Adaptive - Business In Focus
Adaptive - Business In Focus
2 For over thirty years, Adaptive Micro Systems LLC has designed and manufactured digital displays and solutions. The Milwaukee, Wisconsin based company provides LED display solutions for a variety of applications, with its signs appearing on billboards, theaters, manufacturing plants, highways, commercial and retail stores, restaurants, vehicles, schools and lottery. 3 Written by Mark Golombek A daptive began operations in 1980. Its two founders, Bill Latz and Tom Mandler, had previously worked together in an electronics company, an experience which helped them to become pioneers in the LED display arena. The early years involved promotional items and some different types of controls using LED technology. One of its first promotional displays was a simple sign with LED lighting for Coors brewery. Through the eighties and nineties, the business continued to grow. The real change in these two decades was in the quality of product developed and the primary focus, at the time, was indoor LED displays. One of the early brands that was developed was Beta Bright which, even now, continues to be a well known brand of LED display says President Dennis Thums, “It was sold through Sam’s Club in the late nineties which ensured that it would continue to be recognizable by consumers even today.” “Focusing on the indoor sign market is how the business grew.” The company’s business is split into three primary segments: the indoor market, outdoor markets and intelligent transportation. Focusing on the indoor sign market is how the business grew. The first segment, indoor markets, involves products like those that can be seen throughout the country in movie theatres for displaying show times. In addition, Adaptive produces industrial systems for communication on factory floors. An example of this could be seen in Detroit with the Big Three automotive companies which all have a significant amount of LED signage on the factory floors and have had for over ten years. Products can also serve as emergency notifiers or inside retail environments to direct customers once they are in the store. 4 “Adaptive produces industrial systems for communication on factory floors.” The third division is outdoor markets. Bright, moving eye-catching billboards are a good way for retail establishments to do on premises advertising and promotion. “To be competitive it is still one of the best values out there. The new technologies with signage can really present as part of your branding. We are seeing a lot more growth in that area.” In 2002, the company steered into the outdoor market with LED products when LED signage and electronic billboards started to appear on the highways. By 2005, this work had garnered about $5 million of business in the transportation sector and a lot of time and money was spent developing a few outdoor products. “At this time, the company peaked at around $50 million and the introduction of outdoor products made the possibility of growing the company a reality. We targeted Clear Channel which is one of the major players with billboards.” The second market, intelligent transportation, deals mainly with highway transportation. This includes the new twenty metre intelligent transportation products for highways. Much of it is still strictly an amber highway signage, but it has also produced a full colour system that can function as a billboard, displaying entire pictures and not just text. A lot of this is government funded or through municipalities. This market is growing with more applications for a new full colour product and is a major opportunity for growth. Adaptive upgraded its assets to electronic billboards. Double sided billboards then became the next step. The new technology was priced at $500,000 / billboard. It was expected that Clear Channel would be buying around one hundred per year so, by 2007, the company started investing heavily in plant equipment and technology and hiring engineers to support the growth in this area. The company went from an indoor focus to an outdoor large billboard focused business. Unfortunately, around the end of 5 2007, the economy started to tank. Instead of the hoped for one hundred billboards order per year from Clear Channel, only fifty were sold over the next three to four years. The investment had already been made, so Adaptive Micro Systems was adversely affected along with the whole market and industry. “Adaptive Micro Systems had a really strong indoor product line and development but, with the change in focus, the business went through some difficult times in 2010 to 2011 and it went into receivership. A group of investors then reacquired the business in August of 2011.” However, Adaptive Micro Systems is aptly named and the company was quite capable of dealing with change. Sixty employees were brought on board from Milwaukee and one hundred employees were brought in from Asia and Europe. The employees from Milwaukee had a combined 760 years of experience ¬¬– a fantastic asset – which became a key element in the company’s turnaround. The focus now was to stabilize the business and rebuild relationships with its dealers, customers and suppliers along with ensuring a top quality product going forward. Another part of the rejuvenation strategy was to target partners and integrators that can more effectively use signage in the solutions being sold to end users. If 2011 to 2012 was a stabilizing year, then 2012 to 2013 was a time to bring on some new product development. Over the last two years, Adaptive Micro Systems has really developed the indoor and outdoor lines. “We have a whole new line of outdoor products which have become some of the “Bright, moving eye-catching billboards are a good way for retail establishments to conduct on premises advertising and promotion.” 6 “Adaptive Micro Systems is aptly named; the company is quite capable of dealing with change.” “We have a whole new line of outdoor products which have become some of the best in the industry.” best in the industry with state of the art technology. We have been very aggressive in rolling those out over the last twelve months, and are also in the process of doing the same type of thing with indoor products both in full colour.” Adaptive Micro Systems is also presently working in the original equipment manufacturing market providing engineered solutions that involve LED lighting for different types of machines used in the gaming industry and for signage on buses and trains. In New York firehouses, one can see what Adaptive Micro Systems does well. One of its areas of expertise is in integrating systems. Integrators make it easy to use the company’s products in a wide range of engineered solutions. In New York, as well as in other cities in the country, projects are underway that will see LED signage inside firehouses which will communicate in real time when there is a fire or other emergency. This kind of system can eventually be applied to any firehouse or emergency services in the country. “In the US, unfortunately we have been forced with more situations where emergency notification or mass evacuation have become necessary. LED signage is an excellent tool to be part of that integrated communication package. We now find ourselves working with a number of major electronic development companies that will utilize our signage as part of a fire alarm system where it’s not just enough to make a loud noise. You need to be able to communicate to hearing impaired and others.” 7 The building codes changing to be Americans with compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act regulations will provide significant opportunities for the type of signs that Adaptive provides. One has to be able to communicate in different ways, including visually, in order to direct people to safety; a loud alarm does not help a deaf person. With the economy now in the upswing, the company’s long term goals are to grow the business and provide the best product available while creating opportunities for its employees. “They have been working hard over the last two to three years and have really helped to turn the business around and get us on the right path. That’s now starting to show up in the products that we are introducing and the quality of these products in the market.” “We see growth in the marketplace segments that we are in. This company was once a $50 million business. It’s a pretty proud past and we see a pretty bright future which will see us pass the $50 million mark in the not so distant future.” Adaptive Micro Systems Inc. 7840 North 86th Street Milwaukee, WI USA 53224 P: 414-357-2020 E: [email protected] PROJECT SUPPORTERS Unit 210, 1310 Hollis Street, Halifax NS B3J 3P3, Canada | Phone: 1-888-477-2938 Ext. 206