Elevator - ThyssenKrupp Northern Elevator Corporation
Elevator - ThyssenKrupp Northern Elevator Corporation
Elevator PlanningGuide tk NorthernElevator tk NorthernElevator Developingthefuture. GlobalStrength Theworldhaschangedfortoday'ssuccessfulbuildingowners, designersandcontractors.Short-termspeculationisoutof fashion.Valueisonceagainbeingrecognized.Yourdecisions mustberight—bothfortodayanddecadestocome.ThisNew WorldisreflectedbythemembersofThyssenKruppElevator Worldwide.Individually,wehaveaheritageofsuccess. Combined,weareapartofoneoftheworld'slargestelevator companies,withhundredsofthousandsofinstallationstoour credit.Yourdecisionsneedtostandthetestoftime.Choose thecompaniesofThyssenKruppElevatorWorldwideforthe assuranceonlyacompanywithglobalstrengthcanoffer. CONTENTS GlobalStrength............................................................................. InternationalEngineering ...................................................................... ThyssenKruppNorthernElevatorProducts.......................................................... GearlessOverheadPassengerElevators(frontopening) ................................................ GearlessOverheadPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening).......................................... GearedOverheadPassengerElevators(frontopening) ................................................. GearedOverheadPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening)........................................... GearedOverheadHospitalElevators(frontopening) ................................................... GearedOverheadHospitalElevators(frontandrearopening) ............................................ GearedBasementPassengerElevators(frontopening) ................................................. GearedBasementPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening) .......................................... GearedSidemountPassengerElevators(frontopening) ................................................ GearedSidemountPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening) .......................................... TwinPostRopedHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontopening)........................................... TwinPostRopedHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening) .................................... TwinPostRopedHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontopening) ............................................ TwinPostRopedHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontandrearopening) ...................................... TwinPostHolelessHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontopening) ......................................... TwinPostHolelessHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening)................................... TwinPostHolelessHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontopening) ........................................... TwinPostHolelessHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontandrearopening) .................................... InGroundHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontopening) ............................................... InGroundHydraulicPassengerElevators(frontandrearopening) ......................................... InGroundHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontopening) ................................................. InGroundHydraulicHospitalElevators(frontandrearopening)........................................... PassengerEntrances......................................................................... SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables ....................................................... WorkNotIncludedintheElevatorContract ......................................................... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 InternationalEngineering Technologyhasbecomeaglobalcommodity.Thebestideas cannolongerbecontainedbyboundariesordistance.Being aworldclasscompanymeansbeingabletobringourclients thebenefitsofworldwideengineeringexcellence. ThemembersofThyssenKruppElevatorWorldwide manufactureafulllineofverticaltransportationsystems including: • Hydraulicelevatorsfeaturingmicroprocessorcontrols. • Environmentallyfriendlyholelessandropedhydraulic elevators. • Mid-risegearedcableelevatorswiththemostadvanced ACVVVFandDCSCRmotordrivesintheindustry. • High-risegearlesselevators. • Escalatorsandpowerwalks,includingexclusiveheavy-duty designsfortransitandoutdoorapplications. • Handicappedaccessandotherspecialtylifts. STELLARSERVICE Itisnotenoughtojustbebig.Ourpromisetoyoureaches muchhigher.Simply,ourservicetoourclientsmustbethe best.ThatisthepledgeofthemembersofThyssenKrupp ElevatorWorldwide. Wearecommittedtopreservingaheritage,whichrecallsthe sourcesofoursuccess—ourabilitytomeettheindividual needsofclients—oneatatime—dayafterday.Countonusto meetthehighstandardsyousetforyourprojects. 3 tk NorthernElevatorProducts ThyssenKruppNorthernElevatorisafulllinemanufacturerof verticaltransportationequipment.Ourfactoriesproducea completerangeofgearless,geared,hydraulic,andspecialty elevators. GEARLESSELEVATORS Designedforawiderangeofcapacitiesandspeedsfrom500 FPMto700FPM,ourgearlesselevatorsincorporatethemost advancedcontrollertechnologyavailableintheindustry.Our Northstar9000system,withartificialintelligencebasedlogic dispatchingandclosed-loopfeedbackmotioncontrol,expertly directstheactivitiesofelevatorgroupsofupto8carsserving asmanyas72floors. GEAREDELEVATORS Ourgearedelevatorsystemsareavailableforcapacitiesfrom 2100lbsto6000lbsandspeedsfrom150FPMto500FPM. WeareoneofNorthAmerica'smostprominentmanufacturers ofhighefficiencygearedmachines,overspeed safeties, governorsandrollerguides.Ourcontrolsystemsfeature closed-loopVariableVoltageVariableFrequency(VVVF)drive systems,microprocessorbasedlogicandtheindustry'smost completesetofintegratedsafetyfeatures. HYDRAULICELEVATORS WeofferthemostcompletelineofhydraulicelevatorsinNorth America.Pre-engineeredandcustomelevatorsforcapacities from2100lbsto6000lbsandspeedsfrom50to175FPMare available.Wefeatureconventionaldirect-actingdesignsinboth holedandholelessapplication,aswellasuniqueroped holelesshydraulicdesigns,whichextendtheapplicationrange forhydraulicsystemsbeyondpreviouslimits. 4 GearlessOverheadPassengerElevators- FrontOpening Speed (fpm) (m/s) 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO** SSorCO CO (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 8'-4" 2540 6'-9" 2058 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-3" 2210 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-11" 2413 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 7'-11" 2413 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 500fpm 2.50m/s 700fpm 3.5m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 PitDepth"G" 500fpm 2.50m/s 700fpm 3.5m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 PlatformDepth"B" OpeningWidth"C" TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" HoistwayDepth"E" HoistwayWidth"DD" Hoist Beam Concrete slab (Machine Beams Optional) B 4000 1815 E 3500 1600 9'-0" [2743 mm] 3000 1380 F Overhead 2500 1160 Travel (lbs) (kg) 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening Capacity 2" [51 mm] Gearlesselevatorsarethecorrectselectionwhereverbuilding heightorextremepopulationdensitydictatesthehighestlevel ofelevatorperformance.Sophisticatedmotorcontrolsensure highoperatingspeedsandminimumfloor-to-floorflighttimes, withoutsacrificingpassengercomfortandsafety.Contactour salesrepresentativesforguidanceindeterminingwhetheryour projectdemandstheelitelevelofservicegearlesselevators havetooffer. 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. C G Pit 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. A 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired. ConsultyourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. D Elevation Single Slide Doors 6.Atfloorsthatarenotserved(expresszone),fronthoistwaywallmustbebuiltin reducinghoistwaydepth"E"by3"[76mm]. E 8.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". B 7.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevator codes. **Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A D 4" [102 mm] DD 5 Center Opening Doors Capacity (lbs) (kg) 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 500to700 2.5to3.5 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO** SSorCO CO (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 9'-4" 2845 6'-7" 2007 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-1" 2159 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 18'-0" 5486 10'-4" 3150 7'-9" 2362 20'-0" 6096 Overhead"F" 500fpm 2.50m/s 700fpm 3.5m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 20'-0" 6096 24'-0" 7315 PitDepth"G" 500fpm 2.50m/s 700fpm 3.5m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 9'-0" 2743 12'-0" 3658 PlatformDepth"B" Hoist Beam OpeningWidth"C" Concrete slab (Machine Beams Optional) 9'-0" [2743 mm] 2" [51 mm] GearlessOverheadPassengerElevators- FrontandRearOpening TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening E B Travel 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only F Overhead HoistwayDepth"E" HoistwayWidth"DD" 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. G Pit C A 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. Single Slide Doors Elevation 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired. ConsultyourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. E + 2" [51mm] 6.Atfloorsthatarenotserved(expresszone),fronthoistwaywallmustbebuiltin reducinghoistwaydepth"E"by3"[76mm]. B 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only D E 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 7.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevator codes. 8.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". **Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A 4" [102 mm] D DD Center Opening Doors 6 GearedOverheadPassengerElevators- FrontOpening Gearedelevatorsareusedinmid-tohigh-riseresidential, commercialmid-riseandfreightapplications.Referredtoas gearedtractionelevators,theypossessrelativelyfast,smooth acceleration,energy-savingefficiencyandhavecontractspeed upto500fpm[2.5m/s]. (fpm) (m/s) 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO PlatformDepth"B" OpeningWidth"C" TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" SS**orCO*** SSorCO** (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 6'-7" 2007 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 6'-7" 2007 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-1" 2159 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-9" 2362 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 HoistwayDepth"E" HoistwayWidth"DD" 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. 14'-0" [4267 mm] Mach. Room Hoist Beam Concrete slab (Machine Beams Optional) B Speed E 4000 1815 7'-6" [2286 mm] 3500 1600 F Overhead 3000 1380 Travel MAX. 320 ft [97,536 mm] 2500 1160 C G Pit 2100 950 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening (lbs) (kg) 2" [51 mm] Capacity A D Single Slide Doors Elevation 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. B 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. E 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 6.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 7.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A D 4" [102 mm] DD 7 Center Opening Doors GearedOverheadPassengerElevators- FrontandRearOpening Gearedelevatorswithafrontandreardoorconfigurationincrease flexibilityoftheoverallelevatordesign.Throughcarsassistin themovementofgoods,furniture,andpassengers.Inaddition differentfrontandrearfloorlevelscaneasilybeaccommodated inexistingbuildings. Capacity (lbs) (kg) 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO PlatformDepth"B" 2" [51 mm] 14'-0" [4267 mm] Mach. Room OpeningWidth"C" Hoist Beam Concrete slab (Machine Beams Optional) 7'-6" [2286 mm] TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 8'-4" 2540 6'-7" 2007 16'-0" 4877 9'-4" 2845 6'-7" 2007 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-1" 2159 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 18'-0" 5486 10'-4" 3150 7'-9" 2362 20'-0" 6096 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 16'-0" 4877 17'-0" 5182 17'-6" 5334 18'-6" 5639 18'-6" 5639 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 HoistwayDepth"E" G Pit C Travel MAX. 320 ft [97,536 mm] 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening E B 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only F Overhead HoistwayWidth"DD" A SS**orCO*** SSorCO** D Single Slide Doors 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only Elevation 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. B E 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 6.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 7.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". C *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. A 4" [102 mm] D DD Center Opening Doors 8 GearedOverheadHospitalElevators- FrontOpening Ourgearedhospitalelevatorsmeetthestringentcapacity,safety, anddurabilitydemandsimposedbyhigh-traffichospital,nursing home,andothercarefacilityapplications. (fpm) (m/s) 200to500 1.0to2.5 200to450 1.0to2.25 200to400 1.0to2.0 200to350 1.0to1.75 200to350 1.0to1.75 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-4" 1626 8'-4" 2540 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 8'-4" 2540 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 8'-10" 2692 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-6" 2896 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 10'-4" 3150 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 9'-2" 2794 15'-1" 4597 8'-0" 2438 9'-2" 2794 16'-5" 5004 8'-0" 2438 9'-8" 2946 16'-5" 5004 8'-1" 2464 10'-4" 3150 16'-7" 5055 8'-7" 2616 11'-2" 3404 17'-7" 5359 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 19'-0" 5791 19'-0" 5791 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 19'-0" 5791 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-0" 1829 6'-0" 1829 6'-0" 1829 PlatformDepth"B" OpeningWidth"C" TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" HoistwayDepth"E" HoistwayWidth"DD" 17'-0" [5182 mm] Mach. Room Hoist Beam Concrete slab (Machine Beams Optional) B Speed E 6000 2720 7'-6" [2286 mm] 5000 2270 F Overhead 4500 2040 Travel MAX 250 ft [76,200 mm] 4000 1815 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening 3500 1600 C A D G Pit (lbs) (kg) 2" [51 mm] Capacity 2 Speed Opening Doors 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. Elevation 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. B 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. E 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 6.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 7.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". C A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 9 GearedOverheadHospitalElevators- FrontandRearOpening Alsosuitedtoservice/freightuseincommercial,hotel,and residentialfacilities,thesizeandshapeoftheseelevatorsallow easymovementofbulkyhospitalbeds,testequipment,andother cargointoandoutoftheelevatorcar. Capacity (lbs) (kg) 3500 1600 4000 1815 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 200to500 1.0to2.5 200to450 1.0to2.25 200to400 1.0to2.0 200to350 1.0to1.75 200to350 1.0to1.75 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-4" 1626 9'-1" 2769 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 9'-1" 2769 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-7" 2921 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 10'-3" 3124 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 11'-1" 3378 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 10'-0" 3048 15'-1" 4597 8'-0" 2438 10'-0" 3048 16'-5" 5004 8'-0" 2438 10'-6" 3200 16'-5" 5004 8'-1" 2464 11'-2" 3404 16'-7" 5055 8'-7" 2616 12'-0" 3658 17'-7" 5359 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 19'-0" 5791 19'-0" 5791 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 19'-0" 5791 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 17'-6" 5334 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 16'-6" 5029 17'-6" 5334 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-0" 1829 6'-0" 1829 6'-0" 1829 PlatformDepth"B" OpeningWidth"C" 2" [51 mm] 17'-0" [5182 mm] Mach. Room TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" Hoist Beam Concrete slab F Overhead C A 4" [102 mm] Recess At Rear Opening Levels Only G Pit D Travel MAX 250 ft [76,200 mm] 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening B E 4" [102 mm] Recess At Rear Opening Levels Only (Machine Beams Optional) 7'-6" [2286 mm] HoistwayDepth"E" 2 Speed Opening Doors HoistwayWidth"DD" 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. Elevation 2.Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner. 3.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 4.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. B E 5.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. 6.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 7.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". C A 5" [127 mm] Max. D DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 10 GearedBasementPassengerElevators- FrontOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 150to350 150to350 150to350 150to350 150to350 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 7'-0" 2134 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 7'-0" 2134 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-6" 2286 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 8'-2" 2489 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 8'-2" 2489 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) Sheave Beams 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 Governor Access Door (see note #4) 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. F Overhead PitDepth"G" 150fpmto350fpm (ft) 0.75m/sto1.75m/s (mm) 2.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 3.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 4.Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspaceforaccess toelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverningcode. 5.Furnishinplaceapermanentprotectivepartitionbetweenthehoistwayandmachineroomin accordancetogoverningcode. Travel MAX. 160 ft [48,768 mm] 6.Concretefoundation(byothers)3000psiminimumistobepouredinoneoperationafter machineanchorframesetinplace. 7.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. 8.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 9.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening G Pit Concrete Foundation *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. MIN Opng. 6'-0" [1829 mm] See note #5 Elevation B B E E 8'-0" [2438 mm] Machine Room 8'-0" [2438 mm] Machine Room See note #6 C 11 C A D 4" [102 mm] DD Single Slide Doors A D Single Slide Doors GearedBasementPassengerElevators- FrontandRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) 2100 950 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 TypeofEntrance 3500 1600 4000 1815 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 8'-4" 2540 6'-7" 2007 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 6'-7" 2007 19'-0" 5792 9'-4" 2845 7'-1" 2159 19'-0" 5792 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 19'-0" 5792 10'-4" 3150 7'-9" 2362 21'-0" 6402 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto350fpm (ft) 0.75m/sto1.75m/s (mm) 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 5'-6" 1676 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. F Overhead Governor Access Door (see note #4) 3000 1380 150to350 150to350 150to350 150to350 150to350 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 0.75to1.75 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) Sheave Beams 2500 1160 2.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded(symmetrically opposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 3.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 4.Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspaceforaccess toelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverningcode. 5.Furnishinplaceapermanentprotectivepartitionbetweenthehoistwayandmachineroomin accordancetogoverningcode. Travel MAX. 160 ft [48,768 mm] 7.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. 8.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 9.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. G Pit 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening See note #5 6.Concretefoundation(byothers)3000psiminimumistobepouredinoneoperationafter machineanchorframesetinplace. See note #6 B E 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only C 8'-0" [2438 mm] Machine Room Machine Room 7'-0" [2134 mm] MIN in Canada 9'-0" [2743 mm] MIN in USA E B Machine Room 7'-0" [2134 mm] MIN in Canada 9'-0" [2743 mm] MIN in USA 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only Elevation A D Single Slide Doors C A D 8'-0" [2438 mm] Machine Room 4" [102 mm] DD Single Slide Doors 8'-0" [2438 mm] Machine Room 12 GearedSidemountPassengerElevators- FrontOpening PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to450 0.75to2.25 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO SS**orCO*** SSorCO** HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 6'-7" 2007 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 6'-7" 2007 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-1" 2159 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-9" 2362 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 See note #5 Sheave Beams Governor Access Door (see note #4) F Overhead Speed (fpm) (m/s) 2100 950 3'-0" [915 mm] 9'-0" [2743 mm] MIN. Machine Room Capacity (lbs) (kg) 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. 3.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 4.Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverningcode. 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening 5.Furnishinplaceapermanentprotectivepartitionbetweenthehoistwayandmachineroom inaccordancetogoverningcode. 6.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. Travel MAX. 300 ft [91,440 mm] 2.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. G Pit 7.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 8.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". Elevation E B E C 13 B *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A A D D Single Slide Doors 4" [102 mm] DD Center Opening Doors GearedSidemountPassengerElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to500 0.75to2.5 150to450 0.75to2.25 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance 3'-0" [915 mm] Sheave Beams F Overhead Governor Access Door (see note #4) 9'-0" [2743 mm] MIN. Machine Room See note #5 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 8'-4" 2540 6'-7" 2007 16'-0" 4877 9'-4" 2845 6'-7" 2007 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-1" 2159 18'-0" 5486 9'-4" 2845 7'-9" 2362 18'-0" 5486 10'-4" 3150 7'-9" 2362 20'-0" 6096 Overhead"F" 150fpmto200fpm 0.75m/sto1.00m/s 250fpmto350fpm 1.25m/sto1.75m/s 400fpm 2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 19'-6" 5944 17'-6" 5334 18'-0" 5486 18'-6" 5639 19'-6" 5944 PitDepth"G" 150fpmto400fpm 0.75m/sto2.00m/s 450fpm 2.25m/s 500fpm 2.50m/s (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) (ft) (mm) 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 6'-6" 1981 5'-6" 1676 6'-6" 1981 1.Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof9'-0"[2743mm]. Travel MAX. 300 ft [91,440 mm] 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening 2.Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 3.Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 4.Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverningcode. 5.Furnishinplaceapermanentprotectivepartitionbetweenthehoistwayandmachineroom inaccordancetogoverningcode. 6.Wherehabitablespaceisbelowthehoistwaycounterweightsafetiesarerequired.Consult yourTKNErepresentativeforadditionalhoistwaysizerequirements. G Pit 7.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 8.ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee"Seismic Zone2orGreaterInformationTables". E B E *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. B 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only 1 1/2" [38mm] At Rear Opng. Level Only Elevation C C A A Single Slide Doors 4" [102 mm] D D DD Center Opening Doors 14 TwinPostRopedHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontOpening Ourexclusiveropedholelesshydraulicelevatorsextendthecost savingsofhydraulicelevatorusewhendifficultdrillingconditionsor environmentalconcernsmakeconventionalhydraulicelevatoruse impractical.Verticaltravelcanbeextendedtolevelspreviouslynot achievablewithhydraulicelevators. (lbs) (kg) 2100 950 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 TypeofEntrance 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** HoistwayWidth"D" 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 8'-0" 2438 5'-9" 1753 16'-4" 4978 9'-0" 2743 5'-9" 1753 18'-4" 5588 9'-0" 2743 6'-4" 1930 18'-4" 5588 9'-0" 2743 6'-11" 2108 18'-4" 5588 10'-0" 3048 6'-11" 2108 20'-4" 6198 Overhead"F" (ft) (mm) 12'-10" 3912 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 PitDepth"G" (ft) (mm) 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 Governor Access Door (see note #9) Hoist Beam F Overhead Speed (fpm) (m/s) 2500 1160 2" [51 mm] Capacity 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 3. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 5. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening 6. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 7. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 8. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. G Pit 9. Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverning code. Travel MAX 65 ft [19812 mm] See note #11 4. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. Elevation E B 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A C A 15 Single Slide Doors Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex D 4" [102mm] DD Center Opening Doors TwinPostRopedHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance 2" [51 mm] 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** HoistwayWidth"D" Governor Access Door (see note #9) 2100 950 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 8'-0" 2438 6'-81/2" 2045 16'-4" 4978 9'-0" 2743 6'-81/2" 2045 18'-4" 5588 9'-0" 2743 7'-21/2" 2197 18'-4" 5588 9'-0" 2743 7'-101/2" 2400 18'-4" 5588 10'-0" 3048 7'-101/2" 2400 20'-4" 6198 Overhead"F" (ft) (mm) 12'-10" 3912 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 PitDepth"G" (ft) (mm) 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 Hoist Beam 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 3. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. F Overhead 4. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 5. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 6. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 7. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. Travel MAX 65 ft [19812 mm] See note #11 9. Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverning code. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. G Pit 7'-0" [2134mm] Opening 8. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. A Single Slide Doors E C C D B 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E Elevation Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A 4" [102 mm] D DD Center Opening Doors 16 TwinPostRopedHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontOpening (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) 3500 1600 4000 1815 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to150 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.75 5'-4" 1626 8'-4" 2540 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 8'-4" 2540 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 8'-10" 2692 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-6" 2896 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 10'-4" 3150 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-6" 2286 9'-2" 2794 15'-4" 4674 8'-0" 2438 9'-2" 2794 16'-4" 4978 8'-0" 2438 9'-8" 2946 16'-4" 4978 8'-0" 2438 10'-4" 3150 16'-4" 4978 8'-9" 2667 11'-2" 3404 17'-10" 5436 Overhead"F" (ft) (mm) 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 PitDepth"G" (ft) (mm) 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" Governor Access Door (see note #9) 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2" [51 mm] Capacity Hoist Beam 2. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. F Overhead 3. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 4. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 5. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 6. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 7. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverning code. 7'-0" [2134mm] Opening 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". G Pit 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. Travel MAX 65 ft [19812 mm] See note #11 8. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E B E Elevation C C A A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 17 2 Speed Opening Doors D 2 Speed Opening Doors Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex TwinPostRopedHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to175 50to150 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.88 0.25to0.75 6'-0" 1829 9'-1" 2769 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-7" 2921 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 10'-3" 3124 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 11'-1" 3378 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-6" 2286 10'-4" 3150 15'-4" 4674 8'-0" 2438 10'-4" 3150 16'-4" 4978 8'-0" 2438 10'-10" 3302 16'-4" 4978 8'-0" 2438 11'-6" 3505 16'-4" 4978 8'-9" 2667 12'-4" 3759 17'-10" 5436 Overhead"F" (ft) (mm) 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 PitDepth"G" (ft) (mm) 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 5'-0" 1524 HoistwayWidth"D" 2" [51 mm] 4000 1815 5'-4" 1626 9'-1" 2769 3'-10" 1168 TypeofEntrance Governor Access Door (see note #9) 3500 1600 Hoist Beam 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. F Overhead 3. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 4. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 5. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 6. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 7. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. Travel MAX 65 ft [19812 mm] See note #11 9. Provide2'-0"x2'-0"[610mmx610mm]lockableaccessdoorinoverheadspacefor accesstoelevatorgovernorforeachelevator.Meansofaccessmustmeetgoverning code. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. G Pit 7'-0" [2134mm] Opening 8. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. B E 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E Elevation C C A D Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 2 Speed Opening Doors 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 18 TwinPostHolelessHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontOpening (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 Hoist Beam 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** 7'-4" 2235 5'-9" 1753 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 5'-9" 1753 17'-0" 5182 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO 8'-4" 2540 6'-4" 1930 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 6'-11" 2108 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 6'-11" 2108 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" Seenote1 PitDepth"G" Seenote2 F Overhead PlatformWidth"A" 2500 1160 Travel MAX 12'-6" [3810 mm] See note #11 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 2100 950 G Pit (lbs) (kg) 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening Capacity 2" [51 mm] Fortwo-stopapplications,ourdirect-actingholelesselevatorsofferverticaltransportationatthelowest possiblecost.Thesedesignsareidealforapplicationstoneworexistingbuildings,andareespeciallysuitedto fulfillingaccessibilityaccessobligationsincommercialandgovernmentalbuildings.Passengerandhospital configurationsareavailable. 1. Overheaddimension"F"isthegreaterof a)cabheightplus4'-2"[1270mm](forcarswithguardrailontopadd4")or b)travelplus3'-8"[1118mm]minuspitdepth. Elevation 2. Pitdepthis4'-0"[1219mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. E 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. C 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. Single Slide Doors 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. Forcartravelupto20ftcontactyourTKNErepresentative. E B *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A D 4" [102mm] DD Center Opening Doors 19 2" [51 mm] TwinPostHolelessHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity Hoist Beam (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) F Overhead PlatformWidth"A" Travel MAX 12'-6" [3810 mm] See note #11 HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) G Pit 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening TypeofEntrance 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** 7'-4" 2235 6'-81/2" 2045 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 6'-81/2" 2045 17'-0" 5182 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SSorCO** SSorCO CO 8'-4" 2540 7'-21/2" 2197 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-101/2" 2400 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 7'-101/2" 2400 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" Seenote1 PitDepth"G" Seenote2 1. Overheaddimension"F"isthegreaterof a)cabheightplus4'-2"[1270mm](forcarswithguardrailontopadd4")or b)travelplus3'-8"[1118mm]minuspitdepth. Elevation 2. Pitdepthis4'-0"[1219mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. C Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". Single Slide Doors 11. Forcartravelupto20ftcontactyourTKNErepresentative. E B *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. C A 4" [102 mm] D DD Center Opening Doors 20 (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 Hoist Beam 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 5'-4" 1626 8'-4" 2540 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 8'-4" 2540 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 8'-10" 2692 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-6" 2896 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 10'-4" 3150 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 7'-2" 2184 9'-2" 2794 14'-8" 4470 7'-5" 2261 9'-2" 2794 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 9'-8" 2946 15'-2" 4623 7'-9" 2362 10'-4" 3150 15'-10" 4826 8'-5" 2565 11'-2" 3404 17'-2" 5232 Overhead"F" Seenote1 PitDepth"G" Seenote2 F Overhead PlatformWidth"A" 4000 1815 Travel MAX 12'-6" [3810 mm] See note #11 Speed (fpm) (m/s) 3500 1600 G Pit (lbs) (kg) 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening Capacity 2" [51 mm] TwinPostHolelessHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontOpening 1. Overheaddimension"F"isthegreaterof a)cabheightplus4'-2"[1270mm](forcarswithguardrailontopadd4")or b)travelplus3'-8"[1118mm]minuspitdepth. Elevation 2. Pitdepthis4'-0"[1219mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. E 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. C 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 2 Speed Opening Doors 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". B E 11. Forcartravelupto20ftcontactyourTKNErepresentative. C A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 21 2" [51 mm] TwinPostHolelessHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity Hoist Beam (lbs) (kg) Speed (fpm) (m/s) (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) F Overhead PlatformWidth"A" Travel MAX 12'-6" [3810 mm] See note #11 HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) G Pit 7'-0" [2134 mm] Opening TypeofEntrance 3500 1600 4000 1815 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 50to150 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 0.25to0.75 5'-4" 1626 9'-1" 2769 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 9'-1" 2769 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-7" 2921 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 10'-3" 3124 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 11'-1" 3378 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 7'-2" 2184 10'-4" 3150 14'-8" 4470 7'-5" 2261 10'-4" 3150 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 10'-10" 3302 15'-2" 4623 7'-9" 2362 11'-6" 3505 15'-10" 4826 8'-5" 2565 12'-4" 3759 17'-2" 5232 Overhead"F" Seenote1 PitDepth"G" Seenote2 1. Overheaddimension"F"isthegreaterof a)cabheightplus4'-2"[1270mm](forcarswithguardrailontopadd4")or b)travelplus3'-8"[1118mm]minuspitdepth. Elevation 2. Pitdepthis4'-0"[1219mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. C Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 2 Speed Opening Doors 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". B E 11. Forcartravelupto20ftcontactyourTKNErepresentative. C A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 22 InGroundHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontOpening 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 6'-0" 1829 5'-2" 1575 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-2" 1575 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 5'-8" 1727 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-4" 1930 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-4" 1930 4'-0" 1219 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** SSorCO** SSorCO CO HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 5'-9" 1753 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 5'-9" 1753 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 6'-4" 1930 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 6'-11" 2108 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 6'-11" 2108 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance (ft) (mm) Overhead"F" (ft) (withtopofcarguardrail) (mm) (withouttopofcarguardrail) PitDepth"G" Hoist Beam F Overhead (lbs) (kg) Seenote2 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Pitdepthis4'-6"[1372mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. Opening 7'-0" [2134 mm] 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. G Pit 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 2'-0" [610 mm] Square Hole 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. Casing 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". Elevation 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. C D 23 E B 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. A C Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex Travel MAX 60 ft [18,288 mm] See note #11 Capacity 2" [51 mm] Hydraulicelevators,becauseoftheirtopspeedof0.9m/s,are normallylimitedtolow-riseapplicationswithamaximumoffiveto sixstops.Hydraulicsarelow-risefavoritesduetotheirsimplicity,low maintenancecostandbecausetheydonotrequirealoadbearing hoistway.Hoistwayuseisoptimum,butmotorhorsepowerand electricalrequirementsaregreaterthancomparablegeared elevators. A D Single Slide Doors 4" [102mm] DD Center Opening Doors InGroundHydraulicPassengerElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) 2100 950 2500 1160 3000 1380 3500 1600 4000 1815 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 6'-0" 1829 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-0" 914 7'-0" 2134 5'-91/2" 1765 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-31/2" 1918 3'-6" 1067 7'-0" 2134 6'-111/2" 2121 3'-6" 1067 8'-0" 2438 6'-111/2" 2121 4'-0" 1219 SS**orCO*** SSorCO** SSorCO** SSorCO CO (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-4" 2235 6'-81/2" 2045 15'-0" 4572 8'-4" 2540 6'-81/2" 2045 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-21/2" 2197 17'-0" 5182 8'-4" 2540 7'-101/2" 2400 17'-0" 5182 9'-4" 2845 7'-101/2" 2400 19'-0" 5791 Overhead"F" 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 12'-2" 3708 12'-6" 3810 Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) Overhead"F" (ft) (withtopofcarguardrail) (mm) 2" [51 mm] (withouttopofcarguardrail) Hoist Beam PitDepth"G" Seenote2 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. F Overhead 2. Pitdepthis4'-6"[1372mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. Travel MAX 60 ft [18,288 mm] See note #11 Opening 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. G Pit 7'-0" [2134 mm] 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. *Denotesnon-compliantwithADA.**Willnotaccommodateambulatoryrequirements. 2'-0" [610 mm] Square Hole Casing E B 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E Elevation C C A A D Single Slide Doors Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex 4" [102 mm] D DD Center Opening Doors 24 InGroundHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontOpening 3500 1600 4000 1815 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to150 0.25to0.75 5'-4" 1626 8'-4" 2540 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 8'-4" 2540 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 8'-10" 2692 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-6" 2896 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 10'-4" 3150 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-2" 2184 9'-2" 2794 14'-8" 4470 7'-5" 2261 9'-2" 2794 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 9'-8" 2946 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 10'-4" 3150 15'-2" 4623 8'-2" 2489 11'-2" 3404 16'-8" 5080 Overhead"F" 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance HoistwayWidth"D" PitDepth"G" (ft) (mm) Hoist Beam F Overhead (lbs) (kg) Seenote2 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Pitdepthis4'-6"[1372mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). 7'-0" [2134 mm] 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. G Pit 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. Opening 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. Travel MAX 60 ft [18,288 mm] See note #11 Capacity 2" [51 mm] Hydraulichospitalelevatorsofferthesamespaciouscargo compartmentsasgearedhospitalelevators,butarerestrictedto lowerriseandlessdemandingtrafficapplications.Othertypical applicationsincludeself-storagefacilities,servicecarsforlow-rise gardenhotelsandapartments,andambulatorycarefacilities. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 2'-0" [610 mm] Square Hole 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". Casing 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. B 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E E Elevation C C 25 A D 2 Speed Opening Doors Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors InGroundHydraulicHospitalElevators- FrontAndRearOpening Capacity (lbs) (kg) 3500 1600 4000 1815 4500 2040 5000 2270 6000 2720 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to175 0.25to0.88 50to150 0.25to0.75 5'-4" 1626 9'-1" 2769 3'-10" 1168 6'-0" 1829 9'-1" 2769 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 9'-7" 2921 4'-0" 1219 6'-0" 1829 10'-3" 3124 4'-0" 1219 6'-4" 1930 11'-1" 3378 4'-6" 1372 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed 2speed (ft) (mm) HoistwayDepth"E" (ft) (mm) HoistwayWidth"DD" (ft) (mm) 7'-2" 2184 10'-4" 3150 14'-8" 4470 7'-5" 2261 10'-4" 3150 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 10'-10" 3302 15'-2" 4623 7'-5" 2261 11'-6" 3505 15'-2" 4623 8'-2" 2489 12'-4" 3759 16'-8" 5080 Overhead"F" 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 12'-6" 3810 Speed (fpm) (m/s) PlatformWidth"A" (ft) (mm) PlatformDepth"B" (ft) (mm) OpeningWidth"C" (ft) (mm) TypeofEntrance 2" [51 mm] HoistwayWidth"D" (ft) (mm) PitDepth"G" Seenote2 Hoist Beam 1. Overheaddimension"F"isbasedonstandardcabheightsof8'-0"[2438mm]. 2. Pitdepthis4'-6"[1372mm](5'-0"[1524mm]inOntario,Canada). F Overhead 3. Hoistbeamshownistobeprovidedbyowner.Itcanbemaderemovable. 4. Righthanddoorshownonsimplexelevatorarrangementcanbelefthanded (symmetricallyopposite)andisavailableforuseinmultiplehoistways. Travel MAX 60 ft [18,288 mm] See note #11 Opening 6. Machineroomistobelocatedatthelowestflooradjacenttothehoistway.Ifremote locationisunavoidable,considerationsforhydraulicandelectricallinesmustbereviewed withTKNErepresentative. 7. Machineroommusthaveaclearunobstructedheightof7'-0"[2134mm]. 8. Machineroomsizerequiredmaybelargerthanshowndependingonpumpunitrequired. 9. DimensionaldataisinaccordancewithASMEA17.1andCAN/CSAB44elevatorcodes. 10. ForhoistwaydimensionsandbuildingreactionsinSeismicZone2orgreatersee "SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables". 11. ForcartravellargerthanshowncontactyourTKNErepresentative. G Pit 7'-0" [2134 mm] 5. Refertoentrancedetailsectionforrequiredentranceroughopenings. 2'-0" [610 mm] Square Hole Casing B E 6'-6" [1981 mm] MIN. Machine Room B E Elevation C C A D Machine Room MIN. 7'-0" [2134mm] for Simplex 14'-0" [4268mm] for Duplex A D 5" [127 mm] Max. DD 2 Speed Opening Doors 2 Speed Opening Doors 26 PassengerEntrances Choosingasingleslideorcenteropeningelevatorentrancewithan appropriatefinishwillaffectyourproject'sappearance,costand efficiency.Ourunique"N" entranceappearstobeatraditional hollowmetalentrance,butitsribconstructionmakesitstrongerand 2-hourfire-rated. SingleSlide(SS) A B C 36"[914] 42"[1067] 381/2"[978] 441/2"[1130] 60"[1524] 66"[1676] Center Opening(CO) A B C 42"[1067] 48"[1220] 251/2"[648] 281/2"[724] 66"[1676] 72"[1829] TwoSpeed(TS) A B C 46"[1168] 48"[1220] 54"[1372] 281/2"[724] 291/2"[750] 321/2"[825] 70"[1778] 72"[1829] 78"[1981] Sill Line Platform 3.Finishedentrancewallofhoistwaynottobebuiltuntil doorframesareset. 7'-0" [2134] Height 4.Entrancejambsareavailableinothertypesasshown. 5.Consultourlocalrepresentativeforfreightelevatorentrance details. 6.DimensionaldataisinaccordancewiththeNationalCode. Localrequirementsmustbeusedifmorestringent. 7'-10 1/2" [2400] Rough Opening 1/4" [6] 8'-4" [2540] Min. Floor to Floor Height Header Track 8" [203] A-Door Opening Wall Finish Hall P/B Station C-Rough Opening Single Slide Right Hand shown, Left Hand available 1 1/4" [32] 2.Entranceframesarenotdesignedtosupportoverheadwall loads.Suitablesupportsfortheseloadsmustbeprovidedby others. 4 1/4" [108] 1.Contactyourlocalrepresentativeforentrancesrequiring transoms,drywallconstruction,andarchitecturalconcrete. 1 1/4" [32] Notes: Sill Line Platform 8" [203] Wall Finish 4 1/4" [108] Finished Floor Hall P/B Station A-Opening C-Rough Opening Section - Two Speed Sill Line 8" [203] Two Speed Right Hand shown, Left Hand available 8'-4" [2540] Recessed Area for Rear Opng. only 8'-4" [2540] Min. Floor to Floor Height 7'-10 1/2" [2400] Rough Opening 1" [25] MIN 4" [102] 1 1/2" [38] Section - Single Slide and Center Opening with Recess at Rear 27 Section - Single Slide and Center Opening Section - Two Speed with Recess at Rear 1" [25] Std. Allowance (single speed & center opening) 1 1/4" [32] Std. 3/4" [19] Finished Floor ENTRANCE FRAME DETAILS 1/8" [3] Fire Stop 5" [127] 5" [127] 7'-0" [2134] Height 8'-4" [2540] Recessed Area for Rear Opng. only 1/4" [6] Aluminum Sill C-Rough Opening Header Track Header Track Header Track Hall P/B Station A-Opening Wall Finish 6 1/4" [159] 1 1/4" [32] Center Opening Platform Wall Finish (by Others) 2x5/8" [16] MIN 1" [25] Max. Masonry Drywall Mini Frame SeismicZone2orGreaterInformationTables tk NorthernElevator ElevatorsinSeismicZones2andGreaterHoistwayRequirements Addvaluespresentedinthischarttostandardnon-seismicTKNEhoistwaysizes. Hospital Passenger Platform Type ElevatorCapacity& No.ofOpenings Traction RopedHydro HolelessHydro In-groundHydro addpercar addpercar addpercar addpercar addpercar addpercar addpercar addpercar toH/Wwidth toH/Wdepth toH/Wwidth toH/Wdepth toH/Wwidth toH/Wdepth toH/Wwidth toH/Wdepth 2100lb(frontopeningonly) 2100lb(front&rearopening) 2500lb(frontopeningonly) 2500lb(front&rearopening) 3000lb(frontopeningonly) 3000lb(front&rearopening) 3500lb(frontopeningonly) 3500lb(front&rearopening) 4000lb(frontopeningonly) 4000lb(front&rearopening) 3500lb(frontopeningonly) 3500lb(front&rearopening) 4000lb(frontopeningonly) 4000lb(front&rearopening) 4500lb(frontopeningonly) 4500lb(front&rearopening) 5000lb(frontopeningonly) 5000lb(front&rearopening) 6000lb(frontopeningonly) 6000lb(front&rearopening) 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 2" 2" 2" 0" 2" 0" 2" 0" 2" 0" 2" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 3" 3" 2" 2" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" Note: ThischartisforstandardelevatorsmanufacturedatThyssenKruppNorthernandshownongenerallayouts.Consultengineeringforhoistwayrequirementsfor elevatorswithadditionalcabinteriorfinishesand/orverticalrailbracketspacinglargerthan14feet. tk NorthernElevator ElevatorsinSeismicZones2andGreaterGuideRailReactions ThischartisdesignedforelevatorsmanufacturedatThyssenKruppNorthernElevator. Hospital Passenger Platform Type SeismicZone2 SeismicZone3andgreater ElevatorCapacity(LBS) R1,car (KIPS) R2,car (KIPS) R1,cwt (KIPS) R2,cwt (KIPS) R1,car (KIPS) R2,car (KIPS) R1,cwt (KIPS) R2,cwt (KIPS) 2100 2500 3000 3500 4000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 1.04 1.23 1.32 1.40 1.58 1.38 1.50 1.54 1.64 1.77 0.52 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.79 0.69 0.75 0.77 0.82 0.89 1.16 1.38 1.48 1.58 1.78 1.56 1.69 1.76 1.87 2.03 0.58 0.69 0.74 0.79 0.89 0.78 0.85 0.88 0.94 1.02 2.07 2.47 2.63 2.80 3.16 2.75 2.99 3.09 3.28 3.54 1.04 1.23 1.32 1.40 1.58 1.38 1.50 1.54 1.64 1.77 2.32 2.77 2.96 3.17 3.57 3.11 3.39 3.51 3.74 4.06 1.16 1.38 1.48 1.58 1.78 1.56 1.69 1.76 1.87 2.03 Notes: 1)Thischartprovidesapprox.seismicguiderailreactionsforelevatorsmanufacturedatThyssenKruppNorthern.Itcoverstraction,ropehydraulicandholeless hydraulicelevators.Forin-groundhydraulicelevatorsrailreactionswillbehigherandaretobeprovidedbyEngineeringdepartment. 2)Allreactionsareinthousandsofpounds(KIPS). 28 WorkNotIncludedintheElevatorContract tk NorthernElevator WorknotInvolvedintheElevatorContract Otherbuildingtrades,undersupervisionoftheGeneralContractororhisSub-Contractors,areinvolvedinanelevator installation.Thisworkbyothersmayvarydependinguponlocalcodes,statutesorworkpractices.Workbyotherswill normallyconsistofthefollowing: GENERAL • Provideaproperlyframedandenclosedlegalhoistway,plumbandtoagreeddimensions,includingaproperpitwiththe necessaryladders,drains,accessdoorsandwaterproofing,ifrequired. • Providesuitablemachineroomwithproperclearancefortheelevatorequipmentplusproperlighting,ventilation,heating andcooling—theroomtemperaturemustbemaintainedwithin40°F(5°C)minimumto90°F(32°C)maximum. • ProvidethenecessarystructurestopermitsafeaccesstothemachineroomasdefinedbyASMEA17.1,CSAB44or AS-1735coderequirements.Pleasenotewithveryfewexceptions,machineroomsandhoistwaysshouldbefreeof equipmentnotessentialtoelevatoroperations. • Performallcutting,filling,patchingofwallsandfloors,plustheremovalofallobstructionstopermitproperinstallationof theelevator.Settingofsleevesandpocketsorblockoutsforsignalfixtures.Allpainting,exceptasotherwisespecified. • Provideandmaintainprotectiveenclosurearoundhoistwayandhoistwayopeningsduringthetimetheelevatorisbeing installed.Supplyandinstallfinishedcabflooring. STRUCTURAL • Constructadequatesupportsandfoundationstocarrytheloadsincludingimpactloadsofallequipment.Installthesupports forguiderailbracketsandmachinebeamsoroverheadsheaves.Ifadjacenthoistwaysareused,dividerbeamsatsuitable intervalsmustbeprovidedforguiderailbrackets. • Adequatelysupportthewallsabovetheentranceframes.Theentranceframesarenotdesignedtosupportoverheadwall loads.Provideroughopeningmin.12"largerthanentrance. • Furnishinthemachineroom,suitableequipmenthoistingbeams.Clearroomunderbeamsistobe7ftminimum. ELECTRICAL • Provideandmaintaintheproperelectricfeedtotheterminalsofeachelevatorcontrolpanelwithallnecessarymainline switches,circuit-breakersorfuseddisconnectswitches,locatedatthelockjambsideofthemachineroomorasperlayout drawings. • Installpermanentlightfixturesandswitchesineachpitandmachineroom.Lightswitchesaretobelocatedonthejamb sideofpitandmachineroomaccess.Thelightinginmachineroomshouldilluminatethefrontofeachcontrollerandbeofa valueofnotlessthan200luxatfloorlevel.Lightinginpitshouldbeofnotlessthan200luxatthepitfloorlevel.Inaddition, aduplexreceptacle,15Ampminimum,shouldbeprovidedineachpit,machineroomandmachineryspace.Illuminationat sillofeverylandingis100lux. • Furnishandinstallallfixedconduit,wiringandfittingsrequiredtoconnectremotesystems(remotemonitoringstations, telephones,intercommunications,alarms,etc.)withfeedersterminatingattheelevatorcontrollerineachmachineroom. • Exceptwhenthehoistwayisenclosed,providesmokesensorswhenconditionsrequireateachfloorterminatingatthe controllerinthemachineroom,aseparatesmokesensorshallbeprovidedatthemainflooroperatingindependentlyfrom theremainingsmokesensors.Furnishandinstallseismicswitches—ifrequired—inthemachineroom. 29 tk NorthernElevator Developingthefuture. tk NorthernElevator NorthernElevatorLimited 270FinchdeneSquare,Toronto,Ontario,CanadaM1X1A5 Phone:(416)291-2549Fax:(416)291-4654 SalesDepartmentFax:(416)291-8348 Allphotography,illustrationsandspecificationsarebasedon informationineffectattimeofpublicationapproval.TKNE reservestherighttochangespecificationsordesignandto discontinueitemswithoutnoticeorobligation. Copyright©2003ThyssenKruppNorthernElevator 72315/03PrintedinCanada