Raider News - Mead Public Schools
Raider News - Mead Public Schools
Raider News Mead Public Schools March 2016 From the Superintendent’s Desk 2003 FORD TAURUS FOR SALE: The Mead Public School district is offering a 2003 Ford Taurus (VIN: 1FAFP55263G 138593) for sale. At the time of transfer the vehicle will have between 121,000 and 122,000 miles. The vehicle is sold “as is” with no warranties implied or extended. Transfer of ownership will occur at a mutually agreed upon date following March 15, 2016. If you are interested in purchasing this vehicle, it may be seen at the elementary school. Bid sheets explaining the terms of the bid process are inside the vehicle. Sealed bids will be accepted until Wednesday March 9 at 10:00 AM. Bids will be opened and summarized at that time and the Board of Education will consider all bids and trade in offers at its regular meeting on March 14, 2016. Questions and/or a test drive may be arranged by contacting Shelly Kruse at 402 624 6465. Inside this issue: Elementary Citizenship 6 Scholarships 3 FCCLA 5 Principal’s Point of View 2 OPTION ENROLLMENT ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: The district recently received notification that students who transfer to our district under the Nebraska Option Enrollment program in 2016-17 must have their option enrollment paperwork on file with the district before March 15, 2016 if they are to be immediately eligible to participate in athletic programs. Students whose option papers are filed after that date will be subject to a waiting period and/or appeal process. If you know of anyone considering the Mead School District for 2016-17, please inform them of this requirement. Thank you. FFA 8 Mead Messenger 11 “All Rise” 9 2016-17 SCHOOL CALENDAR ADOPTED: At the regular meeting held on February 8, the Board of Education adopted a school calendar for 2016-17. The first day of classes will be Wednesday August 17. The Christmas Vacation will begin Thursday December 22 and students will return for the second semester on Wednesday January 4. The final day of classes will be Thursday May 26, 2016. Blood Drive 10 CLASSES SCHEDULED TO BE DISMISSED ON MARCH 4 and 11: Classes are scheduled to be dismissed on Friday March 4 and Friday March 11 as part of the scheduled Spring Break. Dr. Dale V. Rawson, Superintendent IMPORTANT DATES: 2nd - Blood Drive 4th - NO SCHOOL 11th - NO SCHOOL 13th - Daylight Saving Time 14th - 5-8 Music Recital 17th - 1:35/1:45 Dismissal 24th - 1:20/1:30 Dismissal 25th - NO SCHOOL 28st - NO SCHOOL Raider News Page 2 Principal’s Point of View Last month, we published information that explored the reading performance of Mead Public Schools’ students. This report will explore the math performance of Mead Public Schools’ students. Data from NeSA, MAP, and the ACT test is included in this report. Data from NeSA, MAP, and the ACT tests suggest that our math performance is comparable to students throughout the state.. The following table includes Mead’s overall percent of students proficient on the NeSA tests since 2010-11. Math has improved significantly since 2010-11 and 2011-12. Other subjects are included for context, as is a second table showing statewide data. NeSA 2015: Mead, Overall Percent Proficient Reading Mathematics Science 2010-2011 69 % 45 % 2011-2012 66 % 47 % 60 % 2012-2013 80 % 84 % 83 % 2013-2014 81 % 73 % 81 % 2014-2015 82 % 82 % 74 % Writing 89 % 65 % NeSA 2015: State, Overall Percent Proficient Reading Mathematics Science 2010-2011 72 % 63 % 2011-2012 74 % 67 % 67 % 2012-2013 77 % 69 % 70 % 2013-2014 77 % 71 % 72 % 2014-2015 80 % 72 % 72 % Writing 68 % 72 % The following table compares grade level performance between Mead’s main subgroups. Male compared to female is low. The Free/Reduced Meals subgroup is often lower than the other subgroups, but must be regarded with caution because the number of students in that subgroup is small at some grade levels. NeSA Math Reading 2015: Percent Proficient Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 11 All 83% 93% 69% 92% 88% 64% 84% Female 88% 100% 93% 100% 91% 75% 83% Male 83% 91% 43% 82% 83% 60% 86% Free/Red. 0% 100% 54% 82% 71% 57% 60% Continued on page 6 Raider News Page 3 Page 4 Raider News Page 5 Raider News FCCLA Celebrates FCCLA Week FCCLA members were spreading love around Mead Public Schools during FCCLA week on February 7-13. Valentines were sold and delivered to many of the students! We sold 8 ½ dozen carnations, 206 cookie orders, 340 candy grams and 35 sucker bouquets! Thank you to all who ordered items and to Mary Linscomb, Margaret Johnson and Kaiden Crouse for helping to make the cookies. The money earned helps us to pay for our local FCCLA scholarship and to help pay for state leadership conference in April. Other festivities included brownie sundaes, a coloring contest and a question of the day. Those that participated in the activities earned a name in the drawing at the conclusion of FCCLA week. The winners of the drawing were Bailey Davis and in second place was Jayden Haag and in third place was Brittany Dowty. Winner of the nonmember drawing was Rachel Slobodnik. McKenna Holloway got 1st place in the coloring contest while her sister, Kassidy got 2nd place. Upcoming events include volunteering at the Open Door Mission in March and State Leadership Conference in April. We will also be helping to fill Easter eggs for the community Easter egg hunt in March. FACS Classes Take Field Trip Mrs. Weiss’ Food and Nutrition class and her Food Production, Nutrition and Health class took a field trip to UNL on February 17th. They took a UNL stadium tour which included a talk with their sports nutritionist, Tommy Jensen, and one of the strength coaches, Brian Kmitta. They showed us around Memorial stadium and we got to run out onto Osborne field. They also enjoyed a meal at the training table where all the UNL athletes eat. Next we had a tour of the Rec center and Cook Pavilion where we saw the equipment and services available to all UNL students in order for them to stay in shape. Then we traveled to the new Innovations Campus where Steve Weier showed us around the new pilot plant where they test and develop food products. We also got to see where they do sensory evaluations. We ended our day with a trip to UNL’s Dairy store for ice cream! Page 6 Raider News Elementary Citizenship The students in the elementary building are being recognized for random acts of good citizenship. Citizenship is based on the characteristics of scholarship, responsibility, leadership and respect of peers and staff. At the end of each month, students who most consistently display good citizenship are given a certificate. The recipients of the citizenship award for the month of February are: John Robinson (K), Madeline Lamprecht (1st), Jacob Richards (2nd), Aaron Hering (3rd), Timothy Hunt (4th), Trevor Ellison (5th), Kaitlyn Hanson (6th), Meghan Richards (6th) Continues from page 2 The graph at left compares the percent of Mead students who met the standard for the 2014-15 school year to the percent of students statewide who met the standard. Grades 3, 4, 6, 7, and 11 all surpassed the state percentages. Page 7 Raider News Elementary Student Council News This June, Miss Reiman will be traveling to Zambia to teach a class and visit Zambian schools. Zambia offers free education to seventh grade, but students must have a uniform and their own school supplies. Pencils are very expensive, printed books are considered luxuries. The Student Council is sponsoring a school supply drive through March 18. Pencils and one subject notebooks are items that are particularly useful. Miss Reiman will pass them out to children in the village schools. We look forward to hearing a report from her next fall. Once again, the Student Council is sponsoring a drive to raise money for Pennies for Patients. It will culminate the end of February with the class earning the most money receiving a Root Beer Float Party and the classroom “Hero” will get a whipped cream face. Classroom Heroes are: Kindergarten-Will Ellison, 1st-Olive Hallady, 2nd-Brayden Parsons, 3rd-Hailey Bassettt, 4th-Brynn Halladay, 5th-Kimberly Anderson, 6thS-Justin Else and 6thR-Meghan Richards. First Grade won the January Box Top Challenge. We have a close race for the month of February. Winning classes receive a treat, a board or card game to play when it is too cold to be outside and a ball to use on the playground. Box Tops will be submitted before the first of March and again at the end of the year. We will have a summer competition, so keep those Box Tops coming. To make it easy, you can put all the Box Tops in a baggie with your student’s name and class. Thanks you for your help. March’s activity will be an I SPY activity. Bunnies of different colors will be placed in the hallway. Classes are assigned a color or group of colors to count. The guess that is closest to the actual number, without going over will win a prize! It is hard to believe, but plans are being made for the ABC Countdown!! Remember, we collect Pop Tabs, Box Tops and Campbell’s UPC codes all year long. Board of Education Meeting Minutes A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, District 72, Mead Nebraska, was held Monday February 8, 2016 in the Jr.-Sr. High IMC. President Kuhr called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following board members were present: Kevin Hough, Andy Carritt, Nate Mongan, Stephanie Langemeier, Rich Kuhr and Brenda Halbmaier. The following is a condensed version of the minutes. A complete copy is available for inspection in the Mead Elementary Office. Principal PJ Quinn reported on instructional report, NeSA-W testing, pre-school interest and parent-teacher attendance. Superintendent Rawson reported on bathrooms in the High School, stage curtains in the Elem., score boards, vehicles, surplus property, school calendar for 2016-2017 and board policies. The following other action was taken by unanimous vote: approval of the Minutes, Bills and Financial report, and the Consent agenda. Approve a contract with Great Plains to appraise school land for $4000.00. Entered into closed session for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual at 8:32 pm, out at 8:37 pm. Extend an offer of employment to P. J. Quinn as K-12 principal for the 2016-17 contract year. Approve changes to the first portion of Series 6000 (policies 6102 through 6142.1) as recommended. President Kuhr declared the meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm. Page 8 Raider News Page 9 Raider News “All Rise” Students in Miss Reiman’s reading mastery group held a trial for T.J. Avery, a character from the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, written by Mildred Taylor. Students played the parts of the attorneys and characters from the story, and another class served as the jury. Although it was a close decision by our jury, T.J. was found not guilty. Students are reading the sequel Let the Circle Be Unbroke to find out whether the jury in the story decided the same way. Page 10 Raider News Mead Public Schools PO Box 158 115 No Vine St Mead, NE 68041 If you have a child who will be 5 years old before July 31st, 2016, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year. If your child will be 5 before October 15, 2016, they can be tested and considered for early enrollment. Kindergarten Roundup will be held on Friday, April 8th, 2016 from 8:30-10:00 am. Please call the Elementary School at 624-6465 to get signed up!
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