CFA Stud Book Vol.8 1923 - Mymystic Tonkinese Cats
CFA Stud Book Vol.8 1923 - Mymystic Tonkinese Cats
SEBASTIAN OF RIVERDALE # 4755 International Champion Blue Male. Owned by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick STUD BOOK AND REGISTER of The Cat Fanciers’ Association INCORPORATED of The UNITED STATES and CANADA VOLUME VIII PUBLISHED BY THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION, Inc. 1923 Copyright, 1923 BY THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Scanned into Microsoft Word 97 and edited by Paul G. Russell February, 1999. All rights to the scanned document reserved. Note that picture of the Front Cover is actually a copy of Volume 10's Front Cover, since the photocopies used to scan Volume 8 did not include a copy of the cover page. Note that italics are used throughout to denote comments by Paul Russell, and were not part of the original studbook. THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION ( INCORPORATED ) President, M RS . I. J. K ETCHEN , New Rochelle, N. Y. Vice-President, MRS. GERTRUDE TAYLOR, Detroit, Mich. Recorder of Registrations, M RS . O LIVE E. G ILBERT , Rochelle Ave., Rochelle Park, N. J. Secretary and Treasurer, M ISS M ARTHA D. BUCKLEY , 58 Rutland Road Brooklyn, N. Y. MEMBERS A LLIED P ET S TOC K A SSOC IATION C EN TR AL C AN AD A E X HIBITIO N A SSOCIATION C HIC AGO C AT C LU B C LEVELAND P ERSIAN S OCIETY C LEVELAND C AT C LUB C O LOR ADO C AT C OUNC IL D ETRO IT P ERSIAN S OC IETY E MPIR E C AT C LU B T HE H EAR T O F A M ERIC A C AT S OCIETY I NDIAN APO LIS C AT C LU B J AC KSON VILLE P ERSIAN S OCIETY K ALAM AZOO C AT C LU B K EYSTON E S TATE C AT C LU B M ARION P ERSIAN S OCIETY M ONTREAL C AT F ANCIERS ' C LUB O HIO S TATE P ERSIAN C LU B O MAHA P ERSIAN C AT S OCIETY O TTAW A C AT C LU B T HE P ERSIAN C AT C LU B O F A MERIC A T AM PA C AT C LU B T EX AS C AT C LU B T O LEDO C AT C LU B Registrations Accepted and Compiled by Recorder. Rules for Registration in the Stud Book Sec 1. Cats and Kittens may be entered in the Stud Book of this Association in accordance with the following con ditions: Rule 1. When the sire and dam have been properly regis tered in (a) the Stud-Book of this Association; (b) the United States Official Register and Stud -Book; (c) the Beresford at Club Stud Book; (d) the National Cat Club Book, or, (e) the Cat Club Register of England. Rule 2. When the sire and dam are of the same breed and registered in the Stud Book of the American Cat Association under rules that conform with those of this Association. Rule 3. When the sire or dam shall have won a full championship in England under the Rules of the National Cat Club or the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, or in America under, or in accordance with, the Rules of this Association, no further tracing back of the pedigree of that particular ancestor shall be necessary. Rule 4. When the sire and dam and the grandsires and granddams are of the same breed and properly registered in the Register of the Association, or in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 5. When the cat shows three top crosses of sires of one breed properly registered in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 6. When a cat shall have won a full championship under the Rules of this Association. Rule 7. When cats are imported from European countries, provided that they can show six ancestors of the same breed, divided between the sire's and dam's pedigrees, which are properly registered in one of the Books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 8. Persians, Manx, Siamese, Australi an, Russian, and Abyssinian cats may be entered in the Stud Book, when imported direct from the country of their nativity, upon proof of that fact. Explanations of Abbreviations L. H. – Longhaired. B. C. C. – Beresford Cat Club. A. C. A. – American Cat Ass'n. C. F. A. – Cat Fanciers' Ass'n. * – C. F. A. Stud Book. ** – C. F. A. Register. *** – C. F. A. Kitten Register. S. H. – Shorthaired. U. S. R. – United States Register. N. C. C. – National Cat Club. C. C. R. – Cat Club Register. Ch. – Champion. Imp. – Imported. S TU D BOO K OF THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Entries are arranged alphabetically under colors. Long-Haired White *5183. BALL OF SNOW. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 2, 1919. Bred by Mrs. K. E. Schneyder, Philadelphia, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Bender, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Little Brother *3162. D AM , Leslie of Lynn *3788. *4813. BIANCA BANDERSNATCH. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born December 24, 1920. Bred by Miss Laura Green, Closter, N. J. Owner, Mrs. M. Schwarting, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783. D AM , Kitty Ki ** 3180 by Lovet **3178, ex Snow Birdie **3179. *4543. CEDAR CLIFFE JONA SHIRAZ. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Deep copper eyes. Born April 25, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Mildred T. Sheridan, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Azure Shiraz *659. D AM , Sheila Azulita **1782 by Wawayanda Starlight *1369, ex Persis **1387 by Shadow Knight of Malta, ex Persia **1505. *4542. CEDAR-CLIFFE NINKE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born February, 1921. Bred by Miss Mildred T. Sheridan. Owner, Mrs. M. Schwarting, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Prince Polaris *3665. D AM , The Spring Maid *1396. *4933. CHANDOS FAIRYE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 3, 1919. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Woodland Sir Knight, A. C. A. 3744, by Sir Knight, A. C. A. 2567, ex Melrose Harvette. (See *3238, vol. 6, p. 17.) D AM , Woodland Splendor, A. C. A. 3985, by Crystal White Impression, ex White Perrolette (Imp.) Crystal 8 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK White Impression by Columbine White Friar, *811, ex Lady Somerset. 6 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5068. CHANDOS LYLAC. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female, White. Blue eyes. Born October 12, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Calvyn, *4065. D AM , Chandos Fairye *4933. *5178. CHI CHI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born Spring, 1915. Bred by Mrs. Van Meter. Owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , King Zar, A. C. A. 1668, by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Queen Juliette, A. C. A. 4667. Turpaz by Boody Eyes, A. C. A. 188, ex Lady Katherine, B. C. C. 462. Queen Juliette by Zal, Jr., ex Buster James. (See *4467, vol. 8.) D AM , Sis Hopkins by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Tabitha Tufty Toes, A. C. A. 550. *4675. CHINA PUSS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born November, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Paul Stockton. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Endymoyson, G. C. C. F. 5839, by Endymoyne, A. C. A. 2358, ex White Jacqueline **4674 by Napoleon II., ex Whittie. Napoleon II. by Don Giovanni's Napoleon, A. C. A. 1709, ex Zan Cee, A. C. A. 2772. Whittie by Gay Huessar (sic – Hussar) , ex Delores. D AM , Baby Wendella, A. C. A. 3718, by Pearl Cupid, N. C. C. 2271, ex Ch. Wendella IV., A. C. A. 1707. (See *3976, vol. 7, p. 16.) *4481. DELICIA III. (Rules 1, 4 and.5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mrs. E. George, Plateau, Ala. Former owner, Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276, A. C. A. 3433. D AM , Kilravock Delicia II. *4180. *4480. DICKY BOY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Elizabeth George, Plateau, Ala. Former owner, Mrs. E. O. Roberts. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Delicia II. *4180. C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK 7 *4415. DONNA LEONA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh. Miss Edith G. Howard, Ottawa , Ont. Owner, E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Delicia II. *4180. *4676. DRUMGOLD ROSE OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 24, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. M. T. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Rounton Perlmutter *2492. D AM , Rounton Moss Rose *1708. *4878. DULCE CHINITA. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born Spring, 1919. Bred by Mrs. G. W. Smith. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Kinley. S IRE , Kilravock Don Ascanio, A. C. A. 437, by Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1270, ex Kilravock Lady Eiderdown by Kilravock Eiderdown *1821, ex Kilravock Flippity *1811. D AM , Donna Zamena, A. C. C. 3532, by Ch. King of the Snow *4514, ex Peg of the Snow, A. C. A. 2551, by Cumberland Friar A. C. A. 2495 *1368, ex Ambolena Snow, A. C. A. 2102. *4266. EIDERDOWN ANNANZIE BEE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Orange eyes. Born April 13, 1920. Breeder, Mrs. M. Warfel. Owner, Mrs. Knight. S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3417. D AM , Kilravock Faustina of Eiderdown *3527. *4446. EIDERDOWN PATSIE DILL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Copper eyes. Born September 7, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. R. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, M. Simmons, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3 417. D AM , Kilravock Faustina of Eiderdown *3527. *4672. EUNISON (Champion). (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule S.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 4, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Paul Stockton. Owner, Mrs. Henrietta A. Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. Former owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennison, Texas. 8 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK S IRE , Powder Puff by Bun Nero, ex Impic. Nero by Zal H., ex Victorine. Zal II. by Zal I., A. C. A. 488, ex Melba, A. C. A. 990. Victorine by Valdemar White, A. C. A. 2012, ex Beauty. Impic by Snow Prince, A. C. A. 1523, ex Doris. Snow Prince by Sunburst II., A. C. A. 777, ex Wendella III., A.C.A. 11. Doris by Don Jose, ex Ida May. D AM , Baby Wendella, A. C. A. 3718, by Pearl Cupid, N. C. C. 2271, ex Ch. Wendella IV., A. C. A. 1707. (See *3976, vol. 7, p. 16.) Wins: First and Winner, Dallas, 1921; Tampa, 1922; Detroit, 1922. *5064. EVERETTE OF ERIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. H. A. Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. Former owner, Mrs. M. T. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Jane Bandersnatch **4496. *4778. GERTRUDE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Brown eyes. Born May 5, 1917. Owner, Mrs. C. Dubard. S IRE , Snowflake Tuxedo *2369. (Transferred, vol. 7.) D AM , Columbine Lady Pearl *2288. *4698. GOVERNOR CAPPER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born Spring, 1921. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , King Bar Sin *4492. D AM , Ladd's Pride of the Morning *4696. *4140. HELEN OF TROY. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born September, 1918. Breeder, Mrs. E. H. Lemley. Owner, Mrs. G. A. Harley, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Crown Prince of Pearls, A. C. A. 2872, by Cayuga Laddie, A. C. A. 422, ex Melrose Harvette, A. C. A. 2871. (See *3238, vol. 6, p. 17.) D AM , Princess Bright **3972. *4826. HUMBUG. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Alice Judge, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Puff of Smoke **1995. Blue Male Owned by Mrs. Edna Mc Alvay CH. SIR ZIP * 4584 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4352. JARUSIA. 9 (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born, September 20, 1919. Bred by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. Owner, Mrs. Ira McGlann, Caddo Mills, Texas. S IRE , Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100, A. C. A. 3701. D AM , Nihla **3986. *4800. JUDY CHATTERTON II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Wallace C. Day, Springfield, Mass. S IRE , Prince of Vail *3811. D AM , Judy Chatterton **4799 by Prince David *3046, ex: Moonwinks *3294. *3811. KATAHDIN PRINCE OF VAIL. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May 16, 1918. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh. Owner, Mrs. Agnes Pierce, Hudson, Mass. Former owner, Miss Dorothy Summers. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Magnolia Fedora *2641. *4498. KILRAVOCK BARBOROS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh. Owner, Mrs. H. B. Fuller, Windsor, Vt. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff *1052. D AM , Kilravock Donna Fiorella *3954. *4180. KILRAVOCK DELICIA II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 18, 1919. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Kilravock Delicia *1600. *4862. KILRAVOCK DONNA ANGELICA. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 6, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Little Pretty by Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134, ex Kilravock Delicia *1600. *4111. KILRAVOCK DONNA CORONA. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 12, 1917. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Lady Eiderdown by Kilravock Eiderdown *1821, ex Kilravock Flippity *1811. 10 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4855. KILRAVOCK ECSTASY. (Rules 1 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 2, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Kilravock Exquisite *3980. *3982. KILRAVOCK EXCELLENCY. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Born May 18, 1919. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mr, R. H. Rush Toland. Former owner Mrs. McKelvey. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Kilravock Delicia *1600. *3980. KILRAVOCK EXQUISITE. (Transfer from Kitten Register) (Rules 1, 4 and 6 L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 29, 1919. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5153. KILRAVOCK LADY ANN MASON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mrs. T. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Excellency *3982. D AM , Kilravock Exquisite *3980. *5181. KILRAVOCK PEGALBA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born April 23, 1921. Bred by Miss Jennie R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Magnolia III. *776. *5118. KILRAVOCK PRINCESS WHIFFENPUFF. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff *1052. D AM , Kilravock Donna Fiorella *3984. *2134. KILRAVOCK RADIANCE. Champion. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born 1914. Bred by Owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Eiderdown *1821. D AM , Kilravock Donna Carrola *1275. Wins: First and Winner, Empire, 1916; Atlantic, 1917; Empire, 1919; Empire, 1920; Empire, 1921 . C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 11 *4126. KILRAVOCK RADIANT MAID. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 18, 1919. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Kilravock Delicia *1600. *4856. KILRAVOCK RHAPSODY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 2, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Kilravock Exquisite *3980. *4336. KING FRIAR. Champion. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born March 28, 1918. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Hardy. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Knight *1903. D AM , Woodland Fairy Queen, A. C. A. 4119, by Ch. Sir Friar, A. C. A. 336, *570, ex Blue Eyed Lady, A. C. A. 1516. Blue Eyed Lady by Sir Friar, ex Bluette B., A. C. A. 553. Wins: First and Winner: Toledo, 1 920; Cleveland, 1922; Indianapolis, 1922. *5194. KING LINARIA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. Gamerdinger. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Brockway, Farmington, Conn. S IRE , Don Leonardo, A. C. A. 3531, by Ch. King of t he Snow *4514, ex Peg of the Snow, A. C. A. 2551, by Cumberland Friar *1368, A. C. A. 2495, ex Ambolena Snow, A. C. A. 2102. D AM , Kitty Kyle *4063. *4467. KING OF BUTLER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born 1914. Bred by Mrs. Walton, Butler, Mo. Owner, Mrs. John Seese, Butler, Mo. S IRE , King Klinko Mallory, A. C. A. 2380, by Ch. King Zar, A. C. A., 1668, ex Queen Juliette, A. C. A. 1667. King Zar by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Queen Juliette, A. C. A. 1667. Queen Juliette by Zal, Jr., ex Buster James. D AM , Queenie II. by King Klinko Mallory, A. C. A. 2380, ex Queenie I., by Patty Boy, A. C. A. 2248, ex Princess Margaret, A. C. A., 2109. Patty Boy by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Liebling, A. C. A. 1233. Princess Margaret by Beautiful William, ex Lady May. 12 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4514. KING OF THE SNOW. (Champion). A. C. A. 2550. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born April 26, 1914. Bred by Mrs. J. E. McMahon. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King Zar, A. C. A. 1668, by Turpaz, A. C. A. 656, ex Queen Juliette, A. C. A. 1667. (See *4467.) D AM , Walpurga, A. C. A. 1410, by Ch. Buster Bright, B. C. C. 880, ex Liebling, A. C. A. 1233. Liebling by Red Knight, A. C. A. 670, ex Tabitha Tufty Toes, A. C. A. 550. Wins: First and Winner, Aurora, 1915; Beresford, 1916; Kansas City, January, 1916; Kansas City, December, 1916; Toledo, 1916; Fremont, 1917; Dallas, 1920. *4149. KING PETER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born November 10, 1912. Breeder, Barr Persian Cattery. Owner, Miss Maud Nye, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Teddy Beal, A. C. A. 1123, by General Jacqueminot, A. C. A., 301. Ex Moyana by Buster Bright, B. C. C. 880, ex Marigold, A. C. A. 357. D AM , Butterfly, A. C. A. 945, by Melrose Dick Whittington, A. C. A. 944, ex Lady Flower. Dick Whittington by Swastika Sunburst, ex Guinevere, B. C. C. 189, by Lord Gwynne, B. C. C. 126, ex Lady Mertice, B. C. C. 134. Lady Flower by Asia Minor, ex Princess Lola. Asia Minor by Light of Asia, B. C. C. 449, ex White Lilac, B. C. C. 431. Princess Lola by White Fez, B. C. C. 802, ex Lady Beautiful. *4834. LADD'S ANGEL WING. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 15, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Ladd's Snow Bride I. **4464. *4696. LADD'S PRIDE OF THE MORNING. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born March 15,1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514, A. C. A. 2550. D AM , Ladd's Snow Bride I. **4464. *4468. LADD'S SNOW BRIDE II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born March 31, 1920. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 13 Owner, Mr. John Seese, Butler, Mo. S IRE , Don Leonardo, A. C. A. 3531, by Ch. King of the Snow, A. C. A. 2550, *4514, ex Peg of the Snow, A. C. A. 2551. Peg of the Snow by Cumberland Frier, A. C. A. 2495, *1368, ex Ambolena Snow, A. C. A. 2102, by Buster ex Fluffy Ruffles. D AM , Ladd's Snow Bride **4464, by Rody, A. C. A. 3041, ex Princess Fredericka **4329. Rody by Cumberland Friar, A. C. A. 2495, ex Ruby, A. C. A. 2653. Ruby by My Dearest, A. C. A. 2256, ex Princess Patta. My Dearest by Patty Boy, A. C. A. 2248, ex My Sweetheart, A. C. A. 2107. *4753. LADY EVANGELINE OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *3983. D AM , Purritta III. *4176. *5090. LADY MESSALINE. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born July, 1914. Bred by Mrs. Albert Butler. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Sir Friar *570, A. C. A. 336, by Blue Eyed Sirdar, ex Lady Teazel, A. C. A. 201. D AM , Chrysanthemum Lady Buster, A. C. A. 993, by Lord Gwynne, B. C. C. 126, ex Chrysanthemum One -Two, A. C. A. 992, by Royal Norton, ex Bessie Norton. *4125. LADY PITT OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 26, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. D AM , Pittsburgh Hope *2674. *3906. LA FRONZIE BELLE OF EIDERDOWN. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 24, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , Lord Jehan de Rezeit *1507. D AM , Accushla *2936. *4697. LILA LUELLA. (Rules, 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born September, 1920. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Ladd's Pride of the Morning *4696. 14 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *2170. LORD STRATHCOMA. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born May 27, 1914. Bred by owner, Mrs. Guy Thomas. S IRE , Hallet **1745. D AM , Beverly *501. *4604. MAJOR BOY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. Owner, Mrs. N. A. Yetman, Millvillage, N. H. S IRE , Snowy Boy *2240. D AM , Pinecroft Peerless Pearl *4449. *4302. MAJOR WHITE FANG. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born March 18, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Eva M. Barnett, Canton, O. S IRE , Pittsburgh Lucky Boy *3923. D AM , Pittsburgh Miss Purity *3957. *4853. MISS TA-WOO OF CAMDENTOWN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 10, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. T. Warrington, Camden, N. J. S IRE , White Cloud **1032. D AM , Lady Rebecca **2115. *4835. MR. MARY PICKFORD OF ROSELYNN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Copper eyes. Born April 15,1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Ladd's Angel Wing *4834. *4951. OBADIAH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born May 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Eva M. Barnett. Owner, Mr. James W. Stackpole, Canton, O. S IRE , Major White Fang *4302. D AM , Lady Dolly Barnett, A. C. A. 4402, b y Prince Creamo, A. C. A. 3622, ex Betty Snow, A. C. A. 2508. Prince Creamo by Beauty, ex Pinkie. Betty Snow by Sir Snow Slocum, A. C. A. 2507, ex: Sylvia Snow. *4801. OXONIAN AVISPA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Madge M. Crouch, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Oxonian Pearl White *2351. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 15 *4194. OXONIAN ISMENE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 30,1918. Bred by Mrs. M. M. Crouch. Owner, Miss Elizabeth McKelvey. S IRE , Lovett **3178 by Brushwood Spike, A. C. A. 1816, ex Princess Lovetta **3177. Brushwood Spike by Brushwood Paris, ex Francesca. D AM , Oxonian Pearl White *2351. *4716. OXONIAN JACK O' JOY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Madge M. Crouch, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mr. L. S. Maxwell, Johnston, S. C. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Oxonian Pearl White *2351. *4733. PEACOCK NIXOLA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Gold eyes. Born April 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. C. O. Schaffer. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Unsell, Frankfort, Mo. S IRE , Ponto, A. C. A. 3823, by Bobbie S., A. C. A. 3324, ex: Tootsie Toodles, A. C. A. 3806. D AM , Albion Babe, A. C. A. 2604, by Albion, A. C. A. 1319, ex: Coleen II. Albion by Sir Friar, A. C. A. 336, ex Elizabeth II. Coleen II. by Albion, ex Coleen. *5119. PEERLESS PRINCE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. Owner, Mrs. Elizabeth George, Plateau, Ala. S IRE , Snowy Boy *2240. D AM , Pinecroft Peerless Pearl II. *4449. *4854. PETER GINK OF CAMDENTOWN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born August 5, 1919. Bred by Owner, Mrs. L. T. Warrington, Camden, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Miss Ta Woo of Camdentown *4853. *4142. PINECROFT'S PADRONE PARAMOUNT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Deep blue eyes. Sound bearing. Born February 22, 1916. Breeder, Mrs. R. L. Testrail. Owner, Mrs. E. P. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. S IRE , Laddie Lee **4137 by Sir Roland Glengary Imp. ex English Silver Belle **4139. Sir Roland by Ch. Lord Silvercoat of Arrandale, ex Sirvel Glossie of Arrandale. Lord Silvercoat by Rob Roy of Arrandale (see *1310, Vol. 3, p. 57), ex Meadsgate Moth. 16 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK D AM , Sweetheart T. **4138 by Leo's King Cotton **41 40, ex Silver Zaida **4141. Leo's King Cotton by Leo, ex Queenie. Leo by Ch. Marcus, U. S. R., ex Elizabeth. Marcus by California Paris, B. C. C. 947, ex Maizee Sunshine, B. C. C. 946. Elizabeth by Japan, ex Susie. *4451. PINECROFT'S PAL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born April 9, 1919. Bred by Pinecroft Place Kennels, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. D. I. Ortego, Ville Platte, La. S IRE , Pinecroft's Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4146. *4136. PINECROFT'S PEERLESS PEARL. (Rule 3.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born May 4, 1915. Bred by Mrs. Edith M. Davis. Owner, Mrs. E. P. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. Former owner, Mrs. W. B. Teague. S IRE , Pearl Cupid, G. C. C. F. 2271. (See *3976, Vol. 7, p. 16.) D AM , Ch. Wendella IV., A. C. A. 1707. (See *3976, Vol. 7, p. 16.) *4449. PINECROFT'S PEERLESS PEARL II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 31, 1920. Bred by Prinecroft (sic) Place Kennels, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. O. E. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. S IRE , Pinecroft's Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4136. *4453. PINECROFT'S PEPPER POT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 16, 1920. Bred by Pinecroft Place Kennels, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Miss Grace Haines, Spokane, Wash. S IRE , Pinecroft's Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4136. *4143. PINECROFT PLENIPOTENTIARY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyed. Sound hearing. Born June 17, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. P. Williams, Op portunity, Wash. S IRE , Pinecroft Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft Prima Pussywillow *4135. *4448. PINECROFTS PRETTY PEARL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Pinecroft Place Kennels, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. E. Haywood Parker, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Pinecroft's Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4136. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 17 *5107. POLAR KING II. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Copper eyes. Born April 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Leala Jones. Owner, Mrs. E. A. Wildermouth, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Silver Argent Laddie, A. C. A. 4684, by Billy Boy, ex Silver Donna II., A. C. A. 4098. Billy Boy, by Silver King Buster, ex Estredla (sic) del Norte. Silver Donna II., by Sir Patrick, A. C. A. 2079, ex Lady Lynette. (in the studbook, this was all a run -on list under Sire, with a comma after 4098, and no punctuation between Norte and Silver Donna II.) D AM , Lady Gray of Aldermoor, A. C. A. 4616, by King Don of Aldermoor, ex Julia. King Don, by Troll King, A. C. A. 2310, ex Aldermoor Madonna *2129. Julia by Chief Joseph, A. C. A. 3468, ex Bonnie. (See *4000, Vol. 7, p. 16.) *4176. PURRITA III. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Born May, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Emily Olson. Owner, Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. S IRE , Chief Joseph, A. C. A. 3468, by Ch. Kilravock Don Giovanni* (sic) , ex Princess Josephine, A. C. A. 2582, by Don Giovanni Napoleon, A. C. A. 1709, ex Yan Cee, A. C. A. 2772. D AM , Purrita II. by Chief Joseph, A. C. A. 3468, ex Purrita I. **1337. *3952. QUEEN MARGARET. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 15, 1919. Bred by Mrs. J. M. Simson. Owner, Mrs. Margaret E. Brown, Woodhaven, L. I. S IRE , Captain Smith *3066. D AM , Topsy, by Ch. Chappie Boy *1811, ex Bijou, A. C. A . 819, by Democracy *206, ex Fluffy Ruffles II. *5176. QUEEN ESTER. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Eva Wolleson. Owner, Mrs. AT. E. Sturgill, Winfield, Kan. S IRE , Doctor Spook, A. C. A. 4221, by White Mis t **1933, ex Lady Topsy, A. C. A. 3489. Lady Topsy, by White Mist **1933, ex Belle of Wichita, A. C. A. 3467. D AM , Miss Oddette, A. C. A. 4221, by Snowman Laddie, A. C. A. 2961, ex Fantan, A. C. A. "363, by Truxton King, A. C. A. 2657, ex Lady Patricia 2348. Snowman Laddie, by Cayuga Laddie, A. C. A. 422. (See *1952, Vol. 5, p. 49), ex Daisy Gwynne, A. C. A. 1763. 18 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4524. QUEEN OF THE MONKS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Deep amber eyes. Born October 31, 1912. Bred by Owner, Mrs. G. B. Kerr, McComb, Ohio. S IRE , Little Monk, A. C. A. 4561, by Ch. White Monk, A. C. A. 246, ex Bon Bon. Bon Bon, by Omar Khayyam, ex White Fluff. D AM , Mistress Fluff, A. C. A. 2969, by Little Monk, A. C. A. 4561, ex Sis White, by Sonny, ex Muff. *4261. SIR ROBERT LYNN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Copper eyes. Born March 25, 1920. Bred by owner, Edna B. Doughty, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *2803. D AM , Leslie of Lynn *3788. *4121. SLAYTON LADY FLUFF. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Light blue eyes. Born February 12, 1917. Breeder, Mrs. M. W. Merchant. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Dumon, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Aurora Prince **4072. D AM , Aurora Queen Louise, A. C. A. 2540, by Sir Mignon, A. C. A. 2396, ex Brushwood Beauty, A. C. A. 984. Sir Mignon by Geneva Silver King, A. C. A. 2395, e x Sylvia Snow. Geneva Silver King by Buddie, A. C. A. 850, ex Pert Sylvia Snow by Asia Minor, ex White Lady. *4371. SNOW BEAR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born April 4, 1920. Bred by Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Owner, Mrs. Jesse Ellsworth, Oskaloosa , Iowa. S IRE , Prince Snow Fleece *3904. D AM , Princess Josephine **3903. *4183. SUN KOW ELIZABETH ANNE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born July 20, 1920. Breeder, Sun Kow Kennels. Owner, Mrs. Grace Powell. S IRE , Lovett **3178, A. C. A. 2544. D AM , Snow Birdie *3179. *4934. SULTANABAD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. M. E. Brown. Owner, Mrs. Grace Wexler, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Queen Margaret **3952. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 19 *4616. SWANSDOWN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born March 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Donnelly. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Clappart, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Jack Horner **4614, by Snowflake Tuxedo **2369, ex Sister Brown **4612. Snowflake Tuxedo by Snowflake Friar Tyke *892, ex Columbine Lady Thelma *1897. D AM , Honey Lady **4615, by Patsy Bailey **4613, ex Columbine Lady Pearl *2288. *4991. TANTALIZER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Born April, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. L. K. Williams, El Paso, Texas. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Ch. Wendella V. *3976. *4384. TEXAS SAMMIE. (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Dark blue eyes. Born July 4, 1916. Owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Tom Boy **4601 by Enrico **4595, ex Patience **4596. D AM , Kitty Katt **4600 by Marcus R. **4598, ex: Princess R. **4599. *4351. TEXIE SUN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born May 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. Owner, Mrs. Ira McGlann, Caddo Mills, Texas. S IRE , King Peter *4149. D AM , Slayton Lady Fluff, *4121, A. C. A. 3700. *4408. WHITE WINGS III. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 20, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young. Owner, Miss Maud Farrer, Orange, Va. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Ch. Wendella V. *3976. *4665. THE WHITE SHAH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Owner, Miss E. G. Howard, Ottawa, Ont. S IRE , Snowy Boy *2240. D AM , Pinecroft Peerless Pearl II. *4449. 20 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Black *4112. AMAGANSETT GIRL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Chas. F. Haines. Owner, Mrs. R. E. Miller, Amagansett, N. Y. S IRE , Bobwhite of Keewaydin *2159. D AM , Hyacinth *1370. *4719. ARNELLA PRIDE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born May, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38. — Note: no reference to Arnoldthorpeson under *2897!!) D AM , Jane Pride *3996. *4786. BELL'S DON PEDRO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born April 27, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Charlotte Brown. Owner, Mrs. Susanna Bell, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. The Conqueror, A. C. A. 1822, **2791. D AM , Jolly Judy **4785 by Yanni **4783, ex Chick -a-Dee **4784. *4470. BELLE HAVEN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born March 31, 1918. Bred by Mrs. C. T. Haines. Owner, Mrs. L. G. Olsey, Larchmont, N. Y. S IRE , Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160. D AM , Hyacinth *1370. *4380. BLACK BRIAR OF CLAREMONT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 12, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Ida Eckert. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Seeds, Altoona, Pa. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2970, by Ch. Erebus *996, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Princess Chap **4378 by Prince Black Chap **4379, ex Pucetta **4377. Prince Black Chap by Cherub, ex Fluffa. Cherub by Omar, ex Pansy. Pucetta by Ch. Neila Billi II. of Thorpe, ex Billie Burke. Billie Burke by San Toy II., ex Fluffy. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 21 *4375. BLACK KNIGHT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born June 16, 1920. Bred by Mr. O. J. Heinz. Owner, Mrs. Chuster, Yonkers, N. Y. Former owner, Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. S IRE , Lord Pontius II. *3774. D AM , Black Velvet *2933. *5148. BLACK MAGIC. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male, Black. Orange eyes. Born November 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. George Brayton. Owner, Mrs. Fred Smee, St. Catharines, Ont. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2970. (See *4399.) D AM , The Temptress, A. C. A. 2650, by Ch. The Backwell Jest, A. C. A. 1642, *1836, ex Kewt Willow, A. C. A. 1840. Kewt Willow by Kewlocke *362, ex Wee Willow II. Wee Willow II. by Shah in Shah *318, ex Wee Wee Willow. *4983. BLACK WITCH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Amber eyes. Born August 10, 1913. Bred by Mrs. Chase. Owner, Mrs. Fred Smee, St. Catharines, Ont. S IRE , Kerzan, A. C. A. 3803, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Pixie. Rahman, Jr., by Rahman *1811, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) Pixie by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Fluff. Prince Ahmed by Boy Beautiful II., ex Bonne Jacquette. Fluff by Rahman, ex Sallie. D AM , Cindy, A. C. A. 3804, by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Queen Pouf. (See *3897). *4430. BONITA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 13, 1920. Bred by Mrs. P. L. Bonner. Owner, Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer, Downin gton, Pa. S IRE , Thorpe Eyolf of Avonlea *3492. D AM , Dove *3189. *4179. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born Spring, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. C. Bobbitt, Kansas City, Kans. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, by Red Lantana **1478, ex Scotchie *1974. D AM , Lavendar Lady, A. C. A. 2920, by Ch. Sea Foam *2014, A. C. A. 2860, ex Lady Bug, A. C. A. 3443, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2177, ex Chiquita. Tiger by King Frisby, ex Flossie. Chiquita by The Red Knight, A. C. A. 670, e x Angelica. 22 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4521. CHAPO CORI. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 10, 1920. Bred by Greenwich Kennels. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Lockhart, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Polly Peachum Pertinax *2809. *4370. CRICQUET. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , The Pirate *3593. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *4399. DAINTY NOIR. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born April 30, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , Ch. O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670, by Ch. Erebus *996, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872, by Rahman *1091, ex Rahmandale Queen Pouf. Queen Pouf by King Jet, A. C. A. 780, ex Fritsie Fresh, A. C. A. 845. King Jet by Albert Edward, A. C. A. 188, ex Queen Fluff. D AM , Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243, by The Conqueror **2791, A. C. A. 3217, ex Millemetie, G. C. C. F. 6240, by, Colonial Robin, A. C. A. 1391, ex Trixie from Dixie. Colonial Robin by Robin Fawe, A. C. A. 1831, ex Colonial Girl. Robin Fawe by Ch. Robin, ex Tortie Diana Fawe, A. C. A. 98. Colonial Girl by Ch. Saratoga Osirio, B. C. C. 915, ex: Princess Goldie, B. C. C. 937. *4953. DON CARLO KARA II. OF THE BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born September 21, 1921. Breeder, Miss Alice Moulder. Owner, Mrs. Jas. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , King Coreopsis *3839. D AM , Susie Redlum **4949. *4818. DUKE OF THE MOORS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Green eyes. Born November 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Wallace Elder. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Queen Peggy by Black Mandy, A. C. A. 2030, ex Girle by Holden Silverkin *2356. Black Mandy by Beaucaire II., ex Thornita, A. C. A. 252. Thornita by Black Thorn, A. C. A. 251, ex Blackberry Fawe, A. C. A. 108. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 23 *5095. DUSKY DUCHESS OF GOSFIELD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Mrs. Joan McFarland. Former owner, Gosfield Kennels, Cottam, Ont. Former owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2970. (See *4399.) D AM , Arnella Pride *4719. *4704. EBON AVIS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. L. Travis. Owner, Mrs. Wm. Neahring, Norfolk, Neb. S IRE , Ace of Ace, A. C. A. 3980, by Red Wolf, G. C. C. F. 5512, **5463, ex Betty Bunn, A. C. A. 3385. Red Wolf by Lord Bob Bice, ex Pitti Sing ***2497. Lord Bob Bice by King George, ex Queen Dapplydinny (sic – Dappledinny) **3847. Betty Bunn by Romeof, ex Lady Peggy. Romeof by Tiger, ex Gypsy Catherine Lady Peggy by Ch. Buster Bright B.C.C. 880 , ex Lady Betty Reinecke A.C.A. 672 . D AM , Georgette by Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, ex Boo Peep by Fairie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin ***2513 by Billy Button of Emberton *1378, ex Hyacinth *1270. *4831. EBONIE WINIFRED BLACK III. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Deep orange eyes. Born July 20, 1918. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Hartman. Owner, Mrs. J. J. Lynn, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ebonie Tarzan, A. C. A. 3078, by Earl of Dundee, A. C. A. 2708, ex Tanna. Earl of Dundee by Kawon I. *1577, ex Queen Ebonie. Tanna by Jicky II., A. C. A. 827, ex Otania. D AM , Ebonie Winifred Black II., A. C. A. 3657, by Jicky II., A. C. A. 827, ex Ebonie Winifred Black I., A. C. A. 3002. Jicky II. by Jicky I., A. C. A. 826, ex Fernland Suta. Ebonie Winifred Black I. by Kawon *1577, ex Ebonie Queen, A. C. A. 2245, by Darkness, A. C. A. 1418, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 474. *4653. ECCO EREBUS OF GOSFIELD. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born June 25, 1920. Bred by Miss H. J. McCoun, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. C. M. Goodrich, Cottam, Ont., Canada. S IRE , Erebus-Americus *3444. D AM , Eleanor *3697. 24 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4743. ETHIOPIAN QUEEN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Jenkins. Owner, Mrs. O. C. Albers, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Nookie *4602. *4964. GOODMAN YANKEE. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 26, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670. (See *4399.) D AM , Dainty Noir *4399. *4649. HOOSIER THUNDERCLOUD. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes. Born February 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lockwood. Owner, The Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Former owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670. (See *4399.) D AM , Princess Walla Walla **4726 by Royal Kashan **4724, ex Mary Pickford **4725. Royal Kashan by Sir David, A. C. A. 1650, ex Blue Muff ***1490. Sir David by Don O'Dreams *432, ex Pussen. Blue Muff by Sir David, A. C. A. 1050, ex Lady Pussy Willow, A. C. A. 1541. *4879. JOHN PRIDE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born March 30, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Hattie McCoun, O yster Bay, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Jane Pride *3996. *4303. KING LEO REXO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born October 14, 1919. Bred by Miss Harriet McCoun. Owner, Miss Georgette Bell. Former owner, Miss Laura T. Green. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Jane Pride *3996. *4322. KING TOKIO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 12, 1918. Bred by Mr. R. Arthur Hasbrouck. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet, Dallas, Texas. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 25 S IRE , Zucato, A. C. A. 3582, by Earle of Dundee, A. C. A. 2708, ex Melrose Zeresch, A. C. A. 2709. Earle of Dundee by Kawon I. *1316, A. C. A. 1577, ex Queen Ebonie, A. C. A. 2345. Melrose Zeresch by Peer Gynt, A. C. A. 412, ex Poppy. D AM , Pittsburgh Beauty, A. C. A. 3552, by Bokhara *1964, ex Miss Ophelia by Sterling Sensation, ex Dyhanna. *4212. LADY BLACK WING OF THE BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 24, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Jas. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Don Carlo Karo *2302. D AM , Queen Hebeca *3838. *4851. LADY FREDONNA OF ROSELYNN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. J. Lynn, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince Othello **4051. D AM , Ebonie Winifred Black III. *4831. *4746. LADY PETCHINLA. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 14, 1920. Bred by owner, Gosfield Kennels, Cottam, Ont. S IRE , Tonikatoo, A. C. A. 4107, by Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925, ex Betty Goodrich **4744. D AM , Fresine Goodrich **4745, A. C. A. 4108, by Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925, ex Betty Goodrich **4744. *5044. LILA ROOKE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 8, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Simpson. Owner, Mrs. Ada M. Smith, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. The Prince of Darkness *4337. D AM , Queen Sill, A. C. A. 3829, by Sir Holton of Ffernworth, A. C. A. 2547, ex Chamain *3209. Sir Holton by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Ffernworth Tan Gerene, A. C. A. 2368. *4816. LINCOLN THEODORE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born February 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Robinson. Owner, Mrs. Sarah J. Wilmott, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , I. J. K. Smoker *3108. D AM , Luella of Rose Cottage **4812. *4812. LUELLA OF ROSE COTTAGE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 2, 1918. Bred by Owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Glen Morris, L. I. S IRE , Coldstream Rex **2648. D AM , Queen Isabella of Rose Cottage **3011. 26 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4788. MIDNIGHT MISCHIEF. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born July 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Olive Hills, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Eric H. Palmer, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Bell's Don Pedro *4786. D AM , Home Brew *4219. *4328. MIKADO.' (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Golden eyes. Born March 22, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. R. Wilson, Paterson, N. J. S IRE , Rumson Othello *1371. D AM , Sentimental Mollie **1977 by Sentimental Tommy **2291, ex Molly Bawn **1911. *4087. NIGGER BABY. (Champion). (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 8.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. Effie B. Dowling, Cleveland. S IRE , Black Persian Cat. D AM , Muggins. Wins: First and Winner, Cleveland, 1918, 1919; Pittsburgh, 1920; Cleveland, 1922. *4632. NITA NALDI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Golden eyes. Born March 24, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Kate C. Cortright. Owner, G. Vernon Gable, Plant City, Fla. S IRE , Blue Jacket II., A. C. A. 2941, by Ch. Sea Foam *2014, ex Patsy Bolliver **1251. D AM , Ebonie Winifred Black III. *4813. *4366. NO ROMUS. (Rules 1, 4 and Fi.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , The Pirate *3593. D AM , Queen Minnetta, *3852. *4929. ORIENTAL. (Rules 1 Find 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born August, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. E. Dee. Owner, Mrs. E. B. Bradshaw. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Gypsie Doodle *4443. *4252. OXONIAN RAMA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born March 8, 1920. Breeder, Mrs. F. H. Rowland. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 27 Owner, Mrs. Madge M. Crouch, New York. S IRE , Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, by Rahman *1811, A. C. A. 947, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *38 97, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Beaba by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Rahmandale Chloe. Prince Ahmed by Boy Beautiful II., A. C. A. 2442, ex Bonnie Jaquette, A. C. A. 2467. (See *3897.) Boy Beautiful II. by Lord Byron of Devon, A. C. A. 129, ex Punget, A. C. A. 2140. *4969. PANNA NIGRA SAN OF GOSFIELD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. Owen. Owner, Gosfield Kennels, Windsor, Ont. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2970. (See *4399.) D AM , Arnella Pride *4719. *4165. PAT MALONE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 2, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Fred Stainbrook. Owner, Mrs. Nellie Phinney, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Brubet **3582 by Bruno's Best Boy **1608, A. C. A. 1689, ex Bettine **1852, A. C. A. 980. *4959. PINECROFT'S PANJANDRUM. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born October 28, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. G. Vernon Gable, Plant City, Fla. S IRE , Pinecroft's Pluto, A. C. A. 3896, by Black Thurs day, A. C. A. 3544, ex Pittsburgh Beauty, A. C. A. 3562. Black Thursday by Blue Mooney, A. C. A. 2042, ex Pittsburgh Beauty, A. C. A. 3552. (See *3359, Vol. 7, p. 27.) D AM , Pinecroft's Pomona, A. C. A. 3897, by Little Bear *1226, ex Princess Patti, A. C. A. 3425, by Teddy R., A. C. A. 2406, ex Daphne D., A. C. A. 1225. *5072. PRINCE EBONY OF GLENROWAN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born July 16, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. B. F. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Bedouin of Glenrowan, A. C. A. 375 62 by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Princess Ahmeda by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Queen Pouf **1809. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Winsome of Glenrowan *5071. Wins: First Novice. Winner. Best Black Male. Toronto, C. N. E. 1918. 28 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4337. PRINCE OF DARKNESS. (Champion). (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 27, 1918. Bred by Dr. Mary Cornell. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , King Coal, A. C. A. 1772, by Woodland Othello, A. C. A. 1733, ex Queen Wilhelmina, A. C. A. 1585. Woodland Othello by Raffles, A. C. A. 1387, ex Emmy Lou. Queen Wilhelmina by Black Peter, ex Queenie. D AM , Pansy Nowak, A. C. A. 3243, by Kawon I. *1316, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 1474, by Swastika Tikytwo, A. C. A. 911, ex Daffodilla Nowak. Wins: First & Winner, Toledo, 1920; Indianapolis, 1922; Chicago, 1922. *4727. THE PRINCESS OF DARKNESS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born March 13, 1917. Bred by Mrs. J. J. Nowak. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kawon the First *1316. D AM , Tuli, A. C. A. 1474, by Swastika Tikytwo, A. C. A. 911, ex Daffodil Nowak, A. C. A. 1292. (See *3592, Vol. 7, p. 81.) *4708. QUEEN CHATTERS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Queen Minnetta, *3852. *4369. REMIUS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , The Pirate *3593. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *4981. THE SHEIK. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 30, 1921. Bred by Miss McCoun, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Owner Mrs. Fred Smee, St. Catharines, Ont. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Jane Pride *3996. *4417. SIR THOMAS NOIR OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 4, 1919. Breeder, Mrs. Hodgdon. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Thorpe Eyolf of Avonlea *2924. D AM , Danna, *3491. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5182. SNIP SNAP. 29 (Rule.5.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Lillian Travis, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. E. E. Simmons, Stockton, Kans. S IRE , Ace of Aces, A. C. A. 3980, by Red Wolf **5463, ex Betty B. Betty B. by Romeo, ex Lady Peggy. D AM , Georgette by Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656 (see *4179, ex Bo Peep, by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin (see *5168). *4707. TAMARACK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *4525. TAR BABY GINGERINE II. OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Amber eyes. Born January 21, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley. Owner, Mrs. Carl E. Zeigler, Ellwood City, Pa. S IRE , Thorpe Eyolf of Avonlea *3492. D AM , Tar Baby Gingerine, A. C. A. 3168, by Raffles, A. C. A. 1387, ex Dollie Dimples *1286, A. C. A. 1132. Raffles by Black Bill, ex Roxanne. *4517. TONIKA II. (Champion). (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes. Born March 17, 1917. Bred by Mrs. C. M. Goodrich, Cottam, Ont. Owner, Mrs. E. T. DuBord, Montreal. S IRE , Woodrow Thor, A. C. A. 2925, by Rahman, A. C. A. 947, *1811, ex Altosa II. Altosa II by Billy Baxter, A. C. A. 492, ex Fritzie Fresh, A. C. A. 845. D AM , Betty Goodrich, A. C. A. 4106, **4744 by Woodroe Happy, ex Tum Tum. Wins: First and Winner, Montreal, 1921; Ottawa, 1922; Montreal, 1922. *4963. YANKEE JOY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton , Mass. S IRE , The Conqueror **2791, A. C. A. 3217. D AM , Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243. (See *4399.) *5148. YANKEE QUEEN OF TRUMPS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 4, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , The Conqueror **2791, A. C. A. 3217. (See *4962.) D AM , Yankee Bo Peep by O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670, ex Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243. (See *4399.) 30 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4962. YANKEE TAR BABY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 2, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670, by Ch. Erebus *996, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *4399.) D AM , Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243, by The Conqueror **2791, ex Millimetre, G. C. C. F. 6240, by Coloni al Robin, ex Trixena from Dixie. (See *4399.) Long-Haired Blue *4640. ARNOLDTHORPESON'S BLUE LADY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. F. Henry Brooks, Framingham, Mass. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Violet o' Dreams *1944. *4583. BARBE BLEUE ASULE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born May 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Eva T. Harris. Owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay Wing, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Barbe Bleue Blue Top *3611. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *4803. BARBE BLEUE FAIRY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 20, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Eva T. Harris, Los Angeles, Cal. Owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Turk's Ambassador *2654. D AM , Barbe Bleue Becky by Ptolemy Revera, G. C. C. F. 5651, ex Nisaba, A. C. A. 3522. (See *3950, Vol. 7, p. 31.) *5130. BARBE BLEUE NUKEE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born ——— Bred by Mrs. Eva T. Harris, Los Angeles, Cal. Owner, Mrs. O. L. Gamerdinger, Poquonock, Conn. S IRE , Barbe Bleue Greenwich Blue Top *3611. D AM , Barbe Bleue Girlie by Siegfried *878, ex Nisaba, A. C. A. 3522, by California Barbe Bleue, A. C. A. 3521, ex Blue Sunbeam *4275. *4463. BARNABY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Dixon, Jennings, Okla. S IRE , King Tokio of Auburn *4322. D AM , Deveda by Faust II. **722, ex Norma, A. C. A. 3783. Norma by Goblin, Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817, ex Megan. (See *2809, Vol. 6, p. 82.) NAZIM OF GLENROWAN * 5074 Blue Male Owned by Mrs. B. J. Mc Killiam C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 31 *4794. THE BARONESS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Crofton. Owner, Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. S IRE , The Laird of Rusholme *5060. D AM , Lady Sapphire by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. *4968. BETTY LAVENDER OF DELVIEW. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. Drury. Owner, Mrs. Elsie M. Beatty, Merchantville, N. J. S IRE , Lord Tom Blue Boy, G. C. C. F. 7966. D AM , Empire Blue Betty, G. C. C. F. 5672, by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. *4690. BLUE ANDONNA OF CRICKMERE (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Katherine Crowley. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, } p. 38. — Note: no reference to Arnoldthorpeson under *2897!!) D AM , Bluemaid *4107. *4720. BLUE ARNELLA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 1, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38. — Note: no reference to Arnoldthorpeson under *2897!!) D AM , Arnella Pride, *4719. *4354. BLUE BEAUTIFUL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 15, 1917. Bred by Mrs. E. Smitz, Fresno, Cal. Owner, Mrs. Josephine Richey, Port Arthur, Texas. S IRE , California Cigarette, A. C. A. 3447, by Comanche, A. C. A. 3068, ex Chiquita. Comanche by Nepac Apache, A. C. A. 1648, ex Mother Ruffles, A. C. A. 1871. Nepac Apache by Romaldkirk Vice Admiral, ex Rom. Red Dove. Mother Ruffles by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Foo Foo, A. C. A. 1495. D AM , Blue Ruffles, A. C. A. 2476, ex San Toy II., A. C. A. 2167, ex Blue Nydia, A. C. A. 2470, by Blue Don, A. C. A. 2469, ex Egeria, A. C. A.2166. San Toy, II. by Kew Blue San Toy, ex Victoria of the Blues. Blue Don by Neila Billi II., ex Egeria. Egeria by Ch. Blue Boy, ex Circe. 32 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4286. BLUE BETINE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 26, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Strasser, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief *3993. D AM , Blue Pamella *4197. *4281. BLUE CLOAK BELLE OF INDEPENDENCE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 25, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Danforth, Indepen dence, Kansas. S IRE , Blue Cloak Arrow, A. C. A. 3266, by Arnold of Thorpe, A. C. A. 2041, ex Blue Coat Winona, A. C. A. 608. (See *3412, Vol. 6, p. 32.) D AM , Blue Belle o' Dreams, *2353. *4689. BLUE COPPERIA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 9, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzgerald. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Gilmer, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. *4936. BLUE DEVIL. (Rules 1 and 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Bred by owner, H. A. Riddick, Trenton, N. J. S IRE , Scottish Chief *3993. D AM , Nookie *4602. *4523. BLUE JACK OF CHICKMERE (sic) . (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born, September 3, 1920. Breeder, Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Canada. Owner, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Sebastian, G. C. C. F. 5994, A. C. A. 4075, *4755. D AM , Cricket of Araby, G. C. C. F. 6178, *4756. *4829. BLUE PADUKE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Rowlett, Murray, Ky. S IRE , Vermilion Bluesea *3900. D AM , Vermilion Bluezetta *3946. *4285. BLUE JEANNE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 10, 1918. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Strasser. Owner, Mr. F. H. Breisch, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief *3993. D AM , Blue Pamella *4197. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 33 *5056. BLUE JEANS. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1891. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38). D AM , Blue Maid *4107. *4440. BLUE LARKSPUR. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 12, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Milton Nicholas, Ilion, N. Y. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Bluemaid *4107. *5179. BLUE LUSTRE OF CLOVELLY. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Deep orange eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Chas. Hoffert. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *4107. BLUE MAID. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born April 1, 1918. Bred by Mrs. W. Paul Dunn. Owner, Mrs. Milton Nicholas, Ilion, N. Y. S IRE , King Philip *3539. D AM , Shawme Phyllis II. *1450. *4278. BLUE MAJOR. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Neuter. Blue. Orange eyes. Born May 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Owner, Miss E. Leone Beck, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Vermilion Bluesea *3900. D AM , Bluzetta *3946. *4681. BLUE MONDAY. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born March 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. Laura B. Treadwell, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Lovely Blue *4610. 34 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4197. BLUE PAMELLA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born, July 6, 1915. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Strasser, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Merry Mack, A. C. A. 2790, by Scotland Yet, A. C. A. 395, *345, ex Remcroft Blue Bell, A. C. A. 1320, by Prince Blue Boy, ex Baba Catalpa, A. C. A. 778. Prince Blue Boy by Ch. Hawthorne, B . C. C. 677, ex Osiria. Babe Catalpa by Ch. Hawthorne, ex Osiria. D AM , Blue Shadow, A. C. A. 2791, by Ch. Kewlocke *362, ex Notley Mere Juno, A. C. A. 2151, by Waterside Nicotine, A. C. A. 268, ex Grizette. Waterside Nicotine by Silver Glen, ex Azuria. Grizette by Blinkins, ex Boquette. *3005. BLUE PANDORA. (Change of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1916. Bred by Mrs. C. T. Haines, Vinemont, Pa. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. Former owner, Miss E. G. Hydon. S IRE , Blue Flash *1547. D AM , Hyacinth *1370. *4680. BLUE SUNDAY. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born March 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. Laura B. Treadwell, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *289 7, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Lovely Blue *4610. *4782. CHIEF SEMINOLE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Gilmer, Jacksonville, Fla. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Bornstein. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Shining Light of Revelstoke *407 8. D AM , Blue Copperia *4689. *4766. CONFIDENCE OF RIVERDALE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born, August 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Gibson. Owner, Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Jill of Hadley. (See *4756.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 35 *4756. CRICKET OF ARABY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Amber eyes. Born May 27, 1914. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Gibson. Owner, Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. S IRE , Sebastian of Hyver, Imp., by Lupin of Exeter, ex Blue Mantle of Exeter. Lupin of Exeter by Kew Blue Peter, ex Ulster Blue Blossom. Kew Blue Peter by Ch. Blue San Toy, ex Kew Tweenie by Darias II., ex Dawn. Ulster Blue Blossom by Peter Boy, ex Barrymore Duchess. Blue Mantle of Exeter by Sir Archie II. of Arrandale, N. C. C. 5650, ex Bath Empress. Bath Empress by Ch. Blue San Toy, ex Blue Bell of Hartley by Wooloomooloo, ex Zoe. D AM , Jill of Hadley by Blue Domino of Hyver, ex Scilla of Hadley, N. C. C. 7728. Blue Domino by Blue Cap of Thorpe, N. C. C. 5612, ex Gentian of Emberton. (See *2456, N. C. C. 7508 .) Scilla of Hadley by Sir Archie 11 of Arrandale, ex Berkshire Lassie. (See *1008, Vol. 3, p. 34, and *1181.) (Note: comments from Claudia indicate lots of errors in above Pedigree!) *5105. DAINTY LADY DELL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 18, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. K. Sykes, Port Credit, Ont. Owner, Mrs. George Leslie, Oakville, Ont. S IRE , The Duke of Nos Mada *4961. D AM , Dainty Dell, A. C. A. 4439, by Black Boots, ex Lady Woodchuck. Wins: First Novice. First Open and Winner. Best Fema le in Show. Montreal, 1921. *4980. DELVIEW CAPPY RICKS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Light blue. Copper eyes. Born April 15, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Elsie Beatty, Merchantville, N. J. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Betty Lavender of Delview *4968. *4742. DELVIEW HADI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born August 28, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Beatty. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Provost, Morrisville, Pa. S IRE , Blue Cloak King Lion, A. C. A. 43719 by Roderick of Manor Farm, A. C. A. 2430, ex Bluecoat Winona, A. C. A. 608. Roderick by Ch. King Blue Jay *3914, ex Blue Tessie, A. C. A. 2429, by Sir Morgan, A. C. A. 786, ex Bluecoat Winona. D AM , Shawnee Pollyanna by Ch. Bluestone of Tilcote *1211, ex Shawnee Prue *1239. 36 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *3909. DELVIEW SWIFT LIGHTNING OF COLDSTREAM. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 12, 1919. Bred by Mrs. G. A. Bloden. Owner, Mrs. E. M. Beatty, High Point, N. J. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Empress of Coldstream *3890. *4618. DONNA McALVAY. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born March 24, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. Owner, Dr. F. W. Riddell, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4961. THE DUKE OF NOS MADA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born Sept. 11, 1916. Owner, Miss Elsie D. Adamson, Toronto. S IRE , Peace *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby, *4756. *5173. DUKE OF SANDOWN. (Rules 1 Find 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born November 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick. Owner, Mrs. F. Cope, Scarboro Junct., P. Q., Ont. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Grey Nun *4767. *4942. EL REY OF PINE HOLLOW. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Jenkins. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Mackey, McKees Rocks, Pa. S IRE , The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Nookie *4602. *4472. EMLEY TOG. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born June 22, 1920. Bred by Miss Nellie W. Cheesbrough. Owner, Miss Lila Ebey, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Thorpe Eyolf of Avonlea *3932. D AM , Victory Loan *4277. *4938. FLEUR DE LIS BLUESEA'S BETTA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 27, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Bluesea *3900. D AM , Vermilion Bluezetta *3946. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 37 *4837. FLEUR DE LIS. BOBS BABA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 27, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Bluesea *3900. D AM , Vermilion Bluezetta *3946. *4842. FLORIDA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Gilmer. Owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Shining Light of Revelstoke *4078. D AM , Blue Copperia *4689. *5024. GALBRAITH BLUE BOY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born May 8, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. H. Galbraith, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385 (see *2357), ex Miss Patsy by Ch. Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Daphne D., A. C. A. 1225, by Black Bill, A. C. A. 795, ex Carmen. D AM , Galbraith Lady Gay *5023. *4837. GREENWICH BLUE PEACHUM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Born May 30, 1921. Bred by Greenwich Kennels, Greenwich, Conn. Owner, Mr. R. W. Toler, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Greenwich Blue Flash II. *2612. D AM , Polly Peachum Pertinax *2809. *4767. GREY NUN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Born ————. Bred by owner, Lady Aird, Montreal. S IRE , Peace *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. *4484. HELIOTHORPE OF OXFORD. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Amber eyes. Born April 11, 1920. Bred by Mrs. C. P. Crowley, Worcester, Mass. Owner, Mrs. C. D. MacFarland, Montreal. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Violet o' Dreams *1944, A. C. A. 3531. *5137. HENDON MARCO. (Rule 7.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Campbell Fraser, England. Owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. 38 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK S IRE , Hendon Poo-Bah by Edward the Peacemaker, ex Hendon Bundle Edward the Peacemaker by Ch. Sir Archie II. of Arra ndale, N. C. C. 5650, ex Orange Bright Eyes. Orange Bright Eyes by Ch. Orange Blossom, A. C. A. 114, ex Pudsy Mabell. (See *2518, Vol. 6, p. 31.) Hendon Bundle by Ch. Remus, ex Orange Bright Eyes. Ch. Remus by Ch. Sir Archie II. of Arrandale, ex Sprite of Highgate. D AM , Hendon Amabel by Desmond of Hawkhurst, ex Scilla of Hadley. (See *3262, Vol. 6, p. 33.) *4804. HITCHY KOO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born April 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. Adamson. Owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla . S IRE , Turk's Ambassador *2654. D AM , Adamson's Zipshine by Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950, ex Zipshun by California Barbe Bleue, A. C. A. 3531. (See *3950, vol. 7, p. 31.) *5062. HOOSIER PINGAH. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 1, 1915. Bred by owner, Mrs. Hamaker, Hoosier Cattery. S IRE , Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Miss Patsy. (See *2357, vol. 5, p. 39.) D AM , Singapore *5022. *4847. KATAHDIN KING LEO OF RUNNYMEDE. (Imported). (Rule 7.) L. H. Male. Light blue. Copper eyes. Born April 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Newman of England. Owner, Mrs. Agnes Pierce, Hudson, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Blair Athol, G. C. C. F. 3909, by Ch. Blue Jacket of Hyver, ex Verona of Hawkhurst. Blue Jacket of Hyver by Ch. Blue Cap of Thorp e, N. C. C. 5612, ex Oarland Sapphire by Ch. Neila Billi of Thorpe, N. C. C. 3828, ex Ch. Regina of Emberton, N. C. C. 7501. (See *2456.) D AM , Monica of Lakeland, G. C. C. F. 900, by Sir Archie II. of Arrandale, N. C. C. 5650, ex Nancy of Lakeland. (See *2518, vol. 7, p. 31.) Nancy of Lakeland by Starwelpiter of Hessle, ex Larnberthurst Toy. Starwelpiter of Hessle by Grevase of Thorpe, ex Ninevah of Hessle. Lamberthurst Toy by Ch. Blue San Toy, ex Madam Beppo. Win: First in Kitten Class in England, 1920. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 39 *4967. KATRINA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 25, 1921. Bred by Owner, Mrs. H. A. Sykes, Port Credit, Ont. S IRE , Sebastian *4755. D AM , Dainty Dell, A. C. A. 4439, by Black Boots, ex Lady Woodchuck. Black Boots by Jack Johnson, ex Fluff. Lady Woodchuck by Zulu of Elmwood, A. C. A. 1814, ex Tinker Bell **1531. *4899. LADY BLUELIGHT. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *4691. LADY JILL OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzgerald. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. *4955. LADY JORDAN OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Deep copper eyes. Born March 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Drury. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Lord Tom Blue Boy G. C. C. F. 7966. D AM , Empire Blue Betty, G. C. C. F. 5672, by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. *4213. LADY MILDRED. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born October 23, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. Paul Dunn, Albany, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Wilson Nicholas, Lion, N. Y. S IRE , King Philip *3539. D AM , Sweet Lavender *2921. *5156. LADY MISTO O'BLUE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born Sept. 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. G. A. Bloedon. Owner, Dr. Austin R. Middleton, Louisville, Ky. S IRE , Swift Lightning of Coldstream *3909. D AM , Duchess Whimsie of Coldstream by Sapphire *1678, ex Duchess Norma of Coldstream *3910. 40 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5060. THE LAIRD OF RUSHOLME. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 7.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper (deep) eyes. Born July 12, 1916. Owner, Mrs. B. J. McKillian, Hamilton, Ont. Former Owner, Mrs. John S. Crofton, Toronto, Can. S IRE , Cairatable (sic – Cairntable) Prince by Bluebottle of Hyver, ex Milly McGuire. Bluebottle by Blue Jacket of Hyver, G. C. C. F. 16, ex Maud of Hawkhurst. Milly McGuire by Blue Domino of Hyver, ex Scilla. (See *2896, Vol. 6, p. 36.) Maud of Hawkhurst by Sir Archie II of Arrandale, N. C. C. 5650, ex Sirene of Hawkhurst. D AM , Muirkirk Princess by Morco Tolo, ex Ruby. (Note: studbook had this as " … ex Ruby Morco Tolo by …" – one continuous sentence.) Morco Tolo by Mark Anthony, ex Cynella. Mark Anthony by Marshot, ex Juliet. Ruby by Ranger Nudpath, ex Cream Puff. Ranger Nudpath by Ayreshire Ronald, ex Nudpath Gipsy. Cream Puff by Lord Monkton of Dundee, G. C. C. F. 1094, ex Be Be of Dundee. *4781. LAVENDER CHALLENGE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1921. Bred and owned by Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. (Note littermates Sceptre and Zeus bred by Mrs. Owen.) S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Saffette. (See *4721.) *4287. LAVENDER FAIRY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Pale blue. Orange eyes. Born October 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. Paul Dunn, Albany, N. Y. Owner Mrs. O. Gamerdinger. S IRE , King Philip *3539. D AM , Sweet Lavender *2921. *4723. LAVENDER FROLIC. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue Copper eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Bred by Owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5104. LAVENDER GEM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Saffette. (See *4721.) LAVENDER MOTH # 4779 Blue Female Owned by Miss E. G. Hydon C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 41 *3701. LAVENDER LOU. (Change of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 18, 1918. Bred by Mrs. W. Paul Dunn. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Brittain, Burlingame, Cal. Former owner, Mrs. A. O'Handley, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , King Philip *3534. D AM , Sweet Lavender *2931. *4779. LAVENDER MOTH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. Prizes won: Best Blue Kitten, Best Kitten in show, Empire, 1921. *4780. LAVENDER POSSUM. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 7, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5178. LAVENDER SCEPTRE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. Owen. Owner, Dr. Austin R. Middleton, Louisville, Ky. Former owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Saffette by Sapphire *1678, ex Nanette de Brunoy. (See *4721.) *4990. LAVENDER SHAH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 7, 1921. Bred by Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5133. LAVENDER TRIUMPH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See 2997, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Saffette. (See *4721.) 42 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4721. LAVENDER ZEUS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Saffette, by Sapphire *1678, ex Nanette de Brunoy. Nanette de Brunoy by Bevis of Exeter, G. C. C. F. 5673, ex Petite Mimi de Brunoy. Bevis of Exeter by Sebastian of Exeter, ex Blue Squaw. Sebastian of Exeter by Lupin of Exeter, ex Blue Mantle of Exeter. Lupin of Exeter by Kew Blue Peter, ex Ulster Blue Blossom. Blue Mantle of Exeter by Sir Archie II. of Arrandale by Bath Empress. *4610. LOVELY BLUE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born October 28, 1919. Bred by Mrs. E. M. Dunn. Owner, Mrs. George C. Treadwell, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , King Philip *3539. D AM , Sweet Lavender *2921. *5050. MADRONA GIRL OF MY HEART. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Harold E. Riggs, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Madrona Sir Ko Ko IV., A. C. A. 4348, by Madrona Sir Ko Ko III., A. C. A. 3631, ex Princess Kapolani, A. C. A. 3391. (See *4224, Vol. 8.) D AM , Madrona Nancilee by Madrona Sir Ko Ko II., A. C. A. 3630, ex Arbutus Victoria, A. C. A. 1995. Arbutus Victoria by Abdullah (Imp.), ex Rokeles Nixie (Imp.). Abdullah by Kew Blue Peter, ex Bath Empress. Rokeles Nixie by Rokeles Patrician ex Rokeles Nella. *4224. MADRONA KAMEHAMEHA. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 21, 1920. Bred by Mr. Fred G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. W. C. Hanna, Vancouver, Wash. S IRE , Madrona Sir Ko Ko III., A. C. A. 3631, by Madrona Sir Ko Ko II., A. C. A. 3630, ex Arbutus Victoria *737, A. C. A. 1995. Madrona Sir Ko Ko II. by Ch. Sir Ko Ko *738, A. C. A. 1994, ex Blue Belle Hiller, A. C. A. 2001. Blue Belle Hiller by Bluecoat Delaware, ex: Lady Love. Blue Coat Delaware by Ch. Albert Edward, A. C. A. 188, ex Regal Andromeda. (See *2841, Vol. 6, p. 25.) Lady Love by Boy Boy, ex Royal Princess. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 43 D AM , Madrona Lorelei, A. C. A. 3117, by Ch. Sir Ko Ko *738, ex Princess Kapiolani, A. C. A. 3397, by Ch. Erebus *996, A. C. A. 1311, ex Lady Diana Claire by Blue Mooney (see *3369, Vol. 6, p. 27), ex Martha Washington, A. C. A. 2169, by Romeo, ex Bonnie Lassie. *5017. McALVAY ANTONIO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *4819. McALVAY COLLEEN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4820. McALVAY JOLLY ROGER. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4823. McALVAY KLONDYKE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4824. McALVAY LITTLE MACK OF RADIOLEGHT (sic – Radiolight) . (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. Owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4822. McALVAY LITTLE SWEETNESS. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Per ry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. 44 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5015. McALVAY MISS DEMURE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Edna Wing, Perry, Mich. Owner, Mrs. P. G. Kohlenbusch, Alba ny, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *4821. McALVAY MISTRESS KLEO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *5018. McALVAY QUEUX. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *5016. McALVAY SIR ZIP II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *4455. MILADY BLUE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 17, 1920. Bred by Greenwich Kennels, Greenwich, Conn. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Hoffert, Reading, Pa. S IRE , Greenwich Blue Flash II., *3612. D AM , Blue Pudsey of Keewaydin ***3378 by Blue Cloak Arrow, A. C. A. 3266, ex Blue Pandora *3005. Blue Coat Arrow by Arnold of Thorpe, ex Blue Coat Winona. (See *3412, Vol. 6, p. 32.) *4797. MISS ONTARIO OF RIVERDALE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzgerald, Toronto. Owner, Mr. H. Stone, Toronto. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Grey Nun *4767. *4798. MISS TORONTO OF RIVERDALE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs, Alice Fitzgerald, Toronto. Owner, Mr. H. Stone, Toronto. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 45 *5074. NAZIM OF GLENROWAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 23, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. B. F. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4754. D AM , Lady Disdain of Glenrowan *5073. Wins: Best Kitten, Best Novice, Best Male and Best Cat in Show at St. Catharines, Ont., January, 19 22. *4602. NOOKIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 18, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Strasser. Owner, Mrs. Jos. Jenkins, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief *3993. D AM , Blue Pamella *4197. *5076. PANSONIA LORD TOM BOY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Lord Tom Blue Boy, G. C. C. F. 7966. D AM , Pansonia Blue Belle Pan, A. C. A. 4347, by Rahman *1091, ex Pansonia Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373. Pansonia Peter Panette by Bruin, G. C. C. F. 6247, ex Billy. Bruin by Meath Glenholme, ex Jill of Hadley. Billy by Chippewa Belle, ex Pettie. Wins: First Kitten, First Novice, Toronto, 1921. First, Open and Winner, and Best Cat, Montreal, 1921. *4754. PEACE (Imported). (Rule 7.) L. H. Male. Blue. Amber eyes. Born April 2, 1914. Owner, Lady Aird. Registered by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick. S IRE , Blue Riband of Emberton by Ch. Neila Billi of Thorpe, N. C. C. 3828, ex Ch. Regina of Emberton, N. C. C. 7501. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Boston Beauty by Blue Bully Boy, ex Costly Lady. Blue Bully Boy by Ch. Blue San Toy, ex Aloxino. Aloxino by Don Carlos, ex Colina. Don Carlos by Ayreshire Ronald ex Beauty. Colina by Blue Muff, ex Victoria Costly Lady by Royal Bobs, ex Iolanthe. Royal Bobs by Ch. Blue San Toy, ex Duschar. Iolanthe by Ch. Kew Laddie, ex Baby Lover. *5061. PEACE'S DAUGHTER. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born Sept. 11, 1916. Bred by Lady Aird. Owner, Mrs. B. J. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. Former owner, Mrs. John Crofton, Toronto, Can. S IRE , Peace, *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. 46 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4903. PEGNETTA OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Drury. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio. Former owner, Mrs. F. H. Rowland, St. Catharines, Ont. S IRE , Lord Tom Blue Boy, G. C. C. F. 7966. D AM , Empire Blue Betty, G. C. C. F. 5672, by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. *5131. PINECROFT BLUE SCOUT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Pinecroft Wisteria, A. C. A. 4058, by Blue Mooney, A. C. A. 2042, ex Princess Kapiolani, A. C. A. 3397. (See *4454.) D AM , Pinecroft Prima Pussywillow *4135. *4135. PINECROFT'S PRIMA PUSSYWILLOW. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Light Blue. Yellow eyes. Born April 20, 1918. Bred by Margeretha Petersen. Owner, Mrs. E. P. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. Former owner, Mrs. Eva T. Harris. S IRE , Turk's Ambassador *2654, A. C. A. 3569. D AM , Beckie Girl, A. C. A. 3545, by Ptolemy Revera, G. C. C. F. 5651, ex Nisaba, A. C. A. 3522. (See *3950, Vol. 7, p. 31.) *5127. POLLY FLANDERS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 10, 1919. Bred by Miss Elsie S. Adamson, Toronto, Ont. Owner, Mr. Ralph W. Harbison, Sewickley, Pa. Former owner, Miss Cowen, Toronto. S IRE , The Duke of Nos Mada *4961. D AM , CristobelIe **5126. *5191. PUPPIN OF TANGLEWOOD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born June 18, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. C. Gatchell. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Sturgill, Winfield, Kans. S IRE , Blue Jacket II., A. C. A. 2941, by Ch. Sea Foam *2014, ex Patsy Boliver **1251. D AM , Bo Peep by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin ***2613. (See *5168.) *4265. SCOTTISH CHIEF III. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 26, 1920. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Strasser. Owner, Mr. P. H. Breisch, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief II. *3993, A. C. A. 4042. D AM , Blue Pamella *4197. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 47 *4755. SEBASTIAN OF RIVERDALE. (International Champion). (Rule 1.) L. H. Male, Blue. Amber eyes. Born September 11, 1916. Bred by Lady Aird, Toronto. Owner, Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. S IRE , Peace *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. Wins: Best Kitten, Toronto, 1917, A, C. A.; Best Cat, Toronto, 1918, A. C. A.; Best Blue Male, 1919; Best Stud, Toronto, 1920, A. C. A.; Best Cat, Best Stud, Toronto, 1921, A. C. A.; Best Cat, First and Winner, Ottawa, 1921, C. F. A.; First and Winner, Empire, New York, 1921, C. F. A.; Best Stud, Toronto, 1922, A. C. A.; Best Cat, First and Winner, Montreal, 1922, C. F. A. *4584. SIR ZIP (Champion). (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born April 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. Adamson. Owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay Wing, Perry, Mi ch. S IRE , Turk's Ambassador *2654. D AM , Barbe Bleue Zipshun, A. C. A. 4184, by Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950, ex Zipshun, G. C. C. F. 5817, by California Barbe Bleue, A. C. A. 3521, ex Elizabeth Ann. California Barbe Bleue by Sterling Sensation, ex Dyhanna. Sterling Sensation by Barbe Bleue, ex Kola. Elizabeth Ann by California Barbe Bleue, ex Kimball's Minnette **4305. Wins: First and Winner, Indianapolis, 1922; Chicago, 1922; Columbus, 1922. *4593. SIR ZIPSON McALVAY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born March 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip, *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *4682. TUESDAY TOO. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born March 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. Laura B. Treadwell, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Lovely Blue *4610. *5099. TUNXIS DOLL DAINTY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. Gamerdinger. Owner, Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Clansman of Coldstream *3922. D AM , Sapphire Dainty *3148. 48 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4825. TURBASSADOR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. C. C. Wortley. Owner Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denison, Texas. S IRE , Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3590. D AM , Nancy of Haverhurst, A. C. A. 4239, by Turk's Ambassador *2654, ex Ziwa, G. C. C. F. 5620, by Cecil Rhodes II., ex Comet. *4870. WADENA ULTRAMARINE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Chas. Provost, Morrisville, Pa . S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Nanette de Bournoy by Bevis of Exeter, G. C. C. F. 5673, ex Petite Mimi by Bevis of Exeter, ex Mimi de Bournoy. *5128. WALMER. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 20, 1920. Bred by Mr. Ralph Harbison, Sewickley, Pa. Owner, W. A. Harbison. S IRE , Scottish Chief *3993. D AM , Polly Flinders *5127. *4323. WEE WEE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 9, 1919. Bred by Sylvia E. Armstrong. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Black Thursday, A. C. A. 3544, by Blue Mooney, A. C. A. 2042, ex Pittsburgh Beauty. (See *4454, Vol. 8.) D AM , Becky Girl, A. C. A. 3548, by Ptolemy Revera, ex Nisaba, A. C. A. 3522. (See *3950, Vol. 7, p. 31.) Long-Haired Red *4644. ALAS! (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born July 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Saxet Tango Dandy, A. C. A. 4029, by Yankee Doodle of Texas, A. C. A. 1836, ex Bonnie Brownie, A. C. A. 937. Yankee Doodle by Ch. Kintaro, A. C. A. 1464, **879, ex Sun Fairy. Bonnie Brownie by Dandelion, A. C. A. 723, ex Princess Polly Pepper. (See *201.3, Vol. 5, p. 15.) D AM , Millie Redfern, A. C. A. 4017, by Rubin Redfern, A. C. A. 3618, ex Kitty Mittens **4533. (See *4534.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 49 *4331. AMERICAN DOUGHBOY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born Spring, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. T. D. Moffett, Oltanna, Kansas. S IRE , Laddie Black *4334. D AM , Lady Delmonico *4332. *4764. APEX OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Ditmars, Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Gold Star of Beaconlight *4271. *4501. BARCA. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 20, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Southwick, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , King Humbert **5291 by Bokhara, A. C. A. 1272, ex Smudge Dee **5292, by Col. Tangerine, ex Twinkle. D AM , Southwick Tabby *3590 by Orange Bud *1128, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459, by General Jacqueminot, ex Lady Teazle. *5000. BEATRICE BEE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Gertrude M. Kraft, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916, *5070. D AM , Sparkling **5260 by Sessue *5070, A. C. A. 3916, ex Phyllis II. **5261 by Hafiz McNeilly, ex Phyllis. *2777. BEAUTY OF LONDON (Champion). (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Orange. Orange eyes. Born July 15, 1915. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. D. Weber, Buckeye Lake, O hio. S IRE , King Gold Bug *1943. D AM , Lady Buttercup by King Gold Bug *1943, ex Virginia *1976. Wins: Best Cat, First and Winner, Grand Rapids, 1916; First and Winner, Columbus, 1922; Detroit, 1922. *4535. BIGABOY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Prince Amber Libby *4532. D AM , Millie Redfern, A. C. A. 4017.(See *4534.) 50 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4419. BILLIE BLAKE. (Rule —.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born, March 11, 1920. Owner, Miss Alice Maude Blake, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Gypsie Doodle *4443. *4512. BLONDINE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 10, 1919. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Miss Louise Gabriel Tabib, Atlanta, Ga. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Sunlight Maid *3790. *4648. BOOGER RED. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born February 11, 1920. Bred by Mrs. K. E. Cortright. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, by Red Lantana *1978, ex Scotchie **1974. D AM , Harlequin, A. C. A. 2919, by Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, ex Lady Bug, A. C. A. 3443, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Chiquita. *4429. BOSTON BELLE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born, May 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Martin. Owner, Mrs. C. T. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. S IRE , Red San Toy, A. C. A. 3131, by Swinton Searchlight, A. C. A. 1805, *1987, ex Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584, by Lord Kew Tangerine *347, ex Autumn Lady. Autumn Lady by Ronaldkirk (sic) Vice Admiral *1034, ex Lady Dainty Diana, A. C. A. 1472. D AM , Birdecho by Omarecho, A. C. A. 2459, ex Sunshine. Omarecho by Scotland Yet *345, ex Orange Kittero. Sunshine by Ch. Kintaro, A. C. A. 1464, **879, ex Snoozle Ums, A. C. A. 2596, by Ronaldkirk (sic) Vice Admiral *1034, ex Lady Kew by Lord Kew Tangerine, ex Lady Torrington. *4309. CHIHUAHUA OF VICKERY (Champion). (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Vickery Kennels, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, A. C. A. 3172. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. Wins: First and Winner, and Best Female, Dallas, 1920; Dallas, 1921. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 51 *4236. CLETA OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Lady Golden Glow **3850. *4195. D. D. BLOOD RED CHIEFTAIN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born September 20, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Alma Douglas, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , D. D. Chandos Laddwyn *3328. D AM , Mitzie by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo. Chee Moo by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 2026, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 33.) *4765. DUKE OF PERU. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born December 24, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Dora Young. Owner, Mrs. Myrtle Meredith, Peru, Ind. S IRE , The Original Spooner, A. C. A. 5062, by His Majesty, ex Suzette, A. C. A. 3915. Suzette by Golden Locks **1902, ex Red Head. Red Head, A. C. A. 2785, by General Majestic, ex Juliet , A. C. A. 2022. D AM , Red Head, A. C. A. 2785, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Romeo Juliet, A. C. A. 2022, by Romeo Remus, A. C. A. 8, ex Berksdale. General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, by Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Carmencita, A. C. A. 1616, by Orang e Jack, A. C. A. 391, ex Lady Warwick, A. C. A. 1367. (See *1122, Vol. 3, p. 40.) *4447. EIDERDOWN KER CHUG. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born September 6, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , Bobbie Nichols *3058. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *4416. EIDERDOWN KING CHAN WA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born September 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel. Owner, Mrs. Frank C. Miller, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *4396. EIDERDOWN PUNKY DUNK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, Mrs. H. Burns, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Lord Jehan de Rezeit *1507. D AM , Goldie Red Eye of Eiderdown *3862. 52 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4838. EIDERDOWN ZICHOR. (Rules 1 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mary B. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *4939. FLEUR DE LIS DOFFLES. (Rules 2 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 13, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Mungalina, A. C. A. 4291, by Prince Lorain, A. C. A. 4290, ex Baby Fabian, A. C. A. 3173. (See *3661, Vol. 7, p. 41.) Prince Lorain by Lord Bobbie **3849, ex Queen Dappledinny, A. C. A. 3789, **3847. (See *3848, Vol. 7, p. 40.) *4892. FLEUR DE LIS OGINIA. (Rules 2 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born July 18, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, A. C. A. 3172 D AM , Mungalina, A. C. A. 4291, by Prince Lorain, A. C. A. 4290, ex Baby Fabian, A. C. A. 3173. (See *3661, Vol. 7, p. 41.) Prince Lorain by Lord Bobbie Fabian, A. C. A. 4133, ex Queen Dappledinny **3847. *4271. GOLD STAR OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 4, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. T. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. S IRE , King Gold Bug *1943. D AM , Baby Tanquary of Beaconlight *4046. *4519. HINDA KOOCH. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red. Deep orange eyes. Born June 7, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Southwick, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Southwick Tabby *3590. *4159 INDEPENDENCE SUN RAY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female, Red. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Unsell. S IRE , Golden Blosser of Independence *3942. D AM , Independence Rosalie of Pinehurst *3815. *4158. INDEPENDENCE SUNSHINE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mrs. H. C. Stebbins. S IRE , Golden Blosser of Independence *3942. D AM , Independence Rosalie of Pinehurst *3815. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 53 *4471. JOE NICHOLS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Deep red. Amber eyes. Born April 28, 1919. Bred by C. F. Leonard. Owner, Mrs. Geo. C. Noble, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Queen Aimee, A. C. A. 2530. (See *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39.) *4167. JOFFRETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born December 11, 1918. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Miss Rose Tabib, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Sunlight Maid *3790. *4828. KANODE'S REUBEN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Golden eyes. Born July 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. F. Bock. Owner, Mrs. R. K. Kanode, Lancaster, O. S IRE , Karl Heinrich II., A. C. A. 3210, by Karl Heinrich *1597, ex Bengal Florida. Bengal Florida by Tawney Boy, A. C. A. 705, ex Galatea. D AM , Joyce *4113. *4492. KING BAR SIN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 31, 1920. Bred by. Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia II. **4047. D AM , Queen Alli Baba Ladd *4053. *4561. KISSEN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson. Owner, Mrs. M. P. Flowers, Lockhart, Texas. S IRE , Prince Amber Libby *4532. D AM , Millie Redfern, A. C. A. 4017, by Rubin Redfern, A. C. A. 3618, ex Kitty Mitten **4533. (See *4534.) *4534. LADY BULLET. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Da llas, Texas. S IRE , Prince Amber Libby *4532. D AM , Millie Redfern, A. C. A. 4017, by Rubin Redfern, A. C. A. 3618, ex Kitty Mittens **4533. Rubin Redfern by Leo Leontine, A. C. A. 2379, ex Lorna Doone. Leo Leontine by Kawon 1 *1316, ex Tuli. 54 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4385. LADY CLEO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 20, 1920. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin, New York. Owner, Jesse W. Hedden, M. D., New York. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Bé Bé *3326. *4344. LADY RATINKA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 26, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Martin Ernest. Owner, Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, O. S IRE , Golden Idol, A. C. A. 2960, by Westmoreland Jupiter, ex Horax Princess II. Westmoreland Jupiter by Horax Star, ex Miss Hope. Horax Princess II. by Wilton Boy, ex Pri ncess Brighteyes. D AM , Lady Cozette, A. C. A. 2957, by Orange Bud A. C. A. 1833, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459. Orange Bud by Padishah, A. C. A. 1831, ex Silver Bell. Suzanne by General Jacqueminot, A. C. A. 301, ex Lady Teazle. *5116. LADY RINGOLD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Yellow eyes. Born April 1, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Williams. Owner, Mrs. Mary J. Curtis, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Torrington Tangerine *1443. D AM , Lady Russet **1416. *4594. LOEST'S GOLDMIRE. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 29, 1919. Bred by Cortright Kennels. Owner, Mrs. Albert Loest, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, by Red Lantana *1978, ex Scotchie **1974. D AM , Harlequin, A. C. A. 2919, by Ch. King Foam *2014, ex Lady Bug, A. C. A. 3443, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Chiquita. *3774. LORD PONTIUS II. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Born July 28, 1919. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. O. J. Heinz, Little Ferry, N. J. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Bebe **3326. ECHETTE Chinchilla Neuter Owned by Mrs. W. B. Preble C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 55 *4588. MADAM ALL WORTHY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April, 1920. Bred by Mrs. B. L. Graves. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. S IRE , Colonel P. H. **4587, by Colonel Tangerine **4585, ex Gold Elsie **4586. Colonel Tangerine by Monk Tangerine, A. C. A. 1580, ex Gold Elsie. Monk Tangerine by Babe, ex Elsie. Gold Elsie by Torrington Fawe **437, ex Wee Wee, Jr. Wee Wee, Jr., by Wee Robin, ex Golden Girl. D AM , Queenie of Clyde *4441. *4264. MARSHALL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1915. Bred by owner, Mrs. Jennie Plumstead, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Neponset **4262, by Sir Timothy **4246, ex Janey Mac *4247. Sir Timothy by Red Top, ex Muffy. D AM , Ivory Doll **4263, by Swinton Searchlight *198 7, ex Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584. (See *4263.) *4645. MISS JIMMY J. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born July 11, 1920. S IRE , Saxet Tango Dandy, A. C. A. 4029.(See *4644.) D AM , Millie Redfern, A. C. A. 4017. (See **4534.) *4438. MITZI MUFF VERMILLION. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born September 8, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Owner, Mrs. Fred. D. Rollins, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Queen Dapply Dinny (sic – Dappledinny) **3847. *5188. MUFFPAL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born January 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Anna Breckwoldt, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , The Flaming Arrow *4335. D AM , Babecat *5057. *4349. NANCY NICHOLS. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Brown eyes. Born May 10, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Robert Nevit. Owner, Mrs. Adeline E. Froriep, Wissahickon, Pa. S IRE , Bobbie Nichols *3058. D AM , Princess de Talleyrand *2106. 56 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5136. NATALIE TALMADGE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 5, 1919. Bred by Mrs. B. Graves. Owner, Mrs. Warren Burke, Toledo, O. S IRE , Colonel P. H. **4587. D AM , Queenie of Clyde *4441. *4732. PEACOCK VERMILION. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 28, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Unsell, Frankfort, Mo. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilon (sic) *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. *4657. PEKOE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 13, 1921. Bred by Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, O. Owner, Mrs. W. M. Woodrow, Chillicothe, O. S IRE , Rubra Fox of the Fox Valley *4243. D AM , Lady Norton of the Fox Valley ***3738, A. C. A. 3708, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Regal Ruby, A. C. A. 2286. *4386. PICKENS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 28, 1920. Bred by Mr. William Artz, New York. Owner, Mrs. Conduit, Atlantic City, N. J. S IRE , I. J. K. Crown Aurora Topaz *1884. D AM , Maidigold *4041. *5170. PITTER PATTER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born August 2, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Fatty Lewis Ladd, A. C. A. 3015, by Saxet Seljuk, A. C. A. 2570, ex Baby Bunting *2442. (See *3765, Vol. 7, p. 35.) D AM , Lady Delle Ladd **1899. *4532. PRINCE AMBER LIBBY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Registered by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Sequoyah Amber *4528. D AM , Sequoyah Aimee *4529. *4605. PRINCE FAZELL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born August, 1920. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. Henry, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Queen Alla Baba Ladd *4053. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 57 *4576. PRINCESS DARA OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Michael. Owner, Mrs. Frank C. Miller, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Gold Star of Beaconlight *4271. *4441. QUEENIE OF CLYDE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 25, 1917. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Owner, Mrs. Bayard Graves, Cludy, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3685. D AM , Queen Dappledinny *3847. *3816. RED SHADOWS II. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born October 16, 1917. Bred by Miss Alice Judge. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson. S IRE , Red Magic *3144. D AM , Blarney **1831. *4115. RED WOLF OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rules 1, 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born September 25, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Columbus, O. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878, A. C. A. 3842. D AM , Lady Norton of the Fox Valley *3738, A. C. A. 3708. *4308. REDWYN OF VICKERY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Born May 16, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. L. Street, New Haven, Conn. Owner, Vickery Kennels, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Caliph Dandelion, C. F. A. *3693, A. C. A. 3192. D AM , Ch. Lady Dapplecoat, A. C. A. 3057, by Ronaldkirk (sic) Vice Admiral *1034, ex Lady Beresford, A. C. A. 363, by Red Dragon, A. C. A. 112, ex Daisy. *4806. ROSENA OF ROSE COTTAGE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born February 19, 1919. Bred by Miss Alice Judge, Brooklyn, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Glen Morris, L. I. S IRE , Red Shadows II. *3816. D AM , Blarney **1831 58 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *3911. RUSTY BURR OF EIDERDOWN. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Born September 2, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Goldie Red Eye of Eiderdown *3862. *3121. (S) RED CINDER. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born September 1, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Paul Schlecter. Owner, Mrs. Frank J. C. Jones, Conshohochen (sic) , Pa. S IRE , Ch. Major Warwick *1122. D AM , I. J. K. (S) Biddie Gold Mine *3111. *4688. SCARLET LADY OF VICKERY, THE. (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 21, 1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. Former owner, Mrs. H. L. Viles. S IRE , Charming Prince **5167, by Prince of Persia II. **4047, ex Princess Fredericka **4329. D AM , Pitter Patter **5170, by Fatty Lewis Ladd, A. C. A. 3015, ex Lady Delle Ladd **1899. *4857. SIR ROOKS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 28, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Theresa M. Baldwin, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Lillian C. Einstein, New York City. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Lady Be Be *3326. *4860. SYMPATHY OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. T. Michael, Fremont, O. Owner, Mrs. George Laughlin, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Red Star of Beaconlight *4272. *5033. TEXAS PEGGY LOU. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. R. Crawford. Owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318. D AM , Ch. Chandos Calanthe *3187. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 59 *5032. TEXAS RED BIRD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born April 30, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Tex. S IRE , Tim Tuk of Vickery *4130. D AM , Foxey, A. C. A. 4149, by King Klondike, A. C. A. 3344, ex Brownie Girl, A. C. A. 3503. King Klondike by Copper Knight, ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. *4923. TRAUMEREI. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. M. E. Goff, Omaha, Neb. Owner, Mrs. Wm. Neahring, Norfolk, Neb. S IRE , Lord Buttercup, A. C. A. 4271, by Golden Gleam, A. C. A. 1455, ex Trilby. Golden Gleam by Kew Bunk, A. C. A. 1242, ex Gloria. D AM , Bonnie Wee II., A. C. A. 4280, by Ch. Kaaba, A. C. A. 3240, ex Briar Rose, A. C. A. 3590, Kaaba by Little Bear *1226, ex Princess Patti. Briar Rose by General Jack *2016, ex Bonnie Wee. *4740. VERMILION AUNT FEBBY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. *4741. VERMILION AUNT SARAH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. *4888. VERMILION CHASKA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Mrs. Clara Moore, Oklahoma City, Okla. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. *4887. VERMILION DAPPLEGIRL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 5, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs, O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. S IRE , Vermilion Ge Meiner Pride *4312. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. 60 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4292. VERMILION HARVEST MOON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 11, 1920. Bred by Mrs. J. M. Blanchard. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Vermilion, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, A. C. A. 3172. D AM , Trixie Elyria **4290, by Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, ex Lady Aloy **4291. *4293. VERMILION HOWLETTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 1, 1920. Bred by Miss Marie Strohmeier. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Vermilion, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, A. C. A. 3172. D AM , Vermilion Chiquita *3661. *4459. VERMILION MARR. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Vermilion Kennels, Huron, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. C. J. Pieper, Portland, Ore. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. *4891. VERMILION MAURINE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, O. S IRE , Vermilion Ge Meiner Pride *4312. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. *4642. VERMILION RED PETER. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Mrs. Nellie Miller, Findlay, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. *4103. VERMILION SHIRLEY. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Dark orange eyes. Born July 24, 1919. Breeder, Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Owner, Mrs. Wm. H. Kiemer, Downingtown, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645, A. C. A. 3172. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186, A. C. A. 2561. *4276. VERMILION SUITS ME. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 61 *4314. VERNON VERMILION (Champion). (Rules 1, 2. 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Gold eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denisin, Texas. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. Wins: First and Winner and Best Cat, Dallas, 1920; Dallas, 1921. *4935. WORTHY VERMILION. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Lucile Duncan. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. *4317. YUBAN. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born January 13, 1916. Bred by Mrs. L. A. Cover. Owner, Mrs. C. T. Michael, Fremont, O. S IRE , Moloch, A. C. A. 1834, by Orange Bud, A. C. A. 1833, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459. Orange Bud by Padishah, A. C. A. 1831, ex Silver Bell by Orange Jack, ex Black Bess. Suzanne by General Jacqueminot, A. C. A. 301, ex Lady Teazle by Cupid, ex Jet. D AM , Petite, A. C. A. 3167, by Max, A. C. A. 1869, ex Mother Ruffles, A. C. A. 1870. Max by Red Prince, ex Dorothy May, A. C. A. 113. Mother Ruffles by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859 (see *3329, Vol. 6, p. 8), ex Bettine, A. C. A. 980. Long-Haired Cream *4737. CARNATION CREME. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Born April 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. M. Dean, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Blucher, A. C. A. 4261, by Blue Britisher, A. C. A. 3660, ex Boofie, A. C. A. 3890. Boofie by California Barbe Bleue, A. C. A. 3521 (see *3950, Vol. 7, p. 31), ex Blue Ruffles, A. C. A. 2476, by San Toy II., A. C. A. 2167, ex Blue Nydia, A. C. A. 2470. D AM , Kintaecho, A. C. A. 4227, by Ch. Kintaro, A. C. A. 1464, *879, ex Echo Gypsy by Echo Kewrastus, A. C. A. 2323, ex Gypsie. *4796. CHANDOS CLIQUOT. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 27, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Calvyn *4065, A. C. A. 3772. D AM , Chandos Dollye *3330, A. C. A. 3241. 62 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4617. CLARIETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born December 12, 1920. Bred by Miss Rose Gabriel Tabib, Atlanta, Ga. Owner, Miss Mildred T. Ryan. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Jofrette *4167. *5001. HINKOS DINKOS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Born March 29, 1920. Bred by Miss Champion. Owner, Mr. J. Wilbur Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Sunset Top Notch *2982. D AM , Sunset Barrage *3407. *4163. INDEPENDENCE CREMO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mr. J. T. Prathers. S IRE , Golden Blosser of Independence *3942. D AM , Independence Rosalie of Pinehurst *3815. *4161. INDEPENDENCE SUNKIST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mr. I. Minchs. S IRE , Independence Holden Silver Cricket *4096. D AM , Independence Muggins **3941. *4263. IVORY DOLL. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1915. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Pine. Owner, Mrs. Jennie Plumstead, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Swinton Searchlight, A. C. A. 1805, *1987. D AM , Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584, by Lord Kew Tangerine *347, ex Autumn Lady of Ronaldkirk (sic) Vice Admiral *1034, ex Lady Dainty Diana, A. C. A. 1472. *4332. LADY DELMONICO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born May 15, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. D. Moffett. S IRE , The Sporte Prince *2443. D AM , Bluette Ladd *4324. *4356. LORD LOIE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Born May 17, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Guy Mullison, Ann Arbor, Mich. S IRE , King Philip *3534. D AM , Chandos Lady Squibbs, A. C. A. 3773, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 63 *4489. MALEY TOG. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by owner, Mr. Carl Douglass, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, A. C. A. 2860. D AM , Lady Tanglewood *4146, A. C. A. 3731. *4488. NOLA TOG. (Rules 1, 2. 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Mr. Carl L. Douglass, Tog Cattery, India na, Pa. Owner, Mrs. M. L. Houk, Commodore, Pa. S IRE , Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, A. C. A. 2860. D AM , Lady Tanglewood *4146, A. C. A. 3731. *4486. PHOEBE TOG. (Rules 1, 2. 4 an(] 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Mr. Carl L. Douglass, Tog Cattery, Indiana, Pa. Owner, Miss Nola Pattison, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, A. C. A. 2860. D AM , Lady Tanglewood *4146, A. C. A. 3731. *4568. PRINCE BOB. (Rule 7.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born March 17, 1920. Bred by C. H. Loft. Owner, Mr. T. W. Riddell, Columbus, O. Former owner, Mr. W. R. Hutchins. S IRE , Ch. The Prince, G. C. C. F. 1837, by King Olaf, G. C. C. F. 941, ex Summer Morn. King Olaf by Sunny Boy, ex Fluffy. Summer Morn by Ch. Highland Wonder, G. C. C. F. 466, ex Dawn, G. C. C. F. 399. D AM , Queen Mab, G. C. C. F. 1840, by Victor II., G. C. C. F. 237, ex Lady Blue Bell. Victor II. by Master John, ex Inquisitive. Lady Bell by Pinky, ex Blue Bell. *4882. PRINCESS APPLEBLOSSOM. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born May 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. T. M. Baldwin, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Pontius *3423. D AM , Sunlight Maid *3790. *5138. SHALIMAR. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Orange eyes. Born June 24, 1921. Bred by Mrs. B. J. McKilliam. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Stinson, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Lady Disdain of Glenrowan *5073. 64 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4365. SIR SIDNEY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Orange eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Owner-Breeder, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , The Pirate *3593. D AM , Queen Minetta *3852. *4487. TANGLE FOAM TOG. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1920. Bred by Tog Cattery, Indiana, Pa. Owner, Miss Nola Pattison, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, A. C. A. 2860. D AM , Lady Tanglewood *4146, A. C. A. 3731. *4504. WARREN G. HARDING. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Orange eyes. Born September 2, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Ralph Tolle. Owner, Miss Dorothy I. Keifer, Dayton, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , Sally of Peasley Alley *4069. Long-Haired Chinchilla *5047. ARGENT FLASHLIGHT OF SAN DAWN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Bred by Miss Dorothy Champion. Owner, Marie Stout-Crandall. S IRE , Argent Mercury *2307. D AM , Glean (sic – Gleam) O'Dawn of San Dawn ***2915, by Dunder *1638, x San Dawn *2423. *4108. BELMONT AL STAI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born June 22, 1918. Breeder, Mrs. L. W. Balkan. Owner, Mr. Edw. F. Stacey, Springfield, Mass . S IRE , Aurora Silver Dai, A. C. A. 2487, by Don Dai *1415, ex The Quakeress, A. C. A. 1549. (See *2307, Vol. 5, p. 8.) D AM , Belmont Gaiety Girl, A. C. A. 3863, by Sir Roger, A. C. A. 2617, ex Belmont Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3862. Sir Roger by Bobby, A. C. A. 2616, ex Juliet. Bobby by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116. (See *2356, Vol. 5, p. 55), ex South Shore Sally, A. C. A. 2626. Belmont Lady Gay by Bobby Boy, A. C. A. 3861, ex Lady Gray, A. C. A. 2931. Chinchilla Male By Ganymede ex Wahoo Elvaine Owned by Mrs. G. A. Schoonover LE WANNA BENYMEDE *5342 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 65 *4109. BELMONT SILVER RADINORE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born April 28, 1918. Breeder, Mrs. Jos. Richmond. Owner, Mr. Edw. F. Stacey, Springfield, Mass. S IRE , Sir Roger *2617. (See *4108.) D AM , Silver Jubilee, A. C. A. 3386, by Don Otto, A. C. A. 1638, ex Alyta *1063. Don Otto by Otto Boy, A. C. A. 598 (see *1126, Vol. 3, Silver 49), ex Silver Donna. Donna by Don Caesario, ex Winnie. *4557. BELVEDERE JOSEPHUS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 22, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Albert H. Smith, Tampa, Fla. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Bonacker, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , Lord Hampton *3534. D AM , Vanity Fair Purrsia *4556. *4620. BELVEDERE PRINCE STERLING. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Albert H. Smith, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , Lord Hampton *3534. D AM , Vanity Fair Purrsia *4556. *4619. BELVEDERE PRINCESS STERLING. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Albert H. Smith, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , Lord Hampton *3534. D AM , Vanity Fair Purrsia *4556. *4397. BILLY BOUNCE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lulu E. Whipple. Owner, Mrs. A. P. Twiss, Edgerton, Va. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Silver Zi Zi of Minnesota *3935. *4907. CHUBBIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Robindon, Glen Morris, L. I. Owner, Mrs. Emilie Imken, East Orange, N. J. S IRE , Capt. Smith *3666. D AM , Queen Camilla **3385. *4157. CLOVELLY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born, Fall, 1919. Bred by owner, Miss Katharine Meigs, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Argent Silverhair *3143. D AM , Tamineh *3822. 66 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4490. CRYSTAL OF CLAREMONT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born August 18,1916. Bred by Mrs. H. G. Fisher. Owner, Mrs. Ida Eckert, Oakland, Cal. S IRE , Ch. Donsilverra *2792. D AM , Mandalay Marvel ***2183, by Argent Silverhair *1527, ex Mandalay Mistress *1946. Win: San Diego, 1920, First and Winner. Best Silver. *5039. DREAM O' DREAMS OF SAN DAWN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Bred by Marie Stout Crandall. Owner, Mrs. F. G. Yule, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Roblyn II. of Minnesota *4300. D AM , San Gleam of San Dawn *4222. *4718. ESTRELLA DEL NORTE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Yellow eyes. Born May 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Louise Hill. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Watson, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Jou Jou *4622. *5185. FANTIM. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, Pacific Grove, Cal. S IRE , Wahoo Hastings *2045. D AM , Empire Lady Victoria **2785, by Lord Dinorwic. N. C. C. 3101, A. C. A. 1796, ex Lady Schultz, N. C. C. 7480, **2784. Lord Dinorwic (Imp.), N. C. C. 310 1, A. C. A. 1796, by Holmesdale Silver Halo, ex Silver Puffles. Holmesdale Silver Halo by Silver Gift, ex Holmesdale Silverine. Silver Gift by Silver Beetle, ex Moonray. Holmesdale Silverine by Silver Starlight, ex Silverine. Silver Beetle by Windsor Beetle, ex Victoria-Silver. Moonray by Frier Luck, ex Moonshine. Puffles by Holmesdale Silver Sultan, ex Chilla. Holmesdale Silver Sultan by The Silver Sultan, ex Marietta. The Silver Sultan by Lord Southampton, ex Silver Berry. Marietta by Silver Milord, ex Silverine. Chilla by Wynnstay Hercules (Regal Hermes), ex Queen Chin. Wynnstay Hercules by Otto Boy, ex Whitehall Seraph. Queen Chin by Seraph, ex Chin Chin. Lady Schultz, N. C. C. 7480, **2784, by Kinchinjunga, ex Dolly Day Dream. Kinchinjunga by Saph, ex Chin Chin. Dolly Day Dream by Silver Phantom *292, ex Lady Molly. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 67 *4295. HAMPTON GALLI CURCI. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 16, 1920. Bred by owner, Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Brushwood Persis of San Dawn *2911, A. C. A. 3285. *4259. HAMPTON GUARDIAN. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Neuter. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1920. Breeder, Hampton Cattery. Owner, Miss Cornelia Warren, Waltham, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3546, Vol. 6, p. 56.) *2679. HAMPTON LADY ELLEN (Champion). (Re-entry from Vol. 6.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 4, 1919. Bred by owner, Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Ch. Hampton Winter Glory *3546. Wins: Best Kitten, Cleveland, 1919; Best Kitten, Pittsburgh, Empire, Silver Cat Club of Brooklyn, 1920; First and Winner, Best Novice, Best Female, Second Best Cat, Cleveland, 1922; First and Winner, Best Female, Second Best Cat, Boston and Columbus, 1922. *4768. HAMPTON SILVER ARYON PASHA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 18, 1921. Bred by Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. Owner, Mrs. E. T. Dubord, Montreal. S IRE , Hampton Wintrex of Wintarge *4507. D AM , Ch. Hampton Winter Glory *3548. Wins: Ottawa, 1922; First and Winner, Best Novice, Montreal, 1922; First and Winner, and Second Best Cat. *5150. HOLDEN LIGHTSON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Calvin *4065. D AM , Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) 68 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4401. HOLDEN MYSTERY OF WAHOO. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 7, 1917. Breeder, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Ganymede *1353. D AM , Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol . 6, p. 56.) Wins: Silver Society, 1921, Best Novice and Best Chinchilla in Show, First and Winner; Atlantic, 1921, Best Novice and Best Chinchilla in Show, First and Winner; Empire, 1921, First and Winner; Silver Society, 1922, First and Winner. *4622. JOU JOU. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 11, 1917. Bred by Mr. T. W. Ingersoll, Buffalo, Minn. Owner, Mrs. Luise Hill, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Sir Peter, A. C. A. 3538, by Ittah Bitti *1997, ex Queenie S., A. C. A. 3229. Queenie S. by Silver Santa, A. C. A. 3228, ex Lady Retta. Silver Santa by Tintagel, B. C. C. 862, ex Silver Spangle, A. C. A. 549. Lady Retta by Ard Pat, A. C. A. 315, ex Allie. D AM , Lady Gray by Ivanhoe, A. C. A. 634, ex Silver Queen, A. C. A. 969. Ivanhoe by Roy's Laddie, ex Titinia Atossa. Silver Queen by Al Tarek *120, ex Silverlocks *121. *4260. JULESON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 12, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Anna Ray, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 3569. D AM , Hampton Juleanna *3567. *5171. LADY LA BLOYD. (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 11, 1920. Bred by Mrs. C. R. Davis. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Hamlin, Toledo, O. S IRE , Silver Symbol, A. C. A. 4444, by Ganymede *1353, ex Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) D AM , Silver Madam Butterfly, A. C. A. 2811, by Tasso, A. C. A. 2475, ex Silver Ney, A. C. A. 2474. Tasso by Toddington, ex Jacqueminot. Silver Ney by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116, ex Melba, A. C. A. 422. *4656. LADY OF THE YUKON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 1, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 69 Owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. S IRE , Dr. Rosenwald *4580. D AM , La Belle by Petruchio, A. C. A. 1251, ex Fatima. Petruchio by Ch. Argent Splendour *100, ex Argent Pretty Lady *440. Fatima by Regal Hermes *1334, ex Regal Pale Face *471. *5043. LORD BRESFORD II. (sic – BERESFORD) (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 14, 1914. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Mallery. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Montzeuma (sic – Montezuma) , A. C. A. 2321, by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116, ex Martha Fluff, A. C. A. 1028. (See *3546 and *3034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) D AM , Lady Kit Ky by Al Tarek II. *342, ex Grace Darling, A. C. A., by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116, ex South Shore Sally. *4173. MADAM FAJARDO HAMPTON. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1920. Bred by Hampton Cattery, Clevelan d, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3546, Vol. 6, p. 56.) *5186. MADEMOISELLE MIRLETTE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 6, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple. Owner, Mrs. June L. Watson, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Silver Humor of Minnesota *3740. *4734. MADRONA CHARMION. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 12, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Fred G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Hayward Eastman, Tacoma, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356, A. C. A. 2845. D AM , Mlle. Fifi by Silver Dyke, Jr., A. C. A. 2834, ex Argent Mayblossom *1301. Silver Dyke, Jr., by Ch. Silver Dyke *1190, ex Argent Mayblossom *1301. *4466. MELVANO OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey, Hawthorne Cattery, Springfield, III. S IRE , Hampton Bumpers *3547. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. 70 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4483. MINNESOTA JUNO BOY. (Rules 2. 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Victor Reinhardt. Owner, Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Empire Victor, A. C. A. 4067, by Empire Lambkins, A. C. A. 3517, ex Lady Schultz *2784. Empire Lambkins by Empire Wahoo Hastings *2045, ex Lady Schultz *2784. D AM , Lady Silver Hair, A. C. A. 4188, by Belmont Al Stai *4108, ex Silver Jubilee, A. C. A. 3386, by Don Otto, A. C. A. 1638, ex Alyta *1063. (See *1126, Vol. 3, p. 49.) *4666. MISS SWEETIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Lulu Whipple. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Watson, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *2911. PERSIS OF SAN DAWN. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 26, 1916. .Bred by Mrs. Al. Stout Haner. Owner, Mrs, Eva M. Barnett. Former owner, Miss E. V. Celty, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Dunder *1638. D AM , Peep of Dawn *2425. *4172. ROBLYN OF CLAREMONT (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 23, 1919. Bred by Mr. A. Edstrom. Owner, Mrs, B. Buckholz, Toledo, O. Former owner, Mrs. C. A. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. Former owner, Mrs. Ida Eckert. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy II. of Claremont, A. C. A. 3006, by Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont *1310, A. C. A. 1561, ex Ch. Genee Winter *1644, A. C. A. 2268. D AM , Silverton Queen **4215, by Lord Silverton **4217, ex Sweet Hallie **4216. Wins: First and Winner Cleveland, 1921; Indianapolis, 1921; Chicago, 1922. *4300. ROBLYN II. OF MINNESOTA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, Minnesota Cattery. Owner, Mrs. Eva M. Barnett, Canton, O. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 71 *4316. ROBLYN III. OF MINNESOTA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. Owner, Rambler Cattery, Spencerport, N. Y. Former owner, Mrs. Lena V. Morrow, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *4301. ROB RENA OF MINNESOTA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. Owner, Mr. Joseph Krieger, Ottumwa, Iowa Former owner, Mrs. Lena V. Morrow, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Silver Zizi of Minnesota *3935. *4491. ROB ROY II. OF CLAREMONT (Champion). A. C. A. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born February 7, 1915. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ida Eckert, Oakland, Cal. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont *1310. D AM , Ch. Genee Winter *1644. Wins: First and Winner, Best Male, San Diego, 1916; Oakland, 1916; San Francisco, 1916; First and Winner and Best Male and Best Cat, Sacramento, 1917. *5041. SAN DAWN II. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Bred by owner, Marie Stout-Crandall. S IRE , Roblyn II. of Minnesota *4300. D AM , San Gleam of San Dawn *4222. *5040. SAN DAWN KING OF THE DAWNS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Bred by owner, Marie Stout-Crandall. S IRE , Roblyn II. of Minnesota *4300. D AM , San Gleam of San Dawn *4222. *4458. SERZUM OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 21, 1920. Bred by Hawthorne Cattery, Springfield, O. Owner, Mrs. Helen A. Caldwell, Rocky Creek Cattery, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Hampton Bumpers *3547. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. 72 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4482. SILVER HUMOR II. OF MINNESOTA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 15, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Silver Humor of Minnesota *3740. *4509. SILVERLAND SHOOGY SHOO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 21, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Fernie B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Silver Echo *3465. D AM , Silverland Sweet Briar *4257. *4916. SILVER MINER II. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born January 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Young. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. D AM , Lydia Lee, A. C. A. 3850, by Al Tarek III. *1414, ex Zaida, A. C. A. 3181. *4387. SILVER TOKEN OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey, Hawthorne Cattery. Owner, Mrs. De Witt Hull, Tulsa, Okla. S IRE , Hampton Bumpers *3547. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. *3935. SILVER ZIZI OF MINNESOTA. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 4, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. S IRE , Our King Silver I., A. C. A. 2222, by Silver King II. *4315, ex Lady Vixen, A. C. A. 2178. Silver King by Col. Cody, ex Lady Cottonwood. Col. Cody by Alfrancis, Jr., ex Lady Elsworth. Lady Cottonwood by King Charles, Jr., ex Lady Primrose. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *4400. SIR HOLDEN OF WAHOO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 17, 1917. Bred by Mrs. W. E. Colburn. Owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Former owner, Mrs. S. E. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Dunder *1638. D AM , Persis of San Dawn *2911. Wins: Silver Society, 1921, First Novice; Atlantic Cat Club, 1921, First Novice and Winner; Empire Cat Show, 1921, First and Winner; Silver Society, 1922, First and Winner and Best Chinchilla in Show. SIR HOLDEN OF WAHOO * 4400 Chinchilla Male Owned by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 73 *5037. TOMBARDI OF HAZELTON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 14, 1918. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Gise. Owner, Mrs. Mary L. Roper, Toledo, O. S IRE , Sir Dyko of Holden, A. C. A. 3150, by Ch. Silver Dyke *1190, ex Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. *4861. TWINKLING TWILIGHT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 11, 1920. Bred by Marion Hope. Owner, Mrs. Geo. Laughlin, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Dunder *1638, A. C. A. 2341. D AM , Dainty Pax by Winter Pax *3463, ex Winter Sweetheart by Dunder, ex Mandalay Marvel ***2183. *4556. VANITY FAIR PURRSIA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born Sept. 18, 1919. Bred by Marion Hope. Owner, Mrs. Albert H. Smith, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , Lord Arrandale of Claremont *2978. D AM , Winter Fantasie by Dunder *1638, A. C. A. 2341, ex Mandalay Marvel *2183. *5003. WINTARGE EL FURADO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 29, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. H. Churchill, Montclair, N. J. S IRE , Argent Silverhair *3143. D AM , Cirrus of Wintarge *3470. *4944. WINTARGE MUSHAWA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 29, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. H. Churchill. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Favorite, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Argent Silverhair *3143. D AM , Mistress Honey Bun *3759. *5115. WYNNEWOOD. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Hawthorne Cattery. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Gebhart, Toledo, O. S IRE , Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. 74 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Shaded Silver *4156. ALAMO OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born January 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey. Owner, Miss Cozette Smith, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sylvano of Hawthorne *3915, A. C. A. 3972. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050, A. C. A. 3474. *5108. BABE SILVERIZE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born August 6, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , The Duke of Aldermoor, A. C. A. 4774, by King Don of Aldermoor *4004, ex Princess Silverkin, by Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356, ex Dainty Lassie, A. C. A. 3715. D AM , Lady Gray of Aldermoor, A. C. A. 4616. (See *5107.) *4497. BABENNA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1920. Bred by Miss Mildred Sheridan. Owner, Mrs. Katherine Sayers, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Prince Polaris *3665. D AM , Princess Louella *1469. *4909. CATHLEEN OF ROSE COTTAGE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Yellowish green eyes. Born March 17, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Glen Morris, L. I. S IRE , Capt. Smith *3666. D AM , Queen Camilla **3385. *5146. CHEYAN CHUPPO OF PANTHER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Copper eyes. Born October 13, 1921. Bred by Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. Owner, Mrs. W. Price, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Blue Emperor of Coldstream *3891. D AM , Lady of the Yukon *4656. *4479. CHIEF SILVER BIRD OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Yellow green eyes. Born June 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. Chester, Bird's Nest Cattery. S IRE , Roy'l Pierre of Bird's Nest *3801. D AM , Lady Black Topsy *3301. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 75 *4581. EFFIE SPEAS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1917. Bred by Mrs. John Speas. Owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Petruchio, A. C. A. 1251, by Ch. Argent Splendour *100, ex Argent Pretty Lady *440. D AM , Fatima, A. C. A. 598, by Regal Hermes *1334, ex Regal Pale Face *471. *4131. EVA LEE. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 6, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. A. Young, Springfield, Ill. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, A. C. A. 3972, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050, A. C. A. 3474. D AM , Lydia Lee, A. C. A. 3850, by Al Tarek III. *1414, A. C. A. 1665, ex Zaida, A. C. A. 3181, by Butiboi, A. C. A. 2414, ex Muzette, A. C. A. 698. (See *3205, Vol. 6, p. 55.) *4883. GLENCAIRN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 6, 1919. Bred by Laura A. Kinsloe. Owner, Mrs. Emolyn Laux, Englewood, N. J. S IRE , Kilmington Ki Ku **3703, A. C. A. 3096. D AM , Highland Lass *4845. *4866. GOTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. A. Olsen, Richmond Hill, N. Y. S IRE , Captain Smith *3666. D AM , Silver Thread **4864. *3567. HAMPTON JULEANNA (Champion). (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 13, 1917. Bred by Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. Owner, Miss Anna Ray. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3546.) Wins: First and Winner, Cleveland, 1919; Cleveland, 1922; Columbus, 1922. *4296. HAMPTON JUDGE. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Neuter. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1920. Bred by Hampton Cattery. Owner, Mrs. Frederick Miles, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3546, Vol. 6, p. 56.) 76 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4225. HAMPTON MADAM GRAY MOUSE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1920. Breeder, Hampton Cattery. Owner, Mrs. Blanche Fleming, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3546, Vol. 6, p. 56.) *4507. HAMPTON WINTREXX (sic) OF WINTARGE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born August 31, 1918 Bred by Mrs. A. H. Churchill, Montclair, N. J. Owner, Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Argent Silverhair *3143, A. C. A. 1527. D AM , Winter Reverie *1332. *4457. HAWTHORNE ZORRO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 29, 1920. Bred by Hawthorne Cattery, Springfield, O. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Crammond, Tacoma, Wash. S IRE , Hampton Bumpers *3547. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. *4845. HIGHLAND LASS. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 14, 1917. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Favorite, Philadelphia, Pa. Owner, Laura E. Kinslos, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Aurora Silver Dai, A. C. A. 2487, by Don Dai *1415, ex The Quakeress, A. C. A. 1549. D AM , Donna Dee, A. C. A. 2542, by Montezuma, A. C. A. 2321, ex Aurora Bo Peep, A. C. A. 2538. Aurora Bo Peep by Troll King, A. C. A. 2310, ex Sylvia Templeton. *4267. HOLDEN PRINCE CHARMING. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 13, 1916. Bred by Mrs. S. K. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Addie R. Wentworth, East Sharon, Conn. S IRE , Prince Argentine, A. C. A. 2329, by Rob Roy II. of Arrandale, ex Pudsey. D AM , Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3 034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) Rob Roy II. by Rob Roy of Arrandale (*358, Vol. 1, p. 56). Pudsey by Lord Beresford, ex Martha Fluff. (See *3548, Vol. 7, p. 45.) *5020. IMASON OF MOONBEAM. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. A. Young, Springfield, O. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. D AM , Imawonder *4611. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 77 *4611. IMAWONDER. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 22, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. A. Young, Springfield, Ill. S IRE , Hampton Bumpers *3547. D AM , Eva Lee *4131. *4846. KINGSTON EMPIRE SILVER TOPSY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born November 1, 1920. Bred by Empire Cattery, Richmond Hill, Ont. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Kingston, Brentwood, L. I. S IRE , Empire Silver Lambkins, A. C. A. 3517, by Empire Wahoo Hastings *2045, ex Lady Schultz **2784. (See *5185.) D AM , Empire Silver Darkness, A. C. A. 4577, by Empire Silver Lambkins, A. C. A. 3517, ex Lady Schultz **2784. *4678. LA BELLA WILFER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Speas. Owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Petruchio, A. C. A. 1251. D AM , Fatima, A. C. A. 589, by Regal Hermes *1334, ex Regal Pale Face *471. *4684. LADY MADGE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born 1918. Bred by Mrs. Wm. Gise. Owner, Mrs. Madge Kelly, Toledo, O. S IRE , Silver Dyko of Holden, A. C. A. 3150, by Ch. Silver Dyke *1190, ex Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol. 6, p. 56.) D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. *4974. LADY ROMANCE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Yellowish green eyes. Born June 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Harold M. Weeks, New York, N. Y. Owner, Miss Brukart, Long Island City, L. I. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Queen of Iran *4235. *4582. LONE JACK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 21, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Dr. Rosenwald *4580. D AM , Effie Speas *4581. 78 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4880. LORD ECHOSON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Theresa Baldwin, New York. S IRE , Silver Echo *3465. D AM , Liberty Fife *3367. *5135. LORENA II. (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 19, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Grace Hall, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Bill Dingley *989. D AM , Lorena *913. *4508. MAMSELLE HAMPTON. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1920. Bred by Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, O. Owner, Miss Katherine Underhill, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426, A. C. A. 2569. D AM , Betty Gray, A. C. A. 2869. (See *3548.) Win: Toledo, 1920. First Shaded Silver Kitten. *4893. MAYVIE OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey. Owner, Mrs. William White, Milwaukee, Wis. S IRE , Sylvano of Hawthorne *3906, A. C. A. 3972. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050, A. C. A. 3474. *4941. OVID MISTOKIN. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Oken, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356, A. C. A. 2845. D AM , Mitzi Dyke, A. C. A. 4296. (See *4555.) *5114. PRINCESS BONDELLA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 12, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, O. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Gebhart, Toledo, O. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. *4235. QUEEN OF IRAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born November 30, 1919. Breeder, Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. Harold M. Weeks, Rosedale, L. I. S IRE , Trump *3795. D AM , Twilight Shadows *3792. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 79 *4299. ROBBINS OF MINNESOTA (Champion). (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lula E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. Wins: First and Winner, Cleveland, 1922; Indianapolis, 1922; Chicago, 1922. *4347. ROYAL VIKING. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Theresa Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. Luella E. Preble, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Dunder *1638. D AM , Twilight Shadows *3792. 4222. SAN GLEAM OF SAN DAWN. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Light shaded silver. Deep green eyes. Born March 26, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Marie Stout-Crandall, Muskegon, Mich. S IRE , Lord Hampton *3545. D AM , Gleam O'Dawn *2915. *4439. SILVEREEN OF GAYLAND. (Rules 2, 4 anti 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Young, Springfield. III. Owner, Miss Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. D AM , Lydia Lee, A. C. A. 3850, by Al Tarek III. *1414, ex Zaida, A. C. A. 3181, by Butiboi, A. C. A. 2419, ex Muzette, A. C. A. 698. (See *2789, Vol. 6, p. 60. See *3205, Vol. 6, p. 55.) *4258. SILVERLAND MISTLETOE. (Rules 4 anti 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 8, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Fernie B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Arrandale of Claremont *3694, A. C. A. 2975. D AM , Silverland Sweet Briar *4257. *4257. SILVERLAND SWEET BRIAR. (Rule, I and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert. Owner, Mrs. Fernie B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Ganymede *1353, A. C. A. 1726. D AM , Holden Dyk Elva *3034. *4881. SILVER PRINCESS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. T. M. Baldwin, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Silver Echo *3465. D AM , Libertyfife *3367. 80 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4950. SILVER RAFFLES. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Born June 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Gebhart. Owner, Mrs. B. Buckholz, Toledo, O. S IRE , Tombardi of Hazelton *5037. D AM , Lady Wee Wee by Hafiz Peter Pan *3205, ex Lady Bordeaux *3646. Win: Best Shaded Silver Kitten, Cleveland, 1922. *4671. SILVER RAMBLER. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Young. Owner, Mrs. L. M. Berger, Rochester, N. Y. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. D AM , Imawonder *4611. *4865. SVEA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. A. Olsen. S IRE , Captain Smith *3666. D AM , Silver Thread **4864. *5042. TOPSY TURVY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born November 10, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Woodhull. Owner, Mrs. F. B. Chapman, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Silver Sport *2908. D AM , Dolly Woodhull **4911, by Silver Sport **2908, ex Topsy Toes **3858. *5199. WAHOO ELVAINE. (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Light shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April, 1919. Bred by Mrs. A. Dillard. Owner, Mrs. Geo. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. Former owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Don Silvos *5258, by Ch. Donsilverra *2792, ex Geraldine. Geraldine by Don Otto, ex Alyta *1063. D AM , Holden Dyk-Elva *3034. *5180. WAHOO YCAMIA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 29, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Geo. Laughlin, Toledo, O. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Queen of Iran *4235. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 81 *4555. ZAERA ZAN. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 10, 1920. Owner, Mrs. George Laughlin, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Sinbad of Holden, A. C. A. 3712, by Silver Buddie, A. C. A. 3377, ex Persis of San Dawn *2911. Silver Buddie by Ganymede *1353, ex Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2840. (See *3034.) D AM , Mitzi Dyke, A. C. A. 4296, by Silver Dyke, Jr., A. C. A. 2834, ex Silver Mase, A. C. A. 3162. Silver Mase by Excel Silver Laddie, A. C. A. 2743, ex Silver Pansy Girl, A. C. A. 3161. Excel Silver Laddie by Excel Silver Foxy, A. C. A. 2528, ex Wahoo Lolita, A. C. A. 2529, ***1718, by Ganymede *1353, ex Silver Patience. *4105. ZARLINA. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Blue green eyes. Born July 3, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Balkam. Owner, Miss Alice E. Crawford, Springfield, Mass. S IRE , Warthen **4153, by Sir Roger, A. C. A. 2417, ex Belmont Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3862. Sir Roger by Bobby, A. C. A. 2616, ex Juliet. Belmont Lady Gay by Bobby Boy, ex Lady Grey, A. C. A. 2931. Bobby by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116 (see *2356, Vol. 5, p. 55), ex South Shore Sally, A. C. A. 2620, by Sir Walter Scott, ex Silver Sprite. D AM , Tricolette **4154, by Lord Dixie Vernon **4155, ex Lady Gay, A. C. A. 2931. Lord Dixie Vernon by Heather Laddie, A. C. A. 1408, ex Daisy Heather Laddie by Otto Boy, ex Heather Maid, A. C. A. 945. Daisy by Smartie, ex Pinkie. Long-Haired Silver Tabby *4802. COLONEL. (Rule 4. L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 18, 1921. Bred by Miss Lila Simcox. Owner, Mr. W. A. Nalan, Hampton, Iowa. S IRE , Prince Le Donn *4170. D AM , Black Lassie of Harmony Hall **4080. *5145. DADDY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 17, 1918. Bred by Natalie Tomlins. Owner, Mrs. A. Stevenson, Long Island City, N. Y. S IRE , Kilmington Ki Ku **3703, A. C. A. 3096. D AM , Princess Rudabah *2007. 82 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4874. DE LASSIE O. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Yellowish green eyes. Born June 6, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Jessie M. Simson, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Captain Smith *3666. D AM , Tabettina **4873. *4580. DR. ROSENWALD (Deceased). (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born April 1, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Tasso, A. C. A. 2475, by Toddington *419, ex Jacqueminot *920. D AM , Bianca, A. C. A. 2078, by Silver Ali, A. C. A. 2077, ex Kee Kee by Al Tarek *120, ex Kee Kee Vita. Silver Ali by Regal Hermes *1334, ex Regal Pale Face *471. *4160. INDEPENDENCE BOOTKINS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mrs. L. C. Perkins. S IRE , Independence Holden Silver Cricket *4096. D AM , Independence Muggins **3941. *4162. INDEPENDENCE PALL MALL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Danforth. Owner, Mrs. J. W. Donnelly. S IRE , Independence Holden Silver Cricket *4096. D AM , Independence Muggins *3941. *4679. MARIANA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Green eyes . Born April 21, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy. S IRE , Petruchio, A. C. A. 1251, by Ch. Argent Splendor *100, ex Argent Pretty Lady *440. D AM , Virginia Dare by Tasso, A. C. A. 2475, ex Bianca, A. C. A. 2078. Tasso by Toddington, A. C. A. 1229, ex Jacqueminot *970. Bianca by Silver Ali, A. C. A. 2077, ex Kee Kee. *5079. SILVER TINTO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born April 17, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Mona C. Lichtner. Owner, Mrs. Evans Jones. S IRE , Il Sumbijie **2279. D AM , Silver Lady O'Mine *4067. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 83 Long-Haired Smoke *4603. BARRON KING. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born March 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Jos. Jenkins. Owner, Mr. Jas. H. Sayre, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Nookie *4602. *5160. BILLIE THE GREAT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Green eyes. Born March 18, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. Elsa A. Reichwein, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Tiptoe **5158, by Leontine, A. C. A. 2378, ex Black Betty **5159. Leontine by Kawon I. *1316, ex Julia, A. C. A. 1474. Julia by Swastika Tiky Two, A. C. A. 911 (see *1572, Vol. 4, p. 45), ex Daffodil Nowak. D AM , Sisselee *5132. *4559. CLIP. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born February 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. L. G. Olsey. Owner, Mrs. James McDowell, Larchmont, N. Y. S IRE , Moo Floo *3403. D AM , Belle Haven *4410. *4848. CLARIMONDE OF ROSELYNN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. J. Lynn. Owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd. S IRE , Prince Othello **4051. D AM , Ebonie Winifred Black III. *4831. *5059. COU D'ARGENTO (Champion). (Rules 5 and 6.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born July 30, 1914. Bred by Mrs. F. C. Stegman. Owner, Mrs. W. F. Anderson, Kalamazoo, Mich. S IRE , Du Betto Cutbarth, A. C. A. 1771. (See *2236, Vol. 5, p. 22.) D AM , Tasso Babe by Jack, A. C. A. 1680, ex Dusky Maid. Jack by Dandelion, A. C. A. 723, ex Peggy. Dandelion by Hamish, B. C. C., ex Buttercup. Peggy by High Monk, ex Blackie. Dusky Maid by Simmonds, A. C. A. 3453, ex Fluffy Ruffs. Simmonds by Brushwood Persimmon, ex Gladys. Fluffy Ruffs by Lord Bobby of Sunnyhill, ex Lady Dusky. Wins: First and Winner ............................. Cleveland, 1922. 84 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *3241. DUSKY DINAH. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Born June 2, 1916. Bred by Mrs. E. Kellogg. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson. S IRE , Silver Sport *2908. D AM , Topsy by Zero *875, ex Fluff Kellogg *2208. *4877. IRENE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born August 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. J. Stahman. Owner, Mrs. Stephen C. Stacisko, Fort Sill, Okla. S IRE , Sambo Max, A. C. A. 4383, by Jackwood, A. C. A. 4475, ex Emmy Lou, G. C. C. F. 6745. Jackwood by Steve Stewart, A. C. A. 3991, ex Patience II. D AM , Lady Nicotine *4294. *4510. JOHN RODNEY. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet, Dallas, Tex. Owner, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Randall, Shamrock, Okla. S IRE , King Tokio *4322, A. C. A. 3815. D AM , Deveda, A. C. A. 3881, by Faust II. *726, ex Norma A. C. A. 3783, by Goblin Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817, ex Megan Pertinax. *4849. KING VESUVIUS OF ROSELYNN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. J. Lynn, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince Othello **4051. D AM , Ebonie Winifred Black III. *4831. *5157. LADY JONET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born February 13, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Robinson. Owner, Mrs. Benj. Rowe, Glen Morris, L. I. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3108. D AM , Luella of Rose Cottage *4812. *3685. LADY MOKO. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born June 26, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Sam Orwig, Niles, O. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Gray, Peoria, Ill. S IRE , Goblin Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817. D AM , Lady O'Mitsu *3536. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 85 *4294. LADY NICOTINE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 8, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. M. Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Stahlmann, Clint, Texas. Former owner, Mrs. Chas. Bryan. S IRE , Faust II. **722, by Faust I. *620, ex Marguerite *802. D AM , Norma, A. C. A. 3783, by Goblin Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817, ex Megan. (See *2809, Vol. 6, p. 82.) *4150. LADY ZEIGLER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born April 30, 1919. Bred by Mr. Thomas Mullen. Owner, Mrs. J. P. Zeigler, Bloomsburg, Pa. S IRE , Gay Lad, A. C. A. 3272, by Coo Betto, A. C. A. 2867, ex Minnie Elmo, A. C. A. 2877. Coo Betto by Du Betto Cutbarth, A. C. A. 1771. (See *2256, Vol. 5, p. 22.) D AM , Polly Sweetheart of Keewaydin ***3641, by Fairy Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Polly Peachim Pertinax *2809. *5154. LEILA SHEPHERD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born March, 1917. Bred by Mrs. G. R. Hall. Owner, Mrs. Louise Jubb, Larchmont, N. Y. S IRE , Reliance Alcyone *1340. D AM , Persis **1387. *4573. LITTLE VIXEN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born May 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. F. Edlah Martin. Owner, Mrs. V. H. Lyon, Ottawa, Ont. S IRE , Kewlockeson, A. C. A. 1822, by Kewlocke, A. C. A. 12, ex Smoka of Southampton, A. C. A. 1643, by Roi, ex Queenie. Roi by Shaitan, ex Queenie by Teufel, ex Backwell J oyful. D AM , Beautiful Lady **1748, by Roddy Blue *4572, ex Bluecoat Winona, A. C. A. 608. Roddy Blue by Ch. King Blue Jay *3914, ex Tessie. *3607. MAXINE DELTA. Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Mackey, McKees Rocks, Pa. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Lockhart, Tampa, Fla. S IRE , Captain Cupid **2808. D AM , Ch. Catapillar of Delamere *3780. 86 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5155. MOO FLOO II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. G. Olsey. Owner, Mrs. Louise Jubb, Larchmont, N. Y. S IRE , Moo Floo **3403. D AM , Lelia Shepherd *5154. *4390. MURKY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born June 22, 1920. Bred by Miss Cheesbrough. Owner, Mr. Jas. H. Sayre, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Former owner, Mr. F. H. Breisch. S IRE , Thorpe Eyolf of Avonlea *3492, A. C. A. 2924. D AM , Victory Loan *4277. *4986. NEGRITA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born August 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. J. Stahlmann. Owner, Mrs. J. Del Campo, El Paso, Texas. S IRE , Sambo Max, A. C. A. 4583. (See *4877.) D AM , Lady Nicotine *4294. *4590. OUR BOY BARRY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Gold eyes. Born October 30, 1920. Owner, Mrs. G. Barry, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Benridge Boy, A. C. A. 3612, by Ebonie Tarzan, A. C. A. 3079, ex Tama. (See *4632.) D AM , Silver Grace, A. C. A. 3875, by Zero *875, ex Winter Reverie *1332. *4170. PRINCE LA DONN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born July 1, 1919. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Stalford. Owner, Miss Lila Simcox, Des Moines, Iowa. S IRE , General Smoke *2675. D AM , Princess Hilda *3872. *5168. SENIA SOL OF TANGLEWOOD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born June 17, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. L. Gatchell. Owner, Mrs. W. P. Christain, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Blue Jacket II., A. C. A. 2991, by Ch. King S eafoam *2014, ex Patsy Boliver **1251. D AM , Bo Peep by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin ***2613, by Billie Button of Emberton *1378, ex Hyacinth *1370. CHAMPION, THE BLACK MASQUE *3627 Smoke Male Owned by Mrs. A. W. Mackey C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 87 *5132. SISSELEE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born September 3 1917. Bred by Mrs. Walter Fisher. Owner, Mrs. Elsie A. Reichwein, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385 (see *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39), ex Miss Patsy. Miss Patsy by Cr. Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Daphne D., A. C. A. 1225. D AM , Ginsam *1580. *3627. THE BLACK MASQUE (Champion). (Re-entry from Vol. 7.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born March 13, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Howard Ebey. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Mackey, McKees Rock, Pa. S IRE , The Honorable Jimmy, G. C. C. F. 4127, by Ch. Peter of Castlethorpe, A. C. A. 1860, *2369, ex Megan Pertinax, A. C. A. 2874. (See *2809, Vol. 6, p. 82.) D AM , Grisele of Revelstoke *3626. Wins: Detroit, 1918, Best Smoke Kitten; Cleveland, 1919, First Novice, First Open and Winner; Persian Cat Society of Pitsburgh (sic) , 1920, First and Winner; Empire Cat Club, 1920, Second; Detroit, 1922, First and Winner. *4003. VELVET JOE OF VICKERY (Champion). (Re-entry from Vol. 7.) (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Male. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born April 8, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Faust II. *722, A. C. A. 1276. D AM , Norma, A. C. A. 3783, by Goblin Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817 (see *3685), ex Megan Pertinax, A. C. A. 2374. (See *2809, Vol. 6, p. 82.) Wins: First and Winner, Dallas, 1920; Dallas, 1921; Kansas City, 1921. *4277. VICTORY LOAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 9, 1919. Bred by Helen Hunt Fuller. Owner, Miss Nellie W. Chesebrough, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief II. *3993, A. C. A. 4042. D AM , Peggy Jap, A. C. A. 2632, by Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 1123 (see *1931, Vol. 5, p. 26), ex Tabby Girl, A. C. A. 1724, by St. Anthony Togo, A. C. A. 1717, ex Lady Bettie. 88 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Brown Tabby *5101. BABY MILLER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Van Gorden, Olean, N. Y. S IRE , Pasconel **1613. D AM , Lady Electa **4435. *4833. CHARLIE CHAPLIN OF ROSELYNN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. J. J. Lynn, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince Othello **4051. D AM , Ladd's Madam B. F. **4832. *5125. CHARMANTE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born November 1, 1921. Bred by Fannie Le Bay. Owner, Mrs. Adolph Thran, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Fautoche *4670. *4655. CLYTIE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, O. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus **3878. D AM , Madeline of Columbus *3961. *5078. CYCLONE MINOCTUA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Date of birth not given. Bred by Mrs. Ora Dunn. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Parks. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Gippy Bell *4912. *5036. COPPERONS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born May 10, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. Theo. Slade, Wichita, Kansas. S IRE , Ch. Gold Finch *2505. D AM , Clarisse *2129. *4325. DON PEDRO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born April 23, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Hally Bradley, Fort Worth, Texas. S IRE , King Tokio *4322, A. C. A. 3815. D AM , Betsy White **4198, by Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100, ex: Louise De V. **4072. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 89 *5083. DUCKY DARLING. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born January 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Clahane. Owner, Miss Dorothy Mills, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Bruno's Best Girl by Ch. Bruno's Best Boy **1608, A. C. A. 1689, ex Peggy Steele by Stanhope Magnificat **1928, ex Lady Fatima. *4670. FAUTOCHE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 20, 1917. Bred by Miss Mary Alward. Owner, Mrs. B. E. Le Bay, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ch. Bruno's Best Boy, A. C. A. 1689, **1608. D AM , Lady Tatters **4552. *4450. GENERAL PERSHING. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Golden eyes. Born March 13, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Jennie Dillingham. Owner, Mrs. Jesse J. Ellsworth, Oskaloosa, Ia. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656. (See *4179.) D AM , Lady Naomi, A. C. A. 3413, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Cheyene. Tiger by King Frisky, ex Flossie. Cheyene by Tawny Boy, ex Galatea. Tawny Boy by Arlington Hercules, ex Floriana. Galatea by Ch. Hawthorne, ex Duchess. Hawthorne by Ch. Black Thorn, ex Lady Maud Jennings. Duchess by Persimmon, ex Rainbow Queen. *4668. GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born March 15, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. C. Card, Columbus, O. S IRE , Sunny Boy, A. C. A. 3394, by Stanhope Magnificat **1925, ex Bonnie Wee's Suzanne, A. C. A. 2707. D AM , Alla Haroun *4057. *5082. INDIANOLA BABY JANE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Milo Shafer, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Miller **4055. D AM , Indianola Mittenetta *4913. *5080. INDIANOLA GENERAL COURT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 5, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Milo Shafer, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Miller **4055. D AM , Indianola Mittenetta *4913. 90 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4913. INDIANOLA MITTENETTA. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born, November, 1917. Bred by Mrs. W. D. Mitten. Owner, Mrs. Milo F. Shafer, Columbus, O. S IRE , Karl Heinrich II., A. C. A. 3210, by Karl Heinrich *1597, ex Florinda by Tawny Boy, ex Galatea. D AM , Hika Diva by Butiboi II., A. C. A. 2420, ex Beauty of Bromholm, A. C. A. 2311, by Rob Roy III. of Bromholm, ex Lady Betty. *4885. IWIN IWIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Date of birth not given. Bred by owner, Mrs. Tenney, River Edge, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Mistuf *4884. *4186. JAMES COX. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. M. K. Eastman. Owner, Miss Maud Kennedy, Buckeye Lake, O. Former owner, Mrs. Martha Barnes. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878, A. C. A. 3842. D AM , Joyce *4113, by Stanhope Magnificat *1928, A. C. A. 2404, ex Billie Burke by Ch. Bruno's Best Boy **1608, ex Princess Polly Pepper, A. C. A. 2271. (See *2013, Vol. 5, p. 15.) *4247. JANEY MAC. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born May 22, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Eugene Crow. Owner, Mrs. Jennie Plumstead, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Bonnie Red Wing *2290, A. C. A. 2736. D AM , Lady Pansy *2848 *5035. JUNGLE FIRE QUEEN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born May 8, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. Theo. Slade, Wichita, Kan. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Fire Fly *2504. *4407. KIPP PANSY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Earseman, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Miss Bountiful **3746, by Tawny Vice Roy **4410, ex Aurora Doll Baby *2350. Tawny Vice Roy by Brayfort Vice Roy, ex: Paquita. Brayfort Vice Roy by Ch. Brayfort Viking, ex Ch. Brayfort Top Topper. Paquita by Tawny Boy, ex Merry Go Round. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 91 *4334. LADDIE BLACK. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born, Spring, 1917. Owner, Mrs. R. B. Black, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, by King Frisby, ex Flossie. D AM , Cheyenne by Tawny Boy, A. C. A. 705, ex Galatea. Tawny Boy by Ch. Arlington Hercules, ex Ch. Floriana. Galatea by Ch. Hawthorne, ex Duchess. *5103. LADDIE GAY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male., Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 19, 1921. Owner, Mrs. F. Gay, Alliance, O. S IRE , Pasconel **1613. D AM , Shurnana **2221. *4307. LAD OF VICKERY. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born June 12, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318, A. C. A. 3119. D AM , Ch. Chandos Calanthe *3187, A. C. A. 2788. *4884. MISTUF. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born ........................ Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. Tenney, River Edge, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Gold Finch *2505. D AM , Ch. Cheeta *1235. *5085. OLENTANGY BIG NOISE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 14, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Riebel. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Columbus, O. p S IRE , Buster Miller, *4055. (sic – should be **) D AM , Indianola Mittenetta *4913. *4406. O MIN GUMPS (index says O'MIN) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Earseman, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Miss Bountiful **3746. (See *4407.) *5123. QUEEN ANN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born, November, 1921. Bred by Fannie le Bay. Owner, Mrs. F. Bolesky, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Fautoche *4670. 92 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4560. QUEEN MAB. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. Ohmes. Owner, Mr. Walter R. Hutchins, Dennison, O. S IRE , Ch. Gold Finch *2505. D AM , Velutina by Ch. Chappie Boy *1871, ex Fire Fly by Colonial Robin **1005, ex Aurora Doll Baby, A. C. A. 2350. *4917. ROSE MERRY. (Rules 2 and 6.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 16, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Reeves. Owner, Mrs. Roscoe Corliss, Battle Creek, Mich. S IRE , Chandos Laddwyn, 3328, A. C. A. 3989. D AM , Lady Marian II., A. C. A. 3787, by D. D. Sweetheart, A. C. A. 3116, ex Lady Marian I. D. D. Sweetheart by D. D. Baxter 3115, ex Princess Douglass, A. C. A. 2106. Lady Marian by D. D. Gold King, A. C. A. 3111, ex Dixiana. *4405. SERGEANT TAD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Greenish amber eyes. Born March 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Earseman, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Gold Finch *2685. D AM , Clarisse **2129, by Ch Chappie Boy *1871, ex Pretty Peggy Pry, *1234. *4518. STEVE PASHA II. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born June 20, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. T. DuBord, Montreal. S IRE , Steve Pasha, A. C. A. 4551, by Jerry, ex Dolly W. Jerry by Woodroe Happy, ex Gretchen. Dolly W. by Rahman, A. C. A. 947, ex Dainty Lady, A. C. A. 647. D AM , Frisine Caid, A. C. A. 4552, by Brown Prince Don, A. C. A. 4033, ex Betty Morrow. *4363. SUNSHINE CORTICELLI. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born November 4, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Ethel Grow, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Sunshine Gold Dust *4207. *4897. TADOO DUNNE. (Rule 7.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Brown eyes. Born September 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Creighton. Owner, Mrs. Bruce Dunne, New York, N. Y. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 93 S IRE , White Heather **3886. D AM , Lady Creighton, A. C. A. 4710, by Lord Whitely, A. C. A. 4104, ex Dolly Dimple Thirley, A. C. A. 3727. Lord Whitely by Lord Sunshine *2941, ex Queen Elizabeth, by Prince Charming, ex Queen Minetta. *4306. VICKERY BOY. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born June 12, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318, A. C. A. 3119. D AM , Ch. Chandos Calanthe *3187, A. C. A. 2788. Long-Haired Red Tabby *5038. AIDA OF HAZELTON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 10, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Mary Roper, Toledo, O. S IRE , Red Conqueror of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3988. (See *4805.) D AM , Jeanie of Fox Valley by Souci Mack, A. C. A. 3529, ex: Lorna of Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709. Souci Mack by Rajah Mack *3318, ex Sunshine. Lorna of Fox Valley by Kim Jack of Hearts, ex Psyche. *4730. AMAHA OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3731. (See *4714.) D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. *4815. APO OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Red Hudson *4318. D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. *4814. ARAGAO OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Red Hudson *4318. D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. 94 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5057. BABECAT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 18, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Robert Christie. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, by Red Ruff, A. C. A. 101, ex Gold Nugget, by Torrington Red Knight, B. C. C. 1012, ex Lady Bunch. D AM , South Shore Red Bird by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Foo Foo, A. C. A. 1495, by Cusic Wolverine, A. C . A. 81, ex Posey. *4374. BINAUD OF KENNISTON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Breeder, Mrs. J. D. Mervin. Owner, Mrs. Charles Sumner. S IRE , Buckeye Little Chief *3748. D AM , Kinletta of Kenniston by Ch. Kintaro **879, ex Princess Larene, A. C. A. 2336, *3565. *5124. BONNIE JANE. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 26, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Celia A. Hofer, Toledo, O. Owner, Mrs. Paul M. Wellas, Toledo, O. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Patricia Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by Gold King II., A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Gold King II. by D. D. Gold King, A. C. A. 3111, ex Dixiana. Mitzie by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo by Titian Knight, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1992 , Vol. 5, p. 66, and *1936, Vol. 5, p. 33.) *4199. BUCKEYE MILENA. (Rules 1, 2, 4 Find 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 26, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Geo. T. Street, Havana, Cuba. S IRE , American Red Eagle *3316, A. C. A. 3406. D AM , Buckeye Red Flame *3176, A. C. A. 3132. *5004. CAPT. BENNY BOYE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. Harold E. Riggs, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916, *5070. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143, by General Ginger 2746, ex Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3078. *5026. CARMINE ARISTOCRAT (Champion). (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 2, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Palmer, Carmine Kennels, Denver, Col. S IRE , Sergeant Tip Top *3964. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 95 D AM , Swinton Red Fairy by Swinton Searchlight *1987, ex Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584. Kew Lassie II. by Lord Kew Tangerine *347, ex Autumn Lady, A. C. A. 2050. (See ........................................... ) Wins: Best Cat, First and Winner, Denver, 1921; Kansas City, 1921; First and Winner, Indianapolis, 1922. *5198. CARMINE RAINIERE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 9, 1922. Bred by Carmine Kennels, Denver, Colo. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II. *5027. *5031. CHANDOS REDBURN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 23, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Great Red Chief *2952. D AM , Chandos Celene by Swinton Searchlight *1987, ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. *4714. EGRA OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 1, 4 arid 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3731, by Red Panther, A. C. A. 3402, ex Fire Flash *3765. Red Panther by Seljuk, A. C. A. 2570, ex Queen of Hearts. (See *3942, Vol. 7, p. 36.) D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. *4795. CHANDOS THYMBRIA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September, 1918. Bred by Mr. Ralph Sargent, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Great Red Chief *2952. D AM , Jammu *1840. *4643. CHUBBY CHOO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Dora Moulton, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Black Smyrna **4382. D AM , Pretty Sally **4383. *4930. DOLLYDEW. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 26, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Celia A. Hofer, Toledo, O. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Patricia Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by Gold King II., A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Mitzie by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo. 96 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4901. DON ADRIANO. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1921. Bred by R. E. Colcord, Arlington, Fla. Owner, Mrs. Herman Gill, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Sergeant Tip Top *3964. D AM , Kitty Kat, A. C. A. 3784, by Almirante *2389, ex Delicia A. C. A. 4165, by Kawon I. *1316, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 1474. *4539. FAIRY TAIL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born, May, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Neiberg. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Miller, Groveport, O. S IRE , Rubra Fox of the Fox Valley *4243. D AM , Tevela by Burgundy Boy *2013, ex Lady Pansy, A. C. A. 3183, by Lazare II., A. C. A. 1879, ex Betti ne, A. C. A. 980. *4335. FLAMING ARROW, THE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 24, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Frank Franciskovich. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Great Red Chief *2952. D AM , Fiume by Great Red Chief *2952, ex P rincess Fluff. Princess Fluff by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Pansy Nowak, A. C. A. 3243. (See *3329.) *4717. FLANIGAN DEARIE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. W. Miller. Owner, Mrs. Joe Pace, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , Cinderella *2549. *5112. FLUFFINE PURVIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Maud Phinney. Owner, Mrs. H. G. Purvis. S IRE , Buster Phinney **4133, A. C. A. 4481, by Bruno's Best Boy **1608, ex Buttercup by High Monk, A. C. A. 1312, ex Middon Gold, A. C. A. 596. High Monk by Kuropatkin of Romeo, A. C. A. 179, ex Theodolinda of Marigold, A. C. A. 1141. Kuropatkin by Prince Rupert, B. C. C. 144, ex Princess Orange, B. C. C. 746. Theodolinda by Wolverine Bismark, A. C. A. 860, ex Bonnie Brownie, A. C. A. 937. Middon Gold by Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 1123, ex Misty. Teddy Bear by Gen. Jacqueminot, A. C. A. 301, ex Moyana. D AM , Susyanna *2010, A. C. A. 4481, by Stanhope Magnificat **1928, ex Pollyanna, A. C. A. 2276, by Bruno's Best Boy **1608, ex Princess Polly Pepper, A. C. A. 2271.(See *20191, Vol. 5, p. 15.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 97 *4127. GARNET OF VICKERY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born May 7, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. H. Schenk. Owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. Vickery Kennels. S IRE , Red Cardinal, A. C. A. 3702, by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, A. C. A. 3068, ex Merry Gold *3504. Merry Gold by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat. (See *1992, Vol. 5, p. 66.) Princess Pat by Ch. Aurora Admiral, A. C. A. 1633, *3199, ex Muffins. D AM , Love Lassie, A. C. A. 4146, by King Klondike, A. C. A. 3344, ex Brownie Girl, A. C. A. 3503. King Klondike by Copper Knight, ex Viva Vivian *3332, A. C. A. 1775. Copper Knight by Buster Bright, A. C. A. 880, ex Tirzah, A. C. A. 643. Bonnie Girl by Padishah, ex Bonnie I. *4527. GOLDEN SUN TINT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born Spring, 1920. Bred by Mrs. H. P. Wright. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Tobin, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Twinkle **2312, by Lord Goldemar Ladd *1900, ex Lynette **2269. *4710. GOLDEN WINNER. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus - Americus *3444. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *5021. HOOSIER FIREBAND. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 15, 1921. Bred by Dr. S. H. Swain. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Hamaker, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Thomas H. Gatchell, A. C. A. 4077, by Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, ex Heather Rogue Babe, A. C. A. 3640. Fire Flame by Ch. Eden Rufus, ex Perdita. Heather Rouge Babe by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Orange Jolly Yet, A. C. A. 2456. (See *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39.) D AM , Betty Red Coat, A. C. A. 4250, by Hampstead Fire Flame, ex Nepac Belle of Tepeeland **2018. 98 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4735. HOOSIER KING. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Florence C. Brown. Owner, Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Scratch Briar *4701. D AM , Shireen Tog *4282. *4904. HOOSIER RED CHERUB. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. R. Morgan, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Warren Barnard, Morristown, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916 *5070. D AM , Shoe Fly, A. C. A. 4298, by His Majesty, ex Seuzette, A. C. A. 3915. His Majesty by Buff, ex Goldah. Seuzette by King Golden Locks *1902, ex Red Head, A. C. A. 2785, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Romeo Juliette. *4646. HOOSIER TIGRESS MERITA. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. R. Morgan. Owner, Mrs. Betty Fawley, Peru, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916 *5070. D AM , Seuzette, A. C. A. 3915, by King Golden Locks **1902, ex Red Head, A. C. A. 2785, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Romeo Juliette, A. C. A. 3022. *5063. HOOSIER OVID VALIANT. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Hamaker, Hoosier Cattery. S IRE , Hygloe *3929. D AM , Pinehurst Red Flash *4667. *5113. HUCKLEBERRY JOY II. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 18, 1921. Bred by Mrs. H. M. Miller. Owner, W. H. Sawyer, Columbus, O. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Flanigan Dearest *4717. *4427. HUMO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 29, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. W. Miller. Owner, J. E. McKinnon, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , King Gold Bug's Cinderella *2549. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 99 *4706. JACINTHA OF KENNISTON. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 26, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. D. Merwin, Youngstown, O. S IRE , American Red Eagle *3313. D AM , Buckeye Red Flame *3176. *4693. JOY BEAU. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Lady Beau Ladd *4699. *4319. JACQUELINE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Deep orange eyes. Born May 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Sylvia Barrett Young. Owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Sandy MacGregor **2624. D AM , Lady Ouida *3200. *4102. KATINKA. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 17, 1919. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Radcliff. Owner, Mrs. Wm. H. Kiemer, Downingtown, Pa. S IRE , Red Cloud Billie, A. C. A. 3171, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Orange Jolly Yet, A. C. A. 2456. (See *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39.) D AM , Fluff of Glenwold, A. C. A. 4084, by Red Cloud Billie, A. C. A. 3171, ex Baby Bright. Baby Bright by Glenwold Billie, A. C. A. 3222, ex Bonnie Wee's Susanne, A. C. A. 2707. Glenwold Billie by Lazare II., A. C. A. 1789, ex Bettine, A. C. A. 980. (See *1976, Vol. 5, p. 67.) Bonnie Wee's Susanne by General Jack *2016, ex Bonnie Wee. *4705. KEITH OF KENNISTON. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 26, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. F. Merwin, Youngstown, O. S IRE , American Red Eagle *3313. D AM , Buckeye Red Flame *3176. *5092. KEYSTONE LORD JIM. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Florence O. Brown, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Scratch Briar *4701. D AM , Shireen Tog *4282. 100 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5091. KEYSTONE RONNY ONS. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 3,1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Florence C. Brown, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Scratch Briar *4701. D AM , Shireen Tog *4282. *4694. KING HAPIOLA. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March, 1921. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Queen Alla Baba Ladd *4053. *4817. KISS KISS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 19 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Glen Morris, L. I. Owner, Mrs. S. J. Wilmott, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Golden Fleece *3383. D AM , Rosena of Rose Cottage *4806. *4395. LADD'S JOHN McCORMACK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 17, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia **4147, by The Sporte Prince **2443, ex Persiana **4084, by Buster, ex Walpurga, A. C. A. 1410. D AM , Ladd's Marguerite Clark **4392, by Rody, A. C. A. 3041, ex Princess Frederika **4329. Rody by Cumberland Friar *1368, ex: Ruby, A. C. A. 2653. Ruby by My Dearest, A. C. A. 2256, ex Princess Patta. *4493. LADD'S LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June, 1917. Bred by Mrs. C. W. Lynn. Owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Lord Bob Bice, A. C. A. 4186, by King George, ex Queen Dapply Dinny (sic – Dappledinny) **3847. King George by Buster White, ex Tweedles. D AM , Lynn Elliot *4052. *4393. LADD'S TETRAZINNI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born, Spring, 1916. Bred by Mrs. H. P. White. Owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Red Panther, A. C. A. 3402. (See *3942, Vol. 7, p. 36.) DAM Twinkle **2312, by Lord Goldemar Ladd **1900, ex Lynette *2260, by Ko Ko, A. C. A. 2359, ex Bett y Bun. Ko Ko by Buster Bright, B. C. C. 880, ex Miss Muffet. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 101 *4445. LADD'S ZINNIA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born, Spring, 1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. G. D. Viles, Norborne, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia II. **4047. D AM , Ladd's Tetrazinni *4393. *5005. LADY BETHENCA. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. Harold Riggs, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916, *5070. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143. (See *5004.) *4699. LADY BEAU LADD. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 15, 1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mr. John Robinson, Hutchinson, Kan. S IRE , Prince of Persia II. *4047. D AM , Ladd's Tetrazinni *4393. *4731. LADY BUG OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3731. (See *4714.) D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. *5100. LADY BUG ROIVONS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born October 29, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. W. Miller. Owner, Mrs. F. L. Mock, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , Cinderella *2549. *5006. LADY FLUFFY FLUFF DOWN. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. Harold E. Riggs, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Sessue, A. C. A. 3916, *5070. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 2742. (See *5004.) *4630. LADY JUNE WARWICK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 2, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Toledo, O. S IRE , Sgt. Tony Warwick, A. C. A. 5073, by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Jammu *1840. D AM , Lady Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143, by Gener al Ginger, A. C. A. 2742, ex Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3028. 102 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4128. LADY LUCK OF VICKERY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born May 7, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. J. Schenk. Owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Red Cardinal, A. C. A. 3702. (See *4127.) D AM , Love Lassie, A. C. A. 4146. (See *4127.) *4146. LADY TANGLEWOOD. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Red brown eyes. Born May 14, 1918. Bred by Mrs. Paul Janney. Owner, Carl L. Douglas, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3730, by Red Panther, A. C. A. 3402 (see *3942, Vol. 7, p. 36), ex Fire Flash *3765. D AM , Ch. Marmalade, A. C. A. 2524, by Leo Leontine, A. C. A. 2379 (see *3186, Vol. 7, p. 41), ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. *4931. LORD RODDY BOY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 26, 1921. Bred toy owner, Mrs. Celia A. Hofer, Toledo, O. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Patricia Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by Gold King II., A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Mitzie by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo. A.C.A. 2905 *4431. LORD SHIRLI. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer, Downingtown, Pa. S IRE , Red Conqueror of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3988, by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3088, C. F. A. *2988, ex Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3504, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat. (See *1992, Vol. 6, p. 66.) Princess Pat by Ch. Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Muffins. D AM , Vermilion Shirley *4103. *5149. MAXWELTON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born Jan. 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mrs. M. C. Kiemer. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Jean of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3882, by Sou ci Mack, A. C. A. 3529, ex Soma of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709. *4811. MERRINELLE OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 18, 1921. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 103 Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ommi Tog *4068. D AM , Poppy Girl of the Fox Valley by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Jolly Yet *3544. *4320. MISS TABECO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Deep orange eyes. Born May 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Sylvia Barrett Young. Owner, Mrs. Eva M. Barnett, Canton, O. S IRE , Sandy MacGregor **2624, by Ch. Chipmunk *576, ex Tinker Bell II. **2303. D AM , Lady Ouida *3200. *4729. NINGPO OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3731. (See *4714.) D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4041. *4284. OGAN TOG. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Leo Logan. Owner, Mr. Carl L. Douglass, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Loggie Boy *3691. D AM , Buckeye Titian Bonfire *3747. *4428. OHIO BUD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Date of birth not given. Bred by Mrs. Landis. Owner, Mrs. J. B. Kennedy. S IRE , Prince Tan Tan **2219, by Pasconel **1613, ex Ha Ha Minne (sic -- Hahaminne) **1672. D AM , Lady Majestic, A. C. A. 2637, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624 (see *3147, Vol. 6, p. 48), ex Romeo Juliette, A. C. A. 2022, by Remus, A. C. A. 8, ex Berksdale. Remus by Mars, A. C. A. 7, ex Bumble Bee Baby Tip Toes, B. C. C. 231. Mars by Lord Gwynne, B. C. C. 126, ex Wendella II., B. C. C. 135. Berksdale by Bob White, ex Catalpa Osiria, A. C. A. 619. Bob White by Gay Lord Quex, ex Angela. *5086. OLENTANGY DENELLA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1914. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Miller. Owner, Mrs. G. B. Ramsay, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , Cinderella *2549. 104 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5087. OLENTANGY JOE JOE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 6, 1921. Bred by G. B. Ramsay. Owner Dr. H. W. Miller, Columbus, O. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Olentangy Denella *5086. *5084. OLENTANGY LADY TROUBLES. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Date of Birth not given. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Saum. Owner, Miss Ethel Root, Columbus, O. S IRE , Red Roivons *4056. D AM , Nippie by Bob Burdette *2015, ex Brownie Aldrich by General Jack, A. C. A. 876, *2016, ex Bettine *1852. *4852. OMMIE TOG, JR., OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Chas. Kimball. Owner, Mrs. Blanche E. Watson, Aurora, Ill. S IRE , Ommie Tog *4068. D AM , Red Wing II. by Kim Jack of Hearts, A. C. A. 2863 (see *3505, Vol. 6, p. 94), ex Kim Red Wing, A. C. A. 1588, by Aurora Rex, A. C. A. 1226, ex Fluffy Ruffles. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 34.) *4890. OVID FURORE FLASH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. Owner, Mrs. W. S. Miller, Findlay, O. S IRE , Hygloe *3929. D AM , Pinehurst Red Flash *4667. *5002. OVID RED ROBE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 31, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. S IRE , Hygloe *3929. D AM , Ovid Sakis by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385 (see *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39), ex Queen Aimee, A. C. A. 2530. (See *2357.) *4283. OWNIE TOG. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Leo Logan. Owner, N. M. Douglass, Indiana, Pa. S IRE , Loggie Boy *3691. D AM , Buckeye Titian Bonfire *3747. THE CONQUEROR ** 2791 A. C. A. Champion Smoke Male Owned by Mrs. George Brayton C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 105 *4346. PANSONIA PETERKIN PAN (Champion). (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 19, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Montreal. S IRE , Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, by Boy Beautiful II., A. C. A. 2442, ex Bonnie Jacquette, A. C. A. 2467. Boy Beautiful by Lord Byron of Devon, A. C. A. 129, ex Pungat, A. C. A. 2140. D AM , Pansonia Miss Tommie *4345. Wins: First and Winner, Ottawa, 1921; Ottawa, 1922; Montreal, 1922. *4444. PANSONIA RED ROGUE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 6, 1915. Bred by Mrs. Hewitt, Grimsby, Ont. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Rahmandale Maida, My Persian Rose *1810. *4850. PAOLI LADD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 31, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormack **4395. D AM , Queen Alla Baba Ladd *4053. *5190. PEGGY HYLAND. (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 23, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Herbert E. Black, Birmingham, Ala. S IRE , Sergeant Tip Top *4199. D AM , Florient **4776 by Cream Cupid *5587, ex Nancy Ante, A. C. A. 4166. Cream Cupid by Amber King, A. C. A. 1547, ex Copper Bell, A. C. A. 1616 Nancy Ante by Almirante *2389, ex Delicia, A. C. A . *4520. PINEHURST BOBBY HY-FLYER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 30, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pyne. Owner, Mrs. Geo. W. Hopkins, Nashville, Tenn. S IRE , Sergeant Tip Top *3964. D AM , Goldie by Ch. Romulus Red Flyer, A. C. A. 2393, ex Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584. (See *4263 and *3815, Vol. 7, p. 38.) 106 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4667. PINEHURST RED FLASH. (Change of Ownership.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Pyne, Milford, Mass. Owner, Mrs. Wm. L. Collingridge, West Park, O. Former owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Pinehurst Red Ruby by Rokeby Red Lancer **1602, ex Lady Dapple Coat, A. C. A. 3057, by Ch. Romaldkirk Vice Admiral *1034, ex Ch. Lady Beresford *353. *4116. PONCH-A-TOOL-A. (Rules 1, 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 25, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Columbus, O. Owner, Dr. Weadon C. Koon, Monogah, W. Va. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878, A. C. A. 3842. D AM , Lady Norton of Fox Valley *3738, A. C. A. 3708. *4736. POSEY OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 18, 1921. Bred by Mrs. B. Watson. Owner, Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Ommie Tog *4068. D AM , Poppy Girl by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Jolly Yet 3544. *5069. PRINCE HAMIL ARISTOCRAT. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Palmer, Denver, Colo. Owner, Mrs. Billy Hamilton, Hutchinson, Kans. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II. *5027. *4703. PRINCESS ELFERNIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 1, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. Nims, Spokane, Wash. S IRE , Tornado of the Fox Valley *3793. D AM , Lady Amberhue. *4695. PRINCESS KENO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born—Date not given. Owner, Mrs. C. W. Lynn. Former owner, Mrs. La Velle Duncan. S IRE , Seljuk, A. C. A. 2570. (See *3942, Vol. 7, p. 36.) D AM , Lynn Elliot *4052. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 107 *5027. PRINCESS LORAINE II. (Champion). (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born April 7, 1918. Bred by Paderewski Cattery. Owner, Carmine Kennels, Mrs. W. B. Palmer, Denver, Col. S IRE , Red Briar, A. C. A. 3435 by Rajah Mack *3318, ex Sunshine, A. C. A. 3411. Sunshine by Rajah Mack *3318 ex Lady Patsy D AM , Princess Larene I. *3565, 1 C. A. 2336. Wins: First and Winner, Vancouver, 1920; Dallas, 1921; Chicago, 1922; Indianapolis, 1922; Best Female, Denver, 1921. *5058. QUEEN VIDA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 24, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Ida La Pearl Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sir Holton of Fernworth, A. C. A. 2547, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Tangerine, A. C. A. 2368. (See *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39.) Tangerine by Orange Jack, A. C. A. 391, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 200. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 34.) D AM , Dolly Lancer, A. C. A. 3255 by Rokeby Red Lancer, A. C. A. 1525, ex Daffodille by Prince Tokio, A. C. A. 2208, ex Maxime. Prince Tokio by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459. *5172. RED BUSH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born January 8, 1919. Bred by Mr. Frank Breisch. Owner, Mrs. Chas. H. Brockway, Farmington, Conn. S IRE , Scottish Chief II. *3993. D AM , Donna Paprika *3919. *4805. RED HEAD OF DELVIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. Kiemer. Owner, Mrs. Elsie M. Beatty, Merchantsville, N. J. S IRE , Red Conqueror of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3988, by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Merrygold, A. C. A. 3504, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat. D AM , Chandos Winona *4061. *4318. RED HUDSON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Deep orange eyes. Born May 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Sylvia Barrett Young. Owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Sandy MacGregor **2624, by Ch. Chipmunk *576, ex Tinker Belle II. **2303, by Torrington Fawe, ex Beulah. D AM , Lady Ouida *3200. 108 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5177. RED KING JERRY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 21, 1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia Il **4047. D AM , Ladd's Tetrazinni *4393. *4304. RED ROBIN. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 31, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Chandos Viva Vivian *3552, A. C. A. 1775. *4338. RED RUFF III. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 13, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Ethel Posy. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, by Red Ruff, A. C. A. 101. (see *2228), ex Gold Nugget. Gold Nugget by Torrington Red Knight, ex Lady Bunch. Torrington Red Knight by Sandy MacGregor, ex Torrington Owlet. D AM , Lady Kit Ky, A. C. A. 3796, by Red Ruff II. A. C. A. 859, ex Dolly Lancer, A. C. A. 3255. Dolly Lancer by Rokeby Red Lancer, ex Daffodilla by Prince Tokio, A. C. A. 2208, ex Maxine. Prince Tokio by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459. *4339. RED RUFF IV. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 13, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Ethel Posy. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859. (See *4338.) D AM , Lady Kitty, A. C. A. 3797. (See *4338.) *4272. RED STAR OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 4, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. F. Michael, Freemont, O. S IRE , King Gold Bug *1943. D AM , Baby Tanquary of Beaconlight *4046. *4914. RED TODDY OF PRESQUE ISLE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born February 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer. Owner, Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Red Conqueror of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3988, by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Merrygold, A. C. A. 3504. (See *4563.) D AM , Chandos Winona *4061. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4597. RONZINI. 109 (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 20, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Fred Card. Owner, Mrs. A. Schelly Millikin, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Alla Haroun *4057. *4633. RUBIN REDFERN III. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 14, 1920. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Radcliffe. Owner, Mrs. G. D. Viles, Norbourne, Mo. S IRE , Rubin Redfern II., A. C. A. 4083 by Rubin Redfern, A. C. A. 3618, ex Goldie S., A. C. A. 32 37. Rubin Redfern by Leo Leontine, A. C. A. 2379, ex Lorna Doone. Goldie S. by Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 1123, ex Milady Betty, A. C. A. 1125. D AM , Fluffy Glenwold A. C. A. 4084, by Red Cloud Billie, A. C. A. 3771, ex Baby Bright. Baby Bright by Glenwold Billie, A. C. A. 3222, ex Bonnie Wee's Susanne, A. C. A. 2707. *4243. RUBRA FOX OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Dark Copper eyes. Born, May, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Blanche Watson. Owner, Mrs. Imogene F. Neiberg, Pataskala, O. S IRE , Sans Souci *2988, A. C. A. 3068. D AM , Tansy of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3854, by Rokeby Red Lancer (Imp.) **1602, ex Ffernworth Tangerine. Ffernworth, Tangerine by Orange Jack *391. (sic -- ACA 391) ex Aurora Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 33.) (note: in studbook, Aurora is on separate line w/o the ex) *4757. SALLY BOB. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Eddie Griffiths. Owner, Mrs. Moyan Jones, Temple, Texas. S IRE , Ch. Tim Tuk of Vickery *4130. D AM , Lassie of Vickery *4563. *4127. SALVIA OF VICKERY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born May 7, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. J. Schenk. Owner, Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Red Cardinal, A. C. A. 3702. (See *4127.) D AM , Love Lassie, A. C. A. 4146. (See *4127.) *4715. SAMUEL OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3731. (See *4714.) D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014. 110 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4701. SCRATCH BRIAR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 26, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Campbell Meyers. Owner, Mrs. Iola Robertson, Fultonham, N. Y. S IRE , Rajah Mack's Red Briar *3543, A. C. A. 3436. D AM , Lady Betty Race, A. C. A. 4254 by Fluffkin of Lorahah, A. C. A. 3326, ex Sister Jane, A. C. A. 3178. Fluffkin by Romolo, A. C. A. 3325, ex Golden Girl, A. C. A. 3300 Romolo by Prince Tokio, A. C. A. 2288, ex Maxine. Sister Jane by Clipp Cairo, A. C. A. 1778, ex Fluffy Hale, A. C. A. 2370. *5070. SESSUE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 16, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Olive M. Ross. Owner, Mrs. John T. Sullivan, Hoosier Cattery. S IRE , Prince Coral, A. C. A. 2911 by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Martha. (See *1992, Vol. 5, p. 66.) Martha by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Pansy Nowak, A. C. A. 3243. D AM , Toketta, A. C. A. 3233, by Ch. Rokeby Red Lancer **1602. Toketta I. by Prince Tokio, A. C. A. 2208, ex Maxine. Prince Tokio by Red Ruff II., A. C. A. 859, ex Suzanne, A. C. A. 1459. Maxine by Orange Jack, A. C. A. 391, ex Lady Wiggs. *4282. SHIREEN TOG. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Leo Logan. Owner, Miss Florence C. Brown, Indiana , Pa. Former owner, Mr. Carl L. Douglass. S IRE , Loggie Boy *3691. D AM , Buckeye Titian Bonfire *3747. *5093. SUN LASS. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, III. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Goff, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Flaming Arrow *4335. D AM , Babe Cat *5057. *4207. SUNSHINE GOLD DUST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 21, 1919. Bred by Miss Alice M. Judge. Owner, Miss Alice Grow, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. S IRE , Red Shadows II. *3816. D AM , Blarney **1831. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 111 *4364. SUNSHINE PROFESSOR. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Born November 4, 1920. Breeder-owner, Miss Ethel Grow, New York City, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Sunshine Gold Dust *4207. *4280. SWEETEST SUSAN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1919. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Pine. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Danforth, Independence, Kansas. S IRE , Sargeant Tip Top *3964. D AM , Goldie by Ch. Romulus Red Flyer, A. C. A. 2393, ex Kew Lassie II. of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584. (See *4263 and *3815, Vol. 7.) *4130. TIM-TUK OF VICKERY. (Champion). (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born August 3, 1919. Bred by Cortright Kennels. Owner, Mrs. E. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Blue Jacket II., A. C. A. 2941, by Ch. King Seafoam *2014, ex Patsy Boliver **1251. D AM , Ch. Chandos Calanthe, A. C. A. 2788, *3187. Wins: First and Winner, Texas Cat Club, 1920, 1921, Tampa, 1922. *1973. UNCLE SAM (Champion). (Re-entry from Vol. 5.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Born April 14, 1914. Bred by owner, Mrs. Karl H. Hoenig, Columbus, O. S IRE , King Gold Bug *1943. D AM , Ch. Virginia *1975. Wins: First and Winner, Ohio State Cat Club, 1916; Pittsburgh, 1918; Cleveland Persian Society, 1919; Persian Cat Society of Pittsburgh, 1920; McKeesport, 1920; Toledo, 1920. *4312. VERMILION GE MEINER PRIDE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Ge Meiner, Lorain, O. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Queen Dapple Dinny (sic – Dappledinny) **3847. *5094. VERMILION GOLDEN RED. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born January 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Vermilion, O. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Goff, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Jean of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3832, by Souci Mack, ex Sousa of the Fox Valley. 112 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4563. VICKERY LASSIE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Yellow eyes. Born, September, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Eddie Griffith, Temple, Texas. S IRE , Red Cardinal, A. C. A. 3705, by Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3504, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat by, Ch. Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Muffins. (See *1992, Vol. 5, p. 66.) D AM , Brownie Girl, A. C. A. 3503, by Padishah, A. C. A. 1831, ex Brownie I. Padishah by Billy Higgins II., A. C. A. 1830, ex Lady Cricket. Brownie I. by Hamish, C. C. R., ex Lady Topaz. *4565. VICKERY'S POPS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born June 12, 1920. Bred by Vickery Kennels, Dallas, Texas. Owner, Mrs. Elliston, Temple, Texas. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318. D AM , Ch. Chandos Calanthe, A. C. A. 2788, by Kawon I., A. C. A. 1577, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 1474. *4321. VIVIANA COZETTE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 31, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188, (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Chandos Viva Vivian *3552, A. C. A. 1775. *5129. ZINDI. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. F. Bock. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Koerper, Columbus, O. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Mickey *4134. Long-Haired Tortoiseshell *4996. BUMBLE BEE LEP. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Golden eyes. Born April 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. B. Traweek, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Bun Bun, A. C. A. 3975, by Dandelion III., A. C. A. 2806, ex Ch. Marmalade, A. C. A. 2524, by Leo Leontine, A. C. A. 2379, ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. D AM , Lady of the Snows **3836 by Snowflake Tuxedo *2369, ex Topsy. Topsy by Yankee Doodle, A. C. A. 1836, ex Sister Brown **4612. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 113 *4898. EIDERDOWN MITTA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. M. B. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *4876. EIDERDOWN WA BLAZE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. B. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , I. J. K. Blue Lightning of Thorpe *3237. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *4776. FLORIENT. (Transfer from Register.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born March 23, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. H. Tucker, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Cream Cupid *5587 by Amber King, A. C. A. 1547, ex Copper Belle, A. C. A. 1611. D AM , Nancy Ante, A. C. A. 4166, by Almirante *2389, ex Delicia, A. C. A. 4165, by Kawon I. *1316, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 1474. *5023. GALBRAITH LADY GAY. (Transfer to Stud Book.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born October 11, 1915. Bred by Mrs. C. O. Robinson. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Galbraith, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , General Ginger, A. C. A. 2746, by Alexander **5228, ex Sue **5229. DAM Furrine, A. C. A. 2797, by Lazarre, A. C. A. 848, ex Bettene, A. C. A. 980. Lazarre by Ch. Kew Laddie, A. C. A. 565, ex Baby Lover, B. C. C. 334. Bettene by Cusic Hardy Norseman, ex Cusic Thornooka. *4333. LADY ALGY MOFFETT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Golden eyes. Born, Spring, 1918. Bred by Mrs. F. D. Moffett. Owner, Mrs. W. Bobbitt, Kansas City, Mo. Former owner, Mrs. R. B. Black. S IRE , Laddie Black *4334. D AM , Lady Delmonico *4332. *4367. MASCOT BELLE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , The Pirate *3593. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. 114 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4787. MR. PETER RUFF. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born June 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Olive Hills, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mr. Lynn Osborn, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Bell's Don Pedro *4786. D AM , Home Brew **4219. *5077. PANSONIA MISS PATCHES. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Amber eyes. Born February 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Peterkin Pan *4347. D AM , Pansonia Miss Tommie *4345. *4345. PANSONIA MISS TOMMIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born March 7, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Pansonia Red Rogue *4444. D AM , Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373, by Bruin, G. C. C. F. 6247, ex Billy G. C. C. F. 6346. Bruin by Meath of Glenholme, A. C. A. 944, ex Jill of Hadley. Billy by Chippewa Blue, ex Nettie. *4709. QUEEN MINNETTA II. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Isabel G. Kelso, Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *4529. SEQUOYAH AIMEE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Sir Thomas B., A. C. A. 2573, by Bizzy Izzy, A. C. A. 1236, ex Princess Marguerite, A. C. A. 2109. Bizzy Izzy by Topaz, ex Lady Kathleen. Princess Marguerite by Beautiful William, ex Lady Mary. D AM , Franciscan Maufry, A. C. A. 1009, by Robin d' Or, A. C. A. 654, ex Franciscan Pansy, A. C. A. 244. Robin d'Or by Torrington d'Or, ex Sienna. Franciscan Pansy by Lotus, ex Jammu. *5151. SPA CAID. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born July 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Pasha Caid Kennels, Montreal. S IRE , Tonika II. **4517, A. C. A. 4107. D AM , Fresine Caid, A. C. A. 4552, by Don, A. C. A. 4033, ex Betty Morrow. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 115 *4362. SUNSHINE AFTER GLOW. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Born November 4, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Ethel Grow, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1817. D AM , Sunshine Gold Dust *4207. *5120. WINEFORD. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born February 28, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Harry Branch. Owner, Mrs. Bertha Duphorne. S IRE , Red Star, A. C. A. 3581, by King Gold Bug *1943, ex Matilda Silks *2041. D AM , Tortoise of Glenwold by Spooner *2329, ex Mowitza II. by General Jack *2016, ex Mowitza. (See *1943, Vol. 5, p. 36.) Long-Haired A. O. C. *4330. BLUETTE LADD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue Cream. Orange eyes. Born, April, 1914. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. F. D. Moffett, Ottauwa, Kan. S IRE , Romeo, A. C. A. 2594, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Gypsy Catherine by Bismark, A. C. A. 466, ex Princess Patricia, A. C. A. 1010. D AM , Lady Delle Ladd **1899. *4394. BROWNIE BABBITT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Born, Spring, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. C. Babbitt, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, by Red Lantana *1978, ex Scotchie **1974. D AM , Lady Lavendar by Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, ex Lady Bug, A. C. A. 3443, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Chiquita. *4443. GYPSIE DOODLE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Amber eyes. Born March 6, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Lott. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Dee, Columbus, O. S IRE , Ohio Bud *4428. D AM , Bonair Gypsie Lee **2659. *5081. INDIANOLA MILO. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Milo M. Shafer, Columbus, O. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Indianola Mittenetta *4913. 116 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4889. JIMMY BOY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Copper eyes. Born June 6, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. B. Newhausel (sic – see bottom of page) . Owner, Mrs. B. Buckholz, Toledo, O. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Lady Valentine *4178. *4192. KING MURAD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born October 30, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Jones. Owner, Mrs. Corrine Slechter. Former owner, Mrs. H. W. Miller. S IRE , Buster Beautiful **3688, A. C. A. 3681. D AM , Lady Belle by Miller's Buster **4055, A. C. A. 3341, ex Miss Duchess. Miss Duchess by Stanhope Magnificat **1925, ex Bruno's Billie Burke. *5073. LADY DISDAIN OF GLENROWAN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born August 26, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. B. F. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Prince Ebony of Glenrowan *5072. D AM , Dusky Lady of Glenrowan by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Daisy B. Daisy B. by Rahman *1091, ex Patricia. Wins: First Open, Toronto, 1920; First Open, Montreal, 1921; First Open, St. Catharines, 1922. *4912. LADY DUNN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born February 15, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Ora Dunn, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Gypsie Doodle *4443. *5163. LADY PRIMROSE II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born July 12, 1921. Owner, Mrs. D. L. Fulk, Newark, O. S IRE , Karl Heinrich II., A. C. A. 3210, by Karl Heinrich *1597, ex Bengal Florinda by Tawney Boy, A. C. A. 705, ex Galatea. D AM , Joyce *4113. *4178. LADY VALENTINE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Green eyes. Born May 17, 1916. Bred by Mr. W. G. Barr. Owner, Mrs. L. B. Neuhauser (sic – see top of page) , Toledo, O. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 117 S IRE , Ch. Jimmie Valentine, A. C. A. 1847, by Fairmount Zal, ex Lady Evelyn. Zal by Silver Phantom *292, ex Nur -ma-hal. Lady Evelyn by Al Tarek *120, ex Valeria. D AM , Lady Madge of York by Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 11 23, ex Misty, A. C. A. 697. Teddy Bear by General Jacqueminot, A. C. A. 301 (see *1096), ex Moyana. Misty by Silver Don, A. C. A. 172, ex Nifty. *5010. PANSONIA LADY FREEMAN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue Tortoiseshell. Deep golden eyes. Born March 23, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian *4755. D AM , Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373, by Bruin, G. C. C. F. 6247, ex Billy, G. C. C. F. 6246. Bruin by Meath Glenholme, ex Jill of Hadley, N. C. C. Meath Glenholme by Albert Edward, A. C. A. 188, ex Ch. Metchiam Tiddle. Billy by Chippewa Blue, ex Pettie. Chippewa Blue by Bluestone of Tilcote *1211, ex Osiria, A. C. A. 619. *4454. PINECROFT'S PURRFUL PUSS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue Cream. Deep copper eyes. Born April 28, 1920. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Williams, Pinecroft Place Cattery, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Kirchner, Conneaut, Ohio. S IRE , Pinecroft Pluto, A. C. A. 3896, by Black Thursday, A. C. A. 3544, ex Pittsburgh Beauty, A. C. A. 3552. Black Thursday by Blue Mooney, A. C. A. 2042, ex Pittsburgh Beauty. Blue Mooney by Neili (sic – Neila) Billi, A. C. A. 1293, ex Blue Beauty. Pittsburgh Beauty by Bokhara *1964, ex Miss Ophelia. D AM , Pinecroft Prima Pussywillow *4135. *4669. PRINCESS TAM. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born March 15, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. C. Card, Columbus, O. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Alla Haroun *4057. *4528. SEQUOYAH AMBER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red and White. A. O. C. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dal las, Texas. S IRE , Torrington Mozart, A. C. A. 343, by Red Ruff, A. C. A. 101, ex Ginger, U. S. R. (See *2228, Vol. 5, p. 40.) D AM , Ruffles *797. 118 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5088. TEX O BROWN NEAH. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. orange eyes. Date of birth not given. Bred by Evans Jones. owner Miss E. K. Immler. S IRE , Red Roivons +4056. D AM , Silver Tinto *5079. *4957. TUCKER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Hazel eyes. Born June 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. L. B. Neuhausel Owner, Mrs. J. E. McCutchan, Maumer, O. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205 D AM , Lady Valentine *4178. *5071. WINSOME OF GLENROWAN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born October 26, 1916. Bred by Mrs. F. E. Hewitt. Owner, Mrs. B. J. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *4380.) D AM , Rahmandale Sallie by Cusic Hardy Norseman, A. C. A. 825, ex Dainty Lady, A. C. A. 647. Dainty Lady by Sir Tonty, A. C. A. 646, ex Tiddlewinks. Sir Tonty by Red Prince, B. C. C. 495, ex Dorothy May, A. C. A. 133. ERRATUM (From Volume 7.) *4000. VALAOTIS OF DRUMGOLD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Deepest blue eyes. Born, May, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Olsen. Owner, Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, O. S IRE , Chief Joseph, A. C. A. 3468, by Ch. Kilravock Don Giovanni *564, ex Empress Josephine, A. C. A. 2583 by Napoleon, ex Yan Cee. Napoleon by Ch. Don Giovanni *564, ex Persia. Yan Cee by Gay Hussar, ex Delores. DAM Donna Carrolla II. by Kilravock Whiffenpuff *1052. Kilravock Donna Carrolla *1275. REGISTER OF The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. R U LES F OR REGI ST RAT I ON IN THE RE GISTER Sec. 1. Cats or Kittens the following conditions: may be entered in the Register of this Association Rule 1. When either the sire or dam is registered in the Stud Book of this Association, or when the cat itself has been registered in any Stud Book recog nized by this Association, or when its sire and dam have both been registered in the C. F. A. Register, or when its sire or dam have been registered in a Stud Book recognized by this Association . Rule 2. Any long-haired cat or kitten, if not eligible for the Stud Book, may be entered in the Register upon a sworn statement that it is bred of long haired sire and dam. Rule 3. Any short-haired cat or kitten may be entered in the Register upon a statement that both sire and dam are of the same short -haired breed. Rule 4. Waifs or rescued cats may be entered in the Register upon a sworn statement to that effect and that their parentage is unknown. Rule 5. The ancestors of any cat may be entered in the Register in order to make said cat eligible for the Stud Book, provided they are already entered in stud books recognized by this Association, or upon evidence satisfactory to the Recorder that they are eligible for such registration. LONG HAIRED — WHITE DAM, Peggy. **4809. ADVANCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. David Haddon Heights, N. J. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. Young, **4551. ALBASUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Orange eyes. Born March 4 , 1921. Owner, Mrs. Henrietta Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Arnella **4550. **4810. AMACKASSIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born July 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. David Haddon Heights, K. J. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. Young, **4540. ARNCO BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born October 28, 1921. Owner, Mrs. T. H. Elwell, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. Cleveland, under 120 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER SIRE, Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100 DAM, Louise de V **4072. **4119. BABY BUD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. **4789. BIG BOY. **4452. BABY LEEN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born May 13, 1915. Owner, Mr. B. E. Hively, town, Ohio. Sire, Rob Roy. Dam, Blue Belle II. *786. Youngs- **4198. BETSY WHITE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born August 12, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet, Dallas, Texas. **4469. BLANCHE RING. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Born, June, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Blanche Laurel, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Princess Snow **3966. **5189. BLUE EYED SUSAN WHITE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born, Spring, 1920. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Wells. Doxey, Okla. SIRE, Henri Harries. DAM, La Belle Wilfer *4678. **4120. BONNIE KIM. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Registered by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. **4747. CHAMBLY CLEOME. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 1, 1918. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Cinders. DAM, Fluffy. **4752. CHAMBLY MITHRA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Niko. DAM, Chambly Cleome **4747. **4228. CHAMPAGNE QUINTIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born July 3, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Lillie Quintin, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Prince David *3046. DAM, Jane Hills **4124. **5167. CHARMING PRINCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born January 10, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Dubard. SIRE, Patsey Bailey **4613. Dam, Gertrude *4778. **4220. BILLYKINS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born March 17, 1920. Owner, Mr. W. H. Lyttle. SIRE, Tip Top DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. Born Spring, 1918. Owner, Mrs. F. D. Moffett, Ottawa, Kan. SIRE, Prince of Persia, A. C. A. 4047. DAM, Princess Fredericka **4329. **4203. CHIFFON S. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Born July 17, 1917. Owner, Miss Velva Briggs. SIRE, Menoin II. DAM, Dresden China. **5046. CHOU MEIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born October 13, 1921. Owner, Mr. Willis B. Zink, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Glencairn *4883. DAM, Revierra **4502. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4954. CLOVELLY RUZADA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born April 11, 1920. Owner, Miss Ruth Gormley, Norristown, Pa. SIRE, Jim White. DAM, Suzada. **4152. CLOVER BLOOM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born May 27, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Ida D. Bennett. SIRE, Laddie. DAM, White Fairy of the Mist, A. C. A. 2820. **4774. COCHISE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Neuter. White. Blue eyes. Born July 7, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Jennie L. O'Loughlin, Powers. O. SIRE, Endymoynson, G. C. C. F. 5839. DAM, Nokomis **4226. **4807. COTTON BLOSSOM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born July 1, 1921. Owner, Miss Sally Scanlan, Reading, Pa. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4238. CUTE CUTEX. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4423. ELLSWORTH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born June 21, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. J. Mackinnon, Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4595. ENRICO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Lord Whitelock. DAM, Dollie Dollar. **4495. ERIE LADY GEORGETTE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born June 24, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Martin Halm, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Sir Daniel **4181. DAM, Georgeanna **4229. **4775. FEUZETTE OF FAIRFIELD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 25, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. Haywood Parker, Jacksonville, Fla. SIRE, Donnir Boy of Estes **4915. DAM, Pinecroft's Pretty Pearl *4448. 121 122 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4229. GEORGEANNA. **4496. JANE BANDERSNATCH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born February 22, 1919. Owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Dalton. DAM, Maxam. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 6, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Martin Halm, Eric, Pa. SIRE, Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783. DAM, Gray Baby. **4475. GERALD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born April 10, 1919. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Wickert, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Billie. DAM, Kitty Puss. **4772. GRATEFUL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. A. C. Strickland. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613 DAM, Julia **4770. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 28. 1920. Owner, Mrs. Wallace C. Day, Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Crown Prince David, A. C. A. 3974. DAM, Nifty Girl **4223. **4770. JULIA. **4460. GREEN MT. ILLIAN. (Rule 2. ) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 17, 1918. Owners, Green Mt. Cat Kennels, Burlington, Vt. SIRE, Tom Toodles. DAM, Lady Barbara. **4687. GREEN MT. VERMONT MAID. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born April 6, 1921. Bred by owners, Green Mt. Burlington, Vt. SIRE, Green Mt. Jethro **4437. DAM, Green Mt. Illian **4460. **4799. JUDY CHATTERTON. Kennel, **5110. HI-BO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born August 24, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Irene Paro, Adams, Mass. SIRE, Lord Dixie Vernon **4155. DAM, Buff. **4422. HONEST ABE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born June 21, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4615. HONEY LADY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. F. E. Clappart, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Columbine Lady Pearl *2288. **4614. JACK HORNER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Registered by Mrs. F. E. Clappart, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Snowflake Tuxedo **2369. DAM, Sister Brown **4612. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. A. L. McCulla. SIRE, Centennial **3987 DAM, Lucile. **4922. KING WHITE OF ASTORIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born April 6, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon, Cleveland. O. SIRE, White Mountain **3691. DAM, Peggy. **4988. KITTY BOO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born July 22, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Don Taylor, Richwood, O. SIRE, Victor Murdock. DAM, Majestic Tumeric. **5053. KITTY CAT PITZER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born April 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Thomas Roaldn **5052. DAM, Tony C. **4712. **4600. KITTY KATT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Marcus R. **4598. DAM, Princess R. **4599. **5051. KITTY ROLAND. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. W. E. Carroll. SIRE, White Cat. DAM, Kitty Minnie. **4836. LADD'S LADY FRED. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born July 27, 1419. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd. SIRE, Ladd's Pretty Boy. DAM, Princess Fredericka **4329. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4464. LADD'S SNOW BRIDE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Pale blue mixed with yellow eyes. Born, May, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Frank Moore, Fort Sill. Okla. SIRE, Rody, A. C. A. 3041. DAM, Princess Frederika **4329. **4117. LADY ALL WHITE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. SIRE, Flower Boy. DAM, White Rose. **4218. LADY BOTSIA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born, September, 1916. Owner, Mrs. S. J. Zoeger, Dallas, Tex. Sire and Dam (not given.) **5106. LADY DOTTIE. (Rule 1.) L. 11, Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 21, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. C. Cremer, New Orleans, La. SIRE, White Monte ***3724. DAM, Lady Lynx **3950A. **4251. LADY EYES O' BLUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Born December 4, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. J. Zoeger. Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Sir Sessue **4234. DAM, Lady Botsia **4218. **4391. LADY FAIREST. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 18, 1920. Owner, Mrs. C. M. Parker, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Prince Michael ***3889. DAM, White Frill **3663. 123 **4232. LADY JUDITH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born January 28, 1915. Owner, Mrs. Catherine Leutsch, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Bob White. DAM, Lovie. **4759. LADY OF THE LAKE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Brown eyes. Born, January, 1916. Registered by Mrs. L. D. Lloyd. SIRE and DAM not given. **2115. LADY REBECCA. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 12, 1914. Owner, Mrs. F. Sargent. Transferred by Mrs. L. T. Warrington, Camden, N. J. His SIRE, Hi, Ducletts **1321. DAM, Phoebe Snow *1320. **4140. LEO'S KING COTTON. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born August 11, 1912. Registered by Mrs. E. P. Williams. SIRE, Leo. DAM, Queenie. **4411. LITTLE SNOW PRINCESS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born April 21, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Nellie E. Phinney, Columbus, O. Snip, White Prince. Dam, Baby. **4110. LORD CRYSTAL WHITLEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Dumon. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born January 1, 1917. Owner, Mrs. A. Douglass, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Lord Whitley, A. C. A. 6004. DAM, Beauty. **4122. LADY GOLDEYE. **4155. LORD DIXIE VERNON. **4147. LADY FROELICH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Orange eyes. Born September 15, 1916. Owner, Mrs. L. R. Williams, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Sedair. DAM, Lady Mona. **4189. LADY HUNT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 17, 1920. Owner, Mr. W. H. Lyttle. SIRE, Tip Top. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4191. LADY JEAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 17, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young, Haddon Heights, N. J. SIRE, Tip Top. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Born April 22, 1913. Registered by Miss Alice Crawford. SIRE, Heather Laddie, A. C. A. 1408, *896. DAM, Daisy. **4190. LORD HUNT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born March 17, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young. SIRE, Tip Top. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4875. LORD TWINKLESON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born February 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Brown. Owner. Mrs. Jessie M. Simson, New York, N. Y. SIRE, St. Nicholas I. **3012. DAM, Queen Margaret **3952. 124 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4221. LUCILLE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born, Winter, 1920. Owner, Mr. E. W. Hart, Youngwood. Pa. SIRE and DAM not given. Sworn statement. **4621. MARAH O' MAC. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Born May 6. 1921. Owner, Mrs. Henrietta A. Dill, Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Mollie O'Dee **4592. **4598. MARCUS R. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Marcus. DAM, Beckie. **5164. MARGE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Lambert. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Peggy. **5174. MARJORAIME. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Owner, U. M. Usler, Denison. Texas. SIRE, Ch. Vernon Vermilion *4314. DAM, Pretty Girl **4513. **4398. MERRY LEGS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Neuter. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Schooler. SIRE, Chubby. DAM, Queen Anne. **4808. NAPOO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born July 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. Sauerhoff, Haddon Heights, N. J. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4223. NIFTY GIRL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born September 8, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Frederick Martin, Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Trohby. DAM, Fluffy. **4226. NOK OMIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 29, 1919. Owner, Miss Jennie O'Loughlin, San Jose, Cal. SIRE, Fluff II. DAM, Dixie. **4353. ODD EYES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born October 6, 1919. Breeder, Mrs. E. Kinford. Owner Mrs. A. Coffey, Cleveland, O. SIRE, *bite Mountain *3591. DAM, White Frill **3663. **4211. OPHELIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born October 6, 1919. Owner, Mr. Louis J. Skory, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, White Frill **3663. **4728. PARADISE COTTON DOLLIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born February 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Juliette E. Eshleman, Paradise, Pa. SIRE, Happy Choi, *3936. DAM, Fairy. **4596. PATIENCE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Torrington Laddie. DAM, Fluffy Ruffles. **4613. PATSY BAILEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Registered by Mrs. F. E. Clappart, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Columbine Cayuga Chief, A. C. A. 1608. DAM, Fluffy Fox. **4477. PEACHIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born April 20, 1920. Bred by Mrs. A. E. Weikert, El Paso, Ill. SIRE, Gerald **4475. DAM, Senorita Ardita **4476. **4123. PEG OF THE WEST. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born December 28, 1919. Owner, Mrs. L. K. Williams. El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Smokey. DAM, Toodie. **4313. PLAY CAT OF ARBUTUS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Green eyes. Born January 16, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Leonard. Owner, Mrs. J. DeBack. SIRE, Dinsmore of Snowbloom. DAM, Snowflake. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4240. POODLE BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4213. PRETTY GIRL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born April 16, 1919 Owner, Mrs. P. W. Fox. SIRE, BUZZ. DAM, Mama Cat. **4673. PRINCE DE COUP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 23, 1919. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennison, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Endymoyson, G. C. C. F. 5839. DAM, Baby Wendella, A. C. A. 3718. **4168. PRINCE HADDON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born May 25, 1919. Owner, Mrs. David Young, Haddon Heights, N. J. **4171. PRINCESS DONNA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Orange eyes. Born April 8, 1918. Owner, Miss Lila Simcox, Des Moines, Iowa. SIRE, Duke of Harmony Hall **3394. DAM, Toodles. **4329. PRINCESS FREDERIKA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born, October, 1915. Owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Billy I. DAM, Snowball Gora. **4148. PRINCESS PANNA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born January 1, 1920. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Dumon. Sum Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100, A. C. A. 3707. DAM, Lady Froehlich (sic – Froelich) **4147. **4187. PRINCESS PEARL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. Nellie Rush, North Branch, Minn. SIRE, Chrysanthemum Crown Prince, N. C. C. of E. 6223. DAM, Lady Snow Fiske. **4599. PRINCESS R. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Prince Blue Eyes. DAM, Bonnie Blue Eyes. 125 **4540-A. QUEEN ABALON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born February 23, 1919. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denison, Texas. SIRE, BUZZ. DAM, Princess Snowball. **4169. QUEEN HADDON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owned and registered by Mrs. David Young, Haddon Heights. N. J. **4502. REVIERRA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Whit'. Opal eyes. Born August 9, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Chas. A. Laux, Englewood, N. J. SIRE, Kleine. DAM, Lassie. **4233. RUSSELL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male, White. Orange eyes. Born May 5, 1919. Owner, Mr. A. R. Schenlke, Gainsville, Texas. SIRE, Sir Sessue *4234. DAM, Lady Botsia **4218. **4476. SENORITA ARDITA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born April 3, 1919. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Wickert, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Jack Frost (White). DAM, Sultana H. **2946. **4181. SIR DANIEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born February 10, 1919. Owner, Mrs. M. T. Halm, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Swampscott. DAM, Tabitha Tuftytoes, A. C. A. 550. **5065. SIR REGIS OF ERIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born May 7, 1921. Owner, Mr. W. Kuhne, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Sir Daniel **4181. DAM, Erie Lady Georgette **4495. **4241. SIR ROBERT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4234. SIR SESSUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born October 1, 1917. Owner, Mrs. A. G. Zoeger, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100, A. C. A 3701. DAM, Dumpling "D." 126 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4612. SISTER BROWN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. F. E. Clappart, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Centennial **3987. DAM, Lucille **4221. **4239. SNOOKUMS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born August 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David Young. SIRE, Prince Haddon **4168. DAM, Queen Haddon **4169. **4310. SNOWBLOW. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Born November 12, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Celia Hoffer, Toledo, O. SIRE, Ch. Sir Pitthale *2053. DAM, Toodles. **4230. SPATTIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Christy, Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, Buster, Jr. DAM, Spattie Christy. **4769. STRANGER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Brown eyes. Born, 1917. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Sister Brown **4612. **4138. SWEETHEART T. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born July 28, 1914. Registered by Mrs. E. P. Williams. SIRE, Leo's King Cotton **4140. DAM, Silver Zaida **4141. **5109. TEXAS BLANC BIRD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Deep blue eyes. Born April 13, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Texas Sammie *4384. DAM, Texas Mandy Lee. **4702. TEXAS MANDY LEE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born, April, 1917. Owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Tex. SIRE, Chubby. DAM, Murle. **5052. THOMAS ROLAND. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Registered by Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Billy Banker **5049. DAM, Kitty Roland **5051. **4771. TINY SCRAPPER (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Owner, Mrs. A. C. Strickland. SIRE, Patsy Dailey **4613. DAM, Julia **4770. **4269. TIPPIE TEEDLES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 12 1920. Owner Miss Olive Grace Espy. SIRE, Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. DAM, Spattie **4230. **4601. TOM BOY (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Whit. Registered by Mrs. L. G. Dycus. SIRE, Enrico **4595. DAM, Patience **4596. **4210. TOMMIE TINKER (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born March 12, 1920. Owner, Miss Rebecca Leonard, Carnegie, Pa. SIRE, Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. DAM, Spattie **4230. **4926. TOM SAWYER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born April 6, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon, Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4541. TOSKA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born October 28, 1920. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Wolford, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4175. TYBURN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born October 6, 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Gorsuch. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, White Frill **3663. **4997. VAMP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. W. Peet. Indiapolis (sic) , Ind. SIRE, Toro. A. C. A. 4457. DAM, Pretty Girl. **4546. WHITE ESQUIMO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Marie Hook, Detroit, Mich. SIRE and DAM not given. **4674. WHITE JACQUELINE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Registered by Mrs. E. C. Ennison. SIRE, Napoleon II. DAM, Whittie. **4174. WHITESTONE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born June 14, 1919. Owner Messrs. Becker Bros. & Co. New York, N. Y. SIRE, Little Brother *3162. DAM, Pouf Pouf. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 127 Long-Haired Black **5161. AKSARBEN KING. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born November 15, 1919. Owner, Mrs. B. W. Haynes, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Black Long-haired Cat. DAM, Peggy. **4661. ANN MARIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Date of birth unknown. Registered by Miss Alice Crawford. SIRE, Sonny Boy **2042. DAM, Beatrix **2091. **5159. BETTY BLACK. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Registered by Mrs. Elsa A. Reichwein. SIRE, Mikado Boy. DAM, Soxine. **4872. BLACKBERRY. (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Female. Black. Parentage not given. Registered by Mrs. J. M. Simson, New York, N. Y. **4382. BLACK SMYRNA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Gold eyes. Born February 21, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Dora Moulton, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318. DAM, Peggy Knox. **4569. BLACK DAISY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born August 2, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Bertha L. Martin, Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Niger. DAM, Jette. **4499. BLACK PERSIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Mile. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Georgians Moorehad Alliance, Ohio. SIRE, Attaboy **4249. DAM, Susie Sunbeam **4248. **4432. BOB ROBISON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born March 7, 1917. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Holmes, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Daddy Pingeling. DAM, Nellie Grey. **4342. CHEERO. (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 27, 1920. Owner, Mrs. David J. Lewis, Youngstown, Ohio. SIRE, The Wanderer **4151. DAM, Clover Bloom **4152. **4784. CHICK-A-DEE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Registered by Mrs. Olive Hills. SIRE, Don Otto, A. C. A. 1638. DAM, Lady Gray. **5045. DINTY MOORE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Mary E. Miller, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, The Original Spooner. DAM, Baby Robinson. **4745. FRESINE GOODRICH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 19, 1919. Bred by owner, Gosfield Kennels, Cottam, Ont. SIRE, Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925. DAM, Betty Goodrich **4744. **4227. GORGEOUS GIRL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born April 25, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Geo. W. Brower, El Paso. Texas. SIRE, Teddy. DAM, Lady Nicotine *4294. **4219. HOME BREW. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Brown eyes. Born March 5, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive Hills. New York N. Y. SIRE, Prince David *3046. DAM, Jane Hills **4124. **5030. IGNATZIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Green eyes. Born August 15, 1917. Owner, Mrs. John Lauer, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Baer's Black Babe, A. C. A. 8232. DAM, Wopsie. **4124. JANE HILLS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Brown eyes. Born June 1, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive Hills, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Rowdy. DAM, Black Beauty. **4785. JOLLY JUDY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Registered by Mrs. Olive Hills, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Yanni **4783. DAM, Chick-a-dee **4784. **4900. KINGSTON RITA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born May 7, 1920. Bred by owner, Kingston Cattery, Brentwood, L. I. SIRE, Black Bear. DAM, Lady Lauretta Kingston **4031. 128 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4894. LADY GAIETY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 24, 1921. Owner, Mrs. John G. Gay, Alliance, O. SIRE, Prince Perwinkle *3352. DAM, Mickey. **4982. LADY GERTRUDE OF WITCH FLOWER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born June 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Bradley. Owner, Mrs. Fred Since. SIRE, Black Magic *6148. DAM, Black Princess. **4659. LORD DUSKY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 29, 1921. Owner, Miss Mona Morrison, Ottawa, Ont. SIRE, Donmur **4531. DAM, Lady Tarvis. **4725. MARY PICKFORD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. C. E. Marshall. SIRE, Rube. DAM, Prudence. **5187. MOOSE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Deep orange eyes. Born April 25, 1916. Owner, Miss Helen G. Markle, Hutchinson, Kans. SIRE, Feathers. DAM, Silk. **4664. NICOJET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 2. 1921. Owner, Mrs. William Blenkarn, Ottawa, Ont. SIRE, Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925. DAM, Betty Goodrich **4744. **4827. PANCHITA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Stoll, El Paso, Tex. SIRE, Bolt Robison *4432. DAM, Lady Azul **4433. **4970. PANNA ANNA GOSFIELD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 23, 1921. Bred by owner, Gosfield Kennels, Cottam. Ont. SIRE, Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925. DAM, Betty Goodrich **4744. **4379. PRINCE BLACK CHAP. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Registered by Mrs. Eckert. SIRE, Cherub. DAM, Fluffa. **5143. PRINCE EGYPTO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. orange eyes. Born March 19, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Van Gorden, Olean, N. Y. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Princess Wa-Let-Ka. **4372. PRINCE LOVENS OF WHITE FAWN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 18, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Martha Kirchner, Conneaut, O. SIRE, Karuso the Great **4214, A. C. A. 4297. DAM, Pinecroft Pomona. **5175. PRINCE MC. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Green eyes. Born March 12, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Sturgill, Winfield, Kan. Star, Copper Knight, A. C. A. 3667. DAM, Daisy Fluff, A. C. A. 4248. **4378. PRINCESS CHAP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Registered by Mrs. Ida Eckert. SIRE, Prince Black Chap **4379. DAM, Pucetta **4377. **4726. PRINCESS WALLA WALLA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. C. F. Marshall. SIRE, Royal Kashan **4724. DAM, Mary Pickford **4725. **5141. PRINCESS WA-LET-KA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Born April 1, 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Van Gorden, Olean, N. Y. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Ha Ha Minne (sic – Hahaminne) **1672. **4494. SIR TODDLES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes. Born July 1, 1919. Owner, Mrs. G. D. Viles. Norborne, Mo. SIRE, Black Jacques. DAM, Dolly Dutton. **4008. SUN KOW PICKANINNY PRINCE. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 27, 1919. Owner. Miss Ivy B. Lamond, West Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Pinecroft's Pluto, A. C. A. 3896. DAM, Pinecroft's Persephone, A. C. A. 4748. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4404. TIMOTHY HOLMES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Born December 27, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Paul Holmes, Toledo, O. SIRE, Buster Phinney, **4133. DAM, Susyanna **2010. **5158. TIPTOE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black Registered by Mrs. Elsa A. Reichwein. SIRE, Leontine, A. C. A. 2378. DAM, Betty Black **5159. **5011. TRINKET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born November 2, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. olive Hills, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Prince David *3046. DAM, Jane Hills **4124. 129 **4409. YALEHURST KING COAL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 11 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. W. Gray, Peoria, Ill. SIRE, Regent. DAM, Sig. **4783. YANNI. L. H. Male. Black. Registered by Mrs. Olive Hills. SIRE, Prince of Kensington. DAM, Blue Belle of Remcroft. **4793. ZAR DE RUSSIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Green eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Owner, Dr. W. Olvera. SIRE, Bob Robison **4432. DAM, Lady Azul **4433. Long-Haired Blue **4575. ALIABAD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. R. F. Mallory, Albany, N. Y. SIRE, Philavender *3292. DAM, Lady Dixie. **1748. BEAUTIFUL LADY. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 1, 1913. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Martin, Boston, Mass. SIRE, Roddy. DAM, Blue Coat Winona, A. C. A. **4738. BLUCHER II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denison. Texas. SIRE, Blucher. A. C. A, 4261. DAM, Belgian Rose. **4956. BLUE BOBBIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Date of birth unknown. Owner, Miss Laura B. Jones, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4245. THE BLUE KING OF GRAY CABLES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 29, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Emma Wickham, Battle Creek, Mich. SIRE, The Man in Blue from Kalamazoo, **4244. DAM, Blue Belle. **4275. BLUE SUNBEAM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born May 6, 1914. Owner, Mrs. Dela Foster. Registered by Mrs. Eva T. Harris. SIRE, Thormes of Thebes, A. C. A. 2361. DAM, Queen Thai, A. C. A. 2458. **4902. CAPTAIN BUDD OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Price. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Prince Perwinkle **3352. DAM, Mickey. **5055. CAPT. CRICK OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 24, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Albeit G. Johnson, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Bonsey. DAM, Empire Blue Betty, G. C. C. F. 5672, by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. **4505. CORNWELL WEEKIT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Pale amber eyes. Born June, 1912. Owner, Mrs. H. Ackland, Ottawa, Ont. SIRE, Imported Blue (Eng.) DAM, Imported Blue (Eng.) **5126. CRISTOBELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registered by Mr. Ralph Harbison, Sewickley, Pa. SIRE, King Robert the Bruce **2243. DAM, Lady Caroline **2244. 130 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4647. EFFIE BELL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. orange eyes. Born March 10, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. T. D. Cleveland, O. SIRE, Menelik III. DAM, Muggins. **4413. LORD THISTLE. Dowling, **4437. GREEN MT. JETHRO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born September, 1919. Owners, Green Mt. Cat Kennels, Burlington, Vt. SIRE, major Gray. DAM, English Blue Belle. (Imp.) **4677. GREEN MT. JETHRO, JR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born April 6, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Frank Balch, Richmond, Vt. SIRE, Green Mt. Jethro **4437. DAM, Green Mt. Illian **4460. **4658. GREYSTONE GENERAL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born March 19, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. E. McCann, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Black Imp. DAM, Bill Board Mascotte **3487. **4237. LADY PERSENIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 22, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Frances Mallory, Albany, N. Y. SIRE, Philavendar ***3892. DAM, Lady Dixie. **4274. LADY REVERA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Light blue. Yellow eyes. Born June 20, 1911. Owner, Mrs. Revera. Registered by Mrs. Eva T. Harris. SIRE, Tom Parsons. DAM, Fluffy II. **5019. LADY ROSESWEET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born November 2, 1920. Owner. Mrs. A. C. Haight, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Coldstream Rex **2648. DAM, Lavender Lou *3701. **5066. LADY THORIS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Edward L. Beecher, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, King Philip *3639. DAM, Lady Betty. **4722. LAVENDER CHANCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 20, 1920. Owner, Mrs. E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Bevis of Exeter, C. C. C. F. 5673. DAM, Petite Mimi de Brunoy. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Born August 15, 1920. Owner. Mrs. Maud McCall, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Lord Buttercup, A. C. A. 4271. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. **4244. THE MAN IN BLUE FROM KALAMAZOO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 16, 1914. Owner, Miss Moffitt, Kalamazoo, Mich. SIRE, Peter Pan. DAM, Istar. **4683. MIDNIGHT BLUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue, Golden eyes. Born July 22, 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. F. McCawley, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Blue Beard. DAM, Skippy. **4651. OPALO OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born January 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Elsie Cooper, North Bay, Ont. SIRE, Tonika II., A. C. A. 4107. DAM, Tootsie-Wootsie of Oxford **4485. **4927. PANCHO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 31, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. Del Campo. SIRE, Tommy Atkins, A. C. A. 4497. DAM, Lady Polly **4360. **4984. PRINCE VASEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Owner, Miss Rose Johnson, Big Spring, Texas. SIRE, Bob Robison **4432. DAM, Lady Azul **4433. **4859. PRINCESS BLUEBIRD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born May 2, 1919. Owner, Miss B. E. Millward, Toronto, Ont. SIRE, King Robert the Bruce **2243. DAM, Lady Caroline **2244. **4377. PUCETTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registered by Mrs. Eckert. SIRE, Ch. Neila Billi of Thorpe. DAM, Billie Burke. **4925. PURR WILLOW OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 26, 1921. Owner, Pasha Caid Kennels, Montreal. SIRE, Tonika II, *4517. DAM, Tootsie Wootsie of Oxford **4485. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER *5097. QUEEN OF THE PERSIANS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Golden eyes. Born August 1, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Alex. J. Walker, Gulliver. Mich. SIRE, Blue Nose. DAM, Fluffy III. **4572. RODDY BLUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Mrs. F. Edlah Martin. SIRE, Ch. King Blue Jay *3914. DAM, Tessie. **5019. ROSESWEET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born November 3, 1920. Owner, Mrs. A. C. Haight, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Coldstream Rex **2648. DAM, Lavender Lou *3701. **4724. ROYAL KASHAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Mrs. C. E. Marshall. SIRE, Sir David, A. C. A. 1650. DAM, Blue Muff ***1490. **4910. SHADOWESQUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born May 1, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. B. Smitz, St. Petersburg, Fla. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Blue Gipsy. **4145. SILVER PAWS. (Rule 1.) L H. Male. Blue. Golden eyes. Born May 24, 1919. 131 Owner, Mrs. Adele P. Ferree, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318, A. C. A. 3119. DAM, Peggy Knox. **4634. TED DERLING. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Gift without pedigree to owner. Owner, Mrs. William Derling, Fort Worth, Texas. **4729. THURGA D'ARBY. L. H. Male. Blue. Golden eyes. Born July 27, 1920. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denison, Tex. SIRE, Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950. DAM, Nancy of Haverhurst. **4886. TRAMP. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born about May, 1918. Owner, Miss Katharine H. Meigs, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4627. TULSA BLUE PRINCE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Mule. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born July 21, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Henry C. Stebbins. SIRE, Blue Beard. DAM, Madame Sherma. **4985. VIDA BLUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Owner, Miss Rose Johnson, Big Spring, Texas. SIRE, Bob Robison **4432. DAM, Lady Azul **4433. Long-Haired Red **4101. ALMA A. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born February 7, 1920. Owner, Mr. A. J. Madreau, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Best's Sweet Thing, A. C. A. 4092. DAM, Louise de V. **4074. **5049. BILLY BANKER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Registered by Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. SIRE and DAM both Orange cats. **4840. BUFFO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born April 9, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Byron Shattuck, Williamsville. N. Y. SIRE, Neponset **4262. DAM, Lady. **4133. BUSTER PHINNEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Yellow eyes. Born April 1, 1915. Owner, Mr. Fred W. Phinney, Columbus, O. SIRE, Bruno's Best Boy **1608, A. C. A. 1689. DAM, Buttercup. **5152. CALIFORNIA MOWATHE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Boru. March, 1915. Owner, Miss Lou Goodale Coronado, Cal. SIRE, Billy. DAM, Pluto. Bigelow, **4966. CHOUG HE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born May 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Ennison, Dallas. Texas. SIRE, Dusky Lou, G. C. C. F. 6203. DAM, Miss Jinny Jones. 132 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4587. COLONEL P. H. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Registered by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. SIRE, Colonel Tangerine **4584. DAM, Gold Elsie **4586. **4585. COLONEL TANGERINE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Registered by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. SIRE, Monk Tangerine, A. C. A. 1580. DAM, Gold Elsie **4586. **4843. CURTIS SANDELWOOD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born February 19, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Mary Custis, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Sunbeam. DAM, Flossie. **4531. DONMUR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born, January, 1920. Owner, Mr. James Hossack, Ottawa, Can. SIRE, Kathdin King. DAM, Lady Peter. **4652. GERALDINE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 19, 1918. Owner. Mrs. Christina Heiser, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Red Wolf. DAM, Peggy Elliot. **4579. GAY DUKE OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Deep orange eyes. Born May 11, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Cares, *4501. DAM, Daffodil. **4654. GOLDEN AUTUMN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born February 17, 1917. Owner, Mrs. G. F. Brown, Huntington, L. I. SIRE, Sunshine Boy. DAM, Pansy. **4760. GOLDEN STREAM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born October 1, 1919. Owner, Mrs. L. D. Lloyd. SIRE, Pete **4758. DAM, Lady of the Lake **4759. **4297. HANDSOME BILLY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 15, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. Huff Buffalo. N. Y. SIRE, Neponset **4262. DAM, Lady Bess. **4624. HIS ROYAL NIBS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 29, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Edwards, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Prince Othello **4051. DAM, Queen Tama ***4461. **5117. HOOSIER SPITFIRE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born, June, 1915. Owner, Hoosier Cattery, Mrs. E. F. Hamaker. SIRE, Fluff DAM, MOSS. **4474. ISHLAH (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Deep gold eyes. Born December 7, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Dora Moulton, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Billy. DAM, Creampuff. **4623. JACK DEMPSEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Prince Othello **4051. DAM, Queen Tama **4461. **4993. JAZZLAND GINGER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born. July, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. H. Kramm, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Sonny Boy (Imp.) DAM, Snowball. **4436. KING BRIAR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Deep Red. Deep orange eyes. Born June 12. 1919. Owner, Mrs. Lina Lama. SIRE, Alexander Boy. DAM, Rose Briar. **4958. KITSIE NICHOLS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born, April, 1921. Owner, Mrs. E. Myers. Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Bobby Nichols *3058. DAM, Kitsie. **5144. LADY ISABEL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 20 1921. Owner, Eva L. Meister, Keokuk, Iowa. SIRE, Red Cloud Sunlocks. DAM, Muggins. **5012. LADY TIKYTIKA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born, February, 1916. Owner, Mrs. Ray Retterer, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, Swastika Tikytwo, A. C. A. 911. DAM, Muff. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4858. LADY TO KI. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Parentage unknown. Registered by Mrs. Lilliam C. Einstein, New York. N. Y. **4420. MACKINNON'S FAVORITE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Deep Red. Copper eyes. Born June 21, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon, Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4425. MARLY. **4607. PEQUASH OF FLEETWOOD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born February 22, 1913 Owner, Mrs. Geo. G. Brown, Huntington, L. I. SIRE, Laddie, Jr., **2123. DAM, Abbey Carrington **1188. **4758. PETE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born, 1917. Registered by Mrs. L. D. Lloyd. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4629. PLINY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 15, 1919. Owner, Mr. Manaher, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318. DAM, Dixie. **5134. NAVAJO BILLIKEN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born October 30, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Lou Goodale Bigelow. Owner, Mrs. John D. Roberts, East San Diego, Cal. SIRE, Comanche of Blackhawk, A. C. A. 3068. DAM, Topaz. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Owner, Dr. Heller, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang **4388. DAM, Tan Mack **4426. **5184. PRAIRIE RED TOY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born August 10, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. R. Larson, Corry, Pa. SIRE, Bunny. DAM, Lady Bufftons **4606. **5144. PRINCESS ISABEL. **4262. NEPONSET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 23, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Jennie Plumstead, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Sir Timothy **4246. DAM, Janey Mae *4247. **4650. OJAVAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 20, 1921. Owner, Eva L. Meister, Keokuk, Iowa. SIRE, Red Cloud Sunlocks. DAM, Muggins. **4462. PRINCESS KIM. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born, 1916. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Hoffman. SIRE, Navajo Rags. DAM, Trinket II. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1919. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Red Wolf. DAM, Boots. **4298. ORANGE BLACK. **4426. PRINCESS TANGYIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female Red. Orange eyes. Born April 15, 1920. Owner, Miss Ella Black. SIRE, Neponset **4262. DAM, Lady Bess. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Deep Red. Orange eyes. Born May 15, 1919. Owner, Miss Ella Black. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318. DAM, Dixie. **4919. PAT. **4461. QUEEN TAMA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Date of birth not given. Owner, Miss Edna Sinnett. SIRE, His Majesty. DAM, Toko **4818. **4994. PATSY OF PERSIA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born, November, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Jazzland Ginger **4993. DAM, Patricia. 133 (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1919. Owner, Mr. J. H. Trattner, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Red Wolf. DAM, Boots. **4118. RED CLOUD. H. Kramm, (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Registered by Mrs, E. F. Dumon. SIRE, Bronze King. DAM, Red Clover. 134 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4972. RED PRINCESS PAT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Registered by Mrs. Geo. Manhattan, Kansas. W. Brown, **4952. SIR MOYANA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Golden eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. C. Cremer, New Orleans, La. SIRE, Yankee. DAM, Peggy Pauline. **4246. SIR TIMOTHY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Registered by Mrs. Jennie Plumstead. SIRE, Red Top. DAM, Muffy. **4418. SUSANNA BELL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Yellow eyes. Born March 11, 1920. Owner, Miss Alice Maud Blake, Columbus, O. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Susyanna **2010. **4976. TOOT SWEET. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 19, 1920. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Jeffers, Oskaloosa, Iowa. SIRE, Vamp. DAM, Toppie. **4290. TRIXIE ELYRIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. copper eyes. Born April 4, 1919. Registered by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. SIRE, Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. DAM, Lady Aloy **4291. **4388. WANG. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red, Orange eyes. Born May 24, 1919. Owner, Miss Black, Derby, N. Y. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318. DAM, Peggy Knox. **4424. WHISPERS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born June 21 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon. Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. Long-Haired Cream **5009. CREAM LADY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born March 29, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Goodfellow, Gait, Ont. SIRE, Peterkin Pan *4346. DAM, Blue Tortoiseshell Queen. **4932. CREMO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream, Orange eyes. Born August 8, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. Susie Paquette, East Toledo, O. SIRE, Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 1123. DAM, Topsy. **4940. GREENWICH CREAM FOXY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. Y. Mathis. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Hemminger, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Greenwich Cream Cap. DAM, Greenwich Aimee of the Fox Valley. **4606. LADY BUFFTONS. (Rule 2.) Female. Cream. Orange eyes. Born October 12, 1918. Owner, Mrs. C. R. Larson, Corry, Pa. SIRE, Bunny. DAM, Lady Geneve. **4636. TEX LAHOMA OF PANTHER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born June 4, 1919. Owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Ted Derling **4634. DAM, Lady Ixta I. **4635. **4712. TONY C. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Cream. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Sir Philip, A. C. A. 3688. DAM, Tony Girl. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 135 Long-Haired Chinchilla **4177. IVY WINSOME. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born June 13, 1917. Owner, Mrs. L. C. Burnett. SIRE, Sir Roger, A. C. A. 2617. DAM, Cinderella. **4137. LADDIE LEE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Registered by Mrs. E. P. Williams. SIRE, Sir Roland of Glengary (Imp.) DAM, English Silver Belle **4139. **4217. LORD SILVERTON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April, 1914. Owner, Miss Fredericks, Oakland, Cal. SIRE, Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont *1310, A. C. A. 1561. DAM, PUSSY Willow. **4562. MUFFTI BARNES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born 1911. Owner, Mrs. H. B. Crews, Lincoln, Neb. SIRE, Felix B. **4570. DAM, Allore **4571. **4141. SILVER ZAIDA. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 11, 1913. Registered by Mrs. E. P. Williams. SIRE, Fulmer's Dilre (Imp.), A. C. A. 1127. DAM, Queenie. Long-Haired Shaded Silver **4869. ALRIK SILVER SMITH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. A. Olsen, Richmond Hill, L. I. SIRE, Capt. Smith *3666. DAM, Silver Thread **4864. **4773. BABY BARKER OF PANTHER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Copper eyes. Born March 7, 1920. Owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Ted Deerling **4634. DAM, Tiddles. **4908. CELIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Yellowish green eyes. Born March 6, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Glen Morris, L. I. SIRE, Capt. Smith *3666. DAM, Minkie. **4269. CHINCHILLA LASS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born January, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. E. Farlinger. SIRE, Imperator. DAM, Lewis Queen. **4289. COLONEL TOMMY TOMPKINS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Born April 25, 1920. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Berry. SIRE, Teddy. DAM, Lady Nicotine *4294. **4553. DADDY DUMPLINS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born July 17, 1918. Owner, H. Gatlin. SIRE, Kilmington Ki Ku **3703. DAM, Princess Rudabah *2007. **4841. DESTINY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Byron Shattuck, Williamsville, N. Y. SIRE, Fluffy. DAM, Peggy Knox **4631. **4911. DOLLY WOODHULL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born March 30, 1919. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Woodhull, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, Silver Sport *2908. DAM, Topsy Toes **3858. **4830. ENCHANTRESS D'RICHELIEU. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born May 25, 1918. Owner, Mrs. J. B. Rose, Montreal. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Queenie. **4139. ENGLISH SILVER BELLE (IMP.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Yellow eyes. Registered by Mrs. E. P. Williams. SIRE, Silver Roy. DAM, Silver Ray. 136 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4577. FRENCHIO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Yellow eyes. Born October 6, 1918. Owner, Mrs. K. Costello, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4867. GLORIA SWANSON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. A. Olsen, Richmond Hill, L. I. SIRE, Captain Smith *3666. DAM, Silver Thread **4864. **4792. GREYTOP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. L. C. Roberts, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Duke of Aldermoor, A. C. A. 4774. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. **4468. HERMA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born August 14, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Smith, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Tom. DAM, Fluff. **4578. KEEPSAKE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Greenish Yellow eyes. Born February 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. K. Costello, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, Daddy Dumplins **4553. DAM, Frenchio **4577. **4106. KING HEROD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born April 14, 1919. Owner, Miss Alice E. Crawford, Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Sir Roger, A. C. A. 2617. DAM, PUSSY Willow. **4144. LADY DARLINGTON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born August 5, 1919. Bred by owner, Miss Alice E. Crawford. ford. SIRE, Blue Boy. DAM, Zarlina *4105. **4638. LADY IXTA III. OF PANTHER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Copper eyes. Born March 7, 1920. Owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Fort Worth, Texas. SIRE, Ted Derling **4634. DAM, Tiddes. **4357. LADY MURIEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female, Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born April 20, 1920. Owner Mrs. F. S. Kilner, Thomaston, Conn. SIRE, Toodles. DAM, Silverland mistletoe *4258. **5290. POP DE RILEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Gray eyes. Born February 1, 1920. Owner, Miss Bertha Riley, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Silver Ball. DAM, Baby. **4591. REMLIK OF SILVERLAND. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born February 22 1919. h (sic) Bred by owner, Mrs. Fernie B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. SIRE, Glormania **2894. DAM, Swipes. **4971. SILVER GRAY KING. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Registered by Mrs. Geo. W. Brown. Manhattan, Kansas. **4315. SILVER KING II. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Registered by Mrs. Lulu E. Whipple, St. Paul, Minn. SIRE, Col. Cody. DAM, Lady Cottonwood. **4341. SILVER KINGDOM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born April 12, 1920. Bred by Fernie 13. Ryder. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Deposit, N. Y. SIRE, Toodles. DAM, Silverland Mistletoe, C. F. A. 4258. **4256. SILVER SHAG BARK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born October 10, 1916. Owner, Mrs. Cramer. Toledo, O. SIRE, Billy of Applewood, A. C. A. 2923. DAM, Silver Threads, A. C. A. 2890. **4868. SILVER TASSEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Green eye Born April 24, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. A. Olsen, Richmond Hill, L. I. SIRE, Capt. Smith *3666. DAM, Silver Thread **4864. **4864. SILVER THREAD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Pedigree not known. Registered by Mrs, Frank Olsen, Richmond Hill, L. I. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4215. SILVERTON QUEEN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. Born June, 1918. Owner, Mr. A. Edstron, Fruitville, Cal. SIRE, Lord Silverton **4217. DAM, Sweet Hallie **4216. **4216. SWEET HALLIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. owner, Mr. A. Edstron, Fruitville, Cal. SIRE, Koos Koos. DAM, Sweet Molly. **4548. TINY SILVER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Green eyes. 137 Born February 16, 1921. Owner, Mrs. G. Barry, Buffalo. N. Y. SIRE, Peter Pan. DAM, Herma **4468. **4154. TRICOLETTE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Registered by Miss Alice E. Crawford. SIRE, Lord Dixie Vernon **4155. DAM, Lady Grey, A. C. A. 2931. **4153. WARTHEN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded Silver. Registered by Miss Alice E. Crawford. SIRE, Sir Roger, A. C. A. 2617. DAM, Belmont Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3862. Long-Haired Silver Tabby **4311. BOBBY BLUFF. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born April 9, 1920. Owner, Mrs. G. Dye, Dubuque. Ia. SIRE, Fritzie. DAM, Cinders. **4348. BUDDY BOY OF BELVEDEDE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Hazel eyes. Born March 5, 1920. Breeder-owner, Mrs: Albert H. Smith. Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Lord Hampton *3545, A. C. A. 3919. DAM, Badie of Belvedere **4193. **4506. DUC DE RICHELIEU. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born November 4, 1915. Owner, Mrs. John B. Rose, Montreal. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. **4200. EUGENE CRISPIN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Neuter. Silver Tabby. Born July 31, 1916. Owner, Miss Maud I. Howard, Ottawa. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. **4960. LADY GRAYSTOKE (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born July 24, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Raymond Johnson, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Lord Lit'Boy **4685. DAM, Lady Madge *4684. **4360. LADY POLLY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 25, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Lena Syrus. SIRE, Teddy. DAM, Lady Nicotine *4294. **4268. LEWIS SENATOR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Born October, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Meservey. SIRE, Athol Chief. DAM, Togo. **4685. LORD LIT'BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born, 1919' Bred by owner, Mrs. Madge Kelly, Toledo, O. SIRE, Black Persian Cat. DAM, Lady Madge *4684. **4663. PLAYFELLOW. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Greenish yellow eyes. Born February 29, 1921. Owner, Miss Eileen Bond. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. **4373. PRINCE ILLINGTON OF WHITE FAWN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Born November 19, 1916. Owner, Mrs. Martha Kirchner, Conneaut, O. SIRE, Olcott. DAM, Bonnybel. **4270. PRINCESS MARY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born May, 1912. Owned by Mrs. B. L. Heddon, New York, N. Y. **4204. RIDEAU LASS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Born November 16, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. C. Gibson. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. 138 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4790. SAINT NICHOLAS II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver Tabby. Green eyes. Born February 18, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Woodhaven, L. I SIRE, St. Nicholas I. of Rose Cottage **3012. DAM, Margaret **3952. **4182. YEMANA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Born February 23, 1919. Owner, Mrs. L. Barrett. SIRE, Trump *3795. DAM, Minnie. Long-Haired Smoke **4998. ALAGLOW. **4999. HOKEY SMOKE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born March 11. 1921. Owner, Mrs: Gertrude M. Kraft, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, Ch. Cou d'Argento *5059. DAM, Blue Lassie. **4538. AMBER EYES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Bronze eyes. Born August 23, 1920. Owner, Mrs. John B. Rose, Montreal. SIRE, Buddy. DAM, Smoke. **4660. DONNY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Date of birth unknown. Registered by Miss Alice Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Piccadilly Johnny. DAM, Dottie. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born March 11, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude M. Kraft, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, Ch. Cou d'Argento *5059. DAM, Blue Lassie. **4381. JERSEY BELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born October 21, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Otto R. Zecher. SIRE, Lord Strathcoma *2170. DAM, Blue Aloe ***3546. **4761. KANSAS SMOKE. Crawford, **4662. FAJARDO MADAME TOPSO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Green eyes. Born August, 1919. Owner, Miss Alice Crawford, Springfield, Mass. SIRE, Donny **4660. DAM, Ann Maria **4661. **4762. FIRDANSI. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 25, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Russell R. Grimes, Topeka, Kansas. SIRE, Sandy Tan **4511. DAM, Gorgeous Girl **4227. **5096. FLOYD COLFAX. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born August 20, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Alex. J. Walker, Guilliver, Mich. SIRE, Kishii. DAM, Cynthia. **4376. HAPPY PAP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 17, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. W. Hedden, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Lord Pontius *3423. DAM, Princess Mary **4270. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 25, 1921. Owner, Mrs. L. Tracy Leonard, Denver, Colo. SIRE, Sandy Tan **4511. DAM, Gorgeous Girl **4227. **4305. KIMBALL'S MINNETTE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Green eyes. Born June, 1915. Owner, Mrs. Mary E. Kimball. SIRE, Ingomar. DAM, Pearlynne. **4433. LADY AZUL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Green eyes. Born August 28, 1919. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Holmes. SIRE, Teddy B. DAM, Cutie. **5048. LADY LOCKET. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Amber eyes. Pedigree unknown. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, O. **4530. LADY TARVIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Light yellow eyes. Born March, 1918. Owner, Mrs. L. McLaren Hunter, Ottawa, Can. SIRE and DAM not given. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4414. LADY QUIRLEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born June 16, 1919. Owner, Mr. W. F. Barnaby, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, King James H. *2241. DAM, Lady Smoke **3386. **4558. LITTLE LADY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Registered by Mrs. Jas. Larchmont, N. Y. SIRE, Buster. DAM, Lady Bird. McDowell, **4921. MOWINKLE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born July 17, 1921. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Adair, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Prince of Darkness. DAM, Itsu. **4713. PRINCE ALBERT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born April 17, 1921. 139 Bred by owner, Mrs. Hubert Moore, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Ch. Velvet Joe of Vickery *4003. DAM, Lady Dusky Belle. **4202. PRINCE ANTONIO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male, Smoke. Born October 23, 1919. Owner, Mr. Harry Briggs. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chin Chin. *5089. SAADI. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Green eyes. Born August 28, 1920. Owner, Dr. J. E. Guthrie, Los Angeles. SIRE, Lightfoot. DAM, Fluffie. **4485. TOOTSIE-WOOTSIE OF OXFORD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born January 11, 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. D. MacFarland, Montreal. SIRE, Ty Ty. DAM, Bunty. Long-Haired Brown Tabby **4327. ALEX. (Rule 1) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 8. 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. L. Waterstreet, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, King Tokio *4322, A. C. A. 3815. DAM, Mo-Te **4326. **4249. ATTABOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 6, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Martha Parks, Canton, O. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Shurnana **2221. **4188. BONNIE GIRL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 14, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. H. Reeves, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, D. D. Bruno, A. C. A. 3112. DAM, Lady Bird. **4547. BOY WARREN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Gold eyes. Born February 13, 1921. Owner, Mrs. G. Barry, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang *4388. DAM, Moukula **4473. **4924. BABE KEARNEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Deep golden eyes. Born June 21, 1921. Owner, C. M. Kearney, Alliance, O. SIRE, Attaboy **4249. DAM, Susie Sunbeam **4248. **4185. BRER TERRAPIN OF INDEPENDENCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Owner, Mrs. Theo. Slade. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Independence Tiger Lily **4279. **5140. BEN NEVIS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born April 19, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Earseman, Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Shurnana **2221. **4253. BILLY BROCK HILLYARD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Yellow eyes. Born August 6, 1920. Owner, Miss Marguerette Hillyard. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Susyanna **2010. **4445. CHIFFONNETTE CAID. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. A. Saint Pierre. SIRE, Steve Pasha, A. C. A. 4551. DAM, Fresine Caid, A. C. A. 4552. **4403. COLONEL PEPPER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born December 27, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Charles Kirk, Columbus, Ohio. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Susyanna **2010. 140 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4566. DOUGLAS HAIG. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 27, 1920. Owner, Mrs. T. R. King, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, D. D. Gold King, A. C. A. 8114. DAM, Jolie. **5122. EDWIN W. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 20, 1920. Own Owner, Edwin Williams, Columbus, O. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels **3878. DAM, Lady Betty. **4355. FUSSY SCHALLER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 25, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Maus Kennedy, Buckeye Lake, O. SIRE, Miller Buster, A. C. A. 3341. DAM, Lady Cherie. **4273. FYLGIA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Yellow eyes. Born April 29, 1919. Owner, Mrs. G. Petersen, Plainfield, N. J. SIRE, Tekanassee **2203. DAM, Atee of Mountainside **2204. **4368. ISHTAR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born August 7, 1920. Owner, Dr. Harvey Morris, Port Arthur, Texas. SIRE, Lord Crystal Whitley **4110. DAM, Snookle. **4832. LADD'S MADAM B. F. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eye. Born Spring, 1915. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Buttercup's Boy. DAM, Bluette Ladd *4330. **4973. LADY BILLY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Gold eyes. Born March 27, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. Schaefer. SIRE, Tommy. DAM, Buddy. **4435. LADY ELECTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Yellow green eyes. Born April 7, 1920. Owner, Mrs. L. R. Andrews, Olean, N. Y. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Ha Ha Minne (sic -- Hahaminne) **1672. **4361. LADY LAKE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born April 6, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Martha Barnes, Buckeye Lake, O. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Shurnana **2221. **4434. LADY MAVIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Yellow eyes. Date Of birth not given. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. E. Holmes, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Bob Robison **4432. DAM, Minette. **4552. LADY TATTERS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 4, 1916. Owner, Mrs. Homer Rockhold, Columbus, O. SIRE, Stanhope Magnificat **1928. DAM, Bonnie Wee Suzanne, A. C. A. 2707. **5007. LADY TRIXIE OF CUM LANDE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born August 31, 1921. Owner. Mrs. R. C. Sheets. SIRE, Cassius II. of the Bird's Nest **3944. DAM, Betty. **4456. LORD IVOR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 26, 1918. Owner, Mrs. G. C. Love, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, D. D. Daniel Webster, A. C. A. 3113. DAM, Trixie. **5165. LOVELINESS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Golden eyes. Born July 81 1920. Owner. Mrs. Lambert. SIRE, Buffey. DAM, Fluffey. **4350. MASSASOIT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 3, 1919. Breeder-owner, Mrs. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. SIRE, King Coreopsis *3839. DAM, Fairy Nida *2585. **5067. MEXICAN PRINCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Neuter. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born April 14, 1918. Owner, Mrs. J. V. Bock, Columbus, O. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Suzanne **2010. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5142. MISS LOVELY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born March 17, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Van Gordon, Olean, N. Y. Sum, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Ha Ha Minne (sic – Hahaminne) **1672. **4326. MO-TE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 16, 1919. Owner, Miss Lucy Daniels, Dallas, Texas SIRE, Dixie. DAM, Snobbs. **4473. MOUKALO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Gold eyes. Born August 14, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Smith, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Tom. DAM, Fluff. **4895. NIGG. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Golden eyes. Born June 21, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Roth, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Prince Perwinkle *3352. DAM, Tisch. **4631. PEGGY KNOX. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Gold eyes. Born September 15, 1918. Owner, Dr. Constantine, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Billy. DAM, Babe. **4516. PICK OF EIGHT OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 20, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, O. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Lady Bettie. **4383. PRETTY SALLY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Gold eyes Born February 21, 1920. Owner. Mrs. Dora Moulton, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Rajah Mack *3318. DAM, Peggy Knox **4631. **4987. PRINCE JINGO BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 25, 1921. Owner, Mrs. R. C. Sheets. SIRE, Lord Ruffles, A. C. A. 3479. DAM, Katonka. 141 **4254. PRINCESS LOUISE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Yellow eyes. Born August 6, 1920. Owner Miss Isabel Dodd. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Susyanna **2010. **4608. QUEEN GAY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Green eyes. Born March 4. 1921. Owner, Mrs. John Gay, Alliance, O. SIRE, Attaboy **4249. DAM, Susie Sunbeam **4248. **4205. RIDEAU QUEEN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Born November 16, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. C. Gibson, Ottawa. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. **4949. SUSIE REDLUM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Date of birth not given. Owner, Miss Alice Moulder, Passaic, N. J. SIRE, Lord Jehan de Rezeit *1507. DAM, Queen Tigi **2583. **4248. SUSIE SUNBEAM. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born April 10, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Martha Parks, Canton, O. SIRE, Keito. DAM, Skelmey. **4873. TABETTINA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. J. M. Simson, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Tasso **4871. DAM, Blackberry **4872. **4206. TEDDY TEDRICK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Born April 8, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Virginia Lucas, Columbus, O. SIRE, Miller's Buster, A. C. A. 8341, **4055. DAM, Hika Diva. **4279. TIGER LILY OF INDEPENDENCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 31, 1918. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Danforth, Independence, Kansas. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Ha Ha Minne (sic -- Hahaminne) **1672. 142 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5139. TIMMY SANDERS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 26, 1921. Owner, Wm. Sanders, Richmond, O. SIRE, Thomas lbold. DAM, Ruffles. **4151. THE WANDERER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 17, 1914. Owner, Mrs. Ida D. Bennett. SIRE, Aurora Topaz, A. C. A. 1670. DAM, Ethel. Long-Haired Red Tabby **5013. AMBER MAJESTY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Born October 10, 1921. Owner, Mrs. S. E. Hinchpaugh, New Castle, Ind. SIRE, His Majesty. DAM, Baby. **5196. BLACKHURST STORM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Light Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Ella A. Black, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang **4388. DAM, Pit a Pat **4389. **5195. BLACKHURST SWEETNESS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Ella A. Black, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang 464388. DAM, Pit a Pat **4389. **5197. BLACKHURST TEMPEST. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Deep Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Ella A. Black, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang **4388. DAM, Pit a Pat **4389. **4751. CHAMBLY HIBOU. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 26, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Jim. DAM, Chambly Cleome **4747. **4196. D. D. RED ARROW. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male, Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 10. 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Alma Douglas. SIRE, D. D. Chandos Laddwyn *3328. DAM, D. D. Red Rodney. **4915. DONNIR BOY OF ESTES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Date of birth not given. Owner Mrs. Estes, Jacksonville, Fla. SIRE and DAM not given. **5008. FRISCO FLO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 7, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. L. Haas, Massillon, O. SIRE, Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. DAM, Foxey Girl. **4586. GOLD ELSIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Registered by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, O. SIRE, Torrington Fawe **437. DAM, Wee Wee Junior. **4465. GOLD PRINCE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 15, 1919. Owner, Mrs. M. Hook, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, White Fluff. DAM, Unknown parentage. **4945. IRVING BELL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 17, 1920. Owner, Miss R. V. Pinhey, Dunrokin, Ont. SIRE, King. DAM, Freckles. **4515. JADO OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 5, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes. SIRE, Tannhauser 12812. DAM, Golden Lady. **4214. KARUSO THE GREAT OF WHITE FAWN KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Porn March 24, 1915. Owner, Mrs. Leopold Schade, White Fawn Kennels, Spokane, Wash. SIRE, Red Wooley. DAM, Bonnie Wee, A. C. A. 3589. **4536. KLOTZ OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Golden Girl. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4863. KU KA KAKOMAS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 3, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. E. Ferris. Ithaca, N. Y. SIRE, Glenwood's Jack Horner **3281. DAM, Mlle. Polaire **1630. **4392. LADD'S MARGUERITE CLARK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May, 1917. Bred by owner, 'Mrs. P. P. Ladd. SIRE, Rody, A. C. A. 3941. DAM, Princess Frederika **4329. **4905. LAD OF AVONDALE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule not listed in studbook) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 5, 1921. Owner, Dr. Weadon C. Koon, Monogah, W. Va. SIRE, Tannhauser *2812. DAM, Golden Lady. **4291. LADY ALOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 22, 1914. Registered by Mrs. O. H. Fabian. SIRE, Lord Bobbie, A. C. A. 4133. **3849. DAM, Queen Dapple Dinny (sic – Dappledinny), A. C. A. 3780, **3847. **4979. LADY JACK OF COLUMBUS KENNELS (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1921. Owner. Mrs. M. K. Bock. "IRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Golden Girl. **5098. LADY PAULINE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Golden eyes. Born March 7. 1921. Owner, Mrs. A. F. Rolf, New Orleans, La. SIRE, Yankee. DAM, Peggy Pauline. **4114. LADY SPITFIRE BLIZZARD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Topaz eyes. Born July 15, 1916. Owner, Mrs. Thos. Blizzard, Detroit. Mich. SIRE, Daniel Webster, A. C. A. 3113. DAM, Lady Higgie. **4503. LA TISH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 24, 1920. 143 Bred by owner, Mrs. Lida Rose, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Red Fox. DAM, Mother Muff. **5025. LADY TAX. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Owner, Mrs. Frank H. Whipperman. Pedigree unknown. **4242. LITTLE SQUAW OF WHITE FAWN KENNELS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Leopold Slade, Spokane. Wash. SIRE, Karuso the Great **4214. DAM, Mistress Nancy Girl. **5102. LORD GALLANT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Owner, Mrs. Frank Whipperman. SIRE, Nathaniel. DAM, Long-haired Cat. **5192. MARSHALSEA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Ella A. Black, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Wang **4388. DAM, Pit a Pat *4389. **4574. MARY ALICE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. A. Griffin, Columbus, O. SIRE, Tannhauser *2812. DAM, Golden Lady. **4134. MICKEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Golden eyes. Born August 4, 1919. Owner, Mrs. F. J. Bock, Columbus, O. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Suzanne **2010. **4839. PATAPOO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 18, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Schaefer, Lancaster, N. Y. SIRE, Black Smyrna **4382. DAM, Ishlah **4474. **4700. PETRUCHIO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Brown eyes. Born April 18, 1920. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Lewis, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Prince of Persia II. *4047. DAM, Meowpuss. 144 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4522. PHILBROOK OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, O. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Golden Girl. **4389. PIT-A-PAT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Green eyes. Born January 3, 1919. Owner, Miss Black, Derby, N. Y. SIRE, Sir Patrick Parker. DAM, Jane. **4906. PRINCE DUPHORNE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 20, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Bertha Duphorne, Columbus, O. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Bettie. **4184. PRINCESS ALICE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 23, 1920. Owner, Mr. John D. Lawson, Columbia, Mo. SIRE, Prince of Persia II. **4047. DAM, Ladd's Marguerite Clark **4392. **4589. PRINCESS DORALDINA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Amber eyes. Born October 3, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Ray Henry, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Buster. DAM, Kitty Purr. **4703. PRINCESS ELFERNIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 1, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. Nims, Spokane. Wash. SIRE, Tornado of the Fox Valley *3793. DAM, Lady Amberhue. **4609. PRINCESS JOANA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1920. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Orr, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, Heather Fluff, A. C. A. 3894. DAM, Punky Dunk, A. C. A. 4678. **5034. RED BO BO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 24, 1921. Owner. Mrs. W. Harrison, Alliance. O. SIRE, Gay Duke of Crickmere **4579. DAM, Tiggie of Crickmere **5449. **4511. SANDY TAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Gold eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Owner. Mrs. Geo. W. Brower, Manhattan, Kansas. SIRE, Silver King. DAM, Princess Pat. **4943. SPOONER GIRL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 22, 1921. Owner. Miss Laura Jones, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, The Original Spooner, A. C. A. 4162. DAM, Busy. **4918. TOKO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red Tabby. Born October 10. 1921. Owner, Mrs. Lulu Diller, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, His Majesty. DAM, Baby. **5121. VAN TEACH OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 20, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Van B. Teach, Columbus, O. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels, **3878. DAM, Lady Betty. **4201. WENDOVER WONDER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Born November, 1919. Owner, Miss Katherine Boast. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chin Chin. **4537. WINEBERT OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes. Star, King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. DAM, Golden Girl. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 145 Long-Haired Tortoiseshell **5162. AKSARBEN GOLDEN REEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Owner, Mrs. B. W. Haynes, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Lord Buttercup, A. C. A. 4271. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4281. **5169. ANNAPEG. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Bright yellow eyes. Born March 26, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Myrtle Blair, Indianapolis, Ind. SIRE, General Ginger, A. C. A. 2746. DAM, Miss Oddity, A. C. A. 4316. **4744. BETTY GOODRICH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born August, 1916. Owner, Gosfield Kennels, Cottam, Ont. SIRE, Woodroe Happy. DAM, Tom Torn. **4412. BETTY McCALL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Born August 15, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Mattie Springstead. SIRE, Lord Buttercup, A. C. A. 4271. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. **4763. BRINDLE GIRL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Gold eyes. Born April 25 1921. Owner, Mrs. Frank Brower, Junction City, Kans. SIRE, Sandy Tan DAM, Gorgeous Girl **4227. **4749. CHAMBLY NIGELLA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Deep orange eyes. 1921. Born July 28, 1921 Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Chambly Hibou **4751 DAM, Chambly Cleome **4747. **4989. DANDY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born May 23, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Don Taylor, Richwood, O. SIRE, Thomas Ibold. DAM, Lilliam. **4567. DOTTIE BELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born March 2, 1920. Owner Mrs. Garfield Fisher, West Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Lord Jehan de Rezeit *1507. DAM, Lady Nora, A. C. A. 3961. **4777. KIWANIS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born March 23, 1921. Owner, Flower State Cat Club, Jacksonville, Fla. SIRE, Sergeant Tip Top *3964. DAM, Florient **4776. **4635. LADY IXTA I. OF PANTHER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born April 3 1918. Owner, Miss a oldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Bimbi **3195. DAM, Tiddles. **4844. LADY LIERRE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Amber eyes. Born February 18, 1921. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Sonnie Boy. DAM, Tomboy. **4478. MISS SCRATCH OF THE BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female, Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born April 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. SIRE, King Coreopsis *3839. DAM, Fuzzy Lady. **4641. QUEEN IDA. (Rule 2. ) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Bronze eyes. Born April 11, 1921. Owner, Mrs. A. D. Cooper, Durant, Okla. SIRE, Bobolink. DAM, Lady Cricket. **4626. PRINCESS JANE EYRE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born March 20, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs, J. H. Trattner, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Prince Othello **4051. DAM, Queen Tama **4461. **4625. PRINCESS MOON FACE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born March 29, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Prince Othello **4051. DAM, Queen Tama **4461. **4946. PORTIA GLAD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell, Deep copper eyes. Born April 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Jeffers, Oskaloosa, Iowa. SIRE, Sir Thomas. DAM, Peggy. 146 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Long-Haired A. O. C. **4550. AMELIA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Brown Tabby with White. Orange eyes. Owner, Mrs. T. J. Marrier. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4231. ANNIE LAURIE'S LADY FAIR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue Smoke. Green eyes. Born July 4,1917. Owner, Mrs. E. D. McCall, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Sunset Boy. DAM, Lady Sapphire. **4193. BADIE OF BELVEDERE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black and White. Green eyes. Born May 24, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Albert H. Smith, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Black Male. DAM, Princine **3808. **4526. BAMPUR LADY FINESE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black and White. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born September 16, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. T. Horton, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Prince Perwinkle *3352. DAM, Lady Lynx **3950. A. **5166. CH'EUG TZU SAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Blue and White Female. Born September 19, 1921. Owner. Mrs. Ellerte Metayer, Montreal. SIRE, Joffre. DAM, Lady Peggy. **4359. CHISTOSA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Born March 19, 1919. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Lockhart, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Longhaired Blue Cat. DAM, Colona **4343. **4288. CLOUDY SUE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue Smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 3, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Constant C. Crum, Binghamton, N. Y. SIRE, Toodles. DAM, Blue Devil. **4750. DAFFODIL PINKETTE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Cream and White. A. O. C. Copper eyes. Born November 15, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. M. Hemminger, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Orange and White Persian Cat. DAM, Fluffodil **4748. **5028. DAFFODIL SNOOKSETTE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell with white. Green eyes. Born November 15, 1919. Own Owner, Mrs. Marie Masgana. SIRE, Longhaired Orange and White. DAM, Fluffodil **4748. **4977. DAY BREAK. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Green eyes. Born April 5, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Jeffers, Oskaloosa, Ia. SIRE, Black King. DAM, Lady White Ribbon. **4791. FIRETOP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream and White. Orange eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. V. Johnson. SIRE, Duke of Aldermoor, A. C. A. 4774. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. **4748. FLUFFODIL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell and White. A. O. C. Born April, 1917. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Hemminger, Tampa. Fla. SIRE and DAM unknown. **4692. GOLDEN COLLAR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Amber eyes. Born Spring, 1915 Owner Mrs. Florence M. Mowery, El Paso, Texas. SIRE and DAM Unknown. **4686. GREEN MT. GENTALISKA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Blue Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born July 20, 1920. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Dandrew. SIRE, Arawan II. DAM, Green Mt. Illian **4460. **4113. JOYCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Golden eyes. Born March 13, 1919. Owner, Mrs. J. F. Bock, Columbus. O. SIRE, Stanhope Magnificat *11928, A. C. A. 2404. DAM, Bruno's Billie Burke, A. C. A. 2272. **5075. KAI KOBAD. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream and White. Born December 5, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Edwin M. Stearns, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Joffre. DAM, Lady Fluff. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4711. KITTY BABE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange and White. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Carroll Houston, Texas SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Sister Brown **4612. **4533. KITTY MITTENS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Registered by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Ingomar, A. C. A. 2071. DAM, Lady Murphy. **4442. LADY GERRY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Silver and White. Green eyes. Born June 1, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Harry E. Oakes, Springfield Mass. Slim Bob White. DAM, Lady Vix. **4637. LADY IXTA II. OF PANTHER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue cream. Copper eye. Born June 4, 1919. Owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Ted Derling **4634. DAM, Lady Ixta I. of Panther **4635. **4208. LADY LEE ORR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Amber eyes. Registered by Dr. Chas. Orr. Crafton, Pa. SIRE, Buster, Jr. DA;;, Spattie Christy. **5111. LADY NIXON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1921. Owner, Mr. J. Earl Nixon, Richmond, Ont. SIRE, Silver Ariel II. DAM, Muzzer **4978. **5014. LADY SILVERSHEEN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Emerald green eyes. Owner, Mrs. Lillian Patrick, Indianapolis, Ind. Pedigree unknown. **4421. MADAME BROWN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born June 21, 1920. Owner, Mrs. F. C. Brown. Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4992. MESHEIT ROBODA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black and White. A. O. C. Deep amber eyes. Born October 8, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. H. Kramm Philadelphia. Pa. SIRE, King White of Teheran *4975. DAM, Black Bess of Ebonie. 147 **4592. MOLLIE O'DEE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born June 22, 1920. Owner, Mrs. G. W. McFarland, Cleveland, O. SIRE, Nixie. DAM, Amelia **4550. **4978. MUZZER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born July 3. 1917. Owner, Miss Ruth Pinhey, Dunrobin, Ont. SIRE, Minorn II. DAM, Dresden China. **4554. NAZIMORA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Amber eyes. Born October 21, 1920. Owner, Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon, Cleveland. O. SIRE, While Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4995. PERSIAN PEGGY LETS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Green eyes. Born December 7, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. H. Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Sonny Boy (Imp.) DAM, Snowball. Kramm, **4947. PRINCE OF WALES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Deep copper eyes. Born April 2, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. L. Jeffers. Oskaloosa, In. SIRE, General Pershing *4450. DAM, Portia Glad **4946. **4250. PRINCESS VENIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue Cream. Amber eyes. Born December 7, 1917. Owner. Mrs. S. J. Zoeger, Dallas, Texas. SIRE:., Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100, A. C. A. 3701. DAM, Lady Botsia **4218. **4164. QUEEN AGORIAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Black and White. Copper eyes. Born August, 1917. Owner, Mrs. George H. Closs. **4544. QUEEN OF KNIGHT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Amber eyes. Born October 28. 1920. Owner, Mrs. G. D. Knight, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Peggy. **4896. SANDY DOWN DILLY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born Fall of 1920. Owner, Mr. L. G. Mason, Homewood, Pa. SIRE and DAM not given. 148 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5022. SINGAPORE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White and Black. Copper eyes. Born February 5, 1914. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Hamaker, Hoosier Cattery. SIRE, Cochin Ginger, A. C. A. 3332. DAM, Lady Jane B., A. C. A. 1231. **4402. SIR RICHARD PLANTAGANET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black and White. Born September 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss H. Bradley. SIRE, Texas. DAM, Betty Jane White **4198. **5029. TEDDY BAUER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black with White. Green eyes. Born August 21, 1920. Owner, Mr. John Lauer, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Kilmorie Blarney. DAM, Ignatzie **5030. **4948. THIBETA (IMP.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue Cream. A. O. C. Copper eyes. Born May 29, 1910. Owner, Mrs. Jas. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. SIRE, Yampo. DAM, Lassie Oberdeen. **4549. TIGGIE OF CRICKMERE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Deep orange eyes. Born March, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Albert Johnson. SIRE, Prince of Darkness. DAM, Fluff White. **4920. TRYSTER BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Born March 21, 1921. Owner, Miss Ada Buter, Cleveland, O. SIRE, White Monte ***3724 DAM, Lady Lynx **3950. **4639. USONA TRIX. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black and White. Grey eyes. Born July 1, 1919. Owner, Mr. P. E. Neleigh, Pitcairn, Pa. SIRE, Jiggs. DAM, Princess III. **5054. VELO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red and White. Amber eyes. Born February 11, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Teddy. DAM, Kitty Babe **4711. Long-Haired Miscellaneous **4571. ALLORE. **4570. FELIX B. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Registered by Mrs. H. B. Crews. Sift SIRE, Silver King. DAM, Snowball. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Registered by Mrs. H. B. Crews, Lincoln, Neb. SIRE, Romeo. DAM, Princess. **4871. TASSO. **4343. COLONA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Born June 2, 1918. Bred by Mrs. A. H. Smith. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Lockhart, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Grey Persian. DAM, Princine. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Parentage not given. Registered by Mrs. J. M. Simson, New York, N. Y. **4965. TEDDY B. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. R e g is t e r e d b y M rs . G e o . W. B r o w n , Manhattan, Kansas. Short-Haired Siamese *4132. PRINCESS SIMMIE GITTEL. (Rule 3.) S. H. Female. Siamese. Blue gray eyes. Born August 18, 1919. Breeder, Mr. Grant Carpenter. Owner, Mrs. Ray Gittelson, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Prince of Siam. DAM, Nakhoe by King Blue, ex: Shi San. **4255. WAFFLES. (Rule 3.) S. H. Male. Siamese. Born Spring, 1920. Owner, Mr. S. Do Kay, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Prince of Siam. DAM, Princess Simmie Gittel **4132. **5193. SNIPPY KITTY. (Rule 1.) S. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Green eyes. Born February 27, 1921. Owner, Miss Ella A. Black, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Neponsett **4262. DAM, Toutsie. (actually shown in studbook under Waffles, below S. H. Male, as last line in left column, with no dam shown for Snippy Kitty!) Certificates Of Championship ISSUED BY The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. 1921 – 1922 *2777 *5026 *4309 *5099 *4672 *3567 *2679 *2134 *4514 *4336 *4087 *4346 *5027 *4337 *4299 *4172 *4755 *4584 *4130 *3627 *4003 *4314 *1973 Beauty of London .............................. Mrs. G. D. Weber Carmine Aristocrat ............................ Mrs. W. B. Palmer Chihuahua of Vickery ........................ Mrs. W. R. Crawford Cou d'Argento .................................... Mrs. W. L. Anderson Eunison .............................................. Mrs. H. A. Dill Hampton Juleanna ............................. Miss Anna Ray Hampton Lady Ellen .......................... Miss E. V. Celty Kilravock Radiance ........................... Miss J. R. Kroeh King of the Snow ............................... Mrs. C. E. Cummings King Friar .......................................... Mrs. R. H. Haggard Nigger Baby ....................................... Mrs. Effie Dooling Pansonia Peterkin Pan ........................ Mrs. J. A. Freeman Princess Loraine II ............................. Mrs. W. B. Palmer Prince of Darkness ............................. Mrs. R. H. Haggard Robbins of Minnesota ........................ Mrs. R. H. Haggard Roblyn of Claremont ......................... Mrs. B. Buckholz Sebastian of Riverdale ....................... Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick Sir Zip ................................................ Mrs. Edna McAlvay Tim Tuk of Vickery ........................... Mrs. W. R. Crawford The Black Masque ...... ....................... Mrs. A. W. Mackey Velvet Joe of Vickery ........................ Mrs. W. R. Crawford Vernon Vermilion .............................. Mrs. J. M. Dean Uncle Sam ......................................... Mrs. Karl H. Hoenig C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 150 CATTERY, KENNEL AND DISTINGUISHING NAMES REGISTERED AKSARBEN ............... 158 Mrs. Wm. Sully ................ 1922 Mrs. B. W. Haynes ............. AMERICAN SILVERS 189 AU CHAT NOIR ......... 230 BANDERSNATCH ..... 181 BEAKIT ..................... 167 BINGO ....................... 236 BLACKHURST .......... 157 BRENTWOOD ........... 224 BRYNTAG ................. 174 BURKESHIRE ............ 215 CARLETON .............. 170 CARMINE .................. 195 CEDAR-CLIFFE .......... 154 CHAMBLY ................. 177 CHENEAUX, LES ...... 151 CLOVELLY ............... 191 CORI-TAMPA ............ 153 CRICKMERE ............. 152 DAFFODIL ................ 177 DELVIEW .................. 163 DE RICHELIEU ......... 155 DILLHAVEN ............. 213 DIXI-LAND ............... 216 FAIRFIELD OF JACKSONVILLE .... 133 FLEUR DE LIS ........... 185 FLORAL ROW ........... 227 GAIL HAMILTON ...... 198 GANYMEDE .............. 221 GAYLAND ................ 140 GLENHAVEN ............ 226 GLENROWAN ........... 200 GOOD HOPE ............. 237 GOSFIELD ................ 160 GRACEMORE ............ 234 GREEN GABLE ......... 199 GREEN MT. ............... 141 HAZELTON ............... 193 HOFERTON ............... 211 HOOSIER .................. 156 Miss Laura F. Wheeler ..... 1921 Mrs. W. C. Carroll ........... 1922 Miss Laura T. Green ......... 1921 Mrs. Enid M. Clark .......... 1921 Mrs. W. T. Masters .......... 1922 Miss Ella Black ................ 1921 Mrs. R. P. Spellman ......... 1922 Miss Katherine Underhill .. 1921 Mrs. Warren Burke ........... 1922 Misses M. I. and C. G. Howard ....................... 1921 Mrs. W. B. Palmer ........... 1922 Miss Mildred T. Sheridan . 1921 Mrs. Edwin C. Renouf. ..... 1921 Mrs. C. E. Cummings ....... 1921 Miss Ruth E. Gormley ...... 1922 Mrs. E. C. Lockhart .......... 1921 Mrs. A. G. Johnson. ......... 1921 Mrs. J. M. Hemminger ...... 1921 Mrs. E. M. Beatty ............. 1921 Mrs. J. B. Rose ................ 1921 Mrs. H. A. Dill ................ 1922 Mrs. J. H. Revington ........ 1922 Mrs. W. Haywood Parker .. 1920 Mrs. Lynde Jones ............. 1921 Mrs. F. G. Yule ................ 1922 Mrs. B. Buckholz ............. 1922 Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert ........ 1922 Miss Minnie Bartholomew 1920 Mrs. John Daygon ............ 1922 Mrs. B. F. McKilliam ....... 1922 Miss Clara E. Spencer ...... 1922 Mrs. C. M. Goodrich. ....... 1921 Mrs. Grace Morris ............ 1922 Mrs. V. S. Nims .............. 1922 Miss Katharine Finney .... Mrs. W. E. Blanchard ..... 1920 Mrs. Mary Roper .............. 1922 Mrs. Celia Hofer ............. 1922 Mrs. A. R. Morgan ......... Mrs. J. T. Sullivan ......... 1921 Mrs. Hamaker ......................... C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK HOUSTON TRU BLU 205 IDLE HOUR ............... 220 IDYLWYLD ............... 242 INDIANOLA .............. 187 IVYDALE .................. 222 KATAHDIN ............... 144 KAW VALLEY, THE .. 239 KENTUCKY DERBY ... 208 KENNISTON .............. 137 KEYSTONE ............... 161 LAKE KEOKUK .......... 210 LAKE VIEW .............. 176 LAVENDER ............... 172 LEWANNA ................ 212 LIBERTY ................... 209 LOESTS ..................... 168 MAYFIELD ................ 147 McALVAY ................. 159 MERDELDA .............. 219 MINTO ....................... 171 MOHAWK ................. 214 MOONBEAM ............. 194 NAVAJO .................... 203 NIGHTINGALE .......... 138 NOS MADA ............... 190 OLENTANGY ............ 188 OVID ......................... 186 OXFORD ................... 146 PANSONIA ............... 136 PANTHER .................. 145 PARADISE ................ 175 PASHA CAID ............. 183 PEACOCK ................. 165 PEEK-A-BOO ............. 235 POINSETTA .............. 202 PONCE DE LEON ...... 147 PROSPECT HILL ....... 231 RAINBOW ................. 135 RAMBLER ................. 179 RED FOREST ............. 169 RED LOG ................... 232 RIGGSETTA .............. 197 RIVERDALE .............. 178 ROCKY CREEK ......... 143 ROSALIND ................ 218 ROSE DREAM ........... 196 ROSELYNN ............... 182 RREK ........................ 241 RUTLAND .................. 139 SAN JACINTO ........... 204 SCHAH ...................... 240 SHADELAND ............ 229 SHOMONT ................ 223 SILVER BELL ............ 134 SILVERLAND ............ 150 SKYLARK ................. 164 152 Mrs. W. W. Truby ............ 1922 Miss Josephine M. Walling . 1922 Mrs. P. G. Kohlenbusch .... 1922 Mrs. Milo M. Shafer ......... 1922 Miss Ivy B. Lamond .......... 1922 Mrs. Agnes Pierce ............ 1920 Mrs. Jesse Adair .............. 1922 Dr. Austin R. Middleton .... 1922 Mrs. J. D. Mervin ............. 1920 Mrs. Florence C. Brown ... 1920 Mrs. Gertrude Metternich . 1922 Mr. C. E. Leonard ............ 1921 Miss Elsie G. Hydon ........ 1921 Mrs. G. A. Schoonover ...... 1922 Mrs. M. J. MacKinnon ...... 1922 Mrs. Albert Loests ........... 1921 Mrs. Campbell Meyers ..... 1920 Mrs. Edna McAlvay .......... 1920 Mrs. A. E. Thompson ....... 1922 Mr. James Hossack ........... 1921 Mrs. L. Lambert ............... 1922 Mrs. E. A. Young ............. 1922 Mrs. Elizabeth R. Roberts . 1922 Mrs. Martha Kirchner ....... 1920 Miss Elsie D. Adamson .... 1922 Mrs. W. H. Miller ............ 1921 Mrs. Mabel Davidson ....... 1921 Mrs. C. D. MacFarland ..... 1920 Mrs. J. A. Freeman ........... 1920 Miss Goldie Bradley ......... 1920 Miss Juliette E. Eshleman . 1921 Mrs. Emma T. Dubord ...... 1921 Mrs. J. E. Unsell .............. 1920 Mrs. W. H. Galbraith ......... 1922 Mrs. Herman Gill ............. 1922 Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster .... 1920 Mrs. A. M. Phillips .......... 1922 Mrs. Jesse Willsworth ...... 1920 Mrs. Lillian M. Berger ..... 1921 Miss Laura L. Milne ......... 1921 Mrs. H. L. Viles ............... 1922 Mrs. Harold E. Riggs ........ 1922 Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick ...... 1921 Mrs. Helen A. Caldwell .... 1920 Mrs. Ruth F. Shank .......... 1922 Mrs. H. H. Kramm ........... 1922 Mrs. J. J. Lynn ................. 1921 Mrs. E. H. Kerr ................ 1922 Mrs. Ida B. Rutland .......... 1920 Mrs. Lillian Adcock .......... 1922 Mrs. A. Perras .................. 1922 Mrs. H. E. Turner ............. 1922 Mrs. Thos. Shover ............ 1922 Mrs. R. H. Haggard ........... 1920 Mrs. F. B. Ryder .............. 1922 Mrs. F. Henry Brooks ........ 1920 153 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK SONOMO ................... 225 SOUVENIR ................. 243 TANAGER ................. 207 TAVISTOCK ........... .. 233 TEX O ........................ 201 TORGLENNA ........... 162 TULSA ...................... 166 VIRGINIA ................... 217 WADENA ..... ............ 180 WEST PARK ............... 228 WILLOWDALE ........... 184 WINFIELD .................. 206 WINNEBAGO ............. 142 WITCH FLOWER ........ 192 WYNTERWADE ........ 132 YALEHURST .............. 149 YANKEE ................... 173 Miss Inez Ross .................1922 Mrs. J. T. Bennett ............1922 Mrs. Chas. H. Brockway. ...1922 Mr. Frank B. Middleton .....1922 Miss Effie Immuler ...........1922 Mrs. Nena E. Larkin .........1920 Mrs. H. B. Stebbins ...........1920 Mrs. A. W. Twiss ..............1922 Mrs. Chas. Provost ..........1921 Mrs. W. L. Collingridge ....1922 Mrs. Frank Miller ..............1921 Mrs. M. E. Sturgill ...........1922 Mrs. J. P. Zeigler ..............1920 Mrs. Fred Smee .................1922 Mrs. Addie R. Wentworth ..1920 Mrs. F. W. Gray. ...............1921 Mrs. C. E. Marsh ...............1921 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. STUD BOOK AND REGISTER VOLUME VII * Stud Book Number **4809 *5038 **5162 **5161 *4998 *4156 *4644 **4551 **4327 **4575 **4571 **4101 *4810 **4869 *4112 *4730 **4538 **5013 **4550 *4331 **4661 **5169 **4231 *4764 *4815 *5047 *4814 **4249 Name of Cat Page ADVANCE ................................. 119 AIDA OF HAZLETON ................. 93 AKSARBEN GOLDEN HEEL ...... 144 AKSARBEN KING ...................... 126 ALAGLOW ................................. 137 ALAMO OF HAWTHORNE .......... 74 ALAS .......................................... 48 ALBASUE .................................. 119 ALEX ......................................... 138 ALIABAD ................................... 128 ALLORE .................................... 147 ALMA A ..................................... 130 AMACKASSIN ........................... 119 ALRIK SILVER SMITH .............. 134 AMAGANSETT GIRL .................. 20 AMAHA OF THE LAKE VIEW ..... 93 AMBER EYES ............................ 137 AMBER MAJESTY ..................... 141 AMELIA ..................................... 146 AMERICAN DOUGHBOY ........... .49 ANN MARIA .............................. 126 ANNAPEG .................................. 144 ANNIE LAURIE'S LADY ............ 145 APEX OF BEACONLIGHT ........... 49 APO OF THE LAKE VIEW ............... ARGENT FLASHLIGHT OF SAN DAWN ............................... 64 ARNCO BOY .............................. 119 ARNELLA PRIDE ........................ 20 ARNOLDTHORPESON'S BLUE LADY ............................. 30 AROGAO OF THE LAKE VIEW ... 93 ATTABOY .................................. 138 *5057 **4924 *4497 *5108 **4773 **4119 **4452 **5101 **4193 *5183 *4526 *4583 *4803 *5130 **4501 *4463 *4794 *4603 *5000 *4895 *2777 *4470 *4786 BABECAT ................................... 94 BABE KEARNEY ....................... 138 BABENNA .................................. 74 BABE SILVERIZE ....................... 74 BABY BARKER OF PANTHER ... 134 BABY BUD ................................ 119 BABY LEEN ............................... 119 BABY MILLER ............................ 88 BADIE OF BELVEDERE ............. 145 BALL OF SNOW ............................ 5 BAMPUR LADY FINESE ............ 145 BARBE BLEUE ASULE ............... 30 BARBE BLEUE FAIRY ................ 30 BARBE BLEUE NUKEE ............... 30 BARCA ....................................... 49 BARNABY .................................. 30 BARONESS, THE ........................ 31 BARRON KING ........................... 83 BEATRICE BEE .......................... 49 BEAUTIFUL LADY .................... 128 BEAUTY OF LONDON (Ch.) ....... 49 BELLE HAVEN ........................... 20 BELL'S DON PEDRO ................... 20 **4541 *4719 *4640 ** Register Number *4108 *4109 *4557 *4620 *4619 **5140 **4198 **5159 **4744 *4968 **4412 *4813 *4535 **4789 *4419 *5160 **5049 *4397 **4253 **4220 *4374 **4878 *4380 **4569 *4375 *4166 **4499 **4382 **5196 **5195 **5197 *5148 *3627 *4983 **4469 *4512 **4738 *4690 *4720 *4354 *4286 **4956 *4281 *4689 *4936 **5189 *4523 *4285 *5056 **4245 Name of Cat Page BELMONT AL STAI .................... 64 BELMONT SILVER RADINORE .. 65 BELVEDERE JOSEPHUS ............. 65 BELVEDERE PRINCE STERLING . 65 BELVEDERE PRINCESS STERLING ................................. 65 BEN NEVIS ............................... 138 BETSY WHITE .......................... 119 BETTY BLACK .......................... 126 BETTY GOODRICH ................... 144 BETTY LAVENDER OF DELVIEW .................................. 31 BETTY McCALL ........................ 144 BIANCA BANDERSNATCH ........... 5 BIGABOY .................................... 49 BIG BOY ................................... 119 BILLIE BLAKE ............................ 50 BILLIE THE GREAT .................... 83 BILLY BANKER ........................ 130 BILLY BOUNCE .......................... 65 BILLY BROCK HILLYARD ....... 138 BILLYKINS ............................... 119 BINAUD OF KENSINGTON ......... 94 BLACKBERRY S ....................... 126 BLACK BRIAR OF CLAREMONT ....................................... 20 BLACK DAISY .......................... 126 BLACK KNIGHT ......................... 21 BLACK PEARL OF HARMONY HALL ............................. — BLACK PERSIA ......................... 126 BLACK SMYRNA ...................... 126 BLACKHURST STORM ............. 141 BLACKHURST SWEETNESS ..... 141 BLACKHURST TEMPEST .......... 141 BLACK MAGIC ........................... 21 BLACK MASQUE, THE (Ch.) ....... 87 BLACK WITCH ........................... 21 BLANCHE RING ........................ 120 BLONDINE .................................. 50 BLUCHER II .............................. 128 BLUE ANDONNA OF CRICKMERE ............................. 31 BLUE ARNELLA ......................... 31 BLUE BEAUTIFUL ...................... 31 BLUE BETINE ............................. 32 BLUE ROBBIE ........................... 128 BLUE CLOAK BELLE OF INDEPENDENCE ....................... 32 BLUE COPPERIA ......................... 32 BLUE DEVIL ............................... 32 BLUE EYED SUSAN WHITE ...... 120 BLUE JACK OF CRICKMERE ...... 32 BLUE JEANNE ............................ 32 BLUE JEANS ............................... 33 BLUE KING OF GRAY GABLES, THE ......................... 128 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Number *4440 *5179 *4107 *4330 *4278 *4681 *3005 *4829 *4197 **4275 *4680 **4432 **4311 *4430 **4188 *5124 **4120 *4648 *4179 **4429 **4547 **4977 **4185 **4763 *4394 *4199 **4348 **4840 *4996 **4133 **5152 *5004 **4902 **5055 *5026 *5198 *4737 *4909 *4543 *4542 **4908 **4747 **4751 **4752 **4749 **4228 *4796 *4933 *5068 *5031 *4795 *4521 *4833 *5125 **5167 **4342 **5166 *5146 *5178 **4784 *4782 *4479 **4203 **4445 *4309 *4675 **4269 **4369 **4966 Page Number BLUE LARKSPUR ........................33 BLUE LUSTRE OF CLOVELLY ....33 BLUEMAID ..................................33 BLUETTE LADD ........................ 115 BLUE MAJOR ..............................33 BLUE MONDAY ...........................33 BLUE PANDORA .........................34 BLUE PADUKE ............................32 BLUE PAMELLA ..........................34 BLUE SUNBEAM ....................... 128 BLUE SUNDAY ............................34 BOB ROBISON ........................... 126 BOBBY BLUFF .......................... 136 BONITA .......................................21 BONNIE GIRL ............................ 138 BONNIE JANE .............................94 BONNIE KIM ............................. 120 BOOGER RED ..............................50 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON II. .....21 BOSTON BELLE ..........................50 BOY WARREN ........................... 138 BREAK O' DAY ............................ — BRER TERRAPIN OF INDEPENDENCE ..................... 138 BRINDLE GIRL .......................... 144 BROWNIE BABBITT .................. 115 BUCKEYE MILENA .....................94 BUDDY BOY OF BELVEDERE ... 136 BUFFO ....................................... 130 BUMBLE BEE LEP ..................... 112 BUSTER PHINNEY .................... 130 CALIFORNIA MOWATHE .......... 130 CAPT. BENNY BOYE ...................94 CAPT. BUDD OF CRICKMERE ... 128 CAPT. CRICK OF CRICKMERE .. 128 CARMINE ARISTOCRAT (Ch.) ....94 CARMINE RAINIERE ...................95 CARNATION CREME ...................61 CATHLEEN OF ROSE COTTAGE ...74 CEDAR CLIFFE JONA SHIRAZ ..... 5 CEDAR CLIFFE NINKE ................. 5 CELIA ........................................ 134 CHAMBLY ................................. 120 CHAMBLY HIBOU ..................... 141 CHAMBLY MITHRA .................. 120 CHAMBLY NIGELLA ................. 144 CHAMPAGNE QUINTIN ............. 120 CHANDOS CLICQUOT .................61 CHANDOS FAIRYE ....................... 5 CHANDOS LYLAC ........................ 6 CHANDOS REDBURN ..................95 CHANDOS THYMBRIA ................95 CHAPO CORI ...............................22 CHARLIE CHAPLIN OF ROSELYNN ................................88 CHARMANTE ..............................88 CHARMING PRINCE .................. 120 CHEERO .................................... 126 CH'EUG TZU SAN ...................... 145 CHEYAN CHUPPO OF PANTHER ...74 CHI CHI ........................................ 6 CHICK A DEE ............................ 126 CHIEF SEMINOLE .......................34 CHIEF SILVER BIRD OF THE BIRD'S NEST .....................74 CHIFFON S. ............................... 120 CHIFFONETTE CAID ................. 138 CHIHUAHUA OF VICKERY (Ch.) ....50 CHINA PUSS ................................. 6 CHINCHILLA LASS ................... 134 CHISTOSA ................................. 145 CHOUG HE ................................ 130 Name of Cat **5046 *4907 *4643 *4617 *4848 *4236 *4959 **4288 *4157 **4954 **4152 *4655 **4774 **4343 *4802 **4587 **4403 **4585 **4289 *4766 *5036 *4505 **4807 *5059 **5009 **4932 *4370 *4756 **5126 *4490 **4843 **4238 *5078 *5145 *4553 **4750 **5028 *5105 *4399 **4989 **4977 **4195 **4196 *4874 *4481 **4841 *4480 **5045 *4980 *4742 *3909 *4580 *4930 **4911 *4901 **4953 **4531 *4415 *4618 **4915 *4325 **4660 **4567 **4566 *5039 *4676 **4506 *5083 Name of Cat 155 Page CHOU MEIN .............................. 120 CHUBBIE .................................... 65 CHUBBY CHOO .......................... 95 CLAIRETTE ................................ 62 CLARIMONDE OF ROSELYNN ... 83 CLETA BEACONLIGHT .............. 51 CLIP (sic *4559) .......................... 83 CLOUDY SUE ........................... 145 CLOVELLY ................................. 65 CLOVELLY RUZADA ................ 120 CLOVER BLOOM ...................... 120 CLYTIE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS .................................. 88 COCHISE .................................. 120 COLONA ................................... 147 COLONEL ................................... 81 COLONEL P. H. ......................... 131 COLONEL PEPPER .................... 138 COLONEL TANGERINE ............ 131 COLONEL TOMMY TOMPKINS .. 134 CONFIDENCE OF RIVERDALE ..... 34 COPPERONS ............................... 88 CORNWALL WEEKIT ............... 128 COTTON BLOSSOM .................. 120 COU D'ARGENTO (Ch.) ............... 83 CREAM LADY ........................... 133 CREMO ................................... . 133 CRICQUET .................................. 22 CRICKET OF ARABY .................. 35 CRISTOBELLE .......................... 128 CRYSTAL OF CLAREMONT ........ 66 CURTIS SANDELWOOD ............ 131 CUTE CUTEX ............................ 120 CYCLONE MINOCTUA ............... 88 DADDY ..................................... . 81 DADDY DUMPLINS .................. 134 DAFFODIL PINKETTE .............. 145 DAFFODIL SNOOKSETTE ......... 145 DAINTY LADY DELL .................. 35 DAINTY NOIR ............................. 22 DANDY ..................................... 144 DAYBREAK .............................. 145 D. D. BLOOD RED CHIEFTAIN ... 51 D. D. RED ARROW .................... 141 DE LASSIE O. ............................. 82 DELICIA III. .................................. 6 DESTINY ................................ . 134 DICKY BOY .................................. 6 DINTY MOORE ......................... 126 DELVIEW CAPPY RICKS ............ 35 DELVIEW HADI .......................... 35 DELVIEW SWIFT LIGHTNING OF COLDSTREAM ........... 36 DR. ROSENWALD (deceased) ...... 82 DOLLYDEW ................................ 95 DOLLY WOODHULL ................. 134 DON ADRIANO ........................... 96 DON CARLO KARA II. OF THE BIRD'S NEST ..................... 22 DONMUR .................................. 131 DONNA LEONA ............................ 7 DONNA McALVAY ..................... 36 DONNIR BOY OF ESTES ........... 141 DON PEDRO ................................ 88 DONNY ..................................... 137 DOTTY BELLE .......................... 144 DOUGLAS HAIG ....................... 139 DREAM O' DREAM OF SAN DAWN .............................. 66 DRUMGOLD ROSE OF ERIE ......... 7 DUC DE RICHELIEU ................. 136 DUCKY DARLING ...................... 89 156 Number *4765 :4818 *4961 *5173 *4878 *3241 *5095 *4704 *4831 *4653 **5122 **4647 *4581 *4714 *4266 *4447 *4416 *4898 *4446 *4396 *4876 *4838 **4423 *4942 *4472 **4830 **4139 **4595 **4495 *4718 *4713 **4200 **4672 *4131 **5064 *4539 **4662 *5185 *4670 **4570 **4775 **4762 **4791 4335 *4717 *4937 *4938 *4939 *4892 *4842 *4776 **5096 *5112 **4748 **4577 **4745 **5008 **4355 **4273 *5024 **5023 *4127 **4579 *4450 *4968 **4229 **4475 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Page Number DUKE OF PERU .......................... 51 DUKE OF THE MOORS ............... 22 DUKE OF NOS MADA, THE ........ 36 DUKE OF SANDOWN ................. 36 DULCE CHINITA .......................... 7 DUSKY DINAH ........................... 84 DUSKY DUCHESS OF GOSFIELD ................................ 23 EBON AVIS ................................. 23 EBONIE WINIFRED BLACK III. .. 23 ECCO EREBUS OF GOSFIELD .... 23 EDWIN W. ................................. 139 EFFIE BELL ............................... 129 EFFIE SPEAS .............................. 75 EGRA OF THE LAKE VIEW ......... — EIDERDOWN ANNANZIE BEE ...... 7 EIDERDOWN KER CHUG ........... 51 EIDERDOWN KING CHAN WA ........................................... 51 EIDERDOWN MITTA ................. 113 EIDERDOWN PATSIE DILL .......... 7 EIDERDOWN PUNKY DUNK ...... 51 EIDERDOWN WA BLAZE .......... 113 EIDERDOWN ZICHOR ................ 52 ELLSWORTH ............................. 120 EL REY OF PINE HOLLOW CATTERY ................................. 36 EMLEY TOG ............................... 36 ENCHANTRESS DE RICHELIEU .............................. 134 ENGLISH SILVER BELLE .......... 134 ENRICO ..................................... 120 ERIE LADY GEORGETTE .......... 120 ESTRELLA DEL NORTE ............. 66 ETHOPIAN QUEEN ..................... 24 EUGENE CRISPIN ...................... 136 EUNISON (Ch.) ............................. 7 EVA LEE ..................................... 75 EVERETTE OF ERIE ..................... 8 FAIRY TAIL ................................ 96 FAJARDO MADAM TOPSO. ....... 137 FANTIM ...................................... 66 FAUTOCHE ................................. 89 FELIX B. .................................... 147 FEUZETTE OF FAIRFIELD ........ 120 FIRDANSI .................................. 137 FIRETOP .................................... 145 FLAMING ARROW, THE ............. 96 FLANIGAN DEAREST ................. 96 FLEUR DE LIS BOBS BABA ....... 37 FLEUR DE LIS BLUESEA'S BETTA ...................................... 36 FLEUR DE LIS DOFFLES ............ 52 FLEUR DE LIS OGINIA ............... 52 FLORIDA .................................... 37 FLORIENT ................................. 113 FLOYD COLFAX ........................ 137 FLUFFENE PURVIS .................... 96 FLUFFODIL ............................... 145 FRENCHIO ................................. 135 FRESINE GOODRICH ................. 126 FRISCO FLO .............................. 141 FUSSY SCHALLER .................... 139 FYLGIA ..................................... 139 GALBRAITH BLUE BOY ............. 37 GALBRAITH LADY GAY ........... 113 GARNET OF VICKERY ............... 97 GAY DUKE OF CRICKMERE ..... 131 GENERAL PERSHING ................. 89 GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE ......... 89 GEORGEANNA .......................... 121 GERALD .................................... 121 Name of Cat **4652 *4778 *4883 **4867 **4586 **4465 *4271 **4654 **4692 **4760 *4710 *4527 *4964 **4227 **4866 *4698 **4772 **4687 **4460 **4437 **4677 **4687 *4837 **4940 *4767 **4658 **4792 *4443 *4295 *4259 *4296 —— *2679 *4225 *4768 *4507 **4297 **4376 *4457 *4104 *4484 *5137 **4468 A **5110 *4519 *4845 *5001 **4624 *4804 **4999 *4401 *4267 *5150 **4219 **4422 *5021 *4735 *5063 *5062 *4735 *4904 **5117 *4649 *4646 **4615 *5113 *4826 **4427 Name of Cat Page GERALDINE .............................. 131 GERTRUDE ................................... 8 GLENCAIRN ............................... 75 GLORIA SWANSON .................. 135 GOLD ELSIE ............................. 141 GOLD PRINCE .......................... 141 GOLD STAR OF BEACON LIGHT ..................................... 152 GOLDEN AUTUMN ................... 131 GOLDEN COLLAR .................... 145 GOLDEN STREAM .................... 131 GOLDEN WINNER ...................... 97 GOLDEN SUN TINT .................... 97 GOODMAN YANKEE .................. 24 GORGEOUS GIRL ..................... 126 GOTA .......................................... 75 GOVERNOR CAPPER .................... 8 GRATEFUL ............................... 121 GREEN MT. GENTALESKA ....... 145 GREEN MT. ILLIAN .................. 121 GREEN MT. JETHRO ................. 129 GREEN MT. JETHRO, JR ........... 129 GREEN MT. VERMONT MAID .. 121 GREENWICH BLUE PEACHUM ..... 37 GREENWICH CREAM FOXY ..... 133 GRAY NUN ................................. 37 GREYSTONE GENERAL ............ 129 GREY TOP ................................. 135 GYPSIE DOODLE ...................... 115 HAMPTON GALLI CURCI ........... 67 HAMPTON GUARDIAN ............... 67 HAMPTON JUDGE ...................... 75 HAMPTON JULEANA (Ch.) ......... 75 HAMPTON LADY ELLEN (Ch.) ... 67 HAMPTON MADAM GRAY MOUSE ..................................... 76 HAMPTON SILVER ARYON ........ 67 HAMPTON WINTREX OF WINTARGE ............................... 76 HANDSOME BILLY ................... 131 HAPPY PAP ............................... 137 HAWTHORNE ZORRO ................. 76 HELEN OF TROY .......................... 8 HELIOTHROPE OF OXFORD ....... 37 HENDON MARCO ....................... 37 HERMA ..................................... 135 HI BO ........................................ 121 HINDA KOOCH ........................... 52 HIGHLAND LASS ........................ 76 HINKOS DINKOS ........................ 62 HIS ROYAL NIBS ...................... 131 HITCHY KOO .............................. 38 HOKEY SMOKE ........................ 137 HOLDEN MYSTERY OF WAHOO .................................... 68 HOLDEN PRINCE CHARMING .... 76 HOLDEN LIGHTSON ................... 67 HOME BREW ............................ 126 HONEST ABE ............................ 121 HOOSIER FIREBRAND ................ 97 HOOSIER KING ........................... 98 HOOSIER OVID VALIANT .......... 98 HOOSIER PINGAH ...................... 38 HOOSIER KING PERFECTION .... — HOOSIER RED CHERUB ............. 98 HOOSIER SPITFIRE .................. 131 HOOSIER THUNDER CLOUD ...... 24 HOOSIER TIGRESS MERITA ....... 98 HONEY LADY ........................... 121 HUCKLEBERRY JOY II ............... 98 HUMBUG ...................................... 8 HUMO ......................................... 98 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Number **5030 *5020 *4611 *4160 *4163 *4162 *4161 *4159 *4158 **4279 *5082 *5080 *5081 *4913 *4877 **4945 **4474 *4368 *4263 **4177 *4885 *4706 **4623 **4614 **4319 **4515 **4186 **4496 **4124 *4247 *4352 **4993 **4381 *4889 *4471 *4167 *4879 *4510 **4785 *4622 *4693 *4113 *4799 *4800 *4260 **4770 *5035 **5075 **4863 *4828 **4761 **4214 *4847 *3811 *4102 *4967 **4578 *4705 *4374 *5092 *5091 *4498 *4180 *4862 *4111 *4855 *3982 *3980 Name of Cat Page IGNATZIE .................................. 126 IMASON OF MOONBEAM ...........76 IMAWONDER ..............................77 INDEPENDENCE BOOTKINS .......82 INDEPENDENCE CREMO ............62 INDEPENDENCE PALL MALL ......82 INDEPENDENCE SUNKIST. .........62 INDEPENDENCE SUN RAY .........52 INDEPENDENCE SUNSHINE .......52 INDEPENDENCE TIGER LILLY ..... — INDIANOLA BABY JANE ............89 INDIANOLA GENERAL COURT ......................................89 INDIANOLA MILO ..................... 115 INDIANOLA MITTENETTA. ........90 IRENE ..........................................84 IRVING ...................................... 141 ISHLAH ..................................... 131 ISHTAR ..................................... 139 IVORY DOLL ...............................62 IVY WINSOME .......................... 134 IWIN IWIN ...................................90 JACINTHA OF KENNISTON .........99 JACK DEMPSEY ........................ 131 JACK HORNER .......................... 121 JACQUELINE ...............................99 JADO OF COLUMBUS ............... 141 JAMES COX ................................. — JANE BANDERSNATCH ............ 121 JANE HILLS .............................. .126 JANEY MAC ................................90 JARUSIA ....................................... 9 JAZZLAND GINGER .................. 131 JERSEY BELLE .......................... 137 JIMMY BOY ............................... 116 JOE NICHOLS ..............................53 JOFFRETTE .................................53 JOHN PRIDE ................................24 JOHN RODNEY ............................84 JOLLY JUDY ............................. 126 JOU JOU ......................................68 JOY BEAU ...................................99 JOYCE ....................................... 145 JUDY CHATTERTON ................. 121 JUDY CHATTERTON .................... 9 JULESON .....................................68 JULIA FIRE-QUEEN ................... 121 JUNGLE .......................................90 KAIKOBAD .............................. . 145 KU KA KAKOMAS ..................... 142 KANODE'S REUBEN ....................53 KANSAS SMOKE ....................... 137 KARUSO THE GREAT OF WHITE PAWN KENNELS ......... 141 KATAHDIN KING LEO OF RUNNYMEDE ............................38 KATAHDIN PRINCE OF VAIL ...... 9 KATINKA ....................................99 KATRINA ....................................39 KEEPSAKE ................................ 135 KEITH OF KENNISTON ...............99 KENNISTON BINAUD .................. — KEYSTONE LORD JIM .................99 KEYSTONE RONNYOONS ......... 100 KILRAVOCK BARBOROS ............. 9 KILRAVOCK DELICIA IT ............. 9 KILRAVOCK DONNA ANGELICA .... 9 KILRAVOCK DONNA CORONA .................................... 9 KILRAVOCK ECSTACY ...............10 KILRAVOCK EXCELLENCY ........10 KILRAVOCK EXQUISITE ............10 Number Name of Cat 157 Page *5153 KILRAVOCK LADY AND MASON .. 10 *5181 KILRAVOCK PEGALBA .............. 10 *5118 KILRAVOCK PRINCESS WHIFFENPUFF ......................... 10 *4126 KILRAVOCK RADIANT MAID .... 11 *2134 KILRAVOCK RADIANCE (Ch.) .... 10 *4856 KILRAVOCK RHAPSODY ........... 11 **4305 KIMBALL'S MINNETTE ............ 137 *4492 KING BAR SIN ............................ 53 **4436 KING BRIAR ............................. 131 *4336 KING, FRIAR (Ch.) ...................... 11 *4694 KING HAPIOLA ........................ 100 **4106 KING HEROD ............................ 135 *4303 KING LEO REAO ......................... 24 *5194 KING LINARIA ........................... 11 *4192 KING MURAD ........................... 116 *4467 KING OF BUTLER ....................... 11 *4514 KING OF THE SNOW (Ch.) .......... 12 *4149 KING PETER ............................... 12 *4322 KING TOKIO ............................... 24 *4849 KING VESUVIUS OF ROSE LYNN .. 84 **4922 KING WHITE OF ASTORIA ....... 121 **4975 KING WHITE OF TEHERAN ........ — *4846 KINGSTON EMPIRE LADY TOPSY ...................................... 77 **4900 KINGSTON RITA ...................... 126 *4407 KIPP PANSY ............................... 90 **4561 KISSEN ....................................... 53 *4817 KISS KISS ................................. 100 **4958 KITSIE NICHOLS ...................... 131 **4711 KITTY BABE ............................. 146 **4988 KITTY BOO ............................... 121 **5053 KITTY CAT PITZER .................. 121 **4600 KITTY KA TI ............................. 121 **5051 KITTY ROWLAND .................... 121 **4533 KITTY MITTENS ....................... 146 *4777 KIWANIS .................................. 144 **4536 KLOTZ OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ................................ 141 *4678 LA BELLE WILFER ..................... 77 *4334 LADDIE BLACK .......................... 91 **5103 LADDIE GAY .............................. 91 **4137 LADDIE LEE ............................. 134 *4834 LADD'S ANGEL WING ................ 12 *4395 LADD'S JOHN McCORMICK ..... 100 **4836 LADD'S LADY FRED ................. 121 *4493 LADD'S LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD .............................. 100 **4832 LADD'S MADAM B. F. ............... 139 **4392 LADD'S MARGUERITE CLARK ... 142 *4696 LADD'S PRIDE OF THE MORNING .................................. 12 **4464 LADD'S SNOW BRIDE .............. 122 *4468 LADD'S SNOW BRIDE II. ............ 12 *4393 LADD'S TETRAZZINI ................ 100 *4445 LADD'S ZINNIA ........................ 101 **4905 LAD OF AVONDALE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ........... 142 *4307 LAD OF VICKERY ...................... 91 *4333 LADY ALGY MOFFETT ............ 113 **4117 LADY ALL WHITE .................... 122 **4291 LADY ALOY ............................. 142 **4433 LADY AZUL .............................. 137 *4699 LADY BEAU LADD ................... 101 *5005 LADY BETHENCA .................... 101 **4973 LADY BILLY ............................ 139 *4212 LA LADY BLACK WING OF THE BIRD'S NEST ..................... 25 *4899 LADY BLUELIGHT ..................... — **4218 LADY BOTSIA .......................... 122 **4606 LADY BUFFTONS ..................... 133 *4731 LADY BUG OF THE LAKE VIEW . .101 158 Number *5100 *4534 *4385 **4144 *4326 *4332 *5073 *5106 *4912 **4435 *4753 **4251 **4391 *5006 *4851 **4147 **4894 **4442 **4122 *4982 **4960 **4189 **5144 **4635 **4637 **4638 **4979 **4191 *5157 *4955 **4232 *4691 *4630 *5171 **4361 **4208 **4844 **5048 *4128 *4684 **4434 *5090 *4213 *5156 *3685 **4357 *4294 **5111 **4759 4656 *5098 **4237 *4746 *4125 **4360 *5163 **4414 *4344 **2115 **4274 *5116 *4974 **5019 **4928 **5014 **4114 *4146 **4530 **4552 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Page Number LADY BUG ROIVONS ................ 101 LADY BULLET ........................... 53 LADY CLEO ................................ 54 LADY DARLINGTON ................. 135 LADY DELLE LADD .................... — LADY DELMONICO .................... 62 LADY DISDAIN OF GLENROWAN . 116 LADY DOTTIE ........................... 122 LADY DUNN .............................. 116 LADY ELECTA .......................... 139 LADY EVANGELINE OF ERIE .... 13 LADY EYES O' BLUE ................. 122 LADY FAIREST ......................... 122 LADY FLUFFY FLUFF DOWN ... 101 LADY FREDONNA OF ROSELYNN .. 25 LADY FROELICH ...................... 122 LADY GAIETY ........................... 127 LADY GERRY ............................ 146 LADY GOLDEYE ....................... 122 LADY GERTRUDE OF WITCH FLOWER ..................... 127 LADY GRAYSTOKE ................... 136 LADY HUNT .............................. 122 LADY ISABEL ........................... 131 LADY IXTA I. OF PANTHER ..... 144 LADY IXTA II OF PANTHER ..... 146 LADY IXTA III. OF PANTHER .... 135 LADY JACK OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ................................ 142 LADY JEAN ............................... 122 LADY JONET .............................. 84 LADY JORDAN OF CRICKMERE .... 39 LADY JUDITH ........................... 122 LADY JILL OF CRICKMERE ...... .39 LADY JUNE WARWICK ............. 101 LADY LA BLOYD ....................... 68 LADY LAKE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ......................... 139 LADY LEE ORR ......................... 146 LADY LIERRE ........................... 144 LADY LOCKET .......................... 137 LADY LUCK OF VICKERY ........ 102 LADY MADGE ............................ 77 LADY MAVIS ............................ 139 LADY MESSALINE ..................... 13 LADY MILDRED ......................... 39 LADY MIST O' BLUE ................... — LADY MOKO .............................. 84 LADY MURIEL_ ........................ 135 LADY NICOTINE ........................ 85 LADY NIXON ............................ 146 LADY OF THE LAKE ................. 122 LADY OF THE YUKON ............... 68 LADY PAULINE ......................... 142 LADY PERSENIA ....................... 129 LADY PETCHINLA ..................... 25 LADY PITT OF PITTSBURGH ..... 13 LADY POLLY ............................ 136 LADY PRIMROSE II. .................. 116 LADY QUIRLEY ........................ 138 LADY RATINKA ......................... 54 LADY REBECCA ........................ 122 LADY REVERA .......................... 129 LADY RINGOLD ......................... 54 LADY ROMANCE ....................... 77 LADY ROSESWEET ................... 129 LADY SILVER ............................. — LADY SULVERSHEEN (sic) ....... 146 LADY SPITFIRE BLIZZARD ...... 142 LADY TANGLEWOOD ............... 102 LADY TARVIS ........................... 137 LADY TATTERS ........................ 139 Name of Cat **5025 **5066 **5012 **4858 **5007 *4178 *4150 *5060 *3906 **4503 *4781 **4722 **4287 *4723 *5104 *3701 *4779 *4780 *5178 *4990 *5133 *4721 *5154 **4140 **4268 *4697 *5044 *4816 **4518 **4411 **4242 *4573 *4594 *4582 *5043 **4110 **4155 **4659 *4880 **5102 **4190 **4456 **4685 *4356 *3774 *4931 **4431 **4217 *2170 **4413 *4875 *5135 **5165 *4610 **4221 *4812 **4420 *4588 *4173 **4421 *5186 *4734 *5050 *4224 *4604 *4302 *4489 *4508 **4244 Name of Cat Page LADY TAX ................................ 142 LADY THORIS .......................... 129 LADY TIKYTIKA ...................... 131 LADY TO KI .............................. 132 LADY TRIXIE CUM LANDE ...... 139 LADY VALENTINE ................... 116 LADY ZEIGLER .......................... 85 LAIRD OF RUSHOLME, THE ....... 40 LA FRONZIE BELLE OF EIDERDOWN ............................ 13 LA TISH .................................... 142 LAVENDER CHALLENGE ........... 40 LAVENDER CHANCE ................ 129 LAVENDER FAIRY ..................... 40 LAVENDER FROLIC ................... 40 LAVENDER GEM ........................ 40 LAVENDER LOU ......................... 41 LAVENDER MOTH ...................... 41 LAVENDER POSSUM .................. 41 LAVENDER SCEPTRE ................. 41 LAVENDER SHAH ...................... 41 LAVENDER TRIUMPH ................ 41 LAVENDER ZEUS ....................... 42 LEILA SHEPHERD ...................... 85 LEO'S KING COTTON ............... 122 LEWIS SENATOR ...................... 136 LILA LUELLA ............................. 13 LILLA ROOKE ............................ 25 LINCOLN THEODORE ................. 25 LITTLE LADY ........................... 138 LITTLE SNOW PRINCESS ......... 122 LITTLE SQUAW OF WHITE FAWN KENNELS .................... 142 LITTLE VIXEN ............................ 85 LOEST'S GOLDMIRE ................... 54 LONE JACK ................................. 77 LORD BERESFORD II. ................ 69 LORD CRYSTAL WHITLEY ...... 122 LORD DIXIE VERNON .............. 122 LORD DUSKY ........................... 127 LORD ECHOSON ......................... 78 LORD GALLANT ....................... 142 LORD HUNT .............................. 122 LORD IVOR ............................... 139 LORD LIT' BOY ......................... 136 LORD LOIE ................................. 62 LORD PONTIUS II ....................... 54 LORD RODDY BOY ................... 102 LORD SHIRLI ............................ 102 LORD SILVERTON .................... 134 LORD STRATHCOMA ................. 14 LORD THISTLE ......................... 129 LORD TWINKLESON ................ 122 LORENA II .................................. 78 LOVELINESS ............................ 139 LOVELY BLUE ............................ 42 LUCILLE ................................... 123 LUELLA OF ROSE COTTAGE ..... 25 MACKINNON'S FAVORITE ....... 132 MADAM ALL WORTHY .............. 55 MADAM FIJARDO HAMPTON .... 69 MADAME BROWN .................... 146 MADMOSELLE (sic) MIRLETTE .. 69 MADRONA CHARMION .............. 69 MADRONA CIRL (sic) O' MY HEART 42 MADRONA KAMEHAMEHA ....... 42 MAJOR BOY ................................ 14 MAJOR WHITE FANG ................. 14 MALEY TOG ............................... 63 MAMSELLE HAMPTON .............. 78 MAN IN BLUE FROM KALAMAZOO, THE ................ 129 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Number **4621 **4598 **5164 **4661 *4679 **5174 **4425 *4264 **5192 **4725 *4367 **4574 *4350 *3607 *5149 *4893 *4466 *4811 **4398 **4992 **5067 **4134 **4683 *4788 *4328 *4455 *3740 *4483 **4894 *4645 **5142 *4797 *4478 *4666 4320 *4853 *4798 *4835 *4787 *4884 *4438 **4592 *5155 **5187 **4326 **4473 **4921 **5188 **4562 **4390 **4978 *5017 *4819 *4820 *4821 *4823 *4822 *5015 *4821 *5018 *5016 *4349 **4808 *5136 **5134 *5074 **4554 *4986 **4262 Page Number MARAH O'MAC ......................... 123 MARCUS R. ............................... 123 MARGE ...................................... 123 MARIA ANN. MARIANNA .................................82 MARJORAIME .......................... .123 MARLY ...................................... 132 MARSHALL .................................55 MARSHALSEA ........................... 142 MARY PICKFORD ..................... 127 MASCOT BELLE ........................ 113 MARY ALICE ............................ 142 MASSOSOIT .............................. 139 MAXINE DELTA ..........................85 MAXWELTON ........................... 102 MAYVIE OF .................................78 MELVANO OF HAWTHORNE ......69 MERRINELLE OF THE FOX VALLEY .................................. 102 MERRY LEGS ............................ 123 MESHIET ROBADA ................... 146 MEXICAN PRINCE .................... 139 MICKEY .................................... 142 MIDNIGHT BLUE ...................... 129 MIDNIGHT MISCHIEF .................26 MIKADO ......................................26 MILADY BLUE ............................ — MINNESOTA SILVER HUMOR .... — MINNESOTA JUNO BOY .............30 MISS GAIETY .............................. — MISS JIMMIE J ............................55 MISS LOVELY ........................... 140 MISS ONTARIO OF.RIVERDALE .....44 MISS SCRATCH OF THE BIRD'S NEST ............................. 144 MISS SWEETIE ............................70 MISS TABECO ........................... 103 MISS TA WOO OF CAMDENTOWN ..14 MISS TORONTO OF RIVERDALE ....44 MR. MARY PICKFORD OF ROSELYNN ................................14 MR. PETER RUFF ...................... 114 MISTUF .......................................91 MITZI MUFF VERMILLION .........55 MOLLIE O'DEE .......................... 146 MOO FLOO II ..............................86 MOOSE ...................................... 127 MO-TE ....................................... 140 MOUKALO ................................ 140 MOWINKLE ............................... 138 MUFFPAL ....................................55 MUFTI BARNES ........................ 134 MURKY .......................................86 MUZZER .................................... 146 McALVAY ANTONIO ..................43 McALVAY COLLEEN ..................43 McALVAY JOLLY ROGER ...........43 McALVAY KLONDYKE ...............43 McALVAY LITTLE MAC ..............43 McALVAY LITTLE SWEETNESS ....43 McALVAY MISS DEMURE ...........44 McALVAY MISTRESS KLEO .......44 McALVAY QUEUX .......................44 McALVAY SIR ZIP II ...................44 NANCY NICHOLS ........................55 NAPOO ...................................... 123 NATALIE TALMADGE .................56 NAVAJO BILLIKEN ................... 132 NAZIM OF GLENROWAN ............45 NAZIMOVA ............................... 146 NEGRITA T ..................................86 NEPONSET .............................. . 132 Name of Cat **4664 **4233 **4895 *4087 *4729 *4632 **4226 *4488 *4602 *4366 *4951 **4353 *4284 *4428 **4650 *5085 *5086 *5087 *5084 *4406 *4852 **4651 **4211 **4298 *4929 *4590 *4890 *4941 *5002 *4283 *4801 *4194 *4716 *4252 **4827 *4927 *4969 **4970 *5010 *5076 *5077 *4345 *4346 *4444 *4850 **4728 **4839 **4919 *4165 **4596 **4613 **4994 *4754 *5061 **4477 *4733 *4732 *5119 *5190 *4903 *4123 **4631 *4657 **4995 *2911 **4607 **4758 *4854 **4700 **4522 Name of Cat 159 Page NICOJET ................................... 127 NIFTY GIRL .............................. 123 NIGG ......................................... 140 NIGGER BABY ............................ 26 NINGPO OF THE LAKE VIEW .... 103 NITA NALDI ............................... 26 NOK OMIS ................................ 123 NOLA TOG .................................. 63 NOOKIE ...................................... 45 NO ROMUS ................................. 26 OBADIAH ................................... 14 ODD EYES ................................ 123 OGAN TOG ............................... 103 OHIO BUD ................................ 103 OJAVAN .................................... 132 OLENTAGNY BIG NOISE ............ 91 OLENTANGA (sic) DENELLA ... 103 OLENTANGY JOE JOE .............. 104 OLENTAGNY LADY TROUBLES .. 104 O'MIN GUMPS ............................ 91 OMMIE TOG JR. OF THE FOX VALLEY .......................... 104 OPALO OF OXFORD ................. 129 OPHELIA .................................. 123 ORANGE BLACK ...................... 132 ORIENTAL .................................. 26 OUR BOY BARRY ....................... 86 OVID FURORE FLASH .............. 104 OVID MISTOKIN ......................... 78 OVID RED ROBE ...................... 104 OWNIE TOG .............................. 104 OXONIAN AVISPA ...................... 14 OXONIAN ISMENE ..................... 15 OXONIAN JACK O'JOY ............... 15 OXONIAN RAMA ........................ 26 PANCHITA ................................ 127 PANCHO ................................... 129 PANNA NIGRA SAN OF GOSFIELD . 27 PANNA ANNA GOSFIELD ......... 127 PANSONIA LADY FREEMAN .... 117 PANSONIA LORD TOM BOY ...... 45 PANSONIA MISS PATCHES ...... 114 PANSONIA MISS TOMMIE ....... 114 PANSONIA PETERKIN PAN (Ch.) . 105 PANSONIA RED ROGUE ........... 105 PAOLI LADD ........................... .105 PARADISE COTTON DOLLIE .... 123 PATAPOO ................................. 142 PAT ........................................... 132 PAT MALONE ............................. 27 PATIENCE ................................. 123 PATSY BAILY ........................... 123 PATSEY OF PERSIA ................. 132 PEACE ........................................ 45 PEACE'S DAUGHTER .................. 45 PEACHIE ................................... 123 PEACOCK NIXOLA ..................... 15 PEACOCK VERMILLION ............ 56 PEERLESS PRINCE ................... 115 PEGGY HYLAND ...................... 105 PEGNETTA OF CRICKMERE ....... 46 PEG OF THE WEST ................... 123 PEGGY KNOX ........................... 140 PEKOE OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ... 56 PERSIAN PEGGYLETS .............. 146 PERSIS OF SAN DAWN ............... 70 PEQUASH OF FLEETWOOD ...... 132 PETE ......................................... 132 PETER GINK OF CAMDENTOWN .... 15 PETRUCHIO .............................. 142 PHILBROOK OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ................................ 143 160 Number C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Page Number *4486 PHOEBE TOG .............................. 63 *4386 PICKENS .................................... .56 **4516 PICK OF EIGHT OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ............ 140 *5131 PINECROFT BLUE SCOUT .......... 46 *4142 PINECROFT'S PADROME PARAMOUNT ........................... 15 *4451 PINECROFT'S PAL ...................... 16 *4959 PINECROFT'S PANJANDRUM ..... 27 *4136 PINECROFT'S PEERLESS PEARL .. 16 *4449 PINECROFT'S PEERLESS PEARL II. . 16 *4453 PINECROFT'S PEPPER POT ........ 16 *4143 PINECROFT'S PLENIPOTENTIARY .. 16 *4448 PINECROFT'S PRETTY PEARL ... 16 *4135 PINECROFT'S PUSSYWILLOW .... 46 *4454 PINECROFT'S PURRFUL PUSS ... 117 *4520 PINEHURST BOBBY HY-FLYER ... 105 *4667 PINEHURST RED FLASH ........... 106 **4389 PIT-A-PAT ................................. 143 **5170 PITTER PATTER ......................... 56 **4313 PLAYCAT OF ARBUTUS ........... 123 **4663 PLAYFELLOW ........................... 136 **4629 PLINY ........................................ 132 *5107 POLAR KING II ........................... 17 *5127 POLLY FLANDERS ..................... 46 *4116 PONCH-A-TOOL-A .................... 106 **4240 POODLE BOY ............................ 124 **5290 POP DE RILEY ........................... 135 **4946 PORTIA CLAD ........................... 144 *4736 POSEY OF THE FOX VALLEY ... 106 *5184 PRAIRIE RED TOY .................... 132 **4513 PRETTY GIRL ............................ 124 **4383 PRETTY SALLY ......................... 140 **4713 PRINCE ALBERT ....................... 138 *4532 PRINCE AMBER LIBBY .............. 56 **4202 PRINCE ANTONIO ..................... 138 **4379 PRINCE BLACK CHAP ............... 127 **4568 PRINCE BOB ............................... 63 **4673 PRINCE DE, COUP ..................... 124 **4906 PRINCE DUPHORNE .................. 143 *5072 PRINCE EBONY OF GLENROWAN .. 27 **5143 PRINCE EGYPTO ....................... 127 *4605 PRINCE FAZELL ......................... 56 **4168 PRINCE HADDON ...................... 124 *5069 PRINCE HAMIL ARISTOCRAT .. 106 **4373 PRINCE ILLINGTON OF WHITE FAWN .......................... 136 **4987 PRINCE JINGO BOY .................. 140 *4170 PRINCE LA DONN ...................... 86 *4605 PRINCE LAZELL **4372 PRINCE LOVENS OF WHITE FAWN 127 **5175 PRINCE Mc. ............................... 127 *4337 PRINCE OF DARKNESS (Ch.) ...... 28 **4947 PRINCE OF WALES ................... 146 **4984 PRINCE VASEL ......................... 129 **4184 PRINCESS ALICE ...................... 143 *4907 PRINCESS AMELIA ..................... — *4882 PRINCESS APPLE BLOSSOM ...... 63 **4859 PRINCESS BLUEBIRD ............... 129 *5114 PRINCESS BONDELLA ............... 78 **4378 PRINCESS CHAP ........................ 127 *4576 PRINCESS DARA OF BEACONLIGHT ........................ 57 **4171 PRINCESS DONNA .................... 124 **4589 PRINCESS DORALDINE ............ 143 **5143 PRINCESS EGYPTO ..................... — **4703 PRINCESS ELEERNIA ................ 106 **4329 PRINCESS FREDERIKA ............. 124 **5144 PRINCESS ISABEL .................... 132 **4626 PRINCESS JANE EYRE .............. 144 **4609 PRINCESS JOANA ..................... 143 *4695 PRINCESS KENO ....................... 106 Name of Cat **4462 *5027 **4254 **4270 **4625 *4727 **4148 **4187 **4599 *4132 *4669 **4426 **4250 **4726 **5141 **4377 *5191 *4176 **4923 **4540 **4164 *5123 *4708 *5176 **4608 **4169 **4641 *4560 *3952 *4709 *4235 **4544 *4524 **5097 **4461 *5058 *4441 *4350 **5034 *5172 **4118 *4805 *4318 *5177 **4972 *4304 *4338 *4339 *4272 *3816 *4914 *4115 *4308 *4369 **4591 **4502 **4204 **4205 **4572 *4299 *4172 *4491 *4300 *4316 *4301 *4491 *4597 *4917 *4806 **5019 **4724 Name of Cat Page PRINCESS KIM ......................... 132 PRINCESS LORAINE II. (Ch.) .... 107 PRINCESS LOUISE .................... 140 PRINCESS MARY ...................... 136 PRINCESS MOON FACE ............ 144 PRINCESS OF DARKNESS, THE ..... 28 PRINCESS PANNA .................... 124 PRINCESS PEARL ..................... 124 PRINCESS R. ............................. 124 PRINCESS SIMMIE GITTEL ...... 147 PRINCESS TAM ........................ 117 PRINCESS TANGYIE ................. 132 PRINCESS VENIA ..................... 146 PRINCESS WALLA WALLA ...... 127 PRINCESS WA LET KA ............. 127 PUCETTA .................................. 127 PUPPIN OF TANGLEWOOD ........ 46 PURRITA III. ............................... 17 PURR WILLOW OF OXFORD .... 129 QUEEN ABALOM ...................... 124 QUEEN AGORIAN ..................... 146 QUEEN ANN ............................... 91 QUEEN CHATTERS ..................... 28 QUEEN ESTER ............................ 17 QUEEN GAY ............................. 140 QUEEN HADDON ...................... 124 QUEEN IDA ............................... 144 QUEEN MAB ............................... 92 QUEEN MARGARET ................... 17 QUEEN MINETTA II. ................. 114 QUEEN OF IRAN ......................... 78 QUEEN OF KNIGHT .................. 146 QUEEN OF THE MONKS ............. 18 QUEEN OF THE PERSIANS ....... 130 QUEEN TAMA ........................... 132 QUEEN VIDA ............................ 107 QUEENIE OF CLYDE .................. 57 RAINBOW MADAM TRINTARIA .... — RED BO BO ............................... 143 RED BUSH ................................ 107 RED CLOUD .............................. 132 RED HEAD OF DELVIEW .......... 107 RED HUDSON ........................... 107 RED KING JERRY ..................... 108 RED PRINCESS PAT .................. 133 RED ROBIN ............................... 108 RED RUFF III. ........................... 108 RED RUFF IV. ........................... 108 RED STAR OF BEACONLIGHT .... 108 RED SHADOWS II. ...................... 57 RED TODDY OF PRESQUE ISLAND ................................... 108 RED WOLF OF COLUMBUS ........ 57 REDWYM OF VICKERY .............. 57 REMIUS ...................................... 28 REMLIK OF SILVERLAND ........ 135 REVIERRA ................................ 124 RIDEAU LASS ........................... 136 RIDEAU QUEEN ........................ 140 RODDY BLUE ........................... 130 ROBBINS OF MINNESOTA ......... 79 ROBLYN OF CLAREMONT (Ch.) .... 70 ROB ROY II. OF CLAREMONT .... — ROBLYN II. OF MINNESOTA ...... 70 ROSLYN III. OF MINNESOTA ..... 71 ROB RENA OF MINNESOTA ....... 71 ROB ROY II. OF CLAREMONT (Ch) .. 71 RONZINI ................................... 109 ROSE MERRY ............................. 92 ROSENA OF ROSE COTTAGE ..... 57 ROSESWEET ............................. 130 ROYAL KASHAN ...................... 130 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Number *4347 *4633 *4243 **4233 *3911 *3121 *5089 **4790 *4129 *4757 *4715 *5040 *5041 **4896 **4511 *4222 *4688 *4265 *4701 *4755 *5168 **4476 *4529 *4528 *4405 *4458 *5070 **4910 *4138 *4981 *4282 *4439 **4971 *4482 **4315 **4341 *4619 **4145 *4881 *4950 *4671 **4268 **4256 **4868 **4864 *5079 *4387 **4215 **4141 *3935 *4258 *4509 *4257 **5022 **4181 *4400 **4952 **5065 **4402 **4241 *4261 *4857 **4234 *4365 *4417 **4246 **4494 *4584 Page Number ROYAL VIKING ...........................79 RUBIN REDFERN III .................. 109 RUBRA FOX OF THE FOX VALLEY 109 RUSSELL ................................... 124 RUSTY BURR OF EIDERDOWN ...58 (S) RED CINDER ..........................58 SAADI ....................................... 138 ST. NICHOLAS II. ...................... 137 SALVIA OF VICKERY ............... 109 SALLY BOB ............................... 109 SAMUEL OF THE LAKE VIEW .. 109 SAN DAWN KING OF THE DAWNS .....................................71 SAN DAWN II. .............................71 SANDY DOWN DILLY ............... 146 SANDY TAN ............................. .143 SAN GLEAM OF SAN DAWN .......79 SCARLET LADY OF VICKERY, THE ............................58 SCOTTISH CHIEF III. ..................46 SCRATCH BRIAR ...................... 110 SEBASTIAN OF RIVER DALE (Ch.) .47 SENIA SOL OF TANGLE WOOD ..86 SENORITA ARDITA ................... 124 SEQUOYAH AIMEE ................... 114 SEQUOYAH AMBER .................. 117 SERGEANT TAD ..........................92 SERZUM OF HAWTHORNE .........71 SESSUE ..................................... 110 SHADOWESQUE ........................ 130 SHALIMAR ..................................63 SHIEK, THE .................................28 SHIREEN TOG ........................... 110 SILVEREEN OF GAYLAND .........79 SILVER GRAY KING ................. 135 SILVER HUMOR II. OF MINNESOTA ..............................72 SILVER KING II. ........................ 135 SILVER KINGDOM .................... 135 SILVER MINER II. .......................72 SILVER PAWS ........................... 130 SILVER PRINCESS ......................79 SILVER RAFFLES ........................80 SILVER RAMBLER ......................80 SILVER SENATOR ........................ — SILVER SHAG BARK ............... . 135 SILVER TASSEL ........................ 135 SILVER THREAD ....................... 135 SILVER TINTO ............................82 SILVER TOKEN OF HAWTHORNE ..72 SILVERTON QUEEN .................. 136 SILVER ZAIDA .......................... 134 SILVER ZIZI OF MINNESOTA .....72 SILVERLAND MISTLETOE ..........79 SILVERLAND SHOGGY SHOO ....72 SILVERLAND SWEET BRIAR ......79 SINGAPORE .............................. 147 SIR DANIEL ............................... 124 SIR HOLDEN OF WAHOO ............72 SHI MOYANA ............................ 133 SIR REGIS OF ERIE ................... 124 SIR RICHARD PLANTAGANET . 147 SIR ROBERT .............................. 124 SIR ROBERT LYNN .....................18 SIR ROOKS ..................................58 SIR SESSUE ............................... 124 SIR SIDNEY .................................64 SIR THOMAS NOIR OF PITTSBURGH ............................28 SIR TIMOTHY ............................ 132 SIR TODDLES ............................ 127 SIR ZIP (Ch.) ................................47 Name of Cat *4593 *5132 **4612 *4121 **5193 *5182 **4239 *4371 **4310 *5151 **4230 **4943 *4518 **4769 *4934 *4183 **4008 *5093 *4362 *4363 *4207 *4364 **4418 **4949 **4248 **4865 *4616 **4216 *4280 **4138 *4860 **4873 *4897 **4358 *4707 *4487 **4426 *4991 *4525 **4871 **4410 **4206 **4965 **5029 **4634 **5109 **4702 *5033 *5032 *4384 *4351 **4636 *5088 **4948 **5052 *4739 **4279 **4549 **5139 **4404 *4130 **4771 **4548 **4209 **5158 **5158 **4918 *5037 **4601 **4926 **4210 Name of Cat 161 Page SIR ZIPSON McALVAY ............... 47 SISSELEE .................................... 87 SISTER BROWN ........................ 125 SLAYTON LADY FLUFF ............. 18 SNIPPY KITTY .......................... 147 SNIP SNAP .................................. 29 SNOOKUMS .............................. 125 SNOW BEAR ............................... 18 SNOWBLOW ............................. 125 SPA CAID ................................. 114 SPATTIE ................................... 125 SPOONER GIRL ........................ 143 STEVE PASHA II. ........................ 92 STRANGER ............................... 125 SULTANABAD ............................ 18 SUN KOW ELIZABETH ANNE .... 18 SUN ROW PICKANNINY PRINCE . 127 SUN LASS ................................. 110 SUNSHINE AFTER GLOW ......... 115 SUNSHINE CORTICELLI ............. 92 SUNSHINE COLD DUST ............ 110 SUNSHINE PROFESSOR ............ 111 SUSANNA BELL ....................... 133 SUSIE REDLUM ........................ 140 SUSY SUNBEAM ....................... 140 SVEA .......................................... 80 SWANSDOWN ............................. 19 SWEET IIALLIE ........................ 136 SWEETEST SUSAN ................... 111 SWEETHEART T. ...................... 125 SYMPATHY OF BEACONLIGHT ... 58 TABETTINA .............................. 140 TADOO DUNNE .......................... 92 TAG A LONG OF AUBURN ......... — TAMARACK ................................ 29 TANGLE FOAM TOG .................. 64 TAN MACK ................................. — TANTALIZER .............................. 19 TAR BABY GINGERINE II. OF PITTSBURGH ...................... 29 TASSO ...................................... 147 TAWNEY VICEROY .................... — TEDDIE TEDRICK ..................... 140 TEDDY B. ................................. 147 TEDDY BAUER ......................... 147 TED DEERLING ........................ 130 TEXAS BLANC BIRD ................ 125 TEXAS MANDY LEE ................. 125 TEXAS PEGGY LOU .................... 58 TEXAS RED BIRD ....................... 59 TEXAS SAMMIE ......................... 19 TEXIE SUN ................................. 19 TEX LAHOMA OF PANTHER .... 133 TEX O BROWN NEAH ............... 118 THIBETA .................................. 147 THOMAS ROWLAND ................ 125 THURGA D'ARBY ..................... 130 TIGER LILY OF INDEPENDENCE .. 140 TIGGIE OF CRICKMERE ........... 147 TIMMY SANDERS ..................... 141 TIMOTHY HOLMES .................. 128 TIM TUK OF VICKERY (Ch.) .... 111 TINY SCRAPPER ....................... 125 TINY SILVER ............................ 136 TIPPIE TEEDLES ....................... 125 TIPTOE ..................................... 128 TIPTOE (yes, listed twice in index) .... 128 TOKO ........................................ 143 TOMBARDI OF HAZLETON ........ 73 TOM BOY .................................. 125 TOM SAWYER .......................... 125 TOMMIE TINKER ...................... 125 162 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. VIII. Number *4517 **4712 **4485 **4976 *5042 **4541 **4886 *4923 **4154 **5011 **4290 **4920 *4957 *4682 **4627 *5099 *4825 *4861 **4175 *1973 **4639 *4000 **4997 **4556 **5121 **5054 *4003 *4740 *4741 *4888 *4887 *4312 *5094 *4292 *4293 *4459 *4891 *4642 *4103 *4276 *4314 Page Number TONIKA II. (Ch.) ......................... 29 TONY C. .................................... 133 TOOTSIE WOOTSIE OF OXFORD ... 138 TOOT SWEET ............................ 133 TOPSY TURVY ........................... 80 TOSKA ....................................... 125 TRAMP ...................................... 130 TRAUMEREI ............................... 59 TRICOLETTE ............................. 136 TRINKET ................................... 128 TRIXIE ELYRIA ......................... 133 TRYSTER BOY .......................... 147 TUCKER .................................... 118 TUESDAY TOO ........................... 47 TULSA BLUE PRINCE ............... 130 TUNXIS DOLL DAINTY .............. 47 TURBASSADOR .......................... 48 TWINKLING TWILIGHT ............. 73 TYBURN .................................... 125 UNCLE SAM (Ch.) ...................... 111 USONA TRIX ............................. 147 VALAOTIS OF DRUMGOLD ...... 118 VAMP ........................................ 125 VANITY FAIR PURRSIA ............. 73 VAN TEACH OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ......................... 143 VELO ......................................... 147 VELVET JOE OF VICKERY (Ch.) .... 87 VERMILION AUNT FEBBY ......... 59 VERMILION AUNT SARAH ........ 59 VERMILION CHASKA ................ 59 VERMILION DAPPLE GIRL ........ 59 VERMILION GE MEINER PRIDE .... 111 VERMILION GOLDEN ROD ....... 111 VERMILION HARVEST MOON ... 60 VERMILION HOWLETTA ........... 60 VERMILION MARR .................... 60 VERMILION MAURINE .............. 60 VERMILION RED PETER ............ 60 VERMILION SHIRLEY ................ 60 VERMILION SUITS ME ............... 60 VERNON VERMILION (Ch.) ........ 60 Name of Cat *4306 *4563 *4565 *4277 **4985 *4321 *4870 **4255 *5199 *5180 *5128 **4151 **4388 *4504 **4153 *4324 **4201 *5120 **4424 **4546 **4674 *4665 **4174 *4408 **4537 *5071 *4944 *5003 **4935 *5115 **4409 *4963 *5148 *4962 **4783 **4182 *4217 **4793 *4555 **4105 *5129 Name of Cat Page VICKERY BOY ............................ 93 VICKERY LASSIE ..................... 112 VICKERY'S POPS ...................... 112 VICTORY LOAN ......................... 87 VIDA BLUE ............................... 130 VIVIANA COZETTE ................ . 112 WADENA ULTRAMARINE .......... 48 WAFFLES .................................. 147 WAHOO ELVAINE ...................... 80 WAHOO YCAMIA ....................... 80 WALMER .................................... 48 WANDERER, THE ..................... 141 WANG ....................................... 133 WARREN G. HARDING ............... 64 WARTHEN ................................ 136 WEE WEE .................................... 48 WENDOVER WONDER .............. 143 WINEFORD ............................... 115 WHISPERS ................................ 133 WHITE ESQUIMO ..................... 125 WHITE JACQUELINE ................ 125 WHITE SHAH .............................. 19 WHITESOME ............................. 125 WHITE WINGS III. ...................... 19 WINEBERT OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ........................ 143 WINSOME OF GLENROWAN .... 118 WINTARGE MUSHAWA .............. 73 WINTARGE EL FURADO ............ 73 WORTHY VERMILION ................ 61 WYNNEWOOD ............................ 73 YALEHURST KING COAL ......... 128 YANKEE JOY .............................. 29 YANKEE QUEEN OF TRUMPS .... 29 YANKEE TAR BABY ................... 30 YANNI ...................................... 128 YEMANA .................................. 137 YUBAN ....................................... 61 ZAR DE RUSSIA ....................... 128 ZAERA ZAN ................................ 81 ZARLINA .................................... 81 ZINDI ........................................ 112 TRANSFERS FROM EARLIER ISSUES OF C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOKS **1784 *2777 *3005 *3909 *3241 *3567 *2134 *3811 *2982 *3981 *2134 *3685 **2115 *3906 BEAUTIFUL LADY BEAUTY OF LONDON BLUE PANDORA DELVIEW SWIFT LIGHTNING OF COLDSTREAM DUSKY DINAH HAMPTON JULEANNA (Ch.) HAMPTON LADY ELLEN (Ch.) KATAHDIN PRINCE OF VAIL KILRAVOCK EXCELLENCY KILRAVOCK IVORY II. KILRAVOCK RADIANCE (Ch.) LADY MOKO LADY REBECCA LA FRONZIE BELLE OF VOL. VOL. VOL. VOL. VOL. I ........................ 1 — 450 II ....................... 451 — 901 III ...................... 902 — 1356 IV ...................... 1357 — 1918 V ....................... 1919 — 2494 *3701 *3774 *2170 *3607 *4087 *2911 *3952 *3816 *3911 *3121 **4068 *3627 *1973 *4003 LAVENDER LOU LORD PONTIUS II LORD STRATHCOMA MAXINE DELTA NIGGER BABY (Ch.) PERSIS OF SAN DAWN QUEEN MARGARET RED SHADOWS II. RUSTY BURR OF EIDERDOWN (S) RED CINDER SUN HOW PICKANINNY PRINCE THE BLACK MASQUE (Ch.) UNCLE SAM VELVET JOE OF VICKERY (Ch.) VOL. VI ...................... 2495 — 3561 (2683 — 2769 Void) VOL. VII ..................... 3562 — 4100 VOL. VIII ................... 4102 —5200
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