final do not touch - Open Arms Perinatal Services


final do not touch - Open Arms Perinatal Services
A Word From Our Executive Director
n behalf of Open Arms, we are proud to share our
2010 Report with you, our community. In 2010,
we worked with over 220 pregnant women and
their families throughout King County and
welcomed 126 new lives into the world.
This year continued to be difficult for many in the communities we serve and we saw a dramatic increase in issues that our
clients faced - domestic violence, family instability, food
insecurity and housing crises among them. In addition to
meeting the birthing needs of our clients, we spent time
solidifying and broadening our partnerships with other
organizations and working creatively with our clients to help
each new family welcome their baby in as safe and secure a
way as possible.
In addition to direct services, community involvement and
advocacy are equally important to our mission. To this end,
Open Arms is active on many local and statewide coalitions
and committees that help pregnant women, their families and
communities survive and thrive. On a policy level, we are
actively involved in infant mortality prevention and addressing
health disparities as well as giving input on developing early
learning systems and home visiting systems that support,
honor and respect our families and communities.
The past five years have been rapid growth years for Open
Arms. In late 2010, Open Arms embarked on a strategic
“I wish I had this kind of support when I had my
first baby ten years ago. I've learned so much it would have made things really different
planning process in an effort to define our priorities and goals
for our agency as we move into the future as a mid-sized
agency, with emphasis on programmatic excellence and financial stability. We look forward to continuing this process in
These are hard times we are in, full of joy and challenges,
exhilaration and worry. We are proud of the change Open Arms
is creating in our communities and in the lives of the women we
touch and, at the same time, humbled by the strength and power
of the women and families who are struggling day to day as they
bring their children into the world. And, we are full of gratitude
for all the contributions of volunteers, staff, donors, families and
partners that are invaluable to the work we do.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
Warmest Regards,
the first time.”
Open Arms Client
Sheila Capestany
Executive Director
Peggy Fitzgerald
Board President
2010 Program Update
Birth Doula Services
Open Arms was honored to receive the Innovative Program
Award from the Seattle Human Services Coalition in June of
2010 for our Birth Doula Services program. The Coalition
recognized our unique, culturally competent doula services as
a crucial element in helping to eliminate health disparities in
our communities and addressing these disparities from the
earliest stage of human development. The award also cited our
positive program results, which include providing education
about pregnancy and positive early parenting, increasing rates
of breastfeeding and reducing medical interventions and the
cost of prenatal care.
The Birth Doula Services program operates at capacity each
month, with services filling up an average of 2-3 months
ahead and supplemented further by the generous donation of
time from volunteer doulas. Yet still there is great need: each
month we must turn away clients whom we cannot serve due
to funding. Our doulas are now able to serve Open Arms
clients in 15 languages including English, up from seven
languages in 2009. We are finding several of our clients feel
called to doula work after the birth of their babies and have
gone on to train as birth doulas themselves, providing an
exciting, sustainable framework for employment and extended
support for families within communities.
In 2010, Open Arms began an intensive evaluation process for
our doula program. Results will be used to improve our
services and contribute to the knowledge base around
effective community-based programs for mothers, infants and
Outreach Doula Services
We continue to serve women in the Latina and Somali
communities as part of our community partnership with the
White Center Early Learning Initiative (WCELI). In 2010, we
celebrated the first birthdays of several of the first babies born
while families were enrolled in this program. Our outreach
doulas have been very creative in supporting clients according
How long do our programs serve
Birth Doula Services – 3rd trimester
through birth until 6-8 weeks postpartum
Outreach Doula Services – early in
pregnancy through birth and up to 2
years postpartum
Breastfeeding Peer Counselors
(2011 and beyond) – up to two
months postpartum
to their individual needs and the needs of the community and
serve many roles for the families they work with – not only in
support of pregnancy, birth and postpartum but also in the role
of cultural navigator, “walking alongside” women from their
community to help new moms navigate and access resources
for their children and support their children’s early learning,
right from the beginning of life.
Scholarship Fund
In 2010, we granted 15 scholarships to women through our
scholarship program, which provides financial assistance for
aspiring birth doulas, postpartum doulas and childbirth
educators. Scholarships can be applied to approved doula or
childbirth educator training courses, course materials and
membership, apprenticeship, or certification fees.
Advocacy Work
As issues arise for the women and communities we serve,
Open Arms responds by advocating for change and long-term
improvement in women’s perinatal health. In 2010, we joined
Legal Voice to work against a policy of shackling incarcerated
women during labor and childbirth. Washington is one of only
a handful of states who passed this important human rights
legislation. Additionally, Open Arms continues to advocate
for women’s needs locally as well as globally and continues to
promote health and well-being for mothers and babies in our
Fiscal Agency
As a part of our mission to provide community-based support,
OA acts as fiscal agent to several groups who are doing
essential work in our community for women, children and
families. In 2010, we were fiscal agents for a number of small,
progressive organizations, including Black Star Line, Brown
Sugar Babies and Birth Attendants.
Community Partnership
Open Arms is a community partner with the White Center
Early Learning Initiative (WCELI), Denise Louie Education
Center, Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth
(GAPPS), Equal Start and the Simkin Center and Midwifery
Department at Bastyr University. As part of our community
As well as the more well-known physical and emotional
benefits to mothers and babies, breastfeeding is a proven
protective factor against abuse and neglect, and it can
increase mother-child attachment. Of our new mothers, 95%
began with breastfeeding.
Low birth weight and prematurity put babies at risk for a
number of potentially lifelong complications and at worst,
can lead to the death of an infant. Helping mothers stay
pregnant through to term and increasing awareness about
healthy nutrition is one way to impact these unacceptable
outcomes. Among babies born with Open Arms doulas, 3.5%
were low birth weight, versus 8.2% in the overall US
partnership work, Open Arms staff also sit on a number of
regional and national bodies working on issues related to our
mission with emphasis on maternal and infant health and wellbeing, as well as community-based work and multiculturalism.
Open Arms participates on state-wide advisory committees and
task forces that impact health disparities, early learning and
home visiting services. As other organizations, agencies and
educational institutions recognize the importance of communitybased work and support for women and infants during the time
around birth, Open Arms will continue to provide local and
national leadership and modeling on these issues.
New Program: Breastfeeding Peer Counselors
Open Arms was awarded a contract with Public Health-Seattle
and King County WIC to provide community-based
breastfeeding peer counseling for women who receive WIC
support. This program will extend the reach of breastfeeding
support to low-income African American, Amharic, Latina,
Somali, Tigrigna, Ukrainian/Russian, Vietnamese and White
communities. Open Arms will launch this program in June 2011.
Program Results
It’s difficult to measure the true impact that doulas have on a
woman’s life. It’s impossible to quantify the value of a woman
not being alone during pregnancy and the birth of her baby, of
showing up at someone’s house when she’s been up all night with
a newborn, or of having someone known and trusted to talk to
when feeling worried or overwhelmed with parenting. It’s hard to
tally cost-savings of complications or poor health outcomes that
never happened because they were prevented. But at Open Arms,
we consider these interventions immeasurably worthwhile, or as
we put it: “evidenced-based magic.” However we do have many
outcomes that are measurable and we’d like to share some of
those with you.
Recovering from major surgery while also adjusting to the
challenges of having a newborn is tremendous. For women who
live with other social life stressors, the task sometimes feels
insurmountable. The 2010 Open Arms C-section rate was 23%
and of these, only 17% were unplanned. For comparison, the rate
of C-section at major Puget Sound hospitals is 38-40%.
Open Arms doulas serve as cultural navigators for the
medical system as well as for broader services and
community resources, helping families to bridge the gaps of
language and culture in order to support their child’s earliest
health and learning. Approximately 48% of our mothers were
from immigrant or refugee populations.
Board of Directors
Peggy Fitzgerald, M.Ed, President
Erica Nixon-Mack, Vice-President
*Ty Watanabe, MBA, CPA, Treasurer
Dr. Kelly Beekin, MD, CD
Sharon Cunnington
*Chiemi Davis, MSW
Emily Kane
*Dr. Jay McLean-Riggs, MD, MPH
Geoff Miller, JD (exiting)
Sarah Pulliam, LICSW, MPH
Sara Thompson (exiting)
Sabrina Urquhart
Tom Vasquez (exiting)
* New board members in 2011.
Sheila Capestany, MPH, MSW Exec. Director
Annie Moffatt, LM, CD birth and postpartum
Michelle Sarju, LM, CPM
Yvette Dioubate, CD
Erica Sugita
Hawa Egal, CD
Margarita Celis, CD
Libin Egal, CD
Jeff Deveaux
Financial Statement
Open Arms operates with a balanced budget. As with many small
nonprofits, our financial statement is a snapshot in time. We operate on
a January to December fiscal calendar, while two of our major grantors
operate on different calendars. The complexity of managing different
schedules sometimes means that a delay in scheduled reimbursements
will overlap the end of our fiscal year and is then recorded shortly into
our new fiscal year. Similarly, the overspend of $40,000 that is seen
between the revenue and expenditures in 2010 was due to program
expense originally funded and allocated for the 2009 fiscal year, but not
actually incurred until the first weeks of 2010.
Our 2010 numbers still show us with a very large single source funder,
Thrive By Five. This funding is specific to the White Center Early
Learning Initiative (WCELI) for our Outreach Doula Program. Our
Birth Doula Program and Scholarship Fund, by contrast, operate largely
though our fundraising efforts. In 2011, a new contract specific to the
Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program through Public Health/WIC will
also contribute to overall revenue for Open Arms.
Looking forward into 2011 and beyond, Open Arms will continue to
build diversity of funding and seek additional funding to support
infrastructure and capacity-building to ensure our ongoing stability as a
mid-size organization.
2524 16th Avenue South, Suite 207-A
Seattle, WA 98144
Visit us online at
Photography courtesy of melissagrace photography
2010 Total Revenue: $629,000*
4% 5%
Foundations and
Special Events
2010 Total Expenses: $669,000*
7% 1%
Management and
General Expenses
* These numbers have not been audited.
Open Arms Perinatal Services Giving Tree
As part of our strategic plan, Open Arms is committed to securing a diverse and stable source of funding for our programs. We thank all of our
donors for their commitment to the health and well-being of women and babies in our region.
We welcome the following persons into an inner circle of investors, whose collective vision will inform our services. They have committed to
multiyear giving, anchoring and nourishing our programs.
Emily Anthony and David Maymudes
Lisa Chin and Nigel Green
Peggy and Charles Fitzgerald
Our donors are the backbone of our organization, ensuring that women continue to receive services, even in a down economy, where the safety net
is shrinking.
Harun and Jama Abdullahi
Julee Abe
Rachel Abramson
Barbara Acevedo-Visser
Kristine Adair
Margo Adair
Esther Adler
Sara Ainsworth
Sadikifu Akina-James
Newell Aldrich
Shannon Aldrich Payne
Dannette Allen
Karen Allen
Paul and Rachael Alnwick
Veronica Amucha
Chloe R Anderson
Darwyn Anderson
Polly Anderson
Todd Anderson
Dave Andresen
Rachel Arlsen
Jill Arnold
Kenneth Astrein and Marjorie Schnyder
Jonathan and Deanne Ater
Nina Auerbach
Robert and Kristine Avery
Phyllis Ayers
Julie Aylett
Bernal Baca
Michelle Bagley
Tanya Bake
John Bancroft
Helen Bardenwerper
Vaughnetta Barton
Peter Bauman
Ashlie Beach
Alan and Daren Beach-Nelson
Renee Beebe
Dr. Kelly Beeken
Allen and Margaret Belton
Beth Bendler
Mara Benedict
Elizabeth Bennedict
Barbara Bennet
Lisa Berger
Ronni Berger
Margaret Bergmann-Ness
Rhonda Berry
Joci Besecker
Dale and Heidi Biddle
Inez Noble Black
Brenda Blasingame
Marcy Bloom
Dana Blue
Beth Boatright
Margie Bone
Anthony and Melissa Bonghi
Sheryl Borton
Dennis Bounds
Doris Boutain
Renee Bouvion
David and Diane Bowe
Kathy Braaten
Miranda Bradford
Wendie Bramwell
Rod Brandon
Jill Braun
Regina Brennan
Laura Brickner
Shannon and Eric Brim
Karen Brokovitch
Maria and Richard Brooks
Autumn Brown
Caterina Brown
Lynee Brown
Cindie Brown
Eric and Minda Brusse
Fadumo Bulale
Angela Bultemeier
Melanie Burch
Melissa Burgess
Emilie Burke
Dori Busath
Jane Bush
Rebecca Butler
Leslie Butterfield
Stacey Callaghan
Timothy Callahan
Charlene Campbell
Ana Maria Capestany
Ben and Tina Capestany
Keo Capestany
Laura and James Capestany
Maria Capestany
Mark and Claudia Capestany
Roger Capestany
Sheila and Fred Capestany
Keo Capestany and Alicia Gonzalez
Deborah Caplow
Catherine Caputo
Nicole Carbine
Tara Cardinal
Marina Carleton
Maria Carlos
Sharon Carlsen
Stacy Carlson
Onion Carrillo
Carrie Carroll
Kathy Carson
John and Jan Carter
Alex and Eloisa Cary
Sara Cerell
Glo Ceteznik
Melissa Chabran
Lisa Chaiet
Joshua S Chaitin
Argelia Chavez
Inspired Child
Katy Childers
Michael Childs
Robin Chiles
Frank Chilelli and Matt Snell
Nicole Chilivis
Sharon Chin
David Jr. Chinn
Kimberly Christensin
Carri Christianson
Julie Church
Emily Clark and Bill Bradburd
Wayne Clifford
Mia Clithero-Karpov
Sally Cloninger
Sandra Coe
Peter Cohn
Richard Conlin and Sue Ann Allen
Tracy Cooper
Dawn Cooray Ranchigoda
Christopher Cortese
Joey Coverdale
Mary Cowen
Beth Coyote
Christina Cramer
Nancy Creighton
Stephanie Cross
Catherine Crosslin
Sharon and Paul Cunnington
Khadra Dahir
Eboni Davis
Wendy Dean
Jerry DeGrieck
Fausto DeGuzman
Leilani Dela Cruz
Paul and Christine Delke
Allison Delong
Theresa Demeter
Edith Demmert
Jeff Deveaux
Shavonda Dial
Barbara Dick
Yvette Dioubate
Mariam DK Anderson
Angie Dobbins-Frisbie
Bernie Dorsey
Tina Dos Santos
Angie Doyle
Suzanne Durard
Janelle Durham
Tamara Dykstra
Stacy and Randy Earlywine
John Economus
Jama Edde
Christine Edgar and Frank DeMarco
Julie Edsforth and Jabe Blumenthal
Sally Anne Edwards
Libin Egal
Jan P Eisenman
Dorry Elias-Garcia
Simon Adriane Ellis
Irvin Emanuel
Mandy Eng
Marc England
Jacqueline Erbe
Joan Ernest
Marie Esche-Radtke
Suzette Espinosa-Cruz
Carla Evans
Katherine Evanson
Megan Fairbank
Saida Farah
Hassan Farah Elmi
Adie Fatur
Shannon Fawcett
Genee Fenton
Melinda Ferguson
Josh Feuer
Rachel Findlay
Phyllis Finley
Beverly and Stephen Fissel
Mako Fitts
Christian Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Peggy Fitzgerald
Angela Flint
Sigrid Foerch
Denise Forkey
Lisa Foss
Bradley and Linda Fowler
Shawnette Fox
Rebecca Francis
Tisha Frank
Monique Franklin
Marilyn Frasca
John and Pamela Frazier
Ross and Vanessa French
Audrey Freudenberg
Cathy and Harvey Friedman
Sangree Froelicher
Amy Fulkerson
Rebecca Gallagher
Nicole Gallicchio
Laurie Gallo
Erin Galvin and Joshua Chaitin
Chris Gamache
Jerry Gardner
Sharon Garrett
Natalie Gendler
Annette Gibson
Carolyn Gleason
Wendy Gordon
Barbara Gorham
Alicia Grace
Dori Greenaway
Sonja and Kalila Griffin
David and June Griffith
Matthew and Kathleen Groshong
Nancy and Bob Grote
Maureen Gummersall
Bei-Jing Guo
Kathryn Hahn
Ryan Hall
Peter Haller
Michael and Dawn Hamlin
Jeanne Hanley
Rachel and Russell Harmon
Bridget Harrington
Anthony and Deborah Harris
Holli Harris
Heather Hart and Chris Baird
Sarah Hartzell
Abdulahi Harum
Nancy Hasegawa
Larry Haskell
Said Hassan Khalif
Mary Hatlen
Kim Hauge
Joan Haynes and Rodney Flanders
Karen Hays
Theresa Hazard
Donna Hazel
Jennifer Head
Emily Healy
Christine Hebert
Adrien Hefta-Gaub
Robin Heide
Jill Heiney- Smith and Steve Smith
Tonya Hennen
Judith Herrigel
Askia Heru
Marjon Heru
Marne Herzer
Steve Heuring
Lillian Hewko
Peter Heyman
Deanna Hill
Frances Hill
Gary Hill
Melissa Hill
Theresa Hill
Sheri Hill and Timothy Quagliaroli
Pamela and Benjamin Hillard
Kari Hilwig
Kim Hirayama
Norea Hoeft
Ryan and Katie Hoff
Gerald and Betsy Hoffmeister
Courtney Hooks
Benita Horn
Mary Hotchkiss
Paula Houston
Gail Hoyer
Lynn Hughes
Katherine Hultquist
John and Wendy Hunter
Susan Huth
Linda Inagawa
Sarah Insel
Jen Isaaks
Susanne Isakson
Samantha Isenberger
Sunita Iyer
Carmen Jackson
Marty Jacobs
Marianne Jacobson
Abdullahi Jama
Edil Jama
Kim James
Carol L. Jenkins
Aaron and LaJuana Johnson
Becky Lou Johnson
Darice Johnson
Diane Johnson
Tim Johnson
Benjamin Joldersma
Joyce Jolley
Katie Jordan
Aimee Joyce
Erin Kahn
Christopher Kane
Emily and Matthew Kane
Kathy Kane
Hye-Kyung Kang
Tim and Jennifer Kannapel
Christie Karis
Walker Karraa
Shelly Karuna
Mike Kasprzak
Danielle Kassow
Jayne Kauzloric
Eve Keller
Kathy Kelly
Annie Kennedy
Loretta Kennedy
Steve Kennedy and Aimee Do
Carrie Kenner
Terri Kimball and Larry Douglas
Kristen Kimmer
Deborah King
Dore Ann King
Theryn Kiquamasud'vashti
Arthur Kopicky
Heidi Koss-Nobel
Paul Krauss
Colin Laak
Bernice Lalley
A. Magill Lange
Lisa Lannigan
Carrie Lanza
Kin Lau
Tara Laukat
William and Kara Laverde
Mijo Lee
Jackaline Lee Wong Kite
Gina Legaz
Lyman Legters
Deborah Lelinski
May Leong and Rory MacLysaght
Naomi Lester
Sara Levin
Audrey Levine
Derek and Laurie Levy
Kathryn Lewis
Barbara Lewy
Don Linnertz
Joshua and Laura Lipsky
Leanne Lloyd
LaJuana Locklin
Hilary Loeb
Andrew Long
Janet Lotawa
Jessica Ludders
Robin Ludington
Eunice Lunde
Jon and Annie Luopa
Melissa Lynch
Calvin and Julie Lyons
Chanley Lyton
Brandon M. Tripp
Vanessa Maanao
Laura MacPherson and Mark Aiken
Richard and Mary Mack
Tara Madsen
James Maguire
Rachel Mahaffey
Kelly and Patrick Malloy
Victoria Malloy
Kelly Mann
Larissa Mansfield
Dean and Gerrie Margell
Shasta Marine
Maggie Marting
Annette Martin-Gipson
Jan Martinka
Alesia Massingale
Mary Matlen
Alison Maul
Kerry Mauri
Julie Maxwell
Janet McAlpin
Jennifer McArthur
Katie McCullough Simmons
Treebyleaf McCurdy
Kimberly McDonald
Flora McEachern
Reese McGillie
Peter McGraw
Gordon McHenry, Jr
Patricia McInturff
Megan McJennett
Shanie McLaren
Margaret McNulty
Jillian Mednick
Mehret Mehanzel
Jacqueline Meijer-Irons
Tom Melancon
Faye Melton
Nelida Mendoza
Megan and David Miles
Steve Miller
Geoff Miller and Jenny Gamache
Tyvone Minnis
Hemlata Mistry
Charles Mitchell
Lea Ann Miyagawa
Carol Mizoguchi
Annie Moffat
Hope Moffat
Ahmed Mohamoud
Fatuma Mohamud
Sunita Mokadam
Jo Montgomery
Alma Moon
Shellie Moore
Richard and Corky Morse
Andrea Munson
Anna Munson
Anita Mwamba
Suzy Myers
Nancy Myles
Robin Narruhn
Julie Nelson
Lara and Richard Nelson
Roberta Newell
Amie Newman
Angelita Nixon
Dana Nixon
Virginia Nixon
Erica Nixon Mack
Jennifer and Patchen Noelke
Edna Noga
Elizabeth Nugent
Susan Oatis
John O'Brien
Maryann O'Hara
Erin Okuno
Deb Oliver
Dr. Jeffrey Olliffe
Timia Olsen
Eric and Yvette Olson
Sean Olson
Yvette Olson
Karla Oman
Barbara Orcutt
Kirstin Orwig
Mary Pat Osterhaus
Caren Ott
Timothy and Amy Owens
April Pace
Darlene Page
Alan Painter
Frank and Patricia Palmer
Sharon Palmer-Royston
Charlie Panchev
Ann Paris
Danica Parkin
Mel Parsons
Joni Parthemer
Ariel Patano
Shannon Payne
Carla and John Pedey-Braswell
Matias Pelenur
Michelle Pennylegion
Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Holly Perzynski
Nita and Larry Petry
Zach Phillips
Mary Jeanne Phipps
William Pilder
Carolyn Pirak
Heather Pitre
Marc Pitre
Joy Pocasangre
Al Poole
Sauda Porter
Amanda Potter
DJ and Gretchen Powers
Elizabeth Prot
Patricia Pulliam
Sarah Pulliam
Judy Purdy-Richardson
Merlin and Vena Rainwater
Camille and Pindar Rajkumar
Barbara Rakes
Tanya Ranchigoda and Jasen Biro
The Rauch Family
Lesley Raunig
Jill Raynor-Holdcroft
Gilbert Recla
Ruth Reed
Mary Rehm
Ariadna Reida
Ralph Reinert and Diane Glenn
Beatrice Reiss
Krista Reitberg
Kimberly Reppart
Amy Rider
Amy Riggs
J'May Rivara
Deidre Roberts
Mary Helen Roberts
Tiffany Robertson
Brett Robichaud
Jean and Bradley Robinson
Erica Roney
Jude Rotimi
Nicole Sadow-Hasenburg
Heidi Sallaway
Josephine Saltmarsh
Nafiso Samatar
Parmjit Sandhu
Alexandra and Christian Sarason
Vonda Sargent
David and Michelle Sarju
Julia Sarkissian
Valerie Sasson
Stephanie Scappini
Stephanie Schafer
Melissa Schaffer
Heather Schaub
Sarah Schieron
Lois Schipper
Lily Scott
Mark and Louise Sears
Angela Segarra
Ryan and Bernadette Seko
Phyllis Seren
Dale and Jinny Sewall
Nekole Shapiro
Rachel Shapiro
Pat and Bill Shaver
Leslie Shea
Selena Shelley
Caroline Shelton
Jeffrey E Shields
Monica Shih
Caroline Shimozato
Fruma Shrensel
Phyllis Shulman
Cynthia Shurtleff
Marcia Sill
Michelle Silver
Patty Simanek
Penny Simkin
Nicole Sipos
Sarita and Jeremy Siqueiros Thornburg
Kristi Skanderup
Marcy Slaughter
Deborah Sleeman
Penny Sluis
Margaret Leon Smith
Milton and Marietta Smith
Sasha Sobers-Outlaw
Sue and Soong Sohng
Helen Somers
Anjoo and Aditi Sood
Carol Sordenstone
Laura and Alan Spring
Lyndsey Starkey
Roberta Starne
Barbara Steele and Beth Reiss
Sharon Cody Stevens
Vivian Stevenson
Kristine Stewart
Callie Stoker-Graham
Lisa Stone
Rietta Stoneman
Marge Stortz
Rachel Strasz
Mike Strathy
Heather Struckman
Heidi Ann Stuber
Eugene and Erica Sugita
Kelley Sullivan
Judy Summerfield
Robin Supplee
Brenda Sutherland
Barbara and Daniel Symonds
Sandy Szalay
David Takami
Marcia Tate-Arunga
Grace Tazuma and Bruce Brundige
William Tedstrom
Dorothy Teeter
Stuart Terashita
Rebecca Thibodeaux
Ali Thomas
Jeanne Thomas
Sara Thompson
Jennifer Thomsen
Troy Thrall
Kathryn Thurber-Smith
Marcella Ticehurst
Beth Tinker
Sarah Townsend
Companion Tree
Joan Tritchler
Laurie Ufer
Sabrina Urquhart
Molly Ursini
Marcia Utela
Damaris Valdez
Dave Vasquez
Tom Vasquez
Sarah Wales
Louisa Wales
Kayla Walker
Brittany Walsh
Jim Walsh
Nancy Ward
Michael and Heidi Wasem
Amelia and Todd Wathey
Jen Watson
Gail Watts and Sandy Polzin
Patti Weber
Alissa Wehrman
Michelle Welborn
Patricia Wells
Suzanna Westhagen
Mo Whalen
Jane White Vulliet
Melissa and David Wickwire
Sandra Wilcox
Remi Wingo
Jenny Winkler and Egal Oren
Pilar Woerner
Danuta Wojnar
Susan Wolak
Allyson Wong
Brenda Woodburn
Clare Woolgrove
Mary Yglesia
Jennifer Yim
Rick and Tami Young
Lauren Ziemski
Open Arms gratefully acknowledges the direct
support of Foundations and Major Gifts from
Corporations and the Community, including
matching gifts.
Bread for the Journey
Celebrated Chefs
General Electric
Golden Lasso
Lucky Seven
Norcliffe Foundation
March of Dimes
Seattle Foundation
Thrive By Five Washington
2010 Luncheon Sponsors
Thank you to our luncheon supporters and
sponsors. We deeply appreciate your support.
AterWynne LLP
Dennis Bounds, KING-5 News
Dr. Ben Danielson, MD
Foundation for Early Learning
HealthConnect One
melissagrace photography
Midwives’ Association of Washington State
Talaris Institute
Thrive By Five
W Seattle
Open Arms could not be successful in our
work were it not for the support of our talented
and dedicated volunteers. Thank you.
Hibbo Ali
Rebecca Allen
Haydee Bale
Candace Barber
Waleska Berrios
Carrie Brand
Onion Carrillo
Frank Chilelli
Jannie Choi
Deb Correia
Satya Curcio
Down to Earth Doulas
Jacquline Erbe
Diana Esperas
Kat Fagerlie
Asha Farah
Melinda Ferguson
Krista Fleming, Orangebelly Design
Tasha Gentile
Marisa Hackett
Sarah Hartzel
Deborah Harris
Mizani James-McDaniel
Marne Herzer
Rokea Jones
Ladies of the Lake
Lynn Lambie
Rachel Liberto
Carol Lynn
Jainaba Jackson
Dedrick Jackson-Hairston
Lacey Jenkins
Kathy Kane
Shannon Laird
Tara Madsen
Bella Maturna
Reese McGillie
Heather McGregor
Mercer Island Presbyterian Church
Melissa Miller
Munira Mohamed
Taryn Pennau
Sue Perrault
Mary Rehm
Amanda Rudd
LeaAnne Rye-Brock
Stephanie Safholm
Angie Sanderson
Isaiah Sarju
Michelle Silver
Matt Snell
Dolly Sundstrom
Vanna Waldron
Alisha Wang
Habiba Warsame
Alissa Wehrman
WestSide Baby
Trish Young