Notebook 3
Notebook 3
SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página I SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página II Autores: Cristina Valesin Márcia Cristina dos Santos Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página III Caderno do Professor Notebook 3 Neste caderno, os assuntos estão relacionados com a observação de acontecimentos no passado; seja no relato de fatos e situações nas próprias famílias dos alunos, seja em ruas e/ou cidades que se transformaram com a modernização. Estes fatos serão citados como forma de elucidar as situações descritas pelos alunos. Será abordado também, assunto relacionado às diferenças e/ou semelhanças entre a vida na cidade e a vida no campo. Será apresentado vocabulário referente a objetos usados há algum tempo, 20 anos ou mais, e os que utilizamos hoje em dia. Todos os assuntos citados têm como objetivo estimular e incentivar os alunos a se expressar cada vez mais naturalmente em língua inglesa. Chapter 5 – Guess who? Neste capítulo serão apresentadas situações onde as características físicas como altura, peso, tipo de cabelo, cor dos olhos serão descritas. Estas descrições deverão ser feitas a partir de observações e relatos das transformações ocorridas com os próprios alunos e as pessoas de seu convívio. A participação ativa do aluno será sempre incentivada e as atividades propostas envolverão desenvolvimento da oralidade e aquisição de vocabulário facilitando assim, o desenvolvimento das habilidades específicas em comunicação em língua inglesa. - Verb to be in the Simple Past (affirmative) - Verb to be in the Simple Past (negative and interrogative) - Short answers - Question words: who, what, where and when with the Simple Past Chapter 6 – Old way of life! Nesta parte haverá a apresentação de objetos usados no passado e a modernização dos mesmos através dos tempos. Os alunos deverão perceber e comparar estas diferenças nas atividades propostas, incorporando o vocabulário e as estruturas frasais. Fazendo perguntas e respondendo adequadamente a respeito dos itens abordados. - Verb there to be in the Simple Past (affirmative) - Verb there to be in the Simple Past (negative and interrogative) - Short answers III SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página IV Appendix Música, filmes e puzzles são propostas diferenciadas com a intenção de aprimorar a abordagem comunicativa, mantendo o clima prazeroso do processo de aprendizagem. Orientações didáticas 1. A partir do caderno 2, antes de “homework”, encontramos a “review”. Ela é uma revisão do caderno anterior e pode ser dada em classe, logo no início do bimestre ou como lição de casa. Salientamos a importância do “self-assessment” nesta review, para que o aluno perceba como está iniciando o novo bimestre. 2. Leitura Suplementar – Learning English through Music Este texto aborda o uso da música como instrumento de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Quando cantamos, repetimos as palavras várias vezes e essas ficam guardadas em nossa memória por anos. Algumas canções que aprendemos na infância são lembradas muitos anos depois. Muito disso se deve a nossa memória musical que é armazenada em uma parte diferente do nosso cérebro, separada das outras memórias. Então, por que não tirar proveito da música para a aprendizagem da língua inglesa? Segundo Anice Peterson “cantar é uma excelente maneira de memorizar palavras e expressões e familiarizar-se com sons e estruturas da língua.” Songs and language work well together. Singing is a great way to learn and memorize words and expressions and to get familiar with the sounds and structure of the language. [...]English structures and vocabulary may sound hard at first, but with a lot of pratice, they become easier. What students need is to internalize them so that they can use them without having to think. When we speak out native language, the sentences come to our mind practically ready. We don’t have to think before we say them. It is as if we had a memory bank of sentences. When we want to say something, they just come to our mouths. One of the secrets of learning English well is to build this memory bank and retrieve the necessary language items for the context in which the speaker is inserted at each particular time. In the book Songs in Action, Dale T. Griffe says that, “songs offer insights into the culture, providing a window into the frames of reference and values of the people whose language we are learning. More t han that, however, they are themselves vehicles for language, offering to the learner opportunities for practice of the otherwise often difficult areas of intonation and rhythm as well as ways into particular vocabulary fields.” Much has been discussed on the role of repetition in the learning process. Some people argue that repetition is boring, but we all know it is very important. Singing can be a very nice and effective way to use repetition of structures and vocabulary. When we sing, we repeat the same words over and over again. This repetition helps the brain store the words and structures in the aforementioned bank, from whence they can be retrieved when needed. We sometimes say things and immediately recognize them as song lyrics. When we say that New York is the city that never sleeps we sometimes don’t realize we are repeating the lyrics from New York, New York, and that’s after sleep comes naturally. Using songs in the language class is very effective, and it also motivating and fun. You can choose a song that presents a specific grammar point you are working on and have students sing it in class. Your students will think they are just having fun, but they will be actually learning and practicing grammar [...] IV SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página V You may wonder what the best songs to teach English are. Unfortunately we do not have the answer. You might love a certain song, and find out your students hate it. Your students may know a song they love and you might have never heard of it. You can’t know all the songs ever written. What you can do in those cases is present a few songs they know and like which have the same structure, vocabulary item or phonological feature. This will motivate your students to pay attention to songs and try to identify specific grammar points. Listening to songs and trying to identify words and structures is also an excellent way to practice your students listening skills. You teach the how to listen for specific information. Students complain that it is hard to understand the words in a song. That is true. However, that does not happen because the song is in a foreign language. It is hard to understand the lyrics even in your native language. If you hear a song in Portuguese for the first time, you might have trouble understanding all the words. You might even sing songs in your native language making mistakes in the lyrics and not even realize that. Very interesting research published some time ago showed that several people sang the song Menino do Rio saying “dragão com a toalha no braço” when the correct words are “dragão tatuado no braço“. Others sang Noite do prazer saying “Na madruga vitrola rolando um blues, tocando de biquini sem parar ” when the correct words are “Na madruagada vitrola rolando um blues, tocando B. B. King sem parar”. – GONTOW, Carlos e Cris. Learning English Through Music. Revista New Routes, São Paulo, edição 52, páginas 14-17, janeiro/2014. V SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página VI Número de aulas sugeridas Inglês – 7.o ano – 3.o Bimestre Caderno Capítulo Semana Programa Review Guess who? Listen to learn Now, it’s your turn New Words Verb to be - Simple Past (affirmative/negative/interrogative) Short answers Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Question words with Simple Past (Verb to be) Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Two old geniuses of entertainment Holidays in August Roundup Holidays & Celebrations Old way of life! Listen to learn Now, it’s your turn New Words Verb there to be - Simple Past (affirmative) Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Verb there to be - Simple Past (negative/interrogative) Short answers Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge British Castles Holidays in September Roundup Holidays & Celebrations Atividade extra: Film: “ Seven brides for seven brothers” Learn more! Atividade extra: “Standing Outside the Fire” song Learn more! Atividade extra: Body parts Crossword puzzle Atividade extra: Appearance Crossword puzzle 9 5 10 11 3 6 12 Apêndice VI SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página VII Notes VII SOME_ORIEN_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016 20/05/16 09:31 Página VIII Notes VIII SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página A SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página B Contents Notebook 3 Chapter 5 – Guess who? ............................................................................. 1 Chapter 6 – Old way of life! ........................................................................ 14 Appendix.................................................................................................... 27 Review ..................................................................................................... 32 Homework ................................................................................................. 37 Autores: Cristina Valesin Márcia Cristina dos Santos Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 1 DATE: _____/_____/_____ Chapter 5 1. Guess who? Listen to learn Last Saturday Sue and Helen were at home playing video games and they found an interesting guessing game called “Guess who?”. In this game, players have to find out the name of famous celebrities, athletes and people in the news. Ok… now it’s my turn! Try to guess… It’s a man. When he was young his hair was short. And he had a big quiff. Look at his picture when he was 16. Helen: I don’t know who he is. What else? Sue: His eyes are brown. Helen: How tall is he? Sue: He is 1.78m tall and he is an actor. Helen: An actor? What‘s the first letter of one of his famous movies? Sue: It’s P. He had a quiff Helen: Is he handsome? Sue: Well, I think so. And he was the main actor in a 1990 movie called “Edward Scissorhands”. Come on Helen… now, it’s easy. Helen: Is he Johnny Depp? Sue: That’s it! And the movie with P is “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Helen: I like this movie. Now it’s my turn! When she was 14 years old… Vocabulary: guess – adivinhe find out – descobrir news – noticiário had – tinha Image 2 Image 1 Sue: 2. Now, it´s your turn! Think about a famous person! Johnny Depp is the main Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis. Peça que troquem de duplas após algum tempo. A: What’s the first letter of his/her name? free answer B: It’s _____________________________________________________________________ free answer A: I think he/she is __________________________________________________________ B: Yes, that’s correct. / No, that‘s wrong. one first 1 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 2 3. New words Body parts! Complete the words with the missing letters: Image 1 1. Images 3 to 18 2. What do they look like? HAIR long brown hair short / spiky bald long /curly hair long blonde hair a moustache and beard AGE baby toddler teenager adult elderly fairly short short medium height tall very tall HEIGHT 2 two second Images 19 to 27 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 3 WEIGHT obese / overweight slim / fit / in shape strong / athletic weak / skinny APPEARANCE beautiful / gorgeous 3. handsome / good-looking freckles dimples ugly Describe these people using the adjectives on page 2 and 3. Use a dictionary to help you: bald He is _________________ and he has black eyes. b) long straight blonde tall This woman is very ____________! She has___________________________ ____________________________hair. Images 28 to 32 a) c) What is your little sister’s favorite hairstyle? side ponytail It’s the ______________________________________. d) long curly red hair Rhea Reidy, aged 7, is an Irish girl. She has ____________________________ freckles _____, blue eyes and a lot of ___________________. She dimples has________________________ too. e) weak He is a very _______________ guy. three third 3 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 4 2. Match the columns: ( c ) messy bun hair b) ( a ) man bun Images 33 to 38 a) c) ( b ) pigtail d) ( e ) quiff e) ( f ) moustache and beard f) ( d ) ponytail Teacher, é necessário que se leia os enunciados das tarefas, inclusive tarefanet, para que se assegure o entendimento do que é proposto. Homework 17 – What does he look like? 4 four fourth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 5 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 4. Build your knowledge was wasn’t SIMPLE PAST – VERB TO BE AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE 1. Complete the sentences using the words in the bubble: were weren’t Five years ago... a) b) c) d) e) f) Teacher, peça aos alunos completarem os espaços com as palavras que estão no balão de pensamento e de acordo com as imagens. wasn’t was I ____________________ thin. I ____________________ extremely fat. weren’t were You ____________________ tall. You ____________________ very short. wasn’t was He ____________________ strong. He ____________________ skinny. wasn’t was Her hair ____________________ short. It ____________________ long. weren’t were We ____________________ ugly. We ____________________ good-looking. weren’t were They___________________ in the Middle School. They___________________in the Elementary School. Be Careful! I he she it we you they ⇒ was ⇒ were five fifth 5 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 6 5. Improve your knowledge Image 39 1. Complete the sentences about these famous people observing her/his/their hairstyle. Don’t forget the verb! a) Image 40 was was William Shakespeare ______________ born in 1564. He _________________ an was was Englishman. He _______________ the most famous author of all times. Shakespeare _____________ moustache bald with a _____________________. Image 41 was was Albert Einstein _______________ born in 1879. He ____________ b) was from Germany. He ___________________ the most famous scientist of the 20th century. Einstein’s hair short moustache was __________________. And he had a big _____________________. Image 42 were c) George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ___________ American presidents. Washington was was ____________ the 1st president of the USA. It _______________ from 1789 to 1797. His hair was short was ____________ ____________. Lincoln _____________ the 16th president of the USA, and the first that was was short _____________ murdered for political reasons. His hair __________ _____________ and he had a thick beard _____________. was were d) Grace Kelly and Lady Diana ___________ princesses. Grace Kelly ___________ American and Lady were short was blonde Diana ____________ English. They __________ ____________ with _____________ hair. Vocabulary: had – tinha thick – espessa, cerrada 6 six sixth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 7 Who were these famous singers? Use the photos below to help you decide the right answers. Images 43 to 46 2. ( d ) ( a ) ( c ) ( b ) a) He was American. His eyes were blue. One of his best songs was “New York, New York”. His name Frank Sinatra. was __________________________________________________________________________________ b) He was English. He was famous by his several performances on stage. One of his greatest success David Bowie. was “Space Oddity”, about a fictional astronaut. He was ______________________________________ c) He was born in Liverpool, UK. He was the composer of hundreds songs. His most important peace John Lennon. song was “Imagine”. He was _____________________________________________________________ d) He was American. He was the king of rock and roll. His voice was strong. “It’s now or never” was Elvis Presley. one of his greatest hits. He was ____________________________________________________________ Teacher, após completar o exercício sobre os atores e cantores famosos, certifique-se de que os alunos conseguirão associar a descrição com as imagens de cada um deles. No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING7F301. Homework 18 – When I was a baby... seven seventh 7 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 8 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 6. Build your knowledge What? Where? When? How? Who? SIMPLE PAST – VERB TO BE Question Words Image 47 Look at Harry, Hermione and Rony in the 2002 movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and answer the questions: a) Harry, Hermione and Rony were. Who were the main characters? _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ They were at Hogwarts. / They were in the library. Where were they?____________________________________________________________________ Dumbledore was. Who was the school principal?___________________________________________________________ He was twelve years old. How old was Harry in this movie?_________________________________________________________ It was brown. What color was Harry’s hair? ___________________________________________________________ It was red. What color was Rony’s hair? ____________________________________________________________ It was long curly brown hair. How was Hermione’s hair? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ No, he wasn’t. Was Rony tall? ________________________________________________________________________ Yes, she was. Was Hermione beautiful? _______________________________________________________________ Yes, they were. Were they friends? ____________________________________________________________________ b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Cultural Corner Image 48 Be Careful! The Short answers book “Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets” was written by J. K. Rowling in 1998 and the movie was released in 2002. 8 eight eighth Was he nice? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. Were they nice? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 9 7. Improve your knowledge 1. Answer the questions according to the pictures: b) Where were the Harlem Globetrotters in 2007? They were in a stadium. __________________________________________________________________ Images 49 to 52 a) Where was Neil Armstrong in 1969? He was on the moon. __________________________________________________________________ c) Where was Ayrton Senna in 1988? He was in Japan. __________________________________________________________________ d) Where was Arthur Zanetti in 2012? He was at the London 2012 Olympic Games. __________________________________________________________________ Teacher, Arthur Nabarrete Zanetti é um ginasta brasileiro que compete em provas de ginástica artística. Campeão olímpico e mundial na modalidade de argolas nos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Cultural Corner Image 53 The Harlem Globetrotters were born in Chicago, in 1926. Since then, the team travelled the world, breaking cultural and social barriers along with basketball records. They were the first team to play basketball in Europe. They continue a world famous tradition of a ball played with wizardry and they have fans of all ages. ( nine ninth 9 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 10 2. a) b) c) d) e) Write questions for the answers: How old was Martha? _________________________________________________ Was your teacher Italian? _________________________________________________ Were you at the club yesterday? _________________________________________________ Where were the girls? _________________________________________________ When was your brother born? _________________________________________________ 3. Answer the questions using short answers: Martha was fifteen years old. No, my teacher wasn’t Italian. No, I wasn’t at the club yesterday. The girls were in the garden. My little brother was born last year. Yes, he was. Was the boy in the swimming pool? ________________________________ Images 54 to 57 a) No, they weren’t. Were the students on the school bus? ______________________________ b) Yes, he was. Was your brother a police officer? _________________________________ c) Yes. they were. Were your parents in Paris last year? ________________________________ d) 4. a) b) c) d) Answer these questions about yourself: I was born... When were you born? _________________________________________________________________ I was born in... Where were you born? _________________________________________________________________ I was... years old. How old were you in 2010? _____________________________________________________________ Yes, they were. / No they weren’t. Were your parents at home yesterday afternoon? ___________________________________________ No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING7F302. 10 ten tenth Homework 19 – Yesterday is history. SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 11 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 8. Roundup Two old geniuses of entertainment Images 58 to 62 Walt Disney Charles Chaplin Image 63 These two characters were very important to the development of a magic world of dreams and fantasy in the children’s and adults’ lives. These dreams and fantasy were created a long time ago by two geniuses of entertainment. They were: Charles Chaplin, a remarkable artist and actor. He was born in 1889 and died in 1977. “The Tramp” was his most incredible character. And Walt Disney, the “father” of several characters, including the famous Mickey Mouse. Disney created Mickey in 1928. Chaplin was British and Disney was American. Disney was born in 1901 and died in 1966. Chaplin’s and Disney’s lives were complicated and with a lot of sad situations. But it seemed that the problems helped them to be creative and unforgettable to all of us. (adapted from Vocabulary: development – desenvolvimento remarkable – notável unforgettable – inesquecíveis (Illustration of Chaplin and Mickey in “The Portland News” in 1931) eleven eleventh 11 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:23 Página 12 9. 1. Improve your knowledge Read the text on page 11 carefully to answer the questions: He was born in 1889. a) When was Chaplin born?________________________________________________________________ He was British. b) What was his nationality?________________________________________________________________ It was “The Tramp”. c) What was Chaplin’s famous character?______________________________________________________ Yes, he was. d) Was Chaplin an actor?__________________________________________________________________ He was born in 1901. e) When was Disney born?__________________________________________________________________ It was Mickey Mouse. f) What was one of Disney’s famous characters?________________________________________________ No, he wasn’t. g) Was Disney an actor?___________________________________________________________________ Image 64 Now, it’s your turn! Work in pairs to answer about Mickey Mouse. This was the first Disney licensed magazine-type edition. It was published in 1930. Image 65 a) What were the contents of Mickey Mouse book? They were the story of Mickey Mouse, a game, a march and a song. _________________________________________________________________________________________ b) When was it published? It was published in 1930. _________________________________________________________________________________________ c) Was it magazine-type? Yes, it was. _________________________________________________________________________________________ d) Was it the latest edition? No, it wasn’t. It was the first one. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher, comente com seus alunos que “City Lights” foi um filme mudo de Chaplin que fez muito sucesso em 1931, mesmo quando os filmes falados já tinham aparecido. Homework 20 – Who was Chaplin? 12 twelve twelfth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 13 10. Holidays & Celebrations Images 66 and 67 The London Notting Hill Carnival – August Vocabulary: the largest – o maior amazing – fantástica Image 68 The Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street festival in Europe and originated in 1964 as a way for Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their own cultures and traditions. It occurs on the last weekend of August in the streets of London. The Notting Hill Carnival is an amazing mix of sounds. It’s the second largest carnival in the world, just behind Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and it’s the largest street festival in ( ) Europe. Vocabulary: renowned – conhecida e admirada made – ficou magnet Cultural Corner Image 70 Address: 13, Blenheim Crescent, London Telephone: +44(0)20 7229 5260 Opening Times: Monday to Saturday - 9:00 – 19:00 Sunday - 10:00 – 18:00 Image 69 The Notting Hill Bookshop The world-famous independent bookshop, renowned for its “Travel Book Department”, made famous by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in the film “Notting Hill”, is a magnet for locals and international visitors. It was released in 1999. ( thirteen thirteenth 13 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 14 DATE: _____/_____/_____ Chapter 5 6 Listen to learn Image 71 1. Old way of life! Think about a great weekend! That was their weekend on granny´s farm. Their weekend? Who were they? Last weekend Helen, Lucca, Sue and Peter were on Courtney’s granny’s farm in a city near Milwaukee, in Wisconsin. Her Granny was showing them the farm and explaining how it was when she was a teenager. Granny: Look! In the early 50’s there wasn’t electricity here, so we used this old mill. Lucca: Granny: Sue: Granny: Helen: Granny: Vocabulary: to fill – encher it took hours – demorava horas Now, it´s your turn! 2. Images 72 to 74 And these were our kerosene lamps. If there wasn’t electricity, how was the bath? Quite hard! Imagine in the winter! We had to fill the bathtube with hot water. And the stove? How was it? There was an old wood stove. And it was very difficult to cook because it took hours to have the food ready. Lucca: But was your life good at that time? Granny: Good? It was superb! I miss it every day. an old mill lamp wood stove Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis. Peça que troquem de duplas após algum tempo. A: Where were you last weekend? B: I was ___________________________________________________________________. And you? A: ________________________________________________________________________ 14 fourteen fourteenth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 15 3. New words Teacher, inicie esta parte da aula verificando se os alunos compreenderam as charges. Images 75 to 77 1. Complete the sentences with the missing letters or missing words: Image 78 a) In Australia they say “m _o b _i l _e “. And in Canada they say “c _e l _l “. In the UK “mobile” or “mobile _p h _o n e_“ were the main terms, but now, they say just phone. In some parts of the east of the USA, people use the term “ h _a n d _y “. Images 79 to 81 b) n Here there are some “_r a d i _o s” of the past and a “_w a l _k m a _,” a very distant cousin of the Ipod. Images 82 to 84 c) g _r a m o _p _h o n _e s r _e c _o r d p l _a y _e r fifteen fifteenth 15 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 16 Image 85 d) This was a video game. Its name was Atari _____________________________. f) Image 86 Image 87 e) This was a calculating machine _____________________________. set This was an antique T V_________. h) Image 88 Image 89 g) typewriter _____________________________ Kindle A book and a _________________. Homework 21 – Things have changed a lot. 16 sixteen sixteenth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 17 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 4. Build your knowledge there was there were Images 90 to 92 SIMPLE PAST – VERB THERE TO BE 1. Look at these pictures. They were of an old western city in the USA. Complete the sentences using there was or there were: There was _______________________________________ a salon. There was _______________________________________ a sheriff’s office. There were _______________________________________ four carts. There was _______________________________________ a hotel. There were _______________________________________ some barrels. There was _______________________________________ a water well. 2. Now, look at these pictures of an old farm. And do just the same! a) b) c) d) e) f) g) There was _______________________________________ an old grey house. There was _______________________________________ an old tractor. There was _______________________________________ a red barn. There were _______________________________________ six windows in the barn. There was _______________________________________ a high wind mill. There was _______________________________________ a water mill. There was _______________________________________ a small waterfall. Images 93 to 95 a) b) c) d) e) f) Be Careful! Simple Present there is there are Simple Past ⇒ ⇒ there was there were seventeen seventeenth 17 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 18 5. 1. Improve your knowledge Teacher, explique aos seus alunos que o verbo haver, com sentido de existir, é usado sempre no singular em português, ressaltando a diferença com a língua inglesa. Complete the sentences by using there was or there were: There were ______________ Indians in Colorado. Chief Severo and his family are shown in an 1899 photograph. b) There were ______________ a few buildings in NYC in 1876, but now there are a lot of them. Images 96 to 100 a) c) there was There was ______________ a lot of trash in NYC in 1968 because _______________ a sanitation workers’ strike from February 2nd to February 10th. d) There were ______________ a lot of Nickelodeon movie theaters in the 1920s in the USA. It was a cheap entertainment because the films were short. The name was a combination of the words nickel and odeon: nickel was the price and odeon was a roman theater structure. e) There were ______________ desks screwed on a clapboard in the 1940s. Vocabulary: screwed – parafusadas 18 eighteen eighteenth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 19 2. Look at the pictures and write only affirmative sentences by using there was or there were: a) There was ______________ a horse-drawn plow in 1920. Nowadays there are modern plows with GPS-navigation and air conditioner. There was ______________ a well in every house in the old days. Images 101 to 105 b) c) There were ______________ three meat chopper hanging on the wall in this old kitchen. d) There was ______________ an old wooden ice box beside the blue stove. Homework 22 – Somewhere in the past No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING7F303. nineteen nineteenth 19 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 20 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 6. Build your knowledge SIMPLE PAST – VERB THERE TO BE SHORT ANSWER there wasn’t there weren’t was there? were there? Image 106 1. Look at these pictures and complete the sentences by using there wasn’t or there weren’t. Covent Garden in London, then and now: In the past… a) b) There weren’t ___________________________________________ people on the sidewalk. There wasn’t ___________________________________________ a subway station. Image 107 Another before and now picture of London. People and traffic in Oxford Street around the turn of the 20th century. In the past… a) b) c) There weren’t ___________________________________________ cars in the streets. There wasn’t ___________________________________________ a recycle bin. There weren’t ___________________________________________ double-decker buses. 20 twenty twentieth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 21 2. Now, look at this picture and answer the questions by using short answers: Images 108 and 109 This is a view of London in 1897 and 2012. In 1897… No, there wasn’t. a) Was there a ferris wheel? _______________________________________________________________ Yes, there were. b) Were there many chimneys? ____________________________________________________________ Yes, there was. c) Was there a factory? ___________________________________________________________________ Yes, there were. d) Were there bridges over the River Thames? ________________________________________________ Be Careful! Image 110 Cultural Corner Simple Present there isn’t ⇒ there aren’t ⇒ Simple Past there wasn’t there weren’t Be Careful! Short answers Was there? ⇒ The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel (big wheel) on the south bank of the River Thames in London. It was built in 1999. Were there? ⇒ Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t Yes, there were. No, there weren’t. twenty-one twenty-first 21 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 22 7. Improve your knowledge Take a good look at the images, read the questions and decide if the answers are yes or no: a) Were the children at home? No, they weren’t. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Were there adults in the photo? No, there weren’t, ___________________________________________________________________________________ Image 111 1. Image 112 b) c) Image 113 d) Was there an old car in the photo? Yes, there was. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Were there animals in the photo? No, there weren’t. ___________________________________________________________________________________ e) Image 114 f) Was there a sewing machine in the photo? Yes, there was. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Was there a dress on the girl’s hands? Yes, there was. ___________________________________________________________________________________ g) h) Was there an old fridge in the photo? No, there wasn’t. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Were there six cups hanging on the cupboard? Yes, there were. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 22 twenty-two twenty-second SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 23 Make questions according to the answers: a) Were there two red chairs in the kitchen? _____________________________________________________________________________________ b) Yes, there were two red chairs in the kitchen. Was there a fan in the kitchen? _____________________________________________________________________________________ No, there wasn’t a fan in the kitchen. c) Was there an old TV set in the living room? _____________________________________________________________________________________ d) Yes, there was. Were there three children in the living room? _____________________________________________________________________________________ No, there weren’t. Image 116 Image 115 2. Image 117 3. Work in pairs and write four sentences about the image below. Use there was and there were, as you wish. There was a family in the living room. There were two kids sitting on the floor. There were two pictures on the wall. There was an old TV set next to the wall. / opposite them. No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL Homework 23 – Do you know these objects? OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING7F304. twenty-three twenty-third 23 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 24 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 3. Roundup British Castles The United Kingdom Image 119 Image 118 In the United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales – there are the most stunning and amazing castles of the world. The castles were important for the history of these countries and there were thousands of them in the UK. They were medieval castles. Some of them were partially destroyed in battles and wars. They were in ruins. Some were closed many years ago. But the fascinating mysteries and incredible stories about the castles are always interesting. In Scotland, the most famous one is Edinburg Castle. It’s on a rock and it’s 900mts above the city. Today, it’s possible to visit it and to learn a lot about it every day, from 9:30 am to 5 pm. It’s necessary, at least, two hours to know it. A lot of old castles are now sophisticated hotels and spas, but most of them were transformed into museums. The importance of the history and tradition is preserved. That’s fascinating! (adapted from Vocabulary: stunning – maravilhosos amazing – incríveis / surpreendentes 24 twenty-four twenty-fourth Image 121 Image 120 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 25 Dunbeath Castle, Wick, Scotland Urquhart Castle, Scotland 9. Improve your knowledge 1. Work in pairs to answer the questions about the text : a) Where are the most amazing castles in the world? They are in the United Kingdom (UK). _____________________________________________________________________________________ b) How many countries are there in the UK? There are four countries. _____________________________________________________________________________________ c) What is the most famous castle of the UK? In which country is it? It’s Edinburgh Castle. It’s in Scotland. _____________________________________________________________________________________ d) Is it open to tourists? When? Yes, it is. It is open from 9:30am to 5pm. _____________________________________________________________________________________ e) What were a lot of old castles transformed into? They were transformed into hotels, spas and museums. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Now, it’s your turn! List the names of two Scottish castles that were setting of films. Indicate the title of the films too. Alnwick Castle was the location of Hogwarts (Harry Potter), the series Downton Abbey, Elizabeth and Robin Hood. Eilean Donan Castle was the location of Highlander and Made of Honor. Teacher, sugira que os alunos pesquisem na internet. Há diversos filmes que usaram castelos escoceses como set de filmagem. Homework 24 – Fantastic world of castles twenty-five twenty-fifth 25 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 26 10. Holidays & Celebrations Image 122 The Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival (Canada) – September The Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival takes place every year during the long weekend in September. The Festival features balloons in different shapes, colors and sizes from different countries, also from Brazil. It is spectacular to see the styles of balloons. You will see balloons of animals, cars, people and (adapted from: anything else you can imagine. Vocabulary: features – apresenta Teacher, não deixe de salientar para os alunos que “hot air ballon” é um tipo de balão dirigível, utilizado por pessoas. Image 123 Cultural Corner Joseph and Étienne de Montgolfier invented the hot air balloon in 1783. Image 124 Hot air balloon festivals, rallies and events in Canada, USA and Mexico. 26 twenty-six twenty-sixth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 27 5 APPENDIX Chapter 5 1. “Seven brides for seven brothers” The Movie – Watch it and… 1. Watch the film and write sentences starting with there was, there were, there wasn’t or there Teacher, exibir o trecho do filme “Sete noivas para sete irmãos” de 01:34:02 até 01:41:17. weren’t. There was a general store in the city. __________________________________________________________________ b) There wasn’t a mill on the farm. __________________________________________________________________ c) There were horses on the farm. __________________________________________________________________ d) Images 125 to 129 a) There was a baby in the house. __________________________________________________________________ There were some lamps on the farm. __________________________________________________________________ 2. a) b) c) d) e) Now, answer the questions using short answers: Yes, there was. Was there a henhouse on the farm? __________________________________________________ No, there wasn’t. Was there a cradle in the bedroom? __________________________________________________ Yes, there were. Were there seven girls in the house? __________________________________________________ Yes, there were. Were there guns on the farm? __________________________________________________ No, there weren’t. Were there two wagons on the farm? __________________________________________________ Cultural Corner Image 130 e) “Seven brides for seven brothers” is a musical film and it was released 1954. It won the Academy Award for “Best Musical Picture” and was nominated for four additional awards, including “Best Picture of the Year”. twenty-seven twenty-seventh 27 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 28 Chapter 6 2. Listen to the song and circle the correct word to sing it: Standing Outside the Fire (Garth Brooks – 1993) We call them BULL COOL FULL Those hearts that have no scars to show The ones that never do let go And risk the tables being turned We call them FULL TOOLS FOOLS Who have to dance within the flame Who chance the sorrow and the shame That always comes with getting burned But you've got to be tough when consumed by desire CALL ‘CAUSE CLOUD - it's not enough just to stand outside the fire We call them strong Those who can face this world A LOAD Who seem to get by on their own Those who will never take the fall We call them weak WHO TWO YOU A HOWL ALONE are unable to resist The slightest chance love might exist And for that forsake it all They're so hell-bent on giving, walking a wire Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire Standing outside the fire Standing outside the fire Life is not tried, it is MARY LEE 28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth MERELY MARRY ME - survived SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 29 If you're standing outside the fire There's this love that is burning Deep in my soul Constantly yearning to get out of control WALKING WRITING WANTING - to fly higher and higher I can't abide Standing outside the fire Standing outside the fire Standing outside the fire Life is not tried, it is merely survived If you're standing outside the fire Standing outside the fire Standing outside the fire Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you’re standing outside the fire Vocabulary: sorrow – tristeza / mágoa howl – uivo the slightest – a menor forsake it all – abandonam tudo Image 131 Cultural Corner Garth Brooks was born in 1962. He is an American country pop singer and songwriter. In 2015 he performed in Barretos Festival, in São Paulo. Teacher, esta música encontra-se no Portal Objetivo, no link abaixo. No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING7F306. twenty-nine twenty-ninth 29 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 30 EXTRA EXERCISES Images 132 to 154 3. Crossword puzzle: 30 Teacher, “keep your ear to the ground” é um provérbio que significa “ficar the orelha em pé / ficar atento”. thirty thirtieth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 31 Images 155 to 170 4. Crossword puzzle: B W A V T H I N F A T I F L D E A U T B A L D O U F R Y H U L A I G L Y S H O R T M O U S T A C H E T A I L E A L L P O N Y T Y O U N G C K L E S G L A S S E S B I G E A R S B E A R D R ( thirty-one thirty-first 31 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 32 REVIEW Teacher, a partir do segundo caderno as atividades devem ser iniciadas pela tarefa REVIEW. 1. Complete the questions and the short answers by using: do does don’t doesn’t Does _______________________ the baby cry a lot? doesn’t No, it _______________________. It smiles a lot. a) the dogs walk in the park? b) do. Yes, they _______________________ Images 171 to 174 Do _______________________ Do _______________________ they study math together? don’t No, they _______________________. They study geography. c) Does _______________________ Popeye eat a lot of spinach? does. Yes, he _______________________ d) Correct the sentences according to the images: Image 175 2. Olivia doesn’t like Popeye. Olivia likes Popeye./ Olivia loves Popeye. __________________________________________________________________ a) 32 thity-two thirty-second SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 33 c) They run in the park. They don’t run in the park. _________________________________________________________________ Images 176 to 178 b) The little girl doesn’t carry sunflowers. The little girl carries sunflowers. _________________________________________________________________ The Indian girl wears uniform. The Indian girl doesn’t wear uniform. _________________________________________________________________ d) 3. Louise and Larry are classmates. They are talking. You have to complete their questions according to the answers. Use the question words from the box: how what where when why how often a) How often Louise: ____________________________________ do you study English? Larry: I study English every day. b) Louise: Why ____________________________________ do you study it every day? Larry : Because I want to speak English fluently. thirty-three thirty-third 33 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 34 c) Louise: Where ____________________________________ does your mother work? Larry: She works in a hospital. d) Louise: How ____________________________________ does she go to work? Larry: She goes to work on foot. The hospital is two blocks away from our house. e) What Louise: ____________________________________ does your father do? Larry : He is a firefighter. f) When Louise: ____________________________________ does he work? Larry : He works every day from 7am to 7 pm. 4. Complete the sentences using: a) takes take How long does it _____________ you to go to school? It _________________ us thirty minutes. b) lives live Who _________________ in the North Pole? The eskimos ____________________ there. 34 thirty-four thirty-fourth lives live takes take SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 35 5. Write sentences giving orders, instructions, invitations or advice: Don’t eat or drink a) ___________________________________ in the computer lab! Listen to b) ___________________________________ your teacher’s instructions in the Science lab! Don’t forget c) ___________________________________ to put on your lab coat in the Science lab! Come d) ___________________________________ to my 13th birthday party! Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 22 to 26 Excellent ( ) - from 17 to 21 Good ( ) - from 13 to 16 Average ( ) - below 13 Poor ( ) thirty-five thirty-fifth 35 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 36 Notes 36 thirty-six thirty-sixth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 37 HOMEWORK 17 What does he look like? Name: 1. Date: ____/____/____ #: Turn these pictures into real people: a) My name is Darrell and I have short black hair. I have a black moustache and black beard. I have a big nose and red lips. My eyes are black. I think I am not handsome. b) I am Matthew and I have short spiky brown hair. My eyes are green and I have a small nose. I have freckles and I like them. I am toothy and I really don’t like it. c) My name is Caitlyn and I am blonde. I have a long blonde forelock but my hair is short. My eyes are blue and I have red lips. I have dimples when I smile. d) My name is Dakota and I am eleven years old. I have long dark red hair and a long and straight nose. My eyes are blue. I wear glasses and braces. thirty-seven thirty-seventh 37 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 38 2. Describe these people: bald strong This is Vin Diesel. He is ________________ and a ___________________man. a) long straight brown hair This is Angelina Jolie. She has ________________________________________ green beautiful and _________________ eyes. She is a very ______________________woman. b) Morgan Freeman is an important black American actor. He has ___________ short gray/grey ____________________________________________ hair. His _____________ beard gray/grey _______________________ is _____________________ too. Images 179 to 183 c) short straight brown hair This is Emma Watson. She has ________________________________________ black/brown and ________________________________ eyes. d) short straight brown hair Johnny Depp has ___________________________________________________, black goatee black a ___________________ moustache and a ______________________________. handsome/good-looking He is a _________________________________ man despite of his 50 years. e) Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 16 to 18 Excellent ( ) - from 12 to 15 Good ( ) - from 9 to 11 Average ( ) - below 9 Poor ( ) 38 thirty-eight thirty-eighth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 39 18 HOMEWORK When I was a baby... Name: Date: ____/____/____ #: 1. Compare the images below and complete the sentences using: were wasn’t weren’t Image 184 to 186 was was weren’t a) In the past, it _________ common to women wear hats. They _________________ very big. was wasn’t b) In the first photo, the girl ________ wearing a white dress and black shoes. Her hat ___________ big. were c) In the second one, the girl and her doll ___________ with flowers and ribbons on their heads. was were d) The woman, in the third photo, ________ wearing a small hat and there ____________ some pink laces and small flowers on it. weren’t were e) These photos ____________ modern but they ____________ very beautiful. Image 187 2. There are eight sentences in this exercise, read carefully each one of them and decide which ones refer to the description of the old photo. Mark them in the parenthesis. Use a dictionary, if necessary. a) The girls were on a slide. b) One girl was a wearing hat. c) One girl was crying. d) One girl was holding a lamb. e) Two girls were carrying birds. f) The girls were smiling. g) Their dresses were different. h) Their hair was short. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( X X X X X ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) thirty-nine thirty-ninth 39 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 40 3. Complete the paragraph according to the images. Use the words from the box: aren’t old twins babies school were eleven Image 188 are twins These are Alan and Alice. They are _____________________. They _______ were babies eleven _____________ always together when they were ________________. Now, they are _________________ old are school aren’t years _______________ . They _____________ in the same ______________, but they ________________ in the same class. 4. Now, take one photo when you were a baby, describe your face, your hair and your clothes. Compare it to a recent photo and write about each of them. If possible, glue them in your homework or in a separate piece of paper. Do your best! Teacher, ao comentar com seus alunos sobre esta tarefa, incentive-os a colocar fotos de quando eram bebês/crianças e as fotos atuais. Este recurso, além de exercitar a habilidade de “writing”, é positivo, pois há uma percepção das mudanças físicas. baby/past teen/present free answer When I was a baby/a child __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ free answer Today, my hair is __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 20 to 24 Excellent ( ) - from 16 to 20 Good ( ) - from 12 to 15 Average ( ) - below 12 Poor ( ) 40 forty fortieth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 41 HOMEWORK 19 Yesterday is history. Name: Date: ____/____/____ #: a) Where were you born? ( e ) They were very nice. (b) b) When were you born? ( d ) I was on my uncle’s farm. (c) c) How old were you in 2008? ( a ) I was born in Brazil. (e) d) Where were you last week? ( b ) I was born on July, 1st, 2005. ( d ) e) What were your grandparents like? ( c ) I was three. (f) f) Who was your father in this picture? ( f ) The boy on the left. (a) Images 189 to 193 1. Match questions, answers and pictures with the same idea: forty-one forty-first 41 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 42 2. Complete the sentences by using question words and answer them according to the pictures: How ___________________ was the weather like? a) It was very cold. ______________________________________________________________ How old ___________________ was your brother in this pic? b) He was a baby./ free answer ______________________________________________________________ Where ___________________ were you last year? c) Images 194 to 198 We were in Disney World./ We were in Orlando. ______________________________________________________________ When ___________________ was your math test? d) It was yesterday./ last Friday./ free answer ______________________________________________________________ Why ___________________ was he so sad? e) Because his mother wasn’t here./ free answer ______________________________________________________________ Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 20 to 22 Excellent ( ) - from 15 to 19 Good ( ) - from 9 to 14 Average ( ) - below 9 Poor ( ) 42 forty-two forty-second SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 43 HOMEWORK 20 Who was Chaplin? Date: ____/____/____ #: Image 199 Name: Image 200 1. Read the paragraph and answer the questions properly. If necessary, use a dictionary. Chaplin was probably the most well-known actor of the 20th Century. His childhood was very difficult and sad, but he was the best comedian of his time. His silence was funnier than the words. He wore baggy pants, a bowler hat, over-sized shoes, and a bamboo cane. His walk was funny. He was sweet and he was adored by everyone. a) Who was the best comedian of the 20th Century? Chaplin was the best comedian of the 20th century. ____________________________________________________________________________________ b) Was Chaplin’s childhood happy? No, it wasn’t. ____________________________________________________________________________________ c) How were Chaplin’s shoes? They were over-sized. ____________________________________________________________________________________ d) What was Chaplin like? He was sweet. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e) How was his walk? It was funny. ____________________________________________________________________________________ forty-three forty-third 43 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 44 Image 201 2. These are the titles of some Chaplin’s movies. Make a small research and answer the questions. When was “The Kid” released? It was released in 1921. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Image 202 a) When was “The Circus” released? It was released in 1928. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Image 203 b) c) When was “Modern Times” released? It was released in 1936. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Complete Chaplin’s biography using: London district full British April, 16th December, 25th star Fame full British His _________ name was Charles Spencer Chaplin. He was _____________________. He was born in a star London April 16th district poor__________ of _______________ on _________________, 1889. He was awarded a _____________ Fame December 25th in the Hollywood Hall of ______________ in 1972. He died on ________________, on a Christmas Day, in 1977. 44 forty-four forty-fourth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 45 HOMEWORK 21 Things have changed a lot. Name: Date: ____/____/____ #: Image 204 1. Look at the image below and complete the sentences accordingly: 10 days 15 seconds a) Letters ____________________ to arrive and e-mails ________________________ phones b) 1992 – text messages on ________________________________________________ email/e-mail c) 1996 – text messages by ________________________________________________ Image 205 2. What is the “problem” with the old phone? It doesn’t take pictures. _____________________________________________________________________ Image 206 3. What was the meaning of the word “cookies” to the old woman? It was something to eat. _____________________________________________________________ forty-five forty-fifth 45 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 46 Image 207 4. Look at the image below and answer the questions: a) When was this cell phone made? It was made in 1983. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b) What was its name? It was Motorola DynaTac 8000X ______________________________________________________________________________________ c) What was its weight? It was 2 pounds. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher, 1 pound equivale a 450grs. d) What was its price? It was nearly $4,000. ______________________________________________________________________________________ e) What was its nickname? It was “ the Brick”. ______________________________________________________________________________________ f) For thirty minutes of use, what was the necessary time to charge it? It was necessary 10-hour charge. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 46 forty-six forty-sixth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 47 HOMEWORK 22 Somewhere in the past Date: ____/____/____ Name: #: Images 208 and 209 1. Look at the images of NYC and complete the sentences by using there was or there were: a) There were __________________________ cable cars in Columbus Circle, in 1912. Images 210 and 211 b) There were _________________________ visible buildings and it was possible to see the Chrysler Building in 1930. Images 212 and 213 c) d) Images 214 and 215 There was __________________________ a river where people could go boating. There was __________________________ only one car in this picture of the Fifth Avenue in 1911. forty-seven forty-seventh 47 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 48 Image 216 2. This is a very famous place in London called Piccadilly Circus. The photo was taken in 1896. Look at the photo and complete the sentences using there was or there were: There were a) ________________________________ some of people on the street. There were b) ________________________________ some old buildings. There was c) ________________________________ a flag on top of the building on the left. There was d) ________________________________ a roundabout. There were e) ________________________________ many horse-drawn carriages. Image 217 3. What was there in the fridge? Write sentences using there was or there were: Teacher, há inúmeras respostas possíveis. There were five sodas. a) ______________________________________________________________________________________ There was some salad. b) ______________________________________________________________________________________ There was a roast chicken. c) ______________________________________________________________________________________ There were some eggs. d) ______________________________________________________________________________________ There was a bottle of milk. e) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 12 to 14 Excellent ( ) - from 10 to 11 Good ( ) - from 7 to 9 Average ( ) - below 7 Poor ( ) 48 forty-eight forty-eighth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 49 HOMEWORK 23 Do you know these objects? Name: Date: ____/____/____ #: 1. Read the sentences and complete them by using the appropriate words. Use a dictionary, if necessary. ballpoint pens double school desks fountain pens mimeograph Image 218 double school desks a) There were ___________________________ in all the classrooms fifty years ago. mimeograph b) There was a ___________________________ in every school to copy some exercises to the students in the past. fountain pens c) There were different models of ___________________________ many years ago. There were also ballpoint pens ___________________________ which were the favorite among the students. ball pen mimeograph Image 219 fountain pen Image 220 double school desks 2. Look at the image carefully and answer the questions properly. If necessary, use a dictionary. a) Was there an old ice cream machine in the image? Yes, there was. ______________________________________________________________________________________ forty-nine forty-ninth 49 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 50 b) Were there a man and a child next to the ice cream machine? No, there weren’t. ______________________________________________________________________________________ c) Was there a slot to insert coins in the machine? Yes, there was. ______________________________________________________________________________________ d) Was it possible to know the price of the ice cream? No, it wasn’t. ______________________________________________________________________________________ e) Was there an invitation to the customer? Yes, there was. ______________________________________________________________________________________ f) What was the invitation? It was the sentence: “Have some”, referring to the delicious ice cream. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Now, write four sentences about these two objects. Do your best! Teacher, quando for explicar esta HW, dê algumas sugestões sobre como os alunos poderiam formar as sentenças pedidas no exercício 3. Sugira que falem sobre os tipos de pipoca e as cores do algodão doce que eram vendidos nos carrinhos, assim ficarão mais confiantes em formar as sentenças sozinhos. Na aula seguinte, dedique cinco minutos à leitura de algumas sentenças criadas por eles e já previamente corrigidas. Image 222 Image 221 “There were popcorn machines and cotton candy machines in some school festivities and also in a lot of birthday parties.” There were two kinds of popcorn in the machine. One is salty and the other is sweet. a)_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ There were many colors of cotton sugar. They were white, pink, blue, yellow and light green. b)______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. - from 11 to 12 Excellent ( ) - from 8 to 10 Good ( ) - from 6 to 7 Average ( ) - below 6 Poor ( ) 50 fifty fiftieth SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 51 HOMEWORK 24 Fantastic world of castles Date: ____/____/____ #: Image 223 Name: 1. Read the text and answer the questions: There are more than 700 castles in Scotland. They are Medieval Castles. They were built in the 12th century, to protect kings, lords and their people when they were attacked. a) When were the Medieval Castles built ? They were built in the 12th century. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b) Are there many castles in Scotland? Yes, there are. ______________________________________________________________________________________ c) Why were the castles built? They were built to protect kings and lords. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Complete the paragraph using: mouth crown water Image 224 face water This is a famous under _________________________castle in Scotland. This image is curious because it face crown mouth seems a _______________ with a__________________and an opened____________________________ It’s Kilchurn Castle. 51 fifty-one fifty-first SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 52 3. Complete the paragraph with the words given: there was it was there were there weren’t Image 225 fantastic there was Once upon a time, ________________________ a wonderful There were There weren’t castle in Ireland. ________________________ more than 50 rooms in it. __________________________ It was people inside it for a long time. ______________________ Ballyseede Castle. Now, it is Ballyseede Castle fantastic Hotel and a lot of people enjoy it too much. It’s a______________________ place to spend the holidays like kings and queens. 4. Match the country from the UK to the right castle. ( c ) England b) Dublin Castle ( a ) Wales Images 226 to 229 a) Cardiff Castle c) London Castle ( d ) Scotland d) Edinburgh Castle ( b ) Ireland 52 fifty-two fity-second SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 53 Image Credits Image 1 Images 43 to 46 Disponível em: Disponíveis em:;http://bestmusi;;http://www.elmos Image 47 Disponível em: kPP6i1u67c4io1_1280.jpg Image 2 Disponível em: earl#/media/File:Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_-_The_Curse_of_the_Black_Pearl.jpg Images 3 to 18 Disponíveis em: Disponíveis em:;; 59_960_720.jpg; media/File:Leona_Lewis_2014.jpg;;; 960_720.jpg;;;; dosa506341/;; pload/building_wallpaper1937.jpg; Images 19 to 27 Disponíveis em:;; atleta-concorr%C3%AAncia-andar-corrida676340/;;;http s://;; 27/; Images 28 to 32 Disponíveis em:; pg;;; Images 33 to 38 Disponíveis em:;;;;,_3.jpg; Image 48 Disponível em: _Secrets_%28US_cover%29.jpg Images 49 to 52 Disponíveis em:; s_shooting_06.jpg/408px-Harlem_Globetrotters_shooting_06.jpg;; Image 53 Disponível em: Images 54 to 57 Disponíveis em:;; 13/ff/9a/Officer-Sean-C.-Williams-Beavercreek-police.jpg; Images 58 to 62 Disponíveis em:; image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTI2MDUwMjQ3NzMzNDYzMDU w.jpg; 72e80809e049/53eabca0e4b072e8080a213f/1407895146077/cc_dish.jpg?format =500w; lwjmnnFOhr1qbcfcko2_r1_500.jpg; 000/0038/doglife_bigger.jpg Image 63 Disponível em: Image 64 Disponível em: Image 65 Image 39 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 66 and 67 Image 40 Disponíveis em: Disponível em: Image 41 Disponível em:; aos/maxresdefault.jpg Image 42 Disponível em: x-Grace_Kelly.JPG; Image 68 Disponível em: Image 69 Disponível em: Image 70 Disponível em: Image 71 Disponível em: sixty-one sixty-first 53 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 54 Images 72 to 74 Images 101 to 105 Disponíveis em:; 1/24/116435021211530.shtml; url= 8M&tbnh=251&tbnw=188&usg=__GBXoVqGeFVE4YYQ1s9Ld0j2wd4o=&hl=pt&d ocid=44UnAGB7DReo6M Disponíveis em: g; wThen-c5bae58a.jpeg?ver=1415456354&aspectratio=1.5;;; Images 75 to 77 Image 106 Disponíveis em: Image 78 Disponível em: Disponível em: Images 79 to 81 Disponíveis em: Disponíveis em:;;http: // p+brasil__CCB9A_1.jpg Images 82 to 84 Disponíveis em:;http ://;https://uplo Image 107 Disponível em: Images 108 and 109 Image 110 Disponível em: Image 111 Disponível em: Image 112 Disponível em: Image 113 Image 85 Disponível em: 3511_FullSizeRender.jpg Disponível em: Image 114 Image 86 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 115 Image 87 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 116 Image 88 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 117 Image 89 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 118 Images 90 to 92 Disponíveis em:;; est-town-in-cody-wy-cody-united-states+1152_12824274573-tpfil02aw-28899.jpg Images 93 to 95 Disponíveis em:;; phy/thumbs/grist-mill-literary-wondrous-hd-wallpaper-14294569309.jpg Images 96 to 100 Disponíveis em:;;,+1968.jpg;; 54 sixty-two sixty-second Disponível em: 1227b/GG1166243.jpg Image 119 Disponível em: 7a7040 Image 120 Disponível em: Image 121 Disponível em: Image 122 Disponível em: df1ec_f748.jpg SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 55 Image 123 Images 176 to 178 Disponível em: Disponíveis em:;; Image 124 Disponível em: Images 125 to 129 Disponíveis em:;;;; Image 130 Disponível em: Image 131 Disponível em: Images 132 to 154 Disponíveis em: https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/; https:/;; https:/; https:/; https:/; Images 155 to 170 Disponíveis em: https:/;https:/;https:/ ; https:/;https:/;https:/;https:/;https:/;https:/,_male_dwarf.jpg; https:/,_male_dwarf.;https:/pixabay .com/pt/homem-antigo-chap%C3%A9u-retrato-bigode-391413; https:/;https:/;https:/com; rato-menina-%C3%B3culos-olhos-face-1152472/;https:/;https:/; https:/;https:/;https:/ 86195334%29.jpg; https:/ Images 179 to 183 Disponíveis em:; 4_%28cropped%29.jpg;,_2006.jpg ;; Images 184 to 186 Disponíveis em:;;http://vi Image 187 Disponível em: Image 188 Disponível em: Images 189 to 193 Disponíveis em:;;;; 7/data1/images/claudia_wellington_2.jpg Images 194 to 198 Disponíveis em:;;;; Image 199 Disponível em: Image 200 Disponível em: Images 171 to 174 Image 201 Disponíveis em:;;; Disponível em: Image 175 Disponível em: Image 202 Disponível em: Image 203 Disponível em: g sixty-three sixty-third 55 SOME_C3_7o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:24 Página 56 Image 204 Image 223 Disponível em: Disponível em: Image 224 Image 205 Disponível em: nT7I11qz4cuyo1_1280.jpg Disponível em: Image 225 Image 206 Disponível em: Disponível em: Images 226 to 229. 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