Families 1880 Salado Flats Census
Families 1880 Salado Flats Census
The Salado Flats and Tucson Mountains of Lincoln County, a Story Louie Lalonde and Benino Gallegos From a Collection by Rich Eastwood This is dedicated to All of our parents and their cousins Who brought Lincoln County To life for us This story is a part of www.lincolncountycousins.org Any comments may be addressed to the editor [email protected] Have fun, Rich 2 Table of Contents Salado-Tucson, a Story of Lincoln County............................................................................... 6 Introduction to the area ......................................................................................................... 6 1880 Census of Salado Flats ................................................................................................. 8 The Salado-Tucson-Capitan Area ....................................................................................... 10 Salado and Capitan ......................................................................................................... 10 Tucson Mountains ........................................................................................................... 11 Nogal and White Oaks .................................................................................................... 12 The Story, the Families ....................................................................................................... 13 First Families .................................................................................................................. 13 Families 1880 Salado Flats Census................................................................................. 18 A Story of the Tucsons ....................................................................................................... 20 1885 Census Notes .......................................................................................................... 20 An Interview with Abran Miller ..................................................................................... 24 From 1880 until 1920 a Chronology....................................................................................... 28 Fannie‘s Story ................................................................................................................. 39 Family Work Sheets ................................................................................................................ 61 Aguayo, Alex and Eufe Baca 1908 ................................................................................. 61 Aguayo, José and Francisca Hill 1873 ............................................................................ 62 Archuleta, Tomas and Manuelita Padilla 1908 ............................................................... 64 Artiaga, Juan and Sabina Estrada 1880........................................................................... 65 Artiaga, Manuel and Eloisa Miller 1880......................................................................... 66 Artiaga, Victoriano and Lola Padilla 1901 ..................................................................... 67 Baca, Silvestre and Eulogia Galindre, María Padilla 1880 ............................................. 69 Carrillo, Doroteo and Felicita Chavez 1879 ................................................................... 70 Carrillo, Jose and Nicanora Marquez 1880..................................................................... 72 Carrillo, Julian and Isabel Herrera, Barbara Herrera -Ante ............................................ 74 Chavez, Antonio and Juanita Carrillo 1885 .................................................................... 75 Chavez, Cristobal and Maria Torres 1885 ...................................................................... 76 Chavez, Iginio and Domitila Garcia 1892 ...................................................................... 78 Chavez, Jose and Margarita Padilla, Lola Sandoval 1881 .............................................. 79 Chávez, Tomas and Florencia Trujillo............................................................................ 81 Corbet, Sam and Teresa Padilla, Josefa Baca 1880 ........................................................ 83 Flores, Jesus and Natividad Peralta 1895 ....................................................................... 84 Flores, Jose de Gracia and Lorenza Herrera 1870 .......................................................... 85 Freeman, Boston and Leonora Sandoval 1900 ............................................................... 87 Gallegos, Benino and Estefana Pino 1905 ...................................................................... 88 Garcia, Jose and Tomasa Romero, Trindad Chavez 1870 .............................................. 90 Gonzales, Felix and Catalina Peralta 1910 ..................................................................... 91 Guebara, Alvino and Nobora Sueras, Nellie Gallegos 1925 .......................................... 92 Guevara, Felis and Carmelita Torres 1883 ..................................................................... 93 Guevara, Francisco and Jesusita Leal 1902 .................................................................... 94 Guevara, Lorenzo and Maximiliana Bilderas, Elena Gonzales 1893 ............................. 95 Guevara, Maximiliano and Felicita Montoya 1885 ........................................................ 96 Guevara, Placidio and Maria, Tecla and Liberada 1870 ................................................. 97 Guevara, Ygnacio and AnaMaria Torres 1870 ............................................................... 99 3 Gutierrez, Jesus Maria and Prudencia Baca 1897 ......................................................... 101 Herrera, Francisco and Francisca Ortega -Ante ............................................................ 102 Herrera, Gregorio and Geralda Garcia -Ante ................................................................ 104 Herrera, Jose and Antonia Padilla 1881 ........................................................................ 106 Herrera, Ologio and Anastacia Sedillo 1885 ................................................................ 107 Lacey, Doc and Fannie Lalone 1898 ............................................................................ 108 Lalonde, Louis and Elvira Uderos 1909 ....................................................................... 110 Lalonde, Tioflio and ‗Lada‘ Padilla 1867 ..................................................................... 111 Lalone, Fred and Margarite Vega 1903 ........................................................................ 113 Leal, Julian and Carrie Lalone 1897 ............................................................................. 116 Lopez, Pedro and Eliza Miller 1902 ............................................................................. 117 Lueras, Aniseto and Librada Herrera 1870 ................................................................... 118 Mack, John and Francisca Padilla 1897 ........................................................................ 120 McKinley, David and Francisca Padilla 1880 .............................................................. 121 McKinley, Emiliano and Maria Padilla 1901 ............................................................... 122 McKinley, Ysidro and Apolonia Herrera 1896............................................................. 123 Miller, Abran and Juanita Romero 1881....................................................................... 125 Miller, Julián Jr. and Felipa Guerra 1896 ..................................................................... 127 Miller, William and Manuelita Herrera 1870 ............................................................... 128 Olguin, Gabriel and Manuela Flores 1891 .................................................................... 130 Ortiz, Refugia-Leal, Baca, Udreos ................................................................................ 131 Otero, Antonio and Gertrudis Herrera -Ante ............................................................... 133 Padilla, Adan and Teodora Garcia 1895 ....................................................................... 135 Padilla, Clemente and Elvira Miller 1916..................................................................... 137 Padilla, Jesus Maria Jr. and Esiquia Sandoval, Luisa Montoya 1880........................... 139 Padilla, Jesus Maria and Sostena Carrillo 1880 ............................................................ 141 Padilla, Jose Encarnacion and Julianita Lucero, Polonia Herrera 1870 ....................... 143 Padilla, Jose Leon and Nestora Zamora 1880 ............................................................... 146 Padilla, Senobio and Saturnia Torres 1870 ................................................................... 148 Padilla, Severo and Josefa Sanchez 1899 ..................................................................... 150 Padilla, Vicente and Bersabe Gonzales -Ante .............................................................. 151 Padilla, Ysidro and Catalina Giron 1870 ...................................................................... 152 Peralta, Filomeno and Casimira Torres 1895 ............................................................... 153 Peralta, Isabel and Ramona Padilla 1902 ...................................................................... 154 Peralta, Juan and Nicanora Gallegos -Ante .................................................................. 155 Peralta, Monico and Ramona Perea 1895 ..................................................................... 156 Peralta, Nicolas and Leonore Sandoval 1898 ............................................................... 158 Phillipowski, Lyon and Teresa Padilla 1870 ................................................................ 159 Pino, Abel and Felicitas Gonzales, Clara Padilla 1905 ................................................ 160 Pino, Gregorio and Reymunda Silva 1911 ................................................................... 162 Pino, Pablo and Iginia Cordova, Maria Chavez 1880 ................................................... 164 Pino, Perciliano and Isidora Chavez, Donancia Chavez 1890 ...................................... 166 Romero, Jose and Barbara McViegh 1897 ................................................................... 168 Salas, Lorenza and Torres, Padilla, Gonzales -Ante ..................................................... 169 Salazar, Frank and Jesusita Leal 1894 .......................................................................... 171 Sanchez, Crecencio and Maria Sanchez, Guadalupe Trujillo 1880 .............................. 172 4 Sanchez, Francisco and Concepcion Trujillo, Virginia Padilla 1880 ........................... 174 Sanchez, Joe and Addie LaLone 1903 .......................................................................... 176 Sandoval y Sena, Jesus and Maria Torres 1870 ............................................................ 177 Sandoval, Benino and Josefa Lopez 1896 .................................................................... 180 Sandoval, Candelario and Benigna Bueno 1905........................................................... 181 Sena, George and Teresa Carrillo 1885 ........................................................................ 182 Serna, Julian and Juliana Padilla 1897 .......................................................................... 184 Silva, Enrique and Rebeca Artiaga 1898 ...................................................................... 185 Silva, Juan Andres and Petra Ballejos 1880 ................................................................. 187 Silva, Margarito and Anna María Pino 1891 ................................................................ 189 Stutz, Henry and Savina Estrada 1883 .......................................................................... 191 Swan (Miller), Robert and Mary Stutz 1898 ............................................................... 192 Swan, Joseph and Manuelita Carrillo 1880 .................................................................. 193 Telles, Pablo and Rosa Sandoval 1902 ......................................................................... 194 Tinnon, Dave and Beckie Lalone 1888......................................................................... 195 Torres, Antonio and Juana Herrera 1870 ...................................................................... 196 Torres, Casimira and Serna, Marquez and Perea -Ante+ ............................................. 198 Torres, Jose and Lorenza Herrera Ante ........................................................................ 200 Torres, Jose and Fresquez, Garcia, Telles 1883 ............................................................ 201 Torres, Jose and Trinidad Chaves 1870 ........................................................................ 202 Torres, Jose and Virgina Carrillo 1889 ......................................................................... 204 Torres, Ygancio and Manuela Lucero 1873 ................................................................. 205 Vega, Antonio and Lucila Aguayo 1911 ...................................................................... 206 Vega, Jose Maria and Esiquia Torres, Josefa Sandoval 1880....................................... 207 Zamora, Juan de Jesus and Marcelina Serna 1884 ....................................................... 210 Zamora, Ysidro and Bonifacia Padilla 1896 ................................................................. 211 Appendix- A Little History of Lincoln County .................................................................... 212 5 Salado-Tucson, a Story of Lincoln County Introduction to the area When you go to Capitan, to the east end of town; stand by the roadway and look north, in the distance you will see a low spot in the hills in front of you. There, County Road 246 comes down through the Capitan Gap toward town. Right in front of you a stream makes its way down from the hills to your left, the Tucson Mountains, and flows off to your right disappearing to where it joins the Rio Bonito; this is Salado Creek. Behind you, just on the other side of town a stream comes down from the Nogal area to the west, Magado Creek, and joins Salado Creek down the road from you, just to your right. From before the 1870s and into the 1880s, before the advent of Capitan, this area was known as the Salado Flats. Into this area a few pioneering families made their way during, and right after, the Civil War, farmed, ranched and made a home for themselves. This story will hopefully shed some light on them. At the founding of Fort Stanton in 1855, Major Carlton of the U.S. Army had blazed a wagon road down from Manzano, on the east side of the Manzano Mountains, past the Jicarilla Mountains to Patos Lake and up and over the Capitan Gap through the Salado Flats, down to the Bonito and up to the site of the Fort. This became the northern roadway that drew settlers to the Rio Bonito area. The only other roadway at the time, and developed simultaneously, was the roadway southward from the Fort; down through Mescalero country, through Tularosa, across the desert and over the mountains to Mesilla on the lower Rio Grande. The area that was to become Lincoln County, centered on a village on the Rio Bonito a few miles to the east of the Salado Flats called la placita later named Lincoln. At the time of the 1860 Census there were about 275 people (not counting the Military) in the whole area, from the upper Rio Hondo to the Rio Bonito and up to Fort Stanton on the upper Bonito. La placita was the center of activity; and growing of corn in the la placita valley was the main occupation. The fertility of the area and the security of the soldiers gave the settlers of the valley a sense of well being. 1862 and the advent of the Civil War changed everything for our intrepid settlers, the U.S. Army pulled out of Fort Stanton, it was occupied briefly by a Company of Confederate soldiers then shortly, they left. The settlers left as well; with nobody to sell corn to and no army for protection from the Indians, it was every family for themselves. The folks with ties to the Mesilla Area or with Confederate sympathies retreated southward and the rest left to the north, to or through Manzano. The fields, farms and casas lay unattended, abandoned. The U.S. Army returned in 1864 and everything started all over again. Since nobody had title to the land in those days the abandon places were up for grabs to the next wave of settlers. It should be noted that very few of the original settlers chose to return as evidenced by comparing the 1860 and 1870 Census. Only two Anglos and just a handful of Hispanos are found in both. One of those Anglos was William Miller, a Canadian and a blacksmith and his 6 wife Manuela Herrera, a native of Manzano. In 1870 William and Manuela were found at Fort Stanton where he was a blacksmith. In the Salado Flats, in the 1870 Census, the only family of prominence was the one of José Encarnación Padilla and his wife Polonia Herrera. José had been one of the more successful farmers in the Manzano area; Polonia (his second wife) was the daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Otero whose daughters were destined to head many of the key households of Lincoln County. In Manzano José most likely raised sheep although in Salado he had a dairy, it has been stated by some, that he sold cheese and butter to the Fort. José no doubt had his quirks, for in Rafael Chacón‘s memoirs ―Legacy of Honor‖ a story was recorded that José came to the Fort and coming into Chacón‘s office and raised a rifle to shoot him but was prevented by a soldier passing by who knocked down José with the butt of a gun and thus saved Chacón‘s life. After a few days the Army released José to his family, they stated that occasionally José would go berserk and had to be restrained and that the family would look after him more carefully in the future. The Salado was at the upper end of the Rio Bonito system; at the other end, on the lower Hondo, a major settlement had sprung up in the late 1860s, Missouri Plaza. The community owed its existence to the fact that a new wagon road had begun to be used to connect Fort Sumner on the upper Pecos River with Fort Stanton to facilitate supplying both. As circumstances developed Missouri Plaza was unsustainable and the folks there mostly moved up into the upper Hondo, Ruidoso and Bonito rivers to join family or friends at various places around Lincoln County. Some of those displaced families came to the Salado Flats. The 1870s were a tough time in Lincoln County, the ―House of Murphy‖ was putting the squeeze on the regular people through high prices and unfair lending practices; all the things a good Hollywood Western has going for it. This culminated with the Lincoln County War and appearance of Billy the Kid. For the most part folks were pretty much neutral as the war shifted back and forth across the landscape. By 1881, with the death of Billy, or Bilito as his Hispano admirers called him, the war was over and Lincoln County could carry on with growing. By 1885 a couple of things had a further impact: the Indian depredations had been stopped and gold had been discovered in White Oaks, just north and west of the Salado. 7 1880 Census of Salado Flats 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 Swan, Joseph Miller, Manuela Miller, Abran Miller, William Miller, Robert Artiaga, Manuel Artiaga, Eliza McKinley, David McKinley, Francisca McKinley, Manuel? McKinley, Ysidro Herrera, Polonia(Padilla) Padilla, Adan Chaves, Jose Chaves, Manuela Chaves, Donacina Chaves, Virginia Chaves, Josefa Chaves, Saturnino Flores, Gracia Flores, Lorenza Flores, Alberto Flores, Francisco Flores, Tomas Flores, Manuela Maldonado, Eugenio Maldonado, Petra Garcia, Jose Garcia, Tomacita Garcia, Francisco Garcia, Nicolacita Garcia, Domatilia Para ¿Perea?, Jose Para ¿Perea?, Maria Para ¿Perea?, Bersaval? Para ¿Perea?, Jose Para ¿Perea?, Oliphio? Para ¿Perea?, Nastacia Para ¿Perea?, Manela Para ¿Perea?, Soilla? Padilla, Senobio Padilla, Saturnia Padilla, Celestino Padilla, Erenaio? Padilla, Savaro? Padilla, Bonifacia Lalonde, Tioflio m f m m m m f m f m m f m m f f f f n m f m m m f m f m f m f f m f f m m f f f m f m m m f m 38 35 18 17 16 23 14 35 25 9 7 50 15 34 30 11 7 3 5mo 40 35 15 13 11 6 25 20 36 28 13 9 7 27 16 30 1mo 26 25 4 2 38 35 11 7 5 2 42 Matchmaker Son Son Son Wife Wife Son Son Son Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter Son Wife Son Son Son Daughter Wife Wife Son Daughter Daughter Wife Herding Laborer Keeping House Dairy Keeping House Herding Laborer Keeping House Laborer Keeping House Laborer Keeping House Laborer Keeping House Herding Keeping House Son Wife Daughter Daughter Wife Son Son Son Daughter Laborer Keeping House Farmer Keeping House Farmer 8 Miss NM NM NM NM NM NM Mass. NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Canada 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 Lalonde, Estanislada Lalonde, Louis Lalonde, Rebeca Lalonde, Epifina Lalonde, Fred Lalonde, Antonio Bacon, Richard Chaves, Tomas Chaves, Florencia f m f f m m m m f 33 11 9 4 2 1mo 40 30 20 Wife Son Daughter Daughter Son Son Boarder Wife Keeping House Carpenter Laborer Keeping House The names in italics have been corrected from the actual Census 9 NM NM NM NM NM NM Canada NM NM The Salado-Tucson-Capitan Area Salado and Capitan This little excerpt is taken from Ruth Birdsong‟s book “Tracks North” ―The Capitan Mountains are one of the few mountain ranges in the United States that runs East and West. In 1884 Seaborn Gray homesteaded on Salado Flats and put up a small store. A Post Office was established in 1894 and he was appointed Postmaster, naming it Gray for himself. In January 1899 the El Paso & Northeastern Railway built a branch line into Gray and changed the name to Capitan. The town incorporated in 1941. The railroad reached there on September 29, 1899. ―Coal miners came from Pennsylvania (beginning in 1897); they were imported to work the Salado Coal Fields. The first carload of coal was shipped from there September 30, 10 1899. At first the fields gave every promise of being practically inexhaustible; but soon afterwards, as operations progressed and the pits dug deeper, the coal veins were found to be badly broken by underground faults and dikes. The veins narrowed between solid rock walls so that extraction of the coal became more and more difficult and expensive… ―Due to the veins ‗pinching out‘ mining at the Salado Coal Fields had to be abandoned. With this main source of rail traffic eliminated, the budding enterprise was finished. By May 1, 1901, there was no more use in pretending that the stoppage of work in the Salado mines was of a temporary nature. The coal field was abandoned and the machinery was pulled out of the mines… ―The little railroad line from Carrizozo to Capitan was never-the-less used for about 30 years. By the 1930s it was down to two trains a week, Mondays and Fridays, finally to one per week. In 1943 the railroad was finally given permission to abandon the line…‖ Much to the chagrin of the local railroad men. Tucson Mountains West and north of Capitan, as we have already seen, the hills in front and the peak to the northwest are called the Tucson Mountains. They are an integral part of our story. When José Padilla took up residence in Salado Flats there was no title to the property, whether he filled a claim on the property later is unknown. As the area started to fill up and families expanded; the old Spanish ways of just squatting on the land a thereby getting title were supplanted by the American system of homesteading untitled land or purchasing from the owner. In the mid 1880s quite a few Anglos came to the area and ‗who owned what‘ became more of an issue. In her book ―My Girlhood Among Outlaws‖ Lily Klasner tells of her mother‘s troubles after her father was killed; the time frame roughly parallels ours. Ownership was not always clear and had to be settled in Court and sometimes the weak or unprepared just lost out. When the Flats were sold to bigger interests or otherwise occupied; our families tended to move up-country, in this case to the Tucson Hills. It might be added that many communities in Lincoln County followed the same pattern in this era. The easiest eyewitness to follow is the Catholic Priest. Over time, many of our families had Baptisms at their ranches; the various records show: Sierra de Capitan, Ranchos de la Sierrita, Sierrita or Tucson, all representing the same area. At least one or two ranches built chaples, later after Capitan was established a chapel was no doubt established there and the newborns could be brought to the Priest instead of him coming to the ranches. Of course as families grew and economics changed, many of our groups moved into other areas of Lincoln County to take advantage of opportunities there; notably White Oaks. 11 Nogal and White Oaks The Nogal Mining District was already established in 1880 and continued to flourish for the next 30 years or so, it included the up-country areas of Angus and Bonito City. On the lower slopes of Nogal Canyonand along the foothills to the north, ranching was big; two of the more significant of our families, José María Vega and Jesús Sandoval y Seña had ranches there. White Oaks and its mines became one of the most prominent towns of the Territory in the 1880s and 1890s with the associated needs for mining labor, fresh vegetables, meat and hay. This lured many of our folks. To the north and east of White Oaks lay the ranching areas of Patos Lake, Texas Park and Reventon; more parts to the story. Finally in this extended view we come to Carrizozo which in the years following its founding around 1900 became the economic center of the county and in 1918 it was the site of a new County Courthouse and seat of government. While we don‘t know every exact location of each family we can get an idea of their locales by following their weddings, baptisms and death places. 12 The Story, the Families This section will hopefully bring our families together, at least until the era around 1910ish. As a preview we will start with the folks from Manzano that first came to Lincoln County beginning in 1864 and build our first families from there. Then we will try and figure out the 1880 Salado crowd and their expansion and inclusion of other families. Along the way there will be notes or links to the reference section of our story; [FWS] family work sheets, I have also included “A little history of Lincoln County” which I‟ve compiled from “Nuestras Madres”, ed. First Families Studying the history of Lincoln County you might come to the conclusion that Francisca Ortega the wife of Francisco Herrera [FWS] is the mother of the symbolic fold. Certainly, at least in our corner of the County it‘s true. A resident of Manzano, she probably never lived in Lincoln County but all of her children did. Her son, Gregorio [FWS] met an untimely end in a drunken knife fight in Lincoln just before the Civil War. His widow then married Octavino Salas an early Lincoln resident. Gergorio‘s daughter Lorencita was born in Lincoln a few days after her father‘s death, she married José Miranda and recorded her thoughts in the WPA Narratives. (See the web site) Lorencita‘s older half-brother, José Eulogio Herrera made his way to our part of the world and we will encounter him as Ologio Herrera married to Anastacia Archuleta. Francisca‘s oldest daughter, Polonia married José Encarnación Padilla [FWS]. They are, of course, the founders of the Salado community and key to any discussion of the area. José was apparently a successful farmer in Manzano and brought his skills to serve Fort Stanton. He has an interesting story. Lorencita Herrera de Miranda Polonia‘s sister, Gretrudis married José Antonio Otero [FWS] then married Juan Chávez and they settled in Reventon near her sister Librada. Their sister, Lorenza first married José María Torres [FWS] then after he died she married José de Gracia Flores [FWS]. They moved to Lincoln and first were on or near Rancho Torres in 1870 before moving up to the Salado by 1880. Sister Juana married Antonio Torres, [FWS] they must have been among the first reoccupiers in Lincoln as were José and Polonia. Their ranch, Rancho Torres is a little east of Salado Flats at the head of the valley where we find Lincoln. After the Salado and Magado Creeks 13 come together and join the Bonito, they run through a gap. From the gap Lincoln valley begins to spread out, the road today runs right by the Rancho and the remains of the Chapel that they built are right beside the road. Their Rancho was midway from the village to the fort, an opportune location. The youngest sister, Liberada married Aniceto Lueras, [FWS] they too settled near or on Rancho Torres. In 1880 Aniceto was listed as a Freighter taking advantage of their central spot on the road in and out of Lincoln and to Fort Stanton and northward to Manzano and the road to Las Vegas and Anton Chico. Aniceto established a sheep camp near Patos Lake and they eventually relocated there. Next up on our first families list is the Carrillo y Herrera family. Here again they probably never resided in Lincoln County but some of their children and grandchildren are key players in our saga. Julián Carrillo [FWS], like many men of his time, was a little indiscrete in his behavior but thanks to record keeping of the Catholic Church we can unravel a little evidence and tie it to our tale. Julián married Barbara Herrera in 1830 in Manzano. Barbara was Francisco Herrera‘s sister and so another piece to our mosaic. Barbara and Julián‘s son José [FWS] married Nicanora Márquez (more about her shortly) and they were Lincolnites. Julián had a liaison with a Ysabel Herrera about 1845; producing our Manuela Herrera, wife of William Miller [FWS] and later wife of Joseph Swan [FWS]. Which bring us to the Artiagas. Manuel Artiaga [FWS] who married Manuela‘s daughter Eliza was the son of Juan Artiaga. [FWS] Their family moved to the nearby Sais Ranch in Lincoln County sometime in the 1870s, Juan died about 1881 and his widow later married Henry Stutz [FWS]. Another leading candidate for foremost mother of our corner of the world is Lorenza Salas. [FWS] We have no record of her first two marriages; given the state of things in early New Mexico we might infer a few things. Her first partner was José Torres who was the father of Ana María Torres who married Ygnacio niño ladron de Guevara [FWS] who we will meet again shortly. Her second encounter was with Manuel Padilla the father of José Encarnación Padilla. Then Lorenza married Juan Gonzales in 1816 in the Tomé Parish. One of their daughters, Juliana married Juan José Márquez their daughter was Nicanora Márquez the wife of José Carrillo. Our final ‗First Family‘ is the family of José and Trinidad Torres [FWS] even though were part of the early crowd in Missouri Plaza some of their offspring are key to the layout. Daughter Saturnina married Senobio Padilla, daughter María married Jesús Sandoval [FWS], daughter Esiquia married José María Vega [FWS] and son José married Lucinda Frésquez then Adelaida Garcia and finally Tiburcia Telles. [FWS] To transition to the 1880‘s crowd, let‘s take a look in greater detail at José Encarnación Padilla‘s family. [FWS] José was first married to Julianita Lucero whose father was one of the founders of Manzano; she was previously married to Prudencio Torres and had a daughter that José raised. Her name was Casimira, [FWS] she married first Juan Pablo Serna then Juan 14 José Márquez (above) and finally Nicolas Perea; later she moved to Lincoln with her Perea kids and they became prominent citizens. Casimra Torres (Padilla) de Perea Julianita‘s first son was Senobio Padilla who married Saturnina [FWS], next was Ysidro Padilla who married Catalina Giron [FWS], followed by ‗Lada Padilla who marred Tioflio Lalonde (Lalone) [FWS]. Julianita‘s last child was Teresa Padilla who married first, Lyon Phillipowski [FWS] who worked at Fort Stanton; he was killed in a gunfight. She later married Sam Corbet [FWS], another well connected member of Lincoln society; she died shortly after and then Sam married Josefa Baca the daughter of Satunino Baca. Finishing up José‘s family, he and Polonia had a daughter, Manuela who married José Chávez [FWS] and lived on the Salado. Polonia‘s next daughter, Francisca married David McKinley [FWS] and took over José‘s Rancho when he died; she later married John Mack. [FWS] Finally we come to José and Polonia‘s adopted son Adan [FWS] who Polonia lived with in her later years. We will now visit Capt. Saturnino Baca who was considered by most to be the ‗Father of Lincoln County‘. He and his wife Juana Chávez were Godparents for several of our families and friends to many of them. (This tale will be repeated in the ―A Little History of Lincoln County‖ found in the Appendix.) From: “MORE Tales of Tularosa” by Mrs. Tom Charles based on the work compiled by her late husband. Stories gathered for more than 25 yrs. before his death in 1943. Copyright 1961 “CAPTAIN SATURNINO BACA, one of Lincoln County‘s most loved citizens, was the Father of the county. As a member of the Territorial Legislature in 1869 he sponsored a bill which created Lincoln County. ―The new county comprised seventeen million acres, or well over one—fifth of New Mexico‘s total of seventy-eight million acres and was created largely out of Socorro county with portions of eastern Valencia and Doña Ana counties. It was bounded on the north by San Miguel and Valencia counties, on the west by Socorro and on the east and south by the state of Texas. Within these boundaries are the present day counties of Chaves, Curry, Eddy, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and parts of De Baca and Otero. ―Captain Baca was born in Cebolleta (Sevilleta), Valencia County, November 29, 1830, and attended a private school there. After rounding out a long life filled with stirring events, he passed away at old Lincoln in 1924, at the age of 94. 15 ―Captain Baca often related how he managed to get his county division bill through the legislature. Thomas B. Catron, who later served as U. S. Senator from New Mexico, was then a rising young lawyer, living at Mesilla, and had been elected to the legislature from Doña Ana County. Catron had served with the Confederate army through the Civil War, but because he had never taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, he faced opposition in being seated in the legislature. ―Knowing Captain Baca‘s chief interest in the legislature was to obtain creation of the new county Tom Catron asked him for help in getting himself seated, and promised in return to use his influence in getting the county bill passed. ―Baca told Catron to draw up his resolution for membership and that he would introduce it in the legislature. This passed unanimously, the clerk was called and Catron was sworn in immediately as a member. ―Catron, in return, introduced the Baca Bill creating Lincoln County, which also passed without opposition. Legislators suggested that it be named Baca County but Captain Baca modestly declined the honor, asking that it be named for the recently martyred President Abraham Lincoln. The county seat also was named for Lincoln. It had been previously known as Placita del Rio Bonito. ―Backing and assisting Saturnino Baca in his movement for the new county was a committee of prominent citizens seeking establishment of better law and order in southeastern New Mexico. The group included Lawrence G. Murphy, then post trader at Fort Stanton; William Brady, a retired army Major; Florencio Gonzales, a rancher, and Dr. J. H. Blazer, owner of Blazer‘s Mill at Mescalero. ―The Governor appointed Major Brady as first sheriff of the new county; Dr. Blazer, Florencio Gonzales and Paul Dowlin as county commissioners; and Saturnino Baca was the first probate judge. There was no superintendent of schools appointed at that time as there were no schools. In addition to his service as probate judge Captain Baca later served four years as sheriff, also as county commissioner, and as a member of the State Penitentiary Commission. ―As a young man, in early Territorial days, Saturnino Baca was sent to California with a party of government surveyors assigned to survey a road through Arizona to California. His task was to count the miles traveled each day. ―Soon after his return the Civil War came. Anxious to serve his country, he offered his services to Governor Henry Connolly who commissioned him a First Lieutenant in Company E, First New Mexico Cavalry. The regiment was commanded by the famous Indian fighter Col. Christopher (Kit) Carson. ―In a short time Baca was promoted to the rank of Captain of the company and was at its head until he resigned from service in 1867. He took part in the Battle of Valverde on the 16 Rio Grande when General Sibley, Confederate commander, defeated the Union forces under General Canby. ―‗I was not a captain then, but a sergeant,‘ Captain Baca related in later years. ‗I arrived at Valverde at night with two hundred men when Colonel Pino said ‗Sergeant, have you run away?‘ I said, ‗No, Colonel, I have stopped the ones that were running away‘. ―‗In our party we lost 90 men, but the other side lost 300; our men were buried in coffins and the others just placed in trenches; they built trenches and put them there while others were fast falling into the river and remained there. This was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. The water from the river could not be distinguished from blood, it was so red.‘ ―After the Confederates were driven out of New Mexico and the troops were no longer needed to protect the principal towns, they were assigned to various army posts and were sent out after the Apaches and Navajos who were on the warpath in those days. ―Captain Baca was stationed at all the important posts in New Mexico, including Fort Stanton, Fort Wingate, Fort Marcy, and Fort Defiance in Arizona. After leaving the army he lived in Santa Fe, then moved to Placita del Rio Bonito as Lincoln was then called. Captain Baca lost his arm during the summer of 1889 when he received a bullet wound in his elbow which necessitated amputation. He was wounded in a dispute over cattle and sheep ranges. Someone fired at night into a tent in which he and another man were sleeping, apparently by someone who opposed Baca‘s grazing his sheep on what was claimed to be cattle range.‖ Mrs. Baca, Juana Chávez Saturnino Baca with daughter, Saturnina 17 Families 1880 Salado Flats Census Now we will go through the 1880 crowd by families and see what we know about them. Family 24- Joseph Swan was born about 1842 in Mississippi, his parents were born in Ireland. We know that he was in the Army at Ft. Stanon in 1870; after he finished his service he settled in Salado Flats. He made matches for a living and had hooked up with Manuela Herrera the deserted wife or significant other of William Miller. Manuela Herrera was born about 1845 in Manzano, her parents were Julián Carrillo and Isabel (Ysabel) Herrera. She was apparently the ‗natural child‘ of Isabel (which means her parents weren‘t married.) Manuela was related to both José Padilla through marriage and to Polonia Herrera through family ties. She finally married Joseph Swan on 11 Mar 1902, the Santa Rita‘s records show them both being from Tucson and the Padrinos were Isabel Peralta and Ylaria Padilla. Family 25- Manuel Artiaga was born about 1865 in Anton Chico and he died before 1902. Eloisa Miller was Manuela‘s daughter, she was born about 1865. Family 26- David McKinley was born about 1845 in Massachusetts. He apparently took over José Padilla‘s dairy operation when he died, before 1880. Francisca Padilla was born in 1856 in Manzano she was the daughter of José Padilla and Polonia Herrera. She and David were married 16 Jul 1871, she later married John Mack. Family 27- Polonia Herrera the widow of José Padilla. She was born in 1824 in Manzano, the daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega. Her sisters: Gertrudis, Lorenza, Juana and Liberada all married men who came to Lincoln County in the 1860s or early 1870s and were well established. Adan Padilla was born in 1865 to Indian parents he was adopted by José and Polonia in 1866. He married Teodora Garcia about 1893. Family 28- José Chaves y Baca was born in 1836 in New Mexico. He married Manuela on 14 Oct 1881, after she died he married Lola Sandoval the daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres. Manuela Padilla was the daughter of José Padilla and Polonia Herrera, born in 1850 in Manzano and died before 1890. She also used the name Margarita. Family 29- José de ‘Gracia’ Flores they lived nearer Lincoln in 1870. An interesting side note is their ages on the 1870 and 1880 Census‘. His age is given as 40 yrs old on both, hers is given as 34 then 35 although she was actually 40 and 50; makes you wonder. Lorenza Herrera sister to Polonia Herrera, born in 1830 in Manzano. She was previously married to José María Torres. Family 30- Eugenio Maldonado and Petra Flores, Petra was the daughter of Gracia and Lorenza Flores. 18 Family 31- José García and Tomasita Romero a few years later Tomasita died and he married Trinidad Chávez from Salado on 19 Jan 1887. Family 32,33 &34- The Para families, the spelling isn‘t clear, they don‘t seem to match up with any other families in Lincoln County; perhaps they were itinerant workers. Family 35- Senobio Padilla was the son of José Padilla and Julianita Lucero, born in 1839 in Manzano. In 1870 they lived in Missouri Plaza. Satrurnia Torres was the daughter of José Torres and Trinidad Chaves. She was born in 1845 in Manzano. Family 36- Tioflio Lalonde was born in 1837 in Ogdensburg, New York on the St. Lawrence River but he always referred to himself as a Canadian. Estanislada Padilla was the daughter of José Padilla and Julianita Lucero. She was born in 1846 in Manzano. She was raised by her uncle Ygnacio Guevara who finished his years in their household, he was living with them by 1885. There must have been some construction in the area to have a carpenter as a boarder, although he may have worked at the Fort. Family 37- Tomas Chaves and Florencia Trujillo seem obscure but perhaps there is a clue to who they are. They are found as Godparents to Joe Sánchez who married Addie Lalone. José Sánchez and Francisco Guevara 19 A Story of the Tucsons Pilgrims is a term often applied to Anglo Pioneers headed west. Perhaps it is also an appropriate term for our intrepid folks in the Salado Tucson crowd. As they traveled down the roads that led into the Rio Bonito, filing in to take up their new home places; some to Salado Flats, some nearer to Lincoln and some to the far reaches of Missouri Plaza on the Hondo. They were truly Pilgrims, not knowing what the future would bring; to some stability, to others a stop along the way to hopefully brighter tomorrows. To add to our Hispano heritage there was an increasing flow of Anglo Pilgrims. Starting with families like Heskill and ―Ma‘am‖ Jones, and Robert and Ellen Casey, in the years just after the Civil War. The trails west were full of families and single men looking for their El Dorado. The road west from Texas through Lincoln County was one of the two major trails from the south. From the east, and to the north of Lincoln County, Las Vegas on the Santa Fe Trail and in 1879, the terminus of the Railroad, added to the fold. The population steadily increased. The need for corn and beef for Fort Stanton and the Mescalero Reservation and the ever increasing Gold Fever flamed by a major strike in 1879 in White Oaks provided income. The major village of Missouri Plaza only lasted five or six years (1866-1872) before the water gave out forcing its residents back up the Hondo, Ruidoso and Bonito Valleys. In the mid to late 1870s José and Polonia‘s extended family had begun to coalesce around them. The 1880 residents of Salado Flats were almost all related to them. To make the story of our Pilgrims complete we have to look a little beyond the Salado and Tucsons. To the west and south the Nogal Mining District attracted men both as miners and as farmer/ranchers. By 1880 there were the families of Jesús Sandoval, Pablo Pino and later José María Vega, to the west and north on the slopes of Vera Cruz Mountain, Juan Artiaga and wife Sabina and others on the slopes of Carrizo Peak (Carizito). In 1885 the powers that be decided to take another Census of the Territory including an Agricultural Census. The enumeration districts were a little different from the previous United States Census, as it happens one group of families matches very closely to our little study. So hopefully, not to put you to sleep, here is that list with notes and observations. 1885 Census Notes Taken from the pages for Precinct 11. This group appears to start on the lower slopes of Nogal Canyon and perhaps along the westward face of Vera Cruz Mountain and then back around to the Tucson Mountains and ending up in the upper Salado Flats. They are the springboard for the rest of our story. Fam. 1- Vega, Jose M. (age 40) and Esiquia (28) Occ. Ranchman; Antonio (3) Florencio (2) Margarita (1) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 160 acres, about $3500 in total value which includes $2000 value of the property, buildings and fencing the 20 livestock included 10 Milk Cows and 30 other cattle. [FWS] José came to Lincoln from Mexico, perhaps as a teamster but settled in town and in 1880 was working as a Stonemason; as you can see, he must have done well for they have one of the larger spreads in our area. Fam. 2- Ballejos, B. (49) Occ. Herder; Chavez, Jose (33) Boarder Fam. 3- Chavez, Tomas (35) and Florencia, no Occupation - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as renting 160 acres, about $300 in total value which includes $100 value of the property and buildings the livestock 2 Milk Cows and 8 other cattle. [FWS] They had no children, they seemed to get around Lincoln County; their Family Work Sheet, tells of their interaction with the community. Fam. 4- Lanham, Peter (40) Occ. Miner, born in Indiana Fam. 5- Torres, Jose (63) and Trinidad (53) Occ. Ranchman; Doroteo (16) ―D‖ (male 9) Another Manzano family with long ties to the Padillas. Fam. 6- Latti, Francisco (21) Occ. Ranchman, born in Switzerland; George, Joseph (29) Boarder, born in Italy - On the Agricultural Census he is shown as owning 40 acres, about $1050 in total value which includes $500 value of the property and building and improvements, the livestock include 1 Milk Cow and 25 other cattle. He was from Italy, in the 1900 Census it shows his wife Mary, also from Italy; she must have come out and joined him. We will see him again in the Godfather role. Fam. 7- Gagne, Baptitste (42) Occ. Miner, born in France Fam. 8- Torres Jose Y. (40) Occ. Ranchman - On the Agricultural Census(Torres & Lucero), he is shown as owning 160 acres, about $2025 in total value which includes $500 in property and improvements; also including 10 Milk Cows and 70 other cattle. [FWS] His father-in-law, Juan Lucero lived in San Patricio and José and his wife lived next to them in 1880. Studying their FWS, perhaps the family never moved to this section but José was only homesteading here to take advantage of the opportunities. He was another formed Manzanodero. Fam. 9- Chavez Cristoval (46) and Maria (36) Occ. Laborer; Ygnacia (16) Polidora (13) Damancio (7) - On the Agricultural Census (Torres &Chaves) they are shown as owning 160 acres, about $450 in total value which includes $200 in property and improvements as well as 5 head of cattle. [FWS] Another family from the Manzano area that settled Missouri Plaza then the upper Hondo and finally came to this area and settled in. Fam. 10- Stutz, Henry (33) and Sabina (28) Occ. Ranchman; Rebecca (4) Mary (1) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 40 acres, about $1070 in total value which includes $500 in property and improvements as well as 10 Milk Cows and 20 other cattle. Fam. 11- Sandoval, Jose Jesús (43) and Maria (30) Occ. Ranchman; Isaac (16) Lenor (14) Lola (12) Josefa (8) Ben (6) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 160 21 acres, about $8230 in total value which includes $7000 in property, buildings and fencing as well as 4 Milk Cows and 60 other cattle. [FWS] Jesús came to Lincoln with the 1st NM Cavalry at Ft. Stannton and married María in 1866, they lived in Missouri Plaza in 1870 and were settled in to their place in our foothills by 1880. Jesús must have been a good businessman, they have by far the most extensive spread in our group. Fam. 12- Guevara, Maria (42) head of household; Bisenta (16) Pilar (8) Victoriana (5) listed as daughters ? - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 40 acres, about $245 in total value which includes $50 in property and improvements as well as 1 Milk Cow and 4 others. María may have been married to a Juan Guevara but has been hard to track. They are no apparent relation to the Ygnacio Guevara family. Fam. 13- Romero, Doroteo (28) and Agapita (18) Occ. Ranchero; Beatriz (1) Doroteo lived in Lincoln with his family (Juan José Romero) in 1860 but apparently only just returned. Agapita‟s last name was Guevara so no doubt she is Maria‟s daughter. Fam. 14- Herrera, Juan N. de (40 born in Mexico) and Luisa (36) Occ. Ranchero; Eugenia (10) Fam. 15- Pino, Pablo (52) and Maria (35) Occ. Ranchero; Maria (7) Abel (4) Bonifacio (8) and Albino Barela (16 no rel. given) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 40 acres, about $630 in total value which included $500 in property and improvements and did not include any cattle. [FWS] The Pinos were in Lincoln in 1873 when Saturnino and Juana Baca were godparents for their daughter, Josefita. They were on their ranch in the Tuscsons by 1880. Fam. 16- Garcia, (Pablo?) Jose (39) and Tomasita (34) Occ. Ranchman; Francisco (15) Nicolcita (11) Domitila (8) Delila (5) Dorotea (2) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 40 acres, about $1170 in total value which includes $500 in property and improvements and included 14 Milk Cows and 18 other cattle. Fam. 17- Miller, Abran (22) and Juana (19) Occ. Herder; Andrea (3) Dolorita (1) Manuela (40 mother) Julian (10 brother) Roberto (7 brother) [FWS] Manuela was counted twice, once with the Millers and once with her brother; Fam. 21 below. Fam. 18- Silva, Juan A. (48) and Petra (36) Occ. Rancher; Margarita (16) Ibbijen? (8) Manuelita (5) Enriquez (9) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which were under cultivation, about $1125 in total value which includes $100 in property and improvements as well as12 Milk Cows and 25 other cattle. [FWS] Fam. 19- Herrera, Ologio (32) and Antonia Anastacia (32) Occ. Rancher; Polonia (3) Tely (male 1) Pedro Benividez (15 nephew) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which were under cultivation, about $1930 in total value which includes $300 in property and improvements as well as 25 Milk Cows and 25 other cattle. [FWS] Ologio‟s father was killed in Lincoln in 1861, no doubt he returned with the rest of his kin; in 1873 he and Anastacia were married in Lincoln. 22 Fam. 20- Archuleta, (Lucio?)Luis (45) and Saralita (25) Occ. Herder; Perfecto (11) Esquipula (4) Liloaria? (1) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which were under cultivation, about $750 in total value which includes $200 in property and improvements as well as 10 Milk Cows. Fam. 21- Herrera, Jose (38) and Antonia (21) Occ. Rancher; Gregorio (2) Manuela (40 sister) Jose (5 nephew) Isaac (born in May, Nephew) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which were under cultivation, about $1930 in total value which includes $500 in property and buildings also 25 Milk Cows and 45 other cattle. [FWS] Joseph Swan is absent from this Census, perhaps he was out Cowboyin. José Herrera is a bit of an enigma, but if we take what the Enumerator wrote a face value it makes sense; especially give the relationships of the Manzano folks, Herreras, Padillas and Carillos. Fam. 22- Padilla, Senobio (54) and Saut (40) Occ. Rancher; __? (male 12) Severo (9) Bonifacio (7) Juliana (5) Lola (3) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres of which 40 were under cultivation, about $1525 in total value which includes $500 in property and improvements and 60 cattle. José Encarnación‟s son; it is interesting that his brother Ysidro is not found in Lincoln County after 1870. Did something happen to this family or did they move on? Fam. 23- Chavez, Jose (40) and Margarita (20) Occ. Rancher; Maria (2?) Ygnacia (10) Saturnino (6) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres which includes 40 under culitaion, about $350 in total value $200 in property and improvements, no cattle. Margarita is José Encarnación‟s daughter. Fam. 24- Pino, Preciliano (27) and Donaciana (16) Occ. Herder - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres of which 40 were under cultivation, about $300 in total value $200 of which was property and inprovements, no cattle. [FWS] Donaciana was Margarita Padilla Chávez‟ daughter. Fam. 25- Garcia, Ynez (25) and Loreta (20) Occ. Rancher; Tomacita (7) Teresita (6) Flavio (6) Miguel (b. May) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which are under cultivation, about $1225 in total value which includes $200 in property and improvements and 5 Milk Cows and 60 other cattle. Fam. 26- Ramirez, Dolores (female 36) no rel. given; Ramirez, Francisco (57) Occ. Rancher, Ramirez, Jose (13 son) Fam. 27- Garcia, Bito (34) and Polonia (25) Occ. Rancher; Jose (16) Fedina? (male 13) Lolaria (12) David (10) Consepcion (female 4) Manuel (2) and L. Labadie (female 19 boarder) - On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres 40 of which were under cultivation, about $650 in total value which includes $200 in property and improvements as well as 5 Milk Cows and 12 other cattle. 23 28 thru 59 seem to be part of a mining operation plus a few farmers that don‘t seem to fit our story. With one exception: Fam. 55- Padilla, A. (21) Occ. Rancher, Polonia (60 Mother) and Emiliano (13 brother) – This appears to be José Padilla‟s original spread. The Census taker reported it a little goofy; Adan was the head and Emiliano, was Emiliano McKinley, Francisca‟s son and Polonia‟s grandson. On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 80 acres, about $750 in total value which includes $400 in property, buildings and fencing and inculeds 10 Milk Cows. Tioflio Lalonde (Lalone) and his family [FWS] were living up toward the Nogal Mesa in 1885. On the Agricultural Census they are shown as owning 160 acres of which 20 were under cultivation, about $2940 in total value which includes $2000 worth of property, buildings and fencing; his livestock included 4 Milk Cows and 40 other cattle. In the late 1890s they would move down to White Oaks. An Interview with Abran Miller To set the tenor for the next section we will listen to the words of one of our residents: This is an interview of Abran Miller, conducted in 1938 by Edith L. Crawford for the WPA Writers Project. Some minor modifications were made to this document for clarity, ed. ―I was born in February, 1863 (I do not know the date) at Manzano, New Mexico. I have lived in Lincoln County, New Mexico, continuously for sixty-four years. ―My father, William (Julián) Miller, was born in Canada. I do not know where nor in what year. My mother, Manuelite Herrera Carrillo, was born in Manzano, New Mexico, but I do not know what year she was born. ―My father and mother married in Manzano, New Mexico, in 1869. There were five children, three boys and two girls. Debbie, Abran, Willie, Eliza and Adolpho Miller. My father was a blacksmith by trade and where-ever we lived he had a shop of his own. We lived in Manzano New Mexico, for about four years. ―In the fall of 1863 we moved to Springer, New Mexico, where we lived for seven years. Father put up a blacksmith shop and took two hundred head of cattle to run on shares and he built up the herd until he had about one hundred head of his own. We left Springer in 1870, in two covered wagons, drawn by six oxen to each wagon. We took our cattle, about one hundred head with us. We traveled most of the time at night on account of being afraid of the Indians. The only cow boy that I remember helping us, was my mother's brother, my uncle, Pat Carrillo. I used to ride behind him. He would strap me to his waist to keep me from falling off. The men in the crowd carried six shooters in their belts and Winchester rifles on their saddles. We had no trouble making the trip to Fort Sumner in about two weeks. ―We lived in Fort Sumner New Mexico until 1874. Father had a blacksmith shop there too. His herd of cattle increased to about two hundred and seventy five head. In the early spring of 1874 he decided to move to Fort Stanton, New Mexico. ―We loaded up in the two covered wagons, drawn by six oxen to a wagon, and started for Fort Stanton, which was a military post at that time. 24 ―We crossed the Pecos River at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, and had no trouble crossing the cattle. We grazed the cattle along and took our time and made the trip for Fort Stanton in about two weeks. We lived there for about three years. My brother, Adolpho, was born there and lived only a short time. He died and was buried there at Fort Stanton. My father was blacksmith for the fort. ―My father rented a small piece of land from A. N. Blazer, who owned and ran the Blazer Mill, which was situated on the Mescalero Indian Reservation. I do not remember just when we moved to this place on the Indian Reservation. The place had a two roomed log house on it, where we lived. My father still had his cattle and he had them on Fernando Herrera's place on the Ruidoso. ―Father set up a blacksmith shop, planted a garden and about twenty acres in corn. He made a good crop and when he gathered it in the fall he sent word for me to come home. I had been staying with my uncle, Pat Carrillo, who lived not very far away on the Reservation. When I got home my father said; ‗Son, here is my crop and my blacksmith shop, you can sell them. Take care of your mother, I am going away and you will not see me anymore.‘ He left that day on horseback. He went by Dowlin's Mill and sold his cattle to Paul and Will Dowlin, took the money and left the country. ―Soon after my father went away I went to work for the Murphy Dolan Company, punching cows. I was about seventeen years old. The head quarter ranch house was on the Carrizozo Flats, at what is now the Bar W ranch. ―After my father left my mother moved to the Solado Flats, about one mile west of where the town of Capitan now stands. ―When my father had been gone for about four years I got a letter from him one day. He was over on the Rio Grande River, at a place called Casa Colorado, about eighteen miles south of Belen, New Mexico. He wanted me to come over there to see him, so I saddled up my black pony and started. I took me two days to make the trip. When I arrived, I found my father in his blacksmith shop, he said; ‗Hello son, I am glad you came. I want you to have a black stallion I have here, and you can also have this blacksmith shop. I am leaving this time and you will never see me again.‘ He turned and started walking toward the river. I never did see or hear of him from that day to this, nor ever found anybody else that ever saw him after that day. My father was always a very queer man and brooded a lot. ―I was very small for my age and when I first went to work for the Murphy, Dolan Company. I got my clothes and board and Mr. Murphy gave forty dollars to my mother, each month. I soon made them a good cow hand and then I got sixty dollars a month. They sent me with a bunch of cattle to Elk Canyon, in the Mescalero Indian Reservation. These cattle were to be butchered for the Indians as they needed them. A fellow by the name of Lucio Montoya and I were left to watch the cattle and keep the Indians from stealing them. One morning we got up and it was Lucio's time to go and get the horses. We kept a small black mule in the corral to ride after the saddle horses. While Lucio was saddling up the mule I was looking around to see if I could see anything of the horses. All at once I saw an awful dust rising and I told Lucio to hurry up as I feared someone was rounding up either the cattle or the saddle horses. ―He rode off in a run. I waited for some time and he did not return. I had just about decided that he had been killed, and I went back to the cabin. I was standing in the door of the cabin when about thirty men rode up to the door. The leader was a nice looking young fellow. He said ‗Hello kid, do you have anything to eat?‘ 25 ―I said, ‗Yes, there is coffee, beans, flour and some canned goods, you are welcome to it, but you will have to cook it yourselves. I have to go and get my horses and see what has become of Lucio.‘ ―The leader of this gang was ‗Billy the Kid.‘ I did not know it at the time as this was just the beginning of the trouble leading up to the ‗Lincoln County War‘. This war was between two cattle factions. Murphy and Dolan on one said and McSween and Tunstall on the other. ―Billy the Kid saw I was just a kid and was scared and he said; ‗Kid don't be afraid for not a man in the crowd will hurt you nor bother anything around here while you are in charge of it.‘ They all got down from their horses and came in. I helped them make some coffee. While we were waiting for the coffee to boil Billy the Kid asked me all about myself, how old I was, where I live, etc. After they had eaten they all rode off toward the head of Elk Canyon. ―I started out a-foot to find the horses and soon found them. The mule that Lucio had started after the horses on was with them but I could not find Lucio. I soon saw that a horse of Lucio's was gone and I just decided that he had gotten frightened and left. I found out later that this gang of men were with the McSween and Tunstall faction but they never bothered me at all. ―While my mother was living on the Salado, Billy the Kid came to our house for something to eat. This was after the time he had been to the camp at Elk's Canyon. He recognized me at once and I did him. My mother did not want to feed him because he was not on Murphy's side at that time. I told her how nice he had been to me that time at Elk's Canyon, so she gave him something to eat and let him stay all night. I got up early the next morning and went out to milk the cow. While I was milking the dogs began to bark. I saw several men riding horseback, coming towards the house. I did not have time to warn Billy that someone was coming but he and mother saw them. Mother had a big home-made packing box she used for a trunk and it had a pad lock on it. She hid Billy in this box before the men reached the house. (This was after Bernstein had been killed. Bernstien was the clerk at the Mesaclero Indian Agency, and Billy had been indicted for this killing, and was on the dodge.) ―When I reached the house I found that the men were Sheriff Peppin and Florencio Chaves, his deputy, and two other men. (I have forgotten their names.) They were looking for Billy. They searched the house but did not find him. Peppin came out in the yard and asked who the black horse with the saddle on belonged to. I told him it was my horse. He wanted to know why I kept a horse saddled and staked out. I told him I kept the horse to go round up the other horses. He did not believe me. I know, for he said to one of his men that Billy the Kid should be around there somewhere. When he did not find Billy they rode away. The Kid stayed in our house all that day and when it got dark Mother asked me to let Billy have my black horse and saddle, as she thought that he would return them to me. I did, and sure enough, in about ten days I got up one morning and found my horse, with the saddle on, in the corral. I never did know who brought him back. I was surely glad, for I thought an awful lot of this horse and I was so afraid that Billy would not get him back to me. I had traded with the Apache Indians for this horse. I had given about ten dollars worth of red flannel, beads and powder for him. ―When Billy the Kid and his gang had killed Bernstein, a clerk at the Indian Agency, Mr. L. O. Murphy, (of the Murphy, Dolan Company), sent me to Santa Fe, New Mexico, 26 with the message to the governor. I rode this same black horse. I had to go first to Fort Stanton to see the commanding officer. I got there about three o'clock in the morning. The guard stopped me but when I told him what I wanted to see the commanding officer about, he took me to the officer's house. This officer gave me another message and a fresh horse and I started for Santa Fe. I rode to Piños Wells, on the north side of the Gallinas Mountains, that night. I knew a fellow there, by the name of Mario Payne, and he let me have a fresh horse, and I made it on to Santa Fe on the third day. ―When I went in to see Governor Axtell, and deliver my messages to him he was mad because they had sent such a kid. He asked me why Pat Carrillo had not sent his own son, as he was larger and older than I was. He also told me to tell Mr. Murphy to give me three hundred dollars for that trip, and if Mr. Murphy didn't do it, he would. I got my three hundred dollars from Mr. Murphy all right. ―That is the only part that I took in the Lincoln County War, although I was working for the Murphy, Dolan Company all during the war. I stayed at the head quarters ranch on the Carrizozo Flats most of the time. ―I saved up about six hundred dollars while I was working for the Murphy, Dolan Company, and on February 12, 1881, I married Juanita Romero, the daughter of Juan Romero, Of Lincoln, New Mexico. There was no priest in Lincoln at that time and I had to send to Manzano, New Mexico, to get a priest to marry us. ―Father Louis Bourdier came over from Manzano and married us and I paid him twenty-five dollars to make the trip. We went to housekeeping in Lincoln and I still worked for Murphy and Dolan. My wife and I had five children, three girls and two boys. They were all born at Lincoln, New Mexico; Andres, Lucio, Susanna, Trinidad and Manuela. All of our children are dead except Andres, the oldest one. He is married and lives in Roswell, New Mexico. My wife and I have been separated for a number of years. She lives with Andres, in Roswell. ―I live here in Carrizozo, New Mexico, and would not live anywhere else. My little one room shack is on the old head quarters ranch place where I used to cut out all the strays from the herd.‖ Abran Miller, Carrizozo, New Mexico, Aged 75 years. [Return to TOC] 27 From 1880 until 1920 a Chronology This section is an attempt to show relationships and historical perspective. It is not a detailed genealogical account but a review of friends and family, people that were important; e.g. Padrinos and Madrinas, Godparents and wedding sponsors. Some things were missed, some were skipped and some I don‟t have. During the Spanish era there were strict rules about who could sponsor what; as the world changed the rules eased up but none the less Church documents generally indicate who is near and dear. In Hispano society Godparents were expected to look after children if something happened to the parents, it was a serious event; also the Godparents often brought the child to the Baptism while the mother was recuperating. Lacking a 1890 Census and given the dynamic nature of Lincoln County during this era the records can give an indication of where our families might have lived and who they might have associated with, ed. The Vega Rancho site, 1957 28 Jesús María Padilla Jr. [FWS] the son of Jesús María Padilla Sr. and Sostena Carillo married Esiquia Sandoval the daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres about 1879 or 1880. White Oaks was officially founded on 15 Aug 1879 after a gold strike on the Homestesd Claim, it was a long way from anywhere with the exception of our little area of interest just to the south. Margarite Vega was born in Jan 1880 to José María and Siquia Vega. She was baptized on 2 Feb 1885 at Nogal (Vera Cruz) her godparents were Cayetano Jaramillo and Dolores Lucero. She married Fred Lalone. It might be interesting to note the names of places in Church Records weren‟t necessarily in the specific town or community, the Priest often wrote down the name of the general area in which the ranch or other site was located. In the case of the Vegas, their ranch was associated with Nogal but actually was more on the slopes of Vera Cruz Mountain; which the Priest recorded. (See the maps, previous) As things developed, towns and villages as well as several ranches built chapels for the Priest to use. Antonio Lalonde was born 2 Jun 1880 to Tioflio and Lada Lalonde he died as an infant. He was baptized 6 Aug 1880 at Salado. His godparents were Demetrio Perea and Dolores Phillipowski. Juliana Padilla was born 29 Oct 1880 to Senobio and Saturnina Padilla there was no baptismal date given. Her godparents were José Padilla and Apolonia Herrera. She married Julián Serna on 28 Jan 1897. Pat Garrett was elected Sherriff of Lincoln County in Nov 1880. On 23 Dec 1880 he and a posse captured Billy the Kid at Stinking Springs near Ft. Sumner. Rebeca Artiaga was born 7 Feb 1881 to Juan and Savina Artiaga; she was baptized 29 Jun 1881 at Nogal. Her godparents were Jesús Sandoval and María Torres. She would marry Henry Silva. Within a year or so after Rebeca‘s birth her father died. Henry Stutz, a neighbor and Savina, her mother got together. Abran Miller the son of William Miller and Manuelita Herrera married Juanita Romero the daughter of Juan Romero and Melquiades Chaves on 12 Feb 1881. Paula Herrera was born 29 Jan 1881 to José and Antonia Herrera. She was baptized 14 Feb 1881 at Salado; her godparents were Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres. Adelaida Herrera was baptized 15 Feb 1881 at Lincoln; her parents were Ologio and Anastacia Herrera. Her godparents were David McKinley and Francisca Padilla. 29 In Lincoln on 28 Apr 1881 Billy the Kid as he was breaking out of jail, shot Deputies Ollinger and Bell. He borrowed a horse and with the leg iron still attached to one leg, rode westward out of town. In a couple of miles he turn up Salazar Canyon and then up Padilla Canyon to the ranch of his friends José María and Sostena Padilla. [FWS] Here they helped him remove the shackle and he was on his way. José was no relation to our José Encarnión Padilla but his family fits into our story. Emma Padilla was born on 13 Jun 1881 to Jesús María Jr. and Esiquia Padilla. She was baptized 5 Aug 1881 in White Oaks. Her godparents were Esiquia‘s parents, Jesús Sandoval and María Torres. Another family, just to add to the confusion, was the family of José León and Nestora Padilla. [FWS] His father was a brother of Jesús María Padilla Sr. They had come to Lincoln County a few years earlier with Nestora‘s family, perhaps they influenced the Jesús María Sr. family to come as well. María Antonia Padilla was born on 13 Jun 1881 to José Leon and Nestora, she was baptized on 29 Jun 1881. Her godparents were Eusebio Chávez and Crispina García At Ft. Sumner, up the Pecos River, on 15 Jul 1881 Billy the Kid was killed by Pat Garrett and the turmoil of the ―Lincoln County War‖ was over. At this point we should meet Refugia Ortiz [FWS] whose husband Manuel Leal was killed by Indians on their ranch down in La Luz Canyon. It appears that the Apache Chief Vitorio had decided to break out of the Mescalero Reservation about this time and subsequently butchered a few people along the way. She then married Francisco Baca and then Guillermo Uderos. This leads to another clan, the family of José María and Francisca de Aguayo. [FWS] Don de Aguayo was living in Lincoln in 1870 and practicing law, they moved down the Alamo Canyon. Francisca‘s brother, James Hill had a promising ranch there and it seemed a good opportunity. Alamo Canyon and La Luz Canyon are near each other at the south end of the Mescalero‘s Reservation, up above present day Alamogordo. When the Indian business got too messy the Aguayo‘s moved back to Lincoln by 1880 and eventually settled in Texas Park. Benito Vega was born about 1881 to José María and Siquia Vega. He later married Lucila Augayo. Emilia Silva was born 9 May 1881 to Juan Andrés and Petra Silva. She was baptized 11 May 1881 at Salado; her godparents were Bone (Bonifacio) J. Baca and Isadora Baca. José Chávez and María „Manuela‟ Padilla were married 14 Oct 1881.Their marriage record and his remarriage record give the name ―Margarita‖ in the 1880 Census of Salado Flats, she is listed as Manuela. They had been together quite a while, their daughter, Donaciana was born in 1869. Margarita died before 1890. 30 Carrie Lalone was born on 8 Nov 1881 to Tiofilo and Lada Lalonde. She was baptized 15 Dec 1881; her godparents were Sam Corbett and Teresa Padilla. She would marry Julián Leal. Victoriano Artiaga was born on 1 Mar 1882 to Manuel and Eliza Artiaga. He married Dolores ―Lola‖ Padilla. Dolores “Lola” Padilla was born on 4 Apr 1882 in Capitan. Her parents were Senobio and Saturnina Padilla. She was baptized on 1 May 1882, her godfather was José Torres. She married Vitoriano Artiaga. Apolonia Herrera was born 10 Apr 1882 to Ologio and Anastacia Herrera. She was baptized 25 May 1882 at Lincoln. Her godparents were Jesús Archuleta and Paublita Torres. She married Ysidro McKinley. Florencio Vega was born June 1882 to José María and Siquia Vega. He would marry Juanita Uderos. Lola Padilla de Artiaga and her son, Manuel Artiaga Meanwhile, around the Mountain, to the north: ―Morris B. Parker's family was amongst the new wave of 'miners' hoping to strike it rich at White Oaks during the summer of 1882. (Morris wrote a book called “White Oaks” detailing his young life there.) Coming from all over the country, people flocked to the small valley, claiming whatever areas they could… in hope of finding that one special spot. Parker's family relocated from St. Louis in what he describes as a 'new start.‘ His father, Erasmus Wells Parker, had managed to purchase the South Homestake in 1881, yet knowing almost nothing about mining. Returning to St. Louis, Parker gathered his family, convinced his wife of the opportunities, and headed for White Oaks in 1882. ―After making the trip to Las Vegas by train, the family of five had to make the last 175 miles to White Oaks by buggy. This was no easy feat for the toughest of families, for there was the constant threat of Indian attack, dehydration, or simply getting lost. Luckily for the Parkers, they did not meet up with any Indians and made the journey to their new home with relative ease.‖ From “White Oaks Foundation to Fadeout” by Max R. Turner. José Torres son of José Torres and Trinidad Chávez and Lucinda Frésquez daughter of Vicente Frésquez and Antonia Tafoya were married 20 Nov 1883, ―In the jurisdiction of el Rio Bonito.‖ Witnesses were Juan Torres and Mariana Chávez María Concepción Padilla was born 3 Dec 1883 to José and Nestora Padilla. She was baptized on 17 December 1883 at Rio Bonito. Her godparents were Francisco Gómez and Crescencia Salas. She would marry Emiliano McKinley then Silvestre Baca. 31 María Stutz was born 13 Dec 1883 to Henry and Savina Stutz. aka. Ma. Concepción Estrada she was baptized 16 Dec 1883 in Nogal. Her godparents were Manuel Trujillo and Ma. Romualda Trujillo. Perhaps her father was not Henry Stutz. She would marry Roberto Miller-Swan The Priest traveled to the communities, from the 1860s to the early 1880s he traveled down from Manzano; no small feat in a buggy or by horseback and the threat of Indian attack. At a pace of about 25 miles a day distances were considerable. Reverend Bourdier’s, Three Trips from Manzano to the Settlements May to Nov 1881 From a summary by Ray Mireles: From Manzano to Las Tables, 140 miles 3 Baptisms, 15 May From Las Tablas to Lincoln, 10 miles 3 Baptisms, 24 May 1 Baptism, 27 May at Las Chosas 1 Baptism, 30 May at Pichaco From Manzano to Carrizo, 110 miles 1 Baptism, 25 Jul From Carrizo to Tres Ritos, 25 miles 3 Baptisms, 27 Jul 1 Baptism, 28 Jul From Tres Ritos to Blazers Mill, 19 miles 1 Baptism, 29 Jul 4 Baptisms, 30 Jul From Blazers Mill to San Patricio, 18 miles 3 Baptisms, 1 Aug From San Patricio to Picacho, 18 miles 2 Baptisms, 2 Aug 1 Baptism, 3 Aug From Picacho to San Patricio, 18 miles 3 Baptisms, 4 Aug From San Patricio to Lincoln, 9 miles 2 Baptisms, 5 Aug From Lincoln to Salado, 12 miles 1 Baptism, 6 Aug (A Lalone) From Salado to Lincoln, 12 miles 2 Baptisms, 7 Aug From Lincoln to Las Tablas, 10 miles 2 Baptisms, 7 Aug From Lincoln to Magado/Salado, 12 miles 1 Baptism, 8 Aug (J Herrera) From Magado to Lincoln, 10 miles 1 Baptism, 8 Aug 32 From Lincoln to Ft. Stanton, 8 miles 1 Baptism, 8 Aug From Ft. Stanton to Torres Ranch, 5 miles 1 Baptism, 10 Aug From Manzano to Lincoln, 150 miles 5 Baptisms, 16 Oct 2 Baptisms, 31 Oct 1 Baptism, 2 Nov 1 Baptism, 3 Nov 1 Baptism, 5 Nov 1 Baptism, 6 Nov From Lincoln to Picacho, 20 miles 2 Baptisms, 11 Nov From Picacho to Salado, 34 miles 1 Baptism, 23 Nov (J Padilla) The Priest was a guest at people‟s homes overnight. Pauline Lalone was born 15 Jan 1884 to Tiofilo and Lada Lalonde. She was baptized 1 Jun 1884; her godparents were Daniel McKinley and Francisca Padilla. She died as an infant. Feliz Herrera was born 30 Apr 1884 to Ologio and Anastacia Herrera. He was baptized 12 May 1884 in Lincoln. His godparents were Manuel Trujillo and Romulada Trujillo. Candelario Sandoval was born 2 Feb 1884 to Jesús and María Sandoval. He was baptized 12 May 1884 at Nogal. His godparents were José Herrera and María Antonia Padilla. He would marry Benigna Bueno. Lorenza Padilla was baptized 14 Nov 1884 at 3 months of age at Nogal, her parents were Jesús María Jr. and Esiquia Padilla. Her godparents were Benino and Leonor Sandoval. She would marry Pedro Peralta. María Suzanna Miller was born to Abran and Juanita Miller. She was baptized 16 Feb 1885 at 4 months, in Lincoln. Her godparents were Trinidad Romero and Dolores Herrera. Isaquio Herrea was born 21 Jun 1885 to José and Antonia Herrera. He was baptized 24 Jun 1885 at Magado; his godparents were Lucio Archuleta and Isabel Girón. Addie LaLone was born 31 Jun 1885 to Tioflio and Lada Lalonde. She was baptized 22 Nov 1885 at Bonito. Her godparents were Adan Padilla and Rebecca Lalone. She would marry Joe Sánchez. Manuel Artiaga was born on 11 Aug 1885 to Manuel and Eliza Artiaga. He was baptized 11 Oct 1885 in Lincoln; his godparents were José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez. 33 Rosa Sandoval was born 30 Aug 1885 to Jesús and María Sandoval. She was baptized 5 Oct 1885 at Nogal Cañon. Her Godparents were Rocco Emilio and Rosa Esperanza. She would marry Pablo Telles. José Torres son of José Torres and Trinidad Chávez married Adelaida García daughter of Pedro García and Leonor Gurulé on 29 Nov 1885. They were from Nogal Cañon. Witnesses were Jesús Sandoval and María Torres. Lucio Miller was born on 13 Dec 1885 to Abran and Juanita Miller. She was baptized 31 Dec 1885 at Ranchos Sierra Capitan; her godparents were Manuel Artiaga and Luisa Miller. Celso Padilla was born 13 Jan 1886 to Senobio and Saturnina Padilla. He was baptized 27 Feb 1886 at Magado; his godparents were Ologio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta. Priest‘s note on the Baptismal Record: Celso married Carolina Luam(?) no date/location given. Tomása Herrera was born 20 May 1886 to Ologio and Anastacia Herrera. She was baptized 11 Jun 1886 at Magado; her godparents were Tomás Chavez and Florencia Trujillo. Segundio Padilla was born 1 Jul 1886 to Jesús María and Esiquia Padilla. He was baptized 4 Sept 1886 at Sierra Capitan; his godparents José Chávez and Adelaida García. José León Padilla Jr. was born 18 Jul 1886 to José León and Nestora Padilla. He was baptized 18 July 1886 at Sierra Capitan; his godparents were Nicolas Chaves and Perfidia Trujillo. He would marry Anita Freeman and then Rosa Olgin. Perciliano Pino son of Pablo Pino and Igninia Cordoba married Donancia Chávez daughter of Manuelita (Margarita) Padilla and José Chávez were married in Dona Ana County about 1886 or 1887. After Tomása Romero died José García son of Manuel García and Dolores Mirabal married Trinidad Chávez daughter of José María Chávez and María Baca on 19 Jan 1887. They were from Salado; witnesses were Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Ballejos. [FWS] Gregorio Herrera was born 3 Jun 1887 to José and Antonia Herrera. He was baptized 24 Jun 1887 at Magado/Capitan; his godparents were Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez. Louis Lalonde (Luis Lalone) was born 11 Sep 1887 to Tioflio and Lada Lalonde. He was baptized 20 Oct 1887 at Nogal; his godparents were George Sena and Teresa Carrillo. He would marry Elvira Uderos. María Trinidad García was born on 22 Dec 1887 to José and Trinidad García. She was baptized 3 February 1888 at Magado; her godparents were Pablo Pino and María Chaves. Estefana Pino was born 25 Dec 1887 to Preciliano and Donancia Pino. She was baptized 10 May 1888; her godparents Manuel and Romualda Trujillo. She would marry Benino Gallegos. 34 Ema Sandoval was born and baptized 9 May 1888 at Nogal, her parents were Jesús and María Sandoval. Her godparents were Doroteo and Victoria Torres. Dave Tinnon from Tennessee and Beckie Lalone [FWS] married about 1888 in White Oaks. She was the daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and Lada Padilla. He became the foreman at the ‗Old Abe Mine‘ in White Oaks. One of his responsibilities was to deliver the gold output to the Freight Company in San Antonio across the dessert on the Rio Grande. Family legend says that one time he was robbed and beaten and that contributed to his death in 1901. He is buried at Cedarvale Cemetery in White Oaks. Felipe Padilla was baptized 6 Oct 1889 at 1 month of age at Lincoln to Jesús María and Esiquia Padilla. His godparents were José Chaves y Baca and Margarita Padilla. Beckie Tinnon and her four oldest Virginia Padilla was born 28 Mar 1890 to José León and Nestora Padilla. She was baptized 5 Apr 1890 at Lincoln; her godparents were José Chávez and Doloritas Sandoval. Genoveva Herrera was born on 30 May 1890 to José and Antonia Herrera. She was baptized 27 Jul 1890 at Magado; her godparents were Tomás Chávez and Florencia Trujillo. Clemente Padilla was baptized 6 Nov 1890 at 3 months of age at Nogal his parents were Jesús María and Esiquia Padilla. His godparents were Tomás Chaves and Florencia Trujillo. After Margarita Padilla died José Chávez married Lola Sandoval on 22 Nov 1890; in the Church at Lincoln, they were both from Lincoln. The padrinos were Sam Corbet and Josefa Baca; witness was Ignacio Serna. Lola was the daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres. Vera Stutz was born in 1891 to Henry and Savina Stutz. Gabriel Olguin the son of Aniceto Olguin and Rosa Barela married Manuela Flores [FWS] daughter of José de Gracias Flores and Lorenza Herrera on 2 Mar 1891 in the Church of Lincoln. They were both from Lincoln. The padrinos were Ceclio Torres and Isabela Barela; the witness was Melquiades Barela. Bernardino Sandoval was born 20 May 1891 to Jesús and María Sandoval. He was baptized 28 Jul 1890 at Torres Ranch; his godparents were Tomás Chaves and Florencia Trujillo. 35 Boston (Barton) Freeman married Leonor Sandoval about 1890; she was the daughter of Jesús Sandoval and Maria Torres. Leonor later was married to Nicolas Peralta. [FWS] Anita Freeman was baptized 24 Jul 1891 at 4 months in White Oaks to Boston and Leonor Freeman. Her godparents were Feliz Guebara and Carmelita Torres. She would marry José Leon Padilla Jr. Antonia Vega was baptized 4 Oct 1891 at 43 days of age at Nogal. Her parents were José María and Josefa Vega; her godparents were Doroteo Torres and Donaciana Martines. Gregorio Pino was baptized 10 Nov 1891 at 1 month of age at Tucson. His parents were Preciliano and Donancia Pino; his godparents were Margarito Silva and Lola Sandoval. He would marry Reymunda Silva at the Chapel on the Silva/Peralta Ranch. Jesús Sandoval and his daughter Leonor and Anita Margarito Silva son of Juan Andrés and Petra Siva and Anna María Pino daughter of Pablo and María Pino were married on 14 Nov 1891. They were from Salado. The padrinos were Sam Corbett and Josefa Baca; the witness was Andrés Sandoval. She would marry Antonio Pino in 1929. [FWS] Andrea Miller was baptized 4 Feb 1892 at 2 months at Salado to Abran and Juanita Miller. Her godparents were Andrés Nejeres and Antonia Maes. She would marry Bonifacio Pino. Margarita Stutz was born in 1892 to Henry and Savina Stutz. Ramon Herrera was born 1 Aug 1892 to Ologio and Anastacia. She was baptized 24 Oct 1892 at Lincoln. Her godparents were Mariano Aldaz and Francisca Torres. Domingo Padilla was born 20 Dec 1892 to Jesús María and Esiquia Padilla. He was baptized 3 Feb1893 at Sierra Capitan; his godparents were Filomeno Peralta and María Padilla. Adan Padilla the adopted son of José Encarnación Padilla and Polonia Herrera married Teodora García about 1893. Victoriana Padilla was born 20 Mar 1893 to José León and Nestora Padilla. She was baptized 11 Jan 1894 at Sierra Capitan; her godparents were Rafael Padilla and Altagracia Lujan. 36 José Torres the son of José Torres and Trinidad Chávez married Tiburcia Telles the daughter of Luis Telles and Tiburia López, on 15 Jun 1893. They were from Ruidoso; the padrinos were Alberto Gonzales and Aurora Gonzales. Elena Freeman was baptized 20 Jun 1893 (no age given) at White Oaks to Boston and Leonor Freeman. Her godparents were Lorenzo Guebara and T. Sisneros. Elvira Uderos was baptized 24 Nov 1893 in Lincoln to Refugia Ortiz and Guillermo Udreos. Her godparents were Ramon Luna and Lola Sisneros. Rosa Vega was baptized 22 Nov 1893 at 3 months of age at Nogal. Her parents were José María and Josefa Vega; her godparents were Juano Sandoval and María Tims?(sp) Vicente de Jesús Artiaga was born on 5 Apr 1894 to Manuel and Eliza Aritaga. He was baptized 22 May 1894 at Salado; his godparents were Esperidion Lueras and Leonor Sedillo. Elvira and Juanita Uderos Teresita Sandoval (a twin) was born on 13 Apr 1894 to Jesús and María Sandoval. She was baptized 21 Apr 1894 at White Oaks; her godparents were David Carman and Epifania Lalone. Hermergildo Sandoval (a twin) was born on 13 Apr 1894 to Jesús and María Sandoval. He was baptized 21 Apr 1894 at White Oaks; his godparents were Anita Lovato and Frederico Lalone. Francisco Herrera was born on 21 Aug 1894 to José and Antonia Herrera. He was baptized 1 Nov 1894 at Capitan; his godparents were Isidro McKinley and Juliana Padilla. Julián Chávez was born on 20 Dec 1894 to José and Lola Chávez. He was baptized 10 Feb 1895; his godparents were Felis Guebara and Carmela Torres. It wasn’t all babies and baptisms, an unhappy event unfolded in White Oaks: ―This fire, the greatest in the town‘s history, struck the Old Abe on March 9, 1895. A kerosene lamp exploded in the hoist house, sending flammable liquid all over the wooden frames of the mine. The place was turned into a mass of fire, killing nine of the twenty men who were working underground at the time. The men were below the surface, almost 800 feet down. 37 ―When the station tender noticed the disaster on hand, he quickly summoned to his fellow miners and they began the long climb towards safety up the vertical shaft. Climbing up a vertical ladder is not easy, even under normal circumstances. With the pressures of depleting oxygen and sheer exhaustion, it's a wonder that eleven men were able to make it out at all. ―It took the townspeople two days to extinguish the flames. In a heroic effort, White Oaks, both men and women, fought against the terrible fire with all of the strength and water they could muster. Tents were set up outside the mine for the weary as well as coffee and meals. Most men, however, refused to stop their efforts, for there were friends trapped inside. All of the town efforts went for nothing as the nine bodies were carried out one by one after the flames were extinguished. It was a heavy and sad day for White Oaks.‖ From “White Oaks Foundation to Fadeout” by Max R. Turner. Joseph Padilla was born 19 Mar 1895 to José León and Nestora Padilla. He was baptized 30 May 1895 at Sierra Capitana; his godparents were Francisco Zamora and Sista Salas. A Priest‘s note on his Baptismal Record says Joseph married Conrada Sánchez 1 Jan 1912. Adolpho Freeman was born 21 Apr 1895 in White Oaks to Boston and Leonor Freeman. He was baptized 21 Apr 1895; his godparents were Donato Chávez and Prisciliana Pino. He would marry Soledad Artiaga. Dorotea Pino was born 29 Apr 1895 to Pablo and María Pino. She was baptized 2 Jun 1895 at Sierra de Tucson. Her godparents were Martín and Guadalupe Vaca. She would marry Boney Trujillo. Ysidro McKinley son of David McKinley and Francisca Padilla and Apolonia Herrera daughter of Eulogio Herrera and Anastacia Acrhuleta, were married, 12 Jan 1896. They were from White Oaks; their padrinos were Roberto Ludan and Epifina Lalone. [FWS] Julián Miller son of William Miller and Manuela Herrera and Felipa Guerra the daughter of Salomé Guerra and Longina Varela were married, 13 Jan 1896. Julián was from el Salado and Felipa from Ruidoso; the padrinos were Jesús and Desideria Mirabal. [FWS] Gregoria Silva was born 7 May 1896 to Margartio and Anna María Silva. She was baptized 19 May 1896 at Salado. Her godparents were Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Vallejos. Petra Vega was born 26 Jun 1896 to José María and Josefa Vega. She was baptized 20 Jul 1896 at Nogal; her godparents were James Donovan and Hanora Kagan. She died about 1910 in a Convent in Santa Fe. Ana Stutz was born 13 Jul 1896 to Henry and Savina Stutz. She was baptized 14 Sep 1896 in Salado. Her godparents were Julián Miller and Felipa Guerra. She would marry Pantaleon Torres 38 Benino Sandoval son of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres and Josefa López [FWS] daughter of Severiano López and Bibiana Romero were married, 21 Jun 1896. He was from White Oaks she was from Lincoln; their padrinos were Feliz Guebara and Carmela Torres. Ysidro Zamóra son of Santiago Zamóra and Dolores Perea and Bonifacia Padilla daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres from el Salado, were married, 21 Jul 1896. Their padrinos were Severo Padilla and Juliana Padilla. [FWS] Daniel McKinley was born on 22 December 1896 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. He was baptized 23 Mar 1897 at Sierrita. His godparents were Eulogio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta. Virginia Padilla was born 15 Jan 1897 to José León Sr. and Nestora Padilla. She was baptized 25 Jan 1897; her godparents were José Chávez and Ma. Sandoval. She would marry Francisco Sánchez. Wenislas Herrera was born 28 Sep 1896 to José and Antonia Herrera. He was baptized 21 Jan 1897 at Salado; his godparents were Isidro Zamora and Bonifacia Padilla. Julián Serna son of Victor Serna and María Flores and Juliana Padilla daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres were married, 28 Jan 1897. He was from Lincoln she was from Salado; their padrinos were Irineo Padilla and Rosario Vallejos. [FWS] Julián Leal son of Manuel Leal and Refugia Ortiz and Carrie Lalone daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and Lada Padilla [FWS] were married, 20 Mar 1897. Julián was from Lincoln and Carrie from White Oaks; their padrinos were Feliz Guebara and Carmelita Torres. Julián Leal and Carrie Lalone José Romero son of Ologio Romero and Casimira Padilla from Lincoln and Barbara McVeigh daughter of Charles McVeigh and Clara Shapkington from Ft. Santon were married 2 Aug 1897. Their padrinos were Juan Perea and Epifania Lalone. [FWS] Fannie’s Story Fannie (Epifania) Lalone was a typical girl of her era. This little side story is an effort to shed some light on our young ladies of the time. Fannie‘s father, Tioflio LaLonde, was a hard working immigrant from French Canada who worked his way west in the 1860s. He left Kingston, Ontario in 1857 after working on the St. 39 Lawrence River, first as a mate and then as a Captain; he was on the trail west in 1860 at O‘Fallon‘s Bluff, Nebraska in the company of a French trader and a couple of Spanish men. In the mid 1860s he became associated with the folks from Manzano, no doubt because of his trading connections. Fannie‘s mother, Estaislada ―Lada‖ Padilla was raised by her uncle, Ygnacio Guevara, an Españole from Mexico who mined on Ortiz Mountain above Albuquerque. Ygancio later settled in Manzano with his family and Lada. They lived very near Lada‘s father, José Encarnación Padilla and his family. About 1867 everybody was in Missouri Plaza in what would become Lincoln County and Lada and Tioflio were married. Tioflio was associated with the Casey Ranch on the Hondo and eventually they lived on Magado Creek where Fannie was born in 1876. Fannie‘s childhood was typical of rural kids in New Mexico in those days. Play and work, no toys to play with except imagination and not many conveniences to work with to make thing easy. She went to about Third Grade in Nogal, she could read and write; in her later years she went to Protestant Churches which used English but read her Bible in Spanish. Andy Fowler, Amanda Eaker, Fannie Lalone As a young lady she had her circle of friends some of which grew up with her (Amada Eaker lived by the Lalones in 1885); she was involved in family and Church related events, being a Godmother for several children. In 1897 she and her cousin, Juan Perea, were Padrinos at José Romero and Barbara McViegh‘s wedding. [FWS] Usually Padrinos had some family relationship to someone in the Wedding Party; it appears that Fannie might have been a cousin of José‘s. When she was about 19, her family sold their farm up towards Nogal and moved to White Oaks. Fannie got a job working in the household of the man who owned the Old Abe Mine. 40 A perfect time for a youg lady to move to town; plenty of social doin‘s and lots of young men, a girls dream. After the chores were done; the laundry (by hand), feed the animals (there were still animals in town), do the sewing and whatever mother need. She could have some time off. Young people then as now liked to get around of course but it was a bit of a different proposition then, a 10 or 15 miles horseback ride may take a good part of the day and a buggy or wagon ride would take much longer. On the farm or ranch if she wanted to go visiting a girl would have to saddle her own horse or hitch up her own buggy just to go out. The Lalonde‘s, like many of the families of the era didn‘t have much and depending on circumstances they might not eat regularly. Life was a dicey propostion but play and work went hand-in-hand, Fannie got in plenty of both. The girls of our story had the same giggles and insecurities as today but lived in a more demanding environment. ~~~ Jesús María Gutiérrez son of Lorenzo Gutiérrez and Josefa Segura and Prudencia Baca daughter of Francisco Baca and Refugio Ortiz were married, 25 Oct 1897. Both from Lincoln, their padrinos were José Romero and Barbara Romero. [FWS] John Mack son of John Mack and Salomé Garod (They were French Canadians) and Francisca Padilla widow of Dennis McKinley were married, 12 Dec 1897. Both residents of Nogal, their padrinos were Francisco Vigil and Elena Frésquez. Roberto Miller-Swan son of William Miller and Manuela Herrera and María Stutz daughter of Henry Stutz and Sabina Estrada were married, 10 Jan 1898. The marriage record gives his name as Robert Sevan (Swan) and gives his father as Juan Sevan (Joseph Swan his stepfather). They were residents of Carizito; their padrinos were George Sena and Eloisa 41 Miller de Artiaga. They used his stepfather‘s name, their death records are for Roberto Swan and Mary Swan. [FWS] Nicolas Peralta son of Filomeno Peralta and Hilaria Padilla residents of el Tucson and Leonore Sandoval daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres residents of White Oaks, were married 24 Jan 1898. Their padrinos were Eduvigen Padilla and Antonia Zamora. Leonor was previously married to Boston Freeman. [FWS] Elena Torres was born 12 Feb 1898 to José and Tiburcia Torres. She was baptized 5 Mar 1898 at Patos; her godparents were Policarpio Lobato and Delfina Maes. Elena would marry Salvador Guava, 11 September 1916. Manuel Miller was born 8 May 1898 to Julián and Felipa Miller. He was Baptized 19 Jun 1898 in Capitan; his Godparents were Roberto Swan and María Stultz. He would marry Isabel Duran 5 Feb 1917. Bonifacio Pino son of Pablo Pino and María Chávez and Andrea Miller daughter of Abran Miller and Juanita Romero were married, 13 Jun 1898. Both residents of Tucson, their padrinos were Manuel Artiaga and Lucia Miller. Henry Silva son of Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Ballejos and Rebeca Artiaga daughter of Juan Artiaga and Sabina Estrada were married, 20 Jun 1898. Both were from Tucson, their padrinos were Saturnino Baca and Juana Chávez. [FWS] Sofia Serna was born 14 Jun 1898 to Julián and Juliana Serna. She was baptized 25 Aug 1898; her godparents were Isidro Zamora and Saturnina Torres. Sofia married Jaime Torres 12 Nov 1916. Vicente Gutiérrez was born 7 Sep 1898 to Jesús María and Prudencia Gutiérrez. She was baptized 20 Sep 1898; her godparents were Guillermo Uderos and Refugio Ortiz. Juan Andrés Padilla was born 27 Nov 1898 to Adan and Teodora Padilla. He was baptized 5 Feb 1899 at Capitan; his godparents were Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Vallejo. “Doc” Lacey son of Lewis Lacey and Margaret White of Locke Hill, Bexar County TX and Fannie LaLone daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and Lada Padilla were married, 14 Dec 1898 in White Oaks. [FWS] For their wedding night he had rented a room at Mrs. Gallagher‘s, just as they were settling in there was a terrible ruckus outside, their friends were yellin‘ and hollerin‘ and banging pots and pans, so they had to get up and get dressed and let them in for a visit. Doc and Fannie‟s Wedding Portrait 42 Doc was cowboyin for the Carrizozo Cattle Company down at the McDonald place, he moved Fannie there but she was terribly lonely. An oldtimer, Johnny Patton, was the cook there and Fannie would put on her gloves and go visit him. He took her under his wing, one day he commented that she didn‘t have a ring, she said that they didn‘t have the money; a short time later, Johnny bought a ring for her as a wedding present and she wore that ring for the rest of her life. Fannie wasn‘t happy on the ranch so they moved back to White Oaks and Doc got a job at the Old Abe Mine, where Fannie‘s brother-in-law, Dave Tinnon, had become the foreman. Doc also worked in a saloon and some stores including Ziegler‘s. Their first three daughters, Margie, Flo and Alma were born in White Oaks, Doctor Paden delivered Margie but Fanny didn‘t like that; so a mid-wife, ‗Grandma‘ Sandoval delivered the next few. Juliana Peralta was born 23 Jan 1899 to Nicolas and Leonore Peralta. She was baptized 25 Feb 1899; her godparents were Isabel Peralta and Sabina Padilla. Juliana married Eduardo Zamora 27 Jan 1916. Severo Padilla son of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres and Josefa Sánchez daughter of Esiquio Sanchez and Isabel Analla were married, 4 Mar 1899. Severo from Tucson, Josefa from Picacho their padrinos were Isidro Analla and Anita Peppin. In 1904 she married Feliz Zamora. [FWS] Roberto Silva was born on 14 Mar 1899 to Margartio and Anna María Silva. He was baptized 24 Apr 1899 at Tucson; his godparents were Roberto and María L. Swan. Susana Silva was born on 16 Apr 1899to Henry and Rebeca Silve. She was baptized 25 Apr 1899 in Tucson. Her Godparents were Isidro McKinley and Apolonia Herrera. Susana Vega was born 24 May 1899 to José María and Josefa Vega. She was Baptized 17 July 1899 at Nogal; her godparents were Benino Sandoval and Margarita Lopez. She died 21 Aug 1926. Manuel Padilla was born 15 Jul 1899 to José Leon Sr. and Nestora Padilla. He was baptized 1 Aug 1899; his godparents were Eusebio Gurule and Ema St. John. He would marry Aurora Saavedra. From our introduction; This little excerpt is taken from Ruth Birdsong‟s book “Tracks North” in case you were asleep when we passed by: ―The Capitan Mountains are one of the few mountain ranges in the United States that runs East and West. In 1884 Seaborn Gray homesteaded on Salado Flats and put up a small store. A Post Office was established in 1894 and he was appointed Postmaster, naming it Gray for himself. In January 1899 the El Paso & Northeastern Railway built a branch line into Gray and changed the name to Capitan. The town incorporated in 1941. The railroad reached there on September 29, 1899. ―Coal miners came from Pennsylvania (beginning in 1897); they were imported to work the Salado Coal Fields. The first carload of coal was shipped from there September 30, 43 1899. At first the fields gave every promise of being practically inexhaustible; but soon afterwards, as operations progressed and the pits dug deeper, the coal veins were found to be badly broken by underground faults and dikes. The veins narrowed between solid rock walls so that extraction of the coal became more and more difficult and expensive… ―Due to the veins ‗pinching out‘ mining at the Salado Coal Fields had to be abandoned. With this main source of rail traffic eliminated, the budding enterprise was finished. By May 1, 1901, there was no more use in pretending that the stoppage of work in the Salado mines was of a temporary nature. The coal field was abandoned and the machinery was pulled out of the mines…‖ Capitan about 1910 Susanna Miller was born on 2 Oct 1899 to Abran and Juanita Miller. She was baptized 22 Oct 1899; her godparents were Francisco Córdova and Mariana Romero. Aaron Artiaga was born on 22 Oct 1899 to Manuel and Eliza Artiaga. He was baptized 28 Nov 1899; his godparents were Parpio Lobato and Delfinia Maes. Margarita Torres was born on 22 Feb 1900 to José and Tiburcia Torres. She was baptized 17 May 1900; her godparents were Pablo Torres and Francisca Cordova. Juan Miller was born on 11 Dec 1899 to Julián and Felipa Miller. He was baptized 26 Feb 1900; his godparents were Manuel Artiaga and Eloisa Miller. Doroteo Peralta was born 22 Jul 1900 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. He was baptized 2 Sep 1900; his godparents were Filomeno Peralta and Hilaria Padilla. He would marry Tomacita Pino on 12 Nov 1920. Victor Serna was born 15 Aug 1900 to Julián and Juliana Serna. He was baptized 26 Nov 1900 at Tucson; his godparents were Ciprian Vallejos and María Jaramillo. He would marry Cirila Vigil, daughter of Daniel Vigil later he married Elfida Frésquez Chavez, 30 Dec 1922. 44 Victoriano Artiaga son of Manuel Artiaga and Eloisa Miller and Lola Padilla daughter of Saturnia Torres and Senobio Padilla were married, 4 Jan 1901. They were both from Tucson; their padrinos were Julián Miller and Felipa Guerra. [FWS] José Chávez was born on 11 Jan1901 to José and Lola Chávez. He was baptized 22 Apr 1901 in White Oaks; his godparents were Candelario and Rosa Sandoval. Soledad Artiaga was born 3 Feb 1901 to Manuel and Eliza Artiaga. Her godparents were Iginio Sausedo and Julia Aguilar. She would marry Adolfo Freeman 6 Mar 1916. Paula Padilla was born 2 Mar 1901 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. She was baptized 31 Mar 1901; her godparents were Abel Pino and María Chávez. Francisita Silva was born 29 Mar 1901 to Henry and Rebeca Silva. She was baptized 23 Apr 1901 in Tucson; her godparents were Catarino Baldonado and Leonor Gurule. She would marry Damecio Peralta on 22 Sep 1919. Clara Peralta was born 27 May 1901 to Nicolas and Leonor Peralta. She was baptized 30 Jun1901; her godparents were Juan L. Reyes and Encarnación Gonzales. She would marry Nestor Aguilar 12 Mar 1917. José Vega was born 19 Jun 1901 to José María and Josefa Vega. He was baptized 2 Oct 1901 at Nogal; his godparents were Frederico and Adelaida Lalone. He would marry Amada Swan. George Herrera was born on 17 Apr 1901 to José and Antonia Herrera. He was baptized 11 Jul 1901 in Lincoln; his godparents were Refugio Trujillo and Romualda Trujillo. He would marry Amelia Reyes 18 Sep 1920. Antonio Silva was born 6 Aug 1901 to Margartio and Anna María Sliva. He was baptized 1 Sep 1901; his godparents were Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez. Twins Eloisa and Saturnina Artiaga were born 16 Aug 1901 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. They were baptized 27 Aug 1901, Eloisa‘s godparents were Roberto Swan and Dorotea Pratt and Saturnina‘s were Julián Serna and Juliana Padilla. Manuela Miller was born on 28 Aug 1901 to Abran and Juanita Miller. She was baptized 6 Oct 1901; her godfather was Candelario Griego. She would marry Desiderio Márquez 19 Feb 1914. Elvira Miller was born on 10 Oct 1901 to Julián and Felipa Miller. She was baptized 8 Dec 1901; her godparents were Porfirio and Beatriz Chávez. She would marry Clemente Padilla 24 Nov 1916 in Lincoln. Emiliano McKinley son of David McKinley and Francisca Padilla and María Concepción Padilla daughter of José León Sr. and Nestora Padilla were married, 19 Dec 1901. Emiliano 45 was from Tuscon and María from Lincoln; their padrinos were Isidro McKinley and Apolonia Herrera. [FWS] Joseph Swan and Manuela Herrera were married (finally) 11 Mar 1902. She was the widow of William Miller. They were from Tucson; their padrinos were Isabel Peralta and Ylaria Padilla. Pablo Telles son of Luis Telles and Tiburcia López and Rosa Sandoval daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres were married, 8 Mar 1902. They were both from White Oaks; their padrinos were Juan Reyes and Encarnación Gonzales. [FWS] Pedro López son of Lorenzo López and Manuela Torres and Eliza Miller daughter of William Miller and Manuela Herrera were Married 11 Mar 1902. They were both from Tucson; their padrinos were Margarito Silva and Ana María Pino. She was previously married to Manuel Artiaga, she later married Boney Zamora. [FWS] Henry Stutz and María „Savina‟ Estrada married, 20 May 1902. They were both from Tucson; their padrinos were Saturnino Baca and Juana Chávez. Isabel Peralta and Ramona Padilla were married in Manzano. [FWS] ―On the 14th of July of 1902, I married very solemnly Isabel Peralta single, (23 years), legitimate son of Filomeno Peralta and of Hilaria Padilla, from El Capitan (County of Lincoln), with Ramona Padilla single, (15 years), legitimate daughter of Vicente Padilla, deceased, and of Bersabe Gonzales, from La Cienega, N. Mex. Padrinos, Eutemio Luna and Piedad Armijo.‖ From the marriage records of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano. The Lincoln National Forest was originally established on 26 Jun 1902 with the office in Capitan. This area only included the White Mountains and Capitan Mountains. Presidential proclamations were then signed in 1905, 1906, 1907, 1910, and 1919 adding additional lands to the Lincoln National Forest. This would materially change the way our folks viewed their surroundings. Angelita McKinley was born 1 Oct 1902 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. She was baptized 28 Oct 1902 at Tucson; her godparents were Saturnino and Apolonia Herrera. She would marry Flavio Mirabal 5 Jul 1922. María Serna was born on 13 Oct 1902 to Julián and Juliana Serna. She was baptized 5 Dec 1902 at Capitan: her godparents were Manuel Ribera and Sabina Estrada. She would marry Casimiro Cabrera 12 July 1945. Katie Silva was born 25 Nov 1902 to Henry and Rebeca Artiaga. She was baptized 5 Dec 1902 in Capitan; her godparents were Joseph Tatti and Reymunda Silva. She would marry Ward Leslie. Silvestre Pino was born 31 Dec 1902 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. He was baptized 15 Jan 1903; his godparents were Feliz Gonzales and Catarina Peralta. 46 Rufina Artiaga was born 28 Jan 1903 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. She was baptized 10 Mar 1903; her godparents were Nicolas Peralta and Leonor Sandoval. She would marry Martín Baca 30 Aug 1923 in Belen, NM. Joe Sánchez son of Cresencio Sánchez and María Sánchez and Addie LaLone daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and Lada Padilla were married, 12 Feb 1903. They were both from White Oaks; their padrinos were Julián Leal and Carolina Lalone. [FWS] Perciliano Pino son of Pablo Pino and Igninia Cordoba and Donancia Chávez were married in Dona Ana County. She died 16 Feb 1903 and is buried in unmarked grave in White Oaks. Julián Miller was born 16 Feb 1903 to Julián and Felipa Miller. He was baptized 10 Mar 1903 in Tucson; his godparents were Severo Pérez and Rebeca Montoya. Leandro Vega was born 13 Mar 1903 to José María and Josefa Vega. He would marry Narcissa Ramirez. Juan Peralta was born on 17 Mar 1903 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. He was baptized 12 Apr 1903; his godparents were Nicolas Peralta and Leonor Sandoval. Antonio José Padilla was born on 11 May 1903 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. He was baptized 23 Jun 1903 at Tucson; his godparents were Victoriano Artiaga and Dolores Padilla. Jesús María Padilla Jr. son of Jesús Maria Padilla and Sostena Carrillo and Luisa Montoya were married 7 Aug 1903. They were both from Lincoln; their padrinos were Nicolas Peralta and Leonora Sandoval. They had both been married before. Feliz Peralta was born on 1 Oct 1903 to Nicolas and Leonor Peralta. She was baptized 24 Nov 1903 at Tucson; her godparents were Filomeno Peralta and Ilaria Padilla. She would marry Margarito Chavez, 12 Aug 1922. Fred Lalone son of Tioflio Lalonde and Lada Padilla and Margarite Vega daughter of José María Vega and Esiquia Torres were married, 23 Nov 1903. Fred from White Oaks, Margarite from Nogal; their padrinos were Feliz Guebara and Carmela Torres. [FWS] Fred and Margarite‘s wedding was a three day affair at the Vega Rancho. Dining and dancing the whole time, everybody came. The bride wore a new dress every day. Estela Chávez was born 9 Dec 1903 to José and Lola Chávez. She was baptized 12 Dec 1903 at Patos; her godparents were Eusebio Gurule and Ema St. John. She would marry Aristeo Salcido 24 Jan 1927 in Roswell. Guadalupe Peralta was born 12 Dec 1903 to Isabel and Ramona Peralta. He was Baptized 24 Jan 1904; his Godparents were Cleto Chávez and Prudencia Miranda. 47 Henry Silva Jr. was born 27 Jun 1904 Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 27 Apr 1904 in Tucson/Capitan; his godparents were Abel Pino and Dorotea Stutz. Julia Theresa Artiaga was born 2 Jun 1904 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. She was baptized 26 Jun 1904 in Capitan; her godparents were Enrique Silva and Rebeca Artiaga. Sophie Sánchez was born on 17 Jul 1904 to Joe and Addie Sánchez. She was baptized 21 Aug 1904 in White Oaks; her godparents were Frederico and Margarita Lalone. She would marry Lawson Miller, March 20, 1942 in California. Manuela McKinley was born 22 Aug 1904 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. She was baptized 18 Sep1904 at Tucson; her godparents were Pedro Peralta and Lorenza Padilla. Beatriz Miller was born 28 Oct 1904 to Julián and Felipa Miller. She was baptized 8 Nov 1904 in Tucson; her godparents were Nicolas Peralta and Leonarda Sandoval. Josephine LaLone was born 29 Oct 1904 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. She was baptized 8 Nov 1904; her godparents were José María Vega and Josefa Sandoval. She would marry Seth VanWickle, 25 May 1930 in California. John McKinley was born on 3 Dec 1904 to Emiliano and María McKinley. He was baptized 25 December 1904 at Capitan; his godparents were John and Francisca Mack. Josephita Telles was born on 19 Mar 1905 to Pablo and Rosa Telles. She was baptized on 27 Mar 1905 at White Oaks: her godparents were Candelario and María Sandoval. She would marry Manuel Saiz, 3 Oct 1920. Frank Vega was born 6 Jul 1905 in Nogal to José María and Josefa Vega. He would marry Mariana De Los Reyes 6 Oct 1926 in Tombstone, AZ. Birda Mae Lacey was born on 2 Jul 1905 in a tie house in Carrizozo. As we look at housing today our view is very different from what our forbearers experienced. When Birda Lacey was born in Carrizozo she was born in a tie house, made from railroad ties and canvas. 48 When her grandfather and great-grandfather came to the Salado they lived in small places built of adobe or perhaps when they were getting started, in jacals, small structures made of poles stuck upright in the ground, laced together with vines or branches and then plastered, with a pole and mud roof. One other common option was a chosa, a dugout into the side of a hill with the front built up out of adobes or logs, and a pole and mud roof. Of course none of these would have board floors, just packed earth, wet down and swept daily. An adobe in ruins, 1955 It wasn‘t until the 1890s that board built houses became practical and popular; first with the Anglos and then with the Hispanos. Cirilo Peralta was born 9 Jul 1905 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. He was baptized 20 Sep 1905 in Capitan; his godparents were Isabel Peralta and Ramona Peralta. Abel Pino son of Pablo Pino and María Chávez and Felicitas Gonzales daughter of Felix Gonzales and Catharina Peralta were married, 21 Sep 1905. They were from Capitan their padrinos were Isabel Peralta and Ramona Peralta. [FWS] Francisco Padilla was born 4 Oct 1905 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. He was baptized 15 Oct 1905 in White Oaks; his godparents were Julián Leal and Carolina Lalone. He must have died before April 1908, for they named their next son Francisco as well. Teresa Sánchez was born 10 Sep 1905 to Joe and Addie Sánchez. She was baptized 24 Oct 1905 in White Oaks; her godparents were Tomás Chávez and Florencia Trujillo. 49 White Oaks Candelario Sandoval son Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres and Benigna Bueno daughter of Marcos Bueno and Encarnación Gonzales were married, 25 Oct 1905. They were from White Oaks; their padrinos were Dolores Lueras and his wife. Benigna later married Gregorio Sedillo. [FWS] Benino Gallegos son of Felix Gonzales and Natividad Peralta and Estefana Pino daughter of Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chavez were married, 30 Oct 1905 in Lincoln. Their padrinos were Severo Pérez and Rebeca Montoya. [FWS] Albert LaLone was born 11 Nov 1905 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 26 Mar 1906 in Nogal; his godparents were Julián Leal and Carolina Lalone. He would marry Eva, May 5, 1934 in Califoria. Adelaida Chávez was born 16 Dec 1905 to José and Lola Chávez. She was baptized 30 Mar 1906 in White Oaks; her godparents Joachim Patiry and Silveria Ortiz. Tomacita Pino was born 20 Dec 1905 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. She was baptized 6 Feb 1906 at Capitan; her godparents were Preciliano and Carmelita Pino. She would marry Doroteo Peralta 12 Nov 1920. Manuel Artiaga was born 14 Feb 1906 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. He was baptized 3 Apr1906; his godparents were Lauterio Baca and Francisca Chávez. Antonio Peralta was born 17 Jan 1906 to Isabel and Ramona Peralta. He was baptized 3 Apr 1906 in Capitan; his godparents were José Torres and Rosa Chávez. Miguel Peralta was born 2 Mar 1906 to Nicolas and Leonor Peralta. He was baptized 25 Mar 1906 in Sierra Capitan; his godparents were José León Padilla and Nestora Zamora. 50 Juan Andres Silva was born 27 Mar 1906 to Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 5 Jun 1906 in Capitan; his godparents were Preciliano Pino and Carmelita Pino. Louis Earl Lacey was born 2 Sep 1906 in Carrizozo and died 9 Jun 1907. His death is notable because at the time there was no cemetery in Carrizozo; his father Doc Lacey got together with his business associate Ira Whetmore and donated the property for Evergreen Cemetery. Felicitas Margarita Pino was born 27 Oct 1906 to Abel and Felicitas Pino. She was baptized 9 Dec 1906 at Sierrita; her godparents were Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Gallegos. Julian LaLone was born 16 Feb 1907 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 2 Mar 1907; his godparents were Florencio Vega and Petra Vega. Nicolas Vega was born 10 Oct 1907 to José María and Josefa Vega. He was baptized 21 Mar 1908 at Nogal; his godparents were Bernardino and María Sandoval. He would marry Natalia Montoya. Luisa Peralta was born on 13 Oct 1907 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 18 Jan 1908 in Sierrita; her godparents were Boney Pino and Andrea Miller. Fred Silva was born 8 Jan 1908 Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 20 Mar 1908 in Capitan; his godparents were Juan Trujillo and J. Cruz Archeveque. He would marry Dorothy Gallegos. Francisco Padilla was born 27 Apr 1908 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. He was baptized 3 May 1908 at Capitan; his godparents were Eulogio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta. Agapita Padilla was born on 22 Jun 1908 to Jesús María Jr. and Luisa Padilla. She was baptized on 22 Jul 1908 at Capitan; her godparents were Romualdo Moya and Carlota Montoya. She would marry Augustin Salsberry, 12 Aug 1926. Angelita Telles was born 2 Jul 1908 to Pablo and Rosa Telles. She was baptized 16 Aug 1908 at White Oaks; her godparents were Luis Telles and Tivurcia López. María del Carmen Peralta was born 16 Jul 1908 to Isabel and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 3 Sep 1908 in Capitan; her godparents were Bernardo Padilla and Adelaida Padilla. Tomás Archuleta son of Antonio Archuleta and Eloisa Moraga and Manuelita Padilla daughter of Adan Padilla and Teodora García were married, 25 Jul 1908. Their padrinos were J. McKinley and Apolonia Herrera. [FWS] María McKinley was born 29 Jul 1908 to Yisidro and Polonia Mc Kinley. She was baptized 7 Sep 1908 at Capitan; her godparents were Tomás Archuleta and Manuelita Padilla. Alex Aguayo son of José María de Aguayo and Francisca Hill and Eufe Baca daughter of Francisco Baca and Refugia Ortiz were married, 19 Aug 1908 in Carrizozo. [FWS] 51 Abel Pino and Clara Padilla were married. ―On the 14th of September of 1908, I married after dispensing of the 2nd degree of Affinity, Abel Pino (27 years), legitimate son of Pablo Pino and of Maria Chavez and widow in 1st marriage of Felicitas Gonzales, from El Capitan, County of Lincoln, with Clara Padilla single, (17 years and 1 month and 14 days), legitimate daughter of Vicente Padilla, deceased and of Bersabe Gonzales from La Sienega, N. M. Padrinos, Jose Antonio Garcia and Ramona Candelaria.‖ From the marriage records of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano Victoriano Artiaga was born 15 Sep 1908 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. He was baptized 6 Nov 1908. His godparents were Frederico Romero and Manuelita Mirabal. Fred LaLone, Jr. was born on 29 Aug 1908 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 29 Dec 1908; his godparents were Tioflio Lalone and Estanislada Padilla. He would marry Ellen 19 Feb 1938 in California. Mary Sánchez was born 1 Jan 1909 to Joe and Addie Sánchez. She was baptized 25 Mar 1909 in White Oaks; her godparents were Lorenzo and Maximiliana Guebara. She would marry Ralph Kenny, 24 Mar 1940 in California. Eduardo Torres was born on 16 January 1909 to José and Tiburcia Torres. He was baptized 28 Feb 1909 at Carrizozo; his godparents were Margarito Nuanes and Librada Montoya. Reymundo Peralta was born on 15 Mar 1909 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. He was baptized 23 Jun 1909 in Lincoln; his godparents were José Ma. Padilla and Luisa Montoya. Petronila McKinley was baptized 12 May 1909 in Lincoln, she was the daughter of Emiliano and María McKinley. Her godparents were Isidro McKinley and Apolonia Herrera. Carrizozo was growing. People were moving in to town. From the „Southwest Outlook‟ 4 Jun 1909: ―I wish to explain to the people of Carrizozo the design and plans of the fair grounds I have built. It cost considerable money to fence the forty acres of ground and to build a halfmile track and a baseball diamond, and I am collecting 40 percent of the gate money for all games pulled off in the fair grounds, and as soon as there is enough money collected from such games I will build a grand stand for the accommodation of the people. ―But at any time the people of Carrizozo wish to use the grounds for any purpose in which they do not charge admission, I would be very much pleased to donate the use of the grounds. ―I have adopted this plan to avoid going to the already well drained Business men of our town begging for money. ―When the town becomes large enough we can form a fair association and take over the grounds. Very respectfully, Peter E. Lacey‖ 52 Juanita Pino was born on 12 Jun 1909 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. She was baptized 19 Jun 1909 at Sierrita; her godparents were Pablo Pino and María Chávez. Juanita Silva was born 12 Jul 1909 to Margartio and Anna María Silva. She was baptized 16 Jul 1909 at Glencoe; her godparents were José Tatti and Reymunda Silva. She would marry Meregildo Gonzales 16 Dec 1922. Lois Archuleta was born on 25 Aug 1909 to Tomás and Manuelita Archuleta. She was baptized 26 Nov 1909 at Capitan; her godparents were Joseph Tatti and Reymunda Silva. Louis Lalonde son of Tioflio Lalonde and Estanislada Padilla and Elvira Uderos daughter of Guillermo Uderos and Refugia Ortiz were married, 25 Sep 1909 in Carrizozo. [FWS] Addie Lalonde was born 22 Jul 1909 to Louis and Elvira Lalonde. She was baptized 21 Nov 1909 in Carrizozo; her godparents were Berardino Sandoval and Elvira St.John. She would marry Leonard Martines, May 14, 1933 in California. Louis and Elvira Lalonde, Addie, Juanita and Florencio Vega Pablo Pino was born 3 Oct 1909 to Preciliano and Isidora Pino. He was baptized 21 Nov 1909; his godparents were Gregorio Pino and Apolonia Herrera. He died 12 Jun 1925 -At old the ranch while fixing a fence, struck by lightning; also killed were cousin Eduardo Silva Gallego, Tia Estefana and Benino‘s son. Filomeno Peralta was born 14 Dec 1909 to Nicolas and Leonor Peralta. He was baptized 10 Jan 1910 at Lincoln; his godparents were Francisco Zamora and Xista Salas. Martín Vega was born on 30 Jan 1910 to José María and Josefa Vega. He was baptized 20 March 1910 (No GP‘s listed). He would marry Lucia Swan. Frank Pino was born 9 Mar 1910 to Able and Clara Pino. He was baptized 17 Jun 1910 in Capitan; his godparents were Isabel Peralta and Ramona Padilla. 53 José Zenon Padilla was born 9 Jul 1910 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. He was baptized 2 Oct 1910 at Capitan; his godparents were Tomás Archuleta and Manuela Padilla. Tranquilino Artiaga was born 31 Jul 1910 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. He was baptized 8 August 1910 in Sierrita; his godparents were Felix Gonzales and Catarina Peralta. Anastasia McKinley was born 12 Aug 1910 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. She was baptized 25 Sep 1910 in Capitan; her godparents were John Mack and Francisca Padilla. She would marry Cristobal Chávez 18 Sep 1927 in Carrizozo. Alfredo Vidal Silva was born 28 Apr 1910 to Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 2 Sep 1910 in Capitan; his Godparents were Juana and Emilio Torres. He would marry Lucinda Romero. Adolph Sánchez was born 13 Apr 1911 to Joe and Addie Sánchez. He would marry Margret, 20 Jun 1936 in California. Antonio Vega son of José María Vega and Josefa Sandoval and Lucille Aguayo daughter of José María de Aguayo and Francisca Hill were married in 1911. [FWS] Gregorio Pino son of Presciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez and Reymunda Silva daughter of Juan Andres Silva and Petra Ballejos were married, July 12, 1911 at the Silva/Peralta Ranch Chapel near Capitan. [FWS] Teresa Peralta was born on 9 Jun 1911 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 3 Aug 1911 in Capitan; her godparents were Bonifacio Trujillo and Dorotea Pino. José María Pino was born 25 Nov 1911 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. He was baptized 15 Feb 1912 at Capitan; his godparents were Margarito (ns) and María Pino. He would marry María Domingues 10 Mar 1937. Congress admitted New Mexico as the 47th state in the Union on 6 Jan 1912. Guillermo Padilla was born on 10 Feb 1912 to Jesús María and Luisa Padilla. He was baptized 13 Apr 1912 at Lincoln; his godparents were Alejandro Trujillo and Emilia Padilla. Florencio Peralta was born on 28 Apr 1912 to Nicolas and Leonor Peralta. He was baptized 22 Jun 1912 at Capitan; his godparents were Felix Gonzales and his wife. Susana Silva daughter of Henry and Rebeca Silva was baptized 2 Jun 1912 in Capitan. She would marry Antonio Archuleta, 2 Jun 1938. Maggie Pino was born 10 Jun 1912 to Able and Clara Pino. She was baptized 13 Jun 1912 in Capitan; her godparents were Preciliano Pino and Isidora Chávez. 54 Petra Vega was born 1 Jul 1912 to José María and Josefa Vega. She would marry Florentino López, Apr. 8, 1931 in Carrizozo. Bertha Lalonde was born on 14 May 1912 to Louie and Elvira Lalonde. She was baptized 1 Sep 1912 in Carrizozo; her godparents were Juan Romero and Clara Romero. She took Vows in the Religious Community, 15 Aug 1950. Bertha Lalonde, Navy Nurse in WW II Carmen Silva was born on 18 Jul 1912 to Margartio and Anna María Silva. She was baptized on 15 Aug 1912 at Sierrita; her godparents were Manuel and Aurelia Gonzales. Margarite Lalone was born 21 Jan 1912 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. She was baptized 22 Dec 1912; her godparents were Pablo Telles and Rosa Sandoval. She would marry Alfred Domschke, 9 Mar 1932 in California. Manuel Padilla was born on 8 Aug 1913 to Jesús María and Luisa Padilla. He was baptized 3 Sep 1913 at Lincoln; his godparents were Eduvigen Padilla and Antonia Zamora. Ramona Padilla was born on 14 Aug 1913 to Adan and Tedora Padilla. She was baptized 15 Sep 1913 at Sierrita; her godparents were Manuel Gonzales and Aurelia Duran. Beatriz Pino was born in Sep 1911 to Gregorio and Reymunda Pino. She was baptized 17 Nov 1912 in Carrizozo. She would marry Benny Sánchez. Presiliano Pino was born 10 Oct 1913 to Gregorio and Reymunda Pino. He was baptized 8 Nov 1913 in Capitan; his padrinos were Saturnino Baca and Juanita Chávez. He would marry Esther López on 24 Aug 1938 at San Patricio. Isadora Peralta was born 25 Dec 1913 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 27 Mar 1914 in Capitan; her godparents were Preciliano Pino and Isadora Pino. Josefita Pino was born in Nov 1913 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. She was baptized 7 Jan 1914 at Carrizozo; her godparents were Benito and Isidora Chávez. José Isidro McKinley was born on 7 Mar 1914 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. He was baptized 11 Apr 1914 at Capitan; his godparents were Angel Lueras and Rosa Herrera. Louis LaLonde was born 11 Feb 1914 to Louis and Elvira Lalonde. He was baptized 17 Apr 1914 in Carrizozo; his godparents were Mauricio Telles and Bautista Telles. 55 Robert Lalone was born 22 Aug 1913 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 15 Nov 1914; his godparents were John Mack and Francisca Padilla. He would marry Joyce Fowler, 8 Apr 1938 in California. Trinidad Artiaga was born on 24 Apr 1915 to Victoriano and Lola Artiaga. She was baptized 27 Jun 1915 in Capitan; her godparents were Boney Zamora and Soledad Artiaga. She would marry Pablo Sandoval 4 Aug 1934. Ramon Pino was born on 12 Nov 1915 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. He was baptized 27 Dec 1915 at Capitan; his godparents were Boney Trujillo and Dorotea Pino. He would marry Julia Peralta, 21 Oct 1939. Carmen Pino was born 28 Aug 1915 to Gregorio and Reymunda Pino. She was baptized 15 Nov 1915 in Capitan; her padrinos were Enrique Silva and Rebecca Artiaga. She would marry Salomon Saavedra 14 Apr 1937. Edward Lalone was born on 11 May 1915 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 23 May 1915; his godparents were José Vega and Susana Vega. He would marry Georgene Norris in California. Down on the New Mexico - Mexico Border thing were happening: ―In the middle of the night on March 9, 1916, life in Columbus, New Mexico changed dramatically. At 1:00 A.M., between 500 and 600 Mexican revolutionaries, led by General Francisco ‗Pancho‘ Villa, crossed the border into the United States. Villa divided his troops and attacked Columbus from the southwest at approximately 4:20 am. This attack caught the entire town, as well as the army camp, by surprise. ―The Villistas concerned themselves more with raiding than killing, otherwise the town might have been erased. That morning majority of the destruction of the town came from the burning and pillaging of the business district. Surprisingly, the army camp and stables received little damage, even though the horses and armaments must have been attractive to the raiders. Alerted by the gunfire and burning buildings, many Columbus residents fled to the desert, or sought refuge in the school house, the Hoover Hotel, or private homes. The noise and fire sealed the fate of the raiding Mexican Army. U.S. Army officers and soldiers, awakened by the commotion, set up a Benet-Mercier machine gun in front of the Hoover Hotel and produced a murderous rain of bullets. Another machine gun set up on East Boundary Street fired north and caught anyone in the intersection of Broadway and East Boundary in a deadly crossfire. The raid lasted until dawn, or approximately one and a half hours. By this time, the death toll totaled 70 to 75 Villistas. In addition, during the attack on Columbus, eighteen Americans, mostly civilians, died.‖ From the NM State University web site. Tranquilino Silva was born on 4 Mar 1916 to Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 27 Mar 1916 in Capitan; his godparents were Pablo Pino and Maria Chávez. He would marry Nora Mackey. 56 Lugarda Peralta was born on 26 Apr 1916 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 29 Jun 1916 in Capitan; her godparents were Carlos Romero and Josefa Trujillo. She would marry Francisco Trujillo, 23 Jul 1939. Emiliano McKinley was born on 3 May 1916 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. He was baptized 11 Jun 1916 at Capitan; his godparents were Paulin Aldas and Antonia Mirabal. He would marry Arcenia López, 3 Feb 1940 in Tularosa. 57 The WW I Draft From the internet, by Warren Blatt: ―Over twenty-four million American men registered for the draft for the First World War in 1917 and 1918. There were three draft registrations, which included all men residing in the U.S. -- whether native born, naturalized, or alien -- between the ages of 18 and 45. ―The resulting registration cards can be a good source of genealogical information. The information included on each registration differs somewhat, but generally includes full name, date and place of birth, race, citizenship, occupation, personal description, and signature. Refugia Ortiz‟s son, Longino Leal ―On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed, authorizing the President to temporarily increase the military establishment of the United States. The Selective Service System was responsible for the process of selecting men for induction into the military service, from the initial registration to the actual delivery of men to military training camps. Under the office of the Provost Marshal General, the Selective Service System was made up of 52 state offices (one for each of the 48 states; the territories of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico; and the District of Columbia), 155 district boards, and 4648 local boards. These organizations were responsible for registering men, classifying them, considering needs for manpower in certain industries and agriculture, as well as family situations of the registrants; handling appeals of these classifications; determining the medical fitness of individual registrants; determining the order in which registrants would be called; calling registrants; and placing them on trains to training centers. ―During World War I there were three registrations: The first, on June 5, 1917, was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31. The second, on June 5, 1918, registered those who attained age 21 after June 5, 1917. (A supplemental registration was held on August 24, 1918 for those becoming 21 years old after June 5, 1918. This was included in the second registration.) The third registration was held on September 12, 1918 for men aged 18 through 45. ―At each of the three registrations, a different form was used, with a slight variation of questions asked. All three registrations include full name, home address, exact date of birth, age in years, occupation, name and address of employer, citizenship status, citizen of what country, race, eye color, hair color, height, build, city/county and state of the local draft board, date of registration, and signature of applicant.‖ 58 Clemente Padilla son of Jesús María Padilla and Esquina Sandoval and Elvira Miller daughter of Julián Miller and Felipa Guerra were married, 24 Nov 1916 in Lincoln. [FWS] Clemente and Elvira Padilla at their daughter Terry‟s Wedding Gregorio Silva was born on 9 May 1917 to Margartio and Anna María Silva. He was baptized 3 Aug 1917 at Capitan; his godparents were Roberto and Macaria Silva. Alice LaLone was born 30 Mar 1917 to Fed and Margarite Lalone. She was baptized 20 May 1917; her godparents were Xisto Ortiz and Silveria Ortiz. She would marry Neil McCarron, 26 Sep 1939 in California. María Pino was born 21 Jan 1918 to Bonifacio and Andrea Pino. She was baptized 23 Mar 1918 in Capitan; her godparents were Boney and Eloiza Zamora. Jacobo McKinley was born on 12 Feb 1918 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. He was baptized 1 Mar 1918 at Insinoso; his godparents were George and Aurora Chávez. Julia Peralta was born 12 Apr 1918 to Monico and Ramona Peralta. She was baptized 2 Jun 1918 in Capitan; her godparents were Pablo Trujillo and Carlota Padilla. She would marry Ramon Pino, 21 Oct 1939. Willie Silva was born on 7 May 1918 to Henry and Rebeca Silva. He was baptized 2 Jun 1918 in Capitan; his godparents were Francisco Duran and Anastacia García. 59 Louisa Pino was born on 19 Aug1918 to Gregorio and Reymunda Pino. She was baptized 9 Nov 1918 in Carrizozo; her padrinos were Preciliano Pino and Isidora Chávez. She would marry Alfred Martinez, 18 Apr 1939 in Carrizozo. Benjamin Padilla was born 25 Jul 1919 to Jesús María and Luisa Padilla. He was baptized 7 Aug 1919 at Arabela; his godparents were Ramon Torres and María Bustamonte. He would marry Annie Gamboa, 3 Dec 1938. Guillermo McKinley was born on 4 Oct 1919 to Yisidro and Polonia McKinley. He was baptized 15 Oct 1919 at Insinoso; his godparents were Guillermo and Aurora Chávez. He would marry Manuela Suárez 1 Dec 1945 in Saint Frances Church, Gallup NM. Emma Padilla was born on 12 Oct 1919 to Clemente and Elvira Padilla. She was baptized 8 Dec 1919 in Capitan; her godparents were Pedro Peralta and Lorenza Padilla. Gilbert LaLone was born on 18 Apr 1919 to Fred and Margarite Lalone. He was baptized 7 Dec 1919 in Carrizozo; his godparents were Alberto Lalone and Josefita Lalone. He died 10 June 1922 in Carrizozo. Casimira Perea and her Nephew, Bryan Tinnon [Return to TOC] 60 Family Work Sheets These Family Work Sheets are part of your editor‟s collection. Most of the birth and marriage stuff came from the Tomé, Manzano or Santa Rita (Lincoln County) Church Records; plus what I could gather. There is considerable information missing, if you have any that you would like to share; please send it to me at: [email protected] The date following each family group title is when we first see them as couple in Lincoln County; the word Ante (antepasados or ancestors) are folks that predate the Lincoln County experience. These terms don‟t mean anything significant except to give a point of reference. The most up to date information on these families is found at: www.lincolncountycousins.org Our Genealogy (link) Aguayo, Alex and Eufe Baca 1908 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Alejandro “Alex” de Aguayo Son of José María de Aguayo and Francisca Hill Born 18 Sep 1876 in Alamo Canyon, nr. La Luz, Dona Ana Co., NM Baptized 4 Nov 1876, San Francisco de Paula Parish, Tularosa Died 30 Dec 1939 in El Paso, TX Eufemia “Eufie” Baca Married (1), 19 Aug 1908 in Carrizozo Daughter of Francisco Baca and Refugia Ortiz Born about 1885 Died 28 Dec 1919 in El Paso Blasa Armendariz Married (2), The 1930 Census, Pct. 3, El Paso gives her name as Blasa and living in the household is Alex‘s Mother-in-law, Feleceana Armendariz. Notes: In the 1900 Census he is living in White Oaks, his father is a rancher, he is listed as a daylaborer. 1920 finds him on Ysleta County Rd., Pct. 3, El Paso. Children of Alex and Eufe: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Humphrey Alex Aguayo 1910-1991 m. Catherin ―Kate‖ Mulligan 1915Samuel F. Aguayo 1912- m. Violeta Redwine 1909-1990 Frances Aguayo 1915- 61 Aguayo, José and Francisca Hill 1873 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José María de Aguayo Son of José Angel de Augayo and María Antonia Perez Born 19 Mar 1827 in Teocatche, Jalisco, Mexico Died 3 Nov 1901 in Texas Park, Lincoln County of liver disease Buried In Lincoln County then reinterred in El Paso Francisca Hill Married, 15 Feb 1873 in Lincoln José was the widower of María de la O Francisca: Daughter of James Hill and Fernanda Quintana Born Aug 1850 in San Pablo Meoqui, Mexico on her father‘s ranch. Died 27 Feb 1926 in El Paso Notes: In the 1870 Census he lived in Lincoln and was a Lawyer. After he married they may have moved to the Alamo Canyon in Dona Ana Co., above present day Alamogordo. They lived there with James Hill and the extended family until the threat of Indians drove them off. In the 1880 Census they were living in Lincoln and he was still a Lawyer. In the 1900 Census they were living in White Oaks. In 1910 she was still living in White Oaks and in 1920 she lived in Capitan with her daughter. Children of Francisca and José: Aristotle “Harry” Aguayo 1874-1969 m. Edith Sheppard Alejandro Aguayo 1876-1939 m. Eufemia Baca then Blasa Armendariz Araminta Aguayo 1878-1960 m. Eliot Perez Angel Aguayo(f) 1882 Estella Aguayo 1884Sarah Aguayo 1886-1984 Lucille Aguayo 1889-1970 m. Antonio Vega 62 Amanda Aguayo 1891-1986 Juan Urban adopted son 1893- 63 Archuleta, Tomas and Manuelita Padilla 1908 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Tomás Archuleta Son of Antonio Archuleta and Eloisa Moraga Born 13 August 1886 Baptized 29 August 1886 at Rio Bonito, Godparents Jesús Archuleta and Paula Torres Manuelita Padilla Married, 25 Jul 1908 Padrinos: J. McKinley and Apolonia Herrera Daughter of Adan Padilla and Teodora García Children of Tomás and Manuelita: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Lois Archuleta b. 25 August 1909 Bap. 26 Nov 1909 at Capitan. Godparents Joseph Tath and Reymunda Silva 64 Artiaga, Juan and Sabina Estrada 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Juan Artiaga Son of José J. and María Antonia Artiaga Born about 1845 Died about 1881 María „Savina‟ Estrada Married, 16 Dec 1870 in Anton Chico in the Saint Joseph Parish She later married Henry Stutz Sabina: Daughter of José Luciano Estrada and Estefana Márquez Casias Born 29 Aug 1857 in Los Torrez, San Miguel Co., NM Baptized 3 Sep 1857, in Saint Joseph Catholic Church Parish in Anton Chico, NM Died before 1920 in Hondo Notes: In 1870 Juan is living with his parents and sister in Lower Las Vegas, NM. In 1870 she is living with her parents in Los Torrez, Las Vegas, San Miguel Co. In 1880 they are living on the Sais Ranch in Lincoln Co. Children of Juan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Manuel probably had a different mother, Savina was Rebeca‘s mother. Manuel Artiaga 1865- m. Eloisa Miller Rebeca Artiaga b. 7 Feb 1881 Bapt. 29 Jun 1881 at Nogal Godparents were Jesus Sandoval and Maria Torres m. Enrique Silva Child of an unknown Father, see Henry Stutz: Ma. Concepción Estrada Bapt. 16 Dec 1883, age 3 days, in Nogal Godparents, Manuel Trujillo and Ma. Romualda Trujillo 65 Artiaga, Manuel and Eloisa Miller 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Manuel Artiaga Son of Juan Artiaga and Savina Estrada (Stepmother) Born about 1865 in Anton Chico, Died before 1902 Eloisa Miller Married about 1880 She later married Pedro López, then Bonney Zamora She was the daughter of William Miller and Manuela Herrera Born about 1865, Died Children of Eolisa and Manuel: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Victoriano Artiaga b. 1 Mar 1882 m. Dolores ―Lola‖ Padilla daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnia Torres Manuel Artiaga b. 11 Aug 1885 Bapt. 11 Oct 1885 in Lincoln Godparents, José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez Vicente de Jesús Artiaga b. 5 Apr 1894 Bapt. 22 May 1894 at Salado Godparents, Esperidion Lueras and Leonor Sedillo Aaron Artiaga b. 22 October 1899 Bap. 28 November 1899, Godparents Parpio Lobato and Delfinia Maes Soledad Artiaga b. 3 Feb 1901 m. Adolfo Freeman 6 March 1916 son of Boston Freeman and Leonor Sandoval Godparents, Iginio Sausedo and Julia Aguilar 66 Artiaga, Victoriano and Lola Padilla 1901 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Victoriano Artiaga Son of Manuel Artiaga and Eloisa Miller Born: Mar. 1, 1882 in Capitan, Lincoln County, NM Died: 27 Oct 1923 in Las Vegas, San Miguel County, NM Dolores „Lola‟ Padilla Married, 4 Jan 1901 They were both from Tucson, Lincoln Co. Padrinos, Julián (William) Miller and Felipa Guerra Daughter of Saturnia Torres and Senobio Padilla from Tucson, Lincoln Co. Born: Apr. 4, 1882 in Capitan, NM Died: Aug. 15, 1974 in Belen, New Mexico. The children of Lola and Victoriano: Eloisa Artiaga b. 16 August 1901 Bap. 27 Aug 1901 Godparents Roberto Swan and Dorotea Pratt (?) Saturnina Artiaga b. 16 August 1901 Bap. 27 Aug 1901 Godparents Julian Serna and Juliana Padilla Rufina Artiaga b. 28 January 1903 Bap. 10 March 1903 in Godparents Nicolas Peralta and Leonor Sandoval (Priest‘s note – m. Martin Baca 30 August 1923 in Belen, NM) Julia Theresa Artiaga b. 2 Jun 1904 Bap. 26 June 1904 in Capitan Godparents Enrique Silva and Rebeca Artiaga Manuel Artiaga b. 14 February 1906. Bap. 3 April 1906 Godparents Lauterio Baca and Francisca Chavez Victoriano Artiaga b. 15 September 1908 Bap. 6 November 1908 Godparents Frederico Romero and Manuelita Mirabal Tranquilino Artiaga b. 31 July 1910 Bap. 8 August 1910 in Sierrita, 67 Godparents Felix Gonzales and Catarina Peralta (mother is listed as ―Lola‖) Trinidad Artiaga b. 24 April 1915 Bap. 27 June 1915 in Capitan, Godparents Boney Zamora and Soledad Artiaga (Priests note – m. Pablo Sandoval 4 August 1934) 68 Baca, Silvestre and Eulogia Galindre, María Padilla 1880 [Return to TOC] Silvestre Baca Born Died Eulogia Galindre Married (1), 17 Nov 1880 Born Died María Concepción Padilla Married (2), 31 Oct 1910 Padrinos, José María Padilla and his wife. She was Emiliano McKinley‘s widow. Daughter of José León Padilla and Nestora Zamora Born 3 Dec 1883 Died Children of Eulogia and Silvestre: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Julianita Baca m. Hermengildo Padilla Eusebio Baca m. Regina Barragan Rosa Baca m. Alfredo Lopez Gavina Baca m. George Achuleta Encarnación Baca m. Abran Moraga 69 Carrillo, Doroteo and Felicita Chavez 1879 [Return to TOC] Doroteo Carrillo Son of José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez Born 2 Jun 1857 in Manzano Baptized 25 Jun 1857 in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Desiderio Sanches and Paula Sanches Died Falverta (Felicita) Chávez Married, 28 Jul 1879 at Rancho Torres ¿the census and Antonia‘s Marriage record say Felicita? Parinos: Antonio Torres and Juanita Herrera Felicita: Born about 1866 Died Notes: The marriage record notation says she was 73 years old but that doesn‘t make sense, I think it meant to say 13 years old. Children of Felicita and Doroteo: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) José Carrillo m. Cruz Archuleta 15 Apr 1905 ¿are these the same person? Pedro José Carrillo b. 10 Jan 1873 Bap. 25 Apr 1873. Godparents Juan Baca and Gavina Torres Antonia Carrillo b. abt. 1877 m. Ramón Mirabal 7 Jun 1893 in Lincoln Nicanora Carrillo b. Apr 1880 Mariana Carrillo b. 27 Oct 1884. Bap. 2 Nov 1884 in Lincoln. (lists her mother‘s surname as Torres) Godparents Jose y Baca and Margarita Padilla m. Manuel Analla 30 Dec 1901 Manuel Carrillo b. 7 Oct 1886 Bap. 6 November 1886 in Lincoln. Godparents Antonio Torres and Juanita Errera (Herrera) (Priest‘s note Manuel m. Dorotea Lucero 20 Feb 1917) 70 Domingo Jesús Carrillo b. 12 May 1895 Bap. 9 Jun 1895 in Lincoln. Godparents Eusebio Gurule and E. St. John From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.18, Lincoln Town, Family #150 150 Carrillo, Doroteo m 24 Laborer 150 Carrillo, Felecita f 20 Wife Keeping House 150 Carrillo, Antonia f 3 Daughter 150 Carrillo, Nicanora f 1mo Daughter 71 Carrillo, Jose and Nicanora Marquez 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Sinforiano Carrillo Son of Julián Carrillo and Barbara Herrera Nephew of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Born 21 Aug 1833 in the Tomé jurisdiction Baptized 23 Aug 1833, age 2 days Paternal Grandparents: not given Maternal Grandparents: Juan de Herrera and Rafaela Baldonado Godparents: José Teodosio (n.s.) and Manuela Barela María „Nicanora‟ Márquez Married Daughter of Juan José Márquez and Juliana Gonzales Born Jan 1839 Baptized 7 Mar 1839, age 2 months in Manzano Paternal Grandparents: José Ma. Márquez and Ana Ma. Ortega Maternal Grandparents: not given Godparents: Santiago Otero and Dolores Soteranea Apodaca Children of Nicanora and José: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) José Espiridion Carrillo Baptized 28 Jan 1855, age 1 month in Manzano Godparents: Dario Apodaca and Manuela Ortega Doroteo Carrillo Baptized 25 Jun 1857, age 23 days, in the Tomé Jurisdiction Godparents: Desiderio Sanches and Paula Sanches m. Felicitas Chávez Teresa Carrillo Baptized 20 Aug 1867, b. 16 Aug in Manzano Godparents: Juan Carrillo and Ma. Guadalupe Romero m. George Sena Juanita Carrillo b. abt. 1868 m. Antonio Chávez Beatriz Carrillo b. abt. 1873 Virginia Carrillo b. abt. 1875 m. José Torres 72 Notes: José Carrillo was profiled briefly in the book, Indeh by Eve Ball. He was a scout and translator for the US Government on the Mescalero Apache reservation for many years. He, his Apache wife "Charlie" and their children were well known and well liked on the reservation. However the story he told people about his life wasn't totally on the level. The biggest omission was that José had another wife and family in the town of Lincoln and for many years traveled between the two families. He had originally arrived in Lincoln from Manzano, NM in 1872 to farm land owned by Julián (William) Miller. His wife, Nicanora Márquez who has been called a curandera or healer, came with him. Excerpt from an e-mail from Annette Wasno Nicanora was the granddaughter of Lorenza Salas and Juan Gonzales, Lorenza was José Encarnación Padilla‘s mother. From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. Manzano, Family #525 el Manzano 525.01 Carrillo, Jose 26 m Laborer el Manzano 525.02 Marquez, Nicanora 22 f el Manzano 525.03 Carrillo, Espiridion 5 m el Manzano 525.04 Carrillo, Dorotea 3 m el Manzano 525.05 Salas, Lorenza 70 f el Manzano 525.06 Salas, Julian 19 m From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 18 Lincoln Town, Family #116 116 Carrillo,Jose m 45 Farmer NM 116 Carrillo,Nicanora f 40 Wife Keeping House NM 116 Carrillo,Mariana? m 18 Son Laborer NM 116 Carrillo,Teresa f 13 Daughter NM 116 Carrillo,Juana f 12 Daughter NM 116 Carrillo,Beatrice f 7 Daughter NM 116 Carrillo,Virginia f 5 Daughter NM 73 Carrillo, Julian and Isabel Herrera, Barbara Herrera -Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Julián Carrillo Born Died Ysabel Herrera ¿Manuela Herrera said her mother was Ysabel Herrera and her father was Julián Carrillo when she was married to Joseph Swan in Lincoln County in 1902. Manuela was also married to William Miller. Her son called José Carrillo (below) his uncle? Juana „Barbara‟ Herrera Married, 15 Mar 1830 Witnesses: Diego Sánchez and Miguel Luzero all of Los Manzanos Barbara: Daughter of Juan de Herrera and Rafaela Baldonado Sister to Francisco Herrera who was married to Francisca Ortega Born Died Children of Barbara and Julián: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Victoria Carrillo b. 5 Mar 1831 Baptized 22 Mar 1831, age 17 days in Las Manzanas Godparents: José María Ortiz and Rosalia Baldonado José‟ Sinforiano Carrillo b 21 Aug 1833, Baptized 23 Aug 1833, age 2 days, in the Tomé jurisdiction Godparents: José Teodosio (no surname) and Manuela Barela m. Nicanora Marquez Juan Simon Carrillo b. 27 Oct 1835 Baptized 28 Oct 1835, age 1 day, in Tomé Godparents: Ramon Sánchez and Juana Samora 74 Chavez, Antonio and Juanita Carrillo 1885 [Return to TOC] Antonio Chávez Son of José Chávez y Montoya and Poliarina López Born about 1863 in Manzano Died Juanita Carrillo Married, 14 Feb 1885 Both from Lincoln Padrinos: Julián López and Ambrosio Torres Juanita: Daughter of José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez Born about 1868 in Manzano Died Children of Juanita and Antonio: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Vitoriana Chávez b. 23 Dec 1885. Bap. 26 Dec 1885 in Lincoln Godparents Doroteo Carrillo and Felicitas Chávez m. Leopoldo Lujan Apolinaria Chávez b. 30 May 1895. Bap. 15 Jun 1895 in Lincoln. Godparents Teodoro Farmer and María Márquez Emilia Chávez b. 5 May 1898. Bap. 17 May 1898 in Lincoln Godparents José and Mariana Carillo Clara Chávez b. 5 Jun 1901 Bap. 23 July 1901 Godparents Eusebio Gurule and Ema St. John Frederico Chávez b. 27 November 1904 Bap. 27 December 1904 in Lincoln Godparents Silvestre and Eulogia Baca (Priest‘s note: Frederico m. Juanita Salazar 27 May 1922) Eustasio Chávez b. 29 Mar 1908 Bap. 14 May 1908 in Tablas Godparents Ambrosio Chávez and Cirila Cerna (Priest‘s note: Eustasio m. Anita Herrera 6 Jul 1927) 75 Chavez, Cristobal and Maria Torres 1885 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Juan „Cristobal‟ Chaves Son of Diego Antonio Chaves and María ‗Rosa‘ Lusero Born 26 Feb 1836; Baptized 28 Feb 1836 in Tomé Godparents were Juan Cristobal Chaves and Margarita Chaves Died María Torres married María born about 1854 María Ygnacia Chaves Born Sep 1871; Bapt. 5 Oct 1871, age 25 days Godparents José Montano and Josefita López María „Polidora‟ Chaves Bapt. 17 Sep 1874 in the Santa Rita Parish, age 18 mo. Godparents were Juan Mes and María Rita Segura Damacio Chaves Born abt. 1874 in LC José Benito Chaves Born Feb 1875; Bapt. 6 Jun 1875 at Rio Bonito Godparents were Benito Trujillo and María Iginia Sedillo Francisco Chaves Born 8 Nov 1880; Bapt. 11 Nov 1880 Godparents were Juan Pedro Torres and ? Matrín Pablo Chaves m. Gregoria Padilla (Daughter of Eduvigen and Antonia) Christobal Chaves m. Anastacia McKinley (Daughter of Ysidro and Apolonia McKinley) 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Pct. 3(Missouri Plaza) Fam. #61 61 61 61 61 61 Chaves, Diego Chaves, Viviana Chaves, Refugio Chaves, Teodora Chaves, Cristoval 77 45 26 16 30 m f m f m Farmer Keeping House Farm Hand Farm Hand 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Plaza Picacho, Fam. #8 76 $450 $500 New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico 8 8 8 8 8 8 Chaves, Cristobal Chaves, Maria Chaves, Ignacia Chaves, Tuladora Chaves, Damacio Chaves, Francisco m f f f m m 43 26 9 7 6 6mo Wife Daughter Daughter Son Son 77 Laborer Keeping House NM NM NM NM NM NM Chavez, Iginio and Domitila Garcia 1892 [Return to TOC] Iginio Chaves Son of Prefecto Chaves and Agapita Maetsas from Tulsrosa Born Died Domitilia García Married, 3 Feb 1893 in the Church of Lincoln She was from Ruidoso. Padrinos, Abel Mirabal and María Romero Witness, Alejo Montes Domitilia: Daughter of José García and Tomasa Romero Born Apr 1874 Baptized 21 Jun 1874 at 2 months of age in Rio Bonito Godparents Ramon Montoya and María Mirabal Died Child of Iginio and Domitilia: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Juana Chávez b. 5 September 1896 Bap. 16 September 1896 Godparents Jose Manuel and Antonia Sánchez 78 Chavez, Jose and Margarita Padilla, Lola Sandoval 1881 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Chávez y Baca Son of José María Chaves and María Baca Born Aug 1836 Died María „Manuela‟ Padilla Married (1), 14 Oct 1881 Their marriage record and his remarriage give the name ―Margarita‖ In the 1880 Census, Salado Flats, she is listed as Manuela Daughter of José Padilla and Polonia Herrera Born 19 Jan 1850 in Manzano Died before 1890 Dolores “Lola” Sandoval Married (2), 22 Nov 1890 In the Church at Lincoln, they were both from Lincoln Padrinos, Sam Corbet and Josefa Baca Witness, Ignaco Cerna Lola: Daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres Born Feb 1875 Died The children of Manuela and José: Donaciana Chávez 1869-1903 m. Preciliano Pino María „Juana‟ Chávez 1870Virginia Chávez b. 18 Jun 1874 Bapt. 21 Jun 1874 at Rio Bonito Godparents were Pablo Pino and Maria Baca Saturnino Chávez 1878 The children of Lola and José: Julián Chávez b. 20 December 1894 Bap. 10 February 1895 Godparents Felis Guebarra and Carmela Chaves Alejandro Chávez b. 29 October 1898 Bap. 4 February 1898 79 Godparents Juan L. Reyes and Encarnación Gonzales Jose Chávez b. 11 January 1901 Bap. 22 April 1901 in White Oaks Godparents Candelario and Rosa Sandoval Estela Chávez b. 9 December 1903 Bap. 12 December 1903 at Patos Godparents Eusebio Gurule and Ema St. John (Priest‘s note: Estela m. Aristeo Salcido 24 January 1927 in Roswell) Adelaida Chávez b. 16 December 1905 Bap. 30 March 1906 at White Oaks Godparents Joachim Patiry(?) and Silveria Ortiz From 1870 Census, Lincoln Co., Pct.1, Family 74 74 Chaves, Jose 24 m Farmer $150 74 Chaves, Manuela 18 f` Keeping House 74 Chaves, Trinidad 19 f` 74 Chaves, Donanciana 1 f` 74 Chaves, Juana 5mo f` From 1880 Census, Salado, Family 28 27 (Padilla) Herrera, Polonia f 27 Padilla, Adan m 28 Chaves, Jose m 28 Chaves, Manuela f 28 Chaves, Donacina f 28 Chaves, Virginia f 28 Chaves, Josefa f 28 Chaves, Saturnino n 50 15 34 30 11 7 3 5mo 80 Son Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter Son $200 Herding Laborer Keeping House Chávez, Tomas and Florencia Trujillo [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Tomas Chávez Born in NM Florencia Trujillo Married about 1875 She was born Aug 1851 in NM 1880 Census, Salado Flats; 1885 Census, Pct. 11 1900 Census, White Oaks, Chavez, Tomas, 53, Occ. Laborer in Gen. Merchandise Store Florencia, 48 mother of one child, still living (?) – adopted children, Jose C, 19 and Sarah, 13 (José Sanchez and his sister Sara) 1910 Census, White Oaks, Chavez, Tomas, 63, Occ. Laborer, years married, 35 - Florencia, 60, years married, 35; no children born or living (?) In 1880 Tomas Chávez asked the Lincoln County Court to appoint him guardian of Prospero Sanchez, age 6. Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were Padrinos at the10 Feb 1881 Baptism of José de los Angeles Sánchez, son of Crecencio Sánchez and María Sánchez Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were Padrinos at the 27 Jan 1884 Baptism of Pablo Lucero, son of José Manuel Lucero and Tomasita Romero Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were Padrinos at the 11 Jul 1886 Baptism of Tomasa Herrera, born 29 Dec 1884(?), daughter of Eulogio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta Tomas Chávez and Ma. Florencia Trujillo were Padrinos at the 27 Dec 1886 Baptism of Ma. Juana Tafoya, born 12 Sep. daughter of Francisco Tafoya and Rafaela Romero Tomas Chaves and Florencia [sic]Trujillo were Padrinos at the 27 Jul 1890 Baptism of Genoveva Herrera, daughter of José Herrera and Antonia Padilla Tomas Chaves and Florencia[sic] Trujillo were Padrinos at the 28 Jul 1890 Baptism of Bernardino Sandoval, son of Jesús Sandoval and María Torres Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were Padrinos at the 6 Nov 1890 Baptism of Clemente Padilla, born 3 month ago, the son of Jesús María Padilla and Esiquia Sandoval Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were padrinos at the16 May 1897 Baptism of Cruz Guebara, son of Lorenzo Guebara and Maximiliana Barela 81 Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo were padrinos at the 26 Oct 1905 Baptism of Teresa Sanchez, daughter of José Sanchez and Adelaida Lalone 82 Corbet, Sam and Teresa Padilla, Josefa Baca 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Samuel Robert Corbet Son of Henry Miller Corbet and Carolina Coleman Born 5 Aug 1851 in Rutherford Co. NC Died 1 Jan 1923 in Miller Grove, TX Married (1),Teresa Padilla She was previously married to Lyon Phillipowski Daughter of José Encarnación Padilla and Juliana Lucero Born Jan 1848 in Manzano, Valencia Co. Baptized 8 Mar 1848, age 2 days, in Manzano Godparents: José Archuleta and Dolores Sedillo Died 10 Feb 1882 Note: After Teresa died, her daughter, Dolores ―Lola‖ Phillipowski, applied to the Probate Court to have Sam appointed her Guardian, 6 Mar 1882 Child of Sam and Teresa: Carolina Corbet b. 16 Jul 1880 Teresa Padilla is noted as the lone parent of Carmen Carolina Padilla Bap. 5 August 1880 in Lincoln Godparents were Jose Montano and Dolores Phillipowski d. 13 May 1881 Married (2), Josefa Baca in 1883 Daughter of Saturnino Baca and Juanita Chaves Born 4 Jul 1864 Died about Aug 1892 probably in Las Vegas, NM Child of Sam and Josefa: Charlie Henry Corbett Bap. 27 Nov 1883 at 27 days of age Godparents Roman Antonio and Trinidad Chávez Died 28 Feb 1884 in White Oaks Ola Waddle Married (3), in TX From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. District 18, Lincoln Twn Family #13 13 Corbet, Samuel m 30 Miner 14 Phillipowski, Teresa f 32 Keeping House 14 Phillipowski, Lola f 14 Daughter 83 Flores, Jesus and Natividad Peralta 1895 [Return to TOC] [Return to Gallegos] Jesús Flores Born May 1856 Died Natividad Peralta Married, about 1892 Jesús must have been married before, there are some older children that apparently aren‘t Natividad‘s. Navidad had a previous encounter with Felix Gonzales. Natividad: Daughter of Juan Peralta and Nicanora Gallegos Born Dec 1866 in NM Died 28 Jul 1942 in NM Notes: In 1880 Natividad was living with her uncle, Jose Gallegos (age 62), and his wife Juliana (age 42) and her brother, Monico (age 9) in Valencia Co., La Cienega, Dist 56, Family 286; her parents are living nearby, Family 296. In 1900 they are living in Bernalillo Co., Chilili, Dist.8, Family 141. Children of Jesús: Carlos Flores b. Aug 1877 Juanita Flores b. Oct 1886 Child of Natividad and Felix Gonzales: Benino Gallegos 1887-1974 m. Estefana Pino (See his worksheet for story) Children of Navidad and Jesús: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Juan José Flores b. May 1893 Ramon Flores b. Apr 1895 Bapt. 18 Apr 1895 Godparents, Filomeno Peralta and Hilaira Padilla Liberato Flores b. Nov 1896 Monica Flores b. Mar 1899 84 Flores, Jose de Gracia and Lorenza Herrera 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José de Gracia Flores María „Lorenza‟ Herrera Married; Widow of José María Torres Daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Baptized 5 Aug 1830, age 12 days in Manzano Godparents: Dario Apodaca and Paula Olona Francisca and Petra listed below are the children of José María and Lorenza: Francisca Torres/Flores Petra Torres/Flores m. Eugenio Maldonado Children of José de Gracia and Lorenza: José „Ramon‟ Flores Baptized in Manzano 15 Jan 1864, born 5 Jan. Godparents: Bibian Torres and Francisca Chaves Alberto Flores Francisco Flores Tomas Flores b. 7 March 1871 Bapt. 5 June 1871 Godparents F. and Teresa Padilla Hilaria Flores Bapt. 25 August 1872 at 3 months of age at Rio Bonito Godparents Concepción and _____ Torres Manuela Flores m. Gabriel Olguin From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #72 72 Flores, Jose de Gracia 40 m Farmer 72 Flores, Lorenza 34 f Keeping House 72 Flores, Francisca 12 f 72 Flores, Petra 10 f 72 Flores, Ramon 8 m 85 72 72 72 Flores, Alberto Flores, Francisca Flores, Tomas 6 m 4 f 2 m From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.58 Pg.4, Salado, Fam.#29 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Gracia m 40 Laborer 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Lorenza f 35 Wife Keeping House 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Alberto m 15 Son 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Francisco m 13 Son 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Tomas m 11 Son 58-Pg 04 Salado 29 Flores, Manuela f 6 Daughter Next door, daughter, Petra 58-Pg 04 Salado 30 Maldonado, Eugenio 58-Pg 04 Salado 30 Maldonado, Petra 86 m 25 f 20 Wife Laborer Keeping House Freeman, Boston and Leonora Sandoval 1900 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Boston (Barton) Freeman Born Died Leonore Sandoval Married, Leonore later was married to Nicolas Peralta Leonore: Daughter of Jesus Sandoval and Maria Torres Born about 1871 Died The children of Leonore and Boston/Barton: Ana „Anita‟ Freeman Bapt. 24 July 1891 at 4 months at White Oaks Godparents Feliz Guibara and Carmelita Torres m. José Leon Padilla Jr., 2 Mar 1908 Elena Freeman Bapt. 20 June 1893 (no age given) at White Oaks Godparents Lorenzo Guibara and T. Sisneros Adolpho Freeman b. 21 Apr 1895 in White Oaks, Lincoln Co. Bapt. 21 April 1895 Godparents Donato Chavez and Prisciliana Pino d. 8 Sep 1974 in San Bernardino, CA. m. Soledad Artiaga, June 3, 1916 87 Gallegos, Benino and Estefana Pino 1905 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Benino Gallegos Son of Felix Gonzales and Natividad Peralta [FWS] Raised in the household of Jesús Flores and his mother, Natividad [FWS] Born 17 Feb 1887 in Monte Alto (Mountianair), NM Died 12 Mar 1973 in Tularosa Buried Evergreen Cemetery Estefana Pino Married, 30 Oct 1905 in Lincoln Padrinos, Severo Perez and Rebeca Montoya Estefana: Daughter of Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chavez Born 25 Dec 1888 in Lincoln Co. Died 28 Apr 1956 in Carrizozo Buried in Evergreen Cemetery Notes: Here's the story on Benigno. I'm very sure of his parentage. I know it looks strange on paper but here it goes. Natividad Peralta is the sister of Catalina Peralta. When Natividad went to stay with her sister during her sister's pregnancy, she had relations with her sister's husband Felix Gonzales. My mother says the relationship was not consensual but who would know that except the parties involved. Anyway, Natividad became pregnant with Benigno. She later married Jose Flores and they lived near Albuquerque where Jose and Natividad had other children. Benigno remained close with his half siblings. I have pictures of his Flores family. So where did the Gallegos name come from since his mother was a Peralta. He was given his Grandmother's maiden name. Until I was told this story when I began my research, I was lead to believe that Benigno was illegitimate and that his father was unknown. It is very clear that Benigno was a Peralta from the pictures, captions, and stories my mother tells. Benigno refered to the Peraltas as family members. Now I suppose it is possible that the supposed unknown father was some other Gallegos male who never married Natividad but this family was way too specific on details to be ignored. I am curious to know what you think. From an e-mail from Rebecca Somerhalder His 1918 Draft Registration Card say he lived in Carrizozo, NM, was 33yrs of age, born Feb 1885 was a White, native born citizen, was a Rancher and self employed. It listed his nearest relative as Estefana Gallegos of Carrizozo. Children of Estefana and Benino: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Donaciana Gallegos 1908-1942 Manuela “Nellie” Gallegos 1909-1998 m. Alvino Guevara 88 Isadora Hacinta “Dorothy” Gallegos 1913-1990 m. Fred Silva Edward Gallegos 1915-1925 Killed by lighting with his cousins while working on the ranch. Joe Gallegos 1920-2002 m. _____ Galbaldon Juliana Gallegos 1923-1992 m. Ben Reyes Virginia Gallegos 1924-2007 m. Johnnie Duran 89 Garcia, Jose and Tomasa Romero, Trindad Chavez 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José García Son of Manuel García and Dolores Mirabal Born about 1836 Died Tomasa Romero Married (1), Born about 1840 Trinidad Chávez Married (2), 19 Jan 1887 From Salado Witnesses, Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Ballejos Trinidad: Daughter of José María Chávez and María Baca Born Died Children of José and Tomasa: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Francisca García b. abt. 1857 María García b. abt 1859 Pablo García b. abt. 1862 José Francisco García b. abt. 1867 Nicolacita García b. abt. 1871 María Domitilia García Bapt. 21 June 1874 at 2 months at Rio Bonito Godparents Ramon Montoya and Maria Mirabal m. Iginio Chaves Child of José and Trinidad: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María Trinidad García b. 22 December 1887 Bapt. 3 February 1888 at Magado Godparents Pablo Pino and Maria Chaves 90 Gonzales, Felix and Catalina Peralta 1910 [Return to TOC] [Return to Gallegos] Felix Gonzales Son of Manuel de Jesús Gonzales and Faustina Chávez Born about 1864 in NM Died in Lincoln Co. Catalina Peralta Married, 10 Jan 1883 in Manzano, NM Daughter of Juan Peralta and Nicanora Gallegos Born about 1868 Died 4 Jun 1949 in Lincoln Co. Notes: Felix was the biological father of Benino Gallegos see Benino‘s worksheet for the story. Children of Nicanora and Felix: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Felicita Gonzales 1892-1907 m. Able Pino Merced Gonzales b. 1888 91 Guebara, Alvino and Nobora Sueras, Nellie Gallegos 1925 [Return to TOC] Alvino Guebara Son of Lorenzo Guebara and Maximilana Bilderias Born January 24, 1900 Died March 24, 1946 in New Mexico, buried in Capitan Nobora Sueras Married (1) abt. 1925. Manuela “Nellie” Gallegos Married (2) May 21, 1930 in N M - married in the church May 05, 1935 Nellie: Born about 1910 Daughter of Benino Gallegos and Estefana Pino Died 1998 in New Mexico. Child of Alvino and Nobora: Lorenzo Guebara b. February 13, 1926. Child of Alvino and Nellie: Maxine Guebara b. 1932: d. 2002. 92 Guevara, Felis and Carmelita Torres 1883 [Return to TOC] Felis Guebara Son of Placidio Guebara and Tecla Sisneros Born October 20, 1859 in New Mexico Died December 30, 1930 in New Mexico. Burial: White Oaks, New Mexico Occupation: Ranchman Carmelita Torres married December 19, 1883 Padrinos, Maximiano Guebara and Felicitas Montolla Feliz was from White Oaks, Carmelita from Lincoln Carmelita: Daughter of Cresencio Torres and Miguela Miranda Born March 11, 1869 Died August 07, 1934 Burial: White Oaks, New Mexico Children of Carmelita and Felis: Amado Guebara b. August 03, 1903. Samuel Guebara b. March 16, 1904 d. May 10, 1947 burial, White Oaks. New Mexico m. Fidelina Garromillo July 29, 1937 Solamon Guebara b. August 13, 1906; d. June 13, 1944. Beatriz Guebara b. April 20, 1908 m. Tom Current, May 27, 1934 93 Guevara, Francisco and Jesusita Leal 1902 [Return to TOC] [Return to Ortiz] Francisco Guevara Son Placido Guebara and María Sánchez. Born 1878 in Lincoln, New Mexico Died 1938 in El Paso, Texas. Jesusita Leal Married about 1902 Jesusita was previously married to Frank Salazar. Jesusita: Daughter of Manuel Leal and Refugia Ortiz Born 1874 in New Mexico Died 1922 in El Paso, Texas. Notes for Francisco Guevara: Photos on file of Francisco & his wife, Jesusita; Francisco & Jose Sanchez with a horse-Jose is husband of Addie Lalone; Francisco in a White Oaks studio with (unknown) man. According to Francisco‘s son, Frank, he went to live with his sister, Mercedes & her husband, Wm. Julian Letcher, when his mother, Maria Sanchez Guebara died in 1884. Francisco was only 6 years old. According to Frank, Francisco was sent to a catholic seminary but would not stay. Notes for Jesusita Leal: Gravestone in the El Paso Evergreen Cemetery shows Jesusita Guevara born 1874 & died 1922. According to family she died about 6 mos. after the tragic murder of her daughter inlaw, Cipriana Martinez Salazar, who died in 1921. Her son, Frank Guevara, is buried next to her. June1900 Census in White Oaks shows Frank Salazar age 33 & his wife Jesusita Leal age 23, Conrado age 6, Refugia age 2 & Alejandro 2 mos. Jesusita‘s birthdate is shown as January 1877. In same household is Dolores Leal age 21 & Lonjino Leal age 20. Children of Francisco and Jesusita are: Gilberto Guevara Lupe Guevara b. February 07, 1908, Alamagordo, NM d. December 22, 1988, El Paso, TX Frank Guevara b. June 13, 1908, El Paso, TX d. September 18, 1998, El Paso, TX Jaime Guevara b. March 22, 1909, El Paso, TX d. October 09, 1953 94 Guevara, Lorenzo and Maximiliana Bilderas, Elena Gonzales 1893 [Return to TOC] Lorenzo Guebara Son of Placido Guebara and María Sánchez Born about August 1873 in Lincoln, New Mexico Died March 21, 1939 in New Mexico; Buried, Capitan, New Mexico Occupation; Farmer, Miner, Teamster Maximilana Bilderas Married (1), November 20, 1893 They were from White Oaks Padrinos, Manuel Sisneros and Rebecca Salazar Maxmiliana: Daughter of Jesús Bilderas and María Torres Born January 15, 1875 Died 1913. Note: Mariano Torres shown in the 1870 & 1880 Lincoln County Census is Maximiliana‘s grandfather. He was a shoemaker born abt.1808. Elena Gonzales Married (2), August 14, 1913 in New Mexico - married in the church November 14, 1926 Elena: Born about 1891 in NM Died about 1981 in CA Children of Lorenzo and Maximiliana: Dolores “Lola” Guebara b. February 06, 1895 m. Clemente Torres, February 27. 1911 Cruz Guebara b. May 09, 1897 m. Hipolito Gonzales, November 16, 1912 Mariana Guebara b. August 17, 1898. Alvino Guebara b. January 24, 1900 d. March 24, 1946, New Mexico. m. Nobora Sueras then Nellie Gallegos Adalia Guebara b. February 13, 1902 m. Pedro Perea, June 02, 1917 Flora Guebara b. July 08, 1904, New Mexico. Lorenzo Guebara Jr. b. January 17, 1906. 95 Guevara, Maximiliano and Felicita Montoya 1885 [Return to TOC] Maximiliano Guebara Son of Placido Guebara and María Sánchez. Born August 19, 1856 in Magdalena, New Mexico Died November 22, 1915 in Carrizozo, New Mexico Occupation: Merchant, Constable, Wood Hauler Felicita Montoya married, Felicita: Born about May 1860 in Lincoln, New Mexico(?) Died October 21, 1930 in New Mexico. Notes: Mr. & Mrs. Max Guebara are in a photo in front of the Methodist Church in White Oaks in 1898. Copy of a deed on file of a house, which still exists, bought on 2/18/1885 & sold by one of his heirs, Miguel Guevara, on 1/1/1916 Burial: Newspaper article: ―Old Citizen Passes Away‖ Highly respected citizen of Lincoln. Regarded as an honorable, upright citizen whose efforts were ever exerted on the side of friendship & justice. Child of Maximiliano and Felicita: Abel Liberato Florez Guebara b. February 12, 1882, Lincoln, New Mexico d. July 04, 1933, Salt Lake City, Utah. 96 Guevara, Placidio and Maria, Tecla and Liberada 1870 [Return to TOC] Placidio Guebara Son of don Ygnacio niño ladron de Guevara and doña Dolores Cayales Born abt. 1836 in NM Died May 31, 1904 Burial: White Oaks, NM María Sánchez married (1), María: Born abt. 1838 in NM Died February 13, 1884 in NM burial: White Oaks, NM Tecla Sisneros relationship with (2), Tecla: Born 1839 Died 1908. Librada Barela married (3), August 12, 1892 Widow of Ramon García, from White Oaks Padrinos, Feliz Guebara and Carmelita Torres Librada: Daughter of Marcelino Barela and Magdalena García Born Died Notes for Placidio: Copy of deed on file of Placido & Librada selling property on 10/20/1891 in White Oaks for $100. Karen Mills owns a ranch near where Placido owned property on Patos Mountain. Children of Placidio and María: Maximiliano Guebara b. August 19, 1856, Magdalena, NM d. November 22, 1915, Carrizozo. Albino Guebara b. 1862 d. Accidentally shot as a young boy. María Mercedes Petra Guebara b. September 21, 1864, Manzano, NM d. February 07, 1944, Tucumcari, NM Justa Guebara b. July 05, 1869 Manuel Guebara b. June 17, 1870, Lincoln. NM d. October 02, 1937. 97 Lorenzo Guebara b. abt. August 1873, Lincoln, NM d. March 21. 1939, NM. Ana Debara Guebara b. October 19, 1875 Francisco Guebara b. 1878, Lincoln, NM d. 1938, El Paso, TX Alvino Guebara b. abt. 1880. Child of Placidio and Tecla : Felis Guebara b. October 20, 1859, NM d. December 30, 1930, NM m. Carmelita Torres From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 3, Family #21 21 Guevara, Placidio 34 m Farmer $250 21 Guevara, Maria 14 m Farm Hand 21 Guevara, Albino 8 m 21 Guevara, Merced 6 f 21 Guevara, Manuel 4mo m $175 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.18, Lincoln Twn, Family #26 25 Guebara, Ygnacio m 66 Laborer 26 Guebara, Placidio m 46 Miner 26 Guebara, Maria f 36 Wife Keeping House 26 Guebara, Manuel m 9 Son At School 26 Guebara, Lorenzo m 7 Son 26 Guebara, Francisco m 3 Son 26 Guebara, Alvino m 6mo Son 98 Guevara, Ygnacio and AnaMaria Torres 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Don Ygnacio Niño Ladron de Guevara Son of don José María niño ladron de Guevara and doña Guadalupe de la Riva Paternal Grandparents: don Ylario niño ladron de Guevara and doña Josefa Gertrudis Leos Born March 23, 1803 in Nazas, Durango, Mexico Died about 1885 in Lincoln Co. Dolores Cayales Married (1). Anamarie Torres Married (2), May 11, 1844 in San Felipe, NM Daughter of José Torres and Lorenza Salas She was born about 1814, and died about 1880. Notes for Ygnacio: Baptized as José Antonio Pelagio Ygnacio ―Niño Ladron‖ de Guevara. Birthplace: Villa de los Cinco Señores (Village of 5 Gentlemen) now Nazas. He put a claim on a mine with 2 partners in 1833 on Ortiz mountain, New Mexico. Sierra del Oro - Hill of Gold. Sold about 2 mos. later for 300 silver pesos. He signed his name Ygnacio. Ygnacio & Anamarie Torres raised Estanislada Padilla. Daughter of José Encarnación Padilla and Julianita Lucero.1850 New Mexico Census shows Estanislada 4 years old living in Ygnacio‘s household. 1885 N.M. Census (Lincoln County - Precinct #12) shows Ygnacio age 82 living with Estanislada (married Teoflio Lalone) & family in Bonita. According to Rich Eastwood, grandson of Fanny Lalone, great grandson of Estanislada, Julianita Lucero Padilla died young & Ygnacio raised Estanislada; he was known as her uncle, she was known as ―Lada‖. Child of Ygnacio and Dolores: Placidio Guevara b. Abt. 1836, New Mexico d. May 31, 1904. m. María Sánchez, r. Tecla Sisneros, m. Librada Barela Anna Maria had a child by a previous marriage to Santiago Toledo: Nasario (Toledo) Guebara b.March 28, 1826 According to the 1850 Census he was mentally handicapped. From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. el Manzano, Family #523, 524 523 Nino Ladron de Guebara, Ygnacio 57 m Farmer 523 Torres, Anamaria 46 f 523 Guebara, Estanislada 14 f 99 523 524 524 Guebara, Maximo N. Laron de Guebara, Placido N. Laron de Guebara, Maria 4 22 23 m m f From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 3, Family #99 99 Guevara, Ygnacio 61 m Farmer $500 99 Guevara, Anamaria 64 f Keeping House 99 Guevara, Maximo 12 m $300 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 18, Lincoln Twn. Family #26 25 Guebara, Ygnacio m 66 Laborer 26 Guebara, Placidio m 46 Miner 26 Guebara, Maria f 36 Wife Keeping House 26 Guebara, Manuel m 9 Son At School 26 Guebara, Lorenzo m 7 Son 26 Guebara, Francisco m 3 Son 26 Guebara, Alvino m 6mo Son 100 Gutierrez, Jesus Maria and Prudencia Baca 1897 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Jesús María Gutiérrez Son of Lorenzo Gutiérrez and Josefa Segura Born Died Prudencia Baca Married, 25 Oct 1897 Both from Lincoln Parinos, José Romero and Barbara Romero Prudencia: Daughter of Francisco Baca and Refugio Ortiz Born about 1882 in Otero Co. Died Child of Jesús María and Prudencia: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Vicente Gutierrez b. 7 September 1898 Bapt. 20 September 1898 Godparents Guillermo Uderos and Refugio Ortiz 101 Herrera, Francisco and Francisca Ortega -Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Francisco Herrera Son of Juan Herrera and Rafaela Maldondo Born Died Francisca Antonia Ortega Married 9 Nov 1819, residents of Tomé (Her name appeared only on the side of the page and no parents were given) Padrinos: Miguel Olona and Bárvara Sanches Francisca: Daughter of Juan José Ortega and Gertrudis Sanches Born 2 Jul 1800 in Sandia, NM Died Children of Francisco and Francisca: José „Gregorio‟ Herrera Baptized 19 Dec 1820, age 3 days in las Mansanas Godparents: José María Marques and María Manuela Ortega m. María ‗Geralda‘ García María „Polonia‟ Herrera Baptized 4 Mar 1823, age 24 days in las Manzanas Godparents: Julian Sánchez and Rafaela Romero m. José Encarnación Padilla María „Gertrudis‟ Herrera Baptized 30 Apr 1826, age 3 days in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Bartolo (no surname) and Placidia Chaves m. José Antonio Otero María „Lorenza‟ Herrera Baptized 5 Aug 1830, age 12 days in Manzano Godparents: Dario Apodoca and Paula Olona m. José Torres then José de Gracia Flores Juana María Herrera Baptized 13 Feb 1834, age 6 days in the Tomé jurisdiction Godparents: Joaquin Sánchez and Manuela Chaves m. Antonio Torres María „Librada‟ Herrera Baptized 6 May 1840, age 10 days in Mansano Godparents: Anto. José Sanches and Ma. Feliciana Sanches 102 m. José ‗Aniseto‘ Lueras From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, Manzano, Family #496 496.01 Herrera, Francisco 65 m Laborer $600 $400 496.02 Herrera, Francisca 55 f 496.03 Herrera, Manuel 10 m 496.04 Herrera, Manuela 3 f 103 Herrera, Gregorio and Geralda Garcia -Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Gregorio‟ Herrera Son of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Bapitzed 19 Dec 1820, age 3 days in Las Manzanas Godparents: José María Marques and María Manuela Ortega Killed in a drunken row, 18 Aug 1861 in La Placita Francisca Maldonado Married(1) Francisca parents were José Antonio Maldonado and Anamaria Ballejos María Soledad Lucero Married(2), 4 Oct 1847 residents of Mansana Widow of Francisco Maldonado Witnesses: Esteban Samora and José Ma. Marques Soledad‘s parents were José Lucero and Getrudis Perea María „Geralda‟ García Married(3), about 1860 in Manzano She later married Octaviano Salas Geralda: Baptized 20 Oct 1842, age 9 days in Casa Colorada Parents: José Manuel Garcia and Ma. Concepción Candelaria Paternal Grandparents: Francisco Garcia and Ma. Barbara Martines Maternal Grandparents: Manuel Candelaria and Ma. Barbara Montoya Godparents: Juan Torres and Ma. Torres Notes: See, WPA Narrative, Mrs. Lorencita Miranda and below Lorencita says her mother‘s name was Torres but the name of Garcia is given in research. Perhaps the aunt that Lorencita mentions was actually her Godparent and thus the confusion? Also Gregorio‘s sister married Antonio Torres who became a prominent rancher in Lincoln. Child of Gregorio and Francisca: María Consepción Herrera Baptized 18 Oct 1845, age 1 mo. 12 days, in Manzano Godparents: Anto. José Otero and Ma. Gerturdis Herrera Children of Gregorio and Soledad: María Bentura Herrera Baptized 27 Jul 1848, age 13 days in Manzano Godparents: Pablo Sanches and Lus Barcelo José Eugenio de Jesús Herrera Baptized 22 May 1851, age 2 mo. in Torreón 104 Godparents: Anto. Otero and Feliciana Sanches José Eulogio Herrera Baptized 11 Oct 1853, age 1mo. 4 days in Manzano Godparents: José María Lueras and María Lorensa Herrera m. Anastacia Archuleta Children of Gregorio and Geralda: Remedios Herrera b. abt 1859 Lorenza Herrera Baptized in Manzano 22 Aug 1861, born 10 Aug Godparents: Aniceto Lueras and Librada Herrera m. José Miranda From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, Manzano, Family #579 579 Herrera, Gregorio 39 m Farmer 579 Herrera, Geralda 19 f 579 Herrera, Remedios 9mo f 579 Herrera, Jose 7 m 579 Herrera, Bersabe 10 f 105 Herrera, Jose and Antonia Padilla 1881 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Herrera Born about 1847 It looks like he is the brother of Manuela Herrera-Miller-Swan. The 1885 Census, Pct. 11, Fam 21 lines up - almost (maybe Paula died and they had Gregorio#1 about 1883 and he wasn‟t baptized and died before 1887.) Antonia Padilla Daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres Born about 1864 Died The children of Antonia and José: This might not be a complete list. Paula Herrera Born 29 Jan 1881; Baptized 14 Feb 1881 at Salado Godparents were Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres Isaquio Herrea Born 21 Jun 1885; Baptized 24 Jun 1885 at Magado Godparents were Lucio Archuleta and Isabel Girón Gregorio Herrera Born 3 Jun 1887; Baptized 24 Jun 1887 at Magado/Capitan Godparents were Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez Genoveva Herrera Born 30 May 1890; Baptized 27 Jul 1890 at Magado Godparent were Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo Francisco Herrera Born on 21 Aug 1894; Baptized 1 Nov 1894 at Capitan Godparents were Isidro McKinley and Juliana Padilla Wenislas Herrera Born 28 Sep 1896; Baptized 21 Jan 1897 at Salado Godparents were Isidro Zamaora and Bonifacia Padilla George Herrera Born 17 Apr 1901; Baptized 11 Jul 1901 in Lincoln Godparents were Refugio Trujillo and Romualda Trujillo Married Amelia Reyes 18 Sep 1920 106 Herrera, Ologio and Anastacia Sedillo 1885 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Eulogio “Ologio” Herrera Son of Gregorio Herrera and María Soledad Lucero Baptized 11 Oct 1853, age 1mo. 4 days in Manzano Godparents: José María Lueras and María Lorensa Herrera María „Anastacia‟ Archuelta married 25 Aug 1873 LC marriages logged in the Tularosa Marriage Book. Daughter of José ‗Tomas‘ Archuleta and María Dolores Sedillo Her family were in Lincoln in the 1870 Census. Born about 1853 in NM Children of Anastacia and Ologio: Adelaida Herrera Bapt. 15 Feb 1881 at Lincoln Godparents, D. McKinley and Francisca Padilla Apolonia Herrera b. 10 Apr 1882 Bapt. 25 May 1882 at Lincoln Godparents, Jesus Archuleta and Paublita Torres m. Ysidro McKinley Feliz Herrera b. 30 Apr 1884 Bapt. 12 May 1884 at Lincoln Godparents, Manuel Trujillo and Romulada Trujillo Tomasa Herrera b. 20 May 1886 Bapt. 11 Jun 1886 at Magado Godparents, Tomas Chavez and Florencia Trujillo Ramon Herrera b. 1 Aug 1892 Bapt. 24 Oct 1892 at Lincoln Godparents, Mariano Aldaz and Francisca Torres Entry crossed out? Lola Herrera b. abt. 1895 107 Lacey, Doc and Fannie Lalone 1898 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Peter Elijah “Doc” Lacey Son of Lewis Lacey and Margaret White Born May 1, 1870 in Locke Hill, Bexar Co. TX Died Jan. 20, 1937 in Sierra Madre, CA Buried in Sierra Madre Cemetery Epifania “Fannie” LaLone Married, Dec. 14, 1898 in White Oaks Daughter of Theophilus ―Tioflio‖ Lalone (Lalonde) and Estanislada Padilla Born Dec. 3, 1876 on Magado Creek, Lincoln Co. NM Died Nov. 7, 1978 in Pasadena, CA Buried in Sierra Madre Cemetery The children of Doc and Fannie: Margaret Thelma Lacey Born: Sept 18, 1899 in White Oaks, NM Died: March 4, 1997 in Escondido, CA Buried: Sierra Madre Cemetery, Sierra Madre, CA Married: Charles Frederick Florence Elzada Lacey Born: Dec. 17, 1900 in White Oaks, NM Died: Dec. 31, 1985 in Sierra Madre, CA Buried: Sierra Madre Cemetery Married (1): Reuben Cole Married (2): Mark Kearny Peter Elijah Lacey Jr. Born: Nov. 9, 1901 in White Oaks, NM Died: March 28, 1902 in White Oaks, NM Alma Pearl Lacey Born Jan. 21, 1904 in White Oaks, NM Died: March 1, 1970 in Sierra Madre, CA Buried: Sierra Madre Cemetery Married: William Newton Spargur Bill: Born: Aug, 20, 1907 in Bardoff, IL Died: Sept. 28, In Ojai, CA Birda Mae Lacey Born: July 2, 1905 in Carrizozo, NM Died: Feb. 15, 2004 in Escondido, CA 108 Buried: Sierra Madre Cemetery Never married Louis Earl Lacey Born: Sept. 2, 1906 in Carrizozo, NM Died: June 9, 1907 in Carrizozo, NM Buried: Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo, NM Elenore „Lucille‟ Lacey Born: Oct. 27, 1909 in Carrizozo, NM Died: Dec. 9, 2007 in Escondido, CA Buried in Vista, CA Married: Paul Crew Waite, June 16, 1930 Frances Marion Lacey Born: Oct. 2, 1912 in Carrizozo, NM Died: Nov. 11, 1983 in Pasadena, CA Buried: Sierra Madre Cemetery Married: Robert Dawson Divorced: June Madeline Lacey Born: June 11, 1916 in Carrizozo, NM Died: July 31, 1972 in Pasadena, CA Buried: Live Oak Memorial Park, Monrovia, CA Married: Douglas Haig Eastwood, Feb. 12, 1938 in Sierra Madre, CA Son of Lawrence Eastwood and Frances Simcock Douglas: Born: Aug. 5, 1916 in Pasadena, CA Died: March 1, 1998 in Pasadena Buried: Live Oak Memorial Park, Monrovia, CA Herbert Lee Lacey Born: May 11, 1918 in Carrizozo, NM Died: Dec. 1992 in Pasadena, CA Buried: Ashes scattered in Pasadena/Sierra Madre foothills Married: Norma Louise Wells, Dec. 13, 1947 in Las Vegas, NV Norma: Born: Dec. 3, 1924 in Shenandoah, IA Died: in CA 109 Lalonde, Louis and Elvira Uderos 1909 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Louis H. Lalonde Son of Tioflio Lalonde and Estanislada Padilla Born September 11, 1887 in Nogal, Lincoln Co. Died March 11, 1946 in Los Angeles Co. CA Elvira Uderos Married, September 25, 1909 in Carrizozo, Lincoln Co. Elvira: Daughter of Guillermo Uderos and Refugia Ortiz Born October 13, 1893 Died in Pasadena, CA Children of Louis and Elvira: Adelaida “Addie” LaLonde b. July 22, 1909; 21 Nov 1909 in Carrizozo Godparents were Berardino Sandoval and Elvira St.Johns d. in CA m. Leonard Martines, May 14, 1933 Ma. Petra “Bertha” LaLonde b. May 14, 1912; Baptized 1 Sep 1912 in Carrizozo Godparents were Juan Romero and Clara Romero d. Vows in Religious Community, August 15, 1950 Luis “Louis” LaLonde b. February 11, 1914; 17 Apr 1914 in Carrizozo Godprents were Mauricio Telles and Bautista Telles d. in CA m. Lucille Morga, April 18, 1959 Marjorie LaLonde b. April 10, 1923 d. in VT m. Anthony Stoner, July 6, 1946 110 Lalonde, Tioflio and ‘Lada’ Padilla 1867 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Theophilus “Tioflio” Lalonde (Lalone) Parents: Louis and Mary Lalonde Born: 4 Jun 1837 in Ogdensburg, NY Although he claimed to be Canadian Died: 3 Jan 1908 in Carrizozo Buried: Evergreen Cemetery María „Estanislada‟ Padilla Married, about 1867 in Missouri Plaza Estanislada (‗Lada): Daughter of José Encarnación Padilla and Julianita Lucero Baptized 8 May 1846, age 2 days, in Manzano Paternal Grandparents: Manuel Padilla and Lorenza Salas Maternal Grandparents: Domingo Lucero and Manuela Mirabal Godparents: Juan José Marques and Juliana Gonzales Died: 9 May 1913 in Carrizozo Buried: Evergreen Cemetery The children of Tioflio and „Lada: Louis (#1) Lalonde b. 20 Oct 1869 d. aft. 1880 Rebeca LaLone Bapt. 23 Mar 1871 at 18 days in Missouri Plaza Godparents were Senobio Padilla and Catarina Torres m. Dave Tinnon Fanny (#1) Lalonde (b. 23 Dec 1872, family tradition) María Lalone Baptized 7 Feb 1873, at 13 days Godparents were Fillipo Her? (Lyon Phillipowski) and Teresa Padilla d. in infancy Josefa Lalone Baptized 7 Jul 1874 age 40 days. Godparents were Clement Secret and Patrocinia Duran d. in infancy Epifania “Fannie” LaLone b. 3 Dec 1876, m. P.E. ―Doc‖ Lacey Fredrico “Fred” LaLone b. 29 Oct 1878 m. Margarite Vega Antonio Lalonde 111 b. 2 Jun 1880, Baptized 6 Aug 1880 on the Salado Godparents were Demetrio Perea and Dolores Phillipowski d. as an infant Carolina “Carrie” LaLone b. 8 Nov 1881; Baptized 15 Dec 1881 Godparents were Sam Corbett and J.V.(Teresa) Padilla m. Julian Leal Paula “Pauline” Lalone b. 15 Jan 1884, Bapt. 1 Jun 1884 Godparents were Daniel McKiley and Francisca Padilla d. as an infant Adelida “Addie” LaLone b. 31 Jun 1885; Baptized 22 Nov 1885 Godparents were Adan Sedillo and Rebeca Lalone m. Joe Sanchez Louis “Luis” LaLonde b. 11 Sep 1887; Bapt. 20 Oct 1887 in Nogal m. Elvira Uderos From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 3, Family #98 98 LaLonde, Teoflio 36 m Farmer $400 98 LaLonde, Estanislda 24 f Keeping House 98 LaLonde, Louis 1 m $250 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.58 Pg.5 Salado, Fam.#36 (corrected) 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Tioflio m 42 Farmer 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Estanislada f 33 Wife Keeping House 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Louis m 11 Son 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Rebeca f 9 Daughter 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Epifina f 4 Daughter 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Fred m 2 Son 58-Pg 05 Salado 36 Lalonde, Antonio m 1mo Son 112 Lalone, Fred and Margarite Vega 1903 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Fredrico “Fred” Narcissus LaLone Son of Tioflio Lalonde and ‗Lada Padilla Born 29 Oct 1878 in Nogal Died 31 Dec 1958 in Sierra Madre, CA Margarite Louise Vega Married 23 Nov 1903 Fred from White Oaks, Margarite from Nogal Padrinos, Feliz Guebara and Carmela Torres Margarite: Daughter of José María Vega and Esiquia Torres Born 21 Jun 1884 near Nogal Died 1 Apr 1936 in Sierra Madre, CA The children of Fred and Margarite: (Josefita) Josephine LaLone b. October 29, 1904 Baptized 8 Nov 1904 Godparents were José María Vega and Josefa Sandoval d. July 12, 1974 in Sierra Madre, CA m. Seth VanWickle, May 25, 1930 Alberto LaLone b. November 11, 1905 Baptized 26 Mar 1906 in Nogal Godparents were Julian Leal and Carolina Lalone d. November 17, 1934 in CA m. Eva, May 5, 1934 Julian LaLone b. February 16, 1907 Baptized 2 Mar 1907 Godparents were Florencio Vega and Petra Vega d. April 8, 1989 in Sierra Madre, CA m. Dorothy (Frederico) Fred LaLone, Jr. b. August 29, 1908 Baptized 29 Dec 1908 Godparents were Tioflio Lalone and Estanislada Padilla d. in Sierra Madre, CA m. Ellen, February 19, 1938 Abelina LaLone b. December 16, 1909 d. December 27, 1909 113 John LaLone b. October 21, 1910 d. October 21, 1910 Margarite LaLone b. January 21, 1912; Baptized 22 Dec 1912 Godparents were Pablo Telles and Rosa Sandoval d. September 17, 1961 m. Alfred Domschke, March 9, 1932 (Juan) Robert LaLone b. August 22, 1913 Baptized 15 Nov 1914 Godparents were John Mack and Francisca Padilla d. in Pasadena, CA m. Evelyn ―Joyce‖ Fowler, April 8, 1938 (Eduardo) Edward LaLone b. May 11, 1915 Baptized 23 May 1915 Godparents were José Vega and Susana Vega d. in Sierra Madre, CA m. Georgene Norris (Alicia) Alice LaLone b. March 30, 1917 Baptized 20 May 1917 Godparents were Xisto Ortiz and Silveria Ortiz m. Neil McCarron, September 26, 1939 Gilbert LaLone b. April 18, 1919, Baptized 7 Dec 1919 in Carrizozo Godparents were Alberto Lalone and Josefita Lalone d. June 10, 1922 in CA (Francisca) Frances LaLone b. March 19, 1921 Baptized 16 Oct 1921 Godparents were Patrick Collins and Agnes Collins m. Chud Finley, September 20, 1942 Richardo LaLone b. June 18, 1923; Baptized 28 Jun 1923 Godparents were Martin Vega and Petra Vega d. in CA m. Earl LaLone b. May 5, 1925 m. Margaret, November 10, 1950 114 Frank LaLone b. June 16, 1927 d. June 16, 1927 115 Leal, Julian and Carrie Lalone 1897 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Julián Leal Son of Manuel Leal and Refugia Ortiz Born February 1872 Died in 1938, Sierra Madre, CA, buried in Sierra Madre Cemetery Carolina “Carrie” LaLone Married, March 20, 1897 Julián from Lincoln and Carrie from White Oaks Padrinos, Feliz Guebara and Carmelita Torres Carrie: Daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and ‗Lada Padilla Born November 8, 1881 Died in 1944, Sierra Madre, CA, buried in Sierra Madre Cemetery An adopted child, he must have died young because there is no further record or family tradition concerning him. Moises Leal b. 11 May 1908 Bapt. 29 December 1908 ―adopted‖ at Carrizozo by Julian and Carolina, no Godparents are listed. Notes: Julian Worked in the mines in White Oaks and later, in copper mines, when they moved to California he worked in the orange groves. The original of picture in the file of them has a note on the back – she has red hair and blue eyes. Although Carrie and Julian Leal had no children, they had a profound impact on the family. Their move to Sierra Madre, CA in 1921; would bring Carrie‘s two brothers, and sister Fanny and sister Addie‘s family to the area. The Louis LaLonde and Joe Sanchez families in 1923, the Fred LaLones in 1924 and the Doc Laceys in 1928. Of 33 nieces and nephews who survived infancy, 26 would eventually move to the community or nearby areas. 116 Lopez, Pedro and Eliza Miller 1902 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Pedro López Son of Lorenzo López and Manuela Torres Born Died Eliza Miller Married 11 Mar 1902 Both from Tucson, Lincoln Co. She was previously married to Manuel Artiaga, she later married Boney Zamora Padrinos, Margarito Silva and Ana María Pino Eliza: Daughter of William Miller and Manuela Herrera Born about 1865 Died 117 Lueras, Aniseto and Librada Herrera 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Aniseto‟ Lueras Born: 27 Apr 1838 in rural Socorro, NM Died: 1926 in Carrizozo Occupation: Freighter, Farmer María „Librada‟ Herrera Married, 20 Apr 1860 in Manzano Liberada: Daughter of: Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Born 26 Apr 1840 Baptized 6 May 1840, age 10 days, in Manzano Paternal Grandparents: Juan Herrera and Rafaela Baldonado Maternal Grandparents: Juan José Ortega and Ma. Sanches Godparents: Anto. José Sanches and Ma. Feliciana Sanches Died 1929 on the Dolores Lueras Ranch, Lincoln Co. The children of Aniesto and Librada: José „Dolores‟ Lueras b. 1861 in Manzano m. Felicita Otero José Maria Lueras Baptized 5 Apr 1864 in Manzano, born 31 Mar. Godparents: Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega m (1). Catarina García, m (2). Eulogia Duran Andrés Lueras b. 30 Nov 1866 Baptized 16 Jan 1867 in Manzano. Godparents: Jesús Lueras and Ma. Benavides Manuel Lueras b. 8 Jul 1870 Bapt. 18 July 1871 at Rio Bonito Godparents José Chavez and Manuela Padilla m. Josefa López David Lueras Bapt. 18 July 1871 at 2 days of age at Rio Bonito Godparents Juan Andres Silva and María Baca m. Emma Mae Credit Francisca Lueras b. 1875 m. Martin Alderete Josefina Lueras b. Jan 1877 118 From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, Manzano, Family #497 497.01 Lueras, Aniceto 18 m 497.02 Lueras, Libarda 25 f From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #69 69 Lucero, Anizito 34 m Laborer 69 Lucero, Liberada 32 f` Keeping House 69 Lucero, Dolores 12 f` 69 Lucero, Juan 9 m 69 Lucero, Andres 7 m 69 Lucero, Juan Jose 6 m From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 18 Lincoln Town, Family #130 130 Lueras, Aniceto m 40 Freighter NM 130 Lueras, Liberada f 35 Wife Keeping House NM 130 Lueras, Dolores f 18 Daughter NM 130 Lueras, Jose m 16 Son Teamster NM 130 Lueras, Andreas m 14 Son Herder NM 130 Lueras, Manuel m 9 Son NM 130 Lueras, David m 7 Son NM 130 Lueras, Francisca f 5 Daughter NM 119 Mack, John and Francisca Padilla 1897 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] John Mack Son of John Mack and Salomé Garod They were French Canadians Born 1852 or 1853 in Canada Died 1926 in Carrizozo Francisca Padilla Married, 12 Dec 1897 Both residents of Nogal Padrinos, Francisco Vigil and Elena Frésquez She was previously married to Dennis McKinley Francisca: Daughter of José Encarnción Padilla and Polonia Herrera Born 10 Apr 1856 Baptized 30 Apr 1856, age 20 days Godparents Placidio Canches (¿Guebara?) and Anamaria Torres Died 7 Jul 1943 in Carrizozo Buried in Carrizozo Notes: Francisca filed a claim for a Civil War (¿Indian Wars?) widow‘s Pension. There is a date 22 Aug 1911 that looks like he was an invalid, 10 Mar 1927 she was qualified a widow. He served in Co. D, 6th US Cav. looks like it was granted 7 Dec 1928. 1880 Census in Albuquerque there is a John Mack, R.R. Laborer. Born about 1853 in France, both parents from France. 1900 Census they are living in Nogal next door to José María Vega, says his birthday is Aug 1860?? married to Juanita?? Born Sept 1862?? 1910 Census he and Francisca are living in Carrizozo, he states he is 50 years old and she is 40, he and his parents are shown as Canadian (French). 1920 Census they are living in Carrizozo, he is 67, she 61 and they have a daughter (matbe a granddaughter), Rosa, 8. He and his parents are listed as Canadians. It says he immigrated in 1865 and was Naturalized in 1876. 120 McKinley, David and Francisca Padilla 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] David McKinley Son of Dennis and Ruby McKenlie Born about 1845 in Mass. Died Francisca Padilla Married, 16 Jul 1871 She later married John Mack Francisca: Daughter of José Encanación Padilla and Polonia Herrera Born 10 Apr 1856 in Manzano, Valencia Co. Baptized 30 Apr 1856, age 29 days in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Placidio Sanches and Anamaria Torres Children of Francisca and David: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Emiliano McKinley b. abt. 1872 m. María Padilla Ysidro McKinley b. abt. 1873 m. Apoloina Herrera Adan McKinley From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist 58, Salado, Family #26 58-Pg 04 Salado 26 McKinley, David m 35 58-Pg 04 Salado 26 McKinley, Francis f 25 Wife 58-Pg 04 Salado 26 McKinley, Emiliano m 9 Son 58-Pg 04 Salado 26 McKinley, Ysidro m 7 Son 121 Dairy Keeping House McKinley, Emiliano and Maria Padilla 1901 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Emiliano McKinley (McKingley/McKingly) Son of David McKinley and Francisca Padilla Born about 1871 Died María Concepción Padilla Married, 19 Dec 1901 Emiliano from Tuscon, Lincoln Co. María from Lincoln Padrinos, Isidro McKinley and Apolonia Herrera María: Daughter of José León Padilla and Nestora Zamora Born Died Children of Emiliano and Maria: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Eduardo McKinley b. 29 May 1903 Bapt. 24 Jun 1903 at Lincoln Godparents were José León Padilla and Nestora Zamora John McKinley b. 3 December 1904 Bapt. 25 December 1904 at Capitan Godparents John and Francisca Padilla McKingly (Mack) Meliton McKinley b. 6 Aug 1906 Bapt. 12 Aug 1906 in Lincoln Godparents Francisco Zamora and Xista Salas Petronila McKinley Bapt. 12 May 1909 at Lincoln Godparents Isidro McKingley and Apolonia Herrera 122 McKinley, Ysidro and Apolonia Herrera 1896 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Ysidro McKinley Son of David McKinley and Francisca Padilla Born about 11 Apr 1877 in Lincoln Co. Died 12 Sep 1950 in Carrizozo Apolonia Herrera Married, 12 Jan 1896 From White Oaks Padrinos, Roberto Ludan and Epifina Lalone Apolonia: Daughter of Eulogio Herrera and Anastacia Archuleta Born 10 Apr 1882 in Lincoln Co. Died 13 Jan 1972 Lincoln Co. Children of Ysidro/Isidro and Apolonia: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Daniel McKinley b. 22 December 1896 Bapt. 23 March 1897 at Sierrita Godparents Eulogio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta d. Sep 1980 in Los Angeles, CA Angela McKinley b. 1 October 1902 Bapt. 28 October 1902 at Tucson Godparents Saturnino and Apolonia Herrera (Priest‘s note: Angela m. Flavio Mirabal 5 July 1922) Manuela McKinley b. 22 August 1904 Bapt. 18 September 1904 at Tucson Godparents Pedro Peralta and Lorenza Padia Francisca McKinley b. 15 May 1906 Bapt. 16 Jun 1906 in Capitan Godparents Amado Giron and Elfida Giron María McKinley 29 July 1908 Bapt. 7 September 1908 at Capitan Godparents Tomas Archuleta and Manuelita Padilla Anastasia McKinley b. 12 August 1910 Bapt. 25 September 1910 at Capitan Godparents John Mack and Francisca Padilla (Priest‘s note: Anastasia m. Cristobal Chavez 18 September 1927 at Carrizozo) 123 José Isidro McKinley b. 7 March 1914 Bapt. 11 April 1914 at Capitan Godparents Angel Lueras and Rosa Herrera Emiliano McKinley b. 3 May 1916 Bapt. 11 June 1916 at Capitan Godparents Paulin Aldas and Antonia Mirabal (Priest‘s note: Emiliano m. Arcenia Lopez 3 February 1940 at Tularosa) Jacobo McKinley b. 12 February 1918 Bapt. 1 March 1918 at Insinoso Godparents George and Aurora Chávez Guillermo McKinley b. 4 October 1919 Bapt. 15 October 1919 at Insinoso Godparents Guillermo and Aurora Chávez (Priest‘s note: Guillermo m. Manuela Suarez 1 December 1945 at Saint Frances Church, Gallup, New Mexico) 124 Miller, Abran and Juanita Romero 1881 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Abran Miller Son of William Miller and Manuelita Herrera Born Feb 1863 in Manzano Died 29 May 1942 in Carrizozo Juanita Romero Married, 12 Feb 1881 Juanita: Daughter of Juan Romero and Melquiades Chaves Born 24 Jun 1866 Baptized 15 Oct 1866 in Rio Bonito by the Priest from Manzano Godparents: Henriques Trujillo and Josefa Chaves Note: See the WPA narrative of Abran Miller The children of Abran and Juanita: Andrea Miller bapt. 4 February 1882 at 2 months at Salado Godparents Andres Nejeres and Antonia Maes (Priest‘s note: Andrea m. I. Sanchez 2 February 1914) m. Bonifacio Pino 13 June 1898 María Suzanna Miller bapt. 16 February 1885 at 4 months in Lincoln Godparnets Trinidad Romero and Dolores Errera Lucio Miller b. 13 December 1885 Bapt. 31 December 1885 at Ranchos Sierra Capitan Godparents Manuel Arteaga and Luisa Miller Andrew Miller b. May 1891 (1900 Census) Benito Miller b. Jun 1894 (1900 Census) Vicenta Miller m. Melquiades Gonzales Susanna “Susie” Miller b. 2 October 1899 Bapt. 22 October 1899 Godparents Francisco Cordova and Mariana Romero Manuela Miller b. 28 August 1901 Bapt. 6 October 1901 125 Godfather Candelario Griego (Priest‘s note: Manuela m. Desiderio Marquez 19 February 1914 Trinidad Miller Problem with children see WPA and Dates 126 Miller, Julián Jr. and Felipa Guerra 1896 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Julián (William) Miller Son of William (Julián) Miller and Manuela Herrera Born Died Felipa Guerra Married, 13 Jan 1896 William from el Salado; Felipa from Ruidoso Padrinos, Jesús and Desideria Mirabal Felipa: Daughter of Salomé Guerra and Longina Varela Born Died Children of Felipa and Juilián: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Manuel Miller b. 8 May 1898 bapt. 19 Jun 1898 in Capitan Godparents were Roberto Swan and María Stultz m. Isabel Duran 5 Feb 1917 Juan Miller b. 11 Dec 1899 bapt. 26 Feb 1900 Godparents were Manuel Artiaga and Eloisa Miller Elvira Miller b. 10 Oct 1901 bapt. 8 Dec 1901 Godparents were Porfirio and Beatriz Chávez m. Clemente Padilla 24 Nov 1916 in Lincoln Julián Miller b. 16 Feb 1903 bapt. 10 Mar 1903 in Tucson Godparents were Severo Pérez and Rebeca Montoya Beatriz Miller b. 28 Oct 1904 bapt. 8 Nov 1904 in Tucson Godparents were Nicolas Peralta and Leonarda Sandoval 127 Miller, William and Manuelita Herrera 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] William (Julián) Miller Born in Canada, about 1834 Manuela Herrera Married, In her subsequent marriage to Joseph Swan she stated her parents were Julián Carrillo and Isabel Herrera. Manuelita: Born in Manzano, about 1845 Died The children of William and Manuelita: María Demesia „Librada‟ Miller “Debbie” Baptized 12 Feb 1860 (no birth date) in Manzano Godparents: Juan Carrillo and Dolores Herrera Abran Miller b. Feb 1863 m. Juanita Romero Eliza Miller m. Manuel Artiaga then Pedro Lopez then Bonifacio Zamora Julián (William) Miller Bapt. 26 April 1873 at 15 days at Fort Stanton Godparents Juan Chávez and Manuela Padilla m. Felipa Guerra Robert Adolpho Miller-Swan He used his stepfather, Joseph Swan‘s name b. abt. 1870, d. 11 Feb 1937 m. María Stutz From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, Manzano, Family #490 Miller, Wm. 25 m Laborer France Miller, Manuela 19 f Miller, Liberada 4mo f From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #8 Miller, William 36 m Blacksmith $300 Miller, Manuelita 25 f Keeping House Miller, Liberada 11 f Miller, Abran 8 m 128 Canada New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico Miller, Eliza 5 f New Mexico Further reading on this family: Narratives from the WPA: WPA Abran Miller. The story doesn‘t match the facts but… Oh-well. In the 1880 Census, Pg. 4, Supv. Dist. 86, Ft. Stanton/Salado, Family #24 shows with Joseph Swan 38, Manuelita Miller 35, Abran 18, William 17,and Robert 14. Family #25 shows Manuel Artago(Artiaga) 23 and wife Eliza 14(father born in Canada) 129 Olguin, Gabriel and Manuela Flores 1891 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Gabriel Olguin Son of Aniceto Olguin and Rosa Barela Born Died Manuela Flores Married, 2 Mar 1891 in the Church of Lincoln Both from Lincoln Padrinos, Ceclio Torres and Isabela Barela Witness, Melquiades Barela Manuela: Daughter of José de Gracias Flores and Lorenza Herrera Born Died 130 Ortiz, Refugia-Leal, Baca, Udreos [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Refugia Ortiz Daughter of Encarnación Ortiz and Eracensia Gregoyon (Crecencia Irigoyen). Born in 1859 in Mexico Died 1917, buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo Married (1): Manuel Leal Manuel was born in Mexico. He was killed on his ranch by Indians 1880-81. Their ranch was in the La Luz Canyon area south of Lincoln Co. The children of Refugia and Manuel: José de la Luz Leal 1871- Jun 1900 Died of a gunshot wound in a bar in White Oaks, buried Cedarvale Cemetery Julián Leal 1872-1938 married Carrie Lalone (Lalonde) Jesusita Leal 1874-1922 married Frank Salazar [FWS] then Francisco Guevara [FWS] Dolores Leal 1878Lonjino Leal 1889Calandaria Leal 1880 Married (2): Francisco Baca 23 Sep 1882 From the Tularosa Church records: Refugia Ortiz, widow of Augstin Duran (?), daughter of Encarnación Ortiz married Francisco Baca, widower of Refugio López. Witnesses, Reducino Duran and Venceslado Domíquez; Padrinos, Emeterio Prado and Inez Martínez. There are a couple of problems with this record. How did Agustin Duran and Co. get into the picture and who was Francisco? There was a Francisco that was a close neighbor of the Leal‘s if his wife died or was killed at the same time as Manuel he would be a candidate, however his wife is listed in the Census as Perfeta Gracía… another mystery. However he was also reported to have been killed by Indians which fits. Francisco Baca is a common name but I couldn‘t find another one in the 1880 Census of Otero Co. and La Luz was pretty remote. A children of Refugia and Francisco: Prudencia Baca b. abt. 1882, married Jesús María Gutiérrez 131 Eufemia Baca b. abt. 1885, married Alejandro Aguayo, A picture in this collection of Eufemia, says she is the sister of Jesucita Married (3): Guillermo Uderos on 6 Mar 1897 From both the Tularosa and Lincoln Church Records. Gullermo‘s parents were Segundio Uderos and Francisca Gallegos of Tularosa. Padrinos, Demetrio Perea and Cruz Miranda. The children of Refugia and Guillermo: Juanita Uderos abt. 1890 married Florencio Vega Elvira Uderos 1893-1972 married Louis Lalonde She was Baptized Dolores Ortiz, daughter of Refugio Ortiz on 24 Nov 1893 in Lincoln; her Godparents were Ramon Luna and Lola Sisneros. 132 Otero, Antonio and Gertrudis Herrera -Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Antonio‟ de Jesús (Antonio José) Otero Son of Estanilslado Otero and Barbara Garcia (or Molina?) Born 18 Jun 1814 Baptized 22 Jun 1814, age 4 days, in Valencia Godparents: Franco. García Ynes Laen Died María „Gertrudis‟ Herrera Married, 18 Nov 1844 Witnesses: Prudencio Gallego, Anto. Baca and Anto. Samora She later married Juan Chávez, they settled in Reventon near her sister Librada and her husband Aniceto Lueras Gertrudis: Daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Born 27 Apr 1826 Baptized 30 Apr 1826, age 3 days, in Tomé Godparents: Bartolo (no surname) and Placidia Chaves Died Children of Antonio and Gertrudis: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) José „Antonio‟ Otero Baptized 17 Oct 1845, age 24 days, in Manzano Godparents: José Ma. Márquez and Ma. Manuela Ortega m. Dolores Archeveque José „Guadalupe‟ Otero Baptized 18 Feb 1850, age 6 days, in Manzano Godparents: Juan José Márquez and Juliana Gonzales Francisco Antonio Otero Baptized 26 Nov 1854, age 1 month, in Manzano Godparents: José de Jesús Otero and Ana Ma. Galvadon Lorenzo Otero Castulo Otero Baptized 20 Apr 1860 in Manzano, born 26 Mar Godparents: Aniceto Lueras and María Librada Herrera 133 From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. Manzano, Family #500 500 Otero, Antonio J. 35 m Farmer 500 Otero, Gertrudis 38 f 500 Otero, Antonio 14 m 500 Otero, Guadalupe 10 f 500 Otero, Francisco 6 m 500 Otero, Lorenzo 3 m 500 Otero, Castulo 2mo m 134 Padilla, Adan and Teodora Garcia 1895 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Alberto “Adan” Padilla Adopted son of José Encarnación Padilla and Polonia Herrera Born 1865 Baptized 14 Oct 1866 in Rio Bonito by the Priest from Manzano The record comments: Indians of José Padilla Godparents: José Padilla and Polonia Herrera Teodora García Married, Born Died Children of Teodora and Adan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Manuelita Padilla m. Tomas Archuleta Antonio Padilla b. 10 October 1896 Bapt. 5 November 1896 at Las Tablas Godparents Teofilo Zamora and Adela Chávez Juan Andrés Padilla b. 27 November 1898 Bapt. 5 February 1899 at Capitan Godparents Juan Andres Silva and Petra Vallejo Paula Padilla b. 2 March 1901 Bapt. 31 March 1901 Godparents Abel Pino and María Chávez Antonio José Padilla b. 11 May 1903 Bapt. 23 June 1903 at Tucson Godparents Victoriano Artiaga and Dolores Padilla Francisco Padilla b. 4 October 1905 Bapt. 15 October 1905 at White Oaks Godparents Julián Leal and Carolina Lalone Francisco Padilla b. 27 April 1908 Bapt. 3 May 1908 at Capitan Godparents Eulogio Herrera and Anastasia Archuleta José Zenon Padilla b. 9 July 1910 135 Bapt. 2 October 1910 at Capitan Godparents Tomas Archuleta and Manuela Padilla Ramona Padilla b. 14 August 1913 Bapt. 15 September 1913 at Sierrita Godparents Manuel Gonzales and Aurelia Duran 136 Padilla, Clemente and Elvira Miller 1916 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Clemente Padilla Son of Anastacio and Clara Baca Born Died Elvira Miller Married, 24 Nov 1916 in Lincoln Elvira: Daughter of Julián Miller and Felipa Guerra Born 10 Oct 1901 Baptized 8 Dec 1901 in Lincoln Co. Godparents were Porfirio and Beatriz Chávez Children of Elvira and Clemente: Emma Padilla b. 12 Oct 1919 bapt. 8 Dec 1919 in Capitan Godparents were Pedro Peralta and Lorenza Padilla m. L. Baca 19 Aug 1940 in Santa Barbara Church(city ?) Baca‘s name was Gonzalo Cabrero Baca, sometime referred to as ―Longalo‖ His parents were Anistacio and Clara Baca b. 28 Jul 1918 d. 11 Jan 1998 d. 31 Jul 1961 Clara Padilla b. 27 Apr 1921 in Gallinas bapt. 12 Jul 1921 in Capitan Godparents were Juan Miller and Manuela Swan m. Leon W. Chrisman 2 Oct 1943 in St. Rose Church, Roseville CA d. last few years (as of 2011) Clemente Padilla b. 15 Jan 1923 Bapt. 7 Apr 1923 in Capitan Godparents were Monico Peralta and Ramona Perez d. 8 Oct 1987 Lucille Padilla b. 9 Jun 1924 still alive (as of 2011) Domingo Padilla 137 b. 28 Mar 1926 d. 14 Jul 1993 Julian Padilla b. 25 Feb 1928 bapt. 23 Dec 1928 in Capitan Godparents were José Trujillo and Sofia Gallegos m. Alicia Calderon 26 Sep 1945 in St. Rose Church, Roseville CA d. last few years (as of 2011) Beatriz Padilla b. 16 Jul 1930 bapt. 26 Oct 1930 in Capitan Godparents were Fernando and Lorencita Salsbery d. 13 Feb 1996 Benjamin Padilla b. 29 May 1932 bapt. 21 Jun 1932 in Capitan Godparents were Pedro Peralta and Lorenza Padilla Still alive (as of 2011) Teresita de Jesus “Theresa” Padilla b. 27 Apr 1934 bapt. 8 Aug 1934 in Capitan Godparents were Catarino Guerra and Martina Gonzales d. last few years (as of 2011) Margaret Padilla b. 16 Oct 1935 still alive (as of 2011) Helen Padilla b. 4 Jul 1937 d. abt. 10yrs ago Delores Padilla 2 Jul 1940 Still alive David Padilla b. 31 Jul 1941 d. 15 Oct 1998 Fred Padilla b. 12 Mar 1943 still alive 138 Padilla, Jesus Maria Jr. and Esiquia Sandoval, Luisa Montoya 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Jesús María Padilla Jr. Son of Jesús Maria Padilla Sr. and Sostena Carillo Born, 1859 in La Jolla, NM Died, in Lincoln Co. Buried, Richardson Cemetery, Las Tables, Lincoln Co. Esiquia Sandoval Married(1) Daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and Maria Torres Bapt. 9 Jul 1870 at 5 days of age at Bonito Godparents Teofilo Lalone and Estanislada Padilla Died Luisa Montoya Married(2), 7 Aug 1903 Both from Lincoln Padrinos, Nicolas Peralta and Leonora Sandoval The 1910 Census says Luisa was married 4 times; a previous husband was Augustin Saiz of Manzano. Luisa had a sister named Carlota. Luisa: Daughter of Feliz Montoya and Teofilia Otero Born 12 Aug 1874 in Torreon, Valencia Co. Died (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) The children of Jesús and Esiquia: Emma Padilla b. 13 June 1881 Bapt. 5 August 1881 at White Oaks Godparents Jesús Sandoval and María Torres Segundio/Secondino Padilla b. 1 July 1886 Bapt. 4 Sept 1886 at Sierra Capitan Godparents José Chávez and Adelaida García Lorenza Padilla Bapt. 14 November 1884 at 3 months of age at Nogal Godparents Benino and Leonor Sandoval (Note: Mother‘s name is listed as Grace) m. Pedro Peralta Felipe Padilla Bapt. 6 October 1889 at 1 month of age at Lincoln Godparents José Chaves y Baca and Margarita Padilla 139 Clemente Padilla Bapt. 6 November 1890 at 3 months of age at Nogal Godparents Tomas Chaves and Florencia Trujillo m. Elvira Miller Domingo Padilla b. 20 December 1892 Bapt. 3 February 1893 at Sierra Capitan Godparents Filomeno Peralta and María Padilla The children of Jesús and Luisa: Agapita Padilla b. 22 June 1908 Bapt. 22 July 1908 at Capitan Godparents Romualdo Moya and Carlota Montoya m. Augustin Salsberry 12 August 1926 Guillermo Padilla b. 10 February 1912 Bapt. 13 April 1912 at Lincoln Godparents Alejandro Trujillo and Emilia Padilla Manuel Cayetano Padilla b. 8 August 1913 Bapt. 3 September 1913 at Lincoln Godparents Eduvigen Padilla and Antonia Zamora Benjamin Padilla b. 25 July 1919 Bapt. 7 August 1919 at Arabela Godparents Ramon Torres and María Bustamonte (Priest‘s note: Benjamin m. Annie Gamboa 3 December 1938) 140 Padilla, Jesus Maria and Sostena Carrillo 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Jesús María Padilla Sr. Born: 8 Dec 1821 in La Jolla/Sevilleta, Socorro Co. NM Baptised: 16 Dec 1821 in Socorro Parents: Juan Cristobal Padilla (b. 1801 in La Jolla) and Francisca Antonia Martinez Grandparents: AP: José Antonio Padilla (b. 1752 in Isleta Pueblo) and Eduarda Yturrieta of Los Padillas (José b. abt 1719 the son of Diego de Padilla and María Vazquez y Baca) Uncle of José León Padilla Sr. of Lincoln Occupation: Freighter/Teamster/Rancher María „Sostena‟ Carrillo Married, 6 Mar 1843 in Socorro Notes: Marg Salazar says Jesús removed the shackles from Billy the Kid. He had a ranch in Padilla Canyon, off of Salazar Canyon, the rock house by a spring is still standing on the road thru the canyon. The children of Jesús and Sostena: Feliciana Padilla b. 14 Oct 1844 in Sevilleta María Gregoria Padilla b. 22 Nov 1845 in Sevilleta María Mauricia Padilla b. 18 Mar 1848 in Sevilleta Hilaria Padilla b. abt. 1848 m. Jose Chavez, Filomeno Peralta Bernardino Padilla b. abt 1855 m. Venaranda Zamora Romulo Padilla b. abt. 1857 m. Rosaura Chavez Jesús María Padilla Jr. b. 1859 in La Jolla near Socorro m.(1) Esquina Sandoval, m.(2) Luisa Montoya Eduvigen Padilla b. abt. 1861 m. Antonia Zamóra María Padilla b. 6 Jun 1866 Baptized 4 Jul 1866 in Manzano 141 Godparents: Jesús Lueras and Ma. Benavides Tercio? Padilla b. abt. 1869 Margarita Padilla b. abt. 1870 Longinia Padilla b. abt. 1873 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 18, Lincoln Twn. Family #151 151 Padilla, Jesus m 44 Freighter 151 Padilla, Sostena f 42 Wife Keeping House 151 Padilla, Romulo m 22 Son Teamster 151 Padilla, Jesus m 20 Son Teamster 151 Padilla, Trescian m 19 Son Teamster 151 Padilla, Tercio m 11 Son 151 Padilla, Margarita f 10 Daughter 151 Padilla, Logina f 5 Daughter 142 Padilla, Jose Encarnacion and Julianita Lucero, Polonia Herrera 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Encarnación Padilla 1814 Mar 25- José Encarnación Padilla of San Fernando was baptized, age seven days. His parents were Manuel Padilla and Lorenza Salaz. His Godparents were Pedro Anto. Padilla and Josefa Lente. Juilana Lucero Daughter of Don Domingo Lucero and Doña Manuela Mirabal Baptized 28 Feb 1811 in San Fernando, born the 17th. Godparents: Ignacio Sánchez and his wife Catarina Torres, of Tomé 1833/1838 José married ―Julianita‖; Juliana had a daughter by a previous marriage to Prudencio Torres. Casimira Torres was born May 12, 1833. Casimira married; Juan Pablo Serna, then Juan José Marques, then Nicolas Perea. 1839 Nov. 8- A son, José „Senobio‟ Padilla, was baptized, age 1 mo, in Manzano. His Godparents were José Sanches and Ma. Beniga Sanches. Senobio married Saturnina Torres 1842 June 23- A son, José „Ysidro‟ Padilla, was baptized in Manzano, age 11 days. His Godparents were Julian Mirabal and Juana Montoya. Ysidro married Catalina Giron 1846 May 8- A daughter, Ma. Estanislada “Lada” Padilla, was baptized in Manzano, age 2 days. Her Godparents were Juan José Marques and Juliana Gonsales. ‗Lada‘ married Tioflio Lalonde. 1848 Jan- A daughter, Ma. „Teresa‟ de Jesús Padilla, was baptized in Manzano, age 2 mo. Her Godparents were José Archuleta and Dolores Sedillo. Teresa married Lyon Phillipowski then Sam Corbet 1848/1849 Sometime during this period Juliana died or left José, why, is so far, a mystery. In the 1850 Census a Juana Padilla (age 30)(Juliana ?) and ‗Lada were living in the household of Ygnacio Guevara and Annamaria Torres in the goldfields of Santa Fe Co. Family tradition says that ‗Lada‘s mother died when she was quite young, which the facts seem to prove. The perplexing question is why was ‗Lada living somewhere else? Also during this time Polonia Herrera came to live with José. María Apolonia Herrera Daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega, baptized 5 Aug 1823, age 24 days, in las Manzanas. Her Godparents were Julián Sánchez and Rafaela Romero. 143 1850 Feb.18- A daughter, Ma. „Manuela‟ Padilla, age 1 mo. 18 days, was baptized to José and Polonia. The maternal grandparents were Francisco Herrera and Francisca. Ortega, they were also the Godparents. Manuela nicknamed ―Margarita‖ married José Chávez 1850 Oct. 31- José and ―Polonia‖ were married, the witnesses were Jesús Maldonado and José Torres. 1856 Apr. 10- A daughter, María „Francisca‟ Padilla was born, baptized 30 Apr 1856, age 20 days. Godparents: Placido Saches and Anamaria Torres Francisca married David McKinley then John Mack. 1866- They adopted an Indian child, José Alberto “Adan” Padilla, baptized 14 Oct 1866 in Rio Bonito by the Priest from Manzano; José and Polonia were the Godparents. Adan married Teodora García 1850 Census- Shows in Manzano: José Padila, age 36, male; occupation, farmer; real estate value $100 Pelonia Padila, age 38, female Casimira Padila, age 18, female Senobio Padila, age 10, male Ysidero Padila, age 8, male Manuela Padila, age 1, female Note: See the Ygnacio Guevara, Anamaria Torres document for further info. on ‗Lada‘ and her upbringing. 1860 Census- Shows in Manzano: José Padilla, age 41, male; occ. farmer; real est. $100; personal est. $1251 Pelonia Padilla, age 26, female Senobia Padilla, age 20, male Ysidro Padilla, age 17, male Teresa Padilla, age 9, female Ma. Manuel Padilla, age 8, female Especial Padilla, age 3, male From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #28, 29 28 Padilla, Jose 65 m Farmer 28 Padilla, Polonia (Herrera) 38 f Keeping House 28 Padilla, Francisca 14 f 28 Padilla, Adan 8 m 29 Padilla, Ysidro 27 m Laborer 29 Padilla, Catalina 21 f Keeping House 29 Padilla, Viviana 3 f 144 $1,000 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.58, Salado, Family #26, 27 26 McKinley, David m 35 Dairy 26 McKinley, Francis f 25 Wife Keeping House 26 McKinley, Manuel? m 9 Son 26 McKinley, Ysidro m 7 Son 27 (Padilla) Herrera, Polonia f 50 27 Padilla, Adan m 15 Son Herding 145 Padilla, Jose Leon and Nestora Zamora 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José León Padilla Son of José Antonio Padilla and Narcisa Carrillo. (José Antonio was brother to Jesús María Padilla Sr.) Born about 1857 Nestora Zamora Married, 1876 in Manzano Nestora: Daughter of Juan de Jesús Zamora and Marcelina Serna [FWS] Baptized 2 Feb 1857, age 3 days, in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Mariano Pino and Ulogia Baca Notes: They came to Lincoln Co. with Nestora‘s family Children of Nestora and José León: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Genoveva Padilla Esteban Padilla Ramona Padilla m. Frank Nelson Gregorio Padilla María Antonia Padilla b. 13 June 1881 Bapt. 29 June 1881 Godparents Eusebio Chávez and Crispina García María Concepción Padilla b. 3 December 1883 Bapt. 17 December 1883 at Rio Bonito Godparents Francisco Gómez and Crescencia Salas m. Emiliano McKinley then Silvestre Baca José León Padilla Jr. b. 18 July 1886 Bapt. 18 July 1886 at Sierra Capitan Godparents Nicolas Chaves and Perfidia Trujillo m. Anita Freeman then Rosa Olgin Virginia Padilla 28 March 1890 Bapt. 5 April 1890 at Lincoln Godparents José Chávez and Doloritas Sandoval 146 Victoriana Padilla b. 20 March 1893 Bapt. 11 January 1894 at Sierra Capitan Godparents Rafael Padilla and Altagracia Lujan Joseph Padilla b. 19 March 1895 Bapt. 30 May 1895 at Sierra Capitana Godparents Francisco Zamora and Sista Salas (Priest‘s note: Joseph m. Conrada Sánchez 1 January 1912) Virginia Padilla b. 15 January 1897 Bapt. 25 January 1897 Godparents José Chávez and Ms. Sandoval m. Francisco Sánchez Manuel Padilla b. 15 July 1899 Bapt. 1 August 1899 Godparents Eusebio Gurule and Ema St. John m. Aurora Savedra From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.18, Lincoln Twn. Family #95 95 Padilla, Jose m 23 Laborer 95 Padilla, Nestora f 24 Wife Keeping House 147 Padilla, Senobio and Saturnia Torres 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Senobio‟ Padilla Son of José Encarnación Padilla and Julianita Lucero Baptized 8 Dec 1839, age 1 month, in Manzano* Godparents: José Sánchez and Ma. Beniga Sánchez Died Saturnina Torres Married: Daughter of José Torres and Trinidad Chaves Baptized 2 Oct 1845, age 2 days, in Manzano Godparents: Pedro Antonio Samora and Ma. Luisa Chaves Died The children of Senobio and Saturnia: Antonia Padilla b. abt. 1864 m. José Herrera Celestino Padilla Bapt. 10 July 1870 at 4 months of age at Missury(Missouri Plaza) Godparents Francisco Sedillo and Paula Chavez Irineo Padilla Bapt. 5 November 1873 at 7 days at Rio Bonito Godparents Mr. Phillipowski and Teresa Padilla Severo Padilla b. abt. 1875 m. Josefa Sánchez Julián Padilla b. 29 October 1880 no baptismal date given Godparents Mr. Padilla and Apolonia Herrera Bonefacia Padilla b. abt. 1878 m. Ysidoro Zamóra Juliana Padilla m. Julián Serna, 28 Jan 1897 Dolores Padilla b. Apr. 4, 1882, Capitan, NM Bapt. 1 May 1882 Godfather José Torres d. Aug. 15, 1974, Belen, NM m. Vitoriano Artiaga 148 Celso Padilla b. 13 January 1886 Bapt. 27 February 1886 at Magado Godparents Eulazio Errera and Anastasia Archuleta (Priest‘s note Celso m. Carolina Luam(?) no date/location given) From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 3, Family #10 10 Padilla, Senobio 30 m Farmer $200 10 Padilla, Saturnia 25 f Keeping House 10 Padilla, Antonia 6 f 10 Padilla, Selestino 1 m From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 58, Salado, Family #35 35 Padilla, Senobio m 38 Farmer 35 Padilla, Saturnia f 35 Wife Keeping House 35 Padilla, Celestino m 11 Son 35 Padilla, Erenaio? m 7 Son 35 Padilla, Severo m 5 Son 35 Padilla, Bonifacia f 2 Daughter 149 $100 Padilla, Severo and Josefa Sanchez 1899 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Severo Padilla Son of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres Born abt. 1875 Died before 1904 Josefa Sánchez Married, 4 Mar 1899 Padrinos, Isidro Analla and Anita Peppin Severo from Tucson, Josefa from Picacho In 1904 she married Feliz Zamora Josefa: Daughter of Esiquio Sanchez and Isabel Analla Born Died 150 Padilla, Vicente and Bersabe Gonzales -Ante [Return to TOC] Vicente Padilla Son of Born Died before 1894 Bersabe (Bethsabe) Gonzales Married, Bethsabe: Daughter of Manuel Gonzales and Faustina Baca Born 11 Jun 1866 Baptized 5 Jul 1866 Godparents, José Ma. Cisneros and Margarita Pino Died Notes: Bersabe remarried, from Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano marriage records: ―In this Church of El Manzano, today the 9th of March of 1894, I married Severo Candelaria single, legitimate son of Santiago Candelaria and of Paula Lobato, from La Sienega, with Bersabe Gonzales widow of Vicente Padilla, legitimate daughter of Manual de Jesus Padilla and Faustina Chaves, from La Sienega. Padrinos, Juan de la Cruz Peralta and Melitona Gonzales. Witness, Teodoro Candelaria. (Note: The brides father is listed as Padilla-copied as shown.)‖ Children of Bersabe and Vicente: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Clara Padlla m. Pablo Pino Ramona Padilla m. Isabel Peralta Carlota Padilla m. Pablo Trujillo ―On the 23rd of April of 1906, I married very solemnly Pablo Trujillo single, (23 years, 3 months and 20 days), legitimate son of Jose Guillermo Trujillo and of Maria Edelia Trujillo, with Carlota Padilla single, (17 years), legitimate daughter of Vicente Padilla, deceased, and of Bersabe Gonzales, from La Sienega, N.M. Padrinos, Eutemio Luna and Piedad Armijo.‖ 151 Padilla, Ysidro and Catalina Giron 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Ysidro‟ Padilla Son of José Encarnación Padilla and Julianita Lucero Baptized 3 Jul 1842, age 11 days, in Manzano Paternal Grandparents: Manuel Padilla and Lorenza Salas Maternal Grandparents: Domingo Lucero and Manuela Mirabal Godparents: Julián Mirabal and Juana Montoya Catalina Giron Married, Born Died Children of Catalina and Ysidro: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María „Viviana‟ Padilla Baptized 11 Mar 1867 in Manzano, born 2 Dec 1866 Godparents: Nicolas Perea and Casimira Torres From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #29 29 Padilla, Ysidro 27 m Laborer 29 Padilla, Catalina 21 f Keeping House 29 Padilla, Viviana 3 f 152 Peralta, Filomeno and Casimira Torres 1895 [Return to TOC] Filomeno Peralta Son of Juan José Peralta and Antonia Córdova Born about 1843 Died Casimira Torres Married(1), Born about 1847 Died before 1875 Hilaria Padilla Married(2), 17 Aug 1875 in Manzano ―In this Church of El Manzano, today the 17th of August, of 1875, I married Filomeno Peralta widow of Casimira Torres legitimate son of Juan Jose Peralta and of Maria Antonia Cortes with Hilaria Padia widow of Jose Chavez and legitimate daughter of Jesus Maria Padia and of Hilaria (Sostena) Carillo. Witnesses, Eutymio Romero and Maria de la Paz Sausal, From Manzano.‖ From marriage records Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano Hilaria: Daughter of Jesús María Padilla and Sostena Carrillo Born Died Children of Casimira and Filomeno: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Paz Peralta 1859Saturnina Peralta 1865Monico Peralta 1869-1943 m. Ramoncita Perea Pedro Peralta m. Lorenza Padilla Children of Hilaria and Filomeno: Nicolas Peralta 1876- m. Leonore Sandoval Isabel Peralta m. Ramona Padilla 153 Peralta, Isabel and Ramona Padilla 1902 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Isabel Peralta Son of Filomeno Peralta and Hilaria Padilla Born about 1879 Died Ramona Padilla Married, 14 Jul 1902 ―On the 14th of July of 1902, I married very solemnly Isabel Peralta single, (23 years), legitimate son of Filomeno Peralta and of Hilaria Padilla, from El Capitan (County of Lincoln), with Ramona Padilla single, (15 years), legitimate daughter of Vicente Padilla, deceased, and of Bersabe Gonzales, from La Cienega, N. Mex. Padrinos, Eutemio Luna and Piedad Armijo.‖ From the marriage records of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano. Ramona: Daughter of Vicente Padilla and Bersabe Gonzales Born about 1887 Died Notes: In the 1910 Census they lived in Capitan, Dist.0111, Family 70 Children of Ramona and Isabel: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Guadalupe Peralta (m) b. 12 Dec 1903 Bapt. 24 Jan 1904 Godparents, Cleto Chávez and Prudencia Miranda Antonio Peralta b. 17 Jan 1906 Bapt. 3 Apr 1906 in Capitan Godparents José Torres and Rosa Chávez Maria del Carmen Peralta b. 16 Jul 1908 Bapt. 3 Sep 1908, in Capitan Godparents, Bernardo Padilla and Adelaida Padilla Juliana Peralta b. Mar 1910 154 Peralta, Juan and Nicanora Gallegos -Ante [Return to TOC] Juan Peralta Son of Juan José Peralta and Antonia Córdova Born 28 Dec 1831 in La Jolla, NM Died Nicanora Gallegos Married, 18 Jan 1858 in Socorro, NM Nicanora: Daughter of Antonio Gallegos and Marcelina Carrillo Born 14 Jan 1845 in La Jolla, NM Died Notes: In 1880 they are living in Valencia Co. at La Cienega, Family 306. Children of Nicanora and Juan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Florencio Peralta b. abt. 1862 m. Lenore Chávez 1869-1927 (m. 6 Oct 1884 in Manzano) Natividad Peralta 1866-1942 m. Jesús Flores Catalina Peralta 1868-1949 m. Felix Gonzales Timoteo Peralta b. abt. 1871 Lucia Peralta b. abt. 1873 Andres Peralta b. abt. 1877 Mercedes Peralta b. Sep 1879 155 Peralta, Monico and Ramona Perea 1895 [Return to TOC] Monico Peralta Son of Filomeno Peralta and Casimira Torres Born May 1869 Died 5 Jul 1943 in Capitan Buried La Sierrita (Tucson) Ramona Perea Married, 28 Nov 1895 ―On the 28th of November of 1895, in El Manzano, I married Monico Peralta legitimate son of Filomeno Peralta and of the deceased Casimira Torrez with Ramona Perea single, legitimate daughter of Adelaido Perea and of the deceased, Catarina Romero. Witnesses, Eutemio Luna and Piedad Armijo.‖ From the marriage records of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano. Ramona: Daughter of Adelaido Perea and Catarina Romero Born May 1876 Died 3 Oct 1939 in La Sierrita, buried in La Sierrita Notes: 1910 Census, Lincoln Co., Pct.1, Lincoln, Family 6 Children of Ramona and Monico: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Prospero Peralta b. Oct 1896 Nemecio Peralta b. May 1898 Doroteo Peralta b. 22 Jul 1900 Bapt. 2 Sep 1900 in Lincoln Co. Godparents, Filomeno Peralta and Hilaria Padilla m. Tomacita Pino 12 Nov 1920 Juan Peralta b. 17 Mar 1903 Bapt. 12 Apr 1903 Godparents, Nicolas Peralta and Leonor Sandoval Cirilo Peralta b. 9 Jul 1905 Bapt. 20 Sep 1905 in Capitan Godparents, Isabel Peralta and Ramona Peralta Luisa Peralta 13 Oct 1907 Bapt. 18 Jan 1908 in Sierrita Godparents, Boney Pino and Andrea Miller 156 Reymundo Peralta 15 Mar 1909 Bapt. 23 Jun 1909 in Lincoln Godparents. José Ma. Padilla and Luisa Montoya Teresa Peralta 9 Jun 1911 Bapt. 3 Aug 1911 in Capitan Godparents, Bonifacio Trujillo and Dorotea Pino Isadora Peralta b. 25 Dec 1913 Bapt. 27 Mar 1914 in Capitan Godparents, Preciliano Pino and Isadora Pino Lugarda Peralta b. 26 Apr 1916 Bapt. 29 Jun 1916 in Capitan Godparents, Carlos Romero and Josefa Trujillo m. Francisco Trujillo 23 Jul 1939 Julia Peralta b. 12 Apr 1918 Bapt. 2 Jun 1918 in Capitan Godparents, Pablo Trujillo and Carlota Padilla m. Ramon Pino 21 Oct 1939 157 Peralta, Nicolas and Leonore Sandoval 1898 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Nicolas Peralta Son of Filomeno Peralta and Hilaria Padilla residents of el Tucson Born 10 Sep 1876 Baptized 16 Sep 1876 in Manzano Godparents, Juan de la Cruz Peralta and Nicanora Gallegos Died Leonore Sandoval Married 24 Jan 1898 Padrinos, Eduvigen Padilla and Antonia Zamora Leonore was previously married to Boston Freeman Leonore: Daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres residents of White Oaks Born about 1871 Died 18 Jul 1939 in Capitan, buried at Capitan Cemetery The children of Nicolas and Leonore: Juliana Peralta b. 23 January 1899 Bapt. 25 February 1899 Godparents Isabel Peralta and Sabina Padilla (Priest‘s note: Juliana m. Eduardo Zamora 27 January 1916) Clara Peralta b. 27 May 1901 Bapt. 30 June 1901 Godparents Juan L. Reyes and Encarnación Gonzales (Priest‘s note: Clara m. Nestor Aguilar 12 March 1917) Feliz Peralta b. 1 October 1903 Bapt. 24 November 1903 at Tucson Godparents Filomeno Peralta and Ilaria Padilla (Priest‘s note: Feliz m. Margarito Chavez 12 August 1922) Miguel Peralta b. 2 March 1906 Bapt. 25 March 1906 at Sierra Capitan Godparents José Leon Padilla and Nestora Zamora Filomeno Peralta b. 14 December 1909 Bapt. 10 January 1910 at Lincoln Godparents Francisco Zamora and Xista Salas Florencio Peralta b. 28 April 1912 Bapt. 22 June 1912 at Capitan Godparents Felix Gonzales and his wife 158 Phillipowski, Lyon and Teresa Padilla 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Lyon Phillipowski Born about 1836 in Poland Died in a gunfight in Lincoln with William Burns, 21 Oct 1873 Teresa Padilla Married; Teresa later married Sam Corbet Teresa appears to be José Encarnación and Julianita Lucero‘s daughter, based on the fact that her baby and José‘s adopted boy were baptized on the same day in Rio Bonito; also her age is right. And she appears as a godmother on several family baptisms. They lived in the same area in 1870; the Phillipowski‘s lived in or adjacent to Ft. Stanton and the Padilla‘s just outside. Teresa: Born Jan 1848 in Manzano, Valencia Co. Baptized 8 Mar 1848, age 2 months, in Manzano* Paternal Grandparents: Manuel Padilla and Lorenza Salas Maternal Grandparents: Domingo Lucero and Manuela Mirabal Godparents: José Archuleta and Dolores Sedillo Died 10 Feb 1882 The child of Lyon and Teresa: María Dolores “Lola” Phillipowski b. 10 Oct 1866 (Ma. Dolores Bosek, daughter of Leon Philip Bosek & Teresa Padilla – the actual wording of the record) Baptized 14 Oct 1866 in Rio Bonito by the Priest from Manzano Godparents: Saturnino Baca and Juana Chaves From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #7 7 Philliponski, Lyon 34 m Probate Clerk $150 7 Philliponski, Teresa 22 f Keeping House 7 Philliponski, Lolita 4 f 159 $300 Poland New Mexico New Mexico Pino, Abel and Felicitas Gonzales, Clara Padilla 1905 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Abel Pino Son of Pablo Pino and María Chávez Born about 1881 Died Felicitas Gonzales Married(1), 21 Sep 1905 From Capitan Padrinos, Isabel Peralta and Ramona Peralta Felicitas: Daughter of Felix Gonzales and Catharina Peralta Born about 1892 Died about 1907 Clara Padilla Married(2), 14 Sep 1908 ―On the 14th of September of 1908, I married after dispensing of the 2nd degree of Affinity, Abel Pino (27 years), legitimate son of Pablo Pino and of Maria Chavez and widow in 1st marriage of Felicitas Gonzales, from El Capitan, County of Lincoln, with Clara Padilla single, (17 years and 1 month and 14 days), legitimate daughter of Vicente Padilla, deceased and of Bersabe Gonzales from La Sienega, N. M. Padrinos, Jose Antonio Garcia and Ramona Candelaria.‖ From the marriage records of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manzano Children of Abel and Felicitas: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Felicitas Margarita Pino b. 27 October 1906 Bapt. 9 December 1906 at Sierrita Godparents Juan Andres Silva and Petra Gallegos Children of Abel and Clara: Tomasita Pino b. abt. 1907 (1920 Census) Unless this is Felicitas above Juanita Pino b. abt 1909 (1920 Census) Francisco “Frank” Pino b. 9 Mar 1910 Bapt. 17 Jun 1910 in Capitan Godparents, Isabel Peralta and Ramona Padilla Jose Maria Pino b. abt. 1911 (1920 Census) 160 Ma. Margarita “Maggie” Pino b. 10 Jun 1912 Bapt. 13 Jun 1912 in Capitan Godparents, Preciliano Pino and Isidora Chávez 161 Pino, Gregorio and Reymunda Silva 1911 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Gregorio Pino Son of Presciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez Born: Nov. 10, 1891, Tucson Mountains, Lincoln Co. Baptized: Dec. 10, 1891 Died: April 5, 1943, Pino Ranch near Carrizozo, NM Buried: Carrizozo, Public Cemetery Occupation: Rancher, Farmer Reymunda Silva Married: July 12, 1911, Silva/Peralta Ranch Chapel / near Capitan Reymunda: Daughter of Juan Andres Silva and Petra Vallejos (Ballejos) Born: Mar. 13, 1893, Silva Ranch Died: March 17, 1945, Carrizozo Buried: Evergreen Cemetery Occupation: Housewife The children of Reymunda and Gregorio: Beatriz Pino b. Sept. 1911, Carrizozo, NM Bapt. Nov. 17, 1912, Carrizozo, NM d. Morenci, Arizona Buried, Jan 6, 1984, Morenci, AZ m. Benny Sanchez Presiliano Saturnino San Andrino Juan Andres Pino b. Oct. 10, 1913, Capitan Bapt. Nov. 8, 1913, Padrinos: Saturnino Baca & Juanita Chavez d. May 11, 1995, Pino Ranch near Carrizozo Buried, Catholic Cemetery in Carrizozo m. Esther Lucero Lopez on Aug. 24, 1938, San Patricio, NM Carmen Pino b. Aug. 28, 1915, Capitan, NM Bap. Nov. 15, 1915, Padrinos: Enrique Silva & Rebecca Artiaga d. Dec. 7, 1942, Carrizozo, NM Buried, Carrizozo Public Cemetery m. Salomon Saavedra Apr 14, 1937 Louisa Pino b. Aug 19, 1918, Carrizozo, NM Bapt. Nov. 9, 1918, Carrizozo, NM, Padrinos: Preciliano Pino & Isidora Chávez d. Oct. 14, 1988, Tularosa, NM Buried: Tularosa, NM 162 m. Alfred Martinez Apr 18, 1939, Carrizozo, NM Julian Gregorio Pino b. Jan 28, 1920, Carrizozo, NM Bapt. April 15, 1920, Padrinos: Margarito Silva & Ana Maria Pino d. Apr 24, 1920, Carrizozo, NM, Source: Family Gregorita Emilia 'Emma' Pino b. Apr 25, 1921, Carrizozo, NM Bapt. June 11, 1921, Carrizozo, NM, Padrinos‖ Margarito & Edubigen S. Chávez m. June 11, 1938 Petra Pino b. Mar 25, 1923 Bapt. Apr 5, 1923, Carrizozo, NM. Padrinos: Preciliano & Isidora Pino m. Estolano Sanchez May 4, 1949 m. Joe Ramirez Herminia Elvira Antonia “Minnie” Pino b. Mar 25, 1926, Carrizozo, NM, Source: church Bapt. May 31, 1926, Carrizozo, NM, Padrinos: Frank Chávez & Matilda Duran m. Julian Martinez Feb. 7, 1948 163 Pino, Pablo and Iginia Cordova, Maria Chavez 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Pablo Pino Son of Antonio and Ana María Pino of Sabinal Born Apr 1837 in Jareles, Valencia Co., NM Died after 1910 in White Oaks Iginia Córdova Married(1), 30 Jul 1855 in the Belén jurisdiction On the marriage record her name is spelled Genia. Testigos were Juan Pino, Antonio Adeita and Tomasito García. It was a double wedding, also married were Pablo‘s brother Féliz and Iginia‘s sister Albina. Iginia: Daughter of Antonio Córdova and María Chavez of Jarales, NM Born Died María “Marita” Chávez Married(2), before 1873 María: Born about 1850 NM Died after 1910 in White Oaks Children of Iginia and Pablo: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Perciliano Pino b. abt. 1859 in the Sabinal area m. Donancia Chávez then Isadora Chávez Gregorio Pino 25 Nov 1861 in Jarales Children of María and Pablo: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María Josefa Pino Bapt. 22 July 1873 at Rio Bonito Godparents Saturnino (Baca) and Juana Chavez Eusubia Pino b. abt. 1874 Bonifacio Pino b. abt. 1877 m. Andrea Miller Ana María Pino b. 23 Mar 1878 m. Margarito Silva 164 Abel Pino b. aft. 1880 m. Felicitas Gonzales Dorotea Pino b. 29 April 1895 Bapt. 2 June 1895 at Sierra de Tucson Godparents Martín and Guadalupe Vaca m. Boney Trujillo 5 Jun 1911 in Capitan From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 58, Nogal, Family #16 16 Pino, Pablo m 47 Laborer 16 Pino, Maria f 30 Wife Keeping House 16 Pino, Perciliano m 21 Son 16 Pino, Gregorio m 17 Son 16 Pino, Josefita f 7 Daughter 16 Pino, Eusibia f 6 Daughter 16 Pino, Boni m 3 Son 16 Pino, Ana Maria f 1 Daughter See the 1900 Census, Lincoln Co., Gray, ED68, Sheet 7A 165 Pino, Perciliano and Isidora Chavez, Donancia Chavez 1890 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Perciliano Pino Son of Pablo Pino and Igninia Cordoba Born 1 May 1859 in the Belén jurisdiction Died 1930 Buried Carrizozo Donancia Chávez Married in Dona Ana Co. NM Donancia: Daughter of Manuelita (Margarita) Padilla and José Chávez Born 15 Jul 1870 Died 16 Feb 1903 Buried in unmarked grave in White Oaks Isidora Chavez Married, 27 Aug 1906 by the Priest of Santa Rita Parish Validating a Civil Marriage Isadora: Daughter of Manuel Chávez and Eduvigen Silva Born about 1891 Died Children of Donancia and Preciliano: Estefana Pino b. 25 Dec 1887 Bapt. 10 May 1888 Godparents Manuel and Romualda Trujillo d. 28 Apr 1956 m. Benino Gallegos Gregorio Pino Bapt. 10 Nov 1891 at 1 month of age at Tucson Godparents Margarito Silva and Lola Sandoval m. Reymunda Silva at the Chapel on the Silva/Peralta Ranch Carmelita Pino died young Children of Isidora and Preciliano: Pablo Pino b. 3 Oct 1909 Bapt. 21 Nov 1909 in Carrizozo Godparents Gregorio Pino and Apoloina Herrera d. 12 Jun 1925 -At old ranch while fixing fence, struck by lighting. Also killed cousin Eduardo Silva Gallego (Tia Estefana and Benino‘s son). Pablo Lorenzo Pino b. 22 Apr 1931 166 Bapt. 4 Oct 1931 at Carrizozo Godparents Ignacio Ortiz and Francisca Padilla m. Eliza Telles 4 Dec 1948 in Tularosa Carmen Pino Bapt. 30 Jun 1945 at Tularosa Godparents were Feed and Dorothy Silva (Priest‘s note: Carmen Pino dau. of Preciliano and Isidora m. Serafin Sanchez 30 June 1945 at Tularosa) 167 Romero, Jose and Barbara McViegh 1897 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Romero Son of Ologio Romero and Casimira Padilla from Lincoln Born Died Barbara McVeigh Married, 2 Aug 1897 Padrinos, Juan Perea and Epifania Lalone Barbara: Daughter of Charles McVeigh and Clara Shapkington from Ft. Santon Born Died Children of José and Barbara: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Francisco Romero b. 18 March 1900 Bapt. 28 April 1900 Godparents Juan Perea and María Peña María Romero b. 1 September 1910 Bapt. 4 October 1910 at Lincoln Godparents Carlos Perea and Casimira Torres (Priest‘s note: María m. Russell Purcey 6 June 1939) Eulalia Romero b. 23 December 1912 Bapt. 5 March 1913 at Lincoln Godparents Willie Norman and May Walters Beatrice Romero b. 23 October 1917 Bapt. 14 September 1917 Godparents Flavio Chávez and Francesquita Frésquez (Priest‘s note: Beatrice m. Paul D. Fulmer 10 August 1948 in Baldwin Park, California) 168 Salas, Lorenza and Torres, Padilla, Gonzales -Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Lorenza Salas Daughter of Lorenzo Salas and Victoria Gutierres Married (1) José Torres The child of José and Lorenza: Ana Maria Torres, she married first Santiago Toledo then Ygnacio Guevara Married (2) Manuel Padilla He was apparently the natural son of Encarnación Torres ¿and Tomas Padilla? The child of Lorenza and Manuel: José Encarnción Padilla Baptized 25 Mar 1814, age 7 days, in San Fernando Godparents: Pedro Anto. Padilla and Josefa Lente m. Julianita Lucero then Polonia Herrera Married (3) Juan Gonzales 27 Sep 1816 Padrinos: Felipe Gonzales and Ana María Gonzales He was the son of Santiago Gonzales and Teresa Jollanca He was previously married to Mariá Antonia Montolla Children of Juan and María Antonia as found in the Tomé Baptisms. María Josefa Gonzales Daughter, Baptized 23 Mar 1811, age 1 day in San Fernando, NM Godparents: José Manuel Trujillo and Ana Ma. Benevides José Pablo Gonzales Son, Baptized 4 Mar 1815, age 3 days in San Fernando, NM Godparents: Felipe Torres and Gregoria Luna Children of Juan and Lorenza as found in the Tomé Baptisms. María Dolores Gonzales Daughter, Baptized 20 Jan 1817, age 4 days in San Fernando, NM Godparents: Joaquin Perea and María Antonia Gonzales Married Juan Antonio Lucero 169 María Antonia Gonzales Daughter, Baptized 13 Mar 1819, age 4 days in San Fernando, NM Godparents: Pablo Toledo and Ma. Josefa Padilla Married Joaquín Perea Juliana de los Dolores Gonzales Daughter, Baptized 14 Apr 1822 in San Fernando, NM Godparents: Santiago _____ and Juliana Toledo Married Juan José Márquez Baltazar de los Reyes Gonzales Son, Baptized 6 Jan 1825, age 6 days in San Fernando, NM Godparents: Francisco Baca and Anna Ma. Mirabal In 1860 Lorenza was living with her grand-daughter Nicanora (Juliana‘s daughter) and near her daughter, Anamaria Torres and her husband Ygnacio Guebara. From the 1860 Census, Manzno, Valencia Co. NM, Families 523,524,525. el Manzano 523 Nino Ladron de Guebara, Ygnacio 57 m Farmer el Manzano 523 Torres, Anamaria 46 f el Manzano 523 Guebara, Estanislada 14 f el Manzano 523 Guebara, Maximo 4 m el Manzano 524 N. Laron de Guebara, Placido 22 m el Manzano 524 N. Laron de Guebara, Maria 23 f el Manzano 525 Carrillo, Jose 26 m Laborer el Manzano 525 Marquez, Nicanora 22 f el Manzano 525 Carrillo, Espiridion 5 m el Manzano 525 Carrillo, Dorotea 3 m el Manzano 525 Salas, Lorenza 70 f el Manzano 525 Salas, Julian 19 m 170 Salazar, Frank and Jesusita Leal 1894 [Return to TOC] [Return to Ortiz] Francisco „Frank‟ Salazar Born March 1867 Died Jesucita Leal Married; Jesucita next married Francisco Guevara [FWS] in 1902 and had four more children. Jesucita: Daughter of Manuel Leal and Refugia Ortiz Born Jan. 1877 (1874 on her headstone) Died 1922 in El Paso. The children of Frank and Jesucita: Conrado Salazar Bapt. 23 November 1893 at 2 months of age at Lincoln Godparents Francisco Salazar and Maximiliana B. m. Cipriana Martinez Refugia Salazar b. 2 June 1897 Bapt. 5 September 1897 at White Oaks Godparents Tiofilo Lalone and Estanislada Padilla Juan Salazar b. 8 March 1899 Bapt. 22 April 1899 at White Oaks Godparents Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez Alejandro Salazar b. 10 April 1900 Bapt. 15 July 1900 at White Oaks Godparents Juan B. Barreras and Mary G. House 171 Sanchez, Crecencio and Maria Sanchez, Guadalupe Trujillo 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Joe Sanchez] Crecencio (Sanches) Sánchez Son of Julián Sanches and Luisa Lucero Born Died Nestora Sedillo Married(1), Died before Dec 1875 María Sánchez Married(2), 10 Dec 1875 Daughter of Juan Sanchez and Ma. Gudalupe Chavez Died after May 1889 Guadalupe Trujillo Married(3), 10 Jan 1899 in San Isidro (Ruidoso) Both residents of San Isidro Padrinos, Felipe Montoya and Dolores Sánchez She was the widow of Juan Mirabal Guadalupe: Daughter of Santiago Trujillo and María Gutiérrez Born 3 Dec 1842 Died 12 Jun 1912 Children of Crecencio and Nestora: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Nicolas Sánchez b. abt. 1867 Toribio Sánchez b. abt. 1871 Children of Crecencio and María: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Refugio Sanchez b. abt. 1876 José de los Angeles (Joe) Sánchez b. 2 Aug 1880 bapt. 10 Feb 1882 in Rio Ruidoso Godparents, (see his worksheet) m. Addie Lalone Elena Sánchez b. 29 Dec 1882 bapt. 6 Jan 1883 in Lincoln, age 8 days Godparents, Mauricio Sanches and Ma Sanches (the record says 172 Elena‘s mother was Ma. Maldonado, could it have been mixed up?) m. José Romero José Gregorio Sánchez b. 20 Dec 1884 bapt. 27 Jan 1885 in Rio Ruidoso Godparents, Gregorio García and Martina Mares Sara Sánchez b. 22 Jun 1886 bapt. 11 Jul 1886 in Rio Ruidoso Godparents, Martín Sedillo and Juana Sánchez Adolfo Sánchez b. 7 May 1888 bapt. 16 May 1888 Godparents, Incarnación Casares and Cruz Archuleta Child of Crecencio and Guadalupe: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Crecencio Sánchez b. 1 Mar 1900 bapt. 17 Mar 1900 in San Patricio Godparents, Isidro Chávez and Josfa Sánchez (the record give his mothers name as Juana Sánchez?) From 1880 Census, Lincoln Co., Junction Plaza, Fam. #16 16 Sanches, Crecencio m 32 Laborer 16 Sanches, Maria f 25 Wife Keeping House 16 Sanches, Nicolas m 13 Son Laborer 16 Sanches, Torecivo? m 9 Son 16 Sanches, Refugio m 4 Son 16 Sanches, Francisco m 60 Father Laborer 173 NM NM NM NM NM NM Sanchez, Francisco and Concepcion Trujillo, Virginia Padilla 1880 [Return to TOC] Francisco Sánchez y Gonzales Son of Mauricio Sanches and María Jesús Gonzales Born about 1855 Concepción Trujillo Married(1), 19 Mar 1873 Concepción: Born about 1859 Died 1899 or after Virginia Padilla Married(2), 14 Nov 1910 Padrinos, Teoflio and Reyers F. Cisneros Virginia: Daughter of José León Padilla and Nestora Zamora Born Died Children of Concepción and Francisco: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Napoleon Sánchez Bapt. 19 June 1874 at Ruidoso Godparents Felis and Ascension Trujillo m. María Chávez David Sánchez b. 6 November 1876 Bapt. 10 December 1876 at San Patricio Godaprents Tranquilino and María Montolla m. Francisca Archuleta Antonio Sánchez b. 8 Feb 1878 Bapt. 7 March 1878 at San Patricio Godparents Francisco and Romula Pacheco m. Carolina Romero Mauricio Sánchez b. Sep 1881 m. Delfinia Romero Patricio Sánchez b. 1884 m. Iselia Trujillo Jacobo Sánchez b. Apr 1886 m. ? 174 Eloisa Sánchez b. 10 Feb 1888 Bapt. 21 July 1891 Godparents Florencio and Raymunda Gonzales m. Felipe Saiz Refina Sánchez b. Jul 1889 Conrado Sánchez b. 15 Apr 1896 Bapt. 20 July 1896 at San Patricio Godparents Florencio and Raymunda Gonzales m. Josefita Padilla Refugio Sánchez b. 4 July 1899 Bapt. 3 August 1899 at San Patricio Godparents Juan de Dios Romero and Cristina Castillo (Priest‘s note: Refugio m. Pablo Herrera 19 February 1919) Children of Virginia and Francisco : (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Leandra Sánchez b. 26 February 1912 Bapt. 17 March 1912 at San Patricio Godparents José Leon Padilla and Nestora Padilla Manuel Sánchez b. 21 April 1914 Bapt. 3 May 1914 at San Patricio Godparents Rafael and Visitación Sánchez From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.18, Plaza San Patricio, Family #45 45 Sanches, Francisco m 25 Laborer 45 Sanches, Concepcion f 21 Wife Keeping House 45 Sanches, Napoleon m 5 Son 45 Sanches, David m 3 Son 45 Sanches, Antonio m 2 Son 45 Chaves, Iredsio m 7 S. Son 45 Sanches, Florencio m 59 Boarder Herder 175 Sanchez, Joe and Addie LaLone 1903 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José de los Angeles “Joe” Sánchez Son of Cresencio Sánchez and María Sánchez [FWS] Born 2 August 1880 Baptized 10 Feb 1881 Ruidoso 1- Godparents, Torivio Chávez and Florencia Trujillo (record on page 20) 2- Godparents, Tomas Sánchez and Florencio(?) Trujillo (record on loose page) Died 29 September 1954 in Los Angeles Co. CA Adelaida “Addie” LaLone Married, 12 Feb 1903 Both from White Oaks Padrinos, Julián Leal and Carolina Lalone Addie: Daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and ‗Lada Padilla Born July 31, 1885 Died 1914 in Lincoln Co. NM Children of Joe and Addie: Sophie Sanchez b. July 17, 1904 Bapt. 21 August 1904, White Oaks, NM Godparents Frederico and Margarita Lalone d. in CA m. Lawson Miller, March 20, 1942. Teresa Sanchez b. September 10, 1905 Bapt. 24 October 1905, White Oaks, NM Godparents Tomas Chávez and Florencia Trujillo d. in CA Paulita Sanchez b. 2 Mar 1907 Baptized 7 Apr 1907 in Carrizozo Godparents were Tioflio Lalone and Estanislada Padilla d. 1912 María “Mary” Sanchez b. January 1, 1909 Bapt. 25 March 1909, White Oaks, NM Godparents: Lorenzo & Maximiliana Guebara d. November 18, 1982 in CA m. Ralph Kenny, March 24, 1940 Adolph Sanchez b. April 13, 1911 d. in CA m. Margret, June 20, 1936 176 Sandoval y Sena, Jesus and Maria Torres 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Jesús Sandoval y Seña Son of Miguel Sandoval and María Seña Born: Abt. 1842 in Santa Fe, NM Died: 20 Mar 1898 in White Oaks, Lincoln County, NM María Torres Married, 15 Oct 1866 in Rio Bonito María: Daughter of José Torres y Lucero and Trinidad Chavez of Manzano Born about 1855 in Manzano, Valencia County, NM Died May 24, 1910 in Carrizozo, Lincoln County, NM The children of María and Jesús: This list is a composite and may not be totally correct. Esiquía Sandoval Bapt. 9 Jul 1870 at 5 days of age at Bonito Godparents Teofilo Lalone and Estanislada Padilla m. Jesús Maria Padilla Leonora Sandoval b. abt. 1871 m. Nicolas Peralta Dolores “Lola” Sandoval b. abt. 1873 m. José Chavez Josepha Sandoval b. 1875 m. José María Vega Benino Sandoval b. Abt. 1879 m. Josefa López Teodosa Sandoval Candelario Sandoval b. 2 Feb 1884 Bapt. 12 May 1884 at Nogal Godparents José Errera and María Antonia Padilla m. Benigna Bueno Rosa Sandoval b.30 Aug 1885 Bapt. 5 October 1885 at Nogal Cañon Godparents Rocco Emilio and Rosa Esperanza m. Pablo Telles 177 Ema Sandoval b. & Bapt. 9 May 1888 at Nogal Godparents Doroteo and Victoria Torres Bernardino Sandoval b. 20 May 1890 Bapt. 28 July 1890 at Torres Ranch Godparents Tomas Chaves and Laurenza Trujillo Teresita Sandoval (a twin) b. 13 April 1894 Bapt. 21 April 1894 at White Oaks Godparents David Carman and Epifania Lalone Hermergildo Sandoval (a twin) b. 13 April 1894 Bapt. 21 April 1894 at White Oaks Godparents Anita Lovato(?) and Frederico Lalone Notes: Jesus served in H Co. 1st New Mexico Cavalry, USA, Rank: in, Pvt. out, Sgt. Enlistment: Mar. 1, 1864 to Sept. 29, 1866, service 2yrs. 6mo. 8da. Co. H commanded by Capt. Juan Seña. See below. From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 3, Family #11 11 Sandoval y Seña, Jesus 27 m Farmer $300 11 Sandoval, Maria 17 f Keeping House 11 Sandoval, Ysaquio? 3mo m? $250 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.58, Nogal, Family #17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Sandoval, Jesus Sandoval, Maria Sandoval, Isac Sandoval, Leonor Sandoval, Lola Sandoval, Josefa Sandoval, Benigno m f m f f f m 38 27 11 9 7 5 1 Farmer Wife Son? Daughter Daughter Daughter Son UNION NEW MEXICO TERRITORY VOLUNTEERS 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Organized May 31, 1862, by consolidation of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Regiments of New Mexico Infantry. Attached to Dept. of New Mexico, and engaged in operations against Indians in New Mexico and Arizona, and on garrison duty by detachments, at Forts Stanton, Goodwin, McRae, Wingate, Craig, Canby, Sumner, Marcy, Bascom, Union, and other points in that Department, during entire term of service. Skirmishes at Jornado del Muerta June 16, 1863. Warm Springs, Fort McRae, June 20. Operations against Navajo Indians July 7-August 19. Rio Hondo July 18. Concha's Springs July 29 (1 Co.). Pueblo, Colorado, August 18 (3 Cos.). Scout from Fort Wingate to Jacob's Wells, Ojo Redendo, September 15-October 5. Riconde Mascaras December 11. Expedition against Navajo Indians January 6-21, 1864. Operations in New Mexico and Arizona February 1-March 7. Expedition from Fort Wingate 178 to Gila and St. Francis Rivers May 27-July 13 (Cos. "B," "F"). Skirmishes on San Carlos River June 7 and 8 (Cos. "B," "F"). Scouts from Fort Sumner August 3-November 4 (Co. "L"). Skirmish Sacramento Mountains August 25 (Co. "L"). Expedition from Fort Craig to Fort Goodwin, Arizona, October 1-November 27 (Detachment). Scout in the Sacramento Mountains October 13-21 (Cos. "A," "L"). Expedition from Fort Wingate against Indians November 23-December 20. Engagement at St. Vrain's Old Fort, Adobe Fort on Canadian River, November 25. Skirmish Red River December 1. Hassayampa Creek December 15 (Co. "K"). Expedition against Indians in Central Arizona and skirmish at Sycamore Springs, Arizona, December 26, 1864-January 1, 1865. Expedition from Fort Wingate to Sierra del Datil January 2-10, 1865. Scout from Fort Wingate to Sierra del Datil January 11-21 (Detachment). Scout from Fort Sumner March 15-21. Scout from Fort Stanton April 12-25 (Cos. "A," "H"). Regiment mustered out September 30, 1866. 179 Sandoval, Benino and Josefa Lopez 1896 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Benino Sandoval Son of Jesús Sandoval y Sena and María Torres Born about 1879 Died Josefa López Married, 21 Jun 1896 He was from White Oaks she was from Lincoln Padrinos, Feliz Guebara and Carmela Torres Josefa: Daughter of Severiano López and Bibiana Romero Born Died 180 Sandoval, Candelario and Benigna Bueno 1905 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Candelario Sandoval Son of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres Born 2 Feb 1884 Died Benigna Bueno Married, 25 Oct 1905 From White Oaks Padrinos, Dolores Lueras and his wife Benigna later married Gregorio Sedillo Benigna: Daughter of Marcos Bueno and Encarnación Gonzales Born 22 Oct 1890 in Reventon, Lincoln County Died 1973 in Bayard, NM; buried in Alamogordo, NM The children of Candelario and Benigna: Rosa Sandoval Emma Sandoval Mauricio (Morris) Sandoval 181 Sena, George and Teresa Carrillo 1885 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] George Sena Son of Ygnacio Sena and Agapita Ortiz Born 23 Apr 1864 Died 20 Mar 1927 Teresa Carrillo Married, 23 Jul 1885 From Lincoln Padrinos, Saturnino Baca and Ysidora Baca Teresa: Daughter of José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez Born 16 Aug 1867 in Manzano Baptized 20 Aug 1867 in Manzano Godparents: Juan Carrillo and Ma. Guadalupe Romero Died Notes: From an e-mail from Annette Wasno Teresa Carrillo married George Sena in 1885. George had moved to Lincoln from Las Vegas, NM in about 1883. He arrived as a teenager with his father Jose Ygnacio Sena and his mother Agapita Ortiz. Following the tradition of his ancestors, Jose Ygnacio established a blacksmithing business in Lincoln. The business and family home were located between the Torreon and what is now called the Tunstall store. By the time he was 21 George got work as a translator for the Lincoln County probate court. He continued in a life of public service as County Clerk, Tax Collector, Deputy Sheriff, and Sheriff. But only two years into his four year term as Sheriff, his bond was revoked by the individuals who had posted it. Because he was unable to raise the money to post bond for himself, he was removed from office and succeeded by Emil Fritz (II, nephew of the Emil Fritz of the Lincoln County War). So far I've been unable to learn why the bond was revoked, but I do know George continued to work for the county in various capacities until he moved his family to Santa Rosa, NM in 1906. Once in Santa Rosa, he served Guadalupe County as County Clerk, Court and Senate Interpreter, Superintendent of Schools, Prohibition Agent and--you guessed it!--Sheriff. Children of George and Teresa: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Manuelita Sena b. 2 October 1886 Bapt. 5 November 1886 at Lincoln Godparents José Montano and Josefa López Vicente Sena b. 5 April 1888 Bapt. 12 May 1888 at Gendry (Henry) Ranch Godparents Inacio Cena and Agapita Ortiz 182 Senaida Sena b. 21 December 1889 Bapt 22 December 1889 at Lincoln Godparents Doroteo and Felicitas Carillo María Adela Sena b. 7 June 1903 Bapt. 6 August 1903 at Encinoso Godparents Petra Carrillo and Ramona Lucero José Candido Sena Bapt. 31 January 1905 at Lincoln Godmother Sofia S. Moeller (witness: Henry Moeller) (Priest‘s note: José m. Evelyn Darling 24 August 1931 at Santa Fe, NM) 183 Serna, Julian and Juliana Padilla 1897 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Julián Serna Son of Victor Serna and María Flores Born Died Juliana Padilla Married, 28 Jan 1897 He was from Lincoln she was from Salado Padrinos, Irineo Padilla and Rosario Vallejos Juliana: Daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres Born Died Children of Julián and Juliana: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Victor Serna b. 15 August 1900 Bapt. 26 November 1900 at Tucson Godparents Ciprian Vallejos and Maria Jaramillo (Priest‘s note: Victor m. Cirila Vigil, daughter of Daniel Vigil and Elfida Frésquez Chavez, 30 December 1922) María Serna b. 13 October 1902 Bapt. 5 December 1902 at Capitan Godparents Manuel Ribera and Sabina Estrada (Priest‘s note: Maria m. Casimiro Cabrera 12 July 1945) Sofia Serna b. 14 June 1898 Bapt. 25 August 1898 Godparents Isidro Zamora and Saturnina Torres (Priest‘s note: Sofia m. Jaime Torres 12 November 1916) 184 Silva, Enrique and Rebeca Artiaga 1898 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Enrique‟ (Henry) Silva Son of Juan Andres Silva and Petra Ballejos (Vallejos) Born 26 Nov 1874 in Lincoln Co. Died 24 Mar 1932 in Capitan, the Silva Ranch Rebeca Artiaga Married, 20 Jun 1898 in Lincoln Co. Both were from Tucson, Padrinos were Saturnino Baca and Juana Chávez. Rebeca: Daughter of Juan Artiaga and Sabina Estrada Born 29 Jun 1881 Baptized 2 Jul 1881 in Nogal Godparents, Jesús (no surname) and María Torres Died Children of Rebeca and Henry: Susana Silva b. 16 Apr 1899; Bapt. 25 Apr 1899 in Tucson Godparents were Isidro McKinley and Apolonia Herrera Francisita Silva b. 29 Mar 1901; Bapt. 23 Apr 1901 in Tucson Godparents were Catarino Baldonado and Leonor Gurule d. 11 Aug 1993 m. Damecio Peralta 22 Sep 1919 1898-1966 Catarina “Katie” Silva b. 25 Nov 1902; Bapt. 5 Dec 1902 in Capitan Godparents were Joseph Tatti and Reymunda Silva d. 5 Mar 1961 in Lincoln Co. m. Ward Leslie 1888-1963 Enrique “Henry” Silva b. 27 Jun 1904; Bapt. 27 Apr 1904 in Tucson/Capitan Godparents were Abel Pino and Dorotea Stutz d. 16 Aug 1953 m. (Living) Juan Andres Silva b. 27 Mar 1906; Baptized 5 Jun 1906 in Capitan Godparents were Preciliano Pino and Carmelita Pino d. 19 Aug 1928 in Carrizozo 185 Federico „George‟ Silva b. 8 Jan 1908; Baptized 20 Mar 1908 in Capitan Godparents were Juan Trujillo and J. Cruz Archeveque d. 10 Jun 1986 in Alamogordo m. Isidora Hacinta Gallegos 1913-1990 Alfredo Vidal Silva b. 28 Apr 1910; Bapt. 2 Sep 1910 in Capitan Godparents were Juan Juana?? And Emilio Torres d. 3 Jun 1974 in Carrizozo m. Lucinda Romero 1912-1991 Susana Silva Bapt. 2 Jun 1912 in Capitan d. abt. 2000 m. Antonio Archuleta 2 Jun 1938 Tranquilino Silva b. 4 Mar 1916; Baptized 27 Mar 1916 in Capitan Godparents were Pablo Pino and Maria Chavez d. 28 Apr 2000 in Ruidoso m. Nora Mackey Dorotea Guillermo “Willie” Silva b. 7 May 1918; Bapt. 2 Jun 1918 in Capitan Godparents were Francisco Duran and Anastacia Garcia d. 12 Aug 1975 in Tularosa m. _______ Gilcrest Linorio Celestino Silva b. 8 Oct 1920; Bapt. 17 Oct 1920 in Capitan/Ft. Stanton Godparents were Francisco Chavez and Matilde Duran d. 19 May 2005 in Albuquerque Rebeca Adelaida Silva b. 18 Apr 1923; Baptized 16 Jun 1923 in Sierrita Godparents were Pablo Pino and Isadora Chavez Lorenzo Margarito Silva b. 5 Mar 1925 in Capitan d. 18 Nov 2006 in Albuqureque m. _______ 186 Silva, Juan Andres and Petra Ballejos 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Juan Andres Silva Son of José Enrique Silva and María Baca Born 21 Nov 1839 in the Tomé Parish Baptized José Andres Silba, 30 Nov 1839, age 9 days Paternal Grandparents, Antonio Silba and Ma. Antonia Baca Maternal Grandparents, Estevan Baca and Rafaela Pino Godparents, Alejandro Chávez and Ma. Josefa Baca Died 26 Jan 1907 in Nogal Petra Ballejos Married, 11 Jan 1866 Petra: Daughter of José María and Francisca Ballejos Born 13 Apr 1853 in Sevilleta, NM Died 15 Mar 1917 in Capitan, Silva Ranch Children of Petra and Juan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Margarito Silva 1868-1925 m. Ana María Pino Eduvigen Silva 1872-1930 m. Manuel Chávez José Enrique Silva 1874-1932 m. Rebeca Artiaga Susanna Silva 1876Rafael Silva 1878Emilia Silva b. 9 May 1881 Bapt. 11 May 1881 at Salado Godparents were Bone J. Baca and Isadora Baca Reymunda Silva 1893-1945 m. Gregorio Pino 12 Jul 1911 187 From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co., Lincoln Twn, Family 153 153 Silva, Juan m 40 Laborer 153 Silva, Petra f 27 Wife Keeping House 153 Silva, Margarito m 12 Son Laborer 153 Silva, Duoijon f 8 Daughter 153 Silva, Andricus m 6 Son 153 Silva, Susana f 4 Daughter 153 Silva, Rafael m 2 Son 188 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Silva, Margarito and Anna María Pino 1891 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Margarito Silva Son of Juan Andrés Silva and Petra Gallegos Born 9 Jul 1868 in NM Died 27 Apr 1925 in NM Buried Anna María Pino Married, 14 Nov 1891 From Salado Padrinos, Sam Corbett and Josefa Baca Witness, Andrés Sandoval She married Antonio Pino in 1929 Anna María: Daughter of Pablo Pino and María Cháves Born 23 Mar 1878 in NM Died after 1930 in NM Children of Margarito and Anna Maria: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Marcarea Silva b. abt. 1894 (per 1910 Census) Gregoria Silva b. 7 May 1896 Bapt. 19 May 1896 at Salado Godparents Juan Andres Silva and Petra Vallejos Roberto Silva b. 14 March 1899 Bapt. 24 April 1899 at Tucson Godparents Roberto and María L. Swan Antonio Silva b. 6 August 1901 Bapt. 1 September 1901 Godparents Preciliano Pino and Donaciana Chávez Juanita Silva b. 12 July 1909 Bapt. 16 July 1909 at Glencoe Godparents José Totti and Reymunda Silva (Priest‘s note: Juanita m. Meregildo Gonzales 16 December 1922) Carmen Silva b. 18 July 1912 Bapt. 15 August 1912 at Sierrita Godparents Manuel and Aurelia Gonzales 189 Gregorio Silva b. 9 May 1917 Bapt. 3 August 1917 at Capitan Godparents Roberto and Macaria Silva 190 Stutz, Henry and Savina Estrada 1883 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Henry Stutz Son of Soloman Stutz and Dorothy Guerin Born About 1851 in Switzerland Died aft 1920 in San Patricio María „Savina‟ Estrada Married, 20 May 1902 in Lincoln Co. Both were from Tucson. Parinos were Saturnino Baca and Juana Chávez. Sabina: Daughter of José Luciano Estrada and Estefana Márquez Casias Born 29 Aug 1857 in Los Torrez, San Miguel Co., NM Baptized 3 Sep 1857, in Saint Joseph Catholic Church Parish in Anton Chico, NM Died before 1920 in Hondo Notes: In 1880 he was living in Carizosa, Lincoln Co., in 1910, Hondo and in 1920 San Patricio. Children of Henry and Sabina: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María Stutz b. 13 Dec 1883 aka. Ma. Concepción Estrada Bapt. 16 Dec 1883, age 3 days, in Nogal Godparents, Manuel Trujillo and Ma. Romualda Trujillo Perhaps her father was not Henry m. Roberto Swan Vera Stutz 1891Margarita Stutz 1892Ana Stutz b. 13 Jul 1896 Bapt. 14 Sep 1896 in Salado Godparents, Julián Miller and Felipa Guerra m. Pantaleon Torres 191 Swan (Miller), Robert and Mary Stutz 1898 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Roberto Adolpho Miller-Swan Son of Julián Miller and Manuela Herrera He used his stepfather‘s name, their death records are for Roberto Swan and Mary Swan Born about 1870 Died 11 Feb 1937, Buried Evergreen Cemetery María Stutz Married, 10 Jan 1898 The marriage record gives his name as Robert Sevan (Swan) and gives his father as Juan Sevan (Joseph Swan his stepfather). They were residents of Carizito. Padrinos were George Sena and Eloisa Miller de Artiaga. María: Daughter of Henry Stutz and Sabina Estrada Born 3 Nov 1883 Died 6 Mar 1954, Buried Evergreen Cemetery Child of María and Roberto: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Jose S. Swan b. 11 Aug 1911 d. 9 Jul 1953, buried in Evergreen Cemetery 192 Swan, Joseph and Manuelita Carrillo 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Joseph William Swan Son of Abraham and Deborah Swan, they were born in Ireland Born about 1842 in Mississippi, He is listed on the 1870 Census as a soldier at Ft. Stanton Died Manuela Carrillo (Herrera) Married, 11 Mar 1902 Widow of William (Julián) Miller, they were from Tucson, Lincoln Co. Padrinos: Isabel Peralta and Ylaria Padilla Manuelita: Daughter of Julián Carrillo and Ysabel Herrera Born about1845 in Manzano Died Children of Manuela and Joseph: José S. Swan Born aft. Jun 1880 Evaline Swan Born aft. Jun 1885 From the 1880 Census, Dist.58, Salado, Family #24, Family #25 is Manuelita‟s daughter 24 Swan, Joseph m 38 Matchmaker 24 Miller, Manuela f 35 24 Miller, Abran m 18 Son Herding 24 Miller, William m 17 Son 24 Miller, Robert m 16 Son 25 Artiaga, Manuel m 23 Laborer 25 Artiaga, Eliza f 14 Wife Keeping House From the 1900 Census, Gray, Pct. 9, Fam.#138 J.W. Swan, Sept 1834 age 65, married 30 years, born in Ohio, both parents Penn, Farmer Juanita Swan, Oct 1836, age 63, married 30 years, 4 children born, 4 living, born in NM R.M. Swan(Miller), Son, Dec 1874, age 25, single, Miner coal Will Swan(Miller), Son, July 1876, 23, single J.S. Swan, Son, Aug 1878, 21, single Evaline Swan, Daughter, June 1880, 19, single This Census doesn‟t make sense compared to the other stuff… Oh well! 193 Telles, Pablo and Rosa Sandoval 1902 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Pablo Telles Son of Luis Telles and Tiburcia Lopez Born Died Rosa Sandoval Married, 8 Mar 1902 Both from White Oaks Padrinos, Juan Reyes and Encarnación Gonzales Rosa: Daughter of Jesús Sandoval y Seña and María Torres Born 30 Aug 1885 Died The children of Rosa and Pablo: Josephita Telles b. 19 March 1905 Bapt. 27 March 1905 at White Oaks Godparents Candelario and Maria Sandoval (Priest‘s note: Josefa m. Manuel Saiz, 3 October 1920) _______ Telles Angelita Telles b. 2 July 1908 Bapt. 16 August 1908 at White Oaks Godparents Luis Telles and Tivurcia López 194 Tinnon, Dave and Beckie Lalone 1888 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Dave Tinnon Born, 4 Feb 1856 in TN Died, 15 Jan 1901 Buried at Cedarvale Cemetery Rebecca “Beckie” LaLone Married; Beckie: Daughter of Tioflio Lalonde and ‗Lada Padilla Born, 18 Mar 1871 in Missouri Plaza Died, 26 May 1934 Note: Dave was a Forman at the Old Abe Mine; he is buried in the Cedarvale Cemetery, White Oaks. In 1900 they lived in Pcnt. 7-8, Jicarilla, White Oaks The children of Beckie and Dave: Irene Tinnon 1889/19?? m. Clayton VanSchoyck in White Oaks Myrtle Tinnon 1892/19?? m. William Bolling Carmie Tinnon 1894/19?? Bryan Tinnon 1896/1932 Kittie Tinnon 1897/1969 m. ______ Black Belle Tinnon 1900/1966 m. Almond Arnett in 1923 195 Torres, Antonio and Juana Herrera 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Antonio Torres Son of Diego Antonio Torres and María Encarnación Márquez Born: Abt. 1830 in Manzano, NM Died: Jul 1892 in Lincoln Co. Juana María Herrera Married; Daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Juana: Baptized 13 Feb 1834, age 6 days, in the Tomé jurisdiction Paternal Grandparents: Juan de Herrera and Rafaela Baldonado Maternal Grandparents: Juan José Ortega and Gertrudis Sanches Godparents: Joaquin Sanches and Manuela Sanches Children of Antonio and Juana: María „Ambrocia‟ Torres Baptized 1 Jan 1852, age 24 days, in Manzano Godparents: Fanco. Herrera and Lorenza Herrera m. Julián López José Ramon Nestor Torres Baptized 7 May 1854, age 2 months 10 days, in Manzano Godparents: José Lucero and Ma. Mauricia Lucero Teolida Torres b. abt. 1856 in Manzano m. José Manuel Zamora Sosten Torres(1) b. abt. 1857 María Josefa Torres Baptized 29 Jul 1860 in Manzano, born the 10th. Godparents: Juan Otero and Dolores Apodaca Cecilio Torres b. abt. 1866 m. Isabel Torres (Barela) Leonarda Torres b. abt. 1868 Ramona Herrera Torres b. May 1871 Bapt. 18 July 1871 Godparents Julián López and Ambrosia Torres Sosteno Torres b. 26 May 1874 Bapt. 24 September 1874 at San Patricio 196 Godparents Ambrosio Pino and Juanita Chávez m. Beatriz Otero From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, Manzano, Family #501 el Manzano 501 Torres, Antonio 30 m Laborer el Manzano 501 Torres, Juana 26 f el Manzano 501 Torres, Ambrocia 9 f el Manzano 501 Torres, Teoflia 4 f el Manzano 501 Torres, Sosten 3 m $100 From the 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Precinct 1, Family #59 Torres, Antonio 42 m Farmer $500 $1,000 Torres, Juana 36 f` Keeping House Torres, Teohidad 14 f` Torres, Sosteno 11 m Torres, Cisilio 4 m Torres, Leonarda 2 f` From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist. 18, Lincoln Twn. Family #117 117 Torres, Antonio m 47 Farmer 117 Torres, Juana f 35 Wife Keeping House 117 Torres, Cecilio m 14 Son Laborer 117 Torres, Leandra f 12 Daughter 117 Torres, Ramona f 9 Daughter 117 Torres, Sosteno m 7 Son 197 $200 Torres, Casimira and Serna, Marquez and Perea -Ante+ [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] María „Casimira‟ Torres Baptized 22 May 1833, age 10 days, in the Tomé jurisdiction Daughter of Prudencio Torres and Julianita Lucero Godparents: Miguel Lucero and Gertrudis Calles Died 20 Jun 1920 in Carrizozo, buried in Evergreen Cemetery Notes: Casimira‘s father died when she was young and her mother married José Encarnación Padilla; she was raised in his household, even after her mother died. See José‘s worksheet. ¿Did she have a child by an Ologio Romero? See José Romero and Barbara McViegh worksheet. (I can‟t find any other explanation) Married (1) José Pablo Serna Son of Ysidro Serna and Ma. Manuela Benavides Died before 1851 Married Casimira Torres, 20 Jan 1849 Witnesses: Nepmuceno Sedillo and Miguel Lucero Married (2) Juan José Márquez Son of José María Márquez and Ana María Ortega Died before Oct 1854 Married ‗Juliana‘ de los Dolores Gonzales, 27 Nov 1837 Daughter of Juan Gonzales and Lorenza Salas Married Casimira Torres, 21 Jul 1851 Witnesses: Gregorio Herrera and Estevan Samora A child of Juliana and Juan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María „Nicanora‟ Márquez Baptized 7 Mar 1839, age 2 months, in Manzano Godparents: Santiago Otero and Dolores Soterranea Apodaca m. José Carrillo Child of Casimira and Juan: María Eulogia Márquez Baptized 11 Oct 1853, age 1 month 9 days, in Manzano Godparents: Anto. (no surname) and Manuela Ortega Married (3) José „Nicolás‟ Perea Son of José María Perea and María Carmel Saez Born 25 Dec 1831 in the Tomé Parish 198 Married Casimira Torres, 26 Oct 1854 in the Tomé Parish Witnesses: Juan Lueras and Antonio Samora Children of Casimira and Nicolás: José Ygnacio Perea Baptized 8 Aug 1860 in Torreón, born 31 Jul Godparents: Manuel Lucero and María Lucero Juan José Perea Baptized 15 Jan 1867 in Torreón, born 27 Dec Godparents: José Ma. Benavides and Rafaela Salas Octaviano Perea Born abt. 1869 in Torreón m. Teodora García 199 Torres, Jose and Lorenza Herrera Ante [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José María Torres Son of Antonio Torres and Gertrudis Marques Died 1861 María „Lorenza‟ Herrera Married, 23 Nov 1852 in the Tomé Parish Witness: Estevan Samora She married José de Gracia Flores about 1863 Lorenza: Daughter of Francisco Herrera and Francisca Ortega Baptized 4 Aug 1830, age 12 days, in Manzano Godparents: Dario Apodaca and Paula Olona Children of José and Lorenza: Genobeva Torres Baptized 2 Jan 1854, age 8 days, in Manzano Godparents: Anto. José Otero and Ma. Gertrudis Hererra María Longina Torres Baptized 22 Apr 1856, age 40 days in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Desiderio Sanches and Ysidora Chaves Francisca Torres b. Apr 1860? d. 13 Mar 1954 in Roswell, Chavez Co. NM m. Mariano Aldez María Petra Torres Baptized in Manzano 22 Aug 1861, born 2 Aug The record mentions that José María was deceased Godparents: Pablo Herrera and Antonia Torres From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. NM, el Manzano, Family # 466 466 Torres, Jose Ma. 27 m Laborer $300 $250 466 Torres, Lorenza 28 f 466 Torres, Genoveno 7 m 466 Torres, Longina 4 f 466 Torres, Francisca 2 f 200 Torres, Jose and Fresquez, Garcia, Telles 1883 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Torres Son of José Torres and Trinidad Chávez Born Died Lucinda Frésquez Married(1), 20 Nov 1883 In the jurisdiction of el Rio Bonito Witnesses, Juan Torres and Mariana Chávez Lucinda:Daughter of Vicente Frésquez and Antonia Tafoya Born Died 1885 or earlier Adelaida García Married(2), 29 Nov 1885 From Nogal Cañon Witnesses, Jesús Sandoval and María Torres Adelaida: Daughter of Pedro García and Leonor Gurulé Born Died 1893 or earlier Tiburcia Telles Married(3), 15 Jun 1893 From Ruidoso Padrinos, Alberto Gonzales and Aurora Gonzales Tiburcia: Daughter of Luis Telles and Tiburia López Born Died Children of José and Tiburcia: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Elena Torres b. 12 February 1898 Bapt. 5 March 1898 at Patos Godparents Policarpio Lobato and Delfina Maes (Priest‘s note: Elena m. Salvador Guava, 11 September 1916) Margarita Torres b. 22 February 1900 Bapt. 17 May 1900 Godparents Pablo Torres and Francisca Córdova Eduardo Torres b. 16 January 1909 Bapt. 28 February 1909 at Carrizozo Godparents Margarito Nuanes and Librada Montoya 201 Torres, Jose and Trinidad Chaves 1870 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José de los Reyes Torres Son of Antonio Torres and Gertrudis Márquez Baptized 20 Feb 1820, age 1 month, in Tomé Godparents: José Márquez and Rosa Márquez Died 25 Feb 1928 in Capitain, Lincoln County, New Mexico. He was Julianita Lucero Padilla‘s brother-in-law. María „Trinidad‟ Chaves Married; Trinidad: Daughter of Diego Antonio Chaves and María Rozalía Barela Born Abt. 1828 Died Children of José and Trinidad: Saturnina Torres b. Sept. 30, 1845 Baptized 2 Oct 1845, age 2 days, in Manzano Godparents: Pedro Antonio Samora and Ma. Luisa Chaves m. Senovio Padilla Juana Torres b. abt. 1850 María Leonore Torres Baptized 5 May 1852, age 24 days, in Manzano Godparents Bitor Salas and Agustina Salas Juan Estevan Torres b. Dec. 25, 1853 Baptized 1 Jan 1854, age 16 days, in Manzano Godparents Juan Otero and Ma. Ygnacia Samora Esiquia Torres b. abt. 1856 d. 1889. m. José María Vega. José Torres b. abt. 1864 m. Lucinda Frésquez then Adelaida García then Tiburcia Telles. Albino Torres b. abt. 1866 Doroteo Torres Bapt. 26 March 1870 at 6 months of age at Misuri (Missouri Plaza) (Godparents not listed) 202 m. Veneranda Córdova. Donicia Torres Viviana Torres died in childhood 1860 Census, Valencia Co. Page 74, Village of Quará and Cienega, Family #635 José Torres age 39 male occ. Laborer born NM Trinidad age 30 female Saturnia age 16 female Juana age 10 female Anamaria age 9 female Juan age 8 male Siquia age 6 female Berlin age 3 male José age 1mo. male 1870 Census, Lincoln Co. Page 2, Precinct No. 3, Family #9 José Torres age 48 male occ. Farmer, Value RE300/Pers.500 born NM Trinidad age 42 female Keeping House Juan age 15 male Farmhand Siquia age 14 female José age 6 male Albino age 4 male Dolores age 1 female 203 Torres, Jose and Virgina Carrillo 1889 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José Torres Son of Juan Torres and María Isiquia Varela Born Died Virginia Carrillo Married, 16 May 1889 From Lincoln Padrino, George Sena; Madrino, Teresa Carrillo Virginia: Daughter of José Carrillo and Nicanora Márquez Born Died Children of José and Virginia (Iginia): (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Nicanor Torres b. 22 September 1891 Bapt. 7 October 1891 at White Oaks Godparents Feliz Guebara and Carmelita Torres Santiago Torres b. 23 October 1895 Bapt. 23 November 1895 at Lincoln Godparents Cecilio and Isabel Torres Juan Agustin Torres b. 4 March 1898 Bapt. 26 March 1898 (Mother listed Virginia Padilla) Godparents are José León Baca and Beatriz Carrillo Cayetano Torres b. 28 September 1900 Bapt. 20 April 1937 at Corona (confirmed 20 April 1937) Fernando Torres b. 18 March 1902 Bapt. 30 March 1902 (father is listed as José Torres y Barela in Baptismal records) Godparents Silvestre Baca and Elogia Galindro Ana Dolores Torres b. 26 July 1904 Bapt 4 September 1904 at Lincoln Godparents Meregildo Padilla and Victoriana Torres (Priest‘s note: Ana m. Senovio Villescas 20 April 1940) 204 Torres, Ygancio and Manuela Lucero 1873 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José „Ygnacio‟ Maximo Torres Son of Mariano Torres and Guadalupe Chaves Baptized 23 Sep 1846, age 1 month 5 days, in Manzano Godparents: José Ma. Márquez and Manuela Ortega Died Manuela Lucero Married, 12 Feb 1873 Manuela: Daughter of Juan Lucero and Marcelina Jaramillo Born about 1859 Died Children of Manuela and Ygnacio: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) Refugio Torres abt. 1874 m. Esperanza Sánchez maybe these are the same person Gavino Torres Bapt. 23 September 1874 at 6 months of age at San Patricio Godparents Juan Lucero and Marcelina Jaramillo Genovevo Torres abt. 1878 María Predicanda Torres b. 16 July 1884 Bapt. 17 July 1884 at San Patricio Godparents Francisco Maestas and Andrea Jaramillo Placida Torres b. 10 June 1885 Bapt. 14 June 1885 at San Patricio Godparents Manuel Mestas and Ana María Gonzales Jorge Torres Bapt. 29 August 1886 at 1 month 10 days at San Patricio Godparents Teofilo Sisneros and Josefa Trujillo Juan Torres Bapt. 19 November 1890 at 26 days of age at Ruidoso Godparents Marcos Baca and Margarita Chaves 205 Vega, Antonio and Lucila Aguayo 1911 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Antonio M. Vega Son of José Vega and Esiquia Torres Born: 16 Mar 1882 Died: 11 Dec 1928; Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo Lucille Aguayo Married in 1911 Lucille: Daughter of José María de Aguayo and Francisca Hill Born 30 Jan 1889 in Lincoln Co. Died 13 Nov 1970 in Albuquerque, NM Notes: 1918, WW I Draft Registration Card: stockman, medium height, stout, brown eyes, black hair. In 1920 they lived in Carrizozo at 135 Capitan Ave, he raised stock. The children of Antonio and Lucila: Otlia V. Vega b. 17 May 1912 in Texas d. 10 Mar 1993 in Albuquerque m. _____ Abeyta Sarah Vega b. 1915 in Carrizozo m. Pete Alarid 1897-1966 Rudolph Vega b. abt. 1920 in Texas. 206 Vega, Jose Maria and Esiquia Torres, Josefa Sandoval 1880 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] José María Vega Born: Aug. 1845 in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico Died: Feb. 7, 1919 in Nogal, Lincoln County, NM Esiquia “Siquia” Torres Married (1), Jan. 17, 1878 in Tom Greene Co. TX Siquia: Daughter of José Torres and Trinidad Chavez of Manzano Born: Abt. 1856 Died: in 1890 (maybe earlier) Josepha Sandoval Married (2), Josepha: Daughter of Jesús Sandoval and María Torres and niece of Esquia Torres Born Jul. 1875 in Texas (Possibly around Houston) Died Mar. 8, 1949 in St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque, NM Notes: José had a brother, Antonio, they both filed homesteads in Lincoln Co. Siquia died while pregnant with her seventh child. She had made a big batch of hot cocoa for a party they gave. After the party she drank the little cocoa remaining in the pot. The metal in the pot had turned it bad. She died the next morning. Josefa was forced into a marriage she did not want. Joseph Vega was an established widower with three children. Josefa‘s parents thought he was a good match. She was married at the age of 15. Misfortune plagued her children. Her first child, Bertha, died of pneumonia at the age of 16. Antonia died at 16 from falling of a horse. Joseph became an alcoholic and died in his early 40‘s. Susie died between 45 and 50 of a heart attack. Each of these children died before Josefa. Nick was the other child to die in his prime at the age of 45 in a car accident. From the 1880 Census, Lincoln Co. Dist.18, Lincoln Twn. Family #141 141 Vega, Jose Maria m 37 Stone Mason 141 Vega, Esiquia f 22 Wife Keeping House 141 Vega, Antonio m 1 Son 141 Vega, Margarita f 4mo Daughter The children of José and Esiquia: Antonio Vega b. abt. 1879, died at 5 yrs Margarite Vega b. Jan 1880, Bapt. 2 February 1885 at Nogal (Vera Cruz) Godparents Cayetano Jaramillo and Dolores Lucero 207 d. Apr. 1, 1936 m. Fred LaLone Antonio (Benito) M. Vega b. abt. 1881 d. Dec. 1928 buried Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo m. Lucila Augayo Florencio Vega b. June 1882 d. May 15, 1966 m. Juanita Uderos Elvira Vega (died young) Alejandra Vega (died young) The children of José and Josepha: Bertha Vega b. abt 1890 d. at age 16 Antonia Vega Bapt.4 October 1891 at 43 days of age at Nogal Godparents Doroteo Torres and Donaciana Martines Rosa Vega Bapt. 22 November 1893 at 3 months of age at Nogal Godparents Juano Sandoval and Maria Tims? (not clear in handwritten entry) Petra Vega (1) b. Jun. 26, 1896 Bapt. 20 July 1896 at Nogal Godparents James Donovan and Hanora Kagan d. Abt. 1910 in Convent in Santa Fe, NM Susana Vega b. May 24, 1899 in Nogal Bapt. 17 July 1899 at Nogal Godparents Benino Sandoval and Margarita Lopez d. Aug. 21, 1926 José Vega b.June 19, 1901 Bapt. 2 October 1901 at Nogal Godparents Frederico and Adelaida Lalone d. May 26, 1945 in Carrizozo, Lincoln Co. N.M. m. Amada Swan; b. Sept. 13, 1901 d. Sept. 9, 1969 208 buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo, NM Leandro S. Vega b. Mar 13, 1903 d. Apr. 15, 1995 m. Narcissa Ramirez b. 1905 d. 1979 Tranquilino (Frank) Vega b. July 6, 1905 in Nogal, Lincoln Co. NM d. June 4, 1971 in Carrizozo, NM m. Mariana De Los Reyes Oct. 6, 1926 in Tombstone, Cochise Co. AZ b. Mar. 11, 1906 in Fort Huachuca, AZ d. Mar. 21, 2004 in Atmore, Baldwin County, AL Nicolas Vega b. 10 October 1907 Bapt. 21 March 1908 at Nogal Godparents Bernardino and María Sandoval d. Feb. 24, 1953 m. Natalia Montoya. Martin Vega b.Jan. 30, 1910 Bapt. 20 March 1910 (No GP‘s listed) d. Jan. 22, 1982 m. Lucia Swan. Petra Vega (2) b. July 1, 1912 d. Sept. 8, 1997 Godparents Amando ?? and Apolonia ?? buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Carrizozo, NM m. Florentino Lopez, Apr. 8, 1931 in Carrizozo, NM 209 Zamora, Juan de Jesus and Marcelina Serna 1884 [Return to TOC] [Return to Padilla] Juan de Jesús Zamora Son of Diego Zamora and María Petra Baca Born Died María „Marcelina‟ Serna Married, 18 Dec 1848 Witnesses: Esteban Samora and Bartolo Romero Marcelina: Daughter of Santiago Serna and Josefa Romero Born Died Children of Marcelina and Juan: (This is not necessarily a complete list of children) María „Victoriana‟ Ramona Zamora b. Apr 1854 Baptized 7 May 1854, age 1 mo. In Manzano Godparents: Tomas Sanches and María Rita Lucero Juana María „Nestora‟ Zamora b. 30 Jan 1857 Baptized 2 Feb 1857 age 3 days, in the Tomé Parish Godparents: Mariano Pino and Ulogia Baca m. José León Padilla Francisco Zamora m. Sista Salas ¿Marcloja Zamora m. Juan Rivas (1884)? ¿„Copla‟ Zamora m. Juan de Dios Rivas (1901)? From the 1860 Census, Valencia Co. el Manzano, Family #448 448 Zamora, Juan de Jesus 35 m Laborer 448 Zamora, Marcelina 30 f 448 Zamora, Victoria 5 f 448 Zamora, Nestora 4 f 448 Zamora, Beneranda 6mo f 210 Zamora, Ysidro and Bonifacia Padilla 1896 [Return to TOC] [Return to Story] Ysidro Zamóra Son of Santiago Zamóra and Dolores Perea Born 15 May 1867 Baptized 16 May 1867 in Torreón, Valencia Co. (Near Manzano) Godparents: Narciso Montoya and Nicolasa Baldonado Bonifacia Padilla Married, 21 Jul 1896 Padrinos, Severo Padilla and Juliana Padilla Bonifacia: Daughter of Senobio Padilla and Saturnina Torres from el Salado Born Died Child of Bonifacia and Ysidro: This is not necessarily all the children. Albina Zamora m. Amado Giron The most current, up to date information We have on these families is found at: www.lincolncountycousins.org Our Genealogy (link) 211 Appendix- A Little History of Lincoln County [Return to TOC] Collected by Rich Eastwood (this selection was extracted from “Nuestras Madres” if it sounds familiar) The Mescalero Apaches call the Sacramento Mountians home; this area and the surrounding area (including what was to become Lincoln County) was theirs. For many many years, perhaps hundreds of years, as they ranged across the Southwest, they always returned to the familiar sanctuary of these mountains. They went northward to Utah, southward to Mexico, westward to California, eastward to mid-Texas and always returned, usually in the summer to the Sacramentos. Apaches like the Comanche had never quite come to terms with the Europeans that came to their land. The best they could find in their unwanted neighbors was a steady source of food, the four legged kind; after all, they had always helped themselves to what their indigenous agrarian neighbors had, why should the white men be any different? The only outsiders that were tolerated in the Sacramentos were the occupants of the sawmill on the upper Tularosa River (later Blazer‘s Mill), which had been there since before 1800. It was fortified and only supported a limited community…. What threat was that? There were virtually no settlements outside of the Rio Grande valley in southeastern New Mexico when the Americans took over in September of 1846. In the fall of 1854 Indians had helped themselves to some livestock up near Anton Chico; needless to say the local settlers took that with a dim view…. The U.S. Army was called in. The Army‘s job in that era was twofold, try and figure out through mapping and surveying what the United States had acquired and to control the Indians. Actually those two pursuits complemented each other, understanding the Indians required understanding the geography and vise-versa. When the Army figured out that it was the Mescaleros who had helped the livestock take wings; it launched a two-pronged scout to see what could be done about it. It sent Capt. Henry Stanton in command of 29 troopers of Co. B, 1st Dragoons (Cavalry) and two Lieutenants with 50 (mounted) Infantrymen of the 3rd Infantry from Fort Fillmore, and Capt. Richard Ewell with two Lieutenants, a doctor and 61 men of Co. G, and 20 men of Co. K, 1st Dragoons from the Anton Chico area. Capt. Stanton led his men across the desert and up the Tularosa, through the mountains to the Ruidoso and down to its confluence with the Bonito and set up camp. Capt. Ewell (later Gen. Ewell of the Confederate Army) led his men down the Pecos and up the Hondo and rendezvoused with Capt. Stanton at la junta, the junction, on Jan. 13 1855. In this party was a man named Gleason and a contingent of Hispano scouts. After setting up a base camp they set out to find the Indians. At this point I will directly quote from Capt. Ewell‟s report of his scout: 212 ―After combining the two commands I moved south toward the Guadalupe and Sacramento Mountains and then on January 17th 1855, encamped on the Peñasco, a fine stream running toward the Pecos. Up to this time we had seen no Indians or signs, though constantly on the trail of the cattle, now six weeks old and few in number, which had been stolen by the Indians. This night the camp was attacked by the Indians with arrows and firearms and at the same time they tried to burn us out. ―Next morning the Indians seemed in force with every mark of defiance and during the whole day opposed our march, disputing every ravine at times under cover within arrow shot. ―A body of skirmishers, first of infantry, under charge, at different times, of Lieutenants Daniels and Walker, and then of mounted and dismounted dragoons, under Lieutenant Moore, was engaged the whole day in clearing the line of march. The country was broken into high hills, with deep ravines crossing the line of march. Lieut. Moore, with some of the best horses, gave chase to some Indians on the open ground but a winter march of 450 miles had reduced the horses too much to catch the Indians on their fresh animals. The Indians gave the impression from their boldness that they were trying to keep us from their families. ―Hoping to bring a close fight, we kept up the march as rapidly as possible. During the day some 15 of them were shot from their horses and carried off by their comrades, leaving the ground marked with blood and at one time, after the fall of the boldest, they collected on a high hill and set up a lamentation, afterwards becoming even bolder in their attacks. None of my guides had ever seen the country I passed through after reaching the Peñasco. ―About 3 PM on the 18th of Jan, I came to the first of their abandoned camps where the command was halted for the night and Capt. Stanton was directed to take his company, with some additional men and examine a small open valley to the right where there were some more abandoned lodges, about 500 yards distant, and endeavor to find the direction taken by the Indians when they left. ―This officer, after reaching the place designated, charged after some Indians he saw in front and in following up the steep hillside in the ardor of the chase, became separated from some of his men, badly mounted, who were unable to join him when he sounded the rally. After rallying about a dozen men he proceeded up the valley until he became satisfied that the Indians had not retreated in that direction, he then started back, leading his horses. About three-fourths of a mile from the camp the valley narrowed with trees, and there he was ambushed and fired into, the first fire killing one of his men. He ordered his party to take to the trees, but the Indians being in to great force, he mounted and ordered his party to retreat, remaining in the rear himself, firing his Sharps carbine, when he received a shot in the head and was instantly killed. ―One of the men when he first charged, Private Duger, Company B, 1st Dragoons, was dismounted, surrounded and lanced after killing an Indian. As soon as I ascertained that Capt. Stanton was engaged, I ordered Lieut. Moore forward, with a strong party on foot, whose approach dispersed the Indians. Lieut. Moore brought in the bodies of Capt. Stanton and the two men killed, and the horse and rifle of the Indian killed by Duger. After the Indians had disbursed, my guides were utterly incapable of tracking them, and on the 20th, having past the source of the Peñasco, I started back with my horses so worn out that I was 213 forced to lead them to the post. Within five miles of my camp the day of the fight were over 300 newly abandoned lodges.‖ That little excerpt provides a grim but exciting look at life and death in what would become Lincoln County; also a stereotype for screenwriters in Hollywood in years to come. After Capt. Ewell and his command rested and regrouped at their camp (Camp Stanton) at la junta, they spilt the command and returned to their respective forts quite satisfied with their efforts and convinced the Apaches had been damaged and had moved on south to the Guadalupe Mountains. In February of that year, the army began making plans for a permanent fort on the Bonito at the Camp Stanton location to interdict and discourage further Mescalaro incursions into the Pecos and Rio Grande Valleys. To that end, Lt. Colonel D. S. Miles, 3rd Infantry led a force from Ft. Fillmore, up the Tularosa and down the Ruidoso to Camp Stanton. At the same time Major James H. Carleton of the 1st Dragoons led a force from Albuquerque down the east side of the Manzano Mountains, through the Manzano area, southward to Patos Lake up through the Capitan Gap and down the Bonito to Camp Stanton at la junta. As these two groups converged they built the first wagon roads into the Rio Ruidoso and Rio Bonito Valleys. The officers of this command agreed it was a distance of about 170 miles to either terminus. After a detailed evaluation of the surrounding countryside, they decided a more advantageous location for a fort would be fifteen miles up the Bonito on an elevated piece of land close by plenty of wood, water and grass; having the further tactical advantages of being close to the main area used by the Mescaleros, their trails from the Capitans, the Peñasco and the Sacramento Mountains also covering the Apache exit trails to La Jolla, Manzano and Anton Chico. On April 29, 1855 Col. Miles and his men commenced work on Fort Stanton. 214 After careful study I have come to the conclusion that there was no organized settlement prior to 1855 in the Rio Bonito valley. This isn‘t to say that some hardy souls might not have set up housekeeping there but they would have had a good relationship with the Apaches and have been very self reliant with no wagon roads into the area and no towns closer than a 150 miles. The Army dispatches don‘t mention any locals and there were no guides familiar with the Peñasco River area, which reinforces my thinking. The land had been explored and the rivers and mountains named but it was unsettled land. So when did the first non-military come to stay? In the 1855 Col. Miles brought 200300 soldiers to build a fort and control the Mescaleros; that included a contingent of volunteer militia that had been called up to deal with the Indians, the likes of Capt. Miguel Pino of Santa Fe and the company he raised. When the Army showed up to build Ft. Stanton they had three months of rations with them and were well supplied. But an army isn‘t too happy on a steady diet of hardtack and dried beef; of course that‘s why they built roads. As soon as the wagons started to roll, and the hired teamsters and militia members returned home with their tales of a bountiful land protected the by army, things began to happen. Typically Hispanos didn‘t wander off and start all over again like their Anglo brethren; more likely, influential men, patrones, would gather a group and set out as an organized party. Enrique Trujillo, Francisco Fajardo and Sabino Gonzales were just such men. The Torreón in Lincoln is dated in most writing to 1855 so that means as soon as they built jacales or chozas to live in they went to work on the Torreón for protection. Defensive structures like torreones were a common part of many early New Mexican settlements. If 1855 was indeed the year the Torreón was built, then the families that first came must have came prepared for the long haul. There was a close association with the teamsters, so keeping things going wasn‘t too much of a problem. That fall and even the winter were given over to construction; there was much to do to get ready for the spring planting. The community of La Placita sprang to life. Something that the people of New Mexico had seldom had before the Americans came was cash; one of the benefits of an army town is that every U.S soldier gets paid, a fact that I‘m sure wasn‘t lost on the patrones. Fresh food, whiskey, sewing, saddlery, blacksmithing, light manufacture and repair of every type coupled, with partying, were good ways to get the soldiers and their support infrastructure to part with cold hard cash. The Census and other documents are a little deceiving, for everyone listed as a farmer probably had a little sideline specialty as well. By 1860 the Rio Bonito district, with La Placita at its heart, had a grand total of 275 citizens (50 some households) and 180 military related folks to boast of. Out of that total there were about 12 households, which had considerable personal property that were Anglo or headed by Anglos. Some of these families, apparently, had been in New Mexico quite some time a few had taken Hispano wives. An interesting example of this is Hugh Beckwith, who had married Refugia Rascon y Pino up in the Santa Fe area, and had moved his family to the valley. 215 Hugh Beckwith and family, who by 1870 are found down on the Pecos at Seven Rivers, are well documented in the Lincoln County War. Lilly Klasner in her book My Girlhood Among Outlaws mentions briefly that the Beckwiths had lived in the Rio Bonito district before they moved to Seven Rivers. After studying the 1860 Census, I have come up with an interesting observation. Tiofilo Lalonde is mentioned in connection with the Casey Ranch and Mill, and like the rest of us, I didn‘t think too much in detail about it. When I was typing the 1860 Census of Rio Bonito I noticed that H.M. Beckwith (born in Virginia) had an extensive spread. He valued the real estate alone at $10,000 dollars and $8,000 in personal property (livestock). Listed in his extended household was John Corby (from Germany), occupation miller. Making a few assumptions: That the Census enumerator did his work in more or less an orderly fashion, moving from point A to point B. That there were not very many places in 1860 Rio Bonito district that would accommodate these holdings (the largest by far). And, that it takes some time and money to build a large spread and a mill. I think that Hugh Beckwith, possibly with Pino family backing, built the Casey Mill and Ranch. The period between 1855 and the Civil War in 1861 things on the Rio Bonito /Rio Hondo were pretty tranquil enabling an endeavor like that to be undertaken. The Civil War substantially changed the picture, as we will see in the section that deals with it. In the beginning there were just two wagon roads into the Fort Stanton / La Placita area. The road from Fort Fillmore (the Mesilla area) across the White Sands, up the Tularosa by the Lumber Mill (Blazer‘s) and down the Ruidoso to La Junta (the junction with the Bonita). This is the road that was blazed by Lt. Colonel Miles. The second road was blazed at the same time by Major Carleton, following the existing road from Albuquerque down the east side of the Manzanos, then across the wilderness to Patos Lake, through the Capitan Gap and to Fort Stanton or down the Bonito to La Placita and finally to La Junta. Of course, shortly after Fort Stanton was established, a road was cut to tie it directly to the Tularosa road. This probably led to the slower development of the Ruidoso valley since commerce from that direction then by-passed the length of the valley. A third road was created later, during the Civil War era. This followed a major Indian trail that came down the Pecos. Some miles above where Roswell is now, it cut across to the Hondo and then up to La Junta. This trail became an important wagon supply route after Fort Sumner was established in 1862. Where the road joined the Hondo, some fifteen miles above the Pecos, the short-lived town of Missouri Plaza was located. By 1869, Fort Sumner was closed as a military installation and this road lost its prominence. However the road up the Hondo continued to be the gateway for the Pilgrims coming out of Texas well into the 1900‘s. With the fading of Fort Sumner, an alternative branch on the Manzano road, heading northeast from the Patos Lake area it connected to Las Vegas, NM and the railroad east and its markets became prominent. 216 It is important to understand these roads, the nature of freighting and the significance of freighting in the development of Lincoln County. The ebb and flow of the population and the make up of individuals were dictated by these tracks. The following I have included to give you a look at what travel was like in the early days, ed. Excerpt from “A Military Expedition to NM” By Col. William A. Thornton, who served as Chief of Ordnance of the Dept. of New Mexico 1855 to 1857 May 5, 1856 Left Santa Fe for Stanton at 9 ½ a.m. and reached Algodones at 5 p.m. General Garland, Col. Grayson, Major Thornton, Capt. Easton and Lieut. Craig. Day very cold causing the use of overcoats and buffalo robes - distance 43 miles. May 6, 1856 Left Algodones at 7 a.m. and reached Albuquerque at 11 a.m. Weather cold but more moderate. Frost has cut off much fruit and vegetable plants. Remained at Albuquerque the 7th, 8th, and 9th awaiting the arrival of Major Smith from Fort Defiance to take advantage of our escort. May 10, 1856 Left Albuquerque on the 10th at 11 a.m. and encamped opposite Los Lunas at 3 p.m. in a bosque(?). Thunderstorm at sundown. Major Smith joined us after dark, and so did Captain Emitt with a detachment of dragoons 50 strong - distance 23 miles. May 11, 1856 Marched at 6 ½ a.m. down the river. At 10½ left the river south and took over the hills on our left and encamped 4 p.m. near the ruins of Juan Luján. Day warm in the morning but threatening a storm before night. Country a prairie for 20 miles, then our route lay over the Manzano Mountains. Good wood and but little water, and poor grazing - distance 40 miles. May 12, 1856 Marched at 6 a.m. Passed the ruins of Abo, differing from anything of the kind seen before by me. Thin flat stones with a joint of mud in place of mortar. Age of structure unknown. Passed at 11 a.m. the ruins of Quivira in all respects the same as its antecedents. Encamped at 11½ because there was no water to be found on our 217 route for a long stretch from this point. Country quite beautiful being along the foot of the Manzano Mountains - distance 20 miles. May 13, 1856 Marched at 6 a.m. and encamped at the foot of the Gallinas Mountains. Country prairie with hills of sand causing the road to be heavy. No water found on the route. Had to send 1½ miles for cooking water. Wood in abundance and grass pretty fine. Morning foggy. Grand Quivira ruins seen on our right a great distance from our road. Antelopes and deer frequently seen. Turkeys gobbling at sundown all around us but could not be found - distance 38 miles. May 14, 1856 Marched at 6 a.m. and encamped at Patos or Duck Creek at 5 p.m. Crossed a range of Gusano Mountains and Tecolote. Road for the first eight miles very rough and stony. The remainder over beautiful prairies and down ravines. Came in sight of the White Mountain, said to be the highest point in New Mexico, distance to its top not less than 60 miles. It is almost constantly covered with snow. Game plenty, no water during the march. Wood and grass in abundance and water quite near camp. Foundations indicating building regularly laid out for defenses. Indian scenes painted on the bodies of large trees after the bark had been taken off. The Capitan Mountains due east of us. Carrizo Mountains north of northwest of us, rising high in the clouds not two miles from our camp. Capitan Mountain about 10 miles from our camp distance 45 miles. May 15, 1856 Marched at 7 a.m. and reached Fort Stanton at 11 a.m. Weather warm, road good, and scenery beautiful. This post is located 33, 30 latitude and 105 longitude. Santa Fe is in latitude 35, 40, longitude 106. It is in a beautiful valley on the right bank of the Rio Bonito which runs northeast in passing the fort, down the said pretty valley. As you look up this valley the top of the White Mountain covered with snow seems to terminate it but the valley does not reach to the foot of the mountain. The mountain is about 40 miles from the fort, but the air is so pure and clean that distance to the mountain does not appear to be over 20 miles. North of northeast from the fort rises the beautiful Capitan Mountain about 20 miles off. The White Mountain is south of southwest from the fort, while still close at hand rises other points not so commanding as those named. The river passing the fort turns to the eastward. It is but a small stream made by the snow on the White Mountain, but it is alive with fine trout. About 60 Indians came in to see the General. They are a hard set and from appearances have never been flogged. Captain Stanton fell by their hand. We got them to make a treat of arrow shooting which showed how formidable they are in battle. Major Van Horn commanding post - distance 20 miles. Commenced the inspection of ordnance stores. 218 May 16, 1856 Engaged in the inspection of ordnance property and making out the usual papers. May 17, 1856 Closed inspection duty and acting as a member of a General Court Martial. May 19, 1856 Closed our duties and making preparation for our return march. May 20, 1856 Marched at 9 ½ a.m. and encamped at 5 p.m. Carried water with us to shorten the next days march and watered our animals at 2 p.m. in passing our former camp distance 30 miles. May 21, 1856 Marched at 5 ¾ a.m. and encamped at 1 p.m. on our old ground at the Gallinas Mountains. Major Sprague and Van Horn with us for Santa Fe. Lost a horse from the great fatigue and want of water. May 22, 1856 Marched at 6 a.m. and reached Manzano, an apple town, at 3 p.m. This the most abominable town I have seen in New Mexico. The people are noted for their vileness and thieving disposition. They are dirty, and as we passed through one of our mules died in the harness from fatigue. We had hardly disengaged it from the wagon when it was surrounded by about 30 Mexicans who soon stripped its hide off and divided it up to eat. It is located in a beautiful valley and if the people chose, they could raise any quantity of corn, wheat, oats, etc. Timber in great abundance. The grazing good and wood and water plentiful - distance 38 miles. May 23, 1856 Marched at 6 a.m. and at 10 a.m. parted company with Sprague and Van Horn who had to go by Albuquerque, while we took a more direct route across the country and reached Buffalo Spring at 11½ a.m. - distance 20 ¾ miles. A large herd of sheep here. Lunched and watered our animals and set forward and encamped about 10 miles east of the San Dios Mountain, about opposite Algodones on the Albuquerque road. No wood or water, but good grass. Killed a rattlesnake as we were putting up our tent. During our march passed through several Mexican villages - distance 35 ¼ miles. 219 May 24, 1856 Marched at 5 a.m. and reached Santa Fe at 2 p.m. At 7 a.m. came abruptly on the valley of Gallisteo affording the grandest landscape view I have ever seen. We had been traveling for many days on a mesa, or tableland, and the top of Old Baldy had been constantly in view from the time we left the Gusano Mountains at least 150 miles, and notwithstanding we were approaching him for several days, he did not seem to loom up any larger. The cause of this was that the ground over which we were journeying was gently rising, which kept down Old Baldy‘s white head. Unexpectedly as I have said, we came abruptly to the termination of this tableland, and our road descended rapidly into a valley of a thousand or more feet. From the foot of this mesa to the top of Old Baldy, a distance of at least 60 miles, was a landscape spread before us that would be hard to surpass in grandeur and beauty. Around us on every side rose towering mountains, some of which are covered with snow almost the year round, while thousand of others poked their heads of every shape high in the air. The scene burst so unexpectedly on us that we all shouted with surprise and halted to take a long look. The deep furrow cut on the face of nature by the long chisel of time showed many a deep gorge, many a bold bluff of rocks, many a pile of earth partly shaded by the deep green of pine and cedar trees. Nature had labored hard but her work, as a whole was perfect. We passed down into the valley and trotted along through Galisteo and other Mexican towns and finally closed our tramp over mountain and moor, over rough and good roads, with and without water, and with no little fatigue - distance 36 miles. Distances From Santa Fe to Albuquerque 67 miles From Santa Fe to Fort Stanton 253 miles Returned by Gallisteo From Fort Stanton to Santa Fe 174 ¼ miles This ends an excerpt from “A Military Expedition to NM” 220 The 1860 U.S. Census tells us a lot about the early development of Lincoln County. There were 275 individuals listed plus the military contingent; 11 of them were shown as teamsters, 23 listed as farmers, a handful of tradesmen and the balance recorded as laborers or herdsmen plus all the wives and children. The farmers reported a varying degree of holdings from $550 of Joseph White, an Irishman (and his New Mexican wife) to H.M. Beckwith (and his New Mexican wife) with $18,000. Of the sixteen or so farmers that claimed at least $1500 in net worth, three were Hispanos. Which leads a person to wonder if some Anglos overstated their claims or if they somehow had more? Remembering that at that time there was no actual ownership of the land but just ownership of the improvements; also it makes you wonder if the Hispanos really cared about the Census. I have tried to track some of the people in the 1860 Census back to Manzano, to little avail; the only exception was William Miller and his wife Manuelita. They were enumerated in Manzano as well as Rio Bonito due to several months‘ difference in enumeration dates. William, a Canadian, became a blacksmith and Manuelita was from Manzano. Her father was Julián Carrillo and her mother was related to Francisco Herrera, a father of many that would come to the area. However there must have been considerable influence from the Manzano area and Manzano freighters. One other documented story of a Manzano person; is the unfortunate end of Gregorio Herrera, Francisco‘s son. By 1861 he had moved his family to La Placita. In August of that year he was killed in a drunken row, leaving a young wife, Geralda García, and several children. Perhaps Gregorio was a teamster, for his family immediately moved back to Manzano and care into the care of Geralda‘s aunts. This also brings another facet of life in the early days; as some accuse the Anglos of wantonly shooting folks (which is, by in large, untrue). The Hispano men were big on carrying knives and on occasion butchered each other when provoked. The names of localities within the La Placita neighborhood were not used in the 1860 Census. Starting downriver the name La Junta encompassed the area comprising the Beckwith Ranch or what was to become Picacho, possibly a little way up the Ruidoso (the Schwabacher Ranch) and the extreme lower Bonito. The Ruidoso wasn‘t much settled perhaps due to its exposure to the Indians. Up the Bonito the only place name I can figure out would be Las Chozas the home place of the Mirandas; the ranch or farmers‘ names would have identified the rest of the valley. Of course the community centered on the Torreón was called La Placita. The upper Bonito was a series of farms apparently including the area of the Salado flats (the flats are just out from present day Capitan). At the very upper end of the Bonito was Fort Stanton. The Civil War didn‘t happen overnight but simmered and then came to a boiling point. Even in the far reaches of the West, as tensions built, men had to decide which side they were for and what they would do. At Fort Stanton and other forts throughout the West, 221 officers were making decisions and some with Southern sympathies were even recruiting enlisted men to go with them. When secession came many officers resigned their commissions and headed to the Confederacy to offer their services. Likewise with the settlers of La Placita both Anglo and Hispanic: the Anglos largely made their choices based on their background; for the Hispanos it was a little more complex. For most New Mexicans, who they owed allegiance to didn‘t much matter, whether it was the United States, Mexico or Spain. What did matter to most of those who thought about it, were the Texans. Texans had twice tried to invade New Mexico and had to use other tactics to try control New Mexico. With the threat of Texas becoming a Confederate State most Hispanos found it easy to choose the North. There were a quite a few, none-the-less, which went for the South, especially the wealthy leaders (ricos) in the southern part of New Mexico, but still the minority. When secession came, in Texas, John Baylor quickly raised a column of men to invade the Territory of New Mexico. After some initial successes they came through El Paso and occupied Mesilla on the Rio Grande. A column of Union troops trying to retreat from Fort Filmore to Fort Stanton surrendered in a humiliating fashion to a smaller Texan force. News of this quickly spread to Fort Stanton and panic ensued. On August 2, 1861, Lt. Col. Benjamin Roberts ordered a hasty retreat northward; setting fire to everything they couldn‘t carry. This fire was poorly laid and following a summer thundershower, it ultimately did little damage and left substantial stores untouched. This unleashed a series of events that caused more polarization in the Bonita Valley. In a week or two a Texan Cavalry Company arrived followed by some wagons and set about gathering up what military supplies they could. They sent 51 wagons laden with military supplies back to Mesilla. The Indians in the area, emboldened by the disarray of the white man, stepped up their attacks and pilfering. The Texans fought a few skirmishes with them while they were at the Fort. Orders then came to abandon the Fort and withdraw to Mesilla. On September 8th; as preparations were under underway, the night before they were to leave. Word came of a heavy and sustained attack on La Placita. A detachment of 15 troopers was sent to their aid. After heavy fighting through the night and the killing of five Indians, the attackers were driven off. The next day the Confederates left for Mesilla after completing the destruction of the Fort that the Union soldiers had started. Panic set in, with no Army for protection or to buy their goods, the settlers left the area. Southern sympathizers headed down the military road for Mesilla and the rest left up the road for Manzano. At the end of September a party of 25 men returned from Manzano to harvest their abandoned crops, which took longer than expected and involved a fight with the Mescaleros in which one Indian was killed but no farmers. Their delayed return caused much consternation back in Manzano. Thus for more than a year the Rio Bonita valley was unoccupied by settlers. In the winter of 1862, Col. Kit Carson and troops of the 1st New Mexico Volunteers (Union) returned to Fort Stanton and resumed operations against the Mescaleros. The boys of the 1st New Mexico spent a hard first year back at the Fort. So undermanned and under supplied they could hardly mount patrols against the Indians. 222 As early as December of 1862, Col. Carson reported settlers returning, ―returning everyday‖ he stated in his report. Of course, since the only road from Union country came through Manzano, many of Manzano‘s more intrepid citizens took advantage of this turn of events. José Encarnación Padilla, and his wife ‗Polonia Herrera, Francisco Herrera‘s daughter, set up a ranch on the Salado Flats where road starts its final approach to Fort Stanton. As the Bonito runs out of Fort Stanton and turns east, at the head of the valley that contains La Placita, Antonio Torres and his wife, Juana Herrera, another of Francisco‘s daughters, founded Rancho Torres. As the settlers filtered back, some took over abandoned homesteads and a few returned to their own properties. Only two Anglos, William Miller, the blacksmith, and Alexander Duvall, the Fort sutler (a civilian provisioner), are found in the La Placita area on both the 1860 and 1870 Census; only a handful of Hispanos that were there before the Civil War returned as well. So 1862-63 saw a changed re-population in La Placita. During the next few years the Rio Bonito, Rio Ruidoso and upper Hondo valleys filled up. 223 Meanwhile, back at the Fort An excerpt from “Fort Stanton during the Civil War” by Dr. Walter Earl Pittman On the Fort Stanton Web Site ―Rarely and poorly paid, badly mounted and armed, raggedly clothed and inadequately fed, lacking shelter from the elements and living isolated from normal society, Fort Stanton‘s soldiers did their duty and generally did it well. The men at the Fort, either garrison troops or those operating from the Fort, came from U.S. Regular forces, New Mexico Volunteers, California Volunteers and some special scouts or ―spy‖ companies, drawn from New Mexicans. Units passed through the Fort from 1862 to 1865 with dizzying speed depending upon the circumstances of the campaigns. Command of the Fort was in the hands of the senior officer assigned there. At least nine men exercised this function from 1862-1865. They included Maj. Joseph Smith, Capt. George Hollister, Maj. William Brady, Lt. Col. Emil Fritz, Capt. Thomas Chapman as well as four New Mexico officers. These were Col. Kit Carson, Maj. Rafael Chacon, Maj. Arthur Morrison, and Capt. Francisco Abreu. Morrison and Smith remained the longest in command. Most of the units assigned to or operating from, the Fort were cavalry, or more rarely infantry, either mounted or on foot, but sometimes, artillery units were assigned there. ―These were the forces that Gen. Carleton used to pacify the Mescalero Apaches. During the Confederate invasion, in 1861 and 1862, the Army campaigns against the Apaches and the Navajos had been suspended. The result had been widespread raiding in which hundreds of soldiers, settlers and travelers had been killed and thousands of head of livestock stolen. Carleton was eager to renew the offensive against the Indians but he still had to watch the invasion routes from Texas in case of another Confederate incursion. Therefore he reversed Gen. Canby‘s strategy of warring first on the Navajo and then the Mescalero in order to keep his best troops in the South until he was certain no new threats would emanate form Texas. There was another factor. Carleton, and other Union officers, felt strongly that they had been betrayed by the Mescalero who had signed peace treaties in the Spring of 1861 only to sweep across the land in a wild wave of murder, robbery, arson and rape as soon as the Federal troops withdrew in the face of Gen. Sibley‘s invasion. Therefore, Carson was sent with five companies of the 1st NM Volunteers to Fort Stanton to resume hostilities against the Mescalero and he was ordered to kill all grown males and to take no prisoners. If the Apaches wanted peace they would have to go to Santa Fe, under a flag of truce, to Gen. Carleton and accept his terms. Apparently the Mescalero, at least most of them, did want peace. ―Remembering the campaigns of 1860-61 the Apaches understood what the massing of troops in their territory implied and quickly sought refuge under Army control. Bands led by Manuelito and Cadette made contact with Carson through the Indian Agent, Lorenzo Labadie, in September 1862 and made arrangements to send a delegation to meet with Carleton in Santa Fe. The massacre, if it was a massacre, of Manuelito‘s band at Gallinas Spring by Paddy Graydon did not derail the surrender process. In fact, it seemed to accelerate it, perhaps by emphasizing the Army‘s ruthless determination. 224 ―The surrendering Mescalero came into Fort Stanton quickly and were just as quickly sent on their way to their new reservation at the Bosque Redondo where Fort Sumner was established. Carson lacked the manpower to guard the Apaches or the food to adequately feed them. Some came in from far south of the Guadalupe Mountains. They were allowed to camp near enough to the Fort to draw daily rations until approximately 100 had gathered and then they were sent to the Bosque Redondo, accompanied by wagons carrying rations for the trip. By February, 1863, Carleton reported to Washington that some 350 Mescalero had been settled at Fort Sumner including most of the major leaders. Some 100-200 recalcitrants remained scattered through the mountains as far west as Arizona and continued to constitute a major problem. It was a problem that years of strenuous campaigns did not eliminate and only partially controlled. The campaigns against the Indians began as soon as Carson‘s men reached Fort Stanton. Carson‘s men were one tine of a three pronged force, that included troops from Mesilla and Franklin who invaded the Mescalero heartland. They made little contact with hostile Indians, none with combatants, but their pressure helped drive the moderate Indians to surrender at Fort Stanton. This became the pattern for dozens of patrols, large and small, that would be carried out between late 1862 and 1865. Many covered enormous distances over the rugged terrain, sometimes over 500 miles. Few patrols made contact with hostile Indians but they drove the Apaches from their safe base areas where they normally left their families and kept them constantly on the move, short of food and threatened at every turn. While this did not eliminate the threat of Indian depredation it reduced it to manageable levels and eventually induced all the Apaches, except a small hard core, to surrender. ―At any one time, at least one and often two or three patrols would be out from Fort Stanton. For example on 24 December 1862, Carson reported that he had two patrols in the Mescalero Country, while Col. James R. West at Mesilla also had two patrols chasing Apaches. To facilitate operations, a semipermanent depot was established, on West‘s suggestion, at Tularosa, where a group of Hispanic farmers from Mesilla had recently settled after disastrous floods along the Rio Grande destroyed their farms. Raising fodder for cavalry horses gave the farmers a market for their produce, while easing the Army‘s critical supply problem. Operating from Tularosa, a party of New Mexico Volunteers and civilians pursued and intercepted a band of 60 Apaches in the Oscura Mountains in April 1863, killing fourteen and wounding many. These Indians, including women and children, had approached a train, traveling form Socorro to the salt lakes, under a flag of truce and then treacherously attacked. Two wounded men survived and each found help; one met a patrol from Fort Stanton led by Lt. L. A. Bargie and the other, the party from Tularosa under Capt. E. Duren. The combined pursuit force surprised and overran what was probably a permanent camp site. Some ten wagon loads of dried meat were destroyed. Clashes with the Indians were almost continuous. In May 1863, a farmer on the Ruidoso River named Harding was killed and 10 or 12 horses stolen. In March and June, express riders were attacked near the Gallinas Mountains. They escaped by abandoning mules and mail. On June 24, 1863, Lt. L. A. Bargie was killed while successfully extricating his escort from an ambush on the Jornada. Gen. Carleton was particularly enraged by an attack on two of his express riders from Fort Stanton near the Gallinas Mountains on 28 June 1863. One man was killed but Pvt. N. Quintana was wounded and captured. The Indians then tied him to a stake and burned him alive. On June 20, Capt. A. H. Pfeiffer of the 1st N.M. Vols. left Fort McRae for an outing at the nearby hot springs with his wife, two female servants and a small escort. They were attacked by 225 Apaches. Two men were killed and three wounded, including Capt. Pfeiffer. The women, who had been bathing separately, were all shot and left for dead. But a servant girl survived and identified the leader of the band as a Mescalero named Lorenzo that she had witnessed surrendering to authorities at Fort Stanton a few weeks earlier. The officials at Fort Sumner insisted that no one could have left that post. But someone killed Mrs. Pfeiffer. Indians were not the only thing the soldiers from Fort Stanton looked for. The threat of a new Confederate invasion was always there, although any real possibility grew even fainter through time. Nevertheless, patrols were constantly sent out, at least monthly, from Fort Stanton, down the Hondo to the Pecos and down it to the Horsehead Crossing, north of present day Pecos. Other Union patrols from Franklin and Mesilla also covered approach routes as far as the Horsehead Crossing. From the other side the Confederates sent their own scouts westward as far as the Horsehead Crossing. The various patrols sometimes detected one another‘s presence but avoided contact. The scouts down the Pecos were long and hard, in excess of 300 miles and although they were usually small (10-20 men) they were a constant strain on men and horses. ―Even without contacting the Rebels, these patrols could be dangerous. Lt. Juan Marques was returning from the Horsehead Crossing on 19 July 1863 with his 15 man patrol when he was attacked by 50 Apaches on the Rio Hondo, probably near Tinnie, while he was in camp. The New Mexico Volunteers fought until their ammunition was expended and as the enemy strength had grown to over 200, his men destroyed their rifles, abandoned their horses and mules and made their escape, leaving one man dead. Meeting the fugitives, a patrol under Capt. Emil Fritz returned to the battlefield and tracked the Apaches toward the Capitan Mountains. When he caught up with them the Indians broke into small bands, one of which raided Placitas [Lincoln] killing one man. ―There simply were not enough of either men or horses at the Fort to adequately perform all the missions that were assigned. The number of troops assigned to Fort Stanton averaged 1-200 men. Some men had to be assigned to guard the horse herds and hay camp. Escorts were required for mail and supply trains. The post required a garrison and guards. There were never enough horses healthy enough to take to the field. One Fort Commander, Maj. Joseph Smith, pointed out that he never had more than 70 mounted men available for field operations. A year later Capt. William Brady had so few horses that the only way he could carry out his orders was to chase the Apaches on foot. He was so short of personnel that, at times, he didn‘t have a full guard mount available. Both men begged for more men and horses. But the Navajo campaign was by then soaking up all the resources available to the Army in New Mexico. ―The Fort‘s garrison hardly had enough manpower to even defend itself and the immediate area around. Twice in 1863, Indian raiders, probably Navajos, drove off most of the Fort‘s livestock, horses, mules, oxen and cattle. Farmers and ranchers nearby also were victimized. In December, 1863, Navajos ran off horses and cattle from the Hopkins and Gilam hay farm. In February 1864, Capt. Emil Fritz chased a band of Apache horse thieves to the Guadalupe Mountains after they raided Placitas. Capt. William Brady followed another band that stole horses from Fredrick Stipich‘s farm near Placitas to the Peñasco before rain obliterated the trail. In August, 1864, Lt. Henry Gilbert, commanding a detached party sent by Capt. Francis McCabe to follow the trail of an Indian raiding party, followed it into Dog Canyon on the western slopes of the Sacramento Mountains. Although warned by the guide, Gilbert 226 marched his men into an ambush. He, the guide and another soldier were killed, and the other troops fled in panic abandoning horses, weapons and Lt. Gilbert‘s body. ―Most patrols resulted in no contact being made with hostile Indians. The frustration was best expressed by Maj. Joseph Smith after a lengthy scout from Fort Stanton along the western edges of the Sacramento Mountains. They had returned, Smith reported, ―having accomplished nothing but the killing of one horse and learning a little of the geography of the Sacramento Mountains.‖ ―By mid 1864 the bloody campaigns to control the Apaches and Navajos were winding down, at least temporarily. The Army‘s entire scheme of pacification based upon settlement of the wild tribes on the Fort Sumner reservation was rapidly collapsing. Overwhelmed by nearly three times as many Indians as they had expected to capture, the Army could not feed nor clothe them. In fact, the Army wasn‘t able to feed or clothe its own soldiers adequately. Crop failures in 1864 and 1865 at the Bosque Redondo completed the disaster. As early as 1863 some of the Mescalero had slipped off back to their beloved White Mountains and by the Fall of 1864 most were gone from Fort Sumner and all were by the Fall of 1865. To avoid Army attacks, many of the Mescalero settled near Fort Stanton where their visibility was their protection. Fort Stanton, in 1864 and 1865 gradually took on the nature of what would be its next function, the Reservation for the Mescalero Apaches. ―The decision to retain Fort Stanton as an active Army post was made by Gen. Carleton who justified his actions to his superiors, describing the fort in glowing terms. Carleton, who had been stationed there in the 1850‘s was obviously fond of the ―Little Fort on the Bonito‖. He was also under pressure from settlers in the Tularosa, Bonita, Ruidoso and Hondo River basins who were anxious for the protection of the U.S. Army and eager for the market the Fort represented. Carleton, himself, viewed white settlement as the ultimate solution to the ―Indian Problem‖ facing the Army and understood the importance of Fort Stanton in encouraging settlement. He seems to have deliberately tried to start a ―gold rush‖ to the region and to the Gila by giving wide publicity to every rumored discovery. He also released some of his California troops, experienced gold miners, from active service to explore for gold at a time he was short of men. He was rewarded by the finding of a lump of gold on the ground near the Capitan Mountains in 1864. The gold, variously describes as a corn kernel size nugget or a musket ball found in a deer skeleton, triggered a small gold rush. Carleton also encouraged his California Volunteers to remain in New Mexico, allowing them to take their discharge in the Territory and to purchase their Army horses and weapons. Many did, and these were the men who determined the course of history in Lincoln County for decades. They included, William Rynerson, Emil Fritz, Lawrence Murphy, Warren Bristol, William Brady and others. Of the Confederates, only Alex Duval and Henry Beckwith are known to have returned to Lincoln County after the war.‖ 227 La Placita becomes Lincoln County The following is taken from the book “New Mexico State Monument – Lincoln” By John P. Wilson ―The Rio Bonito country is unusual in that there are so few descriptions of the settlements there. One exception was an 1866 survey of the crops and population by Major Lawrence G. Murphy, a name soon to become familiar. He listed three hundred Mexicans and five Anglo-Americans tilling a total of 625 acres in the Bonito Valley. One year later, a land surveyor found some forty houses and twenty-one stores in the town of La Placita. The stores must have been small, indeed; perhaps the front rooms in homes. ―The best account of early-day La Placita/Lincoln was penned many years later by Lily Casey Klasner, who had arrived in what was still Socorro County as a five-year-old: ‗In 1868, Lincoln was not known as Lincoln, but was called simply La Placita.... I distinctly remember my first visit to La Placita.... Scattered along the two sides of a crooked stretch of road were twelve or fifteen houses, which might be credited with a certain degree of pretension. They were adobe, flat-roofed, angular in shape, and one story in height. In the rear of the houses fronting on the street were a number of jacales, that is, houses of a simpler type made by standing up cedar or juniper posts and daubing them together into walls by applying mud.‘ Interiors were whitewashed with jaspe, a gypsum solution. Most of the people earned their livelihood by farming tracts of land along the narrow valley. In the business section, according to Lily: ‗José Montano had a store and a saloon, and Jacinto Sánchez a store... Alec Duval ran a saloon, which was also a branch of L. G. Murphy & Co.'s store. Pete Bishop, a large, bald-headed old man, ran a regular saloon in the town; that is, his place was exclusively for the dispensing of alcoholic liquors.‘ Other prominent citizens included Mariano Trujillo and Captain Saturnino Baca, the latter then living some miles to the west. ―Lincoln had become a town with very bright prospects. It might also have resembled a large cornfield. The 1870 census showed 1,695 acres under cultivation along the Rio Bonito; from these farms came an estimated 1.3 million pounds of corn, together with assorted wheat, oats, and barley, much of this produce destined for sale to the army and the Indian agency.‖ Meanwhile in other parts of the Territory the Indian Wars were heating up. In 1862 Fort Sumner was built on the Pecos, about 80 miles above where the Hondo joins it. 9,000 Navajos and Apaches were held there as prisoners in 1864. Fort Stanton had regained its position of supplying the Mescalero Reservation with supplies. This created a tremendous need for freighters, teamsters and farmers. The military opened a road down the Pecos to Fort Stanton. This road followed an old Indian trail, which cut across and joined the Hondo some 15 miles above the Pecos. At this point on the Hondo some Manzano freighters and entrepreneurs founded a colony of Manzano folks called San José. Since there was another San José in New Mexico these freighters, who had been up the Santa Fe Trail many times, called it San José de Missouri; the Anglos generally called it Missouri Plaza or Missouri Bottom. 228 Missouri Plaza boasted about 330 people in the 1870 Census compared to the Bonita Valley down to the upper Hondo with about 410 people. Obviously it was the largest or second largest settlement in the area; depending how you look at it. In those days the Hondo was running enough water to keep the farms along its banks productive. Rita Baca and Gregorio Sánches‘ son, Santiago and his wife Mariana Perea were there with their children and their families nearby. Rita‘s son, Mauricio, and his wife María Jesús Gonzales and their family lived close by Santiago. Also in town were Gertrudis Márquez and Antonio Torres‘ son, José de los Reyes, and his wife Trinidad Cháves and their family. Lorenza Salas‘ daughter, Ana María Torres and her husband Ygnacio Guevara and their family lived there also. Like so many good things this wasn‘t to last. Fort Sumner closed in 1869 and water needs further up the Hondo and its tributaries caused the water to slow to a trickle. Missouri Plaza was doomed; sometime shortly after 1870 the site was abandon and most of the inhabitants moved up stream and relocated in other parts of what had become Lincoln County. I have taken this excerpt from MORE Tales of Tularosa, the section about Saturnino Baca, by Mrs. Tom Charles based on the work compiled by her late husband. Stories gathered for more than 25 yrs. before his death in 1943. Copyright 1961 “Capt. Saturnino Baca, one of Lincoln County‘s most loved citizens, was the Father of the county. As a member of the Territorial Legislature in 1869 he sponsored a bill, which created Lincoln County. ―The new county comprised seventeen million acres, or well over one—fifth of New Mexico‘s total of seventy-eight million acres and was created largely out of Socorro County with portions of eastern Valencia and Doña Ana counties. It was bounded on the north by San Miguel and Valencia counties, on the west by Socorro and on the east and south by the state of Texas. Within these boundaries are the present day counties of Chaves, Curry, Eddy, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and parts of De Baca and Otero. ―Captain Baca was born in Cebolleta, Valencia County, November 29, 1830, and attended a private school there. After rounding out a long life filled with stirring events, he passed away at old Lincoln in 1924, at the age of 94. ―Captain Baca often related how he managed to get his county division bill through the legislature. Thomas B. Catron, who later served as U. S. Senator from New Mexico, was then a rising young lawyer, living at Mesilla, and had been elected to the legislature from Doña Ana County. Catron had served with the Confederate army through the Civil War, but because he had never taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, he faced opposition in being seated in the legislature. ―Knowing Captain Baca‘s chief interest in the legislature was to obtain creation of the new county Tom Catron asked him for help in getting himself seated, and promised in return to use his influence in getting the county bill passed. ―Baca told Catron to draw up his resolution for membership and that he would introduce it in the legislature. This passed unanimously, the clerk was called and Catron was sworn in immediately as a member. 229 ―Catron, in return, introduced the Baca Bill creating Lincoln County, which also passed without opposition. Legislators suggested that it be named Baca County but Captain Baca modestly declined the honor, asking that it be named for the recently martyred President Abraham Lincoln. The county seat also was named for Lincoln. It had been previously known as Placita del Rio Bonito. ―Backing and assisting Saturnino Baca in his movement for the new county was a committee of prominent citizens seeking establishment of better law and order in southeastern New Mexico. The group included Lawrence G. Murphy, then post trader at Fort Stanton; William Brady, a retired army Major; Florencio Gonzales, a rancher, and Dr. J. H. Blazer, owner of Blazer‘s Mill at Mescalero. ―The Governor appointed Major Brady as first sheriff of the new county; Dr. Blazer, Florencio Gonzales and Paul Dowlin as county commissioners; and Saturnino Baca was the first probate judge. There was no superintendent of schools appointed at that time, as there were no schools. In addition to his service as probate judge Captain Baca later served four years as sheriff, also as county commissioner, and as a member of the State Penitentiary Commission.‖ (A notation in Florence Lacey Kearny‟s copy of “My Girlhood Among Outlaws” states that SaturninoBaca was a friend of Tioflio Lalonde.) Places in the 1870s The Census for 1870 shows a considerable growth from the 275 or so individuals in 1860 to the 1680 or so of that year (not counting military); considering the population essentially started all over in 1863. Precinct 1 encompassed Fort Stanton down the Bonito to La Junta and down the Hondo to about the Casey Ranch; 515 persons in 215 households. Precinct 2 followed the Ruidoso up to Dowlin Mill; 160 persons in 47 households. Precinct 3 was made up of two different areas; (a) the lower Hondo (Missouri Plaza) with 335 persons in 100 households and (b) South Spring to Seven Rivers on the Pecos with 40 persons. Precinct 4 was the Tularosa / Blazers Mill area with 630 people. Patrones and Honchos in Precincts 1,2 & 3a numbered about 46 Individuals that had a net-worth of over $1000. Of these, 11 were merchants; the remainder were farmers, who also provided services like freighting and other trades. 1870 Lincoln County Census, Precincts 1,2,3- Persons over $1000 Net Worth Fam. P1-1 P1-1 P1-1 P1-1 P1-4 P1-26 P1-28 P1-59 P1-73 Name Murphy, Lawrence G Fritz, Emil Duval, Alexander Dolan, James J Varnick, William Harrison, Henry B Padilla, Jose Torres, Antonio Baca, Saturnino Age 35 38 50 21 33 42 65 42 38 Occupation Wh. Merchant Wh. Merchant Salesman Drygoods Clerk Butcher Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer 230 RealEst Value $10,500 $10,500 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $6,000 PersProp Value $2,000 $2,000 $500 $250 $1,000 $1,000 $800 P1-79 P1-80 P1-83 P1-102 P1-105 P1-108 P1-114 P1-120 P1-132 P1-147 P1-174 Farmer, James H Montoya, Rafael Brady, William Miranda, Jose Gonzales, Florencio Storm, Joseph Clenny, Avery M Chaves, Juan de Jesus Warner, David C Casey, Robert Trujillo, Enriques 37 70 36 42 37 38 46 40 31 41 50 P1-188 P1-196 P1-203 P1-214 P2-11 P2-32 P2-40 P2-43 P2-47 P3-2 P3-4 P3-20 P3-25 P3-36 P3-43 P3-70 P3-74 P3-77 P3-78 P3-79 Sanchez, Jacinto Montana, Jose Gonzales, Sabino Miranda, Felipe Trujillo, Felix Gutierrez, Manuel A Gylam, Jack ? McPherson, Silas W Dowlin, Paul Sanchez, Mauricio Torres, Nicolas Ricken, Frank Lucero, Ambrocio Silva, Manuel Hudson, James Analla, Jose Sylva, Juan Ricken, Frank H Jones, Haiskel Culp, Adam 28 32 60 46 41 38 33 32 40 48 54 32 51 33 36 40 36 28 40 26 P3-81 P3-83 P3-87 P3-88 P3-91 P3-92 P3-94 Vose, Rufus C Newcomb, John Smith, Frederick Nickerson, Joseph B Smith, Van C Hartman, George Chick, Ulyses 36 40 36 46 30 25 33 Farmer $2,000 Farmer $1,000 Farmer $1,500 Farmer $800 Farmer $2,500 Farmer $4,000 Farmer $1,500 Farmer $2,000 Farmer $1,500 Famer $1,500 Farmer $2,000 Wh. Dry Goods Merchant $175 Dry Gds. Merchant Farmer $2,000 Farmer $500 Farmer $1,000 Farmer $1,500 Farmer $1,500 Farmer $1,500 Lumber Merchant $10,000 Farmer $1,000 Farmer $800 Farmer $2,000 Farmer $500 Farmer $300 Farmer $500 Farmer $500 Farmer $500 Farmer $4,000 Farmer $600 Farmer $800 Wh Dry Goods Merchant $5,000 Farmer $1,500 Farmer $800 Farmer $1,000 Salesman $1,500 Hotel Keeper $1,000 Farmer $800 231 $500 $2,000 $300 $700 $1,500 $200 $800 $800 $600 $500 $300 $1,000 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,500 $175 $800 $1,000 $5,000 $800 $550 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $2,500 $750 $800 $500 $800 $700 $10,000 $1,550 $500 $560 $500 $500 $700 With the collapse of Missouri Plaza about 1871 or 1872 the pressure on the valleys grew and folks started setting up in other places. Agua Azul and Las Tablas and other areas on the northern side of the Capitans can trace back to this era. The canyons that emptied into the valleys also saw home places spring up in the search for more room to run a few cattle and do a little farming. Many of the place names of today were established in the two decades between 1865 and 1885: Picacho, Tinnie, Hondo (La Junta), San Patricio, Ruidoso (the area around Dowlins Mill); Chavez Flats, Fritz Spring, Brady Hill, Salazar Canyon, Salado Flats, Nogal and White Oaks to name a few. The influx of people continued. In Texas during the Civil War most of the cattle were left unattended due to the serious manpower shortage on the frontier. It took a couple of years for things to sort themselves out; then they found they had more cattle than they could use, so they set out to take them to market. The great and legendary cattle-drives north to Kansas and the likes were during this period. They also took their cattle west across the West Texas plains to the Pecos River. Some turned north to markets up river and in to Colorado. The main emigrant trail across West Texas split at a place named Horsehead Crossing on the Pecos, one went south through the town of Pecos then to El Paso the other went north to the Hondo and then up through Lincoln County. Everybody came one way or the other; wagons, people with their livestock, and of course, cattle herds headed westward. It must have been a busy place at times. Of course this wasn‘t a static situation but a constant ebb and flow. As word worked its way back down the trail of the opportunities in and around Lincoln, a steady flow of families with small herds or wagon trains of settlers began to appear. This continued until about 1900. Hispanos from other parts of New Mexico, Mexican Nationals and Hispanics from Texas also contributed to the population. The 1880s brought the railroad from the East to Santa Fe and beyond; many people detrained at a little town in the northwest of New Mexico called Las Vegas, the closest point to the gold fields and other prospects of Lincoln County. If you were anchored on a great observation platform in the sky, at a point where the Hondo joins the Pecos, looking west, Lincoln County would lay before you as a great stylized ‗Y‘. The center would be the Hondo Valley; about 15 miles up would be the location of Missouri Plaza, a little farther up Picacho, then Tinnie and at the intersection, Hondo or La Junta. The left or south side of the ‗Y‘ would be the Ruidoso Valley; the right or north side would be the Bonito Valley. Approximately in between the top of the ‗Y‘ you would find Fort Stanton. Development of the Ruidoso Valley was limited to just the canyons that fed into it, by the Mescalero Reservation to the south; nonetheless there were many fine locations in the Valley. San Patricio just upstream from La Junta, the Coe ranch an Glencoe, Turkey Canyon where Fernando Herrera ran cattle (later Hollywood) and of course Ruidoso which grew up around the location of Dowlin Mill to name a few. 232 The north fork, the Bonito, developed much the same in the very early years. To the right or north above La Junta was Chavez Flats. Up stream to the left was Las Chozas where the Miranda family held sway. Travel about halfway up the valley and you find La Placita or Lincoln. A little further on is Salazar Canyon on your right, then up the valley to Rancho Torres. At the top of this side of our stylized ‗Y‘ you might imagine a large flourish; the Bonito becomes more of a creek and rises southward toward Fort Stanton, Magado Creek rises a little more westward toward Nogal and the Salado Creek flows through the flats that lie just north and west of present day Capitan. The Capitan Mountains form the northern flank of the Bonito Valley and development radiated in many directions through and beyond them in the 1870s and into the 1880s; we will visit a few of these settlements. Up Salazar‘s Canyon another canyon intersects, called Padilla Canyon. Here Jesús María Padilla (no relation to José Encarnación Padilla), a teamster from the Socorro area, homesteaded. Further up Salazar‘s Canyon, Saturnino Baca had a place. Back down the valley to Chavez Flats, at the eastern end of the Capitans we find such places as Arabela and Agua Azul; as the Capitans start rounding off to the north, Las Tablas and Encinoso on the north slope. As our circle of The Capitans continues we come to the Capitan Gap, portal in the early days from the north, toward Manzano; below the gap, to the north, some of the ranching country was called Texas Park. Continuing clockwise, to the north and west was Patos Lake and later the community of Reventon; then to the west and south in our circle, White Oaks. The mining country was in the west of the county starting at the upper reaches of the Bonito with Angus and the old community of Bonito, where Bonito Lake is now; then northward to Nogal, then White Oaks and up into the Jicarillas. The road map of Lincoln County was different in the late 1800s; all roads radiated out from Lincoln and Fort Stanton and connected as the needs of each individual community dictated. Mining or some simple form of extracting gold from the stream beds was common throughout Spanish New Mexico; however for most, the exigencies of daily life kept them farming or practicing a trade rather than wandering about looking for gold. In the Jicarilla Mountains, in the northwest part of Lincoln County, a small gold rush had begun in early 1861. In August of that year, when the Texan Cavalry showed up, they were apparently successful in recruiting some of the miners for their cause. The Jicarillas were completely deserted by September, 1863, but miners seemed to have reappeared in 1864. According to the 1870 Census, there were twenty-four individuals, some with families, listed as miners; ten of those were Anglos. Studying the Census it appears that they were grouped for the most part west of Ft. Stanton in the area that would be called in the 1880 Census the ―Nogal Mining District‖, or perhaps as far north as the Jicarillas. Of the 500 or so heads of households in the entire county, this represents a significant portion of the population. The following excerpt is from an Essay “White Oaks, NM: Foundation to Fadeout” by Max Turner. 233 ―Gold was apparently found in the nearby mountains by the 1800's, though no mining efforts were conducted by the locals. The local natives were eager to find just enough 'free gold' to perhaps purchase some new sheep or a bottle. Whatever the case, the secret of gold was kept quiet. The area of what was to become White Oaks was only mentioned in the local cantinas and that in passing. The Mal Pais country thus maintained its secret until a California '49er stopped in San Antonio, New Mexico, and overheard a conversation of 'free gold' in the area. His hearing of ‗gold in them thar hills‘ changed the face of New Mexico. ―A native of Missouri, John J. Baxter had been luckless on the coast and remembered New Mexico. Knowing enough Spanish to understand the locals, Baxter made his way to the area. There, after combing around the gulches and arroyos, he found some of this 'free gold'. The year was 1878, and the beginning of the White Oaks legend had begun. ―Baxter was unable to keep his discovery quiet, however, for by 1879, the word had spread to Jack Winters and John E. Wilson, both of whom were panning Baxter Gulch, as it was now known. The two commenced to work hard, every morning transporting the water necessary to wash the dirt on the backs of mules from the spring two and a half miles away. Then, in the evening, they would pack in all of the pay dirt possible back to their cabin located at White Oaks Spring. This was done all summer, the men finding enough nuggets to make their efforts worthwhile. Still, no vein had yet been discovered. The arrival of a certain Tom Wilson would change all that. ―Reportedly a fugitive from Texas justice, Wilson was accepted into the partnership. Working the head of Baxter Gulch, he came upon the sudden discovery of a vein while taking a rest. Sitting down on a boulder to eat his lunch, Wilson's eye was suddenly caught by the glistening of crystals in a nearby rock. Striking the stone with his pick, he picked up the slivers and returned to camp, showing his partners his find. Immediately they returned to the site, digging and exposing the vein. This was the basis for the famous Homestake Mine. ―Tom Wilson, apparently afraid of news of gold getting to the authorities, sold his share to Jack Winters for a couple of silver dollars, two ounces of gold dust ($38.00), and a pistol, then left for parts unknown. No matter, the first great vein was found at White Oaks. ―John E. Wilson and his partner Jack Winters set out to make good their newly found vein. The Homestake claim, 1,500 feet long by 600 feet wide, was split between the two men, Wilson taking the south half, Winters the north. Named the North Homestake and the South Homestake, the two claims brought about the customary gold-rush to the area. Within a short amount of time, all of Baxter Mountain and most of nearby Lone Mountain were covered with claims. White Oaks was beginning to grow.‖ Further excerpts from this essay will appear later, ed. As we have observed, the teamsters and freighters brought Lincoln County to life; some individuals listed their occupations as teamsters others as farmers but hauled freight as events warranted. Some like José María Padilla came to Lincoln as teamsters others like Aniceto Lueras came through family ties, freighted some and then moved on to other endeavors and some like Henry Farmer did both. The farms and ranches of the valleys were still relatively small, 160-acre homesteads for the most part, some bigger. In the Census‘ of 1870 and 1880 they were listed as farms but many folks ran cattle on their acreage as well, some were even dairy farms and 234 specialized in milk and butter. It was a busy time, things were going well; the two biggest problems were the strangling effects of the House of Murphy (as the mercantile empire of Lawrence Murphy was called) and the need for eternal vigilance regarding Indians. The Horrell War From John P. Wilson’s book “Lincoln” ―….. in 1873 when an upsurge in shootings initiated what Lily Klasner called ‗the Reign of the Six Shooter‘. Technological improvements in firearms spurred this new violence. Samuel Colt's Peacemaker, a .45 caliber revolver, and the Winchester Model 1873 rifle came on the market that year. Both used reliable, center-fire, metallic cartridges and marked a great advance in firepower. Some of Lincoln's citizens liked to mix whiskey with their gunpowder, which created an even more volatile mixture. Old Monongahela or similar brands rolled into town by the barrelful. ―These citizens were almost entirely Spanish-speaking and included Anglo-Americans who had married into Hispanic families. Another population element was the ranchers from Texas who had settled lower down near the Pecos, mostly peaceable but including some who were prone to violence. Antagonisms between the newer and the older settlers boiled over in the Horrell War during December 1873 and January 1874. ―The five Horrell brothers, with a dozen or so kinsmen and assorted hangers-on, had left four dead state policemen in Lampasas County, Texas. In New Mexico, they bought a homestead on the lower Ruidoso. One day, Ben Horrell and some cronies tanked up on liquor and proceeded to shoot up the streets of Lincoln. This climaxed with a big gunfight that left the town constable and three of the Texans, including Ben Horrell, shot down. With no arrests made and feelings running high, the Horrells nursed their grudge. They rode into Lincoln the night of December 20 and found a wedding bailie, or dance, in progress in the building then called Chapman's Saloon, also used as the courthouse and now known as the Convento. They fired through the windows and doors, killing four of the celebrants and dangerously wounding three others before riding away. There were more killings and armed groups roved the countryside. In late January, James Dolan led a ‗posse‘ down the Ruidoso and burned down the Horrell ranch. The Texans in turn threatened to attack Lincoln and torch the town. Instead, they sold their 1,098 head of cattle to one of Murphy's agents and made their way back to Texas.‖ Seeds for Trouble Planted Again from John P. Wilson’s book “Lincoln” ―The Horrell War planted the seeds for trouble beyond anything that Lincoln County had yet seen. The army had twice prevented an outbreak just by having troops present, establishing a possibly useful precedent. They would try it again in July 1878, only to find their bluff called. 235 ―The year 1875 began with the Mesilla News congratulating L. G. Murphy on completing one of the finest buildings in the territory, namely his new store and residence. This was the most positive note all year. On August 1, Robert Casey left his family, including daughter Lily, now thirteen, at their ranch on the Rio Hondo while he rode into Lincoln for a political convention. He ate lunch at the Wortley Hotel with a former employee, William Wilson. Afterward, as Casey walked along the street, Wilson confronted or ambushed him, leaving Casey mortally wounded. The sheriff took charge of the accused and put him in the Fort Stanton guardhouse, the only jail available. In time, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to hang, in what would be Lincoln County's first legal execution. On the appointed day, December 10, Murphy himself mounted the platform and kicked the trigger to spring the trapdoor, sending Wilson's body through it. After nine and a half minutes, he was cut down and put in a coffin, but a woman lifted the lid and peeped in, then screamed, "For God's sake! The dead has come to life!" Wilson indeed was still breathing. The army took charge now; the condemned man was dragged from the coffin and hanged a second time, for a full twenty minutes, preventing any repetition of the first mistake. A week later, following a fatal knifing in Lincoln, the Mesilla News observed that ‗... tragedies such as [these] ... have ceased to excite the passions of the people of Lincoln County. They are accustomed to the smell of blood.‖ It was during this era that one of the biggest events in the history of Hollywood movies and the printed book happened: the Lincoln County War and Billy the Kid. We are not going to visit the minutia of this over-reported and over-digested event with two exceptions; to recommend a book (Nolan‟s) and to mention events that affected the lives of the people in the rest of our story. Recommended Reading Of the books I have read on Lincoln County here are a couple that I consider ‗must read‘. ―My Girlhood Among Outlaws‖ by Lilly Klasner, from the University of Arizona Press And my favorite version of the Billy the Kid saga. ―The West Of Billy the Kid‖ by Frederick Nolan, from the University of Oklahoma Press Another book that is out of print, but an excellent view of the development of Lincoln County; if you can find it. ―Ranch on the Ruidoso The Story of a Pioneer Family in New Mexico, 1871-1968‖ by Wilbur Coe, from Alfred A. Knopf, Publishers A good look at early 1800‟s New Mexico. ―Legacy of Honor‖ by Rafael Chacón Lincoln’s New Era From John P. Wilson‟s book “Lincoln” ―Lincoln gradually began to shed its reputation for settling disputes with a six-gun and entered into its era of greatest prosperity. The population in 1880 was almost triple that 236 of a decade earlier, although only fifteen persons returned themselves as farmers. The most common occupation was laborer. Still, the tilled acreage had increased to 2,111 acres, mostly planted in corn and wheat. No one identified himself or herself as a rancher or stock raiser, but this type of activity had become prominent elsewhere in the county. Perhaps most remarkable was that in 1880, Lincoln was a town of widows, grim testimony to the human toll of the Lincoln County War. Nearly 25 percent of the households-39 of 167—were headed by women, and thirty-three of the thirty-nine ladies were widows. Sue McSween was the only Anglo among them; the others were all Hispanic. Some, such as Sue herself and Bonifacia Brady, managed or even expanded their husbands' estates, but others were left in difficult circumstances. Sue remarried in June 1880, to George Barber, and she went on to acquire substantial real estate interests across southeastern New Mexico, including a prominent farm and ranch at Three Rivers. ―There were other changes, most importantly new economic opportunities. The railroad arrived at Las Vegas, New Mexico, in April 1879, and within four years Kansas contractors were underbidding local merchants for the delivery of hay and grain at Fort Stanton, a situation that a Las Cruces newspaper labeled "villainous." What happened to the 1,182,496 pounds of corn raised on Rio Bonito farms in 1879 is not clear, but the farmers may have been substantially overproducing. Within a few years, they began switching to new fruit and forage crops, especially alfalfa, and probably followed the lead of Roswell area agriculturalists by irrigating pasturelands.‖ Indian Relations By the mid 1880s the Mescaleros had finally settled down to reservation life, gone were the days of eternal vigilance protecting life and property. In the late 1880s, in southern Arizona along the New Mexico border, the Chirachaua Apaches were defeated and the Indian Wars were officially declared over. Ups and Downs Again from John P. Wilson’s “Lincoln” ―This country (Lincoln County) was still young, scarcely thirty years old, and economic opportunity became a byword. From 1885 to 1886, the number of buildings in Lincoln (Town) doubled. ―However, the community‘s hold on prosperity was a tenuous one that depended heavily on supplying the range cattle industry. The ranges were now overstocked, and whenever drought hit, trouble followed. By 1889, it was apparent that range cattle could no longer compete with grain-fed stock in the markets. Already 24 percent of tilled lands in Lincoln County produced alfalfa, virtually unheard of ten years before. In 1888, Roswell boomed, initially by the promises of large irrigation companies that soon failed; but beginning in the 1890‘s with artesian water for expanding its farms. The economic importance of the Bonito and Ruidoso Valleys dwindled by comparison with the new wealth of the Pecos Valley. Professional people from Lincoln were moving to Roswell while the gold mines at White Oaks attracted many by their offer of steady employment. 237 ―Another blow to Lincoln came when the Territorial legislature voted to divide the sprawling county into two more separate entities—Eddy and Chaves counties. This split became official on January 1, 1891. Fort Stanton, which had supported Lincoln during its first twenty-five years of existence, closed officially in 1896. Three years later, the old post was set aside as a tuberculosis sanatorium, administered by the U.S. Marine Hospital Service, and as a hospital it came to be a principal employer.‖ 238 The following continues the Essay “White Oaks, NM: Foundation to Fadeout” by Max Turner. From isolation to prosperity... ―At the time of the discovery of the Homestake White Oaks, which was officially founded on August 15, 1879, was a long way from anywhere. The main line of travel through New Mexico was south from Las Vegas and Santa Fe to El Paso via the Rio Grande. The nearest post office was ninety miles to the west in San Antonio. The Homestake find changed all this for in late 1879 the camp, now growing into a small town, applied for a post office. The petition was granted and a mail contract was awarded to the National Mail Company. ―Morris B. Parker's family was amongst the new wave of 'miners' hoping to strike it rich at White Oaks during the summer of 1882. Coming from all over the country, people flocked to the small valley, claiming whatever areas they could in hope of finding that one special spot. Parker's family relocated from St. Louis in what he describes as a 'new start.‖ His father, Erasmus Wells Parker, had managed to purchase the South Homestake in 1881, yet knowing almost nothing about mining. Returning to St. Louis, Parker gathered his family, convinced his wife of the opportunities, and headed for White Oaks in 1882. ―After making the trip to Las Vegas by train, the family of five had to make the last 175 miles to White Oaks by buggy. This was no easy feat for the toughest of families, for there was the constant threat of Indian attack, dehydration, or simply getting lost. Luckily for the Parkers, they did not meet up with any Indians and made the journey to their new home with relative ease. ―Once in the town, which numbered around 500 inhabitants in 1882, the Parkers set about 'fixing-up' their two-room cabin, made entirely from wood, with a flat, mud roof. This was the common house for the average family, for White Oaks was still in its 'infant' stages as a boomtown in 1882. The main street, White Oaks Avenue, ran through the middle of the town. Trees were quickly planted on both sides of it to provide both shade and beauty. The town had grown from the mining camp into a small tent town and from there into a shantytown. After the sudden population boom of 1880-1882, the town went from a so-called hog town into the final stage of a beautiful, little mountain paradise. ―With a strong population apparently here to stay, Jonathan H. Wise organized the town's first newspaper, the White Oaks Golden Era, which was handed out in December 1880. By 1882, Starr's Opera house was completed as well as an attempt to start another newspaper called the White Oaks Scorpion, but this one never made it off the ground. Stores, saloons, a school, even a town hall were soon built, adding to the growing town. J. Howe Watts laid out the entire town and was named surveyor. Arthur Lampson was named the first postmaster. ―Supply prices were generally higher than elsewhere in New Mexico, but nobody seemed to care for everyone was waiting their chance to strike it rich. Flour was six dollars for a hundred pounds, butter for fifty cents a pound, canned fruits for sixty cents a can. Drinking water was still cheap, at forty cents a barrel, for it was also being used for panning, which was in the general interest of the entire town. 239 The town hall, constructed in 1882, measured 24 x 48 square feet. This building was to be the focal point for most town activities. Church, Sunday school, day school, dances, political meetings, plays, and just about everything else happened at the town hall in the early days of White Oaks. Lyman Hood held the first services for the new church in early 1884. He was paid the salary of $75 a month, most of which was raised by church members. ―The early and rapid growth of White Oaks called for a stage line to cover the ninety miles between it and San Antonio. At first biweekly, then daily, a stage line, was organized to transport the newcomers across the barren Mal Pais country to the secluded valley of White Oaks. During these 'infant' stages of the town, every day held moments of fun, tragedy, and most of all, disappointment. The influx of people to White Oaks was a motley bunch, consisting of the serious miner down to the violent outlaw. Good men and bad, all gold-hungry, visited the streets and hoped to find their luck in the hills of Baxter Mountain. ―While all these newcomers were in town, money was in great circulation. Local storeowners found themselves hard pressed to keep up with the supply demands. The money that gave them stability more than made up for any misgivings, however. All in all though, times were tough in White Oaks, and getting tougher. ―The gold found along Baxter Gulch had long been exhausted and no other significant find had yet been discovered. Not until 1885, almost six years after the initial discovery, would another significant find be found. Most of the money spent on the South Homestake, including that of Morris Parker's father, had been lost in the mine's failure to yield large amounts of gold. Still, this long period of nonproduction may have been a blessing in disguise for White Oaks. With the lack of gold being found in the mountains, the undesirable people eventually left town. Only the determined citizens remained, believing that fate was bound to change and give them the success they longed for and deserved. Before the times changed, however, White Oaks had to endure the visits from an unwanted bunch of ruffians, mainly one notorious William H. Bonney. The Golden Days… ―By 1885 White Oaks had assumed the semblance of a real town. Surviving the early difficulties of Billy the Kid and the failure of any significant strikes, the town settled down to the face the future. Streets and cross streets had been surveyed and laid out. Store buildings, made from stone as well as wood, were constructed along White Oaks Avenue. The earlyday boomtown atmosphere, with its wild saloons, wide-open gambling, and guns and knives had virtually disappeared. The residents were all law-abiding, eager to make progress and willing to face the future. There were at least three young lawyers: John Y. Hewitt, H. B. Fergusson, and George Barber. Doctors, bankers, businessmen of all types found their way to White Oaks after 1885. ―A second town hall was built which served mostly as an athletic club for boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, and for musicals. A two-story brick school building was built on the north side of the valley. It had four rooms and served all grades from kindergarten through accredited college-entrance courses. Upon entrance into the school, the room on the left was for grades one through four, the room to the right for five through eight. Up the stairs, the room to the left was for nine through twelve and to the right the kindergarten, for it had a good heat source. The view from the school was commanding, for one could see the entire town from the upstairs window. The school, because of the recent increase in revenue, was 240 just one of many new buildings being built after 1885. All of the additions were the result of gold being mined successfully once again from Baxter Mountain. ―Gold fever resurged in White Oaks during 1885. The success of the North Homestake mine paid off for James A. Sigafus and Frank Lloyd, the mine manager. The mine had three shafts measuring 600, 700, and 800 feet in depth. Steady profit was managed from the gold veins inside the shafts. All told, the North Homestake was the second largest yielding mine in White Oaks. ―The South Homestake, meanwhile, was once again at work. Morris Parker's family suddenly found new revenue in their hands from the mine's two shafts measuring 500 and 1,066 feet, respectively. Production was booming when disaster struck in the form of fire. On July 1, 1891, a candle was left burning on an oil-soaked shelf in the hoist room of the main shaft. Only two men were on shift, both of whom lost their lives in the blaze. The entire mine was rendered useless until repairs could be made, if ever. Because of the cost, this was never attempted. ―Instead of rebuilding the old shaft, focus was turned to another area in the mine known as the North Shaft, which was producing good ore. This shaft was making enough money to offset the disaster in the main shaft, though the owners of the South Homestake had to be careful just how far they permitted their workers to pursue this angle. The reason for this is the vein that the North Shaft was working in ran from the North Homestake mine as well. The dividing line between the two mines was becoming very close as the two mines worked towards one another. ―The work suddenly became quite slow, though the work was pressed on, hoping that the vein would reappear. The problem was that the line between the North and South Homestakes was very near, so near that the workers could hear one another in the opposite mines. Morris Parker's father grew more and more apprehensive with each day, feeling that the vein was all on the side of the North Homestake. Within twenty-five feet from the dividing line between the two mines, the vein was relocated. With this find, one of the richest pockets of gold ever found in the mines of White Oaks was discovered. ―Joe Grieshaber, the Parker's foreman, blasted two 'shots' into the pocket. A short, fat German man, he was determined to see just what the discovery could possibly yield. It was impossible to go in the North Shaft after blasting for some time because of the lack of any kind of artificial ventilation, which prevented the dust and debris from settling. Still, Grieshaber was determined to see exactly what his blasts had done to the pocket. ―Sneaking back to the mine that night with young Morris Parker at his side, Grieshaber made the descent into the shaft and though the lighting was only from candles, the two saw plenty. 'The sight that met our eyes was like a jewelry shop. Clean, bright, shining gold! Big blotches, leaf and wire gold. Coarse and fine, too, and a lot of it!' Filling their sacks with samples, the two men slept in the mine that night, taking their findings to town the next morning. After having the gold tested and checked out, the total in cash for one night's work was an astonishing $18,000! When the time came for the mine to finally shut down, the South Homestake was the third best producing mine in White Oaks. ―From that time on, the two Homestakes progressed normally and well. For ten years the two mines continued production, and White Oaks prospered as a result. Homes were popping up everywhere and new ranches began to cover the outlying areas around town. White Oaks realized that the time would come when the veins would become exhausted, but that fact didn't seem to bother the town during the fever of the 'golden days'. By 1890, the 241 town's population had grown to more than 2,000, a remarkable achievement in such a short amount of time. ―The largest and richest find, was yet to come, however. Though the location for the Old Abe mine was first located in 1879, shortly after that Homestake claim by Winters, no significant production ever came from the area until years later. The original three owners failed to see any future in the claim, so they opened up the area for bidders in 1883. In January 1884, John Y. Hewitt, H. B. Fergusson, and William Watson located two claims near the former Abraham Lincoln, called the White Oaks and the Robert E. Lee. Lawyers, all three, had their practices in town, but spent much of their time working the claims they had set on Baxter Mountain. ―The eventual site for the Old Abe as it came to be called, was very near to the North Homestake, meaning that miners were riding over the shallow covering of the richest vein in New Mexico for years. For eleven years, nothing much was done to make good on the claims of the three attorneys. During the fall of 1890, the owners made a deal with the owners of the South Homestake for some assessment of their samples. The samples were taken by none other than Joe Grieshaber and Morris Parker, and the results were more than satisfactory. Twice as much gold was found in the samples as had been expected. That same fall, Watson and his nephew, Watt Hoyle, worked below all previous work and sank a ten foot hole. As the values of their efforts increased almost daily, the hole became deeper. Twenty feet, then thirty until the pile of dirt surrounding the hole was too huge to continue with this method of digging. The mill at the South Homestake was then borrowed for the grinding of the ore from the Old Abe, for production at the earlier mine was at a low. The mill produced successful gold, the likes of which had never been seen before in White Oaks. Mr. Rolla Wells, president and principal owner of the South Homestake, offered $300,000 for the Old Abe, but the three lawyer partners felt that they were on to something big and promptly turned down his offer. A deal was then worked out with the owners of the North Homestake as well, for use of their mill. Production, by 1890, had virtually ceased for the two Homestakes, and the Old Abe was the only reason for the two not to shut down operations completely. ―White Oaks had been facing the possibility of a bleak and apprehensive future until the discovery of the Old Abe. Life sprang up once again, for money was now flowing into the local businesses like never before because the Old Abe, unlike the other mines on Baxter Mountain, was owned entirely by local men. No outside investors of any sort were involved with the mines yieldings, meaning more revenue for White Oaks. The mine employed large numbers of men and they reaped in the benefits as well. New faces appeared on the streets, the town took on a look of prosperity as never before, and the population reached its peak around 2,500. ―As with previous large findings, new buildings were built, including a two-story bank. Named the Exchange Bank, it was located on White Oaks Avenue, just like all the other buildings of importance. Watt Hoyle, as a result of greed and love, decided to construct a 'superior' residence. The result of his efforts and spending was a two-story brick home, complete with a viewing balcony on top. The story goes that he was building it for his prospective bride and when she wrote him that she was not coming to White Oaks, he walked up to the North Homestake and leaped to his death. In actuality, Hoyle never finished the inside but did live in the home with his older brother and his wife. The home became known as 'Hoyle's folly‘. While all of this complacency and prosperity was going on, another disaster struck the town for the second time. This fire, the greatest in the town‘s history, 242 struck the Old Abe on March 9, 1895. A kerosene lamp exploded in the hoist house, sending flammable liquid all over the wooden frames of the mine. The place was turned into a mass of fire, killing nine of the twenty men who were working underground at the time. The men were below the surface, almost 800 feet down. ―When the station tender noticed the disaster on hand, he quickly summoned to his fellow miners and they began the long climb towards safety up the vertical shaft. Climbing up a vertical ladder is not easy, even under normal circumstances. With the pressures of depleting oxygen and sheer exhaustion, it's a wonder that eleven men were able to make it out at all. ―It took the townspeople two days to extinguish the flames. In a heroic effort, White Oaks, both men and women, fought against the terrible fire with all of the strength and water they could muster. Tents were set up outside the mine for the weary as well as coffee and meals. Most men, however, refused to stop their efforts, for their friends were trapped inside. All of the town efforts went for nothing as the nine bodies were carried out one by one after the flames were extinguished. It was a heavy and sad day for White Oaks. ―The funeral was a particularly sad event. The entire town was present, overflowing the church. ‗Nine coffins, side by side, filled the width of the church. After the music and the service, the bodies of the young men, active and full of life a few days before; now blackened, scorched, some of them unrecognizable, were carried out one by one and placed in open wagons and led to the cemetery.‘ The graves had been prepared beforehand, the fresh dirt lying alongside the open holes. There was a brief prayer at each one, then the coffins were lowered into the earth, the 'headstone' being nothing more than pieces of wood. Each grave, though containing a wellknown and loved man, was unmarked; no name, cause of death, or dates inscribed. As one can imagine, the next few weeks were filled with grief and readjustment for many in White Oaks. ―After making some necessary repairs and adding extra safety precautions, the Old Abe was hard at work once again, producing the finest form of gold known to manuntarnished. Most of the world's gold does not come from high-grade specimens, but rather from mines of low gold content, which may contain as little as half an ounce of gold per ton. Gold is also often nothing more than a by-product of the smelting of copper, lead, and silver ores. The mines at White Oaks, however, produced magnificent specimens of pure, bright yellow gold. 100 percent pure, the gold was heavy and coarse; produced from the tight seams of the earth. The mines of White Oaks were undoubtedly able to produce some of the best gold ever seen by man. ―The Old Abe mine was the richest mine in White Oaks without question. At one time the mine employed forty workers yielding between forty-five to fifty tons of gold per day! Though the last mine in operation, it was the biggest and best of them all. The only working shaft was 1,350 feet deep, making it one of the deepest dry mine shafts in the world. The mine continued to produce gold until just after the turn of the century, when it, like the Homestakes, became 'worked-out'. ―Other mines of significant importance were the Lady Godiva and the Little Mack, in which Robert Leslie worked. The veins in both of these mines were small, and produced little compared with the other mines mentioned. All told, the mines of White Oaks yielded around $20 million dollars worth of gold and other minerals. The North Homestake was the first mine to cease operations, followed a couple of years later by the South Homestake. Though 243 some 'clean-up' was done producing minor finds, the mills were shutdown for good. As the mining petered out, the town began to fade. By the early 1900's, White Oaks was a far cry from what it had been just 10 years before. Its last hope was the railroad, which had to pass through White Oaks and bring permanent prosperity. Pending on the Rail…. ―Long before the decline of White Oaks, the thought of running a rail spur through the town had been in many minds. The soaring costs to transport the vast amounts of gold from the mines by wagon was driving the owners of the mines crazy. As early as 1882, rumors persisted of such an undertaking. As things ended up, White Oaks was simply passed by because of the bungling of some of its leading citizens. White Oaks might have been a bustling town today if the railroad and built a spur into the town. ―The idea for a rail spur lay with the cost of transportation by wagon from the mines to the nearest railroad depot, at that time in San Antonio, ninety miles away. El Paso, Texas was a growing metropolis and it badly needed fuel such as coal, timber, and of course the minerals coming from the White Oaks' mines, for its expanding population. White Oaks, barely three years old at this time, needed a spur in which it could transport the gold and other minerals cheaper and safer than by wagon. The amount of time between shipments could be cut down tremendously as well. With the mines of Organ, New Mexico, on the way as well, the project seemed to be only a matter of time from turning into a reality. ―El Paso newspapers joined in on the clamor for the prospect of a new railroad. The rail was to be named the El Paso and White Oaks Railroad Company. The general opinion was that a literal empire lay in the building. This rail would not only join the city of El Paso with the gold mines of White Oaks, but would have depots at Organ and other ranches as well. All that was needed was a builder. Morris Locke seemed to be that man, though he did not actually begin any construction until 1889. Starting from El Paso, Locke managed to lay ten miles of rail costing him $170,000. Progress was very slow because of opposition from the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe Railroads, which had just moved into Roswell, New Mexico, only eighty miles from White Oaks. Locke soon found the task too stressful and he sold the venture to Jay Gould, who bought it for $50,000. Gould, much like Locke, found the task and terrain too difficult and the project was abandoned. Seeing the location of White Oaks as being to high and rough for his expenses, Gould left the rail, and White Oaks, behind. ―It was not until Charles B. Eddy, who visited White Oaks many times before 1900 and became convinced that the coal, gold, and other minerals found there could be warranted some kind of a line, that serious efforts were made to build a railroad to the town. Calling it the White Oaks & Kansas City Railroad, the title made the local headlines. Wanting to connect White Oaks to a nearby city, Eddy proposed running a line from El Paso, which was eagerly accepted. Posting $10,000 with the El Paso City Council on September 20, 1897, Eddy promised to begin actual construction within ninety days. ―What Eddy was also banking on were the Salado coal fields at Capitan and the vast timber resources on the Sacramento plateau, for these brought additional tonnage to the railroad. Hoping that capitalists would aid him in the funding of these resources, Eddy built the railroad from El Paso to Alamogordo, a town that arose because of just such a venture. Then disaster struck in the form of a major setback in the Salado coalfields, causing Eddy to 244 panic. Seeing this 'certain' promise fail him, Eddy lost faith in the gold mines of White Oaks, choosing to run his line away from the low mountains and create a stopping point at White Oaks junction (Carrizozo, New Mexico) instead. This destination was reached on August 3, 1899, but the people of White Oaks soon realized that the dreams of having a railroad running through their town were becoming bleak. There was one final hope for White Oaks in the form of having a spur run from White Oaks Junction near the end of town, but the egos of the leading citizens got in the way. The original survey called for White Oaks as an objective. The railroad requested that 'the town provide a right-of-way, free of charge, along a proposed route which would at least affect buildings in existence. It asked for a flat, vacant acreage near the west edge of town for depot site, shops, and sidings, and a cash bonus of $50,000.‘ ―Town meetings were held and the requests were approved at first, but then opposition arose. Though the railroad countered the opposition by canceling the cash bonus, the leading citizens refused to compromise and expressed their determination not to spend a dollar. Their attitude was indicated in their slogan: ‗Regardless of what we do, the road necessarily must pass through White Oaks. It is the shortest, easiest, and cheapest route available. There is no other way.‘ ―The problem was that there was another way, finding a second route north of Lone Mountain where the summit was even lower than at White Oaks. Even after actual construction began on the alternate route, the dissenters persisted in their claims: ‗White Oaks, with its manifold advantages, does not need a railroad.‘ When the Old Abe mine declined at the turn of the century, there was nothing left to support the town. Though the mistake was realized, it was far too late. Thus the people of White Oaks, by their own stubbornness and lack of foresight, were closely associated with the oblivion of their town. The railroad was built all right, just not through White Oaks. This fact, perhaps more than the exhaustion of the mines, spelled the end for the town. Fadeout... ―If destiny had placed itself only twelve miles to the east of Carrizozo, New Mexico, in the mountains of White Oaks, everyone would be calling the town the best in New Mexico. Instead, White Oaks is a ghost town. ―The fadeout of the town came after the railroad decided to run around White Oaks, instead of through it in 1900. After this was realized, many people simply left town leaving only the determined ones behind. As White Oaks slowly decayed, the railroad steamed on by, just twelve miles away.‖ Changes Fort Stanton closed officially in 1896. Three years later the old post was set aside as a tuberculosis sanitarium, administered by the U.S. Marine Hospital Service. As the calendar rolled into the 20th Century changes were underway that brought downsizing to Lincoln County. On the outskirts of the county, ranches were consolidating and getting bigger; the small rancher needed to join his neighbors to compete on a broader scale. Down in Carrizozo, where the Railroad had a yard, as changes in the coalfields occurred and steam engines improved it was decided to close the roundhouse and yard. 245 However the largest and for some the most devastating event to change the face of Lincoln County was the National Forest. It changed the roadways, it changed land ownership for some and it changed the way the County viewed itself. In the early 1900s people began to look outside Lincoln County for jobs and new opportunities; thus the migration continued. I hope you enjoyed your tour! Let me know what you think. Rich [email protected] 246