International Islamic University Malaysia
International Islamic University Malaysia
Admission Booklet For International Undergraduate Programme 2011/2012 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA ADMISSIONS & RECORDS DIVISION, IIUM, JALAN GOMBAK, 53100 KUALA LUMPUR Tel: 603-6196 4045 / 4043 / 3024 / 3261 Fax: 603-6196 4724 / 4160 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: hp:// INTERNATIONALISLAMIC ISLAMICUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYMALAYSIA MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL Admission Checklist For International Undergraduate Students No. Particular Page 1. Offer Leer 2. Admission Booklet 3-8 3. Order of Aire for Students 9-12 4. Student Discipline Rules 5. Appendix A Please refer to: 13-15 TUITION FEE AND OTHER RELATED ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 6. Appendix B 16-18 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OFFER AND ENROLMENT 7. Appendix C 19-29 ALL RELATED FORMS * Admissions & Records Division March 2011 Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 2 INTERNATIONALISLAMIC ISLAMICUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYMALAYSIA MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL Admission Booklet Contents For International Undergraduate Students 1. Welcoming Message A NOTE FROM THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS DIVISION 2. Enrolment Guidelines 3. * Acceptance/Deferment/Rejection Form 4. * Financial Declaration Form 5. ** Health Examination Report For International Student 6. ***Mahallah Registration Form ( L A S T U P D AT E : M a r c h 2 0 1 1 ) On enrolment day, * These forms are to be submied to the counter of Pre-Registraon and Submission ** This form is to be submied to the counter of Health Centre *** This form is to be submied to the counter Mahallah Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 3 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA A Note From The Dean of ADMISSIO NS A ND RE C ORDS DI VI S I ON I am so pleased to welcome you to the International Islamic University Malaysia. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on geing a place at the University. I can assure you that we have an exciting educational program awaiting you. I trust you will find your time have rewarding and complimentary to your personal and professional goals. At IIUM, we are blessed with beautiful surroundings. I am sure you will enjoy the beauty of our campus and appreciate the opportunity to study at the great university. The state-of-the-art program will equip you with the skills you need to gain control over your own destiny. Over the years, the University has built a strong reputation as one of the leading Universities in the Islamic world. We achieved this by exercising a tradition that fosters excellence and unity in diversity. We are delighted that you have selected the International Islamic University Malaysia. We look forward to greeting you in person. Dean Admissions and Records Division International Islamic University Malaysia Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 4 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Enrolment Guidelines F OR N EW U NDE RG RA DU AT E S T U DE NT S 1. 2. CONGRATULATIONS for being selected to join the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). 1.1 All the information provided is to prepare you for enrolment at the Main Campus, International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 1.2 Please read carefully and follow the instructions given. ACCEPTANCE / DEFERMENT / REJECTION If you accept or reject our offer, you should: 2.1 Fill in the Reply Form (IIUM-R1) enclosed together with the offer leer and a copy of your payment slip transaction through mail/e-mail/fax. 2.2 Fill in all the relevant documents/forms (to be submied on the Enrolment Day). If you defer our offer: 2.3 3. Submit the Reply Form (IIUM-R2) together with the offer leer to our University by stating that you have to defer your study or rejected our offer through mail/e-mail/fax. Note: No further application will be entertained once you have rejected the offer. ATTIRE DURING ENROLMENT AND ORIENTATION WEEK MALE 3.1 3.2 3.3 Long sleeve shirt. All round boom shirts must be tucked in. Dark coloured trousers. Dark coloured shoes. FEMALE 3.4 Wear ‘Mini telekong’ or head gear. 3.5 National dress or dress which covers the aurah. 3.6 White ‘Long skirt’ for special occasion (Orientation Week) Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 5 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA You are required to bring along the original documents / items of the following on the Enrolment Day: - 4. 1. Identity Card and Birth Certificate (for Malaysian students only). 2. Birth Certificate or Passport (for International students only). 3. School leaving certificate (for Malaysian undergraduate students). 4. SPM / ‘O’ Level certificate and STPM / ‘A’ Level certificate or their equivalent. 5. Five recent photographs of yourself measuring 3 cm x 3.5 cm with your name, matric number, programme offered to you wrien at the back of every photograph. Bring them along during enrolment. Note: a. You are required to submit your photographs to the following Unit / Divisions: 1. Student Affairs & Development Div. 2 photos 2. Residence (Mahallah) (to be submied at the respective Mahallah Office) 1 photo 3. Admissions and Records Division 2 photos 5 photos b. Medical Check-up form and X-ray i. All new students are required to do a medical check-up at the IIUM Health Centre (except the IIUM Matriculation students). Please refer to Appendix B on the health requirements for International students. ii. In addition, you are also required to bring an X-ray film on that day. In case you cannot bring your X-ray, it can be done at the IIUM Health Centre. iii. Please fill-in only Part 1 and 2 of the IIUM Medical Form (IIUM6-M). The remaining parts will be filled by our Medical Officer. iv. The above directive must be observed. For any assistance, you can contact IIUM Health Centre upon your arrival in campus. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 6 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA IIUM Dress Code DRESS CO DE F OR MU S L I M F E MA L E S T U DE NT S 1. 2. 3. GENERAL FEATURES 1.1 The aire should cover the whole body except the face and palms (for sisters). 1.2 The aire to be worn should not be tight-fiing 1.3 Sarongs or skirts without slits may be worn if they are loose and long enough to reach and cover the ankles. 1.4 Women’s aire must not resemble that of man’s. PANTS 2.1 Pants should not be figure-hugging, cover the ankles, tailored and loose. 2.2 Pants may be worn with a long, loose upper dress covering the hips, reaching as well as covering the knee and without slits. BLOUSE 3.1 4. HEAD-COVER 4.1 5. The headgear should cover the head, neck, chest and shoulder. MATERIAL 5.1 6. A long loose-fiing blouse, high-collared or high-necked with long sleeves reaching the wrists may be worn. Dress materials should not be transparent and revealing. FOOTWEAR 6.1 Footwear should cover the feet, and the heels of the footwear should not be excessively high i.e not more than 3 inches. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 7 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA IIUM Dress Code DRESS CODE FOR MUSLIM MALE STUDENTS 1. The aire must cover the ‘aurah’ of the male body. 2. i. Students should not wear slippers, round-neck T-Shirts, tight-fiing trousers or pants during office hours, lectures, tutorials, formal indoor University functions and other formal activities. ii. Jeans are not encouraged but if they are to be worn by the students they should not be tight fiing, multi-coloured, faded, fancy in design, torn or with patches. 3. Shirts of unusual fashion should not be worn. 4. Neck and wrist chains should not be worn except for medicinal purposes or on religious grounds. 5. The length of the hair should not extend beyond the collar and the hairstyle should not be of unusual or extraordinary fashion. 6. National dress/aire may be worn provided they do not violate or infringe the dress code. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 8 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Orders of Aire F OR S T U DE NT S 1. GENERAL ORDERS 1.1 All Students are required to display on their upper dress/shirt their respective Students’ Identity cards at all material times whilst in University’s premises except when aending sports activities. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 1.2 Students are not allowed to wear any aire or accessory, which symbolize any particular external organization or group except on certain proper occasions and with the permission from the University authorities. Students’ aires must not display any provocative or detrimental designs, images, words or phrases that may seem to be against the University Dress Code. 1.3 Jeans are not allowed to be worn except on non-formal occasions and during physical activities such as sports or recreation, provided they are not tight-fiing, multicoloured, faded, fancy in design, torn or with patches. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 1.4 National dresses/aires may be worn provided that they do not violate or infringe the University’s requirements and Islamic values and norms. 1.5 Vanity or ostentation should not be a motive in puing on of any dress or aire. 1.6 The aire of men shall not resemble that of the women’s and vice versa. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 9 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA 2.0 ORDERS OF ATTIRE FOR FEMALE STUDENTS 2.1 General Features For an example of the approved aire, refer to the illustrations in Appendix ‘A’. 2.1.1 As far as a female Muslim student is concerned, her aire must cover the aurah (as provided under the Shariah). Save for the face and the palm the aire should cover the whole body. Any form of clothing that covers the face is prohibited. An offence under this Order is a Compoundable Offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.1.2 Aires shall not be tight fiing. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.1.3 The aire should be made from such material such that the colour of the skin and shape of the body would not be visible. Dress materials should not be transparent or reveal the contour of the body. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.1.4 Sarongs and skirts without slits may be worn if they are loose and must be long enough to reach and cover the ankles. Skirts which are tight or which does not cover the ankles are not allowed. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.1.5 Excessive accessories, strong perfumes and facial make-ups are not allowed. 2.2 Pants 2.2.1 Pants should not be tight fiing or figure hugging; they should be loose and cover the ankles. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.2.2 Pants should be worn only with a long, loose upper dress, which covers the hip. The upper dress should not have long slits or side cuts, which reveal the hip or thigh area. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 10 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA 2.3 Blouse 2.3.1 A loose-fiing blouse and upper dress may be worn provided they have long sleeves reaching the wrists and covering the hips as well. An offence under this Order is a Compoundable Offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.4 Head-cover 2.4.1 For female Muslim students, the head-cover should properly cover the head and should not reveal the hair, neck, chest and shoulders. 2.4.2 As for female Non-Muslim students, she may adopt Islamic dress, if she so desires. Otherwise she should at least cover the head with a scarf or shawl or similar headgear as a symbol of respect to the Islamic University. For an example of the approve aire refer to the illustrations in Appendix ‘A’. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. Save as for convocation, the ceremonial aire for graduands, shall be such as determined by the University from time to time. 2.5 Hair 2.5.1 As far as possible, students should avoid unnecessary dyeing or colouring of hair. An offence under this Order is a Compoundable Offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 2.6 Footwear 2.6.1 Footwear should cover the feet, and the heels of the footwear should not be excessively high. Slippers are forbidden. An offence under this rule is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the Rule 34 herein. 3.0 ORDERS OF ATTIRE FOR MALE STUDENTS For a beer perspective of the sample of approved aire, students shall refer to the illustrations in Appendix ‘A’. 3.1 The aire of the male Muslim students must cover the aurah (as provided under the Shariah) of the male body. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 11 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.2 Slippers, non-strip sandals, round neck T-shirts, tight-fiing trousers or pants should not be worn by students during lectures, tutorials, official University functions and other formal activities as well as within the proximity of the IIUM administrative and faculty buildings and centres. In all the above occasions, jeans are absolutely not allowed. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.3 Shirts and collared T-shirts are allowed to be worn when aending classes. Except for bush jackets, properly-buoned Baju Melayu, batik shirts and other proper national suits, the shirts and collared T-shirts should be tucked in the trousers at all material times. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.4 T-shirts of all kinds are not allowed to be worn during formal University functions and other formal activities unless expressly allowed by the authorities for certain specific functions. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.5 Neck and wrist chains should not be worn except for medical purposes or on religious and/or traditional grounds. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.6 The length of the hair should not extend beyond the collar and the hairstyle should not be of unusual or extraordinary. Unnecessary dyeing or colouring of hair is prohibited. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. 3.7 The areas of the body between the navel and the knee shall be covered in public at all times including in the halls of residence (Mahallah) and all public premises, except under permissible circumstances such as sporting events. An offence under this Order is a compoundable offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure in Rule 34 of the Students’ Discipline Rules. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 12 APPENDIX A INTERNATIONALISLAMIC ISLAMICUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYMALAYSIA MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL Tuition Fee and Other Related Administrative Fees F OR IN TERN AT I ONA L U NDE RGRA DU AT E 1. You will only be officially enrolled as a student of IIUM upon payment of the following fees: a. Entrance Fees b. Semester Fees (Tuition Fee, Recurrent Academic Fees, Hostel Fee) c. Personal Bond 2. Self-financed students must provide the evidence in the Guarantee Leer form or Bank Statements or Statutory Declaration that you have sufficient funds to cover all expenses throughout your studies. You should allocate sufficient funds for food, clothing, books, incidental expenses and necessary travel fare to and from the University. 3. Payments* can be made in the following forms: a. Bank Dra (Account No: 1407-0000005-71-9 (UIAM STUDENT)) b. Telegraphic Transfer (T & T) (SWIFT CODE: BMMBMYKL) c. Credit Card (at hp:// The payment should be made payable to: Finance Director International Islamic University Malaysia Or into the following bank account: Bank Muamalat (M) Berhad IIUM Branch, Gombak 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia * Payments can be made in the following currencies: USD$, £ or Euro € currencies (equivalent to the Ringgit Malaysia RM amount) 4. Sponsored students will not be enrolled unless they submit the original leer of offer from the sponsoring agency. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 13 APPENDIX A INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) 5. E NTRAN CE FEES ENTRANCE FEES (ONCE IN DURATION OF STUDY) Orientation 120.00 120.00 Alumni 100.00 100.00 Registration 30.00 30.00 Student Identification card 60.00 60.00 College Deposit (Refundable) - - University Caution money (Refundable) - - Medical check-up - 50.00*/75.00** English and Arabic Placement Test - 200.00 310.00 560.00*/585.00** TOTAL ENTRANCE FEES * X-ray done outside the University. 6. International Direct RM International Ex-Matriculation*** RM ** X-ray is carried out by the University’s Clinic. K ULLIY YAH / PRO GRAMME F E E S (PER SEMESTER-EXCLUDING SHORT SEMESTER) Undergraduate Programme – International Pre-Sessional Laws Economics Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences Information Technology Engineering Architecture Science -BSMS Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Nursing Allied Health Science Tuition Fee (RM) Recurrent Hostel Academic Fees** (RM) Fees* (RM) Total (RM) 600.00 4,250.00 3,750.00 157.50 157.50 157.50 600.00 600.00 600.00 1,357.50 5,007.50 4,507.50 3,500.00 157.50 600.00 4,257.50 3,750.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 6,000.00 157.50 182.50 182.50 182.50 157.60 182.50 182.50 182.50 182.50 182.50 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 4,507.50 7,782.50 7,782.50 6,782.50 6,757.50 19,782.50 19,782.50 19,782.50 19,782.50 6,782.50 RECURRENT ACADEMIC FEES DETAILS* (RM) Examination Library Co-curricular Activities & Transport College activities Medical Facilities Welfare fund Insurance Computer Fee Laboratory / Studio RELATED FEES SCIENCE NON SCIENCE BASED (RM) (RM) 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 37.50 37.50 25.00 15.00 2.50 2.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 2.50 2.50 25.00 - 182.50 157.50 ** For Usrah/Transit room the rate is RM500.00 per semester * NOTES: The University has the right to revise the fees without noficaon. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 14 APPENDIX A INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) 7. P ERSON AL BO ND All International students are required to pay a personal bond at the point of enrolment, which is refundable upon completion of studies. The rate of the personal bond varies by country as stipulated by the Malaysian Immigration Authority. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 COUNTRY Africa Australia Bangladesh British Commonwealth Independence Brunei Canada China Europe German Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran/Iraq Japan Korea Macau Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Portugal Commonwealth Independence Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Tunisia United Kingdom USA Vietnam RATE (RM) RATE (USD) 1,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 750.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 200.00 750.00 750.00 300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 395.00 395.00 198.00 395.00 395.00 527.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 264.00 198.00 132.00 395.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 53.00 198.00 198.00 79.00 395.00 395.00 527.00 395.00 * Personal Bond of RM1, 500.00/USD395.00 is imposed on countries that are not listed above. 8. Entrance Fee will not be refunded in the event the student withdraws from the University. 9. The Tuition Fee and Related Fees paid will be refunded as follows in the event of withdrawal or study leave: a. 90% refund – From first day up to first month. b. 60% refund – From first month up to the second month. c. No refund – Aer second month of semester. 10. In the event a student made an overpayment, he or she can request for either a refund or the amount to be set off against future semester charges. 11. The University has the right to revise the fees without notification. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 15 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) A P P EN D I X B Terms and Conditions of Offer and Enrolment (FO R IN TERNAT I ONA L S T U DE NT S ONLY ) 1. ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION / DEFERMENT OF OFFER i. Your reply using IIUM-R1/ IIUM-R 2 forms should reach us by the stipulated date as stated in the offer leer, otherwise this offer of admission will automatically be revoked. ii. Please be reminded that International students are not allowed to enter Malaysia unless the Immigration Department of Malaysia has approved their student pass. Therefore, please do not make any arrangements to come to the university before you receive the leer of approval of your student pass from our office. The university will not be responsible if you come to Malaysia without the approval of your student pass and you will have to return to your home country. The university will not provide any passage allowance for your return or any extra allowance that you have to pay for the visa. All expenses incurred must be borne by you. You are also required to make the necessary traveling arrangements to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International students must ensure that your International passport has a validity period of at least two (2) years. iii. For further information, you can contact the university’s officers in the following ways: Telephone number: Extension: Fax number: 603-6196 4000 /4045 /4043 3022 OR 3024 603-6196 4724 EMail address: [email protected] Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 16 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) 2. APPENDIX B HEALTH REQUIREMENTS (for international students only) No cholera or smallpox vaccination certificate is required to be provided in order to enter Malaysia. However, yellow fever vaccination is required from residents of South America and Africa (except South Africa). The health regulations of the country require those arriving from the above-specified regions without the valid immunization certificate or before the inoculation period, to be immediately quarantined for six days. Please be informed that you are required to undergo a Medical Examination/Check-up in your respective country at the authorized government hospital. The Medical Examination/ Check-up report must be presented to the IIUM Health Centre during the medical check-up exercise conducted during the orientation (Ta’aruf) week. However, all international students are required to undergo a second screening at IIUM Health Centre upon enrolment prior or during the orientation (Ta’aruf). The university health requirement stipulates that the students who wish to enroll into the university must be free of HIV/AIDS and drug addiction. As such, you are required to undergo urine and blood tests at your home country. The university has the right to ho can be contacted during emergency revoke the admission of a student if he/she is found to be affected by the said disease or is found positive for drug addiction. 3. ADVICE FOR MARRIED APPLICANTS If you are married, you are advised to come alone to the university to undergo the process of enrolment and course registration. Please be reminded that the University will not be responsible for any maers pertaining to Immigration (such as visa for your spouse or/and children) and will not provide any assistance if you run short of funds. 4. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (EPT) All new students are required to sit for the EPT. However, an exem if you can present a score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or overall Band 6.0 in the test administered by the British Council (IELTS). The EPT test will be conducted during the first week of the orientation programme. If you do not fulfill the English language proficiency requirements (for programmes that use English as a medium of instruction), you are required to undergo the Pre-sessional Programme (PRSS) before proceeding to the respective programme of studies and pay the tuition and academic administrative fees while in the programme [please refer to Appendix A]. The maximum duration of Pre-sessional Programme (PRSS) is two (2) years. Please refer to the aached brochure on the EPT requirements. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 17 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) 5. APPENDIX B ARABIC PLACEMENT TEST (APT) All new students are required to sit for the APT. The test will be conducted during the first week of the orientation programme. Those who do not fulfill the Arabic language proficiency requirements (for Arabic Language & Literature and Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage programmes) are required to do Pre-sessional Programme (PRSS) before proceeding to the respective programme of studies that use Arabic as its medium of instruction. The maximum duration of the Pre-sessional Programme (PRSS) depends on the respective Kulliyyah requirement. The students are also required to pay the tuition and academic administrative fees while in the programme [Please refer to Appendix A]. 6. TILAWAH PLACEMENT TEST (TPT) All new students are required to sit for the TPT to determine their level of recitation and understanding of the Taj’wid. There are two (2) levels that students have to fulfill as their graduation requirements. The test will be conducted during the first week of the orientation programme. Those who are exempted from the first level may proceed to the second level. 7. TA’ARUF (ORIENTATION) PROGRAMME (compulsory to all new students) All students are required to aend Ta'aruf (Orientation Programme) conducted by the university and participate in all the programmes organised by various bodies of the university. 8. CODE OF CONDUCT Students of the International Islamic University Malaysia are expected to observe Islamic behavioral norms at all times on or off campus. 9. DRESS CODE Please refer to “Discipline of Student Rules 1984 [Amendment (2002)]” handbook for more details. IMPORTANT NOTE: NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENROL WITHOUT THE ORIGINAL ACADEMIC DOCUMENTS ON THE ENROLMENT DAY. IF THE UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES DISCOVER ANY FALSE DECLARATION AND THE USE OF FORGED CERTIFICATES AND DOCUMENTS BY ANY STUDENT TO GAIN ENTRY INTO THE UNIVERSITY BEFORE OR AFTER THE ENROLMENT, THIS OFFER OF ADMISSION WILL BE REVOKED. THE UNIVERSITY MAY AT ITS ABSOLUTE DISCRETION TAKE OR CAUSE ANY LEGAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY STUDENT GUILTY OF COMMITTING FORGERY OR FRAUD. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 18 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) APPENDIX C IIUM2-D F I N A N C I A L D EC LAR ATIO N FO R M (Please fill up this form) NAME: MATRIC NO.: PROGRAMME: 1. I agree herewith and promise to pay all the fees as required by the University. 2. I agree that the University has the right to deduct from my scholarship or financial aid given to me to sele the payments mentioned above. 3. I agree that the University has the right to demand the above payments from my guarantor if I leave the University without seling them. 4. I agree that the University has the right to revise the fees without any notification. 5. I fully understand and accept all other conditions as stated in the OFFER LETTER, ADMISSION BOOKLET AND APPENDICES. Signature of student: ………………………………………… Admissions & Records Division Date: …………………… Admission Booklet Pag e 19 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) APPENDIX C Health Examination Guidelines F OR F OR E NT RY I NT O MALAYSIAN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING IN THE FORM. 2. PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 3. PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS. 4. THIS FORM HAS 4 SECTIONS: (a) SECTION 1 (PART A AND B) TO BE FILLED BY THE CANDIDATES; AND (b) SECTION 2, 3 AND 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE EXAMINING DOCTOR 5. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL THE TESTS REQUIRED IN THIS FORM. 6. THE UNIVERSITY / COLLEGE ONLY ACCEPTS MEDICAL EXAMINATION DONE WITHIN 60 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION OR WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER REGISTRATION. 7. PLEASE ATTACH ALL THE ORIGINAL LABORATORY RESULTS. 8. PLEASE BRING ALONG CHEST X-RAY REGISTRATION. 9. PLEASE ENSURE THE X-RAY FILM IS LABELLED WITH YOUR NAME AND DATE TAKEN (IN ENGLISH). 10. CHEST X-RAY DONE WITHIN 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO REGISTRATION CAN BE ACCEPTED. 11. THE UNIVERSITY / COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REPEAT FULL MEDICAL CHECK-UP OR ANY SPECIFIC LABORATORY TESTS SHOULD THERE BE ANY DOUBT IN THE MEDICAL REPORT SUBMITTED. ALL COSTS INVOLVED SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CANDIDATES. 12. THE UNIVERSITY / COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY APPLICATION: FILM A ND REPORT FOR (a) BASED ON THE RESULTS OF THE HEALTH EXAMINATION; OR (b) SHOULD THERE BE ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE APPLICANT HAS GIVEN FALSE INFORMATION IN THE HEALTH EXAMINATION REPORT OR ANY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 20 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) HEALTH EXAMINATION REPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Passport size photo PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS SECTION 1 (To be completed by candidate) (PART A) FULL NAME (As in passport) INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT NO. NATIONALITY DATE OF BIRTH CONTACT NUMBER AGE D D M M Y Y ACADEMIC YEAR PROGRAMME OF STUDY SEX MALE FEMALE MARTIAL STATUS SINGLE MARRIED STUDENT ID PROGRAMME CODE NEXT OF KIN NEXT OF KIN’S ADDRESS NEXT OF KIN’S CONTACT NUMBER Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 21 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) SECTION 1 - Please tick () in the relevant box (PART B) Declaration of self and family illness. Explain in full if you or your family has any of the following illnesses. * Immediate family refers to father, mother, brothers / sisters MEDICAL PROBLEMS 1. Congenital or inherited disorder 2. Allergy 3. Mental illness 4. Fits, stroke, other neurological disease 5. Diabetes Mellitus 6. Hypertension 7. Heart or vascular disease 8. Asthma 9. Thyroid disease SELF Yes No IMMEDIATE FAMILY Yes No If “Yes” please state. 10. Kidney disease 11. Cancer 12. Tuberculosis 13. Drug addiction 14. AIDS, HIV 15. History of surgery 16. Other illnesses Current medication (Long term) IMMUNIZATION HISTORY (where applicable) 1. Yellow Fear 2. BCG 3. Meningitis (Quadrivalent) 4. Hepatitis B 5: Others: DATE IMMUNIZED I hereby certify that the information given above is true. I understand that my application will be rejected if there is any false information given. ...................................... Date Admissions & Records Division .................................................... Signature of candidate Admission Booklet Pag e 22 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) SECTION 2 - PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (To be filled by examining doctor) 1. BASIC MEASUREMENT HEIGHT : __________________ m BLOOD PRESSURE : ______________ mmHg WEIGHT : __________________ kg PULSE RATE VISION TEST : Unaided : (R) _______ (L) ________ COLOUR VISION TEST : Aided : (R) _______ (L) ________ : ______________ / min NORMAL / ABNORMAL 2. GENERAL EXAMINATION ITEM YES NO COMMENT a. DEFORMITIES b. PALLOR c. CYANOSIS d. JAUNDICE e. OEDEMA f. SKIN DISEASES 3. SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION ITEM NORMAL ABNORMAL COMMENT a. EYES (including funduscopy) b. EARS c. NOSE d. ORAL CAVITY / THROAT e. NECK f. HEART g. LUNGS h. ABDOMEN / HERNIA ORIFICES i. NERVOUS SYSTEM j. MENTAL CONDITION k. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 23 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) SECTION 3 - INVESTIGATIONS URINE TEST ITEM DATE TAKEN RESULT DATE TAKEN RESULT a. ALBUMIN b. SUGAR c. MICROSCOPIC d. MORPHINE e. CANNABIS f. AMPHETAMINES TYPE STIMULANT BLOOD TEST ITEM a. HEPATITIS Bs ANTIGEN b. HEPATITIS C c. HIV d. VDRL / TPHA e. MALARIAL PARASITE CHEST X-RAY INFORMATION CHEST X-RAY NO. DATE TAKEN PLACE TAKEN REPORT Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 24 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) SECTION 4 - CERTIFICATION BY THE EXAMINING DOCTOR Please tick ( ) in the appropriate box : I certify that I have on this date ___________________ examined Mr. / Ms. _______________________________________________________ , Passport No.: ______________________ and found him/her :- IN GOOD HEALTH HAVING THE FOLLOWING MEDICAL COMPLICATION(S) (Please State) UNDERGOING TREATMENT FOR: (Please State) Signature of Doctor / Date Name of Doctor: Qualification: Hospital/Clinic: Registration No.: Official stamp: Remarks By University Official : Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 25 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) APPENDIX C IIUM-R1 Dean Admissions and Records Division International Islamic University Malaysia P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fax No: 603-61964724 ACC EP TA N C E / RE J E CTIO N FO R M (Please fill up this form) 1. Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………................ 2. Matric. No.: ………………………………………………………………………………... 3. Programme: ………………………………………………………………………………... Please tick ( ) one of the followings: I accept the offer of admission I do not accept the offer of admission (Please note that no further appeal or application will be entertained once you have rejected the offer). I also accept all terms and conditions as stated in the Offer Leer as well as in the APPENDICES. DECLARATION OF CANDIDATE I accept that if, in reading and completing the application form and accepting the offer, I knowingly or carelessly provided untrue or incomplete information, a. any offer of admission, whether accepted or not, may be withdrawn by IIUM; b. I may be required to withdraw from the University or from any course in which I am enrolled; c. I may be subjected to disciplinary actions. I agree that IIUM may verify any of the information provided by contacting the relevant institution or person. I agree to comply with all rules and regulations of IIUM, present and future. Signature of Student: ………………………………… Date: ….…………………. Note: If we do not receive any response from you aer the deadline as stated in the offer leer, we assume that you are no longer interested in the programme and your offer will be automatically revoked. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 28 INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) APPENDIX C IIUM-R2 Dean Admissions and Records Division International Islamic University Malaysia P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fax No: 603-61964724 DEFERMENT FORM (Please fill up this form) 1. Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………................ 2. Matric. No.: ………………………………………………………………………………... 3. Programme: ………………………………………………………………………………... Please tick ( ) one of the followings: I would like to defer the admission to next intake Sept. 201 Feb. 201 June 201 I also accept all terms and conditions as stated in the Offer Leer as well as in the APPENDICES. DECLARATION OF CANDIDATE I accept that if, in reading and completing the application form and accepting the offer, I knowingly or carelessly provided untrue or incomplete information, a. any offer of admission, whether accepted or not, may be withdrawn by IIUM; b. I may be required to withdraw from the University or from any course in which I am enrolled; c. I may be subjected to disciplinary actions. I agree that IIUM may verify any of the information provided by contacting the relevant institution or person. I agree to comply with all rules and regulations of IIUM, present and future. Signature of Student: ………………………………… Date: ….…………………. Note: If we do not receive any response from you aer the deadline as stated in the offer leer, we assume that you are no longer interested in the programme and your offer will be automatically revoked. Admissions & Records Division Admission Booklet Pag e 29
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