Why Faces Are and Are Not Special
Why Faces Are and Are Not Special
Journal of Experimental ~hology: General 1986,Vol.115,No.2,IO7-117 - Copyright 1986by the American PsychologicalAsoociation, Inc. 0096-3445/861$00.75 Why FacesAre and Are Not Special: An Effect of Expertise RheaDiamond and SusanCarey Massachusetts Institute of Technology Recognition memory for facesis hampered much more by inverted presentation than is memory for any other material so far examined. The present study demonstratesthat facesare not unique with regard to this vulnerability to inversion, The experiments also attempt to isolate the source of the inversion effect. In one experiment, use of stimuli (landscapes)in which spatial relations among elementsare potentially important distinguishing featuresis shown not to guaranteea large inversion effect. Two additional experimentsshow that for dog expertssufficiently knowledgeableto individuate dogs of the same breed, memory for photographs of dogs of that breed is as disrupted by inversion as is face recognition. A final experiment indicates that the effect of orientation on memory for faces doesnot dependon inability to identify singlefeaturesof thesestimuli upsidedown. Theseexperiments are consistentwith the view that expertsrepresentItems in memory in terms of distinguishing features of a different kind than do novices.Speculationsas to the type of feature usedand neuropsychological and developmentalimplications of this accomplishment are offered. Perception of human faces is strongly influenced by their orientation. Although inverted photographs of faces remain identifiable, they lose expressive characteristics and become difficult or impossible to categorize in terms of age, mood, and attractiveness. Failure to recognize familiar individuals in photographs viewed upside down is a well-known phenomenon (see, e.g., Arnheim, 1954; Attneave, 1967; Brooks & Goldstein, 1963; Kohler, 1940; Rock, 1974; Yarmey, 1971). Rock argued that because the important distinguishing features of faces are represented in memory with respect to the normal upright, an inverted face must be mentally righted before it can be recognized. He showed that it is difficult to reorient stimuli that have multiple parts, and especially difficult to recognize inverted stimuli in which distinguishing features involve relations among adjacent contours. Faces appear rich in just this sort of distinguishing feature; on these grounds they might be expected to be especially vulnerable to inversion. Thompson's (1980) "Thatcher illusion" provides a striking demonstration that spatial relations among features crucial in the perception of upright faces are not apparent when faces are upside down. In standard recognition memory paradigms, faces presented for inspection upside down and later presented for recognition ognized upright (Carey, Diamond, & Woods, 1980; Hochberg & Galper, 1967; Phillips & Rawles, 1979; Scapinello & Yarmey, 1970; Yin, 1969, 1970a). Moreover, there is considerable evidence that faces are more sensitive to inversion than are any other classes of stimuli, Yin (1969, 1970a) compared recognition memory for several classes of familiar mono-oriented objects: human faces, houses, airplanes, stick figures of people in motion, bridges, and costumes (17th and 18th century clothing from paintings). For all of these object classes, performance was better when stimuli were inspected and recognized upright than when they were inspected and recognized upside down. This suggests that knowledge about each class, represented in memory with respect to the upright, is accessed during the representation of new instances of all of these classes. However, the advantage of the upright orientation was much greater for faces than for any other class. In Yin's studies, recognition of upright photographs of faces exceeded recognition of inverted faces by more than 25 percentage points, whereas the effect of inversion on the other classesranged from 2 to 10 percentage points. Other investigators also found that inversion detracts relatively little from recognition memory for stimuli other than human faces. Dallett, Wilcox, and D'Andrea (1968) assessedthe effect of orientation on mem- (still upside down) are much more poorly discriminated from distractors than if the photographs are inspected and then rec- ory for complex scenes taken from magazines. When the materials were inspected and recognized upright, discrimination of - these scenes from conceptually similar distractors was 84% correct; when the materials were inspected and recognized inverted, This researchwas supported by National Institutes of Health Grant ROI HDO9l79-10 and by Spencer Foundation Grant 90758. Experiments I and 4 were designedand carried out by David Fish as an undergraduateresearch project. Sara Henderson and Jonathan Naimon, supportedby the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology Undergraduate Opportunities,Program, mad~ major co.ntributionsto Experi.ment2. We thank Ron Wilson for help WIth Expenment 2, and Ron Wilson, Anne.. h.' ' beth M . out Expenmen ' t 3 'I' W tak er, and L IZ oses Iior carrYing TYe are grateful to the American Kennel Club for permitting us to rephotograph material in their archives. Reprint requests should be sent to Rhea Diamond, Department of Psychology, E I 0-0 19A, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts02139. . 107 performance fell by only 6 percentage points. Similar results come from a study by Scapinello and Yarmey (1970), who showed that recognition of human faces was impaired by inversion much more than was recognition of dog faces or buildings. That recognition of human faces is more vulnerable to stimulus inversion than is recognition of any other class of stimuli has " .". been considered. as evidence that faces are Ym (1969, .. special. . 1970a, 1970b) Inferred that neural specialization has evolved so as to support a processor specific to human faces. In addition to the unique vulnerability of faces to inversion, his evidence for this claim included the fact that patients with certain righthemisphere lesions were impaired relative to normals and left- I II ' ~ " I ~ , i~ '.I ! '" J ii i I ' 108 RHEA DIAMOND hemisphere controls only at recognizing upright faces, not at do not, and airplane silhouettes do not. Members of these classes recognizing either inverted faces or upright or inverted houses. Yin hypothesized that these patients had sustained damage to their specialized face processor. The claim that faces are special may alternatively be construed to imply that there is something unique about the kind of features that distinguish human faces. It would be the use of this type of distinguishing feature that underlies the sensitivity of faces to might well have the potential to be individuated on the basis of a distinctive configuration of parts. However, the subjects of these experiments did not have great expertise in individuating members of these classes.Most individuals do not have representations of even 10 dog faces or airplanes or stick figures, let alone hundreds or thousands. In Experiment I we examined the effect of inversion on en- inversion,not necessarily a specialprocessor. Therefore,faces codingoneadditionalclassof stimuli-landscapes,which were may well be special in this "special-kind-of-features" sense without necessarily implicating evolution of neural substrate dedicated to processing faces. That is, the unique problems that human faces may present to a general purpose recognition device might fully account for any special properties of the distinguishing features that are used to individuate f~ces. The features that distinguish faces from one another appear to fall on a continuum from "isolated" to "relational." Relatively isolated features can be specified without reference to several parts of the face at once. Examples include color and texture of hair, presence and shape of a mustache, beard, or eyeglasses. At the other end of the continuum are aspects of the shape of the face (e.g., wide-set eyes with a low forehead). Perhaps the degree of reliance on highly relational distinguishing features differentiates the representation of faces from the representation of instances of other classes. Several considerations make this plausible. First, most adults are familiar with thousands of faces and are able to recognize individuals despite changes in hairstyle, hair color, facial.hair, presence ~f eyeglasses,and.so on. It is likel.y that representatIon of a face In terms of relatIonal features IS necessary to differentiate among so many physically similar chosen because they share several characteristics of faces. Like faces, landscape scenes clearly afford relational distinguishing features in addition to isolated features. Two clearings in the woods are distinguishable by the spatial arrangement of similar parts as well as by salient landmarks. Like faces, landscapes are a very familiar class; individuals recognize hundreds of particular spots, and encoding places where one has been is an important part of finding one's way around. Also, like faces, landscapes are difficult to encode verbally, and Deffenbacher, Carr, and Leu (1981) found the two to be similarly sensitive to retroactive interference as compared with words and simple line drawings. Method stimuli. Harmon (1973) presented evidence that configural information alone is sufficient to support face recognition. He showed that photographs were recognizable even if high-frequency information required to represent individual features was degraded by systematic blurring. Haig (1984) showed that perceivers are sensitive to tin rturbations of internal s acin of y pe p g the features.ofph?tograp.hs offaces..Most.pert~nently,.Serge~t (1984) provided dIrect evidence that inversIon differentIally dlsrupts the use of relational aspects of schematic faces in a matching task. When the stimuli were upright, the distinguishing features Subjects. Sixteen undergraduateswere paid for their participation as subjects. .Maleria!s. . Black and white photographsweremou.ntedon ~Iain white 3-m. x 5-m. md~x cards: The facesmeasured 1.25 m. X II~. and the land~apes 3.25 m. x 2 m. The face~were those used by Ym (1969): studIo photographs of adult males WIthout eyeglasses,beards, or mustaches.The landscapeswere selectedfrom a pool of 103 photographs taken at 63 different New England locations. There were four types of landscapes:mountains with horizon lines, bodies of water, rocky outcroppings, and meadows. No scene contained any man-made object. contributed interactively to reaction times, whereas when the faces were inverted the features contributing to differences were processed serially and independently. Moreover, the most relational feature-internal spacing-was processed differently in upright and inverted faces. The experiments reported here test the hypothesis that the ffi " . . large e ect of inversion on face recognitIon results from the fact . '" '" .. that faces are indIviduated In terms of relatIonal distInguishing features. Although face recognition appears to require use of such features, recognition of members of many classeswith which faces have been compared does not. For houses, pictures of complex scenes, costumes, buildings, and bridges, representation in terms of isolated features could support recognition. For example, a house could be remembered on the basis of a distinctive drainpipe or fence, a bridge on the basis of distinctive metalwork a costume on the basis of a distinctive collar, and a cemetery sce~e h b . f . gl d " . on t e .asls a Sin e, IstInctIve graves.tone. However, not all of~he s.tImuh that have been compared WIth ~uman faces afford salient lsolatable features. Dog faces do not, stIck figures of people Within eachclass,somepairs of photographswerepaired for useas target and distractor items. Essentially the same featureswere present in both membersof each pair; the two differed primarily in spatial arrangement of features:Examples of the stimuli are provided in Figure I. Two serIesof photographs were assembledso that one could be presen~edto e~chsubject~pright and the other upsidedown. For each series, the InspectIonsetconsIstedof20 facesand 20 landscapes(5 of each type) pseudorandomlym d Ixe so th at there was one "lace and one I andsca pe at the beginning and end of the set and no more than 4 consecutiveitems were all facesor all landscapes.For each inspection set, a recognition set wasconstructed,consistingof 12inspectionfacespaired with 12distractor facesand 12 inspection landscapespaired with 12 distractor landscapes. The first and last 2 items of eachinspection setand 6 other items of each type werenot presentedfor recognition. On the basisof pilot data, items were chosenso that performance on facesand landscapesupright would be comparable. A practice inspection seriesconsisting of 3 faces and 3 landscapesand a practice forced-choice recognition serieswas also constructed. Procedure. The procedure was that used by Yin (1969). Subjects weretold to look at the picturesand to try to rememberthem. Immediately after inspection, subjectsweregiventhe recognition seriesand were asked . " :' ~ : " AND SUSAN CAREY Experiment 1 The goal of Experiment I was to compare the relative effects of inversion on faces and landscapes. We used the procedure originally used by Yin (1969). " ! :' I WHY FACES ARE AND ARE NOT SPECIAL es of se 11. to indicate which member of each pair had beenin the inspection series. A smallpracticeseries(presentedupright) wasusedto illustrate the forcedchoiceprocedure. The two test serieswerethen presented.The order and orientation in which the two series were viewed were independently .1S Ie I 11re 109 counterbalancedacrosssubjects.Beforethe inverted serieswasinspected subjectswere told that the materials would be upside down during inspectionand recognition. Subjectswere allowed 3 s to inspect each item in the inspection series.Subjectspaced themselvesduring recognition. ' nspect Ion Iterns J."'-' 7 ,e Ig ~ .,... ~- If It 'e u I- I s e I I , - ' Recognition Items ~ ,c .;" ,?~: :," ~ '" ":,"";.;-' ~- , Figure I. Examples of landscapestimuli used in Experiment 1. t ~ j j, j ~ i ~' !i i'l 110 RHEA DIAMOND AND SUSAN CAREY , 1f.l :~~~::::::::::: ",""' "~-- II : II ;; i: i r~I , ,-~/, ( , V ~-,,!:'"?;,~ /---1 11 1~! QJllJl-_JLL ---~~~? f:cI ". ,... = :::::=::::77 ". Ii' Ii II: Figure.~.M~jor c~nfig.urations of the pairsof landscapes shownasexamples of recognition Items In Figure I. ." ,. ; I j .i Results and Discussion averaged. Theresultingfigureis alsorecognizable asa face.This property,relatedto that tappedby Galton's(1928/1983)com- In the upright condition, subjects' performance on the two materialswascomparable;for faces90% of responseswer~correct and for landscapes88% of responseswerecorrect. In the Inverted condition, performance fell to 71% correct for faces and 79% correct for landscapes.An analysis of variance (ANOYA),with positeportraiture method and by Rosch's(1978) superimposition test, is what is meant by "sharing the sameconfiguration." Gasses that do not sharea configuration, such as two arbitrarily chosen landscapesor houses may differ in the spatial relations among similar parts (e.g., th~ distance between a foreground rock and ! material (facesvs. landscapes)and orientation (upright vs. upside down) as within-subject factors, yielded a significant main effect a background tree). These constitute what can be called firstorder relational properties. However,for faces and other classes . for orientation, F( I, 15) = 21.67, P < .00I, and no main effect for material. A significant in.ter~ctionof material and orientation, F( I, 15) = 6.11, p < .03, indicated that faces were more vul- sharing a configuration, first-order relational properties are thereby constrained; members of theseclassesare individuated by distinctive relations amongthe elementsthat define the shared nerable to inversion than were landscapes.A Newman-Keuls analysis with a criterion level of .0 I showed that performance configuration. We refer to theseas second-orderrelational pro~ erties. on both ~aterials was better in the upright con~ition. .. Inverting landscapesmakes them look odd, Just as inverting faces makes them look odd. The disruption of shading infor~ation ~ometim~sm~ke~it difficul~ to interpret what is in the picture; In our stimuli this was partl~ular~ytrue f~~ scenesthat There are many classesother than human facesin which all memberssharean overall configuration. In all theseclasses,second-order relational properties may serve to individuate members. Any classof animals within which individuals are identifiable, such as dogs, would be a candidate for use of such prop- .. !; :;r II l I; , " ':!{ ,' I:" ~, "! : " 'I includedbodies. of water.Nonetheless~ In thl.Srecognitionmemory ertiesasdistinguishingfeatures.Evenso,ScapinelloandYarmey iI, If lill task: .the magnitude of th~ effect o~ inversion on landscap,erecogrntlon (9 percentagePOints)wasIn the range for all prevIously exa~ined nonface stimuli, I~v:erthan the magnitud~ of the inversl~n effec.tfor face reco~rntl°.n(19 percentagePOints). It IS po~slble that relatively Isolated fe~tures may be more abundant In the case of landscapesthan In the case of faces. However,ex~min~tion of the samplestimuli in Figure I suggests another possibledifferen:e betweenfa,cesand landscapes.Human facesshare the samebasIc ~onfiguratlon (two ey~sabovea nose, abovea mouth, all centeredIn a roughly oval outline); all meadow scenes(or all mountain horizons or rocky outcroppings or water scenes)do not. Viewed as meaninglessshapes,the major configurations comprising the landscapescenesare quite discriminable (seeFigure 2). In contrast, as meaninglessshapes,any two facesare quite alike. The difference between human faces and landscapesas classesof stimuli can be stated precisely.It is possible to locate on any face a large number of points (e.g.,tip of nose,left pupil, right pupil, bottom of chin). Fewer than 200 such points, connected appropriately, are sufficient to define a recognizableline drawing of an individual face (Brennan, 1985).More important, corresponding points may be identified on any two faces, and the faces,suitably normalized and digitized in this way, may be (1970) found recognition of dog facesconsiderablylessvulnerable to inversion than recognition of human faces. Their subjects, however,were undergraduatesand had no particular knowledge of dogs. We reasonedthat perhaps only subjectswith sufficient knowledgeto be capableof individuating large n~mbers o~dogs of the same breed would be likely to processtheir figures In the way that normal adults processhuman faces.This suggeststhat for dog experts, recognition memory may be as vulnerable to stimulus inversion as is recognition of human facesfor everyone. This should not be so for novices. !i: Ii: Experiment 2 Experiment 2 examined the relation between expertise and the size of the inversion effect. Dog experts and novices were presentedphotographs of dogs and human facesin each orientat ion. We expected a three-way interaction of subject group (novices vs. experts), materials (dogs vs. faces),and orientation (upright vs. inverted). For dog experts,the effect of inversion on recognition of dogsand facesshould be comparabl~.For novices inversion should affect face recognition more than it affects dog recognition. ~~ WHY FACES ARE AND ARE Nor Method Materials. The materials for this study consistedof photographs of dogsand human facesmounted on 3-in. X 5-in. index cards.Dog experts (breedersand judges) to~dus that they recognizedo~ on the basisof the whole dog rather than Its face. Therefore, we obtained whole-body or three-quarter profile photographs of champion dogs from the archives of the American Kennel Club (AKC) in New York City, We used three breeds:Irish setters,Scottish terriers, and poodles, Within each breed, photographswere chosen so that the ani~als' stancesand isolat~ ~isti nguishing features (such as degreeof shine on the coat) were similar. . , . us 11on ;es en ng nd stieS Ire ed ed ~pall ~ntiIP- ey lie ts, ge nt Igs he tat to Ie. Ild :re n Jp )n )n es og SPECIAL 111 inverted). Dog experts were presentedtwo seriesof 18 dog photographs (I upright and I inverted). One group of noviceswasalso presentedwith two full seriesof 18dog photographseach. In an attempt to equalizethe performancelevel of expertsand novicesfor the upright condition, another group of novices was presented the dog photographs subdivided into smaller sets.Thesesubjectswerepresentedtwo setsof9 dog photographs upright and two setsof 9 dog photographs inverted; each set consisted of 3 dogs of each breed. The two subsetsof each serieswere presented in immediate succession. R esu[,tS and D lSCUSSlon . . The photographswererephotographed to eliminatebackgroundcues andto equalizethe photographiccontrastbetweenthe dogsand background. , . . A finalsetof72 dogphotographswasassembled,conslstlngofl2 pairs of eachof the threebreeds,The two membersof each 0f photographs h be . .1 ' bl 0 be f h ' pairwerec osento asslml ar aspoSSIe. ne mem r 0 eac pair d ' ated a targ et and the other a distractor. These P airs were used was eslgn t form two comparableseries.Eachseriesconsistedof 18 inspection p~otographs and 18forced-choice recognitionpairs,in whicha duplicate of eachinspectionphotographwaspairedwith a distractorof oneof the twootherbreeds.Examplesof the dogstimuli areshownin Figure3. Newfacematerialswerealsoprepared.A setof 184photographshalfof menand half of women-wastakenfrom collegeyearbooks. The photographs werecroppedbeneaththechinto 7li~in~te:asmuchclothing aspossible, andnoneofthe!aceschosenhaddlstl~gulshlng featuressuch asbeards, mustaches, formedbased h h f Iearnngs, fth or eyeglasses. h h Pairs d . .were 1 h . tyl sets) was entered as a between-subjectslactor. Mam effiects emergedfor orientation, F( 1, 45) = 98.78,p < .001, and material F(l, 45) = 25.30,p < .001.Uprightstimuliwerebetterrecognized (83%correct) than inverted stimuli (69%correct), and faceswere better recognized(80% correct) than dogs(72%). The interaction between material and orientation was significant, F( 1, 45) = 24.03, p < .001. Recognition of facesfell from 89% correct upright to 70% correct inverted, whereas recognition of dogs fell . ed. H owever, onIy firom 76'"70 correct upn.ght to 69'"70 correct Invert andcoloring.Twoseries wereformed,eachwith 36inspection photographs and 36 forced-choice recognition pairs. Recognition pairs consisted of a duplicateof an inspectionphotographpairedwith its matcheddistractor. the compans~n of mte~est-~he thr:e-way Interaction of subject group, material,F(2, and 45) orIentation-did not approach the .05 level of significance, = 0.80, p > .10. Subjects. Subjectswere32 undergraduates (the novices),who were paidfortheirparticipation, and16dogexpertswhowerenotcompensated. Welocateddog expertsthroughthe 1982AKC Directoryof Dog Show andObedience Judges,Fourjudgeswerefound,all of whomagreedto participate.Thesefour expertsreferredseveralothers,someof whom suggested still others.Th,eremai.ningI ~ expertswere.obtainedfrom:his A Newman-Keuls analysis with a criterion level of .01 was used to examine the inversion effect for each group of subjects with each kind of material. For all three groups, performance on upright faces was significantly better than that on inverted faces.Experts also recognized upright photographs of dogs significantly better than inverted photographs(78% correct upright, on P otograp s 0 pe~ e 0 e samesexw 0 a slml ar poses, airs es, The accuracy of each group is shown in Figure 4. All subjects had a large inversion effect on faces, and the experts had the largest inversion effect on dogs. The data were entered into an .. , .. . ANaYA;material and OrIentation were entered as Withm-subJect . . . factors, and subject " group (expert, novice . large " set, - nOVice . small ... pool.Of the expertsnot listed asJudgesIn the AKC Directory, 3 deSCT1bed . h I . d 5d ' 66%. correct Inverted), whereasfor t emse ves as JU ges, escn bed th emseIves as breeder/ha ndl ers, and . . non . experts.the advantage . for theremaining4 indicateda sustainedinterestin dogs expressed in activitiessuchasfrequentattendance at dogshows.Ex~rts wereaskedto list all breedsfor whichthey had expertise,Elevenof the expertslisted one(andin eachcaseonlyone)of thethreebreedsusedin theexperiment, whereas the remaining5 listedotherbreeds.The meanageof the dog expertswas46 years(range= 29 to 58 years). Procedure.Subjectsweretold that they would seephotographsof facesand ~ogsand.werei?str~ctedto look at eachphoto an~ try. to rememberIt. ~achln~peCtIO~ Item waspresentedfor 5 s. SubJec~Inspected onesenesandImmediatelyafterwardwereshowntheassociated . recognition , ... senes,throughwhichtheythen proceeded forced-cholce at theirown rate. Beforethe invertedserieswaspresented,subjectswere informedthat the itemswouldbe upsidedownboth for inspectionand subsequent recognition.They werealsotold that two differentphotographs-onefor inspectionand one for recognition-of the samedog mightsometimebe used,This instructionwasdesignedto discourage relianceon idiosyncraticpictorialcuesthat mighthavesurvivedour rePhotographing of the dogpictures, A practiceinspectionsetof threefacesfollowedby a recognitionset of t~ree~et-<listractor pairswasf~rmed,Thepracticeset~ presented UPTIght to Illustratethe forced-choice procedure.Eachsubjectwassub' . sequently presented onesenesof dogphotographs andonesenesof faces. uprightandthe otherseriesof eachmaterialupsidedown.The orderin whichmaterialswerepresented(dogsfirst, facesfirst), series,and orientationwerecounterbalanced acrosssubjectswithin eachgroup. All subjectswerepresentedtwo seriesof 36 faces(I upright and I UPrIght presentation was not signIficant at either set size (for small sets78% correct upright and 75% correct inverted; for the large set 73% correct upright and 65% correct inverted). Despite the fact that the predicted three-way interaction was not significant, we found these data encouraging. Expertise appeared to influence, albeit only slightly, the size of the inversion effect on dogs. Novices showedeffects of orientation exactly in the 2 to 10 percentagepoint range previously observedfor all other nonfacestimuli. Experts were more vulnerable to stimulus inversion . alth ough not slgm . .fi w hen encod.mg dogs t han were nOVices ' cantly so. Severalaspectsof this experiment made it a less-than-optimal test of the hypothesis. First, the three breeds of dogs belong to different dog groups.Settersarejudged with sporting dogs;terriers are judged with terriers; poodles are judged with nonsporting dogs and toys. If experts specializein more than one breed, the breeds are usually in the samegroup. Further, the breeds used were not well-matched to the self-describedexpertise of these sub.ects; of the 48 pairin (3 breeds by 16 experts), only II ~ h Th .. gs were matc es. us It IS probable t hat alt hough more sophi s'. . tlcate~ about dogsthan .the.~ovlces,the ex~rts.dld not po~sess sufficient knowledge to Individuate thesestimuli on the basIsof second-orderrelational properties. Experiment 3 was designed to eliminate this possibility. - I j~) ".I, .II 112 RHEA DIAMOND AND SUSAN CAREY "i ) r if Inspection Items i~' , ,I ! rf ,j !;1 1J' 1:' ,! 1 ! Recognition Items , j, /' Figure 3. Examples of dog stimuli used in Experiment 2. WHY Experiment Experiment 3 was another betWeen expertise, material, the materials were restricted indeed expert. FACES ARE AND 3 probe for the three-way and orientation. interaction In this case, however, to breeds on which the experts were ARE NOT SPECIAL 113 One group of novices saw, in each orientation, the same two subseries as did the experts. To equate performance of experts and novices on upright photographs of dogs, we presented another group of novices the photographs divided into three smaller subseries. Each of these series began and ended with a dachshund or dalmation. Two of these subseries contained 3 sporting dogs and one contained 4. Procedure. The procedure was the same as for Experiment 2. Method Subjects.Subjects were16sporting dogexperts and32undergraduate Results . novices.Expertsweregivena bottle of wine for their participation; novices were paid. Ftgure 5 shows the performance Twelve of the experts were listed in the AKC Directory as judges; of _in each orientation. of each group on each material For faces, all subjects photographs IIi t d b Two new series of yearbook faces comparable to those used in Experiment for inverted 2 were assembled. The dog stimuli were photographs of champion Irish figures, 59% were correct. In contrast setters and cocker spaniels obtained from the AKC archives. They were figures; . for UPright These data were entered not f 01 0 79 70 t s all ,,' figures, and 81 % were correct for the large set 73% were correct and 71 % were correct were se size se er el a Ion a orlen responses were correct novices t . sm .th t (for all three groups ( t t. inversion .or . y e aec h to 77 years). The experts reported that they had actively worked WIth dogs for an average of 31 years, and that they participated in an average 0 I og sows eac year. Materials. All stimuli were mounted on 3-in. X 5-in. index cards. h together 88% of responses were correct for upright photographs and 65% were correct for inverted photographs). For experts, there was a similar effect for photographs of dogs; 81 % of responses for upright photographs were correct and for inverted d also breeders and/or handlers. When asked to indicate the three breeds of their greatest expertise, 8 named Irish setter first, the remaining 8 named cocker spaniel first, and 10 of the 16 included both breeds among the three named. The mean age of the experts was 64.years (range = .42 8 with the typical large recognition f decrement showed these, 10 were also breeders and/or handlers. The remaining experts were for upright for inverted). into an ANOYA; subject group was a rephotographed as for Experiment 2. Photographs of dalmations and dachshunds were also used as fillers in the inspection series, but were not tested for recognition. Th~ faces ~er~ assembled into two co~parable ~r.ies, ea~h consisting of 36 inspection Items and 36 forced-choice recognition pairs. The dogs were also assembled into two comparable series and then each series was". di .d d . half t od b . h .h . . f between-subjects factor, and material and orientation were within-subject factors. Most important, the predicted three-way interaction of subject group, material, and orientation was significant, £(2, 45) = 9.40, p < .00 I. A Newman-Keuls analysis with a .01 criterion level indicated that for all subject groups . ' . ' .aces upright were recognized better than faces upside down, but 8 items. Experts saw two subseries of dogs in each orientation. on VI e In 0 pr uce two su serIes,eac WIt an inspection set 0 The first I fj ~ or experts .. were dogs UPright recognized better than dogs and last items in each inspection subseries were a dalmation and a dachs- upside down. hund, and the middle 6 items were 3 cocker spaniels and 3 Irish setters. Forced-choice recognition items consisted of target dogs paired with dis- As intended, there was no significant effect of material. There was, however, a significant effect of group, £(2, 45) = 7.94, p < tractors of the same breed. .00 I, the undergraduate 100 FACES novices were superior to the experts. ~ Upright D Inverted DOGS 90 +- u OJ t: 80 0 u ..c ~ ~ 70 tf 60 50 Experts NovicesNovices (5) (L) Experts NovicesNovices (5) (L) Figure 4. Performanceof expertsand noviceson facesand dogspresentedupright and inverted in Experiment 2. Novices (S) were given a small set size on dogs, whereasnovices (L) were given the same large set size as were experts. -- As ~ /;li t1 r, ;1;!1 , I ~ 114 RHEA DIAMOND 1! i J,:: 100 [, 90 AND SUSAN CAREY ~ .j j DOGS FACES D Inverted i: I Upright ,Ii +- u ,;' Q) t 80 : i ;i 0 U +C ~ 70 ~ Q) a. 60 50 Experts Novices Novices Experts Novices Novices (5) (5) (L) (L) FiKl!re 5. Performanceof expertsand noviceson facesand dogspresentedupright and inverted in Experiment 3. Novices (S) were given a small set size on dogs, whereasnovices(L) were given the same large set size as were experts. Figure 5 shows, this advantage was found for both materials. (The interaction of group with material was not significant.) Presumably this difference reflects the relatively advanced age of the experts. Bartlett and Leslie (1985) showed that elderly subjects are deficient relative to younger subjects in recogpizing faces shown only in a single view. Therefore, although expertise resulted in an inversion effect on encoding dogs comparable to the wellestablished inversion effect on face encoding, expertise did not result in significantly better performance. A Newman-Keuls analysis indicated that the experts' accuracy on upright dog figures was not significantly greater than that of novices who were presented dogs at the same large set size. We conclude that memory for photographs of individual dogs can be as vulnerable to inversion as is face recognition. The effect emerges when the dog figures presented are of precisely those breeds which the subject has judged, bred, and handled over several decades, a condition met in Experiment 3 but not in Experiment 2. In contrast to experts, novices in both these experiments performed no better on upright than on inverted d . d. . h h di . . . terms 0 f w hi c h ogs, In lcatIng t at t e stinguls hing fieatures, In the items were represented, were equally available in the two orientations. Because we attempted to eliminate pictorial cues unrelated to the dogs themselves, we assume that the novices used such isolated features as tufts of hair or the distinctive angle of one leg. Insensitivity to inversion suggests that novices simply do not have knowledge of any dog breed helpful in individuating its members. Rather, they must rely on features characterizing the stimuli as patterns, features not affected by orientation. The . . fd .. .. . ImpervIousness 0 og recogmtIon to onentatIon contrasts Wlt h th 1 all b t . .fi t . . . . " nonface stImuli, as shown, for example, In Expenment 1 for landscapes. It appears that the novices' relevant knowledge of dogs is minimal compared with people's knowledge of classes such as landscapes and houses. ffi e usua sm u slgm can InversIon e . ect on recogmtIon . f 0 Why should expertise result in a greater sensitivity to inversion? We suggest that with expertise comes the ability to exploit the second-order relational properties that individuate members of classes such as human faces and cocker spaniels. Further, we suggest that representation of an individual in terms of these features is particularly vulnerable to stimulus inversion. Others have offered hypotheses for the effect of experience on the size of the inversion effect that do not implicate a difference in the type of distinguishing feature used by experts and novices. Goldstein (1975) suggested that the schema for recognition becomes more rigid with experience (and thus presumably more tied to normal conditions of deployment), whereas Flin (1985) expressed the idea that increasing familiarity with a class of mono-oriented stimuli might make inverted stimuli appear increasingly odd. The Goldstein-Flin hypothesis thus implies that encoding of any given feature becomes increasingly more vulnerable to inversion as the subject becomes more expert in the domain. Expenmen . t 4 Experiment 4 is concerned with whether orientation affects the evaluation of faces for the presence of named features more than it affects the evaluation of houses or landscapes for the presence of named features. Method S~!ect~. Subjectswere 19 undergraduateswho were paid for their partICIpatIon .'.. Matenals. Two senes of mixed photographs offaces, landscapes, and houseswereassembled so th at each sub~ec . t couId be present ed one senes . in each orientation. In all there were 46 faces,44 houses,and 48 landscapes:instances of each class were divided about equally between the two series.A mixed-practice seriesof 12 other photographs containing 4 of each type was also constructed. The landscapeswere chosen from WHY FACESARE AND ARE NOT SPECIAL amongthoseusedin ExperimentI; the facesand houseswerechosen fromamongthoseusedby Yin (1969);additionsweremadeto provide positiveinstancesfor somefeatures.Within eachseriesthe threetypes of materials wereorderedpseudorandomly sothat no typeoccurredmore thanthreetimesin succession. After half the subjectshadbeenrun, the orderof itemsin eachserieswasreversed for the remainulgsubjects. Probeswerepresentedin the form of a word or phraseshownjust beforethephotographto bejudged.Weattemptedto probefeaturesthat wererelativelyisolated.The resultsof pilot workwereusedto eliminate that highly variable reaction timesinand attempt to probes alize theproduced difficulty of the three types of material thetoupright con- 115 Table 1 FeaturesJudged For Presenceor Absencein Each Class Faces Wrinkles Beard High forehead Mustache Glasses Na~r°v.: eyes T~lck lips Landscapes Rocks Mountain Bushes Boulder Evergreen Water B~ush Houses Roundedwindow Peakedroof Ivy Steps Po~c.h Railing Sh~tters River Chimney equ . . . dition. Table I lIsts the final set of probes used for each class.Within . . Big nose G rayhair . eachtestset,eachprobewasusedtWIce.For eachtype of materIal,the Bald CI.Iff Trees correct responsesto the two occurrencesof a given probe were equally often "yes" to both, "no" to both, and "yes" to one and "no" to the other.The serieswere orderedso that the correct responsedid not remain the samefor more than 4 successiveitems. Procedure. A four-channel tachistoscopewas used to present both the probes and stimuli. Each probe was presentedfor I s, followed by I s of darkness.The stimulus wasthen presentedfor aslong asthe subject . . . neededto make a response.Reaction times were measuredto the mlld.. I . d . I d db lisecondby a Iglta timer ~tarte at stlmuus onsetan . stoppe y a voicekey relay when the subject responded.The presentationof the next probewascontrolled by the experimenter. Subjectswereinstructed that for eachkind of material the right answer to all the probes overall would be "no" as often as "yes." They were also. Narrow face Wavy hair Buck teeth Bushy eyebrows Protruding ears Dimpled c.hin Do:ubl~chin Thm lips Grass Sand Lake Hills Clouds Meadow S?rubs Field discover whether a landscape has a rock, or a house a round .. . .. The error rate was low: 2.0% for faces,4.7% for landscapes, 4.3%for houses.Items on which errors occurred were excluded fromthe reaction time analysis.Figure 6 showsthe mean reaction time for each type of material in each orientation. An ANOYA revealedmain effectsfor orientation, F( 1, 18) = 42.92, p < .00 1, and for material, F(2, 36) = 42.08, p < .001. There was no interactionbetweenmaterial and orientation. A Newman-Keuls analysiswith a .05 criterion level indicated that reaction times for all three kinds of material were fasterfor upright presentation thanfor inverted presentation. Faceswere easierthan landscapes andhouses,both upright and inverted. In sum, although we did not SUcceed in equalizing the difficulty of all three kinds of material in the upright orientation, inversion affected all classes greater ability to representthe upright stimulus in terms of distinguishing second-orderrelational features. Experiment 4 also bears on the claim of Mermelstein, Banks, and Prinzmetal (1979) that good Gestalt facilitates memory for particular featuresbut not perceptual searchfor those same features. Using schematic faces,they replicated Homa, Haver, and Schwartz's (1976) finding that normal faces had an advantage over scrambled faces in subjects' search for a feature that was specified after offset of the face. In contrast, when the feature was specifiedfirst, Mermelstein et al. found an advantagefor the scrambledface.Our data conflict with Mermelstein et al.'sfinding of no advantage(indeed, a slight disadvantage)of the upright in perceptual search. However,our stimuli were real facial photo- d eqUally. Fasterresponses andlowererror rateson facialfeaturesthan graphs, andthe ournamed prior probes were verbal.appears In our case, judgment of whether feature is present to require pro- ~ Onfeaturesof landscapesor housesprobably reflect the fact that .aIJ facesshare the sameoverall configuration. This should facilltateperformance becausethe subject need not searchas widely to discoverwhether a face has a mustacheor narrow eyesas to cessingsimilar to that involved in selectingdistinguishingfeatures in terms of which to individuate a newly presented face. Deployment of knowledgeoffaces held in memory appearsessential in this perceptual search task as it does not in the experiments ? e f e e s e e Is D d d IIf 1- ts 'e Ie ir I Ie 18 ID - Balcony Columns Window shades Brick exterior Curtains Flat roof Bay window Wood exterior Fence Stones Leafy tree " Ise0f the window. The facIlitation occurs on both UPrIght and Inverted toId that the probedfieature wouId be el.ther cIearIy true or.a .. picture,althoughit mightnot bein a centralor salientlocation.Subjects stimuli. .. .. . wereinstructedto answeronlyaftertheyhadactuallydetermined whether The absenceof a Matenal X OrIentatIon interactIon means or not the probewastrue of the picture,not to infer it, andthey were that stimulus inversion does not hamper the identification of asked to answerasquicklyaspossiblewithout makingerrors. nameable features of faces more than those of landscapesor Thepracticeserieswaspresented to all subjectsin the uprightorienhouses.For all three classes,probes were chosen so as to refer tation.Thetestseries(onepresented uprightandtheotherinverted)were to relatively isolated features.To the extent that the featuresused presented immediatelyafterward.The orderand orientationin which for facesare neverthelessmore relational (e.g.,"high forehead") thetwotestserie.s werepresented w~recounterb~anced ac~oss sub~ects. than those usedfor houses(e.g.,"shutters") and landscapes(e.g., Beforepresentationofeac~ test sene.s, eachs~bJ.e~t wasgiven.a list of "boulder;" see Table 1), we would expect this factor to add to thesetof probesto beusedIn that serIes.AmbiguitIeswereclarified;the th e ad vant age fior. upn..ght laces. .l .ty. 0f laces ., Th e compara . .. sketches,If needed.Therewasa 5-mm . break ., t 0 experImenter provided . b II between thefirstandsecond testseries.Beforepresentation of theinverted the other cl~~sesIn thIS task suggeststha~the inversion ~ffect on series, eachsubjectwastold that thepictureswouldbe upsidedownand face recognItion does not rest on an UPrIght advantageIn procwasurgedto try to answerquicklyandaccurately. essing the same kind of features that are processedwhen the stimulus is inverted. Although admittedly indirect, this result is ResuIt s consistent view isthat the inversion effect on perceiver's faces (and on dogs forwith dog our experts) attributable to the expert I ,iff I i f!' , I IIi ! 'I :j i 116 RHEA DIAMOND AND SUSAN CAREY I:': ~ 0 if !i ': 1.4 I'it 1:1 I I),, 1.2 , , t! Inverted In I'' "0 C ., , U') '1!1' i Upright 0 U 1.0 Q) ( i, !c 08 . I 1- II: - 0.6 Faces "if, r ~ Landscapes Houses Figure 6. Reactiontime to respondto probes for faces,landscapes,and houses,presentedupright and inverted. ,if r! [' ",' I (:if'}, '.':f.;;t ..If. i' ! "'-- with schematicfaces.It is referenceto a canonical representation of this knowledge during individuation that we have suggested underlies the upright advantagefor all classesof mono-oriented objects, . . General?ISCus.sIon . We have explored two questions. First, what ISthe source of 1981), there are casesin which prosopagnosicswho formerly had expertise with certain animals (the ability to identify species of birds, distinguish individual cows)lost the ability to recognize them when they lost the ability to recognize faces (Bornstein, 1963; Bomstein, Sroka, & Munitz, 1969). Moreover, Damasio et~. (1982) confir~ed ~xperimentallyr.e~ortst~at prosopagnosic patIents have specific difficulty recognIZIngunique members of the largedetriment to face recogcnitionassociatedwith inversion? Second, are faces unique in the sense of being in memory in terms of distinguishing features thatrepresented are especially nonface classesthat share an overall similarity of visual shape (e.g., results automobiles, abstract symbols, or animals). these and those of Experiment 3, itsome is unlikely thatGiven there sensitiveto inversion?The secondquestion has receiveda clear answer:No, facesare not special.The recognition of at least one other class of stimuli (dogs) is as sensitive to orientation as is recognition of facesprovided that the perceiversare as expert at representingdogs as are adults at representingfaces. In answeringthe secondquestion, we haveconstrained an answerto the first, Cocker spanielsor Irish setters,like faces,share the samebasic configuration in the senseof the superimposition test; suitably normalized representationscan be superimposed, or averaged,and the resulting representationis still recognizable as a member of that class. Although individual landscapesare surely distinguished at least in part on the basis of relational properties, all landscapesdo not share the same configuration in this sense.We tentatively suggestthat the large inversion effect will emergewheneverthree conditions are met. First, the members of the classmust share a configuration. Second,it must be possible to individuate the members of the classon the basis of second-orderrelational features. Third, subjects must have the expertise to exploit such features. Other classesof stimuli besidesfaces and dogs should meet theseconditions. Certainly any biological classwhose members are individuated should do so. Relevant observationshave been made of patients suffering from pro sopagnosia, a neurological condition in which there is an extreme deficit in recognizing familiar faces.Although the nature of thesepatients' impairment in recognizing faces has received severaldifferent descriptions (see, e.g., Damasio, Damasio, & Van Hoesen, 1982; Hecaen, is neural substrate dedicated to face encoding. However, it is certainly consistent with evidence from these studies of prosopagnosia to postulate a processor specialized for the encoding of members of classeswho share a configuration. Examination of patients with face-recognition impairments lessseverethan those found in prosopagnosiahasalso produced pertinent data. Focal lesions of the right hemisphere interfere selectivelywith the recognition of unfamiliar faces(e.g., Benton & Van Allen, 1968; De Renzi & Spinnler, 1966; Milner, 1968; Warrington & James, 1967). Yin (1970b) showedthat patients with posterior right hemispheredamagewere selectivelyimpaired on upright faces,and not on either inverted facesor upright or inverted houses.The idea that the right hemisphereis selectively involved in processing upright faces is also supported by the results of divided visual field studiesin adults and children. Several investigators showeda greater right-hemisphere advantage for upright than for inverted facesin tachistoscopicrecogcnition tasks (Leehey, Carey, Diamond & Cahn, 1978; Rapaczynski & Ehrlichman, 1979; Young, 1984; Young & Bion, 1980, 1981). Both sets of results are consistent with right-hemisphere specialization for the extraction of second-orderrelational information in terms of which experts in a classare hypothesizedto represent new instances. 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