Lumen 1949 August - St Patrick`s College Strathfield


Lumen 1949 August - St Patrick`s College Strathfield
Vincent be
This year the Conference consisted of
Fifth Year Gold class. Meetings have been
held every Wednesday at twelve o'clock.
This term thirteen meetings have been held,
at which the Conference's works and progress have been discussed.
A new enterprise of the Society this term
was the collecting of toys and games for the
boys of the St. John of God Training Centre
at Morisset. A drive was conducted in the
school over a period of several weeks, and
many toys and simple games were generously given by the boys of the school. These
were then parcelled and sent to Morisset.
Representatives from the Conference attended the Combined Meeting of the Junior
Conferences held on Sunday, 24th J uly, at
M.B.C., Randwick. Members were also present at the Society's Festival Meeting held at
St. Vincent's Church, Ashfield, within the
octave of the Feast of St. Vincent. The
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Junior <!Conference
address at this meeting was given by the
Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Marella.
Each Sunday morning two members of
the Conference visit the State Old Men's
Home at Lidcombe, with the members of
S t. Martha's Strathfield Conference. Here
the members distribute magazines, digests
and periodicals collected by the Conference.
On Sunday nights two members go to the
Catholic I nstitute for Seamen and serve in
the canteen. Unfortunately, this good work
was curtailed during the coal strike because
of the lack of transport, but has since been
Ten dozen copies of the Catholic Weekly
are sold in the school every Friday morning.
This serves as a source of revenue for the
Conference, and together with the money
from the secret collection, has now given a
bank account for £19/2(-. (J . WEBB, Sec.).
Term Magazine of
Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as
.:.!_" _'._" _'_I'_" _" _II_'_O~_' _
HA school which evokes
pupils may count on having
gained a su!!cess, higher than even the most attractive of material rewards; for
affection set in fidelity to the place th;:tt nurtured our youth, and to those who
watched over it, is one of the strongest and most nourishing roots of a noble
It's good to see the school we knew,
The land of youth and dream;
To greet again the friends we knew
Before we took the stream;
Though long we've missed the sight of her,
Our hearts do not forget;
We've missed the old delight of her,
We keep her honour yet
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For fifteen years now, the lovely Shrine of our patroness, Our Lady of
P erpetual Succour, which is in the sixth grade room, has been regularly tended
by Mrs. Krone, of Peakhurst. Ever since her boys first came to St. Patrick's, she
has kept it adorned with beautifully-wrought flowers, and attended to its silk and
velvet draperies and ornamental ware. Fidelity in this devoted work over such a
length of time is a remarkable proof of devotion to the Mother of God. Of her
four sons who came to the College, two, Peter and John, lost their lives in Europe
during the war. May they now enjoy the sight of the Heavenly Mother whom
their earthly mother has so long and faithfully honoured.
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VoI. 7
No. 2
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[Murillo l
~be ~ssumption
of tbe
1Jjlesseb \Tirgin :marp
3Jn mtmoriam
<!&tlJination of l\ti.l. jft. jf. JElotbaunt,~.~.QC.
In blosson1 flTne there ((Unf (0 Thee
A PricS( In hIs C' I rgln 11 1/.
\Vllh srainl£·ss hands he Idred up
The everlasrzng, changeless Cup.
And Icr his pnesr/l/ blessIng fall
As Benedicl/on on us all.
On Tuesday, 2nd August, we were
delighted to welcome back to St. Patrick's
one who had passed through its portals
thirteen years ago with a sublime ideal
before him and his heart set on a great
mission. Fourteen-years-old Fred MOl'daunt
left St. Patrick's at the end of 1936 having
passed his Intermediate and proceeded to
Douglas Park to commence his training as
a Missionary of the Sacred Heart; and after
many years he returned a priest of that
Order to celebrate Holy Mass with his sublime newly-acquired powers, and to bestow
his sacerdotal blessing.
His course of study was interrupted for
two years by long and painful illness that
brought him close to the brink of eternity.
In those months of suffering he showed
great courage, fortitude and patience; and
then God, satisfied with the self-surrender,
allowed Fred to recover and proceed with
his studies. In St. Patrick's Cathedral the
culmination of years of anxious prayers and
application was attained.
Father Mordaunt celebrated Mass in the
Chapel of the Training College in the presence of his father (who had once been a
workman on its staff) and some of the
family. The senior boys assisted and after
the Holy Sacrifice was over came out into
the morning sunshine and knelt for his
blessing. Later, Father visited each of the
classrooms, recalled schoolboy scenes and
events and spoke briefly on vocations.
It was a very pleasant visit with which
we were delighted and honoured.
each year see fresh young lads offer themselves to Christ for His work in the Church,
and bring back older ones bearing their
sheaves before them and signed with the
seal of ordination or profession.
The seas run rough roday. FI shers of men.
And rhe carch IS .small;
Yer you u-'z/[ mend your ners and pur our again
For a larger haul.
\Vhar rhouy" rhe combers brea" relenrlessll/,
I heIr lime,
Fz.\hers of men. U-'II" fallh. WIll pur our ro sea
TIll rhe end of TIme .
;\!ARY Kl 'G.
Pall" Tu-'()
the value of her lessons was perhaps best appreciated by boys when they had graduated
from the College.
Only the previous Fnday she had given
her weekly lessons in the morning and
taken individuals in preparation for the
coming Eisteddfod. When Miss M. Gibson,
her assistant teacher, informed the College
of the sad news, the shock was quite visible
and fervent prayers were offered for the
repose of her soul.
Requiem Mass was celebrated on Friday
morning in the Church of Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart, Randwick, at which a representative body attended, together with boys
and girls of many other Colleges and Convents that she visited. Requiescat in pace.
Thanks be ro God rhar He unfurled
ThIs lasr sane momelJ( on an insane w orld.
Catholic Education was the poorer since
Wednesday, 17th August, when Miss N.
Kinkead collapsed suddenly and died within
a few hours.
She had just finished her
lessons in speech training at Waverley College, and, while not feeling well, had left
to go on to St. Vincent's, Pott's Point. She
had passed only a few yards beyond the
College when she collapsed. She was taken
to St. Vincent's Hospital, where she lapsed
into unconsciousness and died that afternoon.
Miss Kinkead had been on the staff of St.
Patrick's as visiting mistress of speechcraft since 1936, and every student and exstudent will remember her zealous teaching,
combined at the same time with admirable
refinement. Like many things in school life,
The College was grieved to hear on
Wednesday morning, 8th July, the sad news
of the death of David Wilson. He had been
at school only the previous week, so that his
sudden death was quite a shock to those
who knew him. Rather shy and reserved by
nature, he was not widely known in the
school, though amongst the quieter and
more studious, he was esteemed and wellliked.
Coming to the College in 1943, he commenced in Fifth Grade and impressed very
favourably by his quiet, studious ways. He
was possessed of considerable talent and was
awarded an Intermediate Bursary at the
end of 1947. To his afflicted family, especially to his brothers, Barry in Fourth Year
and Graeme in First Year, we offer our
deepest sympathy in their affliction.
Rev. Fr. WiIliams, P.P. of Flemington.
offered Requiem Mass on Thursday morning
for the repose of David's soul. and the
senior boys from the College were present.
In the afternoon, a guard of honour was
formed by Third and Fourth Year classes,
while those in Fifth Year went to the graveside and joined in the last prayers for the
repose of the soul of their school companion.
So in the mild sunshine of a clear winter's
afternoon, the remains of David Wilson were
laid to rest only a mile or so from the College, to await Gabriel's trumpet on the last
day. ReqUl('sC'at in pace.
3RrIigio1l5 )9ocation
Physical fitness , ability to learn, normal
virtue and a right intention, these are the
ingredients of a religious vocation. It contains no mystery. It need never give rise
to confusion. One needs no flashes of light
or the insistent sounding of a heavenly
voice. One makes the resolution under the
grace of God, and by the grace of God one
accomplishes it.
Once made, it brings a peace that the world
cannot understand, a buoyancy that can
neyer be for long repressed, and a sense of
uSc1ulness compared with which many earthly pursuits seem very barren indeed.
Just one word more. Many a vocation has
been stifled, not by lack of courage in the
recipients, but by lack of generosity in the
parents. Many a boy or girl has felt drawn
to the arms of God only to find a mother or
father standing firmly in the way. It is a
serious thing to be churlish when God calls
for His child. (MONS. J . FREEMAN.)
(K. C.M.)
Actually there are a great many r easons.
For instance, listen to what your future employers say. An executive of a large manufacturing firm with some 10,000 employees,
and branches in most Australian States, interviewed, declared:
"It has been generally accepted that the
reason for doing and passing the Leaving
is to gain entrance to a University, and
eventually enter a profession.
in the big field of private enterprise, though
so far no great stress has been placed on the
Leaving, the future may demand a gr eater
number of young men with the added
education to Leaving Standard, p ar t icularl y
if th ey are prepared to further their education at night at University or Technical College to fit themselves for Ma nageria l or
Executive positions."
From the Assistan t-S ecretary of one of the
largest Assuran ce Companies in Australia
came this op inion : "The Leaving Certificate
is the minimum demanded before w e employ
a new member on our staff. Most are engaged in degr ee courses a t nig h t, or p a rt day
and night. 'Ve hav e executives a nd their
s taffs w ith deg r ees in Arts, L aw, Economics
and even Science. Actuarial and Accounta ncy co urses are also pursued b y man y of
our employ ees.
As you know, all these
courses deman d the L eaving Certificate as
a password to gain entrance, or as a solid
background training for a ny reasonaOIe
P erhaps you don't want t o enter private
enterprise, you may think it will suffer most
in any coming depression , and the junior
employees will be the first to go-especially
those without special qualifications, such as
the Leaving Certificate. Well, perhaps you
are right. T hen , see what a senior public
servant said about careers as an employee
of the Government:
" In the Commonwealth Public Service
the possession of the Leaving Certificate is
virtually essential. If e ntrants to the service
do n ot have it, t h ey join at a lower grade
an d have t o p ass examinations at or above
Leaving Certificate Stand ard befor e they
can hope for promotion . And these exams
have to be passed quickly, so the amount of
work r equired is much greater than if a boy
were to stay at sch ool and do the Leavin g
t here."
Of course you w ill see advertisemen ts
offering position s to those w h o h ave n ot
completed their secondary school course.
One of the most persistent of these is for
" Junior Postal Officers," offe r ing p erman ent
emplo ymen t. The Catholic magazine "New
Youth" recently investigated these positions,
and came to this conclusion: "He (a J .P.O.)
will need to study hard because the standard required for the technical or clerical
branches is between Intermediate and Leaving. And secondly, he will need to study
fast because the limiting age for these exams
is 17 ~ years-leaving a bare 2~ years to
cover the curriculum-which an ordinary
day-school boy takes 3~ years of solid work
to cover.. . . . Unless they are prepared to
apply themselves to superhuman studynearly impossible for youths of that agethey must be content to spend their permanent P.M.G. employment in a permanent
dead end."
Admittedly many employers want to get
you without the Leaving-because they want
to get you cheap.
Others, reputable employers, will employ you on the understanding you will study for a trades or commerce
diploma. No dou bt you think you are t ired
of study now, b ut try wor k ing a full day at
w ork b en ch or desk , t h en swallowin g a h asty
mea l and sp ending three or four h o urs at
" tech .," t hen see j ust how tired of study
you can b ecome. And when in some three
or four years you have finished your course
you will have done no more than catch up
to those who stayed on for their Leaving,
and who have the advantage of you still, if
you applied for a job together.
But all this t alk of the Intermediate is
out of d ate. To all practical intents there is
no "Inter." in N.S.W. now, and in a couple
of years the division will simply be between
those who have their Leaving and those who
have not. Which would you rather be, when
the pinch comes and jobs are hard to get?
So far we have considered only the bread
and butter angle.
Admittedly, it is that
which influences most parents. B ut they
sl.1ould be t h e very p eople t o realise from
t heir experien ce that there is more in being
at school t h an just learn in g from books.
Training at St. Patrick's is training for
living; and the more complete this is, the
more equipped will a boy be to enter into
that life, to be on his guard against its
dangers, to detect what is rotten and fa lse
and to give proof of character by honoura ble
conduct and adherence to Catholic ideals.
Page Four
t. Columba's, Spring-wood.)
In the year 1941, whil:- the clouds of war
swung menacingly ever closer towards our
unscarred shores , I somewhat timidly
approached a large Colleg.~ beat ing the evergreen title of St. P atrick 's, entered, and was
duly enrolled.
Accomp:mied by Charlie
Hooke, my firm friend from Convent days, I
entered F ourth Grade, then under the diligent guardianship of Bra. Marzorini. Lasting
friend ships were soon establish ed with Bernie
Carson, Peter Ferris, John Webb and others,
many of whom were destined to remain with
me until the L.C. of 1948, and enjoy the
fruits of many, many happy days at St.
Tender memories of FOUlth Grade will ever
remain for those, who, und er the capable
baton of Bro. Marzorini. indulged in rather
"egregious" quantities of singing-c ulminating in the 1941 Choir gain'ng first place at the
Christian Brothers' Eisteddfod.
Towards the closure of the year, whilst the
College was yet only in its early 'teens the
Oval was officially opened a!. the Annual
Sports-a day which brought a multitude to
view the fruition of dreams and labour. I
vaguely recall the Golds winning the First
Sports on the new College Oval.
The advent of 1942 saw Bro. Quirke as
Principal of the College.
Returning in
February, with the snarling gong of Mars
still clanging forth across the blue Pacific,
Fourth Grade of 1941 "graduated" to Fifth
Grade of 1942. There, under the patient and
understanding guidance of Mr. Matthews, we
were expertly prepared for the arduous years
of study which lay ahead . On reviewing the
very interesting time experienced in "the
end room upstairs:' one cannot fail to recall
such grotesque ejaculations as ''I've got a
strong right arm, my lad." and the still more
whimsical saying, "You double essence of a
humbug, you twister."
While in Fifth Grade, it was our delight to
be instructed in our Religion by Bro. Crichton. He patiently taught so much to us who
knew so very li tUe.
As we of Fifth Grade climbed the ladder of
learning to Sixth, so. too, the School attend
ance ascended to unprecedented heights. The
Roll Call pas ~ed the unbelievable 500 mark,
with 540 boys in attendance. - An all time
record! (Suitably celebrated by a n ex tra
holiday.) For myself, Sixth Grade b:'ought
many companions in the personages of Te rry
O·Brien. Bob McTavish, and fellow "Fi\'eDockers"-Don Featherston and John Yelds.
It is impossible for me to recall better
days that those experienced mid· way through
1943. These were made particularly enjoy·
able through the sight of the Altar, contain·
ing the. all-beautiful picture of Our Lady of
Perpetual Succour-the Patroness of the Col·
Usually, Friday afternoons in Sixth Grade
with Br. Hynes were times of busy
P erhaps it would be more precise to say
they were times of both satisfied pleasure
and aggravating turmoil- an unusual mix ·
ture. Centres of pleasure were the LIbrary
and Friday afternoon drill. But these wer'e
short-lived in comparison with the turmoil
-arising from the "touchin g up" (allas. adding up ) the marks in the weekly report
books. Very often, one found oneself where
one hould not be, or where one never could
possibly be in Class. Accordingly. one was
promptly demoted.
Those Report books!
What anguish! What torment! and yet. what
Lem'ing behind the Junior School we
entered First Year al1d began our long,
seemingly endless voyage to the Leaving
Certificate. For myself, the years 1944-1948
were indeed my happiest at S.P.C. On ar rival in First Year, all were pleased to
renew acquaintances with Bro. Marzorini,
our gu ide for yet a nother year.
At this
juncture it is indeed fitting for me to pay a
tribute to Bro. Marzorini, with whom we
were favoured the happiness of associating
for two years, both as our scholastic teacher
and sports coach .
Lit.tle time lapsed before we were "snowed
under," by the new foreign "secret weapons"
of Latin, French, Algebra and Geometry.
Unfortunately, the multitude of humorous
sidelights which occured at Geometry period
that year must be left untold. However. perhaps, it would be fitting to recall one humourous sidelight of 1944. The speaker or
asker of the question was Qui z Kid John
Flannery, who, in all sincerity, asked:
"Please, Sir, what is an isaus ages triangle?"
No doubt, J ohn had matters slightly
During 1943 I was privileged to witness two
memorable occasions. both possessing much
meaning for St. P atrick's. T he first occurred
when three Old Boys of the College, ordained
Priests of God the Drevious day, celebrated
Solemn High Mass it St. Enda's Chapel. Indeed, it was a day of days, truly a "Red
Letter Day" for S.P.C. The second memorable occasion took place in St. Mary's Basilica one Sp ring morning. The vivid scene
was that of thousands of boys crowded into
the great, magnifi<*nt Cathedral to pay
homage to the Founder of the Christian
Brothers-Edmund Ignati us Rice. It was a
most inspiring morning.
Except for a few "tense" lessons in Geometry, little happened in 1945 to r e port in
L umen, so it is that I fly post haste to
Third Year of 1946, and our first Public
Examination - the Intermediate Certificate.
Through this year of worry and arduous
study we were guided by Brothers Molloy,
Wittig and Kelty. The vel'y fact that all but
two boys were successful speaks volumes for
the work taught by these three devoted
teachers. I wish to quote a sidelight which
occurred on Friday afternoon during our socalled Chem. period . Due to the promptness
of the S .V.P. Society, all were in the habit
of purchasing Catholic Weeklies, presumably
to peruse over the week-end.
all, including the Brother, strangely enough,
turned to the page which contained a certain
matter, desti ned to hold the attent:on of a
whole class for one whole Chemistry period-
the Crossword Puzzle! T his solving of the
crossword proved very popular and was unan imously voted a good addition to school
Thus on to 1947 a nd F ourth Year, with a
sharp decline in numbers as ma ny sought
employme nt in the wide, wond ersome world.
We "noodles" (per Br. Halliday ) renewed
faces with Br. Molloy . and greeted Br. Halliday, a new addition to S.P.C. The patie nce
and understanding manner of both these
Brothers helped to make 1947 a most enjoyable year. We saw the "new look" come into
fashion for us first time that year in the form
of Saturday morning school. The College,
on these occasions, resembled "Half-way
House," as the entrance was littered with
bicycles-with (but mainly without) brakes.
Finally, having managed to pass the preleaving class, I entered the straight for my
final year at S.P.C. TruLy can I say, and I am
sure that all of the L.C. of 1948 will agree
with me in declaring, that never in my eight
veal'S at St. Patrick 's did I experience such
happiness as I did in Fifth Year. It was by
far the " better" of a "best" n umber of years.
Although a few stormy encounters occurred
during the first term, this tenseness and excitement only served to add to the thrills of
our days.
Strangely enough, the two brightest highlights of the yp.3r occurred after the football
and cricket premierships had been won. After
the former event, the whole of the maths.
sessions were devoted to reminiscences of the
season by the team under the captaincy of
Jo e Gibson, perhaps, the best attacking and
defensive centre ever to don the black jersey.
The other occasion whiled away most of an
afternoon when science periods just vanished
under verbose speeches, one lengthy one passing back into S.P.C. cricket a dozen years
back. Needless to say, we revelled in such
reminiscences and joyfully watched the hours
In concluding. I trust that readers will not
regard these few recollections of school life
as just egotistical report. Naturally, what J
have recounted has been merely a few of my
own experiences-a colourful glimpse of an
intrinsica ll y glorious portrait of life at Si.
Patrick's. May it continue to flourish in the
future on a par with its past, and may its
pupils a lways remember their Di vine motto:
"Luceat Lux Vestra" -may it be with them
·Page Six
'I' I1 ~
S I~ N I 0 li S(jIIOOL
The secolld term has comc to an cnd amid
sighs of rcgret and relief, Lr now the football
sea on with all its ups and downs has come
to it successful conclusion and 15th No\'cmber
is uppermost in the minds of the "elder"
generatio n.
A number of unsol\'ed m.v~teries s!lch a.,
those of "The Walking Sui:cases" and R,,~t­
lcss Richard M's "Disappearing Desk" (as
yet unsol ved ) have brok _n into the r~gular
rcutine of class work, but olhe1'\\ ise. no)thin~
untoward has oecllned. To mal'k his introduction to long trousers C. Johnstone was
moved to the front seat, displacing R. iVIyers
from that position of honour ( ?). Richard
WDS pleased no end, s in ce it meant escape
frem clouds of chalk dust and the torments
of B. Death, who is thinking of remaining in
the seve n stones fOI' a few more years. P.
Jackson, another of our "juniors" had the
unenviab le task of su pplying ice -,,~ams to
L . Downie, D. Suth er land, R. Killeen and J .
I\Ioran, First XIII stalwarts. Wollongongbound. Unfortunately (for Len & Co .) the
Castle Hill truck moved off befo re the
errand was ccmpleted, with the result that
Peter benefited to the extent of half a dozen
Football occupied most e f the tel m. interspersed with "footbrawls" every Friday
afternoon (esp€cially after seconds' defeat b y
Randwick ) and "footbrawls" in the form of
class games, with midget second-rowers, P.
Ja ckson and R. O'Brien , and B. Dea th
opposed to Flannery and his company of
steamroller s. For one brief hour R. Chadwick, P. Donovan basked in the glor ies of
captaincy of the Thirds and Fourths. but
not for long, since they engaged in on ly
the one game. Reg O'Brien's b oard-Cleaning
duties having been somewhat cloudily
executed, have been placed in the capable
hands of R. KiIleen. D. Old field spends many
a week-end "down among the sheltering
palms" at Palm Beach, but was sufficiently
alert to kick the winning goal against
Kogarah, gh mg LIS the eo-prel111ership in th l'
Scccnd XIII.
One Monday morning (hohday of cou , se)
C. iUcDermoU, T. Brassil and B. lUclnnes
broke records galore, including ate\\' windo\\'s
and numerous skulls manCOU\'el ing golf balls
around Bexley course in 60- for the first
hole. "Th e best-In id plans" of R. Natoli, J .
Armstrong and C. Johnstone nre npt to come
lInstuck when their two-ton tl'uck for the
'vVollongong trip sh r ank to n baby Austm. B.
iUcEg'an, however, preferred to travel B.S.A.
deluxe. but ended the journey rather unceremcniously on the wrong end of a to\\
rop€. The cross country showed a variety
of styles in Ollr ath letic stars, including J .
Webb, B. Brady and M. Egan. The Intter
pair Si mply flashed over the last part of the
course--in a bus-and then finished only 15
mins. after the rest of the field.
A very energetic young man is W. Neville,
who cycles all the way from Belmore t o
Honours Maths lessons, accompanied occasionally by T . Brassil, who is, however.
fonder of the government transport commonly called a bus. Buses, and bus tickets
bring back memori es of J . I\Ioran a nd B. l\'Ic Innes during th recent coal strike. Unable
to do their Maths homework du e to lighting
restrictions eac h evening, they made use of
old bus tickets and worked their problems
in the bus, much to the annoyance of the
irate maths mastel·. The strike proved it
boon to D. Murray, who was able to recover
from an attack of " bake-house blues" 01'
some similar ailment. D. Suth erland was
found flexing his biceps one morning during
the term to take over the position of official
masseur to injured five-eighth, Ton y C ul hane, and can be justly proud of his work.
D. iUcBean is seriously thinking of forming
an "S.R." club. (Not as one would imagine
"Silly Rabbits," but "Slide-Rule"). Vast
Page Seven
new mathematical fields lie open to Don, but
B. 1\IIcEgan and J. Webb, proud owners of
similar contraptions, are old hands at the
game. B. ]\'[cCowage is way out on his own
in the Latin field. In fact, he has no
opposition at all! When a certain person has
resort to witty remarks and oft-repeated
jokes, the deep-throated chuckles of M.
Egan may be heard-generally five minutes
after same.
But once again we must leave you for
"other fields," term holidays and what not,
so au revoir until aftel' the exams.
"Had I three ears, I'd hear thee," says
Macbeth. "Had we three ears, we might
pass," say our teachers. This term the babes
of Fifth Year Blue rolled back the curtain
again hoping for more enlightenment, and
we are pleased to state success came our
way. For instance, we were successful in
winning premiership in both A and B Grades
of the M.C.C. football competition. Seeds
from the Blues towards this achievement
were: T. Cahalan, captain, A. Culhane and
P. Castaldi, and for the Second XIII we ontributed the captain again, L. Glendenning,
as well as ~. Mangraviti, J. Bingham, J .
Flannery, M. Scott and C. Spalding.
Our Dramatic Society presented "Birds
of a Feather" when the other birds ("headless chooks") had flown off to Wollongong.
All-star cast included the "Red " Bishop, N.
Mangraviti. Tramps "Tom" Bingham and
" Dicky" Batson, not forgetting "Sourpuss"
Burges. The Social Group went into action,
some of them most willingly, in the last
week of the term at dances put on by the
convent girls at Ashbury, Ashfield and
Parramatta. Some hearts are throbbing still.
We had two Fifth Year stirring football
games. In the first, we won a moral victory
over the referee (hip, hip-a-boo!l and his
side, the Golds; in the second, the Silly
Rabbits (General Maths) beat the Hopeless
Horrors (All Maths ) by a na!'row margin.
Brian Woodland thought it the dirtiest game
in which he had ever played (his face looked
it at the end after his try under the posts in
a pool of mud ).
Have you joined the bow-tie club? Membership at present is a rather exclusive affairGary and Peter! We heard our teacher commend P ete Waterson as the most improved
boy this term. How's his form?-especi a lly
at golf. Jim McLaren amazed us with his
cross-country r un in only one sec~:~d ou: ::~'
Pierce's record. Man of Stam ina ! Study
wears you do wn, people say. What does
this prove about Des O'Gorman and Ken
Prentice? Your guess is as good as mine!
And as wc opened this report wit:l a
quotation from the immortal Bard of Avon,
so too will we bring it to a close with
another of his wise utterances: "Throw
physic to the dogs, I'll none of it'·-to which
we could add a few more things: hi story,
chemistry, mathematics and geography.
Bon mat: Why has Fifth Year so much
learning? Because the Fourth Years bring
a little in, and the Fifth Years take n one
away, and so it accumulates through the
As your correspondent sleepily emerges
from his hibernation, he is amazed to see
movement; but don't worry, there is no need
to send for the doctor. It is only John Doig
looking for his pyjamas to take home on
holidays. Speaking of sleepiness, if D.T. is
still searching for Mumbles, he should visit
here, for the C.C . has discovered him in the
guise of a "debate." Several dangerous
heretics have been ferreted out in the course
of our religiOUS debates, prominent infidels
being Stan Brown, Gus Furlong, John
Gerrard. and last but not least, J ack Wade, of
marcel-wave fame .
We couldn't believe our ears one day
when for a moment we thought the Comrades
had taken over as we heard Prokoffiefs
"Peter and the Wolf" co me through on the
P.A. system. But Br. McMahon rose to
great heights and tumed off the novelty
(what will we d o for culture? ); but Kevin
Johnson convcniently opened the window
near the horn speaker. David (Encyc . BritL>
Coffey is d oing research with another
Latinist Tony Atkinson and the two state
that they will soon announce a world (sorry,
dormitory ) shaking disco very . D. JOyC5 is
sceptical, while G. Montei th w ill smile his
famous grin.
The weekly diary prove d s uccessf ul even
though its life was not long. It gave its
a uthors a chance to air their views on the
week's events, though some, especially onc
written by Shakespeare Junior , Neville Rawson, w ere considere d r'lth er subversive picces
of literature. John Clcm ents and John
Carson, who sit together in the front d esk,
f'aqe Eight
do a good deal of sleeping; we don't kno\\
whether it is fatigue or merely thc sonorous
drone of the tcacher's voice. We extend our
sympathy to R. Iacono, who has to listen to
all of P. Clayton's corny jokes. Ron Weaver
used to disturb the sleepy class by his noisy
munching of bulls-eyes when he had a cold.
but has now settled down again, thank
Mascot of the class is Butch. our pet
mouse who, it appears, has a great love for
the classics read by Br. MolIoy, but when
he hears "The Hound of Heaven," he darts
back to safety (joke-Fourth Year standardl.
Men of Stamina-Franl{ Riley, Dick Sullivan
and JUStill L ynch, who finished 1st, 3rd and
5th in the cross-country. As wc go away
from the workshop, we think of the terms
of th~ school-year-two down, one to go.
Au revoir!
This is Fourth Year (Blue) presenting its
second term report. Since our last commu nique, much light has bc·en thrown on the
"home ground" by the installation of three
extra fluorescent lights which rather unkindly show up the hidd~n things of darkness. Thompson had just the right idea
when he wrote of "traitrous trueness and
loyal deceit:' Gone are the friendly shadows
into which we were wont to melt whenever
storms were brewi ng, and now we have
something more than the "pattering of tiny
feet" on the tile-paved verandah ·c uts id e to
disturb our dreamful repose.
Of course, betwe-~n naps we d o a spot of
study. Brian O'Briell looks like being class
leader for the second term in succ·es ion.
So far, he has headed the Maths I, and been
eq ual first in Christian Doctrine. The other
results are not yet available, but Paul
Foley's 98 % in Maths II will take beating.
George Paul a nd Dave Armstrong are still
stagin g a battle royal (in every sense of
thc wcrds) with George having a slight
ad va n tage over hi s opponent.
Ma n, Matchett, deserves a large pat on the
back for his consistent efforts which earned
him a well des·er ved pass in Maths 1. John
G u y is said to be much in favour of Dixon
ScoWs suggestions re late rising a nd has a
small but select band of followers. In this
connection the strike has been blamed by
the latecomers; a nd who can argue with a
water-tight a libi?; as our class poet put it-
"There was a young pupil who brought
An 'excusc' to the teacher (who taught !)
'I'm sorry I'm late,
But the bus wouldn't ·wait:
Said he; while the teacher said naught
(but thought a lot)."
During the term wc had three rE'gular
rcpresentatives in th-. champion First XII [D. PUl'en, P. Nilon, B. Pc ttil - while S.
Hazell, K. lUcl\'lahon (2n d 's), R. Graham and
S. Cha ton (8 stone's), were in otiK!r Black
teams. We wcre unbeaten in the class
matches play,:?d on thc College ground. the
stah\'arts in these rather hcctic cncounters
being B. Kelly, P . ;\Iorris. E. Doy le, G.
Ilarr is and B. Gordon. At all the games A.
Gucrin did an efI1clent job as "Zambuk.'
Our solitary rcp. m thc tennis ( under 14 )
wa J ohn Culhane-and he (w ith his partner
l.~ached the semi-flnals, too.
By all accounts our "light fantastic toe"sters (dancing experts to you) had an
exc iting time at thc Pal'ramalla Ball. "Prince
Charming" NiIon, after a frantic search,
found hi s Cinderella, and "Paris·' Buckman
finally unearthed his " He lcn" from the ruins
of Troy. What " Don ald DuelC was sceking
-perhaps the early worm - we h(l\'e no
idea. but he seems to have enjoyed himseH.
Now that the third term is coming up,
we are looking forward to the Combined
Athletic Sports (with confidence), th e Speech
Night (with pleasur,e) and the Final Tes ts
(with a mixture of beth, plus a seasoning
of hope ). The choir and gymnastiCS arc
a lready in full "swing" and study is coming
into its own with a vengeance, so we hop._
to have a record report to present at the
end of Term Three. Good-bye, for the
On arriving back at school we were
pleased, but not surprised. to find that he
first three places wcre filled by John L.
Smith, F. KeIly a nd J. Thackeray. Con grats.!
As this was the football term, we have
quite a deal to relate. The class hit head lines with the term's prodigy-Fra nk Cruise.
He gave his most bri lli ant display as fullback for the First XIII when he kicked the
ten points for the School to draw the match
against the Old Boys. Other school reps.
were: J. R. Smith, P. iUcGloin, R. l\IcHugh,
hortis, J. P.
D. Hug·h es, T. Howard, B.
Smith, P. Maher and G. l\1cl\Ionigal.
During the term, the horizon was con-
Page Nine
siderably brigh tened b y several tales, the
m ai n one of w hich was Ul e "tail" of a
sm all sna k e which ch eery Bob McHugh, in
his efforts f or the welfar e of t he R.S .P .C.A .,
brou ght on a wa lking tou r of t he school.
There is another story about h ow h is labo urs
i n school wo r e h im ou t so much that he
fell asleep approach in g the home stretch to
Riverstone. His retu rn from Richmond is
best left unrelated.
New arrival of the term, Geoff Horan, immediately participated in th,~ debates which
provided keen interest and revealed unsusp'3cted ta lent. Two principal rivals were
K . Nichols and J. Tha ckeray who stoutly defended the safety and comfort of the buses,
In his enthusiasm for trams, K. Vial became
almost hysterical and r,educed his audience
to a quivering mass. P . Barlow received
acclamati on for his well-worded
address. J . r.. Smith did his best to prove
Rugby Union better than League, but did
not get much support, while K. O'Mara and
party proved S.P.C. would benefit by a
cadet corps.
Towards the end ef the term P . Coffey
spra ng into pr ominence by representing in
the M.C.C . tennis. The popularity of George
Lane-Mullins, which was never on the wane,
reached unprecedented heights when his
father won the lottery.
We had two very successful hikes, except
fo r one mishap abo ut which J. R. Smith will
tell you. The first was from G lenbrook to
Glenbrook (!) via Glenbrook Creek, while
a smaller party hi ked from Asquith to Cross·
lands to Galston Gorge and H ornsby. A
future EmiJe Merck~r appeared in our midst
in the person of E. Edmonds, who produced
some startling manuscripts regarded by some
as "big thrills," but by others as a mere
"farce:' R. Scott, it has been whispered, has
joined the H.L.A., the Harmonic League of
Australia, whose co-presidents are M. Forresl
and T. Howard.
I n conclusion, we wish to express our
sympathy to J , P . Smith and R. Ford, on the
loss er their fathers, and to P . BarJow, on the
loss of his sister. R.I.P . We assure them
their intentions have been and will be
prayerfully remembered.
"And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me."
So said the new Third Year Blue rec :Jrder
w he n asked to wr ite a n accou nt ef the doings
of the second term. However, some thoughts
were uttered a n d are here set out for your
Yes, football did occupy a gOOd deal of
attention, partic ul a rl y for Alec. Lecs, our
representath":! in the Fi rst X III. He had a
stre nuous season indeed, but a few hours '
sleep each day gave him a great supply of
energy, Le n Smith, Bruee Wa lk er, G eoff,
Suthe rland, Ha r vey Lo y and P e ter l\1orga n
represented in the eight-stone team. Bria n
Johns ton and E. H eaney were " near misses"
in the Seconds.
Class games against Third Year Gold resulted in victOlY for the Golds in A Grade
and victory for us in Band C. John
Chia rotto was hero of the S'~conds and "got
in" three times.
The introduction of boxing into the class
was greeted with e nthusiasm , but number
have declined considerably, due to travelling
difficulties-perhaps, perhaps not. There is a
good deal of skill in the extra-light weight
division where Ross Olss on, p, B a llest y, J.
Ashby, P . Grew and B, Rob erts grapple for
supremacy. We hope to see q revival of enthusiasm next term.
It is good to see W a r ren B a rsb y back to
school after a l c ng absence with a broken
leg. P eter Hine, a fellow sufferer is his
guardian-till 3 p .m. We have to welcome
officially to the class P e ter l\'Iorga n , who
hails from the "Gong," a city well known
to many of the b :lys and some members of
the Staff. We say farewell to John Sheraek
and Eddi e B ell who left school during the
The l:J ng trouser brigade is growing apace.
Behold J. TitmU!Ss, J . Heffernan and G .
Barrett in man 's estate. Official statistics
show that there are only seven "knicker·
backers" left,
Ba rry Ginnery and Barry Larbalestier vie
with each other for the wooden spoon in
proportion sums. Brian Barry and his
friend, Geoff, Barre tt, could do with a spoon
of some sort; it would be useful for their
meals in school.
A seer into the future has submitted for
publication a list of books on various topics
which he thinks may appeqr in years to
come. The names of the authors are added.
"The Care of Poultry," R. Benson ; "Handwriting," J . Walford j "Another Book on
f'aqe Ten
Handwriting;' R . Collins. "Statistics," L .
Blake m a n j "Chewing Gum," W. Langford
and others; "How to Improve Your English,"
J. W . Manns; "Maths Without Tears," R.
O 'Ne ill and J. Stewartj "News," J. Picker ing;
"Little Jim, " B, Quinn j "Melbourne," A,
R yan j "Construction of Home Utensils," T.
Shanahanj "Chemistry Without Words," K.
K elma; "Hat Styles," M , .lones.
The following class commentary comes
from the pen of a youthful writer:
We don 't keep pigeons, but we hme a
YOu'll be sorry to hear John Sherack
has gone.
We have the Banks, but can't buy a mine,
The nearest approach to mine is Hine.
Our mettl e is strong, we have the Steel,
His boxing partner is Murray Geale;
To temper the steel we have a Smith.
That's Eamon Heaney he's always with.
We have two Warrens, two stalwart men,
Ask B. Pearson what lives in the m.
There are many runners, but just one
I s he Cl' his friend, p, i\lorgan, the
We almost have Gardens, but no plots nor
But without any doubt we'\'e plenty of
H ed ges.
We have no hive, but we have a H o ney·
Another boy to lea ve thi s term was
Eddie B ell,
Whe never we feel "so ur" we go to Bria n
There we're sure to recei\'e a pleasant
greeti ng .
We own shares in the towns of Suth erla nd
and Heath eote.
H ere the writer G rew tired or Lacey. He
said his task was enough (0 Madde n anyone.
The second term commenced in a n
atmosphere of excitement due lo the
approaching football sason. In the represen·
tatives ' teams we were represented by P .
Luea s, 8-stones, and P. McInn cs a nd B .
Rowa n , 7 -stones. The colour compe tition
matches down at Concord Park were very
exciting, and we were very sorry that the
season ended so quickly .
The friendly tussels with the "Blues"
found us weak in (he First Grade being
defeated 12-nil. It was a delight to have a
run on the College Oval. P. Crittenden, F .
B r yce and J. Tally ho ne for us in that
We had a happy thrill in this term also
when we welcomed into Ollr midst a new
boy, Zimas Sidlauskas, [l'om Lilhuania. He
has already proved that he is going to
deve lop into a real "Aussie:'
Zimas. In this term also we saw Pat Downie
complete the Cross Country in front of his
mentor, Alex Sharah-Pat also collected full
marks for his term essay, "A Te l Match,"
He told the class he went .. to SI'C" it at the
cricket ground. Good 'work . Pat.
We still have our jolly o ld gossipers with
us from Croydcn-J. Spcight (perpetual
smile \ , B. Gillespie (kno\\'s the answers, A .
Muirhead (a solution to every trouble)' J.
McCaffery (never a trouble). Unless Greg
O'Sullivan does something aboul his legs we
will hm'e to make blocks for him lo llse
when sealed at his desk. George Thompson
still finds it necessary to sit on his leg in
order to see his exercise also! "Ji must be
9.20 Sir." 1n comes J. Stewart and his gang
-G. Jolmstone. J. Doy le, J. Grealy and T.
Heys, followed by that huge smiler from
Liverpool, Bruce l\IeDonald , O ur Studies
section, L. Flood. R. Andrews, J , l\Icl\'Iorro\\',
J. Barrct t, J . Greal,v. M. Farrell, M . lackey
and L. Grieves are hard at it pondering over
the ne xt exami nation- Dan l\'IcGoldriek,
Gerard Bin g ha m . J ohn B u ck and B e r etS. Toll
are tryin g to find out what their pens are
made of ( Gerard has fiv,::! ) ,
T. Cha d wick , our heavyweight. is still tops
at his schcolwork. A. B e tts a nd P. F inlayson
hold the Arithmetic field while K . PurcelI ,
D, Ha rdma n, D. Smi t h and J . Rodd y seem
always to have the right answer.
Ccngratulations to Dcnis K elI y for carrying out hiS duties faithfully as Captain.
When the term openEd we were welcomed
back to school by our teachers, Brother
Coghlan, Mr. O'Connor a nd Mr. Sarks. After
a few weeks of HARD WORK , we were
cha llenged by 2nd Year Gold to a football
match, of course we accepted and we had
the pleasure of beating them by 12-0. Then
we were challenged by First Year and the
cla ses were divided into four t'3a ms, the
2nd Year teams were not so lucky (his time,
for one team was beaten, our glorious Firs(s.
£lI'an Fa ulk ncr and George T u rncr take a
f'aqe Elee'en
delight in leaving the class at 12.20 for the
Wc had four bcys from this class picked io
represent the school in foo'bll this year.
They were P. Ne •. son, T. Lo~. R. :Ualoney
and Brian WiLloughby.
Our class wishes to express its de~pest
sympathy fer John Barlow, whose sister
pa:;sed away a short lime ago at the ag-e
of six. John is well known amongst the
boys of 2nd Year. (R.LP.).
Brian WiIloughby and Peter Bornstein are
always fighting fer the top position in tho~
The Mountain boys. T. Flannery, L .
O'Farrell, B. Donald and S. Roxborough take
great pleasure in leaving the class early -each
afternoon always using the same excuse of
"Please Sir, I have to catch the train."
I\!. Batson is the champion of the class at
A.B.C.; he says it fOL' Mr. Sarks every afternoon.
We have many boys from our class who
seemed to like Rumpus Room mere than the
school room, the chief of these is J. Charlton.
K. l\lcHugh supplies the class with mercury
and Mr. O'Connor had a hard time getting
the mercury off J . Watts, who persisted in
shining threepences with it during the
English period.
Darby Neville is once again class captain.
and he does quite a lot to keep the class in
c rder.
J. Laing, J. GiIlett and B. Shannon are
the bike riders for the year and B. Shannon's
new bike (?) is the talk of the class.
T. Williams is also one of the boys who
patronise Rumpus Room, while T. Loy is
"forever blowing bubbles."
Once again we wish to thank our teachers
for their painstaking efforts in teaching us
this term.
We will now say farewell to you until
next term, when we hepe to be with you all
With exams in progress we feel that the
end of the term is drawing near, and
judging by the standard of work, it is thought
that there hasn't been any second term . The
less we say about the exams the better for
even the "know-ails" are finding that the're is
still something they don't know.
Most important occupation of the second
term seemed to have been footba ll. Due
to the energy and enthusiasm of Messrs.
Sarks, O'Connor and Fitzsimons (to whom
we expr,ess thanks) we joined in the colour
competition with Sec~nd Year, and journeyed
(.> Concord Park where several enjoyable
games were played. The class was repres'2nted in the School's Seven-stone Team by
J. Care\\', J. Dora n , J. MOl'gan and T. Purcn.
Honours for class supremacy were held by
ourselves (disregarding the farcical game
that was held at Strathfield Park) when we
defeated the Combined Blu:s and Black on
the College Oval 7 io 5. Sympathy is extend·: d to Second Year who do not appear
\'ery resigned to their defeat by First Year,
when P. lIampson and P. Bennett hdped to
keep our fOL wards on top.
With the Athletic season "in the air;' we
are hopdul that wme of our so-ca lled stars
will be able to shine out. Many tired legs
were in evidenc ~ as a result of the Cross
Country in which only a few took p::lrt. It
is suggested that some compet·: d only to
view th ~ scenery, or judging by U:e way
they finished to hav·~ another hike in the
beauties of the Flemo-Homcbush area. We
secured a f-e w places, particularly at the
wrong end.
As these go to the "Editor," we wish R.
Fitzpatrick every success in the Final of the
Under 14 Singles of the M.C.C. Tennis Competition. Having "cleaned up" everything in
th~ Western Zone, he is set down to play
the winner of the other Zone at While City.
A few debates were he ld during the term
and this idea will have to be fostered as,
besides giving practice at speech making, it
fills in a Friday afternoon pleasantly. However, our "Rumpus Room" expert, P.
Castaldi, is willing to expound on the excellence of a " Ford. " For your ears' sake
don't even mention the subject. Most outstanding spea ker was J. Goug·h .
The strike unfortunately hindered our
taking the air; but we did manage to fit in
a few enjoyable hikes. The first of these
saw us in the Mt. KU-l'ing-gai area traversing
rugged country,
terminating at
Hornsby. The second was from Cowan to
(strangely enough) Cowan- a distance by
road of one mile ; but this took us all day,
on a circuitous route up hill and down dale.
The variety was enjoyable.
Many thanks are expressed to the "Cutclitre Cousins" for their kind services in
Page T welve
after the IUllches each day. \re
expect that they \\ '11 iJ2 gro\\ ing 011 the
profits or tips.
In c(;nclusion we su~ge't you met'! our
wondering troupe-1\l. lIogg. described as our
"Muscle l\Ian"; V. O'Brien, "Cacial contortionist"; "Books Worms;' P. Lynch and R.
Gculd; "Vent! iloquists'-' T. l\lcGirr, T. Loval
and M. ElHs; "Man-cater" (at least chewinggum) J. Gardoll and I. Wearne; "Gizzle
Palace" experts. B. l\loodey, and T. Sharpe.
The list is not compbte. What a "Managerie:' Finally \\'e c::ll1not omit to ment on
T . Loy 's latest "Hair-do."
Lastly we trust e\'eLybody will ha\'c an
enjoyable holiday, and come back fighting
fit for some hard third term's work.
"A ruler. a pen and a bottle of ink.
And all you need is the brains to think."
Being well equiped with the first utensils.
wc have often been told that wc lack the
last. Wc wonder at times whether the composer of the above lines knows vcry much
about it, as we have found that it is not
as easy as it sounds - here is a sample
from recent exams: we quote from B. Tonkins-·"To find the comp;)s ition of water by
volume take the overflow jar and place a
stone in it, then read the measurements."
Space does not permit to quote T. Fawl's
Exams are not yet concl uded and class
leaders will not be at hand; but it looks
as though F. Riley, last term's dux, will perform the "dOUble." Still. he is being closely
followed by such ide ntities as N. Napier, K.
Gately and R. Darin.
It seems that the woodwork. thanks to
Br. Crichton, is popular with mothers, as
the family utensils are added to with tea-pot
stands, salt-boxes, etc.
The strike was a great asset to someLiverpool-ites and others from the surrounding bush. led by P . Garranl, were allowed to come a little late and they are
finding it a great effort to come early. "Riverstone" J. Robbins found it very convenient
going hom e at 3 o'clock. The run to "Flemo."
was worth it, to miss out on some H-W.
Wc are still puzzled as to why R. Stanwick had in his possession a visiting card
from " - - and Co., P est Exterminators."
We wonder he is still with us. Together
with K. Stinson, he condescended to entertain us with a song. Strange. their efforts
were not later appreciated by the Choir
SOITY to say the Golds defeated us in the
official Inter-Class game; but we returned
the complIment later on at SL athfield Park
in a sort oC a game,
P. Garranl pla~'ed
splendidly in our \'Iet(lr~ agaInst Second
We were also represented 111 this
gan1P b\ G. Gllmble~, K. Henry and D.
Sp:c·,. ;"l<1rn thank "n e:-;prL'ssPc! to tIll
)._a~t( 1'3 \\ h', ('.lI1d.le ('cl sn Sllt't't'5Sfullv our
('nlour co 11petltlOn Oil Thllrsda,' afkrnnons.
After the departure of Mr M('VL'lgh, to
whom we express ollr gratitude for his
attention during the First Term. help \\ as
enlisted from the Training College: and
with all the help and individual tuition Wt'
8re rcceiving, we hope to do very well at
the ('nd 01 the \car.
As "Break-Up" day IS drawing tIose, we
recall that B. Bush tried to start some time
ago, and has had hiS rIght (or write) arm
in plaster s ince; wc recclVed news the other
day that G. Walden is "breakll1g-up" in a
similar way.
The advent of the Second Term saw many
dismal face s as results oC exams were made
known. Resolved to do better dUrIng the
Second Term we began work with our
numbers increased to 36; among the fOl·tunate ones we welcomed: K . Connolly, B.
Shel'idan and D. Joiner.
With the departure of winter, wc feel
we have weathered the atmospheric conditions very well. C. Askew found it hard
to part with his coat-in fact he was just
beginning to "peel off" in the last week.
Gaudy scarves and other mufflers with B.
Waiters and J. Ryan tended to break thc
Others. like P. McKibben, R.
Haylen, found it very easy to keep warm by
walking about.
As we have nothing ('?) to do, R. Hay len
kept us amused with his toys, D. A lbert
with his story books and B. McDonald with
his ceaseless chatter. Now and again we
do some work just by mistake.
Our football season has ended. Most of
us regard it as the most interesting sport
of the year and regret its passing. We arc
proud to have been represented in First Year
Firsts by C. Askew and so share in our victory over Second Year. G. Dickson and R .
Fitzgerald also acquitted themselves wel! in
lower grades.
During the term we enjoy d two hikes
from Cowan to Berowra. etc., and Mt. Kuring-gai to Hornsby.
These outings are
much looked forward to. Wc trust that the
Katoomba expedition will be enjoyable.
In conclusion, we would like to thank Mr.
Fitzsimons for his interest in our studies.
and assure him that our e!Torts in the third
term will be in keeping with his e!Torts to
bring us up to the required standard.
Puge Thirteen
(Brian A. McInnes )
From far off Wollongong, up along the
Campbelltown were exploiting the high
stretches of the Prince's Highway past the kick well and one of their forwards, followidle coal-mines and the gorges of National ing through, gathered and scored between
Park, to the gates of the college and twenty the posts. This put the Reds 12 points in
waiting boys, came the inviting tinkling front with three minutes to go and sealed
chimes of the Silver Bell on that Friday the death of the Blacks. In the last minute,
afternoon. At 1 p .m. the truck got under both Puren and Castaldi were unfortunate
way with the passengers piled in the back
in some miraculous way, pride of place not to scor e when following one of Culbeing held by a case of so mewhat large pro- hane's kicks through. But the bell r an g
portions, alleged to be housing Flannery's with Strathfield 12 p oints down and their
entire possessions. The clouds which seemed grip on the Cup lost.
to threaten passed peacefully away to the
The miracle in the march past did n ot
delight of the crew and the sun gave of its materialise and we failed to fill a place.
best. Except for a stop for n ature study in During the fin al bet wee n Campbelltown and
the guise of a p orcupine, a halt was not Wollon gon g High, we congregated in the
called still Stanmore Park, where we ad- stand packed w ith High ba rrackers and
mired the scen er y and stretched our legs.
Reaching Wo lion gong about 4.30 p.m. and t ook ou r lives into our hands by su ppo rting
after receiving the secret plans for the Camp bell t own. Even if we had fa iled a t
morrow. we we re deposited at our r espective football in the m ornin g we h ad on e success
places of abode t o take the advantage of an on the day, com pletely do wn in g t he cry of
early night. The tea m expresses its sincere "Hi gh, High, Hig h" with sh outs of "Red ,
thanks to the people w ho put them up, and Red, Red ." Needless to say, w ith suc h input up with them, for the week-end. We spired barrac kin g behind them, Cam pbella ppreciate the h ospit ality extended t o us. t own went away to a 7 poin t victo r y, w hi ch
was some consolation for u s.
A wakening in the m orning brought b ack
the r ealisation th at we wer e (as last year )
After Mass on S unday mo rning we had
to meet Camp bell town in the opening mat ch. a most en joyable visit to Cordeaux D am, t o
As can be expected, we did not r elish the gaze w ith wonder on t he m agn ificen t structhought of this, b ut all things m ust co me and ture. H ere we had our phot os t aken by a
at 9.30 a.m. we ran on to the fi eld t o do cert ain a m ate ur photograp her, w ho, after
battle for th e Cup. Culhan e was b ack at m aking us watch t h e dickie bird for ab out
fixe-eighth and Nilon was playing inside- fi ve m in utes, q uite calm ly informed us t h ere
centre, a back line w h ic h was n ot allowed was no film in th e camera. Back at W o llon to f unction . Fro m t he start, Cam pbelltown gon g we were t aught by th e B rothers' team
stood right up on us and allowed no pen e- h ow we sh ould have played the previous
tration. The Blacks were grad ually d riven day, as they made short work of Dapto. An
b ack unt il Campbelltown was stormi ng the early tea was fo llowed by our departure
lin e. The forwards defended manfully and from t he south shortly after 7 p.m.
Campbelltown was n ot able to score. The
T he boys on the back of t he truck suffered
Reds missed t wo easy sho ts at goal, thereby a systematic process of r efrigeration as we
allowi ng us to live on. At half time t he sped along P rince's H ighway, avoiding
ou tlook, if anything, was promising. We stationary cars. At lengt h, one by one, th e
had held them scoreless and now had a weary travellers were dep osited at in terdown-h ill run and a sligh t breeze behind us. vals along the route.
But, alas, the paradox of foot ball began
We had not brought back the cup with us,
to assert itself, and Cam pbelltown immedi- but were n ot retu rning empty ha nded. A
ately surged on to t he attack. Their goal long succession of victories can become monkicker took a pen alty from almost half-way ot onous. Wc have given way to opponents
and sent the ball t r ue bet ween t he posts. worthy of our mettle, but we hope, wi t h
Down 2 points. the Blacks failed to rally and nostalgic sighs, t hat in t he n ear fu t ure a
a loose pass f r om play t he ball allowed team will l eave on the F riday afternoon
5 points t o be registered by the Reds.
destined to return w it h t he spoils of victory.
Collect Stamps for 4th Yr. Mission Group.
Paqe Fourt een
AND POR'I'IIAI'rS, 10:):).-12
(John W. Furlong, Treas urer, O.B.U. )
In order to retain some semblance of
logic, I ha ve decided to divide this epic into
three sec ti ons-The College, Incidents, and
P eo ple . Lest t rus ting souls may be tempted
to acce pt thi s at its face value, I hasten to
wa rn them t ha t a ny adherence to this course
w ill be sheer coi ncidence.
By no stretch of what I have always regarded as a fe rtile imagination could my
ent rance be classified as an inspiring sight.
You may t hink it a relatively simple task
to enrol one small eigh t-year-old infant in
a new school, bu t you obviously fail to apprecia te the spark of genius that exists in my
fami ly. Stat is tics show t hat only one per
cent. of the College enter by way of the
oviti ate. I am al most proud to say that I
am t h at one per ce nt. It seems now that
my moth er and I trudged for hours and made
countless en quiries before we burst into
full view of S t. P at's.
In view of these early obstacles. it was not
surprising that I was not too kindly disposed to my new surroundings, but t his did
not last very lon g, being main ly the result
of that fear of n ew faces t hat always seems
to acco'mpany the new boy. The first five
years of my incarceration were passed in
the "Old School," th e latter part in the "New
School. " I realise now that during my period
at S.P.C., ma ny changes were taking place.
changes which carried S t. Patrick's from
t he level of a mere school to a college of
impor tance. T he new school was completed
(1935), the oval fulfi lled its destiny, the tennis courts were laid and the existing college
uniform was introduced.
Most of these
things took place under the guidance of
Brother Coghlan and indicated St. Patrick's
was in lusty youth.
On the sporting side, we were slowly
climbing towards the top. No longer were
our football losses reckoned in double figures
and in 1940 we atttained our first open-grade
premicrship with the Second XIII. Brother
Mullen coached us to pack a tight scrum,
tackle hard and low, and send the ball out
bang. bang, bang along the backline. Athletics improved to a standard that has
brought M.C.C. Championships for ten succcssive years now, and other things correspondingly advanced. Then in numbers
the College expanded in my years from
about 300 to nearly 600.
To the discerning I can only recommend
t h at they skip this section since these recollec t ions arc possibly funny only to myself.
and the years have done nothing to rectl!y
my sense of humour.
T he most crushing memory I have IS
centred around Chemistry. I make no secret
of my distaste for this facet of higher education, mainly because I was incredibly bad
at it. I n ord~r to supply for both a lack of
enthusiasm and an abyssmal ignorance. 1
very carefully transcribed Brothel' McGlade's notes on to cards of convenient si~e
witl' a view to refreshing my mem'ory during
the questioning. Came the exam-and who
do you think came and sat in the spare seat
alongside me? Question No. 2 - who failed
miserably in that exam? Let this be a warning to future generatIOns - Careless Talk
is Dangerous.
In my final year, John Dorb l' was School
Captain and upon him was filially bestowed
the friendly t itle of "Daddy," During forays
into enemy territory with football teams.
it used to create a certain amount of amazement to the casual travellers to hear a number of boys loudly enquire if "Daddy" had
the fares. Come to think of it, it must have
caused J ohn a certain amount of amazement,
For this next scene, certain props are required, namely. one newly-cleaned hat and
a large doub le-decker bus. Sports day. with
milling crowds assembled to be transported
to football, one of the throng being Ed. BalTY
complete with newly cleaned hat sparkling
like the first star of evenmg. At what is
usuall y called the psychological moment, a
playful gust of wind deposited said hat inlo
t he path of said bus which proceeded 10
transfer all excess oil from the differential
on to Ed's hat.
Alas, the jewel lost its
lustre. and practically all its shape. Brother
Robinson was quite understanding about the
whole affair and allowed Ed. to proceed to
sport minus the hat.
Greatness was most accidentally thrust
upon me quile early. At one school concert,
an address of welcome was to be recited by
one Master John Furlong as the opening
The programme had been printed
(bearing the name). the actor coached. the
elocution perfected and all things m readiness, when lo! the leading man in the one
star cast falls ill and is unable to perform.
"What's in a name?" asked Romeo. Well,
mine was sufficient to elevate me to the
dizzy post of Lord High Substitute. The
A.H. motto "Truth in Advertising" simply
had to go through and the welcome was
duly given by a hastily coached John Fur(Continued Page 40)
Paye Td teen
Tuesd ay, 17: Only one week's vacation was
too short fl holiday for Alex Lees of Third
Year. On being awakened about 3 p.m. this
afternoon from sound slumbers, he explained
he had not gone to bed the previous night
till 2.30 a.m. (more correctly. that morning) . "Why, sir, we were carousing till the
second cock."
He certainly believed in
getting the last minute out of the shortened
Wednesday, 18: Note for the Departments
of History and Biology. Peter O'Brien explains to Fourth Grade that he traces his
ancestry back to "Hume and Hovell." Footnote to yesterday's entry: Alex solved all his
quadratics in homework correctly, while
Jim Lacey, who was very wide awake next
to him, got them all wrong. Teacher was
puzzled, till he remembered the existence
of Stanley Lees of L .C. and football fame.
Then light dawned.
Thursd ay, 9: Friendly matches with Marrickville, in which Open Grades are victoious but weight teams defeated. Early
resolutions by the vanquished that it will
be a different story next time, that they
will get more ball, that the others won't,
etc., etc., . . . . July will tell.
Tuesday, 24: Our Lady Help of Christians
The evening is radiant with bonfires and
noisy with crackers.
Homework gets a
pasting! Big chunky forward, Len Downey,
from L.C., complains bitterly that it will be
the first Empire Night he has missed.
Wednesd ay, 25: Poor Richard Meyers! He
was quite astounded to hear that they were
going to stop the buses running past the
school next week, and must ask why. The
explanation, "to let the people off," did not
seem to appeal to Richard 's sense of humour
and the parabolic locks swept out at still
wilder angles.
Thursday, 26 : Ascension Day, and lovely
autumnal sunshine. The Darlinghurst games
promise to be thrilling affairs. The scores
in to-day's final practice matches were 5an First and nil-all Seconds. Thirds played
their annual pre-comp. fixture with Burwood
Firsts. A close affair, 5-3.
Saturday, 28: Captains Courageous-Raymond Ryan, Barry Lum and John Doran-of
under 11, 12 and 13 teams, showed the way in
to-day's games against Rose Bay by each
scoring from five-eighth position the opening try of their match. They all led their
teams to victory.
Mon day, 30: First Year discover new
inert gas-'·zoeon." In class to-day, they
learnt the inert gases of the atmospherehelium, neon, argon, krypton, zenon and
Wednesd ay, 1: Red Altars of the Sacred
Heart remind us to-day of the beginning of
the month of reparation and love. Fourth
and Fifth Grades have pictures enshrined
in a sea of red and white.
Heart of our King, Heart of Our Lord,
Be Thou forever loved and adored.
Thursd ay, 2: In ideal sunshine, competition
matches begin to-day, and Lewisham come
-and sadly depart. The big game was won
by our backs in the last few minutes, 5-4.
Seconds also won 13-8, and weight teams
12-3 and 2-all.
John Carew opened his
M.C.C. scoring account in the 7-stone with
their sole score at the last moment of the
Shakespeare Rej uvenated on the First's
Match :
"Doleful it stood (2-4)
As two spent forwards that do cling
And choke each other; till fleet Culhane,
Disdaining Lewisham with his speed
and swerve
That left the opposition standing and
O'Connell's minion sliced out his passage,
And hurled the ball to Dale, who flashed
the try."
F riday, 3: Scoreboard Scribblers : "With
rapier-like thrusts, Culhane penetrated the
very marrow of the opposition, which was
the bone of contentment." (Cas. Ob.). "Bingham and Glendenning decided to dispense
with Mr. Conde and arrange their own private black-outs with a head-on collision
(Seconds - T. O'Brien) . "Tackling was of
low order, but not low enough." (Six Stone ).
Monday, 6: Sign for the superstitious those who believe in "auguries and underCruise increased our lead with another goal,
l'aqe Sixteen
s tood. relations." ' Week-end storm of wi nd
and rain blew down the goal-posts at one
end. John Flannery thinks that even he
could get one over the bar now.
Tuesday, 7: Late study in Third Year tonight? They were still at it at 9 p .m. with
the hum of industry sounding stilly through
the night.
It was not love of learning,
though, but the resurfacing of their desks
that had these Blues back for the evening
session. John McManus much prefers the
evening '·studies."
Wednesday, 8: Bouquet or Brickbat? Am
still uncertain what this remark meant
to-day: "Sydney has more Melbourne
weather than any other city in Australia."
Thursday, 9: In seas of mud, S.P.C. defeats Ashfield at Prrttten Park 11-5 with Pat
Nil n skirting the green strip along the sideline to score twice in the first ten minutes.
Kevin McMahon saved the Seconds with a
sharp field-goal out of the mud. 2-0.
Fl'iday, 10: O'Brien on Pratten - "It was
a case of S. v. A. v. Bulli, and proved
definitely a one-sided affair.
Bulli had
possession of the ball for at le ast 50 minutes
of the game a nd he ld it. It was inside (ask
Norman Mangravite), outside underneath,
and in fact greatly superior to the Black
(S.P.C. ) a nd black (D.L.S.). Somehow it
ma naged to get all over the field, and all
over the ball, and all over the Blacks, and
all over the black Blues. It was MUD."
Monday, 13: The Sad 5tory of Brian Fehon.
To-day being King's Birthday, all loyalists
from First Year went a-hiking. After miles
of weary walking, up hill, down dale, a
halt was called for lunch. Then, what building of fires, and opening of packs, and grilling and frying! Poor Brian! He had at
least a yard and a half of sausages, but
lacked that very n ecessary little tool of the
kitchen, a pan. Seek high , seek low, not
a spare pan; they were all loaded to the
At length there was one to spare. So off
to gather wood, and get the fire going, a nd
m It the fat, and l ay the snags in the darkbrown sizzle - when "Pheep!" went Brother's whistle for all fires to b out, and
everyone was on the march again, with
Bri an sadly eyein g his wasted half-cooked
yard and a half o[ meat-bags.
Tuesday, 14: Torrential rains give heavie~t
falls for years over 24 hours in June. Wiseheads brought two pairs of socks to school
and changed their wet pair on arrival.
Wednesday, 15: Rev Brother Tevlin examining First Year s trikes an illuminating
reply from the Boy from Bungaree. "Now,
of the several utensils 111 front of you on the
table, which is the one you must not put in
your mouth? B. from B.-"The plate, Sir!"
F l'iday, 17: Storm, rain and wind continue
to beat incessantly for the fourth successive
Power failures at Bunner(w)rong
cast Fourth Year in the Physics room into
Stygian darkness. Days when Shakespeare's
metaphor finds new reality:
Ho w far that little candle throws his
So shines a good deed in a naughty
Monday, 20: Saga of a Sleepy Student.
Robert McHugh, of Third Year, lives at
Riverstone. Catching the train hOlne this
afternoon at Strathfield, he settled in comfortably - well. perhaps a little too comfortably and awoke an hour and a
half later at the terminus, Ri chmond. With
no train back for hours, he managed to hitchhike back to Wind sor, where he had almost
to swim across feet of water on the flo oded
roads. There were still several miles to go,
and eventually, about 10.30 p.m., he arrived
home. Quite enough globe-trotting for one
evening, thank you!
Tuesday, 21: "Wot's in a monnicker?"
asked the Sentimental Bloke, Romeo and a
few people to-day, when the Lane-Mullins
became the happier by SIX GRAND! With
four boys at the College (George, Frank,
Ian and Denis) and three more at home still
to come, there were plenty to celebrate the
lottery win.
Wednesd ay, 22: Shortest day in the year,
coldest in Jun e since 1935. yet despite strike,
power rations. cuts in transport and the
great freeze, to-day's attendanc sets an alltime high - 825 in class!
Thursd ay, 23: (Revert to May 27, when
two close football games were pred icted.
They were!) A flying try by Dale PLIl'e n
seals the big match against D'hurst 7-0, and a
snap last-minute field goal by K. McMahon
won the Seconds 4-2. In the seven-stones,
D'hurst with their try, and then scored ours
to equalise.
Friday, 24 : Feast of the Sacred Heart, a nd
Missa Cantata at St. Martha's. One of the
cold est June days for years, yet there sat
John Pyne in Sixth, and did not even have
his shoes on! No private radiator either,
and was he cold? Not at all, his feet were
roasting - chilblains!
(Of course, there
could be another explanation to-day.)
Sa turday, 25: Match of the Day for some
little folk was not Australia v . Maoris. or
even S.P.C. v. St. Charles (Fifth Grade ),
but Third Grade v. Fourth Grade II. The
latter won 3-0, Otto scoring the all-important
try. This morning saw the usual state of
things reversed with seniors giving the College war-cry for Juniors.
Mond ay, 27: Our Lady of P e rpetual Succour, P atroness of the School.
Mary from thy sacred image.
With those eyes so sadly sweet,
Mother of Perpetual Succour,
See us kneeling at thy feet!
Tuesday, 28: For the Department of
History-BatTY Guinery explains the cause
of the Indian Mutiny: "The native troops
had been issued with new Enfield rifles, and
they had to bite th e ends off th em before
they could use them."
No wonder they
Thursday, 30 : Randwick defeated at
Coogee Oval 30, and a twelve -year hoodoo
broken at last. Tragedy of the Seconds defeated 5-3; a display by "headless roosters. "
Friday, 1: "Backs that were in and out like
a fiddler's elbow to the tune of 30 pointsKilleen, Moran, Sutherland and Downey
nosing around in packs like vacuum cleaners-meteoric plunges that made Culhane
I'esemble one of those stars seen whisking
across the sky at night."-Extracts from a
Tuesday, 5: What Third Year learnt about
the Reform Bill: the Bill had two clauses
which said:
(i) That some of the Burrows were rotten
and that the people who lived in them should
not be allowed either to stand or have seats;
(ii) That "householders, leaseholders and
copyholders who had £10 in the towns, or
free holders who paid 40/- in the country for
10 yea rs, or leaseholders (in the country)
and copy holders for 21 years in the towns
(paying a rent of £50) should in some cases
(in the towns ) have a vote (for 1 year) but
in others for 41 years ( in the country) paying a leasehold or copyhold of £10 should
not." (Three Stars.)
Friday, 8: Senior Classes attend Requiem
Mass said by Father Williams for the repose
of the soul of David Wilson, and in the afternoon are prese nt as the remains of their
school companion are lowered into th e grave.
A pall has descended on S .P .C. th ese last few
days at our sad loss. May his sou l rest in
Thursday, 14: In mid-summer sunshine
almost, we play D.L.S., Marrickville; players were just about perspiring before the
start. College victorious in open grades, but
eight-stoners lost 3-6 after the bell had
rung. How many a slip-!
Tuesday, 19: Cold rain and winds sweeping
from the south-east have all snuggled up in
overcoats and scarves, and seem to be
winter's vigorous assertion of its reign over
July. (It seemed temporarily displaced last
Thursday, 21: Last competition football day
brings Kogara h to S .P .C. , a nd results in a
narrow win 2-0. But the day's t riumph was
the Seconds' victor y, 7-5, thanks to a magnificent try in the last few minutes by
Brian McInnes . Did the welkin ring with
the clamour of the war-cry "urging the
champions along"! It made the Seconds copremiers with their opponents.
Friday, 22: First Year clashes in four
grades arouse great excitement and prove a
triumph for th e Golds this afternoon. John
Carew showed keen football sense to shortkick in the last minute of the A Grad
match and make it a 6-all draw.
Monday, 25: Fourth Graders were gathered
around the loud-speakers at lunch-time today, wrapped up intently in the music being
broadcast. It was "Peter and The Wolf," by
Prokoffief, narrated for young people by
H .M .V. No bedtime story was ever recounted
with more effect. Thanks so much, Lynton
T hursday, 28: Premiers v. The Rest, and
the First XIII, M.C.C. Premiers 1949, experie nce their first defeat of the season, 5-7 .
Our best Doug. Sutherland (forward)
and Pat Nilon (back). T wo features of the
games were opportunities lost in the first
half, and a magnificent chase and tackle by
Peter Castaldi that prevented a t ry in the
seco nd half. Despite all our reporter's magnifice nce, we lost.
Page Eighteen
Friday, 29: European History. The
Balkan Treaty of Berlin said: (i) that Bosnia
s hould be ceded t o Herzegovina, (ii) that
Herzegovina should be ceded to Bosnla: (iji)
that Bulgaria shou ld be divided into 2 parts
(it WaS subsequently divided into one).
Tuesday, 2: H oly Mass celebrated by Rev.
Fr. F. MOl·daunt. M.S.C., ordained a week
ago in Melbourne and returni ng to S.P.C.
after an absence of thirteen years. A visit
to old scenes. especially Third Year room
(" This is whe re we DID work"). Fifth Year
at least profited very tan gibly wi th a holiday
in the afternoon. when they went to Ryde to
see the First XIII finish its seaso n. and so
end up Premiers and Champions.
Wednesday, 3: News Flash! Many Sydney
schoolchildren disagreed this week with an
eminent visiting American educationist and
said th at school authorities should continue
to set them homework. declared morning
daily. They stated that homework helped
them in their daily lesso ns, was mterestmg
and filled in their spa re time. Second Year
are said to be in hearty suppo rt (of whom?).
Friday, 5: Off to Wollongong went the
Firsts well packed in and snowed under
with heaps of cases and coats. "The play's
the thing" in Fifth Year (a variant from the
usual "the game's the thing"): and Birds of
a Feather and The Man in the Bowler Hat
had their S.P.C. premiere unde r the direction
of Tom Brass il. Some people appeared to
have no difficulty with their parts - Robert
Batson (Daft Dicky) , Cliff Johnson (Mary).
Peter Jackson (Heroine) and Don Old field
(Chief Villain).
Satu rday, 6: Sold! A number of visitors
arriving about 1 a .m. to support th e Blacks
found that the team had been outed and
10 lded the jerseys away. M.B.C., Campbelltown, their conquerors 12-0, went on to
ultimate victory. So end the successes of
five years. Sic transit' (very sick).
outlay, 8: N ow what did they drink on
th e way back last night? One player, the
captain no less, on getting home, fell down
a fli ght of steps and turned up eventually
with a discoloured eye that extended over
most of th e facial map.
T uesday, 9: To-day's heroes Roger
Fitzpatri~k, under 14 tennis star recently
come to light, who qualified to-day for the
M.C.C. Finals: and Carl Ashew of FIrst Year,
who helped his class defeat Second Year
with a dashing try 7-5 (without hIS overcoat). Inter-class spirit ran high , and there
was much aboo about nothing!
Sunday, 14: College versus Old Boys game
ends in gl'eat ID- all draw. College heroesfifteen-year-old Frank Cruise, who scored
all his team's points \\'Ith 5 great goals; and
Len Downey, substitute five-eIghth. confrontmg 1947-8 captain J. Gibson. " pomt agamst
point rebellious. arm against arm, curbing
his lavish sp irit." Injuries had never so depleted the Firs ts for this annual match,
so th e result was particularly ereditable.
Monday, 15:
Assump ti on Day.
Hikm g
Group from FIrst Year left Cowan Station,
descended hundreds of feet down into th e
valley, walked for mil s along and sca led
great clilTs to get back on the road about -1
p.m. expecting to find them. elves near
Hornsby-and found they had pl'ogressed
about one mile from Cowan.
Wednesday, 17: The College, about to disperse this afternoon, was shocked to hea r of
the sudden death of Miss N. Kinkead. May
she rest in peace.
Thursday, 18: This has not the virtue of
home-made ca ke, but at leas t it's good.
Young ofTspring came home to tell proud
parent he had b en selected to play foo tball
that day. P.P.: "Where did you play? " Y.O.:
"On the School Oval."
P.P.: "Yes, but
WHERE? half-back. full-back or what?"
Y.O.: "Well, I'm not sure, but the captain sa id
I was a bit of a drawback."
Friday, 19: Some "staggering" crosscountry runs to-day. In the Junior, Alex
Sharah set out leading blind Pat Downey
around th e mile and a half junior course.
When they re-app ea red , Pat was leading
Alex - the blind leading the lame. The
seniors' route goes through Rookwood. "In
the midst of life we are in death: so things
shou ld be in this strange world of ours."
Monday, 22: Truth from Error in Fifth
Gde. Composition slip : "Our class-captain
Richard Pinerua takes over when our
master is not pleasant (sic)."
T uesday, 23: Term Examinations have all
worried and working. In Second Year, they
were back till five o'c lock at one of th e ll'
Wednesday, 24: Wholesale adoptions of of1sprin g to-day - spiritually . Unsponsorcd
juniors visit the senior rooms seeking peo ple
to stand by them in becoming strong and
perfect Christians. John Barlow is lucky-his
godfa th er will be able to bring him to th e
Church on his motor-bike.
Thu rsday, 25: Brea k-up for th longes t
September vacation ever-a fortnight. Be
seeing you again September 13.
Pay.t tVim'll-en
The forwards were young, rather light
though vigorous. and made good coverd fence. In competition games, their line
was crossed only once (Ash field). But the
absence of Tony Culhane from the fiveeighth position blunted the attack at times
and without his penetrating thrusts, it wa~
often ineffective. Until injured in the Randwick match, he had given displays that
marked him as the tastest and most penetrating five-eighth the College has had.
The inspirational leaders hip and effective,
versatile forward play of the captam. Terry
Cahalan. had no small share m achievmg
the premiership.
The pr mierships of the First and Second
Grades and the points won by the weight
teams gave the College the Schools' Championship Trophy for the second successive
year, M.B.H.S., Kogarah, being close runnerup. This is the first tllne ever wc have won
the premiership in both First and Second
Grades. (The Second Grade divided it with
R . Kill een, P . Cas ta ldi, A . C ul hane, L. Downey, D. P uren . A. Lees.
J . 1\10ra n. F . Cruise, D. Su th erl and , T . Caha la n (cap t.), P . Ha r rington , P . Nilon, B. P ettH
F ootball prospects at the beginning of this
year were not very bright. Of last year's
premiership side. only th ree players were at
school-Ter ry Cahalan (lock) , Ton y Culhane
(five-eighth ) a nd D al e Puren (winger).
There was hardly one left from the Second
XIII and the premiership Third XIII had
also vanished. So the pack from the F ourth
XIII 1948 went up a lmost intact into the
First XIII of 1949 and , while light , gave magnificent displays-Len Dow ney, Bob Killeen.
John Moran and Doug . Suthe rla nd especially.
T wo newcomers from C.B .C., BUl·wood.
very creditabl y filled in places in the backline, Pat Nilon and Brian P ettit , whi le P eter
Castaldi and Brian McInnes filled in the
wings. The responsible position of full-back
looked as though it would be the most
t roublesome t o fill, but fourteen-year-old
Frank Cruise from 1948 F ourths improved
so much during the season in his displays
as to become a virtual match-winner in the
end. He is the you ngest full-back ever to
have represented the College in A Grade,
his general play was excellent and his goa lkicking superb. (O ld Boys will bear wItness
to this ). Alec Lees. on whose shoulders the'
mantle of Stan fell, and John Flannery were
forwards who gave good displays, rising
from colour competition 1948 to First XIII
In passing through the M.C.C. competition
season wit hout defeat. this young team
brought great credit on itself. The mu row
margi ns in some of the matches (L ewisham
5-4, Kogarah 2-0) indicated how even was
the competition. The team suffered its first
reverse in the match Premiers v. The Rest.
but by that time injuries were beginnmg to
tell and towards the cnd th e brilliance o[
earlier games was not so prominent. However, a depleted team maintained the honour
of the College in a 1O-all drawn game
against the Old Boys in the last match of the
season and so the season finished .
Page Tu:enty-two
WON, 5-4.
Conditions for football were ideal when
Calahan led his team on to the oval to
begin season 1949 with the traditional tussle
with our old rivals, Lewisham.
Wc begun somewhat nervously, with the
result that wc were penalised a few minutes
after the start.
The Lewisham full-back
failed to goal from about 30 yards out, but
he made no mistake with a second elIort,
and the Blacks were trailing 0-2.
From a penalty awarded against the Blues,
Cruise equalised. 2-2.
Needless penalties, particularly for "offside" ofTences in play-the-ball, lost us much
ground. and we were indeed fortunate not
to have a greater deficit than 2-4 when halftime came.
Wc had not opened the game sufficiently
in the first half, but this fault remedied,
wc began to look very dangerous in the
back lin e in the second.
The Lewisham defence. and for a short
time our own. was PLlt to a severe test,
but both appeared impregnable. Time was
running out, and things looked grim for
Strathfield when at last Culhane broke
through and sent to Puren. who scored.
Cruise failed to convert. The Blues came
back fighting and only the pace of Castaldi
prevented them from scoring on the final
bell .
Scorers-D. Pm'en, try; F. Cmise, goal.
WON, 11-3.
The game was played at Pratten Park
with weather conditions wet and windy
and the centre of the field a vC'l'ita ble q uagmire'. A bri ll iant burst-through by Culhane
less than three minutes after the kick-off
brought our few supporters to their feet.
He ran well downfield and passed to Pat
Nilon on the wing, who scored in the corner.
From practically the next scrum from the
same position in the centre field the ball
was passed to Nilon, \\'ho made a fast and
forceful run down the sideline to score in
the same position. Cruise failed to convert
eith r try, however; conditions were against
Several attempts were made by both sets
of backs to score. but defence was good and
the g round slow, and until a few minutes
before half-time the score stood at six-nil. It
then happened that Strathfield's line was
cros ed for the first and las t time in the
M.C.C. Competition. During a kicking duel,
Cruise mis-kicked and th e ball went well
out to the open side. Nilon was caught out
of position by the Ashfield centre, who
passed to the winger. who scored an unopposed try.
Play in the second half was slow and
handling still more difficult.
Play was
carried well mto Ashfield's territory and
from a five-yard scrum Culhane forced his
way through to score under the posts and
this time Cruise made no mistake. 11-3.
In the last fifteen minutes Ashfield made
a strong bid to equalise. Play had b en hard
and the Strathfield pack were pressed to
hold their opponents.
Ashfield's backs.
possibly the fastest wc met, did penetrate on
two occasions but the Blacks were saved
by the slippery ball and they failed lo score.
Scorers-Po Nilon, 2 tries; A. Culhane, 1
try; F. Cr uise, 1 goal.
WON, 7-0.
With two victories behind us, wc went out
to meet the strong Darlinghurst combination
on lhe College oval with mixed feelings.
They had held us to a 5-all draw in a trial
match a month previoLlsly and were fresh
from an overwhelming victory against Randwick the previoLls week.
From the st art, Darlinghurst attacked. and
the school suppor tcr~ had anxious mom nts
as the Blues pressed down on the Co liege
line. An attempt at goal by the Darlinghurst kicker failed . and play was swept
1'(/9" T(Cent(1 three
LEFT.-S.P.C. awaiting the opposition. CENTRE.-T. Cahalan receiving M.C.C. "A" Grade
Premiership Troph y. RIGHT.-Lock Doug. Sutherland caught getting away.
back into the no-man 's land of half-way.
Intelligent ki cking by Culhane was setti ng
the backs in motion and gradually givin g
:::'.P .C. the upper hand. Breaches by the
Darlinghurst forwards were costly and
Cruise goaled twice to give us a 4-0 advantage which was held till half-time.
In the second half, Strathfield took the
initiative, and. w ith Sutherland's fi erce
tackling nipping the Darli nghurst movements
in the bud, the Bl acks began to get the
better of the game. Back-line movements
from half-way nearly put Ca ta ldi and Nilon
in, and , finally, P uren, following one of
Culhane's kicks through, and with speed
that left the Blue full-back dazzled, scored
in the corner.
Cahalan won the scrums by a fair majority.
and Downey and Killeen were very effecti ve
Castaldi stopped a promising
Darlinghurst movement w h en he tackled
the Blue centre hard and low. In the last
ten minutes the Blacks played some of their
best football of the season. Much of the
success in this game was due to the captaincy by Cahalan, and the intelligent play
by Culhane.
Scorers: D. Puren, try; F. Cruise, 2 goals.
(B.A.Mc!. )
WON, 30-0.
Cruise kicked-off and the ball went well
downfield and the Randwick full-back
fumbled. A scrum resulted that S.P.C. won
but were caught in possession. From playthe-ball Culhane go t possession and burst
through the defence to score under the
posts. It was that quick! Infield the ball
was passed to winger Nilon, w ho completed
a brilliant run down the sideline to make
the score 6-0.
Strathficld now began t o
dominate play, and soon scored yet agai n .
Sutherland ran well out en the blind a nd
in-passed to Nilon for his second try. Halftime, 9- 0.
immediately, Culhane
through to score under the posts and Cruise
notch ed the first goal. A few minutes l ater
the pair repeated the performance. 19-0 .
Randwick kicked t o the open way to give
Castaldi possession, who passed inside to
Puren for another try. Culhane and Castaldi
combined for yet an other, and then the
former player. the spearhead in all these
attacks, was in jured and carried off. Cahalan,
cap tain , substituted five-eighth and showed
versatillty by scoring himself from that
position with a brilliant dive.
This was the first time in thirteen years
that S.P .C. had defeated Randwick on their
homeground .
Scorers: A. Culhane (3), P. Nilon (2), P.
Castaldi, T. Cahalan, D. Puren, tries; F .
Cruise, 3 goals.
(P .A.C.)
WON, 12-0.
Having lost the penetrating force in our
backline, Culhane, we went out against
Cahalan ably fitted the bill, however, for
while his play as five- eighth was not
brilliant, nevertheless it was safe.
We won the toss and ran with the wind.
However, from the start it was apparent
that something was lacking. The team did
not function smoothly as Tann a's marking
was preventing the ball comi n g from Downie
with its usual speed . Nilon opened our
score with a good try in the corner, w hi ch
Cruise converted. H e was soon fo llowed
by Castaldi, w ho scored in a similar position.
Cruise agai n goaled, and half-time saw us
leading 10-0.
Play in the second half was not of high
order. The backline was disorgani sed and
our open game was n ot yielding fruit.
Paqe TwenlY -(Ottr
but there were few mo\·ements among the
Our forwards held Marrickvllle
but did not appear capable of doing more.
The final bell brought to a clasp a drab
game in which we ran out winners, 12-0.
Scorers.-P. Caslaidi, P . Nilon, tries; F.
Cruise, 3 goal .
WON, 2-0.
This game amounted to a premiership
match and was played in perfect conditions
on the school oval . Terry Calahan lost the
toss and immediately K ogarah commenced
play in the ir traditional aggressive style.
At the outset Kogarah's weight told heavily
and the Blacks were forced back to defend on their own line. We were saved by a
fine kick and Cruise brought play well
downfield to near half-way. A stalemate
now developed as Kogarah endeavoured to
close the game and the Blacks to open it.
Culhane made several determined but unsuccessful attempts to penetrate. It was on
the wing that the Blacks first looked really
dangerous. Twice, Nilon broke away on the
left flank and came within a few yards of
scoring. This dash brought play well into
Kogarah's territory and a penalty to the
Blacks gave Cruise his chance. However,
he missed the kick. A few minutes later
Cruise had another chance with a more
difficult kick and this time made no mistake. 2-0.
The second half was highlighted by
wonderful defence by the Strathfield forwards and several valiant runs by Culhane.
Kogarah seized every opportunity to exploit its superior weight and hamm ered Incessantly.
However they were unable to penetrate,
and spirited defence kept our line intac t and
our narrow lead secure. This victory gave
the College undefeated premiership for
Scorer-F. Cruise, goal.
S.P.C. v. H.C.C., RYDE
Although the premiership had already
been won this deferred match would deCide
whether the Schools' Championship trophy
stayed with S .P.C. for another year 01' returned to M.B.C., Kogarah. The game, therefore, possessed more than just a ~portlng
interes'.. Our newly-arranged backl1ne took
some time to settle down but some good
goal-kicking by Cruise and an excellent try
by Harrington gave us a scven pomt lead
at half-time. This came as a result of the
half backing up when Castaldi had made a
fine run along the wmg and gathering thc
pass in-field. In the second half, Cahnlan
swung the ball With nicc variation to pith,r
side and opened up the game more. CrlllsP
marked and kicked llkc the putentlal champion he IS and the score mounted as goal
after goal came from hiS buoL Good tm's
were scored by the speedy wlngers, Puren
and Castaldi. Cahalan was injured dunnl:;
this half. but returned to the field to le ae!
his men to victory in the last M.C.C. match
of the year.
Scorers: P. I1arringlon, D. Puren, P. Castaldi, tries; F. Cruise, 5 goals.
LOST, 5-7.
From the start it was apparen t there was
some thing missing from th e team. Wh atever it was was hard to actually define.
but it was to be w ith us, not only in thIS
game, but right until the veil was lifted in
the Old Boys' encounter. The solid defenc l'
of the forwards had not completel y
b een
occasional glimpses of it during the match.
but the zest and zip in the back-line. the
bewildering speed r evealed in the Darlinghurst and Randwick matches, and that
had wrecked the premiership hopes of
Lewisham, had go ne. In its place. there
were dropped passes, and weak e fIor ts to
break through the Combined defence.
Even so, it seemed as though Dame
Fortune was playing our way when Cahalan's brilliant generalship cngineered a try
by Harrington almost under the posts. In
Cl sudden ecstasy the ball was thrown about
as if red-hot, the captain handling at least
three times before our half-back scoree! a
vital three p oints. Although Cruise failed to
convert, we were momentarily on top. At
half-time, we led 3-0.
The second half saw The Rest take the
lead and then lose it when Cruise made
amends for previous failures with a difficult
goal. The Blacks allowed Can (The Rest's
captain) to break through, but just when he
seemed certain to score, Casta Id I appeared
out of the blue and grounded him inches
from the line. However. in the last few
minutes The Rest registered another goa l
that ga~e them a narrow two-point . victory.
The best players for S.P.C. were NJlon and
Harrington in the backs and Suthe rland in
the forwards.
Congratulations are given
to Tanna (Marrickville) and Hole (Kogarah) for winning blazers for the best forward
and back.
Scorers: P. Harrington, try; F. Cruise, goal.
PClQe 7 wentr<-fic'e
D. McDonald, B. Conroy, M. Scott, N. Mangraviti, C. McDermott,
K. McMahon, B. McInnes, s. Hazell, J. Lynch, F. Riley , F . Eldridg'e,
C. Spalding, J. Flannery, L. Glendenning (capt.), J . Bingham, T . O'Brien.
For the first time in six years, a second fortunate. Nevertheless, there was no clashgrade premiership, or rather, co-premiership,
ing ot the clans, and the Blacks forgot their
has come to the College. The evenness of racia~ differences and combined well to
the competition and the keenness of the
master a strong Lewisham combinatIOn.
players themselves are shown by the fact
McMahon was first to open the scormg
that in four of the six games played only with a penalty, but the Blues retaliated and
two points separated the teams. Unfortun- sent their winger over to score. Then Mcatel}" due to a tragic lapse against Randwick , Mahon landed another penalty. Hazel and
when we were defeated 5-3, we were unable Riley were prominent in the forwards. Early
to emulate the performance of the Firsts in the second half, MeInnes and Bingham
and emerge champions. Nevertheless, some scored m quick succession, but shorUy after
indlcation of the success achieved during the latter was knocked out and saw the rethe season can be seen by the result of the mainder of the game from the sideline.
last match, when we were narrowly defeated
in a torrid battle by a heavier Old Boys' Clever play by Glendenning, with a short
team. 8-7.
kick, sent McDermott over and clinched the
Excellent tackling by Mangraviti
Won, 13-8.
(lock) thwarted many dangerous Lewisham
Judging by the scorers in this first game movements.
of the season on the Oval, the Scots had a
Scorers: Tries- B . McInnes, C. McDermott,
field day, but the Shamrocks were not so J. Bingham. Goals- K. McMaholl (2).
Page TwentlJ·six
Won, 2-0.
Nature took it into her hands to make
conditions at Pratten Park very unfavourable. Attempts by both sides to open out
the play in the back line ended in failure
and the forwards waged a terrifIc battle.
Scott and Lynch were tireless in defence
and revelled in the heavy going. Our only
score came from a drop-kick by McMahon,
full-back, standing close up to play.
this match the team showed that it slowly,
but surely, was working up a combination
capable of premiership honours.
Scorer: K. McMahon, goal.
Won, 4-2
Against a redoubtable Darlinghurst combination on the Oval, we only just managcd
to scrape in by two points. The Blacks' forwards were vastly superior to their opponents in all departments, but with ample
share of the ball our back line could not
pierce the opposition's strong cover defence.
McDermott and Pettit frequently
found themselves caught with the ball before
they had moved even a few inches. Captain
Glendenning showed splendid anticipation
with the scores level at 2-a1l by calling
McMahon up from full-back unnoticed by
the Blues, and from a ruck sending the ball
straight to Kevin, who made no mistake
with the kick just as the bell rang. Much
of the credit for the victory must surely go
to all those who lent vocal support from the
sideline. Eldridge was outstanding among
the forwards for his vigorous tackling.
Scorer: K . McMahon, 2 goals.
Lost, 3-5
Coogee Oval was the scene of our poorest
exhibition of Rugby for the season, when we
suffered our first defeat, at the hands of
Randwick. Play was marred by the number
of passes dropped and certain tries thrown
away by both sides. but especIally b~' the
Glendenning was a cripple for
most of the match, and this may have been
partly responsible for the defeat. Nervo:lsne ss on the part of our winger let Randwlck
in for a gift try, which was converted, but
the blame has to be shared by the rest of
the team, and not by this player alone.
Hazel forc d his way over in the corner
from a ruck to give us our only score, but
just before half time, MeInnes, with the !ine
wide open, was confused by the two sidelines, and ran back infield into the arms
(and knees) of four Randwick defenders.
Result: no try, and MeInnes joined the J.
Bingham Blackout Co.
Scorer: S. Hazel, try.
Won, 25-0
Spalding opened the scoring With a fine 25yard dash to score between the posts. Then
MeInnes, captain 111 the absence of Glendenning, crashed his way over. With renewed
confidence, the Blacks again attacked and
Spalding went over for his second try.
Each of these tries was converted by McMahon. Flannery and Hazel delved into the
rucks at every opportunity.
In one of
many scrimmages in which he revelled, Riley,
the lightest of the forwards, received a hard
knock, and was forced to move out on the
wing. BalTY Conroy, at five-eighth, played
his best game of the season. scoring two
tries himself and being responsible for at
least one of the others.
This game also
brought to light another goal-kicker in Don
Oldfield, who landed two good goals.
Scorers; Tries- B. Co nroy (2), C. Spalc1in g
(2), B. McInnes (1). Goals- K . McMahon
(3), D. Oldlielc1 (2).
S.P.C. v. M.B.H.S., }{OGARAH
Won, 5-3
The whole school, down to the smallest
Junior. turned out to witness the ever important match to decide the premiership
and play no small part in retaining the Aggregate trophy. Both teams were evenly
matched. and the game was a thriller from
beginning to end. At first we lost the majority of the scrums, and Kogarah forced th Ir
way into our twenty-five in a hectic first ten
minutes, but splendid tackling by inside
backs. Glendenning. McDonald and Conroy,
and lock. Mangraviti. took much of the sting
out of the Reds' attack. Nevertheless, the
Blacks had many anxious moments. With
about fifteen minutes of play remaining,
Kogarah scored.
As if they had been stung by a charge o[
electricity, the Blacks launched a fierce attack on the Red stronghold, but without
much uccess. Then. as though to make
amends for his earlier mistakes, Glendenning launched a movement from the SC'l'um
base. ran round outside Conroy, passed to
Mcfnnes. who crossed in the corner. but
placed the ball right between the posts The
ver.,- speed and brilliance of the mnvement
eemed to daze the Kogarah team, and they
stood around in dismay. Oldfield scraped
the ball over the crossbar, to put us in the
lead 5-3. The roar from hunch' ds of young
throats was deafening at the turn of events.
We could now call the tun', and closed up
play in the forwards. Minutes later. the
bell rang to conclude a hard, strenuous
game, a fitting climax to a season of good,
evenly contested football.
Scorers; Try- B. Mclnlles.
Goal- D.
Back: D. Hugh .s. K. Conway . H. Loy. T. Brass il. D.
Pow c,' , P. Mah cr, G. Sutherl and, B. Walker.
Front : R. Groham, G McMonlgol , S. Tonkiss. S. Chaston.
L. Smith, T. Howord, J. Smith.
Back : P. McGloln. T. Loy. ) Smith A Pur.n P
Nei lse n, B. Short is, J Morgo", P 'M cHugh
Front : P. Mclnncs, J . Daron, B. Furlong B Death
(copt.l , J. Corcw, P lucos, B. Rowan'
The Eight Stone team this year was a well
balanced one, capable of putting on some excellent displays but, unfortunately, capable
of slipping. at times. well below the level of
We began on a note of triumph by defeating Lewisham comfortably 12-3.
In this
game the backs showed penetrating ability
and the forwards proved themselves solid in
defence. K. Con way began his large points
score by gaining a try and two goals. D.
Power scored one try.
On the Oval against Ashfield a vigorous
tussle resulted in an 11-8 victory for Ashfield. We led 8-6 till well on in the second
half, when an unfortunate mistake (call it
" bad luck" if you will) gave our opponents
a try under the posts. There was no doubt
about the convert. In thIS match G. Suthe rland, five-eighth. gave a fine exhibition of
penetration. K. Con way scored eight points.
Centennial Park on a cold, bleak afternoon
provided a dismal setting for the Darlinghurst game which ended dismally in a 3-all
draw. G. Sutherland scored the try and a
dropped pass by K. Con way gave the opposition theirs. The forwards had an off day,
their only really bad one.
Randwick provided somc lively opposition
on the Oval in the next game. However, we
were able to win comfortably.
again scored two tries.
Against Ryde our display was very poor
indeed. The forwards gained possession for
the backs for easily two-thirds of the game.
The backs dropped passes, lost ground and,
in short. did e verything that a weak under
S years team would do. The result was a
5-all draw. H. Loy scored the try.
As a spasm of sunshine after rain , the
team put on a brilliant performance against
MarrickvilIe, co-premiers with Kogarah. The
score was 3-all until a few seconds after the
final bell, when Marrickville shot over to
win 6-3.
With hopes high we met Kogarah in the
final game. Though our forwards were quite
as good as the Kogarah lads, our backs were
easil y outclassed . Kogarah won 11-0.
FORWARDS: L. Smith, hooker, gave us
a good share of the ball in most matches.
In open play, though not brilliant, he was
always in the thick of it. G. McMonigal,
front row, specialised as m arker at play the
ball and acquired quite a deal of ski ll in
that fin e art. P. Maher, front ro w, was outstanding a mong the forwards. As dummyhalf he did well but his best work was done
in. general play; always a real forward, he
was off the mark quickly and gained ground
by hard, clever running. His tackling was
J. P. Smith, lock, was in the same class
as P. Maher, a good handler, sound tackler,
and very fast for a forward. T. Brassil and
B. Walker formed the second row.
former, our heaviest forward, did good work
in the scrums, and though rather slow ofT
the mark, was to the fore when there was
work to be done. B. Wa lker, r athe r slow
and easy going in the early games, developed
into a very r eliable forward. His tacklin g
was very good and he learned the art of
s napping up possession of any loose ball. P .
Morgan, a reserve , played in our best game,
against Marrickville, and filled a front row
position quite creditably.
BACKS: S. Chaston, half-back and captain, had moments of brilliance, possessin g
the abi lity to swerve and cut through. At
times he was far too slow in clearing the
ball. G. Sutherland, five-eighths, began the
Paqe T wentl{-elqnt
season in a spectacular manner but s emed
to lose form duri ng and after the Ryde game.
H e was excellent in swerving. changing pace.
etc., but his handling was not good.
Con way, inside centre. was the ou tstanding
three -quarters, and scored 32 out of th e 41
points gained in competition matches. Very
fast, he was quick to seize upon oppor tunities. His kicking was inconsistent.
D. Power, H. Loy, T. Howard, D. Hughes
and S. Tonkiss filled the outside centre and
win g positions with some reshufTling from
time to time. None were brilliant but all
were reliable in defence and fau' in attack.
D. Hughes and S. Tonkiss played very well
the l ast few games. Full-back. R.
Gl'aham, wa, in genera l, qllite good. but
was liable to make cos tl y mistakes at cl'uci,tl
moments. However. U{ese mistakes dimin
ished as the seaso n went on
T. Hevs, .1
versatile reserve, back or forward, piayen
one gam .
A!'ter a good deal o f consideration :11e
awards for best back and best fOrWal'd
went to K. Conway and P. Maher, respC'C'lively.
Lewisham, Draw 2-All.
The season opened at Marrickville Oval
where, after an inspiring game, in which
we had ample opportunity to score, we were
just able to hold the "Blues" ofT. G. Furlon g was our most outstanding player, while
he received very little support from the
rest of the forwards. Backs were fair, but
were not "fed" with the ball. It was not
till late in the game that J . Carew kicked
the goa l from a penalty to equalise the
v. Ashfield, Draw - Nil-All.
Playin g at h ome, we failed to gain a
victory over Ashfield. Actually we were
lucky to hold them out. F orwards, principally B. Rowan and B. Death, were on top
early; but, while they obtained plenty of the
ball, the backs failed to penetrate agai nst
a back line that did n ot attack. Play was at
a very low level all during the game.
v. Darlinghllrst, Won - 7-5.
This score was surprising to us as we had
anticipated better. Playing at Moore P ark
(in a blizzard) , we had probably not thawed
out in time to do better. Poor handling by
P. Nielsen and P. McInn es gave Darls. a
try early in the first half. At half time
we were still trailing by three points as
J. Carew kicked a goal from a penalty.
L ater, P. McInnes t ook the ball over lo score
betwee n the posts, to be converted by J .
Carew. Thus the score remained at 7-5 till
the end of the game. Best efTorts this day
were made by T. Loy, R. McHugh , T . Plll'en .
v. Randwick, Won - 13-4.
Again at home, we scored ou r seco nd
victory. A quick try by P. McInnes gave
us an early lead of 5 points. on conversion by
J . Carew.
However , Rand w ick forwards
soon got the upper hand, and, from breaches
close to the line, they were ab le to score two
goals. After half time we took the score
(5-4) to 13-4 by two good tries by T. Loy
and B. Rowan. Despite Randwick 's attack ing
strongly, we were able to keep them out
till fu ll time. Most improved player was J .
Morgan, who, with B. Rowa n, J . Smith and
P . Nielsen, was outstand ing.
v. Ryde, Won - 29-0.
Our third , and l ast, victory was achieved
on Ryde Oval. The score is misleading, as
the standard of play was very low. The
forwards stood off, and when in possession
kept hanging on to the ball instead of feeding the backs. Tries were scored by P . McInnes (3), J . Smith, R. McHugh, T. Pm'en,
G. Furlong; while J . Carew, who played very
Page Twenty -nine
were almost as good by strengthening our
defence in the second half, when Kogarah
only scored when P. McInnes was taken off
However, as we were attackmg
half of the time the score should have been
a better indication. Forwards were much
the better pack, but received little support
for their hard work.
In conclusion, we wish to congratulate
the team, B. Death (capt.), P. McInnes (best
back), G. Furlong (best forward), B. Shortis,
T. Loy, B. Rowan, J. Morgan, P. Lucas, P.
McHugh, P. Nielsen, J. Smith, J. Doran, T.
PUl"en, J. Carew, on their achievement of
third place in the competition; and also to
the Premiers, Kogarah. Thanks are also extended to Mr. IV::clnnes for his co-operation
during the season .
safely as full-back, kicked four goals. P .
Nielsen gave his best exhibition of tackling,
handling and unsel fish play.
v . Marrickv ille, Lost - 2-10.
Our first defeat for the season came at
Henson Park, where play, which for the
with the result that M'ville went around unharmed. Score at half time was two all.
After half time the rot really set in. Most of
the defence was done by P. Nielsen, P. McInnes and J. Smith; but at the time we disowned the forwards and both wingers.
v. Kogara h, Lost - I 5-Nil.
The season closed with our defeat by
Kogarah on Carlton Oval. We felt at the
time that we could have held them out, but
weak tackling was again the cause when
we saw Kogarah captain cutting through the
same opening every time. We proved ""e
To Neville Rawson there has been awarded
by the Shakespearian Society of N.S.W. its
prize for the best answers written on that
particular section of the 1948 Intermediate
Examination. This is the first occasion that
that distinguished award has come to St.
It is worth noting that the
previous year he had obtained first place in
the State in English in the Christian
Brothers' Examinations.
Neville came to
the College in 1947 with a State Bursary,
and since then has been dux of his class each
Knocking at the door to Trammel for
some time has been Anthony Culhane, prefect, student, prominent all-round sp?rt.
Last year he was five-eighth for the FIrst
XIII. at the age of fourteen, the entire
season: this year, till injured half-way
through the season, he gave such displays as
stamped him the finest player for that
position that the College has had, his tremendous speed off the mark being his great
asset. Tony came to S .P.C. in 1942 and has
widely represented, being in the Eleven 19489 and holder of several athletic records.
, No boy rose to greater heights during the
past football season than F r ank Cruise,
young full-back for the First XIII (he was
fourteen most of the season) from Intermediate. Under practice, coaching and
match-play, Frank improved from uncertain-
ty in general play and goal-kicking to become in the final game of the year, College
v. O.B.U., a virtual match-winner.
five goals from seven shots, some of them
astonishing efforts, he piled up the whole of
the College total of points. The youngest
full-back S.P.C. has had, his progress was
such as to merit the honour of most improved player of 1949.
Striking radio fame after two years' scholastic prominence at S .P.C. is F r a ncis K ell y
from Intermediate; diminutive in stature
but not in knowledge. Sunday, September
18 marks his first appearance with the
2GB "quiz kids." Frank was dux of his
class in First Year, and second in Second
Year. He is a keen reader, and recently
astonished an Hons. English student by innocently informing him he had read "Bleak
House" in two nights. A quiet fellow with
no airs and a good character.
Prominent for long in the Junior and
Middle School has been P eter Mcl nn cs of
Second Year - fine all-rounder, prominent
in study as well as sport. Has at least half a
dozen College athletic records and been a
Combined Sports winner the past three
years. Seems capable of winning any race
from 50 yards to 1~ miles junior crosscountry. Student, character, athlete, footballer, all AI. That's P.McI!
Page ThIrty
r,;; :
::= :
We must first of all welcome our two new
boys, Peter Marshall and James Penney;
the arrival of the latter began a series of
moves from desks, according to the person
who was away. James took Tom Triggs'
desk; Thomas, upon his return, took up residence in Robert Johnston 's quarters: Robert
has been away ill for quite a long time; we
hope to see him fit in the Third Term. On
the move agai n, Robert, who dropped in
to see us for a few days. took Bob MacAndrew's place. Bob, who was having his
tonsils r emoved a second time, returned to
house himself in Geoffrey Hall's abode;
Geoft' had decided to take a holiday to
prepare for the holidays.
Robert Crane sky-rocketed to number 1
position in the recent exams. J et propelled,
Joh n Pyne landed in seco nd position.
David. Cal'son, third , and Peter Guy, fourth,
were well up as usual. Geoff Coffey, James
Dyson, Len Ristuccia and Michael Doig
followed in that order.
Our Football Competition ended with Robe r t Crane's team, Rhodes, out on top.
Homebush, captained by Brian Mitchell, was
the team in second place. While David Carson's Strathfield and Ramon Ryan's Berala
finished third and fourth, respectively.
Bern ar d Lees and Maurice Crittenden proved
very successful referees.
When football was finished quite a number
of us did quite a deal of practice for the
Juvenile Cross Country. Our stars , Brian
Pier cc and Jan Dekkel', ran true to form.
P eter Crowley and Geoff Coffey were also
well placed.
The three relay races held
against 5th Grade proved interesting. Our
A. and C Grade teams, captained by Brian
P ierce and Joh n Morgan, defeated their
opponents narrowly, while Dennis Connor's
B Grade side led all the way and won by
quite a comfortable margin. According to
reports, David Carson and Paul Salmon were
largely responsible for the A Grade success,
the C Grade win being due mainly to the
strong running of James Rice and Ross
Each team had fourteen runners
so the times (approx.) of 18, 19, and 20
::: :: :::
mins. Ior the A. Band C Grades over a dIStance of about 3~ miles each, are qLute respectable.
Our method of filling 111 holidays. namely
hiking, has been agreeable to most. Joh;,
Hcffernan and Warren Jeckeln, who know
all about mice, are our most ('xperienct'cl
bush men. On August 15th Kevin McLean
exam ined a pIece of moss ven' closelv
w ith one eye. whil(' Peter Thrll~' helpe~l
a poor man earn his living by buymg
oceans of soft drink at his shop.
Perhaps th e most notabl(' event of the
Term was our concert on the l ast day of the
Three plays were acted; Robert
" Horatius" Crane with Romans Brian
"Sp urius Lartius" Fehon and James Herminius Forbcs saved the city of Rome from the
mighty Tuscan army. among w hose ranks
were Graham "Astur" lIalJp, Donald "Lars"
Porsena" Jacobs, and Ross "Sextus" Bany ,
Peter Thrum did most of the talking as he
read the poem. The Magic Pudding, belonging to Bl'ian Mitchell, Ramon Ryan and
John Pyne, was stolen by James Dyson and
James Rice, and then restored.
Alice in
Wonderland also attracted our attention.
Barry "A lice" Nobbs, Geoff "Gryphon"
Coffey and Gregory "Mock Turtle" Moran,
we re well applauded. This third was voted
the most popular presentation while Miss
Nobbs was acclaimed the best actress.
Back from first term vacation found us in
tip-top form-for football. and to a lesser
degree, study. Dux for first term was Douglas Anc1erson - congrats. He was closely
finished by Pat Keogh, Ren Masters, Les
Maley, John Chase and Peter MitchelL It
looks like a photo-finish for Term 2.
We wish to welcome a New Australian Brian Ranc1all, all the way from Middlesex
or Berks., or Surrey. However, we hope
that your sojourn at S.P.C. will be happy,
Four teams competed in a spirited football
competition - Balmain (Terry Ballesty ),
St. George (Ron Hastedt) , Newtown (Anthony ReIly ) and Souths (James McCloskey ).
Although some had n ever played before,
Tlurlt' one
their enthusiasm made up for that and we
developed into - well, more of that later.
Hi"hest individual scorers were Terry BallestY 44 pts., Gino Gagliardi 42, James McClo key 34 and Ron Hastedt 18.
Congrats. to Balmain on winning the Competition, 32i pts., and to runners-up, South,
29.\. (Wonder if that is how they will finish
in -the League teams, too?) St. George had
24 pts. and Newtown, a very small but
game team, 18~ pts.
In the inter-class matches against Sixth
Grade, our First XIII were too strong. Ably
led by J. McCloskey, they ran out winners,
8-nil. By keeping play in the forwards, the
pack played a non-stop game and we heid
the Golds. They are to be congratulated,
especially their captain, Robert Crane, on a
fine performance. Our Seconds lost 2-nil,
though we feel we might have won Anthony Kelly , Thomas Breen, Gerald MeDonnell, John Hawkins and lames Condon
all. played well. Our Thirds won 7-2. Don
Curchoc1, Domillie Hasteclt being our best.
Against Fifth Grade Combined we had a
fitting finish to the season. First one 8-0
(a poor display by them, and a grand one by
Fifth), and our Seconds, 15-0.
We were proud to play all these games on
the Oval. We must thank our linesmen, all
in white - Robert Bamforth, Brian Condon,
Paul Peacock, Greg Petchell, Robert Fitz}latrick (who ref'd when A. Guerin of
Fourth Year was unavailable) and Robert
Buck. Also to Richard Lovett, whose mother
so kindly sent along flags for these linesmen
-many thanks.
And now term exa)TIs are over, and Athletics are on the way. Before the vacation,
we had our cross-country. James Conc1on
came in sixth. To John Chase, who gave
the field a good 40 or more yards, our congrats. He came in 15th - a good chase!
There was a good response to the appeal
for toys, books, etc., for the less fortunate
boys at Morriset. Keep it up, Blue.
S. Edmonds, our tennis star, recently received Confirmation. A happy day! Early
in the term he sported a beautiful "shiner."
How did the other chap get on?
A happy break in the term-we listened to
the recordings of "Peter and the Wolf" and
"The Small One." To our burr, weed and
plant gatherers - Junior Latta, John Moylan, Bill Hiscox, Graeme Eggins, Peter Connolly and to our tadpole keeper, Colin Hadley, many thanks. We cannot fit in all names
in this issue, but this a record of some of our
efforts. To all who contributed to make the
name "VI Blue" ring throughout the Junior
School, we are grateful. A happy holiday,
and plenty of work next term!
'Ve returned sorrowfully to the second
term bearing our books and football boots.
Pros~ects for football seemed dim indeed.
Scientist H. Thurlow predicted rain. The
first three Mondays were spent poring over
Spelling Lists to the accompaniment of a
steady drizzle outside. L. Short and B. MeGoldrick looked miserable indeed. Before
we knew it St. Charles were over and T.
Gale took charge of the Firsts while D.
McLachlan captained the Seconds.
teams were defeated 3-0. We vowed vengeance and each day were witnessed marathon struggles after school. D. Foley, B.
Shanahan and R. Pinerua charged and
barged only to find their ankles seized by
demon tacklers, B. McGolclrick, M. Mitchell
and L. Di Michiel. J. Nielsen infused new
strength into the back line, while P. Keegan,
supported on the strong sh.oulders of 1\'1.
Gaughan and R. Pinerua, consistently obtained the ball from the scrum.
Our next venture was a Herculean struggle
against the Seconds and Thirds of Sixth
Grade Gold. That was a match; Airey Park
still bears the scars made by J. French, A .
Gabriel and M. Fenton. Victory? Yes. - But
what a cost! 'Twas but the relic of a team
which mustered two days later against Newtown.
Other keenly contested struggles
followed against the Blues, St. Charles,
Grade VI Blues, until that sad day when
we put our boots away for another twelve
months. It is hoped our chief barrackers, M.
Boland and D. Armour, give their voices a
rest also.
A. Chase ran a great cross-country. Arriving (as usual) too late for the Juvenile
Cross-Country, he "chased" the Junior
Brigade down Francis Street and finished in
the first twenty. T. Gale (third), G. OIc1e
(seventh-he looks quite young), and J .
Nicholls (eighth) were well up in the Juvenile Division.
The Cross-Country Relay against Sixth
Grade was keenly contested. A new sign
has appeared, "Refreshments at Gales."
No wonder J. Gunning and R. Constable
picked that position in the Relay. Ed. Mew ton and Company trained on a special bread
diet. J. Tomkins is training for the Marathon-even pouring rain could not deter him,
J. McCabe or K. Roberts from their daily
three miles training run on Friday, August
A. Gabriel, W. Usher an d J. Gunning have
offered to sell their running shoes. What, so
Our champions of last year, T. Gale" J.
Nicholls and J. Gunning, are wondering
whether any of the n ew boys such as J.
Page Thirty-two
Nielsen, H. Thurlow or P. Oakes will claim
theIr tl tles.
A skeleton was unearthed recently in
R. Bramma's desk. Detective Atkins identifi~d It as the remains of G. Moar, who had
dIsappeared, but when he reappeared the
case was entrusted to Sergeant A. Murray,
assIsted .medically by Dr. P. O'Brien. We
are awaItIng further information
During the recent strike envio~s eyes followed
Walls, D. McLeish and G. Murray
and theIr compamons as they left to catch
the early train. Some boys have all the
luck !
V. Iacono and G. Quinn may be seen
bringing their voices along for singing practice. The term concert showed the benefit
o~ their training. It was suggested that M.
o Connell and R. O'Hara should join them.
I. Henry, G. Olde and G. Walsh have
joined the fire brigade. We wish they would
put out J. Hills and K. Marland.
L. Short is as keen as mustard in school
J. Nielsen and T. Gale are not so keen but
have n:ore mustard.
I wonder why M.
Boland IS traInIng for long distance running?
The term tests brought many surprisesmostly to the examiner. It is rumoured that
the inseparables, M. Steer and E. Boyle,
each secured 100 for Geography. C. Starr
is H ome-Exercise expert-never satisfiedrivalled closely by P. Clements, A. Maling
and R. Larbalestier.
Everything used to be quiet down the
back till J. McGoldrick learned to talk in
his sleep.
Now he and M. Fenton talk
and sleep at the same time. Has anyone any
spare hair oil?
R. Walls, of Riverstone, worked so hard
in school that he fell asleep going homehad a pleasant ride to Windsor. G. Walsh
works so hard at home that he sleeps all
day in school.
What happened to all the chalk on the
morn of Thursday, August 18th?
It is
rumoured that P. Carson, J. French and P.
Wright are still collecting souvenirs.
The pennies and half-pennies slipped
quietly into the mite box have amounted
to several pounds. We hope to be able to
offer something worth while to the missions
by the end of the year.
We hope that the peace and quiet of the
holid ays will restore our poor cripples to
their one-time vim and vigour, and send
them back in good condition for the running,
cricket, and even the little school work of
the last term.
We have had a busy second term, and life
for us has been like one long battle. There has
been the never-ending struggle between the
Kangaroos and their sinister enemies, the
Therc wel c the great foothall
?attles; ~he Dragons and Kangaroos fought
It out, tIll the Dragons had won so thC'\.'
combined and challenged the G~lds. \\'h~
also won. Then wc put aside our dilIercn('('s
and made up an S.P.C. Fifth Grade tea 11
and ~Iayed Fourth Grad(', Sixth Grad(',
C~nstJan Brothers' Newtown, and our old
friends, St. Charles' Waverley, both on thC'
Oval and then at Waverley. In these mighty
battles we took and gave many hard knock's
for the honour of the school. We won s )m('
games and lost some. We congratulate Oll\'
conquerors, and look forward to more hard
games next year. Now we can all show a
few scars we won for S.P.C., and are much
furth er on th e way to being men than we
were just a couple of months ago .
Here we can praise our best footballers.
speedy Dave Tomkins, Robin Mellalieu, Des
Howard and Brian Hickey, and our mighty
forwards, Max Higgins and Paul Power.
Even more praise goes to our promising
players who did their very best and improved immensely during the year, those
mppy half-backs, John Glendenning and
John Rochester, solid reliable Peter DonnelI y.
that rugged hooker, Peter Harris, dashing
newcomer, Bob Morgan, and flying winger.
Terry Morris.
While these games filled the air with the
dust of battle, other great struggles continued in the classroom.
There was the
weekly homework struggle between the
Dragons and Kangaroos, in which the bold
Kangaroos usually beat their cunning opponents. There was the great struggle between B. Bust and the rest, which B. Bust
always won.
Some boys even strug~led
with their lessons. Generally speaking. thc
lessons won.
In a composition Tony OliveI' wrote that
"our class-captain minds the class when the
teacher is not pleasant." Well, however the
teacher may be, popular young captain
Rochester is always " pleasant," and always
on the job. Talking of captains, meet John
G lendenning, fiery captain of the brave
Kangaroos, and Howarc1 Hill, who leads the
wily Dragons.
Assisting them are John
Hurst, of the Kangaroos, and Kevin Wells,
of the Dragons.
At the beginning of the term some of us
disappointingly turned into Golds, and disappeared into their mysterious room inside.
To make up for that we welcomed Bob
Morgan, all the way from Port Kem bla. Bob
soon made. plenty of friend s, topped a few
weekly tests, and showed promise of great
things at football.
We have several notable tennis players,
Page Thirlt/-Ihree
especially Lyle Smith, Barry Dower and
Bryan Hardy. Sometimes our footballers
teased them and their fellow "racketeers,"
but we didn't really mean it, and hope they
all get a chance to play for the Davis Cup in
a few years' time.
Then there are the class characters: the
Mad Professor (Bob Boland ), with pockets
full of n eutrons , protons , etc.: the heavyweight Leo Mountfonl, who disappeared
through a singing stand one notable day, and
almost went through to the Physics room ;
the birdman, lan Cavanagh (not Les Fowler,
as you might think), naturalist, and longdistance bike-rider, all these things mean
Ken Graham; and then there is Alan Smith,
recently voted chief lunch-getter-he says
he doesn't like cream-cakes, anyhow.
You have heard a lot about the Dragons
and the Kangas. Well. their enmity has
led to some sad things. for Kevin Rogers and
Barry Toole are on opposite sides, as are
Michael Munro and Phillip Glaves, so they
can't sit together, or help each other. or do
anything nice like that, which is very
miserable indeed.
Two of our long-distance travellers are
Liverpuddlians Marsden Andrew and Bill
Kennedy, who are on the train before
Strathfieldian Alan Hart even needs to get
up. A great scholar is Graham O'Neill, who
rose from a sick-bed to come to school.
thinking the exams were on.
When he
found there was only sport he looked disappointed and went home again-strange, but
There is a new saying in the Blues " To be as quiet as a Titmuss." This means
to be very noisy indeed-we wonder why?
Tony Rando was turning into a real rough
and tumble footballer, but the train cu ts
came and put a stop to practice after
school, so he still isn't very rough. Which
reminds us of John Nolan, who used to go
home by bus until he found it was quicker
to go by train, especially when the strike
was on and the train-travellers got ou t at
three o'clock. We can't think of anything
dreadful to say about Peter Martin and lan
Brodie, a nd it would only make them shy
if we told you how hard they work, and with
some success, too.
If something goes
whizzing past you in a phosphorescent blur
it 1sn't the new jet aeroplane, it's John Mockler trying out his new spikes. John is our
new-found speed star, and we expect great
things from him this athletic season. Jim
Scott had an argument with a bottle the bottle won, so now Jim wears a patch
over his eye, and looks very much like Sir
Ralph the Rover.
We've forgotten someone again.
young John Gilchrist. The Kangaroos
foolishly swopped him with the Dragons,
and now John brings along beautiful homeworks. and models, too, and scores enormous
marks, and the Kangas are very wild indeed.
Now, good-bye till next term. For two
weeks we call a truce, then back to battle.
The boxin" Kangas put on their gloves,
the Drago;s breathe fire , and soon they'll
be at it again. May the better team win, then
they can say they're the best team. in the
best class, in good old S.P.C.
We needed a rest badly after all the hard
work of the second term. Ralph Higgins surprised us all by coming first in Religion and
first in the class. Ray Anderson shared the
honour of first in Religion with him. Second
in the class was Robert O'Grady, followed
by John Deary, Graham Lum, Peter Tosi,
Michael Scarfe, Ray Anderson, John Thurlow Tel'l'Y Shepherd and Peter Graf, who
fille'd the other eight places. Others who did
well were Robert Hepworth, WaIter Davis,
Francis Spinella, Peter Sheehan, Alan Cuthbert and Warren Mewton . On the whole,
we have done a good term 's work (but we
never boast).
Our newcomers for this term were John
Hehir, Brian Penney, Derek Randall and
Harry Poels. Derek had arrived from England only a short time when he came to
S.P.C. Harry was not long away from Canada when he came. We wish these four
every success and happiness while at St.
The football season is now over, much to
the regret of all. It might be remarked
here that the fourth grade firsts went
through the season undefeated. We met St.
Charles', Waverley, twice-one on our own
oval and once on their·s. The scores were 3nil and 5-nil, respectively. Against Newtown
we had to play hard to win 3-nil and against
5th Gr. 3rds the score was 3-all. Norman
Harvey was chosen captain and, by his
good play and splendid leadership, he proved
himself worthy of tha t honour. John Shepherd was vice-captain and on every occasion played a great game as five-eighth .
Probably the most spectacular player of the
whole team was Paul Bray. Once he got
possession of the ball, things looked dangerous for the other team. Others who played
in the team were Peter Tosi, Robert Hepworth, Pat Doughty, Warren Mewton, Ray
Sheiles, Ralph Higgins, Desmond Milne,
Peter Graf, Ray Anderson and John Eddleston. The practice after school was always
very popular, even with those not in the
firsts or seconds.
Prominent among this
Page Thirrq -four
number were John French, Kenneth King,
Richard Broadley, Dare Rochaix, Pat McHugh, Anthony Atkins, Grant McGuiness
and Terry Gilchrist.
The seconds also went through und efea ted,
play ing a draw w ith 5th Gr. 4ths, beating
third grade, and the seconds of Newtown
fourth grad e. John Lawler was captai n, and
on all occasions played a very fine game. Otto
al ways played a good game and scored fi ve
tries in the di!1'erent games. The othe rs who
made up the seconds were Brian Gleeson,
Peter Burt, Denis Graham, James Mickleburgh, Anthony Griffiths, John Johnston.
Robert O'Grady, David Mitchell, lan Geoghegan, Peter Bloomfield and Peter Gilbert.
We have t wo regular cyclists. Paul Power
and John French. There must be somethi ng
the matter with J ohn 's bike as he usuall y
arrives at any time between nine and ten
(a.m.). He, Linton McLaren and Anthony
Pettit seem to have a secret compe titi on
going. Anthony would probably be wi nning
just at present.
Rumour has it that John Gilbert is goin g'
to be a jockey. H e won't be too heavy at
any rate. It was r emarked that Ian
Geoghegan will live to 120 if he does not t alk
himself to dea th. Just the opposite to him
are Gregory O'Hara, Alan Cuthbert and
Terence Trevillien.
John Sutton is th e
champion "fidgeter ," but he has plenty of
opposition in Graeme Soderland, Barry Gal vin, Brian Davey, Richard Broadley, Terry
Barton and Otto.
Pat rick Manning has shown a marked improvement in his homework. Others who
have improved are Peter Cooley, Clarence
Martin, Gordon Lapham, Terry Forbes,
Brian Dave y, Michael Cassidy, and Charles
Monday afternoon is always looked forward to by the tennis playe rs.
Martyn-Jones has joined the ranks of these
and many are the games th at he and Brian
Agnew play.
Eric Harty has spent the past five weeks
in the hospital. Let us hope he will b e well
again for the first day of the third term .
Another who has been ill of l ate is John
Stevens, but he has r eturned and the holiday will give him a chance to recover completely.
Soon St. Martha's will ha ve a few additions to their altar boy ranks in Harry
Adamson, John Stevens, Brian Rogers and
Philippe Martyn-Jones.
.John Durkin and Roger Thrum seem to
be holding their own as being amongst some
of the best in art. Showing improvement in
this are Kevin Myers , Michael McGloin,
Terry McKibbin, Richard ScoU, Vincent
O'Sullivan, John Peel, David Petchell and
John Rae.
At the class concert just before the break
up, Carl O'Brien recited very well [or us
and was give n a good reception. Three boys
from fifth class were inVited to the fourth
class concert and they gave us a treat.
James French played his flute. Geoff Murray played the pia no and Michacl Mitchell
sang. We hope to have the pleasure of
having these three entertai n us aga in some
At this concert John Rae could not be
coaxed to give an item-nor cou ld John
Brllnero. Garry Brook, William Owen, Paul
Jones or Reg Herbert.
However. others.
more capable perhaps, were coaxed and we
en joyed a very pleasant tll11e and arc all
looking forward to the n ext.
We are all looki ng forward to the last
term of the year-one reason is that the
Sports Day is during it. Our cong ra tul ations
go to John Johnston, w ho won the Juvenile
Cross Country Race.
Ralph Higgins secured 5th place and John Shepherd 17th.
Well, n ow [or a hard term's work!
The second ter m opened up very quietly
and uneventfully, and it was only till
Peter WaIters slammed a desk th at we re alised we were back at school again. John
Garnett. when h e becomes Prime Minister,
says he is going to introduce more sc hool
holidays into th e year: but Peter White, the
Leader of the Opposition, is goi ng to defend
the case " that the school-days are just sufficient to break th e monoton y of holidays. "
Both sides are enthusiastically ag reei ng and
disagreeing, while so me, such as James Arm strong and J ames Constable, are clamouring
for a twenty-four hour week. Denis LaneMullins has already anticipated the ve rdict
by his coming to school at a later hour than
the others.
Civil War is held every Monday afternoon. Luigi Venier, David Eccleston, and
Laurence Drinkwater shone out above the
others as the best Rugby players, while
Kevin Long, Ray mond Holder, Robert Mc Donald and Garry Bracke nreg earned a
r eputation at th e game also. In only one of
the matches against Fourth Grad e were we
successful, the score being 9-3. The team
will have to learn the tactics of attack and
defence before they can glory in victory.
During the term several new [aces appeared to fill the v acant seats. We welcomed
to our numbers Peter Amlerson, Lance
Crawford, Barry Hehir, Michael Lord,
Anthony Scala and Ross Kennedy, and we all
hope that their stay at St. Patrick's will be
long and successful.
Page Thirr y- five
Everyone was anxious to see who would
be dux for the second term. and the anxiety
was soon satisfied. Hats off to Greg H atton,
who in no uncertain way maintained his
position at the top. Congratulations also to
Michael Storrier , P eter Burton, Kevin Chase,
John Usher, Noel Dow n ie, John Dyson, Raymond Holder , John Har rington and Rich ard
Jones, who filled the remaining nine places.
Robert Nichols distinguished himself by his
good work during the term, particularly in
keeping the neatest home-work book. Martin
Ma lone produced some fine home-work
Others who deserve to be ranked
among the first ten in the class are D.
Boyd , L . Drinkwater, J . Mulligan and R aym ond Marland. Most improved boys are
Ma rtin Ma lone, Phillip Gegier , D avid Monaghan, Garth Whibley, P a ul Henk el , Michael
Johnstone and Rich ard Willia ms.
Training in running began recently and
P eter Ga briel, Grah am McCa rthy, Rob er t
O'Brien, Kei th Sheiles, Owen Higgins, John
Waiters and Robert En glish show early
promise. Alien O'Hara, Davicl Gaugh an, and
WiIliam Burfo rcl are going on a strict diet,
which, we all hope, they will survive during
the holidays. Aclrian Mclnnes, also, is going
to show us that his two brothers are not the
only ones in the family who can run.
K en McDon ald tickled the ivories of the
piano in great style when he treated us to
the masters at our break-up function.
J oh n Th oms is the baby of the College.
He beats last year's title holder, Ton y Scar fe,
by a couple of days.
If angels are beings who do hardly anything wrong, then John Ush er and lan
Coffey deserve a pair of wings.
£38/5/81 is the proud total of the Third
Grade Holy Childhood. This self-sacrificing
charity shall not go unrewarded, because
God is not outdone in generosity.
The last term of the year has now begun,
and it will bring down the curtain, it is to
be hoped, on a year of grace, blessings and
well-earned results of hard labour.
Spiri tu al Director : Rev. Fr. W . Vogt.
P r esident: Mr. G. Wotton, B.A.
Vice-Presidents: Mr. K. Moore, Mr. S . Johnson.
Secr etary: Mr. J. Ferris, B.E. (UF 1457). Assist. Secretary: Mr. D. Walsh, B.E . (BW 2105 ).
T r easurer : Mr. J. Furlong. Assist. Treasurer: Mr. E. Barry.
Committee: Rev. Br. J. V. Coghlan. Messrs. J. Bannon, LL .B., D. Craig, R Crisp, P . Ferris,
P. Dowiing, D. Mahoney, B.A. LL.B., P. Miller, B.E., V. Read.
Most of last year's Intermediate Class have having filled a number of positions already,
paid the College at least one visit since is now about to throw in his lot with the
their departure, so we are able to give brief Air Force .
The Railway Dept. occupies Bill Shanahan
details of their present occupations.
Frank Albert is in the jewellery business at Redfern , Don Irela nd at Clyde, and Kevin
with Angus and Coote, and early in the Murphy in the city. Kevin is doing a course
year was working on the Old Boys' Badges. of study preparatory to a position in the
In a rival firm, though he claims his has no Railways. He does a good job in keeping in
rival, is Ala n Burford, who is looking as big touch with many members of last year's
and well as ever.
J oh n H arr ington , from far away Minto,
P at Beresford has a good position with the
Commonwealth Engineering Company. So far works in the Post Office and intends taking
we have not heard of his football career up a technician's career. Geor ge Roberts
this year. George B yer , a salesman in the also has that in mind, but in the meantime
making, has given his services to Goodyear has been keeping Flemington supplied with
Rubber Co. In the motor business also is best quality milk, working with his fa lher.
Terry Gleeson , apprenticed to
motor G il bert Slattery, George's inseparable commechanics "up King's Cross way," as we are panion, is apprenticed to plumbing and
seems to be doing well.
told .
Fortunately, there are some builders
Br ian Bingh am is now attending St.
Francis Christian Brothers'. to do a course amongst our young old boys. J ohn O'Brien
in metalwork; bigger than ever. The Bank and P eter Ross are both apprenticed. and
has claimed J oh n DaJey and K evin O'Don - Mer v. Lit tle, while working for one of Sydnell. The former is at Ryde Bank N.S.W.; ney's largest daily newspapers, does some
Kevin at Enfield Commonwealth. Ray Mill- planning for his father , a builder , and is
ard is now at Wagga, doing an engineering doing a course in Trade Drawing.
In the electrical line we find Ken Read,
course with the RA.A.F., and John Gorham,
Paqe Thir t y -.six
who began WIth the County Council, but
has moved on to a firm, the name of whIch
has been misplaced in the records departm en t; also Stewart Moss, who was always
an eleelncal expert, and Bill Newcombe,
who IS a p pr~ n tJced and works at Granville.
Accom p allled by a recalcitrant motor bike
Bryan Smith attended t he Old Boys' foo t bali
match . H e is havi ng much more success in
his p osition in an Insurance fi rm t han he h ad
with .that bike. We h ave heard l ittl e rece ntly
of Hllton Medley, who left school durin g
1948 to work w ith h is br other in the ti mber
Darcy Ford intends taki ng up tool mak in g,
but at present is with David J on es in the
Manchester Dept. Frank Keating is a clerk
in a shipping comp an y, A. C. A rmour and
Co. We wish t o exp ress to Frank and his
famil y ou r sym path y on the r ecent d eath
of hi s father . R1.P.
Ron Griffiths works at th e Uni versity, but
has pl ans for a position in t he Bank.. Des
Criney is also waiting for a Bank posItIon
and in the meantime is at a large city store'.
Horderns as far as we know. (Another slJp
in the records).
Ron Glallfield took up a position with the
Water Board, but rumour has it that he has
gone to other fields. Greg. Fehon IS another
of whose positio n we are not qUlte sure but
we th in k it is wilh Goldsbrough Mort. He
can let us kn ow. John Forbes, a fter a long
illness, left dur ing the year to atten d a
co untry boarding sc hool.
We would be glad to hear from a ny of
the young old boys from the Interm ed iate
and we take th is opportun ity of remi nding
them that they are always welcome, if t ime
permits t hem, to pay even a very brief visit
to the College.
We want these boys to feel that they are
part of the Union, and we hope to see them
at its functions , especially the coming Mass
and Communion Breakfast.
Cruise Boots Schoolboys To Great Draw, IO-All
F or early A ugust, the weather was mild,
even warmish . A welcome additio n this ye ar
was the use of an am pli fier with O.B .U.
Secretary, J . F err is, at the microphone t o
info r m the less initiated of the play and
Anoth er innov ation , even m or e
startling, was P aul Miller 's p ublicit y stunt
of sand w ich-boards advertising the F ootball
Full-back: R Smith. Bac ks:!. Templeman ,
T. Hawthorne, P . Fen'is, R Slattery. H alves:
M. Smith, F . Berg. Forwa rds: B. Muirhead,
A. Graham, J. White, J. Flannery, J . McLaughlin, D. Brandt.
R Smith won the toss and play began
with defensive tacti cs on either side. 1.
Templeman opened the scoring with a goal
and soon after the College eq ualised points.
Berg and Glendenning clashed in nippy runs
and short stab kicks, but as yet ther e wer e
no passing rushes. Then White sn apped up
a loose ball and passed to Fe rris and on to
Muirhead. The latter played it and F erris
dived over for a try, 5-2. From a difficult
shot, Conway goaled for the College to make
the score 5-4. Within a few minutes, Hawthorne cut through and passed to O'Loughlin,
who went over close to the posts, 8-4.
In the second half, there was no score
for a long time. Brandt, White, Graham and
Muirhead were prominent at times, while
Mangraviti and O'Brien showed out for the
Rallies between the two full -backs, Smith
and McMa hon , wer e seen, and the College
team n ow bega n to look like a cop remiership side. A warded a penalty towards the end , they decided on an up a nd
under kick. McDer mott fl ashed down , took
the ball on the f ull and was over the line
befor e ma ny k new w hat h ad happened. B .
Conroy fail ed t o convert the try and t he
final bell r an g w ith t he Old Boys n arrowly
victorious, 8-7.
Full-back: G. Scott. Backs : W . Walsh, J .
Tully, K. Manston , D. Manslon . Halves: J .
Gibson. S . Smith. F or wards: R Best, A.
Mitchelmore, S. Lees, N . Bluett, J . Fu r long,
J. Cahalan.
As the t wo teams facc d eac h other , the
Old Boys looked a powe rful and brilliant
side. On the other h and , the College team
w as rather sadly de pleted . Culhane, brill iant
fiv e-eighth and spearhead of the tea m 's attack, and D. Pm'en , fast winger , were both
out throug h injuries. Then, only three days
before, Alex Lees sustained concussion at
practice and the second r ow was a man
short ; finally, Terry Cahalan had not at all
recovered from the head injuries sustained
a week before, and was quite plucky to lead
his team.
Admittedly, the College were lucky to
draw, the scoring being two t r ies and three
goals against their five goals.
In Frank
Cruise they had a match-winner. He booted
goals from really difficult positions, and
Pa ge Thirty -seven
those who had not seen this young fiftee nyear-old player before were really astounde.d
at the distance height a nd accuracy of his
kicks. In addition , his field play was SOlid
and reliable. Len Downie, substitute five eighth, was the other star of the College
side. Playin g in this new position, he did
n ot miss a pass or send a bad one on , and his
defence against his counter, J. Gibson, was
splendid. It was unfortunate that they lost
their skipper during the second half; but
that seemed to inspire them to even greater
The Old Boys had a back line that possessed players with speed and talent; but
it failed to combine effectively. and passes
dropped or sent astray stopped many a
promising movement. The tries scored by
John T ully and Bill Walsh were just those
p assi ng rushes which did not go astray
somewhere. Gibson and the Manstons were
brilliant in patches, but harried by the opposition backs and the good cover-defence:
Though the Old Boys' side had the heavICr
pack, they had not the spirited play or coordin ation of the younger team. Best and
Cahalan showed rugged work but were
tiring at the end. The most inexplicable
fact was that the College continued to win
most of the scrums despite their weight disadvantage, and the loss of their captain and
The match finished at 4.45 just as the
westerly winds swept up the slopes and the
sun's warmth had been lost behind banks
of clouds. It was one of the most closely
contested in the thrilling series of College
v. O.B.U. matches, and the result, a 10-all
draw, left all in a happy frame of mind.
Against a very superior (on paper) team,
the schoolboys had played magnificently and
vindicated their premiership honours.
First priest to travel from Britain to -over padocks, across and under fences,
Australia on a migrant ship as chaplain was through a creek and up a hill graded 1 in
Rev. Fr. P at Murphy, D.C.L., who was nom- 3. Earlier in the year he had won the track
inated by the Federal Catholic Immigration half and one mile races. sub-junior. So it
Representation in London. Father Murphy has been a triple title year for him, equalli ng
had been sent overseas almost immediately Ossie Summerton's achievement in 1945.
the war concluded for post-graduate studies Ossie, incidentally, has completed his two
in Canon Law at Maynooth and Rome. years' novitiate at the Jesuit House, WatOn the way out in J une, he attended to the sonia (Vic.), and is launched on Philosophy.
One who also ran with W. Suburbs in the
spiritual wa nts of the 700 Catholic passengers, and helped to inform them about the cross-country was John O'Grady, a classmate
way of life in Australia. He is now returned of last year. He is in the sub -junior division
to the parish Bondi Junction.
The first and should do well in mile runs this year.
week he was back, he kindly came out to the Clyde Engineering sees h im during the day,
College an d filled an interesting hour or and Chemistry ? (metallurgy) classes at
two w ith an account of Europe and his ex- S .T.C. of an evening.
The Physics laboratory recently profited
periences ther.e. He is the first Old Boy
from Roy Longhurst, who was able to propriest to attain an ecclesiastical doctorate.
We have been glad to see Frs. Hatton and vide resistance wires of various values that
Vogt recently. The former saw the College will give future geenrations of scientists at
premiers First XIII in action for the first S.P.C. coils to play about with on the Wheattime in ten years when they went down to stone Bridge, finding values of R 1, R:! , R1
R2 and so on. His principal worry at the
The Rest, 7-5. He thought they were better
than in his day! Father Vogt was present at moment was the raising of large sums in the
the match College v . Old Boys, and was in shortest possible time of the essential comat the half-yearly meeting also. When the modity to purchase a motor cycle.
One not seen around for a long day was
team went to Wollongong, one was accosted
by Father Gailey, who informed the youn g Don SattIer, whom mathematics and chemlads of their common link and hoped they istry drove to despair in Fourth Year several
would do well.
(Note for students of years ago. He is at present engaged in a
psychic coincidence and devil's advocates- daytime art course at S.T.C., and keeps his
these were the only three matches of the dollar exc hange position sou nd by drawing
those comic strips at night which one furyear that the team did not win!)
Distance-runner John Pierce obtained tively reads and enjoys when the children
fastest time in every cross-country race he are not looking.
John Dormer's record at the College was a
ran during the winter season and finished
with annexing the State Junior title, 5,000 fine one - Captain of College, 1942; Captain
metres, on the difficult Campbelltown course of XIII, 1941-42 ; Captain of XI, 1942. It was
Puge Thirc<j-eight
very pleasl11g to see him around recently.
He was at the College one evening when
the O.B.U. Committee were making plans
for the Cabaret Dance, and with henchman,
accomplice and accessory, Keith Traynor,
recalled schoolday incidents. One concerned
a telephone arrangement in Third Year by
which. when separated to opposite sides of
the class, they managed to keep contact.
John is in Medicine IV with John Sturrock
and Wally Delauney.
Residents at North Auburn can safely entrust their superfluous wealth to lan Hol Iin gshed, who will take care of it at the
Bank of N.S.W. He found there another
ex-S.P.C.-ite, John Daley, of last year's Intermediate. Ian believes banking is easier than
geometry or chemistry equations, but has
never regretted a moment the extra years
spent at S.P.C. "It's only after leaving that
one comes to realise the real worth of this
concluding secondary year at school."
good fellow, Ian, even though his name
graces no sporting records.
These recently stood as Science Rep. for
S.R.C.: Desmond Knight. His qualifications
were listed: Assoc. Ed. 1949 Science Year
Book. Sc. Assoc. Propaganda officer 1949,
and-here's the rub-Geofragmentiellipsoidalist Group. Perhaps that means the Yo-yo
After the College had won the M.C.C.
premiership, there came a telegram of congratulations signed: "Eggy, Cracker and
Class of 1948 will immediately
recognise the familiar names of the Three
Musketeers-Puren. Hertslet and Scott.
GeofI can be usually found with Stan Lees
at the Martin Place-George St. corner most
evenings about 5.30; he spends the rest of
the day at David J ones. John Puren has acquired a driver's licence, and thereby hangs
a tale. The trio raised a car to drive to
Wollongong to see the Fi rsts, and thought
that the accommodation problem was solved
simultaneously. While Max decided to sleep
in, the others took to sleeping under the
stars-till it got cold. Then, at different
hours, Max's slumbers were disturbed by
various frozen people wanting to get in.
The last straw of all was reached when an
artistic soul decided it would be a good
thing to get going about 5 a.m.-to see the
sun rise from the top of Ki era. A fence at
Austinmer bears mute tribute to John's
At the match College v. O.B.U. was
Kevin Tiller, of L.C.. 1945.
After being
abroad in Japan with B.C.O.F., he returned
last year in poor health and has since spent
a fair portion of time at Yaralla Military
Hospital. It was good to see him looking
better. Another at th game who sWl showed
the effects of the years in Malaya was Brian
Lonergan; he looked sparse and wan, -but
talked. as ever. energetically.
You may have recenUy seen the face of
Kelvin Hodges in the newsreels of the Arnhem Land expedition, but failed to recognise it for its growth of fungus. Now back
in Sydney. he is to take up the post of
chemical analyst of the water supply at
Warragamba. A nice, quiet, sylvan existence. with a house thrown in as well a big
attraction-for Kevin is engaged and preparations for the marriage are afoot. Others
who have recently announced engagements
are Terry Shanley, Albert Cusick, and Jim
Brian Larkin gave some information about
ex-S.P.C.-ex-Chatswood fellows. Alan Woodbridge is set up in business in a combination
cake shop and milk bar. Did he get his idea
at all from his football associate, Romano
Gazzoli? Noel Hancock works at the Daily
Mirror, while John Gould is doing Second
Year Law. Brian, who works in the office
of an engineering firm. retains pleasant
memories ("I'll have the bird!") of the
Third XIII, 1947.
Would you like a holiday in Noumea? Then
join the Diplomatic Corps at Canberra, like
Pat O'Connor_ Of course, it is not all quite
so easy as that, but students in Arts, Economics or even Science could entertain the
thought. Pat's transfer from Canberra to the
Consulate at New Caledonia is his first
venture abroad.
He lists as some of its
attractions "magnificent mountain and
sea sce nery, the opportunity to learn French,
living at a good hotel, a jeep at his disposal,
a very friendly people and the chance to
broaden his knowledge of consulate duties."
Alternating between Marsden Park, where
he drives a truck five days a week. and
Parramatta, where he dispenses mercery on
the week-end, is Jim Gallen. Another engaged in the same line is John H ackett, who
has entered his father's establishment at
During mid-winter vacation from St.
Col urn ba's, Springwood, Geoff Dickinson, Jim
McLaren, Bruce Bram ley and John Galogley
all came along, and saw the College narrowly defeat Kogarah. None appeared to have
lost much weight through over-intensive
Bruce could hardly fit into his
clothes, but no doubt four hours' Latin a
day will help to reduce that. There was
some report about his exercising a refectory
dictatorship, and that Geoff and John were
accordingly undermined. Appearance belied
One of the youngest Old Boys at the
Pa(f<' Thl rt'l -nine
Cabaret Dance was Bob Han'is, featuring in
dinner-jacket and jive. Gone is the schoolboy chatter, replaced by salesman's small
talk for he is now star salesman of Hoffnungs. If you want.3 cheap fountain-pensee Bob. Tony O'Rourke has been waiting
for his twelve months.
Pursuing culture over Union double icecreams are Brian Muirhead, Don Featherstone and Frank Harris. Brian lost face,
literally, in a C.Y.O. game, but has since
had it replaced sufficiently to show around
the Commonwealth Bank, where he works.
Don, in the Customs, helps increase the price
of cigarettes; between whiles, he spends
time at C.Y.O., F ivedock, looking for victims
Frank writes out the new telephone books at
the G.P .O.; and for recreation, yarns away
the hours in the back bench at English I.
Now articled to a solicitor, Joe Gibson
has given up football and plays Union. The
old " Schooner," however, has sailed into
Parramatta Reserve Grade (League, of
course), and deals out sudden death from
the second row. Ordinarily he deals out
cash and such "filthy lucre" at the bank.
John Browne is being gradually turned
into an agriculturalist at Sydney University,
but is being brought back to earth each
week-end in C.Y.O. football-Concord C
Grade. With him is Joe Doran, showing results of the experience he gained in the
Second XIII last year. Joe does industrial
Chemistry at S.T.C. at night.
Distinguished Old Boy is Phi! Robinson,
venerable president of the Strathfield C.Y.O.,
and doing very well in a suburban timber
Fellow member of the local
C.Y.O. is Brian O'Meara, who is busy taking
flour to pieces at the Homebush mills. He,
too, is doing S .T.C. Chemistry.
At aerodrome construction at Mascot is
Greg Radecki from the Dept. of Works. His
concern is dredge construction, and, as a
side line, jeeps. Together with his schooltime associate, Ken Mattick, he is in the
Fourth Year Civil Diploma Course. John
Brown, Pat Madden and Tony Dalton are
others in B Grade W. Suburbs Sunday
morning tennis. Greg sadly admits that any
team including him is usually doomed to
failure. Nostalgically, he confesses that the
sight of a "blue cap" sends his mind racing
to years not so very far distant which it
would be a pleasure to r e-live.
MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS, 1933-42.-(Cont. from page 15.)
long with prompters six inches behind the to resist all downpours short of the great
curtain. In those days, they did not take flood . Perhaps his great claim to fame was
as a half-miler one day in the All Schools
(The discerning may now return.)
Championships; admittedly he did not win,
but by Allah, it took seventeen highly
I have always linked Brother Robinson trained athletes to beat him-on top of which
and Brother Kent as double identities, pos- he did beat one runner home who sustained
sibly because they were the first two to a cramp. Pat Dowling was another of those
have the job of pummelling knowledge into characters born with springs where normal
my half-receptive brain. Bro. Robinson I people have heels and held school records
shall always remember for his patience, till freaks like Mitchelmore and McMahon
astounding enthusiasm and flair to constr uct- came along.
ing Heath Robinson (no relation!) creations
Geoff Wotton, O.B.U. president, I rewhich worked.
Bro. Kent will be re- member as having taken part in marathon
membered for his white handkerchief, spot- duels with Stewart J ohnson on Sports Day.
less habit and inevitable timepiece, sport L ater I came to know him better, and he has
cartoons, code language and a highly in- now taken over the job of unpaid undervolved economic system based on chocolate secretary to the treasurer. I will conclude
frogs. I hope both will accept the gratitude this gallery of portraits with a tribute to Ed.
of one who is nominally, at least, an adult, Barry, "Colonel" and knight-at-arms, yachtsfor the many kindnesses given to a school man yearning "to go down to the seas again,"
and bushwalker, a Beau Ges te and Good
Of my present day associates I think I Companion.
have known John Ferris, Norman Rogers
All in all, I have been fortunate in my
and Pat Dowling the lon gest, our relations years at St. Patrick's and in the many good
dating back to 1932. J ohn always seemed fnends I made While there. Now that these
my bete-noir and I formed a healthy dis- memories and portraits are completed, I am
like for his habit of gracefully clearing almo~t .sorry, but perhaps I have stretched
high jump bars and jumping pits.
The the lImIts of Lumen space to breaking point
second of this trio, since joined the ranks of now. I have never flattered myself that I
medicos, acquired the nickname of "Gummy" was one of the bright products of S.P.C., but
at school mainly due to the fac t that he wore I had a lot of fun just becoming an Old
a pair of those elongated galoshes guaranteed Boy .... with no regret.
Page forty
I .111
St. Patrick's College,
ANTHONY HORDERNS' have been the sole official
suppliers of the College Uniform since 1936. By purchasing
at this Store, you are certain of complying exactly with what each
pu pil is required to wear:
Grey Felt Hat and Royal Blue Hat Band
Royal Blue Cap and Badge
Pale Blue Shirt, Royal Blue Tie and College Tiepin
Grey Suit, Grey Pullover, College Hose
Athletic, Tennis and Gymnastic Wear.
Football and Cricket Attire.
I ,
We appreciate your generous co-operation m this matter of
College wear, and assure you that we believe the results are well
worth while.
A representative from the .firm calls at the College each Monday
to attend to orders and requirements.
Yours faithfully,
St. Vincent's Boys' Homc, Westnlcad, Print.