stonegate east homefinding center open house
stonegate east homefinding center open house
you’re invited! stonegate east OVTLÄUKPUNJLU[LY open house saturday, july 10th 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ,UQV`H:\TTLY))8MYVTHT[VWT ^OLU`V\]PZP[HUKYLNPZ[LY`V\YPU[LYLZ[H[ [OL/VTLÄUKPUN*LU[LY Santa Rosa Van Daele Homes Townhomes & Flats Approx. 1,060 - 1,433 Sq. Ft. )YPUN[OLRPKZMVYMHJLWHPU[PUNHUKHIHSSVVU HY[PZ[MYVTUVVU[VWT ;V\Y[OL:HU[H9VZHTVKLSOVTLZ 3LHYUTVYLHIV\[[OL=PSSHNLVM:[VULNH[L ,HZ[^P[OV\Y+THWPU[LYHJ[P]L [V\JOZJYLLUKPZWSH`Z 4LL[[OLTVY[NHNLSLUKPUN[LHTHUKSLHYU HIV\[[OLWYVJLZZVMW\YJOHZPUNHUL^OVTL 7S\ZOLHKVUV]LY[V>VVKI\Y`;V^U*LU[LY MVY[OL:\TTLY»ZÄYZ[4\ZPJVU[OL.YLLU Los Altos Irvine Pacific™ Townhomes Approx. 1,468 - 1,687 Sq. Ft. Portola Pkwy. Jeffrey Rd. Woodbury Town Center Trabuco Rd. Stonegate East Sand Canyon Ave. IRVINE Irvine Blvd. Towngate Stonegate East Homefinding Center 5 Irvine Spectrum Center® Capistrano Irvine Pacific™ Duplex Approx. 1,823 - 1,956 Sq. Ft. MAP NOT TO SCALE 405 :LYLUP[`0Y]PUL*( 3 new neighborhoods from the low $300,000s! Driving Directions: From the 405 or 5 Freeways, L_P[:HUK*HU`VU(]LHUK head east. Turn right at Towngate into the Village of Woodbury East. Turn left at *YVZZWVPU[L/VTLÄUKPUN *LU[LYPZSVJH[LKVU:LYLUP[` 866.791.6646 Villages of Irvine®PZHYLNPZ[LYLKMLKLYHS[YHKLTHYRVM;OL0Y]PUL*VTWHU`33*0Y]PUL7HJPÄJPZHWLUKPUNMLKLYHS[YHKLTHYR of The Irvine Company LLC. All rights reserved. Amenities, plan, pricing and product information subject to change. Models do not YLÅLJ[YHJPHSWYLMLYLUJL7HY[PJPWHU[ZT\Z[YLNPZ[LY[OLPYPU[LYLZ[H[[OL/VTLÄUKPUN*LU[LY[VYLJLP]LH]V\JOLYMVY[OL:\TTLY))8
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