November/December - Temple Israel of Sharon
November/December - Temple Israel of Sharon
[THE LUACH The newsletter of Temple Israel of Sharon, a traditional egalitarian community November/December 2014 President’s Message Judaism and its religious traditions? Is it time for us to consider our own “big tent”? I think so…. Speaking of our next rabbi, we have, as you now know, formed the Rabbi Search Committee and the process is under way. Our Executive VP, Ed Hershfield, chair of the committee, will lead this exceptional group through the process. Stay tuned for opportunities to “weigh in” and share your views, as every member is an important person in our kehillah, our community. I encourage you all to take part in the focus groups being organized by the Rabbi Search Committee. Let your voices be heard. My very best to a wonderful and thoughtful community, Arnie Freedman Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah are now behind us. Whew! There were a lot of balls I do believe it is time for us to be more inclusive, expansive, and up in the air! Welcome to 5775! Our people have certainly been outgoing to capture the hearts and minds of our younger families around for a long time. and those of all ages who are disenfranchised. This should, of course, not be done at the expense of alienating our traditionalists. I hope you all enjoyed the High Holy Days this year and had an opportunity to experience the beautiful davening of several of our We seek to build bridges throughout our community and become an even stronger synagogue than we are today. members, Cantor Dress, and our visiting cantorial soloist Amy Robinson-Katz. We also enjoyed the leadership and guidance of I truly enjoyed seeing and talking with so many of our members Rabbi Gordon and our visiting rabbis, Rabbi Charles Savenor, over the holidays. I know we “come together” during the good Rabbi Adam Greenwald, and Rabbi Joel Rembaum. times and the tough times too. It is a privilege to serve our We tried some new things this year with our alternative service, community. led by Rabbi Greenwald and Amy Robinson-Katz, on the second Many thanks to Rabbi Gordon and Cantor Dress, visiting rabbis day of Rosh Hashanah. I hope you had an opportunity to sit in and cantorial soloist, our Executive Director Benjamin Maron and on this service, as I know many people enjoyed it. Remember, office staff, as well as our custodial staff, for making the High Holy the experiments are to see what we enjoy, appreciate, and value, Days so warm and meaningful for us all. and also to see perhaps what we do not like. Knowing both is important and brings value to Temple leadership in making In the coming year, I look forward to sharing in your joy and hope decisions about our next rabbi. that I may continue to be a source of support in your time of need. Welcome New Members Ron & Deb Alkalay Daniel & Lisa Azrin Brian & Melissa Bell Simon Brook & Ann Baranov Samantha Cappelletti Sumner & Selene Chados One year ago I asked: Are we keiruv friendly? Keiruv literally Evan & Lisa Einstein means “to bring close or to draw near,” and is a beautiful Jewish Marc & Julie Fireman value that embraces inclusion. Keiruv is the heart and soul of Brad & Amy Gaynor that which has sustained us as a community for generations. John & Hana McGowan Throughout our history, the word “keiruv” has meant the endeavor Seth & Dana Gitell to bring close all those among the Jewish people who feel, for Tracy Katz whatever reason, far away from the community. How do we meet Alexander & Ann Katznelson the needs of all of us who sit under “the big tent” of Conservative Howard & Sheryl Lampert Ilya & Jane Leybovich Tony & Susan Librot Ken & Nancy Marin Dan McLoughlin & Jackie Modiste Joey & Amy Regen Mark & Tamara Rosenzweig Aaron & Kathy Salkin Mike & Andrea Segal Josh & Leah Siegel Jeremy & Michelle Sigel Josh & Nancy Werner Efraim & Jessica Yudewitz COMMUNITY Religious School Here we go again! It’s that time of the year, when we finish reading the Torah, that famous five-volume Book of Moses all wrapped up in one scroll. Then, immediately after finishing it, we begin again, reading it, teaching it, and learning it right from the beginning! As a Jewish educator I love this, but how is it that this does not become boring, stale, redundant? There is no clear-cut answer to this question, but I am convinced that it is impossible for the study of the exact same words of Torah to be a dull experience for anyone. I often remind students that while the words of each weekly Torah portion are the same as last year’s, the students themselves have changed from the year before. I think that this is a wonderful way for teachers and parents to empower their children to take some ownership of their education and nurture them along the path of becoming lifelong learners. Of course, great teachers are always able to find new ways of approaching the same subject, and so much of the success of our educational program is to their credit. I feel fortunate and blessed to be working once again with an amazing group of teachers, who daily demonstrate their capacity to learn, to teach, and to share new insights with others. I want to thank these teachers for the ways in which they support and grow the Jewish educational experiences for our Temple Israel children and their families: Joy Almekies (Kitah Bet, Kitah Vov, Havurah Leader); Shoshana Czik (Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing Leader); Cantor Steven Dress (Kitah Vov and Tefilah consultant for all grades); Barbara Fine (Kitah Hey, Kitah Zayin, Telem Gesher, reading specialist); Rabbi David Finkelstein (Kitah Vov/Zayin Intensive); Elaine Glick (Kitah Gimel, Kitah Dalet, Kitah Dalet Enrichment, Kitah Hey, Kitah Hey Int/Enr, Havurah Leader); Jill Grasfield (Gan); Simmie Hefetz (Kitah Gimel); Rina Holtzman (Kitah Bet, Kitah Hey, Kitah Vov, Kitah Zayin Hebrew Elective, Havurah Leader); Cindy Kaplan (Kitah Zayin Art Elective, Art Specialist, Telem Gesher); Paula Lawless (Special Needs Consultant); Maureen Mintz (Kitah Vov Midrash/Drama Elective); Debbie Moukit (Music Specialist); Leah Sherman (Kitah Vov Cooking Elective); Sharon Weinberg (Kitah Aleph, Hebrew Reading Enrichment Specialist, office support); Jesse Wolf (Shevet Achim Boys Rosh Hodesh Group Leader); Shayna Yarmush (Kitah Gimel, Kitah Dalet). This year, too, we will have the added insights and teachings of Rabbi Leslie Gordon, Rabbi Ed Gelb, and many others who will be on deck to help us see Torah in new and meaningful ways. Recently, Cantor Dress reminded me that the Torah is a sign of God’s love for the Jewish people. It is our lasting legacy, our gift, a treasure, a “tree of life” to sustain us for generations, and it is full of love and learning. In fact, when you connect the last letter of the Torah (which is a lamed )לto the first letter of the Torah (a bet or vet )ב, you get the word lev, which means heart ♥. And so, off to another of year filled with much promise, hope, and most of all, a great love of Jewish learning! Alisa Levine, Director of Education Correction In the last issue of the Luach the following names were omitted from the article about the March of The Living: Other Temple Israel members who attended the March were Irv Kempner, Motti Pupkin, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Warshaw, and Sara Goodwin. The article was submitted by Aaron Kischel and Lynn Brandes. For more information please contact Mr. Irv Kempner at [email protected]. Be In Touch! Main Office: 781-784-3986 The office is open [email protected] Thursday, 9am-5pm, and Religious School Office: 781- Friday 9am-1pm. 784-1280 We can also be found online: twitter: @TISharonMA instagram: TISharonMA Have You Been to Daily Minyan? Whether you join the daily minyan regularly or haven’t been in a while (or ever), we’d love to have you join us any morning or evening! Minyan times and info: Honor a Special Occastion: Sponsor Kiddush Birthday? Wedding anniversary? Yahrtzeit? Simcha? New job? Graduation? Newly empty-nesters? Last weekend of the month? The Red Sox won? All great excuses to sponsor kiddush at Temple Israel! Contact the office for info. COMMUNITY Hertz Nursery School Our Hertz education team embraces the Reggio ideal pictured here, and strives to encourage children to follow it. Woodland Wilderness and outdoor play is a strong component to this philosophy. Not always easy to do, but healthful for all! Hertz enjoyed the holiday season with a harvest hayride at Ward’s, Woodland Wilderness sukkah building, and looking at an unrolled Torah and ending the Five Books of Moses to begin again. We are excited to be back to Bereishit (Genesis)! Sunday, November 2, Hertz is hosting an open house and free concert featuring “Small Singers and Shakers,” 10:00am - 12:00pm. Face painting and arts and crafts will be available. This program is open to the entire community, and ends in time for parents to join Temple Israel’s Knowvember Fest. Sunday, November 9, Hertz joins Sisterhood for the first time in offering children’s clothes and toys for the indoor yard sale (formerly the rummage sale). This is going to be a great joint venture. Donations can be placed in plastic bags on the loading dock marked “children’s” beginning November 3. Friday, December 19, Nursery Shabbat and Chanukah celebration with dinner! All are welcome to this special young children’s service. Registration is open for our Jump Start program. Jump Starts begins January 6, 2015, and your child must be 2.9 years by this date to participate. The class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am-12:00pm. Send in your contact info and we’ll get you registered. All programs for 2015-2016 are available for early registration. Download a registration form and save your space NOW ( Call for a tour or more information. Lisa Kritz, Director After School Adventures Looking for after school care for your children? Look no further! After School Adventures is here to cater to your childcare needs. We are an after school enrichment-based program that provides the best possible childcare services. What we offer: • A fun and safe structured program environment, that focuses on a school-based enrichment curriculum. to 6:00pm. Programs are available on secular holidays, most Jewish holidays, and school vacation weeks. • Activities that promote social interactions and the importance of staying active, including daily reading and daily physical activities. Plus literacy, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), arts, music, dance, nutrition, and drama. Plenty of space is currently available, so enroll your child today to join in on the fun! • Activities that are structured and created based on the interests of the children and their parents. JaVaughn (“JaVy”) Anderson Our program runs daily, Monday-Friday, from school dismissal For registration and addition information, please contact JaVy Anderson, admisitrative assistant to educational programs, at [email protected] or 781-784-3986. COMMUNITY Hazak Our Fall Season started off with great support when 140 of our Hazak members attended our Paid-UP Dinner on September 11. Following the delicious catered dinner, guest speaker Ludmila Leventhal shared her family’s history from the concentration camps to the indignities suffered in Russia to the time they came to the United States. This year we are offering a wide spectrum of programs to appeal to our Hazak members and members of the community. Listed below is our schedule through April. We will again sponsor our own film festival in July, 2015. Visit our website,, for more information. • November 10, Boston Jewish Film Festival on the South Shore at Patriot Place • November 23, in partnership with the Cultural Arts Committee, Zamir Chorale • December 18, Festive Hanukkah Party, kugel cookbook • January 11, Sunday brunch with Gary Hylander • February 8, Sunday brunch Michael Hoberman • March 8, in partnership with the Cultural Arts Sisterhood As the colors of fall are brightening, we continue to turn up our efforts to bring you relevant and meaningful programming that focuses on building community. We invite you all to join with our Sisterhood to meet new friends and enjoy old ones. After Labor Day, we welcomed our old and new sisters under the stars of Lake Massapoag for our opening event, Sip, Sunset and Schmooze at the Massapoag Yacht Club. It was the perfect girls’ night out with delicious sangria, fabulous food, and great conversation. Thanks to Ilene Greenwald for chairing this fabulous event. Most of us have grown up hearing the click of the Mah Jongg tiles, but many haven’t had the opportunity to learn. Sisterhood, in conjunction with Hadassah, has sponsored a series of classes for Mah Jongg Maven Wanna-bes. Thanks to Ilene Greenwald and Amy Freedman for organizing this fun class! We are excited that our Lunch and Learn Program began a new semester and we welcome our new instructor, Rabbi David Finkelstein of Temple Beth Israel in Waltham. Thank you to Millie Hoffman for continuing to coordinate this program. Our Fall Sisterhood Membership Dinner was totally rad! Deliciously retro, we had a great time travelling down memory lane! We welcomed both new and old members, and want to especially thank our new Pomegranate members for their support: Marlene Perkins, Ellen Rothberg, Lesley Rudner, Rachel Wolf Silver, Amy Waisel, Susan Wolkon, Terri Spevock, Committee, Boston Music Festival • March 19, The Dewey Stone Connection: From Exodus to Independence • April 23, guest speaker, archeologist Jonathan Patton There is no charge to Hazak members, except where noted, for Hazak events. There is a nominal charge to all non-members for all Hazak programs. To help us provide refreshments for all events, RSVP by the deadline on the flyer. All Hazak meetings, except as noted, are held at Temple Israel. For more information about Hazak membership and programs filled with education, music, and entertainment, email hazak@ or visit the Hazak webpage at hazak. With the events that are taking place throughout the world, please say a prayer for the safety and well being for all those living in these strife ridden countries and for the right for all of us to live in a democratic and peaceful world. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving and a joyous Hanukkah. Gloria Rose Millie Hoffman, Iris Jacobs, Ellen Kaplan, Shelley Keimach, Beth Lappen, Lisa Kritz, Ellen Michelson, Arlene Flatto, and Geila Aronson. It’s time to purge and donate your used kids and adult clothing, jewelry, and household goods to the Sisterhood/Hertz Indoor Yard Sale (formerly known as Rummage Sale), taking place on Sunday, November 9. Donations can be dropped off in bags to the loading dock between November 3-8. Volunteers are needed to help sort goods and sell on the evening of November 8 and the day of November 9. For more information, please contact chairs Judy Karlin at 784-1958 / [email protected] or Ellen Kaplan 784-4621 / [email protected]. Are you the Hostess with the Mostess? Volunteer to host for the Sisterhood Progressive Dinner, to be held on Saturday November 15. We’re looking for people who have a kosher home, love to meet new people, and who can prepare a scrumptious vegetarian/dairy meal for 6-8 guests. For info, please contact the chair, Julie Brenman, at 784-0830 /j_ [email protected]. Additional upcoming events include our Chanukah Program on 12/17, Sisterhood Shabbat on 1/10, Bagels and Schmear on 1/11, and an offsite shopping adventure to Designers’ Circus on 2/1. As always, we welcome your participation and feedback. For more information, please contact Shelley Keimach and Beth Lappen, co-presidents, at [email protected]. May it be for a blessing... • Lois & David Diamond: birth of two great grandchildren • Terri Spevock: special birthday • Lauren & Brian Brenner: marriage of son, Daniel, to Esty Ostro • Susan Flashner-Fineman & Neal Fineman: engagement of daughter, Ariella, to Rom Leibner • Millie Hoffman: marriage of grandson, Daniel Hoffman, to Tracy Penn • Eileen & Gary Garber: 30th wedding anniversary • Gary Garber: special birthday • Marion Gribetz & Rob Rubin: engagement of son, Jonah, to Chen Tel Avivi • Carol & Mitchell Rose: engagement of son, Jeremy, to Paula Sass • Marty & Harriet Agulnek: birth of grandson, Brennan Grant Agulnek • Laura & Alan Rosenspan: birth of grandson, Ethan Benjamin Denrich • Hadassah & Lee Kneppel: engagement of daughter, Danielle • Sandy & Gerry Wine: bat mitzvah of granddaughter, Shira Wine • Steve Azer: special birthday • Carol & Joe Rothenstein: bat mitzvah of granddaughter, Livie • Adelle Markowitz: bar mitzvah of grandson, Mitchell Markowitz • Karen & Ken Weiner: birth of granddaughter, Camdyn Elizabeth Smith • Linda & Michael Loeb: birth of granddaughter, Sasha Dylan • Simchat Honorees: Susan Flashner-Fineman and Mark Levitt • Karen & Howard Glaser: bar mitzvah of grandson, Adnrew Glaser • Marlene Wise: marriage of son, Gregory, to Paula Klaman • Rachel Melemed & Mark Sugarberg: on their marriage • Marion Gribetz & Rob Rubin: engagement of son, Bentzi, to Charlotte Phillips • Susan & Seth Kornetsky: engagement of son, Adam, to Julie Kault • Ina Kornetsky: engagment of grandson, Adam, to Julie Kault • Analia & Emiliano Rabinovich: birth of daughter, Alyssa Rabinovich Condolences... • Susan Novick: loss of mother, Fay Hocky • Nancy Wluka: loss of father, Charles H. Brenner • Ruth Zakarin: loss of mother, Arlene Zakarin • Sara Kalinsky: loss of father, Peter Miller • Lloyd Levenson: loss of father, Alvan Lenvenson • Joe Reiter: loss of father, Karl Reiter • Longtime former member: Gloria Lovitz • Longtime member: Sydney Heller • Saul Heller: loss of brother, Sydney Heller • Leonard Shwom: loss of wife, Susan Shwom • Ellen O’Hara: loss of step-father, Martin Wolf COMMUNITY Zamir Chorale of Boston to Perform at Annual Sandra Gamm Memorial Concert An afternoon of music that spans thousands of years, four continents, and a variety of styles will be heard starting at 4:00pm on Sunday, November 23, when the Zamir Chorale of Boston performs at the annual Sandra Gamm Memorial Concert. Held to honor the memory of Sandra Gamm, the concert is sponsored by the Sandra Gamm Memorial Fund for Music and the Creative Arts, and is organized by Temple Israel’s Cultural Arts Committee and Hazak. Founded in 1969, the Zamir Chorale of Boston’s mission is to serve as a “musical and educational organization dedicated to raising awareness of the breadth and beauty of Jewish culture through performances, recordings, symposia, publications, and musical commissions.” Zamir’s repertoire includes Jewish liturgical pieces, major classical works, music of the Holocaust, newly commissioned compositions, and Israeli, Yiddish, and Ladino folksongs. Comprised of experienced volunteer singers, Zamir has achieved a widespread reputation through its concerts and recordings. In addition to the devoted following that it has developed in the Greater Boston area, Zamir has performed at venues throughout the United States, Europe, and Israel. Zamir’s 1999 tour of Eastern Europe was the subject of the PBS documentary Zamir: Jewish Voices Return to Poland, which was broadcast on public television stations and shown at film festivals throughout the United States. Its performances in Israel included appearances with the Jerusalem Symphony and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The Zamir Chorale of Boston is led by Joshua R. Jacobson, its founder and artistic director. One of the foremost authorities on Jewish choral music and a past recipient of the Cantors Assembly’s prestigious “Kavod Award,” Dr. Jacobson is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Northeastern University, and Visiting Professor and Senior Consultant in the School of Jewish Music at Hebrew College. More than one hundred of Dr. Jacobson’s choral arrangements, editions, and compositions have been published and are frequently performed by choirs throughout the world. Concert admission reservations can be made on the Temple’s website at or by mail to the Temple office. Reservations and/or payment made on or before November 17 will be $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. Reservations and/or payment made after November 17 and “at the door” will be $18 for adults and $12 for seniors and students. Concert patrons who support the Sandra Gamm Memorial Fund with a $36 donation as a Friend of the Fund will receive two preferential seats (additional seats may be purchased for $10 apiece) and listing in the concert program. Please make payment to Temple Israel, with Sandra Gamm Memorial Concert as the memo. Payment or reservation will serve as admission to the concert; tickets will not be issued. Office Volunteers A sincere thank you to our office volunteers: Judy & Irv Kublin, Andrea Lavender, Carol Wolk Rose, Sheila Sharad, and Terri Spevock. Luach Deadlines The deadline for the January/ February Luach is December 1. Send articles and submissions to [email protected]. COMMUNITY Koach Our Koach College Connection committee sends fun, holidayrelated, small gifts and cards to our college undergrads throughout the year. In order to have your college student included in our mailings, please fill out the form at www. This information needs to be updated each year. As our kids work hard at college and connect with exciting new people and ideas, our mailings remind them that they continue to be an important part of our Temple Israel family. Our packages generate smiles and appreciation as they help our kids Tiferet Center Adapted from an article written in 2010, Imagining a Jewish Center for Spirituality, Wellness & Healing at Temple Israel for the Larger Community: Looking Back and Forward For several years now, along with other friends and colleagues, I have dreamed of creating a special collaborative Jewish resource and learning center. This center would gather wonderfully talented and creative teachers across the Jewish denominational spectrum and support their efforts of integrating Jewish teachings and insights into their professional work in the healing, health, and wellness fields. It would also allow the reverse; that is, providing opportunities for Jewish clergy and Jewish educators to focus on themes relevant to health, wellness, and healing. Thus, the center would allow crossfertilization and a genesis of a new framework for secular and religious professionals dedicated to serving the needs of Jewish soul seekers. The center would blaze meaningful pathways for Jews of all ages and life stages wanting a supportive and safe space to explore the varied and creative ways that Judaism can bring greater meaning, health, and healing into their own personal lives. remain connected to our wonderful community and beautiful traditions. Once you provide the requested information, we will include your children in our mailings for this year. The deadline for the next mailing is November 22. Please send the information as soon as possible for the Fall 2014 semester. Please notify the office or send an email to [email protected] if a student’s address changes during the year or if their study abroad plans change. Please note that we are unable to send packages to students studying abroad due to high postage costs, and that this program is for children of Temple Israel members only (no grandchildren, sorry). the Tiferet Center programming aims to bring light, renewal, balance, and meaning to our lives. It is a place of connection, for meaningful relationships between Jewish soul seekers in our community, between mind and body, for the integration of Jewish wisdom and Torah with personal wellness, healing, and healing approaches, and for finding inspiration on our personal life journeys. Please join us any time for our drop-in Shabbat morning mediation and poetic text study from 9-10am, as well as our other programs and events: • Shabbat Torah Table, every two weeks at Kiddush, cosponsored with the Adult & Family Education Committee; • “Be the Change You Wish To Be in The World,” a 5-part series with Rabbi Yitzi Weiner on Thursdays, Nov 20, Dec 4, Dec 18, Jan 15, and Jan 29 at 7:45 pm; • “Living the Life of Jewish Meditation,” a special mediation and book signing with guest rabbi and author from France, Rabbi Yoel Glick, with a special Meditation Shabbat (Nov 8, 9am) and motzei Shabbat event (Nov 8, 7pm). Rabbi Glick will be leading the Shabbat morning drop-in meditation at Temple Israel; the motzei Shabbat event will be at the Cetlin home in Sharon, featuring a talk and a more in-depth meditation related to Rabbi Glick’s new book. For more information and to reserve your spot, contact Shoshana Cetlin at [email protected]. Building on the success of the Jewish Wellness & Healing Programs that took place at Temple Israel during my tenure as Chair of the Adult & Family Education Committee, and with the encouragement of the past rabbi and president, we applied and were awarded small CJP Innovation and Engagement B’Shalom, grants. This initial seed money over several years helped to Shoshana Cetlin, Chair, Tiferet Committee cultivate and grow this center, now named the Tiferet Center of Temple Israel: A Place for Jewish Spirituality, Wellness & Healing. A wonderful planning committee drawn from Temple Family Table Volunteers Wanted Israel, other synagogues, and the unaffiliated was formed with Please support Family Table, the Do you know your way a diverse blend of talent, experience, and interests to plan our Boston area kosher food pantry. around inDesign? Is HTML annual programming. Leave donations of pasta and your second language? We’re canned tuna in the box in the looking for new volunteers Why did we name the center Tiferet? Tiferet is one of the Galleria. Other food donations to help with the Luach and 10 attributes of God on the Sephirot, which, like the heart, welcome. Questions? Contact website. connects all the others. It means beauty, splendor, harmony, [email protected]. communications@tisharon. compassion, and truth. In keeping with this spirit of our name, org. COMMUNITY Shabbat Evenings Mah Gadlu – How Great It Is! Please join us for warm and family-friendly, participatory services and dinners in a casual atmosphere, open to all with special attention for young families with children of all ages. Friday evening services in Founders Hall are led by Cantor Dress at 6:15pm, followed by dinner. Kids can be in bed sleeping before 9pm! Services are open to all; dinner reservations are required. Upcoming dates: November 7 and December 5. Mishpacha Minyan Please join us for spirited services led by members of our congregation. The Carlebach-style approach fosters a highly participatory singing experience. Services are typically held in the Library at 6:15pm, with dinners following in Founders Hall. Services are open to all, but dinners require advance reservations. Upcoming dates: November 21, December 12, and January 23. Traditional Services Led by Congregants Fridays when Mah Gadlu and Mishpacha Minyan services aren’t scheduled, join us for services in the Chapel, beginning at 6:15pm. Tot Shabbat Each month, join other families with younger children at 5:30pm for a short service led by our clergy, followed by a free dinner. Upcoming dates: November 7, November 21, and December 5. Exploring and getting to know the new Woodland Wilderness, our new outdoor classroom experience! Reach Out! Do you have an idea for a program, class, or event? Get in touch with the committee you think is the best fit - or contact Benjamin Maron ([email protected]) in the office. Adult & Family Education (Elliot Feldman) House (David Fixler) [email protected] [email protected] Human Resources (Debra Lefkowitz) [email protected] Brotherhood (Noah Horowitz) [email protected] Koach (Liz Weiner) [email protected] Chavurah (Jen Zinno) [email protected] Leadership, Development, & Nominations (Arleen Seidman) Communications (Michal Fandel, Michael Getz) [email protected] [email protected] Literacy Team (Myra Adelmann) [email protected] Cultural Arts (Barney Ovrutt) [email protected] Membership (Lori Glassman) [email protected] Development (Richard Goldman) [email protected] PTO (Cheryl Gerson) [email protected] Education (Mike Freeman) [email protected] Ritual (Mark Levitt) [email protected] Endowment Campaign (Ed Hershfield, Rob Carver, Rich Sisterhood (Beth Lappen, Shelley Keimach) Goldman) [email protected] [email protected] Hazak (Gloria Rose) [email protected] Social Action (Marcy Kaplan, Amy Katz) Hertz Nursery School (Rachel Dubin) [email protected] [email protected] Hessed (Ellen Michelson, Beth Lappen) [email protected] Tiferet Center (Susan Cetlin) [email protected] Holocaust Memorial (Dina Rosenbaum) [email protected] Youth (Ilene Greenwald) [email protected] THANK YOU High Holy Days Ushers We would like to thank the ushers for their contribution to making the services welcoming and meaningful for our Temple family. Thank you all for your efforts. Herb Marin (Head Chuck Bloom Susan Flashner FineAndy Klassman Paul Rosenthal Sanctuary Usher) MollyAnn Blumenthal man Josh Klein Howard Rothberg Josh Olshin (Head Paul Bork Seth Freilich Paul Lamb Joe Rothenstein Founders Hall Usher) Julie Brenman Sabrina Gamm Ron Lang Ted Safer Harvey Wolfe (Head Brian Brenner Debra Getz Steve Lechter Jay Schwab Berger Hall Usher) David Cohen Marjorie Glincher Scott Lopez Susan Shikora Michael Coran Sheryl Gold Howard Novick Steve Shrago Paul Abrams Bruce Creditor Ari Goodwin Sheryl Olshin Norm Tabroff Barry Arkin Susan Creditor Miriam Gopen Ira Packer Morey Waltuck David Arons Ron Czik Jeff Kadesh Marlene Perkins Ray Watstein Marvin Asnes Ravin Davidoff Amy Katz Mark Popovsky Barbara Wax Steve Azer Paul Davidson Harvey Katz Gary Rachins Harvey Weinberg Steve Binney Elliot Feldman Henry Katz Steve Rafsky Liz Weiner Larry Blankstein Neal Fineman Gary Keimach Carol Rose Steve Winer Mitch Blaustein Ron Fishman Irv Kempner Gloria Rose Frank Bloch High Holy Days Bimah Flowers We would like to thank the following members for their generous sponsorship of flowers for the bimahs. Rosh Hashanah Eileen & Gary Garber: in memory of our beloved fathers, Sam Brandes & Max Garber, and in honor of our beautiful mothers, Helen Brandes & Ros Mandell Teri & Bruce Gorsky & family: in memory of beloved grandparents and great grandparents, Ruth & Harry Rabb Roger Pritzker: in memory of beloved mother and father, Janice & Paul Pritzker Yom Kippur Teri & Bruce Gorsky & family: in memory of beloved grandparents and great grandparents, Ruth & Joseph Winiker Millie Hoffman: in memory of beloved husband, Alfred Harold Hoffman Sukkot Simchat Torah Luncheon Thank you to all who helped make the luncheon a success by donating at these levels: Yad Faye Berzon Dana & Seth Gitell Millie Hoffman Ruth & Martin Hunt Nadine Evans & Rafi Kieval Ellen & Aaron Kischel Judy & Irv Kublin Sue & Paul Lamb Chuck Reingold Keith & Arleen Seidman Crown Janet & George Aronson Margie & Marv Asnes Michael & Tiziana Getz Shelley & Gary Keimach Marilyn & Hy Lamb Sally & Eric Pomerantz Jill & Larry Sandberg Diane & David Sigel Randy & Steve Ugent Crown Royal Geila & Marty Aronson Sandy & Neil Aronson Cantor Alan & Lisa Kritz Torah Marjorie & David Bernard Sisterhood of Temple Israel Susan & Bruce Creditor: in memory of beloved parents and grandparents, Bronia & Rudolf Schonberg Walter Family Judaica Shop Featuring a complete line of Judaica including wedding and bar/bat mitzvah gifts, kippot, mezuzzot, scrolls, toys, jewelry, and home and holiday gifts, and showcasing “Judaica by Michael Aram and Nambe.” View our large selection of menorahs, candles, and Hanukkah gift items! (1st candle, Tuesday night, December 16.) Special Hours Monday, Dec. 8, 11:30am-1:30pm Wednesday, Dec. 10, 4:00pm-8:00pm Thursday, Dec. 11, 4:00pm-6:00pm Monday, Dec. 15, 11:30am-1:30pm Holiday Shopping Hours Sundays, 9:00am-1:00pm Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm Major credit cards accepted. Please call for appointments. Questions: 781-784-3986 x 40 Ellen 781-801-0691 Arlene 781-784-3423 Lisa 781-784-4281 DONATIONS Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these thoughtful donations from July 30, 2014 to October 6, 2014 We gratefully acknowledge these thoughtful donations from December 7, 2013 - February 14, 2014 BIMAH FLOWER FUND Nancy & Lee Schiff & family to Nancy Wluka & family in memory of beloved father and grandfather, Charles H. Brenner Steve Schacter in honor of receiving the National Epilepsy Foundation World Changer Award Ruth Zakarin in appreciation for all the support I received after the loss of my beloved mother IRVING & GLORIA BROMBERG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP BUILDING FOR OUR FUTURE Sheila Sharad in memory of beloved mother, Lillian Boodman Adele Waldman to Roz Heller & family in memory of beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Wally Heller Sheila Sharad in memory of beloved father, Abraham Boodman Adelle Markowitz in memory of beloved father, Samuel L. Lurinsky Debbi & Michael Coran to Rebecca Katzman & Scott Katz in honor of the birth of son, Shai Henry Katz Freedman in honor of the naming of your granddaughter Sue & Ken Wolkon to Harriet & Marty Agulnek in honor of the birth of grandson, Brennan Grant Agulnek CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND Gary Bello in memory of beloved mother, Esther Bello Tuck Gary Bello in memory of beloved father, Erwin Bello Michael Getz in memory of beloved brother, Daniel Getz Lori & Keith Small & family to Tom Garnitz & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Betty Garnitz Adelle Markowitz in memory of beloved father-in-law, Samuel Markowitz Cheryl & Ted Safer to Mark Popovsky & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Sally Popovsky HERB & EILEEN BROWN YOUTH FUND Vicki Kaplan to Sue Novick & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Faye Hocky Stephen Brown & Pamela Botts to Beth Hurwitz & family in memory of beloved mother, Selma Palmer Vicki Kaplan to Lauren & Brian Brenner in honor of Daniel and Esty’s marriage Vivian Tartak in memory of beloved friend, Alfred Saltzman Evelyn & Ron Lang to Harriet & Marty Agulnek in honor of the birth of grandson, Brennan Grant Agulnek Rochelle Strenger in memory of beloved father, Samuel Strenger Stephen Brown & Pamela Botts to Judy Bluestein & family in memory of beloved father, Sidney Cohen Stephen Brown & Pamela Botts to Evelyn & Ron Lang to Lois & Arnie Roger Pritzker with much appreciation Lori Small in memory of beloved father and grandfather, Paul Rittenburg Betty & Saul Heller in memory of beloved brother, Wally Heller DONATIONS Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these thoughtful donations from July 30, 2014 to October 6, 2014 Amy & Jonathan Katz to Cantor Dress with much appreciation Lesley Rudner to Roz Heller & family in memory of beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Wally Heller Judy Kublin in memory of beloved mother, Clara King Stuart & Ann Heller to Cantor Dress with much appreciation Robin & Scott Director to Haley Director in honor of your reading Torah, Shabbat, September 6, 2014 Robin & Scott Director to Mitchell Director in honor of your reading Torah, Mincha, Yom Kippur Robin & Scott Director to Haley Director in honor of your 16th birthday Kim & Matt Reingold to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin Vivian Tartak in memory of beloved mother, Sarah Pober Lois Freedman in memory of beloved father, Isadore Halzel Nancy Wluka in memory of beloved mother, Ethel Blackman Brenner Mitchell Rudnick to Susan Miller in memory of beloved husband, Peter Miller Mitchell Rudnick to Joseph Zophin in memory of beloved wife, Marlene Roberta Reingold to Harriet & Marty Agulnek in honor of the birth of grandson, Brennan Grant Agulnek Miriam & Larry Blankstein to Harriet & Marty Agulnek in honor of the birth of grandson, Brennan Grant Agulnek Miriam & Larry Blankstein to Peri & Aaron Agulnek in honor of the birth of son, Brennan Grant Agulnek Linda Garnitz in memory of beloved father, Herbert A. Selenkow Rona Backus in memory of beloved father, George Appel Vivian Tartak in memory of beloved husband, Abram Tartak Sue & Paul Lamb to Cantor Steven & Myrna Dress wishing you a shanah tovah Honey Lew in memory of beloved father, Hyman J. Alpert DAILY MINYAN FUND honor of your special birthday Bev Palan in memory of beloved father, Samuel Goldberg GENERAL FUND Sherm Palan in memory of beloved mother, Cecelia F. Palan Marty Grandberg in memory of beloved father, Selwyn Grandberg Rebecca Katzman in memory of beloved mother Anne Rawet Katzman Marlene & Bruce Moyer to Mark Popovsky & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Sally Popovsky Amy & Harold Waisel to Steven Furst & family in memory of beloved father and grandfather, Donald Furst Mitchell Rudnick to Susan Novick & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Faye Hocky Joan & Ron Rogers to Earl Gashin in memory of beloved mother, Cecilia Beebe Amdur & Mark Goldstein to Don Silberman & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Mia Silberman Adele Waldman in memory of beloved grandmother, Sarah Cooper Stuart & Ann Heller with much appreciation Elaine & Bob Corman to Roz Heller & family in memory of beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Wally Heller Lois Diamond in memory of beloved father, George Golden Roz Blumenthal in memory of beloved father, Louis Appel David Diamond in memory of beloved mother, Belle Diamond Gayle Sherman in memory of beloved mother, Ann Archer Amy & Harold Waisel to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin Rae Weinstein in memory of beloved sister, Sara Ettinger Donna & Rob Carver with much appreciation Bev & Sherm Palan in memory of beloved aunt, Minnie Gold ROBIN FELDMAN SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND Ellen & Aaron Kischel to Elaine & Herb Glick in honor of the birth of granddaughter, Gabriella Rose Davis Ellen & Aaron Kischel to Mark Popovsky & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Sally Popovsky SANDRA GAMM MEMORIAL FUND Celia & Steve Gamm to Sophie Borenstein in honor of your 12th birthday Celia & Steve Gamm to Eitan Borenstein in honor of your 11th birthday Celia & Steve Gamm to Rina Borenstein in honor of your 9th birthday Celia & Steve Gamm to Dalia Borenstein in honor of your 7th birthday Celia & Steve Gamm to Dale Golden in Geila Aronson in memory of beloved mother, Freda Shore Geila Aronson in memory of beloved father, Mordecai Shore Geila & Marty Aronson to Roz Heller & family in memory of beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Wally Heller Rebecca Katzman & Scott Katz in honor of our son Shai Henry (Hillel) Katz’s brit milah Steve Ugent with much appreciation for a recent Aliyah Ann Freedman in memory of beloved husband, Maynard Freedman Andrea Lavender & Mark Popovsky to Susan Novick & family in memory of beloved mother & grandmother, Faye Hocky Barbara Katz in memory of beloved father, Julius Stone Barry Kesselman in memory of beloved father, David Kesselman Jonathan Chosiad in memory of beloved father, Albert Chosiad Ken Brine in memory of beloved grandfather, Morris Dorfman DONATIONS Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges theseacknowledge thoughtful donations from July 30, 2014 to October 6, 2014 7, 2013 - February 14, 2014 We gratefully these thoughtful donations from December Sandra & Ralph Miller to Bebe Rosenstein in memory of beloved Laurie Rosenstein Roy father and grandfather, Donald Furst Lester Wax in memory of beloved mother, Martha V. Wax Susan Novick & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Faye Hocky Ted Kohan in memory of beloved father, Abraham Kohan Lester Wax in memory of beloved father, Ralph S. Wax Millie Hoffman in memory of beloved father-in-law, Edward Paul Hoffman Judi Elkin in memory of beloved grandfather, Israel Goldstein Enid Stecker in memory of beloved mother, Esther Wooster Joan Clemens in memory of beloved mother, Edith Smith Judi Elkin in memory of beloved brother, Fred Kaplan Marilyn Kahn in memory of beloved mother, Sara Zeldin, and beloved father, Jacob Zeldin Darlene & Larry Lencz to Scott Katz & Rebecca Katzman in honor the birth of son, Shai Henry Katz Shirley Richmond in memory of beloved brother-in-law, Harry Sherman Darlene & Larry Lencz to Lauren & Brian Brenner in honor Dan & Esty’s marriage Denise & Peter Gray to Shari Holstein & family in memory of beloved sister, Laurie Rosenstein Roy Bunny Katz in memory of beloved father, Jacob Horowitz Lesley Rudner in memory of beloved grandfather, Harry Rudner The Boxerman Family to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin HESSED/CARING COMMUNITY FUND Denise & Peter Gray to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin Roz Blumenthal in memory of beloved sister, Minnie Smith Cliff Caplan in memory of beloved father, Marvin Caplan Robert Swartz in memory of beloved nephew, Lloyd Stockel Amy & Jonathan Katz to Lloyd Levenson & family in memory of beloved father and grandfather, Alvan Levenson Michael Flatto in memory of beloved mother, Rhoda Flatto Marv Asnes in memory of beloved mother, Gertrude Asnes Karen & Howard Glaser in memory of beloved son, Scott Adam Glaser Rafi Kieval in memory of beloved mother, Esther Kieval Martin Geher in memory of beloved father, Daniel Bernard Geher Shirley Maltzman in memory of beloved mother, Dorothy Dubin Sue & Ken Wolkon to Bea Stern in honor of your special birthday Raphaella Frielich in memory of beloved father, Walter A. Stern Richard Goldman in memory of beloved father, Philip Goldman Mitchell Rudnick with much appreciation Muriel Green in memory of beloved husband, Maurice Green Evey & Mike Freed with much appreciation Bea Newman in memory of beloved father, David Weidenfeld Bea Newman in memory of beloved brother, Morris Weidenfeld Bea Newman in memory of beloved father-in-law, Henry Newman Barry Kesselman in memory of beloved mother, Roslyn Kesselman GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Diane & Ron Kuppersmith to Tom Garnitz & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Betty Garnitz Diane & Ron Kuppersmith to Steven Furst & family in memory of beloved Muriel Green in memory of beloved son, David Green Dave Levitan in memory of beloved mother, Evelyn Levitan Larry Lencz in memory of beloved father, Dr. Erwin Lencz Joan Clemens in memory of beloved step-mother, Cyreld Smith Lesley Rudner in memory of beloved grandmother, Ida Rudner Faye Berzon in memory of beloved mother, Elizabeth Clark Fay Berzon to Lois & David Diamond in honor of the birth of 2 great grandchildren Sally, Eric, Elana, & Shira Pomerantz to Wendy Harsfield in memory of beloved father, Marshall Stein Wendy Harsfield in memory of beloved grandmother, Lucy White Sally, Eric, Elana, & Shira Pomerantz to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin Andrea Lavender and Mark Popovsky to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin Andrea Lavender and Mark Popovsky to Susan Flashner-Fineman & Neal Fineman in honor of Ariella’s engagement to Rom Leibner Andrea Lavender and Mark Popovsky to Eileen & Gary Garber in honor of your 30th wedding anniversary and Gary’s special birthday Andrea Lavender and Mark Popovsky to Lois & Arnie Freedman in appreciation of your leadership and tireless efforts Susan Davidson in memory of beloved father, Frank Hronsky Susan Creditor in memory of beloved mother, Bronia Schonberg Larry Lencz in memory of beloved mother, Sylvia Lencz Vivian Tartak in memory of beloved mother, Sarah Pober Eleanor Rosenthal in memory of beloved mother, Fanny Shuman Shirley Richmond in memory of beloved nephew, Avram Brody Faye Berzon in memory of beloved DONATIONS Temple Israeldonations gratefully acknowledges these donations from July 30, 2014 to October 6, 2014 Temple Israel gratefully acknowledges these thoughtful April 8, 2014 tothoughtful Julyfrom 29, 2014 We gratefully acknowledge thesefrom thoughtful donations December 7, 2013 - February 14, 2014 mother-in-law, Fanny Berzon MAHZOR LEV SHALEM Marlene Chused in memory of beloved father, Theodore Goodman Miriam Blankstein in memory of beloved father, Leo Brenner Ina Cushman in memory of beloved uncle, Harold Krasnow Sisterhood of Temple Israel to Millie Hoffman in honor of and appreciation of your devoted years of service to Sisterhood Lunch & Learn HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND Karen & Kenny Weiner to Nancy Wluka & family in memory of beloved father and grandfather, Charles Brenner Saul Wersted to Sidi & Sam Natansohn in your honor Natalie & Motti Pupkin to the Moshkovitz Family in memory of beloved sister MAYER KATZ HOLOCAUST & JEWISH HISTORY COLLECTIONS Marion & Harvey Katz to Mark Popovsky & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Sally Popovsky MISHPACHA MINYAN FUND The Keimach Family to Ruth Zakarin & family in memory of beloved mother and grandmother, Arlene Zakarin The Keimach Family to Susan FlashnerFineman & family in honor of Ariella’s engagement to Rom Leibner RABBI’S FUND Arlene Weingast in memory of beloved father, Harold Shenkman Michael Weingast in memory of beloved sister, Harriet Weingast LAMB-ELLOWITZ FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND Robert Swartz in memory of beloved mother, Jennie Swartz Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Nate Bluestein wishing you a speedy recovery Edith Swartz in memory of beloved sister, Laura Bellis Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Marlene Chused wishing you a speedy recovery Shirley Maltzman in memory of beloved father, Benjamin Dubin Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Steven Novak wishing you a speedy recovery Andrea Lavender and Mark Popovsky to Rabbi Leslie Gordon in appreciation of your support of the TI community Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Barbara Katz & family in memory of beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Leonard Katz Arlene Weingast in memory of beloved aunt, Shirley Davidoff JOSEPH & MIRIAM ULMAN MEMORIAL FUND Toby Grandberg in memory of beloved mother, Pearl Ulman Wolff USY SCHOLARSHIP Ilene Greenwald in memory of beloved father, Martin Greenwald David Sigel in memory of beloved mother, Helen Sigel MILTON WEISMAN MEMORIAL FUND Roberta Becker in memory of beloved mother-in-law, Rose Becker Roberta Becker in memory of beloved father-in-law, Harry Becker SAUL & EVELYNE WERSTED SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR STUDENTS AT THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Saul Wersted to Lois & David Diamond in honor of the birth of 2 great grandchildren Saul Wersted to Stacey Chorney with much appreciation WOODLAND WILDERNESS FUND Hertz Nursery School Lisa Kritz in memory of Frank Ridge Julie Ridge in memory of Frank Ridge Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Sharon & Uri Piran in honor of the birth of grandson, Jacob Silas Waxman Michael Weingast in memory of beloved father, Michael Weingast Susan Ridge in memory of Frank Ridge Marilyn & Hy Lamb to Dina, Todd & Jonah Waxman in honor of the birth of Jacob Silas ISRAEL & DORIS SAMUELS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ruby & Gary Creditor Sue & Paul Lamb to Elaine & Herb Glick in honor of the birth of granddaughter, Gabriella Rose Davis Sue & Paul Lamb to in memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather, Wally Heller Marjorie Asnes in memory of beloved father, Harold Nannis Sue & Paul Lamb to Shari Levitan in memory of your beloved father Mim Gopen in memory of beloved father, Israel N. Samuels SLOVIN FAMILY EDUCATION FUND Ann & Jim Slovin to the Peljovich Family in memory of beloved father and grandfather TIFERET CENTER FUND Linda & David Rabinowitz to Carol & Joe Rothenstein in honor of your granddaughter becoming bat mitzvah Susan & Bruce Creditor in memory of beloved father, Rudolf Schonberg Terri & Jim Spevock in memory of beloved parents, Eva & David Spevock Comfort Shawls Do you knit? Have some free time? The Hessed Caring Community is in need of handmade comfort shawls. Directions are provided. Contact Sharon Piran: [email protected] or 781-784-8414. DONATIONS Temple Israel gratefully appreciates your generosity. Donations can also be made online: Temple Israel sincerely values your gift. Your kindness and generosity will be acknowledged and the recipient(s) will be notified promptly. Simply make a donation online ( or fill out this form and return together with a check payable to Temple Israel. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NameStreetCity, State, Zip Code Fund(s) Selection: Leonard Sandhaus Memorial Children’s Collection Adds books for children to our library. c Mahzor Lev Shalem Dedicate a new mahzor for the High Holy Day Service. $36 each; inscribe the bookplate in honor or memory of a loved one. c Mah Gadlu Fund Offsets the cost of these Friday night dinners, making them more accessible to the community. c Mayer Katz Holocaust & Jewish History Collections Supports the library. c Mishpacha Minyan Fund Offsets the cost of these Friday night dinners, making them more accessible to the community. c Prayer Book Fund Supports the repair and purchase of prayer books as needed. c Sandra Gamm Memorial Fund Supports annual programs in music and other cultural arts for the benefit of Temple Israel members. c Simcha Garden $118 or more - Honor your family’s simcha by helping to underwrite the synagogue’s special landscaping projects. c Tiferet Center Fund Supports the Center’s programs and services for Temple members and the greater Sharon Jewish community. c Toby Neipris Wilgoren Memorial Jewish & Hebrew Literature Collection Supports the library. c Tree of Life $360 per leaf - Inscribe a leaf for any of life’s celebrations. c Bimah Flower Fund Provides funds for bimah flowers. c Building For Our Future Fund Supports the Renovation and Expansion Campaign mortgage. c Cantor’s Music Fund Finances the operational costs of the Rinat Yisrael Chorus and the materials necessary to integrate music into the synagogue. c Community Garden Fund Supports our new community garden and outdoor prayer space. c Daily Minyan Fund Supports our daily minyan. c Gamm-Varty Community Fund Supports special activities and purchases for the benefit of the congregation. c General Fund Supports the synagogue’s operating expenses. c General Scholarship Fund Provides tuition support for students to attend Jewish day schools and camps, trips to Israel, and other Jewish learning opportunities. c Herb & Eileen Brown Youth Fund Augments the USY programming budget. c Hessed Caring Community Fund Supports assistance to Temple members in times of need c Holocaust Memorial Fund Supports the annual Yom HaShoah program. c Lamb/Ellowitz Family Scholar-in-Residence Fund Endowment to provide guest lecturers. c Other Scholarship Funds: c c c Bertram Berger Memorial Fund c Jennie & Max Berger Scholarship c Israel Boyer Memorial Scholarship c Irving & Gloria Bromberg Memorial Scholarship c Frank Einis Memorial Fund c Anne & David Enbinder Scholarship c Robin Feldman Special Education Fund c Sid Hentoff Memorial Scholarship c Irving & Ann Glaser Memorial Fund c c c c John Gold Scholarship Dr. George V. Hochman Scholarship c Anna & Paul Kerstein Scholarship c Dr. Aaron Kornetsky Scholarship c Kublin Family Scholarship c Harriet V. Lake Memorial Scholarship c Steven Linick Scholarship c Robyn Amy Locke Hebrew Educational Fund c Maltz FAmily Campership Fund c Leo Pollock Fund c Benjamin Rosenstein Fund Israel & Doris Samuels Scholarship Max & Ida Schultz Memorial Fund c Harvey Alan Seigel Achievement Fund c Rose Shanker Memorial Fund for Youth Activities c Manfred Sheff Memorial Fund c Abby Shevitz z”l Anshei Mitzvah Fund c Slovin Family Education Fund c Rabbi Pesach Sobel Prozdor Scholarship c Hyman Sokoloff Scholarship Frances Steinberg Scholarship Lonni Beth Stern Academic Achievement Award c Theodore Stern Memorial Fund c Miriam & Joseph Ulman Memorial Fund c Milton Weisman Memorial Fund c Evelyne & Saul Wersted Scholarship for Students at the Jewish Theological Seminary Donor notification(s) to: _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Street _______________________________________ Street _______________________________________ Street _______________________________________ City Sate Zip Code _______________________________________ City Sate Zip Code _______________________________________ City Sate Zip Code In Honour Of In Appreciation Of c In Memory Of c c c c Speedy Recovery Mazel Tov To In Honour Of In Appreciation Of c In Memory Of c c c c Speedy Recovery Mazel Tov To In Honour Of In Appreciation Of c In Memory Of c c c c Speedy Recovery Mazel Tov To CALENDAR Visit for updates and daily minyan times NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Nov. 30 8 Kislev Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8 Cheshvan • No Religious School 2 9 Cheshvan • Shabbat Services, 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Youth Services, 10:30am • Shabbat Torah Table • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 5:30pm • Lift Your Spirits, 7pm 3 10 Cheshvan • Religious School • Hertz Open House, 10am • Hessed Training, 10am • Katanim Event, 11am • Knowvember Fest, 11:30am • Kadima Event, 1pm • March of the Living Program, 1:30pm • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm 9 10 16 Cheshvan 17 Cheshvan • Religous School • Indoor Yard Sale, 9am • Jr. USY Event, 2pm • Sr. USY Event, 3pm • Indoor Yard Sale, 9am • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm 16 17 23 Cheshvan 24 Cheshvan 4 11 Cheshvan 1118 Cheshvan 12 1825 Cheshvan 19 • Hearing Men’s Voices, 8pm 23 24 25 • Religous School • Sandra Gamm Memorial Concert, 4pm • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm 19 Cheshvan • Religious School • Mah Jongg, 7pm • Education Committee Meeting, 7:30pm • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Sr. USY Lounge, 6:30pm • Me’ah, 7pm 2 Kislev 12 Cheshvan • No Religious School (Parent/ Teacher Conferences) • Mah Jongg, 7pm • Youth Committee Meeting, 7:30pm • Religous School • Brotherhood Breakfast, 10am • Rock-A-Baby Concert, 11am • A Day in The Ghetto, 2pm 1 Kislev 5 3 Kislev 26 Cheshvan • Religious School • Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30pm 26 4 Kislev 6 13 Cheshvan • Religious School • Europe and the Jews: Today and Tomorrow, 7:30pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm 13 20 Cheshvan 7 14 Cheshvan Candle lighting 4:14pm • Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm • Mah Gadlu Shabbat Services, 6:15pm 14 21 Cheshvan • Religious School • Madrichim Training, 5:30pm • Conversational Hebrew, 7:15pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm Candle lighting 4:07pm 20 21 27 Cheshvan • Shabbat Services, 6:15pm 28 Cheshvan • Religious School • Conversational Hebrew, 7:15pm • Be The Change You Wish To Be in The World, 7:45pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm Candle lighting 4:01pm 27 28 5 Kislev • Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm • Mishpacha Minyan Shabbat Services (with Jr./Sr. USY), 6:15pm 6 Kislev Candle lighting 3:57pm • Shabbat Services, 6:15pm 8 15 Cheshvan • Shabbat Services, 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Mincha/Ma’ariv Bat Mitzvah: Sophie Wolfe, 3:45pm • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4:15pm 15 22 Cheshvan • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Camp-Style Shabbat Services, 10am • Youth Services, 10:30am • Shabbat Torah Table • Mincha/Ma’ariv Bat Mitzvah: Abigail Schultz, 3:45pm • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm 22 29 Cheshvan • Shabbat Services, 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Shabbat Torah Table • Mincha/Ma’ariv Bat Mitzvah: Sofie Smith, 3:30pm • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm • Havdalah & Square Dancing, 8pm 29 7 Kislev • Shabbat Services, 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Mincha/Ma’ariv, 4pm CALENDAR Visit for updates and daily minyan times DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday 1 9 Kislev Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 10 Kislev 3 11 Kislev 4 12 Kislev 5 • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm • Religious School • Joint Education & Youth Committee Meeting, 7:30pm • Religious School • Conversational Hebrew, 7:15pm • Be The Change You Wish To Be in The World, 7:45pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm Visit for updates and daily minyan times 7 15 Kislev 8 16 Kislev 9 17 Kislev • Religious School • Jewish Routes Discussion Series, 10am • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Sr. USY Lounge, 6:30pm • Me’ah, 7pm • Hearing Men’s Voices, 8pm 14 15 16 22 Kislev 23 Kislev • Religious School • Brotherhood Board Meeting, 10am • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm 21 22 29 Kislev • Religious School 28 6 Tevet 30 Kislev 23 24 Kislev 1 Tevet • Lunch & Learn, 12:15pm • Religious School • Me’ah, 7pm 29 7 Tevet 10 18 Kislev 8 Tevet 19 Kislev • Religious School • Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30pm • Religious School • Conversational Hebrew, 7:15pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm 17 18 25 Kislev 26 Kislev • Religious School • USY Hanukkah Party • Sisterhood Hanukkah Party • Religious School • Hazak Hanukkah Party, 6pm • Be The Change You Wish To Be in The World, 7:45pm • Israeli Dancing, 8pm 24 25 2 Tevet • Family Fun Night, 7pm 30 11 31 9 Tevet 3 Tevet 13 Kislev Candle lighting, 3:55pm • USY Freshman Kinus • Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm • Mah Gadlu Shabbat Services, 6:15pm 12 20 Kislev Candle lighting, 3:55pm • Hertz Nursery Shabbat School, 5:30pm • Mishpacha Minyan Shabbat Services, 6:15pm 19 27 Kislev Candle lighting, 3:57pm • Shabbat services, 6:15pm 26 4 Tevet Candle lighting, 4pm • Shabbat Services, 6:15pm Saturday 6 14 Kislev • Shabbat Services, 9am (Bar Mitzvah: Jack Price) • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Shabbat Torah Table • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm 13 21 Kislev • Shabbat Services, 9am (Bar Mtizvah: Andrew Hoffstein) • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm 20 28 Kislev • Shabbat Services (New Members Shabbat), 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Youth Services, 10:30m • Shabbat Torah Table • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm 27 5 Tevet • Shabbat Services, 9am • Drop-in Meditation, 9am • Mincha/Ma’ariv Minyan, 4pm The event formerly known as Back to Shul is now here! Come to Knowvember Fest to meet your community, find out what makes us tick, discover how to get involved, and more! November 2, 11:30am-1:30pm LUACH The Newsletter of Temple Israel 125 Pond Street, Sharon, MA 02067 781-784-3986 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Temple Israel is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts, and supports the Jewish Theological Seminary. Leslie Gordon Steven W. Dress Harold Lew Benjamin Maron Deborah Astor Alisa Z. Levine Janet Zucker Lisa Kritz Senior Interim Rabbi Cantor Cantor Emeritus Executive Director Executive Director Emerita Education Director Ritual Director Hertz Nursery Director Arnie Freedman President Edward S. Hershfield Executive Vice President Vice President for Operations Neil Aronson Vice President for Finance Marion Gribetz Vice President for Education Michael Getz Vice President for Jewish Communal Life Gary Perkins Treasurer Margery Maidman Luach Editor The Luach is published bi-monthly. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SHARON, MA PERMIT NO. 10