TechFest-Goa 2016 Brochure - The Indoor Air Quality Association


TechFest-Goa 2016 Brochure - The Indoor Air Quality Association
Bogmallo Beach Resort, Goa | 26th August 2016
Goa Chapter
Hospitality, healthcare and pharmaceu cal manufacturing are cri cal industries of the Indian economy. This edi on of
TechFest-Goa aims to address the educa onal needs of these sectors through sessions, that will help a endees grow
their Knowledge of emerging global trends and get expert advice on challenges specific to their business.
Date : 26 August 2016
Time : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Venue : Bogmallo Beach Resort, Bogmallo, Goa
If you have an interest in Indoor Air Quality and want to share, learn and network with others who are interested and
associated with Indoor Air Quality, then this event is for you.
India Chapter
Established in 1995, the Indoor Air Quality Associa on (IAQA) is
dedicated to bringing prac oners together to prevent and solve
indoor environmental problems for the benefit of consumers and
the public.
IAQA's membership is comprised of individuals and companies,
including: contractors, consultants, facility maintenance
professionals, researchers, industry vendors, school officials, and
representa ves from state and federal government agencies.
1) IAQ in the Hospitality Sector - Mr Donald Weekes, Imm Past President, IAQA Inc, USA
Mr Weekes is a Partner at InAIR Environmental Ltd, an occupa onal and environmental health and safety
consultancy based in O awa, ON. He has been providing environmental and occupa onal health and safety
assistance for more than forty years. He is a Cer fied Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Cer fied Safety Professional
(CSP). He is the Immediate Past President of IAQA, as well as Past President of the O awa Valley Chapter for
ASHRAE. Mr Weekes is also involved with the following professional organiza ons; American Industrial Hygiene
Associa on (AIHA), Interna onal Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ), Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).
2) Post Occupancy Evalua on for IEQ - Mr Ni n Deodhar, Founder, N M Deodhar Consul ng Engineers, Pune
Mr Ni n has worked in Voltas as Administra ve Head and Branch Manager and was exposed to Finance, HR and
TQM. He completed his Masters in Environmental Engineering from BATU, Raigad with Gold Medal. Presently, he
provides Design Consultancy for various Electrical and Air Condi oning projects. He has designed several Pla num
and Gold rated LEED projects. He is a LEED Accredited Professional by US Green Building Council and an Energy
Manager cer fied by Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Ni n is an ASHRAE member, past President of ISHRAE Pune
Chapter, and is a member of the ISHRAE Technical Commi ee.
3) IAQ & Rapid Urbaniza on - Balancing Clean Air & Energy Costs of Buildings - Mr Barun Aggrawal, CEO,
Breatheeasy Consultants Pvt Ltd
Mr Aggrawal, an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management, UNSW, Sydney, Australia and the Fuqua
School of Business, Duke University, NC, USA, has an interna onal experience spanning 20 years in several
con nents. Currently, he heads BreatheEasy Consultants Pvt Ltd, a full service Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) solu on
provider whose focus is not only Indoor Air Quality but also energy conserva on. He is a Climate Reality leader
trained by Vice President Al Gore. He is a founding member of the IEQ Commi ee of ISHRAE that is working on
developing the first interna onal standard for IEQ. He also serves on the IAQ assessment working group of USGBC. He is a founder
of Care For Air, that creates awareness about air pollu on and its health effects in India. He ac vely engages in crea ng awareness
campaigns on climate crisis and in dissemina ng the message of environment stewardship, especially amongst school children.
HVAC Engineers, Pharma & Hospitality Consultants, Architects & Design Consultants, Project Management Consultants,
Facility Management & Service Providers, System Integrators, Equipment Manufacturers & Contractors, End Users and
others related to this segment of business.
Bogmallo Beach Resort, Goa | 26th August 2016
Goa Chapter
Member* Non - Member
` 2000/` 1600/` 2500/` 2000/` 3000/` 2400/-
Early Bird - by 5 August 2016
Regular - 6 August to 25 August 2016
On Site - 26 August 2016
Mumbai Chapter
*Member - ISHRAE, ASHRAE & Suppor ng Socie es
Delegate Registra ons & Rooming :
Mr Hemant Bhandare
+91 9822481220
Mr Mahesh Prabhu
+91 9822121439
Ms Ilma D'souza
+91 9225901300
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
ISHRAE Goa Chapter, T2, Fa
ma chambers, Dr A B Road, Panaji, Goa 403 001
Email : [email protected]