CFA Stud Book Vol.9 1924 - Mymystic Tonkinese Cats
CFA Stud Book Vol.9 1924 - Mymystic Tonkinese Cats
BLUE LACE FLOWER OF DIXI-LAND **6745 Blue Female Kitten Owned by Mrs. J. H. Revington Sire Milord O'Mendip - English Dam Dixi-Land Princess Power Blue of Hounslow, Imp. STUD BOOK AND REGISTER of The Cat Fanciers’ Association INCORPORATED of The UNITED STATES and CANADA VOLUME IX PUBLISHED BY THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION, Inc. 1924 Copyright, 1924 BY THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Scanned into Microsoft Word 97 and edited by Paul G. Russell March, 1999. All rights to the scanned document reserved. Note that picture of the Front Cover is actually a copy of Volume 10's Front Cover, since the photocopies used to scan Volume 9 did not include a copy of Volume 9's cover page. Note that italics are used throughout to denote comments by Paul Russell, and were not part of the original studbook. THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION ( INCORPORATED ) President, M RS . I. J. K ETCHEN , New Rochelle, N. Y. Vice-President, MRS. GERTRUDE TAYLOR, Detroit, Mich. Recorder of Registrations, M RS . O LIVE E. G ILBERT , Rochelle Ave., Rochelle Park, N. J. Secretary and Treasurer, M RS. J. A. BRADSHAW , 58 Rutland Road Brooklyn, N. Y. MEMBERS A LLIED P ET S TOC K A SSOC IATION B UFFALO P ERSIAN S OCIETY C ALHOU N C OUNTY F AIR A SSO CIATION C EN TR AL C AN AD A E X HIBITIO N A SSOCIATION C HIC AGO C AT C LU B C LEVELAND P ERSIAN S OCIETY C O LOR ADO C AT C OUNC IL D ETRO IT P ERSIAN S OC IETY E MPIR E C AT C LU B H AM ILTON C AT C LU B T HE H EAR T O F A M ERIC A C AT S OCIETY I NDIAN APO LIS C AT C LU B J AC KSON P ERSIAN S OC IETY T HE J AC KSONV ILLE P ER SIAN S OCIETY K ALAM AZOO P ERSIAN S OCIETY K EYSTON E S TATE C AT C LU B M ARION P ERSIAN S OCIETY M EMPHIS C AT C LU B M ONTREAL C AT F ANCIERS ' C LUB M ONTREAL C AT C LU B AND H U MAN E S OCIETY N IAG AR A D ISTR ICT C AT C LU B O HIO S TATE P ERSIAN C LU B O HIO V ALLEY P ERSIAN C LU B O TTAW A C AT C LU B T HE P ERSIAN C AT C LU B O F A MERIC A T O LEDO C AT C LU B Registrations Accepted and Compiled by Recorder. Rules for Registration in the Stud Book Sec 1. Cats and Kittens may be entered in the Stud Book of this Association in accordance with the following con ditions: Rule 1. When the sire and dam have been properly regis tered in (a) the Stud-Book of this Association; (b) the United States Official Register and Stud -Book, Vol. I; (c) the Beresford at Club Stud Book; (d) the National Cat Club Book, or, (e) the Cat Club Register of England. Rule 2. When the sire and dam are of the same breed an d registered in the Stud Book of the American Cat Association under rules that conform with those of this Association. Rule 3. When the sire or dam shall have won a full cham pionship in England under the Rules of the National Cat Club or the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, or in America under, or in accordance with, the Rules of this Association, no further tracing back of the pedigree of that particular ancestor shall be necessary. Rule 4. When the sire and dam and the grandsires and granddams are of the same breed and properly registered in the Register of the Association, or in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 5. When the cat shows three top crosses of sires of one breed properly registered in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 6. When a cat shall have won a full championship under the Rules of this Association. Rule 7. When cats are imported from European countries, provided that they can show six ancestors of the same breed, divided between the sire's and dam's pedigrees, which are properly registered in one of the Books referred to in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 8. Persians, Manx, Siamese, Australian, Russian, and Abyssinian cats may be entered in the Stud Book, when imported direct from the country of their nativity, upon proof of that fact. Explanations of Abbreviations L. H. – Longhaired. B. C. C. – Beresford Cat Club. A. C. A. – American Cat Ass'n. C. F. A. – Cat Fanciers' Ass'n. * – C. F. A. Stud Book. ** – C. F. A. Register. *** – C. F. A. Kitten Register. S. H. – Shorthaired. U. S. R. – United States Register. N. C. C. – National Cat Club. C. C. R. – Cat Club Register. Ch. – Champion. Imp. – Imported. S TU D BOO K OF THE CAT FANCIERS’ ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Entries are arranged alphabetically und er colors. Long-Haired White *5680. ALANNA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 27, 1916. Bred by Mrs. W. A. Kinsloe, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Max Haertel, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II *1276. D AM , Kilravock Choristrina **1274. *5419. BETELGUESE OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Lady Ann Mason *5153. *6039. BIT O' LOVIN' OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born February 28, 1923. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner, Mr. H. E. Bruce, Leechburg, Pa. S IRE , Pittsburgh Lucky Boy *3923. D AM , Lady Pitt of Pittsburgh *4125. *5861. BLANCO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. H. A. Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Endymoynson, G. C. C. F. 5839, by Endymoyne, A. C. A. 2359, ex White Jacqueline **4674. (See *4675, Vol. 8, p. 6.) D AM , Princess Tessie, A. C. A. 3718, by Valdemar I, A. C. A. 2012, ex Empress Josephine, A. C. A. 2583. Valdemar, by Jacques, ex Lady Jane Grey. Empress Josephine, by Don Giovanni's Napoleon, A. C. A. 1709, ex Yan Cee, A. C. A. 2772. *5741. BRIGHT STAR OF EVENING. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born October 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Selma Rode, Sicklerville, N. J. 6 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3417. D AM , Eiderdown La Fronzie Belle *3906. 6 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5786. BUNTING. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born June 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. B. Doughty, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *8417. D AM , Leslie of Lynn *8788. *4752. CHAMBLY MITHRA (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. S IRE , Niko (Persian). D AM , Chambly Cleome **4747, by Cinders, ex Fluffy. Wins: First and Winner, Montreal, 1922, 1923; Hamilton, 1923. *5921. CHANDOS PRINCE PINECROFT. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Williams, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Pinecroft Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Kilravock Delicia II *4180. *6033. CHICAGO SATINA. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born August 13, 1921. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Mary Midnes, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Kin Friar *4336. D AM , Lady Messaline, A. C. A. 3289. *4954. CLOVELLY RUZADA (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born April 11, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Charles Hoffert. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , Jim White (White Persian from Registered cattery. Pedigree unobtainable). D AM , Suzada, by Don, ex Scheherzade. Wins: First and Winner, Empire, 1921; First and Winner and Best Female, Keystone State, 1923. *5231. DAISY BELL. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born April 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Eva Wolleson. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Sturgill, Winfield, Kansas. S IRE , Doctor Spook, A. C. A. 4223, by White Mist *1939, ex Lady Topsy, A. C. A., by White Mist, ex Belle of Wichita, A. C. A. 3467. D AM , Miss Oddette, A. C. A. 4221, by Snowman Laddie, A. C. A. 2961, ex Fantan, A. C. A. 3362. Snowman Laddie, by Cayuga Laddi e, A. C. A. 433, ex Daisy Wynne, A. C. A. 1763. Fantan, by Truxton King, A. C. A. 2657, ex Lady Patricia *2348. C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5354. DARE BOY. 7 (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Woodhaven, L. I. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Queen Margaret *3952. *5573. DELICATE ARIEL OF GLENHAVEN. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni Ill *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Glorious Lady *5442. *5878. DILLHAVEN CARA MIA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born November 11, 1922. Bred by Dillhaven Cattery, Cleveland, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. N. A. Knowlton, Westfield, N. Y. S IRE , Dillhaven Carlyon *5968. D AM , Dillhaven Marshmallow *5862. *5968. DILLHAVEN CARLYON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born August 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. C. Eunison. Owner, Mrs. H. A. Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Prince de Coup *4673. D AM , Baby Wendella, by Pearl Cupid, G. C. C. F., N. C. C. 2271, ex Ch. Wendella IV, A. C. A. 1707. (See *3976, Val. 7, p. 16.) Wins: Second, Detroit, 1922; second, Toledo, 1922; second, Cleveland, 1923. *5862. DILLHAVEN MARSHMALLOW. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born May 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Paul Stockton. Owner, Miss F. K. Bramley, Cleveland, Ohio. Former owners, Mrs. Dill and Mrs. Ennisson. S IRE , Blanco *5861. D AM , Ch. Eunison *4672. *5878. DON DAYGON OF GLENHAVEN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 13, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni III *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Donna Rosa Lee *5443. *5942. DON LEONARDO II. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born August, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. Gamerdinger, Poquonock, Co nn. S IRE , Don Leonardo *3531. D AM , Donna Veda *3533. 8 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6157. DOROTH DIMPLES OF THE SNOW. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. E. Kinley. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Dulce Chineta *4878. *5999. DOROTHEA DOLL. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Laura Kinsloe. Owner, Mrs. Chas. A. Laux, Englewood, N. J. S IRE , Glencairn *4883. D AM , San San, by Kilravock Whiffenpuf f, Jr. *1508, ex Alanna *5680. *5760. DRESDEN BUDDYKIN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie J. Bailey, Lynbrook, L. I. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Mirage *7503 v10 , by Kilravock Radiance *2134, ex Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5759. DRESDEN DAINTY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 14, 1922. Bred by Miss Elsie J. Bailey, Lynbrook, L. I S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Mirage *7503 v10 , by Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134, ex Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5758. DRESDEN PETIT PRINCE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie J. Bailey, Lynbrook, L. I. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Mirage *7503 v10 , by Kilravock Radiance *2134, ex Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5549. DRUMGOLD CRYSTAL CUPID. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Deep blue eyes. Born April, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry **3650. D AM , Drumgold Wendella Pearl *3529. *5424. DRUMGOLD WENDELLA CRYSTAL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female White. Blue eyes. Born March 17, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. T. Young, Hopedale, Ohio. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry **3650. D AM , Wendella V *3976, A. C. A. 2852. C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK 9 *5238. EIDERDOWN ZUHRAH OF BOYERSHURST. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born October 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. Owner, Mrs. R. V. Boyer, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3417. D AM , La Fronzie Belle of Eiderdown *3906. *5482. EUCLID KIRTLE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born March 7, 1922. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Paine, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , White Monte ***3724A. D AM , Babe of Pittsburgh *3566. *5329. EYEOTA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. Fisher. Owner, Mr. David Lindermeyr, Camden, N. J. S IRE , Ball of Snow *5183. D AM , Dotty Belle **4567. *6161. FAIRFIELD FRENEIDA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born April 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. W. Haywood Parker, Jackson ville, Fla. Owner, Mrs. G. Davison, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4808. D AM , Pinecroft Pretty Pearl *4448. Wins: Best White Kitten in Show, Best White Kitten Bred in Florida, Jacksonville, 1922. *5971. FELITHA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. E. Kinley, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Geo. H. McGhie, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Dulce Chinita *4878. Wins: First Novice, Second Open Class, Kansas City, 1923. *6176. FRANKLIN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born July 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. C. Renouf. Owner, Miss Edith Simpson, Montreal. S IRE , Ch. Chambly Mithra *4752. D AM , Chambly Shirley Poppy **6051. *5594. GENTLE MISS OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 23, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *3983. D AM , Drumgold Rose of Erie *4676. 10 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5570. GLENHAVEN BONNIE LEE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 15, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni III *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Donna Rosa Lee *5443. *5444. GLENHAVEN DON GIOVANNI III. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born May 11, 1919. Bred by Mrs. R. O. Newman. Owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Don Giovanni II *8489. D AM , Rounton Moss Rose **1708. *5442. GLENHAVEN GLORIOUS LADY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born 1916. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh. Owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II *1276. D AM , Kilravock Honey Sweet *2133. *5443. GLENHAVEN DONNA ROSA LEE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born May 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Woodland Sir Knight 11, A. C. A. 3744, by Ch. Sir Knight *1903, ex Melrose Harvette, A. C. A. 2871. (See *5228, Vol. 6, p. 17.) D AM , Glenhaven Glorious Lady *5442. *5876. GLENHAVEN DONNA YVETTE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 13, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni III *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Donna Rosa Lee *5443. *5877. GLENHAVEN HEART'S DESIRE. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni III *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Glorious Lady *5442. *5572. GLENHAVEN PRECIOUS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 13, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. John Daygon, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Glenhaven Don Giovanni III *5444. D AM , Glenhaven Donna Rosa Lee *5443. C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK 11 *5303. HAGGY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born August 13, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Haggard. Owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King Friar *4336. D AM , Lady Messaline *5090. *5668. HARRY LAUDER OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born August 26, 1922. Bred by Mrs. M. Halm Erie, Pa. Owner, A. C. Moives, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *8983. D AM , Drumgold Rose of Erie *4676. *5320. JIGGS OF THE SNOW. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. Former owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Purritta Ill *4176. *5998. JOHN DEAR. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born September 7, 1916. Bred by Mrs. C. E. Cummings. Owner, Mrs. Sue Swail, St. Joseph, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Peg of the Snow, A. C. A. 2551, by Cumberland Friar *1368, ex Ambolena Snow, A. C. A. 2102. *6132. JONAS. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May 11, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Verne Sparks. Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Baer's Cumberland, A. C. A. 3259, by Sir Cumberland, A. C. A. 1368, ex Baer's Beauty, A. C. A. 2201. Sir Cumberland, by Ch. Sir Friar, A. C. A. 336, ex Chrysanthemum White Daisy, by Sunburst II, A. C. A. 888, ex Queen of May, A. C. A. 1108. D AM , Shaded Juno, A. C. A. 4062, by Timur, A. C. A. 3430, ex Keveeta, A. C. A. 2659. Timur, by Zero, ex Regine. Keveeta, by Sir Bobs, ex Silver Heels. *5970. KAY SEE KAY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born September 15, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Kinley, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Dulce Chinita *4878. Win; Second Open, Kansas City, 1923. 12 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *3417. KILRAVOCK BRER RABBIT. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rules 1, 4 and S.) L. H. Male. White. Green eyes. Born May 1, 1917. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh. Owner, Mrs. R. V. Boyer, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory *3101. D AM , Kilravock Magnolia III *776. *5956. KILRAVOCK DONNA LUCIA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born October 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II. *1276. D AM , Kilravock Little Pretty, by Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134, ex Kilravock Delicia *1600. *5838. KILRAVOCK IVORY ROSE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 31, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Lady Ann Mason *5153. *5327. KILRAVOCK MORVICH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 31, 1921. Bred by Miss J. R. Kroeh, Orange, N. J. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Clark, Paterson, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Kilravock Lady Ann Mason *5103. *6054. LADD'S MADAME MELBA CHONTEAU. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born February 22, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Pascal P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Chonteau, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of Snow *4514. D AM , Ladd's Marguerite Clark **4392. *5355. LADY BOSS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Woodhaven, L. I. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II. *3981. D AM , Queen Margaret *3952. *5557. LADY DANICE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Woodhaven, L. I. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Queen Margaret *3952. KILRAVOCK IVORY ROSE * 5838 White Female Owned by Miss J. R. Kroeh C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 13 *5659. LADY INCRATUS OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born July 15, 1922. Bred by Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Lee, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Don Chief White Eagle *3988. D AM , Purritta III *4176. *5753. LADY INCRATUS II. OF ERIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 2, 1922. Bred by Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Frank Heinz, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Sir Regis of Erie **5065. D AM , Erie Lady Georgette **4495. *5336. - LADY MIDDLETON OF TAVISTOCK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 25, 1920. Bred by E. B. Doughty. Owner, Mrs. Frank B. Middleton, Haddenfield, N. J. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Leslie of Lynn **3788. *5268. LADY UNDINE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born May 7, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. Fisher. Owner, Mrs. Ella J. Reel, Coatesville, Pa. S IRE , Ball of Snow *5183. D AM , Dotty Bell **4567. *5267. LEONIDAS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Born May 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. Fisher. Owner, Mrs. Harry Gallagher, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Ball of Snow *5183. D AM , Dotty Bell **4567. *5277. LITTLE COLONEL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Born October 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. H. L. Viles. Owner, Mrs. F. M. Backes, Plateau, Ala. S IRE , Major White Fang *4302. D AM , Lady Dolly Barnett, A. C. A. 4402, by Prince Cremo. A. C. A. 3622, ex Betty Snow, A. C. A. 2480, by Snow Slocum, A. C. A. 2484, ex Sylvia Snow. *5976. LORD FAUNTLEROY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born February 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner, Miss D. L. Croushore, Newton, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. D AM , Princess Bright **3972. 14 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5867. LORD REEVES. (Rule 4.) L. H. Mate. White. Opal eyes. Born November 26, 1919. Bred by Mrs. E. F. Dumon. Owner, Toney Nelson, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100. D AM , Slayton Lady Fluff *4121. *6094. MARMASENA OF NOME. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born February 18, 1923. Bred by Mrs. J. D. Edmonds, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *3983. D AM , Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5790. MISS HENRY WHITEFEATHER (Champion). (Rule 6.) L. H. Female White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born March 28, 1917. Bred by Mrs. H. J. Walker, St. Louis, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King Zar, A. C. A. 1668, by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Queen Juliette. A. C. A. 1667. (See *4468, Vol. 8, p. 13.) D AM , Pollyanna, A. C. A. 3964, by Mr. Bill, ex Sis Hopkins. Mr. Bill, by Turpaz, A. C. A. 556, ex Lady Betty Reinecke, A. C. A. 672. Sis Hopkins, by Turpaz. ex Tabitha Tuffty Toes, A. C. A. 550. Wins: First and Winner, Toledo, 1922; Decatur, 1 923; Indianapolis, 1923. *5346. MUSETTE. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born February 29, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. S. Needles. Owner, Mrs. C. Shepard, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Rounton Palmer, A. C. A. 3404, by Rounton Abbott *1205, Vol. 6, ex Rounton Moss Rose *1708. D AM , Pom Pom, A. C. A. 3257, by Cumberland Friar *1368, ex Pussy, by Ch. King of the Snow *4514, A. C. A. 2550, ex Kitty. *5609. OXONIAN RADIANT PRINCE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 13, 1922. Bred by Mrs. M. M. Crouch, New York, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Oxonian Pearl White *2351. *5708. PATRICIAN FILLE OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born October 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh Pa. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Roberts, Cumberland, Md. S IRE , Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. D AM , Pittsburgh Glowanna *3974. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 15 *6160. PINCROFT'S (sic) PADRONE PARAMOUNT II. OF ROSE BAR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Sound hearing. Born August 15,1919. Bred by Pinecroft's Place Kennels, Spokane, Wash. S IRE , Pinecroft's Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4136. *6121. PINECROFT'S PRINCE PUFF. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born August 15, 1921. Bred by Pinecroft Place Kennels, Opportunity, Wash. Owner, Miss Clara Spencer, De Land, Fla. S IRE , Pincroft's (sic) Padrone Paramount *4142. D AM , Pinecroft's Peerless Pearl *4136. *5839. PRINCESS LOVELY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. J. Creighton, Owen Sound, Ont. S IRE , White Heather *3886 (Vol. 9). D AM , Lady Creighton, A. C. A. 4710, by Lord Whitely, A. C. A. 4104, ex Dolly Dimple Thrilby, A. C. A. 3727. Lord Whitely, by Lord Sunshine, A. C. A . 2027, ex Queen Elizabeth. Dolly Dimple Thrilby, by Albion, C. F. A. 1319, ex Romeo Juliette, A. C. A. 2022. *5343. PRINCE GRAHAM. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born February 8, 1922. Bred by Mrs. W. E. Carroll. Owner, Mrs. J. K. Graham, Texas. S IRE , Thomas Roland **5052. D AM , Kitty Babe **4711. *5525. PRINCE NIBLIC OF TAVISTOCK. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Copper eyes. Born March 16, 1922. Bred by Mr. Frank B. Middleton, Jr., Haddonfield, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Alberta Hineline, W. Collingswo od, N. J. S IRE , Kilravock Excellency *3982. D AM , Lady Middleton of Tavistock *5336. *5446. PRINCE TORONOFF OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Lady Ann Mason *5153. *5262. RIVAL QUEEN. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. (DOB not shown in studbook). Bred by Mrs. Breisch. Owner, Mr. Ira Fanning, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief II *3993. D AM , Fluffy Barrett **5368. 16 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6074. ROSE-BAR GENTLE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 2, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Houser. Owner, Mrs. Rosamond Kiff, Norwalk, Ohio. S IRE , C H . Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Donna Mafalda II, by Don Leonardo, A. C. A . 3531 (See *5194, Vol. 8, p. 11), ex Ch. Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *6075. ROSE-BAR JAZZ-A-BO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Golden eyes. Born August 2, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Houser. Owner, Mrs. Rosamond Kiff, Norwalk, Ohio. S IRE , C H . Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Donna Mafalda II, by Don Leonardo, A. C. A. 3531 (See *5194, Vol. 8, p. 11), ex Ch. Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *5687. ROUNTON BISHOP SCRIVEN. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 20, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Maud Farrer, Orange, Va. S IRE , Rounton Apollo, A. C. A., by Rounton Moss Rose's Pearl *3649, ex White Wings III *4408. D AM , White Wings III *4408. *5686. ROUNTON DEAN HART. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 20, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Maud Farrer, Orange, Va. S IRE , Rounton Apollo, A. C. A., by Rounton Moss Rose's Pearl *3649, ex White Wings III *4408. D AM , White Wings III *4408. *5662. ROUNTON MISTLETOE BOUGH. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May 26, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Maud Farrer, Orange, Va. S IRE , Rounton Moss Rose's Pearl *3649. D AM , White Wings III *4408. *5949. ROUNTON MISTLETOE BOUGH'S BUD. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 31, 1922. Bred by Miss Maud Farrer. Owner, Mrs. J. F. Jenkins, Athol, Mass. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Rounton Mistletoe Bough *5662. *5726. SAN SAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 23, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Max Haertel. Owner, Mrs. Elva V. Barth, Brooklyn, N. Y. S IRE , Kilravock Whiffenpuff, Jr. *1598. D AM , Allanna *5680. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 17 *5310. SEMPRE LES O'LYNN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue Eyes. Born March 5, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. B. Doughty, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Excellency *3982 (Vol. 8). D AM , Leslie of Lynn **3788. *5311. SEMPRE L'ORIGAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. B. Doughty, Bywood, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Radiance *2134. D AM , Kilravock Princess Whiffenpiff (sic) *6118. *5309. SEMPRE MATZI. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born, March 5, 1922. Bred by, Mrs. E. B. Doughty, Philadelphia, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Geo. N. Maris, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Excellency *3982. D AM , Leslie of Lynn *3788. *5518. SIR ARMANOS (sic – index says AMANOS) OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Green eyes. Born May 27, 1920. Bred by Mrs. J. P. Thompson, Orange, Va. Owner, Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Rounton Moss Rose's Pearl *3649. D AM , Anabel Grey *5469. *6149. SIR AMANOS II. OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Fetnah of Prospect Hill *5516. *5643. SIR BEHRAM OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Light yellow eyes. Born February 23, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips. Owner, Miss Doris Wood, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar of Prospect Hill **5517, b y Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783, ex Gray Baby. Gray Baby, by Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783 ex Madam Fluff Locks. *5754. SIR ICHABOD OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born August 26, 1922. Bred by Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mr. C. F. Wright, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *3983. D AM , Drumgold Rose of Erie *4676. 18 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6150. SIR PAT EGAN OF PROSPECT HILL (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. White. Born March 18, 1923. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Simmons, Charleston, S. C. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Fetnah of Prospect Hill *5516. *5951. SIR PHILIP OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue green eyes. Born August 5, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. Marie E. Wooding, Baltimore, Md. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Fetnah of Prospect Hill *5516. *5450. SNOWY GIRL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born October 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Williams. Owner, Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Poultney, Vt. S IRE , Snowy Boy *2240. D AM , Lady Marguerite *3823. *5201. SUSIE PECK. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born May, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Chi Chi *5200. D AM , Lilly Lee, by Cumberland Friar *1368, ex White Susan, by Cumberland Friar, ex Flossie. *6130. SVAFELL OF NOME. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born February 18, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. D. Edmonds, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Kilravock Chief Don White Eagle *3983. D AM , Ch. Kilravock Donna Mafalda *3420. *6015. SWAIL'S SWEETHEART. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Sue Swail, St. Joseph, Mo. S IRE , John Dear *5976. D AM , Fluff Ethel, by Rounton Palmer **2491, ex Zeno bia, by Cumberland Friar *1368 ex Ruby. Win: First Novice, Omaha, 1922. *6066. TESS OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born October 9, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner, Mrs. E. S. Grimm, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Major Blue Eyes *2639. D AM , Kilravock Donna Vittoria *3105. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 19 *5493. THISTLEBLOOM. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Creighton, Toronto. Owner, Mrs. W. Humphries, Toronto. S IRE , White Heather *3881. D AM , Lady Creighton, A. C. A. 4710, by Lord Whitely **5004, ex Dolly Dimple Thrilby, A. C. A. 3727, by Albion *994, ex Romeo Juillette (sic) , A. C. A. 2022. *5281. TIP OF THE SNOW (Champion). (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born July 10, 1920. Bred by Mrs. C. E. Kinley. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Cummings, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Don Leonardo, A. C. A. 3521, by Ch. King of the Snow *4416, ex Peg of the Snow, A. C. A. 2551. D AM , Dulce Chinita *4878. Wins: First and Winner,, Best Female, Kansas City, 1921; First and Winner, Chicago, 1921; Omaha, 1922. *5531. TOM BOY TAYLOR OF BOYERSHURST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young. Owner, Mrs. R. V. Boyer, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry **3650. D AM , Ch. Wendella V *3976. *6098. VARSITY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born September 12, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Lloyd. Owner, Mrs. Ruth M. Rodgers, Austin, Texas. S IRE , Duke of Orange *5223. D AM , Nancy Lenore **5603. *5678. VIM OF CATALPA. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born Summer, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Williams. Owner, Mrs. Geo. E. Row, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Snowy Boy *2240. D AM , Glenhaven Fairy Princess, A. C. A. 2759, by Woodland Sir Knight II, A. C. A. 3744, ex Woodland N alagoo, A. C. A. Woodland Sir Knight II, by Ch. Sir Knight, A. C. A. 2567, ex Melrose Harvette, A. C. A. 2871. Woodland Nalagoo, by C. Sir Knight, ex Irma, A. C. A. 2758. *5234. WENDELLA BERRY (Drumgold). (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born May, 1920. Bred by Mrs. O. T. Young. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Breisch, Newark, N. J. S IRE , Rounton Roseberry *3650. D AM , Ch. Wendella, A. C. A. 2852, *3976. 20 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *3886. WHITE HEATHER. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born May 28, 1919. Bred by Mrs. John Grant. Owner, Mrs. A. J. Creighton, Owner Sound, Ont. S IRE , Silver Heights Rajah *3015. D AM , Keewaydin Snowdrop *3377. *5677. WHITE SHEPHERDESS OF ERIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. Halm, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Ivory II *3981. D AM , Kilravock Lady Ann Mason *5158. Long-Haired Black *5842. ABU HASSAN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Robert Lowe. Owner, Mrs. Bartlett B. Heard, Phoenix, Ariz. S IRE , Arizona Knight, A. C. A. 4408, by Faust II *722, ex Queen Mab of the Fairies, A. C. A. 1597, by Trishcotyn, A. C. A. 1273, ex Englewood Thorn, A. C. A. 67. D AM , Baby Ann **5818, by Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950, ex Kimball's Minnette II **4305. *5235. ACE OF SPADES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. T. Dubord. Owner, Mrs. Elsie Cooper, North Bay, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Tonika II, A. C. A. 4107, *4517. D AM , Brown Betty Caid, A. C. A. 4615, by Brown Pri ncess, A. C. A. 4033, ex Bonita. *5507. AU CHAT NOIR CHING. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born February 28, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Carroll, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Bun Bun, A. C. A. 3975. (See *4996, Vol. 8, p. 112.) D AM , Fluffy Kimball, A. C. A. 4715, by Little Chief of Navajo, A. C. A. 3069, ex Chilluns Whatley. *5602. BIT O'BLACK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 11, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel. Owner, Mrs. Jean Taylor, Collingswood, N. J. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Blaze *4876. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 21 *5763. BLACK LADDIE BOY. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Black. Dark orange eyes. Born March 12, 1921. Bred by Jessie P. Baker. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Masters. S IRE , Anglo Laddie, A. C. A. 3599, by Blue Britisher, A. C. A. 3317, ex English Coquette, A. C. A. 3070. Blue Britisher, by Vanity of Thorpe, ex Buckholt Queenie. English Coquette, by Sir Archie of Arrandale, ex Princess of Orange. D AM , Thorhop, by Woodroe Thor, A. C. A. 2925, ex Woodroe Topsy. Woodroe Thor, by Rahman *1091 , ex Altosa II. Woodroe Topsy, by Billie Baxter, A. C. A. 492, ex Woodroe Dolly, A. C. A. 2930. *5803. BLACK ROVER OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Gold eyes. Born August 5, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, Ohio. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. D AM , Madeline of Columbus Kennels **3961. *6008. CHICAGO LADY NOCTE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born July 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. R. H. Haggard. Owner, Miss Mary Midnes, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. The Prince of Darkness *4337. D AM , Princess of Darkness *4727. *5955. CU'SHI JA'PHO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. William Neahring. Owner, Mrs. Mattie Springstead, Orleans, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Toronto of the Fox Valley *3793. D AM , Ch. Ebon Avis *4704. Wins: First Black Kitten, Omaha, 1922; Kansas City, 1923. *5816. DUKE OF WELLINGTON. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Black. Born May 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Alice M. Albers. Owner, Miss Flo Wellington, Midland, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief II *3993. D AM , Ethiopian Queen, by Ch. The Black Masque *3627, ex Nookie *4602. *5636. EREBUS ELRINA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. J. McCoun, Oyster Bay, N. Y. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Eleanor *3697. 22 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5768. GENERAL BRANT OF BRANTFORD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born June 17, 1921. Bred by Miss Elliot. Owner, Mrs. A. Warboys, Brantford, Ont. S IRE , Jock Stair **5766, by The Laird of Rusholme *5060, ex Monterey **5765. D AM , Princess Awanda *5767. *5245. HOBO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born February 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. L. M. Wilson, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , King Bar Sin *4492. D AM , Princess Jane Eyre *4626. *5850. HYJO RAHMAN. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 30, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Fred H. Rowland, St. Catharines. S IRE , Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San A. C. A. 1872. (See *4399, Vol. 8, p. 22.) D AM , Bebea, by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Rahmandale Chloe, by Rahman *1091, ex Rahmandale Queen Pouf. *5651. JUMBO KING. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Alex. Walker. Owner, Mrs. R. C. Sheets, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Floyd Colfax **5096, by Kiskie S. **5920, ex Cynthia S. **5919. D AM , Queen of Persians **5097, by Blue Nose S. **5918, ex Fluffy III. S. **5917. (sic – yes, Fluffy III. S. is what it says) *5395. KAAREBUS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born October 25, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Jessie Wright, San Diego, Cal. Owner, Mrs. Wm. Neahring, Norfolk, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Kaaba A. C. A. 3240, by Little Bear *1225, ex Princess Patti, by Teddy Roosevelt, ex Daphne's Daughter. D AM , Jacqueline, A. C. A. 4517, by Jackwood, A. C. A. 4475, ex Princess Dimple, G. C. C. F. 6745. Jackwood, by Ch. Steve Stewart, A. C. A. 3991, ex Patience II. *5670. KINGSTON ARAB. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born April 17, 1922. Bred by Kingston Kattery, Brentwood, L. I. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Kingston Rita **4900. International Champion Black Male Owned by Mrs. Fred Smee MY DEAR OF BLACK NEST * 6716 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 23 *5669. KINGSTON LADY BLACK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born April 17, 1922. Bred by Kingston Kattery, Brentwood, L. I. S IRE , Erebus Americus *3444. D AM , Kingston Rita **4900. *5991. LADY BLACKBERRY THORN II OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Born March 30, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Don Carlo Kara II of the Bird's Nest *4953. D AM , Lady Black Topsy *3301. *5773. LADY MECCA. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born August 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Glenn Douglass. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Black Victor, A. C. A. 4361, by Don Carlo Kara *2302, ex Lady Black Topsy *3301. D AM , Lady Girl, A. C. A. 3864, by Beo, A. C. A. 3448, ex Lady Martha, A. C. A. 3714. Beo, by Eric, A. C. A. 2749, ex Lady Gray, A. C. A. 3028. Lady Martha, by D. D. Daniel Wester (sic) , A. C. A. 3118, ex Tabby Rogers. *5367. MADAM MIDNITE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Amber eyes. Born March 31, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. J. Ellsworth. Owner, Mrs. Ralph Bollinger, Oskaloosa, Iowa. S IRE , General Pershing **4450. D AM , Iridescence **5293. *5829. MIGNONNE (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Germain Beaulieu, Montreal. S IRE , El Turco of Oxford *5273. D AM , Princess Kiss *5421. *5538. OXONIAN RAVON-DOT. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born February 28, 1922. Bred by Mrs. F. H. Rowland, St. Catharines, Ont. Owner, Mrs. M. M. Crouch, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ebonie Tarzan, A. C. A. 3078. (See *4881, Vol. 8, p. 23.) D AM , Ebon Sweet Jungle Dove, A. C. A. 4378, by Jickey II, A. C. A. 827, ex Enonie Winifred Black, A. C. A. 3002. (See *4381.) 24 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5647. PANSONIA CHARCOLA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Golden eyes. Born March 23, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Black Magic *5148. D AM , Pansonia Miss Patches *5077. *5685. PANSONIA RAMON. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. Owner, Mrs. E. R. Read, Brantford, Ont. S IRE , Black Magic *5148. D AM , Pansonia Miss Patches *5077. *5828. PLATON. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Germain Beaulieu, Montreal. S IRE , El Turco of Oxford *5273. D AM , Princess Kiss *5421. *5432. POPPO IMP OF PANTHER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes. Born August 6, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Cortright. Owner, Mrs. Jay Axtell, Fort Worth, Texas. S IRE , Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, by Lantana **1478, ex Scotchie *1974. D AM , Hale Queen, by Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, ex Lady Bug, A. C. A. 3443. Lady Bug, by Tiger, A. C. A. 2179, ex Chiquita. *5586. PRINCE LLOYD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born February 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. H. Trattner, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , King Bar Sin *4492. D AM , Princess Jane Eyre **4626. *5352. PRINCE RAVENHUE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Bred by Mrs. L. Travis. Owner, Mrs. R. L. Corbett, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ace of Ace, A. C. A. 3980. (See 4704, Vol. 8, p. 23.) D AM , Georgette, by Booker T. Washington *3656, ex Bo Peep, by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin ***2315. *5767. PRINCESS AWANDA. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Owner, Mrs. F. Smee. Registered by Mrs. A. Warboys. S IRE , Kerzan, A. C. A. 3804, by Rahman Jr. (See *1091), ex Pixie. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Cindy, A. C. A. 3804, by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Rahmandale Queen Pouf **1809. (See *4983, Vol. 80 p. 21.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 25 *5721. PURR-PURR PERHAPS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 1, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Fred H. Bohrer, Utica, N. Y. S IRE , Blue Larkspur *4440. D AM , Cupid II. *5660. ROMANY CHAL OF THE KAW VALLEY. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born February, 1922. Bred by Mrs. S. H. Tressler. Owner, Mrs. Jess Adair, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Booker T. Washington II *4179. D AM , Peggy Lou, A. C. A. 4609, by Buster Trantum **5993A, ex Belita, A. C. A. 4543. Buster Trantum, by Buster Bright Kulham, A. C. A. 2269, ex Princess Marguerite, A. C. A. 2109. Belita, by Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, ex Julia Marlowe. *5966. SIR JAMES KEYS OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Black. Deep yellow eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar of Prospect Hill *5517. *5820. SPOOK. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Black. Amber eyes. Born September 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. C. Root. Owner, Mrs. Charles Roberson, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Dinty Moore *5045. D AM , Pamella Rose, A. C. A. 4600, by Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466, ex Lady Huntington, A. C. A. 3962. Aurora Ariel, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2388, ex Miss Patsy. Lady Huntington, by Navajo Rag, ex Lady Friscie Frisco. *6097. TINKUM. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born May, 1921. Bred by Mrs. S. Bell. Owner, Miss Madge Jenison. S IRE , Don Pedro *4786. D AM , Lady Bunch, by Bonny Boy Admiral *1725, ex Lady Betty Torrington *616. *5589. YANKEE DAME. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , Ch. The Conqueror **2791, A. C. A. 3217. D AM , Yankee Polly Ann, by Ch. O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670, ex Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243. (See *4399, Vol. 8, p. 22.) 26 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Blue *5348. ANN HATHAWAY. (No rule listed in studbook) L. H. Female. Blue. Born March 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. Owner, Mrs. Fred Cope, Scaraboro Junction, Toronto. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , Ch. Grey Nun *4767. *5675. BEN SAN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. A. Reddick, Trenton, N. J. S IRE , Delview Hadi *4742. D AM , Nookie *4602. *5322. BILLI PONCE OF FLORIDA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born September 9, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4804. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5550. BLUE ACE OF SHADELAND. (Rules 1 and 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Jacket, Jr. of TangIewood *5483, A. C. A. 4959. D AM , Blue Heirloom *5484, A. C. A. 4960. *6155. BLUE ALLY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born June 29, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Edith Dunn. Registered by Mrs. C. C. Crum, Binghampton (sic) , N. Y. S IRE , King Philip *3539. D AM , Sweet Lavender *2921. *5566. BLUE BLAZES. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born October 31, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Dillingham, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Miss Lena Ford, Ottumwa, Iowa. S IRE , Booker T. Washington II *4179. D AM , Lady Naomi, A. C. A. 3413, by Tiger Baier, A. C. A. 2179, ex Cheyenne. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 27 *5214. BLUE CLOAK WINONA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Pale blue. Orange eyes. Born May, 1915. Bred by Mrs. Mumford. Owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Arnold of Thorpe, A. C. A. 204. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 38.) D AM , Blue Coat Winona, A. C. A. 608. (See *3412, Vol. 6, p. 82.) *6186. BLUE DAY OF SHADELAND. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Light amber eyes. Born August 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Jacket, Jr. of Tanglewood *5483. D AM , Blue Heirloom *5484. *5203. BLUE EMPEROR II. OF PANTHER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 8, 1921. Bred by Miss Goldie Bradley, Ft. Worth, Texas. Owner, F. C. Crusemann, Ft. Worth, Texas. S IRE , Blue Emperor of Coldstream *3891. D AM , Lady Ixta II. of Panther **4637 . *5484. BLUE HEIRLOOM. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Amber eyes. Born March 31, 1921. Bred by Mrs. S. Tressler. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Chief Black Hawk, A. C. A. 4553, by Ebonie Tarzan, A. C. A. 3578, ex Winifred Black II, A. C. A. 3657. (See *4831, Vol. 8, p. 23.) D AM , Belita, A. C. A. 4543, by Booker T. Washington, A. C. A. 3656, ex Julia Marlowe, by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160, ex Betty of Keewaydin *2513. *5483. BLUE JACKET, JR., OF TANGLEWOOD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born March 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Gatchell. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Jacket II, A. C. A. 2941, by Ch. King Sea Foam *2014, ex Patsy Boliver **1251. D AM , Bo Peep, by Faerie Prince of Keewaydin *2160 , ex Betty of Keewaydin ***2513. *5386. BLUE LASCELLES. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 24, 1922. Bred by Mrs. B. E. Jeffrey, Emporia, Kansas. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Wheatley, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Pinecroft Blue Scout *5131. D AM , Tunxis Doll Dainty *5099. 28 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6087. BLUE WILLOW GIRL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. K. P. Crowley. Owner, Mrs. E. M. Canavagh, Saunderstown, R. I. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 39.) D AM , Blue Maid *4107. *5864. CHARLEROI TINY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey, Emporia, Kans. Owners, Misses Florine and Alice Richards, Emporia, Kans. S IRE , Pinecroft Blue Scout *5131. D AM , Tunxis Doll Dainty *5099. *5747. CHATUM OF WINNEBAGO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. P. Zeigler, Bloomsburg, Pa. S IRE , Ch. The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Lady Zeigler *4150. *6001. CHICAGO LADY THISTLEDOWN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 20, 1923. Bred by owner, Miss Mary Midnes, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , C H . Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , McAlvay Mistress Kleo *4821. *4821. CHICAGO McALVAY MISTRESS KLEO. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Edna McAlvay. Owner, Miss M. Midnes, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *6000. CHICAGO SEBASJEANETTE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 20, 1923. Bred by owner, Miss Mary Midnes, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , C H . Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , McAlvay Mistress Kleo *4821. *4782. CHIEF SEMINOLE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Gilmer. Owner, Mrs. S. A. Cook, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Shining Light of Revelstoke *4078. D AM , Blue Copperia *4689. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 29 *6017. COLDSTREAM GUARD. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born August 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. G. A. Bloedon. Registered by Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Duchess Norma *3910. *5943. DAINTY BLUE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born February 21, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. Gamerdinger, Poquonock, Conn. S IRE , The Clansman of Coldstream *3922. D AM , Sapphire Dainty *3148. *5806. DELVIEW SHA SHI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue Copper eyes. Born February 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Elsie M. Beatty, Merchantville, N. J. S IRE , Blue Cloak King Lion, A. C. A. 4371. (See *4742, Vol. 8, p. 35.) D AM , Shawnee Pollyanna, by Bluestone of Tilecote *1211, ex Shawnee Prue *1239. *5404. DIXI-LAND DAN D. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1922. Bred by owner, Dixi-Land Kattery, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4684. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *5405. DIXI-LAND VINCA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1922. Bred by Dixi-Land Kattery, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4684. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. *6165. DIXI-LAND ZEV. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. H. Revington, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Lavender Triumph *5133. D AM , McAlvay Little Sweetness *4822. *5406. DON JUAN OF DIXI-LAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 2, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. H. Revington, Dixi -Land Kattery, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Milady Blue *4455. 30 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5620. DUCHESS O'WHIMSIE OF COLDSTREAM. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born August 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Bloedon. Owner, Mrs. Gladys Haight, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Duchess Noma of Coldstream *3910. *5273. EL TURCO OF OXFORD. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born March 7, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. A. Martel. Owner, Mrs. C. D. McFarland, Montreal, Que. S IRE , Turk's Ambassador *2654. D AM , Barbe Bleue Zipshim, A. C. A. 4184, by Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950, ex Zipshim, by Barbe Blue, ex Elizabeth Ann. *5673. FAUVETTE OF RADIOLIGHT (Champion). (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1921. Bred by Mrs. G. A. Bloedon. Owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Swift Lightning of Coldstream *3909. D AM , Reine Monglo (sic) of Coldstream, A. C. A. 5040, by Sapphire *1678, ex Nanette de Bournoy, by Bevis of Exeter, G. C. C. F. 5673, ex Petite Mimi. Wins: First and winner, Detroit, Marshall Jackson, 1923. *5845. FIFTY FIFTY OF NEWMARCH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 31, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Wm. Howell, Verdun, P. Q. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Tibboss *5487. *5509. FLEUR DES LIS GOOD INDIAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Amber eyes. Born April 9, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Fleur de Les (sic) Oginia *4892. D AM , Vermillion Bluzetta *3946. *5650. FLEUR DE LIS TIPPET. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. Franklyn B. Sanders, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Blue Jack of Crickmere *4523. D AM , Fleur de Lis Bluesea's Betty *4938. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 31 *4842. FLORIDA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue, Copper eyes. Born July 3,1921. Bred by Mrs, J. Gilmer. Owner, Mrs. S. A. Cook, Jacksonville, Fla. Former owner, Mrs. Ada Armbruster. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Shining Light of Revelstoke *4078. D AM , Blue Copperia, *4689. *5324. FOUNTAINBLUE OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 9, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4804. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5635. GLENROWAN LADY BONNETTE OF OXFORD. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. B. J. McKilliam. Owner, Mrs. Joan McFarland, Montreal. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian of Riverdale *4577. D AM , Lady Disdain of Glenrowan *5073. *5638. HELIOTHORPE II. OF OXFORD. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 15, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. P. Crowley. Owner, Miss Georgia D. McFarland, Montreal. S IRE , Arnoldthorpeson, A. C. A. 3455. (See *2897, Vol. 6, p. 8. D AM , Blue Maid *4107. *5481. HOUSTON TRU BLU MADRONA KOKO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 10, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. W. Truby, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Madrona Sir Koko III, A. C. A. 3631. (See *4224, Vol. 8, p. 42.) D AM , Madrona Blue Peggy, by Madrona, Sir Koko III, A. C. A. 3631, ex Princess Kapiolani, A. C. A. 3397. *5779. KILMORIE BUBBLE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born May 12, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Dexter B. Wiswell. Owner, Mrs. C. M. Crossley, Concord, Mass. S IRE , Greenwich Creamery King *2608. D AM , Blue Bell o'Dreams *2353. 32 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5799. KIM-BOY BLUE OF DIXI-LAND (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 29, 1922. Bred by Miss E. G. Hydon. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Revington, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Lavender Empire Lobelia **5449, by Lord Tom Blue Boy, ex Lady Tittlemouse **6420 (sic – Ladye Tittlemouse, ACA 4949 per Claudia; *6420 is New March Bonny Face) . *5350. KNIGHT OF MALTA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue Copper eyes. Born November 16, 1921. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, W. Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Sun Kow Pickaninny Prince **4008. (Vol. 8, p. 127.) D AM , Opal of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 5094, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Ragadee Girl of the Fox Valley, by Julius Caesar, A. C. A. 2663, ex Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3420. *5798. LADDIE-BOY BLUE OF DIXI-LAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. H. Revington, Chattanooga, Tenn. Owner, Miss Mildred Spencer, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , McAlvay Little Sweetness *4822. *5794. LADY ALEVIA OF DIXI-LAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. H. Revington, Chattanooga, Tenn. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Bird, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , McAlvay Little Sweetness *4822. *5541. LADY POINCIANNA OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5722. LADY VANITY OF GLENROWAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 10, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. S. Crofton. Owner, Mrs. B. J. McKilliam, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , The Laird of Rusholme *5060. D AM , Peace's Daughter *5061. *5880. LAVENDER DUPLICATE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 25, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Haight, New York. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavender Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Duchess O'Whimsie *5620. THE LAIRD OF RUSHOLME * 5060 International Champion Blue Male Owned by Mrs. J. B. McKilliam C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 33 *5412. LAVENDER FROLIC. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss E. G. Hydon. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5604. LAVENDER GENERAL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 14, 1922. Bred by Miss E. G. Hydon. Owner, Mrs. P. G. Kohlenbusch, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5879. LAVENDER KATE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 25, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Haight, New York. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavender Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Duchess O'Whimsie *5620. *5411. LAVENDER LARKSPUR. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born September 27, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Arnella Pride *4719. *5939. LAVENDER LEGACY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Lavender Luminous **5215. *5941. LAVENDER LIGHTFOOT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Light Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 18, 1922. Bred by Miss Alice Judge. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Puff O' Smoke **1995. *5544. LAVENDER LILLITH. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. O. Owen. Owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavender Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Saffette by Sapphire *1678, ex Nannette de Brunoy. (See *4721, Vol. 8, p. 42.) 34 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5605. LAVENDER LINK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Deep Copper eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Mumford. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Cloak Winona *5214. *5217. LAVENDER LOCKS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elsie G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. *5515. LAVENDER LOTTERY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. O. Owen. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavendar (sic – Lavender) Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Saffette, by Ch. Sapphire *1678, ex Mimi de Brunoy (see Lavender Lotus, below) (See *4721, Vol. 8, p. 42.) *5514. LAVENDER LOTUS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Mrs. E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavender Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Saffette, by Ch. Sapphire *1678, ex Nanette de Brunoy, by Bevis of Exeter, G. C. C. F. 5673, ex Mimi de Brunoy. (See *4721, Vol. 8, p. 42.) *5762. LAVENDER LUXURY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Owen. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Lavender Sunny Lad **5219. D AM , Saffette, by Ch. Sapphire *1678 (See *4721 , Vol. 8, p. 42), ex Nannette de Brunoy. *6031. LAVENDER POSSETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. G. Hydon. Owner, Mrs. A. G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Lavender Luminous **5215. *5724. LAVENDER ROLAND. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Lavender Link *5605. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 35 *5725. LAVENDER SUGAR PLUM. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Lavender Luminous **5215. *5940. LAVENDER SUPREMACY (Champion). (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Blue Arnella *4720. Wins: First and Winner, Best Cat, Empire, 1923; First and Winner, Best Cat, Atlantic, 1923; First and Winner, Best Cat, Boston, 1924; First and Winner, Keystone Stat e, 1924; First and Winner, Best Cat, Montreal, 1923. *5543. LORD BULLY OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Paxon, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5542. LORD PONCE OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *6020. MACOOSHELA OF RADIOLIGHT. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, III. S IRE , Coldstream Guard *6017. D AM , Fauvette of Radiolight *5673. *5985. MADRONA BLUE JOSEPHINE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. B. J. Sherlock, Sioux City, Iowa. S IRE , Madrona Sir Koko IV, A. C. A. 4398. D AM , Arbutus Victoria II, A. C. A. 4116, by Ch. Nelia Billi III, A. C. A. 2243, ex Arbutus Victoria *737. *6019. MARQUITA OF RADIOLIGHT. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Coldstream Guard *6017. D AM , Fauvette of Radiolight *5673. 36 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5454. McALVAY APRIL JOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4683. *5595. McALVAY BALIEFF. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 30, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *5792. McALVAY LADDEEN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , McAlvay Colleen *4819. *5707. McALVAY LADY AIDEEN. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , McAlvay Colleen *4819. *5973. McALVAY LADY DOREEN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *5791. McALVAY LADY MAC. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 30, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *5456. McALVAY LADY MADALYNNE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edna McAlvay, Perry, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Sir Zip *4584. D AM , Barbe Bleue Asule *4583. *5551. MISCHIEF MAKER OF SHADELAND. (Rules 1 and 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Born August 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Jacket, Jr. of Tanglewood *5483, A. C. A. 4959. D AM , Blue Heirloom *5484, A. C. A. 4960. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 37 *6010. MISS MOUNT ROYAL OF OXFORD. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1923. Bred by owner, Oxford Kennels, Montreal, Can. S IRE , El Turco of Oxford *5273. D AM , Glenrowan Lady Bonette of Oxford *5635. *6018. NANNETTE OF RADIOLIGHT. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born July 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Coldstream Guard *6017. D AM , Ch. Fauvette of Radiolight *5672. *5645. PANSONIA LADY HAMILTON. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. Owner, Miss Picket, Jackson, Mich. S IRE , Pansonia Lord Tom Boy *5076, A. C. A. 4970. D AM , Pansonia Blue Belle, A. C. A. 4374, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex: Pansonia Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373. Rahman, Jr., by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *4399, Vol. 8, p. 22.) Pansonia Peter Panette, by Bruin G. C. C. F. 6247, ex Billy G. C. C. F. 6246. Bruin, by Meath Glenholme, ex Jill of Hadley. Meath Glenholme, by Albert Edward, A. C. A. 188, ex Ch. Metchiam Tiddle. *5646. PANSONIA LADY JILLEY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian *4755. D AM , Pansonia Blue Belle, A. C. A. 4374, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Pansonia Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373. (See *5645.) Rahman, Jr., by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San , A. C. A. (See *5645.) *5325. PONCE DE LEON MARGARET O'LOVE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 9, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster. Owner, Mrs. L. O. Billings, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4804. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5833. PUFF O'BLUE OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born October 7, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ada Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4804. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. 38 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6187. PUZZLE MAKER OF SHADELAND. (Rules 1, 2. 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Light amber eyes. Born August 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Jacket, Jr., of Tanglewood *5483. D AM , Blue Heirloom *5484. *6197. RADIOLIGHT'S LILACADA. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. S. J. Chapman, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , McAlvay Mae of Radiolight *4824, A. C. A. 5269. D AM , Ch. Fauvette of Radiolight *5672, A. C. A. 5270. *5709. RIVERDALE SHINE OF IDLE HOUR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born May 11, 1918. Bred by Lady Aird. Owner, idle Hour Cattery, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Peace *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. *5898. SEBASTIAN, JUNIOR. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. Owner, Mrs. E. Kister, St. Catharines, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , C H . Grey Nun *4767. *5875. SENSATION OF RIVERDALE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 21, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick, Toronto. Owner, Miss Laura B. Jones, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Ch. Sebastian of Riverdale *4755. D AM , C H . Grey Nun *4767. *5323. SIR YOUTH OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 9, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs, Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hitchy Koo *4804. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *6143. SOUVENIR GRIFFON. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born March 2, 1923. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Gauthier. S IRE , Lavender Gem *5104. D AM , Blue Pandora *3005. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 39 *5555. SOUVENIR LADY MONICA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Born July 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Ramsay, Montreal. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Blue Pandora *3005. *6144. SOUVENIR LADY BUBBLE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1923. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. Owner, Miss A. M. Wynne, Woodland, Que. S IRE , Lavender Gem *5104. D AM , Souvenir Danderella **5653. *6142. SOUVENIR LADY TOBY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1923. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Newman, Montreal. S IRE , Lavender Gem *6104. D AM , Souvenir Danderella **5653. *5977. SPANISH MAIZE. (aka Bluefair Spanish Maize) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 20, 1922. Bred by Mrs. George Laeslie. Owner, Mrs. J. Thrush, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , The Duke of Nos Mada *4961. D AM , Dainty Lady Dell *5105. *5728. SUGAR BOY FLORIDA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Ada G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. Owner, Mrs. W. L. Jones, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Barbe Bleue Fairy *4803. *5403. SWEET GIRL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born July 31, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Geo. C. Treadwell. Owner, Mrs. Arthur D. Leonard, Yonkers, N. Y. S IRE , Hendon Marco *5137. D AM , Blue Monday *4681. *5487. TIBBOSS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange eyes. Born May, 1916. Bred by Lady Aird. Owner, Mrs. William Horrell, Montreal. S IRE , Peace *4754. D AM , Cricket of Araby *4756. 40 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5846. TIBBOSS II. OF NEWMARCH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Howell, Verdun, Ont. S IRE , Sapphire *1678. D AM , Tibboss *5487. *5925. TOY SING. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born June 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Milon Nicholas, Mohawk, N. Y. S IRE , Blue Larkspur *4440. D AM , Lady Mildred *4213. *5296. VERMILION RAMBO. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. Paul F. Bowser, Newark, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Blue Sea *3900. D AM , Vermilion Bluezetta *3946. *5797. THE VOLUNTEER OF DIXI-LAND. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born August 29, 1922. Bred by Miss E. G. Hydon. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Revington, Chattanooga, Tenn. S IRE , Ch. Sapphire *1678. D AM , Lavender Empire Lobelia **5449. Long-Haired Red and Orange *6013. ANNE ARISTOCRAT. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 8, 1922. Bred by Mrs. B. E. Watson. Owner, Mrs. Charles Burroughs, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Poppy Girl of the Fox Valley, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Jolly Yet *3544. Wins: First Novice, First Open and Winner, Columbus, 1923. *6053. BABEALADD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born Fall, 1919. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. F. W. Chonteau, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia II **4047. D AM , Queen Alla Baba *4053. *5704. BOBKINS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born July 15, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Edward Grotecloss, Jr., Eldred, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. Wm. W. Montgomery, Monticello, N. Y. S IRE , Remius *4369. D AM , Queen Minnetta II *4709. CHAMPION CHANDOS REDBURN C. F. A. * 5031 Red Male Owned by Mrs. K. E. Stacky C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 41 *6133. BON BRIGHT. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Deep orange eyes . Born August 8, 1921. Bred by Dr. B. Agiro. Owner, Mrs. Verne Sparks, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Junior, A. C. A. 4603, by Yuban *4317, ex Lady Katinka *4344. D AM , Isabel, A. C. A. 4766, by Teddy Bear, A. C. A. 1123, ex Milady Betty, A. C. A. 1125. Milady Betty, by Capitol City William McKinley, ex Lady Primrose. *5597. BONHOMIE BEATRIX. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born July 9, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Jean Taylor, Collingswood, N. J. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Red Dee Dee *5596. *5812. BOZA. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Deep red. Copper eyes. Born May 11, 1921. Bred by Mr. Fred Simms. Owner, Mrs. Frank Billhymer, Ottumwa, Iowa. S IRE , Prince Eppo *5220. D AM , Illinois Princess Tonka **5527. *5692. CASPER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. Lacy. Owner, Mrs. McConnell, Birmingham, Ala. S IRE , Renpoe *5284. D AM , Peggy Hyland *5190. *5923. CHANDOS CHUBBYE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Chandos Cattery, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Peacock Vermilion *4732. D AM , Chandos Sayde *3669. *6083. CHIEF BUSTER. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red Orange eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Anna Pieper. Owner, Mrs. Juanita Fossum, Portland, Ore. S IRE , Vermilion Marr *4459. D AM , Lorraine A C. A. 3767, by Blazing Odds of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3730 (See *4714, Vol. 8, p. 95), ex Gold Peach, A. C. A., by Seljuk, A. C. A. 2570, ex Queen of Hearts. (See *3942, Vol. 7, p. 36.) 42 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5366. CHIEF TUM-A-LUM OF BURKESHIRE (Champion). (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Dell Widman. Owner, Mrs. Warren Burke, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Jacquin, A. C. A. 4311 ***3520, by Chandos King of Hearts II *3185, ex Chandos Viva Vivian *3332. D AM , Lady Amberhue **5364, by Karuso the Great **4214, ex Madam Rusty **5365. Wins: First and winner, Detroit, 1922; Toledo, 1924; Columbus, 1924. *5584. CORAL REEF OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Jolly Rose of the Fox Valley *4014, Vol. 9. *5851. DAFFODIL SMITH. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Owner, Mrs. Smith. Registered by Miss Effie Immler, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , King Humbert **5291, by Coventry Bokhara, A. C. A. 1272, ex Bokhara Smudge Dee **5292. D AM , Southwick Tabby *3590. *5266. DIOGENES. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Yellow eyes. Born May 17, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. Fisher. Owner, Mrs. Frank Lloyd, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Ball of Snow *5183. D AM , Dotty Bell **4567. *6110. EAGLE'S WING OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690. (See *6107.) D AM , Miskodeed *5987. *5535. EIDERDOWN ROYAL CHEN D'OR. (Rules 1 Find 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born April 5, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Mary Warfel. Owner, Mrs. Alberta Hineline, W. Collingswood, N. J. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Goldie Red Eye of Eiderdown *3862. *5683. EIDERDOWN WASETOKA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Deep red. Deep copper eyes. Born April 15, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 43 *5684. EIDERDOWN WASE-WAN-KARN. (sic – KARU per index and subsequent entries) (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 15, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mary Warfel, Pitman, N. J. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Wa *3930. *6007. FLEUR DE LIS CHOLENA. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 13, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynde Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Fleur de Lis Doffles *4939. *6006. FLEUR DE LIS DANA DA. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born June 13, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Lynde Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Fleur de Lis Doffles *4939. *5810. FUSSY WAS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Deep orange eyes. Born April 19, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Ferris. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Dean, Denison, Texas. S IRE , Jack Horner Glenwolds *3281. D AM , Dolly Gold Nut, A. C. A. 3336, by Leo Leontine, A. C. A. 2379, ex Daisy Daffodil, A. C. A. 1777. Daisy Daffodil, by Red Ruff II, A. C. A. 1859, ex Too Too, A. C. A. 1495. *6108. GOLDEN PHEASANT OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690. (See *6107.) D AM , Miskodeed *5987. *5461. AILAURA. (Rules 1and 4.) L. H. Female. Orange. Yellow eyes. Born March 5, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Harding. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Blucroft, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Colonel P. H. **4687. D AM , Queenie of Clyde *4441. *5528. ILLINOIS TRINETT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born January 16, 1922. Bred by Illinois Cattery, Peoria, Ill. Owner, Mrs. Ida S. Smelker, Plattsville, Wis. S IRE , Prince Eppo *5220. D AM , Princess Tonka of Illinois **5527, by Rokeby Red Lancer **1602, ex Lady Love of Blackhawk **5526. Lady Love of Blackhawk, by Nepac Apache, A. C. A. 1648, ex Gold Nugget II. Nepac Apache, by Ch. Rom. Vice Admiral *1030, ex Rom. Red Dove. Gold Nugget, by Max, ex Mother Ruffles. 44 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6047. JEFFIE BOY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Paul Bowser. Owner, Mrs. Wilbur Grandle, Utica, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Rambo *5296. D AM , Matilda Silk II, by King Gold Bug *1943, ex Matilda Silk, A. C. A. 2061. Matilda Silks, by Sir Lazarre, A. C. A., ex Primrose. *5661. KING K BAXTER. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Golden eyes. Born September 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Pascal P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Carolyn Borders, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormack *4395. D AM , Queen Alla Baba *4053. *5568. LADD'S SHEPARDESS. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Pascal P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. A. J. Beasley, Toronto, Kans. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormack *4395. D AM , Ladd's Pride of the Morning *4696. *5225. LADD'S WONDERFUL SUN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 4, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia II **4047. D AM , Ladd's Princess **4054. *5478. LADY FEATHER TAIL. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. K. Schmidt, Palisade, N. J. Former owner, A. M. Pattison, Palisade, N. J. S IRE , Bonnie Trix *3660. D AM , Sunlight Maid *3790. *5328. LORD BYNG OF VIMY (Champion). (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Bred by owner Josephine M. Wallington, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Victory Chief **5495, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Betty Brown **5496. D AM , Sun Flash, A. C. A. 6037, by Boy Beautiful, Jr. **5809, ex Hoosier Beauty, A. C. A. 4149. Boy Beautiful, Jr., by Chum, ex Chintz Tabby. Chum, by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Daisy B., A. C. A. 2407. Chintz Tabby, by King Jet Black, A. C. A. 780, ex Lady B. Jane. Hoosier Beauty, by Thaleb Splendor, A. C. A. 2774, ex Jewelnette II *2330. Wins: First and Winner, Ottawa, 1922; M ontreal, 1922; St. Catherines, 1923. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 45 *5882. MACABEE OF BRYN CLOVIS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Light copper eyes. Born May 18, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. Owner, Mrs. M. C. Kiemer, East Chester, Pa. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318. D AM , Scarlet Lady of Vickery *4688. *4588. MADAM ALL WORTHY. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April, 1920. Bred by Mrs. B. L. Graves. Owner, Mrs. John Shaw, Erie, Pa. Former owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian. S IRE , Colonel P. H. **4587. (See *4588, Vol. 8, p. 55.) D AM , Queenie of Clyde *4441. *5332. MERDELDA RED REX. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born August 22, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Latimer. Owner, Mrs. A. T. Thompson, Toronto. S IRE , Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. 1872. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Dottie Darling, by Aurora Sunny Boy, A. C. A. 2437, ex Buntie of Salina, by King Jet, A. C. A. 180, ex The Admirable Lady Biddy. *5987. MISKODEED OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born September 22, 1919. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Havens. Owner, Bird's Nest Cattery, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Bun Bun, A. C. A. 3975. (See *4996, Vol. 8, p. 112.) D AM , Dutchie, by Star of Marigold, A. C. A. 861, ex Pansy Pepper. Star of Marigold, by W olverine Bismarck, ex Saxet Bonny Brownie. Pansy Pepper, by Yankee Doodle of Texas, A. C. A. 1836 (See *4644, Vol. 8, p. 48), ex Saxet Twinkle. *5667. NOSEY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Orange. Orange eyes. Born August 27, 1922. Bred by Virginia Saffin. Owner, Mrs. D. M. Blauvelt, Teaneck, N. J. S IRE , Sergeant Red Mars *3571. D AM , Clinker *1671. 46 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5648. PANSONIA PANCHRYS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by owner, Pansonia Cattery, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Pansonia Romar, A. C. A. 4375, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Pansonia Peter Panette, A. C. A. 4373. Pansonia Peter Panette, by Bruin, G. C. C. F. 6247, ex Billy, G. C. C. F. 6246. Bruin, by Meath Glenholme, ex Jill of Hadley. Billy, by Chippewa Blue, ex Pettie. D AM , Pansonia Miss Tommie *4345. Wins: First Novice, Second Open, Toronto, 1922, A. C. A.; First Open and Winner, Montreal, 1922. *5220. PRINCE EPPO. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born May, 1917. Bred by Mrs. C. Nendenhall. Owner, Mrs. A. M. Robinson, Peoria, Ill. S IRE , Thaleb Splendor, A. C. A. 2774, *3806. D AM , Lady Splendor, A. C. A. 3566, by Julius Caesar, A. C. A. 2663, ex Jewelnette II , A. C. A. 2581, *2330. Julius Caesar, by King Amber, ex Copper Maid **1970. *5872. PRINCESS THYRA OF WILLOWDALE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. Dora Young, Warren, Ind. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Ch. Princess Dara of Beaconlight *4576. *5915. QUEEN ROZZELLA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 10, 1921. Bred by Miss E. Brown. Owner, Mrs. Leslie B. Shank, Independence, Mo. S IRE , Red King Jerry *5177. D AM , Queen Ponsella *5207. *6077. RAJAH MACK'S SUNBURST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 24, 1916. Bred by Mrs. H. E. Allen. Owner, Mrs. Juanita Fossum. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318. D AM , Pansy Girl, A. C. A. 3120, by Sir Fritz, A. C. A. 432, ex Duchess Lintz, by Billiken Fluee, A. C. A. 834, ex Lady Katherine, A. C. A. 689. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 47 *5596. RED DEE DEE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born July 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. S. B. Young. Owner, Miss Jean Taylor, Collingswood, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Sandy McGregor *2624. D AM , Lady Ouida **3200. *5539. RED FOREST CHETNEY. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born January 23, 1922. Bred by owner, Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Forest Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Red Forest Chandos Vivi Vivian *8382. *5783. RED LIONESS. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born October 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Anna Pieper. Owner, Mrs. Juanita Fossum, Portland, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Marr *4459. D AM , Lorraine, A. C. A. 3767, by Blazing Ods of Tanglewood, A. C. A. 3730, ex Gold Peach. (See *4714, Vol. 8, p. 95.) Gold Peach, by Seljuk, A. C. A. 2570, ex Queen of Hearts. *5521. RED WREATH. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Orange. Copper eyes. Born May 10, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edith M. Harrington, Prosser, Wash. S IRE , Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, by Ch. Eden Rufus, ex Perdita. Eden Rufus, by Hampstead Red Lyon, ex Hampstead Butterfly. D AM , Nepac Belle of Tepeeland **2018. *5284. RENPOE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. C. Kennan. Owner, Mrs. R. Lacey, Birmingham, Ala. S IRE , The Original Spooner, A. C. A. 4162, by His Majesty, A. C. A. 5063, ex Suzette, A. C. A. 4915. D AM , Lady Gale, by Eric the Red, A. C. A. 2749, ex Bonita, A. C. A. 2747. *6005. RIGUETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born December 12, 1920. Bred by Miss Rose Tabib, Atlanta, Ga. Owner, Mr. I. M. Jenkins, Atlanta, Ga. S IRE , Lord Pontius **3423. D AM , Joffrette *4167. 48 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5556. RODOLPH VALENTINO OF VERMILION. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 30, 1921. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Masters, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. *5854. SALLY ANN. (Rules 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. B. Cornell, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , King Redcoat, A. C. A. 4096, by Red Cloud Billie, A. C. A. 3171, ex Little Mowitza, by General Jack *2016, ex Mowitza, A. C. A. 846. D AM , Betty Sunshine, A. C. A. 3180, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Bettine *1852. (See *4765, Vol. 8, p. 51.) *6046. SENECA CHIEF. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Gold Star of Beaconlight *4271. *5824. SESSUETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Orange. Amber eyes. Born April 25, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. Wyss. Owner, Airs. A. C. Sample, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , C H . Sessue, *5070. D AM , Betty Red Jacket *5213. *5775. SHEBA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper Eyes. Born May 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Miss Betty Blythe, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Bonnie Trix **3660. D AM , Sunlight Maid **3790. *5946. SIR HOGAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. S. Fawley. Owner, Mrs. P. H. Stern, Decatur, Ill. S IRE , Duke of Peru *4765. D AM , Hoosier Tigress Merita *4646. *5533. SIR SID. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Orange. Opal eyes. Born July 5, 1922. Bred by Miss Ella Black, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Marshall *4264. D AM , Blackhurst Sweetness *5195. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 49 *5972. SIR TANBIE. (No Rule listed in studbook) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Bred by Mrs. Fred Rowland, St. Catherines, Ont. Owner, Mrs. H. S. Salt, Toronto, Can. S IRE , Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 24.) D AM , Tenara, A. C. A. 3429, by Lord Bobbie **3849, ex Baby Fabian, A. C. A. 3172. *5300. SIR WALLACE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Deep copper eyes. Born March 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. S. B. Young. Owner, Miss Ruth I. Gormley, Norristown, Pa. S IRE , Joe Nichols *4471. D AM , Lady Ouida *3200. *6002. STORM 2ND. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Plumstead. Owner, Miss E. A. Black, Lake View, N. Y. S IRE , Neponset **4262. D AM , Ivory Doll *4263. *6048. STREAK O' LIGHT OF IDAESS. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 11, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ida S. Smelker, Platteville, Wis. S IRE , Prince Eppo of Oz *5220. D AM , Illinois Trinette *5528. *6168. SUNNISAN. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Mabel Davidson. Owner, Mr. R. E. Colcord, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ovid Red Robe *5002. *5610. TIMUQUANA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Neuter. Red. Amber eyes. Born October 2, 1921. Bred by Mrs. M. H. Tucker, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Sargeant Tip Top *4179. D AM , Florient *4776. *5688. VERMILION CUTIKUMS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born August 20, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Madam All Worthy *4588. 50 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5690. VERMILION REGINA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born February 9, 1922. Bred by Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. F. L. Favis. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ch. Chandos Ragna *3186. *5689. VE VE VERMILION. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. C. Ennisson. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian, Huron, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Vernon Vermilion *4314. D AM , Vermilion Aunt Febby *4740. Long-Haired Cream *5464. BARON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Registered by Miss Ida C. Pierson, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Blue Paddy **1567. D AM , Lady Betty Reinecke, A. C. A. 672, by The Red Knight, A. C. A. 670, ex Pansy Blossom, A. C. A. 525. *5585. BROCADE OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 6, 1918. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Bobbie Nichols *3058. D AM , Queen Aimee, A. C. A. 2530, by Aurora Admiral *3199, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 33.) *5587. CREAM CUPID. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream. Born July 4, 1916. Bred by Mrs. L. W. Gifford, Jr., Chicago, Ill. Owner, Mrs. J. S. C. Collins. Registered by Mrs. M. H. Tucker. S IRE , Amber King, A. C. A. 1547, by General Foxy Quiller, A. C. A. 1546, ex Iolanthe. (See Copper Belle *1839.) D AM , Copper Belle, A. C. A. 1611, by *1839. *5353. DAINTY DUCHESS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Amber eyes. Born May 15, 1918. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. Owner, Mrs. R. L. Corbett, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince of Persia II **4047. D AM , Baby Bunting Ladd *2442. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5979. GLORIE LYONNAISE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Amber eyes. Born July 26, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Paul M. Wells. Owner, Mrs. Edgar Roshong, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Bonnie Jane **5124. *5761. LORD ROBERTS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born May 2, 1922. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Preble, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Pontius **3423. D AM , Be Be **3326. *6049. MI CHUM OF IDAESS. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born April 11, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ida S. Smelker, Platteville, Wis. S IRE , Prince Eppo of Oz *5220. D AM , Illinois Trinette *5528. *6175. NESTORIAN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Amber eyes. Born April 30, 1922. Owner, Miss E. A. Black, Derby, N. Y. S IRE , Neponset **4262. D AM , Ivory Doll *4263. *5558. PANSONIA LLOYD GEORGE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Copper eyes. Born October 4, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Montreal. S IRE , Ch. Pansonia Peterkin Pan *4346. D AM , Pansonia Lady Betty Freeman *5010. *5489. PATRICK OF PANTHER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Born June 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Goldie Bradley, Fort Worth, Texas. S IRE , Blue Emperor of Coldstream *3891. D AM , Lady Ixta II of Panther **4637. *5718. QUEENIE PAT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Cream. Copper eyes. Born December 1, 1918. Bred by Mrs. T. M. Baldwin. Owner, Miss V. D. Patriarche, Schenectady, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Pontius **3423. D AM , Sunlight Maid **3790. 51 52 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5805. WAUKINA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Born April 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Mackay, McKees Rocks, Pa. Owner, Mrs. R. E. Wharton, Sewickley, Pa. S IRE , Ch. The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Tanglewood Princess, by Ch. Sea Foam *2014, ex Blue Bird, by Billy Button of Emberton *1378, ex Hyacinth *1370. Long-Haired Chinchilla *6167. AZURINE MARTREX. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 17, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. S. Gergel, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Hampton Wintrex of Wintarge *4507. D AM , Wintarge Marda *6166. *5874. BABICHE ZAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born April 3, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. Oken. Owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Anna, Ill. S IRE , Silver Dyke, Jr., A. A. 2834, by Ch. Silver Dyke *1190, ex Argent Mayblossom *1301. D AM , Mitzi Dyke, A. C. A. 4296, by Silver Dyke, Jr., ex Silver Mace, A. C. A. 3162. (See *4555, Vol. 8, p. 81.) *5869. BEBE OF RAMONA (Champion). (Rules 2 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born April 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Boillot. Owner, Mrs. M. W. Hanford, Sioux City, Iowa. S IRE , Van Dyke of Normandie, A. C. A. 4417, by Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke *1190, ex Lady Lavender, by Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke, ex Lady Norma. D AM , Bobinette of Claremont, A. C. A. 5073, by Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont, A. C. A. 3005, *1310, ex Claremont Memorie, A. C. A. 3911, by Dunder *1638, ex San Dawn *2423 *5855. BELVEDERE HAMPPURR. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla, Green eyes. Born September 12, 1921. Bred by owner, Belvedere Cattery, Tampa, Fl a. S IRE , Lord Hampton *3534. D AM , Vanity Fair Purrsia *4556. Wins: First Open and Winner, Best Male, Jacksonville, 1923. *5772. BINKIE. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. B. W. Cowgill, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Wintarge El Furado *5003. D AM , Some Vamp of San Dawn *5785. CHAMPION BEBE OF RAMONA * 5869 Chinchilla Female Owned by Mrs. Muriel Hanford C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 53 *5788. BISHOP WONDERLOVE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Lady Madge *4684. *5789. BISHOP WONDERSON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Masters, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Lady Madge *4684. *5598. BROOK'S KING ALFRED. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 11, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Bishop. Owner, Mr. Ed. Brooks, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Peter Pan of Hafiz *3205. D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. *5959. CHANDOS GRETCHEN. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 16, 1919. Bred by owner, Chandos Cattery, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Calvyn *4065. D AM , Chandos Silver Shadow, by Chandos Calvyn *4065, ex Chandos Ottilie. Chandos Ottilie, by Chandos Whiffyn, A. C. A. 2808, ex: Chandos Queenie. *5958. CHANDOS SILVER CHIEF. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 21, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. K. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Calvyn *4065. D AM , Lady Betty Ross, A. C. A. 4034 by Dai Light Democracy, A. C. A. 3568, ex Gwendolyn. Dai Light Democracy, by Aurora Silver Dai, A. C. A. 2487, ex Donne Bee, A. C. A. 2542. Gwendolyn, by Rob Roy III, Imp., A. C. A., ex Lady May. *6052. CHI CHI OF CLAREMONT. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Ida Eckert, Oakland, Cal. Owner, Miss Inez Ross, Sonoma, Cal. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy II of Claremont *4491. D AM , Claremont Memorie of San Dawn ***2916. 54 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5954. COUIE OF HAZELTON. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 5, 1922. Bred by Mrs. James Atkinson. Owner, Mrs. Mary Roper, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Holden Silver Starlight, A. C. A., 4127, by Holden Silver Buddy, A. C. A. 3377, ex Persis of San Dawn *2911. Holden Silver Buddy, by Ch. Ganymede *1353, ex Holden Silver Light, A. C. A. 2340. (See *3034, Vol. 6, p. 66.) *5782. DERU OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born December 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey, Springfield, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. *5410. DON IVAN OF AMERICAN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Lulu E. Whipple. Owner, Miss Laura F. Wheeler, Grant Park, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *5914. DONNA LOURA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born February 16, 1922. Bred by Miss Laura F. Wheeler, Chicago, Ill. Owner, Miss Eleanor J. Brundage, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Admiral Cricket *5267. D AM , Minnesota Silver Zi Zi *3925. (Vol. 9.) *5258. DON SILVOS. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Date of birth not given. Owner, Mrs. Anna Dillard. Registered by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Ch. Donsilverra *2792. D AM , Geraldine, by Don Otto, A. C. A. 1638, ex Alyta *1063. *5682. ECHO DALPHONE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 15, 1917. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. Edlah Martin, Boston, Mass. S IRE , Ch. Sandalphon *740. D AM , Silveretta, A. C. A. 2026, by Kama the Messenger, A. C. A. 1990, ex Lady Elsia. Kama the Messenger, by Silver Chieftain, ex Silver Pet. Lady Elsia, by Dunaine Peto, A. C. A. 625, ex Silver Cricket, A. C. A. 162. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5770. ELCO. 55 (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 26, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Cowgill, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Wintarge El Furado *5003. D AM , Some Vamp of San Dawn *5785. *5934. ENCHANTMENT OF IDLE HOUR. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Blue green eyes. Born April 25, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. B. Doughty, Philadelphia, Pa. Owner, The Idle Hour Cattery, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Dunder *1638. D AM , Wintarge Perenette, by Lord Arrandale ex Wintarge Perenca *3595. *3694, *5931. EVAJEAN OF GAYLAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 4, 1921. Bred by Miss Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. Owner, Dr. Grace Elmendorf, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Silvereen of Gayland *4439. *5818. FAIRY MOONBEAM. (Rules 2. 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Young. Owner, Mrs. Elida Lundy, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Silver Miner, A. C. A. 3849, by Ch. Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905, ex Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. D AM , Lydia Lee, A. C. A. 3850, by Al Tarek III *1414, ex Zaida, A. C. A. 3181. *5426. GLOW BOY OF GAIL HAMILTON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Buckholz, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *5224. GETCHIE OF WINNEBAGO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 17, 1920. Bred by Marian Hope. Owner, Mrs. J. P. Zeigler, Bloomsburg, Pa. S IRE , Lord Arrandale, A. C. A. 2978, *3694. D AM , Winter Fantasie, by Dunder *1638, ex Mandalay Marvel *4183. *5580. HAMPTON THEBUS. (Rules 1, 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 31, 1918. Bred by Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey. Owner, Hampton Cattery, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. 56 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5657. LADY COL. BRIT. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born September 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Lulu Whipple. Owner, Mrs. Jos. C. Brittain, Birmingham, Ala. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *5428. LADY GAIL OF GAIL HAMILTON. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Blanche Buckholz, Toledo, Ohi o. Owner, Mrs. E. Robards, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *5342. LE WANNA BENYMEDE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 18, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover , Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Ganymede *1353. D AM , Wahoo Elvaine *5199. *5841. LE WANNA BENYSON I. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Le Wanna Benymede *5342. D AM , Wahoo Elvaine *5199. *5843. LE WANNA LURLINE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Le Wanna Benymede *5342. D AM , Wahoo Elvaine *5199. *5837. LORD HIFERNA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born August 12, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Grace Albert. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Rob Reno of Minnesota *4301. *5425. LORD ROBLYN OF GAIL HAMILTON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Buckholz, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 57 *6030. LUNA GLOW OF PONCE DE LEON. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 7, 1922. Bred by Mrs. F. W. Hamlin. Owner, Mrs. A. G. Armbruster, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Lady La Bloyd *5171. *5460. MELIOR MAID OF FLORAL ROW. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 18, 1921. Bred by Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. F. G. Yule, Lincoln, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Ganymede *1353. D AM , Wahoo Elvaine **5199, by Don Silvos ex Holden Dyke-Elva *3034. *5258, *5578. MERCHY, JR., OF SAN DAWN. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. S. Crandall, Eckford, Mich. S IRE , Argent Flashlight of San Dawn *6047. D AM , San Dawn II *5041. *3935. MINNESOTA SILVER ZIZI OF HAWTHORNE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 4, 1919. Bred by Minnesota Cattery, St. Paul, Minn. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Jeffrey, Springfield, Ill. S IRE , Our King Silver I, A. C. A. 2222, by Silver King II **4315, ex Lady Vixen, A. C. A. 2178, by Eidelweiss (sic) , A. C. A. 423, ex Miffy Eddy, A. C. A. 1567. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *6011. MISS MONTREAL OF OXFORD. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 21, 1923. Bred by owner, Oxford Kennels, Montreal, Can. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha *4768. D AM , Ch. Empire Lady Chipmunk *5957. *6009. MISS OXFORD. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 21, 1923. Bred by owner, Oxford Kennels, Montreal, Can. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha *4768. D AM , Ch. Empire Lady Chipmunk *5957. *5771. MOGLI. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. B. W. Cowgill, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Wintarge El Furado *5003. D AM , Some Vamp of San Dawn *5785. 58 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5561. MYSTIC PRINCE SILVERTONE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born August 8, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Pearl Gray, St. Mary's, Ont. S IRE , Empire Lambkins, A. C. A. 3517, by Empire Wahoo Hastings *2045, ex Lady Schultz **2784. (See *5185, Vol. 8, p. 66.) D AM , Empire Silver Darness, A. C. A. 4577, by Empire Lambkins, A. C. A. 3517, ex Lady Schultz **2784. *5637. PANSYANA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. M. Weeks, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Queen of Iran *4235. *5733. PIERKITE OF RAMONA. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. A. Boillot. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Willoughby, Ohio. S IRE , Van Dyke of Normandie, A. C. A. 4417, by Ch. Romeo Silver Dyke, ex Lady Lavada. Lady Lavada, by Ch. Silver Dyke, ex Lady Norma, A. C. A. D AM , Bobinette of Claremont, A. C. A. 5073, by Ch. Rob Roy II of Claremont, A. C. A. 3005, ex Claremont Memorie of San Dawn, A. C. A. 3911, by The Viking *1638, ex San Dawn *2423. *5992. PRINCESS SILVERKIN (Champion). (Rules 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 12, 1918. Bred by Mrs. S. E. Kellogg. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Haggard, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356. D AM , Dainty Lassie, A. C. A. 3795, by Prince Argentine, A. C. A. 2329, ex Silver Trixie, A. C. A. 3348. Silver Trixie, by Montezuma, A. C. A. 2521, ex Little Mitzie Muffet, A. C. A. 3447. Wins: First and Winner, Chicago, 1922; Decatur, 1923; Indianapolis, 1923. *4172. ROBLYN OF CLAREMONT (Champion). (Tansfer (sic) of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 23, 1919. Bred by Mr. A. Edstrom. Owner, Mrs. R. P. Spellman, Schenectady, N. Y. Former owner, Mrs. B. Buckholz. S IRE , Ch. Rob Roy II of Claremont, A. C. A. 3006. D AM , Silverton Queen **4215. (See *4172, Vol. 8, p. 70.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 59 *5599. RREK'S MEADOWORTH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Blue-green eyes. Born October, 1920. Bred by Mrs. James L. Wood. Owner, Dr. E. H. Kerr, Mechanicsville, Iowa. S IRE , Silver Echo *3465. D AM , MR Cherie of Carlisle, A. C. A. 2767, by Al Tarek III *1414, ex Fluffy Ruffles II **713. *5340. SABELART. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Yellowish green eyes. Born September 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. Stevenson. Owner, Miss Isabel M. Buckart, Long Island City, N. Y. S IRE , Daddy *5145. D AM , Wuzzer Fuzzy, by Silver Sport *2908, ex Dolly. Dolly, by Silver Sport, ex Topsy Toes **3858. *5811. SILVER DON. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born October 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Roblyn III of Minnesota *4316. D AM , Silver Donna II, A. C. A. 4098, by Sir Patrick, A. C. A. 2079, ex Lady Lynnette, by Sir Patrick, A. C. A. 2079, ex Branchi. Sir Patrick, by Lord Beresford, A. C. A. 1116, ex Fluff. *5785. SOME VAMP OF SAN DAWN. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Bred by Marie Stout Crandall. Owner, Mrs. Blanche W. Cowgill, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Roblyn II of Minnesota *4300. D AM , San Gleam of San Dawn *4222. *5964. THERO OF HAWTHORNE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 29, 1922. Bred by Hawthorne Cattery, Springfield, Ill. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Ruder, St. Louis, Mo. S IRE , Sylvano of Hawthorne *3905. D AM , Dearie of Hawthorne *4050. *6196. WAHOO DIONA MENOTA. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born May 17, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Madam Herwina, by Ch. Ganymede *1353, ex Madam Herwin *2057. 60 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6190. WAHOO ODETTE OF SINDHIA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 7, 1923. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Holden Mystery of Wahoo *4401. *6192. WAHOO ELOISE OF WOODHOLME. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 7, 1923. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Harry Grace, Hudson, Ohio. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Holden Mystery of Wahoo *4401. *5476, WAHOO GRAYSON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Holden Mystery *4401. *5475. WAHOO STARDUST CAID. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 28, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. E. T. Dubord, Montreal. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Holden Mystery *4401. *6166. WINTARGE MARDA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 19, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Arthur H. Churchill, Montclair, N. J. Owner, Mrs. L. S. Gergel, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Lord Arrandale of Claremont *3694. D AM , Cirrus of Wintarge *3470. *5287. WINTARGE SILVERTINA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born March 20, 1921. Bred by Wintarge Cattery. Owner, Mrs. R. S. Twiss, Edgerton, Va. S IRE , Argent Silverhair *3143. D AM , Perenca of Wintarge *3595. *6041. WINTER STARLIGHT II. OF PEQUOSSETTE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born November 6, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Marion F. Hobbs, Cochituate, Mass. S IRE , Winter Starlight, A. C. A. 3777, by Ch. King Winter *539, ex Fallulah Bettina $1643. D AM , Theda Bara, by Silver Baron, A. C. A. 2793, ex Silver Beauty. Silver Baron, by Fairmount Zal, ex Lady Evelyn. Silver Beauty, by Prince Chin Chin, ex Tootsie Wootsie. (See *3740, Vol. 7, p. 48.) Wins: Best cat, Lynn, 1922; best cat, Chelsea, 1922; best cat, Boston, 1923; best Shaded Silver, Boston, 1924. WINTER STARLIGHT II OF PEQUOSSETTE C. F. A. * 6041 Chinchilla Male Owned by Mrs. Marion F. Hobbs C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 61 Long-Haired Shaded Silver *5257. ADMIRAL CRICKET. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes; Born May 6, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Edith Danforth. Owner, Miss Laura F. Wheeler, Grant Park, Ill. S IRE , Holden Silver Cricket, A. C. A. 3227, *4096. D AM , Princess Blossom, A. C. A. 3774, by Holden Silver Cricket, A. C. A. 3227, ex Summer's Dream, A. C. A. 8198, by Argent Mercury, A. C. A. 2661, *2807, ex Silver Psyche, A. C. A. 2338. *5734. ADOUR PASHA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Born July 28, 1922. Bred by Pasha Caid Kennels, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Cordon C. Cushing, Montreal. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha 04768. D AM , Empire Lady Crynoline, A. C. A. 5318, by Lord Tom Blue Boy, A. C. A. 5003, ex Empire Blue Betty, A. C. A. 4859. Empire Blue Betty, by Peace *4754, ex Cricket of Araby *4756. *5469. ANABEL GRAY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1918. Bred by Mrs. McVickers. Owner, Mrs. J. P. Thompson, Orange, Va. S IRE , Ch. Sandy McGregor *2624. D AM , Stella Maris *3771. *5740. BEN ALI PASHA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 28, 1922. Bred by Pasha Caid Kennels, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Walter B. Scroggie, Montreal. S IRE , Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha *4768. D AM , Empire Lady Crynoline, A. C. A. 5318. (See *5734.) *5780. BETSY ADELAIDE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Adelaide Lynch, Albany, N. Y. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4440. D AM , Lady Adelaide *4027, by Glormenia **2894, ex Blue Lady *3844. *5552. BRENTWOOD PYNCHOW VELMA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 7, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Joseph Richmond, Springfield, Mass. 62 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK Owner, Mrs. R. P. Spellman, Schenectady, N. Y. S IRE , Empire Victor, A. C. A. 4067, by Empire Lambkins A. C. A., ex Lady Schultz *2784. (See *5185, Vol. 8, p. 66.) D AM , Lady Silverhair, A. C. A. 4188, by Belmont Al Stai *4108, ex Silver Jubilee, A. C. A. 3386, by Don Otto, ex Alyta *1063. *5427. CAPTAIN SPUNK OF GAIL HAMILTON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Buckholz, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *5613. CHADDIE. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Hazel eyes. Born March 27, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Mona Lichtner. Owner, Dr. E. Upham, Asbury Park, N. J. Former owner, Dr. Helen F. Gibson, Red Bank, N. J. S IRE , Il Sumbujie **2279. D AM , Quaker Doll, A. C. A. 2634, by Butiboi II, A. C. A. 2420, ex Muzette, A. C. A. 698, by Silver Sultan, ex Abby Fluff Ball, A. C. A. 538. *5924. CHANDOS BOYKIN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born June 23, 1922. Bred by owner, Chandos Cattery, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Chandos Silver Chief *5958. D AM , Chandos Dainty, by Chandos Calvyn *4065, ex Chandos Silver Shadow, by Chandos Calvyn *4066, ex Chandos Ottilie, by Chandos Whiffyn, A. C. A. 2808, Queenie. *5957. EMPIRE LADY CHIPMUNK (Champion). (Rules 2 and 6.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 27, 1919. Bred by Empire Cattery, Canada. Owner, Oxford Kennels, Montreal. Former owner, Mrs. J. Cooper, North Day, Ont. S IRE , Empire Lambkins, A. C. A., by Wahoo Hastings *2045, ex Lady Schultz **2784. D AM , Lady Schultz **2784. (See *5185, Vol. 8, p. 55.) Wins: First and Winner, Ottawa, 1921; Montreal, 1921; Ottawa, 1922. *6044. HIGH JACK. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May, 1921. Bred by Mrs. D. V. Kennedy. Owner, Mrs. H. G. Kull, Trenton, Mo. S IRE , Ch. Lone Jack *4582. D AM , Marianna *4679. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 63 *5436. JUNY BOUNCE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Blue gray eyes. Born March 7, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. S. Twiss. Owner, Mrs. B. W. White, North Empori a, Va. S IRE , Billy Bounce *4397. D AM , Allan Gray *3928. *6004. KING AROMA. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 24, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. E. McCutcheon. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Lady Valentine *4178. *5664. KING VILLA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 2, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Gebhart, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Ch. Princess Bondella *5114. *5933. LADY ALVIENE OF GAYLAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Silvereen of Gayland *4439. *6028. LAKEWOOD TAIL FANG. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 25, 1922. Bred by Miss Goldie Bradley. Owner, Mrs. Emma Biscoe, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Don Pedro *4325. D AM , Lady of the Yukon *4656. *5844. LE WANNA SILVER DAISY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Le Wanna Benymede *5342. D AM , Wahoo Elvaine *5199. *6152. *6251. LE WANNA SILVERLAND PAXANNA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 6, 1922. Bred by Mrs. F. B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. Owner, Mrs. E. Rubard, Owego, N. Y. Former owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Johnson City, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Winter Pax *3463. D AM , Silverland Sweet Briar *4257. 64 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *4582. LONE JACK (Champion). (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5,) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 21, 1918. Bred by Mrs. D. V. Kennedy. Owner, Mrs. C. C. Kempf, Omaha, Neb. S IRE , Dr. Rosenwald *4580. D AM , Ch. Effie Speas *4581. Wins: First and Winner, Dallas, 1920; Kansas City, 1921; Omaha, 1922. *5984. MADRONA SILVER CHITA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356. D AM , Madrona Silver Vixen *5983. *5983. MADRONA SILVER VIXEN. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 10, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. G. Hiller, Seattle, Wash. S IRE , Everett True, A. C. A. 3384, by Ch. Rob Roy of Claremont *4172, ex Lady Gwyneth. Lady Gwyneth, by Ch. Sir Koko, A. C. A., ex Seattle Alumnia, by Silver Dollar, ex Miss Tinta. D AM , Mlle. Fi Fi, A. C. A. 4399, by Silver Dyke, Jr., A. C. A. 2834, ex Argent May Blossom *1301. *5697. MIS-CHIEF OF WEDGEWOOD. (Rules 1, 4 and.5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 25, 1921. Bred by Miss H. E. Brown, New York. Owner, Mrs. Eva M. Barnett, Canton, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Silver Echo *3465. D AM , Mimi *3475. *5774. MITZOO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Blue green eyes. Born October 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. V. Boyer. Owner, Mrs. A. P. Lee, Philadelphia, Pa. S IRE , Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3417. D AM , La Fronzie Belle of Eiderdown *3609. *5316. OVID MAGNET. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Oken, Seattle, Wash. Owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Ovid, Mich. S IRE , Ch. Holden Silverkin *2356, A. C. A. 2845. D AM , Mitzi Dyke, A. C. A. 4296, by Silver Dyke, Jr., A. C. A 2834, ex Silver Mace, A. C. A. 3162. (See *4555, Vol. 8, p. 81.) C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 65 *6193. PEDROSA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. O. E. Gilbert. Owner, Mrs. Anna Dillard. S IRE , Al Tarek *120. D AM , Fanchondale, A. C. A. 386, by Ard Patrick of Arrandale, ex Ch. Lady Thelma, A. C. A. 280. *5384. PRINCE OF ROSALIND. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 11, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. Ruth Shank, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. *5114. PRINCESS BONDELLA (Champion). (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 12, 1919. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. O. L. Heslar, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Lady Bordeaux *3646. Wins: First and Winner, Toledo, 1920, 1922; Indianapolis, 1923. **5607. PRINCESS OF GRACEMORE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 20, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Grace Morris, Center Village, N. Y. S IRE , Remlik of Silverland **4591. D AM , Silverland Mistletoe *4258. *4340. RAINBOW MADAM TRINTARIA. (Transfer from Vol. 8.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 4, 1920. Bred by Mrs. James Atkinson. Owner, Mrs. Jesse Ellsworth, Oskaloosa, Iowa. S IRE , Prince Snow Fleece *3904. D AM , Princess Josephine **3903. *4591. REMLIK OF SILVERLAND. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born February 22, 1919. Owner, Mrs. F. B. Ryder, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Glomenia *2894. D AM , Swipes **6114, by Rumson Friar Ruff ex Dainty Doris **6153, by Toby, ex Rebecca. *1637, 66 C. F A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5510. ROSALIND QUEEN REITA. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Bred by Mrs. Martin. Owner, Mrs. R. F. Shank, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Winter Starlight, A. C. A. 3337, by Ch. King Winter *539, ex Fallulah Bettina *1643. D AM , Echo Leita, A. C. A. 2324, by Heather Laddie, A. C. A. 1408, ex The Quakeress, A. C. A. 1549. (See *4050, Vol. 7, p. 54.) *5699. ROSALIND QUICKSILVER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born June 23, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. F. Shank, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Echo Dalphone *5682. D AM , Rosalind Queen Reita *5510. *5700. ROSALIND SILVER NYMPH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born June 23, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. F. Shank, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Echo Dalphone *5682. D AM , Rosalind Queen Reita *5510. *5698. ROSALIND SILVER BEAR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green e yes. Born June 23, 1922. Bred by Mrs. R. F. Shank, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Bishop, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Echo Dalphone *5682. D AM , Rosalind Queen Reita *5510. *5600. RREK'S DAI. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Born July 7, 1922. Bred by owner, Dr. E. H. Kerr, Mechanicsville, Iowa. S IRE , Rrek's Meadoworth *5599. D AM , Bunny Dai, A. C. A. 2768, by Aurora Silver Dai, A. C. A. 2487, ex Silver Psyche, A. C. A. 2333. (See *2507, Vol. 5, p. 8.) *5929. SILVER BLOOM OF GAYLAND. (Rules 1, 4 and.5.) L. H. Female. Shaded Aver. Green eyes. Born September 4, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Silvereen of Gayland *4439. *5930. SILVER CLEORA OF GAYLAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Silvereen of Gayland *4439. Shaded Silver Male Owned by Mrs. C. S. C. Eisenbrey SILVERSHINE LADDIE * 5676 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 67 *5665. SILVER DAPPO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 2, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. L. Gebhart, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Ch. Princess Bondella *5114. *5932. SILVER FOYE OF GAYLAND. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 19, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Minnie Bartholomew, Fredonia, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Brushwood Winter Wonder *3426. D AM , Silvereen of Gayland *4439. *5237. SILVERLAND FAIRY FLOWER. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 15, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Fernie B. Ryder. Owner, Mrs. Geo. H. Winans, Scranton, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Silver Echo *3465. D AM , Silverland Mistletoe *4258. *5676. SILVERSHINE LADDIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 6, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Gladys Simpson. Owner, Mrs. C. S. C. Eisenbrey, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Hampton Wintrex of Wintarge *4507. D AM , Hampton Whispering Hope *3655. *5286. SING A SONG OF DIXIE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. R. S. Twiss. Owner, Mrs. F. N. Mallory, Lawrenceville, Va. S IRE , Billy Bounce *4397. D AM , Allan Gray *3928. *5913. SIR ROBERT GRAY. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 22, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Gladys Simpson. Owner, Miss Eleanor J. Brundage, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Hampton Wintarge of Wintrex (sic – Wintrex of Wintarge) *4507. D AM , Hampton Whispering Hope *3655. *5739. SPAHI PASHA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 28, 1922. Bred by Pasha Caid Kennels, Montreal. Owner, Mrs. Ross, Hawkesbury, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Hampton Silver Aryon Pasha *4768. D AM , Empire Lady Crynoline, A. C. A. 5318. (See *5734.) 68 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5622. TIMBUCTOO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Born April 11, 1922. Bred by owner, Dr. Helen F. Gibson, Red Bank, N. J. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Chaddie *5613. *5429. TOLEDO COUNCIL OF GAIL HAMILTON. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Blanche Buc kholz, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Roblyn of Claremont *4172. D AM , Minnesota Silver Humor *3740. *6198. WAHOO CYTHEREA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 7, 1923. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Howard Snider, New Rochelle, N. Y. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Holden Mystery of Wahoo *4401. *6194. WAHOO ECLIPSE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Dark shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 7, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Roc helle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Holden Mystery of Wahoo *4401. First Kitten Class, Empire, 1923. *6195. WAHOO ELVA M'REE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born January 24, 1920. Bred by Mrs. A. L. Dillard. Owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Pedrosa *6193. D AM , Sylvia, by Don Silvos *5258, ex Holden Dyk -Elva *3034. *5479. WAHOO GAYTHORNE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 28, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Holden Mystery *4401. *5474. WAHOO GRAY SHADES. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Dark shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 28, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. G. A. Schoonover, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Holden Mystery *4401. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 69 *5477. WAHOO ODD SOCKS. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Holden Mystery *4401. Win: First Shaded Silver Novice, Silver Society, 1922. *6199. WAHOO PRINCE MELLOW. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born August 19, 1923. Bred by Mrs. Olive E. Gilbert, Rochelle Park, N. J. Owner, Mrs. Herman Pade, McCook, Neb. S IRE , Sir Holden of Wahoo *4400. D AM , Wahoo Elva M'Ree *6195. *5883. WATCH ME OF SAN DAWN. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. S. Crandall, South Bend, Ind. S IRE , Argent Flashlight of San Dawn *6047. D AM , San Dawn II *5041. Long-Haired Silver Tabby *6086. DOLLIE SILVER II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born November 28, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Friar. Owner, Mrs. Eugene Ellis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Former owner, Mr. Wm. Artz. S IRE , Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. D AM , Mistuf *4884. *5335. KINGFISHER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born May 17, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, Phil adelphia, Pa. S IRE , Ball of Snow *5183. D AM , Dotty Belle **4567. *5738. LADY SELIMA OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Silver tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charottesville (sic – Charlottesville) , Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prespect (sic – Prospect) Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar **5517, Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783, ex Gray Baby, by Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783, ex Madam Fluffy Locks. *5994. ZOE OF PITTSBURGH. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Silver Tabby. Green Eyes. Born July 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. H. Lemley. Owner, Mrs. Helen Clesh, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Sir Thomas Noir of Pittsburgh *4417. D AM , Silver Lady O'Mine *4067. 70 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Smoke *5243. CHIEF OTTUMWA. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born October 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Grace A. Waldemar. Owner, Mrs. Nellie M. Miller, Finday (sic – Findlay) , Ohio. S IRE , Conqueror Tamerline (sic – Tamerlane) , A. C. A. 4520, by Faust II *722, ex Norma. D AM , Brunhilde, A. C. A. 4576, by Kewlockeson. A. C. A. 1822, ex Jollie Cosette, A. C. A. 4519. Kewlockeson, by Ch. Kewlocke, A. C. A. 12, ex Smoke of Southampton. Jollie Cosette, by Jasper, ex Lovey Mary. *5821. KILMORIE POMONA. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. M. Crossley, Concord, Mass. S IRE , Kilmorie Captivator **5800. D AM , Kilmorie Bubble *6779. *6146. LADY OF THE EVENING. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born April 10, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. S. Hanford. S IRE , Faust II **722. D AM , Lanorma **6136. *5807. MARIE JEANNE (Champion). (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born June 15, 1918. Bred by owner, Dr. Frances L. MacCraken, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Muezzin, by San Dawn Prince Charming, ex Fefe San Dawn Prince Charming, by Silver Bob, ex Silver Heels Fefe, by Banjo, ex Fefe II. Silver Bob, by Romeo Sunbeam, ex Griselle. Silver Heels, by Tintagel, B. C. C., ex Lady Bee. D AM , Twist, by Woodrow Thor, A. C. A. 2925, ex Woodrow Dolly, A. C. A., Woodrow Thor, by Woodrow Billy Baxter, by Fritzie Fresh. Woodrow Dolly by Rahman *1091, ex Lady of Orange. Wins: First and Winner, Toledo, 1920; Detroit, 1922; Toledo, 1922. *5832. PILLAR OF THE MOSQUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. W. Mackey, McKees Rocks, Pa. Owner, Dr. Frances L. McCracken, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Ch. The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Ch. Caterpillar of Delamere *3580. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 71 *5819. SCOOT. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born June 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Elsa Reichwein. Owner, Mrs. O. F. Heslar, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Billy the Great *5160. D AM , Sisselee *5132. *5644. SIR GIENDAR OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Green eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar of Prespect (sic) Hill **5517. *5590. YANKEE MINUTE MAN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born May 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. S IRE , Ch. The Conqueror **2791, A. C. A. 3217. (See *4962, Vol. 8, p. 30.) D AM , Yankee Polly Ann, by Ch. O'Samurai San, A. C. A. 2670, ex Chummie Gypsy Girl, A. C. A. 4243. (See *4399, Vol. 8, p. 22.) *5748. ZAY TEK OF WINNEBAGO. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born April 20, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. P. Zeigler, Bloomsburg, Pa. S IRE , Ch. The Black Masque *3627. D AM , Lady Zeigler *4150. Long-Haired Brown Tabby *5884. AMICUS DONUM. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. Owner, Miss Josephine Corris, Elizabeth, N. J. S IRE , Dushyanta *3843. D AM , Fairy Neda II, A. C. A. 5245, by Pasconel **1613, ex Shurnana **2221. *5944. ARBIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 24, 1922. Bred by Miss Lucy Daniels. Owner, Mrs. Julia M. Tole, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Blooey-Blooey, A. C. A. 5107, by King Tokio *4322, ex Ebonie Winifred Black III *4831. D AM , Mo-te II **5696. 72 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *6068. BEE-KAY LADY BROWNIE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. Sandborn. Owner, Mrs. Aug. R. Koester, Milwaukee, Wis. S IRE , Ilderim Doykin, A. C. A. 4978. (See *6067, Vol. 9.) D AM , Bee-Kay Vashti, A. C. A. 6154, *6034. *6070. BEE-KAY LADY MIMI. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. Sandborn. Owner, Mrs. Aug. R. Koester, Milwaukee, Wis. S IRE , Ilderim Doykin, A. C. A. 4978. (See *6067, Vol. 9.) D AM , Bee-Kay Vashti *6034. *6079. BEE-KAY MIRZA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. W. Sandborn. Owner, Mrs. E. Ottney, Jackson, Mich. Former owner, Mrs. Aug. R. Koester, Milwaukee, Wis. S IRE , Ilderim Doykin, A. C. A. 4978. (See *6067, Vol. 9.) D AM , Ilderim Vazda, A. C. A. 4979, by Valiant of Bengal, A. C. A. 1658, ex Ilderim Zetra, A. C. A. 2503. *6034. BEE-KAY VASHTI. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 7, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Woodburg Sandborn. Owner, Mrs. Aug. R. Koester, Milwaukee, Wis. Former owner, Mrs. K. W. Grismer. S IRE , Ilderim Little Man, A. C. A. 5035, by Valiant of Bengal, A. C. A. 1858, ex Ilderim Zetra, A. C. A. 2503. Valiant of Bengal, by Brayfort Voceroy (sic – Viceroy), A. C. A. 1406, ex Paquita, A. C. A. 1490. D AM , Ilderim Eileen, A. C. A. 2794, by Brayfort Viceroy, A. C. A. 1406, ex Ch. Shireen. Brayfort Viceroy, by Ch. Brayfort Viking, ex Ch. Brayfort Tip Toppee. Ch. Shireen, by Ch. Persimmon, 607, ex Dame Tucker, A. C. A. 655. *6067. BEE-KAY ZETRA II. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. Sandborn. Owner, Mrs. Aug. R. Koester, Milwaukee, Wis. S IRE , Ilderim Doykin, A. C. A. 4978, by Ilderim Doy, A. C. A. 1426, ex Ilderim Zetra, A. C. A. 2503. Ilderim Doy, by Ch. Persimmon, A. C. A. 607, ex Dame Tucker 655. Ilderim Zetra, by Brayfort Viceroy, A. C. A. 1406, ex Ch. Shireen. D AM , Bee-Kay Vashti, A. C. A. 5154, *6034. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 73 *5835. BILL MAIN. (No Rule listed in studbook) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born July 27, 1921. Bred by Mrs. K. Miller. Owner, Mrs. May Thomas, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Miller's Buster **4055. D AM , Ducky Darling *5083. *5423. CALANDULA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Golden eyes. Born September 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Theo. Slade, Wichita , Kans. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Jungle Fire Queen *5035. *6024. CAPTAIN KERMAN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Martha J. Barnes. Owner, Mrs. G. E. Myers, Johnstown, Ohio. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels **3878. D AM , Billie Burke, A. C. A., by Bruno's Best Boy **1608, ex Princess Polly Pepper, A. C. A. 2271. *5498. CHIEF'S PLEASURE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 9, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stony Creek, Ont. S IRE , Victory Chief *6495. D AM , Princess Jet **5494. *5988. CHIRPER OF THE BIRD'S NEST. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born March 27, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Emerson. Owner, Bird's Nest Cattery, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Dandy Boy *3840. D AM , Terpischore *3841. *5752. FAVORETTA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Amber eyes. Born June 24, 1922. Bred by owner, Miss Lucy Daniels, Dallas, Texas. S IRE , Blooey-Blooey, A. C. A. 5107, by King Tokio *4322, ex Winifred Black III *4831. D AM , Mo-te II **5696. *5995. FELICIA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 24, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. F. Bock. Owner, Miss Fay Shoemaker, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Joyce *4113. 74 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5750. GENEVIE NORINE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. John Gay. Owner, Mrs. Frank Willis, Alliance, Ohio. S IRE , Liberty Kidd **3780. D AM , Queen Gay **4608. *5259. GOLDENA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Greenish golden eyes. Born September 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Theo. Slade, Wichita, Kans. Owner, Mrs. E. B. Edwards. S IRE , Ch. Chappie Boy *1871. D AM , Jungle Fire Queen *5035. *5606. GRACEMORE'S PRINCETON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Yellow-green eyes. Born May 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. M. Bernstein. Owner, Mrs. Grace Morris, Center Village, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Goldfinch *2505. D AM , Clarisse *2129. *4186. JAMES COX. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 1, 1920. Bred by Mrs. M. K. Eastman. Owner, Maude Kennede, Buckeye Lake, Ohio. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels *3878. D AM , Joyce *4113. *5804. LADY CASTELL OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Martha J. Barnes, Buckeye Lake, Ohio. S IRE , General Gorgas **3953. D AM , Lady Lake of Columbus Kennels, **4361. *596.5. LADY CONDAX OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Born February 3, 1923. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. Owner, Mrs. John Ruddle, Barboursville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar of Prospect Hill *5517. *5516. LADY FETNAH OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born May 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Maud Phinney. Owner, Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. S IRE , Buster Phinney, A. C. A. 4480, **4133. D AM , Susyanna, A. C. A. 4481, *2010. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 75 *6148. LADY KI KU OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Born March 18, 1923. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips, Charlottesville, Va. Owner, Mrs. John Ruddle, Barboursville, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prespect (sic – Prospect) Hill *6518. D AM , Lady Fetnah of Prospect Hill *5516. *5422. LOLLYPOP. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Greenish golden eyes. Born September 16, 1921. Bred by Mrs, Theo. Slade, Wichita, Kans. S IRE , Ch. Ch. Boy *1871. D AM , Jungle Fire Queen *5035. *5497. MISS TOSS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 9, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stoney Creek, Ont. S IRE , Victory Chief **5495, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Betty Brown **5496. Rahman, Jr., by Rahman *1091, ex O'Juno San, A. C. A. (See *3897, Vol. 7, p. 34.) D AM , Princess Jet **5494, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642, ex Betty Brown **5496. *5871. MOONYEEN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Martha J. Barnes. Owner, Mrs. John F. Bowers, Kenton, Ohio. S IRE , King Woodrow of Columbus Kennels **3878. D AM , Lady Lake of Columbus Kennels **4361. *5505. OAKLAND BOY. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 26, 1921. Bred by Miss Post. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Reeves, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , D. D. Woodrow Wilson, A. C. A. 3454, by Gold King, A. C. A. 3111, ex Jolie, by Billy Baxter, A. C. A. 492, ex Katonka. D AM , Topsy, by Sweetheart, A. C. A. 3116, ex Black Topsy Sweetheart, by D. D. Baxter, A. C. A. 3115, ex Princess Douglas, A. C. A. 3110. Black Topsy, by Sweetheart, A. C. A. 3116, ex Tortoise Queen. *2436. OXONIAN PRINCESS AMBER (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Born April 16, 1915. Bred by Mrs. Gordon. 76 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK Owner, Mrs. Madge M. Crouch. S IRE , Pascanel **1613, by Silver Heights Black Prince, ex Bonnie. D AM , Ha Ha Minne (sic – Hahaminne) **1672, by Egyptus, ex Queen Ann. *5264. PEI PERSHING'S SON OF RAINBOW. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 23, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. J. Ellsworth, Oskaloosa, Iowa. S IRE , General Pershing *4450. D AM , Rainbow Madam Trintaria *4350. (Vol. 9.) *4987. PRINCE JINGO BOY. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 25, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Anna Blizzard. Owner, Mrs. R. C. Sheets, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Lord Ruffles, A. C. A. 3479, by D. D. Gold King , A. C. A. 3111, ex Bumble Bee, A. C. A. 4197. Gold King, by Aurora Bruno, A. C. A. 2298, ex Salome. Bumble Bee, by Brown Prince Don, A. C. A. 4033, ex Katonka. D AM , Katonka, by Persimmon, A. C. A. 607, ex Blossom. Persimmon, by Brushwood Persimmon, B. C. C. 993, ex Brushwood Hercula, A. C. A. 309. Blossom, by Billy Baxter, A. C. A. 492, ex Princess Douglas. *5227. PRINCE LADEX. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born February 10, 1922. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. S. V. Osburn, Kansas City. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormick *4395. D AM , Ladd's Madam B. F. **4832. *5681. QUEEN GAY II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. John Gay. Owner, Mrs. John Reese, Clarington, Ohio. S IRE , Liberty Kid **3780. D AM , Queen Gay **4608. *5703. QUILNA BOY (Champion). (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Brown tab tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 24, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Willis W. Bowers, Kenton, Ohio. S IRE , General Gorgas **3953, by Buster Beautiful *3686, ex Maxine* (sic – no idea what this asterisk is for) , by Stanhope Magnificent **1928, ex Polly Perkins. D AM , Lady Lake of Columbus Kennels **4361. Wins: First and Winner, Marion, 1923; Columbus, 1923; Indianapolis, 1923. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 77 *5248. RADIUM C. BROMAN. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Neuter. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. S. Earseman, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Broman, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Thorpe Eloyf of Avonlea *3492. D AM , O'Min Gumps *4406. *5574. RAINBOW BABY GRAND. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Golden eyes. Born June 15, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. J. Ellsworth, Oskaloosa, Iowa. S IRE , General Pershing *4450. D AM , Rainbow Madam Trintaria *4350, by Prince Snow Fleece *3904, ex Princess Josephine **3903. *5742. SIR AMGRAD OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Greenish yellow eyes. Born February 23, 1921. Bred by Mrs. A. M. Phillips. Owner, Col. R. E. Platt, Keswick, Va. S IRE , Sir Amanos of Prospect Hill *5518. D AM , Lady Deryabar **5517. *5990. SPARROW OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born May 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Dushyanta *3843. D AM , Fairy Neda II, A. C. A. 5345, by Pasconel **1613, ex Shurnana *2221. *5989. SPOTTED BIRD OF THE BIRD'S NEST. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , King Coreopsis **3839. D AM , Chirper of the Bird's Nest *5988. *6106. SUN BIRD OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 17, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Dushyanta *3843. D AM , Fairy Neda II, A. C. A. 5345. (See *5884.) 78 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK Long-Haired Red Tabby and Orange Tabby *5280. ALFARATA OF GREEN GABLES. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 20, 1921. Bed by owner, Mrs. V. R. Nims. S IRE , Chandos Jacquin, A. C. A. 4311, ***3520, by, Chandos King of Hearts II *3185, ex Chandos Vivian Viva, A. C. A. 1775, *3332. D AM , Princess Elfernia *4703. *5746. ATTABOY II. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. F. Bock. Owner, Mrs. H. Dragvo, Kings' Mills, Ohio. S IRE , Tannhauser *3812. D AM , Mickey, A. C. A. 4133, by Buster Phinney **4133, ex Susyanna *2010. *5928. BEBETTE TODERIMS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. R. Larson, Corry, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4919. D AM , Bebe Shamrock **5451. *5553. BECHANDA OF WILLOWDALE (Champion). (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Deep red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 19, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Frank Miller, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143, by General Ginger, A. C. A. 2742, ex Galbraith's Lady Gay *5023. Wins: First and Winner, Marion, 1923; Indianapolis, 1923. First and Winner and Best Female, Cleveland, 1923; First and Winner and Best Female, Marion, 1924. First Red Tabby Champion, Toledo, 1924. *5757. A. BELL OF BRYN CLOVIS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Deep red tabby. Dark bronze eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Annie Bell. Owner, Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer, West Chester, Pa. S IRE , Red Conqueror of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3988, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3504. D AM , Lydia of Presque Isle *5671. CHAMPION SESSUE C. F. A. * 5070 Red Tabby Male Owned by Hoosier Cattery C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 79 *5868. BEST LOVE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born June 23, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Griffith. Owner, Mrs. K. T. Elliston, Savannah, Ga. S IRE , Vickery's Pop *4565. D AM , Vickery Lassie *4563. *5639. BETTY JOE. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Jones. Owner, Mrs. Bishop, Temple, Texas. S IRE , Vickery's Pop *4565. D AM , Sally Bob, by Ch. Tim Tuk of Vickery *4130, ex Lassie of Vickery *4563. *6122. BONNIE MARIGOLD OF THE HIGHLAND HEATHER. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 2, 1921. Bred by Dr. S. H. Swain. Owner, Mrs. Lucy Hungerford, Memphis, Tenn. S IRE , Hampstead Red Fire, A. C. A. 4445, by Hampstead Fire Eater, A. C. A. 3173, ex Betty Red Coat, A. C. A. 4250. Hampstead Fire Eater, by Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, ex Nepac Belle of Tepeeland **2018. Betty Red Coat, A. C. A. 4250, by Hampstead Fire Flame, ex Nepac Belle of Tepeeland **2018. D AM , Marigold Fire Flame, A. C. A. 5805, by Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, ex Perdita Heather Rouge Bebe, A. C. A. 3460. Hampstead Fire Flame, by Ch. Eden Rufus, ex Perdita Heather Rouge Babe, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Orange Jolly Yet, A. C. A. *3544. *5787. BUFFALO BILL. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 17, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. T. McCawley, Buffalo, N. Y. S IRE , Buffalo Benid, Jr., A. C. A. 3612, by Ebonie Tarzan, A. C. A., ex Nancy. Nancy, by Neda* (sic) , ex Kawanna. D AM , Pansonia Princess of Buffalo, by Pansonia Red Rogue *4444, ex Smokie. Smokie, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642 (See *1091, Vol. 5), ex Rahmandale Sallie. *5583. BULA OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Red Hudson *4318. D AM , Princess Ruhanna, A. C. A. 4628, by Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026, ex Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. 80 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5588. CAPTAIN BUDDIE T. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. H. Tucker, J acksonville, Fla. S IRE , Sergeant Tip Top *3964. D AM , Florient *4776. *5826. CARMINE KARYL. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 28, 1922. Bred by Carmine Kennels. Owner, Mrs. Olive Martin, Rochester, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. *5945. CARMINE KENCARYL. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 28, 1922. Bred by Carmine Kennels. Owner, Mrs. C. D. Carkey, Cincinnati, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. *5508. CARMINE MARIANNE (Champion). (Rules 1 and 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 9, 1921. Bred by Carmine Kennels. Owner, Hoferton Kennels, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. *5627. CARMINE ORIFLAMME. (Rules 1, 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 28, 1922. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Palmer, Denver, Colo. Owner, Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. *5865. CARMINE RAJSHA. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 28, 1922. Bred by Carmine Kennels. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026. D AM , Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. *5278. CHUBBY GOLDWYN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Daisy E. Needham. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Metternich, Keokuk, Iowa. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 81 S IRE , Major Nic Nac, A. C. A. 4135, by Thaleb Splendor, A. C. A. 2774, *3806, ex Lady Splendor, A. C. A. 3566. D AM , Goldwyn Fragrance, A. C. A. 4196, by Red Cardinal, ex Love Lassie, A. C. A. 4146. Red Cardinal, by San Souci *2988, ex Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3504. Love Lassie, by King Klondyke, A. C. A. 3344, ex Brownie Girl, A. C. A. 3503. *5458. COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born 1920. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. Schooling Chapline, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormack *4395. D AM , Ladd's Bride of the Morning *4696. *5467. DANNY PIERSON. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born April 12, 1919. Bred by Mrs. H. G. Waltner. Owner, Miss Ida C. Pierson, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Red Wolf **5463. D AM , Juliette Waltner **5466. *5523. DE ETTE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. L. Gebhart, Toledo, Ohio. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Robinson, Willoughby, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Chieftain *4066. D AM , Muggins, by Colonel Tangerine **4585, ex Daisy Price, A. C. A. 4044. Daisy Price, by Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188, ex Lady Marian II, A. C. A. 3787. *5265. DINTY McGHEE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born January 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Jones. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Halpin, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Chieftain *4066. D AM , Lady June Warwick *4630. *5849. DREAMERIE FLAME. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born January 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. C. Stevens, Omaha, Neb. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Ch. Tornado of the Fox Valley *3793, A. C. A. 3694 D AM , Missy of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3855, by Souci Mack *3542, ex Lorna of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709, by Kim Jack O'Hearts, A. C. A. 2863, ex Psyche M. Wins: First and Winner, Omaha, 1922; Kansas City, 1923. 82 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5834. FEE BEE OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 4, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Graves. Owner, Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. S IRE , Yuban *4317. D AM , Lady Ratinka *4344. *6107. FLAMINGO OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Brown eyes. Born April 1, 1923. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690, by Saxet Ruddy A. C. A. 4030, ex Saxet Trixie Lusher, A. C. A. 4140. Saxet Ruddy, by Little Chief Navajo, A. C. A. 3069, ex Beauty B. Saxet Trxie (sic) Lusher, by Bun Bun, A. C. A. 3975, ex Combinationkote **2803. D AM , Miskodeed *5987. *5282. FLY AWAY OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Clara Kimball. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Gillespie, Portland, Ore. S IRE , Ommi Tog *4068. D AM , Kim Red Wing II, by Kim Jack of Hearts, A. C. A. 2863, ex Kim Red Wing. Kim Red Wing, by Aurora Rex, A. C. A. 1226, ex Ruffles. Aurora Rex, by Dandelion II, A. C. A. 658, ex Sunflower Sue, A. C. A. 292. *6134. GALARNA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. J. Beazley, Toronto, Kans. S IRE , King Sandiego *5209A. D AM , Ladd's Shepardess *5568. *5601. GAZELLE OF HIGHLAND HEATHER (Champion). (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. H. Nieberg. Owner, Mrs. Lucy B. Hungerford. Former owner, Mrs. O. C. Burmeister, Springfield, Ohio. S IRE , Rubra Fox of the Fox Valley *4243. D AM , Bruno's Billie Burke, A. C. A. 2272, by Ch. Bruno's Best Boy **1608, ex Princess Polly Pepper, A. C. A. 2271. Wins: Columbus, 1922; Chicago, 1923; Memphis, 1924. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 83 *5439. GLADYS OF GOLDWIN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 16, 1917. Bred by Mrs. Daisy Needham. Owner, Mrs. H. F. Jeffrey. Emporia, Kans. S IRE , Golden Sundias Laddie, A. C. A. 3939, by Jolly Knight, A. C. A. 2807, ex Lady June. Jolly Knight, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A. 2385, ex Jolly Yet, A. C. A. 2241. (See *2357, Vol. 5, p. 39.) Lady June, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat. D AM , Merry Gold, A. C. A. 3504, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 1892, ex Princess Pat, by Ch. Aurora Admiral, A. C. A. 1633, ex Muffins. *6109. GOLDEN OWL OF BIRD'S NEST. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Chester, Lyndhurst, N. J. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690. (See *6107.) D AM , Miskodeed *5987. *5801. GREAT RED PAPOOSE. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 27, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. M. Crossley, Concord, Mass. S IRE , Great Red Chief *2952. D AM , Fireflash *3765. *6123. HEAP NAVAJO OF HIGHLAND HEATHER. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Light amber eyes. Born March 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. John D. Roberts, Los Angeles. Owner, Mrs. Lucy B. Hungerford, Memphis, Tenn. S IRE , Navajo Brave, A. C. A. 6203, by Little Chief of the Navajos, A. C. A. 3069, ex Navajo Lady Adelie, A. C. A. 4146. D AM , Navajo Lady Adelie, A. C. A. 4146, by Robin Adair, ex Tia Juana, A. C. A. Robin Adair, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Goldie. *5490. HOFERTON'S RUDDYGLOE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 21, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Mabel Davidson. Owner, Mrs. Celia A. Hofer, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Hygloe *3929. D AM , Pinehurst Red Flash *4667. 84 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5630. HOOSIER AUREA. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Warren Barnard, Morristown, Ind. S IRE , San Souci, Jr., A. C. A. 4839, by San Souci of t he Fox Valley *2988, ex Regal Ruby, A. C. A. 2286. Regal Ruby, by Master at Arms, ex Tipsy. D AM , Pinehurst Red Patrician *5502. *5823. HOOSIER BEAU IDEAL. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988. D AM , Pinehurst Red Patrician *5502. *6151. HOOSIER CRACKER JACK. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Born March 29, 1923. Bred by Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Walter Orr, Springfield, Ill. S IRE , Hoosier King *4735. D AM , Shoo Fly, A. C. A. 4298, by His Majesty of the Reds **6125, ex Seuzette, A. C. A. 3915. (See *4904, Vol. 7, p. 98.) *5628. HOOSIER CRUSADER. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 2, 1922. Bred by Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Miss Myrtle Keller, Lyons, Ind. S IRE , San Souci, Jr., A. C. A. 4839, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Regal Ruby, A. C. A. 2286. Regal Ruby, by Master at Arms, ex Tipsy. D AM , Pinehurst Red Patrician *5502. *5737. HOOSIER RED BOLT. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 4, 1922. Bred by Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Mrs. L. Brown, Miami, Fla. S IRE , San Souci, Jr., A. C. A. 4839, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Regal Ruby, A. C. A. 2286. D AM , Pinehurst Red Patrician *5502. *5629. HOOSIER SURPRISE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 17, 1922. Bred by Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. Owner, Dr. N. La Bonte, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Hoosier King *4735. D AM , Posey of the Fox Valley *4736. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 85 *5693. HUCKLEBERRY GOLDIE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 12, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Ella Pace. Owner, Mr. W. H. Sawyer, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Flanigan Dearest *4717. *4014. JOLLY ROSE OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Omitted from Vol. 7) (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Bred by Mrs. B. E. Watson. Owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Sans Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, A. C. A. 3088. D AM , Jolly Susanne, A. C. A. 2669. *5912. KEDOE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 16, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Underdank, St. James College, Md. S IRE , Ch. Sandy McGregor *2624. D AM , Princess Maud *5211. *5719. KINEATA PRINCE OF WILLOWDALE. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Frank C. Miller, Marion, Ind. Owner, Mrs. Wm. DeLong, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Princess Dara of Beaconlight *4576. *5208. KING TAMPER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red Tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Red King Jerry *5177. D AM , Queen Ponsella **5207. *5358. LADD'S KING MIDAS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 9, 1922. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. Mamie Onsen, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ladd's Wonderful Sun *5225. D AM , Ladd's Tetrazinni *4393. *5993. LADY CARISSIMA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 16, 1922. Bred by Mrs. H. J. Murray. Owner, Mrs. R. H. Sparks, Southport, Ind. S IRE , Regal Red Mar, A. C. A. 4713, by Royal St. Mar, A. C. A. 3277, ex Madam Polly Ann. Royal St. Mar, by Albion, A. C. A. 1319, ex Madame Polly Ann, A. C. A. 3276, by Buff, ex Freckles. 86 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK D AM , Gloria Swanson, A. C. A. 5115, by Retighian, A. C. A. 3993, ex Katinka A. Neala, A. C. A. 4867. Retighian, by Prince Coral, A. C. A. 2911, ex Toketta II, A. C. A. 3233. *6090. LADY CLAIRE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Ella B. Hickey, Lafayette, Ind. Owner, (sic – nothing listed after Owner in studbook) S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Aldine **5615. *5764. LADY LINCOLN. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 12, 1912. Bred by Mrs. Ella Pace. Owner, Mrs. May Ackerman, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. (Vol. 7, p. 77.) D AM , Flanigan Dearest *4717. *5334. LADY MERDELVA (Champion). (sic – index, sire & V8 Cattery Names say MERDELDA) (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 19, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. E. Thompson, Toronto. S IRE , Merdelda Red Rex *5332. D AM , Lady Topaz, by Duke of Nos Mada *4961, ex Lady Betty. Lady Betty, by Ophius of Thornlee, ex Wilma of Thornlee. Ophius of Thornlee, by Rahman *1091, ex Julia. Wilma, by King Jet, A. C. A. 780, ex Lady Biddy Fawe. Wins: Ottawa, 1921, First Kitten Class, Second Best Kitten in Show; First and Winner, Montreal, 1921; Toronto, 1922; Montreal, 1922. *5904. LADY POPS. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born June, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. T. Elliston, Temple, Texas. S IRE , Pops of Vickery, A. C. A. 4565, by Rajah Mack *3318, ex Ch. Chandos Calanthe *3187. D AM , Sally Bob *4757. *6163. LORD BUTTERSCOTCH OF PRESQUE ISLE. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born January 27, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Jean of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3832, by Souci Mack, A. C. A. *3542, ex Lorna of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 87 *5906. LORD CARTER OF GILDEROY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 9,1921. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Neb. Owner, Mrs. E. B. Christopher, Davenport, Iowa. S IRE , Beaconlight Butzie Boy *4045. D AM , Queenie of Clyde *4441. *5488. LORD HOFERTON. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 31, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Celia A. Hofer, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Patricia Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by D. D. Gold King II, A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Gold King II, by Gold King, A. C. A. 3111, ex Dixiana Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346, by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo, by Titian Knight, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 33.) *5504. LORD MIDGLEY FERNDALE. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Dark orange eyes. Born June 17, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Wills. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Reeves, Ferndale, Mich. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Patrica Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by D. D. Gold King II, A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Mitzie, by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo, A. C. A. 2905. *5671. LYDIA OF PRESQUE ISLE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Deep red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born May 22, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Clifford Stevens, Omaha, Neb. Owner, Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. S IRE , Lord Buttercup, A. C. A. 4271, by Golden Gleam, A. C. A. 1455, ex Trilby. Golden Gleam, by Kew Bunk, A. C. A. 1242, ex Gloriana the Fairy Queen, A C. A. 1303. Kew Bunk, by Ch. Kew Laddie, B. C. C. 565, ex Marigold, A. C. A. 357, Trilby, by Paul Bradley **1329, ex Winkle. D AM , Missy of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3855, by Souci Mack, A. C. A. 3529, ex Lorna of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709. *5212. MAJOR MacKENTY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born January 3, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Walter Leemhuis, Erie, Pa. Owner, Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer, West Chester, Pa. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Jean of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3832, by Souci Mack, A. C. A. 3529, ex Lorna of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3709. (See *5038, Vol. 8, p. 93.) 88 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5289. McGHIE'S MISS JOYOUS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 14, 1922. Bred by Mrs. P. P. Ladd. Owner, Mrs. G. H. McGhie, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Ch. King of the Snow *4514. D AM , Ladd's Marguerite Clark **4392. *5520. MIAMI. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 21, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. V. R. Nims, Spokane, Wash. S IRE , Chandos Jacquin ***2520, A. C. A. 4311. (See 5366, Vol. 9.) D AM , Princess Elfernia **4703. *5873. OVID MILLO. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 4, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, Anna, Ill. S IRE , Ch. Admiral Vermilion *3645. D AM , Ovid Red Robe *5002. *5382. PANSONIA MME. MARGIE MAPLES. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 1, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Que. Owner, Mrs. A. Warboys, Brantford, Ont. S IRE , Prince Ebony, A. C. A. 3757, by Bedouin, A. C. A. 3756, ex Winsome, A. C. A. 4129. Bedouin, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2647, ex: Princess Ahmeda, A. C. A. 2916. Winsome, by Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2647, ex Rahmandale Sallie. D AM , Pansonia Miss Tommie *4345. *5947. PANSONIA PIPPIN. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Golden eyes. Born August 28,1921. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Freeman. Owner, Emily E. Judges, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Pansonia Peterkin Pan *4346. D AM , Pansonia Pansy Freeman *5362. *5271. PATRICIA. ROSE OF BURKESHIRE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. A. Hofer. Owner, Mrs. Warren Burke. S IRE , Chandos Chieftain *4066. D AM , Patricia Rex, A. C. A. 4252, by Gold King II, A. C. A. 3114, ex Mitzie, A. C. A. 3346. Gold King II, by D. D. Gold King I, A. C. A. 3111, ex Dixiana. Mitzie, by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo. Chinchilla Male Owned by Mrs. J. D. Owens CHAMPION, ROMEO SILVER DYKE C. F. A. * 1190 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 89 *5503. PEACOCK ONGAWA OF SHOMONT. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Unsell, Frankfort, Mo. Owner, Mrs. Thos. Shover, Monticello, Iowa. S IRE , Peacock Vermilion *4732. D AM , Independence Sun Ray *4159. *5502. PINEHURST RED PATRICAN. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pine. Owner, Hoosier Cattery, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Pinehurst Red Lion, A. C. A. 5226, by Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026, ex Pinehurst Red Flash *4667. D AM , Kew Lassie II of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584, by Ch. Lord Kew Tangerine, A. C. A. 366, ex Autumn Lady, A. C. A. 2050. *6069. PINEHURST PERFECTO. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby., Copper eyes. Born May 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Elizabeth Pine. Owner, Mrs. Claude Randowe, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Pinehurst Red Lion, A. C. A. 5226. (See *5502.) D AM , Swinton Sunbeam, by Swinton Searchlight *1987, ex Kew Lassie II of Pinehurst, A. C. A. 2584. (See *426 3 and *3815, Vol. 7, p. 38.) *6156. THE PRETTY LADY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. P. Veillette. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690. (See *6107.) D AM , Nuisance, A. C. A. 6244, by Saxet Stickly Prickly, A. C. A. 4689, ex Blue Bluffy. Stickly Prickly, by Bun Bun, A. C. A. 3975 (See *4996, Vol. 8, p. 117), ex Combination Kote *2803. Blue Bluffy, by Little Chief Navajo, A. C. A. 3069, ex Chillums. *5892. PRINCE OF AVORETTA. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born February 18, 1920. Bred by Mrs. William Wills. Owner, Mrs. K. L. Parker, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Laddwyn *3328. D AM , Mitzie, A. C. A. 3349, by Great Red Chief *2952, ex Chee Moo, by Titian Knight, A. C. A. 2026, ex Jewel, A. C. A. 2000. (See *1936, Vol. 5, p. 38.) 90 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5717. PRINCE OF ZINJAN. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born January 30, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. E. Jones. Owner, Miss Maude E. Hartman, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Chieftain *4066. D AM , Lady June Warwick *4630. *5909. PRINCE SELIM OF GILDEROY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 23, 1922. Bred by Mr. E. B. Christopher, Davenport, Iowa. Owner, Mr. George Mitchell, Davenport, Iowa. S IRE , Lord Carter of Gilderoy *5906. D AM , Queen Jarbeau *5907. *5962. PRINCESS FRISKY GIRL. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Bred by Mrs. W. R. Pierce. Owner, Mrs. James L. Bateman, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Chandos Chieftain *4066. D AM , Red Frisky Girl, by Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188, ex Peggy, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1624, ex Jean. *5513. PRINCESS IDABOO OF WEST PARK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 30, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Wm. L. Collingridge, West Park, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Pinehurst Red Flash *4667. *5905. PRINCESS MAY OF THE FOX VALLEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by Mrs. L. Landers. Owner, Dr. N. La Bonte, Indianapolis, Ind. Former owner, Mrs. B. E. Watson. S IRE , Chief Uncas of Foxboro, A. C. A. 5341, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Winnie May, by Kim Jack of Hearts, ex Princess Pat. D AM , Locust May, A. C. A. 4772, by Kim Jack of Hearts, A. C. A., ex Princess Pat, by Aurora Admiral, A. C. A. 1633, ex Miffins. *5581. PRINCESS PETITE OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Red Hudson *4318. D AM , Princess Rubanna, A. C. A. 4628, by Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026, ex Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 91 *5736. THE PRINCESS PI-KAY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 28, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. G. Harding. Owner, Mrs. Bertha Sibley, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Colonel Tangerine ***4585. D AM , Daisy Price, A. C. A. 4044, by Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188 (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75), ex Lady Marion II, A. C. A. 3787. Lady Marian II, by D. D. Sweetheart, A. C. A. 3116, ex Lady Marian I. Lady Marian, A. C. A. 3617, by Gold Knight, A. C. A. 3111, ex D. D. Dixiania. *5859. PRINCESS TEE-KEE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 22, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Harold E. Riggs. Owner, Mrs. F. Ruley, Jonesboro, Indiana. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Lady Fluffy Fluff Down *5006. **5399. PRINCESS THYREEN OF WILLOWDALE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Deep red tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 15, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Frank Miller, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143. (See *5398, Vol. 9.) *5908. PRINCESS WAYSATA OF GILDEROY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born September 23, 1922. Bred by Mr. E. B. Christopher. Owner, Dr. George Mitchell, Davenport, Iowa. S IRE , Lord Carter of Gilderoy *5906. D AM , Queen Jarbeau *5907. *5499. PUSSYWILLOW LADY GOLDILOCKS (Champion). (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 8, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stoney Creek, Ont., Canada. S IRE , Boy Beautiful, Jr., **5809, by Ch. Chum, ex Chintz Tabby. Ch. Chum, by Prince Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641, ex Daisy B, A. C. A. 2407. Daisy B, by Rahman *1091, ex Patricia O'Brien. D AM , Hoosier Beauty, A. C. A. 4149, by Thaleb Splendor *3806, ex Jewelnette *2330. Wins: First and Winner, Best Female, Detr oit, 1922; First and Winner, St. Catherines, 1923; Hamilton, 1923. 92 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5907. QUEEN JARBEAU OF GILDEROY. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. C. T. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. Owner, Mr. E. B. Christopher, Davenpor t, Iowa. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Red Star of Beaconlight *4272. *5825. QUEEN SABOR. (Rules 1, 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 12, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ella Pace, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Flanigan Dearest *4717. *6177. QUEEN SUNFLOWER. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born February 28, 1923. Bred by Mrs. A. J. Beasley, Toronto, Kans. S IRE , King San Diego *5209A. D AM , Ladd's Shepardess *5568. *5885. RED BEAUTY. (Rules 2, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born November 4, 1921. Bred by Dr. S. H. Swain. Owner, Mrs. P. H. Stern, Decatur, Ill. S IRE , Hampstead Red Fire, A. C. A. 4445, by Hampstead Fire Eater, A. C. A. 3173, ex Betty Red Coat, A. C. A. 4250. (See *6122.) D AM , Countess Caliph, A. C. A. 4687, by Caliph Cairo, A. C. A. 1778, ex Countess Dandelion *2065. (See *3693, Vol. 7, p. 34.) *5713. RED FOREST DULCI. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 22, 1921. Bred by Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. Owner, Mrs. Frank Woolcott. S IRE , Red Forest Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Jacqueline *4319. *5710. RED FOREST ELEXIS. (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Forest Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Jacqueline **4319. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 93 *5712. RED FOREST MILLIE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born November 22, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Forest Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Jacqueline *4319. *6158. RED LOU. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Brown eyes. Born May 20, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Dora Young, Warren, Ind. S IRE , Billie Boots, A. C. A. 3940, by Boots, A. C. A. 3934, ex Ru Ticanno (sic – Ticanna below) , A. C. A. 3939. Boots, by D. D. Gold King, A. C. A. 3114, ex Dixiana. Ru Ticanna (sic – Ticanno above) , by Great Rea (sic – Red) Chief *2952, ex Ch. Chandos Calanthe *3187. D AM , Red Head, A. C. A. 2785, by General Majestic, A. C. A. 1626, ex Juliette, A. C. A. 3022. *5500. RED MAX. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 21, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Lady June Warwick *4630. *5856. RED TAXIE OF BEACONLIGHT. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 18, 1922. Bred by Mrs. C. F. Michael, Fremont, Ohio. Owner, Mr. A. R. Tooke, Humble, Texas. S IRE , Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. D AM , Winona II of Bryn Clovis *5756. *5547. REDDY SPITFIRE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born April, 1920. Bred by Mr. Hayes. Owner, Mrs. C. A. Hopkins, Dayton, Ohio. S IRE , Bob Burdette *2015. D AM , Betty Dee, by Yankee Bob, A. C. A. 2658, ex Gypsie Doodle **4443. Yankee Bob, by King Gold Bug *1943, ex Matilda Silks. *6093. REX JEROME. (Rules 2, 4 and 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Daisy Neddham. Owner, Mrs. C. W. McGregor, Jerome, Mich. S IRE , Goldwyn Wildfire, A. C. A. 5002, by Copper Knight of the Fox Valley, A. C. A. 3667, ex Locust May, A. C. A. 4252. D AM , Goldwyn Tricolette, A. C. A. 50,65, by San Souci *2988, ex Winnie May, A. C. A. 4252. 94 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *2624. SANDY McGREGOR (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Bred by Owner, Miss Josephine Campbell, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Ch. Chipmunk *576. D AM , Tinker Belle It **2303, by Torrington Fawe, ex Beulah. Wins: Empire, 1919, 1921, 1922. *5511. SHENANDOAH CHIEF REDDY. (Rules 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 5, 1922. Bred by Mrs. J. T. Stalford. Owner, Mrs. Edith Pearson, Shenandoah, Iowa. S IRE , General Smoke *2675. D AM , Ch. Marmalade, A. C. A. 2524. (See *4996, Vol. 9, p. 112.) *5980. SIR JAMES OGLETHORPE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born July 26, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Paul M. Wells, Toledo, Ohio. S IRE , Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Bonnie Jane *5124. *6120. SUNBEAM PRINCE ALBERT. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 18, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. W. Tuttenton, Jackson, Mich. S IRE , Red Forest Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Fire Queen, A. C. A. 5473, by Hampstead Red Fire, A. C. A. 4445, ex Countess Caliph, A. C. A. 4687. (See *5885.) *5952. SUN DIAL OF YALEHURST. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born August 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. W. Gray, Peoria, Ill. S IRE , Prince Eppo *5220. D AM , Yalehurst Babe, A. C. A. 4545, by Eric the Red, A. C. A. 2749, ex Furrine, A. C. A. 2797. Eric the Red, by (sic – nothing after "by" in studbook) Furrine, by (sic – nothing after "by" in stud book) *5347. TABBY TOM TINKER. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born October 3, 1921. Bred by Robinson & Son, Hutchinson, Kans. Owner, Mr. C. H. Bailey. S IRE , Ladd's John McCormack *4395. D AM , Ladd's Pride of the Morning *4696. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 95 *5997. TANNHAUSER'S STAR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Golden eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. F. Bock, Columbus, Ohio. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Mickey **4134. *6180. TEHERAN LADY GOLD BOND. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Dark orange eyes. Born April 25, 1922. Bred by Dr. S. H. Swain, Decatur, Ill. Owner, Mrs. L. R. Ibbotson, Danville, Ill. S IRE , Thomas H. Gatchell, A. C. A. 4077, by Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, ex Heather Rouge Babe, A. C. A. 3460. (See *6122.) D AM , Betty Red Coat, A. C. A. 4250, by Hampstead Fire Flame, A. C. A. 2859, ex Nepac Belle of Tepeeland **2018. *5468. TOBY McKAY OF HIGHLAND HEATHER. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 18, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. Pace. Owner, Mrs. Lucy B. Hungerford, Memphis, Tenn. Former owner, Mrs. Shirley Burmeister. S IRE , Tannhauser *2812. D AM , Flanigan Dearest *4717. *5452. TOD-DERIMS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. R. Larson, Corry, Pa. Sire, Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Bebe Shamrock **5451, by Phantom Boy Ilderim, A. C. A. 4546, ex Prairie Red Toy **5184. Phantom Boy Ilderim, by Shiek Ilderim, A. C. A. 1097, ex Ilderim Hinda, A. C. A. 2593. *6147. TOOTIE TOO. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 1, 1922. Bred by Mrs. E. P. Veillette, Houston, Texas. Owner, Mrs. G. B. Holmes, Houston, Texas. S IRE , Saxet Chile Bean, A. C. A. 4690. (See *6107.) D AM , Nuisance, A. C. A. 5244, by Saxet Stickly Pride, A. C. A. 4689, ex Blue Bluffy, A. C. A. 4715. Saxet Stickly Pride, by Bun Bun, A. C. A. **3975, ex Combinationcote. Blue Bluffy, by Little Chief of the Navajo, A. C. A. 3069, ex Chillums. 96 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5641. TRIX RENO. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 26, 1922. Bred by Mrs. D. A. Thomason. Owner, Mr. H. W. Reno, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Captain Buddie T *5588. D AM , Dame Melba T *5640. *5963. WEST PARK ROOKIE. (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 3, 1919. Bred by Mrs. Frank Norton. Owner, Mrs. Win. L. Collingridge, Cleveland, Ohio. S IRE , Great Red Chief *2952. D AM , Rowena, by San Souci of the Fox Valley *2988, ex Rubina, by Bonnie Boy Admiral *1725, ex Regal Ruby, A. C. A. 2286. *5492. WILL O' THE MILL. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born November 2, 1921. Bred by Miss Helen Kent. Owner, Miss Vera Carson, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) D AM , Carlotta **5491. *5530. WILLOWDALE DONALDOWA. (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. E. C. Brockway, White Pigeon, Mich. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan Wa *4416. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4143 (sic – 4843) , by General Ginger, A. C. A. 2742, ex Lady Gay, A. C. A. 3028, *5023. General Ginger, by Galbraith's Alexander **5228, ex Galbraith's Sue **5229. *5398. WILLOWDALE ROXANNALEE. (Rules 2 and 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby, Copper eyes. Born October 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Frank Miller. Owner, Mrs. Charles Stevens, Marion, Ind. S IRE , Eiderdown King Chan *4416. D AM , Billie Miller, A. C. A. 4843 (sic – 4143) by General Ginger, A. C. A. 2742, ex Galbraith's Lady Gay *5023. *5881. WINEESHA OF BRYN CLOVIS. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Red tabby, Copper eyes. Born June 12, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Myra C. Kiemer, East Chester, Pa. S IRE , Bobbie Nichols *3058. D AM , Chandos Winona *4061. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 97 *5756. WINONA II. OF BRYN CLOVIS. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Deep red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 12, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Myra Kiemer, West Chester, Pa. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Chandos Winona *4061. *5582. ZULA OF THE LAKE VIEW. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Deep copper eyes. Born May 1, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. C. F. Leonard, Interlaken, N. Y. S IRE , Red Hudson *4318. D AM , Princess Rubanna, A. C. A. 4628, by Ch. Carmine Aristocrat *5026, ex: Ch. Princess Loraine II *5027. Long-Haired Tortoiseshell *6126. ALBERTY'S LADY WINKELY. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Green eyes. Born August 10, 1922. Owner, E. Alberty, Indianapolis, Ind. S IRE , Toro, A. C. A. 4457, by Prince Coral, A. C. A. 2911, ex Toketta, A. C. A. 3233. (See *5070, Vol. 8, p. 110.) D AM , Mickey, by Ch. Sessue, A. C. A. 3916, *5070, ex Queen Annie, A. C. A. 4052. Queen Annie, by Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466, ex Lady Dugia, A. C. A. 4051. Aurora Ariel, by King Heather Rouge, A. C. A., ex Patsy. Lady Dugia, by Aurora Adiel, ex Furrine, A. C. A. 2797. *5840. BELROBEN'S GOOD LUCK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born June 12, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Edward Grotecloss, Jr., Eldred, N. Y. S IRE , Remius *4369. D AM , Queen Minnetta *3852. *5922. CHANDOS BETTYE. (Rules 1 and 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born September 15, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Dallas, Texas. Owner Mrs. K. E. Stacey, Chicago, Ill. S IRE , Rajah Mack *3318. D AM , Chandos Calanthe *3187. 98 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5440. CHARLEROI MISS MERRY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born September 19, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey, Emporia, Kans. S IRE , Thomas Tucker, A. C. A. 4548, by Blue Jacket II, A. C. A. 2941, ex Ebonie Winifred Black III *4831. D AM , Gladys of Goldwin *5439. *5900. COY MISS OF IDLE HOUR. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Bred by Idle Hour Cattery, Hamilton, Ont. S IRE , Victory Chief **5495. D AM , Sun Flash, A. C. A. 5037, by Boy Beautiful, Jr., **5809, ex Hoosier Beauty, A. C. A. 4149, by Thaleb Splendor, A. C. A. 2774, ex Jewelnette II *2330. *5640. DAME MELBA T. (Rules 4 and 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Born March 23, 1920. Bred by Mrs. M. H. Tucker. Owner, Mrs. D. A. Thomason, Panama Park, Fla. S IRE , Cream Cupid *5587. D AM , Nancy Anti, A. C. A. 4166, by Almirante *2389, ex Delicia, A. C. A. 4165, by Kawon I *1316, ex Tuli, A. C. A. 1474. *6189. DIANA OWLET. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Golden eyes. Born May 11, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Mary B. Warfel. Owner, Mr. R. E. Colcord, Jacksonville, Fla. S IRE , Eiderdown Ker Chug *4447. D AM , Eiderdown Wa Blaze *4876. *6164. DIRTY FACE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born March 19, 1922. Bred by Mrs. Paul Bowser. Owner, Mrs. M. H. Flinn, Newark, Ohio. S IRE , Vermilion Rambo *5296. D AM , Matilda Silk II, A. C. A. 2547, by King Gold Bug *1943, ex Matilda Silk, A. C. A. 2061, by Sir Lazarre, ex Primrose. *5618. FRISKIBEE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born September 5, 1921. Bred by Mrs. W. B. Dee. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Burroughs. S IRE , Buster Beautiful *3688. D AM , Gypsie Doodle *4443. CHAMPION SILVER ECHO OF CLAREMONT * 3465 Shaded Silver Male Owned by Mrs. Ida Eckert 99 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5338. GYPSY PRINCESS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Greenish Copper eyes. Born September 8, 1921. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Saint Pierre. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Ramsay, Montreal, Can. S IRE , Pansonia Romar, A. C. A. 4375, by Rahman, Jr. A. C. A. 2542 (See *4252, Vol. 8, p. 27), ex Peter Panette, by Bruna, ex Billy. D AM , Chiffonnette Caid **4545, by Steve, A. C. A. 4551, ex Fresine A. C. A. 4552. Steve, by Jerug, ex Dolly, by Rahman *1811, ex Ch. Dainty Lady. Fresine, by Brown Prince Don, A. C. A. 4033, ex Betty Morrow. Brown Prince Don, by Ludwig, A. C. A. 4032, ex Baba Baker, A. C. A. 3163. Betty Morrow, by Prince, ex Queenie. *5822. KILMORIE ZELDA. (Rules 1 and 5.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born April 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. M. Crossley, Concord, Mass. S IRE , Great Chief *2952. D AM , Kilmorie Bubble *5779. *5333. MERDELVA (sic – MERVELDA) LADY TORSCHENA (Champion). (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Deep orange eyes. Born March 19, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. A. E. Thompson, Toronto. S IRE , Merdelva (sic – Merdelda) Red Rex *5332. D AM , Lady Topsy, by The Duke *4961, ex Lady Betty, by Ophius of Thornlee, ex Wilma of Thornlee. Ophius of Thornlee, by Rahman *1811, ex Julia, G. C. C. F. 5065. Wilma of Thornlee, by King Jet, A. C. A. 780, ex Lady Biddy Fawe. Wins: First and Winner, Ottawa, 1922; Montreal, 1922; Hamilton, 1923. *5663. PIE TRINA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born June 14, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Wilbur Friar, New York, N. Y. S IRE , Bonnie Red Wing *2290. D AM , Mistuf *4884. 100 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK *5711. RED FOREST BOW KNOT. (Rule 6.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born October 15, 1921. Bred by owner, Miss Laura L. Milne, Detroit, Mich. S IRE , Red For es t Red Roder ick, A. C. A. 3188. ( See *3 6 17 , Vol . 7 , p . 75. ) D AM , Red Forest Queen Tabby Browne, A. C. A. 3072, by King Ed, A. C. A. 3037, ex Lady Youkom. King Ed, by Albert Edward, A. C. A. 188, ex Ardise of MaxweIton, A. C. A. 594. Lady Youkum, by Lord Sunshine **2941, ex Missie. Long-Haired A. O. C. *5863. CHARLEROI ZULEIKA. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Blue cream. Copper eyes. Born July 6, 1922. Bred by Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey. Owners, Leo R. R., Jr., and Cornelia Conwell, Emporia, Kans. S IRE , Pinecroft Blue Scout *5131. D AM , Charleroi Miss Merry *5440. *4288. CLOUDY SUE. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 3, 1920. Bred by Mrs. R. E. Stowe. Owner, Mrs. Constant C. Crum, Binghamton, N. Y. S IRE , Remlik of Silverland *4591. (See Vol. 9.) D AM , Blue Ally *6155. *5263. JACITA. (Transfer from Register.) (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue cream. Copper eyes. Born April 8, 1921. Bred by Mr. Fanning. Owner, Mrs. D. Burns, Pittsburgh, Pa. S IRE , Scottish Chief II *3993. D AM , Rival Queen **5262. *5362. PANSONIA PANSY FREEMAN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Deep amber eyes. Born March 16, 1920. Bred by Mrs. Carrie M. Freeman, Hamilton, Ont. Owner, Mr. Usher. S IRE , Meddl er , A. C. A. 3865, b y Pri nc e Ahmed, A. C. A. 2641 , ex Dais y B, A. C. A. 2649 . Daisy B, by Rahman *1811, A. C. A. 947, ex Patricia O'Brien. D AM , Pansonia Miss Tommie *4345. C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK 101 *6105. PRINCESS BLUE FEATHER. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Blue cream. Copper eyes. Born July 5, 1920. Bred by Mrs. F. D. Moffett. Owner, Mrs. R. L. Barker, Kansas City, Mo. S IRE , Prince Othello **4051. D AM , Lady Delmonico, **4332. *5312. SILVERETTE. (Rules 1 and 4.) L. H. Female. Silver and white. Amber eyes. Born March 25, 1920. Bred by E. B. Doughty. Owner, A. La Buppert, Baltimore, Md. S IRE , Bobby Nichols *3058. D AM , Leslie of Lynn **3788. Short-Haired Silver Tabby *6050. LADY MICKEY (Champion). (Rule 6.) S. H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born November, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. J. Loftus-Price, Montreal. S IRE , unknown. D AM , Shorthaired Silver Tabby. Wins: Fi rs t a nd Wi nner a nd B es t Shor t hair ed Ca t, Montr eal, 19 21; Fi rst and Wi nner a nd B est Shor t hai r ed Ca t, Montr eal , 1922 . *5706. S. S. PATRICK OF WEST PARK. (Rules 1, 4 and 5.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. (yes, studbook does show this as a LONG-Haired RED Tabby under the Short -Haired Silver Tabby category!) Born April 21, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. Wm. L. Collingridge, Cleveland, O. S IRE , Ch. Red Toddy of Presque Isle *4914. D AM , Princess Id-a-boo *5513. REGISTER OF The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. R U LES F OR REGI ST RAT I ON IN THE RE GISTER Sec. 1. Cats or Kittens the following conditions: may be entered in Rule 1. When either the sire or dam is Association, or when the cat itself has been nized by this Association, or when its sire in the C. F. A. Register, or when its sire or Book recognized by this Association . the Register of this Association registered in the Stud Book of this registered in any Stud Book recog and dam have both been registered dam have been registered in a Stud Rule 2. Any long-haired cat or kitten, if not eligible for the Stud Book, may be entered in the Register upon a statement that it is bred of long -haired sire and dam. Rule 3. Any short-haired cat or kitten may be entered in the Register upon a statement that both sire and dam are of the same short -haired breed. Rule 4. Waifs or rescued cats may be entered in the Register upon a state ment to that effect and that their parentage is unknown. Rule 5. The ancestors of any cat may be entered in the Regist er in order to make said cat eligible for the Stud Book, provided they are already entered in stud books recognized by this Association, or upon evidence satisfactory to the Recorder that they are eligible for such registration. Long Haired White **6184. ALASCA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born July 11, 1921. Owner, Mrs. O. T. Tucker, San An tonio, Texas. SIRE, Prince Feathers. DAM, Midnight Folly. **5755. AMBOLENA SNOW II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 29, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. E. Cummings. SIRE, Cumberland Friar *1368. DAM, Ambolena Snow, A. C. A. 2102. **5715. ARROJO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born September 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. H. McGhie, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Ch. King of the Sno w *4514. DAM, Peg O'Mine. **5731. BLANCHE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born May 21, 1920. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Edwards. SIRE, White Mountain #8591. DAM, Babe. under **6032. BLANCHETTE OF GRASMERE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born November 12, 1922. Owner. Miss Nancy Porter, Louisville. Ky. S I R E , Routonn (sic) Moss Rose's Pearl *8649. DAM, Fluffy Ruffles. **5679. BLONQUITA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Geo. E. Row, Omaha. Neb. SIRE, Tribizond. DAM, Lady Dainty II. **5206. BLUE BONNET. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 6, 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. McQuillian, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Peggy Bailey. **6102. BRENTWOOD LADY CORLAER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Green eyes. Born March 17, 1920. O w n e r . Mrs. R. P. Spell man, Sche nec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Imperial. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6170. BRENTWOOD LADY ULA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born March 3, 1923. Owner, Mrs. L. M. Tator, Chatham. N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Brentwood Lady Corlaer **6102. **5370. BUNKIE STEVENS. (No Rule listed in studbook) L. H. Male, Whit. Registe red by Mrs. J. H. Clar k. P ater son, N. J. SIRE, Ajax II. DAM, Snowball. **5361. CAPTAIN SOOTY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Mate, White. Odd eyes. Born August 4. 1921. Bred by E. B. Naylon, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Imperial. **5624. CHAMBLY DELPHINIUM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 6. 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Lavender Shah *4990. DAM, Chambly Cleome **4747. **6051. CHAMBLY SHIRLEY POPPY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born August 28, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. E. C. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Chambly Hibou **4751. DAM, Chambly Cleome **4747. **6016. CHERRY BLOSSOM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Helene E. Nowell, Greencastle, Pa. S I R E , Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II *1276. DAM, Tacoma Patrician. **5448. CHEWINK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Orange eyes. Owner, Mrs. Anna Owen, Philadelphia. SIRE, Bobby Nichols *3058. DAM, Persian Cat. **5394. CONSTANCE TALMADGE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born February 16, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Jerome Feutress, Mem phis, Tenn. SIRE, Chandos Puffkyn *3618. DAM, Champagne Quintin **4228. **5720. CORTI. (Rule 2 L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born April 13, 1922. Owner, Mrs. T. F. Kennedy, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Laddie. DAM, Beautiful Pearl. 105 **6172. DEAR HEART. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Yellow eyes. Born March 3, 1923. Owner, Mrs. C. Desmond, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Marge **5164. **4495. ERIE LADY GEORGETTE. (Transfer of Ownership. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born June 24, 1919. Owner, Mrs. George Boe ttinger, Brie, Pa. SIRE, Sir Daniel **4181. DAM, Georgeanna, **4229. **5372. FAIR FLORIN. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 26, 1919. Bred by owner. Mrs. J. H. Clark. Pat erson, N. J. SIRE, Lord Dixie Vernon **4155. DAM. Just Fancy **5371. **5368. FLUFFY BARRETT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. D. Burns, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, Jim Jeffries **5369. DAM, Princess Cecilia **5373. **5254. FOO FOO OF FAIRFIELD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Born November 23, 1921. Owner, Miss Fannie Martindale, Jack sonville, Fla. SIRE, Donnir Boy of Estes **4915. DAM, Pinecroft's Pretty Pearl *4448. **5714. FULL OF FUN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born September 26, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. H. McGhie, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Ch. King of the Snow *4614. DAM, Peg O'Mine. **5895. THE GLADIATOR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Dark amber eyes. Born May 5, 1922. Owner, Mrs. James T. Atkinson, Perry, Iowa. SIRE, Zacata's Pride. DAM, White Azalia. **5369. JIM JEFFRIES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Registered by Mrs. D. Burns, N. S.. Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, Gruso. DAM, Patience. **5240. JIM WHITE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. Lambert, Schnectady (si c) , N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Marge **5164. 106 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6057. JUMPING JACK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born October 30, 1921. Owner, Dr. James H. Hume, mond. Va. SIRE, Lord Richmond. DAM, Lady Richmond. **5307. LADY CORNFLOWER COTTON. Rich - **5371. JUST FANCY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born July 9. 1916. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Clark. Paterson, N. J. SIRE, Lord Dixie Vernon **4155. DAM, Bunkie Stevens **5370. **6159. KING SEAFID. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 5. 1928. Owner, Mr. Herbert Sinn, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, Diogenes *5266. DAM, Jitney Girl. **4975. KING WHITE OF TEHERAN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Light green eyes. Born August, 1919. Owner, Mrs. H. H. Kramm, Philadel phia, Pa. S I R E , W h i t e K i n g. DAM, Princess Pat. **5579. KITTY KOTTON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eye s. Born February, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Jesse Adair, Kansas City. Mo. SIRE, Son Boy, A. C. A. 5096. DAM, Musette, A. C. A. 5346. **5204. LADY ADNER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Chas. DuBord, Houston, Texas. S I R E , L o r d K i m b e r l y o f P a n t h e r , A. C . A. 4682. DAM, Snow White. **5480. LADY BIANCA. (Rule 4.) H. Female. White. Deep yellow eyes. Registered by Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Schenectady, N. Y. Parentage unknown. L. **6029. LADY CAMEO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 20, 1921. Owner. Mrs. F. S. Ruby, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Mountain Boy. DAM, Camilla **3958. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born June, 1916. Owner. Mrs. 13. C. Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, King Cotton. DAM, Polly. **5735. LADY DORICE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born April 6, 1920. Owner, Mrs. H. I. Parkes, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Prince Michael ***3889. DAM, Lady Lynx **3950A. **5233. LADY EDITH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born August 21, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. C. MacKinnon, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain 08591. DAM, Peggy. *5301. LADY FRIVOLITY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born January 15, 1922. Owner, Mrs. L. K. Williams, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, White Puff, A. C. A. 3380. DAM, Peg of the West **4123. **5232. LADY LULU. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 17, 1921. Owner, Mrs. E. S. Lewis, Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, King White of Teheran **4975, Vol. 9. DAM, Leslie of Lynn 03788. **5986. LADY LURE OF GRASMERE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Green eyes. Born April 17, 1923. Owner, Mrs. John Ruddle, Barbours ville. Va. SIRE, Rounton Apollo, A. O. A. DAM, Fluffy Ruffles. **5222. LADY MACBETH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. W hite. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. L. D. Lloyd, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Peggy Bailey. **5205. LADY WILLIS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born February 12, 1921. Owner. Mrs. Robert A. Willis, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Grateful **4772. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5345. LA PALOMA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Orange eyes Born July 24, 1921. Owner, Miss Helen Nowell, Asbury Park, N. J. SIRE, Joe Nichols *3058. DAM, Queen Bess. **5831. LILY WHITE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Ye llow eyes. Born January 8, 1921. Owner Mrs. F. E. Fairman, Leechburg, Pa. SIRE, Longhaired White Cat. DAM, Longhaired White Cat. **5209. LORD BRUTON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born August 12, 1919. Owner, Mrs. E. G. Bruton, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Beautiful **5295. LORD CHIN. (Rule 1 ) H. Male. White. Light amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. T. Nelson. SIRE, Toy Lamb **5294. DAM, Kitty Gray, A. C. A. 4538. L. **5546. LOVER BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born February 19, 1922. Owner, Miss Frances L. Howard, Rochester, N. Y. SIRE, Maxwell's Ring Leader. DAM, Play Cat of Arbutus **4313. **5926. MAHMUD RAMAZAN OF BOYERSHURST. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born October 33, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. R. V. Boy er, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Kilravock Brer Rabbit *3417. (Vol. 9.) DAM, Royal Princess, A. C. A. 3343. **6081. McGHIE'S PEG O'MINE. (Rule 4.) Female. White. Copper eyes. Sire and dam unknown. Owner, Mrs. Geo. H.. McGhie, Kansas City. Mo. **6191. MISS SPOTLESS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born March 27, 1923. Bred by owner Mrs. O. T. Tucker, San Antonio, Texas. SIRE, Rufus. DAM, Alasca **6184. **5241. MOLLY OH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born March 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. F. Lambert, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Marge **5164. 107 **5571. MONARCH OF GOOD HOPE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born 1918. Owner, Miss Clara E. Spencer, Land, Fla. S I R E , A u r o r a S n o w K i n g. DAM, Aurora Betty, A. C. A. 2485. De **6037. MOUNTAIN KING. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born April 13, 1921. Owner, Mrs. L. M. Zucker, Cleveland. Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Cleopatra **6038. **5603. NANCY LENORE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born Februar y 12, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. B. Herbert, Houston. Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Grateful **4772. **5563. NIDGY SCHAH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Yellow eyes. Born May 22, 1922. Owner, Mrs. A. Perras, Montreal. SIRE, Ch. Chambly Mithra *4752. DAM, Sonora Mirza **5564. **5393. NORMA TALMADGE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born February 16, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Jerome Feutress, Memphis, Tenn. SIRE, Chandos Puffkyn *3518. DAM, Champagne Quintin **4228. **5936. PET HARRIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Born May 5, 1922. Owner, Miss Bessie Houston, Tex. Sire and Dam not given. K. Gordon, **5935. POMMIE GIRL. (Rule 1 ) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Owner, Mrs. George Simmons, Phila delphia, Pa. SIRE, Ch. Kilravock Don Leone *127 6. DAM, Tacoma Patricians. **5893. PRINCE OF PEARLS II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 3, 1922. Owner, Mrs. A. H. Onderdont, Mary land. SIRE, Ch. Kilravock Don Leone II *1276. DAM, Tacoma Patricians. **5373. PRINCESS CECELIA. (Rules 2 and 5.) L. H. Female. White. Registered by Mrs. D. Burns, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. SIRE, Ray. DAM, Fluffy Ruffles. 108 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5524. PRINCESS PUDDIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born August 15, 1921. Owner, Mr. J. G. Simpson, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, King White of Teheran **4975. DAM, Leslie of Lynn **3788. **5716. SANDETTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born September 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. H. McGhie, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Ch. King of the Snow *4614. DAM, Peg O'Mine. **5299. SIR MOYANA'S LADY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Born February 20, 1922. Owner, Mrs. J. C. Cremer, New Or leans, La. SIRE, Sir Moyana. DAM, Lady Dottie. **5795. SUN-KOW GOLDSHINE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born April 3, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive McKelvey, Butler, Pa. SIRE, Lovett **3178. DAM, Snow Birdie II 8179. **5796. SUN-KOW POM PAT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born July 28, 1920. Bred by owner, Mrs. Olive McKelvey, Butler, Pa. SIRE, Greenwich Pom Pom *1882. DAM, Sun-Kow Maid **3513. **5433. TITTIA OF PANTHER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Date of birth not given. Owner, Mrs. Jay Axtell, Texas. SIRE, Cupid. DAM, Gale. Ft. Worth, **5294. TOY LAMB. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Odd eyes. Born October 8, 1919. Owner, Mrs. McWilli ams. SIRE, Snowflake Tuxedo *2369. DAM, Sister Brown **4612. **5339. TRIXETTA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. White. Odd eyes. Born June 8, 1919. Owner, Miss Walula Ayres, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Pretty Boy. DAM, Lady White. **5390. WHITE MODEL OF SHOMONT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Amber eyes. Born June 8, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Thos. Shover, Monticello. Iowa. SIRE, Sir Snibse. DAM, Lady Marguerite ***3823. **5391. WHITE PATTY OF SHOMONT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Born September 22, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Thos. Shover, Monticello. Iowa. SIRE, Pinecroft Padrone Paramount *4142. DAM, White Lady. **6174. WHITE QUEEN HED JAZ. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. white. Light blue eyes. Born April 28, 3922. Owner, Miss E. A. Black, Derby, N. Y. SIRE, Ch. *Prince Illington o f White Fawn 4373. DAM, Lady Betina, A. C. A. 4220. **6141. WHITE PRINCESS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. White. Amber eyes. Owner, Mrs. C. R. Allen, Omaha, Neb. Sire and Dam unknown. **6089. WHITE SATIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. White. Copper eyes. Born July 4, 1922. Owner, Mrs. E. M. Ufford, Toronto. SIRE, Silver Heights Rajah **3015. DAM, Katrina *4967. **5242. WIDA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. White. Golden eyes. Born May 31, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Muriden. SIRE, Brentwood Wisla. DAM, White Tabby. **5288. YAMA WHITE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. White. Blue eyes. Born March 24, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. Lambert, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Loveliness **5165. **5996. YUKON ROSE. (Rule 3.) L. H. Female. White. Blue eyes. Born September 24, 1922. Owner, Mrs. T. M. Oehrlin, Los An geles, Cal. SIRE, Tantalizer *4991. DAM, Lady Mavis is **4434. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 109 Long Haired Black **5285. ABOU BEN ADHEM. **5860. BOBBY WILDAIRES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born January 1 921. Owner, Mrs. Blanche Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Chandos Puffykin *3518. DAM, Lady Cornflower Cotton **6307. **5314. CHER AMI. **5519. ARTABAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Copper eyes. Born February 25, 1922. Owner, Miss Gladys Tobin, Moines, Iowa. SIRE, Toot Sweet **4976. DAM, Peek-a-Boo. Des S. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born March 31, 1922. Owner, Mrs. C. A. McMahan, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, Abou Ben Adhem **5286. DAM, Ragamuffin **5307. **5950. CLINGLI PUT. **6137. BABE OF FAUST. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Registered by Mrs. A. Sioux City, Mo. SIRE, Faust II **722. DAM, Margarete. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born June 18, 1922. Owner, Mrs. S. A. Hunter, Cincinnati, Ohio. SIRE, Wildaires, A. C. A. 4816. DAM, Lady Dunrane. Hanford, **5817. BABY ANN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born May 24, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Robert Lowe. SIRE, Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3960. DAM, Minnette ** 4305. **6036. BEGUHN TOPSEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born March, 1922. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Beguhn, Redford, Mich. SIRE, Longhaired Black Cat. DAM, Longhaired Black Cat. **6118. BLACK BANDIT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Yellow eyes. Born July 12, 1921. Bred by Mrs. Brinkman. Owner, Mrs. J. L. Murphy. Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Ch. Prince of Darkness *4387. DAM, Mowitza. **5612. BLACK DREAM O'MALADY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born March 28, 1922. Owner, Mrs. R. C. Sheets, Detroit , Mich. SIRE, Black Magic *5148. DAM, The Black Princess. **5836. BLACK PANSY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born October 31, 1921. Owner, Mrs. L. G. Dycus, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Sir Toddles **4494. DAM, Genevieve **4652. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Greenish yellow eyes Born June, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Mary L. Loomis, Swath more, Pa. SIRE, Percy. DAM, Lady. **5673. COALY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 22, 1919. Owner Mrs. Horace Pickel, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, Lord Jehan de Resell; *1607. DAM, Mom Puss. **5814. DUSKY DASH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born March 27, 1922. Owner, Mrs. E. H.. Horton. SIRE, Prince of Darkness. DAM, Itsur. **5632. FUMEE OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Black, white button. Orange eyes. Born January 1. 1921. Bred by Mrs. Joan McFarland, Montreal SIRE, Ch. Tonika II., A. C. A. 4107, *4517. DAM, Tootsie Wo otsie of Oxford **4485. L. **5293. IRIDISCENCE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born July 27, 1918. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. J. Ellsworth. Oskaloosa, Iowa. SIRE, Prince Valdo **3901. DAM, Queenie A **3902. **5766. JOCK STAIR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 11. 1918. Owner, Miss Helen M. Elliot, Toronto. SIRE, The Laird of Rusholme *5060. DAM, Monterey **5765. 110 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6129. KING TUT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Born April 26, 1923. Owner, Miss Violet Rainville, Jeromes, P. Q. SIRE, Lavender Gem *5104. DAM, Nipper. **6185. MINK. St. **5666. LADY AID. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born April 11, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Albert G. Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Nigger Boy. DAM, Cupid. **5910. LADY BLACKIEMUM RREKS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. B lack. Owner, Miss M. Midnes, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Black Magic *5148. DAM, Black Princess **6055. LADY WILHELMINA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Green eyes. Born May 27, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Blanche L. Shaw. Bing hampton (sic), N. Y. SIRE, Remlik of Silverland, *4591. DAM, Princess Beauty I. **6136. LANORMA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born May 10, 1921. Owner, Mrs. A. S. Hanford, Sioux City, Mo. SIRE, Faust II **722. DAM, Babe of Faust **6137. (Rule 2.). L. H. Male. Black. Amber eyes Born March 27, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. O. T. Tucker, San Antonio, Texas. SIRE, Rufus. DAM, Alasca **6184. **6096. MISS IRA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Born March, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Goant, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Dumon's Sunny Jim *4100. DAM, Jummie. **6076. NIGHTY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born April 17, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Morenous, Robinson, Ill. SIRE, Black Major. DAM, Lady Nidi. **5349. NISSE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born September 10, 1917. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Tinkle. DAM, Smudge. **5494. PRINCESS JET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born May 29, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stony Creek, Ont. SIRE, Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642. DAM, Betty Brown **5496. **5421. PRINCESS KISS. **5392. LIZE JANE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Black. Y ellow eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Owner, Miss Thelma Osbourn, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, King of Spades. DAM, Othello XIV. **6111. MAGIC KAABARA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Orange eyes. Born June 24, 1922. Owner, Mr. L. S. Simons, Sonoma, Cal. SIRE, Ch. Kaaba, A. C. A. 3240. DAM, Princess Dimple. **5655. MICKORA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Yellow eyes. Born June 18, 1919. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. SIRE, Ch. Tonika II *4617. DAM, Paulina. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born March S. 1921. Bred by Mrs. E. T. DuBord. Owner, Mrs. Germain Beaulieu, Rigaud, P. Q. SIRE, Ch. Tonika II *4517. DAM, Chiffonnette Caid **4445. **5847. RUSTAM I. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Golden eyes. Born November 25, 1921. Owners, Margaret H.. Feidler and Earl B. Feidler, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Benidji, A. C. A. 3612. DAM, Lady Thoris **5066. **5848. RUSTAM II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Golden eyes. Born May 24, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Louise H.. Fiedler, Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Benidji, A. C. A. 8612. DAM, Lady Thoris **5066. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5306. SIR ERIC ANDRAE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Golden eyes. Born April 18, 1917. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Abdul Sunrise ***1703. DAM, Lady Grace **2364. **5888. SOUVENIR AGNES BENNITA. 111 **4658. TAG ALONG OF AUBURN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. copper eyes. Born April 8, 1920. Owner, Auburn Cattery. SIRE, King Tokio *4322. DAM, Mo-Te **4326. **6071. TIPPERARY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 12, 1922. Owner, Miss Evelyn Bury, Montreal. SIRE, Lavender Gem *6104. DAM, Souvenir Mickora **5655. **6021. SOUVENIR LADY GEM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born November 12, 1922. Owner, Miss A. M. Wyonne, Woodland, Que. SIRE, Lavender Gem *5104. DAM, Mickoro **5655. **6200. SOUVENIR LORD RENFREW (Rule 1.) L. H. Black. Orange eyes. Born September S. 1923. Owner. Mrs. J. A. Labrecque, Montreal. SIRE, Lavender Gem *5104. DAM, Mikora (sic – Mickora) **5655. **5889. SOUVENIR SAMUEL PEPYS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Mal-. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 12, 1922. Owner, Mr. Owen V. L. Lawson, Ot tawa. SIRE, Lavender Gem *5104. D AM So u ve n i r M i ko r a (s i c – Mi cko ra w/ c an d w/ o pr efi x) * * 56 5 5. **6023. SOUVENIR ZATEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Born August 9, 1922. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Rutherford, Montreal. SIRE, Sonora Pompom DAM, Souvenir Danderella **5653. **6027. SPARK PLUG. (Rule 2.) L. H. Black. Orange eyes. Born November 15, 1921. Owner. Mrs. H. 13. Chambers, Columbus, bus. Ohio SIRE, General Robert F. Lee. DAM, Sparks **6026 (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Black. Green eyes. Born April 11, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Caywood. Wichi ta, Kans. SIRE, Tom. DAM, Queen Babs. **5274. TUFF NUTT OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black. Born May 25, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. D. McFarland, Mon treal SIRE, Ch. Tonika II, A. C. A. 4107. *4517. DAM, Tootsie Wootsie of Oxford **4485. **5634. TUFF NUTT II. OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Black, Orange eyes. Born March 30, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Bert C ourineau, Montreal, Que. SIRE, El Turco of Oxford *6278. DAM, Tootsie Wootsie of Oxford **4485. **6138. WUZZY MINE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Orange eyes. Born February 22, 1923. Owner, Mrs. Emma L. Beguhn. Red ford, Mich. SIRE, Black Jack Cole, A. C. A. 6108. DAM, Beguhn Topsey **6036. **5808. ZUMBRA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black. Copper eyes. Born July 10, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr, J. H. Carss, Des Moines Iowa. SIRE, Ebonie Kador, A. C. A. 3852. DAM, Tweety Baby. Long Haired Blue **5379. BLAIR ATHOL (English) (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Miss E. G. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Ch. Bluejacket of Hyver. DAM, Verona of Hawkhurst. **5918. BLUE NOSE S. Hydon, (Rule 5.) L. H. Male. Blue. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. R. Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Buddha. DAM, Clytie Hale Norton. S. Sheets, 112 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5375. BLUE PETER (English). (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Miss E. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Blue Britisher. DAM, Rokeby Sunshine. G. Hydon, **5397. BLUE SHEIK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Orange ey es. Born April 29, 1922. Bred by owner, Dr. J. E. Guthrie, Los. Angeles, Col. SIRE, Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950. DAM, Sandi **5089. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 7, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Mary Roper, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Beauty Rob. DAM, Gisele of Revelstoke *3626. **5376. CLARA BUTT (English). G. Hydon, **6188. ENGLISH MISS OF SHADELAND. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Orange ey es. Born 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Kansas City Mo. SIRE, Master Venus. DAM, Weno. **5917. FLUFFY III. S. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Blue. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. R. Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Abdullah. DAM, Fluffy II. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female, Blue. Yellow eyes. Born December 12, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Glenn P. Edwards, East Greenbush, N. Y. SIRE, Jorge de Philip. DAM, Lady Gray. **5377. LADY EMMA (English). (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registered by Miss E. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Jock O'Hazledean. DAM, Mafada. G. Hydon, (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Miss E. G. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Ringside Dandy **5378. DAM, Bernice. Hydon, **5319. LANARK LAD. **5593. BURNS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registered by Miss E. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Blue Britisher. DAM, Mary Ann. **6060. JOAN DE WILL O'WISP. **5449. LAVENDER EMPIRE LOBELIA. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July. 1921. Bred by Empire Cattery. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Revington. Former owner, Miss E. G. Hydon. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Lord Tom Blue Boy, G. C. C. F. 7966. DAM, Ladye Tittlemouse *6240. (sic – A CA 4949 per Claudia; *6420 is Ne w March Bonny Face) Wins: First Novice and Winner, Beat Novice, Best Cat, J acksonville, 1923. First and Winner and Best of Opposite Sex, Memphis, 1924. **5218. LAVENDER FRAGRANCE (Imported). S. Sheets, **5727. HIGHLAND DUKE OF ATHOL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born February 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. J. F. Jenkins, Athol Mass. SIRE, Katahdin King Leo of Runnymede *4847. DAM, Blueball Aldrich. **5633. JOANA OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Amber eyes. Born March 30, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Joana McFarland, Montreal. SIRE, El Turco of Oxford *5273. DAM, Tootsie Wootsie of Oxford **4485. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born September 2, 1921. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Blair Athol **5379. DAM, Rycott Winnie **5380. **5216. LAVENDER GIFT (Imported). *Rule 1.) H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 23, 1921. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Blue Peter **5375. DAM, Clarn Butt **5376. **5215. LAVENDER LUMINOUS (Imported). (Rule 1.) H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 19, 1921. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Lanark Lad **5319. DAM, Queen of Saxony **5374. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5938. LAVENDER RIGSIDE GEM (IMP.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 15, 1920. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Rigside Dandy **5378. DAM, Rigside Julian. **5937. LAVENDER SAXON (Imp.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 26, 1922. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon. SIRE, Rigside Dandy **5378. DAM, Blue Salvia of Saxony. **5219. LAVENDER SUNNY LAD (Imported). (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 25, 1920. Owner, Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Rigside Dandy **5378. DAM, Lady Emma **5377. **5360. MALTI. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Born April 28, 1922. Owner, Dr. Be rtha Barton, Worcester, N. Y. SIRE, Sir Eric Andrae **5306. DAM, Niss **5349. **5420. PEEK-A-BOO OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Copper eyes. Born May 26. 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. Ruth Sanctuary, Mortreal. SIRE, Ch. Tonika II, A. C. A. 4107. *4517. DAM, Tootsie Wootsie of Oxford **4485. **6014. PERLE BELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Born May 23, 1921. Owner, Mrs. T. R. Dowling, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Ch. Hampton Shining Light of Revelstoke *4078. DAM, Effie Beele **4647. **5745. PURDY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Copper eyes. Born April 29, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. Schwarting. SIRE, Shirazor. DAM, Wendy Shiraz. **5374. QUEEN OF SAXONY (English). (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registered by Miss E. G. Hydon, Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Blue Britisher. D A M , R y c o t t W i n n i e * * 5 3 80 , G. C . C . F . 6096. 113 **5769. QUEEN SHYGIRL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Light blue. Orange eyes. Born April, 1921. Owner, Mrs. B. G. Sherlock, Sioux City, Iowa. SIRE, Billy Bumps. DAM, Blue Belle. **5378. RIGSIDE DANDY (English). (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Blue. Registered by Miss E. G. Hydon, Do. Montreal. SIRE, Scottish Model. DAM, Ruby. **5380. RYCOTT WINNIE (English). (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue. Registred (si c) by Miss E. G. Hydon. Bogota, N. J. SIRE, Treasure of Thurlestone. DAM, Rokeby Sunshine . **6099. SCHAFFER'S BLUE ROSE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female Blue. Copper eyes. Born A April 3: 1922' Owner, Mrs. C. O. Schaffer, Memphis, Tenn. SIRE, Captain Budd **4902. DAM, Cripple. **5830. SOCRATES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born September 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. F. E. Fairman, burg, Pa. SIRE, Emley Tog *4472. DAM, Busse. Leech - **5653. SOUVENIR DANDERELLA (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Yellow eyes. Born March 21, 1922. Owner, Mrs. J. T. Bennet, Montreal. SIRE, Ch. Tonika II *4517. DAM, Chinchilla Lass **4269. **5430. SUNDOURIS TARZAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male Blue. Copper eyes. Born July 6, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. W. Truby, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Sundouris of Revelstoke, Imp. DAM, Roseberry Blue. **5560. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue. Born May 12, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. A. Ramsey, Montreal. SIRE, Kewlockeson, A. C. A. 1822. DAM, Yolando. 114 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Long Haired Red and Orange **6062. ALMA WILL O'WISP. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Yellow eyes. Born April 11, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Glenn P. Edwa rd., East Greenbush, N. Y. SIRE, Tom Tucker. DAM, Ozammo Princess. **5337. BELMACHREE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born October, 1921. Owner, Mrs. H. A. Goff, Lincoln, Neb. SIRE, Mickey. DAM, Fuzzy Wuzzy. **5396. BRENTWOOD BITTER SWEET. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Orange, Copper eyes. Date of birth unknown. Owner, M. F. Hunnikin, Schenectady, N. Y. Sire and dam unknown. **6104. CHU CHIN CHAU. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male, Red. Amber eyes. Born March 14, 1923. Owner, Miss Helen Best, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Ladd's John McCormack *4395. DAM, McGhie's Peg O'Mine **6081. **6003. DARDANELLES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born October 8. 1921. Owner, Miss E. A. Black, Lake View, N. Y. SIRE, Neponset **4262. DAM, Tootsie. **5223. DUKE OF ORANGE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Born 1920. Owner, Mrs. L. D. Lloyd, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Lady McBeth (sic – Macbeth) **4950 (sic – **5222). **6178. FLOSSIE BELL JONES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Gold eyes. Born March 7, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Noah Jones, Sherman, Texas. SIRE, Jim Pershing Jones **6135. DAM, Goldie Ophir Jones **6092. **6092. GOLDIE OPHIR JONES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born July 1, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Noah Jones, Sherman, Texas. SIRE, Golden Ophir. DAM, Pidge. **6125. HIS MAJESTY OF THE REDS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Orange (Red). Copper eyes. Born October 19, 1913. Owner. Mrs. A. R. Morgan, Indian apolis, Ind. SIRE, Buff. DAM, Goldah. *5527. ILLINOIS PRINCESS TONKA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Birth date not given. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Johnson, Peoria, Ill. SIRE, Ch. Rokeby Red Lancer **1602. A. C. A. 1625. DAM, Lady Love of Blackhawk **5526. **5304. INDIAN PRINCESS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange. Orange eyes. Born May 6, 1921. Owner. Mrs. R. C. Sheets, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, D. Blood Red Chieftain *4195. DAM, Betty. **6135. JIM PERSHING JONES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Gold eyes. Born December 9, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Noah Jones, Texas. SIRE, Red Gauntlet. DAM, Babe. Sherman, **5255. JOHNNIE REB. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Avery H. Thomas, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Bettikins. **5466. JULIETTE WALTNER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Registered by Miss Ida C. Piers on, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Baron *6464. DAM, Red Duchess **5465. **5291. KING HUMBERT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Registereded (si c) by Mrs. Farmer. SIRE, Coventry Bokhara, A. C. A. 1272. *1964. DAM, Smudge **5292. **5256. LADY CLARIBEL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born April 10, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Avery Thomas, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Bettikins. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6025. LADY EMBER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born April 7. 1917. Bred by Mrs. Wm. Dee. Owner, Mrs. D. E. Pittenger. SIRE, Yankee Bob **2658. DAM, Gypsie Doodle *4443. **6073. LADY FOXBAR II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper Eyes. Born April 4, 1920. Owner, Mrs. S. H. Salt, Toronto. SIRE, Mayfield Red Ensign, A. C. A. 3654. DAM, Lady Foxbar. **5526. LADY LOVE OF BLACKHAWK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Registered by Mrs. A. W. Johnson, Peoria, Ill. SIRE, Nepac Apache, A. C. A. 1648. DAM, Gold Nugget H. **5210. LORD POYE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Orange. Amber eyes. Born April 29, 1920. Owner, Miss Margaret Sanderson, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Mickey. **5545. MIDNIGHT SUN OF RED BANK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Orange eyes. Born October, 1919. Owner Frank Olson, Richmond Hill, L. I. SIRE, Admiral Torrington. DAM, El Dorado. **6082. MONTE BANKS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Gold eyes. Born March 14. 1922. Owner. Mrs. Inez Moran, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Ladd's John McCormack *4395. DAM, McGhie's Peg O'Mine **6081. **5611. ORA SENORITA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Orange. Amber eyes. Born August 28, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Hamond. Arlington, Texas. SIRE, Tex La Homa **4636. DAM, Kemo. **5330. OUR DREADFUL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Born September 20, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Murichan, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida *15242. DAM, Loveliness **5165. 115 **5279. POLLY ANN GARFIELD (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born August 28, 1920. Owner, Mrs. L. J. Fuller, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Maxie. DAM, Puss. **5413. POLYNTHIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Born May 17, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. F. B rown, Huntington, L. I. SIRE, Pequash of Fleetwood **4607. DAM, Golden Autumn **4654. **6095. PRINCESS MARIGOLD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Copper eyes. Born May 22, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Harry Carsner, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Red Roderick, A. C. A. $188. (See *3617, Vol. 7, p. 75.) DAM, Peggy. **6043. PRINCESS SATSUMA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Topez (si c) eyes. Born February 22, 1922. Owner, Mrs. lone M. Adams, Mobile, Ala. SIRE, Dickey Boy *4480. DAM, Bettykins, A. C. A. 5137. **5981. QUEEN BEE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Orange eyes. Born February 13, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Boyd, Birmingham, Ala. Sum, Renpoe *5284. DAM, Lady Tickey. **5465. RED DUCHESS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red. Amber eyes. Registered by Miss Ida O. Pierson, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Buster. DAM, Pitti Sing *4052. (sic – per Studbook 7, *4052 is Lynn Elliot, a red tabby) **5239. RED JACKET. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Orange. Born March 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Marge **5164. L. Lambert, **5802. RED SIGNET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Dark red. Amber eyes. Born June 24, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. Harry Garber. SIRE, The Original Spooner, A. C. A. 4162. DAM, Duchess, A. C. A. 4585. 116 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5447. ROMA. **5417. SUN GLINT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange. Amber eyes. Born March 15, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Anna M. Owen, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRE, Bobby Nichols *8058. DAM, Mulberry Roma. **6179. ROXIE JONES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Gold eyes. Born March 7, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Noah Jones, Sherman, Texas. SIRE, Jim Pershing Jones **6135. DAM, Goldie Orphir Jones **6100. **5887. SIR COMPTON. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born May 12, 1922. Bred by owner, Murray K. Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Prince Darkness. DAM, Vampire. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Orange eyes. Born May 17, 1917. Owner, Mrs. Clarence V. Ceperley. SIRE, Pequash of Fleetwood **4607. DAM, Golden Autumn **4654. **5415. SWEETHEART ESTHER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1922. Owner, Miss B. M. Mitchell, Hunting ton, L. I. SIRE, Pequash of Fleetwood **4607. DAM, Golden Autumn **4654. **5202. THOMASITA. Lowry. **5272. SIR GILBERT OF BURKESHIRE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Copper eyes. Born March 23. 1921. Owner, Mrs. Warren Burke. SIRE, Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. DAM, Queen. **5974. SIR RAG TAGS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born May 18, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Caywood, Wichita, Kans. SIRE, Sir Watsy. DAM, White Persian. **5897. SNOOKS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Amber eyes. Born August 7. 1922. Owner, Mrs. G. M. Roup, Galveston, Texas. SIRE, Duke of Orange **5223. DAM, Chummy. **5400. SONOMA YELLOW JACKET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Deep orange eyes. Born March 15, 1921. Owner, Miss Inez Ross, Sonoma, Cal. SIRE, Ch. Kelly, A. C. A. 2089. DAM, Liberty Bell. **5315. SPIZZY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red. Orange eyes. Born March 18, 1922. Owner, Mrs: M. R. Pritchard, Colum bus, Ohio. SIRE, Indianola General Co urt *5080. DAM, Maribel Kenton **3820. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Yellow eyes. Born March 8, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Harriet M. Dodd, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Gerald **4475. DAM, Senorita Ardita, **4476. **5781. VAMPIRE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Orange. Orange eyes. Born May, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Maril Parker, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, King Darkness. DAM, Orange Blossom. **5275. VANESSA OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange. Copper eyes. Born April 30, 1921. Owner, Miss Georgia D. McFarland, Montreal. SIRE, Holme Ruddy Boy of Mayfield, A. C. A. 4775. DAM, Fluffy. **5416. WALT WHITMAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange. Orange eyes. Born April 12, 1922. Owner, Miss B. M. Mitchell, Hunting ton, L. I. SIRE, Pequash of Fleetwood **4607. DAM, Golden Autumn **4654. **6061. WILL O'WISP PRINCESS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red. Yellow eyes. Born April 11, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Glenn P. Edwards, Eas t Greenbush, N. Y. SIRE, Tom Tucker. DAM, Ozammo Princess. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 117 Long Haired Cream **5948. BRENTWOOD CURDY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream. Light gold eyes. Born March 21, 1922. Owner, Mrs. W. L. Perrigo, Schnec tady (sic), N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Brentwood Bitter Sweet **5396. **5857. BUTTERBALL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Born September 28, 1922. Owner Mrs. W. G. Lundberg, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Bunty. DAM, Betty McCall **4412. **5815. DINTY MOORE WOOLCOTT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cr eam. Born September 8, 1920. Owner, Mrs. M. E. Woolcott, Hamilton, Ont. SIRE, Boy Beautiful, Jr., **5809. DAM, Hoosier Beauty, A. C. A. 4149. **5298. FUJIYAMA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Cream. Gold eyes. Born July 26, 1920. Owner, Mrs. S. At. Unger. SIRE, Mustard. DAM, Foxy. **5778. GOLDEN EAGLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream. Amber eyes. Born May 16, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Margaret E. Ad dison. SIRE, Hokey Smoke *4999. DAM, Nannabell **5777. **6063. KITTIE BOO OF KILLARNEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Deep crea m. Copper Born February 1, 1923. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Caywood, Wichita, Kans. SIRE, Sir Rag Tags **5974. D A M , Lady Roberta of Killarney **5975. **5389. LADY OF GOLD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Cream. Deep amber eyes. Born October 10, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Bertra m Christy, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, Golden Stream **4760. DAM, Lady Macbeth **5222. **5230. LADY PUGH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Cream. Amber eyes. Born March 22, 1922. Owner. Dr. Edward Pugh, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Bailey **4613. DAM, Peggy Fulton. **6115. PIONEER BRILLIANT. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream. Orange eyes. Born June 29, 1919. Owner, Mr. W. H. Reno, Jacksonville, Fla. SIRE, Peter. DAM, Sweetness Fallen. Win: Best Cream Cat, Jacksonville, 1923. **5459. PRINCESS MERCEDES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Crea m. Amber eyes. Born 1918. Owner, Mrs. S. Chapline, Kansas City. Mo. SIRE, Billy Armus, Jr. DAM, Lady Rosalind. **6059. SIR DICK OF KILLARNEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Deep cream. Orange eyes. Born February 1, 1923. Owner, Mrs. M. L. McHugh, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Sir Rag Tags **5974. DAM, Lady Roberts of Killarney **5975. Long Haired Chinchilla **5473. EMALINE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Chinchilla. yellow eyes. Born October 7, 1922. Owner, Mrs. C. G. McNeal, Portland, Ore. SIRE, Pom Pom Silver King. DAM, Lady Syl via. **5576. GOLDLOG LADY MINNETT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. le. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born April 15 1915. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Viles, Norborne, Mo. SIRE, Al Tarek IV, A. C. A. 2303. DAM, Alla Chi Chi. **5575. GOLDLOG RHESA ALLA. (Rule 2.) H . M a l e . C h i n c h i l l a . B l u e - gr e e n eyes. Born May 17, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Viles, Norborne, Mo. SIRE, Minza. DAM, Pretty Baby. L. **5894. SILVER JAMES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Chinchilla. Green eyes. Born June 22, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Ads, James. SIRE, Hafiz Peter Pan *3205. DAM, Trinket **5011. 118 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Long Haired Shaded Silver **6173. AVO'S QUEENE. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Light Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 14, 1923. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. Lambert, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, The Avo Cat. DAM, Ma Cherie of Carlisle, A. C. A. 2767. L. **6065. BETTY LOU OF KILLARNEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 11, 1922. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Shauffer. SIRE, Sir Rag Tags **5974. DAM, Lady Roberta of Killarney **5975. **6056. BILLIE BOB OF KILLARNEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born February 1. 1923. Owner, Mrs. A. M. Denny, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE. Sir Rag Tags **5974. DAM, Lady Roberta of Killarney **5975. **6169. BRENTWOOD ALETHEA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 29, 1923. Owner, Miss Margaret E. Van Auken, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Lady Dorp **6128. **5409. BRENTWOOD LASCAR II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 14, 1920. Owner, Mrs. M. F. Hunnikin Spell man, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Wisla. **5408. DAM, Thea **5418. **6171. BRENTWOOD OTHNIEL. L. (Rule 1.) Shaded H. Male. silver. Green eyes. Do,. March 8, 1923. Owner, Mrs. S. F. Matthews, Homestead. Fla. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Brentwood Lady Corlaer **6102. **5642. BRENTWOOD RITZA. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 4, 1922. Owner, Miss Bertha Ryan, Schenec tady. N. Y. SIRE. Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Muskayuna Belle **5383. L. **5408. BRENTWOOD WISLA. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born August, 1916. Owner, Mrs. M. F. Hunnikin Spellman. SIRE, Lascar I **5407. DAM, Flirt. L. **5305. CUT UP. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born July 20, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Clarence G. Ocobock, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Snookums. DAM, Queen. L. **5744. IVYDALE KILTIE LAD. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Orange eyes. Born April 13, 1922. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Philadel phia. SIRE, Paul. DAM, Queen Peggy. L. **5743. IVYDALE SYLVARIA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver. Orange eyes. Born May 19, 1920. Owner Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE. Bobby Nichols *3058. DAM, Queen Peggy. **5899. LADY CALAMITY JANE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Copper eyes. Born March 12, 1922. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Bothe, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Babe. (White.) DAM, You No. (Amber. ) **5331. LADY LAL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Born March 81, 1922. Owner, Mrs. F. Lambert. Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Pop de Riley **5290. DAM, Lady Vastie **5261. **5975. LADY ROBERTA OF KILLARNEY (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 11, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Caywood, Wichita, Kans. SIRE, Sammy. DAM, Chin Chin. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **4928. LADY SILVER. (Trans. from Vol. 8.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded Silver . Copper eyes. Born May 26, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Y. Del Campo, El Paso, Texas. SIRE, Tommie Atkins, A. C. A. 4497. DAM, Lady Polly **4360. **5407. LASCAR I. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Born (no dat e list ed aft er 'Born') R e gi s t e r e d , b y M rs , Sp e l l ma n , Sc h e n e c tady, N. Y. SIRE, Menglorious *889. DAM, Sybil. **5577. LITTLE CHAP OF ALTRURIA. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born April 3, 1021. O w n e r , M i s s Sa l l i e L. C o l l i n s, C o l l in gs wood. N. J. SIRE, Happy Chap *3936. DAM, Little Echo. L. **5470. LITTLE MANNIE. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born October 8, 1922. Owner, Mrs. C. G. McNeal, Portland, Ore. SIRE, Tantilizer *4991. DAM, Toodie. L. **5455. MUFF PETERSON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Born October 13, 1920. Owner, Miss Inez Peterson, Jackson ville, Fla. SIRE, Lord Hampton *3534. DAM, Colons, **4343. **5384. NISKAYUNA BELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes Born Spring, 1919. Owner, Miss M. F. Hunniken, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Tom. DAM, Snooks. **5402. PRINCE WILLIVER. (Rule 5.) H. Male. Shaded silver, Green eyes. Born May 17, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. Paul Quigley, Glen wood, Minn. SIRE, Argent Glow *3476. DAM, Shasta Daisy. L. 119 **5290. POP DE RILEY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Gray eye s. Born February 1. 1920. Owner, Miss Bertha Reiley, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Silver Ball. DAM, Baby. **5501. QUEEN CYNARA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born September 11, 1919. Owner, Mr. Ed. Brooks. SIRE, Sir Dyko of Holden, A. C. A. 3160. DAM, Witch. **5554. RAMBLING RAMBLER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Copper eyes. Born March 22, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Lillian M. Berger, Spencerport, N. Y. SIRE, Big Chief. DAM, Tatters. **5751. REDLOG SILVER ANABELLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born February 25, 1922. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Viles, Norborne. Mo. SIRE, Iridescent Silver Prince. DAM, Holden Silver Starlight, A. C. A. 4127. **5749. RED LOG SILVER SWEET ADAIR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born February 25, 1922. Bred by Mrs. James Atkinson, Perry, Iowa. Owner, Mrs. H. L. Viles, Norborne, Mo. SIRE, Iridescent Silver Prince. DAM, Holden Silver Starlight, A. C. A. 4127. **6072. SILVER GRAY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 16, 1922. Owner, Mrs. R. W. Grosset, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, Samuel of the Lake View $4715. DAM, Silver Bell. **5356. SILVERY SWEET. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Golden eyes. Born February 18, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. M. E. Brown. Woodhaven, L. I. SIRE, St. Nicholas 1 **3012. DAM, Queen Margaret *8962. 120 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6162. SNOB OF MARTINDALE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March 29, 1923. Owner, Mrs. John Flake, Amsterdam, N. Y. SIRE. Martinella, A. C. A. 5530. DAM, Polythia **6131. **5250. WEEZER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver. Amber eyes. Born April 6,1921. Owner, Mrs. Louise F. Gaylord, Brook lyn. N. Y. SIRE, Snow Nymph *1698. DAM, Dolly Woodhull **4911. **5961. W. G. Y. **5418. THEA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born May 10, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. Howard E. Stover, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Glomenia **2894. DAM, Fuzzie. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Shaded silver. Green eyes. Born March, 1918. Owner, Mrs. John D. Miller, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Silver Tom. DAM, Pandora. Long Haired Silver Tabby **6183. ALI HASSAN'S YOGI BOY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born March 25, 1922. Owner, Mr. Don B. McGraw, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Bobbin of Foxboro, A. C. A. 4275. DAM, Annie Laurie. **5283. BADOURA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born January 2, 1921. Owner, Mr. H. O. Wills, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. SIRE, Lewis Senator **4268. DAM, Chinchilla Less **4269. L. **5621. BRENTWOOD LETA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born September 4, 1922. Owner, Prof. J. Podjevin, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Niskayuna Belle **5383. **5387. DELIA DEE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born August 11, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Laura Frain, Litchfie ld, Ill. SIRE, Olcot, A. C. A. 4683. DAM, Eva Lee *4181. **5591. FISHER MAIDEN. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Silver tabby. Yellow eyes. Born April 8, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Marshall, Brighton, Mass. SIRE, Hafiz Peter Pan *8205. DAM, Babble **5701. L. **5896. IRIDESCENT SILVER CELESLIE. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born February 25, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. James T. Atkin son, Perry, Ia. SIRE, Iridescent Silver Prince. DAM, Holden Silver Starlight. A. C. A. 4127. L. **5776. LADY QUEEN. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Silver tabby. eyes. Born April 19, 1919. Owner, Mrs. M. Addison. SIRE, King Frost. DAM, Trilby. L. Green **5702. QUEEN FAIRY. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Silver tabby. Yellow eyes. Born April 3, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. L. S. Fisher, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, Hafiz Peter Pan $8206. DAM, Babble **5701. L. **5351. RAGGEDY RIP. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born March 27, 1922. Owner, Miss Ivy B. Lamond, Phila delphia, Pa. SIRE, Snowball. DAM, Lady Lierre **4844. L. **6101. SIR MARMADUKE SHARSTED DE RICHELIEU. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born June 6, 1921. Owner, Mrs. H. E. F. Austin, Mon treal. SIRE, Duc de Richelieu **4506. DAM, Ambereyes **4538. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 121 **5401. SONOMA BOY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver tabby. Green eyes. Born May 23, 1921. Owner, Inez Rose, Sonoma. Cal. SIRE, Argent Starlight. DAM, Flossie. Long Haired Smoke **6103. BRENTWOOD STREAK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Green eyes. Born March, 1922. Owner, Mrs. R. P. Spellman, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Brentwood Lascar II **5409. DAM, Betsey. **5625. CHAMBLY NIGELLA H. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born July 14, 1922. Bred red by owner, Mrs. E. O. Renouf, Chambly Basin, Que. SIRE, Ch. Chambly Mithra *4752. DAM, Chambly Poppy. **5858. CHICAGO BLACK DOUGAL. (Transfer of Ownership.) (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born May 10. 1922. Owner, Miss Mary Midnes, Chicago. Ill. SIRE, Billie. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. **5784. CHIEF SMOKEY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born August 9, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Juanita Fossum, Portland, Ore. Sum Goblin Pertinax, A. C. A. 2817. DAM, Dewdrop. **5919. CYNTHIA S. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. R. S. Sheets, De. troit, Mich. SIRE, Fashion, A. C. A. 2058. DAM, Blue Lorna Doone. **5431. HAJJ OF PANTHER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born, September 6, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Jay Axtell, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Kewlockson, A. C. A. 1822. DAM, Jolie Cosette, A. C. A. 4519. **5308. JERI ALAZAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Copper eyes. Born February 24, 1922. Owner, Mrs. G. Alexander, Philadel phia. SIRE, Abou Ben Adhem **5285. DAM, Lady Cornflower Cotton **5307. **5800. KILMORIE CAPTIVATOR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Born May 10, 1 919. Owner, Mrs. C. N. Crossley, Concord, Mass. SIRE, Erebus Americus *3444. DAM, Mansfield Rutterkin (Imp. ) **5522. KING HADDO. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Smoke. Light orange eyes. Born April 28, 1921. Owner, Mrs. F. H. Plant, Ottawa. Ont. SIRE, Domur **4531. DAM, Lady Tarvis **4530. L. **5920. KISKIE S. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. R. C. Sheets, De troit, Mich. SIRE, Fashion, A. C. A. 2058. DAM, Blue Lorna Doone. **6128. LADY DORP. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Co pper eyes. Born March, 1922. Owner, Mrs. W. G. Patton. Sire and dam unknown. **5691. LADY SMOKEWAY (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Amber eyes. Born April 28, 1922. Owner, Mrs. O. H. Fabian. Huron, Ohio. SIRE, Conqueror Tamerlane. DAM, Undine, A. C. A. 5260. **5559. MARGOT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Smoke. Born May 12, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. A. Ramsay. Montreal. SIRE, Kewlockeson, A. C. A. 1822. DAM, Yolanda. **5221. OMARKAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Born July 30, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Mary E. Kimball, Los Angeles, Cal. SIRE, Ptolemy Barbe Bleue *3950. DAM, Kimball's Minnette **4305. 122 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Long Haired Masked Silver **6022. SOUVENIR WINKLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Masked silver. Orange eyes. Born August 9. 1922. Owner, Miss E. K. Metayer, Montreal. SIRE, Sonora Pom Pom. DAM, Souvenir Danderella **5653. **5953. SUNDAY BEST. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Smoke. Orange eyes. Owner, Mrs. R. Lacy, Birmingham, Ala. Sire and dam not given. Pedigree not requested at time of purchase. Long Haired Brown Tabby **6042. ADONIRAM. **3953. GENERAL GORGAS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born July 6, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Lewis A. Anderson, De troit, Mich. SIRE, Oakland Boy **5505. DAM, Daisy Pine, A. C. A. 4044. **5695. GRAND PRE. **5496. BETTY BROWN. (Rule 2.) L. M. Female. Brown tabby. Owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman. SIRE, Billy. DAM, MISS Judy. **5512. BOBBINS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Born April 20, 1922. O w n e r , M r s. E l vi n W o l f o r d , Al t a mo u n t , N. Y. SIRE, Sir Eric Andrae **5306. DAM, Janeen **5341. **5969. BROWNIE LADY. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born about 1920. Owner, Mrs. A. C. Sickles, Schenec tady, N. Y. Sire and dam unknown. **5993A. BUSTER TRANTUM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Orange eyes. Born 1918. Registered by Mrs. Jess Adair, Kansas City. SIRE, Buster Bright Kuhlman, A. C. A. 2269. DAM, Princess Marguerite, A. C. A. 2109. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Green eyes. Born March 10, 1922. Bred by owner, Mr. Wm. Brummerhop, Delawanna, N. J. SIRE, Sir Thomas Lipton. DAM, Velutina. **4279. INDEPENDENCE TIGER LILLY. (Transfer from Vol. 8.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown Tabby. Amber eyes. Born March 31, 1918. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Danforth, Independence, Kans. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. D AM , Ha Ha Minne (sic – Hahaminne) **1672. **5341. JANEEN. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Greenish yellow eyes. Born August 3. 1921 Owner, Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Spunk. DAM, Bianca. **5813. KING OTSIE. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born March 29, 1922. Owner, Mr. N. F. Marx, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Loveliness **5165. L. **5853. CHIEF NOPHAIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown tabby. Gold eyes. Born September 26, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. D. Gates, Columbus, Ohio. S I R E , G e n e r a l G o r ga s * * 3 9 53 ( T ra n s fe r ) . DAM, Lady Batine Browning Gates **5852. **6012. CYNTHIA BARRY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Born November 9, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. G. G. Buffalo, N. Y. SIRE, Our Boy Barry **4590. DAM, Tiny Silver **4548. (Transfer from Kitten Register.) (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Golden eyes. Born April 17, 1919. O w n e r , M r s. W. H. M i l l e r, C o l u mb u s , O. SIRE, Buster Beautiful *3688. DAM, Maxene. **5536. LADY CHARMEUSE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Brown tabby. Green eyes. Born November 28, 1921. O w n e r , M r s. C h a r l e s B u c kl e y , C o l l in gs wood, N. J. SIRE, Sir Richard. DAM, Lady Babylon. L. Barry, C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5517. LADY DERYABAR OF PROSPECT HILL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow hecked (sic) with green eyes. Born April 23, 1920. O w n e r , Mr s . A. M . P h i l l ip s , C h a r l o tt e s ville, Va. SIRE, Kilravock Bandersnatch *1783. DAM, Gray Baby. **5562. LADY MILLY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Green eyes. Born September 16, 1920 Owner, Mrs. E. O. Stallings, Indian apolis, Ind. SIRE, Sinabar. DAM, Hoosier Pingah *6062. **5321. LADY TAMAROI. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born October 18, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Harold R. Angle, Akron, Ohio. SIRE, Attaboy **4249. DAM, Susie Sunbeam **4248. **5616. LIZA JANE II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 13, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Cora Braeckstrom. SIRE, Black Nickle *3794. DAM, Tabby. **5729. MARIAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Yellow eyes. Born December 28, 1919. Owner, Mrs. W. B. Edwards, Cleve land, Ohio. SIRE, Buster Phinney **4133. DAM, Susyanne **2010. **5696. MO-TE II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Copper eyes. Born December 25, 1920. Bred by owner, Miss Lucy Daniels, Dallas, Texas. SIRE, King Tokio *4322. DAM, Mo-Te 1 **4326. **5674. OFFICER 666 OF GRACEMORE. L. (Rule 1.) Brown tabby. H. Male. Copper eyes. Born April 21, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Grace Morris, Centre Village, N. Y. SIRE, Pasconel **1613. DAM, Molly Mine of Gracemore *6205. 123 **5732. PRINCE GEORGE. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 13, 1922. O w n e r , M i ss Li l l a M . H i t c h c o c k, C le ve land, Ohio. SIRE, Blue Rajah. DAM, Blanche **5731. L. **5445. RASTUS L. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Brown tabby. eyes. Born March 10, 1922. Owner Mrs. L. Lambert. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Honey Moon. L. Yellow **5247. SUSIE SUNBEAM II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 22, 1922. Bred by owner, Mrs. Nellie Harrison, Alliance, Ohio. SIRE, Attaboy **4249. DAM, Susie Sunbeam **4248. **4410. TAWNEY VICEROY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Brown Tabby. Registered by Mrs. J. S. Earsemann. SIRE, Brayfort Viceroy. DAM, Paquita. **6080. TUMBLE TEAGH. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Brown tabby. Gold eyes. Born June 10, 1922. Owner. Rev. Henry Meyer. Cincinnati, Ohio. SIRE, Benidji, A. C. A. 3612. DAM, Moukalo **4473. L. **5495. VICTORY CHIEF. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Brown tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 29, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stoney Creek, Ont. SIRE, Rahman, Jr., A. C. A. 2642. DAM, Betty Brown **5496. L. **5532. WINSOR LA MISS. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Brown ta bby. Green eyes. Born May 4, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Leslie R. Davis, Water town, Mass. SIRE, Red San Toy, A. C. A. $181. DAM, Torglenna. Brownie. L. 124 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Long Haired Red and Orange Tabby **5615. ALDINE. **5453. BRENTWOOD YAN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Ella B. Hickey. Lafayette, Ind. SIRE, Rhynie of None-Nicer **5614. DAM, Dohlia, A. C. A. 4968. **5435. BABY LINCOLN OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born April 8, 1922. Owner, Mrs. O. E. Crider, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Ken nels **3878. DAM, Gold Golden Lady. **5451. BEBE SHAMROCK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 17, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. C. R. Larson, Corry, Pa. SIRE, Phantom Boy Ilderim, A. C. A. 4646 DAM, Prairie Red Toy **6184. **5213. BETTY RED JACKET. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. eyes. Born March 4, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Walter Wyse, apolis, Ind. SIRE, Toro, A. C. A. 4457. DAM, Lady Tikytika **5012. L. Orange Indian - **5967. BLACKFERN MICKEY WALKER. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 9, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Florence Ilch, Red Bank. SIRE, Coldstream Rex **2648. DAM, Donna Paprika *3919. **5619. BOB BURDETTE, JR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born April 8, 1922. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Columbus, Ohio. SIRE, Bob Burdette *2015. DAM, Sunshine Sue **3735. **5809. BOY BEAUTIFUL, JR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Born July 6, 1918. Owner, Mrs. D. C. Coleman, Stoney Creek, Ont. SIRE, Chum. DAM, Chintz Tabby. Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 1, 1922. Owner, Mrs. R. P. Spellman, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE, Tom Tucker. DAM, Coonie. **5491. CARLOTTA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born October 11, 1919. Owner, Miss Helen Kent, Ferndale, Mich. SIRE, Red Fox *3342. DAM, Ojavan **4650. L. **5902. CHUCKLE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born May, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Helena Murphy, Temple, Texas. SIRE, Pops of Vickery, A. C. A. 4565. DAM, Miss Muffet. **5462. COPPERHEAD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Born May 8, 1922. Owner, Mrs. B. Shields, New York, N. Y. SIRE, Teddy Eckers. DAM, Sunshine After Glow *4362. **5486. COURCELETTE CAID. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes Born August 23 1921. Born, A Owner, Lady Williams Taylor, Mon treal. SIRE, Ch. Tonika II **4517. DAM, Brown Betty Caid, A. C. A. 4617. L. **6181. DINARZADE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 17, 1921. Owner, Mr. Don B. McGraw. Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Billy Boy. DAM, Kittens. L. **5617. DU DA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. eyes. Born January 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Smith. SIRE, Red Rovions *4056. DAM, Lady Burroughs. L. Orange C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **6139. GOLDEN BEE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Birth date not given. Owner, Mrs. C. M. Highsmith, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Omar. DAM, Goldie. **5960. KING COLLINGRIDGE OF WEST PARK. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Burn June 16, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Wm. L. Collingridge, Cleveland Ohio. SIRE, Woodrow Wilson, A. C. A. 3454. DAM, Jimmie. **6124. KOLLORKIT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Mile. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 23, 1923. Owner, Mrs. Jas. Kollor, Detroit, Mich. S I R E , R e d F o r e s t R e d R o d e r i c k , A. O . A. 3188. DAM, Bobette **6058. **5569. LADD'S QUEEN ALLA BABA II. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born Spring, 1919. Bred by owner, Mrs. Pascal L. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Prince of Persia II **4047. DAM, Queen Alla Baba Ladd *4053. **5364. LADY AMBERHUE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby . Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. Warren Burke. SIRE, Karuso the Great **4214. DAM, Madam Rusty **5365. **6119. LADY ANABEL OF RED STAR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 20, 1919. Owner, Mrs. Claude K. Randowe, Ch icago, Ill. SIRE, Prince Creamo, A. C. A. 8622. DAM, Kim Red Wing II. **6091. LADY BOBETTA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born March 16, 1921. Owner, Mr. Joseph Kult, Lafayette, Ind. SIRE, Rhynie of None Nicer **5611. DAM, La Amazon, A. C. A. 4969. L. **6117. LADY CARDINAL. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 4, 1922. Owner, Mrs. O. A. Burdsall, Indian apolis, Ind. SIRE, Hoosier King *4735. DAM, Lady Tikytika **5012. L. 125 **5261. LADY VASTIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red t abby. Registered by Mrs. G. Kraft. SIRE, Hafiz Win. McNeilly. DAM, Phyllis. **5226. LORD CLARENDON. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born Spring, 1914. Bred by Miss Mabel Green. Owner, Mrs. P. P. Ladd, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Lord Goldemar Ladd **1900. DAM, Buttercup. **5365. MADAM RUSTY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Date of birth not given. Registered by Mrs. Warren Burke. SIRE, George II. DAM, Patches. **5485. MAGALI-CAID. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Deep orange eyes. Born April 29, 1922. Owner, Dr. F. A. Robichaud, Montreal. SIRE, Chambly Hibou **4751. DAM, Brown Betty Caid, A. C. A. 4615. L. **6182. MISS NIP. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born July 11, 1922. Owner, Mr. Don. B. McGraw, Chicago, Ill. SIRE, Sir Holton of Fernworth, A. C. A. 2547. DAM, Dinarzade **6181. **6140. MOTHER GIRL. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Owner. Mrs. C. R. Allen, Omaha, Neb. SIRE, Buster Bluster, A. C. A. 5783. DAM, Golden Bee **6139. L. **5534. PATER FAMILIAS. (Rule 1.) H. Male. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 8, 1922. Owner, Mrs. E. Ritterbusch, New York. N. Y. SIRE, Teddy Eckers. DAM, Sunshine After Glow *4362. L. **5982. PRINCE ALBERT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born August 26, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Chas. Boyd, Birmingham, Ala. SIRE, Renpoe *5284. DAM, Betty Bette. 126 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5211. PRINCESS MAUD. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Red tabby. Hazel eyes. Born about 1918. Owner, Miss Helen E. Nowell, Green castle, Pa. Sire and dam unknown. **5730. PRINCESS PAULA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 16, 1922. Owner, Miss Lilla B. Hitchcock, Cleve land, Ohio. SIRE, Gay Duke of Crickmere **4579. DAM, Marian **5729. L. **5207. QUEEN PONSELLA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born June 18, 1918. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Brown. SIRE, Lord Bob Bice **3849, A. C. A. 4186. DAM, Princess Keno *4695. L. **5388. RED FRISKY GIRL. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 22, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Lois Pierce, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Red Roderick, A. C. A. 8188. DAM, Peggy. L. **5463. RED WOLF. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. B o r n (si c – no da t e s h o wn a ft er ' Bo rn ') Owner, Mrs. D. V. Kennedy. Registered by Miss Ida C. Pierson, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Lord Bobbie **3849. DAM, Lynn Elliot *4052. **5614. RHYNIE OF NONENICER. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Dark yellow eyes. Born April 19, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Ella B. Hickey, Lafayette, Ind. SIRE, Duster. DAM, Marigold. **5209. SAN DIEGO. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 10, 1921. Owner, Mrs. A. J. Beardsley, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Red King Jerry **5177. DAM, Ponsella **5207. **5567. SINABAR. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born May, 1916. Owner, Mrs. E. F. Hamaker, Indian apolis, Ind. SIRE, Cochin Ginger, A. C. A. 8382. DAM, Lady Jane B., A. C. A. 1231. **6035. SNOMISE. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Golden eyes. Born February 24, 1921. Owner, Miss Elizabeth Simons, Colum bus, Ohio. SIRE, King Woodrow of Columbus Ken nels **3878. D A M , Gold Golden Girl of Columbus Kennels **62. L. **5903. SOUTH BREEZE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Amber eyes. Born May, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Bishop, Temple, Texas. SIRE, Pops of Vickery, A. C. A. 4565. DAM, Mrs. Muffet. **5260. SPARKLING (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. 'Orange tabby. Copper eyes Owner, Mrs. Gertrude Kraft. SIRE, Ch. Sessue *6070. DAM, Phyllis II **5261. **5592. SPINBALL. (Rule 2.) H. Male. Orange tabby. Copper eyes. Born August 31, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Mary Roper, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Lord Fauntleroy. DAM, Peturia. L. **5506. TED SHAWN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange tabby. Orange eyes. Born March 14, 1922. Owner, Mrs. P. D. Staats, Lincoln, Neb. SIRE, Major Nic Nac, A. C. A. 4135. DAM, Phizz. **5649. WASTEKA BUNTZ. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born June 6, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Frank Carnes, Massillon, Ohio. SIRE, Beaconlight Buntzie Boy *4045. DAM, Frisco Flo **5008. L. **5403. WONDERFUL PAL. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Red tabby. Copper eyes. Born May 22, 1921. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Bothe, Toledo, Ohio. SIRE, Red Roderick, A. C. A. 3188. DAM, Peggy. L. **5827. YELLOW BOY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born September 17, 1920. Owner, Miss Winnifred Wicksteed, Ot tawa, Ont. SIRE, King. DAM, Muzzer **4978. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER 127 Long Haired Tortoiseshell **6112. BALLMER'S SPANGLED LADY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born April 28, 1922. Owner, Mrs. I. G. Ballmer, Clarke, Neb. SIRE, Bunty. DAM, Betty McCall **4412. **6058. BOBETTE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born June 22, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Chas. M. Anderson, Detroit. Mich. SIRE, Tommy. DAM, Fluffy. L. **5916. CARLETON'S PANSYETTA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born July 23, 1921. Owner. Miss Maude I. Howard, Ottawa, Ont. SIRE, Woodrow Thor, A. C. A. 2925. DAM, Betty Goodrich **4744. L. **6038. CLEOPATRA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Registered by Mrs. L. M. Zucker. SIRE, Darkness DAM, Fluff White. **5631. CROCUS OF OXFORD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born March 27, 1922. Mrs. Joan McF arland, Montreal. SIRE, Ecco Erebus of Gosfield *4653. DAM, Betty Goodrich **4744. **5244. DARCUS. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born February 28 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. W. Miller, Findlay, Ohio SIRE, Webrick ***3618. DAM, Malinda Jane. L. **5344. DOLORES. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Green eye. Born September 22, 1920. Owner. Mrs. Freda McGregor, Jerome, Mich. Sire and dam not given. **5236. ETAWAH. (Rule 4.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born January 2, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Masters, Detroit, Mich. Sire and dam unknown. L. **5414. FUZZ OF FLEETWOOD. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Amber eyes. Born February 17, 1917. Owner, Mrs. G. F. Brown, Huntington, L. I. SIRE, Sunshine Boy. DAM, Pansy. L. **5228. GALBRAITH'S ALEXANDER (Rule 4.) L. H. Male. Tortoiseshell. Born October 12, 1915. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Galbraith, Indian apolis, Ind. Sire and dam not given. **5548. GARLOCK. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born April 16, 1920. Owner, Mrs. L. L. Ma stin, Detroit. Mich. SIRE, Paderwiski. DAM, Za Za II: L. **6113. LADY OF COLOR. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born May 10, 1922. Owner, Mrs. R. S. Files, Fort Dodge, Iowa. SIRE, Billy. DAM, Annie Laurie's Lady Fair **4231. L. **5297. LADY PIERCE. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Owner, Mr. B. H. Pierce. Sire and dam unknown. **5911. LADY VERNON OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Copper eyes. Born 1919. Owner, Mrs. G. Ransom, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. SIRE, Captain Jack *3662. DAM, Golden Lady L. **5251. LADY VISTIE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Golden eyes. Born March 14, 1921. Owner, Mrs. R. Kimball, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Captain. DAM, Peggie. L. **5723. LADY VIVIAN OF HAZELTON. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Amber eyes. Born April 1, 1922. Owner. Mrs. Arnold Younkman, To ledo, Ohio. SIRE, Sir Spinball **5592. DAM, Bertha S. L. 128 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5777. NANNABELL. **5302. LOVIETTA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Orange eyes. Born April 16, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Catherine Leutsch, Ferndale, Mich. SIRE, Lord Ivor **4456. DAM, Lady Marian II, A. C. A. 3787. **6064. MAYEDA OF KILLARNEY. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Amber eyes. Born May 16, 1921. Bred by owner, Mrs. Margaret E. Addison. SIRE, King Frost. DAM, Lady Queen, A. C. A. 4696, **5766. L. **5471. PETTIE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Born February I, 1923. Owner. Mrs. Gertrude Caywood, Wichi ta, Kans. SIRE, Sir Rag Tags **5974. DAM, Lady Roberta of Killarney **5975. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Gray eyes. Born April 6, 1922. Owner, Mrs. Minnie B. Covode, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Lion. DAM, Daffodil Snooksette. L. **6131. POLYTHIA. **5472. MISS SMUT. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Light amber eyes. Born March 22, 1913. Owner, Mrs. Frank Long, Denver, Col. SIRE, Teddy. DAM, Miss Sammy. L. **5765. MONTEREY OF RAHMANDALE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Date of birth not given. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Crofton, Toronto. SIRE, Rahman *1811. DAM, Rahmandale Sallie. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Co pper eyes. Born 1919. Owner, Miss Iduella Martin, Schenec tady, N. Y. SIRE , AND DAM, Longhaired cats. L. **5886. RAGBABY. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Tortoiseshell. Golden eyes. Born September 1. 1919. Owner, Mrs. C. E. Brown. SIRE, Aurora Ariel, A. C. A. 2466. DAM, Goldie. L. Short Haired Manx Orange Tabby **6084. PRINCE ROBERT (Rule 3.) S. H. Male. Red tabby. Orange eyes. Born May 16, 1916. Bred by Mrs. Thos. Nugent. Owner, Mrs. Helen W. Richards, Boonton, N. J. SIRE, Prince Robert, (Orange and White Manx). DAM, Princess Gelbe **5529. 6085. PRINCE RUDOLPH OF ZENDA. (Rule 3.) S. H. Male. Red tabby. Yellow eyes. Born August 11, 1916. Bred by owner, Mrs. Helen W. Richards, Boonton, N. J. SIRE, Sam of the Lakes. DAM, Princess Gelbe **5529. **5529. PRINCESS GELBE. (Rule 3.) S. H. Female. Orange. Hazel eyes. Born December 25, 1912. Owner, Mrs. H. W. Richards, Boonton, N. J. SIRE, Thomas. DAM, Margaret. Long Haired A. O. C. **5701. BABBIE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue and white. Yellow eyes. Born June 28, 1919. Owner, Mrs. L. S. Fisher, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, Mr. Zipp. DAM, Fluffy. **5318. DILLHAVEN BARNABAS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Silver tiger. Green eyes. Born November 1, 1920. Owner, Mrs. Henrietta A. Dill, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Sir Bobbie. DAM, Longhaired. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5317. DILLHAVEN MOLLY DARLING. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Brown tiger. Greenish yellow eyes. Born May 5, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Dorothy Barnes. SIRE, White Mountain *3591. DAM, Molly Oh! **5357. DREDA GIRL. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Blue tortoiseshell. Cop per eyes. Born August 16, 1921. Owner, Mrs. H. R. Francis, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Fritz. DAM, Ruff, A. C. A. 4325. **5326. DUSTY BRUSH. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Orange and white. Yel low eyes. Born August 27, 1921. Owner, Mrs. C. A. McMahan, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, Cherry Fantail. DAM, Ragamuffin. **5441. ELEGANTE OF GOOD HOPE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black and white. Golden eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Owner. Mrs. Clara E. Spencer, De Land, Fla. SIRE, Aurora Billy Boy. DAM, Princine **3808. **6040. ELIZABETH JANE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tan and black. Green eyes. Born September, 1917. Owner, Mrs. C. O. Dewstoe, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Longhaired eat. DAM, Longhaired cat. **6045. FRANCES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Silver and white. Green eyes. Born March 24, 1918. Bred by Mrs. E. M. Clark, Kansas City, Mo. SIRE, Dr. Rosenwald *4580. DAM, Harriet. **5253. FUZZY FLORA OF FAIRFIELD. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Born November 23, 1922. Owner, Miss Mary L. White, Jackson ville, Fla. SIRE, Donnir Boy of Estes **4915. DAM, Pinecroft's Pretty Pearl *4448. **5229. GALBRAITH'S SUE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Registered by Mrs. W. H. Galbraith. SIRE, Buff. DAM, Freckles. 129 **5870. GOLDEN DART. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Orange and white. Born October 17, 1922. Owner, Mr. Carl Spitzer, Vincen nes, Ind. SIRE, Ch. Sessue *5070. DAM, Hoosier Spitfire **5117. **5381. GREEN MT. MIMIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born August 14, 1921. Owner, Miss Catherine Gadu, Burling ton, Vt. SIRE, Green Mt. Jethro **4437. DAM, Lady Barbara. **5852. LADY BATINE BROWNING GATES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Golden eyes. Born June 16, 1919. Owner, Mrs. M. D. Gates, Columbus, Ohio. S I R E , G e n e r a l G o r ga s * * 3 9 53 ( T ra n s fe r ) . DAM, Maribel Kenton **3820. **5385. LADY MARX. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Orange and white. Amber eyes. Born September 19, 1919. Owner, Miss M. Marx, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Patsy Baily **4613. DAM, Kitty Baby **4711. L. **5540. LORD HARCOURT. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Cream and white. Orange eyes. Born January 1, 192". Owner, Mrs. F. S. Morri s, Mulberry, Fla. SIRE, Buddy Boy of Belvedere **4348. DAM, Lady Jane de Grey. **5656. MALINDA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born July 15, 1920. Owner, Mrs. S. J. Zoeger, Dallas, Texas. Sire and dam not given. **5654. MARCONOCHIE. (Rule 2.) H. Male. A. O. C. Cream and white. Born May 29, 1922. O w n e r , M r s . E . D . R i n g, M o n t r e a l . SIRE, Sonora Pom Pom. DAM, Souvenie Danderella **5653. L. **6078. MARIETTA. (Rule 1.) H. Female. A. O. C. Blue and white. Amber eyes. Born March 2, 1922. Owner, Mrs. George Boettiger, Erie, Pa. SIRE, Sir Daniel **4181. DAM, Erie Lady Georgette **4495. L. 130 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5249. MARTHA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Orange and white. Amber eyes. Born October, 1918. Owner, Mrs. H. A. Clark, Houston, Texas. SIRE, Pat Baily **4613. DAM, Beautiful. **5866. MOON EEN CLAIRE. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born March 20, 1922. O w n e r , M i s s M i n n i e M. K i mb a l l , G re e n castle, Ind. SIRE, Blue Boy, A. C. A. 4874. DAM, Katinka Neala, A. C. A. 4857. **5565. NANETTE SCHAH. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Black and white. Yellow eyes. Born May 26, 1922. Owner, Mr. A. Ington, Montreal. SIRE, Ch. Chambly Mithia *4762. DAM, Sonora Mirza **5564. **5608. NIBBZIEDERE OF GOOD HOPE. (Rule 1.) H. Female. Black and white. Golden eyes. Born April 16, 1922. Owner, Mr. O. D. Redfield, De Land, Fla. SIRE, Monarch of Good Hope **5571. DAM, Princine **3808. L. **5276. NINA. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Tortoiseshell and white. Grey eyes. Born May 30, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Alvarez, Richmond, Va. SIRE, Snowball. DAM, Lady Jean **4191. **6127. PANZIE BABY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. White, red and smoke. Golden eyes. Born about April, 1922. Owner, Mrs, Minne B. Covode, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Yellow Persian. DAM, Tri-color Persian. **5252. PARSONS PRETTY PATCHES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Born November 23, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Parsons, Jackson ville, Fla. SIRE, Donnir Boy of Estes **4915. DAM, Pinecroft's Pretty Pearl *4448. **5437. PEKINESE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Blue, tortoiseshell and white. Born December 5, 1921. Owner, Mrs. E. Souliere, Montreal. SIRE, Joffre. DAM, Lady Fluffy. **6116. PERSIAN DREAM. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born April 16, 1 922. Owner, Mrs. Harriet W. Sweeney, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIRE, Lincoln Theodore *4816. DAM, Peach Queen. **5927. POY. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Buff and white. Golden eyes. Born March, 1922. Owner, Mrs. M. B. Covode, Tampa, Fla. SIRE, Longhaired, orange and white. DAM, White Maine cat. **5694. PRINCE BUDDINSKI. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Red and white. Orange eyes. Born April 3, 1922. Owner, Miss Ina Mae Lee, Beverly, N. J. SIRE, Samuel of the Lake View *4715. DAM, Topsy. **5537. PRINCE SOLITAIRE BOOTS. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Orange and white. Orange eyes. Born April 24, 1922. O w n e r , M r s. C h a r l e s B u c kl e y , C o l l in gs wood, N. J. SIRE, Prince Auburn **3270. DAM, Sweetheart. **5658. PRINCESS GAUDY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Deep orange eyes. Born April 13, 1921. Owner, Mrs. Ella Van Kirk, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, White Mountain *3691. DAM, Patricia. **5434. QUEEN ANNIE. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Orange and white. Amber eyes. Born August 1, 1921. Owner, Mrs. J. E. Poole, Ft. Worth, Texas. SIRE, Brigham Young. DAM, Buttercup. L. **5313. RAGAMUFFIN. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Black and white. Yel low eyes. Born 1917. Owner, Mrs C. A. McMahan, Philadel phia, Pa. SIRE, King Cotton. DAM, Lady Cotton Cornflower **5307. **5270. SIR LANNY. (Rule 1.) L. H. Male. Tiger. Green eyes. Born September 20, 1921. Owner, Mrs. M. Lanagan, Schenectady, N. Y. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Loveliness **5165. C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER **5292. SMUDGE DEE. **5890. SOUVENIR SI KI. (Rule 5.) L. H. Female. Orange and black. Bar Born 1913. Registered, by Mrs. Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. SIRE, Colonel Tangerine. DAM, Twinkle. **5652. SMUT BOY CONGDON. (Ride 2.) L. H. Male. A. O. C. Ye llow eyes. Born August 9. 1922. O w n e r , M i ss C e l i a M . C on gd o n , B o st o n , Mass. SIRE, Sonora Pompom. DAM, Souvenir Danderella **5653. **5564. SONORA MIRZA. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Blue and white. O. C. Born May 8 1921. Owner. Mrs. A. Perras, Montreal. SIRE, Sonora Pom Pom. DAM, Sonora Mouchine. L. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream and white. Yel low eyes. Born May 29, 1922. Owner, Mrs. A. W. Dubrule, Montreal. SIRE, Sonora Pom Pom. DAM, Lady Fluffy. **6026. SPARKS. (Rule 4.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Orange eyes. Registered by Mrs. H. B. Chambers, Columbus, Ohio. Sire and dam unknown. **5623. TECLO. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Shaded blue. Copper eyes. Born June 20, 1918. Owner, Mrs. Frank Van Nest, Cold water, N. Y. SIRE, Buzz Boy. A. C. A. 3854. DAM, Zella. L. A. **5891. SOUVENIR BIZOUNE. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Cream and white. Born May 29. 1922. Owner. Mr. George Garneau, Detroit, Mich. SIRE, Sonora Pom Pom. DAM, Lady Fluffy. **5438. SOUVENIR HAMILCAR. (Rule 2.) L. H. Male. Red and white. Born December 5. 1921. Owner, Mrs. Claudia Welbank, Mon treal. SIRE, Joffre. DAM, Lady Fluffy. **5269. VERA. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. A. O. C. Golden eyes. Born September 20, 1921. Owner, Mrs. L. Lambert. SIRE, Wida **5242. DAM, Loveliness **6166. **6145. VERDUN WAR WIDOW. (Rule 2.) H. Female. Black and white. A. O. C. Yellow eyes. Born July 12. 1922. Owner, J. S. N. Dugan, Verdun. SIRE, El Turco of Oxford *5273. DAM, Lady Gladstone. L. Long Haired Miscellaneous **5457. MITZI OF PARSONS. (Rule 1.) L. H.. Female. Orange eyes. Born November 23, 1921. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Parsons, Jackson ville, Fla. SIRE, Donnir Boy of Estes **4915. DAM, Pinecroft Pretty Pearl *4448. **6114. SWIPES. (Rule 1.) L. H. Female. Registered by Mrs. F. B. Ryder. SIRE, Rumson Friar Ruff *1637. DAM, Dainty Doris **6135. 131 **6154. SYBIL. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Registered by Mrs. F. B. Ryder. SIRE, Abdul. DAM, Martha Washington. **6153 DAINTY DORIS. (Rule 2.) L. H. Female. Registered by Mrs. F. B. Ryder. SIRE, Toby. DAM, Rebecca. 132 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Certificates Of Championship GRANTED BY The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. 1922 – 1923 CAT *4752 *5031 *4954 *5957 *4892 *4768 *3983 *5334 *6050 *4582 *5328 *5050 *5807 *5333 *5790 *2436 *4352 *5114 *5992 *5499 *5703 *4805 *3816 *4300 *2624 *5070 *5281 *4517 *3793 OWNER CHAMBLY MITHRA .................. Mrs. E. C. Renouf CHANDOS REDBURN ............... Mrs. K. E. Stacey CLOVELLY RUZADA ................ Miss Ruth I. Gormley EMPIRE LADY CHIPMUNK ...... Mrs. Elsie Cooper FLEUR DE LIS OGINIA ............. Mrs. A. G. Johnson HAMPTON SILVER ARYON PASHA ..................................... Mrs. E. T. Dubord KILRAVOCK CHIEF DON WHITE EAGLE ....................... Mrs. M. Halm LADY MERDELVA (sic) .............. Mrs. A. E. Thompson LADY MICKEY .......................... LONE JACK ................................. Mrs. C. C. Kempf LORD BYNG OF VIMY ............. Mr. Herbert Hannah MADRONA GIRL O' MY HEART ..................................... Mrs. Harold E. Riggs MARIE JEANNE ......................... Dr. F. L. MacCracken MERDELVA LADY TORSCHENA (sic) .................... Mrs. A. E. Thompson MISS HENRY WHITEFEATHER ................................ Mrs. C. S. Thiel OXONIAN PRINCESS AMBER . Mrs. Madge Crouch OXONIAN RAMA ....................... Mrs. Madge Crouch PRINCESS BONDELLA ............. Mrs. O. F. Heslar PRINCESS SILVERKIN. ............. Mrs. R. H. Haggard PUSSYWILLOW LADY GOLDILOCKS ............................. Mrs. D. C. Coleman QUILNA BOY .............................. Mrs. Hazel Bowers RED HEAD OF DELVIEW ......... Mrs. Elsie Beatty RED SHADOWS II ...................... Mrs. F. E. Robinson ROBLYN II OF MINNESOTA .... Mrs. Eva Barnett SANDY McGREGOR .................. Miss Josephine Campbell SESSUE ........................................ Mrs. A. R. Morgan TIP OF THE SNOW ..................... Mrs. C. E. Cummings TONIKA II ................................... Mrs. E. T. Dubord TORNADO OF THE FOX VALLEY .................................. Mrs. C. C. Stevens Certificates Of Championship GRANTED BY The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. 1923 - 1924 — ENDING FEBRUARY CAT OWNER *5553 BECHANCA OF WILLOWDALE ................... Mrs. Frank Miller *4523 BLUE JACK OF CRICKMERE ...................... Mrs. A. G. Johnson *6759 BONNY LANGHORNE .......... Mrs. E. Kister (sic – LANGHERNE, v. 10) *5508 CARMINE MARIANA ............ Mrs. C. A. Hofer *6370 CHANISON OF WILLOWDALE ................... Mrs. Frank Miller *5366 CHIEF TUM-A-LUM OF BURKESHIRE .................... Mrs. Erik Boegel *4704 EBON AVIS ............................ Mrs. Wm. Neahring *4581 EFFIE SPEAS ......................... Mrs. D. V. Kennedy *5672 FAUVETTE OF RADIOLIGHT ..................... Mrs. S. J. Chapman *6678 FLASH O'NIGHT .................... Miss I. May Wilson *3383 GOLDEN FLEECE OF ROSE COTTAGE ................ Mrs. F. E. Robinson *4767 GREY NUN, THE ................... Mrs. Alice Fitzpatrick *6727 KILRAVOCK MERINGUE ..... Miss J. R. Kroeh *6733 LADY WONDERGAL ............ Mrs. E. Kister *5940 LAVENDER SUPREMACY .... Miss E. G. Hydon *5133 LAVENDER TRIUMPH .......... Mrs. J. H. Revington *5060 LAIRD OF RUSHOLME, THE .................................... Mrs. B. J. McKilliam *4685 LORD LIT' BOY ..................... Mrs. Madge Kelly *6400 MESCHAK ............................. Mrs. Anna Blizzard *6756 MISS LIBERTY ...................... Mrs. David Pittenger *6716 MY DEAR OF BLACK NEST .................................. Mrs. Fred Smee *5085 OLENTANGY BIG NOISE ...... Mrs. H. W. Miller *4373 PRINCE ILLINGTON OF WHITE FAWN .................... Mrs. C. P. McCawley *4576 PRINCESS DARA OF BEACONLIGHT .................. Mrs. Frank Miller *4941 RED TODDY OF PRESQUE ISLE .................. Mrs. Walter Leemhuis *3905 SYLVANO OF HAWTHORNE ....................... Mr. H. E. Jeffrey Wins of Champions not included in this Vol. will appear In Vol. 10. 136 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Wins Made by Cats Completing Their Championships During the Season 1922-1923 * 4 7 5 2 C H AM B L Y M IT H R A ( C h a m p i o n ) . Transfer from Register (see Index). Wi ns — Fi rst and Winn er: M ont rea l 1922, 1923; Ha mi lt on 1923. *5031 CHANDOS REDBURN (Champion). W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : C h i c a g o 1 9 2 2 , Ka n s a s City 1923, Columbus 1923. *4954 CLOVELLY RUZADA (Champion). W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : E m p i r e 1 9 2 1 . Fi r s t a n d Winner and Best of Opposite S ex: Keystone 1922, 1923. * 5 9 5 7 E M P IR E L A D Y C H IP M U N K ( C h a m p i o n ) W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : O t t a wa 1 9 2 1 , M o n t r e a l 1 9 2 1 , O t t a wa 1 9 2 2 , M o n t r e a l 1 9 2 2 . * 4 8 9 2 F L E U R D E L IS O G IN A ( s i c – O G I N I A ) . Wins— Fi rst and Winner: C leveland 1922, Colum bus 1922, Toledo 1922. * 4 7 6 8 H AM P T O N S I L V E R A R Y O N P A S H A ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r a n d B e s t N o v i c e : O t t a wa 1922. First and Winner and Sec ond Bes t Cat: Montreal 1922. *3983 K I L R A V O C K C H I E F D O N W H I T E E A G L E (Champion). W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : C l e v e l a n d 1 9 2 2 . Fi r s t and Winner and Best White Cat: Detroit 1922 and Toled o 1922. * 5 3 3 4 L A D Y M E R D E L V A (s ic – M ER DE L DA ) ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : O t t a wa 1 9 2 1 , O t t a wa 1922, Montreal 1922. * 6 0 5 0 L A D Y M IC KE Y ( C h a m p i o n ) . ( S e e In d e x . ) Wins— Fi rst and Winner, B est Shorthaired Cat: Montreal 1921, 1922. * 4 5 8 2 L O N E J AC K ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : O m a h a 1 9 2 2 , Ka n s a s City 1921, Dallas 1920. * 4 3 2 8 L O R D B Y N G O F V IM Y ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : O t t a wa 1 9 2 2 , M o n t r e a l 1922, St. Catharines 1923. * 5 8 0 7 M AR IE J E A N N E ( C h a m p i o n ) . ( V o l . 9 . S e e In d e x . ) Wins — Fi rst and Winner: Toledo 1920, Detroit 1922, Toled o 1922. * 5 3 3 3 M E R D E L V A (s i c ) L A D Y T O R S C H E N A ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : O t t a wa 1 9 2 2 , M o n t r e a l 1922, Hamilton 1923. 138 *5790 *5050 *2436 *4352 *5114 *5499 *5703 *4805 *3815 *4300 *2624 *5070 *5281 4517 *3793 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER M IS S HE NR Y WHITE FE ATH E R (Cha mpi on ). Wins— Fi rst Novic e, Op en and Winner: Toledo 1922. First and Winner: Decatur 1923, In d i a n a p o l i s 1 9 2 3 . M A D R O N A G IR L O ' M Y H E AR T ( C h a m p i o n ) . Wins— Fi rst and Winner: Toledo 1923, Cleveland 1923, Marion 1923, Columbus 1923. O X O N I A N P R IN C E S S AM B E R ( C h a m p i o n ) . Transfer from Register (see Index). Wins— Fi rst and Winner: E mpire 1920, Empire 1 9 2 1 , Ke y s t o n e 1 9 2 2 , 1 9 2 3 . O X O N I A N R AM A ( C h a m p i o n ) . Wins— Fi rst and Winner an d Best of Opposite S e x : K e y s t o n e 1 9 2 2 . F i r s t a n d Wi n n e r : Empire 1922, Keystone 1923. P R IN C E S S B O N D E L L A ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : T o l e d o 1 9 2 0 , 1 9 2 2 ; In dianapolis 1923. PUSSYWILLOW LADY GOLDILOC KS (Champ ion). Wins— Fi rst and Winner, Best Fema le: Detroit 1922. First and Winner: St. Catharines 1923, Hamilton 1923. QU ILNA BOY (Champion) . Wins— Fi rst and Winner: Ma rion 1923, Columbus 1 9 2 3 , In d i a n a p o l i s 1 9 2 3 . R E D H E A D O F D E L V IE W ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : E m p i r e 1 9 2 1 , Ke y s t o n e 1922, Empire 1922, Keystone 1923. RED SHADOWS II (Champion). Wins— Fi rst and Winner, B est Cat: Empire 1921. F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : E m p i r e 1 9 2 2 , Ke y s t o n e 1923. R O B L Y N I I O F M IN N E S O T A ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t N o v i c e , F i r s t O p e n a n d Wi n n e r , B e s t N o v i c e : T o l e d o 1 9 2 2 . B e s t C a t , Fi r s t a n d W i n n e r : M a r i o n 1 9 2 3 . F i r s t a n d Wi n n e r : Columbus 1923. S AN D Y M c GR E G O R ( C h a m p i o n ) . W i n s — F i r s t fi n d Wi n n e r : E m p i r e 1 9 2 0 , 1 9 2 1 , 1922. SESSUE (Champion). W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : In d i a n a p o l i s 1 9 2 2 , D e c a tur 1923, Columbus 1923, Indianapolis 1923. T IP O F T H E S N O W ( C h a m p i o n ) . V o l . 9 ( s e e In d e x f o r p e d i g r e e ) . W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r , B e s t F e m a l e : Ka n s a s City 1921. Fi rst and Winner: Chicago 1921, Omaha 1922. T O N IK A I I ( C h a m p i o n ) . ( n o a s t e r i s k b e f o r e # i n S B ) W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : M o n t r e a l 1 9 2 1 , O t t a wa 1922, Montreal 1922. TORNADO OF THE FOX VALLEY (Champion). W i n s — F i r s t a n d W i n n e r : D e n v e r 1 9 2 2 . Fi r s t a n d W i n n e r , B e s t C a t : O m a h a 1 9 2 2 . Fi r s t a n d Winner, B est Cat: Kansas City 1923. CATTERY, KENNEL and DISTINGUISHING NAMES REGISTERED ABEND ....................... 326 ADIRONDACK .......... 327 ALI HASSAN ............ 289 AVORETTA ............... 270 AZURINE .................. 268 BARRY ...................... 278 BEE KAY ................... 280 BELROBEN ............... 252 BENGAL CATTERY, Home of the Brown Tabbies ................... 300 BISHOP ..................... 260 BIDE A WEE ............. 324 BLACK NEST ............ 320 BLIZZARDPARA ....... 303 BLUEFAIR ................. 307 BOSTON ECHO ......... 250 BRIGHT STAR ........... 311 BRYN CLOVIS .......... 247 BUFFALO PERSIAN ................ 261 CHARLEROI .............. 265 CHICAGO .................. 258 CHRISTINA ............... 297 COUNTRY CLUB PLACE .................... 273 DREAMERIE ............. 266 DREAMWOLD ........... 301 DRESDEN .................. 257 EGYPTIAN ................ 316 FARLEIGH ................ 317 GILDEROY ................ 269 GRASMERE ............... 279 HAWKEYE ................ 298 HENNA ...................... 322 HIGHLAND HEATHER .............. 285 IDAESS ..................... 281 JACKSON .................. 274 JONES ....................... 287 KILLARNEY .............. 277 KILMORIE ................. 262 LA BELLE ................. 310 LA DON EIR .............. 288 LAIRD OF .................. 308 LE BEAUFORT .......... 256 MARLBOROUGH ...... 255 MASSILLON ............. 315 Mr. C. M. Lutes ...............1924 Miss Alice Earle ..............1924 Mr. Don B. McGrew ..........1923 Mrs. Kenneth L. Parker ....1923 Mrs. L. G. Gergel .............1923 Mrs. G. Barry....................1923 Mrs. Aug. B. Koester ........1923 Mrs. Ed. Grotecloss ..........1922 Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Shannon D. Smith .....1923 W. B. Bishop ............1923 Frank H. Hughes ......1924 Fred Smee ................1924 D. A. Sharkey ..........1923 Thrush .....................1923 F. Edlah Martin ........1922 Selma Rode ..............1923 Mira C. Kiemer ........1922 Mrs. C. T. McCawley .......1923 Mrs. H. R. Jeffrey ............1923 Miss Mary Midnes ............1923 Mrs. M. L. Faris .............. 1923 Mrs. A. S. Hanford ...........1923 Mrs. C. C. Stevens ...........1923 Mrs. W. G. Barnard ..........1923 Miss Elsie Bailey .............1922 Mrs. J. F. Daniel ..............1924 The Misses Wilson ............1924 Mrs. E. B. Christopher ......1923 Mrs. John Ruddle .............1923 Mrs. Ed. Kratz .................1923 Mrs. Florence Bieder ........1924 Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Lucy B. Hungerford ...1923 Ida S. Smelker ..........1923 E. Ottney .................1923 Noah Jones ..............1923 Gertrude Caywood ....1923 C. M. Crossley ..........1923 H. S. Bell .................1923 C. R. Allen ............ 1923 B. J. McKilliam ........1923 C. A. McMahon ........1922 H. B. Treadwell ........1922 F. V. Carnes .............1923 C. F. A. Inc. STUD BOOK McGHIE ..................... 284 140 Mrs. Geo. H. McGhie ....... 1923 MILLER MOLLER ..... 291 MONICA .................... 325 MOON-IDE ................ 282 MOONSTONE ........... 293 MORNING GLORY .... 329 MOSQUE ................ 312 NEWMARSH CATTERY OF VERDUN ........... 264 NIRIS .................... 296 OAKLAND ................. 251 OZ ............................. 244 ....................................... PASO DEL NORTE 325 POWER CITY ............ 295 PURR PURR .............. 253 PUSSYWILLOW ........ 263 QUILNA ................... 294 RADIOLIGHT ............ 249 RAMONA .................. 272 RED BEAUTY ............ 259 REDFERN .................. 304 RED STAR ................. 271 RIGAUD .................... 302 ROCKAWAY ............. 299 ROSE BAR ................. 283 SANDOWN ................ 309 SEBURNETTE ........... 318 SEMINOLE ................ 275 SHINING POOL ......... 305 SIL-BLEU .................. 323 SILVERSHINE ........... 254 SINDHIA ................... 245 SQUARE DEAL ......... 319 ST. KITTS .................. 267 STARLIGHT .............. 330 STERLING ................. 306 SUNBEAM ................. 286 TEHERAN ................. 290 TIGER ....................... 248 WEDGEWOOD .......... 246 WILL O'WISP ............ 276 WOLVERINE ............. 313 WOODHOLME ........... 292 VALLEY OF THE MOON .................... 331 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ................. 321 Mrs. Nellie Miller ............1923 Mrs. W. A. Ramsay ..........1924 Dr. J. H. Dockham ............1923 Mrs. E. H. K. Rubert ........1923 Mrs. Anna W. Blizzard .....1924 Dr. Frances L. MacCraken ..1923 Mrs. Wm. Howell .............1923 Mrs. Irving Harris ............1923 Mrs. W. H. Reeves ...........1922 Mrs. A. M. Robinson .........1922 Mrs. L. K. Williams ....... Mrs. F. N. Craver .............. 1920 Mrs. Mary M. Swayze ......1923 Mrs. F. H. Bohrer .............1923 Mrs. D. C. Coleman ..........1923 Mrs. Hazel Bowers ...........1923 Mrs. S. J. Chapman ..........1922 Mrs. E. A. Boillot ............1923 Mrs. P. H. Stern ...............1923 Mrs. Frank Woolcott. .......1923 Mr. Claude K. Randowe ....1923 Mrs. Germain Beaulieu .....1923 Mrs. J. Parker ..................1923 Mrs. Rosamond G. Kiff ....1923 Mrs. Fred Cope ................1923 Mrs. Etta Seburn ..............1924 Mrs. S. A. Cook ...............1923 Dr. Grace Elmendorf ........1923 Mrs. E. Kister ..................1924 Mrs. Gladys Simpson .......1922 Mrs. W. T. Robison ..........1922 Mrs. Addison ...................1924 Mrs. J. Rowland ...............1923 Mrs. Charles Walton .........1924 Mrs. J. H. Clark ...............1923 Mrs. L. Tutterton .............1923 Mrs. L. R. Ibbotson ..........1923 Mrs. Theo. Slade ..............1922 Mrs. Eva M. Barnett .........1922 Mrs. Edwards ...................1923 Mrs. F. E. Manley ............1923 Mrs. Harry Grace .............1923 Mrs. M. G. Simmons ........1924 Mrs. L. L. Kitterman ........1924 142 C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Some Cat Shows with Points from "Cat Courier" and Other Information Year Clubs 1912 North Star Minn., Jan ............. C.N.C.C., "Toronto," Aug. 28 .. Empire, Dec. 4 ...................... Silver Soc., Dec. 16 ............... ............................................. 1913 Atlantic, Jan. 1 ...................... N. Y. Pet Stock Cat Show, Jan. Boston, Jan. 8 ........................ Schenectady, Jan. 9 ............... Pittsburgh C. C., Jan. 13 ........ Cal. C.C., San Fran., Feb. 1 ..... Beresford, Chicago, Feb. 19 ... Oregon C.C., Portland, 3d given Can. N.C.C., Toronto, Aug. 26 . Syracuse, Sept. 10 ................. Washington C.C., Dec. 4 ........ Queen City, Seattle, Nov. 6 .... Rhode Island, Prov., Dec. 3 ..... Empire, Dec. 4 ...................... Rochester, Dec. 16 ................. Atlantic, Dec. 17 ................... N. Y. Pet Stock, Dec. 30 ........ 1914 Aurora, Jan. 8 ........................ Boston, Jan. 14 ...................... Sphynx, Kansas City .............. Beresford, Feb. 10 ................. Amer. Fur & Feath., Seattle, Jan. 15 ................................ O.C.C., Portland, Jan. 22 ....... Cal. C.C., Oakland, Jan. 30 .... Toronto, Can., N.C.C., Sept. 1 Lockhaven, Rochester, Nov. 11 Ohio S.C.C., Columbus, Nov. 4 Atlantic, Nov. 17 ................... Pacific, San Fran., Dec. 4 ....... Cal. C. C., Oakland, Nov. 29 .. 1915 Boston, Jan. 13 ...................... Conn., Greenwich, Jan. 26 ..... Sphynx, Jan. 14 ..................... Silver Society, Jan. 21 ........... Silver Society, Jan. 21 ........... South Bend, Jan. 21 ............... Columbus C.C., Columbus, O., Jan. 27 ............................... Aurora, Feb. 4 Queen City C.C., Seattle, Jan. 28 Toronto, Aug. 31 ................... Association Association A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. 3 A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. Points 2 2 2 4 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 Not assigned 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 1 2 1 A.C.A. 1 A.C.A. A.C.A. 2 Not stated C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Year Clubs 143 Association Association Aurora, Sept. 22 .................... Beresford, Sept. 23 ................ A.C.A. Westchester, Jan. 12 .............. Atlantic, Dec. 1 ..................... Empire, Dec. 8 ...................... Rhode Island, Dec. 1 .............. A.C.A. C.F.A. Toledo, Dec. 14 ..................... Pan. Pac., Nov. 29 .................. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 1 1 2 3 3 Not given 3 4 4 2 2 1 — 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 3 2 C.F.A. 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 1916 Beresford, Jan. 5 .................... A.C.A. Boston, Jan. 12 ...................... A.C.A. Lansing, Jan. 13 .................... A.C.A. Texas S.C.C., San Antonio ...... A.C.A. Smoky City, Pitts., Jan. 16 ..... South Bend, Jan. 22 ............... S.S., Jan. 27 .......................... Queen City, Seattle, Jan. 20 .... A.C.A. Sphynx, Jan. 26 ..................... A.C.A. Grand Rapids, Mar. 1 ............. Cal. C.C., June 15 .................. A.C.A. Can. N.C.C., Toronto, Aug. 29 A.C.A. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 11 ........... A.C.A. Atlantic, Nov. 22 ................... San Diego Ex. Show, Nov. 21 . A.C.A. Cal. C.C., Oakland, Nov. 29 ... A.C.A. Westchester, Dec. 5 ............... Persian (Sphynx), Kansas City, Dec. 7 ........................ A.C.A. Empire, Dec. 7 ...................... South Bend, Dec. 7 ................ Tacoma, Wash., C. Show, Dec. 7 ................................ Toledo, Dec. 12 ..................... Winnipeg, 3d, Dec. 15 ........... Pac., San Fran.,-Dec. 16 ......... A.C.A. Lansing, Dec. 27 .................... 1917 Boston .................................. A.C.A. Kalamazoo, Jan. 4 ................... Grand Rapids, Jan. 9 .............. Galesburg, Ill., Jan. 10 ........... A.C.A. Wolverine (Flint), Jan. 11 ...... A.C.A. Fremont Persian, Neb., Jan. 12 ............................... A.C.A. Smoky City, Jan. 16 ............... Silver Society, Jan. 23 . .......... Aurora, Feb. 1 ....................... Duluth, Feb. 2 ....................... Beresford, Feb. 6 ................... A.C.A. Los Angeles, Jan. 21 .............. Pac., Dec. 8 ........................... A.C.A. Atlantic, Nov. 21 ................... Fremont, Dec. 14 ................... A.C.A. Sphynx, Kansas C. ................. A.C.A. Michigan State Fair, Sept. 1 ....... Points C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 144 Year C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Clubs Association Association 1918 Boston, Jan. 16 ...................... A.C.A. Belvidere, Feb. 1 ................... S.S., Jan. 23 .......................... A.C.A. 1919 1920 1921 1922 Smoky City, Jan. 24 ............... O.C.C., Portland .................... McKeesport ........................... Atlantic ................................. Greater Mich. ........................ Cleveland Persian Soc. ........... Silver Society, Independent ..... Empire .................................. Cleveland Persian Soc. ........... McKeesport ........................... Persian Soc. of Pittsburgh ...... Toledo Cat Club .................... Southland Persian Soc. ........... Empire Cat Club .................... Silver Cat Club of Brooklyn .... Ottawa, Sept. 14, 15, 16 ......... British Columbia, Sept. 15, 16, 17 ................................ Ventura, Sept. 22, 23, 24 ........ Texas Cat Club, Dec. 3, 4 ...... Toledo Cat Club, Dec. 8, 9 ...... Pacific Cat Club, Dec. 10, 11 .. Boston, Jan. 13, 14 ................ Los Angeles, Jan. 25, 26 ........ Atlantic, Jan. 15, 16 ............... Silver Society, Jan. 5, 6 ......... San Diego, Jan. 11, 12, 13 ...... Colorado Cat Council, Jan. 21, 22 ................................ Empire, Dec. 9, 10 ................. Montreal, Nov. 29, 30 ............ British Columbia, Aug. 15, 16, 17 ................................ Ottawa, Sept. 13, 14, 16 ......... Toronto, Aug. 20, 31 .............. Chicago ................................ Ventura .................................. Indianapolis, Feb. 10, 11, 12 ... Tampa, Feb. 7, 8 .................... Los Angeles, Jan. 12, 13, 14 .... British Columbia, Jan. 21 ....... Houston, Nov. 16, 17, 18 ....... Colorado Cat Council, Nov. 17, 18 Jacksonville, Nov. 23, 24 ....... Silver Society, Dec. 5 ............ Empire, Dec. 8, 9 ................... Toledo, Dec. 12, 13, 14 .......... Omaha, Dec. 12 ..................... Detroit Persian, Sept. 7, 8, 9 ... Central Canada, Sept. 12, 13, 14 ................................ Montreal Cat Fanciers, Nov. 15, 16 ................................ Springfield, Dec. 4, 6 ............. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 1 1 4 1 — 1 1 1 1 C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 1 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.F. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. C.F.F. A.C.A. C.F.F. C.F.F. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. — 1 3 2 3 3 — 1 2 — — 4 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 2½ 4 — 3 1 4 2 — — — 3 4 3 4 3 2 4 C.F.A. 4 C.F.A. 4 2 C.F.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.F. C.F.A. C.F.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. A.C.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.F. C.F.F. Points C. F. A. Inc. REGISTER Year Clubs 145 Association Association 1923 St. Catharines Poultry, Jan. 1 .. Heart of America, Jan. 4, 5, 6 .. San Diego, Jan. 4, 5, 6 ........... A.C.A. Atlantic Cat Club, Jan. 9, 10 ... C.F.F. Boston Cat Club, Jan. 10, 11 ... C.F.F. Marion Persian Soc., Jan. 11, 12, 13 ................................ Keystone State, Jan. 12, 13 .... Cleveland Persian, Jan. 16, 17. 18 ................................ Hamilton Cat Club, Jan. 30,31 ... Allied Pet Stock, Jan. 18, 19, 20 ...................................... Ohio State Persian, Feb. 3 4, 5 ... Los Angeles, Jan. 13, 14, 15 .... A.C.A. New Haven, Jan. 18, 19, 20 .... C.F.F. Indianapolis Cat Club, Feb. 9, 10 .................................. Houston, Nov. 7, 9 ................. A.C.A. Silver Society, Dec. 10 .......... C.F.F. Atlantic, Dec. 17, 18 ..... ......... C.F.F. Beresford, Nov. 23, 24 ........... A.C.A. Red Persian Soc., Dec. 13, 14 . A.C.A. Springfield, Sept. 18, 19 ........ C.F.F. Toronto, Aug . ....................... A.C.A. Springfield, Dec. 4, 5 ............. C.F.F. 1924 New Haven, Feb. 1, 2 ............. C.F.F. Points C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 4 — 4 2 C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. 3 4 — 1 C.F.A. 4 — 4 4 — — 1 — 2 3 Season 1923-1924 Clubs Association Points Allied Pet Stock Ass'n, Jan. 17, 18, 19, '24 ........... Buff Buffalo Persian Society, Jan. 9 , 10, 11, '24 .. Calhoun Country Fair Ass'n, Sept. 18, 19, 20, '23 ................................................................ Central Canada Exhibition Ass'n, Sept. 11,12, 13, '23 ............................................................ Chicago Persian Society, Dec. 141, 15, 16, '23 ..... Cleveland Persian Society, Dec. 12, 13, 14, '23 .... Detroit Persian Society, Sept. 6, 7, 8, '23 ............. El Paso Cat Club Jan. 23, 26, '24 ......................... Empire Cat Club: Nov. 22, 23, '23 ....................... Hamilton Cat Club, Dec. 5, 6, 7, '23 .................... Heart of America Cat Club, Dec. 18, 19, 20, '23 ... Indianapolis Cat Club, Feb. 15, 16, 17, '24 ........... Jackson Persian Society, Nov. 20, 21, '24 ............. Jacksonville Persian Society, Nov. 16, 17, '24 ...... Keystone Cat Club, Jan. 11, 12, '24 ..................... Marion Persian Society, Jan. 10, 11, 12, '24 ......... Memphis Cat Club, Jan. 22, 23, '24 ...................... Montreal Cat Fanciers' Club, Dec. 12, 13, '23 ....... Niagara District Cat Club, Dec. 31, '23, Jan. 1, '24 .............................................................. Ohio State Persian Club, Jan. 26, 27, 28, '24 ........ Ohio Valley Persian Society, Dec. 30, 31, '23, Jan. 1, '24 ....................................................... Toledo Cat Club, Jan. 17, 18, 19, '24 ................... C.F.A. C.F.A. 1 4 C.F.A. 2 C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. C.F.A. 3 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 2 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. 2 4 C.F.A. C.F.A. 3 3 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. STUD BOOK AND REGIST ER VOLUME IX * Stud Book Number *5757 **5285 *5842 *5235 *5257 **6042 *5734 *5461 *5680 **6184 **5615 *6126 *5280 **6183 **6062 *5884 **5755 *5469 *6013 *5348 *5944 **5715 **5519 *5746 *5507 *6173 *6167 **5701 *6053 **6137 *5874 **5817 **5435 **5283 **6112 *5464 *5869 **5451 *5928 *5553 *6068 *6070 *6079 *6034 *6067 **6036 **5337 *5840 *5855 *5740 *5675 *5868 ** Register Name of Cat Page A. BELL OF BYRN (sic) CLOVIS .. 78 ABOU BEN ADHEM ................... 108 ABU HASSAN ............................. 20 ACE OF SPADES ......................... 20 ADMIRAL CRICKET ................... 61 ADONIRAM ............................... 121 ADOUR PASHA ........................... 61 AILAURA .................................... 43 ALANNA ....................................... 5 ALASCA .................................... 103 ALDINE ...................................... 123 ALBERTY'S LADY WINKLEY ........................................... 97 ALFARATA OF GABLES .................................... 78 ALT HASSAN'S YOGI BOY ......... 119 ALMA WILL O' WISP ................. 113 AMICUS DONUM ........................ 71 AMBOLENA SNOW II. ............... 103 ANABEL GRAY .......................... 61 ANNE ARISTOCRAT ................... 40 ANN HATHAWAY ...................... 26 ARBIE ......................................... 71 ARROJO ..................................... 103 ARTABAN ................................. 108 ATTABOY II. .............................. 78 AU CHAT NOIR CHING .............. 20 AVO'S QUEENE ........................ 117 AZURINE MARTREX .................. 62 Number *5419 *5780 **5496 *5639 **6065 BABBIE ............ ........................127 BABEALADD .............................. 40 BABE OF FAUST .................... ...108 BABICHE ZAN ............................ 52 BABY ANN ................................ 108 BABY LINCOLN OF COLUMBUS KENNELS ................... 123 BADOURA ................................. 119 BALLMER'S SPANGLED LADY ....................................... 126 BARON ....................................... 50 BEBE OF RAMONA ..................... 52 BEBE SHAMROCK ..................... 123 BEBETTE TODERIMS ................. 78 BECHANDA OF WILLOWDALE (Ch.) ............................... 78 BEE-KAY LADY BROWNIE ........ 72 BEE-KAY LADY MIMI ................ 72 BEE-KAY MIRZA ........................ 72 BEE-KAY VASHTI ...................... 72 BEE-KAY ZETRA II. ................... 72 BEGUHN TOPSEY ...................... 108 BELMACHREE ........................... 113 BELROBEN'S GOOD LUCK .......... 97 BELVEDERE HAMPPURR ........... 52 BEN ALI PASHA ......................... 61 BEN SAN .................................... 26 BEST LOVE ................................ 79 *5861 **5679 *5550 **5213 *5835 **6056 *5322 *5762 *5788 *5789 *5602 *6039 **6118 **5612 **5858 **5967 *5763 **5836 *5803 *5379 **5731 **6032 *6155 *5566 **5206 *5214 *6186 *5203 *5484 *5483 *5386 **5918 **5375 **5397 *6087 **5512 **5619 **5860 Name of Cat Page BETELGUESE OF ERIE ................. 5 BETSY ADELAIDE ...................... 61 BETTY BROWN ......................... 121 BETTY JOE ................................. 79 BETTY-LOU OF KILLARNEY ........................................ 117 BETTY RED JACKET ................ 128 BILL MAIN ................................. 73 BILLIE BOB OF KILLARNEY ........................................ 117 BILLI PONCE OF FLORIDA ...... 26 BINKIE ........................................ 52 BISHOP WONDERLOVE .............. 53 BISHOP WONDERSON ................ 53 BIT O' BLACK ............................. 20 BIT O' LOVIN' OF PITTSBURGH ....................................... 6 BLACK BANDIT ........................ 108 BLACK DREAM O' MALADY .... 108 BLACK DOUGAL ...................... 120 BLACKFERN MICKEY WALKER ................................. 123 BLACK LADDIE BOY ................. 21 BLACK PANSY ......................... 108 BLACK ROVER OF COLUMBUS KENNELS. ......................... 21 BLAIR ATHOL .......................... 110 BLANCHE ................................. 103 BLANCHETTE OF GRASMERE ...................................... 103 BLANCO ....................................... 6 BLONQUITA ............................. 103 BLUE ACE OF SHADELAND ........................................ 26 BLUE ALLY ................................ 26 BLUE BLAZES ............................ 26 BLUE BONNET ......................... 108 BLUE CLOAK WINONA .............. 26 BLUE DAY OF SHADELAND ...... 27 BLUE EMPEROR II. OF PANTHER ................................. 27 BLUE HEIRLOOM ....................... 27 BLUE JACKET, JR., OF TANGLEWOOD ......................... 27 BLUE LASCELLES ...................... 27 BLUE NOSE S ........................... 110 BLUE PETER ............................. 111 BLUE SHIEK ............................. 111 BLUE WILLOW GIRL .................. 27 BOBBINS .................................. 121 BOB BURDETTE, JR .................. 123 BOBBY WILDAIRES ................. 108 **6058 BOBETTE ............................... 126 *5704 *6133 *5597 *6122 BOBKINS ................................... 40 BON BRIGHT .............................. 41 BONHOMIE BEATRIX ................. 41 BONNIE MARIGOLD OF HIGHLAND HEATHER ............... 79 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. IX. Number **5809 *5812 **6169 *5396 **5948 **6102 **6170 **5409 **5621 *6171 *5552 **5642 *6103 **5408 *5453 *5741 *5585 *5598 **5969 *5787 *5583 **5370 *5786 *5593 **5993 **5857 *5423 *5588 *6024 **5361 *5427 **5916 **5491 *5826 *5945 *5508 *5627 *5865 *5692 *5613 **5624 *4752 **5625 **6051 *5922 *5924 *5923 *5959 *5921 *5958 *5440 *5864 *5863 *5747 **5314 **6016 **5448 *5858 *4821 *6008 *6001 *6033 *6000 *6052 *6083 **5853 *5243 *4782 Name of Cat Page BOY BEAUTIFUL, JR .................. 123 BOZA ...........................................41 BRENTWOOD ALETHEA ............ 117 BRENTWOOD BITTERSWEET .................................... 113 BRENTWOOD CURDY ............... 116 BRENTWOOD LADY CORLAER 103 BRENTWOOD LADY ULA ......... 104 BRENTWOOD LASCAR II .......... 117 BRENTWOOD LETA ................... 119 BRENTWOOD OTHNIEL ............. 117 BRENTWOOD PYNCHOW VELMA ......................................61 BRENTWOOD RITZA ................. 117 BRENTWOOD STREAK ............. 120 BRENTWOOD WISLA ................ 117 BRENTWOOD YAN .................... 123 BRIGHT STAR OF EVENING .............................................. 5 BROCADE OF THE LAKEVIEW .........................................50 BROOK'S KING ALFRED ..............53 BROWNIE LADY ....................... 121 BUFFALO BILL ...........................79 BULA OF THE LAKE VIEW .........79 BUNKIE STEVENS ..................... 104 BUNTING ..................................... 6 BURNS ....................................... 111 BUSTER TRANTUM ................... 121 BUTTERBALL . ......................... 116 CALANDULA .............................. 73 CAPTAIN BUDDY T .....................80 CAPTAIN KERMAN .....................73 CAPTAIN SOOTY ...................... 104 CAPTAIN SPUNK OF GAIL HAMILTON ................................62 CARLETON'S PANSYETTA ....... 126 CARTOTTA ............................... 123 CARMINE KARYL .......................80 CARMINE KENCARYL ................80 CARMINE MARIANNE ................80 CARMINE ORIFLAMME ..............80 CARMINE RAJSHA ......................80 CASPER .......................................41 CHADDIE ....................................62 CHAMBLY DELPHINIUM .......... 104 CHAMBLY MITHRA (Ch.) ............ 6 CHAMBLY NIGELIA (sic) II ....... 120 CHAMBLY SHIRLEY POPPY ..... 104 CHANDOS BETTYE .....................97 CHANDOS BOYKIN .....................62 CHANDOS CHUBBYE ..................41 CHANDOS GRETCHEN ................53 CHANDOS PRINCE PINECROFT ... 6 CHANDOS SILVER CHIEF ...........53 CHARLEROI MISS MERRY ...........98 CHARLEROI TINY ......................28 CHARLEROI ZULEIKA. ............. 100 CHATUN (sic) OF WINNEBAGO ...28 CHER AMI ................................. 108 CHERRY BLOSSOM ................... 104 CHEWINK .................................. 104 CHICAGO BLACK DOUGAL ...... 120 CHICAGO McALVAY MISTRESS KLEO (Trans.)..................28 CHICAGO LADY NOCTE ..............21 CHICAGO LADY THISTLEDOWN .......................................28 CHICAGO SATINA ....................... 6 CHICAGO SEBAS JEANETTE .................................28 CHI CHI OF CLAREMONT ...........53 CHIEF BUSTER ............................41 CHIEF NOPHAIE ........................ 121 CHIEF OTTUMWA .......................70 CHIEF SEMINOLE (Trans.) ...........28 147 Number Name of Cat Page **5784 CHIEF SMOKEY ........................ 120 *5498 CHIEF'S PLEASURE .................... 73 *5366 CHIEF TUM A LUM OF BURKSHIRE ............................. 42 5988 CHIRPER OF THE BIRD'S NEST (no ** before # in SB) ............ 73 *5278 CHUBBY GOLDWYN .................. 80 **6104 CHU CHIN CHAU ...................... 113 **5902 CHUCKLE ................................. 123 *5376 CLARA BUTT ............................ 111 **5950 CLINGLI PUT ............................ 108 **6038 CLEOPATRA ............................ 126 *4288 CLOUDY SUE (Trans) ................ 100 *4954 CLOVELLY RUZADA (Ch.) ........... 6 *6017 COLDSTREAM GUARD ............... 29 **5673 COALY ...................................... 108 *5394 CONSTANCE TALMADGE ........ 104 **5462 COPPERHEAD ........................... 123 *5584 CORAL REEF OF THE LAKE VIEW .............................. 42 *5720 CORTI ....................................... 104 *5954 COUIE OF HAZELTON ................ 54 *5458 COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO ....... 81 *5486 COURCELETTE CAID ............... 123 *5900 COY MISS OF IDLE HOUR .......... 98 *5587 CREAM CUPID ............................ 50 **5631 CROCUS OF OXFORD ............... 126 *5955 CU'SHI JA'PHO............................. 21 **5305 CUT UP ..................................... 117 **6012 CYNTHIA BARRY. .................... 121 **5919 CYNTHIA S. .............................. 120 *5851 *5943 **6153 *5353 *5231 *5640 *5467 **5244 **6003 *5354 **6172 *5523 **5387 *5573 *5806 *5782 *6189 **5318 *5978 *5968 *5962 **5317 **6181 *5265 **5815 *5266 *6164 *5404 *5405 *6165 *6086 **5344 *5878 *5410 *5406 *5942 *5258 *5914 *5999 *6157 *5819 DAFFODIL SMITH ...................... 42 DAINTY BLUE ............................ 29 DAINTY DORIS.......................... 130 DAINTY DUCHESS ..................... 50 DAISY BELL ................................. 6 DAME MELBA T. ........................ 98 DANNY PIERSON ....................... 81 DARCUS ................................... 126 DARDANELLES ....................... 113 DARE BOY .................................... 7 DEAR HEART ........................... 104 DE ETTE ..................................... 81 DELIA DEE ............................... 119 DELICATE ARIEL OF GLENHAVEN .............................. 7 DELVIEW SHA SHI ..................... 29 DERU OF HAWTHORNE ............. 54 DIANA OWLET ........................... 98 DILLHAVEN BARNABAS .......... 127 DILLHAVEN CARAMIA ................ 7 DILLHAVEN CARLYON................. 7 DILLHAVEN MARSHMALLOW .... 7 DILLHAVEN MOLLY DARLING ................................ 128 DINARZADE ............................. 123 DINTY McGHEE I ....................... 81 DINTY MOORE WOOLCOTT ..... 116 DIOGENES .................................. 42 DIRTY FACE ................................ 98 DIXILAND (sic) DAN D ................ 29 DIXI-LAND VINCA ...................... 29 DIXI-LAND ZEV ......................... 29 DOLLIE SILVER II ...................... 69 DOLORES ................................. 126 DON DAYGON OF GLENHAVEN ....................................... 7 DON IVAN OF AMERICAN. ........ 54 DON JUAN OF DIXI-LAND. ........ 29 DON LEONARDO II ...................... 7 DON SILVOS ............................... 54 DONNA LOURA .......................... 54 DOROTHEA DOLL ........................ 9 DOROTH DIMPLES OF THE SNOW ................................. 8 DREAMERIE FLAME .................. 81 148 Number **5367 *5760 *5759 *5758 *5549 *5234 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX VOL. IX. Name of Cat Page DREDA GIRL, ............................ 128 DRESDEN BUDDYKIN .................. 8 DRESDEN DAINTY ....................... 8 DRESDEN PETIT PRINCE .............. 8 DRUMGOLD CRYSTAL CUPID ..... 8 DRUMGOLD WENDELLA BERRY ...................................... 19 DRUMGOLD WENDELLA CRYSTAL ................................... 8 DUCHESS O' WHIMSIE OF COLDSTREAM .......................... 30 DU DA ....................................... 123 DUKE OF ORANGE. ................... 113 DUKE OF WELLINGTON ............ 21 DUSKY DASH ............................ 108 DUSTY BRUSH .......................... 128 Number **5298 **5714 **5632 *5810 **5414 **5253 Name of Cat Page FUJIYAMA ................................ 116 FULL OF FUN ........................... 104 FUMEE OF OXFORD ................. 108 FUSSY WAS ................................ 43 FUZZ OF FLEETWOOD ............. 126 FUZZY FLORA OF FAIRFIELD . 128 *6134 **5228 **5229 **5548 *5601 *6110 EAGLE'S WING OF BIRD'S NEST ........................................ 42 *5682 ECHO DALPHONE ...................... 54 *5535 EIDERDOWN ROYAL CHEN D'OR .......................................... 42 *5863 EIDERDOWN WASETOKA ........... 42 *5684 EIDERDOWN WASE WAU KARU ....................................... 43 *5238 EIDERDOWN ZUHRAH OF BOYERSHURST .......................... 9 *5770 ELCO .......................................... 55 **4495 ERIE LADY GEORGETTE ........... 104 **5441 ELEGANTE OF GOOD HOPE ...... 128 **6040 ELIZABETH JANE . ................... 128 *5273 EL TURCO OF OXFORD ............. 30 **5473 EMALINE ................................... 116 *5957 EMPIRE LADY CHIPMUNK (Ch.) .......................................... 62 *5934 ENCHANTMENT OF IDLE HOUR . 55 **6188 ENGLISH MISS OF SHADELAND ............................ 111 *5636 EREBUS ELRINA ........................ 21 **4495 ERIE LADY GEORGETTE (Trans.) .................................... 104 **5236 ETAWAH ................................... 126 *5482 EUCLID KIRTLE ........................... 9 *5931 EVAJEAN OF GAYLAND ............. 55 **5329 EYEOTA ....................................... 9 *5594 *5224 **5895 *5439 **5695 *5570 *5444 GALARNA ................................... 82 GALBRAITH'S ALEXANDER .... 126 GALBRAITH'S SUE ................... 128 GARLOCK ................................. 126 GAZELLE OF HIGHLAND HEATHER (Trans.) ..................... 82 GENERAL GORGAS .................. 121 GENEVIE NORINE ...................... 74 GENERAL BRANT OF BRANTWOOD (sic) .................... 22 GENTLE MISS OF ERIE ................. 9 GETCHIE OF WINNEBAGO ......... 55 GLADIATOR. THE .................... 104 GLADYS OF GOLDWYN ............. 83 GRAND PRE .............................. 121 GLENHAVEN BONNIE LEE ......... 10 GLENHAVEN DON GIO VANNI III .................................. 10 GLENHAVEN DONNA GLORIOUS LADY ..................... 10 GLENHAVEN DONNA ROSA LEE ................................. 10 GLENHAVEN DONNA YVETTE .. 10 GLENHAVEN HEART'S DESIRE ..................................... 10 GLENHAVEN PRECIOUS ............. 10 GLENROWAN LADY BON NETTE OF OXFORD .................. 31 GLORIE LYONNAISE .................. 51 GLOW LOY OF GAIL HAMILTON ............................... 55 GOLDENA .................................... 74 GOLDEN BEE ............................ 124 GOLDEN DART ......................... 128 GOLDEN EAGLE ....................... 116 GOLDEN OWL OF BIRD'S NEST ......................................... 83 GOLDEN PHEASANT OF BIRD'S NEST ............................. 43 GOLDIE JONES ......................... 113 GOLDIE OPHIR JONES ................ — GOLDLOG LADY MINNETT ..... 116 GOLDLOG RHESA ALLA .......... 116 GRACEMORE'S PRINCETON ...... 74 GRAND PRE .............................. 121 GREAT RED PAPOOSE ................ 83 GREEN MT. MIMIN ................... 128 GYPSY PRINCESS ....................... 99 *5424 *5620 **5617 **5223 *5816 **5814 **5326 *6161 **5372 *5818 *5672 *5762 *5834 *5995 *6971 *5845 **5591 *6107 *6007 *6006 *5509 *5650 *4842 **6178 **5917 **5368 *5282 **5254 *5324 **6045 *6176 *5618 FAIRFIELD FRENEIDA ................. 9 FAIR FLORIN ............................. 104 FAIRY MOONBEAM ................... 55 FAUVETTE OF RADIOLIGHT ..... 30 FAVORETTA ............................... 73 FEE BEE OF BEACON LIGHT ....................................... 82 FELICIA ...................................... 73 FELITHA ....................................... 9 FIFTY FIFTH OF NEWMARCH .... 30 FISHER MAIDEN ....................... 119 FLAMINGO O' BIRD'S NEST ....... 82 FLEUR DE LIS CHOLENA ........... 43 FLEUR BE LIS DANA DA ............ 43 FLEUR DE LIS GOOD INDIAN .... 30 FLEUR BE LIS TIPPET ................ 30 FLORIDA .................................... 31 FLOSSIE BELL JONES ............... 113 FLUFFY III S ............................. 111 FLUFFY BARNETT .................... 104 FLY AWAY OF THE FOX VALLEY ................................... 82 FOO FOO OF FAIRFIELD ........... 104 FOUNTAINBLUE OF PONCE DE LEON .................................. 31 FRANCES ................................... 128 FRANKLIN .................................... 9 FRISKIBEE ................................. 98 **3953 *5750 *5768 *5442 *5443 *5876 *5877 **5572 *5635 *5979 *5426 *5259 **6139 **5870 **5778 *6109 *6108 **6092 **6100 **5576 **5575 *5606 **5695 *5801 **5381 *5338 *5303 **5431 **5580 *5668 *6123 *5638 *6044 **5727 **6125 *5245 *5490 *5630 *5823 *6151 *5628 *5737 *5629 HAGGY ....................................... 11 HAJJ OF PANTHER ................... 120 HAMPTON THEBUS .................... 55 HARRY LAUDER OF ERIE .......... 11 HEAP NAVAJO OF HIGH LAND HEATHER ......................... 83 HELIOTHROPE II OF OXFORD ... 31 HIGH JACK ................................. 62 HIGHLAND DUKE OF ATHOL .. 111 HIS MAJESTY OF THE REDS .... 113 HOBO .......................................... 22 HOFERTON'S RUDDYGLOE ........ 83 HOOSIER AUREA ....................... 84 HOOSIER BEAU IDEAL .............. 84 HOOSIER CRACKER JACK .......... 84 HOOSIER CRUSADER ................. 84 HOOSIER RED BOLT .................. 84 HOOSIER SURPRISE ................... 84 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. IX. Number Name of Cat Page *5481 HOUSTON TRU BLU MADRONO KOKO .....................31 *5693 HUCKLEBERRY GOLDIE ............85 *5850 HYJO RAHMAN ...........................22 Number *5350 **6124 *5358 *6064 **5527 *5528 **5304 **4279 **5293 **5896 **5744 **5743 ILLINOIS PRINCESS TONKA ..... 113 ILLINOIS TRINETTE ...................43 INDIAN PRINCESS .................... 113 INDEPENDENCE TIGER LILY ... 121 IRIDESCENSE ............................ 108 IRIDESCENT SILVER CELESLIE .. 119 IVYDALE KILTIE LAD .............. 117 IVYDALE SYLVARIA. ............... 117 *5263 *4186 **5341 **6047 **5308 *5320 **5369 **6135 **5240 **5633 **6060 **5766 *5998 **5255 *4014 JACITA ...................................... 100 JAMES COX (Trans.) ....................74 JANEEN ..................................... 121 JEFFIE BOY .................................44 JERI ALAZAN ............................ 120 JIGGS OF THE SNOW. .................11 JIM JEFFRIES ............................ 104 JIM PERSHING JONES ............... 113 JIM WHITE ................................ 104 JOANA OF OXFORD .................. 111 JOAN DE WILL O' WISP ............ 111 JOCK STAIR .............................. 108 JOHN DEAR .................................11 JOHNNIE REB ............................ 113 JOLLY ROSE OF THE FOX VALLEY (Trans. Vol. 8) (should say Omitted from Vol. 7) .........85 JONAS .........................................11 JULIETTE WALTNER ................ 113 JUMBO KING ...............................32 JUMPING JACK ......................... 105 JUNY BOUNCE ............................63 JUST FANCY ............................. 105 **5569 *5568 *5225 *5798 **5204 **5666 *5794 *5933 **5364 **6119 **5852 *6132 **5466 *5651 **6057 *5436 **5371 *5395 *5970 *5912 **5800 *5779 *5821 *5822 *3417 *5956 *5838 *5327 *5719 *6004 **5960 *5335 **5520 **5291 *5661 **5813 **6159 *5208 **6129 *5664 **4975 *5670 *5669 **5920 *5799 *6063 **5579 KAAREBUS .................................22 KAY SEE KAY .............................11 KEDOE ........................................85 KILMORIE CAPTIVATOR .......... 120 KILMORIE BUBBLE_ ..................31 KILMORIE POMONA ...................70 KILMORIE ZELDA .......................99 KILRAVOCK BRER RABBIT (Trans.) ..................................... 12 KILRAVOCK DONNA LUCIA ......12 KILRAVOCK IVORY ROSE ..........12 KILRAVOCK MORVICH ..............12 KINEATA PRINCE OF WILLOWDALE ..........................85 KING AHOMA .............................63 KING COLLINGRIDGE OF WEST PARK ............................ 124 KINGFISHER ...............................69 KING HADDO ............................ 120 KING HUMBERT ....................... 113 KING K. BAXTER ........................44 KING OTSIE .............................. 121 KING SEAFID ............................ 105 KING TAMPER . . ........................85 KING TUT .................................. 109 KING VILLA ................................63 KING WHITE OF TEHERAN ...... 105 KINGSTON ARAB ........................22 KINGSTON LADY BLACK ...........23 KISKIE S .................................... 120 KITTI-BOY BLUE OF DIXI-LAND ................................32 KITTIE BOO OF KILLARNEY .... 116 KITTY KOTTON ........................ 105 **5480 *5991 **5910 **6091 *5355 **5899 **6029 **6117 *5993 *5304 **5536 **5256 *6090 *5657 *5965 **5307 *5557 **5735 **6128 **5517 **5233 *6025 **5377 *5478 *5516 **6073 **5301 *5428 *5659 *5753 *6148 **5331 *5764 **5526 **5232 **5986 **5222 **5385 *5773 *5334 *6050 *5336 **5562 **5276 **6113 149 Name of Cat Page KNIGHT OF MALTA ................... 32 KOLLORKIT .............................. 124 LADD'S KING MIDAS ................. 85 LADD'S MADAME MELBA CHONTEAU .............................. 12 LADD'S QUEEN ALLA BA-BA II .. 124 LADD'S SHEPARDESS ................ 44 LADD'S WONDERFUL SUN ......... 44 LADDIE BLUE OF DIXI-LAND .... 32 LADY ADNER ........................... 105 LADY AID ................................. 109 LADY ALEVIA OF DIXI-LAND .... 32 LADY ALVIENE OF GAYLAND .... 63 LADY AMBERHUE ................... 124 LADY ANABEL OF RED STAR . 124 LADY BATINE BROWNING GATES .................................... 128 LADY BIANCA ......................... 105 LADY BLACKBERRY THORN II. OF BIRD'S NEST ................... 23 LADY BLACKIEMUM BREKS (sic – RREKS in Reg.) ....... 109 LADY BOBETTA ....................... 124 LADY BOSS ................................ 12 LADY CALAMITY JANE ........... 117 LADY CAMEO .......................... 105 LADY CARDINAL ..................... 124 LADY CARISSIMA ...................... 86 LADY CASTEL (sic) OF COLUMBUS KENNELS .......................... 74 LADY CHARMEUSE ................. 121 LADY CLARIBEL ...................... 113 LADY CLAIRE ............................ 86 LADY COL. BRIT ........................ 56 LADY CONDAX OF PROS PECT HILL ................................ 74 LADY CORNFLOWER COTTON . 105 LADY DANICE ............................ 12 LADY DORICE .......................... 105 LADY DORP .............................. 120 LADY DERYABAR OF PROSPECT TULI, ................... 122 LADY EDITH ............................ 105 LADY EMBER ........................... 114 LADY EMMA ............................ 111 LADY FEATHER TAIL ................ 44 LADY FETNAH OF PROS PECT HILL . .............................. 74 LADY FOXBAR II. .................... 114 LADY FRIVOLITY .................... 105 LADY GAIL OF GAIL HAM ILTON ....................................... 56 LADY INCRATIS OF ERIK ........... 13 LADY INCRATIS II. OF ERIE ..... 13 LADY KI KU OF PROS PECT HILL ................................ 75 LADY L A L ............................ 117 LADY LINCOLN ......................... 86 LADY LOVE OF BLACK. HAWK ..................................... 114 LADY LULU .............................. 105 LADY LURE OF GRASMERE .... 105 LADY MACBETH ...................... 105 LADY MARX ............................. 128 LADY MECCA ............................. 23 LADY MERDELVA (sic) (Ch.) ...... 86 LADY MICKEY (Ch.) ................ 101 LADY MIDDLETON OF TAVISTOCK .............................. 13 LADY MILLY ............................ 122 LADY NINA ................................ — LADY OF COLOR ...................... 126 150 Number **5389 *6146 **5297 *5541 *5904 **5230 **5776 **5975 *5738 **5691 **4928 *5321 *5268 *5722 **5261 **5911 *5251 **5723 **6055 *5205 *6028 **5319 **6136 **5345 **5407 *5880 **5449 *5218 *5412 *5604 *5216 *5879 *5411 *5939 *5941 *5544 *5605 *5217 *5514 *5515 *5215 *5762 *6031 **5938 *5724 **5937 *5725 **5219 *5940 *5267 *5342 *5841 *5843 *6152 *5844 **5831 *5577 **5277 **5470 **5616 **5392 *5422 *4582 **5209 *5543 *6163 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX VOL. IX. Name of Cat Page LADY OF GOLD ......................... 116 LADY OF THE EVENING ............ 70 LADY PIERCE ........................... 126 LADY POINCIANNA OF PONCE DE LEON ...................... 32 LADY POPS ................................ 86 LADY PUGH .............................. 116 LADY QUEEN ............................ 119 LADY ROBERTA OF KILLARNEY . 117 LADY SELIMA OF PROSPECT HILL . .............................. 69 LADY SMOKEWAY .................. 120 LADY SILVER ........................... 118 LADY TAMAROI ....................... 122 LADY UNDINE ........................... 13 LADY VANITY OF GLENROWAN . 32 LADY VASTIE ........................... 124 LADY VERNON OF COLUM BUS KENNELS ......................... 126 LADY VISTIE ............................ 126 LADY VIVIAN OF HAZELTON .. 126 LADY WILHELMINA ................. 109 LADY WILLIS ............................ 105 LAKEWOOD TAIL FANG ............ 63 LANARK LAD ............................ 111 LANORMA ................................. 109 LA PALOMA. ............................. 106 LASCAR I . ................................ 118 LAVENDER DUPLICATE ............ 32 LAVENDER EMPIRE LOBELIA ... 111 LAVENDER FRAGRANCE ......... 111 LAVENDER FROLIC ................... 33 LAVENDER GENERAL ............... 33 LAVENDER GIFT ....................... 111 LAVENDER KATE ...................... 33 LAVENDER LARKSPUR ............. 33 LAVENDER LEGACY ................. 33 LAVENDER LIGHTFOOT ............ 33 LAVENDER LILLITH .................. 33 LAVENDER LINK ....................... 34 LAVENDER LOCKS .................... 34 LAVENDER LOTUS .................... 34 LAVENDER LOTTERY ................ 34 LAVENDER LUMINOUS ............ 111 LAVENDER LUXURY ................. 34 LAVENDER POSSETTE .............. 34 LAVENDER RIGSIDE GEM ......... 112 LAVENDER ROLAND ................. 34 LAVENDER SAXON ................... 112 LAVENDER SUGAR PLUM .......... 35 LAVENDER SUNNY LAD .......... 112 LAVENDER SUPREMACY .......... 35 LEONIDAS .................................. 13 LE WANNA BENYMEDE.............. 56 LE WANNA BENYSON I .............. 56 LE WANNA LURLINE .................. 56 LE WANNA SILVERLAND PAXANNA ................................ 63 LE WANNA SILVER DAISY ........ 63 LILY WHITE .............................. 106 LITTLE CHAP OF ALTRURIA .... 118 LITTLE COLONEL ...................... 13 LITTLE MANNIE ....................... 118 LIZA JANE II ............................. 122 LIZA JANE ................................. 109 LOLLYPOP ................................. 75 LONE JACK (Ch.) (Trans.) ........... 64 LORD BRUTON .......................... 106 LORD BULLY OF PONCE DE LEON .................................. 35 LORD BUTTERSCOTCH OF PRESQUE ISLE ......................... 86 Number Name of Cat Page *5328 LORD BYNG OF VIMY (Ch.) ....... 44 *5906 LORD CARTER OF GILDE ROY .......................................... 87 **5295 LORD CHIN ............................... 106 **5226 LORD CLARENDON .................. 124 *5976 LORD FAUNTLEROY .................. 13 **5540 LORD HARCOURT .................... 128 *5837 LORD HIFERNA .......................... 56 *5488 LORD HOFERTON ....................... 87 *5504 LORD MIDGLEY FERN DALE ........................................ 87 *5542 LORD PONCE OF PONCE DE LEON ................................... 35 **5210 LORD POYE .............................. 114 *5867 LORD REEVES ............................ 14 *5761 LORD ROBERTS ......................... 51 *5425 LORD ROBLYN OF GAIL HAMILTON ............................... 56 **5546 LOVER BOY .............................. 106 **5302 LOVIETTA ................................ 127 *6030 LUNA GLOW OF PONCE DE LEON ................................... 57 *5671 LYDIA OF PRESQUE ISLE. ......... 87 *5454 *5595 *5792 *5707 *5973 *5791 *5456 *5289 **6081 *5882 *6020 *4588 **5365 *5367 *5895 *5984 *5983 **5485 **6111 **5926 *5212 **5656 **5360 **5654 *5559 *6094 **5729 *5807 **6078 *6084 *6019 **5249 **6064 *5460 *5578 *5333 *5332 *5520 *6049 **5655 **5545 *5829 McALVAY APRIL JOY ................ 36 McALVAY BALIEFF .................... 36 McALVAY LADDEEN ................. 36 McALVAY LADY AIDEEN .......... 36 McALVAY LADY DOREEN. ........ 36 McALVAY LADY MAO ............... 36 McALVAY LADY MADALYNNE ...................................... 36 McGHIE'S MISS JOYOUS ............ 88 McGHIE'S PEG O' MINE ............ 106 MACABEE OF BRYN CLOVIS ..... 45 MACOOSHELA OF RADIO LIGHT ....................................... 35 MADAM ALL WORTHY (Trans.) ...................................... 45 MADAM RUSTY ........................ 124 MADAM MIDNITE ...................... 23 MADRONA BLUE JOSEPHINE .... 35 MADRONA SILVER CHITA ......... 64 MADRONA SILVER VIXEN ......... 64 MAGALI CAID .......................... 124 MAGIC KAABARA .................... 109 MAHMUD RAMAZAN OF BOYERSHURST ...................... 106 MAJOR MACKENTY ................... 87 MALINDA ................................. 128 MALTI ....................................... 112 MARCONOCHIE ........................ 128 MARGOT ................................... 120 MARMASENA OF NOME ............ 14 MARIAN ................................... 122 MARIE JEANNE (Ch.) .................. 70 MARIETTA ................................ 128 MARMASENA OF NOME ............ 14 MARQUITA OF RADIOLIGHT ..... 35 MARTHA ................................... 129 MAYEDA OF KILLARNEY. ....... 127 MELIOR MAID OF FLORAL ROW........................................... 57 MERCHY, JR., OF SAN DAWN .... 57 MERDELDA LADY TORCH ENA (Ch.) .................................. 99 MERDELDA RED REX ................ 45 MIAMI ......................................... 88 MI CHUM OF IDAESS ................. 51 MICKORA. ................................ 109 MIDNIGHT SUN OF RED BANK .. 114 MIGNONNE ................................. 23 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. IX. Number Name of Cat Page **6185 MINK .......................................... 109 *3935 MINNESOTA SILVER ZI ZI (Trans.) .....................................57 *5551 MISCHIEF MAKER OF SHADELAND .............................36 *5697 MISCHIEF OF WEDGEWOOD ......64 *5987 MISKODEED OF BIRD'S NEST ....45 *5790 MISS HENRY WHITE FEATHER (Ch.) ..........................14 **6096 MISS IRA ................................... 109 *6010 MISS MOUNT ROYAL .................37 *6011 MISS MONTREAL OF OXFORD ...57 **6182 MISS NIP ................................... 124 *6009 MISS OXFORD .............................57 **5472 MISS SMUT ............................... 127 **6191 MISS SPOTLESS ........................ 106 *5497 MISS TOSS .................................75 **5457 MITZI OF PARSONS ................ 130 *5774 MITZOO .......................................64 *5771 MOGLI .........................................57 **5241 MOLLY O .................................. 106 **5866 MOON EEN CLAIRE .................. 129 *5871 MOONYEEN ................................75 **5571 MONARCH OF GOOD HOPE ...... 106 **6082 MONTE BANKS ......................... 114 **5765 MONTEREY OF RAHMANDALE ....................................... 127 **5696 MO-TE II. .................................. 122 **6140 MOTHER GIRL .......................... 124 **6037 MOUNTAIN KING ..................... 106 **5455 MUFF PETERSON ..................... 118 *5346 MUSETTE ....................................14 *5561 MYSTIC PRINCE SILVER STONE .......................................58 **5603 **5777 **5565 *6018 *6175 **5608 **5563 **6076 **5384 **5276 **5349 *5686 **5393 *5667 NANCY LENORE ....................... 106 NANNABELL ............................. 127 NANETTE SCHAH ..................... 129 NANNETTE OF RADIOLIGHT ......37 NESTORIAN ................................51 NIBBZIEDERE OF GOOD HOPE . 129 NIDGY SCHAH .......................... 106 NIGHTY ..................................... 109 NIKAYUNA BELLE .................... 118 NINA ......................................... 129 NISSE ........................................ 109 NORINE ....................................... — NORMA TALMADGE ................. 106 NOSEY .........................................45 *5505 OAKLAND BOY ...........................75 **5974 OFFICER 666 OF GRACEMORE ...................................... 122 **5221 OMARKAN ................................ 120 **5611 ORA SENORITA ........................ 114 **5330 OUR DREADFUL ....................... 114 *5316 OVID MAGNET ............................64 *5873 OVID MILLO ...............................88 *2436 OXONIAN PRINCESS AM BER (Ch.) ...................................75 *5609 OXONIAN RADIANT PRINCE ......................................14 *5528 OXONIAN RAVON DOT ...............23 *5647 PANSONIA CHARCOLA ...............24 *5645 PANSONIA LADY HAMIL TON ...........................................37 *5646 PANSONIA LADY JILLEY ...........37 *5558 PANSONIA LLOYD GEORGE .......51 5382 PANSONIA MME. MARGIE MAPLES ....................................88 *5392 PANSONIA PANSY FREEMAN ... 100 Number *5648 *5947 *5685 *5637 **6127 **5252 **5534 *5708 *5271 *5489 *5503 *6193 **5420 **5437 **6014 **6116 *5264 **5936 **5471 *5733 *5663 *5832 *6115 *6160 *6069 *6121 *5502 *5828 **5279 **5413 **6131 **5935 *5325 **5290 *5432 **5927 *6156 **5982 **5694 *5220 **5732 *5343 *4987 *5227 *5586 *5525 *5892 **5893 *5384 *5717 *5352 **6084 **6085 *5909 **5537 *5446 *5402 *5767 *6105 *5114 **5373 *5962 **5658 **5529 151 Name of Cat Page PANSONIA PANYCHRYS (sic) ...... 46 PANSONIA PIPPIN ...................... 88 PANSONIA RAMON .................... 24 PANSYANA ................................. 58 PANZIE BABY .......................... 129 PARSON'S PRETTY PATCHES .. 129 PATER FAMILIAS ..................... 124 PATRICIAN FILLE OF PITTSBURGH ............................ 14 PATRICIA ROSE OF BURKE SHIRE ....................................... 98 PATRICK OF PANTHER ............... 51 PEACOCK ONGAWA OF SHOMONT ................................ 89 PEDROSA .................................... 65 PEEK A BOO OF OXFORD ........ 112 PEKINESE ................................. 129 PERLE BELLE ........................... 112 PERSIAN DREAM ..................... 129 PERSHING'S SON OF RAINBOW .. 76 PET HARRIS ............................. 106 PETTIE ...................................... 127 PIERETTE OF RAMONA ............. 58 PIE TRINA .................................. 99 PILLAR OF THE MOSQUE .......... 70 PIONEER BRILLANT ................ 116 PINECROFT'S PADRONE PARAMOUNT II. OF ROSE BAR ........... 15 PINEHURST PERFECTO .............. 87 PINECROFT'S PRINCE PUFF ....... 15 PINEHURST RED PATRICIAN .... 89 PLATON ...................................... 24 POLLY ANN GARFIELD ........... 114 POLYANTHIA ........................... 114 POLYTHIA ................................ 127 POMMIE GIRL .......................... 106 PONCE DE LEON MARGARET O' LOVE .................................... 87 POP DE RILEY .......................... 118 POPPO IMP OF PANTHER. .......... 24 POY............................................ 129 PRETTY LADY, THE ................... 89 PRINCE ALBERT ...................... 124 PRINCE BUDDINSKI ................. 129 PRINCE EPPO ............................. 46 PRINCE GEORGE ...................... 122 PRINCE GRAHAM ....................... 15 PRINCE JINGO BOY (Trans.) ....... 76 PRINCE LADEX .......................... 76 PRINCE LLOYD .......................... 24 PRINCE NIBLIC OF TAVISTOCK ...................................... 15 PRINCE OF AVORETTA .............. 89 PRINCE OF PEARLS II .............. 106 PRINCE OF ROSALIND ................ 65 PRINCE OF ZINJAN ..................... 90 PRINCE RAVENHUE ................... 24 PRINCE ROBERT II ................... 127 PRINCE RUDOLPH OF ZENDA .................................... 127 PRINCE SELIM OF GILDEROY ... 90 PRINCE SOLITAIRE BOOTS ..... 129 PRINCE TORONOFF OF ERIE ..... 15 PRINCE WILLIVER ................... 118 PRINCESS AWANDA .................. 24 PRINCESS BLUE FEATHER ...... 101 PRINCESS BONDELLA (Ch.) (Trans.) ...................................... 65 PRINCESS CECELIA ................. 106 PRINCESS FRISKY GIRL ............ 99 PRINCESS GAUDY .................... 129 PRINCESS GELBE ..................... 127 152 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX VOL. IX. Number Name of Cat Page *5513 PRINCESS IDABOO OF WEST PARK ............................. 90 **5494 PRINCESS JET ........................... 109 *5421 PRINCESS KISS ......................... 109 *5839 PRINCESS LOVELY .................... 15 **6095 PRINCESS MARIGOLD .............. 114 **6211 PRINCESS MAUD ...................... 126 *5905 PRINCESS MAY OF THE FOX VALLEY ........................... 90 **5459 PRINCESS MERCEDES .............. 116 **5607 PRINCESS OF GRACEMORE ....... 65 **5730 PRINCESS PAULA ..................... 125 *5736 PRINCESS PI-KAY. THE _ ........... 91 *5581 PRINCESS PETITE OF THE LAKE VIEW .............................. 90 **5524 PRINCESS PUDDIE ...................... 107 **6043 PRINCESS SATSUMA ................ 114 *5992 PRINCESS SILVERKIN ............... 58 *5859 PRINCESS TEE-KEE ................... 91 *5872 PRINCESS THYRA OF WIL LOWDALE ................................ 46 *5399 PRINCESS THYREEN OF WILLOWDALE ......................... 91 *5908 PRINCESS WAYSATA OF GILDEROY ............................... 91 *5833 PUFF O' BLUE OF PONCE DE LEON .................................. 37 **5746 PURDY ..................................... 112 **5721 PURR-PURR PERHAPS ............... 25 *5499 PUSSYWILLOW LADY GOL DILOCKS (Cr.) (sic – Ch. ??) ........ 91 *6187 PUZZLEMAKER OF SHADELAND .. 88 **5434 * *5981 *5501 **5702 **5681 *5907 **5374 **5207 *5015 *5825 **5769 *6177 *5718 *5703 QUEEN ANNIE ........................... 129 QUEEN BEE ............................... 114 QUEEN CYNARA. ...................... 118 QUEEN FAIRY ........................... 119 QUEEN GAY II ........................... 76 QUEEN JARBEAU OF GILDEROY .. 92 QUEEN OF SAXONY ................ 112 QUEEN PONSELLA .................... 125 QUEEN ROZZELLA .................... 46 QUEEN SABOR ........................... 92 QUEEN SHYGIRL ...................... 112 QUEEN SUNFLOWER ................. 92 QUEENIE PAT ............................ 51 QUILNA BOY (Ch.) ..................... 76 *6197 *5248 **5313 **5351 **5886 *5574 *4340 RADIOLIGHT'S LILACADA ........ 38 RADIUM C. BROMAN ................. 77 RAGAMUFFIN ........................... 129 RAGGEDY RIP ........................... 119 RAGBABY ................................. 127 RAINBOW BABY GRAND ........... 77 RAINBOW MADAM TRIN TARIA (Trans. Vol. 8) ................ 65 RAJAH MACK'S SUNBURST ....... 46 RAMBLING RAMBLER .............. 118 RASTUS L. . ............................... 122 RED BEAUTY ............................. 92 RED DEE DEE ............................ 47 RED DUCHESS .......................... 114 REDDY SPITFIRE ....................... 93 RED FOREST BOW KNOT .......... 100 RED FOREST CHETNEY ............. 47 RED FOREST DULCI ................... 92 RED FOREST ELEXIS ................. 92 RED FOREST MILLIE ................ 93 RED FRISKY GIRL .................... 125 RED JACKET ............................. 114 RED LIONESS ............................. 47 RED LOU .................................... 93 RED MAX ................................... 93 RED SIGNET .............................. 114 *6077 **5554 **5445 *5885 *5596 **5465 *5547 *5711 *5539 *5713 *5710 *5712 **5388 **5239 *5783 *6158 *5500 **5802 Number *5856 **5463 **5521 **5751 *5749 *4591 *5284 *6093 **5614 **5378 *6005 **5361 *5262 *5709 *4172 *5556 **5447 *5660 *5510 *5698 *5700 *5699 *6074 *6075 *5687 *5686 *5662 *5949 **6179 *5600 *5599 **5847 **5848 **5380 Name of Cat Page RED TAXIE OF BEACONLIGHT ... 93 RED WOLF ................................ 125 RED WREATH ............................. 47 REDLOG SILVER ANABELLE ... 118 REDLOG SILVER SWEET ADAIR .................................... 118 REMLIK OF SILVERLAND (Trans.) ...................................... 65 RENPOE ...................................... 47 REX JEROME .............................. 93 RHYNIE OF NONE-NICER ......... 125 RIDSIDE (sic) DANDY ................ 112 RIGUETTE .................................. 47 RIN TIN ....................................... — RIVAL QUEEN ........................... 15 RIVERDALE SHINE OF IDLE HOUR ............................... 38 ROBLYN OF CLAREMONT (Ch.) (Trans.) ............................. 58 RODOLPH VALENTINO OF VERMILION .............................. 48 ROMA ....................................... 115 ROMANY CHAL OF THE KAW VALLEY .......................... 25 ROSALIND QUEEN REITA .......... 66 ROSALIND SILVER BEAR .......... 66 ROSALIND SILVER NYMPH ....... 66 ROSALIND QUICKSILVER .......... 66 ROSE BAR GENTLE .................... 16 ROSE BAR JAZZ-A-BO ............... 16 ROUNTON BISHOP SCRIVEN ..... 16 ROUNTON DEAN HART ............... 16 ROUNTON MISTLETOE BOUGH .. 16 ROUNTON MISTLETOE BOUGH'S BUD .......................... 16 ROXIE JONES ........................... 115 RREK'S DAI ................................ 66 RREK'S MEADOWORTH ............. 59 RUSTAM I ................................ 109 RUSTAM II . .............................. 109 RYCOTT WINNIE ...................... 112 *5340 SABELART .................................. 69 *5854 SALLY ANN ............................... 48 **5716 SANDETTA ............................... 107 *2624 SANDY McGREGOR (Ch.) ........... 94 *5726 SAN SAN ..................................... 16 **5209 SAN DIEGO ............................... 125 *5793 SCAMPETO ................................. — **6099 SCHAFFER'S BLUE ROSE ......... 112 *5819 SCOOT ........................................ 70 *5898 SEBASTIAN, JR . ......................... 38 *5310 SEMPRE LES O' LYNN ................ 17 *5311 SEMPRE L'ORIGAN ..................... 17 *5309 SEMPRE MATZI .......................... 17 *6046 SENECA CHIEF ........................... 48 *5875 SENSATION OF RIVERDALE ...... 38 *5824 SESUETTE .................................. 48 *5775 SHEBA ....................................... 48 *5511 SHENANDOAH CHIEF REDDY ... 94 *5929 SILVER BLOOM OF GAYLAND .... 66 *5930 SILVER CLEORA OF GAYLAND .. 66 *5665 SILVER DAPPO ........................... 67 *5811 SILVER DON ............................... 59 *5312 SILVERETTE ............................. 101 *5932 SILVER FOYE OF GAYLAND ...... 67 **6072 SILVER GRAY .......................... 118 **5894 SILVER JAMES ......................... 116 *5237 SILVERLAND FAIRY FLOWER ... 67 *5676 SILVERSHINE LADDIE ............... 67 **5356 SILVERY SWEET ........................ 118 **5567 SINABAR .................................... 125 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX TO VOL. IX. Number Name of Cat Page *5286 SING A SONG OF DIXIE ..............67 *5518 SIR AMANOS OF PROSPECT HILL ..........................................17 *6149 SIR AMANOS II. OF PROS PECT HILL ................................17 *5742 SIR AMGRAD OF PROS PECT HILL ................................77 *5643 SIR BEHRAM OF PROSPECT HILL ................................17 **5887 SIR COMPTON ........................... 115 **6059 SIR DICK OF KILLARNEY .......... 116 **5306 SIR ERIC ANDRAE .................... 110 5644 SIR GIENDER OF PROS PECT HILL (no asterisk w/ # in studbook) ....71 **5272 SIR GILBERT OF BURKESHIRE . 115 *5948 SIR HOGAN .................................48 *5754 SIR ICHABOD OF ERIE ...............17 *5966 SIR JAMES KEYS OF PROS PECT HILL ................................25 *5980 SIR JAMES OGLETHORPE ...........94 **5270 SIR LANNY ............................... 129 **6101 SIR MARMADUKE SHARSTED DE RICHELIEU .............. 119 **5299 SIR MOYANA'S LADY ............... 107 *6150 SIR PAT EGAN OF PROS PECT HILL ................................18 *5951 SIR PHILIP OF PROSPECT HILL ...18 **5974 SIR RAG TAGS .......................... 115 *5913 SIR ROBERT GRAY. ....................67 **5246 SIR ROWEN ................................. — *5533 SIR SID ........................................48 *5972 SIR TANBIE .................................49 *5300 SIR WALLACE .............................49 *5323 SIR YOUTH PONCE DE LEON .....38 **5292 SMUDGE DEE ............................ 130 **5652 SMUT BOY CONGDON ............... 130 **6162 SNOB OF MARTINDALE ........... 119 **6035 SNOMISE ................................... 125 **5897 SNOOKS .................................... 115 *5450 SNOWY GIRL ..............................18 **5830 SOCRATES ................................ 112 *5785 SOME VAMP OF SAN DAWN ......59 *5401 SONOMA BOY ........................... 120 *5400 SONOMA YELLOW JACKET ..... 115 **5564 SONORA MIRZA ........................ 130 **5903 SOUTH BREEZE ........................ 125 **5888 SOUVENIR AGNES BENITTA (sic) 110 **5891 SOUVENIR BIZOUNE ................ 130 **5653 SOUVENIR DANDERELLA ........ 112 *6143 SOUVENIR GRIFFON ..................38 **5438 SOUVENIR HAMILCAR ............. 130 *6144 SOUVENIR LADY BUBBLE ..........39 **6021 SOUVENIR LADY GEM ............. 110 *5555 SOUVENIR LADY MONICA ..........39 *6142 SOUVENIR LADY TOBY .............39 *6200 SOUVENIR LORD RENFREW .... 110 **5655 SOUVENIR MICKORA ............... 109 **5889 SOUVENIR SAMUEL PEPYS ...... 110 **5890 SOUVENIR SI KI-_ .................... 130 **6022 SOUVENIR WINKLE .................. 121 **6023 SOUVENIR ZATEL .................... 110 *5739 SPAHI PASHA ..............................67 *5977 SPANISH MAIZE .........................39 **5260 SPARKLING .............................. 125 **6027 SPARK PLUG ............................. 110 **6026 SPARKS ..................................... 130 *5990 SPARROW OF THE BIRD'S NEST ...77 **5592 SPINBALL ................................. 125 **5315 SPIZZY ...................................... 115 *5820 SPOOK .........................................25 *5989 SPOTTED BIRD OF BIRD'S NEST ..........................................77 153 Number Name of Cat Page *6002 STORM II. . ................................. 49 *5706 S. S. PATRICK OF WEST PARK ...................................... 101 *6048 STREAK O' LIGHT OF IDEASS ..................................... 49 *5728 SUGAR BOY FLORIDA ............... 39 *6120 SUNBEAM PRINCE ALBERT ...... 94 *6106 SUN BIRD OF BIRD'S NEST ........ 77 **5953 SUNDAY BEST ......................... 121 *5952 SUN DIAL OF YALEHURST ........ 94 **5430 SUNDOURIS TARZAN .............. 112 **5417 SUN GLINT ............................... 115 **5795 SUN-KOW GOLDSHINE ............ 107 **5796 SUN-KOW POM PAT ................. 107 *6168 SUNNISAN .................................. 49 *5201 SUSIE PECK ................................ 18 **5247 SUSIE SUNBEAM II. ................. 122 *6130 SVAFELL OF NOME I ................. 18 *6015 SWAIL'S SWEETHEART ............. 18 **5415 SWEETHEAT ESTER ................. 115 *5403 SWEET GIRL ............................... 39 **6114 SWIPES ..................................... 130 **6154 SYBIL ....................................... 130 *5347 **4658 *5997 **4410 **5623 **5506 *6180 *6066 **5418 *5964 *5493 **5202 *5487 *5846 *5622 *6097 *5610 *5281 **6071 **5433 *5468 *5452 *5429 *5531 *6147 *5294 *5925 **5339 *5641 **5274 **5634 **6080 **5781 **5275 **5269 *6098 **6145 *5688 *5296 *5690 *5689 **5495 *5678 *5797 TABBY TOM TINKER ................. 94 TAG A LONG (Trans. Vol. 8) ..... 110 TANNHAUSER'S STAR ............... 95 TAWNEY VICEROY .................. 122 TECLO ...................................... 130 TED SHAWN ............................. 125 TEHERAN LADY GOLD BOND ... 95 TESS OF PITTSBURGH ................ 18 THEA ........................................ 119 THERO OF HAWTHORNE. .......... 59 THISTLEBLOOM ......................... 19 THOMASITA ............................. 115 TIBBOSS ...................................... 39 TIBBOSS II. OF NEWMARSH ...... 40 TIMBUCTOO ............................... 68 TIMKUM ..................................... 25 TIMUQUANA. ............................. 49 TIP OF THE SNOW (Ch.) ............. 19 TIPPERARY .............................. 110 TITTIA OF PANTHER ................ 107 TOBBY McKAY ........................... 95 TOD-DERIMS .............................. 95 TOLEDO COUNCIL OF GAIL HAMILTON ............................... 68 TOM BOY TAYLOR OF BOYERS HURST ...................................... 19 TOOTIE TOO ............................... 95 TOY LAMB ............................... 107 TOY SING ................................... 40 TRIXETTA ................................ 107 TRIX RENO ................................. 96 TUFF NUTT OF OXFORD .......... 110 TUFF NUTT II. OF OXFORD ..... 110 TUMBLE TEACH ....................... 122 VAMPIRE .................................. 115 VANESSA OF OXFORD ............. 115 VARA ........................................ 130 VARSITY .................................... 19 VERDUN WAR WIDOW ............ 130 VERMILION CUTIKUMS ............. 49 VERMILION RAMBO .................. 40 VERMILION REGINA .................. 50 VE VE VERMILION ..................... 50 VICTORY CHIEF ....................... 122 VIM OF CATALPA ...................... 19 VOLUNTEER OF DIXILAND, THE ................................ 40 154 Number *6198 6196 *6194 *6192 *6195 *5479 *5474 *5476 *6190 *5477 *6199 *5475 **5416 **5649 *5883 *5805 **5250 *5234 *5963 **5961 *3886 **5390 **5391 **6141 **6174 **6089 *5677 C. F. A. Inc. INDEX VOL. IX. Name of Cat Page WAHOO CYTHEREA ................... 68 WAHOO DIONA MENOTA (no *) .. 59 WAHOO ECLIPSE ....................... 68 WAHOO ELOISE OF WOOD HOLME ..................................... 60 WAHOO ELVA M'REE ................. 68 WAHOO GAYTHORNE ............... 68 WAHOO GRAY SHADES ............. 68 WAHOO GRAYSON .................... 60 WAHOO ODETTE OF SINHIA (sic) . 60 WAHOO ODD SOCKS ................. 69 WAHOO PRINCE MELLOW ........ 69 WAHOO STARDUST CAID .......... 60 WALT WHITMAN ...................... 115 WASTEKA BUNTZ ..................... 125 WATCH ME OF SAN DAWN ....... 69 WAUKINA .................................. 52 WEEZER .................................... 119 WENDELLA BERRY ................... 19 WEST PARK ROOKIE ................. 96 W. G. Y. ..................................... 119 WHITE HEATHER (Trans.) .......... 20 WHITE MODEL OF SHOWMONT ...................................... 107 WHITE PATTY OF SHOWMONT ...................................... 107 WHITE PRINCESS ...................... 107 WHITE QUEEN HED JAZ ........... 107 WHITE SATIN ............................ 107 WHITE SHEPHERDESS OF ERIE... 20 Number **5242 **5560 *5492 **6061 *5530 **6138 **5403 Name of Cat Page WIDA ........................................ 107 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR .... 112 WILL O' THE MILL ...................... 96 WILL O' WISP PRINCESS ........... 115 WILLOWDALE DON ALDOWA .................................. 96 WILLOWDALE ROXANNALEE ............................................ 96 WINEESHA OF BRYN CLOVIS .............................................. 97 WINONA II. OF BRYN CLOVIS .............................................. 96 WINSOR LA MISS ..................... 122 WINTARGE MARDA ................... 60 WINTARGE SILVERTINA ........... 60 WINTER STARLIGHT II OF PEQUOSSETTE ......................... 60 WUZZY MINE ........................... 110 WONDERFUL PAL .................... 125 **5288 *5589 *5590 **5827 **5996 YAMA WHITE ........................... 107 YANKEE DAME .......................... 25 YANKEE MINUTE MAN .............. 71 YELLOW BOY ........................... 125 YUKON ROSE ........................... 107 *5748 *5994 **5808 *5582 ZAY TEK OF WINNEBAGO ......... 71 ZOE OF PITTSBURGH ................. 69 ZUMBRA ................................... 110 ZULA OF THE LAKE VIEW ......... 97 *5398 *5881 *5756 **5532 *6166 *5287 *6041
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