dr. david dalin, our visiting scholar for 5774
dr. david dalin, our visiting scholar for 5774
The bulletin is published in memory of Walter and Kathleen Fried RABBI MICHAEL PANITZ 7255 Granby Street • Norfolk, Virginia 23505 • Phone 757-489-4550 • Fax 757-489-3425 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website: http://www.templeisraelva.org Volume 58 Number 10 Tishri/Cheshvan 5774 October 2013 DR. DAVID DALIN, OUR VISITING SCHOLAR FOR 5774 Mark your calendars for the weekend of October 20th - 21st, when Dr. David Dalin will be here as our Scholar-in-Residence. Dr. Dalin will speak at Shabbat Services on the morning of October 19th, at the conclusion of services, on “How Chanukkah Became a Major American Jewish Holiday”. Then he will speak Saturday evening at 7:30, along with Rabbi Panitz, on “The American Presidents and the Jews”. He will speak again on Sunday, October 20th at 2:00 PM at the Portsmouth Jewish Museum and Cultural Center in Portsmouth. We hope to see you at these events to hear this fascinating speaker! TEMPLE ISRAEL A MESSAGE FROM THE RABBI • Founded in 1953 • 7255 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 Office Phone: 757-489-4550 Fax: 757-489-3425 Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Dr. Michael E. Panitz .............Rabbi * Isaac Danker ....... Cantor Emeritus Dr. Reuven Rohn…..Gabbai Rishon Lois Einhorn...............Gabbai Sheni OFFICERS OF THE CONGREGATION Phil Walzer....................... President Andrew Rabiner .... V.P. Administration Susan Eilberg ....... V.P. Fundraising and Membership Sara Jo Rubin …V.P. Community and Outreach Robin Hutchinson ... V.P. Education and Young Families Cheryl Dronzek ................ Secretary Marcie Waranch ............... Treasurer * Julian Rashkind..Honorary President (* of blessed memory) TRUSTEES Barry Einhorn Dr.Dr.Barry Einhorn Daniel Gordon Daniel Steve Gordon Sandler Richard Saunders Steve Sandler Richard Saunders TEMPLE STAFF Leslie Bradner...Executive ………..Director Nancy Tucker ..... Secretary Kathryn Morton ............ Education Director ....... Cultural Arts Director Bulletin Editor Nancy Tucker Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 2 OUR VISITING SCHOLAR IS COMING TO TOWN Learning, like life, has both everyday rhythms and special moments. On a daily basis, we at Temple Israel make Jewish education central to all of our religious and cultural activities. As the Talmud states, "talmud torah k'neged kulam"-- the study of Torah is fundamental to the fulfillment of all other commandments. But we are also especially pleased when we can be part of a learning experience going beyond the everyday. On October 19, we will be hosting Dr. David Dalin, our Visiting Scholar for 5774. Dr. Dalin is a widely-published author in the field of American Jewish History. He has authored or co-authored dozens of important books, including an encyclopedic survery of The American Presidents and the Jews and an essential collection of historical documents, Religion and State in the American Jewish Experience. He has served on "Think Tanks" in Washington, D.C., and is now a professor at the Ave Maria College in Florida. We will have three opportunities to learn from Dr. Dalin in the course of the weekend of October 19-20. On Saturday morning, at the conclusion of our morning services, he will share a presentation on "How Chanukkah Became a Major American Jewish Holiday." As is well known, Chanukkah is a "minor festival" in traditional Judaism. But for many American Jews, it has achieved a major status. How did that happen? Moreover, Chanukkah has become a major seasonal holiday in American eyes, generally. As Rabbi Dalin will discuss, one more recent example of the Americanization of Chanukkah, and Chanukkah's status as a major American holiday, is the coming of Chanukkah to the White House where, during the past decade, Chanukkah parties have been hosted by American Presidents and their families and kosher food has been served at the White House Chanukkah parties. The Chanukkah connection will also involve mention of the coins in our Brenner Memorial Coin Exhibit. These coins, representing the history of the Jewish people and those who ruled over our ancestors, thousands of years ago, are on permanent display, and are wonderful tools supporting our educational mission. On Saturday evening, at 7:30, Dr. Dalin and I will participate in an open conversation on "The American Presidents and the Jews." Our president, Phil Walzer, will moderate the discussion. In an informal setting, we will have the opportunity to converse with our distinguished guest scholar and tap his considerable knowledge of our history as Americans and as Jews. The next day, Sunday, October 20, at 2 PM, Dr. Dalin will give a lecture at the Portsmouth Jewish museum and cultural center. His lecture will deal (Continued on page 5) WELCOME TO THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR We are off and running with Sunday Religious School, which began September 8th. The students are already having a great time. Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 3 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT A few months ago, I read a book titled “Reimagining Leadership in Jewish Organizations.” It wasn’t as dry as it sounds. It talked about nurturing, risk-taking, developing a vision. All good points. But the one that really captured my interest came towards the end of the book. The author, Misha Galperin, spoke about the concept of b’tzelem Elohim, or being created in God’s image. “What would it mean,” Galperin wrote, “if people really treated each other as images of God? It would mean that everyone is unique. It would mean that everyone is infinitely precious….If we really treated people this way, it would revolutionize the way we work in the world.” This idea of b’tzelem Elohim was summarized movingly by Rabbi David Wolpe of Los Angeles, who recently wrote: “Untangle the strands of our spiritual DNA, and you will discover a spark, in every human being, of the One who spoke and created the world.” At Temple Israel, I believe this is standard operating procedure. I’ve seen countless examples where we treat one another as “infinitely precious.” Or, in a phrase the rabbi will expand on later in the holidays, we are a “caring community.” And that’s as it should be. Here’s one recent instance that probably few of you know about: One of our Shabbat regulars, who had joined both our religion and our synagogue barely a year before, moved south this summer with her young son. In her short time here, she developed a tight network of friends, who did not desert her when she left. They continue to call her, sometimes every couple of days, to check on her progress – social and religious – and cheer her on. In good times and bad, we sustain one another. At minyan, we console those who are mourning, sometimes with a hug, sometimes with a bad joke or simply a smile. At aufrufs, birthday kiddushes or bar or bat mitzvah ceremonies, we rejoice as if we were members of the family – because, in fact, we are. At school, too, our children make impressive moral leaps. One day, three boys see a quarter lying on the floor in the hallway. Luck-eee, says one. Another says, “Yeah, when you find money and put it in the tzedakah box, you feel good all day.” All three then go to the principal’s office to deposit the quarter in the tzedakah container. A true story. In short, we see the beauty in one another regardless of age, income, background or level of observance. Again, as it should be. When I told Rabbi Panitz about the topic of my speech, he referred me to the late French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas. And Levinas reinforced a significant point: When searching for the image of God in others, we ourselves come closer to the ideal that God had hoped human beings would achieve. “In the face of the other,” Levinas wrote, “I demand more of myself.” Now you might be thinking: This all sounds nice, but how in the world is it connected with the High Holiday appeal, which is what he’s finally going to get to at some point? I’ll tell you how. In a very concrete way, your High Holiday pledge will keep the synagogue and all of its activities functioning smoothly and will help us meet our budget. As someone who thinks about Temple Israel’s budget at least weekly, if not daily, I’d say that’s pretty important. But let’s look at it in a different way. Yes, your contributions will allow us to keep providing a high level of religious services every holiday, every Shabbat, in fact every day of the year. That, of course, will bring us closer to God. And that, in turn, will help peel away the barriers, opening us up so that we can draw closer and see one another in a more generous light. In the process, each of us will take a giant step toward the ideal selves we aspire to become this holiday season. In other words, everyone wins. Your support, too, will help fund our Shabbat kiddushes. At least for me, it’s the most filling lunch of the week, by far. But look more closely Saturday when we’re in Brody or on the atrium. It’s not just eating that’s going on there. You’ll see nothing less than the nurturing of the soul, as old acquaintances catch up and new relationships are born, again crossing the lines of wealth, geography and generation. (Continued on page 5) Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 4 Rabbi’s column (continued from page 2) with the American presidents and the Jews in the turbulent decade leading up to the American Civil War. Please plan on attending as many of these events as you can. You will come away from the weekend with much to think about! Shalom, Rabbi Michael Panitz Phil Walzer’s column continued from page 4 And your help will sustain our religious school – where creative sparks fly up every Sunday, producing moments of wonder and transcendence between student and student, student and teacher. I guess what I’m trying to say is this: By supporting Temple Israel, you are sustaining an important and powerful religious institution. But you’re doing so much more. You are building ladders to self-improvement, building bridges to new worlds. You are creating lifelong friendships and caring communities. You are changing lives. Please help us reach our goal of $50,000 this year. Thank you for your support of Temple Israel. May we all discover the beauty and nobility in one another throughout the coming year. Phil Walzer, President Thank you to the Men’s Club for helping to put up the Temple Israel Sukkah and Rabbi and Sheila’s Sukkah. We couldn’t do it without you! Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 5 STOP BY THE JUDAICA SHOP! Hanukkah merchandise has arrived. Shop early - remember Hanukkah begins the evening of November 27th. Many new Israeli vendors now have items in our shop, including items made from Jerusalem stone. Please stop by and see our selections. And remember, all proceeds from the Judaica Shop benefit Temple Israel. SAVE THE DATE!! PAID UP MEMBERSHIP DINNER has been set for Thursday, October 17th at 5:30 PM. More details will be coming soon! The next meeting of the Norfolk Sisterhood Downtown Book Club is October 14th. They will be reading THE STORY TELLER. For more information, contact Bernice Moses at [email protected] or 622-5142. ________________________________________________________ The next meeting of the Virginia Beach Sisters in the Hood Book Club will be November 14th. They will be reading BLOODLINES. For more information, contact Tina Moses at [email protected]. The next Sisterhood Board Meeting is November 3rd. Board meetings are hold on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM at Temple Israel. All Sisterhood members are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in becoming more involved with the Sisterhood or know someone who is, please contact Lyna Raschdorf at 739-8665. And, please note, this year Sisterhood dues will be $36 - Double Chai - twice the blessing! The Sisterhood is looking for a communications secretary and a floral fund chair. If you would like more information on these positions or to volunteer, please contact Lyna Raschdorf. Our featured Board Member of the Month is Bernice Moses. Bernice serves as a Senior Advisor to our Temple Israel Sisterhood Board. After having held nearly every office on our Board, including Sisterhood President, Bernice is an outstanding source of information, ideas and insight. Bernice has been a member of Temple Israel since 1998, and the Moses family were also members from 1956 - 1964. Bernice’s children attended nursery school at Temple Israel. The Moses family has celebrated many simcha here, including the Bat Mitzvah of each of her granddaughters, Danielle and Michelle. Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 6 MAZEL TOV TO: Gabrielle and Matt Baldwin on the birth of their daughter, Bellamy, born on September 11th. Proud grandparents are Raphael and Dinah Halioua. Rachelle and Roberto Luna on the birth of their granddaughter Zara Luna-Boyd. Zara was born to Rabbi Nicole Luna and her husband, Joe, on August 15th. Haley Haverson, daughter of Jill Haverson and Todd Drummond, on being selected to become a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. The society recognizes top scholars who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, scholarship and community commitment. Haley is a student at Frank W. Cox High School in Virginia Beach. Hal Sacks, on the publication of his book HAL’S NAVY. Hal and Annabel Sacks, on the birth of their grandson, Esteban Levinson, in Bogota, Columbia. Our October Mitzvah of the Month will will be a coat collection. We can take all sizes of clean, outerwear coats. No sports coats or suit jackets, please. Children’s coats will be donated to the Coats for Kids drive and adult coats will go to local homeless shelters. Jodie Rafalowitz will be hosing a Yahrzeit study session in memory of her sister, Sarah, on Monday, October 14th, immediately following eveing minyan. Dinner will be served. After dinner, Rabbi Panitz will lead a Mishnah study session based on the letters of Sarah’s Hebrew name. The congregation is invited. Please RSVP to Jodie at [email protected] or 757-544-3874. WHERE DID THE MINYAN MONEY GO THIS MONTH? This month, the Minyanaires sent money to Jewish Family Service and Mogen David Adom. We thank you for your constant and continued support of so many needy causes. Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 7 ŽƵƌ LJ Ŭ Đ ĚƐŶĂ ŝƐŚůŝŶĞ Ŷ Ă ^ŝƉ ĞĨŝŶ ůŝǀĞ͟ Ś ƚ Ž ƚ ͞ ǁĂLJ ĞƉĂƌĂƚĞ ĞƌĞ Ś ŝŶϲƐ ƌĂĐĞƐ͕ǁ ůů͊͟ Ă Ğ ŚŽƌƐ ƌ͞ƚĂŬĞƐ Ğ ǁŝ ŶŶ Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 8 ,Ă ĐŽŵƉ ƚ ĞƚŝƚŝŽ ĨŽƌĂů Ŷ ů ďĞƚǁ ĞĞŶƚŚ ƌĂĐĞƐ Ğ TORAH AT THE BEACH Just as some good TV shows have returned this fall, TORAH AT THE BEACH is returning … to a home near you! We will have our first study session on Monday, November 4th at 7:30 PM at the home of Harriet and Stan Dickman. “Judaism and the Supernatural” will be our topic of study. Any ghosts lurking around? It will be great to see our regulars and new participants are always welcome. Cookie Miles, Torah at the Beach Coordinator Please welcome the newest members of the Temple Israel Family Zamira Andrews Harold and Elaine Levenson Jan and Randi Berkowitz Ian and Megan Lord Nathan and Beth Brauner Frederick Patterson and Leigh Goldstein Jeffrey and Suzanne Breit Danny Rashkind Ida Renee Burns Ron and Bari Roistacher Alicia Cole Barbara Rosenblatt David Credle Madeline Rossettini Todd Drummond and Jill Haverson Daniel and Shikma Rubin Aaron Goldmeier Kareem and Rut Shaw Sidney Jacobson Bernie and Susan Laub-Zatcoff Robert and Abbie Korman Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 9 Remember, if you know of someone who is in the hospital or at home sick, please let the office know, so we can pass the information on to Rabbi Panitz, We are no longer allowed to obtain that information from the hospitals, due to the new HIPAA regulations. “Like" us on Facebook for last minute reminders, behind-the-scenes pictures, and fun links to Jewish links on the web. Find us as "Temple Israel in Norfolk" or by going to www.facebook.com/ TempleIsraelInNorfolk Just a reminder of our donation levels for the cards we send out “In Memory Of”, “In Honor Of” or “Speedy Recovery” - the minimum donation amount is $10. A donation of $25 or more will be acknowledged on a card with a color picture of the sanctuary. The Daily Minyan Prayerbook and the Siddur Sim Shalom are $30 and the Chumash is $50. MISPAHAH - משפחה- FAMILY What is Torah fund really about? The Torah Fund connects women who care about the future of the Jewish community and empowers us to make a difference. We are living in an era in which the fundamentalist extremes hold great allure and power and so we know that we must support the Torah Fund to hold our vital and centrist community strong. We know that the cost of higher education has soared and so we support Torah fund so that financial aid can be granted generously to those who want to train as rabbis, cantors and educators for our day schools and synagogues. We support the Torah fund so that the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and the Seminario Latinoamerico Rabbinico serve as strong, vibrant centers of learning, training the next generation of leaders for the community we hold dear. And there are many ways we can support Torah Fund. In addition to tzedakah boxes for your loose change and the Torah Fund pin pictured above, there are also beautiful Tribute Cards for both happy and sad occasions. Just see Wendy Brodsky at services (I always carry a supply of boxes, cards and pins with me!) or email/call for more information ([email protected] or 639-3541.) Below is the tentative long range schedule for the JWV Post 158. Meetings are open for guest speakers and other events. Ideas would be greatly appreciated. October 9, 2013, 7:00 pm – Regular Meeting, Guest Speaker at the JCC November 6, 2013, 7:00 pm – Regular Meeting, Guest Speaker at the JCC December 11, 7:00 pm – Regular Meeting, Guest Speaker at the JCC Adam Goldberg Post Commander JWV Post 158 http://bnaiisrael.org/event/jewish-war-veterans-post-158/ https://www.facebook.com/JWVPost158VA Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 10 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS OCTOBER 1 Carolyn Nachman Ethel Whiman OCTOBER 2 Barbara Rosenblatt Andrew Whitfield OCTOBER 3 Beth Brauner Lyna Raschdorf Edward Yusufov OCTOBER 4 Robert Copeland Robert Liebowitz OCTOBER 5 Melvyn Siegel OCTOBER 6 Sidney Jacobson Petr Kastin OCTOBER 7 Bernard Einhorn OCTOBER 8 Sara Rabiner OCTOBER 17 Steven Soldinger OCTOBER 9 Aaron Miller OCTOBER 18 Evelyn Eisenberg Michael Goldmeier Martin Unger OCTOBER 10 Jacob Brauner Bernice Moses OCTOBER 11 Eli Bilderback Susan Zemil OCTOBER 12 Steven Lederman Daniel Miller Shannon Ponack OCTOBER 13 Irene Weintrob OCTOBER 14 Sheldon Leavitt OCTOBER 16 Cheryl Dronzek Abby Friedman OCTOBER 19 Robert Goldwasser Daniel Gordon Mia Rashkind OCTOBER 20 David Blake Lynn Gordon OCTOBER 21 Rachel Baltuch Shirley Legum Amalia Riess OCTOBER 22 Glenda Greenhouse Arlene Owens Suzette Rashkind Hannah Sacks OCTOBER 23 Rose Bennetch Amy Bosher OCTOBER 25 Rebecca Green Michael Heck OCTOBER 26 Joseph Segal OCTOBER 28 Audrey Fleder Dinah Halioua Arnold Oppenheimm OCTOBER 30 Jodi Kelbanoff Joan Lendhardt OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES OCTOBER 6 Steve & Marcia Brodie Louis & Gloria Padersky Danny & Shikma Rubin OCTOBER 10 Kirk & Amy Levy Jonathan Shapiro & Jessie Glasser OCTOBER 14 Michael & Gloria Heck OCTOBER 15 Stephen & Sheila Friedman OCTOBER 16 John & Ellen Glynn OCTOBER 17 Barry & Beth Dorsk OCTOBER 18 Philip & Mary Ann Walzer OCTOBER 20 Franklin & Wendy Auerbach Adam & Kathy Salzberg OCTOBER 23 Ian & Megan Lord OCTOBER 26 Larry & Shannon Ponack Ron & Bari Roistacher OCTOBER YAHRZEITS We record the sacred memory of the following departed members of the families of our Congregation on the occasion of their Yahrzeits OCTOBER YAHRZEITS OCTOBER 1 Earl Berdick OCTOBER 2 Murray Goldwasser Charles Gruber Rosa Hirsch Henry Naym Werner Riess Zeev Riess Norma Walker OCTOBER 3 Joseph Blumenthal Pessy London OCTOBER 5 Sally Harris Samuel Legum Kathy Rosenbach This month, the OCTOBER 6 Harry Cohen Rose Hecht Martha London Anna Raskind OCTOBER 10 Rochelle Brooks William Feldman Elsie Goldstein Freda Gordon OCTOBER 7 Herbert Gordon Martin Harowitz Lee Shemer OCTOBER 11 Lillian Juren OCTOBER 8 Helen Drexler Rose Sachs Manual Saunders Jane Tapper OCTOBER 12 Frank Dorsk Leola “Lee” Jaffe Irving Kalfus Joseph Schoenfeld Hazel Tallant Rae Weinstein OCTOBER 15 Elmer Bernstein Kevin Breit Nessim Halioua Sidney Livingston Sarah Rafalowitz OCTOBER 16 Raymond Cohen David Peltz Louis Salsbury Emma Samuels OCTOBER 17 Pearl Bogus Esther Weiman OCTOBER 20 Rivilyn Salzburg Sidney Wolff OCTOBER 21 Seymour Cohen Belle Rosenbaum Louis Salzburg Frances Shevokis Miriam Waranch OCTOBER 22 Joseph Brown OCTOBER 23 Charlotte Moos Jacob Nesson Edwin Rashkind Harris Trestman OCTOBER 29 Hannah Dorf Ester Kremenchugsky OCTOBER 25 Adele Blum Fredric Drexler Sylvia Kass Abraham Littman Edwin Margolis Bobbie Tabakin Yosef Yusufov OCTOBER 30 Max Drexler Alan Friedman Steven Lanse Miriam “Mickey” Lubin Julius Madoff Fred Richter Fred Soskel OCTOBER 26 Joseph Furman Melvin Krampf Sara Madoff Morris Marcus Elliott Young OCTOBER 27 Bernard Bernstein Gertrude Chait Harold Newman OCTOBER 18 OCTOBER 13 OCTOBER 9 Albert Handen Thelma Fantuch Louise Blake Eleanor Miller Ruth Lubow Bernice Barbara Ratnofsky OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER 24 WHERE DID MINYAN GO MONTH? PhilipMONEY Cohen RossTHIS Friedman OCTOBER 28 Rosenblum HaroldTHE Simonoff Sol Cohen Joseph Hyman Goldstein Sarah Slavin Harryyou Fleder Eichelbaum Edith Celia Swartzbergdecided OCTOBER 14 Minyanaires they would like to send money toLaderberg the . We thank for Sara Mazel Dorothy Coplonhelp and Helen Kopel Anne Weinstein generosity. Hyman Rubin Ronald Hyman Betty Miller Julia Terkeltoub OCTOBER 31 Dorothy (Dottie) Finch Aaron Goldstein Mikhayl Kremenchugskiy your continued Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 11 REMEMBRANCE FUNDS EDUCATION FUND In Memory … DOTTIE JEAN CASH Etta & Ernie Lendman * MAZON In Memory … MIRIAM BECKER David & Adel Kruger Roz Landres WALTER SEGALOFF Roz Landres ELLEN SIMON David & Adel Kruger * Speedy Recovery … LORI GLASSER Roz Landres & Family * MINYAN FUND In Memory … ROSALIND NORKIN Lou & Gloria Padersky * In Honor … BOODIE FRIEDMAN, 85TH BIRTHDAY Penny, Alan, Darryl, LynneDee and Allan * DANIEL GORDON, SYDNEY’S ENGAGEMENT Darryl Lefcoe & Alan Friedman TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY Roz Landres * Shirley Legum RABBI MICHAEL & SHEILA PANITZ, 35TH ANNIVERSARY Shirley Legum * LYNNE & STEVE SAUNDERS, SYDNEY’S ENGAGEMENT Darryl Lefcoe & Alan Friedman MUSIC FUND In Honor … REBECCA DANKER, FOR CD OF CANTOR DANKER’S MUSIC Carol & Stan Tickton RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory … MIRIAM BECKER Lou & Gloria Padersky MERLE LEVINE Shelley & Jeffrey Weisberg ROSALIND NORKIN Dee Dee & Meyer Chovitz * Speedy Recovery … HARRY COHEN Lois & Barry Einhorn Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 12 MARILYN GOLDMAN Harriet White & Family * In Honor … BOODIE FRIEDMAN, 85TH BIRTHDAY Joe Segal TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY Susan & Jim Eilberg * Shelley, Jeff, Clay & Zach Weisberg SHIRLEY LIPMAN, 90TH BIRTHDAY Ruth Ellen Gans Jeff & Mindy Katz The Unger Family * RACHELLE & ROBERTO LUNA, BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER Lois & Barry Einhorn KATHRYN MORTON, TRAINING HALEY FOR HER BAT MITZVAH Cookie & Richard Miles * YALE NESSON, 85TH BIRTHDAY Alan Friedman & Darryl Lefcoe, Penny Friedman, LynneDee and Allan Weiman * Joe Segal RABBI PANITZ, TRAINING HALEY FOR HER BAT MITZVAH Cookie & Richard Miles * RABBI AND SHEILA PANITZ, 35TH ANNIVERSARY Doris Friedman * Marilyn Goldman * Lew & Glenda Greenhouse Jeff & Mindy Katz Selma & Leon Leach * Ellie & Paul Lipkin * Jonathan & Linda Longman Bert & Sarita Sachs * Joe Segal ALEX WALZER, 90TH BIRTHDAY Lois & Barry Einhorn Doris Friedman Jeff & Mindy Katz HYMAN B. SWARTZ MEMORIAL LIBRARY In Memory … MIRIAM BECKER Mollie Ruben ROSALIND NORKIN Celeste & Allan Fine TEMPLE FUND In Memory … MIRIAM BECKER Flora Goldsticker Harriet Orleans * IRVIN BELKOV David &Stephanie Allen * Jill Brickman * Howard & Diane Burkom * Beth Dorsk & Family & Barbara Krampf Alan & Beverly Frieden Morty & Bootsie Goldmeier Jody Klenetsky, Dana Pais, Marissa Hyman & Laura Perpinyal * Selma & Leon Leach Etta & Ernie Lendman * Bette Segal Lattie Wallace * HENRIETTA BREIT Calvin & Mildred Breit * ELBERT BRODSKY Wendy & Ron Brodsky * PEARL BROOKE Hyman Brooke * DOTTIE JEAN CASH Harriet White & Family * ESTHER FLEDER Lorraine Fleder * LEON GANDERSON Martin Ganderson * STEPHEN B. GANDERSON Martin Ganderson * RAE GORDON Harmon & Kathy Gordon * ETTA GREEN Allan Green * Harry Norkin * SOL HALPRIN Mona & Irvin Belkov * ALBERT KAPLAN Adie Adler * MARTIN KASS Billy & Janet Kass SARAH KASS Billy & Janet Kass ANNA KOLSTEIN Bessie Finder * SONYA LACHMAN Flora Goldsticker Lou & Gloria Padersky LOUIS NORKIN Harry Norkin * ROSALIND NORKIN Adie Adler * Mark Barr * Jack & Jodie Frieden * Morty & Bootsie Goldmeier Joan & Joe Goodstein Audrey Knoth & Phil Piserchia * Darryl Lefcoe & Alan Friedman Norman & Susan Stones * WALTER SEGALOFF Rebecca Danker * Ira & Joan Lederman Gloria & Mel Siegel DAVID VERNIK Dena Vernik HARRY ZABLOW Ethel Zablow MAURICE ZETLIN Betty Zetlin * Speedy Recovery … KAREN BAZAR Nancy, Abbey & the Gift Shop Volunteers LARRY BERMAN Mollie Ruben HARRY COHEN Sara & Milton Rubin TRUDY ROSENBLATT David & Adel Kruger In Honor … DEE DEE CHOVITZ Joan & Joe Goodstein MY BIRTHDAY Lorraine Fleder * DANIEL HECHT, 21ST BIRTHDAY Wendy & Ron Brodsky * TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY Joan & Al Benas Wendy & Ron Brodsky * Doris Friedman Connie & Marc Jacobson Paula & Ronnie Levy SHIRLEY LIPMAN, 90TH BIRTHDAY Doris Friedman DAILY MINYAN PRAYER BOOK In Honor … STEVE & LYNNE SAUNDERS, SYDNEY’S ENGAGEMENT Billy & Janet Kass * TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY Billy & Janet Kass * Ellie & Paul Lipkin * ETZ HAYIM CHUMASH In Honor … TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY David & Adel Kruger * SIDDUR SIM SHALOM In Memory … MIRIAM BECKER Adelle Adler * IRVIN BELKOV Joe & Ellen Sue Mersel * ( 2 Siddurim) In Honor … BOODIE FRIEDMAN, 85TH BIRTHDAY Daniel Gordon & Family * TED KRUGER, 85TH BIRTHDAY Daniel Gordon & Family * YALE NESSON, 85TH BIRTHDAY Daniel Gordon & Family * RABBI & SHEILA PANITZ, 35TH ANNIVERSARY Lois & Barry Einhorn * * indicates a donation of $25 or more IN MEMORIAM With sorrow we record the deaths of JOSEPH ARGAMAN, Father of Judah Argaman MIRIAM BECKER, Sister of Audrey Rapaport IRVIN BELKOV, Husband of Mona Belkov, Uncle of Bill Halprin SOLOMON BENARROCH, Brother of Hannah Edwards DOTTIE JEAN CASH, Step-mother of Janis Weisberg ROSALIND NORKIN, Wife of Harry Norkin, Mother of Janet Schiff, Sister of Allan Green OCTOBER TISHRI/CHESHVAN 2013 - 5774 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 27 Tishri Wednesday 2 28 Tishri Thursday Friday 3 4 29 Tishri Saturday 30 Tishri ROSH CHODESH Light Candles 6:24 pm 2 Cheshvan Religious School 9:00 am 7 3 Cheshvan 8 4 Cheshvan Israel Trip planning meeting 7:30 pm 1 Cheshvan Parashah: Noach Board Meeting 7:30 pm 6 5 9 van 5 Chesh- 10 6 Cheshvan 11 7 Cheshvan Shabbat honoring our seniors 83 and up ROSH CHODESH Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:33 pm 12 8 Cheshvan \Parashah: Lech Lecha Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Light Candles 6:14 pm 13 9 Cheshvan Religious School 9:00 am 14 10 Cheshvan 15 11 Cheshvan 16 12 Cheshvan 17 13 Cheshvan 18 14 Cheshvan 16 Cheshvan 21 17 Cheshvan 22 18 Cheshvan 23 19 Cheshvan 24 20 Cheshvan 25 21 Cheshvan Religious School 9:00 am 23 Cheshvan Religious School 9:00 am Parashah: Vayera Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:54 pm 26 22 Cheshvan Parashah: Chaye Sarah Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Light Candles 5:56 pm 27 15 Cheshvan Scholar-inResidence with 0r. David Dalin Light Candles 6:05 pm 20 19 \ Sisterhood Paid Up Membership Dinner 5:30 pm Office Closed for Columbus Day Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:23 pm 28 24 Cheshvan 29 25 Cheshvan 30 26 Cheshvan 31 Minchah/Ma’ariv 6:05 pm 27 Cheshvan \ Board Meeting 7:30 pm Temple Israel Bulletin • Page 17 Convenient Hours & NOW OFFERING Saturday Appointments Call for a Free Long-Term Care Planning Guide Scott N. Alperin Estate Planning Elder Law Business Law Real Estate [email protected] www.alperinlaw.com (757) 490-3500 At Alperin Law, we can help you protect your home,family & assets from the devastating cost of long-term care. CALL TODAY for a FREE consultation on: • How to make sure that you & your spouse are not left financially ruined if you need nursing home care • How to stay out of the nursing home & access in-home care. • How to access Veterans Benefits to pay for long-term care. 4605 Pembroke Lake Circle, #300 • Virginia Beach (757) 393-2568 Elliott M. Althouse, D.D.S. • Steven A. Carroll, D.D.S. Lori Moscovitz Alperin, D.D.S. www.smilesbyaca.com • 3410 County Street • Portsmouth, VA 23707 Samuel I. White & Wm. ADAM WHITE Attorneys at Law 5040 Corporate Center Dr., Unit 120 • Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 Telephone: (757) 490-9284 Committed to Excellence Bayside Chapel (757) 464-6221 Great Neck Chapel (757) 496-9727 Tidewater Drive Chapel (757) 583-0177 Kempsville Chapel (757) 463-0150 Indian River Chapel Lynnhaven Chapel Great Bridge Chapel (757) 547-9511 (757) 495-7727 (757) 420-2350 “Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevra Kadishas.” 5792 Greenwich Rd. • VA Beach • 422-4000 7415 River Rd. • Newport News • 245-1525 12893 Jefferson Ave. • Newport News • 874-4200 1801 Baltic Ave. • VA Beach • 428-1112 928 S. Battlefield Blvd. • Chesapeake James E. Altmeyer, Sr. & Jr. Owners & Directors Perpetual Beauty... You Deserve Only the Best. PreK-Grade 5 5000 Corporate Woods Dr. • VA Beach 424-4327 • www.hebrewacademy.net Oliver H.D. Martin V. Owner Oliver Funeral Apartments Serving the Jewish Community of Hampton Rds. Since 1865 Norfolk Chapel: 1501 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, 622-7353 Laskin Road Chapel: 2002 Laskin Rd., Virginia Beach, 428-7880 Chesapeake Chapel: 1416 Cedar Rd., Chesapeake, 548-2200 757-855-3146 • Fax 757-853-4798 • Hebrew Lettering Granite • Marble • INDOOR Showroom • Bronze • • Over 50 Years Combined Exp. Successors to Lawson • Serving The Area Since 1964 & Newton/ Overmyer & Ennis (Evening & Weekend Appts. Available) Superior Quality, Value, Selection, Service and Craftsmanship. 3332 Cromwell Dr., Norfolk (Between Chesapeake Blvd. & Tidwater) We Specialize In Customized Memorials To Honor YOUR Loved One. Medicare Supplement Enrollment Starts October 15th Life Long Integrity Give me a call to discuss! bagels are just the beginning. Eitan has been an Insurance Agent in Israel since 1993 Eitan Mor • 5025 Waterford Place, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (757) 486-2492 • [email protected] • www.admorinsurance.com Offering: Life, Health, Disability, Medicare Supplement, Auto, Home, Flood, Commercial Insurance 2123 Colonial Avenue (Colonial and 22nd St.) Norfolk, Virginia 23517 Phone 757-623-6609 Catering 757-773-0116 www.yorgosbageldashery.com Jeffrey S. Katz, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Mindy Schwartz Katz, MS, ACC ADHD & Life Coach 2940 N. Lynnhaven Road, Suite 110 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-4232 • [email protected] The Wizard of Tidewater Gardening Gary L. Osmundson, President (757) 724-1979 [email protected] Temple Israel Sisterhood Education, Kibbutzing, Noshing and Supporting the Synagogue Disclaimer: Inclusion of restaurants in this advertising section does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth status. For Ad Information Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc. 14-0996/a Norfolk monument company Authorized Dealer Susan Jaworski Tidewater’s Largest Outdoor Memorial Display and Indoor Showroom granite • Marble • Bronze Experts in Hebrew Lettering Specialized Artwork, Full Scale, Layout for Approval, On-Site Lettering, Cleaning & Restoration 853-7608 2640 Cromwell Rd. • Norfolk, VA 23509 Kosher Catering for any Lifecycle Event! Bar and Bat Mitzvot Shiva Trays and Meals Bris and Baby Naming Celebrations We will set up and deliver! Our possibilities are endless... Contact Marcia Futterman Brodie for a quote. 757-420-2512 [email protected] Call LPI to place an ad today! 800-477-4574 For Advertising Information, call Brian Williams at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6310 • 216-965-6409 [email protected] Bell Construction & Home Repair (757) 639-0775 Additions • Window-Door Replacement Bath & Kitchen Remodeling • Decks Fence Sheds • Painting & Drywall Vinyl Siding • Gutters & Wood Replacement • We Do It All!!! Free Estimates / Licensed / Insured Disclaimer: Inclusion of restaurants in this advertising section does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth status. 0-D-0-0 For Ad Information Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc. 14-0996/b TEMPLE ISRAEL 7255 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 Temple Israel, Norfolk, Va. Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 73 Norfolk, VA