October 27, 2009 - Citrus County School District
October 27, 2009 - Citrus County School District
_ I _ SANDRA "SAM" H1MMEL - SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS MtTOSJilfl^S LOUISA. MIELE iiimSnllfSosm !MMZw{ d ^ I f s ? ' 'OUVtty DISTRICT 1 - HERNANDO "Where Learning is the Expectation and Caring is a Commitment" VIRGINIA BRYANT DISTRICT 2 - CRYSTAL RIVER PATRICIA DEUTSCHMAN DISTRICT 3 - FLORAL CITY BILL MURRAY DISTRICT 4-LECANTO October 20, 2009 LINDA B. POWERS DISTRICT 5-INVERNESS ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, SPECIAL MEETING AND WORKSHOP: 9:00 A.M. OF THE CITRUS COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OCTOBER 27, 2009 AGENDA: ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING: 9:00 A.M. SPECIAL MEETING Opening Exercise I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT II. CITIZEN COMMENTS III. BUSINESS SERVICES, KENNY BLOCKER A. Human Resources 1) Approve Instructional and Support Recommendations B. Budget Update IV. SCHOOL SUPPORT SERVICES, MIKE MULLEN A. Facilities and Construction, Alan Burcaw 1) Approve the architect's Design Development Documents and the construction manager's Design Development Estimate for Crystal River High Sitework, Renovations, Remodeling and Additions (copy available in Facilities) B. Approve Inverness Middle School Locker Furnishing and Installation V. ATTORNEY, LEGAL MATTERS VI. A N Y OTHER BUSINESS THAT NEEDS TO C O M E BEFORE T H E SCHOOL BOARD 1007 West Main Street • Inverness, Florida 34450-4698 TEL: (352) 726-1931 • SUNCOM:]647-1011 • TDD: (352) 726-6086 Equal Opportunity Employer VII. ADJOURNMENT Any person requiring reasonable accommodation at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the Superintendent's Office at 726-1931, ext. 2206, prior to the date of the scheduled School Board Meeting. The Citrus County School Board TDD #352/726-6086. WORKSHOP I. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS A. Annual Testing Schedule (copy to be distributed) B. Policy Review II. ADJOURNMENT BOARD INFORMATION (No Board Action Requested) School Support Services, Mike Mullen 1) School Support Services, Quarterly Report - October 2009 PERSONNEL INFORMATION (INSTRUCTIONAL) SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 27,2009 APPOINTMENTS FOR 2009-2010: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OUT-OF-FIELD TEACHERS 2009-2010: Certification Area Out-of-Field Assignment LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTS FOR 2009-2010: RESIGNATIONS FOR 2009-2010: RESIGNATIONS FROM DROP 2009-2010: RETIREMENTS FOR 2009-2010: RETIREMENTS TO DROP 2009-2010: SUPPLEMENTS (ATHLETIC AND OTHER) 2009-2010: Crystal River High: Steve Blake-Community Member-Assistant Basketball Boys Alex Posta-Community Member-Boys Soccer Assistant SUPPLEMENTS (ESOL) 2009-2010: SUPPLEMENTS (PEER TEACHER) 2009-2010: SUSPENSIONS/TERMINATIONS 2009-2010: LINE OF DUTY: ADDITIONAL DAYS: ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL FOR SUMMER SCHOOL 2010: A-Additions D-Deletions C-Changes N-New R-Replacement PERSONNEL INFORMATION (SUPPORT) SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 27,2009 APPOINTMENTS FOR 2009-2010: Lisa Edel-SSC-District Secretary (R) LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTS FOR 2009-2010: RESIGNATIONS FOR 2009-2010: RESIGNATIONS FROM DROP 2009-2010: RETIREMENTS FOR 2009-2010: RETIREMENTS TO DROP 2009-2010: SUSPENSIONS/TERMINATIONS 2009-2010: LINE OF DUTY: ADDITIONAL DAYS: ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL FOR SUMMER SCHOOL 2010: A-Additions D-Deletions C-Changes N-New R-Replacement 10/26/09 REQUESTS FOR SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA School Board Meeting Requested for October 27, 200974, _, Department of Support Services Requested by Mike Mullen Additional contactfs)/originatorAlan Burcaw Department of Facilities and Construction Document Title Crystal River High Sitework, Renovations, Remodeling and Additions Board Action Required: Presentation/Recognition Information Consideration/Approval Approve the architect's Design Development Documents and the construction manager's Design Development Estimate for Crystal River High Sitework, Renovations, Remodeling and Additions (This wording should be your actual motion to appear on the agenda) Backup Materials: attached available in district office X other Executive Summary / Highlight: (See Next Page) Strategic Goals: Strategies Include: • 1. All students will develop a foundation of knowledge and skills through a rigorous and relevant curriculum that exceeds local, state, and national expectations, closes all performance gaps, and helps all students realize their full potential. IH 2. Schools will be safe and secure for all individuals and will provide students the opportunity to participate in a school community that creates a caring environment committed to building positive relationships. D Innovative and research-based curriculum and program delivery systems; • Emphasis on at-risk and special groups of learners (including gifted); D Staff development, recruitment, and retention of workforce; • Data systems (technology); • Allocation of resources (human, physical, technological, financial); • Career preparation; B D Community Connections Other/Operational Activity Financial Impact to the District: None Amount Budgeted $33,000,000 Additional Amount Requested Funding Source: Personnel: Estimated Salary Pay grade/level Benefits Financial Impact reviewed by: (Form Board Approved 7/10/07) 4479 hour day Terms of Position annual As directed by the school board at the May 26, 2009 meeting, the design documents delineate a project planned with an approximate $26,400,000 construction budget for the first phase. Phase one increases the school's student capacity from 1,535 to 1,729; phase two is planned to decrease the student capacity to 1,312. BRPH, the project's architect, will present a summary of the design development documents. This is the second of three design phases that will be presented to the school board for approval. The next phase, construction documents is currently scheduled for school board approval this coming February. The architects design development documents and the construction manager's design development budget estimate are available for review in the Facilities and Construction office. REQUESTS FOR SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA Requested for October 27. 2009 School Board Meeting. (I _, Department of School Support Services Requested by Mike Mullen Additional contact(s)/originator John Colasanti Document Title Inverness Middle School Locker Furnishing and Installation Board Action Required: Presentation/Recognition Information Consideration/Approval Inverness Middle School Locker Furnishing and Installation (This wording should be your actual motion to appear on the agenda) Backup Materials: attached_ available in district office other Executive Summary / Highlights: Work to include furnishing and installation of Magnum KD Lockers to complete locker change out. Strategic Goals: Strategies Include: • • • • 1. All students will develop a foundation of knowledge and skills through a rigorous and relevant curriculum that exceeds local, state, and national expectations, closes all performance gaps, and helps all students realize their full potential. 2. Schools will be safe and secure for all individuals and will provide students the opportunity to participate in a school community that creates a caring environment committed to building positive relationships. . • • • • • D Other/Operational Activity Innovative and research-based curriculum and program delivery systems; Emphasis on at-risk and special groups of learners (including gifted); Staff development, recruitment, and retention of workforce; Data systems (technology); Allocation of resources (human, physical, technological, financial); Career preparation; Community Connections Financial Impact to the District: $ 73,870.88 Amount Budgeted $ 135,000.00 Additional Amount Requested. Funding Source: 415B Personnel: Estimated Salary_ Pay grade/level Benefits Financial Impact reviewed by:_ (Form Board Approved 7/10/07) hour day_ annual jm> SANDRA "SAM" HIMMEL - SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS "Where Learning is the Expectation And Caring is a Commitment" a r s <i % s LOUIS A. MIELE DISTRICT 1 - HERNANDO VIRGINIA BRYANT DISTRICT 2 - CRYSTAL RIVER PATRICIA DEUTSCHMAN DISTRICT 3 - FLORAL CITY BILL MURRAY DISTRICT 4 - LECANTO LINDA B. POWERS DISTRICT 5 - INVERNESS MEMO TO: School Board Members FROM: Gail Grimm Sfrgj DATE: October 14, 2009 RE: Policy Revisions The Policy & Forms Committee reviewed the attached revised policies and we would like to present them to you at the October 27, 2009 School Board Workshop. © 5.32, Zero Tolerance For School Related Crimes and Victimization ® 9.30, Community Use of Facilities Thank you. 1007 West Main Street • Inverness, Florida 34450-4698 TEL: (352) 726-1931 • SUNCOM: 647-1011 • TDD: (352) 726-6086 Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFT 10/13/09 CHAPTER 5.00 - STUDENTS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SCHOOL RELATED CRIMES AND VICTIMIZATION 5.32* It is essential that schools be safe and orderly to provide environments that foster learning and high academic achievement. It is tho goal of State Education One of the State Education goals is to provide an environment that is drug-free and protects students' health, safety, and civil rights. The goal emphasizes the personal responsibility of students and the necessity of involving all stakeholders, including parents, in achieving this goal. Although education and prevention are the preferred means of achieving safe schools, there must be a clear statement of policy that violence in schools will not be permitted. Zero tolerance shall be the rule on school related violence, crime, and the use of weapons as part of a comprehensive approach to reducing school violence and crime in the Citrus County School District. This is not to include petty acts of misconduct and misdemeanors including, but not limited to, minor fights or disturbances. I. II. This policy implements the State Board of Education's Zero Tolerance Policy as outlined in Florida Statutes, including: A. Victimization of students; B. Felony or misdemeanor as defined by Florida Statutes, Section 775.08; C. Substance abuse which is defined in Section 984.03, Florida Statutes as "using, without medical reason, any psychoactive or mood-altering drug, including alcohol, in such ajnanner as to induce impairment resulting in dysfunctional social behavior." As part of a comprehensive approach to reducing school violence and crime, the School District will: A. Invoke the most severe consequences provided for in the Code of Student Conduct in dealing with students who engage in violent criminal acts on school property, on school-sponsored transportation, or during schoolsponsored activities; B. Notify a local law enforcement agency when an adult or a student commits the offenses listed in paragraph (2) Section III, on school property, on school-sponsored transportation, or at school-sponsored activities?. Petty acts of misconduct and misdemeanors are not required to be reported to law enforcement, including disorderly conduct, disrupting a school function, simple assault or battery, affray, theft of less than $300.00, trespassing, and vandalism of less than $1,000.00: ©EMCS Revised: 10/11/04 Page 1 of 5 CITRUS 5.32* CHAPTER 5.00 - STUDENTS C. III. IV. Adopt guidelines for facilitating Facilitate active communication and cooperation between schools and law enforcement agencies and the Department of Juvenile Justice in sharing information that will help school officials make the best possible decisions regarding students' educational services and placement. Students found to have committed the following offenses on school property, school-sponsored transportation, or during a school-sponsored activity shall receive the most severe consequences provided for by School Board Policy: A. Homicide (murder, manslaughter); B. Sexual battery; C. Armed robbery; D. Aggravated battery; E. Battery or aggravated battery on a teacher or other school personnel; F. Kidnapping or abduction; G. Arson; H. Possession, use, or sale of any firearm or other weapon; I. Possession, use, or sale of any explosive device; J. Bomb throat J. Bomb threat or mMaking a threat or false report as defined in Chapter 790, Florida Statutes section 790.162 and 790.163 respectively, involving school or school personnel's property, school transportation or a school sponsored activity. Prior to taking such action against any student, the School Board shall ensure that appropriate due process procedures are followed. If a student committing one of the offenses outlined in paragraph (2) Section III, is identified as disabled a student who has a disability and participating in a program for exceptional students, then school personnel shall follow procedures in SBER 6A-6.0331 FAC. This provision shall not remove a School Board's discretion in cases where mitigating circumstances may affect decisions on disciplinary action. ©EMCS Revised: 10/11/04 Page 2 of 5 CITRUS 5.32* CHAPTER 5.00 - STUDENTS V. The School District shall ensure that all students and their families are aware of this policy. Such communications to families shall be consistent with equal access provisions of SBER 6A-6.0908(2). The School Board will ensure that all school personnel are aware of the School Board's zero tolerance policy on school violence. VI. The School Board may assign more severe consequences than normally authorized for violations of the Code of Student Conduct when the offender appears motivated by hostility toward the victims' real or perceived race, religion, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, political beliefs, marital status, age, social and family background, linguistic preference, or disability. VII. School officials will ensure that local law enforcement authorities are notified as soon as possible when one of the offenses listed in paragraph (2) Section III, is committed on school property, on school-sponsored transportation, or during a school-sponsored activity. Additionally, if the offense involves a victim, school officials shall notify the victim and the victim's parents or legal guardian if the victim is a minor of the offense and of the victim's right to press charges against the offender. School personnel shall cooperate in any investigation or other proceedings leading to the victim's exercise of rights as provided by law. VIII. The school principal shall monitor the administration of discipline of students to ensure that discipline is administered equitably without regard to real or perceived race, religion, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, political beliefs, martial status, age, social and family background, linguistic preference, or disability. Annually, the principal shall review school discipline data with the school advisory council in developing school improvement plans to maintain a safe and healthy school environment that protects the civil rights of all students. IX. The authority of the teacher and other instructional personnel to discipline violent and disruptive students shall be consistent with the provisions of the Code of Ethics (SBER 6B-1.001, FAC.) and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida (SBER 6B-1006, FAC), School District's Code of Student Conduct, and schools' policies. X. School administrators shall provide the following upon request by school personnel: A. Information as to the disposition nature of their referrals to the administration for violation of classroom or school rules; B. Assistance in behavior management if student(s) becomes uncontrollable or in case of emergency; and ©EMCS Revised: 10/11/04 Page 3 of 5 CITRUS 5.32* CHAPTER 5.00 - STUDENTS C. XI. Training and other assistance to improve skills in behavior management, violence prevention, conflict resolution, and related areas. Upon receipt of notification from law enforcement, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Office of the State Attorney, or the court system that a public school student has had certain types of conduct with the juvenile justice system, the ©Superintendent or designee, within 24 hours of such notice, shall provide such information to student services personnel, school resource officoro, and tho who will notify the administration where the student is enrolled. The administration will notify the student's immediate teachers. Immediate teachers are those in whose courses or classrooms the student in question is currently enrolled. The above notification is required if the public school student has: A. Been taken into custody for a dolinquont act, a violation of law which would bo a folony if committed by an adult, felony or a crime of violence; B. Been charged with a felony; or a dolinquont act that would bo a folony if committed by an adult; C. Been adjudicated delinquent for an offonco that would bo a folony if committod by an adult, a felony; D. Had adjudication withheld for a dolinquont act that would bo a folony if committod by an adult; or felony; or E. Been found guilty of a felony. XII. The principal m (and director of an off-site program in which the student may be assigned, if applicable) shall assure ensure that the information on that student does not become a part of the student's permanent record and is not shared with school personnel who do not have a need to know. In sharing the information, all school personnel shall adhere to confidentiality provisions contained in applicable state and federal laws and regulations. XIII. The principal or other authorized school official may use a student's juvenile justice information, in conjunction with other relevant information, to review a student's current educational placement and need for services, and to protect the safety of other students and school personnel. Such placement decisions shall be made in accordance with School Board policies and state laws and regulations governing the placement alternative. XIV. Following appropriate due process procedures, a student who has been charged with a delinquent act that would bo a folony if committod by an adult, whether it ©EMCS Revised: 10/11/04 Page 4 of 5 CITRUS 5.32* CHAPTER 5.00 - STUDENTS occurred on or off the school property, may be assigned to an alternative program or receive alternative educational services. Such assignment may be made upon the determination that the student is eligible according to federal or state program criteria, and: A. The nature of the offense is such that the student poses a threat to the safety of the other students or personnel at the school; B. The student's safety is at risk by remaining in school with other students; or an alternative educational placement will better meet the educational, emotional, and social needs of the student. XV. If a principal has reason to believe that a student may have a criminal record, the principal is authorized to request and receive information on the criminal history of a public school student from a local law enforcement agency. Procedures for the request, receipt, maintenance, retention, and use of such information shall be specified in approved School Board policioo accordance to Florida Statute and shall be included in a cooperative agreement with an appropriate local law enforcement agency. XVI. A student who possesses, uses, handles, or transmits a weapon or dangerous instrument, as defined by Chapter 700 Florida Statutes, including, but not limited to a gun, starter pistol, cap gun, any replica of a weapon, knife, razor, explosive, ico pick, club, or paddle metallic knuckles, slunqshot, tear gas gun, chemical weapon or device on the school grounds, in the school building, on a school bus, or in an automobile or vehicle parked on school grounds or adjacent thereto, shall be suspended or expelled from school, with or without continuing educational services. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: LAW(S) IMPLEMENTED: 1006.13, 1001.41, 1001.42, F.S. 120.57(1), 775.08, 790.162, 790.163, 1001.42, 1001.43, 1001.54, 1003.31, 1006.08, 1006.09, 1006.13, 1012.28, F.S. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION RULE(S): HISTORY: ©EMCS Revised: 10/11/04 6A-1.0404, 6A-6.03311 ADOPTED: 03/09/2004 REVISION DATE(S): 02/08/2005 FORMERLY: 7.10(4), 7.53(1) Page 5 of 5 CITRUS 5.32* DRAFT 09-30-09 CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS COMMUNITY USE OF FACILITIES I. 9.30*+ Purpose School property, facilities, and equipment are intended primarily for school educational purposes and for the benefit of students. No other use shall interfere with these purposes. The school principal or site-based administrator shall approve or deny a request for the use of school property, facilities, and equipment by any groups or individuals, and shall be responsible for safeguarding such property, facilities, and equipment. After providing for regular school programs, the School Board may permit the use of educational facilities and grounds to eligible nonschool groups and organizations. Such nonschool use of educational facilities shall take place only after the execution and delivery of all required forms and documentation. The School Board shall adopt a fee schedule for use of facilities. The fee schedule is to be applied in a uniform manner and is designed to cover all costs. II. Eligibility of Users Educational facilities and grounds shall be made available for use by schoolbased, school-related, government/association, and community groups and/or organizations. III. Conditions for Use The following conditions shall be observed: A. The school principal or site-based administrator will verify that the school facility or equipment will not be in use by the school or educational site during the time of the organization's request. B. The organization requesting to use educational facilities or grounds must complete and submit to the school principal or site-based administrator all required forms and documentation at least ten (10) working days in advance of use. C. Fees will be collected based on the Board approved fee schedule for nonschool related organizations and groups. D. Individual site administrators may impose additional guidelines specific to their site, such as areas of parking, food in the facility, or security needs. ©EMCS Page 1 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS IV. V. Use by School-related Organizations and Groups A. There shall be no charge for the use of school facilities and equipment to eligible and approved groups or organizations related to and connected with the school, students or activities, and events directly related to the operation or support of the school or District operations. B. Custodial services shall be rendered at no charge to school-related groups if use of the facilities occurs during hours normally covered by school custodians and if the event or activity does not create additional need for custodial services. The regular cafeteria manager or designee must operate school kitchens. C. Charges will be assessed for all labor, fringes, or services not normally covered and will be in accordance with the Board approved fee schedule. D. Any poroon or group sponsoring any activity that has potential hazards shall moottho insurance requirements. D. The school principal ©f site-based administrator, or designee shall be on the school grounds during the hours of use of the facilities. Use by Nonschool Related Organizations and Groups A. All applicable forms, documentation, and insurance requirements must be completed and submitted to the school principal or site-based administrator at least ten (10) days in advance. B. There shall be a charge for the use of school facilities, personnel and equipment according to the approved fee schedule described in the Administrative Guidelines for this policy, unless waived by the school principal or site-based administrator and approved by tho Suporintondont or dosignoo. C. Payment for estimated fees shall be made at least five (5) days in advance by check and made payable to the School Board of Citrus County. D. The school principal or site-based administrator, or designee, shall be on the school grounds during the hours of use of the facilities. (See guidelines regarding specific Marine Science Station exceptions). ©EMCS Page 2 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS VI. VII. Religious Services A. All applicable forms, documentation, and insurance requirements must be completed and submitted to the school principal or site-based administrator at least ten (10) working days in advance. B. There shall be a charge for the use of school facilities and equipment according to the approved fee schedule described in the Administrative Guidelines for this policy, unless waived by the school principal or sitebased administrator and approved by the Superintendent or designee. C. Use of property, facilities, and equipment for the purpose of religious worship services, shall be in accordance with the following: 1. Use will be on a temporary basis and shall not exceed twelve (12) months. 2. There shall be no expense to the School Board. 3. All applicable forms, documentation, and insurance requirements must be satisfied by the organization prior to any use. 4. Use must be by an organization intending to construct or utilize its own facility. Restrictions Regarding Use of Equipment and Facilities A. No property or equipment shall be used for any of the following purposes loss specifically approved by tho Suporintondont or dosignoo: 4?=—Commorcial uso or poroonal gain; ©EMCS Sr1. Programs involving any form of gambling or any illegal activity; 3. Private teaching, oxcopt by accroditod institutions of higher learning, including piano, guitar, dance, etc; 2. Activities in violation of any School Board adopted regulation, policy, or administrative guideline; 3. Partisan political meetings. Page 3 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS B. No school equipment may be removed from the facilities or school property by any outside group or organization without the prior approval of the Superintendent or desiqnee. BrC. The use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugo of any kind is prohibited. G?D. Smoking is not permitted in School Board facilities or on School Board property. E. VIII. IX. School kitchens and food service equipment must be operated by the regular cafeteria manager or approved designee. Application and Required Documents A. Organizations or groups must complete all applicable forms at least ten (10) working days prior to the use of the facilities or equipment. B. An application must be completed and forwarded to the school principal or site-based administrator for the use of any facilities or surrounding areas, such as parking lots. The application must be on the Citrus County Use of Facility Request form. The school principal or site-based administrator will approve or deny the request and notify the agency or organization of the decision. C. Upon receiving an approved application, the agency or organization will complete all additional forms and documentation, such as the insurance verification, and the Use of Facility Agreement. D. The school principal or site-based administrator must receive a payment by check for the estimated fees at least five (5) working days prior to the use of the facilities, or equipment. Fee Schedule A. The fees for nonschool related users are designated in the Administrative Guidelines. These fees will be reviewed and adjusted as needed ovory B. The school principal or site-based administrator shall determine the personnel necessary for providing services, supervision, and protection of property. Charges for extra cQustodial or staff services are not included ©EMCS Page 4 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS in the basic facility usage fee?i oxcopt whon additional services aro needed or when the use of the facility occurs outside normal hours when a representative of the School Board is not on the school campus. C. Charges for extra custodial or staff services shall bo assessed. The school principal or site based administrator shall dotormino the personnel necessary for providing services, supervision, and protection of property. The School Board shall employ and pay all School District personnel from assessed fees. Such pay shall be in accordance with the employee's hourly rates and may be subject to overtime requirements. D. Tho School Board shall employ and pay all School District personnel from assessed foes. Such pay shall bo in accordance with the employee's iy rate. Other Personnel A. School kitchens must be operated by tho regular cafeteria manager or approved desk B. A qualified food service employee shall operate food service equipment X.XI. Damage Any organization or facility user will be held responsible for any damage to facilities or equipment. XI.^H^Insurance Tho organization or group using tho facility must submit a Certificate of tesuranco for Commercial Liability in tho minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for tho entire duration of tho use. Tho Certificate of Insurance will name tho Citrus County School Board as an additional insured and will moot all requirements specified on tho Use of Facility Request form and tho Use of Facility Agreement. Users shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing general liability coverage under an occurrence basis policy, with minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate, combined single limit covering bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, premises, operations, products, completed operations, independent contractors, and contractual liability. There shall be no exclusions for contracted liability. Coverage must be written by a carrier that has and maintains a rating of "A" or better and a financial size category of "VII" or better according to A.M. Best Company. The School Board of Citrus County, ©EMCS Page 5 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ CHAPTER 9.00 - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS Florida/School District of Citrus County, Florida shall be named as an additional insured for claims arising out of any facility use under this policy, XII.X444^Falsification and Delinquent Payment Delinquent payment or falsification of application or insurance certification will be grounds for denial of use. XIII.XIV. Persons Under the Influence or in Possession of Alcohol or Drugs. Persons having possession of, or under the influence of, intoxicating beverages, and/or hallucinogenic drugs or combinations of drugs having hallucinatory effects, marijuana, or under the influence of inhalant or other drugs or combinations of drugs or materials expressly prohibited by federal, state, or local laws shall not be allowed to be in and upon School Board property or at School Board functions and shall be considered as trespassers if they fail to leave said functions or property after warning. XIV.XA^Expenditure of Funds Collected The school principal or site-based administrator shall be responsible for collecting all fees assessed for the use of his/her facility. The fees and all appropriate documentation will be forwarded to the District Finance Office to cover any expenses incurred by the District for its use. Tho remaining funds will bo roturnod to tho school for thoir discretionary use. Fees for supplies and paper products will be returned to the schools. Primary uoo of thoso remaining funds should bo for maintonanco and upkoop of tho facilitioo utilized. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 1001.41, 1001.42, F.S. LAW(S) IMPLEMENTED: 106.15, 1001.33, 1001.43, 1001.51,1013.10, F.S. HISTORY: ©EMCS ADOPTED: 03/09/2004 REVISION DATE(S): xx/xx/xxxx FORMERLY 4.6(1) Page 6 of 6 CITRUS 9.30*+ Citrus County School Support Services Quarterly report October 2009 Facilities, Maintenance, Safety, Technology & Planning Updated as of March 30, 2009. Description of the Project Start date End Date Cost of >roject facilities & Construction or Vlaintenance Comments about the projects: nformation is as of October 1, 2009 unless otherwise noted. All Timelines are tentative and are based on past experiences as well as conversations with construction managers, contractors, architects and engineers. There are many factors outside of the control of the Facilities & Construction Department that influence the projected dates for each project. Crystal River High School 4479 Estimated June 2010 Estimated August 2012 33,000,000 Facilities & Construction • The school board approved educational specifications and a revised educational plant survey recommendation, October 2008. • The school board approved the architect agreement, October 2008. • The school board approved the construction manager selection, November 2008. • The school board approved the construction manager agreement, January 2009. • The school board approved schematic documents and an estimated 52 million dollar construction budget (65 million dollar project budget), March 2009. • BRPH returned in April to discuss cafeteria solutions and "Green" design standards. The school board approved basing compliance with the Energy -Efficient and Sustainable Buildings Florida Statute on the Florida Green Building Coalition rating system. • As of March 2009, Mr. Blocker is working on bonding details to fund the project. • The school board approved reducing the project budget to 33 million dollars, May 2009. o The school board is scheduled to approve the design development documents and construction manager's estimate at the October 2009 special meeting. Crystal River Primary School 4480 Estimated April 2010 April 2007 New Fuel Tanks & Associated Systems at 3 Sites 4465 Estimated August 2011 10,426,915 147,188 (closeout) Facilities & Construction Facilities & Construction • The school board approved a school plant survey recommendation, September 2008 • The school board approved the architect agreement and educational specifications, October 2008 • The school board approved the construction manager selection, November 2008 • At the December 2008 board meeting the school board tabled the direction of this project until January 2009 • At the January 2009 meeting the school board directed BRPH to move forward with a 7 million dollar construction target. • Schematic documents and an estimated 7.5 million dollar construction budget were approved by the school board, March 2009. Staff pointed out that the current plan needed a new survey approved by FDOE to remove the PE building. Board members directed BRPH to enhance the design of the new front of the school. • The superintendent requested FDOE allow the district to remove the current PE building. In April 2009 staff received a letter denying the request. The superintendent directed staff to have BRPH correct the design to keep the PE building as FDOE directed. • BRPH returned in April to discuss "Green" design standards. The school board approved basing compliance with the Energy — Efficient and Sustainable Buildings Florida Statute on the Florida Green Building Coalition rating system. • At the June 2009 meeting the school board approved the design development documents and construction manager's estimate of approximately 8.5 million dollars. • The school board is scheduled to approve construction documents at the November 2009 meeting. When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. Crystal River Middle Buildings 2, 3 & 1 3 Renovations 4495 & 4502 May 2009 Lecanto Middle Access Road Improvements 4484 District Services Center Building 200 HVAC 4496 January Marine Science 2009 Station Museum 4486 June 2009 Lecanto High Main Electrical Improvement 4493 June 2008 Hernando Elementary School Reroofmg 4483 January Lecanto Transportation 2009 Site Work and Addition 4487 June 2009 Floral City Elementary, Rock Crusher Elementary and Inverness Primary Reroofing 4489 September 2008 1,304,992 Facilities & Construction 143,967 (closeout) Facilities & Construction 325,000 Facilities & Construction The school board approved the engineer agreement, June 2009. The school board is scheduled to approve the construction documents and bidding the project at the October 2009 meeting. 119,312 (closeout) Facilities & Construction When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. 227,304 (closeout) Facilities & Construction When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. 181 Facilities & Construction with support of Maintenance Facilities & Construction Maintenance coordinated the construction phase. Project has reached completion. We did receive a check from insurance company for damages that occurred during construction. We have not received a final bill from the contractor as he is attempting to get relief from the liquidated damages. Mr. Bradshaw is involved with this issue. The bid award was approved by the school board at the December 9, 2008 meeting. Liquidated damages are currently being assessed. Facilities & Construction When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. September 610,717 2009 759,087 (closeout) The school board approved the architect agreement for buildings 3 and 13 in May 2009 and approved adding building 2 by addendum in September 2009. The school board is scheduled to approve the construction documents and bidding the project at the February 2010 meeting. When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. Inverness Primary Playground Modifications 4490 Kitchen HVAC March 2009 Upgrade at Lecanto Primary 4491 May 2009 Crystal River Middle Fire Alarm Upgrade 4492 Crystal River Middle Building 2 HVAC Upgrade 4498 Kitchen HVAC Upgrade at Rock Crusher Elementary 4499 Crystal River and Lecanto Bus Garages Fire Alarm Upgrade 4500 630,197 Facilities & Construction 147,494 (closeout) Facilities & Construction The engineer presented three options to the school board in April 2009. The board approved option one with the addition of a decorative fence. With school board approval the project will be bid for construction during the summer of 2010. When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. 235,889 (closeout) Facilities & Construction When closeout documents are submitted and approved, final payment will be made. 500,000 Facilities & Construction The school board approved the engineer agreement, July 2009. The school board is scheduled to approve the construction documents and bidding the project at the January 2010 meeting. 94,846 Facilities & Construction The school board approved the engineer agreement, July 2009. The school board is scheduled to approve the construction documents and bidding the project at the January 2010 meeting. 40,591 Facilities & Construction The school board approved the engineer agreement, July 2009. The school board is scheduled to approve the construction documents and bidding the project at the November 2009 meeting. Maintenance Projects: Project Status Quarterly Report SCHOOL PROJECT STATUS COST Crystal River Bus Compound Security Cams Complete $20,113.13 Crystal River Middle Paint Facia & Ceiling 800 Bldg. Complete $3,077.44 Crystal River Middle Paint Overhead Door Auditorium Complete $115.50 Floral City Elementary Insulation bldg. 100 Complete $11,565.51 Forest Ridge Elementary Painting Covered Play Area Complete $13,640.03 Hernando Elementary Reroof Complete $412,000.00 Hemando Elementary Door in Room 115 Complete $12,860.10 Inverness Bus Compound Security Cams Complete $19,147.90 Inverness Middle Re-do Parking Tidwell 600 bldg. Complete $5,800.00 Lecanto Bus Compound Security Cams Complete $19,872.35 Lecanto High School Paint Rear of Buildings Complete $18,882.08 Lecanto High School Paint Courtyard Metal Ceiling Complete $32,223.96 Lecanto Middle School Fill in hole in Cafeteria Complete $14,417.00 T.R.C. Paint Masonry & Metal Surfaces Complete $6,811.56 Central Ridge Elementary Door Fobs Security In Progress $20,341.40 Central Ridge Elementary Playground, stripe bus loop In Planning $26,118.92 Citrus High School Seal and Striping Parking Lot Planning Citrus High School Door Fobs Security In Progress $16,107.20 Citrus Springs Elementary Circle Track/ Strips bus loop In Planning $748.16 Citrus Springs Elementary Door Fobs In Progress $15,702.20 NOTE Tid Tid Citrus Springs Middle Cap track & long jump n Planning $69,748.08 Citrus Springs Middle Door Fobs Security n Progress $27,729.40 CREST Paint 100 Building n Progress $7,509.00 CREST Paint 200 Building n Progress $11,848.00 Citrus Springs Middle Security Cams n Planning Crystal River High (9) Door Replacements In Progress did 3 Hold 6 Crystal River Middle Security Cams Planning Crystal River Middle Circle Track In Planning $56,701.40 Crystal River Middle Door Fobs In Progress $21,683.00 Floral City Elementary Circle Track In Planning $23,195.00 Floral City Elementary Door Fobs in Progress $5,598.80 Forest Ridge Elementary Stripe bus loop, In Planning $19,628.00 Forest Ridge Elementary Door Fobs In Progress $12,266.40 Forest Ridge Elementary Security Cams In Planning Hernando Elementary Cap Running Track, Playground work In Planning $15,705.50 Hemando Elementary Door Fobs In Progress $14,191.40 Homosassa Elementary Stripe Bus Loop for running In Progress $499.94 Homosassa Elementary Door in Media Center office Planning Homosassa Elementary Door Fobs In Progress $14,057.20 Inverness Middle Re-Stripe Bus Loop In Planning $1,890.20 Inverness Middle Door Fobs In Progress $15,205.40 Inverness Primary Door Fobs In Prodress $11,592.40 Lecanto High School Paint Locker Rooms In Progress $22,016.00 Lecanto High School 4 Doors with Fob's In Progress $22,048.48 Lecanto Middle School Door Fobs In Progress $9,975.60 Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Tid Lecanto Middle School Circle Track In Planning $41,987.95 Lecanto Primary Door Fobs In Progress $13,876.40 Lecanto Primary Circle Track In Planning $33,968.00 Pleasant Grove Elementary Stripe Parent loop for track In Planning Pleasant Grove Elementary Door Fobs In Progress $12,601.40 Rock Crusher Elementary Circle Track In Planning $22,685.00 W.T.I 4 Security Cams In Planning Total to Date SCHOOL PROJECT STATUS $11,119.50 Ben Tid Tid Ben Tid $587,225.83 COST NOTE Crystal River Middle School Lockers (Student) Purchase Order $96,170.20 Complete Crystal River Middle School Balcony Railing System Purchase Order $48,187.50 Complete Purchase Order $133,582.10 Complete District Wide Carpet Replacement Inverness Middle School Wood Floor Gym Purchase Order $70,980.00 Complete Lecanto High School Wood Floor Gym Purchase Order $89,700.00 Complete Marine Science Station Observation Tower Purchase Order $48,906.00 Complete WTl Plasma Cutter Exhaust Purchase Order $17,945.00 Complete District Service Center Relocate 4 ton HVAC Unit Purchase Order $12,887.60 Scheduling District Wide Backflow Purchase Order (Engineering) $15,110.00 Developing Bid Spec's $33,820.00 In Progress $3,220.00 In Progress DSC 300 Bldg Emergency Generator Relocation Purchase Order Inverness Middle School Woodworking exhaust renovation Engineering Inverness Middle School 6th Grade Lockers Pricing Lecanto High School HVAC Replacement Weight Room, Locker Room, Field House Purchase Order $332,793.00 In Closeout Lecanto High School Installation of VAV Boxes - rooms 119B /213 Purchase Order $7,905.00 Scheduling Pleasant Grove Elementary Install New RTU room 132 Purchase Order $30,156.00 Christmas Break Student Service Center HVAC upgrade room 311 Purchase Order $9,250.00 Start 10/19/09 TRC New RTU / Engineering Purchase Order $5,700.00 In Progress TRC Emergency Generator Relocation Purchase Order $32,058.00 In Progress WTI Installation of VAV Boxes - room 912 Purchase Order $3,845.00 Scheduling WTI Law Enforcement Remodel / 200 Bldg Engineering / PRICING Total to date $992,215.40 Maintenance Work Orders Type of Work Order Total Manns 73 Appliance repair 15 Asphalt/ Parking 8 Athletic fields 32 Automation (energy Management) 88 HVAC 583 Filters 10 Carpentry 113 Ceiling repairs 5 Ceramic tiles 1 Flooring 13 Concrete 7 Doors 70 Keys /locks 186 Electrical 153 Exhaust fans 29 Lights 293 Phones 2 PA systems 48 Plumbing 272 Painting 90 Playgrounds 5 Grounds 101 Glass / windows 23 Fence 21 Roof repairs 75 Signage 8 Tree service 4 Welding 9 Sewage treatment facilities 134 Pest control 99 Miscellaneous 82 2652 Fiscal year Miscellaneous Pest control i] 2 — 39 r Sewage treatment facilities 1 Welding Tree service Signage Roof repairs 13 Fence 21 Glass/windows 23 5 101 Grounds Playgrounds Painting 90 72 Plumbing PA systems Phones 3* B 2 293 Lights jnSeriesi Exhaust fans ] 2! Z]1 53 Electrical Keys / locks Doors C oncrete • I Zl 186 '0 7 Flooring | 13 Ceramic tiles 1 Ceiling repairs 5 i 11 j Carpentry Filters 10 5E HVAC Automation (energy Management 88 Athletic fields 33 Asphalt/ Parkin 8 Appliance repa |1 Alarm n •'Z 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 10 Energy Savings Report: MONTH SAVINGS JULY $64,705.49 $30,225.96 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE GRAND TOTAL $94,931.45 1 | Month | KWH (08-09) MM JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 2,766,021 3,012,522 2,070,484 2,698,746 Grand Total 5,778,543 4,769,230 Total reduction Kwh Percent reduction 1,009,313 17.47% 11 Technology Department Month July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Work Orders Completed 355 619 696 Description of Project Universal Services Administration Company (USAC) Selective Review (E-Rate) Start Date Ongoing E-Rate Administration Ongoing E-Rate Year 12 Ongoing Monitored Embarq WideArea Network Ongoing Microsoft Settlement Funds Completed Electronic Imaging and Scanning Project Ongoing Data Center Storage / Backup System Upgrades In progress End Date Comments about the project: We are still waiting to hear from USAC on the disposition of our selective review for the 2008-2009 E-rate program year. To date we have no information on the outcome or status of this review, and we are in active communication with USAC requesting this information. We have heard indirectly (through Ginny Brown-Waite's office) that we should start receiving funding again as USAC has finished investigating our role in the situation with E-Rate Consulting. We have not heard directly from USAC in this regard, however. Monitored E-Rate processes and deadlines during this quarter. E-rate Year 10 (07-08) ended June 30, 2008. Monitoring and administering 08-09 program year which started July 1, 2008. We are actively watching and waiting for reimbursement funds that will be arriving from E-Rate Year 10. We have completed the application process for E-Rate Year 12 2009-2010. We are current on timelines and deadlines related to this application process. We are actively watching and waiting for confirmation that we have been approved for this program year (Funding Commitment Decision Letter). We continue to monitor our Embarq fiber-based wide-area network. We did experience one significant network outage this quarter due to a fiber cut on the Embarq hifrastructure. The issue was resolved and we are working with Embarq to ensure we receive all financial compensation / credit related to this outage within the terms of our Service Level Agreement. Our new wide-area network continued to be extremely reliable and it is well serving the needs of our district and schools. . Since our last report, our district has received all of the Microsoft Settlement Funds we were eligible for. Staff worked with departments to provide training on electronic imaging into our Fortis system. Departments (Student Records, HR, Finance) are making progress and they are successfully scanning and storing documents in the system. Staff continued work on the Storage Area Network (SAN) system in our data center. This included the deployment of 5 new VMware servers which will be used to begin a physical server consolidation project at the TRC. 12 ata Center Server Upgrades In progress 'istrict data backup lfrastructure and processes Ongoing chool Data Backup Ongoing erver Deployment Completed erver Deployment Model In progress 'ortis / DocAccel In progress Network Infrastructure 'lanning In progress iquitrac Server squitrac Print Management Completed In progress Application Servers Completed )istrict Exchange / Outlook mail system In progress nBoxer Email Appliance On-going Staff has identified a need for Layer 3 network switches to accommodate our new network storage capacity. And there is also a need to have some spares on hand as these switches are a critical component of our network backbone. Monitored data backup process and validity of data backed up. Work continues on investigating and prototyping our future backup and recovery strategy, implementation and operational procedures. Work continued on a virtual SAN strategy at the school level to improve our disk utilization at each school. This work also includes the investigation of a new backup and recovery strategy for the schools. Built three new Virtual Hosts and three Microsoft Windows guests for each SuccessMaker application at FRE, CRE, and LPS. Worked on a new server infrastructure design for the High and Middle Schools. This will upgrade server capacity while significantly reducing the space, power and cooling requirements for each school. In addition, working on a server evolution plan for the Elementary Schools to improve performance and reduce down time. Created new Fortis / DocAccel application to facilitate scanning of Scantron documents to share folder. Worked on a new VLAN/IP addressing plan for the future. With all the new IP attached equipment (including computers, PDA's, servers, network equipment and now VoIP phones, security cameras, power, lock, HVAC, intercom, and Freezer controls) our schools are rapidly running out of available IP addresses. This new plan must also take into account new security and performance considerations. Built, installed, and configured server for Equitrac Print Management System. Staff spent considerable time working on the configuration and implementation of the Equitrac Print Management software system. Deployment will include District Services Center and related satellite sites including Transportation centers. Build application servers for Casas and TopsPro software systems for use at WTI. Built and deployed VMWare Consolidated Backup Server. Worked with Plato to rebuild Stratacache Cache server housed in district. Staff continued to monitor and evaluate these systems to maximize reliability and performance. There have been no significant downtimes or outages this quarter and our email system has been functioning with much higher levels of reliability thanks to the efforts of our staff. Monitored and tested the function of our InBoxer Email Appliance to ensure that it is working and available when needed. There have been some issues with reliability and function of our InBoxer Email Appliance this quarter, and staff has been working with the vendor to get these issues resolved. 13 WebSense Internet Filter On-going District Web-based Calendar Completed FAIR Assessment Testing Ongoing Inventory of Teacher Technology Skills Survey Student Tool for Technology Literacy Data Connection between CCSB and Sheriffs Dept. In progress Internet Access Completed CRP / CRH Renovation In progress In progress In progress New Staff Board Meeting Broadcasts Ongoing Server Deployment Completed Computer Systems On-going RFP Development Microsoft Windows Updates In progress On-going Staff determined the need to move the WebSense Internet filter to a new computer server. It has been running on a PC running Win 2003 Server and the hard drive is full which causes periodic problems. We are also in the process of upgrading this software to the latest version. This software is required to keep our district compliant with federal Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requirements. Did final development and implementation of district web-based calendar: ittp://www.citrus.kl2.fl.us/calendars/ School representatives were trained on the use of this calendar at the Technology Resource Center. Supported district and schools in FAIR assessment testing initiative from technical and infrastructure perspective. Did preparation work needed to facilitate state DOE provided Inventory of Teacher Technology Skills survey with our teachers. Did preparation work needed to facilitate state DOE provided Student Tool for Technology Literacy survey with our middle schools. TRC staff continued to work out the technical details for a data circuit connection between our school district and the Sheriffs Department. Worldng on System Disaster Recovery model to include the EOC's hardened Data Center. Converted Internet access to FIRN3 network. Increased our Internet speed to 50 Mbps. Now that CCSB is solely responsible for its web filtering, worldng on a plan to enhance our current web filtering platform. This enhancement will allow us to better understand (and control) the traffic flow to and from the internet. Worked to support the renovation efforts at both Crystal River Primary and High Schools. This includes the planning for the communication requirements for portables as well as working through the first stage renovation design requirements. Assimilated new staff positions: Network Specialist, District Technology Specialist, and Systems Support Specialist. We have been fortunate to hire some very capable and qualified individuals as part of technology team. Deployed broadcast video solution for internal viewing of the School Board Meetings. Deployed Video on Demand solution for Viewing past School Board Meetings from the Internet. Working to complete the documentation for the monthly video update process. Deployed three new VMware Servers and upgraded the Ethernet Switches to support 3 new deployments of the Success Maker application. Deployed new/replacement desktop and notebook computer systems at district and schools based on work orders. Started developing an RFP for selecting a future cabling Vendor. Used district Microsoft update server to update Microsoft Windows operating systems on district computers/ 14 District network On-going infrastructure monitoring and evaluation, and support Educational Technology On-going Council District computer repair On-going Representation on district On-going energy committee, representing technology program areas and providing related information for committee consideration. Representation on district On-going safety and security committee, representing technology program areas and providing related information for committee consideration. Description of Project Start Date Continued operational responsibilities: work orders for new network drops, repairing and moving old network drops, repairing, upgrading, re-purposing servers and handling network, server and district level application issues. Director of Technology and Information Services met with this district group for program information sharing and coordination. End Date Comments about the project: Accounts Payable Direct Deposit Adult Transcript Complete Functional for employee and vendor payments including child support. On-going Aesop Substitute Tracking System Attendance Reports Cost Reporting District Virtual School On-going DOE Staff Database Changes for 2009-10 Doe Staff Database Survey 6 On-going DOE Student Database Changes for 2009-10 DOE Student Database On-going The DOE has decided to mandate that all school districts provide an electronic transcript for adult students. FASTER will cutover to their new system November 14th. Implement a new automated substitute tracking system. Training has been scheduled and data files are being finalized. Provide weekly attendance reports to Risk Management Provide student and staff data to the cost reporting system and assist finance staff. Establish controls for District Virtual School (7001) and work with Research and Accountability to obtain student information from the virtual schools Work with CrossPointe and district staff to implement DOE Staff Database changes for 2009-10 and update procedures accordingly. Staff Demographic records were transmitted six times for Survey 6. They are used to populate the PMRN system for FAIR testing. Work with CrossPointe and school staff to implement DOE Student Database changes for 2009-10 and update procedures accordingly. Survey 1 week was July 13th-17th and final updates were due by September 30th. 15 On-going Complete On-going Complete Complete urvey 1 )0E Student Database iurvey 2 )0E Student Database Survey 4 ) 0 E Student Database survey 5 DOE Student Database Survey 6 ERO-CrossPointe HR Staff Development Interface ESOL Teacher Reporting FTE Audit On-going Complete Complete Complete Complete On-going On-going Graduation Rate Corrections Complete Load FCAT Scores On-going Major Areas of Interest On-going Migrant Tracking System MSIX Out-of-Field & Highlyqualified Teacher Tracking P AVA Processing On-going Review CrossPointe Report Views School Accountability Report Data Software Maintenance and Implementation Procedures Student Scheduling On-going Student Task Calendar Reviewing Teacher Technology Survey On-going On-going On-going On-going On-going Complete Survey 2 week is October 12th—16Ul and is due October 30th. Preliminary runs have Deen occurring since September 21 st to prepare and cleanse data. Make final corrections - state processing ended July 17th. Survey 5 was due by August 7th. Survey 5 includes dropouts, graduates, vocational student schedules, and other end-of-year status records. Student Demographic records were transmitted six times for Survey 6. They are used for student counts and to load students into the PMRN system for FAIR testing. The CrossPointe-ERO interface was updated due to a new release of the ERO System. Develop reports of teachers without ESOL certification. Assist Human Resources, Transportation, and school staff with FTE audit reports and data. Work with school staff to review and correct data for the graduation rate cohort — 4 years of 3 formats We are completing the loading of scores for tests in Citrus County and implementing a process to enter transfer scores. We still need to complete the course table with the list of majors that apply to each course. Develop a process to transmit migrant student records through FASTER to MSDC new state requirement Human Resources and school staff are utilizing the local reports created to review the out-of-field and highly qualified teachers. Refining the process to move transactions between CrossPointe Finance and Solvlt Systems to pay purchase orders through P-Cards. Work with CrossPointe to improve the School Views so users can create the reports they need using the Reports OnLine AdHoc Reporting tool. Work with the Research & Accountability and school staff to provide data to assist in the school reports. We have reviewed and update our software maintenance procedures. Work with all schools to complete student scheduling process, including CREST, REN, AES, and CCA The task calendar has been updated for 2009-10 and we are asking for suggestions for improvements. Provide teacher and student data for the DOE Teacher Technology Survey. 16 Data Vocational Course Codes WDIS Surveys F & G WTI Attendance Enhancements On-going On-going On-going We are continuing to work with WTI staff to schedule their students using the new course codes which make it much more difficult to schedule the vocational programs. Instead of reporting one program, now 6 or more courses are reported. The courses are often taken in different orders by students at different times. Final updates are due October 15th. CrossPointe Student local enhancements have been provided to facilitate hourly attendance for WTI. WTI is also beginning to track daily attendance in CrossPointe for DOE reporting. 17 [ealth and Safety Environmental Projects Project Description Site Location Cost Cost strip Status Playground CRE Play equipment $1,260.36 435 E COMPLETED Playground FRE Play equipment $2,998.66 435 E COMPLETED TOTAL $4,259.02 Relocate lift from CREST To CR Bus Garage $3,287.56 6100 COMPLETED Remove duct work IPS $997.50 4270 COMPLETED Bleacher Inspections Districwide $6,800.00 6100 Oct15-16 TOTAL $11,085.06 TOTAL $15,344.08 18 )epartment of Planning and Growth Management: ntergovernmental Projects: • Impact Fee Update - The Board of County Commissioners selected Duncan and Associates for the Impact Fee Update. The following is a summary of the status of this project: September 27, 2009 - Data transmitted to the consultant for review September 29, 2009 — Kickoff meeting with the consultant Staff requested at least one optional meeting between the Consultant and the School Board so that a presentation can be made if the School Board wants one by the Consultant in addition to the presentation by staff. The plan is for the rough outline to go to the new 28 member Stakeholders Advisory Group (SAG) which has been established by the BCC. The review process will include the PDRB in addition to the SAG. The School Board will receive a presentation prior to consideration by the BCC. The tentative schedule is for the Impact Fee Report to be ready by November 2009 with an adoption timetable of 9 to 12 months. The Consultant also agreed to visit the Chronicle Editorial Board and provide a detailed summary to print prior to the final hearing. • Concurrency Management — Staff is coordinating with the County and cities on a number of projects including the Crystal River High School Renovation Project and the Crystal River Primary School Renovation Project as well as potential new school sites. Most current development activity involves nonresidential projects. The following is a summary of intergovernmental coordination meetings to address concurrency related issues: October 8, 2009 - Long Range Planning Committee (School District Staff) October 29, 2009 — Interlocal Working Group (Government Agencies) • • District Work Plan Status — The 2009-10 District Work Plan was approved by the Board on September 8, 2009 and transmitted to DOE on September 28, 2009. Work will begin on the 2010-11 District Work Plan in January 2010 based in part on input from the Long Range Planning Committee and the Interlocal Working Group. Long Range Transportation Plan — The Board of County Commissioners is in the process of creating a 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. This plan will become very important when the County establishes its first MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization), which is 19 expected soon after the 2010 US Census, is complete. This plan will determine the future priorities for Federal and State funding of our county transportation system, which includes roads, bicycle/ pedestrian facilities, as well as public transportation. This Plan may also become a key component of the impact fee structure (depending on the option chosen) and it will have a significant impact on how the School District plans for transportation needs and new facilities. Staff will continue to monitor and contribute to this process as appropriate. • GIS - Geographic Information System - Staff has had some initial discussions with the newly formed BCC GIS Department regarding sharing information for mapping and public safety applications. One example of a current product that has potential applications for the Transportation Department is live map of all traffic accidents that are under investigation. This would allow for the timely rerouting of busses and notification of parents if necessary. The County is working with the constitutional offices to gage what kinds of products and services may be needed at this time. Staff is coordinating with the GIS Department and Edulog to look at the feasibility of merging the new GIS Base Map with the Edulog System. This base map is used by the Transportation Department for routing busses and by the Planning Department for attendance boundary planning. A meeting is scheduled at the EOC for November 18, 2009 to discuss opportunities for interagency coordination on the County Geographic Information System. • Hurricane Shelter Generator Maintenance and Emergency Vehicle Repair - Staff is working with the County Public Works Department to update the interlocal agreements as needed to address storm and recovery preparedness. A draft agreement, or agreements, will be prepared for consideration by the School Board and the Board of County Commissioners in the near future. Property Acquisition Projects: Staff is currently working with property owners to potentially acquire land for the renovation of existing schools as well as two future school sites. The status of these land acquisition projects is as follows: • Crystal River Primary Site (2.8 acres +/-) - complete • Inverness Middle School (3 acres +/-) — A future renovation project has been proposed to address traffic circulation issues at IMS. One parcel has been made available to the District but the parcel appraised below the offering price. A meeting was held with the CCSO and School Staff on September 24, 2009 and it was agreed that the CCSO would coordinate with FDOT on a traffic safety assessment. An engineering study will be conducted to identify options for improving the parent drop off and parking situation at IMS. PGM Staff will also continue to consider land acquisition options as appropriate. 20 • Elementary Sites in Pine Ridge Community - We are considering two sites at this time for the next elementary school. One is a 13.69-acre site inside the Pine Ridge Community next to the fire station on Elkam Blvd. The other is a 20-acre site on the southern parameter of the community that has the potential of being collocated with a future YMCA with access primarily from CR-486. This is a medium priority need for a projected timeline of 7-10 years. An appraisal has been completed on this parcel and staff is looking at various development factors that could impact this site including transportation improvements, utilities, and plans for an electrical substation. Since the last update PGM Staff met with the Pine Ridge Property Owner's Association on August 19,2009 and received input on the proposed location. Based on the input, the owner and PGM Staff decided to relocate the site to another area of the parcel to mitigate resident concerns regarding potential traffic impacts to the Pine Ridge Community. A follow-up meeting with the POA Board of Directors is scheduled for October 8,2009 to verify that the new location is acceptable. The next step will be a legal description of the property and appraisal. ® Elementary Site in Citronelle Area — We are considering a site in the Citronelle area for a future elementary school. The site has primary access from CR-495 (N. Citrus Av) and close proximity to W. Dunklin Street. This is a low priority need for a projected timeline of 10-15 years. This site has been placed on hold until the Pine Ridge site is identified. Utility / Road/ Infrastructure Projects: • Floral City Elementary Sanitary Sewer - Staff is working with the City of Inverness and County Water Services Department to extend central sewer to Floral City Elementary if it is cost effective. The County conducted a field survey and detailed cost estimate for consideration. Based on the findings it will be necessary for the County to fund approximately one third of the project to make it cost effective for the School District. In exchange, the utility would have additional capacity to serve other users in this area. The County has advised staff that the County funding portion for this project has been delayed until at least the 2010-11 Budget Year. • New Access Road for Crystal River High School and Sidewalk on NE 8 th Avenue - Staff is working with the City of Crystal River and the County Department of Public Works to permit a third access into the Crystal River High School Campus. This will extend from W. Turkey Oak Drive and connect to NE 8th Avenue. It will be used primarily for student parking and buses entering from the East when completed as part of the Crystal River High School Renovation but it will also be used for construction vehicles during the construction process. This project is being proposed in conjunction with the Crystal River High School Renovation Project. The sidewalk extension is being done as part of a City Public Works project and it should be completed by 2010. • Sidewalks/ Bike Paths for Central Ridge Elementary and Citrus Springs Middle School - This grant application was approved and the project is currently in the design phase. PGM coordinated with County Engineering staff on project design review on October 1,2009. The project schedule calls for construction to begin in June 2010 and last for approximately three months. 21 • Sidewalks/ Bike Paths for Forest Ridge Elementary School - A Safe Routes to School FDOT Grant Application was submitted prior to April 15, 2009 by the School District and the County to secure funding for sidewalks, bike paths, and a cross walk in Beverly Hills to serve Forest Ridge Elementary and the Central Ridge Library. The projected funding amount is $974,904.00). We have not received formal approval on this to date but the project area is being surveyed by FDOT and preliminary design is underway. Long Range Planning: LRPC - Long Range Planning Committee Meeting (School District Staff) is scheduled for October 8, 2009 and the following items are on the agenda: 1. Update on Enrollment and Projected Enrollment • • ® ® Current Enrollment Counts 2009-10 Work Plan Enrollment Projections Potential Elementary School Boundary Changes for 2010 Review Tentative Schedule if Boundary Changes are Necessary: 2. Status of Crystal River Primary Project 3. Status of Crystal River High Project 4. Update on Pine Ridge Properties Under Consideration for Elementary School Site 5. Safe Routes to School Projects (sidewalk and bicycle improvements) • Citrus Springs Application Status • Beverly Hills Application Status 6. Update on Impact Fee Review Process 7. Ozello Island School Site Update 8. Out of Zone Process — We are considering going to a paperless out of zone review process and considering what kinds of tools can be created to assist principals in the decision making process — Discussion 9. Inverness Middle School Traffic Circulation Issues 22 ILWG - Interlocal Working Group Meeting (County and City Staff) is scheduled for October 29, 2009 and the following items are on the agenda: 1. Current Projects • Status of Crystal River Primary School Renovation Project • Status of Crystal River High School Renovation Project (capacity reduction) • Status of land acquisition for new elementary school in Pine Ridge Area (projected mid term need) NOTE: CR-486 as been appraised and suitability is being determined. • Floral City Elementary Sewer Project (to allow for fixture capacity expansion) • Land acquisition for new elementary school north of Ciystal River (Citronelle Area) - projected long term need) - NOTE: This project is on hold. • Inverness Middle School Traffic Circulation Issues — Options Being Explored 2. Safe Routes to School Projects (sidewalk and bicycle improvements) • Citrus Springs Application Status • Forest Ridge Application Status 3. Update on impact fee changes. 4. Future Concurrency Service Area Modifications (to go to less than district wide as required by Ch 163 F.S.) - Discussion 23