Pro Tools
Pro Tools
PERSONALIZED SYSTEM AMPLIFICATION Youcould almost hang a basketball hoop up here. The system is about seven feet tall. ailable 1msetups. Integrated audio connections mean no cables on the tower. Review system was equipped with two subs; the "off-the-rack" configuration includes just one. Wee subwoofers kick shockingly hard. Connections are down low at the back of the Power Stand. Remote eliminates the need to bend down to make adjustments. Slim profile totally belies the quality and volume of sound available. / Excellent sound:Easytransportandsetup. essive. Undocumented Features? Duringour time with the Bose,we heardsubtlecluesthat perhapstherewerea noisegateandpossiblyevena compressor or limiter built-in. Comparedwith a pair of monitorsin the Keyboardstudio,the systemdidn't seemto allowthe same extremes ofdynamicrange.Loudsoundsseemedtamed.Clearly, it adaptswell to whateveryou throw at it.- we heardno obviouspumpingor other artifacts.Turns out there is aQ onboard limiter that only kicks in at high volume. Its fi./[1ctioni$ to protectthe systemfrom damageandyour soundfrom distortion. The noise gate is much more overt, and it too seems to be adaptive;with vocals,keyboards,any sourcewe tried, we couldn'tmakea soundthe gatewouldmessup, butwe could clearlyhearvaryinglevelsof backgroundnoise(dependingon thesource)enterwiththesignal.Whennosignalwaspresent, thePASwasniceandquiet.Cryptically, Bosesays"Afewofthe presetsallowyouto usea noisegate,atvariousthresholdsof attack.Otherthanthosefewpresets,weusenogates,"Wefound no methodfor adjustingthe attackthresholdof the gate. Havingsaidallthat,theautonomyofthe limiterandgatedid nothingto detractfrom a satisfyingmusicmakingexperience. Theyworkso seamlesslythatyou mayforgetthey'rethere. In an all-acousticperformance,you hear the instruments and voicesdirectly.They spreadout across the natural stereo field according to their placement onstage, and this helps the brain hear everything distinctly and clearly. The musiciansand the listenershearvery much the samething, and a proper mix happensquite naturally (assumingthat all the performers are accomplishedand sensitiveenough to put their playing in serviceof the ensemble rather than showboating selfishly). Each performer is in total control of his or her sound, and they work together to achieve the perfect blend. The way we amplify a theatre or club performance today involves individual instrument amplifiers onstage, monitor speakers placed so each musician can hear all the others (or, increasingly, an in-ear monitoring solution), and a large bi-, trio, or even quad-amped system placed between the performers and the audience. The mix the performers hear is utterly different from the one the audience hears, and what the audience hears doesn't necessarily match what they see, making it difficult or impossible for the visual and auditory cortexes of the brain to work together to enhance clarity. And the complexity of the audio system requires that one or two non-band members be entrusted with the tone and level of the instruments. When viewed from this perspective, the status quo seems a little I messed up, doesn't it? Where's the teamwork I I ofthe performers? They're almost out of the EQpresetsfor a varietyof instrumentsourcesand vocalmicsare provided.Morecan be loadedinvia the DataInjack. Gigbagsfor each piece~ Included. equation. Maybe these nlttty professors are onto something after all. and from .the first to the second. Plug in the remote and AC power and you're ready for inputs. In Setup The system lent to us comprised a tower and a pair of passive subwoofers. The tower itself breilks down into three conJ.ponents; the PSJ Power Stand (which houses all the I/O and three amplifiers) and the two-piece Cylindrical Radiator Loudspeaker. A little remote hand console connects to the Power Stand with the included 7-pin cable. Each piece is light and compact, but we found that the fivepieces of ouuig were tough to lug solo and made multiple trips.(or helpers) necessary.And that's a bit of a hassle.If you're slickand alreadyown a Rock-n-Roller cart or something similar, it'd be sweat-free to.move the whole rig in one go.We were impressed, however, at the obvious attention given to making the thing easy to transport for all ages, shapes, and sizesof people. Putting the system together takes all of two minutes and can be done while your mind is elsewhere - there's only one right way to do it (with the exception.. of where toplugin the subwoofer, whose cable I managed to plug into the wrong place once during a rushed load-in). The Power Stand sets !lown first, the lower part of the "pole" chunks into the base, and then the upper part pops down on top of that The subs stack securelytogether on their sides,and the cables connect from the Power Stand into the first sub Our first test occurred pretty much the minute the cartons arrived. Our pent-up curiosity and skepticism got thebetterof us.andwe unpacked the system immediately. As we registered our surprise at how tall it is at roughly seven feet, I plugged my iPod into it and listened. to a variety of material; thumping dance tracks, orchestral film scores, minimalist acoustic recordings, jazz, rock, and pop tunes. All sounded very close to how I expected, with perhaps.a tolt\:h less sizzle and sparkle than I normally like to hear. Clarity was excellent, but missing was the air on top. Fiddling with some of the many EQ presets - there are a couple dozen, with profiles for Shure SMS8 and Audix OMS mics, Fender Rhodes 73, Wurlitzer ZOO,guitar amp withlZ" speaker, Taylor piero pickup - Hound I could get the airy sound I wanted. There are also lots of blank EQpreset slots; a Data In jack on the panel telegraphs the intent to make more curves available. In fact, it's one of the system's cleverest features. really a coaxial S/PDIF input (and the counterpart to the output right beside it). Bose will make updates available in the form of WAY files that can be "played" into the rig. They're even planning an update kit that includes a portable DVD player. We were amazed by how painless the sound was; it was so even and clear that we weren't I SIPDlFoutput makesit possible to capturea digital recording. Thisis particulartypowerfullf yourwhole bandis onthe Bosesystems. Channels1 and2 havesend/return IRS jacks. DECEMBER 2004 KEYBOARD 67 ... - Bose ... PSfl A. Il ~9A.' ..... Lf & Sf STEREOTOMY Maybe it doesn't have to be said, since the Bose's monolithic appearance kind of implies singularity, but the system is not capable of stereo imaging; for that, you'll need a pair of them. So who's missing out, really? Well, guys who simply must run their Leslie simulations in stereo. Players who get big jollies spreading their synth pads all the way out to the edges. The good news is that all you'll need is a second complete tower, made up of a Power Stand and the Cylindrical Radiator loudspeakers. Interconnects allow two towers to share a sub. aware how bloody loud it was until we tried to speak to each other and found we had to shout. Claims made about a near-180° distribution of sound were borne out to our satisfaction, too. I found that even directly behind the rig, clarity was acceptable, if diminished. Chilly suspicions were thawing, and because we weren't yet clued in on the physics the system exploits, we wondered if it needed the room itself to work its apparent voodoo. We packed the thing off to the parking lot and repeated the experiment outdoors. To our ~ Amplifiers 110 .. 3; 250 W x 2 (tower), 250 W (subwoofer) 2 x 1/4"-XLR combo inputs, 2 x 1/4" inputs, 2 x 1/4' TRS inserts, coaxial S/PDlFinpUt (forsoftvvare input; bass line output, amp 3/subwoofer updates only), Amplifier 1.3 direct inputs, remote amp 1 speaker output, amp 2 speaker output, speaker output, coaxial S/PDIF output Drivers 24 x 2" drivers (tower), 2 x 6" driver (subwoofer) Included accessories wired remote, remote cable, subwoofer cable, gig bags Dimensions/Weight Power Stand: 26" W x 26' D x 5" H, 35 Ibs.; tower 3-112" W x 4" D x 43" H, 16 Ibs.; subwoofer: amazement, it worked just as well outdoors as indoors, and the claims made about the apparent loudness staying relatively constant whether you're 10 feet or 50 feet away held up. Sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke famously said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic;' and that's an apt description for our initial experience with this. We got an unusual opportunity to test the system's ability to deliver the "unamplified experience" when we were recently given a demo of the new Ivory plug-in from Synthogy and Ilio. Ivory is a disk-streaming piano plug-in that aims for complete transparency in its re-creation of several acoustic pianos. Using a pair of Genelec I030As as our reference, we polypropylene cones speakers (each): 11" W x 18" D x 16" H, 28 Ibs. NB' ed Ivory on them and the Bose. Out of the gate, the Bose didn't fare very well. Compared to the Genelecs, it made Ivory sound alarmingly tubby and muddy, with an unpleasant bark in the low midrange. And this was with the system's EQ presets set to Flat. After running down a few blind alleys, we found that the lost clarity could be regained and the bark tamed with one of the rig's generic EQ presets and small adjustments to the three-band EQ on the remote. One of the most obvious questions to ask about this system is, "What about feedback?" Since you're supposed to set it behind you, and therefore, potentially, your open mic, isn't it just going to squeal like a I2-year-old Barcelonian at a Menudo concert? According to the professors, &B1 feedback.The wild card here is how loud your drummer plays. If he favors rolling pins for drumsticks, has one eyebrow, and speaks in monosyllabic grunts, you might be better off no. They saythe rig's ability to project further than a conventional speaker at lower volume means you should only reach the feedback threshold if you're way too loud anyway.I was able to get rather more volume than I expected before reaching the feedback zone. It was clearly too loud for a coffeehouse setting, but without a full band in full blaze through a number of Boses around me, it would be impossible to state with authority that the no-feedback claim is 100% true or untrue. with conventional amplification for a while, at least until Bose puts an even more powerful version of the idea into production. (It's been intimated that this concept can be scaled all the way up to arena and stadium tour sized rigs.) The system provides phantom power to its two mic inputs at a new international standard 24v rather than 48. Reportedly, extensive mic testing has yet to smoke out a mic that underperforms at 24v. With four inputs, the rig can ostensibly accommodate a good-sized keyboard rig, but only channels 1 and 2 are full-featured; 3 and 4 are not represented on the remote, don't have inserts, and don't feature EQ of any kind. Though it's a bummer that they don't come up on the remote (and I'd like to see this oversight corrected, maybe with a bigger, optional remote), the lack of EQ is lessof a concern since most current synths and software synth hosts have EQ of their own. Based on my experience with it, my hunch is that the system would - at the very least - far, far exceedthe abilityof a conventional speakerto resist REMOTE POSSIBILITIES Thoughthe remote onlyaddresses channels 1 and 2 and the master, the fact that the Bose rig was designed by a keyboard player shows upin a criti,cal detail. The remote features a second connector at the top and a Velcro pad so it can be stuck down on your keyboard or stand with the cable dressed to the back along with your keyboards' other cables. Conclusions Admittedly, I walked into this review with conflicted expectations. On the one hand, it PRO TOOLS / HD * PRO TOOLS * PRO TOOLS LE FOR HOME, AND PROFESSIONAL I / 24 MIX the secrets instruction, this fully illustrated guide covers getting up to speed, configuring and connecting equipment, plus beginning and advanced practical applications that will enable you to record, edit, . reformat, and reorganize music to match your I owncreativevision.includesCD.ROMwith Dr. Music Center -Pasadena THE ART OF MusIC -Santa Monica - Canoga Park Sam Ash Music -Cerritos Sam Ash Music -Los Angeles Sam Ash Music -Westminster - Colorado Springs Prosound Music -Boulder t_.~ 70 KEYBOARD will step-by-step exercises, projects, improving speed. primer offers and power-user Complete, tips for ready-to-use software plus a PrintMusic on CD-ROM. $19,95 CONNECriCUT Sam Ash Music - New Haven demo is FLORIDA Sam Ash Music - Clearwater Sam Ash Music -Margate -MiamiLakes Sam Ash Music 6600 Silacd Way 1 Gilroy, CA 95020 USA I PHONE: (408) 848-8294 I WEB: E-MAIL: [email protected] Distributed ""'," ","""Tr; to rhe music t,ade by Hal Leona,d Corp. 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NEWYORK Sam Ash Music Sam Ash Music NOTATION WITH NOTEPAD I help Ken Hughes wished for a system like the Bose when Sam Ash Music -Orlando Sam Ash Music McCabes Guitar Shop Colorado Springs Music Co. The Finale NotePad Primer and Windows, the system can get; a .seemingly impossible amount of rich, clearaudio emanates trom the slenderseven-foottower'sarrayof dinkydrivers. If you'll excuse the pun, I think the PersonalizedAmplificationSystemis a towering achievement - a KeyBuy.If you can get over the skepticismof the generalidea, and learn to trust that you don't need a lot of volume up close to guarantee exciting volume out in the hall or club, it could turn your gigging world upside-down for the better. . CANADA CAUFORNIA COLORADO I claims, namely its ability to project excellent sound over long distances with minimal loss of sound pressure and the wide, wide coverage area it provides. One thing that isn't really mentioned in the marketing, though, is just how blissfullyloud You can find these and other Backbeat Books titles at fine book and music stores throughout the U.S. and Canada, including: sample projects and loads of extras. $119.95 Covering NotePad and awed by how closely it matched the advertising us. i this long-awaited reference uniocks ! of Pro Tools. Providing step-by-step I' ByBil/Purse to put this its paces, we were trankly shocked PROJECT STUDIOS By lose "Chi/itos" Valenzuela Offering tips and tricks on everything from recording and editing to mixing and mastering, LEARNING Once we got the opportunity oddity through Tools,WE WROTE THE book. WHEN IT COMESTO Pro The Complete Pro Tools Handbook was inconceivable that the product could work as advertised. Chalk it up to the baggage caused by what I "knew" about live sound. On the other hand, I knew that Bose has successfully implemented radical and unlikely designs in the past. If anyone could pull this idea off, they were the ones. -Mequon Cascio/Interstate -NewBerlin - Halifax - New Minas Musicstop -sackville Musicstop - Sydney-Cape Breton ONTARIO Steve's Music -Ottawa Steve's Music -Toronto QUEBEC Steve's Music -Montreal Sam AshMusic - Lyndhurst I FAX: (408) 848-5784 --- -- - HLKBO305