Document 00001 TITLE PAGE SILICON VALLEY POWER CITY OF SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION CONTRACT #2404I FOR THE PURCHASE OF SSS Battery Enclosure and Accessories Issued for Quotes May 2015 00001-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00003 TABLE OF CONTENTS REV. DATE DOCUMENT 00001 Title Page............................................................................ April 2015 DOCUMENT 00003 Table of Contents ............................................................... April 2015 DOCUMENT 00100 Advertisement for Quotes ................................................... April 2015 DOCUMENT 00301 Schedule of Bid Price ......................................................... April 2015 DOCUMENT 00510 Other Bidder Supplied Information ..................................... April 2015 DOCUMENT 00520 Agreement .......................................................................... April 2015 DOCUMENT 00550 Use and Sales Tax…………………………………………….April 2015 DOCUMENT 00610 Procurement Performance Bond ........................................ April 2015 DOCUMENT 00750 Liquidated Damages…………………………………………..April 2015 DOCUMENT 00821 Insurance ............................................................................ April 2015 SECTION 01100 General Requirements........................................................ April 2015 SECTION 13121 Power Control Enclosures .................................................. April 2015 SECTION 16480 Substation DC Batteries and Chargers............................... April 2015 DRAWING SS-E-0-K-81 DRAWING SS-E-0-K-94 DRAWING SS-E-0-K-95 End of Document 00003 Issued for Quotes May 2015 00003-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00100 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1. NOTICE. THE CITY OF SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, a chartered California municipal corporation (“City”) hereby gives notice that it will accept Quotes for the following: CITY PROCUREMENT CONTRACT NUMBER 2404I SSS Battery Enclosure and Accessories Procurement 2. BID SUBMISSION. City will receive sealed Quotes, at the office of the Electric Department, City of Santa Clara, 1500 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95050 no later than 3:00 pm, as determined by the clock on the wall of the office of the Electric Department, on June 16, 2015. Mark clearly on the quote the title, closing time and date on the sealed envelope. City’s representative will open quotes. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION. Project Manager: Phone: e-Mail: Albert Saenz (408) 615-6613 [email protected] Mailing address: City of Santa Clara Electric Department dba Silicon Valley Power Attn: PST Procurement Contract No. 2404I 1500 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK. The City is requesting quotes for procurement and delivery of one (1) 15 ft. by 32 ft. Pre-fabricated battery/control building enclosure including (2) 125 VCD batteries/chargers and (1) 48 VDC battery/charger as well as all other accessories outlined in the contract documents. The battery/control building enclosure shall be delivered F.O.B. Pad to SSS Switching Station located in San Jose, CA. 5. CONTRACT TIME. Battery/Control Enclosure must be delivered by October 1, 2015. 6. QUOTE PREPARATION COST. Those providing Quotes are solely responsible for the cost of preparing their Quotes. 7. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. City specifically reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any or all Quotes, or re-quote, or to waive inconsequential deviations from Quote requirements not involving time, price, or quality of the Work. END OF DOCUMENT 00100 Issued for Quotes May 2015 00100-1 Contract #2404I Document 00301 Schedule of Bid Price Name of Bidder: _________________________ Item No. 1. Description of Item Quantity 15 ft. x 32 ft. Pre-fabricated battery/control building enclosure 1 ea. Unit Price Extended Price Do not include shipping charges here, as they are required under Item #9 below. 2. 125 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories 2 ea. Do not include shipping charges here, as they are required under Item #9 below. 3. 48 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories 1 ea. Do not include shipping charges here, as they are required under Item #9 below. 4. 125 VDC Panels 2 ea. 5. 48 VDC Panel 1 ea. 6. AC Panel 1 ea. 7. All other accessories not listed in items #1 through #6 Subtotal for items #1 through #7 lot 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Shipping and F.O.B. Pad install charges for items #1 through #7 Total of Items #8 and #9 Cost of providing the required performance bond as required by Document 00610 Cost of providing the required insurance coverage as required by Document 00821 Total of Items #10, #11 and #12 Total price as shown in Item #13 in words_____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Issued for Quotes May 2015 00301-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00510 OTHER BIDDER SUPPLIED INFORMATION NAME OF THE BIDDER: ______________________ 1. Bidder shall submit the name, address, email, phone number and fax number with name and designation of the contract person for the following: The Company The manufacturing facility The repair facility The customer service department The authorized sales representative for our area 2. Bidder shall submit a copy of bill of material and manufacturer’s product data sheets and descriptive literature for components and equipment to be provided. Product data shall include specification sheets identifying all applicable equipment ratings, accessories and options being furnished. 3. Bidder shall submit a set of sample drawings including but not limited to outline drawing, exterior and interior elevations showing scaled views of all equipment, raceways, panels and enclosure features. 4. Bidder shall submit terms and conditions of sale, including payment terms, cancellation charges, warranty information, etc. 5. Bidder shall specify the delivery schedule and the transit time for each circuit breaker and spare parts. 6. Bidder shall specify below any exceptions to be considered. exceptions, it shall be so stated. If there are no ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ END OF DOCUMENT 00510 Issued for Quotes May 2015 00510-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between The City of Santa Clara and (“Buyer”) (“Seller”). Buyer and Seller, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 – GOODS AND SPECIAL SERVICES 1.01 Seller shall furnish the Goods and Special Services as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents and Sellers quotation documents. ARTICLE 2 – THE PROJECT 2.01 The Project for which the Goods and Special Services to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: A. Item #1 is the procurement of the 15 ft. x 32 ft. pre-fabricated battery/control building enclosure. B. Item #2 is the procurement of the 125 VDC batteries, chargers, racks and accessories. C. Item #3 is the procurement of the 48 VDC battery, charger, racks and accessories. D. Item #4 is the procurement of the 125 VDC panels. E. Item #5 is the procurement of the 48 VDC panel. F. Item #6 is the procurement of the AC panel. G. Item #7 is the procurement of all other accessories not listed in items #1 through #6. H. Item #8 is the subtotal for items #1 through #7. I. Item #9 is the shipping and F.O.B. pad install charges for items #1 through #7. J. Item #10 is the total of items #8 and #9. K. Item #11 is the procurement of the Performance Bond as required by Document 00610. L. Item #12 is the procurement of Insurance as required by Document 00821. M. Item #13 is the total of items #10, #11 and #12. ARTICLE 3 – ENGINEER 3.01 The Contract Documents for the Goods and Special Services have been prepared by Buyer, who will assume all duties and responsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT the Electric Engineering Division Manager or Designate (Engineer) in the Contract Documents in connection with the furnishing of Goods and Special Services. ARTICLE 4 – POINT OF DESTINATION 4.01 The place where the Goods are to be delivered is defined in the General Conditions as the Point of Destination and is designated as: A. Item #1: Point of Destination for the 15 ft x 32 ft Pre-fabricated battery/control building enclosure shall be F.O.B. Pad at SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. B. Item #2: Point of Destination for the 125 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. C. Item #3: Point of Destination for the 48 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. D. Item #4: Point of Destination for the 125 VDC panels shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. E. Item #5: Point of Destination for the 48 VDC panel shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. F. Item #6: Point of Destination for the AC panel shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. G. Item #7: Point of Destination for all other accessories not listed in items #1 through #6 shall be SVP Switching Station, 800 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, near the Los Esteros Power Plant. H. Item #8: Point of Destination for the subtotal is N/A. I. Item #9: Point of Destination for the shipping and install charges for Items #1 through #7 is N/A. J. Item #10: Point of Destination for the total of items #8 and #9 is N/A. K. Item #11: The Point of Destination for the procurement Performance Bond is the City of Santa Clara’s City Clerk’s Office, located at 1500 Warburton Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95050. L. Item #12: The Point of Destination for the Insurance is the City of Santa Clara, c/o EBIX – Insurance Compliance, P.O. Box 12010-S2, Hemet, CA 92546-8010 or 151 North Lyon Avenue, Hemet, CA 92543. M. Item #13: The Point of Destination for the total of items #10, #11 and #12 is N/A. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-2 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT ARTICLE 5 – CONTRACT TIMES 5.01 Time of the Essence A. B. C. 5.02 All time limits for Milestones, if any, the delivery of Goods and the furnishing of Special Services as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. Contractor shall commence work at the site on date established in the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work by December 1, 2015 and Final Completion by January 8, 2016. Days to Achieve Delivery of Goods A. The Goods are to be delivered to the Point of Destination and ready for Buyer’s receipt of delivery based on a schedule to be determined at the time the order is placed by the Buyer with the Seller. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-3 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT ARTICLE 6 – CONTRACT PRICE 6.01 Buyer shall pay Seller for furnishing the Goods and Special Services in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: Item Qty #1 1 ea. Description 15 ft. x 32 ft. Pre-fabricated battery/control building enclosure Contract Price $ Contract Price in Words: ________________ __ #2 2 ea. 125 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories $ Contract Price in Words: ________________ __ #3 1 ea. 48 VDC Battery, charger, racks and accessories $ Contract Price in Words: ________________ __ #4 2 ea. 125 VDC Panels $ Contract Price in Words: #5 1 ea. 48 VDC Panel $ Contract Price in Words: #6 1 ea. AC Panel $ Contract Price in Words: #7 Issued for Quotes May 2015 Lot All other accessories not listed in items #1 through #6 00520-4 $ Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT Contract Price in Words: #8 Subtotal for items #1 through #7 $ Contract Price in Words: #9 Shipping and install F.O.B. Pad Charges for Items #1 through #7 $ Contract Price in Words: #10 Total of Items #8 and #9 $ Contract Price in Words: __ #11 Procurement of the Performance Bond $ Contract Price in Words: #12 Insurance $ Contract Price in Words: #13 Total of Items #10, #11 and #12 $ Contract Price in Words: A. ___________________ (Contractor) quote, is attached hereto as an exhibit. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-5 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT ARTICLE 7 – PAYMENT PROCEDURES 7.01 Submittal and Processing of Payments A. Seller shall submit Applications for Payment no later than 30 days after the date of shipment of the material. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer upon receipt and acceptance of all the items including but not limited to as-built vendor drawings, factory certified test results, manuals, etc. at the Point of Destination. 7.02 Liquidated Damages City and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that City will suffer financial loss in the form of contract administration expenses (such as project management and consultant expenses), if all or any part of the Work is not completed within the times specified (Section 5.01.C), plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Consistent with Document 00750 (Liquidated Damages), Contractor and City agree that because of the nature of the Project, it would be impractical or extremely difficult to fix the amount of actual damages incurred by City because of a delay in completion of all or any part of the Work. Accordingly, City and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay Contractor shall pay City: A. $5,000 for each Day that expires after the time specified herein for Contractor to achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work until achieved. B. $7,500 for each Day that expires after the time specified herein for Contractor to achieve Final Completion of the entire Work, until achieved. These measures of liquidated damages shall apply cumulatively and except as provided below, shall be presumed to be the damages suffered by City resulting from delay in completion of the Work. 3. Liquidated damages for delay shall only cover administrative, overhead, interest on bonds, and general loss of public use damages suffered by City as a result of delay. Liquidated damages shall not cover the cost of completion of the Work, damages resulting from defective Work, lost revenues or costs of substitute facilities, or damages suffered by others who then seek to recover their damages from City (for example, delay claims of other contractors, subcontractors, tenants, or other third-parties), and defense costs thereof. ARTICLE 8 – SELLER’S REPRESENTATIONS 8.01 In order to induce Buyer to enter into this Agreement, Seller makes the following representations: A. Seller has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and the other related data identified in the Quote Documents. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-6 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT B. If specified or if, in Seller’s judgment, any local condition may affect cost, progress or the furnishing of the Goods and Special Services, Seller has visited the Point of Destination and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the local conditions that may affect cost, progress or the furnishing of the Goods and Special Services. C. Seller is familiar with and is satisfied as to all local federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress and the furnishing of the Goods and Special Services. D. Seller has carefully studied and correlated the information known to Seller, and information and observations obtained from Seller’s visits, if any, to the Point of Destination, with the Contract Documents. E. Seller has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Seller has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Seller. F. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for furnishing Goods and Special Services. ARTICLE 9 – CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.01 Contents A. The Contract Documents consist of the following: 1. Document 00001 – Title Page 2. Document 00003 – Table of Contents 3. Document 00100 – Advertisement for Quotes 4. Document 00301 – Schedule of Bid Price 5. Document 00510 – Other Bidder Supplied Information 6. Document 00520 - Agreement 7. Document 00550 - Use and Sales Tax 8. Document 00610 – Procurement Performance Bond 9. Document 00750 - Liquidated Damages 10. Document 00821 – Insurance 11. Document 01100 – General Requirements 12. Section 13121 – Power Control Enclosures 13. Section 16480 – Substation DC Batteries and Chargers 14. Drawing SS-E-0-K-81 15. Drawing SS-E-0-K-94 16. Drawing SS-E-0-K-95 17. Manufacturer’s Quote number and related attachments. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-7 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT 18. The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: a. Notice of Award (pages to , inclusive); b. Written Amendment(s); c. Change Order(s); d. Field Order(s); e. Engineer’s Written Interpretation(s). B. The documents listed in paragraph 9.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). C. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 9. D. The Contract Documents may only be amended, or supplemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 10 – MISCELLANEOUS 10.01 Defined Terms A. Terms used in this Agreement will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions. 10.02 Assignment A. Buyer has the right to assign the Contract for furnishing Goods and Special Services hereunder and Seller shall accept such assignment. Forms documenting the assignment of the Contract, and consent of Seller’s surety to the assignment are attached as exhibits to this Agreement. 1. The Contract will be executed in the name of Buyer initially, and will be assigned to a construction contractor designated by Buyer. The assignment will occur on the effective date of the agreement between Buyer and the construction contractor, which is expected to occur on or about June 2015. As of the date of acceptance of assignment by the construction contractor, all references in the Contract Documents to Buyer shall mean the designated contractor whose responsibilities will include the incorporation of the Goods. 2. The assignment of the Contract shall relieve Buyer from all further obligations and liabilities under the Contract. After assignment, Seller shall become a subcontractor or seller to the assignee and, except as noted herein, all rights, duties, and obligations of Buyer under the Contract shall become the rights, duties and obligations of the assignee. 3. After assignment: a. All performances warranties and guarantees required by the Contract Documents will continue to run for the benefit of Buyer and, in addition, for the benefit of the assignee. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-8 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT b. Except as provided in this Paragraph 10.02.A.3.b, all rights, duties and obligations of Engineer to assignee and Seller under this Contract will cease. 1) Engineer will review Seller’s Applications for Payment and make recommendations to assignee for payments as provided in Paragraphs 10.02 and 10.06 of the General Conditions. 2) Upon the written request of either the assignee or Seller, Engineer will issue with reasonable promptness such clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be final and binding on assignee and Seller unless: a) an appeal from Engineer’s clarification or interpretation is made within the time limits and in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Article 13 of the General Conditions; or b) if no such dispute resolution procedures have been set forth, a written notice of intention to appeal is delivered by assignee or Seller to the other within 30 days after the date of such decision, and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a forum of competent jurisdiction within 60 days after the date of such decision (unless otherwise agreed to in writing by assignee and Seller), to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such clarification or interpretation in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations. 3) When rendering a clarification or interpretation under Paragraph 10.02.A.3.b.2, Engineer will not show partiality to assignee or Seller and will not be liable in connection with any clarification or interpretation rendered in good faith. B. No other assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound. Specifically but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law). Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 10.03 Successors and Assigns A. Buyer and Seller each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 10.04 Severability A. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Buyer and Seller. The Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-9 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT 10.05 Warranty, Disclaimer, and Limitation of Liability A. COPY OF SELLER’S WARRANTY TO BE INCLUDED HERE. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-10 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00520 AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer and Seller have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to Buyer and Seller. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by Buyer and Seller or on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on . Buyer: City of Santa Clara Seller: Julio J. Fuentes, City Manager By: By: [CORPORATE SEAL] [CORPORATE SEAL] Attest: Attest: Address for giving notices: Address for giving notices: 1500 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050-3796 (408) 615-2220 Agent for service of process: (If Buyer is a corporation, attach evidence of authority to sign. If Buyer is a public body, attach evidence of authority to sign and resolution or other documents authorizing execution of Buyer-Seller Agreement.) (If Seller is a corporation or partnership, attach evidence of authority to sign). Designated Representative: Designated Representative: Name: Richard E. Nosky, Jr. Name: Title: City Attorney Title: Address: 1500 Warburton Ave. Address: Santa Clara, CA 95050 Phone: (408) 615-2230 Phone: Facsimile: (408) 249-7846 Facsimile: Issued for Quotes May 2015 00520-11 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00550 USE AND SALES TAX PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION Silicon Valley Power (City of Santa Clara) will self-assess and pay all applicable use taxes directly to the State Board of Equalization and will provide the selected vendor a copy of the City’s Use Tax Direct Pay Permit and Exemption Certificate (see page 2 of this Document), thereby relieving your obligation of collecting and remitting the taxes associated with the sale of the equipment at issue. Once the certificate is issued, please do not charge the use tax when issuing invoices to the City. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS a. Document 00301 – Schedule of Quote Prices b. Document 00520 – Agreement PART 2 – PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 – EXECUTION (Not Used) Issued for Quotes May 2015 1 of 2 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00550 USE AND SALES TAX Issued for Quotes May 2015 2 of 2 Contract #2404I Document 00610 PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE BOND This Procurement Performance Bond (“Bond”), dated (_______________________, 2015, is in the penal sum of ____________________________________________________________ Dollars, ($ ___________________._), which is equal to one hundred percent of the Contract Price, and is entered into by and between the parties listed below to ensure the faithful performance of the Procurement Contract listed below. This Bond consists of this page and the Bond Terms and Conditions, Paragraphs 1 through 12, attached to this page. Any singular reference to ___________________________(“Seller”), _____________________(“Surety”), City of Santa Clara, California, a chartered California municipal corporation (“City”) or other party shall be considered plural where applicable., PROCUREMENT CONTRACT City of Santa Clara _______________________Contract: #2404I Dated__________, 2015. In the amount of $______________________________________________ Dollars SELLER AS PRINICIPAL: SURETY: Seller Name: Surety Name: __________________________________ ___________________________________ Principle Address of Business Principle Address of Business ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (Corporate Seal) (Corporate Seal) Signature: ___________________________ Signature: __________________________ Name: ______________________________ Name: _____________________________ Title: ________________________________ Title: ______________________________ Approved as to Form: __________________________________ Date: _______________________________ City Attorney Issued for Quotes May 2015 00610-1 Contract #2404I Document 00610 PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE BOND 1. BOND TERMS AND CONDITIONS Seller and Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to City for the complete and proper performance of the Procurement Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. If Seller completely and properly performs all of its obligations under the Procurement Contract, Surety and Seller shall have no obligation under this Bond. 3. If there is no City Default, Surety’s obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1 3.2 City has declared a Seller Default under the Procurement Contract pursuant to the terms of the Procurement Contract; and City has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Sum: 3.2,1 To Surety in accordance with the terms of this Bond and the Procurement Contract; or 3.2.2 To a seller selected to perform the Procurement Contract in accordance with the terms of this Bond and the Procurement Contract. 4. When City has satisfied the conditions of paragraph 3, Surety shall promptly (within thirty (30) days) and at Surety’s expense elect to take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for Seller, with consent of City, to perform and complete the Procurement Contract (but City may withhold consent, in which case the Surety must elect an option described in paragraphs 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4, below); or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Procurement Contract itself, through its agents or through independent sellers; or 4.3 Obtain bids from qualified sellers acceptable to City for a contract for performance and completion of the Procurement Contract, and, upon determination by City of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by City and the seller selected with City’s concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Procurement Contract; and, if Surety’s obligations defined in paragraph 6, below, exceed the Balance of the Contract Price, then Surety shall pay to City the amount of such excess; or 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new seller and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances, and, after investigation and consultation with City, determine in good faith the amount for which it may then be liable to City under paragraph 6, below, for the performance and completion of the Procurement Contract and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined, tender payment therefore to City with full explanation of the payment’s calculation. If City accepts Surety’s tender under this paragraph Issued for Quotes May 2015 00610-2 Contract #2404I Document 00610 PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE BOND 4.4 City may still hold Surety liable for future damages then unknown or unliquidated resulting from the Seller Default. If City disputes the amount of Surety’s tender under this paragraph 4.4, City may exercise all remedies available to it at law to enforce Surety’s liability under paragraph 6, below. 5. If Surety does not proceed as provided in paragraph 4, above, then Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond ten days after receipt of an additional written notice from City to Surety demanding that Surety perform its obligations under this Bond. At all times City shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to City at law or under the Procurement Contract including, without limitation, and by way of example only, rights to perform work, protect work, mitigate damages, and advance critical work to mitigate schedule delay, or coordinate work with other consultants or sellers. 6. Surety’s monetary obligation under this Bond is limited by the Amount of this Bond. Subject to these limits, Surety’s obligations under this Bond are commensurate with the obligations of Seller under the Procurement Contract. Surety’s obligations shall include, but are not limited to: 6.1 The responsibilities of Seller under the Procurement Contract for completion of the Procurement Contract and correction of defective work; 6.2 The responsibilities of Seller under the Procurement Contract to pay liquidated damages, and for damages for which no liquidated damages are specified in the Procurement Contract, actual damages caused by non-performance of the Procurement Contract including, but not limited to, all valid and proper back charges, offsets, payments, indemnities, or other damages; 6.3 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from Seller Default or resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under paragraph 4, above. 7. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than City or its successors or assigns. 8. Surety hereby waives notice of any change, alteration or addition to the Procurement Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations, including changes of time. Surety consents to all terms of the Procurement Contract, including provisions on changes to the Contract. No extension of time, change, alteration, modification, deletion, or addition to the Contract Documents, or of the work required thereunder, shall release or exonerate Surety on this Bond or in any way affect the obligations of Surety on this Bond. 9. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond shall be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction where a proceeding is pending between City and Seller regarding the Procurement Contract, or in the courts of the County o Santa Clara, or in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work is located. 10. All notices to Surety or Seller shall be mailed or delivered (to the address shown on the signature page), and all notices to City shall be mailed or delivered as provided in Issued for Quotes May 2015 00610-3 Contract #2404I Document 00610 PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE BOND Document 00520, Agreement. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, City or Seller, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the foregoing addresses. 11. Any provision in this Bond conflicting with any statutory or regulatory requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. 12. Definitions. 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by City to Seller pursuant to the terms of the Procurement Contract after all proper adjustments have been made under the Procurement Contract, for example, deductions for progress payments made, and increases/decreases for approved modifications to the Procurement Contract. 12.2 Procurement Contract: The agreement between City and Seller identified on the signature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Seller Default: Material failure of Seller, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Procurement Contract including, but not limited to, “default” as provided in Document 00700 General Conditions. 12.4 City Default: Material failure of City, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay Seller progress payments due under the Procurement Contract or to perform other material terms of the Procurement Contract, if such failure is the cause of the asserted Seller Default and is sufficient to justify Seller termination of the Procurement Contract. END OF DOCUMENT Issued for Quotes May 2015 00610-4 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00750 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 1. Time is of the essence. Execution of Contract Documents by Contractor shall constitute acknowledgement by Contractor that Contractor understands, has ascertained and agrees that City will actually sustain damages in the amount fixed in the Contract Documents for each and every Day during which completion of Work required is delayed beyond expiration of time fixed for completion or extensions of time allowed pursuant to provisions hereof. Contractor and City agree that specified measures of liquidated damages shall be presumed to be the damages actually sustained by City as defined below , and that because of the nature of the Project, it would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages. 2. Liquidated damages shall be considered not as a penalty but as agreed monetary damage sustained by City for increased Project administration expenses, including extra inspection, construction management and architectural and engineering expenses related to the Project and Contract Documents because Contractor failed to perform and complete Work within time fixed for completion or extensions of time allowed pursuant to provisions hereof. Liquidated damages shall not be deemed to include within their scope additional damages or administrative costs arising from Defective Work, lost revenues, interest expenses, cost of completion of the Work, cost of substitute facilities, claims and fines of regulatory agencies, damages suffered by others or other forms of liability claimed against City as a result of delay (e.g., delay or delay related claims of other contractors, subcontractors or tenants), and defense costs thereof. Contractor shall be fully responsible for the actual amount of any such damages it causes, in addition to the liquidated damages otherwise due City. 3. City may deduct from any money due or to become due to Contractor subsequent to time for completion of entire Work and extensions of time allowed pursuant to provisions hereof, a sum representing then-accrued liquidated damages. Should Contractor fall behind the approved Progress Schedule, City may deduct liquidated damages based on its estimated period of late completion. City need not wait until Final Completion to withhold liquidated damages from Contractor’s progress payments. Should money due or to become due to Contractor be insufficient to cover aggregate liquidated damages due, then Contractor forthwith shall pay the remainder of the assessed liquidated damages to City. Issued for Quotes May 2015 00750-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00821 INSURANCE Without limiting the Seller’s indemnification of the City, and prior to commencing any of the Services required under this Agreement, the Seller shall purchase and maintain in full force and effect, at its sole cost and expense, the following insurance policies with at least the indicated coverages, provisions and endorsements: A. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance policy which provides coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01. Policy limits are subject to review, but shall in no event be less than, the following: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal Injury B. 2. Exact structure and layering of the coverage shall be left to the discretion of Seller; however, any excess or umbrella policies used to meet the required limits shall be at least as broad as the underlying coverage and shall otherwise follow form. 3. The following provisions shall apply to the Commercial Liability policy as well as any umbrella policy maintained by the Seller to comply with the insurance requirements of this Agreement: a. Coverage shall be on a “pay on behalf” basis with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits; b. There shall be no cross liability exclusion which precludes coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another; and c. Coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of liability. BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE Business automobile liability insurance policy which provides coverage at least as broad as ISO form CA 00 01 with policy limits a minimum limit of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each accident using, or providing coverage at least as broad as, Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01. Liability coverage shall apply to all owned, non-owned and hired autos. In the event that the Work being performed under this Agreement involves transporting of hazardous or regulated substances, hazardous or regulated wastes and/or hazardous or regulated materials, Seller and/or its subSellers involved in such activities shall provide coverage with a limit of two million dollars ($2,000,000) per accident covering transportation of such materials by the addition to the Business Auto Coverage Policy of Issued for Quotes April 2015 00821-1 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00821 INSURANCE Environmental Impairment Endorsement MCS90 or Insurance Services Office endorsement form CA 99 48, which amends the pollution exclusion in the standard Business Automobile Policy to cover pollutants that are in or upon, being transported or towed by, being loaded onto, or being unloaded from a covered auto. C. D. WORKERS COMPENSATION 1. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy as required by statute and employer’s liability with limits of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) policy limit Bodily Injury by disease, one million dollars ($1,000,000) each accident/Bodily Injury and one million dollars ($1,000,000) each employee Bodily Injury by disease. 2. The indemnification and hold harmless obligations of Seller included in this Agreement shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damage, compensation or benefit payable by or for Seller or any sub Seller under any Workers’ Compensation Act(s), Disability Benefits Act(s) or other employee benefits act(s). 3. This policy must include a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Santa Clara, its City Council, commissions, officers, employees, volunteers and agents. COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS All of the following clauses and/or endorsements, or similar provisions, must be part of each commercial general liability policy, and each umbrella or excess policy. 1. Additional Insureds. The Engineer, City of Santa Clara, its City Council, commissions, officers, employees, volunteers and agents are hereby added as additional insureds in respect to liability arising out of Seller’s work for City, using Insurance Services Office (ISO) Endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or the combination of CG 20 10 03 97 and CG 20 37 10 01, or its equivalent. 2. Primary and non-contributing. Each insurance policy provided by Seller shall contain language or be endorsed to contain wording making it primary insurance as respects to, and not requiring contribution from, any other insurance which the Indemnities may possess, including any self-insurance or self-insured retention they may have. Any other insurance Indemnities may possess shall be considered excess insurance only and shall not be called upon to contribute with Seller’s insurance. 3. Cancellation. (a) Issued for Quotes April 2015 Each insurance policy shall contain language or be endorsed to reflect that no cancellation or modification of the coverage provided due to nonpayment of premiums shall be effective until written notice has been given to City at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such modification or cancellation. In the event of non-renewal, written notice 00821-2 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00821 INSURANCE shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of nonrenewal. (b) 4. E. Each insurance policy shall contain language or be endorsed to reflect that no cancellation or modification of the coverage provided for any cause save and except non-payment of premiums shall be effective until written notice has been given to City at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such modification or cancellation. In the event of nonrenewal, written notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of non-renewal. Other Endorsements. Other endorsements may be required for policies other than the commercial general liability policy if specified in the description of required insurance set forth in Sections A through D of this Exhibit C, above. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE RELATED PROVISIONS Seller and City agree as follows: F. 1. Seller agrees to ensure that sub Sellers, and any other party involved with the Services who is brought onto or involved in the performance of the Services by Seller, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Seller, except as with respect to limits. Seller agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this Agreement. Seller agrees that upon request by City, all agreements with, and insurance compliance documents provided by, such sub Sellers and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 2. Seller agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Seller for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this Agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 3. The City reserves the right to withhold payments from the Seller in the event of material noncompliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement. EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE Prior to commencement of any Services under this Agreement, Seller, and each and every sub Seller (of every tier) shall, at its sole cost and expense, purchase and maintain not less than the minimum insurance coverage with the endorsements and deductibles indicated in this Agreement. Such insurance coverage shall be maintained with insurers, Issued for Quotes April 2015 00821-3 Contract #2404I DOCUMENT 00821 INSURANCE and under forms of policies, satisfactory to City and as described in this Agreement. Seller shall file with the City all certificates and endorsements for the required insurance policies for City’s approval as to adequacy of the insurance protection. G. EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE Seller or its insurance broker shall provide the required proof of insurance compliance, consisting of Insurance Services Office (ISO) endorsement forms or their equivalent and the ACORD form 25-S certificate of insurance (or its equivalent), evidencing all required coverage shall be delivered to City, or its representative as set forth below, at or prior to execution of this Agreement. Upon City’s request, Seller shall submit to City copies of the actual insurance policies or renewals or replacements. Unless otherwise required by the terms of this Agreement, all certificates, endorsements, coverage verifications and other items required to be delivered to City pursuant to this Agreement shall be mailed to: City of Santa Clara Electric Department c/o EBIX - Insurance Compliance P.O. 12010-S2 or Hemet, CA 92546-8010 Telephone: (951)766-2280; or Fax: (951)766-2299 H. 151 North Lyon Avenue Hemet, CA 92543 QUALIFYING INSURERS All of the insurance companies providing insurance for Seller shall have, and provide written proof of, an A. M. Best rating of at least A minus 6 (A- VI) or shall be an insurance company of equal financial stability that is approved by the City or its insurance compliance representatives. Issued for Quotes April 2015 00821-4 Contract #2404I SECTION 01100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 MANUFACTURING & TESTING A. 1.2 The manufacturing and testing facility must be within the continental United States (CONUS). RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 13121 – Power Control Enclosures B. Document 16480 – Substation DC Batteries and Chargers C. Drawing SS-E-0-K-81 D. Drawing SS-E-0-K-94 E. Drawing SS-E-0-K-95 1.3 REFERENCES A. 1.4 1.5 All equipment furnished under these specifications shall conform to the applicable standards of ICEA, AEIC, ASTM, ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA standards. SUBMITTALS A. Requirements for submittals are specified in the individual technical sections of this specification. B. Quality System Documentation, including Quality System Manual, Subsupplier List, and Inspection and Test Plan to be submitted as specified in the individual technical sections. QUALITY SYSTEM A. General: It is the responsibility of the Seller to define and implement a detailed and documented quality management system which ensures that all equipment and commodities supplied are in conformance with required drawings and/or specifications and which meet all the guidelines (requirements) set forth in this document. The system shall be capable of providing assurance that design, purchasing, materials, manufacturing, examination and testing of equipment, shipping, storage, and related services comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Seller’s quality system shall include, at a minimum, procedures or methods to ensure that the following are controlled: 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 Design documents, drawings, specifications, quality assurance procedures, quality records, inspection procedures, inspection and 01100-1 Contract #2404I SECTION 01100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS test status, and purchase documents maintained current, accurate, and under control. 2. Purchased materials, equipment, and services conform to the requirements of all Contract Documents. 3. Receipt inspection, in-process inspection, examination, testing, and checkouts conducted. 4. Shipping, storage, and preservation of equipment and commodities supplied meet Contract Document requirements. 5. Adequate inspection of subcontracted work. 6. Control of special and proprietary processes associated with the manufacture, fabrication and/or installation of the products and services as specified within this request for proposal. 7. Proper methods employed for the qualification of personnel who are performing special and proprietary processes associated with this request for proposal 8. Procedures that document and control the verification, storage, use, and maintenance of customer-supplied product provided for incorporation into manufactured equipment or commodities. Any applicable industry standards (such as ANSI, AGMA, API, ASME, etc.) should also be incorporated into this system. This system shall be made available to the City for review upon request. B. ISO 9001 Compliance: The manufacturing site(s) at which the products and components for this project are to be produced shall comply with and be based on the applicable criteria of ISO 9001 2000 processes. Quality System Manual: The quality system shall be documented in a quality system manual. One controlled copy of the manual shall be submitted to the City. If the Seller's program has been certified by a registered certification agency as satisfying the requirements of ISO 9001, a copy of the Certification Letter shall be submitted along with the required manual. The quality system manual shall be kept current by submittal of revisions as applicable for the duration of the Contract and including applicable warranty period. C. Subsuppliers 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 Seller shall submit to the City, in writing, the name, type, and location of all subsuppliers and the qualification documentation of the Seller's subsupplier prior to award of subsupplier's Purchase Order. 01100-2 Contract #2404I SECTION 01100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. 2. The Seller shall ensure that subsuppliers have the capabilities to fulfill Contract Document requirements as prescribed in within the specifications. Seller shall submit objective evidence of subsupplier's capabilities, processes, or in-process work involving the fabricating and manufacturing of materials and commodities for the City. 3. The Seller shall be responsible for subsupplier qualification and monitoring to ensure adherence to the same high quality standards of the Seller. When deemed necessary, the City has the authority to perform quality audits and inspections, and monitor and/or review subsupplier processes and facilities. Inspections by City: The City may elect to perform inspections, quality audits, or witness testing at any time during the manufacturing process. The City may designate an authorized agent for inspections, witness testing, or quality audits. Authorized agent can be an employee of the City or an outside agency. When an outside agency is designated as an authorized agent for the City, such designation will be in writing with a copy provided to the Seller. Hereinafter, when the term “City's representative” is used, it may also mean the City or its authorized agent. 1. Inspection and Test Plan: Prior to commencing fabrication, Seller shall submit to the City a detailed inspection and test plan (i.e., a Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan) for the work to be performed. The inspection and test plan shall be a detailed step-by-step list of operations and requirements which shall identify the inspection and testing points for major components of the work and shall be maintained current throughout the duration of the Contract. The plan shall include the Seller's strategy for inspecting subsupplier's work, including inspection by the Seller at his subsupplier's facilities. The City will designate any test witness points or other inspection points required. 2. The Seller shall keep the City informed of the progress of the work and shall notify the City at least 10 working days in advance of the appropriate times for inspections and testing when such inspection and test points have been designated by the City for witnessing. The work shall not progress past the City's designated witness point until the City has inspected the work or witnessed the designated test, or the City has waived its right to perform an inspection or to witness a test. 3. Access: The City will have the right to inspect the Seller's and subsupplier's work and related documents in the course of manufacture providing no delays in manufacture are caused thereby. The Seller is required to provide, at his own expense, reasonable facilities including tools and instruments for demonstrating acceptability of the work. 4. Test Witnessing: If called for in the Contract Documents, and when designated as a hold point, witnessing of mill or factory tests must be Issued for Quotes May 2015 01100-3 Contract #2404I SECTION 01100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS performed in the presence of the City's representative unless waived in writing by the City's representative. The Seller shall bear all expenses of such tests except the compensation and expense of the City's representative. All international travel will be business class. 5. Corrective Action: Upon detection of a noncompliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Seller shall document the noncompliance issue and provide the City’s representative a copy of the report. The Seller shall be required to correct, in a timely manner, all deficiencies identified at the sole cost of the seller. 6. Rejection: If any items or articles are found not to meet the requirements of the specifications, the lot, or any faulty portion thereof, may be rejected. Before offering specified material or equipment for shipment, the Seller is required to inspect the material and equipment and eliminate any items that are defective or do not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. The fact that materials or equipment have been previously inspected, tested, and accepted does not relieve the Seller of responsibility in the case of later discovery of flaws or defects. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Unless specifically provided otherwise in each case, all materials and equipment furnished for permanent installation in the work shall conform to applicable standard specifications and shall be new, unused, and undamaged. B. Miscellaneous Materials and Services: Miscellaneous materials and services not otherwise specifically called for shall be furnished by the Seller in accordance with the following, as applicable: 1. All special tools or lifting beams and lugs for off loading. C. 2.2 Asbestos containing materials will not be allowed. FACTORY ASSEMBLY A. All separately packaged accessory items and parts shall be shipped with the equipment. Containers for separately packaged items shall be marked so that they are identified with the main equipment. An itemized packing slip indicating what is in that container only shall be attached to the outside of each container used for packaging. A similar list shall be inside each container. A master packing slip covering all accessory items for a given piece of equipment which are shipped in separate containers shall be attached to one container. Issued for Quotes May 2015 01100-4 Contract #2404I SECTION 01100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.3 TOOLS A. The Seller shall furnish and ship with each piece of equipment one set of all special tools required for assembly, installation and maintenance, of the equipment and materials to be provided. The tools shall be shipped in separate, heavily constructed wooden boxes provided with hinged covers and padlock hasps. B. Maintenance tools for each for the equipment and materials to be provided shall be boxed separately and the boxes shall be marked with the name of the project and the name of the equipment. Issued for Quotes May 2015 01100-5 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section covers the design, materials, construction, and F.O.B pad delivery of prefabricated, drop-in type power control enclosure to be installed at the SVP Switching Station (SSS) project site, located in San Jose, California. The enclosure shall generally be described as follows: 1. Control Enclosure, with Control Room and separate but integral Battery Room and Storage Room. The Control Enclosure shall be furnished complete with all equipment and systems as shown on the drawings and as specified, for substation protection, monitoring and control, and shall generally include (2) 125V DC battery systems, (1) 48 VDC battery, 120/208V AC panelboards, and station battery chargers. The enclosure’s Battery Room shall be provided with the station DC control power system, including batteries, battery rack, spill containment tray with absorption and neutralization pads, and related equipment and accessories. B. This Technical Specification and the Specification Data Sheets describe the requirements for supplying prefabricated, modular type, self-contained, steel, double-walled construction, factory-assembled Power Control Enclosures. The Power Control Enclosures shall be delivered to the project site F.O.B pad as pre-designed, factory-assembled and tested, completely coordinated, fully functional enclosures with all required electrical and mechanical systems. The enclosure design shall meet or exceed all applicable codes and standards. C. Each Power Control Enclosure shall be supplied complete with all necessary component parts to form a complete enclosure system. Unless noted otherwise, the Seller shall furnish and install all parts required for a complete operating assembly. All parts furnished by the Seller shall be new and free from defects in material and workmanship. D. The approximate dimensions of each enclosure furnished under these Specifications are indicated on the contract drawings. Dimensions may be adjusted with the approval of the City where economics of using the Seller's standard construction techniques and/or highway permit approvals require modification considerations. 1. E. Seller shall ensure that the maximum shipping width of each enclosure or enclosure section is less than 16 feet. Any costs incurred by Seller or City due to Seller not meeting this requirement shall be Seller’s sole responsibility. Enclosure attachments and equipment to be supplied as part of this specification are listed in the following articles. Any other equipment not Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-1 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES specifically listed but required to make the enclosures safe or the listed equipment operate properly shall be supplied by the Seller. 1.2 1.3 F. The contract drawings indicate the extent and general arrangement of the systems. If any departures from the contract drawings are deemed necessary by the Seller, details of such departures and the reasons therefore shall be submitted as soon as practical to the City for review. No such departures shall be made without the prior written concurrence of the City. G. The Seller shall be responsible for obtaining any and all enclosure and transportation permits and inspections required, including any associated fees. H. Unless otherwise indicated, where design and fabrication requirements for the enclosures are indicated in the singular, it shall be understood to apply to all enclosures included in this specification and within Seller’s scope of supply. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01100, General Requirements B. Section 13121, Power Control Enclosures C. Section 16480, Substation DC Batteries and Charger D. Drawing SS-E-0-K-81 E. Drawing SS-E-0-K-94 F. Drawing SS-E-0-K-95 REFERENCES A. The design, materials, construction, testing, and performance of the prefabricated Power Control Enclosures and associated equipment shall meet the requirements of the applicable sections of the latest issue of the following standards and codes. Where conflicts occur between the referenced standards and/or codes, the most stringent shall apply unless modified in this specification. AISC AISI ANSI ASHRAE - ASTM AWS Cal/OSHA CBC CCR CEC CFC Issued for Quotes May 2015 American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute American National Standards Institute American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials American Welding Society California Occupational Safety and Health Administration California Building Code, 2010 California Code of Regulations, Title 24 California Electrical Code California Fire Code 013121-2 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES ICEA IEEE MBMA NEC NEMA NESC NFPA NFRC OSHA SSPC IBC 1.4 - Insulated Cable Engineers Association Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Metal Building Manufacturers Association National Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Electrical Safety Code National Fire Protection Association National Fenestration Rating Council Occupational Safety and Health Administration Steel Structures Painting Council International Building Code, 2009 B. All materials and devices shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the California "Occupational Safety and Health Administration” Standards. C. In case of conflict between requirements of the various parts of these Specifications, the requirements shall be governed to the extent of such conflict in the following sequence: mandatory governmental regulations, codes, and standards; Specification Data Sheets; these Power Control Enclosures specifications; and the above referenced industry codes and standards. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data sheets and descriptive literature for components and equipment to be provided. Product data shall include specifications sheets identifying all applicable equipment ratings, accessories and options being furnished. B. The Seller shall submit complete manufacturer's shop fabrication drawings and reference material. Drawings shall include, but shall not be limited to: • • • • • • • • • • • • Issued for Quotes May 2015 Drawing Index Bills of Material Exterior and Interior Elevations, showing scaled views of all equipment, raceways, enclosures, panels, and enclosure features Roof Plan Floor Plan Lighting and Receptacle Plan Grounding and Raceway Layout Heating, Cooling and Emergency Ventilation Control Schematic Diagrams and Wiring Diagrams AC and DC Station Service Single-Line and Wiring Diagrams Miscellaneous Schematics for Lighting & Receptacle Circuits, Smoke Detector Alarms, Intrusion Alarms, Emergency Lights and Exterior Lights, Access Control (Security) System Anchoring Layout with Enclosure Weight and Center of Gravity Foundation Loading 013121-3 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES • • • C. Reference material shall include, but shall not be limited to: • • • 1.5 Assembly Details of Base and Frame Structural Members, accurately showing sizes and locations of conduit entrance windows. Construction Details and Sections Field Assembly and Crane Lifting Details Catalog general illustrated descriptive bulletins, catalog sheets or application data bulletins Instruction books and factory maintenance manuals or leaflets Device renewal parts data D. Engineering and design calculations required for design review and necessary Building Department review and approval. E. Test and checkout report for Factory-performed tests. F. Field inspection reports. G. Certification letter attesting that the Control Enclosures and all associated equipment and systems are fully functional and ready for operation. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Site Altitude: 33 ft (AMSL) B. Seismic Design Data: Occupancy Category II Design Category D Site Class D or as classified by Geotechnical Report SS = 1.5g S1 = 0.6g SDS = 1.0g SD1 = 0.6g Fv = 1.5 Fa = 1.0 C. Outdoor Ambient Temperature Range: 25°F (-4°C) to 105°F (41°C) D. Outdoor Relative Humidity: 25% to 100% E. Indoor Ambient Temperature Range: 72°F (22°C) to 78°F (26°C) F. Indoor Relative Humidity: 30% to 65% PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 DESIGN BASIS A. The Power Control Enclosure shall be the design of a manufacturer who is regularly engaged in the fabrication of pre-engineered enclosures or Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-4 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES enclosures complying with requirements and standards for enclosures in the State of California. 2.2 B. The enclosures shall be designed to withstand the environmental and loading conditions specified herein without damage to the enclosure or its contents. C. Design and construction of the enclosures shall be in accordance with the latest codes and standards. The Seller shall be responsible for obtaining any and all enclosure permits including any associated fees. D. The structural design of the enclosures shall be designed and certified by a registered California civil engineer, in accordance with all applicable building codes. The Seller shall assume full structural design responsibility. All drawings and calculations submitted to the City shall be stamped, signed and sealed by a registered California Civil Professional Engineer. E. The anchorage system shall be designed by the Seller to resist column reactions resulting from loading combinations. Foundation design will be performed by the City's Engineer. F. Enclosure seams shall be sealed to prevent entry of rain, sand or fine dirt. G. Maximum exterior enclosure dimensions shall be as indicated on the Drawings. H. The design and construction of the enclosure, including the main structural system, joint detailing, anchorage of the enclosures, and attachment of wallmounted equipment, suspended raceways and other non-structural components within the enclosures, shall meet or exceed the seismic requirements of the California Building Code (CBC), 2010. I. Separate incompatible metals to prevent deterioration of metal enclosure components. Provide gaskets, membrane or other means to avoid electrolytic reaction of incompatible metals. CONSTRUCTION A. All items of mechanical and electrical equipment shall be of the best quality normally used for the purpose in good commercial practice and shall be the products of reputable manufacturers. B. Each major component of equipment shall have the manufacturer's name, address, and catalog number on a nameplate that is securely affixed in a conspicuous place. The nameplate of only the distributing agent will not be accepted. C. Enclosure Base 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 The enclosure shall include an integral welded steel structure base and frame designed to meet the load parameters stated in the 013121-5 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES Specification Data Sheets. Bolting will be permissible only for removable panels and assembly of approved shipping sections. D. 2. Each enclosure’s base shall be all welded construction of ASTM A-36 structural steel. The members of the base and frame shall be sized and arranged for proper strength and durability to withstand the stress and loads which will result during transportation and lifting of the completed enclosure. At a minimum, lifting lugs shall be provided at the four corners of each fully outfitted assembly section and shall be attached to the base in a manner that will allow them to be removed or re-attached easily. Deflection during lifting shall not exceed that listed in the Specification Data Sheets. Normal lifting for transportation and installation shall be by means of a crane making a single point lift using suitable rigging and spreader beams. The Seller shall supply all necessary hardware to perform heavy lifts. 3. The base shall be suitable for installation on a concrete foundation. The foundation systems will be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. The Seller shall furnish appropriate information to enable the City to design the foundation systems. A suitable drawing showing applicable base design and dimensions of each enclosure, enclosure foundation loading, and a detail of the anchoring system with enclosure weight and center of gravity information shall be furnished to the City. The anchoring system shall not require cast-in-place anchor bolts. Requirements of such details are to be coordinated with the City and shall be submitted not later than the drawings submitted for approval. 4. The structural base members shall not interfere with or obstruct areas designated for routing of raceways for power, control and communication wiring. 5. Provide threaded, stainless steel grounding pads, welded to the enclosures’ structural base for connection to the substation ground grid. Ground pads should be located at each corner of the enclosure, and additionally, at least one location on each side of the enclosure for each shipped enclosure section. Grounding pads shall be suitable for termination of the 250 kcmil bare copper grid conductors using 2hole NEMA flat connectors. 6. Each enclosure’s base shall be furnished with provisions for securing and anchoring the enclosure entrance steps and platforms (at each enclosure entrance location) to the enclosure. Seller shall coordinate specific design requirements with the City. 7. The structure base and frame finish shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. Floor: The floor deck material and loading withstand requirements shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. All floor seams shall be Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-6 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES continuously welded to the perimeter and cross members of the base. The floor surface shall be smooth and free from defects so as not to inhibit free rolling of equipment if needed. Provide framed conduit entrance windows in the floor system of each enclosure to accommodate installation of Contractorinstalled conduits. Conduit entrance windows will be required at the bottom of the Termination Cabinet(s) in the Control Enclosure. Conduit entrance windows shall be provided with removable floor plate covers, suitable for field-drilling openings to match size and arrangement of conduit stub-ups. The floor finish shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. E. Roof 1. The roof shall be made weather tight using preformed standing seams or by seam welding the joints between roof panels. The roof material and loading withstand requirements shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. The roof shall not be supported by electrical equipment inside the enclosure. In addition to the roof loads given in the Specification Data Sheets, the roof system shall be designed to support any interior loading resulting from cable trays, metal-enclosed bus, light fixtures, wireways, conduits and the like. No roof penetrations shall be allowed. 2. Seamless rain gutters, downspouts, and splash blocks shall be provided for positive rainfall drainage to the ground surface. 3. The roof system shall also be designed to support the weight of a 250-pound person for installation and maintenance purposes without compromising the integrity of the roof system. F. Interior Ceiling: An interior ceiling, fabricated from minimum 16 gauge paint quality galvannealed steel panels, shall be provided. The ceiling assembly shall provide a smooth ceiling surface. The minimum interior clear floor to ceiling height shall be as listed in the Specification Data Sheets. G. Exterior Walls 1. Exterior wall material and loading withstand requirements shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. 2. Screws, rivets, or fasteners shall be aluminum, stainless steel, or cadmium-plated steel. Exposed fasteners shall be coated to match the overall color of the enclosure. 3. The exterior wall panels shall be able to be replaced without disrupting the integrity of the roof system, adjoining wall panels or adjacent walls should a damaged panel need to be replaced. 4. Double wall construction consisting of formed vertical panels shall be used for the enclosure walls. Exterior wall panels shall be a single continuous length from the base channels to the roofline except where Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-7 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES interrupted by wall openings. All openings in the wall system, such as for doors, HVAC equipment and conduit entrances, shall be framed with suitably sized steel members. 5. H. I. Wall panels shall be fastened internally to the base channel and eave cap of the enclosure with electro-galvanized, stainless steel or cadmium-plated bolts placed within the panel interlock. The fastening system shall be designed so that no wall fasteners are exposed to the exterior surface of the walls, and the panels are securely anchored at the top and bottom and to the enclosure floor. Interior Walls 1. Interior wall material shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. The interior walls shall be smooth and permit the attachment of equipment cabinets without the need for special hardware, blocking, etc. 2. Screws, rivets or fasteners shall be aluminum, electro-galvanized, stainless steel, or cadmium-plated steel. Exposed fasteners shall be coated to match the overall color of the wall panels. 3. Interior walls shall be furnished complete with base channel, splices and all required fasteners. 4. Interior walls shall extend from floor to roof panels to isolate possible explosive atmosphere in the battery room. Battery room walls shall provide an airtight seal. 5. Wall panels shall be fastened internally to the base channel and top structural member with electro-galvanized, stainless steel or cadmium-plated bolts placed within the panel interlock. The fastening system shall be designed so that no wall fasteners are exposed to the exposed surface of the walls, and the panels are securely anchored at the top and bottom and to the enclosure floor. 6. Interior walls shall be furnished complete with base molding and trim. Exterior Personnel Doors 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 The exterior personnel doors shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets and as shown on the drawings. Each door shall be provided with a wire glass (diamond mesh preferred) vision panel, size as indicated, an exterior drip shield, non-removable pin hinges, weather stripping, automatic closers and hold-open arm, aluminum threshold, exit device, card reader, and door contact/monitor. Doors shall be one-piece and open outwardly with a minimum swing angle of 105 degrees. 013121-8 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES J. 2. Each exterior door unit shall include an electrified exit device with exterior lever handle, connected to a card reader and the enclosure access control (security) panel. Locks shall be provided that will accommodate City-provided key cores. 3. Doors and frames shall conform to the Steel Door Institute Specification for Standard Steel Doors and Frames, SDI-100 (ANSI A250.8-2003, Rev. 2008), Level II, Model 2. Interior Personnel Door 1. Interior personnel door shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets and as shown on the drawings. Each door shall be provided with a wire glass (diamond mesh preferred) vision panel, size as indicated, heavy-duty pin hinges (quantity of hinges as indicated in the finish hardware schedule), automatic closers, and hold-open arm. Door shall be one-piece and open outwardly when exiting the switchgear room, with a minimum swing angle of 105 degrees. 2. The door unit shall include a panic bar door latch on the side of the door providing for safe personnel exit. 3. Doors and frames shall conform to the Steel Door Institute Specification for Standard Steel Doors and Frames, SDI-100 (ANSI A250.8-2003, Rev. 2008), Level II, Model 2. K. Interior Fire Door - (Not Used) L. Firewall - (Not Used) M. Fixed Window 1. N. Provide an insulated, laminated glass window for the Control Enclosure, meeting UL 972 test requirements for security and resistance to forced entry. Laminated insulated glass window shall consist of a minimum 60-mil thick interlayer of Saflex polyvinyl butyral, bonded between two panes of 1/8” tempered glass. The laminated construction shall be separated from a third pane of tempered glass by an air space, providing an insulated window unit with a maximum solar heat gain coefficient of 0.66. Interlayer shall be pigmented to provide a gray glass tint. Thermal Insulation 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 The roof, walls, and floor of the enclosures shall be insulated with a flame retardant or flame resistant insulation and shall meet the minimum insulation levels listed in the Specification Data Sheets. 013121-9 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES O. P. 2.3 Weatherproofing 1. The enclosures shall be designed and constructed to minimize or prevent loss of conditioned air and to prevent entry of blowing rain, sleet, moisture, or vermin. All joints and openings, including conduit penetrations, shall be caulked, gasketed, or otherwise sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration. 2. The completed enclosures shall be guaranteed to be completely weathertight under all weather conditions for a period of 10 years after acceptance. Leaks that occur during the guarantee period, whether through roofs, wall, doors, or accessory equipment or materials, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City at no cost to the City. Interior and Exterior Finish 1. All interior and exterior metallic surfaces shall be as described in the Specification Data Sheets. Details of the proposed exterior cleaning and paint system shall be submitted to the City for approval. The proposed exterior finish shall have passed the salt spray test as defined in ANSI C32.20.2, paragraph 5.2.8. Steel Structures Paint Council standards shall be followed in all preparation and application of coatings. 2. The exterior and interior wall colors shall be as listed in the Specification Data Sheets and sample paint chip shall be submitted for City review and selection. The color of the doors and trim shall match the overall enclosure paint scheme. 3. Two one-quart containers of each paint color and exterior base mastic coating shall be furnished with each enclosure for touchup repair. The touchup paint or coating shall be of the exact same type, color and batch number as the factory applied material. The containers shall be properly identified and protected to avoid damage during shipment. Complete instructions for applying touchup materials shall be furnished. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT A. The Enclosure Seller shall provide a complete installation, including procuring, mounting, wiring and testing of all listed/required equipment described in this Specification and as identified on the Drawings. The Enclosure Seller shall also include any required accommodations for external connections to be made by the Contractor. B. AC Panelboards for Enclosure/Switchyard Light and Power 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 The Switchgear and Control Enclosures shall be furnished with AC Distribution Panelboards as indicated on the Drawings. 013121-10 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 2. C. The panels shall be mounted on the Power Control Enclosure wall in the approximate locations shown on the drawings. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 1. The enclosures shall be supplied with HVAC systems in which the air conditioning and heating functions are contained in wall-mounted units capable of maintaining a controlled inside temperature in accordance with the Specification Data Sheets. Proper operation of equipment inside the enclosures shall not be based on the HVAC system operating continuously. 2. The HVAC units shall include a built-in economizer system designed to provide "free cooling" when the outside air is cool and dry enough to provide needed cooling without running the compressor. 3. The Seller shall indicate the sizes and models of the heating and air conditioning units in the submittal documents. The estimated heat dissipated by the equipment (switchgear assemblies, control and protection panels, battery charger, etc.) located in the enclosure shall be included in the cooling capacity design. 4. The Seller shall submit HVAC equipment sizing calculations for City review. Final HVAC unit sizes shall be based on approved calculations. Calculations shall include all sensible and latent heat loads, from equipment and people. Calculations shall account for heat gains assuming three workers are present within the space. Heat gains shall assume battery charger(s) are operating at maximum output. 5. The HVAC units shall be installed in the approximate locations shown on the drawings. 6. HVAC units shall be a national brand (AirPAK, Bard, Eubank, Trane, etc.) with a UL label on all components. The fan shall cycle on and off with the compressor. The units shall be self-contained including compressor, condenser coil, evaporator coil and filters. The compressor shall be rubber shock mounted or spring mounted for quiet operation and vibration isolation. Evaporator and condenser fans shall be direct driven. All vent air shall be 100 percent filtered. Replacement filters shall be disposable-type. Two spare filters, clearly identified and packed in a sturdy cardboard box, shall be provided with each unit. 7. The HVAC equipment shall be controlled by integrated, interlocked, programmable thermostat(s) that automatically changes over from heating to cooling functions, and precludes heating and cooling functions from operating simultaneously. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-11 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 8. HVAC controls shall include a manual control capability, either via the programmable thermostat(s) or through an independent thermostat, allowing an operator-selectable timed function that will permit manual override of the automatic (unattended) selection to a temporary selection of temperature and blower settings. The timer will return the control to the automatic (unattended) selection after eight (8) hours. 9. Normally-open alarm contacts shall be provided with the thermostat controls for initiating emergency ventilation and alarming HVAC failure conditions (Hi Temperature alarm conditions). Emergency ventilation and HVAC failure alarm shall be initiated upon failure of the HVAC system to maintain interior enclosure temperature below a predetermined temperature value. 10. HVAC controls shall also provide visible indication of the following functions: AUTOMATIC (UNATTENDED) OPERATION, MANUAL (OVERRIDE) OPERATION, POWER ON, HEAT ON, AIR CONDITIONER ON, ECONOMY COOLING ON, and EMERGENCY VENT ON. All control and alarm components shall be properly rated and UL-listed. 11. The HVAC system for each enclosure area shall be deactivated when a smoke/fire alarm input for the related area is sensed. Should smoke be detected within the Switchgear Enclosure, all HVAC units within the enclosure shall be deactivated. 12. HVAC failure alarm contacts for the main control room, switchgear room and battery room shall be wired to alarm on the substation control and monitoring system. Alarm contact ratings shall be suitable for use with the I/O processors’ field contact voltage level. 13. Each HVAC unit shall project no more than 36" out from the outside wall of the Power Control Enclosure. The blower and intake grills shall be semi-flush to the interior surface of the wall. 14. Each HVAC unit shall be provided with a heavy duty disconnect switch for disconnecting AC power from the unit. The disconnect switch shall be provided in a NEMA 3R enclosure, with external operating handle mechanism that is lockable in the open position. Disconnect shall be fusible type if required by the HVAC equipment. 15. The HVAC system design shall comply with the California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations). Energy calculations shall be submitted to the City and shall be stamped, signed, and sealed by a registered California Professional Engineer. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-12 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES D. E. Emergency Ventilation 1. The ventilation systems for the control room and battery room shall permit automatic emergency ventilation in the event of the failure of an air conditioner (failure of the air conditioner to maintain temperature below the Hi Temperature alarm condition preset). Similarly, failure of the air conditioning system with the Switchgear Enclosure to maintain interior temperature below the Hi Temperature alarm setpoint shall initiate automatic emergency operation of all Switchgear Enclosure exhaust fans. The equipment shall be installed in the approximate locations shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Specification Data Sheets. 2. Intake louvers shall be motor-operated or gravity type dampers as indicated on the drawings. Exhaust fans shall have sufficient cfm capacity to meet specified requirements at the static pressure dictated by the application. 3. Motor-operated type damper/1ouver(s) and exhaust fan(s) in the control room and switchgear enclosure shall be of sufficient capacity to provide a complete change of air in the enclosure in 15 minutes or less. The battery room exhaust fan(s) shall be provided with a solidstate repeat cycle timer switch as indicated on the drawings. The timer switch shall be capable of incremental programming to permit operation of the exhaust fan for the time period required to provide the necessary air changes per hour to maintain a safe environment in the battery room. The timer switch shall also be equipped with a manual override feature, or a separate OFF-AUTO-MAN switch to provide this feature. The fan control and timer switch arrangement shall be compatible with the exhaust fan current and voltage ratings. 4. Motor-operated dampers shall be provided with a limit switch which is wired into its associated exhaust fan control circuit to permit the fan to start when the damper is in the open position. 5. Both exhaust and intake openings shall be protected by exterior weatherhoods providing vertical air intake, and shall include removable insect screens. Wiring for Enclosure Light & Power 1. Power Control Enclosure wiring for lighting and receptacle power shall be in accordance with Section 01100, General Requirements, as described in the Specification Data Sheets, and as specified below. Power Control Enclosure lighting and power wiring shall be installed in accordance with applicable requirements of the California Electrical Code (CEC). 2. All lighting and power cable shall be properly sized for the load but shall not be smaller than as described in the Specification Data Sheets. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-13 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES F. 3. Cable Installation: Enclosure wiring for lighting and receptacle power shall not be installed in the same raceway system as the substation control, instrumentation or alarm wiring. 4. Cable Accessories: Conductors shall be continuous from termination to termination and splices shall be avoided where possible. All splices shall be made within outlet boxes or junction boxes. Where wire nuts are used for splicing conductors, they shall be properly sized preinsulated with spring connectors. Conduit and Wireway for Enclosure Light and Power 1. The Power Control Enclosures shall be furnished complete with all required device and interconnecting enclosure light and power wiring, factory installed and connected, in surface mounted IMC or RGS conduit or enclosed wireway, in accordance with the requirements of this Section and the drawings. 2. Enclosure light and power wiring shall be installed in conduit or in a minimum 4 inch x 4 inch metal wireway (or larger where indicated on the drawings) with hinged cover located around the interior perimeter of the enclosure at the junction of the walls and ceiling. 3. Conduit a. G. H. Conduit installed inside the enclosure shall be intermediate metal conduit (IMC) or rigid galvanized steel (RGS). Conduit installed outside the enclosure shall be RGS. The minimum conduit size of any type shall be ¾-inch. Indoor Lighting 1. Indoor fluorescent lighting shall be provided for the control room and battery room enclosure as described in the Specification Data Sheets and as shown on the drawings. The fixtures shall be suspended from the enclosure’s structure except where not practical due to possible interference with the cable trays or other overhead equipment. Light fixtures shall be located to adequately illuminate all aisles after equipment installation. Fixtures shall be installed to permit ready access for maintenance. 2. The fluorescent lighting shall be controlled by industrial grade toggle switches of a type that will allow the lights of the room to be turned on or off at any of the enclosure entrance doors. 3. A minimum of twelve spare fluorescent lamps shall be provided for the City’s use. The spare lamps shall be packed in a rigid cardboard box that is clearly and neatly identified. Indoor Emergency Lights Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-14 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES I. 1. Wall-mounted or ceiling mounted emergency light fixtures (packs) shall be supplied as described in the Specification Data Sheets and as indicated on the drawings. The fixtures shall be mounted on the ceiling or wall, and in such a manner to avoid possible interference with the cable trays or other overhead equipment. Light fixtures shall be located to adequately illuminate all aisles after equipment installation. 2. Two spare lamps shall be provided for each emergency fixture installed in the enclosures. The spare lamps shall be packed in a small rigid cardboard box that is clearly and neatly identified. Exterior Entry Lights 1. Exterior entry lighting shall be provided as described in the Specification Data Sheets and as shown on the drawings. They shall be controlled by a lighting control panel with a three position switch Manual, Auto, Off switch and a photoelectric unit as shown on the drawings and as specified below. 2. A total of six spare lamps shall be provided with the enclosures. The spare lamps shall be packed in a small rigid cardboard box that is clearly and neatly identified. J. Exterior Yard Lights (Not included as part of Control Enclosure. Contractor to furnish and install) K. Lighting Control Panel: Provide a NEMA 1 rated, wall-mounted lighting control panel, with hinged cover, for controlling substation exterior area lights and the control enclosure’s exterior wall mounted lights. Substation yard maintenance floodlights shall not be controlled by this panel. The lighting control panel shall house the lighting contactors and necessary terminal blocks to provide the required lighting controls. A Manual, Auto, Off selector switch shall be mounted on the door. Terminal blocks shall be provided for termination of all wiring leaving the panel. Lighting control panel and components contained therein shall be the standard product of a single manufacturer as identified on the drawings. L. Photoelectric Unit: Provide a utility grade, twist-lock, photoelectric unit, with receptacle, for automatic control of the substation’s exterior area and enclosure lights. The photoelectric unit shall be mounted on the exterior wall of the Control Enclosure and wired to the lighting control panel as indicated on the drawings. Photoelectric unit shall be rated 105V-130V, 1800 VA, and shall comply with ANSI C136.10 and EEI NEMA standards. Photoelectric unit shall be Tork 5001M, or equal. M. Convenience Receptacles 1. Issued for Quotes May 2015 Outlet boxes, switch boxes, and associated fittings shall be constructed in accordance with UL 514 and shall be zinc plated ferrous metal for use with conduit. Switches and duplex receptacles 013121-15 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES shall be provided with steel raised covers of the style required for use with the associated device. N. 2. Receptacles shall be 120 volts AC, 20 A, duplex, NEMA 5-20R, Hubbell 5362 or acceptable equal. A maximum of five receptacles shall be connected to a single 20 A circuit. 3. Special rated receptacles shall be provided as required for furnished equipment or as otherwise shown on the drawings. 4. All receptacles installed on the enclosure’s exterior walls shall be NEMA 3R rated, GFCI type, provided with a cast aluminum, gasketed, lockable, UL listed cover, complying with NEC Article 406.8 requirements for being “weatherproof-while-in-use.” Smoke Detectors and Fire Alarm Control Panel 1. Smoke detectors shall be installed on the ceiling of the control room, battery room, storage room, and switchgear room. The detectors shall be located in accordance with NFPA 72. 2. The detectors shall be photoelectric-type and rated 24 volts DC, suitable for use with the specified fire alarm control panel. Detectors shall be low profile and have LEDs for indication of standby and alarm condition. Each detector shall be furnished with a relay base providing a dry Form C auxiliary relay contact of suitable rating for initiating required shutdown of HVAC systems as indicated on the Drawings and as specified. Where required by the application, provide interposing relays of sufficient rating and quantity of contacts to initiate required HVAC system shutdowns. Detectors for each area (Control Room, Battery Room, Storage Room, Switchgear Enclosure) shall be wired to a separate zone in the fire alarm control panel. Detectors having alarm relays mounted on the detector’s circuit board are not acceptable. 3. Detectors shall be approved by the fire alarm control panel manufacturer as compatible for use with the specific fire alarm control panel provided within the enclosure. 4. Activation of a smoke detector shall shutdown the respective control room, battery room or switchgear enclosure HVAC and exhaust fans and shall alarm at the substation monitoring and control system. 5. All fire alarm cable shall be installed in galvanized rigid metallic conduit. 6. Power circuit conductors for interconnection with the fire alarm system components shall be enclosed in rigid galvanized steel conduit. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-16 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES O. 7. Wiring of initiation circuits for the Control Room Enclosure shall be 4wire, Class A type, allowing alarm detection after a single open or ground fault occurs. Wiring of the initiation circuit for the Battery Room and Storage Room may be 2-wire, Class B type. 8. Fire alarm control panel (FACP) shall be a microprocessor-based control panel to supervise and operate the smoke detection devices. The FACP shall include an LCD display with programmable English readout, user friendly tactile keys, and four programmable general purpose relay contacts that can be configured to alarm by individual zones and for system or circuit trouble. The FACP shall feature front panel mounted LED indicators to identify AC power, General Trouble, System Silenced, Supervisory and Alarm Conditions. The FACP shall also be provided with a Status Display Module providing an additional four, non-dedicated, programmable relays. Provide 24 volt DC battery, sized in accordance with NFPA 72 requirements. FACP shall be Silent Knight, Model SK-5208 or equal, with SK-5280 Status Display Module. 9. Fire alarm control panel shall be programmed to alarm fire condition and trouble condition via separate output relay contacts. Access Control (Security) System: 1. Access to the Control Enclosure shall be controlled and monitored by an access control (security) system. The City will furnish and field install an access control (security) panel on the wall of the control room. 2. Access control system shall include the control panel and card readers with all accessories necessary to control the 24 VAC electrified hardware at exterior doors. Devices, including door contacts, shall be powered from the access control (security) panel. Enclosure Seller shall provide all access control system components with the exception of the access control (security) panel(s). 3. Provide card reader at each exterior door, HID RPK40 MultiCLASS with keypad, Base P/N: 6136CKN00. Run a minimum 9-conductor #22 shielded cable from each reader to a gutter can above access control (security) panel. Mounting height of card reader/keypad shall be between 48” and 54” above finished floor elevation. 4. Run from electrified door hardware and RTE device 4-conductor #18 cable to gutter can above access control (security) panel. 5. Provide 2-conductor #18 cable from door contacts to gutter can above access control (security) panel. 6. Provide 6"x6"x18" long gutter can with lid above control panel location. All conductors to control panel shall run into can with tails of Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-17 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES sufficient length to be extended from can to the floor plus 3 feet. The City will make terminations in the access control (security) panel. 7. Coordinate with intrusion alarm operation. Submit operational sequence of access control system. P. Fire Extinguishers: The enclosure shall be provided with wall-mounted fire extinguishers, at the locations indicated on the drawings. Fire extinguishers shall meet the requirements described in the Specification Data Sheets. Q. Grounding R. 1. The Seller shall furnish and install a complete integrated grounding system to effectively ground all electrical equipment. The enclosure steel structural members and conduit shall not be used as a grounding conductor. 2. Four NEMA 2-hole, threaded ground terminals shall be furnished, one on each corner of the enclosure, and additionally, at least one location on each side of the enclosure for each shipped enclosure section, for attachment to the substation ground grid. The terminals shall be stainless steel and shall be brazed onto the enclosure base steel members. The enclosure frame shall be grounded in several locations to ensure proper grounding of the enclosure frame structure. 3. An interior ground bus, 2” x 1/4” minimum cross section size, shall be provided on the wall of the power control enclosure, approximately 4 inches below the wireway, secured with insulated stand-offs from the enclosure wall, with sufficient clearance from the wall for securing grounding conductors to enclosure equipment. The ground bus shall be attached, at a single point, to a ground pad below the floor with a bare stranded copper conductor having a minimum size of #4/0 AWG. 4. A continuous #4/0 AWG bare stranded copper ground conductor shall be installed in all cable trays. Each section of cable tray shall be securely bonded to the ground conductor. 5. All control enclosure equipment and enclosures shall be electrically bonded to the overhead ground bus or the cable tray grounding conductor. 6. All lighting fixtures, light switch and receptacle boxes and electrical equipment enclosures shall be effectively grounded. 7. Any connections between dissimilar metals (i.e., copper to aluminum) shall use an appropriate anti-oxidant material to protect the connection. Door Intrusion Alarm: Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-18 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES S. 2.4 1. Intrusion alarm contacts shall be installed on each entry door and wired to the access control (security) panel. Configure alarm to momentarily shunt when card reader or exit device is activated. Coordinate with City’s access control system installer. 2. Provide door position contacts, two-pole device (2 Form A contacts) to support separate circuits and voltages. One set of contacts will be run to the access control panel and the other will be wired to alarm at the designated programmable automation controller (SEL 2411) device(s). Run 2-conductor #18 cable from door contact to gutter can above access control panel. Terminate wiring at panel as indicated in Paragraph 2.3.O for Access Control (Security) System. Door position contacts shall be completely encapsulated in polyurethane (or similar) potting compound and provided with integral armored cable pigtail for mechanical protection of door contact wiring. 3. Submit operational sequence for alarm system. Warning Signs 1. Any area of the enclosure containing electrical equipment above 600 volts shall have OSHA approved signs stating "Danger High Voltage" mounted to the door providing entrance into the area. The signs shall be made of weatherproof, UV resistant materials. 2. Provide DOT diamond shaped fire placard, as required by City of Santa Clara Fire Marshal, with legend “Corrosive Liquid Inside.” Placards shall be located at exterior doors to the control room and on the entrance door to the battery room. Placards shall be made of weatherproof, UV resistant materials. FACTORY ASSEMBLY AND TESTS The Power Control Enclosures shall be fully assembled for complete testing and inspection prior to shipping. The Seller shall have QA procedures and be able to provide documentation to insure that all electrical and mechanical systems are installed correctly and function properly before shipment. The Seller shall perform the following tests, as a minimum, to assure that a properly functioning assembly is shipped to the erection site: • • • • • • • • • • Check for water leaks Perform continuity checks of all wiring installed in the Power Control Enclosures. Verify grounding system integrity (enclosure ground system connected to the instrument panel ground bus and to other electrical equipment in the enclosure) Check enclosure raceway system for completeness Verify operation of the HVAC equipment, including exhaust fans and dampers. Verify that lights, switches, and receptacles function properly and are secured in place Check mechanical operation and alignment of all doors, locks, doorstops, etc. Check mechanical operation of louvers. Verify that gasket materials are in place for all floor or wall openings Check for presence of all covers, supports, and hardware. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-19 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES • Repair all areas where paint surfaces have been damaged. The Seller shall provide a complete test and checkout report to the Purchaser prior to the Power Control Enclosures being shipped. 2.5 TRANSPORTATION A. The Seller shall transport the completed Power Control Enclosures and associated equipment to the site F.O.B pad and shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary transportation permits. B. All equipment shall be properly and strongly crated for transporting and handling. Heavy items shall be arranged for handling with wire rope slings from overhead cranes and shall include all necessary lifting lugs, or eyebolts, or equivalent. Seller shall prepare equipment and materials for shipment in a manner to protect against damage or unnecessary exposure in transit and storage. Provisions for protection shall include non-returnable covers and other means to prevent corrosion, moisture damage, mechanical injury and accumulation of dirt. C. Seller shall protect all exposed areas of the Control Enclosure floors, including Battery Room floor, with 1/4” thick masonite sheets, or equal, to protect the floor from damage during transit, on-site installation, testing and commissioning. Floor protection shall be durable enough to resist damage and protect floor during testing, movement and installation of breakers in their respective switchgear cells. D. Insofar as practicable, the Power Control Enclosure shall be shipped in as few sections as reasonable practicable, sized to accommodate transportation and delivery-point lifting and unloading limitations. E. The enclosure shall be carefully braced with permanent and temporary bracing to withstand shipment and crane-lift, and shall have bottom permanent support channels or I-beams and be reinforced with temporary strengthening angles or beams where necessary to prevent buckling or undue bowing during crane spreader bar lift and setting. All doors shall be bolted closed during shipment. Batteries shall be shipped separately. F. The Seller shall submit proposed shipping arrangement and details to the City for approval prior to shipment and shall supply final detailed lifting instructions and materials required for lifting at time of shipment. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-20 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 2.6 FIELD INSTALLATION, TESTING, AND CLEAN-UP A. The Seller shall be responsible for receiving and unloading the enclosures and related equipment at the project site, setting the enclosures on their respective concrete foundations, and for assembly and installation of all interior and exterior enclosure-related components that were not factoryinstalled prior to shipment of the enclosures. This requirement includes rigging, offloading, lifting, placing and assembling the Power Control Enclosure sections on their concrete foundations, making final bolted connections to re-attach switchgear structures, buses, bus ducts, and cable tray sections that were split at the factory to facilitate shipment. B. Seller shall be responsible for mounting and installing all exterior equipment, hardware and appurtenances shipped loose during enclosure transit, including installation of exterior enclosure trim, fixtures, HVAC equipment and other exterior wall-mounted equipment. Seller shall also be responsible for supervising the on-site installation of seamless rain gutters. C. Seller shall be responsible for installation of roof-mounted entrance bushing boxes and completion of bus connections between the entrance bushings and switchgear buses. D. Seller shall be responsible for installation of factory-furnished cabling, including fiber optic and coaxial cables, within factory-furnished raceways, for communication and IRIG-B signal distribution between equipment in the metal-clad switchgear enclosure. E. Seller shall be responsible for the complete installation of the station DC batteries within factory-installed battery rack, including attachment of cabling to DC disconnects, and installation of inter-cell and inter-rack connections, and absorption and neutralization pads. F. Prior to delivery of the enclosure(s) at the job site, Seller shall be responsible for verifying that the structural foundation(s) for the enclosure(s) are level and within the tolerances specified by Seller. Seller shall also be responsible for providing the services of a factory trained field engineer to supervise receipt and unloading of the enclosures and related equipment at the project site, setting the enclosures on their respective concrete foundations, assembly of the enclosures, installation of enclosure-related components, and otherwise ensure that the enclosures and related equipment have been assembled and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and warranty requirements. G. Seller shall verify that all enclosure systems are functional prior to shipment and shall submit assembly instructions and an assembly checklist to the City prior to shipment. H. The City’s Substation Construction Contractor will be responsible for providing all labor, equipment and tools necessary to assist City’s third party testing agency in performing field acceptance testing of the Power Control Enclosure and associated equipment and systems. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-21 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 2.7 2.8 I. The Power Control Enclosure shall be made ready for immediate use by the City after all acceptance tests are performed, all trash and debris associated with the enclosures’ installation is removed from the project site and the interior and exterior surfaces of the enclosures are cleaned. J. Prior to final acceptance of the Power Control Enclosure by the City, the Seller shall submit a letter to the City certifying that the Power Control Enclosure and equipment and systems have been completely assembled, inspected and tested, and are fully functional and ready for operation. K. The Seller shall include in their quotation at least two (2) site visits during project construction for installation coordination and supervision. 1. One site visit shall be scheduled approximately 3 to 4 weeks prior to delivery of the enclosure(s) and will be attended by representative(s) of Seller, Seller’s trucking company, Seller’s rigging company, the City, the and the City’s Construction Contractor. The purpose of this meeting will be to coordinate the equipment delivery, review site conditions and access requirements, and discuss required crane staging and set-up for picking and setting of enclosure(s). This site visit shall also be used by Seller, together with City’s Contractor, to verify that the concrete foundation(s) for the power control enclosure(s) are within Seller’s specified tolerance for levelness. 2. The Seller shall also include in their quotation a second site visit for Seller’s factory-trained field engineer to supervise the receipt and unloading of the enclosures, setting of enclosures on their concrete foundations, assembly and installation of enclosures and all enclosure-related components, including exterior trim and equipment. It is the responsibility of Seller to include a sufficient number of mandays for this effort, and Seller shall assume all risk should this effort be underestimated. WARRANTY A. Seller shall guarantee that the complete enclosures will have no defects in materials and workmanship for a period of at least eighteen (18) months following the date of final acceptance at the project site. B. Seller shall include, in its quote proposal, its price for providing a 5-year extended warranty on the complete enclosures, guaranteeing no defects in materials or workmanship over the duration of the warranty period. APPROVED ENCLOSURE MANUFACTURERS A. The Power Control Enclosures shall be manufactured by Pedersen Power Products/Eaton, Powell Industries, Myers Power Products, Trachte, Joaquin, PTMW or approved equal. Seller must secure City’s approval prior to bid opening of any enclosure manufacturer that is not one of the three named manufacturers in this paragraph. Failure to secure City’s approval of an Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-22 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES alternate manufacturer prior to bid opening will result in Seller’s bid being rejected. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-23 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 2.9 SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET(S) Quantity: One (1) integrated Control and Battery Enclosure Foundation System: Reinforced concrete slab Structural Base System: ASTM A36 structural steel, coal tar epoxy protective undercoating, maximum of 0.25 inches per 10 feet base deflection limit during lifting. Floor Deck System: Steel plate, smooth, 1/4-inch min. thickness. Floor Loading (Control Room): Live Load of 150 psf or floor mounted equipment (whichever is greater) Floor Loading (Switchgear Encl and Battery Room): Live Load of 250 psf or floor mounted equipment (whichever is greater) Roof System: Ribbed or roll-formed steel panels, galvanized for standing seam or nongalvanized for seam welded roof. Gabled type, 18-gauge min., with a minimum pitch of 1/2-inch per foot and overlapping exterior walls by a minimum of 3-inches. Roof Loading: 85 psf (dead load and live load) Interior Ceiling Height: 11’-6” inches minimum, 12’-0” maximum. Exterior Wall System: Roll-formed galvanized steel panels, min. 18-gauge. Interior Wall System: Roll-formed galvanized steel panels, min. 16-gauge. Wall Loading (horizontal): 125 mph wind load Wall Loading (vertical - for equipment mounting): 400 lbs/LF without compromising 125 mph design wind load. Interior Fire Wall: NOT USED Interior Fire Door: NOT USED Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-24 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES Exterior Personnel Doors: Extra heavy-duty, 1-3/4" thick, full flush, steel door with all seams fully welded and ground smooth. Door shall have 16 gauge face sheets, R-10 polyurethane core, galvanized components, factory primed for paint. Provide doors with 24”x24" wire glass vision panels with steel glazing frame. Reinforce hardware attachment locations. Coordinate all hardware prep for steel doors including wire ways. Hinge locations shall be mortised and 12 gauge reinforcing shall be provided for closer attachment. Conform to Steel Door Institute guide specification and ANSI A250.8 as well as manufacturer's installation instructions. Interior Personnel Doors: NOT USED Steel Door Frames Extra heavy-duty, flush frame, commercial grade, 16 gauge, galvanized steel door frame fabricated from cold rolled steel. Weld and ground smooth corners in accordance with ANSI A250.8. Provide standard double rabbit frame with 2" face, and base and wall anchors. Factory prime with rust inhibitive primer. Coordinate frame throat size with wall thickness. Prepare frames for hardware and anchors per ANSI A250.6. Prep frames for mortised hinges and provide minimum 8 gauge reinforcement at closer installation. Installation shall conform to Steel Door Institute SDI 105 "Recommended Installation Instructions for Steel Frames" and ANSI/DHI A115-IG "Installation Guide for Doors and Hardware". Windows: Laminated, insulated, tempered glass with Saflex polyvinyl butyral interlayer, having gray pigment. Maximum SHGC 0.66. Size as indicated on the drawings. Thermal Insulation: Flame retardant or flame resistant; walls min. value of R13; roof min. value R25; floor min. value of R11 Structure Base Finish: Sandblasted smooth, free from scale and rust, and coated with a zinc chromate red oxide primer. Finish color to match the enclosure exterior wall finish. The completed bottom of the base shall be Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-25 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES coated with corrosion and fire resistant black mastic. Floor Deck Finish: Sandblasted smooth, free from scale and rust, and coated with zinc chromate primer and finished with two coats of non-skid, fire resistant polyurethane enamel floor paint. Exterior Finish: Seller's premium standard paint system, finish colors subject to City's approval. Roof coating and finish shall comply with the latest applicable requirements of the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards, Title 24, Section 10-113 and Section 118. Roof coating system shall be a premium white or gray elastomeric roof coating product, tested and certified by the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) as having a minimum 3-year aged solar reflectance of 0.55 and a minimum thermal emittance of 0.75, formulated using a 100% acrylic resin polymer, meeting the requirements of ASTM D-6083 for use on the specific roofing material used on the power control enclosure(s). Interior Finish: Two mils of zinc chromate red oxide primer and finished with a minimum of two mils of industrial acrylic enamel or equal. High gloss white. AC Distribution Panelboard for Enclosure/Switchyard Light and Power: AC Distribution Panelboard, Refer to drawings for ratings. Provide with solid neutral, equipment grounding bus, and surge protection. All components UL listed. Manufactured by Eaton Cutler-Hammer or Square D. Eaton panels to be provided with Lawrence Livermore trim style cover. Heating/Cooling: Heating equipment shall be sized to maintain an interior temperature of 65°F (18C) with an exterior dry-bulb temperature of 0°F (-17C). Cooling equipment shall be sized to maintain an interior temperature of 75°F (24C), with exterior temperatures of 105°F (40.5C) drybulb. Relative humidity shall be between 30% to 60%. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-26 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES HVAC units shall be suitable for operation from a 208 volt, 3-phase, 60 Hz AC source. Emergency Ventilation Fan: The ventilation fan(s) shall be designed for use on a 120 volt, single-phase power supply. Air Intake Damper: Motor-operated or gravity type damper (as indicated on the Drawings), provided with an insect screen. Wiring for Enclosure Lighting & Power: No smaller that 12 AWG, type THW, THHN/THWN, or XHHW, 600 volt single conductor, stranded copper. Indoor Lighting: Fluorescent lighting, UL approved light fixtures, two-lamp, 48", 120V AC, industrial wraparound diffusers. Illumination level shall be a minimum of 50 foot-candles, measured 30 inches AFF within the switchgear and control rooms and 40 foot-candles, measured 30 inches AFF within the battery room. Electronic ballasts shall have less than 10% THD. Indoor Emergency Lighting: Self-contained, combination type exit/emergency battery powered light fixtures (packs), with two illuminating heads. Wallmounted or ceiling mounted locations that provide 1-footcandle of illumination when measured at floor level. The packs shall switch on automatically upon loss of AC power, shall provide at least 1.5 hours of continuous illumination, and shall recharge when 120V AC power is restored. Provide a push-to-test feature with each light pack. Exterior Entrance Lighting: Heavy-duty, 70 Watt, enclosed, highpressure sodium entry lights with prismatic glass refractor and downward optics shall be installed on the exterior wall above each door and as shown on the drawings. The lights shall be controlled with substation yard area lighting via photoelectric control with Manual-Auto-OFF override. Refer to drawings for additional requirements. Outdoor Alarm Light and Horn As indicated on the drawings Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-27 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES Fire Extinguishers: Extinguishers shall be Dry Chemical type, 14-to-20 pounds capacity, UL rated at least 10A:120B:C, hand held, with hanging bracket, pressure gauge, hose and horn nozzle, and hand squeeze valve control. Finish Hardware: Butts or hinges shall be five knuckle, ball bearing type with stainless steel non-rising pin (ANSI A5111) as manufactured by Hager Company in satin stainless steel (#BHMA630/US32D) finish. Hager electrified hinge shall be positioned as the middle hinge. Coordinate with door fabricator for hinge size and locations. Hinges shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/BHMA A156.1. Materials and finishes shall comply with ANSI A156.18. Door closers shall be push side mounted or on the inside of exterior doors. Provide heavy duty closer tested and certified under ANSI A156.4, grade 1 with sized cylinders for high traffic applications, auxiliary stop, and hold-open feature. Arms, fasteners, covers, plates, etc. shall be included for a complete operational installation. Closer shall be provided with a 10 year manufacturer's warranty. Verify with City connection requirements between electrified locking hardware and enclosure access (security) panel. Provide power supply and electrical power at door location if necessary. City shall furnish Schlage 6-pin interchangeable cores for locking door hardware. Provide construction cores during period of construction. Contractor shall install City supplied cores in locksets upon substantial completion of project. Coordinate with City's locksmith on requirements. Rim type exit device shall be as manufactured by the Von Duprin Division of IngersollRand, and tested in accordance to ANSI A156.3, grade 1. Provide standard strike and 24 VDC electrified lever trim with remote lock release via card reader at all exterior doors. Key shall manually unlock door. Configure all electronic lock devices for fail secure (FSE) operation. Submit hardware for City review. Finish Hardware Schedule: Exterior Doors (3'-0"x7'-0" & 3'-6"x7'-0") ½ Pair electric butt 1 Pair butts 1 Exit device 1 Closer Weatherstrip Threshold Bottom hood Rim Cylinder Door contact Card reader Issued for Quotes May 2015 BB1199 5x4½xETW-8 US32D BB1199 5x4½ NRP US32D RX99LxE996LxFSE US26D LCN 4041SHCUSH w/hold-open, ALUM NGP 162SA (Silicone) US28 NGP 896S (Silicone) US28 NGP 17D US28 20-057 As indicated As indicated 013121-28 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES Exterior Doors (4'-0" x7'-0" & 3'-6"x8'-0") ½ Pair electric butt 1 1/2 Pair butts 1 Exit device 1 Closer Weatherstrip Threshold Bottom hood Rim Cylinder Door contact Card reader BB1199 5x4½xETW-8 US32D BB1199 5x4½ NRP US32D RX99LxE996LxFSE US26D LCN 4041SHCUSH w/hold-open, ALUM NGP 162SA (Silicone) US28 NGP 896S (Silicone) US28 NGP 17D US28 20-057 As indicated As indicated Interior Doors (3'-6"x7'-0", if specified) 1½ Pair butts 1 Exit device 1 Closer 1 wall stop Mutes BB1199 5x4½ 99Lx992L-BE LCN 4041SHCUSH w/hold-open, ALUM Hager 236W Ives SR64 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR-FURNISHED WORK ASSOCIATED WITH CONTROL ENCLOSURE A. It is intended that the Power Control Enclosure be furnished by the Seller, complete, ready for anchoring on a concrete pad, with all interior equipment pre-wired and ready for external wiring interconnections. The City’s Substation Construction Contractor shall be responsible for the following items of work: 1. Construction of enclosure foundations 2. Anchoring the enclosures to their respective concrete foundations in accordance with the Seller’s recommendations 3. Installation of conduit stub-ups into Control Enclosure Termination Cabinets. 4. Attachment of enclosure to substation ground grid. 5. Applying initial on-site charging of station DC batteries in accordance with the battery manufacturer’s recommendations. 6. Installation of enclosure entrance steps and platforms. 7. Providing temporary construction site power. It is anticipated that temporary power will consist of 120/240V, single-phase, AC, 60 Hz power. Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-29 Contract #2404I SECTION 13121 POWER CONTROL ENCLOSURES 8. Performing field acceptance testing service on the Power Control Enclosure and related enclosure systems and components. END OF SECTION 13121 Issued for Quotes May 2015 013121-30 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section covers the requirements for providing flooded cell lead acid type stationary storage batteries and associated battery charger to meet the substation's 125 VDC and 48 VDC control power requirements as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. Two 125 VDC and one 48 VDC battery systems are required at SVP Switching station. B. The intent and basis for this specification is that the construction and workmanship shall be so performed and all components so designed, manufactured and installed that the batteries and charger shall appropriately and completely fulfill their service application. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01100, General Requirements B. Section 13121, Power Control Enclosures C. Section 16480, Substation DC Batteries and Charger D. Drawing SS-E-0-K-81 E. Drawing SS-E-0-K-94 F. Drawing SS-E-0-K-95 REFERENCES A. 1.4 All equipment furnished under this specification shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the latest standards of ANSI, IEEE, NEMA, California Fire Code and CEC. All materials and devices shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the California "Occupational Safety and Health Administration” Standards. SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 01300, Engineering Data Submittal. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data sheets, including discharge characteristic curve and product descriptive literature. Product data shall include a specifications sheet identifying all applicable equipment ratings and a description of all accessories and options being furnished. The specifications sheet shall also include the manufacturer's recommended charger settings and adjustments. C. Calculations: Submit calculations confirming station DC continuous and momentary (breaker trip/close) loading that will be used as the basis of the Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-1 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER DC duty cycle loads. Submit manufacturer's battery charger sizing, battery capacity sizing, battery gassing calculations, seismic design calculations for racks and rack anchoring calculations. Sizing calculations shall include cell discharge characteristic curves and applicable derating data. The City’s Building Department will require calculations to be submitted for the design of battery racks and anchorages in accordance with the 2010 California Building Code, with a seismic importance factor (Ip) of 1.5. D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings, including the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. 1.5 Outline Drawing of Battery Racks Outline Drawing of Battery Charger Battery Charger Electrical Schematics System Interconnection Drawings Operations and Maintenance Manuals: Submit manufacturer's operations and maintenance manuals, including all approved shop drawings, product data sheets, specifications sheets, bill of materials, factory inspection and test reports, and Material Safety Data Sheets. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Refer to Section 13121, Power Control Enclosures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BATTERY CELL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION A. The station battery system shall be rated for operation at 125 V DC or 48 V DC as indicated on the drawings. The capacity of each battery shall be determined by the Seller in accordance with IEEE 485 and this specification, but shall be acceptable to the City. B. Battery design shall be vented flooded cell, flat plate lead-calcium. The 125 volt battery system shall consist of sixty (single) cell batteries. C. The float voltage shall be as shown in the Specification Data Sheets. D. The battery system shall be furnished and installed within the battery room of a Power Control Enclosure as indicated on the drawings. The Power Control Enclosure shall be provided in accordance with Section 13121, Power Control Enclosures. E. Normal indoor operating range shall be from 8°C (45°F) to 26°C (78°F). Battery systems shall be designed for the environmental conditions specified in Section 13121, Power Control Enclosures. F. The battery shall be shipped from the manufacturer at 90 percent specified capacity tested at the eight-hour rate. The manufacturer shall include a report of testing performed at the factory. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-2 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER G. Battery shall contain no more than three cells per unit container. H. The rated capacity of the battery shall be its ampere-hour capacity to discharge for eight hours, at an electrolyte temperature of 25°C (77°F) and specific gravity of 1.215, to a final voltage of not less than 1.75 volts per cell. I. Each cell shall be contained in a sealed, heat-resistant, shock-absorbing, clear plastic case. Cover shall have explosion-proof fittings and vent plugs designed to prevent spillage and equipped with flame arresters. Terminal posts shall be of sufficient strength to prevent cold flow when torqued in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. J. The terminal post to cell cover shall be sealed in such a way that no electrolyte leakage occurs over the expected lifetime of the cell. K. The cell containers, cover to container joints, and post terminal seals shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of at least 10 psig. L. The polarity of each terminal shall be indicated by letters or symbols on or near the posts of each cell. M. Electrolyte high and low level lines shall be marked on all four sides of each jar or container. N. To maintain better cell voltage performance, all cells in each battery shall be manufactured from the same production batch. O. Each battery shall be given a full charge within one week before shipment to the construction site. P. The battery shall be capable of supplying the specified duty cycle with the actual discharge capacity of the battery at 80 percent of rated discharge capacity and with the battery initially fully charged at the floating voltage specified. The voltage throughout the duty cycle shall be not less than the final voltage specified. Q. The battery capacity calculations and a curve of the discharge characteristics for the specified cell type shall be submitted to the City for approval. The battery calculations shall use the correction factors shown in the Specification Data Sheets. The discharge characteristic curve may be obtained by test or by calculation. R. Duty Cycle: The battery calculations shall be based on the duty cycle time durations provided in the Specification Data Sheets at the end of this Section. Continuous and momentary duty cycle ampere loads shall be confirmed by the Power and Control Enclosure Seller based on the specific equipment furnished, but in no case shall the ampere values used in the calculations be less than those shown in the Specification Data Sheets. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-3 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER 2.2 2.3 2.4 BATTERY CELL MOUNTING A. The mounting of the cells shall be designed in accordance with the specified seismic requirements (refer to Section 01100). Battery rack shall be two tier, back-to-back, acid-resistant, and shall include brackets, inter-rack, and interrow connectors, and shock-absorbing spacers between cells. The battery rack shall receive two coats of acid-resisting gray enamel paint. Side and bottom rails shall be covered with extruded vinyl, 0.060- inch minimum thickness. The mounting system shall be designed to facilitate easy replacement of individual battery cells. Cells shall be connected in a series arrangement to form a battery for the specified voltage and capacity requirements. Paralleling of cells to develop capacity will not be permitted. B. The overall dimensions of the batteries and mounting systems shall fit within the allotted dimensions of the battery room as indicated on the drawings, allowing ample room for maneuverability and access to equipment. BATTERY RACK PAINT A. Before application of paint, all surfaces shall be carefully cleaned of all dirt, moisture, rust, scale, lubricants and other substances. Lubricants shall be removed by suitable solvents. Rust and scale shall be removed by sandblasting, power sanding, power grinding, or power wire brushing. B. All steel shall have not less than two finish coats of acid resistant ANSI-61 light gray (Munsell color number 8.3G 6.1/.54) paint or electrostatically applied epoxy coating finish. C. Paint films which show sags, checks, blisters, teardrops, or fat edges will not be acceptable and, if any such defects appear, they shall be repaired by the manufacturer at no cost to the City. ACCESSORIES A. Each battery system shall be furnished with the following standard accessories: 1. Complete set of lead-coated flexible or pre-bent inter-cell and interrack connectors 2. Adhesive plastic cell numbers designed for field assembly 3. Non-oxide grease supply for installation and maintenance 4. Terminal plate kit including hardware for load and charger connection 5. Connector bolts with acid-resistant nuts 6. Cell lifting facilities Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-4 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER 2.5 2.6 One vent-mounted portable thermometer 8. Terminal lugs as specified 9. Spill containment tray with acid resistant surface coating and absorption and neutralization pads, in accordance with 2010 California Fire Code, Chapter 6, Section 608. 10. Sealant for sealing anchor bolt openings 11. One portable hydrometer and holder 12. Vinyl-coated assembly wrenches. 13. Maintenance instructions WARRANTY A. The batteries shall include a 20-year prorated life on float, or 1,500 eighty percent depth of discharge (DOD) cycles at 77°F. B. Material found to be defective before or during installation and initial start up shall be replaced at the manufacturer's cost for both parts and labor, since the equipment shall be considered to have been supplied defective from the factory. This requirement does not necessarily constitute a warranty claim, but rather requires that the manufacturer supply equipment that is free of manufacturing defects. C. Warranty claims shall apply to materials which become defective after the equipment has been placed in service. D. The manufacturer shall warrant that the complete battery system, together with all associated parts included in the original purchase, will be of the kind and quality described in the specifications and that it will be free of any defects in material and workmanship. APPROVED BATTERY MANUFACTURERS A. 2.7 7. The batteries shall be from manufacturers indicated in the Specification Data Sheet or approved equal. BATTERY CHARGERS A. The minimum output continuous current rating shall be rated at the specified DC output voltage and at a 50°C (122°F) ambient temperature. Chargers shall be suitable for operation in the environmental conditions specified in Section, 13121, Power Control Enclosures. B. Charger input voltage shall be as indicated on the Specification Data Sheet. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-5 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER C. The rated input and output of the chargers shall be acceptable to the City. D. Each charger's rated capacity shall be based on the approved sizing calculations. The charger calculations shall be based on maintaining the continuous load and supplying intermittent loads, as shown on the duty cycle, plus additional output capacity to maintain the battery at full charge and to restore the battery to full charge following emergency load discharge to 1.75 volts per cell. E. Chargers shall have modular construction with control circuit and alarm assemblies on modularized printed circuit boards with plug and socket connections. The charger enclosure shall have a flat or recessed front panel to protect controls and meters and have knockouts for cable/conduit entry. Power and alarm connections shall be made via heavy duty terminal blocks that are easy to access. F. The charger shall be of a design that employs microprocessor technology to control and define all critical operational, calibration, regulation and alarm functions. G. Output Regulation: 1. Charger output shall be constant-voltage, current limited, with a flat temperature coefficient of output voltage. Chargers shall be designed for single (non-parallel) operation with batteries furnished under these specifications. 2. Chargers shall consistently maintain the DC output voltage setting within ±0.25 percent from no load to full load for the following conditions: a. Ambient temperature range of 0°C (32°F) to 50°C (122°F). b. AC supply voltage within ±10 percent of the nominal rating. c. AC supply voltage frequency within ±3 percent of the nominal rating. H. Noise: The audible noise level shall be 65 dBA or less at any point 5 feet from the charger cabinet while operating at full load. I. Cooling: Chargers shall be convection cooled for all DC output ratings through 300 A. If the output is greater than 300 A, fan assisted convection cooling is permitted, however, fans must be equipped with an audible overheating alarm and dry contacts. J. Battery Float: The charger shall provide an automatic and continuous float charge to maintain the battery in a fully charged condition and shall have an adjustment range as illustrated on the data sheets. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-6 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER 2.8 2.9 K. Battery Equalizing: Each charger shall include an equalizing timer and manual equalizing mode switch for controlling the equalizer charge feature. The charger shall provide an equalizing charge at 140 V DC. Charger shall have an equalize adjustment range of at least 123V to 145V DC for the 125 VDC batteries. L. The chargers' solid state electronic circuits shall have AC and DC transient voltage protection upon disconnecting the load terminal momentarily and shall be designed to recharge a totally discharged battery without overloading and without causing interrupting operation of AC or DC circuit breakers. M. The chargers shall have a three-pole circuit breaker for the AC input leads with 10,000 A interrupting capacity at rated voltage. Chargers shall have a two-pole DC circuit breaker for the dc output leads. DC output breaker shall be rated at least 10,000 A interrupting capability. Chargers shall have MOV type surge suppressors on the input and output terminals. N. Battery chargers shall have an automatic output current limiting feature, internally mounted and adjustable from 50% to 110% of rating, to prevent excessive charging current to the battery. O. Filtering shall be provided to reduce the ripple in the DC output to 100 millivolts rms or less with the charger at rated output and with battery connected, when measured at the battery terminals, in accordance with the requirements of NEMA PE5. P. Chargers shall be protected against damage in the event that the battery is connected in reverse polarity. BATTERY CHARGER MOUNTING A. The mounting of the chargers shall be designed in accordance with the specified seismic requirements (refer to Section 01100). The battery charger shall be floor- mounted in a NEMA 1 type steel enclosure. B. Indicating meters and controls shall be located a minimum of 24 inches above floor. C. Battery charger cabinet shall consist of a steel framework with top, front, back, and sides of 12 or 14 gauge sheet steel. Louvers shall be provided for ventilation as required for operation in the specified ambient temperature, but the cabinet top shall be solid. ACCESSORIES A. The charger shall come equipped with 1% accuracy, 4-digit, 7 segment digital metering for indicating DC Volts, DC Amperes, Equalize Hours Remaining, and Error and Message Codes. B. The charger panel shall have an "AC ON" green indicating light. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-7 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER C. The charger panel shall have a “Float Mode” green indicating light and an “Equalize Mode” yellow indicating light. D. The AC FAILURE ALARM shall be furnished on the load side of the input ac protective device. E. The DC UNDERVOLTAGE ALARM shall be furnished at the load side of the DC output breaker. F. The charger shall come equipped with local LEDs and summary alarm relay contact output for the following alarm conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.10 AC failure alarm (30 sec delay) DC failure alarm High DC voltage alarm Low DC voltage alarm Ground detection alarm G. The common alarm relay shall provide a dry Form C output contact wired to terminal blocks for connection to external alarm circuits. The alarm contact shall be rated for the 125V DC wetting voltage of the process automation controller to which it will be wired. H. Each alarm function shall be displayed on the front panel via LED indicating lights. I. The charger shall come equipped with a DC ground detection indication light with lamp test switch. J. Charger shall be provided with a securely mounted engraved nameplate. K. Charger shall be provided with a ground bus. BATTERY CHARGER FINISH A. Before application of paint, all surfaces shall be carefully cleaned of all dirt, moisture, rust, scale, lubricants and other substances. Lubricants shall be removed by suitable solvents. Rust and scale shall be removed by sandblasting, power sanding, power grinding, or power wire brushing. B. All steel shall have not less than two finish coats of acid resistant ANSI-61 light gray (Munsell color number 8.3G 6.1/.54) paint or electrostatically applied epoxy coating finish, with a minimum one-mil thickness. C. Paint films which show sags, checks, blisters, teardrops, or fat edges will not be acceptable and, if any such defects appear, they shall be repaired by the manufacturer at no cost to the City. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-8 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER 2.11 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS A. 2.12 Battery charger shall be manufactured as indicated in the Specification Data Sheet, or approved equal. 125 V DC BATTERY SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET(S) Item Description 125 V DC Battery (2 required): Vented Flooded (wet) Cell, Lead Acid Flat Plate: Lead-Calcium Nominal Voltage: 125 V DC System Voltage Range: 105 – 140 V DC Number of Cells (recommended): 60 Capacity Design Basis: Float Voltage: 2.23 volts per cell at 25°C (77°F) or as recommended by the manufacturer Duty Cycle Duration: 8-hour Electrolytic Temperature: 25°C (77°F) Specific Gravity: 1.215 Final Cell Voltage: 1.75 volts / cell Design Life: 20-years at 25°C (77°F) Temperature Correction Factor: 1.00 (IEEE 485- 1997) Design Margin: 1.25 Aging Factor: 1.25 Continuous (Base) Load: 7.77 A Duty Cycle (4-hours): Time Duration 0 – 233 min. 233 – 234 min. 234 – 235 min. 235 – 236 min. 236 – 237 min. 237 – 238 min. 238 – 239 min. 239 – 240 min. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-9 Current 8A 50 A 8A 50 A 8A 50 A 8A 125 A Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER Manufacturers: Enersys, C&D, Power Power Solutions or SVP approved equal Item Description Charger Type (2 required): Automatic, self-regulated (controlled magnetic amplifier or controlled ferro-resonant, solid-state, silicon- controlled, full wave type rectifier) Battery Type: Flooded (wet) cell, lead acid Source System Voltage: 208Y/120 V AC, 3-Phase, 4-Wire, 60 Hz Output Voltage: 130 V DC Duty Cycle Duration: 8 hours Continuous (Base) Load: As specified above for 125 V DC Batteries Duty Cycle Loads: As specified above for 125 V DC Batteries Operating Temperature without Derating: 32°F (0°C) to 122°F (50°C) Operating Altitude without Derating: 3300 feet AMSL Relative Humidity (noncondensing): 5% – 95% Float Voltage: Automatic and continuous float charge of 2.23 V DC per cell, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Equalizing Voltage: 140 V DC for 125 V DC Battery Recharge Time: 10 hours Design Margin: 125% Manufacturers: Hindle Power, Model AT30-130, Enersys, C&D, Power Power Solutions or SVP approved equal or SVP approved equal. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-10 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER Item Description 48 V DC Battery (1 required): Vented Flooded (wet) Cell, Lead Acid Flat Plate: Lead-Calcium Nominal Voltage: 48 V DC System Voltage Range: 42 – 54 V DC Number of Cells (recommended): 24 Capacity Design Basis: Float Voltage: 2.23 volts per cell at 25°C (77°F) or as recommended by the manufacturer Duty Cycle Duration: 8-hour Electrolytic Temperature: 25°C (77°F) Specific Gravity: 1.215 Final Cell Voltage: 1.75 volts / cell Design Life: 20-years at 25°C (77°F) Temperature Correction Factor: 1.00 (IEEE 485- 1997) Design Margin: 1.25 Aging Factor: 1.25 Continuous (Base) Load: 1.4 A Duty Cycle (4-hours): Time Duration Current 0 – 240 min. 1.4 A Enersys, C&D, Power Power Solutions or SVP approved equal Manufacturers: Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-11 Contract #2404I SECTION 16480 SUBSTATION DC BATTERIES AND CHARGER Item Description Charger Type (1 required): Automatic, self-regulated (controlled magnetic amplifier or controlled ferro-resonant, solid-state, silicon- controlled, full wave type rectifier) Battery Type: Flooded (wet) cell, lead acid Source System Voltage: 208Y/120 V AC, 3-Phase, 4-Wire, 60 Hz Output Voltage: 48 V DC Duty Cycle Duration: 8 hours Continuous (Base) Load: As specified above for 48 V DC Batteries Duty Cycle Loads: As specified above for 48 V DC Batteries Operating Temperature without Derating: 32°F (0°C) to 122°F (50°C) Operating Altitude without Derating: 3300 feet AMSL Relative Humidity (noncondensing): 5% – 95% Float Voltage: Automatic and continuous float charge of 2.23 V DC per cell, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Equalizing Voltage: 56 V DC for 48 V DC Battery Recharge Time: 10 hours Design Margin: 125% Manufacturers: Hindle Power, Model AT30-048 Enersys, C&D, Power Power Solutions or SVP approved equal, or SVP approved equal. Issued for Quotes May 2015 016480-12 Contract #2404I