Lettre de l’
Chers amis francophones & francophiles
Chers amis francophones et francophiles,
Nous sommes heureuses de vous présenter les nouveautés
de cette saison d’été, à commencer par la célébration du 14
juillet avec le lever du drapeau français à 8h devant la mairie de Greenwich. Le maire de Greenwich Monsieur Peter
Tesei ainsi que Monsieur Yann Yochum du Consulat Général de France à New York seront parmi nous. Toutes les
personnes présentes sont invitées à un petit déjeuner chez
Bistro V (Versailles).
A ne pas manquer, une dégustation de vin français au
Horseneck Wines Shop le 8 juillet au soir.
Le 16 juillet venez vous joindre à nous au Théâtre Avon
pour la projection du film «Trois Coeurs» dans le cadre de
notre Cinémathèque .
Nous vous attendons tous à notre Cocktail de rentrée qui
aura lieu le 9 septembre de 6 heures à 8 heures du soir au
Greenwich Art Center.
L’Alliance Française continue de développer son programme éducatif et culturel en proposant des nouveautés comme par exemple notre colonie de vacances pour enfants qui
aura lieu dans le cadre formidable du centre Audubon à
Dear francophone friends,
We are happy to present to you the new events of the season starting with the Bastille Day (July 14th) raising of the
French flag in front of the Greenwich Town Hall. The First
Selectman of Greenwich, Peter Tesei will be with us along
with Yann Yochum from the French Consulate in New
York. Everyone is invited to a complementary breakfast at
Bistro V (Versailles) afterwards.
Do not miss a French Wine Tasting at Horseneck Wines
Shop on July 8 in the evening.
On July 16th the French Cinémathèque at the Avon will
present a film «Three Hearts » (Trois Coeurs).
Our opening Cocktail will be held on September 9 from
6pm-8pm at the Greenwich Art Center. We look forward to
seeing you all for a friendly evening.
The Alliance Française continues to develop our education
programs and cultural events such as our summer camp,
which will take place in the wonderful Audubon Center in
The entire team of the Alliance Française of Greenwich
joins us in wishing you a wonderful summer vacation and
thank you for your support.
L’équipe de l’Alliance Française de Greenwich se joint à
nous pour vous souhaiter de bonnes vacances et vous
remercier de votre fidélité.
Renée Ketcham & Gail Covney
Pages 2-3: Special Events
Pages 4:-5: Cinema
Pages 6-7: Literature
Pages 8-9: Festival | Education
Pages 10:-11 Cuisine | Near You
Page 12: Membership
Flag Raising & Celebration
299 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: (203) 629-1340 [email protected]
Bastille Day
Tuesday, July 14 | 8am
Flag Raising
At Greenwich Town Hall
Ceremony followed by
A Petit déjeuner at
101 Field Point Road
Come sing La Marseillaise &
The Star-Spangled Banner!
Marc & Evelyn Penvenne, will welcome AFG
members who attend the flag raising with a
traditional “petit déjeuner” of croissants, pains au
chocolat and viennoiseries, as well as coffee, tea
and juices. Come from Greenwich Town Hall and
live the experience of a Parisien café for a little
What could be better!
In the presence of Greenwich
First Selectman, Peter J. Tesei &
Mr. Yann Yochum, Representive from
the French Consulate
in New York.
Bastille Day Dinner Celebration
Tuesday July 14 | 7pm
Bistrôt V
339 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT
$55 per person
(beverage, tax and gratuity not included)
[email protected]
Special Events
Thursday July 9 | 6:30pm-9pm
American Yacht Club
499 Stuyvesant Ave, Rye, NY.
Please join Renee Ketcham as guests at the American
Yacht Club Picnic point for a Casual Steamed Lobster
Dinner including 1 1/2 pound steamed lobster, side
salads and dessert.
Members are asked to bring a bottle of wine.
Cost $40/person
(seating limited to 20)
The Alliance Francaise of Greenwich
& Horseneck Wines
Invite you to a
In the evening time TBD
Wednesday July 8
25 E Putnam Ave | Greenwich, CT
RSVP [email protected] | 203-629-1340
RSVP: 203-629-1340
Prepayment required by
credit card or check
To Alliance Francaise of
Byram Shubert Library | 21 mead Avenue | Greenwich, CT 06830 | 7:00pm on a Thursday
Argentina’s “Wild Tales” . Perhaps the best multi-story feature , a nominee for this year’s Best Foreign-Language Film Oscar, that feels as
amazingly cohesive as it is relentlessly clever and entertaining.
Winner of 2015 Oscar for the Best Foreign film, (Director, Powel
Pawlikowski), Ida has been described as “a masterpiece” by the New
Yorker. Anna, a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a dark family secret dating back from the
years of the Nazi occupation.
Winner of 7 César Awards in 2015 and nominated for the Oscar for Best
Foreign film. Abderrahmane Sissako’s film was screened at Focus on
French Cinema 2015. A French Mauritian film, Timbuktu tells the story of a
Malian cattleman (Ibrahim Ahmed) and his family who face the wrath of Islamic fundamentalists after a tragic accident.
A Film by Luc Jacquet
Ice and Sky ( La Glace et le Ciel ) is a 2015 Documentary film
by Luc Jacquet ( March of the Penguins, 2005 ) about the work
of Claude Lorius, who began studying Antarctic ice in 1957, and,
in 1965, was the first scientist to be concerned about global
warming. The film was selected to close the 2015 Cannes Festival.
A TV documentary, educational programs and two expeditions to
the Arctic and the Antarctic will follow the October 2015 release
in France.
For more information on the project visit:
French Cinémathèque
DV D s
Presented by Alliance Française of Greenwich & the Avon Theatre in Stamford
299 Greenwich Avenue | Greenwich, CT
Thurs., July 16 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
3 HEARTS presents a headily romantic
look at a classic love triangle. One night
in provincial France, Marc meets Sylvie
after missing his train back to Paris. Instantly and intensely drawn to one another. A thwarted plan for a second
meeting sends each in a separate direction - Sylvie reunites with her ex and
leaves France; Marc falls in love and
marries. What neither knows is that
Marc's new bride is Sylvie's sister,
Sophie. Upon Sylvie's return to France,
the spark between her and Marc is reignited in ways that will forever alter the
relationships between sister to sister and
husband to wife .
Thurs., August 13 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
Eager to lead the life of an independent
socialite in the city, Louise moves back
from the suburbs to her Paris apartment. Balancing a steady boyfriend in
the suburbs with a best friend, Octave.
Louise cannot untangle herself from the
emotional realities of her various romantic encounters. One of Eric Rohmer's
most renowned films. Heralded as “a
small masterpiece” and “the very best of
Rohmer”by The New York Times.
Thurs, September 10 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
With Guest Luc Hardy, Greenwich
Explorer and Environmentalist.
Set in and around a nuclear-power
plant, an unskilled laborer who arrived at the facility is assigned a
maintenance job, Gary, like all of his
lower-level co-workers at the plant
puts himself at tremendous risk everyday. Gary may be putting himself at
even more risk when he and Karole,
the fiancée of one of his workmates,
fall madly in love.
Disaster, whether physical or emotional, may be imminent, but
Zlotowski handles the fallout with
considerable intelligence.
A high school French
teacher is drawn into a
precocious student's
increasingly transgressive story about his
relationship with a
friend's family. 2015
Francis Ozon,
A Belge-Francophobe
customs officer is
forced to team up with
a Frenchman during
the elimination of the
Franco-Belge borders.
2010 Dany Boon.
A man and a woman
fall in love after he
decides to have a sex
change. A film by the
very talented young
Candian Director Xavier Dolan (2012).
A new speechwriter
must navigate the
rough waters of internal
politics while trying to
compose an important
address for his boss,
the minister of foreign
affairs. 2013 Bertrand
The film relates how nine adventures,
including Luc Hardy follow in the footsteps of Explorer Ernest Shackleton
100 years after the epic 1914 Endurance expedition that remains one of
the greatest survival stories of Antarctic exploration.
At the Avon Theatre - 272 Bedford Street - Stamford, CT 06901
Carte Blanche: FREE | Avon & AFG Members: $6 | Nonmembers: $11
A whimsical inventive fantasy by director JeanPierre Jeunet (2009).
International Book Club
Byram Shubert Library | 5-6pm | rsvp: [email protected] - 203.629.1340
Tue s da y, J ul y 28
The Book of Las t Fra gra nces
Jac L 'Etoile is plunged into a world she thought she’d left behind when her brother, co-heir to their
father’s storied French perfumery, makes an earthshattering discovery in the family archives, and
then suddenly goes missing— leaving a dead body in his wake.
This marvelous, spellbinding novel comes to life as richly as our most wildly imagined dreams.
Tuesday, September 22
Waiting for Snow in Havana
is a 2003 book by Carlos Eire and winner of the National Book Award for Nonfiction. The book is
Waiting for Snow in Havana is both an exorcism and an ode to a paradise lost for the Cuba of
Carlos’s youth—with its lizards and turquoise seas and sun-drenched siestas.
Club de Lecture
Byram Shubert Library | 1:30pm
1ere Réunion de l’Année
Mercredi 26 Aout | 1:30pm
Bibliotheque de Byram
Réunion amicable des membres du Club de Lecture. Distribution des livres
(pour les groupes). Dates des futures discussions.
[email protected] | [email protected]
One Book One Federation
Federation of Alliances Francaises Selection
Le Chapeau de Mitterand
This prize-winning French bestseller is a charming fable about the
power of a hat that takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride through
French life during Mitterand years.
A workshop and discussion will be scheduled in the winter.
Stay tuned!
Proust Corner
The Truth
By: Fereshteh Priou
With Proust, it is almost impossible to
know the full truth about the characters
in his book. The narrator, who is an
unreliable source, is the only voice we
hear and therefore we have no way of
knowing for sure the veracity of his
comments on situations, people and
events. Proust lets us comb through
the narrator’s observations and sort
out on our own, what is true and what
is not. He certainly gives us enough
subtle hints, but he never presents us
with a conclusive result. Left to our
own devices, we find it a complex task
to separate the realities from falsehoods. And then, he questions our
conclusions about those realities and
falsehoods and plants additional seeds
of doubt and reservation in our minds.
The question worth pondering is what
is the truth? It is easy to state that we
expect the truth to be about things as
they really are, but the baffling fact is
that often, the truth is what we imagine
it to be. Truth depends on our preconceived ideas, our perceptions, our
background and our state of mind. The
reality changes when you look at it
from different angles just like when
you look at a sculpture while walking
around it. The perception also depends at how near or far we are from
the object. At times, Proust uses the
metaphor of distance to bring the point
across. He talks at length about the
view of a field at Cambray from the top
of the church compared to when he is
near that field. This symbolizes the
fact that we see people from far and
make a judgment about them, but our
notion of them changes when we get
to know them better by being closer.
unexpected revelation that truth cannot be calculated and therefore determined with total certainty.
Proust is not wrong in telling us that
reality is subjective as well as relative
and that one person’s truth is completely different from another’s. We
rely on our senses to figure things out,
but our senses are not only erroneous,
but also superficial. They can never
penetrate the deep layers of another
person’s true self. We do our best to
decide what we think of others, but
those others can suddenly surprise us
with an act or a behavior we never
expected. We then become helpless
and at times also clueless because of
the shock of this discovery and the
later. Also the self we present to others, can be different depending on
who those “others” are. How we act at
work is different from how we act with
our family and friends. We are multidimensional, forever-changing creatures who show different facets to different people at different times, similar
to clouds moving over a sky, unattainable and ephemeral.
Some philosophers point at the fact
that the only truths we can be confident about are the ones that can be
calculated or be defined by math and
In his book, Proust often reflects on quantified by numbers. One’s birthday,
the whole idea of real and imaginary. age, weight, height, dates for major life
He thinks our idea of a person, even events or even blood test results are
those closest to us, is based only on concrete and not subject to speculaour imagination and has little to do tion, albeit people at times try to mawith that person’s true self. The fa- nipulate and alter those numbers as
mous love affair between Odette de well and present them differently. As
Crecy and Charles Swann was mainly compared to numbers, the behavior,
based on the image Swann created in thoughts and personality of people
his head about Odette’s resemblance could be transitory and not always
to Zipporah, a painting by Botticelli that solid and reliable. The very nature of
he was in love with. This idealization of “self” is to be vague. Knowing someOdette is of course an illusion and a one mathematically is not only imposcreation of his mind, which keeps sible, but it means that we can turn
Swann from seeing her for what she them into a formula, and therefore
really is. This detachment from reality make them less human. People are
leaves Swann, years later, with a feel- interesting because we can never
ing of regret about the whole relation- have them pinned down entirely and it
ship. And of course we are not even is the nature of self to elude capture.
delving into the fact that this little detail Not only people’s true selves are
about art playing games with our mind, vague and indecipherable, but also the
is an attempt on Proust’s part to prove fact that individuals change over time,
to us the power of arts and the superi- makes the task doubly unattainable.
ority of what an imaginary artistic crea- Who we are in our 20’s are distances
tion has over the real stuff of life.
away from who we become decades
Upcoming Meetings for Proust Group:
7/9, 8/13 & 9/10, 5 -7 pm at the Byram
Shubert Library—Discussions are in
English, led by Fereshteh Priou
[email protected]
Cocktail de Rentrée
Wednesday September 9 | 6-8 pm
Join friends and Alliance Française members for the annual Cocktail
de la Rentrée, an evening of French wine and “amuse bouches”.
Renée and Gail will announce many of the fabulous programs
already ‘in works”for the coming year.
$20 for members
$25 for non-members
Members are welcome to bring a friend who might be interested in
joining the AFG.
Greenwich Art Center
Meeting Room
299 Greenwich Ave.
[email protected]
Concert at the Byram Shubert Library
An evening with Giacomo Puccini
Thursday September 17 | 7pm
Soprano Claire Stadtmueller sang the role of Tosca in New York's Central Park
with New York Grand Opera under Maestro Vincent La Selva. He then invited her
to sing Amelia in Verdi's Un Ballo in Maschera. This past season she sang a recital for the American Wagner Society in Chicago. This season she sings her first
She made her Carnegie Hall debut in Beethoven's Missa Solemnis. Egon Stadelman wrote for the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung: "Of the solo quartet, soprano
Claire Stadtmueller was by far the most outstanding. She enjoyed a star moment
and took advantage of it to the loudly exclaimed enthusiasm of the audience."
Cooking Class at the Byram Shubert Library
Saturday September 26 | 10:30am
Learn how to prepare
Quiche à la Tomate & Tarte aux Pommes
with AFG Board Member Sylviane Liebowitz.
RSVP: [email protected]
Education (to access all the brochures…)
Contact: [email protected] | 203.629.1340
French Immersion
Ecole du Samedi
for Children 3-5
Tuesday - Friday
9:am - 12:00 pm
For Bilingual Children
3 Sat. per month
9:30 - 12:30 am
at 299 Greenwich Ave
Board of Directors
2014 - 2015
La Table Française
Renée Ketcham
Gail Covney
Fereshteh Priou
Next Table Francaise will be scheduled
in October
More information will follow!
Have a nice summer.
Honorary Board Member
School Relations:
Bourses et Prix :
Education outreach:
International Book Club:
Table Francaise:
Proust Group:
Cultural Liaison
Jean-Louis Gerin
Gail Covney
Mimi Wind
Catherine Ladnier
Renée Ketcham
Gail Covney
Marcia Josephson
Gail Covney
Anne Kern
Lucie Chabrol
Paule Khoury
Gail Covney
Renée Ketcham
Sylviane Leibowitz
Fereshteh Priou
Miguel García-Colón
Farah Walczuk &
Antoine Bancharel
Les activités habituelles de l’Alliance
Round Hill Community Church Parlor
Tuesdays |1.30pm
397 Round Hill Road
Les Causeries
Le deuxième lundi du mois à 13h30 à moins
d’un avis contraire @ Cos Cob Library
Marie Agnès Peters, Tél: (203) 355-1787
Gérard Laurent, Tél: (203) 661-9420
Reed Lecture Conversation
Troisième mardi à 13h30
@ Byram Shubert Library
Francis Polizio, Tél: (914) 939-1092
Café franco-américain
Tous les deux vendredis à 9h30.
Discussion chez un particulier. Une heure
en anglais et une heure en français.
Susan Benthall, Tél: (203) 322-9219
Club de lecture
Discussion dirigée de 5 livres dans l’année.
Mimi Wind, Tél: (203) 355-9499
Claire Schwartz, Tél: (914) 273-9588
Le dernier jeudi du mois à 19h @ Byram
Shubert Library
Le jeudi à 13h00 @ Cos Cob Library
Pour les amoureux du cinéma français.
Projection vidéo suivie d’une discussion.
Mimi Wind, Tél: (203) 355-9499
Le Visage de L’Alliance
Toute personne qui connait Vera Blankley sait qu'elle a une
opinion bien à elle, qu'elle n'hésitera pas à exprimer mais
qu'elle est aussi d'une gentillesse extrême. De mère allemande et de père belge, elle est née en Allemagne mais
n'y vecu que quelques mois. Elle grandit en Belgique qu'elle
quitte à l'âge de 21 ans, aprés ses études, et part à Londres
travailler à l'ambassade de Belgique. Elle commence là-bas
sa carrière d'interpréte de conférence en 1969 et y rencontre John, son futur mari. En 1983, elle suit John aux Etats-Unis à cause de
son travail. Ils s'installent à Greenwich et c'est là qu'elle elèvera ses enfants,
2 filles et un garçon. Elle devient interprète de conférence aux Nations Unies .
Elle a de nombreuses passions: ses petits-enfants (4, dont 3 garçons et une fille),
son travail, la lecture, le jardinage, les randonnées, la méditation ainsi que la musique classique. A l'Alliance Française, elle est un membre actif des 2 clubs de
lecture de la bibliothèque de Byram, participe aussi aux Reed Lecture conversations qui ont lieu le 3ème mardi du mois et aux conférences . Elle compte bien
retourner au ciné club de Cos Cob en Septembre, lorsqu'elle aura fini de prendre
soin à plein temps de sa petite fille qu'elle adore!
Proust Group
17h00 See page 7 for dates & location
Fereshteh Priou, Tel: (203) 918-1238
La Table Française
Le premier jeudi du mois
Sylviane Liebowitz, Tel: (914) 536-8643
Paule Khoury
Events Near You
Greenspeed Musicals
My Paris
July 23-August 16
A new musical about the life
and times of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the artist who
captured the gaiety, color and
heartbreak of Montmartre,
C’est magnifique!
Music and Lyrics by Charles Aznavour
Special Matinée rate August 5 and 12
For transportation and more information
Contact AFG office
203-629-1340 | [email protected]
The Summer Music
Program of the
Greenwich Arts Council
The Chamber Players of the Greenwich
Symphony in Concert
Wednesday July 22 | 7pm
Greenwich Arts Building
299 Greenwich Ave
For Reservation call GAC: 203-862-6750
Come attend the Bastille Day Celebration
in New York presented by FIAF
July 12 | noon-5pm
Ultimate summer fête. An afternoon of
French food, culture, and entertainment
For more information visit
A Glimpse at your Alliance Past Events
with Guest Luc Hardy
Wine and Cheese Tasting
299 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Tel. : (203) 629-1340
[email protected]
The Alliance Française of Greenwich is also…
Le Centre de l’Alliance Française: our center, located in the Arts Center, 299 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, CT is open to the public
Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
French Classes: classes are held at the AFG Center, Monday through Saturday. Call Farah Walczuk (203) 629-2301
Website : Visit us at:
For more information, please contact our office during our regular business hours at (203) 629-1340
The Alliance Française of Greenwich is a non-profit organization.
› Amazing Co-membership offer with
French Institute - Alliance Française
(FIAF) in New York!
Please call us, email us, or stop by the
office for more information on this
incredible opportunity
Starting this year, new Members of the Alliance Française of
Greenwich, CT also automatically become FIAF
Members, gaining access to all FIAF Member
benefits, including amazing cultural
programs & discounts in NY!
Current Members of the Alliance Française of Greenwich
can also upgrade to this co-membership and start
enjoying the many programs & world-class
events of one of the most respected
centers of French-American activities in the U.S!
Prices upon request