Industrial Property Journal (September 2015) MADRID
Industrial Property Journal (September 2015) MADRID
REGISTRATION AND PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY JOURNAL (Journal of Trademarks) No 01/2015 The 6th October, Published Monthly Application accepted for registration NOTICE is given that any person who has grounds of opposition to the Registration of any of the trade marks advertised herein according to these classes may within 60 days from the date of this Journal, Lodge a notice of opposition Letter from 1st October to 30th November 2015. The period of lodging the notice of opposition may be extended by Registrar as she deems fit and upon such terms as she may direct. Any request for such extension should be made to the Registrar to reach her before the expiry of the period allowed. Codes for Marks Code 310 320 Interpretation Filing number Filing date 750 Applicant 731 Applicant’s address 740 Representative address 510 List of goods and services (Nice class) Description of mark 540 3 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/412011 (320) 07/01/2015 INSTAND e.V. Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Qualitätssicherung in medizinischen Laboratorien e.V. Ubierstr. 20 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät Leopoldstrasse 4 80802 München (1) Produits chimiques pour usages scientifiques, spécialement préparations pour analyses clinico-chimiques; préparations de contrôle pour examens médicaux; solutions ou substances standard, à l'aide desquelles on peut régler des appareils de mesure, spécialement pour examens photométriques; réactifs pour l'usage dans les laboratoires, spécialement dans les laboratoires de médecine., (5) Médicaments. and (16) Imprimés. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/457518 (320) 16/09/2014 SILHOUETTE International Schmied AG Ellbognerstrasse 24 A-4020 Linz, Austria BEER & PARTNER PATENTANWÄLTE KG Lindengasse 8 A-1070 Wien (9) Appareils optiques pour les yeux, particulièrement lunettes et lunettes de soleil; étuis de lunettes; lunettes et lunettes de soleil en métal et en matière synthétique; montures de lunettes, montures de lunettes en métal et en matière synthétique. Silhouette ___________ 4 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/489256 (320) 13/03/2015 Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques. SANDOSTATIN ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/492223 (320) 31/03/2015 NIVAROX-FAR S.A. avenue du Collège 10 CH-2400 LE LOCLE, Switzerland THE SWATCH GROUP SA (THE SWATCH GROUP AG) (THE SWATCH GROUP LTD.) Faubourg du Lac 6 CH-2502 BIENNE (6) Vis, ressorts., (7) Composants et éléments de tout genre pour machines et mécanismes de haute précision, fine mécanique et micro-mécanique, y compris paliers, arbres, cames, engrenages, ressorts, rouages, leurs structures de support et montage, obtenus par les techniques de décolletage, découpage, tréfilage et laminage employées individuellement ou en combinaison; assemblages et sous-assemblages de tels composants et éléments., (9) Combinaisons des éléments, assemblages et sous-assemblages cités dans la classe 7 avec des éléments électriques ou électroniques, tels que circuits intégrés et/ou imprimés et connecteurs., (10) Instruments, outils et composants pour applications chirurgicales et médicales. and (14) Composants de tout genre pour l'horlogerie, y compris son habillage. NIVAROX ___________ 5 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/492458 (320) 12/08/2015 MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien Frankfurter Strasse 250 64293 Darmstadt, Germany MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien Frankfurter Strasse 250 64293 Darmstadt (5) Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygiéniques; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements. Emconcor ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/519941 (320) 06/05/2015 ROLEX SA 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26, Switzerland ROLEX SA Marques et Domaines 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26 (14) Horlogerie et autres instruments chronométriques et leurs parties et accessoires, montres-bracelets et bracelets de montres. ROLEX DAYTONA ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/556571 (320) 03/01/2014 Paul Hartmann AG Paul-Hartmann-Strasse 12 89522 Heidenheim, Germany DREISS Patentanwälte PartG mbB Gerokstr. 1 70188 Stuttgart (5) Matériel pour pansements, emplâtres, bandages et bandes à usage médical. Atrauman ___________ 6 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/562300 04/09/2014 (320) VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) AG VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) Ltd, VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) Inc. Rechenstrasse 37 CH-9014 St-Gall, Switzerland Isler & Pedrazzini AG Postfach 1772 CH-8027 Zürich (5) Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygiéniques. MALTOFER ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/589087 10/02/2014 (320) COLORIFICIO SAN MARCO S.P.A. Via Alta, 10 I-30020 MARCON (VE), Italy D'AGOSTINI GIULIO Rivale Castelvecchio, 6 I-31100 TREVISO (TV) (2) Couleurs, peintures, émaux et vernis. and (17) Peintures isolantes et vernis isolants. san marco ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/613196 25/03/2015 (320) Power Horse Energy Drinks GmbH Fiedlerstrasse 10 A-4041 Linz, Austria Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH Schottenring 19 A-1010 Vienna (32) Boissons non alcooliques. POWER-HORSE ___________ 7 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/617684 (320) 04/09/2014 VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) AG (VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) Ltd), (VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) Inc.) Rechenstrasse 37 CH-9014 ST-GALL, Switzerland Isler & Pedrazzini AG Postfach 1772 CH-8027 Zürich (5) Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygiéniques. VENOFER ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/637112 (320) 18/11/2014 Svenja Steingruber Ahornstrasse 21 83395 Freilassing, Germany Riederer Hasler & Partner Patentanwälte AG Kappelestrasse 15 FL-9492 Eschen (32) Bières; eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; long-drinks non alcooliques à base de jus de fruits; boissons d'énergie (energy drinks) et boissons de force (power drinks) non alcooliques, non à usage médical. BLUE JEANS ___________ 8 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/681732 (320) 28/07/2015 Perfetti Van Melle Benelux B.V. Zoete Inval 20 NL-4815 HK Breda, The Netherlands Merkenbureau Knijff & Partners B.V. Postbus 5054 NL-1380 GB Weesp (30) Cacao et produits de cacao; chocolat, produits de chocolat et boissons à base de chocolat; pâtisserie et confiserie, caramel et produits de caramel, menthe pour la confiserie, bonbons à la menthe; sucreries, bonbons, réglisse et produits de réglisse; glaces comestibles; snacks non compris dans d'autres classes. mentos mentos mentos ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/690126 (320) 24/01/2014 PUBLICIS GROUPE SA (Société Anonyme) 133, avenue des Champs-Elysées F-75008 PARIS, France CABINET A. BAROIS 63 avenue Raymond Poincaré F-75016 PARIS (35) Services de publicité, distribution de prospectus, d'échantillons; location de matériel publicitaire; aide aux entreprises industrielles ou commerciales dans la conduite de leurs affaires; conseils, informations ou renseignements d'affaires; études de marchés; reproduction de documents; services de relations publiques; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux ou de publicité. PUBLICIS ___________ 9 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/697108 (320) 23/03/2015 ROLEX SA 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26, Switzerland ROLEX SA Marques et Domaines 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26 (14) Aiguilles (horlogerie), aiguilles en métaux précieux, aiguilliers en métaux précieux, alliages de métaux précieux, ancres (horlogerie), balanciers (horlogerie), barillets (horlogerie), boîtiers de montres, bracelets de montres, cadrans (horlogerie), chronographes (montres), chronomètres, instruments chronométriques, chronoscopes, horloges de contrôle (horloges mères), horloges, horloges atomiques, horloges électriques, montres, montresbracelets, mouvements d'horlogerie, pendules (horlogerie), ressorts de montres, réveillematin, verres de montres. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/722324 (320) 12/08/2015 MERCK SANTE - société par actions simplifiée 37 rue Saint Romain F-69008 LYON, France Merck KGaA Frankfurter Str. 250 64293 Darmstadt (5) Produits pharmaceutiques pour la prévention et le traitement du diabète et de ses complications. (540) ___________ 10 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/729658 (320) 02/10/2014 CONTROLAB 21, rue de Clichy, F-93400 SAINT OUEN, France CABINET MADEUF 56A, rue du Faubourg St. Honoré F-75008 PARIS (9) Matériel de laboratoire non à usage médical., (10) Matériel de laboratoire à usage médical. and (11) Matériel de laboratoire non à usage médical, en particulier brûleurs de laboratoire et lampes de laboratoire. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/732844 (320) 10/03/2015 Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Produits pharmaceutiques. ___________ 11 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/794469 (320) 26/09/2014 Trisa Holding AG Kantonsstrasse CH-6234 Triengen, Switzerland Patentanwälte Schaad, Balass, Menzl & Partner AG Dufourstrasse 101 CH-8034 Zürich (3) Cosmétiques, produits pour les soins du corps, de la bouche et de la beauté, préparations cosmétiques pour le bain, dentifrices, produits pour les soins des cheveux, lotions pour les cheveux; huiles essentielles, matières odorantes. and (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques pour les soins de la peau et des cheveux, préparations médicinales et thérapeutiques pour le bain, produits pour les soins de la bouche à usage médical; potions médicinales; extraits de plantes à usage médical; produits pour la purification et le rafraîchissement de l'air. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/816271 (320) 15/12/2014 Friesland Brands B.V. Stationsplein 4 NL-3818 LE Amersfoort, The Netherlands CHIEVER B.V. Barbara Strozzilaan 201 NL-1083 HN Amsterdam (29) Milk and dairy products, substitutes thereof and products made thereof, particularly milk beverages and milk powder, with or without flavorings; yogurt; sweetened and unsweetened evaporated (condensed) milk; skimmed milk; milk beverages (milk predominating) with or without addition of other ingredients. and (32) Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (540) ___________ 12 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/819324 (320) 03/04/2015 Hospira, Inc. 275 N. Field Drive Lake Forest, IL 60045-2579, U.S.A. Brian R. Woodworth c/o Hospira, Inc. 275 N. Field Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045-2579 (5) Pharmaceutical preparations, dietetic substances, disinfectants, materials for dressings., (9) Computer software related to medical practice., (10) Surgical and medical apparatus. and (44) Providing information regarding medical conditions, products and treatments to healthcare providers and patients. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/822268 (320) 07/05/2015 EDNOLITCHNO DRUJESTVO S OGRANITCHENA OTGOVORNOST "FINANSKONSULT" "Altzeko" str. 16 BG-4000 PLOVDIV, Bulgaria Vasya Ivanova GERMANOVA j.k. Drujba 2, bl. 273, vh. A, ap. 24 BG-1582 SOFIA (29) Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats., (30) Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice., (31) Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt., (32) Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages., (33) Alcoholic beverages (except beers). and (34) Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. (540) ___________ 13 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/823013 (320) 04/05/2015 "VINPROM PESHTERA" AD 5 "Dunav" bul. BG-4000 PLOVDIV, Bulgaria Vasya Ivanova GERMANOVA j.k. Drujba 2, bl. 273, vh. A, ap. 24 BG-1582 SOFIA (29) Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats., (32) Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages., (33) Alcoholic beverages (except beers). and (35) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/831406 (320) 19/03/2015 Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques. ___________ 14 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/833802 (320) 16/03/2015 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. Dehns St Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8JD (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; nail polish; nail polish remover; cosmetics; soaps; shower and bath preparations; preparations for the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, toilet waters, eau de colognes; deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; toilet articles; essential oils; all the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/838685 (320) 24/03/2015 ROLEX SA 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26, Switzerland ROLEX SA Marques et Domaines 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26 (14) Pierres fines, pierres précieuses, diamants; boîtiers de montres, bracelets de montres, cadrans (horlogerie), chaînes de montres, chronographes (montres), chronomètres, instruments chronométriques, écrins en métaux précieux, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie, horloges, montres, montres-bracelets, verres de montres; articles de bijouterie, bracelets (bijouterie), broches (bijouterie), chaînes (bijouterie), coffrets à bijoux en métaux précieux, colliers (bijouterie), épingles (bijouterie), joaillerie, médaillons (bijouterie), parures (bijouterie), perles (bijouterie). and (35) Vente au détail, à savoir promotion des ventes des produits cités en classe 14 pour des tiers. (540) ___________ 15 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/845259 (320) 18/05/2015 Dimitar Hristov BALEV Blvd. Vitosha No.137, apt. 17 BG-1408 Sofia, Bulgaria Ralitsa Venelinova Dimova jk Mladost 2, P.O.Box 21 BG-1799 Sofia (3) Préparations de blanchiment et autres substances lessivielles; préparations de nettoyage, polissage, récurage et abrasion; lotions capillaires; produits aromatiques (huiles essentielles); sachets pour parfumer le linge; eaux de senteur, bois odorants; aromatisants pour produits à boire (huiles essentielles); arômes pour gâteaux (huiles essentielles); aérosols pour rafraîchir l'haleine; produits aromatiques pour le rafraîchissement d'air; savons, produits de parfumerie, huiles essentielles; produits cosmétiques; eaux de toilette; eau de Cologne; parfums désodorisants à usage personnel; produits décoratifs à usage cosmétique; extraits de plantes utilisés comme aromates en cosmétique; pots-pourris odorants; serviettes jetables imprégnées de lotions cosmétiques; huiles pour la parfumerie; assouplissants pour le linge., (5) Préparations d'hygiène à usage médical; désinfectants; bains d'oxygène; sels pour bains d'eaux minérales; préparations thérapeutiques pour le bain; désinfectants à usage hygiénique, désinfectants pour toilettes chimiques, pastilles fumantes, déodorants, autres qu'à usage personnel, préparations pour le rafraîchissement d'air, préparations pour la purification d'air; produits pour le refroidissement et le rafraîchissement de l'air à usage médical ou sanitaire., (9) Appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images, disques acoustiques; distributeurs automatiques et mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement; caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer; supports d'enregistrement électroniques, optiques et magnétiques, enregistrés ou non; cartes à mémoire magnétiques, optiques et électroniques; appareils et dispositifs de systèmes et réseaux locaux et globaux pour l'information électronique; publications périodiques, agendas, horaires et guides électroniques, d'ordinateur et en ligne; cartouches de jeux vidéo; écrans et panneaux électroniques d'affichage de renseignements et d'information ainsi que de signalisation; logiciels (programmes enregistrés) et matériel informatique; disques compacts et CD-ROM, cassettes vidéo enregistrées ou non; installations d'alarme et systèmes de surveillance et de protection; encodeurs magnétiques., (16) Papier, carton, articles et produits en ces matières, non compris dans d'autres classes; produits et articles de l'imprimerie; papeterie; livres, publications périodiques et non périodiques, journaux, revues, index, livres de référence et catalogues; horaires imprimés, brochures, dépliants, livrets, prospectus, almanachs, bulletins, classeurs, instructions écrites, manuels, agendas; cartes postales, cartes de souhaits, cartes de visite, étiquettes en papier; papiers à en-tête, papier à lettres, calendriers, affiches, écriteaux en papier ou en carton, porte-affiches en papier ou en carton; enveloppes pour lettres (papeterie); reproductions graphiques; guides touristiques; feuilles d'annonces; enseignes en papier ou en carton; maquettes d'architecture; livres d'enseignement, documents, chemises pour documents, formulaires, diagrammes, linge de table (en papier); emballages en papier et en carton; drapeaux et pavillons (en papier); images, photographies; sceaux (cachets); rubans adhésifs pour la papeterie ou le ménage; index pour livres en papier et en carton; adhésifs (matières collantes) pour la papeterie ou le ménage; machines à écrire et articles de bureau (à l'exception des meubles); matières plastiques pour l'emballage (non comprises dans d'autres classes)., (25) Vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie; vêtements de travail., (35) Publicité et agences de publicité; préparation et publication de matériel publicitaire imprimé; préparation de matériel publicitaire acoustique, visuel, radiophonique et télévisé; publicité en ligne sur réseaux informatiques; diffusion de matériel publicitaire sous forme d'échantillons, périodiques, agendas, calendriers, guides, livres, index, livres de référence et catalogues électroniques, par ordinateur et en ligne; services de location d'espaces 16 publicitaires; location de temps d'accès à des moyens de communication de tous types à des fins publicitaires; promotion des ventes (pour des tiers); gestion d'affaires commerciales; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; services de conseillers professionnels d'affaires; produits et services, services d'import-export; recherches en marketing; investigations pour affaires; administration commerciale; services de conseillers en gestion de personnel; agences d'informations commerciales; enquêtes commerciales; démonstration de produits; compilation et systématisation de données dans un fichier central; relations publiques; organisation d'expositions, de salon professionnels et de démonstrations à des fins commerciales ou publicitaires; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers (achat de produits et de services pour d'autres entreprises)., (37) Construction; réparation; services d'installation; entretien et réparation de véhicules; nettoyage de voitures; lavage de véhicules; graissage de véhicules; traitement préventif contre la rouille pour véhicules; stations-service; services liés à ceux des stations-service; vulcanisation et rechapage de pneus (réparation); remise à neuf de moteurs usés ou partiellement détruits; polissage de véhicules; installation et réparation d'appareils pour le conditionnement de l'air; installation, entretien et réparation de matériel informatique; informations en matière de réparation; lavage d'automobiles; installation et réparation de dispositifs d'alarme en cas de vol., (38) Télécommunications; location d'appareils pour la transmission et la retransmission de messages; informations en matière de télécommunications; transmission de télécopies; diffusion de programmes de télévision et radiodiffusion; services d'affichage électronique d'information renseignante par réseaux locaux et globaux; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; messagerie électronique; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial; transmission d'information renseignante par téléphones cellulaires; transmission d'information par satellite; location d'appareils de télécommunication; location de modems., (39) Transport; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; organisation de voyages; messagerie (courrier ou marchandises); services de parcs de stationnement; services d'autobus; transport en automobile; location d'automobiles; location de garages; location de places de stationnement; informations en matière de transport; portage; transport de valeurs; transport en automobiles blindées; entreposage de supports de données ou de documents stockés électroniquement; services d'entreposage de valeurs en chambres fortes; organisation d'excursions; visites touristiques; accompagnement de voyageurs; réservations pour les voyages; services de chauffeurs; services liés au transport, stockage, approvisionnement et ravitaillement en carburants liquides ou gazeux pour véhicules., (40) Purification, désodorisation et rafraîchissement de l'air; traitement de l'eau., (42) Recherches légales; consultations, études et services juridiques; consultation en matière d'ordinateurs; élaboration (conception), installation, maintenance et mise à jour de logiciels d'ordinateurs; analyse pour l'implantation de systèmes d'ordinateur; services de dessinateurs; dessin industriel; gérance de droits d'auteur; services de gérance et de concession de licences de propriété intellectuelle; contrôle de qualité; location d'ordinateurs; décoration intérieure; établissement de plans pour la construction., (43) Services de restauration (alimentation); hébergement temporaire; services hôteliers, services de motels, pensions, maisons de vacances et chalets; agences de logement aux hôtels, motels, pensions, maisons de vacances, chalets; réservation de logements temporaires; réservation d'hôtels, motels, pensions, maisons de vacances, chalets; restaurants; cafétérias; cafés-restaurants, snackbars, restaurants à service rapide et permanent; services de bars; location de salles de réunions; location de chaises, tables, linge de table et verrerie; services de traiteurs; pensions pour animaux; services de camps de vacances (hébergement); crèches d'enfants; maisons de retraite pour personnes âgées; exploitation de terrains de camping; location de constructions transportables. and (44) Services médicaux; services vétérinaires; soins d'hygiène et de beauté pour êtres humains ou pour animaux; services d'horticulture et de sylviculture; salons de beauté; salons de coiffure; services de manucure; massage; tatouage; 17 (540) maisons médicalisées; services d'aromathérapie; bains publics à des fins d'hygiène; services de gardes-malades; services de santé; maisons de repos; physiothérapie. areon ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/846767 (320) 14/04/2015 OMEGA SA (OMEGA AG) (OMEGA LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland THE SWATCH GROUP SA (THE SWATCH GROUP AG) (THE SWATCH GROUP LTD.) Faubourg du Lac 6 CH-2501 Bienne (35) Vente au détail. OMEGA ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/851922 (320) 13/03/2014 EVERSHEDS LLP One Wood Street London EC2V 7WS, United Kingdom EVERSHEDS LLP Eversheds House, 70 Great Bridgewater Street - Manchester M1 5ES (42) Legal services. EVERSHEDS ___________ 18 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/860112 (320) 28/05/2015 ROLEX SA 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26, Switzerland ROLEX SA Marques et Domaines 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26 (14) Aiguilles (horlogerie), boîtes à aiguilles en métaux précieux, aiguilles en métaux précieux, aiguilliers en métaux précieux, ancres (horlogerie), anneaux (bijouterie), balanciers (horlogerie), barillets (horlogerie), articles de bijouterie, boîtes (cabinets) d'horloges, boîtiers de montres, boucles d'oreilles, boucles en métaux précieux, boutons de manchettes, bracelets (bijouterie), bracelets de montres, breloques, broches (bijouterie), cadrans (horlogerie), cadrans solaires, chaînes (bijouterie), chaînes de montres, chronographes (montres), chronomètres, instruments chronométriques, coffrets à bijoux en métaux précieux, colliers (bijouterie), horloges de contrôle (horloges mères), diamants, écrins en métaux précieux, écrins pour l'horlogerie, épingles (bijouterie), épingles de parure, étuis à aiguilles en métaux précieux, étuis pour l'horlogerie, filés de métaux précieux (bijouterie), fils de métaux précieux (bijouterie), horloges, horloges atomiques, horloges électriques, joaillerie, médaillons (bijouterie), montres, montres-bracelets, mouvements d'horlogerie, parures (bijouterie), parures d'argent, pendules (horlogerie), perles (bijouterie), pierres fines, pierres précieuses, ressorts de montres, verres de montres. (540) ___________ 19 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/865072 (320) 30/06/2015 ROLEX SA 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26, Switzerland ROLEX SA Marques et Domaines 3-5-7 rue François-Dussaud CH-1211 Genève 26 (14) Aiguilles (horlogerie), boîtes à aiguilles en métaux précieux, aiguilles en métaux précieux, aiguilliers en métaux précieux, ancres (horlogerie), anneaux (bijouterie), balanciers (horlogerie), barillets (horlogerie), articles de bijouterie, boîtes (cabinets) d'horloges, boîtiers de montres, boucles d'oreilles, boucles en métaux précieux, boutons de manchettes, bracelets (bijouterie), bracelets de montres, breloques, broches (bijouterie), cadrans (horlogerie), cadrans solaires, chaînes (bijouterie), chaînes de montres, chronographes (montres), chronomètres, instruments chronométriques, coffrets à bijoux en métaux précieux, colliers (bijouterie), horloges de contrôle (horloges mères), diamants, écrins en métaux précieux, écrins pour l'horlogerie, épingles (bijouterie), épingles de parure, étuis à aiguilles en métaux précieux, étuis pour l'horlogerie, filés de métaux précieux (bijouterie), fils de métaux précieux (bijouterie), horloges, horloges atomiques, horloges électriques, joaillerie, médaillons (bijouterie), montres, montres-bracelets, mouvements d'horlogerie, parures (bijouterie), parures d'argent, pendules (horlogerie), perles (bijouterie), pierres fines, pierres précieuses, ressorts de montres, verres de montres. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/870749 (320) 24/01/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle, Apple Computer, Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 3TM Cupertino, CA 95014 (9) Computers and computer programs recorded on paper and tape., (36) Leasing of computers, computer peripherals and computer software., (38) Communication filed by computer, namely, electronic transmission of data and documents via computer, delivery of messages by electronic transmission. and (42) Computer consultation, design, testing, research and advisory services; research and development of computer hardware and software; maintenance and repair of computer software applications; updating of computer software; computer programming services; providing information concerning computers and computer software over computer networks and global communication networks; computer services, namely, hosting web sites and providing web site operation and management services to others; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data on computer networks and global communication networks. (540) ___________ 20 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/874009 (320) 10/01/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle, Apple Computer, Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 3TM Cupertino, CA 95014 (9) Computer programs for creating, editing and printing documents comprised of text and graphics and utility programs for use therewith; user manuals electronic form distributed therewith. and (16) User manuals in printed form distributed with the goods in class 9. (540) ___________ 21 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/982716 (320) 03/09/2014 KITZ CORPORATION 10-1, Nakase 1-chome, Mihama-ku Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken 261-8577, Japan KOBAYASHI Tetsuo Saisui Bldg. 7F., 3-6, Toranomon 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001 (1) Chemicals; wallpaper removing preparations; adhesives (not for stationery or household purposes); fertilizers; ceramic glazings; higher fatty acids; nonferrous metals including antimony, silicon (metal element), cerium, and tellurium; non-metallic minerals including sulphur (non-metallic mineral), foundry sand, saltpeter (salpetre), and natural graphite; chemical preparations for use in photography; chemical testpaper; artificial sweeteners; flour and starch for industrial purposes; unprocessed plastics (plastics in primary form); wood pulp., (2) Canada balsam; copal; sandarac; shellac; turpentine; dammar; mordants; mastic; pine gum resins; wood preservatives; dyestuffs; pigments; paints; printing inks; colorants; anti-rust greases; nonferrous metals in foil or powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; precious metals in foil or powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists., (3) Anti-static preparations for household purposes; degreasing preparations for household purposes; rust removing preparations; stain removing benzine; fabric softeners for laundry use; laundry bleach; adhesives for affixing false hair; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; laundry starch; seaweed gelatine for laundry use (funori); paint stripping preparations; shoe and boot cream; shoe black (shoe polish); polishing preparations; soaps and detergents; dentifrices; cosmetics and toiletries; perfumery, fragrances and incenses (other than perfumes used as cosmetics or toiletries); abrasive paper (sandpaper); abrasive cloth; abrasive sand; artificial pumice stone; polishing paper; false nails; false eyelashes., (4) Solid lubricants; grease for shoes and boots; leather preserving oil and grease; fuels; mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes (not for fuel); non-mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes (not for fuel); waxes (raw material); lamp wicks; candles; stick fuel for Japanese pocket warmers (kairo-bai)., (5) Oiled paper for medical purposes; pharmaceutical wafer; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eyepatches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breastnursing pads; dental materials; bracelets for medical purposes; incontinence diapers; fly catching paper; mothproofing paper; lactose (milk sugar); lacteal flour (for babies); semen for artificial insemination; cotton swabs for medical use., (6) Irons and steels; nonferrous metals and their alloys; ores of metal; metal materials for building or construction; prefabricated building assembly materials of metal; loading and unloading pallets of metal; turn-tables for load handling; traversers for load handling; artificial fish reefs of metal; poultry cages of metal; paint spraying booths of metal; metal moulds for forming cement products; pulleys (of metal, not machine elements); springs (of metal, not machine elements); valves (of metal, not machine elements); metal junctions for pipes; metal flanges; keys (mechanical element); cotter pins; railway points; road signs of metal (not luminous nor mechanical); beacons of metal (non-luminous); reservoirs of metal; anchors; mooring bitts of metal; mooring bollards of metal; containers of metal for transport; anvils; swage blocks; metal hardware; wire ropes; wire nets and gauzes; industrial packaging containers of metal; metal nameplates and door nameplates; chains for dogs; metal stepladders and ladders; letter boxes of metal; hat-hanging hooks of metal; money boxes of metal; water tanks of metal for household purposes; tool boxes of metal (empty); towel dispensers of metal; metal joinery fittings; safes; upright signboards of metal; transportable greenhouses of metal for household use; metal tombs and metal tomb plaques; ferrules of metal for canes and walking-sticks; sculptures of metal., (7) Metalworking machines and 22 tools; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus; loadingunloading machines and apparatus; fishing machines and instruments; chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing machines; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; machines for use in shoe production; leather tanning machines; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; painting machines and apparatus; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; power-operated potters' wheels; plastic processing machines and apparatus; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus; non-electric prime movers (not for land vehicles); pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; dish washing machines for household purposes; electric wax-polishing machines for household purposes; washing machines for household purposes; vacuum cleaners for household purposes; electric food blenders (for household purposes); machines and apparatus for repairing other machinery; mechanical parking systems; vehicle washing installations; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants (not for agricultural purposes); machine elements (not for land vehicles); lawnmowers; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including parts for any AC motors and DC motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators; dynamo brushes; electric metal cutting machines (by arc, gas or plasma)., (8) Tweezers; braiders (hand tools); hoes (hand tools); digging forks (spading forks); lawn rakes (hand tools); lasts for shoemaking (hand tools); electric razors and electric hair clippers; bladed or pointed hand tools; hand tools; egg slicers (non-electric); non-electric planes for flaking dried bonito blocks (katsuo-bushi planes); sugar tongs; can openers (non-electric); nutcrackers; spoons; cheese slicers (non-electric); pizza cutters (non-electric); forks (cutlery); flat irons (non-electric); needle-threaders; dressmakers' chalk sharpeners; shovels for carrying hot charcoal (juno); fireplace bellows (hand tools); fire tongs; bludgeons; insecticide sprayers (hand tools); shaving cases; pedicure sets; eyelash curlers; manicure sets; palette knives; Japanese style wooden pestles (surikogi); Japanese style earthenware mortars (suribachi); ladles and dippers; dressmakers' impressing blades., (9) Ear plugs; ultraviolet-ray transmitting glass (not for building); infrared-ray absorbing glass (not for building); lense glass (semi-finished material) (not for building); electric arc welding machines; electric welding apparatus; ozonisers (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprinting apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photo-copying machines; manually operated computing apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; billing machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline pumps for service stations, compressed natural gas pumps for service stations, or liquid natural gas pumps for service stations; coin-operated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas leak alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines and apparatus (not for sports); apparatus for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; measuring or testing 23 machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; telecommunication devices and apparatus; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; fire boats; fire engines; cigar lighters for automobiles; gloves for protection against accidents; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; fireproof garments; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); apparatus for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; slide-rules; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications; rockfall prevention nets of textile., (10) Pacifiers for babies; ice bag pillows (for medical purposes); triangular bandages; supportive bandages; surgical catguts; feeding cups (for medical purposes); teats; medical ice bags; medical ice bag holders; baby bottles; breast pumps; finger guards (for medical purposes); contraceptives, non-chemical; artificial tympanic membranes; surgical implants of artificial materials; esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes; medical machines and apparatus; electric massage apparatus for household use; gloves for medical purposes; urinals (for medical purposes); bed pans; ear picks; sanitary masks., (11) Toilet units consisting of toilet bowl and seat; bath installations; drying apparatus (for chemical processing); recuperators (for chemical processing); steamers (for chemical processing); evaporators (for chemical processing); distillers (for chemical processing); heat exchangers (for chemical processing); milk sterilizers; industrial furnaces; nuclear reactors (atomic piles); forage drying apparatus; industrial boilers; air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes); freezing machines and apparatus; laundry dryers (electric, for industrial purposes); towel steamers (for hairdressing purposes); hair drying machines for beauty salon use; hair steamers for beauty salon use; shampoo basins for barber's shop use; cooking equipment for industrial purposes; industrial dish drying apparatus and installations; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; tap water faucets; level controlling valves for tanks; pipe line cocks; waste water treatment tanks (for industrial purposes); septic tanks (for industrial purposes); garbage incinerators; solar water heaters; water purifying apparatus; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; household electrothermic appliances including dehumidifiers (for household purposes), electric coffee makers (for household purposes), electric cooking ovens (for household purposes); microwave ovens (for household purposes), and electromagnetic induction cookers (for household purposes); washers for water taps; gas water heaters (for household use); non-electric cooking heaters (for household purposes); kitchen sinks; ice chests (for household purposes, non-portable); ice-cooling refrigerators (for household purposes); household tap-water filters; bathtubs and the like; standing paper lanterns (andon); portable paper lanterns (chochin); gas lamps; oil lamps; lamp chimneys; warming pans (non-electric); pocket warmers (non-electric); hot water bottles (for warming one's feet in bed); toilet stool units incorporating water squirters; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; toilet bowls; seating for use with Japanese style toilet bowls; waste water treatment tanks for household purposes; septic tanks for household purposes; heating or cooling packs filled with chemical substances ready to react when required; non-electric heating apparatus for household purposes., (12) Ropeways for cargo or freight handling; unloading tipplers (for tilting railway freight cars); pusher cars for mining; puller cars for mining; traction engines; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including their parts); shaft couplings or connectors (for land vehicles); brakes (for land vehicles); parachutes; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; wheelchairs; AC motors or DC motors for land vehicles (not including their parts); vessels and their parts and fittings; aircraft and their parts and fittings; railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; automobiles and 24 their parts and fittings; two-wheeled motor vehicles, bicycles and their parts and fittings; baby carriages (prams); rickshaws; sleighs and sleds (vehicles); wheelbarrows; carts; horse drawn carriages; bicycle trailers (riyakah); adhesive rubber patches for repairing tubes or tires., (14) Precious metals; keyrings (trinkets or fobs); jewel cases; trophies (prize cups); commemorative shields; personal ornaments; uncut and semi-cut precious stones and their imitations; clocks and watches; lucky charms (omamori)., (16) Pastes and other adhesives for stationery or household purposes; sealing wax; printers' reglets (interline leads); printing types; addressing machines; ink ribbons; automatic stamp affixing machines; electric staplers for offices; envelope sealing machines for offices; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments; typewriters; checkwriters; mimeographs; relief duplicators; paper shredders (for office use); franking machines (stamping machines); rotary duplicators; marking templates; electric pencil sharpeners; decorators' paintbrushes; babies' diapers of paper; industrial packaging containers of paper; food wrapping plastic film for household use; garbage bags of paper (for household use); garbage bags of plastics (for household use); paper patterns; tailors' chalk; banners of paper; flags of paper; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; baggage tags; printed lottery tickets (other than toys); table cloths of paper; paper and cardboard; stationery and study materials; printed matter; paintings and calligraphic works; photographs; photograph stands; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus., (17) Mica (raw or partly processed); valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber (not including machine elements); gaskets; junctions for pipes (not of metal); packings; fire hoses; asbestos fire curtains; floating anti-pollution barriers; electrical insulating materials; washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber; chemical fiber (not for textile use); asbestos; rock wool; slag wool; rubber thread and covered rubber yarn (not for textile use); chemical fiber yarn and thread (not for textile use); asbestos yarn; asbestos fabrics; asbestos felt; insulating gloves; rubber cords and laces; asbestos cords and strings; asbestos nets; industrial packaging containers of rubber; rubber stoppers; rubber lids and caps (for industrial packaging containers); plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes; condenser paper; asbestos paper; vulcanized fiber; plastic substances, semi-processed; rubber (raw or semi-worked); soundproofing materials of rock wool (not for building purposes); asbestos boards; asbestos powder; demarcating tapes., (18) Handbag frames; purse frames; horseshoes; industrial packaging containers of leather; clothing for domestic pets; bags and the like; pouches and the like; vanity cases (not fitted); umbrellas and their parts; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles of canes and walking-sticks; leather and fur (unworked or semi-worked)., (19) Tar and pitch; non-metallic minerals for building or construction; ceramic building materials, bricks and refractory products; plastic building materials; synthetic building materials; asphalt, and asphalt building or construction materials; rubber building or construction materials; plaster (for building purposes); lime building or construction materials; building or construction materials of plaster; prefabricated building materials (not of metal); geotextiles for prevention of earth collapse or landslide; plastic security windows allowing communication; cement and products made therefrom; building timber; building stone; building glass; artificial fish reefs (not of metal); hen-houses and poultry cages (not of metal); paint spraying booths (not of metal); moulds for forming cement products (not of metal); water-pipe valves (not of metal or plastics); road signs (not of metal, non-luminous, and not mechanical); beacons (not of metal, non-luminous); storage tanks (not of metal or plastics); mooring bitts and bollards (not of metal); letter boxes of masonry; stone structures for lanterns; transportable greenhouses (not of metal) for household use; gravestones and tomb plaques (not of metal); stone sculptures; concrete sculptures; marble sculptures; nonmetallic mineral materials for building or construction; man-made garden ponds (structures)., (20) Meerschaum (raw or partly worked material); yellow amber; loading pallets (not of metal); beehives (hive boxes or honeycombs); hairdressers' chairs; barbers' chairs; valves of plastic (not including machine elements); storage tanks (not of metal or 25 masonry); containers for transport, not of metal; curtain fittings; closures of plastic for containers; furniture fittings, not of metal; nails, wedges, nuts, screws, tacks, bolts, rivets and casters (not of metal); washers (not of metal, not of rubber or vulcanized fiber); locks (non-electric, not of metal); cushions (furniture); Japanese floor cushions (zabuton); pillows; mattresses; straw plaits (braids); industrial packaging containers of wood, bamboo or plastics; drinking straws; embroidery frames and hoops; nameplates and door nameplates (not of metal); flagpoles; hand-held flat fans; hand-held folding fans; stakes for plants or trees; beds for household pets; dog kennels; nesting boxes for small birds; step ladders and ladders (not of metal); letter boxes (not of metal or masonry); hat hooks (not of metal); shopping baskets; water tanks for household purposes (not of metal or masonry); hanging boards (Japanese style pegboards using positional hooks); tool boxes (not of metal); towel dispensers (not of metal); furniture; indoor window blinds (shades) (furniture); blinds of reed, rattan or bamboo (sudare); bead curtains for decoration; oriental single panel standing partitions (tsuitate); oriental folding partition screens (byoubu); benches; advertising balloons; upright signboards of wood or plastics; artificial model food samples; funerary urns; cradles; infant walkers; mannequins; costume display stands; picture frames; plaster sculptures; plastic sculptures; wooden sculptures; ferns (unworked or partly worked material); bamboo (unworked or partly worked material); bamboo skins (unworked or partly worked material); vines (plaiting materials); rattan (unworked or partly worked material); tree barks; reeds (raw or partly worked material); rushes (raw or partly worked material); onigaya hay (raw or partly worked material); sedge (unworked or partly worked material); wheat, barley or oat straw for use as plaiting materials; rice straw; tusks (raw or partly worked material); whalebone; shells and crustacean shells; artificial horns; ivory (unworked or partly worked material); animal horns; animal teeth; tortoiseshell (unworked or partly worked material); animal bone (unworked or partly worked material); coral (unworked or partly worked); kitchen worktops; joinery fittings (not of metal); bathroom stools; wind chimes; Japanese cloth screens with black-and-white stripes (kuroshiro-maku); Japanese cloth screens with red-and-white stripes (kohaku-maku)., (21) Dental floss (floss for dental purposes); unworked or semi-worked glass (not for building); mangers for animals (troughs for livestock); poultry rings; cooking skewers; tub brushes; metal brushes; brushes for pipes; industrial brushes; ship-scrubbing brushes; gloves for household purposes; containers of glass or porcelain; cooking pots and pans (non-electric); coffee-pots (non-electric); Japanese cast iron kettles, non-electric (tetsubin); kettles (non-electric); tableware; portable coldboxes (non-electric); rice chests; food preserving jars of glass; drinking flasks (for travellers); vacuum bottles (insulated flasks); ice pails; whisks (nonelectric); cooking strainers; pepper pots; sugar bowls; salt shakers; egg cups; napkin holders; napkin rings; trays; toothpick holders; colanders; shakers; Japanese style cooked rice scoops (shamoji); hand-operated coffee grinders and pepper mills; cooking funnels; Japanese style personal dining trays or stands (zen); bottle openers; cooking graters; tart scoops; trivets; chopsticks; chopstick cases; cooking sieves and sifters; chopping boards for kitchen use; rolling pins (for cooking purposes); grills (cooking utensils); toothpicks; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); waffle irons (non-electric); cleaning tools and washing utensils; ironing boards; tailors' sprayers; ironing boards (kotedai); stirrers for hot bathtub water (yukakibo); bathroom pails; candle extinguishers; candlesticks; cinder sifters for household purposes; coal scuttles; fly swatters; mouse traps; flower pots; dishes for hydroponic horticulture purposes; watering cans; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; indoor aquaria and covers therefor; bird cages; bird baths; clothes brushes; chamber pots; toilet paper holders; piggy banks (not of metal); boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; boot jacks; soap dispensers; flower vases; flower bowls; upright signboards of glass or ceramics; perfume burners; cosmetic and toilet utensils; pig bristles (hog bristles for brushes); polishing cloth; pot stands., (24) Woven fabrics; knitted fabrics; felt and non-woven textile fabrics; oilcloth; gummed waterproof cloth; vinyl coated cloth; rubberized cloth; leather 26 cloth; filtering materials of textile; personal articles of woven textile (not for wear); mosquito nets; bedsheets; futon, being quilts; quilts; linen covers for futon (quilts) and quilts; futon ticks (unstuffed futon); pillowcases (pillow slips); blankets; table napkins of textile; dish towels; shower curtains; banners and flags (not of paper); toilet seat and lid covers of textile; seat covers of textile; wall hangings of textile; curtains; table cloths (not of paper); draperies (thick drop curtains); shrouds (sheets for wrapping corpses); shrouds for dressing a corpse for funeral (kyokatabira kimono); billiard cloth (baize); labels of cloth., (25) Clothing; masquerade costumes., (26) Shuttles for making fishing nets; hosiery loom needles; needles; eyelets for clothing; tapes (haberdashery); ribbons; knitted raschel lace fabrics; embroidery lace fabrics; fringes and tassels (haberdashery); braids; knitting needles; sewing boxes; sewing thimbles; pin and needle cushions; needle cases; insignias for wear (not of precious metal); badges for wear (not of precious metal); buckles for clothing (clothing buckles); brooches for clothing; special sash clips for obi (obi-dome); bonnet pins (not of precious metal); ornamental badges for wear; brassards; hair ornaments; buttons and the like; artificial flowers; false beards; false moustaches; hair curlers (non-electric)., (27) Bath mats for washrooms; tatami mats; artificial turf; floor coverings; wall hangings (not of textile); wallpaper; door mats of metal., (28) Wax for skis; amusement machines and apparatus for use in amusement parks (other than arcade video game machines); toys for domestic pets; toys; dolls; go games; Japanese playing cards (utagaruta); Japanese chess (shogi games); dice; Japanese dice games (sugoroku); dice cups; diamond games; chess games; checkers (checker sets); conjuring apparatus; dominoes; playing cards; Japanese playing cards (hanafuda); mah-jong; game machines and apparatus; billiard equipment; fishing tackle; insect collecting implements., (29) Edible oils and fats; milk products; meat for human consumption (fresh, chilled or frozen); eggs; fresh, chilled or frozen edible aquatic animals (not live); frozen vegetables; frozen fruits; processed meat products; processed seafood; processed vegetables and fruits; fried tofu pieces (abura-age); freezedried tofu pieces (kohri-dofu); jelly made from devils' tongue root (konnyaku); soya milk (milk substitute); tofu; fermented soybeans (natto); processed eggs; bouillon for use in making stew; soup mixes; dried flakes of laver for sprinkling on rice in hot water (ochazuke-nori); side dishes made of fermented soybeans (name-mono); processed pulses for food; protein for human consumption., (30) Binding agents for ice cream; meat tenderizers for household purposes; preparations for stiffening whipped cream; aromatic preparations for food (not from essential oils); tea; coffee and cocoa; ice; seasonings (other than spices); spices; ice cream mixes; sherbet mixes; unroasted coffee (unprocessed); cereal preparations; almond paste; Chinese stuffed dumplings (gyoza, cooked); sandwiches; Chinese steamed dumplings (shumai, cooked); sushi; fried balls of batter mix with small pieces of octopus (takoyaki); steamed buns stuffed with minced meat (niku-manjuh); hamburgers (sandwiches); pizzas; boxed lunches consisting of rice, with added meat, fish and vegetables; hot dogs (sandwiches); meat pies; ravioli; yeast powder; fermented rice for food (koji); yeast; baking powder; instant confectionery mixes; by-product of rice for food (sake lees); husked rice; husked oats; husked barley; flour for food; gluten for food; curry mixes; seasoned powder for sprinkling on rice (furi-kake)., (31) Wreaths of natural flowers; fishing baits; hops (unprocessed); edible aquatic animals (live); edible seaweeds; fresh vegetables; sugar crops (sugar cane, sugar beet); fruits (fresh); copra; malt (not for food); foxtail millet (unprocessed); proso millet (unprocessed); sesame (unprocessed); buckwheat (unprocessed); corn (unprocessed grain); Japanese barnyard millet (unprocessed); wheat, barley and oats (unprocessed); unprocessed rice; sorghum (unprocessed); protein for animal consumption; animal foodstuffs; seeds and bulbs; trees; grasses; turf (natural); dried flowers; seedlings; saplings; flowers (natural); pasture grass; potted dwarf trees (bonsai); live mammals, fish (not for food), birds and insects; silkworm eggs; cocoons for silkworm breeding; eggs for hatching; urushi tree seeds; rough cork; palm tree leaves (unworked)., (32) Beer; carbonated drinks (refreshing beverages); non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; 27 extracts of hops for making beer; whey beverages; vegetable juices (beverages)., (33) Japanese liquors (in general); Western liquors (in general); alcoholic beverages containing fruit; Chinese liquors (in general); flavored tonic liquors., (34) Cigarette paper; tobacco; smokers' articles; matches., (35) Advertising and publicity services; business management analysis or business consultancy; marketing research; providing business information relating to commodity sales; business management of hotels; employment agencies; auctioneering; import-export agencies; arranging newspaper subscriptions; shorthand services; transcription; document reproduction; office functions, namely filing, in particular documents or magnetic tape; operation of computers, typewriters, telex machines and other similar office machines; reception of visitors in buildings; publicity material rental; rental of typewriters and copying machines; providing information relating to employment recruitment; rental of vending machines; news clipping services., (36) Acceptance of deposits (including substitute bond issuance) and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits; loans (financing) and discount of bills; domestic exchange settlement; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills; securities lending; acquisition and transfer of monetary claims; safekeeping of valuables including securities and precious metals (safe deposit services); money exchange (exchanging money); trusteeship of financial futures contracts; trusteeship of money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land; agencies for bond subscriptions; foreign exchange transactions; letter-of-credit related services; brokerage for hire-purchase; issue of tokens of value; agencies for collecting gas or electric power utility payments; buying and selling of securities; trading of securities index futures; trading of securities options; trading of overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in domestic markets of securities, securities index futures and securities options; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in overseas markets of securities, and securities index futures; securities underwriting; securities offering; transaction of securities subscription or offering; providing stock market information; agencies for commodity futures trading; life insurance brokerage; life insurance underwriting; agencies for non-life insurance; claim adjustment for non-life insurance; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance premium rate computing; management of buildings; agencies or brokerage for renting of buildings; leasing or renting of buildings; purchase and sale of buildings; agencies or brokerage for purchase and sale of buildings; real estate appraisal; land management; agencies or brokerage for leasing or renting of land; leasing of land; purchase and sale of land; agencies or brokerage for purchase or sales of land; providing information on buildings or land (real estate affairs); antique appraisal; art appraisal; precious stone appraisal; used automobiles appraisal; company credit investigation; charitable fund raising; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines; issuance of trading stamps., (37) Construction; construction consultancy; repair or maintenance of building equipment; shipbuilding; repair or maintenance of vessels; aircraft maintenance or repair; repair of bicycles; repair or maintenance of automobiles; repair or maintenance of railway rolling stock; repair or maintenance of two-wheeled motor vehicles; repair or maintenance of cinematographic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of loadingunloading machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of fire alarms; repair or maintenance of office machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes); burner maintenance or repair; repair or maintenance of boilers; pump repair or maintenance; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of 28 construction machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of consumer electric appliances; repair or maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of power generators; repair or maintenance of electric motors; repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments; repair or maintenance of measuring and testing machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of firearms; repair or maintenance of printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of fishing machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of metalworking machines and tools; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in shoe production; repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces; repair or maintenance of mining machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; repair or maintenance of machines and systems for manufacturing integrated circuits; repair or maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; repair or maintenance of textile machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of tobacco processing machines; repair or maintenance of painting machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working; repair or maintenance of plastic processing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of sewing machines; repair or maintenance of storage tanks; repair or maintenance of gasoline station equipment; repair or maintenance of mechanical parking systems; repair or maintenance of bicycle parking apparatus; repair or maintenance of industrial dish washing machines; repair or maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes; repair or maintenance of industrial washing machines; repair or maintenance of vehicle washing installation; repair or maintenance of vending machines; repair or maintenance of power-driven floor cleaning machines; repair or maintenance of amusement machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers' shops; repair or maintenance of water pollution control equipment; repair or maintenance of water purifying apparatus; repair or maintenance of waste compacting machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of waste crushing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of diving machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of nuclear power plants; repair or maintenance of chemical plants; furniture restoration; umbrella repair; repair or maintenance of musical instruments; safe maintenance or repair; shoe repair; clock and watch repair or maintenance; sharpening of scissors and kitchen knives; setup or repair of locks; repair or maintenance of gas water heaters; repair or maintenance of non-electric cooking heaters; repair or maintenance of cooking pots and pans; repair or maintenance of signboards; repair of bags or pouches; repair of personal ornaments; repair of toys or dolls; repair of sports equipment; repair of billiard equipment; repair of game machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of bathtubs and the like; repair of toilet stool units with washing water squirters; repair of fishing tackle; repair of spectacles; fur care and repair; laundering; pressing of clothing; clothing repair (mending clothing); repair of tatami mats; chimney sweeping; cleaning of building exterior surfaces; window cleaning; carpet and rug cleaning; floor polishing; septic tank cleaning; bathtub and bath boiler cleaning; street cleaning; storage tank cleaning; disinfecting of telephone hand-sets; vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, forestry or horticulture); sterilization of medical machines and apparatus; rental of construction machines and apparatus; rental of floor cleaning machines; rental of mops; rental of car-washing apparatus; rental of electric washing machines; rental of laundry dryers; rental of spin dryers for clothes; rental of mining machines and apparatus; 29 rental of industrial dish drying machines; rental of dish washing machines for industrial purposes., (38) Telecommunication (other than broadcasting); broadcasting; news agencies; rental of telecommunication equipment including telephones and facsimile apparatus., (39) Railway transport; car transport; providing road and traffic information; vehicle-driving services; marine transport; air transport; packaging of goods; freight brokerage; cargo unloading; removal services; brokerage for rental, selling, purchasing or chartering of vessels; refloating of ships; ship piloting; tour conducting; tour conducting or escorting; travel agencies or liaison services (excluding those for lodging); warehousing services; temporary safekeeping of personal belongings; gas supplying (distribution); electricity distribution; water supplying (distribution); heat supplying (distribution); rental of warehouse space; parking services; operating of road and motorway tolls; providing vessel mooring facilities; airport services; management of parking places; rental of loadingunloading machines and apparatus; car rental; rental of vessels; rental of wheelchairs; rental of bicycles; rental of aircraft; rental of mechanical parking systems; rental of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus; rental of safes; rental of refrigerator-freezers for household purposes; rental of freezers for household purposes; rental of freezing machines and apparatus; rental of gasoline station equipment (not for repair and maintenance of automobiles)., (40) Removal of radiation rays; treatment or processing of cloth, clothing or fur (including drying); tailoring or dressmaking; embroidery (embroidering); metalwork; processing of rubber; processing of plastics; ceramic processing; wood-working; paper treating and working; stone-working; taxidermy; processing of bamboo, tree barks, rattan, vines or other mineral vegetable materials (other than processing of ingredients); food processing; processing of plastics or metals for the manufacture of artificial limbs or artificial teeth; processing of cinematographic films; photographic enlarging; photographic printing; photographic film development; bookbinding; water treating; recycling of waste; nuclear fuel reprocessing; engraving of sealing stamps; photogravure; rental of textile machines and apparatus; rental of machines and apparatus for film development, photograph printing, photograph enlargement or photograph finishing; rental of metal treating machines and tools; rental of bookbinding machines; rental of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages; rental of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneering or plywood making; rental of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working; rental of water purifying apparatus; rental of waste compacting machines and apparatus; rental of waste crushing machines and apparatus; rental of chemical processing machines and apparatus; rental of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; rental of shoe making machines; rental of tobacco processing machines; providing material treatment information; printing; collection, sorting and disposal of waste and trash; rental of knitting machines; rental of sewing machines; rental of space cooling apparatus (for household purposes); rental of printing machines and apparatus; rental of air-conditioning apparatus; rental of dehumidifiers (for household purposes)., (41) Operating lotteries; educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars; animal training; plant exhibitions; animal exhibitions; providing of electronic publications; services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records; art exhibitions; gardens for public admission; caves for public admission; publication of books; arranging the presentation of movies, shows, plays or musical performances; movie showing, movie film production, or movie film distribution; presentation of live show performances; direction or presentation of plays; presentation of musical performance; production of radio or television programs; production of video tape film in the fields of education, culture, entertainment or sports (not for movies, radio or television programs and not for advertising and publicity); production of radio or television programmes; operation of video equipment or audio equipment etc. for production of radio or television programs; organization, management or arrangement of sports competitions; 30 organization, management or arrangement of entertainment (excluding movies, shows, plays, musical performances, sports, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and autoraces); organization, management or arrangement of horse races; organization, management or arrangement of bicycle races; organization, management or arrangement of boat races; organization, management or arrangement of autoraces; providing audio or video studio services; providing sports facilities; providing amusement facilities; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; booking of seats for shows; rental of cinematographic machines and apparatus; rental of cine-films; rental of musical instruments; rental of sports equipment; rental of television sets; rental of radio sets; book rental; rental of records or sound-recorded magnetic tapes; rental of image-recorded magnetic tapes; rental of film negatives; rental of film positives; rental of toys; rental of amusement machines and apparatus; rental of game machines and apparatus; rental of paintings and calligraphic works; photography; language interpretation; translation; rental of cameras., (42) Providing meteorological information; architectural design; surveying; geological surveys or research; designing of machines, apparatus, instruments (including their parts) or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments; designing; computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software; technical engineering advice relating to performance and operation of computers, automobiles and other machines that require high levels of personal knowledge, skill or experience of the operators to meet the required accuracy in operating them; testing, inspection or research of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or foodstuff; research on building construction or city planning; testing or research on prevention of pollution; testing or research on electricity; testing or research on civil engineering; testing, inspection or research on agriculture, livestock breeding or fisheries; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments; rental of measuring apparatus; rental of computers; providing computer programs; rental of laboratory apparatus and instruments; rental of industrial drawing apparatus; providing information on donation of human corpses for medical research; arranging of donation of human corpses for medical research; rental of telescopes and the like; rental of microscopes., (43) Providing temporary accommodation; accommodation bureaux (brokering reservations for hotels, boarding houses or the like); providing food and beverages; boarding for animals; preschooler and infant care at daycare centers; providing conference rooms; rental of transportable buildings for exhibitions; rental of furniture and furnishings for hotels, in particular futon and quilts, curtains, wall hangings, floor coverings and towels; rental of cooking equipment for industrial purposes; rental of non-electric cooking heaters; rental of kitchen worktops; providing temporary accommodation and rooms for wedding ceremonies (including post-ceremony receptions); rental of household electrothermic appliances including electric coffee makers (for household purposes), electric cooking ovens (for household purposes), microwave ovens (for household purposes) and electromagnetic induction cookers (for household purposes) (not included in other classes)., (44) Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; providing bath houses; garden or flower bed care; garden tree planting; fertilizer spreading; weed killing; vermin exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture or forestry); massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; chiropractics; moxibustion; treatment for dislocated joints, sprains, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku); acupuncture; medical services; providing medical information; physical examination; dentistry; preparation and dispensing of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; animal breeding; veterinary services; nursing homes for the elderly; rental of potted plants; farming equipment rental; rental of medical machines and apparatus; rental of fishing machines and instruments; rental of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers' shops; rental of lawnmowers; rental of sinks. and (45) Providing information about clothing rental; marriage partner introduction or dating services; funeral service undertaking; providing grave spaces or charnel houses; agencies for copyright licensing; security guarding for facilities; personal body guarding; 31 (540) investigation or surveillance on background profiles; fortune-telling; rental of clothing; rental of altars; rental of fire alarms; rental of fire extinguishers; rental of personal ornaments for wearing. KITZ ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1004895 (320) 03/09/2014 Bulmers Limited The Grange, Stillorgan Road Co. Dublin, Ireland FRKelly 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 (33) Cider and cider beverages in this class. MAGNERS ___________ 32 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1052316 (320) 09/01/2014 NYX, Los Angeles Inc. 2230 S. Tubeway Avenue Commerce CA 90040, U.S.A. Patchen M. Haggerty Dorsey & Whitney LLP 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 Seattle, WA 98101 (3) Liquid make up, compact powder, loose powder, powder blush, cream blush, eyebrow pencils, eyebrow powder, eye shadow, liquid eye liner, mascara, eye shadow pencil, eye liner pencil, gel and cream eye liner, pearl powder shadow, lipstick, lip liner pencil, jumbo lipstick pencil, body bronzer powder, body bronzer lotion, body bronzer cream, false eyelashes, nail polish, glue for false eyelashes, nail polish remover, cuticle cream, facial cleansing pads, facial mask sheets, eye cream, neck cream, shampoo, body lotion, shower gel, bath foam, massage cream. NYX ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1075272 (320) 10/01/2014 APPLE INC. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. Yuka Sugar Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 36-4TM Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for music recording and mixing. ___________ 33 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1107838 (320) 04/09/2014 William Grant & Sons Limited The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown Banffshire, Scotland, United Kingdom Wildbore & Gibbons LLP Sycamore House, 5 Sycamore Street London EC1Y 0SG (33) Alcoholic beverages. ___________ 34 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1126155 (320) 08/10/2014 INTERBASIC HOLDING S.R.L. Strada Settecamini, 116 I-63811 Sant'Elpidío a Mare (Fermo), Italy JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.p.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 Torino (3) Perfumery and cosmetics, namely perfume, eau de Cologne, rose water, Cologne, after shave lotions, make-up, personal deodorants and antiperspirants, essential oils for personal use, soaps, shaving soaps, bath oils, bath foams, bath cream, bath salts for cosmetic purposes, cleansing soaps for personal hygiene, shower soaps, shaving lotions, shaving creams, beauty creams, vanishing creams, skin lotions, hand creams, lotions, body milk, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, sun oils, sun milks, sunscreen lotions, talcum powder, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, cotton stick for cleaning ears, cotton wool for cosmetic purposes, eyebrow pencils, eyeliners, mascaras; face powder, lipsticks, eye make-up removers, skin milks, cleansing lotions, hair care preparations, shampoos, hair oils, henna, hair lotions, hair creams, hair sprays, hair decolorants, nail polish, depilatories, cosmetic kits, dentifrices; laundry preparations, namely cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, bleach and laundry detergents; shoe and boot creams and polishes., (9) Spectacles, sunglasses, lenses and frames therefor, contact lenses, optical lenses, magnifying glasses, cases, chains and cords for glasses and spectacles, parts and fittings, for all the aforesaid goods; leather covers for portable multimedia players, for mobile phones, for DVDs, for CDs, for computer cables, for audio reproduction devices, for palmtops, for electronic agendas, for photographic cameras and for film cameras., (14) Watches and clocks, pendulum clocks, chronographs and chronometers, rough gemstones, precious stones, diamonds, coral jewellery, emerald, sapphire, ruby, opal, topaz, aquamarine, earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, ornamental pins made of precious metal, shoe ornaments of precious metal, pearls, boxes of precious metal, jewels cases of precious metals, brooches, pins, tie clips, cuff links, leather bracelets., (18) Bags, handbags, traveling bags, briefcases, leather briefcases, leather credit card holders, wallets, leather document briefcases, leather key cases, purses, trunks, suitcases, cosmetic bags, sports bags included in this class, bags for athletic equipments, evening and shoulder bags for ladies, leather shopping bags, school bags, garment bags for travel, suit carriers for travel, shoe bags for travel, beach bags, rucksacks, diaper bags, backpacks, Boston bags, traveling trunks, duffel bags, overnight bags, carry-on bags, bags for mountain climbing, satchels, opera bags, vanity cases (not fitted), hides, cases and boxes made of leather, bags made of leather for packaging, leather straps, umbrellas, leather leashes., (25) Leather coats, leather jackets, leather trousers, leather skirts, leather tops, leather raincoats, leather long coats, leather overcoats, leather belts, leather braces for clothing, skirts, leather tops, leather raincoats, leather long coats, leather overcoats, leather belts, leather braces for clothing, belts, suits, padded jackets, jackets, stuff jackets, jumpers, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses, coats, overcoats, cloaks, raincoats, parkas, pullovers, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, sweaters, underwear, baby-dolls being nightwear, bathrobes, bathing costumes, négligés, swimsuits, dressing gowns, nightgowns, one-piece dresses, two-piece dresses, evening dresses, shawls, scarves, ties, neckties, gentlemen suits, dress shirts, aloha shirts, sweat shirts, undershirts, polo shirts, body suits, blazers, shorts, sport shirts; shoes, athletic shoes, slippers, overshoes, heel shoes, leather shoes, rubber shoes, galoshes, golf shoes, wooden clogs, angler shoes, basketball shoes, dress shoes, heels, hiking shoes, rugby shoes, boxing shoes, baseball shoes, vinyl shoes, beach shoes, inner soles, soles for footwear, footwear uppers, heelpieces for shoes and boots, non-slipping pieces for shoes and boots, tips for footwear, rain shoes, track racing shoes, work shoes, straw shoes, gymnastic shoes, boots, ski boots, half boots, arctic boots, football boots, lace boots, field hockey shoes, handball shoes, esparto shoes or 35 sandals, sandals, bath sandals; gloves, gloves for protection against cold, leather gloves, mittens; hats and caps, visor (headgear), leather hats and caps. and (35) Bringing together, for the benefit of others, of perfumery and cosmetics, clothing, footwear and headwear and accessories thereof, as well as of eyewear and leatherware, watches and jewelry, stationery and writing instruments, to conveniently view and purchase. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1126553 (320) 03/02/2015 Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland Novartis AG CH-4002 Basel (10) Auto-injecteurs pour l'administration de préparations pharmaceutiques. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1128343 (320) 05/03/2014 BIOFARMA 50 rue Carnot F-92284 SURESNES CEDEX, France BIOFARMA 50 rue Carnot F-92284 SURESNES CEDEX (5) Produit cardiovasculaire à usage humain à l'exclusion des réactifs pour diagnostic in vitro. (540) ___________ 36 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1144740 (320) 03/02/2015 NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques. ___________ 37 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1148748 (320) 19/12/2014 SILENTNIGHT GROUP LIMITED Long Ing Business Park, Long Ing Lane, Barnoldswick Lancashire BB18 6BJ, United Kingdom Groom Wilkes & Wright LLP The Haybarn, Upton End Farm Business Park, Meppershall Road, Shillington Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 3PF (20) Mattresses; floating inflatable mattresses (airbeds); beds; bedsteads; headboards; bedding (other than bed clothing), bedding for cots (other than bed linen); cots; pillows (not for surgical or curative purposes), cushions and bolsters (upholstery); settees convertible into beds; divans; couches; bedroom furniture; accessories for upholstery being nonmetallic fittings for cushions and bolsters and other upholstery in class 20; mirrors; blinds; furnishings, accessories and decorations being non-metallic bed fittings and household articles made of plastic for decoration purposes; models (ornaments) made of plastics, wax, synthetic resin, plaster or wood; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods., (24) Household textile articles; textiles included in this class; textiles and textile goods; bed covers; bedding; bed linen; bed sheets; duvets and duvet covers; covers for pillows, cushions and duvets; curtains; upholstery fabrics. and (35) Retail services, retail store services, mail order retail services and electronic or on-line retail services connected with mattresses, floating inflatable mattresses (airbeds), beds, bedsteads, headboards, bedding, bedding for cots, cots, pillows, cushions and bolsters, settees convertible into beds, divans, couches, furniture, bedroom furniture, accessories for upholstery, mirrors, blinds, furnishings, models (ornaments) made of plastics, wax, synthetic resin, plaster or wood, textiles, household textiles and textile articles and goods, bed covers, bedding, bed linen, bed sheets, duvets and duvet covers, covers for pillows, cushions and duvets, curtains, upholstery fabrics; advertising services; marketing and promotional services; organisation, operation and supervision of sales and promotional incentive schemes and customer loyalty schemes; information, advisory and consultancy services all relating to the aforesaid services. Silentnight ___________ 38 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1152521 (320) 08/12/2014 KONYA ÅžEKER SANAYÄ° VE TÄ°CARET ANONÄ°M ÅžIRKETÄ° BeyÅŸehir Yolu Üzeri, Merkez Konya, Turkey DESTEK PATENT ANONÄ°M ŞİRKETÄ° LefkoÅŸe Caddesi, NM Ofis Park B Blok No:36/5, BeÅŸevler-Nilüfer TR-16110 Bursa (29) Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; beans, preserved, soups, preparations for making bouillon, olives, preserved, milk and milk products, butter, edible oils and fats, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, nuts, prepared, peanut butter, tahini (sesame seed paste), eggs and powdered eggs, protein for use as a food additive, potato chips., (30) Coffee, cocoa, coffee substitutes, coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages, macaroni, ravioli, vermicelli, pastry and bakery products, desserts, honey, royal jelly, propolis (bee gum), condiments for foodstuff, yeasts, baking powder, natural substances for improving shape and color of bread and retarding its period of getting stale, all kinds of flour, semolina, corn starch, crystal sugar, cubed sugar, powdered sugar, tea, ice tea, confectionery, chocolates, biscuits, crackers, waffles, chewing gums, ice creams, edible ice, salt, grain (cereals) and products made from cereal, treacle., (31) Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, neither prepared, nor processed; live animals; grains (seeds), natural plants and flowers; animal foodstuffs; malt; turf, natural; crustaceans, live; fishing bait, live; cereal seeds, unprocessed; shrubs; plants; seedlings; trees; citrus fruit; unsawn timber; plants, dried, for decoration; fodder. and (32) Beers, preparations for making beer, mineral waters, spring waters, table water, soda waters, tonic waters, vegetable and fruit juices, their concentrations and extracts, beverages, malt wort. Torku ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1154439 (320) 03/02/2015 NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques. ___________ 39 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1155413 (320) 09/01/2014 NYX, Los Angeles Inc. 2230 S. Tubeway Avenue Commerce CA 90040, U.S.A. Patchen M. Haggerty Dorsey & Whitney LLP 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 Seattle, WA 98101 (3) Cosmetics and make-up, liquid make up, solid powder for compacts, loose face powder, powder blush, cream blush, eyebrow pencils, eyebrow powder, eye shadow, liquid eye liner, mascara, eye shadow pencil, eye liner pencil, gel and cream eye liner, pearl powder shadow, lipstick, lip liner pencil, jumbo lipstick pencil, body bronzer powder, body bronzer lotion, body bronzer cream, false eyelashes, nail polish, glue for false eyelashes., (18) Cosmetic bags, cosmetic cases, cosmetic carrying cases all sold empty., (21) Make-up brushes. and (35) Online retail store services featuring cosmetics, make-up, cosmetic bags, cosmetic cases, cosmetic carrying cases, make-up brush holders and make-up brushes. NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1174397 (320) 17/09/2014 GUANGDONG ARCHIE HARDWARE CO., LTD. Dali Chang Hong Ridge Industrial Park, Nanhai District, Foshan City 528231 Guangdong Province, Peoples Republic of China GUANGDONG BENKUAN LAW FIRM Room 1016, Building 2, Tianan Cyber Park, No. 1 Jianping Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District 528200 Foshan City, Guangdong Province (6) Aluminum alloy profiles; pipes of metal; windows of metal; locks of metal, other than electric; signboards of metal; bells for animals; works of art of common metal; clothes hooks of metal; door handles of metal; towel dispensers, fixed, of metal; fittings of metal for windows; door closers, non-electric; hinges of metal., (9) Time clocks [time recording devices]; signal lanterns; wires, electric; switches, electric; sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; protection devices for personal use against accidents; locks, electric; theft prevention installations, electric; eyeglass frames., (11) Electric lights for Christmas trees; electric fans for personal use; hydrants; heating installations; fountains; bath installations; toilet seats; roasting apparatus; disinfectant distributors for toilets; filters for drinking water. and (21) Containers for household or kitchen use; glassware for daily use; ceramics for household purposes; works of art, of porcelain, terracotta or glass; tea services [tableware]; soap holders; rails and rings for towels; scrubbing brushes; vacuum bottles; crystal [glassware]. ARCHIE ___________ 40 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1177448 (320) 22/09/2014 Chery Automobile Co., Ltd Changchun Road 8, Economy & Technology, Development Zone, Wuhu City, Anhui Prov., Peoples Republic of China Lingda & Co 501 Floor 5, Tower 3, Henghua International Business Center No. 26, Yuetanbeijie, Xicheng District 100045 Beijing (12) Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; motor coaches; trucks; wagons; cycle cars; motorcycles; tramcars; cars; bicycles; electric vehicles; motor homes; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles. and (37) Construction information; painting or repair of signs; spray painting services for cars; leather care, cleaning and repair; heating equipment installation and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; retreading of tires (tyres); vehicle service stations (refuelling and maintenance); rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; rental of cleaning machines. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1178443 (320) 28/04/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; radio transmitters, and receivers; audio amplifiers; audio receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; computer software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, adapters, accessories, parts, and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; covers for mobile phones. and (10) Hearing aids; assistive listening device for the hearing impaired. Live Listen ___________ 41 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1178637 (320) 05/02/2015 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 40 Landsdowne Street Cambridge MA 02139, U.S.A. Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 40 Landsdowne Street Cambridge MA 02139 (5) Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of liver diseases and disorders, autoimmune diseases and disorders, viral diseases and disorders, and organ transplant rejection disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases and disorders. (540) ___________ 42 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1180275 (320) 14/10/2014 AIH Subholding Nr. 11 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Johannisstrasse 20 10117 Berlin, Germany Rösler Rasch & Partner, Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft Bodenseestraße 18 81241 München (9) Downloadable computer software in the form of applications for electronic apparatus and portable telephones (Apps), especially for offers for presenting goods and services in databases and immediate order placement., (35) Advertising; updating and rental of advertising space, planning of goods and service presentations and other information offers in business affairs for advertising purposes, information purposes, sales purposes; marketing for others on digital networks in the form of web advertising; arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods and the providing of services in the field of providing food and drink; sales promotion of goods and services for others in the field of providing food and drink; providing information concerning business affairs in relation to offers for goods and services in the field of providing food and drink in databases with interactive access and immediate order placement; retail and wholesale services relating to food, drink and agricultural products; restaurant opinion polling; Internet advertising services for restaurants; consumer generated reviews for the purposes of consumer research; order procurement services for restaurants., (38) Telecommunications; electronic transmission of information, especially news, press releases, last minute offers, in the field of providing food and drink and food delivery services; providing electronic interactive access to databases for immediate order placement; online transmission of consumer generated reviews for restaurants and take away restaurants, providing access to platforms on the Internet for providing goods and services in electronic databases with interactive access for immediate order placement, in the field of providing food and drink, catering, transport of food and drink; providing access to information on the Internet, namely listing restaurant particulars and restaurant menus on the Internet, restaurant directory and search services; providing of information, news, press releases and last minute offers, in the field of providing food and drink and food delivery services. and (43) Services for providing food and drink; restaurant reservation services; providing food and drink in restaurants for guests and also delivery on demand of food and drink for immediate consumption; catering. (540) ___________ 43 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1183597 (320) 22/09/2014 Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. 8 Changchun Road, Economy & Technology Development Zone, Wuhu City Anhui Province, Peoples Republic of China Lingda & Co 501 Floor 5, Tower 3, Henghua International Business Center No. 26, Yuetanbeijie, Xicheng District 100045 Beijing (12) Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; motor coaches; trucks; waggons; cycle cars; motorcycles; tramcars; cars; motor homes; bicycles; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; electric vehicles; aerial conveyors; hand cars; vehicle wheel rims; tires for vehicle wheels. and (37) Construction information; rental of cleaning machines; heating equipment installation and repair; painting or repair of signs; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle service stations [refuelling and maintenance]; spraying services for cars; leather care, cleaning and repair; retreading of tires [tyres]; rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed. ARRIZO ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1184769 (320) 09/01/2014 NYX, Los Angeles Inc. 2230 S. Tubeway Avenue Commerce CA 90040, U.S.A. Patchen M. Haggerty Dorsey & Whitney LLP 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 Seattle, WA 98101 (18) Cosmetic bags, cosmetic cases, cosmetic carrying cases all sold empty., (21) Make-up brushes. and (35) Online retail store services featuring cosmetics, make-up, cosmetic bags, cosmetic cases, cosmetic carrying cases, make-up brush holders and make-up brushes. NYX ___________ 44 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1185800 (320) 14/11/2014 LABORATORIOS HIPRA, S.A. Avda. de la Selva, 135 E-17170 AMER (Girona), Spain Pedro Sugrañes Calle Provenza, 304 E-08008 Barcelona (5) Productos farmacéuticos y veterinarios; productos higiénicos y sanitarios para uso médico; alimentos y sustancias dietéticas para uso médico o veterinario, alimentos para bebés; complementos nutricionales para seres humanos y animales; emplastos, material para apósitos; material para empastes e improntas dentales; desinfectantes; productos para eliminar animales dañinos; fungicidas, herbicidas. HIPRA ___________ 45 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1186270 (320) 22/05/2015 CLAUDEL ROUSTANG GALAC 33 avenue du Maine - Tour Maine Montparnasse F-75015 Paris, France NOVAGRAAF FRANCE Batiment O2 - 2 rue Sarah Bernhardt-CS90017 F-92665 Asnières-sur-Seine Cedex (5) Substances, boissons, aliments diététiques à usage médical; compléments nutritionnels à usage médical; infusions médicinales, herbes médicinales, tisanes; aliments et farines lactées pour bébés, lait et produits laitiers pour bébés., (29) Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; charcuterie; crustacés non vivants; fruits, champignons et légumes conservés, séchés, congelés et cuits; pulpes et salades de fruits; salades de légumes; conserves de viande, de poisson, de légumes et de fruits; confitures, marmelades, compotes; gelées comestibles; gélatine à usage alimentaire; pollen préparé pour l'alimentation; extraits d'algues à usage alimentaire; graines de soja conservées à usage alimentaire; protéines pour l'alimentation humaine; consommés, potages, soupes; jus végétaux pour la cuisine; oeufs, lait, beurre, crème (produit laitier), yaourts, desserts lactés, crèmes dessert, yaourts à boire, fromages et autres produits laitiers, spécialités laitières et fromagères, fromages fondus; boissons lactées où le lait prédomine; lait de soja; huiles et graisses comestibles; plats cuisinés à base des produits précités; boissons non alcooliques composées de lait., (30) Café, thé, cacao, chocolat; produits de chocolaterie; préparations végétales remplaçant le café; succédanés du café; boissons à base de café, thé, cacao, chocolat; infusions non médicinales; sucre, édulcorants naturels; glucose à usage alimentaire; riz, tapioca, sagou; pâtes alimentaires, semoule; farines et préparations faites de céréales; flocons de céréales séchées; pain, pâtisserie, gâteaux, brioches, crêpes, tartes, tourtes; farine de soja; confiserie, sucreries; maïs grillé et éclaté (pop corn); glaces comestibles; miel; sirop de mélasse, gelée royale pour l'alimentation humaine non à usage médical; anis (grains); anis étoilé; extrait de malt pour l'alimentation; aromates autres que les huiles essentielles; préparations aromatiques à usage alimentaire; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel de cuisine; moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments), sauces à salade; ketchup; mayonnaises; assaisonnements; épaississants pour la cuisson de produits alimentaires; algues (condiments); épices; herbes potagères conservées; glace à rafraîchir; sandwiches; pizzas; en-cas à base de riz; rouleaux de printemps; sushis, taboulé; tortillas; tacos; produits pour attendrir la viande à usage domestique; plats cuisinés à base des produits précités. and (32) Bières, eaux minérales et gazeuses et autres boissons non alcooliques notamment boissons à base de petit lait; boissons isotoniques; limonades; boissons de fruits et jus de fruits; jus de tomates; jus végétaux (boissons); sirops pour boissons; préparations pour faire des boissons (à l'exception de celles à base de thé, café ou de cacao, des boissons lactées); pastilles et poudres pour boissons gazeuses; essences pour la préparation des boissons; préparations pour faire des liqueurs. lactel ___________ 46 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1192240 (320) 23/09/2014 STEFANO RICCI S.P.A. Via Faentina, 171 I-50010 FIESOLE (FI), Italy UFF. TECNICO ING. A. MANNUCCI S.r.l. Via della Scala, 4 I-50123 FIRENZE (3) Soaps, shaving soaps, after-shave lotions, cosmetic preparations for baths, shampoos, perfumery, eau de toilette, essential oils, aromatics, hair lotions, balms other than for medical purposes, dentifrices, cosmetics (all for men)., (8) Silver plate (knives, forks and spoons); cutlery; side arms, other than firearms; razors, razor cases., (9) Eyeglasses, spectacle frames, eyeglass cases (all for men)., (11) Apparatus for lighting, lamps, standard lamps, chandeliers, lamp globes, electric lamps, ceiling lights., (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; seats, armrests and headrests being parts of apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water., (14) Wristwatches, pocket watches, cases for clock and watch making; chronometers; rings, bracelets, tie clips in precious metal, ornamental chains in precious metal, cuff links, jewellery namely brooches of precious metal (all for men), table-clocks, clocks., (16) Albums, engravings, lithographic works of art; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; inkwells; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); paperweights; inks; pencil leads, pencil lead holders, pencils, pencil holders, pens, penholders, drawing pens, fountain pens, writing or drawing books, magazines, newspapers, books; writing instruments, drawing instruments, painting instruments., (18) Key cases (leather goods), canes, umbrella sticks, travelling trunks, bags, travelling bags (made of leather), reins, card cases (pocket wallets), briefcases (leather goods), coverings of skins (furs), briefcases, hides (animal skins), pocket wallets, purses; suitcases, attaché cases, rucksacks (all for men); saddlery, halters, horse collars, horse blankets, riding saddles, horseshoes., (20) Furniture, tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, mirrors, picture frames, wardrobes, works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic, animal horns, stands, bins not of metal, costume stands, hat stands, mobiles (decoration), bins not of metal, cupboards, cots, cushions, casks of wood for decanting wine, pillows, coat hangers, lecterns, mannequins, mattresses, racks, bookcases, umbrella stands, furniture partitions of wood, book rests, magazine racks, doors for furniture, flower-pot pedestals, racks and filing cabinets, ladders of wood, bins of wood, writing desks, desks, easy chairs, footstools, corks for bottles, interior textile window blinds, dressing tables, office furniture, showcases; furniture, tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, mirrors, picture frames, wardrobes, works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic, animal horns, stands, bins not of metal, costume stands, hat stands, mobiles (decoration), bins not of metal, cupboards, cots, cushions, casks of wood for decanting wine, pillows, coat hangers, lecterns, mannequins, mattresses, racks, bookcases, umbrella stands, furniture partitions of wood, book rests, magazine racks, doors for furniture, flower-pot pedestals, racks and filing cabinets, adders of wood, bins of wood, writing desks, desks, easy chairs, footstools, corks for bottles, interior textile window blinds, dressing tables, office furniture, showcases., (21) Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes, indoor aquaria, works of art of porcelain, terracotta or glass; glasses, glass bowls, bottles, jugs, busts of china, terra-cotta or glass, goblets, shoe horns, candelabra, decanters, corkscrews, bottle openers, epergnes, ceramics for household purposes, knife rests for the table, statuettes of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; flower pots, flasks, salad bowls, shaving brushes, shaving brush stands, table plates, perfume sprayers, perfume vaporizers, coffee and tea services (tableware), cups, teapots, sugar bowls, soup bowls., (24) Textiles, bed blankets, quilts, eiderdowns (down coverlets), tablecloths (not of paper), sheets., (25) 47 Clothing, suits, bathrobes, bathing suits, bathing trunks, beach clothes, berets, body linen, underwear, blouses, suspenders, footwear, sports footwear, stockings, socks, dressing gowns, shirts, hats, overcoats, belts (clothing), layettes, ties, papillon (ties), pocket squares, foulards (clothing articles), sashes for wear, sashes for smoking suits, coats, stuff jackets, great coats, gloves (clothing), raincoats, leather clothing, singlets, polo-neck sweaters, sweaters, pullover, pelerines, trousers, slippers, pelisses, furs (clothing), hosiery, pyjamas, sandals, shoes, scarves, half-boots, boots, T-shirts (all for men)., (26) Buttons; buttons in precious metals (all for men)., (33) Wines, sparkling wines, liqueurs and alcoholic distillates., (34) Tobacco; smokers' articles; lighters for smokers, tobacco pouches, cigar cases, tobacco pipes, ashtrays for smokers, match holders, cigarette cases, cigarette and cigar cases with humidors, cigar cutters., (35) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; services consisting of bringing together various items so that customers can view and purchase them; retail services, also for others, of perfumery (for men), cosmetics (for men), eyeglasses (for men), lightening apparatus, vehicles, crafts, aircrafts, jewellery (for men), horological and chronometric instruments (for men), stationery, printed matter, leather goods (for men), umbrellas (for men), furniture, mirrors, frames, works of art, household goods, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, clothing articles (for men), footwear (for men), wines, distillates, smokers' articles; retail services, also for others, of household linen and bed linen., (37) Building construction; repair; installation services, construction consultation, construction information, building construction supervision, building of fair stalls and shops, upholstering, furniture restoration. and (42) Scientific and technological services, research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; dress designing, interior design, architectural consultation, styling (industrial design). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1194125 (320) 09/09/2014 MarinaSun Cellulose Industries Co. No: 1, T floor, 3rd Building, Eskan Complex, Mirdamad Blvd., Valie Asr Ave. Tehran, Iran Master International Development Co. No. 9, 6th floor, 31 st., Alvand Av., Argentina Sq. Tehran (5) Sanitary napkins, menstruation tampons, baby diapers of paper and cellulose. and (16) Napkins of paper, handkerchiefs of paper, toilet paper, towels of paper, scented paper. Pamti ___________ 48 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1194504 (320) 17/01/2014 NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel (5) Préparations pharmaceutiques. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1194665 (320) 07/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1194667 (320) 07/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ 49 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1195003 (320) 09/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1195184 (320) 09/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1195452 (320) 24/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ 50 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1195575 (320) 15/01/2014 SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102, Malta SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102 (35) Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions. and (43) Services for providing food and drink; Temporary accommodation. EPIC SANA Luxury Concept Hotels ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1195620 (320) 03/11/2014 Brock Beauty Inc. 840 Oak Harbor Blvd. Slidell LA 70458, U.S.A. Lauren K. Navarre 840 Oak Harbor Blvd. Slidell LA 70458 (3) Body and Beauty Care Cosmetics. and (5) Dietary and Nutritional Supplements; Food Supplements. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1195783 (320) 22/01/2014 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10 40789 Monheim am Rhein (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. ___________ 51 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1196113 (320) 10/01/2014 WPP Luxembourg Gamma Sarl 124 Boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2330 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Bristows LLP 100 Victoria Embankment London EC4Y 0DH (35) Advertising, promotional, and marketing services; publicity services; public relations services; market research and market analysis; statistical analysis and compilation; media buying services; planning, buying and negotiating advertising and media space and time; business administration and management services; advisory, research, information and consultation services in the field of advertising, business and marketing; provision of the aforesaid services on-line from a computer database or a global computer network. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1196209 (320) 09/01/2014 Off-Grid Solutions B.V. Wilhelminastraat 18 NL-2011 VM HAARLEM, The Netherlands Chiever BV Barbara Strozzilaan 201 NL-1083 HN AMSTERDAM (9) Apparatus and instruments for the conduction, distribution, conversion, storage, regulation and management of electricity; battery chargers; batteries; electric converters; solar panels and solar collectors for electricity generation., (11) Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes including, igniters, waste incinerators, air conditioning apparatus, apparatus for treating waste water, water intake apparatus, apparatus for filtering and purification of drinking water, electric fires, boilers, electric ranges for household purposes, electric ovens for household purposes, electric griddles, electric rice cookers, electric cooking utensils, ventilating fans, electric lighting apparatus, lamps, led lights, cooling apparatus, air purification installations, solar collectors for heating conversion, sun lamps. and (41) Education; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. WAKAWAKA ___________ 52 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1196999 (320) 31/01/2014 Jinjiang Yiren Shoes Co.,Ltd. Junken Farm Industrial Area, Xibin Town, Jinjiang City Fujian Province, Peoples Republic of China Jinjiang Yiren Shoes Co.,Ltd. Junken Farm Industrial Area, Xibin Town, Jinjiang City Fujian Province (25) Clothing; clothing for children; cyclists' clothing; swimsuits; shoes; sports shoes; hosiery; hats; neckties; leather belts for clothing. LOFFLER ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1197354 (320) 13/01/2014 SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102, Malta SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102 (35) Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions. and (43) Services for providing food and drink; Temporary accommodation. EVOLUTION HOTELS ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1197449 (320) 09/01/2014 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 440 5th Ave. N. Seattle WA 98109, U.S.A. Christine B. Redfield K&L Gates LLP 925 4th Ave. Ste. 2900 Seattle WA 98104-1158 (10) Point of care diagnostic apparatus for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. and (44) Medical services in the field of infectious disease diagnostics. (540) ___________ 53 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1197720 (320) 27/01/2014 WaterAid 2nd Floor, 47-49 Durham Street London SE11 5JD, United Kingdom Bates Wells & Braithwaite London LLP 2-6 Cannon Street London EC4M 6YH (16) Printed matter, teaching materials, books, photographs, posters, banners, stationery., (35) Promotional and public awareness campaigns; including the aforesaid in relation to poverty alleviation in the developing world through improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene education., (36) Charitable fundraising; financial grant making; financial services related to charity fundraising., (41) Education; organising and conducting conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and other events; publishing services including publishing of books, reports, magazines, DVD's, electronic publications and audio and video recordings; provision of non-downloadable electronic games; publication of information by electronic means including publication of web pages; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to all the aforesaid; including all the aforesaid in relation to poverty alleviation in the developing world though improved water, sanitation and hygiene provision. and (42) Scientific research; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to the aforesaid; including all the aforesaid in relation to the development and provision of water and sanitation infrastructure and services. WaterAid ___________ 54 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1199331 (320) 02/01/2015 AIH Subholding Nr. 12 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Johannisstraße 20 10117 Berlin, Germany RÖSLER RASCH van der HEIDE & PARTNER PATENT-UND RECHTSANWÄLTE Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB Bodenseestraße 18 81241 München (9) Software; software downloadable from the internet (Apps); software for travelling information and reservation; recorded video and sound carriers, especially recorded with travelling and geographic information., (35) Advertising; public relations; sales promotion and marketing services; market research; business management; business administration; office functions; business consulting services in the field of travel and travel planning; provision of advice (information) in the field of airfare and hotel rate comparison information; promoting and marketing the goods and services of others via electronic communication networks; mediation of trade business for third parties, also within the context of e-commerce; procurement of contracts for third parties, for provision of services., (36) Financial services; insurance and credit services; travel insurance; real estate services, namely administration, financing and mediation of real property; leasing of real estate; provision of advice (information) via a global computer network in connection with the aforementioned services; issuance of credit cards; issue of vouchers, tokens of value; issuing of travellers' checks., (38) Telecommunications; providing access to a computerized market for the provision, storage and receiving of data, text, pictures and information and ratings of offers and demands of goods, accommodation, travels and services; providing access to an online computer database with information, comparison and offers especially in relation to travels and travel services; providing of chatlines, chatrooms and electronic forums on the Internet; providing access to an e-commerce platform on the Internet; providing access on websites for ratings in the field of travelling., (39) Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement and organization; travel agency services; ticket reservation services (travel); computerized travel services and computerized reservation services (travel); provision of advice (information) relating to the rental of vehicles; rental of vehicles; providing information via a website on travel, tourism and geographical information, maps, map images and trip routings; organizing and arranging travel activities., (41) Education, providing of training and entertainment especially relating to travels, culture and geography; sporting and cultural activities; provision of advice (information) relating to entertainment activities and making reservations and bookings for shows and other entertainment events; providing on-line electronic publications or newsletters in the fields of travel, travel planning, travel and entertainment news, maps, city directories and listings via electronic communication networks for use by travellers (not downloadable); publishing of magazines. and (43) Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for temporary accommodations; travel agency services, namely making reservations and bookings for restaurants. (540) ___________ 55 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1200137 (320) 27/01/2014 XTEP (CHINA) CO., LTD. Qingmeng Park, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Quanzhou Fujian Province, Peoples Republic of China FUJIAN LONGER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICE CO., LTD. Unit C1D1B2, 8th Storey, Post Office Build., No. 458 Xianyue Road, Siming District 361012 Xiamen, Fujian Province (18) Imitation leather; pocket wallets; travelling bags; haversacks; leather decorations; fur; umbrella; walking sticks; harness straps; gut for making sausages. XTOP ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1200300 (320) 27/01/2014 U.N.I.D.I. Unione Nazionale Industrie Dentarie Italiane Viale E. Forlanini, 23 I-20134 Milano, Italy Società Italiana Brevetti S.p.A. Via Giosuè Carducci, 8 I-20123 Milano (35) Organization of trade fairs, shows and exhibitions of apparatus, materials and services for dentistry and dental technology, for promotional and commercial purposes. and (41) Arranging of conventions, congresses, lessons and courses in the field of dentistry and dental technology; organization of trade fairs, shows and exhibitions of apparatus, materials and services for dentistry and dental technology, for cultural and educational purposes. IDEA International Dental Exhibition Africa ___________ 56 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1200409 (320) 13/01/2014 SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102, Malta SANA Hotels and Resorts Limited 93, Mill Street Qormi QRM 3102 (36) Holding company services (financing and financial shareholdings); financial affairs relating to franchising (real estate rental, financing, financial appraisals), except services of all kinds relating to the medical sector., (39) Transport brokerage; tourist agencies, except services of all kinds relating to the medical sector. and (43) Hotel reservations, hotel services, services for providing food and drink, accommodation agencies, except services of all kinds relating to the medical sector. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1200574 (320) 31/01/2014 Jinjiang Yiren Shoes Co.,Ltd. Junken Farm Industrial Area, Xibin Town, Jinjiang City Fujian Province, Peoples Republic of China Jinjiang Yiren Shoes Co.,Ltd. Junken Farm Industrial Area, Xibin Town, Jinjiang City Fujian Province (25) Shoes; football shoes; clothing; hats; hosiery; swimsuits; leather belts for clothing; neckties; cyclists' clothing; sports shoes. Loffler ___________ 57 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1200635 (320) 07/03/2014 AMF Grundinvest GmbH Blutenfeldplatz 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany IAS Incor Alliance Swiss AG Löwenstrasse 2, P.O. Box 2121 CH-8022 Zurich (5) Pharmaceutical preparations. and (44) Hospitals; health centers; pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions; pharmacy advice. amf ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1200887 (320) 26/03/2014 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Administration Building Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China NTD PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENCY LIMITED 10th Floor, Block A, Investment Plaza, 27 Jinrongdajie 100033 Beijing (9) Computers; tablet computers; mobile phones; protective covers for tablet computers; protective covers for mobile phones; protective cases for mobile phones; protective cases for tablet computers. PhoPad ___________ 58 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1201082 (320) 25/03/2014 CHENGDU AIMINER LEATHER PRODUCTS CO., LTD. No. 16, Wenchangzhonglu, Cuqiao, Wuhou District, Chengdu City 610043 Sichuan Province, Peoples Republic of China Icon Trademark & Patent Co., LTD B1405, Huaerzi guangchang, No. 7, Hangkong Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City 610041 Sichuan Province (25) Clothing, (namely shirts and pants), footwear, headgear for wear, layettes [clothing], gloves [clothing], mantillas, bathing suits, track shoes (with metal nails), belts [clothing], hosiery. she me ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1201084 (320) 10/03/2014 FUJIFILM Corporation 26-30, Nishiazabu 2-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8620, Japan Yamashita Shoko Eikoh Patent Firm, Toranomon East Bldg. 10F, 7-13, Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0003 (9) Digital cameras; cameras; videocameras [camcorders]; lenses for television cameras; camera lenses; lenses for facsimile machines; projectors; lenses for projectors. and (10) Endoscopes for medical purposes. FUJINON ___________ 59 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1201214 (320) 27/01/2014 GI.MEL. S.r.l. S.P. 237 Per Noci, N.24, Z.I. I-70017 Putignano (BA), Italy Dimitri RUSSO c/o DIMITRI RUSSO S.R.L. Via G. Bozzi, 47A I-70121 BARI (25) Clothing, clothing for children, namely, T-shirts, shirts, jumpers, trousers, skirts, jeans, jackets, rompers, bathing suits, hats and caps, footwear, children's footwear. FéFé ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1201308 (320) 28/03/2014 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 40589 Düsseldorf (3) Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics; hair lotions, preparations for conditioning, cleaning, tinting, dyeing, bleaching, fixing, shaping and waving the hair. (540) ___________ 60 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1201969 (320) 30/01/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (35) Business consulting services; advertising agency services; advertising, marketing, and promotion services; advertising and marketing consultation; sales promotion services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods for review and purchase; promoting the goods and services of others; analysis of advertising response and market research; administration of consumer loyalty programs; arranging and conducting incentive rewards programs to promote the sale of goods and services of others; providing business, consumer, and commercial information over computer networks and global communication networks; business services, namely, information regarding the purchase and sale of a wide variety of products and services of others from computer databases; retail store services; online retail store services provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and other publications on a wide range of topics of general interest; retail store services in the field of entertainment featuring audio and video recordings relating to movies, television programs, cultural events, sporting events, electronic games, computer software applications, musical works, and audio and audiovisual works; retail store services featuring computers, consumer electronics, telecommunications apparatus, mobile phones, handheld digital electronic devices, computer software, and accessories, peripherals, and carrying cases for such products; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1202647 (320) 20/03/2014 China Resources Snow Breweries Company Ltd. Room 306 China Resources Building, No.8 Jianguomen North Avenue, Dongcheng District 100005 Beijing, Peoples Republic of China Beijing Juntai Law Firm Level 1, Tower A, North Ring Center, No.18 Yumin Rd, Xicheng District 100029 Beijing (32) Beer; ginger ale; ginger beer; malt beer; beer wort; extracts of hops for making beer; malt wort. (540) ___________ 61 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203004 (320) 03/03/2014 Keysight Technologies, Inc. 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa CA 95403, U.S.A. Darin L. Brown, Holland & Hart LLP Attn: Trademark Docketing, P.O. Box 8749 Denver CO 80201 (37) Maintenance, repair and installation services relating to electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, analysis, imaging, measurement, scientific, and optical apparatus, instruments, parts, systems, equipment, and accessories; repair and refurbishing of electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, analysis, imaging, measurement, scientific, and optical, apparatus, instruments, parts, systems, equipment, and accessories. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203259 (320) 06/03/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Optical apparatus and instruments, namely camera flashes; cameras; computer software for creating, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing graphics, images, video and other multimedia content; computer software to operate still and video digital camera flashes. (540) ___________ 62 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203270 (320) 12/03/2014 BEIQI FOTON MOTOR CO., LTD. Laoniuwan Village North, Shayang Road, Shahe Town, Changping District 102206 Beijing, Peoples Republic of China CCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE 10/F, Ocean Plaza, 158 Fuxingmennei Street 100031 Beijing (12) Motor vehicles by land, air, water or rail; fork lift trucks; lifting vehicles; coaches; cycle cars; cars; automobiles; concrete mixing vehicles; engines for land vehicles; automobile tires. (540) ___________ 63 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203546 (320) 03/03/2014 Keysight Technologies, Inc. 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa CA 95403, U.S.A. Kazuyo Morita Holland & Hart LLP Attn: Trademark Docketing P.O. Box 8749 Denver CO 80201 (42) Design and development of computer software; computer programming services; software programming services; software maintenance services; troubleshooting and maintenance of computer software; engineering services; testing, analysis and evaluation of materials; calibration of scientific, electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, analysis, imaging, measurement, and optical, apparatus, instruments, systems, equipment, parts, components, and accessories; technical support services, namely, providing information, consultation, design and diagnostic services in the fields of electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, imaging, and measurement apparatus, instruments, systems, equipment, parts, components and accessories, and providing an Internet website related thereto; technical support services, namely, providing information, start-up assistance, consulting and analysis of test, measurement, and system requirements, system design, systems integration, and systems installation; computer services, namely, hosting online forums for users to obtain information in the fields of electronic test, signaling and measurement equipment; providing a website that gives users the ability to generate and share software script and plug-ins and to share software and data with other users. (540) ___________ 64 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203934 (320) 24/03/2014 Mozilla Foundation 313 East Evelyn Avenue Mountain View CA 94041, U.S.A. Peter J. Willsey Cooley LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20004 (9) Mobile phones; handheld mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data, for use as a digital format audio player, and for use as a handheld computer, personal digital assistant, electronic organizer, electronic notepad, and camera; operating system software; software for use in developing, executing, and running other software on mobile communication devices, computers, computer networks, and global communication networks; graphical user interface software; application development tool software; software for accessing, organizing, and managing multiple software applications, sold as an integral component of computer operating system and graphical user interface software. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203935 (320) 24/03/2014 Mozilla Foundation 313 East Evelyn Avenue Mountain View CA 94041, U.S.A. Peter J. Willsey Cooley LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20004 (9) Mobile phones; handheld mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data, for use as a digital format audio player, and for use as a handheld computer, personal digital assistant, electronic organizer, electronic notepad, and camera; operating system software; software for use in developing, executing, and running other software on mobile communication devices, computers, computer networks, and global communication networks; graphical user interface software; application development tool software; software for accessing, organizing, and managing multiple software applications, sold as an integral component of computer operating system and graphical user interface software. (540) ___________ 65 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1203937 (320) 25/03/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Yuka Sugar, Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for creating spreadsheets, tables, graphs, and charts, and for organizing, analyzing, and transmitting data, for home, education, business, and developer use. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204078 (320) 04/03/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. Dehns St. Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8JD (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; beauty masks; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, cologne; deodorants for human beings; anti-perspirants for personal use (toiletries); essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 66 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204105 (320) 08/01/2014 CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V. Cranes Farm Road Basildon ESSEX SS143AD, United Kingdom JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 TORINO (7) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; agricultural elevators; agricultural implements other than handoperated; agricultural machines; anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; axles for machines; ball-bearings; ball rings for bearings; basket presses; bearing brackets for machines; bearings for transmission shafts; bearings [parts of machines]; belt conveyors; belts for conveyors; belts for machines; belts for motors and engines; binding apparatus for hay; brake linings other than for vehicles; brake pads other than for vehicles; brake segments other than for vehicles; brake shoes other than for vehicles; bulldozers; catalytic converters; chisels for machines; clutches other than for land vehicles; compressed air engines; connecting rods for machines, motors and engines; control cables for machines, engines or motors; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; converters for steelworks; conveyors [machines]; corn husking machines; couplings other than for land vehicles; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; crank shafts; crankcases for machines, motors and engines; cranks [parts of machines]; crushing machines; cultivators [machines]; cutters [machines]; cutting blow pipes, gas-operated; cutting machines; cylinder heads for engines; cylinders for machines; cylinders for motors and engines; diggers [machines]; driving chains other than for land vehicles; driving motors other than for land vehicles; drums [parts of machines]; earth moving machines; electric hammers; emergency power generators; engines for air cushion vehicles; engines for boats; excavators; exhaust manifold for engines; exhausts for motors and engines; expansion tanks [parts of machines]; fan belts for motors and engines; fans for motors and engines; fans for the compression, sucking and carrying of grain; feeders [parts of machines]; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; filters [parts of machines or engines]; freewheels other than for land vehicles; fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines; fuel economisers for motors and engines; gear boxes other than for land vehicles; gears, other than for land vehicles; glow plugs for diesel engines; glue guns, electric; grain separators; grease boxes [parts of machines]; grease rings [parts of machines]; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; handling machines, automatic [manipulators]; harrows; harvesting machines; heat exchangers [parts of machines]; hoods [parts of machines]; housings [parts of machines]; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; hydraulic engines and motors; igniting devices for internal combustion engines; igniting magnetos; injectors for engines; joints [parts of engines]; knives for mowing machines; knives [parts of machines]; lawnmowers [machines]; lift belts; lift operating apparatus; lifting apparatus; lifts, other than ski-lifts; lubricating pumps; lubricators [parts of machines]; machine wheels; machine wheelwork; metalworking machines; motorized cultivators; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; motors for boats; motors, other than for land vehicles; moving pavements [sidewalks]; mufflers for motors and engines; piston rings; pistons for cylinders; pistons for engines; pistons [parts of machines or engines]; planing machines; ploughs; ploughshares; plunger pistons; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; presses [machines for industrial purposes]; pressure reducers [parts of machines]; pressure regulators [parts of machines]; pressure valves [parts of machines]; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; pulleys; pulleys [parts of machines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; rack and pinion jacks; radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; rakes for raking machines; raking machines; rams [machines]; reapers; reapers and 67 binders; reapers and threshers; reduction gears other than for land vehicles; reels [parts of machines]; regulators [parts of machines]; road making machines; road rollers; road sweeping machines [self-propelled]; robots [machines]; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; self-regulating fuel pumps; separators; shaft couplings [machines]; shovels, mechanical; sieves [machines or parts of machines]; snow ploughs; sowers [machines]; sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; speed governors for machines, engines and motors; springs [parts of machines]; stalk separators [machines]; starters for motors and engines; superchargers; superheaters; tedding machines; threshing machines; tools [parts of machines]; torque converters other than for land vehicles; transmission chains other than for land vehicles; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; transmissions for machines; transmissions, other than for land vehicles; turf removing ploughs; universal joints [cardan joints]; vacuum pumps [machines]; valves [parts of machines]; vibrators [machines] for industrial use; weeding machines; winches; winnowers; wrapping machines. and (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; air balloons; air cushion vehicles; air pumps [vehicle accessories]; ambulances; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobile tires [tyres]; automobiles; axle journals; axles for vehicles; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands for wheel hubs; brake discs for vehicles; brake linings for vehicles; brake pads for automobiles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; bumpers for automobiles; caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; clutches for land vehicles; connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines; couplings for land vehicles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; disengaging gear for boats; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; electric vehicles; fork lift trucks; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hub caps; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; military vehicles for transport; motor buses; motor coaches; motors, electric, for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; omnibuses; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys; reversing alarms for vehicles; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; spare tire covers; spoilers for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tilt trucks; tilting-carts; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; tipping bodies for lorries [trucks]; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; tractors; trailer hitches for vehicles; trailers [vehicles]; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; trucks; turn signals for vehicles; undercarriages for vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires [tyres]; vans [vehicles]; vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers [shaped]; vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel hubs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires [tyres]; vehicle wheels; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; waggons; windows for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens. (540) ___________ 68 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204106 (320) 08/01/2014 CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V. Cranes Farm Road Basildon ESSEX SS143AD, United Kingdom JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 TORINO (7) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; agricultural elevators; agricultural implements other than handoperated; agricultural machines; anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; axles for machines; ball-bearings; ball rings for bearings; basket presses; bearing brackets for machines; bearings for transmission shafts; bearings [parts of machines]; belt conveyors; belts for conveyors; belts for machines; belts for motors and engines; binding apparatus for hay; brake linings other than for vehicles; brake pads other than for vehicles; brake segments other than for vehicles; brake shoes other than for vehicles; bulldozers; catalytic converters; chisels for machines; clutches other than for land vehicles; compressed air engines; connecting rods for machines, motors and engines; control cables for machines, engines or motors; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; converters for steelworks; conveyors [machines]; corn husking machines; couplings other than for land vehicles; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; crank shafts; crankcases for machines, motors and engines; cranks [parts of machines]; crushing machines; cultivators [machines]; cutters [machines]; cutting blow pipes, gas-operated; cutting machines; cylinder heads for engines; cylinders for machines; cylinders for motors and engines; diggers [machines]; driving chains other than for land vehicles; driving motors other than for land vehicles; drums [parts of machines]; earth moving machines; electric hammers; emergency power generators; engines for air cushion vehicles; engines for boats; excavators; exhaust manifold for engines; exhausts for motors and engines; expansion tanks [parts of machines]; fan belts for motors and engines; fans for motors and engines; fans for the compression, sucking and carrying of grain; feeders [parts of machines]; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; filters [parts of machines or engines]; freewheels other than for land vehicles; fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines; fuel economisers for motors and engines; gear boxes other than for land vehicles; gears, other than for land vehicles; glow plugs for diesel engines; glue guns, electric; grain separators; grease boxes [parts of machines]; grease rings [parts of machines]; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; handling machines, automatic [manipulators]; harrows; harvesting machines; heat exchangers [parts of machines]; hoods [parts of machines]; housings [parts of machines]; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; hydraulic engines and motors; igniting devices for internal combustion engines; igniting magnetos; injectors for engines; joints [parts of engines]; knives for mowing machines; knives [parts of machines]; lawnmowers [machines]; lift belts; lift operating apparatus; lifting apparatus; lifts, other than ski-lifts; lubricating pumps; lubricators [parts of machines]; machine wheels; machine wheelwork; metalworking machines; motorized cultivators; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; motors for boats; motors, other than for land vehicles; moving pavements [sidewalks]; mufflers for motors and engines; piston rings; pistons for cylinders; pistons for engines; pistons [parts of machines or engines]; planing machines; ploughs; ploughshares; plunger pistons; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; presses [machines for industrial purposes]; pressure reducers [parts of machines]; pressure regulators [parts of machines]; pressure valves [parts of machines]; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; pulleys; pulleys [parts of machines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; rack and pinion jacks; radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; rakes for raking machines; raking machines; rams [machines]; reapers; reapers and 69 (540) binders; reapers and threshers; reduction gears other than for land vehicles; reels [parts of machines]; regulators [parts of machines]; road making machines; road rollers; road sweeping machines [self-propelled]; robots [machines]; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; self-regulating fuel pumps; separators; shaft couplings [machines]; shovels, mechanical; sieves [machines or parts of machines]; snow ploughs; sowers [machines]; sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; speed governors for machines, engines and motors; springs [parts of machines]; stalk separators [machines]; starters for motors and engines; superchargers; superheaters; tedding machines; threshing machines; tools [parts of machines]; torque converters other than for land vehicles; transmission chains other than for land vehicles; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; transmissions for machines; transmissions, other than for land vehicles; turf removing ploughs; universal joints [cardan joints]; vacuum pumps [machines]; valves [parts of machines]; vibrators [machines] for industrial use; weeding machines; winches; winnowers; wrapping machines. and (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; air balloons; air cushion vehicles; air pumps [vehicle accessories]; ambulances; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobile tires [tyres]; automobiles; axle journals; axles for vehicles; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands for wheel hubs; brake discs for vehicles; brake linings for vehicles; brake pads for automobiles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; bumpers for automobiles; caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; clutches for land vehicles; connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines; couplings for land vehicles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; disengaging gear for boats; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; electric vehicles; fork lift trucks; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hub caps; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; military vehicles for transport; motor buses; motor coaches; motors, electric, for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; omnibuses; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys; reversing alarms for vehicles; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; spare tire covers; spoilers for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tilt trucks; tilting-carts; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; tipping bodies for lorries [trucks]; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; tractors; trailer hitches for vehicles; trailers [vehicles]; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; trucks; turn signals for vehicles; undercarriages for vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires [tyres]; vans [vehicles]; vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers [shaped]; vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel hubs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires [tyres]; vehicle wheels; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; waggons; windows for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens. CNH INDUSTRIAL ___________ 70 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204106 (320) 08/01/2014 CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V. Cranes Farm Road Basildon ESSEX SS143AD, United Kingdom JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 TORINO (7) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; agricultural elevators; agricultural implements other than handoperated; agricultural machines; anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; axles for machines; ball-bearings; ball rings for bearings; basket presses; bearing brackets for machines; bearings for transmission shafts; bearings [parts of machines]; belt conveyors; belts for conveyors; belts for machines; belts for motors and engines; binding apparatus for hay; brake linings other than for vehicles; brake pads other than for vehicles; brake segments other than for vehicles; brake shoes other than for vehicles; bulldozers; catalytic converters; chisels for machines; clutches other than for land vehicles; compressed air engines; connecting rods for machines, motors and engines; control cables for machines, engines or motors; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; converters for steelworks; conveyors [machines]; corn husking machines; couplings other than for land vehicles; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; crank shafts; crankcases for machines, motors and engines; cranks [parts of machines]; crushing machines; cultivators [machines]; cutters [machines]; cutting blow pipes, gas-operated; cutting machines; cylinder heads for engines; cylinders for machines; cylinders for motors and engines; diggers [machines]; driving chains other than for land vehicles; driving motors other than for land vehicles; drums [parts of machines]; earth moving machines; electric hammers; emergency power generators; engines for air cushion vehicles; engines for boats; excavators; exhaust manifold for engines; exhausts for motors and engines; expansion tanks [parts of machines]; fan belts for motors and engines; fans for motors and engines; fans for the compression, sucking and carrying of grain; feeders [parts of machines]; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; filters [parts of machines or engines]; freewheels other than for land vehicles; fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines; fuel economisers for motors and engines; gear boxes other than for land vehicles; gears, other than for land vehicles; glow plugs for diesel engines; glue guns, electric; grain separators; grease boxes [parts of machines]; grease rings [parts of machines]; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; handling machines, automatic [manipulators]; harrows; harvesting machines; heat exchangers [parts of machines]; hoods [parts of machines]; housings [parts of machines]; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; hydraulic engines and motors; igniting devices for internal combustion engines; igniting magnetos; injectors for engines; joints [parts of engines]; knives for mowing machines; knives [parts of machines]; lawnmowers [machines]; lift belts; lift operating apparatus; lifting apparatus; lifts, other than ski-lifts; lubricating pumps; lubricators [parts of machines]; machine wheels; machine wheelwork; metalworking machines; motorized cultivators; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; motors for boats; motors, other than for land vehicles; moving pavements [sidewalks]; mufflers for motors and engines; piston rings; pistons for cylinders; pistons for engines; pistons [parts of machines or engines]; planing machines; ploughs; ploughshares; plunger pistons; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; presses [machines for industrial purposes]; pressure reducers [parts of machines]; pressure regulators [parts of machines]; pressure valves [parts of machines]; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; pulleys; pulleys [parts of machines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; rack and pinion jacks; radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; rakes for raking machines; raking machines; rams [machines]; reapers; reapers and 71 (540) binders; reapers and threshers; reduction gears other than for land vehicles; reels [parts of machines]; regulators [parts of machines]; road making machines; road rollers; road sweeping machines [self-propelled]; robots [machines]; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; self-regulating fuel pumps; separators; shaft couplings [machines]; shovels, mechanical; sieves [machines or parts of machines]; snow ploughs; sowers [machines]; sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; speed governors for machines, engines and motors; springs [parts of machines]; stalk separators [machines]; starters for motors and engines; superchargers; superheaters; tedding machines; threshing machines; tools [parts of machines]; torque converters other than for land vehicles; transmission chains other than for land vehicles; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; transmissions for machines; transmissions, other than for land vehicles; turf removing ploughs; universal joints [cardan joints]; vacuum pumps [machines]; valves [parts of machines]; vibrators [machines] for industrial use; weeding machines; winches; winnowers; wrapping machines. and (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; air balloons; air cushion vehicles; air pumps [vehicle accessories]; ambulances; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobile tires [tyres]; automobiles; axle journals; axles for vehicles; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands for wheel hubs; brake discs for vehicles; brake linings for vehicles; brake pads for automobiles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; bumpers for automobiles; caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; clutches for land vehicles; connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines; couplings for land vehicles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; disengaging gear for boats; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; electric vehicles; fork lift trucks; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hub caps; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; military vehicles for transport; motor buses; motor coaches; motors, electric, for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; omnibuses; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys; reversing alarms for vehicles; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; spare tire covers; spoilers for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tilt trucks; tilting-carts; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; tipping bodies for lorries [trucks]; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; tractors; trailer hitches for vehicles; trailers [vehicles]; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; trucks; turn signals for vehicles; undercarriages for vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires [tyres]; vans [vehicles]; vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers [shaped]; vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel hubs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires [tyres]; vehicle wheels; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; waggons; windows for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens. CNH INDUSTRIAL ___________ 72 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204106 (320) 08/01/2014 CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V. Cranes Farm Road Basildon ESSEX SS143AD, United Kingdom JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 TORINO (7) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; agricultural elevators; agricultural implements other than handoperated; agricultural machines; anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; axles for machines; ball-bearings; ball rings for bearings; basket presses; bearing brackets for machines; bearings for transmission shafts; bearings [parts of machines]; belt conveyors; belts for conveyors; belts for machines; belts for motors and engines; binding apparatus for hay; brake linings other than for vehicles; brake pads other than for vehicles; brake segments other than for vehicles; brake shoes other than for vehicles; bulldozers; catalytic converters; chisels for machines; clutches other than for land vehicles; compressed air engines; connecting rods for machines, motors and engines; control cables for machines, engines or motors; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; converters for steelworks; conveyors [machines]; corn husking machines; couplings other than for land vehicles; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; crank shafts; crankcases for machines, motors and engines; cranks [parts of machines]; crushing machines; cultivators [machines]; cutters [machines]; cutting blow pipes, gas-operated; cutting machines; cylinder heads for engines; cylinders for machines; cylinders for motors and engines; diggers [machines]; driving chains other than for land vehicles; driving motors other than for land vehicles; drums [parts of machines]; earth moving machines; electric hammers; emergency power generators; engines for air cushion vehicles; engines for boats; excavators; exhaust manifold for engines; exhausts for motors and engines; expansion tanks [parts of machines]; fan belts for motors and engines; fans for motors and engines; fans for the compression, sucking and carrying of grain; feeders [parts of machines]; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; filters [parts of machines or engines]; freewheels other than for land vehicles; fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines; fuel economisers for motors and engines; gear boxes other than for land vehicles; gears, other than for land vehicles; glow plugs for diesel engines; glue guns, electric; grain separators; grease boxes [parts of machines]; grease rings [parts of machines]; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; handling machines, automatic [manipulators]; harrows; harvesting machines; heat exchangers [parts of machines]; hoods [parts of machines]; housings [parts of machines]; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; hydraulic engines and motors; igniting devices for internal combustion engines; igniting magnetos; injectors for engines; joints [parts of engines]; knives for mowing machines; knives [parts of machines]; lawnmowers [machines]; lift belts; lift operating apparatus; lifting apparatus; lifts, other than ski-lifts; lubricating pumps; lubricators [parts of machines]; machine wheels; machine wheelwork; metalworking machines; motorized cultivators; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; motors for boats; motors, other than for land vehicles; moving pavements [sidewalks]; mufflers for motors and engines; piston rings; pistons for cylinders; pistons for engines; pistons [parts of machines or engines]; planing machines; ploughs; ploughshares; plunger pistons; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; presses [machines for industrial purposes]; pressure reducers [parts of machines]; pressure regulators [parts of machines]; pressure valves [parts of machines]; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; pulleys; pulleys [parts of machines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; rack and pinion jacks; radiators [cooling] for motors and engines; rakes for raking machines; raking machines; rams [machines]; reapers; reapers and 73 (540) binders; reapers and threshers; reduction gears other than for land vehicles; reels [parts of machines]; regulators [parts of machines]; road making machines; road rollers; road sweeping machines [self-propelled]; robots [machines]; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; self-regulating fuel pumps; separators; shaft couplings [machines]; shovels, mechanical; sieves [machines or parts of machines]; snow ploughs; sowers [machines]; sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; speed governors for machines, engines and motors; springs [parts of machines]; stalk separators [machines]; starters for motors and engines; superchargers; superheaters; tedding machines; threshing machines; tools [parts of machines]; torque converters other than for land vehicles; transmission chains other than for land vehicles; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; transmissions for machines; transmissions, other than for land vehicles; turf removing ploughs; universal joints [cardan joints]; vacuum pumps [machines]; valves [parts of machines]; vibrators [machines] for industrial use; weeding machines; winches; winnowers; wrapping machines. and (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; air balloons; air cushion vehicles; air pumps [vehicle accessories]; ambulances; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobile tires [tyres]; automobiles; axle journals; axles for vehicles; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands for wheel hubs; brake discs for vehicles; brake linings for vehicles; brake pads for automobiles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; bumpers for automobiles; caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; clutches for land vehicles; connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines; couplings for land vehicles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; disengaging gear for boats; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; electric vehicles; fork lift trucks; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hub caps; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; military vehicles for transport; motor buses; motor coaches; motors, electric, for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; omnibuses; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys; reversing alarms for vehicles; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; spare tire covers; spoilers for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tilt trucks; tilting-carts; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; tipping bodies for lorries [trucks]; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; tractors; trailer hitches for vehicles; trailers [vehicles]; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; trucks; turn signals for vehicles; undercarriages for vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires [tyres]; vans [vehicles]; vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers [shaped]; vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel hubs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires [tyres]; vehicle wheels; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; waggons; windows for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens. CNH INDUSTRIAL ___________ 74 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204517 (320) 14/03/2014 KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE Carl-Kaeser-Straße 26 96450 COBURG, Germany Schneiders & Behrendt Rechts- und Patentanwälte Postfach 10 23 65 44723 Bochum (7) Machines and mechanical apparatus for the generation of compressed air, vacuum and air flow, included in class 7; compressors being machines; blowers for the compression, exhaustion and transport of gases; blowing machines; air suction machines; machine housings; parts of the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), including central screw compressor units or central reciprocating compressor units. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1204562 (320) 25/03/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Yuka Sugar, Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for presentation graphics, namely, software for generating, storing, retrieving, manipulating, altering and transmitting texts and graphics for use in presentations and utility programs for use therewith. (540) ___________ 75 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1205114 (320) 29/01/2014 AIH Subholding Nr. 9 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Johannisstr. 20 10117 Berlin, Germany Rösler Rasch & Partner, Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft Bodenseestraße 18 81241 München (35) Procurement of contracts for third parties on provision of services and for the purchasing and sale of goods, especially of vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories; auctioneering services; advertising, marketing, market research; business management, business administration, office functions; mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; arranging and rental of advertising space, especially on the Internet; compilation of information in the field of vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories; compilation of data for an online database containing classified (information) lists, namely lists and schedules in the field of vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories; procurement of contracts for third parties on purchasing and sale of goods and provision of services., (36) Real estate services; financial services; insurance services; monetary services; compilation of data and providing information in the field of real estate services, financial services, insurance services; preparation of financial reports; brokerage; procurement of contracts in the field of insurance services, finance and credit services. and (38) Telecommunication, electronic mail (transmission of electronic mail); providing of chatlines, chatrooms and electronic forums on the Internet; arranging of rental and rental of access time to the Internet; providing access and delivery (transmission) of data, information, text and images, especially in the field of vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories; providing access to an online computer database, especially in the field of vehicles and online searchable database with mercantile directories and registers of announcements, events, activities, entertainment, contacts, real estate services, insurance services, financial services, credit services, employment, cultural offers, announcements regarding the purchasing and sale; providing an e-commerce platform on the Internet. (540) ___________ 76 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1205268 (320) 10/01/2014 SAHAM 216 boulevard Zerktouni 20040 CASABLANCA, Morocco Cabinet CHARDY 22, Rue Youssef Ben Tachfine (4ème étage) RABAT (5) Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire; aliments pour bébés; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; produits pour la destruction d'animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides., (35) Services d'abonnement à des services de télécommunications pour des tiers; administration commerciale de licences de produits et de services de tiers; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers (achat de produits et de services pour d'autres entreprises); traitement administratif de commandes d'achats; comptabilité; courrier publicitaire; établissement de déclarations fiscales; démonstration de produits; diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); aide à la direction des affaires; reproduction de documents; établissement de statistiques; étude de marché; facturation; recueil de données dans un fichier central; gestion de fichiers informatiques; recherches d'informations dans des fichiers informatiques pour des tiers; marketing; mercatique; mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; recherche de parraineurs; préparation de feuilles de paye; recrutement de personnel; promotion des ventes pour des tiers; recherches pour affaires; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; services de revues de presse; services de secrétariat; services de télémarketing; services de sous-traitance (assistance commerciale); transcription de communications; vérification de comptes., (36) Assurances, assurances des personnes, assurances sur la vie, assurances maladies, assurances contre les accidents, assurances des biens, assurances automobiles, assurances multirisques habitation, assurances des risques professionnels, assurances des risques commerciaux et industriels, assurances des compétitions sportives, assurances des collectivités et associations; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; affaires immobilières; affaires bancaires; affermage de biens immobiliers; agences de crédit; agences de logement (propriétés immobilières); agences de recouvrement de créances; agences immobilières; analyse financière; estimation d'antiquités; location d'appartements; estimation d'objets d'art; consultation en matière d'assurances; informations en matière d'assurances; établissement de baux; collectes de bienfaisance; courtage en biens immobiliers; évaluation (estimation) de biens immobiliers; gérance de biens immobiliers; estimation de bijoux; émission de bons de valeur; cote en bourse; courtage en bourse; services de caisses de paiement de retraites; caisses de prévoyance; constitution de capitaux; investissement de capitaux; cautions (garanties); consultation en matière financière; courtage en assurances; estimations financières des coûts de réparation; crédit; crédit-bail; dépôt de valeurs; dépôt en coffres-forts; épargne; estimations financières (assurances, banques, immobilier); estimations fiscales; estimations immobilières; expertises fiscales; services de financement; consultation en matière financière; informations financières; constitution de fonds; placement de fonds; transfert électronique de fonds; gérance de fortunes; prêt sur gage; gérance d'immeubles; gérance de biens immobiliers; assurance contre l'incendie; services de liquidation d'entreprises (affaires financières); location de bureaux (immobilier); recouvrement de loyers; assurances maritimes; prêts sur nantissement; opérations de change; opérations financières; opérations monétaires; parrainage financier; prêt (finances); transactions financières; dépôt de valeurs; gestion financière de cliniques, de centres médicaux et de centres de diagnostics, de portefeuilles d'assurances et de réassurance, de patrimoine mobilier ou immobilier; audits de portefeuilles d'assurances et de réassurances, gestion financière de régimes de couvertures 77 santé assurés par une compagnie d'assurance, autofinancés par un employeur ou mutualisés par leurs adhérents., (39) Accompagnement de voyageurs; transport en ambulance; services de chauffeurs; location de fauteuils roulants; location de véhicules; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules (remorquage); transport de passagers; réservation de places de voyage; remorquage; services de sauvetage; opérations de secours (transport); services de taxis. and (44) Assistance médicale; consultation en matière de pharmacie; maisons de convalescence; dispensaires; services de gardes-malades; hospices (maisons d'assistance); maisons de repos; maisons médicalisées; services de pharmaciens (préparation d'ordonnances); services médicaux; services de santé; services hospitaliers; services d'un psychologue; services de télémédecine; services thérapeutiques; aide à l'accouchement. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1205281 (320) 04/03/2014 Julie Self Leith House, South Harting Hampshire GU31 5PH, United Kingdom Julie Self Leith House, South Harting Hampshire GU31 5PH (4) Lubricants contained in aerosol containers, all included this class. GT85 ___________ 78 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1205510 (320) 06/03/2014 Purdue Research Foundation 1281 Win Hentschel Boulevard West Lafayette IN 47906, U.S.A. Bradley M. Stohry Reichel IP LLP 212 West 10th Street, Suite D-280 Indianapolis IN 46202 (22) Storage bags for agricultural use, namely, bags for storing crops. and (41) Education services, namely, providing classes, seminars, workshops, tutoring, and one-on-one mentoring in the fields of agricultural sciences, agricultural business, crop production, and crop storage. PICS PURDUE IMPROVED CROP STORAGE ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1206480 (320) 14/03/2014 KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE Carl-Kaeser-Straße 26 96450 COBURG, Germany Schneiders & Behrendt, Rechts- und Patentanwälte Postfach 10 23 65 44723 Bochum (7) Machines and mechanical apparatus for the generation of compressed air, vacuum and air flow, included in class 7; compressors being machines; blowers for the compression, exhaustion and transport of gases; blowing machines; air suction machines; machine housings; parts of the aforesaid goods (included in class 7), including central screw compressor units or central reciprocating compressor units. OMEGA ___________ 79 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1207130 (320) 25/03/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Yuka Sugar Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for creating, editing, transmitting and printing documents comprised of text and graphics and utility programs for use therewith. (540) ___________ 80 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1207317 (320) 29/01/2014 AIH Subholding Nr. 10 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Johannisstr. 20 10117 Berlin, Germany Rösler Rasch & Partner, Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft Bodenseestraße 18 81241 München (35) Advertising, marketing, market research, business management, business administration, clerical services, mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; providing and rental of advertising space, especially on the Internet; compilation of data for an online database containing classified (information) lists, namely lists and schedules in the field of real estate; procurement of contracts for others, for the provision of services; carrying out auction sales., (36) Real estate services; financial services; insurance services; monetary affairs; appraisal and evaluation of real estate; real estate brokerage; real estate management; compilation of data and providing information in the field of real estate services, finance services, insurance services, especially with respect to location, buying prices and rental prices of real estate; preparation of financial reports; preparation of real estate valuations; brokerage services, especially providing a computer-based market by collecting, updating and archiving of pictures and information with respect to demand and supply of real estate; procurement of contracts in the field of insurance services, finance and credit services. and (38) Telecommunication, electronic mail services (transmission of electronic mail); providing chatlines, chatrooms and electronic forums on the Internet; providing access to and rental of access time to the Internet; providing access to and delivery (transmission) of data, information, text, images and information on supply and demand of goods, real estate and services; providing access to an online computer database and online searchable database containing mercantile directories and registers of announcements, events, activities, entertainment, contacts, rental of flats, real estate services, insurance services, financial services, credit services, employment, cultural offers, advertisements, bids; providing access to an e-commerce platform on the Internet. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1207349 (320) 05/02/2015 GILEAD SCIENCES LIMITED IDA Business and Technology Park, Carrigtohill Co. Cork, Ireland Gretchen R. Stroud, Gilead Sciences, Inc. 333 Lakeside Drive Foster City CA 94404 (5) Pharmaceuticals. ___________ 81 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1207350 (320) 05/02/2015 GILEAD SCIENCES LIMITED IDA Business and Technology Park, Carrigtohill Co. Cork, Ireland Gretchen R. Stroud, Gilead Sciences, Inc. 333 Lakeside Drive Foster City CA 94404 (5) Pharmaceuticals. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1207359 (320) 05/02/2015 GILEAD SCIENCES LIMITED IDA Business and Technology Park, Carrigtohill Co. Cork, Ireland Gretchen R. Stroud, Gilead Sciences, Inc. 333 Lakeside Drive Foster City CA 94404 (5) Pharmaceuticals. ___________ 82 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1208012 (320) 30/01/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; handheld computers; tablet computers; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data; car audio apparatus; audio components and accessories; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; and covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. (540) ___________ 83 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1208012 (320) 30/01/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; handheld computers; tablet computers; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data; car audio apparatus; audio components and accessories; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; and covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. (540) ___________ 84 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1208138 (320) 21/03/2014 Xie Wenshuai No.2033 Jiuling Middle Road, Dongcheng Street, Yongkang City 321300 Zhejiang, Peoples Republic of China Zhejiang Guangyu Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. No. 551 Shengli Street, Jinhua 321000 Zhejiang (3) Dishwasher detergents; waxes for leather; grinding preparations; essential oils; dentifrices; incense; cosmetics for animals., (11) Cooking utensils, electric; refrigerating apparatus and machines; electric hair driers; taps; solar water heaters; water purification installations; heating apparatus; lighters; lamps; boiler pipes (tubes) for heating installations. and (30) Coffee; tea; tea-based beverages; sugar; rice-based snack food; cooked rice; rice; vermicelli (noodles); ice cream. CONFO ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1208180 (320) 31/03/2014 Tissot S.A. Chemin des Tourelles 17 CH-2400 Le Locle, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe à savoir figurines, trophées; bijouterie et joaillerie, à savoir bagues, boucles d'oreilles, boutons de manchettes, bracelets, breloques, broches, chaînes, colliers, épingles de cravate, fixe-cravates, coffrets à bijoux, écrins; pierres précieuses, pierres semiprécieuses (pierres fines); horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, à savoir chronomètres, chronographes, horloges, montres, montres-bracelets, pendules, réveillematin ainsi que parties et accessoires pour les produits précités, à savoir aiguilles, ancres, balanciers, barillets, boîtiers de montres, bracelets de montres, cadrans de montres, cadratures, chaînes de montres, mouvements d'horlogerie, ressorts de montres, verres de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 85 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1208420 (320) 10/03/2014 ZHANGZHOU TAN CO., LTD. FUJIAN 22nd Floor, Block 1, Liyuan Plaza, East Nanchang Road, Zhangzhou 363000 Fujian, Peoples Republic of China XIAMEN FORTUNE TRADEMARK CO.,LTD. Room 1808, No.6 East Hubin Road, Siming District 361010 Xiamen, Fujian (29) Canned fruits; canned vegetables; canned meat; canned mushrooms; canned fish; canned peas; dried edible fungus; canned eggs; preserved vegetables. Mr Mushroom ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1208544 (320) 27/03/2014 Wenzhou Haiba Sanitary CO.,LTD. Haicheng Industrial City, Longwan District, Wenzhou 325000 Zhejiang, Peoples Republic of China WENZHOU ZHIXIN TRADEMARK SERVICE CO., LTD. 807A, Danlu Square, Ouzhoucheng Jiangbin Road, Wenzhou 325000 Zhejiang (11) Taps [faucets]; heating installations (water); parts of boiler pipes for water heating installations; sanitary apparatus and installations; showers; water purification installations; floor drains; taps [cocks, spigots] [faucets (Am.)] for pipes; water flushing installations; air conditioning installations. and (21) Toilet utensils; soap boxes; towel rails and rings; kitchen utensils; domestic glassware (including cups, plates, pots); brushes; cleaning instruments, hand-operated; pottery; tempered glass; works of art of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass. Haiba ___________ 86 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1219338 (320) 08/09/2014 PRIMVIT Aktiengesellschaft Freigutstrasse 7 CH-8002 Zurich, Switzerland Monika Kowalczyk ul. Zimowa 17/10 PL-05-500 Nowa Iwiczna (5) Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; Dietary supplements for humans and animals; Plasters, materials for dressings; Material for stopping teeth, dental wax; Disinfectants; Preparations for destroying vermin; Fungicides, herbicides. and (31) Grains and agricultural, horticultural and forestry products not included in other classes; Live animals; Fresh fruits and vegetables; Seeds; Natural plants and flowers; Foodstuffs for animals; Malt. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1219808 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. ___________ 87 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1220103 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1220104 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1220106 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. ___________ 88 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1220172 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1220318 (320) 05/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. LICHTENSTEIN, KÖRNER & PARTNER mbB Heidehofstr. 9 70184 Stuttgart (3) Soaps for personal use, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, cosmetic hair lotions, cosmetic preparations for hair cleaning, care and improvement, dentifrices; personal deodorants (perfumery); skin care preparations, cosmetic bath preparations. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1221563 (320) 05/09/2014 Kairos Watches Limited 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom Franks & Co Limited 15 Jessops Riverside, Brightside Lane Sheffield, South Yorkshire S9 2RX (14) Watches; horological and chronometric instruments. ___________ 89 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1221743 (320) 29/10/2014 ALAIN AFFLELOU FRANCHISEUR 11 rue d'Argenson F-75008 PARIS, France NOVAGRAAF FRANCE 122 rue Edouard Vaillant F-92593 Levallois-Perret Cedex (9) Appareils optiques; articles de lunetterie; lunettes; verres de lunettes, verres correcteurs, lentilles optiques, étuis à lunettes, étuis pour verres de contact, montures de lunettes. Afflelou ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1223934 (320) 24/02/2015 PROGEN TOHUM ANONÄ°M ŞİRKETÄ° Bükükdalyan Mah. 2. Küme Evler Sok. No:49 ANTAKYA - HATAY, Turkey AKSAN DANISMANLIK ANONIM SIRKETI (MRS. AYCA TÜRKOGLU) Meclisi Mebusan Caddesi No:39 Salipazari TR-34427 Istanbul (1) Chemicals used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry; manures and soils; unprocessed artificial resins and unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing compositions; adhesives not for medical, household and stationery purposes. and (31) Agricultural and horticultural products not included in other classes; seeds; forestry products not included in other classes; live animals; fertilized eggs for hatching; plants; dried plants for decoration; fresh garden herbs; dried garden herbs for decoration; animal foodstuffs; malt not for human consumption. ProGen ___________ 90 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1224090 (320) 03/09/2014 SHANDONG ZHONGYI RUBBER CO., LTD Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao, Dongying Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China QIANHUI IP ATTORNEYS Room 1503, 15th Floor, First Avenue Mansion, No. 15982 Jingshi Road, Jinan City 250014 Shandong Province (12) Vehicle wheel tires; automobile tires; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; tires for vehicle wheels; repair outfits for inner tubes; pneumatic tires; spikes for tires; bicycle tires; aerial conveyors; omnibuses. ARDENT ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1224364 (320) 17/09/2014 Windsor Smith Pty Ltd 189-193 High Street PRESTON VIC 3072, Australia PHILLIPS ORMONDE FITZPATRICK Level 23, 367 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 (25) Footwear. ___________ 91 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1225599 (320) 06/10/2014 SWP Swiss Watch Promotion SA Rue Saint-Jean 8 CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland P&TS Marques SA Avenue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 4, P.O. Box 2848 CH-2001 Neuchâtel (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques; montres, montres-bracelets, chronographes [montres], chronomètres; parties de montres; aiguilles (horlogerie); boîtiers de montres; cadrans de montres; bracelets de montres; fermoirs de montres; ressorts de montres; mouvements de montres; barillets (horlogerie); chaînes de montres; verres de montres; écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie; tous les produits précités provenant de Suisse., (35) Publicité; marketing; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau; services d'organisation et de réalisation d'événements publicitaires; organisation de manifestations, d'expositions, de foires et de spectacles à des fins commerciales, promotionnelles et publicitaires; services d'organisation et tenue de salons professionnels, manifestations et expositions à des fins commerciales ou publicitaires; services d'études et analyses de marché; promotion des ventes pour des tiers; services d'agences d'import-export. and (41) Education; formation; divertissement; activités sportives et culturelles; organisation d'expositions, de conventions et de conférences à des fins culturelles ou éducatives. (540) ___________ 92 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1225951 (320) 08/09/2014 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Administration Building Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China NTD PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENCY LTD. 10th Floor, Block A, Investment Plaza, 27 Jinrongdajie 100033 Beijing (9) Smart mobile phones; tablet computers; batteries for mobile phones; batteries for wireless routers; batteries for modems; batteries for tablet computers; solar batteries; batteries for communication equipment; cameras; headphones; portable power sources for mobile phones or tablet computers; apparatus for remote video conference; protective cases for mobile phones; protective cases for tablet computers; protective covers for mobile phones; protective covers for tablet computers; digital photo frames; set-top boxes; inverters (electricity); monitoring apparatus; chips (integrated circuits); low voltage power source; audio and video receivers; electric cables; submarine electrical cables; photoelectric switches (batteries); automatic teller machines (ATM); data processing apparatus used for managing the queue of customers in the field of window service industries; computer software for updating and saving information, photographs and video of mobile phone contacts; computer software for the protection of the privacy of mobile phone owners; screens for mobile phones; protective films for mobile phones; shell for mobile phones; protective films for tablet computers; uninterrupted power supply for machine room; regulated voltage supply; smart bracelets for use with mobile phones; smart watches for use with mobile phones; data lines for mobile phones, tablet computers and communication apparatus; operating system software for mobile phones; chargers for mobile phones or tablet computers; servers for computer room (computer hardware); software for servers for computer room; monitors (computer hardware); monitors (computer programs); instant messaging software; adapters. HUAWEI ___________ 93 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1225952 (320) 08/09/2014 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Administration Building Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China NTD PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENCY LTD. 10th Floor, Block A, Investment Plaza, 27 Jinrongdajie 100033 Beijing (9) Smart mobile phones; tablet computers; batteries for mobile phones; batteries for wireless routers; batteries for modems; batteries for tablet computers; solar batteries; batteries for communication equipment; cameras; headphones; portable power sources for mobile phones or tablet computers; apparatus for remote video conference; protective cases for mobile phones; protective cases for tablet computers; protective covers for mobile phones; protective covers for tablet computers; digital photo frames; set-top boxes; inverters (electricity); monitoring apparatus; chips (integrated circuits); low voltage power source; audio and video receivers; electric cables; submarine electrical cables; photoelectric switches (batteries); automatic teller machines (ATM); data processing apparatus used for managing the queue of customers in the field of window service industries; computer software for updating and saving information, photographs and video of mobile phone contacts; computer software for the protection of the privacy of mobile phone owners; screens for mobile phones; protective films for mobile phones; shell for mobile phones; protective films for tablet computers; uninterrupted power supply for machine room; regulated voltage supply; smart bracelets for use with mobile phones; smart watches for use with mobile phones; data lines for mobile phones, tablet computers and communication apparatus; operating system software for mobile phones; chargers for mobile phones or tablet computers; servers for computer room (computer hardware); software for servers for computer room; monitors (computer hardware); monitors (computer programs); instant messaging software; adapters. (540) ___________ 94 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1226596 (320) 08/09/2014 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Administration Building Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China NTD PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENCY LTD. 10th Floor, Block A, Investment Plaza, 27 Jinrongdajie 100033 Beijing (9) Smart mobile phones; tablet computers; batteries for mobile phones; batteries for wireless routers; batteries for modems; batteries for tablet computers; solar batteries; batteries for communication equipment; cameras; headphones; portable power sources for mobile phones or tablet computers; apparatus for remote video conference; protective cases for mobile phones; protective cases for tablet computers; protective covers for mobile phones; protective covers for tablet computers; digital photo frames; set-top boxes; inverters (electricity); monitoring apparatus; chips (integrated circuits); low voltage power source; audio and video receivers; electric cables; submarine electrical cables; photoelectric switches (batteries); automatic teller machines (ATM); data processing apparatus used for managing the queue of customers in the field of window service industries; computer software for updating and saving information, photographs and video of mobile phone contacts; computer software for the protection of the privacy of mobile phone owners; screens for mobile phones; protective films for mobile phones; shell for mobile phones; protective films for tablet computers; uninterrupted power supply for machine room; regulated voltage supply; smart bracelets for use with mobile phones; smart watches for use with mobile phones; data lines for mobile phones, tablet computers and communication apparatus; operating system software for mobile phones; chargers for mobile phones or tablet computers; servers for computer room (computer hardware); software for servers for computer room; monitors (computer hardware); monitors (computer programs); instant messaging software; adapters. HUAWEI ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1226711 (320) 13/10/2014 Beiersdorf AG Unnastrasse 48 20253 Hamburg, Germany Beiersdorf AG Unnastrasse 48 20253 Hamburg (3) Cosmetics. NIVEA SUN ___________ 95 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1226855 (320) 04/09/2014 Edmund Falkenhahn AG Postfach 942, Felbaweg FL-9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein Edmund Falkenhahn AG Postfach 942, Felbaweg FL-9494 Schaan (14) Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, (not included in other classes)., (16) Seals [stamps]. and (36) Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. MTS Money Transfer System ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1226938 (320) 06/10/2014 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 96 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1226939 (320) 06/10/2014 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 97 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1227453 (320) 24/09/2014 SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (9) Appareils et instruments optiques notamment lunettes, lunettes de soleil, loupes; étuis à lunettes, à lunettes de soleil et à loupes; batteries et piles pour ordinateurs et appareils électroniques, batteries et piles pour l'horlogerie et les instruments chronométriques; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques et numériques de son ou d'images., (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe, à savoir figurines, trophées; bijouterie et joaillerie, à savoir bagues, boucles d'oreilles, boutons de manchettes, bracelets, breloques, broches, chaînes, colliers, épingles de cravates, fixe-cravates, coffrets à bijoux, écrins; pierres précieuses, pierres semi-précieuses (pierres fines); horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, à savoir chronomètres, chronographes, horloges, montres, montres, bracelets, pendules, réveille-matins ainsi que parties et accessoires pour les produits précités, à savoir aiguilles, ancres, balanciers, barillets, boîtiers de montres, bracelets de montres, cadrans de montres, cadratures, chaînes de montres, mouvements d'horlogerie, ressorts de montres, verres de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie., (35) Informations commerciales par le biais de sites web; compilation d'informations dans des bases de données informatiques; services promotionnels de vente et de marketing; services de préparation et tenue de manifestations promotionnelles et de marketing; services de programmes de fidélisation de la clientèle; services de relations publiques pour fidélisation ou augmentation de la clientèle. and (41) Éducation; divertissement, activités sportives et culturelles; organisation et tenue de séminaires, ateliers, conférences, symposiums et congrès, organisation d'expositions, de spectacles, de manifestations et d'événements à buts éducatifs, de divertissement, sportifs ou culturels, animation de manifestations de divertissement; informations en matière de divertissement; organisation, présentation et production de spectacles et représentations en direct. (540) ___________ 98 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1227456 (320) 07/10/2014 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1228043 (320) 22/10/2014 Tissot SA Chemin des Tourelles 17 CH-2400 Le Locle, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Horlogerie et instruments chronométriques. T ___________ 99 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1228345 (320) 27/01/2014 RICCARDO TISCI S.R.L. Via Durini, 27 I-20122 Milano (MI), Italy RACHELI S.R.L. Viale San Michele del Carso, 4 I-20144 MILANO (3) Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, nail polishes and other products for the nails' care, lotions and other preparations for the hair; soaps; deodorants for personal use and antiperspirants; dentifrices., (9) Glasses, sunglasses, their parts and accessories; contact lenses., (14) Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery and costume jewellery, namely necklaces, chains (jewellery), earrings, rings (jewellery); pendants, medals, lockets, brooches (jewellery), tie clips, tie pins, cufflinks; precious stones, semi-precious stones, synthetic precious stones; rhinestones; pearls, jewel cases; statuettes in precious metal; horological and chronometric instruments; watch bracelets and watch bands., (18) Leather and imitation of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins and hides, trunks and suitcases, bags and handbags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; fanciful key cases. and (25) Clothing articles, footwear, headgear. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1228345 (320) 27/01/2014 RICCARDO TISCI S.R.L. Via Durini, 27 I-20122 Milano (MI), Italy RACHELI S.R.L. Viale San Michele del Carso, 4 I-20144 MILANO (3) Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, nail polishes and other products for the nails' care, lotions and other preparations for the hair; soaps; deodorants for personal use and antiperspirants; dentifrices., (9) Glasses, sunglasses, their parts and accessories; contact lenses., (14) Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery and costume jewellery, namely necklaces, chains (jewellery), earrings, rings (jewellery); pendants, medals, lockets, brooches (jewellery), tie clips, tie pins, cufflinks; precious stones, semi-precious stones, synthetic precious stones; rhinestones; pearls, jewel cases; statuettes in precious metal; horological and chronometric instruments; watch bracelets and watch bands., (18) Leather and imitation of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins and hides, trunks and suitcases, bags and handbags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; fanciful key cases. and (25) Clothing articles, footwear, headgear. (540) ___________ 100 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1228787 (320) 02/09/2014 WEICHAI POWER CO., LTD. 197, Section A, Fu Shou East Street, High Technology Industrial Development Zone, 261061 Weifang, Shandong, Peoples Republic of China Qianhui IP Attorneys Room1503, 15th Floor, First Avenue Mansion, No.15982, Jingshiroad, Jinan City 250014 Shandong Province (4) Industrial oil; motor oil; lubricating oil; diesel oil; fuel; industrial wax; lamp wicks; dust removing preparations; electrical energy; mineral fuel., (7) Fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines; generators of electricity; engines, other than for land vehicles; crank shafts; pumps (machines); agricultural machines; net hauling machines (fishing); extractors for mines; excavators; handling apparatus for loading and unloading., (12) Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; trucks; engines for land vehicles; bicycles; automobile tires; aerial conveyors; hydroplanes; yachts; tilt trucks; brake shoes for vehicles. and (37) Building construction supervision; construction; mining extraction; heating equipment installation and repair; upholstering; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; shipbuilding; vulcanization of tires (repair); furniture restoration. WEICHAI ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1228796 (320) 17/09/2014 SHANDONG HAVSTYEAR RUBBER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. E.&T. Development Zone, Dongying Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China QIANHUI IP ATTORNEYS Room 1503, 15th Floor, First Avenue Mansion, No. 15982 Jingshi Road, Jinan City 250014 Shandong Province (12) Vehicle wheel tires; automobile tires; pneumatic tires; bicycles; automobiles; automobile wheels; repair outfits for inner tubes; interior decorations for vehicles; trolleys; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail. HAVSTYEAR ___________ 101 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1228980 11/09/2014 (320) Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (10) Health, fitness, exercise, and wellness sensors, monitors and displays; medical apparatus and devices. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1229009 13/10/2014 (320) Beiersdorf AG Unnastr. 48 20253 Hamburg, Germany Beiersdorf AG Unnastr. 48 20253 Hamburg (3) Cosmetics. NIVEA SUN ___________ 102 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1229031 (320) 13/10/2014 Regal Springs AG Theaterstrasse 2 CH-8400 Winterthur, Switzerland Regal Springs AG Theaterstrasse 2 CH-8400 Winterthur (29) Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier; extraits de viande; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; oeufs; lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles. and (31) Graines et produits agricoles, horticoles et forestiers, non compris dans d'autres classes; animaux vivants; fruits et légumes frais; semences; plantes et fleurs naturelles; aliments pour les animaux, malt. REGAL SPRINGS ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1229583 (320) 08/09/2014 WANG WEI F3-16494, 3/F, Futian 2nd Phase, Yiwu City Zhejiang Province, Peoples Republic of China YIWUSHI XUJIE SHANGBIAO SHIWUSUO YOUXIAN GONGSI 2/F, No. 128, Wenhua Road, Choucheng, Yiwu City 322000 Zhejiang Province (21) Glassware for household purposes, including cups, dishes, pots and jars; utensils for household purposes; ceramics for household purposes; China ornaments; drinking vessels; sprinkling devices; vacuum bottles; cosmetic utensils; toothbrushes; brush goods. DAYDAYS ___________ 103 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1229583 (320) 08/09/2014 WANG WEI F3-16494, 3/F, Futian 2nd Phase, Yiwu City Zhejiang Province, Peoples Republic of China YIWUSHI XUJIE SHANGBIAO SHIWUSUO YOUXIAN GONGSI 2/F, No. 128, Wenhua Road, Choucheng, Yiwu City 322000 Zhejiang Province (21) Glassware for household purposes, including cups, dishes, pots and jars; utensils for household purposes; ceramics for household purposes; China ornaments; drinking vessels; sprinkling devices; vacuum bottles; cosmetic utensils; toothbrushes; brush goods. DAYDAYS ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1229793 (320) 10/09/2014 Celgene Corporation 86 Morris Avenue Summit NJ 07901, U.S.A. Camille M. Miller Cozen O'Connor, PC 1900 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19103 (5) Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, cytokine inhibitory drugs; pharmaceutical preparations that modulate the immune system; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of blood disease, cancer and arthritis. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1229975 (320) 11/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments; watches; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands; cases for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments; parts for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments. (540) ___________ 104 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1229988 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202 Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Topeka KS 66603 (9) Fashion sunglasses and cases for sunglasses., (14) Jewelry; costume jewelry., (18) Handbags, shoulder bags and purses; backpacks; fanny packs; tote bags., (25) Footwear. and (26) Hair ornaments, namely, barrettes, scrunchies, bows, elastic ribbons, hair clips, hair bands, ponytail holders, hair pins, twisters. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1230482 (320) 24/10/2014 VAN PUR S. A. ul. Cybernetyki 7 PL-02-677 Warszawa, Poland Dynia Krzysztof Rudna Mala 337 PL-36-054 Mrowla (32) Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices. GRAN MALTA ___________ 105 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1231082 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202 Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott, Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202 Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear. and (35) Retail shoe and fashion accessories store services; computerized on-line retail store services in the field of footwear, apparel, accessories and bags, accessible via global computer networks. P ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231128 (320) 18/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 106 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231128 (320) 18/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231251 (320) 25/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 107 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231252 (320) 25/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1231383 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202 Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. 700 SW Jackson, Suite. 202 Topeka KS 66603 (25) Footwear and apparel, namely, headwear, neckwear, scarves, hats, gloves, belts, socks, hosiery, pantyhose, knee-high stockings, and tights. and (35) Retail shoe and fashion accessories store services; computerized on-line retail store services in the field of footwear, apparel, purses, handbags, and backpacks, accessible via global computer networks. P Payless SHOESOURCE ___________ 108 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1231571 (320) 01/04/2015 Norvegia Spirits AS Henrik Ibsens gate 90 N-0255 Oslo, Norway Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS Postboks 359 Sentrum N-0101 Oslo (33) Alcoholic beverages (except beer). NORVEGIA VODKA ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1231887 (320) 16/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments; watches; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands; cases for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments; parts for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments. WATCH ___________ 109 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231937 (320) 17/09/2014 Beijing Qihoo Technology Company Limited Room 112, Area D (Desheng Park), No. 28 Xinjiekouwqi Street, Xicheng District 100088 Beijing, Peoples Republic of China BEIJING UNITED JAWEE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGENCY Level 11, Tower A, Nanxincang International Building, No. A22, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District 100007 Beijing (9) Computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer software, recorded; computer software, recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; network communication equipment; calculating machines; computers; computer game programs; notebook computers; laptops., (38) Message sending; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; providing user access to global computer networks; providing Internet chatrooms; providing access to databases; voice mail services; news agencies; communications by computer terminals. and (42) Research and development for others; computer software design; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining websites for others; computer virus protection services; providing search engines for the Internet; upgrade of computer software; installation of computer software; computer software consultancy; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1231968 (320) 16/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (10) Health, fitness, exercise, and wellness sensors, monitors and displays; medical apparatus and devices. WATCH ___________ 110 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1231970 (320) 17/09/2014 Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 202 Topeka KS 66603, U.S.A. Christopher M. Ott, Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson, Ste. 202 Topeka KS 66603 (25) Shoes. and (35) Retail shoe and fashion accessories store services; computerized online retail store services in the field of footwear, apparel, accessories and bags, accessible via global computer networks. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232015 (320) 15/12/2014 Facebook, Inc. 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025, U.S.A. Cooley LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20004 (12) Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232316 (320) 17/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (36) Financial services; financial transaction services; bill payment services; providing secure commercial transactions; debit and credit card services, electronic payment services. Pay ___________ 111 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1232321 (320) 25/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232351 (320) 21/11/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (25) Clothing, footwear, headgear. ___________ 112 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1232452 (320) 11/11/2014 SECURCUBE S.R.L. VIA S. ANDREA, 45 I-31017 PADERNO DEL GRAPPA (TV), Italy SECURCUBE S.R.L. VIA S. ANDREA, 45 I-31017 PADERNO DEL GRAPPA (TV) (9) Apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; computer software; computer software and hardware for data acquisition, recording, processing, data analysis, data manipulation and data management; computer software and hardware for processing, managing, analyzing and manipulating log entries; downloadable electronic publications. and (42) Design, development, installation and maintenance of computer software; design, development, installation and maintenance of computer software for data processing, data analysis, data manipulation and data management; design, development, installation and maintenance of computer software for processing, managing, analyzing and manipulating log entries; providing technical support services in relation to computer software; providing technical support services in relation to computer software for data processing, data analysis, data manipulation and data management; providing technical support services in relation to computer software for processing, managing, analyzing and manipulating log entries; technical consultancy services in relation to computer software and hardware, data processing, data analysis, data manipulation and data management; consultancy services in relation to computer software and hardware for processing, managing, analyzing and manipulating log entries; information services relating to the aforesaid services, all of the aforesaid services also provided online from a computer database or the internet; service of data acquisition, namely data mining. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232515 (320) 01/10/2014 FERRERO S.P.A. Piazzale Pietro Ferrero, 1 I-12051 Alba, Cuneo, Italy JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.p.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 Torino (30) Pastries and confectionery; chocolate and chocolate products; edible ices. ___________ 113 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232666 (320) 07/10/2014 Kempinski AG Maximilianstr. 17 80539 Munich, Germany Bird & Bird LLP Maximiliansplatz 22 80333 München (35) Business management; business consultancy and advisory services., (36) Real estate brokerage for residential property on a time sharing base, for condominiums and other real estates., (37) Consultancy services relating to maintenance and repair of hotels, resorts and housing space on a time sharing base and other commercial properties; construction consultation., (42) Technical consultancy in the field of design of hotels, resorts and housing space on a time sharing base and other commercial properties; architectural consultation; engineering services; consultancy in the field of interior decoration. and (43) Services for providing food and drink; reservation services for hotel rooms and other accommodations; hotel services; resort hotel services (accommodation); restaurant services. K ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1232713 (320) 23/09/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 114 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1232946 (320) 07/10/2014 EUROQUIMICA S.A. Crta. de Yeles, km. 2 E-45200 Illescas (Toledo), Spain Marcos Vicario Trinidad Paseo de la Castellana, 166, E-1, 5º, E-28046 Madrid (3) Preparaciones para limpiar; preparaciones para lavar la ropa; preparaciones para pulir; preparaciones para desengrasar; preparaciones para blanquear; jabones para la colada; jabones. Alpes ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1232981 (320) 20/05/2015 PREDO SAGLIK ÜRÜNLERÄ° SANAYÄ° VE TÄ°CARET LÄ°MÄ°TED SÄ°RKETÄ° Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Bati 4 Nolu Cadde No 2 BaÅŸpinar Gaziantep, Turkey ÇANKAYA PATENT MARKA VE DANIÅžMANLIK LÄ°MÄ°TED ŞİRKETÄ° Tunus Cad. 40/9 TR-06680 Kavaklıdere Ankara (5) Babies' napkin-pants, diaper-pants; breast-nursing pads; diapers for pets; sanitary pads; sanitary tampons; napkins for incontinents; diapers. (540) ___________ 115 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1233145 (320) 23/12/2014 Anheuser-Busch, LLC One Busch Place St. Louis, Missouri 63118, U.S.A. Andrea Anderson Holland & Hart LLP P.O. Box 8749 Attention: Trademark Docketing Denver CO 80201 (32) Beer; lager. ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1233226 (320) 16/10/2014 Edmund Falkenhahn AG Postfach 942, Felbaweg 10 FL-9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein Edmund Falkenhahn AG Postfach 942, Felbaweg 10 FL-9494 Schaan (14) Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith (not included in other classes)., (16) Seal of approval. and (36) Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. Edmund Falkenhahn 1 World 1 World 1 Unze 999,9 Gold ___________ 116 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1233694 (320) 17/11/2014 WENDEL-PARTICIPATIONS 89, rue Taitbout F-75009 PARIS, France Cabinet A. BAROIS 63 avenue Raymond Poincaré F-75016 PARIS (35) Publicité; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau; diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); services d'abonnement à des journaux (pour des tiers); services d'abonnement à des services de télécommunication pour les tiers; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; comptabilité; reproduction de documents; bureaux de placement; portage salarial; gestion de fichiers informatiques; optimisation du trafic pour les sites web; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux ou de publicité; publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique; location de temps publicitaire sur tout moyen de communication; publication de textes publicitaires; locations d'espaces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; relations publiques; audits d'entreprises (analyses commerciales); services d'intermédiation commerciale (conciergerie). and (36) Assurances; services bancaires; service bancaires en ligne; affaires immobilières; services de caisses de prévoyance; émission de chèques de voyage ou de cartes de crédit; estimations immobilières; gestion financière; gérance de biens immobiliers; services de financement; analyse financière; constitution ou investissement de capitaux; consultation en matière financière; estimations financières (assurances, banques, immobilier); placement de fonds. W WENDEL ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1233810 (320) 11/10/2014 ZHONGCE RUBBER GROUP COMPANY LIMITED No.2 10th Avenue, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou Zhejiang, Peoples Republic of China BSFD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGENCY LIMITED 701 New Land Plaza, No. 58 Fucheng Road, Haidian District 100142 Beijing (12) Tires for vehicle wheels; adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; repair outfits for inner tubes; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; bicycles; bicycle pumps; electric vehicles; trolleys; sleighs (vehicles); non-skid devices for vehicle tires. SUSTIVO ___________ 117 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1234185 (320) 17/09/2014 Celgene Corporation 86 Morris Avenue Summit, NJ 07901, U.S.A. Camille M. Miller, Cozen O'Connor, PC 1900 Market Street, IP Department Piladelphia PA 19103 (35) Business collaboration services, namely, exploring possible solutions to collaborate across disciplines to help improve health care to developing countries; business collaboration services, namely, providing information to collaborate across disciplines to help improve health care education and medical education via a computer based networking website; development of concepts, namely, business management and administrative concepts for improving health care in developing countries; conducting and administering a business plan and program for access to medicine and healthcare to developing countries. and (44) Development of concepts, namely, providing health care information for improving health care in developing countries; conducting and administering a program for access to medicine and providing healthcare to developing countries. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1234366 (320) 09/09/2014 Kestht va Sanat Golbarg Baharan Co. No. 1, Nader Alley, Ahuramazda st., East 37th st., Alvand Ave., Argentina sq. Tehran, Iran Master International Development Co. no. 9, 6th floor, 31st st., Argentina sq. Tehran (29) Meat; milk; dairy products; nuts, prepared; olive oil for food; pickles; jams; kefir (milk beverage); fish, preserved; frozen fruits; fruit jellies; fruit, preserved; fruit, dried; fruits, tinned; gherkins; dates; edible oils; eggs; tomato paste; vegetables, cooked; vegetables, dried; vegetables, tinned. and (30) Ice cream; infusions, not medicinal; macaroni; sugar; chewing gum, not for medicinal purposes; chocolate; cocoa; coffee; rice; saffron (seasoning); salt (cooking); seasonings; spices; cube sugar; vinegar. FAMILA ___________ 118 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1234913 (320) 19/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers, computer peripherals, computer software, computer operating system software. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1234938 (320) 19/12/2014 Sintetica SA Via Penate 5 CH-6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland Kemia SA Via Senago 23 CH-6915 Pambio-Noranco (5) Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; désinfectants. Daveede ___________ 119 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1234939 (320) 19/12/2014 Sintetica SA Via Penate 5 CH-6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland Kemia SA Via Senago 23 CH-6915 Pambio-Noranco (5) Produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical ou vétérinaire; compléments alimentaires pour êtres humains et animaux; désinfectants. Davidone ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1235717 (320) 01/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Application development software; computer software used in developing other software applications; computer operating system software. and (42) Computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online. (540) ___________ 120 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1236458 (320) 29/10/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder, nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1236459 (320) 21/11/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder, nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 121 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1236460 (320) 19/09/2014 Rymax B.V. Delweg 8 NL-6902 PJ Zevenaar, The Netherlands MERKENBUREAU HEEMSKERK B.V. Keizersgracht 531 NL-1017 DP Amsterdam (1) Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fertilizers; fire extinguishing; tempering and soldering preparations for metals; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tannins; adhesives used in industry. and (4) Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; products absorbing, wetting and binding dust; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks. RYMAX ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1236461 (320) 21/11/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder, nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ 122 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1236462 (320) 21/11/2014 Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue New York NY 10017, U.S.A. DLA Piper UK LLP 3 Noble Street London EC2V 7EE (3) Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrances, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic). (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1236742 (320) 06/01/2015 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 123 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1237048 (320) 17/10/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene Chong, Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; hand held computers; tablet computers; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data, electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information, sound recording and reproducing apparatus; digital format audio players, digital audio recorders; digital video recorders and players; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; audio amplifiers; audio receivers; car audio apparatus; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; optical apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; apparatus for data storage; cameras; televisions; television receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; computer software; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content, computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content via global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; computer software for personal information management; character recognition software; voice recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; data synchronization software; application development software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions; electronic apparatus with interactive functions; optical apparatus and instruments; remote control apparatus; alarms, alarm sensors, and alarm monitoring systems; smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; thermostats, monitors, sensors, and controls for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation devices and systems; electric and electronic door and window locks and latches; garage door openers; lighting controls. (540) ___________ 124 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1237229 (320) 16/10/2014 Airways Aviation S.à.r.l. 124, boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2330 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Matchmark B.V. Herengracht 122 NL-1015 BT Amsterdam (16) Publications, nommément brochures, magazines, livrets, manuels d'exploitation, livres (y compris les manuels et les livres de feuilles mobiles), manuels, brochures et matériels d'enseignement dans le domaine de l'aviation et des services de transport aérien., (39) Location d'avions et d'hélicoptères; pilotage; services de transport aérien. and (41) Instruction et formation de pilotes et d'équipages de cabine d'avions et pour les vols en hélicoptère; cours, séminaires et autres services d'enseignement dans le domaine de l'aviation et des services de transport aérien; publications électroniques en ligne dans le domaine des avions et hélicoptères, des instructions en vol, pour la formation des pilotes et équipages de cabine; organisation de tests mesurant le rendement. AIRWAYS AVIATION ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1237700 (320) 16/10/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Application development software and computer software used in developing other software applications, all for computers and mobile devices using applicant's computer operating system software. (540) ___________ 125 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1238545 (320) 30/09/2014 ACARSAN MAKARNA UN GIDA SANAYÄ° VE TÄ°CARET ANONÄ°M ŞİRKETÄ° 3 Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, 2 Nolu Cadde, No:44 BaÅŸpınar Åžehitkamil Gaziantep, Turkey DESTEK PATENT ANONÄ°M ŞİRKETÄ° LefkoÅŸe Caddesi, NM Ofis Park B Blok No:36/5, BeÅŸevler-Nilüfer TR-16110 Bursa (30) Coffee, cocoa, artificial coffee, vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes, cocoa-based beverages, coffee-based beverages; chocolate based beverages; noodles, macaroni, ravioli; bread, pastry and bakery products, namely, pies, cakes, donuts, muffins, tarts, pizzas, sandwiches, puddings, ready cake mixes, desserts, namely, bakery desserts, chocolate desserts, desserts confectionery and desserts made of flour; honey, royal jelly for human consumption, propolis for human consumption; flavorings, vanilla flavorings, sauces, tomato sauce, spices; yeast, baking powder; flour for food, semolina, starch for food; granulated sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar; teas, ice teas; confectionery, chocolates, candies, biscuits, waffles, crackers; chewing gums not for medical purposes; ice, ice creams, edible fruit ices; salt; processed cereals and cereal products; snacks made of cereals, namely, corn flakes, oatmeal; molasses syrup for food. Banetti ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1238816 (320) 16/01/2015 SOREMARTEC SA Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de Trèves L-2632 Findel, Luxembourg Becker Pascal Avocat au Barreau de Luxembourg 31, rue d'Eich L-1461 Luxembourg (29) Fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits; gelées, confitures, compotes; lait et produits laitiers; huiles et graisses comestibles, beurre de coco, lait de coco à usage culinaire, boissons à base de lait, boissons à base de produits laitiers, milk-shakes. and (30) Pâtisserie et confiserie; gaufrettes fourrées, gaufrettes enrobées, chocolat et produits à base de chocolat, pralines, glaces comestibles; boissons à base de café, boissons à base de cacao ou de chocolat, boissons à base de thé. RAFFAELLO PIACERE PURO ___________ 126 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1239007 (320) 10/10/2014 Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. Oosterdoksstraat 80 NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, The Netherlands D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753, Trademarks Group P.O. Box 1753 NL-1000 BT Amsterdam (7) Vending machines for beverages or food; temperature-controlled beverage dispensing units in the nature of vending machines; electric coffee grinders., (11) Temperaturecontrolled beverage and food dispensing units, other than vending machines; electric tea and coffee makers., (21) Coffee and tea cups; cups of paper or plastic; mugs; double wall cups; coffee and tea drinking glasses; tea services (tableware); coffee services (tableware); cream sets; serving trays; coffee grinders, hand operated; non-electric coffee makers; nonelectric coffee pots; non-electric coffee filters; coffee filters and holders thereof, not of paper, being part of non-electric coffee makers; tea infusers; tea strainers; tea pots; nonelectric tea kettles; non-electric tea makers; coffee and tea boxes (tableware); insulating flasks; flasks; drip catchers., (29) Milk and milk products; milk beverages; milk predominating drinks; milk powder; creamers for beverages; dairy and dairy substitutes., (30) Coffee; coffee in filter packing; coffee capsules; portioned coffee; instant coffee; coffee-based beverages; coffee substitutes; coffee extracts; coffee essences; coffee flavourings; tea; instant tea; tea-based beverages; tea substitutes; tea extracts; tea essences; tea flavourings; iced tea; herbal infusions, other than for medicinal use; infusions, consisting of tea, herbs, fruits, spices or flavourings or a combination of these products, other than for medical use; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; chocolate and chocolate extracts in powder, granulated and liquid form for making beverages; sugar; honey; natural sweeteners; ice-cream; ice; artificial coffee; iced coffee. and (32) Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; syrups and other preparations for making nonalcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; essences for making non-alcholic beverages; beverages containing soya. JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS ___________ 127 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1239211 (320) 31/10/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Application development software; computer software used in developing other software applications; computer operating system software; application programming interface software for use in developing applications for execution on graphic processor units. and (42) Computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1239689 (320) 18/12/2014 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 128 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1239757 (320) 05/09/2014 OPENMARK LIMITED Road Town, PO Box 3540, 19 Waterfront Drive Tortola VG 1110, Brt. Virgin Islands Iskra Ivanova Bratovanova Jakubitza Str. 7B, ground floor BG-1164 Sofia (34) Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; tobacco jars; electronic cigarettes; snuff; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches; match boxes; matches; firestones; snuff boxes; cigar cases; humidors; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes; tobacco pipes; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigar cutters; ashtrays for smokers; spittoons for tobacco users; match holders; pipe racks for tobacco pipes; cigarillos; cigars; gas containers for cigar lighters; cigarette cases; herbs for smoking; tobacco; chewing tobacco; cigarette filters; cigarette tips; cigarette paper; books of cigarette papers; cigarette holders; cigar holders; cigarettes; pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes. EXCELSIOR ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1240413 (320) 08/09/2014 Shenzhen 7th Road Technology Co., Ltd. 8-9 Matsunichi Hi-Tech Building, No. 9996, Shennan Boulevard, Nanshan District 518057 Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China Shenzhen Talent Trademark Service A, 20/F, Building B, Lvjing Square (NEO), 6009 Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City 518048 Guangdong (9) Computer game programs; electronic publications [downloadable]; computer operating programs recorded; computer software [recorded]; computer memory devices; computer programs [downloadable software]; video game cartridges; animated cartoons; network communication equipment; data processing apparatus. and (41) Game services provided online from a computer network; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; amusement parks; television entertainment; film production, other than advertising films; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; education information; production of radio and television programmes; toy rental. wartune: hall of heroes ___________ 129 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1240527 (320) 27/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason A. Cody Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments and cases therefor; horological and chronometric instruments and parts thereof; timepieces. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1240837 (320) 13/10/2014 Lohmann Animal Nutrition GmbH Joachim-Ringelnatz-Str. 7 27476 Cuxhaven, Germany HAUCK PATENT- UND RECHTSANWÄLTE Neuer Wall 50 20354 Hamburg (5) Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; algicides; amino acids for veterinary purposes; antibiotics; medicines for veterinary purposes; bacterial preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; enzyme preparations for veterinary purposes; greases for veterinary purposes; fishmeal for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; antiparasitic collars for animals; antiparasitic preparations; anticryptogamic preparations; cattle washes; vitamin preparations; vaccines; dietary supplements for animals; fodder supplements for veterinary purposes; medicated supplements for foodstuffs for animals; non-medical dietary supplements for animals; nonmedicated additives for animal feed for use as nutritional supplements; nutritional additives for animal foodstuffs, medicated additives for animal feeds; non-medicated nutritional additives for animal foodstuffs; protein for animal consumption., (31) Fishmeal (foodstuffs for animals); lime for animal forage; grains for animal consumption; meal for animals; foodstuffs for animals; poultry for breeding; live poultry; mash for fattening poultry; preparations for egg laying poultry. and (44) Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings; hygienic and beauty care for animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. Lohmann Animal Nutrition ___________ 130 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241169 (320) 11/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; computer software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. and (28) Electronic games. (540) ___________ 131 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1241212 (320) 29/10/2014 Swissgear Sàrl Haldenstrasse 5 CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland Riederer Hasler & Partner Patentanwälte AG Elestastrasse 8 CH-7310 Bad Ragaz (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué non compris dans d'autres classes; joaillerie, bijouterie, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques; horloges; parties d'horloges et de montres; fermoirs de montres; bracelets de montres; montres-bracelets; horloges et montres électroniques; bracelets; horloges de contrôle (horloges mères); appareils horaires; horlogerie, qui transfèrent des données par les sites internet et par d'autres réseaux électroniques et réseaux d'ordinateurs aux assistants numériques personnels, téléphones intelligents, ordinateurs tablettes et ordinateurs; montres bracelets qui transfèrent des données via des sites internet et par d'autres réseaux électroniques et des réseaux d'ordinateurs aux assistants numériques personnels, téléphones intelligents, ordinateurs tablettes et ordinateurs; chronoscopes; bracelets, qui transfèrent des données par les sites internet et par d'autres réseaux électroniques et réseaux d'ordinateurs aux assistants numériques personnels, téléphones intelligents, ordinateur tablette et ordinateurs; montres de sport; montres de plongée; boutons de manchettes; fixe-cravates; chronomètres à arrêt; bracelets de montres; chronographes (montres); tous les produits précités provenant de la suisse., (18) Cuir et imitations du cuir, produits en ces matières non compris dans d'autres classes; peaux d'animaux; malles et valises; parapluies et parasols; cannes; fouets et sellerie; coffres de voyage; sacs à dos; bourses; sacs à main; sacs de sport; porte-documents; serviettes d'écoliers; courroies de cuir; parapluies; habits pour animaux; sacs-housses pour vêtements pour le voyage; sacs de campeurs; trousses à maquillage vendues vides; sacs pour des boîtes de victuailles; coffrets destinés à contenir des articles de toilette dits "vanity cases"; sacs pour des articles de bébés; portefeuilles porte-cartes de crédit en cuir; sacoches à outils vides; housses de selles pour chevaux; articles de sellerie; tous les produits précités provenant de la suisse. and (21) Ustensiles et récipients pour le ménage ou la cuisine; peignes et éponges; brosses (à l'exception des pinceaux); matériaux pour la brosserie; matériel de nettoyage; paille de fer; verre brut ou mi-ouvré (à l'exception du verre de construction); verrerie, porcelaine et faïence non comprises dans d'autres classes; tasses; ouvre-bouteilles; cuisinières à café; brosses de sucette; woks; ustensiles de cuisson non électriques; casseroles; pots avec des couches anti-adhérentes; appareils à extraire le jus des fruits; services à café; bouteilles pour des voyageurs; vaisselle; appareils électriques pour l'extermination des insectes; pièges à mouches (électriques); brosses pour les cils; ustensiles cosmétiques; sacs isothermes portatifs et glacières portatives, (non électriques); seringues pour l'arrosage des fleurs et des plantes; gants de ménage; gants de jardinage; aquariums d'appartement; bouteilles isolantes permettant de garder des boissons chaudes; tous les produits précités provenant de la suisse. SWISSGEAR ___________ 132 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241273 (320) 07/01/2015 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241274 (320) 06/01/2015 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) 6, Faubourg du Lac CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe; joaillerie, bijouterie, coffrets à bijoux, écrins, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et instruments chronométriques, chaînes de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 133 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241607 (320) 07/10/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for organizing, storing, providing access to, redeeming, scanning, sharing, and providing information about goods, services, discounts, tickets, boarding passes, coupons, consumer loyalty programs, and gift cards concerning a wide range of consumer products, services, and cultural, sporting and entertainment events; computer software for promoting the goods, services and providing information of others over a global communications network in any format, namely, handheld digital mobile communications devices; computer software for downloading and storing vouchers and tickets for admission to sporting, cultural and entertainment events; data synchronization software; computer software for capturing, managing, and storing credit card and debit card information; computer software to facilitate electronic payments through the use of biometric technology. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241737 (320) 15/12/2014 FERRERO S.P.A. Piazzale Pietro Ferrero, 1 I-12051 ALBA (CN), Italy JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.p.A. Corso Emilia, 8 I-10152 Torino (30) Pastries and confectionery; wafers filled and/or coated with chocolates; cocoa and cocoa-based products; chocolate and chocolate based products; stuffed snacks; cocoa-based beverages and chocolate-based beverages; ice cream. (540) ___________ 134 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1241940 (320) 31/10/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software; computer software for use in accessing, retrieving, downloading, backing up, managing, organizing, and synchronizing data, email, documents, images, audio, video, multimedia content, electronic publications, computer files and other computer software; database synchronization software. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1242222 (320) 15/12/2014 KSB Aktiengesellschaft Johann-Klein-Str. 9 67227 Frankenthal, Germany KSB Aktiengesellschaft Johann-Klein-Str. 9 67227 Frankenthal (7) Generating plants; turbines for power generation; machines and devices for energy generation, energy saving and energy recovery; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; turbine shafts (parts of machines); turbine blades for power generation; emergency power supply generators; hydraulic turbines; installations for ecological power generation., (11) Installations for heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilating, steam generating, water supply and water treatment purposes, the aforesaid goods being operated with renewable energy; taps for the control of water flow; draught accelerators; installations for sanitary purposes; purification installations for sewage; regulating apparatus for water apparatus. and (40) Energy production; rental, leasing and/or providing of parts and components for the operation of installations for generating or converting energy. (540) ___________ 135 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1242631 (320) 17/09/2014 INNJOO TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Room 508-509, 523B-533, No.8 Building, Area A, Bao An Internet Industry Base, Baoyuan Road, Bao An District Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China Chofn Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. No. 123, Cao Shi Street, 16F, Shi Dai Feng Shang Building 610017 Chengdu (9) Keyboard cover; calculating machines; data processing apparatus; computer memory devices; computers; computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer keyboards; computer operating programs, recorded; computer peripheral devices; computer software, recorded; couplers [data processing equipment]; electronic pens [visual display units]; mouse [computer peripheral]; notebook computers; pocket calculators; computer programs [downloadable software]; mouse pads; wrist rests for use with computers; computer game software; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic; USB flash drives; laptop computers; bags adapted for laptops; sleeves for laptops; computer software applications, downloadable; tablet computers; pedometers; counters; time recording apparatus; electronic agendas; optical communication device; network communication device; radios; intercommunication apparatus; navigational instruments; video telephones; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; portable telephones; global positioning system [GPS] apparatus; cell phone straps; smartphones; earphones; learning machines; electronic teaching and learning machines; audio books; cabinets for loudspeakers; loudspeakers; megaphones; microphones; television apparatus; video recorders; horns for loudspeakers; camcorders; headphones; portable media players; digital photo frames; eyeglasses; chargers for electric batteries; batteries, electric; accumulators, electric. and (42) Technical research; research and development of new products for others; industrial design; packaging design; computer software design; updating of computer software; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; information technology [IT] consultancy; providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site; cloud computing. InnJoo ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1243424 (320) 20/11/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software, namely, computer software for creating, authoring, editing, and displaying text; electronic mail and messaging software. (540) ___________ 136 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1244105 (320) 27/01/2015 SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) Faubourg du Lac 6 CH-2501 Biel/Bienne (9) Appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques, disques acoustiques; disques compacts, DVD et autres supports d'enregistrement numériques; appareils permettant de passer des fichiers son comprimés (MP3); machines à calculer et équipement pour le traitement d'informations, logiciels; jeux pour téléphones portables, pour ordinateurs et pour baladeurs numériques; logiciels de jeu électronique pour téléphones portables, pour ordinateurs et pour baladeurs numériques; ordinateurs, ordinateurs portables, ordinateurs de poche, ordinateurs mobiles, ordinateurs personnels, ordinateurs à porter au poignet, tablettes électroniques et dispositifs informatiques et mobiles, baladeurs numériques, téléphones portables et téléphones portables évolués disposant de fonctionnalités élargies (smart phones); appareils et instruments de télécommunication; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son ou des images, notamment téléphones portables et téléphones portables évolués disposant de fonctionnalités élargies (smart phones); appareils électroniques de poche pour l'accès à Internet et l'envoi, la réception, l'enregistrement et le stockage de messages courts, de messages électroniques, d'appels téléphoniques, de fax, de vidéoconférences, d'images, de sons, de musique, de texte et autres données numériques; appareils électroniques de poche pour la réception, le stockage et la transmission sans fil de données ou de messages; appareils électroniques de poche pour suivre ou organiser des informations personnelles; appareils électroniques de poche pour le repérage universel [GPS] et l'affichage de cartes géographiques et d'informations de transport; appareils électroniques de poche pour la détection, le stockage, le suivi, la surveillance et la transmission de données relatives à l'activité de l'utilisateur, à savoir la position, l'itinéraire, la distance parcourue, le rythme cardiaque; housses pour les ordinateurs, téléphones mobiles et portables; appareils et instruments optiques notamment lunettes, lunettes de soleil, loupes; étuis à lunettes, à lunettes de soleil et à loupes; batteries et piles pour ordinateurs et appareils électroniques, batteries et piles pour l'horlogerie et les instruments chronométriques. and (14) Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et produits en ces matières ou en plaqué compris dans cette classe à savoir figurines, trophées; bijouterie et joaillerie à savoir bagues, boucles d'oreilles, boutons de manchettes, bracelets, breloques, broches, chaînes, colliers, épingles de cravate, fixe-cravates, coffrets à bijoux, écrins; pierres précieuses, pierres semi-précieuses (pierres fines); horlogerie et instruments chronométriques à savoir chronomètres, chronographes, horloges, montres, montres, bracelets, pendules, réveille-matins ainsi que parties et accessoires pour les produits précités à savoir aiguilles, ancres, balanciers, barillets, boîtiers de montres, bracelets de montres, cadrans de montres, cadratures, chaînes de montres, mouvements d'horlogerie, ressorts de montres, verres de montres, écrins pour l'horlogerie, étuis pour l'horlogerie. (540) ___________ 137 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1244459 (320) 10/11/2014 Nissan Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Nissan Motor Co., LTD.) No.2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken 221-8623, Japan KUBOTA Eiichiro, Hogan Lovells Horitsu Jimusho Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo 15th Floor Daido Seimei Kasumigaseki Building, 1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0013 (12) Non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including "their parts"); shafts, axles or spindles [for land vehicles]; bearings [for land vehicles]; shaft couplings or connectors [for land vehicles]; transmissions, for land vehicles; shock absorbers [for land vehicles]; springs [for land vehicles]; brakes [for land vehicles]; AC motors or DC motors for land vehicles (not including "their parts"); automobiles and their parts and fittings; electric automobiles and their parts and fittings; fuel cell automobiles and their parts and fittings. KICKS ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1245693 (320) 02/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (42) Electronic storage of data; electronic storage of data, text, images, audio, and video; storage services for archiving, sharing and the synchronization of electronic data. (540) ___________ 138 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1247038 (320) 15/10/2014 Intel Corporation 2200 Mission College Boulevard Santa Clara CA 950528119, U.S.A. Katherine M. Basile Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP 21771 Stevens Creek Blvd., First Floor Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software; computer software for use in securing data, networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; computer software for enabling the secure access, control, viewing, and utilizing of data via personal computing devices and networks; biometric identification and authentication software; computer software for management of usernames and passwords; identification and authentication security software for personal computing devices, computers, mobile devices, and communication networks; geo location software; global positioning software; voice recognition software; facial recognition software; gesture recognition software; fingerprint recognition software; retinal recognition software; device recognition software., (42) Providing non-downloadable and cloud based software to enhance security of data and information on networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; providing non-downloadable and cloud based software to enhance security of identity and personal information on networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; providing authenticated and secure content to others on a network; providing non-downloadable and cloud based biometric identification and authentication software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based voice recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based facial recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based gesture recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based fingerprint recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based retinal recognition software; providing nondownloadable and cloud based device recognition software; computer data encryption and proxy services for use in securing, monitoring, authenticating and identifying individuals; data encryption and decoding services. and (45) Identification verification services; user authentication services; username and password management services; identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information; identity verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information via secure storage and transmitting such information via the Internet; providing authentication, issuance, validation and revocation of digital certificates; analyzing and reporting services related to user identification and authorization data. (540) ___________ 139 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1247502 (320) 17/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (36) Providing, transmitting, processing, facilitating, verifying, and authenticating mobile payments, and contactless transactions with retailers, merchants, and vendors via mobile devices; providing electronic access to credit and debit card information; processing and administration of mobile payments and contactless transactions with retailers, merchants, and vendors via mobile devices. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1247510 (320) 19/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for use in connection with mobile payments; computer software for use in contactless transactions with retailers, merchants, and vendors via mobile devices; computer software for transmitting, processing, facilitating, verifying, and authenticating credit and debit card information and transaction and payment information; computer software for ensuring the security of mobile payments, of contactless transactions with retailers, merchants and vendors via mobile devices, and of credit and debit card information; computer software for the storage, transmission, verification, and authentication of credit and debit card and other payment and transaction information; computer software for use in connection with the electronic storage, transmission, presentation, verification, authentication, and redemption of coupons, rebates, discounts, incentives, and special offers; computer software for use in connection with consumer loyalty programs and loyalty cards. Pay ___________ 140 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1247622 (320) 20/01/2015 Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 2/F, Building 2, Coolpad Cyber Harbor, Hi-Tech Industrial Park (North), Nanshan District Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China Unitalen Attorneys at Law 7th Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave. 100004 Beijing (9) Data processing apparatus; computer software applications, downloadable; smartphones; portable telephones; video telephones; modems; headphones; cameras [photography]; chips [integrated circuits]; batteries, electric. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1247825 (320) 17/12/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for use in connection with mobile payments; computer software for use in contactless transactions with retailers, merchants, and vendors via mobile devices; computer software for transmitting, processing, facilitating, verifying, and authenticating credit and debit card information and transaction and payment information; computer software for ensuring the security of mobile payments, of contactless transactions with retailers, merchants and vendors via mobile devices, and of credit and debit card information; computer software for the storage, transmission, verification, and authentication of credit and debit card and other payment and transaction information; computer software for use in connection with the electronic storage, transmission, presentation, verification, authentication, and redemption of coupons, rebates, discounts, incentives, and special offers; computer software for use in connection with consumer loyalty programs and loyalty cards. (540) ___________ 141 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1248333 (320) 13/11/2014 SIGMA-TAU INDUSTRIE FARMACEUTICHE RIUNITE S.p.A. Viale Shakespeare, 47 I-00144 ROMA, Italy CON LOR SPA Via Renato Fucini, 5 I-20133 MILANO (5) Tanning pills; dental abrasives; acaricides; fly catching paper; acetates for pharmaceutical purposes; aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; gallic acid for pharmaceutical purposes; aconitine; sea water for medicinal bathing; melissa water for pharmaceutical purposes; lead water; mineral waters for medical purposes; thermal water; nutritional supplements; adhesives for dentures; alkaloids for medical purposes; medicinal alcohol; alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes; formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes; aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; algicides; alginates for pharmaceutical purposes; albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; food for babies; dental amalgams; dental amalgams of gold; starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes; amino acids for medical purposes; amino acids for veterinary purposes; analgesics; anti-rheumatism rings; corn rings for the feet; anaesthetics; antibiotics; antioxidant pills; antiseptics; articles for headache; dressings, medical; sanitary towels; sanitary pads; styptic preparations; oxygen baths; vaginal washes; balms for medical purposes; frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes; gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] balsam for medical purposes; fumigating sticks; stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; bandages for dressings; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; bicarbonate of soda for pharmaceutical purposes; biocides; medicine cases, portable, filled; anti-rheumatism bracelets; bracelets for medical purposes; media for bacteriological cultures; bromine for pharmaceutical purposes; corn remedies; sedatives; calomel; camphor for medical purposes; capsules for medicines; candy, medicated; charcoal for pharmaceutical purposes; carbolineum [parasiticide]; fly glue; mothproofing paper; paper for mustard plasters; reagent paper for medical or veterinary purposes; first-aid boxes, filled; poultices; rubber for dental purposes; caustics for pharmaceutical purposes; stem cells for medical purposes; stem cells for veterinary purposes; dental cements; cement for animal hooves; bone cement for surgical and orthopaedic purposes; molding wax for dentists; adhesive plasters; quinquina for medical purposes; quinine for medical purposes; chinoline for medical purposes; belts for sanitary napkins [towels]; chloroform; adjuvants for medical purposes; cocaine; antiparasitic collars for animals; surgical glues; collyrium; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; biological tissue cultures for medical purposes; biological tissue cultures for veterinary purposes; albumin dietary supplements; dietary supplements for animals; compresses; cachets for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical conductors for electrocardiograph electrodes; chemical contraceptives; barks for pharmaceutical purposes; mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes; antiseptic cotton; aseptic cotton; cotton for medical purposes; cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for pharmaceutical purposes; curare; bunion pads; breast-nursing pads; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; air deodorising preparations; deodorants for clothing and textiles; depuratives; detergents for medical purposes; diastase for medical purposes; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; digitalin; disinfectants; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; disinfectants for chemical toilets; drugs for medical purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations]; hematogen; hemoglobin; enzymes for medical purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; smoking herbs for medical purposes; medicinal herbs; herbicides; dill oil for medical purposes; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; balsamic preparations for medical purposes; siccatives [drying agents] for medical purposes; cellulose esters for pharmaceutical purposes; esters for 142 pharmaceutical purposes; extracts of hops for pharmaceutical purposes; tobacco extracts [insecticides]; cellulose ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes; eucalyptus for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal mud; mud for baths; linseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes; fish meal for pharmaceutical purposes; lacteal flour for babies; flour for pharmaceutical purposes; appetite suppressants for medical purposes; febrifuges; phenol for pharmaceutical purposes; milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; dietary fiber; fennel for medical purposes; flowers of sulfur for pharmaceutical purposes; phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes; fungicides; gauze for dressings; lint for medical purposes; gases for medical purposes; petroleum jelly for medical purposes; gelatine for medical purposes; gentian for pharmaceutical purposes; germicides; jalap; glycerine for medical purposes; glycerophosphates; glucose for medical purposes; gamboge for medical purposes; chewing gum for medical purposes; gum for medical purposes; greases for medical purposes; greases for veterinary purposes; milking grease; guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes; hydrastine; hydrastinine; hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical purposes; surgical implants [living tissues]; insect repellent incense; medicinal infusions; insecticides; insect repellents; alginate dietary supplements; casein dietary supplements; enzyme dietary supplements; wheat germ dietary supplements; glucose dietary supplements; lecithin dietary supplements; yeast dietary supplements; linseed oil dietary supplements; royal jelly dietary supplements; pollen dietary supplements; propolis dietary supplements; protein dietary supplements; mineral food supplements; protein supplements for animals; iodine for pharmaceutical purposes; iodoform; alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; isotopes for medical purposes; dental lacquer; purgatives; milk of almonds for pharmaceutical purposes; malted milk beverages for medical purposes; lecithin for medical purposes; alloys of precious metals for dental purposes; cedar wood for use as an insect repellent; yeast for pharmaceutical purposes; liniments; liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; dog lotions; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; personal sexual lubricants; lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes; magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes; malt for pharmaceutical purposes; eyepatches for medical purposes; dental mastics; dental impression materials; teeth filling material; wart pencils; caustic pencils; headache pencils; hemostatic pencils; medicines for human purposes; medicines for dental purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; serotherapeutic medicines; mint for pharmaceutical purposes; menthol; moleskin for medical purposes; fly destroying preparations; mustard for pharmaceutical purposes; irish moss for medical purposes; pants, absorbent, for incontinents; sanitary panties; narcotics; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; nervines; medicinal oils; camphor oil for medical purposes; cod liver oil; mustard oil for medical purposes; castor oil for medical purposes; opodeldoc; opiates; opium; hormones for medical purposes; oxygen for medical purposes; absorbent cotton; wadding for medical purposes; diabetic bread adapted for medical use; babies' napkin-pants [diaper-pants]; napkins for incontinents; diapers for pets; diapers [babies' napkins]; royal jelly for pharmaceutical purposes; parasiticides; jujube, medicated; pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes; pectin for pharmaceutical purposes; pepsins for pharmaceutical purposes; peptones for pharmaceutical purposes; hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes; pesticides; appetite suppressant pills; slimming pills; blood plasma; powder of cantharides; pearl powder for medical purposes; pyrethrum powder; pomades for medical purposes; porcelain for dental prostheses; medicinal drinks; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for the diagnosis of pregnancy; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; aloe vera preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations of trace elements for human and animal use; enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzyme preparations for veterinary purposes; medicinal hair growth preparations; bronchodilating preparations; bath 143 preparations for medical purposes; contact lens cleaning preparations; eye-washes; douching preparations for medical purposes; albuminous preparations for medical purposes; bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for medical and veterinary use; bismuth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; vitamin preparations; medical preparations for slimming purposes; preparations to facilitate teething; therapeutic preparations for the bath; preparations of lime for pharmaceutical purposes; anticryptogamic preparations; hemorrhoid preparations; antiparasitic preparations; sunburn ointments; mothproofing preparations; anti-uric preparations; biological preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations to treat wheat blight [smut]; chemical preparations for treating phylloxera; chemical preparations to treat mildew; vine disease treating chemicals; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; sunburn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations for destroying dry rot fungus; chilblain preparations; preparations for callouses; preparations for the treatment of burns; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; opotherapy preparations; vermin destroying preparations; preparations for destroying mice; larvae exterminating preparations; slug exterminating preparations; fumigation preparations for medical purposes; mouthwashes for medical purposes; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; preparations for destroying noxious animals; air purifying preparations; preparations for reducing sexual activity; sterilising preparations; animal washes; dog washes; cattle washes; radioactive substances for medical purposes; soil-sterilising preparations; veterinary preparations; propolis for pharmaceutical purposes; panty liners [sanitary]; quassia for medical purposes; quebracho for medical purposes; rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal roots; radium for medical purposes; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; repellents for dogs; by-products of the processing of cereals for dietetic or medical purposes; tonics [medicines]; medicines for alleviating constipation; remedies for perspiration; remedies for foot perspiration; mineral water salts; potassium salts for medical purposes; sodium salts for medical purposes; smelling salts; salts for mineral water baths; bath salts for medical purposes; salts for medical purposes; sarsaparilla for medical purposes; blood for medical purposes; leeches for medical purposes; scapulars for surgical purposes; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; angostura bark for medical purposes; condurango bark for medical purposes; croton bark; myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes; ergot for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed dietary supplements; linseed for pharmaceutical purposes; mustard plasters; serums; tobacco-free cigarettes for medical purposes; solutions for contact lenses; solvents for removing adhesive plasters; soporifics; radiological contrast substances for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; nutritive substances for microorganisms; bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical purposes; semen for artificial insemination; cooling sprays for medical purposes; vulnerary sponges; steroids; surgical dressings; sulfur sticks [disinfectants]; strychnine; sulfonamides [medicines]; suppositories; sanitary tampons; tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; asthmatic tea; medicinal tea; surgical cloth [tissues]; thymol for pharmaceutical purposes; tincture of iodine; tinctures for medical purposes; herbal teas for medicinal purposes; rat poison; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; cachou for pharmaceutical purposes; mercurial ointments; ointments for pharmaceutical purposes; vaccines; poisons; bacterial poisons; vermifuges; vesicants; candy for medical purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; sugar for medical purposes. (540) ___________ 144 145 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1249351 (320) 12/11/2014 CADIER Joel Serre des Aurices F-26110 LE POET, France LAVAL-AUBERT Emmanuelle (Avocat) 73 rue de Caumartin F-75009 Paris (35) Aide à la direction des affaires, conseils en direction et organisation des affaires, consultations professionnelles d'affaires, consultations pour la direction des affaires, expertises en affaires, informations d'affaires, investigations et recherches pour affaires, renseignements d'affaires, comptabilité, audits internes et externes, recherches pour affaires, mise à disposition d'informations commerciales et d'affaires, analyse des coûts et services de conseils y afférents; assistance et conseils en gestion d'entreprise; services de conseils en secrétariat, efficacité commerciale et marketing; services de gestion, sélection et recrutement de personnel, services de réinsertion professionnelle; services de conseils dans le domaine des affaires en matière de fusions, acquisitions, franchisage; services de conseils en gestion des affaires, y compris gestion d'entreprises, planification organisationnelle et développement, conseils en projets, gestion des risques d'entreprise, gestion de procédés; fourniture de conseils commerciaux liés aux ventes et acquisitions d'entreprises, introductions en bourse d'entreprises et enquêtes d'entreprises; publicité; organisation de travaux de bureau; recherches et études de marchés; fourniture d'informations en ligne dans le domaine de la gestion d'entreprises et de l'administration d'entreprises; fourniture de services de renseignements commerciaux; services commerciaux en matière de mise en place de coentreprises; compilation d'informations dans des bases de données informatiques., (36) Affaires bancaires; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; analyse financière; consultation en matière financière; constitution de capitaux; investissement de capitaux; cote en bourse; courtage en bourse; opérations de compensation [change]; estimations financières [banques]; constitution de fonds; placement de fonds; opérations financières; opérations monétaires; prêt [finances]; transactions financières; transfert électronique de fonds; gérance de portefeuilles de valeurs mobilières; services de conseils en matière de contrôle de crédit et de débit, d'investissements, de subventions et de financement de prêts; conseils fiscaux; gestion immobilière et de propriétés; financement de biens immobiliers et de projets de développement immobilier; services financiers; services de conseils et d'assistance en matière financière et fiscale; services de financement de sociétés, à savoir conseils financiers, évaluation financière et consultation financière; actuariat; services de gestion des risques financiers; agences de recouvrement de créances; expertise fiscale; affaires monétaires; fourniture d'informations en ligne dans le domaine des affaires financières, monétaires et immobilières; services bancaires; cotations boursières; financement d'entreprises; liquidation de sociétés; services de conseils financiers, à savoir planification, informations et assistance en matière d'impôts et de fiscalité; assistance en matière fiscale; services en matière d'insolvabilité commerciale. and (41) Education et formation en matière d'entreprises, finance, gestion et fiscalité; publication de textes en matière d'entreprises, fiscalité, finance et gestion; organisation de conférences, séminaires, symposiums et réunions en matière d'entreprises, fiscalité, finance et gestion; traduction d'actes, d'instruments juridiques et de documents juridiques. KeysFinance Partners ___________ 146 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1249554 (320) 16/09/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; computer software; computer and electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. and (28) Electronic games. WATCH ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1249561 (320) 25/11/2014 SSANGYONG MOTOR COMPANY 455-12(Chilgoe-dong), Dongsak-ro, Pyeongtaek-si Gyeonggi-do, Rep.of Korea CHO, Chul Hyun, (OORI Patent & Law Office) OORI Patent & Law Office, 13F. Yeosam Bldg., 123, Teheran-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul (12) Sports utility vehicles; passenger cars [automobiles]; vans [vehicles]; pick-up trucks; multi-purpose vehicles; motor buses; trailers [vehicles]; tractors; trucks; racing cars; automobile wheels; motorcycles; bicycles; structural parts and fittings for automobiles. LUVi ___________ 147 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1250004 (320) 10/12/2014 Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyou "ARGM" Leninskii prospect, 4, 1A RU-119049 Moscow, Russian Federation Kovalenko T.N. Krivorozhskaya street, 23-1-41 RU-117638 Moscow (16) Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; fountain pens; aquarelles; albums; almanacs; document laminators for office use; mimeograph apparatus and machines; atlases; posters; paper bows; table linen of paper; tickets; forms, printed; announcement cards [stationery]; note books; pads [stationery]; drawing pads; loose-leaf binders; wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; pamphlets; booklets; paper sheets [stationery]; waxed paper; paper for recording machines; paper for radiograms; electrocardiograph paper; drawer liners of paper, perfumed or not; wood pulp paper; carbon paper; copying paper [stationery]; parchment paper; writing paper; luminous paper; Xuan paper for Chinese painting and calligraphy; toilet paper; wrapping paper; filter paper; paper; blotters; newsletters; rollers for typewriters; house painters' rollers; obliterating stamps; modelling wax, not for dental purposes; signboards of paper or cardboard; patterns for making clothes; patterns for dressmaking; newspapers; electrotypes; hectographs; modelling clay; terrestrial globes; drawing sets; slate pencils; pencil leads; document holders [stationery]; pencil holders; chalk holders; holders for checkbooks [cheque books]; holders for stamps [seals]; diagrams; engraving plates; writing slates; blackboards; galley racks [printing]; drawing boards; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; duplicators; punches [office requisites]; cream containers of paper; magazines [periodicals]; money clips; tags for index cards; pen clips; bookmarkers; etching needles; tracing needles for drawing purposes; periodicals; printed publications; cardboard articles; paper shredders for office use; graphic representations; credit card imprinters, non-electric; graining combs; drawing instruments; calendars; tracing paper; tracing cloth; tracing patterns; gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; lithographic stones; ink stones [ink reservoirs]; pencils; pencil lead holders; charcoal pencils; pictures; decalcomanias; paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; wood pulp board [stationery]; cardboard; hat boxes of cardboard; files [office requisites]; cards; index cards [stationery]; geographical maps; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; trading cards other than for games; perforated cards for Jacquard looms; catalogues; spools for inking ribbons; covers of paper for flower pots; paintbrushes; painters' brushes; writing brushes; typewriter keys; glue for stationery or household purposes; isinglass for stationery or household purposes; gluten [glue] for stationery or household purposes; starch paste [adhesive] for stationery or household purposes; books; manifolds [stationery]; comic books; drawing pins; cigar bands; envelopes [stationery]; cases for stamps [seals]; boxes of cardboard or paper; paint boxes [articles for use in school]; correcting fluids [office requisites]; stencils [stationery]; French curves; paper ribbons; typewriter ribbons; gummed tape [stationery]; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; correcting tapes [office requisites]; inking ribbons; inking ribbons for computer printers; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; drawing rulers; square rulers; absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; viscose sheets for wrapping; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; steel letters; type [numerals and letters]; lithographs; paint trays; architects' models; postage 148 (540) stamps; plastics for modelling; graphic prints; modelling materials; teaching materials [except apparatus]; sealing compounds for stationery purposes; adhesives [glues] for stationery or household purposes; packaging material made of starches; filtering materials [paper]; addressing machines; pencil sharpening machines, electric or non-electric; bookbinding apparatus and machines [office equipment]; typewriters, electric or nonelectric; folders [stationery]; franking machines for office use; chalk for lithography; writing chalk; tailors' chalk; marking chalk; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; garbage bags of paper or of plastics; painters' easels; hand-rests for painters; printing sets, portable [office requisites]; bibs of paper; stickers [stationery]; finger-stalls [office requisites]; cords for bookbinding; paper knives [cutters] [office requisites]; numbering apparatus; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; sealing wafers; covers [stationery]; passport holders; plastic cling film, extensible, for palletization; embroidery designs [patterns]; handwriting specimens for copying; oleographs; musical greeting cards; greeting cards; postcards; etchings; conical paper bags; bags for microwave cooking; palettes for painters; ink sticks; pantographs [drawing instruments]; folders for papers; papier mâché; pastels [crayons]; modelling paste; pen cases; bookbindings; pen wipers; office perforators; pens [office requisites]; nibs of gold; nibs; steel pens; drawing pens; song books; seals [stamps]; sealing stamps; clipboards; address plates for addressing machines; handkerchiefs of paper; plastic film for wrapping; letter trays; trays for sorting and counting money; coasters of paper; bookends; stamp stands; mats for beer glasses; stands for pens and pencils; photograph stands; inking pads; stamp pads; binding strips [bookbinding]; towels of paper; inking sheets for document reproducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; bookbinding cloth; gummed cloth for stationery purposes; printers' blankets, not of textile; portraits; paperweights; writing cases [sets]; inkstands; office requisites, except furniture; writing materials; writing instruments; drawing materials; school supplies [stationery]; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; hand labelling appliances; lithographic works of art; prospectuses; printed timetables; ledgers [books]; printers' reglets; indexes; rubber erasers; elastic bands for offices; drawing T-squares; graphic reproductions; penholders; marking pens [stationery]; tissues of paper for removing make-up; face towels of paper; table napkins of paper; place mats of paper; tablemats of paper; tablecloths of paper; paper clasps; document files [stationery]; scrapers [erasers] for offices; paper-clips; staples for offices; erasing products; transparencies [stationery]; stencil plates; cardboard tubes; Indian inks; moisteners [office requisites]; moisteners for gummed surfaces [office requisites]; drawing squares; chart pointers, non-electronic; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; envelope sealing machines, for offices; sealing machines for offices; vignetting apparatus; apparatus for mounting photographs; stapling presses [office requisites]; manuals [handbooks]; figurines [statuettes] of papier mâché; paper coffee filters; flags of paper; flyers; silver paper; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; photo-engravings; photographs [printed]; stencil cases; canvas for painting; chromolithographs [chromos]; compasses for drawing; numbers [type]; watercolor [watercolour] saucers for artists; correcting ink [heliography]; ink; inkwells; blueprints; rosaries; stencils; erasing shields; balls for ball-point pens; cabinets for stationery [office requisites]; printing type; address stamps; stamps [seals]; shields [paper seals]; prints [engravings]; labels, not of textile. International scientific & technical journal OIL & GAS FIELD ENGINEERING ___________ 149 150 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1250037 (320) 10/12/2014 Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyou "ARGM" Leninskii prospect, 4, 1A RU-119049 Moscow, Russian Federation Kovalenko T.N. Krivorozhskaya street, 23-1-41 RU-117638 Moscow (16) Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; fountain pens; aquarelles; albums; almanacs; document laminators for office use; mimeograph apparatus and machines; atlases; posters; paper bows; table linen of paper; tickets; forms, printed; announcement cards [stationery]; note books; pads [stationery]; drawing pads; loose-leaf binders; wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; pamphlets; booklets; paper sheets [stationery]; waxed paper; paper for recording machines; paper for radiograms; electrocardiograph paper; drawer liners of paper, perfumed or not; wood pulp paper; carbon paper; copying paper [stationery]; parchment paper; writing paper; luminous paper; Xuan paper for Chinese painting and calligraphy; toilet paper; wrapping paper; filter paper; paper; blotters; newsletters; rollers for typewriters; house painters' rollers; obliterating stamps; modelling wax, not for dental purposes; signboards of paper or cardboard; patterns for making clothes; patterns for dressmaking; newspapers; electrotypes; hectographs; modelling clay; terrestrial globes; drawing sets; slate pencils; pencil leads; document holders [stationery]; pencil holders; chalk holders; holders for checkbooks [cheque books]; holders for stamps [seals]; diagrams; engraving plates; writing slates; blackboards; galley racks [printing]; drawing boards; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; duplicators; punches [office requisites]; cream containers of paper; magazines [periodicals]; money clips; tags for index cards; pen clips; bookmarkers; etching needles; tracing needles for drawing purposes; periodicals; printed publications; cardboard articles; paper shredders for office use; graphic representations; credit card imprinters, non-electric; graining combs; drawing instruments; calendars; tracing paper; tracing cloth; tracing patterns; gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; lithographic stones; ink stones [ink reservoirs]; pencils; pencil lead holders; charcoal pencils; pictures; decalcomanias; paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; wood pulp board [stationery]; cardboard; hat boxes of cardboard; files [office requisites]; cards; index cards [stationery]; geographical maps; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; trading cards other than for games; perforated cards for Jacquard looms; catalogues; spools for inking ribbons; covers of paper for flower pots; paintbrushes; painters' brushes; writing brushes; typewriter keys; glue for stationery or household purposes; isinglass for stationery or household purposes; gluten [glue] for stationery or household purposes; starch paste [adhesive] for stationery or household purposes; books; manifolds [stationery]; comic books; drawing pins; cigar bands; envelopes [stationery]; cases for stamps [seals]; boxes of cardboard or paper; paint boxes [articles for use in school]; correcting fluids [office requisites]; stencils [stationery]; French curves; paper ribbons; typewriter ribbons; gummed tape [stationery]; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; correcting tapes [office requisites]; inking ribbons; inking ribbons for computer printers; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; drawing rulers; square rulers; absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; viscose sheets for wrapping; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; steel letters; type [numerals and letters]; lithographs; paint trays; architects' models; postage 151 stamps; plastics for modelling; graphic prints; modelling materials; teaching materials [except apparatus]; sealing compounds for stationery purposes; adhesives [glues] for stationery or household purposes; packaging material made of starches; filtering materials [paper]; addressing machines; pencil sharpening machines, electric or non-electric; bookbinding apparatus and machines [office equipment]; typewriters, electric or nonelectric; folders [stationery]; franking machines for office use; chalk for lithography; writing chalk; tailors' chalk; marking chalk; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; garbage bags of paper or of plastics; painters' easels; hand-rests for painters; printing sets, portable [office requisites]; bibs of paper; stickers [stationery]; finger-stalls [office requisites]; cords for bookbinding; paper knives [cutters] [office requisites]; numbering apparatus; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; sealing wafers; covers [stationery]; passport holders; plastic cling film, extensible, for palletization; embroidery designs [patterns]; handwriting specimens for copying; oleographs; musical greeting cards; greeting cards; postcards; etchings; conical paper bags; bags for microwave cooking; palettes for painters; ink sticks; pantographs [drawing instruments]; folders for papers; papier mâché; pastels [crayons]; modelling paste; pen cases; bookbindings; pen wipers; office perforators; pens [office requisites]; nibs of gold; nibs; steel pens; drawing pens; song books; seals [stamps]; sealing stamps; clipboards; address plates for addressing machines; handkerchiefs of paper; plastic film for wrapping; letter trays; trays for sorting and counting money; coasters of paper; bookends; stamp stands; mats for beer glasses; stands for pens and pencils; photograph stands; inking pads; stamp pads; binding strips [bookbinding]; towels of paper; inking sheets for document reproducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; bookbinding cloth; gummed cloth for stationery purposes; printers' blankets, not of textile; portraits; paperweights; writing cases [sets]; inkstands; office requisites, except furniture; writing materials; writing instruments; drawing materials; school supplies [stationery]; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; hand labelling appliances; lithographic works of art; prospectuses; printed timetables; ledgers [books]; printers' reglets; indexes; rubber erasers; elastic bands for offices; drawing T-squares; graphic reproductions; penholders; marking pens [stationery]; tissues of paper for removing make-up; face towels of paper; table napkins of paper; place mats of paper; tablemats of paper; tablecloths of paper; paper clasps; document files [stationery]; scrapers [erasers] for offices; paper-clips; staples for offices; erasing products; transparencies [stationery]; stencil plates; cardboard tubes; Indian inks; moisteners [office requisites]; moisteners for gummed surfaces [office requisites]; drawing squares; chart pointers, non-electronic; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; envelope sealing machines, for offices; sealing machines for offices; vignetting apparatus; apparatus for mounting photographs; stapling presses [office requisites]; manuals [handbooks]; figurines [statuettes] of papier mâché; paper coffee filters; flags of paper; flyers; silver paper; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; photo-engravings; photographs [printed]; stencil cases; canvas for painting; chromolithographs [chromos]; compasses for drawing; numbers [type]; watercolor [watercolour] saucers for artists; correcting ink [heliography]; ink; inkwells; blueprints; rosaries; stencils; erasing shields; balls for ball-point pens; cabinets for stationery [office requisites]; printing type; address stamps; stamps [seals]; shields [paper seals]; prints [engravings]; labels, not of textile. (540) ___________ 152 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1250104 (320) 27/10/2014 Packom Sweets, LLC 15 Corporate Drive Wayne NJ 07470, U.S.A. Royal W. Craig, Ober, Kaler, Grimes & Shriver, A Professional Corp 100 Light Street Baltimore MD 21202 (5) Vitamin preparations, namely vitamin enriched chewing gum and candies and vitamin fortified confections. and (30) Sugar-free candies enriched by vitamins. Jake vitamincandy ___________ 153 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1250845 (320) 19/12/2014 Swarovski Aktiengesellschaft Dröschistrasse 15 FL-9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein Baker & McKenzie Zurich Holbeinstrasse 30 CH-8034 Zürich (3) Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices; lens cleaner for optical lenses and eyewear, cleaning and polishing preparations for stones and crystal stone products and jewelry; perfumes and scented linen water; cosmetic preparations for skin care, cosmetic creams and lotions for cosmetic purposes; toiletries, including deodorants for personal use; toilet soaps, shower gels and shampoos., (6) Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal used; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; metal screws and metal tracks for rail vehicles; metal fittings, namely, door handles, drawer handles, door fittings, drawer fittings, cup hooks, wall brackets, shelf brackets, drapery and curtain brackets; wall tiles and wall panels of metal; metal partition walls and metal curtain walls; non-electric cables and wires of common metal used in connection with curtains and lighting products; pipes and tubes of metal to be used in the area of components of lighting fixtures; towel hooks of metal, fixed towel dispensers of metal; metal fixing clamps, exterior blinds of metal, metal jalousies, metal partitions and metal curtain walls; hooks of metal for clothes; door handles of metal, rings of common metal for keys, tool boxes of metal; nails, screws, and nuts of metal., (8) Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors; knives, spoons and forks, household knives; cheese slicers, non-electric; scissors for household use; ladles [hand tools]; hand-operated tools, in particular grinding and polishing tools equipped with natural or artificial abrasive grit; curling tongs, cuticle nippers, cuticle tweezers, cutting tools [hand tools], depilation appliances, electric and non-electric, ear-piercing apparatus, eyelash curlers; fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric; flat irons; hair clippers for personal use, electric and non-electric; hand implements for hair curling; hair-removing tweezers; manicure sets, electric or non-electric; nail buffers, electric or non-electric; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; nail files, electric or non-electric; razors, electric or nonelectric; nail scissors, cuticle scissors, tweezers; serving ladles., (9) Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction, of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus; headphones and earphones; mobile telephones; USB sticks; USB flash drives; USB compatible data storage devices; bags, cases and covers for all the aforesaid goods; stylus pens for use with touch-screens; speakers and speaker systems, in particular portable loudspeakers; sunglasses; spectacles (optics); spectacle cases; field glasses; binoculars; telescopes; photographic cameras; laptops (computers); mousepads; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); hand-held calculators., (11) Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; chandeliers and chandelier decorations, lighting units, chandeliers and parts of glass therefor; automobile lights; bathroom and kitchen fittings; bath tubs; shower cubicles (enclosures); hair driers; lanterns; lamp shades; lampshade holders; torches; toilet 154 seats; bath tub and shower partitions; street lamps; lamps, bicycle lamps, arc lamps; bathroom and kitchen fittings for sinks, basins, bath tubs and showers, plumbing fixtures in the nature of faucets with rotary knobs, single lever faucets, shower mixers, shower heads, shower sprayers, and sink traps; beverage cooling apparatus., (12) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; cars, trucks, boats and airplanes; bicycles; bicycle bells; bicycle handlebars; bicycle pumps; pedals for cycles; cigar lighters for automobiles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; upholstery for vehicles; rearview mirrors; vehicle wheel hubs; covers for baby carriages; pushchairs; pushchair covers; pushchair hoods., (14) Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; genuine and costume jewellery; gemstones; ornaments (jewelry); necklaces; earrings; bracelets; rings (jewellery); brooches; bangles; charms (jewelry); pendants; chains of precious metals; lockets; cuff links; medallions; key chains of precious metal; small items of jewellery of glass, natural or artificial precious stones, plastic, common or precious metal for personal use; watches and clocks and their parts; natural or synthetic, precious stones of all types and for every purpose; gem stones, in particular glass gemstones and gem stones, jewellery stones of facetted glass., (16) Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; packing paper; paper ribbons; bags, envelopes and pouches of paper for packaging; boxes of cardboard or paper; brochures, catalogues, manuals, books, prospectuses and greeting cards; packaging pouches, packaging wrappers and packaging bags of plastic; labels (not of textile); notebooks; scrapbooks; calendars; writing instruments, pens, pencils; pen cases; penholders; pencil holders; school supplies [stationery]; paperweights; passport holders., (18) Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, handbags, suitcases, purses, sponge bags, pouches, wallets, cases, jewelry travel rolls; leather key holders, book bags, athletic bags; bags for manicure sets sold empty; tote bags; toiletry bags sold empty, jewelry pouches, felt pouches, pouches for holding keys, attaché cases; clothing for animals; collars for animals; dog collars; covers for animals; muzzles., (19) Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal; tiles and wall cladding components (not of metal), wall paneling; jalousies, not of metal; partitions, not of metal; glass granules for road marking., (20) Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; chests, showcases, beds, sofas, armchairs, chairs, coat stands, shelves, serving trolleys; curtain rods, mirrors, room dividers and wind chimes, decoration curtains; hand mirrors (cosmetic mirrors, dressing table mirrors); kennels for household pets; cushions; mobiles (decoration); bins, not of metal; book rests [furniture]; bottle caps, not of metal; bottle casings of wood; bottle closures, not of metal; bottle racks; boxes of wood or plastic; chests, not of metal; chests of drawers; clothes hooks, not of metal; coat hangers; coat hooks, not of metal; curtain holders, not of textile material; curtain hooks; curtain rails; curtain rings; door fittings, not of metal; door handles, not of metal; flower pot pedestals; flower-stands [furniture]; keyboards for hanging keys; knife handles, not of metal; knobs, not of metal; letter boxes, not of metal or masonry; magazine racks; nameplates, not of metal; number plates, not of metal., (21) Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint, brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in 155 building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; decorative objects, figurines, vases, candelabra, hollow bodies, crockery, dishes and napkin rings, flasks, knife rests, tableware, table utensils of glass; mugs; bottles; glasses; fruit cups; soap holders; basting ladles and glass jars; combs and bath sponges; hair brushes, make-up brushes and nail brushes; glassware, glass candle holders, glass animals figures, salt and pepper shakers decorated with glass; teapots, coffee pots, and cake stands; decorative craft objects, ceramic figurines; figurines of crystal, earthenware, glass, porcelain; hollow body statues of earthenware, crockery, pots, dishes, drinking cups and saucers, bowls, serving bowls and trays, dishes and serving platters, goblets; perfume vaporizers sold empty; candle rings; chopsticks; clothes-pegs; coasters, not of paper and other than table linen; cocktail stirrers; cookie jars; corkscrews; decanters; dish covers; flower pots; ice buckets; napkin holders; napkin rings; piggy banks; towel rails and rings; trays for domestic purposes; metal towel holders, towel rails of metal., (24) Textiles and textile goods (included in this class); bed covers; table covers; furniture coverings of textile or plastic, curtains of textile or plastic, covers for cushions, place mats (not of paper), table napkins of textile material, bedspreads, wall hangings of textile, wall hangings of textile material; blanket throws; banners; coasters [table linen]; curtain holders of textile material., (25) Clothing; footwear; headgear; trousers, jumpers, knitwear, shirts, T-shirts, scarves, belts, muffs, gloves, stockings, neckerchiefs, ties; jackets; blazers; coats; hats; caps [headwear]; headbands [clothing]; jeans; blouses; women's clothing; pullovers; knit jackets; knit dresses; knit shirts; shawls; tights; neckties; coats; parkas; ear muffs, dresses, lingerie, socks, stockings, skirts, dancewear, leotards, dancing shoes, dancing dresses and dance costumes; swimwear; aprons; braces for clothing [suspenders]; collars [clothing]; dress gowns; saris; sarongs; slippers; vests; waistcoats., (26) Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; sequins and glass parts in the form of motifs on transparent plastic film for decorative purposes, to be ironed or heat-pressed onto textiles, leather and metal; buttons, clasps, braces; ornamental ribbons, decorative ribbons, fasteners, edgings, braid; hair bands; hair ornaments; zip fasteners; shoe ornaments not of precious metal; marking pins; safety pins; ornaments for use on textiles, leather, and metal; clasps for clothing, fastening for braces; fasteners, snap fasteners and hook and eye closures, edgings for clothing; arm bands [clothing accessories]; badges for wear, not of precious metal; brooches [clothing accessories]; trimmings for clothing., (28) Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; skating boots with skates attached; Christmas trees of synthetic material; billiard cues; cups for dice; darts; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf gloves; ice skates; roller skates; kites; theatrical masks; paper party hats; skis; snow globes; snowboards; snowshoes; toys., (34) Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches; ashtrays for smokers; cigar cases, cigar cutters, cigar holders; cigarette cases, cigarette cutters, cigarette holders; gas containers for cigar lighters; lighters for smokers., (35) Advertising; business management; business administrations; office functions; retail services in relation to cosmetics, clocks and jewellery, printed matter, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative articles, clothing, shoes and textile goods; retail services via the Internet in relation to cosmetics, clocks and jewellery, printed matter, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative articles, clothing, shoes and textile goods; wholesale services via the Internet in relation to cosmetics, clocks and jewellery, printed matter, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative articles, clothing, shoes and textile goods; retail services in relation to cosmetics, clocks and jewellery, printed matter, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative articles, clothing, shoes and textile goods; publication of publicity texts; organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; publication of printed matter and electronic publicity materials, for advertising purposes; promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services; business 156 (540) consultancy and assistance in relation to establishment, management and operation of retail stores and/or franchises; marketing research; marketing studies; production of advertising films., (40) Treatment of materials; processing of glass gemstones; custom manufacture of jewellery (for others)., (41) Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment in the nature of exhibitions on gemstones, jewelry, beading, needlework, and crafts; arranging and conducting of seminars, workshops, educational conferences, symposiums and congresses; arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; organization of entertainment shows; arranging of fashion shows for entertainment purposes; presentation of live show performances, performances of music; editing of texts not including publicity texts; publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts, other than publicity texts. and (42) Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; design of jewellery. CRYSTALS FROM SWAROVSKI SINCE 1895 ___________ 157 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1251592 (320) 21/10/2014 BASF SE Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38 67063 Ludwigshafen, Germany Brandstock Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Rückertstr. 1 80336 München (1) Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; catalysts; tempering and soldering preparations for metals; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; plant fortifying preparations, chemical and biological preparations for stress management in plants, plant growth regulating preparations, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds, surfactants for use in oil and gas industry; natural or artificial chemicals to produce sexual baits or agents to confuse insects, agricultural and horticultural inoculants, beneficial bacteria and soil supplements; chemical substances with amphiphile characteristics., (2) Paints, primers, varnishes, lacquers, glazes, pigments; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists., (3) Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices., (4) Industrial oils and greases; fuel gas and gas for lighting; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor fuels) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting., (5) Pharmaceutical, veterinary and healthcare preparations; nutritional supplements for medical purposes; vitamin preparations for medical purposes; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, biological pest control agents., (6) Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; nonelectric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; ores., (7) Machines for agricultural, horticultural and forestry purposes, machines for the chemical industry, machines for the beverage and food industry, machines for wood processing, machines for plastics processing, machines for metal working, machines for the textile industry, machines for automobile production, machines for paper processing, machines for paint processing, propulsion machines (excluding land vehicles), suction machines for industrial purposes, compressors, presses, pumps, petroleum refining machines, grinding machines, packaging machines, machine tools; engines (excluding engines for land vehicles); clutches and devices for power transmission (excluding those for land vehicles); agricultural equipment not operated by hand; incubating apparatus for eggs., (9) Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus; gloves for industrial purposes for protection against injury., (12) Vehicles and parts thereof (not included in other classes); vehicle covers (shaped), vehicle seats; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water and parts thereof., (14) Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, jewellery for personal adornment, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments., (16) Paper, 158 (540) cardboard and goods made from these materials (not included in other classes), namely linerboard for corrugated cardboard, paper sold in bulk, offset paper, honeycomb paper, corrugated paper, corrugated cardboard, filter paper; printed matter; book binding material, photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials, paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks., (17) Plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal., (18) Leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery., (19) Building materials (non-metallic); nonmetallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal., (20) Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods of plastics, namely containers, closures for containers, baskets, barrels, casks, crates and pallets., (21) Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes., (23) Yarns and threads, for textile use., (25) Clothing, footwear, headgear., (27) Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile)., (28) Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles (not included in other classes); decorations for Christmas trees., (29) Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats., (31) Grains and agricultural, horticultural and forestry products (not included in other classes); live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, live plants and natural flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt, mulch; live biological pest control agents for agricultural use, namely insects and plants., (32) Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages., (35) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail and wholesale services in the field of chemicals., (36) Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs., (37) Factory construction; repair of computer hardware, repair work on buildings, repair and installation of data handling installations, repair and installation of machines; installation, maintenance and repair of industrial plants; installation, maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment., (39) Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement., (40) Treatment of materials, namely processing of chemicals, production of energy; recycling and waste treatment, water treatment and purification., (41) Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; conducting seminars and events., (42) Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; maintenance of software for information technology systems., (43) Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. and (44) Medical and veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. We create chemistry ___________ 159 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1251969 (320) 08/10/2014 Pullman-Ermator AB Industrivägen 70 SE-777 34 Smedjebacken, Sweden Carl-Johan Ask Advokatfirman Glimstedt, Box 1027 SE-251 10 Helsingborg (7) Vacuum cleaners including pre-separators, dust extractors and wet separators and parts and components therefor. and (11) Air purification apparatus and parts and components therefor. Ermator ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1252699 (320) 24/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason Cody 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; computer software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. (540) ___________ 160 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1252700 (320) 27/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason A. Cody Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (42) Computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online; providing online non-downloadable software; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1252957 (320) 01/03/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers, namely wearable digital devices; control and input devices for computers; computer software for wearable devices. (540) ___________ 161 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1253340 (320) 23/01/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments; watches; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands; cases for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments; parts for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments. WATCH SPORT ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1254151 (320) 24/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for managing user system settings and preferences; data synchronization software. (540) ___________ 162 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255163 (320) 12/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for making, managing, and receiving phone calls, and for reviewing, managing, and playing electronic voice messages. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255165 (320) 12/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for processing text, photos, images, voice messages, and videos on wireless communication devices, wearable wireless communication devices, and mobile digital electronic devices. (540) ___________ 163 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255166 (320) 12/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software; computer software for use in reviewing, storing, organizing, and playing audio content. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255175 (320) 23/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for viewing weather information on wearable mobile digital electronic devices and mobile digital electronic devices. (540) ___________ 164 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255178 (320) 25/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason A. Cody Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (42) Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255479 (320) 27/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason A. Cody Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer display screens; handheld mobile digital electronic devices used as a telephone, handheld computer, personal digital assistant, electronic personal organizer, and electronic notepad computer; handheld mobile digital electronic devices used to access the Internet, electronic mail, digital audio and video, and other digital data. (540) ___________ 165 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255480 (320) 25/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Jason A. Cody Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software used in developing other software applications; application development software. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255481 (320) 12/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software for organizing, storing, providing access to, redeeming, scanning, sharing, and providing information about goods, services, discounts, tickets, boarding passes, coupons, consumer loyalty programs, and gift cards concerning a wide range of consumer products, services, and cultural, sporting and entertainment events; computer software for promoting the goods, services and providing information of others over a global communications network on wireless communication devices, wearable wireless communication devices, and mobile digital electronic devices; computer software for downloading and storing vouchers and tickets for admission to sporting, cultural and entertainment events; computer software for capturing, managing, and storing credit card and debit card information; computer software for processing, facilitating, verifying, and authenticating mobile payments and contactless transactions with retailers, merchants, and vendors via wearable and mobile devices. (540) ___________ 166 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1255779 (320) 25/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Wearable mobile digital electronic devices and computer software for use with such devices. (540) ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1256163 (320) 01/03/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Control and input devices for horological and chronometric instruments. ___________ 167 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1257786 (320) 29/11/2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Application development software; computer software used in developing other software applications; computer operating system software; application programming interface software for use in developing applications for execution on graphic processor units., (16) Printed publications, books, periodicals, newsletters, manuals, and handbooks in the field of computers, information technology, computer programming, computer software, computer games, and computer software and computer game development., (41) Providing education, training, classes, workshops, tutorials, conferences, electronic publications, and online library services in the field of computers, information technology, computer programming, computer software, computer games, and computer software and computer game development. and (42) Computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing computer hardware or software information online. M ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1258711 (320) 23/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments; watches; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands; cases for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments; parts for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments. Tue 9 ___________ 168 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1258894 (320) 20/10/2014 SSANGYONG MOTOR COMPANY 455-12 (Chilgoe-dong), Dongsak-ro, Pyeongtaek-si Gyeonggi-do, Rep.of Korea CHO, Chul Hyun (OORI Patent & Law Office) OORI Patent & Law Office, 13F. Yeosam Bldg., 123, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul (12) Sports utility vehicles; passenger cars [automobiles]; vans [vehicles]; pick up trucks; multi-purpose vehicles; motor buses; trailers [vehicles]; tractors; trucks; racing cars; automobile wheels; motorcycles; bicycles; structural parts and fittings for automobiles. Tivoli ___________ 169 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) MD/M/1/1259532 (320) 21/10/2014 Intel Corporation 2200 Mission College Boulevard Santa Clara CA 950528119, U.S.A. Katherine M. Basile Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP 21771 Stevens Creek Blvd., First Floor Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computer software; computer software for use in securing data, networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; computer software for enabling the secure access, control, viewing, and utilizing of data via personal computing devices and networks; biometric identification and authentication software; computer software for management of usernames and passwords; identification and authentication security software for personal computing devices, computers, mobile devices, and communication networks; geo location software; global positioning software; voice recognition software; facial recognition software; gesture recognition software; fingerprint recognition software; retinal recognition software; device recognition software., (42) Providing non-downloadable and cloud based software to enhance security of data and information on networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; providing non-downloadable and cloud based software to enhance security of identity and personal information on networks, computers, personal computing devices, and mobile devices; providing authenticated and secure content to others on a network; providing non-downloadable and cloud based biometric identification and authentication software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based voice recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based facial recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based gesture recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based fingerprint recognition software; providing non-downloadable and cloud based retinal recognition software; providing nondownloadable and cloud based device recognition software; computer data encryption and proxy services for use in securing, monitoring, authenticating and identifying individuals; data encryption and decoding services. and (45) Identification verification services; user authentication services; username and password management services; identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information (terms considered too vague by the International Bureau - rule 13.2.b) of the Common Regulations); identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information via secure storage and transmitting such information via the Internet; providing authentication, issuance, validation and revocation of digital certificates; analyzing and reporting services related to user identification and authorization data. (540) ___________ 170 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1259564 (320) 23/01/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (14) Horological and chronometric instruments; watches; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands; cases for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments; parts for watches, and horological and chronometric instruments. WATCH EDITION ___________ (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1260188 (320) 23/01/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; computer software; computer game software and electronic games software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. WATCH EDITION ___________ 171 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1260455 (320) 23/02/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014, U.S.A. Irene K. Chong Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones and headphones; audio speakers; microphones; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; computer chips; cameras; computer software; computer game software and electronic games software; electrical and electronic connectors, acoustic couplers, electric wires, computer cables, battery chargers, docks, electronic docking stations, interfaces for computers, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer peripheral equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; wireless electronic wearable device for storing, transmitting and receiving voice data, text data, sound recordings, photos, video, music, and viewing and replying to email and text messages; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases specially adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. Tue 9 ___________ 172 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1263318 (320) 23/01/2015 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. Thomas R. La Perle Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS: 169-3IPL Cupertino CA 95014 (9) Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; personal digital assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; global positioning system (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; computer software; computer games and electronic games software; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. WATCH SPORT ___________ 173 (310) (330) (750) (731) (740) (510) (540) MD/M/1/1264174 (320) 26/02/2015 VA TECH WABAG LIMITED Wabag House, No 17, 200 feet Radial Road, S. Kolathur, near Kamakshi Hospital Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai, India Altacit Global 3rd Floor, "Creative Enclave", 148-150, Luz Church Road Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 (11) Water purification installations, water purifying apparatus and machines, namely, filters for drinking water, water filtering apparatus, installations for the conditioning and cleaning of water, namely, softening installations, desalination installations, filtration installations, flocculation and precipitation installations, floatation installations, detoxification and neutralization installations, ion-exchanger installations and chemical sterilization units, parts of complete structures for river water intake by means of siphon pipes or pumps, namely, coarse screens, fine screens or drum sieves, pumps for use in water purification installations, sedimentation tanks, rapid filters as part of water purification installations, parts of complete chemical dosing stations consisting of dissolving tanks and sedimentation tanks; dosing apparatus and storage tanks as part of water purification installations, discharging and transporting devices for chemicals as part of water purification installations; sedimentation installations; wastewater treatment plants for domestic and industrial use, plants with biological aerated filters, membrane filter plants, bioreactors for purification of industrial wastewater, water treatment plants for for the treatment of fresh and recycled water; drinking water treatment plants for treatment of surface water and groundwater, multi barrier systems; sea and brackish water desalination plants; evaporators, evaporation plants; driers for industrial purposes, fluidized bed driers, sludge drying apparatus, sludge treatment plants., (35) Business management services, organization services as well as professional business consulting services for business regarding water treatment systems, namely, wastewater purification, process water treatment plants, evaporators, drying systems, process water treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants, systems and sludge treatment plants., (37) Erection, installation, supervision of installation, start-up and commissioning, maintenance, retrofitting and repair services for water treatment systems, namely wastewater purification systems, water treatment plant, desalination plants; erection, installation, start up and commissioning, repair services for evaporators plants, sludge treatment plants. and (42) Technical consulting, project studies, design and project engineering services for water treatment systems, namely, wastewater purification systems, process water treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants, desalination plants; technical consulting, project studies, design and project engineering services for evaporators, evaporation plants, drying systems and sludge treatment plants; providing scientific and industrial research and development and providing technical process modeling for water treatment systems, namely, wastewater purification systems, process water treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants, desalination plants as well as for evaporators, evaporation plants, drying systems and sludge treatment plants. WABAG ___________ 174
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