
Wave 4
Design Manual
January 2007
This course is produced as part of the Design Community's Comprehensive Training Plan managed by the Human
Resources Development Section, Bureau of Design.
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ECMS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
About This Manual and the Training Session.......................................... Introduction-2
Common ECMS Functions ..................................................................... Introduction-4
Navigating Within ECMS........................................................................ Introduction-9
Searching for ECMS Projects .............................................................. Introduction-12
Opening My ECMS Projects ................................................................ Introduction-13
Selecting ECMS Projects....................................................................... Introduction-15
Project Home Page................................................................................. Introduction-16
ECMS Selections Windows................................................................... Introduction-20
Project Header Information ................................................................... Introduction-21
Using Online Help ................................................................................ Introduction-23
Introduction................................................................................................................ 1-1
Project Process Overview .......................................................................................... 1-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 1-3
Create a Project ......................................................................................................... 1-4
Define a Structure for a Project ............................................................................... 1-10
Define a Roadway for a Project ............................................................................... 1-14
Link an ECMS Agreement to a Project ................................................................... 1-16
View and Edit Project Information .......................................................................... 1-18
Delete an MPMS Number from a Project................................................................ 1-20
Delete a Roadway from a Project ............................................................................ 1-22
Delete a Structure from a Project............................................................................. 1-23
Delete an ECMS Agreement from a Project............................................................ 1-24
Enter Project Milestones .......................................................................................... 1-25
Clone (Copy) a Project............................................................................................. 1-27
Combine (Merge) Projects....................................................................................... 1-29
Create a Project Condition ....................................................................................... 1-31
Change a Project Condition Status .......................................................................... 1-34
Assign a PENNDOT Project Team Member ........................................................... 1-37
Assign a Municipality to the Project Team.............................................................. 1-39
Delete a PENNDOT Project Team Member ........................................................... 1-42
Delete a Municipality from the Project Team ......................................................... 1-44
Chapter 1 – Hands-on Exercise................................................................................ 1-46
Table of Contents
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
CHAPTER 2: PROJECT DEVLOPMENT CHECKLIST (PS&E) ......................2-1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 2-1
Project Development Checklist Process Overview.................................................... 2-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 2-3
Create the Project Development Checklist ................................................................ 2-5
Complete a Project Development Checklist Item...................................................... 2-8
Add a Project Development Checklist Item............................................................. 2-12
Add a Project Specific Checklist Item ..................................................................... 2-16
Add a Plan to the Project Development Checklist Item .......................................... 2-19
Append the Project Development Checklist ............................................................ 2-24
View and Edit the Project Development Checklist.................................................. 2-26
Delete a Project Development Checklist Item ......................................................... 2-28
Restore a Project Development Checklist Item ....................................................... 2-30
Chapter 2 - Hands-on Exercises............................................................................... 2-33
CHAPTER 3: PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS...........................................3-1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 3-1
Special Provisions Process Overview........................................................................ 3-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 3-3
View and Edit Project Special Provisions ................................................................. 3-4
Add a Project Standard Special Provision to a Project .............................................. 3-7
Create a Project Specific Special Provision............................................................. 3-12
Link Special Provision to Modified or Nonstandard Item....................................... 3-16
Copy Project Special Provisions from an Existing Project...................................... 3-19
Delete a Project Special Provision........................................................................... 3-21
Chapter 3 - Hands-on Exercises............................................................................... 3-23
CHAPTER 4: DESIGN ITEMS ................................................................................. 4-1
Design Items Process Overview .......................................................................... 4-2
Online Help.......................................................................................................... 4-4
View the Design Items Screen............................................................................. 4-6
Add Standard or Modified Standard Items to the Project.................................... 4-8
Add a Nonstandard Item to the Project.............................................................. 4-13
Enter Item Details for a Standard Item .............................................................. 4-17
Enter Item Details for a Modified Standard Item .............................................. 4-20
Enter Item Details for a Nonstandard Item ........................................................ 4-23
Enter Item Details for a Lump Sum Item........................................................... 4-28
Create As-Designed (EITHER) Item ................................................................. 4-34
Create Component Item Breakdown for a Lump Sum Item .............................. 4-37
Add Component Items ....................................................................................... 4-40
View Alternate Grouping................................................................................... 4-45
Create Alternate (OR) Item................................................................................ 4-47
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Table of Contents
Create an (AND) Item........................................................................................ 4-51
Modify or Delete an (AND) Item ...................................................................... 4-55
Delete a Design Items from the Design Items Screen ...................................... 4-58
Update Unit Price for an Item............................................................................ 4-60
Update Item Details ........................................................................................... 4-62
Delete Component Items for a Lump Sum Item................................................ 4-64
Change Item Number for a Design Item............................................................ 4-66
Clone an Existing Design Item to Create a Nonstandard Item .......................... 4-69
Import Design Items from CADD ..................................................................... 4-72
Copy Design Items from an Existing Project .................................................... 4-76
Add Multiple Items from the Master Items List to the Project.......................... 4-78
Determine DBE Goal or MBE/WBE Minimum Participation
Level for a Project............................................................................................. 4-82
Chapter 4 – Hand-on Exercise ........................................................................... 4-86
CHAPTER 5: DESIGN ITEM FUNDING...........................................................5-1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 5-1
Design Item Funding Process Overview.................................................................... 5-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 5-4
Establish Federal Project Number in ECMS ............................................................. 5-5
Establish Third Party Funding for a Project .............................................................. 5-7
Create a Fund Code and Enter Funding Information............................................... 5-13
Link Design Items to a Fund Code .......................................................................... 5-18
Delete the Item-to-Fund-Code Linkage ................................................................... 5-21
Enter Federal Funds Requested Information ........................................................... 5-24
Override Federal Funds Requested Information...................................................... 5-27
View and Edit Federal Project Numbers (FPN) for a Project.................................. 5-30
Modify a Pending Federal Project Number (FPN) .................................................. 5-32
Delete a Federal Project Number (FPN).................................................................. 5-34
View and Edit a Fund Code ..................................................................................... 5-36
Delete a Fund Code.................................................................................................. 5-39
View Funding Reports ............................................................................................. 5-41
Chapter 5 - Hands-on Exercises............................................................................... 5-44
CHAPTER 6: BID PACKAGE REVIEW AND APPROVAL..............................6-1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 6-1
Bid Package Review and Approval Process Overview ............................................. 6-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 6-4
Create a Bid Package ................................................................................................. 6-5
Execute Rules............................................................................................................. 6-8
View Results of Execute Rules................................................................................ 6-10
Table of Contents
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Submit a Bid Package .............................................................................................. 6-12
Create a Bid Package Comment .............................................................................. 6-14
View or Edit a Bid Package Comment .................................................................... 6-16
Publish a Bid Package.............................................................................................. 6-19
Answer a Bid Package Question.............................................................................. 6-22
Delete a Bid Package Question................................................................................ 6-25
Search eBidding and View a Bid Package............................................................... 6-28
View a Bid Package or Addendum Workflow History ........................................... 6-31
Chapter 6 - Hands-on Exercises............................................................................... 6-34
CHAPTER 7: ADDENDUM PROCESSING......................................................7-1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 7-1
Addendum Process Overview.................................................................................... 7-2
Online Help................................................................................................................ 7-4
Create Addendum ...................................................................................................... 7-5
Add New Design Items via an Addendum ................................................................ 7-8
Modify Existing Design Items from the Original Bid Package via an Addendum . 7-14
Delete Design Items from the Original Bid Package via an Addendum ................. 7-22
Add New Project Development Checklist Item or Plan via an Addendum............. 7-29
Add New Project-Specific Checklist Item via an Addendum ................................. 7-34
Add New Standard Special Provision via an Addendum ........................................ 7-38
Add New Project Specific Special Provision via an Addendum ............................. 7-44
Delete or Modify an Existing Plan or Project Development Checklist Item from the
Original Bid Package via an Addendum.................................................................. 7-49
Delete or Modify an Existing Project Special Provision from the Original Bid
Package via an Addendum....................................................................................... 7-55
Search For and View an Addendum ........................................................................ 7-61
Delete Design Item from an Addendum .................................................................. 7-64
Delete Project Development Checklist Items from an Addendum.......................... 7-67
Delete Project Special Provisions from an Addendum............................................ 7-70
Submit an Addendum for BOD Review .................................................................. 7-73
Delete an Addendum................................................................................................ 7-76
Publish an Addendum .............................................................................................. 7-78
Chapter 7 - Hands-on Exercises............................................................................... 7-81
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Table of Contents
ECMS Planned Stations
Enter Planned Stations Manually in ECMS.............................................................1
EDMS Document Linking
Attaching an EDMS Document in ECMS ...............................................................1
View an EDMS Document in ECMS ......................................................................2
Remove and EDMS Document in ECMS................................................................4
ECMS Wave 4 Design Work Flow Charts
ECMS Work Flow Overview Chart...............................................................................1
Project Setup Work Flow Chart.....................................................................................2
Project Development Work Flow Chart ........................................................................3
Project Development Checklist Work Flow Chart ........................................................4
Setup Project Items and Quantities Work Flow Chart...................................................5
Create Design Item Funding Work Flow Chart – 100% State.......................................6
Create Design Item Funding Work Flow Chart (see separate SPN/FPN Flow charts) .........................................................................7
Create Design Item Funding Work Flow Chart -Federal Participation .........................8
Create Special Provisions Work Flow Chart .................................................................9
Create Bid Package Work Flow Chart - District Internal QA/QC...............................10
Bid Package Review Work Flow Chart .......................................................................11
Bid Package Review Work Flow Chart - With PENNDOT Oversight .......................12
Bid Package Review Work Flow Chart - with PENNDOT Oversight BOD Contract Development and Award Section Review.......................................13
Bid Package Review – with FHWA Oversight............................................................14
Advertisement Work Flow Chart.................................................................................15
Addendum Work Flow Chart.......................................................................................16
Bid Opening Work Flow Chart....................................................................................17
Bid on Project Work Flow Chart .................................................................................18
Guidelines for Bid Package Clarifications
Procedure for obtaining and incorporating State Prevaling Wages for S-100% Projects
ECMS Wave 4
Course Learning Outcomes
Edit Project Information
Create and Edit Project Development Checklist
Create and Edit Project Special Provisions
Create and Edit Project Design Items
Establish and Edit Design Item Funding
Submit or Publish Bid Package
Submit or Publish Addendums
Copyright © 2001 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
ECMS Training Manual
CMS IIntroduction
• About This Manual and the Training Session
• Common ECMS Functions
ECMS Training Manual
About This Manual and the Training Session
This manual is arranged in chapters, with each chapter covering a major subset of
functionality. The chapters are ordered by business process, beginning with the setup
of the project in ECMS, which occurs after the project is approved by the Program
Management Center. The scope of the manual ends when the bid package for the
project is advertised and covers the addendum process for any changes required after
the bid package is advertised. Generally, the manual will apply to District Design and
District Contract Management users.
The manual is designed to assist you not only during training, but also to serve as a
reference guide when you return to work. The instruction for this training session will
combine both demonstration/lecture, and opportunities for hands-on practice. Every
chapter will include the following components:
Process Overviews
Each chapter contains a process overview, which describes how the function covered in
the chapter fits into the business process. The overviews provide a ‘big picture’ of the
separate tasks that form the major business functions of ECMS.
Online Help
In the Introduction for each chapter a section called Online Help is included to assist
you when looking for more information on a topic. For more detailed information on how
to use the ECMS Online Help feature, see the Common Functions topic later in this
Step-by-Step Lessons
Each lesson contains step-by-step directions for completing the task. Where applicable,
additional information, tips, and critical items are highlighted. The lessons within each
chapter are arranged in process order. All the lessons will not be covered in class.
The exercises are designed to let you practice what you have learned in each lesson
covered during the training. Where necessary to move forward with the project,
exercises may be included that were not covered in training.
Generally, the instructor will provide you with the data you need, including the user ID
and password before you begin the exercise. If you need help, refer to the lessons in
the manual, the Help text, or the instructor/aid for assistance.
ECMS Training Manual
Training data will be valid ONLY during the training session, including user IDs and
passwords, therefore you will not be able to access the training data after class and
user IDs and passwords used in training will not be valid after the class has ended.
Formatting Conventions Used in this Manual
The following formatting conventions are used throughout this manual.
1. Numbered next to each task
ALL CAPS (boldface)
Field Names,
Drop Down
Appear in Title Case
Additional helpful information
Important information needed before
proceeding to the next step
ECMS Training Manual
Common ECMS Functions
This section covers the common functions within ECMS that are consistent throughout
the application. They include:
Logging into ECMS
Navigating Within ECMS
Searching for and Selecting ECMS Projects
Using Online Help
Logging into the System
During training, you will be provided with user IDs and passwords to log into the system
and perform the required functionality. These are shared user IDs and passwords and
must not be updated (i.e., do not change password). The following steps describe how
to log into the “live” (production) ECMS website:
Open Internet Explorer and type in the ECMS web address
( in the Address Bar. The ECMS home page is displayed.
User ID/Password
Enter the User ID in the top text box in the User ID/Password box and the
password in the text box below. The User ID is not case sensitive, but the
password is. For security purposes, the password entered is represented by
asterisks (***).
ECMS Training Manual
Click the GO button. Upon login, the options on the navigation bar change from
those available to a public user to options tailored to the User ID. If you do not see
an option you think you should have, contact the ECMS help desk.
You may see the security warning as shown above; if so, you MUST click the YES
button in order to proceed.
Changing your Password
From the navigation bar, select the Administration option. Administration options
available to your user group are displayed.
Select the Application Security option beneath Administration on the navigation
bar. The Application Security screen is displayed.
Click the Change User Profile hyperlink. The Change Profile Information screen
is displayed.
ECMS Training Manual
Select a question from the Question drop-down list.
Type an answer in the Answer field.
Type your password in the Current Password field.
Type your new password in the New Password field and again in the Confirm
Password field.
Complete other required fields, if necessary, and click the SUBMIT button. Click
OK at the success message prompt and the ECMS home page is displayed.
Setting a Password Hint Question
ECMS provides an option whereby a user can reset a password which they have
forgotten, enabling them to access the system without contacting the ECMS help desk.
In order to utilize this option, the user must first provide the system with the answer to
one of several pre-programmed questions so that only they will be able to answer the
question, if necessary, to reset their password.
From the navigation bar, select the Administration option. Administration options
available to your user group are displayed.
Select the Application Security option beneath Administration on the navigation
bar. The Application Security screen is displayed.
Click the Change User Profile hyperlink. The Change Profile Information screen
is displayed.
ECMS Training Manual
4. Click the drop-down arrow in the Question field and select the question you wish
to answer.
5. Type your answer in the Answer field.
6. Type your password in the Current Password field.
7. Click the SUBMIT button. Click OK at the success message prompt and the
ECMS home page is displayed.
Resetting a Forgotten Password
Click the Forgot your password? hyperlink below the User ID/Password box on
the navigation bar. The Forgot your password? box is displayed.
Type your User ID in the User ID text box.
ECMS Training Manual
Click the GO button. The Automated Password Reset screen is displayed.
Type the answer to the question displayed in the Answer field.
Type your new password in the Reset Password field and again in the Confirm
Password field.
Click the SUBMIT button. Click OK at the success message prompt and the
ECMS home page is displayed. You may immediately login to ECMS following the
password reset.
ECMS Training Manual
Navigating Within ECMS
From within any ECMS function you will always see the ECMS banner across the top of
the screen. This banner contains three helpful links: Home, Help and Index. The Home
link returns you to the ECMS Welcome Page. The Help link displays Online ECMS help
in a popup window. The Index link displays a searchable index of ECMS WebPages.
The Navigation bar will always be displayed along the left side of the screen. The
Navigation bar contains links to ECMS functions; when the links are clicked
subheadings are displayed. When a subheading is selected the function home page is
displayed on the right side of the screen in the Main Frame.
Banner with
links to
Home, Help
and Index
As a Design user, most of the options you need are available in the Navigation Bar
under Project Services. These include:
Contract Awards – Displays the Contract Awards home page and search function. This is
the primary method of accessing projects after the bids are opened and before the notice to
proceed is issued.
Contractor Evaluations – Displays a search page that allows you to access Contractor
Evaluations using a variety of search criteria, including business partner ID and status.
Contractor Information – Displays the Contractor Information home page, which allows
you to search for contractors and contractor information.
eBidding – Displays the Electronic Bidding home page, which is used primarily for bid
proposal management, but which also includes links to the create function for the
Asphalt/Diesel Price Indexes.
Estimates & Work Orders – Displays the Estimates & Work Orders home page, which
allows you to search for work order or estimate reports using a variety of search criteria,
including district, project number, and status.
ECMS Training Manual
My Projects – Displays personalized search function that allows you to quickly navigate to
the projects to which you are assigned.
My Work Queue - Part of the Contractor Services subsystem used to manage approval
tasks by grouping the tasks for which the user is responsible by function. Displays the
project number, county, SR, section, status, and last modified date for each task.
Project Home Page – Displays a search page that allows users both on and off the Project
Team to find projects using a variety of search options, including Status, MPMS number,
and District. This page also contains links to create a new project if the user has the
appropriate authority.
ECMS Training Manual
ECMS Navigational Tools
Checkboxes are used on to select the item for processing; the user makes a
selection by clicking inside the checkbox.
Twisties are the blue triangles to the left of a heading or subheading. Clicking
the twistie will expand or collapse the list for that heading or subheading
Most major screens contain a Go drop-down list at the bottom of the screen
that allow you to select a project-related screen to access in read mode; the
user clicks on a selection from the drop-down list and clicks on the Go
Many screens contain an Add drop-down list which allows you to choose a
document or item to add to the project; the user clicks on a selection from the
drop-down list and clicks on the Add button to go to the screen in create
Many screens contain underlined and boldfaced text which, when clicked,
allow you to go directly to a requested screen or document by simply clicking
on the hyperlink.
Every screen contains double up arrows at the top left corner of the display;
when the user clicks the up arrows, they are taken to the top of the screen
Every screen contains double down arrows; when the user clicks the down
arrow at the top left corner of the display, they are taken to the bottom of the
screen view.
Most screens contain a Question Mark icon at the top left corner of the
display; when the user clicks this icon, they are usually taken to the screen's
"Tell Me About" Help document, which provides a brief screen description, a
definition of each field, and a definition of each 'action' (hyperlink, button,
The function buttons such as BACK, EDIT, and SAVE are usually located at
the extreme bottom of the screen.
Note: Clicking the SAVE button will save the data entered and keep you on
the same screen to allow you to keep working in that screen; clicking the
SAVE & EXIT button will save the data entered and return you to the
previous screen.
Selection Arrow button – this button mimics the “drop-down arrow” used in
drop-down lists where a selection can be made from a list. In ECMS the
Selection Arrow button will always display a pop-up window where users can
select an item from a list.
ECMS Training Manual
Searching for ECMS Projects
The My ECMS Projects screen is used to search for and navigate to ECMS projects by
allowing users to personalize all or some of the search criteria that is used to filter the
list of projects displayed at the bottom of the screen.
The Project Team is defaulted to "Yes", and the list is filtered to show only those
projects where the user is on the Project Team. However, this criterion may be
Users may choose to personalize the list of projects displayed on this screen (See the
Screen Shot on the next page) using any of the following filters:
Project Status
This section lists all possible statuses the projects may be in. Only
projects matching the one or more statuses selected will be displayed
in the list of projects. If no Project Status checkboxes are selected,
the list of projects will include projects in any status that meet the
other search criteria.
Only projects with PENNDOT Engineering District matching the one
selected will be included in the list. This search criterion looks at the
District which is listed in the Project Header and which may be
different than the Admin Org code.
Admin Org
Only projects with the 4-digit administrative organization code
matching the one selected from the drop-down list will be included in
the list to allow viewing all projects a specific district is administering.
Project Team
Member Name
Only projects where the specific user is part of the project team
matching the user selected will be included in the list. To select the
project team member name, click the selection arrow to the right of the
field and chooses the person's ECMS user name from the list.
Project Team
Member Role
State Route
Only projects with the specific Project Team Member Role matching
the selected one will be included in the list.
Only projects with a state route matching the selected one will be
included in the list.
ECMS Training Manual
Opening My Projects Screen
1. From the navigation bar, select the Project Services option. The Project Services
options available to your user group are displayed.
2. Select the My Projects option beneath Project Services on the navigation bar. The
My Projects screen is displayed.
3. Update the necessary criteria under the Personalize Project Search heading.
4. Click the SAVE button to save any of the changes you have made to your
personalized search criteria. The list of projects is updated based on the new
criteria. The next time the user clicks the My ECMS Projects screen, the updated
search criteria are used to filter the list of projects.
Clicking the REFRESH button will re-display projects based on the new
criteria. The next time the user clicks the My Projects, the search will
revert to the last saved search criteria. The new search criteria are only
saved if the user clicks the SAVE button.
ECMS Training Manual
5. Click the Personalize Project Search Blue Twistie at the top of the screen to
collapse this portion of the screen and hide the search criteria. The My Projects
screen is displayed showing only the projects based on the search criteria selected.
If you wish to change the search criteria at any time, click the
Personalize Project Search Blue Twistie at the top of the screen to
expand the My ECMS Projects screen to show the search criteria and
make the necessary changes, and repeat Step 5 to hide the search
ECMS Training Manual
Selecting ECMS Projects
1. From the navigation bar, select the Project Services option. The Project Services
options available to your user group are displayed.
2. Select the My Projects option beneath Project Services on the navigation bar. The
My Projects screen is displayed.
3. To view the Project Information screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The
Project information screen is displayed.
4. To access another function within ECMS, click the checkbox next to the desired
Project Number and make a selection from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button to navigate to that screen.
If you wish to select a document to add to the project, click the checkbox
next to the Project Number and make a selection from the Add dropdown list and click the ADD button to navigate to the appropriate screen.
ECMS Training Manual
Project Home Page
The Project Home Page allows you to search for project based upon specified criteria
described in the table below. The Project Home Page is displayed by selecting “Project
Home Page” from the Navigation bar under the “Project Services” option.
Once search criteria have been entered, click the SEARCH FOR PROJECT button.
Once the search results are displayed, you can access other areas of the project by
selecting the screen from the Links dropdown list at the top of the screen and then
clicking on the Project Number Hyperlink.
ECMS Training Manual
Project Number
Project Status
Allows you to search by project number. The entire project
number must be entered. Search results are limited to projects
numbers which match the project number entered.
Search results are limited to projects which are in the status
selected from the dropdown list.
Search results are limited to projects which match the short
description entered. A partial description may be entered. Use of
the “%” symbol surrounding the search text will find the text
anywhere in the short description.
For example, if you search for the word “bridge” the results will
display any projects where the short description starts with the
word “bridge”. When you search using the “%” surrounding the
word “%bridge%”, then the results will display projects with the
word “bridge” anywhere in the short description.
Org Code
State Route
Search results are limited to projects where the individual,
selected from a selection list, is assigned to the Project Team as
the Design Project Manager or Design Team Leader.
Search results are limited to projects where the selected District
is associated with the MPMS number which has been
designated as the ‘lead’ within ECMS.
Search results are limited to projects where the selected
organization code matches the Admin Org Code for the project.
Search results are limited to projects where the entered State
Route is either the SR associated with the lead MPMS number
or one of the SRs listed on the Roadways tab of the Project
Information page.
MPMS Number
Let Date
Project Type
Fed. Project
BMS Structure
Group ID
ECMS Training Manual
Search results are limited to projects where the entered Federal
Project Number (FPN) is associated with the project. You must
enter the entire FPN with no hyphens. This field accepts up to 11
alphanumeric characters.
Search results are limited to projects where the entered MPMS
Number is associated with the project. You may enter a partial
MPMS number in this field.
Search results are limited to projects where the let date matches
the let date (or date range) entered.
Search results are limited to the project type selected from the
dropdown list. In order for the results to display local (nonECMS) projects, you MUST select “Local Tracking” from the
dropdown list.
Search results are limited to projects where the federal project
status matches the selection from the dropdown list.
Search results are limited to projects where the county, selected
from the dropdown list, is associated with the MPMS number
that has been designated as the “lead” within ECMS.
Search results are limited to projects where the entered Bridge
Management System ID is associated with the project through
the Structures tab of the Project Information screen.
Search results are limited to projects where the entered State
Project Number (SPN) is associated with the project. You must
enter the entire SPN.
Search results are limited to projects where the Group ID
entered is associated with the projects.
ECMS Training Manual
ECMS Selection Windows
There are various selection windows in ECMS. These are pop-up windows that appear
when you click on a drop down Selection Arrow button to the right of a field to make a
selection. The type of Selection Window you will use most often is shown and described
below. You will notice the top portion of the screen displays a Select Items to be
Added list, displaying items to select from. The bottom portion of the screen displays a
Selected Items list, displaying the items you have selected.
1. From the Select Items to be added list: Click the X next to the selection you want.
The selection is moved to the Selected Items list on the lower half of the screen.
2. To remove the selected item, click the X next to that item in the Selected Items list.
To remove all items from the list, click the REMOVE ALL button.
3. After selecting all desired items, click the OK button.
ECMS Training Manual
Project Header Information
The illustration below shows the Project Header available on most screens. The header
fields provide identifying information, including the Project Number, Short Description,
District, County and Municipality fields.
The table below provides a description of each of the fields that appear in the Project
Field Name
The word “Project” in the header is a hyperlink. This hyperlink
will take you to Project Information Screen.
Project Number
The unique number that identifies the project throughout
ECMS. This field also provides a 'fast path' to the same
screen for a different project number. Users navigate by
typing the destination project number in the Project field (next
to the Project hyperlink) and clicking the GO button.
Project Team
This field provides a link to the Project Team screen where
Team Members can be assigned.
MPMS Information
Data imported from MPMS includes the district number,
County, SR, Section, Group ID, Org Code and Municipality.
Short Description
Project Status
The project short description, for example, “Dauphin Bypass”.
The status of the project within ECMS. The project status
reflects the project lifecycle. Certain functions and screens
are only available based on the Project Status. Valid values
are listed on the next page, along with the corresponding
CMS2 status from the old system. If no corresponding CMS2
status exists, the milestone is enclosed in parentheses.
ECMS Training Manual
Project Status:
The table below lists all ECMS project statuses and the corresponding status from
CMS2. If no corresponding CMS2 status exists, the milestone is enclosed in
ECMS Project Status
CMS2 Status
Review Bid Package
(Bids Opened)
(Contract Executed)
NTP Issued
(NTP Issued)
Pending Redesign
(All Bids Rejected or
No Bids Received)
Pending Bid Opening
Pending EBS File
ECMS Training Manual
Using the Online Help
You can access the entire library of online help by clicking the Help link located above
the navigation bar. When you do this, a separate pop-up window opens on top of the
current window with the Help categories listed alphabetically as shown below.
Click here
to open
categories are
In the upper right hand corner of the Help window, the drop-down list allows you to
select the type of Help documents you would like to display. The table below describes
the various types of Help documents that can be displayed.
Shows both “How Do I…” and “Tell Me About” documents for an
expanded help topic heading. This is the default view.
“How Do I…”
These documents give a brief description of the function and step-bystep instructions on how to perform a function. You will only see the
“How Do I…” documents once a help topic heading is expanded.
“Tell Me About”
These documents give a brief description of the function, along with
field descriptions and what actions can be taken from a particular
screen. You will only see the “Tell Me About” documents once a help
topic heading is expanded.
Note: You can access the Tell Me About document for the screen you
are currently viewing by clicking the Question Mark icon at the upper
left of the display.
Provides an index of topics. You will only see both “How Do I…” and
“Tell Me About” documents once an index heading is expanded.
ECMS Training Manual
Expand the Help category by clicking the Blue Twistie next to each help category to
see the help topics beneath. The functional documents showing step-by-step
procedures are listed first with the prefix “How Do I….” The screen documents defining
each field, button, and link on the screen are listed next with the prefix “Tell Me
Blue Twistie
Click the Help
Hyperlink to
open the
Click the Help document hyperlink to open the Help document.
ECMS Training Manual
Context sensitive help (for the current screen) can be accessed by clicking the
Question Mark icon in the upper left corner of any ECMS screen. The “Tell Me
About” document for the current screen is usually displayed.
Click the Question
Mark icon to access
the screen-specific
“Tell Me About”
hapter 11:: C
reate a P
roject aand
roject IInformation
Create Project
Edit Project Information
Create Project Milestones
Create Project Team
The following users typically perform these functions
• Assistant District Executive for Design
• Portfolio Manager
• Design Project Manager
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Process Overview
The Engineering and Construction Management System provides the Design Project
Setup functionality to establish a project within ECMS and to define the project
characteristics. These characteristics are used by ECMS to create a customized
“Project Development Checklist” (PS&E Package) and to control data processing
throughout the project lifecycle. Additional functions allow users to enter project
milestones and to assign project team members.
In addition to the Design Project Setup functions, this chapter includes lessons on
maintaining project data as well as using special features such as cloning a project,
merging two or more projects, and copying elements of a project from one project to
The following table outlines the steps, user, and functions that comprise the Project
Wrapper and Project Information process:
Create and save a project in ECMS using valid MPMS
Number and Phase
Portfolio Manager, ADE for Design
Enter basic required data for project and add customized
project data for initial creation of Project Development
Portfolio Manager, ADE for Design,
Project Manager
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Online Help
For online information
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Project Information
Municipal Projects
Project Information
Project Information
Project Information
Structure Detail
Project Information
Merging ECMS Projects
Project Milestones
Project Milestones
Project Team
Construction Record
Project Information
Create a Project
Project Information
Clone (Copy) a Project
Project Information
Combine (Merge) Projects
Project Information
Create Project Condition
Project Information
Define Roadway Data for a Project
Project Information
Define Structure Data for a Project
Project Information
Link ECMS Consultant Agreement to
a Project
Project Information
View Project Information
Project Information
Delete Roadway Data From a Project
Project Information
Delete Structure Data From a Project
Project Information
Delete MPMS Number From a
Project Milestones
Enter Project Milestones
Project Milestones
View Project Milestones
Project Milestones
Add Municipality to Project Team
Project Milestones
Delete Third Party From Project
Project Milestones
Assign PENNDOT Project Team
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project
The Portfolio Manager and ADE for Design have the authority to create
a project.
In order to create and save a project in ECMS, all required fields (noted
with a bullet) must be completed on the Project Information screen,
Program Data tab, Project Description tab and Financial Funding
tab. See the appropriate topics in this chapter.
ECMS validates that the MPMS number is in approved status in MPMS.
ECMS also validates that the lead MPMS number is not in use as a lead
MPMS number for another project.
As MPMS Numbers are added, MPMS data is imported and appears on
this screen including: state route, section, project definition, district,
county and municipality.
The project number and status fields are blank until the Project
Information screen is saved. At that time, ECMS assigns the lead MPMS
Number as the project number and updates the status to Design.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select the Project Services, and then select the
Project Home Page option. The Projects Home screen is displayed.
2. Click the Create New Project hyperlink from the Projects home page. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
3. Enter the MPMS number in the MPMS Number field, and then select the Phase
from the Phase drop-down list. Click the ADD button. The MPMS information is
moved to the table above. Repeat this step to add additional MPMS numbers as
4. Select the radio button in the Lead column for the MPMS number designated to be
the lead.
5. Continue to the following sub-topics of this chapter.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Enter Program Data
In order to create and save a project in ECMS, all required fields (noted
with a bullet) must be completed on the Project Information screen,
Program Data tab, Project Description tab and Financial Funding
tab. See the appropriate topics in this chapter.
1. If necessary, select the project county location from the drop-down list in the
County field.
2. If necessary, enter a group identifier in the Group ID field.
3. Select the project admin organization code from the Org Code drop-down list.
4. If applicable, select the municipality from the Municipality field. Click the selection
arrow to the right of this field. A selection window is displayed. (For assistance
using the selection window, refer to the introduction chapter.)
5. Enter the short description in the Short Description field.
6. Select English from the Meas. System drop-down list.
7. Select project type from the Project Type drop-down list.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Enter Project Description
In order to create and save a project in ECMS, all required fields (noted
with a bullet) must be completed on the Project Information screen,
Program Data tab, Project Description tab and Financial Funding
tab. See the appropriate topics in this chapter.
1. Click the Project Description tab. The Project Description tab is opened. Data
entered on this tab is used to automatically generate certain checklist items on the
Project Development Checklist.
2. If necessary, enter long description in the Long Description field. A scrollbar
appears to the right of the field when the text exceeds the display capability.
3. If applicable, select Active, Inactive, On Hold or Closed from the Activity Status
drop-down list.
The Activity Status field has no effect on ECMS processing. That is, if
the value in the field is ‘Closed’, the project can still be processed in
ECMS, so long as the ECMS Project Status is valid for the function being
4. Select the 408 governing the project from the 408 Version drop-down list.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. Click the appropriate checkboxes next to the project characteristics in the Project
Characteristics field.
Select project complexity from the Proj Complexity drop-down list.
The information selected in this section allows ECMS to automatically
add certain Project Development Checklist items. For example, if you
select the ‘within 2 miles of airport runway’ checkbox, an FAA Part 77
and a Bureau of Aviation Airspace Clearance checklist item will be
included in the checklist automatically.
Any checklist item can be manually added or deleted on the Project
Development Checklist screen. Refer to Online Help for additional
The Contract Management QA Review Required checkbox is not
editable. However, once you have made a selection for the project
complexity, the value of the required review will be updated. A “√”
appears in front of the field if the review is required (for moderately
complex and most complex projects).
All non-exempt, moderately complex and ‘most complex’ projects
automatically require Central Office review before they can be advertised.
ECMS BOD CMD Chief group members can select this checkbox at any
time to force a review of this project by Central Office for any project.
If applicable, click the SAVE button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and
the Project Information screen is displayed with the Program Data tab displayed.
Enter Financial/Funding Information
After following the steps to initially create a project you must enter all
required fields (noted with a bullet) on the Project Information screen,
Program Data tab, Project Description tab and Financial Funding
tab before you will be able to save the project.
1. If necessary, click the EDIT button.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
2. Click the Financial Funding tab. The Financial Funding tab is opened.
3. If applicable, click the Enhancement checkbox.
4. If a portion of the cost will be paid by local or private funding, click the Local or
Private Funding checkbox. The Project Development Checklist will automatically
generate a Reimbursement or Contribution Agreement checklist item.
5. If applicable, click the Rail Road Insurance checkbox.
6. Select type of work from the State Type Of Work drop-down list.
7. Select the project status from the Federal Project Status drop-down list.
The value in this field controls important ECMS processing, including
whether the project must go through Central Office Contract
Management review prior to being advertised. The value also affects
which business rules are applied to the project by the Execute Rules
8. Click the appropriate checkboxes next to the practices listed in the Innovative
Bidding field.
9. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the success message. The Project Information
screen is displayed with the Program Data tab displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Define a Structure for a Project
If you do not have any structure information, select the Contains
Structures checkbox on the Structures tab to indicate that the project
contains structures. You can save the screen and enter this information at
a later time. When this checkbox is selected, ECMS automatically adds
the appropriate checklist items to the Project Development Checklist –
refer to Online Help for more information.
If your project contains any lump sum items, you must add a structure ID
using either a dummy or a valid BMS ID. When the item details for the
lump sum item are entered, the user must link the item to an S-Drawing
number. The S-Drawing Number drop-down list on the Design Item
screen is populated by the S-Numbers entered on this tab.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Structures tab.
4. Click the ADD button. The Structure Details screen is displayed.
5. To select the BMS Structure ID, click the Selection Arrow in the BMS Structure ID
field. The Add Structures selection window is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Select the radio button Structures linked to associated MPMS number(s) or
BMS Tables in the Search by field.
7. Enter search criteria in the Search For field and then lick the SEARCH button.
Items in the Selected Items list can be removed by clicking the REMOVE
ALL button, or remove one or more entries by clicking once on the ‘X’
next to the item you want to remove.
8. Click the X next to the appropriate BMS Structure ID number from the Selected
Items to be added then click OK. The Structures Details screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
9. If necessary, enter the structure drawing number in the S-Number field.
10. If necessary, enter the description in the Description field.
11. If applicable, click the checkbox next to Navigable Waterways.
12. Click the SAVE&EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the
Project Information screen is displayed.
To add multiple S-Numbers to the same BMS ID, save the screen by
clicking SAVE, and then click the CLONE button. The structure data is
saved, and the S-Number field is cleared. Enter the second S-Number
and click the SAVE button. Repeat these steps as necessary to add
multiple S-Numbers to the same BMS ID.
13. To define additional structures, click the Structures tab and then click the ADD
button. Repeat the previous steps for each additional structure and then click the
SAVE&EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the Project
Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Define a Roadway for a Project
Project Number
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Roadway tab. The updated
Project Information screen is displayed.
4. Select the county from the County drop-down list.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
5. Enter the 4-digit State Route code in the SR field. The code must lead with zeroes.
For example, Route 30 is entered as ‘0030.’
6. Enter the section in the Section field. This field accepts up to 3 alphanumeric
7. Enter the local road name in the Local Name field. This field accepts up to 50
alphanumeric characters.
8. Enter the start segment in the Start Segment field. This field accepts up to 4
alphanumeric characters.
9. Enter the start offset in the Start Offset field. This field accepts up to 4
alphanumeric characters.
10. Enter the start station in the Start Station field. This field accepts up to 6
alphanumeric characters.
11. Enter the end segment in the End Segment field. This field accepts up to 4
alphanumeric characters.
12. Enter the end offset in the End Offset field. This field accepts up to 4
alphanumeric characters.
13. Enter the end station in the End Station field. This field accepts up to 6
alphanumeric characters.
14. Click the ADD button to add the row to the embedded Roadways table.
15. Repeat the previous steps until all Roadways are added. Click the SAVE button.
Click OK on the success message. The Project Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Link an ECMS Agreement to a Project
Project Number
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Agreements tab. The
Agreements Tab is displayed.
4. Click the ADD button. The Add ECMS Agreements window is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
5. Select the radio button next to Agreement number or Prime Consultant in the
Search by field.
6. Enter search criteria (e.g. “E00233 or consultant name) in the Search For field and
then click the SEARCH button.
7. Click the X next to the appropriate agreement number and click OK. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
Items in the Selected Items list can be removed by clicking the REMOVE
ALL button, or remove one or more entries by clicking once on the ‘X’
next to the item you want to remove.
8. Repeat the previous steps until all Agreements are added. Click the SAVE button.
Click OK on the success message. The Project Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View and Edit Project Information
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
3. Click the EDIT button.
4. If necessary, click the appropriate tab to edit the project description, structures,
roadways, financial funding or agreements information.
5. When finished editing, click the SAVE button. Click OK on the success message.
The Project Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete an MPMS Number from a Project
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
4. Click the checkbox in the Delete column next the MPMS number.
The Lead MPMS Number checkbox is grayed out and it cannot be
5. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation. Click OK on the
success message. The Project Information screen is displayed. The MPMS
Number is deleted.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a Roadway from a Project
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Roadways tab.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
4. Click the checkbox in the Delete column next to the Roadway you want to delete.
5. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation. Click OK on the
success message. The Project Information screen is displayed. The Roadway is
Delete a Structure from a Project
Project Number
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Structures tab.
4. Click the checkbox in the Delete column next to the Structure you want to delete.
5. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation prompt. Click OK at
the success message. The Project Information screen is displayed. The structure
is deleted.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete an Agreement from a Project
Project Number
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button and then click the Agreements tab.
4. Click the checkbox in the Delete column next to the Agreement you want to delete.
5. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the success message. The Project Information
screen is displayed. The Agreement is deleted.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Enter Project Milestones
The following dates are required for further system processing to occur in
order to submit the bid package for approval or publish the bid package:
Let Date, Notice to Proceed, and Physical Work Completed.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Milestones from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Project Milestones.
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. For each milestone, enter estimated milestone dates in the ECMS Anticipated date
field in mm/dd/yyyy format; or use the Calendar/Clock icon to select the date from
the calendar.
6. Click the SAVE button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the Project
Milestones screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Clone (Copy) a Project
The Portfolio Manager and the ADE for Design have the authority to
clone projects.
The project number is the key identifier for the new project in ECMS.
Review the Project Team screen for the clone immediately to ensure that
only the appropriate users are listed. Recall that the Project Team grants
access to project related screens in ECMS.
Refer to “”How Do I … Clone (Copy) a Project” under the Project
Information category of the Help system for a detailed description of the
Clone Process including a checklist of the data that should be verified.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
3. Click the CLONE button. A confirmation message is displayed.
4. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Select MPMS Number and Phase Id
window is displayed.
5. Enter the MPMS Number in the MPMS Number field and select the Phase from
the Phase drop-down list. Click the OK button. A success message is displayed.
Click OK when prompted and the Project Information screen for the cloned project
is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Combine (Merge) Projects
The Portfolio Manager and the ADE for Design have the authority to
merge projects.
ECMS allows users to merge two or more ECMS projects into one
project, provided that all of the projects selected for merging are in
Design status and are in the same District (as denoted by the Admin Org
ECMS will not allow projects with bids to be merged. If projects with bids
are selected to merge, ECMS will generate an error message.
The destination project selected is the one that ‘survives’ within ECMS.
For example, if you merge Projects A and B and you select Project A as
the destination, the combined data exists in ECMS under the identifier
‘Project A’, and Project B no longer exists.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Enter the project number in the Project Number field to merge with the current
project and then click the MERGE button. A confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Select Final Destination Project
window is displayed.
6. Select the radio button next to the destination Project Number and click OK. Click
OK on the Success message box. The Project Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Create a Project Condition
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
3. Select Project Conditions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Project Condition screen is displayed.
4. Click the ADD button. The updated Project Conditions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
5. Select condition status from the Status drop-down list.
6. Enter title in the Subject field.
7. Enter condition description in the Condition field.
8. Click SAVE. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the Project Condition
screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Change a Project Condition Status
A project condition cannot be deleted. Once the status of the project
condition is changed to Satisfied or Other, processing can move
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Scroll to bottom of screen
3. Select Project Conditions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Project Conditions screen is displayed.
4. Click the subject hyperlink in the Subject field. The Project Condition screen is
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. Click the EDIT button.
6. Select the new project condition from the Status drop-down list.
7. Click the SAVE button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the Project
Condition screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Assign a PENNDOT Project Team Member
The Public Team Members field provides a text field to enter the names
of individuals or organizations with an interest in the project. However, no
system access or user rights are granted based on one's name
appearing in this field.
If the project is a federal project, the FHWA team member must be
assigned or the screen cannot be saved.
From most screens within ECMS, the Project Team screen can be
accessed by clicking the Project Team hyperlink in the upper right hand
corner of the screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Team from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Project Team screen is displayed.
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. Click the Selection Arrow next to the appropriate project team member role. The
Select Authorized PENNDOT Project Team Members window is displayed.
6. Click the X next to the appropriate name and click OK. The Project Team screen is
7. Repeat the previous steps until all team members are added. Click the SAVE
button. Click OK on the Success message prompt and the Project Team screen is
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Assign a Municipality to the Project Team
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Team from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Project Team screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Select Third Party Project Team Detail from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Third Party Project Team Details screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. From the Third Party Type field select the radio button for either the LEAD
6. Click the selection arrow in the Business Partner Name field. The Select
Municipality window is displayed.
7. Click the X next to the appropriate municipality and click OK. The Third Party
Project Team Details screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
8. If necessary, enter the business partner ID in the Business Partner ID field.
9. Click SAVE&EXIT. Click OK on the Success message prompt and the Project
Team screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a PENNDOT Project Team Member
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Team from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Project Team screen is displayed.
4. Click the EDIT button.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
5. Click the Selection Arrow next to the appropriate project team member role. The
Select Authorized PENNDOT Project Team Members window is displayed.
6. Click the X next to the appropriate team member name in the Selected Items field
or click REMOVE ALL and click OK. The Project Team member(s) is/are deleted
and the Project Team screen is displayed.
7. Repeat the previous steps as necessary to remove other team members. Click the
SAVE button. Click OK on the Success message prompt and the Project Team
screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a Municipality from the Project Team
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Team from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Project Team screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
4. Click the municipality hyperlink. The Third Party Project Team Details or Other
Third Party Project Team Details screen is displayed.
5. Click the DELETE button. A Click OK on the deletion confirmation prompt. Click
OK on the Success message prompt and the Project Team screen is displayed.
Create a Project and Project Information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Chapter 1 - Hands-on Exercises
Search for the project used during class. Add the following project information
using the data listed below:
¾ Add a Structure (refer to the topic “Define a Structure for a Project” in the
manual for assistance)
Search by BMS ID
Buffalo Run
¾ Add a Roadway (refer to the topic “Define a Roadway for a Project” in the
manual for assistance)
¾ Add an ECMS Agreement (refer to the topic “Add an ECMS Agreement to a
Project” in the manual for assistance)
Agreement Number
Delete the roadway you added. (refer to the topic “Delete a Roadway from a
Project” in the manual for assistance)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project and Project Information
Add Milestones to the project using the data listed below:
(refer the topic “Enter Project Milestones” in the manual for assistance)
Design Approval
Utility Clearance
Right of Way
Let Date
Advertisement Date
Contract Awarded
Contract Executed
Notice to Proceed
Notice to Proceed Date
Physical Work
Acceptance Certificate
approved by
Project Updated to
Final Status
hapter 22:: P
roject De
hecklist ((PS&E)
Create the Project Development Checklist
Complete a Project Development Checklist Item
Add Project Development Checklist Items
Edit the Project Development Checklist
Run Execute Rules
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Manager
• Design Team Members
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist Process Overview
The Engineering and Construction Management System automates the “PS&E
Transmittal” process by providing an online function that allows the PENNDOT project
team to track the progress of the development of project deliverables. The Project
Development Checklist and its related screens provide a view of the status of each
checklist item (such as plans, permits, etc.) and allow the user to add or delete items, or
to restore items that were previously deleted.
The Project Development Checklist is created when an authorized user (Design Project
Manager) clicks the Create Checklist button on the Project Information screen. Certain
items, for example, the ID-021 for Construction, are included on every Project
Development Checklist. ECMS adds other checklist items based on data entered on the
Project Information screens. For example, if the Project Information screen indicates
that the project locale is within 2 miles of an airport runway, the customized checklist
automatically includes the FAA Part 77 checklist item. During Design and Review
statuses, users can also allow ECMS to update the checklist when they change data on
the Project Information screen and click the Append Checklist button. However, no data
is deleted from the checklist by the append function. Any standard checklist item can
also be manually added, deleted, or ‘un-deleted’ (restored).
A subset of the checklist items (any item marked as “Include in Bid Package”) becomes
the Bid Package, and, unless modified through addenda, part of the original contract
items. The Bid Package is the vehicle through which the bid proposal is reviewed and
approved, if necessary, and through which the project is advertised to prospective
bidders. The Bid Package contains links to the plans and attachments. When the user
navigates to one of these links, a filtered view of the Project Development Checklist is
displayed, showing only the specific checklist items. ECMS security ensures that
contractor and public users do not have authority to modify the checklist.
This chapter describes how the original checklist is created or appended; how checklist
items can be manually added, deleted, or ‘un-deleted’ (restored); and how the checklist
item details are entered. This chapter does not include lessons on scanning or indexing
EDMS documents, nor does it provide lessons on attaching an EDMS document to an
ECMS checklist item. Refer to the “Linking to EDMS Documents” section for information
on this functionality.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Project characteristics are established on the Project
Information screen and the checklist is created
Design Project Manager
As the project progresses, the data for the checklist item
is recorded on the checklist detail screens and, if
applicable, related hardcopy items such as permits and
approval letters are stored in the Electronic Document
Management System (EDMS) and linked to the
appropriate checklist item
Design Project Team
Each checklist item is marked as “Include” or “Do not
include” in Bid Package.
Online Help
For online information
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Project Development
Project Development Checklist
Project Development
Add Plans
Project Development
Add Project Development Checklist
Project Development
Add Project-Specific Checklist Items
Project Development
Project Development Checklist Items
Project Development
Restore Project Development
Checklist Items
Project Development
Project Development Checklist Detail
Project Development
Create Project Development
Project Development
Add Plan to Project
Project Development
Add Standard Project Development
Checklist Item
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
For online information
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Project Development
Add User-Defined Project
Development Checklist Item
Project Development
Complete Checklist Item for Approval,
Review, or Completion Item
Project Development
View Project Development Checklist
Project Development
Delete Project Development Checklist
Project Development
Restore Deleted Project Development
Checklist Item
Project Development
Complete Checklist Item for Plan
Project Development
Append Project Development
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Create the Project Development Checklist
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
3. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the CREATE CHECKLIST button. Click OK on the confirmation message
and click OK on the success message. The newly created Project Development
Checklist is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. If necessary, enter comments in the Comment box.
6. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the success message. The Project
Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Complete a Project Development Checklist Item
The Include in Bid Package radio button indicates whether the
checklist item detail will be part of the Bid Package (and viewable
by the public when the project is advertised). The default value is
set based on the value in the PDC Master Item table. An indicator
in the same table determines if the user can change the value.
On some checklist items ECMS does not allow users to change
the value of the “Include in Bid Package” indicator. Where this is
the case, you must accept the default value entered by ECMS
for this indicator.
Non-contractual project development checklist items where the
“Include in Bid Package” indicator is set to “No” may be edited when
the project is in Advertised status without the need to create an
A complete description of each field on all checklist items is
available in the Help document “Tell Me About Project Development
Checklist Detail Screens”. In addition, separate help documents
provide step by step directions for completing each type of detail
item (e.g., approval letter, permit, meeting minutes); see “How Do I
Complete Checklist Item for…..” All of these documents are listed
under the Project Development Checklist category of the Help
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the Checklist Name hyperlink. The detail screen for the checklist item is
6. If necessary, enter the name of the checklist item in the Title field (this is an
optional step).
7. If necessary, select an Action from the drop-down list in the Date Action field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS looks only for the date and does not attempt to match the date
to the action label when checking the business rules. For checklist
details that require specific dates, the Date Action/Date field is
replaced by a predefined date, for example FHWA Approval
Choose the description of the date that best suits the action taken on
the date, for example, Approved.
8. If necessary, enter the appropriate date(s) in the Date fields in mm/dd/yyyy format,
or select the date using the Calendar/clock icon.
9. If necessary, enter the name of the person who performed the action on the above
selected date in the By field.
10. If necessary, enter comments in the Comments box.
11. If applicable, attach an EDMS document. Refer to the reference section in the
manual for assistance attaching an EDMS document.
Scroll to bottom of screen
12. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Include in Bid Package field.
13. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
Checklist items that are marked as completed appear with the
‘completed’ checkmark icon on the Project Development Checklist
screen. This provides users an at-a-glance view of the project
progress. If the item is not marked as ‘completed’, Execute Rules will
return an error.
14. Click SAVE&EXIT and click OK on the success message. The updated Project
Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add a Project Development Checklist Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Select Add Checklist Item from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button.
The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Click the Selection Arrow under the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item(s) window appears.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Click the X next to the desired item(s) description and click OK. The item is moved
to Selected Items and the Add Checklist Item(s) screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
8. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
9. To complete the checklist item, click on the Checklist Item hyperlink and click the
EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
10. After completing all required fields, click the SAVE&EXIT button and click OK on
the success message. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Add a Project Specific Checklist Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Select Add Project Specific Checklist Item from the Add drop-down list and click
the ADD button. The Add Project Specific Checklist Item(s) screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. If necessary, enter the name of the checklist item in the Title field. This title
identifies the item on the Project Development Checklist screen.
7. If necessary, enter the date in the Date Approved field in mm/dd/yyyy format, or
select the date using the Calendar/clock icon.
8. If necessary, enter comments in the Comments box.
9. If applicable, attach an EDMS document. Refer to the reference section in the
manual for assistance attaching an EDMS document.
10. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Include Item in Bid Package field.
11. If, applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
12. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the
updated Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Notice that the User Name field is pre-populated with your ECMS
user name. This cannot be changed.
In the comment field, if the length of the text exceeds the display
area, a scroll bar is displayed on the right border of the text box.
Add a Plan to the Project Development Checklist
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Select Add Plans from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button. The Add
Plan(s) screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
6. Click the Selection Arrow under the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item(s) window appears.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Click the X next to the desired item(s) description and click OK. The item is moved
to Selected Items and the Add Plan(s) screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
9. If necessary, click the REFRESH button to view the added plan.
10. Click the appropriate Plan hyperlink to view and edit the new plan.
Scroll to bottom of screen
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
11. If necessary, enter the title in the Title field.
12. Enter the number of sheets in the Number of Sheets field. The number of sheets
must be more than ‘0.’
13. Select the Yes or No radio in button in the Publish Unofficial Plans field.
14. If necessary, enter the date in the Date Approved field in mm/dd/yyyy format, or
select the date using the Calendar/clock icon.
15. If necessary, enter a name in the Approved by field.
16. If necessary, enter comments in the Comments field.
17. If applicable, attach an EDMS document. Refer to the reference section in the
manual for assistance attaching an EDMS document.
18. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
19. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the Success
message. The updated Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
The checklist items are listed in alphabetical order on the Project
Development Checklist under the Plans or Supplemental Plans
Checklist items that are marked as completed appear with the
‘completed’ checkmark icon on the Project Development Checklist
screen. This gives users an at-a-glance view of the project progress.
If the item is not marked as ‘completed’, Execute Rules will return an
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Append the Project Development Checklist
The Project Development Checklist must be Appended if the
project information has been updated.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
3. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the APPEND CHECKLIST button. Click OK on the confirmation message.
Click OK on the success message. The appended Project Development Checklist
screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View and Edit the Project Development Checklist
Execute Rules can be run from the Project Development Checklist
so that the user may determine what needs to be completed on the
project. Execute Rules is covered in detail in the Bid Package
chapter, however, you may notice some differences in the results of
the Execute Rules when run from the Project Development Checklist
vs. the Bid Package screens.
Running Execute Rules from the Bid Package will produce more
thorough results and should be used instead of running Execute
Rules from the Project Development Checklist.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EDIT button at bottom of the screen.
5. If necessary, update or add comments in the Comments field.
6. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the success message. The updated Project
Development Checklist screen is displayed.
7. If necessary, click the Checklist Name hyperlink for the checklist item to be
updated. The item screen is displayed.
8. If necessary, click the EDIT button and make the necessary changes.
9. Click the SAVE&EXIT button. Click OK on the success message. The updated
Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a Project Development Checklist Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EDIT button at bottom of the screen.
5. Select the checkbox(es) next to the item(s) to be deleted. Click the DELETE
ROW button.
6. Click OK on the confirmation message.. Click OK on the success message. The
updated Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Restore a Project Development Checklist Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the RESTORE ITEM(s) button. The Restore Checklist Item(s) screen is
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Click the title of the checklist item(s) in the Selected Items to be Added field to be
7. Click the ADD ITEM button. The item title(s) is placed in the Selected Item(s)
8. Click the SAVE&EXIT button. Click OK on the confirmation message. Click OK on
the success message. The updated Project Development Checklist screen is
9. If necessary, click the Checklist Name hyperlink for the newly restored checklist
item and make any necessary updates. If any changes are made, ensure that the
screen is saved.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
Chapter 2 - Hands-on Exercises
Search for the project used during class. Add a checklist item to the Project
Development Checklist, (refer to the topic “Add checklist Item” in this chapter for
assistance) using the data listed below:
Checklist item to add
Anticipated Approval
Approved by
Include Item in Bid
Right of Way Clearance Certificate
Right of Way Clearance Certificate
Today’s date
Today’s date
Your name
No Comment
No (Defaults to No-cannot change)
Add a Project Specific Checklist item, using the data listed below:(refer to the topic
“Add a Project Specific Checklist Item” in this chapter for assistance)
Date Approved
User Name
EDMS Document Link
Spring Street Signal Timing
Today’s date
Your name
Spring Street Permanent signal timing specification
for signal timing on Spring St.
Include Item in Bid
Add a Pavement Sensor Plan to the Project Development Checklist, using the data
listed below: (refer to the topic “Add a Plan to the Project Development Checklist”
in this chapter for assistance)
Project Development Checklist (PS&E)
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Plan to Add
Number of Sheets
Publish Unofficial
Approved by
Include Item in bid
Pavement Sensor Plan
Pavement Sensor Plan
Today’s date
Your name
No Comment
Yes (Default to Yes-cannot change)
hapter 33:: P
roject S
• View Project Special Provision
• Create Project Specific Special Provision
• Add Project Standard Special Provision
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Manager
• Design Team Member Users
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Special Provisions Process Overview
The Project Special Provisions function allows users to add Project Standard Special
Provisions or Project Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provisions. Depending upon the District
associated with the MPMS number on a project, certain Project Standard Special
Provisions are required and may be automatically added by ECMS to the Project
Special Provisions Screen. Additional Project Standard Special Provisions and/or
Project Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provisions may be added manually. District Special
Provisions may be created in ECMS by authorized ECMS users within each District.
The Project Special Provisions function also allows users to link Design Items to the
Project Standard or Project Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provisions. Once an item is linked
to a special provision, the link will appear on the Design Items screen. The Bid Package
also contains links to the Special Provisions.
This chapter describes how both Project Standard Special Provisions and Project
Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provisions can be viewed, manually added, deleted, or
restored, as well as how to use the Edit-on-Pro applet which adds functionality into the
browser to enable users to edit text in ECMS to add formatting that would normally not
be available, such as bolding, underlining, changing color and size of text, etc.
The following table outlines the steps, user and functions that comprise the Special
Provisions process:
Project characteristics are established on the Project
Information Screen and certain Standard Special
provisions are added automatically by ECMS.
As the project progresses, project standard and/or project
specific special provisions may be added to the project
and, if applicable, linked to appropriate modified or nonstandard items.
Design Project Team
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
Online Help
For online information
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Project Special Provisions
Project Special Provisions
Project Special Provisions
Project Specific Special Provisions
Project Special Provisions
Add Standard Special Provision to
Project Special Provisions
Create Special Provision
Project Special Provisions
Add, Modify or Delete Special
Provision via Addendum
Project Special Provisions
Copy a Special Provision From
Existing Project
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
Project Special Provisions
Project Special Provisions
Project Special Provisions
Copy Project Specific Special
Provision from One Project to
Delete Special Provision
Restore Deleted Project Special
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View and Edit Project Special Provisions
• The number of special provisions required will depend upon the district
associated with the projects MPMS number.
• You MUST click Run when the Edit-On-Pro pop up window appears. If
you select No, you will be required to log out of ECMS, close the Internet
Explorer browser window, then open a new Internet Explorer window and
log back into ECMS and be sure when you get the popup window that
you select Run.
• Edit on Pro adds functionality into the browser to enable you to edit text in
ECMS to add formatting that would normally not be available, such as
bolding, underlining, change the color of text, etc.
• Certain special provisions may be restricted from editing based on
parameters established within ECMS by the District’s Special Provision
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button. The updated Special Provisions screen is
5. Click the Special Provision hyperlink. The Project Standard Special Provision or
Project Specific Special Provision screen is displayed.
6. If the above Edit-On-Pro message appears, you MUST click on the Run button.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. If necessary, edit the special provision name in the Special Provision Name field.
8. If necessary, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
9. If applicable, enter provision text in the Provision Body field.
10. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message and the Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
Add a Project Standard Special Provision to a Project
• You MUST click Run when the Edit-On-Pro pop up window appears. If
you select No, you will be required to log out of ECMS, close the Internet
Explorer browser window, then open a new Internet Explorer window
and log back into ECMS and be sure when you get the popup window
that you select Run..
• Edit on Pro adds functionality into the browser to enable you to edit text
in ECMS to add formatting that would normally not be available, such as
bolding, underlining, change the color of text, etc.
• Certain special provisions may be restricted from editing based on
parameters established within ECMS by the District’s Special Provision
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Select Project Standard Special Provision from the Add drop-down list at the
bottom of the screen and click the ADD button. The Project Standard Special
Provision screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
6. If the above Edit-On-Pro message appears, you MUST click on the Run button.
7. Click the Selection Arrow in the Index or Category field. The Add Standard
Special Provisions window is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Select either the Standard Special Number or Description radio button in the
Search by field.
9. If searching by number, enter the first letter of the index of the standard special
number or if searching by description, enter the first word or letter of the
standard special provision name in the Search for field (e.g. to select a
standard special provision that is found in the General Provisions index, enter the
letter “G”. To select a special provision name such as Project Schedule Changes,
enter the word “Project”)..
10. Click the SEARCH button. The results appear in the Select Items to be added
11. Click the X in front of the appropriate special provision number and click OK. The
Project Standard Special Provision screen is displayed with the details
corresponding to the selected special provision listed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
12. If necessary, edit the name, header or body of the provision.
13. If applicable, click the checkbox in the Publish Unofficial field.
14. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
15. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
• Selecting Publish Official will allow the special provision to be available
on the public ECMS website.
• Project Special Provisions that are marked as completed appear with the
‘completed’ checkmark icon on the Project Special Provision screen.
This gives users an at-a-glance view of the project progress. If the item
is not marked as ‘completed’, Execute Rules will return an error.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Project Specific Special Provision
You MUST click Run when the Edit-On-Pro pop up window appears. If
you select No, you will be required to log out of ECMS, close the Internet
Explorer browser window, then open a new Internet Explorer window
and log back into ECMS and be sure when you get the popup window
that you select Run..
Edit on Pro adds functionality into the browser to enable you to edit text
in ECMS to add formatting that would normally not be available, such as
bolding, underlining, change the color of text, etc.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Select Project Specific Special Provision from the Add drop-down list and click
the ADD button. The Project Specific Special Provision screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. If the above Edit-On-Pro message appears, you MUST click on the Run button.
7. Enter a special provision name in the Special Provision Name field.
8. Enter the header text in the Header field.
9. Enter provision text in the Provision Body field. Use the Edit-on-Pro toolbar above
the Header field to format the text If necessary
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
10. If applicable, click the checkbox in the Publish Unofficial field.
11. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
12. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions that are marked as completed appear with the
‘completed’ checkmark icon on the Project Special Provision screen.
This gives users an at-a-glance view of the project progress. If the item
is not marked as ‘completed’, Execute Rules will return an error.
If the Publish Unofficial checkbox is selected, the special provision will
unofficially be part of the bid package.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Link Special Provision to Modified or Nonstandard
Linked items appear as a hyperlink on the Design Item screen. Project
Specific Special Provisions appear on the Design Item screen with a
hyperlink labeled “Ad-Hoc” in the Special Provision column.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the appropriate Special Provision hyperlink. The Project Special Provision
screen is displayed.
6. Click the Selection Arrow in the Associated Items field. The Select Item Number
window is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
7. Click the X in front of the modified or nonstandard item number(s) to link to the
special provision. Click OK . The Special Provision screen is displayed with the
item number in the Associated Item field.
8. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
Copy Project Special Provisions from an Existing
• The COPY SP button will not appear until the Project Development
Checklist has been created.
• Copying special provisions will leave all of the special provisions on the
original project and add all of them to the new project. It will not delete or
override the special provisions existing on the new project. Any
unwanted special provisions will have to be deleted.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Enter the Project Number (COPY FROM) in the Source Project Number field
and click the COPY SP button. A message is displayed stating that a copy of the
Special Provisions from the entered project number has been associated with the
ECMS project number displayed on the screen.
6. Click OK on the success message. The updated Project Special Provisions screen
is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
Delete a Project Special Provision
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Special Provisions from the Go drop-down list and click the GO
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Select the checkbox in front of the Special Provision being deleted.
6. Click the DELETE ROW button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation prompt.
7. Click OK on he success message.The updated Project Special Provisions screen
is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Project Special Provisions
Chapter 3 - Hands-on Exercises
1. View the Project Special Provisions for the project specified by the instructor.
(Refer View and Edit Project Special Provisions in this manual for assistance)
2. Add a Project Specific Special Provision to the Project Special Provisions for a
Drinking Fountain, using the data listed below: (Refer to the topic “Create a Project
Specific Special Provision” in this chapter for assistance)
Special Provision
Provision Body
Item 9000-0013 Drinking Fountain
Item 9000-0013 Drinking Fountain
DESCRIPTION – This work is supplying and
installing a drinking fountain at locations
MATERIAL – Outdoor pedestal drinking
fountain with push button.
CONSTRUCTION – Construct as indicated.
hapter 44:: D
esign IItems
Add Items to the Project
Enter the Item Details
Create As-Designed and Alternate Items
Edit Project Items
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Team
• Design Project Manager
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items Process Overview
The Engineering and Construction Management System supports the creation of the
design items for a project through the Design Items screen and its related screens and
functions. These include the following:
Design Items – This screen lists all of the items and their associated quantities and
funding that are assigned to the project. This function allows the user to import, add, or
delete items; to access the Alternate Grouping screen for EITHER, AND, or OR items;
and to access the Item Details screen for any listed item. In addition, the screen
displays a running total of the Design Estimate.
Add Item to List – This pop-up screen allows users to choose items from the Master
Items List or to enter nonstandard, lump sum, or known item numbers. Users can
quickly enter basic information, including quantity, unit price, and alternate code. Items
can be selected one at a time or many at a time and returned to the main screen for
further processing.
Item Details – This screen allows the user to enter required item details, such as unit of
measure and work class codes (non-standard items), and quantity. For standard and
modified standard items, the Item Details screen displays the details from the Master
Items List. This screen also allows the user to associate all or part of the item quantity
to a fund code. If the fund code has not yet been created, the screen inserts a skeleton
fund code record into the database for later processing.
Alternate Grouping – This screen allows users to create the EITHER/AND and OR/AND
structures comprising the As-Designed and Alternate groups.
Component Item Details – This counterpart to the Item Details screens allows the user
to enter details, including Sequence Number for the components of a lump sum item.
Import Items – This screen allows the user to navigate to the text file containing the
output of a CADD program (e.g., AutoTAB) in tilde-delimited (~) format. This function
allows users to perform a mass import of items from the CADD program.
Once the design items are created, ECMS allows the project goals for DBE or
MBE/WBE to be set for the project. ECMS provides a report screen showing the
number of DBE or MBE/WBE contractors qualified for the work class code for each item
within the geographic location of the project. On the report screen, the Design Project
Manager enters the project goals and saves the screen. The BOD Contract
Management Division Chief can then approve the goals.
This chapter describes how to use the screens of the Design Items function to create
the “items and quantities” list that contractors will use to bid on the project. In addition,
a lesson is included which describes how to set the DBE/MBE/WBE project goals.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
The following table outlines the steps, user, and functions that comprise the Design
Items process:
Access the Design Items screen
Design Project Team Member
Add or import items
Design Project Team Member
Enter item details
Design Project Team Member
For Lump Sum items, create component items or
designate contractor-designed component items are
Design Project Team Member
Create as-designed and alternate items
Design Project Team Member
For modified and nonstandard items, link special
provision to the item
Design Project Team Member
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Online Help
For online information
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Design Item
Design Item
Design Item
Design Item (Lump Sum)
Design Item
Design Item (Modified Standard)
Design Item
Design Item (Nonstandard)
Design Item
Design Item (Standard)
Design Item
Add Item to List
Design Item
Alternate Grouping Screen
Design Item
Component Item Details
Project Information
DBE-MBE-WBE Goal Worksheet
Design Item
Design Item Add Lump Sum
Design Item to Project
Design Item
Add Modified Standard Design
Item to Project
Design Item
Add Nonstandard Design Item to
Design Item
Enter Item Details for Lump Sum
Item - No Components
Design Item
Enter Item Details for Lump Sum
Item - With Components
Design Item
Enter Item Details for Modified
Standard Item
Design Item
Enter Item Details Nonstandard
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
For online information
Design Items
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Design Item
Enter Item Details for Standard
Design Item
Import Design Items
Design Item
Add Multiple Items from Master
Item List to Project
Design Item
Change Item Number for Design
Design Item
Create As-Designed and Alternate
Design Item
Modify As Designed (Either) or
Alternate (Or) Group
Design Item
Copy Design Items from Existing
Design Item
Delete Design Item
Design Item
Delete Design Component Items
Design Item
View Alternate Grouping
Project Information
Determine DBE Goal or MBE/WBE
Minimum Participation Level for a
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View the Design Items Screen
The first time the Design Items screen is accessed, a ‘No Records
Found’ message will be displayed indicating that no items have been
added yet.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Scroll to bottom of screen
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add Standard or Modified Standard Items to the
If the “Modified Standard” radio button option is selected, the master
items appear with ‘4’ added to the first digit. For example, if the master
item is 1000-9999, the modified standard item appears in this list as
5000-9999. Modified items must be searched for using the standard
item number.
If a fund code is entered that does not exist, ECMS automatically
creates a record for the fund code in the Design Funding table.
To update the Design Items screen to include all added information,
click the REFRESH button.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. If necessary click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List window is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
7. Select the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
8. Enter at least the first two digits of the item number or at least the first two
letters of the first word of the item description in the Search For field and click
the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Items List window appears.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
9. Click the X in front of the item number and click OK. The Add Item to List screen is
displayed with the item and Unit of Measure entered.
10. Enter item quantity in the Qty field.
11. Enter the unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
12. If applicable, enter the fund code to which the item will be linked in the Fund Code
13. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
14. If applicable, select EITHER from the ALT drop-down list.
15. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Add Item
List screen is displayed with the item number shown in the (‘last’) row in ‘read only’
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
16. Repeat the above steps to add additional items. When finished, to return to the
Design Items screen, click the BACK button.
17. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the added item(s).
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Add Nonstandard Item to the Project
If you enter a fund code that does not exist, ECMS automatically creates
a record for the fund code in the Design Funding table.
Nonstandard items must begin with ‘9’ as the first digit. See the
appropriate strike off letter for guidance on creating nonstandard item
To update the Design Items screen to include all added information,
click the REFRESH button.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List window is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
6. Enter the item number (including hyphen) in the Item Number field.
7. Enter item quantity in the Qty field.
8. Select the unit of measure from the Unit of Measure drop-down list.
9. Enter the unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
10. If applicable, enter the fund code the item will be linked to in the Fund Code field.
11. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
12. If applicable, select EITHER from the ALT drop-down list.
13. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Add Item
List screen is redisplayed with the item number shown in the ‘last’ row in ‘read only’
14. Repeat the above steps to add additional items.
15. To return to the Design Items screen, click the BACK button.
16. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the added item(s).
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Edit the Item Details for a Standard Item
If you enter a fund code that does not exist, ECMS automatically
creates a skeleton record for the fund code in the Design Funding
The unit price can be updated directly from the Design Item screen. If
the unit price is changed from this screen, be sure to click the SAVE
button at the bottom of the screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. If necessary edit the quantity and unit price in the Quantity and Unit Price fields.
7. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
8. If applicable, enter the percentage (between 0.00 and 100.00) of the item that
could be considered maintenance in the Pct of Maintenance field.
For an alternate OR item and their AND items the item price is $0.00.
The Predetermined Price field checkbox may be protected (either with or
without ‘X’) based on the unit of measure.
For the Pct of Maintenance, ECMS calculates a dollar value based on
this percentage for each item and compares it to the total project
estimate. If the cumulative percentage of maintenance is 15% or more of
the total estimate, ECMS requires that a State Wage item is included in
the Project Development Checklist before the project can be advertised.
9. Enter a new fund code in the Fund Code field, or click the Selection Arrow to
select an existing Fund Code from the selection window in the Fund Code field.
10. Enter the quantity of the item associated with the fund code in the QTY field then
click the ADD ROW button.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
All item quantities (with the exception of alternate items) must be
assigned to at least one fund code. An item can be assigned to more
than one fund code by assigning a portion of the quantity to each fund
code. The Execute Rules program checks to ensure that the total
quantity is assigned before allowing the project to move forward.
If the item quantity is split between fund codes, then the Fund Code will
have 2 asterisks next to it in the Fund Code field on the Design Items
11. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Edit the Item Details for a Modified Standard Item
If you enter a fund code that does not exist, ECMS automatically creates
a skeleton record for the fund code in the Design Funding table.
The unit price can be updated directly from the Design Item screen. If
the unit price is changed from this screen, be sure to click the SAVE
button at the bottom of the screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is displayed.
5. If necessary click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. If necessary, enter the quantity and unit price in the Quantity and Unit Price fields.
7. If necessary, enter a description in the Modified Description field.
8. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
9. If applicable, enter the percentage (between 0.00 and 100.00) of the item that
could be considered maintenance in the Pct of Maintenance field.
For an alternate OR item and their AND items the item price is $0.00.
The Predetermined Price field checkbox may be protected (either with or
without ‘X’) based on the unit of measure.
For the Pct of Maintenance, ECMS calculates a dollar value based on
this percentage for each item and compares it to the total project
estimate. If the cumulative percentage of maintenance is 15% or more of
the total estimate, ECMS requires that a State Wage item is included in
the Project Development Checklist before the project can be advertised.
10. Enter a new fund code in the Fund Code field, or click the selection arrow to select
an existing Fund Code from the selection window in the Fund Code field.
11. Enter the quantity of the item associated with the fund code in the QTY field then
click the ADD ROW button.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
All item quantities (with the exception of alternate items) must be
assigned to at least one fund code. An item can be assigned to more
than one fund code by assigning a portion of the quantity to each fund
code. The Execute Rules program checks to ensure that the total
quantity is assigned before allowing the project to move forward.
If the item quantity is split between fund codes, then the Fund Code will
have 2 asterisks next to it in the Fund Code field on the Design Items
12. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Edit the Item Details for a Nonstandard Item
If you enter a fund code that does not exist, ECMS automatically creates
a skeleton record for the fund code in the Design Funding table..
The unit price can be updated directly from the Design Item screen. If
the unit price is changed from this screen, be sure to click the SAVE
button at the bottom of the screen.
The A+Bx checkbox field allows the user to designate the design item as
an innovative bidding item. When the A+Bx checkbox is selected, the
Innovative Bidding indicator is set for the design item. ECMS then
enforces a unit of measure of "Day" and a Predetermined Price Indicator
of "Yes". These items are not included in the Total Design Estimate.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is displayed.
5. If necessary click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select a unit of measure from the Unit of Measure drop-down list.
7. If necessary, edit the quantity and unit price in the Quantity and Unit Price fields.
For an Alternate OR item and their AND items, the item price is $0.00.
8. If necessary, enter a description in the Description field.
9. Click the Selection Arrow in the Work Class field. The Select Work Class window
is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
10. Click the X in front of the work class code and click the OK button. The Design
Item screen is displayed.
You can add multiple work class codes by clicking the X in front of each
If necessary, edit the selected list by clicking the X in front of the entries
you want to delete; or clear the list box by clicking the REMOVE ALL
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
11. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
12. If applicable, select a stored material type from the Stored Materials drop-down
13. If applicable, click the checkbox in either the Asphalt or Diesel field.
14. If applicable, enter the percentage (between 0.00 and 100.00) of the item that
could be considered maintenance in the Pct of Maintenance field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
15. If necessary, enter a new fund code in the Fund Code field, or click the Selection
Arrow to select an existing Fund Code from the selection window in the Fund
Code field.
The Predetermined Price field checkbox may be protected (either with or
without ‘X’) based on the unit of measure.
For the Pct of Maintenance, ECMS calculates a dollar value based on
this percentage for each item and compares it to the total project
estimate. If the cumulative percentage of maintenance is 15% or more of
the total estimate, ECMS requires that a State Wage item is included in
the Project Development Checklist before the project can be advertised.
16. Enter the quantity of the item associated with the fund code in the QTY field then
click the ADD ROW button.
Every design item (with the exception of alternate items) must be
assigned to at least one fund code. An item can be assigned to more
than one fund code by assigning a portion of the quantity to each fund
code. The Execute Rules program checks to ensure that the total
quantity is assigned before allowing the project to move forward.
If the item quantity is split between fund codes, then the Fund Code will
have 2 asterisks next to it in the Fund Code field on the Design Items
17. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Enter the Item Details for an 8000-000 Lump Sum Item
If a skeleton record was created while entering design items, the fund
code entered is displayed as a hyperlink with no other data shown.
The unit price can be updated directly from the Design Item screen. If
the unit price is changed from this screen, be sure to click the SAVE
button at the bottom of the screen.
For an alternate OR item and their AND items the item price is $0.00.
The S-Drawing number selection list is populated by the S-Drawing
Numbers you entered on the Project Information and Structure Details
screens. If you receive a message stating no records exist, return to the
Project Information screen, create the Structure, and then return to this
screen to associate it to the lump sum item.
An item with an item number greater than 8000-0001 and less than
8800-9999 requires an S-Drawing number to link it to a structure. An
item with an item number greater than or equal to 8800-0000 does not
require an S-Drawing number and therefore is not required to be linked
to a structure.
ECMS provides the flexibility to allow lump sum items to be included in
the Master Items List. If the lump sum item is part of the Master Items
List, certain fields (Item Description, Work Class, etc.) are pre-populated
and protected, just as they are on a standard item. If the lump sum item
is not a master item, these fields are open for entry and must be
The unit of measure is Lump Sum and cannot be changed unless the
item type is non-standard.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. If necessary, enter a description in the Description field.
7. If necessary, select one or more work class code by clicking the Selection Arrow in
the Work Class field. The Select Work Class window is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
8. Click the X in front of the work class code and click the OK button. The Design
Item screen is redisplayed.
You can add multiple work class codes by clicking the X in front of each
If necessary, edit the selected list by clicking the X in front of the entries
you want to delete; or clear the list box by clicking the REMOVE ALL
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
9. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
10. If applicable, select a stored material type from the Stored Materials drop-down
11. If applicable, click the checkbox in either the Asphalt or Diesel field.
12. If applicable, enter the percentage (between 0.00 and 100.00) of the item that
could be considered maintenance in the Pct of Maintenance field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
The Predetermined Price field checkbox may be protected (either with or
without ‘X’) based on the unit of measure.
For the Pct of Maintenance, ECMS calculates a dollar value based on
this percentage for each item and compares it to the total project
estimate. If the cumulative percentage of maintenance is 15% or more of
the total estimate, ECMS requires that a State Wage item is included in
the Project Development Checklist before the project can be advertised.
13. Enter a lump sum amount in the Lump Sum Amt field.
14. Click the Selection Arrow in the S-Drawing Number field. The Select Structure ID
window is displayed.
15. Click the X in front of the Structure ID code and click the OK button. The Design
Item screen is displayed.
16. If necessary, enter a new fund code in the Fund Code field, or click the Selection
Arrow to select an existing Fund Code from the selection window in the Fund
Code field. Enter the quantity of the item associated with the fund code in the QTY
field then click the ADD ROW button.
17. If applicable, select the PENNDOT Component Items Required checkbox.
18. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
If the PENNDOT Component Items Required is selected, refer to the
topic “Create Component Item Breakdown for a Lump Sum Item” in this
Every design item (with the exception of alternate items) must be
assigned to at least one fund code. An item can be assigned to more
than one fund code by assigning a portion of the quantity to each fund
code. The Execute Rules program checks to ensure that the total
quantity is assigned before allowing the project to move forward.
If the item quantity is split between fund codes, then the Fund Code will
have 2 asterisks next to it in the Fund Code field on the Design Items
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create As-Designed (Either) Item
An alternate item group consists of an "As-Designed" (an EITHER item
and its associated AND items) and one or more alternates (OR items
and their associated AND items).
As-designed (EITHER) items require quantities, unit prices, and funding
and are reflected in the total estimate amount.
Alternate (OR) items may require item quantities, but do not accept unit
prices or funding. Therefore, alternates have no effect on the total
estimate amount.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List window is displayed.
6. Enter the item number in the Item Number field.
7. Enter the quantity in the QTY field.
8. Select the unit of measure from the Unit of Measure drop-down list.
9. Enter the unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
10. If applicable, enter the fund code the item will be linked to in the Fund Code field.
11. If applicable, select the checkbox in the Predetermined Price field.
12. If applicable, select EITHER from the ALT drop-down list.
13. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Add Item
to List window is displayed with the item number shown in the ‘(ast) row in ‘read
only’ format.
14. Repeat the above steps to add additional items.
15. To return to the Design Items screen, click the BACK button.
16. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the added items.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Create Component Item Breakdown for a Lump Sum
On the Design Item screen for the Lump Sum Item, the Contractor
Component Items Required indicator is selected by default and the
checkbox is protected if the PENNDOT Component Items Required is
also checked. This indicator is used during Contract Awards processing
to ensure that the bidder submits component item prices based on the
PENNDOT design before the contract can be awarded.
When only the Contractor Component Item Required checkbox is
selected, the Contract Awards process will ensure that the bidder
submits a contractor-designed component item schedule before the
contract can be awarded.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Enter item detail information (refer to the topic Enter Item Details for a Lump
Sum Item for assistance).
7. Click the checkbox next to PENNDOT Component Items Required and click the
SAVE button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success message. The
Design Item screen is displayed.
8. Continue to the next topic to Add Component Items.
The Design Number field defaults to ‘0.’ To continue processing it must
be changed to ‘1’ or higher.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add Component Items
The Sequence Number field is a required field and accepts 4 digits.
The sequence numbers are used solely to establish the sort order of
component items on a lump sum item. The numbering is typicqally by
10s for example, 0010, 0020, 0030, etc.) in order to leave room
between items in the event another item must be added.
The only fields that ccan be modified on a component item are the
Quantity, Unit Price, and Variable Description. To modify the
component item, click the Component Item Number or the Sequence
Number hyperlink on the Component Item Breakdown table to navigate
to the Component Item Detail screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is displayed.
5. If necessary click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Click the ADD button below the Component Item Breakdown field. The Add
Component Item to List window is displayed.
Steps 7 through 10 are steps to search for an item to be added. This
information can also be added manually in which case the Item Number
field is not required. After adding the component item, the item number
can also be entered at a later time by clicking the sequence number
hyperlink on the lump sum item detail screen. This will display the
component item detail screen where the item number can be entered.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
7. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
8. Select the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
9. Enter at least the first two digits of the item number or at least the first two
letters of the first word of the item description in the Search For field and click
the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Items List window is displayed.
10. Click the X in front of the item number and click the OK button. The Add Item to
List screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
11. Enter the sequence number in the Sequence Number field.
12. Enter item quantity in the Qty field.
13. Select the unit of measure from the Unit of Measure drop-down list.
14. Enter the unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
15. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Add Item
to List window is displayed with the item number shown in the (last) row in ‘read
only’ format.
16. Repeat the steps above until all component items are added.
17. To return to the Design Item screen, click the BACK button.
18. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the added item(s).
19. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
View Alternate Groupings
An alternate grouping consists of an "As-Designed" (an EITHER item
and its associated AND items) and one or more alternates (OR items
and their associated AND items).
As-designed (EITHER) items require quantities, unit prices, and funding
and are reflected in the total estimate amount.
Alternate (OR) items may require item quantities, but do not accept unit
prices or funding. Therefore, alternates have no effect on the total
estimate amount.
The Alternate Grouping screen is accessed by clicking the Alternate
Type hyperlink on the Design Items screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Alternate Grouping
4. From the Design Items screen, click on one of the Alternate Type hyperlinks (for
example, “E,” “O,” or “A” hyperlink) for the EITHER (E), the OR (O), or any of the
AND (A) items. The Alternate Grouping screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Create an Alternate (OR) Item
There is no SAVE button on the Alternate Grouping screen. Each time
you enter data and click ADD ROW on the Add Item to List window, the
database is updated to reflect the groups you are creating. If you enter
item details for the EITHER, OR, or any AND items, the details are
saved when you click the SAVE button on the Design Item screen.
To edit Alternate Item details, click the item number hyperlink and click
the SAVE button when finished.
As-designed (EITHER) items require quantities and unit prices and are
reflected in the total estimate amount.
Alternate (OR) items may require item quantities, but do not accept unit
prices. Therefore, alternates have no effect on the total estimate amount
and are not required to be linked to a fund code.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Alternate Grouping
4. Click on the EITHER (E) hyperlink for the EITHER (E) item. The Alternate
Grouping screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
6. Click the ADD “OR” button. The Add Item to List window is displayed with ‘OR’
pre-populated in the Alternate Code field.
7. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
8. Select the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
If Item Number was selected in the Search By field, a 0, 1, 2, or 3 must
be entered as the search criterion. If Item Description was selected, the
first word of the item description must be entered in the Search for field.
If “Modified” radio button was selected from the Item Type field, the
master item appears with 4 added to the first digit. For example,
standard item 0000-1500 appears as 4000-1500 in the list.
Enter at least the first two digits of the item number or at least the first two
letters of the first word of the item description in the Search for field and click
the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Items List window appears.
10. Click the X in front of the item number and click the OK button. The Item is placed
in the Select Items field and the Add Item to List window is displayed.
11. Enter item quantity in the Qty field.
12. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The Alternate
Grouping screen is displayed without the Alternate item listed.
13. Click the REFRESH button. The Alternate Grouping screen is displayed with the
OR item listed in the first available row of the Alternate Design table. ECMS
assigns a sequential ‘alternate design’ number as new OR items are added.
14. Repeat the steps above until all OR items are added or enter item details for the
newly added OR item by clicking the OR item number hyperlink.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Create an (AND) Item
There is no SAVE button on the Alternate Grouping screen. Each time
you enter data and click ADD ROW on the Add Item to List window, the
database is updated to reflect the groups you are creating. If you enter
item details for the EITHER, OR, or any AND items, the details are
saved when you click the SAVE button on the Design Item screen.
To edit Alternate Item details, click the item number hyperlink and click
SAVE when finished.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. From the Design Items screen, click on the EITHER (E) or OR (O) hyperlink for the
EITHER (E), the OR (O) items. The Alternate Grouping screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
6. Select As-Designed or Alternate from the Select a group drop-down list and click
the INSERT “AND” button. The Add Item to List window is displayed.
7. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
8. Select the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
If Item Number was selected in the Search by field, a 0, 1, 2, or 3 must
be entered as the search criterion. If Item Description was selected, the
first work of the item description must be entered in the Search for field.
If “Modified” radio button was selected from the Item Type field, the
master item appears with 4 added to the first digit. For example,
standard item 0000-1500 appears as 4000-1500 in the list.
Enter at least the first two digits of the item number or at least the first two
letters of the first word of the item description in the Search For field and click
the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Items List window appears.
10. Click the X in front of the item number and click the OK button. The Add Item to
List screen is redisplayed.
11. If needed, enter item quantity in the Qty field.
All item quantities (with the exception of alternate items) must be
assigned to at least one fund code. An item can be assigned to more
than one fund code by assigning a portion of the quantity to each fund
code. The Execute Rules program checks to ensure that the total
quantity is assigned before allowing the project to move forward.
If the item quantity is split between fund codes, then the Fund Code will
have 2 asterisks next to it in the Fund Code field on the Design Items
12. Enter the unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field. This is only needed for As
Designed Either items.
13. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message prompt. The
Alternate Grouping screen is displayed without the AND item listed.
14. Click the REFRESH button. The Alternate Grouping screen is redisplayed with the
AND item listed beneath the EITHER or the OR group.
15. Repeat the steps above until all AND items are added to the As-Designed Group or
Alternate Group or enter item details for the newly added AND items by clicking the
AND item number hyperlink.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Edit Alternate Grouping Items
You can delete multiple items by selecting each item you want to delete.
All associated AND items will be deleted when the Either or Alternate
Grouping item is deleted.
When an Either Item is deleted, all associated AND Items along with all
Alternate Items and their associated AND Items are deleted.
An item can also be deleted from the Design Item detail screen by
clicking the DELETE button. If the DELETE button is not available, click
the EDIT button first.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. From the Design Items screen, click on the AND (A) hyperlink for the AND item.
The Alternate Grouping screen is displayed.
5. Click the As-Designed or Alternate Group item number hyperlink for the item
that is to be modified. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. If necessary, click the EDIT button.
7. To modify, make the necessary changes and click the SAVE & EXIT button at the
bottom of the screen.
8. To delete, click the DELTE ITEM button at the bottom of the screen.
9. Click OK on the success message. The Design Item screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a Design Item
ƒ You can delete multiple items by selecting each item you want to delete.
ƒ All associated AND items will be deleted when the Either or Alternate
Grouping item is deleted.
ƒ When an Either Item is deleted, all associated AND Items along with all
Alternate Items and their associated AND Items are deleted.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Select the checkbox in front of the Design Item number for the item being deleted.
6. Click the DELETE ROW button. Click OK on the confirmation message box. Click
OK at the Success message prompt and the updated Design Items screen is
An item can also be deleted from the Design Item screen by clicking
the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen. If the DELETE button
is not available, click the EDIT button first.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Update Unit Price for an Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Unit Price
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Change the unit price in the Unit Price field for the item(s) being updated.
6. Click the SAVE button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the updated
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Update Item Details
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Make the necessary changes and click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the
success message. The updated Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete Component Items for a Lump Sum Item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Select the checkbox in front of the component item number to be deleted.
If you click the DELETE ITEM button on this screen the entire lump sum
item will be deleted. To delete only a component item on the lump sum
item, be sure to select the delete checkbox and click SAVE & EXIT or
6. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the confirmation message. Click OK
at the success message. The updated Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Change an Item Number
You can only change the item number for non-standard items.
The new item number cannot be a standard or modified standard item
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Click the CHANGE ITEM NUMBER button. A confirmation message is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
7. Enter the new item number in the New Item Number field and click the OK button.
Click OK on the success message.
8. If necessary, modify the Design Item details. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click
OK on the success message. The updated Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Clone an Existing Design Item to Create a
Nonstandard Item
Only non-standard items can be cloned. You are not able to clone an
EITHER item or an OR item, however you can clone an AND item.
The new item number must be a nonstandard item (starting with ‘9’).
The parent item number (the one you made a copy of) still exists in the
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
4. Click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item detail screen is displayed.
5. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Click the CLONE button. A confirmation message is displayed.
7. Enter the nonstandard Item number in the New Item Number field and click OK.
Click OK on the success message.
8. If necessary, modify the Design Item details. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click
OK on the success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
9. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the new item.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Import Design Items from CADD
After an import, any updates made in ECMS will not be updated in the
AutoTab document.
The Import Items screen allows users to import design items or design
plan stations. Plan Stations are also discussed in the reference section.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the IMPORT button. The Import Items screen is displayed.
6. Select the radio button next to Design Items in the File Type field.
7. Click the BROWSE button next to the Import File field. The Browser window is
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
8. Locate and click on the file containing the items to be imported. Click the OPEN
9. Select the radio button for Replace or Add from the Type of Request field.
If you choose “Replace” any existing items on the Design Items list are
deleted, and only the items and quantities in the imported file are
• If you choose “Add”:
1. Items in the import file that already exist in the Design Items list
replace the existing items with the imported values. (For example, if
Item 0000-1234 currently has a quantity of 5 on the Design Items
screen and the item is listed in the import file with a quantity of 3, the
Design Items list is updated to a quantity of 3.)
2. Items that do not exist in the Design Items list but are contained in the
import file are added to the list.
3. Items that exist on the Design Items list but are not contained in the
import file remain unchanged.
10. Click the SUBMIT button. Click OK on the confirmation message box. Click OK on
the success message. The Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
11. Click the REFRESH button and the updated Design Items screen is displayed
listing the imported items.
Scroll to bottom of screen
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Copy Design Items from an Existing Project
If the target project to which items are being copied already has a
Design Items list, existing items are replaced.
No funding information is copied from the source project, therefore
minimally you will need to create the fund codes and link each item to a
fund code before ECMS will allow you to advertise the project or submit
it for QA review.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
5. Enter the source project number (project you are copying from) in the Source
Project Number field and click the COPY DESIGN ITEMS button. Click OK on the
confirmation message.
6. Click OK on the success message. The updated Design Items screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Add Multiple Items from the Master Items List to the
When you select multiple items from the Master Items List, you will not
be able to enter Item Details from the Add Items to List screen. You will
have to go into the Design Item screen to enter the quantity and unit
price, along with other details. If necessary, refer to topic 2:” Enter Item
Details” for additional help.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Design Items from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List window is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
6. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
7. Select the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
8. Enter at least the first two digits of the item number or at least the first two
letters of the first word of the item description in the Search for field and click
the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Items List window appears.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
9. Click the X in front of the item numbers and click the OK button. The Add Item to
List screen is displayed.
10. Click the REFRESH button. The updated Design Items screen is displayed listing
the added items.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
Scroll to bottom of screen
11. To enter item details, click the Item Number hyperlink. The Design Item screen is
displayed. Continue adding item details for each of the newly added items.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Determine DBE Goal or MBE/WBE Minimum
Participation Level for a Project
The project must have the following data: At least one design item on
the Design Items list; Valid Date in the ECMS Anticipated column of the
Let Date field on the Project Milestones screen
If any of the above data is missing, the ECMS user will be redirected to
a No Data Found message page.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
3. Select DBE/MBE/WBE Goal Worksheet from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The DBE/MBE/WBE Goal Worksheet is displayed.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Enter a percentage between 0 and 100 in the DBE% or MBE% field.
Scroll to bottom of screen
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
6. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
success message. The updated Project Development Checklist screen is
The columns on the left of the screen show the ECMS-calculated number
of DBE, MBE/MBE contractors who are qualified for the given work class
code and who are available within the geographical area where the
project is located. ECMS will calculate the total percentage by dividing
the item total by the overall sum of the design items.
ECMS does not provide an automatic notification to users in the BOD
Contract Management Chief user group. The Project Manager or their
delegate must ensure that the worksheet is approved by BOD Contract
Management before the project can be advertised or submitted for QA
review. Once approved, the name of the approver and date of approval
appears at the bottom of the DBE worksheet screen.
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Chapter 4 - Hands-on Exercises
1. Search for the project used during class. Add the following items to the Design
Items list using the data listed below:
¾ Add a Modified Standard Item:
(Refer to the topic “Add Standard or Modified Standard Items to the Project
in this chapter for assistance)
Search For
0204 Class 3 Excavation
Item #
(NOTE: you must use the standard item
number to search for a modified item)
Unit of Measure
Estimated Unit Price
(NOTE: the modified number added a 4 to the
first digit; if the standard item started with a 1,
the first digit of the modified number would be
Cubic Yards
¾ Add Design Items Details for the Modified Standard Item
(Refer to “Add Standard or Modified Standard Items to the Project in this
chapter for assistance)
Item #
Add Fund Code
4204 Class 3 Excavation
02 w/quantity of 200
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Items
¾ Add a Nonstandard Item:
(Refer to the topic “Add a Nonstandard Item to the Project in this chapter for
Item #
Unit of Measure
Estimated Unit Price
9000-0013 Drinking Fountain
¾ Add Design Item Details for the Nonstandard Item:
(Refer to the topic “Add a Design Item Details for the Nonstandard Item in
this chapter for assistance)
Item #
Work Class
Fund Code
9000-0013 Drinking Fountain
Drinking Fountain
01 w/quantity of 2
2. Create an [AND] Item for the As-Designed [EITHER] item (8010-0001), and enter
item details, using the data listed below: (Refer to Create an [AND] Item in this
chapter for assistance)
Item #
Unit of Measure
Estimated Unit Price
Fund Code
1002-0053 reinforcement bars, epoxy coated
3. Delete the following items: 8500-0001, 9000-0001, 9000-0002. (Refer to Delete an
Item from the Design Items List in this chapter for assistance)
Design Items
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Import items using the “Import 3 Items.txt” document in the C:\ECMS Class folder
on the C:\ drive. (Refer to the topic “Import Design Items from CADD” in this
chapter for assistance)
5. Go to Project Special Provisions and link the Non-Standard Item (9000-0013) to
the Drink Fountain Project Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provision. (Refer to
Chapter 3 – “Link Special Provision to Modified or Nonstandard Item” in the
manual for assistance)
6. From the DBE/MBE/WBE Goal worksheet, edit the minimum participation level
for the project. Change the percentage to 1% ((Refer to the topic “Determine DBE
Goal or MBE/WBE Minimum Participation Level for a Project” in this chapter
for assistance).
er 55:: D
esign IItem
tem F
Establish a Federal Project Number in ECMS
Create a Fund Code
Link Design Items to a Fund Code
Enter Federal Funds Requested
Edit Funding Information
View Funding Reports
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Team
• Design Project Manager
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding Process Overview
The Engineering and Construction Management System provides several screens and
reports to support the creation and maintenance of project funding. ECMS allows
Design Project Team Members to create ‘skeleton’ fund codes while entering design
items and later complete the Fund Description screen for the skeletal record.
Conversely, authorized users can create the Fund Code and assign the State Project
Number (SPN) and/or Federal Project Number (FPN), and identify other funding before
any of the items have been entered for the project.
The linkage showing how a given quantity of a specific design item is to be funded can
be created either from the Item-related screens when the user associates a fund code
to the item or from the Fund-related screen “Link Design Items to Fund Code”. Both the
Link Design Item to Fund Code screen and the Design Items screen display the item-tofund linkage in a list format so users can easily see which items are without a fund
Before a bid package (that is, the bid proposal) can be submitted for Central Office
and/or FHWA review and approval or advertised to prospective bidders, ECMS checks
the design item funding to ensure that the total quantity of each design item is linked to
a fund code, that the SPNs and FPNs associated with the project are linked to an
Approved MPMS project number/phase in MPMS; and that no state, federal, or “other
agency” funding percentage or dollar maximums have been exceeded. These checks
are done via the Execute Rules program when the user tries to submit or publish the bid
ECMS also provides several funding reports which are available on-demand and which
show funding in its current state. Different reports are available based on whether the
project contains federal aid. The Federal Aid Reports are available in three formats:
Summary, by FPN, and by Fund Code. Non-Federal Aid Reports are available by Fund
Code or by SPN. During Design and until the bids for the project are opened, the
reports show the “Preliminary Estimate” information. When the project is in Pre-Award
through Post-Construction status, the reports show “As Bid” (i.e., Federal Aid
Agreement Estimate) information. A final “As Built” version of the reports is available
after the project is finalized.
This chapter includes lessons showing you how to establish third party funding, create a
fund code, link items to a fund code, and view the funding reports.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
The following table outlines the steps, users and functions that comprise the Design
Item Funding process:
SPN assigned to project in MPMS
For federal aid project, FPN assigned in MPMS
MPMS number entered into ECMS to create ECMS project
ADE for Design, Portfolio Manager
FPN assigned to ECMS federal aid project via Federal
Construction Engineering Summary screen
Design Project Team Members
Record third party funding agreement on Project Development
Checklist in ECMS
Design Project Team Member
Fund code(s) for project created
Design Project Team Members
Link design items to fund code
Design Project Team Members
View Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate reports or their nonfederal aid counterpart reports
ECMS and FHWA users
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Online Help
For online information
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Project Funding
FPN Information
Project Funding
Fund Description
Project Funding
Funding Information Summary
Project Funding
Funding Information
Project Funding
Link Design Items to Fund Code
Project Funding
Create Fund Code
Project Funding
Delete Fund Code
Project Funding
Establish FPN in ECMS
Project Funding
Link Design Item to Fund Code
Project Funding
Establish Third Party Funding for
Project Funding
Modify Fund Code
Project Funding
Modify Pending FPN
Project Funding
Project Funding
Project Funding
Remove FPN from Project
View FPNs for Project
Project Funding
Change Quantity of Design Item
Linked to Fund Code
Project Funding
Calculate Federal Funds Requested
Project Funding
View Federal Aid Funding Reports
Project Funding
View Non-Federal Aid Funding
View Fund Codes for Project
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Establish Federal Project Number in ECMS
In order to enter funding information for a Federally funded project, on
the Fund Description screen, you must first add a Federal Project
Number (FPN) to the project.
If this is the first FPN created for the project, the screen is blank and a
‘no records found’ message is displayed.
If FPNs already exist, each one is listed, and the FPN number provides
a hyperlink to the Federal Estimate Construction Engineering Summary
Before a bid package can be submitted for Central Office and/or FHWA
review and approval or advertised to prospective bidders, ECMS checks
MPMS to ensure that the FPN is linked to an approved MPMS Project
Number/Phase in Active status in MPMS.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the ADD button. The Federal Estimate Construction Engineering Summary
screen is displayed.
5. If known, enter the federal project number, without hyphens, in the FPN field. If
unknown, enter a dummy number, such as ‘1234PEND567’ which can be modified
at a later time with a valid number.
6. If applicable, click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message
prompt and the FPN Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Establish Third Party Funding for a Project
In order to enter funding information for an Agency on the Fund
Description screen, you must first add the Reimbursement or
Contribution Agreement checklist item to the Project Development
If the Project Information screen has the “Local or Private Funding”
indicator set to Yes, a Reimbursement or Contribution Agreement
checklist item was automatically included on the checklist when the
checklist was created. In this case, go to the Project Development
Checklist and begin at step 6 in this topic.
The Include in Bid Package radio button indicates whether the checklist
item detail will be part of the Bid Package (and viewable by the public
when the project is advertised). The default value is set based on the
value in the PDC Master Item table. An indicator in the same table
determines if the user can change the value.
On some checklist items ECMS does not allow users to change the
value of the “Include in Bid Package” indicator. Where this is the case,
you must accept the default value entered by ECMS for this indicator.
Non-contractual checklist items where the “Include in Bid Package”
indicator is set to “No” may be edited when the project is in Advertised
status without the need to create an addendum.
Only one Third Party Reimbursement can exist on a project. An error
message is received when running Execute Rules if more than one
reimbursement exists. The additional reimbursements have to be
removed for further system processing.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Select Add Checklist Item from the Add drop-down List and click the ADD button.
The Add Checklist Item screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Click the Selection Arrow in the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item window is displayed.
7. Click the X in front of the Contribution or Reimbursement Agreement checklist
item and click the OK button. The Add Checklist Item(s) window is displayed and
the Contribution or Reimbursement Agreement is placed in the Selected Items
8. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the success message. The updated
Project Development Checklist screen is displayed listing the agreement.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
9. Click the Contribution or Reimbursement Agreement hyperlink under the Local
Agreements and Coordination heading. The Contribution or Reimbursement
Agreement screen is displayed.
10. Enter title of the agreement in the Title field.
11. Enter the agreement number in the Agreement Number field.
12. Enter the federal identification number (FID) of the third party in the Agreement FID
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
13. Enter the name of the third party in the Agreement Party field.
14. Enter the execution agreement date between PENNDOT and the third party in the
Execution Date field in mm/dd/yyyy format. Or use the calendar/clock icon to
select the date from a calendar.
15. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Concurrence in Award Required field if
the third party must concur to award the contract.
16. Enter the Vendor and PENNDOT Contact information in the appropriate fields.
17. If necessary, click the SEL EDMS button to attach an EDMS document. Refer to
the reference section of the manual for additional information on attaching an
EDMS document.
18. If necessary, enter comments in the Comments field.
19. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Include in Bid Package field.
20. If applicable, select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
21. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the success message. The updated
Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
This FID must exist in the SAP Vendor File before the third party can be
invoiced or reimbursed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Create a Fund Code and Enter Funding Information
If no fund codes have been created, the screen is blank and displays a
‘no records found’ message.
If other fund codes exist for the project, they are shown as hyperlinks,
and if data exists for them it is shown in the appropriate columns.
If a skeleton record was created while entering design items, the fund
code entered is displayed as a hyperlink with no other data shown. If no
funding information is added to the record, an error message will be
received when execute rules is run.
Only one SPN can be associated with a fund code. The Select SPN
window enforces this rule by allowing you to select only one entry to
move to the Selected Items list box.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Funding Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Funding Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the ADD button. The Fund Description screen is displayed.
5. Enter the two digit fund code in the Fund Code field.
6. Enter a brief fund code description in the Description field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
To enter a State Project Number (SPN), click the Selection Arrow in the SPN field.
The Select SPN Selection window is displayed.
Click the X in front of the SPN and click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
The Funding Information screen is displayed and the SPN is displayed in the SPN
Enter the percentage of the fund code being paid (must be between 0-100.00) by
the SPN in the Percent field.
10. If applicable, enter the maximum amount the SPN will pay for the fund code in the
Maximum $ field.
11. To enter an Appropriation Code, click the Selection Arrow in the Appropriation
field. The Select Appropriation Code Selection window is displayed.
12. Click the X in front of the Appropriation Code and click the OK button at the bottom
of the screen. The Funding Information screen is displayed and the Appropriation
Code is displayed in the Appropriation field.
13. To enter a Minor Object, click the Selection Arrow in the Minor Object field. The
Select Minor Object Selection window is displayed.
14. Click the X in front of the Minor Object and then click the OK button. The Funding
Information screen is displayed and the Minor Object is displayed in the Minor
Object field.
15. To enter a Cost Function, click the Selection Arrow in the Cost Function field. The
Select Cost Function Code Selection window is displayed.
16. Click the X in front of the Cost Function and click the OK button at the bottom of
the screen. The Funding Information screen is displayed and the Cost Function is
displayed in the Cost Function field.
Scroll down to FPN Section
17. If necessary, to enter a Federal Project Number (FPN), click the Selection Arrow in
the FPN field. The Select FPN Selection window is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
18. Click the X in front of the FPN and then click the OK button at the bottom of the
screen. The Funding Information screen is displayed and the Cost Function is
displayed in the Cost Function field.
The list of available FPN(s) is populated with those FPN(s) created for
the project on the Federal Estimate Construction Engineering Summary
screen. If a 'no records found’ message is displayed, this means that the
FPN(s) must first be created on the aforementioned screen.
Only one FPN can be associated with a fund code. The Federal work
Type General Purpose codes match the Federal Improvement Type
Code requirements except for ‘CENG’. The Add Federal Project Number
window enforces this rule by allowing you to select only one entry to
move to the Selected Items list box.
Also, if multiple fund codes exist on the project and one fund code
contains an FPN, all fund codes must contain the FPN, even if the
Federal Funding Percentage is set to 0%.
19. Enter the percentage of the fund code being paid (must be between 0-100.00) by
the FPN in the Percent field.
20. If applicable, enter the maximum amount the FPN will pay for the fund code in the
Maximum $ field.
21. Select a code in the from the drop-down list in the Urban field.
22. To enter a Federal Work Type, click the Selection Arrow in the Federal Work
Type field. The Select Federal Work Type Code Selection window is displayed.
23. Click the X in front of the Federal Work Type and then click the OK button. The
Funding Information screen is displayed and the Federal Work Type is displayed in
the Federal Work Type field.
If “CENG” was selected as the Federal Work Type, the Federal Funds
Requested and the Percent CENG can be calculated on the Federal
Estimate Construction Engineering Summary screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Scroll down to Other Agency Section
24. To enter an Agreement Number, click the Selection Arrow in the Agr # field. The
Select Agreement Selection window is displayed.
25. Click the X in front of the Agreement Number and click the OK button at the
bottom of the screen. The Funding Information screen is displayed and the
Agreement Number is displayed in the Agr # field.
Scroll down to Funding Page Description
26. Enter a brief description of the fund code in the Funding Page Description field.
27. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
Success message. The updated Funding Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
ECMS allows up to 5 ‘other’ agencies to be associated with one fund
code. (Please refer to the appropriate strike off letter or design manual
for PENNDOT policy.) The name of the ‘other’ agency can be up to 20
alphanumeric characters.
The selection list is populated by the agreement numbers associated with
all of the Reimbursement or Contribution Agreement checklist items on
the Project Development Checklist. This is the agreement governing the
commitment of the other agency to participate in the funding. Refer to
the next topic Establish Third Party Funding for a Project.
If there are no Reimbursement or Contribution Agreement checklist
items, the selection list will be empty. This field is not required to process
this screen. However, if you enter Other Agency information, without an
agreement number, the Execute Rules program flags it as an error when
you attempt to advertise the project or submit it for QA review.
Link Design Items to a Fund Code
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Funding Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Funding Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. Click the Fund Code hyperlink.
5. Click the LINK ITEM button at the bottom of the screen. The Link Design Items to
Fund Code screen is displayed.
6. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
This screen displays a table of the Item-to-Fund-Code linkages (if data
exists linking items to a fund code). The Selected Quantity field allows
you to enter or modify the quantity of the item linked to the fund code, or
to 'zero out’ the selected quantity by entering zero.
If necessary, the fund code displayed can be changed using the Fund
Code drop-down list. Select the appropriate fund code and click the GO
The item-to-fund-code linkage needed for viewing can be selected from
the drop-down list in the Views field.
7. Enter the item quantity to be linked to this fund code in the Selected Quantity field.
8. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the Success message.The updated Link
Design Items to Fund Code screen is displayed.
The linkage can be modified using the steps above if changes are
necessary. The linkage between the item and the fund code can also be
established on the Design Item screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Delete the Item-to-Fund-Code Linkage
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Funding Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Funding Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the Fund Code hyperlink.
5. Click the LINK ITEM button at the bottom of the screen. The Link Design Items to
Fund Code screen is displayed.
6. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
This screen displays a table of the Item-to-Fund-Code linkages (if data
exists). The Selected Quantity field allows you to enter or modify the
quantity of the item linked to the fund code, or to 'zero out’ the selected
If necessary, the fund code displayed can be changed using the Fund
Code drop-down list. Select the appropriate fund code and click the GO
The item-to-fund-code linkage needed for viewing can be selected from
the drop-down list in the Views field.
7. Enter zero (0) in the Selected Quantity field of the item-to-fund-code linkage to be
8. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation message. Click OK
on the Success message. The updated Link Design Item to Fund Code screen is
9. Refer to the “Link Item to Fund code” topic in this chapter for the steps to link the
item to another fund code.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Enter Federal Funds Requested Information
Before a bid package can be submitted for Central Office and/or FHWA
review and approval or advertised to prospective bidders, ECMS checks
MPMS to ensure that the FPN is linked to an approved MPMS Project
Number/Phase in Active status in MPMS.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. Click the Federal Project Number hyperlink. The Federal Estimate Construction
Engineering Summary screen is displayed.
5. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Enter a percentage in the CENG as % of Total field.
The value you enter must be a valid percentage and must be within the
following ranges:
Est. Project CostaaaaaaaaaaaCENG as % of Total
Less Than $1 Millionaaaaaaaa15% Max
$1 Million to $5 Millionionilaaaa12% Max
Greater Than $5 Millionaaaaaa10% Max
7. If applicable, enter a maximum dollar value for the FPN in the FPN Maximum field.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
The amount entered in the FPN Maximum field will also appear in the
Grand Total Federal Funds Requested field. Any further changes
made to this screen must not cause the Grand Total Federal Funds
field to exceed the FPN Maximum.
This maximum is enforced through the Execute Rules program at various
points in the project lifecycle.
8. Enter the federal participation percentage in the Federal % field.
9. Enter the state/other participation percentage in the State and Other % field.
10. Enter the percentage of state forces to be used in the CENG-SF % field.
11. Enter the percentage of consultant forces to be used in the CENG-CF % field.
12. Enter the percentage of local forces to be used in the CENG-LF % field.
13. Click the CALCULATE button.
14. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the Success message. The FPN
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Override Federal Funds Requested Information
Before a bid package can be submitted for Central Office and/or FHWA
review and approval or advertised to prospective bidders, ECMS checks
MPMS to ensure that the FPN is linked to an approved MPMS Project
Number/Phase in Active status in MPMS.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the Federal Project Number hyperlink. The Federal Estimate Construction
Engineering Summary screen is displayed.
5. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Click the OVERRIDE button. The updated Federal Estimate Construction
Engineering Summary screen is displayed and can be edited.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
The following fields remain protected and cannot be edited when
overriding federal funds requested:
CENG as % of TotalaaaaaaaState and Other %
CENG Items %
Total (without CENG) column
Federal %
State and Other Funds Column
7. If applicable, modify the amounts in the Total Cost $ field.
8. If applicable, modify the amounts in the Federal Funds Requested field.
9. Click the CALCULATE button.
10. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the Success message. The Federal
Construction Engineering Summary screen is redisplayed.
11. Review the recalculated fields and if necessary, repeat the above steps until the
funds are correctly balanced.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View and Edit Federal Project Numbers (FPN) for a
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. If necessary, click the Federal Project Number hyperlink. The Federal Estimate
Construction Engineering Summary screen is displayed.
5. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll to bottom of screen
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Update the FPN information as necessary. When finished, click the SAVE & EXIT
button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK ont the Success message. The FPN
Information screen is displayed.
Modify a Pending Federal Project Number (FPN)
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. If necessary, click the Federal Project Number hyperlink. The Federal Estimate
Construction Engineering Summary screen is displayed.
5. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Click the MODIFY button. Click OK on the confirmation message. The FPN field
becomes available for editing.
7. Enter the actual FPN in XXX-XXXX-XXX format.
8. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
Success message. The FPN Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete a Federal Project Number (FPN)
Once an FPN is linked to a fund code, it cannot be deleted. The FPN
must unlinked from the fund code before it can be deleted.
To unlink an FPN from a fund code, select a different FPN in the fund
description screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select FPN Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
FPN Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. Select the checkbox next to the Federal Project Number being deleted.
5. Click the DELETE ROW button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation message.
Click OK at the Success message prompt and the updated FPN Information screen
is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View and Edit a Fund Code
The Fund Code field is protected and the fund code number cannot be
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My ECMS Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My ECMS Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project
Number hyperlink.
3. Select Funding Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Funding Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. Click the appropriate Fund Code hyperlink. The Funding Description screen is
Scroll to bottom of screen
5. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
6. Edit the appropriate fields as necessary.
7. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK on the Success message. The Funding
Information screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
Delete a Fund Code
If items are linked to a fund code, the fund code cannot be deleted. All
items must be unlinked from the fund code before the fund code can be
deleted. To unlink items from a fund code, see the topic “Delete the
Item-to-Fund Code Linkage.”
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Funding Information from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Funding Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select the checkbox next to the Fund Code being deleted.
5. Click the DELETE ROW button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation message.
Click OK on the Success message. The updated Funding Information screen is
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
View Funding Reports
This task cannot be performed from the My ECMS Projects screen.
Access the Project Information screen to complete this task.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the Project Number hyperlink. The Project
Information screen is displayed.
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
3. Select the appropriate Funding Report (see note below) from the Go drop-down
list and click the GO button. The selected report screen is displayed.
The following reports are available for viewing:
Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate Report by Fund Code
Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate Report by FPN
Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate Summary Report
Funding Information Summary
Non-Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate Report by Fund Code
Non-Federal Aid Preliminary Estimate Report by SPN
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Design Item Funding
4. The results can be printed using the printer icon in the browser toolbar or by
holding down the CTL and P.keys The reports will be printed on the default
5. When finished, click the BACK button. The Project Information screen is
Design Item Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Chapter 5 - Hands-on Exercises
For this exercise, use the project 1.
Add a new FPN# to the project using the data listed below: (Refer to the topic
“Enter Funding Information” in this chapter for assistance).
Create the new Fund Code 04 using the date listed below: (Refer to the topic
“Create a Fund Code and Enter Funding Information” in this chapter for
Fund Code
Minor Object
Cost Function
Fed Work Type
Funding Page
Select from list
Select from list
Select from list
Select from list
20% state funding
Bridge Replacement, No Added Capacity
80% federal funding
Roadway Funding
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Unlink the total funding for item 4204-0100 from fund code 02 and link the total
quantity to fund code 04 using the data listed below (Refer to the topic “Link Design
Items to a Fund Code” in this chapter for assistance).
Item #
Delete linkage from
Fund Code
Link to new fund code
Design Item Funding
04 – w/quantity of 200
Enter the SF% and LF% in the Federal Estimate Construction Engineering
Summary and calculate the federal funds requested for the FPN# added in step 1
using the data below:
hapter 66:: B
id P
ackage R
Create and Publish a Bid Package
View a Bid Package
Execute Rules and View Results of Execute Rules
Submit a Bid Package
Create, View and Modify a Bid Package Comment
View Bid Package or Addendum Workflow History
Answer a Bid Package Question
Delete a Bid Package Question
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Manager
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval Process Overview
The Engineering and Construction Management System pulls together all of the
information and data that comprises the PS&E package and creates the ‘bid proposal’
for advertising, and bidding. ECMS refers to the entity against which this workflow
occurs as the ‘bid package’. The bid package is initially created as the last step in the
Final Design process. Based on the federal project status (i.e., Federal Oversight,
Non-Federal (100% State), PENNDOT Oversight NHS, PENNDOT Oversight
Non-NHS), the bid package may be routed for review and approval prior to being
published. The publication of the bid package to the ECMS website constitutes the
advertisement for the project and changes the overall project status to Advertised.
ECMS stores much of the data associated with the Bid Package, including the Special
Provisions and the Design Items, and provides links that allow users to view and modify
this data, as well as the funding associated with the project. Other project information
such as graphical images of permits, approval letters, meeting minutes, and plans are
stored in the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) but are viewable
through links on the Bid Package.
The project team identifies the subset of project documents that is viewable through the
bid package by setting the “Include in Bid Package” indicator on individual Project
Development Checklist items. All design items and quantities are automatically
included in the bid package as a filtered view of the Design Items. Access to the funding
information and non-public documents is controlled by ECMS through its dynamic
security roles.
With the exception of the Pre-Bid Meeting and Additional Text fields, the Bid Package
screen cannot be directly edited. However, the data that is displayed on the screen can
be updated on the Final Design screens where it was originally created up until the time
the project is advertised. For example, if the user wants to update the State Wage
indicator on the bid package, they must add the State Wage item to the Project
Development Checklist. After the project is advertised, changes to plans, special
provisions, attachments (i.e., Project Development Checklist items that are neither plans
nor special provisions) and design items and quantities must be created via the
Addendum process, and the updated information is displayed on the Addendum screen.
A project may have more than one bid package, for example, if no bids are received for
the project, authorized Contract Awards users may opt to reset the project to design
status and create a new bid package for advertising. However, a project can never
have more than one active bid package at a time.
If the project is a federal project, the bid package must be routed to both BOD Contract
Management (Central Office) and the FHWA for review and approval prior to being
advertised. The workflow occurs online and is controlled by ECMS. If the project is not
a federal project, it may be selected for Quality Assurance review by BOD Contract
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Management when the project meets certain criteria (if project complexity is moderately
complex or most complex), or when the BOD Contract Management Division Chief
manually tags the project for QA.
The Bid Package can be created, deleted, or published by the Design Project Manager and
authorized BOD and District Contract Management users. Security for review and approval
(or disapproval) functions is controlled by the Federal Project Status, the Bid Package status,
the lead district for the project, and the user group. For example, an FHWA user has approval
authority for a bid package for a Non-Exempt project when that bid package is in FHWA
Review status.
The following table outlines the steps, user, and functions that comprise the Bid
Package Review and Approval process:
Create Bid Package
Design Project Manager
Submit Bid Package
Design Project Manager
Approve Bid Package – BOD CMD
BOD Contract Management Division
Approve Bid Package – FHWA
Publish a Bid Package
Design Project Manager, BOD
Contract Management Division, or
District Contract Management
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Online Help
For online information
See ECMS Help
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
Execute Rules
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Bid Package Clarification
Bid Package Comments
Bid Package Downloads
Bid Package Questions and Answers
Bid Package Questions for Review
Bid Packages by Let Date
Bid Package by Status
Bid Package
Reading Order
View Bid Package Questions
Execute Rules Status
Answer Bid Package Question
Approve Bid Package
Answer Bid Package Question
Create Bid Package
Create, Maintain and View Bid
Package Comments
Delete Bid Package Question
Delete Bid Package
Publish Bid Package
Link Design Item to Fund Code
Search Electronic Bidding
Submit Bid Package
View Bid Package or Addendum
Workflow History
View Bid Package Questions and
Withdraw Bid (PENNDOT)
Execute Rules
Execute Rules for Project
Execute Rules
Override Project Errors and
Execute Rules
View Results of Execute Rules
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Create a Bid Package
The CREATE BID PACKAGE button is not displayed if the project is
beyond Design status or if there is a current active bid package
associated with the project.
If the ‘mandatory’ radio button is selected for the Pre-Bid Meeting when
creating a bid package, the contract for the project may not be awarded
until proof of attendance at the Pre-Bid Meeting is linked to the project
during the Contract Awards process.
After clicking SAVE, Bid Package data is dynamic up until the time the
project is advertised. This means that any changes made to the Project
Development Checklist, the Design Items, or the Project Milestones
screens are automatically reflected on the bid package.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Project Development Checklist from the Go drop-down list and click the
GO button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the CREATE BID PACKAGE button. The Bid Package screen is displayed
with the Bid Package in DRAFT status.
Scroll to bottom of screen
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
5. If applicable, select the appropriate radio button in the Pre-Bid Meeting field.
6. If applicable, enter text in the Additional Information field.
7. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the Success message. The updated Bid
Package screen is displayed with the completed fields.
8. To view Plans, Project Items, Quantities, Special Provisions, Attachments &
Proposal Report, click the appropriate hyperlink. Click the BACK button when
The Additional Information field is a free-form text field that holds a very
large (32K+) amount of data. However, the field is displayed in plain text
with no formatting.
When the bid package is published, ECMS will generate a single
Adobe.pdf file that contains all of the EDMS documents for a Bid
Package that are associated with a project (with the exception of the
plans, and those documents that are not marked as “Include in Bid
Package”). Also a link is added to the Bid Package screen to provide
view access to the generated attachment document.
When the bid package is published, the Plans, Project Items,
Quantities, Special Provisions, Attachments & Proposal Report
hyperlinks are available to business partner and public users. However,
the screens prevent these users from modifying or deleting any data or
from viewing the design estimate and unit prices on the Design Items
Only plans and attachments that have been marked “Include in Bid
Package” are displayed from this filtered view. Any checklist items that do
not have the Include in Bid Package indicator set to Yes are hidden from
non-authorized users.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Execute Rules
If Execute Rules finds no errors a message to this effect is displayed. If
the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, a message to that effect
is displayed.
If the Execute Rules program finds errors, the user is redirected to the
Execute Rules Status page, where all errors and warnings are
displayed. If there are errors with an Override indicator equal to Y (Yes),
the errors may be overridden by an authorized BOD Contract
Management Division user. If any error has an Override indicator equal
to N (No), none of the errors can be overridden, but the underlying data
must be corrected via the project screens.
The Max Lvl column is used to show the "escalation" of the rule, if any.
For example, if a rule generates a warning at the Submit Bid Package
level but escalates to an overrideable error at the Issue NTP level, the
Max Lvl column (for the "Submit Bid Package" rules) displays "E/Y".
When the user hovers the mouse over the "E/Y", pop-up hover text
displays "Issue NTP".
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the EXECUTE RULES button. If there are errors, the Execute Rules Status
screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View Results of Execute Rules
If Execute Rules finds no errors a message to this effect is displayed. If
the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, a message to that effect
is displayed.
After the errors are overridden on the Execute Rules Status page, the
Bid Package screen can be accessed to submit the bid package.
The results can be printed using the printer icon in the browser toolbar
or by holding down the CTL and P keys on the keyboard.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Execute Rules Status from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button.
The Execute Rules Status screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
4. The results of the most recent Execute Rules that was run are displayed by default.
If Execute Rules has been run against the project multiple times, select another set
of results to view by selecting it from the Execute Rules Status drop-down list.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Submit a Bid Package
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the SUBMIT button. Click OK on the message prompt. ECMS automatically
runs execute rules to verify that the project data adheres to established PENNDOT
business rules for submitting a project.
If the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, the bid package is
submitted and a warning message is displayed. If the Execute Rules
program finds errors, you are redirected to the Execute Rules Status
page, where all errors and warnings are displayed.
If Execute Rules finds no errors, the bid package status is updated to
BOD Review, and an email notification is generated and sent to BOD
Contract Management Division informing them that the package is
awaiting review.
If there are errors with an Override indicator equal to Y (Yes), the errors
may be overridden by an authorized BOD Contract Management Division
user. If any error has an Override indicator equal to N (No), none of the
errors can be overridden, but the underlying data must be corrected via
the project screens.
The Max Lvl column is used to show the "escalation" of the rule, if any.
For example, if a rule generates a warning at the Submit Bid Package
level but escalates to an overrideable error at the Issue NTP level, the
Max Lvl column (for the "Submit Bid Package" rules) displays "E/Y" .
When the user hovers the mouse over the "E/Y", pop-up hover text
displays "Issue NTP".
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Create a Bid Package Comment
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Select Bid Package Comment from the Add drop-down list. Click the ADD
button. The Bid Package Comment screen is displayed.
5. Enter comments in the Comment field.
6. Click the SAVE button. Click OK on the Success message. The updated Bid
Package Comment screen is displayed with the completed field.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
View or Edit a Bid Package Comment
A bid package comment can be deleted by clicking the DELETE button,
however, once a response has been published, it can no longer be
edited or deleted.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Select Bid Package Comment from the Go drop-down list. Click the GO button.
The Bid Package Comments screen is displayed listing the Bid Comments.
5. Click the Date Submitted hyperlink in the Submitted field The Bid Package
Comment screen is displayed.
6. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
7. To edit the comment, update the text in the Comment field or enter text in the
Response field.
8. Click the SAVE button. Click OKon the Success message. The updated Bid
Package Comment screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Publish a Bid Package
When a Bid Package is published successfully, the Execute Rules
Status changes to Pending EBS File Creation. This process generates
the EBS file that contractors download to use when bidding on a project.
The status will remain for several minutes while the file is created and
will then change to Advertised. Also, an email notification is sent to
BOD Contract Management Division informing them that the bid
package was published.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The eBidding screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
2. Click the Bid Packages by Status hyperlink beneath the Information for Review
field. The Bid Package by Status screen is displayed.
3. Click the Project Number hyperlink in the Project field for the project bid package
that is to be published. The selected Bid Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the PUBLISH button. Click OK on the confirmation message prompt. The
Execute Rules program is run automatically to verify that the project adheres to
established business rules. Click OK on the Success message. The Bid Package
publishing process continues.
If the Execute Rules program finds errors, you are redirected to the
Execute Rules Status page, where all errors and warnings are displayed.
If there are errors with an Override indicator equal to Y (Yes), they may
be overridden by a user in the user group ECMS BOD CMD CHIEF. If
any error has an Override indicator equal to N (No), none of the errors
can be overridden, but the underlying data must be corrected via the
project screens.
If the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, the bid package
continues through the publishing process and a warning message is
displayed. The status of the bid package is updated to Published.
The Max Lvl column is used to show the "escalation" of the rule, if any.
For example, if a rule generates a warning at the Submit Bid Package
level but escalates to an overrideable error at the Issue NTP level, the
Max Lvl column (for the "Submit Bid Package" rules) displays "E/Y.”
When the user hovers the mouse over the "E/Y", pop-up hover text
displays "Issue NTP".
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Answer a Bid Package Question
Accessing the Bid Package Questions via the Bid Package screen Go
drop-down list will only allow the user to view the questions and
answers. The user will not be able to edit, answer, or delete a question.
The question can no longer be deleted after a response has been
Questions and answers are available to the public for viewing.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The eBidding screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
2. Click the Bid Packages Questions for Review hyperlink beneath the Information
for Review field. The Bid Packages Questions for Review screen is displayed.
3. Click the Subject hyperlink in the Short Description field. The selected Bid
Package Clarification screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Enter a response in the Answer field. Click the PUBLISH button. Click OK on the
confirmation message prompt.
5. Click OK on the Success message. The Bid Package Questions for Review screen
is displayed.
The response can be saved prior to publication. This allows the user to
have a ‘second set of eyes’ review it before it becomes public.
The answered question no longer appears in the list but can be viewed
by all users (including the public) from the Bid Package Questions and
Answers, available from the Go drop-down list on the Bid Package
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
Delete a Bid Package Question
Questions with published answers cannot be deleted.
Once deleted, the question no longer appears in the list. However, the
data is maintained in the ECMS database for audit purposes.
When the question is deleted, ECMS generates and sends an email
notification to the business partner user, informing him that his question
was deleted.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The eBidding screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
2. Click the Bid Packages Questions for Review hyperlink beneath the Information
for Review field. The Bid Packages Questions for Review screen is displayed.
3. Click the Subject hyperlink in the Short Description field. The selected Bid
Package Clarification screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
4. Click the DELETE button. Click OK on the delete confirmation message prompt.
5. Click OK atonthe Success message. The Bid Package Questions for Review
screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Search eBidding and View a Bid Package
To use the Let Date/Let Date Range field, select only the From Date to
search for a specific date. Enter a From Date and a To Date to search
for a date range.
The Bid Package by Status hyperlink on the Electronic Bidding screen
can be used to locate bid packages in various statuses, or use the Go
drop-down list from the My ECMS Projects or Project Information screen
to view a bid package..
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The eBidding screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
2. Click the Search hyperlink beneath the Advertisements/Announcements field.
The Electronic Bidding Search screen is displayed.
3. Select Bid Package by Status from drop-down list in the Search For field. If
desired, enter additional search criteria in the appropriate fields. Click the
SEARCH button. The Bid Package by Status screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Click the Project Number hyperlink for the bid package selected for viewing. The
Bid Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
View a Bid Package or Addendum Workflow History
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The eBidding screen is displayed.
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
2. Click the Bid Packages by Status or Addenda by Status hyperlink beneath the
Information for Review field. The Bid Packages by Status or Addenda by Status
screen is displayed.
3. Click the Project Number or Addendum Number hyperlink for the Bid Package or
Addendum workflow history selected for viewing. The Bid Package by Status
screen is displayed. The selected Bid Package or Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Bid Package Review and Approval
4. Click the status hyperlink in the Bid Package Status or Addendum Status field.
The Bid Package/Addendum Workflow screen is displayed.
5. Click the BACK button at the bottom of the screen. The Bid Package screen is
Bid Package Review and Approval
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Chapter 6 - Hands-on Exercises
Using Project 1, from the eBidding screen, view the draft status Bid Package.
(Refer to the topic “Search Electronic Bidding and View a Bid Package” in this
chapter for assistance).
Using Project 1, run Execute Rules for the Bid Package and review the errors.
(Refer to the topic “Execute Rules and View Results of Execute Rules” in this
chapter for assistance).
Use Project 2 to create and modify a Bid Package comment, using the data listed
below: (refer to the topic “Create a Bid Package Comment” and “View or Modify a
Bid Package Comment” in this chapter for assistance).
Please review all bid package comments
All bid package comments have been
Use Project 2 to create and answer a Bid Package question. Use the data listed:
(refer to the topic “Answer Bid Package Question” in this chapter for assistance).
How can I download an EBS files?
Go to the bid package screen
ter 77:: A
ddendum P
Create an Addendum
Add New Design Items via an Addendum
Modify Existing Design Item via an Addendum
Delete Design Item via Addendum
Add New Plan or Attachment via Addendum
Add New Standard Special Provision via Addendum
Delete Existing Checklist Item via Addendum
Publish an Addendum
The following users typically perform these functions
• Design Project Manager
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Process Overview
Between the time that the Bid Package is published and the time bids for the project are
opened, ECMS locks the Project Development Checklist, Project Special Provisions and
Design Items screens from editing except via the Addendum process.
The Addendum screen allows authorized users to access an editable version of the
Project Special Provisions, Design Items and the Project Development Checklist (and
their supporting screens) where they can create, delete, or modify the original bid
package data.
Funding changes that do not impact design item quantities do not
require an addendum but can be made directly on the funding screens.
The modifications are routed online for review and approval following the same
workflow as the original bid package. That is, if the original bid package required BOD
CMD and FHWA approval, the addenda for the bid package must also be approved by
these groups. Once approved, the addendum can be published to the ECMS website
and is accessible either from the New Postings list or from the Addenda list via the Go
drop-down list on the Bid Package screen. Note that when the user attempts to publish
the addendum, the Execute Rules (to Publish Addendum) program is automatically run.
Addenda can be created by the Design Project Manager or by authorized District
Contract Management users up to 7 days prior to the scheduled let date. From seven
to three days prior to the let date, only an authorized BOD Contract Management
Division user can publish an addendum. Finally, from the third day prior to the
scheduled bid opening until the opening of the bids, only BOD Contract Management
users can create an addendum, and the addendum must either move the project let
date or withdraw the project from the letting. District Contract Management users can
submit, approve and publish addenda for minor projects. Note that for training purposes,
these timeframes have been changed to allow training participants to publish addenda
at any point prior to bid opening.
The seven-day cutoff for creating addenda also applies to publishing
the addendum. This means that if you are the Design Project Manager
and you create an addendum 8 days prior to the let date but do not
attempt to publish the addendum until the 7th day before the let date,
you will receive an error.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
The following table outlines the steps, users and functions that comprise the Addendum
Create an addendum
Design Project Manager, BOD
Contract Management Division
Submit an Addendum
Design Project Manager, BOD
Contract Management Division
Approve Addendum – BOD CMD
BOD Contract Management Division
Approve Addendum – FHWA
Publish an Addendum
Design Project Manager, BOD
Contract Management Division
Submit, approve, publish addenda for minor projects
District Contract Management
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Online Help
For online information
Refer to “Tell Me About…”
help documents for screen
fields and definitions
Refer to “How Do I…” help
documents for step-by-step
See ECMS Help
…to access ECMS Help Document:
Addenda by Status
Add New Checklist Item via
Add New Design Item via Addendum
Approve Addendum
Create Addendum
Delete Addendum
Delete Design Item via Addendum
Delete Existing Checklist Item via
Delete Items from and Addendum
Bid Package or Addenda Workflow
Disapprove Addendum
Modify Design Items via
Modify or Delete AND or OR Items
via Addendum
Modify or Delete Existing Checklist
Item via Addendum
Publish Addendum
Submit Addendum for BOD Review
View Bid Package or Addendum
Workflow History
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Create Addendum
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My Projects
option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Select Addendum from the Add drop-down list and then click the ADD button. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
5. If applicable, enter a new let date in the New Let field.
The description entered in these fields does not constitute the change to
the Design items or Project Development checklist items. The actual
changes to the data must be made via the Design Items and Project
Development Checklist (for the Addendum) screens. See the remaining
steps in this chapter for detailed directions.
Make sure that the comment fields are completed indicating any changes
to items or provisions to be made via the addendum before proceeding.
The addendum must be saved before continuing, or any data entered on
the Addendum screen will be lost.
6. Enter a description of the changes to be included in the addendum in the Items and
Quantity, Special Provision and Other text boxes.
7. Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add New Design Items via an Addendum
Project Development Checklist Items not included in bid package can
be edited when the project is advertised without an addendum. This can
be accomplished on the Project Development screen, by selecting
“Current” from the View Select drop-down list, clicking on the EDIT
button at the bottom of the screen, and clicking on the checklist item
hyperlink to edit the item.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Design Items from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
7. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
8. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
9. Click the Master radio button in the Search in field.
10. Click the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field.
11. Enter the item number or description in the Search for field.
12. Click the Standard or Modified Standard radio button in the Select Item Type
13. Click the SEARCH button. The Select From Master Item List screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
14. Click the X next to the item(s) being added and then click the OK button. The Add
Item to List screen is displayed with some of the fields pre-populated.
15. Enter the quantity in the Qty field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
16. If necessary, enter the unit of measure in the Unit of Measure field.
17. Enter the estimated unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
18. Enter a fund code in the Fund Code field.
19. Click the ADD ROW button. Click OK on the success message. The Add Item to
List window is displayed.
20. Click the BACK button. The Design Items screen is displayed.
21. Click the REFRESH button. The Design Items screen is updated and displayed
listing the added item(s).
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Modify Existing Design Items from the Original Bid
Package via an Addendum
The unit price of design items can be changed after the project has
been advertised without an addendum. This can be accomplished on
the Design Items screen, by selecting “Current” from the View Select
drop-down list and clicking on the EDIT button at the bottom of the
screen. The Unit Price field is then open for entry.
The View Select field provides a drop-down list which allows the user
to select the view of the Design Items list they wish to display. When
the user selects the view and clicks the adjacent GO button, the screen
is refreshed with the selected view. Valid values are:
'Current' – Shows the Design Items list as it exists with the
modifications made by the published addenda (i.e., the net of the
original and all published addenda)
'Original' – Shows the original Design Items list (as it was published
with the original bid package)
'Addendum 1' – Shows only the Design Items list changes made by
Addendum 1
'Addendum 2' – Shows only the Design Items list changes made by
Addendum 2. , etc.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Design Items from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
7. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List Selection window is displayed. Note:
The ADD button must be selected even if the change being made is to delete or
modify a design item that is already on the project.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Select the Existing radio button in the Search in field.
9. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field. Enter
an item number or description in the Search for field. Click the SEARCH button.
The Select From Current Design Item List Selection window is displayed.
10. Click the X next to the item being added and click the OK button. The Add Item to
List Selection window is displayed with the fields pre-populated.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
11. If necessary, enter the new quantity in the Qty field.
12. If necessary, enter the new estimated unit price in the Estimated Unit Price field.
13. Click the MODIFY ROW button. Click OK on the success message. The Add Item
to List Selection window is redisplayed with the item added in the (last) field.
14. Click the BACK button. The Design Items screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
15. Click the REFRESH button. The Design Items screen is updated and displayed
listing the modified item(s).
When the addendum for a bid package includes changes to items and
quantities, an icon will appear on the Addenda list.
16. Click the Modified Item Number hyperlink in the ALT Item Number field. The
Design Item screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
17. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen and make any
necessary changes.
18. Click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Design Item screen is displayed.
Items that are modified in the Bid Package via an Addendum appear
on the Design Item screen with the word ‘Modified’ in the action
Items that are added to the Bid Package via an Addendum appear on
the Design Item screen with the word ‘Added’ in the action column.
Items that are deleted from the Bid Package via an Addendum appear
on the Design Item screen with the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete Design Items from the Original Bid Package via
an Addendum
The ADD button must be selected even if the change being made is to
delete or modify a design item that is already on the project.
DO NOT click the DELETE ITEM button when completing this task.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Design Items from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
7. Click the ADD button. The Add Item to List Selection window is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
8. Select the Existing radio button in the Search in field.
9. Select the Item Number or Description radio button in the Search by field. Enter
an item number or description in the Search for field. Click the SEARCH button.
The Select From Current Design Item List Selection window is displayed.
10. Click the X next to the item being added and then click the OK button. The Add
Item to List screen is redisplayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
11. Click the MODIFY ROW button. Click OK on the success message. The Add Item
to List selection window is displayed with the item added in the (last) field.
12. Click the BACK button. The Design Items screen is displayed.
13. Click the REFRESH button. The Design Items screen is displayed listing the
modified item(s).
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
14. If necessary, click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
15. Click the Item Number hyperlink in the ALT Item Number field. The Design Item
screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
16. Click the checkbox in front of the Delete Item from Bid Package/Proposal
/Project field.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
17. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Design Item screen is displayed.
Items that are modified in the Bid Package via an Addendum appear
on the Design Item screen with the word ‘Modified’ in the action
Items that are added to the Bid Package via an Addendum appear on
the Design Item screen with the word ‘Added’ in the action column.
Items that are deleted from the Bid Package via an Addendum appear
on the Design Item screen with the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
If a special provision was linked to the item, the special provision is not
deleted when the design item is deleted. You must manually delete
the provision via an addendum. Refer to the topic “Delete or Modify an
Existing Project Special Provision from the Original Bid Package via an
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Add New Project Development Checklist Item or Plan
via an Addendum
Non-contractual checklist items where the “Include in Bid Package”
indicator is set to “No” may be edited when the project is in Advertised
status without the need to create an addendum.
On some checklist items ECMS does not allow users to change the
value of the “Include in Bid Package” indicator. Where this is the case,
you must accept the default value entered by ECMS for this indicator.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and then click the GO button. The
Bid Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and then click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Development Checklist from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Select Add Plan or Add Checklist Item(s) (Addendum) from the Add drop-down
list and click the ADD button. The selected screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Click the Selection Arrow in the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item (s) Selection window is displayed.
9. Click the X next to the checklist item(s) or plan(s) being added and then click the
OK button. The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is redisplayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
10. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist (for the addendum) screen is
displayed with item listed.
Checklist Items that are modified in the Bid Package via an Addendum
appear on the Project Development Checklist screen with the word
‘Modified’ in the action column.
Checklist Items that are added to the Bid Package via an Addendum
appear on the Project Development Checklist screen with the word
‘Added’ in the action column.
Checklist Items that are deleted from the Bid Package via an
Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen with
the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
11. Click the Checklist Item Name hyperlink. The checklist item (s) detail screen is
12. Complete the necessary fields and, if applicable, attach an EDMS file. Refer to the
reference section of the manual for additional information on attaching EDMS
13. Click the SAVE& EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add New Project-Specific Checklist Item via an
Non-contractual checklist items where the “Include in Bid Package”
indicator is set to “No” may be edited when the project is in Advertised
status without the need to create an addendum.
On some checklist items ECMS does not allow users to change the
value of the “Include in Bid Package” indicator. Where this is the case,
you must accept the default value entered by ECMS for this indicator.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Development Checklist from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Select Project Specific Checklist Item from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Add Project Specific Checklist Item screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
8. Enter the title in the Title field.
9. Enter the date in the Date Approved field in mm/dd/yyyy format or use the
calendar clock icon to select a date from the calendar.
10. If necessary, enter comments in the Comments field.
11. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Include Item in Bid Package field.
12. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
13. If applicable, attach an EDMS file. Refer to the reference section of the manual for
additional information on attaching EDMS documents.
14. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist screen (for the addendum) is
Project Specific Checklist Items that are modified in the Bid Package
via an Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen
with the word ‘Modified’ in the action column.
Project Specific Checklist Items that are added to the Bid Package via
an Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen
with the word ‘Added’ in the action column.
Project Specific Checklist Items that are deleted from the Bid Package
via an Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen
with the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add New Standard Special Provision via an
Non-contractual checklist items where the “Include in Bid Package”
indicator is set to “No” may be edited when the project is in Advertised
status without the need to create an addendum.
On some checklist items ECMS does not allow users to change the
value of the “Include in Bid Package” indicator. Where this is the case,
you must accept the default value entered by ECMS for this indicator.
Certain special provisions may be restricted from editing based on
parameters established within ECMS by the District’s Special Provision
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Special Provisions from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
7. Select Project Standard Special Provision form the Add drop-down list and click
the ADD button. The Project Standard Special Provision screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
8. Click the Selection Arrow in the Index or Category field. The Add a Standard
Special Provision Selection window is displayed.
9. Select the Standard Special Number or Description radio button in the Search
by field.
10. Enter the standard special provision number or description in the Search for field
and click the SEARCH button.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
11. Click the X next to the item(s) being added and then click the OK button. The
Project Standard Special Provision screen is displayed.
12. If necessary, click the Selection Arrow in the Associated Item(s) field to link an
item to the standard special provision. The Select Item Number Selection window
is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
13. Click the X next to the item(s) being added and click the OK button. The Project
Standard Special Provision screen is displayed.
14. Enter special provision name in the Special Provision Name field.
15. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
16. Enter header text in the Header field.
17. Enter provision text in the Provision Body field. Use the toolbar above the field to
format the text.
18. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the
Project Special Provision screen is redisplayed with the item listed.
Standard Special Provisions that are modified in the Bid Package via
an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with the
word ‘Modified’ in the action column.
Standard Special Provisions that are added to the Bid Package via an
Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with the
word ‘Added’ in the action column.
Standard Special Provisions that are deleted from the Bid Package via
an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with the
word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Add New Project Specific Special Provision via an
You must select the RUN button on the “Edit-on Pro” message prompt
when adding a project specific special provision via an addendum.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Special Provisions from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
7. Select Project Specific Special Provision from the Add drop-down list and click
the ADD button. The Project Specific Special Provision screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
8. If necessary, click the Selection Arrow in the Associated Item(s) field to link an
item to the project specific special provision. The Select Item Number Selection
window is displayed.
9. Click the X next to the item(s) being added and then click the OK button at the
bottom of the screen. The Project Specific Special Provision screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
10. Enter the special provision name in the Special Provision Name field.
11. Select the Yes or No radio button in the Completed field.
12. Enter the header text in the Header field.
13. Enter the provision text in the Provision Body field.
14. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK at the success
message. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Specific Special Provisions that are modified in the Bid
Package via an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions
screen with the word ‘Modified’ in the action column.
Project Specific Special Provisions that are added to the Bid Package
via an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with
the word ‘Added’ in the action column.
Project Specific Special Provisions that are deleted from the Bid
Package via an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions
screen with the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Delete or Modify an Existing Plan or Project
Development Checklist Item from the Original Bid
Package via an Addendum
To delete an existing plan or attachment from the original bid package
via an addendum, the existing plan or attachment must first be added
to the addendum.
DO NOT click the DELETE button on the Plan or Attachment Detail
screen. This will only delete the plan or attachment from the
addendum, not from the project.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Development Checklist from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Select Add Existing Project Development Checklist Item from the Add dropdown list and then click the ADD button. The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Click the Selection Arrow in the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item window is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
9. Click the X next to the plan(s) or checklist item (s) being added and click the OK
button. The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
10. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Development Checklist (for the addendum) screen is
Scroll to bottom of screen
11. For each plan(s) or checklist item(s) that needs to be modified or deleted, click the
hyperlink corresponding to the plan(s) or checklist item (s) name. The plan(s) or
attachment(s) detail screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
12. To modify the plan(s) or checklist item (s), complete the necessary fields and, if
applicable, attach an EDMS file. Refer to the reference section of the manual for
additional information on attaching EDMS documents.
Scroll to bottom of screen
13. To delete the plan(s) or checklist item(s), select the checkbox in the Delete Item
from Bid Package/Proposal/Project field.
14. Click the SAVE&EXIT button. Click OK on the success message. The Project
Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Plans or Attachments that are modified in the Bid Package via an
Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen with
the word ‘Modified’ in the action column.
Plans or Attachments that are deleted from the Bid Package via an
Addendum appear on the Project Development Checklist screen with
the word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Delete or Modify an Existing Project Special Provision
from the Original Bid Package via an Addendum
To delete an existing project special provision from the original bid
package via an addendum, the existing plan or attachment must first
be added to the addendum.
DO NOT click the DELETE button on the Special Provision screen.
This will only delete the special provision from the addendum, not from
the project.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Special Provisions from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Select Add Existing Project Development Checklist Item from the Add dropdown list and click the ADD button. The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
8. Click the Selection Arrow in the Select Item(s) to be Added field. The Select
Checklist Item(s) window is displayed.
9. Click the X next to the special provision being modified or deleted and click the OK
button. The Add Checklist Item(s) screen is redisplayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
10. Click the SAVE & EXIT button. Click OK at the Success message prompt and the
Project Special Provisions screen is redisplayed with item(s) listed.
11. For each special provision that needs to be modified or deleted, click the hyperlink
corresponding to the special provision name. The Special Provision detail screen
is displayed.
12. To modify the special provision, enter new data into the necessary fields.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
13. To delete the special provision, select the checkbox in the Delete Item from Bid
Package/Proposal/Project field.
14. Click the SAVE&EXIT button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the success
message. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
Project Special Provisions that are modified in the Bid Package via an
Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with the
word ‘Modified’ in the action column.
Project Special Provisions that are deleted from the Bid Package via
an Addendum appear on the Project Special Provisions screen with the
word ‘Deleted’ in the action column.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Search For and View an Addendum
An addendum can also be viewed while a project is in “Pending EBS
File Creation” status.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
6. To view Addendum Items and Quantities, Special Provisions, Plans or
Attachments, click the appropriate hyperlink on the Addendum screen.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete Design Item from an Addendum
The Design Item IS NOT being deleted from the project, it is merely
being de-selected from the addendum. Changes to this design item
will not be included on the addendum.
If a special provision was linked to the item, the provision IS NOT
deleted when the item is deleted. The special provision MUST
manually be deleted.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Design Items from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD button. The
Design Items screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Click the checkbox next to the Design Item Number hyperlink that is to be
8. Click the DELETE ROW button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
deletion confirmation. Click OK on the success message. The Design Item screen
for the addendum is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Delete Project Development Checklist Items from an
The Project Development Checklist Item IS NOT being deleted from
the project, it is merely being de-selected from the addendum.
Changes to this checklist item will not be included on the addendum.
An item can also be deleted from the addendum by accessing the
checklist detail screen (via the addendum) from the Project
Development Checklist and clicking the DELETE button. Again, the
item is being deleted from the addendum, not from the project.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Development Checklist from the Add drop-down list and click the
ADD button. The Project Development Checklist screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
7. Click the checkbox next to the Project Development Checklist Item hyperlink.
8. Click the DELETE ROW button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
deletion confirmation. Click OK on the success message. The updated Project
Development Checklist screen for the addendum is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete Project Special Provisions from an Addendum
The Special Provision IS NOT being deleted from the project, it is
merely being de-selected from the addendum. Changes to this special
provision will not be included on the addendum.
An item can also be deleted from the addendum by accessing the
special provision detail screen (via the addendum) from the Project
Special Provisions screen and clicking the DELETE button. Again, the
item is being deleted from the addendum, not from the project.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the My
Projects option. The My Projects screen is displayed.
2. From the My Projects screen, click the checkbox next to the Project Number
3. Select Bid Package from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The Bid
Package screen is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
4. Select Addenda from the Go drop-down list and click the GO button. The
Addenda screen is displayed.
5. Click the Addendum Number hyperlink in the Addendum Number field. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Scroll to bottom of screen
6. Select Project Special Provisions from the Add drop-down list and click the ADD
button. The Project Special Provisions screen is displayed.
7. Click the checkbox next to the Project Special Provision hyperlink.
8. Click the DELETE ROW button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the
deletion confirmation. Click OK on the success message. The updated Project
Special Provision screen for the addendum is displayed.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Submit an Addendum for BOD Review
An Addendum CANNOT be submitted until the Bid Package has been
Before the processing for the Addendum submission is performed,
ECMS runs the Execute Rules (to Submit Addendum) program to
check the addendum changes against predefined business rules. If
errors are returned, they should be corrected, or they may be
overridden by the BOD CMD Chief. See “Publish an Addendum” later
in this chapter for additional details.
If the project requires a Quality Assurance review by BOD Contract
Management Division or is a Non-Exempt project, any addenda are
routed to BOD Contract Management Division for review prior to
publication. The “Submit an Addendum for BOD Review” function is
not available for 100% State projects that do not require QA by Central
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The Electronic Bidding Home screen is displayed.
2. From the Electronic Bidding Home screen, click the Addenda by Status
hyperlink beneath the Information for Review field.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
3. Locate the project number and click the addendum number hyperlink for that
project. The Addendum screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the SUBMIT button. Click OK on the confirmation message. Click OK on the
success message. The updated Addendum displayed. The status is updated to
BOD Review and ECMS automatically sends an email to the BOD CMD user group
informing them that the Addendum is ready for review.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
If the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, a message to that
effect is displayed, and the submitting process continues as noted above.
If the Execute Rules program finds errors, you are redirected to the
Execute Rules Status page, where all errors and warnings are displayed.
If there are errors with an Override indicator equal to Y (Yes), the errors
may be overridden by an authorized BOD Contract Management Division
user. If any error has an Override indicator equal to N (No), none of the
errors can be overridden, but the underlying data must be corrected via
the Addendum.
On the Execute Rules Status page, after the errors are overridden, you
must access the Addendum screen and click the SUBMIT button. ECMS
reads the Project Override table and after determining that this set of
errors has been overridden, continues with the submission process as
noted above.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Delete an Addendum
The search function on the eBidding screen can be used to locate the
bid package for the addendum that is to be deleted.
The addendum can also be accessed by selecting the Addenda list on
the Bid Package screen.
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The Electronic Bidding Home screen is displayed.
2. From the Electronic Bidding Home screen, click the Addenda by Status
hyperlink beneath the Information for Review field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
3. Locate the project number and click the addendum number hyperlink. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen. Click OK on the deletion
confirmation message. Click OK on the success message. The Bid Package
screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Publish an Addendum
The search function on the eBidding screen can be used to locate the
bid package for the addendum that is to be published.
The addendum can also be accessed by selecting the Addenda list on
the Bid Package screen.
It may take several minutes for the Create EBS Files program to
complete processing and update the Addendum status to Published.
When the status is updated, the Addendum appears in the New
Postings list and is accessible to all users, including the general public
from the Addenda list for the project.
The Max Lvl column is populated with E/Y or E/N if an error or warning
escalates at the next level of processing and is used to show the
"escalation" of the rule, if any. For example, if a rule generates a
warning at the “Submit Bid Package” level but escalates to an
overrideable error at the “Issue NTP” level, the Max Lvl column (for the
"Publish Addendum" rules) displays "E/Y. When the user hovers over
the "E/Y" with the mouse, pop-up text displays "Issue NTP".
1. From the Navigation Bar, select Project Services and then select the eBidding
option. The Electronic Bidding Home screen is displayed.
2. From the Electronic Bidding Home screen, click the Addenda by Status
hyperlink beneath the Information for Review field.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
3. Locate the project number and click the addendum number hyperlink. The
Addendum screen is displayed.
Scroll to bottom of screen
4. Click the PUBLISH button. Click OK on the deletion confirmation message. Click
OK on the success message. ECMS automatically runs the Execute Rules
program to verify that the project adheres to established business rules. If no
errors are found, the Electronic Bidding Home screen is displayed.
Addendum Processing
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
If the Execute Rules program finds only warnings, a message to that
effect is displayed, and the publishing process continues as noted above.
If the Execute Rules program finds errors, you are redirected to the
Execute Rules Status page, where all errors and warnings are displayed.
If there are errors with an Override indicator equal to Y (Yes), the errors
may be overridden by an authorized BOD Contract Management Division
user. If any error has an Override indicator equal to N (No), none of the
errors can be overridden, but the underlying data must be corrected via
the Addendum.
After the errors are overridden on the Execute Rules Status page, you
must access the Addendum screen and click the PUBLISH button.
ECMS reads the Project Override table and after determining that this set
of errors has been overridden, continues with the publication process as
noted above.
ECMS Wave 4 Training Manual
Addendum Processing
Chapter 7 - Hands-on Exercises
For this exercise, use the project 2.
Create a new Addendum. (Refer to the topic “Create an Addendum to a Bid
Package” in this chapter for assistance).
Delete existing item# 4204-0100. (Refer to the topic “Add, Modify or Delete Design
Items” in this chapter for assistance).
Delete the Project Specific (Ad Hoc) Special Provision for item# 4204-0100. (Refer
to the topic “Add, Modify or Delete Project Special Provisions” in this chapter for
Publish the Addendum. (Refer to the topic “Publish an Addendum” in this chapter
for assistance).
Planned Stations
Planned Stations will usually be imported from Auto CADD, however they can be
entered manually into ECMS. The steps below describe the process to manually enter
Planned Stations into ECMS.
1. Begin at the Design Items screen. Click the Item Number hyperlink.
The Item Detail screen is displayed.
2. Select Design Item Planned Stations from the GO drop-down list and click the
GO button.
The Design Item Plan Stations screen is displayed
3. Click the EDIT button.
The screen is redisplayed in edit mode.
4. Click the ADD button.
The Design Item Planned Station Detail screen is displayed.
5. Complete the data entry fields as required and when finished, click
SAVE&EXIT at the bottom of the screen.
A success message is displayed when the screen is saved. Click OK to continue.
The Design Item Plan Stations screen is displayed.
6. To view the plan station, click the Begin Station Number hyperlink. If any
changes are made, be sure to click SAVE&EXIT.
Attaching an EDMS Document in ECMS
1. From the current screen select the SEL EDMS or ATTACH button from the
EDMS Document Link field.
The Select EDMS document pop-up window is displayed. Only documents that
have been entered in EDMS and specified as the type of document you are trying
to attach (for example Constructability Review documents) and specified for the
current project will be displayed.
To view the document before selecting it, click the Title or Subject hyperlink.
2. Click the Select checkbox next to the desired document(s).
3. Click the SELECT button.
The Select EDMS Document window is closed and you are returned to the
previous screen. Note the yellow file cabinet icon, which is used to view the
4. Click the SAVE or SAVE&EXIT button from the current screen.
View an EDMS Document in ECMS
1. Begin at the screen where the document was attached. A yellow filing cabinet
icon will appear in the field. Click the Yellow Filing Cabinet icon.
The EDMS Document List will open in a pop-up window.
2. Click the Title or Subject hyperlink.
You will be prompted to either open the document or save the document.
3. Select the Radio Button for the Open this file from it’s current location and click
In order to view EDMS documents you MUST have the IDM Viewer installed on
your machine. The IDM Viewer can be downloaded from the eBidding home
page in ECMS, however you may have to contact your IT Administrator in order
to load this on to your machine.
A message will be displayed “Retrieving document”, then shortly after the
document will be displayed in the IDM Viewer.
Remove an EDMS Document in ECMS
1. Begin at the screen where the document was attached.
2. Click the REMOVE button.