Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektów w Programie Horyzont 2020
Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektów w Programie Horyzont 2020
Warszawa, 9 lutego 2O16 Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektów w Programie Horyzont 2020 Magdalena Głogowska Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN www.kpk.gov.pl W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione m.in. przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP Poszukiwanie partnerów CORDIS The Community Research and Development Information Service, a partner search tool provided by the European Commission One of the largest databases of partner profiles (self-registered profiles). https://cordis.europa.eu/partners/web/(guest) Poszukiwanie partnerów Poszukiwanie partnerów Horizon 2020: partner search tool for Societal Challenge 5 This tool supports potential applicants for the Horizon 2020 Work programme of Societal Challenge 5 “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” in finding partners and building a consortium for a project proposal. Just go to http://partnersearch.ncps-care.eu/ and you will find a short stepby-step information on how to register and how to post a partner offer or partner search. Furthermore, lots of useful information can also the found on the project website: http://www.ncps-care.eu/ Poszukiwanie partnerów C-Energy 2020 Partner search for Horizon 2020 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' (Societal Challenge 3) The C-Energy2020 Partner Search Tool has been created as part of the C-Energy2020 network and is linked from the Network website. The purpose is to offer a comprehensive and easy to use web-based tool that supports the building of consortia for promising proposals that are targeted at the open calls under the Horizon2020 Energy Work Programme. http://www.partnersearch.c-energy2020.eu/ Poszukiwanie partnerów Ideal-ist Partner search for 'Information and Communication Technologies' - ICT (Industrial leadership Programme) Developed by the ICT NCPs network, but the partner profiles are not limited only to ICT. The service includes advice on creating your profile by your local NCP and there is a quality control of all the published data. http://www.ideal-ist.eu/partner-search/pssearch Poszukiwanie partnerów BioHorizon Partner search for Horizon 2020 'Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy' (Societal Challenge 2) Interested researchers/stakeholders are requested to create an online profile of their institution and their own expertise which will be used to pre-arrange meetings between potential project partners in a structured way. http://www.ncp-biohorizon.net/profiles Poszukiwanie partnerów Bezpośrednie kontakty są najbardziej skutecznym sposobem znalezienia partnera … również w projektach H2020! Dni informacyjne Spotkania brokerskie Konferencje i warsztaty ZAPRASZAMY DO KONTAKTU KRAJOWY PUNKT KONTAKTOWY PROGRAMÓW BADAWCZYCH UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN Magdalena Głogowska e-mail: [email protected]
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