Ponderosa ANCHOR - Lake Ponderosa Association


Ponderosa ANCHOR - Lake Ponderosa Association
Lake Ponderosa Association
Board Members
Dave Arendt
[email protected]
Julie Maas
[email protected]
Financial Director
Stan Gerdes
[email protected]
Laura Allen
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ed Leedom
[email protected]
Dave Vajgrt
[email protected]
Jim Knoblauch
[email protected]
Robb Redlinger
[email protected]
Bob Helmick
Carter Thomson
[email protected]
Barbie Lowry
[email protected]
February 2015
It’s A New Year
Whether we like it or not, 2015 is here. Not sure where all of 2014 went, but
I feel we all got a little cheated last year. I just read in the local paper that
Montezuma received 46.53 inches of rain in 2014, compared to the 40-year
average of 37.46 inches. Perhaps all that run-off contributed to the algae bloom
we experienced.
I am resolved, however, to look forward to a good 2015. I’ve noticed the last
few weeks that people are already posting summertime pictures of the lake
on the Lake Ponderosa Facebook page in anticipation of the enjoyment we
all share here at the lake. Let’s never forget all those fun moments with family
and friends.
As we all start a new year, I hope you will respond to the Lake Ponderosa
Association annual membership mailing you should be receiving shortly. While
there are things we as an association cannot control, there are many positive
things the association does that we as individual property owners could not do
on our own.
Not only the annual fireworks display and the Kids Fishing Derby, the
Association has also worked hard over the last several years to stop hog
confinements from being built in our backyard. We operate and maintain the
boat ramp and storm siren. We have been diligently working with Poweshiek
County to be certain all septic systems at the lake are functioning and being
tested properly to protect the quality of water in the lake. We also researched
the algae issue this past year and possible ways of reducing it.
Many property owners at the lake donate dozens of hours throughout the year
on various projects, including the can cages, which pay for about half of the
fireworks display. To all those people, we say thank you.
Even if you are unable to volunteer your time, we do need you as members. It
is through numbers that we are able to impact things for the better here at Lake
Ponderosa. If you haven’t joined in the past, please consider joining this year.
As I look at those summertime photos on Facebook, I am reminded that we all
share this little piece of heaven with each other. Let’s work together to make it
the best place we can.
Happy New Year
David Arendt
In this issue...
October 2014 Board Meeting Minutes
Frozen Pipes – Not Just a Nuisance
New Cookbook Sales to Benefit Food Bank
2014 Membership List
page 2
Lake Ponderosa
Association Committees
Tornado Siren
Robb Redlinger
Boat Ramp
Dave Vajgrt
Bob Helmick
Dave Arendt
Laura Allen
Dave Vajgrt
Ed Leedom
Event Signage
Dave Arendt
Bob Helmick
Pop Can Cages
Julie Maas
Volunteer Sorters
Robb Redlinger, Morris May,
Dave Arendt, Stacie McKenna,
Brent McKenna, Carter Thomsen,
Jim Awtry, Ali Burchland
DeeDee Strub
Volunteer Sorters
Deb Wolfe and Morris May
Septic/Water Testing
Carter Thomsen 641-623-5846
Roads/Access with Barbie
Stan Gerdes
May 23, 2015 8 a.m.
Annual Lakewide Garage Sale
May 23, 2015 7 - 10 a.m.
Pancake Breakfast in the Association Building
June 20, 2015 9 - 11 a.m.
Kids Annual Fishing Derby at the Boat Ramp
July 4, 2015 9:30 p.m.
Ongoing Events:
Join us every 1st Monday (Monthly) for a Potluck in the Association Building at Noon.
On the 2nd Thursday in the months listed, there is a Monthly Board Meeting in the
Association Building at 7:00 PM. (January, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October)
October 2014
Copies of all approved meeting minutes are available on the Lake Ponderosa
website (www.lakeponderosa.org); if you would like a printed copy of any of the
minutes, please contact Laura Allen.
MEMBERS PRESENT: David Arendt, Ed Leedom, Bob Helmick, Robb
Redlinger, Julie Maas
Guests: 11 guests were present.
President Dave Arendt called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
MINUTES: Bob made a motion to accept the September minutes, Ed
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Ed moved and Bob seconded to approve the
financial report. Motion passed.
FUNDRAISING BALANCES: Carry forward from fiscal year ending May
31, 2013 and raised to date:
Fish Management
Fishing Derby$1,162.72
Contingency Fund
There are 435 paid members and 38 paid advertisers to date.
Items raised were identified to be discussed later in the agenda.
Continued on page 3
Continued from page 2
page 3
Tornado Siren: The siren will be disconnected soon for the winter.
Supplies: Bulbs have been purchased for the garage.
Event Signage:
Boat Ramp: The new card reader is in. The gate has been repaired at a cost of just under $500.
Pop Can Cages: White lattice has been placed around the cages in town and it looks much better. Needs to be done
at the lake as well.
Septic/Water Testing: The County Sanitarian is now visiting construction sites prior to any work being done to
approve septic system installation/repair. A report on algae/lake water quality will be discussed later in the agenda.
Roads/Accesses: No report. Barbie was not in attendance.
Web-Site: Many more updates have been made. We continue to identify more.
Dredging: Gravel has been laid in preparation of dredging. Should take place in October.
Welcome Packet: Board members continue to review it for corrections. The goal is to have it ready to start
distributing in January.
ATV/UTV/Golf Cart Regulations: Nothing more to report. Barbie was not in attendance.
Walleye Stocking: There needs to be a slot on walleye for people to keep and to release those not in that length
slot. Recommendation will come at next meeting.
FEMA and Flood Elevation: David Arendt and Ed Leedom reported that FEMA has determined they will use the
old DNR flood elevation instead of the one they developed. This lowers the flood elevation by approximately 6 feet.
This will remove most, but not all, structures from the flood zone. The map has not yet been revised, so for at least
the foreseeable future, people will need to have an elevation survey done. This is very good news for many property
Refrigerator Magnet of Rules: David Arendt raised the idea of the association producing a refrigerator magnet that
would include the summer boating rules and other rules of the lake. It could be paid for by selling advertising on it. It
could be mailed to all property owners in the January membership mailing. After some discussion it was moved by
Julie Maas and seconded by Ed Leedom to proceed with ordering 1000 of the magnets.
Report from Algae/Water Testing Meeting: Dave Arendt and Jim Knoblauch met with Chris Widmer, Montezuma
Water Superintendent and Corey Simpson, Poweshiek County Conservation Officer to discuss the algae problem
Continued on page 4
Hwy. 14 & 163
Monroe, IA 50170
page 4
this year and water testing for quality.
Continued from page 3
This year was bad for algae everywhere. It was bad at
Diamond Lake as well. They treated Diamond Lake twice with
copper sulfate to reduce the algae due to the fact that this is
where our drinking water comes from. The solar bees that can
be seen out in the lake merely churn the water and don’t do
near the job that boats do on Lake Ponderosa. They also cost
approximately $60,000 apiece and it is doubtful that we would
want eight or ten of these permanently located in the middle of
the lake with hundreds of boats and jet skis. The cost to treat
Diamond Lake with copper sulfate was around $2200 each
time just for the chemical. Diamond Lake is one-fourth the size
of Lake Ponderosa and their treatment made one pass around
the shoreline of the lake.
Algae is not all bad. While we don’t like the green and the
slime, it is a plant and it does oxygenate the lake water—
especially important for fish considering that we have little
other plant life in the lake.
Nitrates and phosphorus are food for algae. To help keep
down algae, we need to work to control the amount of
nitrates and phosphorus coming into the lake. The first step
is to stop fertilizing our lawns, or at least use fertilizer without
phosphorus. If professionally applied, owners need to ask their
lawn care specialist if their fertilizer contains phosphorus. Part of this step also includes not mowing grass clippings
or leaves into the lake. The second step is to slow down the water that will eventually come into the lake. This will
reduce the amount of chemicals, soil, and potentially dangerous bacteria entering the lake. Silt fences must be used
at all construction sites where the earth is being disturbed. Silt ponds need to be cleaned out so that they can serve
their intended purposes. Perhaps even more silt ponds are needed.
As far as testing the water, we were told the most important thing to test for is e-coli bacteria. Again, the biggest
source for e-coli is water runoff, especially when it has the chance to run through decaying animal carcasses such
as deer and raccoon. Our previous testing indicates that e-coli levels remain very low at Lake Ponderosa until we
receive heavy rains and the lake rises. Then the e-coli level increases significantly. Precautions would be to stay out
of the water for a while after these heavy rains. Also, if the LPA continues to test, they should have a procedure in
place for notifying owners, perhaps through email and maybe even having signs or a flag to put up indicating high
levels of e-coli. The difficulty is that it takes approximately a week to get the results from the testing laboratory. Most
of the time, test results yield a reading of 10 or less, which is very good. Potential danger level for humans is at 300
and above.
It was also suggested that we might want to do an initial testing for nitrates and phosphorus in the lake to determine
Continued on page 5
Ponderosa Water Works Selling FLOE Docks & Lifts
Dock & Lift Removal & Installation
Boat & Jet Ski Winterization
Sully, IA
(641) 521-2054
All Furniture, Car &
Truck Seating, Boat Seats,
Custom Covers and Repair.
Boat Lift Repair
Why buy new when fixing will do!
Poweshiek County Sportsmen’s Association Give us a Call
PO Box 612, Montezuma, IA 50171 www.pcsa‐iowa.org [email protected] Archery ‐ Pistol ‐ Rifle ‐ Trap www.lakeponderosa.org
SHIRLEY LILLIE, Sales Associate
317 E. Main, P.O. Box 760
Montezuma, IA 50171
Office: (641) 623-5167
Fax: (641) 623-5165
Home Phone 641-623-5930
“We are the Lake People”
Home Phone 641-990-5187
Town & Country
Web page: www.Tompkinsrealty.net
page 5
Over crowded at the lake?
See us for clean, neat
B&B type rooms
Starting at $35
Hot tub - Continental Breakfast
Dogs Allowed
Montezuma, IA
(641) 623-5505
Continued from page 4
their levels, get a base reading, and monitor these chemicals as well with regard to algae growth.
David presented flyers regarding a program called Iowaters, in which volunteers receive training and equipment and
then regularly test and monitor water conditions at the lake. Several individuals picked up the flyers and hopefully
some people will be interested in making this effort.
Bob moved and Robb seconded the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, January 8, @ 7:00 PM.
Frozen Pipes – Not Just a Nuisance
Frozen pipes can be a huge disaster for homeowners. A 1/8-inch crack in a pipe can spew 250 gallons of
water a day. Here are a few tips to help minimize the risk of frozen pipes during the winter:
• Unhook your garden hose before winter
• Insulate pipes in crawl spaces with heat tape and be sure it is working. Thermostatically-controlled
heat tapes are best
• Seal all air leaks that allow cold air to get close to your pipes
• Shut off your water if you are going to be gone for any extended period of time
• Open cabinet doors under sinks so warm air can get to the pipes
• Do not set your thermostat below 55 degrees
• Buy the biggest thermometer you can find and place it in a window so your neighbor or friends can
see it. If the temperature gets too low, they will know your furnace is not working and can contact you.
A little bit of time and a few dollars can save you thousands of dollars and big headaches.
Robb Redlinger
Double R Plumbing & Heating
Around The Lake
Small Project Specialist
“You play, I’ll get it done.”
Deck & Dock Building
Interior/ Exterior Remodeling, Firepits
Skidloader Work, Snow Removal
Blair Wolfe
Box 900
202 E. Grant - Monroe, IA 50170
Cell - 641-891-5615
page 6
This Ad Space Could Be YOURS!
Call Laura Allen for details
301 E. Main St., Montezuma • 641-623-5223
E. Main
Ron Ellis, Owner
• Laminate
• Laminate
• Window Treatments
• Hardwood
• Hardwood
• Window
• Luxury Vinyl
Tile byTreatments
Hunter Douglas
• Ceramic
• Ceramic
• Wall Coverings
• Wall Coverings
• Carpet
• Carpet
• Precious Moments
• Vinyl • Vinyl • Precious Moments
Lake Ponderosa Association 2014 Membership
Aija Abolins
Jon & Cathy Ackelson
Ronald & Janice Albrecht
F. L & Catherine Alexander
Bill & Jane Alexander
David & Brenda Allan
Michael & Laura Allen
Nate & Suzie Allen
Erika & Angela Amunson
Brent & Clarice Anderson
Phyllis Anderson
David Arendt
Mark & Anna Armstrong
Scott & Angela Arnold
Gordon & Karen Ashby
Jim & Maureen Awtry
Roger & Karen Bak
Anthony & Jane Barbaresso
James & Carrie Bartlett
Thomas & Kathleen Bates
Richard & Sherry Beasley
Roger & Shirley Becker
Janet Belieu
Bryron & Patricia Beninga
Rene Benson
Dennis & Jill Berger
Larry & Janet Bergeson
Larry & Linda Birley
Ted & Carol Bish
Scott & Erin Black
Dorothy Blanchard
Doug Blanchard
Keith and Kathy Blum
Jess & Sandra Boatright
Stanley & Velma Rae Bogaard
Robert & Marilyn Bokhoven
Randall Boulton
Michael & Lynn Bowers
Michael & Barb Boyle
Daryl & Roxanne Brager
Dr. K. Linda Bratkiewicz
Richard & Julie Bright
Michael & Janey Brooner
Michael & Pam Brown
Daniel & Rachel Bru
Charles & LueAnn Bruggemann
Wayne & Martha Brundage
Dick & Linda Bruxvoort
Charles & Phyllis Bryan
William & Kristi Burma
Verne& Denise Cadwell
Mark & Barbara Cahill
For all your Real Estate needs
Kent & Patricia Campbell
Steven & Judy Cardis
Tom & Faye J. Carey
Randy & Lynn Carlson
Michael & Patricia Carroll
Loyd & Ruth Carstensen
Christine Carstensen
James & Ann Chambers
Danny & Pamela Chambers
Keith & Susan Cheney
Cherry Ridge Construction
Julie Chlupach
Vernon & Mary Cordes
Merrell & Michelle Couchman
Vicki Crow
Audie & Paula Culley
Rodney Curran
Rodney & Rose Curren
John & Sandra Dahm
Lowell Dahm
Stephen & Candance Daugherty
Mary & Jon Davis
Daniel & Elizabeth De Bettignies
Matt & Marinda De Jong
Richard & Beverly De Regnier
Jeffrey & Laurie Delvaux
Continued on page 8
Country Carpet Cleaners
Call and Check our Prices
on Carpet, Upholstery, Airducts
Serving All of Poweshiek County
Connie Durr, Broker — 641-891-3973 or 623-2700
Lake Ponderosa Associate
Service Oriented - Prompt - Professional
e-mail: [email protected]
web page: patriotbankia.com
Member of the Poweshiek Co. MLS
Superior Quality
Professional Service
The Best Truck-Mounted
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
1-800-549-9956 OR 641-990-2362
page 7
Jan Bergeson, a twenty-year lake
resident and food bank volunteer, has had
her personal cookbook printed with all
profits to be donated to the Montezuma
Food Bank.
Please support this organization and
enjoy over 375 of her tried and true recipes along with a
little humor thrown in as well. 100 books are available at
Monte State Bank, 3 Sisters, Ron’s Barber Shop and Super
Valu or contact Jan - price is $14.00 (plus $3.50 shipping
and handling, if applicable).
Jan Bergeson
360 Hillcrest Ridge
Montezuma IA 50171
Dock and Lift
515-975-7033 or 515-729-3352
¤Get a Brand New Canopy Cover
for your Shore Station Boat or
Pontoon Lift for less than $600.
¤Free Estimate
¤7 year limited warranty
¤Free Installation
Note...we can get canopy covers
to fit ANY boat lift!!!
Answers found on page 16
page 8
Continued from page 6
Donald & Sandra Den Hartog
Dennis DeNooy
Ted & Lisa Derry
Daniel & Jill DeRycke
Andrew Devaul
Cary & Wendy Diekema
Doug & Deb Dolezal
Lynn Donahue
Lance & Terry Dreesman
Michael & Amber Dugger
Max & Jackie Dunlap
Diane Dybevik
Greg & Jennifer Edel
Jerry & Rona Edmondson
Douglas & Sandra Edwards
David & Connie Eichhorn
Donn & Debbie Eide
David & Kari Elbert
Allen & Kathy Ellis
Jorma & Linda Erkamaa
Lee & Ann Evans
Charles & Regina Everhart
Greg Ewoldt
Terry Ewoldt
Jim & Sue Failor
Michael & Mary Farley
Wesley & Christi Fausch
Josh & Lindsey Fausch
Levi Ferguson
Thomas & Kathy Ferguson
George & Clara Fink
Donald & Julie Fisher
Betty Fitzgerald
John & Mary Fitzgerald
William & Linda Fitzpatrick
Donald & Carol Flater
Mike & Kathy Fowels
Matthew & April Frantzen
Mike & Cindy Freese
Robert & Carolyn Froah
Rob & Kay Froehner
Neal & Connie Fry
Eugene & Pamela Fuller
Michael & Patricia Funk
Roger & Sandy Gardner
Stan & Kathleen Gerdes
Brian & Ardis Giddings
Patricia Gilley
David & Melissa Gonzalez
Robert Gooding
John & Vickie Gorman
Linda Graff
Kim & Patrice Greenwood
Richard & Miriam Gregory
Rodney & Tammy Greiner
Thomas & Melinda Greiner
Dr. Julie Grundberg
Greg Hagarty
Mike & Julia Hahn
James & Virginia Hall
James & Sandra Ham
Robert & Velma Hamilton
Doug Hammelman
Nicholas & Elaine Hammes
Michael & Krysia Hannam
Christopher & Jodi Hansen
Michael & Penny Hansen
Craig & Deborah Hansen
Betty Hanson
Thomas & Janace Hanson
Timothy Hanson, Sr.
Karl & Sandy Harken
Steve & Diane Harms
Tim & Christi Harris
Scott & Lisa Harrison
Edward & Julie Hartman
Troy & Cheri Hartz
Dylan & Susan Hayes
Jay Heidecker
Brian & Nancy Heineman
Rob & Kim Heinrich
Michael & Colleen Heitmann
Ronald & Mary Ellen Hellman
Douglas & Stacy Helm
Robert & Marilyn Helmick
Bobby C & Kimberley Henderson
Cecil & Jean Henderson, Jr.
Ronald & Beatrice Hensel
Steve & Carol Heth
Jerry & Sandy Heth
Dale & Marilyn Hicks
Andrew & LeAnn Hillier
Steve & Bonnie Hinrichs
Scott & Lisa Hirsch
Thomas & Carol Hirsch
Roger & Patricia Holck
Kim Hoover
Nancy Hopkins
Robert & Kathy Huber
Maynard & Pauline Hutchinson
Mark & Ann Iannetioni
David & Tami Irving
Duane Dufoe-Izaak Walton League
Gary & Marilyn Jackson
Albert & Marsha Johns
Larry & Sandra Johnson
William & Karen Johnson
Brian & Jennifer Johnson
Dennis & Sally Johnston
Terry & Susan Jones
Mike & Sandy Jones
Edward & Nancy Jorgensen
Sandra Juhl
Charles & Sue Junge
Wayne & June Jurgensen
George & Karen Karaidos
Chad & Holly Karr
Philip Kauten, Jr
Paul & JoAnn Keferl
Kenneth & Alice Kephart
Richard & Joan Kerns
Dennis & Kathy Kilburg
Cary & Elizabeth Kiner
Doug & Julie Klemme
Jim Knoblauch
Kenneth & Tylaine Koehn
Steve & Connie Koehn
Paul & Kay Koeppen
Gerald Kolar
Brian Kramer
Kramer Lake Home
Heath & Michele Kusel
Scott Kusel
Lake Ponderosa Dev.
Jared & Nicole Latcham
Belinda Lauridsen
Nadine Layton
Richard & Jan LeBahn
Randy & Debbie Lee
Ed & Marcia Leedom
Dale & Lisa Lensing
Robby & Jody Lenstra
Larry & Linda Lentz
Robert & Capi Lewis
Michael & Kathy Lindquist
Carney & Laura Loucks
John & Patricia Lubben
Robert & Catherine Lund
Charles & Karen Lynch
Michael & Amanda Lyons
Continued on page 10
page 9
Answers found on page 12
S uperior
S eawalls
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Website: superiorseawalls.com
Email: [email protected]
Crews & Grea
Residential wiring
Locating underground wires
Installation of TV, computer
and phone cables
Over 22 years of electrical experience
Lake resident for over 35 years
Tim Coleman
Phone (641) 623-2151
Cell (641) 990-2922
page 10
Are the spiders taking over your deck?
Call 641-623-PEST (7378)
830 S. Front St., PO Box 610
Montezuma, Iowa 50171
Weekly trash pickup on Mondays.
Harry Meek, Owner
Montezuma, Iowa
1 1/2 to 30 yard containers available
Serving Lake Ponderosa Since 1995
We know your bugs!
Burdette & Julie Maas
Brad & Peg Mabuce
H.Dean Malaise
Jerald & Cheryl Manning
Craig & Julie Mantz
Doug Marsh
James & Sharon Martes
Michael & Debra Martin
Gustave Martinson
Eric & Tamara Marx
David & Christi Mason
Jeff & Jo Matt
Marshall Matt
Gary & Courtney Matt
24-hour Drive-Up ATM
Debit Cards and Online Banking
Thank You!
Mike & Mary May
Morris & Susan May
Robert & Loraine McCombs, Jr.
Owen & Christine McConville III
W.B. & Terri McDonald
Donald & Julie McDowell
Karen McGriff
James & Marla McGriff
Michael McGriff
Joseph McKenna
Scott & Cheryl McLaughlin
Michael McLaughlin
Kevin & Karen McNaul
Harry & Karen Meek
Kelvin & Sandra Mennen
Steve Menuey
Continued from page 8
Carl & Joan Merical
Scott & Sharon Messer
Leland & Mary Meyer
David & Patricia Miller
Erika Miller
Randy & Jody Miller
Duane & Donna Miller
DuWayne & Terry Miller
Scott & Sarah Misener
William & Ruth Ann Moore
Brent & Sally Morrison
Scotty & Carol Morrow
Tim & Robyn Mulcahy
James & Kellie Mulford
Kenneth & Cathy Muller
Steve & Marlys Munson
Gary & Darla Munson
Thomas & Beth Munson
Gregory & Margaret Murtha
Thomas Music
Larry & Susan Nachazel
James & Jody Nagel
Gary & Lorella Nagle
Jerry & Sandi Nearmyer
Thomas & Patricia Negrete
Randall & Tamara Nekol
Roger & Patricia Ann Nelson
Robert & Nancy Nelson
David & Denise Neumann
Alan & Linda Oberto
Stephen & Shelba Oberto
Dennis & Laura Oliver
Matthew & Amanda Olson
Shay & Tonya O'Neal
Lynn & Edna Orrell
Steve Osborn
L.C. Osborn
Tom & Marilyn Overman
Gregory Owens
Continued on page 11
Lloyd & Glenda Palmer II
Lauren & Deanne Paxson
John Peak, Jr.
Nancy Perkins
James & Helen Perry
Craig & Marsha Peters
Craig & Lysia Peters
Marvin & Diane Peters
Tom & Tammy Petersen
Dan & Mitzi Petersen
Steven & Judy Petersen
Susan & Bart Petersen
Julee & Troy Petersen
Gail & Robin Peterson
Russel & Debra Pint
Don & Marilyn Poppens
Richard & Beverly Postels
Jim & Terri Pothast
Paul & Terry Powell
Michael & Kendice Powell
Harijs Priekulis
Mike & Lanna Princer
Joseph & Jo Anne Puls
James & Linda Rankin
Richard & Suzan Rasmussen
Chester & Patricia Rauch
Stephen & Joyce Reams
Stanley & Ila Rebik
Robb & Kris Redlinger
Randy Reed
Russell & Laurie Reicherts
John Reimler
David & Beverly Reinier
Jerome & Patricia Richards
Richard Ridout
Robert & Nancy Rinehart
Brian & Holly Ritter
Judy & Tony Rivera
Richard & Shirlee Rogers
Decorative fieldstone available for
shoreline or landscaping.
Large boulders available.
Will deliver and/or place to
landowners specifications.
Call 515-275-2303 or
641-236-4131 for estimates
Thank You!
Continued from page 10
page 11
Merlan & Susan Rolffs
Steve & Linda Rolison
Todd & Megan Rosenberger
Todd & Terri Ross
Dwight & Beverly Ross
Michael & Sandra Rozendall
John & Nadine Runyan
Dennis & Judy Sadler
Brian & Susan Sayer
Stan Upah-SC Properties LLC
Kirk & Cindy Schnoebelen
Robert & Marcia Schnug
Dale & Miriam Schultz
Stan & Carol Schumacher
Richard & Rae Nette Schurman
Gerald & LeAnne Schwickerath
Stuart & Kerri Scott
Elmer & Pamela Seemann
James & Terri Severence
Dan & Ann Shaner
Mark & Michelle Shanks
Charles & Beth Sheets
Dennis & Mary Shileny
Maxine Shutts
Steven & Cynthia Simms
Doward & Marilee Sjaardema
Edward & Jennifer Slauson
David & Sherri Smith
Hazel Smith
Terry Smith
Patricia Smothers
Continued on page 13
100 Crabtree Rd. Montezuma, IA 50171
Broker/Owner: Karen McNaul 641-891-8902
Sales Associate: Carol Morrow 319-330-6459
We know the lake!
Your access to property information.
Give us a call or find us on the web.
Members of the Poweshiek County MLS and Lake Ponderosa Association.
Licensed in Iowa
page 12
Best dock ladder you will ever own!!
Walk right out of the water! 100% aluminum!
Very lightweight. Great for kids!
Call 641-891-2052.
[email protected]
LPA Golfcarts
Docks Causeway Waverunners
Lake Ponderosa
Kayaks Beaches
Complete Tree Service • Trim to Removal
Stump Removal • Clean Up of Area
Rock, Sand, Fill Dirt, Black Dirt • Shoreline Rock
General Demolition - Trailers, Houses, Garages
Building Site Preparation
B & B Tree Service, Inc.
4920 90th Street
Montezuma, IA 50171
1. Mixed doubles tennis
2. Split second timing
3. The birds and the bees
4. Close quarters
5. All hands on deck
6. E = MC2
7. Waving goodbye
8. A paradox
9. Skinny dipping
10. Two black eyes
11. Scattered showers
12. Scrambled eggs
13. Head and shoulders above the rest
14. Twisted ankle
15. An outside chance
16. Beginning of the end
Answers to the Brainteaser
Hello Neighbors!
I just wanted to take this
opportunity to introduce myself
as your new partner in real estate.
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for the past 20 years and my
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focusing on customer service,
makes me the perfect choice
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Call me today with any
Real Estate questions.
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Continued from page 11
Rev. James & Patricia Snare
James Snyder
Keith & Cindy Stalzer
Don & Ida Starnes
Sharon Steffa
David & Betty Stout
Leslie & Denise Strub
Patrick & Marna Lou Supple
David & Linda Sutherland III
Daniel & Kristin Tague
Lana Taylor
Dale & Kimberly Thede
Michael & Caryn Thede
Mary Thomas
Carter & Karen Thomson
Frank Tichy
Bret & Karen Tinkey
Regina Todd
Lyle & E. Mary Tompkins
Dennis & Barbara Tool
Rick Trabert
Jolene Treinen
Madeline Triplett
Mark & Marilyn Trunnell
Stan & Charlotte Upah
Roger & Laura Vajgrt
Bryce & Shirley Van Der Kamp
Robert & Wendy Van Gorp
page 13
Galen & Roxanne Van Zee
Doug & Rhonda Vander Beck
Howard Vanderhart
Gary & Chris Vansickel
Donald & Christina Vaux
Jay & Audrey Veldhouse
Douglas & Deb Ver Meer
Kevin & Shelley Vier
Lee & Jane Viggers
Steve Vogel
Dave Vogeler
Robert & Debra Vonk
Bruce & Vicki Vopava
Terry & Sherry Voy
Leah & Richard Wallfred
Ralph Wambsgans
Freddy & Mary Lu Watson
Oran & Barbara Watson
Mildred S. Weaver
Betty Webb
Brian & Deborah Weber
Paul & Jennifer Weldon
Chad & Danielle Wendel
Debra Werning
T.L. & Helen Wheeldon
Jason & Vanessa Whitinger
James & Dorothy Wilson
Bradley & Judith Woody
Charles & Sharyn Workman
Roger & Norma Wrage
Matthew Wright
Monte & Lisa Wyatt
James & Marilyn Wykoff
Gary & Lori Yoder
Brian & Shelley York
Bruce & Christine York
Please contact Laura Allen if you
believe your name was inadvertently
omitted from the 2014 Members list.
Septic Service & Excavating
of New Sharon
Family Owned: Joe Meland
Office: 641-673-1422
P.O. Box 3
Fax: 641-673-2361
Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577
Cell: 641-660-3464
Lake Property Owner
M-F 7:30-5
Sat 7:30-1
Sun Noon-5
Your complete farm and home supply store
Pumping • Repair • Install • Perk Testing • Grading • Certified Inspector • Master Plumber
Maintenance Agreement • Water & Sewer Line Install & Repair •Time of Transfer Inspections
1352 Hwy 63
New Sharon, IA 50207
(641) 637-4010
page 14
Dan’s Septic Services
Yamaha Golf Cars
New and Used • Rentals • Parts
We service all Makes
Arrange for FREE pickup and delivery!
Todd Nelson
319-361-0413 or 1-866-360-3577
(Continuing to Grow)
New Installation • Advantex • Multi-Flo • Enviroguard & Conventional
Systems • Service Contracts, Troubleshooting & Pumping of all Systems
DNR Licensed, Certified Water Tester & Nationally Certified Installer
Time of Transfer State Inspector
Our Prices Are Low!!
Call 641-623-3455
223 Cottage Lane
page 15
Meet the County Bank Team
Serving Montezuma & Lake Ponderosa
Amy Halleran
NMLS # 699814
[email protected]
Direct: 641-224-3251
Office: 641-622-2525
Shawn Echelberry
NMLS # 47612
[email protected]
Mobile: 641-954-1202
Office: 641-622-2525
Specialists in
real estate &
home improvement
Michael Geiger
[email protected]
Mobile: 319-350-4437
Office: 641-595-2133
Tom Bates
[email protected]
Mobile: 319-330-0635
Office: 641-622-2525
Specialists in
commercial &
Dave Wood
[email protected]
Mobile: 641-295-6426
Office: 641-634-2460
Robert Van Zee
NMLS # 699818
[email protected]
Mobile: 319-350-1967
Office: 641-595-2133
Ponderosa ANCHOR
P.O. Box 751
Montezuma, Iowa 50171
Serving the Area for over 50 Years
We Service All Makes & Models
Sales Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
After Hours by Appointment
We Always have an
EXCELLENT Selection of
Parts & Service Hours:
7 AM-4 PM Monday-Friday
Open 24/7 at www.vannoychevrolet.com