Waiting for “Superman”


Waiting for “Superman”
Friends of JIFFest
Opening Film
Closing Film
World Cinema
World Cinema:
A View From The SEA
International Shorts
Indonesian Feature
Film Competition
JIFFest Events
Ticket & Membership
All screenings are held in
Blitzmegaplex (BLZ) Pacific Place
and Kineforum (KF).
Pre-Sale JIFFest Tickets
(for screenings in Blitzmegaplex only)
• November 18-24 +
- Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place, Pacific Place Mal Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
52-53 Jakarta Selatan (Phone (021) 51400800,
- Online at www.blitzmegaplex.com (for Blitzcard holders only)
The program guide is accurate at the moment of
printing. For changes in screening schedule, JIFFest
events, or other queries, please call JIFFest at (021)
31925115, email us at [email protected], and follow our
Twitter @jiffest.
Ticket Price:
World Cinema, World Cinema Documentary, A View From the SEA:
@ IDR 25,000/ticket
Buku program ini benar saat dicetak. Perubahan jadwal
film dan acara dapat diketahui dengan menghubungi
JIFFest di (021) 31925115 email kami di [email protected],
dan melalui akun Twitter @jiffest.
Blitzcard users can enjoy 10% off of ticket price during pre-sale period only. Enjoy special promotions with your JIFFest tickets at
participating tenants in Pacific Place. Please check our
During Festival
Ticket & Membership page (p. 46) for details
(for screenings in Blitzmegaplex)
• November 25 - December 4
Dapatkan penawaran menarik dengan menunjukkan tiket
- Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place, Pacific Place Mal Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. JIFFest anda di beberapa outlet terpilih di Pacific Place.
52-53 Jakarta Selatan (Phone (021) 51400800,
Informasi lengkap ada di halaman Ticket & Membership
- Online www.blitzmegaplex.com (for Blitzcard holders only)
(hal. 46).
Ticket Price:
World Cinema, World Cinema Documentary, A View From the SEA:
@ IDR 25,000/ticket. No discount s applicable during this period.
(for screenings in Kineforum)
• November 27 - December 5
- Kineforum, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta. Phone
(021) 3162780.
All tickets in Kineforum are available one hour before screening time during
the festival dates. Donations are required at IDR 10,000/ticket.
Selamat datang di Jakarta International Film Welcome to the 12th Jakarta International Film
Festival ke-12!
Dalam banyak hal, festival tahun ini bisa jadi yang paling
berkesan sampai sejauh ini.
Ancaman serius terhadap kelangsungan festival karena
kurangnya dana yang ada membuat kami meluncurkan
program publik donasi. Respon antusias dari publik
membuat kami percaya bahwa festival ini harus ada.
Kami ucapkan terima kasih yang mendalam kepada
semua pihak yang telah mendukung pelaksanaan JIFFest
tahun ini.
Dengan semangat “And JIFFest for all!”, kami kembali ke
Jakarta Selatan setelah beberapa tahun absen. Sebagian
besar pemutaran digelar di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place
sebagai official screening venue, dan kegiatan pendukung
seperti workshop dan seminar diselenggarakan di
Binus International University. Selain kedua tempat
ini, beberapa pemutaran lain akan diselenggarakan di
In many ways, the festival this year will go down in history as
the most heartfelt yet.
The serious threat of being cancelled due to the lack of
funding support prompted us to launch a public donation
drive, the first time JIFFest ever did such. We could not be
more thankful enough for the mass support that make the
festival this year happen.
As you can see in the Friends of JIFFest list in this program
guide, this year the festival is aimed at reaching out for wider
audiences. With the spirit “And JIFFest for all!”, we venture into
the new territory of Southern Jakarta area after a few years of
absence. Most of the screenings will be held in Blitzmegaplex
Pacific Place, while fringe events of workshops, seminar and
discussion will be held in Binus International University. In
the meantime, select screenings will also be held in art-house
cinema Kineforum.
Untuk kali pertama, JIFFest akan dibuka dengan film
dokumenter Waiting for “Superman”. Tema film ini yang
mengangkat perjuangan dan harapan anak-anak di
Amerika Serikat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang
lebih baik sesuai dengan spirit JIFFest tahun ini. Meskipun
selalu dihadang hambatan, kami percaya bahwa
festival ini harus terus diadakan untuk membuat kota
Jakarta menjadi kota yang nyaman dan penuh dengan
keragaman budaya.
Tahun ini kami memilih film penutup Biutiful, karya
sutradara Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. Film-film karya
Inarritu selalu mendapat tempat di hati penonton JIFFest
karena festival ini selalu memutar karya beliau.
Di antara kedua film ini akan hadir film-film internasional
terpilih. Dari Kenya sampai Irak, dari Australia sampai
Taiwan. Film-film ini hanya akan diputar pada pelaksanaan
festival saja, sehingga rugi jika anda lewatkan.
Mari kita buat festival tahun ini menjadi festival yang
paling berkesan!
For the first time, JIFFest will open with a documentary film,
Waiting for “Superman”. As the film unfolds struggle and
hope of American children of getting better education, the
similar theme can be said about the present state of the
festival itself. Despite the constant struggle, we believe that
the festival is worth being held to enrich the cultural diversity
in the town, which has made the city worth living in.
The festival will end with Biutiful, the latest film by director
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, whose past films have always
been shown in the previous editions of the festival.
Along the way, we still bring the fine selection of international
cinema, from Kenya to Iraq, from a farm in Australia to a
suburban area in Taipei. As all of the films screened are only
shown during the festival period, take some time out to
embrace these wonderful films.
Let’s make the festival this year a very memorable one and
have a good festival!
Lalu Roisamri & Nauval Yazid
Festival Co-Directors
Lalu Roisamri & Nauval Yazid
Festival Co-Directors
Special Note
ALENIA PICTURES, Nia Sihasale Zulkarnaen, Ari Sihasale, Ade | ALLIANZ, Budi Santosa | Amna Kusumo
| Andi Sadha | AREA MAGAZINE, Fauzia Damayanti, Setyorini, Reza Puspo | ASEF + Culture360.
org, Valentina Riccardi | ASKRINDO, Merri Gunawan, Hilda Kartikasari, Tias Kristianti | BABI BUTA
FILM, Meiske Taurisia | BALINALE, Deborah Gabinetti, Inneke Indriyani | BEOSCOPE, Galih Wismoyo,
Purwanto Hasan |BESTIKA SARANA UTAMA, Yozar Wira Bestari, Ika Harini | BINUS INTERNATIONAL,
Wenda M, Tito Imana, Ekky Imanjaya, Burhanunddin | BLITZMEGAPLEX, Ananda Siregar, David Hilman,
Donnie Chan, Dian Sunardi, Michael Sim, Kenny Santana, Iskandar Liem, Nadia Saraswati, Santi
Rivai | BLOCKBUZZTER, Benhard Subiakto, Yoris Sebastian, Dilla Amran, Imelda Sagita | CANADIAN
EMBASSY, Tricia MacDonald, Fajar Harisantoso | CARAT INDONESIA, Alfitrianto Zulnaini, Wirda Haryany
| Chand Parwez Servia | CHARLES & KEITH | CHIC, Ika Syifa, Tessa | DAPUR SUNDA | DEMI GISELA CITRA
SINEMA, Giselawati Wiranegara, Zairin Zain, Deddy Mizwar, Hakim | DEPARTEMEN PERDAGANGAN,
Dea Sudarman, Cokorda Dewi, Nani Buntaran, Agus Purwanto, Aryo Pambudi, Theo Sutarto | DERMA
M.Abduh Azis, Alex Sihar, Noviami Dewi, Cecilia Banowati, Harjuni Rochajati, Anita Dewi Puspita, Ranti
Dradjat | DIREKTORAT JENDERAL BEA DAN CUKAI, Bahaduri Wijayanta, Andi Rosmalina | DIREKTORAT
PERFILMAN, Ukus Kuswara, Indar | DW-Akademie, Padharaic O’Dochartaigh | FEMINA GROUP, Svida
Alisjahbana, Rifatka Ridwan, Baslir Djamal, Didin Ambardini, Intan Ferisha, Zornia Harisantoso, Myra
Suraryo, Petty Fatimah, Rena Tanti | FLICK, Titis Sapto Raharjo, Purwanto Hasan | FRENCH EMBASSY,
Frederic Allioid | GADIS, Didin P. Ambardini | GLOBAL RADIO JAKARTA & BANDUNG, Robby Gozal |
GNC | GOETHE-INSTITUT, Frank Werner, Lanny Tanulihardja | HAI, Theresia Kusumaningrum | HARD
ROCK FM, Dinia Widodo, Rizdania Herlendita | Hatoek Subroto | HERS, Andri Parulian, Ade Tyas,
Riani Handasari | HIVOS, Felencia Hutabarat | HUBERT BALS FUND, Iwana Chronis | IN STYLE, Amy
Merissa, Widya Aryo Damar, Putri Vea D.S | INDIKA FM, Juju Margono | IN-DOCS, Chandra Tanzil, Sofia
Setyorini, Mia Indreswari | INVESTORE | Jajang C. Noer | JAPAN FOUNDATION, Kanai Atsushi, Mariko
Mugitani, Yui Rieko, Nurul Komari, Diana Sahidi Nugroho | Jeremy Segay | JIVE MOVIES, Michael Sim,
Trisiska Putri, Mohammad Djafar | John Badalu | JWT, Reza Fitriano, Rasus Subarkah, Fitriyani Afini |
KALYANA SHIRA FILM, Constantin Papadimitriou, Nia Dinata | KALYANA SHIRA FOUNDATION, Vivian
Idris, Sandy Monteiro, Vithatya Moniqa | KINEFORUM, Lisabona Rahman, Amalia Sekarjati, Dimas Hary,
Arief Rachmat Haqiki | KLEO | KONFIDEN, Agus Mediarta, Lintang Gitomartoyo | KORAN JAKARTA,
Eko Hendri Irawan | LA FLORET | LEMBAGA SENSOR FILM, Mukhlis Paeni, Puji Rahayu | Linda Hoemar
|MAXIM, Adam Sriadi, Sari Nurulita, Tati Gobel | METRO TV, Kioen Moe, M. Reza |MILES FILM, Riri
Riza, Mira Lesmana, Andanari Yogaswari |MINIKINO, Tintin Wulia, Edo Wulia | Mirwan Andan | MIZAN
PRODUCTIONS, Haidar Baqir, Putut Widjanarko, Gangsar Sukrisno, Avesina Soebli, Benni Setiawan,
Aditya Gumau, Adenin Adlan, Ani Ema Susanti | MORE, Naomi Juliandary, Miranty | MULTIVISION
PICTURES, Irwansyah, Aris Muda |NARRADA, Rico J. Sihak, Romanus Sumaryo, Mike Oktalina, Adi S.
Noegroho, Ilya Alexander Surapati, Dyah Larung Sekar | NETHERLANDS EMBASSY + ERASMUS HUIS,
Paul Peters, Bob Wardhana | NOKIA INDONESIA, Ari Fadyl, Triari Senawirawan | NORWEGIAN EMBASSY,
Herborg Fiskaa Alfsaker, Heidi Tofteberg, Lily Maramis | NOW JAKARTA, Dyah Mustika Wati, Alistair G.
Speirs | O CHANNEL, Olivia Susanti, Titi Aisyah | Orlow Seunke | OUCH, Otriana Permatasari, Muhajir
Esya Putra | OZ GROUP, Rudi Cahyadi | PACIFIC PLACE, Markus Barata, Renee Tang, Jane Hugeng,
Nasya Marissa, Belinda Luis | PAN O | PANORAMA | Penny Purnawaty | PIC [K] LOCK PRODUCTIONS,
Sabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh, Dewi Umaya Rachman, Lola Amaria, Titien Wattimena |PREMIO, Wine
Kriswandini | Prima Rusdi | PUTERA SAMPOERNA FOUNDATION, Nenny Soemawinata, Alda F. Siregar,
Muntohar, Dino V. Prayoga | Raam Punjabi | Ranjana Singh | Ricky Pesik | Ronny P. Tjandra |RUMAH
FILM, Hikmat Darmawan, Krisnadi Yuliawan, Ifan Ardiansyah | Sari D. Mochtan | SERUNYA SCRIPTWRING
WORKSHOP, Perdana Kartawiyudha | S-EXPRESS | Sheila Timothy | SIMMONS | SINAR HARAPAN,
Olivia Sinaga | Switzerland Embassy, Melinda Djohansjah | THEBROTHERSMO, Timo Tjahjanto, Kimo
Stamboel, Delon Tio, Fredie Yeo, James Toh, Greg Chew | Thomas Chia | TNT, Nurhayati Sukanda,
Barbara Sinay, Arief Sanusa, M. Adriansyah | TOTAL FILM, Jonathan Lesmana | TRAX FM, Denny J.
Sompie, Karina Soegarda | TURKISH EMBASSY, Yunus Emre Kocak | U FM | URBANESIA, Lydia Novi |
VIDEOEZY, Linda Teresia | WUNDERMAN, Miranti Daniar, Rahadian Agung | Yayasan TIFA, R. Kristiawan,
Renata Arianingtyas | Yohana Widjaya
Friends of JiFFest
Friends of JIFFest
On October 14, 2010, JIFFest held a press conference in Galeri Cipta 3, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Jakarta.
The press conference was held to declare that the festival is at the danger of being cancelled indefinitely due to the
lack of substantial funding.
Around 100 people from media and film industry showed up to support JIFFest. In addition, Facebook and Twitter
users had showed their support by adding the hash-tag of #SaveJIFFest prior to the press conference, and this
continued for days and weeks afterwards.
Everybody was shocked to learn that JIFFest, the first and foremost international film festivals in Indonesia, was on
the edge of being gone for good. The festival not only launched careers of several prominent Indonesian filmmakers,
but also has opened up and expanded knowledge of local filmgoers on the world of film beyond mainstream
offering in local cinema.
Everybody shared their good memories on JIFFest for the past 11 years. Some are good, some filled with laughter,
but all the recollection gave assurance that JIFFest has become one of a very few precious elements that makes
Jakarta worth living.
A public donation drive was launched following the press conference. Everyone can make their donations to :
Yayasan Masyarakat Mandiri Film Indonesia
account no. 7420030091
BCA Percetakan Negara
Yayasan Masyarakat Mandiri Film Indonesia
account no. 122-000-565035-6
Bank Mandiri Teuku Cik Ditiro
The donation helps to ensure that the festival will be running in years to come. This is the reason why we want to
continue the donation without any time limits.
On the following page, you can see the names of donors who have made their contribution as of November 10, 2010.
We humbly thank you all for making JIFFest this year, and many years to come, happen.
You are indeed FRIENDS OF JIFFEST.
Sahabat JiFFest
Pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2010, JIFFest mengadakan konferensi pers di Galeri Cipta 3, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM),
Konferensi pers ini diadakan untuk mengumumkan bahwa festival film ini terancam batal diselenggarakan karena
kurangnya dana yang dibutuhkan.
Sekitar 100 orang dari media dan para pelaku industri film hadir untuk memberikan dukungan mereka untuk JIFFest.
Bahkan sebelum konferensi pers ini digelar, para pengguna Facebook dan Twitter telah menunjukkan dukungan
mereka dengan menggunakan tanda pagar #SaveJIFFest, dan hal ini terus berlanjut sampai hari-hari berikutnya.
Semua orang terkejut mendengar bahwa JIFFest, festival film internasional pertama di Indonesia, terancam batal
untuk selamanya. Festival ini tidak hanya membantu meluncurkan karir bagi beberapa pembuat film ternama
Indonesia, tapi juga telah membuka pengetahuan para pecinta film Indonesia tentang film-film bermutu di luar apa
yang ditayangkan oleh bioskop lokal.
Teman-teman sempat berbagi kenangan tentang JIFFest selama 11 tahun terakhir. Kenangan manis yang penuh
dengan tawa dan air mata, semuanya meyakinkan kami bahwa JIFFest telah menjadi salah satu elemen penting yang
membuat kota Jakarta ini nyaman untuk ditinggali.
Sebuah gerakan pengumpulan donasi diluncurkan bersama dengan konferensi pers tersebut. Semua orang dapat
mengirimkan donasi ke:
Yayasan Masyarakat Mandiri Film Indonesia
No. Rek. 7420030091
BCA cabang Percetakan Negara
Yayasan Masyarakat Mandiri Film Indonesia
No. Rek. 122-000-565035-6
Bank Mandiri cabang Teuku Cik Ditiro
Donasi tersebut meyakinkan kami bahwa festival ini dapat terus berjalan di masa depan. Hal inilah yang membuat
kami akan terus membuka kesempatan bagi yang ingin mendukung tanpa ada batasan waktu.
Di halaman berikut, teman-teman dapat melihat nama-nama para donatur kami yang telah memberikan
kontribusinya sampai tanggal 10 November 2010.
Dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam, kami ucapkan terima kasih untuk semua yang telah memungkinkan JIFFest
terselenggara tahun ini dan di tahun-tahun berikutnya.
Kami bangga memiliki SAHABAT JIFFEST seperti kalian.
Friends of JiFFest
Ade Candra
Aditya Imannudin S.
Aditya Novriansyah
Ali Mensan
Ali Satri Efendi B.
Amalia Sekarjati
Amanda Marahimin
Amelia Devina
Amerta Kusuma
Andreas Novendi P.
Anis Suryo
Ariani Darmawan
Astu Prasidya
Ati Amanaty
Aulia Khairina
Ayu Riris
Ayumurti Bulandini
Bambang Heru Sulaksono
Beby Apriliana
Bernardin Andara F.
Bestika Sarana Utama
Bobby Batara
Chandra Ratnawati
Daniel Giovani
Deassy Aprilia
Desiana Sari
Dewi Handayani
Dwi Indarty
Ekky Imanjaya
Eko Prio HC
Eric Liunardus
Erika Haryanti P.
Erry Gunarso
Erry Noertjahjo W.
Erwin Indrawan H.
Evita Sasantini
Farishad Ibrahim L.
Febriando Sulga
Fellexandro Ruby H.
Ferdinand Zebua
Ferdyan Nugroho
Fina Khairaty
Fitrah Rhomadhania
Genta Gantina H.
Glory Ekasari
Grace Wangge
Gregorius Ronaldo
Haffez Ali
Handoko Andi
Hatoek Subroto
Hazmi Hermaini I.
Hendarsetiani Isti
Hendriati Trianita
Herita Endriana
Heriyadi Janwar
Hijah Sahara Nur S.
I Komang Hardi W.
Ignatius Andy A.
Illiana Wijanarko
Inggita S Notosusanto
Inong Armyn
Irwan Wijaya
Ita Alyana
Ite Iren & Irma Kusuma
Iwan Yulianto H
Iyan Hendrik Susan
Jive Collection
John Badalu M.
Jurist Tan
Kartika RSR Panggabean
Karyanto Wirosuhar
Keluarga Rahman
Kevin Reinaldo A.
Lenny Meilinawati
Lidia Tanod
Linda Warni
Lisabona Z. Rahman
Lucky Man Kuswandi
Lynda Irawati
Mahasiswa Advertising UI 2008
Margaret Rose A.
Maria Agustin T.
Maria Christina S.
Maria Naziyah M.
Maryjane Kathlyn A
Meilani Sutjiadji
Meliana Gunawan
Michael Ratnadwijanti
MiLes Production
Mitra Lab
Moh. Hartantyo
Mohammad Farhan
Mona Sylvia Raja G.
Natasha Hotnida
Nayla Majestya
Nicko Silfido
Nirwan A Arsuka
Novita Dyah Utami
Nur Ainun
Nurmalia Nilamsari
Olin Monteiro & Lulu Ratna
Olivia Sulistio
Ongston Bhearto
Oni Suryaman
Osman Wijaya
Paladin Ansharulla
Park So Hyun
Pitta Sekar Wangi
Prasetyo Nomo S.
Pratiwi Weyanti
Pratiwo Sardjuno
PT. Lifelike Pictures
Putri Iva Izzati
Putri Laksmi M.
Putri Prima P.
Putut Widjanarko
R Galuh Kesumanjati
Raden Rangga A.
Rahabi Mandra
Rahayu Said
Ramondo Gaskaro
Reny Wulansari
Retno Dwi Rahayu
Ricky Joseph Pesik
Ricky Polim
Riezma Gees I.
Rista Fauziah
Ritvima Definta
Rizal Iwan
Robert Ronny
Rosliwaty Marbun
Roy Liando
Rudy Soedjarwo
Sakti Salulinggi P
Salman Aristo
Sasmito Adi S.
Sastha Sunu W.
Satrio Nindyo I.
Shanti Nurfianti
Shanti Widiyanti H.
Sigit Nugroho
Siska Cresenda H.
Sri Hartini
Starvision Plus
Stephanus Sulaiman
Suyadi Novianda A.
Syafitri Pusparani
Tim Giggling
Tino Saroengallo
Triatman MM IR
Tuhu Nugraha Dewan
Tuti Kirana
Vashti, Danny & Viggo
Veronica Kusumarya
Victoria Delani
Vidya Pravitasari
Wahyu Aditya
Wanda Dianita S.
William Wiriawan
Xandega Tahajuansyah
Yani Rihasti
Yoga Prakasa
Yulius Indra
Yulyanti Hertessa
Yuska Roly Vonita
Zaki Muzakir
Zulynda Ibrahim
Opening Film
Opening Film
Waiting for “Superman”
Dir.: Davis Guggenheim
USA. 2010. 111 min. Documentary/Education. Color. 35 mm. English.
NOV 25 / BLZ 1 / 19:00 (by invitation only) • NOV 25 / BLZ 1 / 21:30 (by invitation only) •
NOV 27 / BLZ 7 / 16:45 • NOV 30 / BLZ 7 / 16:45
For a nation that proudly declared it would leave no child behind, America continues to do so at alarming rates. Despite
increased spending and politicians’ promises, America’s public-education system, once the best in the world, is now falling
and failing the nation’s children.
Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim reminds us that education has names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, five
children who deserve better education and whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of the film. As he follows a
handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes
an exhaustive review of public education, surveying “drop-out factories” and “academic sinkholes,” methodically dissecting
the system and its seemingly intractable problems.
Untuk sebuah negara yang berikrar tidak akan membiarkan anak-anak terlantar, sistem pendidikan di Amerika Serikat, yang
pernah menjadi yang terbaik di dunia, sekarang malah di ambang kehancuran dan menghancurkan masa depan anak-anak.
Sutradara Davis Guggenheim mengingatkan kita bahwa pendidikan mempunyai nama pada Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy
dan Emily, lima anak yang layak mendapatkan pendidikan lebih baik. Cerita kelima anak ini membuka mata sutradara dan kita
semua tentang berbagai masalah yang ada di sistem pendidikan Amerika Serikat sekarang ini.
Davis Guggenheim is widely known as an award-winning documentary filmmaker. The groundbreaking AN INCONVENIENT
TRUTH (screened in JIFFest 2006) won Best Documentary Feature in Academy Awards, and IT MIGHT GET LOUD (2008) was
declared as “insightful and musically satisfying” by influential website RottenTomatoes.com. The two documentaries, along
with WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN”, are ranked within the top 100 highest-grossing documentaries of all time.
Note: Audience Award for Documentary, Sundance Film Festival, 2010.
The film is jointly presented by JIFFest and Putera Sampoerna Foundation.
Closing Film
Closing Film
Dir.: Alejandro González Iñárritu
Spain/Mexico. 2010. 147 min. Drama. Color. 35 mm. English/Spanish (with English subtitles).
DEC 5 / BLZ 1 / 19:00 (by invitation only) • DEC 5 / BLZ 1 / 21:30 (by invitation only)
This is a story of a man in free fall, Uxbal (Javier Bardem). An underworld figure in the margins of Barcelona, Uxbal is also a
father, lover, friend, and seeker of the afterlife. These roles provide him the means to find redemption and reconciliation as he
senses his own death draws near.
Film ini adalah cerita tentang Uxbal (Javier Bardem). Selain melakukan bisnis perdagangan gelap di Barcelona, Uxbal juga
seorang ayah, kekasih, teman dan penyuka hal-hal mistis. Semua ini memberikan jalan panjang bagi Uxbal untuk mendapatkan
pengampunan dan kedamaian karena Uxbal sudah merasa bahwa kematiannya semakin dekat.
BIUTIFUL is Alejandro González Iñárritu ‘s first directorial feature since BABEL (Opening Film, JIFFest 2006), and his first film in
his native Spanish since his debut feature AMORES PERROS (JIFFest 2001).
Best Actor for Javier Bardem, Cannes 2010. Mexico’s Official Submission for Best Foreign Language category, 83rd Academy
Awards 2011.(France)
Note: The film will be released exclusively in Blitzmegaplex.
S-Express (Philippines)
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
DEC 5 / IIC / 19:30 • DEC 7 / IIC / 17:00
(FREE Screening)
NOV 27 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 (by invitation only)
Indonesia. 2010. Short Compilations. Digital. Total screening time: 87 min. Colors. Indonesian with
English subtitle.
Nine nights knit together, stories of relationship, belief and thrills in Jakarta.
Sembilan malam bercerita tentang cinta, hubungan, kepercayaan dan adrenalin di kota Jakarta.
Chit Chat
Wahyu is a typical working class man, with tired look. That night
rain pours heavily, adds up his hatred to the city, his life and himself.
His meeting with Fitri turns the cold night into warm.
A long conversation between Omen, a chef, and Nuri, his
neighbour. A conversation about relationship, choices and
motherhood. A conversation without a beginning nor an end.
Wahyu tampak lelah, ia adalah seorang pekerja kebanyakan.
Malam itu hujan turun dengan derasnya, menambah
kebenciannya pada kota tempat tinggalnya, kehidupannya dan
dirinya sendiri.
Pertemuannya dengan Fitri, merubah malam menjadi hangat.
Sebuah percakapan panjang antar Omen, seorang koki, dan
Nuri, tetangganya. Sebuah pembicaraan tentang hubungan,
pilihan dan rasa keibuan. Percakapan tak berawal maupun akhir.
Planet Elephant
Wati looks for an ojek (motorcycle tranportation). She hops in
at Maman’s motorcycle and together they looks for an address.
Until she ask Maman to stop because something gets into her
eyes. She steps down and clean her eyes. Maman thrills.
And the rest of the night belongs to Wati.
A fortune teller foresees, number 25 and 2010. Nathan sees it
as a game, instead for Milli is a sign. Tonight is Nathan’s 25th
birthday and the year is 2010, and Milli is not ready to lose
Nathan. Finally, they meet to separate in the name of game.
Dir.: Agung Sentausa
Dir.: Tumpal Tampubolon
Wati sedang mencari ojek, waktu maman menghampirinya.
Akhirnya mereka sepakat dan mencari sebuah alamat bersama.
Hingga mata Wati kelilipan dan ojek pun berhenti. Maman
kesenangan dan malam itu menjadi milik Wati.
Dir.: Ifa Isfansyah
Dir.: Rico Marpaung
Sebuah ramalan menunjukkan angka 25 dan 2010. Untuk
Nathan adalah sebuah permainan sedangkan untuk Mili adalah
sebuah tanda-tanda.
Malam ini adalah ulang tahun nathan ke 25 di tahun 2010, dan
Mili tidak siap kehilangan Nathan.
S-Express (Malaysia)
Special Premiere
(FREE Screening)
DEC 5 / IIC / 14:30 • DEC 8 / IIC / 19:30
Special Premiere
A regular night, with a soap drama series
play on the TV. The room is cold by air
conditioner. Edwin is busy working with his
laptop, while his wife is sleeping tightly.
Suddenly, the electricity puts off. It’s dark
and the room starts to heat. His wife sleeps
still and Edwin doesn’t know what to
do. He listens and enjoys noises from his
neighbours making love.
Sound of gecko interrupts him. Soon, the
night turns into an unusual night.
James always takes train to go back
home. He never listens to any sounds
except his ipod and always busy with his
imaginations of girls at the train station.
One day, his ipod broke downs.
In front of him, sits a girl who is enjoying
the loud and noisy sound in the station.
That night, James listens to something that
he never hears before.
Tonite is the last day of moslem’ fasting
Ella is a hooker from Surabaya who lives in
Jakarta. She befriends with Pak Gendut, a
grilled duck seller from Madura, and share
his food stall as her pick up place.
That dusk, she returns home as a good girl.
However, even a good girl is never perfect,
especially Ella.
James selalu pulang naik KRL setiap hari
ditemani ipodnya. Malam itu, ipodnya rusak.
Dan dia menemukan suara-suara istimewa
yang jarang ia dengarkan.
Malam ini adalah malam terakhir di bulan
puasa. Ella seorang pelacur dari Surabaya
dan selalu berjualan di warung bebek
Madura milik Pak Gendut.
Subuh itu, Ella pulang kampung sebagai
anak yang patuh, walaupun tidak
Dir.:Anggun Priambodo
Malam-malam biasa dengan tayangan
sinetron di TV. Edwin sibuk bekerja
dikamarnya yang dingin, sementara istrinya
tidur dengan lelap. Tiba-tiba, listrik mati.
Rumah mereka digilir PLN malam ini.
Kini kamar menjadi gelap, panas, dan
terisi suara-suara tetangga, dan Edwin
menikmatinya, hingga sebuah suara
menganggu kesenangan barunya.
Dir.: Azhar Lubis
Dir.: Wisnu Surya Pratama
Roller Coaster
Full Moon
On a lazy day in Jakarta, a boy and a girl decide to seek some
thrills. They have been friends for the longest time but have
never seen each other fully naked.
Today this will change.
They go to a seedy motel with no lobby, where cars drive up to
a window to check in. Both are giddy with anticipation!
When they finally start, it is intense and exciting, but before
they know it, the moment is over.
Bobi is a cab driver who takes his wife for a ride on New Year’s
eve, not to celeberate but to express his long deppest will.
Isna is the taxi driver’s wife, comes along with his husband and
looks for New year’s celebration.
However, in a joyful celebration then she hears her husband
long deepest will. Instead, she chooses to bury it deeply.
Full moon keeps silence on New Year’s eve.
Dir.: Edwin
Sepasang sahabat, laki-laki dan perempuan berniat mencari
tantangan. Mereka telah bersahabat sekian lama, tahu
segalanya tapi tidak pernah melihat ketelanjangan masingmasing.
Mereka sangat tegang, dan tanpa mereka sadari waktu telah
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
Dir.: Sidi Saleh
Bobi seorang supir taksi dan isna istrinya, berjalan-jalan pada
malam tahun baru. Bobi ingin mengutarakan keinginnya yang
terpendam sedangkan Isna ingin merayakan keriaan tahun baru.
Dalam kegembiraan, Isna mendengar keinginan suaminya. Bulan
purnama terdiam merayakan tahun baru.
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
Diujung Jalan
Dir.: Tony Trimarsanto
Indonesia. 2010. Documentary. 75 minutes. Color. Digital. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
DEC 2 / BLZ 7 / 16:30 (by invitation only)
A story of the families in Flores who lost their family members who were working in Malaysia. Being a migrant worker is
common in Flores, as common as their suffering because of violence, death, even forces to change their names, all done in
the name of money. Noel, Santi and Epen are three children whose parents are still working in Malaysia. When Easter comes,
they are waiting for their parents to come home, because Easter is the time for the Larantukas who work abroad to come
home and be together again, in such a rare time, with their families.
Kisah tentang keluarga-keluarga yang kehilangan saudara, suami, istri, anak yang merantau di Malaysia. Menjadi buruh migran
sudah mentradisi di wilayah Flores. Namun kekerasan, penganiayaan, kematian, bahkan penggantian nama demi uang, harus
mereka lakukan. Noel, Santi dan Epen, tiga orang anak yang merindukan kedatangan orangtuanya yang menjadi buruh migran di
Malaysia, pada sebuah perayaan Paskah. Noel, Santi dan Epen terus menunggu, karena perayaan Paskah adalah momen mudik
bagi masyarakat di Larantuka untuk saling bertemu, berkumpul dan melepas kerinduan.
Tonny Trimarsanto is a graduate of the Jakarta Arts Institute. Since beginning his career he has made more than 20
documentary films. His film GERABAH PLASTIK (2002) won the prize for Best Film at the 2002 Indonesian Doc Film Festival.
His film DREAM LAND won the the Prize for Excellence at the Twelfth Earth Vision, Global Environment Documentary Film
Festival in Tokyo in 2004 and was also awarded ‘Competition Selection’ at the Green Film Festival in Seoul, Korea in 2004. His
collaborative effort in feature-length documentary SERAMBI was screened in JIFFest 2006.
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
Dir.: Muhammad Marzuki and Chandra Hutagaol
Indonesia. 2010. Documentary. 65 minutes. Color. Digital. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
NOV 28 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 (by invitation only)
This is a unique story about hip-hop culture from Yogyakarta, where urban culture meets Javanese tradition to create
a contemporary work. A travelogue piece made by founders of Jogja Hip Hop Foundation, Moh Marzuki / Kill The DJ /
Chebolang, from 2003 to 2009, we get to see the true spirit of Javanese in accepting new culture and blend it with their roots
to make a new and accessible work of art.
Inilah sebuah cerita unik tentang kultur hip hop dari kota Jogja, dimana kebudayaan urban bertemu dengan tradisi Jawa untuk
menciptakan produk kesenian kontemporer. Rangkuman perjalanan yang disusun sendiri oleh pendiri Jogja Hip Hop Foundation,
Moh Marzuki / Kill The DJ / Chebolang, dari tahun 2003 sampai 2009, film ini memperlihatkan gambaran jelas tentang mentalitas
aseli orang Jawa dengan semangat sinkretisme-nya; keterbukaan untuk menerima semua hal yang datang dari luar tradisinya,
kemudian dicampurkan dengan akar kebudayaan dantradisi mereka.
Muhammad Marzuki was born in Klaten, Central Java, and is a self-taught musician who delved into hip-hop in 1991, later
establishing the Jogja Hip-Hop Foundation in 2003. Chandra Hutagaol edited documentary MENGGELAR INDONESIA (2010)
by Jennifer Lindsay.
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
Jakarta Maghrib (Jakarta Twilight)
Dir.: Salman Aristo
Indonesia. 2010. Drama/Comedy. 75 minutes. Color. Digital. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
DEC 4 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 (by invitation only)
This is an effort to capture the contemplating big city. The time of Maghrib is the borderline of all relationships, and that
is the thread that binds all 6 stories in the film. A married couple (Indra Birowo & Widi Mulia) want to make love in IMAN
CUMA INGIN NUR, while a thug and a mosque’s caretaker (Asrul Dahlan & Sjafrial Arifin) have an interesting juxtaposition in
ADZAN. In the meantime, residents of a housing complex (Lukman Sardi, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Dedi Mahendra Desta, Fanny
Fabriana, Lilis) meet for the first time while waiting for their favourite food seller in MENUNGGU AKI. A couple (Reza Rahadian
& Adinia Wirasti) are busy looking for a shortcut in JALAN PINTAS, and a little boy (Aldo Tansani) is scared to death in CERITA
SI IVAN. Finally, all characters eventually meet in BA’DA.
Jakarta Maghrib adalah sebuah usaha untuk menangkap suasana metropolitan saat sedang menuju kontemplasinya. Semua
hubungan manusia menemui ambang batasnya di waktu Maghrib, itulah benang merah dari 6 cerita yang ada. Sepasang suami
istri yang ingin bercinta (Indra Birowo & Widi Mulia) dalam IMAN CUMA INGIN NUR, seorang preman dan penjaga musholla (Asrul
Dahlan & Sjafrial Arifin) dalam ADZAN, penghuni kompleks perumahan (Lukman Sardi, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Dedi Mahendra
Desta, Fanny Fabriana, Lilis) yang menunggu tukang nasi goreng langganan mereka dalam MENUNGGU AKI, sepasang kekasih
(Reza Rahadian & Adinia Wirasti) yang mencari jalan pintas dalam JALAN PINTAS, anak kecil yang ketakutan (Aldo Tansani) dalam
CERITA SI IVAN, dan pertemuan dari semua tokoh tersebut dalam BA’DA.
Salman Aristo won Best Script in JIFFest Script Development Competition in 2006, the competition that saw him in tutor’s
position three years later. A productive writer, he wrote two biggest Indonesian box office hits of all-time, Ayat-Ayat Cinta
(Verses of Love) and Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops). JAKARTA MAGHRIB is his directorial debut.
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
KickStart! – Palu
Indonesia. 2010. Documentary. Total screening time: 75 minutes. Color. Digital. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
NOV 29 / BLZ 7 / 16:45 (by invitation only)
In-Docs (Indonesian Documentaries), a documentary organization that conducts documentary filmmaking and distributes
local documentary films, put together four films made by first time filmmakers from Palu, Central Sulawesi.
In SERUPA TAPI TAK SAMA (15’), director Dewi Yanti observes the struggle of Yuliana raising her daughter, Yana, who suffers
from down syndrome. In TADULAKO MILD (15’), director Nur Soima Ulfa presents a case of a cigarette company re-brands a
college. In SENANDUNG IKAN BARU (25’), directors Nurhuda and Wahdania compare the lives of two young boys who sell fish
for living: one still goes to school, the other is forced not to. In MENAMBANG DI PIRING PETANI (20’), director Syafaat Ladanu
shows how farmers in one village are united together to fight against big mining company.
In-Docs (Indonesian Documentaries) mempersembahkan empat film dokumenter karya sutradara pemula dari Palu, Sulawesi
Di cerita SERUPA TAPI TAK SAMA (15 menit), Dewi Yanti menghadirkan kisah ibu Yuliana membesarkan putrinya, Yana, yang
menderita penyakit down syndrown. Sementara itu, Nur Soima Ulfa memperlihatkan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan rokok
mengubah tampilan kampus di TADULAKO MILD (15 menit). Dua sutradara, Nurhuda dan Wahdania, membandingkan nasib dua
anak penjual ikan dengan pendidikan mereka pada kisah SENANDUNG IKAN BARU (25 menit). Terakhir, di cerita MENAMBANG DI
PIRING PETANI (20 menit), sutradara Syafaat Ladanu memperlihatkan perjuangan sekelompok petani agar sawah mereka tidak
ditambang oleh perusahaan yang telah mendapat izin dari pemerintah.
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
Special Premiere
Special Premiere
Working Girls
(Perempuan Pencari Nafkah)
Dir.: Sammaria Simanjuntak & Sally Anom Sari, Yosep Anggi Noen, Nitta Nazyra C. Noer &
Daud Sumolang
Indonesia. 2010. Omnibus Documentary. 123 minutes. Color. Digital. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
DEC 1 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 (by invitation only)
The omnibus documentary gives us the lives of exemplary women who contribute significant changes to their society. In 5
MINUTES TO FAME AH AH AH, directors Sammaria & Sally bring us to Ayu Riana, 14 year-old girl who, after winning a dangdut
contest in national TV, has to become a breadwinner for her whole family. In WINDLESS RHAPSODY, director Yosep gives us a
portrait of women who have given their lives to performing arts while still having to make ends meet. In ULFIE GOES HOME,
directors Nitta and Daud follow the journey of Ulfie, a transvestite from Aceh who, upon returning home, finds out that
people in her hometown has little idea about HIV/AIDS. Against all odds, Ulfie and her fellows in the film give us remarkable
stories on their hardship to bring better lives for others.
Tiga film dokumenter pendek ini mengangkat kisah perempuan-perempuan yang membawa perubahan di lingkungan
mereka. Dalam 5 MENIT LAGI AH AH AH, sutrada Sammaria & Sally membawa kita pada Ayu Riana, yang pada usia 14 tahun
sudah memenangkan kontes idola dangdut di TV nasional, sekaligus menjadi tulang punggung keluarga. Di ASAL TAK ADA
ANGIN, sutradara Yosep menampilkan para perempuan yang setia pada profesi mereka di pertunjukan ketoprak. Sementara di
ULFIE PULANG KAMPUNG, sutradara Nitta & Daud mengikuti perjalanan Ulfie, waria asal Aceh yang berusaha membuat warga
kampungnya mengerti bahaya HIV/AIDS. Meskipun dihadang berbagai kesulitan, Ulfie dan semua perempuan dalam film ini
berusaha untuk bertahan hidup sambil terus bertekad membawa kebaikan bagi lingkungan sekitar mereka.
Sammaria Simanjuntak & Sally Anom Sari won Best Original Screenplay in Festival Film Indonesia for their debut work in “cin(T)a”,
which also won Audience Award in JIFFest 2009. Yosep Anggi Noen received a scholarship from Asian Film Academy in Pusan in 2007,
and his short film It’s Not Raining Outside has been traveling to worldwide film festivals. Nitta Nazyra C. Noer graduated from Film
Directing Studies, Jakarta Arts Institute, in 1999, & Daud Sumolang scripted Dajang Soembi that was screened in Museum of Modern
Art (MoMA). WORKING GIRLS is their debut in feature-length documentary.
Premiere film ini didukung oleh Kementerian Perdagangan RI
World Cinema
World Cinema
For 80 Days (80 egunean)
Dir.: Jon Garaño & José María Goenaga
Spain. 2010. 104 min. Drama. Color. Digital. Basque (with
English subtitles).
NOV 29 / KF / 17:00 • DEC 5 / KF / 14:15
In this moving drama, we see two women, Axun and Maite,
who have not seen each other for more than fifty years. Fate
brings them together when they take care of their respective
relatives at a hospital. The differences in their present lives
bring them closer than before, as now they revisit feelings
that once flourish between them in the past.
Dalam drama yang menyentuh ini, kita melihat dua
perempuan, Axun dan Maite, yang sudah tidak bertemu
selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Takdir menemukan mereka lagi
saat mereka harus mengurus keluarga mereka yang sakit di
sebuah rumah sakit. Perbedaan yang ada di kehidupan dua
perempuan ini malah menjadikan mereka semakin dekat,
terutama saat mereka mengurai lagi kisah manis yang pernah
terjadi di antara mereka di masa lalu.
Jon Garaño & José María Goenaga previously directed many
award-winning short and feature length documentary
and animation films. Directing from their own script, 80
EGUNEAN is their first foray into dramatic feature.
The VIth City of San Sebastián Film Commission Award, San
Sebastian International Film Festival, 2010.
Asleep In The Sun
(Dormir al Sol)
Dir.: Alejandro Chomski
Argentina. 2010. 83 min. Drama. Color. Digital. Spanish (with
English subtitles).
NOV 27 / KF / 14:15 • DEC 4 / KF / 17:00
The film is anything but ordinary. The following synopsis
may easily fool us: Lucio is forced to commit his depressed
wife to mental institution. Much to his surprise, she returns
soon after, seemingly completely healed. But something
seems different to Lucio and he’ll go to any lengths to find
out what happened to his wife. As we follow Lucio’s journey,
we enter the world where reality is not as simple as what we
perceive in the eyes.
Sebuah film yang tidak biasa. Sinopsis yang kami tawarkan
malah mungkin menipu anda: Lucio terpaksa memasukkan
istrinya yang depresi ke rumah sakit jiwa. Tak lama kemudian,
istri Lucio sudah kembali pulang, dan terlihat sudah sembuh.
Namun ada hal aneh yang Lucio lihat pada istrinya. Lucio
melakukan segala cara untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi
pada istrinya, dan bersama dengan Lucio, kita melihat sebuah
dunia yang tidak semudah apa yang kita lihat dengan mata
kita sendiri.
Alejandro Chomski is the subject of a documentary WHO
IS ALEJANDRO CHOMSKI? (2002), although as a director
himself, he has made award-winning debut TODAY &
TOMORROW (2003), and a dance film FEEL THE NOISE (2007,
produced by Jennifer Lopez).
World Cinema
World Cinema
Turk’s Head (Tête de turc)
Honey (Bal)
France. 2010. 87 min. Drama/Crime. Color. 35 mm. French
(with English subtitles).
Turkey/Germany. 2010. 103 min. Drama. Color. 35 mm.
Turkish (with English subtitles).
DEC 2 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 • DEC 3 / BLZ 6 / 22:00
NOV 27 / BLZ 7 / 21:45
A 14 year old boy, an ER doctor, a cop looking for revenge,
a mother fighting for her children and a man distraught by
the death of his wife see their destinies come together. As
the doctor spends several days in a coma, events keep on
happening amidst Marseille’s immigrant suburbs and all will
be swept by the shock waves.
Six-year old Yusuf has just started school, where he learns
to read and write. His father, Yakup, a beekeeper, regularly
goes into the forest to hang the beehives from the tallest
trees. The mountainous forest is packed with mysteries for
Yusuf, who loves accompanying his father. One day the bees
disappear. Yakup decides to make his way into the forest to
find out what has happened. A bizarre event awaits.
Dir.: Pascal Elbé
Seorang remaja berusia 14 tahun, seorang dokter bagian gawat
darurat, seorang polisi yang menyimpan dendam, seorang ibu
yang berjuang untuk anaknya dan seorang laki-laki yang putus
asa karena istrinya meninggal. Semua cerita ini terjalin dalam
satu benang merah yang mempertemukan mereka. Saat sang
dokter berada dalam keadaan koma, semua kejadian tersebut
berjalan dan semuanya akan dikejutkan di akhir film yang
menegangkan ini.
The critically acclaimed TURK’S HEAD was inspired by the
real-life incident in 2006 in Marseille where a group of
impoverished teenager torched a bus, severely burning a
female passenger.
The film marks the directorial debut of actor/screenwriter
Pascal Elbé.
Dir.: Semih Kaplanoğlu
Yusuf, bocah berumur 6 tahun, baru saja mulai sekolah.
Ayahnya, Yakup, petani madu, sering pergi ke hutan untuk
menggantungkan sarang lebah ke pohon-pohon yang tinggi.
Keindahan alam di hutan memikat hati Yusuf yang sering
menemani ayahnya. Suatu hari, lebah-lebah ini menghilang.
Yakup memutuskan untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi di
hutan. Sebuah kejadian aneh ternyata menunggu mereka.
HONEY is the last part of Kaplanoğlu’s autobiographical
“Yusuf Trilogy”, named after the central character, preceded
by EGG (Yumurta, 2007, screened in JIFFest 2008) and MILK
(Süt, 2008). The trilogy runs in reverse chronological order,
and HONEY explores Yusuf’s early childhood.
Golden Berlin Bear for Best Film, Berlin International Film
Festival, 2010. Turkey’s Official Submission for Best Foreign
Language category, 83rd Academy Awards, 2011.
World Cinema
Canada. 2010. 130 min. Drama. Color.
35 mm. French/Arabic (with English
Netherlands. 2010. 75 min. Drama.
Color. 35 mm. Dutch
(with English subtitles).
DEC 3 / BLZ 7 / 16:30 •
DEC 4 / BLZ 6 / 16:45
DEC 4 / BLZ 7 / 16:45
Dir.: Denis Villeneuve
At the reading of their mother’s will,
twin siblings Simon (Maxim Gaudette)
and Jeanne (Mélissa DésormeauxPoulin) learn for the first time that they
have a brother, and that their father,
whom they thought was dead, is alive.
Among their mother’s request is her
final wish that the twins find both their
brother and father, and deliver to them
certain sealed letters. Nawal (Lubna
Azabal) was a mystery to her children
and their relationship is a difficult
one. Simon is angry and resistant, but
Jeanne feels compelled to respect her
mother’s requests.
Setelah membaca surat wasiat ibu
mereka, Simon dan Jeanne baru tahu
bahwa mereka mempunyai saudara
lain, dan ayah mereka, yang mereka
kira sudah meninggal, ternyata masih
hidup. Mereka berdua ditugaskan oleh
sang ibu untuk mengantarkan sebuah
surat bersegel untuk ayah dan saudara
laki-laki mereka. Simon merasa kesal,
namun Jeanne merasa bahwa ia
harus menghormati sang ibu dengan
menunaikan keinginan terakhirnya.
Starting in making short films, Denis
Villeneuve went on to become one of
the most prolific Canadian film director
and writer. He has won two Genie
award (Canada’s equivalent to Oscar)
for Best Director in MAELSTROM (2001)
Best Canadian Feature, Toronto
International Film Festival, 2010.
Canada’s Official Submission for Best
Foreign Language category, 83rd
Academy Awards 2011.
Dir.:Mijke de Jong
Joy lives on the fringes of society,
getting by on benefits and earning a
little extra by playing the accordion in
the subway. In addition, she is a skilled
shoplifter and has never been caught.
She is also in the middle of her journey
to search for her biological mother.
One day she finds an old woman who
resembles her mother. A spark of hope
arises, Joy becomes more cheerful and
more alert, until she hears a name that
shocks her and brings her down.
Joy tinggal di pinggiran kota, bertahan
hidup dari uang tunjangan sosial dan
mengamen di stasiun kereta bawah
tanah. Ia juga seorang pencuri yang
handal dan tidak pernah sekalipun
tertangkap. Joy juga sedang mencari
ibu kandungnya. Suatu hari ia bertemu
dengan seorang perempuan tua yang
menurutnya sangat mirip dengan ibu
kandungnya. Harapan baru muncul, Joy
merasa bahagia, sampai sebuah nama
membuat Joy kecewa.
Mijke de Jong has been active in
directing television drama, features,
short films, documentaries and
theatre plays since the early 1980s.
Among her recent achievement is
winning Golden Calf for Best Director
in the Netherlands Film Festival for
Golden Calves for Best Film, Best
Screenplay and Best Supporting
Actress for Coosje Smid, Netherlands
Film Festival, 2010.
Dir.: Takeshi Kitano
Japan. 2010. 109 min. Action/Drama.
Color. 35 mm. Japanese (with English
DEC 3 / BLZ 7 / 21:45 •
DEC 4 / BLZ 4 / 22:00
The story begins with Sekiuchi, boss of
the Sannokai, a huge organised crime
syndicate controlling the entire Kanto
region, issuing a stern warning to his
lieutenant Kato and right-hand man
Ikemoto. Kato orders Ikemoto to bring
the unassociated Murase-gumi gang
in line, and he immediately passes
the task on to his subordinate Otomo
(Beat Takeshi), who runs his own crew.
This is a story about a ruthless, violent,
and brutal battle in a corrupt world
where there are no heroes but constant
betrayal and vengeance.
Sekiuchi, pimpinan Sannokai, sebuah
organisasi kejahatan besar yang
menguasai area Kanto, mengeluarkan
peringatan kepada Kato dan tangan
kanannya, Ikemoto. Kato memerintahkan
Ikemoto untuk membereskan kelompok
Murase-gumi, namun pekerjaan ini pun
dilimpahkan pada bawahannya, Otomo
(Beat Takeshi), yang mempunyai kru
sendiri. Ini adalah cerita tentang kejam
dan kerasnya dunia kejahatan dimana
tidak ada pahlawan, tapi hanya ada
pengkhianatan dan balas dendam.
OUTRAGE marks the return of Takeshi
Kitano to yakuza genre that made him
famous in 1980s through the early
years of 2000s. For JIFFest audiences,
Takeshi Kitano is familiar for his
works in ZATOICHI (2003, screened in
TORTOISE (screened in JIFFest 2008).
Official Selection, Competition, Cannes
Film Festival, 2010.
World Cinema
World Cinema
World Cinema
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Son of Babylon
USA/UK/Canada. 2010. 112 min. Action/Adventure/Comedy/
Fantasy. Color. 35 mm. English.
Iraq/UK/France/Netherlands/United Arab Emirates/Egypt/
Palestine. 2009. 100 min. Drama. Color. Digital. Arabic/
Kurdish (with English subtitles).
Dir.: Edgar Wright
DEC 1 / BLZ 7 / 21:45 • DEC 2 / BLZ 7 / 21:45 •
DEC 4 / BLZ 7 / 21:45
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is the bass player for the band
Sex Bob-omb. Although he had already dated Knives
Chau (Ellen Wong), the mysterious Ramona Flowers (Mary
Elizabeth Winstead) managed to capture his heart. Scott will
do anything to be able to date Ramona, including having to
win battles against Ramona’s 7 evil exes, each with their own
super power.
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) adalah pemain bass band Sex
Bob-omb. Meskipun dia sudah pacaran dengan Knives
Chau (Ellen Wong), tapi kehadiran Ramona Flowers (Mary
Elizabeth Winstead) yang misterius malah memikat hatinya.
Scott akan melakukan segalanya untuk dapat berkencan
dengan Ramona. Untuk itu, Scott harus memenangkan setiap
pertandingan melawan tujuh mantan pacar Ramona yang
jahat dan memiliki kekuatan super sendiri-sendiri!
This is what one can find in Edgar Wright’s films: deadpan
humor in fast-paced moments, fast action style editing, and
repeated lines or snippets of dialogue for comedic effect. In
short: you’ll never get bored watching his films!
Dir.: Mohamed Al Daradji
NOV 30 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 • DEC 2 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
In 2003, three weeks after the fall of Saddam Hussein,
12-year old Ahmed travels with his grandmother to find
his father, a soldier missing since the Gulf War. From the
mountains of Kurdistan to the sands of Babylon, they cross
paths with others who are on an all too similar quest. As
she struggles to accept an awful truth, Ahmed retraces the
footsteps of a father he never knew. This is a journey that
will not only connect them to the past, but will determine
their lives forever.
Tahun 2003, tiga minggu setelah jatuhnya rejim Saddam
Husein, Ahmed pergi bersama neneknya untuk mencari ayah
Ahmed, seorang tentara yang hilang sejak Perang Teluk.
Dari pegunungan Kurdistan ke gurun pasir Babylon, mereka
bertemu banyak orang yang melakukan hal yang sama.
Pelan-pelan sang nenek mulai menerima kenyataan pahit,
dan Ahmed menelusuri lagi jejak sang ayah yang tidak pernah
Ahmed temui.
Mohammed Al-Darraji is a Dutch-Iraqi filmmaker. He studied
theatre directing in Baghdad and fled to The Netherlands
in 1995, where he specialized as a cameraman. Later he
graduated with an MA in cinematography in Leeds. He
created many several short films and commercials.
Amnesty International Film Prize and Peace Film Award,
Berlin International Film Festival, 2010. Iraq’s Official
Submission for Best Foreign Language category, 83rd
Academy Awards, 2011.
World Cinema
Dir.:Hawa Essuman & Tom
Storm In My Heart Together
Dir.: Pål Jackman
Dir.: Matias Armand Jordal
Kenya/Germany. 2010. 61 min. Drama.
Color. 35 mm. Swahili (with English
Norway. 2009. 96 min. Drama. Color. 35
mm. Norwegian (with English subtitles).
Norway. 2009. 100 min. Drama. Color.
35 mm. Norwegian (with English
DEC 1 / BLZ 7 / 16:45 •
DEC 4 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
In Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, one of the
largest slums in East Africa, 14 year-old
Abila wakes up to find his father ill and
delirious. Apparently, someone has
stolen his father’s soul. Abila is shocked
and confused. Supported by his friend
Shiku who accompanies him in finding
the cure, Abila learns that his father has
gambled his soul away in the company
of a spiritual woman.
Di Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, salah satu
daerah termiskin di Afrika Timur, Aliba
bangun dan mendapati ayahnya sakit.
Seseorang telah mengambil ruh ayah
Abila. Dalam kebingungan, Abila
berusaha mencari pengobatan bersama
temannya, Shiku. Abila pun sadar bahwa
ayahnya telah menggadaikan jiwanya
untuk bersama seorang perempuan.
SOUL BOY is a first film by GhanianKenyan young female film maker
Hawa Essuman. The film evolved
from a film workshop initiated by the
German association One Fine Day with
filmmaker Tom Tykwer, known for
his blockbuster films RUN LOLA RUN
(JIFFest 1999), HEAVEN (2002), and
many others. This is the result of their
Dioraphte Audience Award, Rotterdam
International Film Festival, 2010.
(screened together with THE CALLER)
NOV 29 / BLZ 7 / 19:15
This is a heartfelt story of life’s
relationships, with Eivind who isn’t
scared of anything - except love. He
lives aboard a boat in the South of
Norway. Thirty years ago Eivind left his
homestead and his teenage sweetheart
behind, and he has not been back since.
Then young Kris appears. This man
wants to travel the world but didn’t
get any longer than to the lifeboat of
Jernanger. The two men eventually find
one another and together they hatch a
great plan.
Kisah mengenai Eivind yang pemarah
dan tidak takut pada apapun, kecuali
cinta. Elvind hidup di perahu di bagian
selatan Norwegia. Tiga puluh tahun yang
lalu, ia meninggalkan kota kelahirannya
dan tidak pernah kembali lagi. Suatu
hari, seorang anak muda bernama Kris
muncul. Kris ingin berkeliling dunia,
namun tidak bisa berbuat banyak untuk
memenuhinya. Keduanya saling bertemu
dan membuat sebuah rencana besar.
Pål Jackman has directed shorts and
advertising films and received large
attention for his first short film, BENNY
- a playful and easygoing film in both
style and content. Jackman made his
feature debut in 2000 with awardwinning DETECTOR.
Won Audience Award for Best Film at
the Tromsø International Film Festival,
Norway, 2009.
NOV 26 / BLZ 6 / 22:00
A family of a father, a mother and
their son is looking forward to go
on vacation. On their way, they
experience a life-changing accident.
This is a story about a father and his
son’s journey after they tragically lose
the one person they love the most,
and how the two get past through the
sorrow to eventually be a family again.
Sebuah keluarga yang terdiri dari ayah,
ibu dan anak laki-laki mereka sudah
lama menantikan liburan kali ini. Di
tengah perjalanan terjadi kecelakaan
yang mengubah hidup mereka. Inilah
cerita tentang seorang ayah dan anak
kehilangan seseorang yang sangat
mereka cintai, dan bagaimana mereka
mengatasi kesedihan untuk menjadi
sebuah keluarga yang utuh kembali.
Norwegian Matias Armand Jordal,
born in 1970, studied at the
Dramatiska Institutet in Stockholm.
For the last eight years he has worked
directing award-winning commercials
and short films. Sammen is his feature
film debut.
The Church of Iceland Award,
Reykjavik International Film Festival,
2009. Special Mention from the New
Directors Awards Jury, San Sebastian
International Film Festival, 2009.
World Cinema
Soul Boy
World Cinema
World Cinema
The Wedding Photographer When We Leave (Die Fremde)
Dir.: Ulf Malmros
Sweden. 2009. 113 min. Comedy/Drama/Romance. Color.
Digital. Swedish (with English subtitles).
NOV 27 / BLZ 6 / 22:00 • NOV 30 / BLZ 7 / 21:45
Robin, a rock-’n-roll wedding photographer from a remote
spot in Värmland is appointed to photograph an upper-class
wedding in Djursholm. He falls in love with the bride’s sister
and goes through a head-turning makeover trying to fit
into the posh world. The result is hilarious, unexpected, and
Robin finds a new part of him in the making.
Robin, fotografer pernikahan dari kota kecil di Värmland,
ditunjuk menjadi fotografer pernikahan keluarga kelas atas
di Djursholm. Dia jatuh cinta pada saudara perempuan
pengantin wanita. Mau tidak mau, Robin harus menjalani
“makeover” agar bisa diterima di dunia barunya ini.
Ulf Malmros directed his first film for television aged 19. In
2006, he won Best Director award in Guldbagge Awards
(Swedish equivalent to Oscar) for GOD SAVE THE KING.
Best Supporting Actor and Best Screenplay, Guldbagge
Awards, 2010.
Dir.: Feo Aladag
Germany. 2010. 119 min. Drama. Color. 35 mm. German/
Turkish (with English subtitles).
NOV 28 / BLZ 7 / 21:45 • DEC 2 / BLZ 6 / 22:00
Umay (Sibel Kekili) is a young woman of Turkish descent,
fighting for an independent and self-determined life in
Germany against the resistance of her family. For her son,
Cem, Umay is willing to go extra miles, although she never
realizes how dangerous her struggle for self-determination
has become.
Umay (Sibel Kekili), seorang perempuan keturunan Turki,
berjuang keras untuk menjalani kehidupan yang bebas dan
mandiri di Jerman, meskipun orang tua Umay menentangnya.
Demi anak satu-satunya, Cem, Umay rela melakukan apa aja,
meskipun Umay tidak sadar bahwa pergulatan Umay akan
membahayakan dirinya.
Feo Aladag began her film career as an actress. She is also a
successful scriptwriter and commercial film director.
WHEN WE LEAVE is her feature directorial debut.
Best Narrative Feature and Best Actress, Tribeca Film Festival,
USA, 2010. Germany’s Official Submission for Best Foreign
Language category, 83rd Academy Awards, 2011.
World Cinema - Documentary
Denmark. 2010. 119 min. Documentary/War. Color. Digital.
Danish (with English subtitles).
USA/UK. 2010. 111 min. Documentary/Biography. Color.
Digital. English.
DEC 3 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
NOV 28 / BLZ 6 / 22:00 • NOV 29 / BLZ 7 / 21:45
In February 2009, Janus Metz Pedersen followed the lives
of Danish soldiers in Afghanistan. He captured everything
as a journey into the inner realm of war, as a mixture of
boredom in the camp, and as the real fighting is close by.
The business of killing during assignments make the soldiers
exposed directly to the feeling of extended fear and also to
the lust for “action”, the rush of blood, of wanting to kill. This
psychologically explosive conflict situation fundamentally
alters the mental balance of the soldiers.
The film is a gripping documentary of the assassinated
Benazir Bhutto, the first woman to lead an Islamic nation.
Following in her father’s footsteps as a pillar for democracy,
Bhutto was expected to dominate Pakistan’s 2008 elections
but the assassination sent Pakistan politics into turmoil. The
event shocked the world and transformed her from political
messiah into a martyr for the common man. This fast-paced
documentary also pulls together rare archival footage and
emotional interviews with close family members.
Bulan Februari 2009, Janus Metz Pedersen merekam kehidupan
sehari-hari tentara Denmark di Afghanistan. Ia menangkap
semua emosi yang terpancar, mulai dari rasa bosan mereka
saat menunggu “briefing” dan “debriefing”, saat-saat
tegang penuh aksi dimana mereka terlibat baku tembak
dan merasakan takut sekaligus senang. Konflik psikologis
yang dialami para prajurit tersebut cukup mengganggu
keseimbangan mental mereka.
Film dokumenter yang sangat menggugah perhatian tentang
Benazir Bhutto, wanita pertama yang menjadi pemimpin
negara Islam. Menyusul jejak ayahnya, Bhutto diharapkan
menjadi pemenang pemilihan umum Pakistan tahun 2008,
namun pembunuhan terhadap dirinya membawa Pakistan
ke kekacauan. Peristiwa yang mengejutkan seluruh dunia ini
membawa nama Bhutto menjadi simbol martir perjuangan
rakyat biasa. Film ini menampilkan arsip dokumentasi yang
belum pernah ditayangkan sebelumnya, berikut wawancara
dengan keluarga dekat Benazir Bhutto.
Dir.: Janus Metz Pedersen
Janus Metz Pedersen has a degree in communication studies
and international development. The film ARMADILLO
provoked furious debate in Denmark concerning the
controversial behavior of certain Danish soldiers during a
shootout with Taliban fighters.
Grand Prix Semaine de la Critique (Critics Week), Cannes Film
Festival, 2010. Best Documentary, BFI London Film Festival,
Dir.: Duane Baughman & Johnny O’ Hara
Duane Baughman spent nearly 3 years, directing, producing
and funding BHUTTO. Johnny O’Hara wrote FUEL, the
winner of the Sundance 2008 Audience Award for Best
Nominated for Grand Jury Prize (Documentary), Sundance
Film Festival, 2010.
World Cinema
World Cinema
World Cinema - Documentary
The Caller
Israel/Palestine/USA. 2009. 70 min. Documentary/War/
Action. Color. Digital. Arabic/Hebrew/English (with English
USA. 2010. 27 min. Documentary/Religion/Short. Color.
Digital. English.
Dir.: Julia Bacha
NOV 28 / KF / 14:15 • DEC 4 / KF / 14:15
At the border between Israel and the Palestinian territories,
the Israeli government is building a separation wall that
snakes through several Palestinian villages. Budrus,
population 1,500, stands to lose 300 acres and 3,000 of
the olive trees that are crucial to the town’s survival. But
husband and father Ayed—whose acts as an activist have
landed him in prison before—is determined to act, together
with his 15 year-old daughter and the rest of the town.
Di perbatasan Israel dan Palestina, pemerintah Israel
membangun dinding pemisah yang menerobos masuk
beberapa desa di Palestina. Budrus, populasi 1.500 orang,
terancam kehilangan 300 hektar dan 3.000 pohon zaitun
yang merupakan sumber utama penghasilan banyak orang
di Budrus. Tetapi seorang ayah dan suami, Ayed, yang pernah
dipenjara sebagai seorang aktivis, siap melawan agresi ini
bersama dengan putrinya dan seluruh penduduk Budrus.
Julia Bacha edited and co-wrote CONTROL ROOM (2004), an
award-winning documentary about Al-Jazeera. In 2006, she
co-directed the acclaimed ENCOUNTER POINT that depicts
lives of families affected by the violence in Israel.
Directing Award, World Cinema Documentary, Sundance
Film Festival, 2010. Best Photography, Beldocs International
Documentary Film Festival, 2010.
Dir.: Endah Wahyu Sulistianti
DEC 1 / BLZ 7 / 16:45 •
DEC 4 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
It doesn’t have to be the same, the call for prayers is always
something meaningful and beautiful to many religions.
In this ‘city of angels’, where nowadays religion is only
something artificial for most people, the callers (from three
different religions) become something important. They not
only try to keep their existences, but also struggle to define
their own faith in life.
Panggilan untuk beribadah bagi banyak agama adalah
sesuatu yang agung dan indah. Di kota Los Angeles, di mana
agama terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang artificial bagi
kebanyakan orang di sini, pemanggil ibadah menjadi profesi
penting. Mereka tidak hanya mempertahankan eksistensi
profesi, namun harus berjuang untuk menemukan jati diri
keyakinan mereka.
Endah WS’s previous film, THE LAST JOURNEY, was
developed in JIFFest Script Development Competition 2007,
had its world premiere in JIFFest the following year, and
eventually won Best Short Documentary in Festival Film
Indonesia 2009.
(screened together with SOUL BOY)
World Cinema - Documentary
Space Tourists
Australia. 2009. 79 min. Documentary. Color. Digital. English.
Switzerland. 2010. 98 min. Documentary/Adventure/History.
Color. 35 mm. English/Russian/Romanian (with English
Dir.: Safina Uberoi
NOV 26 / BLZ 7 / 16:45
Chris Rohrlach is an ordinary man from Australia with
an extraordinary story: fourteen years ago, his pregnant
girlfriend Rachel had a massive stroke that left her incurably
quadriplegic. Undeterred, the couple got married shortly
after their son was born. Years on, with another baby on
the way, the couple decided they needed a second income
to overcome the mounting bills. The solution? Open a
legal brothel in their conservative country town. This is a
compelling and sensitive film about love, commitment and
Chris Rohrlach adalah pria dengan cerita luar biasa: empat
belas tahun lalu, kekasihnya yang sedang hamil Rachel
mengalami stroke yang menyebabkannya lumpuh. Mereka
menikah tak lama setelah anak mereka lahir. Beberapa tahun
berikutnya, dengan kehadiran bayi lagi, pasangan ini harus
mencari pendapatan tambahan. Caranya? Membuka tempat
pelacuran legal di tempat tinggal mereka yang konservatif.
Sebuah film yang mengharukan tentang cinta, komitmen dan
keteguhan hati.
Safina Uberoi’s previous documentary, MY MOTHER
INDIA, is an autobiographical film that won eleven major
international awards including the Australian Film Critics
Circle Award for best Australian documentary.
One of the Top 10 Audience Award, International
Documentary Film Festival (IDFA) Amsterdam, 2009.
Best Documentary and Audience Award, Sydney Film
Festival, 2010.
Dir.:Christian Frei
NOV 26 / BLZ 7 / 19:15 • NOV 30 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
In this awe-inspiring film, Christian Frei turns to an age-old
dream of man: to leave our planet as a “normal person” and
travel into outer space. For 20 million dollars, the American
Anousheh Ansari was able to fulfill this childhood dream.
This documentary follows her journey into space as the first
female outer-space tourist, and shows everyday life as it is on
the International Space Station.
Sutradara Christian Frei menghadirkan kisah penuh inspirasi
tentang bagaimana kita bisa meninggalkan planet ini sebagai
“manusia biasa” dan berkelana ke luar angkasa. Dengan 20
juta dollar, warga negara Amerika Anousheh Ansari dapat
mewujudkan impian masa kecilnya pergi ke luar angkasa. Film
ini merekam perjalanan Anousheh sebagai turis perempuan
pertama di luar angkasa.
For loyal JIFFest audiences, the name Christian Frei is
synonymous with his groundbreaking work, the AcademyAward nominated WAR PHOTOGRAPHER, screened to
packed venues in JIFFest 2002. He followed this with awardwinning documentary THE GIANT BUDDHAS (2005).
Directing Award, World Cinema Documentary, Sundance
Film Festival, 2010. Eurodok Award, European Documentary
Film Festival, Oslo, 2010. Best Photography, Beldocs
International Documentary Film Festival, 2010.
World Cinema
A Good Man
A View From The SEA
A View From The SEA
The Blue Mansion Don’t Burn
Dir.: Glen Goei
(Dung dot)
Singapore. 2009. Comedy. 107 min.
Color. 35 mm. English.
Dir.: Đặng Nhật Minh
NOV 27 / BLZ 6 / 19:30 •
NOV 30 / BLZ 6 / 22:00
Vietnam. 2009. Drama. 100 min. Color.
35 mm. Vietnamese (with English
A wealthy Asian tycoon dies suddenly
under mysterious circumstances and
returns as a ghost to try to uncover
the secret of his death. Two eager
detectives investigate the death
chasing all leads and suspects,
including the dead man’s three
children. The ghost witnesses his own
funeral wake, attended by jealous
relatives and business competitors as
well as the police investigation that
unveils hidden family secrets.
Seorang konglomerat tiba-tiba
meninggal dengan cara yang misterius,
dan dia kembali lagi sebagai hantu
yang berusaha mencari tahu penyebab
kematiannya sendiri. Dua detektif datang
menyelidiki kasus ini dan menginterogasi
semua tersangka, termasuk ketiga anak
konglomerat. Hantu ini menyaksikan
sendiri bagaimana pemakamannya
dihadiri oleh saudara-saudaranya yang
dengki, pesaing bisnis, dan akhirnya
sebuah rahasia keluarga yang terpendam
selama ini.
Glen Goei’s first feature film FOREVER
which he wrote, directed and produced,
premiered at the Sundance Film Festival
in 1999. In between developing new
ideas for film, he continues his work
in theatre. THE BLUE MANSION is his
second feature film.
Opening Film, Asian Hot Shots Film
Festival, Berlin, 2010.
NOV 29 / BLZ 4 / 22:00
In the spring of 2005, an old diary is
found. The diary carries the notes
of a young woman doctor, Dang
Thuy Tram, who worked at a national
liberation front hospital in 1968 until
her death. Her diary speaks poignantly
of her devotion to family and friends,
the horrors of war, her yearning for
her high school sweetheart, and her
struggle to prove her loyalty to her
country. The diary was first discovered
by a US military officer, who kept it for
35 years. The diary was then published
in Vietnam and caused a sensation.
Di musim semi 2005, sebuah buku harian
ditemukan. Buku ini berisi catatan dokter
muda, Dang Thuy Traim, yang bekerja
di rumah sakit pergerakan nasional
liberal selama dua tahun sampai saat
dia meninggal. Catatan ini menunjukkan
kesetiannya pada keluarga, teman,
dan negara. Ditemukan pertama kali
oleh seorang tentara Amerika yang
menyimpannya selama 35 tahun, buku
ini menimbulkan sensasi saat diterbitkan
di Vietnam untuk pertama kalinya.
Đặng Nhật Minh is one of Vietnam’s
foremost film directors. He began
making documentary films around
1965 and is the first Vietnamese person
to be awarded the Nikkei Asia Prize for
Culture, in 1999.
Audience Award, Fukuoka
International Film Festival, 2009.
Dir.: Wee Li Lin
Singapore. 2010. 90 min. Romantic
Comedy. Color. 35 mm. Mandarin (with
English subtitles).
DEC 1 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
Joey, a video consultant from W.E.D
(wedding education department),
dedicates herself to promoting romance
and lasting marriages to young
Singaporeans through her unique
videos. Now she is about to fulfill her
own dream with Gin, a handsome
music teacher whom she has been in a
whirlwind romance with after casting
him along side with her in a W.E.D
video. But agirl, Cecilia, claims to be
Gin’s real fiancée while Gin claims that
his affection for her was strictly for the
video. Not letting her dream go, Joey
pursues Gin to make him see that she is
his true bride as she sees his true heart.
Will Joey’s perseverance finally pays off?
Joey bekerja membuat video tentang
pernikahan untuk warga Singapura.
Tinggal selangkah lagi Joey membuat
video tentang pernikahannya sendiri
dengan Gin, guru musik yang tampan
dan pernah berakting bersama Joey
di sebuah video pernikahan. Tetapi
gadis lain, Cecilia, mengaku sebagai
tunangan Gin, dan Gin pun mengaku
bahwa perasaannya ke Joey hanyalah
akting semata. Tak mau impiannya
untuk menikahi Gin hancur, Joey pun
melakukan segala cara untuk merebut
Gin. Berhasilkah dia?
FOREVER marks the second feature
film of Wee Li Lin whose debut GONE
SHOPPING competed for the New
Talents award at the 11th Shanghai
International Film Festival (2008). Wee
is also best known as the most prolific
female short filmmaker in Singapore.
World Premiere.
A View From The SEA
Miss Saigon
Malaysia/Japan. 2010. 17 min. Short/Drama. Color. Digital.
Chinese (with English subtitles).
Vietnam/Singapore. 2010. 27 min. Short. Color. Digital.
Vietnamese (with English subtitles).
NOV 26 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
NOV 28 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
Inhalation is a short spin-off of The Tiger Factory, and
features the same characters from the latter film. Ping’s
friend Mei, who gets deported from Japan, spends a night
quarreling with her boyfriend who comes to pick her up at
the harbor.
On the way to his motherland in Vietnam, Kelvin, a halfblooded Singaporean screenwriter comes across Anh, the
local girl and her brother, Cu. riding along a country dirt
path, both crying. At that very moment, Kelvin has a feeling
that something bad has happened to this girl’s family. In the
end, Kelvin saved Anh’s family from a tricky game of destiny
with his sense of benevolence.
Dir.: Edmund Yeo
Film pendek ini merupakan bagian dari film THE TIGER
FACTORY dan masih menampilkan karakter yang sama. Mei,
teman Ping yang diusir dari Jepang, menghabiskan malam
bertengkar dengan pacarnya yang datang menjemput di
(screened together with THE TIGER FACTORY)
Dir.: Ron Nguyen
Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Vietnam, Kevin berpapasan
dengan Anh dan adiknya, Cu, yang sedang menangis. Kevin
merasa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres yang terjadi di keluarga
Anh. Akhirnya, Kelvin menyelamatkan keluarga Anh dari suatu
kejadian yang nyaris tak dapat dielakkan.
(screened together with S-Express Singapore and S-Express
A View From The SEA
A View From The SEA
A View From The SEA
Pinoy Sunday
The Tiger Factory
Taiwan/Philippines. 2009. 85 min. Comedy. Color. 35 mm.
Tagalog/Mandarin/English (with English subtitles).
Japan/Malaysia. 2010. 84 min. Drama. Color. 35 mm. Malay/
Cantonese/Mandarin (with English subtitles).
DEC 1 / BLZ 6 / 22:00 • DEC 3 / BLZ 7 / 19:15
NOV 26 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
Manuel Imson and Dado Lopega are two friends from
Philippines who are working in a factory in Taipei. One day
they find an abandoned red couch on the street. They decide
to take the couch home by carrying it themselves. The
seemingly simple journey becomes an adventure for Manuel,
Dado, and the couch, all around Taipei.
Ping Ping, 19, who is under the guardianship of her aunt,
Madame Tien, works in a pig farm and as a dishwasher in
a restaurant. She’s saving to go to Japan to work in a car
parts company. Unbeknownst to Ping Ping, her aunt also
runs a clandestine “baby factory” in which migrant workers
are used to impregnate young woman and the babies are
sold for money. Ping Ping gradually learns the shocking
truth about her aunt.
Dir.: Wi Ding Ho
Manuel Imson dan Dado Lopega sama-sama berasal dari
Filipina dan bekerja di sebuah pabrik di Taipei. Suatu hari
mereka menemukan sofa merah teronggok di jalan. Mereka
memutuskan untuk membawa sofa itu pulang. Pekerjaan yang
sepertinya mudah menjadi pengalaman unik tersendiri oleh
Manuel, Dado, dan sofa itu sendiri!
Taiwan-based Malaysia-born Wi Ding Ho graduated from the
film school at New York University. His breakthrough short
film, RESPIRE, premiered at the International Critics’ Week,
Cannes Film Festival in 2005. PINOY SUNDAY is his feature
length debut.
Industry Award for Narrative Feature and Special Mention
Award, Taipei International Film Festival, 2010.
Dir.:Woo Ming Jin
Ping Ping, 19, yang diasuh oleh bibinya, Madame Tien, bekerja
di peternakan babi dan sebagai pencuci piring di restoran.
Ping Ping menabung agar dapat pergi ke Jepang dan bekerja
di perusahaan suku cadang mobil. Tanpa sepengetahuan
Ping Ping, bibinya menjalankan usaha perdagangan bayi.
Ping Ping pun akhirnya mengetahui rahasia ini.
Born in Malaysia, Woo Ming Jin’s work as a filmmaker and
photographer has garnered him a reputation as one of
South East Asia’s most promising talent. His films mostly
focus on the interaction between human and nature. Last
year he directed one segment in 15 MALAYSIA, screened in
JIFFest 2009.
Official Selection, Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film
Festival, 2010.
A View From The SEA
Ways of the Sea (Halaw)
Dir.: Sheron Dayoc
Dir.: Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Philippines. 2010. 78 min. Drama. Color. Digital. Tagalog
(with English subtitles).
Thailand/UK/France/Germany/Spain/Netherlands. 2010.
114 min. Fantasy. Color. 35 mm. Thai (with English subtitles).
NOV 28 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
NOV 26 / BLZ 7 / 21:45 • NOV 29 / BLZ 6 / 19:30
The film centers on the last days in the life of Uncle
Boonmee. Together with his loved ones – including the
ghost of his dead wife and his lost son who has returned in
a non-human form – Boonmee explores his past lives as he
contemplates the reasons for his illness.
Film ini berkisah tentang hari-hari terakhir Uncle Boonmee
di dunia. Bersama dengan orang-orang yang dia sayangi,
termasuk arwah istrinya yang telah wafat dan anaknya yang
hilang namun sekarang kembali bukan sebagai manusia,
Boonme mengingat-ingat kembali kehidupan yang pernah dia
lalui, sambil menelusuri ulang asal muasal penyakitnya.
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, or Joe to his close friends, is a
prolific independent Thai director. Asides from successive
prizes in Cannes for both his films BLISFULLY YOURS
(2002) and TROPICAL MALADY (2004), his previous film
SYNDROMES AND A CENTURY (2006) is also notable for
being the first Thai film to be entered into competition in the
Venice Film Festival of the same year.
Palme D’Or for Best Picture, Cannes Film Festival, 2010.
Thailand’s Official Submission for Best Foreign Language
category, 83rd Academy Awards, 2011.
The film centers on an illiterate Badjao, Jahid and his 9-yearold daughter Daying as they illegally cross the border of the
Philippines and Malaysia through the southern backdoor.
Determined to reunite with his wife, he leaves behind
everything they have to search for his lost wife in Sabah,
Malaysia, where an uncertain future awaits him.
Film ini berkisah tentang seorang ayah dan anak yang rela
melakukan apa saja, termasuk secara ilegal melintasi garis
perbatasan Filipina dan Malaysia, agar mereka dapat bersatu
lagi dengan sosok istri dan ibu yang mereka cintai.
Sheron R. Dayoc is a filmmaker, writer, editor,
cinematographer and painter. His first short narrative,
ANGAN-ANGAN (DREAMS) won special jury Citation at the
Cinemalaya Film festival 2008. The film is also in competition
in 7ème Festival Signes de Nuit Paris 2009.
Best Feature, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Editing,
Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival, 2010.
A View From The SEA
Uncle Boonmee Who Can
Recall His Past Lives
Variety: S-Express (Indonesia)
Curated by Varadila/Minikino
Screening Format: Digital
DEC 3 / KF / 17:00
S-Express is an active Southeast Asian network for short film
exchange. Initiated in 2001 by programmers Yuni Hadi (Substation,
Singapore), Chalida Uabumrungjit (Thai Film Foundation), and
Amir Muhammad (Malaysian Shorts), the group has expanded
to involve Indonesia (Minikino) since 2004, and the Philippines
(Alexis Tioseco) and China (Maggie Lee) since 2005. In its 8th
year, owing to its steady touring for exchange of short films,
the group is conducive to a regional networking of filmmakers.
S-Express adalah jaringan kerja pertukaran film pendek antar
negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Dimulai tahun 2001 oleh programer
Yuni Hadi (Substation, Singapore), Chalida Uambrungjit (Thai Film
Foundation) dan Amir Muhammad (Malaysian Shorts), kelompok
ini kemudian mengundang Indonesia (Minikino) sejak 2004, serta
Filipina (Alexis Tioseco) dan Cina (Maggie Lee) sejak 2005. Sampai
saat ini, berkat kesinambungan pertukaran film-film pendeknya,
S-Express tetap berperan penting dalam membuka jaringan kerja
antar para pembuat film pendek di negara-negara anggotanya.
The Address
Titik Nol
The Tielmans
Indonesia/Thailand. 2010. 17 min.
Indonesia. 2010. 12 min.
Indonesia. 2010. 21 min.
A foreigner meets a simple Thai family:
the father, the mother and their little
daughter, all of whom are going to
the cultural festival. He asks the family
to help him looking for a particular
address which in the end he forgets
one small thing about the family that
helps him.
Sukran (Abdul), a 12 year-old boy,
seeks his father after the death of his
mother around Banda Aceh and finally
arrives in Kota Sabang, Weh Islan. He
finds many things different from what
he believes from his mother’s tale.
Eventually, Sukran finds himself.
In 1945, Andy Tielman with his
brothers, sister, and parents, founded
a family band in Surabaya, Indonesia.
In 1957, they became The Tielman
Brothers, and that’s how Nederpop
(popular music in Holland) and a genre
called Indo-rock began. In 1981, The
Tielman Brothers stopped playing
music. But Andy Tielman, the frontman,
still performs, this time with his new
family: Carmen the wife/manager and
Loraine Jane the daughter. This is about
The Tielmans, and this is about Andy as
family man.
Dir.: Harvan Agustriansyah
Seorang warga asing bertemu dengan
keluarga Thai yang sedang menuju
perayaan kebudayaan. Dia meminta
bantuan keluarga ini mencari satu
alamat, namun dia malah melupakan
satu hal tentang keluarga yang sudah
Dir.: Nicholas Yudifar
Sukran (Abdul), 12 tahun, seorang anak
laki-laki, mencari keberadaan ayahnya,
setelah ibunya meninggal dunia. Ia
pergi dari kampung halamannya ke
kota Banda Aceh hingga ke kota Sabang
(Pulau Weh). Sukran menemukan adanya
perbedaan keadaan antara apa yang
diceritakan ibunya dengan yang ia lihat
dan alami sekarang. Pada akhirnya
Sukran menemukan dirinya sendiri.
Dir.: Ekky Imanjaya
Tahun 1945, Andy Tielman bersama
saudara dan orang tuanya membentuk
band keluarga di Surabaya, Indonesia.
Tahun 1957, mereka mengubah nama
menjadi The Tielman Brothers, dan di
sinilah Nederpop (jenis musik populer di
Belanda) dan Indo-rock bermula. Tahun
1981, grup ini berhenti bermain musik.
Namun Andy Tielman, pemimpin band,
masih terus bermain music bersama
Carmen, istri dan manajernya, dan
Loraine Jane, putrinya. Inilah cerita
tentang The Tielmans dan Andy sebagai
kepala rumah tangga.
A discussion session with all filmmakers in S-Express Indonesia will be conducted after the screening.
Screened together with MISS SAIGON.
Variety: S-Express
(FREE Screening)
DEC 5 / IIC / 14:30 • DEC 8 / IIC / 19:30
Curated by Amir Muhammad
Screening Format: Digital
Total Screening Time: 44 min.
NOV 29 / KF / 14:15 (screened together with S-Express Chinese)
Focal Point
Dir.: Alireza Khatami & Ali
Malaysia/Iran. 2009. Short. 12 min.
Seorang fotografer tua memilki kamera
ajaib peninggalan leluhurnya. Banyak
orang mendatangi fotografer ini untuk
mengetahui siapa jodoh mereka. Saat
harapan tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan,
banyak orang yang merasa kecewa.
Dir.: Chi Too
Malaysia. 2010. Short. 9 min.
Part of an ongoing series, these are
whimsical sketches that emphasize
physical distances (in Kuala Lumpur, the
Malaysian East Coast and Bangkok). Will
love keep us together or will love tear us
Sketsa yang memperlihatkan betapa
pentingnya jarak dari sebuah hubungan
(di Kuala Lumpur, East Coast di Malaysia
dan Bangkok). Apakah cinta dapat
mempersatukan kita, atau malah
menjauhkan kita?
Dir.: Anwari Ashraf
Malaysia. 2009. Short. 8 min.
Nature is constantly being destroyed
by man’s technology. The effects of
natural disasters worsen the situation.
Far from being a simplistic ‘green’ film,
the film remains philosophical about
the problems created from the coexistence of man and nature.
Teknologi selalu merusak alam.
Pengaruh dari bencana alam pun
semakin memperburuk keadaan. Jauh
dari sekedar film tentang “penghijauan”,
film ini menghadirkan pandangan
filosofis tentang masalah-masalah yang
hadir dalam kehidupan manusia dan
Petra Bond
The Colour of Ideas
Malaysia. 2010. Short. 7 min.
Malaysia. 2010. Short. 7 min.
‘Kiamu!!!’ is set in a boarding school—or, more specifically,
in the hyperactive mind of one of the boys, as he takes us
through the place. What does a guy have to do to fit in?
Quirky, stop-motion work set in the context of political agitation,
but with an underlying humanist agenda. The colour-coded blobs
represent the main Malaysian political parties, as well as the colours
of the flag.
Dir.: Chin Yew
Film ini mengambil lokasi di sebuah sekolah berasrama, atau
lebih tepatnya lagi, di pikiran hiperaktif salah satu penghuni
asrama. Apa yang harus ia lakukan agar bisa diterima di
lingkungan sekolah ini?
Dir.: Low Weiyan
Film yang dibuat dengan konteks politis, namun masih menampilkan
sisi humanis. Warna-warna sepanjang film ini melambangkan partaipartai politik Malaysia, sekaligus warna-warna di bendera Malaysia.
An old photographer has a magical
camera, a legacy from his ancestors.
People come to him to find out who their
soul mate is. It is not always a happy story
when a couple discovers that they are not
meant for each other.
You and Me Put the
‘You’ and ‘Me’ in ‘You
and Me’
Variety: S-Express (Philippines)
Curated by Francis Cruz, Dodo Dayao,
Richard Bolisay
Screening Format: Digital
Total Screening Time: 78 min.
DEC 1 / KF / 14:15
“I wish we had more regional feature films,
and more support for regional filmmakers.”
– Alexis Tioseco
The Philippines, while mistakenly attributed mostly to what’s happening in the capital city, is a country composed of several islands and
regions, with several dialects and cultural traditions. With the advent of digital filmmaking, many filmmakers from these regions that were
long marginalized in the film community during the days of celluloid, are proving their creative mettle, coming up with several works that
match if not outdo their Manila counterparts. It was Alexis’ wish that support be given to these filmmakers, many of whom came up with
their feature films or are currently preparing for their feature films, and it is our fervent tribute to Alexis to curate a program of short films
that represent what the Philippines, as a country that is diverse and multi-faceted, truly is.
– Francis Cruz, Dodo Dayao, Richard Bolisay (Curators)
Mouth (Boca)
To Siomai Love
Philippines. 2010. Short. 17 min.
Philippines. 2009. Short. 20 min.
Philippines. 2008. Short. 17 min.
Charlemagne Alejandro lost his
mother when he was 3 months old. He
compensates his lack of motherly love with
chain smoking. He doesn’t think much of
his job and spends most of his free time
smoking in front of a convenience store.
One day, he finds something better to do
with his lips than smoking.
Marvin is forced to use a love potion so
that his aching heart would be cured. While
dining at a dumpling stall, he meets a
pretty nursing student. After having a short
conversation, he feels mysteriously drawn
to her and thus tries to use the love potion
to win her heart. Will the potion work, or
will his charm works even without it?
Somewhere in Bicol, rural folks surround
their farmlands with film negatives to ward
off palay-eating birds.
Charlemagne Alejandro ditinggal ibunya
saat baru berusia 3 bulan. Untuk mengatasi
kesepiannya, dia selalu merokok dan
menghabiskan waktu di depan toko
kelontong untuk merokok. Suatu hari, dia
menemukan cara lain untuk menggunakan
bibirnya selain untuk merokok.
Marvin dipaksa menggunakan ramuan
pemikat cinta agar dia tak bersedih lagi.
Saat makan di kedai siomai, dia bertemu
mahasiswi sekolah perawat. Marvin merasa
tertarik dan mulai menggunakan ramuan
itu. Apakah ini berhasil, atau malah Marvin
sebenarnya tidak memerlukan ramuan itu?
Because of You (Dahil Sa’yo)
Philippines. 2010. Short. 7 min.
Philippines. 2005. Short. 7 min.
An old man has an almost human
relationship with his banana tree. He
serenades it with his guitar and even cries
when he cuts up its heart, or “puso ng
Shot around the Bangkerohan River, an
area of poverty, a young girl works as a
“mananaptan”, singing for the dead at
funerals. Occasionally, more services
are expected of her. Her indifferent
surroundings let it all happen.
Dir.: Zurich Chan
Dir.: Gym Lumbera
Seorang pria tua memiliki hubungan
khusus dengan pohon pisangnya. Dia
bersenandung dengan gitar pada pohon itu,
bahkan menangis saat dia merasa sakit hati.
Dir.: Remton Zuasola
Dir.: Sherad Anthony Sanchez
Seorang gadis bekerja sebagai penyanyi
di pemakaman. Kadang dia harus
menjalankan pekerjaan lain, lebih dari
sekedar menyanyi.
Film Roll (Rolyo)
Dir.: Alvin Yapan
Di suatu area di Bicol, orang-orang
melindungi tanah perkebunan mereka
dengan rol film untuk mengusir burung yang
memakan tanaman mereka.
We Don’t Care for
Democracy (Wala Kaming
Pakialam sa Demokrasya)
Dir.: John Torres
Philippines. 2010. Short.10 min.
Seemingly apathetic teens discuss the
possibility of infidelity while cuddling in
bed in this Visayan-language film.
Beberapa remaja apatis mendiskusikan
kemungkinan arti ‘ketidaksetiaan’ sambil
bermesraan di tempat tidur. Film ini
menggunakan bahasa Visayan.
S-Express (Philippines)
Variety: S-Express
Curated by Sanchai Chotirosseranee
Screening Format: Digital
Total Screening Time: 74 min.
NOV 30 / KF / 14:15
This year, the S-Express programme from Thailand consists of six shorts by young and talented filmmakers. The program includes Four Boys,
White Whiskey and Grilled Mouse, which was very recently awarded the Best Short Film award from the Tampere Film Festival in Finland.
The powerful Prisoner was named Best Short Film By A University Student at the 13th Thai Short Film & Video Festival last year. Sink [Vi]
was also a winner at the same festival, garnering the Best Animation award. Censored is the amazing first short from Kong Pahurak—he
is currently studying film at the prestigious Waseda University in Japan. (His latest film, Ladybird’s Tears, recently premiered at the 23rd
Singapore International Film Festival.) Nirvana forces us to question the prohibiting of disabled persons from Buddhist ordination. Last but
not least, in dedication to the recent political turmoil in Bangkok, I choose Karaoke: Think Kindly, which uses humor to portray the idea of
I personally think that Thai people must thoughtfully consider whether conciliation can solve the true conflict and, if so, how this
conciliation should be carried out.
Dir.: Wichanon Somumjarn
Thailand. 2009. Short. 10 min. Thailand
One late afternoon at the rice field, four
boys turn a little shack into a recreation
centre, complete with white whiskey,
grilled mouse and country music. Are your
sneaky activities fun when there is nobody
to check up on you?
Di suatu senja di sawah, empat anak
laki-laki menyulap sawah menjadi tempat
bermain, lengkap dengan whiski, tikus dan
musik country. Apakah kegiatanmu menjadi
lebih menyenangkan saat tiada orang yang
Dir.: Prachaya Lampongchat
Thailand. 2009. Short. 20 min. Thailand.
The prisoner… he was lost in the city.
Seorang narapidana tersesat di tengah kota.
Sink [Vi]
Thailand. 2009. Short. 16 min. Thailand.
Thailand. 2009. Short. 5 min. Thailand
Due to the war, all Klaus’s love letters to
his girlfriend abroad, were censored and
returned to him. Maybe he should become
one of the censorship board members.
Sink [Vi] means sinking into water, into
ideas, into commentary.
Sink [Vi] berarti tenggelam dalam air, ide
dan komentar.
Dir.: Kong Pahurak
Dir.: Pittaya Werasakwong
Karena perang, semua surat Klaus untuk
pacarnya di luar negeri harus disensor dan
dikembalikan ke Klaus. Mungkin Klaus harus
menjadi anggota badan sensor untuk bisa
mengirimkan surat-surat itu.
Dir.: Siwadol Rathee
Thailand. 2009. Short. 18 min. Thailand.
A man wants to be ordained. A mother
wants to see her son enter monkhood
before dying.
Seorang pria ingin menjadi pendeta. Sang
ibu ingin melihat anak tersebut menjadi
pendeta sebelum ia sekarat.
Karaoke: Think
Dir.: Scene 22
Thailand. 2009. Short. 5 min. Thailand
A blessing for people who have suffered
from the political turmoil in Thailand.
Sebuah rejeki bagi orang-orang yang
menderita karena kerusuhan di Thailand.
Four Boys, White
Whiskey and Grilled
Variety: S-Express (Singapore)
(FREE Screening)
DEC 2 / KF / 14:15
Screening Format: Digital
Total Screening Time: 84 min.
Bold, new works from Singapore to challenge your perception of Singapore cinema and the nation itself.
Nobody’s Home
Dir.: Nelson Yeo
Singapore. 2010. Short. 21 min.
“You will need two pennies, instead
of one, to pay the ferryman.” After
receiving a bunch of money from his
agent, a man decides to visit the people
close to him...
“Kau perlu dua peni, tidak hanya satu,
untuk membayar awak kapal.” Setelah
menerima uang dari agennya, seorang
pria mengunjungi orang-orang yang
dekat dengannya.
My Home (Rumah
Dir.: Daniel Hui
Durai and Saro
Dir.: Prema Menon
Singapore. 2010. Short. 28 min.
Singapore. 2010. Short. 20 min.
A Balinese housemaid works in a
home that is not her own. She is the
invisible class in Singapore, an unseen
population for whom the land is merely
Seorang pembantu rumah tangga
dari Bali bekerja di rumah yang bukan
miliknya. Dia termasuk dalam golongan
yang tak terlihat di Singapura, bagian
dari populasi yang menganggap negara
ini hanyalah tempat singgah sementara.
Durai is an Indian construction worker,
working in Singapore. Trying his best
to make ends meet and provide for his
family back home, he doubles up as a
car washer at night. While washing at
his usual neighbourhood carpark one
night, he meets a foreign domestic
worker, Saro, and he welcomes this
newfound friendship.
Durai adalah buruh bangunan dari
India yang bekerja di Singapura.
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya dan
keluarganya di India, dia mempunyai
pekerjaan tambahan sebagai pencuci
mobil di malam hari. Saat melakukan
pekerjaan tersebut, dia bertemu sesama
pekerja asing, Saro, dan keduanya
menjalin hubungan pertemanan.
A Day Alone (Sehari Sendiri)
Dir.: Haidar Afandi
Dir.: Sherman Ong
Singapore. 2010. Short. 5 min.
Singapore. 2010. Short. 10 min.
A visual poetry about my father and how I resolve our distant
This film centres on Xiao Jing, a ticket seller in an old cinema
in Singapore. Coming from China to study acting in Singapore,
her ambition is to break into the Singapore film industry as
an actress.
Puisi visual tentang ayahku dan bagaimana aku mengatasi
hubungan kami yang jauh ini.
Film ini mengisahkan Xiao Jing, penjual tiket di sebuah bioskop
tua di Singapura. Datang dari China untuk belajar akting, ambisi
Xiao Jing adalah menjadi aktris di industri perfilman Singapura.
Variety: S-Express
S-Express (Philippines)
Curated by Maggie Lee
Screening Format: Digital
Total Screening Time: 47 min.
NOV 29 / KF / 14:15 (screened together with S-Express Malaysia)
Song of Solomon
hongkong. 2009. Short. 29 min. hongkong
China. 2009. Short. 18 min. China.
Twenty years ago, Charlie came to Hong Kong to work as a
domestic helper. Not only did she leave her home country
Philippines, she also left her husband and her six-year-old son.
Close to her retirement, she looks forward to going back home and
living with her son again. However, her dream does not work out
as she wishes…
“Do you really have to go?!” Six words. Two stories about
memories, perseverance, hope and facing reality.
Dir.: Kwok Zune
“Apakah kamu harus pergi?” Empat kata. Dua cerita tentang
kenangan, perjuangan, harapan dan menghadapi kenyataan.
Dua puluh tahun yang lalu, Charlie datang ke Hong Kong
untuk bekerja sebagi pembantu rumah tangga. Charlie tidak
hanya meninggalkan negara asalnya, Filipina, namun dia juga
meninggalkan suami dan anaknya yang berumur enam tahun.
Menjelang pensiun, Charlie sangat antusias untuk pulang dan
tinggal bersama putranya lagi. Namun impian kadang tak sesuai
dengan kenyataan.
Dir.: Nuo Meng
S-Express (Malaysia)
Variety: International
(FREE Screening)
DEC 5 / IIC / 14:30 • DEC 8 / IIC / 19:30
DEC 3 / KF / 14:15 • DEC 5 / KF / 12:00
Dir.: Kristof Hoornaert
Belgium. 2009. 16 min. Color. Digital. Dutch (with English
Two young men wander in a quiet forest. Suddenly, without
any clue, a young man kills the other in a gruesome,
physical act. The murderer flees in complete panic.
Exhausted, he falls asleep in a wide field. He awakes and
realizes what horror he has committed.
Dua pria menyusuri hutan yang sepi. Tiba-tiba, salah satu dari
mereka menyerang dan membunuh yang lain. Pembunuh
lari dan panik. Kelelahan, dia tertidur. Saat bangun, dia sadar
akan peristiwa mengerikan yang dialaminya.
Nominated for Best Short Film, Berlinale, 2009. Best Short
Film, Patras City International Film Festival, Greece, 2010. Best
Director, Bueu Short Film Festival, Spain, 2010.
(The Descent)
Dir.: Shai Miedzinski
Vaishnav Jan Toh (Children of
the Most High)
Dir.: Kaushal Oza
India. 2009. 10 min. Color. Digital. Hindi (with English
1944. On a night when Mahatma Gandhi is visiting a village,
Ba has an unexpected visitor: Pratap, a thief, who has just
shot a man and is seeking shelter. As “Vaishnav Jan toh” is
sung in a distant prayer meeting, Ba’s own conviction in
Gandhi’s message will be put to test.
1944. Di suatu malam saat Mahatma Gandhi berkunjung ke
sebuah desa, Ba kedatangan Pratap, seorang pencuri yang
baru saja menembak orang tak dikenal dan sedang mencari
perlindungan. Saat mantra “Vaishnav Jan Toh” mulai terdengar,
keyakinan Ba akan petuah Gandhi teruji malam itu.
Best Debut Non Feature Film of a Director, Indian National
Film Awards, India, 2010. Nominated for Best Short Film, Asian
Festival of First Films, Singapore.
Bailarino e o Bonde (The
Dancer and The Tram)
Dir.: Rogerio Nunes
Israel. 2010. 20 min. Color. Digital. Hebrew (with English
Brazil. 2009. 10 min. Color. Animation. Digital. No dialogue.
A moving portrait of a family dealing with grief and
transition as they search for a perfect gravestone for their
son in the dusty and atmospheric Israeli desert.
Oh, those good old times when we used to take the tram
to school, to work, to wherever, before those noisy buses
came through. This is a tale that pits progress against
normal people lives and its consequences in the future.
Potret menyentuh bagaimana sebuah keluarga berusaha
mencari makam yang sempurna untuk putra mereka di
tengah padang pasir di Israel.
Silver Berlin Bear for Best Short Film, Berlinale, 2010. Best Debut
Film and Best Short Film, Timishort Film Festival 2010, Romania.
Masa lalu yang indah saat kita masih bisa naik trem ke
sekolah, ke kantor, kemanapun kita mau, sebelum bis yang
bising hadir. Inilah cerita yang tidak beriringan sejalan
dengan kemajuan orang-orang dan masa depan.
Variety: International
Swiss Shorts Shorts
(FREE Screening)
The Secret Friend
Shadows of Silence
Glukhota (Deafness)
USA/Brazil. 2009. 10 min. Color. Digital.
Sri Lanka/France. 2010. 11 min. Color.
Digital. Tamil
(with English subtitles).
Ukraine. 2010. 11 min. Color. Digital.
No dialogue.
Dir.: Flavio Alves
Seorang janda tua hidup dalam
kesepian sejak suaminya meninggal
dunia, sampai suatu hari dia menerima
telepon dari orang yang tak dikenal.
Persahabatan antara mereka pun
terjalin. Namun saat telepon itu
berhenti, janda tua ini pun melakukan
tindakan yang tak disangka-sangka
untuk mengisi kekosongan harinya.
A family man with three small children
and his wife live in exile. The personal
torment of being in an exile, the
permanent presence of pain and
alienation take toll in his life, which
lead to contemplation if he ever
should end his life.
Seorang pria hidup dalam pengasingan
bersama ketiga anak dan istrinya. Hidup
dalam rasa tertekan, ketakutan dan
amarah membuatnya bertanya-tanya,
haruskah dia mengakhiri hidupnya.
Dir.: Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy
A ten-minute episode in the lives of
the pupils at a deaf-mute boarding
school is reconstructed in real time.
Kejadian sepanjang sepuluh menit
merefleksikan kehidupan murid-murid
di sekolah bisu-tuli secara nyata
Nominated for Best Short Film, Berlinale,
Official Selection, Director’s Fortnight,
Cannes, 2010 Best of the Fest, Palm Springs
International Film Festival, USA, 2010.
Ja Tu Rzadze (I Rule Here)
Dir.: Michał Brożonowicz
Poland. 2009. 7 min. Color. Digital. Polish (with English subtitles).
Ciao Barbies
Dir.: Claire Allanic
France. 2010. 17 min. Color. Digital. French (with English subtitles).
One day an actor starts to hear a water drop which he cannot
see. A short film about what you can hear in a film.
Julia is dragged on vacation with the family of her classmate,
Emily. The trip proves to give Julia a much-needed learning
about adulthood in many unexpected ways.
Suatu hari, seorang aktor mendengar bunyi tetesan air yang
tidak terlihat. Film ini memperlihatkan apa yang bisa kita
dengar di film.
Julia terpaksa ikut liburan bersama teman sekelasnya, Emily.
Liburan ini ternyata membuat Julia belajar tentang kedewasaan.
An elderly widow, lives in quiet
desperation after her husband’s
death until she begins receiving
phone calls from a silent stranger. An
odd, mysterious friendship evolves
between the two as she shares her life
experiences with honesty. When the
calls abruptly end, a devastated Anna
is compelled to do a surprising action
to fill the unbearable void.
Dir.: Pradeepan Raveendran
Indonesian Feature Film Competition (IFFC):
Information & Jury Profile
Jury Profile
This year marks the 5th Indonesian Feature Film Competition (IFFC).
From all eligible films released in cinemas from October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2010, there are 8 (eight) films have been
preliminary chosen to win Best Indonesian Feature and Best Indonesian Director.
Last year the competition launched its first Audience Award. The festival audience can vote for the most favorite film in the
competition by attending the competition’s screenings and vote at the end of the
Since its first edition in 2006, winners in the competition have enjoyed great acclaim and recognition in the overseas film
festivals. Previous winners in the competition are:
- DENIAS SINGING ON THE CLOUDS – Denias Senandung di Atas Awan (Best Feature)
- Rudy Soedjarwo for 9 DRAGONS – 9 Naga (Best Director)
- OPERA JAWA (Special Jury Prize)
- 3 DAYS TO FOREVER – 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (Best Feature)
- Deddy Mizwar for NAGABONAR 2 – Nagabonar Jadi 2 (Best Director)
- QUICKIE EXPRESS (Best Feature)
- Mouly Surya for FICTION – fiksi. (Best Director)
- 3 WISHES 3 LOVES – 3 Doa 3 Cinta (Best Feature)
- Edwin for BLIND PIG WHO WANTS TO FLY – Babi Buta Yang Ingin Terbang (Best Director)
- THE FORBIDDEN DOOR – Pintu Terlarang (Special Jury Prize)
- cin(T)a (Audience Award)
International jury members for this year’s competition are:
Gabrielle Kelly
Gabrielle Kelly is a screenwriter, producer and also teacher in international labs and film
programs. In Hollywood she ran producer Robert Evans’ company at Paramount working in
development and production on diverse projects and worked as executive and producer with
such companies as HBO, Fields Hellman, Eddie Murphy Productions and Warner Bros..
Her producing credits include indie feature All the Queen’s Men (starring Eddie Izzard and Matt
LeBlanc) for Strand Releasing, Stag (for Cineplex Odeon/HBO), the family feature film, D.A.R.Y.L.
for Paramount/Columbia and most recently All Ages Night. She is currently the Associate Arts
Professor in NYU Tisch School of Arts – Asia in Singapore.
Nguyen Thi Bao Mai
Nguyen Thi Bao Mai is a film producer, head of sales & acquisitions, Vietnam Media Corp.- BHD
Co., Ltd., and recently she is also the Executive Programmer of the 1st Vietnam International
Film Festival in October 2010. She is the co-producer of award-winning film Bi, Don’t Be Afraid
from the first-time director Phan Dang Di. Under Vietnam Media Corp’s umbrella, Bao Mai
had presented Vietnamese films in mainstream international festivals and markets, gained
significant achievements in promoting and licensing Vietnamese films worldwide, promoted
young Vietnamese filmmakers as well as talents in many reputation international film festivals
and cinema activities.
Ji-Hoon Jo
Ji-Hoon Jo has worked in Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF) in South Korea from 2001. He
is working for JIFF as a programmer, producer of Jeonju Digital Project, and producer of Jeonju
Project Market.
All screenings of the films in the competition are FREE.
Indonesian Feature Film Competition (FREE Screening)
3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta
(3 Hearts 2 Worlds 1 Love)
Dir.: Benni Setiawan
Indonesia. 2010. 100 min. Drama/Comedy.
Color. 35 mm. Indonesian (with English
NOV 27 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Rosid, a Muslim, is obsessed to
become a great poet. Delia, a Catholic,
falls in love with Rosid. Unfortunately,
their parents think otherwise: the
lovebirds should be kept apart from
each other.
Rosid’s parents match him up with
Nabila, while Delia’s parents send her
to the United States to study.Three
hearts aim at one love. The question is:
which one?
Benni Setiawan’s previous film, BUKAN CINTA
BIASA, was also selected in this competition
last year.
Dir.: Deddy Mizwar
Indonesia. 2010. 105 min. Drama/Comedy.
Color. 35 mm. Indonesian (with English
NOV 30 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Two years since he graduated from
university, yet Muluk has not been
able to land a job. One day, Muluk’s
friend, Komet, takes him to his boss,
Jarot. Muluk realizes that he now has
to deal with a gang of pickpockets.
But Muluk has a brilliant plan to
change the kids’ lives: he wants to
educate the kids, and manages their
wrongfully earned money at 10%
commission. Will it work?
Dua tahun sejak lulus kuliah, Muluk
belum juga mendapatkan pekerjaan.
Suatu hari, teman Muluk, Komet,
mengajaknya menemui Jarot,
yang berprofesi sebagai kepala
preman anak-anak jalanan. Muluk
mempunyai ide untuk mengubah
hidup anak-anak itu: dia akan
mengajar mereka pelajaran sekolah,
dan mendapatkan komisi 10% dari
pendapatan anak-anak itu untuk
keperluan mereka sendiri. Akankah
Muluk berhasil?
The film is Indonesia’s official submission
for Best Foreign Language category,
83rd Academy Awards 2011. Deddy
Mizwar previously won Best Director in
this competition in 2007 for his work in
Emak Ingin Naik Haji
(Emak Longs For Hajj)
Dir.: Aditya Gumay
Indonesia. 2009. 98 min. Drama. Color. 35
mm. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
DEC 3 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Emak, an old-woman with golden
heart, wants to go to Mecca for
pilgrimage. Living in poverty
prevents her from doing so. Her
son, Zein, lives meagerly from
selling paintings door to door. Very
determined to go, Emak saves her
money anyway. Zein wants to help,
but he cannot think of any possible
ways to do it, until a chance is
presented to him that will actually
test his faith. This is a touching story
of one’s devotion to God, and a
son’s love to his mother.
Emak, seorang perempuan tua
berhati emas, ingin menunaikan
ibadah haji. Sayang, ia tidak mampu
membiayai perjalanannya. Emak
berjualan kue di jalan, dan anak
satu-satunya, Zein, berjualan lukisan
keliling. Meskipun begitu, Emak
tetap rajin menabung sedikit demi
sedikit. Zein sangat ingin membantu
ibunya, tapi ia tidak bisa menemukan
cara yang tepat, sampai sebuah
kesempatan menghampirinya.
Sebuah cerita tentang ketaatan
seseorang pada Tuhannya dan cinta
seorang anak pada ibunya.
This is a feature film debut of Aditya
Gumay, who has scripted and directed
many local television series.
Rosid, pemuda Muslim, terobsesi
ingin menjadi penyair ternama.
Delia, gadis Katolik, sangat mencintai
Rosid. Sayangnya, kedua orang
tua mereka tidak menyetujui
hubungan ini. Orangtua Rosid
mencoba menjodohkannya dengan
Nabila, sedangkan orangtua Delia
mengirimnya ke Amerika untuk
sekolah. Satu cinta yang mana yang
akan terjadi?
Alangkah Lucunya
(Negeri Ini) How Funny
(Our Country is)
Indonesian Feature Film Competition (FREE Screening)
Minggu Pagi di
Victoria Park
(Sunday Morning in
Victoria Park)
Dir.: Lola Amaria
Indonesia. 2010. 100 min. Drama. Color. 35
mm. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
NOV 28 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Mayang left Indonesia to work as a
domestic worker in Hong Kong with
one mission: to find Sekar, her long
lost sister. Sekar had been working
there for 2 years, but has recently
vanished without a trace. The film
portrays the lives of many unsung
heroes who dream of better lives
and go to extra length to make the
dreams come true.
Mayang meninggalkan Indonesia
untuk bekerja sebagai tenaga
kerja wanita (TKW) di Hong Kong
dengan misi khusus: mencari
Sekar, kakak kandungnya. Sekar
telah bekerja selama dua tahun,
namun tiba-tiba menghilang. Film
ini menggambarkan kehidupan
mereka yang berjuang keras dan rela
melakukan apapun demi kehidupan
yang lebih baik.
This is Lola Amaria’s second directorial
effort. Her previous film, BETINA, was
screened in this competition in 2006.
Rumah Dara
Sang Pemimpi
(The Dreamer)
Indonesia. 2009. 95 min. horror. Color. 35
mm. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
Indonesia. 2010. 120 min. Drama. Color. 35
mm. Indonesian (with English subtitles).
DEC 2 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
DEC 1 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Adjie and Astrid, a young couple
who soon will have their first child,
embark on a trip to Bandung to
mend Adjie’s relationship with his
sister, Ladya. Together with four
other friends, they have a smooth
ride until a woman, Maya, stop
them and ask for their help. Maya
says that she has just been robbed.
The group gives her a lift to her
house that resembles an old castle.
In the house, they are served by a
mysterious lady, Dara. Meeting Dara
will give them a night to remember
… if they can escape from the
The sequel to Indonesia’s biggest
box-office hit in history, The
Rainbow Troop, the film now
focuses on the teenage lives of our
three favorite characters: Ikal, Arai
and Jimbron. The charismatic but
unreliable Arai instills them all with
the need to pursue their dream, and
one day to study in Paris. Ikal wants
his distant but loving father to be
proud of him; Arai is determined to
win the heart of snooty schoolgirl
Zakia Nurmala; and Jimbron tries to
be a devout Muslim. Life may not be
easy for them, but their friendship
remains unbroken.
Adjie dan Astrid, pasangan muda
yang akan dikaruniai anak pertama,
pergi ke Bandung agar Adjie bisa
memperbaiki hubungan dengan
adiknya, Ladya. Bersama empat
teman lainnya, perjalanan mereka
terhenti saat seorang perempuan
bernama Maya meminta bantuan
dengan alasan dirinya baru
dirampok. Dengan niat baik,
mereka mengantar Maya pulang. Di
rumahnya, ada seorang perempuan
misterius bernama Dara yang
melayani mereka. Bencana itupun
Kisah lanjutan dari film Indonesia
terlaris sepanjang masa, Laskar
Pelangi, film ini berkisah tentang
kehidupan Ikal, Arai dan Jimbron
di saat remaja. Arai menularkan
semangat untuk meraih impian
yang tinggi pada teman-temannya,
sekaligus cita-cita untuk kuliah di
Paris. Ikal ingin ayahnya bangga
padanya, Arai ingin memenangkan
hati Zakia Nurmala, gadis pujaan
di sekolah, dan Jimbron berusaha
menjadi Muslim yang taat.
Kehidupan mereka memang susah,
namun persahabatan mereka tak
akan pernah pudar.
Dir.: The Mo Brothers
This is the debut feature of The Mo
Brothers. The film has been traveling
extensively to worldwide festivals,
including winning Best Actress award for
Shareefa Danish in Puchon International
Fantastic Film Festival, Korea, 2009.v
Dir.: Riri Riza
This is the first Indonesian film ever to
open the festival last year. Riri Riza’s 3 DAYS
TO FOREVER won Best Indonesian Feature
in this competition in 2007.
Indonesian Feature Film Competition (FREE Screening)
Sang Pencerah
(The Enlightened One)
Dir.: Hanung Bramantyo
Indonesia. 2010. 112 min. Drama/comedy . Color. Digital.
Indonesian (with English subtitles).
NOV 29 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
Sekembalinya dari ibadah haji di Mekkah, Darwis, yang
mengganti namanya menjadi Ahmad Dahlan, semakin
khawatir dengan tradisi Jawa yang tidak sesuai dengan
ajaran Islam. Dia mengajukan usul untuk mengajarkan
Islam yang lebih modern, namun hal ini mendapat
tentangan dari ulama lain yang mensahkan ajaran Islam
yang tradisional. Dengan bantuan istri dan pengikut
setianya, Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan Muhammadiyah
tahun 1912, organisasi yang bertujuan mendidik kaum
Islam dengan ajaran modern. Sekarang Muhammadiyah
adalah organisasi Islam kedua terbesar di Indonesia.
Hanung Bramantyo started the surge in religious-romance
genre with his film, AYAT-AYAT CINTA (Verses of Love). The film
was seen by 3.8 million audiences during its theatrical release
in February 2008.
Dir.: Ari Sihasale
Indonesia. 2010. 95 min. Drama/comedy . Color. Indonesian (with
English subtitles).
NOV 26 / BLZ 6 / 17:00
When East Timor recently separated from Indonesia, two
siblings were also separated. Merry had to live with her
mother in Kupang, Indonesia, while Mauro lived with his
uncle in East Timor. With fate of life in play, could they
ever see each other again?
Saat Timor Timur baru berpisah dari Indonesia, dua kakak
beradik juga harus terpisah. Merry harus tinggal bersama
ibunya di Kupang, Indonesia, sedangkan Mauro harus
tinggal bersama pamannya di Timor Timur. Akankah
Merry dan Mauro akan bersatu lagi?
This is the second directorial effort of Ari Sihasale. His previous
film, KING, was selected in the competition in 2009, but prior to
that, he produced DENIAS, the winner of Best Feature when the
competition was held for the first time in 2006.
After returning home from his pilgrimage in Mecca,
Darwis, who changed his name to Ahmad Dahlan, grew
more concerned with Javanese practices not justified
by Islamic teachings. He proposed the creation of a
reformed Islamic learning more in step with the modern
world. His effort was met with great opposition from old
clerics who established the traditional Islamic values.
With the help from his wife and devoted disciples,
Ahmad Dahlan established Muhammadiyah in 1912, an
organization aims to educate Muslims in line with the
progress of modern times. Today, Muhammadiyah is the
second largest Muslim organization in Indonesia.
Tanah Air Beta (My Motherland)
JIFFest Events
Venue : Hotel Atlet Century Park
Date : Friday, November 19, 2010
Time : 08.00 – 10.00
The two international film festivals in the country, BALINALE International Film Festival and Jakarta International Film
Festival (JIFFest), jointly present expert workshops and forums provided to aspiring and established filmmakers to help
further develop career opportunities and inspire creative learning.
Visiting international film executives from Sony Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, Time Warner, United International Pictures,
20th Century Fox and Motion Picture Association will discuss alongside local film professionals the current state of
Indonesian films in an international marketplace, the need for infrastructure and a trained workforce to support the industry.
Speakers: Matt Cheetham (MPA), Brett Hogg (Sony/Disney), Alvin Lee (Time Warner), Han Seng Lim (UIP), Kurt Rieder (Artisan
Gateway/MPA), Fox: TBC
This event is supported by:
Serunya Scriptwriting “Apa Yang Kau Cari, Produser?” (What Are You Looking For, Producers?)
Venue : R 206-207 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Sunday, November 27, 2010
Time : 13.00 - 14.30
S - Express (Indonesia)
SERUNYA SCRIPTWRITING and JIFFEST present a special talk-show with notable
Indonesian film producers.
These producers will share their wish to participants on what they are actually
looking for the most in our local film industry. Is merely good story enough?
How does one define “sell-able” ideas? It is a great opportunity for novice
filmmakers who want to break in and make big in the nation’s film scene.
Serunya Scriptwriting Workshop is a regular scriptwriting workshop and clinic for anyone wanting to write screenplays for
audio-visual media. With this project, Perdana Kartawiyudha won the first prize in International Creative Young Entrepreneur
(IYCE) British Council Indonesia 2010.
Speakers: 3 Indonesian film producers (to be discussed)
Moderator: Perdana Kartawiyudha (Chairman of Serunya Scriptwriting)
JiFFest Events
This event is supported by
Film Financing Forum (by invitation only)
Venue : R 206-207 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Sunday, November 27, 2010
Time : 15.00 - 18.00
S - Express (Indonesia)
Using the speed-dating concept, invited projects of feature films will be pitched to a panel of local producers/financiers in
only a few minutes per pitch-dating session. This is a chance for each feature project to assess its own strength, quality and
possible financing upon completion of the concept.
This event is supported by
Film School Launch, Open Lecture & Lifetime Achievement Award
Venue : R.310, lt. 3 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Time : 19.00 – 21.00
This event focuses on film archive particularly on the works of Misbach Yusa Biran and
the role of Sinematek Indonesia. Dr. Gaik Cheng Khoo (Australian National University) will
give an open lecture on the topic , and Binus School of Film will give lifetime achievement
award to Misbah Yusa Biran. It is also an official launch of Binus School of Film.
This program is free of charge and open for public.
Speaker: Dr. Gaik Cheng Khoo (Australian National University)
Moderator: Ekky Imanjaya & Tito Imanda
Venue : R.310, lt. 3 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Friday, December 3, 2010
Time : 13.00 – 15.00
S - Express (Indonesia)
FILMINDONESIA.OR.ID is a website that functions as Indonesian film industry catalogue and directory. This website
is the new publication format of Indonesian film data that has been compiled by JB Kristanto through his three
book editions. Besides database, this website also provides various film news, interviews, analysis, and research.
It is expected that we and the world can see, learn, and appreciate the development of Indonesian film, theaters,
audience, communities, practitioners, and other infrastructures.
Speakers: JB Kristanto (Founder of www.filmindonesia.or.id), Lisabona Rahman (Editor of www.filmindonesia.or.id),
Eric Sasono (film observer)
Double Book Launch: Asian Cinema Journal (special edition: Indonesian Cinema) &
“Hendak Dibawa Kemana Sinema Kita? Beberapa Wacana seputar Film Indonesia”
Venue : R.310, lt. 3 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Friday, December 3, 2010
Time : 15.30 – 17.30
S - Express (Indonesia)
The book is published by Temple University (USA) and led by John Lent, the journal is very special because it focuses
on Indonesian Cinema and written by Indonesian and non Indonesian film scholars. The editors are Gaik Cheng Khoo
(Australian National University) and Thomas Barker (National University of Singapore).
Some of the writers are Budi Irawanto, Intan Paramaditha, Katinka van Heeren, Maimunah Munir, and Eric Sasono.
The editor of Indonesian edition is Ekky Imanjaya (Binus International). At JIFFest 2010, both books will be launched
and discussed with the editors.
Speakers: Gaik Cheng Khoo (Australian National University) and Thomas Barker (National University of Singapore),
Ekky Imanjaya (Binus International).
Public Lecture ”The Past in the Present: Producing Films in Indonesia”
Venue : R.310, lt. 3 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Saturday, December 4, 2010
Time : 14.00 – 16.00
The newest omnibus project with 9 young filmmakers. This film screening is open for public and will be continued by
discussion with the filmmakers.
Speakers: Agung Sentausa, Ifa Isfansyah, Tumpal Tampubolon, Rico Marpaung, Anggun Priambodo, Azhar Lubis,
Wisnu Kucing, Edwin, and Sidi Saleh
Host : Tito Imanda
Venue : R.310, lt. 3 JWC, Binus International Jakarta
Date : Saturday, December 4, 2010
Time : 17.00 – 18.00
Amongst the euphoria of reformasi and the rebirth of the Indonesian film
industry over the past decade, the past is often forgotten. This seminar seeks
to understand how the past continues to manifest in and structure the present.
As a case study, I look at the Chinese and Indian producers who, by virtue of
their race, are regarded as being commercially orientated and good at making
money. I challenge these racist assumptions and argue that their structural
position in the film industry aided their rise and dominance, and that this
continues as an informal oligopoly in the contemporary film industry.
Speakers: Thomas Baker (PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, National
University of Singapore)
Moderator: Ekky Imanjaya
JiFFest Events
Film screening and discussion: Belkibolang
Screenings in Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place
• In compliance with regulations from the Film Censorship Board (LSF), audiences are required to bring along JIFFest
Member Card. The card can be obtained in JIFFest Info Desk at both Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place and Kineforum.
• For all screenings in Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place, you can obtain JIFFest tickets through Blitzmegaplex ticketing
• The price for all JIFFest tickets for paid screenings is IDR 25,000.
• During pre-sale period (18th – 24th of November 2010), Blitzcard users can enjoy 10% discount from the above price.
• Discount is not applicable for non Blitzcard users during the pre-sale period.
• No discount applicable for purchase during the festival period (26th of November – 5th of December 2010). This applies to both Blitzcard users and non Blitzcard users.
• Blitzcard owners can buy JIFFest tickets through www.blitzmegaplex.com.
• Public/non Blitzcard users can only buy JIFFest tickets from Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place ticket counter.
• All screenings in Indonesian Feature Film Competition section are free. Tickets can be obtained one hour before the
screening times. One person is entitled to one ticket only.
• Tickets for Kineforum screenings cannot be purchased through Blitzmegaplex ticketing system. Please refer to the
Kineforum screening explanation below.
Film Sections in Blitzmegaplex:
• World Cinema
• World Cinema Documentary
• A View From the SEA
• Indonesian Feature Film Competition
Your JIFFest tickets for screenings in Blitzmegaplex are entitled for special promotions in the following shops
in Pacific Place:
• Pan-O (10% off on F&B)
• Dapur Sunda (10% discount)
• Simmons (free lucky dip every IDR 1,000,000 purchase)
• La Floret (additional 5% off for all discounted items)
• Inve Store (discount 30% Accessories any purchase below Rp 500,000
• Derma Prescriptive (10 % discount, sampling slimming powder 10 packages (15 pieces))
• Charles & Keith (voucher IDR 100,000 for purchase of bags (selected items) to all customers who show their JIFFest
tickets. Voucher is valid until December 5, 2010)
• Kleo (20% off for hairwash & blow + coloring services)
S - Express (Indonesia)
Simply show your ticket stubs to the above stores to enjoy the promotions during JIFFest period (November
25 – December 5, 2010). Additional promotions will be listed in our website at www.jiffest.org and our Twitter
account (@jiffest).
For more information,
Blitzmegaplex, Pacific Place Mall Lt 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta. Phone: (021) 51400800.
More information on Blitzcard at www.blitzmegaplex.com
Screenings in Kineforum
• In compliance with regulations from the Film Censorship Board (LSF), audiences are required to bring along JIFFest
Member Card. The card can be obtained in JIFFest Info Desk at both Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place and Kineforum.
• Tickets can only be obtained one hour before the screening time of each film with a donation of IDR 10,000.
• There are no pre-sale periods to get tickets for films screened in Kineforum.
• Tickets will be sold on a daily basis.
• Tickets for Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place screenings cannot be purchased in Kineforum. Please refer to the Blitzmegaplex screenings explanation above.
Film Sections in Kineforum :
• World Cinema
• World Cinema Documentary
• Variety
For more information
Kineforum, Kompleks Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta Pusat 10310.
Phone: (021) 3162780. More information on Kineforum at www.kineforum.com
Pemutaran Film di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place
• Berdasarkan ketentuan dari Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF), semua penonton JIFFest wajib mendapatkan kartu anggota.
Kartu ini bisa didapatkan di Info Desk JIFFest di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place dan Kineforum.
• Untuk semua pemutaran di Blitzmegaplex, tiket bisa didapat melalui sistem penjualan tiket Blitzmegaplex.
• Harga tiket JIFFest untuk semua kategori film berbayar adalah Rp. 25.000.
• Selama masa pre-sale (18 – 24 November 2010), pemilik Blitzcard dapat menikmati diskon 10% dari harga di atas.
• Diskon tidak berlaku bagi mereka yang tidak memegang Blitzcard.
• Selama masa festival (26 November – 5 Desember 2010) tidak ada diskon yang diberikan baik untuk pemilik Blitzcard
maupun bukan pemilik Blitzcard.
• Pemilik Blitz Card dapat membeli tiket melalui www.blitzmegaplex.com.
• Tiket untuk umum hanya dapat dibeli di tempat penjualan tiket Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place.
• Semua pemutaran film untuk kategori Indonesian Feature Film Competition adalah gratis. Tiket dapat diperoleh satu
jam sebelum waktu penayangan. Satu orang hanya berhak mendapatkan satu tiket.
• Tiket untuk pertunjukan di Kineforum tidak dapat dibeli melalui sistem penjualan tiket Blitzmegaplex. Silahkan lihat
penjelasan pemutaran film di Kineforum di bawah ini
Kategori Film yang diputar di Blitz Megaplex Pacific Place :
• World Cinema
• World Cinema Documentary
• A View From the SEA
• Indonesian Feature Film Competition
Informasi lebih lanjut
Blitzmegaplex, Pacific Place Mall Lt 6, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta. Phone: (021) 51400800. Informasi lebih lanjut
tentang Blitzcard dapat dilihat di www.blitzmegaplex.com
Tiket JIFFest anda dapat digunakan untuk menikmati penawaran spesial di beberapa toko dan tempat makan di
Pacific Place, seperti:
• Pan-O (10% off on F&B)
• Dapur Sunda (10% discount)
• Simmons (free lucky dip every IDR 1,000,000 purchase)
• La Floret (additional 5% off for all discounted items)
• Inve Store (discount 30% Accessories any purchase below Rp 500,000
• Derma Prescriptive (10 % discount, sampling slimming powder 10 packages (15 pieces))
• Charles & Keith (voucher Rp 100,000 untuk pembelian tas (selected items) kepada setiap customer yang membawa
tiket JIFFest. Voucher berlaku sampai dengan tanggal 5 Desember 2010)
• Kleo (20% off for hairwash & blow + coloring services)
Tunjukkan tiket JIFFest anda ke tempat-tempat di atas untuk menikmati promosi khusus selama masa
pelaksanaan JIFFest (25 November 25 – 5 Desember 2010). Apabila ada promosi lain akan kami umumkan lewat
website kami www.jiffest.org dan Twitter @jiffest.
Kategori Film yang diputar di Kineforum :
• World Cinema
• World Cinema Documentary
• Variety
Informasi lebih lanjut
Kineforum, Kompleks Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta Pusat 10310.
Phone: (021) 3162780. www.kineforum.com
Pemutaran Film di Kineforum
• Berdasarkan ketentuan dari Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF), semua penonton JIFFest wajib mendapatkan kartu anggota.
Kartu ini bisa didapatkan di Info Desk JIFFest di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place dan Kineforum.
• Tiket bisa didapat satu jam sebelum waktu penayangan dengan memberikan donasi sebesar Rp.10.000.
• Tiket untuk pemutaran film di Kineforum tidak dijual dalam masa pre-sale.
• Tiket hanya akan dikeluarkan per hari. Tidak ada sistem reservasi.
• Tiket untuk pemutaran film di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place tidak bisa dibeli di Kineforum. Silahkan lihat penjelasan
untuk pemutaran film di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place di atas.
Thursday – November 25, 2010
Monday – November 29, 2010
PP Audi 1
(Opening Film, by invitation only)
(Opening Film, by invitation only)
Friday – November 26, 2010
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
Tanah Air Beta (FREE) - p. 43
The Tiger Factory - p. 30
Together - p. 23
A Good Man - p. 27
Space Tourists - p. 27
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall
His Past Lives - p. 31
Saturday – November 27, 2010
(45 seats)
S-Express Malaysia + Chinese - p. 33 &
p. 37
For 80 Days - p. 19
Waiting for “Superman” – p. 10
Son of Babylon - p. 22
The Wedding Photographer - p. 24
(45 seats)
S-Express Thailand - p. 35
Wednesday – December 1, 2010
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
Asleep In the Sun - p. 19
(45 seats)
Sang Pemimpi (FREE) - p. 42
Forever - p. 28
Pinoy Sunday - p. 30
Soul Boy – p. 23
Working Girls (by invitation only)
p. 18
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - p. 22
S-Express Philippines - p. 34
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
Thursday – December 2, 2010
Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park (FREE) - p. 42
Halaw - p. 31
Bhutto - p. 25
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
Special Screening “Mengejar Impian”
Hiphopdiningrat (by invitation only)
p. 15
When We Leave - p. 24
Budrus - p. 26
(45 seats)
(45 seats)
Waiting for “Superman” - p. 10
Belki Bolang (by invitation only) - p. 12
Honey - p. 20
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
KickStart! (by invitation only) – p. 17
Storm In My Heart - p. 23
Bhutto - p. 25
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
Sunday – November 28, 2010
Sang Pencerah (FREE) - p. 43
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His
Past Lives - p. 31
Don’t Burn - p. 28
Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini (FREE)
p. 41
Space Tourists - p. 27
The Blue Mansion - p. 28
PP Audi 1
3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta (FREE) - p. 41
The Blue Mansion - p. 28
The Wedding Photographer - p. 24
(45 seats)
Tuesday – November 30, 2010
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
Rumah Dara (FREE) - p. 42
Son of Babylon - p. 22
When We Leave - p. 24
Di Ujung Jalan (by invitation only)
p. 14
Turk’s Head - p. 20
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - p. 22
S-Express Singapore - p. 36
Friday – December 3, 2010
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
(45 seats)
Emak Ingin Naik Haji (FREE) - p. 41
Armadillo - p. 25
Turk’s Head - p. 20
Incendies – p. 21
Pinoy Sunday - p. 30
Outrage - p. 21
International Shorts - p. 38
S-Express Indonesia - p. 32
Saturday – December 4, 2010
PP Audi 6
(128 seats)
PP Audi 7
(186 seats)
(45 seats)
Incendies - p. 21
Soul Boy - p. 23
Outrage - p. 21
Joy – p. 21
Jakarta Maghrib (by invitation only)
p. 16
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - p. 22
Budrus - p. 26
Asleep in the Sun - p. 19
Vote for your favorite
Indonesian film to win JIFFest
Audience Award!
Watch all Indonesian films in
Indonesian Feature Film
Competition, submit your
“Like” or “Dislike” votes at the
end of each screening, and we
will announce the winning film
in our Closing Night.
Flip to page 40 on synopses,
schedule and other information
on all films selected in this
category. You will also get to
meet the directors, cast and crew
of these films at each screening
Sunday – December 5, 2010
(45 seats)
International Shorts - p. 38
For 80 Days - p. 19
BIUTIFUL - p. 11
(Closing Film, by invitation only)
BIUTIFUL - p. 11
(Closing Film, by invitation only)
PP Audi 1
Note: all screenings in this
category are FREE!
Print Sources
3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta
Emak Ingin Naik Haji
Contact: Ani Ema
Mizan Productions
Jalan Mochamad Kahfi
I No 7A
Jagakarsa, Jakarta
Selatan 12620
T: 021-78884231
F: 021-78884231
E: mizan.productions@
A Good Man
Contact: Safina Uberoi
E: safina.uberoi@gmail.
Alangkah Lucunya
Negeri Ini
Contact: Hakim
Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Kompleks Rukan Taman
Pondok Kelapa Blok B7-8
Jl. Pondok Kelapa Raya,
Jakarta 13450, Indonesia
T: 869 04064, 869 03830
Contact: Claus W
Danish Film Institute
Gothersgade 55, DK 1123
Copenhagen K
T: +4533743573
F: +4533743445
E: [email protected]
Print Source
Asleep in The Sun
E: chomskiale@gmail.
Belki Bolang
Contact: Meiske Taurisia
Babibuta Film
Jl. Puri Mutiara no 35A,
Cilandak barat, jakarta
E: babibutafilm@gmail.
Contact: Nicole A
Bronson, Melinda
Yellow Pad Productions
1782 Union St, 2nd Flr
San Francisco, CA 94123
T: 415-673-7466
F: 415-673-7468
Contact: Michael
Jive Entertainment
Jl. Patra Kuningan VII/14
Jakarta 12950
T: +62 21 520 2687
F: +62 21 529 20310
E: michael@
Contact: Jessica Devaney
Just Vision
119 W 23rd Street, Ste.
New York, NY 10011
T: +1 561-373-4701
E: [email protected]
Children of The Most
Contact: Kaushal Oza
E: rebel4akosh@gmail.
Ciao Barbies
Contact: Claire Allanic
E: contact@
Contact: Myroslav
E: [email protected]
Di Ujung Jalan
Contact: Dodid
E: dodid@rumahpohon.
Don’t Burn
Contact: NGUYEN Thi
Bao Mai
Vietnam Media
Corporation - BHD Co.,
18th Flr., Prime Centre,
53 Quang Trung Street,
Hanoi, Vietnam
T: 84 4 39434133
F: 84 4 39434135
E: [email protected]
W: www.
For 80 Days
Contact: Miren Aperribay
T: (+34) 629308378
E: [email protected]
W: www.80egunean.
Contact: Silvia Wong
E: screenasia@yahoo.
Contact: Marzuki
E: [email protected]
Contact: Yunus Emre
Kedutaan Besar Turki
Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav
1 Dki Jakarta, 12950,
T: 021-.525.6250
E: emre.kocak@mfa.
I Rule Here
Contact: Michal
E: michal@
Contact: Deanne Sowter
Entertainment One
E: [email protected]
Jakarta Maghrib
Contact: Salman Aristo
E: salman.aristo@gmail.
Contact: Claudia
Bavaria Film
Bavariafilmplatz 7,
Building 7
82031 Geiselgasteig,
T: +49 (89) 6499-3506
F: +49 (89) 6499-3720
E: Claudia.Rudolph@
W: www.bavaria-filminternational.com
Contact: Marc Goyens
E: [email protected]
Contact: Sofia Setyorini
In Docs
Jl. Sutan Syahrir 1C
Blok 3-4
Jakarta Pusat 10350,
T: 62-21-31925113 / 115
F: 62-21-31925360
E: [email protected]
Minggu Pagi di Victoria
Contact: Dewi Umaya
Pic[k]Lock Productions
Jl. Cipete Dalam Raya
no. 37 Cipete, Jakarta
T: 021-75904958
E: dewiumaya@gmail.
Miss Saigon
Contact: Thomas Chia
E: [email protected]
Contact: Laurence
Tamasa Distribution
63 rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris - FRANCE
T: +33 1 43 59 01 01
F: +33 1 43 59 64 41
E: c-ducinema@
W: www.
Pinoy Sunday
Contact: Natacha
Les Petites LumiËres
38 rue Servan, 75011
Paris, France
T: +86 137 88 90
60 27
E: devillers.
Rumah Dara
Contact: Kimo
E: thebrothersmo@
Sang Pemimpi
Contact: Andanari
Miles Films
Jl. RC Veteran
no. 55
Unit FJ, Bintaro
T: 021-73889880
E: milespublicist@
Sang Pencerah
Contact: Irwansyah
Roxy Mas. Jl. KH
Hasyim Ashari
Kav. 125 Blok C-3034 Jakarta Barat
T: 021-6335050
E: irwansyah@
Scott Pilgrim VS
The World
Contact: Nelly
Pictures Indonesia
Jl. K.H. Wahid
Hasyim No. 96,
Jakarta 10340
T: +62 21 3190 0022
E: nelly_panigoro@
Contact: Varadila
E: varadila@
S-Express Malaysia
Contact: Amir
E: kancah2001@
Contact: Francis
E: oggsmoggs@
Contact: Noraishah
Abu Bakar
E: aishah@
S-Express Thailand
Contact: Sanchai
E: xbom999@
Shadows of Silence
E: exilimage@
Son of Babylon
Contact: Kathryn
Human Film
ADP House, 35
Hanover Square,
Leeds, LS3 1BQ, UK
T: +44 (0) 113 243
E: kathryn@
Soul Boy
When We Leave
Contact: Lanny
Jl. Sam Ratulangi
9-15, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
T: +62-21-235
F: +62 21 235
E: tanulihardja@
W: www.goethe.
Space Tourists
Embassy of
Jl. H.R. Rasuna
Said Blok X 3/2,
Kuningan, Jakarta
12950, Indonesia
T: +62 21 525 60 61
(ext. 319)
F: + 62 21 520 22 89
Storm in My Heart
Contact: Knut
Norwegian Film
Filmens Hus,
Dronningens gate
16, Oslo, Norway
T: +47 22 47 45 00†
E: [email protected]
F: +47 22 47 45 99
Tanah Air Beta
Contact: Ade
Alenia Pictures
Jl. Prapanca Raya
no 35 Gedung
Obor lantai 3,
Kebayoran Jakarta
T/F. 7228251
E: aleniapro@
The Blue Mansion
Contact: Andrew
E: biznautic@
The Caller
Contact: Endah
Wahyu Sulistianti
E: endah.ws@
The Dancer and
The Tram
Contact: Rogerio
E: karmatique@
The Descent
Contact: Shai
E: shai.miz@gmail.
The Secret Friend
Contact: Flavio
The Tiger Factory
Contact: Edmund
E: eswiftfire@
The Wedding
Contact: Gunnar
Swedish Film
Box 27126 /
Borgvaegen 1-5
SE-102 52
T: 46 8 665 1208
E: gunnar.almer@
web: www.sfi.se
E: festivals@
W: www.thematch-factory.com
Waiting for
Contact: Nelly
Pictures Indonesia
Jl. K.H. Wahid
Hasyim No. 96,
Jakarta 10340
Tel: +62 21 3190
E: nelly_panigoro@
Working Girls
Contact: Nia Dinata
PT Kalyana Shira
Jl. Bunga Mawar
No. 9
Cipete Selatan
Jakarta - Indonesia
P: +62 21 750 3225
F: +62 21 769 4318
E: kalyanashira@
Turk’s Head
Contact: Frederic
Kedutaan Besar
Jalan Panarukan
no. 35, Jakarta
10310, Indonesia
T: (62-21) 3193 1795
F: (62-21) 310 37 47
E: frederic.alliod@
Uncle Boonmee
Who Can Recall His
Past Lives
David Bauduin
The Match Factory
50670 Cologne,
T: +49221539709-0
F: +4922153970910
Print Sources
S-Express Chinese
Contact: Maggie
E: maggnet@
Venue Guide
12th Jakarta Int’l Film Festival 2010
Festival Committee
Natacha Devillers
Shanty Harmayn
Chandra Tanzil
Harris Lasmana
Lorna Tee
Shanty Harmayn
Christine Hakim
Ditta Amahorseya
Felia Salim
Eric Sasono
Goenawan Mohamad
Adiyanto Sumardjono
Daniel Budiman
Lalu Roisamri
Nauval Yazid
Varadilla (Programming Officer)
Penny Sylvania Putri (Operational Coordinator)
Teddy Satrio (Website Officer)
Taufik Arrasyid Prayitno (Hospitality Coordinator)
Blitz Megaplex
Pacific Place
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-21-51400800
Pauna Atria Wanitri (Events Coordinator)
Riezsa Gees (Membership &Ticketing Coordinator)
Rizka Amalia (Invitation Coordinator)
Nicko Silfido (Technical Coordinator)
Mohammad Ideng Rusni (Film Traffic Coordinator)
Adhizeza Nandra (Distribution Coordinator & Publicity Assistant)
Venue Guide
BINUS International
Jl. Hang Lekir I / No.6
Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-21-7202222
3 Kineforum
Komp.Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jln.Cikini Raya 73
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phone: +62-21-3162780
Husna Fauzi (Media Relations Officer)
Sugar Nadia Azier (Operational Coordinator’s Assistant)
Arie Kartikasari (Assistant of Programming Officer)
Firza Fauzia (Assistant of Media Relations Officer)
Andrie Noviantoro & Dipa Praga Andanu (Graphic Designers)
Reuben Tourino (Audio Visual Editor)
Ika Harini (Accountant)
Lenny Meiluniawati (Finance Manager)
Ferry Firmansyah (IT Officer)
Syaifuddin, Sunardi, Husein (Office Assistants)
Supriyono (Transportation)
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filmxculture360xorg is an online
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for people interested in film in
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Email: [email protected]
3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta – p. 41
Address, The – p. 32
Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini
– p. 41
Apple – p. 34
Armadillo – p. 25
Asleep in the Sun – p. 19
Bailarino e o Bonde
(The Dancer and The Tram)
– p. 38
Because of You (Dahil Sa’yo)
– p. 34
Belki Bolang – p. 12
Bhutto – p. 25
Biutiful – p. 11
Blue Mansion, The – p. 28
Budrus – p. 26
Caller, The – p. 26
Censored – p. 35
Ciao Barbies – p. 39
Colour of Ideas, The – p. 33
Day Alone, A
(Sehari Sendiri) – p. 36
Di Ujung Jalan – p. 14
Don’t Burn – p. 28
Durai and Saro – p. 36
Emak Ingin Naik Haji – p. 41
Film Roll (Rolyo) – p. 34
Focal Point – p. 33
For 80 Days – p. 19
Forever – p. 28
Four Boys, White Whiskey
and Grilled Mouse –p. 35
Glukhota (Deafness) – p. 39
Good Man, A – p. 27
Hayerida (The Descent) – p. 38
HipHopDiningrat – p. 15
Homecoming – p. 37
Honey – p. 20
Incendies – p. 21
Inhalation – p. 29
Ja Tu Rzadze (I Rule Here) – p.
Jakarta Maghrib – p. 16
Joy – p. 21
Tanah Air Beta – p. 43
Tickets – p. 36
Tielmans, The – p. 32
Tiger Factory, The – p. 30
Titik Nol – p. 32
To Siomai Love – p. 34
Together – p. 23
Turk’s Head – p. 20
Kaïn – p. 38
Karaoke: Think Kindly – p. 35
Kiamu!!! – p. 33
KickStart! – p. 17
Uncle Boonmee
Who Can Recall His Past Lives
– p. 31
Vaishnav Jan Toh
(Children of the Most High)
– p. 38
Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park
– p. 42
Miss Saigon – p. 29
Mouth (Boca) – p. 34
My Home (Rumah Sendiri) –
p. 36
Waiting for “Superman” – p. 10
Ways of the Sea (Halaw) – p.
We Don’t Care for Democracy
(Wala Kaming Pakialam sa
Demokrasya) – p. 34
Wedding Photographer, The
– p. 24
When We Leave – p. 24
Working Girls – p. 18
Nirvana – p. 35
Nobody’s Home – p. 36
Outrage – p. 21
Petra Bond – p. 33
Pinoy Sunday – p. 30
Prisoner – p. 35
Rumah Dara – p. 42
Sang Pemimpi – p. 42
Sang Pencerah – p. 43
Scott Pilgrim vs The World –
p. 22
Secret Friend, The – p. 39
Shadows of Silence – p. 39
Sink [Vi] – p. 35
Son of Babylon – p. 22
Song of Solomon – p. 37
Soul Boy – p. 23
Space Tourists – p. 27
Storm In My Heart – p. 23
You and Me Put the ‘You’ and
in ‘You and Me’ – p. 33