CIS Annual Report
CIS Annual Report
CIS Annual Report Period: June 2008 to May 2009 Introduction The following report is an overview of CIS activities for the period of June 2008 to May 2009. After providing details about the executive committee members, a list of activities either undertaken directly or supported by CIS is presented. A financial report for the period is presented in Appendix A. Executive Committee The Executive committee consisted of the follow people: Elected Members President Rob Dewhirst Vice President Ani Kartikasari Secretary Dewi Krisnayanti Treasurer Julian Idle Appointed Members Press/PR Officer Sandy Ghozali PPIC Representative Dudi Iskandar (June to Dec) Dodik Ariyanto (Dec onwards) CIS Activities Indonesia Independence Day CIS held its Indonesian Independence day celebrations in Christchurch on Sunday, the 31st of August 2008 at Addington Primary School Hall. Approximately 130 Indonesian families and friends attended the ceremony. The celebrations went very well, not the least because of the presences of our guest performer, Didik Nini Thowok. This year, in the formal and entertainment segments of the celebrations, we focused on the children. One of the Masters of Ceremonies and the readers of the Proclamation and Pancasila were Indonesian children from Christchurch, executing their duties exceptionally well. There was also an Indonesian dance item, showcasing the home-grown talent of our girls and boys that was colourful and vibrant. The adults also played their part with a live Indonesian band and a duet who sang a traditional song from Ambon, both being very well received by an appreciative audience. As well as providing the main lunch, CIS offered the Indonesian favorites of Bakso and Cendol, both selling out by the end of proceedings. Many thanks to the Indonesian Embassy for supporting the CIS celebrations. The Embassy provided a donation, arranged and funded Didik Nini Thowok’s visit to Christchurch, and Bapak Subandrio and Bapak Jeffrey from the Embassy gave up their weekend to be present. Thorrington The Canterbury Indonesia Society (CIS) organised a food stall at the Thorrington Primary School 50th Jubilee celebrations on the 28th of October. CIS sold snacks popular in Indonesia such as dadar gulung (Indonesian pancake), risoles, bakwan jagung (corn fritters), and tahu isi (stuffed tofu) along with nasi kuning (special yellow rice). The stall was successful with most of the food being sold. By way of a thank you to the generosity of the Christchurch community in supporting Indonesia after the Boxing Day tsunami and other large earthquakes that followed, CIS decided to donate 50% of the proceeds from the CIS food stall to Plunket; CIS gave Plunket $200. Election Committee (PPN) There was a good turnout to the “Sosialisasi Pemilu 2009” held on Sunday the 21st of December at Rob and Yanti’s home. Ibu Dewi, Ibu Yanti, Ibu Nina, Ibu Anggi & Ibu Ida provided the very tasty food for the occasion. Pak Nino, Pak Ridwan and Pak Subandrio (representing the PPLN (Panitia Pemilihan Luar Negeri) for New Zealand) made the presentation for “Sosialisasi Pemilu 2009”. They provided background about the arrangements for the Indonesian elections to be held in April 2009 and also guidance on the voting and how votes would be counted. Ashley Gorge Picnic CIS organised a summer barbeque that was held at Ashley Gorge on Sunday the 25th of January, 2009. The barbeque was to say thank you to all in CIS and to have an enjoyable day together. CIS provided the food, barbeque facilities and games. It was a beautiful sunny day. Around 100 people turned out. The atmosphere was relaxing and a great opportunity for all to catch up with friends and to make new acquaintances. The day was hot all day long but there was ample shade under the trees and children and adults alike enjoyed cooling off in the Ashley River. The programme started late morning and the last people did not leave for home until late in the afternoon. It was a great day out. Culture Galore Ida and Dessy coordinated the dance practices for Culture Galore. Practices were held weekly over six weeks at different homes. Thank you for those who opened their homes for each of the practices. Those in the dance troupe included Ani, Lulu, Desi, Ida, Ludia, Tina, Anggi (Ibu2) and Ajeng, Bima, Jocasta, Fanya, Sasya, Puteri, Nadia, Ruben (anak2). CIS funded the purchase the costumes bought from Indonesia. While practices were going on arrangements were put in place to organise an Indonesian food stall at the Culture Galore event. On Saturday 14th March 2009, the weather was fine and warm and Culture Galore went ahead at Ray Blank Park on Maidstone Rd. The Indonesian dance troupe performance lit up the stage with their beautiful performance and colourful costumes. The performance was well received with representatives from the Singapore club and the Philippine club requesting the CIS dance troupe to perform at their upcoming events. The Indonesian food stall was a great success too. Pak Ecca’s family donated a large gazebo (6m x 3m) to CIS and this was used for the event. Food on sale included pisang goring, perkedel jagung and pastel, along with drinks. The food sold out quickly allowing the site to be tidied up by the time the final performance was on stage. The performance at Culture Galore! 2009 can be seen at: Singapore Club Evening After Culture Galore the CIS dance troupe were invited to perform at the Singapore Club cultural evening on the 4th April, 2009. The dancers again performed beautifully and were much appreciated by the audience; the Honourable Lianne Dalziel MP was among those seated in the audience. The performance at the Singapore Club can be seen at:‐um7Ec NZAID Dinner On Thursday the 9th of April the dance troupe (with some members missing) performed in front of Canterbury NZAID Students and the International Student staff team. A lovely dinner was provided by NZAID for the dancers and supporters before the dance troupe performed to their usual high standard. Those in the dance troupe included Ani, Lulu, Ida, Anggi (Ibu2) and Ajeng, Bima, Jocasta, Fanya, Puteri, Ruben (anak2). The performance at the NZAID dinner can be seen at: Philippines Club “Twirling with Time” The dance troupe is to perform again on the 6th of June after the CIS AGM. Those in the dance troupe will include Ani, Ida, Tina, Anggi (Ibu2) and Ajeng, Jocasta, Sasya, Puteri, Ruben (anak2). There is one new recruit: Yanti. Activities Supported by CIS Farewells The PPIC organized farewells for Rizal and family, Yuana and Dilara, and Suleman. This included a great get together with another taste yummy Indonesian meal. Seminar Amalia, Leo, Rijal, and Ani, PhD students at Lincoln and Canterbury Universities reported on the results of their theses. CIS provided snacks and also a small gift to the presenting students. Financial The financial report from the accountant was not complete at the time of preparing this report. The reason for this is that the financial year for CIS ends on the 31st of May allowing very little time to complete documentation for the accountant and for the accountant to review and complete her report. This was discussed by the executive committee on the 17th of May and it was agreed that the end of financial year date will be put back to 31st of March. The financial report from the treasurer for the period 1st June 2008 to 31st March 2009 is expected to be completed for presentation at the 2009 AGM. A copy of the financial report from the accountant will be forward to CIS members as soon as it is completed. Newsletter CIS prepared and published two newsletters during the period. Thank you very much to Pak Dudi for initiating and preparing the newsletters. Copies of these newsletters are included in Appendix B. Administration During their term in office the executive committee drafted guidelines/tips for organising events. These are presented in Appendix C. The executive committee met every two month according to a schedule established early in the term of the committee. The routine plan meetings assisted in forward planning of CIS events. Survey At the picnic at Ashley Gorge a random survey of participants was undertaken. The results of the survey are presented in Appendix D and can be summarized as follows: • • Strong interest in continuing to operate the CIS email list; Those surveyed indicated they would prefer CIS to support the following activities: o Provide crisis support such as when a local Indonesian family is going through tough times e.g. a death in the family; o Organise day trips/barbeques/picnics; o Organise farewells; and o Organise the Indonesian Independence Day celebrations. Closing Comment from the President The 2008 – 2009 year for CIS has been very successful. There have been moments and mistakes have been made/ I apologise to anyone I have offended and to those who feel I have treated them unfairly. However on the whole our community of Indonesian people and friends have put on some great events. These events have contributed significantly to fostering the great Indonesian tradition of gotong royong and community spirit. The events have also promoted Indonesia’s rich heritage to its rightful place in the tapestry of culture diversity in Canterbury. And these after all are the intentions of CIS. There are always opportunities for us to do better. So come along to the AGM and let us know how you think CIS can be an even more effective organisation for its members. Appendix A: Financial Audit Report 2008 – 2009 (To be added when available) Appendix B: CIS Newsletters 2008 – 2009 Canterbury Indonesia Society Special Edition Issue 1 – August 2008 Indonesia Independence Celebration Apa Kabar….. Ya, apa kabar semuanya? Semoga baik-baik saja. Dengan semangat 45, Kami mencoba membuat satu wadah untuk saling menyapa dan memberi kabar. Bentuknya seperti news letter ini. Jauh dari sempurna memang, tapi tidak ada salahnya kita mulai dengan langkah kecil. Karena ini adalah milik kita, maka kontribusi anda semua, apapun bentuknya, kritik, saran, ulasan, tulisan, foto, ide dan lain sebagainya sangat dinantikan. Kami tunggu kabar dari anda semua. Salam Indonesia. (dd) “Olympic” Games 17-an…… Anyone interested in joining in with the Indonesian games, please come to Pak Rob’s House on 24th August 2008 at 10 am. 17 Agustus Celebration This year the ceremony will be held on 31st August 2008 at Addington Hall. There will be a formal ceremony, the singing of Indonesia Raya by ibu-ibu, reading Proklamasi and Pancasila by children, and some dance and singing performances. The band will be provided by Erry and friends. Special guest Didik Nini Thowok. Also consuler services by KBRI. And an Indonesian lunch! It’s not the will to win that matters; it’s the will to prepare that makes fun and happiness! Bronze medalist Eko Yuli Irawan Kabar kabari dari Indonesia of Indonesia, celebrate on the podium after the men's 56 kilogram weightlifting competition (JP) Indonesia dapat 2 medali perunggu (terus berjuang!!!!) Marhaban ya Ramadhan Meeting for 17 -an Meeting to be held at Pak Ecca’s home on 17th August 2008, 2 pm, to present the programme for the day and finalise all details. All welcome, especially those who are taking a part on the event: organisation or performance. Next Dancing Practice Saturday 16th August, Mbak Tina’s home Rehearsal 30th August, Thorrington School Warung Pojok “Mak Nyoss” Cara membuat Wingko babat (by Mbak Dewi) Insyalloh Umat Islam akan melaksanakan ibadah puasa Ramadhan mulai awal September 2008. Informasi kepastian tanggal dimulainya akan disampaikan setelah mendapatkan informasi dari FIANZ. Comment: acara 17 an bisa jadi ajang silaturahmi menjelang puasa ya…..(dd) Fund Raising… The CIS is considering fund raising for a charity. This is to return our appreciation and thanks for New Zealand’s generous support after the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and Yogyakarta Earth-quake. We are proposing to sell Indonesian food at the Thorrington School Jubilee on Saturday, 18th October. Any support will be much appreciated. (Rob) Canterbury Indonesia Society Newsletter Edisi 2 – November 2008 Lebaran 2008 Apa Kabar? Ya, apa kabar semuanya? Semoga baik-baik saja. Mohon maaf, tidak seperti yang dijanjikan Newsletter baru terbit lagi. Yang tepenting komunikasi dan silaturahmi diantara kita tetap terjalin dengan baik. Kepada para mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang menghadapi ujian ataupun mengerjakan thesis, selamat berjuang menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan semoga sukses. Salam hangat sehangat musim semi untuk semua komunitas Indonesia. Alhamdulillah setelah menjalani ibadah puasa selama 1 bulan umat Islam Indonesia di Christchurch merayakan Idul Fitri bersama seluruh keluarga besar komunitas Indonesia. Mohon maaf lahir bathin. Kita berharap segalanya menjadi lebih baik di masa datang. Perayaan hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia Indahnya kebersamaan, semoga tak kan lekang sepanjang zaman….. Acara 17-an tahun 2008 ini berjalan lancar, khidmat dan meriah. Terima kasih atas dukungan semuanya. Semoga kita tetap semangat berjuang di berbagai bidang dan senantiasa bangga sebagai anak Indonesia dimanapun kita berada. Merdeka. Indo Next G Naufal Ryan Jason Faizah Beberapa generasi masa depan Indonesia lahir di Christchurch. Ada yang baru lahir, baru ulang tahun yang ke 1 ada juga yang sudah ABG. Keragaman bukan lagi hanya berbeda suku bangsa tapi juga berbeda negara. Selamat kepada semuanya, Semoga menadi generasi yang sehat dan kuat ya. Kane Dilara Alana (Foto beberapa bayi next G: lucu-lucu ya........) AGENDA : CIS Fund Raising for PLUNKET Penggalangan dana dengan berjualan makanan di Thorrington School Fair dilakuan pada tanggal October 2008. Hasil penjualan diperoleh dana sebesar $NZ 400 dan diserahkan kepada PLUNKET sebesar $NZ 200. Penyerahan dana ini adalah salah satu bentuk terima kasih atas bantuan & partisipasi masyarakat NZ terhadap berbagai bencana alam di Indonesia beberapa tahun lalu. Terima kasih kepada semua komunitas Indonesia atas segala bentuk partisipasinya. Warung Pojok “Mak Nyoss” Zachary Santa Parade 2008 Minggu 7 December 2008 (Rapat persiapan di Rumah mbak Anik, Minggu 16 November 2008, datang ya……) CIS Fund Raising Riccarton Market (14 Desember 2008) Coca Cola Christmas in the Park: Sabtu 29 November 2008 (silakan bagi yang mau nonton music dan kembang api) Wingko Babat Larutkan 150 g gula pasir + ½ sdt garam + ½ sdt vanili ke dalam 250 ml air panas. Campurkan 200 g tepung ketan + 750 g kelapa parut (dijual dalam bentuk frozen grated coconut, bukan kelapa kering), kemudian masukkan larutan air gula. Campur semua bahan sampai rata. Masukkan ke dalam loyang segi empat sambil ditekan-tekan. Panggang dengan suhu 160 oC selama 30-40 menit, sampai permukaannya kecoklatan. Tips: Sebaiknya ketebalan wingko 1 cm. Loyang dialasi kertas roti. Resep ini telah diuji-coba di dapur Dewi. Ide, saran, masukan, tulisan, tips, resep, foto dll sangat dinantikan. Kirim ke milis atau e-mail: [email protected]. Appendix C: Draft Guidelines Draft uraian tugas Koordinator Kegiatan – Culture Galore 1. Menentukan jenis kegiatan yang akan diikuti (pertunjukan, menjual makanan, meja informasi CIS, dll.) 2. Berdasarkan poin 1, minta personel untuk menjadi koordinator masing-masing kegiatan, seperti berikut: a. Untuk menyiapkan Pertunjukan (tarian, band, dll.) - Pilih koordinator latihan dan undang anggota CIS yang berminat untuk terlibat - Koordinasi latihan (biasanya latihan tari dilakukan bergiliran di rumah keluarga CIS) - Koordinasi pakaian dan alat-alat lain (CD musik, DVD, dll.) yang diperlukan, biaya yang diperlukan dibicarakan dengan pengurus CIS b. Menjual makanan khas Indonesia - Pilih koordinator untuk peralatan (tenda, banner, alat-alat masak, meja, dll.) - Pilih koordinator untuk belanja bahan-bahan yang diperlukan - Kalau perlu minta sumbangan bahan (misalnya, sumbangan pisang dari Direct Grower) atau diskon untuk beli bahan (misalnya, daging dari Medco), hubungi sekretaris untuk mengajukan permohan dan setelahnya untuk mengirim ucapan terima kasih. - Koordinasi persiapan/belanja makanan dan minuman yang akan dijual, misalnya yang perlu dimasak dulu di rumah anggota CIS yang terlibat atau yang dimasak langsung pada waktu acara berlangsung - Koordinasi personel yang akan membantu berjualan dan menjadi kasir (contoh pelaporan keuangan untuk acara menggalang dana bisa diminat dari bendahara CIS - buku biru kecil) c. Menyediakan meja informasi - Memilih personel yang akan membantu menjaga meja dan menjelaskan kepada pengunjung - Menyiapkan bahan-bahan untuk dipajang (peta Indonesia, banner CIS dll. CD musik tradisional untuk latar belakang) Draft uraian tugas Koordinator Kegiatan – Day trip/piknik bersama 1. Membentuk panitia kecil untuk publikasi/undangan dan registrasi peserta (melalui email, surat dan sms) – daftar anggota bisa diminta dari sekretaris CIS 2. Menentukan lokasi kegiatan 3. Merencanakan anggaran untuk kegiatan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari pengurus CIS 4. Koordinasi peralatan yang harus dibeli atau dipinjam/disewa 5. Koordinasi persiapan konsumsi dan pembagian tugas untuk menyiapkan makanan yang disediakan oleh CIS 6. Meminta seseorang untuk menjadi penanggung jawab dokumentasi acara (foto atau video) Appendix D: Membership Survey Results Canterbury Indonesia Society Questionnaire th 25 January 2009 1 What has CIS done well? Culture galore, religious festivals Support Indonesian community We've been to a bbq. That was nice Very well done Almost everything Organise activities and get togethers From the start CIS was well done, but recently little bit uncertain. Well done for polling ‐ I like that Providing well planned and organised social events Picnic ‐ BBQ ‐ 17 Augustus Culture galore, santa parade, picnic CIS, perayaan 17an keeping people in touch with each other. Organising events 2 What has CIS not done so well? Please provide guidelines (tata Krama) ber‐email only CIS related emails and other important information can be sent to CIS maillist so our email are not full of junk. A moderator needs to be appointed to manage and filter the mail Kerja sama & embassy perlu diperhatikan. Supaya tdk terlalu banyak org yg tidak berkepentingan ikut mengatur Build relations between members Did I mention we have only been to a bbq so far Nothing Nothing, really Reach agreement on some issues Internal relationship with members and PPIC Arguing between committee AGM, 3 What services do you think CIS should provide? Yes Maybe No ∙ Issue a Newsletter (6 per year) 8 5 ∙ Operate an email list (as it does at present) 16 1 ∙ Operate a CIS website 12 4 ∙ Event/services co‐ordination with KBRI 12 4 ∙ CIS Welcome Pack (e.g. list of Asian food shops, where to buy a car etc, other Asian organisations etc) 11 5 4 Are there any other services that you think CIS should provide? Nothing Some counsilling and orientation services for members Yes, if there's something happen inside of CIS members of disagreement, I wish we can talk it over .. Cos we are different people, culture,mind & perspective. 5 6 Would you support CIS in the following activities? ∙ Arisan? ∙ Cooking Club? ∙ Crisis support such as when local Indonesian family is going through tough times e.g. a death in the family? ∙ Culture Galore? ∙ Day trips/barbeques/Picnics? ∙ Embassy Events? ∙ Farewells? ∙ Fund raising activities e.g. Riccarton Market (say three a year)? ∙ Indonesian Independence Day celebrations? ∙ New Year? ∙ The Christchurch Santa Parade? ∙ Religious festivals Christmas, Idul Fitri, Nyepi etc? Are there any other activities that you think CIS should be involved in? City council event if CIS can Nothing Some sporting activities I suggested is having "curhat antara CIS" Sport activities for members 7 Are there any other comments you would like to make Hope in the future CIS will be more aware with internal relation The activities that CIS does are already nice Nothing Well done Not at this time Yes, PPIC must get involve in CIS and Vise versa. So ga ada lagi kesenjangan "predikat antar student dan bukan student" Yes 5 8 17 9 17 13 16 8 17 11 5 12 2 1 Maybe No 6 8 3 6 4 6 1 1 6 9 4 1 1