Page 4 - City of Karratha
Page 4 - City of Karratha
ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Roebourne Hall on the 18 July 2011 at 6.30pm ________________________ Collene Longmore CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Roebourne for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee Meetings. The Shire of Roebourne disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee Meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee Meeting does so at that persons or legal entity‘s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a license, any statement or intimation of approval made by any member or Officer of the Shire of Roebourne during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Roebourne. The Shire of Roebourne warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Roebourne must obtain and should only rely on WRITTEN CONFIRMATION of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Roebourne in respect of the application. Signed: _________________________ Ms C Longmore –Chief Executive Officer DECLARATION OF INTERESTS (NOTES FOR YOUR GUIDANCE) (updated 13 March 2000) A member who has a Financial Interest in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest: (a) In a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officer before the Meeting or; (b) At the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed. A member, who makes a disclosure in respect to an interest, must not: (c) Preside at the part of the Meeting, relating to the matter or; (d) Participate in, or be present during any discussion or decision-making procedure relative to the matter, unless to the extent that the disclosing member is allowed to do so under Section 5.68 or Section 5.69 of the Local Government Act 1995. NOTES ON FINANCIAL INTEREST (FOR YOUR GUIDANCE) The following notes are a basic guide for Councillors when they are considering whether they have a Financial Interest in a matter. I intend to include these notes in each agenda for the time being so that Councillors may refresh their memory. 1. A Financial Interest requiring disclosure occurs when a Council decision might advantageously or detrimentally affect the Councillor or a person closely associated with the Councillor and is capable of being measure in money terms. There are exceptions in the Local Government Act 1995 but they should not be relied on without advice, unless the situation is very clear. 2. If a Councillor is a member of an Association (which is a Body Corporate) with not less than 10 members i.e. sporting, social, religious etc), and the Councillor is not a holder of office of profit or a guarantor, and has not leased land to or from the club, i.e., if the Councillor is an ordinary member of the Association, the Councillor has a common and not a financial interest in any matter to that Association. 3. If an interest is shared in common with a significant number of electors or ratepayers, then the obligation to disclose that interest does not arise. Each case needs to be considered. 4. If in doubt declare. 5. As stated in (b) above, if written notice disclosing the interest has not been given to the Chief Executive Officer before the meeting, then it MUST be given when the matter arises in the Agenda, and immediately before the matter is discussed. 6. Ordinarily the disclosing Councillor must leave the meeting room before discussion commences. exceptions are: The only 6.1 Where the Councillor discloses the extent of the interest, and Council carries a motion under s.5.68(1)(b)(ii) or the Local Government Act; or 6.2 Where the Minister allows the Councillor to participate under s.5.69(3) of the Local Government Act, with or without conditions. INTERESTS AFFECTING IMPARTIALITY DEFINITION: An interest that would give rise to a reasonable belief that the impartiality of the person having the interest would be adversely affected, but does not include an interest as referred to in Section 5.60 of the ‘Act’. A member who has an Interest Affecting Impartiality in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest; (a) in a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officer before the Meeting; or (b) at the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed. IMPACT OF AN IMPARTIALITY CLOSURE There are very different outcomes resulting from disclosing an interest affecting impartiality compared to that of a financial interest. With the declaration of a financial interest, an elected member leaves the room and does not vote. With the declaration of this new type of interest, the elected member stays in the room, participates in the debate and votes. In effect then, following disclosure of an interest affecting impartiality, the member’s involvement in the Meeting continues as if no interest existed. TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 OFFICIAL OPENING ................................................................................................ 4 2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ........................................................................................ 4 3 RECORD OF ATTENDANCES / APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE .................. 4 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ............................................................................. 4 5 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS ...................................................... 4 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ............................................................................................ 5 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PERSON PRESIDING WITHOUT DISCUSSION .............. 5 8 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS ..................................................................................... 6 9 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & EXECUTIVE SERVICES ...................................... 7 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES ............................................................................................ 8 10.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2011 ............................ 8 10.2 LIST OF ACCOUNTS JUNE 2011 .......................................................................... 26 10.3 MT WELCOME STATION – OUTSTANDING RATES ............................................ 45 11 COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE SERVICES ....................................................... 50 11.1 ANNUAL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT SCHEME ..................... 50 11.2 BULGARRA COMMUNITY CENTRE NAMING COMPETITION............................. 54 11.3 BULGARRA SPORTING PRECINCT - PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ADOPTION ......... 60 12 DEVELOPMENT, REGULATORY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ............. 67 12.1 EXCISION OF PART RESERVE 32335 TO ENABLE SENIOR CITIZENS ACCOMMODATION – REX WEBB PARK ............................................................. 67 12.2 NOMINATION OF COUNCILLORS TO PILBARA JOINT DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL .......................................................................................... 72 12.3 WICKHAM SOUTH STAGE ONE – ROAD NAMES APPLICATION ...................... 77 12.4 PROPOSED MADIGAN ROAD EAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN .............................. 84 13 STRATEGIC PROJECTS ....................................................................................... 98 13.1 RESTRICTED ALCOHOL PRODUCT SALES AND SERVICE HOURS – TIEN TSIN INNE ................................................................................................................. 98 13.2 INDOOR CRICKET FACILITY - BUDGET AMENDMENT .................................... 103 14 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY ...................................................................... 106 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 15 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN .......................... 127 16 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN ....... 127 17 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE PERSON PRESIDING OR BY DECISION............................................................................................................. 127 18 MATTERS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ................................................................ 130 18.1 TENDER G15 – 10/11 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ......................... 130 18.2 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAPITAL FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR KARRATHA LEISURE COMPLEX ....................................................................... 136 18.3 TENDER G19-10/11 – KARRATHA YOUTH AND FAMILY CENTRE INDOOR PLAY SPACE: ASSESSMENT OF TENDER ...................................................... 142 18.4 TENDER G17-10/11 ROEBOURNE COMMUNITY AQUATIC CENTRE AQUATIC ENGINEER AWARD OF TENDER. ..................................................................... 146 18.5 TENDER G18-10/11 DAMPIER HIGHWAY STREETSCAPING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AWARD OF TENDER. .................................................................... 152 18.6 PAM BUCHANAN FAMILY CENTRE – COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGEMENT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. ............................................................................. 158 18.7 PAM BUCHANAN FAMILY CENTRE – TENANCY SPACES EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. ........................................................................................................... 162 18.8 PLANNING APPLICATION – COMMENCEMENT OF HOME OCCUPATION – HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS AT LOT 100, UNIT 10 / 58 NAIRN STREET BULGARRA ......................................................................................................... 166 19 CLOSURE & DATE OF NEXT MEETING ............................................................. 175 Page 3 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda AGENDA 1 OFFICIAL OPENING Cr Lockwood acknowledged the traditions of the Ngarluma people, on whose land we are gathered here today. 2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 3 RECORD OF ATTENDANCES / APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE Councillors: Cr Nicole Lockwood [President] Cr John Lally [Deputy President] Cr Garry Bailey Cr Harry Hipworth Cr Ben Lewis Cr Joanne Pritchard Cr Evette Smeathers Cr Sharon Vertigan Cr Fiona White-Hartig Staff: Collene Longmore Andrew Ward David Pentz Simon Kot Ray McDermott Ron Van Welie Tishka Hanlon Chief Executive Officer Director Community and Corporate Services Director Development, Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Director Strategic Projects Executive Manager Corporate Services Executive Manager of Works PA to the CEO (Minute Taker) Apologies: Absent: Leave of Absence: Members of Public: Members of Media: 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Page 4 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 20 June 2011, be confirmed as a true and correct record of proceedings. 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY WITHOUT DISCUSSION PERSON PRESIDING 1/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Michael Simm 1/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood lunch with Argonaut Securities Pty Limited 1/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Ray Patterson Department of Transport 2/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood LGMA Women‘s conference, Perth 3/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood LGMA panel discussion, Perth 7/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood PDC Meeting, Tom Price 7/06/2011 8/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood PDC Dinner, Tom Price Nicole Lockwood meeting with Niall Cummins 8/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood Banners in the Terrace Competition 13/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Troy Pickard WALGA West, Perth 13/06/2011 13/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Steve Wood, Perth Nicole Lockwood meeting with Garry Prattley, Perth 14/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood working lunch with Landcorp Board and Executives 15/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with the owner of Port of Call 15/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with the KDCCI 15/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Terry Flanagan 15/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Ben Killigrew 19/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood CARE Clean Up 20/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Rio Tinto 20/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Vince Catania, Stephen Webster and Chris Adams 22/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Michael Deegan 22/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood NRAS meeting 24/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Trish Frontier Services 27/06/2011 27/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Sam Rigg, Perth Nicole Lockwood working lunch with Landcorp and UDLA, Perth 28/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with Minister Grylls, Perth 28/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood working lunch with Amelia Yam, Perth 28/06/2011 29/06/2011 Nicole Lockwood meeting with WAPC, Perth Nicole Lockwood meeting with Steve Wood, Perth Page 5 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 8 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Nil Page 6 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 9 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & EXECUTIVE SERVICES Nil Page 7 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES 10.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2011 File No: JUN11 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Corporate Services Reporting Author: Management Accountant Date of Report: 5 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Not applicable Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Confidential Accounts Receivable Report PURPOSE To provide Council with a summary of the financial position for the period 31 May 2011. BACKGROUND In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, a Statement of Financial Activity is required to be presented to Council as a minimum requirement. Regulation 34(4) states that a statement of financial activity, and accompanying documents, are to be; 1) presented to the Council; (a) At the next ordinary meeting of Council following the end of the month to which the statement relates; or (b) If the statement is not prepared in time to present it to the meeting referred to in (a) above, to the next meeting of Council after that meeting; and 2) Recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which it is presented. In accordance with Regulation 34 (5), a report must be compiled on variances greater than the materiality threshold adopted by Council of $10,000. With this report being composed at programme level, only a general comment can be made regarding the variances. Page 8 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda The following table is a summary of the Financial Activity Statement Report compared to the Budget as at 31st May 2011: Year to Date Budget Actual 1 July to 31 May 2011 Variance Operating Expense Current Amended Budget (64,019,589) (52,636,986) (37,064,432) 15,572,554 Operating Revenue 87,511,591 78,401,020 81,634,388 3,233,368 (85,937,236) (72,936,517) (47,311,871) 25,624,646 51,929,428 41,024,290 10,161,046 (30,863,244) 10,053,806 5,469,396 3,721,402 (1,747,994) 404,914 404,914 404,914 0 (57,086) (273,883) 11,545,447 11,819,330 Non Operating Exp Non Operating Rev Non Cash Items Included Restricted Surplus BFWD 09/10 Surplus/(Deficit) 10/11 The financial statements for the reporting period are submitted in the form of: - Financial Activity Statement Report - Operating and Capital Variance Commentary by Programme Area - Net Current Asset Position - Balance Sheet - Cash and Cash Equivalent Note - Schedule of Divisional Financial Activity LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Financial integrity is of extreme significance to the viability of the Shire but also as custodian of community assets and service provision. An ability to monitor and report in financial operations, activities and capital projects is imperative to ensuring that financial risk is managed at acceptable levels of comfort. The ability for the Shire of Roebourne to remain financially sustainable is a significant strategy for a region that is continually under pressure from the resources industry, private enterprise and State Government obligations for the development of infrastructure and servicing needs. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Executive and Management have been involved in regular reviews of their operational and departmental budgets and notifying the Financial Services team of trends and variances arising from their operational areas. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 requires for the preparation of financial reports. 6.4. Financial report (1) A local government is to prepare an annual financial report for the preceding financial year and such other financial reports as are prescribed. (2) The financial report is to — (a) be prepared and presented in the manner and form prescribed; and (b) contain the prescribed information. The prescribed format has been determined in Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations, 1996. Page 9 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda POLICY IMPLICATIONS The Shire‘s financial reporting is prepared in accordance with Accounting Policy CF1. This is reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with legislative and statutory obligations. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The report represents the financial position of the Council at the end of May 2011 with the current budget in deficit to the value of $57,086. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne‘s Strategic Plan 2009 – 2013 provides: Key Goal Two – Delivering Services Objective Meeting the set service standards. Initiatives Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities‘ priorities. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Priority 2009/10 - Establish work improvement groups within each division to review and streamline key processes and practices. Key Goal Three – Local Economy Objective Developing a financially sustainable revenue stream Encourage downstream processing and value adding Initiatives Establish formal relationships with industry partners to maximise community benefit. Priority 2009/10 - Establish formal relationships with industry partners to coordinate investment in our communities RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Astute financial management backed by strong internal controls, policies and monitoring will ensure risks are assessed regularly and managed appropriately. Expenditure and revenue streams are monitored against approved budgets by management and the financial team with material variances being reported. It is incumbent on all managers that any perceived extraordinary variances that have, or likely to have, had occurred are escalated immediately for consideration by Executive and/or Council. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS This is a routine process alerting Council of the current financial position of the Shire of Roebourne. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Officers have delegations within their duties to procure, carry out or receive monies. There is no delegation otherwise to receive these financial reports without being presented to Council. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 10 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per the Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996, RESOLVES to: 1. RECEIVE the Financial Reports for the financial period ending 31 May 2011 and 2. APPROVE the following actions: a. ______________________ b. ______________________ Option 3 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996, RESOLVES to NOT RECEIVE the Financial Report for the financial period ending 31 May 2011. CONCLUSION Council is obliged to receive the monthly financial reports as per statutory requirements. Details in regards to the variances and the commentary provided are to be noted as part of the report. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996, RESOLVES to RECEIVE the Financial Reports for the financial period ending 31 May 2011. Page 11 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period 1 July 2010 to 31 May 2011 Original Budget Amended Budget Year to Date Amended Budget Year To Date Actual $10,000 or more $ $ $ $ $ General Purpose Funding (excluding Rates) Governance Law, Order And Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation And Culture 4,415,287 94,283 251,007 80,532 150,337 3,837,429 12,000,193 9,895,765 5,083,610 328,357 267,689 94,578 150,337 3,839,442 10,752,678 23,512,455 4,659,886 283,461 257,073 92,134 137,865 2,653,613 9,981,781 20,898,180 5,995,114 195,986 324,363 65,874 74,293 1,917,925 11,308,141 20,392,773 (1,335,228) 87,475 (67,290) 26,260 63,572 735,688 (1,326,360) 505,407 Transport Economic Services Other Property And Services 22,640,687 1,294,988 60,100 23,071,304 1,555,579 197,363 20,699,245 1,443,367 191,076 20,501,109 1,661,508 577,315 198,136 (218,141) (386,239) 54,720,608 68,853,392 61,297,681 63,014,402 (1,716,721) (502,566) (2,249,738) (1,753,954) (1,122,073) (379,193) (2,942,214) (9,708,738) (19,279,423) (16,037,913) (12,083,023) 792,620 (502,566) (2,797,278) (1,796,314) (1,056,965) (395,193) (3,001,650) (9,427,377) (17,135,541) (16,037,162) (12,404,360) 534,817 (460,658) (2,243,897) (1,643,032) (978,144) (366,247) (2,806,006) (8,954,717) (15,208,879) (11,332,594) (9,093,288) 450,476 (457,724) (1,674,141) (1,405,359) (767,785) (273,381) (974,054) (7,697,587) (12,097,762) (9,843,885) (1,572,254) (300,500) - (65,266,215) (64,019,589) (52,636,986) (37,064,432) (15,572,554) 5,926,756 6,033,850 4,852,597 2,889,317 1,963,280 5,173,492 0 0 0 18,066,500 745,977 0 7,751,338 1,302,865 1,604,135 0 0 1,198,000 19,521,304 4,359,188 4,799,201 0 0 16,110,640 1,438,377 0 0 0 582,965 0 0 3,679,262 0 0 0 0 1,421,931 1,497,700 3,360,824 10,627,105 2,219,920 1,302,865 1,604,135 (1,421,931) 14,612,940 0 5,126 1,434,380 5,523 (1,434,380) - Rate Setting Statement Operating Revenues (Sources) Expenses (Applications) General Purpose Funding Governance Law, Order And Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation And Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property And Services Capital Revenue Proceeds From Disposal Of Assets Tsf From Aerodrome Reserve Tsf From Air conditioning Reserve Tsf From MSIS Reserve Tsf From Walkington Theatre Reserve Tsf From Royalties for Regions Reserve Tsf From Plant Replacement Reserve Tsf From Dampier Drainage Reserve Tsf From Infrastructure Reserve Tsf From Waste Management Res Tsf From Housing Reserve Tsf From Parks, Ovals & Rec Facilities Tsf From Information Technology Res Tsf From Public Open Space Reserve New Loans Raised Tsf From Restricted Cash Unspent Grants/Contributions Repayments Of Self Supporting Loans Repayments Of Interest Free Loans To Local Groups Page 12 0 5,601 0 0 0 18,066,500 745,977 0 5,690,632 2,015,446 1,604,135 0 0 1,421,931 17,918,482 0 5,601 0 0 0 11,210,070 0 0 5,899,182 1,302,865 1,604,135 0 101,536 101,536 93,071 61,397,504 57,963,278 45,876,887 100,908 13,050,363 (569,756) (237,673) (210,359) (92,866) (1,831,952) (1,257,130) (3,111,117) (1,488,709) (7,521,034) 750,976 32,826,524 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period 1 July 2010 to 31 May 2011 Expenses Purchase Of Assets - Land Purchase of Assets - Artwork Purchase Of Assets - Buildings Purchase Of Assets - Equipment Purchase Of Assets - Furniture & Equip Purchase Of Assets - Plant Purchase Of Assets - Infrastructure Loan Principal Repayments Tsf To Aerodrome Reserve Tsf To Air conditioning Reserve Tsf To Dampier Drainage Reserve Tsf To Plant Replacement Reserve Tsf To Walkington Theatre Reserve Tsf To Royalties for Regions Reserve Tsf To Workers Compensation Res Tsf To Infrastructure Reserve Tsf To Waste Management Reserve Tsf To Housing Reserve Tsf To Parks, Ovals & Rec Facilities Res Tsf To Aged Persons Home Reserve Tsf To Information Technology Reserve Tsf To Junior Sport Reserve Tsf To Public Open Space Reserve Tsf To Mosquito Control Reserve Tsf To History & Cultural Publications Reserve Tsf To Underground Power Reserve Tsf To Medical Services Assistance Package Reserve Interest Free Loan Principal Tsf of Unbudgeted Muni Restricted Cash Original Budget Amended Budget Year to Date Amended Budget Year To Date Actual $10,000 or more $ $ $ $ $ (2,389,000) 0 (32,680,244) (536,890) (616,570) (5,588,351) (22,197,855) (1,835,380) (287,295) 0 (732) (41,356) (98) (400,000) (24,128) (918,136) (407,623) (1,488,162) 0 (1,345) 0 (1,542) (12,355) (537) (2,389,000) 0 (27,994,973) (296,668) (620,620) (5,438,135) (20,432,420) (1,835,380) (287,295) 0 (732) (41,356) (98) (16,700,000) (24,128) (3,928,800) (449,601) (1,488,162) 0 (1,345) 0 (1,542) (12,355) (537) (2,389,000) 0 (23,374,733) (296,505) (617,148) (4,753,135) (18,887,690) (1,735,071) (263,351) 0 (671) (37,906) (88) (16,641,663) (22,110) (3,601,400) (111,903) (181,643) (154) (1,232) 0 (1,408) (11,165) (533) (1,385,556) 0 (9,671,473) (103,180) (397,625) (2,699,571) (11,728,612) (1,735,547) (615,693) 0 (982) (62,536) (187) (16,913,371) (45,900) (475,337) (288,971) (62,260) 0 (3,006) 0 (3,426) (65,820) (90) (1,003,444) (13,703,260) (193,325) (219,523) (2,053,564) (7,159,078) 352,342 24,630 271,708 23,790 (3,126,063) 177,068 (119,383) 54,655 - (1,090) (3,985,345) (1,090) (3,985,345) (990) 0 (2,073) 0 - (7,654) 0 0 0 (7,654) 0 0 (1,286,227) (7,018) 0 0 (1,286,227) (10,118) 0 (1,434,380) (892,381) 1,434,380 (393,846) (73,421,688) (87,223,463) (74,222,744) (48,598,098) (25,624,646) 7,798,569 (200,000) 7,798,569 (200,000) 3,030,005 0 2,527,533 0 Accrued Loan Interest 0 (234,685) (234,685) (234,685) Accrued Salary & Wages 0 (269,410) (269,410) (269,410) 0 (3,506,519) 0 (3,578,613) 0 (2,413,206) 11,441 (1,706,889) 4,092,050 3,515,861 112,704 327,991 0 2,195,236 2,195,236 2,195,236 18,477,741 18,658,199 17,103,339 18,619,986 0 (57,086) (273,883) 11,545,448 Income Set Aside As Restricted Funds Adjustment For Non Cash Items Depreciation Amounts Set Aside To Provisions Movement in Deferred Rates (Profit) / Loss On Disposal Of Assets Surplus Brought Forward 1 July Amount Raised From Rates Surplus / (Deficit) This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Page 13 (1,516,647) Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Operating revenue is above the year to date budget by $1,716,721 which represents a positive variance of 2.80%. Operating Expenditure is under the year to date budget by $15,572,554 which represents a negative variance of 29.58%. In accordance with the materiality threshold adopted by Council for the reporting of variances by programme in the Statement of Financial Activity, the following comments are made to provide an explanation of the above variances. General Purpose Funding Revenue Revenue up of 28.65% ($1,335,228) due to additional interest on reserves Term Deposits brought to account to May 2011 due to cash flow requirements on major projects $1,118,760. Excess rates adjustment brought forward of $174,482. Additional Financial Assistance Grants YTD of $218,441. Lower than Budget Ex Gratia rates contribution invoiced YTD $27,500. Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance down of 0.64% ($2,934) which is an immaterial variance to report. Governance Revenue Revenue is down 30.86% ($87,475) which is due to actual variance on Income from Pilbara to Parliament & lower interest on Debtors required to be charged YTD. Expenditure Expenditure is down 25.39% ($569,756) which is due to: 1) $302,089 down on Executive Services Office & Project Expenses, still to be completed. 2) $289,910 down on IT Software, Network Expenses, and Main Computer System upgrade due to work still to be completed in June. 3) $85,000 down on Transformational employment costs budgeted YTD 4) $81,380 down on Non Statutory Donations – ACADs still remaining to be acquitted by 30 June 5) $71,708 down on Karratha Admin Building costs planned in Budget 6) $20,859 up on Employment Costs Corporate Services 7) $86,253 down on Employment Costs Executive due to vacancies, Exec PA, OHS Officer 8) $36,291 down on Office Expenses Corporate Services – Budget Increased in Budget Review 9) $57,628 down on Election & Council members meeting expenses YTD unspent 10) $27,969 down on YTD interest repayments on admin building loan due to 30 June 2010 accrual 11) $13,231 down on Leased office & plant expenses for corporate services 12) $518,123 up on Administration costs allocated less Depreciation not yet posted YTD Law, Order and Public Safety Revenue Revenue is up by 26.18% ($67,290) which is due $102,540 income invoiced year to date unbudgeted for Temporary WAPOL Vehicle storage contract less $20,000 not yet received on Grants for community safety as expected. Expenditure is down 14.47% ($237,673) which is due to: 1) $152,313 down on Anti Graffiti Initiatives & Community Safety Budget spread evenly over the year commenced Qtr 2 2) $33,554 down on Animal control costs & admin allocated, Off-road vehicle signage & education 3) $22,640 down on Cyclone Preparation costs YTD 4) $17,526 down on Other control expenses Law, Order & Public Safety Health Revenue Revenue is down by 28.50% ($26,260) which is due to contribution to medical services package not received from contributors. Page 14 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 1) 2) 3) 4) Expenditure Expenditure is down 21.51% ($210,359) which is due to: $14,326 down on Office Expenses Health Department $21,583 down on MSIS Employment– position was vacant $26,394 down on MSIS Retention Payments $96,446 down on Compliance Auditing & Inspections to occurred in third quarter 1) 2) 3) 4) Education and Welfare Revenue Revenue is showing a variance of down 46.11% ($63,572) which was due to Freemasons Aged person unit reimbursement not yet invoiced ($23,914). Also YTD contribution under budget for Early Learning Specialist Scholarship ($38,477) Pilbara Iron made first contribution in November. Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance of down 25.36% ($92,866) which is due to: $40,992 down on Early Learning Specialist Scholarship expenses as not commenced til 2nd qtr $19,691 down on Aged Person‘s Homes Contribution YTD $12,463 down on Schools Maintenance Assistance $11,366 down on Depreciation & Building Mtce YTD on Day-care Centres 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Housing Revenue Revenue is showing a variance down of 27.72% ($735,688) due to Profit not yet realised in asset register on sale of staff housing $700,000 less additional rent on staff housing $6,305 year to date. Expenditure Expenditure is down 65.29% ($1,831,952) which is due to: $130,919 up on Leased Housing due to paid one month in advance $33,522 down on Interest expense on Staff Housing Loans due to 09/10 accrual $60,588 down YTD on expenses budgeted for property management outsourcing $99,529 down on Staff Housing Op & Mtce Costs Year to Date $131,560 down on Depreciation year to date $1,626,502 down on allocation of Staff Housing costs to be offset against Department Budgets 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Community Amenities Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 13.29% ($1,326,360) mainly due to: $33,694 up on Subdivision Clearance Fees $135,008 up on Liquid Waste Disposal fees $228,953 up on Town Planning Fees $1,350,178 up on budgeted Grants and Contributions ($1.1m received from Finbar towards community projects to transfer to reserve in June & $250k from Pilbara Iron towards Planning Compliance Officer funded position) $83,446 down on Industrial/Commercial Refuse disposal Fees (due to closures & volume) $147,491 down on Hazardous Waste disposal fees $44,814 down on Income from Recycling $57,500 down on Litter Initiatives Funding from Companies $10,000 down on Contributions Economic Development from RDA Page 15 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance down of 14.04% ($1,257,130). The main variances are as follows: 1) $ 283,346 down on Litter Control – reduced staff numbers 2) $150,710 down on Drainage Maintenance Costs 3) $54,240 down on Economic Development Employment Costs – To recode from Community 4) $32,845 down on Domestic Refuse Collection – vacant positions in this area 5) $35,870 down on Depreciation not yet posted for waste collection & landfill ops 6) $548,858 down on Refuse Site Maintenance & Refuse Site 7 Mile & Equipment Replacement 7) $236,111 down on Recycling – staff & plant insufficient to undertake 8) $47,810 down on Support Services Planning expenses 9) $30,164 down on Public toilet maintenance costs 10) $38,201 down on Strategic Planning Projects & Development – revised in Budget review 11) $133,051 up on Wickham Transfer station costs – to reallocate costing to 7Mile incorrectly coded 12) $148,198 up on Planning Services Department employment costs year to date Recreation and Culture Revenue Revenue has a variance down of 2.42% ($505,407). The variance is due to: 1) $224,000 up on Cossack Art Awards Contribution – Invoiced Rio Tinto in advance for 2011 2) $65,684 up on Contribution – St Luke‘s Oval monies returned for project under budget 3) $46,431 up on Lease fees from Telstra towers received. 4) $30,754 up on KEC Programme Income – Attendance has been better than expected. 5) $20,000 up on new grants received Unbudgeted for Dry Season Assistance Scheme 6) $702,042 down on Grants and Contributions – Bulgarra Community Facility due prior to 30 June 7) $54,340 down on Dept Education contribution to Ovals YTD Roebourne still to Invoice Dept 09/10 8) $16,317 down on Conservation of Cultural Heritage grant expected in 2011 9) $38,533 down on Special Youth Projects Income commenced October 10) $44,500 down on Walkington Theatre lottery west grant not yet invoiced 11) $25,000 down on Community Bus (Public Transport Project) income 12) $18,399 down on Roebourne Pool Income year to date Expenditure Expenditure has a variance of down 20.46% ($3,111,117). The main variances are as follows: 1) $239,653 down on Oval Mtce – occurs in end financial year season 2) $999,289 down on $1m Contribution to Roebourne Youth Centre as budgeted for Dec-10 3) $210,937 down on Parks & Gardens Mtce – due to staff shortages 4) $206,336 down on Karratha Entertainment Centre Expenses less maintenance than expected 5) $131,876 down on Cossack Operating Expenses – Jan-March Closure 6) $177,406 down on Playground Maintenance 7) $199,462 down on Effluent Tank Mtce – further works pending 8) $527,895 down on Karratha Education Leisure & Training Centre expenses 9) $100,000 down on Roebourne Pool Contrib. to Building Assets 10) $59,948 down on Open Space/ Drain Reserve Mtce 11) $103,000 down on Walking Paths Network expenses to undertake 12) $61,069 down on Depreciation not yet posted YTD on recreation assets 13) $74,311 down on hard-court maintenance 14) $66,302 down on pavilion & halls building costs 15) $59,973 down on Community Bus (Public Transport Project) 16) $77,091 down on providing Community Cultural Schemes expense lower than expected 17) $55,000 down on Contribution to St Luke‘s Oval 18) $37,559 down on Roebourne Aquatic Centre Expenses 19) $15,751 down on Cultural Planning & Development 20) $19,100 down on Junior Sport Development. 21) $82,767 down on Contribution to Walkington Theatre YTD (Additional $100k to be paid in June) 22) $497,933 up on Employment Costs Recreation, KEC, Community Development, and History Officers Page 16 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 23) $122,136 up on KAC Bldg Mtce – due to closures and tornado expenses 24) $42,365 up on Karratha Bowling /Golf facility expenses Year to Date 25) $14,814 up on NAIDOC week expenses – remaining wont be expended til June-11 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Transport Revenue Revenue shows a variance down of 0.96% ($198,136). The main variances are as follows: $836,488 down on Karratha Airport & Terminal income (revised in Budget Review due to carpark) $17,713 down on Local Govt Road Grants budgeted to be received earlier $18,299 up on Road to Recovery Project Grants Year To Date $391,941 up on Airport Reimbursement Income for additional income raised on contract changes $386,939 up on Tien Tsin Inne income $14,000 up on Govt Grants Other than Roads – Bridge works assistance grant cfwd to 11/12 Expenditure Expenditure has a variance of down 13.14% ($1,488,709) the main variances are due to depreciation on infrastructure assets not yet applied and as follows: 1) $266,000 down on Contributions to Bridge works waiting on main Roads to complete & invoice 2) $159,019 down on Interest on Loan – Karratha Airport – due to reversal of 09/10 year 30 June Interest Accrual YTD 3) $310,676 down on Footpath Mtce 4) $140,904 down on Airside Mtce 5) $137,330 down on Traffic Signs & Control costs 6) $150,570 down on Pastoral Access Rd Mtce 7) $122,143 down on Street Cleaning & Sign Mtce 8) $27,177 down on TTI Kiosk Expenses – due to different purchasing of alcohol range 9) $31,051 down on Other Roads Expenses 10) $59,837 down on planned Greening of Main Streets Costs – only banners purchased and installed – Clean sweep 11) $45,448 down on Crossover Contributions 12) $20,464 down on Karratha Drainage Study 13) $25,000 down on Annual Contribution to WAPOL for Narcotic Dog Detection not yet paid 14) $13,750 down on Flight display system maintenance 15) $21,470 up on Depot Maintenance expenses YTD 16) $22,254 down on Airport Security Costs 17) $14,489 down on Roebourne Depot Maintenance 18) $44,364 up on Landside Mtce 19) $135,943 up on TTI Employment costs & Bar Expenses inline with increase in revenue 20) $184,105 up on Karratha Terminal Building Mtce Economic Services Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 15.11% ($218,141). Building Licence fees higher than budget year to date $196,637 and increased Camping Fees at 40 Mile Beach has been received year to date. Expenditure Expenditure has a variance down of 82.71% ($7,521,034) due to Tourist Centre Contributions not yet brought to Account by May of $24,235 as Budgeted less Overrun in employment costs & office expenses Building $8,349. Also Apache Energy $145k contribution to 40 Mile Beach not yet expended. Contribution to Underground Power budgeted YTD $7,306,470 – Not yet paid pending funding agreement instalments finalisation with Horizon Power. Page 17 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Other Property and Services Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 202.14% ($386,239) which is mainly due to additional unbudgeted revenue from supervision charge of subdivisions of $261,347 plus increased Workers compensation & Insurance claims above budgeted Income of $124,015. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Expenditure Expenditure has a variance down of 166.71% ($750,976). This is mainly due to: $956,191 up on plant costs & ABC allocations – over allocated as per Plant Reserves transfer. $78,802 up on Workers Compensation & Insurance Claims expenses (offset by claims Income) $162,724 up on Infrastructure employments costs Technical Services $180,558 down on Employment costs due to vacancies in Waste $110,784 down on Tech Serv & Waste Management – Design & Investigations $93,057 down on Works Office Expenses $30,500 down on Workshop Cleaning & Mtce costs Budget Year to Date. Capital Revenue Capital Revenue shows a variance down of 71.55% ($32,826,524) - Transfers from Reserves Year to Date under Budget of $17,692,918 (Royalties for Regions & Infrastructure) Entries recorded to May 2011 below expected due to delay on Major Capital projects. This has been offset by 09/10 Unspent Restricted Cash brought in. Proceeds from disposal of assets are down by $1,963,280 Year to Date against Budget due to Staff Housing not sold. New Loan for Underground power $14,612,940 not yet raised as expected 10/11. Loan 99 for Plant Purchases of $1,497,700 budgeted for April; drawdown 13th May 2011. Page 18 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) Capital Expenditure Capital expenditure shows a variance of down 34.52% ($25,624,646). This is mainly due to variances in the following areas: $1,003,444 down on Land purchases as forecast – Council Resolved not to approve BayntonWest lots $8,630,338 down on New Staff Housing Baynton West - $5m order has been placed for construction of 12 houses. $1,394,599 down on Baynton West & Bulgarra Family Centre Buildings – Reforecast in budget review. $2,496,101 down on Airport LV Power & Water Infrastructure upgrade projects behind budget YTD $11,673 on Playground Structures against Budgeted Expenditure Months revised to occur in May $1,585,706 Parks – Infrastructure – Cattrall Park Upgrade $2.2m has commenced (architecture only year to date, yet budget spread evenly over the year) $1,809,433 down on Karratha Youth Centre Building Upgrade revised in Budget Review $443,752 Landfill Operations– 7 Mile Liquid Waste Pond Redevelopment under YTD, Litter fencing, Road works 7 Mile & Weighbridge budgeted evenly over the year. $584,060 on various Public Toilets & Recreation Projects –underspent ytd on Portable toilet blocks & Bulgarra Precinct-Electrical Upgrade, Softball Diamonds $1,425,676 down on new Shire Portable Admin Building project now commenced cfwd to 11/12 $942,499 down on Bulgarra Oval upgrade projects – forecast spend aligned in Budget Review $1,391,670 down on Various Plant & Equip/vehicle Purchases planned YTD– Orders now placed, Waste, Tech Services, Day care Centres, Executive & Admin, Town planning, Health & Safety $252,450 Community Safety – Infrastructure – CCTV & Security purchases to be scoped & tendered $301,000 down on Roebourne Old Shire office improvements Project budgeted to occur Feb-11 $117,430 Furniture & Equipment Purchases – Computers Equipment Ordered arriving Jan-11 $380,145 Community Safety – Entry Statement Projects – Tendered & commenced cfwd 11/12 $347,401 Footpaths & Roads & Streets– Infrastructure $66,702 Roebourne Hall aesthetic works to be completed – Orders placed & commenced $80,000 Child Health Clinics – Millar‘s Well & Karratha Clinic Improvements not yet occurred $64,639 down on Bulgarra Day care Centre upgrade $443,752 down on Waste Bldg Improvements & Equipment purchases at 7 Mile $342,762 down on Airport Equipment & Plant purchases $184,570 down on Upgrade Effluent Systems $51,622 down on Plant & Equipment Purchases – KAC, KEC & RAC orders placed YTD $78,500 up on Karratha Airport Baggage Handling System & Check-In Building Projects due to timing difference on expenditure. The baggage handling project capital has been completed in the first part of 10/11 Year. Internal Buildings Projects now commenced to cope with growth. $12,819 Town Beautification projects – Pt Samson Entry Statement ahead of budget ytd $41,812 up on Beaches – Infrastructure – John‘s Creek boat ramp car park extension $252,656 up on Karratha Aquatic Centre Improvements YTD vs. Budgeted Monthly Expenditure $2,331,135 up on Transfer to Reserves for 09/10 Interest Reversal & Interest brought to account YTD Capital Expenditure YTD Act v Budg 10/11 A$ 000 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 $64m 10/11 Original Budget Actual $23.3m Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Months Rates Variance shown is $694,976 down YTD after Annual Rates Notices & Budget Review Amendment . Page 19 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2011 Note 1. Net Current Assets Note Year To Date Actual Brought Forward 1 July $ $ Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents - Unrestricted Net Trust Liabilities in Muni Trust - ATM Floats Trust - Medical Services Incentive Services Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted - LSL & R4R 6,425,486 (855,230) (1,684) 0 (0) 0 13,389 362,239 0 344,007 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted - Reserves Cash - Restricted Unspent Grants/Contributions 2 1 74,858,207 1,283,642 63,430,970 1,283,642 Cash - Restricted Unspent Loans Trade and Other Receivables 1 3 942,220 5,193,579 942,220 9,286,635 0 236,166 217,625 300,542 89,313,245 74,950,411 1,623,363 5,998,043 0 86,042 2,546,615 1,821,589 Land held for Resale - Development Costs Inventories Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Trade and Other Payables Bank Overdraft Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings Current Portion of Provisions 2,125,167 2,125,167 Total Current Liabilities 3,834,572 12,491,414 85,478,673 62,458,997 (74,858,207) (63,430,970) (1,283,642) Take Out Fully Restricted Cash (Loans) Take Out Restricted Cash (LSL) (942,220) (344,007) (942,220) (344,007) Add Back Non Cash Provisions Add Back Current Borrowings 2,125,167 86,042 2,125,167 1,821,589 11,545,448 404,914 Net Current Assets Plus (Minus) Items To Be Excluded Take Out Reserve Funds Take Out Fully Restricted Cash (Grants/Contributions) Net Current Asset Position Note Explanation: 1) Includes amounts received for: - unspent loan monies 942,220 - PDC Hydrology Grant 40,000 - Waterways Grant-St Luke's Oval 45,455 - Roebourne Enhancement Scheme - Roebourne Community Recreation Assoc inc 331,950 23,024 1,382,649 Page 20 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity (con’t) for the period ending 31 May 2011 2) Reserves, Long Service Leave and Royalties for Regions (R4R – Karratha Leisure Centre) are Cash Backed 3) Includes Outstanding amounts invoiced for: - Airlink Pty Ltd 180,745 - Alliance Airlines Pty Ltd 113,977 - Bristow Helicopters Australia 62,612 - Carr Civil Contracting 34,411 - DTMT Construction Co 33,841 - Department of Planning 110,961 - Instant Waste Management 95,526 - ISS Facility Services 46,597 - Landcorp 160,908 - Lyons & Peirce 370,157 - McMahon Services 50,015 - Ngarluma & Yindjibarndi 64,663 - Pilbara Iron Services 21,518 - Skywest Airlines Pty Ltd 219,635 - Tox Free (Karratha) Pty Ltd 225,341 - Transpacific Industrial Solutions 98,949 - Ziggy Contracting 23,853 Total Trade and Other Receivables (incl above) 4,062,232 Total Rates Debtors Outstanding 1,131,347 Rate Debtors Position with Comparative Yr As at 31 May 2011 $'000 25,000 22,500 20,000 17,500 15,000 12,500 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 - 2009-10 2010-11 First 10/11 Rates Due Date 31 Aug Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Second & Third rates instalments were Due in Oct & Jan respectively Dec Jan Months Page 21 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Balance Sheet for the period ending 31 May 2011 Note 2: Balance Sheet Current Assets Cash On Hand Cash and Cash Equivalents - Unrestricted Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted (Trust) Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted Trade and Other Receivables Inventories Total Current Assets 2010/11 $ 20,330 8,631,019 1,414,970 75,220,446 5,186,750 236,166 90,709,681 Non Current Assets Trade and Other Receivables Infrastructure Property, Plant And Equipment Total Non Current Assets 91,731 73,203,251 85,803,017 159,097,998 Total Assets 249,807,680 Current Liabilities Bank Overdrafts Trade and Other Payables Trust Liabilities Short Term Borrowings Short Term Provisions Total Current Liabilities 0 1,623,363 1,403,265 86,042 2,125,167 5,237,837 Non Current Liabilities Long Term Borrowings Long Term Provisions Total Non Current Liabilities 17,864,724 167,490 18,032,214 Total Liabilities 23,270,050 Net Assets 226,537,629 Equity Accumulated Surplus Asset Revaluation Reserve Reserves 139,998,413 11,681,010 74,858,207 Total Equity 226,537,629 Page 22 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2011 Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ Municipal Fund Bank Cash On Hand Westpac on call Term deposits – Westpac / WATC Reserves Fund Bank Westpac on call & Term Deposits Westpac -Maxi Reserve Total Cash Page 23 20,330 1,705,124 8,340,864 10,066,319 74,858,207 362,239 75,220,446 85,286,765 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity by Divisions by Activities for the period ending 31 May 2011 Note 4 2010/2011 Budget 2010/2011 Amended 2010/2011 Year To Date Amended Budget 2010/2011 Actual To Date $ $ $ $ 18,830,605 2,890,447 Note: Material Variance is Year to Date Amended Budget to Year to Date Actual ( => 10% or => $10,000) CORPORATE & EXECUTIVE SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Rates Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for General Revenue 18,303,399 1,981,744 18,888,006 (864,746) 17,314,000 (792,704) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Corporate Services 1,290,826 1,189,359 7,708,342 815,445 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Project Management (111,850) (43,147) (41,827) (31,080) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Information Services (536,389) (592,814) (577,999) (272,407) (19,690) (19,690) (19,690) (14,786) (458,706) 31,666 (523,025) 11,666 (508,595) 5,510 (440,141) 1,919 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Television & Radio Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Members of Council Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Emergency Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Infrastructure Project (1) (1) (132,988) (55,085) (1,852,577) (1,703,444) (1,555,337) (1,250,179) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Vehicle Storage Temporary Contract 0 0 0 102,540 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Human Resources 0 0 0 (7,241) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Affairs Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Corporate Compliance Services 0 0 (27,569) 0 (26,842) 0 (50,816) (26,976) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Executive Admin Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Transformational Process Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Staff Housing Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Services Overheads 0 (170,000) (85,000) (1,573) (3,046,529) (2,744,823) (1,823,246) (483,886) 0 (19,400) (20,051) 563,770 COMMUNITY SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Art Awards Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tourism/Visitors Centres Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Aged Persons Housing (54,493) (79,713) (65,285) 148,854 (499,139) (499,139) (459,208) (419,023) (62,168) (62,168) (45,975) (25,312) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Youth Development (169,250) (149,250) (123,360) (57,823) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Culture (163,919) (148,819) (172,772) (64,048) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Development Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Walkington Theatre (848,311) (354,777) (765,085) (459,001) (712,756) (428,102) (918,922) (389,835) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Sponsorship (650,211) (657,771) (457,434) (294,567) (80,781) (71,881) (176,004) (95,853) (201,032) (203,432) (197,266) (96,385) (1,457,533) (1,342,493) (1,301,234) (1,118,505) (859,140) (186,505) (865,687) (246,786) (1,558,299) (318,205) (875,644) (188,330) (1,219,486) (1,132,826) (1,045,420) (988,804) (494,211) (517,211) (474,768) (328,239) 376,147 (256,493) (394,713) (490,466) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Bowling & Golf (352,745) (352,745) (327,313) (381,208) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Pavilions & Halls (721,670) 2,200,467 (744,994) (1,092,173) (2,417,762) (254,434) (1,829,318) (64,434) (1,752,825) (1,574,901) (1,171,600) (147,420) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Medical Services (105,930) (105,930) (96,559) (70,220) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Buildings (288,353) (188,353) (487,387) (24,334) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Daycare Centres Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Child Health Clinics Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Entertainment Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Aquatic Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roebourne Aquatic Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Libraries Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Operations Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Ovals & Hardcourts Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Recreation Projects Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Playgrounds Page 24 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity (con’t) by Divisions by Activities for the period ending 31 May 2011 2010/2011 Budget 2010/2011 Amended 2010/2011 Year To Date Amended Budget 2010/2011 Actual To Date $ $ $ $ COMMUNITY SERVICES (con’t) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Baynton West Family Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Economic Development 0 (228,838) 0 (228,838) 0 (211,716) 0 (105,785) 399,417 (565,612) (1,297,372) 190,640 (588,212) (1,078,540) 178,276 (529,929) (997,276) 370,216 (485,955) 566,632 0 (226,000) (170,750) (172,239) DEVELOPMENT & REGULATORY SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Building Control Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Health Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Town Planning Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Strategic Planning Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Safety Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Ranger Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Camping Grounds INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Waste Collection Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Landfill Operations Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Waste Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Depots Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Vehicles & Plant Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roads & Streets Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Parks & Gardens Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Drainage Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Footpaths & Bike Paths Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Effluent Re-Use Scheme Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cemeteries Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Toilets Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Beaches, Boat Ramps, Jetties Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roebourne Enhancement Scheme Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Town Beautification Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Private Works & Reinstatements Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Works Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Parks & Gardens Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Airport Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tien Tsin Inne Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Airports Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tech Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tech Services Overheads Page 25 (419,905) (369,750) (100,545) (72,612) (1,399,565) (1,468,687) (1,362,701) (1,333,058) 30,090 30,090 19,090 186,170 (1,208,429) 2,954,795 0 (287,186) 2,872,365 (3,707,301) (2,325,140) (285,843) (417,805) (543,975) (55,176) (436,010) (91,007) (742,202) 1,835,082 0 (312,979) 2,795,644 (3,636,415) (2,333,901) (285,843) (417,805) (543,975) (55,176) (443,010) (91,007) 304,144 1,178,570 (12,860) (297,676) 1,975,141 (4,039,994) (2,088,814) (261,194) (717,668) (1,131,103) (50,674) (430,625) (55,685) 240,628 2,832,587 830,010 (382,741) 1,497,530 (2,549,273) (1,202,208) (81,160) (137,476) (308,171) (60,056) (295,009) (89,318) 0 (1,482,125) 0 (1,482,125) 0 (1,636,750) 0 (1,319,805) 1,589 0 0 3,734,595 375,284 (17,011) 248,784 (624,784) 4,589 0 0 4,150,757 (24,716) (17,011) 199,345 (584,784) 4,872 (19,821) (1,652) 3,664,723 (25,719) (16,191) 178,846 (532,241) (5,981) 1,033,333 753,763 3,243,533 246,123 (3,073) (2,942,901) (365,084) Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 10.2 LIST OF ACCOUNTS JUNE 2011 File No: Financial Creditor Invoices Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Corporate Services Reporting Author: Creditors Officer Date of Report: 30 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Not applicable Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To advise Council of payments made since the previous Ordinary Council Meeting. BACKGROUND Council has given delegated authority that allows the Chief Executive Officer to approve payments from Council‘s bank accounts either via cheque or through electronic lodgement. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The level of significance for this matter is very high in ensuring trade creditors are compensated for services they provide to the Shire. These services enable the Shire to meet the needs and expectations of the community. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Officers have been involved in the approvals of any requisitions, purchase orders, invoicing and reconciliation matters. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Payments are to be made in accordance with Part 6, Division 4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and as per the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. Payments are to be made through the municipal fund, trust fund or reserve funds. Payments are to be in accordance with approved systems as authorised by the CEO. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Staff are required to ensure that they comply under Council Policy CF6 – Purchasing Policy and CF5 - Regional Price Preference Policy (where applicable) and that budget provision is available for any expenditure commitments. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Payments are made under delegated authority and are within defined and approved budgets. Payment is made within agreed trade terms and in a timely manner. Page 26 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Key Goal Two – Delivering Services Objective Meeting the set service standards. Focussing on continuous improvement and best practice. Initiatives Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities‘ priorities. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Priority 2009/10 Establish work improvement groups within each division to review and streamline key processes and practices. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS It is incumbent on the Shire to have good trade practices. As a leader in the community it is important that good governance structures and controls are established. Having poor terms of trade is likely to have increase risk of penalties, loss of quality services and contractors and increase in dissatisfaction amongst the community. The reverse is the case with good terms of trade. ISSUES Economic Issues There are indirect benefits to the community with timely payments to the local economy. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS This is a monthly practice approved through delegation and policy direction. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Payments are made in accordance with agreed delegations provided to the CEO and staff as per Delegation 8 – Payment from the Municipal Find and Trust Fund. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 27 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Sections 6.7 and 6.9 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACCEPT payments totalling $9,302,315.54 submitted and checked with vouchers, being made up of : a. Trust Vouchers 79-82 (Inclusive), b. EFT10947 to EFT11513 (Inclusive), c. Cancelled Cheque Vouchers 73115, 73819 and 73954 d. Cheque Vouchers 73975 - 74073 (Inclusive), e. Direct Debits 13649.1,13736.1,13739.1,13739.2,13767.1 and f. Payroll Cheques with the EXCEPTION OF __(as listed)__ CONCLUSION It has been a customary practice that whilst being a leader in the community that we meet our terms of credit as established between suppliers and aspire to obtain discounts where practicable. Payments have been approved by authorised officers in accordance with agreed delegations and policy frameworks. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Sections 6.7 and 6.9 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACCEPT payments totalling $9,302,315.54 submitted and checked with vouchers, being made up of : a. Trust Vouchers 79-82 (Inclusive), b. EFT10947 to EFT11513 (Inclusive), c. Cancelled Cheque Vouchers 73115, 73819 and 73954 d. Cheque Vouchers 73975 - 74073 (Inclusive), e. Direct Debits 13649.1,13736.1,13739.1,13739.2,13767.1 and f. Payroll Cheques. i. as listed below: Chq/EFT 79 80 81 82 EFT10947 EFT10948 Date 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 01.06.2011 01.06.2011 Name Eaton Building Shire Of Roebourne Sealanes Pindan Pty Ltd Australian Taxation Office Child Support Agency Description Bond Refund PA1966 Travel Assistance Trust Withdrawal - R Callow Bond Refund Cat Trap Bond Refund PA2049 Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions EFT10949 EFT10950 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Luthuluthu Productions Amnet It Services Roebourne Healthy Lifestyle Festival - Chooky Dancer Project Email Broadband - 09.06.11 - 09.07.11 EFT10951 02.06.2011 EFT10952 EFT10953 EFT10954 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Page 28 British American Tobacco Australia Ltd Shell Company Of Australia Reliance Petroleum Seek Limited TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes Fuel Fuel Job Advertising Amount 5,240.21 287.14 30.00 41,660.89 146,815.29 290.01 20,000.00 79.00 2,506.74 8,655.57 23,582.53 1,694.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT10955 EFT10956 EFT10957 EFT10958 Date 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Name Woolworths (WA) Ltd Beverley White Allied Pickford‘s - Karratha All Seasons Karratha Description Cossack Kiosk Stock Catering Local History Removal Costs Accommodation P. Jones 11.05.11 - 20.05.11 Amount 1,009.26 2,746.00 1,016.40 2,693.50 EFT10959 EFT10960 EFT10961 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Karratha First National Real Estate Chefmaster Australia Chemsearch Australia Shire Housing Rentals - Bond Top Up Bin Liners Yield Aerosol Penetrating Agent 360.00 1,226.35 1,417.94 EFT10962 EFT10963 EFT10964 EFT10965 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd C-Direct P/L Prepaid Transpacific Cleanaway Chandler Macleod EFT10966 EFT10967 EFT10968 EFT10969 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Davis Langdon Pty Ltd Excel Electronics Forte Airport Management Fox J Stationery, Office Chair TTI Kiosk Stock - Phone Cards Wickham Library Waste Services Waste Services Labour Hire Baynton West Family Centre - Cost Management Services 209B Richardson Way - Antenna Installation Karratha Airport - Project Management Reimbursement - WWC Check EFT10970 EFT10971 EFT10972 EFT10973 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 GHD Pty Ltd GFI Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Hart Sport Host Direct Management Of SOR Capital Building Works - Job Management Finalisation and Handover Subscription Renewal - Mail Archiver 19.04.11 - 19.04.12 KEC - Sporting Goods TTI Kiosk Stock 1,750.32 1,262.80 149.40 221.32 EFT10974 EFT10975 EFT10976 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 State Budget Breakfast Ticket - J Lally TTI Kiosk Stock - Magazines and Newspapers TTI Kiosk Stock - Assorted Souvenirs 40.00 4,492.39 1,099.98 EFT10977 EFT10978 EFT10979 EFT10980 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Karratha & Districts Chamber Of Commerce Karratha Newsagency Karratha Visitors Centre Karratha Alternative Carriers Karratha Tavern LRW'S Electrical Lil's Retravision Karratha EFT10981 EFT10982 EFT10983 EFT10984 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Mercure Hotel - Perth Midalia Steel McCormack N New Wave Caterers Karratha Leisure Centre Meeting End Caps Reimbursement WWC Check Catering EFT10985 EFT10986 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Point Samson Community Association Inc Water2Water Bucks for Bags Programme Admin Building - Service Water Filter EFT10987 EFT10988 EFT10989 EFT10990 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Pilbara Iron Company (Services) Pty Ltd Parry's Merchants Roebourne Visitor Centre Swan Earthmoving Wickham Library Electricity TTI Kiosk Stock Roebourne Tourist Bureau March/April 2011 Contribution Removal of Sand and Gravel EFT10991 02.06.2011 EFT10992 EFT10993 EFT10994 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd Stihl Shop Redcliffe Te Wai Manufacturing EFT10995 EFT10996 EFT10997 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Royal Life Saving Society WA Inc TNT Express Truck Centre (WA) Pty Ltd EFT10998 02.06.2011 EFT10999 02.06.2011 Topcon Positioning Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd Landmark Operations Limited 02.06.2011 Blackwoods (Atkins Carlyle Ltd) EFT11000 Page 29 RAC - Transport Chlorine TTI Kiosk Stock - Beer & Wines Superstart Battery TTI - Electrical Goods 2,303.96 1,920.00 329.45 19,765.90 8,125.51 220.00 12,970.87 50.00 1,683.00 12,926.34 138.75 89.95 Accommodation Design 603.00 50.38 50.00 235.00 1,360.00 7,399.10 6,350.46 17,132.40 38,030.08 7,920.00 Cossack Signage 2,183.50 RAC - Repair Magnum Pool Cleaner Stihl Blower Embroidering of Winter Jackets With Shire Logo 1,996.50 1,727.35 1,320.00 KAC - Lifeguard Re-Qualification - T Starling Freight Head Light Protectors/fuel filter 181.50 903.08 488.11 Replacement of Civil Cad USB 110.00 Quickbayt 2Kg Flybait 317.77 Electrical Tape 59.43 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT11001 EFT11002 EFT11003 EFT11004 EFT11005 EFT11006 EFT11007 EFT11008 EFT11009 EFT11010 EFT11011 EFT11012 EFT11013 Date 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Name Protector Alsafe Dorma Automatics Pty Ltd Artcraft Pty Ltd AVP Commercial Pools Airport Security Pty Ltd Apple Store Perth City Alliance Power And Data BOC Limited Beaurepaires BC Lock & Key Wickham Service Station D Brierley CJD Equipment Description Safety Boots Karratha Airport - Scheduled Service of Doors Signage KAC - Task to Meet Compliance Standards Karratha Airport - Security Identification Cards Application For iPad PUPP - Consultants Fees Karratha SES - LPG Gas Bottle Supply and Fit New Tyre Karratha Airport - SOR Padlocks And Keys Fuel Refund Of Swimming Lessons - E Brierley Cab Filter Amount 428.47 2,073.50 1,259.50 18,832.00 240.00 540.95 36,514.50 110.00 4,489.91 5,938.26 318.54 80.00 2,238.46 EFT11014 02.06.2011 Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd Freight 2,962.92 EFT11015 EFT11016 EFT11017 EFT11018 EFT11019 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Coca-Cola (Holdings) Ltd Coventry‘s Chemform P Conrau K Cameron TTI Kiosk Stock - Cool Drinks UHF Radio Washroom Cleaner Incidentals - Microsoft Training Course Staff Training Liquor Licensing Certificate - K Cameron 7,972.93 1,991.96 377.47 280.85 235.00 EFT11020 02.06.2011 EFT11021 02.06.2011 David Gray And Co Pty Limited Department Of Environment & Conservation EFT11022 02.06.2011 EFT11023 EFT11024 Amatil Weed Control Chemicals 754.25 7 Mile Waste - Licence Renewal 17,966.06 Digital Images International Pty Ltd Karratha Airport - Universal Display Controllers 27,720.00 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Department Of Corrective Services E & MJ Rosher Pty Ltd Litter Clean Up H/Duty Torque Cushion Couplings EFT11025 EFT11026 EFT11027 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Environmental Industries H Eaton Farinosi & Sons Pty Ltd Cattrall Park Redevelopment - Progress Claim 1 Tender G012-10/11 Reimbursement of CPA Subscription Concrete Packs EFT11028 EFT11029 EFT11030 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Fortesque Bus Service Pty Ltd Fire And Safety WA Frogs Coffee Bean & Tea KEC - Transport For School Holiday Activity Program Pt Samson VBFB - Safety Equipment TTI Kiosk Stock 5,940.00 2,417.75 874.43 EFT11031 EFT11032 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Form Contemporary Craft & Design S Fehrman Public Art Strategy - Consultancy Services Refund Of Swimming Lessons - C Fehrman 7,821.00 100.00 EFT11033 02.06.2011 Gas City Pest Control Millars Well Daycare - WO# 1335 Treat Tree For Active Termites EFT11034 02.06.2011 Geoff Ninnes Fong Partners Pty Ltd EFT11035 02.06.2011 Gavin Construction KYFC - Design And Construction G03-10/11 Progress Claim 2 60,949.32 14,498.00 1,056.00 990.00 236,711.57 684.23 734.40 121.00 & KAC - Superintendant Representative During Upgrade EFT11036 02.06.2011 GES Consulting Karratha Leisure Complex Services 29.04.11 - 20.05.11 EFT11037 02.06.2011 Home Hardware Karratha General Hardware, Cossack Accom/Airport EFT11038 EFT11039 EFT11040 EFT11041 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Hitachi Construction Machinery Hearing & Audiology Karratha Smash Repairs Karratha Auto Electrics Fan Belt Set Workcover Full Audio Assessment Replace Front Door Glass & Windscreen Supply and Install EBS 215.95 500.00 3,558.76 907.94 EFT11042 EFT11043 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Kott Gunning Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd Karratha Leisure Complex - Legal Advice Relating to Design & Construction P8001 500 Hour Service 3,399.00 693.49 Page 30 - Project 5,363.64 Management 501.34 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT11044 EFT11045 EFT11046 EFT11047 Date 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Name Lyons & Peirce Lo-Go Appointments Landgate C Longmore Description Karratha Airport - Water Cartage Rates Training Mentoring and Support Rural UV General Revaluation 2011/2012 Reimbursement - catering for EMG Meeting Amount 2,136.75 2,803.09 1,203.51 217.00 EFT11048 EFT11049 EFT11050 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Macdonald Johnston Engineering Moxham Motors I Miller Supply Miscellaneous Parts Air Filter Reimbursement For Healthy Dog Day Lunch 475.96 743.90 178.20 EFT11051 02.06.2011 Diploma of Project Management Block 1 And 2 - Course Fees Materials And Enrolment Fee 711.00 EFT11052 EFT11053 EFT11054 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Managerial Resource Training MM IT Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd Mammoet Australia Pty Ltd P McMillan EFT11055 02.06.2011 NW Communications & IT Specialists EFT11056 EFT11057 EFT11058 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 EFT11059 EFT11060 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 EFT11061 EFT11062 EFT11063 EFT11064 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Northwest Copier & Fax Services Broadcast Australia Pty Ltd Noone Imagewear Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd OTS Landscaping Service Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd (Pioneer Road Services) Pilbara Distributors Pilbara Motor Group Pilbara Tafe EFT11065 EFT11066 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 EFT11067 Onsite Assistance: SAN/VMware/DR Implementation Wet Hire of Crane - Unload Shipping Containers Refund Of Swimming Lessons - L McMillan 10,851.85 1,481.15 80.00 7 Mile Waste - Supply & Installation UHF Antenna 4,869.80 Canon Printer Facilities Leasing - SBS Mt Welcome Power Recovery Uniforms - Ties 3,302.80 366.43 1,949.54 HR - Replacement Water Bottles 5 Kwong Close - Tree Lopping 28.25 715.00 Asphalt Cossack Kiosk Stock Air Filter Walkington Theatre - March Contribution 6,019.20 258.30 46.54 70,962.93 Pilbara Newspapers Pty Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Roy Galvin & Co Pty Ltd Printing - Karratha City Of The North Volume 1-3 Multigib Joint 16,508.36 304.81 02.06.2011 Ralph & Beattie Bosworth Pty Ltd Karratha Leisure Complex - Cost Management And Quantity Surveying Consultancy Services 16,225.00 EFT11068 EFT11069 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 HOLCIM (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD Roebourne Dingo Hire Back Beach - 150t Road Base Removal of Sand and Gravel EFT11070 EFT11071 EFT11072 EFT11073 EFT11074 EFT11075 EFT11076 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Statewide Bearings Kmart Karratha Stott & Hoare Statewide Turf Services Swoon Design Studio Steel Cap Recruitment Alternator Tapers Roebourne Library - General Materials Legend CAT6 2M Network Cable Mowing Various Locations Design Community Update Advertisement Admin Building Labour Hire EFT11077 02.06.2011 Transpacific Solutions KAC - Mobile Vacuum Truck With Operator To Remove Glass 02.06.2011 State Library of WA (Office of Shared Services) Dampier Library - Lost And Damaged Books EFT11079 02.06.2011 UFL Airports Australia Pty Ltd Karratha Airport - Stage 2 Replacement Seating Final Balance Payment 20,301.60 EFT11080 02.06.2011 UDLA Cattrall Park Redevelopment - Stage 4 Landscape Works Administration Including Disbursements 594.00 EFT11081 EFT11082 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 J Verbeek Westrac Equipment Pty Ltd 2011 Pilbara Pulse Reimbursement Filters & parts EFT11083 EFT11084 EFT11085 EFT11086 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Wickham Newsagency Wormald Australia Pty Ltd Wurth Australia Pty Ltd Downer Edi Works Pty Ltd Publications Purchased For Roebourne Library During 2010 Karratha Airport Fire Panels Testing - May 2011 Workshop Consumables Road Repairs To Coolawanyah Road EFT11078 Page 31 Industrial 7,284.52 3,960.00 1,790.99 580.10 313.00 2,578.40 14,328.26 437.25 8,076.93 3,218.60 11.00 Economic Summit - J Verbeek 220.00 1,237.43 168.90 389.82 350.06 36,992.97 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description EFT11087 EFT11088 EFT11089 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 A Ward S Winnie Yakka Pty Ltd Karratha Leisure Centre Expenses - Belmont Site Tours A Ward Refund Of Swimming Lessons - S Winnie Uniforms EFT11090 EFT11091 EFT11092 02.06.2011 07.06.2011 09.06.2011 MM IT Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd Skipper Trucks Philip Morris Limited IT - Onsite Assistance With Implementation - Week 1 Hooklift Truck Plus 5 Hookbins TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes EFT11093 09.06.2011 Sandover Pinder Pty Ltd Shire Of Roebourne Office Refurbishment - Professional Services Disbursements And Consultants Fee's 5,275.60 EFT11094 EFT11095 EFT11096 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 S Vertigan Woolworths (WA) Ltd K Christensen Conference Expenses - LGMA Women In Local Government KEC - Cleaning and Sanitary Items For Crèche Home Ownership Allowance 193.25 200.87 572.00 EFT11097 09.06.2011 Dept Of Housing & WorksDouglas Rent ** Payroll Deductions 250.00 EFT11098 EFT11099 EFT11100 EFT11101 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 15.06.2011 15.06.2011 Dept Of Housing & WorksHughes Rent *** T Swetman Australian Taxation Office Child Support Agency Payroll Deductions Home Ownership Allowance Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions 920.00 555.00 154,827.71 290.01 EFT11102 EFT11103 EFT11104 EFT11105 EFT11106 EFT11107 EFT11108 09.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd Patrick McClure Truck Centre (WA) Pty Ltd D Pentz R Van Welie A&B Leather & Canvas Avis Australia Car Hire Karratha Airport - Control Tower And Lighting Cubicle Interface Work City of the North Meeting Expenses - 14.06.11 Mack Granite 6x4 Day Cab Prime Mover x 2 Monthly Perth Meetings Expenses Landcorp / City of North Meeting Expenses Karratha Airport - Wind Socks Car Hire G Shoemark 104,748.63 409.55 534,763.00 325.95 93.70 1,844.00 80.59 EFT11109 13.06.2011 Allied Pickford‘s - Karratha Uplift Roebourne Library & Deliver to Shire Building Roebourne 5,276.70 EFT11110 13.06.2011 British American Tobacco Australia Ltd TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes 13.06.2011 J Brown Development of Management Plan for Karratha Leisure Centre EFT11112 EFT11113 EFT11114 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Transpacific Cleanaway Chandler Macleod Stationery Wickham Library Waste Service Waste Services Labour Hire EFT11115 EFT11116 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 James Cutfield T/As Signature Music Esplanade Hotel Fremantle KYFC - Audio Installation Consultancy Staff Training - Accommodation EFT11117 13.06.2011 Educational Pty Limited KEC - Craft Supplies for School Holiday Program EFT11111 EFT11118 EFT11119 EFT11120 EFT11121 EFT11122 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 EFT11123 13.06.2011 EFT11124 EFT11125 EFT11126 EFT11127 EFT11128 EFT11129 EFT11130 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Page 32 Amount 244.90 80.00 265.66 SAN/VMware/DR 9,207.37 332,990.95 1,116.41 786.94 4,235.00 3,305.00 133.98 26,452.88 1,210.00 841.00 Experience GHD Pty Ltd Harvey World Travel G Harlen Hathaway's Lubricants Karratha Florist Karratha & Districts Chamber Of Commerce Karratha Alternative Carriers Karratha Tavern M Joyce Crane Hire Midalia Steel WALGA (Marketforce) New Wave Caterers Poolmart Karratha Stage One - Bulgarra Community Centre Tender Assessment Design Development Review Staff Flights Cancelled EFT Transmission Oil TTI Kiosk Flowers May 2011 KDCCI State Budget Breakfast - F White-Hartig Transport Mower TTI Kiosk Stock - Beer and Wines Shire Depot - Crane Hire to Lift Hook Bins Galvanized Pipe Advertising - Dampier Highway Streetscaping Tender Catering KAC - Hydrochloric Acid 457.82 29,358.29 4,895.09 2,393.45 525.00 40.00 209.00 9,300.07 185.85 456.82 2,898.21 220.00 632.60 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description Amount EFT11131 EFT11132 EFT11133 EFT11134 EFT11135 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio TNT Express Truck Centre (WA) Pty Ltd The Retic Shop Atom Supply Karratha Airport Carpark Upgrade - Nearing Completion Sign Freight Replace Clutch Assembly Bermad Coil Sledge Hammer,Screws Washers and Nuts, Container 682.00 1,882.98 6,839.68 5,545.59 307.53 EFT11136 EFT11137 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 A Noble & Son Ltd - WA Division Protector Alsafe Chain Uniforms 77.00 4,471.37 EFT11138 13.06.2011 Attorney-General's Department Karratha Airport - Auscheck Lodgements 1,539.00 EFT11139 EFT11140 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Assured Waterside Apartments Airport Security Pty Ltd Staff Training Accommodation Karratha Airport - Aviation Security Identification Cards EFT11141 EFT11142 EFT11143 EFT11144 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Amlec House Pty Ltd BOC Limited BC Lock & Key Boundaries WA EFT11145 EFT11146 EFT11147 EFT11148 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 BEST Consultants BT Equipment Pty Ltd Budget Rent A Car BGC Contracting CRA Lighting And CCTV Audit - Balance Of Payment 2/3 Fixed Fee Mixer Torch Cut Tip Dampier Pavilion - Supply Padlocks And Keys Karratha Airport - Fencing For Baggage Area Bulgarra Oval Electrical Upgrade Contract Administration Fuel Filter Long Hire Vehicle - P Jones 11.05.11 - 20.05.11 Blue Metal Aggregate EFT11149 EFT11150 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Brooks Hire Service Pty Ltd Black Olive Catering Waste Services - Dry Hire And Demobilisation Costs For Articulated Dump Truck NAIDOC Festival - Cooking Demonstration By M Olive EFT11151 13.06.2011 CJD Equipment 2000hr Service on Accommodation EFT11152 13.06.2011 Coates Hire Operations Bulgarra Community Centre - Hire of Toilet Block Holding Tank And Pump 16,456.87 EFT11153 EFT11154 EFT11155 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Coca-Cola Amatil (Holdings) Ltd Coventry's Coda Studio Pty Ltd TTI Kiosk Stock - Cool Drinks Repairs To Pressure Washer BWFC - Contract Administration 5,047.76 512.30 18,396.87 EFT11156 13.06.2011 EFT11157 EFT11158 EFT11159 EFT11160 EFT11161 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 David Gray And Company Pty Limited Department Of Environment & Conservation E & MJ Rosher Pty Ltd Bradken Mining Firey Productions Gas City Pest Control EFT11162 13.06.2011 Hitachi Machinery 498.00 440.00 29,865.00 626.31 1,882.52 1,852.98 4,609.00 355.24 634.06 475.20 14,465.00 1,925.00 Volvo L70F Loader with Travel & 4,395.00 Diazinon 1,705.00 Waste Services - Controlled Waste Tracking Forms Auxiliary Valve Kit Grader Blade Karratha City of the North - Film Shoot Cossack Gaol - Termite Treatment 39.00 2,734.60 1,990.99 3,872.00 121.00 Construction Air conditioner Filter 752.50 EFT11163 EFT11164 EFT11165 EFT11166 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Horabin's Trust Karratha Smash Repairs Karratha Auto Electrics Lo-Go Appointments Professional Development Session - Bullshift With Andrew Horabin Replace Windscreen Supply and Fit Electrical Brake Control Rates Training Mentoring and Support - V Schwidden EFT11167 EFT11168 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Liftmec Pty Ltd Landgate Transport CAT Dump Truck Shire Depot To 7 Mile Waste Site Gross Rental Valuations 16.04.11 - 13.05.11 726.00 1,525.90 EFT11169 EFT11170 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 LGIS Risk Management Moxham Motors Bulgarra Community Centre - Review Of OSH Tender Documentation And Provide Written Report Air Filter 3,168.00 186.00 EFT11171 13.06.2011 EFT11172 13.06.2011 Page 33 Media Monitors Australia Pty Ltd Managerial Resource Training 19,800.00 1,122.00 800.50 2,393.97 Media Monitoring 540.29 Staff Training Diploma Of Project Management 711.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name EFT11173 EFT11174 EFT11175 EFT11176 EFT11177 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Orica Australia Pty Ltd OTS Landscaping Service Pirtek Pilbara Motor Group Pilbara Copy Service Description Bulgarra WWTP - Service Fee For 920kg Chlorine Cylinder 5 Kwong Close - Installation Of Reticulation Air Operated Oil Pump Mud Flaps Waste Services - Copier Charges May 2011 Amount EFT11178 EFT11179 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Pilbara Newspapers Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Pilbara Earthmoving Advertising - Twilight Tunes Wet Hire D7 Dozer 418.00 11,083.60 EFT11180 EFT11181 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 40 Mile Beach Access Road - Hire Of Prime Mover And Semi End Tippers Removal of Excess Sand and Gravel 35,640.00 8,448.00 EFT11182 EFT11183 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Quarrian Pty Ltd T/As G & S Transport Roebourne Dingo Hire RENE Engineering Services RPS Planning Repair Damages To Tipper Transient Workforce Accommodation Policy 11,237.60 36,087.78 EFT11184 EFT11185 EFT11186 EFT11187 EFT11188 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Statewide Bearings Kmart Karratha Statewide Turf Services Steel Cap Recruitment 465.45 11.00 35.00 17,130.02 3,298.69 EFT11189 13.06.2011 Syme Marmion & Co Air Cleaner Trigger Safety KEC - Electrical Goods Mowing Various Locations Depot Labour Hire Voluntary Development Contribution Project Consultancy Services and Disbursements April - May 2011 EFT11190 13.06.2011 Shelf Cleaning Pty Ltd Cleaning Of PCYC Hall Roebourne 4,282.50 Professional Services And Disbursements - Visit Karratha And Port Hedland Airports - To Be On Charged To Town Of Port Hedland 6,435.94 1,255.22 3,162.50 3,466.25 44.77 162.09 Pty 23,919.97 Services EFT11191 13.06.2011 EFT11192 13.06.2011 Sanders Turner Ellick Architects Tradelink Plumbing Supplies EFT11193 EFT11194 EFT11195 EFT11196 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Tox Free (Karratha) Pty Ltd Versatile Building Products Westrac Equipment Pty Ltd Woolworths (WA) Ltd EFT11197 EFT11198 EFT11199 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 EFT11200 13.06.2011 Wormald Australia Pty Ltd WA Library Supplies Beverley White World's Best Products Pty Ltd EFT11201 EFT11202 13.06.2011 15.06.2011 Ziggy Contracting Pindan Pty Ltd Relocation Of Playground Hunt Way Pavilion to Bulgarra Sporting Precinct BWFC Progress Claim No 4 Construction 23,980.00 797,782.55 EFT11203 EFT11204 EFT11205 EFT11206 15.06.2011 15.06.2011 15.06.2011 15.06.2011 C Jones Woolworths (WA) Ltd E Wright Skipper Trucks Conference Expenses C Jones - NW Pool Managers Conference Cossack Café Kiosk Stock Conference Expenses - Mosaic Software Training Tandem Axle 6x4 Tip Truck 328.80 1,307.71 389.50 201,329.80 EFT11207 20.06.2011 Point Samson Community Association Inc Refund Bond Hire 300.00 EFT11208 20.06.2011 Australian Human Resources Institute Staff Training - Investigating Workplace Misconduct 420.75 20.06.2011 British American Tobacco Australia Ltd TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes 1,239.77 EFT11210 EFT11211 EFT11212 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Transpacific Cleanaway Chandler Macleod IT - CA Total Defence For Endpoint Premium Edition Subscription Renewal KTA Airport Bin Services Waste Services Labour Hire 4,095.30 1,893.16 9,699.87 EFT11213 20.06.2011 James Cutfield Signature Music Production & Coordination of Twilight Tunes 04.06.11 3,355.00 EFT11209 Page 34 Karratha Golf Course - Gibault Multi Joint with Bolt Bulgarra WWTP - Pump Out Treated Waste Water Sumps Cossack Gaol - Aluminum Plank Padlock and Adhesive 500 Hour Service Kit TTI Kiosk Stock 357.09 1,819.31 2,024.68 1,259.07 698.80 Karratha Airport - Fire System Testing On Hydrant Pumps April 2011 Wickham Library - Library Trolleys And Stationery Catering 1,711.16 1,357.25 1,594.00 Graffiti Removal - Safewipe Kits 5,344.00 T/As Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT11214 EFT11215 Date 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Name Excel Electronics Fox J Description 9 Sing Place - Align Antenna/TV Dampier Library - DVD Series Amount 132.00 39.84 EFT11216 20.06.2011 S Giltrow Reimbursement Flights Re Training 26.06.11 - 02.07.11 137.05 95.00 4,001.64 53,326.71 4,385.91 13,605.90 446.82 EFT11217 EFT11218 EFT11219 EFT11220 EFT11221 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 G Harlen Karratha Florist Karratha Newsagency Karratha Visitors Centre Karratha Tavern G Harlen Reimbursement - Catering Development Contributions Officers Session 26/05/11 Roebourne Dawn Service - Wreath TTI Kiosk Stock - Newspapers and Magazines Shire Funding - May / June 2011 TTI Kiosk Stock - Beer & Wines EFT11222 20.06.2011 Landmark Engineering & Design Supply & Freight Of Montego Information Shelter Weatherproof Display Panel Colour Maroon EFT11223 EFT11224 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Leisure Institute Of WA Aquatics (Inc) M Joyce Crane Hire LIWA North West Seminar Registration - M Van Derwalt Crane Hire For Unloading Hook Bins From Trailer EFT11225 EFT11226 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 EFT11227 EFT11228 EFT11229 EFT11230 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 EFT11231 20.06.2011 EFT11232 EFT11233 EFT11234 EFT11235 EFT11236 EFT11237 EFT11238 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 WALGA (Marketforce) North West Realty TJM Pilbara/North West 4WD Parry's Merchants Poinciana Nursery Swan Earthmoving St John AmbulanceKarratha Shell Company Of Australia Reliance Petroleum Sealanes Te Wai Manufacturing TNT Express Visimax Yaandina Family Centre EFT11239 EFT11240 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Worksense Workwear Atom Supply EFT11241 20.06.2011 Blackwoods (Atkins Carlyle Ltd) Gloves EFT11242 EFT11243 EFT11244 EFT11245 EFT11246 EFT11247 EFT11248 EFT11249 EFT11250 EFT11251 EFT11252 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Computelec Pty Ltd Protector Alsafe A & P Transport Abco Products Avdata Australia Airport Security Pty Ltd BOC Limited BP Roebourne BC Lock & Key Wickham Service Station P Bommer SYMC Backup Exec 2010 Server WIN - Server Renewal 1st Year Waste Management - Uniforms Chook Food 5L Ecozyme B+ Karratha Airport - Avdata Billing Charges May 2011 Karratha Airport - Security Identification Cards May 2011 Barrel Heating Tip and Mixer Torch Cut Fuel Roebourne Basketball Courts - Key Cutting Fuel Reimbursement - Hangers for Staff Uniforms 932.76 2,949.24 40.00 369.07 1,055.02 240.00 232.28 699.18 222.20 441.58 44.75 EFT11253 20.06.2011 Bowman And Associates Pty Ltd Preparation - Study The Effects on Waste Services and The City of The North Plan 15,400.00 EFT11254 EFT11255 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd Coates Hire Operations Freight Karratha Airport - Hire Portable Lighting Towers 1,415.44 16,083.56 EFT11256 EFT11257 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 EFT11258 20.06.2011 EFT11259 20.06.2011 Page 35 Safety 90.00 360.31 Preparation Of Procurement Documentation For Plant Disposal Tender Process Storage Unit Rental For Local History Office - 1 Day 3,684.34 12.80 GPS Crossover Unit TTI Kiosk Stock 75 Bags of Soil Improver Remove Material from Dampier Roads 1,174.00 8,690.20 960.00 2,640.00 Waste Services Staff Training - Senior First Aid Training Diesel WE 07.06.11 OD 0 Fuel Cossack Kiosk Stock KAC - Swim Teacher Number Bibs Freight ID Wallets Community And Cultural Grant CC/01/OCT10 180.00 8,826.22 35,922.39 160.64 141.60 670.06 410.20 1,000.00 & Coca-Cola Amatil (Holdings) Ltd Coventry's Cabcharge Australia Pty Ltd Comgroup Australia Pty Ltd Uniforms Reflective Traffic Cones TTI Kiosk Stock - Soft Drinks Fuel Filter Cabcharge Vouchers Two Way Radio System - Base Rental 01.07.11 30.09.11 12.93 1,869.75 305.18 2,241.64 1,128.66 533.06 2,815.49 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description Amount EFT11260 20.06.2011 Chamber Of Commerce & Industry WA HR - Industrial Relations Advice 1,373.63 EFT11261 EFT11262 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Coda Studio Pty Ltd Creating Communities BWFC Progress Bill April 2011 - Mechanical Electrical Hydraulics Civil & Structural Consulting Services Youth Development Strategic and Implementation Plan EFT11263 EFT11264 EFT11265 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Daysafe Training And Assessing Ezdigital Farinosi & Sons Pty Ltd Conduct Haul Truck Operations Assessment Digitization of Archive Audio Tapes Araldite, broom, brushcutter line, cut off disc 3,200.00 7,538.90 143.62 EFT11266 20.06.2011 Fortesque Bus Service Pty Ltd Sunday Bus Service - May 2011 4,221.00 EFT11267 EFT11268 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Fire And Emergency Services Authority Gas City Pest Control Karratha Airport - Annual Monitoring Fee Basset Road Unit 8 - Inspect and Report On Termites 826.84 374.00 EFT11269 EFT11270 EFT11271 EFT11272 EFT11273 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 **DO NOT USE** - Gemini Medical Centre - Karratha Home Hardware Karratha Insight Callcentre Services Karratha Smash Repairs Keyspot Services 322.00 244.70 467.61 660.00 102.00 EFT11274 EFT11275 EFT11276 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Karratha Comlec Karratha Auto Electrics Karratha Party Hire Waste Services Staff Vaccinations Cossack - Various Hand Tools Insight Call Centre Services - May 2011 Windscreen Replacement Staff Recognition Trophy - A Wright KTA Airport - Identify Line at MDF for Fire Alarm Monitoring Twin Core ,Circuit Breaker, Labour Karratha Airport - Hire Of Tables And Chairs EFT11277 EFT11278 EFT11279 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 KPMG Australia Lyons & Peirce Landgate Develop Community Strategic Plan and Assist with ISP Process. Bulgarra Oval Portable Toilets - Pump Out Planning - Online Transaction Summary May 2011 25,147.10 905.50 76.00 EFT11280 EFT11281 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 LGIS Risk Management A.B. Loveridge Review of the Contractor OSH Compliance Guidelines and Tender Specifications TTI Kiosk Stock - Stubbie Holders 1,584.00 264.00 EFT11282 20.06.2011 Macdonald Engineering Cylinder Rephasing L/H 1,473.25 EFT11283 EFT11284 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Murphy Perkins Spray Services Emerge Associates Karratha Airport - Line Stripping Tips Permanent Play Structures - Progress Claim 871.20 2,983.63 EFT11285 EFT11286 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Northwest Copier & Fax Services NS Projects Waste Management - Drum Unit Karratha Leisure Complex - RDAF Funding Application 321.28 5,500.00 EFT11287 20.06.2011 EFT11288 20.06.2011 Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd Narrak Emergency Management Solutions Pty Ltd EFT11289 EFT11290 EFT11291 EFT11292 EFT11293 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 North West Volleyball Association Incorporated Pilbara Distributors Pirtek Pilbara Motor Group Pilbara Copy Service Bucks for Bags Programme Cossack Cafe Stock - Ice Creams Hose Assembly IPF Rectangular 130W Light Karratha Airport - Photocopier Service 1,448.00 411.53 1,171.84 219.21 114.85 EFT11294 EFT11295 EFT11296 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Pilbara Newspapers Pty Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Pilbara Earthmoving Roebourne Dingo Hire Advertising - Naidoc Week 7 Mile Waste - Wet Hire Of Bulldozer Removal of Excess Sand and Gravel 886.60 11,586.30 12,760.00 EFT11297 EFT11298 EFT11299 EFT11300 EFT11301 EFT11302 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Kmart Karratha Statewide Turf Services Swoon Design Studio Steel Cap Recruitment Tradelink Plumbing Rear Brake Shoe Kit Dampier Library - DVD's & Books Weed Spraying Shire Offices and Surrounding Area Design Strategic Objectives Advertisement Waste Services Labour Hire PVC Pipe 1,179.90 492.25 78,381.98 1,958.00 25,681.60 226.19 Page 36 12,602.57 178.75 132.00 638.58 233.75 Johnston Hire of Freestanding HC Water Cooler and Fortnightly Bottle Replacements Facilitate - Karratha Airport Emergency Exercise 28.25 11,396.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Supplies Description EFT11303 20.06.2011 Total Eden Pty Ltd Poly Flex Tube 20.06.2011 Toland Pty Ltd Conservation Plan Dalgety House and Union Bank Building - Claim 3 7,095.00 EFT11305 EFT11306 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 The General Mat Company Pty Ltd The Temp Fence Shop TTI Kiosk - Food Production Mats Heavy Duty Panel Pipe Welded Mesh 1,412.40 3,036.00 EFT11307 EFT11308 EFT11309 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Talent2 Pty Ltd Versatile Building Products Woolworths (WA) Ltd Consultancy Services Performance Development and Implementation KEC - Various General Maintenance Items Dampier Library - DVD's EFT11310 EFT11311 EFT11312 EFT11313 EFT11314 EFT11315 EFT11316 EFT11317 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Wormald Australia Pty Ltd Wurth Australia Pty Ltd Downer Edi Works Pty Ltd West-Sure Group Beverley White Webset Security T Woolley Yakka Pty Ltd KTA Airport - Fire System Testing on Hydrants and Pumps - June 2011 Carburettor Cleaner KTA Waste Disposal Site - Supply & Lay Asphalt Karratha Airport - Cash In Transit Service Catering Karratha Airport - Security Services June 2011 Reimbursement - Twinrix Vaccination Cost - T Woolley Uniforms 1,377.76 87.78 96,597.25 2,359.50 1,690.00 25,289.00 72.95 1,351.51 EFT11318 EFT11319 EFT11320 EFT11321 EFT11322 EFT11323 EFT11324 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 21.06.2011 Karratha First National Real Estate Karratha City Real Estate J Lymbery North West Realty Pilbara Real Estate Ray White Real Estate LJ Hooker Karratha Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals Shire Leased Housing -Rentals 25,285.00 5,214.29 7,691.42 24,507.14 17,163.69 24,373.05 5,633.33 EFT11325 21.06.2011 Peter Hunt Architect Superannuation Fund No 2 Shire Leased Office Space -Rentals 87.35 489,908.10 548,697.86 EFT11304 Amount 65.04 Review 17,875.00 1,116.07 1,006.96 2,711.03 EFT11326 EFT11327 EFT11328 22.06.2011 22.06.2011 22.06.2011 R Van Welie Westrac Equipment Pty Ltd Griffin Civil Landcorp / City Of The North Additional Meeting Expenses Articulated Dump Truck Karratha Airport Car Park Expansion - Progress Claim 13 EFT11329 EFT11330 EFT11331 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd B Fort G Wilkes Karratha Airport - Low Voltage Power Upgrade Progress Claim 2 Bond Refund - P2336 Bond Refund - PA1949 91,711.07 5,000.00 2,500.00 EFT11332 EFT11333 23.06.2011 24.06.2011 S Murphy K Christensen Conference Expenses North West Pool Managers Seminar Home Ownership Allowance 328.80 572.00 EFT11334 24.06.2011 Dept Of Housing & Works Payroll Deductions 250.00 EFT11335 24.06.2011 Dept Of Housing & Works Payroll Deductions 920.00 EFT11336 EFT11337 24.06.2011 24.06.2011 Shire of Roebourne Social Club T Swetman Payroll Deductions Home Ownership Allowance 912.00 555.00 EFT11338 EFT11339 24.06.2011 28.06.2011 Fire And Emergency Services Authority Avis Australia Car Hire 2010/2011 ESL Quarter 4 Levy Staff Car Hire - P McClure EFT11340 28.06.2011 ARRB GROUP Introduction To Geotechnical Investigation And Design 30.08.11 P Heekeng EFT11341 28.06.2011 British American Tobacco Australia Ltd TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes EFT11342 28.06.2011 EFT11343 EFT11344 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Page 37 Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Commander Australia Limited Chandler Macleod Admin Office - Stationery Monthly Network Charges - 21/06/11 - 20/07/11 Waste Services Labour Hire 105,879.40 241.75 975.70 2,154.96 126.36 158.00 18,551.48 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT11345 EFT11346 EFT11347 Date 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Name Harvey World Travel Hathaway's Lubricants Host Direct Description Staff Flights Engine Oil TTI Kiosk Stock - Glass Washing Baskets EFT11348 EFT11349 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Karratha & Districts Chamber Of Commerce Karratha Newsagency KDCCI State Budget Breakfast KEC Magazine Subscription EFT11350 28.06.2011 Karratha Earthmoving Sand Supplies Wet Hire Semi Tipper For Gravel Cartage At 40 Mile Beach Rd EFT11351 28.06.2011 EFT11352 EFT11353 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Karratha Arts & Learning Centre Les Mills Aerobics Australia Midalia Steel EFT11354 28.06.2011 EFT11355 EFT11356 EFT11357 & Amount 355.01 1,996.24 98.12 40.00 127.70 19,635.00 KEC - Kiln Firings For Arts Program 235.00 KEC - Monthly Contract Fee - Bodypump June 11 Galvanized Sheeting 555.37 434.17 Market Creations Pty Ltd 2011 Cossack Art Award - Develop & Implement Online Guest RSVP 858.00 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Norwest Sand & Gravel Pty Ltd Oem Group Pty Ltd Philip Morris Limited Waste Services Hire of Loader Repairs TTI Kiosk Stock - Cigarettes EFT11358 EFT11359 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Point Samson Community Association Inc Perth Irrigation Centre Half Day Hall Hire Fee - Seniors Activities Irritrol Valves 670.00 228.00 EFT11360 28.06.2011 Roebourne School Bucks for Bags Programme 300.00 Contribution For Supply Of Designs For Roebourne Banner Project 500.00 District 4,977.50 769.10 1,102.12 High EFT11361 28.06.2011 Roebourne Art Group EFT11362 EFT11363 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 EFT11364 EFT11365 EFT11366 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio Reliance Petroleum Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd Sealanes Te Wai Manufacturing EFT11367 EFT11368 EFT11369 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 EFT11370 EFT11371 EFT11372 EFT11373 EFT11374 EFT11375 EFT11376 EFT11377 EFT11378 EFT11379 EFT11380 EFT11381 EFT11382 EFT11383 EFT11384 NAIDOC Week Banner Shire Depot Diesel 1,881.00 23,251.05 KAC - Robotic Cleaner Replacement Parts And Service Admin Office - Tea Coffee & Milk Waste Services - Embroidery Of Jackets 3,648.60 348.00 2,320.20 Visimax Whelans Atom Supply Local Government Functions And General Infringement Books Feature Survey For Roebourne Aquatic Centre Spacecase 124.80 8,580.00 1,383.69 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 A Noble & Son Ltd - WA Division Auslec Protector Alsafe Abco Products Artcraft Pty Ltd L Alexander AVP Commercial Pools Apple Store Perth City BOC Limited Bunzl Ltd BC Lock & Key Wickham Service Station Budget Rent A Car Benara Nurseries L McGlenchy Pinlock Latch Hooks & Chains Galvanized Pit Lids Uniforms Walk Behind Carpet Extractor Guide Signs And Brackets Staff Airfares KAC - Upgrade And Renovation - Final Progress Claim 2011 Community Survey Prize - iPad 2 Cylinder of Acetylene Brag Box Wipers Bulgarra Tennis Club - Repair Locks Fuel Vehicle Hire - Employment Candidate Supply Of Various Native And Exotic Plants 40 Mile Caretaker Fuel Reimbursement 102.78 5,203.00 164.08 11,056.68 811.25 567.71 141,029.71 729.00 90.45 116.47 361.35 551.27 123.24 2,252.84 693.27 EFT11385 EFT11386 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd Coates Hire Operations Freight Karratha Airport - Hire 2 Portable Toilets & 1 Pie Warmer 125.79 767.80 EFT11387 EFT11388 EFT11389 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Coca-Cola (Holdings) Ltd Coventry's Chemform TTI Kiosk Stock - Soft Drinks Distilled Water Washroom Cleaner Page 38 Amatil 2,753.31 173.95 358.77 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description Amount EFT11390 28.06.2011 Centaman Systems KEC & KAC CENTAMAN Annual Support & License 01/07/11 - 30/06/12 5,486.80 28.06.2011 Carpet Hotline Commercial Roebourne Library - Supply And Install Wool Commercial Carpet 12,045.00 EFT11392 EFT11393 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Daysafe Training Assessing Dirtz Trax N Trailz 7 Mile Waste - Conduct Compactor Assessment Construction Of Bulgarra BMX Track 1,750.00 26,069.00 EFT11394 EFT11395 EFT11396 EFT11397 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 ESS Bay Village (Compass Group) Ezdigital Farinosi & Sons Pty Ltd Chubb Fire Safety Ltd Council Meeting Catering - 16/05/11 Peninsula Palms Digitised Oral History Tapes And CD's - Freight Cossack - Garden Tools Shire of Roebourne Fire Audit EFT11398 28.06.2011 Gas City Pest Control Admin Office - Connect Existing Partial Barriers and Treat Inner Wall Of Store 1,270.50 14,553.00 138.26 687.71 7,931.00 EFT11391 And Operations 1,421.00 326.26 52.28 16,817.57 EFT11399 EFT11400 EFT11401 EFT11402 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 GES Consulting Home Hardware Karratha Hydramet Handy Hands Pty Ltd Karratha Leisure Centre - Project Management 23/05/11 - 17/06/11 TTI - Ladder & Stanley Knives Filter for Analyser Wickham Golf Course - Mow Front and Back 9 EFT11403 28.06.2011 P Heekeng Reimbursement For Professional Membership Engineers Australia 2011-12 324.50 EFT11404 EFT11405 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Impay Pty Ltd (Karratha Motors) Karratha Comlec Pick Up & Transport Mitsubishi Lancer 1AHZ571 Pt Sampson to Depot Karratha Airport - Repair Hertz Phone Lines 185.00 198.00 EFT11406 28.06.2011 Kott Gunning Karratha Leisure Centre - Legal Advice 16/05/11 08/06/11 1,215.28 EFT11407 EFT11408 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Kathy Doesburg Ernie Dingo Landgate NAIDOC Master of Ceremony Fee 20% Pre-Payment Karratha Festival - E Dingo Urban UV Revaluation 2010/2011 1,200.00 140.00 EFT11409 28.06.2011 LGIS Risk Management Consultant Airfare - Critical Incident Debriefing 24/02/11 R Mitchell 1,019.90 EFT11410 EFT11411 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Macdonald Engineering Mcintosh & Son Belt Assy Rotagrab Blade EFT11412 28.06.2011 Mary Jeavons Landscape Architects Consultancy Services - Bulgarra Master Plan Public Open Space Development 15,428.38 EFT11413 28.06.2011 MM IT Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd Onsite Assistance: SAN/VMware/DR Implementation Week 3/4 23,266.56 28.06.2011 Melbourne School Course Fees - Leading for Organisational Impact C Longmore 27/06/11 - 01/07/11 9,379.00 28.06.2011 NW Communications & IT Specialists Radio Aerial EFT11416 EFT11417 EFT11418 EFT11419 EFT11420 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Northwest Copier & Fax Services North West Tree Services OTS Landscaping Service Pilbara Distributors Pilbara Motor Group Meter Readings for C652 09/10 Financial Year Hillcrest Park - Prune Various Trees Retic Repairs Cossack Cafe Stock Air Filter EFT11421 EFT11422 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Pilbara Newspapers Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Pilbara Earthmoving Advertising - Pilbara Echo NAIDOC Idol 7 Mile Waste - Wet Hire Of Dozer 550.00 9,702.00 EFT11423 28.06.2011 HOLCIM PTY LTD 40t Rock 2,303.46 EFT11424 EFT11425 EFT11426 EFT11427 EFT11428 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Kmart Karratha Somerset Statewide Turf Services Steel Cap Recruitment EFT11414 EFT11415 Page 39 (OBH) Johnston Business 575.56 60.75 76.87 46,424.58 12,265.00 1,567.50 185.64 243.11 Pty (AUSTRALIA) Hose Rad Lower Wickham Library - DVD's Accommodation - D Pentz 13/06/11 - 15/06/11 Mowing Of Karratha Open Areas Depot Labour Hire 1,916.16 584.75 510.00 16,012.35 1,844.05 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name EFT11429 28.06.2011 EFT11430 EFT11431 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Syme Marmion & Co Tradelink Plumbing Supplies T-Quip EFT11432 28.06.2011 Transpacific Solutions EFT11433 28.06.2011 Description Amount Community Funding Partnership - Preparation of Funding Report 3,900.00 PVC Pipe and Plumbing Supplies Fuel/Water Separator Filter 756.66 85.45 Industrial Toland Pty Ltd KAC - Mobile Vacuum Truck With Operator Dalgety House & Union Bank Building Conservation 2,623.50 30,719.15 5,500.00 709.50 246.20 140.15 1,209.24 341.00 1,460.00 Plans 7,095.00 EFT11434 EFT11435 EFT11436 EFT11437 EFT11438 EFT11439 EFT11440 EFT11441 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Tigerturf Australia Pty Ltd Talent2 Pty Ltd UDLA Versatile Building Products Wickham Newsagency Woolworths (WA) Ltd Wraight's Lawn Care Beverley White Roebourne Undercover Courts - Resurfacing of Hardcourts Stage 2 Consultancy Service - D Zwart Cattrall Park Upgrade Stage 4 Consultancy Fees 20A Shadwick Drive - Miscellaneous Maintenance Items Wickham Library Magazines & Newspapers - May 2011 TTI Kiosk Stock 20A Shadwick Drive - Replace Retic Control Panel Catering EFT11442 EFT11443 EFT11444 EFT11445 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Youth Of The Decade 2010 (YOTHD 10) Yakka Pty Ltd Australian Taxation Office Child Support Agency NAIDOC Coordination and Events Management - Stage 1 Uniforms Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions 15,000.00 369.58 153,636.27 290.01 EFT11446 29.06.2011 O'Donnell Griffin Bulgarra Sporting Precinct Electrical & Floodlighting Upgrade - Claim 4 May 2011 270,030.53 EFT11447 EFT11448 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Cooper & Oxley Builders Pty Ltd Australian Taxation Office Design and Construction Of Bulgarra Community Centre - Progress Claim 3 Payroll Deductions 39,511.38 988.60 EFT11449 29.06.2011 WA Local Govt Superannuation Plan Superannuation Contributions EFT11450 29.06.2011 EFT11451 29.06.2011 BAY MEDIA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Jupps Carpet Court Karratha KEC - Replace Carpet Portable Stages 622.00 EFT11452 EFT11453 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Core Entertainment Brother Labelling Machine Tape Hire Of Sound Equipment - Anzac Day 180.75 500.00 EFT11454 29.06.2011 Educational Pty Limited KEC - School Holiday Program 297.88 169,355.70 Pt Samson Entry Statement Banner 9,332.62 Experience Karratha Drainage Specifications - Develop Drainage Guidelines KEC - Blood Pressure Monitor TTI Kiosk Stock - Magazines and Newspapers EFT11455 EFT11456 EFT11457 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 EFT11458 EFT11459 EFT11460 EFT11461 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 GHD Pty Ltd Hart Sport Karratha Newsagency Karratha Alternative Carriers S Kot LRW'S Electrical Lil's Retravision Karratha EFT11462 EFT11463 EFT11464 EFT11465 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Local Government Managers Australia N Lockwood Poolmart Karratha Water2Water LGMA Corporate Council Member 2011/2012 Leaving Dinner F Cechner - Councillors KAC - Hydrochloric Acid Drum Exchange 7B Petersen Court - Water Filter Service EFT11466 EFT11467 EFT11468 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Dampier Park Exeloo Water Rates Quarter Ending 30/06/11 TTI Kiosk Stock Cossack - Bush Food Books EFT11469 EFT11470 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Pilbara Iron Company (Services) Pty Ltd Parry's Merchants Roebourne Visitor Centre Shell Company Of Australia Yaandina Family Centre EFT11471 29.06.2011 Worksense Workwear Page 40 Safety Bulgarra WWP - Transport Chlorine Gas Cylinders Directors Electricity Subsidy - S Kot Cossack - Replace Pump TTI - Electrical Goods x Hot water Urn 3,837.24 202.50 12,251.47 247.50 676.99 870.05 298.00 Subscription Fuel Supply Pillows & Bedding for Chooky Dancer Project 1,600.00 1,849.47 266.00 825.00 73.46 12,577.25 63.00 2,930.99 250.00 & Uniforms 67.22 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT EFT11472 EFT11473 Date 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Name Atom Supply Protector Alsafe Description Bahco 8 Wrench Towelette Moist Uvex EFT11474 EFT11475 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 The Artists Foundation Of WA T/As Artsource Archival Survival Pty Ltd Cossack Art Awards 2011 - Completion of Monthly Tasks Local History - Boxes Type 18 34,100.00 3,855.27 EFT11476 EFT11477 EFT11478 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Ausnet Industries Bunzl Ltd BC Lock & Key Roebourne Oval - Supply Netting And Posts / Sleeves For AFL Back Nets Toilet Tissue Karratha Airport - 50 Repinning 11,337.70 1,783.26 1,774.30 EFT11479 EFT11480 EFT11481 EFT11482 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 BEST Consultants Budget Rent A Car CJD Equipment Coates Hire Operations Lighting Design - Nickol West Skate Park Tambrey Oval & Kevin Richards Oval Car Hire - Mosaic Training Cutting Edge Karratha Golf Course - Hire Turf Cutter 17,628.70 207.42 2,316.60 188.10 EFT11483 EFT11484 EFT11485 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 EFT11486 EFT11487 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Coca-Cola Amatil (Holdings) Ltd Centaman Systems Creating Communities Department Of Environment & Conservation Felton Industries Pty Ltd EFT11488 EFT11489 EFT11490 EFT11491 EFT11492 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Geografia Garden Hogs Hydramet Karratha Glass Service Karratha Smash Repairs Shire of Roebourne Public Open Space Survey Payment 1 6 McRae Court - Garden Cleanup RAC - Annual Service Of Major Chlorination System Shire Housing - Cyclone Screens Repair Windscreen EFT11493 EFT11494 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Macdonald Engineering Native Gold Cylinder Rephasing R/H TTI - Assorted Jewellery 2,249.94 4,325.00 EFT11495 EFT11496 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 North West Tree Services T Newman 17 Mosher Way - Trim Trees to Clear HP Mains & Service Line Focus Group Sessions - T Newman 1,364.00 675.00 EFT11497 EFT11498 EFT11499 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Pilbara Motor Group Pilbara Tafe Roy Galvin & Co Pty Ltd Toyota Hilux Dual Cab Tray Back Ute With Canopy (Less Trade In 17192.00) Walkington Theatre Contribution - May 2011 Arcus Wall Mounted Drinking Fountain Unit 81,100.72 46,652.48 1,959.87 EFT11500 EFT11501 EFT11502 EFT11503 EFT11504 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Scott McPhail Painter & Decorators Syba Signs Pty Ltd Swoon Design Studio Steel Cap Recruitment T-Quip Cossack Bond Store - Remove Rust and Repaint All Metal Work Wickham Library - Welcome Mat Shopping Centre Display Laminated Panels Depot Labour Hire Mower Blades, bolts 25,040.00 205.70 1,512.50 2,061.68 204.20 EFT11505 EFT11506 EFT11507 EFT11508 EFT11509 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 State Library of WA (Office of Shared Services) Versatile Building Products Woolworths (WA) Ltd Beverley White A Ward Wickham Library - Recoveries Of Lost And Damaged Books 20A Shadwick Dve - Gate Latch & Sliding Door Set KEC - School Holiday Program Pt Samson Seniors Activity Morning Tea & Lunch Directors Electricity Utility Allowance 34.10 91.04 156.03 400.00 471.17 EFT11510 EFT11511 EFT11512 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 K Wood Yakka Pty Ltd L Johnston Reimbursement Of Relocation Flight Sydney - Karratha 13.05.11 - K Wood Uniforms Travel Assistance Trust Withdrawal 540.71 824.12 300.00 EFT11513 73115 30.06.2011 07.09.2010 Bulgarra Oval - Fabrication & Erection Of Two Player Dugouts & One Umpire Dugout - 2nd Progress Claim Cancelled Cheque 116,159.85 -797.50 73819 73954 06.04.2011 20.05.2011 Page 41 Amount 235.07 170.48 TTI Kiosk Stock - Cool Drink Centaman Training Youth Development Strategic and Implementation Plan 4,232.95 1,430.00 9,854.23 7 Mile WWTP - Application For Works Approval Bulgarra Tennis Courts - Aluminum Park Setting 843.00 4,358.20 3,344.00 10,400.00 20,982.12 52,899.00 71.50 Johnston Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd P Battle Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd T Xu Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque -135.00 -80.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description 73975 73976 73977 73978 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Telstra Corporation Ltd 73979 02.06.2011 Choice ISDN Video Conference Telephone Expense - 14/05/11 13/06/11 Cancelled Cheque Electricity Usage Water Consumption Wickham Library - Choice Computer Subscription Renewal 73980 02.06.2011 Department For Planning & Infrastructure Vehicle Registration 73981 73982 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Karratha BMX Club 73983 02.06.2011 Pot Shot Hotel Resort KAC - Accommodation Conference S Murphy 73984 02.06.2011 Wickham Community Association (Inc) Community Safety - BBQ Hire 11/05/11 73985 02.06.2011 Angus And Karratha Gifts For Delegates Of The EU Civic Reception 30.05.11 329.85 73986 73987 73988 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Australian Breastfeeding Association Isolated Members NW S Burgmans N Dewson Community And Cultural Grant - Grant Feb 2011 Refund For Swimming Lessons - S Burgmans Refund Class Fees Due To Cancellation - D Macin 400.00 160.00 64.00 73989 73990 73991 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 02.06.2011 Ngarluma And Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd Northwest Shedmasters J Peaker 2011 NAIDOC Ieramugadu Football Carnival Contribution Towards Skip Bins And Toilets Refund For Overpayment Of Building And Planning Fees Refund Of Swimming Lessons - J Peaker 73992 73993 73994 02.06.2011 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 Woodhouse Legal Solicitors & Legal Consul Telstra Corporation Ltd Legal Advice - Deed Of Variation For Avis Lease Karratha Airport Cancelled Cheque Mobile Phone Accounts McLeods & Co Barristers And Solicitors Y Xu Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Legal Advice Regarding Illegal Occupation Of Caravans Refund Swimming Lesson - A Nichols Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Horizon Power Water Corporation 73999 74000 74001 74002 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 74003 74004 74005 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 13.06.2011 Salvation Army Telstra Corporation Ltd Horizon Power Water Corporation Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd City Of Mandurah Harvey Norman 74006 13.06.2011 Rendezvous Observation City 74007 74008 74009 74010 13.06.2011 15.06.2011 15.06.2011 16.06.2011 74014 74015 74016 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Page 42 144,747.81 2,021.80 100.00 Costs Pool 2,000.00 Management 1,600.00 40.00 Robertson 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 09.06.2011 16.06.2011 20.06.11 20.06.11 654.15 932.10 Sports Funding Grant Scheme Feb 2011 - Purchase New Progate Start Ramp Control System Cancelled Cheque 73995 73996 73997 73998 74011 74012 74013 Amount Hotel Woodhouse Legal Solicitors & Legal Consul Horizon Power Landcorp LINK (Local Information Network Karratha) Inc. Telstra Corporation Ltd The Other Place Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/2011 - Salvation Army Megalink Telephone Charges 01.05.11 - 31.05.11 Electricity Usage Water Consumption Calibrate And Clean Pool Testing Equipment KEC - Recoup LSL - P Millar 7 Mile Waste - Radio Accommodation Conference 2,700.00 76.96 240.00 1,677.50 9,241.87 612.40 80.00 1,996.15 1,062.68 3,000.00 1,130.55 37,931.19 25,375.90 446.05 6,692.46 95.00 LGMA Women In Local Government Lease Preparation For Northwest Aviation Services Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque Electricity Usage Return Of Funding RE Pedestrian/Cycleway Directional Signage Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque LINK - Community & Cultural Grant Scheme July 2010 Karratha Airport Fax Line Charges Repair Of P Stevens Framed Indigenous Artefacts 350.00 1,551.00 2,692.53 110,000.00 1,000.00 93.00 50.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description 74017 74018 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 3 Hutchison Telecommunications Aust. Horizon Power SES Messaging Service Cancelled Cheque 74019 20.06.2011 74020 74021 74022 74023 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 Wickham Community Association (Inc) Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd Harvey Norman Jason Signmakers S Jeayes 74024 20.06.2011 Karratha Emergency Relief Organisation KERO - Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/2011 3,000.00 74025 74026 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 McLeods & Co Barristers And Solicitors Orbits Softball Club Legal Advice Refund Unused Light Tokens - Orbits Softball Club 8,427.65 156.00 74027 20.06.2011 Dept Of Planning Infrastructure - Plates SOR Plates - 350R D Lloyd 74028 20.06.2011 Roebourne Shelter (inc) 74029 74030 20.06.2011 20.06.2011 74031 74032 74033 74034 74035 74036 74037 20.06.2011 22.06.2011 22.06.2011 23.06.2011 23.06.2011 24.06.2011 24.06.2011 Raiders Boxing Club St Vincent De Paul Society Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd Shire Of Roebourne Horizon Power Australia Post Horizon Power Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne 74038 74039 24.06.2011 24.06.2011 Australian Services Union (Asu/Meu Div.) Lgrceu Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions 74040 28.06.2011 Dampier Association Annual Community Association Development Scheme Funding 2010/2011 - Dampier Lions Park Upgrade 56,250.20 498.34 175.00 Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/2011 - Purchase New Community Bus Palintest Chlorine Free Photograde DPD1 Tablets Camera Entrance Sign - Waste Facility 7 Mile Refund of Swimming Lessons S Jeayes Amount 203.16 12,100.00 64.35 309.00 778.80 160.00 & Sobering-up Community Community Sponsorship - Roebourne Sobering Up Centre Sport Funding Grant - Raiders Boxing Club - October 2010 Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/2011 Refund Planning Fee - Applicant Withdrew P2476 Petty Cash Electricity Usage Postage May 2011 Electricity Usage Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions 150.00 6,050.00 2,000.00 4,645.69 135.00 1,026.95 3,365.07 1,584.19 21,932.41 1,996.15 2,398.49 354.60 87.00 74041 74042 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 First Steps Playgroup Karratha Baptist Church First Steps Playgroup - Community And Cultural Grant CC/03/OCT/10 - Equipment Purchases Hall Hire 74043 74044 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 Youth Care West Pilbara P Battle Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/11 - Youth Care West Pilbara Cossack Art Sales - Wadijarri Dreaming #12 2,000.00 797.50 74045 74046 74047 28.06.2011 28.06.2011 29.06.2011 McLeods & Co Barristers And Solicitors Target Australia Pty Ltd Australian Super Legal Services - Pilbara Underground Power Funding Agreement Wickham Library - DVD's Superannuation Contributions 759.00 250.42 2,169.44 74048 74049 74050 74051 74052 74053 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Colonial First State Firstchoice Super Amp Life Limited Axa Australia Health Super HostPlus Superannuation LG Super Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions 1,048.35 536.48 555.10 675.72 309.19 343.66 74054 74055 74056 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions 139.40 170.03 588.84 74057 74058 74059 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions Superannuation Contributions 1,253.64 833.23 1,984.88 Page 43 PBTL Lifetime Superannuation Fund Mtaa Superannuation Fund MLC Nominees Pty Ltd Navigator Australia Limited (Aviva Investment Services) Rest Superannuation Westscheme Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Chq/EFT Date Name Description Amount 74060 74061 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 RAC Annual Community Association Funding 2010/2011 - Launch of Juluwarlu's Cultural Shed KAC - Air Re-Fill For Pool Cleaning 2,475.00 45.00 29.06.2011 Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation Karratha Adventure Sports Karratha Senior High School 74062 74063 74064 74065 74066 74067 74068 74069 74070 74071 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 29.06.2011 Roebourne District High School St Lukes College Telstra Corporation Ltd Tambrey Primary School Horizon Power Water Corporation Wickham Primary School Bunning's Group Limited Horizon Power Roebourne High School - NAIDOC Week Donation St Luke's - NAIDOC Week Donation Shire President Phone/Internet Tambrey Primary School - NAIDOC Week Donation Electricity Usage Water Consumption Wickham Primary School - NAIDOC Week Donation Treated Pine Logs Electricity Usage 605.00 605.00 515.69 605.00 4,432.83 592.90 605.00 272.32 1,374.52 74072 29.06.2011 A Cheeseman A Cheeseman Australia Day 2011 Awards Prize - Citizen of the Year 2,000.00 310,728.98 Karratha Senior High - NAIDOC Week Donation 605.00 74073 30.06.2011 Shire Of Roebourne Transfer Of Retention To Trust - Griffin Civil Karratha Airport Expansion DD13649.1 10.05.2011 Westpac Corporate Credit Cards Flights, Accommodation, Fuel etc 22,622.51 DD13736.1 09.06.2011 Westpac Corporate Credit Cards Flights, Accommodation, Fuel etc 18,373.53 17.06.2011 Western Treasury Corp Flights, Accommodation, Fuel etc 15,446.26 16.06.2011 15.06.2011 Commonwealth Bank Of Australia SG Fleet Australia Pty Ltd Loan 93 repayment Vehicle Leases 82,258.98 1,852.22 8,405,528.23 09.06.11 13.06.11 23.06.11 27.06.11 27.06.11 29.06.11 29.06.11 29.06.11 29.06.11 29.06.11 Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Shire of Roebourne Payroll FE 08.06.11 Wages Payroll FE 22.06.11 Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages 446,351.59 2,442.46 444,375.53 DD13739.1 DD13739.2 DD13767.1 Australian Total Payments Page 44 511.65 483.68 1,328.50 120.20 113.47 860.64 199.59 896,787.31 9,302,315.54 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 10.3 MT WELCOME STATION – OUTSTANDING RATES File No: RV.11 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Executive Manager Corporate Services Date of Report: 04 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Mt Welcome Pastoral Company Pty Ltd Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Summary of Rates PURPOSE To consider the write-off of outstanding rates arrears relating to the Mt Welcome Station and providing a pastoral concession. BACKGROUND Mount Welcome Station consists of multiple properties being A5107, A5717, A1373, A1375, A1376, A1377, A1378, A1379, A1399 and A1404. Until the end of the 2009/2010 financial year, rates for Mount Welcome Station, had historically continued to accrue in arrears along with penalty interest for a decade or more. In order to resolve the issue of outstanding rates several repayment plan options were provided to Mt Welcome Pastoral Company during the period of 2008 to 2010 without resolution. A final attempt to resolve the matter by a proposed repayment plan was made by Council‘s administration (under delegation June 2010) on the basis that Council would consider the write off of penalty interest and provide Pastoral Concessions (for properties A5107 and A5717 for Financial Years prior to 2010/2011) to Mount Welcome Pastoral Company upon receipt in full by 30 June 2011 of $212,551.36 that comprised of the following amounts: 1. Rates Arrears (including ESL and ESL Penalty) $181,783.12 2. 2010/11 Rates Levied $ 30,768.24 Page 45 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda The Mount Welcome Pastoral Company paid a total amount of $232,054.61 by 30 June 2011. The requested schedule of payments as follows: Date Description 30/06/2010 1st Payment 01/07/2010 Receipt 31/08/2010 2011/12 Rates Due 11/10/2010 12/10/2010 13/10/2010 31/12/2010 16/06/2011 30/06/2011 Receipt Receipt Receipt 2nd Payment Receipt 3rd Payment Original Instalment Plan $60,000.00 Amended Instalment Plan $30,000.00 Payments Received $19,573.25 $ 5,000.00 $30,768.24 $30,768.24 $30,404.81 $ 2,454.38 $93,960.06 $60,000.00 $75,000.00 $80,662.11 $61,783.12 $212,551.36 $76,783.12 $212,551.36 $232,054.61 The additional amount paid relates to the 30 June 2010 repayment of $19,573.25 which will remain as a credit against assessment A5107 and A5717. Any outstanding amounts relating to Emergency Services Levies (ESL) shall remain payable by Mount Welcome Pastoral Company as it is a State Government Levy collected by Local Government. A write off of Rates Arrears (excluding ESL and ESL Penalty) of $193,087.31 would be required to represent the full extinguishment of outstanding penalty interest. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Appropriate allocations for Doubtful Debts have been made within Council‘s balance sheet over past financial year‘s to remove any impact on rates revenue within 2011/12 financial year. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place over the period rates have been outstanding on Mt Welcome Station. Meetings have been held for several years between the Chief Executive Officer of Council and the Mt Welcome Pastoral Company. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1995 Section 6.12(c) provides for the Power to defer, grant discounts, waive or write off debts An Absolute Majority is required should a write off be approved. Local Government Act 1995 Section 6.47 provides for the application of Concessions within Subdivision 4 Payment of Rates and Service Charges. An Absolute Majority is required should a concession be permitted. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. Page 46 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS An amount of $193,087.31 would be required to be written off representing penalty interest accrued on the assessments comprising Mt Welcome Station being A5107, A5717, A1373, A1375, A1376, A1377, A1378, A1379, A1399, A1404. Penalty interest provides Council with compensation for lost interest earnings and additional administration expense in recovering outstanding rates. Concessions of $49,192.91 representing $46,829.19 for assessment A5107 and $2,363.71 for assessment A5717 are provided for consideration by Council for financial years prior to 2010/11. Appropriate allocations for Doubtful Debts have been made within Council‘s balance sheet over past financial year‘s to remove any impact on rates revenue within the 2011/2012 financial year budget. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Delegation 9 – Payment of rates by Instalments or Special Arrangement. The Chief Executive Officer is permitted to agree with a ratepayer to alternate payment methods when experiencing financial hardship. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority Page 47 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Absolute Majority RESOLVES to: 1. WRITE OFF in accordance with section 6.12(c) of the Local Government Act 1995 $193,087.31 of outstanding rates on properties comprising Mt Welcome Pastoral Station being A5107 $193,008.49, A5717 $63.70 and A1373 $15.12; and 2. NOT provide a pastoral concession of 28.5% for Rates to Mt Welcome Pastoral Company for the financial period prior to 2010/2011. Option 3 That Council by Absolute Majority RESOLVES to: 1. NOT provide a write off of penalty interest; and 2. PROVIDE in accordance with section 6.47 of the Local Government Act 1995 a CONCESSION to properties comprising Mt Welcome Pastoral Station being A5107 $46,829.19 (28.5% of Rates) and A5717 $2,363.71 (28.5% of Rates). Option 4 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to section 2.7 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. NOT provide a write off of penalty interest; and 2. NOT provide a pastoral concession of 28.5% to Mt Welcome Pastoral Company by way of a write off of rates arrears for financial years prior to 2010/2011 on properties A5107 and A5717 for the financial period prior to 2010/2011. CONCLUSION The write off of the equivalent of Penalty Interest totalling of $193,008.49 under section 6.12(c) of the Local Government Act 1995 and provision of Concession of $49,192.91 under Section 6.47 of the Local Government Act 1995 will bring to finalisation a long outstanding rates issue. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Absolute Majority RESOLVES to: 1. 2. Page 48 WRITE OFF in accordance with section 6.12(c) of the Local Government Act 1995 $193,087.31 of rates on properties comprising Mt Welcome Pastoral Station being A5107 $193,008.49, A5717 $63.70 and A1373 $15.12; and PROVIDE in accordance with section 6.47 of the Local Government Act 1995 a CONCESSION to properties comprising Mt Welcome Pastoral Station being A5107 $46,829.19 (28.5% of Rates) and A5717 $2,363.71 (28.5% of Rates). Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 1 – SUMMARY OF RATES Page 49 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 11 COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE SERVICES 11.1 ANNUAL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT SCHEME File No: GS.41 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community & Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Economic and Community Development Date of Report: 01 07 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Local Shire community associations Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Annual Community Scheme Applications Association Development PURPOSE For Council to endorse applications for financial assistance received from the Dampier Community Association, Karratha Community Association, Roebourne Advisory Committee, Wickham Community Association; and the Point Samson Community Association for the Annual Community Association Development Scheme. BACKGROUND In recognition of the important role that Community Associations play and their ability to forge communities through a variety of events and projects, Council has committed to the provision of support and assistance through the Annual Community Association Development Scheme. Council will allocate funds on an annual basis for the purpose of contributing to named Community Associations. Community Associations are required to present a detailed project brief to Council, depicting project intent, benefit and costing. Funds will be allocated to Associations through a set payment plan detailed in the project proposal. The intention of the funding is to offer financial assistance to facilitate Community Associations in coordinating and delivering strategic, high quality community programs, events and/or services which provide direct benefit to their community. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The ACADS Scheme provides significant funding assistance to facilitate Community Associations in coordinating and delivering strategic, high quality community programs, events and/or services which provide direct benefit to their community. It is a key strategy in the Shire‘s objectives of facilitating inclusive and engaged communities and building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with Councillors within their role on the various Community Associations. Page 50 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The Community Development team have liaised with each of the Community Associations to offer support and assistance in completing the applications. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Policy number CS19 - Annual Community Association Development Scheme is relevant to this matter. The Scheme makes provision for projects from Dampier, Roebourne, Wickham, Point Sampson and Karratha communities to receive funding on the basis that the infrastructure project provides benefit to their direct community. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The expenditure is in accordance with the 2011/12 Budget from 314200 Non- Statutory donations. $100,000 per annum is allocated to each community association in each town. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire‘s Strategic Plan 2009-2013, Key Goal One – Communities is relevant to this matter. It is a key strategy in the Shire‘s objectives of facilitating inclusive and engaged communities and building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The provision of funding to Community Associations will assist in building the capacity of associations in coordinating and delivering strategic, high quality community programs, events and/or services which provide direct benefit to their community Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues The funding will provide a significant benefit to all residents within the various towns, however particularly for indigenous residents in the Town of Roebourne with support for cultural events and youth activity associated with the Lights On Project. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is an impact on the capacity to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation due to additional time required to effectively liaise with the community associations and seek fully costed and worked submissions .This applies particularly in the case of the Roebourne Advisory Committee, with the lack of a quorum for the last three successive meetings, which has impacted on the Community Development Team‘s workload and ability to progress action items especially as it relates to actioning the ACADS. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. Page 51 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer‘s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. MODIFY the amount and/or submissions received as per Council‘s determination. Option 3 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. DEFER the matter pending further information from officers on specific projects. Page 52 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda CONCLUSION The Dampier, Wickham, Point Samson and Karratha Community Associations and the Roebourne Advisory Committee have submitted their applications for the Annual Community Association Development Scheme. These have been collated by officers and presented for Council approval. The projects, activities and events are consistent with the values and strategies contained within the Shire‘s Strategic Plan 2009-2013. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to endorse the funding for the Community Associations under policy CS19 - Annual Community Association Development Scheme for: Annual Community Association Development Scheme 2011/2012 Applicant Project Funding Category Total Cost of Project Funding Requested Additional Funding Secured Dampier Community Association - Hampton Oval lighting - Jurat Park upgrade - Windy Ridge Playground Dampier Sports Club upgrade - Relocate and upgrade Hampton Beach Playground including fencing - Completion of Dampier Lookout upgrade with tourist information map - Relocate CDA notice board and upgrade to lockable cabinet. Various $200 000 $200 000 In kind from Rio Tinto in the form of labour and equipment support Karratha Community Association Annual Karratha Community Fun Walk 2012 Community Event $34 550 $18 875 $15 675 Roebourne Advisory Committee - Public Toilets in Century Park, Roe Street ($70,000) - Community Events/Projects ($20,000) and Lights On Project ($10,000) Various $100 000 $100 000 Nil Wickham Community Association Purchase of digital projection equipment and new seating for Wickham picture garden theatre Facility Development $100 000 $100 000 Nil Point Samson Community Association Community Hall maintenance and enhancement project. In addition, costs for Annual community grants have been included as they were unsuccessful via the grant process. Facility Development $84 308 $84 308 Nil Page 53 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 11.2 BULGARRA COMMUNITY CENTRE NAMING COMPETITION File No: CP.167 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 29 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Community Facilities Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Council Policy CS9 PURPOSE To advise Council of public submissions following community engagement regarding the naming of the Bulgarra Community Centre, and for Council to adopt an official name for the facility currently known as the Bulgarra Community Centre. BACKGROUND Council adopted a revised policy CS9 (Naming Buildings, Parks and Reserves) in March 2011, allowing more flexibility in the naming of new facilities, this policy is attached for information. Officers engaged the wider community through a naming competition during the months of May and June 2011 in relation to the facility currently under construction on Hunt way in Bulgarra, this facility is currently know as the Bulgarra Community Centre. The Bulgarra Community Centre is due for completion in early 2012, and the current project is at the stage where signage and naming is vital for project momentum. The information was dispersed through local media outlets and through distribution lists held by Shire of Roebourne officers. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The significance of Naming of the Bulgarra Community Centre is related to community engagement, perception and any potential recognition by a previous resident who provided the community with notable service. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Nil COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community Consultation has taken place in the form of a public naming competition. Officers advertised through local mediums and distribution lists for a period of 1 month, with submissions closing early June. Only one (1) submission was received through the community consultation, Shire officers have included additional naming options for council to consider. Page 54 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Proposed Name Applicant Frank Butler Aimee Community Centre Troy Reasoning See below Bulgarra Community SoR Centre Bulgarra Sporting SoR Club Bulgarra Community SoR and Function Centre Location, Purpose Criteria inline with CS9 - Made a Significant contribution to local sporting groups. - Resided in the area. Location, Purpose Location, Function Location, Function Location Function Location Function Additional Information on Frank Butler Frank Butler and his family moved to Karratha in 1972. His most notable achievement was the 1975 WA Citizen of the Year (Sport) for his commitment to sport in regional WA. This has put him the similar category to other award winners – Thomas Hoad, Barry Cable and Ric Charlesworth. Frank was the founding President of the Karratha Sport and Recreation Club in 1976. He was involved in generating funding through submission of grants and heavily involved in design and construction. Frank is the number 1 life member and this is recognised by a plaque over the entry. Frank was also a valuable contributor to the development of Bulgarra Oval – many hours of hard labour planting seeds for grass. He was a contributor to the design and construction and was also involved in delivery of lights to Pegs Creek Oval. The Cardinals Football Club was started in 1979 and Frank was the founding member/driving force in the development of this club based at the Bulgarra Oval. He was a committee member with the Club until he left Karratha in 1986, and is a life member. The reason behind Frank developing this club was his son Craig, did not have a club to play for and he was keen to see a football club take on juniors and develop through the seniors. Frank was also the President and committee member for the North Pilbara Football League, in particular to encourage junior development. At this time the league covered areas such as Goldsworthy/Shae Gap and across the Pilbara. From 1977 to 1982 Mr Butler was the President and committee member for the Parent and Student council for the one and only Karratha school, and his main agenda was to develop junior sporting groups. Frank was one of the creators of the Karratha Bowling Club, designing and constructing the bowling greens with Bob Day and Archie Alladyce. Not only did Frank Butler bring commitment and devotion to sport in Karratha he also has left a family legacy with his family being heavily involved in sporting groups across the town. His family have gone onto becoming life members of the Karratha Netball Association, Karratha/Dampier Teeball Association, Wickham/Roebourne Teeball Association and also the Karratha and King Bay Horse and Pony Club. Sadly, Frank died in 2005. Page 55 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Naming is within accordance of Council Policy CS9 (Naming Buildings, Parks and Reserves), as detailed in the table above. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The construction and successful operation of the Bulgarra Community Facility is a key initiative of the Shire of Roebourne Strategic Plan 2009-13. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues Socially, the impact of Councils decision will influence community connection with the facility. A selection based on function, location or purpose, may be easier for the community to identify, however a name which holds weight in the community and honours a past resident who made a significant contribution could also create far more interest, and sense of ownership and place with several community groups. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be no future impact on capacity RELEVANT PRECEDENTS Council has previously both rejected and accepted submissions through public naming competitions. Council has also seen benefit in naming facilities which describes a facilities location, function and purpose, additionally Council has considered names which lend themselves to the marketability of a facility. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 56 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to name the facility located on Hunt Way Bulgarra as the Frank Butler Community Centre Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to advise Officers of an alternative name. CONCLUSION Shire officer‘s have engaged the wider community through a naming competition in relation to the facility currently known as the Bulgarra Community Centre. The Community Centre is due for completion in early 2012. Officers have included naming options which were submitted by the community and options which promote location and functional description for Council‘s consideration. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to name the facility located on Hunt Way Bulgarra as the Frank Butler Community Centre. Page 57 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 1 - COUNCIL POLICY CS9 Page 58 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 59 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 11.3 BULGARRA SPORTING PRECINCT - PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ADOPTION File No: DT/3/8; DP/1/1; PK.2 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 29 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Community Facilities Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Bulgarra Playground Concept Bulgarra BMX Documentation PURPOSE To seek Council‘s endorsement of the proposed Public Open Space Development within the wider Bulgarra Sporting Precinct. BACKGROUND Council has received several reports regarding the developments within the Bulgarra Sporting Precinct, as identified through both the Karratha 2020 Vision and Community Plan (endorsed at the February 2009 OCM) and the subsequent Bulgarra Precinct Master Plan (endorsed at the August 2009 OCM) developed by CCS Strategic Management. The latest iterations of the Master Plan development has indicatively shown potential space for passive Public Open Space development, without detailing specifics of what the space is to include. To date, Council reports have shown a high level concept plan citing the following components for inclusion; - BMX Park Regional Playground Passive Open Space (green space) Officers engaged Mary Jeavons Landscape Architect to prepare detailed concept plans, and coordinate community consultation workshops, this work was carried out through the months of April, May and June 2011. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The Bulgarra Public Open Space Development is significant on several levels. Council should consider future costing and implications in regards to asset maintenance and capital replacement, whilst noting the importance and need of this development from a community perspective. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Nil Page 60 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community Consultation has taken place regarding the wider POS Development at the Bulgarra Sporting Precinct. The details of the consultation sessions are below in table 1. Purpose Location Date/Time Advertising Mediums BMX Park On Site – 18th April 2011 at Schools Consultation Bulgarra Oval 4pm Local Newspaper Playground Pegs Creek Hall 18th April 2011 at Local Development – KCH host 6:30pm Newspaper Community Distribution Lists Number of Attendees 0 7 STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS This costing is broken into several separable portions, with the ability to deliver components based on funds and land availability. BMX Component o Part 1 (Jump Track Only) $50,000.00 o Part 2 (Pump track and surround amenities) $97,000.00 Playground/POS o Stage 1 o Stage 2 o Additional Works o Projected Maintenance (52 weeks) $511,270.00 $308,700.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Contingencies $101,718.44 Estimated cost for the total development (ex GST) $1,118,902.84. Council has approved funds through the Bulgarra Sporting Precinct Project, coordinated by the Shire‘s Strategic Projects Department. The BMX component and Stage 1 of the POS development are currently budgeted for over the 2010/11 and 2011/12 financial years with a total of $740,000.00 allocated to works and a further $60,000.00 allocated to design. Officers will investigate alternative funding opportunities to complete the wider project over the coming years. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS This development is in line with the Shire‘s Public Open Space Strategy, which indicates a ―Regional‖ space and playground is required within the Bulgarra suburb. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. Page 61 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ISSUES Nil Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues This Development, once completed, will provide residents with a social amenity, play and meeting space. Council should consider the benefits the local residents will experience with a development of this size. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be future impact on Council, in particular the Shire‘s Parks and Gardens department to maintain the additional green space and play equipment. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. REJECT the Bulgarra POS Development Master Plan, and; 2. ADVISE Officers of an alternative approach. CONCLUSION Council has approved various Master Plan iterations of the wider Bulgarra Sporting Precinct. This report provides a detailed concept plan for the POS development portion of the Precinct Master Plan, Officers recommend Council adopt the revised Master Plan as attached with the BMX and Public Open Space adjustments. Page 62 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to endorse the Bulgarra Public Open Space Development and BMX proposal as per the revised Master Plan provided in Attachment 2 Page 63 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT1 - BULGARRA PLAYGROUND CONCEPT Page 64 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 65 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTATCHMENT 2 - BULGARRA BMX DOCUMENTATION AS PER MASTER PLAN Page 66 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 12 DEVELOPMENT, REGULATORY INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 12.1 EXCISION OF PART RESERVE 32335 TO ENABLE SENIOR CITIZENS ACCOMMODATION – REX WEBB PARK File No: LP.60 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure services Reporting Author: Manager Strategic Planning Date of Report: 4 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Shire of Roebourne and LandCorp Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Site survey AND PURPOSE For Council to consider requesting the Department of Regional Development and Lands to excise part of Crown reserve 32335 (Rex Webb Park) and creation of a new reserve to be vested in the Shire of Roebourne for the purpose of ‗Accommodation‘ to enable the relocation of the existing city centre senior citizens accommodation village. BACKGROUND In November 2009 the state government launched its Pilbara Cities Vision, being ―to build vibrant cities that offer economic and social sustainability from one generation to the next; places that people will choose to live on a permanent and intergenerational basis; and with quality accommodation and services in line with other major Australian cities‖ marked a major turning point. In response to this vision, the Shire produced (in partnership with LandCorp), the ―Karratha City of the North Strategic Plan‖ (KCN Plan). The KCN Plan consists of three parts being the ―Implementation Plan‖, the ―City Growth Plan‖ and the ―City Centre Master Plan‖. The City Centre Master Plan illustrates how the existing town centre can be modernised and transformed into a vibrant and attractive city centre. The vision is to promote a variety of residential, retail, commercial, civic and community amenities. It encompasses great urban design outcomes; a high quality public realm; diverse residential development providing more choice; and an increased density and scale of mixed-use developments. In implementing the KCN City Centre Master Plan, modifications and upgrades to the city centre infrastructure is required. This will primarily consist of modifications and upgrades to the public road network (including some road realignments) and associated utilities infrastructure, streetscapes, drainage reserves and public open space. One key element of a new city centre is a realigned and modified Sharpe Avenue required in order to create a ‗main street‘. The existing Sharpe Avenue is proposed by the Master Plan to be extended to the north between the future Pelago development and south to Dampier Highway. The proposed southern extension will require the relocation of the existing senior citizens Page 67 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda accommodation village. Construction of the first stage of the city centre infrastructure works program is due to commence in November, therefore; the relocation of the existing village is of critical importance. LandCorp has been nominated as the project manager for the proposed relocation of the village. Discussions with the senior citizens determined that a new facility should incorporate single, detached dwellings within walking distance to the city centre. Land north of Richardson Way in Bulgarra was originally identified by Council‘s administration as being the preferred alternate site, however; site development constraints due to potential localised rainfall and storm surge flooding may render the site unviable in the short term. The next suitable site was determined to be land south of Gregory Way, Bulgarra (Rex Webb Park). Rex Webb park is largely unused and surplus to the communities needs as confirmed by the Shire‘s recent parks rationalisation study. The land has also been identified as possible for residential infill development by the Pilbara Cities ‗Lazy Lands‘ project. In order for the site to be available for development should the project be formally confirmed including funding, management responsibilities, and detailed design, the portion of Crown reserve 32335 should be excised from the parent reserve and vested in the Shire for the purpose of ‗Accommodation‘ with power to lease up to 21 years (standard period permissible under the Land Administration Act 1997). ‗Accommodation‘ grants Council the future flexibility for dwellings to be occupied by people other than senior citizens i.e. staff or service workers. This potential would obviously be subject to future negotiations with relevant authorities after the relocated residents have moved on. Creating a new reserve does not obligate the Council to anything other than granting the certainty that an alternative senior citizens village site is available. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE It is important to make the distinction between the actual physical relocation of the senior citizens accommodation village and the purpose of this report which is only to request the Department of Regional Development and Lands to excise a portion of reserve 32335 from the parent reserve and create new reserve for the purpose of ‗Accommodation‘ with power to lease up to 21 years. Detailed planning of a future village is yet to be undertaken. The relocation of the existing senior citizens accommodation village is deemed to be of utmost significance to the Council as it is critical to enable the full implementation of the City Centre Master Plan and overall revitalisation of the city centre. By creating a new reserve will provide an option for Council to provide a suitably located parcel of land to whichever entity is determined to develop and manage a new senior citizens accommodation village. Vesting the reserve to the Shire grants the Council the best flexibility to manage any future development of the site in a timely fashion, including having the ability to exempt the requirement for planning approval under the Town Planning Scheme. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION No formal consultation has occurred between the Shire‘s administration and Councillors. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The existing residents of the senior citizens accommodation village were briefed at the Shire administration office earlier in the year. Once further planning is undertaken regarding the funding and feasibility of the relocated accommodation, it is recommended that another briefing session is arranged. Any future development proposal over the site should be advertised in accordance with the provisions of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8. Page 68 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The Department of Regional Development and Lands must undertake the process of excising the portion of Crown reserve and creation of a new reserve in accordance with the provisions of the Land Administration Act 1997. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no Council policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS It is undetermined at this stage if any financial obligations will be placed on the Shire for the future relocation of the senior citizens accommodation village, although indications are that construction of the new dwellings will be State funded. Terms of any future leases or management of dwellings has also yet to be determined. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The relocation of the senior citizens accommodation village is critical to enable the implementation of the Karratha City of the North City Centre Master Plan by providing land to construct the southern extension of Sharpe Avenue to Dampier Highway. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There is no risk to Council with regard simply to the request to the Department of Regional Development and Lands for the excision of part reserve 32335. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic implications related to the request to the Department of Regional Development and Lands for the excision of the part reserve and creation a new reserve. Pilbara Cities have already undertaken a site survey as part of the Lazy Lands proposal. Payment of any future administration or survey costs will be administered by LandCorp. Social Issues There are no social issues related to the request to the Department of Regional Development and Lands for the excision of part Reserve 32335 and creation of a new reserve. Any future development proposal over the land will be adequately advertised to potentially affected land owners. The existing residents of the senior citizens accommodation village will be adequately consulted with when solid options are presented for their relocation. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues LandCorp may be required to undertake a heritage clearance in accordance with section 18 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 it any significant heritage features are located on the land. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter Page 69 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority RESOLVES: 1. Not to request the Department of Regional Development and Lands to excise a portion of reserve 32335 from the parent reserve and create new reserve for the purpose of ‗Accommodation‘ with power to lease up to 21 years; 2. To request the Chief Executive Officer to continue sourcing an alternate parcel of land for the relocation of the existing senior citizens accommodation village. CONCLUSION Excising the portion of land from the parent Crown Reserve 32335 and creation of a new reserve to be vested in the Shire for the purposes of ‗Accommodation‘ with power to lease up to 21 years will enable the Council the flexibility and site certainty to further negotiate and plan (in association with LandCorp) the future relocation of the existing senior citizens accommodation village. In resolving to request the Department of Regional Development and Lands to create a new reserve, Council endorses the site as a suitable location for senior citizens accommodation. Creating a new reserve does not obligate the Council to anything other than granting the certainty that an alternative senior citizens village site is available. It is recommended that the Council request the Department of Regional Development and Lands to excise a portion of reserve 32335 from the parent reserve and create new reserve for the purpose of ‗Accommodation‘ with power to lease up to 21 years. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority RESOLVES to request the Department of Regional Development and Lands to excise a portion of reserve 32335 from the parent reserve and create new reserve for the purpose of ‘Accommodation’ with power to lease up to 21 years. Page 70 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 1 - SITE SURVEY Page 71 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 12.2 NOMINATION OF COUNCILLORS TO PILBARA JOINT DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL File No: GR.19 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Reporting Author: Manager Statutory Planning Date of Report: 22 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: NA Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Letter: Development Assessment Panels (DAPS) – Member Training Session for Pilbara JDAP 21/06/2011 PURPOSE For the Council to nominate two members and two deputy members to the Pilbara Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). To advise the JDAP members of the need to register for upcoming member training. BACKGROUND The Pilbara JDAP is due to commence operation on 1 July 2011. At the ordinary Council meeting of 16 May 2011 the Council resolved as follows: “That Council: 1. Nominates Cr John Lally and Cr Sharon Vertigan to the Development Assessment Panel with Cr White-Hartig and Cr Smeathers as Deputy Members. 2. Advise the Department of Planning of the nominations by June 13th 2011.”(Resolution No. 151628). Cr Vertigan has since advised she is no longer available to sit on the panel. Cr White-Hartig has indicated she is available to take up the position as panel member. This will leave Cr White-Hartig‘s position as deputy member unfilled. The Council must now nominate Cr White-Hartig to membership of the panel and seek nominations from the Council to fill the deputy position. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The State Government requires that two members and two deputy members from the Council‘s elected representatives are appointed to the JDAP. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Page 72 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda A report advising the Council of the need to nominate members to the Development Assessment Panel was considered at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 16 May 2011. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Planning and Development Act 2005 Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panel) Regulations 2011 POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Incidental costs and sitting fees are available to Development Assessment Panel members provided the member is not prevented from claiming fees by section 31(6) of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011. Councillors should be aware of the limitations to the ability to claim payment for services to the panel which are set out in Clause 31 (6) of the Development Assessment Panel Regulations 2011. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS If the Council chooses not to nominate elected representatives to the panel, the Department of Planning will appoint members of the public to the positions. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no relevant risk management considerations. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to the nomination of elected representatives to the JDAP. Social Issues There are no social issues related to the nomination of elected representatives to the JDAP. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to the nomination of elected representatives to the JDAP. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to the nomination of elected representatives to the JDAP. IMPACT ON CAPACITY Members of the JDAP will be required to hear and decide Development Applications as and when the need arises. Members will be required to attend training prior to sitting on the panel. That training will be held at Port Hedland on Friday 15 July 2011. Members are required to read a number of documents in preparation for the training. Those documents are available on the Development Assessment Panel website. Page 73 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda There will be an initial time commitment associated with preparing for and attending the training and an ongoing time commitment associated with preparing for and attending panel meetings. In considering nominations to the JDAP the Council should prefer those members who have a particular interest and or skill in the Development Assessment process and who are most likely to be available to attend the panel meetings. Due to the administrative complexities of making changes to the panel membership, it is also recommended that councillors consider their intentions to stand for election in the new term before offering themselves for selection. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no precedents relevant to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer recommendation. Option 2 Refuse to nominate Shire of Roebourne elected representatives for appointment to the Pilbara Joint Development Assessment Panel. CONCLUSION The Pilbara Joint Development Assessment Panel is due to commence operation from 1 July 2011. Councils are required to nominate two members and two deputy members to the panel. One of the members nominated at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 16 May 2011 has advised they are no longer available to sit on the panel. The Council must now nominate replacement panel members and advise the Department of Planning of the same. Membership of the JDAP involves compulsory attendance at ‗member training‘ on 15 July 2011. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 74 Nominate Cr White-Hartig to membership of the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) Nominate a deputy member to the JDAP. Advise the Department of Planning of the nominations. Advise the Department of Planning that nominated members will attend the training to be held in Port Hedland on 15 July 2011. Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 1 - LETTER: DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANELS (DAPS) – MEMBER TRAINING SESSION FOR PILBARA JDAP 21/06/2011 Page 75 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 76 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 12.3 WICKHAM SOUTH STAGE ONE – ROAD NAMES APPLICATION File No: RD.46 Responsible Executive Officer: Infrastructure Services Director Reporting Author: Manager Statutory Planning Date of Report: 4 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Taylor Burrell Barnett Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Taylor Burrell Barnett Letter 14 June 2011 Development, Regulatory and Subdivision Plan showing Road Names REPORT PURPOSE For the Council to consider the appropriateness of the road names proposed for Wickham South Stage One. Background In anticipation of development approval for the Stage 1 civil subdivision works the applicant seeks that the Council considers the proposed road names. The applicant has consulted with the Geographic Names Committee and are advised that the proposed names are appropriate and consistent with the Geographic Names Committee Principles, Guidelines and Procedures. The Council endorsed the Wickham South Development Plan on (insert date). A development application has been lodged with the Shire for approval to undertake civil subdivision works for Stage 1 of Wickham South. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Road names are required prior to subdivision being released. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION This report constitutes consultation with elected representatives. The proposal has been referred to the Technical Services staff have not raised any issues with the proposed names. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The applicant advises they have consulted with the Geographic Names Committee and Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation. Page 77 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues The Shire of Roebourne Council has a list of preferred road names. However, the applicant on behalf of their client seeks that the existing native flora theme be approved so as to be consistent with the established names in Wickham. The applicant offers the following further explanation for the choice of names: It was considered an opportunity to build upon the existing plant theme in Wickham. In this regard, there were very few options on the Shire‘s list for plant names. The Geographic Names Committee Guidelines state a preference for aboriginal names which is partly met as many of the plant names are aboriginal. The majority of names on the Shire‘s list relate to pearling luggers from Cossack and Point Samson, which are not complimentary to the existing Wickham Street names and the history of Wickham. The applicant proposes a departure from the native flora theme with respect to two names (Jones and Clemence) which are intended as a tribute to former employees who lived in the Town and made significant community contributions, but have now passed. “Ros Jones played an important role in Wickham and the larger Pilbara community. She was a great contributor to the Teeball, Softball and Scout organisations. Bob Clemence was a long time Wickham resident; an employee in the main workshop; an organiser of Wickham Little Athletics for many years; and was actively involved with Scouts and the Wickham Picture Gardens. Despite these tow proposed road Page 78 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda names not being consistent with the general theme, the Geographic Names Committee has provided its „in principle‟ support.” The following road names are proposed: Birdwood Road Bottlebrush Road Buffel Road Clemence Road Ganyji Road Gurlimba Road Halgania Turn Hibiscus Road Jirriny Road Jones Road Mangrove Road Mardirra View Marruwa Road Melaleuca View Murnungu Drive Snappygum Bend Thalgu Entrance Thayimarra Road Whitegum Parkway Winyarrangu Road Wirrangkura Road Yammarrara Road Yigara Road Yirringan Parkway These road names were previously approved by Landgate in 1980, however the road layout has been modified to be consistent with the approved Development Plan and Townsite Structure Plan, resulting in the modification of the location of the named roads. Rio Tinto has consulted with the Ngarluma group to obtain its approval of proposed road names. Ngarluma has not objected to the proposed names. While not available at the time of writing this report, the applicant advises that Ngarluma‘s confirmation is forthcoming and will be tabled at the Council meeting. At present, the northern end of Ganyji Road (northern side of Thalgu Entrance) will be a cul-de-sac before reaching Jacaranda Place (refer to draft civil engineering designs for pavement detail). This road may be subject to possible future extension through the connection of the existing loop road (e.g. Jacaranda Place, Oleander Place etc.) along the western side of the recreation grounds, at which time naming of the connected loop roads associated with Ganyji Road will be addressed by the Shire. The Geographic Names Committee has requested that the Shire make specific reference to this possibility in its approval and to the possible future extension of Carse Street into Wickham South to acknowledge the possible future connection, in accordance with the Structure Plan. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 79 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. REFUSE approve the road names proposed for Wickham South Stage One. 2. REQUIRE the applicant to submit amended road names for consideration. CONCLUSION The applicant has proposed road names for roads to be established through the first Stage of subdivision in Wickham South. The names have been agreed to in principle by the Geographic Names Committee. Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation has been advised of the proposed names and has not objected. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council, subject to evidence that the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation is satisfied with the proposed road names, by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 80 Approve the proposed road names for Wickham South Stage One as follows. Birdwood Road Bottlebrush Road Buffel Road Clemence Road Ganyji Road Gurlimba Road Halgania Turn Hibiscus Road Jirriny Road Jones Road Mangrove Road Mardirra View Marruwa Road Melaleuca View Murnungu Drive Snappygum Bend Thalgu Entrance Thayimarra Road Whitegum Parkway Winyarrangu Road Wirrangkura Road Yammarrara Road Yigara Road Yirringan Parkway Refer the Council approved road names to the Geographic Names Committee for final approval. Acknowledge the likely future extension of proposed Ganyji Road through the connection of the existing loop road (e.g. Jacaranda Place, Oleander Place etc.) along the western side of the recreation grounds and need to address the naming of the connected loop roads associated with Ganyji Road at that time. Acknowledge the likely future extension of Carse Street into Wickham South to acknowledge a likely future connection, in accordance with the approved Town Centre Structure Plan. Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 1 - TAYLOR BURRELL BARNETT LETTER 14 JUNE 2011 Page 81 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 82 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 2 - SUBDIVISION PLAN SHOWING ROAD NAMES Page 83 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 12.4 PROPOSED MADIGAN ROAD EAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN File No: P2501 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Infrastructure Services Reporting Author: Senior Statutory Planning Officer Date of Report: 5 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: TPG – Town Planning and Urban Design Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Madigan Road Development Plan Regulatory and PURPOSE For the Council to consider the final adoption of the proposed Madigan Road East Development Plan. Should Council decide to adopt the plan any resolution would also include forwarding the Development Plan to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for final endorsement in accordance with the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No.8 (TPS8). The Development Plan upon adoption from Council and endorsement by the WAPC would become the guiding document for a substantial residential development/subdivision over this parcel of land. BACKGROUND The Madigan Road East Development Plan was submitted to the Shire in October 2010. The land, the subject of this Development Plan is zoned as Urban Development and is indicated on the Scheme maps as Development Area 12. For any development to occur in land zoned ‗Urban Development‘ a Development Plan is required to be submitted to and adopted by the Shire and finally endorsed by the WAPC. A Development Plan does not grant approval for subdivision works to begin but provides an overarching plan for the guidance of subdivision development over a site. The land parcel the subject of this Development Plan is located south of Dampier Road and the Karratha Cemetery. Madigan Road borders the site to the west and Madigan Creek borders the site to the east. The Karratha Hills contain the site to the south. The proposed Development Plan is across a land area of approximately 67.7 hectares and would provide for approximately 1250 dwellings within a range of housing types and densities. The Development Plan provides for a mix of low to medium density development with a three storey medium density component to the centre of the land area revolving around a small ground level commercial centre. A portion of the site directly adjacent to the southern boundary of the cemetery is proposed to enable Transient Workforce Accommodation (TWA) that would be required to be designed to integrate with the surrounding residential areas with an outward appearance the same as that of surrounding residential development. This will be controlled by the requirement to prepare and endorse a Detailed Area Plan for this land area. Should Landcorp find that the land is not taken up as TWA development, it would be developed as residential allotments. The Development Plan proposes that a number of land parcels with medium density zonings and the parcel for TWA development require the preparation and endorsement of Page 84 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda DAP‘s. This is to ensure that the development on these sites contains responsive quality residential design. The proposal provides traffic linkages to Dampier Road, Madigan Road and three road linkages across Madigan Creek to Baynton West. Drainage networks, stormwater management, public open space, pedestrian linkages and cultural heritage issues have all been investigated in detail. In accordance with the Scheme the proposal was referred to the WAPC on 18 November 2010. The WAPC responded to the Shire on 20 December 2010. The WAPC‘s response simply stated that they had had discussions with the applicant (TPG Town Planning Consultants on behalf of Landcorp). TPS8 requires that the submitted Development Plan be advertised for public comment within 60 days of receiving. TPS8 also states that that this is to be done once appropriate information for advertising is submitted. The Development Plan was advertised in the Local newspaper on 30 March 2011 and following this on the 6 April 2011. The reason this was not advertised within the 60 days was that the applicant had not provided what was considered sufficient and appropriate information for advertising and following additional meetings with Shire staff some revisions were also considered necessary for the Shire to deem the Development Plan appropriate for advertising. Following the 21 day advertising period no submissions were received by the public. The Development Plan was also referred to relevant Government Departments, service authorities and agencies. Responses from these organisations have filtered through to the Shire sporadically and the final response was not received by the Shire until 4 July 2011. Refer to the table of responses in the ‗Community Consultation‘ section below. The Shire requires these responses to make any final considerations as to whether the Development Plan requires revisions. All submissions have been received and the Development Plan has been reconsidered in light of these submissions. Some minor alterations have been undertaken however, these are not significant and it has been considered that they do not warrant readvertising. The Development Plan as presented in the attachment to this agenda item has been well considered by Shire staff during and following consultation in accordance with TPS8 and is recommended for final adoption by the Shire. It should be noted that should the Council resolve to adopt the Development Plan as presented or with some further minor modifications the plan will be forwarded to the WAPC for final endorsement. The WAPC prior to endorsing the plan may request that additional modifications be required. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The progression of the Development Plan through adoption by Council and endorsement by the WAPC would allow for the progression of the subdivision of this parcel of land and provide a significant number of residential allotments within the Karratha Townsite. This would provide additional housing that is clearly in demand within Karratha at this time. The development of such a significant land area would have consequences in the medium term for the Shire in so far as maintenance of infrastructure including, roads, drainage systems, footpaths and open space. Additionally, a greater number of rateable residential dwellings and a small component of commercial properties would have to be considered within Shire budgeting processes. Page 85 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION This report constitutes consultation with Councillors. No previous Councillor contact has been made. Consultation has taken place with relevant internal departments including, Building, Health, Infrastructure and Community Facilities and Recreation. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No public submissions have been received following community consultation. The proposal was advertised in the local newspaper on 30 March 2011, for a period of 21 days. The proposed Development Plan was referred to all relevant Government Departments, service authorities and agencies. Submissions from most of these agencies have been received. Submitter Horizon Power Summary No issues with the proposal and Horizon Power‘s Technical Services group has cleared the proposal. Department of Regional Both the Pilbara Cities and Development and Lands State Land Services branches of RDL have seen the proposal. State Land Services and therefore RDL have no objections to the proposed Development Plan. Department of Environment The DEC has no specific and Conservation (DEC) concerns in regard to the impacts of this proposal on Priority Ecological Communities within the vicinity of the site. Water Corporation Page 86 Comments Acknowledged as supported Acknowledged as supported Acknowledged as supported DEC noted that should the proposal proceed to subdivision stage the proponent is required to adhere to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004. Cannot support the proposal It is recognised Water at this point in time due to Corporation is having water supply constraints. difficulty supporting the majority of developments Also, although there is within the Karratha townsite wastewater planning for this at this point in time due to area, currently there is no water supply and waste wastewater treatment water capacity issues. Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda capacity and won‘t be until at least mid 2014. This is not considered a reason to delay the adoption of the Development Plan as the Development Plan provides the overarching guidelines for subdivision development on this land. Stages of subdivision will not be able to be cleared and granted approval by the WAPC until connections to these services is known to be possible and/or imminent. These services can be provided however, it is a matter of timing in regard to when they will be available. Department of Indigenous Recognised that there are a Acknowledged Affairs (DIA) number of Aboriginal Heritage sites on the It has since been Register that intersect with determined that a Section 18 the site. is only required if the sites are proposed to be DIA recommended that disturbed. The proposed Landcorp submit a notice Development Plan and under Section 18 of the subsequent subdivision will Aboriginal Heritage Act, not disturb the sites. 1972 to obtain consent to use the land from the The Ngarluma Native Title Minister. Holders are aware of the proposal and were part of DIA advises that the the consultative group for proponent advises the site investigations. Landcorp Aboriginal community and/or have presented information Native Title Claimants about to the Shire that indicates their current work programs that all parties to the Burrup to ensure the community is and Maitland industrial aware of the project. Estates Agreement will be consulted in the preparation of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan that is currently being prepared in anticipation of progressing to the initial stages of subdivision. Pilbara Development Concern about a disconnect The separation is due to Commission (PDC) between this proposal and Madigan Creek dissecting the existing Baynton West these two land areas. Three subdivision. road connections will be made traversing this creek. These will allow pedestrian connection as well. Has Page 87 traffic management These issues have been Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda been considered in the considered with consultation proposal in regard to future of MRWA. residents connecting to Madigan Road. In relation to the potential for TWA development to the north west corner of the site, the PDC believes that TWA development should not be located on main thoroughfares such as Madigan Road unless developed so as not to appear as mining camp, that the accommodation has a limited life as a TWA and the TWA accommodation can be converted to normal residential use? These issues have been considered within the Development Plan and the Plan requires that any TWA appear to the public domain as a standard residential development and that internal roads are created to be able to convert and connect to the main road network to Shire standards. PDC raised the issue of The overhead powerlines to what becomes of the the southern end of the overhead powerlines. development are proposed to be removed and placed underground. Concern that the cemetery The cemetery has capacity has the ability to provide for well into the future at its a growing population. current land area. PDC has asked, has there been space identified for community infrastructure such as child care? Department of Water (DoW) The current approach for Acknowledged as supported conveyance of stormwater is supported by the DoW. DoW is satisfied that the Page 88 The Baynton West subdivision has included a Family Centre which is within close proximity to the site. It is also noted that a DAP for Lot 365 Wagari Drive is currently being amended and would permit the development of a child care facility. This site would be within 400m walking distance of many future homes in this proposal and is connected by a proposed neighbourhood road. Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda proposal can proceed to next stage of development/subdivision approval. DoW will provide further comment on the UWMP at subdivision approval stage. Main Roads Australia Western The ―Left in Left out‖ off Dampier road will be permitted to be a ―left in‖ only. The need for a ―left out‖ will be considered post completion of Stage 1A of this development and current Dampier Road works by Main Roads WA. There is a need for better connectivity via the existing local road network between the proposed development and Balmoral Road roundabout. The restrictions imposed by the MRWA limitation to left in only will not adversely affect the development as consideration of traffic flow at each ingress and egress will be considered at the subdivision stage. A left turn into Dampier Road is likely to be supported by MRWA once lights are placed at the Madigan Road intersection. Traffic modelling shows that even if those lights are not provided, alternative traffic routes within the development will be adequate. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Town Planning and Development Act, 2005 Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No.8 POLICY IMPLICATIONS No internal policies will be impacted upon as a result of this proposed Development Plan. The Development Plan does contain the requirement to prepare Detailed Area Plans (DAP‘s) to guide residential development in various areas of the site. These DAP‘s would be developed and considered in accordance with TPS8 at a later stage, following final endorsement of the Development Plan by the WAPC. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The proponent will be required to pay the relevant planning fees associated with the assessment of this proposal. The proposal, should it be endorsed and proceed to development stage, would see the imposition of rates to property owners which would be required to be considered within Council‘s budgeting processes. Ongoing maintenance of public infrastructure as a result of the subdivision will also need to be considered. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The recently endorsed City Growth Plan (CGP) provides the strategic land use planning for the Shire across the next 20 years. This parcel of land is ‗earmarked‘ for residential development within the CGP. The proposal is considered to meet the aims and objectives for this land area as presented within the CGP. Page 89 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable as the proposed Development Plan has been considered in accordance with the process for the preparation and implementation of a Development Plan as outlined in TPS8. ISSUES Nil Economic Issues The progression of the Development Plan through to the subdivision stages and then development and sale of dwellings has its ultimate aim in fulfilling the current demand for housing within the townsite of Karratha. The addition of new housing stock of varying form (single dwellings, grouped dwellings and multiple dwellings) and a mix of lot sizes will provide for a varied range of demographic. Further, it will assist in alleviating the current demand for housing and the high property values within Karratha. The proposal, should it proceed to development stage, would provide jobs directly related to those involved in bulk earthworks initially and then those in the construction industry for the development of infrastructure and dwellings. The jobs provided are considered to be significant and the multiplier effects to other service and trade industries would create further employment. The proposal, should it be endorsed and proceed to development stage, would see the imposition of rates to property owners which would be required to be considered within Council‘s budgeting processes. Ongoing maintenance of public infrastructure as a result of the subdivision will be a service that will create costs to the Shire. Social Issues The proposed Development Plan would provide the basis for residential development for approximately 1250 dwellings. This brings with it the need to meet the social requirements of the resultant population. The provision of educational facilities for the children that would reside in the future Development Plan area has been considered. No schools are proposed within the Development Plan area. The Development Plan states that the Department of Education and Training (DET) have advised, via correspondence to Landcorp that the Baynton West Primary School, which comprises a site of 4.5 hectares, has provision to be developed in the future to a facility approximately 1.5 times the size of a typical primary school to enable it to specifically cater for new residents within the Development Plan area as well as the Baynton community. The City Growth Plan estimates that should the population of Karratha expand to 20,000 an additional primary school would be required within the townsite. This proposal will not push the population to this threshold and it is not considered that land area for an additional primary school is required within this proposal. The City Growth Plan identifies that as the population of Karratha expands an additional public high school is unlikely to be required until the population exceeds 20,000 people and approaches 35,000 people. It is known that high school facilities will be relocating in the foreseeable future to the educational site where the present TAFE is located. This will bring secondary schooling within close proximity of this proposed Development Plan area catering for the needs of future residents. In addition the St Luke‘s secondary school is located within relatively close commuting distance being located in Baynton. It is not Page 90 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda considered that land area for an additional secondary school is required within this proposal. It is noted that the Family Centre in the heart of Baynton West is currently under construction and will serve the greater community beyond Baynton West. This facility is located approximately 1km from the centre of the Development Plan site. Vehicular and pedestrian access from Baynton West to the Development Plan area is provided with three linkages as is outlined in greater detail under the heading Environmental Issues below. In addition, it is also noted that a Detailed Area Plan (DAP) for Lot 365 Wagari Drive is currently being amended and would permit the development of a child care facility on this lot. This lot is within 400m walking distance of many future homes in this Development Plan proposal and is connected by a proposed neighbourhood road. Residents of a new subdivision of a land area of this size would expect provision of public open space and this is a requirement of State Planning Polices. Public Open Space has been provided in the form of passive and active open space areas. The layout of the development provides for two larger open space areas proposed to contain play equipment and areas with space for activities such as kicking footballs and other casual sporting pursuits. The proponent considers that formal playing fields are well catered for at a district level at nearby Baynton West (junior playing field), Nickol (Tambrey Oval) and the soon to be developed Leisure Centre Complex and associated playing fields. The consolidation of a large amount of open space within the two ‗park‘ areas to the east of the centre of the development and to the south east corner of the site have been considered by Council staff and supported by infrastructure services. The consolidation of most of the required open space, in accordance with the relevant state planning policy, will reduce Shire maintenance costs into the future and will provide sufficient open space to provide for active use, within easy walking distance to all residents. In addition a smaller ‗park‘ is proposed adjacent to the south of the local centre of the development. This park will provide a focal point within the centre of the development nearer to the higher density development proposed and enhances local identity and sense of place. This park has an area of 4015m2 and can be utilised for passive recreation and is proposed to be provided with quality landscaping and seating and shade areas. The plan was referred to Community Development for comment. Initially officers considered that the proposed open space and made comment to reduce ―pocket park‖ scenarios and increase the larger passive spaces to accommodate ―active‖ organised sports activities. More recently officers expressed their dissatisfaction with the proposed open space as shown on the revised plan as a previous heritage feature in the centre of the main open space area had not been identified at the time of their initial consideration and its presence reduces the ability to use that space for active recreation. With that knowledge officers now require reconsideration of the amount and configuration of open space. Officers have further requested that a cash contribution in lieu of open space is required where the open space provisions cannot be met. As the cash in lieu mechanism is a function of the subdivision approval process the ability to take it is triggered at the subdivision stage but only if the open space identified in the subdivision application is not in accordance with the approved development plan. For that reason the development plan should accurately set out the open space requirement and should not be approved until such time as the open space requirement is fully understood. Page 91 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Environmental Issues Flora and Fauna Vegetation studies have shown that Priority 1 – Priority Ecological Communities (PEC‘s) may occur within the vicinity of the site. The proposal was referred to the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). The DEC have stated that the vegetation communities on site are unlikely to form part of the Priority 1 PEC and in this respect the DEC has no specific concerns in regard to the impacts of the proposal on PEC‘s within the area. The proponent has undertaken a search of the DEC‘s Threatened and Priority Fauna database and the Western Australian Museum database to identify potential scheduled and threatened species in the region. A search of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 was also undertaken to identify species of national environmental significance. The DEC raised no issues with the proposal in regard to outcomes of these investigations. Stormwater Drainage A detailed Local Water Management Strategy was prepared for the proposed development area. Storm water is proposed drain from the west to east across the site through open drainage channels and public open space areas to Madigan Creek bordering the east of the site. This largely follows the current natural flow trends of the site to Madigan Creek. Madigan Creek is proposed to be retained in its natural condition. The Shire‘s Infrastructure Department is satisfied that the drainage and stormwater management has been well considered and is satisfied that proposed levels of fill and methods of stormwater disposal to Madigan Creek are appropriate and will provide a safe residential environment through the mitigation of impacts associated with floods and storm surge. Further detail of stormwater management will be required to be provided through the subdivision assessment process. Geotechnical Investigations A geotechnical report has been completed by Coffey Geotechnics Pty Ltd. The report confirms that the site is currently classified H (Highly reactive clay) with the potential for deep soil moisture changes but can be upgraded to Class M (Moderately reactive clay) by the placement of between 1-1.2m of controlled fill over the clay. Under the Building Code of Australia (BCA), footings for buildings can be designed for the H soil classification and this occurs commonly throughout the state. Contamination The proponent has undertaken a search of the Contaminated Sites Register. The search showed that there are no registered sites located within or near the site. Existing Waste Water Treatment Plant On the western side of Madigan Road is the Water Corporations Waste Water Treatment Plant. The nearest point of the boundary of the treatment plant is located approximately 510m from the nearest boundary of the site. In discussions with the Water Corporation it has been indicated that a 500m buffer is the standard minimum to residential development. Through the subdivision process the Water Corporation may require additional investigations into odour modelling and any mitigation measures that may be required. Page 92 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Services The Development Plan provides the basis for future residential development which will require the provision of essential services of water, sewer and power. During the consultation process the Water Corporation (WC) were referred the proposed Development Plan and provided comment. The WC stated that they cannot support the proposal at this point in time due to water supply constraints to the town of Karratha. Also, although there is wastewater planning for this area, currently there is no wastewater treatment capacity for any of the stages of this proposed Development Plan and won‘t be until at least mid 2014. Although the WC has highlighted the lack of capability in their system at this point in time, this is not considered a reason to prevent the progression of the Development Plan to final endorsement. The Development Plan does not allow Development to occur in regard to progressing subdivisional stages of development but rather provides the base guide for the layout of development and the type of land uses and residential densities across the site. It is known that the WC are capable of providing the Infrastructure however, it is a matter of timing. Landcorp are currently in discussions with WC to resolve the issue in a timely manner. It is unlikely any stages of the subdivision would be cleared for approval by the WAPC until such services could be provided or the provision of these services was imminent. During the consultation process Horizon Power were referred the proposed Development Plan and provided comment. Horizon Power stated that they have no issue with the proposal and the resulting subdivision going ahead and that their Technical Services group has cleared the proposal. The Development Plan proposal includes the undergrounding o the existing power lines to the southern end of the site. Road Reserve widths have been provided with adequate space for the addition of telecommunications facilities and these matters will be assessed in greater detail at any future subdivision stage of the proposed development of this site. Traffic Management Traffic modelling, analysis and assessments have been undertaken by the proponent to determine volumes of traffic that would be generated by the proposed subdivision and to determine existing and future traffic volumes on Dampier and Madigan Roads. The Development Plan proposes a number of linkages with the surrounding major road networks of Madigan Road and Dampier Road (both of these roads being under the control of Main Roads WA (MRWA)). There is a proposed vehicle connection to Dampier Road. This connection is for a left in left out connection only. Main Roads will not accept any right turning from this proposed intersection with Dampier Road. MRWA will not permit this intersection if Council maintain the existing entrance to the Cemetery from Dampier Road. That is, to provide the new proposed intersection from the residential development to Dampier Road the current entrance from Dampier Road to the cemetery is required to be removed. Investigations have been undertaken to determine alternative access to the cemetery and Landcorp has sought agreement from MRWA for an entrance/exit point to the cemetery from Madigan Road whereby a right turn could be achieved when exiting the cemetery back onto Madigan Road. The Shire‘s Infrastructure unit has been involved in these investigations and is satisfied that a new alternative access point of this nature is appropriate to service the cemetery. Landcorp has been informed that the Shire would be supportive of such a proposal. It is considered that the proposed intersection connecting this development to Dampier Road is appropriate to provide for a high level of legibility through the subdivision from vehicular traffic and to improve traffic flow within the locality. Page 93 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda MRWA, in their letter of 4 July 2011 provided a number of comments regarding impacts on the Dampier Highway. Most of the comments relate to matters that will be addressed at the detailed design stage through subdivision approval. However the following comment is relevant to the development plan now being considered. “1. The “Left in Left out” off Dampier road will be permitted to be a “left in” only. The need for a “left out” will be considered post completion of Stage 1A of this development and current Dampier Road works by Main Roads WA. There is a need for better connectivity via the existing local road network between the proposed development and Balmoral Road roundabout.” It is likely that once the lights are built at Madigan Road the speed limit will drop at which point Main Roads are expected to support a ‗left out‘ to Dampier Road. Based on the proposed timing for the Dampier Road duplication works, by the time Stage 1 is built the lights should be in, the speed limit dropped to 60 or 70kph. It‘s only when the speed limit is 80kph that it is a concern. It is not considered necessary to require the Development Plan to be amended to reflect the limitation noted by MRWA as the matter will be considered at each stage of subdivision and if the circumstances are not conducive to the associated traffic flow the subdivision will not be supported by MRWA or the Shire of Roebourne. With regard to the long term impacts on the whole development area, Transcores traffic modelling confirms that even in the event that the lights don‘t go in at the Madigan Road intersection, the speed limit remains as it is currently and a ‗left out‘ is never permitted, the movement network proposed is still adequate. Two connections are proposed to Madigan Road and these connections will continue through the development and ultimately connect into Baynton West to the east of the site. Both of these intersections with Madigan Road are proposed as left and right turns in and out of the site. The main thoroughfare will be to the centre of the site and will pass through the centre of the proposed commercial component of this development and link through to Baynton West. This link will be an all weather crossing over Madigan Creek and will provide safe access during flood events. The connection with Baynton West to the southern extremity of the site will be a floodway crossing. The road network within the existing Baynton West and this site is such that internal access to the central all weather crossing will be achievable from all residential allotments. A third connection, which will be a floodway crossing, through to Baynton West is provided at the northern end of the site. These three connections will also provide for pedestrian access and are considered adequate to provide legibility within the site and between the two residential areas of Baynton West and this subdivision. The three connections are also considered adequate to provide for safe and efficient local traffic flow. The Shire‘s Infrastructure unit is satisfied with the proposed internal road network and connections to Baynton West, Dampier Road and Madigan Road. Page 94 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Cultural & Heritage Issues A search of the Heritage Council of Western Australia (HCWA) database showed no state listed buildings or places across the site. There are no sites of European heritage located within the site and listed on the Shire‘s Municipal Heritage Inventory. The proponent has had a consultant undertake investigations of the site in relation to Aboriginal cultural heritage and a detailed report that covered this site was prepared outlining three sites within the Development Plan area and two that are located just outside the north eastern boundary of the site. The investigations within this report were undertaken involving Ngarluma consultants as listed within the report. It is understood from discussions with staff of the Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA) that the site has previously been investigated by members of other local Aboriginal communities. There are currently seven different reports concerning investigations on this site and the five registered sites outlined in the most recent report and identified in the Development Plan are currently what are known to exist on the site. It is considered that investigations of this site have been thorough considering those involved in past and present investigations and the number of reports associated with this site. There are three aboriginal heritage sites within the boundary of the Development Plan area and there are two sites located on the fringe of the eastern boundary but outside of the site area area. The two sites within the site boundary will not be disturbed by any works associated with future subdivision on this site as the lot and road layouts have been designed to avoid the sites and the sites are located within the two larger public open space areas. The sites located on the eastern side of the boundary and outside of the site will not be impacted upon by development. At subdivision stage these would likely be made conditions of any approval granted. In any case it is illegal to disturb or damage these sites under the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972. A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is currently being prepared and Landcorp has engaged the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation (NAC) to undertake this. The NAC will ensure that all of the Burrup and Maitland Industrial Estate Agreement (BMIEA) parties will have the opportunity to be consulted in regard to the CHMP. The CHMP will be required to be submitted to Council prior to any stage of subdivision on this site being cleared by the Shire for approval by the WAPC. It is considered that the layout of the proposed Development Plan provides appropriate protection to Aboriginal cultural heritage sites in this area and that the proponent has adequately considered these matters and undertaken appropriate consultation in this regard. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation other than standard processing of the proposal through to the WAPC for final endorsement, should Council resolve to adopt this Development Plan. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 95 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority RESOLVES to: 1. ADOPT the Madigan Road East Development Plan. Option 3 That Council by Simple Majority RESOLVES to: 1. REFUSE to adopt the proposed Madigan Road East Development Plan. CONCLUSION The site of the proposed Madigan Road East Development Plan is zoned Urban Development (Development Area 12) and requires adoption by the Shire and endorsement by the WAPC of a Development Plan over the area in accordance with TPS8 to enable future subdivision and development to occur across the site. The development plan has undergone a number of revisions throughout this process to arrive at a lot layout, zoning scheme, drainage and road network that is supported by both the Shire‘s Infrastructure and Planning units. The proposal has been advertised in accordance with TPS8 and any submissions have been considered when reviewing the Development Plan that is presented with this report. It is recommended that Council resolve to adopt the Madigan Road East Development Plan in accordance with TPS8 and forward the Development Plan to the WAPC for final endorsement. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to ADOPT the Madigan Road East Development Plan following any modifications considered necessary, including the provision and extent of active open space, and grant delegation to the CEO to undertake these modifications. Page 96 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 97 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 13 STRATEGIC PROJECTS 13.1 RESTRICTED ALCOHOL PRODUCT SALES AND SERVICE HOURS – TIEN TSIN INNE File No: Synergysoft File Reference Number Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects Reporting Author: Manager Tien Tsin Inne Date of Report: 30 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Manager Tien Tsin Inne Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To consider the outcomes of the trial to remove full strength beer, spirits from service and the reduced operating hours for alcohol sales at the Tien Tsin Inne BACKGROUND At its ordinary meeting held 20th September 2010, Council resolved to 1. Amends the bar opening times of the Tien Tsin Inne within the Karratha Airport Terminal from 11:30am Monday – Sunday, effective 1 November 2010. 2. Delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to amend the bar opening hours as required to service changes to the Karratha Flight schedule 3. Endorses a review of the product range within the Tien Tsin Inne to remove fullstrength beer and spirits, and that this is trialled for a period of six months, with a review to come back to Council after this period. 4. Designates the Karratha Airport terminal building as a smoke-free area, effective 1 November 2010. At the June 2011 Council meeting, Airport Management Staff provided Council with an overview of the income at the Tien Tsin Inne (TTI) for the past 6 months. In the six months prior to removal of full-strength beer and spirits the total alcohol income was MAY 10 JUNE 10 JULY 10 AUG 10 SEP 10 OCT 10 TOTAL $149,067.55 $150,126.45 $159,079.98 $159,234.64 $174,605.00 $156,974.24 $949,087.86 In the six months since reduction to mid strength beer the total alcohol income was: Page 98 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda NOV 10 DEC 10 JAN 11 FEB 11 MAR 11 APRIL 11 TOTAL $ 90,024.40 $ 93,278.68 $ 67,710.90 $ 73,033.35 $105,139.59 $ 95,243.17 $451,471.07 The figures represent a reduction in income of $497,617.76 or $2,719 average per day for the 6 month trial. The total income reduction needs to also factor the reduced ability for customers to access alcohol sales which were also reduced by 4 hours and 15 minutes per day being from 7.15am to 11.30am. In reporting this issue at the September 2010 meeting it was noted that past sales of alcohol between the hours of 7:15am-10:30am averaged $1,450 per day. The past figures were based on sales for 3 hours and 15 minutes, not 4 hours and 15 minutes as was resolved by Council. As a result it is fair to say that the trial period has also resulted in a greater reduction in sales than would otherwise occurred if the trial had not been implemented however the significance of the impact is skewed by the reduction in operating times. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The matter is considered a significant matter as the matter will have implications for the present and future social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the Shire. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The matter was raised at the Airport Advisory Group meeting held on the 29th May 2011 however no definitive direction on the matter was resolved. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The matter has been discussed with the Karratha Airport User Group meetings with stakeholders. The matter has been discussed with QANTAS management who had previously implemented mid strength and no spirit policies. The TTI receives continuous requests from transient workers and the general public requesting consideration to amending the time that alcohol is available for sale to 10.30am. The majority of issues and complaints received by TTI and Airport Management staff have occurred prior to the current 11.15am flight when passengers have arrived at the terminal at 10.30am. TTI management support the amendment to the time that alcohol sales are available to 10.30am which would both reduce complaints and increase sales. Page 99 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda In support of this approach it is noted that the opening times of other venues that serve alcohol are Karratha International 12 noon Karratha Tavern 10am All Seasons 11am Tambrey 11am weekdays & 10am weekends Port Hedland Airport 7am The broader community consultation has occurred on the matter STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne is the holder of the Special Liquor Licence at the TTI and operates in accordance with the State Liquor Licence Act 1988. The licence conditions were not amended during the trail period hence there is no statutory implications associated with this matter. Under the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004, airlines must report breaches of security to the Security Contact Officer. The Security Contact Officer has a responsibility to reports these breaches to the Office of Transport Security within 24hrs. Most reports received are from people making inappropriate comments while boarding and of these reports the majority were represented by people who had consumed alcohol. The Security Contact Officer believes that the fact that we are not receiving the reports now can be attributed to the letter that was sent to the resource companies in relation to drinking and behaviour at the check in or screening point along with the restrictions to alcohol products sold. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Council has allocated $1,080,000 in the 2011/12 Budget for bar sales at the TTI. The budget estimate reflects the anticipated continuation of the trial and opening hours and is based on income received during the trial period. Any amendment to the opening times or types of alcohol on sale is likely to increase revenues and necessitate a budget review throughout the 2011/ 2012 financial year. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The provision of services at the TTI is aligned with Councils Strategic Plan Key Goal 2 Delivering Services, Objective 4 Priority 2 RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The Shire‘s Security Contact Officer has reported a reduction in the number of issues throughout the trail period. Previous issues were reported weekly by contract security screening staff, TTI staff and airline personnel. The adverse impact to the trial period has been the increase in illegal drinking and littering of alcoholic bottles in the car park. This matter will continue to be addressed through Airport staff and security contractors. It is considered probable that some of these instances of complaints and illegal drinking would be reduced in the amendment to the time that alcohol is served. Page 100 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ISSUES Nil Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The significant reduction in alcohol related incidents at the airport and on flights is providing a safer environment for airport users. The restriction also sends a strong message to the community and visitors that responsible alcohol management is supported by the Shire. A continuation of the restrictions along with increased promotion and ongoing management will ensure the positive impacts continue. The suggested earlier opening time of 10.30am is in line with standard opening times and should not detract from the positive gains to date. Signage, regular checks of the car park area and issuing infringement notices may assist in minimising the street drinking issue. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. The TTI staff currently commence duties at 7am and any change to the time that alcohol service is commenced can be accommodated within the staff roster. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The restriction of alcohol sales to mid strength beer and no spirit was introduced by QANTAS in 2010. The Shires trial period has clearly resulted in a reduction in antisocial behaviour at the Karratha Airport and its continuation is endorsed by the Karratha Airport Management team. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 101 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per officers recommendation Option 2 That Council note the outcomes of the trial period and resolve to revert to the sale of full strength beer and spirits at the Tien Tsin Inne. Option 3 That Council adopt a combination of options as outlined above. CONCLUSION Based on the information above and with consideration to the social and security responsibilities of the Shire, Council officers recommend that Council adopt on a permanent basis the practice of not selling full strength beers and spirits. With regard to the times of sale of alcoholic drinks, based on customer feedback the Tien Tsin Inne considers the amended opening time to 10.30am week days as reasonable. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. Resolve to permanently adopt the practice of not selling full strength beer and spirits at the Tien Tsin Inne. 2. Resolve to amend the operating times for the service of alcohol to commence at 10.30am for each day of the week. Page 102 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 13.2 INDOOR CRICKET FACILITY - BUDGET AMENDMENT File No: CP.185 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects Reporting Author: Strategic Projects Administration Coordinator Date of Report: 29 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Strategic Projects Administration Coordinator Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE For Council to consider an amendment of $9,500 to the 2011/12 Annual Budget for the installation of handrails at the Indoor Cricket Facility. BACKGROUND The Tambrey Indoor Cricket Association approached Council in early 2007 seeking financial support for a proposed relocation of their facility. Council resolved to develop a new outdoor/indoor cricket facility similar to the design at the Tambrey Centre on the unused bowling green adjacent to the Karratha Country Club. The Indoor Cricket Facility at the Karratha Country Club was completed March 2011 and has enjoyed regular use by the community since. The installation of the handrails is the final activity required to complete the Indoor Cricket Facility. A delay occurred in receiving quotes for the supply and installation of the handrails and final landscaping and as a result this activity was not able to be completed in the 2010/11 Budget year and was not considered in the 2011/12 Annual Budget deliberations prior to adoption. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The amount of $9,500 has a relatively insignificant impact on the 2011/12 Annual Budget and Forward Financial Plan when compared with the reduction of risk to Council as a result of accident and potential public liability insurance claims due to insufficient safety measures. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The handrails and landscaping are within the original scope of works as approved by Community Facilities and Council in the project planning stage. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community consultation has been previously undertaken as the handrails and landscaping were contained in the Indoor Cricket Centre scope approved by the user groups and Community Facilities. Page 103 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS As per Local Government Act 1995 section 6.8 changes to budgets need to be authorised in Advance by resolution. A local government is not to incur expenditure from its municipal fund for an additional purpose except where the expenditure – 1. (a) is incurred in a financial year before the adoption of the annual budget by the local government; 2. (b) is authorised in advance by resolution; or (c) is authorised in advance by the mayor or president in an emergency. Council is required to consider the budget amendment to enable this aspect of the Indoor Cricket Centre Project to proceed. POLICY IMPLICATIONS CE1 – Financial Request for Unbudgeted Items applies. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Approval of this budget amendment will result in an increase in Capital Expenditure of $9,500 to job number 933426 Construct Indoor Cricket. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The provision of this facility is in accordance with Council‘s Strategic Plan 2009-2013: Key Goal One - Communities Objective: Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The installation of handrails and landscaping to the Indoor Cricket Facility will assist to mitigate the potential risk for accidental injury that may be caused by the absence of safety rails. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The installation of handrails and landscaping will effectively complete this facility providing a safer environment for users to engage in recreational activities. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY The proposed works will be undertaken by an external contractor and as such there is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. Page 104 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer recommendation Option 2 That Council does NOT APPROVE the amendment to the 2011/12 Annual Budget and handrails are not installed to the Indoor Cricket Facility. CONCLUSION The handrails and landscaping are the final activity required to complete the Construct Indoor Cricket Facility project. The time delay in achieving this was out of the Council Officer‘s control and has resulted in the work not being carried out in the 2010/11 Budget, the year in which the funds were attributed. While the facility has been in use since March 2011 the final addition of the handrails and landscaping will complete the project and reduce the potential risk of accidents that may otherwise occur. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Absolute Majority pursuant to Section 6.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to increase the capital expenditure budget of job number 933426 Construct Indoor Cricket Facility to $9,500. Page 105 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY INFORMATION ONLY ITEMS - JUNE 2011 Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Council of the information items for June 2011. Background None Issues None Options None Policy Implications There are no relevant policy implications pertaining to this matter. Legislative Implications There are no relevant legislative implications pertaining to this matter. Financial Implications There are no financial implications resulting from this report. Conclusion None Voting Requirements Simple. RECOMMENDATION That Council note the following information items: 14.1 Shire President’s Mail – June 2011 14.2 Register of Documents Stamped with the Shire’s Common Seal 14.3 Councillor Representatives on Organisations 14.4 Tabled Correspondence 14.5 Budget Amendments for period ending 30 June 2011 14.6 Non-Statutory Donations for period ending 30 June 2011 14.7 Building Statistics – June 2011 14.8 Planning Decisions Issued – 31 May – 1 July 2011 14.9 Community Safety Coordinator – Projects Update Page 106 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.1 SHIRE PRESIDENT’S MAIL – JUNE 2011 Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Incoming correspondence for the Shire President Date From 07/06/2011 NGARLUMA & FOUNDATION LTD Subject Details YINDJIBARNDI NGARLUMA YINDJIBARNDI FOUNDATION - (NYFL) LOOKING AT FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A TYRE RECYCLING FACILITY IN THE PILBARA 07/06/2011 SHIRE OF CARNARVON THANK YOU FROM SHIRE OF CARNARVON PROVIDING ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT TO COMMUNITY DURING RECENT FLOOD CRISIS 09/06/2011 CECHNER TENDER RESIGNATION - COUNCILLOR FAY CECHNER - 31 MAY 2011 10/06/2011 BUSWELL RECREATIONAL BOATING FACILITIES SCHEME ROUND 16 APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING - JOHN'S CREEK BOAT RAMP ABLUTION UNIT - WORKS PROJECT GRANT OF $37,295 APPROVED - MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT TROY BUSWELL MLA 14/06/2011 SHIRE OF CARNARVON THANK YOU FROM SHIRE OF CARNARVON - FOR CONTRIBUTING $30,325.17 TO THE LORD MAYOR'S RELIEF FUND 14/06/2011 WOODSIDE ENERGY LIMITED REFERENCE SOR LETTER DATED 13 APR4IL 2011 KARRATHA LEISURE COMPLEX - PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL - RIO TINTO NOT PRESENTLY IN A POSITION TO COMMIT TO INVESTING IN THE KARRATHA LEISURE COMPLEX 16/06/2011 EUROPEAN UNION (DELEGATION TO DELEGATION OF EUROPEAN UNION (EU) AUSTRALIA) ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL COUNCELLORS EXPRESS APPRECIATION TO NICOLE LOCKWOOD AND COLLEAGUES AT ROEBOURNE COUNCIL FOR HOSPITALITY IN HOSTING A CIVIC FUNCTION IN THEIR HONOUR - ANDREA NICOLAJ FIRST COUNCELLOR 22/06/2011 GEORGE Page 107 REQUEST ASSISTANCE FROM SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE - THE GREAT CO2 RACE - VEHICLE LECTRIC - 28 AUGUST 2011 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 22/06/2011 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 23/06/2011 DIABETES WA LOCAL PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE WALGA CONSTITUTION - REVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF STATE COUNCIL AND ZONES INVITATION TO FIGHT DIABETES - INVITATION FROM DIABETES WA TO TAKE ON THE ROLE VICE PATRON OF DIABETES WA 24/06/2011 MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT GM IMPACT OF 2011 - 2012 BUDGET ON LOCAL (JOHN) CASTRILLI MLA GOVERNMENT REFORM - CONFIRMATION OF GOVERNMENT'S $10.5 MILLION COMMITMENT TO SUPPORTING LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ENGAGED IN REFORM - JOHN CASTRILLI MLA Page 108 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.2 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS STAMPED WITH THE SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE COMMON SEAL Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Councillors of documents, as listed below, that have been stamped with the Common Seal of the Shire of Roebourne since the last Council Meeting. DATE 14/06/2011 15/06/2011 22/06/2011 29/06/2011 DOCUMENT Bulgarra Community Centre Financial Assistance Agreement for Royalties for Regions project country local government fund 2010/2011 Cleaning Permit application KTA Leisure Complex Grant agreement between The department of Local Government and The Shire of Roebourne – Local Government Reform Program Long Term Financial Planning Transfer of Land – 27,29,31,&33 Roe Street, Roebourne Ngarluma And Yindjibarndi Foundation LTD Page 109 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.3 COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATIVES ON ORGANISATIONS Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Below is the listing of Councillor Portfolios and Representatives on Organisations within the Shire of Roebourne, both internal and external groups. External Committees: EXTERNAL COMMITTEE Nor West Jockey Club Committee Pilbara Regional Council (PRC) Pilbara Regional Road Group DIVISION & STAFF MEMBER [if applic] Community and Corporate Services Chief Executive Officer COUNCILLOR Cr Fiona White-Hartig Cr Lockwood & Cr Hipworth, Cr White-Hartig & Cr Smeathers as proxies CEO & Infrastructure Services Cr Lockwood & Cr Hipworth Resource Industry Advisory Group Chief Executive Officer, Community and Corporate Services, Development and Regulatory Services & Infrastructure Services Cr Lally, Cr White-Hartig & Cr Hipworth Visitor Centre(s) Committees Community and Corporate Services Cr Hipworth & Cr Bailey Walkington Theatre Management Committee Community and Corporate Services Cr Smeathers West Pilbara Communities for Children Consortium Community and Corporate Services Cr Vertigan & Cr Smeathers as proxy Roebourne Advisory Group Community and Corporate Services Cr Bailey, Cr White-Hartig & Cr Pritchard Internal Portfolio’s: INTERNAL PORTFOLIO’S COUNCILLOR Community and Corporate Services Cr Lewis, Cr Smeathers, Cr Vertigan & Cr Pritchard Financial Services Cr Lally & Cr Lockwood Development and Regulatory Services Cr Bailey, Cr Hipworth & Cr White-Hartig Infrastructure Services Cr Hipworth & Cr Lally Page 110 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 111 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.4 TABLED CORRESPONDENCE Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Tabled correspondence for Councillors information: Date From Subject Details 07/06/2011 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 07/06/2011 08/06/2011 08/06/2011 08/06/2011 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANELS (DAPS) APPLICANTS BROCHURE AND FORMS 1 AND 2 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING - DAPS SCHEDULED TO COMMENCE ON FRIDAY 1 JULY 2011 - ATTACHED COPIES OF APPLICANTS BROCHURE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT LANDGATE ADVISE THAT DRAFT STANDARD DR ASSOCIATION AS/NZS4819 - RURAL AND URBAN ADDRESSING IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - COMMENT REQUIRED BY FRIDAY 8 JULY - WALGA HON SIMON CREAN MP THANK YOU FROM THE HON SIMON CREAN MP TO COLLENE LONGMORE FOR ACCEPTING INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN NEW MINISTERIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL AUSTRALIA TONY CHARTERS & ASSOCIATES INVITATION TO COLLENE LONGMORE - INAUGURAL TOURISM AND EVENTS EXCELLENCE CONFERENCE (TEE) TO BE HELD 5 - 7 SEPTEMBER 2011 TONY CHARTERS & ASSOCIATES INVITATION TO COLLENE LONGMORE - INAUGURAL TOURISM AND EVENTS EXCELLENCE CONFERENCE (TEE) TO BE HELD 5 - 7 SEPTEMBER 2011 10/06/2011 HON WENDY DUNCAN 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 20/06/2011 ROYALTIES FOR REGIONS - REQUEST FEEDBACK AND IDEAS ON REGIONAL EVENTS - HON WENDY DUNCAN MLC - NATIONALS MURUJUGA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION INVITATION FROM MURUJUGA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION TO COLLENE LONGMORE - NEXT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TO BE HELD AT THE PILBARA TAFE ON THURSDAY 23 JUNE 2011 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT WALGA PLEASED TO ADVISE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW ASSOCIATION PREFERRED SUPPLIER CONTRACT FOR AUDIT SERVICESNEW SERVICES EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2011 DEPARTMENT OF SPORT AND RECREATION ENCLOSED BOOKLET - STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR THE WA WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SPORT AND RECREATION INDUSTRY 2011-2015 (SD5) WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROSTITUTION LEGISLATIVE REFORM - GREEN BILL ASSOCIATION OUTLINING CHANGES TO PROSTITUTION LAWS HAS BEEN RELEASED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - PROSTITUTION BILL 2011 HAS BEEN DEVELOPED AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENT - COMMENTS REQUESTED BY FRIDAY 15 JULY 2011 Page 112 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 20/06/2011 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROFORMA WASTE LOCAL LAW - WALGA WORKING ASSOCIATION WITH A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION TO DEVELOP A PROFORMA - WALGA SEEK COMMENT ON THE DRAFT VERSION OF THE LAW - BY 22 JULY 2011 21/06/2011 WA ELECTORAL COMMISSION LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORDINARY ELECTIONS - 15 OCTOBER 2011 - REQUEST PREPARE ROLL - LOCAL ROLL REQUEST FORM - REQUEST RETURN - 15 JULY 2011 23/06/2011 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS AUSTRALIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS ASSOCIATION (LGMA) - COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP 2011 / 2012 - ATTACHED INVOICE $1600 23/06/2011 NATIONAL NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL APPLICATION - REGISTRATION OF INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENT - RTO - NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENT - RTIO NGARLUMA INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENT - 11 MAY 2011 27/06/2011 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFOPAGE - FOR NOTING - UPDATE ON REFORMS TO ASSOCIATION HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE (HACC) - WALGA 30/06/2011 WA ELECTORAL COMMISSION REQUEST TO LEAVE VACANCY UNFILLED UNTIL OCTOBER 2011 - RESIGNATION - COUNCILLOR FAY CECHNER - 31 MAY 2011 - WEST AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION 04/07/2011 DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AWARDS -2011 - NOMINATIONS CLOSE ON TUESDAY 23 AUGUST 2011 04/07/2011 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA - SEEK SUPPORT OF SOR - ASPIRE UWA - BY 15 JULY 2011 Page 113 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.5 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2011 File No: JUN11 Responsible Officer: Executive Manager Corporate Services Author Name: Management Accountant Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT To provide Council with a report on adopted amendments to the original budget and the anticipated effect of those amendments on the surplus/deficit position at the end of the year. Shire Of Roebourne Budget Amendments For The Period Ending 31 May 2011 Date Of Meeting Res Number Account Number Description Expenditure Increase / (Decrease) $ Income Increase / (Decrease) $ Original Budget Closing Estimate 19-Jul-10 15219 314200 20-Sep-10 151292 314772 20-Sep-10 151292 314207 20-Sep-10 151293 404411 20-Sep-10 151297 308705 20-Sep-10 151297 308205 20-Sep-10 151301 332503 20-Sep-10 151301 332504 15-Oct-10 15-Nov-10 151354 151395 460204 various 15-Nov-10 151379 206000 06-Dec-10 151442 Various 06-Dec-10 20-Dec-10 151442 151454 Various Various Page 114 Lions Club-FeNaClNG children's activities Karratha Community Celebration Income not Budgeted 10/11 Karratha Community Celebration Expense not Budgeted 10/11 Write-off Commercial Rubbish Debt by Alvar Distributors Pty Ltd Lottery West Grant Conservation of Cultural Heritage Create Income account Lottery West Grant Conservation of Cultural Heritage Create Expense account Reallocate Budget Capital Funds Cossack Reallocate Budget Capital Funds Cossack Commit Contribution to funding Narcotic Detection Dog Operations new activity st 1 Quarter Budget Review Amendments Chief Executive Officer Remuneration Review Reallocate Budget Capital fundsBulgarra Sporting Precinct amendments Reallocate Budget Capital fundsBulgarra Sporting Precinct amendments Debtors Write-offs December 2010 10,000 New Surplus /(Deficit) $ 0 (10,000) 120,000 110,000 129,000 (19,000) 564 (19,564) 37,590 37,590 18,026 (19,564) 18,000 (1,564) 18,000 (19,564) (15,500) 25,000 (4,064) (29,064) 21,120 (50,184) 339,433 (389,617) (339,433) 3,465 (50,184) (53,649) Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 20-Dec-10 151448 20-Dec-10 151448 Adjustment of Opening Surplus/(Deficit) after Audit carried forward 1 July 2010 Restricted Surplus Accrued Interest on Loan & Salaries & Wages, Unspent Loan & LSL Cash Backed 30 Jun 10 Cfwd 2,195,236 1,790,322 351,265 Contd. Date Of Meeting Res Number Account Number 20-Dec-10 151469 20-Dec-10 151473 20-Dec-10 151478 20-Dec-10 151478 Various 933400/ 933402 933402/ 338851 20-Dec-10 151484 911002/ 911051 14-Feb-11 151505 Various 14-Feb-11 21-Mar-11 151517 151546 933806/ 934050 various 432506/ 432856 21-Mar-11 151572 various 18-Apr-11 151597 314200 18-Apr-11 151599 18-Apr-11 151599 460506/ 946008 460506/ 946015 18-Apr-11 18-Apr-11 151603 151603 460506/ 946014 946007 18-Apr-11 151603 946004 18-Apr-11 151603 206009 16-May-11 151619 330200 16-May-11 151619 312200 Page 115 Description Memorandum of Understanding-Recycled Water Supply (effluent re-use scheme) Budget Amendments to undertake kerb maintenance works in Roebourne new Job number 642803 Reallocate surplus funds to new account for Roebourne Hall aesthetic works Contribute additional $75,000 funding for Roebourne Hall aesthetic works Reallocate New Portable Admin Bldg Car park works $25,800 from 911002 to new Job 911051 to record capital asset under correct category Budget Amendments Agenda Item Various Account and Job Reallocations Reallocate $15,000 to allow the Bulgarra Precinct electrical upgrade expenses to be recorded correctly nd 2 Quarter Budget Review Amendments Amendment of $170,000 for the 2010/2011 Financial Year to achieve the transformational process (New account 250000) To reallocate $10,000 from provision of community organisations seed funding to the Shire President‘s Flood Appeal Quotation received to Install CCTV system for management and security of the paid parking system, reallocated from 946015 project As above – Extent of GSE area not required as originally proposed Car park upgrade and assoc. Works required budget variation to reflect the revised project budget – reallocated from airport projects As Above As Above Increase Car park Project to revised Budget Include a provision of $10,000 to undertake the independent audit investigation into the process and financial management of the Karratha Airport Car Park project Reduce 10/11 annual budget by $98,660.44 being annual contrib. To TAFE and reallocate funds in relation to Karratha Library to offset costs incurred by Walkington Theatre Reallocate funds of $104,224.46 to support ongoing operations of the Walkington Theatre for remainder 10/11 to deliver a min of 4 to 6 Movies and 1 event per mth Expenditure Increase / (Decrease) Income Increase / (Decrease) New Surplus /(Deficit) 200,000 200,000 351,265 100,000 100,000 351,265 0 75,000 351,265 75,000 0 351,265 351,265 113,000 93,000 331,265 15,000 (11,241,248) 15,000 (11,619,599) 331,265 (47,086) 170,000 170,000 (47,086) 10,000 10,000 (47,086) 50,000 (97,086) (50,000) (47,086) (1,000,000) (572,747) 1,047,086 1,619,833 1,572,747 (47,086) 10,000 (57,086) (98,660.44) 41,574.44 104,224.46 (62,650.0 2) Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 16-May-11 151619 340210/ 340209/ 340207 16-May-11 151620 943802/ 438856 Reallocate $5,564.02 from various community development programs to account 312200 to offset costs incurred by the Walkington Theatre John‘s Creek Carpark upgrade budgeted capital not required as relinquished responsibility to Dept of Transport Totals Current Budget Position is a Deficit of Page 116 (5,564.02) (486,458) (8,528,687) (57,086) (486,458) (8,585,773) (57,086) (57,086) Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 117 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.6 NON STATUTORY DONATIONS FOR PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2011 File No: JUN11 Responsible Officer: Executive Manager Corporate Services Author Name: Management Accountant Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT To provide Council with a summary of Non Statutory Donations made during the specified period. Shire Of Roebourne Non Statutory Donations For The Period Ending 30 June 2011 Contribution-Dampier Contribution-Pt Samson Contribution-Roebourne Contribution-Wickham FeNaCLNG Children's activities FeNaCLNG Fireworks display Hampton Harbour Boat & Sailing Club Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation-c/fwd 2009/10 Karratha Baptist Church Craft Group-c/fwd 2009/10 Karratha Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry Karratha Emergency Relief Assoc Link Inc Lotteries House Insurance Nor West Jockey Club Not for Profit Organisations-commence operations Pilbara Community Legal Services Roebourne Sobering-Up Shelter SAFE Karratha Salvation Army-Red Shield Appeal Shire President‘s Flood Appeal St John Ambulance Sub Centre Roebourne St Vincent de Paul - waste collection reimbursement Wickham Community Association Yaandina Family Centre Youthcare West Pilbara Page 118 Original Budget $ 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 12,000 5,000 50,000 18,100 16,891 2,500 3,000 5,303 4,552 8,000 50,000 4,000 5,500 21,530 3,000 0 9,000 4,576 11,000 2,000 2,000 737,952 Amended Budget Actual $ $ 200,000 86,143.55 100,000 25,000.00 100,000 67,092.66 100,000 54,545.45 10,000 12,000 5,000 50,000 47,276.44 18,100 5,673.24 16,891 14,484.55 2,500 2,272.73 3,000 3,000.00 5,303 4,854.32 4,552 4,175.82 8,000 40,000 4,000 5,500 5,500.00 21,530 22,542.40 3,000 3,000.00 10,000 10,000.00 9,000 13,771.84 4,576 4,223.35 11,000 11,000.00 2,000 2,000 2,000.00 747,952 386,556.35 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 119 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.7 MONTHLY BUILDING STATISTICS – JUNE 2011 File No: GR.27 Responsible Executive Officer: DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT REGULATORY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Reporting Author: MANAGER BUILDING SERVICES Date of Report: 30 JUNE 2011 Applicant/Proponent: MANAGER BUILDING SERVICES Disclosure of Interest: NIL Attachment(s) Monthly Page 120 Approval Summary 2011 and 201 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 121 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 122 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.8 PLANNING DECISIONS ISSUED - 31 MAY - 1 JULY 2011 File No: TA/1/1 Responsible Officer: Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services Author Name: Directorate Administration Officer Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Council of the following planning and WAPC subdivision decisions issued for the above period. APPL. # P2378 DECISION OWNER APPLICANT APPROVED DELEGATE NORTHWESTERLY TWO PTY LTD P2395 APPROVED DELEGATE LANDCORP P2416 APPROVED DELEGATE KARRATHA CITY HOLDINGS PTY LTD P2453 APPROVED DELEGATE WA AUTHORITY P2496 APPROVED DELEGATE SHIRE ROEBOURNE P2507 APPROVED DELEGATE P2518 MCMULLEN NOLAND PARTNER GREG ROWE ASSOC ADDRESS & 55 GARDUGARLI DRIVE, BAYNTON 12-42 WELCOME RD, KARRATHA DEVELOPMENT 15 ROE ST, ROEBOURNE DEVELOPMENT HAVEN DESIGNS 7-17 WELCOME RD, KARRATHA DEVELOPMENT SHAUN READ SHAUN READ 15 LADY DOUGLAS WAY, PEGS CREEK R-CODE VARIATION APPROVED DELEGATE JOHN KELSALL 12 WINYAMA RD, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2519 APPROVED DELEGATE RALPH KELLER 32 WINYAMA RD, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2520 APPROVED DELEGATE JOHN KELSALL 20 WINYAMA RD, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2521 APPROVED DELEGATE JOHN KELSALL 15 MARNIYARRA LOOP, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2522 APPROVED DELEGATE RALPH KELLER 30 WINYAMA RD, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2523 APPROVED DELEGATE PILBARA IRON CO SERVICES PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS ROBE RIVER MINING PTY LTD LOT 791 PT SAMSONROEBOURNE RD, WICKHAM DEVELOPMENT P2524 APPROVED DELEGATE SHAMROCK HOLDINGS PTY LTD KILLARNEE CIVIL & CONCRETE LOT 1031 MARDIE RD, KARRATHA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Page 123 LAND OF & 53 FALCON PARADE, NICKOL APPLICATION TYPE SUBDIVISION/ AMALGAMATION KARRATHA CITY HOLDINGS PTY LTD KEVIN PALASSIS DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT SIXTEEN (16) LOT BUILT STRATA SEVENTY TWO(72) MULTIPLE DWELLINGS & ANCILLARY WORKS PROPOSED STORAGE FACILITIES PROPOSED ART CENTRE FOR ROEBOURNE ART GROUP & ANCILLARY WORKS PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION OFFICE & ANCILLARY WORKS PROPOSED BOAT PORT LOCATED IN THE FRONT SETBACK WITH A WALL LOCATED ON THE BOUNDARY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELEOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTABLE OFFICES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP & OFFICE BUILDING & ANCILLARY WORKS Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda P2526 APPROVED DELEGATE EWP PROPERTIES NORTH WEST SHED MASTERS LOT 2580 AUGUSTUS DR, KARRATHA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE 14 AUSTEN LOOP, NICKOL DEVELOPMENT P2529 APPROVED DELEGATE WOODSIDE ENERGY RYAN JOHNSTONE P2530 CANCELLED NYLTAC PTY LTD SAVILLS PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5-15 SHARPE AVE, KARRATHA DEVELOPMENT P2531 APPROVED DELEGATE SHIRE ROEBOURNE NORTHWEST SHEDMASTERS L32 KARASEK WAY, GAP RIDGE DEVELOPMENT P2533 APPROVED DELEGATE DAMPIER SALT PTY LTD NATHAN HYLAND 677 DOLPHIN WAY, BULGARRA DEVELOPMENT P2535 APPROVED DELEGATE WA AUTHORITY WHELANS L301 DAMPIER RD, BAYNTON SUBDIVISION/ AMALGAMATION P2537 APPROVED DELEGATE APPROVED DELEGATE BROADHURST BOTT ARCHITECTS CAROLINE STEVENSON 29 CRAWFORD WAY, ROEBOURNE 17 BRUSHTAIL ST, BAYNTON DEVELOPMENT P2543 NORTHWEST PROPERTY PROJECTS LLOYD TAYLOR P2544 APPROVED DELEGATE WOODSIDE ENERGY LTD DC PROJECTS SERVICES PTY LTD 1-5 DIXON NICKOL ST, DEVELOPMENT P2545 APPROVED DELEGATE WOODSIDE ENERGY LTD DC PROJECT SERVICES PTY LTD 2-6 PARTON CLOSE, NICKOL DEVELOPMENT P2546 APPROVED DELEGATE DBNGP LAND ACCESS MINISTER STREICHERCOUGH JOINT VENTURE LOT CINDERS BURRUP DEVELOPMENT P2547 APPROVED DELEGATE JUDITH ANDREWS MARK COTTRELL & JUDITH ANDREWS LOT 161 FLINDERS CRES, DAMPIER R-CODE VARIATION P2552 APPROVED DELEGATE DEPARTMENT HOUSING WHELANS SUBDIVISION/ AMALGAMATION P2557 APPROVED DELEGATE ROBE RIVER IRON ASSOCIATES MONADELPHOUS P2558 APPROVED DELEGATE ROBER RIVER IRON ASSOCIATES MONADELPHOUS 24B FRINDERSTEIN WAY, PEGS CREEK LOT 65 LAMBERT IND/AR, WICKHAM LOT 65 LAMBERT IND/AR, WICKHAM ASSETS OF LAND OF & 176 RD, R-CODE VARIATION DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OFFICE/WORKSHOP ANCILLARY WORKS TWO(2) SHADE SAILS WITH REDUCED PRIMARY STREET SETBACK OF 500MM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS BANKING CENTRE PROPOSED EXTENSION (LEAN-TO) TO AN EXISTING HELICOPTER HANGER PROPOSED OUTBUILDING ASSOCIATED WITH A GROUPED DWELLING SUBDIVISION CLEARANCE BAYTON WEST STAGE 8A DEPOSIT PLAN 66689 WAPC136245 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2X3 BED MOBILITY DWELLING HOME OCCUPATION – ONLINE PARTY SUPPLIES STORE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF PATIO TO EXISTING GROUPED DWELLING PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF PATIO TO EXISTING GROUPED DWELLINGS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARY BUILDINGS TO SUPPORT OPERATIONS OF A PIPE STORAGE YARD TWO(2) STOREY PATIO AT REDUCED SECONDARY STREET SETBACK SUBDIVISION WAPC #144342 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARY FACILITIES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TEMPORARY FACILITIES Note – Determinations of Subdivision/Amalgamation applications made by the Western Australian Planning Commission Page 124 & Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 14.9 COMMUNITY SAFETY COORDINATOR – PROJECTS UPDATE File No: Nil Responsible Officer: Director Development And Regulatory Services Author Name: Community Safety Coordinator Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To provide Council with an update of the Community Safety Coordinators projects to date. PROJECT General Town Entry Statements Graffiti Litter Alcohol Page 125 ACTIVITIES COMMENT/FOLLOW UP EXPENDITURE/BUDGET Purchased esky for CARE from ‘Casual for a Cause’ funding. Budget report, annual report completed. Met w/Acting Ranger Coordinator re off-road vehicle project. Working w/CARE on Tidy Town submission focusing on Hearson’s Cove graffiti clean up & litter clean ups. Organised free tv promotion for local events. Finalised budget for 2011/12. Report to CE on Hedland Personnel proposal. Logo completed. Infrastructure now managing construction & installation. UDLA payment for May. Order flags/stamps for Cleansweep. No budget implications. Regular updates from Infrastructure. UDLA $1265.00 Kits delivered to Corrections, Roebourne school, Millars Well Primary. Removal from Frinderstein Way Park, Dodd Court Playground, KEC. Underpasses project completed. Reviewed graffiti report spreadsheet. Contributed to report on urban art projects. F/up letters to all Business Blitz locations. Wrote to Dept. of Transport re condition of John’s Creek. CARE clean up Dampier Highway 19/6. 230 bags collected. Capt Clean Up visit to schools scheduled for week of 25 July. Planning for Great Northern Clean Up in Sept. Assisted with covered loads media release. Attended WPAM meeting – Deliver more kits to schools. Consider Walkways as next major project. Roebourne Hall $35k. Underpasses $55k. F/up response from DOT. Nil Considering sending letter Nil Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Management CCTV Eyes on the Street Neighbourhood Watch Crime & Safety Greening Project Page 126 application for funding for holiday programme aimed at older teens. Provided street drinking posters for Roebourne Police. Feedback provided to Airport report. Feedback given to Liquor Accord Strat plan. Researched D&A policy. Final feedback given on report. Cost/benefit analysis being added. Copy provided to Horizon Power. Further community interest in training discussed w/Police. Next BBQ scheduled for 26 July. to local papers asking to minimise photos of alcohol in social pages. Final version of report due 15 July. Invite Horizon to Cleansweep discussion on report. schedule further training for Aug. onwards. Assistance offered if required. Final payment for audit $29865.00. Responded to Wickham crime & safety letter. Application for funding for variable message road sign from Roadwise. Discussions w/OCP re Crime & Safety Plan. They are reviewing our plan. Met w/Dampier Comm. Assoc. Garden project for Cossack confirmed. Point Samson project @ info bay awaiting quotes. Police signs to be installed by Corrections. Thank you to councillors who attended BBQ. Crime & Safety month in Oct – plan events/media. Nil F/up with each group as projects progress. $6512.00 for Cossack. Nil Nil Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 15 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN Nil 16 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN Nil 17 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE PERSON PRESIDING OR BY DECISION Nil Page 127 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 128 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 129 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18 MATTERS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS 18.1 TENDER G15 – 10/11 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES File No: G15 – 10/11 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Manager Corporate Compliance Date of Report: 28 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Allgold Holdings Pty Ltd, trading as LJ Hooker Karratha Foundation Housing Limited Yangan Pty Ltd, trading as Ray White Real Estate Karratha Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Confidential Evaluation Report and Attachments PURPOSE To assess submissions received for the management of the Shire‘s staff housing portfolio and appoint a suitable service provider. BACKGROUND The Shire initially sought quotes to provide rental management services for a twelve month period to its residential housing stock at its Council meeting of 19 July 2010. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 15203 MOVED : Cr Smeathers SECONDED : Cr Vertigan That requests for quotation be sought for the provision of rental management services for Councils portfolio of residential buildings from Local Property management providers. CARRIED FOR : Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Lewis, Cr Bailey, Cr Cechner, Cr Pritchard, Cr Smeathers, Cr Vertigan, Cr White-Hartig AGAINST : Nil Quotations closed on 9 September 2010 where it was discovered that the quotes received exceeded the tender threshold. Following this realisation, the decision was to go out to tender. Tender G15 – 10/11 was developed for Property Management Services and was managed through WALGA‘s Procurement Consultancy Service. Tender details were available through the Tenderlink website. The scope and specifications of the tender advertised was: Specification The Shire of Roebourne is seeking Quotations for a twelve month period from suitably qualified Property Management firms that are considered competent to undertake the Page 130 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda management of the Shire of Roebourne residential properties leased to Shire employee‘s contingent to their contract of employment. Scope of work Background The Shire of Roebourne currently has 55 houses that are owned outright and are utilised for Shire employee (53) and medical (2) staff housing. The Shire also leases privately owned properties to on lease to employees on a as needs basis. The shire is currently leasing 20 properties of this nature and this number fluctuates on demand. The allocation of a Shire property is contingent to the contract of employment and as such no tenancy checks are required. The Shire has been undertaking the management of the properties utilising Shire staff and building contractors. The Shire collects all rents through the payroll system and there would be no requirement to undertake this task by a respondent or to remit funds to the principal. Scope of works The main scope of works includes but is not limited to; Page 131 i. Manage and provide specialist advice to ensure the tenancies are maintained in a proper, efficient and reputable manner in accordance with the Shire‘s policies and the residential tenancy act. ii. Assist with the establishment, of long term maintenance schedules to facilitate the Shires future long term planning and budgeting for each residential property. iii. Prepare and execute all the Shire requirements in regard to leasing premises to employees and medical staff in Shire owned housing in accordance with the residential tenancy act and Shire policy and guidelines. iv. Undertake inspections of the premises and provide to the Shire property condition reports on a regular basis (6 monthly) and additional inspections as required v. Advise the Shire of a significant damage to the property as soon as reasonably practicable vi. On behalf of the Shire complete, serve and receive all applicable forms and notices required in accordance with the residential tenancies act or regulations under that act. vii. Ensure the premises are maintained in working order and where necessary promptly organise repairs with the Shire Building Maintenance Contractor and replace in accordance with authorisation limits all glass heating cooling lighting electrical and plumbing equipment which may be damaged, worn out or fail for any reason. viii. Assist the Shire in relation to the provision of information for any insurance claims and any insurance matter in respect of the premises ix. Keep accurate records of the premises and record such other information necessary for the purposes of this agreement. x. Undertake on behalf of the Shire maintenance contracts in accordance with an agreed scope of works and manage those contracts in an efficient and effective manner. xi. Be the contact for all properties and manage all repairs as identified in the annual scope of works for individual properties and organise ad-hoc repairs as they occur. xii. Be the main contact for all issues in regard to properties that the shire has privately leased for employee housing. Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Advertising of the tender commenced as from 19 March 2011 in the West Australian. Tenders closed at 3pm on 28 April 2011. Submissions were to be completed online using the Tenderlink service. Three submissions were received prior to the close of tenders: Allgold Holdings Pty Ltd, trading as LJ Hooker Karratha Foundation Housing Limited; and Yangan Pty Ltd, trading as Ray White Karratha. The Tender Assessment and Evaluation Review Panel comprised of three members: Henry Eaton Manager Corporate Compliance, Shire of Roebourne Susan Bowman Corporate Compliance Officer, Shire of Roebourne Craig Grant Procurement Consultant, WALGA The submissions were assessed against compliance, qualitative criteria and price. All submissions were compliant and ready for consideration. The qualitative criterion was weighted on the basis of: Demonstrated Capacity and Experience Personnel Contract Management 35% 35% 30% The attached confidential report details the submissions received and their individual evaluation scores. At the Council meeting of 20 June 2011 Council resolved: Res No : 151679 MOVED : Cr Pritchard SECONDED : Cr Lally That Council: 1. Nominate Foundation Housing as the preferred tenderer; 2. Enter into negotiations with Foundation Housing; 3. Report back to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 18 July 2011 on the outcome of negotiations. CARRIED FOR : Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Bailey, Cr Pritchard, Cr Smeathers, Cr Vertigan, AGAINST : Nil Foundation Housing were asked to provide additional commentary on operational matters. Their responses are contained within the Confidential Report. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The matter of housing is significant as an influencing factor in the recruitment and retention of skilled staff. The ability to outsource the service will ensure continuity in a role that has proven to be difficult to otherwise fill in past administrative roles. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place on this matter with Council at the June 2011 Council meeting and with staff in the Executive, Human Resources, Building Maintenance and Compliance teams. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Tender procedures were followed and submissions to the tender were received from the public. Advertising commenced on 19 March 2011 and tenders then closed on 28 April 2011 using the Tenderlink service. Page 132 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Tenders were called in accordance with Part 4 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations and section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995. 3.57. Tenders for providing goods or services (1) A local government is required to invite tenders before it enters into a contract of a prescribed kind under which another person is to supply goods or services. (2) Regulations may make provision about tenders. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The project expenditure proposed is in accordance with the budget. Refer to the confidential supplementary report for specific financial information. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne‘s Strategic Plan 2009 – 2013 provides: Key Goal One – Communities Objective Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Initiative Increase the attractiveness of the streetscape amenity and foster pride in maintaining a higher standard of the upkeep of homes, businesses and public space throughout the Shire. Priority 2009/10 - Review the Shire‘s built inventory to ensure facilities are modern, functional and meet community expectations. Key Goal Two – Delivering Services Objective Implementing an asset register to identify opportunities to upgrade existing infrastructure. Increasing the profile of the organisation to attract high quality candidates and ensuring Human Resource policies reflect best practice. Meeting the set service standards. Initiatives Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities‘ priorities. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Priority 2009/10 - Focus on improving service standard delivery and the development of Asset Management Plans for parks and gardens, Shire buildings and Shire housing. Establish work improvement groups within each division to review and streamline key processes and practices. Key Goal Three – Local Economy Objective Facilitating an increase in affordable housing in the Shire Creating opportunities for growth and diversification for local business. Initiatives Establish formal relationships with industry partners to maximise community benefit. Build effective new working relationships to facilitate an increase in the level of affordable housing. Priority 2009/10 - Establish formal relationships with industry partners to coordinate investment in our communities Page 133 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The decision to appoint an external provider has some elements of risk associated with the degree of management and service that can otherwise be provided in-house. Otherwise the intention to perform an in house service is more problematic from a resourcing and corporate knowledge perspective. An in-house service has been an ongoing concern because of regular turnover in staff resulting in a continuous loss in productivity and a workload that is often unforgiving for a single person to balance with other core functional duties. A restructure could be considered within the building maintenance department to support this service with the need for an additional resource (or two) to deal specifically with the ongoing need for requisitions for maintenance work and updating asset management system databases. The lowest risk at present is the engagement of a short term contract for a property manager that is outsourced that manages after hour call outs, maintenance requests, property inspections on a regular routine basis with inspections also when tenants vacate premises and new tenants move in. Being outsourced, the onus is on the contractor to ensure they have the services in place to manage the contract properly as per our specifications which would be no different had we performed the tasks ourselves. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no specific economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY In the event that the tender is accepted and provided to an external provider, there will be some remaining impact on staff in supporting this engagement by way of appointing new incoming and skilled staff to available homes as well as managing the contract for the duration of its term. There will also be a remaining need to process maintenance invoicing and asset management database inputting. Should the tender not be accepted, then additional resourcing is required of at least one person if not two to deal with maintenance requests, property condition reporting and asset management database inputting. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 134 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 - Deferral That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to DEFER any further decision pending further information from officers. Option 3 – Alternative submission That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. NOT ACCEPT Foundation Housing Ltd; and 2. ACCEPT the submission from _______________ at the agreed price as identified in the Confidential Attachment. Option 4 – Not accept any Submission That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. NOT ACCEPT any submission for Tender G15-10/11 Property Management Services. CONCLUSION Additional information has been received to the satisfaction of the CEO and Officers to proceed with the favourable consideration of the submission. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. 2. CONFIRM and ACCEPT the appointment of Foundation Housing Ltd as the successful party to deliver Tender G15-10/11 Property Management Services to the Shire of Roebourne for the period of 1 year commencing 1 August 2011; ACCEPT the agreed price as identified in the Confidential Attachment. Page 135 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.2 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAPITAL FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR KARRATHA LEISURE COMPLEX File No: CP.223 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects and Business Reporting Author: Director Strategic Projects and Business Date of Report: 28 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Department of Education Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) CONFIDENTIAL Draft Capital Funding Agreement CONFIDENTIAL Draft KLC Risk Management Plan PURPOSE To seek Councils consideration to enter into a Capital Funding Agreement with the Minister for Education for the construction of Joint Use Facilities as a part of the Karratha Leisure Complex. BACKGROUND Since August 2010, when the Shire formally ceased its involvement in the (then) Karratha Education Leisure and Training Precinct project, Council Officers have continued to work closely with the Department of Education (DoE) seeking support to secure a funding agreement for facilities that could contribute and enhance the Karratha Leisure Complex. The DoE provided the Shire with a facility brief that was approved by Council and incorporated into the Shires tender for the Design and Construction of the Karratha Leisure Complex. These facilities have now been incorporated into the schematic design of the Complex. In March 2011 the Shire engaged Kott Gunning Lawyers to prepare a Capital Funding Agreement for negotiation with the DoE and its legal representation, the State Solicitors Office. The final draft agreement has been circulated for internal review, agreed to by the DoE and the State Solicitors Office and is now presented to Council for consideration. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Consideration to enter into the Capital Funding Agreement with the Minister for Education will have a significant impact on the Karratha Leisure Complex project in terms of its financial viability, scope, timing and ongoing operating cost implications for Council. The key benefit of the agreement is that it enables the Shire to partner a further state government agency to deliver significant community assets under a joint funding agreement. The agreement sets agreed design requirements, timeframes and capital cost contributions that will form the responsibility of the Shire to deliver. The agreement further articulates the need to develop an ongoing funding agreement for the operations of the joint use facilities. Page 136 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda By entering into the agreement the Shire is providing a binding commitment to the Minister for Education that it will construct the joint use facilities in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The development of the funding agreement has been discussed regularly at the Karratha Leisure Complex Project Reference Group. Shire officers representing Corporate and Community Services and Strategic Projects have reviewed the draft funding agreement. The agreement has been subject to regular consultation with the Department who have agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the final draft. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The Principal of the Karratha Senior High School and various staff have been consulted throughout the design process for the facility. As part of this process the facilities that are to be jointly funded have been negotiated with the aim to achieve the optimum functional benefits in regards to location and ease of operation of the joint use facilities. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS At its Ordinary Council Meeting in April 2011, Council resolved to award the contract for the Design and Construction of the Karratha Leisure Complex to Pindan Pty Ltd. The contract between both parties requires Pindan to design the full Masterplan stage of the project which includes those joint use facilities included in the agreement and to construct those facilities that it could reasonably fund. Forming part of the contract the Shire provided a Statement of Intent to articulate the Shires position to attract funding to the project. The Statement includes the following detail in part: The extent of capital funds sourced will guide the extent of construction however the Shire provides a guarantee to expend $33,000,000 in the first stage. It is the Shires preference to construct the full master plan however full funding is not available at this time to enable this option to be guaranteed. As outlined to Council at its April Meeting, the committed funding to the KLC project included the proposed $9m from the Department of Education. It was on this basis that the contractual commitment to the value of works to proceed in any event was made. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications pertaining to this matter. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Council has established a project budget of $65m to construct the KLC project in its entirety. To date Council has secured $20.3m from the State Government and has prepared a series of funding applications and partnership proposals to attract additional funding to the project. The Capital Funding Agreement provides Council with a further $9m funding commitment to deliver infrastructure for both state and community benefit. The KLC project Quantity Surveyor, Ralph Beattie Bosworth, has undertaken a value assessment of the facilities included in the agreement and determined that the contribution reflects a sound contribution to the infrastructure and associated project costs. Page 137 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda The Capital Funding Agreement also requires the development of a joint use agreement to fund the ongoing operations of joint use facilities which provides a significant benefit in reducing Councils net operating cost of the facility. Council has included provision to enter in to the Capital Funding Agreement within its 2011/12 Budget. The Agreement provides for an $8m contribution from the Department of Education in the 2011/12 financial year. The Agreement will also assist to leverage further capital funding to the KLC project. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Karratha Leisure Complex is identified as a priority in the Shire of Roebourne Strategic Plan. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS At its Ordinary Meeting in April 2011, Council resolved to award the contract for the Design and Construction of the Karratha Leisure Complex to Pindan Pty Ltd. The contract requires the design of the full Masterplan stage of the project which includes those joint use facilities included in the agreement. Under the separable portions contract with Pindan, the Shire is obligated to advise of the extent of facilities to be constructed as soon as practical. The security of the further $9m in funding reduces Councils risk in regard to having to fund a minimal build program. The major risk in entering into the agreement is the inability of the Shire to meet the timeframe in delivering the project. This risk is in part mitigated by the commitment to construct those facilities in the first stage however the design of the facility may require a Shire funding contribution to complete the extent of the development that is desirable from an operational and structural perspective. For example whilst the funding provides for one indoor court, it would make sense to construct the balance being two further indoor courts to maximise community benefit and reduce the risk of cost increases and potential facility down time whilst additional structures were added in further stages. The Shire engaged the services of Kott Gunning Lawyers to prepare the legal agreement on its behalf. Kott Gunning has reviewed each version of the Agreement and has recommended the Agreement, from a legal perspective, for Shire endorsement. A full copy of the draft KLC project risk management plan is attached for Council reference. ISSUES Economic Issues The economic benefits of the funding agreement with the Minister for Education are significant. The Agreement sets out both a capital funding commitment and sets the platform to the development of a significant joint use operating agreement that will provide guaranteed income to the Shire to offset the cost of operations. The ability for the Shire to accommodate the Education Departments requirements will greatly enhance utilisation of the Centre, its facilities and programs. Page 138 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Social Issues The funding agreement provides for significant social benefits. The funding agreement enables the Shire to construct facilities for both the Departments and broader communities‘ benefit that may otherwise not have been constructed. These facilities including Ovals and indoor courts will alleviate current demand pressures on facilities in Karratha and support the growth and development of community clubs and associations in the Shire. As detailed in the Agreement, the following accommodation is to be provided within the Complex for sole Ministerial use: Staff Studies Kitchenette/reprographics Hall Hall / Sports / Oval Storage Staff Change Room and WC 40 m2 7 m2 608 m2 80 m2 10 m2 As detailed in the Agreement, the following accommodation is to be provided within the Complex for joint use: 1 AFL Size Reticulated Oval Male Change Room Female Change Room Universal Access Toilet with shower Male Student Toilets Female Student Toilets Cleaners store 70 m2 70 m2 10 m2 12 m2 12 m2 4 m2 The current schematic design accommodates all of the facility requirements outlined above and is in the process of being approved by the Department. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to the Shire entering in to tis Funding agreement. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no significant impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. Should the agreement be endorsed by Council, the Shires Strategic Projects Department has the capacity and to administer the funding agreement. Page 139 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The Shire of Roebourne has a history of entering into joint use agreements with the Department of Education. Existing Joint Use Agreements include the Shire of Roebourne Oval Agreement which covers the KEC Oval, Pegs Creek Oval, Millars Well Oval and Tambrey Oval. More recently a Capital Funding Agreement was entered into for the construction of the Roebourne Primary School Oval with a further Joint Use Agreement now in place. The Shire of Roebourne operates the Roebourne pool under a Joint Use Agreement with the Department of Education. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 That Council AGREE to enter into the Capital Funding Agreement for the Karratha Leisure Complex Joint Use Facilities with the Minister for Education. Option 2 That Council AGREE to enter into the Capital Funding Agreement for the Karratha Leisure Complex Joint Use Facilities with the Minister for Education as amended. Option 3 That Council RESOLVE not to proceed with the Capital Funding Agreement for the Karratha Leisure Complex Joint Use Facilities with the Minister for Education at this stage. CONCLUSION The Capital Funding Agreement for the Karratha Leisure Complex Joint Use Facilities with the Minister for Education represents a significant benefit to the Shire of Roebourne in delivery of the Karratha leisure centre project. The Agreement has been prepared and scrutinised by the Shires legal representatives and internal Shire officers and is recommended to Council to agree to endorse and execute the agreement. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council AGREE to enter into the Capital Funding Agreement for the Karratha Leisure Complex Joint Use Facilities with the Minister for Education. Page 140 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 141 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.3 TENDER G19-10/11 – KARRATHA YOUTH AND FAMILY CENTRE INDOOR PLAY SPACE: ASSESSMENT OF TENDER File No: CP.99/CM50/Doc ID NCR2397 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects and Business Reporting Author: Senior Project Officer, Strategic Projects Date of Report: 2 July 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Strategic Projects Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) CONFIDENTIAL Tender Assessment Report PURPOSE To seek Council‘s endorsement of the recommendation by the Director Strategic Projects regarding assessment of Tender G19-10/11 Karratha Youth and Family Centre – Indoor Play Space. BACKGROUND The Youth Shed concept was endorsed by Council as a priority project at the February 2010 Ordinary Council Meeting. Further, on 20 September 2010 Council resolved to: 1. Request Regional Development and Lands excise a portion of Reserve 36458 as marked on the attached plan and request the purpose of the reserve, under a newly created management order to the Shire, be Community Purpose with power to lease. 2. Agree to call tenders for the design and construction of the Karratha Youth and Families Centre in accordance with the Functional Design Brief as approved by the Chief Executive Officer. 3. Agree to implement the procurement of the Karratha Youth and Families Centre through a design and construct form of contract utilising Australian Standards AS49022000 General terms and conditions of contract for Design and Construct and the appropriate form of agreement. 4. Appoint the Chief Executive Officer, Director of Strategic Projects, Councillors Lewis and Smeathers as members of the Project Tender Evaluation Panel. At the Ordinary Council Meeting of May 2011, Council resolved to: 1. ENDORSE the scope of works as outlined in the attached Principle Project Requirements for the tender for the design, construction and installation for the Karratha Youth and Family Centre Indoor Play Space. 2. AUTHORISE the Chief Executive Officer to invite tenders for the appointment of a Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions and for the scope of services as outlined in Principals Project Requirements for the Karratha Youth and Family Centre Indoor Play Space as set out in Attachment 1 subject to the approval of funding. Page 142 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Tenders for the Indoor Play Space were subsequently advertised on 11 June 2011 in The West Australian newspaper. Two tenders were received by the closing date. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The installation of functional Indoor Play Equipment at the Karratha Shed will have a significant positive impact on the community. Of particular importance is the identified need for spaces for families and youth as identified in the 2004 Youth Action Plan and reiterated in the Youth Strategic Plan review in 2007. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The brief for the Indoor Play Space was agreed at the Project Reference Group meeting 11 April 2011. This Group comprises of Councillors, Manager Recreation Facilities, Community Development staff and members from the Strategic Projects Directorate. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community feedback over a number of years has clearly identified the need for additional activities and spaces for families and youth. The 2009 Community Survey identified the provision of youth and family spaces as the second highest priority of the Shire (37% of respondents). STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Tenders were called in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications aside from previous decisions taken by Council to construct the Youth Shed inclusive of an Indoor Play Space. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Council has allocated a budget of $4.7m for this project, inclusive of a notional allocation of $600,000 for the provision of indoor play equipment. There are no further financial implications. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The development of the Youth Shed, including the Indoor Play Space, has been identified as a strategic project of Council. The provision of this facility is in accordance with Council‘s Strategic Plan 2009-2013: Key Goal One - Communities Objective: Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are critical lead times for the design, fabrication and construction of the Indoor Play Space equipment. Installation will need to be coordinated with practical completion timelines for the Youth Shed building. ISSUES Page 143 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Economic Issues The provision of indoor play equipment forms a key component of the functionality of the complex and is considered to be a primary income generator for the Youth Shed. Failure to deliver a functional Indoor Play Space may impede this revenue source. Social Issues The provision of an Indoor Play Space is unique within the Shire of Roebourne and provides a level of amenity not previously afforded to residents and visitors to the area. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY The consideration of this tender is critical to the capacity of the Youth Shed to be fully operational. Failure to provide a functional fit out may impede on its attractiveness to users and may diminish immediate and future revenue. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTION: That Council consider the recommendation of the Director Strategic Projects contained within the confidential supplementary report for the assessment of Tender G19-10/11 Karratha Youth and Family Centre – Indoor Play Space. CONCLUSION The need for youth and family spaces has been clearly identified as a need and a priority for the community over consultation and planning within the last 10 years. The success and appeal of the Youth Shed Indoor Play Space to the community is reliant on a functional design and construction that captures the requirements of the users. Tenders were invited for the design, supply and installation of Indoor Play Equipment for the Youth Shed. During the advertising period, nine sets of tender documentation were issued. At the close of tenders two submissions were received. The submissions have been evaluated in accordance with legislative and policy requirements and a confidential assessment report is attached for your consideration. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council CONSIDER the recommendation of the Director Strategic Projects contained within the confidential supplementary report for the assessment of Tender G19-10/11 Karratha Youth and Family Centre – Indoor Play Space. Page 144 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 145 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.4 TENDER G17-10/11 ROEBOURNE COMMUNITY AQUATIC CENTRE AQUATIC ENGINEER AWARD OF TENDER. File No: CP.233/CM.47 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects Reporting Author: Project Manager, Strategic Projects Date of Report: 27 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Strategic Projects Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) CONFIDENTIAL TENDER ASSESSMENT REPORT PURPOSE To seek Council's endorsement of a successful tenderer for Tender G17-10/11 Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment – Aquatic Engineer. BACKGROUND At the meeting of Council held on 16 May 2011 it was resolved vide Item 14.3, Resolution 151636: That Council, with respect to the proposed Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment project resolves to: 1. ENDORSE the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment Consultancy and Design Brief as outlined in Attachment 1. 2. ENDORSES the methodology of appointing an Aquatic Engineer on the basis of a definitive STOP/GO point being the completion of the Master Plan and, in the event the project is progressed with a further STOP/GO point at the conclusion of the tender process. 3. AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to invite tenders for the appointment of a consultant in accordance with the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment Consultancy & Design Brief. 4. APPOINTS Geoffrey Allen Whyte Project Manager as Client Representative in the terms of AS4122-2000 General terms and conditions for the appointment of consultants subject to compliance with all Council Procurement Policies and Procedures and the Local Government Act and Regulations. 5. ESTABLISH the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Project Reference Group to have oversight of the project and further nominates Cr Bailey to Chair the Project Reference Group. Tenders were duly advertised in The West Australian on 21 May 2011 and The Pilbara News on 25 May 2011. Tenders closed at 2:00pm on 15 June 2011 and at the conclusion of the advertising period, thirteen (13) sets of tender documents had been issued. Page 146 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The project, in the context of Council Policy CE8-Significant Decision Making Policy, falls into the following categories: “Significant”, in relation to any issue, proposal, decision or other matter, means that the issue, proposal, decision, or other matter has a high degree of significance. The Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre is a key facility within the Roebourne townsite and provides an invaluable community resource, particularly for young people. Being associated with the Roebourne High School it provides an important educational facility. “Strategic asset”, in relation to the assets held by the Shire, means a group of assets that the Shire needs to retain if it is to maintain its capacity to achieve or promote any outcome the Council determines to be important to the current or future well being of the community. The Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre is presently constructed on Department of Education land. A key element of the project is to resolve ownership and financial relationships with the State Government. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The Tender Assessment Panel included: Councillor Garry Bailey Simon Kot, Director Strategic Projects Andrew Ward, Director Community and Corporate Services Henry Eaton, Manager Corporate Compliance. Geof Whyte, Project Manager Strategic Projects provided technical and administrative support. The Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Project Reference Group has not been convened to consider the Assessment Panels recommendation due to time constraints. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community consultation is to occur following the adoption of the Officer‘s recommendation in accordance with Clause 4.5.4 of the Request for Tender which states: The Aquatic Engineer will be required to present the Concept Plan (and any other sketch options) to a community meeting to be held in Roebourne with the prime objective of obtaining community input into the design decision. The community consultation will be in two parts: Consultation 1 This will be held at the Roebourne Primary School and will provide the opportunity for the prime users of the facility to express their opinions. Consultation 2 This will be held in the evening and focus on the youth and adults within the community. This will also include several of the key service organisations in the town. There will also be a presentation to the Roebourne Advisory Committee. The Principals staff will lead these consultations and make all appropriate arrangements for their conduct. Page 147 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Tenders were called in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The various policy implications have been specifically addressed within the report. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications as there are sufficient budget allocations to meet the fee obligations within the proposed contract. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment is not specifically provided for in the 2009/13 Strategic Plan. The provision of this facility is in accordance with Council‘s Strategic Plan 2009-2013: Key Goal One - Communities Objective: Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Council has a legal and moral obligation to ensure that the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre is maintained and operated in such a manner as to ensure compliance at all times with the relevant statutory requirements. The present situation is that it is problematic that the plant in particular can be adequately maintained in a functional condition for any length of time. ISSUES Economic Issues Funding and other related issues form an important part of the Concept Planning stage of the project. Social Issues The Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre is an important social hub within Roebourne townsite. In addition the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre provides health and educational benefits to the young people of the town and to the general community. Environmental Issues The issue of the possibility of recycling the backwash water for irrigation purposes will be investigated during the design process, particularly to examine the related health and secondary treatment issues. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. Page 148 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda IMPACT ON CAPACITY The project will be managed from within the existing staff resources of the Strategic Projects Directorate with cross directorate input at the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Project Reference Group level and on an ―as requested‖ basis. Impacts on financial capacity will be assessed and reported upon during the design and documentation stages to fully enable Council to take informed decisions as to whether or not to proceed with the project. The Request for Tender specifically provides for the Consultant to provide specialist advice and graphics to support funding and other applications. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The project has complied with the Project Initiation and implementation Guidelines and has been the subject of Executive Management Group scrutiny and decision. DELEGATED AUTHORITY At the meeting of Council held on 16 May 2011 it was resolved vide Item 14.3, Resolution 151636: That Council, with respect to the proposed Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment project resolves to: 4 APPOINTS Geoffrey Allen Whyte Project Manager as Client Representative in the terms of AS4122-2000 General terms and conditions for the appointment of consultants subject to compliance with all Council Procurement Policies and Procedures and the Local Government Act and Regulations. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per the recommendation of the Director Strategic Projects as outlined in the Confidential Assessment and Recommendation Report. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations RESOLVES not to proceed with the acceptance of tenders for Request for Tender G17-10/11 Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment-Aquatic Engineer. CONCLUSION Tenders have been invited for the redevelopment of the Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre in accordance with the Request for Tender approved by Council at its meeting held on 16 May 2011. During the course of the advertising period, thirteen sets of tender documents were issue and at the close of tenders one submission was received. The submission has been evaluated in accordance with legislative and policy requirements and a confidential assessment report is attached hereto. Page 149 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations RESOLVES to ENDORSE the recommendation of the Director Strategic Projects as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Request for Tender G17-10/11 Roebourne Community Aquatic Centre Redevelopment – Aquatic Engineer. Page 150 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 151 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.5 TENDER G18-10/11 DAMPIER HIGHWAY STREETSCAPING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AWARD OF TENDER. File No: CP.245 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development & Regulatory Services Reporting Author: Project Manager, Strategic Projects Date of Report: 27 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: N/A Disclosure of Interest: Director Strategic Projects Attachment(s) CONFIDENTIAL Tender Assessment Report PURPOSE To seek Council's endorsement of a successful tenderer for Tender G18-10/11 Dampier Highway Streetscaping – Landscape Architect. BACKGROUND At the meeting of Council held on 16 May 2011 it was resolved vide Item 14.2, Resolution 151635: That with respect to the Dampier Highway Streetscaping project Council resolves to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ENDORSE the Landscape Architect Consultancy & Design Brief as set out in Attachment. ESTABLISH the Dampier Highway Streetscaping Project Reference Group to have oversight of the project and further nominates Cr (insert) to Chair the Project Reference Group. APPOINTS Geoffrey Allen Whyte Project Manager as Client Representative in the terms of AS4122-2000 General terms and conditions for the appointment of consultants subject to compliance with all Council Procurement Policies and Procedures and the Local Government Act and Regulations. APPOINTS Geoffrey Allen Whyte Project Manager as Superintendent in the terms of AS4000-1997 General terms and conditions of contract or such other Australian Standards form of contract as deemed applicable subject to compliance with all Council Procurement Policies and Procedures and the Local Government Act and Regulations. NOTES the costs if the project will be met from an anticipated grant of $2,000,000 to be funded by Royalties for Regions. AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to invite tenders for the appointment of a Landscape Architect in accordance with the terms and conditions and for the scope of services as outlined in Landscape Architect Consultancy & Design Brief as set out in Attachment 1 subject to the approval of the Royalties for Regions Grant Application. AUTHORISE the creation of a new Capital Job Number to enable correct recording of costs involved with the process of inviting tenders. Tenders were duly advertised in The West Australian on 21 May 2011 and The Pilbara News on 25 May 2011. Tenders closed at 2:00pm on 15 June 2011 and at the conclusion of the advertising period, twenty four (24) sets of tender documents had been issued. Page 152 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The project, in the context of Council Policy CE8-Significant Decision Making Policy, falls into the following categories: “Significant”, in relation to any issue, proposal, decision or other matter, means that the issue, proposal, decision, or other matter has a high degree of significance. Dampier Highway, between Searipple Road and west of Balmoral Road, represents the major southern transport route through the Karratha townsite. It is has important transport implications both for local, commercial and tourist traffic and, to a large extent, represents the ―face of the town‖. The proposed works will add to the recent central verge improvements undertake by Main Roads WA. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The Tender Assessment Panel included: Councillor Sharon Vertigan David Pentz, Director Planning & Regulatory Services Ron Van Welie, Executive Manager Infrastructure Services. Geof Whyte, Project Manager Strategic Projects provided technical and administrative support. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community Consultation is fully detailed in Clause 4.5.6 of the Request for Tender which reads as follows: Community Consultation The Landscape Architect will be required to present the Master Plan to a community meeting to be held in Karratha with the prime objective of obtaining community input into the design decision. The community consultation will be in two parts: Consultation 1 Consultation 2 Will take the form of Breakfast type forum and will provide the opportunity for the business community to express their opinions. This will be held in the evening and will be open to the community for their input. The Principals staff will lead these consultations and make all appropriate arrangements for their conduct. A presentation will also be made to the Dampier Highway Streetscaping Project Reference Group following the consultations with a view to formulating the future direction to be taken. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Tenders were called in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The various policy implications have been specifically addressed within the report. Page 153 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications as there are sufficient budget allocations to meet the fee obligations within the proposed contract. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Karratha City of the North Plan calls for an integrated strategic approach to the development of Karratha as a City of the North (ref page 14). The Shire of Roebourne has identified a range of community initiatives to be implemented in Karratha from 2009 – 2013 in supporting the development of community facilities and services. Those of relevance to the development of the City Centre include: Increasing the attractiveness of the streetscape amenity and foster pride in maintaining a higher standard of the upkeep of homes, businesses and public space throughout the Shire. The Damper highway Streetscaping project satisfies both the local and state governments‘ objectives. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The Project Management Plan and the Request for Tender calls for appropriate Risk Assessments to be conducted throughout the course of the project. Key issues identified in the project initiation process included: 1. It is perceived that a significant constraint to any public art or landscape plan for the roundabouts will be meeting MRWA conditions and gaining their approval. 2. The Shire of Roebourne reaching agreement with MRWA for the ongoing maintenance and reasonability of land under MRWA control. Main Roads WA has endorsed the text of the Request for Tender and will be consulted throughout the project. ISSUES Economic Issues The project is fully funded as per job number 644207 Dampier Highway Streetscape. Social Issues The completion of the project will generate important social impacts in assisting in promoting pride in the town as a whole and in encouraging the upgrading of other streetscapes in the town. It will also have a positive impact on the image of the town that is taken away by tourists which, by word of mouth, will encourage additional people to visit. Page 154 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Environmental Issues The opportunities and implications for use of treated effluent water for plantings will investigated during the design process in order to reduce the environmental impact where possible. Discussions have been entered into with the Water Corporation to consider the project as a pilot example of water wise urban landscaping. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY The project will be managed from within the existing staff resources of the Strategic Projects Directorate with cross directorate input at the Dampier Highway Streetscaping Project Reference Group level and on an as requested basis. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The project has complied with the Project Initiation and implementation Guidelines and has been the subject of Executive Management Group scrutiny and decision. DELEGATED AUTHORITY At the meeting of Council held on 16 May 2011 it was resolved vide Item 14.2, Resolution 151635: That with respect to the Dampier Highway Streetscaping project Council resolves to: 4 APPOINTS Geoffrey Allen Whyte Project Manager as Superintendent in the terms of AS4000-1997 General terms and conditions of contract or such other Australian Standards form of contract as deemed applicable subject to compliance with all Council Procurement Policies and Procedures and the Local Government Act and Regulations. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per the recommendation of the Director Development and Regulatory Services as outlined in the Confidential Assessment and Recommendation Report. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations RESOLVES not to proceed with the acceptance of tenders for Request for Tender G18-10/11 Dampier Highway Streetscaping – Landscape Architect. Page 155 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda CONCLUSION Tenders have been invited for the Dampier Highway Streetscaping Landscape Architect in accordance with the Request for Tender approved by Council at its meeting held on 16 May 2011. During the course of the advertising period, twenty four (24) of tender documents were issue and at the close of tenders three submissions were received. The submission has been evaluated in accordance with legislative and policy requirements and a confidential assessment report is attached hereto. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations RESOLVES to ENDORSE the recommendation of the Director Development & Regulatory Services as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Request for Tender G18-10/11 Dampier Highway Streetscaping – Landscape Architect. Page 156 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Page 157 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.6 PAM BUCHANAN FAMILY CENTRE – COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGEMENT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. File No: CP.187; CP.189 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 29 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Community Facilities Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Confidential Report Evaluation and Recommendation PURPOSE To appoint a tenant to the Community Centre Management within the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. BACKGROUND In relation to the Community Centre Module, Council resolved under resolution number 151396, at the November 2010 OCM to; 1. Approve criteria as detailed in the report for selecting a Community organisation to operate and mange the Community Centre module, through an EOI process. (Management Agreement) for a lease term of 1 year & 1 year. 2. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate lease fees with potential tenants in order to obtain an optimal balance of cost recovery and community benefit, with a further report presented to Council once negotiations have been finalized by the CEO.” LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The decision by Council is highly significant as it relates to Council‘s ability to cover costs associated with operating and funding life cycle maintenance associated with the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. In additional to this issue, Council‘s decision is also significant as they will directly select the services which are to be delivered for the wider community from this facility. Officers suggest Council would assess other services provided throughout the Pam Buchanan Family Centre, and attempt to align and spread the type of services families in the region can access. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Nil Page 158 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Officers engaged the community and wider market through a competitive Expression of Interest process. This process was conducted through the month of June and formally closed on Wednesday 29th of June. The community centre module weighted criteria was directed towards organisations that could provide complementary services at the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. The weighted criteria were; 1. Relevant Experience (25%) a. Details of similar work; b. Demonstrate sound judgement and discretion; and c. Demonstrate competency and proven track record of achieving outcomes. 2. a. b c. d. e. 3. Key Personnel skills and experience (25%) Their role in the performance of the contract; Curriculum vitae; Membership to any professional or business association. Qualifications, with particular emphasis on experience of personnel in projects of a similar requirement; and Any additional information. Respondents Resources (25%) Respondents should demonstrate their ability to supply and sustain the necessary; a. Plant, equipment and materials; and b. Any contingency measures or back up of resources including personnel (where applicable). 3. Demonstrated Understanding (25%) a. A project schedule/timeline (where applicable); b. Provision of Operational budget as per section 2.9.1 of the EOI; c. Demonstration of methodology to centre operation (i.e. how will your organisation operate the centre, market programs etc..); and d. A demonstrated understanding of the scope of work. Submissions were received by the following organisation(s); - Karratha Community House Inc (KCH) A confidential evaluation report is attached for Council‘s perusal. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Expressions of Interest were called in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Page 159 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Council will receive an annual financial return through a proposed lease fee. This is detailed in the Confidential Evaluation Report. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The construction and successful operation of the Baynton Family Centre is a key initiative of the Shire of Roebourne Strategic Plan 2009-13. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The selection of a tenant for the Community Centre Module will impact on services offered to the community. The Community Centre space will be a highly utilised module, booked and hired by a wide variety of community, not for profit and commercial groups. The area should remain a social facility and meeting hub, for families and services. Council should understand the impact on the community following thee selection of a tenant and consider potential fincial returns with services offered and the benefit to the community. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be a mild impact on capacity, Community Facilities Department will be required to follow through the process and organise lease documents and will be the point of contact regarding access to the facility during the fitting out stage. These works have been factored into annual work plans. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There is no relevant precedents in relation to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 160 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: endorse the recommendation of the Director Community and Corporate Services as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Expression of Interest EOI09-2011. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. REJECT officers recommendation as per the Confidential Evaluation Report; and 2. ADVISE officers of alternative direction. CONCLUSION Shire officer‘s have engaged the wider community through a competitive EOI process. One (1) submission was received and officers have evaluated the submission which is included as a Confidential attachment. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to ENDORSE the recommendation of the Director Community and Corporate Services as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Expression of Interest EOI09-2011. Page 161 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.7 PAM BUCHANAN FAMILY CENTRE – TENANCY SPACES EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. File No: CP.187; CP.189 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 29 June 2011 Applicant/Proponent: Community Facilities Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Confidential Report Evaluation and Recommendation PURPOSE To appoint tenants to the Not for Profit office spaces within the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. BACKGROUND In relation to the three (3) not for profit office spaces, Council resolved under resolution number 151396, at the November 2010 OCM to; 1. Approve criteria for selecting not for profit groups to lease office spaces (x3) (Community Lease) for a lease term of 1year & 1 year; 2. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate lease fees with potential tenants in order to obtain an optimal balance of cost recovery and community benefit, with a further report presented to Council once negotiations have been finalized by the CEO.” LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The decision by Council is highly significant as it relates to Council‘s ability to cover costs associated with operating and funding life cycle maintenance associated with the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. In additional to this issue, Council‘s decision is also significant as they will directly select the services which are to be delivered for the wider community from this facility. Officers suggest Council would assess other services provided throughout the Pam Buchanan Family Centre, and attempt to align and spread the type of services families in the region can access. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Nil Page 162 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Officers engaged the community and wider market through a competitive Expression of Interest process. This process was conducted through the month of June and formally closed on Wednesday 29th of June. The tenancy spaces (as per Council resolution) were targeted at Not for Profit organisations, and the weighted criteria was directed towards organisations who could provide complementary services at the Pam Buchanan Family Centre. The weighted criteria were; 1. Local Provider (40%) a. Is your business a local provider? b. Provide a history of your organisations time in the Pilbara and its achievements, or as a minimum, Respondents should provide a current commitment schedule and plant/equipment schedule in an attachment. 2. Benefit for the Community (60%) a. Describe partnerships your organisation has built within the community. b. Explain how your business and its purpose correlates to the Family Centre and is potential tenants (i.e. playgrounds, café, infant health etc..). Submissions were received by the following organisations; c. Anglicare d. Local Information Network Karratha (LINK) Inc. e. OZHELP Foundation Ltd A confidential evaluation and recommendation report is attached for Council‘s perusal. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Expression of Interest were called in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government (Functions and Administration) Regulations. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implication. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Officers have proposed a lease fee for the Tenancy Spaces through the EOI process. The lease fee was derived from current market analysis of Not for Profit office spaces within Karratha. Council should understand their decision will affect endorsed lease fee income budgets for the 2011/12 financial year, if Council endorses options which propose alternative lease fees. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The construction and successful operation of the Baynton Family Centre is a key initiative of the Shire of Roebourne Strategic Plan 2009-13. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Page 163 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Social Issues The ethos of the Pam Buchanan Family Centre is to create a holistic, integrated facility, catering for a wide range of family services. Council should consider the ―best fit‖ for the tenancy spaces based on the type of service an organisation proposes to deliver, and the ability for the organisation and its services to integrate with other providers in the Pam Buchannan Family Centre. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be a mild impact on capacity, Community Facilities Department will be required to follow through the process and organise lease documents and will be the point of contact regarding access to the facility during the fitting out stage. These works have been factored into annual work plans. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There is no relevant precedents relating to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: endorse the recommendation of the Director Community and Corporate Services as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Expression of Interest EOI10-2011. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: ;appoint tenancy offices to the following organisation(s). a. ___________ b. ___________ c. ___________ CONCLUSION Shire officer‘s have engaged the wider community through a competitive EOI process. Three (3) submissions were received and officers have evaluated all submissions which are included as a Confidential attachment. Page 164 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: endorse the recommendation of the Director Community and Corporate Services as contained in the Confidential Evaluation and Recommendation Report attached for Expression of Interest EOI10-2011. Page 165 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 18.8 PLANNING APPLICATION – COMMENCEMENT OF HOME OCCUPATION – HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS AT LOT 100, UNIT 10 / 58 NAIRN STREET BULGARRA File No: P2532 Responsible Executive Officer: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES DIRECTOR Reporting Author: PLANNING OFFICER Date of Report: 1 JULY 2011 Applicant/Proponent: KERRI ROAD Disclosure of Interest: NIL Attachment(s) 1. Aerial Location Map 2. Site Plan 3. Photo of car parking area 4. Confidential Email - Objection 21/06/2011 DEVELOPMENT STATUTORY AND PURPOSE For Council to consider and make determination on an application for Planning Approval for a Home Occupation – Hairdressing Business, to commence at Lot 100, Unit 10 / 58 Nairn Street Bulgarra. BACKGROUND The Shire of Roebourne Planning Department has received Planning Application P2532 for a ‗Home Occupation‘ to establish a hair dressing business in a residential (R30) zone. A site inspection was carried out on 2 June 2011 to determine the suitability of the site for the proposed activity. The following observations are noted: 1. There are only two spaces on the site for vehicles to park 2. The car parking spaces are in close proximity to the neighbouring dwelling. 3. The business is proposed to be located in a dwelling that is part of a grouped dwelling development for which there is no additional parking on the road adjacent to the proposed dwelling. Adjoining property owners and occupiers were notified of the proposal and invited to comment on potential effects resulting from proposal. One submission was received objecting to the proposed home occupation on the grounds that it would result in additional noise and unlawful parking of vehicles. (see attachment 4 copy of Objection received 21/06/2011). Concerns regarding the limited on-site car parking were raised with the applicant who advised by email that there was an option to create an additional car parking space for resident vehicles to the rear of the existing carport. Page 166 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda The application was referred to the Council‘s Environmental Health Officer who advised that the health requirements for the site could be met and the premises would be subject to inspection prior to the business commencing. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The proposed activity if granted will adversely affect residential amenity for neighbouring and surrounding properties in the vicinity of the proposed Home Occupation. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The application was referred to Environmental Health Services for comment. Comments received back stated that the proposal meets Health Department requirements. There were no environmental health reasons given to refuse the application. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The application was advertised on 10 June 2011 to owners and occupiers of neighbouring properties likely to be affected by the activity. Submissions were called for over a period of 14 days. One objection to the application was received from the occupant of the house immediately to the north of the subject residence. The submission is attached as a confidential attachment. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Planning and Development Act 2005 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No.8 Local Planning Policy DP4 – Home Occupations FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Application fee of $135.00 received by the Shire of Roebourne on receipt of this application for planning approval on 23 May 2011. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Allowing for lower standards of Residential amenity brings the brings the integrity of the Town Planning Scheme into question. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. The Council has indicated a strong desire to provide additional opportunities for small low impact business activities to operate on Residential properties. This initiative was entrenched through the recent Omnibus Amendment 18 to the Town Planning Scheme No.8 which saw the introduction of more permissive Home Business provisions to the Scheme. The intent of the provision is to enable low impact business activities to occur on residential sites provided the adverse effects of the proposal are avoided. In declining to grant approval to the application the applicant will be denied the opportunity to operate a hairdressing business from home and may be faced with high rental costs if commercial premises are to be secured. Page 167 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Social Issues The Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8 sets out the following residential objective for Karratha: “Enhance the high level of residential amenity within Karratha in both existing suburbs and the residential expansion areas.” The Shire of Roebourne Local Planning Policy DP 4 – Home Occupations sets out the following objectives: “Protect the amenity and character of residential neighbourhoods” “Maintain an appropriate level of safety in residential streets” The double carport on the applicant‘s property is the only available car parking area for the direct use by vehicles associated with the subject dwelling. Two car parking spaces are required to be provided with a dwelling (as outlined in the Residential Design Codes). Those two spaces are intended for use by the occupants of the dwelling and incidental visitors to the property. In order to establish a business activity on the site it is considered necessary for the applicant to demonstrate that appropriate parking can be provided on site or outside the property. In this case it is not considered appropriate to dedicate either of the existing car parking spaces to the business use due to their proximity to the objectors bedroom which falls immediately to the north of the carport. While the applicant has offered to provide an additional car parking space on site to the rear of the carport this action would result in three carparking spaces in close proximity to the objectors bedroom. The objector would be likely to experience additional noise from engines and car doors closing as the result of that action. The property is located near a bend in Nairn Street. The road itself is narrow and there are a number of existing crossovers which restrict parking within the carriageway as it would be dangerous to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Were approval to be granted without addressing the parking requirement it is considered likely that a lack of car parking for the business related activity would lead to illegal parking within the road reserve that would impact on the visual amenity and safety for neighbouring properties and pedestrians and other road users in the vicinity of the site. Permitted Baseline It is acknowledged that the residents of the subject dwelling could make as many vehicle trips as they wished from the site and that the associated noise would not be controlled by the Scheme or local policies unless that noise exceeded residential noise standards. However, allowing a business to be run from the site will ensure that vehicle related noise levels increase. That increase will be in additional to any noise associated with the permitted activities occurring on the property. For that reason it is considered that allowing a Hairdressing Business to establish at Lot 100 unit 10 /58 Nairn Street Bulgarra, will cause adverse amenity effects for the objector and for the neighbourhood over and above those that are considered to be acceptable in a residential area. The existing carparking spaces associated with the subject dwelling are next to the objectors bedroom. The objector who is a shift worker would experience increased incidents of vehicle related noise from additional vehicle activity on the site. Page 168 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer‘s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The application is assessed on its merits and does not rely on any known precedents. Should the Council choose to grant approval to the proposal, a precedent would be set in respect of any proposal demonstrating all the same circumstances as this proposal. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 169 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority RESOLVES to 1. APPROVE application P2532 for a Home Occupation at Lot 100 Unit 10 / 58 Nairn Street subject to the following conditions: a. The Home Occupation (Hairdressing Business) shall not operate outside of the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday. b. All vehicles associated with the hairdressing activity shall be parked within the legal boundaries of the site at all times. c. The existing parking bay immediately adjacent to the approval holders dwelling shall be dedicated for client parking and a sign shall be erected within the carport advising that this is reserved for client parking. d. Only one client with a vehicle may be present on the site at any one time. Appointments shall be staggered to ensure that client appointments do not overlap Note: No vehicle shall be parked within council road reserve. CONCLUSION The protection of residential amenity is articulated in the Town Planning Scheme No. 8 and Local Planning Policy DP4. It is considered that allowing a hairdressing business to establish within the subject dwelling will lead to unacceptable adverse effects on residential amenity for the adjoining neighbour and will have adverse visual and traffic safety impacts for the area in general. OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 3.5 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. REFUSE to grant approval to application P2532 for a Home Occupation at Lot 100 Unit 10/58 Nairn Street for the following reasons: a. There is insufficient on-site parking to provide for the activity. b. Providing an additional parking space within the boundaries of the subject property will increase vehicle related noise which is the subject of an objection. c. Nairn Street is not suited to parking within the carriageway. d. An objection has been received from an adjoining neighbour that sets out valid concerns with regard to increased noise on the site. Page 170 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda e. The business activity is likely to increase the incidence of illegal or unsafe parking in Nairn Street. f. The application does not meet the residential objectives for Karratha set out in the Town Planning Scheme No. 8 or the objectives for Home Occupations set out in Local Planning Policy DP4 – Home Occupations. g. Conditions of approval can not adequately address the adverse effects of the activity on residential amenity. Page 171 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTATCHMENT 1 AERIAL LOCATION MAP The close proximity of the car parking area and the neighbouring property can be seen here he The proposed Home Occupation – Hairdressing Business is at Unit 10 / 58 Nairn Street Bulgarra which is located here Page 172 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda ATTACHMENT 2 SITE PLAN Page 173 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda LEGEND Car parking spaces Area of road reserve (potential area for unlawful parking) The car parking area on the subject site is in close proximity of the neighbouring properties bedroom window The gates at the front of the carport that can be opened and cars driven through for extra parking Page 174 Ordinary Council Meeting – Agenda 19 CLOSURE & DATE OF NEXT MEETING 15 August 2011 Page 175