2014 Annual Report - CASA of Los Angeles


2014 Annual Report - CASA of Los Angeles
Big Difference
2014 Annual Report | July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
In 2014, one belief compelled nearly
500 people to volunteer their time as
Court Appointed Special Advocates
(CASAs) for CASA of Los Angeles:
that all children are entitled to stable,
safe, permanent homes with loving
parents or caring guardians.
CASA of Los Angeles recruits,
trains, and guides CASAs to work
with each child individually
and make sure the child gets the
support and services he or she
needs. Its vision is a Los Angeles
in which every foster child has
an advocate and the opportunity
to thrive.
It is the only local agency
with volunteers appointed
by the dependency court to
advocate for children.
CASA Youth Demographics
23% Birth to 5
20% 6 to 11
48% 12 to 17
9% 18+
38% African-American
34% Hispanic/Latino
11% White/Non-Latino
6% Multi-racial
1% Asian/Pacific Islander
10% Unknown
54% Male
46% Female
Dear Friends,
Imagine being a child again. Picture your family, your friends, your home, your schools, your routines.
Then imagine a different childhood altogether—one without those people, that home, and most everything
else that made your life yours; one for the most part without secure attachments, lasting friendships, or
encouragement from adults.
This other life is, in fact, reality for thousands of abused and neglected children in Los Angeles County.
More than 29,000 kids are in the dependency court system, and some even spend their entire childhoods in
foster care. Imagine that.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way, and this realization drives everyone who works on behalf of children
in foster care.
CASA of Los Angeles exists because we as a community have a responsibility to all of our children, and because
the system set up to help abused and neglected children is overwhelmed. Judges, lawyers, and social workers
all handle dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of cases each, and really getting to know any child—which
is a necessity if anyone is to make the best decisions on behalf of that child—is an enormous challenge.
CASA of Los Angeles fills the gap by recruiting and training Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) to
work with each child in a way that no one else in the system can, specifically by:
Investigating a child’s situation
Reporting on his or her needs
Recommending solutions to problems affecting the child
Advocating for the best interests of the child
Supporting the child with encouragement, advice, and wisdom
In 2014*, CASA of Los Angeles mobilized 480 CASAs—more than ever before—to provide intensive advocacy
for 840 abused and neglected children…also more than ever before.
But its most important achievements came not in the aggregate but in the one-on-one work its volunteers
did with and for children in foster care—from helping a girl reunite with her biological family to helping a
boy get back on track in school; from helping a toddler meet a developmental milestone to helping a teen
make the transition from childhood to independence.
Indeed, each and every CASA makes a difference—a big difference. Because when you give an abused or
neglected child the undivided attention of a motivated adult, that child’s life is always transformed, and
sometimes it is even made whole again.
Thank you very much for supporting our work.
James M. Rishwain, Jr.
Chair, Board of Directors
Dilys Tosteson Garcia
Executive Director
* Fiscal year: July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Dianne’s investigation
helped put Shawna’s family back together.
A CASA’s work begins with getting to know a child and his or her situation, as
Dianne Moonves did for six-year-old Shawna. At the time Dianne was assigned,
it looked like Shawna would be permanently separated from her biological family
because her mother, Simona, was perceived as unwilling to cooperate with
the court’s requirements for reunification and no one had been able to identify
another family member willing to take Shawna in. But Dianne’s investigation
uncovered that Simona hadn’t actually failed in her follow-up—she had simply
expressed distrust of the court—and that Simona’s father, Carlos, was indeed
interested in getting custody of Shawna. Based on this information, the court
soon approved Carlos for legal guardianship and ordered group therapy for the
three of them. Following their happy reunion, Dianne saw something new emerge
in Shawna—a love of singing—and found her a free after-school choral program
in walking distance of the family’s home.
Cameron’s report
turned Robert’s life around.
What a CASA learns about a child is then formalized in
a report of facts to the court. When Cameron King met
Robert, he saw a 14-year-old boy in crisis. Robert was
struggling to get along with others in his group home,
struggling with his coursework in school, and even
struggling to stay awake during the day. Things started
to change soon after Cameron wrote his report to the
court, which laid out a series of facts supporting three
key observations: that many of Robert’s challenges
stemmed from the one-size-fits-all treatment kids tend
to get in group homes; that his individualized education
program (IEP) was outdated; and that drowsiness was
a very common side effect of the medications he was
taking. Within weeks, Robert’s medication plan was
under review; a meeting was held to amend his IEP;
and DCFS had secured him a placement in a new foster
home. That home eventually fell through and DCFS
and Cameron have since been working on finding
him a permanent home, but in the meantime Robert’s
grades have gone from D’s and F’s to A’s and B’s and
he made the honor roll for the first time in his life.
Carol’s recommendation
helped Jasmine hit a milestone.
The facts of a case then form the basis for a CASA’s
recommendations to the court. Jasmine was born
with numerous medical problems, including
laryngo/tracheomalacia, or weak throat muscles.
Because she couldn’t swallow, Jasmine relied on a
gastronomy tube for all of her nourishment for nearly
three years. Worse still, she had been hospitalized
several times for aspiration pneumonia. Her CASA,
Carol Marlowe, began attending all of her doctor’s
appointments, and based on a suggestion she got from
a doctor, Carol recommended that Jasmine be enrolled
in a barium swallow study—something Jasmine’s
social worker didn’t have authority to approve.
The court agreed with Carol’s recommendation and
ordered the study, and, as a result, the doctor
determined Jasmine could benefit from occupational
therapy to teach her how to swallow. Jasmine
responded so well to the therapy that she is now
eating soft food, a key developmental milestone,
and she hasn’t aspirated since.
Dee Ann’s advocacy
unlocked a loving home for Isaac.
Advocacy can take myriad forms in the life of a child in foster
care. When Isaac was removed from his aunt’s custody, his world
was turned upside down. He feared losing his biological family
and, wanting to live only with his grandmother Cassie, made clear
he would refuse to live with a foster family. His CASA, Dee Ann
Alongi, saw that Cassie could provide the kind of stable environment
that Isaac needed, so she felt confident recommending he be placed
with her. But due to an unfounded allegation of child abuse from
15 years prior, the court denied Cassie custody, and Isaac spent two
long years living in a group home. Their last chance was an appeal
hearing, and for Isaac to be allowed to live with her, Cassie would
need to prove she was not the one who had perpetrated the abuse.
So Dee Ann helped her compile all the records she would need to
defend herself point by point. And leaving nothing to chance,
Dee Ann even testified on her behalf at the hearing. The judge ruled
in Cassie’s favor, and Isaac, 14, now lives with Cassie permanently.
His case was closed in January.
Sam’s support
helped Justin transition to adulthood.
CASAs are often among the few consistent adult
influences in a child’s life, and the support and
encouragement they provide can be invaluable to
the child in his or her time in the dependency system
and the years after it. Sam Herod was Justin’s CASA
for two years beginning when Justin was 16 and
provided the guidance Justin needed as he was
aging out of foster care.
Besides helping Justin navigate the financial resources
and other services available to him, he encouraged
Justin to pursue his love of food and connected
him with the RightWay Foundation, a nonprofit that
provides job placement for transitional age youth.
This helped Justin get a position as a sous chef at a
café downtown. And when he isn’t working that job,
he and Sam work catering jobs together.
No matter your means, you too can make
a big difference in the lives of abused and
neglected children.
Join the CASA ranks.
CASAs come from all walks of life. Some are
retirees. Some are working professionals.
Some were CASA youth themselves. But they
all share a concern for kids and community,
and they all have about twenty hours per
month to volunteer.
CASA of Los Angeles holds volunteer
information sessions twice a month in both
Los Angeles and the Antelope Valley. For
more information or to reserve your seat,
please visit www.casala.org/volunteer, call
323.859.2888, or e-mail [email protected].
CASA Volunteer Demographics
6% 21 to 29
14% 30 to 39
14% 40 to 49
26% 50 to 59
40% 60+
62% White/Non-Latino
11% African-American
10% Hispanic/Latino
6% Multi-racial
4% Asian/Pacific Islander
1% Native American
6% Unknown
86% Female 14% Male
Don’t have the time to volunteer?
Make a gift to support someone who does.
Every donation to CASA of Los Angeles gives an abused or neglected child a powerful
voice in court, at school, and in the community. If you would like to support the work
of CASAs, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.
You can also make gifts in honor of friends or loved ones, gifts of stocks and other
securities, matching gifts, and bequests and other planned gifts. CASA of Los Angeles
also hosts an annual Evening to Foster Dreams Gala and other fundraising
events throughout the year. For more information, please visit www.casala.org,
call 323.859.2888, or e-mail [email protected].
Our Volunteers
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Jane Abrams
Allison Purtell
Joseph Ahdoot
Arcola Aikens
Teo Alexander
Berenice Alfaro
Carol Allen
Kimberlyn Allen
Dee Ann Alongi
James Anderson
Minor Anderson
Marjorie Annapav
Mindy Applebaum
May Arakaki
Anita Aratow
Manuel Arciniega
Armando Arenas
Rosa Arevalo
Bert Argo
Barbara Arlow
Trudy Armer
Andrea Arnold
Valerie Arribeno
Jennifer Arvidson
Heidi Ashcraft
Elena Avila
Lisa Bail
Rebecca Bailey
Barrie Barash
Courtney Barr
Emma Barrientos
Carol Bathke
Elizabeth Baxter
Veronica Bayer
Gloria Bazis
Michelle Becker
Judith Beckmen
Dale Beldin
Mary Ann Bell
Tom Bell
Rosalie Benitez
Ellen Berlin
Jamie Bernards
Aishwarya Bhave
Denise Bieker
Louise Bieschke
Renne Bilson
Pamela Bingham
Pamela Bjorklund
Jan Black
Janet Blair
Stacee Blom
Roberta Bloom
Maruzella Bognoli
Lesley Bois
Emily Bold
Neda Bolourchi
Douglas Borsom
Catherine Collins
Karen Bowles
Catherine Boyd
Susan Brandler
Nancy Brashears
Irma Breslauer
Sandy Breuer
Jan Brice
Rhonda Brown
Susan Brown
Barbara Bruner
Kelsie Brunick
Sandra Bucholz
Betsy Burch
Stacey Burdell
Marilyn Burke
Carolyn Burtch
Colleen Butcher
Karen Olson
Gayle Byrne
Margaret (Peggy)
Martha Byrnes
Monica Byrnes
Joyce Campbell
Gail Carp
Rosa Carreon
Valerie Carrigan
Roseanne Carson
Rosalie Cauley
Rita Cazares
Isabel Cazarez
Denise Cervantes
Wrenn Chais
Janet Charlin
Joan Chlebowski
Patricia Choi
Paulette Chulack
Virginia Coffin
Mary Anne Cogbill
Edward Cohan
Natalie Cohen
Claire Coleman
Kristen Collins
Stephen Collins
Donna Colomby
Kathy Compton
Kim Cooper
Stephen Cooper
Denise Cortes
Lauren Costa
Gloria Cowan
Kristy Cox
Joe Cruz
Laura Cruz
Patricia Cuocco
Emily Curry
Karen Darling
Marion Darling
Angela Daughtry
Meghan Daum
Audrey DavidowLapidus
Sonia De Leon
Shannon Del Rio
Blanca Delao
Maria Teresa
Ta’Niya Delouth
Mandy Denaux
Barbara Dixon
Emily Dixon
Brandy Dixson
Charles Dodson
Susan Douglas
Gary Duboff
Randy Duke
Daniel Duncan
Lesley Dunlap
Mary Ellen Dunne
Tashea DunnStevenson
Randall Duran
Katharine Durham
Julie Dwyer
Sharon Ellingsen
Theresa Emerick
Bebe Emerman
Julie Engelman
Rosemary Enzer
Mike Epstein
Laura Evans
Julia Farsadi
Beverly Farzin-Nia
Samantha Feld
Ana Ferman
Liz Ferrell
Karin Fielding
Harry Finkel
Aurora Flores
Sylvia Foos
Shirley Ford
Stephen Forstadt
Susan Forstadt
Mariann Fragner
Patricia Franklin
Betty Freitag
Simone Friedman
Crystal Fryman
Lynne Gabriel
Brian Gadinsky
Linda Galati
Dana Galen
Siyan Gan
Jan Garber
Regina Garcia
Rocio Garcia
Susan Garcia
Karen Garipay
Marc Garlett
Eileen Gates
Suzanne Geary
Jennifer Gerich
Carole Gibson
Lindsey Gilchrist
Judy Gish
Betsy Gleijeses
Phyllis Elaine
Sherry Goddard
Joyce Goldstein
Janice Goodman
Judith GrahamJohnson
Ariel GreenspunGale
Diane Grooms
Catherine Grosz
Sandra Guerrero
Shari Gulian
Dahlia Gutierrez
Patty Guzman
Lori Haas
Lynda Hadjian
Lauri Halderman
Lisa Hall
Danielle Hanne
Ana Hanson
Pamela Haring
Maithe Harispe
Susan (Blair)
Alvin Jay (A.Jay)
Kristin Haro
Elton Harps
Kay Harter
Fiona Harwich
Ina Haugen
Andrea Hein
Ashley Heldman
Marsha Heller
Elizabeth Hely
Sarah Henderson
Karen Henry
Sam Herod
Michael Bruce
Laura Hertz
Monica HicksJenkins
Sheila Hightower
Katherine Hill
Robert Hofland
Abbe Hofstein
Paula Hollins
Christine Hood
Elizabeth Hook
Alice Horevitz
Abigail Horton
Mary Jane Horton
Margaret (Peggy)
Ella Marie Hudson
Shannon Hunt
Rosemary Hutton
Karen Ilich
Lynn James
Ardelle Jarvis
Dona Jeffery
Linda Jenson
Kathy Barrett
Peggy Johnston
Delphia Jones
Frances Jones
Linda Jones
Nadean Jones
Sallie Jones
Sheryl Jones
Teresa Jones
Nirja Kapoor
Melissa Kasek
Maureen Kedes
Debbie Wick
Julie Kelleher
Sherry Kelley
Patricia Key
Seema Khan
Angie Kim
Faith (Young) Kim
Nahae Kayden Kim
Cameron King
Llonald King
Nancy King
Inta Kipper
Richard Kipper
Linda Klein
Ashley Koester
Courtney Koester
Rhonda Kohn
Linda Konner
Wendy Koro
Susan Kowalski
Gail Krieger
Sharon Krischer
Fran Kristof
Maria Ku
Maureen Kubli
Daniel Kubrin
Lori Kupfer
Gabriella Lacayo
Elizabeth Lane
Sylvia Lardiere
Jennifer Laughlin
Sherry Lawrence
Joan Lee
Carol Legge
Linda Levine
Michael Levine
Maya Levinson
Rachel Lipp
Stephanie Lira
Penny Liu
Ashley Loeb
Adriana Lopez
Susan Lord
Lise Lovato
Diana P. Love
Maureen Lucas
Charlotte Luey
Nancy Lyon
Marge MacLaughlin
Deepti Madan
Melanie Makaiwi
Rebecca Mansdorf
Michele Marchand
Sandra Mardesich
Teri Marias
Cheryl Marino
Carol Marlowe
Cryssol Marquez
Birdie Martin
Amanda Martindale
Candace Martinez
Lauren Martinez
Sadie Martin
Anna MathewsKeeling
Xiomara Matus
Nina Stern McCullaugh
Carolyn McGee
Elois McGehee
Rhonda McGonigle
Pamela McKniff
Catherine McMahon
Anissa McNeil
Stacy Mengel
Georgia Mercer
Kristin Meredith
Jose M. Mesa
Monica Mihell
Jan Miller
Anne Mirisch
Nancy Moffit
Thomas Moffit
Mona Mojarro
Linda Mokler
Brooke Montgomery
Dianne Moonves
Elizabeth Moore
Jennifer Morgerman
Hitochi Morimoto
Kim Mulhausen
Caitlin Mulvihill
Molly Murray
Abby Myerson
Judy Nagy
Elizabeth Nash
Kathy Nauman
Eryn O’Neal
Sherlan Neblett
Martha Needelman
Maria Nelson
David Neuman
Vy Nguyen
Nadeen Nissley
Frankie Norstad
Steven Novak
Claude (Coddy)
Natalia Olarte
Paula Olivares
Judith (Judi) Olson
Julie Olson
Justine O’Neill
Christopher Ortega
Kathleen (Kathy)
Theresa (TJ) Panzer
Carmen Paparella
Noushin Parham
Marsha Parkhill
Hethie Parmesano
Nancy Paul
Jessica Payne
Shannon Payne
Pamela Payton
Toni Peck
Cynthia Perez
Robert Perkins
Kara Perry
John Peterson
Peter Petzold
Melinda Pike
Jacquelyn Pinder
Karen Pines
Lynn Pittenger
Leslie Podolsky
Madeleine Poiesz
Eleni Polakoff
Michael Polk
Pamela Potts
Helene Powers
Ann Pratt
Charles Pratt
Susan Preston-Martin
Sandra Price
Gayle Prince
Carol Pursuit
Cassandra Quilantang
Danielle Quilici
Regina Gartrell Quinn
Mirit Rabinovitz
Robin Ramage
Manuel Ramirez
Donna Ramos
Ellen Rand
Rebecca Rankin
Marlene Rapkin
K. Leigh Ray
Cecilia Raymundo
Richard Redman
Sue Redman
Susan Reinford
Neil Reynolds
Sondra Reynolds
Amy Ricafranca
Gale Rice
Debbie Richardson
Thomas Richardson Jr.
Virginia Richie
Mary Lynn Richmond
Roger Ridlehoover
Carmen Riley
Melissa Rios
Edith Rivas
Jason Roach
Sue Roediger
Adria Romero
Judith Rosen
Kim Rosenfield
Thelma Rosiak
Charlotte (Taylor) Ross
Alissa Roston
Don Rothman
Taryn Rudow
Carol Rush
Tony Russell
Rebekah Ruswick
Jerri Safron
June Sale
Alayne Sampson
Bethany Samuel
Sandra Sanchez
Lana Sanei
Helen Satorius
Vincent Schodolski
Janice Schultz
Helen Louise
Mary Beth Schwartz
Judith SchwartzBehar
Abby Segall
Jason Sellnow
Rebecca (Becki)
Irene Shandell
Sandra Shaw
Eileen Sheiniuk
Colleen Sheldon
Wen Shen
Amy Shim
Michelle Shirley
Alfred Sicard
Carol Sida
Susan Siegmund
Daniel Silva
Lisa-Marie Silver
Jenny Silverman
Alisha Simms
Rosario Simpson
Diana Sipes
Judy Smith
Liza Smith
Roxann Smith
Marion Snedeker
Sandra Solis
Joanne Solov
Cristina Soriano
Ronald Sparks
Martin Spear
Cheryl Spencer
Sharon Stacey
David Stein
Katheryn Steward
Ronald Stewart
Kira Stiglich
Rosemary Stocksdale
Jonathan Stoeckly
Marcia Strauss
Virginia Stringer
Judith Sweet
Armin Szatmary
Eleanor Tablada
Wendy Takemoto
Karen Taylor
Janice Tecimer
Lynn Temple
Mary Jo Thatcher
Samuel Thomas
Vanessa Thornton
Janet Todosychuk
Tobhiyah Tommaney
Kenneth Topolsky
Christa Toro
Karen J. Travis
Cynthia Triana
Carol Truscott
Yvone Tseng
Robert Turbin
Kimberly Turner
Toi Turner
Richard Ur
Jennifer Valentine
Kay Van Horn
Cheryl VanDenberg
Ida VanderPoorte
Jocelyn Vargas
Michelle Vasquez
Franco Vega
Tamara Vegos
Celeste Vos
Julie Wade
Mary Lou Walbergh
Randy Walker
Istimah Wallace
Phil Ward
Alan Warfield
Alice Warsinske
Janell Watts
Patricia Webster
Stephanie Weier
Judy Weinstein
Charles (Wayne)
Cindy Wexler
Sheila Whalen
Maureen Wharton
Erika White
Cynthia Whitlock
Katalina Whitman
Ann-Jeanette (Angie)
Christine Wicksell
Stacey Widger
Alison Wilcox
Bill Willen
Anita Williams
Kristine Williams
Melanie Williams
Sonjia Williams
Susan M. Williams
Tania Williams
Beth Wilson
Jeanne Wilson
Malka Wilson
Patricia Winters
Barbara Wiseman
Dawn Witte
Leina Wong
Denise Wright
Ann Wu
Nancy Yadav
Madeline Yarbrough
Denise Yeh
Patricia Young
Carol Younger-Lewis
Jean Youngquist
Judy Zaidner
Maryam Zand
Harriet Zaretsky
Molly Zbojniewicz
Marie Zondler
Betty Zupancic
Tami Zussman
Justice Jog 2013
Norma Ayala
Nilo Bolden
Linda Di Meglio
Al Fagins
Cindy Fortune
Maricela Gonzalez
Kimberly Holme
Francie Jones
Shaun Morrison
Terri Oppelt
Elaine van Rensburg
Christine Reynaert
Susan Seales
Kameron Stout
Ken Sweet
Mark Verbecken
Ruby Wayne
Terri Wind
Steven Zelman
Glamour Gowns
2014 Committee
Kristen DeLeo, Chair
Karen BravermanFreeman
Paulette Chulack
Susan Herron
Sue Marshall
Tracee Maxwell
Anissa McNeil
Jennifer Parker-Stanton
Sandi Romero-Boada
Joanne Solov
Cortez Wilks
Christine Yick
Our Donors
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
BCM Foundation
Carl & Roberta Deutsch
The Eisner Foundation Inc.
Greater Los Angeles
Auto Show
W. M. Keck Foundation
Louis and Carolyn Lucido
Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
RGK Foundation
Rose Hills Foundation
S. Mark Taper Foundation
Weingart Foundation
$25,000 – $99,999
Allison and Frank Addante
Annenberg Foundation
Atlas Family Foundation
Tama and Paul Deitch
John Gogian Family Foundation
Greater Los Angeles
Association of Legal
George Hoag Family
The Mark Hughes Foundation
Judicial Council of California
LA Women’s Circle of Giving
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey
Los Angeles Superior Court,
Juror Donations
Maureen and Robert Andrew
Bowen H. & Janice Arthur
McCoy Charitable
National CASA Association
Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker
Family Foundation
Riordan Foundation
Sawchuk Family Foundation
Scriba Family Foundation
WHH Foundation
Anonymous (2)
$10,000 – $24,999
Allen & Company LLC
Angell Foundation
Beam Foundation
Judith and Thomas Beckmen
Bloomberg L.P.
Blum & Poe, LLC
Albert & Elaine Borchard
Foundation, Inc
California Community
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
John W. Carson Foundation
Children’s Court Parking Trust
George Cohon
Crail-Johnson Foundation
Susan & Peter Csato
Carrie Estelle Doheny
Friars Charitable Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Greater Los Angeles New Car
Dealers Association
Henry L. Guenther Foundation
Hedge Funds Care/Help for
Susan F. and Michael
Bruce Herron
Joan Jones
Kaiser Permanente Los
Angeles Medical Center
Jo Ann & Charles Kaplan
Lisa Kaz
Morgan Stanley
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
Deena and Edward Nahmias
Allyson Pfeifer
Anna and Raymond P. Randall
Kyle Rudow Memorial Fund
The Albert & Bettie
Sacchi Foundation
Cynthia and Sheldon Stone
Dwight Stuart Youth Fund
TJX Foundation
Union Bank
U.S. Bancorp Fund Services
Ralph Walter
$5,000 – $9,999
Adamma Foundation
Ajay Inc.
American Continental
Group, Inc.
Bank of America
Frances & Benjamin Benenson
Foundation Inc.
Kathryne Beynon Foundation
Marilyn and Steven N. Bloom
BNY Mellon
Bishop Jon Bruno
Glenn Cardoso
Carsey Living Trust
Jeannette & Kenneth R. Chiate
Gregory Collins
Computech Corporation
Pippa & Jeremy Davies, O.B.E.
The DeKernion Family
Ernst & Young LLP
Tamara Feld
Rhonda Fleming Foundation
Foster Care Counts
Fragner Seifert Pace &
Winograd, LLP
Frandzel Robins Bloom
& Csato LC
John Frank
Marsi and Cantor
Chayim Frenkel
Betsy Gleijeses
Deborah Greaves
Grandpoint Bank
Greenberg Glusker Fields
Claman & Machtinger LLP
Morris A. Hazan Family
The Dillon Henry Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
West Los Angeles
Kayne Foundation
KLM Foundation
Locke, Lord, Bissell
& Liddell LLP
MAXIMUS Charitable
JP Morgan
NBC Universal
The Neighborhood Church
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
Pittman LLP
Melinda Lerner Powell
and John Powell
John Purcell
Frances H. and Roger Alan
James M. Rishwain Jr.
George Sapp
Kevin Savage
Showtime Networks, Inc.
Shulman Hodges & Bastian LLP
Eric Smidt
Joanne and Lessing C. Solov
Samuel and Helene
Soref Foundation
Nancy Stephens and
Rick Rosenthal
Karen and Tony Stuart
Swanton Family Foundation
Judith A. Sweet and Eugene
Tanner Mainstain Blatt
Stephen Taylor
Patricia and Anthony
UBS Financial
Ida VanderPoorte
Frederick R. Weisman
Philanthropic Foundation
Wells Fargo
Erika and Paul White
Patricia and William J. Young
Jean and Robert Youngquist
$2,500 – $4,999
Leticia Acosta
Barbara Arlow and
Gerald Pease
Associated Services
Andrea and Roger Barton
Mary Ann and Thomas Bell
Beverly Hills Rotary
Community Foundation
Blakely Sokoloff Taylor
& Zafman, LLP
Inell Chase
Eric Crowther
Danny DeVito &
Rhea Perlman Family
Doll, Amir & Eley LLP
The Elizabeth Foundation
Exotic Euro Cars
Far East National Bank
Farmers Insurance Group
Vincent Fiorillo
Ariel Greenspun Gale
Lola Jackson and
Dilys Garcia
Jeff Gold
The Samuel Goldwyn
Andrea and Ronald L. Hein
Ellen Hoberman
Kappa Alpha Theta - Eta Mu
Chapter Occidental College
Kappa Alpha Theta - University
of California Los Angeles
Beta Xi Chapter
Lori Stockton Kozak
and Gerald Kozak
Anissa McNeil, Ed.D.
Nancy and Patrick Morrison
Christine Ofiesh
Marlene and Michael Rapkin
Linda Rosenblum
Jerri Lee and Marshal Safron
Salter Family Charitable
Vincent Schodolski
Nadya Scott
Neil Selman
Anthony Shaw
Valley Community
Legal Foundation
of San Fernando
Watson Land Company
Western Alliance Bank
Elizabeth G. Zaillian
Alan Zaretsky
$1,000 – $2,499
AAV Charitable Lead
Laurie Adami
Naz Afshar
Keith Allen-Niesen
Linda and Andrew K.
Jefferson Asher Jr.
Marshall August
Reena & Ryan Awai
David Barclay
Jane and William Bemis
Roberta S. and Ronald
A. Bloom
Brentwood Presbyterian
Renne and Bruce Bilson
Barbara A. Bruner
California Charcoal &
Firewood, Inc.
Danielle E. Caluwaerts
and Brett L. Reed
Joyce and David
Judith Carroll
Certified Property
Company, LLC
Christie, Parker &
Hale, LLP
Paulette and Christopher
Cindy Chew
City National Bank
Jeri and Timothy Clackett
The Claro Group, LLC
Cathleen M. Cobb
Kathy and David Cohen
Frederic W. Cook &
Co. Inc.
Cresa Los Angeles
Elsie and Lyle Cripe
Madeline R. Cripe
Lynn Hopton-Davis
and Greg Davis
Sean Dayani
DeVito Family Trust
Eva and Terrence Dibble
DirecTV, LLC
Richard Duncan
Kevin Durkin
Rachel Dworkin
Melissa Ertek
Robb Evans & Associates
Abdallah S. and
Dee Farrukh
Karin Barter Fielding and
Jonathan E. Fielding
Carmen Finestra
Melea Fisher
Michael Fletcher
Paulette Florina
Karen Freeman
Betty and Thomas
Newton Friese
Peter Gilhuly
Richard Ginchereau
Jolyon Gissell
Istimah Glasgow-Wallace
Nancy Good
Mark Gordon
Alix Greenblat and
Irv Gross
Alice and Ira Handelman
Barry Harvey
Margaret S. Henry
Marc Herron
Jeffrey Hess
Jennifer Hinman
Lewis Horne
Nathaniel Howe
Ernie Hudson
Marcia Jacobson
Lynn M. James
Jewish World Watch
Kathy and Kirk Johnson
Peggy Johnston
Peter Johnston
Bruce Karatz
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Michelle Koza
Carol and Richard
Lancaster Honda
Evelyn and John
Law Advocates of
Los Angeles
Tricia Legittino
Rachel Lipp
Benny Lujan
Kimberly Lund and
Harold Rosenfield
Joan and Francis
Debbie Maimes
Susan and Dr. Clifford
Laurie and Thomas
E. McCarthy
James B. McKenna
Tim McQuillen
Bernard Meldrum
Georgia Mercer
Dianne Moonves
Stan Morris
Associates, LLC
Brett Munger
Michelle Murphy and
Robert Perkins
Tomoko Nagashima
Jeremy O’Hara
Nancy and Michael
E. Pappas
Nancy Jo and Jeffrey
W. Paul
Stephen Paul
PCV-VRM Seeds of
Judith E. Peetz and
John G. Peetz Jr.
David Quick
Tiffany Quick
R. Rex Parris
Greg Raifman
Todd Reit
Rabbi Steven Carr
Janice Reznik
Craig Roah
Anne Roberts
Rebekah Ruswick
The Saade Family
Charitable Foundation
AJ Safavi
Robyn Samuels and
Bruce A. Shragg
Eric Schiffer
Larry Schnaid
Julie and Gregg Seltzer
Sierra Toyota
Martin D. Singer
Laurence Solov
Sony Pictures
Nancy Stark and Stanley
David Stein
Melissa Stifano
Anneli and Mark Stone
Donna S. and John A.
Strauss Foundation
Susan Steinbach
Summit Enterprises
Telecom Pioneers
Patrick Townzen
Elinor and Rubin M.
Michael Tramontin
June and Derek Treherne
Valley Beth Shalom
Kay and Richard
Van Horn
Sheila Wasserman
The John & Marilyn Wells
Family Foundation
NanLan Ye
E. Goldsmith Zaillian
Johnny Zamrzla
Molly Zbojniewicz
$500 – $999
Ahern Insurance
Anita and Arthur Aratow
Karunyan and Inpamani
Susan Baroni
Carol O. and Frank J.
Julie Fox Blackshaw
Jay I. Bloom
Susan and Jon Brandler
Mark Brownstein
Mari Bukofsky
Andy Bussmann
Charles Chiparo
Citizens Business Bank
Virginia and William
Areta and Clarence R.
John Dellaverson
Delta Prime Management
Sandra Demitroff
Kurth DeMoss
Sheryl and Richard
Joan Doren
Gail Ellis
Nancy Epstein
Ken Fisher
Melissa Forcella
Ford & Serviss, LLP
Leroy Foster
Glenn Freeman
Ian Friedman
Ai Chun Fu
Rene Gilbertson
Elliott Gilson
Marcie and Cliff
Sandra Guerrero
The Hacker Family
Charitable Foundation
Timothy Hayes Financial
& Insurance Services,
Elizabeth K. Henry
High Desert Medical
Katherine Hill
Kathy Ishii
Kathy Jarvis
Stephanie Jensen
Timothy Johnson
Delphia Jones
Diane Kabat
Marilyn Kading and
Marshall R. Martinez
Kaiser Permanente
Panorama City
Tracy and Rob Kane
Kappa Alpha Theta University of Southern
California Omicron
John Kennedy
M. Kinder
Cameron King
Inta Astrida Kipper
and Richard Norman
Darren Kishimoto
Michael Kong
Bob Kosof
Neil Langberg
Sylvia Lardiere
Karon and Thomas R.
Robert and Carolyn
C. Lee
Richard and Robin
Gabriel Lister
Anthony Lucente
Marge Colyear
MacLaughlin and
William A. MacLaughlin
Mary Lynn Marrs
Nina Stern McCullaugh
Anne Mirisch
Morgan Stanley
Martha Needelman
Heather and David Nevell
Linh-Han Hoang Nguyen
Aaron Noble
Mary E. O’ConnellLussier
Mike O’Donnell
Michelle Oyler
Eleane and John Pang
Hethie and Phillip
Peter Parros
Barbara Patison
Eric Porres
T. R. Powers
Carol and Craig B.
Linda Purtell
Chad Rach
Nicholas Ralbovsky
Ellen Rand
Elaine Richards
Lois Rosen
Kathryn Schloessman
Nancy Selik
Lisa Sheasgreen-Hall
Lynn Shin
Dana and Stephen
Damon Skelton
Roberta Smith, M.D.
Stephen Smith
Marilyn Speakman
Dan Spelling
Phyllis Spierer
JP Stanton
Randy Stegmeier
Diana Taft
Corie Tappin
Justin Thomas
Ronald Tutor
Frank Visco
Nancy and Robert Wallan
Bill Waller
Brett Walter
Blake Warner
Rebekah Warren
Water Heater Man
David Weiss
Cindy and Robert Wexler
Maureen Wharton
Kim White and Edward
E. Peterson
Cecil Widdifield
Alison S. and Brian
Carolyn F. and Bill Willen
S. Mark Williams
Women’s Canadian Club
of Los Angeles
David Wright
Michele and Donald
Mark Zarem
Marie Zondler
Financial Statements
Fiscal Year 2014
Statement of Financial Position
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts and pledges receivable, current portion
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total current assets
$ 1,043,195
$ 1,083,874
Accounts and pledges receivable, net of current portion
Property and equipment, net
Total assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Statement of Activities
$ 1,864,978
$ 322,566
$ 186,810
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 2,107,534
Net assets
$ 2,107,534
$ 1,864,978
Government grants
Donated volunteer services
Donated rent and other
Gala event
Special events
Other revenue
$ 985,108
$ 1,426,194
$ 2,411,302
$ 2,179,321
Net assets released from restrictions:
Satisfaction of program restrictions
Total support
Total revenue
Program services
Management and general
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
A full copy of the fiscal year 2014 audit is available at www.casala.org.
$ 227,932
$ 1,557,036
$ 1,784,968
$ 1,678,168
Board of Directors and Staff
Fiscal Year 2014
Rosa Arevalo, Senior Program Coordinator
Hannah Baron, Americorps Volunteer Services Coordinator
Robert Berman, Director of Finance and Administration
Louise Bieschke, Senior Program Coordinator
Lesley Bois, Regional Manager
Kelsie Brunick, Senior Program Coordinator
Nahtahna Cabanes, Community Outreach Coordinator
Marie Carpenter, Development Associate
Yesenia Collier, Program Assistant/Volunteer Services
Board of Directors
James Rishwain, Jr., President
Paul Deitch, Vice President
Edward Nahmias, Treasurer
Angela Daughtry, Senior Program Coordinator
Anneli Stone, Secretary
Randy Duke, Senior Program Coordinator
Frank Addante
Lynne Gabriel, Volunteer Services Director
Judy Beckmen
Dilys Tosteson Garcia, Executive Director
Steve Carlston
Brenda Gonzalez, Administrative Assistant
Greg Collins
Lauri Halderman, Senior Program Coordinator
Peter Csato
Monica Hicks-Jenkins, Administrative Assistant to the
Executive Director
Jeremy Davies, O.B.E.
Elizabeth Hook, Senior Program Coordinator
Bruce Herron
Dana Johnson, Senior Program Coordinator
Lynn James
Linda Jones, Senior Program Coordinator
Lori Kozak
Gabriella Lacayo, Program Assistant
Lou Lucido
Adriana Lopez, Senior Program Coordinator
Anissa McNeil, Ed.D.
Michael Marquez, CRM Data Analyst
Dan Nabel
Mark McBride, Events and Major Gifts
Allyson Pfeifer
Carolyn McGee, Senior Program Coordinator
Ray Randall
Nancy Nagel, Development and Communications Director
Cristine Reynaert
Jessica Payne, Evaluation and Research Manager
Roger Ridlehoover
Eleni Polakoff, Senior Program Coordinator
AJ Safavi
Gracia Shaheen, Community Outreach Director
Daniel Silva
Elizabeth Stauffer, Volunteer Services Coordinator
Ralph Walter
Kurt Swanson, Operations Director
Jean Youngquist
Rosalee E. Villalobos, Program Director
Kristen DeLeo, Glamour Gowns Chair
Cynthia Whitlock, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator
Jacqueline Dolan, Founding President
Tania Williams, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
Dilys Tosteson Garcia, Executive Director
Deborah Greaves
CASA of Los Angeles’ mission is to
mobilize community volunteers to
advocate and make a difference
for abused and neglected children
in foster care.
Main Office
Antelope Valley Office
201 Centre Plaza Drive, Suite 1100
Monterey Park, CA 91754-2142
Phone: 323.859.2888
Fax: 323.264.5020
1040 West Avenue J, Room 1153
Lancaster, CA 93534-3329
Phone: 661.723.CASA(2272)
Fax: 661.723.2219
For more information about
volunteering with CASA in Los Angeles,
email [email protected].
For more information about volunteering
with CASA in the Antelope Valley,
email [email protected].
All photography by
Margaret Molloy except that
of Mr. Rishwain, page 1.