AP Assembly Archives


AP Assembly Archives
14th March, 1961
(Tnesday )
Vohme. IV
No. 2
23?d Phalgona 1882 S.E.
A n & a Pradesh Legishtive AssemHy Debates
Part H—Proceedmgs other than Qaestions and Answers
Calling attention to matters of urgent Public Importance: ..
re: Drought conditions in Andole taluk
Messages from the Council:
re: The Andhra Pradesh Essential Articles Control
and Requisitioning (Temporary Powers) (Amendment) Bill, 1961
re: The Andhra Pradesh Primary Education Bill, 1961
re: The Madras Entertain men Tax (Andhra Pradesh
Amendment) Bill, 1961
Point of information:
re: Opinion of the Advocate-General in connection
With certain Judgment of the High Court
Business of the House
Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for 1961-62:
Voting of Demands for Grants:
Demand No. XX—Agriculture Rs. 3,79,48,900
Demand No. XLI—Capital Outlay on Schemes of
Agricultural Improvement and Research
— R s . 44,38,000
Business of the House
Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for 1961-62
Voting of Demands for Grants:
Demand No. XXVI—Welfare of Scheduled Tribes,
Castes, etc.—Rs. 2,71,39,800
(Not concluded)
Appendix—Demand No. X X V I 1961-62
NoTB "at the commencement of the speech denotes confirmation from
the Member not received In time,
Printed by AJaata Printers, Secunderabad,
for the Director, Government Priatmg Press, Hyderabad-A.P.
[Part II - Proceedings oiEher than Questions and Answers
TTMaH&u;, /Ae 74yA Afdr<%, 7Pd^
The House met at Half Past Eight of the Clock
/*Afy. 6^?M^er m fAe CA^rJ
re; DroMgAt con<f%M?7M :% ^M^Ao/(? T a M .
Xio^^ifo ^ o & ^ ^ 3 ^ 3 x ) S 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3c^, T3_T^offo
^&^&&je ^ C b ^ X ) S 6 ^ ^ o a . ^d)$)eM, ^ ^ e M ^ r ^ aap^Rocy*
Jo&^ooj^D. <3^jg^38b ojLP- SAoSo&u "g9oRM&a-*%. -y-D
ey^.^ oajo^ii^ -BSo^g* Rrs-cfgo ^O^o^Cb. MtnJ*g "^OR^
Q ^ T n O S & r ^ o *3n)^g" q ^ o ^8^08. ^^3&§" qgga^eS qSS^
^d). ^'0^^035 " ^ ^ 3 ^ aRMagnF" xy-^^D o M ^ d ) . ^e^
o$-^&s^<% -gjaf ac- s^^co^ gg^&x:e:x), ^^-^ ^ ^ e o ^
eg *5Sba5* q^^ooa^^D 3s^oe^<% ^a^a. 3 ^ % $*g^§*
-^OQ &o3. H TT-fg ]B0^ "^^^ ^ O T ^ M ^ 0 M $ 0 ^
^-&)8o6 S)^ e)$;^. ^o^"^ *°3^* ^ e ^ ^ ^
x)oao$o^ ^ 3 r ^
osb ar^ols D ^ ) ^ -^S)^* Q ^ o e & < ^ ^ ^ .
&o?$Sb ^oao$o^ ^ ^ e a
TRidf ^ ° ^
R y ^ o q$3?r^C&. ^ ^ ) ^ o
^tr.^&o^^ 3oao$o3 3)0(8^00 ^ ^ ^
^ ^
330^83 -^^^o^o ^ e ^ o ^ r ^ o ^ ^ ^a^oa. ^ ^ f ^.0%
14;AAf#rcA, 196!
#;//, 1961
x;s3jo3b&!j^ !SS^^&)j^ §^ej^bnr"^Xb.
^. ^ga'trd^eacey):
&3-*{%o ojy* ]^*aSjtSod X)^3 x;d$7y :3o&a6&&)oa.
-5T"§) ^ 7 ^ a &
?-o&o^8b ^joRb <g tSS^iSjooF^ 3C&^)CM So^axgo^b^D. ^a -yog
)So^ i r - ^ ^ o & g ^Cb^^S' qj§ ^ j ^ o j ^ ^ ^ ^ " s3^iy"^o 30b^)t5oc:
,Mr. 6^^a/cgr; I have to announce to the House
that I have received the following messages from the
hon. Chairman, Legislative Council.
2%e ^MgfAra Praday/t EwenfMi/ ^r^c/^F CoM^ro/ an;/
(^wa/z^/Mg/!^) Ff//, 1961
"In accordance with rule 152 of the Rules of
Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Andhra
Pradesh Legislative Council, I transmit a copy of the
Andhra Pradesh Essential Articles Control and Requisitioning (Temporary Powers) (Amendment) Bill, 1961
(L. C. Bill No. 1 of 1961) as passed by the Legislative
Council on the 11th March, 1961 and signed by m e for
the concurrence of the Assembly."
?%e /4n6%?-(2 P?YKfas% Pr&Mary &?Mca#<?M, F%/ /%/.
"In accordance with rule 174 of the Rules of
Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Andhra
Pradesh Legislative Council, I transmit a copy of the
Andhra Pradesh Primary Education Bill, 1961 (L. A
Bill No. 20 of 1960) as passed and agreed to by the
Legislative Council on the 11th March 1961 without
any amendment and signed by m e / '
7%e AfaJray ^HferKHnTMen; Tlax (4/MfArg jPraa?6jA
4y?K?n6?7Me;:;) <BfM, 1961.
"In accordance with rule 174 of the Rules of
Procedure and Conduct of Business in t&e Andhra
I'M AfarcA, 1961
/v; (?^H/c/! <?/* /Ac ^ ^ o M ^ - C ^ H c r o / //!
o/* ^Ae J%/! CoMr/
Pradesh Legislative Council, I return herewith a copy
of the Madras Entertainment Tax (Andhra Pradesh
Amendment) Bill, 1961 (L. A . Bill N o . 2 of 1961) which
was passed by the Legislative Assembly at its sitting
held on the 23rd February 1961 and transmitted to the
Legislative Council for its recommendations, duly signed
by m e and state that this House has no recommendations to make to the Legislative Assembly in regard to
the said Bill".
re .* 0/?MM#n o/ ?Ae ^vacate - Genera/ m coHHec/fpn
wf;% ce/-;<HH./M4ge/MeHf o/i/:e #fg% C<?Mr;.
cBjjgiy. -s^-!!) ooj=cr^<3b. cr^aa ?3JcRdcC3Jqrv"8§
s3<Bj. MO^SbSb ^^S3j3o35o&) ! Tr*CJ a&^jo&M
^sf q o ^ ^ t^r'&s'^* M*^ aao&oj&oo-' ? ^^y ? ^oT§3 -ggaao&o
M-s^^^o *8&u^{y-a§ 8^-tr< € ^ ^ 6 0 ^ & ) . Xj"^—66^ ^aTr*Cb. igaa
m<&*3jo&)JXb * 3 : M 3 & a
14;AAfg;-<%, 1961
ra r Opwfon qf /Ae ^[^Mcafe-CgHgra/ fM
of rAe jy^gA CcM^f
- y ^ oMgggjK) 5^\cy^X)§ 7T*SJ <?a-sr*Co^'5j. M 8 Ty°8ooaao. "^)&*#
TT-8b cp$fqo^do^<&). TT"d) ^ 8 D o a ooog^gjur^gj—000=0^00. Rr*M
]R-y*%o ^ 3 g&^ooooa. tco^^o^b *^gb iSoabrsORoa^Rb.
^ ( ^ &. ^ o ^ d S S g ( ^ g ^ o ) : t9%g3P, v-ggg^fF^ gootO
rr^Cb 3a^g ggr*i?-"gRbjgb e3V"o"gbo ^g)8bX) ^jgjj axgftKoRx). ly-ob
M ^ Q ^ & S ' s g ^ r r * ^ ^gjgb 3oao-3g a,aX)o^)§* ^ X ) — t n o ^ g b o - D
-Rabgjgbur^gK) 3R^3boc^ ^ ^ " § ^ * sgd^rvCb ^gbSb gob^o^df
^X)KS "Sr"§^eb B)&"3job)^oS'^- ^^"3 a* ,3f &°Sb<S"*gbo<& ^Cogjgbiy^
g j o ^ — - a r v d o o n r Tr-8^^ a.^M ^o-^b8bX). gb6^S*&3 -RRigjgbTT^
dX) &aa-"o^3§^^8'^odr'o. -57- ^r-ocoodf qoS^SfdS &g^8. gjo[8rr-Cb
0 8 -uf^g&Jo6^ MdJbg effort ^)gjo^ <g$b^jgo5b^ n*"X). ggSbR 7V"X)
*^r*s^eb ^&j ^o3b^^X) 5 ^ o b .
Advocate-General ooo^giy-X)^
gjotOrr'Ob ^ 8 D g ^r^o "There is no basis for the charge" MX).
gjoianrBb 3&\ga
&&*3jo^)L) -sr-a gggdS *^C$X), *3o6& gjj^&) i^Ob
ar& ^V"goX), ^o-y v ^ d X ) ,
personal matter -s**a&3 &X)<5^gbo-0
^Cbgj-a^gb, crX)t5^&)o^ ^ o ^ g j o 8 v-aej ^XbTT^Ob ve)M
^a D^oObo BeMabTJ^RX)—
"There is no basis for the charge that the Government dictated to the Registrar and the Registrar appointed the nominees of the Government. The State Government is not directly concerned with the nominations."
eX) -sy*6b -R8-ar*3b. ^CbTr-^ "on a point of order" vX) *3&
ig-a "sbo!arr*ta ^K)&)o3 ^<Sb:&gb?r'a.eb? authorised judgement
xr*^Ro&M*r*^ab, Registrar bod ^3o strictures pass R3&o8 "30o3bcb
eao&MTT^Ob" vnr^gb. Authorised Judgement XbSb q=cr^gb. *^gb
relevant 7T* " 8 ^ ^--cojo^a.s'^ ^ g ^ 8 . 3< House gb gjot err*eb
6 o'S'oTT* mislead ^oab&r<X)§ ^rgb§^?r^e^ ^ ty*8bo'3jo4xRg9
"gcogboa. ^odSbS'o^b S^bSb e)-a)g a&"3oo&M v"&d^ M y?<o gj" 0 7T*
&g^8. ca Tr*a Sbdb To^Sb 3 o & *^) -^dSbgjvgj. Advocate-General
Q-q^gcf^^ -RaDgg^MS gb-"^, T n ^ -^aag^yX)^ relevant v"/<o
Pofn; of /H/bfwa//oM
M M AfarcA, 1961
"Though there is some room for suspicion"—these
are the actuai words from the letter of the AdvocateGenera!—"there is no basis for the charge that the
Government dictated to the Registrar and the Registrar
appointed the nominees of the Government
nomination is also bad because some of the persons
nominated do not possess the qualifications
v°D TT*ia gJipog Advocate-General rsr°ai$ ar*aj6**&3i3-0
Tyr^co -RRD3:iy<g3, "Though there is some room for suspicion
there is no basis for the charge" e?8 Advocate-General tiy* "&.
5ta -gaaga aaio!§) "though there is some room for suspicion" tp*i Styeo -cfRj5&o<g "there is no basis for the charge."
aoS35* &^35* : as a&*3jo&M 3b 35Rg) 33)038* ty.
&. KMogCcBbg : Sbg)nob i^aDga 38M&)<o-^R).
^R"3 iy" rr*S) 613 *r* -s^^-ar-oo -^a^sSyt&s T3**8§ t9&)&y*e*Bj;g
^) &. 3oo<%3'd&g : (gg^ 33j^R)Tr-^ &)^o ^r-^ sbxb§^o<5.
discussion MabTbea^gytRi Advocate-Generai t-sr'M ay*e3j^ a,g*
§^C&TT-d) *853bg<^s^y^ M ^ g*3agTr*ox). ^sSO 8^eo -yt& S^v-d).
qa "^^ )B)S^Do<g'3b3 D:ioS&o *B^gSb,
e^e^ &r*&)j**Mrr' eaOb^^r'
^o X)s3cr?&)e)g^ sSboterr-eS 52^gea;6887T-. ^gy-iy-^o *3^Co. x!o^
14;AMar<%, 1961
re r Opinion o/ ync ^d^vocofe-OaMera/ fw
Advocate General g g 3 R carbon copy version Bj^-cr" ^&o<%,
stenographer's copy
&r"cy" l=3sJo<g, judgement &o^ Ty"ny-"o^o
^ A ft33^"3jo4jjgj & ^cfo tTT'^TO-^Ob. v o c b ^ "Though there is
some room for suspicion"—M^R S)6&r*^joo. -s*°D actual judgement 6^ m u c h more stronger words & n r ° ^ o M —
'^Though there are circumstances which create a
suspicion that the Government might have influenced
the Registrar for reasons of party politics to pass the
order, w e are not satisiRed that there is sufficient material
on record to warrant the finding that the order dated
16-7-1960 passed by the Registrar nominating the new
Board of Directors was as per the direction of the
Government and that the said nominations were m a d e
in consultation with the Government for the purpose of
securing votes in the elections to the Parliamentary
Board as urged by the Council for the petitioners."
3ogu4j& gRgog material ^ R D qoaMy* &;S^a. e ^ *3j&M <)cfff&)ia
'It is not proved. There is no record. There is
not sufficient evidence/
&. RtoRcfdag: House 8b protection q^aj&jSb *^&) h3
d\&k§ a.S' a a o & o "3^)5r^gj—Advocate General's letter qS^tg
*^^3g^yc^ Advocate General 3 R authorised copy m*X), carbon
copy ir-D, stenographer's copy ^Sbo<^ cr*DP ^b8o-DR Tr-osr-o^o,
M<&*3jo&M^j summarise ^onb'&joyvK), a d ^ o ^
Sb^ ^g
)S%b^rg3§ KSoS)o-^&)onr"X) ^s' ^Do steps &xb§^ir-d^ sSo&o^cr"^8
iSoooCi), Mo3J!$^d authorised version &oar°e& presume
^9^os5o^)^y&) &;$^a &^&M7T' quote -6X) tr*aoajog'^. ^^Xbo
^ D t-sy^oaSjij ^^p&orr" &ol3a. M&r* v*8bo<% "Though l:l;ere is
some room for suspicion, there is no basis for the charge..."
Po&? ojfMi/br/HafH??:
14/AAf^/cA, 1961
re: Qp&MOM c/*/Af ^^vocafe-C^erc/ /n
ccn^^z/cK wfrA cerraf^ 7M^e/Me/)f
cr*^ conclusions tTr-oab&jo, T T ^ ^ o o ^ ^/fo y^^o
ax<S^.(% ^3^°^b
iSjooCSb sSjoterr-Cj ^RsSdJo, q R ^ xbotOr^cb Jb?$ y x ^ ^ ^ x b mislead
^oRj&)& ojj*^ dg'oTV" -^a-sr"^ -KP< 3TC3004S*. ^o!err"Cb
!3^g^ a&13jo&o -s-°2n&o-a -^^j^)-3-"^3 3S)^, ^ObTT"^ qcS^*^ a-*at5**
Sbo-^ -^aiB-"55S) 3 ^ ^ o , q6
Rcf^o?T°'asijR&o&3x)? v ^
serious r^&KbSJTy^ 17-? ^ 8 ^ -sr-goog"* ^ o s r - ^ o - ^ ^ R ^ o
deRniterr' H o u s e d
mislead ^oBbj&j!%^ojL)o§^8'Ov'&).
S ^ u ^ R M . s a y ^ o ^ ^ %^aD DX)S)o=o^xb. 3&* r*oc^ suspicion & X ^
^ir"^ Ba^orr-D ^ a sMje^^^-^tSb. c n K ) ^ ^ finding ca)gg4jr3§ ^<5b.
vTT^ob. That is the only point.
*(§) A. S b o ^ d & g : -n-*ta )-5T^X)^tr"X)^ 8E8^Cb
a*3j;3 strictures pass ^v"ir" eao^ aAsbodjo sS^R^Sb ea^oA
^ir^Cb. Rr*6b a&*a)o4A) -?-^^*-^& ^^XS^y<&) ^gg^*3jo^Sbaj^^
^^o3bjocr*0. 3s ei<& 3 j o ^ 6 ^ *'We are inclined to agree with
the contention
that this alleged conhdential report dated
14-7-1960 is a subsequent
interpolation." n--D§
^anor^co. gaD^orrT strongest strictures, 8g;^e3t)Oi5
^&5xSs3\)&) A^d3*3jo&M^ s*o2)45*rr' absolve ^cCb^cb.
"Though there are circumstances which create a
suspicion that the Government might have inHuenced
the Registrar for reasons of party politics to pass the
order dated 16-7-1960, we are not satisBed..."
:3iM&)-Kr°^ca. Suspicion 8b -s-°3ea3 e^-s^ireM oar*
circumstances sSc & ^ D .
*B^Ro!b^ material ^ &
aa)a'i& ^o&o^sb Evidence Act jRvcfo
v s ^ 3 ^oSSjij^csj. But they have not
absolved the Government.
so^Si sSbotarv^eb ^ M
3e#S'orr* &^^y<gb g)jd) ^Sb ^olr*
^ T d ^ ^ g j , House &
mislead ^c&adjSb
gr-d) Vi§*r*ar' "^&M^ sjjo-08. ^ ^ ^ ^
<&&r*:3<3 MxxoTT' House JSboo&! 5X)y§^*^&j ^ o d & c
rity & o 8
Tr"8§ majo-
-ST&63 T n & &So^X)!T* *3o€y"6&5d^ "S^-sr-Cb t9&&o'tb....
14;A AfarcA, 196!
KOcHf ^ ^ 5 * : Mod)F^
8b""^ (^^)
FofH/ q/* Z^/brwo/MM
53JS^) *3jar*8t3 Tn^oTT*
3)3 oojo-ET" *^)^'3jer'8^.
* ^ &. &o%#cSSg : T^^oTT' ^S"3u"# sSy""^^ Mgycogdo^R).
# ^ 3.- <3c:&oB*'5a
(^DAO) : ^S"3j*^ &r*<go
33-S*# ^s?o*d& ^o-^tydSb^ve? 5^bo^
*3. ^o^2STC) :
^ d §* -R^Sb^vCbn^X) ^o^r"
-^d^db. ^ - & S * ^ S\:5" §)<§" ^o&r°e3 iy & ^ R M
^bCb ^&r-
a^?"^ ^ & y ^3*°3b.
M r . 6]p^A;6/* .* If there ^ anything wrong with
the Registrar according to the decision of the High
Court, the Government has to consider and see all that.
MRS* 35", a<a*a)o4f -^aTT-Co.
es&"3jo&S"g^ R)o& §^X)^ J ^ " ^ f ^
D^o^o &)^a^o3b^c^b §"*-sr^t.a).
There seems to be some misapprehension about
the interpretation of the whole thing. These things m a y
come up very often and therefore a well-considered
interpretation is necessary because I feel that the rule
has not been correctly interpreted. W e are n o w concerned with Rule 244, which says:
"If a Minister quotes in the Assembly, a
despatch or other State Paper which hasjnot been
presented to the Assembly, he shall lay the relevant paper on the Table"
There are three things here. The Minister should
quote, and the paper from which he quotes should be
P<MH? qf/H/btwMf&M
1 4 ^ J^jrcA, 1961
ccwrec^o/! wf/A cerMM y^Jgw^w^
o/* f A^ jy/gA CcKrf
a despatch or other State paper. The hon. Leader of
the Opposition seems to be under the impression that
whatever has been referred to by the Minister should be
placed on the Table of the House. It is not so. It
should be either a despatch or a State Paper and it
should be quoted as an authority for the statement the
Minister makes here. Sometimes a Minister m a y not
carry all the facts in his memory and he m a y carry a
number of documents to which be m a y refer and in ail
such cases the question does not arise whether he
should place the paper en the Table. It is only in the
case of a despatch or a State Paper that it should be
placed on the Tab!e. That is why these two documents
are particularly mentioned in the Rule. A judgment
is not a Slate Paper or Despatch, A State paper is one
which is excluMveiy in the possession of the State. A
judgment is a public doctn* ent. If I want a judgment
1 can apply for it and obtain it. Theie is so m u c h fuss
here about not p!acing the judgment on the Table and
I a m afraid neither side has understood its significance.
So, I want to make it clear that only despatches and
State papers can be demanded to be placed on the
Table in case they are quoted and not if they are
referred to.
There are two other clauses with which it is
circumscribed, viz. where it is a document which, in the
opinion of the Minister, should not be disclosed in
public interests, or where a Minister chooses to give a
summary ofit-in this case he has chosen to give a
summary - he need not place them on the Table. So,
this is a case in which you M r . Speaker, have for all
^ime to give an authoritative ruling and set matters at
* ( ^ a. SaoRtfcRbg : greasy, (§j S^S^o
is-°a3 .)3Rr MoRg'8o-RtR.
14/A AfjrcA, 1261
P^M^ q/* ZT/brw^M/z
re: O^fwfo/! q/* /Aa ^^yoco/e-G^He/'a/ M
q/ ^e^Jg/- C<?Mr;
33jo3 (9*3 &aSr"o^&)o S*ii&!j. '*M<y*B #* M & ^ o d f 3-5joa; c r - o ^ o O
*^)X§* -s-°SbotTT, 3 8 ^ " o^8bo*3joAf -s^-^-s^Cb. **"3r"§^o*j aai3jo6f
g-Zhoa; -cr*o^ &r-h)R &Sb*6d)" <9X) tr*6b&3*r*c;3o 3D"§, J38§
cr-o&5^o^ aS* ^r-^o -^d)3j^nr-^3j ^ a " 3 ^ , -^a-sr-Cb.
^ ^ 4 f ^30* J* <&^r-§"**3jo^" *^)S'&)63 rsr*a;3 3^)5" 3bo& -^<3b3j
gbnr^3D * 3 ^ -ga*r-Cb. c r * o ^ a,8* Tr-S'oo &3^a &3^&Mrr"lg -^a
e)3^e ej$* Rgog-a-'S'go 8*C^Cb.
^Qo^-sr'S'Qo ge^rR).
**-^Cb3j&)Kr'^3*0" 3 ^ ,
MoCSbsSo <5Tdn*"d) 5 ^ 3
"5o<&) 3-°ox)o&S^
8b*"&' 3*3 3D-s^3D ^ ^ D ^ X b u r * ^ . q a *^^f "3)3§", &S**^-§" §^^5"
*"3o&4jo—<H 3jJ**(&) 8b*"^ aOR33.
g n ^ g ^ " 3 o ^ 3^*--^**3S" ^ 8
"If a Minister quotes in the Assembly, a despatch
or other State paper which has not been presented to
the Assembly, he shall lay the relevant paper on the
Provided that this rule shall not apply to any
documents which are stated by the Minister to be of
such nature that their production would be inconsistent
with public interest:
Provided further that where a Minister gives in
his o w n words a summary . or gist of such despatch or
other State paper it shall not be necessary to lay the
relevant papers on the Table/*
&)o!8rr°a) a ^ tySbo"3oo^!5^ 3bo& ^6j3_)R3sr*^3a 3 2 ^ , aS*
-pr^o -ga&3 g i r - g g — h e has given u p the plea that it is a
secret paper. "cr*ao3a)S'^ qo635* tR'&a!^ t9arr°3, ?y*& M&*a**e
***b3 Trego 3j**tg""3j -RRigjTr^, SbR03 y - ^ o * ^ ^ aoS6^'""b6j3j,
v a Sipdf "335"" t&D 33^4jo 3*5_3a v"d).
ty"8bg*Bjo^f^X) a^
?-^o -RaDR ^D-^gg, ^ 8 ^S* S)]**3&?* "3)3*3 -s^<a. It is no more
a secret paper. That paper is a public paper and the House
is entitled to it under Rule 242. 3botarr°:a cs^8jo"3jo^ e3§""3a
"ta ty-8bc"3jo&f ^
g y g b g ea8^3ca'*3^a, 3^3^5^ e)c30^o^!*)" eo&M
3hj3y&)—-e9 cr**Sbc*3jo^S" **&83J^*Sb^** *^)&33b**) MAlScfaS 33603&
jPo//:; o/*ZM/iv7?K:;/oH
14/A Jtfa^^A, 1961
re; O ^ M / ^ c/* ;/ie ^^wcafe-Ge/!CM/ M
c/ f/te R/gA CoMr;
S^3b)- &?^a. iS^e Roote^a^ aS* o-8bc'3jo^"<6Jo<& ^HSb v ^ e * j ^
a.^ -ar-g'o'ar', Md-D^yg"aj-^ -R6D DjaOoa
&t"3^ M<3 * 3 * ^ 36X)3
3-5h^$j^b, ojr' Rr°eMo5jj^)- ccd*o *^8bocr' *^&)<^. &)ote <s cy^sbp
*3jodf "3jj^eo"^^KS ^ v - ^ — i t
automatically means that he
has given up the plea of secrecy of that document. It is presumed that the Minister has given up the pica that it is
a State Paper which is a Secret or not in public interests to
disclose. 6r°6frT-8oaMS^ S"_^ qodjc^ta^a^" ar*e-*o4S*r*ea &e3*
&gorr* &?5^a v a 6 3 g g j a Kr*0o,5" q-srgeD §**&gJKr*jj&.
^6*. ^ A ^ & o s h a r i f : M-s-fafg** "...he shall lay the
relevant paper on the Tabte" M & &^_a.
"The same shall be
placed" e<& o ^ ^ d j .
*yw P. *S*M/M&irgy.ya .* What is the same paper ?
*&? J?. La^iAwM^raj/w^^/?: Dor^ .* That, from
which he quotes.
BoRS* & ^ 5 " : qgjX)<&iSjjej&) K)oMo$o^^ TTC^?3^SJCo -sr-RReM
TT°2) DS)f qo^"3^*gj Roe"6^5Sjj M o & v
cr*^a§'*4r'De S)eM^<&).
eb&lgjo^ -yr-ib e d ^ § cr"gjo*3jo&M. ^)<S -^^IS^Xx-oao^ "&4j5\
&o*ib (^bSb ^)Ot&)^* ^ R ^ * 3 J o ^ f ^ sb#o ^ 8 ^ ^ d ^ o " 3 § ^ 8 b XJomo
6o-D^ C3--3r*oeM, *^^* d^^-oeo &o^)) ^ D 3 8 ^ " a)o&)"3S*8b sScO
*3s*o ^o&xf
Ty-Ta^dy-aS o 3 v y & o
A ^ a r v X ) ; M<&"3jod" -?-^
3 D if qo^*3^8b R p S ^ o cso&^r- tr'^bg^^r-M &ea*gd). a3 ca8g6
*^3"6. M -s-^ ^Sajj^^R JoCbSb ^iJtSb? t9& ^oe^btO "3o^*&^c0b
rr-&3 M<Srr-(L. q§" ^ SbiOSB" *^*^ (q^Cbeo §^^* ^X)?r- ^aiJ'gbC)
saotSrvd) -cya^r-&) ^gjs* table §bR
"*a&n&& MR&O-snd)
e^rrO. 3*6 % 3*3 side ^ -6fRsS<go, **&$j^o Ao<%dj. ^a rule 6^
&x3^a q"3—.'*lf a Minister quotes in the Assembly a despatch
or other State paper." q3
other state paper e9&&ocr*au.
Opinion of the Advocate-General %?a*r*e&. *r*eb 6Do 5^"^eb,
14;A Af%rcA, 196!
of /Ae R/gA CoMr/
boo axb 3 ^ C b
oD-sr^cSb. Question of fact is what he has
I Rnd that he has read from the opinion of the
Advocate.General. Therefore I cannot go behind. mo<3oF^ xho-O
I a m not going to take notice of them. H e has
read a despatch from the Advocate General or a State
paper or which forms part of the State paper because
the Advocate General has given an opinion.
&?^a. ^a&j&nr^R). *^4j-*&). c r * ^ ^ e S)AoBb&!G tsod)&*od)oa.
Minister quote ^ *^ opposition -B-°Kn ex^^i^e. ^ o ^ -^y^^)^)^r"^i)o,
^j^j soo^bR *^)^-ar"iSjj M^or"D§ beM^Rb.
Any member can ask Minister's quoting to be
placed. The Minister has got the opinion from the
Advocate-General. It is a despatch of the State paper.
O n the whole t set at rest this controversy by giving m y
ruiing that the H o n . Minister has done the necessary
thing by giving a copy of the Advocate-General's
opinion. Let us go to the next subject.
marketing federation f68o-a.
aoR5* 3r)35* : <3*3) &Sb 3 3 ^ 8 0 .
a. SboRifd&g: ^o^^xSj. Extracts q a ^ x b M & .
^3^5" &^35*: Extract ^"^. M*3j RgjD ruling q^TT-ob ? *
(^ a. sbo^c&g : €3^) ruiing '^ocj^-xb' taD. M o ^ Table
&o<g " ^ o ^ ^ x b — 0 extracts ^cb^-cr-xb DHoA :
*\^t ^ c ^ t e g * 3 o ^ y s & ) : qa
^Ry<%b Table §)oR lb&l3 t9^y<&) cr*^"^) supplementaries
*^o3bcr'D§ ^ ? " ^ o S'E^o-ggoaoarr' §^<X)gb(T^)?b.
"&)R§3 A ^ r c ^ .^^§" : Next question.
14;% March, 1961
t § t g. ^cigjo'cr' *B& : ts^cg?. ^^3bo^ "^ojo^^bo^)
Mjxiydb &9gi&o6jT3jj
oojs^^ supplementaries
*^j^§o agy-ci^ ^ S * ^ : *^<3b es^^o^) "^(xo^^j.
<§) e9. Je)&)otr*"3<&: ^&r< MOjj*o.
final 7V* 9 ^ 3 Ruling. -sr"!bj i3<l3^gj^ report 3b Table
.bog ^ c o o ^ A ) tsD cyX) ^o*o. ^ a *^ocjo-a^ 3abTT'3 supplementaries S ^ c c j . Clear n*° &?^8. tr-DSb^ <^t tm^b^SoR
*B&7r*ta "It is not the record of enquiry but the conciu.
sions arrived at by the Government can be made now.
Y o u m a y kindly consider that and give a Ruling later.
ajotOrrsb R&) -^a-D^e^ 33^&);5^&)oa3l5
TT*(5b, giSt -?^&3
T3-*<R) 6 ) ^ 3 ^ 3 .
[SS^b^gO ^ 3 0 3 ^ -
conc!usion *s^c5j et^b^a."
So^6" ^ ^ 6 * : Deputy Speaker 7r*0b 3 ^ a
(§) a. XboRtfd&g : ^^j-" cpocj*^ "isSj&u e}S5y"^ suppkmentaries a ^ : b j ^ o ^ " —
. A
&. RaoRCfcHbg: ...MX) ciear 7V" 3^*^oj.
BoRo* ^ ^ 6 " : te)^RoR"3<&rr"C3b "is not the record of enquiry a confidential document but the conclusions arrived
at by the Government can be m a d e " ssisr^eb. cr-D§ ruling RSb
OM-S^tS&M ^ & ) .
*(^) &t. SModo^d^g : a-srRg&j
^oaCr-O, **gox);3T&)'. @ ? ^ 3&)TT"3,
&r*sb ooo^g^A).
^ e ^ ) ; Whal I pointed out Sir, does not relate to this
matter. It relates to some other matter.
J 42
14/A AfarfA, 1961
P<?fm c/V??7br;MgiMM:
q/* /Aa 7?fgA Coiirf
/fga^^)o&x)& ^oao$o^^SS) -s^^). Irregularities in a Marketing
Society 3 S \ Sb^Tr^a /<33^'3jo&Joa ^osjo^o^d). I have understood the case. ea enquiry report Table 2b<5 ^^x^&r", ^cr" M*^5
ojjay<%o^ x)&)^c. J^8^ ^S^^V"Co. <^g63^ point 33j*° t-sr-vOb.
M 8 ^ o ^ < $ ^ , «)oc% e j ^ 0^0-3*" "^"^S^oOoo. Tomorrow w e shall
see about it. That is all the point.
*(^) g. -acsaocrBa: "gjj^o report -s-°&)ocy* *^ii) ^oot&
rv"0D txs^^oabTT'*^ recommendations g & R r v ^6Tr<ga. ^R^nr"^
Deputy Speaker &) oArv^j. Long Statemeotn-" &K^8. q ^ M S ^ y ^
suppiementaries "^o&Ro morr"&o&joo8 -B-°a45 Table S^R *^Mo-A
"^5^ &r*8J suppiementaries^ ^^v^^ooooiSgoA ^^gr^*^ ojj^y"3 R
ooo^oA c?X) Miy^^iM. "^^ooo^iiM tpB^JbjR^ sS^eMg^^^o es8^o8.
suppiementaries M ^ ^ ^ d ) .
M o & ^ Table h^c! *^^3osy"0.
suppiementaries adH^e.
Sb^5* §)^^6" : "3g) ^j^or'^.
^ *3. ^ o ^ i y ? : Deputy Speaker rr*(a % ^ MArr-co,
M substance §^o3o House 8b eiSS^eAoBoX). Substance ooosy^R).
?$&^ consuit ^^ ^Rrgj M & 3^\0b.
(^ &. atoRRdRg : Mgoo R&)Xio Jer- 33yS&* qS*^<g & ^ 8 .
8B9^"^d) cr^v* A ^ r ^ ^ 6 ^ ^ a b
*3v^\ob c?X) .3jo {8rr*R)
M^y<&) ^gb ^ ^ 3 3 ^ & . "^Rr-T^^eM ^RjS* &H* o ^
&oTb &r"&a'€orr' ^*0"3jo&x)F^ s^r*^ practice R g j o ^
"^^-sr-Cb, 3)3 gjoo.(R)7r'*g table ^
Table "^
*^A^ woRRr* ^ d ^ g ^ R ^ ^ R j .
o**D^ suppiementaries ^o&5S^j<gj. 7, 8 ^ e o ^^\^^y<&) table
2bR "5)^^o, concerned KS^ibc eoR8§ supply ^&-g). -s-^D ooj^^.^
^ agorr* ^jjod)^ X5$bocSb supply ^oab<go e)Rj et&g^oA. gr<SJ7r"^
^ A f ^ u ^ e j ^ ^ 3 ^ & ) M D Table 2bR "^^)^o t ^ g ^ j . q^^RSj
ga^Rgca-a-ta;, ^ j ^ j ^A^sS ^CbTT*^ *^^bs'o^S RMoC&rr-l3 supply
^]§ ^ R g^) "g8rr* &o&xto8." cr-X)bjd&) 'e^^^sSjo' M!D MS'&-^
14;A AfarcA, 1961
^boO g ^ ^ a . Gist ?rR), -sr"Cb - ^ d ) ^ ) ^ ^ ^o-cr" ^aijs&D gj-
& o o & e 8 *3og"&^Co : Registrar of Co.operetive Socie-
ties enquiry ^5a report submit ^ v " u ^ ?
(#) *3. ^ o ^ s S T ? : &r-Bb g-a^cr-a^*
5^*^ extracts o j u ^
"agT-o&S ^ s c ^ : = ^ e & ^ c n ? ^X^X)So^co 3<3baboa?
(§< "3. ^ o i g ^ ' ? : *5o(3j&)JT<&) ^ e o &x^a.
t§< *^. ^otc$g3**3 : Distribution of fertilizers President 7Y-ta o c j ^ - D ^ h ) ^ <9-pr*%3<3 e C b r b g b ^ ^ ^ ailega.
tion. ^Cj^r*^ -=r*8 foHowers Sb nr^j^o oM=cr^cf^. q3 gist,
-s-"^ cr^D ^ab^r"^ report <5** ?Jbo^ Enquiry OfEcer oou3yi
conclusion ^a-sr^ob.
(2) There has been a general opinion that the
distribution was done on partisan lines
(3) Charge
(4j Charge MS) 6, 8 ^a-s^ab. 3)3y<3b a. i)5". e s ^
ir°^rr*Sb ^^) "e?^c!sp, gt&r* ^X^[ questions ^) ^dsSs3joi§3
ij^c time &xb&o6x)oa" M<y^Ob.
t$; *?. <jJ*. ^0*^)0^1^$) : c$<$o^sp, cs report copy
Table "3 ^)63o-Ro&.
*3, -#ot^s&*9 : Allegations&nr^ooo s*^o&. Tr*as
remarks 3oj^bnr^^. ^^r°*g ^ ^ ? e ^ <y$*&r^&) o^^^-^
a,g*&n^ ^ a a * ^ tr*/6b<g(a. Gist 3 5 ^ & D
Deputy Speaker
14?A M ^ r c ^ 1961
Fw^eyy q/*^e R c M f
35^g goj-sr*^ &r-^ tsa ^"^oo-y"&). regular 7 V ^ ^ ^ j ^ - c g j
ab^D^dSj, gist oM;&*a)D 5"^cr"X)§ ^s-?-sro ^ d ) . "
*3. ^o^S^T? : ^^) igaaga 8J^<g g^rr-X) verbatim rr-
*3&) <^3y^^j^ ^<g^^cb. -cr"X)6^ ojo3j?6a Sjr<% g"^). 6^°o^ confusion 33)3
gObTT*^ &^r*o^ ^ ^ r r - O b
Tni3X) <st5"*3o3 ^^j3jj
^?r^0&. Sbeb ^"8 3 §"o3o gist ooo^jgoA, ^^j Tabie 2bR *^^-y^Sj
*^x3b gist oa)=Er3:&.
§b es^^o ts3vo"o 613^3 ^o&c5-"X)§
Ar"^r'(&)&r' &o^) C M o ^ A&) ^o3b""o3^ iir-^^b Md'ov^ab.
gb^5* ^ 5 * : g^sf^rrTR
^o^s'o'g) 6Sb & ^ a ?
*^^-er-^ ^S'S^"^ ^&3
1 shall also consult the
Deputy Speaker. *3g) 3b-°in"°o. y°o^*6So 33,y3a.
& c o&e8 * 3 o 3 " & ^ ^ : Every thing is on record. 34j
substance ^8^.^KSjo3 ^xboa ?
Afh ^M/ccr; I sbail consider and we sha!l discuss to-morrow.
a R S " &^6*: doju^^ "Scheduled Tribes and Castes" 6b
Roaoao-ag 3&) &xbS^*Q ^4"^^ ^ o & o t ^ o , "&& -^Oj MCb^^ocfSbj.
"3SU<S^ close ^oSJtp. &3V"g5^o
8 ?<o^eA)o3 7 f(o6je 3cf5)
@B*Ao§) BJ-"6^oA^oa,
*(^33S a. 3*e8 d&Eao*^) /^(cy^oo - 6e3&c5*) : <p<pq3E?, ejg*
point of information. a8R;3&M:5o&3 demands Sb^ 30R ^F^j&),
"Be^^^gb S^&M^ Q^jTT-Ob. -sr°3 3XSy<&) Social Welfare Demanded
suS*^ 30A ^pF^"^ Q3jiy-ab. &X)§ 3oao$o3;3 ^Oeaxbejo, ^B^^eo
S)do^r- double graduates w & sS^oiOrT'Ob ^"^0=0^1^ ^
5bS5* ^ 5 * : ^ 3 - ^ " ^ ^ . ^eb&y ^ 0 M o 3
3 ^ 0 - ^ ^ ^ K ) g)o)9n-*8a g^c^gbTT-^.
"^$3 ^ a
/4n?MM/ FMMMcfa/ <y/a/ewe^f
(#M<fg<")./I" 1961-62- ^ofMg of
14^A J!fj/-rA, 1961
BegMm) .* I wiil try to get it. I have already asked m y
department to give it in Telugu
Mr. iS/MYiArer; If so, please get it by this afternoon, before we discuss this Demand.
iS/M?. AfaFoo/wa #?gM/M .' I will try, Sir,
A & . *S^g&Fr .* N o w , we sha!! continue yesterday's
D F M ^ J V D M ? . Jfy—,4g7-/cM/;Mre, i^y. J,7P,^,P00.
D E M ^ i V D JVo. yLZ—-CapRa/ ^Mf/y ^ ^c^^w^y q/*
-<4gr;cM/;Mrg/ /wprovcw^M^ a/!a? ^jgarc/?, Ry 44,.?#,0OO.
^ $ b ^ R\^§ § ^ ^ ^sS,oB^eo &&)§"&
^bjvgorv M&t^*^y&M gpg.&TgaS'orr' t g y ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ o M ^ ^ o - M ^ 6
vod85 *8ep&;3j.
csot^Sb ^ ^ e ^ C ^ ^ b o ^
§ 6 <^§sl g ^ o R o ^ ,
^ ^ j j F ^ Mot^Tr-A^Sjo ^c^^ogb goftog** ) ^ d )
^t^ircoejj^oxjjj ^0^*80 ^3b§^^ -E-*6c93bj;3'3 MX) 3 ^ ^
cpoC<j55e^ sScgi$TO& ^o^fSiM^ A ) % {S5$b^iSbj [^"§03* . ({fR^a-oo^f
x!eX) o & o ^ a . ^9nr-&) aot^t^'gf*^ go33-*9& a e ^ ^ v
48 &-xr^o^. -s--3 M o t ^ t ^ ^ ^ g ^ gc^^oaj ^i*&ua3o f9cr-ger' g^sf
^CbTT* tTr-^tr^^yK) 5^*8* D^orv* &-Kr^oa). ^ X ^ o H X )
^ 0 ^ 0 0 ^ [^"^og'tyd g9!0**63b ^^r'o'cr'B. AMvQorr*. ^J^j^o-arfo
^)9o^) oor*<y*<5b TT^o' ^5b^.s5rrx sS85^<s;Ky e)CJb^8b?^6. ganrug?
tS'^r'Tr'e^ TT'sr'sSysb &r"7r<c5 t ^ o T r - c ^ ^ ^Xbir^&o. *3bij
<r?oC3o8b t9a3je^j&M:3o43 ^iSbjco, M^rr* &rrvc9 t^o-g^co
^ o ^ b o ^ &,^ $So&) &r*[^^j & ^ i ) ^ aj^-sr* nr-e^/^ ^o&)A3
14M Afaf<%, 1961
^4wHMa/ FfwaHcfa/ ^a/e/KMf
(^M^ge/)/br 1961-62 - ^c^ng qf
$r-&u€M !&!3T^oa). ^9(^^on^ M^yd-s^oa ^nr^ooo. §)^^^3X) R^InS"*
T)ijjg^X)* ^ g j ! ^ ^ S8^<$K!e3o ^ ^ ^
*3j&)<^-o-o--eo va^orr- $ ) ^
aoi^tS^^Sj 7r*coHbo aB&7t3&3o#l38
gjjq)^^^ D&oBoo. ^aTT"<&)
Agricutturai CoHege ^r-^^^"
36y*<$;3eM aiCb^j&)X^ D^oHbo ^?3b ^Syy^nr*^^. Sandy soil 6"*,
QXb^S&octS^ Jd?^ej^X) &&nf43 ^^) ^ e ^ ^ e j
)3-°o!r*e)a ^&)Sj^Oo^^. cr*X)^c er"^oAo<^&) M^D^oBbo 6-^(5**
*^)&jj§^X) *3ob[^-"o-y"e D ^ o & o F ^ t^^qS* g*\Sx ^ogJ53oX)o&u^6"^a
*^&) S)*^53i^ bj<3-\Sx§ §3jS''*Dg;a3T3-'3J&). ^<J^<X^ !S5'C3--?S'^ 24o(B!Lo
^)XSb^& M3*6 -qr"iy"oo!&) ^ 8 3 0 7 ^ ^ ^ 8 ^Xb§"S*r°eD ^X$ Ty^*)
X)^oo)o^bS^o^3, Planning Commission Tr*Co qov"
(pa^orr- ^oRr-e'g 69$))^cabo^ ^^y^Ob. ca8 ^o3^^*^j. &4j&^o63D
^ao^)§^Ty"co^), s^xSo <SS*^oS'^J^ S\Ix ^oCy-e. ^6 S*\Sx
^c^r^eo^, *8 -yorr"K)8 &)Ho ^a^tgjiy-a^^rr' Ao<^s3o!boabjo&jjo8.
q3 ^ ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ 8 0 0 8 . *^^co a.S*^.*B 3b %R
^ $ o ^ a =cr°o ^^^MJ. sbxS tSS^b^^oo ^_gbo8b
X3go3bog*\3^5i€) ^
iSaageaR ^ ^ o a b o
sr^o &?ha. ^jJMo7V" aS*a&o3bo sSc^i^oHbVqr- s3oo[arr'8§Sb^cr'
*^e^A3XSj. &^o 3e<y*&) ^-B^ooo^ *B gboSb ^cb^oxSb
MOJJTyX)"^, tn^a
*3 -tr-orr°&§
K)-s^ood^ Mo8o-D
t^cR)g^o ^oRr°e. qa tSST^KS^^^SSoO D^oabo. ^Cb-sr*^ gjo^qorr'
^o^g^rr-X), ^ 8 !S8'\9^g^^&r'Cib^ MOJj"^^Dj, q # d -s^dr-T'o^e)
*3 *g"^Sb,*8^)!()^X)^o&)^&). &cr-^*^c3Sj ^3byRR9&)g'*oa-'o.*^otS**
c f D D ^ ^ J ^ S b o a r ' ?r^oc?'3&)c 3 8 3 8 3 ^ 0 8 . JS'^ySg^^r^dcTorr'
60, 70 sSjEM^teM SSo^Aj&MSSoiSR, ^ ( y ^
R)SS c?$)Si\a ^ o A ^S*
A r * ^ S5^d)eo etgoA, ^ D$07T* g_TT* y\Sx^!b ^o<A^ gb&)S^iT^
8J"*ar-, D ^ T y e o ^X) ^8X)8beo v & ^ ^ F ^ <s SSo^o3oog'^. d r - ^ ^ v ^
^?S&M^o^3 ssaa^jeo ao^&ir-oa). ^s D^oaboF^, S 8 ^ ? 5 ^"^-y-Cb
Rgb ^KbTT^Cb? ^cg^oSj A^r.Cb'3jo&MTr'Cb ^Sb ^Xbur^Ob? ir-Cb
^$ D^o3bo6^ g^% 3e:$*ea qsSg^o
s y e ^KSg* sSb^a 2b ^\Sx5
8^br*X) ^^37r^xSb. ^ o " g ^ Siy-aRM ^S^.<S^
^)o^jJ^CJg€r*^a^. ^r*rr"c5 [TRToveg** "5)&)eb?r^Cb. ^ T^-q^gf
3)V^o g"otr-cM-c-*a')&M6'* * a ^ t ^ - o v " c ? ^ ^ ^ g A M r f ?r-Sb "8w
^ m m a / F/nancM ^ a ^ w e ^
(BM^ge^)ybr 1961-62- ^onnjq/*
DefngH<%s /or CrH7:M
14rA A/!t?rcA, 196!
$3X^6. e D%orr**3 &)H t y - ^ ^ ^ o ^ s^cr-
3e 3 ^ ^ DTp-°<y-X^
" ^ ^ t ^ c c ^ o ^ gy-cr' t$o3LT"^o-a, cr*33 M & e o F ^ T)A*^ ^r*^Jo^oo
^ a ^ R a ^ x b u ^ j a . ^Cjia^^ Rural University &)^&)j ^&jjS"3
^*3gD last year Budget 6** gr-cy* ib^^bj M5i)S^?r^sbj. 3a 3 o 3 % ^
^3o) e)"3^*(6^ gr*c^ &)^o <psSbg^o&Miy^&j. q8 39^^33 &S* -s^Co
t&rRajLi cr*0^o6 M ^ 6 ^ o ^ ^ & o . 3e sSo33-*cg; D ^ D i y - o c o S ^ ^
^b^o ^-"&o^i3jJo&<, & D DRoRHnS'* a^)CMe)3abjg'^., d^-C&^o^jjF^
A ^ xSoo^) (gRjgfgepeaaLUg'^ ^o^eMgJ^^ &Kb?"a u*"X) syliabus &
3 # cm *3 ^r*<^Jo&Mo^X) *^^j 3x5y&)?r^^b. g d n y g 3a crop insuTance DRctRo
(S38 ^^t.cb 3s3y^fy^C3b. 3$<a^<&) crop insurance
RynreS t^ov"e(5^
8)^3^3 *^c$j&r- & o ^ S $ ^ . -y^X), 3e R06JO
§)&r* g^g v ^ t ^ o - c ^ o ^ ^ j , ^ ^
^ ^ c ^ g o g 3^d^*
enSjeM *^^c^35
3o4je& *^^j&)&jjgoO S^8D
abur-^gj. sbx5o ^oSj^^s^*^, nr-g'^'gyo^ B)o*^^0b ^*& M^-s^^o
^tb ^-mO. )SStS)^si)orr' sbK v-^^^S^d^ *3j&3)^oTT"oSj ^r*cr" 3e
3o4je §3Jir' 3<p-B^Xh
tR^j*"^o^) cy^D enbeM ^^S^jdjo ^r-cr-oD
S^ajgbijT^gj. x3otcr"Xb ^jSg^igjo^ oBj^^y- Economic Adviser.
S ^ ^ ^ ^ n r * ^5be3o6^ "^43 K ) ^ ^ ^ 3^dbeo &)^o ta^coDo-cr-eX)
^ & v?3j§^oAjJu^Rj.
^sSS*eon^ AoS.
TyCb R o & o ^ v"<yce8b &8^JX$ # # ^ ^ s ^ g ^ o
"3 Tr*0!T"X)3 ^o^Sbocr" 5S3#cap"°K)eSJ g r a ^ ^ aCb<^4^oa. }3$b^o
&r"*e^^o^" &r^)_63eo *^&3, §^^^ tS5o3oa^p ^!boa.' <90d);6ayS§
ojj^nr"^b *B 'or^o^o t9*38* 33iy°ex)7Y* ^C^*cr"eorr" & o ^ c?55\)e?i5e?
^ ^ c F ^ sagoCbge Tr-& ^ ^ ^
RjjoCSjSb^'^J enS-sT^o^R).
cax'S'^- 3>3ye 3^g ^ ^
3 9 ? ^ ^ ^j?S *u^^%(5^
*B -or-oXo
cr-'cn'^) xSbR M*B&M g'o^ JSj^grr* "^^
tPS$-s^yi3jjoS. "5 TT'o^o^X'S'^. sp^yyoxb Xi^bt^onr* X5"o^g ^ccooO
(ssSye ^^*^^o& dAo-^cr'r)§ ^doatfy" MF^-RR ^cCo^eX) &o^ooa.
"^sSoo & r * y ^ e o & o
Boo ^a&JS'a*<xM;S3;)63§ ^S8^ 5Sj<ycr3 SSj^Co
14(A AftMcA, 1961
^4w/!Ma/ F/MMc/a/ 5*^^ewen^
( R M ^ g e y ) ^ 1961-62 - PotM^ q/
^F^-Do^) M:$yoEr*#& a-s^dca^o&cy-ag !3$bgjgo §^*o^ t^^ 3Sr*o
syT^3^a3E3J&)<cr'^3j. 3j3Sb 3o3^-o3bo <s5v'^o7r'&oa. 3cg;3-*o&o
cp^\a3ocr'oo^3 a&533&eo, D&to-JA^ -B-"Tr"e. Tyra^DTyRcny*
3g^^oajr"ag3o3^-<^o, Q e ^ ^ * § q 6 ^ ^ * , J e S ^ ^ g J o g ^ X j ^
*^0b"3dj a^eb^Jo&xnM &nr^0A).
t^-'3SJeM P. W . D. S'dSga^eSS
SjJoCSb oM-srge^ 3Ao3Jo6^ ^q^^odovvs^aS
qr^o & o ^ j ^ gtS'lbon** dr"^*oao^cy-ag
<3og ^)X)^ ooo^j X5oR^oF^
"Sjjg*^. hand ^r-<^ ^ocr-B. tSa&RgRu
SSosS^oBo A^Cb'Sjo&jj
&aa M ^ ^ o T ^ o D BojAr*
<3%b^o ^r-a^J^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^dctS'iSj^eg^ ggg^o&r'DS [XS^og*^
t^R i^r-33oX)3 o33do Jogooj-ar* &o8. 3o3i^o3JoF^ 3go&)o3sb\8
gr*ocr"e)oT§3 etoaxSb )3v*3 Hr"t*!r'o!&) 00^^80-^8" ^3\6b. q8l3&R),
j"3&^*, Ar"*?^^o^* *^X)0d, XbX)SS)§J g,5*. t*s^S" q3J^"B3^ ^e
anfB ^
ea^dcs^ * ^ ^ v 3 j - " Mi3-*<&)
sSgg^o&Cfo^od^ oBoLr-^^^od^^o^ rr*a, M^-3j^^3bj^'8'o'&
rr*a <^Sb^.3 M^)sS\a s^odc^ag
&o&Mo8. MOMao636^
6 e.B'^M §^y^ 33j33^63§ 3c3^o3oo er-^cno&yo ^-"^a c^Tyjg^
aaMS'^Jda. q8*^a§* Dao^od^ c$3\a -Er"dc)S'ar-eM sy*o;Sdg) ^3j
&X) 3Xbnr^o. ^ ^ 0 ^ 3c;Si3*°c3r'ag 36^ojj^o^3dSb
"S^gb-sr^o. *3j^t3*3y"e^ sr-gjeM ]^^§^o-"X)3 "3 ^bab750oj-*^*d&eo oa)3r* sbo&MTr^Cb^ v°a ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ H &) ^r-$je?b t^Dgo^g^
^ a 38&gb eoTO^ocj. t?^ ]e_-o-"J37r-a^ a&o^), aa^Rjjg^D. s3bo)&
7V-Cb q^sS *3j*3j--Tyo^o^^ 6"*-eaS"ga5* cr-^-cr- 3%, 4 % *^ae^S"
g&^gja 3^0b.
S^^J. ^Ry^jd
3^ ^r*^a^ 3dSb
3<& 0 b ^ 3 & o ^
)3(XM^&)j 5ba 3 o % & ^ d^d
*5)8^ Ro^jF^ 30^(^3 3o&H&o&
3exbiy^0b. cna^o *3 -sr-o^o
Ty-fbRa'gR^a ^ y & ^ g ^ o a . "3 &)oj sy-c3dSb
RMoBjSb gr^dbur^
Co*=§) ^5)dT)^ ^r"^3bj<M TT*8 SococF^3j ^*"0^§oF^^ ^yooSoo
&S3M ^-sr-ea
g_vo^otSo^ ^
g*3oy*oaKb &"%6beo
*3 &)eo mOa^gb^^Cb oo^ou^d). TT*0b3*^ *3 vorr*ag ^ n r ' ^
^ W M M / F&MMC&:/ <y^e/MMr
(BtKfg*;) /br 1961-62 - Mo;/MF c/
14/A MarcA, 196!
^Sbgo X)Ojg^od^§^^ l§goo gqg^o3bo*^)?5"^ ^ ? ^ ^ 3&;$-sr°8^
"B^bejrr'/^OoTr'O. gdtysbgcg^oSbo
10 ^S'd&oed^ JS*-o-D8 70 a^reo go<& xbur^o
vo^§) -sr-Ob
.agar* "3 gbeM^*:f& v ^ ^ o ^ * ^sosiby^XSb. S"*-M3"3635^ Tr-^-u^
^s^a ^ ^
ooo^dtiM o a i ^ 500 cj-"^o^)ej, 800 d y - ^ o a b v ^
<3o<ir* leakage ^oc<g) ^gbDo^gcag ^ggd^iooa. "3 gbsbooigggeag
e ? ^ ej*§ =cr'gJ*ir'^'cr" §^-M3"3a^n-*jg'OT'oa)15 *3 Rb Ty^er'^jjocbSb
S^sScr^DS Mg-yrsfauoa. )g$b^o rg<&^"l)ae^Dg.oabog^ t^^cg'ty^
^&r-Ov) qoggj&MoRj ^g) t g ^ y ^ O ^ & i r ^ g o ^ &cf^0o-ag^v <RoM
l3&M *^)0<&o^gb C^Sb^ *^ ea <yvX^ 'gr'PoSJO'^Qir' qgQcr'DS osSvVo
gjo^oO. Rr**32r&3oX) "^ae^axxoSbod^ <g$b^o S ^ D ^ ^ o a . M D
=cr°e;&. qov" ^Sb^-SS &r*"B^.Mo^' l^aO^^ 3*0^0=^0. qS* SoX)gj§o
^ ^ ^ j e o ^ a ^ e . ^ R M o r r " 30bSb^o^^gjSbo^*3 Tr"o^o^r*axSj^
ta'gqS'tycfSb v^cao cr*a§ SoX)Sb^j ^ ^
Ao^<g"&). 3o^J ^o^j*^
3eog)& M$)&)od^ &*3^cgjjg^
^gb Vj!^:Sny"qeM
Xbnyr^eb. cr<D$ SbX)&)§j 5 . 1 ^ ^ ^ ^v*Cb
MTga^RMrr* go&jSb
"3 3b Ho^gb
)TT"S* e{gb*'c"3&^.
^ y 6 rv*
15 djR^eo X)oAo^
100 &jgb^€M
-s^3)i3 sr-o ^
oMogg'o^) ^ ^ ^ ^ R D atfoSbo^R)
^p5S\a6xb§^cr"X)5 ^gv-^o &o3.
t?^§" q&r*^*5gj^
a.8* go^^tfo
ny^yggjj MOLMgSh)d3b, "8Sbsi^ coj-ChXis3^63§ *9 vo<^o
t?<X3J*3#jgdSb Rjj&cSbSb vgcr"D3 beM^<C geaabooTT^ooj.
qgy^*8gj^X) jf^e"3jo$f ^a
S*oge^§rv- w&)€MM6!!)*§ *B ^b Tr*gj
g P o o ^ go&o^ go&)Sb oojo^ yield gRjo<gl3 ^gjgg'o S*eo^b&)oa.
^a tpnMBb atr'o*!Br'cgb ^-^dnF^ *^&*^
gog<^oC3bo cr*;6ot%6j cs"3
^55\8 ^gj^o3. c ^ ^ ^js** ao-"o^o saS'^-d^db. ea^"gb air*o^o
gjdSb$j*^)T§) aeg^ A o ^
gbgb^^eo *9 RbSb ao&Moa.
gcg^--o3bV"v sSjotOrr-Og
ts&SoRRej esO^o^gea Aoa.
-cfCbc ft)8oO
*3n"3b^ S)o&oiye^
"Sr-^Tr* <^R §Xb
<§o^^3 g55j-"^{To^ "ggeo gog^*j3b
3)*B&^ #cKr'RHgv*#D
wiar^Cb. sbg Mpg\a -y"^gtS'&r'eo !SbJocSbgb ^rr"eo^& oco^cf (forr*
ogb Mt^^^oi^aD -y*d)rr*
"S^b^o^ &cS&3^, x S ^ ^ y g o
I4;A J^orcA, !961
^H^Mo/ F/MHcfa/ ,S;%?e/Menf
(RM^e()/br 1961-62 - P<?;/ng o/
g c R ^ a R ^ X ) ^ Xh)o^8J &Kb8bS^^c^X)S S'\Sx^oBo-*0.
*^^b a,S* ^^*
^c^8)o&xb*5)&)&)7r^&. ^ r y g ^ ^ o g ^ t^er-^g^r'cX)^ ^e&r*!^
j^nr* pe)"3^jSJoijj?r^&)o'=§) -o-"X)g )SS^^3j?$
v#5beo ^o^^ogj
tr*0oeo c p ^ D ^ o & o MoR8§*3eM^b&). t9o3b*3 MXSy<^Xjy<&)S'5Sar-oS)Xb
{^<R0bw ^ X x r - o ^ ^ .
*^^eo 3o3^o&a-*R)e;3) a,S"3^S^&*^ Ty-83
c9^3o^\ ^ ^ 0 ^ YT*8 e^je^
t^o^M^o ^^b-xr-^tXb. 3)3 v"o!*^^b t^^ir-^S ejg*t)
^ ^ D ^ X b T y - ^ ^ - ^ g ^ . ^ tfoiTTeg"* MS)a\a ^^Sbocno -y-D.........
J^S. o&^eac?^ : ^ tfg-°;3oo "8(A)Xb'Bo<&, ^ ^ " o F ^
dSS^^Q"^) qS^tg N8^o3. boSJr- "geoKb ^^<^oo
h^ 8*EM0b DR cpRy^^<^o *5 -ar-o^o^^ Mt^d
^ 8 ^
-yr<3D. SSj^ Tr*46)
^Qjjjoo rb8ov3 &r"<^^j vSboar°, ^aS^e^^ ^yoo^iS\a^roa [HiT^S*eM
-^Tyeo*^) ]B_-^o^
xi&)^c&) ^p- 8 rr^ S8§e;g
^cXir"cX) *^&) 5^\?JJ. ^B Mcajcb ^cr"o*5r<'e&) osbeMF^
-y^eX)^ # 3 o ^)8o-a -s^X) "8 ir^o^o S ^ o B b ^8o-0
-s--D *3o&)^ a*S" 5*2b^D *^h ^_-e^o^o S)8X)&)eM ^ Ddorr" &?r^ooj,
Tr<8 en)cao .)o^ &?^a, Daorr° <So"oj *^Cj?Sb^37r^oajr", "3 dbex)
g^lg s3Xb^o <!d ^)&r- & o & M ^ a ,
-a-°&3D 8*o)<^<M ^o3ocr-a3 sbgo
A"3j?y" ay-cr-eL) M^eo&^b?y^X)j^, ^&)T3^C(5^
o%co w^jib^as'cr", ^_&)S$8b
gbocr- &o&JJ^*3 —
gdf gr*ty*
ea 8*So&5
38&b-6o:3 ^-cr-^ ^o&r*oK) ^os5^-o3j v°qr-&r^^oo T3-°83
^b?r^&). M a n u r e distribution a&ot6ot5"*, (3jyg\A"^v*"^ "^^06^
MoC^8§ v d ) a3§j boC^ QTr-^eX) Mo&Mir^eb. gj*^ ger°4T* "Bot^b
-v-*exr°v"e^.— q=nr^\^)yo, {^o"^&3
Mcr*^"^"^ )6o<343 ^o^g^do
-!r"P^r'-5^o!!r', 5 %
sale -sr^^^"^
^a 3o3g^#o
distribution card system "^xbtgosSe ^ * ^ e ^ ^ -y8§ manure S^o'S's'
gr^^^o, w ^ c f o ^ R
&*3(%o aCSb<^
a^oa. ^A 8 *3 M & Mod &-° &ao3^°aoi3a-8-"d). - ^ ^ 8 vo-snAjj ss<^
.<4nnM:/ Fwancfn/ ^yorewenf
(RMd&eQ/b/' 1961-62 - To^ng 0/-
TT*8 X)oSS^eos^oa
1 4 ^ MarcA, 1961
^ ^ t^oTsr"s)F^
'S^^bjrr' &s$^jr"ao^)SJo&X)
TT^S^ ^S^Do^Sboo^ ^ ^ o F ^ e ^ Xi8K!^r"^orr' S)oiy°co'=&
aadRo-g-°&). §^a^)<?a sir*)^^) manures
TT-dggoRe ^r*f 3j-""8L.^MSb gr^c&a
"3r-^jj7V ^08. Ro^^<cC!j
V"sr"&r^gboej )SS"§qg*3jXS t^^RSy-o-a *3 w-0^0 ^sSo^ce X)8&o^3j
S8§e?X$ ^ooJoTr*^
*(^ 3. ^ o ^ O * ^ ) : <9#oss?, 5$q5$;e^o^) &&P'o<^3*^ D ^ O ^ b o a
^ C ^ s8Rca. s5cR^"o^r'X)S X5oao$o-a^ $*X)X) MSSXiv-^ R d^orrA o c r " ^ lfyR§)o3jJ'3 X) 9<&JC3Ty*a)rr'Ca q g y ^ "^eDsy^Hb. TT*8b
t & ^ agjoag'aiR'^ Xb^OoT^Co. csD e c ^
*B c^j ^r-/^
^R-sr*<&). ssoCbF^ 32b MtXSj&r'^o ^<3b. oooj"^ ^S*^ tpg?T7*X)^
&XbBJD MoSbg s^S f ^ ^ " ^ - d o ^xbSbD
d ^ q oX), 3 ir- saX) 3 a )
adJ/t)&r'o&Moa. eo&X5Sb es-sr-aM 33^ar*&S *^xb 3^<^o
^<gj. -yBb Jog ^avar*. 3Xb ^S^TT^ -3^otS3Tr"Xr"o t9&M*3 *^) gr^^j
X^a. ^XxO^o
wo*^) *^r°^X) ^X)^Ty^"6, a "s^ot^Xb-n^*^ oai;&6&
^XxOXb^^^* Si&r-MgoX) '3jJ^^j MX), q;&(&t ^ ^ O a " ^ ^^3 ayoCo
XbD^o&M?r^d). ^ $ R \ a ^ ^ g o r v " g^o^sboa {^^Oao Rr-gRo&xnJ^
{3^^0ar'X)§ ginaxS ^^r^^oX) 3sM&j^^ ATy^R). -sr-x) "3 ^be X)C^^X)o
2fc3j3aS ir-ibj ^ ^ & ) j e 3 j
)^"Sx)^qo R^o^&r'cr' "3 gbeodjj"*
8j-"6)o /^Oo-a Ar-^r^^dbTJ^CX) JA-p--T ^xb<o^C&. ^ p g * ^ gocfo
g^-MXi^OS* #*8go?T -s^-zr-eX) ^v-gnr-eo ^Xbicr^Cb. q8 xboaa
V"^X) xbX)Xb^g^ & i r ^ v-otSS-sr'^ag Jgb&ggg' ea &r^&3 5S1§^
^"^oxb^gboa, ^a <X5X)o-^o^ XbX) ^oa^nr"&)j v*^ a^tfcSg"* M ^
3eM&)?r^eb. S^o^sS^Bb ^oSb^cX) s3&*oa; ^xb?r^^Ob Sb^cr*.
*^ *^$b 3 ^ ^ c b .
§!bR ^ V " ^ 3 ^
M M - o w n e r s "3 ^ e X ) 3sM&)iy^)Cj ; RoH^aaoo
*B ^r-o^o ^3r*eM &xr^oD
;b8o3 v"&, ^ a e x b ^ { f ^
viy^) & o v D
XiAr-ao /^8o-a-s--S) *g ^gb
7T"X^ *38^y^3 X)o3bot^-a-^gX^ ^*ao€r-g>; c s ^ ^ o O X)cr-o^ ^r-9b
taS^tf^ca Mir^Xb. ^oR^o3bo ^xbSb*^ ^ abgj X38*5BJX) )^v-\^*o
14*/* AfgrcA, 1961
(FM^gcf)/br 1961-62 - Pb;//:g ^
^j&o J^yd$y" S*4jJol^ ^TT^ai). *^^ 3 ^ ^ &r"^jcM gs3yrv° 5sM&j
TT^Ob. .. "8*"^
A&r*o&)§b^ sir-^A^
Br°/6o6joo8. There is no question of
replying tohis speech.
(^ B. et$odc^ : Tr*"$ R & ^ divert ^ a 5306^^*3 ^^5b
^ey^iyD^d3jo^&) .Mag^aadRog"* ^d^a^rs'in'oc aao&o
^a.^)^^y°'CP'eM Jer* &?r^air' XiD^d'orr' 3 ^ 0 o .
aao&o<5"* as^§"^^a^e)
r*o^cr-^o ^g^"Ob&)o^^ sr"D.a)?r^gj.
3 -KyTS$Ra<5"* 38^<$x$?^ fail Mocj^^bia^cajX) ^73^33. M DaoSb3L>
SSjirs'^S ^aar-oBo^ 3 a cheap rr* t^^y^^ty-M beojj"^ cr-DD
t^^*^)&^ -sr"^o&)Joa. ^Obg)eM a)go t9o%8§ M o a o ^ ^ ^ X ) ofOb
atSSy^ior^Cb. Tr^ K3S31&) ; vo8o-t^^a)j. M*3j*"K)o3b§j XieK&jo 3ujR
r'&^h-goa siKbx^a. -cr-X)X) D6^ao^cr"D§
y M ^ ^t%&>
&a)8bo^) <^SLi^.^&)03§ X)SoS^o3J^€M^J-B^&o. SS8, sr"^,"3jj^
°3 ^ ^o^v3b
^^- -S)^, *8;6K) May^cy-X)8
X)?*"oo^ 33o§S -s^^^o^d).
^^^ *cr"^ ^<&?r'^ M D aRjurrsoa).
Quantity JSb^g ^*^ *^?"D &Rc3j^Ao Ao<^^. )33&%Sap;6 a^o^
D ^TT^M ca$^\a ^dgr*eD
seed farms ^&Hb<3-^Au. &r"ger"F^
e9&#s$o ^Sb^3o'i§)—iS^^a?^ Jo5^ *^&MM(3^a4j%o, €f^o Jog^
^SbT-^rT" vsS^o, &*&eSb <^o^ t^O^io^&u, qo*^ q ^ i y & o t9&
ts^o^^o. vO^^SbL.*B $S^o ^ 4 ^ ^ v ^ ^ o , er*po %Sb^:5Tri'53<%o.
qRo 9-"-^r< *^ ar"3b &Sb MS5^ Kb^^o^)—^S^o^Xboa ^ gbe)"^ <3K>
^^8o^) TP*^^ &)Ho distribute ^ a a a n x u ^ JSJyR y*$fo &o&Moa.
MD^orf *5 ^bo^j )^^5j-"o-S)XSTr'^&o M^ir'ajj. 6SS)8y"cy Tr-at
&)3D ^xbior^a). Seed farmsxb close ^a&*9a
T ^ ' A ^ o v ^ d ) ^ &X)g^^r"&^ "B^e?$3 encourage ^X) ' S ^ D g ^ e M
(FM^/)ybr 1961-62 - r<n&g af
14/AAf^cA, 1961
*3j3bo &3jSbo&r*3d),' ^ a ^ R o ^ a r - g o r r ^ 3ty38 ^T^^co eb^3o
T3-"co7! Co 3o3g\u**e?3Jo<a *^eorr"i?^ g9er*^F** "3j&)3o&jeo ^jo tfo
fail M^)3^x; ^r"Do-uS'5ie)X) &oQ. 4§""3^, 3ej. v^^ 38rv^ ^o^^o^<Sb.
9?3^ 3-^03^-5^3 MTT^3\^.3c-r"a 33.o 8*0^06. 3*3j3r* 3 o < 5 ^ 3 8
g o & o ^ S j ^ -s^a ^f^ *r*eoH <^ 3 0 3 ^ ^ 0 3 ^ 0 - 0 *3jiJ 3o&)oa^ *Sa^
Ciiy^oa). ^
e!cr* w ^
"3 & 5 ^
3=5^3). ^r*7r"Sb, Da^3 3 o ^ D 6*3.3<& 3o&o^ir^ 38o3o3 R C BT'o'g'^.
^ 3 < ^ o 3 e Rbj )3cBj^a3o ^Sbocf
&o&M3^B. a.S* 3o&3
^g)3\a ^c^cr^aS JSr^g'-sr-e 38y^R3eo
tS^y^^r-oa ^axS t&)OjjX)o^* ^ ^
^oSb^oa t^* ^ Ragbag)
F R 3 3r*eb^o3j
^ ^
&%^ 9 a
eppR^a ^o3b-*oD )3*^oS'o7r' 3b3a^3jTT^3b. e?o^v8boc3^ tsg-eg*
T?^?r-oe) & ^
@ D^oBbo^
3o%y*4je C9$)3\3
tute ^ R j o g a io^ 3331^0. 3 3 335$^^Tr*eo
§^*o^33Sb substi^.
)^<5y"<yo ^3o
sr^)3co. *s^a t&6 T3*°a&). *5r"a*c*"T3^&), asr*s)3&^o ^uoR?! 3 H<5
34..T3^o(5^ 3o<^ 38#^R?r-
*^R g^ts-'e^
5)oR5^^o ta^)3\a$ ^jjg*^.e)3) 3 3 ooj ^3j-?r'^3bj. [39 ger"o^3b
3J*-S3o& 3^rr-a,
apples rr*D, ^o/^Bb rr^a
cr*D§ cp3-r"^o
R {rr-a^RienxoTa** 3 C j
3er-TT^ ^ D o o ^ 3 c r " ^
t3$bgjg3bj a)-=r^oe.
3joor-0. 36 3&JTBr*D3
3jo^Rb. ger^'3'3o^o^
tp3-sr°y3bj 3jo&Mo8.
"RuS^eM. 'T)Ob^-ar'ooj; ^e 33bcabsjL)6^
oHib3jeM g6#3*3jorr* "^cCb3v^ 3jo&MoB. Q&M3os? 3o3*^eo q3oty*&§
DeMTr" )39 aer*F^3b 3 o 3 ^ c h ^ c 3 )
TT\\3j. 2o<%34j3J T3^rr" oS)3\8
D-tr^&M ^oHy-eD
3b3D ^3b
^X)^^ooo*^ 3J)3 er*&oKr*cr''oBbo
"^ebrbgboa. ^H S3.o3b^^ saF^-OoTr-oa 3o30 33b-- aca6&!T*j3b.
*(^3oa sdSbo&^sS3b^ : Point of Information Sir, Press
Gallery *S** ^30b3&"3-sr*6b ^ooo8b^S^3-^nr- ?
Press -3**8
M/AA&yrc^, 1961
(FM^f)yb7- 1961-62- ^ / / H g o /
Tbo&*^6 3 61&.5* ((^)SSba o A ^ y o ^ & ^ ) : Press -sr*K) ^ S \
y*epo;&o3 Press notice ^xbg^o&Mir^Ob.
TbogTcy6 B 6"&y : Press Gallery 6"*
Press Tr*cb ^R^
Qo^ JSagtar gre^gj-^cj. ^g^oMiy ^o"& nd&^Sb "33Y&*o&.
*(^) C S ' D. D. g^Roce? caSr^^o" (t^D) : M^o^p, :S)o)8
Tr'&)^o!cr'*B<5r^0E) ^oS3^-cdr'D§ X5os)o8o^ <S&)""o<&<^ )383*°ao
^ao-d^o a#ffei&). q&jj^o^3 s5jo^mB&M A & r * o ^ ^ t^"^f "=5)0
Ro&>Sb *^^^db
od^^gb Mot^i^F*
tRer-R^o lyOD
* ( ^ das'. &. Bo^(CT'dSb^d&a& (^o&^Co) : Sir, Point of
order. RaoM??* information -y"Tr"s)o^ Press gallery 6^§ s^ooj
d&^*. &. Softtyd&:3'(33D6& : 5bgj M^^3o^) dr*Oo^b
qggoa. Xbe-a^ Ob-"0o<^ "^Cb^o^r* ? ^S* ^SCJorvOb ^-S^q^g
Cb^Oo/^ ^ C ^ " 3 o ^ !
"Bo&*R& B fsSb^* : )g^)g&o "=33b q^x! dr-OoTb ^o^"3o^.
vo". a. a. ^Roo-ep o $ h ^ 5 * : 1961-62 H"54M ^ o ^
TT^eF^ ^e^^^ocyab 8,79,45,000 6-0--^ ^A^o^Sb
^ Xbur^^b. ^3b^8b X5^v"esoRjj &a\!S%ab-a--g aa^cf V T ^ c e S ^ d ^
sSc =tro MoS'd^cRboM^ Xio^e c?o^8$ *80X)^^. gbg *3 -^r"o^s'\^
^C^iJbjr^ 3jj^O[SStT*?8'^r-a ^o3joio^^S&!^&)j ^ e < & S 0 * ^ o
6jR^9 -sr-^o&M sSo&o-^^o aOaoO. "Bo^g i3Tsr-Pg'6'*sb*"(g ^*g
4nnMg/ FYngncb/ J^y^we/!^
(Fw^cf) ybr 1961-62 - i W n g 0/
14/A Afarc/;, 1961
-y?r'o?Y'^^X) 3 3 ^ 8 * 3 ^ ^ . ^Sb^^rv t^*gSbcM ^Ango
cr-Q-cr' *5r°^Sbj^SjX) i^^^oab^o aCb/^g^oa. .)6b:&eM 3o3v"^"X)g
3^j§^&r*F^3ARbc&r*)a-^J m 3 < g o ^ g_-^oA3bj JSb^R ^ v ^ S ' o *
3 0 0 ^ ^3j^\Sx.Q ^*^o^cr"^§ cpg^'yo ^S'^oxto^X) 3j3D^3j^cp^3b.
3§Do3b^- ^rr-^b
Rj*63§ 90 ^-!b 3o3 ^ 3 j j ( 6 ^ ^ SoAXbiya&j.
M^juo^eM 7 0 % jSj^^. ^ c r ^ v
Sugarcane industry
c ? ^ dorr"c^&) ^$)3\aD ^p*a
tsS3o-g&3j6'''a ^ X ^
&uo&)rr* ^r-y^^y&!jd^^ 3j&5ogj0 ^ - ^ c 3 j j d ^ * ^ ^S^ex&oa. scR
&)3Sb ^g^v"^c3^a
3^S* ^ ^ C b . &)3 ^^^JosSoo^ q^O* *^?^o8b
^,^&)9 3*&-Kr°#;aj -5-"^. q ^ d ^ q^C ' g y e ^ gj3go*& " 5 ^ ^ ^
So<!Hb?y^)t!b. M t^SbTT'^cM ^ X b ^ 3 3 ^ v C 3o3^bo § b d ^ MS*)-<5
*B d3oj So&xbur^Ob. Sugarcaoe industry 3_)6S;3 "^y^jjg^^ e?a
ooj-sr-^ v<3o^3Sb
3S^3eX) 3Xb3^oCb8b
Xbtraja. ^ r ^ ^ ^ s * j3p^J" s^s* § 1984 ^
=cr<e) Du^3
§^-^3*663^* ^ S * g b ^
^Lo^d^o a8Roa. e ^oS*^(6^ 2878 "3ooa)Cb ATS^R). &)X)F^ qoS^g*
^-P8'& §^.M3*^0§" s&5*2bR ^S)o^<go H0Ro3. ^ o c b ^ 1797 gjoR
*3joe)Cb d:TT^Cb. -?-X) g ^ ^ S ' ^ o S ^ g ^ D *^§"^^o0b^ X^^^""g§*
"g^-sr-OS J^do &S^-o63S Cb. 800 oo *^&30S)& "^gb&y* 3sT^0b. ^a
0b.800^*&r- Co. 200 €M cash Kr-^^rr'Ar' 6b. 100 en fertilisers
t8od oooar'^Ty^ej. "3 &)eSb $-*o^ & o^gv"
*^&3Jg)A T)&j^o^^
cutting 8b 3-&}3 ^Cb-sr-^ -:y-"6 cacfeb qKb^r^Cb. & D 3 e ^ ^ c T ^ § *
^ M ^ ^ - & ^ ^ ' ^ T " ^ ^3(%0 ^"0^65 H"3 M ^ ^ O
M<X3/^^o5 ?-^
-5a?rd&) o)Cb;&9 3o3g*o 383.&)e? cr\gv"Xb ^-cr^&M ^3o3b<2o s8Roa.
?)8 ooootf 3o-a*^^3jX) sSosyooj^ t^^'So^Sb ca^CbeM ojoXjo-sn^Cb.
^33Co 3jio"^, ^S'^OM.T' Mo<588 qTr-coK) 3$j&)7T^0b. a,S* JS*Co
sugarcane Sb 90 3*°;&e^ g _ t ^ ^ , 2 o^-o M*ar-gDc3br-, 4 &;&*&)
oilcake "^X)3i3-""^ 40 ^
50 ^ s ^ c o
3b3 "g^&o^* Sogbgboa.
X3o&)o or^ir' 3o-^<^o3€)3 ^b^t^-o-coF^X) "3 gbeo M*3r-iX)cSb^&)
^ & ^ S ^ 3 R o sd)^3^oa. Sugar factories F^ sS^) *3A)!?*a5*ab ^e
c"3Lr^X){^r' 3^\&^3b 8^0^ iHicit liquor 3b ^cCb^Cb ^X3b?r^cb.
-s-°a&3 6)33d8b A D^3jorr- factories a^gir* X ) ^ ^ T - 8 ^ ^D^3bj7r^
^3^*3 sugarcane industry &)3 v-a^sSo)^ opg\a 3o8 Mt^
14;A AfarcA, 1961
^MMMo/ F&MweR:? -SlalemeHt
(FM^ef)/t?r 1961-62 - ^cyf/!F 3/
^-sS^jj g5r"Xbo8. Sugarcane Growers Associationtrgir- rr*S),
District Marketing Society o cr^ir> rr-X) Kra ^ " & 3 ^ ^9 sugar
industry &ng ^ R M < 5 ^ Mp^\a 3o<Rdb. qoa'S'o^) "SxSbysb s^^cs^a§
M ^ v " ^ ^bjo&MoRX) SbRD^XbTr^R). vg)A3 ^e S&oBboF^ ^otarr-Cb
—* <=*a)
t^'^o^orr' sugar cane industry § es&°l) ^o-a^gir', ^"c^6a
cr^g-cr* q^j ^-cr*^&M ^ "A ^ts'sSborr* MCb/63boa. ^9iy-!&) 6 i r ^ ^
^X)^ S3o=cr"o35e RXbgJOTT^ir* jgooj *^) l3?^D3 ^^CcT'oaj^^oD S&RD
i 3 x b v ^ . 6^)^80^) § ^ ^ 8 ^ sugar factory Tr-Ob. o^v-xse
sugar factory Tr*Bb <&^)p^^§"c3^gv" t^^bTr^DS &)?SD^^b§^nr^Ob.
-y*B)M tagbggo * ^ j ^ ^ H D ^ ^ T r * ^ R \ ^ F ^ ^ o ^ ^ - y o D 6^ 3b
&)?r^Xb. t^Sjo-^o^Ser" ^aur'dgj sugar industry *a%8. taodb^o
cr*X)D^oBbod^ sr^o ar-tffj) Sib^-sr-O. q^y&^y'^ ^"^^xig* e;3b^b
a b ^ a . S'xbB' -sr-O^ !?"^g^ ^^* 9^) ^o^^cyoTT- SSS cu)i3o3b-"e.
^Cb^)e&) R-s-°9o(y* K5SSooj ^o3bbo^<gj. gK) ^ O M ^ ^ ^ T T ' ^ S ^ ^eosb
8!b^ ^CbT^^S^ -cr-^Ajo eaCb^b^a. *3ot4j<f ^ " ^ & ^ xSb^TT-^a
X3Sbad^S3 " B j o a ^ <&"& <§* ^X) s5os^cu)& F^Ob raa'So&MSb q*^
T3*"0b ^o-^&jo^ lyKer" ar°Rco eacb^b^b^a. aot^^^o Tr'Tnqrr*
dorr* &*oa3 ^a -cr-sb^Moo^ gog^-dabsSjota^a "^obSJ**^ TT*a)
^o)-cr''3Arr'*^ S'&tS' Tr*Co -c"^)ir'e^c^ a8&orr* <^'^o^&J"'^DS
O °*ej
tSoBba^Kh'dS), Ty*e ^-Sb^^agricuitura! sector ^ t ^ ^ ^ o sS&^^bo
*(^) d&^*. *3. vS^'3& ( ^ e a ^ T o d ^ B o ) : w^oaB?, ^botarvcb
)R^V^)0^ (!H5J^o<RJSi3 aeStaRr* r*^a^o3b--o^ 5 ^ d o ^ b r * ? r ^ ^ .
^aur*^ go&)?b <Jer° «)8b^-5$ ^o<5o^r"c*^ DAo3b-"X)§ t^-*T?--^o^
qRj-sr^R). *3&)^a&?$ t ^ o i r ' o ^ ^o&jo& Mp^\8'^o3b&r'g)3 <3er*6S
gTS'd'o&io ^eo^^oab^6X) ^ ^ a ^ ^ - y ^ X b . ^ g b S b - s ^ ^ e M .33b;&<R3,
X5X)Mbc^J oojoTr" q^Ci$X3^beo g'eu^^^)"^ "8gb3)8S'on"°:5o&OT3
^€M-:r"Ob. *3ijb8*s<5x! t^o-cr-c^X) ^_^bo8b es&'g'-or'oeM ^Oo^&jo
^R;. X ^ - c ^ ^ C o -sr"OJ^*F"F^ 5, 8 XSo^^vcXboA t^axSo^^do
g*Cb^ 3 Xbg^a. 3-cr"e» ^On^^y S o ^ M *8a^a7T^ox). ^ H o ^ ^ ^ o
<v-^&y"D§ ^bo^^0b6b-"c?- *3sb. 3MJ^)5)6^ § ) ^ ^ . "S^b^oA^
^ w w a / Fi'/MMCMf/ ^/a^gw^f
(#M;/ge;)./br 1961-62 - M ^ / ^ q/*
14/A MarcA, 196!
r ^ o v - o F ^ ^r"3je3b g^gb ^o3b&r"^§ ]&0o^ao3,§^ 33oo)^oBb-"!D.
<^ a8oSb-*<5^ 8, 4 *^o ^ - " ^ w gjur-^oo). -yo^a ^gb^ocno-a S)&)0
-^^-cr^ir* Deb g^<&)§^&r"D8^3vv-sM 8*0^ *& ^8bt-3 3o&o-^
&r-D§ b e o o ^ o a . 3)3y^ 8"Cb$jgboA y"^^orr* gS^o-R6jr&§ ^-s^yo
3jo&Moa. 5eb3j-?-ood^ ^ y ° y ^ M & e M
"^^f-oooo-a 2, 8 ^5^r'^^'0J
3 D -&r"hj3j?r^ tpo^&r-t^o^ "3 gbeo S'a-o&oa
"3 <gbeSb
loans X)*s^eoF^
*3j4j-B-*ej*°-ST!5^& "3 tibogj <^)8b^.3
^rs'-a-ceM S*eu/<
^o3b-"0. &r*]^-"o^oF^ ^!^$b-"!io5M ^ ? r ^ o M .
Ty-UtS"** 63o^jw
3o^ir"l^j-' ^ 8 € * ^ ^
^0(100=0^0. 3aKH&eM, Sbo^Joo, 80 ^dSb--
i ^ i ^ o ^ o ^ ^Tj^oco. cpD Ty^er*^C8b "Qr&^oBLT'ooj. - y ^ a 3T*/b
**3ojj"& S^o^ 3o&o^^r"D§ DeJoAjjoa. 3 6 o asbx-^eojunr* ^Ro^co
3o<&)-a^a3j^ 38{r*<$^ *3o!cr-o<S^ 3 8 ^ x S ^oooo^) Ty-OX) 3 o A o ^
6r*DS3j-';gj§'**Tr*0. MDa-'ia^o-Jb 3 3 oca ^ojjoiye.
RotgySdjegb o^jg^r'ooTr' 3jo^oa). a area 6"" 3o<% ^a^^ir^^ota^
c3) ^-u^MO^X; s5%b**3juuSb 3 8 ^ o 6 o
3 \ ^ e 3 J u-^3 ^3TT*^o^^§
&3jSbTr*-3-g). ^Ob3jo 3 3 oao *D3.aCSboF^ c&j-°8oaj"° -y--3aX)3 )3"3
*r*eSb ^"Ar-iao&o ReKdf, M*3j^Do&o 3 e ! ^ -s^sSoM tXS'gy^oSb
o3bj-°8c3r'3j 33ooj ^Xbsr^Ob. ^ D O ^r-3joe)^, t3ft<& ^r*3jocF^
o0br"8oab""^ "& 3o^3 3)38*07?* 3o<3bc&oa. 3a 3o3^c^o c9*3j*^ao3bo
3ekAA3 -s^3o*{)^-5y-e8 S T ^ A j o ^ a b .
a ) ^ 80, 90 ar-a-oReo 3jo8.
t!$ocSb3e M areas 8b ^*3e&3 <^0b3jo3b3s^boF^ ?33oA)"3ocoosr'D.
3a 3o3s^^o *Doe)S " 3 / ^ ^ 3 ^ 0 3 0 ; T3ob*$^gb *g^^b 3iJ*jojj;
3*s*"eod^ -sy^S 3boCbeM ex3RlS, 3)oCSbex) supply ^o&^^Sb. v°s63
3a 3o3g\(fo 3a *Bo<&) 3o&joo 3j^* 8 73**(f3o ^ocot^oojurooj. 3oA3
36^)8J*or" *n*°er** dSb^.3. 3o&3 3oijSb Sb**<2T" v ^ g o r r * &!$*
D ^ O M * ^ ^r-^o&Moa. .)gyS§gb-*cy*&, y ^ o r r -
3a ^Hf
<^D^O3J0v)3^OM*^ 3r°rbo&Mo8. M ^ o ^ J v e ^ M d ^ "3 gbeo V^r*^^L
t93bg3 33b c9o*i§3 ^8b^.3 "6&M8b ex^b^bir'Ob. va^r'"B^.&J08b &*&o3
^Ob*f3, -cy-M J8b^.3 <?^ 3&)oa. o-'a3e ^B_j&)eo T^er* x!3.3^
^T*r^eb. 3a 3o3a^do -n**c9ac 3o&)C3o a*-a**;& 3j*"Cb dr'^oHbeo,
90 Nr'^oBbcsb ogbja&sr*oa). ^
"3 gb M ^ r ^ o o ^ , 70 ab^^oCJbej
14;A MarcA, 196!
^HMMo/ F/wwcfa/ ^ c ^ w e w y
(FM^/)/or 1961-62 - P'orfwg ^
60 &r°^*oRex), 60 dr*^o3joSb Sy"^* ^<&!^*cOb. 60 ar°3-*o&eSb
Kr*cs^ Q^h^-sr-^g^c- ^ u ^ C b . S'&JS' t3$ xSo=c*oaj^ area F^ as*
marketing society ^ o i r ^ ^ ^ X ) oar* v°!%o
v^-y-Vo S'ejo^"^ "& ^^/Sjo&MoRX) ^ A ) Rj^D
^XM?r^!d). RMpgorr*
^ area t5^ ooA g&jTeo g}53^§ tycr*^) 10, 12 3osS6^tr*esboT3
Kr-ty supply ^d3b<go^<^. ^oo^xS e r a o & ^ g r - g
S*t3j^eo ger"8b
S)0-^ quota aHot ^^-R)D t?nr^5b. -s^X), s)aR^3j8b^^ ar-sr-ajr^-gj
&,8e)^* ^o&^&j^eoS^cr' tr'^&). ^3<y"<&) ar*"3^.&Miy* 90 dy"^*"o3beM,
80 dr-5^-"o3beM *^&3 g^^sSeX) o^Mo^ooB. S*R3<, RjovgoTV
36 moA
S&r'ejSb^cr' supp!y ^oCXr-e^ "&& g^CbgjTsr^R). &r* ve\r^-v"d^
*5r"-R))^^ej g^R^eM &?r^ojj. e'R)^ R3J(poorr" M & M ^ o O -<y"6j,
vo&xr'5" o o < & o ^
^Oj^SSy^oojur* 5^o^ &3b
^tTT^^jj :<3a;$&)oajl§ ^ 5 ^
^o^sSXboQ. 8*^8*
ea t^og^bjF^ "Er"o^jj*"&" o o & o ^ 5 b R ) , mo&R^r'o supply ^oSoodj&Rj
&^-Cb"3jo4jjcng-c^ s$r*e KS^-8o&o q ^ 3 * 3 R D *3&3b;3D ^&<?r^&).
iSjjMorr* ^r"^)e8b msbc^) 8 supply ^3 ^ ts area F^
<35b^.:$ S)0
^ d ^ c ^X3o$^*"^-cr'X)§ v^-sr-^o &o&Mo8. RMVPoTr* ^9iy<&)
cnaggjr-cr'g^^trr'&r'o^ &4&j^g). ^ ^ S o
^oA^oconr'aM. S'&S' &u{pporr* Rr" ir'cxr""5*"$b e^S* power drill
supply ^ ^ §"oa'3#Sb TT'^eo ^&)^Xb§^^!yX)8 ^ R v ^ o ^ o & ^ o a .
MO^Cb&r^ g^*X)^ ar^Roo
h^crgTr' Rjotan^SS d\^5 &xb
g_-cr'orr"X)3 sSc:S3**o3r'&S ^^R t^-a^s^o Q ^ ^ o ^ ^ M ^ a
{bjcrng-or Ty^a§ *3CoSj*^ Xbur^R). wot&d^
R3R eaot^
-cr'^Rx) RcsS^-oaoo & ) % eTp-"(f5$&KSS^^5^, R)?sa *=5)Cy v-R^Rx>
e)<xog3^438&, ^enncSj ^o<&) RoR^-o3J ^ v ^ y c o j ar°)g'& (?r"3Aj^
^5*^3, ^-^mTcr"d36^ a,s*M) Air^cM.
Mo*^) Rb^o
^)o^ t ^ v ^ ^ o qKbnr^sb**l!eo&3!S^a. ^e !3og^^o Tr"R&j g'SP'
vo<5"* 144 & o 3 § ,
yv^srcF^ 96 Xboag
t ^ ^ o &X^a. R)Ho Rxr-gg i^rr-PS'F^
16 g^&)Sb plan *^X) ^)6S
^nntM/ F/nancfa/ ^^^wc/!^
(PM<%e;)./M-1961-62 - fcZing q/*
Dc/H^!M^y /or Gran/J
14^A AfiyrcA, 1961
33y<3b, 3o38b Jsb^sHSboa Agricultural graduates ir--=r-8. Q^<^)
training qsSga<&)&)^ S^a^joa a&r°!t%o Ty-cOb. e'^y
)^w-?S8j -ygeagog, gooSD ^§8rr- ^ 6 ^ 6 ^ c S
&r-8b M/tAig
^ ^ d o r ^ &x^a. -6c &j^<gg$ <gi3-*?s'gi ^oaj^cb^*^) ^i3o^jb^ 3 b 3 &
Jo^iSjoa Agricultural Demonstrators
planned rr* s^ooj &o"&
-^TT'S. MX) o-*X)X) a.s*
iy"cr" -sr"/t)o"^a. s^oCSo^
^MVQorr* gjj**<g:5 3q3^oSo S*v"vo 3ocyqe6^ Air^^M i3o3J*°oX)
4,5 So^^TT-eonr" Mo&M?r^d). -y*X) 3617*633 Sb^cr' e<a S'&g^^ir'^)
gr*B-° ^ R j . v X ) 5d)SS8^ a.S*&3 3*aoij-oX) a ^ 3 o Do^jj
ir^^sSjj. M*B nr" ^ g ^ 6 ^ ^-c^^&M^ *^ sbo3a. ^BTy<gb Medical
Colleges aj^i^o aR^orr* 55o3o ^ v ^ & M ^ vgjjTV-X), Agricultural
Colleges Ty^cr* ^8b^.sS. cr*X)3 tsS^c&o JoRbSj [Rr"v^5i*"o ^^g^o
^OoBj'^o^db. ^ 8
nr-Sb =ET"er* D^cydorr' 63^6.
gcbiyg Agricultural schools M^c33d&)X) 4, 5
3^3*3 ^g " g a s ^ g 33yt^r* 3sr*j3j. ?-X) ^M?-M3
gr*ty* epg*^.
^S*^-<^ ^a^ ^ v ^ & M ^v*3oX) M o ^ i y ^ ^ r ^ X ) , c D ^o^Ar"i^o 3X)
^Sjbur^oM M*^a
TT*er* MXSb&r*<y3^orr' &3^a.
schools RbsSo 6ir^&X) ^Xj t7T*ar*eF'* &^&3J^o&5 "B -c*o^&n
M c S b S"og D d o *^8^o^)33y^ 3p3^<oX)o 3b33^gbo6^
3^SbMO*BT"^o3*^cr'X)§ H 3 v ^ o - & o ^ J o d X )
*^3j 3j3D^3)tT^)3j.
3b6"°S' & o ^ g ^ 3 Dxioa&o A ^ 3 . 15,20 3ogg^<fgMo
schools F^
Agriculture ^ 8
<§^o, High
optional rv° A o ^ a . ^3j<gb e 8 ^Co.
^3)8* gMSttR) )3&TyCb ejg* optional rr* a&§"K)
8 v - 0 MX) asfgDcr*coo3b-'e^X) DtyqCJbcgj X)3^o#&3*&
T_iy -sr-^Sb o--X) 3 & o & o
^<$3"^o^X)3L M 3 v ^ o
& o ^ o ^ X ) *^&
gbcr-g-o'* 3bo)8rr-83 S)3^Do^Sbr*o&Mnr^3). qg* "5 3bo D3.c353jj
-Rr^^&j. D8§b^ D 3 § ^ ^ 3
Sgb^eM 3y<^o *^D3b^*^7Y*X) Ty&3
6)3 ^-SbX) 3jot&)eo, M . L. A. co D 3 8 ^ ^ ? 3
t^a ^^"iSco,
^KT-o^eM ojo3\
-sr*8X) w'^.OS'oTr" ^\ Xj^CoXbTor^^j rr*X), ^B^f65§&r'c^ "5^83
^Dj 3d)^?o35iSa)^M- r8y)^36). a ^ ^ ^ g
vX), agriculture tax ^X),
taxes, betterment tax
water cess pX) ^^^
0-qr*(Mn^ 33r(€M
*^h*3orr'X), ^X)x3o -^03 e o & 3 ^ e o 6Jr"cr* qgg^X) ^J^o^ 38X)Rb
14?A AforcA, 1961
^/MMa/ F/wawcfa/ <S*fjrcweMf
(3Md^e/)ybr 1961-62 - M o r ^ q/*
^3JJQ^cor^ ^ ^ ir*^^ag 21 *ge dj^exi iron quota q3j;3g^63S&<
2 ^ O &)!&)^eM Xb^Sb g6-KT"6& O^o'Sbodo^), "§Ot(g&)Jo3A)S')-
S3u^ MO[#Ty-a<)&M
^R<3-'? ^ t ^ ^ b ^ ^ C H ^ b o ^ Xb^^oo tRo&g^o
^?r" ?
&X$ "SjoCbSo "gotRtSgbggoa^ ^A3rr" ^u^<<& Ar* quota &r°Sb est-sr*^
e)D M^gy"<^d3 ! S'RiS' o ^ & M ^ o O D^oCir'c^ sb^Rx) "B -cronrDa
-cr-er" wur-ooSbRM ^^nr^ibo.
q8* RibR sS^gbeF^
S^* ^ ^ D & M ^ o
3eT3-"(&) !rr*Ar"e6^ ^ir^&M ^xbiy^&)j. v D 3a §^ ^ aas'-cr-oSb,
spare parts -ir*8S !Po&bTr'AM6^ A ^ s r -
59^ S)^oSbo gbRo ^b^^)
^e$b<j^^bj. ^xb&r-cs-- *3 i&3. &)!6 - c a ^ o ^ Ty&33 spare parts
^S*s!r""^ e5^osncxuXbo-D, S ^ n r ' ^ o ^
a^bSbiy^eX)^ Rbd^caa iy"§
S*?b5' aM^o^3s385'-cr'e3J
^^^S3^ydb, tXSa
z38^Ty"D§ §^0^^0*50 spare parts supply ^"& ^ a ^
^s*&*"g, 3a
^g)?S SS^&)oF^ )7V&r"oF^ gog^oHbo ^ o & S b o ^ ^J^j^o &3o3^/<o
Ao<^eb. &)!6o ^"B nr- ^o3b^s)^b§^o^) ^ o S S r C o ^ "coRr-a. ^ObTy^
bulldozers, tractors ger* centres d^
MoAMTT^Ob rr"S.
M D X38o3o^ conditions F'* Aodj- o3b*^0 TO^Sy" eaxbsb^^"^). nr*Sb
*8MXb&), -xr" D^r'MS'^d'ibjd^
3a tractors, bulldozers uneMfb
6^apo g ^ g ^ S sick tao^Cb. c9o^§3 Ty&5§ spare parts <3;&. *^)!bj
<^S*)-(S^ RMcnXbg'*, <$§)^ tTyv^o ^ o v " ir-^cb Moa^ta. *^) *§aj-^
trr'Rr'c^ ^ D ^ ^ i y ^ g ^ ^ o
buMdozsrs. tractors ^v-^^o ^^bij-j,
sbX) &5Snr"0^'ev T3?3r-^M. -B*"X) -s*"-u--o^o*c36^ Tf8^o!b 3Rb3"*oKr'eM
qa&r*]^sbj sy^er* tp,y*C(3a;b& Sb cr'Q'O^
3xS^Do^r"e&M7T^^j. qS' J3b^e
gb^cr" iyer* vu^gogb&!j MCb^b&)S^^{0
o?3w "^otdHbj 3bi39b 6 u ^ 4 M
SbgSb ^?3j^&jJ^o^ quota <^o^ ?
supply DA^SboF^
b) cr^Tr* ly-as ^b^^^Kb
quota <Jo^ ?
gboyoon"* s!c^^o3JoSb^ aiyd'
^ < M & o ^ o ^ aog eso!^TT-^X)§ J 8 b ^ quota ir*Tj^e^o^. ^ quota F ^
sb^ab 80 percent Sb^cr" oaHSgeitg ! Jo^SbSb o m o ^ ^<cr<qoCbo &HSSb
C9$§^,^_e -y-sr-^D
^ o 5 ^ pSoyadS <5^*ggbo3 S*^)
^ b ? ^ ^ < & ) , ^-o-'orr"X)§ 3T=r*e)o<S"' Jcb^c 3^)Sb-"(y
JoCJbSb gj&Sbj Q o ^ ^ ^ T y - ^ ^ 8 r r ' iRRo'cr'^o-^ 3e a3"&) &<^8<^
(^M^/) ybr 196 i -62 - r<?;a?p ^
De/Man^/br Grants
14;&4%:rcA, 1961
SoX) A ^ n n c ^ e M ^oBb^Rv? T3^ 33oyr- oao33^)yr*ar'e<P* 8 8 * ^ ^ 8 ^
gy^Sb ^ M & ) .
&r* {ger*^ J05$joSb nr^ij ^ gjog"? t?S) *^g^"ojjJ§
§^^c S&)0&^jje?^ .3ta:&ea ooj^Ob. ^o^)^{3bTy^53^X)og^vX)&
*agj§^gi3bjg^ e^ts^oaoo^ C M ^ J T y ^ v ? ^<&Rjc gcAc§ Rt^gj^g
3386** aBlS ^v^^-^odr-cX) § ^ & g j u ^ g j .
D giy-e x5^$-cr'^8oO ^ ^ 8 . *^&)8Jr"^ *B &?&) v"2)i3 ^
DR-oSooF^X) ^<$5^n*<p-y"eM nr-a "gojxb. o^S'c^o'J* Mq)X3JTy8Xi
slxn'^^oe) Ty*R:3oej D ^Tyco OMSSQgjX) vA^*^ iy*eM/t)*3ee3o&3 ir*^
ior*Cb. ^-°D Tr°a^ saD i^go ^^r*<^)"3e>e)B^ TnTsMft^eoR* "SOo&CS^
Procurement of seed D^o3joF^g^°^ ag-*\) ar'<A_^r^Aoa-°0.
D ^nyo§^*d8b w^rr- .)o<%ff43 oco "^^rr^X) X38rf germination v<R).
D_^iyo procurement tydrr* ^^jjejgb tg^o^orr* &.^ &5^o^Xt
KtoaJDjo^) J o M a gT3-*el3 procure ^3cdM&) TT-coSoo.
g9nr*<gj ^oiRtXS^b^o
t7v-^r*c6^ DSDrr* subsidy
oooxbir^eb. 'sr'gjeo t ^ ^ ^ b u ^ O b . ^a H ^^orv"X)§ t y o
y^oa. &&S<S^<3bnr* gb^ !^%bgjgoTyct) etectric motors coo Recurrent
t^^^^ ^
bjar^gn-' ^Jo[8r!*"8§ *38<361^&)7r^;R). ^avg-s^^o ny-gb oc^-Sh
*(^) &. ces^^-o sr<36o& ( ^ o ^ 8 ) : tsdc^p. *3jj^ef ir*e^w
-y*e3jj<S^ goSS^c& Aa^abgM
x i ^ x ^ ^ o ^ af<&)j ^^_^
^o^rr- A o ^ 3 ^ ,
genr-gj co3be?^
-BTR^o ^dX) ssS^v
Rog^osb ssbg*
v<nLap(gb t#j c3b^. o. ^\Sl^gXbrr*nb *r*8 !^o<^gjje?^ tTT'X)7r'OJ.
vo^) M^i5j^ 3aj6S? s^-tr-^-s^ooe?^ ^9^T-dgJ^^^ 55?3gbeM, C ^ o & X ) ^
JCbgjsM, i)Sb^^). M ^ X ) ^ gpg^oSb g d ^ & u 3&jg!X) a 'Sjj^er'aAr'
-ycjjbo^ e*8^x$ & g ^ 8 F ^ ojJ^<y^&) yield ^ o ^ o ^ J
^Sbo^ &?n^gjo M o ^ 3)8 gj3& ^o<S^ M ^ ^ y ^ ^ d c ^asSo A g o R o
&)o!8yv"eb Q^yd ^g*^.o&)8)^ !SS$b^g g8y*#?r* "^oto?oF^ ^S'-cr'X)8
4849 ^&)<!M sftr& ^Sb^-SS ^
8. ^ o & ^ g r ' & M X ^
^)Sb^.gs5o^ Sodo^TT**83 E)g*vgjgbe^ e)Xbnr^){Sj. ts *3 sij&u g o A o ^
5Soeji^r!.r& 7^eo, B*${M, 9 "3c ^rgb go&o-Og&M MR'au ^^)g^<?8/
14;A MarcA, 1961
^ w m a / FRMMCMt/ <S/o^/M^r
(FMa[g^) /br 1961-62 - P'ofMg q/*
3-cr*^6b ger^e6^ ^_gbeM " ^ ^ J 3&&3j?r^Cb. 3ir-^.R), Tr-oaboX)^
g c r * o ^ ^ 3o&<oax)*^ a o a x b a ^ y * , ca So&)eo "gcorvta-'F^ Jj-" *&
37vX)5 3^o8b*"<g s3o&o^b&)^R). JodbxSo gSb^gdHf^ 9 Mgb^g^oS^
xS8&0osy"e, 6D3 3oao8ca 3*6g esdrr-O. Agricultural-Technosurvey B8R"3 ^s3^ v"trty-eM "gOoSb^). ^ g ^ ^ ^ gjga & ^ resources
^XbXSOo-arr'X), ^ S o 3&n3 ^&38o07Y-S), 3DiSjj^ xHl338o^r^a,
^ao^ 33b38o-an-*D A ^ ^ D
^8b^s5 ^o^M&j9b
jcr* 2)eMo&Mo&*
^d^-^^ ^o^"$53jo. ^&)S* &X)§ aS* High Power Committee X) *3a,
5&c^^d3b y ^ e y c g ^ , ^ 3 j c M O ^ , R8§e^ iSoajo^oBbSb ^joterr'dj
*3o^*^ s$T&)§^^^*3^ M d & ^ r ^ o r r ' iY^*8XMTy^&).
^cS$^oBjr"^3\a§ ajovQon*- ^Cbgjeo -y*Tr*oD 3ei3gbnr'^Cb.
^ ^&$)eM *3o&) ?^A&jeM : (1) 3&"a"3j!g ^&)^)eM; (2) d^ocaDS'
^&$)eo. X)Xr"H^ <Jd3^eM M^sS\a^bSbj^Sb !3%b%go i)Sb )3c0b^o
^ ^ o O . Blocks F* J&,^.sSnr' ^ 3 \ 8 ^3u?r^dX), t3*^c^07r- S*o&**T
^&Hg)o^b ^)8b^.3 ^ o ^ ^ S b !3o3b^o M0b^<5^oRX) 13%bg^oTr-6b 3eM
Rbu-^d). "6^^-e^ ocoXbur-^Ob. &)ot8rv83, 3 c 3 ^ - o 3 J V ^ a ^ c ^ o S b
*3eo&). Block Development ir-88 *8eo3j. Mo^8§ * 8 0 ^ d3--3o^.
Evaluation Committee Tr*8 7th Report g"* t?r^veb. ^a ^ ^ - € »
^ 3 y 9)3 :-sr-T-*6b. Blocks d^* targets 33-° 6 i3oSj-'e*3 Dd^odo^e
compost <36bS&o ^3o^cM JSb^-SSrr- g^^j-"^)^ BS*^.od^ gj-aTJ-RJ.
^^j&r*^ nr'eM^ojjd) iar"Sj^^ T&n*^r°^j. JS'^csr-Sb^^ nr-e^ sr'^^iM
^9 compost fbo&tM t^Dg^&M S*^3^d3. -y"^ Tr*8 B s ^ o a -Xr* *&
^9 ^ r * d ^ ^ o 6 ^ A 3 ^ ^oS^"o3b t^-o^o, 3&3TT"eM, SBej. 3A) ^o
^o^^r* 38-DTT^ ss fboi%eSb q o ? " 3o& -y"3cX) 3 ^ & M ^ 8 . ^db$jo
^380-a 3o%o ^3y<^b ^o^nreo
"33b?r^3bj -*3 S*^-eo 3 6 ^ ^O&r-Cb
d^'c&ag' JOb^o 3ci^9 Jr" *& *§ot^o 3o;68b u ^ ^ e M -sn&y
qgR&jo^Rb ^X) ^otOTT-Cib 3 ^ d ) . ^9 3o3^doSb*"R q^jtf^ Xi^^o
&)3Sb Tr*^oX)3 *r°6J-" '^ot^Q o)o<3b8b q ^ & j ^ a ^ . S$jot9r!^0b
.)o<3b.Sb g e & ^KbSb-cr-^S^ 3 & r * v ^ o 33-*^a. *3joRM tx5-Ey"$y5Sbo^
q3\^5iCfSb Xitg'iJb'Sb^ 3%&<S"* ^"§* MdA.^S^3jA)^5) 3b^ 3c5S^o3bo
sbo&Mgd&'cMoa. aota jeb^o.^^6 ^^ox^s^<3b ^?y*3jo&M^
v4H/?^/ F//;w!c^/ ^/jfgweMr
(FM<fgf;)./br 196t-62- ^of/Hg of
M//: Afk?rcA, 1961
§^oRHb "^Cfeo M ^"S^D Jo&Sb "^^r-oS. Jdj3)eM 3"o6j-*'cr* vX),
25 §"*&H M3336*3jj ^"g D 3 J ^ ^TT*.!3b. -sr-6b ^_gbo 3o^_3^o,
"3 ^bc t3ar*a^ao 7r"j0, ^d3rr*D
MC*3jj ^3j5^3^^j
^*"X)o^* S*5oa5*-c-at 8b-"d^ "B & c 2 b ^ DT^s^o c!sbo<g *3jjij'3jjg&)
3bo^) <J0b3j€) ^"S^§ "^^j^dj. q%6* ^ y o & o ^ cpocour* ^cs^-^^ea
^Obj§*^^Rj. "g;& ^ ^ ^ - s ^ T^^^)TET'&. XSoJrr-9 Sb^r-Gb as' g) 3^o
t-yX3J^ ^ C ^ V ! ) ^ J0b3j^M JAj* &Ro3j-*a^'e^ ^ ^ G b . at^-3bd^
^&iy*M 400 Rr&eM. )^-"^6^ 260 ^r3b, M^as-iy* 850 grxbeo,
€)o&o3b-'6^ 1 a"°3b ^ a 3 ^ 0 b .
3b^o ^ r n D S 1 gr°Rj & 3 3 j - a "^
H ^ " ^ 3 ^ 3*63 3cr-oo^b <^&r"? 33j--3^go, ?-.o)lS3j {38 C*o^o^3J
^ ^ c X ) t3o&e^!^oa.
6}8 faddism. 36 faddism -y*o<H3j
<3$b-c^cD§ gRpRoggCg) 3o3^o^b A ^ § ^ d ^ c b . q^a-% ooo^3
8g^0b6^ JCb$j€3J 33j*"^ 3o&c§, 3t^33 3o^c9 Mur^Ob. 33jr*3 RoScS
c*^a «)&^ eeb/^abca. t^a-yes 2. 8, 4 grgjesfo^) Jgb^.3 ytfg'X)
38X)8 ^O^AoB. 3^&JJ3 -dr* *& qo&o3b-"^ R.S' ^T3) ^ ^ ^
^8 ej^^. grxSj ^ e 3 j j ^ 3X) ^^r* 3o&o^^c<^o?
3otr"ojb& 3Sb^be)Sb q3g3<^D
qa3{f8b 5^^3b.
3a J0b3jc 3o&c5
Modb3o M€)3oo
^3j&)&a. "3 gbeo 3o3^o3bo ^nSbo&j Ar*D TT* #oR8 ^SbdjLr- ao*7r"e.
V. L. W . -3b&xr*, B. D. O. ^ b ^ ^ , 3o=B-*dM&3a)e ^b&xr* acbrbs^r*
^ o ^ 3o3^o3bo J^r* ^bab7<^<Sj ? '.. ^
&83C8b ^6*8 gbeo 8b-d g^3b^^i? gffdSb&Scuy e,^ a ^ - ^
^db3jBj " g ^ b j ^ ^ c M
^o&38. q3yd3b
o ^ 70, 80 8b; 6M ^^3 3 e sgrgbg"* ?nej/^ gr3beM e3& ^r°3JSM
CSJC33 o j ^ !3%&ggo^j3_gb9gb
}3^^go ojy- D3,o3bo6^ "&*-&,) j ^ ^ 3&r"o^3, ^_&)eM
^^-<^3&^ cpy^A&od
«)eb3jen *&^g^"g $)M g*cM?fg^ ^r°^bo
&JJ03. V 3 \ ) ^ Tr*0b <33b2y.3 3o^J 3 o & 0 ^
V3*S*"^0 &O&M0^n) 3b&D
^Xb?r^3j. )3$bdjgo ^ 3 j 3 ^ t^*SSbet8o^
Ajo^cb. y C ^ tagbiig ^ & 3 3 o ^
esgas'&M ^ P A \ § * y ^
vo<§" *t&)X)f^ D^goojM§'rr'Ob
!3-*"39be !§3R bob S)X)'3j^^odb§^'^ 3T?^3o R)8t>3 ^ ^bcSb t^jojo
X)o^* qsr^oX) t *r*V*Bb. v & -^OD ?3T?1S^ ^ - s r - ^
t3^b^o Tyn**ab^^**A5" t^-'B8b^83o^3y<&), d*a*3otf (p^bj ^3j
14;/: Marc/t, 1961
^WMMc/ FfM^c/a/ Statement
(#M<?ye;)./<v-1961-62 - Tot/ng q/
De/?MH^ /br (7ra^t-y
4&o&* A. <%e^o. <$.. TT'OX) 35^<M
^<^)A3nr^Cb. cr-atSo^ Jo^
^Tr-o&o 3 !&)o3^, *BOj&r"c <5^05^jo&M?Sj 55*^.5X3 ^dRRjur^db.
€!o*g?r-J0, J[^S*€^5* "3 *3g*aE) aS'g' ^?r^Cj eparr-a,
A^-a&*3jo^M a,S*43 &^dOn-"D, - ^*oM^* S'Sb^oCr) aw-^^a^-a
OJJ^ tg^^go ^ 6a-0. -sr*9 g!)^eM ^ ^ ^ - 3 5
cr-ago tS^-y^a5 «3oi? gao ^co^jg^o^ aF^^xS ^v^iy ? *poo
h^iv t^-o^od^ S'^tS hS* t^^Sb ]5od 40 *^c ,3S*-u-*eM '^oo3o^
^oaj^&o<& M g ^ g . 3o4j Ro<gSbocr'S^ojJoa. ^.8*^-^ ^a^o3J(f
!^foM ge^a^* igaagoaRcr'ae *3^* ^e*3a^^aA*$. qo-e-?.<jsj^.
arr- -gg)3b gTb^ v^oo..^o^ ao<g^o^&). . SSb^o c D R i^OM q8*^
g^"^eX)S$M8. JtRg*^ A i W a ^ o ^ u ^
<5!^""a3j D8io^<b^^3
^ ^ F " d f ^X)
.^r&5^*o^, t?.Rao ^ A
v^sO ir-rr"&^.e-A§" jg-rgatSoK
$^aoo8b a ^ q^j godO^o^?
RToaif g S b ^ ^ ^ 3 , ^^STc^^ .^^-Cb'gja^MXSj gptg^oO ^d&roa
^j?SD^^TT^Xb. ejg t.^"3^ a8jos33e?a & # o v o a ^ ^ j ^ v
)3odS esoRg&MiR) c9$g\^^o3J&r"a*3 . ^^^-A ^ a ^ e a i
^^)8b ^^^io^/^j6^^o3JJ&)j5
*5 gbeSb RcaRMCM q-i3b) ^TT^^J)
^ & , a vC^^SLT'^ J^iBSJ ^ " M l p *
S'OS), ^o-^nr-w . ^OSy*.3J
^oSodjiSbo ly^r* ^X3cf&j. ^S^y^ Mt^*3Sb ]So3* ^gd^saoOJ^&M
S5^^\a3o'3o-'as Sooo&Moa.
§^o^Cb ^ a O R j e R i
*^3,oa), *3<5 "^aoat vo&M^^ej. % ^
^ XbTT^Ob.
?r*d) syer*
^a^n^aea^oa^^g^nr^a). i^a^a /ra^ g^a^oo a r * ) ^ ^
(g &3aK9t5"* " g ^ -srea *^aoa)oa oo^Miy^pb. -sy-83 ^ a ^ a ^ e a
^:Cb T)^Cb. ^ X ^ & ^ a B ^
^S*;^ag)^a)*^!b, &y
M & *3.een v o o o g ^ ^ ^ ^ e^aa v / ^ c a ) ^ a ^ , ^ ^o^a?a
^Co. M^^-g M^aa eCb 13pep.. ^o-D;.a8^. ^ & a
55oJX Ff^ex),
^ a * 3 <f ^.o^atX) aoh^Cb. ^a^orr" ^ a * 3 *^a§* aC&^oe)^,.
^ _ n o ^ ^ o F ^ aa^ocr- ,c&a Mg&?6ta?r'^a). 3^b&) . ^ a p "ga^eb
ty*ea &o^i^a^, MS'i-g s^sb *^^ s*a^>bajr&§ MjD ^ e ^ a ^
*^a^*ga§! ^d)g^ ,sr*ea ^c& *3^csb t^r*^^ t^o*or*a§ so4j,
*^a*3 *^a§*eb aom<?^b^e ^a^ gevea ya^s^^o ^^a?gjtjbo^
(J?M^^n/o/- 1961-62 - r<?;wg q/*
14;AM?rcA, 1961
nn^3 e9go-s**&). e 3^8X) 388o^^X) .f^db^v^gj. "a^RB *#g^*gb
^oqr*eoao^eoT)gfr"-s-"Y]^0. *^3j a,?
)39^l3*a, cr-*^otR^5"
^ & t , ^ 3 & ) v^^(5^&! a ^ 3 , c?D 38S^-ar"oju ^D 3 ^ 0 b .
^fog** ^Cboo ^^r" "aiSbgbsr^Cb?
^g*^,^ &3j.
g^dboo 3Sb^5?
oEf^g &Xg^ ^°C3J^.. ^ocj&r*i3f / o R g , ^ 3Su^?
1^3.§* ^5-cr-geo 3SbO? Mg"^% ^o-"g* ^^)X^
'sb^]3-'& Mo%*"eM
tg^b^o *3o4j^ ^ir*^^3 ^odr=^
g^&^&)X) /^^o*3Arv-8 veqKJboA
*3b^&^ 3 S b ^ ? —
53o^x^ q ^
8*0^8^3^ ^ & ^ciSj)<^j^X)5 *^3.S)3je3b
t&X) M;&)^&mr^&!.
My^.<3jg^ q81^
^oSJ*°eo'T^, tyodSbSb gR%
o3b-eo 3b3Sb *^3j. g b x ^ o g ^ 3o"3
" S r " o ^ &*9\
&,Mo"3<5 rs*"3b 'S^xT'Cb, 83j**o"B&
*o^^o-^c)iy*BA7r'N) g^xr-Cb.
6 3
rr*cb "S^nr'Cb,
ggofbcb gjotac^ &r"^^y*eb. -y^X)
€3 sse^^T^^otcr-X^ qoggtfSb ^ o & g o
"3jj6eM*^^^& s?X) ^<&)/^
&t<y^3b. $J-"Sb S^y^^<3?or^eb. moTT-Ob^Bo^^d
$^Zb q^RiD
38)"^. c9^t.^x;X)§ir'dnr^0b. M5'L.<^ S)eov^, 83338(5^ ^ g v g j a
-^otdaOC)^^ &o^<eX) e^^Cb, giS^Cb 3oS^^-3^^ ^ocr-oD
^sugbTT-^^n^a, s)o%;Stfsb ea^ot-n-*^ t ^ ^ o ^ o O ^ a ^ ^ . e9*^o[cr*Xh
ojj-°)3%bTr*jg!b^ e^cb&)<j^3j. 3^ic
3od<^c9Sb X)08)oao€)!6 ^6ge3bKb8o-a &)^D^^-xb, "3 gboj 5i)b<bw
^oS*^"^, tSS^d^o-^eg ^§*"3xboa, g _ e o ? < ^ p . $ X b o b ^ & ) ^
3oo)87r*Cb qa3^8b hS*7"*33o 3X)nr"0b. -y"X) *3gb<M 3bo&€30 v<5?\"§
gjogjao *^3K) 3aM&M?^d). 3ood3so 33oa3^jgi)5'^"^ .3383 "3 oog**
*^)6j-eX) M-<&)^b&)7r^&). 3 J o ^ w
3o3bS'&**3 )3$b^gX^
$&o^3eX)3 MS33^o^o^ MX) ^&i^&<y^;a. ^t y*3gc[3T^g,o 3jod3b
33 (xo :t3o&S'&"l§ t^^^^S^L ^Ao-^sS&{b3 Tr-coa&o^cn <MX) ^^<^)
d)nr^3b.-"^^b^3e< {53joo3e 3o&jeM ^3.3j3jtSb3^D. ^gy-c&ger'^
t?,R*8/&eMg3) 3o&) D3§gorr! 33.3b&x)3&. g-o-^-^* ger*c6^ 3 e
*33b^3-a^, '^r-^bjnr' 3o&j gasbopga. &)D 3o-b"^ Xio^8o^S's^^
"3gbe)8o sr^er* g R o g & o a . tSi^^oTr*^* ^§*T)g &DA Jdbe^^-are& 58MgbiT^XSb. ^ i 3 ^ ^ M^tg&r-do ^g^(5*§, tgg'^.^&sS^ q^?&r°<%
^ ^ e s x & ^ ^ J ^g-yyo'^3^a. MM^X)t3ie^dj^{D$ J^*"H^ !.3%)t%o
*^ 8 ^ ^ ^
^T3^&M^^B^,---aM^ 3o6oe8b ^ ^ s ! > ^ ^ tas^g&R^.
14f% MarcA, 1961
^w/:w:/ Ffngnc&r/ ^ ^ ^ m ^ w ^
(^M^f)/br 196!-62 - Mo;//if of
So&jogbsfr'da Tr"caoi3 M 3 * s ^ y o A ^ 8 *s^aO, e?a TT'0_&3o^!()ocr'—*
Mgagorr' ^/^t^R a^jg^a, *3Sya&3. *5^a ^ ^ o & f ^ ^ ) g M8^7Vo&) '3&)'3o&j^ Mg^orr"0. ^ T T - ^ 3^x5 -s^^^t^R-^* "3if y &
"^3.^*ao^^ A ^ a . *3j<b Rgg^cCboajR 5^8^TV- ^5xX) "got^S'
M O ] ^ ] 3 ^ # " ^ &^^o3o^3
"Boj %3bj
4a*=a3<S** cS'sr'/frLu ^ r r r ^ m & o ^ , oCby/veo
*3b$j7r" <&i^a.
^!^{To iic^^oHjS'on^ t9^3\8 Socr-eo*^, H>&J3g?S^o3r'a^Sb-*(%
"Sp'^bjrr' M $ 3 \ 8 ^^)cr^a§ :3o3b^o 3 d & * e D
S^Cb^-y^xSb. J ] ^
yc\g*^* qoM&§"^ ss°.3)]3-*o-B**e6''* ^r*^^sjer-€)^) T) § 8XbSbiy3
^X)3 t3o&3^o ^oab^O. Tr-68-a^X$ o3botv^eM /^o^bcrv- &3^a c^a
Xbotarr*^ c3^g^?r^eb. &.5^)-5'^.TT-Sb8b a S " * ^ ^ e5^8o^"^)^* 6)^)
Xbc^orr"Ao^oo8 ti<a abotBrrreb 5^-^Cb. Mcoj^ oor'Ta^b t^^b^gc^
a,r*^S'^e{& dr-^o&eM vCo^^d3 a,r*^.^^. "2r-a F^ao^iadS* 9XbSb
*cr'^&r'3§ t 3 o & ^ o ^Xbur^Cb. sSbo-3^. "s^a *cr-X)3 ^ " e ^ ^ ^ ^ o e f
Tr*c& ^D^oTT- 8 3 ) 8 b v ^ A ) n r ^ 6 ^ ^OoHb^oHj^ca ^ A g ^ C b ^ ? ? ^ ^
&MoR) exploration M^rvO. -s^y^*" X) e!&{3*!& exploration
scheme )3o^ ^8j7r"ya a ^ r ^ a . Mer*l^ *3b^f e3€r*& Sbr*^ ^ 0 ) * ^
6*3 a?r^?jb. O8Lr-0bgo-'^) 3J^<^ ^a scheme <§o% ^ v ^ O . ^er^Cb
l3A§"^ Rr°g ^gj-^Cb 200 M<&)^bo F ^ ^ ^ ^
D & -cr'^o^a ^ a ^ o
^X)X$ <3^Bj^rr'o3e HeMXbXha. -5*^2)^ ^^-"O^gcr' *3bo <yo ^e scheme
tSodiSb 3^j a-cr^&M ^o3J^oD ^30)8^83 g^Cb^ir^SSj. 3o3^o3b:
^ y 8 X ) 6-c-^&Mi3o&r*8. vcr*"^ 3jo<Hbe§^3o Sb^^ a,8* 3-°g*§ ^cr-^&j^
^*&o<Sb8b <3oSb^o ^oBEr-oa §"*3b&y* ayajXbxr*^.
&J% -^Cf) M C & ^ ^ b ^ a . eot^^yo ^-nrPTr-Co w*3a ei)o<^^Sb *30X)^
a3.o3&*^). -qr'TT'P^ 3c"3oi3 t^-o-ar-cM
&r-cb^ &3jSbD -cr-^or'X)3 tSS^Sb^gjj ^X)g tSoBbv-^eM i^c ^Sb^sS
MX), ^ c u
a tsSoSb-tr^^ 3r&§**ggo ^ ^ D
XS^&oTT' Mtfo M^)&)
dv"^^X3o^o')^-ET-?g'F^ =cr"cx^^orr- 3^{jb. tTT-aoc^
^83* SSg^gXi) Xj^-y"d av^iyoSb ^ySb^bcaoyr' 3)38^8jo##o, 3 3 3 8 .
a{yogb ^rytr-ceo ^o3b-^§, 3o^c5, D.ap 3\aboSb 3 0 8 ) 0 8 0 ^ ^ ^ 8/
^MMR?/ -FZ/Mrnc/a/ Aa/e/MMf
(#M<&et)./br 1961-62 - ^oUng of
14fA Af^rc/;, 196!
Yno & 3ao3r-e& 3 3 ^ ^ ^ ap-"nr-a^ 3 9 o 3 ^oXr-eX) ^ 3 ^ g ? .
a^orr* ^X)33y^ tn-*Sir*e<y* RSbSx DT^nr-a^ ep3e)o^o-^cy*ag ta3y
FRjo &o&joo8 MD, ^ ^ 8D J S ^ "3&M Ibo^o^as ^^v!^o ^o&Mo
"SeMXb. *3jj^&3 3 0 ^ 3 ^ t^TT^Pg' )3-*#o%oT3-*&3^cr& ajg^jj
3o^3o" !S)-cy?^ ^ c c a s
sSooterT'Cb 3 ^ 0 b .
*54323) s3a&oJcr"X)§ M3?^?'3jJ &x^da
94.68 c & o &33^_e M3^d3iy--cr"a3j 3ar*%3
3o-^3d ]^-E3^?y ^o-5r"a§ 3o&oiJ^oa, &3D 1950 3^
{^0) -Rj- "&
*9^o3j ^ r r * Ro&o-Rg^^ir^sba 3 ^ 0 b . 3)0)877*00 5^a^ volej
^3^3)0^00. ^e^Sb 3oaoBo-33 e9o"3oo -dr*Xj33y^b <ga^j v t ^
tsgggbj 3r*{^*&) aj^xSj^ &o^r*xbj. o3bcr"o'3^7r' {r^&yegr* & 3 ^
S8X)d3e& ^S*eo3jorr- 69^-Do^33y(&) 3o*j d^ ^ 3 ^ o 6 S90*=&
^y)Co^c?-gh,X$ t933tf3Ai ^6b. ^ ^ s ^ ^ trr3bS)3)c3)o^ 3=cr^3b.
!2"go§o-a g\^-ger"6^ ^ & ) 3j^3 *^6f\3 n&*o3r*ea^ ^^7r* ^o&)
3o"^ (^oir'eM. o S * ^ 3o^3 g^o^a
Tr* 3c §/^^ tsptgro&sSx).
393o^j R^o^a, *^d)"?3^ ^o&). Sb8\3o4j g^o6 ^ a
v o d ^ M S*\^^ej^ statistical report 6** Sjr"cs-" ojccr^db. &3^"^
crop and
report ^
seasonal report aS"6S oMST-jd).
abotarr'g) 33jab?r^(3b.
50-51 g^ ^ 0 ^
58 3 3o3g^-cr-aS ^ 3 ) ^ 95* ^-co 3 ^ 3 3 y d j 3j3 ^ ^ o g ^
3o&j "5)0&^3^ocr* %<Hjg^o'cr*, M ^ a^orr^ 3o^j 3o<5o^ ;3-*o-B-*oo
*^Cb/t)&'T!r^o&1r' ^/^aj^r^olr" ts^R ^r< *^ ^r^er' ^ ^ ^ 0 3 0 ^ 0 ^ 3
<s33#o ^o^^8bo6. a,S'^. /^<$33bea ^ 3 ^ a^^r*
C93^{f 3cr*v6)
^0*00 ^/^iy*co5a Economic and statistical report 6**. 33^*3 circu!ate ^X)3n*"aF^, &3j^a. April to January 1960 3#Sj report
qiB-^ta. ^ report F^a 23 ^E§6"* Tr*$r- 3^3.on^ 3 ^ c t ) .
percent a^o^a -ySjocr* 3odjoa^ #R&*oa)T3**aRa 3^r^gb. V ^ o
a3.o3JoF^ /^<$b3j Dj33-* Dj^03 i?^?roeM g^sn^/B^^-c? ^A3^Mrv"
^&T5)o=3"°ta. M^a^orr" oil seeds F^ M3jog3j Roaeo ^nrr? ^Tsr'ojj.
2.1. 8.6 3#Sb 8^r*<^ ^^TO^ooj. cp*3a^orr" t3_a, jute ^aTT^oM. eb^
t3^^. ^/<)gj^3jo^ S3<nen-*6
* 3 ^ ^ o ^ 3r-tgo ^)d?<^o mC&/b
gboa..?r* ^?g3b^3o 3o^)€M %/t)eb<r^o3ba. ^3o^'5bo^oTr*3eH^3)!$
313). statistical report 6^ c^r-a^oTr' 3j3^3y&) cR-cnTr-eg) 3o3o
X)\3orr* *3eoXb§^3cX)^ t?33o*o
14fAM<yr<%, 196!
(^M^/)^/-1961-62 - MofMgq/*
^o4joo3. Seasonal and crop report 6"* gydg ^ ^ A o ^r*2b "wet
area so decreased from 42.2% to 48.8%" taD 67-68 report <<r*
oaj=cr^(a. a.S' ]^5*)- SSo&) 3odol3 ]^r*oir'$M MTT^S
sSbur^oaa, " 5 0 ^ ) ^ ^ ^ . So^j3b-"<% ^^<&)?^<RX) XS^&oTT' tsCo ea^
tSj^a. *3oj ^obo^ T i o ^ o *3cr- eaX) v^sS^bj. ^o&) g^tyasgydf
-s^dryeja &?r^oA^ *3o<^3 tSScr"?^ taoTT'DS 8.04 e ^ e
*g-n-°e3 s9o-^T;r"3^ *5o^5S tR^r-Cg*
4 g
oo-a^M 4.78 og\o jy*cr"oSj' sSb^t^'A) actual rr* a&5 &*STr*ca)
S*eo^*^oaj^07r*^ vD report 6^ 5&)#oM8Roa. a a ^ o ^o&jSo&o^
t^oT^eo'^a'^^oMOb^g^oarr'A va^\Sx, M7y^\Sx,*!8^^'3^R^8 3
+r-<ba^o633 SSb^r^ Jdb6^^-^ t g o R v ^ e o t3%bs%o ^ o R S ' ^ ^ o ^ g
^^)J^^^6 ts^ts-"?^^ t7T*h3o^os$^&) a y - c ^ g ^ a^oC&^a8 8^3&Mrr^
*B gbeSb 3"*S'-tr*oeM S'cM^^o&^orr^S), a ^-.yeo ^oaj^&^oHj^orr-a
aB'Y-O&r'ig Rtg'goorr' ^C^^o^db. gjo^D ^ir^eo & o ^
sSXbo<g^ D & o R o c9oR8§*88)X)^. DRxr*eM. ^oR-*a& ^*^o^g)
S^&r-cb 87 9<&e Cb-"^r"o&o55d8b ^ C ^ ^ ^ g b X ^ ^ BS'^oF^ 5^{jb.
^93osS<3^#o ojjo-sr* 2 o<&eM saR^oTV, 87 et&eSSo'a, v C o ) ^ ^ ^ ,
ouoOrr'S' i^t^g
5Wfia!m§otg 8^ o ^ e u ^ rr* v ^
ssB^oa. q X ^ e ^ o dr-^oRoo ipCb) *^^s3^&3§ {^%b^Qo
^o-O S gur-eM "^&eo^ ^eo^tg^oTy- M"^a )34^. a,g"^lf ^S*0o-S)
3^43$ r3-sr°s)od^ g_-or'orr"X)§ Mo^abTy^aR"" ^ ^ a "3o<S^]RV^.
^8 *8o<&)!^^oa^X) ^r*a:3g,y<&3 tSS^b^o v o b j ^ ^ ^ b ^ < g ^ & gAj6
)S8$Po {^TodRo^db
<9X). <s5^3^oa^giK"
t^EHOo gr<%
^ T o d ^ o ^ ^ D 3 ^ S * g ^ ^ . a^X) s&otarr*6bgr''g ^oA^8DiJ^Cb. -D^.
- 0 ^ ^o"§^<S^ goKr°<&3"& D ^?r*c5S9) a*3 %$Oar*e^ tr-gRo^gD,
3A-^ R^y^^oRa
large-sized seed farms ^dy-eD. r^^Sj^go
a^a^o-a^&^rr", Moc$35b 2,628 .^-tr-eH ^ ^ e o ^ A j j 8^R
Q^r- tSS^jg ^ d § ^ 6 ^
qK^ o<&e O ^ ^ o & o j tpCbj*^^, a %u*a)
*^^3 ^e D_g^r-o&) ^oHSrd? :gognyr&3 t3ca5^Xb^:iy^ multlplicatton Di?--^o^ t38 3&<a<S^ ^_^bcg^ Xiotssao^)^ Tr*a5ajos'^
$y"&oao select ^ 3 , Tr-83ipo^^. X)^-s-"Cfo &XbSbX) ^ o R g o (j^-cfo
(FM^gc/)ybr 1961-62 - Mo;;ng (^
^) "6 33\)<gj *^M^5
4 g ^o&) {pd3jT,^?r" Sb-°^ ooJo&S'^
JSo^g D ^-3-"o?ib ^c^r"0b ^o&crKXiS t^g-s^o &o&J03a. "B ^boSb
subsidy q-D) eigCt-B-" t ^ T T ' ^ ^ o e;-Dj RosS^oSbv^q) ^a3^oa-cr*^*cr"
^€Hi-SeM Q^j^-booj"^ ^8b)y.^ S a'T^eo ^c^y^Co ^oojo^cr°g)§ M ^ v ^
^ & o &o&Moa. cr*S)^e " 3 ^ a g j Sb^^ ts^ir^^'orr' ;&o6jJoa. t^a
experimental farm rr* &**<% &^*3^y^^& *9 ^ b c & sj^<^ encourage
<§& =)gjL-^ ^o^j *^o&o-^or"X)§
)R^*sr'\^*°3^ofr' &0&M08. ]SS^3^jg
seed farms F ^ *3s^c?SjjS'^. ^r"^jjoS'^ Ty-o ^Sb^sS 3oij s5oggb
gbo^X), ^"8 ^ S R a g ^
^ d S x3-5-"oo^ ^ a ) ^ -ar*g<go^6&
-ys)^3 8*^^eM &ojoo-^<^o6^ gy"^ <g"*6xt stSbi^bg^oa MS) ^cSJorr
-^r-A^ farms ?68o-a ejS' X i o d ^ o F ^ i5jo!8rr-0 <5\^.S ^ & ) ^xbeb
"Sgjey* x3o]S3ao-D H5a^r°3b^
"BodorvX) ^Ty^ijji§o&3e)o3bJ^X), 3o3;y*oSb7^s:&s^oa&^&t-g5r°;<o
OJJ^ DS\o3b*3j *^o^g*8o-D^^oM*^ g)odbd^ <3Sb)-3 o§)g\a^ ^ a ° - ^
cy°D3 <9^-s^-^ gjjodjjoRD
a!=Sj ^b^D^Xb-KT-^^b.
8 ^
JSb^.^ t^R&XbSj^<bojj"^ =ty-er" &X)^jr"^ a^o&noRD
^e x3osS^do
*Bnr*e^ 5b-"^ ^
e^eM^djSb X)^jojjo^?i&M igO^iib.
*^o)Rs^&) *3c
cftOM"^ ojy- S\Sx <ur"eRX) 5i)^D
^9 8*38j ^oOb^oF^ "Bofgb D S l o ^ e M xLovQcrr* ^ $ 0 ^
^ j j ^ i 3 a — ^ ^ ^ j ^ b aeoXjXai3 D J>^r"OSSb ^ ^ a ^ c H j ^ O ;
"87b#j:& a-sr"8o^cr"D§
^ ^ b o & ) esF^^o^y-O.
^02)0^0^) Mot^, *goorv"T3T", votsaeAsSb saD
D ^ g o ^ ^ o KS8^<3b.
3a S 8 $ ^ ^ 8 b
Xixr-^j i^-"o*yeM7r'
D D ^ t^-o-a^oF^ ^^i)Do-^i5e)X)^
oooo^r Tj^sr" &iy^oja. ^ ^ # " ^ 0 &M:pp"3L)^ XiiSoSc. Q^ift-tr* )&yS)
S*^* S ' o d ^ ^ 8b^(%
RR)Do-a ^ ^ - d * ^ ^ o § ^ e ^ ^ e M c s ^ x j ^ ^ ^ a .
^3 aao&og"* ^ ^ o ^og^ )^^x3jr*^^oAogjJx^a.
Sbo-D ^o^)3b ]^-ty-^"3o^a &)o-0 3 gKSo.
^ a. a*$^fgyo-:§ : D^xso ^r-8j a m o tyd ^KS)^e*^ooj?$
14*% Afaf<%, 196i
^w^Ma/ FRM/Mfd/ ^ a ^ w ^ y
(J?M^/)/br 1961-62 - Pb^fwg ^
XScf$m 3*3) D R o ^ o d ^ &r"<g ^ ^ j ^ o
r*X^ &jwgia?3
/^SbDo-^SieX)o^M^a. gtjbcso^ ocoD etogRo ^ g j . Modjbgeg ^)Xh
- D ^ 18_c&ex) Tr*^3J0 €9^a*RT3-^-cr"ejnr" Tr*<%^o 8J^<^ acbrbiRXba.
S5g-ex)^c ^ ^ e ? ^ ^^yu-sS^o T^cr* ^ a s b ^ a b i M ^
^e Xj&)^cxSb
^85i^.8o=cr"e. enoojo&S" gayoSb 8br*<^ *3oij"3 ^Riyo X)&nD eadd)\
ef§^cCibC$o cr^ir-7r'X), T T * ^ D&<S^&)^o ty^gTr*rr*D ooj^ a&^qXSb
^gCrr* SS05i^.8o=cr'0. epo*^ rr*S, 5^Xh g^^j Cb^^oSbe^ "^j&j etgy
eorr* OMXbur^sSjX) 3 ^ ^ o ^ e 3 <53*o3j-"^o Rar-tgo ^db. caa -5T"88
MO^<^o ^3b. ^-s-^-g) ea!3yc DaoSbe^Sb-"^ )R$bdgo )y%&&)g"!33oa
6)8* tSi?^?5gb3 DAoBbo *^8^_a&*Sb gomoao^) AX^a. aj^Sb
& j ^ e n ooo^gja *3jj^&) 32^33. ^-cr* voRbtS^ a j y ^ g go^b g y g
ocoSgS ae^a Rg^&xsa. ^ aao&o a^oiSTv^ ^a) &sSiycao^
3 ^ C b . t9agr*% ^CSbcaoF^ ^-*a<^o^db. ^oRbSbSbotaTv-Ob i r " ^ ^
^S*&*:g<%o3e;g eso^oajooog^X) -y^cfcao 3 ^ 0 b .
-yX), oxr* <Cdbgjeo
XStS'S^orr' MoR<^o^^*^a ^toR8§ "StHbR Dao3bo. ) j 3 ^ ^ C^\^8 &a)8b
R=cn\3j Sb-"<^. a,^ gir-ooSbo v R ) ,
3s3^^o 6j^<R a8Roa.
<J3^ ^-tr-oo^eM
^oRbF^ a^vcorr* e)*3y"X)oSbo Ki€^^* aiggb
^a^a-* ^ggcT^aa. ^ X i o ^ C o S*\^c- ger* F^CbF^ ar-rr-c3 JS*^o8b
80 gTXbrr- oojsSjgSSe>o8o)^a M X b ^ g ^ o aeaoO.
g ^ ^ 6
*F"X) &iy* S3o5)c5S
a y ^ o &u-"<&) 3r;& 8*0^3 JSb^a ooj^gcr*as ^ g v ^ o ^S"
gr^oMoa. *3eo-sr'§rr' cojag<^os!e?5 a^X! "3 ih u-*^ibsb"^ X ) 9 ^ ^<&.
3)&Hgo6S a88* ^Xb^b TT-8S ^Rb. g'&g', ta^b^^J -s^^X) ^ojagjo-D,
a q g ^ d A sfebtBog"' M o ^ ^ o a b c y M )^o3bS)^osT"e. gohc§ D ^ g a j o a )
^ o ^ 8 o S ^ e X ) % wsSxSty RbJO^iO
"^Xb7y^^?ib. XSiS^'^'d' S o ^ o crgtr* sSb^o J)^^)0 Tr-o^'yo ^o3b
g-gbjRa qa^dSb ^ o s y o .
Mo)$ r^o^&)o39b 3oao8o3go%g%Sb v
D^orr- ^ d ^ ) 3 ^ b ) ^ S)o^sbo ^ ) X ^ ^ 0 5 , ^&M8)&§^y8b *^o^)J"yof
Ro3bb3^ eny-d^R^eA gxbg^a.
&ooR)8b ^ ^
qgo-a*' "ggbcty* ^^.^ 6 &*^6S
TyCb ^KSjSb*^ tag-y^o ooj-sr-QO. v A M ^ o ^ D
^ a ^
(FM^gef)/br 1961-62 - Poting of
14;% MarcA, 1961
^oiyojo&eo ^o&cr"^$ s?3-s--^o ^0\o^3-3b\.
M88'dJ3)<5, r*o^3^3b
"3 gSgj MO^^r*^od^S
ssodbSo tao^ ^ * & ^
Tr-gts-rDS tag-s^y
3bjo&3oo6X) *3& ^b cr^gir' )3$b^5^3Sb 3j3D"^3j7r^3j.
3 8 ^ ^ 38 Bad)) Sbf^^§* ^o^^ejgy"c^ &-KT^ooj. §)&59
g"*eRos3"*eD ^)§o. &3. D^e^rvCb <^3o 8&*Cbf* M^or^Cb. ^9 Sb^-^§"
3 ^ § ^ a)^-Rt&)&) 3 ^ i6o3b<%o^cH) ^"3y^cay"&
To^f &r""5^.&xs
^o&cr&S &3oar*^3jiu^^D ooRbF^ ^!^§e& C"^o iSTdbaagjoRa
^9 D3o^r-o^
)^SSb-cr^M *Sej3o. -=r*&3a g^o-S) "§ot^ 33^-s-*^
3o3ye9J ger- §^-M3"^&3§" 3o3J^o8j ^$ nr<^o^33 q "3 t3&M^45*
-syc^^o cp8S*<bc^X)§ M g v f o
^oAjoocH) 3o3D^3j?r^3b. tuD^on-'
^ o ^ O . $8 B aOb S*ot&S^eM e9d*d) sy-er* ineffective rv ^oS. S^X^
-F*4j 3er*?r- 33^vd3o3Jo ^ 3 35)^ <3t63jey*33-6 particulars o ^
5 ^ T y 33-"v^vv*5^^ !33&a(so-r°D -3^d3^ ^63^cfo ^3jgj^
-s-r^o ^Sbocr- ^ ^ ^ 3 .
qa 38c8o33^a -y*RD 3 ^ 0 .
Cij-'^J' ^r*o8b(5^ oS^gRjoa M*3j-"adXr°3J <^36^ rh&Tr'^!^r-o-ya§
^^b3)8 Tj&3o*i§3 cp^L.& ]3meo ^3j8b ^o^^oHj^oD
ao-03 e)ar*Do3^" ^&TT^^8J
3r°coSbgj 3oao
"ggbg^oga 3&jjgJo^S &. 6. ^ . ^tA
^€^&* <3§\ya5"a5* 63§j3^b gf\^§ *3-^iJ' ^5)j -Rtfo 83)§^3&, *8o&)
M ^ e o -^8S ^3^^0=0^^ §R^qicr)ta. q^3c^3 3 8 A ^ o ^ B7o/?
3y"3^.&x)3) 3&M§'*cr°DS *8 -cr-o?<o Jo^3dSo X)<^3<^v^^^a et3j&r*
X)o^3eX) &0&M08. ^3) M ^
&tr^3^^cac3^ q3g^^3b. ^ 8 *3 m6^*
g*o}&S^co MCfCb Tyer* ineHective rv &o^D 3jy*^^-*8 33^3ea&oR.
-cr*X)a 338o=cr"eS) "6 &c?8b 38*^3
^Ob3jeo ^*8*^&3&Jo
^r-cr-ea "3& §^Cb^<or'^3j., *^8 ^ a)6^ ^"oS'S S^oaoo^ epoRdr'
3 ^ d ? . 3o3 Tr-j3^<)aS 38t^3)eM ^3X) vo^85 *50X)3*3. 38^3jeo
^3X) 3o3^oaooh3^^ M?)3\a 3o-o-'oD 3aM&)7ra.ta. 3o3^-o3j-'K)8
"3o^35 33j3goabDdsy*Sxr*,
ta&l3 e38?e&D^o, <rr-3)
^O^o t8*3be)Cio tsi&gjoa. qa Moddb ^o^g*8o-a3
D3.o3i)o. 3c3&-
03^r-X)8 C933^*3j3 ^)d)^c D&o3ooF^gj-ty^ 38o3o3 33^-s--do -tr"3(Xo
1^&. c3o)^*^Vo6^ ^)8B_s(a ^"g^§ -5^Tr"€)D-cr-K)3 )3^8)g^o^o^
*^ij-cX) oRj&o&xr* 3Ty-^3bj. )§o<g&3<ir-6 o*3&3L)F^ token grants
14fA Afcrrc^, 1961
^wwMa/ FManc/a/ <y/a^w^f
(j5M(fgef) /or i 961-62 - Pbifng o/'
-^RoeM a3j§^"3&). -cr-33 ^
38X)gjeo 33o?r^oM. 3oo/1bCJb 3jo[^beM 3r"8;33-\43§ eaCo x3o^gA
^^-D?r^ 8*38);3r°#5j *^)&JcyX)§ ^ p ^ g ^ ^ d ) .
rf^-a &"oLHTO-3^o8.
Tr-rr-Tr-ey^^ ^ ^
^ g ^ o R X ) e&3j3jr"^o^3oX)
D v q ) 3 ^ o , t§^^<tr-"3o - *Bo<3Jiy% ^ ^ & o 3 b D8jo"^
^-u^&x) *3o3*r"oX) g^cLgbur^gb. Q3' pesticides rb8o^ §^o^ "33^3e)&
&o3. «)8jt-55 :obe8b *9^^) SSXburnoo). T3^^3X) X)TT*"8o-^3eH) &o8.
t3a ao=BT<3M& 33oa ^8c&r'F^&) t3a so=cr'oTj&§ tsa 33^?-d
3o3jr*D5 dusters, sprayers
3nr"ge& ? < ^ o ^ ^^0000=0^00. ^"3
3 8 ^ R D T3Tt9g)!3To&o, grants in aid scheme t§od
&n-3oF^ tn-*o6x> ^^3jK) } ^ ^ ^ o - D
nr^ *3jj^^3 3r-^3. t38
-r°X) ^ 6 ^ &j5'
sprayers, dusters g-sngeD
3o=o-°aaa ^8o*ir-d^3j ^o=cr"o3J9 3Sb9
^8o3j^6^&) power sprayers ^3^8oocr' &ocs^e)X) cr<^§ t&*Da§* S*oj^
*^oJj^oX) §^&&)?T^&). 3o=cr"o3j8 3 M
accounts 0!b -Rr. *^ TT-&3S)
Q^tTD "geckos. Dusters, sprayers t39 V. L. W . ^ ^ C & 3 ^ 3 ^ §
3osr"oB&e 3Xb8§ power sprayers §^X^ Aocs^O. 3a D3.cCooF^
grants in aid ^&-oo t5o<^ t30 3Sb8 ^3^Sbocr" &o-3bg^-ir'e& iy"
^ t ^ o a b o . V. L. W s . & 101 jobs &?r^oa). M^^&t-xr^-cr" ^ a
3 R & 0 & . T ^ ^ 3c3^o&o§!3j^
*3ot&S'eo:Er*e& ""gorbstr-tsbg^ a803
33j-°"^yoF^ charts *^&J^g)^ a^cooo^r-^X) 3aja&i?T^ta. ^charts
^ ^ ^ r * 3o3^"o3oo§*u<^ ^ot^S'tfc^ a B ^ g o ^ R ) .
^"ccoF^ acfrr*e)o*^) "gr°3jr*^.e3j 3bo3
trr-^bca s§D^o a,?
S-cr*oCos^ <9]Rg'e)\&)
^8o^) ^Oo\$b*^ MSS-B^-yo <^ocs-"0. !7YTar°e 3oo^l 3-D^ ^d)3j3o^
aiy-oOJoSJ Rr°csT *3r"3Lr*^.ex^^ 3o3^ogoo
R'SSb^R). 3 b 0 3 ^ S * ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^
e)3jdb *^(&)&r"^^),
oB^o^) gy°c3-" *5r"3r*^.c^^ <^Sb^.3
B. S c <6"* <^gb^3
^b8o-0 t3"^qS"a)3
"got&s'g'tB a^rr-O. taSyy^
Mi5-y-yo AodjjoRS
3b3D ^ X b i y ^ & . Q ^ 3 o d t ^ c ^ 5oa&8o^*
a.S' 3J^4j "33*°\0.
M 3 ^
eM^*<5^a0b ^TJ^oHoX)
&M-"e3& ^T3-^o35D ^ w ^ o R . 3bj"*a ^ a x f <y*at?g) e^&) q=cr^3jD
3^-"\Cb. 6{3jdb3^ 124 aM<f a^ag* F^ ^5 90 a.r't^^j 3 D ^ RjTj^o&a
SSbo)arr°Cb emr^Ri). -5r"^3K) ^o'Sbis^ ^o3oc5^3§ ^5"^r"d)eM o^)o^
&3&M ^"^ snTaRtg-sr-aM. *^!'\§*'^r.ejeo 33.080*33 ^o[&8'8o=Er'oX) §^0&
( F M ^ f ) y b r 1961-62 - y<?;Mg ^
MMJlfarcA, 1961
gbxr^ai. Hire purchase system t8od a)(f <y*8# xb ^ ^ & ) ^ Miy^cb.
^ D ^ o T r * e)eS<W* "3j-"^o&, g o S " l ) ^ QXb?r^R>. Moo)"^ v a ^ o
*3JJ"!T"X)5 256 eaon J* qoeia), 167 <^o§ ^ f *3y-^r-0t) a "^) ^ D^oTT*
*3r*^(f &) o)8b^a ^odr-oa g^aoajur^R). aM^*<S^K& og^catn-a)
"B -^r"orr'X)§ ^oHrr* ^53o8j*"^a^a). aS^^-S^ea
16 ^ o dr=^oojs)
ao^Sb en&gboa. 53 v ^ - S ^ 16 a)oa§ .)eS ^)f *3j^^R) si^cs^aS De^
ipS&gjoS. eaooj^ Qoen^ ^^) S^cr" JSb^a ^oajr°eX) S^CJb^bur^Xb.
Ftuit Research Centre e<"3a t ^ - ^ ^ ^ a . -cr^aa^eo-a gj^^ -Ry<g
aeX) &o8.
abg -o-"^*)o^ 2o<&) ^o*^ i^r-o^ajj Jgb^^rr- &o.^a
^o!arr°6o 8^r°cs^ ^o^S'ScTT'Ob. v"D
J/SbsSb9 ^oTbtr-aS ^T°^v"ceo
^ ^ ) . ^o"^ &y"Sb<5-B^o&&3 <3Sj^.37T* q^^t^o-^r-e^) ^^ba^a M ^ & )
-KT^) coo. <J/6R)8§ ^^^T8'-tT"05M^S* e)<&e§^oa Ro<&) 3b$j^gbu^oM.
ar**5L.&x) ^S'Tr-ooo s*g)^o^c3-"D§ cold storage TT*n;& XH5 ox) ^ ^
a^a^oBoc^aS e & a ^ o Ac&X)oa. TT-R') tS)^-5!^a§ 55b8bSb ^oaoaoO
aar^eM 8j**ao^"'S"°S' "Aa^CLr'53cd^"^ 105 c ^ e Ir-^-oooeM 3 3 ^
t^a a ? ^ ar*^e ^ o 5 t ^ o ^ 33r<y&. ss tgs^a^ 3db5bS5o&a^ t^o^o
<5"*& e^<^r*o'8b, 3R)SbSb a^j * 3 ^ J ^ ^ 38S^#a ^oCJbc^-35 a a ^ r " ^ ^
^ ^ Mir^sOJ. *s**& M-d^caF^ -Rj^"^ S9 ]^r"o^Sjj6^
Tyer* ^gj^L^
"3a)^^j DX)^3^axbiy^&. 8"^8j§ aacar*Ro^ t^s3c^Sb-"nr' i^e-"
^Sb^.*^, ^a 3<333 ar-8) 8 1 5 8 ) ^ ^ ^ ^
^oTr"ea Seo6^ 5Sr\^&^ M "SMir*^ ea t ^ o ^ o w^a^a*^ aa*t3j^/\o
^ ^ q &&)§*"* e!a). M ^ ^ a-cr"coBbaueo Sbao oSjai3j^a)M &Xb&g-Eh;g
^ $ & ^a3^8o-D ccjS^i^&ta 3ax>S&* oMS$g^^. -cnaa /b8o^ -^{^eo
&Xb§"**r''€'a §^Cb&)TJ^a). ^d*^^53bXJo Tr*o [j3i^^^^a. e t ^ ^T?*°g
oS^auw V K ! ^ ^ F ^ a-Ojoa. ^cfgdcM aoS'<3rr" &o^^o^d3. e 8 ^
14fA ^farcA, 196!
i4Hwa/ FRamcA?/ ^a^/MPHf
( F H ^ ^ y b r 1961-62 - % M : g q/^
8*Ry\ ^ _ §
*3^3^3iy^o&X). DoS*^ ^C^x! 3-*o& ^ o d b s S o M ^ ^ gTy-ir-e ^ ^ c ^
gSj-Cj^Boiyooj. s p ^ g * ^ ^ *^r*8^^j RgJoBoog** <fo"eM ^ao-J<go Tj--8§
T^POabg)!$ $ # ^S*^^<go 5b^!o RV"§eo DwSS^X) "Sr°-R^3#ea
^^bg^o e^aaoa. 8^\o S^eyee^ # 6 0 0 D<foLMo^ ta^jgjg^ ^$*8ot)
"8 3 b e & cy^ca y e ^ o s y O . €3 D^iSborr" <3gbggo M S ^ d a-cr-cr-c <nye^
S'ot^eo ^ g R ^ D S ^-sr-yo ^o&ModK) ^ ^
^-tr'oo&gjjeM B R ^ R o
-^-diyeo 3aod^oa. [3$aggo e a ^ d Rcr*Tr"5)^ "^)g'8o-Jcr"D§
gj^aydab *B 4$be)8j 0*<&o 8*ej^)gjoa.
^ ^ y * ^ TTTco&'ajxS
D-qr"^o iXr-sfToa
t&^v-yo &o&A)oa g a ^ T y 3 3
t r ^ g r ' e ^ -Er°-a--3) $J^^g 80 & o 8
59^01 ?^X)S, g^xScyfOS *3o(&o63&
tx!$ib-!r-^ § ^ d ) ^ u ^ & . 9 3 ^ ^ o C ^ e o ^
*3 v 6
ta-c^^s*^*^ 3 ^ d ) .
Tr°8 D ^ o & o d ^
&3jf*e3d3. *3jJdO t S T ^ ^ S * ^ , *3od3 !3-cr^
3 8 ^ xS^cyr* *3^\(jb. a ^ ^ T y c r - e )
So&j *^o=Er*ao^ *gyo6^
<3rfb& er^oSb§ ^ooj*6 ooaCo ^osS^-o^
Ro^sSo*^ pjrR)
*0 ^) ^o
RoTT'O. ssD^or^
%&°Xio3)L.#t3e. aeM^jj ] 3 ^ * ^ ) b ^ o , ROSoa X)^oo)o^^o, 38Xb8"*a;3
&o**3 ^ S b R o ^ ^ R T T ' o
M ^ d o e8aoa. €3 aeMgj M ^ e j ^ S
tr-^or"M cojoggCfSj (RoBoa^o ^oHb^d).
S)eo ^ - " ^ ^ a . t"*aa*Bo&M
^"Sr-^o S^^oa. MOJj^^^3§ cr-*3*0 cxuoggggj c?^)cjH8*^) 3^^^1§&§*
)rr*&r"e^ & x ^
Tr*gc?T<0§ (M53v"yo &o&Moa.
fReso S^--s--^o
Rr"{3J\oo H ^ h trr^hjca
X)^ o a j o ^ S ^ ^ *^Pd6o <3r-ao-^/<oo. y ^ s g c r " ^
ojj^-nr'ggb *5o<S^
3o&) ao&o^*cr"X)3 o^-s^yo S*€M^*^*^ 1,50,000 JS'-or-e ^r*So3 ^)Cj
oo)^-d^ )SSS"^o=cr'&. ir*a ^ s b o T r ger*(5^ mo^Obir'ej^'Br",
S)0b M o ^ ^ o & ^ o ^ & ) .
g'aRsb-e-Sj &.8j -cr^y-zr'ao&j ao&osy^oD
B voffo
&v^3-*o ^^r*^ "& & a & \ ^ ,
,4nnMa/ F Y m m c M &j^ewe/!^
(fM^ar)ybr 1961-62 - P M n g c f
1 4 ^ AfcrcA, 1961
P. W . D. v*v &)ot9rr-eX) X)o^ao-aMooj-5r-X)"3 JSb^.^acb Moao3*g
-Br*dR3 ^\^5 "SAr" {^o^) &XSjSbo&MiT^&.
5$o^^oab A&r-odjSJ x!oa)oao-a^o^^^SJ M $ g ^ ^ a ^a6ty*a§ ^ a
^)K! v ^ ^ ^ oaiagffg X)goCSjo ^^\^07V A ^ ^ & 3 § y d ^
^ ^ o Rjj*^<^R .Rtsn^S*^ sa^ a#3jjrr* ^^bJo^oa^ "goay-aa 8*\^a^
cCJog^ 3 &0b7T* ^H-*D5
0030*5^ JSb^-^71** ^oAo^CT'SS M^-S^^O
& o ^ ^ v ^ ^ S b ^ targets & 3*a<nfcra§ ^ja^&JTV" t^oB&^o
^oajr-o*^ D&o&o qoR S3p^^, "BeM^^^r* T f ^ ^ ^ p c S b jJoas3{y"§
3&)8^o33tr-36'* D^ir^eo 3 ^ ^ b . SjJ^-<^^ t^TT-?8'6^ ^
-y^qiSXiJ-"^ g^^^^o^^^JTT^'Sj-" D53)e)&J7V gjga^ygi. Mot^
jSS*gf - o - R ^ o ^
tjSvRo e$a t^^oS'onr- 3^SSeX)g
t?^do 3&). -cr-af^^ (S^iSb Bg^oSJ t^Tv^^cg^
KS^bow MgHSoRgeM ^e^*C&. voCSbSb S*^s ^ *3eM:&&)3r^:&. c^-cr*^
^g^o<^b sboa TT^sS 3%bca) O M ^ x ! a v ^ w - ^ 8 " 3 ) ^ Af-^^eo
-srvr* a i y ^ .
Tr*Cb ^X)^ KSj^^c^b R\5x<5'* ^ o ^ § ^ 3
^r*^^)S3cr"?S'd^ ^8*^.B_Ty 5^d^ &o"& K)8^o3bc^a§(Soaj-u-^ej
-6o3o<^o6^ M^ooaH^o ^CJ t?D #3) TT^Str- Tr-88 ^bX)a^^J7r^xb. ^e
3%aM7V* a X! \^-s^^g)8*&r-a^ ^ o r d 5$oiS^o3b S R 9 iXS-s-ifo SoiJ^
*5r"^^o3bor^a& ^Cf-s-"e ir'dotS'gjo "3^b§^a&oa. S^o^^boa Djf^bej
oco^y"^ *39a=n^)63 Ro&) g a ^ g ^ o R a .
^o^j "5&3&&7t- gR3*i&o&*
38P*#;g *§ot-cr'wT)&o8bX)
^ ^ ^ aOag s S O ^ ^ c $0-ar-^ t9oR!^3acs--a8 ^8^\&L ciT-^\^
14/A Af^r<?A, 1961
^MWM^J F//!owcfa/ <Sya^/MeHf
(FMJge^)ybr 1961-62 - Po/fug c/*
&iy"\eb. goe^g* aR)d-\ ^-Choa, ^&)o3b 3-^006^ aaaM&3J d^-oab
DS' ^ab^)5M K3^coj Tr°3o(2^%a 5 ^ e o .
-sr-9^ ^
8 7 ^ 6§$fDo-R
K!^a^ ^°o^s5^8b Tr* ^SbX) a)33^3yKr°^;3j. a^§ &^_ oM8)^o(Sbo^b
^80-a a g ^ R ^ o R R a M
69^3X5^0 &o8.
^^".oSbaV Ji3b^)$M <ga<g#*
esgRdo ^^\8bc3^
& 0 8 . "8
n "B
a— gjoSo ^^oaj^oSbsgoX)^
a —cSbeo
^"iS^rr' ^ o ^ s3o&oTr"$)X) &!do 3ao6SbXh X)y"&) *sr" Xi^^j. 538S'*cn'OKb
3d$-cr*:t3u&(go6'* "§^eo XbxS -tr^^°)o^ ^oSb-"^o3j ^aitR -^3* ooogd
-o-"^^o ^)o^) &!^_§ S9^3 ;M)ta §^0^ & 0 8 . * ^ o t d t ^ ^ ^ * § ^
O3jos3j §*^o^ &oa. 5)^3F^ §^*ot& F^s3o a)0b^gj^Hr"<b iy" 3s3o.
eag^d S$o^^o^)V"!^S^r'^'Qex) ^8*^.<^gb 30^x3^)^ S5"^^*^ 3 3 ^ 3 0 ) .
er°2Meo tT^y^bj. "BbSjrr"^3bjeM Q=Er^i3cu. 3a u^^"^X)$ e9Ty"qoSbiJbj
83CJj/^<S^o<^D 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^
"3&^oa *^oC3b^cb. &r" v"3i')X)§ -s-"Rc!b
3oc% JOb^eo SSj^gj supply ^oSb^o^^Sb. *3jj ^ & o
consume ^ ^ o o xb-°a&*<?r"^&x) ^sS^^xSbs* ^tr- "^ 2 2 % q S * ^ &sS
^y^^S3j ^^sr^iSb) -s-a o"3j-^Do33*" xiek&M &ngb 1 7 % ^8* 1 5 %
3j*°)^l!b ^Xbir^Cb.
qa Tr*oo3bi3bj-s*"dSb. s'ot^oJir'S*
d ^ - o 3 b ^ .)Ob^)o-5r'<%S'o 5 v-a^og"* ^ ^rr"$)o<S^ <3 ^tjorr* go&c5
M^n-"0 *B^D a-KT'-^P')S3-5*"do SSo5)t^ ^ *^) lyco^bo-^tSb ^8bo*^3 J8*
tyre txS^-°d^Sjj s^oS)c§ ^"^) TT'qoab&o-^'dD ;<f4Srr* 3 ^ \ 3 b j .
tr"^"^e)&)o^) b!ack market -crg-cr* i$o^-o-'^'^§ ^ a b ^ M
cSb& &r* ^Tr^xSbj. '^^t^ooJo^eM ^Orr" atf/^go^ta. t y D R o
Tr*^°^cKSjo-a "3*^ ar*Tr*o -cr^gir" s S x b ^ S . ^a ^r-ooObo -s**6b" ^X)
A ^ r v -5T-8S 3^-°j^jo. )§ o3b§*. ^. ^ ^ 3 ^ * o^X)§ 3s&*-p--3a)=n-^ta:
"3a X 3 o ^ ^ & o
g ^ ^ d^^-e^o
&ot§ ^oS*§ ^
3 X3[8'3b^3bJrr-
atfX^Sb. 2, 3 &T"3"eM M a ^ s S e M 3 8 h 8 ^0^Ao8. dTT"-c!T" ^PS'yo
iijjeo gtS'ib&orr* ^SboEsij.
3^ qs^odbe^e)
MTT-co&o 38^08. g^j K3oSS^Cfo 5b <3arto<3b [S-^^o 80%, 9 0 % 8b
^SbgrY* qgg^bj*' M ^ Xb!^^i5bj7r° -a-°n-"gao ^ 7 " ^ . 8*^)6* ^^Sboor^
5SbX8b 8 0 % *3&*oa)o:&eM 3^-c3b^ ^S3b^&o ^)o8. M<XM:3X^63§ q o v
$ ^ c ^ r * ^ i $ j o ^ M o a , ^ H - o ^ ^ ^ _ ^ b e 6 ^ a.S'D^'Sj^er'^O R3^&oa.
.dnnus/ FMMHCMtl ^ofeweM^
(BM^f)/br 1961-62 - r<M/np o/*
14fA Af^rcA, 1961
gag gggbo<y* gcg^-oCbgbj ^o3b-"c^ ^ e r * 3 , e^^\9 Ty*86"*3jg^
DgoHbgjj gog^o^dSb
^e $^^^
*Boo3j. ssQ R)#3j-°-RS'gja goga^gjur^gb.
2, 8 gog^tr-oF^
S^dboQ. gjg -o-°g^g^g^*^ jabgjp
^-oB'^ogb Sv^c^o ^ogb-"ea tgodb^gjj ^^-sr^RD. § g tg-cs^^e'
gb$o?-"^gjjd^^ A ^ ^ ^ g
33rc3b*3 e^V^
ss 3^&M?v" -^^ooj
C-B--YT- ^P^dogbj 3 8 ^
giSgjg^yr" e d ^ o ^ ^ a B ^ g j j . 3e 3 o g ^ ^ o <^&6^ Ha^ger-aoX)
bj63oX:Sb *^3b, gjJVQgboi87T-&
*3v^\g^. ^3 Dgoabgbj
tgvggjota ^\5x6^§ 8^b§^a lygC^o a8Ro8. e3o!$tr*g^gx) 'Br^rr'
3o&)eM goAgosS^a. *srra)43 -sr^85 JObgjoo ^sb^-grr* g^gxr" ^o3bo<3
^a t3v*g&)0)a 3 ^ C b . Qgbgbo 3%$-tr* sSoxigb gt^xb&or^ a ^ * ^ & .
25 *S3e &)grscx) H"^"9cr&
12 ^o &)gjneM ^^yooJogj^X) R 8 *^o
&)gj^F^ Q *^) "3 36eM ^S a<$gjJ7V gqg^**o3bgbj^X) ^)5bL.ggo^ 3o<3o-R
^eM/t)-!T"<&) w*^ ago3bgbj8Jr"g Tr*8 R-\&.S "STy^gbj. g ^
2 3og^
-crag"* 4, 8 ^QS*§oo Ag^ as^s g g j ^ a e'gjy ^ §^*d^ syogda
3oao-a36joa)"5 -sr-oa 3oS)^gjj. ^9 D<ygjj7V^ ga ggj3q g8^L.dgbgj
&)o8 t?a -ar*Sb 3sy^0b. go&3 ^agr^g^o^a -u-a^^"€)Ty"d3bj<&)rr-6b
5 ^ & . v*?y-QD5 3og)oao33o^g^8b
1 H 6 grgje
^a^dSb 3^&3jg 941 grgbeu
saiyg^b. gORgbege 5^oggo&) ^aggy"&)
or* gg*3b. Standards
R&grScjjRa. 3o&)5^ gt^gbg^n^ go^^gjo^CH ^ a 3 & ^ -cr^as &a§
gjo&^)dJdo 7r-ooabiSbJ-s-"<3b. M&vgo63 g8S)gbogb JCSb8^^-g^ DgoBbo
gb-"g g&)Sb ^BjXb. *§otR]3^b^§3bj gbo^) a.S' §^43 Cb-"^jgbeo *^iy
oojogj ^oa)o-C^§^a S'Cbgj ^ ) ^ o v " e g ^ go^Do-agS^ a t^o-ar-eF^
subsidy *Er*gja -cr^-u-- ^(xo*^^Sb, Q^d aTy"*e3ox)"5'3Sb ^)Sjy")y.3^
D&c3b&o 3g3bcoo<^8§ *3eo3j. H o g g )3T3**Pg' MO-c-aS 70.64 od^e
&)3b^e eag-synr-iy-neXSb A ^ ) ^ ^oab*^oa ^osygbj. -cr°3a ^ao^f
Gr<a§ )3o&^Rbo ' 3oSb<%o
3:8^08. *5o^g
!3T3^?^^a "SoodM
4 3 o 3 ^ v o 6 ^ 10.84 ^3b^ex) 3jr-!^*g^ 3o<3o^e7T-3jj. 8 g 3ogg^
tfgjjF^ S"o^ 6^3gbj MC^^ogo
^8*g^odr"gjj. T y - a ^
gjggbo ogjg^S^ (g-grgo ^ 8 o ^
^ o ^ ^-aoTy'Sj-" B3^cr*a§ -Kr-d^sB g"*X4j-°'g<gb. Forecast reports
14;A Af^rcA, 1961
^WMoJFMjncM/ g;a;emen?
(^M^^)yb/ 1961-62- Mc/Mgo/
D e w j H & /or GrimM
^Sr*X) actual rv- «3og ^-aoir-'Sj-" .^r*3o§^3eX)3 c?33cro 3jo^ooa
tsD 3j3D^ir^?i;. Dot^JS)e^o<&) ^ j % -cr"A-^S -p*3(g3jo3o §^0^
33.3oj 3o^Dc-03a. 8 3 tg-nr'Pg'F'* 84 o<&o &)3j^eo ds^\ a^oRr-eD
targets *^4jjg^Ty^s^.
4 e&eo
T3r"X)3n^XSj 3o38[) "^&j^oa)o^3
200 §^4jo
v^Sbocr' 6)o§^S' 9 §^&M
A D , 28 o & c
&)Stg^o^ " ^ d R S ^ - y e D
"gr-^rr* ^$osr<eS)
ea target Sb
3j33jj 66ooo*#
reach -sr*ReMfbTir'3ja
^er-lS 3CbSb, [3 3, 3y*S ^0^0 Ajf\ ag^*
Sj-"<^ 3o33jj ^ t r - ^ ^ 3 j § ^ 3 ^ target 3) ^ao-cf^eo^-^&tD
^3)Tj-^3j. "3o<^3 tRTSTpS' ^^r-oooo^josb 3bj^<^3 t3iv?5' *§&y
oojos&ey* ^8^-3j^ ^ o^ir"3j *BA3o3j Rir*^^ 3j33oj ^^§^?rg,
3bX) "geM^Joa. 3j33oj 83 tSra^^S'F^ *#&r*cojo3j ^3oS^3^ 15.17
y*4j<y*ia 1961-62 3o3^ir*^5
c n D 6 ^ e^giy/Cix) 6ir^&M ^3)
6^7T^3)j. -o--^g^ 3)3 -s^ygt^nr^c^) 3j^_e^o3oty"M t3o3b^3)j
M&)/^^o3. 3o33-°ogr*3§ 3omoao-D^o^3o'8j 38^dTC^ ^ot-o-*^,
DRoSb 3ooo8o-a, D 3^ce, qoK^eo^). marketing "33)613 3 D^rrr*
eSb 3omoao-a 63ooo*3 - s ^ d c t ^ ^ y " ^ ^ ^ ^ v 3 ^
3033^3)7^^3). aBS^nT* ^ottr-oF^ 3 ^ 3e*tr-e3b 3)3 j3_*5T'orr'
D8 MoC$^o&r*eD. tr-{D-o^-c-^ caav"3^6^d^ a ^o&ty&S &3"c^r-^
3t?^oD tSc^e^Soo ^^<r^3jo. "3o^3 tsStr-ys*^ 48 36^677*
*3o]Tsr*eo 3j3^a.
Tr*^D upgrade
^oSbo^DS §"*og provision
Dir^&M^oSJ^o H8^o8. 3r*^33oorr" gr*<2 38y^R3^o)t=r*o) ^)-c^&x)
^3j§^ir^)3bL). 38Tp*"ior*QcSb 3oaoao33og3tfSb
T^iy3j 80 *3^eo
o*s^occo3 3tains qo^3^8o release Mooo3D. Soils a e)3j?b:33a)7T*,
climatic conditions sb e^Tbesajon**
^ D^Sjonr* 3D33^mbeF^
stains 3) evolve €3cRr°g''* eaaabrr* 38f^6ir"'§o[cr'€?d^l3o3C)!^3bj
a)d)<^g^o6X) 3)3D ^^)7r^3).
c *§ot-a-"C(5^ 3-3j3 3a-!T'e3j "3 &)oSb AD^on*" M o 6 * # o ^ 0 ?
M "3ota-*e6"* 3^\ ^^TT'e^ ^36orr- 3333gc&o ^oRr-e^ 3 3 , 0 ^ ^ ^
ed^Oo-^&)o a&^&)3^a. ag* 3 0 ^ 7 ^ ^ o t y S ^ * 8 v 0 ir-cxp'-s^^
6TT-\&X):3o&4jo Md)rb^b3^8. 3^) e^n-*e?3b ,M8S*Aj6j--a3 38P*%3oa
^nMMo/ F&MHCM7? 5!fafgmeM^
(gMt/get).^ 196!-62 - r<?;v?g of
1 4 ^ Afore/:, 1961
M ^ - ^ ^ ;&oa.
g^oddb SbtgibeM ^^eo paddy S'e^a^'g, "3^er-o& e*e^^§*"^
t^&to^c^ Q^nr^cb "s^D ^ y lands F ^ S o ^ tS"*^, §^t^ *Ax)Rg_^
Tr*^5 *5r^-^ t s ^ & c p ? ^ Q^&Jo^RX) 3 ^ & .
tS'^oS'orr' ^<S^ aS*
-o--^^ ^o3J^e^ &^5*o <H^ir^a$ ^ R ) . ^8 Ro&J ^"^) * & " - ^ Sodj
T y & t r ' ^ dry lands &
t^o^j^o ^ o a .
wet lands rr* convert ^oSr=el3
s?er^ convert ^
*3r-LSbj $0*cr"^ t^od^r-^5
^^-y^^o :&o&Moa, g'XbS' 3J*-rr-c56 X)oaoao^ ej^ 36f*<3Tr* *^o)-cr-X)§
*5r-^ t^^bu^cg a^^gijoo^ &*&o ^<SX) Rj^D^^TT^xb. *3j^$jr*^3jj
e^j negtect ^o3j^o^ Mp)^o3bo 5Sj-"Sb ^ d ) . -cr*3S gj^cr" 38€^d^
"^ctiy eo-3-^ojj.
^oTBrrce. DsadisH^do, '^cr'^g'o, gjo^&j,
8*dr^€)o, ssRoB^doog^ ^3 *§ot-cr"SM ^)nr^oo).
TT"&33 oasov
^tj$^^o ^ogj^o"^ &"^^o Sb^or- :&o8.
T T ^ ^ . T^^3§ w ^ ^ d ^ s e ^ ! T - "gotyeRj ^ir-^^^'ir'?
(^ ^ . o-&t^o(c?'3& : gbo/fptR t^r-o^o^ a.g" station R)
^-tr^^M^ "^ MS*^.A a^5 RtfqSv-g'* S^TT-Sb. S e '5r'-^n-- 3o(So-cf
^r*X)5 ^TT-y"5M ^o&r'oab.O ^Ar*^*8b^cr' 3:&-B-*<gb. sag*^.^ 38^($^
^cu)o-D M^8$^<yiy $8-tr°e;a ^_^bo8b ^od^*^oRbSb !^oc3b^o-^
^j**X)8 ogfcoatfo ^^S) &^D^^j?r^^j.
1961-62 6^
1,52,000 dr'^-ogbw
*3jjS*^.F^^Sb Xioaoao-O
^^-ocoo^^o a6/\oa.
high seeds ^b produce ^oSbAj^DS caom^ *^)&)F^ ^
^ a XStS'^orv ^D^^bXi^a.
*^o(<^o g)oa.
g)^^o3bJ€M 3b-*3 sr'er" ^o^^osr'Cb.
-cr^a^ 5 § o ^ § " ger*<6"* *3^-&^rr' So&Xbur^eb. 3eaS^Sb XSosjoao^
gog30*a ^ ^ " ^ 0 . tJbtdr-Obcd^ ^8y^^nr- "^ot-cr-oj S D ^ ^ n r ^ o M .
Ty^^D oooo-F" t ^ ^ ^ ^D^oBb&^&yD§ R ^ A n ^oB&a)RbcJb?r^caE)a
Xb^D^^)7T^R). ^&T"Cb g $ r * ^ a^ ^8^<p?r" ^orcr-.^ -Knoo ^ o ^
-o-*e3jo<3 3a30&)nr^d). ^bot^eo X<y-8?y- ^ a iy-e!ca ^ 9 T r * s ^ ^ o
14;/t AfnrcA, 1961
-cr"X)§ )3$b2%oSb g^o^cfgj
^HMMa/ fMancfa/ y/a/ewg/!/
(^M^r)yb/-1961-62 - r<nn:g ^
^r*$f^ ^ ) o R ^ ^ ^ D
V ^ H K3^co Br*#ol3 sr"er^ 3jo8.
^*B ^
-cr°DS a ger*
sa^oo ?$eSJbj &*#S'4Jl§j 3ilo.
6783^ M3?r% ^ o x ) ^ * ^X)o^" *3jj^*3 ^S -gygR ^ o b ^ ^
M^)-<a V^^X5$bceM MS'^.g ^x^j^d), *^<5"^ 13_i&e$jT3x)a) ^ v - o o j
o D !^^b^o"5) ^ 8A &XbSjir'55i)o aOb/Sb^b^a. &JVPorr* ea ger*a
^ o s o S o ^ ?T'gmjjX)*B<5?vd?, 3o^tenoabTy*o3b)<gbrrCb.
<3-"c3aH&rWa 0^*30^)3.^ &XbSbg^<y^Bb.
(#) ^^. o*!^^o(p''3A : TyCb aorr"Cb^*3od^
*^)A*^ 'BT'/^o
Ds&cMex) ^ 8 & O o ^ H)13, C9g*^.<5 ^coo^*^Sb
g8y*ao33aKg esS*^^ i)-cr-^&M^oab^)o &)o^C?3 ir-Ob 3 & ^ TT-ab
^q § ^orT* <3er*o43 M$fqo^d'&)J^ ^<3b.
(^ ^^*. t r ^ t ^ o ^ A : -sr-^-y-d), *^^r* a,3yf o^X$b. F^a^O
<3ro<%o(5''*gr'tg &.^ "§otar"^ ilnr'^&M^oSb^o'^ SR.oSbo estP^^g"*
^ 8 . ^a 5Sb<fo?i ax^rr'S' ^ j j ^ s^g^O ir-er"rr-Cb ^sr^gb. e <j3*o nr^
D8 Soaoao-Og T-^!3$Sbo5M Rur^d). -sT'do^^Ar* ^ o ^ ^oo-Sr-^^X)
g^drr" n S ^ a TT'er-TT'Ob ^S* t ^ ^ o i^r-^-ob. M g ^ g
m8M^CbT?^^ ^Q8^^§X3 Dv^cso ^3o3b4j**&§ [X!o3b-gr-^$D ^Cb^iyoSbX)
5jc<% 386^o'?r<"3o[<So
e^)?^X) R&ca y ^ ^ ^ o d ^
§^<^r*abd^ ^ X ) ^ ^ a . t?a ^r-rr* 3D
*3o)R tR^^oTT'Ob Sb*"^ ^goDog
^a "^ot-a-"^ *^o)CH^aM§ " M ^ o i y B b .
938A^ S8^<$^e3o 8*^ 3a-sr-e&
3o*^) v^?-yo
tyX) <^<0A)D ^)oTT"
RAkC? ^r*^^3jo^&)Sb
;&o&uoa& ^j^^xb-sr^gb. 25 ^o^^-u^o
TT^eo sCbfbgbio-'^OM. M*3rr*8' 1961-82 3 o ^ ^ o 6 ^ i^o&oBb 3 e
&S"^o[rr'o& ^ - o - ^ ^ o & r ' e ^ nF^-^^ ^)o8. ea^O. 3b^aj& * 3 o j ^ H
TT*^398LT"<g i)ir^&M t3o&&r'&8 t^^bdjgo tjioab^o ^Xb?^a.
^HHKa/ FManc&t/ ^/afewen/
(#M<7g<?;)./b/- 1961^62 - rptfng of
14/A Afa/c^, 1961
-sr"6"d^ §"K)^ ^ O ^ ^ o o Ma^"&^. g)Cb^5^ ^
centre 3b ts^Ro
^)o^&)o M8^o6. -cr*Dg -s^^oM $Sb*"gbX) ^X)§^^^o, '3'30o^'^oBb^o,
*3jjRg_3 -s^dotg'Sir^cj agb^gb-sr^oSbX) s3j?SD^Xbu^^b. I T d ^
g^o^Cb 3 S ^ 3 ^ ^beoys'o 53 8& Z3o<&o^od38b7T'Kb e^S*
s e ^ T T - "^oty-^ g b o / t M A8ogjr"6^ ^-c^dj) ^oabir^D§ ^tfooo
&&§^a<&)ia-Kr^o3bD &)^a^X3o?r^x3j.
?i)^goSb ^oe)o$o-3^ ^e^^TT* "gota**^ ^o^bo-00^ ^ir^&)j
^"^) -y"Co)B'53jo aCbfbgb^a. gPrr'SbSb RoeoSo^^o^^^Sb ^ f ^ S ^
*^&)6 *&&§"&,, ^8^<$Ty-^o<cr-^ e^Cbo^<&)6^D ir-M wS*t"^^"
^oSb-*e'3 tXSoSb^o stSb^gbx^a. CbtRr-Cb, -s^y^ Xn3<y*
%0^§oxSb ^ T y ^ ^ ^ o a b ^ e ^ ! SSo&^o acSbRbgbx^a. M ^ ^ S ' o ^ &o<po
"Sj^aebS* R8€^^nr"^8^gbXb 6Tr^&3ygcSb-*e*3 eF^-^?5 ^ o a . M^J^^o
^fe ag* 66^o^X) ^-cr^&3j^ ^
et^cgb ^ j ^ r r - ^^ -r"er*S)^ -cyX)^
*3^o-3 research 8b 3Qao§o-a?S DS.o^r*e^j gbc^orr'* T38\o-R4jr*3§
gcr-eF^^)^ M^b^^eycXbSb*"^ d^o-D e^S* D3*o3j*D§ v " ^ ^ . e&od38b
!T"^ -cr-X)3 MSSRif^a
^-cr*^&^ ^o3b^o^
qlSrr'g', educatiOD § Hosjo8o^o^^^gb T f d ^ ^ b p e o nyrer^ooa ^ & M^t^oHbr-o^b *30ao=Er^Cb. &opporr* ir'^^otTT*"*9&rr'Cb
a<y DR.cX!b&o 3 ^ t & .
*3o<&) Agricultural Colleges Ar*t^"^j
dsTT^ooo, M O SbRSb ^8^^^o*^dX) -y-Cb 5 ^ 0 b .
gjRgx) 53jj-"^^
(SScar"?^?gb ^\Sxd^ ^ ^ j j g ^ ^ ^ o j j ^ , 3b3sb v-sioMo^^boa
^(d)eo&) provide ^oSb^Ra, Q^y&) & ^ T ^ 0 b X ) 8 s ^ ^ R u "gRX)
emr^Cb. -y"3 ^bO^^ Agricultural College Tr*o3bc^^d^ ^ v ^ & ^
^o3b^*3^X) S^oCbo ^_r*gg)<5oa. -cr*32bR ^ t ^ ^ ^ g -^^ceo ^_§^^S
e)^v*oM. taa 6 t ^ o ^ & o F ^ 5*o^&M ^oHb^BxS^ tyXhf68o&
S)S$)CM€) Xjo^Sb^M ATr^&jo^oSbaAoa.
T3**eb 3^o3bo^X)?i ^CSbTT"^,
^o^-Sb^cy^ §^o^ S"#% &o&Mo^^SJ^^) TJ^ ^SS"^J.
sSbde e6^-Oo^3§^i3-dbj. ^CbTr*^ -sr-ab &&* Medical
Colleges *^ ^8b^.s5 rara^sRo Q ^ u ^ C b . Agricultural Colleges sb
qsSggo^RiO ^-Kr^d). &)^Sb ^
^ocj*^ etSSgd'SJ^, cr^^S gRg^R
Rs^oa ^ o ^
6-o^\&^ ^cObm^b-o^o^S) ^o?6D
1 4 % MarcA, 1961
4nnMa/ F&MM<Haf 5*fj/g/MMr
(^M^/)^or 1961-62 - fclMg q/*
^_&)H3^g). qa^S*, ^r*g&)6^ M . Sc. t^"^o$o-^2)Aoa. -cr*K)S ^ag
gcb^oa&^oj 6j*"cs*" ^oaoaxStycoj. There
is one more thing.
There is a proposal to integrate pre-professinal course with
B.Sc. Agriculture Course in Bapatia in 1961.62. tr-DS^da tg'gc
^orr* a,^ "Bocgjotgeo 6ir^&M ^oBogBg^) MS^orv" efS' -s**6'c)S'gJo
6T*ebSb^)g^!D gj^D^gjur^gj. ^OJ-sr-^ v&)^ot^y-"3&r^d3 46*3#
"B gbOdeSj v"ge)X)g ?<&ca 62b RTT^dA) ^o&^o'gRX) ^y-oo 3 ^ c b ,
196 TT° g g o T ^ ^ a
*^g) gjgD^gJTT^gj.
ggjTT^cco. S^*X)^ summer schools gftzr open ^oajg*3ga M o & c g
"3&^ob Miy^Co.
v X ) summer schools g*oib, crops &x^s3y&)'
Tr-eS )g!?c<&orY* ^r"gj^r° demonstrate ^X) ilr"*^)d3"§, Er°fbu&Moa.
tr*3go <^Sb^.g t^lcar-ngo &c&MoCf^ e9$[3-°o&o3^ qOsSdSb &r*cy5^*^ schools aa^Rnj^oa), Oil engines, p u m p sets, tractors
*3jjR*8 ^D &g"^r°ao-^<%o. D^3 aao&oty* training q^\ X)Dj ^o,
TT*05 stipends g H ir^ ^ ^ , Tr**eioi%;$K5"3''* a,s" Training Centre
6tr^Ajj 3agg^435R^ ^e*^.^ ^_gbeo
^gj 5)o e & 3o5)o-cf^o ^oo.
Optional subject rr* High
Schools 6** introduce ^3*^) sr"^o&Mo^D 53-^R). M^ir^&D QO
g^"§ e ^ X ^ ^ - y v o o ^ a ^ R D T 3 ^ 8 ^ g)g3 ^ gjiy^g).
gog3-dRo ^0^3 6 S c ^ <cr"Sj MO^o ir-gRo^R) ep<r^Co. Tr-{6
^r-rr* 24 ffohcM u-"o^ &o<5 eagX)F^ X)gj^B
Mgj)&)oa. cr"Do3oo^t- eagb^go 8*eM^e^oa/ qgygo
practice ^gjg^o&xr-
Er*o6r*l3 ^ g ) ^ B _
s?a Md*o
-sr-Ob g v e r *
cBbjg^gyggj gog^cabo
M ^ o S ^ o ^ a ^&jj sa^o vgjgboa. gog^o3b "eL-gog** v ^ c ^ g ^ g ^
^jca)"^, gj-" 8rr* tr-&S"3"3 ggJo3J^Xh DX)53^^0-3 c r * o ^ ^ ^ 6 ^ g
g*3g^) -sr-eS R&3-3 e^gjur^gj. q8n-*^, ^jScn^gj^cC)^ ^ RoggAtfo
gjgo a^S* gog^oOb*^t^o 6-cr^&M ^ g o S ^ i ^ g M . MS*^<g A ^ ^ 3 b ^ e
^b8o-0, ^Cj-sr*^ 6 § 0 ^
go^jeM go&o-^g*3gj
M ^ aao3J*°eg"*
training q g ^ o B30brbsgjg^a. cocb§lcf8b tg*^ps'07v* gbg ir-g^gjad^
^a D^orr* schools ^gDv°R). A ^ schools ^ Br^gy-orO.
Agc3j^^o ^gJ§^TJ^e. qo?" *5rTJbyv° i^_^a g-ajg^jOM*^, Jgj^g
5tr^&3J ^o3ocr'D§ t^^s^gbj eaF^-agj^a. gjovQorr', 6)g\^^ gj^o
^4wHM? Ff/Mncfa/ ^fafg/Hew^
(#M</g<?;)./b;- 1961-62 - P<?H'ng of
^)Sb^.^ ^
14rA AfjrcA, 1961
^j^*^^3 S ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ * 3cs. 3303)5^-ST-ar) ^
60 ar-3rj&eM ^ o ^ a o ^ b S ^ o ^ ) X58s^gboa^ M*^ ^ r ^ ifOR & ^ ^
oco"^, Tr-Oo ^oR^-oSbod^ 6 §&??* ^d)<K^o^)-c-"0b es*^ DR.o&o8y"o-"
3j"°:yT=0. Agriculture^ *^& interest ^xbSbo&r'&),?r"rr' 3o3;3*"oSSo
^X) IT- trr-Ay-X^ ^r"/^l3j!3j§^o$J^& e)*3ajejugo63 3)3 3 3 ^ o ^0^3
TT*8§ ga^SbooT t^-3-^^o
3 0 " g n ^ ^a ^^
B)S3jg8)<gjRbo^X) *^3b 3b3S^3j?r^3b.
3)3 -o^Sx^&o^ as' Rural University
eaty^g & 3 ^ ^ 3
"30^3 D3.o3b^). T3-*cr*3)
xbr*^ 3o3^d3)jo 3)o-a ^g^csb tao&a^o n&)^gb3^a. ^ae^^3
^ ^ ^ r * ^^60-^^0 a6bf63b;^a. Research, Education, Extension
^9 a v A o M K ) 33)3go&o ^cab-"e^ ^ 6 ^ ^ 3 a&^bgb3^3. -cr*D§ a^S*
draft legislation Sb^c?^ ^cCb^Cb^^bS^ir^&o. 0 8 S)8§e)3F^ &3^a.
cna§^^8b ar°3qo Jo3jgb w0bA)4^o<5D 3%boe^ ^ o R O b B ^ C b . Tr-X)
Ar*i5^ ^Sb er'Soo acMgo^Rb. tD'^oS'orr" a,y Special OfBcer 3)
preliminaries ^*3 i§ -Er"-5r"e-Kr'^e^, ^ 3 ^
ef"3no eiCb^bdj^a.
*l§otiy^§ o-*-o-°3& 10, 12 ^ C b ar-sDoj <Tr-o&%o aO^oa. a,g*^6 ^ 3 )
t^'^oS'oTr" S. K . ^&3^"nr*6D S'OX) ^8 aRogbo ^)8o^) ^^3rr- 3 ^ ^ o
8)8^08. g93#orr* 3r" v - 3 ^ o 3o3^oSb-c-3.')3A), A3)S* qS*^.<% Rural
University ^3^8* cp33c^o, -cr*&& - o ^ ^ o t ^ ^ C o ^ ^tr-icao ^cSbcr-aS
T3T"er"^^8b "^jgjj Air^&M
^3)§^?r'^3)j. ^ 3 ^ ^ Ar*3b 6s3 ^Sh^oty
6)*y^cA 3 b 3 D ^ v 3 b j . Tr*0b H o & ^ g e
)3^3b) )Tr*V"ab. - y ^
^SSbod^ &ng3a) Ty"sM^b o3jj-"D^5^^co ^ - o ^ ^ ^o3bcr"K)§
&3b§^*-Kr^3Lu. TT"^3X) ^tr^&^
Sb-"ty ^X3b$b^e^
5)0 ir-3.^3jo D3c0bo
38§e3 ^^"3bo, ^Dg^cfab 4 §^&) Xy3--oE6eM
*^)&j ^ajr-ojjo3j) ^v^3bS -ar°&eaD#07r' t^r-vob. a.g* American
expert &,Dr. Cuaatag 3b e;^^<&5 3oX)o-cr"d). -3^8 g'So^S Q ^ ^ ^
3-D)o8. ^uir°a3 Er°3<bt9oa3T§^aj, ^€M*"0b ^ojj^^gb, r^"&)td,^/<§*
Institute ocoo^lSa) *ar"0b M c3b*" t^"oTy*eSb ^ ^
i3cgr*e& T^C&
tpRo^r- Sbr-cr*
TT-s&j American pattern & q g ^ g Bb*^y ^Tn^aj)
^r^^co ^ydb.
at^^.<g a e & e ^ A ^o^^^Sb
sbg -o-S5L%5S^ibg[go-^^)
a pattern 3b 3b3gbj vgbsS 8 o ^ e & j ,
14;A MrrcA, 1961
<3o^s$^6b tr*m
^HMMa/ FfMncfa/ gRMemenf
(BMd^a^) /or 1961-62 - foiMg q/
Dewo/!d: /or G'anfg
gj^ tr'^r'^§ 3_8o3^da!ya§'MSS-s*-4faM ^Xg^a
ss*^ a & o & o &r"c?" ^y^rr* 596^-poa. *^o)^OoSbo-0 ^ ^ o ^ o ^ ) ir'rf*^
ty&a )8"&ca g6K)^e3j ^KSj^bcaorr* }^^*?)&)cr'X)8 <g%cog#o ^eb.
T3^X)§^^8j 3 f*^j 67 e<&ey* caocod) ^o^^diSojo t^ry?^ a-tr-y^i
*3&)y*?r^s$jo. *cn^5 recurring and non-recurring expenditure
2:1 r a t i o n ^ ^ a .
e>8 *§o!<^Ofi)o^ v"7r'**3. o^aa cp^beM^&j
n--3§ tSoBb^o MCSb/^gboC$a *^&) §bg^ &gat3?&-Kr^;&). ^cbTr*^,
^g^?^oC3byvSJ X3os)o$o-a^ X)o^o8 3ogdr*oSjr-DS direct /r* ^oao8o
-Dx! s-*#p;S'&r°96''* ^ ^ ^ g * *^"3 v"dq]^r-c$b tj^p^^pd qKbur^
dD "rTd^^^ow ^ O b g)^D^V"Cb. qa33"§ *3&) 3 ^ & < . ^ps$^
oR?*"a§ RoRoaoag -B^dotys^o^ tg^o^orv ^_^o3^43
goaogo ^jj§^a
TT-yjgb -s^^cM
M^K)-cr'e!&) &6^cr-a§. TT-^jSJ
a^)EMO ^ e ^ e M q-3^, es Dgorr- F^^cr-oX). *^^eo ^ S ^ <3&:&e s5o&c&
^ ^ g o ^ Ar*)-^^ ^9 -yrdcts'i&o ^
e -s^-d). ^ab^o SoacB lay m a n
^r-c^ ^o&cy"a3 e)3-s-*?o&;^a. 6 agorr- A ^ a " ^ 0 ^ 8 , t^^\SF^
^^-sr-eM 6 D#o7T* Jdje^^n^O, 3e a A d ^ n ^ ^ -sr*e3 gR3
K!e^co q ^
^r° 5 rv <3^^cs^eS) 36 Department So XSoaoaoOxi
AS^o^ogb 3aySo ^8^06. ^9 Sgorr* vCgtS'^o a&fbgjoCSD ^3^a
(§) s-Dero R*3To^Rdag : ^ o s c ,
3e Agricultural Uni-
versity 3 & O & 0 ^) srage <$^ ^^^o<& ? ^^^"Bj^y
(#) .35*. c & ^ o ^ * 3 & : asSdorr-^^a^?*"^^!^. 95a ^ ^ o g ^
<ye3o/t)§^Aj dy-^-oTjex) ^&r*OMo$) ^y"&o.
Plan 6** t9& *^db.
!-ar°v*3'a gr-cr" ^XSb 3^s3b.
(^ 3*aey-e ^ ^ o ^ ^ d & g :
Southern Zone &
a^S* tSSip^^xS g&K5p
&g*A3 q^-^a
Mo)$"3 x!^)o^a 6Sb %^g*o & ^ a ?
e^x!y<gb, M o d ) ^
Regional Council
-^"&) 3&yi6jj;$o6S8 ^iio g;e8*cF^ ^ r n ^ & o . eao^tg^f 30oa>
(FM^e^)/br !96!-62 - Mof/Kg qf
14;AAfc/TA, 1961
^&jjs$o^3 s*\^ ^oSJ^dX), Agriculture Department
-cr-DS sy^er^
gga^S'orr- & ^ 6 Q , Universities e s ^ 3&3J ^&:X!^ &nr^o&H), 36
*3jj *$o ^-^i3-"o
^D^onr* M3&3 ^9 proposal drop
& ^ a K ) , ^ ^ ^ O ^ o r ^ Southern Zone & g"&, ^o^Sb T^sbo^* ^ ^ o
T3T-33 eaR-B^o & S ^ 6 D DoiJJTr^Sjj.
(§; J)^". c*s&Ro(cr'5a : M 8 Southern India 6"* R ^ A M ^^*
5Sbo^, 5^xS&)j Southern India ^
-^<y"X)5 beo^cSb.
AX5b^ <s D^orv y D o
Mo"#vSjoar" southern z o n e F ^
Rj^*3j w X ^
Tj-*<3-^oS'o'& sbjocSjrs^ -^Cg ^&)S^iy^&)j. &<x5"^j draft legisiation
^oOJ*"Cb ^Xbf^nr^^jj. R b H ^ q g ^ g -cr-a^^Sb Special OfEcerf&t
appoint t3&iJT&M. & ) ^ ^ i3jos)conr" Rci3^"oBbiy^R.^&o. q ^ ^ *E*°#&
HOSTS' Tr*^-^D§
^ §err" e)i^3^ nr*Bb eaCo -y-^<^o^dj. "3o<^^a,
Agriculture Department &&*&&§ R o a ^ g ^ j ^ M U ^ S b . taa -y^iSo
X3oa)o$o^^ ^S^c^KbcXSj, ^)^6j6
r^BD, *S *B^0b rr^OD, er-ouco^f
*B *BS*Airr-8^, *3jj^e)^ -sr-e^oTr- ^ S ^ R a T * ^ ^C^nr-jiu. ^XSbS*
ei&)Ty-g *^*^ ^*B"^ patten &r"^o=Er"5^, eaQ m t o t o a . ^ ^ 8 M ^ o j
oX) TT*0b SayS^otbJT-gTr^ta. -?-^^ bo R6X)&)eM ^ObTT"
Aur^ooj. SJ^ S8X)Rbeo *^ebn^ A?n^ocj. 3&** S8X)3beej cc^rbcsiS^yr'
-cr-DD ^ D#gAjrr- ^v^&M^cXir'F^ a D^&turr- ^-^Rjj. -n-*D& in
principle a.^y5^*o&x)?r^^3J. cr*DD <s"3jtB !S$'^^"^&jcr'a3 sSj^^h)
^^oog^o *^gb t9& X^slo^o&i^o a8/\oa^ - c o ^ ^crv^t^oSb^ex)
g^hR Xjodif^eo Ah)^^). <Jo<3bS'o'=§), ^ 3 ibg&u Rtyryjj ^ X b § ^ ? ^ ^
&35^, &)H R S X u S b e R ^ o ^Sir^^^oRr'O. Q ^ XJo^^C&MC&)o^ 77-X)
§"*tf& }^"$j3b ^<&)^bfy^&)o^b, e?a tr-Sbocr" ^ 8 2 b * 3 ^ < ^ ^ o $
t^-O&SSJO VCSb. M & M ^ o O
<9ptl&TO&aM ^<5j. ^^8§77"S). ^9 <S^-Cb
*3jo6x>$) rr*D, &8^o^oSb rr*3, -cr*M
t^oBj^o eseb?<3&)^8.^^Sbocr' gXboR^s3b38'o -s**& ^ r O^rr- & ^ a .
*3^j Xjcoaborr' *3P ^ ^ ^ 8 ^ S'e^'^rr'g'. ^Soj^SSboteTT'CbS^cy"
^. K . ^ ^ ^ r r - a a ^ r r - er-s^ tyv-Cb. ar* T ^ ^ ^ F ^
4 Ko^^\^Rx)e)xSbot) )3a&^oaa&j^^a;^a, ^tob^^Sbocr' Ma&r'gj
eSTT'^cS tTyV^Cb,
M/AAfarc/t, 1961
^nnKd/FfngncMf F o m e n t
(^M^gey)ybr 1961-62 - rotMg o/
(^ *3. d^6*. ^ ^ A o ^ o - ^ : M<yoap, q^yg^ ^a Rural University aadaog"*,
qay<gj ^r-3§
M^r'o^ o3jLn*D^8^^ & ) % State ^
*^^c^3§ b e o ^ ^ . cr-3S a,y
draft Biil §"3^ States d^ g ^ R o a . Tr-33 adopt ^o3o<go S^-cra8Roa. ty"33 & ) ^ State g^ 3xb§"*a adopt ^o&cyDS
aOb^)gy"^oa. Jsf^R sa Act ^ r ^ ^ x b S ^ u ^ C b , ^S*)-^ &ar*tfSb
X^eo D^OMo-^S3&^8, $^ D^oO^eM -ar°-a aa o3jj*"3g0\^ m$p^oe)^a
a.S* e3=sr*iforr* SSKb^a. S'PJbS' M 8 ) M ^ &xb§^DsS-D^ *3o4jsi Ty33
Act ^aMo^cr*3§ tg$b^^bo <9t5"*-a;R)o-a-° ?
-cr^ex) gj?5 Tr*^^o^*^ Keaiyoa). qgd v"A"^eF^ e9 legislation
atC^^d). &S* U . P. d^"^ e,8* gogg^tfo
ep&M^oO ^u-^\&M
aa6^o8..Sb?<-!r" tr's^oF'* ^g'^.cr' o^go^3 legislation ^ogjr*e5)
- y ^ R ) . ca8 pass v-^d). gjg^j o-*D§"'6'& ^oodSbTT*
S*^8* a)3"3 M B
SS Xbo& M"^ g&MS'o & g ^ R 3 SSogS)
(^ sr3e?-o /^^-o^^dCbg : o&jr336^&3&;a, ^ a ^
Hate ^&)§^o& 2b colleges &
ts3 sp&^"^, 2beb A pattern *^)R
-sr-3^ ^xh&osr* <^o^), ^j^n
g}8 -u*"^ disafRHate ^ x b ^ o ^
H & o ^^bo8 ^^^ ^JXSx) ^cC&^jj M?) <§j "3og*%^0*. eaot^ c3bj^3g
6)<&5MJ MD^orr* ^tr^nrcj ^ 7 T # 3 "goo^J^a. &^3cC3^" c0jj*"3s3
6)^3 a & o & o 7T-8J "gOoabt^j.
ST^JS' oBuj--3536jda ^vO^r-cs^ cr*33
)S)Oe)o^?ofr' AKija. ^oC3bgo
Mg'y-dS -ySbocr" qS'x-^'^ §"** ^
colleges ^^djAusSo^ ]So3Jg^&j ^9 S)^.gA)6^ &x^a-* ^8*^"§,
a colleges ^) &o&T* &^§^3
g-3) &a8"§ afEliated rr* &r-!^*3j
^oOJc-3§ A ^ o A^cr- ?
(^ ^ . o-&^0(cr'3<3: A ^
3*3^ ^^-^-
^ oSoj-°3g6^
^ir-\&jJ ^ ^ S ^ o ^ , -cr*3§ campus ^o^gcfsb Aocr* e"3a ^r-^^eX)
cC3ojo&)Joa. °3jj ^o Research Stations 48 A-ar^oai. ^ a X ^
& o ^ 3 &a)8bir'Tr'e)o'=&, oa^3ga^45S"3b autonomous bodies, Syn-,
dtcate, Senate &7T^o3). sTanf Tr<^ xSo^co8^<^ & X b § ^ ^ ^ &o&Moa.
q 8 -sy-^j ^ o ^ o ^ S b o c r ' q8*^-^ ^
v4/?nM#/ Ff^oMCM/ <Sfa^ewa?:^
(FMa^^)ybr 1961-62 - PbfMg q/*
14/^ AfarcA^ i96i
S^Rdrl^a -s-cb. ^9 D ^ o & o ^ r * ^ r*a^ MTr-s^jM ^=a-^C3b. r * ^
q ^ ^ & . tpagr-B-* M g ^ ^ ^ X ) §aa ^ agon^ ^aoTyrg"*, M a<$orr^
t^o&g^o ^oSJ^o a6j/b8bo%a
^ ^ 3o3ai:XbfT^?3j. s^^rr^^, Sjo^J
"a^^rr* RoAo-cr-oo^), ^JCJ^^^j a ^T?"eM *B &)aSb 3d$^r- ^caj^O
v ^ 8 t9K^43g*cr& &jq)oiSjLi. cr-aa^oSbo
33**ya, ^3 seed farms 3*^ tr*. ^D Xj}S*3borr' ^a^cCo^o^Ra,
T T - o ^ 3aoSjrc3-° 3s3j**o6a. ^ ^ 3 o O
a s b ^ v^y^^<^b
i$<r"&) Tr* 3 3 * ^ . Motgt^o^R^^SJ Koaoao&;3oM!S#&
^ & ) . *Beorr"Ty" i^o^iiM^Sb
Roaoao-DRoggg'gr' dry lands
^<:%3&o RXbR^aj^dj Tr* 3 3 ^ j . ^ 3 e^^o=cr-d). sS^j ^o3^d*o
(a?5^ocr"8bocr- ^ 6 $ ^
*^ §^^ex&)-yoGj.
t^oSbg^o^oSkT'e ecn S)^o3Jo^ ^d"oeM
cr*a§ tX)*^cg*orr" aS' &S^oaa
Finance Minister rr"8§ )*ar"X) 3oS)o^<%o &8Ro8. ^ a g ^ n r " )3*^p
S'orr* e^S* &8"*qR ^3^d*o. JoOjS'o'^) *Boon-"ta^^ ^j^corr* I&g
Government farms e3j. <cr-e^3^^ lease lands &xb§^o&Mnr^d).
dry lands-f^ RoAjoj sSodg^o^cb. ^2)4.1 tr-a&tc-a ^sio gRuhaj-Tdj
-=r- X) 3"3o. -cr^aa ^ 63r^ ?j8ac*"0. RoSo g€T"6^ ^ ^ j 3oi)eo 3 o &
Xb-KT^Cb, cr*a§ ^
gj^gjj ^-cr-^^o ^Xbg^-sr-O,
"B ^deSb ^ agorr* xmbtg-°&jj ^oaj^ej^)W"3jj ^ ^ aR.oRj*"eo^Oo-a
*8^^-eo & ^ g ^ ^ o Me^oa. tr*a& ^^b^eoa, Forest Department
gjo^rr^a, 3 ? aSCbo&o-a7T'a ^ x ! o ^ ^r-aoa acquire ^ & *=&^ *^g
farms a*o**,^
^ *^*^
^9 ^ R & M
^Soocr" c^gboa.
M agiSbun^
{Bcag^a^ aCb/^gb^a. saagsbjrr' 5v^^)j^!b ^a p3bj<M M &Cbrr*
^Ro^)^X) 3 3 & o -cr*&)oc?T ^cSj^o*^ 3o?e^xbj ea &Cbrr^
-sr*a <^a^ ^ ^ o 3XboB fr&s* '3JJ ^o abolish ^ o G ^ o a
3$bceM 5^*^Bo. 3 ^Tyex) XSt^$-cr" ^o3b^o ^ 3
.33y* c,yd?,
6*3 *§ S^Tr'a^r-
^Kba^, eaa a T y ^ MS*^-.^i3b. ?SAo RKbo^a 3 3 ^ o Tyco&o-sr"C&.
^ ^ o 3 ^ o 8 cpo^), ^e K)o3^^o aS* K!o33^ifA) v ^ . A % X i o ^ ^ o
Rye** 3^\o0. sUb^ er^aa ^a &3&n-* re-organise ^{b 3&om'Sbocr'
)3o3b3^o ^ o & g o ad?^dboa. a,S^^.g*^. g$r"g^, jy-cr-o tS-e-°ifo!T"
6 ^ Ro^j 6 &Cbrr- RTr^&M ^oS!r"6^
^ a^oTr* ^ c & ^ o sta/6&)oa.
^sb-sr'^. seed multiplication ^ ^ " a <&o*sy* cr-o&S^S^cs^ §^a^
14?A AforcA, 1961
^ M M M ^ FfM^cfj/ 5f^eweHf
(BM^^)ybr 1961-62 - Mpi/ng 6/
S'^^bgJir^ojj. "3Rb
^ o ^ $b-"gbF^
So&o-OsS gta-srg cr^^D A3^-a-" *B gbco^6§
Moao-RtyaS ^*3 *g
scheme T)0nr-'3y, TT-o&S^ MS'^^s'^<g y ^
-Dab^-eM ^^<a-*ooj.
cr-o4y*9^ty* 5 ^ ^
S* ^)eM S'oR&o, tr*D2e
-o-*g<go e8^oa. tpoool^, q^y<&) *3jj go
3& seed farms aiy^&M
a8/\x! gObTT-g, direct rr* &)K!o 3o&o-axS D g^yeR) *B gboSb ^o8o-a
^&jooo"^, 36 complaints <&o%;& M*^ a^orr" ^ 6 ^ ^ aOb/b&);^%&
^ & ) s3jS!D^Xbi3-^&.
*3jj go 8,115
^-cr-^ & ^ a . R)^Sb Qa^dSb 2,526 JS'-or-e "sL^o & ^ a . Sb^-sr"
^r-Xb *^^eo^cr"X)9 [3o&g^o
Hab^bgb^a. cr*a§^o"Sb 91 o<^o
&r*a*°aae3 ^^yoojo^) ^^)§^TT'^&j. ^Sy^gb 3c seed farms Rgoabo
gr^&S'orr' Ao^c^DS taR-y^fo &?^a. M 6 2bj-"<%R t^TV°?y6^ ^ $ 0 - ^
e)^3oo^X) s b ^ D ^ K b u r ^ .
(§) D. a*$$yg#p*^): ep^sp. 3a seed farms S'srg., *3 gba"3
^ g b ^ ^ igr^-s^S^o 8*eo^*^X) ea D^orr- D O D
M^-sr-yo & o & M o ^ ^ n ^"3JTT* enS"*-a;&*!7*? qX^yA) 3a seed multiplication M^ta X)!$&)orr* Md^^ol^dj.
TT^ocj. h3Cb&r"c^ ^ a MoRg'axb-Kr^R). eaOS* X)8^gbc?Sj /t)8o^ *^R)
3r'dJ-*g%o'3a3, v"X) y**og sS&o8b-"c^ ^ X b ^ a . STabsT ^
v6bya'&cr'DS'-sr'^, 3Bb^-S$ v O b ^ ^
subsidy "3 S&eSb 6 ) ^ , TT*6D t^ir'^^R^-a, ea staff supervision
-cr-Q-cr- JSb)-SS seeds & develop ^oabcs-*3§ M^-s^^o ^o&jooa. cr"Kb
/^8o^ ^"SbTT* e a ^ * ^ ^^-cr-?
(^) ^<5*. cr&^0(O''B&: e?a 69^^&jT3^53bj, T3-T&(?*&) S^X^
^38b^.eo R^hnnoco. ^asS3"§ ^aT^a^-cr*, multiply ^"^ stage F ^ ^
-a&L-sj ^-Shnr*o^. ^odb§^3"^ Q8*y.^ * 3 ^ tB'^og'orr* godowns
*^A3, c o ^ ^ &eo e ^ S b o c y
pure seeds 3c&yc3b ^cKnyRB care
&Xb§^o*=§3^ MS^ds5y<&) S^og complaints ^-aj^roo). <pijoRo^s3y&)
subsidy q 3 ) xy* & 7V "3 gocSbR ^ d 0 * 3 ^ , 6 &6brr* ^xbo8^ nr-Sb
RsSb^o ^CSb. -y-R 3a seed farms 6-cr^&3j^^g^a, §)^F^R F^^ejo
^ ^ 6 o ^ y ^ ^ 0 M * ^ ga^Sbotr- ^b^8b^ sbo^) $0-y-eo ^ ^ O M . es 3 ^
igborr* ^<&)c8b ^cM^8"Bb% a %*r"SM Moao^ty-^3 c ^ v " ^
(BM^gey)ybr !96!-62 - fo;/ng o/
14;AAfa/-c/i, 1961
yy-Cb ep^g^o^J-"^, a^o^bo aaoRo 3 ^ C b . ^e ^^o^beo X)*3jo^oF^
^ ^ 3 3 & ^ g ^ o a)(!b^gjoa ^
<s&&r*;go -sr"0b "SOaJ^r-jCb v^a,
cr-aa & &canr store ^oS^O 0*3 aao&o )^$b^r<^§ ^Sb 3 ^ ^ ^ .
-y-a, R&* TrOX) ^XMSb^ooo
a <^^e6^ s T ^ R D -s^uSj.
X5)^&)oyr- *^)^3, o /^^ogj ^^eSbocr- ^dj^r- r*o^Xie)o 3(5-3, )§oR
^<5 a&
es a^orr* 8^i^^^d*-R)ijSj -^d'oeo ^XbS^o^), <?D 3 & s ^ ^
cr^as ^g-s^^o
.IS'^ggr'Gr* ^D^o-3^o ^ & ) .
a D^orr* er*tR ^rr"
department T?rB§ e)8^^^
S3oac§/65o-a =cye?Aoa 3 ^ C b .
^^gj 1960-81 6**
aS'eBF, 65 "3o 800 t9*3j-*adR5J X!e!\^, 26 *ge & j ^ e oRj-*8ogr*,
85 *^o b&r^e) M^j^-ao^)^ 3ek6$" ^ t^^f-5^13^0 taX) *^o<R!S3$3
iT^RS tTT-Xj sSoS)o=cr'ajo. MoiSj^ sb^Sb 45 aThp&f&r-tg'sb "^^r*
oa3o=ur"Cb. qo^^^^b 85 g'B^odS'lir't.g'^ S5-Ojoa. -cr-a§&^ e)D^o8
Sb3ac3v-&). ^B^o^g^do M6JjSgoMs)o^oa &o^dH) "^ot^t^^b^o 3^3J
Q-u))oa. ^0=0^000^ HSbegboo^gTr' <JCb^eM 3o&i^(3a'*e;33 aCoSbo"^
S*oX5oooo^ ^^j^D. <JC&3)9S"6'%&3j^y,&) §^6^, / T ^
8*o3oo3o^ ^KLn^ &o&yooo. e3§"tfg &^<^r°a§ si)K!^{fod^ JOo^e
^08*6^^) MQS*orr° 6-tr^6jj^o3j^Dg
{SoabTr^tej M^b/^^^a.
*5o^s5 tS-E3-*Pg'-s"*eo{5''*'3 ^ = ^ 7 ^ e9^"o^§cJ ^ir^&M ^o&&r°X)8
t^r-v°go^ Q ^ ^ o ^ ) , oxnS^d^ &o"^avd). S3j^Cb$)oSb, g*o&s&)
^Ob^)CSb "B gbeo t^"V*^o^ qi^gcD
53-53) <^0b^)^7r^. #3ro&as' ^CJbCb^ *B -5r"&?<oe5^ )^aoc&!J^§
S$-Oj;$a. g-aj^CJ^eM 8*ogr"X3j <^CSb$)eo g}o-3-* *3r^a\rr' ^SoeoF^S
tr"^CJb. sSoy^sS
t^TS^PS*^ *5o&t ^-oS'^w &t^iy"Si^^Sbj6^^
oxr°.)(a;&e5'*6'g &og<Sb.
^83o^&! au-^AM^&r*;!), ^ 5 b ^ q 5 j
^S3yggj )53oM^^'
^0^8 gXbo*c§'ar°ga t?^^y^o ?r^Sb & ^ a .
q^d vaKog^gr-g
ptr-?^g^ 28 c<&o
jeb^o ^oS'Sen v"F^^3^a. s&j-gg
78 *3e 560 &)XS^c e)*3j^aoaboX)eh)ijo & ^ v * ^ % S Tr--*r-e333r^:SM.
M;A MarcA, 1961
^wMMa/ Fwawcfa/ ^ M ^ w c w ^
(^M^yef) /br 1961-62 - Pbtf/ig c/*
61-62 3 R o g g ^ d o ^ 8 e^Le 28 "go 500 AjR^eu M*3j^X)o&oR^&M
5SoR T T ^ ^ D g M ^ R ^ o & ^ R X ) ^o)R[3^Tr'^D§ )iy-V"^Sd3. ^oCSbF^
80 3*5^o&X) &)H3b 3 3boCS^ ^^F*rr"Cb ^ ^ q s y ^ R ) . 3r*3f ^ ^ & f
sbg-c-^og^ *3€)oX)0,-!r"^30, r " ^ & ( 5 ^
M*ar-K)o3bo R^\^*g)jd -Rj^$)gb^o^!^a g _ ^ o o Rj-aB'^RdS'&jR
^r*x5&jo^&). M38br-<g ^gb^.R D a ^ r ' ^ o ^ ' S gg^F^lg &Rjgj3^
cH5v"^o & ^ e . )^^*3y"&r-q5^ a§3j7T* 3 X3\^o^X) <9^ej M C ^ e " ^
a a o & o S58^<$^ e s & ^ ^ b ^ a . ^r°"8Xb <S^0b"3jo&Mcr^ir' 0 8 y^rrSSSooo ^o3oe3<^&r'^§ tSSo&^o ata/bgbK^a. *^"§#* S)^.3jj3b 3?j&)
/^cr'^8ger'F^ 5-o^bo ^Rj§^Ty"^3bj. M-a sy-en 3jJ9)o"3jX!^^.3L)j,
"3jj ^^5jo ^ d ^ ^ ^ & j ^ ^ ^ - a - ^ c ^ ^Cb^T'o^^Tr'e Reg-SRR-"
^-cr^^jj ^o&djrDS
^o!d)3$bg^&)JTr'd) D^ocoo=cr"Cj.
cr-DS MSSRtf"3jg etS^ ^o/^oo 3SMj^L)^ar'38^er'{5^ &3^a. M*g &l3
yog^ v^^.(g ^Tr*^&D ^Xb^'ur^^Lj. MSf^A "B c^boSb MD^^rs'Tr-ce^
^O^o-DXi^jooj*^, cur* D<3b3o;$t^Tr'&&L.ajj RO-Bn-oj Rty^orr" R^"
cRx! ^slMS'o u-Sb&^a. Rb^tr°^X)§ ^Hb^To^si^Sb 3ooo8o-a;3
-y^b S^o^sboasS-Dj Rbgo^X)^ ^03)^6 a-cr'yjj-&n'a Ro^\ 5)3ocnd3.
5i)KSo M^t.&!usb 3oao§oa & ^ g & S ^ o ^ c & ) &v^&jj ^RjS^^cr^&o.
q g ^ -cr-s^F^^c'^) .&)Rxr°Xx^o^ OJJ-" -s^Cot^Rbo R!S*sSjo!T" {Tr-h
Ro5)o=cr^Ob. ^ ^)^^&^.&o—"auRdSRogt^go 20 R*3^o6f—M^€r"Sb
X3oao8o3;3oe$!5#& 3ea3b, M d ^ , R8*p*^^o, "3jtfR3o&j—oor'nr'gM^b
RodjeSb Rog)oao-a a<8 S R \ ^ -yrgo^gj&M ^ o t R 55c3^"o3bR^e
<S*sT"^o ^o3b^0. "5 gbeSb v"3cM^s5yeM, ^ebRjeo, R8^Tr*eM, 3-s**
5!oF^ R!S*5i30fr"Q*^ ^ogsS^Sb Ro&) R o & ^ S ^ -&*"X), o-*X)RO<$o
R o g ^ ^ d o r r - & o ^ , <38ger"5** a.y'^^^'^^.gjj D R8oR"goSb&y"a§
D M o ^ ^ B , [Rager*^ a.S' "^)"§#* ^^3bo 3o^o Rir^djj^&g^To^aM.
tRager-d^xb 500 ^^-cn-o D H 3 ^ C b e o & ^ )rr°3r°D^ ^RjSbur^&o.
!^j-B^Sj^o6ger*F^ ^o37Y*Sj e?"^ <rr*gr*X)^ & R j ^ u ^ R b j . ^ ^ c ? ^
<^3b t3lgcg'orT*"3?') ^b^^sSiy^Rb. M^^-R 15 e)i^eo Ro&o^"9 &
ojsr" Ro3^\Co 28, 80 a:3"°so Ro^RJur^^b. TT'SS R-s^oog^ <J0b
Rjeo, MS3\)e30, 388'xr'cj S3H *u**eo 33 ooj ^cC3b^)o aCo^bgbxha.
e>S*^.<% 3-D^^ RO-Br-eo <9^a3S'orr" & ^ D . 59000^ "3jj ^o-tr-^%F^
& ^ ^_^beod8§ aSb^shidrr' M^yeo, ^CogjeM, 3o3^-o3o se^-cr-w
/4/M:M/ FM^cf^/ <y/arg/Ma/!r
(BM<yge;)./b' 196!-62 - ro/Mg c/
14/A MarcA, 196!
33ooa l3c&a)o'&)—c^a ^ j ^ ^RieF'* & ^
^a gjggb M^*^o*3jX5 D^33bi$jj.
^op)55$j^^jj ^o&9b
^b^Sb R^oBbo ^o3bs5eX) ^o&3Jo8. *^5$) <JSb2&e ^°o^§eo, o{y§ Mo^*
&J* ^ o ^ § o j DCDr^
^ v ^ ^ o saouJ^^yJgo, ^^Sb q&nSbj, Dcb^e
§^dg ^o^d). ^S^y<&) o S ^ g ^ g Sb^ ^ ^ o o ^ &o^db. Qgd "c^o
&)o<& C9^^3cr"-cr"e)^ a^^?9 ^Xbg^^^M ^-tr^oRx) MSSy&) Sb^
§g* &o<%^D gbRa^Xb-Kr^aj. ^ ^ o *Bo^53)S)csr"?^F^ M&oe)^e &j&^o
V * T ^ ^ ^ Q^y -cn-^^eSb JftuSoS^Xir' ^nr-^^Sjo. gjj^ggtRiB-'Pgg''*
cur'-y"^ot8'&r"c^ ^tS'^orr' y ^ ^ ^ ,
d&c3 53jo<^er"e*^7T'e',
{S^o-EfTOK) "3^R^_KS -tr-^o6^^ M ^ d ^ d g ^ojcr-M gjRo v ^ g o
3o^) t^cObg^o aoo^gjoRD RjRDgXbTT^gj. ^a-s^C D^ot&g'^ca
X)0-"ov-X)^ ^bx$Tr"^^o^ )3"3y^)&3 ^ - c p - ^ & M ^ ^ ^ g€r"38^^eM,
S3o=o*"ocj^ ^Xb^boa^oi^ cP^S* -s^dot^Sj^sM ^^jeu
Dtagjo 3oS)c§ s3osy"ooj^ ^Sogbocr^ir' ^8^013^0^ M^b
§^*TT^)SSjj. f^ooj"^ iy"er'3^ijXbo& ^ o ^ o c o o ^ ^oSba&RD.
3,5* 3a"-8'3j^D *^X)^&M
a S^oSS
^)o]Orr-Cb H a D ^ R ) . 8^^"S" s?^* g^-MS^^S* {tT*^ 435*. "3 *5S^5*
e*p* <Jt^^e)o^ 3 c ^ e o &Kbg^*^, Do. 63. ma^-rr'Ob X3&)8^o^^ 8^3bxb
R ^ g * * *^)&M5^^ <xxr- Dgbs^o ^oadD3.<3kibo^ 33)3 S * o ^ o ^ o ^
/<38o-a X)o*o3bo &Xb§^^^o s3b/t)gbo8. ^S*^.& ^"g^o^^boA Sb*"^
8^§"\ "gS^o-a, ea d ^ ^ e o X)-y-do ^o3b&r*X)§ tBo&g^o HCb^gboa
ig^^x a n v
M8s'6Jtz-°a§ -a-^^tss^^o ga^ taaRg^o
A ^ a . *^0b"?^ *3oo^B g 3o&je)8b g ^ ^
-&^&) cp8y^;y-D5
&r*% t3$b^o tSSc&S^o ^ ^ ^ a . ga Rog^tfo Sot%go doigb 5 5 ^
^S\)<&) gj&aioe tgogj&ytg w §3brr"^ go3^]8_ oxr* VjpTy'^rr'^
SjA-€T"Tr"^o^eb8J^<^ <?*d&XbeibX) -s^A3D gOSo^ooos^aS
^o3b<%o eaa^oa. Aerial spraying 3jR_-or ^cdr"o*^ t3oab3^o3b^^
e)8^oa. gjg ^ o F ^ ej^^3, "3o^ D&fir"^ Aur^oa). t&D R ^ c a ^
TT-08*^0001^000. TT'^r'd'Sb )So&g^O^V*aM. SSb^ V*A^O(5^ Sb^b
^bceM g6Sb*3 "^"^ *8 &38 "B?j!ir?oooTyocj. "gy^^rr' ^^o
e<X) sSb^a^KbsT'^SSj. gesSbgo^ Tr*(fo 6^M*ej S'dr^eo ger-F^ Aerial
14f% JMrrcA, 1961
y^/MMj/ Fwc/icM/ F;gfe;n<?n;
(FM^ger)/br 1961-62- ^o^Mg of
spraying company Tr*t& M8*)-&9 tr*3^o MO^oa. Aerial spraying
^TTR). Director of Agriculture e ^ A S
*3Pj3=tr*jcb. cr-^xSoo-O
$e-5T"on RtS'sSjorr''^ Anr"^o3bX) -sr"t3b report S^<^ oM=a*n)g3. -5^e)8b
S)55yn^€M o^cn3j 6 feet, 3 feet "3 3 ^ _ 3 ^ _ 3 ^ &3oSb"3^ spraying
3"^ V" :&)&(go MB^oa. iyX) 3bo^) 3<8'3j'3j3 g O ^ e o 3-0)?r°ojJ.
3b^o 3&JJ 3"^ *cr° ts^o 3^33y<&) pilots s93b^3^eo as &6orr*
^ v c f D 3&"^ urSb M ^ C c o 8*0^oa. ^ o ^ t§oa 3bo^) 6 &Corr* ^o3&
^oo*^ ^3b3y"3o8b^<^ -&*& ocjasSysb &o*3a. v D
^ a &S'^?-'?<orr' & ^ a .
pBbj M 3 j ^ o ^ D
^ ^ o 1§ 7 d r * ^ o & ^
3 3 ^ o ^8^oa. 3 ^ 3o3#^:fo cr-^D D X) \^o^X) q g g
8b^<^ aerial sprayirg 3 H -cr* ^oajcr°X)8 ^-cr^&M MSb/^^oa. ts**&§
vo^s^r-^ "Sn-^jbjrr" ^^.
^ ) *3. Ds<3^5?3^-o"3& : Aerial survey f&8o-3 3jo]8rr*0b
gen* 383.^" ea^-tr*c3 ed8^oa. Agricultural
Director rr-eb 8^"<g sSTr^csb. cr-^ erfcets ?r°^jo^3^37r^eb.
*3jo3^ ^8^3 t 3 ^ ^ \ ^ - o g^*^ planes &)g t3$b^oS^D
vo^Sb'ar'&MF^ &o*^ D^orr" ea6^^3 ^3joTT° ?
(#) *3. ae3o^5?3^-o"3d : <%a^Dact6o Director yv83 3 ^ o ,
33j*-3o 75,000 eb-"5^"o&)ej c$3j&)oa. ger° 383.^* g^3c3^X)§ v^oo
pilots & -5-"3e&3 recurring expenditure tRgjggo
oooj^ *^j3jj g"3cr"X)§ ^oaj*"gbrr' &Ty^3j& director n*"8§ 3 ^ \ o ^
(§) ^^*. cS&RotcyHa : ^ ^ s b o t y ^3b$y"ay^ MF^-0^"3jj.
ger* 383k<^-sr'd) ^e -y"Cfo)e*3jo ^3j3^o^)8b <$3o*r*cr'eo. "3^^?^
-sf^* 3&)caoF^ cP7r<D^c"c^ grapes R o A ^ e i .
*3jeMCf8"3b3 sSbo-D
&v)^e 8c&ca grapes 3o<&^d*^ )3^a &3^a. D*c3vTe&o& ^)3Bb
d*^o M)Rg'c)&' SoK)3.6^" 3^33y<^b cojg*^-^
3bo-a 3oao^f%o a<8^oa. Ty-c Cj-O^o 3eo
&xha. &DX)
.<4nMK#/ FHMTHCM/ ^ / a ^ w e ^
(#M<7ge;)/<?r 1961-62 - fotwg c/
DewaM^j /or Cran^
1 4 ^ A^arcA, 1961
<xoo-sT a ^ \go ^o3ur"o3 Tr-Cb 3 e ^
*3 <b ^o-0
6 dignataries s5-a^Tcr^ gj^Sb SoA^T^ t *r°ar**3 &?r^csb. ^J^o ocj^L^
?i)o-D 2o&&JTl3 ^?rn)^3oj. ^jbovoorr* ^?3 ir"Sl^o^ Hr°cSu " m =5*
*^otC!o6^ cr^So* -cr-gj§^^)yjg^-cr-^)yr'ab
"^^r-Cb. o-*X)&)o-a 3oo3 $ O v " M
e,g* garden
^eogbTT^oco. "3r"^-a-"-sn§*F^^
rr"^ Ty*o&eE)gj t^r°ogo^8b-°<^ oooD sy"C^^Sb D 3 ^3o ss^gbTT^OM.
3a^j<$o [g-qr'giSjote s5-^3&y<3b & D 3 ^r^f^Sbsb^^ D 3\go ^oSboA
%y^e ^yL.rr" &?y^c3bD Tr^Cb Ro^oajTr^Cb. gcr^RO^^* M^o<Sbe)o
=ET°e;Sjo8 d.RT^Cb.
iSbovcoTr* ^oorrrr", *cr"cd)eb^
t ^ o v e t S ^ a soil &a§ &S"^r'^S)Rjgjoa ^ & ^ ga -sr'^oi^;5j&)o&)
TT*Cb t^^^KbSbD <S^^c5^eX) bo T^TT* ir-eg &<xSD^Xb?r^^).
*3. H3e3*^cS^ : &ee*^ ^TT-^boyva
cr*a§ 3*3 !g *=r"^j
department 6** e^ta. cr"a*8 X)e)Ty"^\& RoS)o^) speciat training
o c o ^ ^ir*\&x) ^^"^*" ?
(§) ^^*. o-&^o^o*'B& : tur-a :3oX)o^o&. u-^jSb
training o o o ^ & u . ^^^-^
&<o-a ^o^o-D ger*oe^^ a v ^ & M
g j o ^ S3 &obrs^ ^ojj^sbj.
*3. De3d&5!*^^-o"3<5 : )cr*<&9b gomo^o^) popularise ^obb
cya§ 3sr*(3T ofEcer X3j SLfSb tR'^cS'orr' qggoA esD s'Rr^ooger'
R9^^?SboA )Ty"^^bj. -s"*a qog^cfSb ir"^Cu.
(§) ^^*. o*:S)Ro^*5A : $e^icr" e9$)3§" ^ o * ^ S*&o. ^
ofBcer &
o & p g R x ) ^eag TT"^jx^ ^o5)o^o^a§ c^oo^^o ^ & .
Bulldozers, gago' ^68^tr"cM, tractors iT^o g^dg ^ ^ d a or*ad^
§^*a^ Sbo6A33& &-}T^oOja 3 ^ C b .
&j-"<&) xSo^^ir-e 8*\5x $ 0 ^ o n ^ 36 gogg^tfo 55jK;gb g^og foreign
exchange &°8Soa. §0 ejo^*<S^eCb, 3 graders "gS^o^cr^aS t^oSbg^o
enCb^gb^S. ^ a aS^lfs
10, 15 8 ^ a y o ^
Spare parts ^r*R g^ogsio'Sb gaysT-ccd. ^ c s ^ g^og^dsb v*gc&
Parts 3-OyS gooTT'g
80 SbRRgb sn/^b
^oMo^D tg^* g D , ^rgasfea A m a k e 8b ^ m a k e DArr* §X) e9er" t^sSs!
-cr*e3b ^djar-a§ t^8 ^<r* *§otRo^?gb $^°a^ ^-tr^&M 3oRn%o MCb^b
14?A Afarc/t, 1961
( F M ^ r ) / o r 1961-62 - Mor/Hgc/*
D%/n<3H6f.s /by C r a M ^
gjoB. Oil Engines, P u m p sets "sbjR'g 3 Tr*0§ €53^yeo 31*' -o** &)SS
<38s {^3jgb3je3^3 ^-cr-^&M ^3jSJ3"*3 3bj. 3od!t<g^&)eM <08b^-X)rr" "*So-^
^3JJ S^6&gr'(g oSiyeM 3 H -cr* ooj3jg<go at&R)&33^a. ^ 3 ^ ^^r"
oMo^)o pTr-C&jrr'^
^j^D ^Xbur^XSJ.
S*o^& i3aJS3C*3j?5a $r*!^d 3od^ca. $y-S*oa^ &o*t3 ^^siMXi) 3od*
[#*(5 §3j§^3oX)3
contour bunding 3 H -cr* *^o3b3eX)3 e<33do <3o"3 iy & ^ 8 . ca *5^^c
t S R r ^ 81-62 3 0 3 ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ cr*cr-3j 87,500
Jg'vog'* a_^\^^bj
^cOj^O. 3 C o 33^33y<&t rr-X). 7V"0§ rr*D, 3^b^)fM " ^ f ^ n r ^o!b
3o&3orr-^ soil ^)*B*^ erode tA3)gb&\&* c r * ^ e<8S'^c?^X)$ s'^jw
3 H tr* 8&3j3b3^&300^*^ "*5 !&)oo
o^v-Vo &3^5.
*"&°^&\rr* 3o^co
6'35^6'SJ -u-"o3bi3^0, t§)?"5j^o, ***3eM-°Cj t^-o^r*
eg"* §"<3^ ^-tr-^ a ^ ^ ^ - K T ^ o u j . &S)§^d8b r*og ^ a ^ S ^ ^ ^^ra3jo^)Sb?r'^o c9^) 3j3D^3JKr^3b. qo^^<yeb 15 /r*&)3j ^r-^j^g^^g*)
)3o3b^o"3"& tpo^d^ 11 succcsful^ojj'Kr'ooj. w a 3djtpQbrr* **§3o
6 3 ^ 8 . East Godavari. West
Godavari, Krishna aeyeg** t?D 3]S*3j07V" ^D^Xbnn*\O3^!0
^^bTT^^jj. qoS* "3o<5o^3§ electric p u m p setsiix*3oS*)36)X)3 t933#o
T3--D§ Mo3bS'&M
3 H -cr* ^v^^jj "3*^ C9D production 6"""§
g^oCbX) 3j3D**33jTT^3). 60-81 3 o 3 & ^ { f o ^ if Rig) 3-3)3o&)3 N e w
W e H Subsidy Scheme tPSSoeog"* ^^r-^bj.
-cr"3.^oc5^ 3^c^3^6X)3oC3b3e
*^otR &33jo]arr'C& &)3
Trob t3*^c*ro<r' [g'a&ajg^a ^Ay-oooo
3jeM ^ v o b . tr<D^ =tye3#Sb -a^^co t^Dgo^^o M B b ^ b ^ 3 ^ X ) 3:3.D
*33b?r^3b. 3r*"8^^3o^" D3.oaoo.8b 3orr- 3b3D*63J7r-^3). Regulated
markets &TT^&M ^oab^eK) )3o3bg^oaC&?^gjx^a. qa3#"3 "gcoTV-cy"
! ^ o ^ o ^ regulated markets &nr"^ooj. M o t ^ t ^ o ^ o ^ & r - d S ^ g x ; : ^
^-o^&M^o&Ro H8^o8. *3o&< acts 33j3go3bo ^ ^ a.8"=§) 3tS*3b"3j3
3 R 8 3 ^TT'^&M^oSr'cS &3^a. *3 ab S*3.3<& 3 o & & ^ 3 ^ObTr*^ !9RX)
s*^3§ 3R3 30^o ST'^S'Sbocr' &3^&)ooj*g
*^r"^Sb)3o&J 3oAo^ty°aS
M3-5*"yo &o<^&. E^-cy^od^ &o&^*u*"d&). 3)8*33*3)3
<?cf *tr'3cr'X)§
regulated markets #&)St)oty** v 3 3 d o . -cr^^S^RSb jS'^oe'oTr' *^ej^
ooaogjeo *gX) Market Committee ^8b t93yca)-&), sa D^oTr' ^6"c3b
X)6s'o'c3 3o&ty*D8 t3o&#2.o M & b ^ g ^ o a vX) 3)3a*63Jnr^3j.
y4nntM/ FMiwcM/ 6*ro/e/M^/
(FM^ge/)/bf 1961-62 - Mor^f q/*
14//? Marc/;, 1961
3)3 v3^o<5"* -s^$) ^§*^3-§*
a)^&3 *§ot<5 )3$b^3j)38j 3oaccr*3A). M 5 cr*icr'3j 80 *^e> J ^ v e o ,
38§^^j dr"^ojJcg^ ca ^ 3 c o dr-S^oSc^ej&oa. ecB )33jgo *^o[^
^3%b^jg Se§93<S"* 3 ) 3 ^ ^ 3j3a^3)nr^3).
^'^-"^ t^35"^8b o3r° 3o3^o^o M ^ o j o o 3 ^ o ^ 3 o o a M 3 a
^o^r-oo) *3$j MS*^.<5
OaCbg ^r-coSb ^3o^Qj7r-8g^3j, *33j*o4S
7<3(3^t3brr-8g^3j-^o^coMd3R^3a. eaD ^apRxtTVooj^r-jgO; 8 ^
365" R Dporr* 6 3R0^5) aOlv-0 ; q o & S b X)a^oa^ ^o^gboTr-er" ?
&,y *sr"o'o
e^e^cd^ coos')-&§ 3 3ooa. 3jj^q3jj7V-
a.o7V*{f TT'exr'v^ ^y*o--
3§ 13oi&)3oRv &r"sr'ojjcM coj-aj3djooj"^ ^Trr'Sb 3o<3,o^3 "3 &)eSb
§^o^3d8b 33^-5^67^ 3jo&Mo%D, e9g3) 3o&) JSj^-3rf 3o&o-^cr"a3
tsg^fygjuo&MoRD ^ D o ^ 2 ) ^ J & ^ a . 633^07^ 3jo-Dcf5^"3j3 ^T*rr"Sb
&r°cs"° 3o&o-^c?^X)§ ^3?^y3bjoejjo8 ^r-"3^
<J^\^$ogfsb Rfcr* cor"
3o^j ar*3-^CS-sr"8rr" &o&Moa ^3)S* ojr* a3.o&3jj &t333J7V" ead^Oo^
a&)gb3^a. ea S*Do&5 eSer- ooir- 33c43o33
^ot^r-^, §^-M3"3^3^
A ^ o j ^ j o & j j ^ ^8\o^) DCo3j*eM "rl §^3^ ^Cb^r*^ oar" 3o3t^#3Aj
cr-X)5 Md^^o3s)igb&)3^a
3 2 ^ 3 a3,o3j-"e*^S^ 3x)nr^oo).
eoTr^ou. -3"*&3&3o63& aAaArr*
HTyg^co 3 3 ^ < y D 3
3<&H&oa. 3 q 3 a ^ ^ D Mpo^beo ^o^M-xr^oli). atr^iv^$*3j3 &r°g
3eo ^X)3 3^)ce8b !3^qS'orr' 33j"*-sr*,3"°eM t-sn-X) 3 o L ^ 3 3 . 3^33
^3ju^)3j. aeM*3 3 3jT^3<R) ^ ^ ^
"30o3b"33jT7-^3j. 3e 3 o 3 ^ o & j &3y"o&)3) lTg'33$SboeM &^*3^r"3L^
§^Oj&r" *Re3j
7^7^07*^^ CA^fr/Ma/? .' T h e question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
For introducing co-operative farming.
14;A M:rcA, 1961
v4w!M^/ FffMncfc/ <y^^/KaM^
(BM^f)/br 1961-62 - Moiwg of
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
For not finding out medicines to eradicate some
kind of 'Peleruchettu' in the uplands of Chittoor and
other districts.
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
For not developing blast resistance varieties in
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
For not starting sugar-cane research station at
Chittoor district.
The motions were negatived.
7&#M?cwy CJKZMwaM .* The question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
For not providing a power boring set at each
Block in famine affected areas so as to enable the peasants to deepen their irrigation wells.
The motion was negatived.
%H%7orary C/MfryMgH ; The question is :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
T o criticise the failure of the Govt, for not keeping most of the tractors and the bulldozers in the State
in order.
The motion was negatived.
L e w p e w y C%%H7?K?H .* The question is :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
v&<)gMg** <3&§o3 gRRog H 3 o M ^S*&*34jgH. *3otg&M
3b3& qi&TR&t S^&y** 3[S*3jonr* v-D^j^S* &"<RM3oR)&, 33 cuo
enxu:3ot?3cf&) &r*s** gtB'xborr* RoRS'&M pR?X;3o<3)arr'&.
The motion was negatived.
^wtMaJ FbMweia/ ^a^we/:f
(BM%?ey)/<M- 1961-62 - r<?;;% q/*
14/^ Marc^, 1961
TTpM^pcrgry C^ff/M^/!; The question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
v - a ^ a x ) ^ *^R *B -sno^&jggj, D S ^ 3<3bo [So<^ q-R)j ^3y
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
3r*gjo§-R)) 38^&eM *g3e?o gasbo'g c^o^b&jBb 7r-x3b 3^^r-^
The motions were negatived.
yie/Mppywy CAafrwa/!; The question is :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agiculture by
Rs. 100
tRgbggRx) taSSRg^bg <^eb3)E)3) 33 cxo ^ c & ^ ^
*3)6g) 3o3S*o
3 0 ^ ^od^Sb, er"3o
The motion was negatived.
T&Mporgry CA^zr/y!^/!.' The question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
!n-*&r°e6"*a gog^jOha^Cboa
t3$b^Q &#*q;be 3<&^^*3"v9
J6b3jeJ 33<xu
M 3 a o S o ^ <^<M^3^Tr"6^ ^8b^$
a ^ e o v&^SbTvX) "3^ g v ^ - 3 ^3yrr^a o o o ^ -sr*0b <9&3 a^"c?&)
^ 6 5 aer-gxP^ ^3j^&)?r^ a e ^ $ o ^ o ^ S b .
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3.79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
3jr-cr*q'T!)4j3'* c9*BjrDdRo a ^ e S^o^-sr-o^do ^o3bj^8b &&)
c^§o3b 3&D§^X) 3og^*cC& vqr"$"ST09 ilr^&oO-xr* t n ^ ^
14;A AfarcA, 1961
(BM^er)ybr 1961-62 - foffng q/*
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
3ar'&t3T'a& 68o&-*t5"*a"5gbea
1 9 5 0 ^ &8b MoBR-RiD
3S)\^ "3odl T3** voao-^D -s^cfTV^ gd)eo <^o<A^ojj 3o&)ea ^od^S'
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
&M-°&[3r*aa [3**oggbj{5"* *3j4j $&T-ax)e)&) ^ 8 %b*-x3bjeMrr*
Rr-Obj^Sb J^bSer'cXSj ^6b3b ^d3bjdjSb t&r-S'Ob, EM^*<S^a)Cb -3^^
"3^3^ §)5*B &)c8b vo^^odoX) *B gbeo o o j ^ o a ^ ^ ^ i y ^ C b -y"e)&3.
The motions were negatived
Tlewparary CAa/fwcM r The question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
T o impress upon the Govt, to start the Rural
University atonce.
The motion was negatived.
T^wporary C/MMr/Mgn; The question is:
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
gcbg) 38h3beo A#ySbgb3^3^63§ qo^xb g a g ) Rny-^ca v"^ot^3j&
<3^b^o ^)dJ^bH )3T6opo-Rao6bSb—
The motion was negatived.
Temporary CAa/rwc/: .* The question is : *
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
&)K) v e g a n s ' * taooj^&A) "^4.M8)(gbe& 55^0 o-RtyrRS <3$b^o
X)8g."3jX) ogj^dcXM &Xb§^go&)8b.
The motion was negatived
( ^ M ^ e r ) ^ 1961-62 - ro;;ng ^/
!4rA^jrcA, 1961
7g/?ipora/'^ CMr??M^ ; The question is :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 3,79,48,900 for
Agriculture by
Rs. 100
The motion was negatived.
Tle/M/M/Yzry CM?wan.' The question is:
"That the Government be granted a sum not exceeding Rs. 3,79,48,900 under D e m a n d No. X X —
The motion was adopted and the grant made.
T&TMpo/wj; CA%M77K2M / The question is :
"That the Government be granted a sum not exceeding Rs. 44,38,000 under Demand N o . X L I —
Capital Outlay on Schemes of Agricultural Improvement and Research".
The motion was adopted and the grant made.
DEAL4JVD M?< JTJrM7—M^Z/are o/gcMiJad* Tri&ay,
Casta? F;c.—Ry. 2,77,FP,dd0
7%e -A/MMFfe;- ybr Sbc?a/ ^ y a r g f*SfMMaf/H
M a ^ M w a F^gMwJ .* "Sir, on the recommendation of the
Governor, I beg to move:
That the Government be granted a sum not
exceeding Rs. 2,71,39,800 under Demand N o . X X V f Weifare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc.'*
T^/Mporary C/MHr/Mcn.' Motion moved.
'g. d&6*. ^d&oS^O*^) (9O0(R-a;6tf5*): &)ot87r'0b ^^o
*Bbogr^§ B ^ ^ : wer*"^. 96^ q-3r*y sSj^cg^o 8.00 ^o&)
a^ F.^0 ^?. 7M.).
14;A AfarcA, 1961
(T^a Rouse rg^^w^/gJ a^ 77:ra6 q/*^ C7#cA)
7%e D^M^y 6 ^ ^ ^ .* I have to announce to the
House the foHowing programme of sittings as decided
by the Business Advisory Committee"14-3-61 Morning
3 to 7 p.m.
Agriculture Minister will reply.
Social Welfare Department.
15-3-61 Morning upto Social Welfare Minister will
2.00 p.m.
16-3-61 Morning upto Labour Minister will reply.
(/7;%, 13;/: <M<? VP;% Afarc/t, /96l #<?/K&y,y)
20-3-61 Morning
Medical Minister's reply.
4 to 7.30 p.m. Fisheries, Animal Husbandry &
Forests Minister will reply.
21-3-61 Morning upto^
4 to 7 p.m, J
22-3-61 Morning
Minister's reply.
23-3-61 As originally
Afternoon—Govt. Bills,
24-3-61 A s originally
Afternoon—Govt. Bills (if any)
25-3-61 A s originally proposed and Evening 'Distribution of Banjar Lands'.
28-3-61 > A s originally proposed.
,4nnMa/ fMMMCMt/ ^^re/Me^?
(^M^er)/br 1961-62 - Mofwg q/*
14/A Afarc/:, 1961
N O T E : There will be no question hour on 22-3-61.
The discussion and voting on the Supplementary
estimates was decided to be held on 24-3-1961.
?7;e D ^ M ^ y iSpea^er ; N o w , cut motions will be
<Srf P. i?j/ago^a/ A/hf^M .* M a d a m , I beg to m o v e :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by Rs. 100
(To criticise the Government for not granting
enough of sums for the housing of the Harijans, backward communities, tribes etc.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc. by
Rs. 100
(For not giving technical education to the poor
harijans, tribesmen and backward communities so as to
enable them to seek self employment and maintain
themselves by their earnings without depending upon
the Government afterwards.)
7%e D^?M/^ iSpea^er .* Motions moved.
St? (7. %%a7W6in<&: Re%/y ; M a d a m , I beg to
To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
2%e DgpM^y ^p^A:gr ; Motion moved.
14;A Maf<%, 1961
^MHMa/ F&MMcfaf ^ a / e / w ^
(FM^ef)ybr 196!-62 - Po;?ng ^
<S*rf & Fe/Mgyya .* M a d a m , I beg to move :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc, by
Rs. 100
("gayrctHger* §*""i&"*3b nr°ej-*-s-* § ^ ^ c & trr"^) ^jatr-g^gLr*^
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs* 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f*3ej"°tager* S^grth -B--exr'-s-° goc9 trr'Sb ^*"8a&)oSb oojo<^
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs- 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f*3eg*°66ger* S^^yrta -s-°ej*'"6"" ^ * ^ ^ 0 ]rr"^3b ^8a&)c5b oooo<^
4nnKa/ Ffnancfa/ ^afemenf
( F M ^ ^ ) y b r 196i-^2 - Mon'ng <?f
l4fA ^farcA, 1961
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc, by
Rs. 100
^ 8 & & c S b ox)0(g;3e3ju ojjSy\o^j&)6^ sao^nSou
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(*3eaTtager* §^:&T3b vexr*-s*
S^gb*B<&^-"'3^5jj trr-sSj
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes, etc., by Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,17,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
("3exr°6bger* S^grab
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
§**:&-*R) -sT'exr*?-
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(*3aM-°3bger* §"*;§rta -3^:33"*-?-* ae^ogyeb
)rr*&) .^-8^^) ^8
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(?3exr°(age"" S^igyrR) v e x r * ? * 3)8c9 <n**3b ^ 8 M & o 3 b
X)O&0 O0J&\O-d)&)F^ MOiCo&M
14?A AfarcA, 1961
^HHMc/ FY/MMCM/ ^a^c/MCH^
(J5M^gg^)ybr 1961-62 - ^<?;;ng o/*
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(^exr-Boger* §^^r*Cb TyeM-fTr* SbtO^i^b
tTT*^ ^8M^)c8b
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
\ n
*" tn
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f'Sexr'ajger*, ^sxr-Cb -Blears*- ^<&)iSjjSa
tyr*^ g r a a & e a
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
vaj-*-y* OeoTT*Dgeco ^OHKJboSb OMo<^
\ n
^oiSbo Xboa^Cb t3o&3)D §^d?^Sb.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc,, by
Rs. 100
\ M
XSo&o sSboe^Sb ^o3o&)XJ §^d)&)So.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
X!oSbjeM ^oer-Co *3o3j^D 6^&&)8b.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(*3&r°<ager* § ^ $ r &
*^^r<0& t7vsgj ^-QeigbcSb
^ M M a J FMaHc/a/ gMeTMen;
(#M<7g<?;)./<v-1961-62 - r<??;%F cf
14/A Af^rcA, 1961
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(3**8a3jeg) & & * o ^ & M S ^ & x S ^ R ) , !33j-°a;&e;a aM-ab)&j(5"*;&
T o reduce the atlotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduied Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduied Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f3"°6a&)9Sj oa3o<%3eaMeo ca)-c&\4j<5''*&) sSjo-D&sb ^r*3)oo
[^D^o^AjF^Jd) 3 ^ e 5 " a ^ e M , ^0o/t) t ^ o ^ , ajoaf^Cb ^c3bj&)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
Ty-8 OSS' RRiaeo " ^ 0 ^ 0 6 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ & ) 3 * ^ -5-do^bJM ^gdjRoRbSb.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f^S&rnager* §^:Sr°B& tfexr'-s*" t9exr°(R )7r*^ ^"Ba^boSb oojo^
^X)0 ^ir-yjj 3o&:&a §^0&&3H&.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(''SeJTO&ger* *3ecr"C& -yegr-s-* *^&r"C&trr'^b ^"8a&o8b oajo<^
14tA McrcA, 1961
^w/wa/ F//MHCM? ^a^/MMf
(jBoJgef)/or 1961-62 - Pbtwg oy
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(-sT8jSboa gageg^FRMeM
39^6)3"* &63 er-aoRx) sOb^
' &<o^3 p$j^g&)J a8g.*3)^ DTT-^gjjgJ ^g^jgo&SJ.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
("aarnager* 5 ^ 3 8
.^r'dgj^ObgJ^v-, st3^3-*'go g*^g 3o. 4811
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(*3&r*6bger* g**gjT6b -&Texr*3r" ao<%rbo6j e93bo#&o3bjo8b ^o<^
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes. Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
\ en
&o3ooc8b sc^gegjj ocoS^o-^&jF^ er-go^x) aSbfc3b3^o6bSb)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
OMo<^gegjj OM&xogbdjSb ar*gogjJ MCb^b^g\o<3b8b.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(For the failure of the Government to provide
funds for the provision of burial grounds and pathways
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
fiya^aMg^D "^Kgyoeoer'gbeo "^egb^oeo gcMgbe D-cr*qCbe&
^*^-eJ*^gyeM &)oa"Cb
^3oT&)4j8b gRBog
(FM^e/)ybr 1961-62 - Mo;/ng o/
14;AAfgrcA, 1961
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
*3R)g8)&;3 er"&)g_^ ^B-D^&3
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes; Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
f'5Sexr°&ga** "Ssxr^Cb -5$-°exr'"s*° *^&jj"*ta )7v*^o 5^°6a&)mSb ojs>odo
\ tn
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
/ ^ e x w a g e r * §'"sar°t6 -Br*exr°-s-* & & & * & 5$-"8axbe8b cxMO<^X)CiJjj
77^^ D^pMry 6^?^^r .* Motions moved.
*SW J. y. JF^TKMK&z .' M a d a m , I beg to move.
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To draw the attention of the Government on the
need for extending the facilities to Indian Christians to
bring them on par with the scheduled castes in respect
of all concessions).
?%% DgpMfy *%e%%rer .* Motion moved.
14% MarcA, 1961
^/MMa/ F&MMcM ^afe/wesy
(FM^ger)/bf 1961-62- ^o^wg qf
^rf ^. remayya; M a d a m , i beg to m o v e :
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(Education Department letter N o . 954-J. 1/60-2
dated 21-3-1960 ja^ao rbodjjTtager* -33*3-^0^-^° aoft^^o
;rr-^) ^ a e & e g b O M o ^ y ^ b OMo<g3er*eM sSboer"0b ^o3b?io^o8b.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(fbo&xr°&{9ey-- -a3Tr°-r*K) trvib 3 r 8 a & o & ^
4, 5 X3o. o F ^
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(Kx>&xr*&i8er' gog?6A&*(%3 [nrga 3r6a&eM i<^ 4, 5 !6o. eorr*
oMo<^3er"eM &)osr"3j§^d*§ ^Cqr*XbeM go^)Sbo&MX^S^M3 C M o ^ 3 # a
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(*Ba&r°o A^&'SjoAjJTy-e ^"ayiy-ogo
3o. 68907-^-66-1
8. 20-7-66 T3-*9r*er* ^o&xr'Cbgo^ /^do&) ^ Q M & c g b
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(Social Welfare and Labour Department letter
N o . 587193/57-5, dated 3 1 — 1 — 1 9 5 8 a&aeoa ^o&^ob
7%e D ^ p M ^ 6^g^er .' Motions moved.
v4nwMa/ Ffnanci'a/ ^ ^ a ^ w M f
(FM^c/)/br 1961-62 - Mcz/ng o/
14^A MarcA, 1961
5*rz M<V. YlarAF^/ .* M a d a m , I beg to move:
T o reduce the aMotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
'5oS'&;y"*2&3'o -g-"ej^-?-^a
T o reduce the aMotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
t^^TT^^on^gir' &)o-a&63ir*D§ A^ocoo ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b o < ^ ? T ^ <^2^^d3
T o reduce the aliotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc, by
Rs. 100
TT"DSSJo ^o "5o<3j3og.g^d:5LMe t§^o *snD t R ^ c ^ a -cr*i3§ -u-"§^^j2)<&
/Sj8o^3 tt%j*sr^X)§ J X ^ ea&sM ^ i j o g j ^ "5^830)^
MoSo^X) [S^j^g
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(v&^oger* %.is-..^9o -ar*ejT-s-* a e i g a * ^ $Tr*eb, ^o<&ny8
/tr"*3oSS^, g"*aaao6jeSb
*^X) S*6j3R)^)Sj *83<gJ7(o&) ^^x^-sr-^
8*^Cb ^oaoSboar- 160 <JS*ir-o ^r-Dj^ * ^ R o o ^ 3
u^DoabS' ^8sa5S)o
14;AMM-cA, 1961
(3M^y)/or 1961-62 - Mo/^go/
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(%)T3"*-R&o -BrsexTT-s-* g^6j?.8 TT-^So
§"*&3-°(a e?xgj M-d)q-a^
^8a&)Ogj 53-KT<qO&0 ^ Xb3hoBj&.)
7 7 ^ D ^ M f ^ 6]p^a^r .* Motions moved.
<SW & F ^ w ^ ^ ; M a d a m , I beg to m o v e :
T o reduce the aHotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Weifare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
("39J*°3u63er° <Kr"<&^3b"o^e^r"-s^ ;3r*843s3"°Bo <rr°;i) ^ " 8 a & 5 M
T o reduce the aHotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
*3jo4M R 6 § o ^ ^oSjj&)6^ a a j r b ^ a ^ M o ^ c ^ ^a^dj^od^oSb.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,7i,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduied Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
& ^ & " 3 j o & ^ T ^ & ) ^ ^ C o r r * ^dXx^&M )S:^g^o (W§ &Kb^o<l?eSj.)
77:^ Df/H/ry ^ ^ F r ; Motions moved.
^rf g. K iSJ. Pr^adf .* M a d a m , I beg to m o v e :
T o reduce the aHotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of the Government to
carryout the programme of Multipurpose project,
Narasumpet, Warangal District.)
(FM^?y)/or 1961-62 - foffng q/*
I4fAM?rcA, 1961
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39.800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc, by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government in taking
necessary steps for cooperative marketing for the
products of tribal people in Mulgu taluk, Warangal
T o reduce the allotment of R s 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government to take
steps for restoting or creating irrigation sources and
thus rehabilitating the tribal population.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc, by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government to expedite
roads in Agency areas of Telangana especially Warangal
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2.7139,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government in implementing the scheme Eturnagaram, Burgampad Road in
the Warangal, K h a m m a m agency areas.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government in enforcing the Tribal Regulation in Telengana Agency area.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government to provide
elementary medical facilities to Tribal people.)
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the failure of Government allotting
necessary land to Tribal people in Warangal district by
drawing the forest lines wherever necessary.)
2! 2
I M A f c f A , 1$6!
(BMdfgfr)/or 1961-62- yofMgd/
T o reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,71,39,800 for
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Castes etc., by
Rs. 100
(To discuss the delay caused in sanctioning the
Ramanujapuram Mixed Colony, Mutug taluk, Warangal
27?e D^pM?y 5 ] p ^ ^ r ; Motions moved.
&iSj^o<&<^ [38:3r-3ar- a,^ S^^*&) 55JX5 &oo&) ^dyR). cr-aF^
M*^S* -p^rr* oj?r^oa). "3jodj^3a *^<^y"oeo "^ ax^, *^d^y°oeM -sr^o^^,
a^bo ^ er*gdeM
ej^^e* ^ ^ ^ * 3^6^" ^^3S 3oa 8o33
fbOo^ < g ^ §^d3&r* ^)4r-<a. c r a g ^ ^ ^ o
Tr-d3 < x u ^
!S3gb$Qo ?(^ 3o3e$\^a, Mo^vSbocr" tycr"^ oxr* *3o(&3 3o-^3^
t^i3^$'S'og^&-r<'^' g^o &*&<5" " 3 ^ \ ^ &^"3b"3jo^)J ^ " 0 - * ^ $ ^ ) X ^
$0^r*o^ rb8o0 3J-s^'§^o^ 3 ^ & ) .
*=a.<&r°(Jr ^ ^ ^ ,
^ ° ^ ^ t^ V^Sorr- 3-*8a&e ejDa; Dip^^oF^
S5j-"&^ &3jSbv3^oF^ r*oe% Sbo^M^^^a ^jjo^t^-Ey-y^F^ 3 3 8 o ^
cr*a§ tgc&g^o -a^JTT^o c a
3 3 ^ o s8^o8. *s-*a T7*"_^3 38A0
^r* *& *5o(gb ^R)CJ ^ojj^ooj, sSjj^<^3 tSi!^?^ t^tfopo-RR)^
^4 <^y&7^ Ted) 3 ^
D3.oSr°eo o3Jtr"-cr"X)§ Tj^er* Rr*dorr* ^TJ^
o&a 3^cr'a5.a=er'33J7r^^). <^o<3b^o^) s)3 o^g^^-sr*^ 3ao&)
^ 3 " v"<^'. *^o[ajJ*^^^*3jo^)Tr=-3b
8^§)e& 3o8^ ^-a^i^oSb RoaoaoR
^6^^530 epo*^) 3q3^*"o&
ajS' 8^0b
ojj-° 3j<!o"^ tg-gj
eosy^Cb, 1956 ^R*3j & ^ 36&8. gcjTT-^ "8o^3 s3o^^^<RTy$^g^
^^jR ]3v*'3^)3&r'Sb3 3"6gaea^j<S^o3<sj. tr'aaa)&3*§&MXb§^3tir).
^ 8^&F^
*B8a3 a ^ c ^ o o
-gy" "^ {^^^* *3eiva A ^ & ^ o ^
crg-or aCb/t)&)^ DD<$ )3ur"?S'c3c i5Xb^ &r*RR )3acT)X) [S3v*
^orr* ^ ^ ^
3x^3e& sS^oS. cr*X)D^j8oO a)R^F" <&"^&M^ §***og
&)oa 3 ^ ^ .
-6a KioR6\o{5^ §"a^ SR.oSJ^$M S5D$) 3 ^ c ^ & ) o ^
?r^xjj. 8&"R^* q ^
^^*gg Q^go 1960 g"* 440 c^.
eooT§3, 1956 t5"* 487 dr-^oOJeSb ^A^ojaoa. Per capita income
1950 g^ 1 0 4 e ^ ^ o & ^ o ^ , 1956 6^99.4ej^o&ea3<3&"ox)o8.
M ^ a^^X^rr* & ) ^ 8 ^ " ^
3&&*o/6ea7T* &o*^ Biy-eM 1950-61 6^
90 Bun eMoib, 1956-67 6^ 128 3 3 & ^)8/\oa. ^316^ ^ocjg) *3if
(BM4fg2?)./br 1961-62- foffng of
1950 6^
MfAAfarcA, 1961
109 ^o3^*^ 76 & » o ^ , 1956 6** 98 ^osb- *5) R e & R&^r"
OMo8. Average household debt 47 ay^ToRe&c-a 88 &r"^o3b
sSo^S 5^o&r°^t8^ er*o63 ^[9s'S^c^ ^^3 3 o ^ R § c C J o ^ ojoer)TT°V'Cb.
" T h e total picture presented by the Survey is
highly depressing. W h a t has been done in the first and
second plans seems to have m a d e hardly any difference
to the bulk of agricultural labourers w h o continue to
eke out precarious livelihood from cultivation or from
other casual labour if and w h e n it is available."
. e>D 5r°oRy°atas' Ro^Tg^oRog'* oxr* 83*3) "^gt-g-'aca. q8
gyr&oa 3oao§o-a;S 3*3gR)o-3g3)3 8&"cb. R8ag g^o^
ar^<gbo)Sseo gj^Tya^odT* 11 c^e"^)X5 ^ly^cb. ir^8§ 3caoao3i5
^"Xi^ v^je3orb6o-a ep^oycf^ *^)x.eM^H a*c!g a 8 ^ ^ M ^ir"<g^db.
*^^&roeu - s ^ o ^ S & o a & ^ M g ^ 8 ^ ^ - = n & ^ S b ^ )3S'<bsmr'^,
oor"&xpp ^3f5*s2ba5* ajgv^a^o sS^oP, djJ^6^^Xj^3. ir-B^R
8&"Bo ^r"u-"oyo *^3&)o'T§) ojj*"*5o<&) ^ - ^ 3 ^ 8 * t . jS33r*3&M S^*o^
er-A30^g *^gX) ^oebSb D&R&MrrT ^ ^ ^ - d & o ^ =o-"oa)oa 6"o{g
s^^beM gR)4&*3A)9;a s^/^^MgJV^^^, d^^c d^Ro
3833) "3o&acy*tf& ^^-^ 6^dgo^8', "3 Rc3r*3'ir*oeM
^Sboc?- O M &
sstysbs*?^ ^s*\si 38aa<y* ^Dafo ^^^^?r^cy^ ^^ e ^ o b ^
^od)^3 "3jo ^ o h ) ^ " B o d b ^ & o
a8h9 ^o^nr" ^xbg^
5$o^^ ^a^i^o /^rTT&oa. &)X$ v-a^)S3$Sb^o &)XSD-*a^o6^ " 8 o ^
3-°gja 3&8o *^)Dj^3, ^8M^beo, g o ^ ^ ^ g ^ § ) a o , S"*oga-°iae3
Tr*^3ts:^5$o ^o&<X) t9o-dnr° *3a)§^Tr"a. g ) ^ ^ D o ^
Sj^acbrr-d) 33-*^6j. ^j&u g^S'^* ^AiX)^)a§**^xS 3o=cnoSb&e)
fbeoa Evaluation T e a m "^aJTy^sSjur^d). ^3%^3ujnr* *^d tSa
oSb HoBoao^)^ <o^o§^A^ <%n^ v C ^ ^ ^ ^ n r ^ o . tr-S$0^o *^jSb
a R o & o ^aoTT- "^oj^oag MaX)C&)Jo^oo<SX) &)^D
^ X b u ^ j a . q&joao^^ea^eM &o^o^X)5 ta-p^^?^o"cao &o8. (XS&tfg
^ x s ^ ^ ^ tRT^^g^^o s^a^oa. Qagd*§ taasoggjtfo cuyaa)
agab R^bow <^^gg\g).§ aajaaayg ^-sr^tib. a^OM^esbr^a
14;% AfarcA, 1961
^K/!Ma/ FfMaMCM/ ^;arawe/!(
(^M^;)ybr 1961-62 - Pl?fhg q/*
g^o<^en9 !3aeg)-ETD Tr-8 M88*3s3b3o:jj 3 8 ^ C o ^ o C J ^ o ^
ffdS-ufCoea &Kb^s!^o^d3. Tr-8§ ^r-3o)o3j oa)^g<^o *s^a t!5v"^
33)X3r. &^-o-"^^oF^"^ 40 e(&o JS'-cr'o ( 3 ^ ^
5 ^ c b . t^DgSjorr* ccogd ^^jjeoSLr'cr' §^X^ &iRP^cco. gr°3jjea
go^gcuS** tSS^b^o ^^3-^Co &?3or*a oaiasSdSJ v ^ * AX^iy8§ 3<b^eo
&xS^$Sj-"SbX) 3 o ^ ^ o
x r - ^ % F ^ & 3 M o ] ^ ! R ^ r ^ d ^ ^ 3r*6go *5^^-o^^r"&
o3o^\ &
)3-*tfo#Ib;3a. sas'^.^
v o t l S ^ j p ^ j ^ o &o3,
-s-*otH5" !^%3^go ^o3. Qtg^ 3o5S^ir-'e 3 8 , 3a 33b3c OMo^^^Sb
3 8 ^ ^ . ^ o -s-°^<3b. e}^&3§3j-"cr" 3&)3o ^^D^^gjjrn' & o 8
o x r " 3 o ^ d A & ) j ^ <S^^R\{!i3
-geRgjRo X58^^.^o g^o^sSCSJ,
tr-^o^g-tr" ^ D v s 5 3 d o
&3^cr"X)X) X5o-^cyX)§
$X)X5o Tr*8§ <&)^§^3<^o§^X)o
3o<5o%gb§^o-"D§ t93R%*3j3 $y-SbD
)X)%b^o g r R ^ R o g v e o M88*38X)S m--^3<^
^K) *^&)^^orr* 33ySe-&&Tr^3j. cr'e3§o3b'sr"8$jo3&)3o3*^ t3^b
^iSbo xig^o emergency measures &XbSbX) Tr°a§3a<5\:x<y* ^ s & o 3 5 j
e&3 S^ot$&)o8^ oe^db^g^TT'o"^ A ^ y o o g ^ emergency 3<5&3et5**
$ir*3jJogj y x ^ R o s y d ) . w&M^So^ emergency geRoadAogf* Jo<SjSb
&X3j§^8j^^&. tX$3^o ^o&^?TT-? a,$*M " 8 o ^ 3 o 3 ^ v - " 3 ^ ccCTo
:t&&§**g-u&). "goorvw^d^
68 Ao^)
^r-^nr^o M 3
yv^ ^oS^ij
-cr'^TVCb a RosSa^ifo Assignment year ^^3 ^^3jKr^(3&. 36 RosS
s^c^o cforr**B<&rr"ab^^°ot!'?r^C)b. Census'tr'^^o^e^^oo^'Ro&M
nr^ca. t S ^ ^ Di^xSoF^^ i?^X)X) /<43n-" ogjoo e3Cj^-"c'^§^8S' ^g*
g ^ ^ ^ o S S ^ "^^^-dcao ebaMajg^csrag M ^ ^ - ^ o &o3. s?^ ^3jjrr*
g"*o<%8r*a i^Mo R8X)9 &o8. -a*-8 638^ 38Jb8 ^ZbM? )3%b^o
Q ^
8^cbw"=aL^ceM-sr*Xb\ ^&r"cao^)83j\g^X)o &)§)td-\S* ]^-"*33b&)
Oca ^ y ^
ej ** L
^5)o=nr°d'nr"^0b. ^e)on*"tar"F^ *Bo<3j ]^*3<)eMnr'^ojj. e3aer*Br*d)
g c r - ^ a,g*^3 &o8. cr*X)K)/t)8o-D *r*& s3q S ^^o7r* =cr*er^ "3eoXb&.
=Er*e )^-"*3SbgM?r^ojj.
tSSoSb^o ^Xbio^Ob. cr-X)F^ <3?-"^3b3 ap&r;$3i, 3dRo^)b
Tr*d) oo)^j3 ^ftdjr&tadS -Rj^ "^ 27 o ^ o dr-^-oC3J€M
OMo^) t^asj^cr" 337r" vC^^o&sx^^db.
SOrr" (9^3\a
<^an^ "3&J*
-cr*a§ -ydcao ^)^bA3?
14/A Merc/:, 1961
X)5i)^o t^T^Rorr* gjrXbX^Rq, §)&3 ^ d ) R o ?3sb^c. v^^.<^ &63;y*c3
^ X b § ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ a . 30b;&sai ^odSe^j -er-^^o^e. ^r-*8^b A ^ C o
Forest lines 5^* ^rr' d r a w ^ o ^ O . cr*X)§ forest department
t^^bg^^j <SR;3 t^R
SbSj.)-, 13jij3&"*,3bu<el!)i3 -s^^bo^?^, Sa^JOJ SJo^S^y^jS* ^ocr*"5^oAL!J
g^)6j3^63§ ^S*^-<^^ S"o^sr"5 i^a<$M ubo^eM 8 D !S)^^^e)X)53^oRX)
Multipurpose Project -=n<8^^
8^abF^"^ 5g)j3,
Soac8o-D e33er"y6^ 2b^i&"a^ [^^SbiydJ M^beuaSSb^ D ^ v e o ,
33^o^6j ]^&SbT3-"0j <iHSJeMa8M D^ir-eM ?n R ^ g ^ S J . 30b$)ej
T3-"^^d3bdgo f^X3o ^53%J^^3JJ qqy3 <^2r^c^ Xt^oSj^^ v S ^ ^ ^ ' R o ' ^
csyj^osi^Tr' ;&G&jjo3. Irrigation and reclamation ^ ^
R & )5od
593er<g!-o^d^ ^ 3 * ^ ]^ssSb5b 4 et&oj "s^n'ooj *^, o-'o**^) 2 e<&eo
^^D^^Sjjrr- ?S^ot^!^-"Mg)$j 4t)!g.eM'3ejToa3*&
2 o ^ e ) ^ R 3 o ^ e ^ o j j & 3 . oS*^.^ ^XbS"?S^ 5&.^)eu-s-"X), ao&ieo
rv-a complete ^c<3b^6j. P. W . D. -sr*ta ^ & t § * ^ ^ o ^ & ) . Contractors y R S g o ^ R ) MX) 5^)tSbnr^cb.
M o t ^ t ^ o a s ^ F ^ :&;6^ §^*o^
er-8 t^BcSb, q$*^.<&)^ §"o%8T°8 tsSsoSb §^o^ *^Ro ^)o3. v s ^ g
sr*o&)o3 ^3&je"5)R, =cr"e ^ %caj3 (S^?*"od^ ^)TO*^C&. q^^-<^ RsSb
#e*a.3 $^y*Sl)^ R
sr-o ^ ) ^ D .
^ i s ^ c o o ^ ^)Xjh^ Sbo^jo CALMS'L. ^C'<^b^^'dc)^^^3o )X)T?r*(3 Xi&)Ro.
t^r^So t^r-o^r'e)^
gj^§)sM STdsob S'Rjg' machines t9oaJTr*
TT"0b §^^r*ob. Contractors M t ^ o v o s b s 5 ^ , take up
:&R)ty*a3 t^^b^gajj )VR&^b§^5S<%o^d). M8*^.<^ 3t&;&eM ? r - ^ ^ o 3 ^
oo"& o %jr-i3joej&) Forest Department gjo-O &oSj-0. ^o^ef^Ot^MeM
t90*sr° a,y-<3^&) ^c^<^o^^ -r-ebeo ^<^-y"ooo. q83#"3 c9*3s"^o ^S*
v e c ^ g!^<&)y0^sS.§*&oa. 39 3ar"SbDMO-B-* ^c g^o^ar-eTr-cb R3^X)
^ ^ e b . T3-*^^o-a^ forest o ^ S'augtg^g^bj. Forest T)o^e?Sb M^co
i$do-o--^. t R & g g & M ^^^^do€3o8xbg^TT"^X)§^Cb&)-xr'^* Multipurpose schemes )3r°#og)o3 5 ^oR^v^cojooa. qoS^s* x^o^^ifo
extension gr*<3 q=cr^cb. ^8a)&)c8b
e^oMOo gr*&M9&) s^o-^^o^dj.
14;AA&/-cA, 196t
(FMJge?)/br 1961-62- feting qf
"Oo^^XSj v^eMes8a<y- qo^^d*Sb 3)p;S\aa67^C&. qg* SbX)gb§j^^S"
K)&)^g^)oa. 6 H ) ^ ^ ? 5 S*a)6Sej 3^Ji3^^. es ^ S b ^ O M 8 g ^ & e ) ^
tsXbeMaaT!) Diy^gjo esF^3o^^o^<&). ^6e)^je)8b q ^ ^ g y e
$)o3. ^ 3 ^o^^o'o c9*Ao§)6^ 3oAxr°l3;a^aM. ^^^jj ^ ^ - o j j o ^
<XaMj) MAM^r" pR^TT'S' lapse M ^ g ^ o ^
Do&xr*^ &fy^tu).
XioRo^&Md^ )gS&Tr--3& 3sMt^,cr^3b. v"X) ar*C&\ TP*^i3o. Land
Acquisition Act <9%&M R ^ o ^ X ) , 3^0o^cy-X)§
t^oBog^o ^^bir^
&)D co&jj^r^CJb. -s^X) qo^s3(fSb M ^ ^ t l j . "Aot^F* ^^o^'Soo&jj-sr'Hb
^oi&^o *^<&). ^oorr-TS^^ ga X)&<go ^
-OSb^- ^^xSoTT* <goC&-'B
x$&. ao!^ ^8{^r*F^ Social Welfare Onicers sb Land Acquisition
Rights qSSganARD. "geor^cr-F^ *8B^j-"c&^'a&"3jo&M=n'"6 ^ o ^ B .
3a ^ g ^ o F ^ t § o d ^ ) ^ ^ 3 y " 0 & o ^ ) ^ ^) g-o-*o i^g)eo^<S^
&tr"^"^c9 3 s M V ^ .
SSci'o^eo ^er*
-cr-ar°;aag)%o ep*^ [Tr-Jjb&u^ 100 ^8a<^ Sb&XM?3r°o*r*Bb, T J - 8 ^
^*&M g^o^sSooa non-harijans S^OR aS* colony rr" *^^j§^o^r"^X)
ea& *^Si^ ^)^§^iy^gb.
a§r*§" M^id^6^ *5 s}3r°c6"*&) ^josa&trv
^o^Tr-{3&. ?ro1) MS)y<&) es -s^^0)S'^r'^}^'^o^osr'a&. e)S^^^8b
M B ^ r 8 v"^CSj. ^ a a&J Dej*3 ^ $y-So?"<&). 3 ^ 3*3o6^ 10 <^)<5
*^F^, 15 Xi&iaF'* *^^5^D ^dfoTT- ^)o^^y^d?. befo^r- a,S*^<bSb
MS'^-^bx^ $ y * ^ S b
)3--apco M ts^aio^^ ^ o ^ R D
ea 3a**;3*"ga) R^ ^SbX)Tr-83 qs5^o&joKT^<&). esa&K! Mg3^&)&)iy^&.
- o - ^ ^ \ 33b^)3b ^d^co sS3j^^)^b, ts s S d ^ v ^ ^ j j D a ^ c ^ ^ D ger^ B ^ d ) MSf^A )Xia!0&) &!&)g^^ ^=cr"jd). TJ-&) -s^3jo-a S)cX) " 3 ^
g^-sr.eo^ ^ 3&*.3T,ga) Mojj*^ MdgbS<3jgb7r^6^ e ^ ^ j g S a gj-Sug"*
gbo^ ^TT-O.
ea ^ S n 6 ^ x b o 3 a*3g-°a§ bou^dD Mg^SJO *^&j^d).
^^b "aa*3 ^ & ^ r*$j^D§ a ^ ^ Mouo^<^. T^<a ^ ^ ^ ^ §)&<
3)oa. qa^dsb M * ^ o & ^ ^o^so ss^oa. Msf^g $^sb s^)c^&
*3^^)§" e ^ ^ C J ^ 5^"g " M pr-R) h)3b M S i y - R o ^ g , qor'e^rSb
^ r - ^ ^ 83j§''*o&r';sy*Mo^3^3.a). q^y^aM?r" ^3 land acquisition
Act &
X5X)8o3 "geoTT'-cy"^ SJ-<^ Social Welfare
OBBcer ^3
,4MHMg/ fMtsncfg/ ^fafgwenf
( F ^ g f ) y b r 1961-62 - MotMig q/*
14fA A/brcA, 1961
acquisition right &) Q^r-^aX) sSj^D ^^bur^xjb. 3 ^ *3 d^o Diy-o^T'S'
yo^SjoeHlo&o. g^o^er-gj^u-a^ X)02)o$o^^ t ^ ^ ^ & o ^
<Hr°<3JT:a cs^ t ^ ^ ^ & o F ^
^^r*3j. ^ a g"o<ger*a§
?3os)o5o^)^ t^."5'&*^jj *s^<Rb. MS*^-goM7y cyrS'eb ^o^doJ. ^&JJ7r*7V
d & c ^ ^ . xSd^o^;^^&) "3)o3"°36 *^oM<3b\ ^)&r*Cb.
Primary Heaith Centre Sb gjOa^j 8*^3o^o^^ysb ^ogr^^Tr'^^^.g
*^&r-Cb. M^^-^ E§:&9j ^)o^^. Emergency Medical aid sp& touring units TV"
&*oa) medica! aid
^^) Jgy<&r*
3bJeM.'6<a'* ^&Aj^oa.
^ s * ^ ^ ^ ty^^eb gj^sMr%) e>s^<g3b g)$^.^sb a&^^^r* ^ o ^ y ^ b .
- D ^ g ^ O v < b 3 s 3 M aX$o
^3j-*<^o medical aid
i^Cb gjoeo/Sbg^, g^o/(e3j§^
3)T3"*^ M&)gbv-Cb.
Ty*gg&o, e a ^ g ^
Tydb ^ D ^ ^ ^ o
M o & ) 5 ^ *3j&^J* ^ o ^ ^ * M*3a e)g3)3^ogo6''*;&o'^*r*8S e$o
-d^jo^d). cr*X)§ ^ ^ < ^ s ^ tp3bj v"^6jo^&). cy^S essSXid'Sj^-Jo'cao
t^^Sb^o 8;&r*;36jo ^Jib. cr*D§ V"Ccso
S^o^eri^b^ [Sa-M
S ^ O § <s3$Sb^o^R3b Tr*jBb^r*do 3o53&jorr*&. oC3bo. J^. A. -cr^QTy
ir*a, *3cy sb"8ggaty^-cr" -y-D t S ^ b ^ o ^ a 8 3 aRjgbir-gs'&egej'gj
gX) ^&)§^o&MTor^&). e9o&<3e
*3o&g^* c O b j ^ D ^ 3t8'A3orr* ^X)
:g*5&M, ^^^."3$*^-^ Tj-^§ ^os)o<!o^a
^ c o ^ o F ^ "as^y*
^ X ^ o ^ S cyy^-<^J!Jbo& & X ) ^ 6"*o<%er*.gbe tSaoSb X)omo5oa^ t^^f^
c ^
*^45 wgi^^!g * 3 j & ^ ^ ^T3 ijr.(ieM S*eM^=3o3&*^oX) g^cagbxr^R).
e^dgb ^ 9 7 ^ ^ E * ^ ^ e g g ) * 3 ^ d ) . X b - ^ . ^
dS-Rc^ ^ O b . d5^§"^xSb
S3^^ ^X)^6jj Tr-a^axS"* ^ o & M o & .
T3*"0b ^o*3a&r*]go Tyreo*"-?* "3r"a^ *y"^g^^F^S^ ^8* Tr*8 qo<%
ggy^. ^^jg* e^<g^x;a g O o ^ ^ ^ 3R&J[L v ^ ^ ^
<^a^ ^odgbf<
M ^ g b o a . e*a S[S*s3jorr" MSbeoadb^cb. ^0^0 ^*J ^r"Sbg^ aS'tg^iS
*3j^ 8^<^bSb--g *^o^b^&). s b ^ R ^ ^ 3r-Sb goSb-^13 o-ir-^) 6 Xio^
^\v*eo escoooO. n**K)]So# 4 o ^ e ^ $)o8. tSS^Sb^o A)4jg"*(&Ar*7r*#oar*0bo^"(^b. t^dgbA) T'oS* ^* ^hoR. ^ 8
70 *3j^^ 6^^.
4, 6 ^ J # \ ^ 3 ^ qo-y* .)3b^..g3oca3g). t y 3 D ^jgdrv* ^ ^ S o o o o s y
e^) §^6bgbi3*'3.&)*
14;A,Mn;-<%, 1961
(^M^^)/br li)6i-62 - Mot/ng ^
"3eorr*wty* ^a3cfgb i)M3^ *8^)c^3.§* ^*^a aS*R 3jo^a.
1848 6^ v3^&3 15H"*o < 3 ^ ^ o "^d *9^^3.^^oa)cr*3t§od 5^3^
t9§-s-*-tr*eo f^C&eSj 3o2)0<^o^8Jocy *333j-*q &<S^o^j^ Rlgodf^rr*
X)D^* tSDo^J* "^^S"
iXr<;3jr*3-&)). ^ " 8 ^ * A^-&)"3jo&M
^ ^ ^ ) - 3e3^3o &&)§"*& ^"B^" *3 ^ 3 )
-s-*3 s)3y<&s a ^Sa3^
g^o^s^e iRaeR) Beorr-
"3^c*^3^ M3beM 83^&)o ^<&.
-y^a^objR ^3J-"_^ 59Rr<^\, 69 3^0 wgjeMg^g^&M
C9^dC3g^^r-[go ^3)C0 Mg^&)0*^&). ,3<3&)Sb Md3&JO^d3 *^3b ^3.^*
o^R^R) M&a*g
'{^3.^* *3^*%)^* &3--5"'3jo6S*
^)^z)^* b3jJ" oBjoS*^ "3^**4)5"^
[^Rog^Ra. "8o^3 3o-^3C
fprf?^ 3^3^d)Ty^ &r* "§ot&^cyo{?o-y ^8a^"3^"^§' [So^gJ
3-D)oa. ^a^ai^3c33^tfo^&*<%&r*3§ 3J^SJ^§J^^. q^tft3^V"e
3bo& 3r*gb 3 8& 33o3^a. "3^3jj ^ <)atf "3^*^)5" 33)3c3b ^ §^6^
%3j) qo^- ^3jiSr-<^^o^&.'^3 3 ^ 0 b . eso<&)3c "3b % ^ * ^F*"q!)§'8b
3oe3o3o^ [3*^0^*3^3 c9&3<f3j "georviy" t^ov^38 ^o3^e3 g^Oo
<&)*r^&. Mo)$6^$jir-^. ^ o o r v c y ^
^ a 3 d e b M 3 d 8 3jo"^a.
g ^ % ^ * S)&-^& ^)^HL' *=r*^^ w3beM3c!j^3§
*Bj5x38 Q3y&) *3oorr'T3*"^'^ *^&).
150 ^)%3
^a3 .My3^4S5"
eto&nSe) *3eo7VTT"6^ 3j3\
^3bSb g_)3j. ^r*3jje3b S^^T&M§^3^o, §^d)^b *3A*g
3^o^^* 3ty5b v*3ir'3§. &*3&r-3§, §^{jb ^sfoSb i3^C3o
^o3b3A tsS'^ ^ * o ^ ^ 3 ^ o a;Cb^&)3^a.
*5<1jc^3.^*3) "8eo7r'T3^ t ^ o ^ ? ^
^3)S* ^o^J^ 3e ^ 3 ^
t3$b^o e ^ "
-Do^rseD 3j33^3)?r^3j.
^<)a(faeoar'S*ty* ^ 3 " 6 M S " ^ ^ o 3 b *^&-dj. 3j-*3^.i3o^"
{iT"^) A3so, q^d {irl) &5eM gr*^ 3jnr*^oaj, ir-eir-a ^ D ^ ca^-cr-ed^
t3i?-"3 3 33.
gTr*-sT<9o(ty* *s^3 ^*^A ^o^eo
wS'^-^ 3oA^*0&.
Sb^03 S^e^eF^ M<^3F^ 6^8^ gXbgjaR) vggj, ^SjCb^jeeo '3jj^
g_3Ty-&53 MRx^r'o&xr' 3jo&r*&. 3tfoA^* ger^^ a,g* g y ^ O o N *
^"^) 633 "=3Ar-cb -s-"3. M 8
e^J^sSj^* !^*A drr" 3^*3, -3oggo<%3
3^_ir* T3r"&33 ^sSoi&jo siS^
§"o%er*t&o!a**8§ $dcM 3^) 33j3jo3b
M3^&Jo^db. g&n-3 3#egj TT*8§ 3os)o6o^K) 33o3jOJ§^*3, <^9b^-3
#ge&) epilD, a er^yo.=i) H^3dO 8a5\g^6^3_)3^ <$7T*3^ "^0^3003
(PM^ger)/br 193!-62- Moffngcf
DF/7M7!&/br Granny
14;% A&rcA, 1961
^F^^oTyooD, 650)<yF^ 59 5335 MgoeoaRfb^a^RR g^o^Cb ^$3003
5 ^ C b . ^ § * ^r<&r-o5"&) ^T'B^o,^* ^ 1 ) 4Seo §^X), S^oAsr-a
tS5a)c3j 0)^^556^^0 5*30^^^ *ar*8 ^^^^iSr-rr't^ "5)oS$)^e^o3JrO.
^&3J^Cb<y7v-dcF^ a.^ 3 ^ * 8 ^ ^ - ^ ^)nr^^. ea^b^S ^"& S:t)^bj
^3b. TT'OS SS&3SM g*0^o^3<$orr" {iTl) ^tsR) )S!$!J^o ^X)^oojo-^
Q ) 8 ^ § * gRgbsH S O ^ o ^ DRcOJo ^ o 8 , es )3-*o-g-*e6'* ^ & ^ 30bs$)
eKb, Sbo^e)^ Ervty^cax)^ ^HoSoo ^oa. b^3 DAo3JoF^ )33b<%go
XS^C-^^Qsj S^f^5$o^^o3. Mer^lS "SjA^J* aagaog^gj, ^^o"^&§"
r^oajoF^Xi) c^^ ^0*oeM &X)ir*TB-*6).
T3r"e33 3o?jo$o^ {3^3^o
^ a ^ a S ^ *3o^^8 ^^.^ KboA ^ 8 3 giboS* ^S*^-^
^A)CM^o3b<L<o aCb^b<&)^a. ^trtgrtfcaSj ^o^o^)^^e^o*^S*^r'3b6^
g^o^er-a t^MSM ^nr^oo, a)Re;3 ai^o sb^:y" ^?r^Oj. M$*^d :&;3^
^ M " ^ x ^ D * *3j^s56 ^gtf 8ngbe)TT"& a* 8&§ g^oR
-=^6^ t&SSyoo
qSSgiJo. *5r*8 t^0Tr*5)F^ ^)o*^ 3 c b ^ o ^ , 3bo4jsm& ^r^^^oSo^o
& 3 b , ^ ^ ^ a - <yas'^-cr'e)Ty"9§ 29 "3e Ob-"^--d3JeM v=L)^X^. 5^o^
ef^bo tRaeSb 18^e 3j^^r"o3Jo& vd^^xb-sr^gj. S^*o^er'db5M^)o'^
t^car-eg^g J^Rr" *3^*at), vS*)-<& o5S3cn'M&) TXr°(2Sb. aaj^oir'e)
g^^S S ^ ^ * 3 " 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ) "3*33- ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *
^ g j
A ^ ^ y ^ o O M c u j ; ? ^ ets^o-o^ag^Dg ^^cb. 6?3gjX3oc!Ojj<;r', ^ R D
cocoTr* ^ ^ir'o-c-cjb ^ 9A 83jSb^*^.
tper* ^ 8A &xbSb!iO\K!
338§ Block notification a 6 ^ ^ObTT'^ &)o!8rr*8 R^cfSb
^ *3), -=n8 sS^^oO Stay order *33r&. ^ gob-sr-^ ^ 8 *eo"^$^j,
axr**^6^j &j^eS3A &o&x)oa. s a o d O ^ caa esR3*3boa. ?-a)&3 ts^^b
^ & M BBjo^^- administration t5** $Lr*^g^SbJo g d & o 3 s S A ) ^
g 8A5 g ^ g ^ ^ g ^ ^ b ^ ^ C b .
^ g^^b pD<^ $b-"^gjj^, ${&8'gd'o
Tr*"8 ^Sb^.s3^ <&ac8j^Ro^a§"o&Mir^(a ?-X), tribal people Sb M o %
KnSg^^LM^-3j. Harijan Welfare Department e7* s ^ ^ eSBciency
c ^ a ^9&<^&:^^ g g g & M M B b ^ g b ^ a . Administrative machinery
^ ^ ^ o s i b c 3 8<i;&o3, ^ r ^ g & o o 3 8 A ^ o O *3 &)^cy^^& ^3xid
14fA Afardt, 196!
^HMMo/ F&MMjyM ^ c y e w e ^
(FM^gfy)/br 196^-62 - Mating of
(^ &. ^ygs-cc^ea ^ y ^ ^ o ) : 36 Social Welfare Depart,
ment 8b 3oao$o-a;3 s5jo<err"8S
"SeM/^ v d ) . Sb8 &D D^oOo^b
X3$boeo 5*^X3j-^^o5b notes .3g&) &xb&)o&^7r^8^ "eeo&<go ^ d ) .
notes JS5CC3 ^xbeboAjonr^^X) M<&)^j&)iy"^cb.
^ S ^ O sSj^&)^j-^^o : igg) notes &^bSJo&^?y^^. A ^ C & ^ o & M
^ ) ^ S . 3. ^. ^sh<5* : -y-ai&3 ^e ^8X)^o R ^ o ,
admintstration machinery S tooe-up 3!^, §^o^&M ^CbSbTr*
i3"&ij4jj -RLr*<XR&o
syo &osr*o^^d&)j.
^33^9^^ =3r*e ^SbL.g/<
.g)t6g)rr* (p&)&oa8"^&)&3J ^cRr-eX) sboterr'Oa §^Cb&r- a^AKi-sr^R).
*^rf Af. 7?c/^hwr^ J?^o (D;w-.Rayerve6?); M a d a m
Deputy Speaker, I rise to suppport the demand moved
by the hon. Minister. While supporting, I would like
to bring to the notice of the Government the fact that
the budget provision m a d e for the welfare of scheduled
castes is diminishing year by year. With the increase of
the population of scheduled castes every year and with
the increase also of the problems of scheduled castes
every year, the budget provision also should have been
increased. T o substantiate the decrease in the budget
provision, I would like to quote certain 6gures: While
the total expenditure during 1958-59 and 1959-60 was
Rs. 1,50,00,000 the revised budget estimates for 1960-61
showed an amount of Rs. 1,41,00,000 and the budget
piovision for 1961-62 is only an amount Rs. 1,16,00,000.
The other day when I said that there was a
decrease in the budget provision this year, it was stated
by the hon. Finance Minister that the decrease was due
to the fact that last year an additional amount of one
crore of rupees was spent for the welfare of scheduled
tribes. I a m not disputing that fact. But m y only
grievance is that even if that one crore is deleted, still
<4nmM/ FvMnda/ -Sfafem<?Hf
(FM^gf)ybr 1961-62 - Moyfng of
14^A Marc/;, 1961
the budget provision has gone d o w n by about 7 lakhs
of rupees. So I a m only pointing out that although
there is need for an increased budget provision year
after year with the increase in the broblemsof scheduled
castes, the budget provision is being deliberately reduced, for which w e take exception. I, therefore, appeal
to the Government to reconsider this position and agree
on principle to enhance the budget provision at least by
ten per cent every year.
It has been pointed out that although the total
demand shows Rs. 2,71,37,000, the amount that is spent
exclusively on scheduled castes is only Rs. 37,50,000.
This represents the amount that is being spent on educational facilities, Boarding grants and public health.
These figures, in m y opinion, are inRated and this
fact has even been admitted, to a certain extent, by the
Finance Secretary when w e met the other day in the
Chief Ministers s chamber.
Today, I would like to deal mainly with the
representation of scheduled castes in services. I would
like to quote the observations of the Special Committee
appointed by the Government in 1956 which went into
this question thoroughly. T h e Committee observed:
"The net result of the policy of the Government in regard
to reservation in services for scheduled castes is that
though they constitute about 17 per cent of the total
population of the State their representation in the various
ct^res of services at present is not even a fraction of a
per cent." Thus, while the scheduled castes population
represents 17 per cent of the total population, tbeir
representation in services is not even a fraction of a per
cent. This observation of the Committee would clearly
bring out the pitiable position indeed. I would like to
draw tbe attention of the House to another observation
of the said Committee: "The policy of the Andhra State
with regard to services is not m u c h helpful to scheduled
castes, schedules tribes and backward classes in as m u c h
as the revervations m a d e with one hand was taken
away with the other under the cover of suitability".
W h e n a reserved vacancy is not filled in any particular
year for want of a candidate, the scheduled castes lose
that vacancy once for all. This is the position of the
!4/A Af<?rc/:, 196!
^w/!Mo/ F//K?/!cfa/ ^/a/eyMM/
(^MJg^)/br ! 961-62- Mof//!g^
scheduled castesln services as observed by the committee
appointed by our Government itseif.
I would also like to give certain figures, during
]957-58. N o w today in the State there were about
2,66,766 Government personnel on which we are spending about Rs. 27,16,00,000. As observed by the C o m mittee not even Rs. 27 lakhs are being spent oo scheduled
castes w h o are employed in services. That is to say while
about 2 lakhs familes of Caste Hindus are enjoying
about 20 crores of rupees, not even two thousand
families of Harijans in services are enjoying this amount.
In 1957. the Public Service Commission has
advertised for 1687 posts, out of which 186 were reserved
for scheduled castes. But only 67 persons were appointed
from scheduled castes. In 1958, 2349 vacancies were
notified and 8!led; out of these vacancies, 296 were
reserved for scheduled castes; but only 186 were selected and appointed. The question n o w is whether there
are no harijan candidates available and suitable for
these posts. If I can answer this question in the affirmative, then the blame is on the Government in not
selecting scheduled castes candidates at least for reserved posts. In 1958, for these posts 2349, 1 U 8 scheduled castes candidates applied. Out of these 643
persons were found to be qualified by the Public Service
Commission. But the result is that only 186 or so were
appointed, and not even the reserved quota is filled up
by these scheduled castes candidates. This, I submit,
is a very serious position and I request the Government
to examine it carefully. That is why I have quoted
extracts from the report of the Committee appointed
by the Government to the effect that "The policy of the
Andhra State with regard to services is not much helpful to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward
classes in as much as the reservations made with one
hand were taken away with the other under the cover of
suitability." I a m repeating this observation of the
Committee deliberately because it is a very serious
position that although there are qualified candidates
from amongst harijans they are not recruited for posts
exclusively reserved for them. This is a serious position
which the Government has to consider.
^MHMc/ Fwignca?/ ^/a/f/MM/
(gM<%e;)/<M- i 961-62- Mc/Mgo/*
D e m a n d / b r Cran/^
14/A AfarcA, 1961
I would !ike to refer in this connection to the
facilities provided for scheduled castes in other States.
The Government of Orissa have decided to reserve 50
per cent of the vacancies in Class IH and Class IV
services for scheduled castes and tribes till the authorised
quotas of 18 per cent and 20 per cent respectively for
these communities are reached. I shall n o w refer to
the State of Uttar Pradesh. The Government of Uttar
Pradesh issued orders that scheduled castes alone should
be recruited to future vacancies to complete their quota
of 18 per cent. With regard to the Government of
M a d h y a Pradesh they have dicided that 50 per cent of
the posts falling vacant or to be newly created are to be
Riled by a scheduled castes and tribes' candidates so long
as the prescribed percentage is not obtained. The erstwhile Government of Saurasbtra have reserved 100 per
cent vacancies for scheduled castes and tribes till they
achieved their reservation quota in services. While ail
the other State Government have taken such honest
measures to see that scheduled castes reach the proportion in services which is equal to their proportion to
the total population, our Government is deliberately
neglecting the case of scheduled castes, particularly in
regard to services. This is a very serious position and
the Government has to very carefully examine it. W e
naturally except thehon Minister to m a k e a categorical
statement on the floor of the House whether it is the
intension of the Governmet to see that the proportion
of the scheduled castes in services is m a d e equal to their
proportion to the total population, or not. If that is
not the policy of the Government, I a m afraid, w e have
to reconsider the whole situation. W e have to see the
end of the matter and we have to deal with this very
carefully. 1 a m pointing out this to the Government
because it is a very serious matter.
I would like to deal with one more point, i. e.,
the attitude taken towards scheduled castes in regard to
Panchayat Samithies and Zilla Parishads. While the
Local Government D e m a n d was being discussed, some
hon. members took an attitude which in a way appeared
hostile to the attitude w e have taken in regard to these
Panchayat Samithts and Zilla Parishads. I therefore
feel it is m y bounden duty to explain our stand also.
14;AM2rcA, 1961
(RM^a/)/or 1961-62 - ^?Mg of
H o n . Members should look at this problem from a
dispassionate point of view. Today, w e have 241
Panchayat Samithis and 20 ZiHa Parishads W e do not
have a single Harijan as the president of any Panchayat
Samitbi, not to speak of Zilla Parishads, While there
is not complete representation for scheduled castes in
services even with regard to reserved posts, the principle
of the percentage of reservation was not conceded in
regard to their representation on ZiHa Parishads and
Panchayat Samithis, although that principle was accepted in the erstwhile District Board administration. W e
therefore request that proportional representation should
be given and that a number of scheduled caste candidates shou!d be co-opted to these Panchayat Samithis and
Zilla Parishads in proportion to their population, if not
by direct election, by co-option. Apart from that, w e
have standing committees. Standing Committee IV
deals with matters of social welfare. It has been the
complaint of the all the Harijan M . L. As. in their
representation to the Government that not even a single
harijan was included in Committee IV, though they
might have been included in other Committees. They
m a y say that they have co-opted one m e m b e r from
scheduled castes. That may be the argument, and w e
k n o w that. But the question then is, what sort of people
are being co-opted. I a m only asking them as to what
are the reasons for not including any scheduled caste
member in Committee I V which committee is intended
to deal exclusively with social welfare. Not only this.
With regard to acquisition of house-sites and also in
dealing with several other matters relating to scheduled
castes, ail these factors have created an impression in
the minds of scheduled castes M . L. As. and other Harijan leaders that we cannot any further repose m u c h
confidence in the panchayat samithis and Zilla Parishads
headed by people in w h o m , w e think, w e cannot repose
confidence. Of course, w e are not completely associated
with that feeling but there is such a feeling which w e
cannot dispute* W e are trying to see h o w far w e can
co-operate and create an atmosphere in which both the
scheduled castes and others can work. W e are told, the
Government, very soon, will be bringing a Bill in this
regard. 23 Legislators have signed a m e m o r a n d u m and
submitted to the Hon. Chief Minister and the Haiijan
,4ny!Mg/ Ffnancfs/ ^/o/cweM^
14/A MarcA, 196!
M , L. As'. Association also passed a unanimous resolution. In both these, they have resolved that the Harijaa
welfare or social welfare should be taken away from
the Panchayat Samithis and Zilla Parishads and the
same should be entrusted to the Department again. I do
not know h o w far the Government is going to consider
this, but this is a very serious position, There is another
suggestion also. If Government want that w e should
believe or repose m u c h confidence in these Panchayat
Samithis and Zilla Parishads, they should do at least two
things as a condition precedent to create such a feeling.
The Brst thing is to give proportional representation to
scheduled castes in the Panchayat Samithis and Zilla
Parishads. I a m not speaking of the Standing Committees.
The second is that the principal Standing Committee
IV should consist exclusively of Harijans besides the
Collector and the Chairman, Ztlla Parishad. If these
two things can be considered by the Government,
I think we can reconsider the position and come to a
conclusion that our interests are quite safe. If, on the
other hand, the Government are not prepared to accept
these two suggestions, I think it should be impossible
to repose any confidence in the Panchayat Samithis.
About one thing more I would like to say and that
is with regard to land policy, The other day, the 4ion.
Revenue Minister was replying that if w e assign land to
these people, it would be to their detriment only, as
thereby w e would be perpetrating the caste system This
is a peculiar argument. I need not advance any further
argument to rebut this, because our position has been
m a d e clear through our resolution passed by the Harijaa
M . L. As'. Assocation There is unanimity of opinioa
a m o n g the m e m b e r s of the scheduled castes that
Government has to revise their land distribution policy
whereby priority should be given to scheduled castes.
This also is a very serious matter.
Hon. Revenue Minister was also saying "we are
trying to eradicate this caste system by alt means. This
is one of the measures w e have adopted to remove the
caste system". M y leader Babu Jagjivan R a m also
said: " W e shall begin to eradicate the caste system.
But they say ' W e want to be caiied Reddis, w e want
14;A MarcA, 1961
j4n^Mo/ FwancM/ ^^a^wen^
(BM^gef)/or 1961-62 - Poawg q/
to be called Naidus, w e want to be called Menons,
Mudaliars, Pillais etc.*. But still they speak in terms of
abolition of caste. If anybody wants us to remove, w e
will ask them to remove theirs". This sort of argument
of the hon. Revenue Minister cannot lead us anywhere.
Let us all have a honest desire to eliminate the list of
scheduled castes. The special safeguards would list for
nine years and it has beeu laid d o w n in our Constitution
that w e should have a casteless and classless society.
H o w are w e going to have that unless scheduled castes
are upiifted economically? There is no question of
creating such a society within a period of nine years.
I therefore hope that Government would consider
all these things in earnestness and that a policy statement will be m a d e on the floor of the House.
Thank you, M a d a m Deputy Speakera6bf<3&);$^ -R3je aoRt^cuS"* ajuqjpgJoierr-g) gj-*% ao<%<%o Daorr*
Bog^aorr* &x^a.
36&)#c TT*&) ir-a§a%r*e(5''* qt6§"^.3(Ko3e;S
oar* X&)3cSS&) ) 3 " ^ !<y335r°o-RTr*a§ etg-s^o ^ g * ^ a ^ o 6 . o R ^ R
g7**.&) <s &)&r*^&)o-er- &*OMoa. q^bj<5&) <^Sb)-5S [^<y ^Sr^o^jdjSb
C9g-Er°?o yej/^&oa. 3o^^oaJorr<^)
3 ^ ) ^ ^ObT^^SLT"^ 3^8a;3
xjoAssjo aaox^g^ t&^^\6 s*Hs)&<&) ^aa w&;Sj^?r'crax). m a §
XioSS'o Oao3ooF^ A ^ p c ^ ^ ) ^ * ajDR&nrR)
*6S)cX^*^^ ^^[^"cXJJ-'eM J^eb X)og^R^8^arr*^S$). -&*8 D g o ^ ^ d
Sbu3^ J3^&)jr" ^ a o ^ ^ & o . Caste system agrgega, ^ a j j e a ^
^ea^beSb ar*)g*gj ooj^SJ^^^j, ^3^-^Tr"6§Sj-^ ooj "^"^ Sbegggo
aoj^o^^"^) tc^-s^yo Ao&^oCSa 3^*^0b. *r°8e)3)[3-''o&o J^r'&TT^,
oo)^csbe?9J ^iSboeM
aM3Q3r°<^Ra 1&)3M
landtess poot Sb o ^ ^ R ^ a s .
cco-sr^eD 3 ^ 3 b o .
35y&)(3d3b. Deserving
s^<8M^e8b preferential
^a^dsb gr*ohoC&07T'i3& ibo[8rr*
&X^ayi&) 8)oaCo $j-"auc ^oSSS*ax)Xi3b aS* D v ^ o
Tr*8^d)-5r-^ 33)g
a^ot^bco es a v * T ^ ^
^Ty^&M ^s^0&.
ar"8j"^a^, 36 y ^ g
,4/MKo/ F/?MMc7#/ ^fa/cwfM?
(#M</g2/)/<M- 196!-62- Mor//Tgo/
14/A Afa^c^, 1961
g^8a<gboSb oosCb gjr&oex) q^X)X)S§ ^3o3b g=cr^d). gcg^-cOb
*^)dTr"8§ ^gjjex) e§)^o3bX) S9?o=o^d).
gcg^*03b gog^dcaSSjj gO^o Jsn &g^<3^ 590^8^ ^S^g"^. S*bgo
&g_T-c^ & ^ SoX)^dbn^Cb
o$)c^ g 6 ^ 9
5'gg&)&j ^<3b.
;§j-?^Sb^o ^sr-Sb gscr^ab. *^gb -sy-8§
g*"8agbo <RC$r°XbeM gboey^Cb "s^g^o^R). g)^^ Sber*e?Tr'6§ qgjgiJo
aCb^g^oa ^X) 33-*3&). Tr-Cb ^Bs*cbgb 3 ^ c b .
cation Sb preference qTyr,g&&, g^OeigjoSb
Date of appli-
preference q*5r"jgoD
jS^c-* ^dX), a g<^9 S^g^-^o-^gjD a ^ c & S ^
SoX)gCb rr"t!b
3 ^ 0 b . ga g ^ ^ g j ^ t^S'OoTyCb. ^^* SbDgSbrr^CbSb-"^ RDSgjRgb
q=cr^gp -?y-d) 3^^3b.
Ar-gb Tye
rr*3b9b-°<g ^ ^ a S ) D & o S b o ^ g*^8Mgba3b
*^!Loa. -5? SbX)g§*
preferentiai treatment
qggSb^^dD 5Sr^^)o^j^^a M&)§^^d3; anfay±*37**&) 3^^«*=§) <3a
gJo-0 Dv"X$o-s-"<^j. qa3#Sb moatCb $!b-"gjoe gog8*o Dg.3ubo^
g*°esgjo&: ^3b^^o^ preference s)gy<&)5b^<^ iXr"S)o=cr"s)X) instructions goggohgarr- -&^* Sb^gt^rr-aX) f*<a&nr^gj. gagj^c 28^b3b
V"ggg%bce)gbj "3j^jjdo^od^ "30o3b"s!TTgA3. ^ 8
R v o g j ^0030
%r*6^ "3y" *§OoBbCb. gs g o ^ ^ o d ^ g-"8^g g o ^ g o -RgjoSb gbo<9
rrCb ggj^ty^go ^ ^ g j o o R b , &^* SbSgCbrr^eb tbg* Dg-oSbo fb6o3
3 ^ 0 — g ^ 6 a g b o S b 8)osC& 3&*gbje 3g.o3boF^ preference s)gg
^&)nr^5^a g. a. 338o-a3AM tg^^oir-cX) g^ObgbTr^gb—
!38 g o g ^ ^ o 2r-6a)g g&Sb
*g6j-*.iMOi3 g ^
g^SbocM 3 ^ 3 b . "sSjgM *3j"3ydo^oSy"<g
q=cr^gjj. ^<^bdo Tr*ob
MoRseoag&M g^g.gbjrr- g*gg^g^oa. *^D5 <Jog gao^ g a g a ^ c^X)
8 8 ^ [g^o^orr" atr^&i)^'& ^r^jo&Moa.
Department, district staff Sb X ^
oo. 8,48,800 aHot ^ i , ^a gagog^{fo a. 6,47,600 g^sb *^aaoa.
&X)8v"tfE3o6Sb^? e t a v & e R i
T)o^^j^J7r* [ g % J ^
*Boi&) e&eo ^^goTV" JodSbSb vCbj^go?r^6^ 3 ^ 0 .
Centra! Sponsored Schemes e)3 qag&'sb A o ^ D . 1961-60
1980-61 6"* 3 g j ; 1961-62 ^
Nil rr- rgy-^gjsr'^
14tA M7f<%, 1961
^MMMa/ F/w^c^/ Aarewcw^
(^M^genyor 1961-62 - Mtytfag q/*
L u m p s u m contribution transferred to scheduled castes scholar.
ship fund^g3o3^o*3Lu <3s3^.a. 4^ RosSi^tf&o *^cSb. *8o<^3 tSSry-yg*
^^-3bj^ 3o^o^oo^ A % 3o3^o*o Ob. 58,43.700 so pt&) a8^"^ ojj^
aM-"<%3 ;3ty-^o*^ ^ ^ ^ T T * ^
Ob. 25,99.000 &r-tt%'3j
allotment a8^o8. Plan expenditure <33b 3rr* adrr*0. o**D§e)&)€M
^8b^.3 *^vOb. Qo?^ D^oSb 3os)o$o^) scholarships, Scholarship
Charges 8b 1959-60 6"* 8 e<&ej allotment ^r-5)oiT-0b. ^9 3 o 3 ^
o^&o 2 o ^ o 20 *3<K) ^^X)osr-0b. a.8* egx ^ao=cr"0b, qoRjg'*
8*orr- A3^a 3*"8a3 )§& oHb^Sb Ob. 6,29,000 ^^^oiy-Ob. g-*6a3
tS& o0b*3b^8b ^x.e)6^* Sx3j^ ca)TB"*jge&, ooo^C ^rs'-cr-coj S*eM^"^oSJ*"
cX) **&)3jo ^zM&T'"^ &<y-^3jj. v-X) 3^<8a3 3o*BL3J**as 3og)o$o^3
<!33jo^ -^Sbo<^ {^^oyon^ allotment coj-sr^gO. * ^ a ^ ojj^ 3*^6
a% 3o*^3o3bj3ij divide and rule Diy*;5o ^o^i&)gbo<ga, ec8 5***3
^^o-R-cr"C)a ! ^ 8 3_j?n^3j. Maintenance of Hostels a 1959-80
Ob. 4,80,298. A 3 3o3^0*o nil,
"SjJ^ebo^ ocj3^-Rr-3jo**§3
cxxr" 3o3^s*o
t^8 3 o 3 ^ d o
nil iSj^ao=cr°6b.
v^3\3 3o<SbS^&iy, "3s* 33j^^a -a3o*Sb ^6^)So^ aas3^3^on*" w"3a
caF^-aosy^e. Public Health D3.oc^oo*^, Construction and repairs
of wells, pathways, burial grounds, 1959-60 6"* 5 e & o 81 **geo,
car* 3o3<S^0'o nil ^"2)0=0^00.
Grants towards acquisition of
House-sites 8b Ob. 7,17,000 allot 3 "3 3e 3o3^o*o nil -c^X)o=Er-Cb.
House.sites sb ca3g*bj<34j ocj3jg-cr"? ^S* 306^8* 3eb§oR ^v*^&M^ 3j
ir-^-o^? Grants in aid to Zilla Parishads tap ob. 9,82,700 allot
*^?*"Cb. ^c*3jj ^o X83*"&)ocr-? aS^iSbjrr" ^n-^nr- A ^ 3 o 3 ^ C o
12 e&eo Mcoj"^ oxr* 3o3^3*o 9 e&ei ^)o&)8b oouTr-QO? Q6&r"<^
gR3^3r-^e*D 3^3.orr" 8"33<&)^oa.
)39 3o3^0*o, q#j 3€fo8b,
*sr'3jeSb)3ac&&r'o^ D36<^o7v *^3brt)&r"o^ ]3$&j%o allotments
3)8"3o*3j3 3^a
D&3^)43, S*\ta3j ^ t a ^ ^
tr^3j*"c6^ %7T-°cr*eM ^ o ^ F ^ ^ T T ^ C b . 3^8a3oc3b scholarships ^^
&*3b3^3. 3^3 w ^ ^ 3j<y^0b. ^e R^ge^d"* 3g^A Ob. 15 eo Tr-e<Sb,
Ob. 20 o8b "=Ao-R3bo^ tlfR ^3j$****3j&j^C!b. ^30^*3jo4^ 3^3 ev\
<^8b^3 t^R
&3jr*&^iT^0b, &3o§^3^bj3b. v-X) es
3^3 eo^^'D Dty-opbc results <Ja-*3j3^a? ^e &^o0bo Social welfare
,4nnHa/ f//!a/!cfa/ <S*/c^w^^
(FiM/getl/br 1961-62- Mor/^q/*
De/Mg?M%y /or GrcrMM
Minister ^aDurR).
!4/A AfjrcA, 1961
S. S. L. C. 3--(?;3ox)R Dcr-o^c x3o^ 1%. 2 %
gy-g ^Sbocr- &X^a.
§"*K^ X^^eo^F^
)ggb%) ^<&)^)^X^ ^ ^ $ * ^ B. Ed., ^
-syrHR^nr* "^xbTr^db.
1 % ^^&3J y^mdgjg^oa.
B. S c , ^-o5* e?ooj^-y8D
saoo3?S^d3§ subsidised hostels d^
M ^ ^ a s ^ t r " ^^{^"gjo&M ^ ^ 5 M ^ 6 ^ ^Sbo<% t ^ a . Xig^"3 #* ^XSej^
3*0^3 K3a^*3)o&X) i^^eo^o^ Jsb^.5S o^s5\a ^r-^o-^^&rr'e. a&*
^<gj^)gbi3-^&)j ^"^&)&3Jr^ -?-8Jo^ ^)SJ^.^ t?(g ^ g ^ D DTr*c$sS\8
^6at^jc6b qodcX5€r'eo cmxbior^et). tso^sSytgo ^reCb. e)o^
Qo<^§^*^Sb t^'^oS'oTr' ejg* ^<ys*o *^oSJ*°e. *5eo7T"Ty^
q o ^ 8^)C^8J, ^As^ocn^ qo<% s b C ^ ^ g b , huts S'^3o^b§^'&&)8J
-^^ 3%Tr°eM & ^ & M "SeM^oa.
a_^8oS3"#o3bJ&)8b 69^^0=0^0.
e 5 j ^ - ? - ^ $aot^t^r"o-yD§ &r*%
RMVQorr' a ^ R u R )
< ^j-y-gj^o
gar-Sb *3odJ^ j f ^ o § * 3"&, ojj^ C o ^ o ^ v^eX)R ^$g\a S*;Sag
^aorr*rT^)^o^o6^ vocational aid, medical aid. cottage
industries aid, and legal aid t9*3a R ^ A i ) 5 v c 6 . ^corr*T?^^
Vocational aid 1959-60 6** a-tr^djj ^y^C3b.
3e x i o ^ ^ o ^gSb.
Medical aid, cottage industries aid, legal aid OMXbT3^3JT3*^ta.
Legal-aid &utpcorr* Mo!<y^ ep^^do. )rr*gy°eM5"* ^"8BKbeX)9
^)o% "yTr-^ooTV
A ^ 3 ^ <9oRe§ "8eMXb. Tr-Cb t^O e^ey JST^
"S^^ir^ooSb ^ecg^^nr-^eb.
*3A3=tr*g§eM ^ocjo-&5^^^, gr°3)eM
ocoSS^^^^^o, M & a ^ ^ < & ) §***^$jo abr"(% aRMbg^oa.
- & ^ Sb^)Xi{&
rr-85 8[T)*g§*'=§3sm^6^"^ g o g ^ n r ^ R M . -sr-D 3-"8a^3e8b cf^ca^^,
harassment D3§go7T* &x^a. s^&^Tr"Sbgjr-<g action bx3jg^R)^Sb
&ej^&o# &^a.
-s^Tyco*^) private TV complaint ^c&R'gRX),
Congnizable offence }3od8b -tr*^X) tsodoJiy^ta. s^8a&eo ^ ^ 4 j j
S*o"^o^f ^djjgb^ &9<*r" ^ o ^ J ^
ojo^oCJoeo SLdgb&MO^d), ^^cs
^Sboor* & ^ 8 , Harassment SJ ^ o A ^ ^ o aca/63^08. ^od)3ie)
legal aid v S . ^ o 3 ^ - ^ 3 3 -sr^o & e^jg&jo ^cCJ^^a S'*<agb*r'^&.
14;% AfarcA, 1961
,4HHMa/ Ff/Mwcfa/ 6*/JfcweM/
(^M^eyj/br 196!-62- ^o/f^ of
^ ^ \^ov" a-ytfcasb enforcement of the Act sSe cr*^o
^ R 3 Tr*6 M8s^ M33-tr*e&) ^8j M§)^\ad^a *^-sr-eX) Mo&^ir^Cb.
Roa^a*^). -ar"X) oO^oTV" M ^ ^ \ 8 ^ o g y " o o ^ MoRiSj ^^x$ t^^oS*
3^B*o ^h^^^Sb. Cottage industries 6-tr"^&x) ^olr-c^sbo^) tya§
g R 3 t^TDs^ ^csb. Tanning Industry &TT*yjj ^ y ^ ^nr^Cb. {b^^.
Tannery a3o =cne)Rb. ^&*sr'^ ^"8M^e)Sb 8)oe36j^b*"iSjje) RoRS'o
D a o & o ^ ^ 3 . ^ 3ao&*3j 3j3*v*a') tSS^b^o-sr'Ob JSb^-^ !^^
^Xb5^*o^?r^0C?. epS^d? ^.SbaxiCb/vOb ^sb^<^Sb * 3 ? j ^ ^"8sxb
t)& e)OE)d3$r*i3jjoJ S3o-uSb^)?r^)Sj. eaoSb^ ^*8s9X3jdgb *s*°y&*oa3;3:$\43§,
^8a^je^<b ^ S b ^ ^ t^g ^Xbg^o^isr'^Cb. eaD<$o!T" -s^Cct^^o SSox!
-&^*-SbX)!3Cbrr"d3 Jo<3J5) ^oabgyg'Sj ? Landless poor 3b &r*3jjeo
qsS^&r"S)g &r< €)$oo^cfo ^<3b. -s-°D ^"8ej^o8b preference QTr^^oD
g^{^)&)nr-^&. 3-*es3 v ^ ^ ^ ^ b c s ) ^ j m ^ ^ S * ^ ^ RotS3ao^) -o^a^o
sbj ^obod$ ^"8M&)0 ae^gbogj "goj^g^o^r" TT°e M$^^3§ ^^b
S*\5\ ^oBb&r'^S {go&e^oTyO. Ty^6 a8?-$g\a§ tg'^os' ^<y^o "3&,
-cr-aa "c^a^sSjog^r* MSboo MCf^^r^aS g^Ris^-ir-a. QodbSb -5§*.
DoaxiObr^d) ^Sb^sS )?% &Xb$^a ^a^o&r°g). ^ -s-"do^^)o &*&(!r
"3{f^&* SbaxH3brr"8§ ^60*3^) er-^o^dSb. M*3o )%*% &^b§^^bij^d).
As a matter of fact M*3)& ^bj *BOo&&) 8b--^. qS&Ho6b ^^*S3oa^Ob7V*^ ^8^7^^06030 -s-"^otS'ar'ej Rgo&orr* ^ & ^ *t. ir-a^o
^jj goibog ^e -s^dot^^sbJ Q^ag'orr" ax)oR36b "3K)oga &)^a
* ^ / 7 - T. F2r/?%/:^z(MwM/i<z?2<F) / M a d a m , Deputy
Speaker. I wrote to you just n o w to be given a chance
to speak on the cut motion which I have tab!ed. I received your reply stating 'no discussion on cut motions'.
M a y I draw your attention to Rule 158 (3) (c) of the
Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly Rules:
" A motion m a y be moved to reduce the amount
of a demand in any of the following ways :
(c) **That the amount of the demand be reduced
by Rs. 100" in order to ventilate a speciBc grievance,
which is within the sphere of the responsibihty of the
State Government Such a motion shall be known as
'Token Cut' and the discussion thereon shall be conrlned to the particular grievance speciRed in the motion.**.
^MnMj/ FfnoMcfc/ Sfafpwpm
(#M<7g<?f)./b/- 1961-62 - M<MM% o/*
14/A Afarc^, 1961
I have specified a particular grievance and I
request your permission to speak.
?7?e De^t/fy ^^^e/*.' Y o u cannot have a separate time to discuss your cut motion.
.SW /. r. ^?r/?^M&z ; I have not understood you.
77:e D ^ M f y iSpea^er .' Y o u can have a chance to
discuss on the demand but you cannot have separate
time to discuss your cut motion on this demand.
Xi§", Sb^o&c?T"OJ ar*ar'<gjgj"'', gbX)K)CJ<T"8§ ^^3*30o&^X), ^ o C S b ^
-&^* Sb^Xj^r^Cb ^r^^bjtVR ^Xb§^Tr*eS) 5 ^ C 3 b .
ts8 T^er* ^ ^ y ,
-sr"a&3 ir'Cb caiir'&j^ &<5 tar* ^ x b ^ T r - e ^ ^(^^b-KT*^^.
°B. S§;3^d&g : ^8sanr"^do3o
-5*"CfotS'^r'ejJ =o*"er^ R u v g
*3j^5). (95) M ^ r * ^ ^ ^ 5So^3^v°oj -s^g). TT"8§ t^"^o<^%o ^ ^ 8 .
&Xb§^^eX)^^3. ^j^3jj&)o[ai-"8^^^ ^ ^ ^ 3 b 8)3*30^3.5 ^ X ) ^ ,
^^^^O-an-oo e^o^Sboty ^ , ^ D . a)o)8rr*Cb
TT-cSb -s^S*s^"§, ^SoK)^&rr"]B_nr
*^r-i3j)!^<5 ^3o§^^eib
^Xb§^-yoD g^Cb
L o
-^8jX3jnr^sbj. Qo^Sb&uod) ^8M^3J**^)6^ <&^Cb"3jo^* g)o^8.
q 3 y & ) ^ 3 . ^ * *3^"^)§'&^-R3"3jo&3J c&D 3r*c^r*7y-^3jj. v 8 Xioy^^
8*C3L)XS D ^ o & & o . ^9 <&^eb'3jo^" Tr^er* M$)^\8 -sr*sSeX)^ MSS^0*&o
^X)X) J<&)C^A§" <33^&)'a)o&M(9'* abS* ^r/foTr- ^o-^ijo
6 & ^ t ^ o X)8v<gD 13&) 330)87^*85 x b ^ D ^ ^ n n ^ . i^iiF* *3(f^6"
&<3r*C&13jo6jj MX) ]SS"^q^orr'^)o^j"^, 6X)§ -s^3eX)^4M^o^ 5 , a e & M ,
)^-qr"%cd ^Xbo8e?X) "^SJJ s?&§*^o&MTT^Xb. J o ^ y o ^ , ^"8Hg "3F*
^ 5 * , t^n)j2)J'3J""^J", ^ f ^ C ^ ^ A ^ o ^ S * * 3 ^ " ^ f TT-er' (g-p-*3
*3bx!S). TT*^3g^5^-"^, &u^eTy"#j, D ^ c o / ^ o , <93r*<be ^ o ^ & r * ^
^Sr*^&r'X)§S^^ ooj^ ^ ^ ^ * B ^ * ^ ^ *
&3-*<&*3Jo&M ^ ^ m r - ^ S c r ' e .
1 4 % March, 1961
^nniM? Pfnancfd? 5^rewen^
(3n<7ge;)./br 1961-62- ^ o ^ g o /
Dema/ialy /br CraM/F
<9^^86^ M & ^ C b * 3 j o ^ ^ 6j-a*°o8o-R6^aS
g^-sr-eD ^ & ) i^8§ S)a! b
&jvo&-o!a^R) ^ p & )
^ ^ n r ^ ^ b . Q{$^ "cS^exS"* {ts^^^* l)&ro
aTT^4A):o&Kr*ta. <9?r$JSMrr" ^^Tr-8§,
^o$M3^o7V *3srs*aa;&;5^Ty*eS, SS'eno^oSb, t^3&^8§, ^j^eTy-8g
e ^ ^
S'eoX *^o3j^O.
^oqjJ^ ^ t ^ ^
^ ^
*A8j^c8^ "3oaf^
^i^r-^&) tR-E^^S'eM
v o ) " ^ ^ t^^b^go SaogbR^a. ?$J^tb ^^ooo
X)oS3t^*o^oSb&MOdS) a.8^
a &*a{5" ^)Sj^o9^ [gr-trr-S^^' a,^^^3y-^ & 3 ^fog"*, ^a ipsr"
^-jgDj^oSbj^o^, &jLT"<%^iSr3-"4^^SJ^^ gToCj^gj^S'S^^&Jo D=cr*o"
5*y^o). KT'o^jS' ^[^ly^ -s-*6'otg';Sr'o;gj o^r- sSjr<<g^ <sj-cy°?^F^
<X)$bgjgo ^ a a e ? v srod3^-o^e)X) 3&) §^d)gb?r^^.
aDg-g^eg"* Q ^ s A ^ ^a,J* ^ S ^ o 8 ^ ^ ! 7 ^ § ^ — 1 9 5 3 3 3 o g ^ )
TT"D8 KomoQo-ag D^tr-sj ^Ty^^. M ^ o O g ' T J ^ -D^*B 3 "33Sty-°o<§r
*^yoF^ '*^^#* ^ ^ 0 A & 3 " a-3 & ^ a . ^ g * ^ ^ *'*5r'^* Mo^* *3j&j§"^
q^r^"8&^" A ^ 8 . e§* Jo^oo3*3jo^*
Q&r>c"3&r) & ^ 8 .
qoe^c65" e{?ir"c"8&^ &^h8. ;3jTos9er*o<ir ?r''i3ger'o^
Q ^ ^ &;S^a. ^ey^oO -ax5^*gv"o6^ Q^o43 ^o^oS' pta-tr* -s^o^o
t^&p'c^j M^)eMS)8j3^)&), < ^ ) ^ t gists'so S^-r-oj ^ x b § ^ ° o ^ ^
53j^o ^ ^ ^ * "asr-qa&S t^trr*S^8b
tgcy*P-s-' -y-ggts'^jo^ a,y ^*^o7r- ^oSbs*^^&jo
D&oSb&)D *^gj 3 ^ o X ) & ^ 8 .
e^S* M o T ^ ^ & r " ^
sag -sr§*a Ajj^osx^* 48 S3 "a^ §"d^
g_*B5 §" ]&X^^)J* ^ § "3)4$" ^ - o ^ c9"^tyo^
oxr^ D^on^ & o 8 —
"Directive Principles of State Policy: The State
shall endeavour to secure by suitable legislation or by
economic organisation tn any other w a y to all workers,
agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a living
wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard
of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities and in particular the States shall
endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or co-operative basis in rural areas
.4nnMa? FHMMcidf S!(o(ewem
(FK</g<? ;)/or 196i-62 - y<??M!g q/*
1 4 ^ AfarcA.l 961
3*^8a3be6^, ^K^r-r^f v " ^ ,
* ^ & r ° c ^ t i j o c o ^ ^ , ^s*3^"
- s r - ^ T T ' a ^ 3y4S§ 99 3ooa 3^3^*030 8^-§)&jrr- &Ty^6j. ^3jcT!^R
33jr*er*^ 3\^.o^ij*^j g3b e(&o&>& *sr*&tH^ t55$Sb^o 3^\3j^&)eM
B "3§ 5" tH^3j^*F^
JS^Sx o^^f ^ 3 aoa^3j§3^*gS*^
3o&*3jodf ^ j B o ^ o ^ a ^ ^3^3cXjoarr- §^3jgju^3j.
*3?*o^ §^^r=3)§^^r!^ &3^^o3o^3
^ & r * ^ c t3er*&-sr*3§, ^ ^ e S b ,
*^<&r°c^*)&)Q3j^, *33S*23A3er*gbe)TT'85
*3jj&)"3jjd&) -c^8§ esSS'orr- 3j5^$3\a S ^ o - R ^ D S )3oBba^oBo3J^0.
3j^&joo 3 ^ 3 o ^ 3 ^
^SS^Sbocs-" "3o&)"^ 6$;&)eoa<ysy°8.
co^S 3o6je 6*b3^^eM
Sba3j§j*^"3^ o3r*SJ
Sb^j§J^*3S* o3J^Sj s93jsM3xr^
S*&3^^iyeM ^^ojjoT3*"0. S*&3^^eM 3#ojjo-uf4j-*;C3 oar* [5j$Sbg<?3jo
S^rA)§^S5sjo^&). 3j3
3^)"^ 3 3 A ^ ^ , ^^3<HfoJ Dtf aMo^"^:), ^^3^-sr-sM v3jeM3s8^^
3j3SJ^3Jnr^3b. 3^8a3 Sj&ooz)3bj 3bo& 3^3*ar"0b ajJ^Rf^ 3 j 3 &
^ S o ^ 3 & * r ! ^ &o<XiJO =nr"o ^)o-aa.
3)3 -cr*ar*corr*X^ tTr-^Trmb
3^8ej3 Sb&\)03r-3§ 5oa3Ty"6.
^ Ty-e^qorr"^ 3t^3jorr<
MRieMSg^&r'Da 3j3 3oj:po3)o!8rr"C& 3j^3j§^Tr"eX) *^3j g ^ a & n T ^ g j .
^3^X)8rr" ^dSb3e!b&3^a. **3^-8M3be)oddr' =51*0
^ ^ 0 3 0 ^ * 3 ir^Cb; Tr*8§ ^iSb3j3^3a, 6&*orr°eM 3^3D;^S'&)joRb
v3b5^*ol^, t98 3 3 y saX) "gOd3b*^3jTy^&. C9?r"^ rr*o§rr-ta, S^ocr*
'3oS'Aj3^<3ajQrr"Cb, ^oj^d) 3 j ^ u ^ 3 j rr-R) 3*^6e3 3o*4.3jo $^d8b
j3o3b^o l3u3bg*3a)ogj & 3 \ ^ 8 ^ 3 ) ^ ^ 0 ^o*^3, cur°nr*<33 3r"8a!3jo
X)3 5^o^ *3jCb"7S & o < g g ^ & > . goBbc^cr-xb, 8b*"Cbc3Ju7r'd3. v - ^ y ^ d
-cr-3jrr"0b, 3j3j/3&g7T*g) qg*^.<g8b V"333$bceM7V 3aj3o^3j*-{^3jo
:3T9Mnr*g)3\a a8a3&o ^3b§^3&r'D§
boo^R^. -sy-Ob saag'orr'.
^-"o^jg'orr' sy^r" ^ 0 ^ 3 0 7 ^ * 6nr^Cb. Tr*e§ c?$)3\a ^)oF^ 83d33c{b
&3j^a. tPoBbSo ojj*"?r*<&) 3o3o *5)^53 <7T"o^ sy-e ^Sb)-3rr" A 3 ^ 0 .
-?3^8 §3^3oib3 gex^ey* 9 e^Lo Cb^^oBjej
^^o-^&)o t3#*\3co7r*
A 3 ^ 8 . 3b3 tS^^go M 3 3 3 ^ tsSyeo ^^, 40 ^ J
dr-^oB&ej g \ § c &
p S T r r - ^ ^ ^§,^T?HL^- ^ 3 3 ^ d o n ^ o g y e n ^o&Sbonr-, ^tS*3jon-
2 34
14;A MarcA, 1961
3RMM ^Kb&o^r-,
,4wMM/ F/Ka/!cfo/ ^ o ^ w e ^ (
(BM^g^ybr 1961-62 - M o ^ g ^
ooj^ 40 §^&) dr-^oCJoeF^ g*&go 80 §^^j
i^8S vCbjTx&*g ^ g j g d O ^ Tr*8X) v$g\a^oSbej^X)3
bevo^oa. -y-a§ &ss*mr-^s^^) adStfaaiygjeo Mpg\a^og^oX)
M ^ g j o B IT. g^goo
33-*ya. gr-cjhoajor^d? *3jj<b^jj^e3 gbo&
6X)r*d^ <BoST*yg ^^j?r^&j.
S*ga<R)&)g^8. ^-gy-oF^X) gog^oBb Sy"§)eo, g^8agjeM, ^a-3--&
^§"^S)^3^o"g&)^o ^^ so^]"^^<g*^§", a,g* a r - a S * ^ ^dXr-d)
^ V " v wo^) ^^b. cbjheM Sj^)8b^o-"D§ § ^ ^ Xbg.^\ T)d3<?-CbK<R)?bli_<3b/btasb ^s^yoo Q^ir^csb. Mo^dr- M^^\03o^&r'X)§ ^ggg*
^bg, g)S*gb*3bg g^^^eo *^Xb?r^Ty^ tao^& ^ d ) .
Housing scheme oaooS*^. 38&a dr-^gbooo*^ g^8sgb coR8X)
QtiCbo :&TC*et§o<3 gpgr*gb 20 Ro^^-ogjj cy^gbcr-XbeMrr' ^3"&
g^ex) ^a tg^b^o ^g^gagjg^ax) 3g^goaggjg^a. 250 dy^o&eM
&^^o7V"gj. 500 gr-a-*o&ea ^ g y ^ g b qXb?^a. 500 0j-"^ol)e? ogy
r'dsb q^cboR^a'aboa g^Sb ^ ^ ^ - ^ 0 . 2 0 ^ g ^ s b g-*2b
&ocy-0. 500 eb-"^.oaoc ^gyg^o'Sb 20 Rlfjgifgb g^^b &ajgjTy--sr'o*3
ejeocxv^ & #oRta ^e 20 5 ^ tr*&*g-*o eX) -xr"!b <^gy<&) Mggtfo
MX) a9"R ^gy&} *3V^S. *3^\8'^oojg 4jooj*g gj^o -sr-.Hb 3T*^^cy-X)§ &e3:&3j.a. 200cb^T^o&6^, 800 d r - ^ o a b ^ , 400 &r'fr-<Rb6''
Housing 5^0*Sb -sy^jSb OM^g&)ooo*g
"^g^n^ ir^Cb ^go ^ ^ ^ L
Dtr^cao ^Kbai3tr'D§ &5M &o*^a, "^ReMrr & o ^ g^8agb<M e^g)
^\^X)-o^cao ^XbSb^cr-X)§ ben ^Sjoor* Jg8§^ J)g8§^ coT *^)e3
-66 6%aJj\eM c ? ^ TT**&3 &o^3J^gjo^3 ty<a*^cr*&§"ibeM ^3boty &o"&
Housing scheme 3b JoCSbSb lb&r-D ? 250 Kr*3-*o3beM &-a^orr* Q ^ g
ejoo)"^ c90!<$ta^#*^ ^g^_g g*6 qo(&) g*e^r**^tr'X)$ boj ag^a.
taer'^ ^o3b*^5)r!*"X) TT"8X) e;^ebg3 33r*n**etSo<g "^^^^Mrr* Housing
schemes^o3bsb-"^da ^gj^nr-^gj. %\&c& go^ggtgiv-ys' v o o F ^
S^8Mgb eod8& caxxBb ^e^o^cDB boo &g^8. -yX) 36 ^g$Sb^gjj
^ D ^ o T r * -sr-8^8be 7^3* X)*^C3 ^ T ^ ^ o
^nr-<&) g ^ w e ^ ,
^gb g^X) 3g^gb rr-X), 1000 §^t&-3-o&eM
urban housing schemes §**3o "^gTyoo. 200 §^&jo^^-o&g_g
g o g ^ o R gr*&eMrT* A g ^ g o ^ 3 -sn8o3jo^^, g ^ 8 M g b c o ^ ^ *Bgo^
,4/MKa/ F/nsnca?/ ^/a/c/M^^
(#M<%e;)/br 1961-62 - M<?;wg q/*
14^A AfcrcA, 1961
a<53 in-*ec3A)S'L. ^9eb&co8jJg')-. Housing scheme §^3o *3&r*MJoa
&o<&3^*^ Jog ^r-^bo^a^ a ^ ^ ) o ^ ^ D
-69ny<&* co)o§^ -3^)r. 3^)33.
§^CbgjT3-^3j. Q^rr'e'
ojo3s<go6^Sj^<g gef
38a^o3b 13&)3 g^-sr^g ij*o (ac^oo ^0Sbgx3jgj3^a. Land acquis i t i o n ^ ^ =cr*o?ao. ven^&3^3yegj Standing C o m m i t t e e s ^
Tr*Rn X)tfo3oo ^Sb^oaj"^ 2. 8 Rogg^veo ^<&)gboa. g^*og3joa
3*^8^3 Sbtgjoo
&*&J* ^o**^)^,
eSen'36ae oSb
t9o4jjr;&o'=§) JoCSbSJ OMcr*^ ^oA^TT^cr' Mr!) M&igj*^ Tr*yjo. -sr^D
^&)$)55ohj^ -5a 33je§^
=cno Mc3oo ^oc3J8)!&3gj?r^ogj^ Dac&o
&)e#o7ir* *8eM3j3^a. 3^8M3boo^8^^8j e^s* staoding committee F^
T)^5Ty* $3 standing committee &#o&o ^^cr*D5 8y"<^ g^og time
3&)gbo3 coj^jXier-e Dao3oo^.
^dXr-eg) s^&)#3!T-^&.
8DX) g3^X)38rr' 3j3g
QS' ^3o^"3jo^ 3^3J^ Dac&o
T3j**n-°3oo. Nationalisation v ^ a a*$* fad vocooa. ^a fad Mog^r^
continue e)3jgj3^a. Subsidised hostels 3j gRo^r-oS) t3o3&g^3jj
^ *^^HL^*
Subsidised hostels
6oA&ir-e. t$D continue ^oa)&-o*^e. a.§^^.S*L. 8JM^r*<&§ 15 &r*3**
cojojqxbiy^oj. 15dr"^*"o3Jeo%r'e!g5j^-3. et^Sb .)oR8sSb&)&er*
*^^-or"X)5 ? 3o3 S^eMyv" &3^&x)3o63 TT-8D 3o^<&ca ^"&^3ydgj (gC
^<&)& F^a3o *5)^-!r*Tr'? ^ ^ - 3jj<^*^0 -gtb3j§^3j'&ej4JOM*3 S)<^eo
" o e j
t o o
.)er*X ^^^gbo&yOk)?
TT-S6 qgc!)e^ S)^d 3d&*e*34j6jaM'g Jer-^f
^ ^ - & ? i y ^ 3 j -^aDo-^Rot3bSb^<boA)^ ga^aaarr- -sr'^n- M 3 g
^)^jo&. Tr*^joRe& Rog^aoy*
^dSb3jSb^^j ^ol)o<&. Training
schools <5"* Tr-^gj §5 dr^^-o&eo stipend oo)Xb?r^0b. ^e ^cesb
15 Rr'^oaj'^
oM&mr^ta. q8
-sr^o M!^3jo.
25 Rr'g-'O&'S nr*
a,5^^^^. Sbaa-y&§ ojJTy"^oa §^&gb^r^3j.
D3bo S'^-gbeSb K5oe)o8o^ ^
a&o&o 3)30 ^oC3&r'&. b^\Sb
^b*3 3 schemes &3^6jOM*^ cy3^0s'3y<&) 3o€r*ojj&3SbgJej. gey*
*3v^0. F^oa&cSb tb^ tr*D !gTT^go^ijiJca)^ "§ot^{3^bggo sanction
^J^^rvD sr*D i^3j^r*X) ^Sbt-y^lSTy-aS ^M^sboty A3^a. O*go)a*
^{To ^3 a.S* !3S'^.3 3g)g)3ra/a. *3o<S^ J3^3j3 D&^S'er'gboSbrr'D,
1 4 % AfsrcA, 1961
idwMaf F^noMcfaf ^/afe/M^
(B^g^)^br 1961-62 - Fb/M^ ^
^8M^c8brr-X) &gjS &^.^SbjMj sanction ^o3b-"€)o^3 "(ae?^ gjoef
sbotSn^d) signature ^5)A"^^^ oa)D sanction v-^.
^9 a^a
a3o-aa*ET°&). q8 scr'o ^Sy. ^osr'OJ3&X3S3o&)eM, ger"38sl<§*eM, -sr-^D
sanction ^"^o<SbSb S)ejye^o^r<oa S^CbabtT^igj. ^"8M^be)gb X3oe)o
80-a ^)So &°^tfco S'eorM^^Tr^e^ ^XSb &.^ ^:p -R8D DS)Sb^&). q8
fees exemption So ^oaoao-O^a.
)^^)^o Ty-snyo S. S. L. C. S)6<&Sb
Director of Social Welfare OfBce 3bo<3 exemption for fees
Tj-Ro&'geR 1961 3j-"8)§ 8 ^ 6 ^ & ^ & M ^oBb^d). Application for
exemption from payment of examination fees for Harijans tsl3
form & ^ 8 . ty*D& 8)&cr^-cr^ Director of Social Welfare 8b
e o F ^ gr* 8 ^ ^ ^o&<y"^bc. -y-X) Tr-ol) 3h "§6 ^o*Sb exemption s^oS
eigj. ^e department ^a form eo *^)R! ^ocSbsbyr*^ ^*8a!$ ^r"o^r*0
6'eKb 3j^3^X) ^dSoj^b^a ? q&MS5o&5 gr*R&Me;& ^3*aj^^o^^oC3bg
^Sb cr"^o & ^ a ? Exemption cxo:SgS'&*3(go3e C3*3b R§<^8b gr*6^;&
&)SbS)eu^^^ojj^a. Commissioner of Government examinationssb
Sb^e3^\ <3*33S)§^8b 8 0 - " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^o3b"&)a er*ex)t-syT9"°6b. Fees Sb
exemption q^°^jX) ejytRS'i- 5qb&r° qoS^S'tRg')-. ^"lyeM sSo^oO*^
-*r*63& sanction ^oObSboGr* &?^^)OM^
"^deorr' &3b&MSSo63Ta"*Bb
Jo-"^ examination Sb "3^-^r-e^ M ^ - a o g g o D ^o-sbcTr-eX) §^Cb
^bur^^), sbotarr"8i58b--ar"
w o ^ \ & , B. A..B. L.
0. ^ 0 b
tr*rr* ^6b^)§^^-S3^0b. 55§e:j7^ ^'Sr'd)
696 dr*^-"cabeM g'SjgeX) &x^a.
27-8-1960 "g&3 Moab^ examption sb tyKbsb-sr^ob. Chief Minister 8b 2 ar*cb t-=r<bgb*r^g). Social welfare &)ot&7Y"88 )-ar*&
8b?r^Cb. "5*3^*0 ^0)97^83
tTrXSoSbur^ob. tpefX tTT-XMSbo^
28-2-1961 sS *^a^ Sbta s S o ^ o ^ &d3A§*sb 2 eb--^c^co court fee
*g!b q ^ & K ) ^o&nyol). 8sbo#iT 3o&"^ court fee -s^i^O ts3r*^c3.
^o^Sb&uodb ^ o ^ application Sb court fee af&x ^X)^)X^a. Tr*M
reminder 3o3*a 10-3-1961 ^ "#3^, 8, 9, *3oe ^ c b ^ ^ court fee
^/MMa/ F&KMM&t/ ^ ^ ^ / M M ^
(#M<?ge;)./b;- 1961-62 - PtHMg of
DeMa7!J!yybr G/aHM
14/A AfarcA, 1961
^oSy-oa )8S^3oaKr*ta. ^3 a^oTT* ^^dj^oM"^ -5r*#jSb exemption
Jer-^ s5Xboa? ^ o ^ ao^oo s3o3bge ^c0bgoX)SSOjoa? Chief Minister Sb 2, 8 <^-cb t - s ^ S j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ telegram
tr*X)S) ^b8o-D t^aCbg^o ^o3b^d). e9o"&—grants "^^Kn-, -c^^jSb
aagorr* gt^gjorv
Mo^$Jocr" ^gbTy-^^r* Sb*^ 39g"*-ao=cr*oD
§^ej^7T'^&). ^ ^ ^ 0 § ^ ) aS'^. D^cC3bo &r*t3o en(A ^rr" s9^-Do
sy-e. ^ e a ^ & o R o & o
-s^TT'oX) ^^Sbsbur^gj^ sincere rr* *a**6§
^$bo^oSJo ye*^&j&Mn^ ^TS*u-ceo S'O^o^o dbSb (goRg^o
rr-D ^6ann^bogo3bo v ^ "^Sog^ ^ ^
§ ^ ^ <%s^eo ^^.^
&)ov)a oX) enbebo^) er*^o e^3b. g^SagboSb, backward communities So «3sb^3 ^T-r"v-ceM S'Oao^b-cgJo, Ty^e^Sb*^^ <9g)3\8<5"*§
" 8 ^ & o ^ a Constitution ^
^Ir^r*, ^e?n<&) -sy"<3b Jo^Ob ^?r^6^
B ^ e o $o0bcr"X)§3b^^ ^o)^)S)$b^o agy§^S^^3Ro g o -=r*8§ 8dX)
gg.o e*eM^^b^a. *§o)dt3$b^o Tr*8§ ^ X)s3,^ 6 6 ^ scholarships
qgggeiL & ^ 5 ^ B5*^- *^^cy"^ggr'di bej^Sbo!3-" s3r*gb3^3. aSsSo
sy"o -DSb^ggj^a. *3gj^n&g aer°e-3r6§ ^5*^00 S'OAo^ Sg-ogboF^
*^o]d)5$b^oo gRyliiXbXi^g'^ M?$gcX) a ^ G ,
gbo)8nr*0b -5T*88 ^T^doo
^9 S ^ d S b o ^
a a<2*3&^ T^8§ gbjoi^b
&^^sSo^3 &*gurosM ^ gyt^o g^Sbo!?", <08b^-5S^T^-cr'P€M S*0l3
^j&M ^oCir"cD Sbcr^giy- &ovogjoi8^33, 3boi8/T*8a §^<3bd3?r^^.
* A <6oaj-& (^DB*^c^) (3*<3s$a?&*3o-8M:6<?&): ^ n ^ ? ,
<ge {^g.^ *3F*^^*&S^o&3& aeR&ayj ^gb ^ ^ n r ^ v § ^ ^ Dg.cab
gjjao ojj^X)5i)o3b53bj^ "gOoCb^oSb dc^b8b?T^gb. SS^8ag 33bi3o
v*rr'*3-go3bo^*cy-gjrr'8 %bes^c §D; -tr*^y^^ir'gjrr'8g<gS'; 3)^c&R
yr*e sr-^^r-X) ^sT^bov" aM^D^onr" s&oRSbg^gigo sr^c M?noc;&
Dslo&o. ,33y&*—)XHSb^g\^6^ ^gS/yc^—.go6b&*8
Oo^o go^beorr'Ob, ^8*sr"gjv"as^beo, #q3jj38 *3og^tf^Of3^cCbJ<3b
TvCb, f(r*&r"0& -u^gj^ot^'cr^gjrr'Cb, *^sjbgc$) tngbtygj go^bojn^Ob.
oM^MgoR *^;^$M & a a §^^r"3 !Sef3v*a§ g o M o a o ^ ^o^MS* Sib
gorr* 8X3j8ba aa g8^^-ir'a§ t9*3^ !^o^&jeo )T3^^, oM^tfDi^eu
7r-Hb g\S\:gv*ta. ^ S * ^ ^ — & , ^ ^ . ^&ry-<$)-y*F^d^ &S* gy-^RjcS
i4?A MarcA, 1961
y47!nMo/ F&Mnc&t/ ^fa/gwgy^
(^M^ge/) /br i96i-62 - TofHtg of
Dc/M^^y /br CranM
aao-^CSo ? spj^b 3&;6-ar*D'3 nr* 38Sb^ -s^o&j tr*^gcb-3-"^ 8&sf
^oab^o ^o^jc^a. -?-a, ^Sb "ggo^oaa oM^a§ Jodjgog?^ ?
^D"^ tsag' t^o^sSboeo d-Do^ax&^S). ^ ^ ^ o&iTy*ir"cC&c33o^beM7r'8
RiR6eMrr*a, Rjo/\^r<& ^ o ^ ^ C ^ ^ C ^ r v a
y^eorr^S ^ ^ ^ &83o3
J o ^ ^\^o&Dcr'Cy8'orr" & ^ 5 ^ "ge^^oa. aSTiRS^ A;eo, &y*3*
tRS'u. 3^eM&)OJ
aea& oMC^l^^oa. t^jex), ^'8aj^eo&r'g ^ o M %
2 b & ^^b tR^oSorf ooj*" D^oSJo/^8j
*Ba<3a*^o&gea3 e5S5x)^o
a^er-q^oajr-a ^&36^<XSjyv"^Xb
&r°t&* iy" ^ & ) ^ o - ^ ^ —
TT*^e er*db^c^) nr* X)&) Ro^&)o8Jo-& & M ^
X)*cr'dc3 l3a 3*5)^!^^ c —
MS) & ^ j t a ^ TruM/agiya) ^xr^&M
^X)^3^5—*B<&) etK^g&eo
^8e)^eo^br"{^o ca^3^oO g&^ibj ^oabSj^^tSb. TT-y^o ^oR^*^
^o^<y, <^o^ 9b37T*:&?r^ ^sSc^sb ocoK^ ^ ^ e M ^ o A , ^ $ ^ j § " 3 ^
g^^c^DS ^oo^dauo^dj. ^€r*§J8T-o, egd3aago ^v-S'^oM-sr'.
^d3"?^eoRoA &Xb*3?\*^ ^ ^ 3 ) X b ^ tp*g X)86^ OMo-sr- -y^^g^yo
A e R o ^ — 3 * 8 a ; & e M 6 3 ^ 0 ^ ^r-^^A^S^. ^^6^? 6,3*3) iSjovQ^otO
voM"^^), ^ 3 ) *35^rcd S^g^ M O M ^ &
-sr- 8 6 8 g ^ o o d ^ -ar* ^
y - ^ ^ o d ^ ^ Sh8agb oo6dr* =cr*er- ^ R \ a 3ocr'^X) ^ & ) § ^ ^ ^ j .
-?-^, 3 * 8 s & p 3 8 ^ 9 S)enS)S M D^&jrr"^X) & J & 53j%D"^X<JTO^^).
,4/MKa/ F/w^cM/ ^a/6WM^
(FMjger)/or 1961-62 - y<?;;Hg <?/*
14//; J^a/-cA, 1961
rr*o§a):^&nD;3e:3, s)gcf -s*-ot7S^ -s^tfoS* CoS$^, ^ogug*
gjoa 5S=cr^0j. *3^Y, ^r" "^ 29 ^ed)oO *^Vo '3uo ^ o ^ 2 ^ 8 ^ ^
eoia^Cb. &S^o7r*^ ^oo ^ 0 ^ ^ b (foRdr* Jo^c^'Sjo^* ^ ^ o ^ o d ^
8g^^" ^^bSJU^Cb. -sr*D *b85^y"t^o &6^orr-5M -cr-;3^o^gJ. <0o3j
g*o^) Jo^-<^'3jo&f J^\o#*F^ "3oi5joa 8e9^§** ^ocjXbo&r'db. b3i3
"3jo^*3jj^"^ 3-5* t?od3 "3^^ogc^ ^Doaj^6<^ &o<RS's^^o afib/6
So^Tr-TT'eJ^^r'&M M^X^gr-R ^abXSF^ -Rr.*3) ^"^D^orr^
iSjjod)So ^^-J^ ? S'&S' Tr*C& ^^)j^ -sr-0& ^^)j^ *3o6j"3 JS3oa!*r-8A!
^3 ^y^Sboty- *3o^^ - aS* ^ a * ^ & e^eyo^rr-^, ^ ^ ^ r v K ) - 3Xb
OXbg^^ &5^orr'eM
tR^b^go ^o&^oib^oa.
Tr*6 M^^\8§ S*\a^X)3 4j^)d3o^D ^JXSD"^xbir^&).
t^&u3^ sO!b ^o<%rr* ^R8^_"^
E_"3& 8tSy"^"*3jo^" ty^iy ^<X^
Djosr-e^ -a-°a)&r*[g :b q^y&) &u^0b. a ^dj-Tr*g "3 "3So BtSj-^f
*3joAf M*^ &r*^) ts5$b^o M^^JSJ. t9TO)^ 18 v g a x ) & 20 yg&oSb
^oiy- &)o^r*d). ^/r^)TT-05 Rt^ ^o^bSo ? ca^^o Jog ^ 0 3 3 3 ^
O8 er-^y *^^3jjoa? R8^Tore&3 ?r*/^^cSbMo&r'd). M6c<s?, ^C^nr^O^
J&y" B-*f6o&Moa ? Sb&uS)^7Vo), X$^yv-D
*^)R er-gje&oa
iy-8^ ^ D ) ^3j- *& o)&r- s a ^ - g ^ ^ ? vo<g^" 38&n>o&Md** ^)&r&)^jn, ^^53yRb K)&rs-" a5fA)Ro, ^ej&r^<g ^Sboo*" <Rb^o<!^8g*3)^
T3--Tr"SS^c3&!jF^ &e8§
§^o^ <&r-d^j^, gov-&3§ ^ ^ .
sbo^sSjjd^-vagr'^ 8b§y&)0-^o, ?$€Mo gjo-go6** ^^sr-d? eaS^^o
8*^&jrr- Jer* g)o4jrta? ^o&tSSo^ R^iy-B^ ^r"^^<gb;
^ ^ ^
&88 agyga&xrE
Tsr*?6o%a). w^eo
J^8 S56^^^" ^ ^ * Br*76oR&
^r-& ^ ^ ^ * *g_^
*^ ^<&)rbgb-Kr-^&.
14;A AfarcA, 196:
i4HMMa/ jr/nanc/a/ ^fa^/Mfw/
(FM^yer)ybr 1961-62 - foHng q/
MOoS* 'Bo^), & j ^ & ) e^e^eg^
AXnS* M g ^ R g b S b ! ^ Tr*9§ }Sj"3yi>
sx§* cxM-aj &&)§"-a) "^^cb. ^&) e n ) ^ ^ ^ a aaoar°a^; *^^
X)TT"^* ^XbTT^^il). §b crg-or
-sr"9§ si)XH)^^bnr^^. e^S* a R o & o
^^Sbo eoo^§3,
sSjote&eaff* Mcootr'd)^)3b
*3<&) ^)o^^-&^XSj 7T*X), *s"":&e& a^^iS ooosr^ ^ X S j g ^ o & — g r e a & e
^ M & n t ? ^ *§^^r**^. q ^ S b ^ H
^8ea&)<&) <^cr", Qov"
^"Slnagboa R^CtR M03J*^ 7T'o^rr'8§ MS*^.^ 8sa&)g<§" &&X) ocj^ab.
^a F^S3c Jo^^)^) 6o6ya)*3o&- *3<?<%J 2 i ^ ^ S^e^eM. " 3 ^ ^ * ^ "gR)
't$o&jj ^r"^e?^)^oa
^ r f !$odj;&&)o8
[^o&M BT"5beM "3o^b ao^jrr" &STsr*<xM
?^ <S^Do<R /^Soef
& S ^ ^0!bS^o^rc&. oojog^a^oa. D ^ V o & o 3 sS3j, & ) ^ Ar-cSSB
c^b -gr.&, a y ^ o a c S j - % f # t *3)Snr*7r"8a <^a^§^&) Rr*3ro&(M J o ^
gboa ^eM^bcSb <9o8Kia? <9& c?&a^- ^<&nSbj5^sSeasS-3joa; -r"4(^<g^<^ 3c33gD ^SS^ cg^S* ^*&)X)oe^ 3 ^ ^ ^ 7 T - Ra^a
-s^otH^ *5)i^eorr" a^-aT^a
"BjjRij Tr<8 yCoejj, aooo, qcdy*
8x0*3*^ aeaea^ogo-a, ^8^^090 *^g^7^cj. ^ooo^ Tr*8 at^o^tf
^ ^ 0 0 3 , ^6)5^e)OOo <JSb^-"3 ^ o c o ^ a . *s"*otH3j-B"*&3a), !!^il8Xb
-y"o]HXb*5r'<3beM, 8*^ar*oaMo,
<KM&Hgo43 qar-c-g^
S'§*$poa§" g)oCJJeo^8(ga ocj*".^^. D88 ) a $ * 5 ^ ojjTj*"^ca, aaorr^
3Sf*oRo:c3oC&*e*3 V ^ o S^oco, ir-aScdr'eo t ^ a a ^ o ^ o ^ K b ) ^"3$o3,
tS^b^go ^ ^ )
/ber'Far-^ 8 ^ ^ ^ ,
3r.§ 5ajj&toa.
^o<gj§^?SRX)Co^&), rb<3b
59cdr°x!o 3 ^ o % 3 3 s b ^-d&X)o 8?Sg^bj c$a tbg*
Rr*8b <S^&M "So&o^R), D?-^oSSa)&oa
fp^-sy-Cb &)8^g*C&. MO-y^ a,S*6S ^ C b *^v°Co? *3(&) *^v--cr.? *8<%)
-s^^)w aprRogagfg-cr*? ^^CSb L ^ U ^ ^
a^^SSm^^-cr'? 6 " o g & m a t$o&M !?0M"$, g^og&)o8 TT*iTt9oKr*t6.
(^M^gef)ybr 1961-62 - Mot/ng q/
14;A MzrcA, 1961
ts&MgcdS -OX^ -s--y-car'oj 8Sj8bD ^ 8 M ^ o 5 b &2b ^ouo?(r^<5^&;r*^<So
Miycoabo, ^^Cbo ^S) ^jgD^^iT^gj. ob3 ^y^^\ ^\5o3bo ; &r*
^-\go3J^^<R^^j M ^ o ^ X b ^ ^ c O j .
ib5b *3^po^ &^3&* -s^^<^o
^*9a^c ^g\^o. M?So6cr'oubS"3j^ aaaRo. ^ ^ o ^ X ) mocS^^ Sb
bod) ^^Xbg^gboo^
80 ^o^^-a^e&o3
5b& aaio&cr'Ro
^13^*6*3^ !
*^&) asb^artOg
o&^^cr^d^^^oF^ 88a s'lxoO siD^M -3^05
^o&y^"^—^-8s&)&5 ^ 8 M & * e 3 Ty**g XHSojgb
cr*3o ^oBo^^*^ ajgtb ^"8 ?^Ct), v^qsc ? ta^ ^ ^ ^dgj.^gbir^^j.
^?Soeu-8^a53-3o*^: s b ^ T r ' a S ^ X i ^ J 5 b ^ ^ T ) ^ * & .
ty*X)5 ta&Sff^afrv* t^ogj ^ R o o ^ ^ ^ .
t358 sSj^^r-tgb 5&* a,$*
^o3jX3^^ DTT*^o ^Xb§^-=r<es'cr'! qQdo ^8m^Sje)d^ ^8H3je3j
-^&)^)3j^TyR) eg* ^j-yo^doB s3^&)Kr"^d3. ^aDsioSbo ^8<33j^rr*
exbg^TyeX) wo^JTr^gj. ^&)§^^^o& ^SeaxSbeo q^d s&yenS^DS
^9y*<^R^ y-xSog^^ ^ < r * ^*Sb RoRc^og"* rvo$^^JbjgSb d^
)^"Ty"X^^r"R KS&e^o^c^^S aR"Sj<j-<g). ^o^b^g tS)8^&) t^s^y
"^^Trf "3oojo tTVoAjj &)^Ty^9b q*^)
^omq {rvo&u
Q*^) ^ DT?^^*"o mta/63bo8. ^cr*, inter-caste ^ y ^ ^ ^xbSbo*=&—
grasps -X^X) ^XbSjo^) ^ 6 J^ c e o ar*oRcr*&§ ^ab &), ^ c ^ $er*TT^
AS^cn-eSj *^"6 MCf^o^) 3r*43og 3S*^.Cf ^Suoc?^ !95j<gS$)Tr"<&) e?^
§8??* ^^jur* ^0^3, ^*8a<3 v&r"iojj t^ftx?*^, -J<5j^) i$)o^,
<X)$"5^ &r-{% g ^ o S .
-sr-s)^ ^ o & ^ f)&ooa, sb^F^ gb3"§Sb (?D
^"^XbBbo&T'd). <gcr^v S^o^sS^Sb MO^t^Cf S)Yr-^en nab<^v^<xu.
AS^orr'C) D^oSbo^ -gy*& S)8^8 syc sSS^dorr" sr*e ^gorr* Ao&.
S!bgj8j-"<% *30X)3 O&oOb"^). b o S h a ^ ^5 ^sx) ^"& A?r^0b t9*3s'iy*6j.
^jgjj&r*d *^ dbeo ^ ^ r * ^ &-sr*^3d). &*^ ^beM ^oX)nr- SbX)^* 33ag
^ ^ 3 ^ miss C O M ^ S ^ g^g i3c&3(SSr* i3o, Mt-cr* q ^ ) ^ ^-ajTT-§*,
3!^ xy-SJ^^tr" ^sr^ ^eM&nr^OJ. y^3 KO^oR
S R 8 ^ ^6M^&)
1 4 % Afar<%, 1961
^MHMa/ F/w7?cfa/ ^afewcHf
(RM^e/)/br 1961-62 - Tot/nyo/*
D e m a n d / b r Cr^fi
^ ? y - d ) , TT-83 6"3_iy 3^o3bo
"3cgy-e"^ 3 ^ o y e ^ o Joa)"gg3**
AB^g^e)\o^oF^ $*D^o-^<^o^&). ^o^o^Rr* 7Vo"$3^MeM v-Cb; 3J^8L-\
^Jeo V"R); ^3.03jeo -y*Cb; 3g^ot^^X^eM v C b ; ^Cfoir* a taRgp
M isr°^b.
^e § &
^&^^)T3-^"6 -s-^3 M*^r"c, {38r-"^3Sbe3jj, tRae <;3o5^
^3. 6eo, A. &&) &Xb3bo^Mnr^^5jj, ^So3 ^r-Ro ^&jjgj^ -&D -As^oMveM
tp^e 553j^^T*&3J, -B--08 ai3_u* "^3 ^oajr-e*^ 3"o^e^o S'Oa a&*cX
er^oCSo^ aj-"Cb^ -cr-S'^^, Tr*83 tpD^o&SS e)3b3jr"3"& 3"& vX^oOS
^o*5<R^ 3*3 , 10 tSj-'^oSoo Seo ^
R<^. D3^R)3 3*j^^^j^ ?
^o3oc5-"X)"§ Mo3b-*3^jj, /^o*3
^cfgorr-, ^Sb-"^3 Rr*eM^ "3^{^Sb, -3^7^"^
)S9-ar"0§ q^j g e a a ^ * -sr^Cb &ocr"0 ?^X) MOTT* ^3j3r"3*&?r' ?
i?--3jS* ^*3 63j)§3jgb a,S* !3pci&)&o"^-sr'^b. ea Roi^oF^ t^sM^g)^
3j-**R v"D -R*^) *^3b s,3y§^3b ena-^tgj. c a a a ^ ^ o A s ^ c x o o a 3)3
staff ^o-ar".
I am
very sorry, t&ycap, Clear cut instruc-
tions tR&a'go&m-a *3ih3*8; ciear n^ e)Ro"33j§^3'3. Tr-Cb =Er°e
prompt 7V-Aoc^e. *3?33j^e{3jg^eao3, ^ a ^ 3 ^ & .
&)o3 **3o<^o t7V-o^§^3o^8M3b^ -R^3^o &jr-&)^^Sba qg*t-%§" *&
0b-"eM^ §^3"3y". 8/^0^3.3^ §^3"3j-- c?3j3^, vST* ^3^Sbocr" 3 y 8 j
81 3tfg) 3*)!§o^ 3 & , 3jtfo 88R qo63§ * 3 * ^ ^ 3 ^ 3 s)o&S^ Sb^^g
e!<5b, q0b3j83 3j*"^M ^3j ; a R ^ B * * ^ v X ) , adb^jc&M ^ D a 8(5^
"3jofb6&r° "^ysjoo g3b^Sb*^ aa "8{^o8 ]3$b3go. q8 Ty*o S)iy*ty^cf
*3j38. s)3cXOn3 t ^ o ^ ^ S b ^ , tjx&3.3^* trs^o&M^Sb^, 3Cb"3o&f
RDo4y* 3jJo&n^"^ o c o ^ , Tr*63X) 3ob"3o<^ 3 & , -sr*6& 3 " ^ 3 b ^ ^
*^)^)Sbocy dispose of l3 **& *sr'/^o&Mo^*t) 3j3D"63jnr^3j. M^oiBP,
t^jcF*^ ajijeo ta^Ty dbur^d?. *^3j SbT^-sr* ebur^ta. 3c3^c3b
8b-*b t§uo8b 3ogg^o*o *3jjJ^oSbR 3bJ^dgb & r " ^ e S ' o ^ &a^c^o^d3.
^o<s?, 6*3 nr* ^"3er*, e^r" *3"& (soRbF** 3j^Tr*<^b <J3b)-3 S)^**!)o
*^bg gT*"&!&*(&), M*^8' v"dEye)3o, ^3b8b "Be^Xb. t9#CTE°. -sr*8^_
2M&)ej M*^ § ^ - e 3 ^ § * &°*3 43ea, *^3je30 v"^ {tr**a^eM, ^o"^&)
3 S % 6 ^ ^ f!r"*?) ^5<M, v*&35)^b &**3 ^eM, 3jja-^oaeM " 8 ^ ^ ° ^ _
63eM, ^od)e?& " ^ o ^ i^"A ^eo, S***j3b *^o"3 ^"^_^oo
^8es^ iA;eSb a v * ^ o S'eo^"*3caj^e. ^"8a^ ^ c o jB_#oon-* &o"^3,
mcorr* Ao*€) iy-83 3j^& M e o
8*(ar*a 3JB!^^v3jrr*8 3oMTr*Cb
,4wH/a/ Ft/MWCM/ A a / c w M ^
(,&/4ge*)./br 196h62 - %M'Hg q/*
3)<%-ar°&). ^S*s^*g
3jo3 ^
^ ^
14/A A/^rcA, 1961
M d ^ ^ ^ r r * ^ :&<%Ty*Sb. ^Sy«M$ Xi^o
euo^b. M o R o 6 ^ T T e o ^ 3o&) vojj^T' :5r8a3 i^jej ?;$o-D
^q^^oBao X?.too8. &e6Sb^eM ^a'ajTyOb, ^ c ^ o j ^oAo^*ar"CJb,
R-BT-ajJ j^^^-^n-Cb ^o<^^3. ^a S^8a^Sj€H 3"*ja);3:§)%j 3a ^ \ ^ ^ o
X)ir^^^q 3acxu&*a&3
tR&r^d&o &<?R"^
S)!lo3borr" *^gb
3j-*4jT-,gjg3T313Sj. "§3oo -KT* ^8§^^"&) *^^b ar-Ay^o ^3b. ^ a ? ^ ^
e&l^ Mo^b ^4r*? o<& M o ^ ^Sb63-*5o<g-S)Ltr'eo, t y ^ c y ^ b
rr*0b 3 ^ 8 b S63a Rsx)^?Sb ^^)8bX) e)oay"iygb "3T^0b.
SjgaygSb ^oo) X) -DovSb g^-y^x< Tr*g)^o)-c-* !
^ 3^^o6^* g^&^D S6"3eo ^ D o ^ g j ty^^otcr* !
€5"3^c*^r"q, t 9 o v *^^ §*^&3iy5jj M ^ S b u ^ s T r * —
^odo*^ 13 33) 23084^^^* &o^3, -cr-^j^oicr'!
^e ^ o r r * 5so3L^ repentence Sb^<^ aj^ySb^r^^ sa 6^eyF^. ^\&o!Jb
& ^ g 3 * ^ - = r ' * 3 ^ C b — ^ 6 a R ) ^ ! -sr*g) DS)^*^)^ ^ T ' ^ S ' ^ ^ o ^ o g ^
5S\3 g*X)^o^a. S3 M^ry epo-ar- &"6j3 !3o^^TX)or^eb -y*3, s98^&)o)a
rr-Ob v"X), ^^j-sr-X) -y<3j. ^ot6^^?7V*0b Mo^S'o^b -sr"<3b. M " & & g b
8'igj5''3jo^* &XbSbD
*^&) $A-o ^oijjr" ^-a^^eo, X)8^<peM
10 S ^
SoTT*o. 3ocr-o taD
TT-^j^cSbcaR^ gaMgyoar-g).
3^Sbo&JJ^ Aoij-^b.
* 8 ^ vObj^^od,
3s t"^w
Mocy&j; JS*)-^
y D
TJ-'g §Sbj§^*c^r-<gb.
^ t ^ o j spoR&); wS3\)*Bi3b\3bX) 8otr*&)D 3e t^eo scoRdj; .)&y &&cr*
Sba ^ }*^eM M0R6J;
^/T^-cy-&)S 3e [*^eo MoR^j.
^<S^*& ar*a
&r*[go ^*8eiXSjeM-sr'Rb. (^^eo) ^^t.o3borr*0b % ^ ^ b ? r ^ d ) r dr*^-"
oojoo Rof^eM q O ) ^ o & ^ t & [*=3)3§^ s4j**e?D. ^o3^5i)oa 8*^^S3bjoj
misappropriate ^fsrcb
^e (&*"^oabe
q3y3*r*8<5'* ^cr-<r^ ^ * & a i ^ ) ^ q X ^ Ckr*^-o3oeM
$ i r ^ & . ?r-A§ ?^^<5oa
t^aBF** ^AjSboty
surrender t9<aM&*y;&; ?y* gj^^bOX) s&j^o ^sbocr"
a s b S^<^b8bL-
Q^-sSb MX) 5 a M & H J ^ & ! (g;&geM). gjA^db^^j S!6j&Jo, ^f^i^Cb R8i&x)
q X b u ^ B b . 1951 55 !3o5S^Co{5^ ^^Ob 3 Fsfo ^T^o^, ^ ^
1 4 % AfarcA, 1961
^M!M:/ FfoancM/ ^or^gH/
(^M^f)Z^r 1961^2- MofMF of
D€wa/:& /br Cran^
a ^ o & ) Jacb ^O^ir-^e^ -Br^*6 aXb^ea K)<gatr>X)§ oCbex) Mo"§)
1951 a 3o3g^-o-*&S a y -tr-^ Sbo^y MRr-Tr-^oSb H g o <^"CbSbL.o^
aj^o *^*By Mnr*TT*^oBj flRo ^robsb^-^T^dgb —
M&aj-'^csb !
agyTex^ "8^j qay^b ^&"g J&^? "g;gj ja8^^^"5nr' gr"njo
*^co "3-Ch a ^S"o ^oSb^oo^ ^a Kr*eM sc<^o aajoa. er*§e^ iron
ore 8b 5 0 % eafg ^ ^ ^ 5 % i^X) 10% vX) axb^ 3€h4jd^
gg ag
H**8§ 6e3§"jg ^o3b<^o aavcr*! ^X)ao h^Ob Aod^rr', MS*^.^ 3oE§a<33bq
rr"Cb Ao^rv gaSX) ^oooo-^ l3*cr* ? ^a^oojiy M ^ ^ ^ - o ^ v ; ^ a v c
axbeM ^^R^db—sr*8b "geoXb. RQgojg ^-^Tr-Ob ^Xi^ MggbSi^Ob—
nr*Sb *3ooXb. *sr*o)HXbTy*l3 ^d3b S)do*g^^o^), X)M^o^ Tr-o[7!ajTr*Cb
TT-8X) ^ -s^-y-F^ csajS*^-^
o 3^0b. nxgb^^-sr^
a— io^ 2&o"§)
S*63^oaboA, ayCbrr* aaooBbo qOjxSoCbSb gbSb ^a)3^.8o^) 53JXSD
^o&o^a ^)&)?$ X)o^-r"eM ^A^<$ 80 3)o8 a^S^a v*a^Xi$bceo, SbtdbeM
Ty**g4fg6'Tr*:arr*ab 3 ^
DaoRr'oF^ 'A' XboA 'Z' a^Sb
h)8b ^&)^-^-cr-oo q&r* ^)55y^_^ q&r-*^ -sr" a paaothg"* S'K)S'5Xb^
^o^^o&oaTr* §^CJgbnr^a).
* ^ *3. S o ^ ^ c p ^ ( ^ e ^ o ^ ) : ^ n ^ r , ajotOTr-Cb t a ^ ^ O a
&*a^"*B!T*^5' Aar^o^a) aeacyaj-, s^*x^s)aoHb-"eo ajo^Tv-a
%\a.s &a)8b-o--aoX)^ ^axuyo &o^x) ao?sa^aj <j^aj. a^o^s* ?3o"^a)
V^V ca^ *^Cb o&8[3**!3eM 3*0"^^^ -sr-Tr*^ &o8.
vo^adSb Er*rr*"3
^aadib^boa Sb^cr*. qXh§^&? dr°^*oojeo a^8eaa)c
*3a)8'8)aHTr*8 *^je3J §"6*3
*^joo 5^*dT^.
p R y ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ g-^y,!
<^)D-=r-a^r'H, -o-*^yg3-tr*:&, A ) d ^ ^
Q^* Mo^r-^gb, qo^ vOb)
M^gb^as'iT' ^ D §^o^85 M^o^a^Sbj. &B_?r* ^^ag)<&) 5 ^'&j
Cb-"^"OMeo t9er*&5"^3&°aM, 10 S^&) gy^ocoeo Men'^"^i^a&X) 3o*sL
ar*Xb ebi^-oojeo, ao&r-T) x3o6^ r*pa%o s*o% t^^aj tatyps'^
8Q&0& taiyCS'F^ -s-'D &<ao
69*3yao^a <%a^
^ObTr"^ a^OMaooSb, ^8Mabo8b, 'SajS'aAa er*&)c6b Jo^aifSb & a ^ y ^o^)o&, .Joifaysb TyOb auodb9b asy^Cb v ^ a
88§OJ& ^a ^ex^
^o^ar*!^o ae^^X) x^aorr- "geoajoa.
aboteTvd) v a j j oM-a^a &*<sS*(y* "seoBb^v^db. ag&oc&
MiAAfcrcA, 1961
*3jj ^ o F ^ =cr"e) *§s^ <^oRD TyCfa^R). a^3o3b t3r?^5-?- v - c o ^
caot^ts^o^od^ f*o<g <^a^ *^^r'0JJo^a)&3a. *8corfrr^ t ^ o ^ o ^
r*og < g ^ *^ir*ojJo^gj&38. Mo ^-^ 3^8a3j€)5b
^O^^odjgj 3o^3.*^j.
<s (gajj^ er*^o
'gporvnr'g'* ^^j^oo)o-^a)&3 ^ 2 ^ ^^er*
^ ^ ^ . 3 - 3c)3o 3oJ"<g3 3 o ^ 3 ^ ) 3 T y $ S ^ ' 3 HT* <S 6^^M&) S d j C ^ M
^^r*tgo {S5o3j^o$^3)djy^oa. (9o3b^g 3jov^o!arr'(JJ 38§0o-D,
^.Sb^.3 diaM^ *§&r-OMoO,
*^cr"e3b Kr°3j3j'*3^e)3 §^<3bgj7r^3j. a0aj3jo v^3\8§ ^ a ^ *3&r*
ojjo-O, 3D ^Xb?r^gya
5S^Cod^ "30oSb"^TT°A. ^*o3o-^, ^e?o&),
s3J^cbo^<&) ^8&3je t9P3\af*;3o 5^*o^ -y"Cc)^&)o MCj^bgj^^r'i)
X)a*^j. -s-*D -y"y<?)^3J^eM ^'^-g-'&Sb^ ^5jL.3&o&Mo'3*3Lr'3a iy3^
M&)&r*3o. ^8MX5jeF^ S^*o^3joa w^^3&*# ^r"^R&nr'"6"3r'. &*3
! 3 T ^ $ ^ ^ ^ ^ a j 3 ) § ^ 3 ^ o . 53jo-aa)^eo8'4M§^^^o
3a^3j?y^o. TT*& sbo-a^^Sb
JRSba "3j^j ^ o n *3^§^3c!b3
aeaa, a3B-*as aoa^s* <^^w. -s-"osb(M ao^o3b aeaa y^ao-a.
tsa^gjo, 33o ir-SS 3d3n-^a3^d3-=r^^^ ^r"3o -ggjgjg^aio^) ^Rj3j
Sbo^j-Ob. v"3 *^3oo a&)9J*'a<g-&To, 3 ^ ^ - 3 3 ^ -y-^^obod ^^r-Tr*
§^o&/^13o6^ ar-&-eMa;3^6A3 33y§^c^X)$beorv-3y-tg*^) *3o3ba^"^
sy-o^. 3o3^-(A3b3jj3Sb y*6^a, 3bo^)S)M 339 S*^o^), ^^ 33&)eo
ye^o^3 g&)Tyg"^ Tr-BX) J&)^-3 3 gRcRogbeo ^o3os-"X)§ ^3j3j
^ ^ c ^ D 8 RjrRbao^) To^^jo&Mo8. qyj33sJbeo D3.o3jo^* ^^ccjur^
o&D SbtSbeo 3 ^ C b . Ty^^a &r'^o^o3bcr'X)§ od)ogg#g) t3o3jg^o
ad^^6j. b 3 & ^ ^-obfM t ^ ^ g S ^ R
T)^^o &8^oa. 3-*8M3jc5b
3?&?gT'S'3co 8*eao^^o ^33do. ^3oj^^8o-a ^
38a9Aoa. 3^3eM\F^
3, 4 g67?j&eM
^ a ^ beo3b 3jLr-&)33^\
)^o^oF^3j3^ &eo3b ^ t & ) S ^ % a oo^Mnr-^Ob. v o ^ ^3^Lceo
3jj^<Rb MOM6j'3j#j aj-'^o 3 A ^ v ^ m ^ D
M3j§^<^o ^rd^"&^. e*a
-or-e 8*A"3J38. {^3.^* ^<^oa)s& f*R)Tr-t& 38%0o-^^o a8^oa.
dr"or"^ %a*^) BT*?bo&Moga t ^ 8 3j-5r^3b. sy"o3-e3c^ 3&i^ca)3
S 0 o ^ c 6 ^ T)&)ab*r'a/a. a D 8^0 ^oeM ^ a ^ v ^ d a #o&onr*&oa.
t a o ^ j ^ -5T-i3yy8j trr-o&Meoq-D) SOorbej S*43o^or-D§ %j^&§^TToX) g^d)&mr^3j. ^^.o§*5),3y aagjjrr* 33)3o ^ O M ^ o ^ o a . 3^8
a&*3 g)M3oc&a ir-#3^ae 3 ^ o a , 55%&r'eb^.(M&3^ *33jS*e)&3
MlA AfarcA, 196!
^ M M a / Fa?<M<%?/ ^ / j / ^ ^ /
(BMJg^)/br 1961-62 - Motfng o/*
#6f(iae Diycgteo ^ ^ - e ^ R y e j a^dS'^TyRj Aur^Cb. D o you
belong to backward class ? eto^ "yes" MiO <Tr°a;64joa)*g goRo
g^ea ^c^sr-^ eoo^<^oge
^^.e^TSMSy STd^^o^Rb. oodSb^^
E)o?" <o&^.^<^^ *3&j*TX)OT^gea:s ^^x3d&ooa.
M ^ ^ o c ^X3e)j\ DADAyr* S*d3o=cr°e. "BaorvT^-^ M ^ e e ^ ^ e o \
e ^ a ^ o S^X!eo^5j «)&)^.^ )^v^S^°o o o j ^ cnr^D^ogjoF^
*(^) *3. t$dK3dabg (^J^-) : M%oap, ?i^O§ 50 ^ o a r v & ^ " 3 %
x;^TT-a X)&)^o^ -R8jo-R%o MB^oa. Mojo*§ s^g t^$b^o &a)a;g^
"B vOsSe ^ O M & o v^Xi-u*"e^ ^tfeyrRS ^Sb 3^<&)^<^RX) ty-a tR'^r'
ago *36"3<?aa K)^&gj^)&)^a. gj^Sb ^g^ot^co 33J 18 ^oSS^Tr^ ^^^3§ 3-*8a&e aa^gbeo ^ o ^ T T " ^y-^g&^i^" ^o^3 Er"K33<%
^ ^ D 3^sSca &o&Moa. ^Ttr*^ '3a)R43 *Bo<^J ^o-^^y]SS-cr^?S'oj
^* 8^^8oD
^jJ^^^53o^^O')g-c^'P8'^ tg^tf^atgj&ny^o. ^e X3^3
o & o F ^ ^8M^beo
aRctS^rvD, eaeg'oTr'rr'X) ^r-rb^Anr'-cn' Moi§)
^ ^ D 3sS^sSea Ao9. -5^o[*HX3j c95v"^oF^3 Tr"8*&)o&{Sb&)o-& eyr-S^D
^r*&MC& ^8H&)CSJ
OM^^bK) 3830^*^ aTT-jR). X)^Ot^O^^
18 ^ o ^ ^ i r * ^ X! gabar*ggr°c?T ca X5&)^c 38A-^.cfo -s^^Rj. 3-°8
aKbeo ss^Xbe-^b&xr' 96^ M 3er*e;& g^*gbSb^.^ eso^^M^ 8cf^cy-X)"§
Mtxour' e*a g8Ai'^.^J&)jTr"S<^o *^Rb. &33 e.S' W
& ^ir^&M
ig{b go^^diSLMF^sSc X)8A^-8osy°oa 3:&&r* ec'^S' e9&3o-s-"e3j, Qs^o
d)oo 8*eM7Ceio&%o KCb^xS^oa. sr"8S*-si'-Br" {Sj^^joeo *^)RT3^88 &*#g*
8bocr"^ % j - ^ & J ^
^ g ^ y o ^ ^ ^ M^S'trr-Ar-aF^ 3 ) ^ 3 .
^veo^oX) ^ - s n 8 8 Q^xbK) ^ g y s r ^ i r ' a
^ 8 M & ) ^ SSJ**XS^)B_ ^)d3 3&g)e8'<r&&r*(% M i ^ ^ s S b j ^ TT-8 qo<^6^
a&fbg^oa. v - O ^ ^ c d ^ ^b&*Aeo ^^j§^X), Roayjeb
g&S*eo S'^§^*a?r'Cfo^ ^wrr'SJ^^-ar-Ob^r'&j-^^cy^M ^^-s-^yiSd)
y4HnMc/ f7agnc&:/ <Sa?;e/Mg#;
(FM^ge^)yor 1961-62 - foiwg o/*
MfA ^f^rcA, 1961
"gSbotr* 32^o:&p3**e.;&&)-sr^&. t ? ^ ^ * &
6^) hid
^er"co qiSq'^^.
e$*^o§)e^ 5 ^ X i ^ 0 §
^^bg^^^o ^ d j . q^j^er'oS^d'Sb
M^S' ^oS5^-or*e&)o-a c U f ^ ^ e o
&r* X)8!Lo^
Q03^dSj T^85
M^xbeTJbdjj*" ay^<^^j a3o/^^oa.
*s^X) qSOgo ^§b ^)0<%^j^Sjj ^Cb. *'^*5as?&3^ gjJvo&)o)8 vooj(yi&)
h)"§a3. ^0-^^ !r"7r' :&oiA)o3** cX) §^o^Jibo3 ^o&MKT^d). 3o^j
gG&orr'Cj iSjovQ^otarr' sS-3^^ ^d)-y^ -5r*d) :&j3)gea;SaSjT(%f
^oSj^^g^gb-Kr^Cb. ^-*8M&e ^o^&<Xijjr*dSb ^ - & M ^ ^ y - g ^ -a-*a
cd). ^esR^oSb ^ ) ^ RgoR^a^j ^Rb*^[^^jj §3jd#o^<&).
^cyc<3bogj scholarships 5&nsT^&>D 3^&)iy^0b. ^ s c h o -
larships &
3o;5t^TyTj<gguu;S q^<g&3j^e) ^Jj^ij fees S'&Mf*"^,
^) 3-s^oj r'&<§^L.^S' ^s)^o8 36ag33r^K). ? ^ ^ 5 ^ o T ) % 3 0 ^
Dcr-oSbeo ^cSb^)§^or^X)§, ^) ^*s^eo §^*^§^L.cy^X)S t9^-s-"y&ooejJ3a.
&)R:h3o7Y°ca 5 ^ & M
3*^8&3 ^ ^ e o ^ g c ^ o t t n e ) ^ ^ r-Bboor^
-y-my--y. 'gotcr'e^ 8y*<^ ^ v ^ & M ^ o & r p a &)?SD^^?r^&).
c^-^5 Soo-D^ 3r*3)eM ^ 8 / ^ ^^. &)o^^)&3 ^r*^cs^^^3jo R g y X b e M
*^&j<g^3jj §^o^-?-c^io ecf^^o, < 3 ^ ^ 4)gy)*=a4Air*a 9d/<^^ iir*^
^o&OTT'e gjotagtfao ^o^rr* s*^o^ MOOJTT' ^ d &XbS"3 ^ X)S^X)0
*^ ^8/? c s a & ^ a j (ayo-B*6*-8s&c5*): v<po^, ^ &g?y-o;3
3^8M&eSb ^5b^-^ "s^j-OMOiy"^ MoA^T3^C&. ffg X)o^d*og^<^
*^^) ^ ^ D ^ ^ b g ^ n r ^ R .
^ 8 s K b o RgjRc
<)^8§ ^omoBo^^cn ayD
oXSj3j--?Si3jJ7r' g)o8. ^8s^)eM taov* M?)iS\a^g v-^^o *^v*DS
s^srocaSSr* "gya§ ^siay" s?^ cr*3^;3 <^\^a
&<0T)?3 q o ^ -Rt^ Jo(Sj5b, Q o ^ *3jj g^njgb &v^4jj ^XbS^^eX)^
v^X)Cfo ^Rj Rdgj^boa?
3s ^S5bx;c ^*8a^e)*§
X5oaoao03o^ ?
^ v - M Xioooad^-cr' ? -6a )3*^ *3&S'Sb ^&s^oooo8, !^-y3c^^S^
^9TT*d3 c o y ^ c A o
^8t^&)iir'X)^^oM^ ^ir-&) g r e a R e a
3 j j 8 ^ )fr*giX)o:f*o
D a ^ & j T V ^)XS^ *B^ab ?
14?% MarcA, 1961
^HWMo/ FfwHCM/ Sfcfgmem
(BMd^^f) ybr 1961-62 - PoUnf q/*
D e m e n t ^br Crams
-tr*a§o&*3_g ^sSjgOjr- ^0e9^)o8b go8"6s'&!07r' ^"3. Tr*^oR0b 3-8a?i
*^&H3jj §^*^Tr"^ ! v*^<)oSb
6^a&$j^-sr-0b gsi^ va§o3b*^ g
oodtjj ^ 8 M & c ^ 3 b " & §^i&gbTJ^Cj, VAT* §^*6b3y&)
^ 3 ^ * 3§^Xb 6&-c6*a)o&x) ^ a . QO!$ ^ M ^ ^ a <3o&>Sb *^&r-6^ -sr-Sb
taty&u -ySS^&u^dj.
qgtf M^s5\8 S3d3b^c8b
v^*^^^**^cr- ?
ga ^oj^gj ^odSbSb 3^7^ ^oSbR&M o D ^<^b^!j&)7r^i&3; q o ^ ^Sb^-3
Q<cr^CDs5&§^5S^o aia^cajraRaba ?y^^3o. ej8*?r-<gj t&ir'^r'XSj^e)
T^Cb g r e a & e A^^ca 33)Sc ^ ^ " ^ & ) ^ o e)3)$^<?^ab. Fail tpoa)
S^oconT'Ob. t)S!b ^o&^S' s3""ox)nr*ta. gM&x^Sj^^ g-"8ea^ A^cfca
3g)3q ^^*^&)"^j M&)f^TT'^ggb. Fail <9oa)&*uanjT<gj. R j ^ ^ ^ o C j
gr^ggjM TT-0 &)^*R) RcfgaSbe &^&)D
3e "3vX)5 SSij^A. TT*&
gebiy^ Mt^oXisir'M&jTr'Ob 3=0^3). Sj<3b8b^^ S^o^-s^ogbo^eb
?r-^ 3r*3jSb<o^Cb. 3! *^V*a§ y^cca&u "6^)-3^C3b <J!5Cb? R y R g )
*3u-? -F'S'S^^ "3 Sbo^o&o^, "3 er°3oaM-a *3^%M J3"8 7T* a n
g^r-or*? 3s ^y&)J <JS3y<&) BTf<)S<3bgboa? J4y" e?ocj^ ^r*^3<Sbeiboa?
JAr'H"^ 3a ^8e)3)c8b vo&3*or'^g^3jJ XS5o-Ds^gboa?
3! c!y*aS
3r*^^^o ^ 3 y ^ 3Xboa? &)otgbeo7r*a, qo-y^ ^3*3 nr* v a v C b ^ a
aaa/beoa MF^^xbTT^v? aMorr* M^-a*^ 3; 33)x;o3j aea*atf^jj ^dSb^^^<^b
^a§ <2ar*ogj ^ocSbSb? <^8D^3j *^^ojJo^^&j
^oR)Sb? 3a a ^ o B o ^ w3^o?f" ^es^gboa^cr-?
^o&^O^g-a-'d) ^Ob er3 nr-8b g ^ 3 j ^ 8 .
*? $j)w t?a *^b " ^ ^ ^ o ^
3e *^y&uF* 3e g a
^ ^ ^ j g ^ e ^ i y C b . Dd*
& a a §X)^oCSb^o ^j&SLmr^db. -=r*3b
t3o3b3^&u ^ v a b -y"D TT*Cb fail ($o^^oM!ar*&). ^p&Sb -s-"ot"RXb
-^^oS* t^cSb &J^M3)6b^pB 3 7vo§ 3)3^5ibj&) &r*^ ^jo<&) "Ba^eSb
/^8t?OA)7T'<gb. $ 8bM, Tr*8yca t9oR3b&r*6% ^$o-D^oC3b^c!b. voC^Ob
<goaba^R.u^X) fait t90MTB-*cb. QoC Dj^Oga v"or3Xb. &a53j^t^&o
ts iSeb R S b ^ A o n ^ ?
-yotUXb^r'tgsSjo 3a33jXioXSb 38^"^-^&u
:&&*%a, Rtf^§o:3bje3j ^o^o-03&^, ^aa g^cAo^oiy-cya gjRa^g**
-gr-^ ^wrb^b^a. Qa ^^. s-*ea&o 3&)*^ov"dj. ^a ^ xisb^p.
q 3 AT" ^\RoCb3Mcd^
qaj&s^o^oa ^ a
ROSbXb 8b8^3)TT^,eb.
QogS*o^ ^3y 6"B Tsrgjgjttr*? qo^8*o^ $S^<y^33b) ^"3 Ty-^^cr'?
^nMMa/ FM<m<rKr/ ^/a^/M<?/7^
(FM^ge/)/b/- !96t-62 - Mo/Mg qf
14//; Af^rcA, 1961
^8 VESO^bj S-U^$?$"3), '^e^oSSo^d'&ceMTr'
&)3 T^-o3jgjeM MXbSb^a Mc-!^ cb^ "5, R a ^A^-S^"a^3j ? &r* 3eb
-cr*NO^iM & x h 3 . tpa-s^ir'eM & ^ a . ^r* -y*o^JJ
*^)^bj ^A3^)
& 3 ^-5^'^3JJ ^ a ^&)Sbo6jj?r^0b. X)^oo e?&a"3 <J^58§ X)b-"o^Cb.
"3=0-^Tb. -BT""3 ^ ^
Tr-33 ^&.)cc3
*5r*^ 3xb^ ^_5
Ty-Xb, TT'CJb g & ^ te)S-^og5xX) c^D $5?r^3b. ^a D$3bjf( 3e ^^xbuF^
M O b ^ c g b ^ v^*"^"3o^ s^r3&M sto^ M ^ 3^S\^*"D§ beM^-Jb. 3a Xi^
Xioxb '^s^^r'X33 esA^^^'ir'DJTr'^ -Bar^gba^sb.
R. Srintvasan,
M . T. Raju ^ 7 ! v * Tr^do^Ob, ly-oabsb&o^ & o d M&r'"^ s^oBb^Cb.
^51)^? ^"8^Xbe?Sb TjTc&gjoaufl ^&3. cpdc3c8^ui^^3jj ^ " & Sb^& 3e
^V^X)5 g^j sbj § 33)43? ^9 SSnSboSb s S ^ Sjj § <y"§Do S*^o^^o
^CJ. ^
3o3%^yax) *^Xb a,sf *^)d ^^Tr-gXHbo q^t, &r- ^ 8 a X )
sbotarr-Ob, -cr-3j^glb7r'0b
"3<3 A^nr-n^^u -^?^"6/v*a, ^a Agy*o
<&;& rb6o^) i)3j§^cr^^ esX) vxr^ab. M 3 R 3 -5T"^o^3§ 33o ^ ^ 6 ^ ,
Tr-SbSj^^ M*^ 6 ) ^ 6 ^ 1 ^ ^ . ^Aa^sa q*^ 5&3 ^5^V"oc3&)D t9XbSbo'&
^asa^oSb M ^ faciHties ^S^.s3^&)^s3D
" ^ ^ ^ ^ t^S^ojuoa.
^ ^ S^SJL.eM -=r<8"§ 6 T ° d S j & ) ^ ^ ^ 3 \ ^
55003"^ i^8a&)OJ
^)&r*-or- ? ^
^^Cb? ^)8^3o
TJ-ag^Kio 2)3b ^ 4 r * v ? ^a§^X)^bj
3a XHbRo ca^y
<g55y<&) ^ K b ^ a e9*3a *8eMXb§^ vcr- ?
^v^$s5\a asi=gbjo $y*a-pg\a
er-^Sb^e^ *36^ ^n^l^^Sbe^bj
B g o ^ xr*y^ 3jj!68o^b s^i5^&?b<5?y* 8
^ ^ § o 3 b j c ocbjg'^- ^r'o^^er' e?D
'cStfoS'og S^3§o3bjeM ^X) "A^r-xb ^X) c3bj&*^oK'g.
q*3 SbtSb ^ogbsSeM&D oo&JJTT^^b. 3 8 <33^i&) ^cCb^cCb? si^8MXbe
XSsbXJo t33rr-"3 B a c k w a r d Clases Xisbxjc e:X) g)4Soa.
Mioority C o m m u n i t y n^b^o g)43oa. ^
^$3 §, ^ a <3Sry&) ^o3b
^w/<3-cCb? qoCSjg^ ^ D 3 -^o3b^eM/^^-"0b? ^y"?r^?
^Xb ^x^ab?
g^*o^^oa (8)^y&r"a-^-? ^ a a ^AxLT-^oaoiyij^a-r"? v&/!^. i&&u
-o-efQa^^otgajj 3<gb;&3b?r^3J0. 3^8&xbo§^xiRjJ
^ ^ ^ ^ 0 $
14t& AfarcA, 1961
^ H H M / FfMawc/a/ gtatemenf
(^Md^c^)/or 196162 - feting 3/
Jod:8b sacrifice ^v"^b ? &)^-ar^rr"o$ ^e 33b3q;&;6eoa
^ a<&
^o3b^^"g, E)5 B633 5 $ ^ ? r * ? -sr-d) ^ e o ^ ^ ^ q 8 "3 &35 Tr-S*
^^)^j, :&* 8 ^cn-^a ^ ^ g ^ * ^ 7 v o $ ^ ^ ^ n ^ &aa ^p e ^cab^g*
{^oXr*<&). Rufe ojj^y^b J^tSb ^^n-O? db-sr"^r"o QAyeiT* ? rr*o§3§
^)&r"onr^? * g ? ! ^ ^ -gaa*oxHg ? r - o & 8 b c o ^ 8 ^ & o ^
aMHb<&) ^)4y"
C7T" ? ^e 3sbK3o ,33,y&) ^Bbgboe? ^B x5&)XSo iy*a, ocj^ *^^s3jj TT"8
M*^ ysSiiM ^ ^ ^ ^ q o ^ o ^a3&)X)0 3853r*3-^i3bj's^Rb. ^9 c3#*3bj ^u*^
$X!^) {E3^b^ [8)&)8bAjSj goSj-*15_oa. ^^*^d*JSjjbj^ 3 * ^ sSj^^jc
Sb^j, qS*)j-<ga ^-Oj ^*&^Sjc8b& J o ^ *$6d)j < ^ & * ^bot^B_Xi-sr"0b
assb ^"\goaj-"oh3^ ^oai ^OTag^a €9^-aod3§^&)a ^ o & M ? ^ ^ .
Socialistic pattern of Society y-Br*ea M&)3b^ ^j^aoKbj eocscb"",
T3yyp"°qc3o -s^TT'e'^ sSj^aoSoo oo^Cb^ qS*^^ RDo 32M&M3*°^8b ?
qo05 ^ o j n haj'^Xbur^ca? TT-6^63 ^-Ar*^q&5 ^e ^ ^ Tp-3&u;a
ta^ocS^ <H3oj^ *^0^ s s ^ %o3Cn6b^y"0b. Social welfare -sr-Tj-ca
vo^3, ca-s^d? C9og*o*"&o3b DTT-^ej - y y c u r ^ o b . cs D^orr* 3 ^
g^y^gb q^ si)^Sb vs5&X)g "cSRMoa co6dr* ^oX).st!^ir' ^^SbTT-^^b.
qSySS 27 ^o^dsjbee^bo-a ^S3b ^a aapsb3ju& e)o^*5)^oya ^\Sx
*^&) S w a ' B t^oab^^b. T^Sb qeogr*^ ^5^<3b Moig) ^^ab-*
^^nCb. ^ ^ q*\&!5a §D**GA) O M o ^ ^ &0&MT3^&. {^$3^0 OO)^)
3h ^
160 dr*^"o3beo allowance &*oa)oRo^). *^^) -xr*gb & ? ^ tbg*
§^^J5)- ao&8 ^a^<^. *^SSj t^r*^ marriages ^xbTa-^Rx
^e go^8
*8eMXb. 5r^oRbsi)g?3jo^^ ^bX:^) v a ^O^o^bf^
KcMfbab-sr^gb, -s^osl^Xb c&^ ^Sbbj)^ ^j^^jow 3RO*5)6jr'e3 ST^
Sco^Sb a e ^ ^ a g grtr-cSy X)Er*o3be !So^8a tgr"^)^& ^*a^o *^^3o^
Rv^Ax) ^&)ixr^&. ^
€r*ye ^ o v ^oMgO.
o ^ cb*"^o3be
a X) sr*& & o ^ a . ^v)j^
&a*^ v C b ^ ^ & r - ^sr^sjj.
^ A &*oa)oa.
& a g ^ ^ T?-^^^oMar*cJ3b--xSb. qg* nfSb
Dj^eg * 3 & c ^ a ? Social welfare aacSbog"* Ra^$j!6o^b T ^ 3o^*g
:SxM3beo 3^3o^§^*^cS3. M ^ ^ 3 sSootOsSd&tj^ xs^^eb^gb yog#t3;&
& o ! ^ ^ojj?r*gSj. ^&r-tgijbj ^So ^gbocr* ^oD?r*!d?. 6a$ -y*dca
(FM^ff) /br 196)-62 - Pbf/ng q/*
!4;AMM-cA, 1961
"g^o&r-A^ ea^jex) sy-oo /T^SS^Cb
3gq&n%o3 tT* ^tfXb3 8
D j [ ^ ^ *a)oR& Sb^g)6^ -Jjy-g-trSo*gj ^ § -s*-gj v ^ i r - ^ i" w&)^7r^!&).
Department Tr-oj remova! of untouchability §^3o 20 e^eM
sacriRce ^6*^ *3&) cur* sociai welfare §^go ?r*(g2^oTr- § ^ 6 ^
c^r°id). aaonr- ir-3b 8o<35X9^gj. j^^jg^jj Tr-Sb y^<^&*g *^6jov
aaa gta^arab. *8^^.eo ao^^^b. Audit ^xuoa *3^^.w gogj
-y^) e)D !336^"R^ M&a*^ ) g $ ) ^ ^ gyij-g^d). §^& $8oKr*3
^Xbr*a a^Tr-83 sanctions sr*&X)t^TT^QM. nr-a^dS ^^j-*&^A§
y ^ ^ & j o ^ ^ . ir-SbR va-s-'dSjj T m o A g a ^ ^ " & MX) M&^*^. Xb
Association register *s*°^a) w a reply sS3y?a. woco^ qo^gcys^
ouo^g -a^^oR8D register Mcangu-* ?
^"8^ ^g^iy
^ D^o.f ;&3^Sy<%) coj8
M & 9 J o ^ ? r ^ & . ^gj *3?'o§'^X)o
^8M!Sot)§^X)o 3\5^;3j?r'^&). ^8ai&nM M^Sr^^ backward ciasses
MijT^eb. Backward ciasses g-"8agjco "3uj go S8"& ^Vo <?^&)oa.
Backward classes e!"^ *3g&) "38^a)^eMoS^, jT^g^ncMoSb *3sr)
gTbeMoB*, ^&nTT"85 "Bm^g^eooS^ ^D tg^^^Sbo ^f^^&r-gjo^
*^T^a^ J^y<gj ^$sS\a ^o3b/<ex)^^^d)? Socialistic Pattern of
Society X) a8go^;<a)/tnr°!y*? 3b cSy&Jcajjg'^ gj"^gj ^ 8 ) ^ a,^
^ 8 er-gS^&o ^gj5^*o&. Jo&)go sb%aa*oa)6r*e'* bj*^ ^F^Oo-c&
-sr*dg^)c^&j s*o^ij&cgj ajj^vgy'a
gjjogj qat9&^ ^ M T T * ^ 3*^voT3^Cb & ^ ^ygjuT)^ iRrtgReRg
t9ggo*gjJogCSb. S o g ^ S S b o ^ A ) ^ 88 §^^ *3gge&) MCO)d)o^o&)oa
g ^ ^C^^r-aoa go^bSbX) 3*ca)y*ta. Ago/<8 bo3b ey^^&j^cy^!
rg)^3s^-5y*9a go&o3 ggv-cac&o ^d^SbTy^Sjj. g<Sb"3aaj8 /^o^^Cn
y g y & a -syej^^gegj^g at6o^^nr'^0&. g ^ ^ a a j a gjTr*c?i3bj<M
<9*3 / ^ o ^ ^ t Tyeo^/^goo c ^ "gg^SbjeoAo^) a6S3j#<i Ty-8 tggo
M/J: A&rfA, J 961
^HTM/^z/ ^&awc A?/ ^/^F/MF^f
(FMa^ef)/or 196162 - fo/Mg of
^o&)V"^^SiJj D-sr^yca, JAM S8^^.^gjj ^cXJJ-cD ^^SJo&MTT^Cb?
SSj-o ar-a/f gods' R T ^ ^ ^ o ^ s M B
*gy ^j^&jo aa^ "$<§" J&M^o^!
700 Xio^^dSbjeM^ aoBbg ^)^g 8 enxuggyiR) gj^e *g<§* ^gr-o^
M D "^Cj"^&r-(jb. Tr*& d^^Sb T ^ D g ^ a o .
RXga-cr-a *6 &do^d3
^CbTT"^ tS^gpTr-ab g^r^Cb. Tr-cb g ^ -o--g^gbj<5^^ h?gj^gbjc
D&o3bgj36^ *^jg^ interfere -s-*gjj ^nr^Cb. cagj^ggjj rf&o^g
"^Reo ^oRCb
^oojur-d). B4jgb S)83 843S"&)gbo&g -sr"g*odC3b
-yotl^^b^a^ 393**<%3 ^a?)^(5^ Sj^cb)?r^0b. ^gj g^g"3,.g er-ag"*
gj^gTT'&X) ^aMX5^$3$b, ^gb gj*"^n'"^gkr'^5M a*&ar'6jeM -ygj. gbg
^^gj^Sbd Tngj tp^qo^M$gj*"ggjj ^OTT^AX). ^e ^ygbj ^&y Hr°/6
gdgbgboc^ caS) Dsr^dS^^y" &o&r^gb. RcCbt3& a8 gjg'gygbj ^ D "^^
# 8S) tsSy^o^oA. C3nr*^ ^ag^8ajgggjgo §83*t&oa. ^egD ifA-c
^ o a . TT-cb tSagaa gjggjj ^o^&o. sssa^s a^o&. gjg ^ y & u
g^ggjj gr*gg^go &3j&D:foa. ^O&^o&JoS'o^) ^Sb^-g^gj gX)^oC3b
gbo^), labour leaders rr*X), ct^d leaders 7T°&.gbo]3be2ba§
&.^ /T*. ggSog&: MOb^o^jej e^o&jJur^cSJ. (Interruption)
(^) ^813 0*&&*g&) : p*^V*od^ aCb/^gbg^&X), ^!Jj/<o&)Co-y&.
12 Ko&jea ^ojJTT^ 16 ?(o&yw ^oB&g&j. gjg *^ygMr*dSb ^^gj^aa
^o&g3& g^gg-gb^.
fT. g^g^a : 16 /todjeo o ^ a ^5 ^ g b o ^ a&Xjgbg^a ?
^bir-^gj. T& g^gjj^F^ t-a-"Ag^ *^gj 3a3&)iy^gb. gbg^tfgju&oR
^gjr-ggjj ^0^3, ^X^^o&j^Tf ^oCSbg^j. §^^g^b). t9$o3ibe-sr*{a
iy-9b ^bSbo Mooj^ocbgRS ^o^o?r^d). /^gb^ a o ^ 4 3 ^
*3egj $gj
,4nnM6? Ffnoncfc/ 5faycwMf
(Budge?) ./br 1961-62 - PotMg ^/
14?A M^rcA, 196!
* ( ^ S). Sc-Qd&g (^)&5?^ - 6 e s & ^ ) : tsgog?, ^ <53r-oggb
Sbd RjosMcB 3 M a g
M L A. eu vogSOb sSj^&r-cr°Cb. ^ & S r - ^
&,^i3"8o&) D3.o3b3^eo 3j**4r'<g8' gSySRu ^^.
^8o-0, ayo4j-o--a^33jj3)7t)8oR
/66b3j7T*'3 3
< § < ep8*r{ Tr<&)^A)
Rr"&r*cr'd3. ^ y ^ <3aeo, {3a^^^3bj^
viy^ab. 3)39b 3^vaq3LU Ai^&3 g&Ty<g, TT"o!H3j }3^bai!g3jj
rr"o$rr"8 u-o^S'^sSbj fSoR *3 ^35 *3^?5 ^ 3^8sj333J3c3j
3d8b ^ao^^err-Cb
s^a M g ^ R ^ ,
e9& 33^3e& 3 3 J ^ a .
X)tr-o-^'c3) 9J^a ^3j?r^R).
qo^3^Sb ^bo
Tr*o{H3j {3$b^rge^ n**o^!T-8
TT-Cb % 3 Tr-ty3j^yr- a3*^^"er'^*
*3)3-v^^8S) ^-o^&M^X) *BPj&*o3b-*3b. *3)3-v^rr'3b 3 j 3 ^ ^ 3 j j ^ Sbc
3bg g v g e 3 b
&^^oCCr*c!0 3 ^ C b .
^ D3.o3b&uF^
-y<^lS3j M L A . €J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 T - ^ ( S b ? 3asr*&3 ^ ^ A
Sbog^3bj 3 3 ^ 3b"^Dj 8*a^o^<3b. 3jo(gbo3^9b s^^, tsS'^.gggr'g ^
8bc^^3jj JSb^.3^ A3^a. A^-eb^jo^F^^y- "&. ^ { ^ ^ q o ? ' ^gb^.3
X*3 &3^a. ^s *^^3juv"3. *^?'3jjF^ D 3 & o ^ t3moodab 3j^^r"!tn ^ ^
sr*3*^j g a a o g g & u ^ d ) . -y"otH3b )3^bgg3jo ^^3jj6^ 6 3 ^ ^ 3 - " 8
&)33e^oR8§ 8o&§ M 8 ^ & M ^3)og& sa9*3cr'3M. ea3j*"&) ^ 3 ) 5 ) ^ ^ ^ ^
^3gd) ^Hb. TT"3jr"3ber'sy"CbceM, sfog'ir'ir"lj05M, *o**3bg^33#3bg-*o3
3 H u-*co^Cb Tr*8 X)CT'o-B-'a3b <933oa3#i5^g t^o3b^i3b. o ^ 7T'o$iT'iJb
3Lnt%3jj S^o^3^Sb t3o3bg^3bj ^?*R). Tr*eb &3^og3dSb A - o ^ v - a ^
§3j8ba3-a), iy*a§oa^*e^ 3a)&*5)6j*3b. 3gu^e903J0 g^oa^cr*, qg*
3^Tr-^^, 3**8a3 33j3o &8^abo8. vt>&)V*3333bj ^ g b o d a tyRb
ab?r^3bj. -y-a ^ ^ D o b 3 ^ B 33b &*t§a). * 3 ^ 3 j ^ ^ Sbe3bggv^eo
3$o^jr*^"^7r'a, <at9o4JTr*ag33Mgr*o&)i34M
^32)3^. !9o&)Tr*a
g33co, Harijan aplift c ^ *^abg^ )SM3p-=r'8a *3^^^^-3bj, w^bsb
3bJVQ07r* 3^8a3beM
*33*a-sr%3g3b. 7^o$r^<jb
o^^Cb ^o"3^Cbrr^Cb
^ < y ^ d ? f d 3 ^ 3o/<a
3 H iy- y-oCSbSbeo
Tvc^rvcb 3 o y g o F ^
C90&3R) J38^ -^o^ t3o3b^o^33yd$b M8*^(g 3*8a3b^ v 8 [^-ET^
e3b v^cr-Ob.
Dasb3 ^^*^3 ^X:oa 3^8n3bc^ 3 ^ 0 .
^o^^-tSbfV^ ^6a3j^Sb !3*^oy a ^ r - ^ 3 v - e 3 T^-B-*e& #?r^{3b.
1<M AfarcA, 1961
/^MMMa/ F?nanfhi/ ^/o/gw^y
(FM^gef) ybr 196!62 - Mbf/*g o/*
n-*o$n-"& Second Round Table Conference <5"* "I wi!l resist at
the risk of m y life" e9& 3 ^ 3 b . ?"o)"^^b tsj^^&u Poona Pact
sang &Tr^3&x);a <3ogg%& MaieMgdTy-da ^^^^biy^xsb.
Poona Pact g o R ^ ^ g - * ^ gj^cny-o c<yo^gg
&gjiA gotiy^b n-"^^^Sd)6^ Ao^nr" g*-8^gjc RgjRo bjR
^T*i&. M D
cncngj 11 3o3^ff&MeM v"g-D)o8.
rr-o$rr"0b ^X)^C3J
3&y<&) gbg ir*g.^&)j^ )rr'&)trr"&r'o6^ g-"8aa^^ggjJsM a3bg)tr*
SbX) vir^Cb v D , gs^F^ & 10 )rr°&r*e(5''*sr* a&jgjgbur^Ob. Do^Sg
etK^^Ai-a^ Mo'^So)^&).
^o<3ugc so'si<g&)j^da
^a )3$bs%3A)
JXyy?3 -RT* w ^ ^ O ^ o Y T ^ ? ^ e i y ^ gbRgj gjj{pQ^ot9rr'&'^ go^goBbc
7r*0b ^ a ^ e f a g 3o8ggb, ^Sb 3ejj&nr^do^- ^a coij-cr'D^&j
s!r*SjT(%<Sb, )7r"5Sr"oF^ Agj^ aj-"esSy*8^e^ qo?- aoAeiaocy- ^ A ^ o
c ^ ^ &oc5-"0. BD^gjoA &o"3)l3 *^o&M e)o*r" §^*o^*sr°egjo v a c & j
t$o&H3if^ ^9 *3*^OtlSgj {g$)^QO g^e^gb^gj T3*°3fgo ^ ^ O ^ X )
3 S ^ -^otRgr^rr"^ prove ^cabganr^Sb. ^^800!?- prove ^ ^ g j *
^XhS'eo guy^ooj.
tS&gjgo 6S0 ^{bo8?
*^jgjj eagjS^iy^gjj, amorr* gxr*<^g JDj^eM
g^\&)g^8 " 3 ^ 0 ^ -sr-cfry-^u^Moo ^-"S)tr*gjgb8b<ar^o. Masebfbgbo
dj6bgbv^Xh). M O J j ^ gjJ^<S^^go§) ^ ^ ^ e o 5 3o3<g^Cf&Me §^^^"8
g^jgS§)^ ger*^0b ^ 8 ^ e M 5 g ^ S ' e M
g^co). goT^oco^^cb
.MhS'ex) ^0006^ JS)^cj g^oco. ^a a#on-* ^ooo"^ e^S^^.S'^. voter
TT-A5 -RRbg) & u ^ 'gs'^ojjTT* 15 3-Hb voting 6** 3*-g"<r& 59 3-8
ggcoag ^ § eooj*^ cfg)cr*Qm
Tr*83 political consciousness
gXboRR ^gjgbur^o. cacoj*^ -Er*otH3j-B-*t6 g€r-^^gb abolish l3hg
^Cbsr^^ 38agbe3 & X b § ^ ^ Ex-ofBcio rr- M . L A cgj, M . L. C.
ogb &<nSb8bX) 3 8 3 * 0 % tSxbsr^dt). ^CbTn^ ggb&)ogj.&gjr*-o^Gb.
^9 SSbabeo 6Sb ^v*oa3. M gg[* constitution ]S-y*#o?T*, g-"8agbe
Mggov^ (gv^orr* memberships &ocy&.
Mcu?"^ qsy^-o-*? s3^&y*
&*^ S $ ^ ? , gc^g*3&y^ab 5S)*^ cpgj^ <3-*ao?6:&o)3rr- ^o&x: t m ^
vlMMM? Ff/MMfM ^/O/CWCM^
14/A M ^ C ^ , 1961
"Bygo -s^-tr- ^X) e9^^b^<y^xSj. X)aorr* 16 g o g ^ v e ^ 17 ^ d )
voter JXhgena** ^ - 6 ^ ^ * j o M ^
^ go § 3 vote ^j3y-0.
e voter A ^ 6 5 vote^cdr-&,
3a -c aoo gjg ^gbd^ ^&x§^-sr<0, gjgo
6 D$orr* ^ q ^ ^ o ^;3jS'**Br*e'^ Tr-M§ political consciousness g^ja.
caocSb^R M D^orr" *s^o)HXb j^^b^co s3j**?3o ^XjoRX) Ba^gb^r^Cb.
-s^o^xij princip!e &*cxoo8, 7r*o^rr'0b ^oSy"0b. qs^^3 &(Cr^^)
advanced communities a few communities. 5 8 0 % & 2 5 % <*gj^
*r*t& -cr*aoo ^o3bcyX)§ 3a backward classes n** A ^
^gj^o3b8beorr'gb, %33bgj:^&sr*6b;Y*g) ^ , Tr*8§ political conscionsness vgboor' ^X) J3b)-g*5*"Oo v*aco
^aatyrSS qejjgoO ^ir*oj
QS^y^ 7T*0&gj(%3 ^8/S -O*-55j^gD07r'&! B ^ d b .
iSfo $9gjSbo^ g^8agjeSb
10 e&e» qij^gbj, 20 o^oo qsy^gbj
^X) 3&y§**R3 ^nr^Cb. o v X ) ^ ^ ^ o ^ 3 ^*8agbeo; ga ^ v X ) ^ & a & ^
&aAj ao<S"=A^3 3r°8a.&)90 <soX) ga gogg^Tr-otSgo
&r*sb Tamit-
nad g^8wg ^Tr-gogj M^OiSb^^b § 6 "3gpeu ^ ^o-KT"^o e9cE6oon-*5*
rr*Cb 3 ^ c b . MoCS^^g 3a ar°8a3 Backward classes ^gg^"§ ^ ^ o
?r*ygo caocj^gboa. 8b8jeF^gb, fan c (SoR
&o^iSb. ^oc^b^g ge g-^8agbo Dg.o3bo^ yr*X), ^8eag)e 3&o&cn5**
rr*X), Backward classes Lg,TC!bo6^rr'X)*n*"co aaiMA/l*^ M S q y ^ O .
qog* a)*3^*Sb g^gb. 3a gogg^do 1969 3 1981-62 a*5&M(y*
88 e ^ o Ry^o3j$M &*&T*&.
ogj&) *^gb v g g g ^ F ^ Sb-*^ gjjepP
&!otarr"8^0, Bnance gbctSrr'e^O gjj^(&), TyeM/bar-Cb S^eMgj
Sbi?^gb. TT-Ob Finance Secretary 7r°8&o-a gX)jr-^r'^o ^ & ^ o ^ ggy
s8Ro%& tjgy9b^g^&3§ Sb^or- q-^ggo*Sb g^SagboSb
ggex^ qg^^Ro&MTT^gj
g S b ^ g ^X)g
gjovogjotOnT'Cb 3"*8agj*c3.
^ X ^ demands gO)ggj<&) Sr-SagjaSb v^r-oX) ta^^^^b. v^^er"X)8
*5 6c ^ R ) . gog§go&o^Cb g-"8agbe§^go
3a 3 6 Rogg^
iyej gjoserr* ^o^Tr-^ViSb. o&5*gjiarr* ^g^_*^ &c4r*8^.
agbd^b *s**&, Backward Class Tr-^JTv-X) Tr**^ ga^ogg^v-eo gbot^rr*
&o&r*<%3, "$ 6corr* a*4jT^Ty-8&
gjoiagc^o^ &&-^Cb.
^b gd) qvjgO*
jgy<gjgb--gg -snooabgj^gb. tr^gyosb
gr--ag&nxM*3 - ^ 5 ^ *
14;% MarcA, 1961
(J5M^(gef)yb/- 1961-62- fpf/ngq/
nr'oo&o #2r) ei^poab^e^, v2)cr>6M &o^$).
ett^eg^^boF^ ^ir^q
oHb^-ej, Ma)tr"eM ^Sb^.^. ^e -RR)3&Sb!3^iB"*8<y*;3b, nr*^8g'g C o m m u ^
nities ^ & t M D ^ ^ D &r*8b "gooKb. ejS* 25 <9<&a6b--3*oMeM q & o o ^
xibjvc^o)9yr'0j, M8^53oota^Ob 3 & * SbSb scholarships §
8 o^eM q&°o ^nr^Cb.
e^a Policy oX) 3M<&'Kr^(&, v<xu% ^gb
Policy? Education D e m a n d F* Dcrc&)o[arr"5b qa^o'Sb training
-^a*3 -3-*8§ & o ^ stipend, 12 cb^^oabeo, 18 ta-°&*<xMex);& q^)<gb
§6 oj-*^"o&)o8j IbosycR. 88 Kr°^-"ojoea ^oC3b<go policy "Br"!y ?
&,^ rT^^$i)g& : Point of Order, Sir, q&ia Sb-*6b3&orr*&)
"yesman" ^X) yoDsr^Bb. aMpo3)o<8rr*3b J^8§
"yesman"n^ RX)^ xb?r^8^ *aeDi&*T3-" ?
4 ^ g). Sc-^c^g : t9#ogp, ^ 0 0 0 ^ ^ 0 % *^xSb JSb^^TT* agjbog
^?e&) ^ ^ & o 3 b o ^ . oObS'aj^' <?o^ 3*4y%S'&*g%"3) cd?S*gj§*, &fSb
qX^ e<&ea &*3
g^ ^ 8 s ^ b e j gr^j-<^3bo!y &edbSbTy^CEy. 3bo)8
7V"88^ 3 ^ o .
Social Welfare &MM97T* cbiy^eb. eA*3)8b
interest ^<5b. 20 e^Lo &r"^aM5M &r^8b Kg 3ogg^6*o^o'& JodbSb
g?t^&? ?-e)M JsSygjT'gr'% Sghter n^ Aocr-0. a fighter TV <0iS
Cbo^nOb ? votHS'tS^R), ^ R j ^ o ^ X b d ^ ^ oSbo^o^^ a o3b)do^
H e m & & & -tr*er'c^^8^'eo^Tr'0b Rghternr* &o^Sb^<^db. -8*"otl^5*
T r - B ^ ^ 8 ^ interest cr^"§ *^^Sj&r"t^o 3 ^ " o ^ ^ & t9%o?sp. o)od)
^o^b 25 e<&03 s)AR*g e36s'&)o[87r'Cb. ibjvg^jo)8^0b
q^-o. qs&g3 g\ &!^o<& eX) B ^ C b .
!&3 Sb^^S* ^"^a^CSo. *^JSSM
o3bj<3o ^o&eiau. ^^Kb&)nr^o. ^S^S* T^Gb *^&r^0. ^<go&r*ir*
a.^^*$ department a J_8^--'BjCJbp&)o&r'XSb. 3& department e3^
^*"3 "A revolution sSXboa ^ q ^ y . a.^ 36 e^Lc &r"3"*o&90 ^oih)
&o&k (p<gjfS3&)nr^o. a*y^ycib a**. ew'^gt.S'rr'Ob *5Lo&)"3jjd^j?f^
q&A^b-^^^^3jo&Md^ 8 e<&3d &Xb§^?r^<3b. ^ ^ ^ M . C* -cr-ar^ta,
( M ^ p v 8 ^ §^&5dr'5)-*cC&ej -y-Tr-oX) t9<AR3
&v*n-BT-^ a & S ' * ^
*^Si) 53oo]8rr* &^5iydgb
n s ^ ^ tsdo&g'* &v^^3jj *^&^eb. e.^^"8 §^^3 &r*3*aaw ooaiio&
^M/^Mo/ F^a/:cfaf/ ^ a f F W ^ f
(#M<?g<?;)./b' 196!-62 - ^of/H^ qf
14/A A^jrcA, 961
M C * Aoo^O ^qas?, ^*8a?3jc (3#^ ^o^j ^ ^ t X ) ^ .
o-'^o'^CS). *g&) § e & M "3iT^Xi3. cr-. Me^^.§*7T-Cb t&iy^Cb * 3 ^ ^
&j^dgb edgLeo ^ ^ 3 ) ,
&)XiSb t^Tr-^oTT'^X) g^MRr'^oC&eo qsy^Ob
General Budget 6^
90 e?<&e dr*^-ojoco
&!tcr"^"^^g^B3o^ v a ^ ^ ^ ^ o S . o o & ? ^ % *^^g^"g8 ^8H^bo8b
DcTM- a^oSboF^ txsay"6§ scholarships q-sr^gO. 16 a j ^ ^ o ^ c a?o3
20 dr-^o^oSb H o ^ & o & M T T ^ & o . <^oTbg"o^ i S S e ^ {t^^^XiSg^
^2&)^&gj?r^&. 40Rr-^&Me3j per head 5 vab^xbur^g).
Village Level Worker 5 50 Rr*^oo)ej stipend qXbsr^ta
^^^33o^oYr*o& condensed courses "^^, gjT7*sr*(jXHT*e s*So^ <5^cy
v^S'^ij i&^Xieo\ ^aej-*ab. Tr*83 15 dr-Y^-oojo^ eosSQ ^n6j3&M^3
^&r- *^<g^"Oj? cr*D§ dr-cc^ ^3)4jr-c&. ^ e ^ e ^ absent ty<xo"$, 0^-0
hostels 6** aagorr* 3 8 ^ o ^ aSbfbg^oa ? nr-OF^ "3o8 80 <&*3*
ocjOL) v C ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ o j . $^s37y-M -^Rb, ip^aa^as & a ^ o ^ ^ o ^jfo
t3od, servants ^^o )3oR ^s?§ 80 (3j-^r-cojo8b gSb^-g {pl^^cCbcSo
^db. 80oj-*^'ojj{M 9)d^^Xb^s3^y<&) R&; "^n^^onr^e^ ^ycr^O. Ty*85
sSb=5/f B,S'3y-4j S^^-Ob. *Bo<g^^°Aj ^d^. &J*"^^r*&3 tg;S^o^3b. ^^b
tr^gv" ^SbJvi;&)ot&rr8§, social welfare :bo!8rr*ea, q^)^o ^S1.^JJ^
Director rr*oa iJ&'B <y 3a l^^^S hostels -Rr"5r''ir- vS) ^ ^ r &
^oM*^ 3ogg^#o<S'* ^ ^ r - i ^ C b ? 36 t^^b^ hostels
warden S "Sag 120dr*^-oabe ^ o e)X3j?r^eb. ^r-ob servants. t?s*^.<g
Axb provisions ^ ^
8x3j8b3^0M S)e ^§ ep^o "Tb*jCSo^sSj. taoR)^^
private management subsidised hostels 5** s r ^ ^go^uTT* peon
SX)R/?o* &o-a 3o&j3D 3 # a Secretary ^D sidSb Manager 33 g#sb
iy*^ ^^^Sb&X)
36 15 d r * ^ o & o F ^
eaB q-Jbjgbo&iy*, matron S
q^bj5bo&3J^ cook 3 q^Sbo&J-r' 8o& ^Hgb8biy^&). 80 Cb^^oaboo
vOb^^*^ Service H o m e s <y* &o& SOrr" " ^ o b * JM$)gcjjTT" ^os A ) w
My^-^aai^ mischief -gr*or*-o** vX) ^^/(^by^^gb.
TT^c Yr*#rr*4oa. vojjTy* ^S^a^&r*^ er*^o^cSb.
^c&Tj-^ land policy a & o & o . X ) ^ *33:j^o&p!afr'eb tsK^g
& r * ^ & ^ Rf&)en, a^y-iy^^o <i^*^ g^agnS"* g j o ^ 3 ^ o 6 . ^
14;/! AfarcA, 1961
(^Magcf)/ar 1961-62 - ^o^Mg a/
Revolutionists Mo<58& shoot ^o3b*"o"^ ^"^^ s'eo/bgboa.
Tr-A^*^" ^ V"^^c^ Ri&rojj. <^oCSbSb ^ ^ l y ^ o C J o ^ -5^ot*^S*"TScb^
<0&M^oM Mtys3j^eMaa)KSj-°(ga). - s ^ o t ^ t S ^ S b ^ o ^ R ) ^ J&jjiioOMtS'
aj-"eo^oabSj-°^<&). ^S^ASxSjoiS^ ]^0^-=r"8 ^8^o^&)o-& 3-"8mX3bo8b
preference qXxr* $y°&MeM T3^6§q&r°3&r'o'& qaj&)Ty*8S preference
q^iSv M ^ 5aMg3T^R). ^ 3 ^ tS^^TT-e R 8 ^ o ^ ^ 900 Beld
labour co operative societies *38"& ^ ^ 0 ^ 0 * 8 ^ &^ {^p^ ds Sb*°(g
-^*o!HS"ta$bg^o a.8* ^ B o S b ^ R A o ^ ^ c b . Mg^apotS** "eD^osboterr'
8*!^ ^oS't^r'^rr-Ob, ^otjS3T'W7T*Cb ?r-8S^ ^r<&!joo8^^ &a
^*" 3 & ^er°o"3a "3 t^beSb ^c^^"o&r*"X)§ qsy^sb. ^oas? ? ^ijjje^b
"^er-o^X) enKefgoegj q-5T*^e^ &"^^og^ ^t^sr"8)aboe MOOj^oCSb^c
^3 3^8afjj€)!^ 'Bj^xio^*^ q 8 HyXSo-STcr" e)o&r*?Sb. Mo*^
^"Sbocr" $Xr*sSbje^po!iticalsuiYerers§ qcr° ^bxSbSbur^eb. $b*"^
15 3o3g^-Tr*e&)o-a ^ ^ - 5 ^ 8 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 — ^
&Ty-*3-*#t3 5e^
-!r"!&). "Sodboy-Ob^ 15^o^^-o-"oXSbo^) Tr*{aT7*ao<&-e&3*& X i o ^
^BArr-aS *^)Jbj appeal ^ K b a o ^ S903b^ a.8* ^ S b ^ ^ ^ a g'SbeS^ag
^ ) ^ aaa "e^KSj-c^jot^rr-Cb, P. W . D . &)o!8rr*eb
?r'8^dr'8j^(g sr*K^ cancel ^ a ^**6v"eb.
"B'Ssir-o aboienrca ^ s ^ y ^ ^ ^ o q-cr^Ob. cr'X)gb^ privilege
motion &r*,g &xbSbK) axbT3^&)^ 5 ^ ^ .
*3oj&) o & c Ru"^ ^Mocj<3b "^eo
Housing scheme 6**
q*^), ^ D ^ houses S*^^0rr-ab!
iHjvpoTr* ^a weifare department &) &Xjj8b"3?j x3Sbs$beSb, ger*
a8a3beSb ^5S\"g^r^Hb. c M ^
^BesXSooSb ^h> Aaoajr^oe^R).
^4 Da\o3bo#^ M . L. A . co 3 0 a 1&xr^^o ^yiSbj. &S)S M g g e
&<e8b tPS5\35^<^o
oo*^) 7r**3&J €)0*o v " ^ ^ o ^ & . iir^ cBooS*^.
interest &r*Sb "3eMSj&. q^cbeSb ^)Sb "3eoXbXb ? 3 3 ^ 6 ^ 7t)-t3bj6^!^
-cr-OMSr*&^ ^ ^ S l ^ T T ' D S "§eoXb&.
ygbS* 3J^ ^^"eo
scholarships q o ^ ^ S b
Rtst and
q^ObcHb 6Sb
5Sb *3eo3rooj ? g e r - ^ ^ &r^
sanction T ^ t a . Boarding H o m e s 8b
8b^<g Ty*ei&.
!^$bSc Aa^c^XboSb^ action §&§'*gRo'g<3b. ^ &
T^er* ^-6b
:Q&y3b?r^.;&. . ^ ^ . ^ § y g^cSb, ^"e^Bbrr-aS V 3 ^ R ) ,
action &Xb§^or"a3. qa^dSb gprg'Syeb t S o ^ ^ o ^ a . qS5y<&^ ^Sb
^niM?/ F&KMf/af ^ M f e w M /
(FM<?Fft)/br 1961-62- ^ormg of
14rA M^trrcA, 196!
gbeSb, ger"SS8&gbe8b vS^lgs^ta. ^a g57^383.3baM MC^r*. Ty"a§o33r"
e g ^ Sj^&^&MS5o^3D. ^xbS* t;sb <p3^ action ^ a ^ e b . Tn*3bJ38 ^o<^
{TyoRngo^ai. 3b3o
&X)§ ^ 8 ^ 4, 5 e<&eM q ^. M <XsM^ Sb**^
ca38;3#Sb vCbj^^x^o^db.
Msr*OTCibo <^3^ i^ccHbo
^)-cr" a ^ & o ^ ^ - . ^ ^ ) S)3.oSbo oxr* House Sb *B§)oab"^^3Tr^&).
S^8aXbe?3j ^r*.\3S)6"&^X) er*%5jj3ab. -B-'o)7^^3t^$ib^r'^5fr'a&)5
A ^^bv^^gyr-X) er'^o^Rj. a^8a3 M L.A e&nf^-cr-T^e, ^ ^ o 8 .
S^8a33o3j**eSb ^ § v-TT-O. J3j"3 "3 Sr8a3 M . L. A. oo ^ 5 3odb
eSj-e-'e'S ^3y;gb ]3^bv^X35 S b ^ c y 5 3 3jo8. 1 ^ 3 j a g ^ Sb^^y
^6j, &c3b 26 per cent Aa-^Sb. ^e 25 per cent &
tS^jgjgogj^c?^, ^ ^ § g y " c y
Tr*aPot5j&^i3a bo^-cr- "atOdab
*^Xb?r^3b. 25 percent Ae? TT"!h5b 5cA ^^3b, esBvcfUbj ^Rb^
^oij^Obgar*^ TJ^CJb 6 en&eSboa &oi§3, MS*^.<% ^
]3§^8 ^3b.
e^S* Chairman, M - L. A. Moaur* Aur^cr* tao^3 ^i&>. .3&yl3 ^
-a^^gb reservation ^ v ^ e ^ tp3-yl3 (?8R^oo)o8. iS*"8a3jo3b Sb^cr*
^X) a^-3j^ <a?r^0b. &X)*ac3by-X)§ 383o3^cf3jo=M ^^^y^O. ^e 3 8
3o3^TT*ex) 3*°6a3 M . L. A. ea citaTT' a."^^r'd)rr' & o &
orgnnise ^X), backward ciasses, 3**8ai&eM b^oRabsb^cy -o^efco
rr-K^ organise ^"aoRbSb )3oabg^o^o±r-0. M o < S o ^ a
A H Back-
ward Classes Orgamsation &r*cT* ^v^3jj. "aj3jj -s^o^HRj^y-^aj
^ -yotl^XbSb 3 b ^ gffSbg {T3 q3gcy-a§ "3j3jj !3o3b^o^33a^o.
&Myoo?T* S3oCb 5^*o3o realise ^oC3bo<^^ ^3b !3%bv^gD^ !B^8 3j
i r ^ & . 5^o3o S'&^ea *8d3o^D
ta^8 3j?r^3b. -o^^\o^- Sb^cr*
3b3b&)oeM o^ocoa^Cb, -^3b3j§^*ty"^0b. TT^yoir'Sb*"cy* M . L. A. eo
o^OMTT'Cb, 3bo{^be3J e90jjsr*cb, g^yggb38D^o3 ^o3bSb*^Rdb, 3b3o
Tr*^3333j^eM y*&y)^Sb-°<g3b. ^ ^ & ^ 3 o i 5 realisation SbF^ &3\cr*?
M realisation ^Sboey, 3b§ q ^ S R &
election ^
aboRea T)&yiy, oo<)o$^^
3 H i r * ^ ^ , -y*& agob^^g ^3j3j^"6^ &o"6 ^Sj-^-ob
MR^Si%go:Sr'88 ^ t 3 ^ ^ g a {^Os^&oa. 3o^^)$*3 Cbeo &*oM*r*Bb,
&H^Tr*ayw 8^oo)<y"0b, ^H€r*oR!3^Sb-ar^g<M. B-*§eosb^<^ Jog^-yeo
Ao^3j. Justice Party Tr-{& 17 3 o 3 ^ v s o
^5#-o3 ^y*cb. e 3
qRjgb jy^^s^oojoar^ ^*By-, cr'X) 4?ogjSb-<^ 3gb. ^o^Sb*^ -ybtHSb
Tr-^ab 33ygbny^?Sb.
q3jyg_TT* 8*3b^w *8ab^§^oA. ^ 0 8 ^ ^
i4t& AfarcA, 1961
^ w M a / F/mwcM/ ^ ^ w w ^
(FM^y)/o/-1961-62 - %?*;ng c/
3&^3&M3o^5 philosophy S"og 3 ^ § ^ o & . 3j3-s^7r"oa7f"C& 5 ^
3&a3o43 3^3^ ^^*3o3 M^oabo 3btf-Ds^^o&. Tr°8 X)Ty"o-ye3j &)^o
$y3jtao ^ytJb5^^&)OM"g, -s-*o!H3j a^soajorr" v^V^orr" Ao&^oa.
!SS&-sr^d? -sr*o!Ha?<y* 3j" 8 n- D^3"3j^^-Hb.
^ 3^8e)3^e8b q-ay
3 & M 3 o ^ ^8b^.3 *3A) ^Q 20 e&eo ^3^gbocr* 3e 8)*B&f ^
36 3o3
^ v ^ ^ * ^ provide ^oor-eX) g3)Sb 3)3D ^ 3 o T T ^ & . & ) ^ t3$b^3bo
a*g 345f3^^3 decision ^ o Q . 3^8a)3j$)Sj p!an <%23j^^*3bo^ 'sr'^
a ^ S o M <^o^ &3^&*9togfpRa * ^ ^ ^ T ^ C o . §)^ ^ 3 o v o 17 percent
&3^a. 2_^)_$^eMS^<^ 3j^c3BoF^ &xr^0j. -ar°#'<S'''Sj*<g 25 percent
a3j-a^^. ^3)8* esog percentage plan ^ g ^ ^ 3 o o O
gr*aA33eSj v ^ j ^ ^ ^ O . t3^b^3o) 6*3^ ^D^orr* decision t39**t&.
-sr-^ &5^o?<^sM i3^S)X) RtS'&'orr* M3jw*^^<g& ^db. ^s 25 percent
jjg_<) 3 3 3-"8s33boSb, 3^08)33oSb Tr°3j&aT*3j g9er*383L^be8b o o o ^
3&3j3o^3 *Bo<gj e&eM, 3AJ^<^ o ^ c F ^ TET"3jieo *s^3j. *^o ^jn 3 o
Sb^ [3e^<r*Sb S"&^ c ^ e dr^^cC&eM
a <ga^F^3)oO Ry^R'a^g)
3j^a^3*3eSo TT"3j<M t^D^o^b^Sb rr3^ tptBR*3&r°9. ^oCSj^^3o^3^
)3a &?8^3j, 4, 5 Ts**3joo ^od85 t^ajgo-a?reo rv-S, &r*aK3*3c6'*
3b^e3^3c6^ ae3eu w 3 j w ^ [TvRj^ee Ts-*ey* &7r^oco. q^^ Sber*
c # ^ *"3&ar*an, ^aa3Tr"Cb <^o&r*Cb. ^3bs* -sn!C?\ 3jgog3jorr*gJ*ar*
t^Dgo-^S^Ae^. *^3) 3 0 0 ) 6 7 ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ 3 ) .
5 w^3^5M
as* [7^300^
^ ^
M3y4& 8"38'&3j &e^) e)&*7l-B-&a, 3a3r-ae &e8<5"* 4, 55r-3jco
& a ^ , 3r^a^ 33<y* ^^Sjr"^ ^ d ) , g)3j J & M 3 o ^ s*38*d)3j,
^5b ^ 3 j u ^ 3 & ^<&lS.Y3-*&A. 393^07^ *r*89 ^^rr* Instructions
qr"^yr*^ ir^& eta#o?r* ^oC^c&. 8*3j8J ^3^*3^<?&M decision 83?
^ ^ L T^*^^o7Y- ^a plan ga^F^&M-a 17 percent 3^8^3jearr^A),
& percent Christians a rr°& Q3Lr^, 3? 3J--a/f 3 3 ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ 0 3 * 3 ^ ^
Tr^^e^t^^osyS. ts#eMa.a^l?sy*egR*3. ^department bowse,
sites a^ rr-S^ Q^4j&M3e43 ^a^Sj^cr' O K b f D v ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ D
c r g v p:#3v^gXt!$ 3j3S3 ^xbnr^3). ^cb^n^ Central Government
Tr*g) U 3&3^d3bjot8^Q, M i n i m u m W a g e s Act ^ 3 , v 3 . ^ t 3 ^
-sr3<MS!y*ar* ^ ^ ^3b38o^3^Marrs 3 ^ ^ ^ . ^a M i n i m u m Wages
&6t vX^43§ v 3 ^ w ^ 5
y^-g)^ agriculture ^
3^!^o gB
(FtM?g<%)./br 1961-62 - ^ofMg of
-or**^tb. Q& ^X^Sbocr" "3ob^ at?7r-8. 3^8a3boSb
$j-"^3bow q^53b?r^c&. &9o/tra4S ^ 3 ^ 3o-a^<^-y"3cX) vKr^Hb. §^^3*3635" ^T*^ ^5ea *^^-g^3oX) esir^d). -s-°D ^& -sr*83 n ^ ^ ^ .
8)oaOt)$j^i3jjea t9)ffar°!&e'3 ^ooo?r'03j rr*3, 3*"8ei3)oSJ &r^t^o
qXg&. S'&S' 3e M i n i m u m Wages Act t^xo-ar -sy^Sb
3 8o3^&
Tr^8§ a tS-s^gorr* 6}3g3bocy 6 o ^ ^^gsSuoeo A&*(y<&eM, 6 S * ^
^oMT;nab. Labour representatives 3&y>6 -sn^j s*3y§^Cb. ^o<&)
[ggjgggjj ^c agriculture 53.ccs&o^SJ*"<g ^s M i n i m u m Wages
Act & *3o&)^ &3jg)33) gtS'^Jorr' o^X)3 M5i)e3J a^^- e & §^d)Ry
^&)d) ^ <P^-s^^o q^goBoSb
^sbSb ^od^iSjjej o8^3j^ *^e)3j § &
*(#) R. ^d3og^*o*S ( a ^ ^ c a . &&&<?#)): M<fow", 3Luo^yr*
MXScx> 3e e^363"3a d3o^)3e^3oO
)8)3-^5o^*8&rr-6<D cpUxSoaosye.
a^ ^&M&r-]^o &3^a. 2, 3 §**&)& qo5^5' {3*8(5*3^ A & ^
sSe&^a. qo'cr'8' 3^3 Sot^beM -^^jgdir'S&Tr'ta services F^ 3r*8a^
oSb enjrou&o aO^odS V7r*^ab. Mo"§3 ^ 3 8 ^ ts<&>3v)) ty*3X) §^&MSb
^tJbTT^y^sSy^. ^ a -a-- 33*&. JoR)3o3o^3, nepotism caS) ^a*^
TT*8 a)o^Sb$jogj, -s^3oX)3TT^88 q ^ 5 ^ o ^ < T ^ C b . S'Sb^ &g {3*^oS'
3 ^ 6^d^,
cr*X) (3o# 2, 3 §^&i Oj^^oa^c "3&r°OMo3, ^ ^ a j ^
v &3^*^) gocr*%g), &r*gb c?^o3^) -=r*do^8§ &r^^ t*8 3o38*o ^ & ,
^ services aac&oF'* Ar^t^o AySb cOoTF^^oTT- To^coa&orr', #o&
a)^o7V 3^)&)&)j ^ij** *^
3a a*3&M iyers 3v^o^3Jo&o*orr^ &o"^a.
Mca)*3 oco^ n*3&D M^Oba. ^Aj^yodgoboR 3-*8a333aoga &r*^r*^&)o
<xu8 ^vC&?>8.
3boo&) v g y * ^ ) n ^ ^
ojy"dr*33jj6'^ &o&c!,5
g?3D3aj<TT^R). ag3^oX)^r'aS'3-cr'ex> cfd) M < w ^ ^ 3 ^ 0 . d & ) ^ ^
*^#og) 33j*-3-*ir-eM 9 0 3)TT^^3. qg*3joo^ 3 ^ R&coo 'yes' m e n
-5^<& ^yes* m e n tylgtyas s^aboCSbprrrR) ^y^.m' adg-Oosyd). Tr*(6
3 ^ 3 R ojja : 'ta^^o^^SrvOb 24 e<&eo &^^co^v*cb; MoR^^^Sj
3bJ^<&nyeo/b 3R3eo -3^83^ ^ w
*^y<?. s*D^^ 3j-5r°^5l3.oKr'%
&rvR^o^ ojj3y<^ -y^d), ayB *3eg** OJo^^no^ab. 3b8 ^5b^^-o,
&S^y5^-5T^o — w & SE^dgcCbcrr^Cb wTy^eh. c & 'yes'men v o ^ m ^ o .
qg* t y - ^ c3b J^y ^
#abTr*g cur* 'yes' m e n Ao^cb. csSygb 3 o o ^
14fA Afar<%, 1961
o&) M ^ & J o ^ R 3 .
^wnMa/ FAMMffa? y/a^wgM^
. (BM^gef)/br 1961-62 - Pot^F o/*
tS'^oS'oyr' 5ir*gb n'B&M t R M o ^ & J o c?^3o^o^db.
W e want to snatch away the right. qS'&oa "&&M independent
members &o. Sb (tggbgjgo) oBdo^i- e^^carvD, -a^^ooorT'D,
support rr*& Sj*"Sb ^ g ^ d o ^ d ) . ^&j-<S^ o&r* g;&*;Sjj. a.S^^.0b 5S^j?n
3*3; 'Sbogjj 3tfgo% A^db/^Co 5^&)gb^o, e,g*^&)o<&) ^r-e*^ RyRoAS
a.S'^.Cbo^' ^^.do^Dj^r* h3()S!$j^o) 5Sd^ Ao^^SjeSSb
^ ^ ) ^ o . ^a 8)*8&M D T y r g o ^ a,g^ ^s*i,X) ^cb^oSbo ^8{nXJjoSb S'eaff
^vdb.eaa segregation. ^ v 3 x $ 3 ^ 6 ^ C M & cooo^ ^y ead^ e)73&M.
qgR^stereotyped rr" &o^M?^a. ^ea^beSb X)o8)o$o-a^ v ° p & [S^S
-5r*Cbi929 F^ ^8)6^A^C3b*3jo&M e)D *^0b"^^r°0b. ^ 8 -sr-ot^M ) S ^ b ^
6o^A^cb?r'd Social Welfare Department en&o^a. q^yc$j D 3 \g
e3ot^tg^#* ^ o ^ A ^ c b T ^ ^ ^ a Social IH-affair Department
-cr*D^8 &r*8oa. Rcy-e^ &r*d^o ^ ^ ^ ooo8 stereotyped nr* A ^ a .
Acr"^"Cfcagb ^2MV"^b. Harijan Anima! Husbandry, Harijan wells,
Harijan Hostels- cor'D^ofr' D^c-s^X), 6^_T0^rr"D oar""^tA^§*
Dip-go ?^^o7V", ^nr-^orr*, acforv ^ V " & . .33^ ^5SeM
^V.Sb. ^8*x."3 nr* 3*3 rr*o§s§ 3r*!V"C& s3^g*caF^X)§ ^ o a ^ - ^ a b ,
*r*8 -o^d*3^o7T" !8)gb8j<So^-5r'C& v"-a^O. A3j"p^ 3!p*a)a;3&rr*g)
rr*o$r^8 o&oSLT'^A) Sy"t^o &)33)^F^ *^&M§"nr'^3j M*^
*3j^ 3Cbrr< -s-*Sbo# Tr*8 3y"tir"c3j M ^ ^ c a ^ S "^^O^^T^Ob Ao^S)
6*S)!3o acquisition of house-sites^ hearts of the vitlages F^
:g;$T-o-* ^g) e9<gb^^b-KT^&). Sj^^go X3o^^o3bcrv"d) es portfolio 3o
g)^5y?&)^s!iyc&! ^S*^*B ir* 53*3 go&g5" tyxbrr^B 3o43Tr-oo goo
gr*a ^ acquire ^oaoar-DS etgfoogdo ^dX) 3 ^ C b . -y^X) p ^ b ^ r * ^ a^g) 3 ^ 3 ^ d o ^ c S b .
Acquisition Act
^ o a b ^ ^ ^ b . ^\5^. ^ c r ^ 8 , ^o&3J^t!b ag-eiy* ^ ^ ^
A3^&. c ^ ^ acquire ^oSboA. qoS^s*^ ^ojvgoTV
create i3o3r*&. ^ envitonment create ^*^
*3)&M Sb'yo'o
^ - y 3 j r * djr*cr*0. R^^Sb^o!&) Kbcagogbearr* ^ o ^ o o ^
^&^S$o^3 .
Ty-y^Ccao g ^ o ^ o A ; a^^po^brr? ^o3b-"a3jSbo^ 3 ^ 3 . ^ 8 ^ ^
Ty-v*^cfc9o g*eMK*&R5oA. Environmet has got greatest influence
o w n the mind. 6X)5 Rsboaysr* ^ ^ - c
(gK<7fg/)./<M-1961-62 - Mofwg c/*
8**dE"^CSj. Qo(bF^ a^ S&oH&o <^od35So3^
slip ^oou^ojjo&
-y"s^^er"Ty"8rr-8 ^^3JJe^ a,^ ^Dj^Sa ^*cr-^&M *^v-d?. ^ 8 a & o
TT°/r*/6p&) DYr"8o^
e,^ 8^Cb
8 ^ o b ^ 3*8s&e<s^ "3oCgj y ^ v ^
ojo5$gSSJT?^&). SJ*°t^O&orT-R3,
Rr*e, &r*a,^—19&
Madigas arc again Harijans among Harijans ^ a Tr*<R aS* 8^cb
SSoLoiyCb. ^*6MXb€){5^ 3*8a:beo M^TytSb &r"5^eo. Tn8f^^&
!S*^c^07V a,5* S*Sb^D ^ n ^ & M ^ j ir-a3 *3r=xSsSJ* SfSbiS c S *^3&**&^
T3*"R)^*^ g\^oSb ;3jJo& e,^ §^e5dr=-^o0bej O M ^ & a , ^OJTT"^
Tr*8§ -y^oX)^ s3^-?^eo ^-cr^&M ^ K b f ^ ^ ^ a S s ^ R ) .
ooJS$g&)oF^ M(&do<& e9& ^ T d Q V " e o ^
^ ^ m e ^ ^{JbTT*^
ojj^ B^apeg'* XSo^^oC3ocrr"C& ^aaoT^ab. !^-y"^orr*d) &X^S5y<&)
1 §**43 &r*^oa&ea S^e^&esb
^^dr-^-cSbe^eov) oocju^ ocoocSjg^ tir'oab^^.
ea §^^3 & r - ^
o&eM oaiSSgRodbge, ad)3^o^gs3jKio& S8^"i-do ^^J5SJHT'^&. 25
c&o&)o8 &r*a?(eM a^a^o^sMrr* air-^ab. §)8a absorb ^3o&6jr3§
^ 3 ^ §)^.aoj * g v ^ a cnRD
Master Five year Plan tsa Mir^Cb.
es ^^b^j^8o-a & a F ^ R3j *3^a<3j. *3ju^ 6sS "e^x! 3^ar*ci&r°!5*
^&§"7r"d3 ocoS*^-&3 g^ET-jCb. K)O^Ro&)rrr"e& J o ^ ar-siS'o & o ^ f * a
Tr-85 aS* D R c & o 3 ^ C b .
sSbtc^^i^ *^ot^^ ^^3^*330^-^0^
aTyt^&M^axi Central Leather Research Instiute ^ a A ^ a . g&c?
y o * ^ ^ o g ^ Q8iJ^c"^^a. ts-*DS < ) f ^ ^ § * a § g A ) W ! T ' a 5 * w ^
*5r'^-o-'?r"CSj^ ""aaSosyrea 3S)"^ g^ca^j e)oA^8o-0 T3--a5 -sr*3ehg
!^"8Ras*ej, 53^-Br^cj ^o&r^ea voAg8oO, tr-a^ consent rr- §Xb
g^Tr-ea S^o^joBoj^^* ^§)§"rr-eb 5^"3v^tt). *&)3A) ^ e ^ a ^ ^ R v ^ S j
* ^ ) ^ <5V^T8!%*3j^ 55Lr*x!^" ^ - " ^ a v & M . tr^as $eo^w (technicians)
T^Yr-e. tsoa3S*"*%gj a,y Training School on regional basis, tsB
S ^ ^ ^T§* qoao&r'g'* **&A)SS*8^a 5*hosSbo3or"§* S*S)6^7T-85 3 ^ ^ y t & )
T y a a g y R MoA^8oTy-d3. ^H ^e^^o^iSbc^Sb ^00080^) qoAcdr*^
5 /^eb technicians ATT^eb. -sT-eg** MotjSbigj g_. vo^o^&^yr'Ob
a,yG&. -sr-aa S!)&&os3^c&. ^ r o * ^ t ^ ^ ^ i S ^ o^S*^.^ Hyderabad
Tanneries v*^cr*a§ 10 c^oo v6by"34j**g)* ^ Tanneries &) ^ t & ^
14;A J^otrc/t, 1961
/fn^Ma/ F^ancM/ 5*/a^we/!^
(BMd^gf) /br 1961-62 - P^fiMg q/*
6b%8o-a tSS'Ey^S'eo *3v"Cb. M03n*^ ^^tSS^b^b oa)63ge sa R^?"Xh
Dey^TT*^ M^Tr*a§ ge§Oo-jf3oD oDij^g'^). Moabx5 <^^y" *30oab<^b.
W e cannot draw a line of comparison with Dr. Nayudamma.
aa -yoograig ^oSj^DS M0b^b3^oa. T)^ international fame 38
v ^ ^ ) o 6 ^ *"3&S;3-°3b. e?X) X)o^oabo ^3^*3bo&f
^g^gorr* 33^&)o
e8^oa. sbAr^^foS^r^Cb er-ocjo^f s S b ^ R-u^AM^a F^o^r*o3jF^
a.8* v i 3 \ ^ 3 ^ ^^r-Cb. -sr-Ob B}o&oBEr'F^9 S38ty&)c8b M $ ^ . "^j^bo64oAc3&^^Sd^"3jo^* "=5)^^38, h)"B&r" ^.&^"^o3j-"p?
g^Cb §Ld) *^ej^d). ibOb ^ * & ^ ^ x ! ^ " eg)Tr°3b" ^ 9 Tr-Rb ^ir^ab.
"&T* ^ 0 ^ * 3 ) 0 ^ " ^^^abv-Cb ; Rr°Sb c ^ ^ ^ o ^tr-jg^*g X)^Xijg&
!^!GX^o. adioca <ge^ QTT^Cb. ^-c^g^ S $ J ^ ^ ^ & ^sSJDXi^bny^Cb.
% ? & o ^*"^j*^X) "3tr^&u" e 3 3 ^ . ^!6 ^ ^
e DaiSo^"^ ^^05
s ? ^ "^ TnOb sbR AsSc^*3bo6f XSb ea^oaxiJ^ "sSbjo^Tr* ^e t R O & ^ o
^5)^ *^&M boa" w 3 sb^ tj33&Tr*3&^ r*^oC3Lr-(^0b. sSjSSSb ^ ^ g ^ ^ K !
^duSbjo^TT' tr-iSAM, ao!^)^#*Sb ^^g-g--cyc353bj. & m ^ s S C ^ ^ j o ^ "
sy^o aaogr*9F* iSjuodoH *^!bo^3 353^$* ^sS^cSb. [ggbggo o o j ^
c & o l e ^ "^§*t§^§" ^^* g y r ^ $§" ^ § " ^ § " ^o3b§" ^"§"" ^?y^Cb.
3*8 36 3ogg^-o-*33 X)^&j§" ^ a ^ < & ) - 6 1 - 6 2 5b 16 e<&e Cb^^oabeo
b*3&30^ ^jr"*^ SejgLe ^ " ^ ^ ^ 8 . ^Sb&Jcr'Tr'
^j*3 A ^ ; 3i8 *r* §^S&\ ^^.<%Bb g^03b-^CM 3 M & ^ ^ b Rcr^dA).
tpAr*^ qKjjy-g ^c*B^ '^Reo &Tor^Ob. 5Sb^ SSoo^o&)o]8rr'Cb A u ^ & .
^ ^ ^ o g " 5 & r v : & ^ i ^ g b . -8H ^ o j ^ J^h-Rgb a ^ O M o ^
&&)j§^TT'e. E/g&xny* M l 6 € ) ^ w
-sr-Ob "389
"§&r*c<Mo%r"e. ^ ^ b a r ^ ^ & o ^ "
D ^ Q o ^ & ^ S * 3^il§*Rcysb ^ 3 ^ &)5S ^{f^*3L)o&f ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ - ^
^Cb^^^s^g) a)sy?)Hb. -y-mH ss 16 ty<&eo R *^, ^ 2 0 e<^€M 33-363
& # a ^xbTT-^&. **Mo^" a v*S*&arga5* a ^ A ) ^ " M e d *^-^
,4;MKd/ F&KMC&1/ ^o^/M^M^
(Em/get) ^br 1961-62 - Potrng o/
14/A AfarcA, 1961
3)5* .)tr*Oacir" c?a tTT-vR). e?o*T§3 <9§*4j-5"sD963 "§S$o&o -s-^^&j
Sbg &T!g*& .)TT*&5J Mcuoga es^&r*^, **a 5 ^ J * i 3^*3*3") a ^
J *§§**^)(f M o ^ 8o&aa#* ^tt!]r"-§* (the whole probtem needs a
careful and realistic approach)" MTy^ta cp&^ s;^<&) ^<gjX<j^a
Mo-sr- M § " a o & ^ ^ Ji^-5* vg^^r"^. ^-g)M, &D& /^8o-3 ^ & ^1§
{SS"^pyorr- 33yS:S36o^&).
^odr^^v^as, tr*o<Rr*&)w^ag, ^-"OL$J
^eSb KlfoS'tjSrtaaiLga cur^ tc^ \yp^.
**t9o^)T3^^3jL)^ ^3^&)&)
3b:&oKoaa vo&o-O, *^^o/<)"$c4! ^<&"^o3J0 )5o3b" etRj^o, s5j^nS^
A B Tj- S* &8oR"§X), €5^^o &."3a <pooJT3r" SbSb ao^^r* y^tr-a^ sr*/6
'^gj^, cor* "s^§*?b hoBb ^o^?-o*Bj"# &o^§^oiy-6^,
v 6 be 3 ) 3 ^ 3 $ &!3j8b"3^)gboar^S, ao&nO^ ^ v * a § &XjjSbB^\^a
& 5 h ^ ( 5 * ^S^-Sy :
t9#03P, ^S3y<&< ^ 8 ^ A8s?R 3<5bgi
^8o-D Tyef^oa ir^5SX)$SbneM Ar*^.r-or"eb. -grotH^* ^^oT^Sbgya^
cur* a^cCbo6^ t^^j^gX^
&[gorr* D&)3^o-^6jo ^8^08. ]3%)^o
<as*&)Ro$b, e^god** MCj^j^j^cr'ag sy-er* *^cr" Ao&jj^a.
&<e' ^o^^tfo6^ ^8M^)cBb aoMCb$y^&jeM ao^b^-*:ba t^^bg^^M
tX^^o-D, S90&8J
ejg* g. ej^X), 88R
< S ^ ^ o S8R ^. a,&)
a ^ . e^Rj ^r-c^^jo a8^o5.
ar*0^^oX)g^oa^ "gS^gj.
7t)8o^3 Qtr^.d$ tS?^ ^ ^ < 5 ^ TT*#gg<HaR;S
^mosab^aj "§^o
^8sa^oSj 5Sr*)g5Sj ?-<&n "3^^ax5^ gjer<o
*^)g-3-*8§, &r* e)^o^-a^Tr'8§ q^yj^aS SS^S^^Oa &sr*^3d)"
^ a 3A^^o &8Ao&.
20, 80 ^oSS^tr*cg3o& A-^3^^jS^o&M^ 3^8
H^€)Sb $&*&Mex) qsSjgSjocr', g^3 (P?5bc3j^o3bje3j, g&) BsSy^ged**
&x^TT<83, q^d^TT-oTT-es ^ a o ^o^*^S a*p**TO'**o^ !3^y^<b<bo
^ar")go X38)c!_sSanoBJoTr"eS3. 8jeXi^JXic^)^8^"^,5o3o3j3eabae
a#orr- -y-Cb. ^J^F^ &)^o Sbo^-a-^c&) TK)3jS**o4jj--, t^tn-^v^
R\^o-SSbS^o&3J^, g^^er^^S^o&Mo*^. !7r"&r'e€^BJog-€r^Qco, tsR^
^og ^Sboor-^o&^o v^^o*3j^sa. Rjjodb &>3<y* ^r*Cb^^"^ tTv^y
c ^
g""eX&j*^S M^?*yo &oA^o8.
-?"ai3 ^8HAjc8J
coaCb^y^Suuej q;Sg3ea &x^a. Tr*85 KoMSb^r'&ow qr)?&r'a3 K43rr*
r^o&g^o ^o0^e?a^CbgJ?r^^. AsS^ <^-pv?c&)/b8o^). A O M ^ o ^
A?8o-a aR&MF'f <er-er-3^^) & ^ Q *
^(cr*^eiS^F^ !bAo gettfgj^&M
!4;A AfnrcA, 1961
^!wMMo/ F&MMC&?/ Ff^/e/Mc/!^
(F^^)/b/- 196!-62 - r<n/ng q/*
sSor-^S! t^Tv-^S' *3jj^0 X)ox5^dxbjo^ 27 "go 6j-*.ea ^&r^
ojjo^^j B'H&Md*'* <h^a. a XSe^xb ^ttr-^oxbjF^ ^a<b&)&u xjsbo
M^*3j^0v&). a8M&)e8J *§^j-OMo^)g gex^ ao^-y t^aoSb
X)"^ L^rno-pree^* vCbj"^^^o X5*3 X58"s*"Cb. -yaM, qo6S8o&5" !^^
^8sSi)€M ^a^orr" &X^ t^oTT'ec^
*%0, i383\6&eo ^g^o-a, ir"8§ ^sSS^^a
^ O ^ o ^ ^ e M enSRdgj.)
^ ^ . ^ t9^H^^3c sS8tVxb H><^eD *^xb
cur* ?*"xHSX)^d^ 33^6jo a8^o8. ^<^"^^e)Sb A ^ o a y " ^ ^ g*og D;3*
^orr", yyTT* a^8"§ !^^^oo^
M XSBt^xb *^A"g ^a^orv- er*yeM
-cr*;S4jTa§ &3^j*"^orr" &o&^oa. -5^8)0 sa t^o^g"* t9^H)^3e ^8
[?&)&) ^-or^&JD^cOcr'cX) ^xb S^Cbgb?r^xb. ^8&xbo8b xlr*^^ oxr*
XioxS^^o =Er*€T')^"otr-ec^ aearv" 6,^)5* ^v^Cb. v"X) M$8'X3ov<;^
&e?eo -Ran&§*'''&r'&g v-^^jo^^. ^SaXbeaoeM, ^gj^xo X)Xbw 3 R 0
*^0 -dCb^S^*^ ^8K)&)€3J M^^^^x^. S*Xb$* ^^^^-5T<88 5^X3 F]^
^<-cr-^&3j ^o&s5oX)X)epX5X)do &X^a. qXry<&)X^ X t ^ X ! ^ ^ "A^o ^" *3oi&
S^*o&M^ ^gbTT^Hj.
&o^&)o^Cb. qX5y&)XS^ ^X) ^ ^
*^%^* ^3)o^Sboc3^, qodeaSb^*
§** <&7r* X^XSc^ *^)<&^,
^^orr" & o ^ o 8 .
^o^5 3*3^6**
sr*er* &^o3LT-/f
gj-xSxS^o, 3 # , "3oS'&r'^)d'o t^o-y^F^ &X5^&M
^eaxbeo ^o^Ob^r-^db, ^8axb&) v-a^T'Cb
Cbur^cg) ^Xb iXS^^X)^)^ ^8*^.^ a8aXb<M v"X)or"*3 J3b^.^xbo8
&XS^A^ ^oterr-Cb X3Xir"t^X)o 3^&)o a8^o8. $S*^C§Sd^§ xS-OjX)
-sr-85 & o ^ ^ a § ^ ^ ^
^ 3
Ty-8§ 3*X9^) ^x^. va^3
rr^a, M t§o8 ^d^&)o6^ ^CbXyS^^
-5y8§ 8b^^ 3*xS<f^ & v " ^ ^ X ) ,
^X3&)en 8*C^o^) -R<S3g) ^ 8 ^ ^ , Tr-Cb *^) ^cbx^oSb *3y4y-a§ M X ) ? ^ ^
&o&X)o6. ?"8)0 t?r-X)y*c6^ ^ ! 3 ^ aeDn*"3&3gea3t&3x;doa^a.
§^o& )rr*Rye^ y'o3&T3^^Sb ^8*^-5^0 sa^eo ^XbTT^o^. -5T^8§
X3g_xf y&ca^Sboor-^ocj, ^&a*o&) S58X)^bcJ ^tC^^gbx^a. TT-&
e ^ X # e ^c , ^ & < o g ^ - ^ * o ^ ^ 3D3&r*8R ^H& t-y^&jo xS o Tr*t6
v*^8*g)X) vo&^Trr^begj ^*ygbnr^Cb.
*3 Rco ^OMoi3b§^^4jo
TT^di) DoX-a** t^-ovcSJ
sr*e) 8*&^^^X) ax\oC&3bJ.
&X^&R3oH &*^§*X3§o^ aa&ay-^c XboA tr-e*6" "gxS&MgoR R8X)9
^ 8 .
,v8*^^8b cy8*§^xb SbSeyaS
i4nnua/ FrnjH^^/ 6*^rfWM^
(-BM/ge;)./iM- 196!-62 - M o ^ g q/*
14/A AfarcA, 1961
! & y ^ 3 § " ^iburg/a rr-3, 3j# ^y^.^ qo^cr-y§*3j ^c&ijo(3b^.
aa&^)3^*ov-o&g-&\ ^r*<$3^&)?r^3jS) 3 ^ 3 ° ^ ^ ^ ^o&M73^CJ
-y*a.63 ^4)33o65 ^ a ^ t ^ o v ^ S b , Qo^6oSj^*t^^vo8b 3 3 ) tr-f 5*^Sb
vG3orr* ^ o ^ ^ € M q^h, ^^^-d^Sb 3o33e&3 o33do &3jdS9 *^3b
M g ^ g S ) or-& §*^3b 8b-^ 3o^o-^3eX)3 ^ 3 3 ^ 0 &3^a. §^o^
trr-Syog^ ^oSbe^^o Sb^g =Eno D3&gonr* 33^3^8. &o3J
-*r*tbj ^^.^ *3 ^co ^3jSb^o^8b M3-r-Vo^<3j q^^.&53 "^ admit
^SbS^cb. <&o&S-aj3 &y §^o33 ^ar^ 8 3 ^ 3 A
10 ar-a-o&eo 3 o ^
Bo^Sba OM^^-AS 3 ^ T. B. hospital^ ^Tr-eg) i3o&g^ol3*R
^^$5 ^&xs 5Tty^^<Sj. &^ ggbA! &3^<sa eMT^d). cA sgb^5 -=y-Rp
3 ^ 3 8 ^)Dj&Jo*T§)—S$b aac^ JSb^-3 scootoa. $^3o 2 3o3g^Tr*eH
treatment ^ * A ) ^ s z ^ ^/^&)o8. -g^P^rr* ^8bx.3ss^ &3^Ty^j3b
60 3Jo8X) ta83o-R3^b) ^cr* ! ^3b^ b3j oaiodS *3^j&)X) 3 ^ C b .
Serious ^r- Ao^) M#3b ^7-3^*^ 3joO<5X) ^^dn-3od^
ar-ta^ ar"rb^^3jj ta^ Dv°3o 3^_38 -s-*&>. jy^.<S^ agency
!T^o8o^jo-a 20, 80 6r-3r.<3&HM fpcb^^Xb§^X) ojj^^.<g8j aoSyo,
2T°aM ^D -sr"!b)5&M8bo^M^ 38X)&)cF^ Tr*V\3b {fkc? ygho-^Sbocy
gr*3^o ^fycoaoo. a e ^ 3^33y<3b X-ray vCbj ^oMo^ibg^Tyeo^)
X-ray nth) 15 abr-^aBbeo vooj^ -c^3bs^3b travelling expenses
20. 80 6r*3-*ci&eM tH&gbTJ^ooa. ^rcy^coF^ a,y hospital &3^8Eye hospital as 63 sgb&)?r^cb. Current &3^8. -y-e)&3 ^tcr-^Sco
€r*o63^^ &y X-ray plant T)A*g sye v ^ ^ o ^ o R a . cr*&3 R\Sn^*
&o^b§^Tr"€)a 3o3D^3bnr^3J. Maternity centres 53JJS ^. ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^
^o"3 3 &3^a. {TT-^T^c^ maternity centres ^^.cr- *3^gr^3^o
ajj^oorr* ^^t-dy* Rr*^ {^o-Br-eSb ^ T y e o " & sr*e $3,077" &3j^a.
qgjy%) *^^ maternity centres &r*^ 3o<3 t^-ov^cF^
TT^<&. .Tcr^33e &aH6r*Ko &o^^o^Cb. ^tM3^43 t 3 ^ v * c 6 ^ ^ 3^6
3)8 &RjSb33) H & ^ o sr*o Miyoocjbo. Tr*6S& interior
*^)i3, & ^ a ^ ^38§^3o spend -3cCyca py-3)?y^By
actual yr* vCbj^!!)3&)OM'^ AgoBy^orr' &o&Moa. <3 DTy*3o
8c-Ry R^3gp 3 e ^ !3^^go D 3 j ^ 8 b
7^8 v3j.^oa t*3 3j3D
1 4 % AfarcA, 1961
^HKM^/ F;/M/M&:/ ^ ^ e w c H /
(^M^/)/br 1961-62 - Pbf/ng of
BT3T$%#<3av*v ^
sub-centre ^8*^3 ^tcr'^eoF^ *^4y"0b.
nient rr- &ocr*8scr*, ^ L . ^ interior villages 6"* T)&*3 *R)&u ^SSb
^c3&*-e aj**& sa^/fc^ Mo&r'd). Ty(ho8JJ^^. &ao3j-"rf o"o, "sr*%3\
SS^S^*^jtnX)S b e M f ^o^cr-a§^^o e?S'^.t% R v ^ & M ^o3b<go ^Td*
^-&x). g]cn-^eer'oi3 3"*Aj ^^oo ^&o^a<^o
ir-8boc?- & o ^ T r - ^
JjSS&r'^Cb. Face powders -cKbS'MeCb. $j^6eo, &^*^eo ^Xbg^^o
"Reaag'* & v ^ 3 b . ^ a ^ g^aosyO, v r * ^ ^ a^_aajr-Co6^ ^^r-g),
^ o ^ S o r v e9pa\ad^3 &xbSjv-B-"0 t93baa^ay<3b, ^-o^yorr jacb
&r-dorr° &7r^6^, tsur-e^Xcorf* &o&M?r^8^ Tr*65 &acBj-"^a"^
Aj&jjrr* -*r*ta &o*3 t a ^ y c F ^ * ^ A ^
^rrr' &0&M0RK) sb^D ^aj
-sr^ab. Qg* &6^c7V"e Da-oHbo. &E^C7r"e6^ 5r°9 vic^ooabo M^/^b
^ba^a. §^o^?"$j M D certiBcate &aoSba*& recommendation ^o"&
ts%D body a6/v ^S*s^ouj^, suit -r-8'^oojnp', ^Sb ^S*^oooaa^
0§ waD3 &a*c;<o a^cb3bRboa. School jBnal adab ROaabej ?r*!y*
tr-geo S&, -^dj^j^*a Tytbj A5*^g^o§^ao taoBba^o ^ J ^
Rerr* *3sS^, *^^^*^ s b ^ ^ ^
a ^ tao&g^sSbo ^ ^ s b D 5 ^ ^a
&#*<yto 6*^o*ySjocy" gr^a8ja6X)9 ge^xb?r^5j.
a agorr" ^cOb(goajJ*"oorr' M trr-air'oF^ TT-05 Ro^g-ro a a j ^ a .
a c m y trr-ajajj^ $c-"nr^ Sbea^r-gb
^c^aj^a aoo-D &3*^c^ajj
^aj<y^^b. er*y;3T4Srr* Aa^^a^ayJ&) So/fv-* & o c ^S^o)<gbeM i?5&
&oc&)Sy"<% ^aDo^c^-M taoSb^o ^^t!b. -g^R) qS*^^ aca^oSbo
^oabS* ^ e o , etgDRtoaeo &*^ a&X)9 ty*^3^oM abo^) 8o& &"^oabSb
tPOTy"&MaAaTT"S!o\ <&8**p/(o ^Sboor^ a b ^ ^o$33a*^ Tf^jSo &*3.c3
^e^oij-e. ^ D$orr- ^a^X) cRr*%3a'3 aa^aar*!^ s*e^o^acj.
^ Dgorr' ^^o^^oabj**oo7r° s y o ^Ty*coSbo sBb/Sb^boa.' TT*^iSb
a*3 a &&*crr*eM 8^^3boor- ^ ^ a & ^ $ ^ny-<^ t?Y*ar*e<y* &a^a.
<^a^3 *^ applications *^&M8bo^y* Tr-^Sb
*3o^*^ A3^prr"ea
q^o^bSb tad&g^o ^oaEr"0. ,e S)gorr- ^oa&aoAa <933:fo ^a^CiX)
^a,o33^F^ ^4 budget <sr"o ^Sb^ayv- &a^&. ajfa'cc^ )oa-^aod*3A
^ W M o / Ff^wc^/ ^/a/e/MFH/
(#K<7ge;)/b' 196i-62 - f-ofMg q/
rr*Cb e & e RovcF^
14^A ^^rrcA, 196!
oj^^Jir^o w ? ^ DRoSb*"^ <3g*^gJjr-aiT*
^^nr^oM. Rj**^jJ-M budget
-s-*3botr* j^aao^i^^o
isles' e ^ ^ v e o &cf)o-*R§ g^OCb-"^"d3be^ ^^r'ooo'^Tva
*B*"ysy*co)'5r' 100 5 25 goeSboo spoojiy ;$r8ai&e) S^?cM ^^^X-^X)
^3) S^gbfT'^Xj.
10 X3og^Ty-o^3o^ ^Rj vRRRgbogbrr' &oA
^8s&)e)S^^^ y ^ ^ y ^ g j ^Sb^^nr-^^. 1952 April budget ^er*
oer-1^ &g^a.
^BaXbcSjo?^. X)&)So
oagofTT'g ^)X^a. -^cb^^*^T^s^ D^cCbo ^ ^ _ ^
36 Ba^j g ^ ^
*3j*"^§" sSjotarr-^ ?r* t^^L^ R^r-Ty-^o 3#^eb.
S. S. L. C.
-cydb^Sb^iy*^ ^#tV"SbVo ger-F'* v^eo ^^^Cb. ^ooj&! hostels
&Ty^0M. ^*8a^3e ^<,5iy"^§ t^^Sb^o ^gb^Xb^S^ 3y-(go&. B.A.,
B.Ed ^ d b ^ y ^ T T ' ^ A )
-yo*§*eM7v *3:9jKr*^6b.
SoCJboo *3 ^ /t36^5jo&x)Sj dr*^"OM *8s*v.3S)^ {p(f dr-^oco er*po
&Rjnr^0b. ej5* hostel d^
*3;3j &,? warden xb 3^)^*v^Xb. e<g
dismiss *sr"Cb prosecute
<3o3b3e)a & o ^
(3€r'o43Tr'&5 3b^<^
3a ffgg^^bo&M promotion ojj-Ojo5. 3Ster*oijS)y<^b S-*8aX) ff3g\
$oA^g* ^r*^53g$J&)^Tr"^ ^t3^^.. 3"3Sia7T*8S X)g33bor^ ^y-^o-D
g^^S&r*^ Tr-cb tyg&XbS^ggb. ^8axbeo ^^b^Sb^^ooj"^
&a^c7T"eM Ro^ao-abS^a
-srs^jSb v ^ c X m
^D ^^*^*ar'H*^ 3T*#
tR%b-!T"^X)§ A S ^ ^ r * X5Xb3bo&r*5b. ^reyco) !3-y?yo7T*g> &)!tr*ajgr*
&o^&j^yd&) g^^ab^^cObeo coj^r^Cb. o §^OCb-"^"o3beo ^Cbj ^ooj
Ttr-oay s!&*rr*a M ^ S b v ^ ^ S ^ o ^ ^ a b s 5 ^ 3 . a*8a&gb R x ) ^
iSboterr* AT3^<&^, ^ V o ^ 3**6a;3b9ov* 2)ofr"Tr"e^ t9OJ0S^3b?r^CC)
co&MTr^ab. ^8aXb<gb RMpcsbote ^ocJXSd^dXbo^' 3*"8a?bo SS&
^Sb a#ffg.xa 3 ^
^s^<3b. a.S' 3 ^ R\3cogo
^8M33er*eM Aur^coj.
A ^ a . 5 JS'-or'o 3&*Sb 5^8a^)€)j
Roa 3 ^ OMo§^ §eo
&r* ^8a?i
e^s* "3 8bgb 70 ^S*v*sy $r*Sb
10 ^^j^bo-D tp^^)3b?-^(b. ts
6§b *^S) vX)
^d*? 3b, q3X)^^d M 3R*Sh
3sb&)<o^^b. g){^
&gb§^8b--<ggb oa)o§^ Xico OM^"^!0
3ao{87rna order *^v"<)b. Q^ab
&SS) 843 ^ R ^ J * " ^
^ . <3^*. ^. e & ^
2Sbo{$rs^?& ^8a&ca3ooS'^.
14tA AfgrcA, 1961
^ar*^ gtOagbe
^n?wa/ F7M<wcM/ ^fewewf
(F^gFr)yor 196!-62 - Pb;//tg c/
&cr*ao^) ^Oagj^Sb {^"^c^on^
&)o)&)ooo)TT^ Aocs^O. Tr*Cb 5S^6M($)5)^x)^)-. S&Xbsr-o^
*5eoXby*D -sr"^^ae^8o^cs-'X)8 t^cCJb{^o-Rcr"S)S M3vyx5jjo&Moa.
aoaCb ^T"iiMe ^isSj^o teer^l^ &o8. iSeg^eB moaH!b$b^Sb
S^6, S B ^ R )
*^)o&)8'o^) <^8b)-.^ oo)^JQdio^<^b.
JS*-u^eM!& *r*ta ^Sb^.^ Xio^8o^b§^^^o a3b^&)^8.
^&) -tRdj-rg"* ^Xi8^ ^e3J<^8§40 JS'vo iS^^Sy^ g r - M R^r* ^T^Ob.
^8 tS^j^o
Tr*cb M ^r*8 trr-^xbaj^cr-
-s--d). ^ey-CbTr-f^, *3aTT'^isr'^. Jsse^dS^ *=5r&v*63^&r*4j,
Q^, cS*)-& ^s)^Ctg) & l 3 j S b ^ ^
fb8o3 5^^&)j. Moojcr'^^v
dr*^"oR)o ^^8b -sr°v*a#orr* 8?) "ST'SS ^&r*oSb oco&c3b<ga a&rb
&)S^8. ^"8a:bc8bAr")^o v - ^ o ^ ^ . Q'gfb^DS'B^^^-aX) w A R ^
v ^ &
Mo^r-Ob. qSS^^"8 ?r* oxr^ DsS,oaj*"D^ S8§o^
jS'gcS'o^ ]3$jv^D8
^^D^RjiT^^j. SbsiM8
Bbogeo ^^jgjD !m^bSj*y^. ^^giy"Cb m&)eu l3xb&D to^bsbv^d),
er-c^8b ^ R w g ^ 3 ^^ 0 ^)o^^&o8. Xr8sX5joSbAr"t^o iSo^i^oCbo
^R\ cMoS^ )odbgb"8CC)^ ^<3b. v ^ ,
^^Aar-Ob, "3Di&p Q^^5[ab^
^\Sxo-a, ^ a , ca3#13_ &r-^ooje? -3T*^?i
HCSb^&)^)a. RoAA v"^ tTV-s^o^ 50 A)oa§ aao*36M ^"sSy^ c w ^
Cb^^r*cJ&eo &Xb§'*;g%o M6^o8. ti)§^. ^ ^ !rf^3oF^ Sb*°#
vcr'l^ a8^o8. o C ^ ^ ojod*3 eo Jo5^ M^-Do-^o<&. ^a X). m. &tv
65b ^R)7r^6^ *8S)o3b&), «3o3*&sa-* ^r* -db&Jtr* acb^^bxr^<3b g ^
^° MCbA3^b^S^ iy*Cb ^Xy-d^o^cSb. <33rg43 ^^Cer-cbTr*
^Xhiy*6b gbtdv^J. ^^"ibefcr'Cb <Joyjgca)& ^aM*t ama^orr*
&Xb8bS^&M *9CX,o8. M ^^-X) J*iy"0b ?)!e)ge 34 5$ *g&<5 6^)f
^"oM<T-^. eav88 5h>
md^^dSb. ^ w ^ c ^ d i b ^
^&r*so cwi^oO
gr*3-*o&eo ^SbSbTT^Cb. &X)DD ^et)^x!&3oRo^ DAoCiCr'eo oar*a#o?r*
5^yg^S ^ $ y : SxpthlSsH *3sy^v ^&M^)S)o ?
^n/MM/ 7%Mnc&?/ ^/j^meH^
(^M^f)ybr 196!-62 - Mo/Mf q/*
(§) &. TbR^c&g : 3-"8ej3beo
14^A JVorcA, t961
-sr^db. *r-gjj f^o^Tr-^. [ 3 ^
Joyjgoo)§ i§<xoo-g3)3o<S. ^38 ^ ^
^ o ^ o ^ &3oSbnr^3^
*8ex)3j§^oA. qoC^F^ ocjo^S* D^cOooS^^ &o8. <s a<yorr- 3 s ^ w
^3g<%oF^ -zr-0 3R-°2ba 388, ^)8 ^r-SbX) Tr*88 <XHt§)?r%&). MoR)3b
Tr-Cb 3§oo 3R8b *3ths5e?jg3)oa. A cCb^*$ Cb^^ococ^ ^ ^ o ^ m ^
t3c0b3 400 dr-^ojoeM §3jSbnr^0b. v^ar'tg
3§co. ^^X){f cy^& t?o^ §3jSbnr^Cb KRiS* *^3b <Jo&3b &3j^abr"^a
-y.g^eM MC&3 ^ o ^ ^3JSbTT^0b. Qo?- v^^.^ -ar*6b <S^oS*en §o3bc
^Cb. *3 gjeo g^^v-o
Mo^MiT-^Cb. 3^*-q3H^S'§' ^d^$b *56*g
eo&3 -y8§ ^M&)^)&^C3b. tS^o-cr-D S*ogO§ "3eM3j—M ^gjg§3jyo
a^-qR'^yS'nTta cosyoj ^r"rv" §3j8bo&r<cfa. 69o3b38b^<^ 0 % 5 "
^^F^gb?r^Cb. (3%b^o ocjSS^O? 7r*. v*333gboeo ooJ*"D%orr' /?^o
^)<&3gbTT^0b, ^a DRcObog'* Jo^3^8b Sso Aoa e^a g'BS'gbgb "gOoiSb
^g-0 ^os^oo)8 ^oojo^od. a a#o7Y* 3^8M3je8b
33o3jooj3 3 ^ ^
3bj<5"* $b-°&Moo sS^jA^ ^0303^0677- *^3b 336"g'j**8 !3^bTr^a^
a*a^3 3er<e) 3&o&o
&o8. R^q^Xbco
*=&A3 ^ooj^^^ocooa
3jr< ger"^* JoCbSb 33$Tr*a-Braa ger* *3F*^^" ^ ^ 3 6 " ^ *^T*d).
^d3b33j ^e^g* 338 "go&gr-go-*? S9d3b3 6)33yaj ^ ^ 5 * & r * ^ ^ 7 ^
&o^YT*Cb. 60 *^o<b $Sb-"Sb&Xb§^'cr'a8 "9o<^b^c
Obr"^--oJJ€M v<3bj
€!OJJoa. p96^ey ir-3^0, 6&* a,^ 3 3 ^ o , i3oa&S'^3<go
gb3^6. *^d?r"88 ox<3^3^a ^j3.M ^ 3 ^ o ^ R b . Rasas' S*Sbda ao3&
Djo-O. taodbg^ s"3g*Cb, 3^'-S"38'0b *3LMRo^3Tr'83bo^ ^ 33j3c3b,
38a^8o-gcsT&§ t3di)8^o-^3eX)oa?r' !3^-y-^a^ ! ^ * § . 3 ^ * ^ '
^Ty-^b K33^*3bo&M
3*^3e^ ^^^
3)3^3. ^3 ^ ^ 0 0 ^ 3 ^ ^es'&jor-as
MT?-*jg3^*3b3 38ae^*
c&S*. d3bS"
d3b#*.X). -Rd)3j8b3^*^8a ^8*^-^ Tr-T^rr* aoC&Sbo^^ooa*# 5^o^
^o"5b 3 8 ^ ^ *3bCbfb3(%Gr"a5 a3-y-^3bJo8. ($!-ar-8b^o gcr*F^3^8a^
syo ^8bi-3yv 3j3^D. *5r"^*-5^gdd)^ MO)33 ^cM^Ob, F ^ ^ O
'3A>%ofb3*63 ^3e[^*3jo4M 3^3&y^ * S e § ^ e ^ o ^ &^e& 3%& t y 3a
T?^^a ^X)^d^a?T?^cb, -?-a 3ao!p7r*6b7T*a, g_*By&*fvo&rt-a
v ^ ^ ^ <Rjbo^ ^F*. A. e & aaa tb^^-^a coMT^ e3&aa&'3^3&*3c6.
14;A Af%rc%, 1961
^4wMa/ F&igH<w/ 6*^^/Me#!f
( B M ^ ^ ) ^ 1961-62 - Toting qf
M a#07T* aceo ^dX) 3^K!eM^ -s^^^f ^Rny^Sb. D ^!<j d/fd*&o<&
Xiot^ao-^CX). ^od)8b ^ R u o^^.<g 3jo&? ^eeo ^8*^^%o JS^ar*
^&<. 50 &)o3 ^ ^ 3 j ^ o F ^ g)sr-jt/a. 70 3bo8 ^)g*^.06^$jiy^Cb.
SSbotarr-R) g-*8M&)e& *^g^ye&. aFXjySoo&r'^. ?*D, -3**C& S 3 3 3 &
^d) s--8)^3 )s)^XSo^"3&n-6^, dorVBArs^ea &XbSb3 ^o&geaoarr*
g^Co^^r^gj. X)^^3rr- *3&) o3oo.<0^*.J.n-' 3jo&M<T^3b. q o ^ ^ & r *
^^. 3.390-*% a ^ ^ d ) . ^e eaoojcngb * ^ o ^ M c w r * ^)3bo 3SSy{T*^
cr-DS g^*j^ 33 McajijT ^oBo^o^oarr' §^0b^?r^^.
^)?y-&\ &^Cb*3jo^,
3by°S* &^"0b*3joiS^ &3J&D
Cf&o3^eX)oarr' tXgb^axR) §^&&n', nr*§ ^3-s-"{To
ggaSb S^^cSb3j"g^Sbojj^ g3j^^-C^&)jeM
^xSoS* &DD
^eM3j&r- oooo^^y^.
c-L ** u ^ & ^^ ^rJ^^i^ j J^ jjt jL* ^j& <^?L^- L^ j ^rKj* ^ ^ *.?
J! _r* <rL M" <a^ ^ - ^ j^i. J ^ ^ ^ ui* - < ^ ^ (^ { ^ ^ ^ ^
f ^
<J.!?t3 y r j ^ <i^ jLU U ^ ^ ^ jf ^"^* J^J ^*J ^*^ ^ a j * M^-jf
Jj^ J^f^
. ^ L ^ ^ jL^ u ^ ^ 3 A^! ^LJ ^1 ^2J- ^. p^; tfjf,
J^-^i <et ^ ^-!^ jLL. U ^ ^ 1 ^ jjL JJ^ j ^ ! j; j jl* J^ /^
^ ! l f <;!,^ ^g, ujtat* <^jl ^1 jj!* u*t^Lr!
J** jj^ ur! ^
t/* !3 j^Lr ^L^jjl* ^JJ *jj*r^ ^^ ^
o!* J^?- ^ t ^'^- J l ^ ? ; (tsA L ^ *a_ ^* k ! ^?L. ^L u j ^ j ^ j ^ - ^
(FM^gey)ybf 1961-62 - MotMg of
Dcwa^&ybf GrauM
-<&- j - ^ ^ jt ^L^-^ J.!j ^ k ^
14%Af<v<%, 1961
.t^! *bi_yi 'Uj jj( ^ ^/*j p^,
-J.^ ^ L ^ - j L * ^ Jp J* J, ^^ ^ J^ J* OjHi jf ^!k^ u!
^L t$^J^! tf ^jtcE* ^*^ J-^ ^r^ ^ ^ k J"-*H* -^-^ \^u** ^-^^ JJ^
<^*<==*j! iLr ^r*-Lp j t - , U ^ J ^ S ^*'<iL.<=i)fJ. <LgA,^^A.t JL.
^<*j^- ^* ^ 4 ^ * ^ ^
^ < j j * *=*!? ^
u?* ^ ? j ' J' <^j! J ^ ^ -)j^
^ ^ ^ t^u* ^L .A ,^t ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^*<^1 u^^Jt lj*-nT
J^t/ojilidli! j ^ ^ j t a ^ J.!j J.^<^^ff ^ ^ ^ < S 1 < 3 ^ ,
^*t^.f 6fjj^* J*j*<r4ds. ^* ^Lu*t
<r*3TjTjj! Jjt A,^?!{,J^* < j T ^ j 4 ^ ^ J t ' - ^ j L J j r
^b*r^-t ^ f j^*ojy?^ ^ ^
**^** ^- ^J^ t^^u^ 4g±-^<=L^ ^SjLy-i
ur^A o*^-*^* ^ j tP-r* u^ ^ ^ ! 4" ^. ^ ^
^^j ^! ^
JL^- ^
^ ^ f ^A
^ . ^ ^jT ^J^ j ^ *J! ^ ' u^ ^ ^ J"r**^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^
( y s ^ j^^ j^t^ L ^ ^ <^^j.f Lrj^^* uM* <!! a-s <^- u ^ ^*r j y
^ ^ J f ^ L f ! tiL) ji JjJ ^ ^ - ^ ) ^. <-^a ^ki; jL 3 j^* ^1 jJitj
^tjf* t^. 4), j^ ^. <^—U jLL ^IkL. ^iT^ ^
J?5 ^ j**^
-4=1^ ^" fMn*t
Jk^^ J^^j^t J* ^ ^ t!^j^ a^ u-^r A- J b ^=Lk ^ J ^ ^r^
^ f ; 4LJL ^ !
^ i ^ " j ^ ! ,j^j* ^^-^ <=L^^ J^*
C^** ^ " < ^ *
^L ^^A J!^-Sl)Y (yr^J* JJ^ tWj^ j \ ^ J,yl ut^j «a^ ^.^- ^
j?** _yy^f
14;A AfarcA, 1961
<**!** ^L &J** ^ ^
<^j^- LJt* ^
y4Mwa/ Finance/ ^forgwen^
(^M^?c() /br 1961-62 - P^^wg qf
Dc/?MM&/bf Crc^^
f^ ^. L^)
-<&- tjy *i^!Li ^J 4)!** jji ^
-A. !*j j* mr* *-^!* ^ j^^H^ ^=. ^ ^
-<&- t*j_?*
^ - ^ * *^! ^=. J^ ^1 ^'y^!jT*]t^"u^^ JL^T ^jj"<^..,j*.<ds.
4^fL 4^U ^ ^ U cK" ^^b ^j )L. ^<. <<JL^ o-t A . t^*L^ u?* J ^ Jj** ^ * L ^
. ^ j *. jL ^ Jj^ jj j ^
^ ^ ! ^ <^j-^* ^
f^ j ^ j J^j^ J^ jj! ^t! oy
-^ ^1 c^*
- ^ ? ^ j* c^^^j4 ^"J? "-^^*
f^**^ *-^j ji <-^'^j jp *y^ D ^ ^ jj^ L ^ j *
- ^-*jj* L<^ ^^- j^*
u*! - u ^ ^-J ^
- A . ^ j j-^ ^ ^ n * ^ ^ j ! ^- 'f*rj ^
t.jjj Jj^ij^! Jl o^^^* ^-^^ <J)?^j ^1 «L^* ^4; ^ rl" ^
J^O J^K j* j=^ ^L -^ U'U*' ^J ^i j J < ^ ^ <^j^- ^f!
^Lrr^AbJ ^ ^
- <L-LE^* J* u ^ -^T^t 7?^ "! j ^ j ^ ^ <A- ^P ^ ^ ! J ^^- t^Jrri
u! <^!j jt ^*^f J!** ^ ^ j j^ <!*-u**! 4^ ^2. ^^<^-L^ jL-^ 43L^ ^y* ^
4^-Lp ^JL. j^. d^j ^ ^ ^ ^ !
^ . ^f ^. tf LT ^ ^ 4 ^ , ^. Lr^
-^L**? ^ f ^ ! ^ (*^-^ j\J<!^j
. ^ . J L ^ ^ ) ^ ^ ^ji ^JL
^ t
< a - j ^ c^ <<4^* J^^L^.^ gjj!j ^ ! *i<^ ^L j*^j J^!^ u** y^ <-?u^*
^ u*t ^ j ^ ^*** 0?*
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-<&- ^
0^ ^J' <=^j!
p M 44t ^ ^ j^*-* J^! jj! - o ^
- A- mr* J^* Jjf* ^=- j ^ j J^*7
f!j* J^^ J* ^! ^ f *jj^ u?* ^J*^ ^ J ^ *t3.?i *c*j ^hJL^^ ^ jj*j ^
J3^ ^
-u^^tJ ^ ^ J ^ J * t&jji ^ - ^ <^j X f ^ K\-6K ^1
<^b^ ^L J ^jt ^- ^ j^--^ J*Ji L *h*&-*t ^J ^tj
- ^K* <&-J <f ,t-t 3-^ J ^ *
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J^L* m* d*? <^"T u ^ *^^^- *j ^H ui*
u^ ^ J j* J^-J^ ^- *-^^ tf (^-* u-^* ^
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(FM^g^^ybr 196!-b2- Mcf^g qf
^,^ k*j U R ^ ^ ^,^'L ,r ^ ^ ^ f ^ , ^
J^I! L ^:i^! ^ j
J' <T' ^ o
. ^ ^ .j^L y ^ ^
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i^! ji ^. ^ ^- _,*^ ^L:?* J" * ^ ^ ! j ^ tfujt y <&. kC j*
-*-: ^1 u-^ - ^- u ^ <^-j^ tj" ^-:^ ^ 0J^ <^=. ^
j j^\^
- ^
JL.)4 ^ u ^ ^ ^ J L * . ^ j ^ ^ L ^ b r ^!^ -^j^f J-^ j ^ jj! *^!,jy
J^ .^^ ^ S ^
^. <^3^r! , y ^ jj! d ^ j ^ J^? <ri f^* ^**j^j
^ < ^ ^ u ^ J ^ tf J! ^ 4 ! -^* t*.r^ ^^ ^
^ <d.X 3*-*** < ^ ^ L ^ - ^
f^ -^ -^ <^*t;^xr! J' ^j*^j^ J-^! ^L *^A- u^'^ " ^ ^ k ^ <±*^
u^*-* ^ J c^t^ ^<! ^ <Jt* - r ^ J* !f ^ ^ *-t! ^t
u-P*j^ ,%-* Jj^ o-i^j^ ^ j ^ . ^
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-^xbk ^^*
^r^. J^t
tf jj j ^ fjS J3^ u*^*^ ^ ^ - J^ J^ ^ u?* ^r J' y ^ j ^ - ^ ^ J
^-*j^u^ <^-j^ <^*' ^
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^- ^ ^ h-^ ^^4 A^* *^t <d! <2IL t^^-w!
-?*? J^^^-* ^A^!j^*a*j^j
. ^ J.!^ _^*J,t ^. 4p^j ^ ^ ^ j ^J JJl?LJ j^^jiL^j^ ,y^^
^ J ^ ^ J^-L* ^J!f- ^-^ ^r^r / J^^'^ !^* <^ Lr! - A. t*j J* ^
t / ^ t^ <=^ ^
LfJ*^ < ? A <ysj* ^-^ ^L -^ j^4j J^^^ *\y*:j* '^
oB&o. ir'^Vg^v'^n^ab, ^)^oCboyT-d3, v6H Tr*Sj3^ga)rr*a& tia^d
^ S o ^ * ^ Br*f&o&Mt>3f* {S^Ta^Cb ^go^*Bjo&^§ 3o^<M 0M*cr^R:.
tslgDpaurr* ^^&r*^ ^c^eo aM^<g^rr-a oSa^b 3ct&33 !b$^*
4ny^tSj. ^SSy^TT^CSj. SSa^opS^vc&so^ 3e3*tM O M S y ^ ^sr^o.
14M Afgrc^, 1961
^ M H M / Fam/ic/a/ <$M/^wM^
(^M^ef)yor 1961-62 - MofMg o/
^o^oC^g, 2 b & edgb&P'^ &ir^C&, ^oSo ^o3b3oaKS^X) S^oRSboa
M ^ / ^ g j - Ao^r-cb. Moon*^ ^ 6 a ^ w c3#'o<5'* sy"e "33j^^& ^ ^ i r ' o
&o-0 BoAS^S* /b^Sb^S* ir^iy- ^ ^ o o H ^ & r * t^^S^e^ R & 3 & 3^3j
S*?r^ ^"^°^° )M&)8j&r' &o"& Tr-&^ e^cr"X)S Oo'S Ty e36bocy
8*&^§^o^S)3 M&JOMUT' ^Sboc^ &o^or-X)3 / a a ^ "^Sbocr" &o^3 *o3ootf
SdSb ^r*&^ej^3V"o. 33j^^oF^ Ar-Cb^ -cr-sy*e& ^^^T^oSb ib^
5Sj?!D^Xb?y^&. R3S v 3 o a ^ d^aM^^Cb *^jibj oSoSb ^3-3jD 3ax)
lgoon^pr"F^ ocn3^&3§ 3o3^T3-*D3 10 §^&? dr-^oSjej
SSr-yCb ttr-R "Sb8b" ^eo^ ojoXbur-^Ob. ca^sj^Kb "h)Cb" ^ o D j
^Xb-sr^Cb? J558*3-5T'rr'X) &8'3-"e8a3jA§
^&)oa^o^j-sr^0b. tS^5^D3.&) ^oCbSbocr- 33)3 3a§^^Oj^^"o3oeM
&r-D. -sr-^X) SbCb o3jSb i^Xbur^Ob ? 6^<^Sb, Tr*&3§ 5)433 yC6j^)33
^ i y ^ & . ^^3jA^0o3jo&M8&)j^<&)§^&M, u - c M ^ g ^ ^ v C o j ^ ^
*3o6b!foSbo 5bBb S^*^3j ? 3J-"6b et;^*, ^r-^-! ^<5"^e)6^
&^TT"^o. 33-cM 3j^^3Cb8b ? &)o-D v-Ob &^-*r-e'grr'a 3J^9b eaO
er'^g^^o^CSJ. b)Cb8^<ge^^5bcy 9cfM%o^tr- ^33-Rbj. v-&)0o^o
-s^3-R^. ^ a % ^ §"oggjoa
Sbt^bcu -s-*3-Jbj.
3 y a/^{^ q ^ l f .
8,79,77,998 a ? n y &3j^&^ B^^-eMnr^oM. tr^Dg"* 3-"8s3jw y^3o
60 e^esboa t&ogg-abj. 60 e ^ c 3 b o 8 ^ 10 p<&e 3b&Mo-ar"eo Ao<^_
&)&no^r*D3 a,S* 3 0 ^ ^ io^ ^^b3j BS^o^^eM^b^.y^ir'
{^3.^* *3c[ya A^Ob'Sjo&jjTr'eb ?
6 60 ^ 3 j o 8 § ^ 3--^e8 3yex)
ccj{^o8. 3oX)S\8 * 3 o ^ a r ^ c R e M <xo!^oa. e { 3 ^ W ^ e M ^3b*"*^
^ 3 ^ ?r"^3As^oab--iy^a
er-^fo 8*cA^o^Rb,
-cr'X)3o 3**8a&)eSb
)rs-"3y"og^ 3*=&eo 3&^^6on
&)-xr^&) *&*&!) 53^tyS§ 5)oj^cb. b ^ o v J30b?
c)o^ e)333dgb
333beD 3 3 ^
or^M 5)oo^&). vooo^3^§ 33^3ea ^g^o8. ^^ocr-^ 3 y 8 7^ &^
"3oS^o^ *Saa5" 3J!^o§^0bTr'C& oMTT^Ob.
^a^ocaeka* 3J? 3L?JM3bo!87T- 0b-$y-^C&. tTry"Cb, 3y*:a ^aSbiS^
(3D v<&^^ *^sSb t*r''VT5d&*g
implement ^oBo^o^cb, ASb ^o3j*"
eo&R*r-^&. ^v^6<? a^o^b ^ r O T v &a*3"&*^ 3**8s&<M ?r"^3<^j
tn-3j^oy* 3^3w
36jTg8eo 3^8etfbo^^
'gR ^o&g'^r'"^
*3A3 ^ o ^ o ^
8*& . &3j8p*^ . !^3o!&-y^6o aCb/b
(^Mfg^)/br 1961-62 - T o f ^ ^
3b*r^co). e^o^^^ ^^-§55^9 &X!^*A ^ ^ a 3-°8ai&e)a *3r"<&o^gJb.
%y*ajucD^oa&o^ &s3 &ovoR3ot8rr'0b 52 3)c3 54^deb 14^cb^.g
cOb er-8^T*&. **2r*8B;&eSj %b^Sb
ooovr'^e, ^ O a & e S b $b*-a^
q*rg9 ^OM^jeSJ $r-Sb ccj-sr^cO" eaD -ar*63 ^ - v o y o . nr- aoAr'^g'
h^ s5^c^6" ^o^Ty^^b, Tr-Cb g^j 0 0 % 8^ &)^&0^ ^c!b
{^oBJ^tJb. *or'^^\&Tr'^rr'eb sS3j Sbdo-y Tr*SSXb Ce^cXir'^ §3o8b
$&°ajj&) 000^*0 ^^r*eA) oo^^o t$nr^Cb. t?t&Tr*R !&<^r"ej ca^bea
-sr^gj. v^gsmbd3^r^^Cb. ^^^SajT'e3o^&y'3^&XbSJxy'Tr'eo'&
^ o ^ S^o t9:&i&oa* go3b^{b ilr-goA. ^D<$5Sbjrf er-^a Rr-eM^
Aiy^ca). 54 F^ X)Cb^oe&ey-§
^a ^y-aoa 3*8a3beM &:&^Sbo&3j- & o ^ t ^ A ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ a H3b^caaj
[-a**& s:o^*cb. 54 -yggb Mo^gb&ocRb
g r ^ D cib&^9bo&3y ^o^&
cp^r*DuibR &o^rr* 3*^eo R&r^§eo ^jSb <Tj^o3b^CSb. ^s^ydib
:3oSbSboGr° <Sa^ S S X ^ w ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^XbSbiT^Ob.
9-3-*ca) M&r"a)o&g^ tTr-cC^^^ vs)0 Tr-8§ ca)SSgcs**DS aoo
^ g a tgo^r-ob. G r o w M o r e Food Campaign )§o# 1 9 4 3 ^ ^%b--sjj
e&) atsSbcnaS"a ^r"/t)^xb§^nr^Ob. &)3b -s^^j^c^cz^as permission
qsy^a). T r * a ^ ^8e)&)w [8)a-5^eb. ^a^^b jr^^yed^a ^*8a)^b
pSb 8o^0CSb :5a^<3j. &r* S^J^esS'^-cr'{D$ ^ ^ aJJXi^"3<&^ *3j^bov*
.)er* ja^?"0 ^J^Sb Ra^cb. ^ a g^j&to^ -ytfoTr* aob ig^Sbj
S^TJ^Ob. -g&gbgo ^r" -c-eo-"-sn'<y^ 8 co^jv^o 3 # i^bj ^Ao8 T3**^
&o-a &Sb ^^br*a ^jj^^-ET^ ^KbS^nr^cb, Hail storm
a^aa8b^<^ gb&-a^^3 ^ o 3 . gg-*§exny-3b d/?^8b!^ojj vA^*§ ***§x3b
^Dj 3oSbo3b. ^ R ^ l S b o ^ - y O b sanction QsS^Ob."' ^ a e9o&j"*sb.
Social Service Department 5^o^ grant-in-aid ^xSoRti^ilAMS'*
€)^hg&)O0J*§ i)E^ y ^ Roc§^ !V"a !a)^ycr-a8 ^ - 5 ^ ^ iioo^ooa.
Land acquisition proceedings =3*0 saaMnr* :&3^D. &^ irr-Ar'as
land acquisition proceedings :3aMo3;S ^dbiy^, ^si^Q^!$ *%Cb
-sr*g M{7V^Sb&o -c^t^ov ^-o^!8g^OM Q& g^btSoRgXboa. & a ^ *
g^&) "gv-&u. & a a qgg&^3S&ea3gPt9<j^Sb. ^ ^ $ r - D ^ Q*o*^^
g^^^^boa ^8H^b<M
e9TS-*4S3 *3^^^.^^b &A"g?^eb. v ^ * 3 M 10
&Xby*a^o33 , ^ _ ^ ^
H^3o-cr*^. q g g o R R 6 ^ o o ^ a .
14fh jMafdt, 1961
^4H/!MaJ FinancmJ SMtvnem
(^M^f)ybr 1961-62 - Toying o/
v D qo^^dsb implement -?-^<&).
q;%3c&. S^8a)&)o6j 2, 8 gbeg\^3 e o ^ D . &.8i3 ^Ob ^-etv-Sb
e*53jj. &D a&o3b&o v ^ ^ O b
&&)§^!T^&)j vny^Cb. ^ 8 a X b M
t^PRbd3&)o-a 3r*o3ot%o sSo^S^
^o*^<^ 3S*^.& r*0, &)<%<a33. ^v^gbeSb ^Sbg"^ ^ TT-wrfiv^,
tag) enBrg"*
q ^ & . i5jr- -grexp's^
/^^o^ *Sjo&MSj
5 * g ^ , 6 " g ^ ^xboa. T3^H)^e eS^i!^85 50 "^6^, 60 ^ 6 ^ en^o
3Xboa. ^ 8 M R j e R ^ C
^r*8^^^3jj S)o& 5 ^ea dr*^-oC&eM ^"^
cr-D^ 50*3e tXr-^-oaboSb vi3aD6^o^JTy^eb. )SS$bg^go &3D ^ 8 o ^
^o"^<gj38'^-^ f &M§^X) er*^^^ atr^&M 3-"8e)Xbo"§ S*ea^^ "& ^oov)
RX) ^j^D^XSj-KT^&. !36^o<^^er'^ TT-rr^^) 5, 8 *3e Sy"8as! D^Cb^
SbAMosr-OT^Cb a*r^ta. c ^ c f sr"^r"^rr*ob ao3JSbo-0?$ y D o ^ F ^
*3;&a*% a^cDTV &nr^^. 1^88
iy 3 e 80A^ *^)M ^bj ^<3b.
3 & a a 0 tTv^sSboF^ 100, 150 ^rr-oo qay)T3T;&3. 690^8*0^3 ^s(^-g
^Sb 5uy)p^^^o3J^!d3. a&ieo ^*^ ^ T T ' d o R S S
&)o-D training
q-aySdJoxt^ Xb^R*3o^ a&J&) ^oRb^eorb^-Ob. 3j-*o^, ^y-'S'gg
^TT^Ct). &r^^^5$o^3 ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^S'^.ty" ^ & ) . v&x)S$o&3a qYT*^ ^ggCb-^
Tr-88 ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^Sbocy^ s ^ ^ o a . Social
Service Department Mcanr* a,s* training centre & *=a&3 ^8as&>
oo^a*^ train ^txuonyoD ^)^D^Xbnr^&. Fallow lands & ^ a ^
Faiiow wo^) JbSoir'er'^" 3Cb^} &u&l3cr'g' g)cb Ao&Moa. 3 & ^ ) F ^
^\Tp-*rs^ 20, 80<jy-o--o $y-3o S!&^o^ooa. ^6MRjeo gb^-sr- $&*&)&
eSbXi^5^o&3J- ^}o*3er*rbS$ dr*€M^tSS-s-"^!i)j ^8s&)oxi) ^R^eo
&-o3 "=&C$3&){T^ab. ^ ^ o ^ ^ o ^
tyg & x b f a ^ytMj"# $y-SbSb^
^ i y ^ e ^ Ty*8"3 a ^ S b 3 q^<b&n ^ "& wftto^jjoa. ASover'aa
^cSb'gej g b ^ M ^RiS^^-sT* Cb?r^eb. a,8^. ^*8a!gb<&) C b g ^ S b o ^
Rr*tg3M &So qa^oa ^Xboa. S*gjg* 36 ^r"&tjexb ^"BBagjoSb O M ^
(^) d&S. o*^*yo*:& (^oeo^ : ^yo^p, X!og§^oabpyr*!3b &MVR
& o t 8 M o o o ^ ^ g b o ^ ^-8e!^c8j. a8N!Sjo8b 8*&3o ir-8 ^ $ g o ^
^ ) ^ ^ s ^ o S*oaysr* a^j-eo STCoSbvo3bX) ^ ^ g & o c *?"CnnoM.
(^M^g^)^br i 961-62- Mcff^o/*
iycb *^^br*^ g P v ' c ^ gr<9&*cM;$a. RdoX^^cr' ^ c f g o ^
v ^ j ^ v ^ * ^ S C trrtgoaMg** ^8ei&(M, eo^y&sM. q g ^ "3^)S*
3&g gjer^^Tr-CJ ^jo g^x) 60 &&x)03r*e-B--ta 18 X)o^vo?Sj&0
! p ^ 3 ^ %j-3oX) 3&M ^ & ^ S ^ O
18sr*:§)eM [g^)c§^D
"^dcsSjj ^Xb$^*oijJ7r^^. vo&)6^
"^do^jj ^Xby*o&Mnr^)&. ^ ^ x - ^ &S* T)Cf
&Sbocr-0b<gj ^)iT^(&). Reserve Forest 6^*3
^o3b^ ^tr* $j^ZbS)
pgbggaij-ar-a) ^xbS^Tr^^&j, ^ 3^8axSbco ^ S ^ o & ^ ^
q ^ o ^ & ) 3 t^^-y^gS^ S^-cggj. <3^y&) 3a ^orr**8&?v^ ?-o<H:b
^g<Sbo)n^^)o&8. b8g^cygj 3-*es&)eov*;3q) 3^y§^ci&<^orr'
"BgTvOb ^^c^*3jo&M3b p y v O o . "qB sr-o C97^qc^^3jj, q3 b8"§
i&oc+rg), a aSbocr'CbSb qo§^i3^&) qS^-gjjxSj" <sD <TT-yOb. ^ Cforr*
*3&7V"$ qSSyg) ^^ y e i i M ^ M ^Jj <g&M ^8et^ Sb^osr-OTyaX)
^OveM^X) aSbotyCbSb
g^Iba q^&3Ajj )-B^v*&. v*^o^F^ ^*Cb
3f*e5a) 8^§*&t ^ 5 ^ * X ) ^ ^ vcXJJ*"g, -s-otHXb Mgogbearv ^)^^)C^
^D^&Mrr* {Tr-T'Cb, qSy<&) qer* ^v*0& ^S3oi3Mo^ "B^otH^b v^o
g ^ l & R ) iT- ^\goR)ajJ
vcoa^^&3&o^3 7T* 3r\RcR)aM
agbobrr* 3)oB. *3&) iSoota
qo§^&d)7T' g y a o B ^X) v ^ y ^ ^ .
IWRo&nSM ar-ig-y8S), ^r*<n ae^R^Tr-eX) Macr-ej e ^ g ^ S * ,
^ i r * a ^ v"D cabinet 6^5 &&)§"D
^8^-osS xSgj^gb?r^d3. ^-8
s^cab, aeaihea ^)^^Bb^.cgjg^^ ?r^i3jj^oabcy-X)3 tRoC&a^^jj
SomoBo-a^ Sao3bo
hS43 3a)Tr-^; TT-{jj "Sr*^^
s n ^ 6 ^ ^)o^v<A ^ ^ S * -sr^aS 3-*8a&eo, ^Q-a&c rbeoD ^OoCJbgSb.
^^^0^13^83 &a)&:5-3j ^e ^ ? $ o ^ ^0=0^^. 53bJ€30A3 -tr-exr*?*^
1952 6^ ^
^ & ^ o D d {3**3a;a !^-do^oTT-Cb. ^^ydb 200 sboB
3^ea&eM, 1 ^ ^ ^OsRbej yo!b XiibSiTV- *y*e& y^)§^o&r'&)^ S^esrv X ^ \VcTT' &STifca& ! ^ i y ^ o o
q3j ^< t ^ ^ g o
TT*6 *3er^^
^^ogbijbj ^o3&^^. TnCbo*^ (3*3*0 e*y -^^3 a.<So^ &08. TT*/b
g ^ g ^ ^ c r * Tn8 ) ^ ^ ^ o ^ 5 S)Co -o-36jo3e -a^{& y*rr*c^ v ^
^&)&)TT-^C&. TT*%; &r*8b ^S)^o sy^a ^ _ ^
gr-ao^o<& v ^ §^8"^
14;A JMar<%, 1961
^ w w a / FfyMMcfd/ ^jreweMi
(RM^gef)/br 1961-62 - Poling of
20 ^S*vo3b § ^ ^ § ^ o & ^ 3jo^n^ t?S*^-& "gT^^ao/T M^3§" &)8b
-gg-^a 3 - ^ *gX; q^3b, boCb 70 .^TruHS) §^g)§^o<5 MX) 33^rYTT*& 6, 7 Scr-^oo g ^ 3 & Joys ^ g ^ ^{j^ ^&)6ba §^^Co. TT-D
§^&x)f3^ ^Cb-=r*^ cr*aa TT*88 q3jggboo^ &aa &^^" &3-0b
'3bo&MSb Xio^o^rva ^bSb q3^cr*a§ beM^RD 33^3b. M3y<gb ^
aoaaebTvCb cr"o<^" ^8gga§* t^rS)Ao^ *3o6j"3
Boao-RsM 3 ^ C b . ^ B ^ o § ) 6 ^ ^
^-Cb S^dSS* s3^8b 3&7"i^3o
qar* ^$r*3bjo3j ^ o a g&X)r*R&jra§ aKb-r^R)X) 3 ^ 3 b . q o ^ F ^
330)8^88 -336^ ^dy"Xb q3Qrr-*^ "^ add) qsy^Ob. a.8*^8 q o ^
^ 8 3j^ 0?Y- acb 3^33y<%) y^5*d37V-eb < 3 ^ ^ 8aCbg ^ 3 3 ) ^
ag* A(% ^r-5)o^) TT'v^Og'orr" < ^ 2 - ^ tso&)c3tf6b q^^-<% qo<%)
y^jog^oA e)D 33-y&. ir-Cb qo<&) g&M8bnr'^R). 1959 & o & <JS^g&§"
8)0b^3&)^a. M8*x-^3j^ $ b ^ ^ 5 b
& & "3^§^3cy"a8 3-*8M3be33
&*&&)&) <98'^.'^ 3jo&Mnr^db.
^3*3 ?r &K) *3^§^o&)Jo^ 13^8^0^ "§Xbeo ^^dbur^ab. t9g^<%
3j3^ Ty8 ShSbL.cR) ^/^o
-y-D"3^*$y'cr" t3o3ba^o
^3)3^a. ^8 aad&'eR^ a^oterr-ab ^3bao-0 ^^) ty^ a a ^ ^ r - p a
g^Cbgj- 33bocao *^&) S*&8' qo%ASy* 3M^a)-sr^3).
^ ^Sb. &^§o*ey (f&**5o): ca^o^, ^e ^3^**3^"*^)^" <&Ar*o
RiRb e)cSKiX3b^ §^a^3j^-^3eM ^oab^o-jJbS^nr^R). A a y d S b o B ^ y *
ta. 2,70,89,800 M gb--^osT-d). ^ a F * *3^^&* ^^a ^ ^ ^ ? v
^o3b3eX)33a, ^"^**=63^\Sb -sr*3ea3aacRr*eM ^a^^j-sr-^o^
T3T-S) &Ru^6b. <69^8*&)oa ^ R d 3$boeo 3^3^JJ Tr-ijb
aiogeH, "§Aw, &r"Do& '^og'eM AedBA^S^a 9*3 38383"* 3ja-^6b.
^&3j3o&3 ^r*^3§* aecSb**egr* 3j3^Ty8§ sn)T3*"eo qa^o-0 qo<^
Rer-ai q^o=cr"ca g^Cbgb7T^3b. 3^^) 6{3j aaoRRjoF'* 3bo33n)e3J
er^aj3) ^ ^ a y o ^ 8 8 qgggbocfT T^8 q^3j^"^o 3bX)^ 3b3ja3ccgb
q&)-sr^0b. $b*-3jjej 3j3^Ty-8§ ^Cb3)eo *^3j. -JCbgjeo ar*6*§ 'TT-83
4<y-3bj^ 33j ygiS* ^3boeM 3j3^TT*8§ 3g^a q ^
.Magxai §^3b
5^^.*3 e?3v"!To S*Oo=cr"C. a t3^oTr*v;& "8"33b-"^ q§*"^8*§"§^ ^3**X)
tyObg'* ^cn^" ^ ^ 3bo^a. ^^* gS*g&^;a 3oab$b-"^Rb v a v-^"
*3jo4f ^8o3b-^3o &"^f ^ V C b . w ^ " * a ? o ^ * 68o3J-^ 3daTr*3^
^n^MaJ F&MincM <y^fcwM^
(#Md&<?f)/br 196!-62- ^ b ^ g c /
Demand/!?f 6raMM
^ir-^&M ^c^sbS) ^ ^
1 4 ^ MafcA, 196!
'"gaj^aMXbiJT'jja. Mt?^^5'?-^ vc*3 "^^^
S)^-53bjt:&) **a<gj&)5r^ab. a ^^.a^ajS^ ! ^ - o ^ & ^ 3Sy-Dj^)o*^ bob
*g&). X)gb^)o"^3 ^ S b ^ R j .
Qo^ab DSho^oa. e ^ g
-y-o"3_*^A§* ^Sung'*
aj^-sr-Ob **fb&j ^ a j o e ^ * ^ ^ 3o<Ao3b
5***D -sr*^a^^bnr^gj. a,s Qoa^Ob 5 e&eo ^p^\ M^^jo^o*^) ab6*^
qoa&Bb 10 o^oj toaj^bo^'O 3^^oS3o v^cdr-^a <&aj<gb^_a, ^&)S*
-y8§ -sr-^cX)^ 3R)3--3RaM<M "3o^j^ &^^^o3b*'€?aaja^^ajf3r^ab.
-^*C*3_^S3,^ ^ ^ . ^ j ^
200 Sb^^aSbeo
sbyg'iS^^ 300
ta-*3-o&eM aB^A Q^TT^Ob. Jdboo r"&§^^^r-X)5 C&. 800 eo qo<*ib
8*^g^$j*"D§ Cb 400 so Q^Jun^dJ. ^ &&.&0& ^oao<$3^ ood^Skr" e<"§
d$onr* qtr-goa Sb^D^^Jsr^^b. 55j^-^*sjoo* "3r^i<Sr* ^vt$3f )3-*lg3b
^8o3JP*6*^ v"-§*3J3^f ^aoOb^ab A^ojoo'cr*^. a,^og*oF^a #""35*
rr*&*9b aj{^* aa5*^ ^ir^ojj. §)d. 3*,3, ajo^33o v*^ D^^ry^er'^o
*^d). -sr-eb ^&r*ogbSbsM Tr*83 3^-db3beocr^o
*3joijjSb ^)^&M S^Rig^a.
-y*D Tr*85 *^a*3cr*^ ^**3 A*Sy**Sj
Axb&jo S'^'bo^&jo *3t3o. "a^a y*23b
^aj. -sr-^**) Q^&3"3 nr* "^OMOTT-^D
2. 8 ^o^^^d^&o&^oA
g^ao^bir^ab. ^)o^a*3
oab^F*** a^o aat^ao ajoR. a? aety&Sb ^e a o a ^ ^ o
oa)oiy-ab. ^
6^.'^* aooA
3* A^ct)
70 ^eo *skr*
RoTT-g, "3o?ng, F^^/?^
i?r*ab-"vF^ 36 aa^ajab [^^o^osr*&. cr*^ <3?)^\a T3<xo**& M aa
tVabtydboSb er-^cfoabso^ ajo&uo3. ^ 8 o ^ " a^***b^ a y 8 # - ^ o ^
ajo&MU^ocj. v*3ea3 SL8g*v*eM ajo^aj. Ty-^35 -^^^X) a&ofbeM
y&r*c*0 s^Cb^bTT-^.
ar*^-^* &f^ab^gj qtbj,
*r*54&^ ^aj.
Ty-e^^^&J*", Tr*8 gr-auO ajS^S'iS**^' ajo&^3^3b.
Xb g^Xbej
S*<0qS#SJ -s^^RD Qct5^jo4jj tcr" *^o3bi%o l3gb. Yr-8 ^ v e o
^ *"3e v " 3 ^ *u^a ST^agoao
TyeuH ^Sb *3eeM tae*SM> -y^ijo^o
^ m ^ e d ^ g ^ ^ . ^ ^ 5(f *%6^*^, ^8M*g *3<^*%5l3b, ^8w*6
" S f f ^ f ^ 1 ) ^ ^ ^ * ^ g c aSRtbeSb
<J^r^^* ^(X&Sboty {ji^^*^j
sg^y-A aabso ^wooi^O. g€r-S)83i^a *^gb6^ $jo*^ Sbg^ S**6$"*g
-D--OJJ ardS^C^^ -cr*OM &*aS*# SbSL. S*"^CSb ^
aRSg*** -*r^e
a8X)^beo $jo&xM!r^oM. ^3)3* <a$Sb^*^ &^& *^)^S"^ iT*8 ? A * e &
(aM^ger)ybr 1961-62 - ^rf/!gq/*
ax:\ a <3aa&j*:os tsso&e^osy^o. ^^^cnoo, jA^o^f
Tr-^eM X)(Sj^*oXr'eM geMf^oKr'&. -ar"l3eMA^ Dg,o3jo tS^-sr-jgDS
SSjj^db ^ o ^ t r - c M
Mooj^a. &X)53^ 500, 600 Rporv Hjj
g?r^&). MK<g?b8o3 )Tr-J§ ^ 8 ^8*^.^^)08 ? aoR&B' ^ ^
tTv^oo ^y^.^^)oa? e?X) a. gactaj. a. ^ o a M&)^&'nr'^eb c&^^.a*
^aaos^'ajeMgtfa g§^* "gabgboa. ts^^-^ssdsj g b a ^ ^ ^^j ^j-a^xsb
tpX) *^&) § 3oSS&3TT*9&)oa ^3M&)7r^, M D^oc3bo^
qotfgtfa M &
^CSb, ^ & ^ d 3 . 3e 2<R)SoR <^^§^Ajo t p C ^ ^ ^ ^ i c r ^ ^8'^- Kr-^ooo
Rfcr* ^^t^er-^v"^ A^djdjoc^D 3aMgb?r^&). tc^A3?r'8§ "33o5"
d). 80, 40 oo q K b f j ^ t?D TT'SS &*3o-s^'3e) KijS'SSboTr' 3jj&)4jo
6^80^" iS^*"^5*d^
3(xuoT3-°a. ^MX)) M c & ^ F ^
^)^TT-8S s& 3-sr*9u ^jj<5^_^D K3^ ooo
Sr^^^b^ T--^"^^
M & eb^cr-DX)
^tr'^Ajj^vCb. w^^.a*-ao^s5oab, S*^-B-"^-o3b, 3)-yoS!), *^*3 "3jjd"8 ^
^oaoao-a *3joS^S30 ^X5&
^&r"Cb. <sa &K)^K)
&,"^§'&r'"5^-^' X)H§j *^&r*e. t a S ^ a a *8DxSy"c6^0& *3jos)§" ^ ^
g^yab eso&Ra ^3^)Sjo. Tr*68 MSSy 5 dr*^oaeo
q Kb?r^Cb, ^ 8
sye&)o*^d3. 6b. 80, 40 so T*"o3\^ ^ooJo-^oA, T3*"88 g^g e^MTsr^eo
qSr^o^) g f b ' R ^ o & o ^o^)oa oX) ^jsSo) 3 ^ & M . -sr*4S& ^ t ^ r ^ MSSoeo
^ojJo-D *3a)3^Ra h3§j&) & ^ ) ^ &^]^er"X)-sr-X)8 Modb^r"&^6^ g)o^
D-p-'TT"^ iSS"3y*^)&^oX) t^-8^r< qoggg'* * ^ o ^ §X)§^o&M?r^&.
as^gjS &^^5* : ge X3^ qo^^3g^ T^OMcr*
3oR4j'3j3a. 88a
, ^ v^yv 15-8-61 <&R3&o ^X)So8^6* ^ o ^ ^ a X i A r - ^ ^ ^ g b o a .
(Demand for 1961-62)
(R. E. for 196061)
Rs. 2,71,39,800
Rs. 3,87,78,500
AffH^fer ./br Sana/ t%//bre (3/M;. Mjjoowa
F e g w M ) ; Sir,
I rise to present to this House the Policy Note of
the Government in regard to the activities during the
current year, as far as the welfare of the Scheduled
Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Vimukhtajathies and other
Backward Classes are concerned.
The Social Weifare Department continued to be
in the overaii charge of the Director of Social Welfare,
excepting certain subjects which have now been transferred to the ZiHa Parishads and Panchayat Samithis.
The programme for the welfare of Scheduled
Tribes and the development of scheduled areas covers
the fields of Education, Agriculture, Public Health,
Medicai, Communications, Veterinary etc.
In the Second Five Year Plan, an amount of
Rs. 210.06 lakhs has been provided for the welfare of
these Tribes. (Rs. 191.05 lakhs for Andhra and Rs. 1901
lakhs for Telangana). Out of this, the provision made
for the current year i. e. 1960-61, was Rs. 49.06 lakhs.
(4390 lakhs for Andhra and Rs. 5-16 lakhs for Telangana). Apart from this, an additionai allotment of
Rs. 37.10 lakhs was also made for the current year which
has been spent on the existing schemes. About 129
schemes in Andhra Region and 19 schemes in Telangana
Region have been implemented in this year.
A sum of Rs. 304.61 lakhs has been provided in
the Third Plan for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes.
(Rs. 208.53 lakhs for Andhra and Rs. 96.08 lakhs for
Telangana). In the Second Plan there was a large disparity in the amounts provided for Andhra and Telangana. This has been removed in the Third Plan,
Some of the important schemes under implementation for the welfare of these tribes are as follows:
14% MarcA, 1961
1. ja?Mca?&7H; A sum of Rs, 6.48 lakhs was
provided in the annual plan for 1960-61, of which
Rs. 3 32 lakhs have been spent tili the end of December,
HOSTELS: T w o hostels in Adilabad District and
one in Yeilandu taluk are run for the beneRt of tribal
2. i4grfct/^r^ .* A n amount of Rs. 6.58 lakhs
was provided in the annual plan for 1960-61 of which
Rs. 2.60 lakhs have been spent upto the end of December, 1960.
For 1961-62 an amount of Rs. 3.17 lakhs has
been provided under this item.
3. P:vMc #po7?A .* A n amount of Rs. 5.80 lakhs
was provided in the annual plan for 1960-61, of which
Rs. 3.321 lakhs have been spent till the end of December, 1960.
In Telangana 4 mobile medical units with staff
to tour the tribal areas are functioning in Mannanoor,
Warangal, Yeilandu and Burgumphad to adopt preventive measures against epidemics and other diseases.
For 1961-62, an amount of Rs. 2 4 0 lakhs has
been provided for this purpose.
4. Ce/wMMMMMfMM.y.' Schemes costing Rs. 36.18
lakhs including village roads were sanctioned for 1960-61,
out of which Rs. 24.49 lakhs have been spent till
December, 1960.
For 1961-62 an amount of Rs. 15.63 lakhs has
been provided under this item.
5. ,<4H&Ha/#MS&aM6&'y; A n amount of Rs. 2.60
lakhs was provided in the annual plan for 1960-61 of
which Rs. 1.39 lakhs have been spent till the end of
December, 1960
O n e veterinary unit is functioning in Mahboobnagar District with veterinary Assistant w h o tours the
Tribal areas for giving free treatment to the Scheduled
Tribes people. One Auimai Husbandry Farm is also
established in Mahboobnagar District for producing
pedigree animals.
M%M?f<?A, 196t
For 1961-62 an amount of Rs. 6.4 lakhs has been
allotted under this item.
6. y%//iyre q/* (%77c%M,y; A n amount of Rs. 0.35
lakhs was provided for 1960-6!, for the welfare of
cbenchus, of which Rs. 0.31 lakhs have been spent tiil
the end of December, 1960.
For 1961-62 an amount of Rs. 0.55 lakhs has
been provided for the purpose.
Af?<#f%/ .* A n amount of Rs. 0.96 lakhs was provil
ded for this, of which Rs. 0.28 lakhs have been spen
during 1960-61.
T w o mobile medical units one at Warangal and
the other at Yellandu are functioning in the Tribal areas
for rendering medical assistance to tribal people. A
similar Ayurvedic unit is also functioning in Adilabad
For 1961-62 an amount of Rs 5.36 lakhs has
been provided under this item.
8. The Andhra Scheduled Tribes Cooperative
Finance and Development Corporation, Visakhapatnam.
During 1960-61, the activities of the Corporation
have been extended to the rest of the Scheduled areas in
the Andhra region. At present eight primary societies
are functioning at various centres, under the control of
this Corporation. In orden to improve the working of
the Corporation, a sum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs has been
sanctioned to the Corporation by the Government of
India as an out right grant towards capital expenditure.
T o improve the efRciency of this organisation
Sri K. N . Anantaraman, L C. S., Member, Board of
Revenue was deputed by the Government to submit his
suggestions for an all round improvement in the efRciency and utility of the Corporation. The Board
m e m b e r has submitted his report with some useful
suggestions which are being examined.
Besides the schemes in the State Plan, there are
also schemes sponsored by the Government of India on
full grant basis. During the current year the Govern*
meat of India have originally approved schemes costing
14;A JMarcA, 1961
Rs. 42 41 lakhs for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes out
of which a sum of Rs. 18.00 lakhs is towards Multi-purpose, Tribal Blocks and Rs. 9.50 lakhs towards construction of Bridge across Godavari at Bhadrachelam.
Subsequently, they have approved additional schemes
costing Rs. 14 00 lakhs. Thus the total amount allotted
by the centre towards Tribal schemes is Rs. 66.41 lakhs.
The important schemes under Centarlly sponsored programme are (1) shifting cultivation (i. e.) rehabilitation
of the scheduled tribes w h o are engaged in Podu cultivation. (2) Housing scheme for Yerukula-s, Yenadis
and Sugalis.
The Government of India have also approved the
following schemes on full grant basis :
(1) CoSee cultivation in the Agency 8.00 lakhs.
(2) Schemes for the welfare of scheduled tribes in Sriharikota Island in
Nellore District.
6.00 lakhs.
Apart from the work being done for the welfare
of the Scheduled Tribes, the foliowing ameliorative
measures have been adopted by the Social Welfare
Department for the uplift of the Scheduied Castes and
other weaker sections of the community.
Fr<H%Mr;foH q/*MHf#McAgM/j;y.' Under the Constitution, Untouchabihty has been abolished. The practice however, still persists in some form or other in
several districts Atthough the practice of untouchability
is made a cognizable ortence, the whole problem needs
a careful and realistic approach.
The Third Five Year Plan for Backward Classes
i.e. of Scheduled Castes, Vimukthajathis and Other
Backward Classes is a continuation of the effort and
content of the nrsttwo plans. Against the outlay of
Rs. 194.97 lakhs (Rs. 147.52 lakhs for Andhra and
Rs. 47.45 lakhs for Telangana) in the Second Five Year
Plan for Scheduled Castes, Vimukthajathis and others.
A provision in Third Plan is Rs. 232,30 !akhs(Rs. 150.80
lakhs for Andhra and Rs. 81.50 lakhs for Telangana).
14;% ,M?r<%, 1961
Social Welfare Hostels
(a) (7cverH/ne/?f R#<s?e/,y .* Government are maintaining separate hosteis for the benerjt of Harijan
students. At present there are 78 Government Social
Welfare Hostels in the State (50 in the Andhra area and
28 in the Teiangana area). In each of these hostels 10%
of the seats are reserved for Other Backward Classes.
There is a provision of Rs. 15 00 lakhs in the Third Five
Year Plan for starting new Government Hostels.
A provision of Rs. 5 lakhs has been made for
the grant of scholarships for 1961-62. A n equal amount
has also been provided for this purpose in the normal
budget of 1961-62.
(b) CoverwHenf o/ /n<%z Rc/io/am/HpF .* For the
year 1960*61, the Government of India have sanctioned
Rs. 20.94 lakhs for awarding scholarships to Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes
through the State agency.
It is expected that the Government of India will
at least sanction an equal amount for 1961-62Other amenities have been provided to Harijans
by way of sinking water wells for drinking* construction
of pathways, latrines etc. at a cost of Rs. 5.70 lakhs
for Andhra and Rs. 1.95 lakhs for Telangana region in
1960-61. During 1961-62 it is proposed to spend
Rs. 5.50 lakhs on these amenities in Andhra Pradesh.
Land is being acquired for providing house sites
to deserving poor Hanjans free of cost. During the
year 1960-61 a sum of Rs. 3.33 lakhs has been spent
against the provision of Rs. 10.386 lakhs. Besides
providing house sites, housing colonies are also being
set up for Hanjans and aid for housing is given to them.
Under this head an amount of Rs. 0.92 lakhs has been
spent so far during 1960-61.
Economic UpMft
Government do not also under-estimate the necessity for the economic uphft of Backword Classes.
During 1960-61 an amount of Rs. 0.47 lakhs was allotted for this purpose. For 1961-62 it has been increased
to Rs. 2.50 lakhs.
14;% M?r<%, 1961
In Telangana, legal aid is also given to Scheduled
Castes in deserving cases. Similarly medical aid is also
paovided to such JHarijans w h o suSer from dangerous
diseases like Tuberculosis etc. A n amount of Rs. 0.11
lakhs has so far been spent on this.
Government continue to take ameliorative measures for improving the conditions of De-notiRed Tribes,
w h o are n o w caHed Vimukthajathies in the Andhra
region. During 1960-61 an amount of 0 04 lakhs has
been spent for their beneRt in Andhra area and Rs. 0-05
lakhs in the Telangana legion. Other ameliorative
measures like construction of n e w houses, repairs to
old ones, provision of drinking water wells, etc. are
also being continued.
Under the Centrally sponsored schemes, the
Government of India had aiso set apart an amount of
Rs. 47.18 lakhs in the Second Five Year Plan for the
welfare of Scheduled Castes. The following schemes
are being implemented for the benefit of these communities from this amount.
Housing Schemes
During 1960-61, 250 houses have been constructed for Scheduled Castes at a cost of Rs. 2.38 lakhs.
For 1961-62 necessary provision will be made after an
allotment is made by the Government of India.
According to the approved pattern out of the
estimated cost of Rs. 1,000 for each house Rs. 750 is
subsidized by the Government and the remaining amount
is contributed by the beneRciaries by way of labour,
materials, etc. In addition to the above, an amount of
R s 250 per house is made available, for providing
necessary amenities to these houses.
Economic Aid
During the year 1960-61, in Andhra Area 4 Centres in Carpentry, 2 Centres in Basket Making and
11 Centres in Dress Making are being continued. The
trainees are given stipends and also substantial amounts
to purchase tools and implements etc. after their training is over.
In Telangana region, during 1960-61, subsidies
amounting to Rs. 0.30 iaks for the eoastnMKiQa af
I4;A A^cA, 1961
30 houses and Rs. 0.10 lakhs for the purchase of Agricultural implements and bullocks at Rs. 300 per family
has been spent Candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes are also being given training in Cottage Industries like Tanning, Weaving and Snoe-making under the
Centrally sponsored schemes.
During 1960-61, Rs.0.61 lakhs has been provided
for the construction of houses for Vimukthajathies in
Telangana region. A proviston of R s 1.07 lakhs was
made for colonising 50 famines in Andhra area. Other
amenities like drinking water wells, roads etc. are also
being provided to these people.
As desired by the Government of India, this
Government is participating in the above schemes since
1957. The expenditure on these is shared generally
both by the State and the Central Government. Out
of 5 state homes and 20 District Shelters sanctioned to
be opened in the Second Plan period, 5 State Homes
(3 for w o m e n and 2 for men) and 10 District Shelters
(4 for w o m e n and 6 for men) have been opened. O n e
more State H o m e for w o m e n and 4 more Distrtct Shelters for m e n are proposed to be opened in 1961-62.
The H o m e s and Shelters for m e n are under the control
of the Director of Social Welfare while those for w o m e n
are under the control of the Director of W o m e n Welfare.
Aims and Objects
The primary aim of the Social Welfare Department is to secure social and economic handicaps in the
past. The brief re view of the activities of the Department which have been generally attempted earlier, will
show that the Government of Andhra Pradesh in pursuance of the objects laid down in the Indian Constitution and of the policy pursued by the Government of
India, have been tackling this problem with determination and energy. W e are determined to assure every
citizen of India equal opportunities in the social and
economic life of the country irrespective of caste, creed
or colour21
14;A My<%,
T h e most important evi! inherent in Indian Society
which, I a m glad to say, has been very m u c h overcome
through the joint eiforts of the Government and the
public, is untouchabiiity. This evi! is gradually disappearing and the ideal of a casteless society is coming
into the ofRng, clearer and brighter. It is m y earnest
hope that during the next 10 years, for which period the
special priviieges in the Indian Constitution have been
extended, this curse of untouchabiiity will be wiped out
completely and ail citizens will m o v e hand in hand to
the goal of a casteless, classless and egaliterian society
which is the main content of a Welfare State.
Jai Hind.
3P & B O # 0
26 R. &aSyO&)
(1981 - 62 as&*o&)
(I960 - 61 asa <5ogys?)
cr. 2,71.38.800
'dr. S.87,78,500
^Rr'ceM *3<^eo, Sber*eM, &ihj S'af^bcj, ^i&)^e)A=d ^C^e^bo
X3o*^sSjr*a$ 3ooo§o-a ^ 3 o 3 g ^ d o ^ -sr'g'oS'sr'^-*€) D3.caboy*
<3%jgg Diy^o ^ 3 o ^ X5^3b XSsSje^Xbur^Rj.
ger*36a&)9a, 3o=cnc^^ KjSbgbeSb t s 3 ^ o ^
§^!C^ -s-*tfg
g'en^-eo g&^o^), ^o^oS* 3o"^.sby v 3j- 8 rr- ^-o^g* 3o"^3b7^v
3 *3S*Cb Maar*o3A<y*'3 3X)^&r- AKha.
*^<^r'oe3j *3ffe 3o"^.&)o, "a^&r-cco t ^ o v o
6r*a*oao33 -y-CgtS^gbo^ Ogo, 3o3^o3bo, t ^ a n ^ g o . g_%go,
Tytr* ^T^vcoo, 3^*3 <goo ^ R e i ^ dcrr-eo ^ 8 A-y^ooj.
ga "e^e-sr-S 3o*^sSbo§^3'3j 3^oab)^-cy?S'^ ^ot^t^r'ogo^
Cb. 191-05 o & w , *geo7r-ry-d^ Cb. 1901 e&eo "3jj ^o &. 210.06
e&ea "^iyocooO^a.
Q o & g ^ 1960-61 5 "gtr-cMoaga Cb. 49-08 od^eo. ao^sb
Cb. 48*90 o&eu. "Seorf-nr-Sb cb. 6.16 v<&eo. ^arr*^, ^ ^ o r r ^^r*
oa)o33Cb. 87-10 v&eM
t33)^o M & ^ 3 j . ^
3<y-y-o^ * 3 ^ o ^
aAoa. ^ 3 o 3 ^ ^ o ^
eo)<!!^o^o6^ 129 3#ir-sM, *8oo?r'cy
t ^ - o ^ o ^ 19 3^v-so eyg)a)3(fir*6b.
-^ggj^ceo ^/(c 3o*^3r-o*o ^\&o3b tSiy^S'^ cb. 80461
cd^oj ^iJ-OMosyo. qoSjg'* e & t ^ ! ^ o v ^ 3
Cb. 208*58 o ^ M ,
"BeoyvTy t^o-ySS Cb. 96.08 c^o). ag§TBb ) 3 T y ^ ^ eo^gb,
"evorvtySb "gi&r'OMo-O^ sb^-B^ag"* syc ^ t y & ^ a . a)\&ciSb )3tv
^ ^
a tp33y"3^o g^o^o^adoa.
3e *5ffc 3oA3y{D2_ ^ 3 b ^ 3j3^ S " { ^ Ri)S)pg)g 3<^?-w
1. a ^ : 1960-61 Boggyr'as cb, 648 cd^M * ^ ^ Q M o ^ ^ .
1960 Af oaca 3y*^o-^^S cb 8-82 o&tn v^jcCSb--go33.
I4;A JMarcA, 1961
<y<S^ /lQ;f*a) : -ga "§/?e8b B o 8 3 a-n-"C3be DDo go s B e r " ^ ^
2. ggg3-(3So :^ 1960-61 g ^ o M o g g "3oj go Co. 6.58 e<&ej.
1980 A^osOb ^cr-v^Sb Ob. 2.60 e<&eo 3ooab3o*-^&)o 636^08.
1961-62 3 0 3 3 ^ 3 3 ^a ^^<§od Ob. 8.17 e&eo "§&r3. (^e*6^^go : 1960-61 8 3).,6-80 9<&a) "gar-coJo-Ragn-*,
1960 AyoaOb ^ssosb v o ^ ^ o a ob. 8.21 c^eo.
"ge&rr'Ty^^ ^ea^t^oTr-F^ 3%c43o-a Mo^-sr-c^eo, ^go*
e^rr*ex) X)-sr"8o^cyX)S gfUS -^0*oe3b ^XbSb'^oCSj'? nr-eaK) X)oiyO*
RV*90 sSj^X^Ob, 30*o^e)o. <0&oCb, exr*Obo^Rbsd^ R & ^ X b ^ D .
qo&)Sbrr-3b 1961-62 d^ Ob, 2-40 e^eo " g ^ o M o ^ o .
4. src^ ^T^u'goo : [rr-gjo^Xg^ gg-c gj, gg.18 g ^ ^ v#j o8ao
3^-y-M 1960-61 3o3g^vX)§ &)oar"0b 3 o & o a 3 3 . 1960 d^oaCb
&T"^o'^*'3§ 0b. 24.49 e&eu vOb) Mooogc^.
ga M - t r c e a
1961-62 3oR^,-cr-X)3 "§^ojoo-a3 *3jj go
(3b. 15.88 e<&(M.
5. g&XergK^a : 1960-61 ^^r-ocjo^ss ab. 2.60 e<6esb 1960
A*^oe)Cb -5)39§ 6b. 1.89 e&eo gooab^boab^POM.
g s b ^ R p -DS-a-^ *^o[^o ^8*M gb^sM^gMMo'o
g € f ^ Rgbg
mdSb^oa. ^9 ^ot^oF^ a.8* 3&J636 ^"Ao&M XiX)^Xb^T^0b. -6ao0b3
A8a3 tgrro-g-teg"* 88^ MS*^-A <S3se 3^3jo8b A-agorr* ^)§g^^^0b.
^gen-g^"^ ^jeoB^83^3je) Ag^e*§
aS* SS^)^i?-S)s5\a
ga 5Sdb{$o^ 1961-82 XSo^-!r"X)$ Cb. 8.4 e&oa ^^r-ocooi^o.
6. 3 o ^ o Ro&S&o : 1960-81 3osSg^-o--^8 Ob. 0.55 e & e j *§&r"
oojo^/T' I960 &3os)t& ea^pObgb 0b. 0.81 o<^eo pOb) oocj^D.
1961-62 Sb 0b. 0.55 e<&eo "§&r-ocoosy"o.
7. *^^go: *3^go
0.98 e&eo
^&y-oojoO*g. 1980-81. F^
* 3 ^ o ^ 0 a o a 0b. 0.28 e&ea.
^_Rc 3 ^ o S b ^ ^
t9o83gsr*a§7T*g) ^0*o/<eo^
14*6 MrrcA, 1961
3sr*o4315 ac&^*^gd *3 dc^^o
1861-82 (6^
a-^^5 caacr'sr'&ger'^
Sb. 5.86
1960-6! <y* ooy- - y ^ ^ g j -s^^oS'en^-e^ ^o)<yt^o^o
g"*a S b ^ v ^ i ^ c w
!^r*ov'egb&r"ar' D g6oS^3&6jo
-s-S^^^R) ^&&r-cu)S)Ld^
X)o^J-*eo RD^Rj- 3jTy^c§b*. -y"^^g.R)
t g M o 8 t^r-^^S*
v^o5er*^<oRj ^ _ $ ^
R(y^oCSj*5 *3o[<Ro trr'o&jjrr* Co. 10 e^ej -s^6^'\"oR.&:Sb &)oer"3b
36 goR Ra^*^ Si?^?^^R9$eo^, R\as5^^ar"35 3R3 R y ^ R
0^^cX)oarr' *3S)^r"P!5^d) g$)c^oa3R
!§t *3. ^§*. oRo^-o^sb^*,
o. h. ^5*; go !SS%b^o §^5oa. §^*S^ 3j*-g3e8^ sac&R ! t ^ v ^ ^ §
a.g' S)^ayRj RRjOynyR). i^^b^go Rr*^^eRj 5i§&Xb^a.
*^oi<^{S5%b^oo t^**Co^o-u)g
&R^c^. 3i! Rog^\{^o
"^otRtg^^o R0a3be Ro"&&r'X)§ *3jjR^ do. 42.41 e<&oo V ^ J ^ C
S^-^ogb M*3y-ao^oa. ^oCSbg^ Sb. 18 o^ej e)5rov^y^^$, A8a)%
3r*SbeSb, Co. 9.50 ea^ea $t)cr*^eo ^ ^ y /^TyR8^)
ty*3SK^. ^ ^ y ^
sSo^R B8io-^
Cb. 14 oatoj 3cocai&o8jp 33b8S^^ ^^-sr^egj
*§o[^o e ^ y a o ^ o a . a33"* aeaR X3o*^& g<yyog) "sot^o Sbo&TCb
3jj_^o 86.41 o<^c g y ^ d a e a M o a . *^o<do <^-do$o^R -y^;
tS*Rj«d^ iSjuvq^R sS^-yeo.
1. ^r"&) ^7b^XbSbo&A)^ l&.gar*qeo *B^OYT*85
2. .MRS*cv, ^TyCbw, Xbn-^ogb ^\g--{Dir^E3 g^S*&o.
tjT*o*M Rg^Sb^ " § o ^ ! R ^ g o ojj- <5o% * ^ 6 ^ ^ . ^
1. &M&^ !^r<o^o6^ - y ^ ^ ^ ob. 8 o&eo.
2. "Sej-^ger' (#!g^e§^^ a^s5oF^J& ^ a y p e p *8^e go*&
^y!)§ g ^ y - w Ob. 6 t?&eo.
13% A6v<%, 196!
*5t6&*geo gaercD
*5^c 3o*^3boX)Sb ^o
*^H^O€M "3/^e, 3 3 r * H o ^ D qgs* ae&"3
§^3o ^oSMS* 3o"^3) v^vTy*&^ ^et§o6 ^dqeo 83j§^ax57T'CMJ.
&r*)go 66^ &.S* d r ^ 3 o ^ qo*?^ ta^g* ger*&6^ Mer-^Aoa. MXh\^q
^3b ;&*Ho-cftr*S^ a=cr-o*cSogb *^dorr" ^o3ba&33^05b, ^9 33)3c
eo^^3D M8ert?<_^y^33, Tr* 3 0 ^ g\S';y%o3'*3j 38$0o^^o s&33do.
"B&S'a&R ^d^t^o vo*^ ^^gj^ceo Sbcco, D3bj S* ar*&)eM,
q^O* *B3b8^e)^ 3-u^c8b 3omoao^)3 3xr*g3 3 o ^ 3 d ]3cy-?S' ^jj^U
*3oC^ t3-cr*^s*e6^ M9&3 ^XxD
§"33rR3j-- eiO^ -5^0*0)^33*^).
*^^gj-c<M Sbo^cSb, a & u ^ y^bcSb ^ R g C
*33bS'm&3Tr'e3 *Bo<g3
3 o ^ 3 0 * t 3 t y - ^ ^ dr-. 194.97 o<^o -3MjSo (eaot^gb Co. 147.62
c<&eo, *georr*TTP'SJ Ob. 47*45 e^eo) *^&r'ojoo-^8)<^nr' 3AT*<%3 t3tr<?
^ F ^ Ob. 282.80 e & e "3jj^o (eo)^ !^ov^X)3
Ob. 150.80 e<&eo,
^eon**tsr" t^o'sr'M 0b. 10.50 eAeMj "§&r"ojjo^8)ooa.
Dcrg ^P^cgco, Yogas' t$o^& ^(50 ^ S ^ e o
/^\ (jggagg 33R ^ 3 ^ c o ; t3^gjgo ir"0b M s R
X\3-*e3j adg&-3j7r^0b.
v-MCoF^ 78 t33&% ^ o ^ S * 3o"^3b 339 /^\3^oj Aur^oM. (eaotd
t ^ o ^ o g ^ 50, ^eorr-w^ !^-ogo<S"* 28) ^a 3 3 3 ^\3^g^
cnDg^3b 3jr"R8 10 ^ ? r o j qge* ^3)8*^03 ^C^d^oiyeS [3*§o§o-cy
e)cr"OM. ty*g7T* t3$b^338^\3^p3b {^-Co^oRcr'XiS 3jLT'R3 3o%^
3 d ]3iT-9!fF'* 15 c&eo ^&^ojoo^D^-ooj. 1961-62 <6** 306^8*
26 )33&g;g <^o^y 3o*^3) 3 3 8 f!\3-*(K) )^B*oPoCcyX)§
m&oa. a^36^ 16 sao${^o$o6^ Cb. 2.60 c & o 3g6&oS'*33, 10,
*5oo7T'Ty^ t^r<o^o6^3b 0b. 1.50 e<&eu 3c<T3bog^33 *3c§^*e^ar*M
(&) ^ 3 g 33^d&ogTo'& ^ 3 5 ^ S ^ c D : ^
]3oco^Ax) 3oSbeo 3^&M3 " ^ 3 ^ 3o3oo3oi5 8^3.0b 3 & 3 c ^ ^
14;A M:r<%, 1961
sdi:gb?r^(xc. ibi& ^ ^X;6 r'^c^- t^Me^oA
Liy-fes (1 Xo^a^og**
lb 66^3%
!0 S^r^e^) *SeSb
15 Rr-^c&e - R l ^ !5L^b^o-=r-eb :i"^ jg^. ^^cg-od^Xb ^&)^)
gjUf^Sb. v - ^ & { ^ 5!bjHS:;4S
"3oc go
445 &ar-^cd3.
!S3$b^o-3^aj 1980-61 d^ ga R33r:\33eSb c;;. 5.52 o^^u *3^-ar<^,
*3jj ^o
1661-62 F^
"^&j*^ojjo^ a&o8.
sto^.^^o CJ. 8.89 e<&<?
g: ^H&/<\^eSb
3&. 83 *3e
3c3b^"'<M 3 0 area;.
1960-61 ^* 30-9^3^0 ^ a i ^ v
vCbjlb^aAoa. 1961-62 6^ Q o & y ^ o 6b. 1 3c&e *SJJ €*o "g&r-cojo-g
^ ) o*ag^$agj*3*^-o5* ^ ^ e o : M8S*orr*&, ^ o ^ ^ o r r * ^
* 3 & ^ n & X ^ ) ^ 3T3**e''tr'8S r^^.e§" 5x^e!6j sScosy^Sb ^oSbiSo, *cr*ao
t^^g^o^r'Sb ^c^Ox; Ao^sb
ojjr^ a<ye*o "^gy^eo
^ g g 6 ^ g^vRRuMjg
^^g. {ggjgo
8jsr'OTr'e§, D3a.- ^ ygooTr8§, tsSfpgjgo
RgyeogR ^ 6 o & e S b , qgg
*3&^a.^ gg/(&;e>a-*8§ 3 ^8oS3^cC&
m&oa. {S^o&'on-" 36 ^T^goo
3a efgo^ir-gb Dgc
[ ^ v ^ ^ ^ S*oo^*^X:oa. ^X)i5e) ^ M ^Ov-cM syo !^v^Xr*?gorr*
1961-62 d^ a^e§"a,:SyeM ^oar-^ 5o&&3og^^o gj.5e^c
*3jj ^o "gayroMo-Raaoa. Qo&jSbyr'^ 1961-62 :^T?^gc3 a?3&M!5^
Sbr"<g MO*^ six* go *^&r"OX)o^a!Aoa.
/g)\ y g g ^g&gp
3t*?j-o&** S^sS^yoo : *tr*ao }3%bggo tr*gv
^\ggj-^ejgbcr*eo, *^&r*eeo ^^eo, qgg "3&Ss:a^
^ ^ . c f ^&yoj q ^ o ^ K i o
1960-61 Roggyp-DS y g g !^^g^o
Tr*& Ob. 20.94 e<&a *3jj go aaoa*Te&3v*{a.
^S)x3o vo"§ *3JJV^X^ Tr*gg!^g^oTT'<3j 1960*61 3ogg^ir*aS
g y ^ ^boa^Cb ^^r-gX) esSo-^agogJ^a.
(g^g^o. -sKec&jej, ^gj^a^^J *3M%t[_%
-y-OJ& a8jo-g&3o^o^ a;gg ^Tg^gcugr'^ 3 * e s & e & 1960^61
14;* MvcA, l^6i
g'O^o-^aj&Tycxo. q o & a r r * & esot^ t^-ov^^S Cb. 6.70 e<&a) "3oo
!ycy" ^o-B-"DS Sb. 1.96 et&eu ^mb\ "^^aATycoo. 1961-62F^ oar*
^T^iroB§^^o esct^t^^^F^
OJ. 6.60 a & o "3jj ^o vObj^^cr-^S
! R 6 ^ 6 o ^ a&o8.
M C b * 3 ^ §)^ ^ B M ^ c S b
§^Xio ^ S b
ocj^-s X)gr*€);&) A^^orr*
"^g*0o-^ a<%3gb;3^a. 1960-61 K3o^^-cr-X)S *^^r-cwo^
e ) ^ 6b. 10.886 e<^e) *3jj^"DS^&) Cb. 8.88 a<&e "3jj ^o &r<)^^J
3)Cb\ ^&ja)&oa. q^jHier'^ ocj^^^j?**^ ^*"6aX5bc8b cajVA -sr"eS)eM
8j-<g ^-o^^^o -3o3oa)&)gb<y^ouj. X ^ e M X)8Do^br*^o<^bSb ^S5-e^3bo
gj^<^ ^ o & a ^ & ^ a . <a ^&t§o^ 1960-61 J^ ojjo^^^so Co. 0.96
*3&)5*s)&^ ^tf^gbo ea8v-^^\a ^s!ycS'^&)Sb--^ tR&ggoTT'ta
$8b^-i5 o o ^ y l3oBbi)o^cSj, s)odj8j7T'^) 1960-61 6"* Ob. 0.47 e & e
"3xt ^o "g^r-ojJo-^M&oa. 1961-62 X)o^^vX)§ oooa 6b 2.50e<&oa
*eeo7vry"^ ^ 0*3j3 <S^-Djg 3o<S-cr-^^ *^<^j^ceM &)er*e)-5n85
uncoab O ^ o a j ^ c ^ gyrg
3^o3bo oMSSgm^j^xS^a. s?*3 & r * a 9 ^
& o & *3o)^g_!$ tS^&r'd ^ 6 ^ -5^o<SbcF^ Ts-*#3^ ^8NX$boSb g_<^o
Cb. 0.11
OMoCSbSb 3 o a o a o 3 vCbj T)&jex5oa^
DSio S* g*goeo
^r^^ ^^x! er"gbe*r*8 X)8X)^bo^b
M^sS\8 3c"3&3oCSjSb
33*<gb^ ^ ^ o & ^%^o-5r"Cb o o o ^ & &X)$^o^?r^a&. 1960-61<y*
exxr"ay*jbeTy*8 t"$oabx3^^K!o e a o t ^ ^ - o ^ o ^ db. 0.04 e<&e *gbu ^o
'3eo7T'-E^ tAtogog"* Cb. 0.06 e^Lo "3jj ^o v ^ " ^ ^ s & o a .
ooo^gb aago-g&)o, ^^-s-^05 ^ C f & ^ ^ c M ^ogb^Jo, & ) o ^ ^
!§^ ^
^gb t^ago^^o ^jj<g^&x)^Qi5 oM^d 3o*BLsb -^e^ceosb-"^ r*^
^ € ^ ^otd t^e^r-a^ R ^ v e ^ o d
0b. 47.18 e<Ro *3jj^X^
y ^
!4;A Mn-cA, 1961
{SS^b^aTr'Cb "g^ooooTrna. qo&d^gjod ^Sjer*OTy6{*^c^?i)^
1960-61 F^ ^.ir^ow 3Jer*cTy6^^o <&. 2.3S ogSLoSg3&o^
250 ocoftn aSgo^aiATyooa. ^d^tg^bgjgo -5^8^ "^ij^oojo^) ^oCo
a&g Sb5&j 1961-62 ^ o ^ ^ v ^ S e?3X)d^xS^s3^) *g&r-OMoS3) ^o3b
s^^?5 p & ) Cb. 1,000 c d ^ Ct). 750 w tg$b4fgo-ar*<a XiS^&yr' ooo^<ib.
D o ^ & ^ ^ D ^ oar- <xmf\ge o-*^o!^o^*5r'C& ^SjCJJ, ^^i)ta *3A)g
B_^ T ^ O S ^ ^ o F ^ ^ 8 ^ & . ^13LM-a-'D$ eggorr* a,5^^-S'^.oMo^5§
C&. 250 eo Ty*3y3. oar- ojo^sb aga^&)oojg
g ^ b ^ o ^ o g ) S*0
2 eM^OMog'o ^otcfeo, 11 a)a)egoC&°& *^o!ty-cM 1960-61 g o ^
#sSi)6** S^^^ao^8)<&)&7=r^o3j. $<&ca ^0*3-5^03 X)oa3$odgj csogg
V C b ?^C3 ^To^ij !&* ^ O M ^
^ObTy^ S8^V5M,
^a^jjAM, ^Mgeocog -y^3X) S ^ ^ y ^ ^ o R b S b -y-geX)^ ^a^S^*^
0333ga&H63^a. 1960-61 F ^ *5ooyr-Ty (^-o^o^ 80 qo<&) X)8T0^S
ijgb Cb. 80 e<&e fSbj^o^ ^c^^oSb ^{O&j&o, jabeg? 5^gtyX)9
Cb. 10 cJ^o *&M ^o a.r*^8*^. 5)&^o&y*^5 ijb. 800 e -S^Ryg g ^ o
s§o^ vtay3c&a6oa. -=3mj"oooSb€r*v8b 3 o 3 ^ DtycebeSbSb**^ g ^ ^
g 3 b & ^oOb^o, / ^ ^ M ^oa&d^o, ^^Cf&en gogr*cbt3o3&3o3o6S Sb^Cf
R6(V&)F^ *§o(d )R8^-a^ 3#^*e{3og $^ca Q^go<^b^oa.
1960-61 <y* "8oorfty* <3-*o#o6'* D^oS^ar-gbcg^Xw qo^b
&&)cr"Dl Co. 0 61 e*6o ^jj ^o *§&r"OMOi^a<&oa. <9e{#{dr*oifo^'
50 Sb&MoB^oSb ?*e^) R u ^ & M :&H&ar*3S7T*;& Cb. 1.07 o<&o ^ o #o
*§&T"OMo%yo&oa. ^* !^se8b ^boO&O 3r*3)eM, 8^<^b i3bjX!^^) 3 d b ^
y d ^ ! R ^ S O T y * 8 ^ S^dz)&^ &87T* ^ jjS^b^o-yCb 1957 ybo<&
"^) 3<yvF^ ^-F^o&3j?r^0b. ^ ^-y*v5b va3jo ^Cbj ^ ^ y m o r r *
^ 22 "
14A McrcA, 196 i
-g-ooo^ *3d'^cr*D'5 sSjoe^co ^o3oax&^ 5 *o*°ao 3oo3J^eo, 10 e9er^
&9<3&T'e)Sb7T";&) S Tr*&«?X)e)oSjr"eM
(8 ;^,;e)SJ^ 2 3)&);2ppSJ) ^)8oa^
10 ger°Dooa^eo (4 t^oSb, 6^Cbs3pe)Sb)"gab^s)a^ooj. 1961-62 6 ^
TT^ab M!d3S)8Sb^ D^y^^^JoXSj-* ^)^^^-8o^b§^3 ootgtg^^* !^^j^g&
ir^aj ^.XS^j^oxSb ^\efXH^ja35oR^ s38^L.8^nr^cf^ D^o3oo qo^So^X)oRj ^9y:pX)C^5r'o^)^ -s-°3'oS'er*a-°M ^ o t ^ ^ ^ h ^ ^ ^ o
e!8ao^X) 3sSy&)8b
^o^SbStf^aA^. ia'ggS' S ^ a ^ e o
g9S*FoS*o ]S*&)or^
&)8^ 10 Xico^iy-cSj D_38o^
*^CSja<aga. Tr*a^"^j 10 ^osSg^-u-^, e a ^ \ ^ c ^ ^ r ^ r T ' X)CJ^5)o^
!$&re9^bj& D8go^3 e&coli_:& grcboo'^' S*S)X) ^ S ^ ^ S ^ ^ d ^ ) ^ ^ )
*a Sy^o§*

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