A New Urgency for Effective Board Governance


A New Urgency for Effective Board Governance
University of San Diego’s
Seventh Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium
Responding to Crisis – Seizing Opportunity - Creating Excellence
A New Urgency for
Effective Board Governance
Friday – Saturday, January 7 - 8, 2011
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Universit y of San Diego
Two days of Seminars and a
Board Recruitment Fair on
Saturday, January 8, 2011
A collaboration between Volunteer
San Diego and USD’s Institute for
Nonprofit Education and Research
for those interested in serving
on a board and
recruiting new
Volunteer San Diego
board members.
Signature Sponsors
Keynote Speakers
Friday - Dr. Manual Pastor
Lead Sponsors
“This Could Be the Start of Something Big”
“Giving Back, Giving Forward:
The Meaning of Board Service Across Generations”
“I take as my guide the hope of a saint: in crucial things, unity –
in important things, diversity – in all things, generosity.”
~ George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President of the United States
Board Fair Sponsors
Being the Best Board You Can Be
Schedule for Friday, January 7, 2011:
8 - 8:30 a.m.
Registration, Breakfast, and Visiting (Rotunda)
8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Orientation (Theater)
Dean Paula Cordeiro, University of San Diego’s
School of Leadership and Education Sciences
8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
Presentation of the Fifth Annual Kaleidoscope Award for Exceptional Governance and Case Study (Theater)
Janine Mason and the Kaleidoscope
Award Committee
Friday’s Seminars Please note: Each seminar is designed to be interactive and conversational. Seminars are 1.5 hours long
and will be offered twice in the day. Each seminar has been created with a specific audience in mind. The following reference key has been
designed to help participants determine which seminars they may wish to attend:
_IIntroductory information for the new or first-time board members
_E Experienced board members are encouraged to attend
AAll conference participants are encouraged to attend
1. Making Difficult Budget Decisions A
These days, many budgeting discussions are focused on how to
Keynote: Dr. Manual Pastor (Theater)
12:10 - 1 p.m. Lunch and Connecting Conversation (Rooms A-D)
1:10 - 2:25 p.m. Concurrent seminars
2:35 - 3:30 p.m. Mini-lecture series
3:35 p.m. Reception honoring Kaleidoscope Award winner (Rotunda)
Deirdre Maloney, Principal, Momentum San Diego and USD
faculty member
do more with less while staying sustainable as an organization. It
is a task that forces board members and nonprofit managers to
5. Make or Break: The Powerful, Pivotal Role of the Board
weigh difficult program and personnel decisions. This panel
Chair A
discussion explores the process of making complex budgeting
While every board member plays a critical role in the organization,
decisions: how to approach and implement them fairly, consistently,
none is more pivotal to its ultimate success or failure as the
and ethically; how to preserve the organization’s core mission; and
board chair. The chair is central to everything: meaningful board
how to use the crisis as an opportunity to engage in and practice
work, an effective and supported executive, and a financially
sound financial management.
accountable organization. Powerful in both its position and its
David Miller, C.P.A., Shareholder, CBIZ MHM, LLC, with Sarah
ability to persuade, the role of the chair is best executed in healthy
Slaughter, CFO, Vice President, Finance & Administration, The
partnership with the executive director. This seminar proposes
San Diego Foundation; Dianne Stumph, CFO, Father Joe’s Villages;
practical strategies for board coordination, analyzes the nature and
John Ohanian, CEO, 211 San Diego; and Jan Adams, CFO, Home of
the success of the chair/executive relationship, and offers strategies
Guiding Hands
for increased success in each area.
9:45 - 11:15 a.m. Concurrent seminars
11:25 a.m. 12:05 p.m. ideas, strategies, and tips on creating a better future for both the
organization and its board members through a solid, intentional,
and integrated board plan. Topics include board recruitment and
succession, orientation, education, evaluation, and appreciation.
Alberto Cortes, M.B.A., Executive Director, Mama’s Kitchen and
member of the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research
advisory board
2. The IRS Form 990: What Donors Already Know and
Every Board Member Needs to Learn A
It’s a new day in the philanthropic community. Donors are
becoming increasingly savvy about the use of the 990 when making
6. Why True Diversity Matters and How to Achieve It* E
giving decisions. The 990 tells a story about your organization that
Diversity is about more than a list of names and demographics. The
speaks to its financial stability, conflicts of interest, board/executive
inclusion of many and varied perspectives on the board increases
compensation, and other key issues. What does your 990 say about
its capacity for innovative and thoughtful problem-solving, deeper
your organization? We help you to decipher the form and learn how
inquiry and dialogue, and a broadened base of support. Age, gender,
to identify potential issues before they affect your organization’s
ethnicity, skills, experience, and socio-economic status are all
bottom line.
components of a truly diverse board, yet studies show less than 20%
Patricia Jo Mayer, C.P.A., Senior Tax Manager, Moss Adams LLP
of boards in the United States achieve it. This seminar helps your
organization get there by identifying realistic, achievable ways to
3. Embracing the Full Board Role for Better
build and sustain a diverse board.
Effectiveness E
Passive and disengaged boards are common when governance
is episodic, staff driven, boring, and underutilizes the talents
of board members. Experts tell us that most boards focus their
efforts exclusively on fiduciary governance, whereas strategic and
generative modes of governance are equally important. This session
explores the revolutionary thinking behind the three governance
modes and identifies ways to help boards achieve a more complete
board experience. The result? A new strategy to revitalize, engage,
and bring out the best in your board.
Gail Littman, Director of Endowments, Jewish Community
Foundation of San Diego, and Paul Van Dolah, President, Van
Dolah & Associates and USD faculty member, Emanuel Kauder,
Board Chair for the San Diego Hospice and Institute for Palliative
Medicine, and Larry Acheatel, Executive Director/Head, San
Diego Jewish Academy
4. Building a Better Board A
Paula A. Cordeiro, Ed.D., Dean and Professor, USD’s School of
Leadership and Education Sciences
7. The Win-Win: How to Build Meaningful Alliances and
Partnerships A
When done correctly, partnerships and strategic alliances expand
an organization’s ability to reach its mission while creating unified
visions and organizational efficiencies. This seminar stretches
your imagination about potential partnerships that could benefit
your organization and will strengthen your ability to build them.
Using Peter Drucker’s system for assessing and forming alliances,
presented along with a case study of actual success from United
Through Reading, participants will leave the session both informed
and inspired.
Liz Shear, M.A., Consultant and USD faculty member; RADM
Fran Holian USN (Ret.), Chair, United Through Reading; and
Kate Wheeler, Director of Development, United Through Reading
Want a better board experience? One that builds and sustains
energy, serves the organization’s goals, and is a fulfilling and
meaningful experience for all involved? Successful boards aren’t
accidental. They need to be developed and sustained over time with
strategic thought and focused commitment. This session presents
*Seminar #6 to be offered once - during the a.m. session
New Choices, New Talent
Schedule for Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday’s Seminars (cont.)
8. The Crucial Difference Between Governance
and Management A
Stalwart volunteer, worker bee, technical assistant, and
governor – board members have been known to do it all and more.
With so much need, so many proverbial hats to wear, and each
board member’s own unique skill set, board members often forget
that governance, not management, is their primary role. Figuring
out what role to play at which time is essential. This seminar
unravels the various purposes and roles of the board, and it
provides tips on how to avoid the pitfalls that confusing them can
cause for the organization.
Ron Mitchell, C.P.A., Lead Audit Partner and Consultant,
9. By-laws – Why They Matter and How to Use Them A
By-laws are not boring. They are a legally required set of rules
that specify the conduct of the board and every area of its work
including terms, conditions, authority, membership, and officers.
Failure to follow adopted by-laws can make an organization
vulnerable to adverse legal consequences that can even involve
personal liability. This seminar sets out strategies to develop (or
revise) by-laws that are consistent with the mission, fundingsource requirements, and needs of your nonprofit. We discuss the
function of by-laws as a meaningful tool for nonprofit boards and
provide processes for keeping your by-laws relevant, accurate,
manageable and easy to use. The workshop also features the latest
updates on new legal requirements and enforcement language.
Darryl Solberg, J.D., Hecht, Solberg, Robinson, Goldberg and
Bagley LLP
10. We Can Invest It? Putting Your Organization’s
Money to Work I
A difficult economy might seem like the wrong time for an
organization to explore its investing options, yet there is never
a better opportunity. Nonprofits fortunate enough to have
endowments or investments as part of their assets must be
strategic when planning for the organization’s short-term needs
and long-term stability. This panel discussion offers customized
advice to participants who want to learn investment strategies in
the midst of financial stress and potential cuts.
Carlee Harmonson, Senior Vice President and Regional
Director, Wealth Management Group of the Private Bank,
Union Bank of California; David A. Jeppson, Regional
Investment Manager & Sr. Vice President, U.S. Bank Wealth
Management; and Darla Trapp, Chief Financial Officer, Center
for Community Solutions
Mini-Lecture Series
The mini-lecture series, delivered principally by USD faculty
members, is a new and informative addition to the Symposium.
Each mini-lecture is suitable for all attendees and is only offered
once. Choosing which lecture to attend is the hard part! We
encourage teams to split up and share the knowledge gained with
one another.
A. Lobbying - Most nonprofits participate in “advocacy” campaigns but
few lobby. What distinguishes advocacy from lobbying? What are the
legal restrictions? Why should nonprofits lobby?
Pat Libby, Clinical Professor and Director, Institute for Nonprofit
Education and Research
B. Marketing Strategies that Meet Organizational Goals - Why do
some view marketing as dispensable and unnecessary? Because often,
it is! Hear about common marketing pitfalls made by nonprofits
and learn how nonprofits can create meaningful strategies that help
achieve organizational goals.
Deirdre Maloney, Principal, Momentum San Diego and USD
faculty member
C. Human Resource Issues from the Board Perspective - Most
often the board manages all aspects of the executive director’s hiring,
compensation, supervision, and evaluation. It must also ensure the
management of all staff meets legal obligations. Learn about human
resource best practices with special emphasis on issues such as fair
executive compensation and legal requirements.
8 - 8:30 a.m.
Registration, Breakfast, and Visiting (Rotunda)
8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
Welcome and Orientation (Theater)
8:45 - 9:20 a.m.
Keynote: Malin Burnham, Ruth Westreich,
Arnulfo Manriquez and Ileana Ovalle (Theater)
9:30 - 11 a.m.
Concurrent seminars
11:10 a.m.
- 12:40 p.m.
Concurrent seminars
12:45 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch, Conversation, & Orientation to Board Match
(Rooms A-D)
1:35 - 3 p.m.
Choose from two options:
• Board Match San Diego: A Board Recruitment Fair
• The 990s: What Donors Already Know and Every Board Member Needs to Learn
3 p.m.
Closing Remarks (Theater)
Elaine Lewis, M.A., Executive Director, Developmental Services
Continuum and USD faculty member
D. Campaigns: Recharging the Nonprofit - Capital and endowment
campaigns always require thoughtful, strategic work. This is even
more crucial in a slow economy, which includes a steady increase in
both immediate social needs and the number of organizations asking
for money. Get new insights on the special kind of strategic thought
required when planning campaigns during
hard times.
Carole Fish, President, Fish and Lewis Consulting and USD
faculty member
E. Ethics and Innovation – Creating a New Board Culture - Edgar
Schein said, “…If [leaders] don’t become conscious of organizational
culture, the culture will manage them.” The nonprofit environment
creates unique cultural challenges. Sometimes the culture itself is
simply not functional for the organization, and other times it simply
fails to evolve over time. Learn what makes an organizational culture
and hear about an explicit system for designing the experience
you want.
Patti Saraniero, Ed.D., Principal, Moxie Research and USD
faculty member
F. In-depth References: Getting Past Name, Rank, and Serial
Number - Good hiring demands deep understanding of the real
person, not just the candidate who shows up on interview day. If you
are stymied in your pursuit of the real story, learn how experienced
executive recruiters use reference checks (on and off the list) to build
a complete candidate profile.
Laura Gassner Otting, CEO & Founder, Nonprofit Professionals
Advisory Group
Saturday’s Seminars
Please note: Each seminar is designed to be interactive and conversational. Seminars are 1.5 hours long
and will be offered twice in the day. Each seminar has been created with a specific audience in mind. The following reference key has been
designed to help participants determine which seminars they may wish to attend:
_IIntroductory information for the new or first-time board members
_E Experienced board members are encouraged to attend
AAll conference participants are encouraged to attend
5. A Place for All Ages: Why and How to Achieve MultiGenerational Boards E
Generational issues are a hot topic these days, and there is
a reason why. Including multiple generations on your board
1. Finding the Right Board for You I
introduces new perspectives and lively dialogue into the
You have thought it through and are officially ready to join a
organization. It helps create a vibrant, diverse, and healthy
board of directors. Now, how do you find the right board for
nonprofit filled with new energy and fresh thought. It is also a
you? How can you ensure you identify a board that meets your
way to sustain the sector, as new generations learn best practices
goals and has a mission and process that aligns with your needs?
from those who have filled board seats over the last several
This session provides strategies on finding a board that fits you
decades. Many boards, however, do not include younger or
including places to look and questions to ask before making a
emerging generations when recruiting. This seminar investigates
final commitment.
the reasons behind the current age disparity and proposes ways
Wanda Lee Bailey, M.S., Principal, Strategic Transitions LLC
to include all generations in governance work.
2. Finding the Right Members for Your Board I
Board recruitment and selection is absolutely critical to a
nonprofit’s effectiveness and functionality, yet far too often
the process is left up to chance. The right board member
depends on your nonprofit board’s style, governance model,
characteristics, current needs, and place in the organizational
life cycle. This seminar will help you create your ideal board by identifying and integrating each factor into a meaningful
recruitment process.
Liz Shear, M.A., Consultant and USD faculty member
Fiduciary governance means having the legal responsibility
of overseeing organizational assets for the benefit of its
stakeholders. It is a core component of board membership.
This seminar helps you to know what financial information to
ask for and how to read and understand it when you get it. The
workshop also includes the financial governance policies that
need to be in place for your nonprofit and also examines legal
financial requirements on the horizon.
Elsa A. Romero, C.P.A., Principal, AKT LLP, and Andy Maffia,
C.P.A., Audit Manager, AKT LLP
Board Match San Diego: A Board Recruitment Fair
A collaboration between Volunteer San Diego and USD’s
Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research for those
interested in serving on a board and organizations recruiting
new board members.
Sherri Petro, L.C.S.W., President, VPI Strategies and Co-founder,
Workplace Revolution
The Board Match Program includes a special track of educational
sessions and advance materials to prepare for a good board
match and experience. The Board Recruitment Fair facilitates
introductions between prospective board members and
organizations to jumpstart the board recruiting process.
6. Magical Thinking in the Nonprofit Sector A
Inspiration and passion are as critical to an organization’s
success as are programs that make an impact and balanced
books. Sadly, during difficult economic times, these important
characteristics can be forgotten. One way to re-ignite passion
and energy is to identify the best in an organization’s people
and mobilize them for optimal success. Join award-winning
nonprofit leader, Michael Pinto, in a provocative conversation
about the method known as Appreciative Inquiry, and learn tips
on how to integrate it into your own organization.
The Form 990: What Donors Already Know and Every Board
Member Needs to Learn
It’s a new day in the philanthropic community. Donors are
becoming increasingly savvy about the use of the 990 when
making giving decisions. The 990 tells a story about your
organization that speaks to its financial stability, conflicts of
interest, board/executive compensation, and other key issues.
What does your 990 say about your organization? We help you
to decipher the form and learn how to identify potential issues
before they affect your organization’s bottom line.
3. For the Beginner: Understanding the Rules of
the Road I
Michael Pinto, Ph.D., Co-chair, Institute for Nonprofit Education
Many people know that joining a board is a fulfilling and
and Research advisory board, and Nancy Smith, M.S.W.,
exciting experience, yet what is not as universally understood is
the critical and legal role the board plays for the organization.
We want to help you fully grasp it all, from the board’s definition
7. Board Fundraising: Making it Work - Avoiding the Pain I
and purpose to the practical applications and obligations of
Fundraising can be a daunting proposition for many board
board governance. This seminar is intended for prospective and
members because it is intimidating for most people. At the
new board members, as well as new organizations forming a
same time, board responsibilities often include ensuring the
board for the first time.
organization has adequate financial resources. This seminar
Pat Libby, Clinical Professor and Director, Institute for Nonprofit
demystifies the board’s fundraising role, helps to get the board
Education and Research
ready for fundraising, and provides tools to create effective
development efforts that everyone can comfortably embrace.
4. Financial Straight Talk I
After lunch, attendees may choose from two options:
• Board Match San Diego: A Board Recruitment Fair
• The 990s: What Donors Already Know and Every Board
Member Needs to Learn
Patricia Jo Mayer, C.P.A., Senior Tax Manager, Moss Adams LLP
Don Stump, M.A., Executive Director, North County Lifeline
8. When Groupthink Happens: How Boards Can Manage
Agreement and Make Good Decisions A
The board dynamic can be a tricky one that sometimes includes
conflict and tension. To keep the peace, board members can find
themselves engaging in groupthink, avoiding uncomfortable
dialogue, or signing off on decisions that are not best for the
organization. The board role is too important to let this happen.
Using Jerry Harvey’s simulation, “The Abilene Paradox,” this
seminar addresses the dangers of groupthink and provides
strategies on how to avoid and overcome them.
Laura Deitrick, Ph.D., USD’s Caster Family Center for Nonprofit
and Philanthropic Research and USD faculty member and
Elizabeth Castillo, M.A., Director of Development, Balboa Park
Cultural Partnership
Faculty Biographies
Map of Joan B. Kroc Institute For Peace & Justice
Jan Adams, M.S., has been Director of Finance, Home of Guiding Hands for the
past 15 years. She has been in the nonprofit sector in San Diego for over 23 years.
With an undergraduate emphasis in accounting and finance from the University of
Maryland, and MS in Healthcare Administration from Central Michigan University,
Jan has been a valuable asset to the local nonprofit community. In addition to
being an employee of several nonprofits, she has held several board positions on
other charities that are of personal interest.
Larry Acheatel, Executive Director/Head of the San Diego Jewish Academy
(SDJA) in Carmel Valley, is a long time leader in the educational community.
During his eleven year tenure, the Academy has founded a high school; built a
state of the art campus on 56 acres, with a full service sports field and gymnasium
and has raised over $70 million dollars towards the Academy’s capital and annual
campaigns. Prior to joining SDJA in March of 1999, Larry was the Superintendent
of the South Bay Union School District in San Diego County and also served as a
district superintendent in Northern California.
Wanda Lee Bailey, M.S., is Chief Service Officer, Office of the Mayor,
City of Chula Vista. Wanda’s nonprofit career spans more than 25 years in
resource development and program and executive management. Wanda
specializes in nonprofit management, organizational development, board
relations, volunteer management, collaboration building, group dynamics and
facilitation. Some of her clients include Energize Inc., Hands on Network/Points
of Light Foundation, Building Better Skills (Betty Stallings), University of Texas
R.G.K. Center for Philanthropy and Community Service and the Congress of
Volunteer Administrator Associations. She has served on several local, regional
and national boards.
Malin Burnham has been Chairman of John Burnham & Company Insurance
and Burnham Real Estate and has remained involved since 1949. In 2008,
Burnham Real Estate was acquired by Cushman & Wakefield. Malin is a native
San Diegan who graduated from Stanford University in 1949 with a B.S. in
Industrial Engineering. In addition to his involvement with the Burnham
Companies, he has been active as a board member of several major corporations.
His present involvements include: Board Member of Sanford Burnham Medical
Research Institute, UCSD Foundation, Rady School of Management, SDSU
Campanile Foundation and the USS Midway Museum, and is Co-Chair of the
Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine. He co-established the BurnhamMoores Center for Real Estate at University of San Diego. He has been awarded
numerous honors, some of which include: Junior Achievement/San Diego
Business Hall of Fame, 2002; Philanthropist of the Year, National Society of Fund
Raising Executives, 2000; Civic Entrepreneur of the Year, Economic Development
Corporation, 1999; Mr. San Diego, Rotary Club of San Diego, 1998; and Gold
Spike Award, Stanford University, 1996. Malin has also chaired nine major
nonprofit boards and has co-founded 14 organizations in his career.
Elizabeth Castillo, M.A., is the Director of Development for the Balboa
Park Cultural Partnership, a collaboration of 26 arts and culture organizations
in San Diego. She has 20 years of nonprofit fundraising experience, securing more
than $27 million for cultural organizations, schools, community health clinics,
and government agencies in Southern California. Elizabeth holds a master’s degree
in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from USD. Her research interests
include organizational learning in nonprofit agencies, strategic planning, and
Paula Cordeiro, Ed.D., has been Dean of the School of Leadership and
Education Sciences at the University of San Diego since 1998. Previously
Dr. Cordeiro was the Coordinator of the masters and doctoral programs in
Educational Leadership at The University of Connecticut. Cordeiro is a former
teacher, principal and school head in international schools in Venezuela and
Spain. She is a past president of the University Council of Educational
Administration (UCEA), and in 1998 was awarded a fellowship by the
Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management
(FCCEAM). Dr. Cordeiro has published three books and recently finished the
fourth edition of her co-authored text: An Introduction to Educational Leadership:
A Bridge from Theory to Practice. Paula’s research is in the areas of school
leadership, cross-cultural leadership and international education. Under Dean
Cordeiro’s leadership, the Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA),
that prepares and provides professional development for school administrators,
was created. She is past President of the San Diego Council on Literacy, a founding
member of the Academy of International School Heads, a board member of the
International Council for the Education of Teachers (ICET) and a board member
of the Francis Parker School and Keiller Leadership Academy, a charter middle
school in Southeast San Diego. In February 2006 Dr. Cordeiro was appointed by
Governor Schwarzenegger to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
and in 2007 she was appointed to the board of the James Irvine Foundation in
San Francisco.
Alberto Cortes, M.B.A., is the Executive Director of Mama’s Kitchen – a unique,
volunteer driven organization that provides home delivered meals, grocery bags
and pantry services to men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS or other
critical illness. Alberto serves as Board President for McAlister Institute and is
also on the board of the Association of Nutrition Services Agencies, a national
membership organization. He is also an active member of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgender Community Leadership Council and is on the advisory board of
USD’s Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research. Alberto has twenty years
experience in planning, implementation, management and evaluation of services
to people affected by HIV/AIDS, and as many years of board service for nonprofit
social services and arts organizations.
*Laura Deitrick, Ph.D., directs the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and
Philanthropic Research at USD. Prior to entering the doctoral program in
Leadership Studies, Laura completed her master’s degree in Nonprofit Leadership
& Management at USD while working as the full time Executive Director of the
Coronado Schools Foundation – a position she held for seven years.
*Carole M. Fish, President Fish and Lewis Consulting, has spent more than
25 years in the nonprofit sector. After receiving a Masters in Education at the
University of San Diego, she began a career that has spanned several organizations
including the American Cancer Society, Scripps Green Hospital, Scripps Hospitals,
Children’s Hospital and Health Center and Jacobs Center for Neighborhood
Innovation. She has also served as a development consultant for more than 12
years and is president of Fish+Lewis Consulting. She serves on the Association of
Fundraising Professionals San Diego Chapter Board where she chairs the Senior
Initiative and most recently co-chaired the AFP International Conference 2008
fundraising event. Carole was a seven-year member of the Golden Triangle Rotary
serving on its Board of Directors and is a Paul Harris Fellow.
Carlee Harmonson is the Regional Director of The Private Bank, Union Bank
of California. She currently oversees the San Diego, La Jolla, Rancho Mirage
and Irvine Trust offices, which utilizes her unique background of over 25 years
of experience in both the Personal Trust and Employee Benefit Plans area. The
Personal Trust Group serves as trustee, agent or custodian for clients who need
trust administration, trust real estate, tax and investment management services.
Carlee is a graduate of the University of California at Davis, where she earned her
Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. She also holds the professional designation,
“Certified Retirement Services Professional.” Carlee serves the community in many
ways such as the Children’s Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees and Chair of
the Trusts and Estates Committee for Children’s Hospital Foundation.
RADM Fran Holain, US Navy RET, Chair, United through Reading, is a 1968
graduate of the US Naval Academy. He was a Surface Warfare Officer throughout
his 28-year naval career, commanding three ships prior to being selected for
Flag Officer in 1991. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration
(Financial Management) from the Naval Post Graduate School. In addition to
the normal “at-sea” tours, Fran had several financial management assignments in
Washington, D.C., including a four-year tour as the head of the Navy’s Liaison to
the Congressional Appropriations Committees. One of his favorite assignments
was as the “Navy Major” of San Diego. After retiring from the Navy in 1996, Fran
became a Vice President/General Manager for Northrop Grumman Corporation.
David A. Jeppson, MBA, serves as Regional Investment Manager and Senior Vice
President U.S. Bank Wealth Management, which covers the western region states.
He is a member of the Wealth Management Group’s Investment Management
Executive Committee as well as the Asset Management Committee. David began
his career at U.S. Bank in 1997. Prior to that, he was a portfolio manager in La
Jolla, California for Wells Fargo Bank and First Interstate Bank and has 18 years
of experience in the investment industry. He earned a bachelor’s degree in zoology
with minor emphasis in Scandinavian literature from Brigham Young University,
Provo, UT, where he also earned a master of business administration degree in
finance and investments. David is actively involved in the community and acts as
a board member of The Friends of Zoo Boise and as board member of the Ore-Ida
Council of the Boy Scouts of America. U.S Bank is a sponsor of this event.
Emanuel Kauder, M.D., received his bachelors degree at Brooklyn College BA and
medical degree from NYU School of Medicine. He served his Pediatric Residency
at the University of Cincinnati-Children’s Hospital and went on to complete his
Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at the University of Utah. He subsequently
served as the Associate Director Hematology/Oncology and Assistant Professor
of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Cincinnati Ohio, the Director of Hematology/
Oncology at Children’s Hospital, Dayton Ohio and later the President and CEO
at Children’s Hospital, Dayton Ohio. He has served on the Board of the San
Diego Hospice and Institute for Palliative Medicine since 1999. This next year
he will accept the role of Board Chair for the San Diego Hospice and Institute for
Palliative Medicine.
Faculty Biographies
*Elaine Lewis, M.A., has worked with nonprofit organizations for 40 years. She
has been the Executive Director for Developmental Services Continuum, Inc.
(DSC) for the past 16 years. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in
Psychology from San Diego State University and a Master’s degree in Nonprofit
Leadership & Management Program at the University of San Diego. Elaine
has taught Direct Support Professional classes for the County Department
of Education Regional Occupational Program since 1998. Elaine entered the
Leadership Studies doctoral program at USD in the fall of 2008.
*Pat Libby, M.S., clinical professor, developed and directs USD’s Institute for
Nonprofit Education and Research. A Boston native, she has worked as a CEO,
board member, and consultant to numerous nonprofits since 1978. Her last
executive management position was as president/CEO of the Massachusetts
Association of Community Development Corporations which she developed
into a nationally recognized organization responsible for leveraging hundreds
of millions of dollars in public and private investment for CDCs. She has taught
courses in nonprofit management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
UC San Diego and San Diego State University. Pat’s academic interests are
focused on nonprofit advocacy, and applied learning models for graduate
degree programs.
Gail Littman is the Director of Endowments at the Jewish Community
Foundation of San Diego. Drawing upon her experience as a Jewish educator
and community volunteer, Gail directs the Create a Jewish Legacy program, the
Endowment Leadership Institute (ELI) and the Governance Leadership Institute
(GLI) at the Foundation. Through these programs she works with families,
organizations and synagogues to help build endowments to support a strong
Jewish future. Gail served as director of adult education at the Agency for Jewish
Education in San Diego before joining the Foundation in 2000. The Jewish
Community Foundation of San Diego is a sponsor of Friday’s event.
*Mary McDonald, Ph.D. joined the USD School of Leadership and Education
Sciences faculty in September 2008. McDonald was previously the director
of the Community Research Institute (CRI) at the Dorothy A. Johnson Center
for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership at Grand Valley State University
in Grand Rapids, MI. In that capacity she was regularly involved with both
community-based and university-based research in philanthropy and the
nonprofit sector. Her most recent research, “International Philanthropic
and Nonprofit Studies Education: Creating Sustainable Social Change,” was
presented at the International Society for Third-Sector Research Conference in
Barcelona, Spain this past July.
Andy Maffia, CPA, is a manager at AKT LLP and serves as one of the lead
auditors for the nonprofit group. AKT is one of the top 100 firms in the U.S.
with offices in San Diego, Portland, Salem and Alaska. Maffia has been providing
audit, consulting, and tax services to variety of nonprofit organizations for the
past eight years. He currently serves on the audit committee for a nonprofit
organization in northern San Diego, a position he has held for the past two
years. Maffia graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
Obispo with a degree in Finance and Accounting. He is a member of the
California Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. AKT LLP is a sponsor of this event.
*Deidre Maloney, Principal, Momentum San Diego, works with nonprofit
organizations to bust the “Mission Myth” by providing critical services in the
4Ms: Management, Money, Marketing and Measurement. Through strategic and
business planning, fundraising and marketing objectives, board development
and executive partnerships/coaching, Deidre assists nonprofits in identifying,
setting and achieving their goals. Prior to Momentum she served as Director
of Marketing & Communications at the San Diego Foundation and executive
director at Colorado AIDS Project. Deidre is also vice president, community
relations of AFP.
Arnulfo Manriquez, MA, President/CEO of the Chicano Federation of San
Diego County, is a 17-year veteran of the nonprofit sector. Prior to his role at
the Chicano Federation, Arnulfo was the chief operating officer of the MAAC
Project for seven years. Arnulfo has served on the San Diego Housing Federation
board for the past six years and is the immediate past president. He also served
as co-chair of ACCoRD (A Community Coalition for Responsible Development),
board member of Urban Council Development Inc. and mentor for the Puente
Program at Southwestern College. Arnulfo holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in
urban studies and planning from UCSD and a Master of Arts degree in nonprofit
leadership and management from USD. He also holds a certificate in fundraising management from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Patricia Jo Mayer, C.P.A. received her B.S. degree in Business Administration,
Accounting, at San Diego State University. She is a Senior Tax Manager for
Moss Adams LLP, where she has specialized in tax and related tax planning
with emphasis in nonprofit organizations and private foundations, as well as
complex high net worth individuals, closely held corporations, and real estate
development. Patricia is Moss Adams’ Southern California regional nonprofit
tax expert and quality control tax reviewer for nonprofit audit reports. Patricia
serves on Moss Adams’ Nonprofit Tax Committee. In this role, she has taught
several nonprofit tax-related seminars to firm wide tax professionals through
Web-X and live seminars. Patricia is a member of the California Society of
Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants. She is treasurer for Kids on the Block of San Diego. Moss Adams,
LLP, is a sponsor of this event.
Manuel Pastor, Ph.D., is a renowned USC professor of Geography and American
Studies and Ethnicity, researcher, director of three research centers, author of four
books and a myriad of important journal articles, and journalist. In recent years his
research has focused on the economic, environmental and social conditions facing
low-income urban communities. He has received grants, fellowships and awards
from Danforth, Guggenheim, Kellogg, Hewlett, California Endowment, California
Wellness, MacArthur and the National Science Foundations. Dr. Pastor speaks
frequently on issues of demographic change, economic inequality and community
empowerment. His latest book is co-authored with Chris Benner and Martha
Matsouka. This Could Be the Start of Something Big: How Social Movements for
Regional Equity are Reshaping Metropolitan America provides a thorough analysis
of the successes and failures of regional social movements and points to a growing
momentum of positive change.
David Miller, CPA, is a Shareholder of Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. and a
Managing Director at CBIZ MHM, LLC. He specializes in providing audit and
advisory services to nonprofit organizations both locally and nationally. David’s
nonprofit experience includes working with organizations classified as voluntary
health and welfare, arts and cultural and religious organizations, as well as
foundations. David has participated on numerous nonprofit consulting projects
including revenue enhancement, public offerings, feasibility studies, operational
reviews, forecasts, due diligence projects, third-party reimbursement projects
and other financial and operational consulting projects. He is a member of the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. CBIZ and MHM P.C. is a
sponsor of this event.
Sherri Petro, President VPI Strategies, is a nationally known “four generations
in the workplace” expert having given more than 200 workshops, seminars and
keynotes to business audiences of all ages. She has educated more than 800
key executives on how understanding the motivation of each generation can be
leveraged for productivity and innovation. Sherri is an experienced facilitator,
strategist and author. She regularly distills her expertise as an executive coach, oneon-one with CEOs and business owners.
Ronald A. Mitchell, CPA, Lead Audit Partner, AKT LLP, specializes in nonprofit,
health care and agriculture organizations. He has written and spoken on various
governance issues affecting nonprofits. Ron’s community involvement includes
board membership at TriCity Hospital and Mira Costa College. He is also a
member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Healthcare
Financial Management Association and the California Society of Certified Public
Accountants. AKT LLP is a sponsor of this event.
John Ohanian, CPA, is CEO of 211 San Diego and noted for his strong business
sense combined with a collaborative spirit. John and his team have built 211 San
Diego into San Diego’s 40th largest nonprofit organization, receiving numerous
awards including County of San Diego’s Public Health Champion Award, San
Diego’s Best Places to Work and most recently, Computerworld’s 2010 Information
Technology Laureate Award. He is a graduate of University of San Diego and
earned his CPA while working at KPMG Peat Marwick in San Diego. Previous to
his appointment as CEO of 211 San Diego, Ohanian worked at the Alzheimer’s
Association for the San Diego/Imperial Chapter, serving as the Vice President
of Finance, Operations and Planned Giving. Ohanian is a member of California
Alliance of Information and Referral Services (CAIRS) and the Community Health
Improvement Partners Board of Directors. In 2008, John was named one of 50
People to Watch by San Diego Magazine.
Laura Gassner Otting, M.A., is founder the Nonprofit Professionals Advisory
Group, which is based on the simple notion that every organization, regardless of
its size can better fulfill its mission with a highly-tailored, innovative, and strategic
approach to acquiring and retaining its most important resource: talent. Laura
works every day to enhance clients’ capacity and independence by unbundling
traditional executive search services. Prior to forming the group, she served as
senior vice president of ExecSearches.com, the web’s leading site for senior-level
nonprofit job postings. Laura also served as a presidential appointee for the
White House Office of National Service, a program officer for the Corporation
for National Service and as a member of the Clinton/Gore Transition Team and
1992 Election Team. Laura holds the positions of clerk and governance committee
chair on the Newton Montessori School board, was founding chair of both Strong
Women, Strong Girls and the Boston Choral Ensemble, and previously served
on the Alumni Board of the Graduate School of Political Management at George
Washington University. Laura is the author of Change Your Career: Transitioning
to the Nonprofit Sector.
Ileana Ovalle, M.A., is Senior Manager, External Affairs for Cox Communications
in San Diego. She is responsible for serving as a liaison between the company,
local government, community members and educational partners. Ileana currently
serves on the Board of Directors of Ocean Discovery Institute, Junior Achievement,
South County Economic Development Council, among others. She has over 20
years of government and community relations experience. Ileana holds a Master of
Arts degree in nonprofit leadership and management from USD.
Michael Pinto, Ph.D., is a leader in efforts to preserve land for public benefit.
He is the founder and chair of the Laguna Canyon Foundation, advisor, group
facilitator and fundraising consultant to the Volcan Mountain Preserve Foundation,
vice president of the Great Park Conservancy and chair of the Warner Community
Center. He was founder and CEO of Platterpuss Record Stores and Sound Music
Sales. Michael is the author of several articles on nonprofit fundraising. Currently,
he lends his expertise to environmental advocacy, public policy and the land and
co-chairs USD’s Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research advisory board.
Elsa Romero, CPA, is a partner at AKT LLP and serves as the niche leader for the
public sector & nonprofit group. Romero provides consulting and tax services to
a variety of clients from small to medium size business, specializing in a variety
of nonprofit organizations including Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBI) issues.
She has served on various nonprofit boards throughout her public accounting
career and participates frequently as a speaker for tax compliance and planning for
nonprofit organizations. Romero graduated from San Diego State University with
a B.S. degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting. She is a
member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is bilingual in English/Spanish. AKT
LLP is a sponsor of this event.
*Patti Saraniero, Ed.D., is principal of Moxie Research, an independent program
evaluation firm that collaborates with arts organizations, nonprofits and school
districts. She is also a lecturer in the theatre departments at the University of San
Diego and UCSD. Her research and evaluation interests focus on arts education,
gifted education and ethics. Previously, she directed the education programs at La
Jolla Playhouse and the Old Globe Theatre and worked as a stage manager at a
number of regional theatres around the country.
*Liz Shear, M.A., has been an active member of the SD community since 1969.
She has served as a volunteer, longtime executive director of San Diego Youth and
Community Services, interim executive director, community facilitator, educator,
and board and public commission member nationally and locally. From 19701995, Liz’s work supported systems for empowering youth, strengthening families
and developing communities with a focus on services to runaway, homeless and
foster youth. For the past 15 years Liz has consulted and been a thinking partner
on key organizational issues in the voluntary sector and the music business. Her
specialties are systems design and development, governance, board leadership
development, collaborative leadership, resource development, organizational
development, conflict resolution and organizational coaching. Liz is the originator
and director of the USD Nonprofit Governance Symposium.
Sarah Slaughter is CFO and Vice President, Finance & Administration at the San
Diego Foundation, where she is responsible for financial, information technology
and administrative oversight. Sarah joined The San Diego Foundation in 2000,
bringing 21 years of accounting experience. Throughout her accounting career, she
has worked with manufacturing, finance, and nonprofit industries. Sarah graduated
from San Diego State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting.
Nancy Smith, M.S.W., Teamsmith, has thirty years of experience working in the
nonprofit sector where she provides technical assistance expertise in program,
organizational and resource development as well as program evaluation. With a
broad base of experience including the directorship of several nation-wide technical
assistance projects, the chief executive officer of a residential youth employment
training center and co-owner of Teamsmith, she has worked with a wide variety
of organizations to strengthen their capacity in strategic planning, board and staff
leadership, and resource development. She has authored a variety of strategic
policy publications for the state and federal government including several program
documentation and evaluation reports on model programs.
Darryl Solberg, J.D., practices law at Hecht, Solberg, Robinson, Goldberg and
Bagley LLP, where he concentrates on both general business and real estate
transactions. He also represents numerous nonprofit organizations and has
incorporated and obtained tax-exempt qualifications for more than fifty nonprofit
corporations on a pro bono basis. Darryl is a member of the Real Property and
Business Law Sections of the California State Bar, Real Estate and Business
Law Sections of the San Diego County Bar Association, lecturer for California
Continuing Education of the Bar, and arbitrator for the American Arbitration
Association. He has been a member of the Board of Regents for St. Olaf College, as
well as a member and chair of the Board of Trustees for Francis Parker School and a
member of the San Diego Building Industry Association. Other volunteer positions
include being an advisory board member for the School of Leadership and
Education Sciences at USD. Previously, he has served as president of the Institute
for Arts Education, a board member of a low-income senior citizens housing
complex, Desert Pacific Boy Scout Council, and Survivors of Torture International. Don E. Stump, M.A., brings over 21 years of experience with nonprofit
organizations that serve youth and families. He currently serves as the Executive
Director of North County Lifeline. Prior to his recent appointment at Lifeline, Don
worked with The Preuss School as the development director. Don is a graduate of
LEAD San Diego, Fieldstone Foundation Emerging Leaders Program and an active
volunteer with various community organizations including La Jolla Rotary.
Diane Stumph, C.F.O. Father Joe’s Village, nonprofit experience began in
September 2006 when she accepted the position of CFO for Father Joe’s Villages.
Her journey started when she received her Master of Accountancy from the
University of Tennessee. For the following 11 years she worked for Exxon
Company, USA, earning her CPA certification and holding a variety of positions
including Internal Auditor, Accounting Supervisor, Capital Budget Coordinator and
Financial Analyst. After a move to San Diego, Diane joined AMN Healthcare, Inc.
as the Controller, eventually moving into Senior VP and CFO positions. During
the 13 years with AMN Diane managed the accounting, payroll and finance staffs
through internal growth, acquisitions and transitions from sole proprietorship.
*Darla Trapp, MA, is the Chief Financial Officer at Center for Community Solutions,
a social services agency whose mission is to end relationship and sexual violence
by being a catalyst for caring communities and social justice. Her career spans
30 years in business and financial management with over 10 years in for-profit
organizations. Darla has a BS in Business Administration with specializations in
human resources, accounting, and organizational communications. She has a MA
in Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego.
*Paul Van Dolah is the principal of Van Dolah & Associates, which specializes
in serving nonprofit community organizations, medical groups and health care
organizations. His areas of expertise are strategic planning and organizational
development. Prior to establishing Van Dolah & Associates, Paul served as
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at San Diego Children’s
Hospital and Health Center from 1988 through 2003. Paul has over twenty-five
years in senior leadership positions in hospitals across the United States.
Ruth Westreich is President of The Westreich Foundation and Co-Chair of USD’s
Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research advisory board. She brings over
thirty years experience as a Creative Marketing Communications Director and
Strategic Marketing Director in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. She also
currently serves on the board of directors of San Diego Grantmakers and Scripps
Institute. Ruth works hands on with battered and abused women and children,
children at risk, mentoring programs and literacy. Ruth is also a national award
winning mixed-media fine artist. She is also the visionary responsible for the
creation of the highly acclaimed new business book, The Art of Original Thinking
– The Making of a Thought Leader written by award winning author, Jan Phillips,
which just won the Editor’s Choice Award from Allbooks Review. Her website is:
Kate Wheeler, Director of Development United Through Reading, works closely
with the Development Committee of our Board of Trustees to plan and direct
resource development and fundraising to support our read-aloud programs. Kate
has 16 years of experience in the nonprofit arena. Before joining United through
Reading, Kate served as Executive Director for a community nonprofit in Aspen,
Colorado for four years and then worked as an independent consultant for nearly
ten years helping nonprofit organizations meet their fundraising goals. Kate holds
a BA in Econometrics and is currently enrolled in USD’s Nonprofit Leadership and
Management Program.
*denotes USD Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research faculty
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