personal watercraft - Greenhulk Personal Watercraft Performance Forums
personal watercraft - Greenhulk Personal Watercraft Performance Forums
/ LRRIS INDUSTRIES Inc. be 1992 • 1998 PERSONAL WATERCRAFT er SERVICE MANUAL da Foreword rt This manual is designed primarily for use by Polaris personal watercraft service technicians in a properly equipped shop. Persons using this manual should have a sound knowledge of mechanical theory, tool use, and shop procedures in order to perform the work safely and correctly. The technician should read the text and be familiar with service procedures before starting the work. Certain procedures require the use of special tools. Use only the proper tools, as specified. Cleanliness of parts and tools as well as the work area is of primary importance. This manual includes procedures for disassembly and reassembly, inspection, maintenance, component identification and unit repair, along with service specifications for all 1992 - 1998 Polaris personal watercraft. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each chapter to aid the user in locating specific areas of information. The alphabetic index at the end of the manual will help the user find specific information quickly. Care is take"n to ensure that all information in this manual was technically correct at the time of publication. How-- ever, all materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Comments or suggestions about this manual may be directed to: Service Publications, Supervisor, Polaris Industries Inc., 1225 Highway 169 North, Minneapolis, MN 55441-5078. Technical Training Center Minneapolis, MN 55441 1992-1998 Personal Watercraft Service Manual (PN 9912201) Printed in U.S.A. UNDERSTANDING SAFETY LABELS AND INSTRUCTIONS Throughout these instructions, important information is brought to your attention by the following symbols: '&'The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT' YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED' A DANGER Failure to follow DANGER instructions will result in severe injury or death to the operator, passenger, bystander or person inspecting or servicing the watercraft. A WARNING Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the operator, passenger, bystander or person inspecting or servicing the watercraft. NOTE: be A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid minor personal injury, or watercraft or property damage. A NOTE provides key information to clarify instructions. Polaris acknowledges the following products mentioned in this manual: er SPECIAL TOOLS da Loctite, Registered Trademark of the Loctite Corporation FLEXLOC, Registered Trademark of SPS Technologies MityVac, Registered Trademark of Neward Enterprises Torx, Trademark of Textron Teflon, Trademark of DuPont Vortex, Trademark of Ocean Pro Alemite, Trademark of Alemite Corporation rt Special tools described in this manual may be ordered directly from the Victor Specialty Tool Company. The toll free order FAX number is 1-800-716-3938 (orders only please). Phone 716-742-1790. Address: Victor Specialty Tool Co 66 School St. Victor, NY 14564 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Publication Numbers 1.1 Service Bulletin Index By Bulletin Number .. . . . .. 1.2 - 1.4 Service Bulletin Index By Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.4a - 1.4b Paint Codes 1.5 - 1.6a Model Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.7 1.8 Model Specifications 1994 - 1995 1.9 - 1.11 Model Specifications 1996 - 1997 1.12 - 1.14c be Model Specifications 1992 - 1993 Model Specifications 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.14d - 1.14e Standard Torque Specifications 1.15 Decimal Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.16 er Conversion Table 1.17 Tap Drill Charts 1.18 Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.19 - 1.20 Service Tips da Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.21 - 1.26 1.27 Warranty Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.28 rt GENERAL INFORMATION Publication Numbers r Watercraft Publication Part Numbers Year Model Model No. (International) Owner's Manual Parts Book MicroFiche (Set) 1992 SL650 8924058 9912153 9912292 9913434 1993 SL650 8934058 9912443 9912473 (9913435) 1994 1995 8934070 9912443 9912475 8934170 9912484 9912594 SL650 8944058 9912645 9912699 SL750 8944070 9912645 9912701 SLT 8944170 9912484 9912594 SL650 (SL650 International) 8954058 (1954058) 9912969 9913048 SL650 STD (SL650 STD International) 8954358 (1954358) 9912969/ 9913375' 9913292 SL750 (SL750 International) 8954070 (1954070) 9912969 9913052 SLTl50 (SLTl50 International) 8954170 (1954170) 9912993 9913056 SLX780 (SLX780 International) 8954287 (1954287) 9913290 9913395 SL700 (SL700 International) 8964066 (1964066) 9913562 9913563 SLTlOO (SLTlOO International) 8964166 (1964166) 9913287 9913392 SL780 (SL780 International) 8964087 (1964087) 9913551 9913552 SL900 (SL900 International) 8964291 (1964291) 9913557 9913558 er be 1996 SL750 SLT SLX780 (SLX780 International) 9913744 SLTl80 (SLTl80 International) 8964588 (1964588) 9913567 9913568 Hurricane (Hurricane International) 8964466 (1964466) 9913572 9913573 SLTX (SLTX International) 8964590 (1964590) 9913577 9913578 SL700 8974071 9913919 9914087 SL700 Deluxe 8974072 9913919 9914087 SLT700 8974572 9914111 9914112 Hurricane 8974473 9913926 9914104 9914091 9914092 9914116 9914117 9913923 9914125 SL780 8974088 SLTl80 8974588 SLX PRO 785 8974978 (9913437) (9913438) (9914732) rt 1998 9913551 da 1997 8964287 (1964287) (9913436) SL900 8974091 9914102 9914097 SL1050 8974090 9914096 9914097 SLTX 8974590 9914120 9914121 SLH 8984673 9914731 9914516 9914517 SLTH 8984573 9914731 9914655 9914656 SLXH 8984690 9914731 9914511 9914512 SLTX 8984590 9914731 9914631 9914632 , Addendum Polaris Industries Inc. 1.1 5/98 GENERAL INFORMATION Service Bulletin Index Service/Information Bulletins· 1992 PWC-92-01 1. Driveshaft Coupler Lubrication Interval 2. Flame Arrestor Intake Cover Sealing on Craft Before Ser. # 00097 3. Storage Cover Hinges and Insert Bolt Torque PWC-92-02 Dnveshaft Seal/Bearing Housing Oil Reservoir Tube PWC-92-03 Engine Oil Injection Line Damage PWC-92-04 SL 650 Carburetion Setup and Adjustments PWC-92-05 1. Paint Codes and Refinishing Procedure for SL 650 2. SL 650 Cylinder Head Gasket Positioning 3. Optional Jet Pump Impeller for SL 650 PWC-92-06 SL 650 Engine Cooling System Revision PWC-92-07 SL 650 Engine Cooling System Check Valve Installation PWC-92-08 Lanyard Cord Switch Adjustment PWC-92-09 SL650 Engine Spark Plugs be PWC-92-10 SL650 Engine Draining Procedures for Cold Weather Storage Service/Information Bulletins· 1993 Incorrect Ride Plate Installed on Some 1993 SL750 Model Watercraft PWC-93-02 1992 SL650 Fuel Tank Drop Tube Retaining Cap PWC-93-03 1992 SL650 Update Kit PN 2200475 PWC-93-04 Lanyard Cord Switch Adjustment PWC-93-05 1993 Model PWCs with Low Oil Warning Buzzers That Remain On After Oil Tank Has Been Filled PWC-93-06 Air Intake Silencer Mounting Bolts da er PWC-93-01 1993 SL650 Model #B934058 (all) 1993 SL750 Model #B934070 through Serial #PLE07000C393 PWC-93-08 PWC-93-09 4/96 rt PWC-93-07 1. All 1992 and 1993 SL650 and SL750 Fuel Tank Drop Tube Retaining Cap 2. Fuel Tank Drop Tube Lines and Clamps 3. Oil Tank Lower Elbow Fitting Inspection 1. Speedometer Kit Installation on 1992 SL650 Watercraft 2. Quick Trim System not Staying in Set Position 3. Inspection of Oil System, Fuel System Vent Lines and Check Valves Oil Tank Lower Elbow Fitting Replacement 1.2 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Service Bulletin Index Service/Information Bulletins - 1994 PWC-94-01 1. Spark Plug Caps Improperly Installed on the Coil High Tension Leads 2. Insufficient Torque on Cylinder Head Nuts 3. Spark Plug Type Listed Incorrectly in Owner's Manual PWC-94-02 Retention of the air Intake Duct Drain Hose PWC-94-03 1. Fiberglass Gel Coat Surface Crazing (Spider Webbing) 2. A Limited Number of 1994 SLTs may need Fiberglass Trimmed from the area below the rub rails in the rear corners PWC-94-04 Possible Water Leak on SLT Drive Shaft Through-hull Fitting PWC-94-05 Engine Cooling Water Inlet Hose PWC-94-06 1. 2. PWC-94-07 1994 SLT Seat and Compartment Door Seals PWC-94-08 Front Seat Latch Plate Wear Into Gel Coat on some 1994 SLTs PWC-94-09 All 1994 SL650, SL750 & SLT, Fuel Tank Drop Tube Retaining Cap Exhaust Manifold Fasteners Prevention of Water Leakage be 1994 SL750 Power Trim Nozzle Fasteners PWC-94-11 1. 1994 SLT Water Leaks at Steering and Reverse Cable 2. All 1994 Watercraft. Rear Muffler Bracket may wear through water supply hose PWC-94-12 All 1994 Watercraft. Possible water ingestion through the air intake PWC-94-13 1994 SLT Fuel Tank Vent Relocation er PWC-94-10 Service/Information Bulletins - 1995 1994 SLT - Reinforcement Of Driveshaft Through Hull Fitting PWC-95-02 1994 SLT - Fuel Tank Vent System Update PWC-95-03 All 1994 Models - Failure Of Vacuum Controlled Fuel Valve PWC-95-04 1995 SLT - Loose Hose Clamp On Exhaust Cross-Over Hose PWC-95-05 All 1995 Models - Cracked Or Broken Stems On Fuel Tank Pick-up/Sender Unit PWC-95-06 All 1995 Models - Defective Oil Tank Fitting PWC-95-07 All 1995 Models - Kinked Fuel Lines PWC-95-08 1995 SL650/750 - Incorrect Fuel Line Routing PWC-95-09 1995 SL650/750 - Loose Front Bumper PWC-95-10 All 1995 Models - Bilge Siphon Fitting Restricted Or Plugged PWC-95-11 All 1995 Models - Steering Cable Adjustment Procedure PWC-95-12 All 1995 Models - Grab Handle Cracking PWC-95-13 1995 SLX 780 - Intermittent Hard Starting da PWC-95-01 rt /' Polaris Industries Inc. 1.3 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Service Bulletin Index Service/Information Bulletins - 1995 (Cont.) PWC-95-14 1995 SL650/SL650 STD - Piston Damage Or Lean Condition At High Throttle Settings PWC-95-15 All 1992-1995 SL650; SL650 STD; SL750; SLX780 - Improved Seat Seal Kit PWC-95-16 All 1993-1995 Model Watercraft - Cooling Water Hose Damage PWC-95-17 1995 SL650 STD; 1995 SLX 780 - Threaded Through Hull Fitting May Loosen PWC-95-18 All 1992-1995 Model Watercraft - Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition PWC-95-19 1994 - 1995 SLT 750 - Fuel Cap Cracking PWC-95-20 All 1995 Watercraft - Improved Steering Cable Retention PWC-97-05 All 1995-1996 Watercraft Fuel Inlet and Cap Replacement Service/Information Bulletins - 1996 PWC-96-01 1996 SLT700 - Flywheel Replacement and Cylinder Head Bracket Installation PWC-96-02 All Except SUSLT 700 - MFD Malfunction PWC-96-03 SLTX - Temperature Sensors Incorrect Or Missing be All 1996 PWC - Loose Handgrips PWC-96-05 1996 SL900 and SLTX - Improved Throttle Response On Initial Acceleration PWC-96-06 1996 SLT 780 - Steering Cable May Contact The Drive Coupler PWC-96-07 All 1992-1995 Models; All 1996700,780, & Hurricane Models - Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition PWC-96-08 1996 SLTX - Revised Carburetor Jetting For SLTX PWC-96-09 1996 Hurricane - Loose Engine Mounting Bolts and Air Filter Mounting Studs PWC-96-10 All 1996 Model Watercraft (Except Hurricane) - Leaks At Bilge Plug PWC-96-11 1996 SL700; SLT700; Hurricane; SL900; - Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage PWC-96-12 1996 SL700; SLT700; Hurricane; SL900; SLTX; - Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts PWC-96-13 1996 Hurricane - Handlebars May Develop Cracks PWC-96-14 1996 SL780; SLT780; SLX 780 - Carburetor Hi/Low Screw Settings PWC-96-15 1996 Hurricane - Hood Seal Replacement PWC-97-05 All 1995-1996 Watercraft Fuel Inlet and Cap Replacement da er PWC-96-04 rt Service Bulletins - 1997 PWC-97-01 1997 SL1050 - Quality Assurance Upgrades To Engine And Pump PWC-97-02 1997 SLTX - Quality Assurance Upgrades To Engine, Pump, and Compartment Door PWC-97-03 1997 SLTX Compartment Door Latch Plate Replacement PWC-97-04 1997 SLX Pro 785 Compartment Door Latch Plate Replacement PWC-97-05 All 1995-1996 Watercraft Fuel Inlet and Cap Replacement Service Bulletins - 1998 PWC-98-01 5/98 1998 SLX Pro 785 Cooling Water Outlet Hose Restrictor 1.4 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Service Bulletin Index - By Model , 1996 PWC Bulletin Index By Model Bulletin # Model All 1996 Models Type Notes PWC-96-04 PWC-96-10 PWC-97-05 Service Information Service Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Fuel Inlet and Cap Replacement PWC-96-02 PWC-96-03 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-05 PWC-96-08 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-11 PWC-96-12 Service Service Service Service Service Information Service Information Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Engine Temp Sensor Incorrect Or Missing Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Improved Throttle Response On Initial Acceleration Revised Carburetor Jetting For SLTX Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts 1996 SLTX be 1996 SL 900 Service Service Service Information Service Information Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Improved Throttle Response On Initial Acceleration Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts PWC-96-02 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-14 Service Service Information Information Service Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Carburetor High/Low Screw Settings PWC-96-02 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-06 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-14 Service Service Service Information Information Service Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Steering Cable May Contact Drive Coupler Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Carburetor High/Low Screw Settings PWC-96-02 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-14 Service Service Information Information Service Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Carburetor High/Low Screw Settings 1996 SLT780 da er 1996 SLX 780 PWC-96-02 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-05 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-11 PWC-96-12 rt 1996 SL780 Polaris Industries Inc. 1.4a 5/98 GENERAL INFORMATION Service Bulletin Index By Model 1996 PWC Bulletin Index By Model (Cont.) Model Bulletin # Type Notes 1996 SLT700 PWC-96-01 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-11 PWC-96-12 Service Service Information Information Service Information Flywheel Replacement And Cyl. Head Bracket Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts PWC-96-04 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-10 PWC-96-11 PWC-96-12 Service Information Information Service Information Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Leaks At Bilge Plug (Except Hurricane) Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts PWC-96-02 PWC-96-04 PWC-96-07 PWC-96-09 Service Service Information Service PWC-96-11 PWC-96-12 PWC-96-13 PWC-96··15 Service Information Safety Alert Service Multi Function Display-Erratic RPM / Water Damage Loose Hand Grips - All 1996 Models Fuel Valve Restriction May Cause Lean Condition Loose Engine Mounting Bolts And Air Filter Mounting Studs Oil Pump a-Ring Leakage Loose Or Broken Cylinder Head Bolts Handlebars May Develop Cracks Seat Seal Replacement - 1996 Hurricane 1996 SL700 1996 Hurricane Model All 1997 Models 1997 SLTX Service Service Service Notes Quality Assurance Upgrades To Engine, Pump, Door Compartment Door Latch Plate Replacement Quality Assurance Upgrades To Engine and Pump rt 1997 SL1050 1997 SL900 1997 SLT780 1997 SL780 1997 SLT700 1997 SL700/Deluxe Hurricane Type Bulletin # PWC-97-02 PWC-97-03 PWC-97-01 da er be 1997 PWC Bulletin Index By Model 1998 PWC Bulletin Index By Model Model All 1998 Models 1998 SLTX 1998 SLXH 1998 SLH 1998 SLTH 1998 SLX Pro785 5/98 Bulletin # S-98-01 Type Service Notes Cooling Water Outlet Hose Restrictor 1.4b Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Paint Codes Paint Codes' Year Model Model No. Color (See Note Below) PPG I Ditzler Polaris Reference No. Number 1992 1993 SL650 B924058 Bright White (P133) 8520113 2185 / 91473 SL650 B934058 Bright White (P133) 8520113 2185 / 91473 SL750 B934070 Bright White (P133) Carnation Pink (P189) 8520113 8520121 SL650 B944058 Bright White (P133) Rubine Red (P182) 8520113 8520129 2185 / 91473 N/A I N/A 2185/91473 N/A I N/A SL750 B944070 Bright White (P133) Black Metallic (P177) 8520113 8520106 2185/91473 9000 1 N/A SLT B944170 White (Gel Coat Repair Kit) Caribbean Blue (P196) 2871287 8520133 N/A / 19717 1994 1995 B954058 Rubine Red (P182) 8520129 N/A 1 N/A SL650 STD B954358 Bright White (P133) 8520113 2185 / 91473 SL750 B954070 Purple Ve lvet (P194) 8520160 N/A 1 N/A SLT750 B954170 Caribbean Blue (P196) 8520133 N/A / 19717 SLX780 B954287 Bright White (P133) Rubine Red (P182) Black Metallic (P177) 8520113 8520129 8520106 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 N/A 9000 1 N/A SL700 SLT700 B964066 Bright White (P133) Lazer Blue (P217) 8520113 8520231 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 N/A B964166 Bright White (P133) Caribbean Blue (P196) Purple Velvet (P194) 8520113 8520133 8520160 2185/91473 N/A 119717 N/A 1 N/A B964466 Bright White (P133) Porsche Red (P136) 8520113 8520066 2185 / 91473 N/A 172060 Bright White (P133) Porsche Red (P136) 8520113 8520066 Bright White (P133) Purple Wave (P214) Caribbean Blue (P196) 8520113 8520230 8520133 2185 / 91473 N/A 172060 2185 / 91473 N/A 152113 N/A / 19717 er Hurricane be 1996 SL650 B964087 SLT780 B964588 SLX780 B964287 Bright White (P133) Black Metallic (P177) Porsche Red (P136) 8520113 8520106 8520066 2185 / 91473 90001 N/A N/A 172060 SL900 B964291 Bright White (P133) Porsche Red (P136) 8520113 8520066 2185 / 91473 N/A 172060 SLTX B964590 Bright White (P133) Purple Wave (P214) Caribbean Blue (P196) 8520113 8520230 8520133 2185/91473 N/A / 52113 N/A / 19717 da SL780 rt *Includes International models *. Bright White (P133) Is Ditzler #91473 or PPG 2185 NOTE: Order Polaris "P" Number from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612)-934-8252 . Mix as directed. N/A = Not Available Polaris Industries Inc. 1.5 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Paint Codes Paint Codes* Year Model Model No. Color (See Note Below) Polaris PPG I Ditzler Reference No. Number. 1997 SL700 B974071 Bright White (P133) Lazer Blue (P217) 8520113 8520231 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 N/A SL700 Deluxe B974072 Bright White (P133) Teal Metallic (P168) 8520113 8520199 2185 / 91473 4300 1 N/A SLT700 B974572 Bright White (P133) Lazer Blue (P217) 8520113 8520231 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 NlA Hurricane B974473 Bright White (P133) Porsche Red (P136) Screamin Yellow (P216) 8520113 8520066 8520242 2185 / 91473 N/A 172060 N/A 1 NIA SL780 B974088 Bright White (P133) Wild Grape (P237) 8520113 2185 / 91473 SLT780 B974588 - - N/A I N/A 8520113 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 N/A Bright White (P133) Wild Grape (P237) - B974091 Bright White (P133) Violet Metallic (P242) 8520113 8520249 2185 /9 1473 SL 1050 B974090 Bright White (P133) Screamin Yellow (P216) Black Metallic (P177) 8520113 8520242 8520106 2185 / 91473 N/A 1 N/A 90001 N/A Bright White (P133) Violet Metallic (P242) 8520113 8520249 2185/91473 N/A 1 N/A SLTX be SL900 B974590 er *Includes International models N/A / NI.A. ** Bright White Is Ditzler #91473 or PPG 2185 NOTE: Order Polaris "P" Number from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612)-934-8252 . Mix as directed. N/A = Not Available da Gel Coat Repair Kits - For repair of gel coat on fiberglass hulls and decks. White - 2871287 Caribbean Blue - 2200735 Paint - Top Coat / Metallic Coatin~ rt All Models Clear Topcoat with Sparkle Metallic powder. Order direct from Midwest Industrial (612-934- 8252). Mix as directed . ~ 2-Part Structural Adhesive - For repair of SMC hulls and decks. SMC repair kits containing 3MTM #08101 structural adhesive are available in two sizes. This 2-part structural adhesive is recommended for bonding and general repair of SMC hulls and decks. 2 Oz. - 2871520 4/97 1 Quart - 2871519 1.6 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Paint Codes Paint Codes* Year Model Model No. Color (See Note Below) PPG I Ditzler Number 1998 SLH B984673 Bright White (P133) PWC Violet (P250) 2185/91473 N/A 1 N/A SLTH B984573 Bright White (P133) Dark Cloissone Non Metallic (P252) 2185/91473 N/A 1 N/A SLXH B984690 Bright White (P 133) Screamin Yellow (P216) 2185/91473 N/A 1N/A SLTX B984590 Bright White (P133) PWC Violet (P250) 2185/91473 N/A 1 N/A *Includes International models ** Bright White Is Ditzler #91473 or PPG 2185 NOTE: Order Polaris "P" Number from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612)-934-8252. Mix as directed. NIA = Not Available Gel Coat Repair Kits - For repair of gel coat on fiberglass hulls and decks. Caribbean Blue - 2200735 be White - 2871287 Paint - Top Coat I Metallic All Models Clear Topcoat with Sparkle Metallic powder. Order direct from Midwest Industrial Coatings (612-934- 8252). Mix as directed. er 2-Part Structural Adhesive - For repair of SMC hulls and decks. da SMC repair kits containing 3MTM#08101 structural adhesive are available in two sizes. This 2-part structural adhesive is recommended for bonding and general repair of SMC hulls and decks. 2 Oz. - 2871520 1 Quart - 2871519 rt Polaris Industries Inc. 1.6a 5198 GENERAL INFORMATION rt da er be 5/98 1.6b Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Identification Identification Numbers The engine 1.0. number and hull 1.0. number are used to register the watercraft. They are unique numbers that distinguish each watercraft from others of the same model. If the watercraft is ever stolen these numbers will help identify it. The owner should keep a record of these numbers in a place other than the watercraft. Month Code: A = January; B = February; etc. Year Of Manufacture: 5 = 1995; 6 = 1996; etc. er be All SLT Models and Hurricane All SL and SLX Models da Starter Cover rt Engine 1.0. Number (Polaris / Fuji Engine) Engine 1.0. Number (Polaris Domestic Engine) All 650, 750, 780 Models Polaris Industries Inc. All 700, 900, 1050, Models 1.7 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris resarves the right to change specilications at any time without Incurring obllgatlona. 1992 SL650 8924058 1993 SL650 8934058 1993 SL750 8934070 Dimensions/Materials Length (inches) . Width (inches) ............•............ . 105.5" 105.5" 105.5" 45" 45 " 45" Height (inches) . 37.5" 37.5" 37.5" Draft (stationary, unloaded in inches) . 9 9 9 Dry Weight (Ibs.) . 510 495 499 Hull Material . Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) Top Deck Material .... .. .. .. . .• .. . .. ..... SMC SMC SMC Side Rail Material . PVC PVC PVC Front Bumper Material .. . .....•. .. .•.. .. . TPO TPO TPO Base Color . White White White Accent Colors . Hot Pink, Blue, Gray Hot Pink, Blue, Gray Hot Pink, Blue, Gray 2 person/40;) Ibs. Capacities Rider Capacity . 2 person/400 Ibs. 2 person/400 Ibs. Front Storage Capacity (cubic feet) . 1.03 1.03 1.03 Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve . 9.8 9.8 9.8 Fuel Reserve (U.S. gallons) . 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Engine be Oil Reservoir Capacity (U .S. quarts) Engine Model No. . . EC65PW/01 EC65PW01 EC75PW01 Oil Type . Polaris Injection Oil or NMMA Certified TC-W3 Polaris Injection Oil or NMMA Certified TC-W3 Polaris Injection Oil or NMMA Certified TC-W3 Engine Cooling . Liquid, open system Liquid, open system er Engine Cylinders . 3 . . Liquid, open system 3 647cc 647cc 744cc 65mmx 65mm 65mm x 65mm 69.72mm x 65mm Compression Ratio ... . ... . ••. ........ • .. 6.4 to 1 (corrected) 6.6 to 1 (corrected) 6.7 to 1 (corrected) Timing Degrees BTDC 24 ° at 3000 rpm 18° at 3000 rpm 16° at 3000 rpm Ignition System ... .. .......•. .... . .. . . .. COl, Flywheel Magneto COl, Flywheel Magneto COl, Flywheel Magneto Lubrication . Oil Injected Oil Injected Oil Injected Horsepower . 68 HP@6500 rpm 68 HP @ 6500 rpm 78 HP @ 6500 rpm Maximum Static Thrust (Ibs.) . Approximate 550 Approximate 550 Approximate 550 Maximum Torque . 58 ft./Ibs. @ 6000 rpm 62 ft.llbs. @ 5750 rpm 72.5 ft.llbs . @ 5500 rpm Carburetion Intake . Reed Valve Carburetors . 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Engine Displacement Bore & Stroke . da 3 rt Carburetlon Reed Valve Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Electrical Alternator Output . 120 watt at 4500 rpm 120 watt at 4500 rpm 120 watt at 4500 rpm Spark Plug Type . NGK BR8ES, Champion RN-3C NGK BR8ES, Champion RN-3C NGK BR8ES, Champion RN-3C Spark Plug Gap (inches) .... .. .. . • . .. ..•. .028" .028 " .028" Idle RPM (in water) 1550 . ± 100 rpm 1300 ± 100 rpm 1300 ± 100 rpm Propulsion Jet Pump Type . Single Stage Axial Flow Single Stage Axial Flow Single Stage Axial Flow Impeller Rotation . Counter Clockwise Counter Clockwise Counter Clockwise Impeller Type . Stainless sleel, 3 blade Stainless steel, 3 blade Slainless sleel , 3 blade Impeller Pitch (degrees) . 14.5° (13/15°)* 15/18° 17/20° Bilge Pump Type . Siphon 2 GPM Siphon 2 GPM Siphon 2 GPM . 74 Decibels 74 Decibels 74 Decibels DB Noise Level • 2nd Production 4/96 1.8 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications 1994 SL650 8944058 1994 SL750 8944070 1994 SLT750 8944170 105.35" 44.86 " 37.5" 105.35" 44 .86" 37.5" 120.3" 47.3" 37.0" 9 9 8 495 Modified V Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) SMC PVC TPO White Rubine Red 1 Purple 499 Modified V Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) SMC PVC TPO White Rubine Red 1 Black 530 Full V Polyester/glass/foam composite Polyester/glass composite PVC TPO White Caribbean Blue 1Magenta 2 person/400 Ibs. 1.03 9.8 2.5 3.5 2 person/400 Ibs. 1.03 9 .8 2.5 3.5 3 person/500 Ibs. 1.2 11 2.5 EC75PW02 Liquid. open system EC75PW02 Liquid, open system 3 3 3 647cc 65mmx 65mm 10.7:1 18° at 3000 rpm 68 HP @6350 rpm Oil Injected 744cc 69.72mm x 65mm 10.7:1 25° at 3000 rpm 80 HP @ 6150 rpm Oil Injected 744cc 69.72mm x 65mm 10.7:1 25° at 3000 rpm 80 HP @ 6250 rpm Oil Injected . . Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Reed Valve 3-38mm. 34mm venturi Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Ignition System . CDI, Flywheel Magneto Alternator Output . Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) . . 10 Amps 1 120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028" Digital CDI , Flywheel Magneto 10 Amps 1 120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028 " Digital CDI , Flywheel Magneto 10 Amps 1120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028" Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131079 Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131035 Standard Warning Light Warning Light Siphon 2 GPM N/A N/A Standard Standard Warning Light Warning Light Siphon 2 GPM N/A N/A Standard PolarIs resarves the right to chang a specifications at any time without Incurring obllgatlona. Dlmenslons/Materlals Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Draft (stationary, unloaded in inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Hull Design Hull Material . . . . . . . Top Deck Material Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Base Color Accent Colors . . . . . Capacities Rider Capacity Front Storage Capacity (cubic feet) Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve (U.S. gallons) Oil Reservoir Capacity (U .S. quarts) . . . . 5 Engine be Carburetion EC65PW02 Liquid, open system Electrical da Carburetion Intake Carburetors . . . . . . . . . er Engine Model No. . Engine Cooling Engine Cylinders Engine Displacement Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Timing Degrees BTDC Horsepower Lubrication Jet Pump Type . Impeller Rotation Impeller Type . . Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch. Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131056 rt Propulsion OptlonslAccessories RPM Limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Low Oil Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overheat Warning . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Bilge Pump Type. . . .. . . Speedo (Analog) Fuel Gauge (Analog) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-Function Display Standard Buzzer Buzzer Siphon 2 GPM Option Standard N/A "Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level , Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level, Volts , Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning Polaris Industries Inc. 1.9 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the rtght to chenge specifications at any time without Incurring obligations. 1995 SL65Q 1995 SL65Q STO 1995 SL75Q . B954058 (1954058) B954358 (1954358) B954070 (1954070) Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Draft (stationary, unloaded in inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Hull Design Hull Material . . . . . . . 105.5" 45 " 37 .5" 9 495 Modified V Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 105.5" 45 " 37.5 ' 9 495 Modified V Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 105.5" 45" 37.5" 9 499 Modified V Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) Top Deck Material Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Base Color . . . . SMC PVC TPO White SMC PVC TPO White (Bottom Hull - Easter Purple) SMC PVC TPO White Accent Colors . Purple Velvet / Rubine Red Purple Velvet / Rubine Red Purple Velvet / Rubine Red . . . . 2 person/400 Ibs. 1.03 9.8 2.5 3.5 2 person/400 Ibs . 1.03 9.8 2.5 3.5 2 person/400 Ibs. 1.03 9.8 2.5 3.5 EC65PWE03 Liquid, open system 3 647cc 65mm x65mm 10.7:1 18° at 3000 rpm 68 HP @ 6500 rpm Oil Injected EC75PWEOa Liquid, open system 3 744cc 69 .72mm x Ei5mm 10.5:1 24 ° at 3000 rpm 80 HP @ 6000 rpm Oil Injected Model Number Dimensions/Materials Capacities Rider Capacity Front Storage Capacity (cubic feet) Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve (U .S. gallons) Oil Reservoir Capacity (U .S. quarts) be Engine EC65PWE03 Liquid, open system 3 647cc 65mmx 65mm 10.7:1 18° at 3000 rpm 68 HP @ 6500 rpm Oil Injected . . Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34rnm venturi Ignition System . COl, Flywheel Magneto COl, Flywheel Magneto Starting System Alternator Output . . Electric Starter 10 Amps /120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028 " Electric Starter 10 Amps / 120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028 " Digital COl , Flywheel Magneto Electric Starter 10 Amps /1 20 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028" Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131056 Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Aluminum, 4 blade PN 5131188 Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131079 Standard MFD Warning Light! Display MFD Warning Light / Display Standard Standard Carburetlon . da Carburetion Intake Carburetors . er . . . . . . . . . Engine Model No. Engine Cooling Engine Cylinders Engine Displacement Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Timing Degrees BTDC Horsepower Lubrication Electrical . . . rt Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Propulsion Jet Pump Type . Impeller Rotation Impeller Type . . Options/Accessories RPM Limiter Low Oil Moritoring . . Standard Hitone Standard Hitone Overheat Warning . Hitone Hitone Quick Trim (Power) with Gauge 'Multi-Function Display Option N/A Option N/A 'Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level, Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level , Volts , Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning 4/96 1.10 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without Incurring obligations. 1995 SLT750 1995 SLX780 Model Number Dimensions/Materials . B954170 (1954170) B954287 (1954287) Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Draft (stationary, unloaded in inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Hull Design Hull Material . . . . . . . 120.3" 47.3" 37.0" 108.5" 47.5" 37.5" 8 9 Top Deck Material Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Base Color Accent Colors Capacities . . . . . 530 499 Full V Modified V Polyester/glass/foam Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) composite Polyester/glass composite SMC PVC PVC PVC TPO Caribbean Blue White Purple Velvet / Caribbean Blue Rubine Red / Black Rider Capacity Front Storage Capacity (cubic feet) Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve (U .S. gallons) Oil Reservoir Capacity (U.S . quarts) Engine . . . . 3 person/500 Ibs. 1.2 11 2.5 2 person/400 Ibs. 1.03 9.8 1.5 3.5 5 be . . . . . . . . . 3 3 744cc 69.72mm x 65mm 10.5:1 24 0 at 3000 rpm Oil Injected 80 HP @ 6000 rpm 779 cc 71 .3mm x 65mm 11.8:1 28 0 at 3000 rpm Oil Injected 90+ HP @ 6250 rpm . . Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Reed Valve 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Ignition System . Digital COl, Flywheel Magneto Starting System Alternator Output . . Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Propulsion . . Electric Starter 10 Amps / 120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 7ES .028" Digital COl, Flywheel Magneto Electric Starter 10 Amps / 120 watt at 4500 RPM NGK BPR 8ES .028" Jet Pump Type . Impeller Rotation Impeller Type . . EC78PWE02 Liquid, open system da Carburetion Intake Carburetors Electrical EC75PWE03 Liquid, open system er Engine Model No. . Engine Cooling Engine Cylinders Engine Displacement Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Timing Degrees BTDC Lubrication Horsepower Carburetion rt Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel , 4 blade PN 5131035 Single Stage Axial Flow Polaris Counter Clockwise Progressive pitch, Stainless steel, 4 blade PN 5131079 Options/Accessories RPM Limiter . Low Oil Monitoring . Overheat Warning . Low Fuel . Bilge Pump Type .. ............. ... . •. Speedo ............ . ......... • .. . . .. Fuel Gauge . Quick Trim (Power) with Gauge . Multi-Function Display Standard MFD Warning Light / Display MFD Warning Light / Display MFD Warning Light / Display Siphon 2 GPM Standard (MFD) Standard (MFD) N/A Standard Standard Warning Light Warning Light / RPM Limiter Warning Light / RPM Limiter Siphon 2 GPM (MFD) (MFD) Standard Standard *Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level, Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level, Volts, Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning Polaris Industries Inc. 1.11 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications 1996 SL7QQ 1996 SLT7QQ 1996 Hurricane . B964066 (1964066) B964166 (1964166) B964466 (1964466) . . . . . . . . . 105.5" 45" 37.5" 485 2 person/400 Ibs. 9.8 U.S. Gal (37.1L) 15 minutes 3.5 (3.31L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 120.3" 47.3" 37 " 502 3 person/500 Ibs . 11 U.S. Gal (41.6L) 15 minutes 5 (4.73L) Polyester/Glass/Foam Composite 104.8" 37.5" 40.8 " 480 2 person/350 Ibs. 8.6 U.S. Gal (32.6L) 15 minutes 4 (3.78L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 61 miles (99km) PVC TPO 68 miles (11 Okm) PVC PVC 53 miles (85km) PVC TPO WC70DCSP01/02 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mmx68mm 11.0:1 80 HP@ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Buzzer (On @ 160· F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 50 WC70DCSP01 /02 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 11 .0:1 80 HP@6250 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Buzzer (On @ 160· F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 50 WC70DCSP02 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 11.5:1 90 HP @ 6700 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Light (MFD)(On@160·F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 50 Polaris reservea the right to change apeclflcatlons at any time without Incurring obllgatlona. Model Number Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) I~ider Capacity f~ated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve Oil Reservoir Capacity (U.S. quarts) Hull Material Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material I::nglne/Coollng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Propulsion ,Jet Pump Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impeller Rotation (viewed from rear) Coupling Type Bilge Pump Type Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump. . . . . . Pivoting Angle Impeller Type Impeller Diameter. .. . .... . . . . .... .. .. . Reverse System 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1350±50 5A /60W at 4500 RPM Digital CDI NGK BPR7ES .028 " 18· at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A 1 60W at 4500 RPM Digital CDI NGK BPR7ES .028 " 18· at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A 1 60W at 4500 RPM Digital CDI NGK BPR7ES .028 " 20· at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Single Stage Ax ial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless 4 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Option Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless 4 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Standard Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) N/A rt . . . . . . . . 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 da Idle Speed (In Water) 1:lectrlcal Magneto Generator Output Ignition System Spark Plug Type :Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC 13attery Starting System I=use er be Engine Model No. . Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) Bore & Stroke Gompression Ratio (Full Stroke) Horsepower Gooling System Thermostat Open Overheat/Low Oil Warning Induction Type Lubrication Oil Type I~PM Limiter Operation Garburetlon Carburetors (Keihin) Fuel Type "Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level , Trip Metl3r, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level, Volts, Low Fuel Warning , Engine Overheat Warning 4/97 1.12 Polaris Industries Inc. J GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris ressrves the right to change specifications at any time without Incurring obligations. 1996 SL780 1996 SLX780 1996 SLT780 Model Number Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Rider Capacity Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve . B964087 (1964087) B964287 (1964287) B964588 (1964588) . . . . . . . 105.5" 45 " 39.5" 499 2 person/400 Ibs. 9.8 Rev limit/Reserve @4200 RPM 108.5" 47.5 " 39.5 " 499 2 person/400 Ibs. 9.8 Rev limit/Reserve @4200 RPM 120.3" 49.3 " 39 " 595 3 person/500 Ibs. 14.5 Rev limit/Reserve @4200 RPM Oil Reservoir Capacity (U .S. quarts) Hull Material . . 3.5 Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80.45 km) PVC TPO 3.5 Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80,45 km) PVC TPO 5.5 Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80,45 km) PVC TPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC78PWE02 or 03 779cc Fuji 2-Stroke (3) 71.3mm x 65mm 11.85:1 90+ HP@ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140° F (60° C) Light (On @ 180°F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ±70 EC78PWE04 779cc Fuji 2-Stroke (3) 71 .3mm x 65mm 11.85:1 90+ HP@ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Light (On @ 180°F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ±70 EC78PWE02,03,or05 779cc Fuji 2-Stroke (3) 7 1.3mm x 65mm 11.85:1 90+ HP @ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140° F (60° C) Light (MFD) (On 180°F) Case Reed O il Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 70 . . 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output . 1250±50 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 3-38mm, 34mm venturi Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 . Ignition System Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC Battery Starting System Fuse . . . . . . . 10 Amps 1 120 watt at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 28° at 3000 rpm (03=24°) 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 10 Amps 1 120 watt at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 28° at 3000 rpm 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 10 Amps 1 120 watt at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 28° at 3000 rpm (03/05=24°) 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Propulsion Jet Pump Type Impeller Rotation Coupling Type Bilge Pump Type Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump Pivoting Angle Impeller Type . . . . . . . Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 4 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Option Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (1 4.8cm) Option Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Standard t Impeller Diameter . .... ................ Reverse System r da er be Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Engine/Cooling Engine Model Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Horsepower Cooling System Thermostat Open Overheat/Low Oil Warning Induction Type Lubrication Oil Type RPM Limiter Operation Carburetlon Carburetors (Mikuni) Fuel Type - Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM , Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level, Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level, Volts, Low Fuel Warning , Engine Overheat Warning Polaris Industries Inc. 1.13 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without Incurring obligations. 1996 SL900 1996 SLTX Model Number , Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) , Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight (Ibs .) Rider Capa:::ity Rated Fuel Capacity induding reserve Fuel Reserve . 896429 1 (1964291) B964590 (1964590) . . . . . . . 120.3 " 49.3 " 39 " 615 3 person/500 Ibs. 14.5 TBA Oil Reservoir Capacity (U .S. quarts) Hull Material . . 108.5 " 47.5" 39.5' 520 2 person/400 Ibs. 9.8 Rev limit/Reserve @4200 RPM 3.5 Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80.45 km) PVC TPO 5. 5 Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80.45 km) PVC TPO WC90TCSPOl 889cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 74.5mm x 68mm 11.01 :1 100+ HP @ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140 0 F (60 0 C) Light On @ 160 0 F (71 0 C) Case Reed Oi/lnjected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 70 WC105TCSPOl 1050cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 81mm x 68mm 12:1 115+ Water cooled 140 0 F (60 0 C) Light On @ 160 0 F (71 0 C) Case Reed Oi/lnjected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 70 3-38mm, CDK " Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 3-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028 " 18°@3000 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028 " 18°@3000 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettaole circuit breaker Impeller Diameter. . . .. . . ...... . .. . . ... Reverse System rt Idle Speed (In Water) . Electrical Magneto Generator Output . Ignition System , Spark Plug Type . Spark Plug Gap (inches) . Timing Degrees BTDC . ' ' ' Battery Starting System , . Fuse , , ,. Propulsion Jet Pump Type .. , .... . .... .•. ...... .. ' Impeller Rotation .. . . • ..... .. . . ... , . . Coupling type ' . Bilge Pump Type . Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump . Pivoting Angle . . Impeller Type , da er be Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) ., . . Side Rail Material . Front Bumper Material . Engine/Cooling Engine Model No. . , ,. ' ' . Engine Displacement , , . ...., Engine Type (# Of Cylinders i . Bore & Stroke . . . . . . . , . . , , .. , . . Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) . ... . Horsepower , . . .. .'. . . ", .. , . . Cooling System ' . . ,. , .. , . . Thermostat Open . . . . . . . . , Overheat Warning . Induction Type ' . Lubrication Oil Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . RPM Limiter Operation . , .. Carburetlon Carburetors (Keihin) ' , . FuelType .. . , ... , . Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric and Siphon 2 Feet (60cm) 30 0 30 0 Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14 .8cm) Option Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83' (lJ .8cm) Standard ' Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM , Tachometer, Clock , H o ur Meter, Oi/ Level , Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level . Volts, Low Fuel Warning, Engine Overheat Warning -----------------------4/97 1.14 -_ ..._ ._ - - - -, Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without Incurring obligations. 1997 SL7QQ 1997 SL7QQ Deluxe 1997 SLT7QQ Model Number Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Rider Capacity Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve Oil Reservoir Capacity - U.S. quarts Hull Material . B974071 B974072 B974572 . . . . . . . . . 105.5" (268 cm) 45" (114.3cm) 37.5" (95.25 cm) 480 (218.4 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. 12.5 U.S. Gal (47.3L) 15 minutes 3.5 (3.31L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 61 miles (99 km) PVC TPO 105.5" (268 cm) 45" (114 .3 cm) 37.5 " (95.25 cm) 485 (220.68 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. 12.5 U.S. Gal (47.3L) 15 minutes 3.5 (3 .31L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 61 miles (99 km) PVC TPO 120.3" (306 cm) 49.3" (123.22cm) 39 " (99 .06 cm) 595 (269.89) 3 person/500 Ibs. 15 U.S. Gal (56.8L) 15 minutes 5.5 (5.2L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 68 miles (110 km) PVC TPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . WC70SCSP01 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mmx68mm 11.5:1 82.5 HP @ 6200 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Buzzer (On @ 160· F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 100 WC70DCSP05 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 10.4: 1 85 HP @ 6350 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60 0 C) Buzzer (On @ 1600 F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 100 WC70DCSP05 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 10.4:1 85 HP @ 6350 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Buzzer (On @ 160 0 F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 100 Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Engine/Cooling . . . 1-40mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital COl NGK BPR8ES .028" 18 0 at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Propulsion Jet Pump Type Impeller Rotation (viewed from rear) Coupling Type Bilge Pump Type Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump Pivoting Angle Impeller Type . . . . . . . Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 3D· Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 12-17 Swirl 5.83" (14.8cm) Option Impeller Diameter ... . . ..... . . . .. . . .... Reverse System 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital CDI NGK BPR7ES .028 " 18 0 at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital COl NGK BPR8ES .028" 18 0 at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 12-17 Swirl 5.83" (14.8cm) Option Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 12-17 Swirl 5.83" (14.8cm) Option rt Starting System Fuse . . . . . . . . ~ttery 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 da Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output Ignition System Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC er be Engine Model No. . Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Horsepower Cooling System Thermostat Open Overheat/Low Oil Warning Induction Type Lubrication Oil Type RPM Limiter Operation Carburetlon Carburetors (Keihin) Fuel Type ' Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM , Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level , Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning , Fuel Level , Volts, Low Fuel Warning , Hot Engine Warning Polaris Industries Inc. 1.14a 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves tha right to change speclllcatJons at any time without Incurring obligations. Model Number Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight (Ibs.) Rider Capacity Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve Oil Reservoir Capacity - U.S. quarts Hull Material 1997 SL78Q 1997 SLT78Q . B974473 B974088 B974588 . . . . . . . . . 104.8" (266.2 em) 37.5 " (95.25 em) 40.8" (103.6 em) 480 (218.4 kg) 2 person/350 Ibs. 8.6 U.S. Gal (32.6L) 15 minutes 3.5 (3 .31L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 53 miles (85 km) PVC TPO 105.5" (268 em) 45" (114 .3 em) 39.5 " (100.33 em) 499 (226.3 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. (182 kg) 12.5 (47.31) 15 rrinutes 3.5 (3.31L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 65 miles (104.6 km) PVC TPO 120.3" (305.56 em) 49.3" (125.22 em) 39 " (99.06 em) 605 (274.42 kg) 3 person/500 Ibs. (227 kg) 15 (56.781) 15 minutes 5.5 (5.21) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 80 miles (128.75 km) PVC TPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . WC70DCSP04 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 11 .5:1 90 HP @ 6700 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) Light (MFD)(On@160·F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 7200 RPM ± 100 EC78PWE03 779cc Fuji 2-Stroke (3) 71 .3mm x 65mm 11 .85 :1 93 HP @ 6250 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) 4200 Rev Limit @ 180·F Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 70 EC78PWE03 779cc Fuji 2-Stroke (3) 71 .3mm x 65mm 11 .85:1 93 HP @ 6350 RPM Water cooled 140· F (60· C) 4200 Rev Limit @ 180· F Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6700 RPM ± 70 er be Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Engine/Cooling Engine Model Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Horsepower Cooling System Thermostat Open Overheat/Low Oil Warning Induction Type Lubrication Oil Type RPM Limiter Operation Carburetlon Carburetors (Mikuni) Fuel Type 1997 Hurricane . 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Ignition System Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC Battery Starting System Fuse . . . . . . . Digital COl NGK BPR8ES .028" 20· at 3000 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Propulsion Jet Pump Type Impeller Rotation Coupling Type Bilge Pump Type Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump Pivoting Angle Impeller Type . . . . . . . 3-38mm/34mm venturi Mikuni Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 da . 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1350±50 Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output . . 10 Amps / 120 watt at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 24 · @ 3000 rpm 12V 19A YB1 6CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker rt 10 Amps / 120 watt at 4500 RPM Digital Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028 " 24· at 3000 rpm 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 3-38mm/34mm venturi Mikuni Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 Single Stage Axial Flow Single Stage Axial Flow Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Counterclockwise Counterclockwise Rubber Rubber Rubber Electric Electric Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 2 Feet (60cm) 2 Feet (60cm) 30· 30· 30· Progressive Pitch Stainless Progressive Pitch Stainless Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 4 Blade 3 Blade Impeller Diameter 5.83" (14.8cm) 5.83" (14.8cm) 5.83" (14.8cm) Reverse System N/A Option Standard 'Multi-Function Display includes : Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM , Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level , Trip Met'3r, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level , Volts, Low Fuel Warning , Hot Engine Warn ing 4/97 1.14b Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris raservea the rig ht to chenge apeclflcatlona at any time without Incurring obligations. 1997 SL900 1997 SL 1050 1997 SLTX Model Number Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) Width (inches) Height (inches) Dry Weight(lbs.) Rider Capacity Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve Fuel Reserve Oil Reservoir Capacity - U.S. quarts Hull Material . B974091 B974090 B974590 . . . . . . . . . . . . 108.5" (276 cm) 47 .5" (120.65) 39.5" (100.33 cm) 520 (236.08 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. (182 kg) 12.5 (47.31) N/A 3.5 (3.311) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 40 miles (64 .37 km) PVC TPO 120.3" (305.56 cm) 49.3" (125.22 cm) 39" (99.06 cm) 615 (278.96 kg) 3 person/500 Ibs. 15 (56.781) N/A 5.5 (5.201) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material Front Bumper Material Engine/Cooling Engine Model No. . Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) Bore & Stroke Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) Horsepower Cooling System Thermostat Open Overheat Warning Induction Type Lubrication Oil Type RPM Limiter Operation Carburetlon Carburetors (Keihin) Fuel Type 108.5" (276 cm) 47.5" (120.65) 39.5" (100.33 cm) 520 (236.08 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. (182 kg) 12.5 (47.31) N/A 3.5 (3.31 L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 50 miles (80.45 km) PVC TPO WC90TCSP01 900cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 74.5mm x 68mm 12:1 107 HP @ 6350 RPM Water cooled 140° F (60° C) Light On @ 160° F (71 ° C) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6800 RPM ± 100 WC105TCSP02 1050cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 81mm x 68mm 12:1 119 HP@6500 Water cooled 140° F (60° C) 4500 Rev Limit @ 160°F (71°C) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6800 RPM ± 100 WC105TCSP03 1050cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 81mmx 68mm 12:1 119 @ 6500 Water cooled 140· F (60· C) 4500 Rev Limit @ 160°F (71 0C) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6800 RPM ± 100 be . . . . . . . . . . 3-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1200-1300 . . . . . . . . 5A /60W at 4500 RPM Digital I Sequential Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 18°@3000 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker . . . . . . . Single Stage Axial Flow-4" Ext Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Option . . 3-40mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1200-1300 da 3-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1250±50 5A /60W at 4500 RPM Digital/ Sequential Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 18°@3000 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A 160W at 4500 RPM Digital/ Sequential Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 18°@3000 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Single Stage Axial Flow-4" Ext Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Option Single Stage Axial Flow-4" Ext Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Standard rt Impeller Diameter Reverse System er Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output Ignition System Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC Battery Starting System Fuse Propulsion Jet Pump Type Impeller Rotation Coupling type Bilge Pump Type Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump Pivoting Angle Impeller Type . . . 55 miles (88.5 km) PVC TPO 'Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level, Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level, Volts, Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning Polaris Industries Inc. 1.14c 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without incurring obligations. 1998 SLH Model Number . Dimensions/Materials/Capacities Length (inches) ... Width (inches) .. Height (inches) ... , Dry Weight (Ibs.) Rider Capacity .. . . . , Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve .. Fuel Reserve .. . , ... , ..... Oil Reservoir Capacity - U.S. quarts .. Hull Material . , . B984673 1998 SLTH B984573 108.5" (276 cm) 47 .5" (120.7 cm) 39.5 ,. (100 .3 cm) 460 (209 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs . (182 kg ) t2 .5 U.S. Gal (47.3L) N/A 5 (4 73L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 61 miles (85 km) PVC TPO 120.3" (305 .56 cm) 49 .3" (123.22 cm) 39 " (99.06 cm) 595 (270 kg) 3 person/SOC Ibs. (227 kg) 15 U.S . Gal (56.8L) N/A 5.5 (5.203L) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 68 miles (104.6 km) PVC TPO WC 7 0DCSP-06A2 700cr; Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 11 .5: I 95 HP @ 6700 RPM Water cooled 140' F (60° C) Light (MFD)(On @160°F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 7200 RPM ± 100 WC70DCSP- 06A 1 700cc Polaris 2-Stroke (2) 81mm x 68mm 11.5:1 95 HP @ 6700 RPM Water cooled 140° F (60° C) Light (MFD)(On @160°F) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 7200 RPM ± 100 . ' ., . . . 2-38mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1350±50 da 2-38mm , CD K II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated ) 1350±50 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital COl NGK BPR8ES .028 " 18°±2 at 3000 RPM 13°±2 at 6250 RPM 12V 19A YB16CL-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker SA / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital CDI NGK BPR8ES 028 " 18' ±2 at 3000 RPM 13°±2 at 6250 RPM 12V 19A YB 16CL-B Electric 15A resettab le circuit breaker Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electri c 2 Feet (60cml 30' Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14 ,8cm) N/A Single Stage Axial Flow Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive I"itch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8crn) Standard rt Battery . Starting System Fuse . .. Propulsion Jet Pump Type . . Impeller Rotation ... Coupling Type Bilge Pump Type . , , . , .. , . , Minimum Water Level For Jet Pump . Pivoting Angle ,., Impeller Type .. Impeller Diameter Reverse System .. , . er Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output Ignition System . Spark Plug Type . Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC . . . . be Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material . , .. , . , , Front Bumper Material .. Engine/Cooling Engine Model Engine Displacement . , . Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) . , Bore & Stroke . . . .. Compression Ratio (Full Stroke ) . . Horsepower ..,,..... . Cooling System . Thermostat Open. Overheat/Low Oil Warning Induction Type . . Lubrication . . . Oil Type , ,.. . RPM Limiter Operation Carburetion Carburetors . FuelType , . ...' . . ,., . . . . .,..................... . ...... ............ 'Multi-Function Display includes : Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM , Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level , Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning , Fuel Level . Volts, Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning 5/98 1.14d Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Model Specifications Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without incurring obligations. 1998 SLXH 1998 SLTX Model Number .. . . . . Dimensions/Materials/Capacities length (inches) Width (inches) . Height (inches) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dry Weight (Ibs .) Rider Capacity . Rated Fuel Capacity including reserve . Fuel Reserve .. . Oil Reservoir Capacity - U.S. quarts Hull Material ......... . . B984690 B984590 108.5" (276 cm) 47.5 " (120.65) 39.5 " (100.33 cm) 530 (241 kg) 2 person/400 Ibs. (182 kg) 12.5 U.S. Gal (47 .3l) N/A 5 (4.731) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 40 miles (64.37 km) PVC TPO 120.3" (305 .56 cm) 49.3" (125 .22 cm) 39 " (99.06 cm) 615 (279 kg) 3 person/500 Ibs. (227 kg) 15 (56.8l) N/A 5.5 (5 .201) Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) 55 miles (88 .5 km) PVC TPO WC105TCSP-05 1050cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 81mmx 68mm 10.4:1 120 HP @ 6500 Water cooled 140° F (60° C) 4500 Rev limit @ 160°F (71 °C) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6800 RPM ± 100 WC105TCSP-04 1050cc Polaris 2 Stroke (3) 81mm x 68mm 10.4:1 120 @ 6500 Water cooled 140° F (60° C) 4500 Rev Limit @ 160°F (71 °C) Case Reed Oil Injected Polaris TC-W3 6800 RPM ± 100 . . . . . . . . . . be Full Throttle Cruising Range (Approx) Side Rail Material. Front Bumper Material Engine/Cooling Engine Model No. . Engine Displacement Engine Type (# Of Cylinders) . Bore & Stroke . . . . . . . . . Compression Ratio (Full Stroke) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horsepower . Cooling System .......... Thermostat Open . . . . . . . . . . . Overheat Warning . Induction Type lubncation . . . . Oil Type.. .. RPM Limiter Operation . Carburetion Carburetors (Keihin) . . . Fuel Type .. . . . . . . . . 3-40mm, CDK II RegUlar Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1350150 da . . . 3-40mm, CDK II Regular Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane or 89 if oxygenated) 1350±50 5A / 60W at 4500 RPM Digital/ Sequential Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028 " 18°+0,-2 @3000 11 °+0,-2 @6250 12V 19A YB16Cl-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker 5A /60W at 4500 RPM Digital/ Sequential Ignition NGK BPR8ES .028" 18°+0,-2 @3000 11 °+0,-2 @6250 12V 19A YB16Cl-B Electric 15A resettable circuit breaker Single Stage Axial Flow-4" Ext Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) N/A Single Stage Axial Flow-4" Ext Counterclockwise Rubber Electric 2 Feet (60cm) 30° Progressive Pitch Stainless 3 Blade 5.83" (14.8cm) Standard rt Battery . Starting System Fuse. Propulsion Jet Pump Type. Impeller Rotation Coupling type . . . .. Bilge Pump Type . Minimum Water level For Jet Pump .. Pivoting Angle Impeller Type . . Impeller Diameter Reverse System . er Idle Speed (In Water) Electrical Magneto Generator Output Ignition System Spark Plug Type Spark Plug Gap (inches) Timing Degrees BTDC . . . . . . . . ........... 'Multi-Function Display includes: Speedometer, Peak Speed, Peak RPM, Tachometer, Clock, Hour Meter, Oil Level, Trip Meter, Low Oil Warning, Fuel Level , Volts, Low Fuel Warning, Hot Engine Warning, Compass (SLTX only) Polaris Industries Inc. 1.14e 5/98 GENERAL INFORMATION da er be rt 5/98 1.14f Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Standard Torque Specifications The following torque specifications are to be used as a general guideline. Use standard torque values for the appropriate size fastener when torque values are not specified. Always consult the specific manual section for torque values of fasteners and use of locking agent. RECOMMENDED TORQUE SPECIFICATION STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS (SAE) Bolt Size Threads/Inch Torque 8 18 & 32 28 in.lbs. 10 24 &32 40 in . lbs. 1/4 20 &28 8 ft . Ibs. 5/16 18 & 24 14 ft. Ibs. 3/8 16 25 ft. Ibs. 3/8 24 28 ft. Ibs. 7/16 14 40 ft. Ibs. 1/2 13 58 ft. Ibs. 1/2 20 70 ft. Ibs. be RECOMMENDED TORQUE SPECIFICATION STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS (METRIC) 5mm 6mm 8mm 12mm 45-52 in. Ibs. 66-78 in. Ibs. 13-16 ft. Ibs. 26-30 ft. Ibs. 40-44 ft. Ibs. rt • • • Torque da 10mm er Bolt Size To convert in. Ibs. to ft. Ibs. divide by 12 To convert ft. Ibs. to kg-m multiply foot pounds by .138. To convert kg-m to Nm move the decimal to the right one position. Polaris Industries Inc. 1.15 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Decimal Equivalents 1/64 . . . . . . 1/32 3/64 _ 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 9/64 5/32 . _ ,. . 3/16 13/64 , 7/32 15/64 11/64 1/4 17/64 9/32 . _ 19/64 5/16 21/64 11/32 23/64 3/8 13/32 27/64 29/64 31/64 ._ , 7.'16. , 15/32 .. _ , _ 1/2 33/64 17/32 35/64 9/16 19/32 39/64 5/8 41/64 , 21/32 , 43/64 2 mm = .0787" 3 mm = .1181" 4 mm = .1575" 5 rnm = .1969" 6 mm = .2362" 7 mm 8 mm 23/32 47/64 3/4 49/64 25/32 51/64 13/16 53/64 _ , _ 7/8 27/32 55/64 57/64 29/32 59/64 _ 15/16 61/64 31/32 _ 63/64 1 _ .2756" = = .3150" 9 mm = .3543" 10 mrn = .3937" 11 mm = .4331 " 12 mm = .4724" 13 mm = .5118 14 mm = .5512" 15 mm = .5906" 16 rnm = .6299" 17 mm = .6693" rt 11/16 45/64 4/96 mm = .0394" da 37/64 1 er be 25/64 . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0156 .0312 .0469 .0625 .0781 .0938 .1 094 1250 .1406 .1563 .1719 .1875 .2031 .2188 .2344 .25 .2656 .2813 .2969 .3125 .3281 .3438 .3594 .375 .3906 .4063 .4219 .4375 .4531 .4688 .4844 .5 .5156 .5313 .5469 .5625 .5781 .5938 .6094 .625 .6406 .6563 .6719 .6875 .7031 .7188 .7344 .75 .7656 .7813 .7969 .8125 .8281 .8438 .8594 .875 .8906 .9063 .9219 .9375 .9531 .9688 .9844 1.0 18 mm = .7087" mm = .7£180" 19 20 mm = .7874" 21 mm = .8268" 22 mm = .8661 " 23 mrn = .9055" 24 mrn = .9449 " 25 mrn 1.16 = .9843 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Conversion Table Multiplied by Unit of Measure Converts to x12 = in.lbs. in.lbs. x .0833 = ft. Ibs. ft. Ibs. x .1383 = kg-m in.lbs. x .0115 = kg-m kg-m x 7.233 = ft. Ibs. kg-m x 86.796 = in. lbs. kg-m x10 = Nm in. x 25.4 =mm mm x .03937 = in. in . x 2.54 =cm mile (mi.) x 1.6 =km km x .6214 = mile (mi.) Ounces (oz) x 28.35 = Grams (g) Grams (g) x 0.035 = Ounces (oz) lb. x .454 = kg x 2.2046 = lb. Cubic inches (cu in) x 16.387 = Cubic centimeters (cc) Cubic centimeters (cc) x 0.061 = Cubic inches (cu in) Imperial pints (Imp pt) x 0.568 = Liters (I) kg Liters (I) Imperial quarts (Imp qt) Liters (I) x 1.76 = Imperial pints (Imp pt) x 1.137 = Liters (I) x 0.88 = Imperial quarts (Imp qt) x 1.201 = US quarts (US qt) da Imperial quarts (Imp qt) er be ft. Ibs. US quarts (US qt) x 0.833 = Imperial quarts (Imp qt) US quarts (US qt) x 0.946 Liters (I) x 1.057 US gallons (US gal) x 3.785 Liters (I) x 0.264 Pounds - force per square inch (psi) x 6.895 Kilopascals (kPa) x 0.145 = Pounds - force per square inch Kilopascals (kPa) x 0.01 = Kilograms - force per square cm Kilograms - force per square em x 98.1 = Kilopascals (kPa) = Liters (I) = US quarts (US qt) rt =Liters (I) = US gallons (US gal) = Kilopascals (kPa) (psi) °C to of: 9 (OC + 40) + 5 - 40 = of of to °C: 5 (OF + 40) + 9 - 40 = °C Polaris Industries Inc. 1.17 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Tap Drill Charts SAE Tap Drill Sizes Drill Size Thread Size Drill Size #0-80 #1-64 #1-72 #2-56 #2-64 #3-48 #3-56 #4-40 #4-48 #5-40 #5-44 #6-32 #6-40 #8-32 #8-36 #10-24 #10-32 #12-24 #12-28 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 3/64 53 53 51 50 5/64 45 43 42 38 37 36 33 29 29 24 21 17 4.6mm 7 3 1/2-13 1/2-20 9/16-12 9/16-18 5/8-11 5/8-18 3/4-10 3/4-16 7/8-9 7/8-14 1-8 1-12 1 1/8-7 1 1/8-12 1 1/4-7 1 1/4-12 1 1/2-6 1 1/2-12 1 3/4-5 1 3/4-12 2-41/2 2-12 21/4-41/2 2 1/2-4 2 3/4-4 3-4 27/64 29/64 31/64 33/64 17/32 37/64 21/32 11/16 49/64 13/16 7/8 59/64 63/64 1 3/64 1 7/64 1 11/64 1 11/32 1 27/64 1 9/16 1 43/64 1 25/32 1 59/64 2 1/32 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 be Thread Size F I Q U 25/64 Metric Tap Drill Sizes Tap Size 4/96 Drill Size #39 3/32 #30 1/8 #19 #20 #9 16/64 Decimal Equivalent 0.0995 0.0937 0.1285 0.125 0.166 0.161 0.196 0.234 0.277 0.265 0.3125 0.3125 0.3437 0.339 0.375 0.406 0.406 Nearest Fraction 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 11/64 5/32 13/64 15/64 9/32 17/64 5/16 5/16 11/32 11/32 3/8 13/32 13/32 rt 3 x .50 3 x .60 4 x .70 4 x .75 5 x .80 5 x .90 6 x 1.00 7 x 1.00 8 x 1.00 8 x 1.25 9 x 1.00 9 x 1.25 10 x 1.25 10 x 1.50 11 x 1.50 12 x 1.50 12 x 1.75 da er 0 J 17/64 5/16 5/16 11/32 R 3/8 13/32 13/32 1.18 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Glossary Of Terms da er be ABDC: After bottom dead center. ATOC: After top dead center. ACV: Alternating current voltage. Alternator: Electrical generator producing voltage alternating current. BBOC: Before bottom dead center. BDC: Bottom dead center. BTOC: Before top dead center. Bow: The front of a watercraft C: Celsius CC: Cubic centimeters. COl: Capacitor discharge ignition. Ignition system which stores voltage generated by the stator plate exciter coil in a capacitor or condenser (in COl box). At the proper moment a voltage generated by the stator plate pulser coil closes an electronic switch (thyristor) in the COl box and allows the voltage in the capacitor to discharge into the primary windings of the ignition coil. CI: Cubic inches. Condenser/Capacitor: A storage reservoir for electricity, used in both E.T. and COl systems. Crankshaft Run-Out: Run-out or "bend" of crankshaft measured with a dial indicator while crankshaft is supported between centers on V blocks or resting in lower half of crankcase. Measure at various points especially at the PTa end. DCV: Direct current voltage. Detonation: The spontaneous ignition of the unburned fuel/air mixture afternormal ignition spark occurs. Piston looks "hammered" through, rough appearance around hole. Possible causes: 1) Compression ratio too high for the fuel octane; 2) low octane fuel; 3) over-advanced ignition timing. Dial Bore Gauge: A cylinder measuring instrument which uses a dial indicator. Good for showing taper and out-of-round in the cylinder bore. End Seals: Rubber seals at each end of the crankshaft. F: Fahrenheit ft.: Foot/feet. Foot Pound: Ft. lb. A force of one pound at the end of a lever one foot in length, applied in a rotational direction. g: Gram. Unit of weight in the metric system. There are 28 grams in one ounce. gal.: Gallon. Head Volume (Unlnstalled): Cylinder head capacity in cc, head removed from engine with spark plug installed. High Tension Lead: The heavy insulated wire which carries the high secondary voltage from the coil to the spark plug. Holed Piston: Piston in which a hole has formed on the dome. Possible causes: 1) detonation; 2) pre-ignition. HP: Horsepower. 10: Inside diameter. Ignition Coil: A type of transformer which increases voltage in the primary windings (approx. 200V) to a higher voltage in the secondary windings (approx. 14KV - 32KV) through induction. Secondary voltage must be high enough to ionize the air gap at the spark plug. Ignition Generating Coil: Exciter coil , primary charge coil. Stator plate coil which generates primary ignition voltage. in.: Inch/inches. rt kglcm 2 : Kilograms per square centimeter. Kg-m: Kilogram meters. Km: Kilometer. Kilogram meter: A force of one kilogram at the end of a lever one meter in length, applied in a rotational direction. Polaris Industries Inc. 1.19 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Glossary Of Terms I or Itr: Liter. One liter = 1.0567 U.S. quarts. Ibslin 2 : Pounds per square inch . Inch Pound: In. lb. 12 in . Ibs. = 1 ft. lb. I.eft Side: The left hand side of the vehicle. Referred to based on normal operating position of the driver. m: Meter/meters. Mag: Magneto. da er be Magnetic Induction: As a conductor (coil) is moved through a magnetic field, a voltage will be generated in the windings. This is how mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy in the lighting coil, ignition generating coils and trigger coil. mi.: Mile/miles. mm: Millimeter. Unit of length in the metric system. 1mm = .040". N-m: Newton meters. 00: Outside diameter. Ohm: The unit of electrical resistance opposing current flow. Open Circuit: An electrical circuit which is incomplete. (e.g . poor connections or broken wire preventing the flow of current) . oz.: Ounce/ounces. Piston Clearance: Total distance between piston and cylinder wall . Piston Erosion: Piston dome melts. Usually occurs at the exhaust port area. Possible causes: 1) lean fuel/air mixture ; 2) improper spark plug heat range. Pre-Ignition: A problem in combustion where the fuel/air mixture is ignited before normal spark ignition. Piston looks melted at area of damage. Possible causes: 1) Spark plug heat range incorrect (too hot) 2) spark plug not properly torqued ; 3) "glowing" piece of head gasket, metal burr or carbon in the combustion cha mber; 4) lean fuel/air mixture. Primary Circuit: This circuit is responsible for the voltage build up in the COl capacitor. In a COl system the parts include the exciter coil, the trigger coil, the wires from stator plate to COl box and to the ignition coil primary windings. psi.: Pounds per square inch. pts: Pint/pints PTO: Power take off. qt.: Quart/quarts. I~PM: Revolutions per minute. I~esistance: In the mechanical sense, friction or load. In the electrical sense, ohms. Both result in energy conversion to heat. Right Side: The right hand side of the vehicle . Always Referred to based on normal ooerating position of the rider. RPM: Revolutions per minute. I~unning Time: Ignition timing at specified RPM. Secondary Circuit: This circuit consists of the ignition coil secondary windings, high tension wire and ground through the spark plug air gap. Seized Piston: Galling of the sides of a piston. Usually there is a transfer of aluminum from the piston onto the cylinder wall. Possible causes: 1) improper lubrication; 2) excessive temperatures; 3) insufficient piston clearance; 4) stuck piston rings. Short Circuit: An electrical circuit which is completed before the current reaches the intended component. (e.g. a bare wire touching a grounded component. Spark Plug Reach: Length of threaded portion of spark plug. Polaris uses 3/4" (2 em) reach plugs. Static Timing: Ignition timing when engine is at zero RPM. Stator Plate: The plate mounted under the flywheel supporting the primary ignition components and lighting coil. TOC: Top dead center. Piston's most outward travel from crankshaft. Trigger Coil: Pulser coil. Generates the voltage for triggering (closing) the thyristor and timing the spark in COl systems. Small coil mounted at the top of the stator plate next to the ignition generating coil. rt Voltage Regulator: An electrical device which prevents overcharging of the battery or overloading of electrical components as engine RPM increases. 4/96 1.20 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools ELECTRICAL Fluke 73 Analog/Digital Multitester Tests all electrical circuits and components. PN 2870659 Strobe Timing Light High intensity strobe, works on all types of ignition systems (self-contained). PN 2870630 er be Digital Tachometer See page 1.26 ENGINE Piston Pin Puller r da Removes 18mm piston pins from all Polaris/Fuji PWC engines. PN 2870386 Piston Pin Puller Adaptor (For Use With 2870386) PN 2871445 (700, 900, 1050) Pol/Domestic Engines 1 -I.'I .. _ .. - _ . . ~.~- -, -,~ , t Piston Support Block Supports piston and prevents piston skirt damage during cylinder installation. PN 2870390 Polaris Industries Inc. 1.21 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools ENGINE Piston Pin C-clip Installation Tool Used to install C-clip style piston pin retainers to prevent clip distortion or piston damage. Fits 18mm C-clips. PN 2870773 Cylinder Hone (Ammco Model No. 3950) r:~igid cylinder hone for de-glazing and truing heat distorted cylinders. I:>N 2870303 er be Replacement Ammco Hone Sets da Cylinder Hone Fine Stone Set Std. (Ammco No. 3952) PN 2870305 Cylinder Hone Course Stone Set Std. (Ammco No. 3951) PN 2870304 Cylinder Hone Course Stone Set O.S. (Ammco No. 3953) PN 2870306 rt Cylinder Hone Fine Stone Set O.S. (Ammco No. 3954) PN 2870307 NOTE: O.S. Stone Sets range from 21/2 " to 3 3/8 " I Honing Oil Improves hone operation and prevents stone loading. PN 2870588 4/97 1.22 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools ENGINE Crankshaft Alignment Kit Used for checking and straightening crankshafts on all engines. PN 2870569 Flywheel Puller For all 3 bolt pattern flywheels. Items in square are for watercraft only. PN 2871043 er be Engine Cylinder Compression Gauge PN 2870852 da rt Flywheel Holder PN 8700229 PN 8700229-Adapt Adapter for Fuji PWC Engines Polaris Industries Inc. 1.23 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools PUMP Pump Alignment Tool This tool is used to obtain proper alignment between the engine and the jet pump. PN 2871343 - - Impeller Removal Tool This tool is used to remove the pump impeller on all models of watercraft. Can be identified by 3 knurled sections on the shaft of the tool, and by diameter. PN 2871036 0 -,-'-'---- er be I)rive Coupler Removal Tool Impeller Removal Tool has 3 knurled sections Note: Not For Use On Bonded Rubber Coupler da This tool is used to remove the (1-piece) drive shaft coupler from the end of the crankshaft. Can be identified by 2 knurled sections on shaft, and by diameter. This tool is not for use on bonded rubber couplers. PN 2871037 21.65mm (.852") r -- \-\---Bi ;~, ~~. ~,~, } ~~(~ rt Engine Coupler --..~ (.787") O- ~omm t Driveshaft Through Hull Fitting Socket This tool is used to remove and install the threaded drive shaft through-hull fitting used on 1995 SL650 :STD and 1995 SLX780 model watercraft. I?N 2871425 4/97 1.24 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools GENERAL Ignition Timing Dial Indicator 0-1 /1 Range Indicates piston BTDC position for timing all engines. PN 2870459 Dial Indicator Extension 2870459-6484 Battery Hydrometer Accurate small battery specific gravity hydrometer. PN 2870836 1M er be Mity Vac Pump Kit r da This tool is used for many service functions on Polaris Personal Watercraft including fuel system pressure and vacuum testing, and pop-off pressure testing. PN 2870975 t Carburetor Synchronizing Manometer Accurate synchronization of multi carbureted engines which are equipped with vacuum spigots. PN 2870672 Polaris Industries Inc. 1.25 4/97 GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools GENERAL Carburetor Mixture Needle Adjuster PN 2871080 Digital Tachometer /8712500 PN 8712100 - Provides accurate RPM readings for all Polaris products. 6500 RPM limit in 2-stroke three cylinder mode. For all gasoline engines. be PN 8712500 - Provides RPM readings for all Polaris products. Upper limit of 40,000 RPM with an accuracy of ± 10. Loaded with features. For all gasoline engines. er tldaptor, Alemite™ Grease Fitting da Grease gun adaptor fits drive shaft coupler and driveshaft bearing carrier on all PWC. PN 2871174 rt Siponson Insert Tool This Tool Is Used To Install Threaded Inserts For Sponsons PN 2871555 4/97 1.26 Polaris Industries Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION Service Tips In order to performservice work efficiently and to prevent costly errors, the technician should begin by reading the text in this manual to become familiar with procedures before beginning. Pictures and illustrations have been included with the text as an aid. Notes, cautions and warnings have also been included for clarification of text and safety concerns. However, a knowledge of mechanical theory, tool use, and shop procedures is necessary to perform the service work safely and satisfactorily. Use only genuine Polaris service parts. &. Cleanliness of parts and tools as well as the work area is of primary importance. Dirt and foreign matter will act as an abrasive and cause damage to precision parts. Clean the vehicle before beginning service. Clean new parts before installing. &. Watch for sharp edges which can cause personal injury. Protect hands with gloves when working with sharp components. &. If difficulty is encountered in removing or installing a component, look to see if a cause for the difficulty can be found. If it is necessary to tap the part into place, use a soft face hammer and tap lightly. &. Some of the fasteners were installed with locking agents. Use of impact drivers or wrenches will help avoid damage to fasteners. &. Always follow torque specifications as outlined throughout this manual. Incorrect torquing may lead to serious machine damage or, as in the case of steering components, can result in injury or death for the rider(s). be &. If a torquing sequence is indicated for nuts, bolts or screws, start all fasteners in their holes and hand tighten. Then, following the method and sequence indicated in this manual, tighten evenly to the specified torque value. When removing nuts, bolts or screws from a part with several fasteners, loosen them all about 1/4 turn before removing them. &. If the condition of any gasket or O-Ring is in question, replace it with a new one. Be sure the mating surfaces around the gasket are clean and smooth in order to avoid leaks. er &. Some procedures will require removal of retaining rings or clips. Because removal weakens and deforms these parts, they should always be replaced with new parts. When installing new retaining rings and clips use care not to expand or compress them beyond what is required for installation. da &. Because removal damages seals, replace any oil or grease seals removed with new parts. A suitable driver should be used when installing a new seal to prevent distortion or damage. &. Polaris recommends the use of Polaris lubricants and greases, which have been specially formulated for the top performance and best protection of our machines. In some applications, such as the engine, warranty coverage may become void if other brands are substituted. &. Grease rt should be cleaned from parts and fresh grease applied before reassembly of components. Deteriorating grease loses lubricity and may contain abrasive foreign matter. &. Whenever installing batteries, care should be taken to avoid the possibility of explosion resulting in serious burns. Always connect the positive (red) cable first and the negative (black) cable last. When working with batteries. always wear safety glasses or a face shield and protective gloves. Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric acid and is poisonous! Serious burns can result from contact with the skin, eyes or clothing. ANTIDOTE: External - Flush with water. Internal - Drink large quantities of water or milk. Follow with milk of magnesia, beaten egg, or vegetable oil. Call physician immediately. Eyes - Flush with water for 15 minutes and get prompt medical attention. Polaris Industries Inc. 1.27 4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION Warranty Policy LIMITED WARRANTY Polaris Industries Inc., 1225 Highway 169 North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441-5078, gives a ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY (90 days on SLX PRO 785) on all components of the Polaris personal watercraft against defects in material or workmanship. This warranty covers the parts and labor charges for repair or replacement of defective parts which are covered by this warranty. This warranty begins on the date of purchase. This warranty is transferrable to another consumer during the warranty period through a Polaris dealer. There is a charge of $35.00 payable to Polaris Industries Inc. REGISTRATION At the time of sale, the Warranty Registration Form must be completed by your dealer and submitted to Polaris within ten days. Upon receipt of this registration , Polaris will record the registration for warranty. No verification of registration will be sent to the purchaser as the copy of the Warranty Registration Form will be the warranty entitlement. If you have not signed the original registration and received the "customer copy", please contact your dealer immediately. NO WARRANTY COVERAGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNLESS YOUR PERSONAL WATERCRAFT IS REGISTERED WITH POLARIS. Initial dealer preparation and set-up of your personal watercraft is very important in ensuring trouble-free operation . Purchasing a machine in the crate or without proper dealer set-up will void your warranty coverage. WARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES This Polaris limited warranty covers all parts and components except for impeller damage caused by ingestion of rocks, sand, or gravel or any other damage caused by operation in shallow water. The warranty also excludes any other failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. be This warranty does not cover accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling. This war"anty also does not cover any personal watercraft that has been altered structurally, modified, neglected, improperly maintained, used for racing, or used for purposes other than for which it was manufactured, or for any damages which occur during trailer transit or as a result of unauthorized service or the use of unauthorized parts. In addition, this warranty does not cover physical damage to paint or finish, gel coat stress cracks, tearing or puncturing of upholstery material, corrosion, or defects in parts, components or personal watercraft due to fire , explosions or any other cause beyond Polaris' control. This warranty does not cover the use of unauthorized lubricants, chemicals, or fuels that are not compatible with watercraft. In addition this warranty does not cover stress cracks, submersion, or growth of marine organisms on hull and deck. ...J da er The exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at Polaris' exclusive option, repair or replacement of any defective materials, or components or products. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE ONLY REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. POLARIS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORT OR OTHERWISE. Some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you if inconsistent with controlling state law. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE ABOVE ONE YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. POLARIS FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS WARRANTIES NOT STATED !N THIS WARRANTY. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you if inconsistent with controlling state law. rt HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE If your personal watercraft requires warranty service, you must take it to a Polaris Servicing Dealer. When requesting warranty service you must present your copy of the Warranty Registration form to the dealer. (THE COST OF TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM THE DEALER IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY). Polaris suggests that you use your original selling dealer; however, you may use any Polaris Servicing Dealer to perform warranty service. Please work with your dealer to resolve any warranty issues. Should your dealer require any additional assistance they will contact the appropriate person at Polaris. This warranty gives you specific legal rights , and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If any of the above terms are void because of state or federal law, all other warranty terms will remain in effect. Engine Oil 1. Always use Polaris engine oil. 2. Never substitute or mix oil brands as serious engine damage and voiding of warranty can result. 4/97 1.28 Polaris Industries Inc. ) '--"
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