to today`s newspaper


to today`s newspaper
Page 3
Page 4
Only money will solve
problems: Longfellow
By Erica Visser
It’s too soon to say whether major
plans mooted for Far West NSW
would help or hinder the region,
but at least one key figure has met
them with scepticism.
The NSW Government on
Wednesday released a report by its
commissioned Independent Local
Government Review Panel that made
recommendations to improve governance across the state.
Many urban councils would be
forced to amalgamate but a broader
vision was laid out for the Far West.
While there were alternative recommendations, the panel said the best
way forward was to form an overall Far
West Regional Authority; but no one is
certain how this would operate alongside Broken Hill City Council.
Central Darling Shire, whose Council
has been suspended, may become
unincorporated with the option for
Sunset Strip, Menindee and Silverton
to become part of Broken Hill.
Ray Longfellow was acting as mayor
during the consultation period for the
report and said yesterday he was “very
sceptical” about how the planned
changes would benefit the region.
“My personal opinion, having only
read parts of the report, is that I
don’t believe a lot of these suggestions would work favourably,” Mr
Longfellow said.
“With the (Regional Authority), if
you’ve got a table with a lot of people
sitting around, how are they going to
come to an agreement?”
The Authority would bring together
community leaders, mayors, Aboriginal
leaders and State Government representatives for across the region.
“A group of people have come up
with these ideas but there’s no dollars and cents going into them,” Mr
Longfellow said.
“It sounds flowery on paper but how
will it work in reality?
“That’s what it’s got to come down
to; are the residents going to be better
BH Mayor Wincen Cuy said that
Council needed to be “open minded”
regarding the recommendations.
But he stressed that a new authority or extended boundary should not
take funding opportunities away from
Broken Hill.
Phoebe Bray and Shae Nevill spent some downtime at the park this week between
studying for their final year of high school. A teacher has said now is the ideal time
to begin preparing for class again. FULL REPORT PAGE 2.
PICTURE: Erica Visser
Astra S
S hts
Nig 8
In 1994, about 50 local women took part in a march down Argent Street to protest
against domestic violence.
Band ‘Hot Chairs’ performing LIVE
A group of high school students took a break from study this week, with less than three weeks until Term 1
PICTURE: Erica Visser
Savvy students mixing
holidays with homework
By Erica Visser
Saturday, 11 January 2014
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For many students, the
summer holidays are a
highly anticipated chance to
chill out before the beginning of another stressful
school year comes around
all too quickly.
But these precious weeks
can also be the perfect time to
catch up on study or increase
skills, regardless of whether
you’re about to start Year
Three or your last year of high
Teacher Steve Eason said
that it was okay to relax in the
first half of the holidays, but
now was the time to prepare
for the new school year.
“After having downtime over
Christmas and New Year, now
is when there’s a great opportunity to start getting prepared
for the year,” Mr Eason said.
“Students from kindergarten to Year 10 will see a new
English syllabus start this
“It’s going to be a lot more
technology based so it’s good
to help your child become
familiar with tablets like iPads
and all that sort of stuff.
“There’s constantly new
apps coming out to help with
education that offer activities
and games or tips for studying.”
Mr Eason said that building
skills over the break didn’t
necessarily have to be boring
for kids.
“Finding a fun way to do
things is great, it doesn’t have
to be all bookwork,” he said.
“There’s a lot of crafty
things that kids can do at home
that can help them prepare for
For older students, it was
about organisation and putting
a schedule into practice.
“Studying for your final
year doesn’t mean that every
minute of every day has to be
spent trying to absorb HSC
material,” Mr Eason said.
“It’s important to put aside
a certain time period each
day to study, use an organiser
and even just casually looking
over past exams and noting
how questions are going to be
worded can be a big help.”
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Broken Hill High School
student Ellie Chrisakis has
spent a large chunk of her
holidays studying and catching
up on work for Year 12.
“It can be stressful because
it’s the HSC year, which is
what we’ve all been working
towards,” she said.
“My friends and I arranged
a fun day in the park this
week to just relax and hang out
together since we’ve all been
spending our breaks working
Ellie hopes to attain the
marks to be accepted to study
radiography at university in
Students at public schools
begin Term 1 on Wednesday
February 5.
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In 1994, local fireman Steve McDonald expressed fears for public safety over an extremely accessible tar pit in Graphite Street
that trapped a dog over the Easter weekend.
The day I played ‘Pancho’
Ethan James
Even though it
occurred over fifty years
ago, local Arthur Hodge
can still vividly recall
his brush with tennis
The year was 1954 and
the now-retired navy seal
was a bushy blonde haired
teenager and keen junior
player in Broken Hill.
His encounter with
fame and a piece of rare
memorabilia came when
‘the pros’ came to town in
January of that year.
To put the tennis world
into context, the tour at
that time was split between
amateur players and professionals.
The amateurs competed on the circuit for
Grand Slam titles including Wimbledon and the
Australian Open, while
a select few professional
players earned a hefty pay
packet, playing exhibition
games around the globe in
what was essentially a travelling circus of tennis.
Four of those pros,
including Americans
Richard ‘Pancho’ Gonzales
and Pancho Segura and
Australia’s Frank Sedgman
and Ian Ayre, arrived to
play in the Silver City on
January 17 and 18.
By the end of his career
Sedgman was regarded as
one of the greats of Aussie
tennis, after winning a
total of eight Grand Slam
tournaments and eight Pro
Slam titles.
But the biggest name of
the group was the big-serving Gonzales.
The six foot two righthander finished the season
Arthur Hodge with a tennis racquet that once belonged to Australian tennis great and eight-time
Grand Slam winner Frank Sedgman and (top right) a young Arthur.
PICTURE: Ethan James
at number one in the world
a record eight times.
He also claimed a
remarkable 113 titles
across his 25-year career.
The quartet put on a
show across two nights
at the former Tennis
Association courts in
Blende Street, which is
the current location of the
Council Chambers.
“I remember they played
from 8pm until about
one in the morning ...
they stayed at the Royal
Exchange Hotel, played
cards all night after that
and then played the next
day and were out of town,”
Arthur said.
An article from
the Barrier Miner on
December 31, 1954 estimated that the stands had a
capacity of 900, although
Arthur reckons there was
a few more to watch the
legends play.
“The crowd was huge,
there were people packed
in everywhere,” he said.
“Blokes were driving
semitrailers up to the back
of the stands to catch a
view ... you could barely
Arthur was a ball boy at
the courts and received a
surprise when Gonzales,
still widely regarded as one
of the greatest players of
all time, pulled him aside
after he beat Sedgman convincingly.
“He said to me in a joking fashion: ‘Look son, I
can’t get a decent hit here,
so you take my racquet,
we’ll have a game and
make the crowd laugh’,”
he recalled.
“I was nearly having a
heart attack at that point he was practically the only
bloke in the world who
could serve over 100 miles
per hour, which was a fair
task with the old wooden
“But he was stumbling
around and missing the
ball and the crowd were
having a great old time.
“We had a few hits and
then he came up to me at
the end and said ‘you’re
too good for me, you better
not turn pro’.”
The American then presented a starry-eyed Arthur
with one of his very own
black and white personally-signed wooden racquets.
But Arthur didn’t let it
sit idle on the shelf, he
used it in many of the
junior tournaments around
Much to his disappointment, the racquet’s lifespan
was brief and it was,
remarkably, thrown away
with the trash.
“I played with it for
about twelve months,”
Arthur said.
“I really can’t believe
that I didn’t keep it ... I just
kept using it and eventually it broke, so I got rid
of it.”
Arthur joined the navy
as a mechanical engineer
as an 18-year-old in 1958
and won the navy singles
titles in ‘58 and ‘59.
Although he no longer
plays, he still has one
treasured racquet in his
possession - one that he
definitely plans to keep
safe and secure.
“My uncle got this one
for me, it was originally
Frank Sedgman’s and is
about 60 to 70 years old ...
so I’ll never get rid of this
Shelter ‘overrun’
By Emily Roberts
The RSPCA has been inundated with so many kittens
and cats - they are taking up
most of the clinic.
Cats and kittens are filling
up two rooms, the front cage
and cages outside at the local
RSPCA shelter.
Animal attendant Michael
Skewes said they have an
“abundance” of furry felines.
“We have so many kittens,
we have them in two holding
rooms,” Michael said.
“This is because it’s pretty
much back to kitten season - we
are getting that many in.
“We need to find homes for
A Brisbane rescue group was
able to take 20 kittens, that will
hopefully be re-homed.
The RSPCA has been inundated with kittens.
PICTURE: Darrin Manuel
“The freight cost was covered - so that was a big help,”
Michael said.
“We have kittens from 1 to
3 months of age and 4 months
of age.
“To adopt a kitten is $140
that includes de-sexing, vaccination, micro-chipping and
Michael said the RSPCA also
has a some older cats as well.
“They will be undergoing vet
checks and will be up for adoption,” he said.
“It is $100 to adopt a cat over
12 months which includes the
same things as kitten adoption.”
When a cat has a litter, the
number of kittens they have
can vary.
“We have had a cat that had
seven kittens, then some are
known to have two to three,”
Michael said.
“Cats generally have higher
numbers - it’s hard for us to
Michael said they were just
trying to get as many kittens a
home as possible.
In 1994, the Junction Mine Brownes Shaft was officially opened as part of a series of sites and buildings included in Broken
Hill’s living museum.
Mayor pans
panel plans
From Front Page
“I think we shouldn’t discount
anything that’s been put forward as
long as it’s understood to benefit
Broken Hill,” Mayor Cuy said.
“What (the panel has) done is
they’ve actually put together an idea
and now it’s up to us to investigate
whether it’s feasible and whether it’s
beneficial to us.”
Mayor Cuy said that forming a
regional authority was not a new
idea, but there were some potential
“We’ve been thinking about it for
some time, we’re not quite sure how
it would work along with Council.
“One thing is to make sure we’re
not creating another level of bureaucracy.
“This authority could be used to
create policies from the ground up
rather than having legislation parachuted in from Macquarie Street
with the expectation that we implement it.”
Mayor Cuy said the city’s boundaries should only be extended if
Broken Hill benefits.
“My strongest point is that the
City Council should in no way be
disadvantaged by taking these things
on,” he said.
“I think the authority would be a
very complex thing to go through
but I think it could possibly work as
long as (Council) weren’t deprived
of any of its grants.
“There needs to be an understanding that any budgetary money
wouldn’t be reduced and if some
inefficiencies were corrected the
money would go back into other
things locally.”
Mayor Cuy said it would be up to
Broken Hill to lead the authority, but
state agencies would need to make
adjustments, too.
“I’ve spoken to (Minister for Local
Government Don Page) about this.
Whilst local government needs to
make significant changes, there’s no
point unless the state agencies make
the changes as well so we don’t have
a crossover,” he said.
“We can’t have two different police
zones, different health areas, or two
different DOCS (NSW Department
of Community Services) regions.
“We need a standard area and this
is not about us falling in line with
(state agencies) but them meeting
Jackson Lines (4) is all ready for all the activities that are taking place at the library this
PICTURE: Darrin Manuel
Off with a bang
By Emily Roberts
The staff at the Broken
Hill Library have been very
busy planning fun activities
for January.
218 Argent St, Broken Hill NSW 2880
ph: (08) 8088 4477
Fiona Murray, Community
Programs Officer at the Library,
said they have lots of things
prepared to keep children entertained over the holidays.
“We are starting 2014 with a
bang. We have lots happening
this month including our activities which start next week,”
Fiona said.
“We will have three sessions
a week for two weeks.”
The sessions will start on
Monday, January 13 and run
on Monday, Wednesday and
The activities will include,
making your own book, CD
spinners, pipe cleaner animals,
peg craft and bird feeders.
“All of these sessions are free,
are welcome to stay and help
with the craft,” Fiona said.
“These sessions will start at
11am and finish at 12.30pm.”
She said the staff members
were able to plan the activities.
“Each session has a different
theme - each staff member was
able to plan one of the activities,” Fiona said.
“They had an idea or picked
up something they thought
would be good to do.”
The Lego Club will also be
running weekly throughout the
“It’s a great opportunity for
children to build their logic
skills, engineering skills and
creative skills,” Fiona said.
“Parents and grandparents
are also staying to build with
their children.
“We held it monthly last year
but we thought it would be good
while the weather is so hot.”
The next Lego Club will be
on Tuesday, January 14 from
2.30pm. The club is free of
“We also have our Summer
Reading Club - this year’s theme
is investigation,” Fiona said.
“Each child who signs up for
Pineapples..........................................................................$1.69 each
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Seedless Watermelon...........................................................$1.69 kg
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Cherry Tomatoes..........................................$2.49 punnet
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4 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
1kg Carrots............................................................................$1.29 bag
this club will get a bag filled
with an activity book, reading
log and goodies to help them
“This club is free and will
finish with a party on January
There are three levels available - Preschool, Primary and
Finally, on the last weekend of
the school holidays, the Library
will be holding a “Games Day”
with various board games,
console games and computer
“We will also be holding an
“Angry Birds” tournament,”
Fiona said.
“Children aged between 8
and 16 are welcome to attend,
but bookings are essential for
this activity.
There will also be a $2 charge
for attendance. This will be
held on Saturday, January 25,
between 2pm and 5pm. There
will refreshments and nibbles
For more information contact
on 8080 3460.
In 1994, the Broken Hill speedway presented the SA Mini Sprinters title, bringing together the most mini sprinters ever
seen in the city.
So you want to fight fires?
By Nick Gibbs
Think you have
what it takes to be a
As Fire and Rescue
NSW prepares for
the launch of its 2014
recruitment campaign,
staff at the Broken Hill
Fire Station gave the
BDT an insight into the
ins and outs of a career
that could provide the
ultimate escape from
the nine to five.
Knowing you are
making a difference
and the huge variation
in day-to-day work
rank among the major
positives, according
to Fire Fighter Craig
“It’s not just fighting
chemical spills and help
in rescues, every day is
different,” he said.
“Then there is the
community side, we
also do things like
school visits and
checking smoke alarms
are working for the
Fire Fighter Burke
explained that attending
call outs involving
serious injuries or
fatalities was testing, but
having the opportunity
to help those in their
hour of need was ample
“Helping people out
when they need it most,
that’s the best bit, the
good days definitely
outweigh the bad,” he
Fire Fighter Sam
Carlon agreed that the
extremes of the role did
Physical fitness is essential to the role as shown by Broken Hill firefighter Jason Leo.
present a challenge, but
said the support from
colleagues and team
atmosphere was a big
“It’s like playing a
team sport, you know
you can rely on the
guys,” he said.
The pair agreed that
the best preparation for
anyone thinking about a
career as a fire fighter
was to focus on their
strength and cardio
The New South Wales
Fire and Rescue website
has all the information
required for potential
new recruits and should
be the first port of call
for those wanting more
information, reported
Fire Fighter Carlon.
should make sure they
know all the information
on there,” he said.
“We’re always looking
or more retained fire
Fire and Rescue NSW
Commissioner Greg
Mullins described how
successful applicants
would be rewarded with
a career that allowed
them to come home
every day knowing
they were making a
“Firefighting is one
of the most important
IndustrIal news
WIU of A and FED & FA pensioner members
are advised that fees are now due for 2014.
Office hours are from 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm.
The Mineworkers Trust grants scholarships
each year to promising students from the families of mining and energy workers. If you are a
CFMEU Mining or Energy worker, or a family
member or dependent and you are planning to
undertake Diploma Level or higher studies at
TAFE, or at a public university in 2014, you are
encouraged to apply.
There is also a Kim Beazley Labour Studies
award which may be granted to an applicant
who is planning to study Labour Studies at
Degree or Postgraduate level at a public university in 2014.
Application forms for both scholarships are
available from our website at
au/member-services/scholarships or from the
local CFMEU office at the Trades Hall.
Applications must be received by February
careers you could
have. Firefighters are
respected community
members; and being a
firefighter provides you
with the opportunity to
make a real and ongoing
difference to the lives of
the people of NSW,” he
Mullins also outlined
that the fire fighting
PICTURE: Nick Gibbs
reflect the diversity of
the wider community.
“I want men and
women from around
the country, including
indigenous communities
and people of all
cultural backgrounds,
as well as those with
life experience who are
looking for a career
change, to step forward
and apply,” he said.
The 2014 recruitment
campaign will officially
launch on Thursday
January 30.
Hopeful candidates
will need to complete
an online application
before undergoing a
series of tests designed
to test the capabilities
and values needed by a
New South Wales Fire
Further information
can be found at www.
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What’s for
Dinner Mum?
HIS is me ... I’m a busy mum,
married with two pre-teen kids
and work full time in a hectic
but very rewarding career.
My family moved to Broken Hill not
so long ago and have settled into life here
without too many moments of insanity.
On the whole, life is pretty normal
(or so I think) but there’s plenty of days
when I wonder just how on earth did I get
through that day?
So the New Year and Christmas celebrations are over and there’s still plenty of
leftovers in the fridge.
Being a highly organised person, I
planned a Christmas menu and bought
more food than necessary ‘cause we “just
might eat that” during the festive season.
I hate seeing good food go to waste, not
to mention the money down the proverbial
drain, so there’s nothing to do but ensure
every last crumb of Christmas delights are
gobbled up.
I’ve heard that the average person will
put on two to three kilos over the twoweek period of Christmas/New Year.
The two weeks has come to an end and
I’m scared out of my wits about just how
much weight I’ve gained. I have avoided
stepping on the scales since before
Christmas and I already know that my
clothes are shrinking (I’m clearly in denial
and I’m sticking to that excuse!).
So what’s the outcome from the
Christmas stuffing? I’m average. I gained
three kilos. Not too bad really given my
two week indulgence in many delectable
little morsels. I’m feeling pretty good
about that three kilos.
A visit to the local GP for a regular
check-up this week was like a smack in
the face with a wet fish. My blood pressure is too high, I’m over-weight and my
fasting blood sugar level is bordering on
diabetic. I’ve gone into meltdown. Being
an emotional eater is not a good thing and
there’s still plenty of sweet poison left in
the fridge that will give me comfort.
I’m finding it impossible to avoid the
temptation to consume my excessive body
weight in chocolate right about now. Just a
little nibble. Endorphin bliss.
I’ll start the diet and exercise tomorrow
... yep, still in denial.
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Time to weigh in
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This information is for members & their guests
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The local branch of the Australian Natives Association early last century. Picture from the city’s Outback
6 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
117 Rakow Street - Phone 8088 2666
— Chinese Proverb
Bankies reunion
Commonwealth Bank
former and current Broken
Hill staff are holding a
reunion this coming Easter
from Friday, April 18 to
Sunday, April 20.
Easter weekend was chosen
as the Broken Hill branch of
the CBA turns 100 on Easter
To date, approximately 150
former “bankies” and some of
their partners have confirmed
they are venturing from
Cairns, Perth and Sydney and
everywhere in between with
ages ranging from a 22-yearold current employee to a 90year-old former manager.
Celebrations include
a meet and greet at their
former watering hole The
Sturt, Cocktail Party, and the
inevitable recovery session at
Many former staff were
locals and of course many a
transferee married a local.
The list of staff invited has
come from memories and
the grape vine, so if you or
any of your family know or
keep in touch with someone
who may have worked at
the Commonwealth Bank in
Broken Hill, we would love to
hear from them.
Contacts are Lynn 0428
877 958 or Di 0419 950 985
or email lpritch77@bigpond.
Organising committee
young love’s despair
Pages from
the Past
Paul Armstrong
SMALL lad named
Weeks wandered onto
the grounds of the Pressed
Brick Yards in Rakow
Street, opposite Burke
Ward School in May
1910 and the cool winds
of autumn wafted over
He came across the deep
water hole in the brick yard
where lads would sneak in
and catch yabbies, and the
water was about 20 feet deep.
Suddenly he saw
something floating in the
water - it was a body. The
boy ran to the office and
raised the alarm. Police were
called and the body of a
woman was pulled from the
chilly water.
A sad story was about
to be revealed and a family
would face two cruel blows
in the following six years.
Due to the possibility of
relatives still living in our
city, I will only mention the
young woman’s first and
second names. Ethel May
was identified by her married
sister who told police she was
19 years old and had been
missing for about nine days.
On May 6 of 1910 the
story unraveled in the darkest
of ways.
After identification the
coroner returned a finding
of drowning as the cause of
death. The young woman was
fair, of petite stature at 5 feet
4 inches, with light brown hair
and in good physical order.
But he added that she was in a
certain condition.
Whispers echoed around
the court.
Any suggestion of violence
was ruled out as the girl was
very well dressed and still had
her hat attached to her hair
with pins and there was no
bruising at all.
Immediately the police
investigation turned to the
whereabouts of the man who
had been keeping company
with Ethel.
They found letters from her
to a man in the Mildura area
and it was discovered he had
boarded in Broken Hill before
moving to Mildura to seek
Mr John R. admitted
keeping company with Ethel
for about five months. He said
he had left to gain work as a
picker on the Murray River
but terse letters from him in
recent times had made Ethel
despair about their future.
He had forbade her to
contact him for some time
recently and had failed to
write in return.
In court proceedings the
judge put a large emphasis on
the lady and her state of mind
and the coolness of the lover
from afar and his unethical
Ethel had been working
for Mr Dryen of Thomas
Street as a domestic servant
for some time but on the
April 27 handed in her notice,
complaining of the food
she was given as part of her
Strangely, this seemed
to prey on her mind and
on a visit to her sister she
mentioned it again. After
spending time with her sister
in the afternoon Ethel left.
That was the last time she was
seen alive.
In court the judge gave
a verdict of drowning but
condemned John R. for his
manner and said that “this
incident should make him
think for the rest of his life”.
It was a tragedy for
everyone: from the young
lad who found Ethel, to the
family and the young man in
In November 1916, Ethel
May’s father Henry who had
worked for the Silverton
Tramway for about 26 years
was killed on the line near
Globe Timber Mills in Blende
Street while working as a
signalman. He was 68 years
It is a tragic tale and we
can but hope that today there
is a more educated younger
generation and a society much
more forgiving and tolerant.
* Support is available
for anyone who is feeling
distressed via Lifeline on 13
11 14.
New Year resolutions
Wincen Cuy
Christine Adams
We asked councillors: Wincen Cuy
What do you want to
I would like Broken Hill to
achieve for the city in aggressively pursue economic
opportunities that will sustain
our future for the next 100
years. We need to identify
a handful of areas that we
believe has the potential to be
sustainable in our environment
and isolation and can give us
the diversification that we
require for our future. We can
no longer sit back and wait for
things to happen we must be
proactive as a council and as a
As a council we must strive
for financial sustainability,
this will mean a lot of hard
decisions, and I hope the
community will accept that
your ten councillors are there
because they love this great
City and want it to continue into
the future. We make decisions
based on the long term and on
information that is provided by
We continue to bulk bill patients who:
*Have a current Pension / Healthcare card
*Are Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islanders
*Children 16 years and under
is pleased to introduce:
Broken Hill GP Super Clinic
South Medical Centre
Both doctors are available to see new
patients at the Broken Hill GP Super Clinic.
Dr Sheth is also seeing patients at the
South Medical Centre.
08 8088 7044
08 8088 3350
professional people, we are not
there to cause heart ache and
misery as some would have
you believe.
Here’s to a great 2014 and
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inCluding bus transFers For grouPs oF
10-20 broken Hill return.
Each Councillor has their
‘pet’ interests and concerns
within Council. In 2013 those
interests became secondary to
decisions that were determined
for the benefit of our whole
city. In 2014, I hope that all
councillors will continue to
work together for a viable and
secure future for this great
ThoughT for The day
‘He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does
not remains a fool forever.’
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Dennis Rodman singing Happy Birthday to North Korean regime chief
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8 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
Police arrest key
B4L gang members
Police have vowed to go
after other members of violent western Sydney gang
Brothers for Life after the
arrest of three key members, including alleged
leader Farhad Qaumi.
Fourteen members of the
gang have been arrested since
November and while police
believe membership is shrinking by the day, they say their
work is not yet done.
NSW Police Deputy
Commissioner Nick Kaldas
said speculation the group was
finished was premature but he
was optimistic those who had
caused the damage were in
custody or “neutralised”.
The gang, linked to murder and shootings, was further
disrupted when police raided
homes in Sydney and the NSW
central coast on Wednesday,
arresting Qaumi and two others.
“In many ways this is just
the beginning,” Mr Kaldas told
reporters yesterday.
“We pretty much know
what has happened with just
about all of the shootings that
have occurred in the last 12
Middle Eastern Organised
Crime Squad commander
Deborah Wallace said gang
members should hand themselves in to police before officers go to them.
“They know who you are,”
she said.
“I suggest you knock on
our door before they knock on
Mr Kaldas said yesterday
that police realised they needed to act quicker to curb the
gang’s violent activities after a
shooting at Rose Bay on New
Year’s Day.
Qaumi, 31, was found at
Bondi Beach with a bullet
wound after being hit when a
chartered luxury cruiser was
peppered with shots at Rose
Bay on January 1. He was
treated at St Vincent’s Hospital
but discharged himself within
Police allege Qaumi, also
known as “the Afghan”, is the
head of the Brothers for Life
Blacktown chapter, which has
been at war with the original
Bankstown chapter, with the
infighting linked to shootings
on Sydney’s streets and a murder.
“It will be alleged he is a
leader of a group and leader of
a faction that has been involved
in most of the shootings that
have occurred in Sydney in the
last three or four months,” Mr
Kaldas said.
Qaumi and his brother,
29-year-old Mumtaz Ahmed
Qaumi, a senior gang member,
were charged with firearm and
drug offences on Wednesday.
The elder brother was
flanked by police as he
appeared in Wyong Local
Court yesterday.
They were also charged
with knowingly directing the
criminal activities of a group.
The brothers did not apply
for bail, which was formally
Masieh Amiri, 27, who was
also arrested in the Wednesday
crackdown, was charged with
drug and gun offences and
did not apply for bail when he
appeared in Parramatta Local
Last November police
arrested 11 alleged senior
members of Brothers for Life
members following a shooting
in 2012 and another last year.
Mohammed Hamzy, the
Bankstown faction leader and
cousin of Brothers for Life
founder Bassam Hamzy, 34.
Police say Brothers for Life
initially started as a group
loyal to Bassam Hamzy, who
is serving a jail term for the
1998 murder of Kris Toumazis
outside a Sydney night club.
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Every care is taken in the publiciation of TAB fields by the
Barrier Daily Truth, but no responsibility can be taken for
errors. Closing times, names, numbers and dividends should be
checked with TAB agencies.
1 Better Beyond Plate 12.15
1000 metres
1–2Bugattyh(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GBoss56
2–DucalCastle(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BRawiller56
3–3Lotionh(3) . . . . . . . . . . . CSchofield(a)56
4–SmartBomb(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DMoor56
5–SouthernSea(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDuric56
6–Turfaneh(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChrisSymons56
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 2.10 Bugatty 3.30 Ducal Castle 4.00
Southern Sea 6.50 Lotion 26.00 Turfane 31.00 Smart
Bugatty, Lotion, Southern Sea, Ducal Castle
2 Nouvelle Star Hcp (70) 12.55
1400 metres
1–5413Mamwaazel(5) . . .PatrickMoloney(a3)60
2–4211SoHastyd(1) . . . . . . . . . HCoffey(a3)59 .5
3–3231CoupDeBeel(7) . . . . . . . . . .Scratched57 .5
4–7X12Cobblestones(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . GBoss57
5–212It’sOnedb(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . MZahra57
6–14MissMaggiebeelhn(8) . KMallyon(a2)56 .5
7–3148MamboLadyh(3) . . . . . OMurphy(a2)56
8–1834MissProcyon(9) . . . MsJBeriman(a2)55
9–4X51ReadyCuzdhn(2) . . . . . . . . . . . DMoor55
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.25 So Hasty 3.70 It’s One, Mamwaazel
7.00 Cobblestones 7.50 Miss Maggiebeel 11.00 Mambo
Lady 17.00 Ready Cuz 41.00 Miss Procyon
So Hasty, Cobblestones, Mamwaazel, It’s One
3 Jezabeel Hcp (84) 1.35
2000 metres
1–5466Sindarinhn(5) . . . . . . . . . ChrisSymons60
2–464XJellyBabym(4) . . . . . . . . . . .BRawiller58
3–9311RecklessAssassindhn(9) . . . . . GBoss57 .5
4–0X07AuroraLightsm(8) . . . . . . . . . MZahra56
5–X140FirstBloommn(12) MsMichellePayne56
6–X156Pamukkaledmh(6) . . . . . . . MJWalker55
7–9434ChateauLatourmh(3) . . OMurphy(a2)54
8–X134Joplinn(2) . . . . . . . . . . . CSchofield(a)54
9–1216Junoesqueh(11) . . . . . . . . . . . . DMoor54
10–1264GoldToGo(10) . . .PatrickMoloney(a3)54
11–3258StIsseym(7) . . . . . . . . JyeMcNeil(a3)54
12–9321Tejondm(1) . . . . . .KatelynMallyon(a2)54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 2.50 Reckless Assassin 7.00 Junoesque
8.00 First Bloom 10.00 Joplin 11.00 Pamukkale, Sindarin,
Tejon 12.00 Chateau Latour 15.00 Gold To Go 18.00 St Issey
26.00 Aurora Lights 31.00 Jelly Baby
First Bloom, Reckless Assassin, Junoesque, Tejon
theleaderstotheturnbutstruggledfromtherewhen8len6th(54 .0)Travolta
2000mR’hillAtcCupdeadtrkNov30 .Settledatthetailandwascarriedwide
near800minaplodding7-1/4len6th(58 .5)RecklessAssassin2040mM
ValleyF&M(Bm84)Dec20 . LostformsinceaC’burywinover1900mF&M
(75)lastFeb .Hasbeenfreshenedbutonlyroughclaims .
dropped right out frommidway in 24-3/4 len last (58 .5) Rock Robster
2400mSandown-LakesideF&MHcp-82deadtrkNov28(2012) . Faireffort
len4th(57 .0)IvoryCross2500mMValley(78)deadtrkDec14(2012) .Has
changed trainers from Michael Moroney . Showed some early promise but
longbreakamajorconcern .
RECKLESSASSASSIN(JDSadler)4mByRedoute’sChoice-Brackloon(10:40-1):Freshenedbeforeledfor2-1/2lenwin(58 .0)Baluch,Runes2040mM
ValleyM(Bm70)Nov29 .Settledhandy,disappointedforarunbutfoughton
wellforlgnkwin(55 .0)Baluch,ChateauLatour2040mMValleyF&M(Bm84)
Dec20 .Lightlyracedandformhaskeptonimprovingwithextradistance .A
littletougherthistimebutwinningformcommandsrespect .
poor6-3/4lenlast(54 .0)SensationalReport1400mC’fieldM(90)deadtrk
Nov30 . Racedonthepacebutstruggledfromtheturnwhen7-1/4len7th
(55 .0)RecklessAssassin2040mMValleyF&M(Bm84)Dec20 .Disappointing
threeAustralian starts after coming from NZ where she won over 1600m .
Betterforlastcouplebutneedstofindplenty .
wellbackandwasdoingbestworklatewhen2-1/2len4th(58 .0)KissMe
Ketut1410mF’ton3&4yoF&M-Bm70deadtrkDec14 .Camefromthewidest
(54 .0)FlyingHostess1600mC’fieldM(Bm84)Dec26 .Hadplentyofexcuses
laststart .WasplacedintwoListedracesaroundthisdistanceinTassieearly
2013 .Hassomeclaims .
PAMUKKALE (NA Blackiston) 5m By Duelled - Hannah Dawn (10:3-0-0):Won
a Bendigo 1600m F&M (64) before jumped awkwardly, much the same
throughoutbutnotbeatenthatfarin1-3/4len5th(57 .0)TullyCosta1600m
Werribee(Bm70)Dec15 .Ranpastacouplelateforafair1-3/4len6th(54 .0)
SettlersWay2040mMValley(Bm70)deadtrkDec28 .Bestofthreetriesthis
distancewasanarrowwinW’bee(68)inMay . Fitterforthreebackfroma
break .Worthsomethought .
CHATEAU LATOUR (D T O’Brien) 4m By Hussonet - Crystal Hill (9:2-0-3):
3-3/4len3rd(53 .0)RecklessAssassin,Baluch2040mMValleyF&M(Bm84)
Dec 20 . Settled handy and battled on fairly when 6 len 4th (54 .0)Vihanna
Victory2500mMValley(Bm70)deadtrkDec28 .Beatmostofthemhomebut
afairwayfromthewinnerlasttime .Ploddingtypeandplacelooksbest .
JOPLIN (C & C Alderson) 4m By Host - Rising Eagle (12:2-1-2): Favourite in
a small field and always handy for nk, 1/2 nk 3rd (58 .0) Queen Of Eight,
Valpincon 1607m Kilmore F&M (Bm70) dead trk Dec 2 . Settled handy, lost
a little ground when disappointed for a run and became unbalanced when
4-1/4len4th(55 .0)RecklessAssassin2040mMValleyF&M(Bm84)Dec20 .
Hadexcusesandshouldhavefinishedalotcloserlasttime .Forwardshowing
fromanicedrawwouldnotsurprise .
easy 4 len win (59 .5)Worth Every Penny,Whispering Miss 1606m Benalla
F&M(Bm64)deadtrkDec15 .Hadsomesupportbutgotwellbackandmade
a little late ground in 4-1/4 len 6th (54 .0) Flying Hostess 1600m C’field M
(Bm84)Dec26 .Alittledisappointinglasttimebutbetterforrecentracingand
extradistanceshouldsuit .Hassomeprospects .
workedintoitontheturnbutshowednolatedashin3-3/4len6th(55 .0)
Scelto2040mMValley(Bm70)deadtrkDec6 .Ledforafairwaybutoverracednear1600m,becameunbalancedandheldonfairlyin2-1/2len4th
(55 .0)RoyalMephisto2040mMValley(Bm70)Dec20 .Lightlyracedandnot
thatfarbackinthreerunssinceaMdnwinover1887matKyneton . Class
hereshouldtest .
afterinconveniencedatstartandranonfairlywellwhen2-3/4len5th(57 .0)
Kiss Me Ketut 1410m F’ton 3&4yoF&M-Bm70 dead trk Dec 14 . Again got
back early after jumped awkwardly and made a little late ground in 5-3/4
len8th(51 .0)FlyingHostess1600mC’fieldM(Bm84)Dec26 .Notdisgraced
lastcoupleandshapesasthoughtheextradistancecanonlyhelp .Hassome
roughprospects .
TEJON (S Morrish) 4m By Encosta De Lago - Princess Pelona (22:3-1-2):
Checked early stages before worked forward at the turn and held on fairly
wellfor1-1/2len2nd(56 .0)Master’sDegree2400mBendigo(64)deadtrk
Dec 22 . Far too good for an ordinary lot with 3-3/4 len win (56 .5) Haluva
Storm,Caves2240mGeelong(Bm64)slowtrkJan2 .Bigjumpinclassthis
time but all three wins have been at 2000m or more . Some claims from
thepoledraw .
4 Straight Draw Hcp (78) 2.15
1700 metres
1–2X84Medvedevm(11) . . . . . . CSchofield(a)58 .5
2–9038Correggiomn(8) . . . . . . . . . .CJParish58
3–2014Samuelsson(5) . . .PatrickMoloney(a3)58
4–X744Edgewood(10) . . . . . . . . . . . AMallyon57
5–2X31Nesbom(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BRawiller56 .5
6–1335PriorityRoadm(6) . . . . . . . . . DYendall55
7–4113Adirondackh(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDuric54 .5
8–55X4Averau(9) . . . . . . .KatelynMallyon(a2)54
Daily Double:
Races 6 & 8
9–1425GalwayWarrior(3) . . . . . . . . . . . GBoss54
10–3516Theodorah(4) . . . . . . . . . ChrisSymons54
11–2X41Avighnam(7) . . . . . . MsMichellePayne54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.80 Adirondack 5.00 Nesbo 5.50
Averau 7.00 Edgewood 9.00 Medvedev 11.00 Avighna,
Theodora 12.00 Priority Road 13.00 Galway Warrior 15.00
Samuelsson 17.00 Correggio
Averau, Edgewood, Correggio, Nesbo
MEDVEDEV (P G Moody) 4g By Commands - Rossiya (13:3-2-1): Never better
thanmidfieldwhenresumedfromfivemonthsoffwith7-1/2len8th(57 .0)
WintaChiller1440mC’field(Bm78)deadtrkDec7 .Overracedearlystages,
tightenedforroomandmadesomelategroundin2-1/2len4th(54 .5)The
Wingman1600mC’field(84)Jan4 . Bestformhasbeenonwettracksbut
canhandlethedry .Bestoftworunsherewasastrongsecondover1600m
lastMay .Worthsomethought .
CORREGGIO(MurrayJohnson)4gByExcellentArt-MagicalMoment(14:3-24): Freshened before doing besy work late when 1/2 len, 2 len 3rd (60 .5)
Magnapal, Balayeur 1800m C’field (Bm70) slow trk Dec 11 . Tightened for
roomandgotwellbackearlywhen5-3/4len8th(56 .5)Initiator1800mC’field
(Bm78)Dec26 .OnlyplacedoneoffivesinceawinCranbourne2060m(70)in
Sept .Notmuchlucklasttimeandimprovementwouldnotsurprise .
backinasmallfieldandranonlatefor1-3/4lenwin(58 .5)RighteousRuler,
UnrulyPrincess1430mTraralgon(Bm70)Dec8 .Passedfitatbarrierbefore
justoffthepacethroughoutin1-1/2len4th(60 .5)Topkapi1600mBendigo
(Bm70)deadtrkDec22 .Shouldbeatpeakafterfourrunsbackfromabreak .
Haswonupto1600m(68)atWerribeeandhassomeprospects .
littlesupportbutgotalongwaybackandranonlatefor1-3/4len4th(56 .0)
Sistine Demon 1410m F’ton 3&4yo (78) Dec 14 . Settled at the tail when
jumped awkwardly, was inconvenienced near 600m and made late ground
for1-1/4len4th(57 .5)Murcielaga1400mF’ton3&4yo(78)deadtrkJan1 .
Fitterforthreefromaspell .Onlyplacedoneoffiveherebutseveralofthem
havebeenhandyruns .Expectaforwardshowing .
jumped awkwardly and came from last on the turn for 1-1/2 len, 1/2 nk
3rd(59 .5)UnderTheLeaner,LaVenta1440mC’field(64)slowtrkDec11 .
Long odds-on when too good for a moderate lot with 1-1/4 len win (60 .0)
Foreign Embassy, Her Notebook 1411m Sale (64) Dec 24 . Lightly raced,
showssomepromiseandextradistanceshouldsuit .Tougherthistimebut
mustberespected .
PRIORITYROAD(DKWeir)4gByDanroad-Priorities(12:2-0-4):Beatenfavouritewhenracedonthepaceforshthd,3/4len3rd(57 .5)Topkapi,GreatLane
1600m Bendigo (Bm70) dead trk Dec 22 . Settled back, ran past a few but
neverthreatenedwhen7-3/4len5th(54 .0)GreatLane1700mWarrnambool
KoroitCupdeadtrkJan5 .Alittledisappointinglasttime .Turnsintheoccasionalhandyrunbutclasshereshouldtest .Couldsneakaplace .
ADIRONDACK (Peter Snowden) 3g By Lonhro - Up State (4:2-0-1): Freshened
beforefavouriteandracedonthepacefor1-3/4lenwin(58 .0)Faith‘n’Belief,
War Is Over 1450m Kilmore (64) dead trk Nov 24 . Freshened again before
handythroughoutin1/2nk,lgnk3rd(60 .0)GraciousProspect,StarBeauty
1420mF’ton3yo(78)deadtrkDec21 .Steppingupindistancebutsuretobe
improvedbyrecentracing .Drawntogetasoftrun .Hassomeclaims .
5th(56 .0)Wowee2500mM’villeFilliesClassicMay11 . Gotwellbackearly
wellfor1-1/2len4th(51 .0)Floatmyboat1400mC’field(78)Dec26 .Should
have finished in the money last time . Not any tougher this time and extra
distancecanonlyhelp .
GALWAY WARRIOR (Jerome Hunter) 4m By More Than Ready - Galway Lass
innear200min1/2len2nd(59 .5)Tyanna1400mBendigoF&MHcp-64dead
trk Dec 22 . Came from last midway when 1-3/4 len 5th (54 .0) Murcielaga
1400m F’ton 3&4yo (78) dead trk Jan 1 . Not far back in three strong runs
since an easy win Bendigo 1400m Mdn in Nov . Has some prospects in a
toughrace .
THEODORA (M Ellerton & S Zahra) 3f By Sebring - Exacta Factor (8:1-0-2):
Favourite when led for 1-3/4 len win (55 .0) Sunset Magic, Depp 1600m
WerribeeMdndeadtrkDec15 .Withtheleaderstotheturnbutbeatonlyone
homewhen4-3/4len6th(52 .0)JessyBelle1600mMValley3yo(Bm78)dead
trkDec28 .Disappointinglasttime .Hasthepacetogivesomecheekbutfinal
stagesshouldfindheroutagain .
AVIGHNA (T & K O’Sullivan) 4g By Dubleo - Ziggy Beak (14:1-6-1): Resumed
len 4th (58 .5) Kelvy 1100m Stawell Mdn dead trk Dec 14 . Overraced early
stages,easednear1000mbuttoogoodforaweaklotin5-1/4lenwin(58 .5)
SmoothMovingMama,FairyHouse1525mGeelongMdnslowtrkJan2 .Ease
ofwinmeritssomerespectbutfairlywellbeatenallthreepreviousrunshere .
Othershavestrongerclaims .
5 Rain Lover Hcp 2.55
2500 metres
1–4621Gottinotm(5) . . . . .PatrickMoloney(a3)60
2–0369CraftyCruiserm(10) . . JyeMcNeil(a3)59 .5
3–0873Prizummh(3) . . . . . . . . OMurphy(a2)59
4–1056FlashyFellah(14) . . . . . . DamianLane57 .5
5–2131Instrumentalistch(9) . . . . . . . . . GBoss57
6–X224Angelologym(13) . . MsMichellePayne56
7–1607Altoniodmn(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8–0393Angola(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . ChrisSymons54
9–4576BonoVoxh(2) . . . . . . . . CSchofield(a)54
10–6645Reigningmn(11) . . . . . . . . . MJWalker54
11–2123SuspendedGemmn(8) . . . . . . . VDuric54
12–4821VihannaVictorydm(7) . . . HCoffey(a3)54
13–5315Handsomedmhn(16) . . . . . . . DYendall54
14–7137KingOfDudesm(12) . . . . . . . . . DMoor54
15–9613Bruntwood(15) . . . . MsJBeriman(a2)54
16–5518ClareIslandBoym(1) . . .RyanMaloney54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 5.50 Instrumentalist 8.00 Gottino 10.00
Angelology, Angola, Bono Vox, Suspended Gem, Vihanna
Victory 12.00 Bruntwood, Reigning 15.00 King Of Dudes
21.00 Altonio, Crafty Cruiser, Handsome, Prizum 26.00
Flashy Fella 31.00 Clare Island Boy
Angola, Altonio, Angelology, Instrumentalist
GOTTINO (Dan O’Sullivan) 6g By Johar - Dopff (42:12-4-3): No match for the
winnerwhen5-1/4len2nd(54 .5)ElectricFusion2000mF’tonOpenHcpDec
14 .Showedgreatfighttoscore1/2nkwin(51 .5)IndexLinked,ElectricFusion
2000mF’tonOpenHcpdeadtrkJan1 .Risesinweightanddistanceherebut
he’sracingingreatheart .Suretohaveplentyofadmirersandrateshighly .
CRAFTY CRUISER (B I Stanaway) 6g By Good Journey - Sly One (62:6-12-9):
Had trouble getting a clear run when 3-3/4 len 6th (55 .0) Pelicano 2600m
Werribee Cup dead trk Dec 15 . Didn’t finish it off when 11 len 9th (54 .5)
OutbackJoe2800mF’tonBagotHcpdeadtrkJan1 .Dropsbackalevelhere
and claim will help . Had 16 tries here without winning but worth including
intrifectas .
PRIZUM (J D Sadler) 7g By Umatilla - Pleasure Island (42:6-3-9): Never
threatened when 6-1/4 len 7th (52 .5) Electric Fusion 2000m F’ton Open
HcpDec14 . Keptfightingwhen1-3/4len,3/4len3rd(57 .0)IndexLinked,
Angelology2000mF’ton(90)Dec21 .Startingtorunintoformbuthehasn’t
wonpast2050metresandgetsouttothistripforthefirsttimehere .Place
looksbest .
inasimilarspotwhen6len5th(54 .0)ElectricFusion2000mF’tonOpenHcp
Dec14 .Appearedtohaveeverychancebeforefinishing8-3/4len6th(54 .0)
OutbackJoe2800mF’tonBagotHcpdeadtrkJan1 .Struggledtorunthetrip
outlasttimesowillappreciatecomingbackintriphere .Perhapsaplace .
INSTRUMENTALIST (C JWaller) 5g ByAmadeusWolf - Kobalt Sea (25:6-4-3):
Alwayshandywhen1/2hd,lghd3rd(59 .0)VikingLegend,Tenacitus2500m
Randwick-Kensington(Bm78)Dec7 .Clungongamelytoscorehdwin(60 .0)
McNulty,SuspendedGem2540mF’ton(84)deadtrkDec21 .Verygenuine
stayeranddrops3kgshereinthisstrongergrade .Topdistanceridertakes
themountandheshouldbeinthefinish .
heldupbeforefinishing1-3/4len2nd(56 .0)IndexLinked2000mF’ton(90)
Dec21 .Keptfindingwhen2-1/4len4th(54 .0)Gottino2000mF’tonOpenHcp
deadtrkJan1 .Lookstobeworkinguptoawinandgetsaniceweightswing
herefromhislatestrun .Suretobeprominent .
irregularheartratewhenfailedtofinish(58 .0)JustJunior3000mMValley
(Bm84)deadtrkDec6 .Didhisbestworklatewhen5len7th(54 .0)Gottino
2000mF’tonOpenHcpdeadtrkJan1 . Onlygotwarmwhentheracewas
alloverlasttimeandhedoesgetahugeweightswinginthis . Comesinto
calculations .
was inconvenienced at the start when 8-1/2 len 9th (52 .0) Electric Fusion
2000mF’tonOpenHcpDec14 . Racedhandyandbattledonwellfor2-1/4
(Selections by Terry Clifton)
len,4-1/2len3rd(54 .0)OutbackJoe,HurdyGurdyMan2800mF’tonBagot
HcpdeadtrkJan1 .Lookstoberunningintoformandratesoneofthebetter
lightweightchancesinthis .Definitethreat .
when 3-3/4 len 7th (59 .5) Leonardo Express 2500m MValley (78) Nov 29 .
Weakenedlatewhen1-3/4len6th(57 .5)Instrumentalist2540mF’ton(84)
dead trk Dec 21 . Wasn’t far away last time and does drop 3 .5kgs in this
strongerrace .Drawntogetasoftrunandhasplaceclaims .
REIGNING (Bart & James Cummings) 5g By Choisir - Merayaat (21:4-0-3):
Keptworkingtothelinewhen3/4len4th(54 .0)Solemn1800mRandwickKensington(Bm85)Dec7 .Gotblockedforaruninthestraightbeforefinishing
3-1/4 len 5th (59 .0) Big Memory 1900m C’bury (Bm74) dead trk Dec 28 .
thelastbitwillbethetest .Willneedluck .
SUSPENDED GEM (C & C Alderson) 5g By Postponed - Ruby Bay (17:3-3-2):
Finished fast for hd 2nd (54 .0) Severn Road 1900mTraralgon Cup Dec 8 .
Keptworkingtothelinewhenhd,1/2hd3rd(57 .0)Instrumentalist,McNulty
2540mF’ton(84)deadtrkDec21 .Willhavebenefitedgreatlyfromhisfirst
runatthetripandisentitledtorespecthere .Keepinmind .
(28:5-5-5):Finishedhardwhen1-1/2len2nd(57 .0)LetThemHaveIt1858m
Terang (Bm70) heavy trk Dec 21 . Showed great fight to score sht nk win
(54 .0)Master’sDegree,Bruntwood2500mMValley(Bm70)deadtrkDec28 .
Overcameatoughruntoscoreatherfirsttryoverthistriplasttime .Risesin
gradeherebutshegetsinwithnoweight .Don’tdismiss .
HANDSOME (Troy Portelli) 7g By High Chaparral - Prized Gem (46:5-5-6):
Finishedbesttoscore1/2lenwin(58 .0)Callmedan,McNulty2500mMValley
(Bm70)Dec13 .AlwayshandyandbattledonOKwhen1-3/4len5th(56 .0)
Instrumentalist2540mF’ton(84)deadtrkDec21 .Shouldappreciategetting
downintheweightshereandhewillrunthetripout .Willneedluckfromthe
gateandplacehopesarebestinthisgrade .
wascollaredlatewhen1-1/2len,nk3rd(58 .0)LeonardoExpress,McNulty
2500m MValley (78) Nov 29 . Always in a similar spot when 3-1/2 len 7th
(56 .0)Instrumentalist2540mF’ton(84)deadtrkDec21 .Wasn’t disgraced
lasttimeandhedoesgetsomeweightreliefhere . Cansneakaplaceifhe
getstherightrun .
toscore1-1/2lenwin(60 .0)FetesAlfresco,HighFraar2215mSeymour(64)
Dec19 .Nomatchforthefirsttwowhenshtnk,3-1/2len3rd(59 .0)Vihanna
Victory, Master’s Degree 2500m MValley (Bm70) dead trk Dec 28 . Shows
stayingpromiseandwillappreciatethe7kgdropinweightaftertheclaim .Up
ingradeandlooksaplacehopeatbestfromthewidegate .
CLARE ISLAND BOY (Aaron Purcell) 5g By Strategic Prince -Tea Chest (19:32-2):Overcameearlytroubletoscoreshthdwin(60 .0)Cadel’sGold,Tejon
2400mGeelong(64)deadtrkDec8 .Alwaysinasimilarspotwhen7-3/4len
8th(59 .0)VihannaVictory2500mMValley(Bm70)deadtrkDec28 . Didn’t
thanthis .Lookingtoothers .
6 Chester Manifold Stakes (Listed) 3.35
1400 metres
1–X06XPrairieStarmh(11) . . . . . OMurphy(a)60
2–X1X0ChaseTheRainbowdmn(1)DamianLane57 .5
3–0695ItIsWrittenn(7) . . . . . . . . . . MJAllen57 .5
4–5621Limesd(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SWArnold57 .5
5–8721ThePeakch(8) . . . . . . . CSchofield(a)56 .5
6–113XCooldinitmb(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . MZahra56
7–10X6Reparationsdmh(5) . . . . . . . . . . DMoor54 .5
8–2341Anloncdm(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYendall54
9–3039DashForVizcm(3) . . . . . . . . . . GBoss54
10–62X3Kneelingm(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDuric54
11–5431Gigtc(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChrisSymons54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.80 Anlon 4.00 Limes 5.50 The Peak
7.00 Kneeling 9.00 Gig 11.00 Chase The Rainbow, Prairie
Star 21.00 It Is Written, Reparations 26.00 Cooldini 41.00
Dash For Viz
Limes, Kneeling, Dash For Viz, Prairie Star
Pulled up with the thumps after 7-1/4 len 10th (56 .0) Budriguez 1600m
C’field Carlyon Cup Feb 9 . Had a long break after 3-1/4 len 6th (59 .0)
Foreteller 1800m C’field Peter Young Feb 23 . French import who has only
racedatGrouplevelsincearrivinghere .Hasthequalitytoshowupoverthis
tripwhilefreshsolookforamarketpush .
CHASETHERAINBOW(RGHore-Lacy)5hByDashForCash-Illusional(8:4-10):Hadalongbreakafter3-1/4lenwin(55 .5)DustyStar,Spacecraft1400m
C’fieldOpenHcpSept1(2012) .Neverafactorfirst-upwhen20-1/2lenlast
(58 .0)Karacatis1200mC’fieldChristmasStksDec26 .Qualitygalloperwhen
rightbutdidn’tfigureathisfirstrunbackafter15monthsonthesidelines .
Takeontrust .
Always in a similar spot when 5-1/4 len 9th (58 .5) Lankan Rupee 1200m
C’field Kevin Heffernan dead trk Nov 16 . Far from disgraced when 1-1/2
len 5th (58 .0) Karacatis 1200m C’field Christmas Stks Dec 26 . Fought on
last time but this is as far as he wants . Can figure but will need things to
fallhisway .
LIMES (Peter Snowden) 4g By Commands - Rum Cruise (21:3-3-6): Had to
be eased near the 1000m when 3/4 len 2nd (53 .0) Ninth Legion 1550m
Randwick-KensingtonVilliersStakesDec14 .Finishedtoowelltoscore1-1/4
lenwin(58 .0)Babel,Gangster’sChoice1400mR’hill(Bm95)Dec21 .Backto
attwoofhisthreetriesoverthistrack/distance .Shouldbeinthefinish .
THE PEAK (Bart & James Cummings) 5g By Pendragon - Cavita (12:6-1-0):
Fought on gamely when 1/2 len 2nd (58 .0) Loot ‘n’ Run 1400m C’field
OpenHcpdeadtrkNov30 .Gotallthefavourstoscore1-1/4lenwin(56 .5)
Amaethon,Eraset1410mF’tonOpenHcpDec14 .Beenkeptfreshsincehis
laststartwinthistrack/distanceandcarriesthesameweighthere . Comes
intocalculations .
COOLDINI (R W Smerdon) 4g By Bernardini - Eliza Dane (13:5-0-2): Made it
three in a row with 2-1/4 len win (54 .0) Final Folly, Police Gazette 2520m
F’tonOpenHcpdeadtrkJune22 . Spelledafter1/2nk,6len3rd(56 .5)De
FineLago,OutbackJoe2600mF’tonBanjoPatersonJuly6 . Ran1-3/4len,
nklastBigBuddie1000mP’hamtrialheavytrkDec9 .Stayerresuminghere
afterastandoutwintercampaign .Hasn’twonbelow1600mandmightfind
thistooshort .
(19:7-0-1):Didn’tfinishitoffwhen7-3/4len14th(55 .0)TuscanFire1410m
F’tonOpenHcpslowtrkAug10 .Gotheldupinthestraightwhen2-1/2len
6th(55 .0)Karacatis1200mC’fieldChristmasStksDec26 . Caughttheeye
first-upandshouldhavefinishedcloser . Hasagoodsecond-uprecordand
ratesaneach-waychance .
when 2 len 4th (56 .0) Free Of Doubt 1420m F’ton (90) Dec 21 . Squeezed
through a gap late to score 3/4 len win (54 .0) He’s Your Man, Amaethon
1400mF’tonOpenHcpdeadtrkJan1 . Racinginsuperformandreadyfor
thestep-upingradehere .Suretohaveplentyofadmirers .
Stormedhomefor1-1/4len,1-1/4len3rd(54 .0)AddictionToRock,Essay
Raider 1200m M’ville City Of Marion Dec 7 . Got severely hampered at the
startandneverinitwhen4-1/4len9th(55 .5)FreeOfDoubt1420mF’ton(90)
Dec21 .Couldn’trecoverafterfindingearlytroublelasttime .Getsasignificant
jockeychangehereandhasclaims .
KNEELING (P G Moody) 5m By Encosta De Lago - Sunday Service (21:3-3-1):
Came from well back when 1-1/4 len 2nd (57 .0) Golden Penny 1400m
MorphettvilleParksPennyEditionslowtrkAug24 .Returnedfromabreakwith
sht1/2hd,lghd3rd(54 .5)Karacatis,Richie’sVibe1200mC’fieldChristmas
StksDec26 .Justmissedwhenresumingandarepeatofthateffortputsher
rightinthefinishhere .Mustgoin .
GIG (Shawn Mathrick) 5m By Commands - Busking (21:4-5-3): Kept fighting
when1/2hd,2-1/2len3rd(54 .0)SistineDemon,QuickSnitzel1630mF’ton
(84)deadtrkDec21 .Camefrommidfieldtoscorelgnkwin(56 .5)FiveAll,
Balaclava Lady 1400m F’ton F&M Hcp-84 dead trk Jan 1 . Track specialist
whohasquicklyfoundformthiscampaign .Bigjumpingradeherebutshe’s
aplacehopefromherkindgate .
7 Comedy King Hcp 4.15
1600 metres
1–0823Amaethonh(3) . . .KatelynMallyon(a2)60
2–31X8Dayitatdm(11) . . . . . . . MsLJMeech57 .5
3–53X3Erasettcdhn(5) . . . . . . . OMurphy(a2)57
4–48X0Basedmn(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . .BRawiller56
5–2101Backstedttcdh(1) . . . . . CSchofield(a)55 .5
6–1425ChileExpresstdm(7) . . . .RyanMaloney54 .5
7–5450StreetsOfSeattletdmn(8) . . PMoloney54 .5
8–1213FreeOfDoubtt(4) . . . . . . . . . . . VDuric54
9–X959Cosentinodn(10) . . . . . . . . . .Scratched54
10–9812Bringenbrongd(2) . . . . . . . . . . . GBoss54
11–8084OllyIAmdm(6) . . . . . . JyeMcNeil(a3)54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.40 Backstedt 4.80 Chile Express 5.00
Free Of Doubt 5.50 Amaethon 8.00 Dayita 10.00 Eraset
16.00 Bringenbrong 17.00 Base 41.00 Streets Of Seattle
101.00 Olly I Am
Amaethon, Eraset, Backstedt, Chile Express
AMAETHON (M Ellerton & S Zahra) 7g ByAl Maher - Crystal Snip (33:5-7-6):
Got claimed late when 1-1/4 len 2nd (58 .0) The Peak 1410m F’ton Open
HcpDec14 .Triedtoleadallthewaybutweakenedlatewhen3/4len,3/4
len3rd(58 .0)Anlon,He’sYourMan1400mF’tonOpenHcpdeadtrkJan1 .
Looks close to a win and should find a nice spot front from his kind gate .
Taketossing .
scoringlenwin(52 .0)PepinHoaks,TheCleaner2040mMValleyOpenHcp
deadtrkAug3 .Passedacouplelatebutneverafactorwhen4-1/4len8th
(57 .0)DubawiGold1400mMorphettvilleParksAdel .XmasHcpDec26 .Fitter
foronerunbackandextratripshouldsuit . Canimprovesharplywitharun
underherbeltsokeepsafe .
2-1/2len,1/2len3rd(54 .5)UnderTheEiffel,OregonSpirit1600mSwanHill
CupdeadtrkJune9 .Keptworkingtothelinewhen1-1/4len,1-1/4len3rd
(53 .0)ThePeak,Amaethon1410mF’tonOpenHcpDec14 .Madegoodlate
groundfirst-upandthatrunwillhavedonehimtheworldofgood .Rarelyfar
awayinanythinghecontestssokeepinmind .
6-1/4len8th(54 .0)Foreteller2000mC’fieldDavidJonesCupOct15(2011) .
Neverafactorwhen7-1/4lenlast(59 .5)OregonSpirit1600mMornington
LordStakesDec29 .Didn’tpassarunnerathisfirstrunbackaftermorethan
twoyearsoffbutsuretohavetakengreatbenefitfromtherun .Smartwhen
rightsolookforamarketlead .
7-1/4len11th(58 .0)FreshwaterStorm1700mC’field(84)Nov30 .Ledallthe
waytoscore3-1/2lenwin(55 .0)ChileExpress,MinnieDowns1720mF’ton
(90)Dec14 .Turnedthingsaroundlasttimewhengotbacktohisfavourite
track .Drawnagunalleyandhe’sunbeatenoverthistrip .Rightinit .
thewinnerwhen3-1/2len2nd(57 .0)Backstedt1720mF’ton(90)Dec14 .
Passedacouplelatewhen4len5th(57 .0)SistineDemon1630mF’ton(84)
deadtrkDec21 .Upingradeherebuthedoesgetrightdownintheweights .
Rarelyfarawayatthistrackandworthaplaceticket .
STREETS OF SEATTLE (J F Moloney) 7m By Dolphin Street - Grand Seattle
(52:9-9-4):Beatsevenhomewhen5-3/4len5th(58 .0)KeepDeRose2080m
Cranbourne Pinker Pinker Oct 11 . Never threatened when 11-1/4 len 12th
(59 .5) Flying Hostess 1600m C’field M (Bm84) Dec 26 . Fitter for one run
backanddrops8kgshereaftertheclaim . Mightbelookingforfurthernow
butshe’snothopeless .
FREEOFDOUBT(JasonPetch)4gByNotASingleDoubt-OnTheLoose(13:3-33):Alwayshandybeforescoring3/4lenwin(54 .5)Hirad,MisterJohn1420m
F’ton(90)Dec21 . Foughtongamelyfor1/2len,shthd3rd(58 .0)PillarOf
Creation, Final Jest 1400m C’field (84) Jan 4 . Refused to give in last time
butstretchesoutafurther200metreshereinstrongergrade .Nottheworst .
latewhen3len5th(59 .0)Floatmyboat1400mC’field(78)Dec26 .Jumped
awkwardlybutrecoveredtosetthepacebeforefinishing4-1/2len9th(56 .0)
PillarOfCreation1400mC’field(84)Jan4 .Fitterforthreerunsbackandgets
outtohispettriphere .Upingradeandhemightneeditweaker .
besttoscore1/2hdwin(59 .0)SmokenCash,Tiryns1400mWodonga(Bm70)
Dec1 .Keptworkingtothelinewhen2-3/4len2nd(57 .0)PrinceOfPenzance
1600mMValley(78)Dec28 .Consistentinhisrightgradebutmightbeaiming
abithighhere .Drawnanicegatesocouldsneakaplace .
eased near the 1200m when 6-3/4 len 8th (55 .5) Silver Coin 1517mYarra
Glen(58)Dec20 .Setthepacebutwascollaredlatewhen1-1/4len4th(53 .5)
DashingStars1400mEchuca(58)Dec31 . Gavesomecheeklasttimebut
findthistougher .Eligibleforeasierracesandothersherearebetterplaced .
8 Tauto Hcp (78) 5.00
1200 metres
1–00X4AboutSquarecdmh(7) . . . . SWArnold60
2–19X3PrimitiveMand(9) . . . . . . ChrisSymons60
3–X118FightToTheLinedn(11) . . . .BRawiller59 .5
4–3X82TaddeiTondo(5) . .PatrickMoloney(a3)59
5–7266RemagenBridgem(3) . . . DamianLane57 .5
6–125XStarImpulsemn(4) . . . . . . . . . . GBoss56
7–0X21Clairvauxdm(10) . . . . . . . . . . DYendall55 .5
8–6X46NorthAtlanticIcebh(6) . . . . . BWerner55 .5
9–86X7StarsInTheSkyn(8) . . . . . . MJWalker55 .5
10–31X6Purculiarh(1) . . . . . . . . CSchofield(a)54 .5
12–541XRezonedm(2) . . . . . . . . .RyanMaloney54
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.80 Miss Promiscuity 4.20 Fight To
The Line 4.60 Primitive Man 10.00 Clairvaux 12.00 About
Square, Remagen Bridge, Taddei Tondo 13.00 Star Impulse
16.00 Rezoned 21.00 Stars In The Sky 26.00 North Atlantic
Ice 31.00 Purculiar
Primitive Man, About Square, Miss Promiscuity,
without cover throughout when 3-3/4 len 10th (54 .0) Lampedusa 1400m
Bendigo(Bm84)slowtrkSept18 .WorkedhomeOKwhen3-1/2len4th(58 .0)
SaluteTo Jude 1200m F’ton 3&4yo (78) dead trk Dec 21 . Easy in the betting
first-upandpassedacouplelatetofinishontheheelsoftheplacegetters .Drops
ingradeandsuretobeprominent .
the1000mwhen5-3/4len9th(58 .0)Akavoroun1400mC’field3yoHcpdeadtrk
May25 .Returnedfromabreakwith3/4len,lgnk3rd(54 .0)KaiserSun,Riviera
Red1000mF’ton(84)deadtrkJan1 .Heldhisgroundwellfirst-upandwillhave
takengreatbenefitfromtherun .Suretohaveplentyofadmirers .
handybeforescoring1/2lenwin(58 .5)Misscatelli,LittleBro1200mMValley
(Bm70)Dec13 .Loomeduptowinontheturnbutswampedlatewhen4-1/4len
8th(55 .0)KingBuddy1200mMValley(78)Dec28 .Backslightlyingradehere
andseniorridertakesoverfromclaimingapprentice .Givesomethought .
TADDEITONDO (G M Moloney) 4g By Danerich - Pachouli (8:3-1-1):Always in a
similar spot when 4-1/4 len 8th (54 .5) Kaiser Sun 1000m F’ton (84) dead trk
Dec14 . Gothomenicelyfor2len2nd(59 .5)Tanjil1200mMornington(Bm70)
Dec29 .Ontheimproveaftertworunsbackandgetsahandyclaimfortalented
apprenticerider .Comesintocalculations .
Beat half the field home when 3-1/2 len 6th (57 .5)Tilla Bell Rings 1600m M
Valley (Bm70) Dec 13 . Raced without cover throughout before finishing 5-1/2
len 6th (59 .0) Vixen Hustler 1425m Geelong (Bm70) slow trk Jan 2 . Covered
extra ground last time and entitled to another chance here from the better
barrier .Inthemix .
STAR IMPULSE (Shane Stockdale) 4m By Clangalang - Salerity Star (11:3-1-1):
Jumped awkwardly then overraced when 1/2 len 2nd (54 .0) Are There Any
1400mSandown-HillsideF&MHcp-84deadtrkAug21 .Foundplentyoftrouble
when3-1/2len5th(55 .0)AngelicLass1300mBendigoF&M(Bm78)slowtrk
Sept18 .Handymareresumingherewiththeblinkersoff .Sheisuptothisgrade
andanymarketpushcouldbesignificant .Keepsafe .
when lg hd 2nd (57 .5) Digby Road 1100m Warrnambool (64) dead trk Dec
5 . Finished strongly from well back to score 1-1/4 len win (58 .0) Fast Focus,
Sharmarino1000mWarrnambool(Bm64)deadtrkDec29 .Shouldbeunbeaten
thistimeinandhelooksapromisingtype .Jumpingingradebutgetsdownin
theweightsandlooksachanceatodds .
firstrunbackfromaspellfinished5-1/2len4th(57 .0)PrinceStratum1100m
C’field(64)slowtrkDec11 .Racedhandybutdidn’tfinishitoffwhen4-3/4len
6th(60 .0)BonRocket1200mCranbourne(64)Dec27 .Hasbeendisappointingat
histworunsthistimeinandthey’veremovedtheblinkershere .Hasbeenplaced
thistrack/distancebutneedstolift .
theearlyandmiddlestagesbeforefinishing6-1/2len6th(56 .5)BishopsCastle
1600mBendigo3yo(Bm72)deadtrkJune16 .Returnedfromabreakwith5-1/2
len7th(57 .0)Tanjil1200mMornington(Bm70)Dec29 .Neverthreatenedathis
firstrunbackbutshouldbefitterhere .Upingradeandmustfindsomething .
spellaftershthdwin(58 .5)Zupacharged,IrishBandit1300mGeelongSynthetic
MdnAug6 .Racedwithoutcoverthroughoutandwashamperednearthe200m
when4-1/4len6th(58 .5)SengleaSun1125mGeelong(64)slowtrkJan2 .Had
excusesfirst-upwhenhitaslowtrackforthefirsttime .Eligibleforeasierraces
andotherslookbetterplaced .
startwhen6lenlast(57 .0)Harquila1200mC’field3yoF(Bm70)deadtrkDec
7 .Spacedrivalstoscore4lenwin(56 .5)MotherGrace,Hayite1200mMValley
3yoF (Bm70) Dec 20 . Smashed the line last time and looks a promising type .
Takesontheolderhorsesherebuthardtoignoreonherlatesteffort .
REZONED (RW Smerdon) 3f By Zabeel - BetterAlternative (3:1-0-0):Wasn’t far
awaywhenlen4th(52 .5)ThrillHill1524mMornington2yo+F&MMdnslowtrk
July7 . Racedgreenlybeforescoring3-1/2lenwin(55 .5)MagentaAndBlack,
MyBareLady1600mBendigo2yo+F&MMdnslowtrkJuly25 .Caughttheeye
here .Waittilllater .
Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014 — 9
Every care is taken in the publiciation of TAB fields by the
Barrier Daily Truth, but no responsibility can be taken for
errors. Closing times, names, numbers and dividends should be
checked with TAB agencies.
1 Australian Turf Club Hcp 12.35
1000 metres
Game Breaker h (1) . . . . . . . . . . .J Ford
J’alerte (7) . . . . . . . . . . . .Ms K O’Hara
Shaftesbury (3) . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
Super Tycoon (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
Pink Perfection b (4) . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr
Directive (5) . . . . . . . . . .A Hyeronimus
Stratalena h (6) . . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
56 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 2.20 Pink Perfection 3.40 Shaftesbury
4.40 Super Tycoon 10.00 Game Breaker 12.00 J’alerte
17.00 Stratalena 35.00 Directive
Pink Perfection, Super Tycoon, Shaftesbury,
2 TAB Rewards (Bm76) 1.15
2400 metres
Celtic Prince dmh (5) . . . . . . . B Avdulla
Rule Book dm (4) . . . . . . .A Hyeronimus
At All Costs m (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
Mr Scary m (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr
Pentometer m (6) . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
Viking Legend h (2) . S Clipperton (a1 .5)
Tallage mh (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
58 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.00 Pentometer 4.00 Celtic Prince 4.20
Rule Book 4.80 Mr Scary 7.50 At All Costs 21.00 Viking
Legend 41.00 Tallage
Pentometer, Mr Scary, Celtic Prince, Rule Book
5– 213
6– 13X
8– 111
9– 1X1
3 Vinery Yearlings (Bm75) 1.55
1400 metres
Mr Jackman t (8) . . . . Lester Grace (a2)
Amovatio b (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
Meteoros dmh (9) . . . . . Ms J Taylor (a3)
Kasiano Lad h (4) . . . . . . . .Ms K O’Hara
Centre Pivot d (5) . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla
Rivariva c (3) . . . . . . . . .Y Ichikawa (a3)
Chosen Idol (10) . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
Loceano (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .G Schofield
Agadir h (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
Failed Approach d (6) . . . .A Hyeronimus
57 .5
56 .5
55 .5
54 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.30 Amovatio 5.50 Centre Pivot,
Kasiano Lad 6.00 Agadir 8.00 Mr Jackman 8.50 Meteoros
11.00 Chosen Idol 16.00 Rivariva 17.00 Failed Approach
26.00 Loceano
Agadir, Centre Pivot, Kasiano Lad, Chosen Idol
MR JACKMAN (Ms G Waterhouse) 3g By Northern Meteor - Miss Broadway (8:22-1): Followed wins at W Farm and Wyong with 5-1/4 len 4th (56 .5) Zoustar
1200m R’wick Roman Consul Oct 5 . Put away after going down narrowly
when overraced in the small field sht 1/2 hd 2nd (56 .0) Boss Lane 1200m
R’wick Brian Crowley Oct 19 . Fitted with 4th Driefontein 1050m R’wick barrier
trial Dec 2 . Has a mountain of weight for return but has a touch of class and
expecting a bold showing from him fresh .
AMOVATIO (C J Waller) 3g By Al Maher - Grand Ovation (10:1-4-2): With leader
but hampered near 100m when 1/2 len, sht hd 3rd (59 .0) Sinjoren, Made
To Order 1550m Randwick-Kensington 3yo (Bm72) Dec 7 . Easing fav when
1-1/2 len 4th (55 .0) Pleiades 1400m R’wick Rst1 dead trk Dec 26 . Ultra
consistent galloper who battled on gamely as fav over this trip at Randwick
last outing . Should take advantage of the inside gate here .
METEOROS (Joseph Pride) 3g By Northern Meteor - Fairytale Dancer (10:2-2-0):
Form sound this campaign . Even 1-3/4 len 5th (58 .0) Kasiano Lad 1250m
C’bury 3yo (Bm68) Dec 18 . Evens fav when led and dashed clear for 2-1/2
len win (56 .0) Budderoo Dragon, War Horse 1400m Kembla Grange C1 Jan 4 .
Heavily supported in all-the-way win over this journey at Kembla last outing .
Up in class but confidence is high .
KASIANO LAD (J C Coyle) 3g By Domesday - Minnamurra Girl (3:2-0-0): Back for
second campaign when shared lead and laid out near 400m but still managed
1/2 len win (57 .5) Centre Pivot, Handyman Bob 1200m Kembla Grange E&G
Mdn Plate dead trk Dec 1 . Had a perfect run behind the speed and kicked
through for 1-1/4 len win (56 .5) Dee Dee Flyer, Harry Hotspur 1250m C’bury
3yo (Bm68) Dec 18 . Lightly raced 3yo who is making excellent progress .
Another jump in class here but stays under notice .
CENTRE PIVOT (J A O’Shea) 3c By More Than Ready - Waterwise (3:1-1-1):
Easing fav when raced a bit greenly but still looked a class above them 2-1/2
len win (57 .0) Amaliehaven, Glacier Express 1400m Hawkesbury 3yo Mdn
Plate Dec 15 . Again in the market at city debut when hd, 1/2 len 3rd (54 .0)
Street Savvy, Hypernicus 1600m R’wick Rst0 dead trk Dec 26 . Promising type
who boxed away after tracking the pace over 1600m last outing . Does appear
better suited back to 1400m and on the tighter track . Test these .
RIVARIVA (C J Waller) 3g By Kheleyf - Autumn Belle (2:1-0-1): Back for second
campaign . Just got there after a tardy start at debut nose win (55 .0) Vitello,
Abbasso 1400m W Farm 3yo C&G Mdn Sept 11 . Again jumped away awkwardly in the field of four and battled home in the spaced finish 6-1/4 len, 2
len 3rd (54 .5) Rock Hero, Liberty’s Choice 1550m C’bury 3yo (Bm69) Sept 25 .
Ran 5th Charlie Boy 900m R’hill barrier trial Dec 24 . Back for second campaign . Gutsy mdn winner over this route at debut . Will have matured further
over the spell but right up in class . Watch betting moves .
CHOSEN IDOL (Paul Messara) 3c By Choisir - Academy Idol (7:1-1-2): Beat one
to line first-up 6-3/4 len 4th (56 .0) Happy Friday 1100m C’bury 3yo Rst0 Dec
13 . Eased near 800m and again hampered near 600m but showed some fight
for 1-3/4 len 2nd (54 .0) Maysoon 1200m C’bury 3yo (Bm75) dead trk Dec 28 .
Will strip fitter for those two runs and ready to tackle the 1400m now . Worth
an eachway ticket in this line-up .
LOCEANO (G H Walter) 3g By Lonhro - Oceano (3:3-0-0): Won Canberra 1000m
Mdn plate at debut before 1/2 len win (56 .0) Warinda, Pinskypower 1200m
Canberra C1 Dec 15 . Brought up hat-trick with sht hd win (59 .0) Lemon
Sweet, Jesmond 1200m Canberra C2 dead trk Dec 27 . Undefeated from
three runs at Canberra . Goes to another level now but looks the genuine
article . Treat seriously .
AGADIR (Peter Snowden) 3g By Bernardini - Desert Ibis (2:2-0-0): Kicked off
career as fav with 2-1/2 len win (58 .0) Excellent Morning, Sutton Oracle
1280m Muswellbrook 2yo Hcp dead trk June 23 . Again way too sharp when
resumed for 3 len win (55 .0) Doctor Livingston, Final Bid 1300m Kembla
Grange C1 Dec 21 . Darley 3yo who has impressed at both runs to date .
Deserves a shot at something a bit srtonger now and worth plenty of thought
on the limit .
FAILED APPROACH (A J Cummings) 3c By New Approach - Marokish (5:2-0-0):
Fav when led and raced away for breakthrough 3 len win (55 .5) Columbian
Princess, I Got You Babe 1400m Nowra Plate C2 Dec 8 . Again fav when
pressured for lead but stuck to his guns again scoring 3/4 len win (53 .0)
Knockfin Road, Stratal 1400m Newcastle E&G (Bm60) Dec 26 . Chasing a
hat-trick . Decidedly harder now but progessing well this campaign . Value
chance on the limit .
4 2014 Atc M’ship On Sale (Bm82) 2.35
1200 metres
1–X264 Prettyfamous tmh (7) . . L R Dittman (a3)
2–X019 Medusa’s Miss tcn (2) . . . . . . B Avdulla
3–X400 Cradle Me th (8) . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
4–1541 I’ve Got The Looks tcdmh (5) . . K Cross
5–1373 Kristy Lee dn (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
6–48X5 Caprossa cdmn (9) . . . . . .A Hyeronimus
7–0354 Dark Brown Sugar td (6) Ms J Taylor (a3)
8–1X5X Seaside dm (10) . . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
9–4X82 Recoinage h (4) . . . . . . . . . .G Schofield
10–X128 Spring Rose h (1) . . . . . . . .Ms K O’Hara
58 .5
57 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.40 I’ve Got The Looks 5.00
Prettyfamous, Recoinage 6.00 Kristy Lee 7.00 Seaside
9.50 Caprossa 15.00 Medusa’s Miss 16.00 Dark Brown
Sugar 21.00 Cradle Me 35.00 Spring Rose
I’ve Got The Looks, Prettyfamous, Recoinage, Dark
Brown Sugar
PRETTYFAMOUS (M Caltabiano) 4m By Fast ‘n’ Famous - Exquisitely (15:4-2-2):
Made up minor ground in stretch for 4-1/4 len 6th (56 .5) Calming Influence
1100m R’hill F&M (Bm80) Dec 21 . Taken deep for clear running and again
worked home but no match len 4th (54 .0) Dances On Stars 1100m R’wick
Carrington Stks Jan 1 . Back from a narrow fourth in the Carrington Stakes .
(Selections by Stephen Rodgers)
Looks to be fully primed now and won only other time at home . Among top
prospects .
MEDUSA’S MISS (Kevin Moses) 4m By Henny Hughes - Cleopatra’s Girl (16:42-2): Landed a surprise 3/4 len win (54 .0) Your Excellency, Number One Gun
1250m C’bury Rs0ly Dec 13 . Crossesd over to dictate at a solid clip and no
surprise when she folded up 8-1/2 len 9th (56 .5) I’ve Got The Looks 1250m
C’bury F&M (Bm80) Dec 28 . Better horse ridden with a sit . Good win under
lights at Canterbury two back and although she has 58 .5kg here can run a
cheeky race .
CRADLE ME (David Pfieffer) 5m By Easy Rocking - Amphycles (24:5-3-2):
Second run back from break when finished 4-1/2 len 11th (54 .0) Better Than
Ready 1200m E Farm Keith Noud Nov 23 . Crossed quickly from the wide gate
to lead when 7-1/2 len 13th (56 .0) Divine City 1350m D’ben Just Now Qlty
Dec 14 . Freshened after failed Brisbane mission . Winner only other start over
this track and distance . Well worth keeping safe .
I’VE GOT THE LOOKS (G H Walter) 4m By Choisir - Revived (10:4-3-0): Came
from midfield on bend after a sluggish start and checkered run for 1/2 len 4th
(54 .5) Holy Delusions 1150m Randwick-Kensington F&M (Bm78) Dec 14 . Fav
when posted nk win (57 .0) Recoinage, Breakfast In Bed 1250m C’bury F&M
(Bm80) Dec 28 . Proven this t/d . Racing with confidence and again looms as
one of the toughest to beat on her home circuit .
KRISTY LEE (C J Waller) 4m By Encosta De Lago - Shania Dane (21:3-3-6):
Placed over 1400m in R’hill F&M BM80 race before 2 len 7th (59 .0) Holy
Delusions 1150m Randwick-Kensington F&M (Bm78) Dec 14 . Jumped
away awkwardly, ridden back, eased middle stages and switched off tail
mid stretch when nk, sht nk 3rd (58 .5) Rose Of Falvelon, Sari 1100m C’bury
(Bm75) dead trk Dec 28 . Was really hitting the line at Canterbury . Placed only
other time over this t/d . Sure to have supporters .
CAPROSSA (Ms B Joseph & P A Jones) 5m By Testa Rossa - Cappucine (14:60-1): Unable to secure a clear run when 4-3/4 len 8th (54 .0) Black ‘n’ Tough
1200m M Valley M Hcp dead trk June 29 . Made some minor ground only
at 20-1 first-up when 4 len 5th (57 .0) Calming Influence 1100m R’hill F&M
(Bm80) Dec 21 . Made steady ground at Rosehill first-up at 20-1 . Fitter . Drops
1kg and winner only other time over this route . Has claims .
DARK BROWN SUGAR (S I Singleton) 5m By Pendragon - Cardsino (19:4-1-3):
Found trouble both ends of 1-1/4 len 5th (57 .5) Holy Delusions 1150m
Randwick-Kensington F&M (Bm78) Dec 14 . Came from midfield on bend
for 3-1/4 len 4th (56 .5) I’ve Got The Looks 1250m C’bury F&M (Bm80) Dec
28 . Ran home gamely at Canterbury . More than capable on her day and well
worth an eachway ticket in this company .
SEASIDE (Peter Snowden) 4m By Redoute’s Choice - Living Spirit (7:2-2-0):
Overcame tardy start to record len win (58 .5) Burndiniburn, City Hall 1200m
M Valley 3yoF (Bm72) Nov 24 (2012) . Lone start last year was 3-1/4 len
5th (54 .5) Hazard 1200m C’field 3yoF Hcp dead trk April 20 . Since finished
5th Lady Krovanh 900m R’hill barrier trial Dec 24 . Darley mare who is only
sparingly raced but she’s a winner in Sydney and Melbourne . Had a typical
Darley trial . Look to betting .
RECOINAGE (Joseph Pride) 4m By Flying Spur - Sovereign Duchess (13:14-2): Handy but deep first-up when 2-1/4 len 8th (54 .5) Holy Delusions
1150m Randwick-Kensington F&M (Bm78) Dec 14 . Ridden much quieter,
extricated on turn and zoomed home to just miss nk 2nd (54 .0) I’ve Got The
Looks 1250m C’bury F&M (Bm80) Dec 28 . Coming off a real eyecatcher at
Canterbury and will only be fitter for this . Might have the final say .
SPRING ROSE (J C Coyle) 5m By Nadeem - Rosa Brava (26:4-4-5): Resumed
with a H’bury 1100m Bm65 win Nov 7, then 1-3/4 len 2nd (57 .0) Taya 1300m
Goulburn F&M (Bm70) Nov 24 . Trimmed margin late at 20-1 when 2 len 8th
(57 .5) Pillow Talk 1250m C’bury M (Bm70) Dec 18 . Was making a belated
bid at C’bury last outing but she goes to another level here and others looks
to have more appeal .
57 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 2.90 Said Com 3.30 Gangster’s Choice
5.50 Jacquinot Bay 8.50 Monton 10.00 Eigelstein 12.00
Kontiki Park 21.00 Honourable Aussie 35.00 Sainthood
81.00 All Legal
Imperil, Gangster’s Choice, Monton, Said Com
KONTIKI PARK (Ms G Waterhouse) 8g By Thorn Park - Pretty Special (37:8-9-2):
Was vetted following 6-1/2 len 9th (60 .0) Pepperwood 1600m Coffs Harbour
Qlty slow trk Aug 1 . Unfancied first-up when 6-3/4 len 11th (59 .5) Limes
1400m R’hill (Bm95) Dec 21 . Veteran who failed to make an impression
at Rosehill first-up but he usually improves second-up and loves the Farm .
Keep very safe .
SAID COM (C J Waller) 5g By O’Reilly - Centa Belt (26:4-5-6): Forced to check
near 1000m but worked home 2-1/2 len 5th (55 .5) Ninth Legion 1550m
Randwick-Kensington Villiers Stakes Dec 14 . Again found line well 2-1/2 len,
1/2 len 3rd (56 .5) Messene, Kaypers 1550m C’bury Hcp Dec 28 . Wasn’t far
of them in the Villiers last month before dropping back in class and subject of
support at Canterbury . Knocking on the door .
MONTON (R J Quinton) 7g By Catbird - Dynamic Flyer (41:6-3-3): Similarly
placed throughout second-up 2-1/4 len 4th (55 .0) Ninth Legion 1550m
Randwick-Kensington Villiers Stakes Dec 14 . 20-1 into 12-1 but was caught
deep from the wide gate and peaked mid-stretch no surprise 7-1/2 len 8th
(57 .0) I’m Imposing 2000m R’wickSummer Cup dead trk Dec 26 . Ran a very
game 4th in the Villiers two back then never on the track in latest . Hasn’t won
for a while but he is back down in grade .
ALL LEGAL (Kevin Moses) 7g By Al Maher - Azardi (40:6-4-4): Second-up when
8-1/4 len 12th (56 .0) White Sage 1500m R’hill Festival Stakes dead trk Nov
30 . Dropped in class but again safely held at mammoth odds 6-1/2 len 10th
(55 .5) Limes 1400m R’hill (Bm95) Dec 21 . Off another three week break .
Battling to regain best form . Looking elsewhere for the winner .
EIGELSTEIN (C J Waller) 6g By Dubawi - Estefania (22:4-6-3): Was vetted following first-up 5-3/4 len 8th (57 .0) Limes 1400m R’hill 3yo+ (Bm95) Dec
21 . Made steady ground for 4-3/4 len 7th (57 .0) Mecir 1400m R’hill 3yo+
(Bm95) Jan 4 . On a seven day back-up here after making some late ground
at Rosehill at 20-1 . Fitter . Needs a solid tempo and some cushion . Chance
in multiples .
GANGSTER’S CHOICE (J A O’Shea) 6g By Stratum - Brave Choice (27:6-4-3): Off
a two month lay-off when 1-1/4 len, hd 3rd (54 .0) Limes, Babel 1400m R’hill
(Bm95) Dec 21 . Blundered at start and returned lame after honest 3-3/4 len
5th (54 .0) Mecir 1400m R’hill (Bm95) Jan 4 when well specked . Fitter for two
runs from a 70 day break . Well in the market last outing when blundered at
the start . His last win was at 1600m . Danger .
HONOURABLE AUSSIE (John Thompson) 7g By Honours List - Beach Barbie
(42:10-3-2): Second run back from break when finished 6-1/4 len 9th (54 .0)
Limes 1400m R’hill (Bm95) Dec 21 . In early trouble and hung in over concluding stages of 4-1/2 len 6th (54 .0) Messene 1550m C’bury Hcp Dec 28 . Might
be ready to show something at his fourth run back but failure to place in five
previous starts this venue a concern . Drawn to effect .
JACQUINOT BAY (G H Walter) 6g By Galileo - La La Land (13:6-1-0): Second
run back from break when finished 3 len 7th (54 .0) Aeronautical 1150m
Randwick-Kensington Razor Sharp Hcp Dec 14 . Dropped in class from two
recent Listed assignments and in the market but very disappointing and
reported to have recovered poorly when 7-1/4 len 9th (54 .0) Mecir 1400m
R’hill (Bm95) Jan 4 . Was a bit disappointing (recovered poorly) at Rosehill last
Saturday when coming back from Listed assignments . He’s a winner here and
placed only other time this t/d . Can improve sharply .
SAINTHOOD (Rick Worthington) 8g By Lonhro - Bonne Famille (36:4-6-1): Among
first beaten when 7-1/2 len 9th (57 .0) Salon Soldier 1600m R’wick (Bm90)
Oct 12 . Off break when 60-1 and clear last before making minor ground
4 len 9th (59 .0) Emblems 1200m R’hill (Bm84) Dec 21 . Found it too short
first-up . Winner only other time over this track and trip . Can improve into
the placings .
IMPERIL (Peter Snowden) 4g By Commands - Crisis (15:3-4-1): Issued strong
challenge hd 2nd (59 .0) Mighty Lucky 1500m R’hill (Bm79) Dec 21 . Fav last
week but took time to settle and hit the rail near the 1000m when 2-1/4 len
5th (59 .0) Two Blue 1500m R’hill (Bm80) Jan 4 . Beaten fav when found some
trouble under the big impost at Rosehill last Saturday . Quick back-up a good
sign and right down in the weights . Well worth another look .
6 Ibis Milano Lunch Special-Bm80 3.55
1400 metres
1–X146 Territory dh (1) . . . . . . . L R Dittman (a3)
2–1653 Field Marshall m (8) . . Lester Grace (a2)
3–2225 Imperil dmbh (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
4–6917 Calvo td (3) . . . . . . . . . .Y Ichikawa (a3)
5–9832 Number One Gun mb (5) . . . .Scratched
6–7335 Monbazillac (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr
10 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
BEST BET: I’ve Got The Looks
Daily Double:
Races 6 & 8
5 Western Sydney Hcp 3.15
1600 metres
Kontiki Park tcdm (6) . . . .A Hyeronimus
Said Com m (4) . . . . . . . . . .G Schofield
Monton cm (3) . . . . . S Clipperton (a1 .5)
All Legal cdm (5) . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
Eigelstein m (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
Gangster’s Choice tdn (10) L Grace (a2)
Honourable Aussie dmn (2) . . B Avdulla
Jacquinot Bay tdm (9) . . . .Ms K O’Hara
Sainthood ch (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Ford
Imperil dmbh (8) . . . . . . . . . . .Scratched
59 .5
58 .5
57 .5
56 .5
Rastro m (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla
Sir Berus ch (2) . . . . . . . . . .G Schofield
Pleiades dh (10) . . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
Rolston mh (6) . . . . . . . . . . . .Scratched
Plutorius dm (7) . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
Hollywood Bound mb (11) . . .Scratched
55 .5
55 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.00 Field Marshall, Imperil 4.80
Territory 7.50 Monbazillac, Sir Berus 10.00 Pleiades 11.00
Rastro 14.00 Calvo 61.00 Plutorius
Pleiades, Sir Berus, Monbazillac, Hollywood Bound
TERRITORY (J M Austin) 6g By Lonhro - Dominions (23:3-2-7): Won a 1150m
Bm85 event on the Kensington first-up, then raced deep in 3-1/2 len 4th
(58 .5) Emblems 1150m Randwick-Kensington (Bm85) Dec 7 . Took time to
settle then worked home okay for 2-1/2 len 6th (54 .0) Limes 1400m R’hill
(Bm95) Dec 21 . Was working into it late in stronger company at Rosehill . Has
a mountain of weight here but must come in for consideration .
FIELD MARSHALL (C J Waller) 4g By Danewin - Leander Hall (13:3-2-2):
Covered extra ground when 3-1/2 len 5th (57 .5) Emblems 1150m RandwickKensington (Bm85) Dec 7 . Again caught deep but showed some fight 1/2
len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (59 .5) Knoydart, Petrify 1250m C’bury E&G-Bm80 Dec
28 . Game showing when he was never on the track at Canterbury . Query at
1400m but gets 2kg off for Laster Grace and well worth another look .
IMPERIL (Peter Snowden) 4g By Commands - Crisis (15:3-4-1): Third successive
runner’s-up cheque when hd 2nd (59 .0) Mighty Lucky 1500m R’hill (Bm79)
Dec 21 . Overraced near 1000m and struck the rail when beaten fav 2-1/4 len
5th (59 .0) Two Blue 1500m R’hill (Bm80) Jan 4 . Beaten fav at Rosehill over
1500m last Saturday . The quick back-up is a good sign . Well worth another
look switching back to 1400m on his home track .
CALVO (L W Curtis) 7g By Spinning World - Penniaire (32:7-3-1): Got up at long
odds sht nk win (56 .5) Imperil, Koroibete 1500m R’hill (Bm75) dead trk Nov
30 . Faded off the speed 3-3/4 len 7th (56 .5) Mighty Lucky 1500m R’hill
(Bm79) Dec 21 . Surprise winner in BM75 company over 1500m at R’hill two
back but was unable to repeat that feat when back up in grade in latest . Sure
to be prominent and runs a strong 1400m .
NUMBER ONE GUN (J A O’Shea) 5g By Mossman - Graphite Lass (20:4-44): Gave good sight in 3/4 len, 2-1/2 len 3rd (55 .5) Medusa’s Miss, Your
Excellency 1250m C’bury 3yo+ Rs0ly Dec 13 . Fav when led by a space after
early blunder 2-1/2 len
2nd (55 .5) Rowie 1400m Randwick-Kensington 3yo+ Rst0-Ly Dec 20 . Since
recorded 3 len win Bull Point, Charlie Boy 1050m R’wick Barrier Trial dead trk
Jan 3 . Has been knocking on the door and kept sharp with a recent trial win
at Randwick . Right in this .
MONBAZILLAC (P G Moody) 4g By Fastnet Rock - Best French (13:3-2-2): Didn’t
get much room in straight when 2-1/4 len, len 3rd (54 .0) Emblems, Tahitian
Black 1150m Randwick-Kensington (Bm85) Dec 7 . Ridden back, switched
out for drive and finished solidly 2-1/4 len 5th (56 .5) Knoydart 1250m C’bury
E&G-Bm80 Dec 28 . Backmarker who has been finding the line with plenty of
purpose lately . Might be looking for this trip now .
RASTRO (C J Waller) 4g By Mossman - Raise A Dane (20:2-6-3): Right in the
firing line with lg hd, sht nk 3rd (58 .0) Zauberflote, Fantastic Ballad 1200m
W Farm (Bm75) Dec 11 . Stalked pace from the outside gate when 1-1/4 len
5th (58 .0) Rolston 1350m R’hill (Bm75) Dec 21 . Hasn’t been far off them of
late in slightly weaker assignments . Placed both previous starts this venue .
Well worth an eachway ticket .
SIR BERUS (Joseph Pride) 4g By Dane Shadow - Al Terzo (21:4-2-5): Hampered
near turn and again met with some trouble mid stretch when 2-1/2 len 8th
(55 .5) Rolston 1350m R’hill (Bm75) Dec 21 . Came from midfield on bend for
3/4 len, 2-1/4 len 3rd (58 .0) Black Jag, Fortunefivehundred 1550m C’bury
(Bm75) Dec 28 . Ran on steadily under 58kg at Canterbury last outing but he’s
back up in class for this . Chance in multiples .
PLEIADES (Peter Snowden) 4m By Redoute’s Choice - Steflara (10:3-2-2):
First-up got back after some early dramas and made some minor ground
late when 3-1/2 len 10th (56 .0) Holy Delusions 1150m Randwick-Kensington
F&M (Bm78) Dec 14 . Much better away and stalked leader before kicking on
to score a narrow sht hd win (54 .5) Daline, Wine ‘n’ Dine 1400m R’wick Rst1
dead trk Dec 26 . Coming off a gritty on pace win over this trip at Randwick
on Boxing day . Fitter . Only goes up 0 .5kg . Stays under notice .
ROLSTON (P O’Grady) 5g By Ad Valorem - Glenbawn (28:2-5-4): Landed some
good bets (60-1 into 30-1) scoring 1/2 len win (54 .0) Two Blue, Vilanova
1350m R’hill (Bm75) Dec 21 . Overraced middle stages and safely held 6-1/2
len 11th (56 .0) Turbulent Jet 1350m R’hill (Bm75) Jan 4 . Surprise win over
1350m at R’hill two back but was unable to emulate that in latest . Two wins
from 28 starts is a worry .
PLUTORIUS (Kevin Moses) 5g By Holy Roman Emperor - Almaaseh (15:3-1-1):
Camped behind lead and boxed away 1-1/4 len 4th (56 .0) Supreme Warrior
1600m W Farm Rst1 Aug 14 . Sent to paddock after 5-1/2 len 13th (55 .5)
Talent 1600m W Farm (Bm70) Aug 28 . Prepared for return with 5th Under
The Sun 1050m R’wick barrier trial heavy trk Dec 16 . Won over this trip
at Randwick first-up last campaign but form after only moderate . Check
market moves .
HOLLYWOOD BOUND (C J Waller) 4g By Royal Academy - Sutton Rarju (16:2-44): Issued strong challenge 1/2 hd 2nd (57 .0) Soul Crusade 1800m E Farm
Rst1 Sept 7 . Final run in Qld stable fav when 1/2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (55 .5)
Borehole, How Fairdinkum 1805m E Farm (Bm80) Sept 21 . Since finished hd
2nd Lady Krovanh 900m R’hill barrier trial Dec 24 . Ex Qlder having first run
for Chris Waller . Trialled solidly . Has won to 1500m in Qld and that was at E
Farm . Market watch advised .
Ends Warwick Farm comment race six
7 TAB.Com.Au (Bm75) 4.35
1600 metres
1–X0X8 Rhyno Chaser m (2) . . . . . . . . R Brewer
2–X744 Hunter Jack mn (1) . . . .Y Ichikawa (a3)
3–4223 Runhardasun (5) . . . . . . . . .G Schofield
4–4010 Druid d (9) . . . . . . . . . . Ms J Taylor (a3)
5–4837 Letchworth dmh (8) . . Lester Grace (a2)
6–0X82 Fortunefivehundred n (6) . . . . . . C Reith
7–X606 Abeautifulred dm (7) . . . . . . . . . . .J Ford
8–X056 Lucarno dm (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Clark
9–523X Hollywood Bound mb (3) . . . K Mc Evoy
10–X421 Star Of Helicon h (11) S Clipperton (a1 .5)
11–4830 Divertire h (10) . . . . . . . . . .Ms K O’Hara
12–X990 Vision Splendid t (12) . . . . . . . B Avdulla
59 .5
57 .5
56 .5
56 .5
55 .5
55 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.00 Runhardasun 4.20 Hunter Jack
6.00 Fortunefivehundred 7.50 Star Of Helicon 9.50
Divertire 16.00 Druid, Letchworth 17.00 Hollywood Bound,
Vision Splendid 21.00 Abeautifulred, Lucarno 51.00 Rhyno
Star Of Helicon, Hunter Jack, Fortunefivehundred,
RHYNO CHASER (D Fromberg) 8g By Catcher In The Rye - Surfari (25:2-2-1): He
had one run for Sam Kavanagh in SA when he finished 2-1/2 len 13th (61 .0)
Glacial Miss 1200m M’ville (81) Mar 31 (2012) . Off a very long spell when
100-1 and safely held 5 len 8th (58 .5) Prior Baron 1300m Scone Open Hcp
Dec 13 . Long time since this fellow has been anywhere near his best . Would
prefer him in something a bit easier .
HUNTER JACK (T R Martin) 4g By Stratum - Takeiteasyedye (13:2-2-1): Made
steady ground for 1-1/2 len 4th (57 .5) Koroibete 1350m R’hill (Bm75) Nov
16 . Hampered near 400m before working home from back half of the field to
just miss a place 1-1/4 len 4th (57 .5) Rolston 1350m R’hill (Bm75) Dec 21 .
Gets back and runs on as evidenced in latest eyecatcher at Rosehill . Might be
looking for this trip now, just needs a good tempo .
RUNHARDASUN (C J Waller) 4g By Haradasun - Our Madison (11:2-2-1): Battled
away in the small field 1-1/4 len 2nd (54 .0) Pentometer 2000m R’hill Rst1
Dec 21 . Another solid display last Saturday when 1-1/2 len, hd 3rd (57 .5)
Dolphi’s Boy, Diamond Jim 2000m R’hill (Bm74) Jan 4 . Has been a model
of consistency lately over longer assignments . Must be included among the
better prospects .
DRUID (R J Price) 9g By Bite The Bullet - Annunaki (58:8-3-9): Added to tally
sht nk win (58 .0) Faust, Recess 1600m Goulburn (Bm65) Dec 12 . 20-1 when
tossed his rider at the start (53 .5) Black Jag 1550m C’bury (Bm75) Dec 28 .
Veteran who jumped away awkwardly and threw his rider off last outing . Good
win at Goulburn prior but this is harder .
LETCHWORTH (M C Conners) 7g By King Cugat - Marie’s Basket (69:9-8-6):
Led, only claimed last bit sht nk, lg hd 3rd (59 .5) Senta Desert, Runhardasun
1900m C’bury (Bm70) Dec 13 . Ran race in patches when faded late 5-1/4 len
7th (58 .0) Big Memory 1900m C’bury (Bm74) dead trk Dec 28 . Faded under
pressure and the big impost at Canterbury . Better placed switching back to
this trip and goes forward . Could surprise .
FORTUNEFIVEHUNDRED (A J Cummings) 5g By Fastnet Rock - Money Begets
Money (19:2-3-2): Similarly placed throughout 4-1/2 len 8th (52 .0) Emblems
1150m Randwick-Kensington (Bm85) Dec 7 . Stalked leader and kept on 3/4
len 2nd (55 .0) Black Jag 1550m C’bury (Bm75) Dec 28 . Wins have come over
longer assignments but can’t treat lightly after latest solid performance at
Canterbury . Each-way appeal .
ABEAUTIFULRED (J G Sargent) 5m By Handsome Ransom - You Beauty (24:21-3): Second-up when among first beaten after racing deep 6-1/2 len last
(54 .5) Piamimi 1400m W Farm F&M Rst1 Dec 11 . Clear leader but got a stitch
mid-stretch 5-1/2 len last (54 .5) Acapela 1600m R’wick F&M (Bm83) dead trk
Dec 26 . Suited by the class drop and getting fitter but she does need to find
something extra . Prefer others .
LUCARNO (Ms K Waugh) 7g By Noverre - Averna (29:4-6-2): Second-up when
whacked away for midfield finish 4-1/4 len 5th (56 .0) Barachello 1350m
Wyong (Bm70) Dec 19 . With leader but didn’t go on at 25-1 7 len 6th (54 .0)
Laidback Larry 1600m R’wick Rst1 dead trk Jan 1 . Faded to beat only a
couple home over this trip at Randwick on New Years Day . He needs to
find plenty .
HOLLYWOOD BOUND (C J Waller) 4g By Royal Academy - Sutton Rarju (16:2-44): Issued strong challenge 1/2 hd 2nd (57 .0) Soul Crusade 1800m E Farm
Rst1 Sept 7 . Final run in Qld stable fav when 1/2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (55 .5)
Borehole, How Fairdinkum 1805m E Farm (Bm80) Sept 21 . Since finished hd
2nd Lady Krovanh 900m R’hill barrier trial Dec 24 . Had solid form up north .
Now with the Chris Waller . Trialled solidly . Market watch strongly advised .
STAR OF HELICON (G D Hickman) 5m By Fusaichi Pegasus - Alpine Echo (24:37-3): Charged along inside from midfield to just miss nk 2nd (55 .5) Target In
Sight 1200m Gosford C2 Dec 5 . Ridden more aggressively and kept on well
for 1/2 len win (55 .5) Our Celladoor, Divertire 1400m Randwick-Kensington
F&M (Bm74) Dec 20 . Game on pace win over 1400m on the Kensington track
before Christmas . Has placed this t/d albeit in F&M company . Harder now
but keep under notice .
DIVERTIRE (G H Walter) 4m By Econsul - Paris Sweep (9:1-1-2): Worked home
gamely from midfield after not best away 1/2 len, sht nk 3rd (55 .5) Star Of
Helicon, Our Celladoor 1400m Randwick-Kensington F&M (Bm74) Dec 20 .
20-1 last Saturday when 4-3/4 len 10th (54 .0) Two Blue 1500m R’hill (Bm80)
Jan 4 . Form up and down but she does drop in class from Rosehill last
Saturday so an improved showing is on the cards . Rough place hope .
VISION SPLENDID (G H Walter) 4m By Street Sense - Skewiff (12:1-0-1): Got
back and only got going late when 2-3/4 len 9th (54 .0) Rolston 1350m R’hill
(Bm75) Dec 21 . 30-1 when safely held after an awkward start 5-1/2 len last
(54 .0) Two Blue 1500m R’hill (Bm80) Jan 4 . Did little at 30-1 last Saturday .
Would prefer to see her going around in something a bit easier .
8 Warwick Farm (Bm90) 5.28
1000 metres
1–2441 Didntcostalot tdmh (2) . . . . . . B Avdulla
2–2471 Floral Insight cdm (5) Ms K Stanley (a3)
3–X578 Planet Voyage dmn (12) . . . . .Scratched
4–6X8X Hood m (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ms K O’Hara
5–8612 Social Rank cdm (6) . . Ms R Murray (a3)
6–2142 Tahitian Black chn (1) . . . . . . . Tim Clark
7–661X Excellent Point m (10) Lester Grace (a2)
8–219X Let’s Rock’n’roll dbh (11) . . . . . . . J Parr
9–X628 Shamus cdmh (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith
10–3171 Mighty Obvious cdm (3) . . . .G Schofield
11–57X0 Diamond To Pegasus d (9) . . . . . .J Ford
12–4X0X Matignon dmh (8) . . . . . . . . . K Mc Evoy
60 .5
60 .5
58 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.20 Didntcostalot 4.80 Let’s Rock’n’roll,
Tahitian Black 6.00 Shamus 9.00 Matignon 11.00 Excellent
Point 15.00 Hood, Social Rank 21.00 Mighty Obvious 26.00
Floral Insight 61.00 Diamond To Pegasus
Let’s Rock’n’roll, Tahitian Black, Excellent Point,
Social Rank
DIDNTCOSTALOT (M C Conners) 5g By Danerich - Costi (21:6-4-0): Stalked the
leader but outgunned 2-1/4 len 4th (51 .0) Hidden Warrior 1100m R’hill Fly
Nov 2 . Off a six week break when stalked the leader and found a strong kick
for 1-1/2 len win (56 .5) Social Rank, Shivarchi 1000m Randwick-Kensington
Fly Dec 20 . Impressive win from just off the speed on the Kensington when off
a 48 day break . He’s two from 2 at home . Stays under notice .
FLORAL INSIGHT (J Delaney) 6g By Floral Dynamite - Please Believe (54:168-16): Handily placed but lacked his usual change of gears when 3-3/4 len
7th (54 .0) Didntcostalot 1000m Randwick-Kensington Fly Dec 20 . Back on
top at a much easier level with 1-1/2 len win (63 .0) Lone Assassin, Sorcha
Rose 1010m Inverell Open Hcp Jan 1 . Carted a whopping 63kg to victory at
Inverell . One of the most consistent gallopers in NSW and stats are very good
this t/d (6:2-0-3) . Each-way .
PLANET VOYAGE (P G Moody) 4g By Exceed And Excel - Pasikatera (20:5-5-4):
Second-up when 3 len 7th (55 .5) Esprit De Bullet 1000m M Valley Open Hcp
dead trk Nov 23 . Freshened and sent to Sydney stable where he faded off the
pace and vetted after 6-1/4 len last (58 .0) Didntcostalot 1000m RandwickKensington Fly Dec 20 . Disappointing on the Kensington last outing but he is a
four-time winner this trip down south . Has 59kg but can improve sharply .
HOOD (G H Walter) 7g By Shamardal - Whisked (24:5-3-2): Improved before turn
but unable to suatain run 6-1/4 len 6th (54 .0) Malavio 1400m R’hill Civic Qlty
slow trk June 30 (2012) . Only run last year in the market but did little in the
wet 12-3/4 len last (54 .0) Skytrain 1200m W Farm Southern Cross heavy trk
Feb 23 . Resumes off a 46 week break without a trial . Has a 50% win rate
fresh but betting the best guide after such a long period of absence .
SOCIAL RANK (P M Perry) 6g By Stratum - Leonina (26:8-1-4): Returned to
form scoring 3/4 len win (55 .5) Big Money, Mr Hurley 1100m C’bury Rst0-Ly
Dec 4 . In usual front running role again but found one better 1-1/2 len 2nd
(52 .0) Didntcostalot 1000m Randwick-Kensington Fly Dec 20 . Speedster
who has found some form last couple . Goes to 57kg today but could again
take running down .
TAHITIAN BLACK (David Pfieffer) 6g By Lonhro - Perle (34:7-3-3): Found form
winning a 1100m Bm75 event at Rosehill before len 4th (57 .0) Territory
1150m Randwick-Kensington (Bm85) Nov 23 . Over same route had some
specking when forced to check at top of stretch but ran on solidly again 2-1/4
len 2nd (57 .0) Emblems 1150m Randwick-Kensington (Bm85) Dec 7 . Form
honest this campaign incl a Bm75 win over 1100m at Rosehill three runs
back . Fresh . Among the hopes .
EXCELLENT POINT (D P Smith) 7g By Exceed And Excel - Sharp Awakening
(31:5-7-3): Didn’t jump on terms and had a checkered run when closing late
2-3/4 len 6th (51 .0) Master Harry 1100m R’hill (Bm95) slow trk July 6 . Put
away on a high note when powered to line and struck the rail but still managed 1/2 hd win (57 .5) Mount Nebo, Turnley 1200m R’hill (Bm80) slow trk
July 20 . Trialled twice for return, latest 1/2 hd win Leviosa, Get On The Grange
1007m Taree barrier trial Jan 3 . Newcastle sprinter who will give plenty of
cheek fresh . Runner-up two of 3 previous runs this venue .
LET’S ROCK’N’ROLL (Joseph Pride) 5g By Fastnet Rock - Crepe De Chine (12:36-0): Led and cleared out for 3-3/4 len win (59 .5) Agent, Aroused 1000m
Hawkesbury (Bm75) Aug 22 . Fav when again on the speed but folded late
and vetted/spelled after 4-3/4 len 9th (55 .0) Magic Cassius 900m Newcastle
Open Hcp dead trk Sept 18 . Registered 1-1/4 len win Casino Swoop,
Prinsengracht 728m R’wick barrier trial dead trk Jan 3 . Fitted with two city
trial wins . Short-course specialist and runner-up only other time this t/d .
Lightweight hope fresh .
SHAMUS (Joseph Pride) 7g By Shamardal - Denia (23:5-5-2): Issued strong
challenge nose 2nd (56 .5) Field Marshall 1000m R’wick (Bm85) Nov 9 .
Wasn’t disgraced in the bunched finish 1-3/4 len 8th (62 .5) Inside Job 1000m
Randwick-Kensington (Bm75) Nov 29 . Was never on the track when battled
home with the enormous impost last outing . Up in class but he’ll appreciate
the weight relief and has won or placed three from 4 this t/d .
MIGHTY OBVIOUS (J C McNair) 8g By Fubu - Self Evident (62:10-8-7): Won Taree
1000m BM70 before 4 len 7th (58 .5) Inside Job 1100m C’bury (Bm75) Dec
18 . Back home and shared lead before kicking on determinedly for 3/4 len
win (58 .0) Magical Lady, Tinszelda 1000m Gosford (Bm70) Dec 31 . Veteran
who has won two of his last three outings . Up in class but drops to the limit
here . Should be prominent from outset .
DIAMOND TO PEGASUS (T Sergi) 5g By Fusaichi Pegasus - Exo (26:6-0-2):
30-1 when always rearward 10-3/4 len 7th (58 .5) Let’s Rock’n’roll 1000m
Hawkesbury (Bm75) Aug 22 . First-up 60-1 when jumped at rear and was
never in the picture 7-1/2 len last (57 .5) Rose Of Falvelon 1100m C’bury
(Bm75) dead trk Dec 28 . Failed to come up last campaign and was again
safely held at Canterbury first-up . Won three times at the trip but right up
in class for this .
MATIGNON (G H Walter) 5m By Lonhro - Palais (15:2-3-1): Overraced near tail
but closed late for 2-1/2 len 4th (54 .0) Choice Words 1200m W Farm Wenona
Girl Mar 16 . Only run this season was hampered early and vetted/spelled after
5-1/2 len 11th (57 .5) Words Are Weapons 1100m W Farm F&M (Bm75) Aug
14 . Prepared for return with 2 len 2nd Wayward Snip 800m W Farm barrier
trial slow trk Nov 21 . Spring campaign was abandoned after only the one run
last time . Trialled okay and both wins were first-up this trip .
A young African lion has died after getting its head caught in cables in its cage at an Indonesian zoo notorious for hundreds of
animal deaths in recent years.
Hundreds board the ‘Elvis Express’
By Rebekah Ison
Sydney’s Central Station has
been enlivened by the spirit
of the King with hundreds of
Elvis fans preparing to board
the “Elvis Express”.
Elvis fans dance prior to boarding the Elvis Express train bound for the Parkes Elvis Festival,
at Central Railway Station, in Sydney.
PICTURE: AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts
Some wore ill-fitting wigs and
others wore altered jumpsuits for
the trip yesterday.
One Elvis fan showed off her 30year-old forearm tattoo of his face.
It’s the 12th year that NSW
TrainLink has organised the express
to the Elvis festival at Parkes in
NSW’s central west.
This year the train was sold out
with about 300 fans spending $179
each on the round trip.
Two Elvis tribute artists will
move from carriage to carriage
entertaining fans during the sevenhour journey.
Elias Jamhour has been performing on the Elvis Express for
four years.
He told AAP that performing on
the train was always fun but could
get wild.
“I think they [wild fans] should
be ashamed of themselves to be
honest,” he joked.
“There were a few instances last
year that had me a little bit worried.”
The Parkes Elvis Festival has
been running for more than 20
years and kicked off on Wednesday
on what would have been Elvis’s
79th birthday.
Barbara Clarke is celebrating her
40th birthday by attending the festival for the first time.
She dragged her best friend all
the way from Brisbane for the
The friends say they’re excited to
meet Cynthia Pepper who starred
alongside The King in Kissin’
Cousins, this year’s festival theme.
They’ll attend a morning tea
with the 60s star where they say
they plan to ask her, “Did you kiss
Elvis and what was it like?”
The festival runs until Sunday,
January 12, and is expected to
attract about 18,000 people.
NSW TrainLink Promotions
Officer and Elvis fan Cameron
Nicholls says the Elvis Express is
“just a fun and safe way” of getting
to Parkes and he hopes it continues
for many years to come.
Mystery deaths
haunt mourners
By Kym Agius
Sunshine Coast mother and
daughter Noelene and Yvana
Bischoff played together and
travelled together, but the mystery of how they died together in
Bali lingers.
The pair died after becoming violently ill on Saturday, less than 24
hours after checking in to a beachfront resort on the holiday island.
There has been speculation
they ate toxic fish and although
Indonesian authorities have agreed
for an autopsy to be done in
Queensland, they also want to continue their investigation after finding 29 types of medication in the
Bischoffs’ hotel room.
A family spokeswoman, however, says the Indonesian investigation isn’t expected to hold up the
repatriation of the bodies for more
than 48 hours.
The day before they died, the
mother and daughter, 54 and 14,
were seen seemingly fit and well at
an elephant farm.
More than 400 mourners remembered them at a memorial service
in Caloundra yesterday, hearing
that the two were inseparable from
the start, when Noelene, a nurse,
drove herself to hospital for Yvana’s
Yvana’s words were heard at
the service when a brief written
assignment on her life was read by
Noelene’s cousin and principal of
her Caloundra Christian College,
Mark Hodges.
She talks about her love of animals and her passion to become a
horse vet, but her relationship with
her mother is what truly shaped
“My mum is my greatest hero,
she made me who I am today,” she
“She is amazing, simply amazing.
“She has been my biggest influence, she has taught me everything,
how to talk - literally - and how to
be a friend.”
Their bond was demonstrated
early on when, as a baby, Yvana
would scream at everyone but her
“She was a bit of a handful for
the first couple of years and only
accepted Noelene,” brother-in-law
Kevin Bowe said.
“She finally settled down and
from there on they were the best of
friends and it was a pleasure to be in
their company.”
Noelene was a nurse at Caloundra
hospital, but avoided promotions to
dedicate time to her daughter and
her mother, Jean.
Colleague Linda King said that
most of the staff knew Yvana,
who’d call to say good morning
or good night when her mother
worked shifts.
Ms King said of Noelene: “She
brought grace, composure and
competence to the most hairy situations.
“She didn’t live presuming she
had time left over, she didn’t, they
Throw book at king hitters: PM
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has decried the
“insidious” king hit culture sweeping Sydney,
saying police and the courts should throw the
book at offenders.
Sydney has recently witnessed an increase in socalled king hit attacks, which has led to calls for a
tougher approach to alcohol-fuelled violence.
Mr Abbott condemned what he said was the “rise
of the disturbed individual”.
“Who goes out not looking for a fight, but
looking for a victim,” he told Macquarie Radio
Describing the attacks as “utterly cowardly”,
brutal and gratuitous, Mr Abbott said offenders
should be treated with “appropriate severity”.
“This is a vicious, horrible change, and I think
that really the police, the courts, the judges, ought
to absolutely throw the book at people who perpetrate this kind of gratuitous, unprovoked violence,”
he said.
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in jam
A political furore has erupted surrounding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie after the release of emails and text
messages suggesting one of his top aides deliberately created traffic jams last September to punish a local mayor.
No trial for man
who stabbed wife
A man who bashed his wife’s head in with a
tow ball before stabbing her in the back while
she slept in bed will not be tried for her murder.
Trevor Zischke, 54, was charged with murdering his 55-year-old wife, whose body was found
in the bedroom of their Bracken Ridge home
in Brisbane’s north in May 2012. But he was
declared to be mentally ill or incapacitated by
the Mental Health Court in Brisbane in October
and will not face trial. AAP
Driver ‘who ran down
man’ on murder charge
A young man has been charged with murder after allegedly running over a middle-aged man following an argument at a
service station in the NSW southern tablelands. The 43-year-old man was found dead
in a Queanbeyan home on Sunday, about
two weeks after he was allegedly hit by a
20-year-old Camry driver, police say. On the
evening of December 20 the men had argued
at a service station in the town. Both left but
soon afterwards the older man was run over,
police allege.
Worker falls 30 metres
to his death in Sydney
A man has fallen 30 metres to his death from
scaffolding at a building site in the Barangaroo
redevelopment in central Sydney. The death
has prompted a union to accuse the Lend Lease
construction company of failing to supervise
workers properly at the site. But the company
has rejected the accusation as a union attempt
to score points off a tragic incident. Ambulance
officers were called to the Hickson Road site
at about 8.30am yesterday but were unable to
revive the man, who was pronounced dead at
the scene.
Participants play 25 pianos in front of the Victorian Arts Centre. Arts Centre Melbourne presents Play Me, I’m
Yours as part of the internationally touring artwork devised by British artist Luke Jerram for three weeks from
January 9 to 27.
Escape due to weak security
The boss of Western
Australia’s prisons has admitted weaknesses in the security
of prison vans were partly to
blame for the escape of a dangerous rapist last week.
Cameron John Graham was
just weeks into an 11-year
sentence for rape when he was
permitted to move closer to his
family in the north of the state
for Christmas.
It was during his transfer by
private prison contractor Serco
last Friday that Graham and a
fellow prisoner broke out of a
prison van, stole a car and went
on the run for days - sparking a
furious public reaction.
New Corrective Services
commissioner James McMahon
admitted the reasons for the
escape were “procedural and
While he refused to detail
those issues for security
reasons, he said security had
been beefed up.
“I have put directives in
place that fix those issues ...
and that is important because
I need to know I can transport
prisoners securely,” Mr
McMahon said.
Corrective Services Minister
Joe Francis again apologised
for the escape and said he
would be addressing whether
Serco should cover the cost
of the prisoners’ recapture in
a face-to-face meeting next
Going on Holidays? Defence staff
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12 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
humane: chief
By Adam Gartrell
and Adam Bennett
Defence chief General David
Hurley has rejected claims
Australian navy personnel mistreated asylum seekers, while not denying reports that boats were towed
back to Indonesia.
General Hurley says Defence
personnel conduct themselves in a
“humane and considerate” way while
protecting Australia’s borders, contrary
to the claims of the asylum seekers who
say members of the navy verbally and
physically mistreated them.
One, 28-year-old Yousif Ibrahim of
Sudan, told news agency AFP they were
handcuffed and called insulting names
during a voyage back to Indonesia this
“We asked for water, they didn’t
want to give us,” he said.
“They called us inhuman words,
like illegal refugees, monkeys from
General Hurley did not confirm the
tow-back operation took place, but he
issued a statement disputing the asylum
seekers’ account.
“Defence Force personnel assigned
to Operation Resolute are required to
conduct operations in an unpredictable
and demanding environment under
intense scrutiny,” he said.
“They are trained to operate with the
highest degree of professionalism and
integrity and consistently demonstrate
great compassion and courage, often at
great risk to their own safety.”
Conflicting messages are coming
from Indonesia about its views of
Australia’s turn-back policy, with
Indonesian military commander General
Moeldoko saying he has discussed the
measure with General Hurley in recent
“Therefore, we do not need to feel
offended,” the Jakarta Post quoted
Moeldoko as saying.
His apparent sanction of the policy
contradicts the opposition of Indonesian
Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa,
who on Tuesday said turn-backs were
“not a solution”.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott on
Thursday defended the government’s
He said he preferred to be a “closed
book” than give rise to “mischiefmaking”.
“The point is not to provide sport for
public discussion, the point is to stop
the boats,” Mr Abbott told Macquarie
“I’m pleased to say it is now several
weeks since we’ve had a boat, and the
less we talk about operational details on
the water, the better when it comes to
stopping the boats.”
But Opposition Leader Bill Shorten
said it was time Mr Abbott told the
public what was happening.
“The government needs to stop
hiding the truth and start answering the
most basic questions,” he told reporters.
Free to be
British government plans for new laws to penalise “annoying” behaviour have been defeated 306 to 178 in the House
of Lords by critics who warned they might be used against anybody from carol singers to nudists.
Chemical blast kills five
By Shingo Ito
An explosion at a
Japanese factory that had
previously attracted the
attention of safety inspectors has killed at least
five people and injured a
dozen more.
The blast happened in
the early afternoon at the
plant in the central city of
Yokkaichi, when maintenance crews were working
on a heat exchanger used
in the production of silicon
products, a plant spokesman
told AFP.
Initial reports put the death
toll at two, but they were
quickly revised upwards.
“Five people are dead.
Twelve people have been
injured, of whom nine sustained only minor injuries,”
said a spokeswoman at Mie
prefectural police.
A separate police spokesman told AFP the plant, run
by Mitsubishi Materials,
makes parts for solar panels and cars, using polymers
made from silicon, hydrogen
and chlorine.
“An explosion occurred
but there is no fire. We
received an emergency call
at 2.09pm and at 2.21pm the
incident appeared to have
calmed down,” he said.
Television footage showed
about a dozen firefighters
setting out stretchers for
victims at the site, where a
pipe appeared to have fallen to the ground and other
machinery parts were scattered nearby.
“I heard a boom and saw
white smoke rising from the
plant,” a 56-year-old worker
at a nearby plant was quoted
by the Sankei Shimbun as
saying. “I don’t remember
there ever being such a serious accident in Yokkaichi
A separate police spokes-
woman said detailed inspections to determine the cause
of the accident had not yet
begun because of the danger of secondary explosions,
although she added that
there was no known risk of
a toxic chemical leak.
Hiroki Morofuji, an official at the plant, said the
blast had involved maintenance workers at the
premises, sited in a heavily
industrialised region.
whose headquarters are in
Tokyo, makes a range of
products including car parts,
silicon wafers for memory
chips used in consumer elec-
tronics, and cement for road
and bridge construction.
“Some 170 people were
working at the plant,” a
Tokyo-based spokesman
“Operation at the plant
has been suspended. We still
don’t know the cause of the
He confirmed a report by
Dow Jones Newswires that
the Yokkaichi factory was
ordered by local officials
to shut down for several
months in 2010 after an onsite inspection discovered it
was generating high-pressure gas without necessary
The company, which
reported sales of about
$US12.2 billion ($A13.73
billion) in its latest fiscal
year, has more than 22,000
employees and operations
across the globe including
in the United States, Brazil,
Germany and India, according to its website.
The death toll is the largest in an industrial accident
in Japan since an undersea
tunnel collapsed at an oil
refinery in February 2012,
trapping five people.
In October last year a fire
at a hospital in southern
Japan killed at least 10 people, including staff. -AFP
Space station to
stay until 2024
The International Space Station will operate for
an additional four years, or until 2024, the US space
agency says.
“This is a tremendous announcement for us
here in the space station world,” said William
Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for NASA’s
Human Exploration and Operations Mission
The $US100 billion ($A112 billion) orbiting outpost has been operational for 15 years, and had been
expected to remain open to 2020.
Londoners rioted
for guilty man
The man whose death sparked the London
history, was “lawfully killed” by police. Mark
north London after they stopped his taxi.They
had just collected a gun.An inquest concluded
Islamic militants
dislike internet
Al-Shabab militants have banned citizens in the
areas of Somalia they control from using the internet.
They gave all communication companies providing
web services a 15-day ultimatum to shut down their
operations or face harsh consequences. The militants
impose strict laws in the war-torn zones under their
control and frequently arrest people on suspicion of
Satanists call
for devil statue
A New-York-based group of self-declared
a devil’s statue - complete with wings and a
horned goat’s head - in front of the Oklahoma
isintendedtoclaimtherightofreligiousexpression. Paul Wesselhoft, a representative in the
Tiger kills four
people in 12 days
A wild tiger has killed four villagers in northern
India in 12 days, prompting searches for the big cat
and protests from villagers, an official says. The
animal attacked and killed a 40-year-old woman on
Wednesday in a village in the state of Uttar Pradesh,
its fourth victim since it is thought to have strayed
from a tiger reserve, the official said. State forest
officials and police, aided by two elephants, have
been searching for the tiger in Moradabad district
in the hope of driving it back to the Jim Corbett
National Park, popular with tourists.
Firemen try to extinguish a burning building at the farm where the Swedish biathlon team was housed during
the Biathlon World Cup near Ruhpolding, Germany. No injuries were reported.
PICTURE: EPA/Tobias Hase
Devotees pack
Manila streets
Venezuelan police have arrested seven people including a
woman and two teenagers over
the brutal double murder of a
beauty queen turned soap star
and her British-born partner.
Chanting “Viva, viva Senor Nazareno!
(Long live Mr Nazarene)”, frenzied pilgrims climbed over one another in the
suffocating Philippines heat to touch the
Black Nazarene during the ebony-hued
wooden statue’s slow procession.
“This has been a family tradition for
years, and the Nazarene has given us
many blessings over the years,” housewife
Josephine Manalastas told AFP after she
and her 80-year-old mother were pulled
out by medics from beneath the surging
A section of the crowd stampeded over
a steel barrier protecting the statue’s carriage just before the parade began in the
morning at Manila’s largest park.
Police said that by mid-afternoon 879
people had been treated for injuries as the
life-size, 406-year-old icon was borne six
kilometres towards its home in a central
Manila church.
The fatal shooting of former Miss
Venezuela Monica Spear, an actress
who lived and worked in the US,
during a holiday to her home country caused shock and revulsion, and
triggered a government crisis meeting.
Spear, 29, and Thomas Henry
Berry, 39, were shot dead after
their car broke down on a highway in northwestern Venezuela late
Their five-year-old daughter was
wounded in what appears to have
been an armed robbery.
The family had locked themselves
in the car in a frantic attempt to survive, but the armed men approached
and opened fire multiple times.
Spear was killed with a single shot.
Seven people have been arrested
for “presumed connection” to the
attack, prosecutors said.
The four men, one woman and
two teenagers were found in possession of some of the family’s belongings.
Millions of barefoot devotees packed
Manila’s streets for one of the world’s
biggest Catholic parades, honouring
an ancient statue of Jesus Christ they
believe has miraculous powers.
As of noon, organisers said the crowd
outnumbered the estimated nine million
who attended in 2013.
Devotees climbed on each other’s shoulders to kiss the statue or wipe it with
white towels and handkerchiefs.
Others fought over a pair of thick
lengths of rope the pilgrims used to pull
the carriage.
In scenes reminiscent of a rock concert
mosh pit, one woman surfed the crowd to
reach the icon.
Manila labourer Wilson Faculto said he
and his childless wife of 15 years were
gifted with a baby in December, five
years after they began joining the annual
“A woman we didn’t know gave us her
baby for adoption, and walked away,” he
said, cradling the two-month-old in his
“This boy is our Nazarene miracle.”
More than 80 per cent of the Philippines’
100 million people are Catholic, a legacy
of four centuries of Spanish colonial rule,
making it Asia’s main bastion of the faith.
Arrests over
model’s death
BOuRkE 30
cOckBuRN 34
35 MiLDuRA
MiN 21ºc
MAX 34oc
MiN 23ºc
MAX 37c
MiN 23ºc
MAX 38oc
Sunny. Winds northeasterly
15 to 20 km/h becoming light
before dawn then becoming
east to southeasterly 15 to 20
km/h in the afternoon.
Mostly sunny. Light winds.
Today: Partly cloudy. Isolated
showers, more frequent in the
northeast. The chance of thunderstorms. Winds northeasterly 15
to 25 km/h becoming light in the
early afternoon. Overnight temperatures falling to around 20 with
daytime temperatures reaching 31
to 36.
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. Light
winds becoming south to southeasterly 15 to 20 km/h in the
Back to
evening then becoming light in the
late evening. Overnight temperatures falling to the low 20s with
daytime temperatures reaching
the mid to high 30s.
Sunday: Sunny. Winds north to
northeasterly 15 to 20 km/h shifting south to southeasterly during
the morning then becoming light
during the afternoon. Overnight
temperatures falling to the low 20s
with daytime temperatures reaching around 40.
New South Wales: A high pres-
Sunny morning. A shower
or two and the chance of a
thunderstorm until evening.
Winds northeasterly 20 to 25
29 cOBAR
34 WiLcANNiA
Minimum to 3pm:
Maximum to 3pm:
Average monthly Min:
Average monthly Max:
24 hours to 9am:
Last five days:
Total for January:
January Average: 25.2mm (3.3 days)
sure system centred to the east
of Tasmania extends a ridge along
the New South Wales coast, while
a low pressure trough lies near
the western border. The high is
moving slowly eastwards as the
trough gradually retreats further
west, to be over SA during Friday.
A relatively weak trough and cold
front from the Southern Ocean are
expected pass across southeastern Australia later on the weekend,
before the next ridge of high pressure moves in from the west.
Weir 32
Perth ...............................................................Sunny..... 36°
Adelaide ..........................................................Sunny..... 35°
Melbourne.......................................................Sunny..... 33°
Hobart ...................................... Possible late shower..... 30°
Canberra ............................................. Mostly sunny..... 30°
Sydney .............................Increasing sunny periods...... 26°
Brisbane ............................................ A few showers..... 27°
Darwin ...........................Afternoon shower or storm..... 34°
The sun sets tonight at ................................. 8.14pm
The sun will rise tomorrow at ........................6.09am
Unisex White Chuck
Sizes 3-11
The “fit” Specialists
366 Argent Street | 8088 3322
14 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
Sandra Mannion took this sunset shot this week. Send in your
weather shots to [email protected]
Every care is taken in the publiciation of TAB fields by the
Barrier Daily Truth, but no responsibility can be taken for
errors. Closing times, names, numbers and dividends should be
checked with TAB agencies.
1 Marriott Resort & Spa M.M. Mdn 12.45
1200 metres
1–X40X Burning Sails (21) . . . . . . . . . . D Oliver
2–6X22 Wentwell (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Munce
3–42 Anymore (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Robl
4–2200 Drum Line h (20) . . . . . . . . . . M Hellyer
5–465X Mysonharry (19) . . . . . . . . . . . M Cahill
6–235X No Ifs Or Buts (18) . . . . . Tommy Berry
Snippets Land (16) . . . . J B Mc Donald
8–235X The Yowie (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . S Baster
9– 333 Topending (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . M Speers
10–7X Traitor (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J L Taylor
11–226X Dee Minishing h (1) . . . . . . . . . M Rodd
12–33 Born Superstar (2) . . . . . . Nathan Berry
13–25X3 Cosmic Belle b (14) . . . . . . . . . .J Byrne
14–23 In Full View h (9) . . . . . . . . Timothy Bell
15–26X Oh Candy bh (6) . . . . . Ms T Harrison (a)
Talon Lady h (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . C Newitt
17–64X2 Kiss My Brass (17) . .Geoffrey Goold (a)
18–48X2 Scrat b (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
19–5X73 Silent Gee (10) . . . . . . . . . . J Bowditch
20– 3X0 Master Cat h (11) . . . . . . . . .L V Cassidy
21–36X3 Racing In The Wind h (5) . . . . R Wiggins
57 .5
57 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
55 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
57 .5
54 .5
56 .5
56 .5
56 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 5.00 Snippets Land, The Yowie 6.00
Traitor 7.00 No Ifs Or Buts 8.50 In Full View 10.00
Mysonharry 14.00 Born Superstar 16.00 Burning Sails
18.00 Wentwell 21.00 Cosmic Belle, Silent Gee 26.00
Drum Line, Kiss My Brass, Scrat 34.00 Topending 35.00
Oh Candy 41.00 Dee Minishing, Talon Lady 51.00 Anymore
61.00 Master Cat, Racing In The Wind
Traitor, Snippets Land, In Full View, Born Superstar
2 Oracle M.M. Stayers Cup 1.25
1800 metres
1–5517 Borehole dm (18) . . . . . . . . . . .B El-Issa
2–0031 Scorpio Queen tcdmh (12) . .L V Cassidy
3–7893 Pepperwood cm (4) . . . . . . R Thompson
4–X992 Kaypers m (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Robl
5–8600 Equissential (16) . . . . . . . . . . . C Newitt
6–X095 More More More m (8) . . . . . . .C Munce
7–6018 Noisy Ocean tbhn (11) . . . Tommy Berry
8–3311 Black Jet d (10) . . . . . . . . . . . G Colless
9–50X3 Dazzle Us cmh (17) . . . . . . . . . .J Byrne
10–0315 Hi Son tbh (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Cahill
11–1435 Dienekes tmh (7) . . Janette Johnson (a)
12–9X98 Onetimeatbandcamp t (6) . . Timothy Bell
13–X986 Sarbi m (19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J L Taylor
14–6857 Master Avatar dmn (2) . . . E A Wilkinson
15–X362 Trakstar b (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Wiggins
16–9865 Preacher Boy m (1) . . Ms T Harrison (a)
17–6X31 Tamariz m (14) . . . . . . . . J B Mc Donald
18–9150 Guderian mn (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . P King
19–X907 Caballo Rapido dm (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
58 .5
57 .5
54 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.50 Tamariz 4.40 Scorpio Queen 5.00
Black Jet, Hi Son 6.00 Trakstar 7.50 Pepperwood 9.00
Noisy Ocean 10.00 Kaypers 14.00 Dazzle Us 16.00 Master
Avatar 17.00 Borehole 18.00 Dienekes 21.00 Guderian,
Onetimeatbandcamp 26.00 More More More 51.00 Caballo
Rapido, Equissential, Preacher Boy, Sarbi
Hi Son, Black Jet, Trakstar, Pepperwood
3 R.M. Williams M.M. Qlty 2.05
1300 metres
Driefontein tb (4) . . . . . . . Tommy Berry
Divine City t (9) . . . . . . . . . . . .C Munce
Anna Lizzie th (5) . . . . . . . . . . G Colless
Playtime tm (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . J L Taylor
Miss Leibert m (7) . . . . . . . . . .B El-Issa
Arms Length (10) . . . . . . . . . . C Newitt
Nicked And Court cmb (8) . R Thompson
Antarctic Dream h (1) . Ms T Harrison (a)
Spring Rose (6) . . . . . . . . Nathan Berry
Sept De Coeurs m (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annonay dm (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . P King
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.00 Divine City, Driefontein 5.00 Anna
Lizzie 10.00 Spring Rose 15.00 Miss Leibert, Playtime
17.00 Nicked And Court, Sept De Coeurs 21.00 Arms
Length 26.00 Annonay 35.00 Antarctic Dream
Divine City, Anna Lizzie, Driefontein, Playtime
4 Myer Magic Millions Sprint 2.45
1100 metres
1–1892 Hidden Warrior dm (5) . . . . . . . B Shinn
2–8X63 Excellantes dm (14) . . . . . . . . G Colless
3–3540 Steel Zip dm (6) . . . . . . Justin P Stanley
4–1804 Rocket To Glory m (12) . . . . . . .C Munce
5–X578 Planet Voyage dmn (10) . . . . . . . P Robl
6–000X Emmalene m (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . M Cahill
7–8X41 Seeking More dm (15) Kirk Matheson (a)
8–X73X Whittington d (7) . . . . . . . Tommy Berry
9–5354 Lennie’s Choice m (2) . . . . . . . . .J Byrne
10–1155 Florida Fellow tcmh (16) . . J Johnson (a)
11–44X2 Avaladyluck m (9) . . . . . . . Timothy Bell
12–2116 The Black Superman tm (3) .P T Holmes
13–1125 Fundido db (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . .B El-Issa
14–X143 Shivarchi m (11) . . . . . . . . Nathan Berry
15–40X8 Confident Star cdh (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16–3110 London Fairy dh (13) . . . . . .L V Cassidy
59 .5
56 .5
55 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.20 Whittington 5.00 Emmalene,
Hidden Warrior 6.50 Planet Voyage 8.50 Excellantes,
Rocket To Glory 12.00 Lennie’s Choice, Shivarchi 21.00
Avaladyluck, Seeking More, Steel Zip 41.00 Florida Fellow
61.00 Confident Star, The Black Superman 101.00 Fundido
201.00 London Fairy
Whittington, Emmalene, Hidden Warrior, Excellantes
5 G.C. $1 Million M.M. Guineas 3.25
1400 metres
1–147X Charlie Boy (16) . . . . . . . . . . . M Rodd
2–0212 Into The Red b (1) . . . . . . . . . . .C Munce
3–5121 Gracious Prospect d (14) . . . . . S Baster
4–X184 Wouldnt It Be Nice m (7) . . . . . B Shinn
5–2502 Weinholt (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Bowman
6–X190 Architect m (12) . . . . . . . . . . . .B El-Issa
7–X210 Salute To Jude (19) . . . . . . . . . D Oliver
8–5940 Dalton h (20) . . . . . . . . . . Nathan Berry
9–0955 The Bowler m (9) . . . . . . . . . . . C Newitt
10–X2X1 Sweet Idea m (15) . . . . . J B Mc Donald
11–1933 Missy Longstocking b (17) . . . . M Cahill
57 .5
12–X111 Enquare dm (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Byrne
13–5431 Bring A Ring d (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . P Robl
14–37X4 Northern Glory m (8) . . . . Tommy Berry
15–1125 Splendora (18) . . . . . . . . . . . G Colless
16–X564 Tinto t (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timothy Bell
17–X431 Estonian Princess d (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18–1134 Shiraz Attack dh (130 . . . . . Timothy Bell
19–4132 Gundy Spirit (10) . . . . . . . . . . R Wiggins
20–36X7 Nude Secrets (11) . . . . Justin P Stanley
21–X186 Outback Lightning (21) . . . . . . . . . . . .
BEST BET: Lucky Hussler
(Selections by Stephen Rodgers)
55 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.60 Enquare 5.00 Sweet Idea 8.00
Charlie Boy 9.00 Northern Glory 10.00 Salute To Jude
11.00 Weinholt 12.00 Gundy Spirit, Into The Red, Shiraz
Attack 14.00 Missy Longstocking, Splendora 21.00
Estonian Princess 26.00 Bring A Ring, Gracious Prospect,
The Bowler 31.00 Architect 51.00 Wouldnt It Be Nice
81.00 Nude Secrets, Tinto 101.00 Dalton 126.00 Outback
Splendora, Enquare, Into The Red, Tinto
CHARLIE BOY (G A Ryan) 3c By Myboycharlie - Maritime (9:2-0-1): Ran home well
3-3/4 len 4th (57 .5) Eclair Big Bang 1400m C’field Gns Prelude Sept 29 . Knocked
rotten 350m and might’ve switched off 7-1/2 len 7th (56 .5) Long John 1600m
C’field Gns Oct 12 before spell . Ridden along 3 len, sht 1/2 hd 3rd Number One
Gun, Bull Point 1050m R’wick barrier trial dead trk Jan 3 . Has an excellent fresh
record and has been set for this race . Likely to drift back from wide gate but will
take holding out .
INTO THE RED (K C Wood) 3c By Not A Single Doubt - Red Sequin (7:2-2-0): Dug
deep to land big bets lg hd win (57 .0) Choose A Saga, Gundy Spirit 1200m D’ben
Gold Edition Dec 14 . Anchored with huge weight but tried his heart out 1-1/4 len
2nd (59 .0) Flight King 1200m Gold Coast 3yo Jan 4 . Had to give winner 7 .5kg
last week and lost no admirers . Only has to cope with seven day back-up to
give this a shake .
GRACIOUS PROSPECT (D A Hayes) 3c By Tale Of The Cat - Lady Gracious (16:2-5-2):
Led and only nailed in last stride with huge weight 1/2 hd 2nd (59 .5) Countersnip
1400m C’field 3yo (Bm78) dead trk Nov 30 . Led and wouldn’t give in 1/2 nk win
(58 .0) Star Beauty, Adirondack 1420m F’ton 3yo (78) dead trk Dec 21 . Question
mark on quality of opposition he beat last time but racing consistently and makes
his own luck . Should roll forward and give a sight at good odds .
WOULDNT IT BE NICE (P M Perry) 3c By Choisir - Mia Cat Dancer (13:3-2-2): Struck
early bother and never threatened 6-1/2 len 8th (53 .0) Heart Testa 1100m R’hill
(Bm95) dead trk Nov 16 . Made ground steadily 3-1/4 len 4th (56 .5) Sweet Idea
1200m Wyong 3yo Stks Dec 19 . Kept fresh for this . Did enough last time to suggest he’ll be competitive .
WEINHOLT (P G Moody) 3c By Stratum - Annamarie (10:2-2-1): Pulled up with
breathing problem after tiring 16-1/2 len 12th (56 .5) Long John 1600m C’field
Gns Oct 12 . Blundered at start and finished off strongly lg nk 2nd (56 .5) Sweet
Idea 1200m Wyong 3yo Stks Dec 19 . Put writing on the wall last time . Extra
journey looks ideal with blinkers back on . Must be respected .
ARCHITECT (David Lawlor) 3g By Bel Esprit - Rozanee (18:3-1-3): Lost momentum
100m when making ground 2-1/2 len 9th (57 .0) Into The Red 1200m D’ben Gold
Edition Dec 14 . Didn’t do much 6-1/4 len 10th (57 .0) Enquare 1350m D’ben Vo
Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Might’ve felt the firm track last time . Previous form was solid .
Could run a cheeky race at huge odds .
SALUTE TO JUDE (R W Smerdon) 3g By Stratum - Siennas Fury (7:2-1-1): Ran
away from them at the finish 2-1/4 len win (54 .0) Innocent Hero, Oltre Finito
1200m F’ton 3&4yo (78) dead trk Dec 21 . Missed start badly and never in the
hunt 6-1/4 len 10th (54 .0) Plateau Gold 900m Gold Coast Bat Out Of Hell Jan 4 .
Was out of play from the time the gates opened last week when heavily backed .
Oliver key booking . Might pay to forgive that misdemeanour and go on previous
runaway win .
DALTON (B R Guy) 3c By Freeze - Licenced To Chill (14:2-1-2): Had to switch course
vital stage but kept finding line 3/4 len 4th (57 .0) Into The Red 1200m D’ben Gold
Edition Dec 14 . Outside alley sealed his fate 5-1/2 len last (54 .0) Achievements
1300m E Farm (Bm90) Jan 1 . Back to own age group but drawn the car park
which makes things tough . Prefer others .
THE BOWLER (A J Vasil) 3c By Testa Rossa - Specie (10:2-2-0): Given let-up after
2-3/4 len 5th (60 .0) Tips And Beers 1600m C’field 3yo (Bm78) dead trk Oct 16 .
Led but couldn’t cross and left sitting shot 2-1/2 len 5th (56 .5) Brotherly Secret
1200m M Valley 3yo (Bm78) dead trk Dec 28 . Has shown splashes of ability but
only two wins have been on bog tracks at the provincials . Take on trust .
SWEET IDEA (Ms G Waterhouse) 3f By Snitzel - Flidais (8:3-4-1): Bled and spelled
after sht 1/2 hd 2nd (56 .5) Thump 1200m W Farm Silver Shadow Aug 24 . Led
and kicked strongly when resuming lg nk win (54 .5) Weinholt, Estonian Princess
1200m Wyong 3yo Stks Dec 19 . Back in good shape judging by first up win at
Wyong . Proven performer in elite company . Only has to cope with wide alley to
give this a shake .
MISSY LONGSTOCKING (L F Birchley) 3f By Sequalo - Linyanti (14:8-0-3): Did a bit
too much work early and only felt the pinch late 1/2 nk, sht nk 3rd (56 .5) Enquare,
Splendora 1200m D’ben Mode Plt Dec 7 . Lost momentum when baulked for run
300m but didn’t shirk task 3/4 len, sht nk 3rd (55 .0) Enquare, Gundy Spirit 1350m
D’ben Vo Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Jury is out on her beyond 1200m but represents class .
Will look the winner at some stage in the straight .
ENQUARE (Jason McLachlan) 3f By Stratum - Skewiff (9:5-1-1): Finished off strongly
running fast time 1/2 nk win (56 .5) Splendora, Missy Longstocking 1200m D’ben
Mode Plt Dec 7 . Dug deep 3/4 len win (55 .0) Gundy Spirit, Missy Longstocking
1350m D’ben Vo Rogue Plt Dec 28 . In peak form and fitness and has gone to
another level this campaign . Placed to perfection from ideal alley .
BRING A RING (Tony McEvoy) 3f By Sebring - Hennessy Waltz (10:3-0-3): Hampered
200m and did well to keep fighting on in strong form race hd, nose 3rd (56 .0)
Forget Maybe, Maysoon 1300m R’hill 3yo (Bm74) dead trk Nov 30 . Dug deep with
big weight 1/2 hd win (58 .5) Mardi, Mamwaazel 1400m R’hill 3yoF (Bm74) Dec
21 . Drops 3kg and going well in easier company . This is her acid test but hard
to knock winning form .
NORTHERN GLORY (Ms G Waterhouse) 3f By Northern Meteor - Cliantha (8:3-0-2):
Spelled after 6 len 7th (58 .0) Eurozone 1200m R’wick The Rosebud slow trk Aug
10 . Bit slow out but hit line strongly once she put her mind on the job 3 len 4th
(55 .0) Calming Influence 1100m R’hill F&M (Bm80) Dec 21 . Better for the run first
up and will appreciate this trip . One of the major players .
SPLENDORA (M J Dunn) 3f By Jet Spur - Bleeding Heart (10:3-2-0): Ran home
strongly 1/2 nk 2nd (56 .5) Enquare 1200m D’ben Mode Plt Dec 7 . Never got a
crack at them until it was all over 2-1/4 len 5th (55 .0) Enquare 1350m D’ben Vo
Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Gate one was more of a hinderance than a help last time . Will
go back from wide gate . Can finish over the top of these .
TINTO (R G Lipp) 3f By Red Dazzler - Truly Brave (5:1-0-0): Didn’t have clearest path
but kept finding line 1-1/2 len 6th (55 .0) Into The Red 1200m D’ben Gold Edition
Dec 14 . Bailed up behind tiring runners turn but hit line strongly when clear 31/4 len 4th (54 .0) Tear It Up 1200m Toowoomba Qlty Dec 31 . Bit stiff last time .
Impressive winner at only start here at debut in Mar . Represents value .
ESTONIAN PRINCESS (Scott Aspery) 3f By Snitzel - Meet My Sis (7:1-2-1): Blew start
and did well to keep finding line lg nk, 3/4 len 3rd (54 .5) Sweet Idea, Weinholt
1200m Wyong 3yo Stks Dec 19 . Didn’t get many favours in running but knuckled
down well 1-1/2 len win (55 .0) Takewing, Enormous Honour 1400m R’wick 3yo
Mdn Plt Jan 1 . Making good progress this campaign and plenty to like about
R’wick win . Should give a great sight from ideal alley .
SHIRAZ ATTACK (Ms G Heinrich) 3f By Oratorio - Madame Grange (7:2-2-1): Shunted
wide turn and galloped on when brave nose, lg hd 3rd (56 .0) Padrino, Kalandula
1500m E Farm 3yo Nov 23 . Stuck to her task well after covering ground 1-1/2
len 4th (55 .0) Enquare 1350m D’ben Vo Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Going great guns this
campaign and will be strong at the finish . Don’t sell her short .
GUNDY SPIRIT (T J Gollan) 3g By Jet Spur - Empress Di (6:1-1-1): Weaved through
pack and stormed home from last lg hd, 1/2 len 3rd (57 .0) Into The Red, Choose A
Saga 1200m D’ben Gold Edition Dec 14 . Ran home well after covering ground 3/4
len 2nd (57 .0) Enquare 1350m D’ben Vo Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Has been a revelation
this campaign . Definite winning prospect if he makes it into the starting line-up .
NUDE SECRETS (N J Schofield) 3c By Jet Spur - Stepping Stones (10:2-1-1): Spelled
after 7-1/4 len 6th (58 .0) Rudy 1600m E Farm 2yo heavy trk July 20 . Had his
chance when resuming 3-3/4 len 7th (55 .0) Flight King 1200m Gold Coast 3yo
Jan 4 . Has his share of ability but difficult to see him making the necessary
improvement against this field .
OUTBACK LIGHTNING (J P Caught) 3g By Outback Prince - Bowen Street (11:2-2-1):
Went back from wide gate and never threatened 5-1/2 len 8th (57 .5) Jet Down On
It 1200m Sunshine Coast 3yo Dec 21 . Wasn’t far away 1-1/2 len 6th (54 .5) Wish
Upon A Star 1400m E Farm C3 Plt Jan 8 . Prefer in easier company .
6 Jeep $2 Mill. M.M. 2yo Classic 4.05
1200 metres
1–3111 Unencumbered d (3) . . . . . Nathan Berry
2– 522 Geromayo (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Baster
3–31 I Am The General (15) . . . . . . J Noonan
4–11 Celestial Dragon m (5) . . . . Timothy Bell
5–13 Nordic Empire b (19) . . . . . . .Scratched
6– 116 Pinch River (12) . . . . . . . . . . . R Wiggins
7– 1
Invisible d (7) . . . . . . . . . J B Mc Donald
8– 3
Divine Service b (4) . . . . . E A Wilkinson
9– 185 Vienna Royale b (10) . . . . . . . .C Munce
10–32 Cyclone (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn
11–2213 Sheer Style mb (21) . . . . . . . J R Collett
12– 114 Oakleigh Girl b (6) . . . . . . . . . . C Newitt
13–112 Stroak dh (14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Cahill
14–2145 Totally Sure (16) . . . . . . . . . . G Colless
15–3231 Ruby Soho (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Rodd
16–18 Echo Gal (17) . . . . . . . . . Tommy Berry
17– 343 Sagatona (13) . . . . . . . . . . R Thompson
18–32 Pink Perfection b (9) . . . . . . . . . . P Robl
19–462 Star Drop (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20–25 Burleigh Bullet (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21–14 Tales Of Fashion t (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.50 Unencumbered 4.50 Invisible 9.50
Oakleigh Girl 12.00 Cyclone, Geromayo, Sagatona 14.00 I
Am The General, Stroak 15.00 Celestial Dragon 21.00 Echo
Gal, Ruby Soho 26.00 Sheer Style 35.00 Divine Service,
Totally Sure 51.00 Star Drop 61.00 Pink Perfection 71.00
Burleigh Bullet 81.00 Pinch River 101.00 Vienna Royale
126.00 Tales Of Fashion
Unencumbered, Invisible, Sagatona, Ruby Soho
UNENCUMBERED (Bjorn Baker) 2c By Testa Rossa - Blizzardly (5:4-0-1): Finished
strongly when placegetters lost their compass on the turn len win (56 .5)
Geromayo, Sheer Style 1100m Wyong 2yo Classic Dec 19 . Travelled sweetly
and pounced at right time sht nk win (57 .0) Stroak, Sagatona 1200m D’ben BJ
McLachlan Dec 28 . Has done everything right in his lead-up and drawn perfectly .
Knows where the winning post is . Will take holding out .
GEROMAYO (M G Price) 2c By Charge Forward - Opportunity (3:0-2-0): Laid out in
straight but didn’t shirk task len 2nd (57 .0) Sheer Style 1000m Ballarat 2yo Classic
heavy trk Nov 24 . Hung out turn but kept trying len 2nd (56 .5) Unencumbered
1100m Wyong 2yo Classic Dec 19 . Hasn’t looked comfortable in two starts in the
clockwise direction but is holding his form well . Can’t be ignored .
I AM THE GENERAL (S P Nichols) 2c By I Am Invincible - General’s Dynasty (2:1-0-1):
Showed pace and fought on well at debut len, 3/4 len 3rd (57 .0) Sheer Style,
Geromayo 1000m Ballarat 2yo Classic heavy trk Nov 24 . Led and wouldn’t give in
nk win (56 .0) Chivalry, Notonyourlife 1000m F’ton 2yo Plt dead trk Dec 14 . Form
line has been franked by Chivalry who has won impressively since . Drawn out but
will be in it for a long way .
CELESTIAL DRAGON (S W Kendrick) 2c By Hidden Dragon - Nasrullah’s Girl (2:2-0-0):
Did everything right at debut 3/4 len win (58 .0) Eljetem, Sagatona 1110m D’ben
2yo heavy trk Nov 30 . Did some work early but held them safely 1-1/4 len win
(58 .0) Burleigh Bullet, Divine Service 1110m D’ben 2yo Dec 21 . Did it both ends
last time and drawn perfectly here . Can give plenty of cheek at good odds .
NORDIC EMPIRE (M G Price) 2c By Wilander - Brown Limestone (2:1-0-1): Stylish
debut 1-3/4 len win (56 .0) Zulu Land, My Lucky Strike 1000m C’field 2yo Plt dead
trk Nov 30 . Looked a bit timid cluttered up between runners but worked home
well when clear 3/4 len, len 3rd (57 .5) Invisible, Jetwings 1200m C’bury 2yo Plt
dead trk Dec 28 . Scratched .
PINCH RIVER (R L Heathcote) 2g By Denman - Avenue Girl (3:2-0-0): Led and cruised
home 6 len win (56 .0) That Pretty Girl, Tale Of Fortune 1000m E Farm 2yo dead
trk Nov 16 . No excuses 6-1/4 len 6th (57 .0) Unencumbered 1200m D’ben B .J .
McLachlan Dec 28 . Failed his first test against quality opposition last time . Hard
to see him making necessary improvement from tricky draw .
INVISIBLE (M, W & J Hawkes) 2c By All American - Illusionary (1:1-0-0): Travelled
sweetly and knuckled down well at debut 3/4 len win (56 .0) Jetwings, Nordic
Empire 1200m C’bury 2yo Plt dead trk Dec 28 . Showed great gate speed at first
start and should lob into a great spot here from favourable draw . Untapped and
stable has had a great record at this meeting in previous years and is in a purple
patch of form in recent weeks . Rates highly .
DIVINE SERVICE (Jason McLachlan) 2c By Haradasun - Countess Dehere (2:1-0-1):
Wouldn’t be denied at debut nose win (58 .0) Ruby Soho, Elitist 1000m E Farm
2yo Nov 23 . Stuck to his guns 1-1/4 len, sht 1/2 hd 3rd (58 .0) Celestial Dragon,
Burleigh Bullet 1110m D’ben 2yo Dec 21 . Has enough tactical speed to take
advantage of perfect draw . Wouldn’t surprise to see him run a cheeky race at
good odds .
VIENNA ROYALE (T J Gollan) 2c By Falvelon - Plachutta (3:1-0-0): Did a left turn out
of gates then caught four deep (no cover) with predictable outcome 10-3/4 len
8th (56 .5) Bassillique 1010m D’ben Phelan Ready Dec 14 . Never travelling well
then hampered in straight to add further insult 3-1/2 len 5th (58 .0) Ramblin’ Daisy
1000m Toowoomba 2yo Plt Dec 31 . Things haven’t panned out for him lately . Has
a good future in the long term but has to be taken on trust .
CYCLONE (Ms G Waterhouse) 2c By Sebring - Bella Corona (2:0-1-1): Stuck to
his guns at debut 1-1/4 len, nk 3rd (56 .0) Unencumbered, Delectation 1000m
Randwick-Kensington 2yo Plt Dec 7 . Knocked rotten 200m and did well to pick up
again and chase gamely sht hd 2nd (56 .0) Kumaon 1100m R’hill 2yo Plt Dec 21 .
Mightn’t have the early toe to convert gate one into an advantage but definitely
looking for this trip . Will take holding out if the breaks go his way .
SHEER STYLE (G L Frazer) 2f By Snitzel - Jolie (4:1-2-1): Hung out turn but kept going
strongly len win (55 .0) Geromayo, I Am The General 1000m Ballarat 2yo Classic
heavy trk Nov 24 . Lost her compass on the turn and pulled up with heat stress
after len, 1/2 len 3rd (54 .5) Unencumbered, Geromayo 1100m Wyong 2yo Classic
Dec 19 . Ridden cold and worked home okay lg nk, 1/2 len 3rd Muscovado, Twirl
728m R’wick barrier trial dead trk Jan 3 . Trial effort was a pass mark without
being earth shattering . Outside alley will be tough to overcome but can’t be
ruled out entirely .
OAKLEIGH GIRL (D J Bougoure) 2f By Snitzel - Miss Kournikova (3:2-0-0): Dug deep
running fast time len win (56 .5) Ambitious Blonde, Ruby Soho 1010m D’ben
Calaway Gal Dec 14 . Ran it hard in front and held on quite well 2 len 4th (55 .0)
Unencumbered 1200m D’ben BJ McLachlan Dec 28 . Hard to imagine there’ll be
less pressure in a Magic Millions but ideal alley in her favour . Wouldn’t surprise
to see her bounce back .
STROAK (B R Guy) 2f By Real Saga - Cubism (3:2-1-0): Surged clear 1-1/4 len win
(58 .0) Keep On Rocking, Rays Are Lucky 1200m D’ben 2yo Dec 7 . Scrubbed
along most of the way to stay in touch but kept finding line sht nk 2nd (55 .0)
Unencumbered 1200m D’ben BJ McLachlan Dec 28 . Took ground off the winner
last time and shapes as this year’s version of Real Surreal . Can finish over the top
of them if she’s within striking distance on the turn .
TOTALLY SURE (K M Schweida) 2f By Not A Single Doubt - Firenza (4:1-1-0): Stuck
to her task quite well 2-1/2 len 4th (56 .5) Oakleigh Girl 1010m D’ben Calaway
Gal Dec 14 . Reasonable 2-1/4 len 5th (55 .0) Unencumbered 1200m D’ben BJ
McLachlan Dec 28 . Came up a bit short of the mark last time and has a wide alley
to contend with here . Place looks best .
RUBY SOHO (L F Birchley) 2f By Publishing - Petria (4:1-1-2): Kept trying len, 1-1/4
len 3rd (56 .5) Oakleigh Girl, Ambitious Blonde 1010m D’ben Calaway Gal Dec
14 . Looked in trouble on the turn but it was soft in the end 2-3/4 len win (55 .0)
Paradise Pink, Hot Tempo 1100m Ipswich 2yo Mdn Dec 27 . Tends to switch off at
the wrong time in her races but a subtle gear change here could make the world
of difference . Has definite winning prospects .
ECHO GAL (Ms G Waterhouse) 2f By Stratum - Pink Siris (2:1-0-0): Cruised home at
debut 3-3/4 len win (56 .0) I Am Snippety, Uratta Belle 1000m W Farm 2yoF Mdn
Plt Dec 11 . Showed pace but was the first beaten and dropped out 16-1/2 len 8th
(55 .0) Unencumbered 1200m D’ben BJ McLachlan Dec 28 . Pulled up with heart
irregularity after last flop but has been cleared for this race . Drawn the car park
but might pay to forgive one bad run .
SAGATONA (L F Birchley) 2f By Real Saga - Miss Cortona (3:0-0-2): Ran into dead
end 150m before storming home 2-1/4 len 4th (54 .5) Celestial Dragon 1110m
D’ben 2yo Dec 21 . Ran home well sht nk, 1/2 len 3rd (55 .0) Unencumbered,
Stroak 1200m D’ben BJ McLachlan Dec 28 . Had plenty up the sleeve 2-3/4
len win Light ‘n’ Shade, Ashgrovian 800m Deagon barrier trial Jan 2 . Looked
in awesome shape with blinkers on in recent trial . Was strong on the line in the
McLachlan . Represents great value .
PINK PERFECTION (P G Moody) 2f By Mossman - La Mamma Rosa (2:0-1-1): Given
let-up after tidy debut 1/2 nk, 1-3/4 len 3rd (54 .5) Alpha Miss, Scratch Me Lucky
1000m R’wick 2yo Plt Oct 19 . Led and only reeled in late nk 2nd (55 .0) Almalad
1000m Gosford 2yo Mdn Plt dead trk Dec 27 . No Millions winners have come off
a last start NSW provincials defeat . Might find this a bit tough .
STAR DROP (R G Lipp) 2f By Starcraft - Royal Shiraz (3:0-1-0): Reasonable 4-3/4 len
6th (56 .5) Oakleigh Girl 1010m D’ben Calaway Gal Dec 14 . Fought on well 3/4 len
2nd (55 .5) No Problem 1200m Gold Coast 2yo Jan 4 . Went better in blinkers last
week but likely to find this a bit beyond her .
BURLEIGH BULLET (D J Hansen) 2f By All Bar One - Queen Kathleen (2:0-1-0): Ran
home well at debut 1-1/4 len 2nd (51 .0) Celestial Dragon 1110m D’ben 2yo Dec
21 . Every possible 1-3/4 len 5th (55 .5) No Problem 1200m Gold Coast 2yo Jan 4 .
Her limitations were exposed last week . Not keen .
TALES OF FASHION (T Bailey) 2f By Tale Of The Cat - Queen Of Fashion (2:1-0-0):
Led and wouldn’t give in at debut 1/2 nk win (55 .5) Another Whiskey, Gherardini
900m Gold Coast 2yo Dec 21 . Stuck on fence in no go zone 1-1/2 len 4th (57 .0)
No Problem 1200m Gold Coast 2yo Jan 4 . Had excuses last week when track bias
was against her but would prefer in easier company .
7 Avmin-Air Charter M.M. Cup 4.50
1400 metres
1–8936 Startsmeup h (4) . . . . . . . . B N Stewart
2–5X14 Lucky Hussler mbh (3) . . . . . . . M Cahill
3–321X Club Command dm (11) . . . . . . B Shinn
4–X002 Gundy Son tm (12) . . . . . . . . . R Wiggins
5–7960 Phelan Ready tm (8) . . . . . E A Wilkinson
6–17X5 Velrosso (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Oliver
7–5303 Doubtfilly tm (10) . . . . . . . . Timothy Bell
8–1X21 General Exhibit tmh (5) . . . . .L V Cassidy
9–X074 Queen’s Elect dm (1) . . . . . . . . . P Robl
10–3135 Regular tcmh (6) . . . . . . . Tommy Berry
11–726X Snitsky dm (13) . . . . . . . . . . J R Collett
12–X214 The White Hope db (2) . . . . . . G Colless
13–9832 Number One Gun tmb (9) J B Mc Donald
58 .5
57 .5
56 .5
54 .5
54 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.60 Velrosso 5.00 General Exhibit 5.50
The White Hope 6.50 Lucky Hussler 7.50 Club Command
10.00 Number One Gun 13.00 Snitsky 15.00 Startsmeup
18.00 Gundy Son 21.00 Doubtfilly 26.00 Regular 41.00
Queen’s Elect 51.00 Phelan Ready
Lucky Hussler, Velrosso, The White Hope, Startsmeup
STARTSMEUP (Bruce Hill) 6g By Danzero - Bluevien (43:7-6-9): Ran home strongly lg
hd, lg nk 3rd (57 .0) Lucky Hussler, Morning Captain 1200m D’ben George Moore
Stks Dec 7 . Worked home okay 3-1/2 len 6th (57 .5) Love Rocks 1350m D’ben
Lough Neagh Stk Dec 21 . Did enough last time . Runner-up in this race two years
ago . Value hope from ideal alley .
LUCKY HUSSLER (Kent Fleming) 4g By Husson - Talaq Dancer (15:4-1-2): Pounced at
right time to land some big bets when resuming lg hd win (54 .0) Morning Captain,
Startsmeup 1200m D’ben George Moore Stks Dec 7 . Under the pump turn and
battled away okay 3-1/4 len 4th (56 .0) Love Rocks 1350m D’ben Lough Neagh
Stk Dec 21 . Cherry ripe for this and has blinkers back on . Rates highly .
CLUB COMMAND (P G Moody) 5g By Commands - Stepping (13:6-4-2): Ran home
gamely to just miss nose 2nd (53 .5) Bello 1200m F’ton Open dead trk June 8 .
Scraped home nose win (57 .0) Another Prelate, Under The Hat 1410m F’ton
Open dead trk June 22 before spell . Primed for this with 1-1/2 len win Whatevs,
Point Made 727m R’wick barrier trial Dec 2 . First up specialist winning two from
three and has an excellent record this trip . Must be respected despite wide gate .
GUNDY SON (T J Gollan) 8g By Falvelon - Dantibes’ Treasure (53:9-10-7): Should’ve
done a lot more 8-1/4 len 11th (55 .5) Love Rocks 1350m D’ben Lough Neagh Stk
Dec 21 . Ran home strongly and would’ve won in a few more bounds 1/2 len 2nd
(56 .0) Trombone Alley 1300m Gold Coast Goldmarket Jan 4 . Runner-up at long
odds in this race last year . Last run keeps him in contention .
PHELAN READY (Jason McLachlan) 7g By More Than Ready - Nancy Eleanor (44:2-57): Got home as well as anything else 3-1/4 len 6th (55 .0) Lucky Hussler 1200m
D’ben George Moore Stks Dec 7 . Never threatened 6-1/4 len 10th (55 .0) Love
Rocks 1350m D’ben Lough Neagh Stk Dec 21 . Disappointing last time and hasn’t
won for nearly five years . Improvement required .
VELROSSO (C J Waller) 5g By General Nediym - Hootenanny (17:5-0-3): Spelled
after 5-1/2 len 7th (56 .5) Boban 1300m R’hill (Bm90) Aug 31 . Just held his
ground when resuming 3-1/4 len 5th (57 .5) Didntcostalot 1000m RandwickKensington Fly Dec 20 . Kept ticking over with len, sht hd 3rd Our Desert Warrior,
Ike’s Legacy 1050m R’wick barrier trial dead trk Jan 3 . Was going half pace in
recent trial . Stable know what is required to win this race and Oliver key booking .
Must be kept safe .
DOUBTFILLY (S W Kendrick) 4m By Not A Single Doubt - Aussie Enchantee (22:6-13): Run off her legs but should’ve finished it off better 5-1/4 len 12th (54 .0) Lucky
Hussler 1200m D’ben George Moore Stks Dec 7 . Ran home strongly len, 1-3/4
len 3rd (54 .0) Love Rocks, Benny’s Buttons 1350m D’ben Lough Neagh Stk Dec
21 . Much better effort last time . Winner here . Only has to cope with tricky alley
to make her presence felt .
GENERAL EXHIBIT (Ms H Page) 4g By General Nediym - Show Exhibit (15:6-4-2):
Ran home strongly when resuming 1/2 hd 2nd (57 .0) Rocky King 1020m D’ben
(Bm90) Dec 7 . Pushed through narrow gap and finished gamely sht nk win (54 .5)
Signified, Excellantes 1200m D’ben Open Dec 21 . It nearly went pear-shaped last
time but all’s well that ends well . Bunched finish and suspect form line took some
gloss off last win but can’t be ignored .
QUEEN’S ELECT (David Payne) 4m By Holy Roman Emperor - Grand Story (24:4-1-8):
Close enough turn but not good enough 4-3/4 len 7th (54 .0) Limes 1400m R’hill
(Bm95) Dec 21 . Reasonable 3 len 4th (54 .0) Mecir 1400m R’hill (Bm95) Jan 4 .
Has tidy record this trip and gate one in her favour but hard to rate much more
than a rough place hope in this company .
REGULAR (B R Guy) 4g By Mearas - Sagre (22:5-3-6): Stuck to his guns 3/4 len,
2-1/2 len 3rd (57 .0) Stradon, Merryanna 1200m D’ben (Bm85) Dec 14 . Didn’t
show usual fight 5-1/2 len 5th (57 .0) Harada Bay 1350m D’ben E&G (Bm85) Dec
28 . Two time winner here and will appreciate 3kg weight drop . Can give some
cheek at good odds .
SNITSKY (G A Ryan) 5h By Snitzel - Bandolera (17:6-1-3): Went forward from outside
alley and fought on bravely with big weight lg hd 2nd (58 .5) Upshot 1200m W
Farm (Bm85) slow trk July 13 . Spelled after 2-1/2 len 6th (57 .0) Velrosso 1200m
R’hill (Bm90) Aug 17 . Fitter for 5th Our Desert Warrior 1050m R’wick barrier trial
dead trk Jan 3 . Two time winner at trip . Has enough early toe to offset outside
alley . Value hope .
THE WHITE HOPE (M J Dunn) 5g By Bradbury’s Luck - Spectroscope (9:5-1-1):
Slipped them turn and kept going strongly 1-3/4 len win (55 .5) Vacallo, Jopa
1350m D’ben (Bm85) Dec 7 . Led but didn’t finish it off with big weight 2 len 4th
(58 .0) Harada Bay 1350m D’ben E&G (Bm85) Dec 28 . Has been set for this race
and drops 4kg . Will be in it for a long way from ideal alley .
NUMBER ONE GUN (J A O’Shea) 5g By Mossman - Graphite Lass (20:4-4-4): Always
in firing line and held on fairly 3/4 len, 2-1/2 len 3rd (55 .5) Medusa’s Miss, Your
Excellency 1250m C’bury Rs0ly Dec 13 . Led at warp speed and did well to keep
boxing on 2-1/2 len 2nd (55 .5) Rowie 1400m Randwick-Kensington Rst0-Ly Dec
20 . Cruised home 3 len win Bull Point, Charlie Boy 1050m R’wick barrier trial dead
trk Jan 3 . Will ensure it’s truly run but last 200m remains the supreme test .
8 Sky Racing M.M. Plate (C6) 5.30
1200 metres
Beautiful Timing d (9) . . . . . Ms T O’Hara
Commandare cdmb (6) . Ms M Vance (a)
Loupets dmn (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . M Cahill
Noogoora Burr m (7) . . . . . . . .B El-Issa
Stratal m (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P King
Target In Sight dm (10) . . J B Mc Donald
Heza Jetsetter dm (11) . . . . . . G Colless
Nediym’s Quest dm (12) . . Tommy Berry
Phoenix Force tmh (4) . . . . . . . .J Byrne
Pure Whisper ch (8) . . . . . . Timothy Bell
Gundy Spirit d (5) . . . . . . . . . . R Wiggins
Peakhurst Girl d (2) . . . . . . . . M Hellyer
57 .5
57 .5
57 .5
57 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
54 .5
53 .5
52 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.50 Gundy Spirit 4.00 Target In
Sight 8.00 Commandare, Heza Jetsetter, Nediyms Quest,
Peakhurst Girl 14.00 Stratal 21.00 Loupets, Noogoora Burr,
Pure Whisper 31.00 Beautiful Timing 51.00 Phoenix Force
Gundy Spirit, Target In Sight, Heza Jetsetter,
Nediym’s Quest
BEAUTIFUL TIMING (J Wehlow) 9g By Beautiful Crown - Strike Time (46:6-15-5):
Spelled after 3-3/4 len 8th (60 .5) Gunner Knox 1400m Rockhampton C6 June
20 . Resumed with 1-3/4 len win (59 .5) Liger, Power To Exceed 1200m Emerald
Open Dec 14 . Runner-up only start here in MM Ctry Cup five years ago . Meeting
stronger company here but hard to knock winning form .
COMMANDARE (L J Mayfield-Smith) 7g By Commands - Wrap Around (21:5-6-3):
Dug deep 1/2 nk win (56 .0) Gatineau River, Little Brown Horse 1200m D’ben
C6 slow trk Feb 16 . Spelled after 2 len 2nd (56 .0) Alltherightmoves 1200m Gold
Coast C6 dead trk Mar 16 . Fitter for 1/2 len 2nd Silver Command 830m D’ben
barrier trial Dec 10 . Has an excellent record this track . Shouldn’t have any trouble
measuring up fresh .
LOUPETS (D J Hansen) 6g By Snippetson - Loup Garou (24:5-7-2): Spelled after 11/2 len 5th (58 .0) Product 1200m E Farm Rst0 dead trk April 1 . Missed start but
worked home well when resuming 3 len 2nd (55 .0) Agent Blue 1200m Sunshine
Coast (Bm85) Dec 21 . Cahill key booking and will strip fitter . Not the worst .
NOOGOORA BURR (David Lawlor) 4g By Royal Academy - Azalea (24:2-0-1): Cardiac
arrhythmia 9-1/2 len last (54 .0) Susashi 1200m D’ben (Bm85) Aug 31 before
spell . Only plodded when resuming 4 len 7th (51 .0) Bymonashee 1110m D’ben
(Bm85) Dec 28 . Wins are few and far between and goes up 6 .5kg under this
scale . Not keen .
STRATAL (P M Perry) 5g By Stratum - Sister Patricia (23:5-0-1): Went back from
wide gate and never threatened 5-3/4 len 8th (54 .0) Celtic Prince 1900m C’bury
Rst0 Nov 27 . Ran on well with huge weight 3/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (59 .5) Failed
Approach, Knockfin Road 1400m Newcastle E&G (Bm60) Dec 26 . Better signs last
time . Drops 2 .5kg from inside gate . Not the worst .
TARGET IN SIGHT (J A O’Shea) 4g By Nadeem - Xaaranthe (10:4-3-0): Led and dug
deep with huge weight nk win (59 .0) Star Of Helicon, Klisstra 1200m Gosford C2
Dec 5 . Knuckled down well len win (59 .0) Big Money, Jacinta 1200m R’wick Rst0
dead trk Dec 26 . In career best form and cherry ripe for this . Only has to cope
with tricky alley to give this a shake .
HEZA JETSETTER (R L Heathcote) 4g By Jet Spur - Shezalago (16:3-2-2): Not a bad
effort in testing conditions 3 len 5th (57 .0) Eximius 1600m Sunshine Coast Gns
heavy trk June 29 . Spelled after 4 len 2nd (58 .5) Lady Echelon 1600m E Farm
3yo Hcp heavy trk July 20 . Fitter for 4th Tax Evader 810m D’ben barrier trial Oct
22 . Can unleash a withering burst when he’s on song . If they go hard up front he’ll
be the one flying at the finish .
NEDIYM’S QUEST (David Pfieffer) 4g By General Nediym - Zabere (12:3-0-0): Made
up ground when resuming 1-1/4 len 4th (60 .0) Sweet Serendipity 1000m Kembla
Grange (Bm65) Dec 14 . Got the bob in at right time nose win (59 .0) We Have A
Winner, Watling 1200m Gosford C2 Dec 27 . Flopped in this race last year but is in
much better form this campaign . One of the key contenders .
PHOENIX FORCE (Bruce Hill) 4g By Dylan Thomas - Raewyn (17:3-0-1): Held on fairly
after leading 4-1/4 len 5th (56 .5) Buakaw 1350m D’ben E&G C3 Dec 18 . Three
deep (no cover) and weakened out of it 9-1/4 len last (54 .5) Interject 1200m Gold
Coast C6 Plt Jan 4 . Has to butter up off a gutbuster last week . Better drawn here
but others have more to recommend .
PURE WHISPER (Ms G Heinrich) 4g By Purrealist - Quiet Name (11:3-1-2): Fought on
well with big weight hd, 2 len 3rd (58 .0) Albert’s Choice, St Andrews 1350m D’ben
C4 dead trk July 31 . Blocked for run and spelled after 1-1/4 len 7th (56 .0) Face
Off 1640m D’ben (Bm80) Aug 21 . Tuned up for this with nose 2nd Antarctic Dream
1000m Gold Coast barrier trial Dec 31 . Looked in good shape in recent trial and
has lethal record this circuit winning two from three . Can’t be ignored .
GUNDY SPIRIT (T J Gollan) 3g By Jet Spur - Empress Di (6:1-1-1): Weaved through
pack and stormed home from last lg hd, 1/2 len 3rd (57 .0) Into The Red, Choose A
Saga 1200m D’ben Gold Edition Dec 14 . Ran home well after covering ground 3/4
len 2nd (57 .0) Enquare 1350m D’ben Vo Rogue Plt Dec 28 . Has been a revelation
this campaign . Taking on older rivals but talent will take him a long way .
PEAKHURST GIRL (Paul Murray) 4m By Choisir - Daub (14:2-0-5): Showed pace but
couldn’t go on 3 len 6th (54 .0) Niobe 1100m C’bury F&M Rst0 Dec 13 . Ridden
off the pace and finished gamely 3/4 len win (54 .0) Corsa Rosa, Raceway 1200m
Wagga (Bm70) Dec 24 . Should get perfect trail from ideal alley . Gets in well under
this scale . Value hope .
Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014 — 15
Every care is taken in the publiciation of TAB fields by the
Barrier Daily Truth, but no responsibility can be taken for
errors. Closing times, names, numbers and dividends should be
checked with TAB agencies.
1 Boag’s Draught Hcp (86) 12.25
1400 metres
On Face Value cn (6) . . . . . . . . J Holder
Petman c (1) . . . . . . . S Westover (a1 .5)
Barigan Boy dm (7) . . . . . . . . O Ay (a3)
Elldami td (3) . . . . . . . Desiree Stra (a3)
Money Bags tcd (4) . . . . . . . D Tourneur
Kate’s Dream tc (5) . . . . . . . . . . S Price
Boristar t (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms C Lindop
59 .5
59 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 2.30 Money Bags 3.00 Boristar 5.00
Kate’s Dream 10.00 Barigan Boy 13.00 On Face Value
15.00 Petman 26.00 Elldami
Money Bags, Boristar, Barigan Boy, On Face Value
ON FACE VALUE (G D Searle) 6g By Face Value - Rapid Dent (33:6-3-5): Got
hampered at the start before finishing 2-1/4 len 2nd (60 .0) Stravinsky Code
1200m M’ville (86) Dec 14 . Never closer than midfield before finishing 5-1/2
len last (55 .0) Dubawi Gold 1400m Morphettville Parks Adel . Xmas Hcp Dec
26 . Struggled in the grade last time and he’s better suited here . Give some
thought .
PETMAN (John Hyam) 5g By Lonhro - Gift Bouquet (22:6-3-2): Dropped right
out when 20-1/4 len 15th (54 .0) Addiction To Rock 1200m M’ville City Of
Marion Dec 7 . Handy early before finishing 5-3/4 len 9th (60 .5) General
Jackson 1200m M’ville (86) Jan 4 . He’s been very disappointing this time
in . Must find something .
BARIGAN BOY (Grant Young) 7g By Secret Savings - Minus Zero (45:8-5-5):
Got collared late when sht 1/2 hd, sht hd 3rd (56 .0) Money Bags, Pharomac
1550m Morphettville Parks (86) Dec 21 . Winner was too good when 4-1/2 len
2nd (54 .0) Extra Virgin 1600m M’ville (Bm90) Jan 4 . Awlays competitive in
this grade and looks close to a win . Must go in .
ELLDAMI (P Stokes) 5m By Al Samer - Autum Fair (21:3-2-3): Went for a spell
after 2-3/4 len 5th (60 .0) Pretty Blonde 2250m Port Augusta Cup July 7 . Never
a factor when 10-1/4 len 10th (54 .0) Essay Raider 1100m M’ville Fly Hcp Dec
26 . Fitter for one run back but she might still be a run short . Wait till later .
MONEY BAGS (P Stokes) 5g By Dash For Cash - Folly Doll (12:4-3-1):
Outclassed rivals with 4-1/4 len win (55 .5) Differing Fortunes, Assaboy
1400m Morphettville Parks (78) Nov 30 . Made it three in a row with sht 1/2
hd win (54 .0) Pharomac, Barigan Boy 1550m Morphettville Parks (86) Dec
21 . Has gone to a new level this campaign and ready for the next challenge
here . Hard to beat .
KATE’S DREAM (Ms K Byrnes) 7m By Akhadan - Makmore (50:10-5-6): Failed
to run on when 6-1/4 len 9th (54 .0) Stravinsky Code 1200m M’ville (86) Dec
14 . Was inconvenienced near the 200m when 3-1/4 len 4th (57 .5) Natural
Disaster 1100m M’ville F&M (82) Dec 26 . Found some trouble last time and
she’s better suited over this trip . Include in trifectas .
BORISTAR (J F Macmillan) 4g By Commands - Quillionaire (8:3-0-0): Had a break
after 2-1/4 len last (55 .5) Whitten’s Delight 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo
(75) Mar 23 . Resumed racing with len win (54 .5) Nimasael, Sweeneys Lane
1300m Morphettville Parks (78) Dec 21 . Up in grade here but gets down in
the weights . Not the worst .
2 Tattsbet Hcp (78) 1.05
1250 metres
Stereosonic (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Mott
Dance For Cash (8) . . . . . . . . . . .P Gatt
Marble Rye cd (5) . . . . . Ms A Herrmann
Nimasael tcmb (6) . . . . . Ms L Hopwood
Beltonic (4) . . . . . . . . . . Ms N Beriman
Medal Contender c (3) . . . . . D Tourneur
Kelly Royale tm (2) . . . . . . . . . . . S Price
More Than Eagle b (7) . . . . . . . J Holder
59 .5
58 .5
57 .5
57 .5
56 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 4.00 Stereosonic 4.80 Beltonic 5.50
More Than Eagle, Nimasael 6.50 Dance For Cash, Medal
Contender 8.00 Marble Rye 21.00 Kelly Royale
Nimasael, Stereosonic, Medal Contender, More Than
STEREOSONIC (J D Sadler) 4g By Savabeel - Dancing Song (7:3-1-1):
Stormed home from well back to finish 2-3/4 len 4th (55 .0) Ajeeb 1400m
C’field 3yo C&G Hcp dead trk July 27 . Had to be eased near the 600m
before finishing sht 1/2 hd, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54 .0) Clang And Bang, Bel Thor
1720m F’ton (90) slow trk Aug 10 . Talented Victorian galloper who can
figure here while fresh . Sure to be prominent . DANCE FOR CASH (Shawn
Mathrick) 5m By Dash For Cash - Just Dance On (29:6-4-4): Raced handy
early before finishing 3-3/4 len 7th (54 .0) Free Of Doubt 1420m F’ton
(90) Dec 21 . Had a poor post-race recovery after 28-1/2 len last (55 .0)
Floatmyboat 1400m C’field (78) Dec 26 . Pay to forget her latest effort when
pulled up distressed . Has place claims in this company .
MARBLE RYE (G V Richards) 4g By Al Maher - Please Widd (14:4-2-0): Beat
five home when 2-3/4 len 6th (59 .5) Dontmentionthewar 1200m M’ville
(72) Dec 14 . Finished best for hd win (59 .0) Planet King, More Than Eagle
1200m M’ville (72) Dec 28 . Back to his best last time and sure to be
competitive again here . In the mix .
NIMASAEL (G P Moody) 4m By Hard Spun - Maybe McLaren (19:5-3-2):
Just got there for nk win (55 .5) Streetcar Valour, Back On Target 1200m
M’ville (78) Dec 7 . Always handy when len 2nd (58 .5) Boristar 1300m
Morphettville Parks (78) Dec 21 . Rarely far away and generally races
handy . Looks a key player here .
BELTONIC (M W Young) 7g By Bel Esprit - Carbonated (13:3-1-0): Never
threatened when 4 len 9th (57 .0) General Jackson 955m M Valley (Bm78)
dead trk Dec 6 . Did his best work late when 3 len 6th (57 .0) King Buddy
1200m M Valley (78) Dec 28 . Got home OK last time and will be fitter
here . Not the worst .
MEDAL CONTENDER (G P Moody) 4m By Marmottan - Yemaya (16:5-0-4):
Led all the way to score sht 1/2 hd win (57 .0) Serbian Crown, Azna 1250m
Morphettville Parks (72) Nov 30 . Always handy when 1-3/4 len, 3/4 len
3rd (58 .0) Natural Disaster, Raks McLaren 1100m M’ville F&M (82) Dec
26 . Racing well in similar grade and worth some thought in an open race .
Keep in mind .
KELLY ROYALE (W E Smart) 7m By Keltrice - Windsor Rebel (24:6-4-0):
Kept coming when 1/2 nk 2nd (55 .5) Dancing Poetess 1500m M’ville M
Hcp-82 Nov 5 . Never a factor when 5 len 9th (55 .0) Extra Virgin 1400m
Morphettville Parks M Hcp Nov 16 . Has won three times first-up in the past
and could give some cheek here . Look for a market lead .
MORE THAN EAGLE (D R Jolly) 4m By More Than Ready - Mutate (6:1-2-1):
Returned from a break with 3/4 len 2nd (55 .0) Quick Lover 1050m M’ville
(72) Dec 7 . Finished strongly but just missed when hd 2nd (55 .0) Marble
Rye 1200m M’ville (72) Dec 28 . Promising type and latest effort puts her
right in this . Comes into calculations .
3 Schweppes Hcp (68) 1.45
1000 metres
Crabbing cdm (3) . . . . S Westover (a1 .5)
Clandarbhen td (5) . . . . . . . Ms C Lindop
Amodini (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Holder
Blue Magnate (2) . . . . Ms A Herrmann
Erbawi d (1) . . . . . . . . Jake Toeroek (a2)
Alphabetic (7) . . . . . . Ms H Mc Kechnie
Ardere (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A Patterson
Bian Brave (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . W Kerford
59 .5
55 .5
54 .5
3.50 Crabbing 4.00 Ardere 5.00 Clandarbhen 5.50 Erbawi
7.00 Alphabetic 11.00 Blue Magnate, Bian Brave 15.00
Crabbing, Ardere, Amodini, Alphabetic
CRABBING (Jon O’Connor) 3g By Holy Roman Emperor - Orpenella (6:2-0-0):
Did not finish off 7-1/2 len 11th (54 .5) Prettyhappyaboutit 1050m M’ville
Lightning Stks dead trk July 27 . Run ended late 2 len 5th (57 .5) Clandarbhen
1300m Morphettville Parks 3yo (Bm72) dead trk Aug 3 . Promising sprinter
who has had two solid trials to get him ready for first-up run .
CLANDARBHEN (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3g By De Beers - Queen Tatiana
(4:2-0-0): Chimed in at right time hd win (56 .5) Thomason, Erbawi 1300m
Morphettville Parks 3yo (Bm72) dead trk Aug 3 . Pulled up with elevated heart
rate 11-3/4 len 8th (59 .0) Kushadasi 1526m M’ville 3yo Hcp slow trk Aug 31 .
Did enough in first preparation to suggest he has talent . Winner on debut and
may find best fresh .
Daily Double:
Races 6 & 8
AMODINI (B D Brook) 3f By Face Value - Ambola (10:1-1-1): Always on speed len
win (55 .5) Quiet Chat, Super Esra 1050m Oakbank 3yo Mdn Dec 13 . Faded
late 11-3/4 len last (54 .0) Golden Dane 1000m Morphettville Parks (78) Dec
21 . Always on the speed when strong winner at Oakbank then she was disappointing here last start . Can bounce back .
BLUE MAGNATE (G V Richards) 3g By Written Tycoon - Go Blue (1:0-0-0):
Showed good speed before run ended 3-3/4 len 7th (57 .5) Silver Sebring
1000m Morphettville Parks 3yo Mdn slow trk Sept 18 . Showed nice turn of
foot on debut but just lacked fitness late . Resuming from spell and sure to
have matured .
ERBAWI (R R Jolly) 3f By Dubawi - Erfolg (11:3-0-2): Led them up in the wet
befor tiring 2-1/4 len 5th (54 .0) Kushadasi 1200m M’ville 3yo (Bm72) heavy
trk Aug 17 . Straight to the front but first beaten 9-1/4 len 6th (53 .0) Cash Is
Coming 1100m M’ville 3yoF Hcp-72 slow trk Aug 31 . She is a speedy filly who
should go forward and take some running down .
ALPHABETIC (Ms H Lehmann) 3f: First start . By Akhadan - Demand . Strong sht
nk, 3-3/4 len 3rd Equivocation, Statue Of Glory 900m Naracoorte barrier
trial dead trk Dec 29 . By winning son of Danehill out of four times winning
daughter of Encosta de Lago .
ARDERE (D G & R Balfour) 3f By Hidden Dragon - Aradina (6:0-1-1): Led them for
long way 4-3/4 len 6th (57 .5) I Got A Turbo 1050m M’ville 3yoF Mdn dead trk
Dec 20 . Only run down late len 2nd (53 .5) Flyin’ For Me 1000m M’ville 3yo
(Bm72) Dec 28 . Likes to roll forward in her races and she was only caught
late last start . Takes catching .
BIAN BRAVE (D G & R Balfour) 3f: First start . By Bianconi - Brave Deed . Even
effort 5-1/4 len 6th Babitzin 1000m M’ville barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk Jan
6 . Half sister to four times winner Opononi . By same sire as Nicconi out of
six times winning mare .
4 A Sheppard Constructions (72) 2.25
1950 metres
1–X434 Devonshire Duke b (7) . . . . . .Scratched
2–2132 Caton (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms L Hopwood
3–4089 Pacino (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Price
4–X741 Six Beat m (2) . . . . . . S Westover (a1 .5)
5–2235 Smoke Burner (5) . . . . . . . . D Tourneur
6–0X15 Bit Of A Schiller (10) . . . . J Frew (a1 .5)
7–7146 Mighty Moment d (6) . . . . . . . . .S Cahill
8–1X52 Seduction Counsel (1) . . . . . .M Neilson
9–2945 Southern Invasion t (9) . Ms A Herrmann
10–0772 Serena (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Potter
58 .5
58 .5
58 .5
58 .5
54 .5
4.00 Caton 4.80 Smoke Burner 6.00 Seduction Counsel
7.00 Pacino, Bit Of A Schiller 11.00 Mighty Moment 13.00
Six Beat, Southern Invasion 51.00 Serena
Caton, Devonshire Duke, Smoke Burner, Seduction
DEVONSHIRE DUKE (M D Moroney) 5g By Keeper - Bexley (16:3-2-4): Always
handy when 3/4 len, sht hd 3rd (56 .0) Sabres, Kiaola 1400m Terang (Bm78)
slow trk Nov 21 . Kept coming when 1-1/2 len 4th (54 .0) Jetconi 1600m Tatura
Italian Plate Dec 8 . Has been freshened and he’s rarely far away . In the mix .
CATON (F W Meuring) 5g By Reset - Mardi Gras (21:4-4-3): Came from well back
to finish nose, sht 1/2 hd 3rd (55 .0) Latin Hero, Differing Fortunes 1600m
M’ville (78) Dec 14 . Just missed when lg nk 2nd (55 .5) Differing Fortunes
1600m M’ville (78) Dec 28 . Racing consistently but gets out to this trip for
the first time here . Can’t be ignored .
PACINO (W P Bencic) 10g By Bianconi - Yarra Dreaming (87:8-10-11): Led early
but dropped right out when 13-1/2 len 8th (57 .0) Eclair Samba 1800m M’ville
(78) Dec 7 . Didn’t finish it off when 4 len 9th (59 .0) Little Adam 2048m M’ville
(72) Dec 28 . Struggling for form and others here look to have his measure .
SIX BEAT (Ms A McGrath) 5g By Lonhro - Boogie (21:3-1-1): Always in a similar
spot when 4-1/2 len 4th (55 .5) Blue Highway 1400m Mt Gambier (62) dead
trk Dec 8 . Just got there for sht 1/2 hd win (53 .0) Diamonds At Noon, Innocent
Mug 2000m Penshurst Cup dead trk Dec 26 . Tougher here and place claims
look best in this company .
SMOKE BURNER (P Stokes) 4g By God’s Own - After Beune (13:2-3-3): Was
inconvenienced near the 600m before finishing 1-3/4 len, lg hd 3rd (55 .5)
Use The Lot, Anudjawun 2500m M Valley (78) Nov 15 . Worked home OK when
3-1/4 len 5th (56 .0) Leonardo Express 2500m M Valley (78) Nov 29 . Finished
10-1/2 len last Couldn’t Agreemore 1000m M’ville barrier trial dead trk Jan 6 .
Comes back in trip here and has been freshened since his latest run . Stable
commands respect so keep in mind .
BIT OF A SCHILLER (Michael Hickmott) 4g By Artie Schiller - Blazeland (14:1-21): At first run back from a spell scored 3 len win (58 .0) Bold Senator, Alert
Bert 1400m Murray Bridge Mdn Nov 13 . Worked home OK when 3-1/2 len
5th (57 .5) Tronador 1500m M Valley (64) Dec 20 . Wasn’t disgraced last time
but he is eligible for easier races . Place looks best .
MIGHTY MOMENT (Simon Drewitt) 5g By Barely A Moment - Pick O’ The Bunch
(31:6-2-3): Made good late ground when 2-1/4 len 4th (54 .5) Primal Instinct
1750m Port Lincoln (Bm80) Dec 6 . Wasn’t far away when 2-3/4 len 6th (56 .5)
Little Adam 2048m M’ville (72) Dec 28 . Racing well in similar grade and looks
a place chance here .
SEDUCTION COUNSEL (Tony McEvoy) 4m By Testafiable - Musk (5:1-2-0): Laid
out near the 600m before finishing 4 len 5th (54 .0) Heart Of Eternity 1514m
M’ville F&M (82) Dec 7 . Got home late when 1-1/4 len 2nd (56 .0) Mustang
Schiller 1600m M’ville (68) Dec 26 . Shows promise but up in grade here .
Include in trifectas .
SOUTHERN INVASION (Ms M Ruberry) 5g By Southern Image - Golden Eagle
(19:1-2-1): Set the pace when 2-1/4 len 4th (54 .0) Tristacat 1950m
Morphettville Parks (78) Dec 21 . Beat half the field home when 6-1/4 len 5th
(55 .0) Eclair Samba 2000m M’ville (78) Jan 4 . Could add value to exotics .
SERENA (Ms S Kotz) 4m By Kempinsky - Chase The Chick (14:1-4-0): Got
tightened for room before finishing 10-1/4 len 7th (58 .0) Jack’s A Tiger Too
1514m Gawler C2 Dec 18 . Held on OK when 3 len 2nd (56 .0) Musee D’Model
2000m Naracoorte (68) dead trk Dec 29 . This looks tougher than recent starts
and others here have her measure .
5 Sportingbet (Bm90) 3.05
1250 metres
Testate cd (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S Cahill
Rebel Truce cdm (7) . . . . . . . . . . S Price
Magical Pearl tdmn (1) . . . . . . . . .P Gatt
Gold Bundle t (6) . . . . Jake Toeroek (a2)
Kosciuszko’s Side dm (8) . .Todd Pannell
Believe In More tc (3) . . . . . . . . J Holder
Goldbya d (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . .M Neilson
Natural Disaster tm (4) Desiree Stra (a3)
58 .5
57 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.20 Rebel Truce 3.50 Goldbya 5.00
Kosciuszko’s Side, Natural Disaster 11.00 Gold Bundle,
Magical Pearl 21.00 Testate 26.00 Believe In More
Goldbya, Rebel Truce, Kosciuszko’s Side, Magical
TESTATE (Simon Drewitt) 9g By Testa Rossa - Laura’s World (58:11-8-11):
Settled last but stormed home to score lg hd win (63 .0) Hank’s Nephew,
Black Barra 1200m Port Lincoln (Bm80) Dec 6 . Never a factor when 5-1/2
len 8th (64 .5) Hank’s Nephew 1000m Port Lincoln (Bm80) Dec 31 . Veteran
who was anchored by the huge weight last time . Has claims on his previous
consistent form .
REBEL TRUCE (Patrick Payne) 7g By Bel Esprit - Largo (41:9-8-4): Went for
a spell after 2-1/2 len 4th (54 .0) Out Of Coober 1400m Mildura Cup Sept
1 . Finished best to score 1/2 hd win (58 .0) Our Nkwazi, Idalou 1250m
Morphettville Parks (86) Nov 30 . Scored well first-up and should be fitter
here . Go close again .
MAGICAL PEARL (D W O’Leary) 10g By Keltrice - Boundary West (53:10-5-7):
Led all the way to score 2-1/2 len win (55 .5) Family Portrait, Mahmentum
1350m Strathalbyn Open Hcp dead trk Nov 17 . Laid out in the straight when
2-3/4 len, lg nk 3rd (57 .0) Family Portrait, Gold Bundle 1600m Murray Bridge
Open Hcp Dec 1 . Has been freshened and drops back in trip here . Getting on
in years but still competitive . Keep safe .
GOLD BUNDLE (P L Seater) 6g By Keep The Faith - Thanks A Bundle (38:7-39): Always handy when 2-3/4 len 2nd (60 .0) Family Portrait 1600m Murray
Bridge Open Hcp Dec 1 . Didn’t finish it off when 12-1/2 len last (57 .0) Extra
Virgin 1600m M’ville (Bm90) Dec 14 . Better suited back to this trip and
improved shwoing is on the cards . Don’t dismiss .
KOSCIUSZKO’S SIDE (J D Smith) 6g By El Moxie - Sarygamysh (21:7-0-0): Bled
during the race when 4-1/2 len 4th (57 .0) St Fraser 1200m M’ville (68+)
dead trk Sept 1 (2012) . Returned from a bleeding ban to score len win
16 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
BEST BET: White Roe
(Selections by Ian Russell)
(54 .0) El Prado Gold, Jayconi 1050m M’ville (Bm90) Dec 14 . Returned from
a 14-month break with a dazzling win first-up and can only be improved by
the run . Must go in .
BELIEVE IN MORE (John Hyam) 7g By More Than Ready - Brookes (56:121-7): Never threatened when 8-3/4 len 11th (57 .0) Essay Raider 1100m
M’ville (Bm90) Nov 23 . Always in a similar spot when 6-1/2 len 10th (58 .5)
Stravinsky Code 1200m M’ville (86) Dec 14 . Struggling to recapture his best
form but does get some weight relief here . Needs to lift .
GOLDBYA (R W Huxtable) 4g By Dylan Thomas - Autumn Belle (19:4-3-1): Always
handy when 1/2 len, 1/2 nk 3rd (57 .5) Stella Lante, Excites Zelady 1600m
M’ville (86) Nov 23 . Raced without cover throughout when 1-3/4 len 4th (54 .0)
Lord Durante 1600m C’field Open Hcp dead trk Dec 7 . Big effort from a wide
gate in Melbourne last time . Has been freshened and should be in the finish .
NATURAL DISASTER (Alex Stra) 5m By Danerich - Tycoon Sheila (20:5-3-5): Did
her best work late when 1-1/4 len, sht hd 3rd (55 .5) Golden Dane, On Strike
1000m Morphettville Parks (78) Nov 30 . Led all the way to score 1-3/4 len win
(56 .0) Raks McLaren, Medal Contender 1100m M’ville F&M (82) Dec 26 . Back
to her best last time but up in grade here . Worth some thought .
6 Angelakis Bros Hcp (72) 3.45
1400 metres
1–X337 Little Bro (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Mott
2–X733 Midnight Express dmb (9) H McKechnie
3–868X Ballypatrick (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . J Holder
4–5516 Rowdy Rocker cd (1) . . . . . . . O Ay (a3)
5–2155 Astro Damus t (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . S Price
6–1163 On A Dream (7) . . . . . . . . . Ms C Lindop
7–4715 New Empire d (8) . . . . . . . . . . . .S Cahill
8–2212 Token One d (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . D Tootell
9–651X Royal Entity (11) . . . . . Ms A Herrmann
10–8X37 Terrapinna d (10) . . . . . . . .Todd Pannell
11–340X Sparkling Victory (6) . . . Ms L Hopwood
58 .5
58 .5
55 .5
2.50 Little Bro 3.80 On A Dream 5.50 New Empire 7.00
Rowdy Rocker 13.00 Midnight Express, Astro Damus 16.00
Token One 17.00 Terrapinna 21.00 Ballypatrick 31.00 Royal
Entity 51.00 Sparkling Victory
Little Bro, On A Dream, Astro Damus, Midnight
LITTLE BRO (J D Sadler) 5g By Al Maher - Gulistan (15:2-5-4): Stuck on OK
when 1/2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (61 .5) Fight To The Line, Misscatelli 1200m M
Valley (Bm70) Dec 13 . Beat half the field home when 3-3/4 len 7th (57 .5)
Floatmyboat 1400m C’field (78) Dec 26 . Wasn’t disgraced from a wide gate
in Melbourne last time and has claims here . Keep in mind .
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (D I Dodson) 6g By Street Cry - Midnight Success (33:56-4): Never got clear run lg hd, len 3rd (60 .5) Lil Bit Musky, Greenedge
1100m Horsham (Bm70) Dec 22 . Held ground on speed 1-3/4 len, 6 len
3rd (56 .5) Season Of Fortune, My Way 1200m Naracoorte (Bm80) dead trk
Dec 29 . Looked the unlucky runner at Horsham, always on speed last start
for strong placing .
BALLYPATRICK (S G Padman) 7g By Dash For Cash - Baroness Rose (34:4-5-4):
Only held ground 1-3/4 len 6th (57 .5) Full Bore 2044m M’ville (75) heavy
trk July 6 . Lacked any late dash 10-1/2 len 8th (51 .0) Bojani 2000m M’ville
(86) dead trk July 27 . Resuming from long speel and he will be better over
longer .
ROWDY ROCKER (K M Sweeney) 9g By Saratoga Springs - Sally Rose (81:107-14): Always on speed and 1-3/4 len win (56 .5) Whitten’s Brew, Mustang
Schiller 1400m Morphettville Parks (68) Dec 21 . Just held his ground 3-3/4
len 6th (55 .5) Ustinov’s Fury 1400m Morphettville Parks Series Final Dec 26 .
Veteran who is racing in super form . Must be included in chances .
ASTRO DAMUS (J R Croucher) 5g By Starcraft - Conquistar (22:2-3-5): Always up
on pace 2-1/4 len 5th (53 .0) What’s In A Name 1600m M’ville (78) Oct 12 . Run
ended late 2-3/4 len 5th (54 .0) St Gabriel 1800m M’ville (86) Oct 19 . Had a
break since battling over the 1800m . Can surprise these fresh over this trip .
ON A DREAM (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 4g By Blevic - Tanuma (13:3-2-3): Did
not finish well enough 7-1/2 len 6th (59 .5) Stradale 1600m M’ville (72) Dec
7 . Wanted to over-race out front lg nk, 3/4 len 3rd (56 .0) Differing Fortunes,
Caton 1600m M’ville (78) Dec 28 . Just wanted to fight rider over the 1600m
last start, back to 1400m he will take running down .
NEW EMPIRE (M S Minervini) 4g By More Than Ready - Western Invasion (9:21-1): Powered home from the back hd win (58 .0) Real Fantasy, Besa Bola
1211m Gawler E&G Hcp-62 Nov 27 . Worked home solidly 3-1/2 len 5th (56 .5)
Marble Rye 1200m M’ville (72) Dec 28 . Showed sharp turn of foot to win two
back then last start was competitive in nice form race . Follow .
TOKEN ONE (W A Bogarts) 5g By Real Jester - Lenketa (31:1-4-5): Last stride 1/2
hd win (58 .0) Begor I’m Sure, Flow Meter 1400m Oakbank E&G Mdn Dec 13 .
Led them up until last 50m 1-1/2 len 2nd (59 .5) Fort Chauvel 1400m Murray
Bridge (62) dead trk Jan 2 . Broke maiden status at Oakbank two back then
was getting into the race last 200m last start .
ROYAL ENTITY (Simon Bates) 5g By Ad Valorem - Royal Works (18:2-3-3): Well
held 2 len 5th (55 .0) Golden Schnaps 1800m Jamestown Jamestown Cup Oct
5 . Raced on speed lg hd win (60 .0) Strategic Impact, Roguish Lady 2000m
Manangatang (58) Oct 12 . Well beaten in Jamestown Cup then raced forward
at Manangatang for tough win . Resumes and will want longer .
TERRAPINNA (G V Richards) 4g By Blevic - Cover Queen (16:1-5-1): Worked
home strongly 1/2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (58 .0) Wanaka Gold, Night Breeze 1050m
Balaklava (62) slow trk Dec 4 . Copped a check late 7-3/4 len 7th (58 .0)
Chestnut Charlie 1200m M’ville (62) dead trk Dec 20 . Was doing best from
back at Balaklava then should have finished touch closer when checked late
last start . Improver .
SPARKLING VICTORY (M A Lockyer) 6g By Reset - Umakineara (40:1-4-3): Battled
18-1/4 len 4th (63 .0) King Triton 3200m M’ville Hrdl heavy trk June 22 . Eased
down f to fin . (64 .5) King Triton 3100m Morphettville Parks Hrdl slow trk July
6 . Resumes from spell, wait for him over the jumps .
7 Australia Day Races 25/1-Bm72 4.25
1400 metres
1–7638 Charles In Charge m (2) . . . . .M Neilson
2–2113 White Roe c (9) . . . . . S Westover (a1 .5)
3–2632 Stimulatte m (1) . . . . . . Ms A Herrmann
4–2214 The Concorde (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . .P Gatt
5–3231 Coup De Beel (3) . . . . . . . . Ms C Lindop
6–22 Trueno (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Todd Pannell
7–31 Alanajune t (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Holder
8–13 Fine Approach b (5) . . . . . .Todd Pannell
9–X241 True Sasso (10) . . . . . Jake Toeroek (a2)
10–4X23 Tudor Armov b (6) . . . . . . . . . D Tourneur
58 .5
57 .5
56 .5
56 .5
55 .5
55 .5
55 .5
55 .5
5.00 Charles In Charge 5.50 Stimulatte 6.00 White Roe,
Fine Approach 7.00 Alanajune 7.50 Tudor Armov 8.50
Trueno 9.00 Coup De Beel 13.00 True Sasso 21.00 The
White Roe, Stimulatte, Trueno, Coup De Beel
CHARLES IN CHARGE (Anthony Freedman) 3g By Myboycharlie - Gloravega
(7:2-0-1): Battled away for 1/2 hd, 2-1/4 len 3rd (58 .0) Maroon Bay,
Romancingthestone 1000m M Valley 3yo (Bm70) Dec 20 . Raced handy early
before finishing 3-3/4 len last (57 .0) Brotherly Secret 1200m M Valley 3yo
(Bm78) dead trk Dec 28 . Comes back a level here and looks a key player .
Hard to beat .
WHITE ROE (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3g By New Approach - Southern Rose
(10:2-3-1): Made it two in a row with 2-3/4 len win (59 .0) Shadows Of Venus,
Don’t Tell Ack 1600m Murray Bridge (68) Dec 1 . Fought on gamely when lg hd,
1-1/2 len 3rd (58 .5) Tenere, Meadows Angel 1600m M’ville 3yo (Bm72) Dec
14 . Very honest and suited this grade . Comes into calculations .
STIMULATTE (G V Richards) 3g By Excites - Caffe Francais (7:1-2-2): Did his
best work late when 1-1/4 len, len 3rd (55 .0) Exodus, Mermaid Run 1400m
Morphettville Parks 3yo Hcp Dec 21 . Stepped up in trip when 1-1/4 len
2nd (59 .0) Joseph Arnold 1800m M’ville 3yo (Bm72) Dec 28 . Last bit may
have found him out last time and drop back in trip here should suit . Give
some thought .
THE CONCORDE (Lloyd Kennewell) 3g By Charge Forward - Soul Singer (5:1-20): Too good when scoring 1-3/4 len win (57 .5) Wild Run, Alanajune 1214m
Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 18 . Stepped up in grade when 5-3/4 len 4th (57 .5)
Pistolier 1200m M’ville 3yo (Bm72) Jan 4 . Should be better for one run in this
company . Out to this trip for the first time and place hopes are best .
COUP DE BEEL (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3f By Savabeel - Justine Coup (5:1-22): Made good late ground when 2 len, 1/2 hd 3rd (55 .5) Light It Up, Starenzo
1200m M’ville 3yo (Bm72) Dec 14 . Ran on strongly for hd win (55 .0) Pistolier,
Tudor Armov 1200m M’ville 3yo (68) Dec 26 . Scored overdue win last time
and can handle the step-up in grade here . Keep in mind .
TRUENO (D G & R Balfour) 3g By Written Tycoon - Alcestis (2:0-2-0): Debuted
with 1/2 len 2nd (57 .5) Buddy Bundy 1050m M’ville 3yo C&G Mdn dead trk
Dec 20 . Kept coming when 2-3/4 len 2nd (56 .0) Pistolier 1200m M’ville
3yo (Bm72) Jan 4 . Still a maiden but showing plenty of promise . Far from
disgraced last time and can’t be ignored in this .
ALANAJUNE (B E Woosnam) 3f By Mossman - Highly Delighted (2:1-0-1):
Debuted with 1-3/4 len, lg hd 3rd (55 .5) The Concorde, Wild Run 1214m
Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 18 . Always handy when scoring nk win (55 .5) Carnival
Class, Walka Country Mile 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo Mdn Jan 1 .
Improving type but she steps up a level here . Rates an each-way chance .
FINE APPROACH (D G & R Balfour) 3f By New Approach - Two Under Par (2:10-1): Heavily supported on debut when scoring 1-1/4 len win (56 .0) Elena’s
Joy, Married For Money 1200m M’ville F&M Mdn dead trk Dec 20 . Always in
a similar spot when len, hd 3rd (57 .0) Flyin’ For Me, Ardere 1000m M’ville 3yo
(Bm72) Dec 28 . Promising filly who didn’t give in last time when stepping up
in grade . Extra trip should suit and she’s not the worst .
TRUE SASSO (D E Magro) 3f By Due Sasso - True Yield (5:2-2-0): Always in a
similar spot when 2-1/2 len 4th (54 .0) Pierremont 1200m Murray Bridge
C1 Dec 1 . Got there late when scoring sht 1/2 hd win (51 .5) Komovi, Space
Trek 1214m Gawler C1 Dec 18 . Out to this trip for the first time and rises in
grade . Faces a task .
TUDOR ARMOV (Tony McEvoy) 3f By De Beers - Sundae Morning (4:1-1-1):
Returned from a break with 1-1/4 len 2nd (54 .5) Lucky Symbol 1050m M’ville
3yo (Bm72) Dec 7 . Laid in in the straight when hd, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54 .5) Coup
De Beel, Pistolier 1200m M’ville 3yo (68) Dec 26 . Fitter for two runs back and
working up to a win . Must be considered .
8 Express Colour Printing Hcp-86 5.10
1000 metres
1–6X96 Basil Da Man d (3) . . . Jake Toeroek (a2)
2–0X84 Grand Taj cd (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Price
3–X307 Impulse Buy cd (8) . . . . Ms A Herrmann
4–6X11 Golden Dane tc (1) . . . S Westover (a1 .5)
5–0350 Idalou d (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P Gatt
6–4439 Wise And Happy cm (4) . . . . . . J Potter
7–X657 North Beach cm (9) . . . . . .Todd Pannell
8–X722 On Strike c (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . .S Cahill
9–277X Alpha Man (5) . . . . . . Ms H Mc Kechnie
10–280X Street Crier dm (2) . . . . . Ms N Beriman
57 .5
56 .5
(TAB FIXED ODDS) 3.20 Golden Dane 3.80 On Strike 5.50
Wise And Happy 6.00 Impulse Buy 9.00 Alpha Man 12.00
Street Crier 17.00 Grand Taj 21.00 Basil Da Man, Idalou,
North Beach
Golden Dane, Grand Taj, Impulse Buy, North Beach
BASIL DA MAN (C B Oxlade) 7g By Blevic - Sugar Grey (17:6-1-0): Returned
from a break with 5-1/4 len 9th (55 .5) Jayconi 1000m Morphettville Parks
(Bm90) Nov 9 . Even effort without threatening when 4-1/2 len 6th (58 .0)
Kosciuszko’s Side 1050m M’ville (Bm90) Dec 14 . Getting down in grade
now and his best would see him right in the finish here . Keep safe .
GRAND TAJ (G D Searle) 6g By Elusive Quality - Coming Up Roses (33:8-4-3):
At first run back from a spell finished 5-3/4 len 8th (55 .5) Kosciuszko’s
Side 1050m M’ville (Bm90) Dec 14 . Showed good pace and held on
gamely for 2-1/2 len 4th (54 .0) Essay Raider 1100m M’ville Fly Hcp Dec
26 . Fitter now and latest effort is a strong recommendation for this . Take
catching .
IMPULSE BUY (G V Richards) 4g By Estambul - Peony (25:5-7-5): Never
threatened when 5-1/2 len 11th (60 .0) Kaiser Sun 1000m F’ton (84) dead
trk Dec 14 . Handy early before finishing 5-1/4 len 7th (54 .0) Essay Raider
1100m M’ville Fly Hcp Dec 26 . Form has tapered off of late but capable
of better . Take on trust .
GOLDEN DANE (P Stokes) 4g By Danerich - Rose Royce (12:5-3-1): Resumed
racing with 1-1/4 len win (56 .5) On Strike, Natural Disaster 1000m
Morphettville Parks (78) Nov 30 . Made it two in a row with hd win (58 .5)
On Strike, Exalted William 1000m Morphettville Parks (78) Dec 21 . Tougher
here but he knows how to find the line . Will give plenty of cheek .
IDALOU (T Dansie & Ms N Storr) 10g By Northern Drake - Gdansk Danzer
(52:10-9-5): Always handy when 3-1/4 len 5th (57 .0) Stravinsky Code
1200m M’ville (86) Dec 14 . Never threatened when 6-1/2 len 10th (58 .5)
General Jackson 1200m M’ville (86) Jan 4 . Veteran campaigner who may
be past his prime . Others look better .
WISE AND HAPPY (B C Mueller) 5g By Happy Giggle - Wise As An Owl (18:61-3): Jumped awkwardly before finishing lg nk, 1-3/4 len 3rd (57 .5) Halle
Rocks, Ogunde 1000m Morphettville Parks (86) Oct 26 . Went for a spell
after 7-1/2 len last (58 .0) Ventic 1250m Morphettville Parks (86) Nov 9 .
Resuming here and he’s unbeaten in three goes first-up . Definite threat .
NORTH BEACH (G V Richards) 6g By Footstepsinthesand - White Fire (39:56-6): Beat seven home when 4-1/2 len 5th (54 .0) Essay Raider 1100m
M’ville (Bm90) Nov 23 . Got checked near the 600m when 5 len 7th (54 .0)
Kosciuszko’s Side 1050m M’ville (Bm90) Dec 14 . Has been freshened but
it’s almost 18 months since he won a race . Looks tested .
ON STRIKE (J F Macmillan) 5g By Charge Forward - Sapphire Girl (13:3-3-2):
Kept coming when 1-1/4 len 2nd (57 .5) Golden Dane 1000m Morphettville
Parks (78) Nov 30 . Jumped awkwardly then pulled hard before finishing
hd 2nd (58 .0) Golden Dane 1000m Morphettville Parks (78) Dec 21 . Close
to a win and he has a super record around here . Gets some weight relief
and sure to be prominent .
ALPHA MAN (Ms H Lehmann) 5g By Mugharreb - Chantella (11:2-3-0):
Wasn’t far away when 3-1/4 len 7th (54 .0) That’s The One 1410m F’ton
C S Hayes Stks Feb 18 (2012) . Missed the start then was blocked for a
run when 3-3/4 len 7th (57 .5) Go The Knuckle 1200m M’ville Centrebet
Class Mar 12 (2012) . Lightly-raced 5yo who has been off the scene for
nearly two years . Has plenty of ability when right and is up to this at his
best . Bears watching .
STREET CRIER (M W Young) 6g By Street Cry - Let’s Say Grace (22:4-6-3):
Got blocked for a run near the turn before finishing 4-1/2 len 8th (57 .0)
Magnus Reign 1300m Geelong Synthetic (Bm78) July 12 . Had a poor
post-race recovery after 10-1/2 len 10th (61 .0) Cahier 1200m Geelong
Synthetic (Bm70) Aug 27 . Victorian galloper with good fresh record but
eligible for easier races . Faces a task .
Wanted to Buy
& Wor k Wanted
cars For sale
Work Wanted
UTE, 1990, immaculate
condition, 315,000 kms,
new running gear, CD
player, UHF, dual battery
system, rego until September, regretful sale, $12,000
ono. Phone 0408 087 475.
Reg AV92VG.
blocked drains machine
cleared today, burst pipes,
hot water, gasfitting, all
plumbing work. R. J. Steer
and Sons Plumbers, Lic.
L10486. Phone 8087 8460
anytime. Pensioner’s discounted.
Phone 8087 4569
Gift vouchers on sale
10.15am Frozen
Matinee price $12pp
12:00noon Free Birds
(M) Duration 180 minutes
1.45pm Walking With Dinosaurs
Matinee price $12pp
caravans For
Matinee price $12pp
3.30pm Free Birds
Matinee price $12pp
5.15pm Frozen
Matinee price $12pp
CORONET, 24ft 4 berth van,
air-con,large fridge, gas
stove, full annexe, 12
Z12758. Good condition,
make good spare room.
$6500 ono, 0428 914 425,
8088 7420.
7.00pm Anchorman 2: The
Legend Continues
Special holiday admissions $13.50pp
Hurry - Limited season
9.00pm The Hunger Games:
Catching Fire
Special holiday admissions $13.50pp
Hurry - May be final week! Keep check!
Check Cinema for
session times
In normal 2D & 3D format
STORY: See and feel what it
was like when dinosaurs ruled
the Earth, in a story where
an underdog dino triumphs to
become a hero for the ages.
Check Cinema for
session times
10.15am Free Birds
Matinee price $12pp
11.45am Walking With Dinosaurs
Matinee price $12pp
1.15pm Frozen
STORY: Two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks must
put aside their differences and
team up to travel back in time
to change the course of history
- and get turkey off the holiday
menu for good.
4.30pm The Hobbit: The
Desolation of Smaug
Matinee price $12pp
3.00pm Free Birds
Matinee price $12pp
Special holiday admissions $13.50pp
Note: May be final screening, keep check!
[email protected]
om | w
For sales, service and installation of
copiers, printers, faxes, scanners, office furniture
Selling and delivering consumables for:
Offering in store services
such as Copying, Printing,
Faxing, Emailing and
Contact us today and SAVE!
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Face to face workshops being run from
20th Jan 2014 for 2 weeks.
Wanted to Buy
STORY: The dwarves, along with
Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf The
Grey, continue their quest to
reclaim Erebor, their homeland,
from Smaug. Bilbo Baggins is in
possessions of a mysterious and
magical ring.
For sale
For sale
GaraGe sale
dine. Gloria Jean’s Coffee,
milkshakes, fruit fruzies,
creme brulle’s, sodas and
more, iced teas and coffees. Corner of Blende and
Bromide Street.
GENERATOR, 55kva, powered by Cummins Onan
standby unit, excellent
order. Phone (02) 4975
456 CUMMINS LANE. Estate sale, all household and
shed goods for sale.
7:00am start, Saturday
11th January.
AIR CONDITIONING: Beginning of season services
of all makes and models
services, repairs and spare
parts. For prompt service.
L.C. Electrical & Air Conditioning, 327 Blende
Street, 8087 3415.
happening at The Fabric
Closet on the town square
when we reopen on Monday 6th January. Up to
75% off merchandise. Furniture, fabric and giftwares
all priced to sell to make
room for new stock.
ART, Paintings by Brushmen
of the Bush, including Eric
Minchin, Jack Absalom,
Hugh Schulz, John Pickup
and Pro Hart. Also works
by Sam Byrne, Hoppy
Hopgood, Tom Offord,
David Bromley, George
Gittoes and others. Phone
0417 802 300.
HAY: Lucerne and oaten,
large and small squares,
large quantities, also feed
oats, semi loads. Mildura
area. 0427 520 982, 0409
547 448.
GIFTSHOP, Goldfish,
tropicals, and all accessories, mealworms, crickets, frozen mice, reptile
tanks, heat mats, garden
ponds and pumps, budgies, canaries, parrots,
quails, bird cages, rabbit
hutches, Open everyday,
51 Creedon Street.
PINBALL MACHINE, Stallone “Demolition Man”,
plays 4 people, ideal for
man cave. Phone 0437 219
to let
Auto, 98,800kms, $11,000
ono. 0429 446 743.
manual, dark grey, great
condition, 32,000 kms, reg
till April 2014, $8,400.
Phone 8087 4548. Rego
No. S263AGN.
MAZDA 626 SEDAN, 1992,
thunder grey, rego No.
BS52VG, 178,702kms,
good condition $3,500.
Phone 0477 825 486.
SEL, 1989, silver, rego no
AL-46-YQ. $3,500 ono.
Apply 411 Cummins
all your photo, artwork,
canvas framing. Shutterbug, 348 Argent Street,
8087 5300. We frame anything.
good condition, manual,
207,000kms, Kenwood
CD/MP3, registered until
October 2014, AQA30H,
$2,800 ono. Phone 0456
099 445.
Deepti Kumar
Ph: (08) 8082 6888 Mobile: 0401 540 654
Email: [email protected]
Starting from.....
$27,990 drive away
$44,990 drive away
65 Rakow Street
P: 8087 1300
F: 8087 3300
30 can block for only
Carlton Mid 30 Cans ..............$39.99
Hahn Super Dry 3.5 24 pack ..$39.99
HOUSE, three bedroom, shed,
aircon and built-ins, $250
per week plus bond. Phone
0409 399 667, North area.
VB 24 Packs..........................$44.99
HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, with garage/shed.
Central location $270pw.
Phone 0427 002 225.
Carlton Draught 24 cans.........$44.99
West End Draught 30 Cans.....$44.99
Tooheys New 30 cans ............$48.99
Hahn Light 30 cans................$38.99
Carlton Dry 24 Pack ................$41.99
Tooheys Extra Dry 375ml........$41.99
Hahn Super Dry 24 375ml......$46.99
Pure Blonde 24 375ml ...........$45.99
MILDURA, quiet location. From $75 a double
per night, discount for 3
nights or more, off peak.
Walk to shopping Plaza.
Phone 03 5023 3735.
Hahn Light 24 Stubbies..........$32.99
self contained, linen supplied, at Glenelg. Just metres off Jetty Road. From
$150 p/night. Contact Lorraine on 0408 502 710.
XXXX Summer 330ml ..............$42.99
Southwark Bitter 375ml..........$41.99
Jim Beam, Bundaberg & Jack Daniels
Mugs, coolers, hip flasks, glasses, pool
cues, clocks, cooler bags, sports bags
from 5pm until close
• 2000
00 Sedan
• SSilv
lvveerr D
co • Tow B
• LLeeaatth
her SSeeaatts • 160,027k
Licence # 19861
Cost is $1950, includes all resources.
Carton beer everyday
Carlton Cold 3.5 Mid 30 pack .$38.99
Time 9:00am to 3:00pm
Michelle McLaren
Ph: (08) 8082 6888 Mobile: 0429 876 338
Email: [email protected]
large pots $50 each or the
lot $350, elegant fern
unique palm like appearance. Phone 0432 265 849
or 8087 2907.
stock in single and double
packs. At Globe Home
Timber & Hardware, 108
Galena Street, Broken
Hill, phone 8087 5382.
lawn mowing, garden
maintenance, yard clean
ups, footpaths and shed
cleanouts. Phone 8087
BRICK UNITS for rent, close
to Railwaytown Primary
School, Broken Hill. 1.
$150 per week, 3 double
bedrooms, big lounge,
123A Wills Lane. 2. $110
per week, 2 bedrooms,
renovated, 123D Wills
Lane. Contact 0433 888
cars For sale
BOBCAT HIRE from $80,
tree and stump removal,
selling discounted pavers
all shapes, sizes. Broken
Hill Bobcat, 186 Wills
Street, 0458 215 030.
CARAVAN, up to $2,000 in
sound towable condition,
with no leaks. Phone 8087
Special holiday admissions $13.50pp
Matinee price $12pp
9.00pm Anchorman 2: The
Legend Continues
89 Oxide
e Hill Ph: 8087 2368
STORY: With the 70’s behind
him, San Diego’s top rated
newsman, Ron Burgandy, returns
to take New York’s first 24-hour
news channel by storm.
7.15pm Free Birds
Wayne Lee BLINDS 76 Gypsum St 8087 7585
Check Cinema for
session times
Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2013 — 17
BHAC lic 188324c
Eurosolar lic 232564
from $1400.00
Browse our online store for all your products or call
Doug on 0410 267 326 for all your
Work Wanted
Work Wanted
Work Wanted
PuBlic notices
lawns at a reasonable rate,
removing rubbish and general tidy ups. Phone 8088
1617 or 0499 085 959.
BOBCAT, tipper, water
truck hire, removal of concrete, demolition work,
spread c/dust, lazer level,
hole borer, trencher,
slasher. Phone 0413 048
532, Lic. No. 224206C.
mice, cockroaches, ants,
termites, ticks, etc. I use
only the best chemicals
possible to get results, all
at competitive prices. 7
days a week. Call Pestblue
anytime on 0416 515 155.
Lic. no. 100803.
meeting Sunday 12-1-14 at
2pm. All Nations Hotel.
Air conditioning needs!
Email: [email protected] | Website:
POLISHING, new and
old floors, locally owned,
free quotes. ABN No.
62411680120. Phone 8087
5432 or 0497 849 008.
Congratulations FWA on the
Licence No: 114795C
ABN: 41515 357 881
esponsible S
ervice o
off A
Monday, 20th January from
5.00pm - 11.30pm
esponsible C
onduct o
off G
uesday, 21st January from
5.00pm - 11.30pm
Delivered in partnership with the Australian College of Mining Pty Ltd
Weekdays, Weekngihts and Weekends Commencing in February
Weeknights February
Weekends Saturdays February
Weekends Sundays February
Venue: Robinson College, Wentworth Rd, Broken Hill
For further
fur ther information,
information, bookings
bookings &
ayments - p
lease p
hone: 0
087 7
fter 1
Mulga Hill T
Cnr Oxide & William St
Consolidated Mining & Civil is a Broken Hill based
company that has been in operation for over 100 years.
Due to recent expansion, we require the services of an
ent of staffff within our
day to day running and management
Administration team.
2 AFL BH Board Directors
• Voluntary roles helping formulate future strategies to
strengthen AFL in Broken Hill • Attend Monthly meetings,
Portfolio of Responsibility and regular email discussion
• As per the Constitution 2 positions become available each
year. Board members retire on rotation but are welcome to
reapply • To be eligible to apply you cannot hold an executive position with a Club
Chairman Competition Management
Committee (CMC)
• Voluntary role chairing meetings of the CMC who oversee
the 6 Competitions • Liaise with the 4 Clubs and assist our
Ground Managers on match days when available • Assist
the Football Operations Manager (FOC) and the Ground
Managers to ensure games are conducted within the bylaws
CMC Representatives
• Voluntary roles to assist Ground Managers to ensure
match day runs smoothly • Assist with open/close of oval,
voting collation and assist when available. Only 2-3 meeting
per season.
Jubilee Oval Ground Manager (Senior games)
• This position carries an honorarium. The hours will be
12 noon to 6pm on Saturdays • Duties include collation of
team sheets, voting slips, reports & payment to Umpires
• Ensuring venue is safe & Bylaws are followed • Lock up at
end of the day
Persons interested in any of the positions should apply by
Friday 17th January 2014 to:
Ann Brown
Football Operations Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 72, Broken Hill
Enquiries to Chairman, Peter Nash 0427 095 091
18 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2013
Key Accountabilities
• Supervise and coordinate staffff
• Oversee all accounts related processes
• Assist in the maintenance of management systems
• Participate in the establishment of budgets and
• Monitor and audit the processes for employee
entitlements, petty cash, advances and
• Monitor and audit the processes for accounts payable
and accounts receivable
• Process and record electronic funds transfers
• Ensure all end of month activities are received and
• Train and educate employees to an established
• Update and maintain plant and equipment records
Desirable Skills
• Cert IV Business Management or equivalent
• Cert III Business Administration or equivalent
• Booking keeping / Accountancy experience
• Experience using MYOB
• Relevant industry experience
• Well organised
• Ability to work as part of a team
• Able to meet deadlines
• Good communication skills
This is a full time position working Monday to Friday
from 8am to 4pm.
To join the CMC team, submit your
you application to;
Consolidated Mining & Civil
PO Box 5079,
Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
Applications may also be emailed to;
[email protected].
For more information please contact Hayley Meuret
on 0437 013 073 between 8am and 4pm, Monday to
Positions vacant
TORPYS are currently seeking a young energetic person to join our sales teams
in a full time position. The
successful applicant will
be an enthusiastic, self—
motivated and outgoing
with good communication
skills. Traineeship’s can be
undertaken with plenty of
on the job training and supervision. If you are keen
and looking for long term
job prospects within this
retail industry, applicants
should deliver, in person, a
hand written application
and resume to Kellie
Jenkin at Torpys during
working hours - Monday
to Friday.
For hire
HERTZ Broken Hill has a
3 ton truck available for
hire with hydraulic lifter.
Also available trolley, rugs
and ropes. Phone 8087
health and
available for appointments
on Monday 13/01/14.
Phone 0417 818 034.
Sports injuries; Rehabilitation; Trigger point therapy;
Neck, back, shoulder pain;
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Contact David
Sedunary on (08) 8088
church notices
6.30pm, room G, Robinson College. Enquiries
phone Wayne Lee 0413
670 133.
PuBlic notices
HOUSIE will not be on
Tuesday 14th as hoped. We
hope to start on Tuesday
21st, due to the renovations not starting until the
6th January. There was no
guarantee the clubrooms
would have been ready for
us for the 14th. Any inquiries please call Trevor
on 8087 1285 or 0488 295
COURSE in Broken Hill,
10th of January. Book
now, limited places. Phone
(02) 9524 5678.
January (this Saturday).
Old time, New Vogue,
Latin, Rock and Roll. Musicians Club Auditorium.
7:30pm until 11pm. Phone
Keith 8087 4554.
the new year with something fun for the outdoors,
book for your boating licence now. Phone (02)
9524 5678.
TWO UP, every Friday night!
At the Palace Hotel from
9pm. Dinner bookings advised, phone 8088 1699.
adult services
FUN, sexy and cute, 20 years
old, caucasian, size 10 and
busty, personal, fun adult
entertainment. Phone 0428
908 686.
BARRON, Mila: Welcome to
our family Mila Barron.
Born 6th January, 2014. A
precious little girl who has
already filled our hearts
with joy. Congratulations
Lachlan and Teegan with
love from Mum and Dad
B. xxx
nights at The Theatre
Royal. This Friday DJ
Menace, 8pm till late.
Playing old skool RNB,
Hiphop and dance. Drink
specials, 18+, ID required.
POWER: Happy 1st Birthday
to our beautiful daughter
and sister Dakoda Emasyn
Power. Hope you have a
good day. Love always
Mummy, Daddy and
Kaleigh. xoxoxo
Consolidated Mining & Civil is a Broken Hill based
company that has been in operation for over 100 years.
Due to recent expansion, we require the services of an
experienced Civil Earthworks Manager to be
responsible for the day to day running and
management of staffff and current projects.
To be considered for this role, tthe candidate will;
• Have a demonstrate track record in a similar role.
• Possess an earthmoving and mining background.
• Possess heavy haulage an crane knowledge.
• Have the ability to tender, quote and liaise with
• Be able to read and interpret plans and use a laser
• Have experience in operating a variety of equipment.
• Have strong leadership skills.
• Be computer literate.
• Possess excellent communication skill both verbally
and in writing.
• Have the ability to harness strong client and
stakeholder relationships.
• Possess excellent decision making skills.
• Possess a commitment to excellence, safety and
prepared to work out of town for short periods
It is also desirable that the candidate have formal
Management. This position is based in Broken Hill and
is not a FIFO role.
The successful candidate will be required to complete
and pass a pre-employment medical as well as conform
to other company policies and procedures during the
length of their employment.
Renumeration will be in acordance with the person’s
skills and abilities.
To join the team at Consolidated, submit
application to;
Consolidated Mining & Civil
PO Box 5079,
Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
Applications may also be emailed to;
[email protected].
For more information please contact Hayley Meuret
on 0437 013 073 between 8am and 4pm, Monday to
By Eugenia Last
THANK all of the residents of the War Vets
Home who gave me a
wonderful surprise morning tea for my 90th birthday. Good time had by all.
Beryl Slatcher.
THOMSON, Glenn: 9-3-26
— 9-1-14. You’re back in
Mum’s arms now Dad.
Love you, love from Deidre, Tony, Jacob, Luke,
Stephen and families. xxx
Our dear friend Steve, now
with his beloved Dawn
who was my dearest
friend. We miss you both.
Deepest sympathy to Liz,
Paul, Con and Suzann and
their families. Love Dot,
Ray (deceased) and families. xxxx
Our love and sympathy to
Liz, Paul, Con, Suzann
and families on the sad
loss of Uncle Steve, Godfather to Julie, will be remembered always for his
kind and gentle nature.
Julie, Dave, Cassie, Jeb
and Reanna. xxxx
Home and Business on-site
support at a competitive rate
JAMES, Patricia May: It’s
been a year. Loving mum,
mother-in-law and Nanna.
Love always Michael,
Colleen, Annette and Tom.
0429 232 732
[email protected]
Pensioner Discounts Available
head shed
Insurance Mark Isaac
Agents for
for all your
insurance needs:
1 year has
passed today.
We think of
you in silence
and make no
utward show,
but what it
meant to lose
u no one will
er know. Love
thhan, Sonya &
Sue & Karli.
Tables, chairs, etc.
Phone Karen on
0429 125 108.
Teaze Me
Hair and Beauty
Offering :
Phone Bree or Caitie today
123 Oxide Street
LEO — (July 23 to August 22)
Put your effort into your work, not the uncertainty going on around you. Consider
what you enjoy doing that may have potential to lead to greater prosperity.
VIRGO — (August 23 to September 22)
Self-improvement, making a difference to
others and dealing with the young and the
old in your circle will bring you the greatest
LIBRA — (September 23 to October 22)
Don’t let anyone bully you into something
you don’t want to do. Put more emphasis
on your surroundings and making them
less stressful and more convenient.
SCORPIO — (October 23 to November 21)
Set your sights on whatever will make you
happy and head in that direction. Let your
thoughts be heard and your intentions laid
out for those involved in your plans. Put
love and romance at the top of your list.
SAGITTARIUS — (November 22 to December 21)
Re-evaluate what you know and how you
are using your knowledge and skills. Yoou
may want to make a couple of adjustments if it will help you receive what you
are worth.
CAPRICORN — (December 22 to January 19)
Time spent with those you like to collaborate with the most personally or professionally will help you make an important
decision regarding your future.
AQUARIUS — (January 20 to February 19)
Charity begins at home. Before you rush off
to help others, you must take care of your
needs first. Yoou can make adjustments to
your residence that will encourage you to
pursue a goal you have yet to accomplish.
Lic No: AL3444
Barrier Daily Truth
CANCER — (June 21 to July 22)
Offer what you can, but don’t take on responsibilities that will stand between you
and your goals. It’s important that you
leave room for socializing and sharing with
someone you love.
• Self inking stamps
• Vue stamps
• Stamp accessories
Call in to the
A change of scenery will give you something to think about. Look at locations that
have something to offer personally and
professionally. Don’t limit the possibilities.
Expand your current plans.
Authorised Representative 250491
385 AArgent
rgent Street,
Broken Hill NSW 2880
08 8087 3056
08 8088 3394
[email protected]
[email protected]
TAURUS — (April 20 to May 20)
Yoou’ve got what it takes to succeed so don’t
wait for things to happen; be the instigator. An industrious attitude will give you the
clout you need to get others interested in
what you are doing.
GEMINI — (May 21 to June 20)
For an appointment with
Lucy Netherwood
HICAPS available
DVA Clients welcome
In Memoriam
Dear Mitchell, what can we say that you
don’t already know.
It’s now four years since you exchanged your
physical body presence in our lives and
transcended into your spiritual energy form.
How blessed we are to know there is
‘full-on, life after death’.
There is never a day that goes by without
your strength, love, laughter, wicked sense
of humour and randomness
that infiltrates our lives.
Thank you so much for everything you show,
give, teach and guide is with... in the
understanding that you ARE always with us!
Love, Light & ‘Mitch’ Hugs from Mum, Dad,
Raeah, Amy, Maddog, Nan & Pop Foord,
Nana Knickers and all your family and friends
in White Cliffs, Broken Hill,
Bathurst and beyond!
‘Always thinking of you and I feel you around
me every day’. Love Raeah.
shoulder pain?
back pain?
Ph: 08 8087 9383
Passed peacefully
on January 6, 2014.
Loved husband of
Doris (deceased).
Specially loved by
Jill and Paul, Kate
and Andrew, Tracy,
Brad and Ben.
6th May 1991 —
10th January 2010
David John:
ARIES — (March 21 to April 19)
Look straight ahead and don’t stop until
you have completed everything on your todo list. Don’t let interference sidetrack you.
Step away from anyone who is unpredict
unpredictable or posing a problem.
Physiotherapy treatment
can assist in pain relief for a
variety of conditions.
Sunday Jan 12th
All types of hairdressing,
acrylic nails, manicures,
pedicures, waxing, brow
and lash tinting, body
treatments, massages,
make up
and hair extensions.
Your numbers are 4, 10, 19, 21, 33, 37,
7, 46.
In Memoriam
14th January
Alma Oval
GeeNs ‘R’ Us
Where there is a will, there is a way,
yy, aand
nd yyo
ou’ll sst
ttoop aatt
our dde
r inaatttiioonn
nothing until you get what you want.. Y
ttiion yyo
ouu fface.
accee. TTravel
and passion will outshine any competition
eeaalltt w
iittthh cca
and communication, however, must bee ddealt
n’’tt pproceed
cceeeeeedd w
iittthh cca
auInjury and insult is apparent if you don’t
tion and do your best to avoid arguments.
in memoriam
McEWEN, David “John”:
Passed away in Adelaide
Monday 6/1/14. Treasured
and much loved lifelong
friend of Bill and Lurleen*
McLeod. Much loved
“Uncle John” of Debbie,
Lauren, David and their
ů Ƶď
Evan Handler,
53; Pat Be611;
1; George
natar, 61;
waar 69.
65; Rodd S
display advertising
PISCES — (February 20 to March 20)
ll us fo
or a
88 3967
Sharing your thoughts will help you make
a good decision regarding your attributes
g and how best to use them to get ahead.
a Contracts and settlements can be made and
i promises will be honored.
Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2013 — 19
12 Years A Slave is widely tipped to win Best Motion Picture - Drama.
Hollywood showcase
HE Oscars may still be almost
two months away, but Hollywood
is already in the grip of awards
The Golden Globe Awards will be handed out, four days before the Oscar nominations are announced, in a week in which
the focus of so much Hollywood effort will
either be richly rewarded or shunned.
The ceremony will air in Australia on pay
TV’s Fox8 at noon (AEDT) on Monday.
Serious film types often dismiss the
Globes as largely irrelevant to the inner
workings of Hollywood, since the awards
are chosen by a small and self-selected
group of foreign film journalists, few of
whom are credentialled to major media
But that hasn’t stopped the awards show
from becoming one of the best-known
Hollywood events of the year, which succeeds in attracting all the major stars, and
which is capable of giving winning movies
a powerful boost with audiences.
Since 1956 the Globes have been honouring the best of television as well as film,
unlike the Oscars, which focus only on
In the past, the Golden Globes have had
a haphazard record at predicting Oscar success. That is unlikely to change this year.
But with critics acclaiming this year’s
crop of movies one of the most award-worthy in recent memory, there’s bound to be a
significant overlap.
That augurs well for 12 Years a Slave and
American Hustle, the two movies which
came out on top of the nominations, earning seven nods apiece.
Unlike the Oscars, the Golden Globes
split their choice in two - choosing separate
pictures for best drama and best comedy or
That means that Steve McQueen’s haunting tale of a free black man kidnapped into
slavery in pre-civil war America is the clear
favourite to win the award for best drama,
while David O. Russell’s finely crafted
caper about an FBI corruption sting opera-
Golden Globes nominations
12 Years a Slave
Captain Phillips
American Hustle
Inside Llewyn Davis
The Wolf of Wall Street
Cate Blanchett - Blue Jasmine
Sandra Bullock - Gravity
Judi Dench - Philomena
Emma Thompson - Saving Mr. Banks
Kate Winslet - Labor Day
tion is just as sure to win for best comedy
or musical.
The odds are best reflected in a closelywatched poll of experts conducted by entertainment awards site Of
the 19 experts it asked, 18 predicted victory
for American Hustle, with just a single dissenter going for the poignant tale Nebraska.
The other nominees are Her about a
man who falls in love with his computer,
Inside Llewyn Davis, a rom-com set in the
folk music scene of 1960s New York, and
The Wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese’s
keenly observed critique of the excesses of
the finance industry.
Similarly, 14 of GoldDerby’s experts
chose 12 Years a Slave as the best drama,
with the other five going for Alfonso
Cuaron’s brilliantly-made space thriller
Gravity. The other nominees are maritime
thriller Captain Phillips, Formula 1 epic
Rush, and Philomena, about a woman’s
20 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
Chiwetel Ejiofor - 12 Years a Slave
Idris Elba - Mandela: Long Walk to
Tom Hanks - Captain Phillips
Matthew McConaughey - Dallas Buyers
Robert Redford - All Is Lost
Amy Adams - American Hustle
Julie Delpy - Before Midnight
Greta Gerwig - Frances Ha
Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Enough Said
Meryl Streep - August: Osage County
Christian Bale - American Hustle
Bruce Dern - Nebraska
Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf of Wall
Oscar Isaac - Inside Llewyn Davis
Joaquin Phoenix - Her
quest to track down the baby she gave away
for adoption.
If such equations take much of the suspense out of the show, there’s still plenty
of other reasons to tune in to the broadcast. Last year, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
earned some of the strongest raves for hosts
of an awards show with their charming,
down-to-earth and often hilarious stint as
the co-hosts.
In contrast to other recent Oscar and
Golden Globe hosts, they seemed to be
enjoying themselves as much as many in
the audience, and had no need to descend
into vulgarities or character assassinations
in an effort to induce laughter. Fey and
Poehler are returning on Sunday night.
Film fans also will not want to miss the
cavalcade of glamorous stars who will be
strutting the red carpet, and enjoying the
endless supply of fancy champagne and a
The Croods
Despicable Me 2
Alfonso Cuaron - Gravity
Paul Greengrass - Captain Phillips
Steve McQueen - 12 Years a Slave
Alexander Payne - Nebraska
David O. Russell - American Hustle
Breaking Bad
Downton Abbey
The Good Wife
House of Cards
Masters of Sex
The Big Bang
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Modern Family
Parks and Recreation
gourmet dinner made with local California
This year’ faces will include Cate
Blanchett, Sandra Bullock, Judi Dench,
Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet, who
are up for best actress in a comedy or musical, as well as Amy Adams, Julie Delpy,
Greta Gerwig, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and
Meryl Streep, who are competing for the
best dramatic actress prize.
Among the men, Christian Bale, Bruce
Dern, Leonardo DiCaprio, Oscar Isaac
and Joaquin Phoenix are the nominees
for the best actor in a comedy or musical,
while Chiwetel Ejiofor, Idris Elba, Tom
Hanks, Matthew McConaughey and Robert
Redford are vying for the dramatic acting
award. Redford has never been nominated
for an acting Golden Globe, so now, at
the age of 77, it may finally be his time to
shine. MCT
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.30
Catalyst. (R)(CC) 10.00 Michael Palin’s
Brazil. (R)(CC) 11.00 My Family. (R)
(CC) 11.30 Midday Report. (CC) 12.00
One Plus One. (CC) 12.30 Land Girls.
(PG) (R)(CC)
2.10 Lily. (R)(CC)
2.30 Play School. (R)(CC)
3.00 Pingu. (R)
3.05 Fireman Sam. (R)(CC)
3.15 Maya The Bee. (R)(CC)
3.30 Pat And Stan. (R)(CC)
3.40 The Jungle Book. (R)(CC)
3.50 GASP! (R)(CC)
4.05 Kid Vs Kat. (R)(CC)
4.15 Jibber Jabber. (R)(CC)
4.30 Eggheads. (R)(CC)
5.00 News: Early Edition. (CC)
5.35 Grand Designs. (R)(CC)
6.00 Sunrise. (CC)
9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) (CC)
The latest news and views.
11.30 Morning News. (CC)
12.00 Movie: Taken Away. (1996)
(PGa) (R)(CC) Jill Eikenberry,
Michael Tucker. A man’s sick wife
is kidnapped.
2.00 SlideShow. (PG) (R)(CC)
Hosted by Grant Denyer.
3.00 The Chase. (PG) (R)(CC)
Hosted by Bradley Walsh.
4.00 News At 4. (CC)
5.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R)(CC) One
contestant has the chance to
win up to $200,000.
5.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)(CC)
Three contestants go head-tohead in a test of brain power.
6.00 Today. (CC) Presented by Karl
Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson.
9.30 Mornings: Summer. (PG) (CC)
Highlights of 2013 in review.
11.00 News. (CC)
12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
(PG) (CC) Variety show.
1.00 Movie: Funny Farm. (1988)
(PGl) (R)(CC) Chevy Chase,
Madolyn Smith. A couple’s
dream of an idyllic life in the
country is ruined by problems
that surround their farm.
3.00 News Now. (CC)
4.15 News. (CC)
5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) Six contestants
vie for time in the Hot Seat to
answer questions that escalate
in cash prize value.
6.30 News. (CC)
7.00 7.30. (CC)
7.30 QI. (PG) (R)(CC) Guests Julia
Zemiro, Sue Perkins and Ross
Noble join Stephen Fry for a
letter “J”-inspired discussion.
8.00 Death In Paradise. (Mv) (R)
(CC) An investigation strikes
close to home for Richard
after the victim is killed while
handcuffed to him.
9.00 The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective
Agency. (PG) (R)(CC) A rival
detective agency sets up
in competition to Precious’
successful new business.
9.55 News: Late Edition. (CC)
10.05 Hustle. (PG) (R)(CC) Eddie is
taken hostage.
11.05 Hockey. Men’s World League
Finals. Australia v Belgium. From
New Delhi, India.
12.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
4.30 Rage. (PG)
5.30 Rage.
6.00 News. (CC)
6.30 Southern Cross News. (CC)
7.00 Better Homes And Gardens
Summer. (CC) Dr Harry shares
a moving story of the heroes
who are giving working dogs a
new chance at life
8.30 Movie: Crimson Tide.
(1995) (Mlv) (R)(CC) Denzel
Washington, Gene Hackman.
An officer on a US submarine
mutinies in order to prevent
his commanding officer from
launching an attack.
11.00 The Blacklist. (Mv) (R)
(CC) Red searches for a
kidnapping victim.
12.00 GCB. (Ms) (R)(CC) Cricket
interviews surrogates.
2.00 Southern Belle: Mississippi,
Alabama And Florida. (R)A
look at the Deep South.
3.00 Home Shopping.
4.00 NBC Today. (CC) News and
current affairs.
6.00 News. (CC)
7.00 A Current Affair. (CC)
7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PGs)
(R)(CC) Penny becomes jealous
of her new neighbour and the
effect she has on the boys.
8.30 Movie: The Lord Of The Rings:
The Return Of The King.
(2003) (Mv) (R)(CC) Elijah
Wood, Sean Astin. As the quest
nears its end, the free races of
Middle Earth struggle to unite to
battle the armies of Sauron.
12.45 Movie: Every Little Step.
(2008) (Ml) (R)(CC) Bob
Avian, Justin Bellero. The
plight of dancers auditioning
on Broadway.
2.30 The Baron. (PG) (R) A famous
painting is stolen.
3.30 Extra. (CC) Entertainment
news program.
4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.
4.30 Good Morning America. (CC)
HoLdEn BaRIna
• “Spark”
• Unique Interior
• Excellent Condition
REduCEd to
Eyewitness News Early. (CC)
Wake Up. (CC)
Studio 10. (PG) (CC)
Studio 10 You. (PG) (CC)
Eyewitness News
Morning. (CC)
Dr Phil. (PGls) (CC)
The Doctors. (PGs) (CC)
Come Date With Me.
(PG) (R)(CC)
Everyday Gourmet With
Justine Schofield. (R)(CC)
Judge Judy. (PG) (CC)
Entertainment Tonight.
(PG) (CC)
Huey’s Kitchen. (CC)
The Bold And The
Beautiful. (CC)
Eyewitness News. (CC)
6.00 The Project. (CC)
Join Charlie Pickering and
Carrie Bickmore for a look at
the day’s news, events and
hot topics.
7.00 Cricket. (CC) Twenty20 Big
Bash League. Game 20.
Sydney Sixers v Perth Scorchers.
From the SCG.
10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) (R)(CC)
Frank assigns Danny to
investigate the shooting
of an undercover counterterrorism agent.
11.30 The Project. (R)(CC)
Join Charlie Pickering and
Carrie Bickmore for a look at
the day’s news, events and
hot topics.
12.30 The Late Show With David
Letterman. (PG) Join David
Letterman and special guests
for his Top 10 and more.
1.30 Infomercials. (PG)
2.00 Home Shopping.
6.00 Japanese News. 6.10 Hong Kong
News. 6.30 Chinese News. 7.00 Hindi
News. 7.25 Italian News. 8.05 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek
News. 10.30 German News. 11.00
Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News.
12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 Behind The Front Door.
(PG) (R)(CC)
1.30 Inspector Rex.
2.30 NITV News Week In Review.
3.00 France 24 International
News. (CC)
3.30 Al Jazeera News. (CC)
4.00 The Journal. (CC)
4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC)
5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally.
Stage 5. Highlights. From
Chilecito to Tucumán, Argentina.
6.00 The Dales With Ade
Edmondson. (CC)
6.30 World News Australia. (CC)
7.30 Town With Nicholas Crane:
Saffron Walden. (CC)
Part 2 of 4. Nicholas visits
Saffron Walden.
8.35 David Starkey’s Music And
Monarchy: Crown And Choir.
(CC)Part 1 of 4. Historian Dr
David Starkey reveals how
the story of British music was
shaped by the monarchy.
9.40 As It Happened: World War
II – The Last Heroes: Victory.
(Maw) (CC)
10.35 World News Australia. (CC)
11.05 Movie: Tear This Heart
Out. (2008) (Mlns) (R) Ana
Claudia Talancón, Daniel
Giménez Cacho.
1.05 Inspector
Montalbano. (Mv) (R)
3.05 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00
Korean News. 5.35 Japanese News.
• 2010 Model
• 46,000kms
3 yEaR y
• One Local Owner
• Faultless Throughout
REduCEd to
184–190 Crystal street
Phone 8087 2311
Justin 0437 099 319 | miChael 8087 2311 | todd 0407 473 977 | Paul 0402 420 889
6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.05 Dorothy The
Dinosaur. 10.10 Pet Superstars. 10.15 Blinky
Bill. 10.40 Raa Raa! The Noisy Lion. 10.50 Little
Princess. 11.00 Zigby. 11.15 Pingu. 11.20 Toby’s
Travelling Circus. 11.30 Sesame Street. 12.00
The Magic Roundabout. 12.10 Rastamouse.
12.25 Guess With Jess. 12.35 Babar And
The Adventures Of Badou. 1.00 Thomas And
Friends. 1.15 Little Charley Bear. 1.20 Elmo’s
World. 1.40 The Mole Sisters. 1.50 Fifi And The
Flowertots. 2.05 Kioka. 2.15 Tinga Tinga Tales.
2.25 Arthur. 2.50 Octonauts. 3.05 Fireman
Sam. 3.15 Maya The Bee. 3.30 Mister Maker.
3.55 Penelope. 4.00 Play School. 4.30 Peppa
Pig. 4.35 Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.45 Peppa Pig.
4.50 Rob The Robot. 5.05 Pocoyo. 5.10 Peppa
Pig. 5.15 Ben And Holly. 5.30 The Adventures
Of Abney & Teal. 5.45 Humf. 6.00 In The
Night Garden. 6.30 Spicks And Specks. 7.00
River Monsters. 7.45 Would I Lie To You? 8.00
Confessions Of A Wedding Planner. 9.00 Unsafe
Sex In The City. 10.00 Arrested Development.
10.20 Hebburn. 10.50 Bad Education. 11.20
Spaced. 11.45 River Monsters. 12.35 Green
Wing. 1.25 News Update. 1.30 Close.
6.00 Home Shopping. 7.00 Fish Hooks. 7.30
A.N.T. Farm. 8.00 Handy Manny. 8.30 Shake
It Up. 9.00 NBC Today. 11.00 Hercules: The
Legendary Journeys.
12.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PGv) (R)
1.00 Motor Mate. (R)
3.30 Dream Car Garage. (PG) (R)
4.30 Tennis. Kooyong Classic.
6.00 Pimp My Ride. (PG) (R) (CC)
6.30 MythBusters: Alcatraz Escape, Duck
Quack, Stud Finder. (PG) (R) (CC)
7.30 MythBusters: MacGyver Special.
(PG) (R) (CC)
8.30 Movie: Wrongfully Accused.
(1998) (PGvsl) (R) Leslie Nielsen,
Kelly LeBrock. A violin master is
wrongfully accused of murder and
sentenced to death.
10.30 Gridiron. Legends Football League
Australia. Queensland Brigade v
Western Australia Angels. From Skilled
Park, Queensland.
12.00 Danny Dyer’s Deadliest Men. 1.00
Chaser’s War. 1.30 Unsolved Mysteries. 2.30
Motor Mate. 5.00 Pimp My Ride.
6.00 Friends. 6.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo.
7.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 8.00 A Dream
Home Abroad. 9.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.
10.30 Surfing The Menu. (PG) (R)
11.00 Friends. (PG) (R) (CC)
12.00 Movie: The Comedy Man. (1964)
(PGas) (R)
1.50 GEM Presents. (R) (CC)
2.00 Surfing The Menu. (PG) (R)
2.30 Domestic Blitz. (PG) (R) (CC)
3.30 The Bottom Line: General Peter
Cosgrove. (PG) (R) (CC)
4.00 Hot Property. (PG) (R) (CC)
4.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) (CC)
5.30 The People’s Court. (PG) (CC)
6.30 Friends. (PG) (R) (CC)
7.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
8.30 Movie: The Man In The Iron Mask.
(1998) (Mav) (R) Leonardo DiCaprio,
Jeremy Irons. Three musketeers help
the king’s twin brother.
11.15 Movie: Chaos. (2005) 1.15 Movie: Dead Of
Night. (1945) 3.15 Movie: The Story Of Gilbert
And Sullivan. (1953) 5.15 GEM Presents. 5.30
Rainbow Country.
6.00 Toasted TV. 8.00 Totally Wild. 8.30
Toasted Junior. 9.30 Wurrawhy. 10.00 Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles. 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager.
12.00 Charmed. 1.00 Star Trek: The Next
Generation. 2.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch.
2.30 Frasier. 3.00 Infomercials.
3.30 Cheers. (PG) (R)
4.00 The King Of Queens. (PG) (R)
4.30 Laverne & Shirley. (PG) (R)
5.00 Happy Days. (PG) (R)
5.30 Beverly Hills 90210. (PG) (R)
6.30 Neighbours. (CC)
7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond.
(PGs) (R) (CC)
7.30 Glee. (PGals) (R) (CC)
8.30 Wonderland. (Ms) (R) (CC) Colette
discovers she is pregnant.
9.30 The Graham Norton Show.
(Ma) (R) (CC) Graham chats with
celebrity guests.
10.30 Mobbed. (PG)
11.30 Craig Ferguson. 12.30 Ent. Tonight. 1.00
Raymond. 1.30 Happy Days. 2.00 Sabrina.
2.30 Frasier. 3.00 Charmed. 4.00 ST: Next
Gen. 5.00 Shopping.
6.00 Urdu News. 6.20 Indonesian News. 7.00
Russian News. 7.30 Polish News. 8.00 Dutch
News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20 Portuguese
News. 11.05 Japanese News. 11.40 Hong Kong
News. 12.00 Chinese News. 12.30 Korean
News. 12.55 Italian News.
1.35 German News.
2.05 Spanish News.
3.05 Greek News.
4.00 Bang Goes The Theory. (R)
4.30 Survivorman: Georgian
Swamp. (PG) (R)
5.20 Iron Chef. (R) (CC)
6.05 Ninja Warrior. (PG)
6.30 Soccer. A-League. Round 14. Newcastle
Jets v Melbourne Victory. From Hunter
Stadium, Newcastle.
9.35 Ninja Warrior. (PG) Olympic athletes
compete to become a “ninja”.
10.05 Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist And
Rebel. (Mnsa) (R) (CC)
12.15 Movie: Yatterman. (2009) 2.15 PopAsia.
4.15 WeatherWatch. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.15 YooHoo &
Friends. 6.30 Kobushi. 6.35 Oggy And The
Cockroaches. 6.45 Total Drama Island. 7.15
The High Fructose Adventures Of Annoying
Orange. 7.30 The Super Hero Squad Show.
7.50 Dragons: Riders Of Berk. 8.15 I.N.K:
Invisible Network Of Kids. 8.40 Stoked. 9.05
Prank Patrol Road Trip. 9.30 Total Drama
Action. 12.10 Rated A For Awesome. 12.30
Sally Bollywood. 12.45 YooHoo & Friends. 1.00
Kobushi. 1.05 Oggy And The Cockroaches. 1.15
Total Drama Island. 1.40 The High Fructose
Adventures Of Annoying Orange. 1.55 The
Super Hero Squad Show. 2.25 The Twisted
Whiskers Show. 2.35 The Wannabes. 3.00 The
Sleepover Club. 3.25 Sea Princesses. 3.40
The Jungle Book. 3.50 GASP! 4.05 Kid Vs Kat.
4.15 Jibber Jabber. 4.30 Fleabag Monkeyface.
4.40 Camp Lakebottom. 4.55 Almost Naked
Animals. 5.05 Wolverine And The X-Men. 5.30
Young Dracula. 6.00 Pocket Protectors. 6.05
Detentionaire. 6.30 Horrible Histories. 7.00
Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 7.25 The High
Fructose Adventures Of Annoying Orange. 7.35
Dance Academy. 8.25 The Gees. 8.30 Close.
Home Shopping.
Sea Princesses. (C) (R) (CC)
It’s Academic. (C) (CC)
Toybox. (P) (R) (CC)
America’s Court With Judge Ross.
(PGa) (R)
9.00 Home And Away: The Early
Years. (R) (CC)
9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) (R)
10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) (R)
10.30 Tennis. Apia International. Day Six.
Kooyong Classic. Day Three.
5.00 Shortland Street. (PG)
5.30 Coronation Street. (PG)
6.00 Bargain Hunt. (R)
7.00 Tennis. Apia International. Night
Six. From Sydney Olympic Park
Tennis Centre.
10.30 Homes Under The Hammer.
11.45 Neighbours At War. 12.15 America’s
Court With Judge Ross. 12.40 Beautiful Homes
And Great Estates. 1.00 Movie: The Gay Falcon.
(1941) 2.30 Bargain Hunt. 3.30 The World
Around Us. 4.30 Leyland Brothers’ World. 5.30
6.00 Thunderbirds. 6.30 Scooby-Doo! Mystery
Incorporated. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30 Kitchen
Whiz. 8.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. 8.30 Max Steel.
9.00 Monsuno. 9.30 Batman: The Brave And
The Bold. 10.00 Winx Club. 10.30 The Shak.
11.00 Power Rangers Samurai. 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. 12.00 Extra. 12.30 Bachelor Pad.
2.30 Auction Hunters. (PG) (R)
3.00 Nitro Circus Live. (PGl) (R)
3.30 Max Steel. (PGv) (R)
4.00 Batman: The Brave And The Bold.
(PGv) (R)
4.30 Scooby-Doo! Mystery
Incorporated. (PG) (R)
5.00 Adventure Time. (PGv) (R)
5.30 The Regular Show. (PGvh) (R)
6.00 Movie: S1m0ne. (2002) (PGsl) (R)
8.30 Movie: The Island. (2005) (Mvla) (R)
Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson. In
the future, two people go on the run.
11.30 Beware The Batman. 12.00 Movie:
Superman/Batman Apocalypse. (2010) 1.30
MAD. 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra.
4.00 The Catalina. 4.50 Flash & Dash. 5.10
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5.30 Monsuno.
6.00 Gridiron. NFL. Wildcard Weekend.
Philadelphia Eagles v New Orleans Saints.
Replay. 9.00 Cricket. Twenty20 Big Bash
League. Game 19. Melbourne Stars v Adelaide
Strikers. Replay. 12.30 Omnisport. 1.00 Golf
Getaway. 1.30 Timber Sports. 2004 Revelstoke
Timber Days Festival. Replay. 2.00 Whose Line
Is It Anyway? 3.00 The Biggest Loser. 5.00
iFish Summer Series.
6.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) (R)
6.30 Get Smart. (PG) (R)
7.00 Cops. (PGad) (R)
7.30 Megafactories: Learjet. (PGa) (R)
8.30 Cops. (PGd) (R) (CC) Join dedicated
police officers as they patrol the streets
of the US.
9.30 Basketball. NBL. Round 13. Melbourne
Tigers v New Zealand Breakers. From
the State Netball And Hockey Centre,
11.30 The League. 12.00 Fight Master
MMA. 1.30 Omnisport. 2.00 NBL. Round 12.
Sydney Kings v Cairns Taipans. Replay. 4.00
NBL. Round 12. Melbourne Tigers v Cairns
Taipans. Replay.
6.00 Tales Of Tatonka. 6.30 Grounded. 7.00
Tipi Tales. 7.30 Go Lingo. 8.00 Inuk. 8.30
Bizou. 9.00 Yamba’s Playtime. 9.30 Kai Time
On The Road. 10.00 Around The Campfire.
10.30 Nganampa Anwernekenhe. 10.45 The
Black Olive. 11.00 Away From Country. 12.00
Black Magic. 1.00 Five Seasons. 2.00 Welcome
To Wapos Bay. 2.30 Yamba’s Playtime. 3.00
Yarramundi Kids. 3.30 Inuk. 4.00 Tales Of
Tatonka. 4.30 Go Lingo. 5.00 NITV News. 5.30
Kai Time On The Road. 6.00 Moose TV.
6.30 NITV News.
7.00 Korraiyn.
7.30 Rugby League. Koori Knockout. Boys
U-17s. Western Sydney v Yuin Monaro.
8.30 Rugby League. Murri Carnival.
Kulpiyam Tigers v Curacao Crusaders.
From Ipswich, Queensland.
9.00 Rugby League. Koori Knockout. U-15s.
Rab v Western Sydney Indigenous
Sporting Academy.
10.00 Footy: The La Perouse Way. (Ml)
10.30 NITV News. 11.00 Moose TV. 11.30
Volumz. 5.30 Bizou.
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) Adult themes (d)
Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence; (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.
Please Note: In some areas there may be a 30 minute
variation between programs.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and
steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt and thieves
do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-20
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Down: 1. Sheep, 2. Virgo, 3. Don, 5. Anti, 6. Tiptop,
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Lunge, 25. Tasty, 27. Keen, 30. Vie.
Phone The MakeShop 8087 4460 or call into 518 Argent Street
sudoku Pacific
22 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
Complete the grid
so that every row,
column and 3x3
box contains every
digit from 1 to 9
AMBER GROSE: Club Captain,
who will lead the medal charge,
after a great carnival season
to date
Always determined, loves her
breaststroke, will stand on the
medal dais for certain.
HARRY CAMPBELL: The notso-quiet achiever, he’ll definitely be bringing his ‘A’ Game to
the meet.
ISABELLA MORRIS: A sprinter at heart, with a passion for
the fast and furious 50m of any
medical marvel, even heart surgery can’t slow him down.
BH team set to blitz
The dedicated and talented young
Broken Hill Swimming Club team will
travel to Murray Bridge today to represent Broken Hill at the 2014 Country
Championships, the pinnacle of South
Australian Country Swimming.
in the SuperFish arena, with a great
ZAC MURRAY: Definitely the dark
horse of the team, has the potential to
medal in all events.
A Grade
45 overs
12-30pm start.
Alma Oval:
West v South,
D Watts, D Craft.
Jubilee Oval:
Central v North,
Steve K, C Ferguson.
A Grade
M. Vandenheuval
L. Hebbard
S. Hall
C. Nunn
S. Chestnut
A. Page
D. Baxter
J. Dawes
H. Rawle
A. Rivett
N. Sheph
N. Gibbs
C. Wells
J. Paull
L. Erskine
K. Hywood
D. Omally
B. Hannon
J. Heath
M. Muscat
With the cream of South Australian
Country swimmers in attendance, along
with interstate competitors from NSW and
Victoria, competition will be fierce over
the three days of competition starting early
Saturday, after the lead up superfish event
tonight for the youngest competitors.
This small Broken Hill team will be
fighting hard to maintain their previous
high standards, having been the highest
placed local club for the past four Country
WILL CAMPBELL: Known as ‘The
Shark’ never scared of a challenge.
Championships. The team has plenty of
medals, and even a few records in their
Club Vice President and Team Manager
Dave Kuerschner is happy with the club’s
“We have set a high standard over the last
couple of years but this team is up to the
challenge ... I’m confident they will come
home with the medals.”
Head Coach Marisa Webb is also confident of her team’s ability.
“I’m looking forward to the challenges
this meet will bring. Our swimmers have
been training hard right through the festive
season, and have shown some great results
at recent meets in Victoria.”
SAVANNAH MORRIS: Our pocket rocket, butterfly is her specialty, with several
records in her sights.
Country Champs, looking good for the
breaststroke finals.
BEN MILLS: Will be out to smash his
own 1500m Country record
A. Armstrong
J. Williams
A. Bray
T. Hack
C. Howard
L. Harvey
B. Martin
J. Vella
C. Johnson
A. Tidball
M. Moritz
T. Davey
E. Slater
C. Sweet
Not supplied
DRAW 921:
24, 14, 18, 20, 29, 19.
Girls ready and raring
Angel Simmons, Whitney Smith, Chelsea Masclet and Eliza Cumming are off to Albury for a national basketball tournament which begins on Monday.
PICTURE: Ethan James
By Ethan James
Four of Broken Hill’s
prospects have put the
finishing touches on
their preparation ahead
of the National Country
Angel Simmons and
Eliza Cumming (Under
14s), Chelsea Masclet
(U16s) and Whitney Smith
(U18s) went through their
final paces at the basketball stadium yesterday
They are set to make the
trek to Albury this weekend
for the tournament which
starts on Monday.
President of the Broken
Hill Basketball Association
Graeme Semmens is coaching the U16 girls’ side and
said he has put the girls
through a rigorous training
program across the school
“We’ve been at it since
the basketball season finished up aside from a short
break over Christmas ... and
we’ve been virtually going
every day since then,” he
“We’re honing in on skills
and fitness and have done a
couple of beep tests.
“They’re a dedicated
group though, they’ve been
pushing themselves.
“There have even been
some boys and girls who
have come down even
though they’re not involved
in this particular competition, which has been outstanding to see.”
The nine hour drive to
Albury will include a few
stops along the way to pick
up other members of various teams.
The first stop for the
bus is at Mildura before
it heads another 100 kilometres south to the remote
Victorian town of Ouyen.
“That’s the last pick up
spot and it’s basically just
a little farming town with
one service station,” Mr
Semmens said.
“From there we go
through Swan Hill until
we hit our final destination
of Albury for the tournament.”
Mr Semmens has coached
for the past thirteen years
and took the Under 16
girls’ side to the grand final
last year before they were
beaten in the decider by a
New Zealand outfit.
“It’s hard to say exactly how we’ll go this year,
we don’t have too many
sessions as a full squad
beforehand,” he said.
“We are going into the
unknown a little bit but
the effort of everyone has
been great ... they’re a good
group of kids.”
The competition consists
of six or seven minor round
games that lead into the
final on Saturday.
Barrier prove no match as Cup winds up
By Stump Cam
Barrier recovered from a dire
8/19 to score 53 in the final
match of the SACA Under 14
Country Cup against competition contenders Fleurieu South
who replied with 4/294 at the
end of their allotted 45 overs.
Barrier were sent in bat, losing opener Hamish Robertson (1)
lbw in the second over. Four overs
later Brodin Stuart (0) lost his
leg stump. Kane Dwyer (4) was
adjudged lbw in the seventh over.
Barrier were battling at 3/8.
Paddric Attard (4) did not cover
his off stump in time to be bowled.
Liam McKee played positively but
he suffered a similar fate to be
dismissed for four. Bryce Cieslki
was run out going for an ambitious
second run.
Barrier were 6/19 in the 12th
Jake Trengove was bowled off
his pads to be out for nought.
Colby Stenhouse edged the spinner to the keeper to lose his wicket
without scoring. Barrier were a
diabolical 8/19 in the 14th over.
Blade Martin took to the FS
slow bowler, hitting ten runs in the
24 — Barrier Daily Truth, Friday, January 10, 2014
18th over. His partnership with Zac
Cieslik doubled Barrier’s score.
Martyn reached 18 before being
neatly stumped.
Zac Cieslik struck a boundary
before nicking the ball to be keeper to be dismissed for 12.
Sam Jones-North remained
unbeaten on nought. Barrier were
dismissed for 53 off 25 overs.
Fleurieu South were determined
to score quick runs. In the seventh
over Charlie Hastwell induced a
leading edge which was caught
by Liam McKee. Six overs later
Paddric Attard caused the other FS
opener to sky the ball to Sam Jones-
North at mid-on who accepted the
Fleurieu South were 2/63 in the
13th over.
In the 21st over Lachlan Kaye
capitalised on a run out chance to
have FS 3/114. The score motored
into the 200s by the 33rd over. Zac
Cieslik took a well judged catch
off Kane Dwyer to FS 4/207 in the
34th over.
At the close of proceedings
Fleurieu South reached 4/294.
Wicket takers for Barrier were
Charlie Hastwell 1/46 off nine
overs, Paddric Attard 1/27 off six
overs, Sam Jones-North 1/41 off
five overs and Kane Dwyer 1/15
off two overs.
The other Barrier bowlers were Liam McKee 6/0/46/0,
Jake Trengove 5/1/23/0, Colby
Stenhouse 4/0/22/0, Brodin Stuart
4/0/36/0, Bryce Cieslik 2/0/10/0,
Blade Martyn 2/0/11/0.
Barrier finished tenth with the
undefeated Yorke Peninsula being
the carnival winners. Many thanks
to coach Paul Attard and co-managers Dean Hastwell and Michael
McKee for doing an outstanding
effort in developing Broken Hill
junior cricket.